#lord xenophanes
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astralfandoms · 3 months ago
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So no one asked, but I drew a bunch of hedgehogs because @forestdragonart and I were brainstorming all the hedgehogs that appear in 9 Years, and now it's time to do some explainations
If you're not interested, don't click through.
But if you are, keep reading :>
So, with that over with...
*cracks knuckles*
Let's go!
First Row is Sonic, Werehog, Executable, Malachite, and Sonny. The reason why I'm listing all of them as a group is because they are a system, with Sonic being the host! Werehog showed up during the events of Unleashed (obviously), Executable had been around for awhile but was taken out of dormancy during the events of Forces, Malachite was formed during the events of Colors, and Sonny was formed during the events of Generations!
Now onto all of the sonic-adjacent characters (aka the other hedgehogs)!
Lord Xenophanes, also known as Lord X, is a demigod of eclipses, raised to divinity by Dark Gaia, and he is involved in my reshuffling/rewrite of Frontiers, alongside...
Fatal Error, also known just as Error or Malware, is a demigod of mistakes and programming, created completely by accident by a god OC named The Creator of Mechanics (who I need to draw a reference for). It vanished a few decades back, only to suddenly reappear alongside Lord X for unknown reasons.
Fleetway, sometimes just known as Lord of Shapes, is a god of the Body and Mind as well as Shapeshifters. He, similarly to Lord Xenophanes, Fatal Error, Curse, Mephiles, Zip, and Majin, chose a hedgehog-esque form due to the associations with Sonic, someone is seen as trustworthy and good. He, however, is morally dubious at best, and uses his forms to mess with mortals.
Uncle Chuck is essentially Sonic's father in everything but name, having raised Sonic by himself after his parents passed. You may notice that I still have versions of them listed don't worry I'll get to that. Just know that Clutch is surprisingly well connected, knowing a lot of different kinds of people from his young adult years.
Shadow needs no introduction, but I have lore about Black Arms that I might eventually talk about but also might not because explaining how I am not a fan of alien storylines is a whole ass can of worms that I don't feel like introducing. All you gotta know is that he is not an alien, but instead has like. Nightmare Creature blood in him.
Manic is a whole ass motherfucker in this AU. He's not related to Sonic or Sonia, but is instead a young adult who never was in a foster home for more than a year, if that. He currently works at the White Resort, specifically as Clutch's right hand man.
Curse is someone who prayed so hard to Lord X that he was blessed with immortality and now lives as his eternal attendant. However, he hasn't been seen in awhile, due to shenanigans that went down.
Mephiles is the god of warfare who has beef with Ignis (the revamped versions of Iblis) due to the structured manner of warfare clashing inherently with Ignis's domain of chaos. The fires (pun intended) were only flamed with the Duke of Soleanna's inference but were managed to be calmed by Solaris's interference in the form of Elise and Jet.
Zip is the demigod of insanity who is known for her manic mannerisms and chaotic following of Fleetway's orders. It normally stays out of the limelight and prefers just following Fleetway around like a lost puppy.
Shard, also known as Metal Sonic 2.0, is an extremely advanced Metal Sonic who advanced so far that he has far exceeded his original programming and has become his own being. Is a devout follower of Eggman, but there are seeds of doubt planted in his head due to his counterpart...
Quicksilver, also known as Metal Silver, is a scrapped Metal Silver who was left to rot on Scrapnik Isle after it wasn't a successful copy. He is a people pleaser and follows Mercury around, caring probably too much about he and everyone else views him.
Scourge, as I have previously talked a bit about, is one of three Avatars who ended up helping with the Forces situation, with all three of them being prototyped experiments of attempting to get the Phantom Ruby to fuse with him, with his side effect being the purple colored stripes on him.
Sonia, as mentioned in Manic's section, is not related to Sonic or Manic, and is instead from a very rich family where she's Daddy's little princess. But, instead of being very bratty, she's extremely air-headed and gullible, not understanding a lot of class-based things. Every winter, she goes to stay at her practical uncle, Clutch's, resort, but no one seems to bother her, despite some shady figures following her...
Hydraulic, also known as Metal Sonic 1.0, is a bit of an outdated model compared to Shard, but realized that Eggman Enterprises was just...not where it wanted to be, so it ended up turning itself in, before being broken out by a certain platypus in a thought out revenge plan.
Majin, also known as Time Eater, is god of...well, do I need to say? It is usually very calm, very level headed, very slow to anger...but even it has its limits. And one platypus with a god complex is really trying his patience.
Alina is...technically not the original Alina, but instead a robotic counterpart made as an attempt to try to "revive" her without actual necromancy. And who was the one who made her? She doesn't remember much, but she remembers it being a man with a kindly face wearing green overalls...
Mercury, also known as Metal Shadow, is a failed Metal Shadow who, like Quicksilver, was abandoned on Scrapnik for not being a successful clone of Shadow. It is very quiet and brooding, rarely talking unless its services are needed. He both is annoyed and finds a sense of comfort in Quicksilver.
Amy is an extremely cheerful and optimistic girl who has an awful case of faceblindness and is part of the reason that this whole chart was even made. She's very energetic and helpful, but to the point where she'll stretch herself thin in an attempt to make everyone happy, even at the expense of her own.
Silver is, to put it bluntly, an extremely sad and depressed young man who for the longest time was plagued with visions he didn't understand and that no one was willing to explain to him. Hailing from the Lunar Kingdom, he has a deep (unwilling) connection to Mephiles, and is seen as both his prophet and priest, even if he never wanted to be that in the first place.
And, finally, we have Jules who, similarly to Alina, is just an attempt to "revive" him by building a robotic counterpart. And, similarly, Jules doesn't remember much about who created him, only having vague memories of hushed words and the glint of blue glasses.
And that's all of them!!
Wow, that took...way too long to actually type out, but if you made it this far, please comment what you think! I love hearing other people's vibes and opinions for these characters :>
Now, if you excuse me, I need to get to tagging all these bitches.
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butch-2017x · 3 months ago
Finally got around to drawing all the canon guys + included my thoughts and hcs
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jasminem18 · 1 year ago
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names :
Lord x , EXE (Fake form) , Xenophanes Scorched (mix ver) (by Jack Gore ) , EXE (real form) , Xenophanes (crystal form) Majin , Rewrite , Og (Sonic.exe) Sunky , Exlipse , Sanic (Jas ver) Zunburn , Pythagoras ( by @exesideblog ) , Disk.cd ( @neosmisfits ) Tenma , Zephaniah (Mighty.zip) , Zeus (previously named God Z) Mitee , Coldsteel , Tails doll Hog (by Jack Gore ) , Kojin (by @littlegeecko ) , Lullaby (by @misscloudiedays ) EYX , Fatal Error , Cyclops Mazin2512 , Creep (Jas ver) , Fleetway super sonic Zunburn (damaged form) , Exlipse (Real form) , OBEY.[GLITCH] Dream (IEC Cream) , Ailz (IEC Tails) , Emily (IEC Amy) , Nuts (IEC Knuckles) Crawler ( by DarkDreams96054 ) , Emma ( by DaKillscreen ) , SkinTaker ( by @littlegeecko )
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speedysoda · 3 months ago
Meme I made
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the two main types of exe fans
Blank template below the cut, feel free to make your own
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execasinoau · 6 months ago
Since I’m starting school soon (tuesday) I’m posting all the Casino designs that are done already!
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bkchaos · 10 months ago
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POV: You got the whole gang laughing (they're going to beat you to death)
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incorrectspookyhogquotes · 1 year ago
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*Pets ye hogs*
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maliciousandcrude · 7 months ago
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slimyalienfreak · 1 year ago
Just wanted to put this in your head..
Imagine this video:
But instead of Xenophanes simping for Needlemouse he's simping for demon reader.  😏
Xenophanes simping over demon reader
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
Thanks for feeding into my delusions lol. Really appreciate it. I already like Xeno enough and like to think he does this even though I know damn well he’ll probably do some stuff to me.
Also for now requests are closed. Mostly because it’s almost Christmas and I want to spend the time between now and then with my family. Anyways all aside hope you enjoy it reading this. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️ Obsessive/Possessive behaviour + Murder⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Mentions of the EXE’s (Mostly Lord X and Fleetway)
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by komiplier on Twitter + Banner by 5macc13 (Edited By Me) on Pinterest
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- Let me tell you when this man simps for you, he simps for you hard. Although he doesn’t admit it, he really likes you. He likes having your company, he likes it when you join him in whatever he is doing it gives him more joy than doing the thing by himself. He’s kind of gotten attached to you. Both emotionally and quite literally. He’s always seen around you, kind of like a bodyguard constantly keeping you to himself. Not letting anyone near you and if someone needs to speak to you he’ll be there standing right next to you.
- He definitely gets made fun of due to how much he likes you, mostly Lord x and Fleetway though. Lord X is a smug little shit once he finds out about Xeno’s little obsession over you he’s teasing the hell out of him. Making slight passive aggressive comments about his love for you at him and when he calls him out on it Lord X acts like he didn’t say anything wrong. Fleetway on the other hand oh he’s not even trying to hide that he’s teasing Xeno. In fact he indulges in the reactions that Xeno gives off, seeing him act like a child denying their crush makes him laugh. Fleetway may have hinted that Xeno simps for you directly but quickly gets shut down.
- He can get a little possessive around you. Well a little is an understatement for someone like him but regardless possessive. He has to be around you regardless of the situation. Yes he’s fully aware that you are a demon yourself and that you can and have dealt with some disturbing shit as well as causing some disturbing shit but is that going to stop him from acting like this? Nope it won’t. I’d suggest getting comfortable with his possessiveness because it really is something.
- With him being possessive he’s also very obsessed over you and sometimes fawns over you. Not in public though he’s not getting more embarrassed by the others than he already does. Don’t get me wrong he does show his appreciation in his own way just don’t expect to see like an exaggerated reaction. In private though, he’s completely different. If you so much as give him a compliment as soon as he’s alone and he knows that he is alone he could feel himself becoming slightly giddy. It’s like a fan who got recognised by their favourite artist. He does tell himself to not get too into his emotions but at the same time he can’t help but feel this way you do or say anything positive towards him. A simple praise like ‘good job’ is enough to make him feel like this.
- That’s just the tame stuff he does, don’t even get me started on what else he might do. Considering what and who he is I doubt that he won’t murder someone who gets close to you. If someone even dares to look at you or show interest in you he’ll make sure that they learn something and leave you alone. If he’s feeling nice enough he might let them live, not fully intact but being able to recover but most of the time he isn’t. It’s even worse if the person talks shit about you. He’ll make it worse for them.
- You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, congrats. You can basically make him do anything you want. No matter how extreme it might seem or see if you tell him to do it he will. Everyone definitely notices this because he doesn’t do the same to them. If they need something from him or need him to do something they immediately go to you and ask him to do it. Some of them only do this when they have to because they understand that it can be annoying when you're constantly being told to do something for them but for some of the others they tell you to ask him to do some embarrassing stuff and he’ll do it no doubt.
- Overall, for some reason you don’t question his behaviour. You know that sometimes Xeno can have some moments and despite things listed above he can be fun to hang around so you don’t really pay much attention to what he does.
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wack-ers · 2 years ago
Something I finally got the motivation to finish
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ollywhoag · 30 days ago
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back on my bullshit. exe means family
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madame-irys · 3 months ago
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Doin' a Sonic.EXE Christmas challenge. Is it Christmas-y? No, but I don't care, this is for fun.
Also, if you wanna do your own version of this, go ham! Just tag me too.
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jasminem18 · 7 months ago
some new doodles (that i saved OTL ) i did in a friend's straw page thing
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depressed Sanic belongs to 2fest4u_
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lavafet · 9 months ago
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I never drew Lord X or Xenophane Sonic before but I actually ATE ngl 😭
The lad in yellow is Tails Doll/"Miles." Not exactly sure if that name will stick but ye ye. He's pretty well-liked in ✨️ creepypasta land ✨️ and Saber would kill anyone that hurt him.
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princyvish · 7 days ago
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a strawpage req... I hope I did this right..
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bkchaos · 10 months ago
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Second doodle page of ships! These took a bit longer than intended but I'm so happy with how these came out...
Brutum/Paradise — @/The_Big_Fluffs on twt
Fleetway/Curse — req by @/A_N3w_Sh4d0w3x3 on twt
Badass Cheese/Rewrite — @moldybreadifoundonmyfridge
Lord X/Majin — req by @/LillyTorya on twt
Devoid/Majin — req by @/Blizzerd01 on twt
Xeno/Exe —@jasminem18 :]
Fatal Error/Cyclops — req by @/lights_bark on twt
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