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guangshi-091305 · 6 months ago
Are you someone who likes Wei Wuxian rarepair fics/art/headcanons? Do you want to read/write/draw/see more of your favourite Wei Wuxian rarepairs? Are you looking for a Wei Wuxian Rarepair community where you can brainstorm your content, share the joy and feel at home without restraints? Would you like to stay up-to-date with Wei Wuxian rarepair-centric events?
Say no more! Because I have finally put finishing touches on my Wei Wuxian rarepair server and it's finally usable now. Not only is it a server to cater to a large number of Wei Wuxian rarepairs, we're also dead dove friendly (when kept in its channels). Not to mention the Wangxian, Ningxian and Chengxian channels we also have.
Some things to keep in mind are that the server is bottom Wei Wuxian ships and Novel canon based so if those are not your jams...
Otherwise, feel free to DM me and ask for an invite <3
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ladysunamireads · 1 year ago
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adimadimcin · 5 years ago
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Arıcılık Kooperatifi Sanhe Köyündekileri Yoksulluktan Kurtardı Çin’in ortasında yer alan #Henan Eyaleti, #Songxian İlçesine bağlı #Sanhe Köyünde yaşayan 57 yaşındaki Zhang Songxian, 1972'de bir kazada #sağ bacağını kaybetti. Zhang, köşesine çekilip #pes etmek yerine, yeni bir işe başlamaya karar verdi. #Yerel yöneticilerin de sağladığı #destekler sayesinde balcılığa yöneldi. Bununla yetinmedi Çin’in önde gelen #sosyal #medya platformlarından #Weibo ve Wechat'i öğrenerek burada paylaşım yapma konusunda da ustalaştı. Zhang bir #arıcılık #kooperatifi kurdu, burada 50’yi aşkın #hane yılda 10 #ton #bal üretiyor. #Girişimci ruha sahip olan Zhang, #balcılık sayesinde #makus talihini yenip yoksulluktan kurtuldu. China.org.cn, #Xinhua görselleriyle Zhang’ın #başarı #öyküsünü yazdı. @chinatodaymagazine @turkcinkulturdernegi @turkogrencikulubu @cin.turkogrencibirligi @china.org.cn @irfankarsli @cinvizyon @dgzkn @cinde.mi @semih_erken @kusakveyolradyosu @kusakveyoldergisi @paradergisi @briqdergisi @imaktas @okan_konfucyus_enstitusu @halilkamilerdogdu @beijingreview @iucindilikulubu @cinbaskonsoloslugu.ist @ligarbatravel @mustafa_karsli (Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzKco6qg6G/?igshid=xso2ddlpskcy
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museaway · 5 years ago
A quiet 2k post-canon fic to heal my heart. Rated G, pre-relationship.
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xielanshans · 2 years ago
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a couple more frm last nite, ima a sucker for wangxian mentoring songxiao 🥹🥹
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me drawing? its more likely than u think
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ntnttalksnothing · 3 years ago
I’ve been thinking about cql modern!au possibilities and my brain suggested Sentai/Power Rangers, and with Wangxian-Sangcheng+Jzx we have the colors perfectly in place so now I can’t stop laughing it’s so perfect
And omg I can picture everything from the suits to the transformation sequence to the additional rangers being nielan and songxian and occasionally jyl and jgy with xy would make SUCH a perfect sentai villain I need to stop
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eldritch-elrics · 4 years ago
the thing about mdzs ship names is one wrong letter and you’re fucked. chengqing is so easily typoed as chenqing which is something COMPLETELY different. today i was talking with someone who mentioned songxian and i was like “oh that’s an unusual ship” and they were like wait no i meant songxiao. and i was like ok i lowkey thought you had typoed sangxian
it’s a struggle
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golden-china · 4 years ago
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Good luck to China’s new seniors!
Wu Ran || Yue Yue Luo Rui || Liu Yongtong Wang Xiaodi || Zhou Yaqin Li Yanan || Meng Shangrong Liu Yahui || Peng Heyuan
Chen Yuanyuan, Deng Xue, Gao Siqi, Han Suoyi, He Jinqi, He Zixuan, Huang Jinqin, Huang Qinyan, Li Yangyang, Liu Shanshan, Liu Sibei, Liu Sijia, Liu Sijia, Miao Ruijia, Qin Yuejuan, Qiu Yucen, Ren Feifan, Tan Songxian, Tang Jiaying, Wan Kexin, Wang Ying, Wang Ziying, Wu Boyang, Wu Yixuan, Wu Ziyou, Xia Kexin, Yang Fan Yuwei and Zhang Qianqian
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oceanaves · 5 years ago
I totally had the image in my head of SongXiao going through the ninth gate instead of that side-by-side walk away from Yi City. I know it would be super risky but I love the idea of Wei Ying walking with them to the gate and watching them leave? But also the two of them bowing and Wei Ying pulling his bells out and sending them off, so they can travel swift, safe, and true. [1/6]
I'd head canon Xue Yang would be slightly awkward with the bells because of the missing finger? And be very self conscious about it and come up with tricks to counter. But also I feel like the corruption of Xingchen would look very different, since (assuming he's a charter mage) he'd be able to sense the charter in Xue Yang's victims. So I'd guess he'd have to find a way to corrupt Xiao Xingchen's charter connection, rather than just blinding him, and make sure he couldn't hear the bells, or work out a way to control the dead silently, the way he does in canon by just, his force of will, I guess? I just think there'd be lots of fun to be had there. Maybe he kills Xiao Xingchen and brings him back without him realising (a la Jiang Cheng) but just different enough so the charter feels wrong in others. And then when he finds out the truth he grabs Kibeth instead of Shanghua. Xue Yang can't pull him back into life so he sets up a barrier there to hold Xingchen in Death, like Wei Ying's so the body in the coffin is just a silver statue. Mo Xuanyu and Lan Wangji both recognise it, and Wei Ying knows what that means so he and Song Lan go searching for the barrier in Death before he sends them both off towards the Ninth Gate. There'd definitely be some kind of Dyrim (or Dyrim and Belgaer together?) involved in getting the story from a-Qing, which I think would be super cool. [4/6]
Jin Guangyao I was thinking more like, you can't keep a head swaddled in free magic in the middle of your tower right? I guess he supressed the resentful energy is canon, but I think free magic taint is a lot stronger, so he'd either have to keep it somewhere else or tosk Qin Su finding out. Which could actually be really cool if she took more of a plot heavy role? [5/6]
ANYWAY. The whole au is excellent, and I think there's so many options for how it could all play out. Lan Yi (or even Wen Ruohan/Wen Mao if you played it a bit) playing a Clariel-esque role perhaps, with the corruption from a place of wanting to do good? BAOSHAN SANREN AS MOGGET. ok I'm done. For now >:){ [6/6] -@theuntamednarrator
Asks in response to my Old Kingdom/MDZS crossover fic, here:
Hey... do you want to write a sequel to my fic??? Hahahahaha, but also aaaaaa, these headcanons are all so cool! Yes, I absolutely think Wei Wuxian would escort SongXian at least partway through Death, using his bells and/or his flute to send them the rest of the way if necessary. And having Xiao Xingchen also trapped in Death (Death’s getting crowded lmao), and wwx and lwj recognising him and wwx rescuing him, or at least, finding him, giving him the choice to come back - and him accepting just so he can help free Song Lan, and then they move on together... oof.
In regards to Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen, I have no idea how it would happen, but the concept of him slowly encouraging the latter unknowingly to the use of Free Magic, corrupting him more and more until he can no longer use the Charter... especially if he revived him from Death, wow, excellent idea!
And the bells!!! Yes!!! for Dyrim in a-Qing’s story, and also Nie Mingjue’s! I did think of that, but never got around to using it in the story :D 
While I definitely agree that Free Magic is harder to conceal than resentful energy, in Sabriel, Touchstone mentions how Kerrigor had been Dead, and  been walking and plotting and fooling their entire family for months before he makes a move against them. So there must be ways to hide the aura of Free Magic and Death, and Jin Guangyao is definitely smart enough to find it. Though I agree, I wish Qin Su (and all the girls from mdzs) had had a bigger role. I am making canon that she survives in the hmc,n verse :D
Honestly, I would think wwx, Nie Huaisang, Jin Guangyao, and Mo Xuanyu could all play that role of corruption coming from a place of wanting to survive/do good. Wen Ruohan and his sons are more similar to Kerrigor I think :D
Baoshan Sanren is accepted absolutely in the role of Mogget. God, it would have been so cool if she had played that sort of chaotic mentor role in canon! Though I have to admit, Wei Wuxian and Mogget’s personalities are... hilariously similar. I don’t quite know what to do with this realisation? Something to say for Wei Wuxian’s inherent cat-like vibe.
God, I love all these ideas so much, thank you so much for your messages!
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becumsh · 4 years ago
i spent an entire fucking day thinkig about songxian and song lan. an entire fucking day
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brightmoonbitterfrost · 5 years ago
Li Bowen out here wildin, pinning men up to walls, confirming songxian, we stan
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somya08 · 4 years ago
Global High Purity Molybdenum Powder Industry Research Report 2021 Segmented by Major Market Players, Types, Applications and Countries Forecast to 2027
The global High Purity Molybdenum Powder market is expected to reach US$ XX Million by 2027, with a CAGR of XX% from 2020 to 2027, based on Our Researcher newly published report.
The prime objective of this report is to provide the insights on the post COVID-19 impact which will help market players in this field evaluate their business approaches. Also, this report covers market segmentation by major market verdors, types, applications/end users and geography(North America, East Asia, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South America).
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.24chemicalresearch.com/download-sample/97816/global-high-purity-molybdenum-powder-segmented-by-major-2021-2027-857
By Market Verdors:
China Molybdenum Co Ltd
Songxian Exploiter Molybdenum
Japan New Metal Co Ltd
Jiangsu Fengfeng Tungsten & Molybdenum Material
H.C. Starck
Elmet Technologies
American Elements
Global Tungsten?Powders
By Types:
By Applications:
Chemical Industry
Processing and Manufacturing
Key Indicators Analysed
Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2027 & Sales with a thorough analysis of the market’s competitive landscape and detailed information on vendors and comprehensive details of factors that will challenge the growth of major market vendors.
Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2016-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its sales, sales volume & revenue forecast. With detailed analysis by types and applications.
Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
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Get the Complete Report & TOC @ https://www.24chemicalresearch.com/reports/97816/global-high-purity-molybdenum-powder-segmented-by-major-2021-2027-857
Table of content
1 Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope and Definition 1.2 Research Methodology 1.2.1 Methodology/Research Approach 1.2.2 Data Source 1.3 Key Market Segments 1.4 Players Covered: Ranking by High Purity Molybdenum Powder Revenue 1.5 Market Analysis by Type 1.5.1 Global High Purity Molybdenum Powder Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2021 VS 2027 1.5.2 Mo(%)?99.90% 1.5.3 Mo(%)?99.95% 1.5.4 Mo(%)?99.99% 1.6 Market by Application 1.6.1 Global High Purity Molybdenum Powder Market Share by Application: 2022-2027 1.6.2 Chemical Industry 1.6.3 Processing and Manufacturing 1.6.4 Aerospace 1.6.5 Energy 1.6.6 Other 1.7 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Impact Will Have a Severe Impact on Global Growth 1.7.1 Covid-19 Impact: Global GDP Growth, 2019, 2021 and 2022 Projections 1.7.2 Covid-19 Impact: Commodity Prices Indices 1.7.3 Covid-19 Impact: Global Major Government Policy 1.8 Study Objectives 1.9 Years Considered 2 Global High Purity Molybdenum Powder Market Trends and Growth Strategy 2.1 Market Top Trends 2.2 Market Drivers 2.3 Market Challenges 2.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 2.5 Market Growth Strategy 2.6 SWOT Analysis 3 Global High Purity Molybdenum Powder Market Players Profiles 3.1 China Molybdenum Co Ltd 3.1.1 China Molybdenum Co Ltd Company Profile 3.1.2 China Molybdenum Co Ltd High Purity Molybdenum Powder Product Specification
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