#song young chang
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kidcaroline · 2 months ago
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Please someone explain to me why these men are still so hyped by you all because i'm tired to see them in my tl 🤦‍♂️
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queen-helaenas-pet-spider · 2 months ago
Two Bullies
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The Ones Getting Bullied
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The Serial Killers That Love The Bullied
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L: Hannibal {Show} R: Squid Game {S2}
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somanykdramas · 2 months ago
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GENRES: Drama, Action
SUMMARY: What means more than running away with millions of dollars? Making sure no one else dies while earning it.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Public bathroom nudity, fishing boat island trips, drones, guns, climbing up buildings, new friends, new enemies, secret murder binyeos, living your true self, secret pregnancies, position reassignments, amusement parks, people brokers, love hotels, loan sharks, and subway searching.
HOT TAKE: I'll be honest, I was one of those people who thought that a second season of this show was a bad idea, considering that the first season was as powerful as a ddakji loss slap in the face. Part of me still thinks that, but I can't deny the acting prowess of the cast, the instant visual anxiety produced by the cinematographers, and the rock-bottom emotions of the storyline.
There's a good handful of things to criticize about this season, but overall I don't regret my time with it, and I look forward to 2025 when this story has it's true, complete ending.
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stimtfil · 23 days ago
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doctorsiren · 8 months ago
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ask and ye shall receive :)
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sevenspoonfulsofsugar · 2 years ago
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eat your young (2023) - andrew hozier byrne
clytemnestra (1817) - pierre-narcisse guérin
massacre of the innocents (1824) - léon cogniet
sacrifice of isaac (1603) - caravaggio
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silencesscreams · 1 year ago
I can fix him (no really I can)
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steddie-there · 2 years ago
It Sure Felt Nice When He Was Holding My Hand
Steve had finally managed to escape.
His mom was holding one of her parties again, a "summer soiree" as she called it, so she'd dressed him in pressed khakis and a butter yellow button-down shirt and "Oh the cutest little blue bow tie, Steven, don't you just look darling? Now come say hi to mommy's friends."
He hated bow ties. He always felt like he was suffocating with one around his neck.
He hated his mom's parties. They made him feel like he was suffocating, too.
So the second he saw a chance to leave, he took it. One of their neighbors had walked in with her new baby and his mother made a big production of cooing over the little girl; Steve rolled his eyes - she hated babies, Steve knew, because she always told him how messy babies were and how much she'd hated cleaning the messes he made as a baby. But, not one to waste an opportunity, the moment she looked the other way, he had raced out the back door into the woods, running as fast as his little eight year old legs could go. He ripped the bow tie off and dropped it in the yard behind him as he crossed into the line of trees.
Which brought him to now. Wandering in the woods, farther than he ever had before. He could hear the burble of a creek ahead, and it drew him on like a moth to a flame. He wanted to splash around in the water and mud, splatter it all over his pristine clothes, even though he would get in trouble for it later. He would already be in trouble for running off, what was a few more minutes added to the lecture?
But at the edge of the trees, he stopped short. Someone was already there, kneeling next to a little rowboat bobbing in the water.
Steve couldn't see their face, just that they were wearing faded jeans and big boots with the laces undone and an old two-sizes too big blue flannel shirt and they had dark brown curls just grazing the edges of their shoulders. He watched for a moment as they seemed to lay something into the boat. Tilted his head, trying to see what it was.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked, breaking the quiet murmur of the woods.
The person whirled around, hands coming up defensively, flowers scattering over the ground, and now Steve could see it was a boy, probably about his age. He had the biggest brown eyes Steve had ever seen. Right now, they were opened wide, startled at Steve's sudden appearance.
"Sorry!" he apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you."
The other boy's shoulders dropped as he relaxed. "It's okay, just didn't think anyone else was out here," he told Steve, sending him a quick smile. Something about it made Steve want to smile back.
For a moment they just looked at each other.
"So, what are you doing?" Steve asked again, trying to peer around the other boy to the boat.
The boy glanced behind him, then turned back to Steve and his grin turned mischievous. "I'm having my funeral," he announced.
Steve just blinked at him. "Your... your funeral?" he asked, baffled. "But you're -"
"Dead," the boy assured him with a solemn nod.
Steve giggled and the other boy looked pleased at his reaction.
"Wanna help me pick more flowers?" he asked and Steve nodded, dropping to his knees, not caring about the grass stains he would surely now have on his pants, and gathering the little yellow blooms into his hands.
They worked in silence for awhile, until Steve asked, "So why are you having your funeral in a boat instead of being buried?" He was pretty sure most funerals involved graves and dirt, not boats and flowers.
"For the symbolism!" the boy declared, throwing his arms wide. Steve scrunched his nose, not sure what he meant by that. The boy peered at him from the corner of his eye, then whispered, "I don't really know what that means, but it sounded important."
Steve giggled again. "You're weird," he said.
Despite the fondness in his tone, those big brown eyes seemed to shutter and grow dim, the other boy shrinking into himself at Steve's words. Hastily, he assured him, "Not, like, bad weird. Good weird. Like, cool weird. Fun weird."
That earned him a wide grin and a shoulder bump.
"So how did you die?" Steve asked, leaning back on his hands and watching as the boy artfully placed both their bunches of flowers around the pillow already inside the boat.
"Carrots," the boy said seriously.
"Carrots," he nodded. "They're evil. And my wicked uncle made me eat them for lunch. So I died." He shrugged, as if dying from carrot ingestion was just a casual, every day experience.
Steve bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing again, mimicking the other boy's solemnity. "Ah, I see."
They both glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes, bursting into snickers when their eyes met.
"Okay," the boy said, standing and dusting off his knees, not that it did much for the grass and mud clinging to the denim. "Hold the boat while I get in."
Steve moved to kneel on the muddy creek bank, grabbing the side of the rowboat and keeping it steady while his new friend stepped in and settled down with his head on the pillow. The boat rocked a little as he did, water splashing up onto Steve's shirt, but he ignored it, not letting go until the other boy had stopped moving. He sat back and brushed his hands off.
"Now what?" he whispered after a moment of silence.
"Now... I guess we sit and be sad?" the boy answered, sounding unsure and giggling quietly. He flung a hand up to his forehead dramatically, declaring, "Alas, poor me, we knew me well!" Then he wrapped his hands around a flower and laid them on his chest with his eyes closed.
Steve laughed at the dramatics, then pulled his knees up to his chest and, also closing his eyes, sat quietly for a while. He listened to the wind in the trees, to the birds chirping around them, to the bubble and splash of the water flowing around the boat.
Steve opened his eyes and stared down at the boy in the boat. His curls were spread over the flowers, eyes closed, hands clasped on his chest, and Steve sighed faux-mournfully. "I wish you weren't dead. You're funny."
The boy pursed his lips, considering. "I could, maybe, be brought back to life. If I got a kiss from a handsome prince." He cracked an eyelid open, peering at Steve. "That's you, by the way," he whispered loudly.
Steve giggled yet again. "Me? A handsome prince?"
The boy nodded, some of the flowers tangling in his curls as he jostled them. "The handsomest," he said, before closing his eyes again.
Steve considered him for a moment. He looked at the creek at his feet, then down at his not-so-clean-anymore clothes, then shrugged and stepped into the water to stand next to the boat, feeling it rise to about his waist. Resting his hands on the side of the boat, he leaned over, bringing his face very close to the other boy's. For a second, he just stopped there, feeling the other boy's breath hit his cheek.
Then he kissed him on the nose.
The other boy laughed aloud, a ringing, joyful sound that Steve thought might just be the best thing he'd ever heard. His eyes popped open and he stared at Steve, eyes sparkling, dimples framing his grin.
Steve grinned back. "So. Did it work? Are you alive again?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah," his friend answered, "Definitely." He bit his lip and seemed to be thinking about something.
Steve waited.
"You wanna get in the boat, too?" the boy finally asked and Steve was clambering inside before he even finished his question. His movements rocked the boat from side to side and they both laughed as they held on and settled next to each other, staring up at the clouds.
Steve tried to concentrate on the cloudy pictures the boy next to him was pointing out in the sky. But he could feel a hand brushing against his own and he wondered what it would feel like to hold it. He had only ever held his mom's hand to cross the street and Carol's while they ran away from Tommy when they played tag at school. Maybe it would be different, holding a boy's hand. There was only one way to find out.
He wrapped his fingers around the other boy's.
The boy paused his detailed description of a dragon he could see in the clouds, turning his head to look at Steve. Then he smiled, a small, secret smile that felt like it was just for Steve. Steve smiled back. Tangling their fingers more tightly together, they both looked back up at the sky.
Steve wasn't sure how long they lay there, talking about the clouds and the trees and their favorite places in Hawkins, but when the sun started to set, he sighed.
"I have to go home now."
The other boy nodded. "Yeah, I should go, too. My uncle is probably worried about me."
Steve grinned at him. "Not such a wicked uncle, after all?"
The boy rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "Nah, he's pretty great, actually. Aside from making me eat carrots."
He said the last word so viciously that Steve couldn't help his laughter.
"He even said he'd start teaching me to play guitar tonight!"
"That's so cool!" Steve said. Decided not to say that all he'd get when he got home was a lecture.
The boy climbed out of the boat first, then turned to help Steve. For a moment, they just stood silently, smiling at each other. "Well, I'll see you around!" the boy says brightly, starting to walk down the creek, pulling the boat along with a rope.
"Yeah, see you," Steve answered, turning to his path home. He got a few steps away before he realized something and ran back to the clearing by the creek. "Hey, wait, what's your na - " he started to ask, but the boy had already disappeared into the trees. Steve sighed and walked away with his hands shoved into his pockets.
That night, Steve lay in bed, ears still ringing from the very loud thirty minute lecture his dad had given him when he showed up, muddy and grass stained and an hour late for dinner. He stared up at the ceiling, wondering if that afternoon had maybe been a dream. But in his mind's eye, he could see the clouds drifting past and he swore he could still feel the other boy's fingers tangled with his own. He closed his eyes and smiled. He knew he'd spend the rest of the summer locked indoors, his dad had promised that; knew if he even so much as glanced at the woods, he'd get another lecture. But it was all worth it, he decided, as he carefully tucked the memory of that afternoon and the boy with the big brown eyes and curly hair away into a safe corner of his mind.
In the fall, he looked for his friend at school, but only succeeded in meeting a girl a year younger than him, Nancy, when he mistook her brown curls for the ones he was looking for.
By the time middle school rolled around, that afternoon at the creek had been shoved so far to the back of his memory that he didn't even look twice at the strange new kid with the buzz cut, no matter how familiar his brown eyes looked from across the cafeteria.
And then high school and the Upside Down and new friends and new terrors and a morning at work interrupted by two of his munchkins desperate to prove a friend's innocence.
Which is how he found himself staring into the biggest brown eyes he'd ever seen for the first time in over a decade.
"Carrots!" Steve all but shouted as the shock of recognition began to wear off, heedless of the sharp glass at his throat. Eddie flinched back as the others stared in confused silence.
"What?" Eddie asked, baffled.
"You died because your uncle made you eat carrots. You had a funeral in a rowboat and - "
Eddie's wide brown eyes went impossibly wider at Steve's words. He cut Steve off, lowering the bottle as a shy grin crept over his face, warring with the terror still present in his stance. "And a handsome prince brought me back to life."
"It is you!" Steve beamed. Eddie beamed back, his shoulders relaxing, and Steve felt the insane urge to kiss the tip of his nose just as he had all those years ago.
The moment was interrupted by Dustin clearing his throat. "Um... what the fuck, Steve?"
Steve and Eddie laughed. "It's a long story," Steve said. Then he sobered. "And we have more pressing problems." He looked at Eddie, saw the way he curled back in on himself. Put a hand on his shoulder and guided him to sit down. "Eddie, what's going on?"
Eddie looked up at him with a gaze so haunted Steve just wanted to pull him into his arms. Settled for soothingly rubbing his shoulder.
"You won't believe me," Eddie said brokenly.
"Try us," Max told him. Steve squeezed his shoulder, and Eddie took a deep breath and started talking.
Later, after bats and battle, blood and bandages, after mouth-to-mouth and "I swear to God, Munson, if you die on me I will resurrect you and kill you again myself, don't think I won't," they're in a hospital room. It's just them, the others having gone home to sleep an hour ago. But Steve can't bring himself to leave. Can't quite bring himself to tangle his fingers with Eddie's where they rest on the hospital bed, either, although he desperately wants to.
"You know, that's the second time you've kissed me back to life, Stevie. Gonna make a habit of it?" Eddie jokes.
Steve looks up at him, breath catching when their eyes meet. Despite the lighthearted tone, Eddie's gaze is serious. Warm. Those wide, wide eyes locked on Steve intently.
It makes Steve feel brave. He laughs a little. "Actually," he says, "I was kinda hoping I could kiss you sometime when you're not dead."
Eddie's eyes widen even further before he ducks his head shyly, looks up at Steve from under his lashes. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Steve says, finally tangling their fingers together.
And there's that secret smile Eddie has, the one that seems like it's only for Steve. "I think I'd like that," he says.
"Good," Steve whispers and leans in.
also on ao3!
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the-dust-jacket · 1 year ago
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Congratulations to all of the 2024 American Indian Youth Literature Award honorees! These are the Medalists and Honor books in the YA category.
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jamiethebeeart · 8 months ago
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I don't know where all these Spinaraki shippers came from in the last few months but hello hi welcome thanks for being here I love that y'all are here
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lesbians4armand · 4 months ago
much to be said i think about how in iwtv the tragedy often boils down to either “this character died too soon” or”this character should have died a long time ago but didn’t”
literally “let us die young or let us live forever” but both are tragedy
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mintisbored · 5 months ago
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“Im not going! And if it seems like I did Im probably waiting outside!”
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somanykdramas · 3 months ago
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GENRES: Drama, Action, Legal Procedural
SUMMARY: A corrections officer-turned lawyer-turned parole examiner stops at nothing to stick it to entitled chaebols.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Scottie terriers, media meet-cutes, prison luxury, bad parenting, tragic losses, chunky barrettes, underground gambling, loan sharks with hearts of gold, terrible noodles, prison certifications, secret thumb drives, and gangster beat-downs.
HOT TAKE: Besides getting to watch Go Soo's amazing hair for twelve full episodes, this show is a spectacular romp full of uber green flag legal professionals and really great love-to-hate red flag chaebol assholes.
Great pacing, satisfying character development, and my gal Baek Ji Won, who is a master of diving into a role head-first. I don't really have a lot to say about this show because it was just that good. Just the right number of episodes, a plot that kept me on my toes, and a great ensemble delivery!
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xiuminscheeks · 1 year ago
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I could recognize her by touch alone
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felicitywilds · 1 year ago
"that's what I like about you, the domestic approach" immediately followed in the next episode by "i'd have to settle down. get a house or something" / "i'd have to get one, too. we could share"..... you just. you really get a sense that ten is changing his mind. that rose is different than anyone else. the way he adamantly denies when rose says she's going to die in battle. as if it isn't a Rose Tyler Classic to continuously charge in head first into danger to do the right thing, even and especially against her own well being. as if Believing In Her really will be enough to save her every time.........
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heyanobody · 4 months ago
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The K2 (2016) | Episode 4
I was going to tell you it was slippery. You cut me off.
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