#sometimes you really do gotta wildcard it
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groovygrub · 8 months ago
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nexlynn · 25 days ago
Se-mi nsfw alphabet
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Warning : Pure smut
A- Aftercare
I feel like she would be very tired after sex so she wouldn't be much in aftercare, she of course check on you making sure you aren't hurt anywhere. If you suggest a bath she would most likely says yes but there's chance she fall asleep in the bath.
And if you ask for water, food or anything else, she'll bring it to you in a second.
B- Body parts
Her favourite part of you would be your boobs, she'll 100% worship your chest, sucking on your tits and falling asleep on them right after.
On her, I think it would be her fingers? More like she knows how much you love them, how she could make you cum in a minutes with them.
C- Cum
She loves making you come on her fingers, the confidence she get when she hasn't even done anything but rubbing your clit with her fingers.
Will probably suck on her fingers after you came on them.
D- Dirty secret
She got a folder of you in her gallery and she loves to masturbate looking at them, if she's really into it she'd even moan your name.
E- Experience
She's experienced for sure, you can't look at me in the eyes and tell me she doesn't know how to please a girl.
Will be willing to teach everything she knows to you.
F- Favorite position
To be honest i don't think Se-mi would be that picky, as long as he got to pleasure you well any position is fine.
G- Goofy.
It depends, if she's teasing you she will definitely let out some chuckles, laughing at how you would be begging her to touch you.
But if it's more a romantic moment, she wouldn't laugh at all, she'd be very serious and attentive.
H- Hair
I don't think she usually shave a lot, but when she's having sex a lot, she would shave maybe 2-3 times a month?
I- Intimacy
As I said before, it kinda depends what kind of sex you two have, but yeah she would definitely be attentive to you.
J- Jack off
Maybe 1 or 2 times a week ? Not that much since she gots you.
K- Kink
She loves degrading and praising you for sure.
Would love to try public sex too but she would be shy to asks.
L- Location
As long as you enjoy it, she's willing to do it everywhere, but i kinda think she loves to fuck on the kitchen counter or maybe sink?
M- Motivation
As i said, she loves your boobs, so if you wear a shirt where they show it would problem turn her on.
Maybe you sitting on her lap too?
N- No
Anything that would hurt you or make you uncomfortable, she always asks if you're okay with anything she does.
O- Oral
She both loves giving and receiving but maybe she'll like receiving more.
P- Pace
She's really into fast and rough sex, but if you ask her to slow down or to be gentle, you wouldn't hear a signle complain from her.
Q- Quickie
She LOVES it, whether it's when you both go out and she gets needy, she'll pull you in any bathroom.
Or when you have to go out and don't have too much time, Se-mi loves quickies
R- Risk
Like i said, she would love to try public sex, like having someone at home and fucking you in the next room, or touching you under the table at the restaurant.
S- Stanima
She for sure got a great stanima, tbh she won't stop until YOU want to stop, she can last for as long as you want.
T- Toys
I don't think she owns a lot.
Own a strap of course, and maybe a vibrator, but she doesn't use it on her, only on you.
U- Unfair
She's into teasing for sure, she loves watching your teary eyes begging for her to give you anything. Could tease you for hours because she loves it but doesn't, still gotta satisfy her girl.
V- Volume
I don't think she would be that loud, maybe she would moan into your ear to turn you on.
But if you top her once, she wouldn't shut her mouth.
W- Wildcard
Sometimes when you both are laying down and she's the big spoon, she likes to grind against your ass and if you ask her she would says she's just snuggling.
Y- Yearning
High, she simply always need you, if you're around her there's 50% she wants to fuck you or make out with you, the other 50 is cuddling you.
Z- Zzz
Fall asleep withing 10 minutes, she gets so tired after sex.
An : i hope there's no typos, i will do Sae-byeok next
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lovebugs-and-snakecharmers · 26 days ago
LBSC Sprint Challenge February 2025
The LBSC Sprint Challenge is now open for writers and artists! The prompts are:
1. Choosing the perfect "first kiss" for the wedding... Gotta try all the options! 2. "Better date than sorry. " "Don't you mean safe?" "...I said what I said." 3. If you kiss my neck, I'm not responsible for what happens next. 4. "Since it's impossible to determine which part of my life is the middle, I've decided to have an ongoing crisis." 5. I dream of never being called resilient again in my life. I’m exhausted by strength. I want support. I want softness. I want ease. I want to be amongst kin. Not patted on the back for how well I take a hit. Or for how many. zandashĂ© l’orelia brown 6. Wildcard - pick any previous challenge prompt, or play LBSC Smooch Roulette to generate a prompt!
You have until Wednesday, February 26 to complete your 3 15-minute sprints/45 minute art sprint and post the results. Once you’ve completed the sprints, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions and make it feel complete, and whatever work you feel appropriate to get your art to a state you consider ‘finished’).
Please note you may sprint in the language of your choice, and you can either translate the final fic before posting, post it in the original language, or both as you choose. You can join us on the LBSC discord or sprint on your own! Just be sure to tag @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers in your final post so we will see it and reblog it. The rest of the rules can be found here under the cut.
We’ll post a beginning and end date to the challenge, and a prompt.
Writers, If you choose to participate in the event, write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). You can also choose to break that 45 minutes up differently if you find a different split works better for you.  After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got. Tag your posts with @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers so we can reblog it to the LBSC blog. If you post your work on AO3 or somewhere other than Tumblr, you can leave a link in our ask box or in the appropriate discord channel so we can be sure to promote it. After the designated challenge end date, we’ll compile a listing of the submissions and post it to the LBSC blog.
Feel free to sprint in whatever language is most comfortable to you! You can post it in your own language or translate it before posting, or both!
Artists, you have 45 minutes to sketch and 24 hours to do any cleanup or coloring you’d like to complete. You can split your 45 minutes up however you like, or not at all. There’s no requirements on your finished piece, just aim for whatever goal seems challenging but achievable to you.  Tag your posts with @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers so we can reblog it to the LBSC blog. If you post your work on Instagram or somewhere other than Tumblr, you can leave a link in our ask box or in the appropriate discord channel so we can be sure to promote it. After the designated challenge end date, we’ll compile a listing of the submissions and post it to the LBSC blog.
If you’re wavering as to whether or not you think you can accomplish anything in 45 minutes, we really encourage you to give the challenge a try. You may be surprised what you can do! Feel free to join us in the discord linked above so we can encourage and cheer you on.
Obviously, this has to run a bit on the honor system and we won’t be tracking your times, but please do your best to honor the spirit of the challenge! If your sprint fic becomes an Entire Thing (these things happen sometimes) and you want to continue it, feel free! However, please still post whatever you’ve got after your 3 sprints with the tag. No fair busting out a fully polished fic or art without showing us what it looked like at the challenge stage!
We want to keep this a positive space and event! This does NOT mean that you can’t write or draw anything critical of a character or episode, but it isn’t the space for character bashing or hate either. Please keep the characters in character and save the more speculative work for another time. NSFW sprint works are permitted but must be tagged appropriately (please use “NSFW LBSC sprint challenge” for easy filtering on the blog) and with appropriate warnings.  (More FAQ about the process here)
This is a Lukanette blog and a Lukanette event, so while Lukanette does not need to be the main ship, it needs to at least be included or referenced and considered endgame (in other words, they don’t have to be together by the end of your work, but the intent is that they’re headed in that direction). The decision about what qualifies for reblog rests solely with the LBSC moderators. If a piece hasn’t been reblogged within a couple of days, either the mods felt the piece didn’t meet the criteria or it was simply missed; you are welcome to reach out in the asks to inquire which. There are plenty of other spaces out there for other ships and OT3s, and people are welcome to use the challenge rules and prompts to write for their own ships! They just won’t be reblogged to the LBSC blog, and we ask that you please not use the event tag (a modified form is fine - “InsertAlternateShipName sprint challenge” instead of “LBSC sprint challenge,” for example).
Happy sprinting!
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herefortheships · 4 months ago
Oi tudo bem?
vocĂȘ acha que BJ poderia ter alguma piscopatia ? Veja bem nĂŁo falo de Lydia e toda aquela polĂȘmica mas sim da maneira que ele mata sua ex Ă© terrĂ­vel nĂŁo sei se a palavra pode ser usada aqui entĂŁo troco por outra ele massacra Dolores e ninguĂ©m sabe se ela estĂĄva viva ou nĂŁo quando acontece aquilo com Dolores ele precisa ter uma grande frieza amo Bj mas nĂŁo acho que ele seja doce ou anti herĂłi para mim ele Ă© um vilĂŁo tĂŽ cancelada ?
Hi lovely, since I don't know Portuguese, I used Google translate to answer this one, I hope it's okay! (I do understand Portuguese to some extent reading it, because my native language is Spanish, but to make sure I did understand the question I also translated it with Google translate. I hope I understood correctly!) I'll post the translated answer under the Read More cut, in case the translation is wonky 😅.
I don't think you are wrong in your reading of Betelgeuse as a villain at all, and no, don't worry, you aren't cancelled at all for seeing him that way. It's part of the appeal that he's a wildcard, and also a sleazy, twisted goofball; you never know what exactly he'll do next. He is originally presented as a villain in the first film, too, though a very complex one, as he falls in a gray area. And even though his character seems to have evolved to some extent (even though Tim Burton would probably not admit to it in interviews), into a gentler, less prone to act out kind of character, he still can be unpredictable and wild.
What he did to Delores, though, was something he did in the heat of the moment, but it does reflect he has (or had while he was alive) a deep darkness inside him. He had a rough life, and he thought he finally found happiness. And then he found himself betrayed and used, and the happiness he thought he found was a lie. He was dying, murdered by the first woman he trusted and believed himself in love with in a very long time (he did say his heart had already withered long ago, before he met her). He killed her in cold blood and took his revenge right there before finally collapsing with the poison. One could read his reaction as him being cold-blooded and unhinged, and while that's understandable, he was also deeply hurt and dying. I personally don't think he was ever in love with her; it was more of a lust thing, but of course he did trust her and ended up being taken for a fool, used, and killed. He didn't let her have her way with the ritual, and the entire affair ended bloody.
The way he killed her by hacking her into parts reflects he does have darkness inside him, though I don't think he's prone to explode that way under less extreme circumstances than literally being murdered by the person he had just married.
Whenever Betelgeuse has presumably killed again in both films, he's done it in a goofy, cartoonish sort of way; so while he is completely capable, I don't think he's icy cold as a killer. He could have also killed Rory on the spot, but instead he made him expose his true intentions to Lydia and everyone else present at the church (and made him watch and participate in the wedding afterwards. Better revenge if you ask me 😂 gotta love BJ). So while killing is as easy as a the snap of his fingers to him (he literally just stared at the influencers to trap them in their phones; they may not be dead and gone, but Betelgeuse is that powerful to empty out an entire church of people just by staring at them!) he doesn't appear to resort to killing unless he has to do it either as part of a bioexorcism or to save his butt etc.
Anyway, Beej can be so "adorkable" sometimes, it's easy to forget he's immensely powerful and dangerous.
He may not be really cold-blooded and prone to snap and kill, but that he can be villainous, scary powerful, and willing to kill, there's no question about it. The fun thing with Beej though, is that we can see him as an anti-hero or a villain if we want, and I think both interpretations can be correct. He did heroic actions in the second film that in my opinion placed him in the role of the hero in that film, but his readiness to kill and discard people (like the influencers, whose fates we aren't sure of at the end), and his willingness to sacrifice others for his sake (like he dressed up Bob in his outfit to confuse Delores), makes him more an anti-hero (with solid villainous tendencies) than a hero.
The fact that he's an unpredictable anti-hero (or complex villain, totally valid as well), and yet would never harm those he truly loves, like Lydia and now her family, is part of the great, lovable appeal of Betelgeuse currently. 💜 Let us not forget he could have very easily forced Lydia to marry him at that church despite the code violation, as the immensely powerful demon that he is, and yet, he let her banish him away. He could have also forced himself on her at some point, but always respected her (except that one insta-pregnancy lol but that was an illusion, so does it count? 😅). He could have threatened Astrid to make Lydia accept his terms, too, but Astrid was always safe with him.
Tl;dr: yes, it's totally valid to see him as a complex villain, just as it's valid to see him as an anti-hero. The important thing is, all of that frankly terrifying power that he has, is literally in the palm of Lydia Deetz hands, and we love him for it.
(Portuguese answer below!)
Google translated Portuguese answer (I hope it's correct!)
NĂŁo acho que vocĂȘ esteja errado ao ler Betelgeuse como um vilĂŁo, e nĂŁo, nĂŁo se preocupe, vocĂȘ nĂŁo estĂĄ de forma alguma cancelado por vĂȘ-lo dessa forma. Faz parte do apelo que ele seja um curinga e tambĂ©m um idiota desprezĂ­vel e distorcido; vocĂȘ nunca sabe o que exatamente ele farĂĄ a seguir. Ele tambĂ©m Ă© originalmente apresentado como um vilĂŁo no primeiro filme, embora seja muito complexo, pois cai em uma ĂĄrea cinzenta. E mesmo que seu personagem pareça ter evoluĂ­do atĂ© certo ponto (mesmo que Tim Burton provavelmente nĂŁo admitisse isso em entrevistas), para um tipo de personagem mais gentil e menos propenso a atuar, ele ainda pode ser imprevisĂ­vel e selvagem.
O que ele fez com Delores, porĂ©m, foi algo que fez no calor do momento, mas reflete que ele tem (ou teve enquanto estava vivo) uma escuridĂŁo profunda dentro dele. Ele teve uma vida difĂ­cil e pensou que finalmente encontrou a felicidade. E entĂŁo ele se viu traĂ­do e usado, e a felicidade que pensou ter encontrado era uma mentira. Ele estava morrendo, assassinado pela primeira mulher em quem confiava e por quem acreditava estar apaixonado hĂĄ muito tempo (ele disse que seu coração jĂĄ havia murchado hĂĄ muito tempo, antes de conhecĂȘ-la). Ele a matou a sangue frio e se vingou ali mesmo antes de finalmente desmaiar com o veneno. Pode-se interpretar sua reação como sendo de sangue frio e desequilibrado e, embora isso seja compreensĂ­vel, ele tambĂ©m estava profundamente magoado e morrendo. Pessoalmente, nĂŁo acho que ele algum dia tenha se apaixonado por ela; era mais uma questĂŁo de luxĂșria, mas Ă© claro que ele confiou nela e acabou sendo tomado por idiota, usado e morto. Ele nĂŁo a deixou seguir o ritual, e todo o caso terminou sangrento.
A maneira como ele a matou, cortando-a em pedaços, reflete que ele tem escuridão dentro dele, embora eu não ache que ele seja propenso a explodir dessa forma em circunstùncias menos extremas do que literalmente ser assassinado pela pessoa com quem acabara de se casar.
Sempre que Betelgeuse presumivelmente matou novamente em ambos os filmes, ele fez isso de uma forma boba e caricatural, entĂŁo, embora ele seja completamente capaz, nĂŁo acho que ele seja um assassino gelado. Ele tambĂ©m poderia ter matado Rory na hora, mas em vez disso o fez expor suas verdadeiras intençÔes para Lydia e todos os outros presentes na igreja (e o fez assistir e participar do casamento depois. Melhor vingança se vocĂȘ me perguntar 😂 tenho que amar BJ ). EntĂŁo, embora matar seja tĂŁo fĂĄcil quanto estalar de dedos para ele (ele literalmente apenas olhou para os influenciadores para prendĂȘ-los em seus telefones; eles podem nĂŁo estar mortos e desaparecidos, mas Betelgeuse Ă© tĂŁo poderosa para esvaziar uma igreja inteira de pessoas apenas olhando para elas!) ele nĂŁo parece recorrer Ă  matança, a menos que tenha que fazĂȘ-lo como parte de um bioexorcismo ou para salvar sua bunda, etc.
De qualquer forma, Beej pode ser tĂŁo “adorĂĄvel” Ă s vezes que Ă© fĂĄcil esquecer que ele Ă© imensamente poderoso e perigoso.
Ele pode nĂŁo ter sangue frio e ser propenso a atacar e matar, mas pode ser vilĂŁo, assustador, poderoso e disposto a matar, nĂŁo hĂĄ dĂșvida sobre isso. O divertido com Beej, porĂ©m, Ă© que podemos vĂȘ-lo como um anti-herĂłi ou um vilĂŁo, se quisermos, e acho que ambas as interpretaçÔes podem estar corretas. Ele fez açÔes herĂłicas no segundo filme que, na minha opiniĂŁo, o colocaram no papel de herĂłi daquele filme, mas sua disposição para matar e descartar pessoas (como os influenciadores, cujos destinos nĂŁo temos certeza no final), e sua disposição de sacrificar outros por sua causa (como ele vestiu Bob com sua roupa para confundir Delores), o torna mais um anti-herĂłi (com sĂłlidas tendĂȘncias de vilĂŁo) do que um herĂłi.
O fato de ele ser um anti-herĂłi imprevisĂ­vel (ou vilĂŁo complexo, totalmente vĂĄlido tambĂ©m), e ainda assim nunca prejudicar aqueles que ele realmente ama, como Lydia e agora sua famĂ­lia, faz parte do grande e adorĂĄvel apelo de Betelgeuse atualmente. 💜 NĂŁo esqueçamos que ele poderia facilmente ter forçado Lydia a se casar com ele naquela igreja, apesar da violação do cĂłdigo, como o demĂŽnio imensamente poderoso que ele Ă©, e ainda assim, ele deixou que ela o banisse. Ele tambĂ©m poderia ter forçado ela em algum momento, mas sempre a respeitou (exceto aquela gravidez instantĂąnea haha, mas isso foi uma ilusĂŁo, entĂŁo isso conta? 😅). Ele poderia ter ameaçado Astrid para fazer Lydia aceitar seus termos tambĂ©m, mas Astrid estava sempre segura com ele.
Tl;dr: sim, Ă© totalmente vĂĄlido vĂȘ-lo como um vilĂŁo complexo, assim como Ă© vĂĄlido vĂȘ-lo como um anti-herĂłi. O importante Ă© que todo esse poder francamente aterrorizante que ele possui estĂĄ literalmente na palma das mĂŁos de Lydia Deetz, e nĂłs o amamos por isso.
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moonearthangel · 2 months ago
Vibes or trends or thoughts if anyone needs! :) - ❀
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Make sure you’re going and living how you want and where you want. Make sure you feel like you belong and are comfortable but don’t be afraid to mix it up, either! Super important to be happy or at least happy enough while you make your important goals and plans for the future or nothing will really come of the things in your life that you hope for or dream about or want or need. Gotta keep going! Gotta have faith and know in your heart you’re capable.
You can definitely keep things the same, or switch them up and change them around. Big things or little things. Little parts of your life or big parts and themes of your life!
Some people will be on different journeys or parts of their life or wavelengths - gotta respect their space and boundaries, go with the flow, and not give up on your space and boundaries at the same time
Definitely keep your heart open to your friends and family and maybe see if everyone is doing good and make sure you are as well!
What things do you need to be happy?
What things do those around you need to be happy or seem like they could need to be happy?
What’s everyone up to!
What things do you want or see in your life short term or long term, or people?
Make sure you might bend a little for people or things you want, but notice if you could break or feel this way.
New hobbies are a fun thing right now, finding a new series to watch or thing that you’re into
Maybe learn to compartmentalize
Maybe a part of being balanced sometimes is knowing not everything can always be balanced. But finding your balance in that and things.
Invite in new things or people or a person into your love life if you want or have hope for that, or open yourself up to wildcard things or maybe take inspiration from other people or notice how other people are being or not. Might help you discern what you want or who you love or value or might have outgrown. Just because it’s the new year, it doesn’t mean you need anything or anyone new. But some people think that way, the energy can really feel that way, especially if you believe in astrology and numerology, or it’s just a nice tradition to follow - celebrating the new year. Maybe freshen up or things up a little! Or maybe wait until springtime but set your goals now, and enjoy the stillness and peacefulness of the rest of the time and season now. Depending on where you are, or want or need to be. Manifest your ideal space and environment! Maybe plan a vacation or be more light and airy to do random or spontaneous things. Just make sure you’re happy. This includes where you want to be and where you don’t, and who you want to be around and who you don’t. And not allowing others to control your life. Listening to yourself and mind and body. Might be a fun time to switch something up!
Something about lightening up and it’s okay to be overwhelmed too.
Do something healthy or helpful to yourself today, or something that’s needed.
Enjoy your days and happy new year! :)
If you follow timeline shifting or astrology cycle thingys, there’s something about an open quantum level portal of multiple possible futures! Malleability, or time feeling different or backwards or hard to place right now. Striking balance between light and fresh and active energy and comfort and fun and relaxed. A theme about hibernating versus leaving hibernation or coming out of a shell or cocoon :) If it resonates.
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o-sachi · 5 months ago
─── A Letter for @littleplantfreak ✩
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If you have received this, it means you signed up for Sachi's Selfship Event !
MARI MY DEAREST <3 You and Ume are seriously the cutest. I LOVE THE ART RAAAAA. I'm counting on that wedding invitation. Someone's gotta throw the petals around yk.
✉ Attachment: ABCs with Umemiya Hajime
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[A] Affection It's like a competition when it comes to you two. You're affectionate to him, then he tries to outdo you. Of course, you're not gonna settle just like that, so you outdo him. The cycle continues. You have an affection for each other that other people envy. It's like a sunshine x sunshine situation, y'know? He also gets cuteness aggression ALL THE TIME. You know because he's very physical when expressing it.
[F] Fights He will never ever start a fight with you. If he does, then it's probably over something silly. He can be a bit dramatic when it comes you at times... Although, you do fight a lot over the fact that you don't allow him to reciprocate the efforts that you do for him. For example, you made him lunch one time and to return the gesture, he wanted to make dinner. You refused, saying that you could handle it. He gets all whiney saying, "You never let me do things for you." It's hard for him because he has soooo much love to give and you don't always allow him to let it out. So yeah.
[K] Kisses Ume gets really giddy when getting and giving kisses. You get surprised a lot because he just attacks you with them out of nowhere. Ume especially likes it when you kiss him on the cheek—it makes him feel golden. But he gives you a lot of kisses on the lips. Sometimes, when you're gardening or cooking/baking, he'll sneak up on you. He'll wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss on the shoulder (I melted). It's his way of saying hello.
[T] Time Apart We all know who's folding first... Ume. He's the kind that sends i-miss-you texts even after you've just seen each other. He's a clingy guy despite the tough image he has as the top dog. Besides, on normal days, he does ask you often what you're up to or where you are. He does the same—updating you about his activities and whereabouts. It's one thing that he misses you (a lot), but he's also checking in because he's a worrywart. He's always thinking about your well-being. You match his energy too sometimes. I mean, who wouldn't miss a guy like him?
[U] Uniqueness I think what sets you apart from other couples is the level of trust you gave each other right off the bat. Most tend to be wary at first—trying to slowly let their walls down. But Ume trusted you completely. He was raw and genuine with you right from the start. It was overwhelming for you at first, but you quickly followed suit because Ume has proven himself to be the kind of guy with good intentions. He may have ghosts from his past, but he was honest about that with you as well—like he wanted to fully inform you before letting things become serious.
[W] Wildcard Before you officially got together, you and Ume got really close after gifting each other a plant. You gave each other a rather small plant. Both had tiny leaves and cute little flowers blooming on it. It was quite funny because neither of you were expecting to give the other a similar looking plant (same thoughts ehem). You still have those plants somewhere in your respective homes where it can be easily seen. Ume still sends you photos of the plant you gave him from time to time.
[Y] Yin & Yang Literally I think you two are almost the same person. But in this case, rather than clashing, you two just go well with each other. I mean, positive times positive is equal to positive (wow math). But I guess you differ in a way that he's more hyper than you are (?). He can get ahead of himself sometimes and he needs you to be there and pace him. The best example I can think of is when you're with your mutual friends. Ume helps you with socializing with the others without making it feel too forced. And you remind him to slow down (especially with Hiragi... that poor poor man).
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Thank you for participating. I hope you like it :3
Want to participate? Give this a read.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 10 months ago
Hello helloo—I kinda stalked your Kenjaku posts a lil bit (I read all of them) & you just get him. They’re so fun to read
Like, I never thought I needed to go on a road trip with Kenjaku, & now I do. My eyes have been opened
With that being said, I gotta know: do you think Kenjaku would have a podcast?
HI HELLOOOOO <3333333 i’m so excited to talk to another kenny stan i’m jumping up and down with joy a bit. I LOVE YOUR ART. thank you sm for your service to kenny nation đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚ AND AAAA i’m so glad my kenny stuff has your approval!!!! 😭😭 he’s such a wildcard that it’s kinda hard to characterize him sometimes pjskdb 
 but i Adore thinking abt him. our silly little mad scientist
.. he really would be the most fun to go on a roadtrip with but 😭😭😭 it’s gonna be chaotic one way or another. more memories i guess!!!
now. for your question. he would ABSOLUTELY have a podcast you’re an actual genius???? that’s so fucking funny?????? he would do it just for the lols but he actually grows to really like it . because it gives him the opportunity to yap and yap and yap as much as he wants. his podcast has absolutely no sense of consistency tho
. one episode is just him reading a book, the next is him morbidly describing how a vivisection goes . he’s insane in the head. regularly brings guests along and they Always make it even more chaotic ? somehow ??? the episodes with mahito are always the freakiest, the ones with hanami are gibberish to any listeners, the ones with jogo always end with the pod abruptly stopping (he got mad and burned the equipment)
 one time yuki joins in and it’s just them having a very intense scientific debate for five hours. same with tengen but a lot more homoerotic tension. takaba joins a couple times and makes kenny do comedy skits w him :33 etcetcetc.
basically !!! his podcast is a mess. and he loves it. i also think he’d be fairly popular bc 1) he has a gorgeous gorgeous voice 2) the chaos is entertaining!! his most loyal listeners affectionately call him ”ken-chan” <333 he hates it i think.
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eliteseven · 9 months ago
Who would be security for the band in consonance once they get really famous? I could see Halsin or Lae'zel doing that. Also, would you feature any of the other characters?
Oh wow, never even thought that far ahead tbh 😅 I kinda tried to keep the number of characters limited, but let’s see:
Well, according to chapter one, Lae’zel went to law school (so random, ik)
 so Tav could have her position in the band . So probably not lol. Maybe their legal representation down the road, who knows
Yeah, I guess Halsin fits the bill! He banters a little too easily with Shadowheart sometimes and Tav rolls her eyes a little lmao but it works out. However, another wildcard option could be Minsc. I love Minsc sm đŸ„č
I don’t really have plans to write much more into their future at the time, besides maybe a one shot or two (gotta do some NLS series stuff) but yeah, it’d be fun to fit the others in somehow!
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dandylovesturtles · 2 years ago
god this ask has been in my inbox so long I'm so sorry alsdjkf;s
(for context the prompt is: Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines.)
So I've mentioned before that I used to have a completely different plan for chapter 2 of IMBI and then I basically ended up scrapping and completely changing it, which ended up changing a lot of later stuff about the fic. Originally it was... darker, in a way, because they got as far as preparing to unplug Leo from life support!
Basically, my original plan was that at the end of Donnie and Raph's fight (when Raph said Donnie didn't care if Leo died), when Donnie told Raph to get out, Raph would realize he went out of line and try to deescalate. Donnie isn't having it in that moment, for obvious reasons, but it would lead to Raph thinking over what Donnie said and eventually (after several days) deciding to tell Splinter and Mikey about the situation. Splinter, like he does in the current version, would take that decision off Raph/Donnie's shoulders and decide to give Leo time to see if he'll recover. However, Leo does not (obviously) and, after waiting for him for almost four full weeks, Splinter decides they have to let him go, because he isn't improving and it's becoming difficult to keep the life support running and care for him as much as he needs and so they'll have to let him go. It was then Leo begging Mikey not to let them do this and saying he didn't want to die that ended up breaking through so Mikey could see him.
I changed this mainly because it felt like... way too much lol, like taking the silly turtle show and having a scene where a father has to seriously consider taking his son off life support just felt TOO MUCH and I was like I can't do this als;d;;fs I gotta do something else.
So my first big thing to figure out when I backtracked on this plot was, well, how and when does Mikey see Leo then? And that was when I got the idea that Mikey would become so desperate to save Leo that he would try to go back in time. But why would he do that if they aren't getting all the way to pulling the plug? Well, maybe Raph doesn't deescalate - maybe Raph keeps trying to fight and then emotions are just running way too high, and everyone is trapped in a pressure cooker.
And that's when I just had the image of Mikey having to physically separate them and then we were cookin'.
I really feel like the story I ended up writing is stronger because of this change, because it ended up leading to a bunch of downstream changes that I liked a lot better. I said in my chapter 2 author's notes that sometimes you have to tell yourself no and that was very true then and is still true now!
Thanks for the ask!
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kinky-candyland · 3 years ago
Peter Parker (TH) - NSFW Alphabet
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I had the biggest crush on this guy when I was a kid. Btw, he’s a legal adult in this. Smut with minors is wrong. Also, small spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home.
A- Aftercare (How are they after sex?)
Even though you were in charge most of the time, he’s a saint at aftercare. He knows you get tired quicker than he does and he wants you to be taken care of before you rest.
B- Body Part (Their favorite body part of yours and theirs.)
Peter Parker is a tit man, respectfully. Doesn’t matter the size, he loves ‘em. There are times he has fallen asleep on you. (Will possibly be it’s own fic later.)
I am indecisive on this one, meaning Peter is indecisive.
C- Cum (Anything cum related. I’m a very dirty person.)
One difference that sets him apart from his older variants, he’ll release on you if you allow him to.
D- Dirty Secret (We all have one.)
This man lives for you pegging him. He loves the power dynamic that holds.
E- Experience (Are they a virgin or do they know what they’re doing?)
He and MJ were teenagers when they were together, so I’m guessing nothing really happened between them. You’re really his first everything, well besides first kiss considering he and MJ kissed at the end of both Far From Home and No Way Home.
F- Favorite Position (Title says all.)
Any position that involves you thrusting a strap on in his ass, ngl.
G- Goofy (Do they crack jokes/laugh?)
He lives for puns whenever. Fucking or not. If there’s a pun, he’ll say it. Is is conventional? No. Does he care? No.
H- Hair (Do the carpets match the drapes?)
He hasn’t grown hair down there. Lucky you.
I- Intamacy (How romantic are they?)
This man lives for affirmations, giving and receiving.
J- Jack Off/Masturbation (Do they and how frequently?)
He has done it several times before and during your relationship. Life gets lonely.
K- Kinky (BDSM? What surprising kinks are they hiding?)
Peter is a very subby bottom. He knows it, MJ knows it, I know it, and you know it. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Men can let their women take control in the bed, and he agrees with me on that.
L- Location (Where do they prefer to do it? Public or private?)
He prefers the privacy of a bedroom, but he’ll do it anywhere else if you want to.
M- Motivation (What turns them on?)
Circling back to B-Body Part, he loves when you wear shirts that show off your cleavage. Just to soft skin of your breasts popping out of that shirt is enough masturbation material for weeks.
N- No (Turn offs?)
Just like his older variants, he doesn’t want to do anything that causes you harm. It’s just a Peter Parker thing.
O- Oral (Giving or receiving?)
This man loves eating you out and that’s all I’m at liberty to say.
P- Pace (Fast and hard? Slow and Sweet?)
Unless he’s riding you, he doesn’t really set the pace. Even when he’s riding you, you prompt his speed.
Q- Quicky (When you don’t have time to fully get into it.)
Quickies don’t really happen.
R- Risk (What risks are they willing to take?)
No risks. Circling back to N- No, he doesn’t risk anything with you because he doesn’t want you to get hurt. Unlike the others, he doesn’t know his own strength and he doesn’t want to take any chances with you.
S- Stamina (How long can they last?)
He’s in his sexual prime and a superhuman. He can go a good few rounds but will stop when you’re out of it.
T- Toys (Do they have any? Do they use them on you?)
Circling back to D- Dirty Secret and F- Favorite Position, the two of you have a strap that he loves you using on him.
U- Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
He teases you a lot, only because it sometimes leads to you taking him then and there, which we all know he loves.
V- Volume (How loud can they get?)
Peter is very vocal when you’re taking him. He can’t help how good you make him feel.
W- Wildcard (Any dirty story I could come up with.)
We all know that the venom symbiot is on it’s way, so we gotta talk about what happens when it finds Peter.
The symbiot travels between the two of you a lot, but it’s mostly with you when you and Peter are fucking, taking over your body and making you stronger. It’s all more pleasurable for Peter and you both enjoy it.
X- X-Ray (What are they hiding in their pants?)
Peter doesn’t have that impressive of a size (6 inches), but he certainly knows how to use it whenever he’s the one fucking you.
Y- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Being a young adult in his sexual prime, he has an impressively high sex drive.
Z- Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after everything?)
Being a super powered individual, he doesn’t really get tired. It takes more for him. He holds onto you as you sleep while listening to your light breathing. Your breathing calms him down enough to get some sleep.
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hellsbedroom · 4 years ago
Arvin Russell // NSFW Alphabet
arvin russell x reader
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Arvin needs a minute to recover, not gonna lie. He rests his forehead to yours and breathes the moment in. He’ll hold your cheek or squeeze your hand and whisper, “that was so good.” Then he always cleans you up with a damp rag and offers to get you a glass of water before laying back down. The afterglow is blissful, with your hand tracing shapes on his chest as he speaks softly and you doze off together.
B = Body part (favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
He never really thinks about it, but he supposes he appreciates his hands. They’re strong and lean and can be so harsh to people he wants to hurt. But at the same time they can be so soft with people he loves, especially you. He loves how you don’t mind the calloused pads of his fingers tracing over your skin after a long day at work.
And your legs could knock him flat any day. He loves their shape and how they look under any dress you’re wearing. He especially loves how good your legs feel when they’re draped over his hips when you straddle him. Squeezing your thighs is one of his favorite things in the world.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
If he can’t cum inside you, Arvin loves to cum on your chest. When you go down on him and let him drench your naked chest in cum he almost loses it. You just look so pretty and in love with him. He’s always good about cleaning it up after, especially if it got on any of your clothes. But even so, a little mess never hurt nobody ;)
D = Dirty secret (an interesting dirty secret of theirs)
He thinks about your lips all the time. Especially sitting in church, when things are supposed to be holy. He’ll dream of the curve of your lower lip or the new lipstick color you wore the day before. Thoughts of messing up that lipstick by making out or your pretty lips wrapped around his length always follow.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a little experience with a girl or two when he was in high school. Making out, fondling, he’s not totally new to the idea. But with you is the first time he really explores someone. And he’s a fast learner. It doesn’t take him long to figure out what makes you tick and where he can kiss you to make you moan like that. 
F = Fantasy (what’s their favorite fantasy/roleplay?)
Arvin will indulge in a nurse roleplay sometimes. You saunter in the room in a little white outfit with the red crosses and pretend to take care of him a bit (he answers everything with a smirk and “yes ma’am”) before he’s kissing you everywhere and trying to get the damn dress off. You take care of him so much in real life that a little fantasy play is the perfect way to spice things up.
G = Goofy (are they more serious or goofy in the moment?)
He can be playful with foreplay, anything to make you smile even while you’re just making out or trying to get your clothes off. But as things progress, he gets more serious. He wants to make sure you’re enjoying yourself and is so in awe of you that he sobers up and gets to work when you’re between the sheets.
H = Hair (how groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?)
He’s not really worried about grooming, but he’ll trim if he knows that’s what you prefer.
I = Intimacy (how are they in the moment, romantic aspect)
A huge romantic. Arvin won’t always set up flowers or candles but he’s so focused on being close to you that everything else fades away. He gives constant praise and keeps his eyes locked on yours when you need it most. His favorite thing is to always be holding your hand if possible, and squeezing when either of you reaches climax. It’s a way to anchor himself to you because the moment is so important.
J = Jackoff (about masturbation)
A guy’s gotta get stress relief somehow. Especially if y’all spend a few days apart. He’ll pull one out in the shower thinking of the last time he saw your figure splayed out beneath him. Sometimes you’ll leave a few racy polaroids for him to find and they become a treasured part of the routine.
K = Kink (any kinks)
Marking you with bite marks or hickies — where no one can see, of course. Slight daddy kink (saying “c’mon daddy” will end him). Pulling his hair makes him grin and now he’s sure to keep those locks long. And of course a praise kink!!! Breathlessly moaning that he feels so good, he’s hitting the right spot, that you love him and he’s doing such a good job. All of it will send him in a tizzy.
L = Location (favorite place to do it)
His car! It gives the two of you the most privacy when you can go park in a clearing far away from everyone else. You’ve figured out just the right way to lay on the seat to make it work and Arvin hovering closely over you is nice anyway. And it gives him a little pride when he’s driving alone and thinks back to all the things you’ve done on those seats.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A pretty new dress will do it, but what gets him most of all is when you sass him. Getting playful, sarcastically quipping at him, and teasing him with a twinkle in your eye. He cocks his head in surprise but loves it deep down. It makes him mutter “c’mere you” and chase you around, which always ends hot and heavy.
N = NO (something they won’t do, turn offs)
Hitting your face. It’s too degrading and he couldn’t bear it if he hurt you. 
O = Oral (giving and receiving)
Arvin is so eager to please, he wants to do right by you and one of the best ways he’s found is by fervently going down on you. Hearing the sounds you make and feeling you quiver around him sends him over the moon.
But you on your knees for him is a real pretty sight, too. You can make any bad day fade away with the things you do to him. He’ll never admit it, but he loves when you tease him, keeping him on the edge and driving him wild.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
If either of you have had a hard day, or you’re barely hidden in his car like giddy teenagers, he’ll be quicker and rougher. You’re breathing fast, his chest has a sheen of sweat, and his teeth glint in the darkness as he grins and takes you like there’s no tomorrow. Otherwise he’s on the slower side, taking his time to do it right. Burying himself in every inch of your form is important and you’re one of the most precious things in his life so he doesn’t like to be harsh. 
Q = Quickie (opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He has no real need for quickies; if he wants to fuck then he’s gonna do it properly and not let anyone rush him along. Especially if you’ve found a good secluded spot in the woods. Rushing it doesn’t allow him to fully appreciate you and your body anyway. On occasion it’ll happen if he has to head out to a work site for a few days and you can’t resist having him one more time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment?)
He’s not too keen on being risky other than maybe being caught out in the woods. He likes stability when he finds it. You’re the one who has to shyly bring up new ideas in the bedroom and he might be a little hesitant, but he’s willing to try anything once. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Early in the relationship Arvin busts quickly, he can’t help it. But now he can last decently long, especially because he follows the cardinal rule of getting you off first. And for stamina? The man is like an ox. As long as he has a bit of a breather between each round he can go for as long as you want.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
You won’t find a lot of sex toys in 1960s small town America. Mostly he likes knowing he can get you off by himself anyway. But if you visit a big city and come back with a vibrator to play around with, he wouldn’t be opposed.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Usually Arvin gets right down to business, but he can get in moods where he’s a real tease. In public he’ll stick to pinching or swatting your ass when he’s in that mood. When you’re alone he’ll taunt, “you like that, pretty girl?” when he can tell you’re really enjoying yourself. Hearing you beg for him when he’s endlessly teasing makes his eyes blow wide and he can’t help but give in to you. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Surprisingly, he’s not quiet. He’s no screamer but you will definitely hear that he’s having a good time. He’ll groan deep in his chest when you nip at his neck or when he’s sinking into you, and he’ll gasp your name near the finish. And he’s always talking to you in between, murmuring how good it feels.
W = Wildcard (random headcanon)
When he’s drunk: Arvin finds everything funny when he’s drunk. He chuckles at anything you do and will even take your hand and make you spin for him just so he can admire you. He leans on you more, burying his face in the crook of your neck even if you’re with friends and family. You’re always so happy to see him let loose and relax for a bit.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s in those pants)
He’s an average length and fairly girthy. Fills you up well. There’s also a curve to it that does wonders for you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Moderate. He can sometimes be really eager to get his hands on you, especially if you spend the weekend apart or something like that. Or he’ll sneak into your room late after you’ve gone on a date just to taste you again. But some days he just enjoys being around you with no pressure to perform in any way. 
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It varies. Sometimes Arvin will be out like a light as soon as he knows you’re satisfied and cleaned up. Other times he lays awake worrying for your safety or a dozen other things, and those nights you’re there to hold him and whisper the anxieties away with sweet nothings.
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notcorrect-persona5 · 4 years ago
akira for the character ask thing please!
Yes!! I’ve been wanting someone to ask me about Ren or Yu. After typing this though I feel like some of my opinions are kinda controversial 😅
Favorite Thing About Them
This is the question that keeps me from posting these quickly. There are too many things I love about these characters. It’s really hard to pick a favorite thing, so I’ll just talk about one of the many things I love.
Even though we know nothing about his life pre-game and he’s a silent protag, Ren’s still a really unique character while also being a normal, teenage boy. He doesn’t need to be weird or have an intriguing backstory to be interesting. He also feels like he could be a real person. And he’s hilarious.
Least Favorite Thing About Them
He’s mean to Mishima for no reason.
I wish he had more of a backstory. I want to know more about him and his life prior to the game. I think Strikers would have been the best opportunity to give us some more insight on his life, and I was really disappointed when that didn’t happen.
The way some of the fandom sexualizes him is disgusting. He’s a child.
Favorite Line
“I’m not the free labor type.”
Ryuji!! They’re friendship is so pure đŸ„ș
Shumako! I wish they had more fan art, they’re such a cute couple.
I understand why people ship Shuake. I do not understand how people can say they’re “basically canon.” They’re not. Also, a lot of Shuake content I see portrays Ren as this super fluffy, sensitive, sweet catboy which is weird and so far from who he is. I think he’s portrayed this way to be a contrast to Akechi. I don’t think you should change a character’s personality just to fit your ship better or to create the ship dynamic that you want. Not all content is like this, but I’ve seen a lot of it. Also, also, Ren caring about his friend’s death doesn’t automatically equal romance. Of course, he was sad that Akechi died. They’re friends. Speaking of, Ren’s dream reality wish wasn’t for Akechi to be alive. People who are currently rejecting dream reality don’t get their wishes. We know this because the wishes of everyone else in the party disappeared when they started rejecting it. We also know that Ren’s wish was to stay in Tokyo forever (which you find out if you accept dream reality). Maruki said he brought Akechi back because he thought it was tragic. He never said Ren wished for it. Even if Ren did wish for it, that wouldn’t automatically equal romance. If my friend died, I would want them to be alive too. I know a lot of Shuake shippers are really defensive of their ship, so if you have the urge to argue with me, please don’t. I don’t have the time or energy to talk in-depth about their relationship.
Random Headcanon
Ren has a light country accent. In the stage play, Ryuji makes fun of the way he says a certain word at the ramen shop. In a manga, a stranger calls him “an idiotic country bumpkin.” The only way that stranger could have known Ren was from the country would be his accent.
Ren’s scared of heights. This is actually implied in the game, but not a lot of people know about it. When he goes to Tokyo Tower with Sumire, two of his responses are “You don’t mind heights?” And “B-But if we fall...” When he goes there with Takemi, he says his ears feel weird and his heart is pounding. She then asks if he’s scared of heights. If you choose to train, Morgana will tell Ren to stand on a chair and one of his dialogue options is, “I’m not good with heights.” He looks miserable on the roller coaster in the animation. At Dometown, Ryuji says he’ll protect Ren on the roller coaster and starts teasing him saying “you better not cry on it.” When asked if he would rather go to Hawaii or LA, Ren can say Leblanc. Ann will then ask if Ren is scared of airplanes.
He is not athletic. Like not in the slightest. Ryuji, Sumire, Takemi, and Kawakami all point this out. In the manga, Ren says he was late due to his “poor physical condition.”  Sumire never tells him “good job” after training, she always says “good effort.” In a manga, Yusuke said he wanted to capture suffering then asked Ren to exercise. In Dancing, Ren thinks this while in Makoto’s room, “The weights are labeled 4K...Almost nine pounds. Really!?” While in Akihabara, Ryuji says the exercise machines are really expensive. If the player chooses to say he wants one, Ryuji says even if Ren could afford one, he won’t use it and it’ll just collect dust. Ryuji also tells Ren, “You gotta be more active.” After Takemi says a lot of students have been getting injured due to sports she says, “Well, I guess a kid like you doesn’t have much to worry about that...”
His glasses are real. I know it’s confirmed that his glasses are fake, but I really don’t like that concept. Most people don’t wear glasses, so they won’t help him “blend in.” They’d do the opposite- if they did anything at all. And that “intense gaze” thing doesn’t make much sense either. Have you seen his portraits? His facial expressions hardly change, and he has so much hair you can barely even see his eyes. I also just dislike the “intense gaze” trope in general. I like having a character with glasses who isn’t a nerd, genius, or old. Your eyesight has no impact on your personality, so Ren - who is also the main character btw - needing glasses would be cool.
Since he wears a lot of black and is always with Morgana, he probably has cat hair all over him.
He doesn’t have a big stomach/appetite. He tends to react judgmentally to how much Sumire, Ryuji, and Ann eat. When he was asking around Yongen-Jaya to see if anyone knew Futaba, a man asked if Ren eats a lot, and after you respond the man says “you don’t eat a lot?”
Ren’s a picky eater. Makoto asks Ren if he’s an adventurous eater and his dialogue options are basically no. He says, “yeah, sometimes”, “not really”, and “it depends.” When Jose asks if your tastebuds change as you get older, both of Ren’s responses are no which makes me think he won’t try anything he disliked once, even if it was years ago.
Since he’s from a small town, Ren gets lost a lot. There’s actually a manga where he texts Ann, “I’m lost. Send help.” Ann asks if he’s bad with directions, and he - distressed- says “No...Tokyo just takes a little getting used too...”
Ren’s late pretty often.
Since he’s from a small town, he’s a slower walker than some of the other characters.
He’s terrible with names. He asks for Kamoshida’s name three times, when Kawakami says Niijima wants to speak with you he has the option to ask who that is, the dialogue options for telling Ryuji Mishima’s name, the text bubble never changes from principal and Haru’s fiancĂ© even though the player knows their names, he forgets Arsene’s name in a manga strip, he forgets Eiko’s name, and in Q2 one of his dialogue options is there’s too many names.
Unpopular Opinion
I’ve seen a lot of people complain that Ren didn’t seem to have PTSD after everything that happened in the interrogation room. I’ve also read things like, “There’s no way he doesn’t have PTSD.” That’s not how PTSD works. PTSD doesn’t care what you think “should” or “should not” happen. Traumatic events can trigger PTSD; however, not everyone emerges from trauma with it. Headcanon all you want, but saying it’s wrong that the game didn’t give him PTSD isn’t right.
Song I Associate With Them
Criminal by Brittany Spears
Wildcard by KSHMR
Good Kid from The Lightning Thief the Musical
Make It Up by Sam Tsui (this song also gives me major Percy Jackson vibes)
Still Feel. by Half‱Alive
Favorite Picture of Them
I have two!
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years ago
Filth alphabet: Estarossa
DoesnÂŽt really do much, he becomes very clingy after sex and therefore just wants to cuddle you. You have to physically push him off you and drag him to the shower with you and do all the other things that need to be done. Afterwards you give into his cuddle wishes of course.
B=Body part
On him he likes his back because youÂŽre always clinging onto him and scratch him there, he loves that.
On you itÂŽs gotta be your hips, he loves holding onto them, gripping them, it just drives him wild.
CanÂŽt tell the exact time when heÂŽs gonna cum cause it takes him a while, so it always ends up in a mess.
He likes seeing his cum on your stomach, legs, chest and back however.
D=Dirty secret
He always wanted to have really rough and dominated sex with you, but heÂŽs too scared that heÂŽll hurt you.
None before you, he wasnÂŽt ever interested in anyone that way and nobody before you liked him either.
F=Favorite position
Probably doggy, he can just go wild and knows that heÂŽs hitting all your right spots, always has the most intense orgasms that way.
Also loves pulling you against his chest and holding you close as you cum.
Not that huge of a fan of jokes and laughter during sex, heÂŽs always so serious. However he doesnÂŽt mind when you have casual conversations during it.
He trims and is overall clean, does keep his pubic hair though, itÂŽs black.
Depends on his mood. Sometimes he gets so frustrated and just wants to fuck your brain out. However most of the times heÂŽs quite gentle and romantic.
J=Jerk off
DoesnÂŽt do it that much, only when youÂŽre apart for a very long amount of time. DoesnÂŽt get horny that much either, so itÂŽs not a problem.
Cum play, choking, restraints, pet play, power play
Anywhere used to go for him, but you donÂŽt have public sex anymore ever since Meliodas walked in on you and gave his brother instructions on how to make you cum faster (poor Estarossa just wants to forget that moment)
Since heŽs not that easy to get going, youŽre going to have to work for it. The only time heŽs ever aroused by himself is when heŽs frustrated and wants to fuck it out. 
Is willing to try everything at least once, but respects your boundaries and would never do anything that you donÂŽt want.
He prefers receiving. HeÂŽs not that good at giving, but he tries his best. Likes it when you grip his hair and deepthroating sends him to heaven.
Likes to build it up, always ends up really fast and rough though.
Not too much of a fan because he likes to drag things out with you, he likes to watch you unravel and isnÂŽt ever that horny to make it quick.
Always up to try something new in the bedroom if youÂŽve talked about it long enough before and when the mood is right.
Not too much, heÂŽs overall very lazy but it will definitely last enough to make you cum.
Not completely against the idea, but youÂŽll definitely have to ease him into the idea and try to convince him.
DoesnÂŽt think about teasing you too much, but ends up doing it anyway kind of subconsciously.
YouÂŽll have to tell him when it gets enough and heÂŽll stop.
HeÂŽs very indifferent about you teasing him back, you can do whatever you want to him, he doesnÂŽt mind it.
Not too loud, very deep grunts and growls, when heÂŽs close heÂŽll just chant your name over and over again.
He cums in his pants way too much because he has a wet dream about you every other night.
His length is average and his girth is above average, rather on the thick side and doesnÂŽt have too many veins.
He doesnÂŽt have a very high sex drive, but if youÂŽre horny heÂŽll definitely be willing to pleasure you. ItÂŽs very spontaneous with the two of you since he himself doesnÂŽt really get horny all that much.
HeÂŽs always very sleepy after sex, so heÂŽll just cuddle up to you and fall asleep that way.
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charmspoint · 3 years ago
OK I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS NEW DIRECTION????? LIKE WOW I GOT WHIPLASH. AND MAYBE I WILL GET THAT NANA NANAO CONFRONTATION LATER ON. Real question is WHERE ARE NIJIN AND KYOUYA. Fuck this manga just keeps pulling wildcards on me I came here for Danganmongus and left with fuckin George Orwell.
btw can we talk about "you claimed to be a non-talented individual" if I read that right I have issues sometimes and how Nanao has basically become Nana's new Tsuruoka? And do you think they kept Moe in solitary as well? Where is she?
RIGHT??? they just threw us into a completely different scenario from what we had at the start and it's honestly exciting. Idk if this is something that the author had in mind from the start but man what a departure from status quo. I can only guess that Nana will try to take down the organization from the inside now and that main story will be centered on her trying to outfox Nanao with eventual help from cat boy jin and kyouya. We haven't seen them yet but we gotta be patient we did JUST got introduced to this new situation so my guess is that it will take a bit more for us to fully get settled in this setting before things can really get going. But I don't think it will be much more than chapter or two, Nana is already on the move. As soon as the setting and Nana in it are settled I'm expecting old faces to start making returns as we realize what happened with everyone in these three years and boy i fucking can't wait the possibilities are endless and it's just impossible to predict with as little info as we have rn, but I bet it's gonna be cool.
Also yes that was a very interesting line. Obviously they were trying to brainwash Nana to forget all about the governments and Tsuruoka's plot but it's odd to add in 'you said you weren't talented' because....she isnt? They can gaslight her but they can't gaslight a talented into her lmaoo. Idk maybe it's a translation thing because the sentence as a whole deals with Nana's whole role in the past arcs so I'm not sure if that was really intended to be implied or just an unfortunate byproduct. Either way I can't wait to see where this goes next. I feel like there was some disappointment after the ending of the last arc so it's good to see manga picking up again with such a strong start.
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jjoutermaybanks · 5 years ago
With You In My Head || Rafe Cameron x Reader
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven part eight
summary: it’s going to be a long summer. living in the Outer Banks with your trailer park mom and fancy mansion dad, you know it’s going to be a tough three months. things only get harder when your best friend’s brother, the notorious Rafe Cameron, begins to complicate your life even more. but will the island’s biggest wildcard successfully steal your heart, or leave you more broken than before?
word count: 4k
warnings: good old fashioned smut
*not my gif, credit to owner*
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Once again, guilt consumed you like a wildfire.  But this time, it wasn’t guilt over Rafe; it was guilt for Rafe.  Kissing JJ was a rash, spur-of-the-moment decision that you instantly regretted as soon as you tore your lips away.  For one thing, you had zero feelings for JJ, and knew that this would confuse the blonde to no end.  For another, you had hoped it would ignite something in Rafe, but instead it seemed to extinguish what little fire for you he had left.
Groaning, you flopped onto your bed that night and stared up at the dark ceiling.  There was a reason you weren’t spontaneous, and always thought things through.  That careful mindset helped you avoid mistakes like this.  Grabbing a pillow, you pressed it to your face and screamed into the cushy material, letting it absorb the sound of your frustration.
“You’re an idiot,” you whispered aloud, teeth grinding and head spinning.  What’s worse, you didn’t know when you’d see Rafe again, if you even would.  Sarah was bound and determined to avoid him at all cost, and she was your only real link to the blue-eyed boy.
Maybe it’s better this way, you tried telling yourself.  It’s not like anything would’ve happened with Rafe.  Repeating these thoughts in your head, you forced away any memory of blue eyes or dazzling smiles.  Better off without him, you believed.
The next day, in order to keep your mind off of your latest mistake, you took your bike out for a spin.  You used to love biking as a kid, and it was a serene hobby that was much-needed at the time.  You wove through familiar neighborhoods until you were in the heart of The Cut, near JJ’s house.  Almost out of instinct you veered onto his street to pass by his trailer.
As luck would have it, the Pogue was right outside his front door when you approached.  Slowing to a halt, you hopped off your bike and sent him a wave.
“Well, well, well,” he started as you walked up to the step where he sat.  “Come to steal another kiss?”
Blushing, you pushed a lock of hair behind your ear and sighed.  “About that...” you began, wondering how on earth you’d explain the bold kiss. 
JJ grinned, nudging you with his shoulder.  “Hey, it’s all good.  I liked it.  A lot, actually.”  His eyes sparkled, but this reaction only caused you to cringe inwardly.  The last thing you had wanted was to get JJ’s hopes up, only to inevitably smash them.
“Look, JJ...”  Words escaped you, and you stared down at your feet rather than at him.  “I didn’t know what I was thinking when I kissed you.”
He shrugged.  “Sometimes those are the best kisses.  All I’m saying is I’m game to do it again.  I always thought there was something special about you.”  You felt him leaning in, and instantly turned your head away in rejection.
Closing your eyes in embarrassment, you sighed.  “I’m so sorry, JJ.  But...there’s someone else, okay?”  The words slipped out before you could think them through.  You figured saying you liked someone else would let JJ down easy, but you could tell it only made him more curious.
Cocking an eyebrow, JJ whistled.  “Alright, so Y/N has a little crush.  Who might it be?”  He didn’t sound hurt at your rejection of his kiss, which was a minor plus side.  But you also knew how stubborn he could be, and that he was not going to let this go.
“JJ--” you stalled, clearly trying to backtrack.  “I-It’s nothing, I swear.  I’ll be over it by tomorrow, honest.”
He shook his head firmly.  “Nope, no way.  I just got rejected, so I think I deserve a little explanation as to why.”  Even though JJ was joking, you still did not want to reveal who you were ‘crushing’ on.
Hugging your knees to your chest, you sighed again.  “You cannot tell the others,” you predicated, voice stern.  “I mean it JJ.  Not a word of this to them.”
JJ pretended to zip his lips.
“Especially not Sarah,” you added quickly, causing his brows to raise in question.  Wincing, you knew you just had to spit it out, so you murmured, “It’s Rafe.”
There was a beat of shocked silence.  And then JJ’s face twisted into a mixture of surprise and disgust, making your heart drop.  “Rafe?  As in Rafe Cameron?”
All you could do was nod miserably.
JJ snorted.  “You’ve got to be kidding, Y/N.  He’s such a dirt-bag Kook.  I mean, you saw the shit Topper did yesterday.”
“He’s not Topper,” you tried to defend, but your voice was weak.
“Yeah but he’s friends with him,” JJ countered.  “He’s a sleaze who only cares about partying and sleeping around.  All the Kooks are the same.”
Hurt by his harsh words, you said feebly, “What about Sarah?  She is a Kook, you know.  Maybe Rafe has the same potential.”
JJ shook his head.  “No, something about that guy is just off.  And I have the bruises to prove it.”  He tilted his head to show the residual blue spots on his face where Rafe had beat him.  Feeling sick to your stomach, you looked away from him and out at the distant forest.
“He’s different around me.  Or at least he was.”  No matter how much you pretended to hate Rafe, there was a reason he was always on your mind.  It was his easy smile, his captivating charm.  He made you feel better than you ever had before.
“When have you hung out with Rafe Cameron?”  JJ sounded shocked you’d ever even exchanged words with the guy.
You shrugged.  “I don’t know, we’ve run into each other on the beach a few times.  And then he invited me to one of his parties, where we...spent time together.”  JJ definitely caught your drift, because he groaned in disgust.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, and you pushed at his arm.
“Don’t judge me JJ, alright?  I already feel enough like shit.”  Humiliation simmered in your stomach, and you felt sick just thinking about that night on the beach.
JJ put his hands up.  “Alright, fine, no judgment.  But seriously Y/N, he’s bad news.”
You frowned, resting your chin on your knees and wishing you were back in your bed.  “I know.  It’s not like we were ever gonna become anything, anyway,” you explained morbidly.  JJ didn’t answer, probably not wanting to upset you any further.  But your mood had already been ruined, and not even a serene bike ride could clear your cloudy thoughts.
You were so distracted by your disastrous talk with JJ that you failed to notice the fancy car parked outside your trailer when you got home.  Instead you just walked right through the door and into an ambush.
“Sunshine!”  Your dad stood in the middle of the living room, his smile plastered on so bright you took a minute to adjust.  Your mother was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter almost for support.  The look she gave you was full of sympathy, and you knew something bad was about to happen.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, skipping right over a greeting.  Your dad almost never came over to The Cut, and it was strange seeing his expensive appearance in such a run-down trailer.
“Here to see you, of course,” he answered cheerfully.  “I was just telling your mother about a dinner party I’m hosting at my place tonight.  You’re both welcome to come.”
Your mother’s smile was pinched.  “I have to work a double tonight,” she informed him.  “But Y/N would love to go.”
Oh, would I?  You wanted to strangle your mother for trying to force a relationship between you and your father.  You knew her intentions were good, but the man was insufferable.  After such a stressful few days, a dinner party with him might push you over the edge.
Working up the courage to speak, you said, “I really don’t think I can make it.  I’m super tired--”
“So take a nap!  It’s not till later tonight.”
Grimacing, you tried again.  “Well, Sarah might want to do something--”
“Sarah will be there!” he interrupted.  “It’s a joint dinner with Ward.  Sort of a double family affair.  All the Camerons will be there.”
This peaked your interest.  Trying to mask your surprise, you cleared your throat.  “Um, R-Rafe will be there?  And Sarah?” you added quickly to cover your tracks.
“Of course.  It’ll be fun, you’ve gotta come.”  Your father’s exuberance was almost annoying enough to make you refuse.  But the mere prospect of seeing Rafe again, and so soon, was tempting.  You didn’t know if you’d ever get another opportunity to be relatively alone with him.
Finally nodding, you consented.  “Okay, I’ll go.”
Your father’s eyes lit up.  “Great!  It’s a nice dinner party, so dress up a little.  I’ve got a new suit I’ve been dying to try out.”  You noticed your mother’s eye roll and stifled a smile.  Your father left shortly after, and you exhaled as you fell against the door.
“I can’t believe you let him in here,” you told your mother, and she chuckled.
“I almost thought about keeping the door locked.  But in all seriousness, Y/N, I want you and your father to spend time together.  We have joint custody, you know.”
Scowling, you grumbled, “He’s barely even a parent to me anymore.”  You didn’t say anything more before disappearing into your room.  Preparing for this dinner would be an all afternoon task, and you set to work figuring out what to wear.
After tearing through your closet and attempting several awful makeup looks, you finally settled on the winning look.  A thin-strapped, short white dress with vertical blue stripes and strappy sandals.  The dress highlighted your shoulders and collarbone, and the shoes made your legs look tan and toned.  Your tousled hair was thrown up into a bun that you hoped looked more put-together than it did in the mirror.  As for makeup, you merely swiped on some mascara and lipgloss and walked out the door.  The less dwelling you did on your appearance, the less terrified you’d be for the dinner.
The walk to Figure 8 was long but much-needed.  You needed to mentally prepare for what was to come.  First, putting up with your dad all night was bound to be a struggle.  Second, figuring out what Rafe was thinking and if he was really mad at you.  Third, and possibly most important, hiding your feelings about Rafe from Sarah.  You knew if she ever found out what you’d done with her brother, she’s be furious.  Somehow you had to get Rafe alone to talk.
Inhaling deeply as you approached the front door to your father’s house, you braced yourself for what was inside.  You only knocked twice before the door swung open, but it was Ward who greeted you.
“Well hello there, Y/N,” he said with a grin.  “Come on in; your dad’s almost done with the cooking.” 
You smiled tightly.  Your dad was an amazing cook, and your childhood was spent concocting the most fantastical recipes.  Your heart clenched at the memories, and as you entered the kitchen it all but stopped at the sight of Rafe.
He was leaning nonchalantly against the cupboards, arms crossed.  He wore a light blue suit complete with a dark bow-tie, looking clean and professional with his gelled hair and suave expression.  He glimpsed you, and his smirk faltered slightly.  You hoped it was because you looked good in your dress, and not because he was unhappy to see you.
“Y/N,” he said simply, tone unreadable.
“Rafe,” you responded, holding his gaze.  His blue eyes stayed locked on yours, but then Sarah breezed by and the moment ended.
“Thank God you’re here,” she told you.  “I’ve had to put up with dad jokes and Rafe all on my own.”  She sent her brother a glare, and Rafe’s distant smile made butterflies spiral into your stomach.
“Happy to be here,” you forced out.  Everyone gathered around the dining table, where a lavish array of food was already spread out.  Rafe sat across from you, Sarah to your left and your father at the head of the table with Ward beside his son.  You had no idea where to look since Rafe’s face was front and center.  
“I hope everything tastes good,” your father admitted, feigning humility.  “I haven’t cooked a full meal in forever.”
“It’s delicious,” Sarah commented.  Ward nodded and raised his fork in agreement.
Distracted by Rafe’s proximity, you failed to realize everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Honey?  What do you think?”  Your father sounded hopeful, and you knew he considered you his number one critic.
“It’s good,” you confirmed, but you hadn’t even touched your plate yet.  You pushed the food around with your fork, too nervous to eat.
“So, Rafe.  You’re not enrolled in college and you don’t have a job--what are you doing?” your father asked.  You knew he was trying to joke, but he was always one to make very blunt comments like this.  Rafe swallowed roughly, caught off guard by the forward question.
“Um...” he started, pushing a hand through his hair.  Once again it messed up the gel, and you bit your lip as a piece fell over his forehead.  “Trying to figure it all out, I guess,” he said with a small laugh.  “I like the idea of going into business, and a college degree isn’t necessarily a requirement.”
Your father considered this.  “Yeah, I guess you make a fair point.  Y/N here is definitely college-bound, aren’t you sunshine?”
With the attention on you now, you flushed.  “Er, I guess so.”
“You want to be an engineer, right sweetie?  You were always so obsessed with those building blocks as a kid.  I swear, she’ll design the next wonder of the world.”  He and Ward chuckled at this, and Sarah shot you a smile.  Rafe was regarding you closely, eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite decipher.
Since the beginning of dinner, tension had risen between you and the blue-eyed boy.  It was almost palpable, making it hard to breathe.  Whenever Rafe would move, you were acutely aware.  You sensed every smile, every ruffling of hair.  Whenever his eyes skimmed yours you felt electrified, and eventually you felt your cheeks grow warm.  You prayed Sarah wasn’t picking up on your change in mood, and attempted to calm your racing heartbeat.
“Do you have a country club membership yet, Y/N?” Ward asked you.  When you shook your head, he continued, “Gotta fix that, then.  It’s one of the best perks of this island.  We’ll get you a pass and then Rafe can show you around, since he knows it the best.”  He elbowed his son, who gave you a long, meaningful look.
“Sure.  I’ll do whatever she wants.”  The words were heated, and they made your lips part in surprise.  Rafe was bold with his choice of words, but fortunately only you had caught on to the innuendo.
“Oh, great!” your father responded.  “That would be fun.”
Sarah snorted.  “I’m sure hanging out with my brother is going to be loads of fun,” she joked, and you forced a chuckle to appease her.  Glancing up at Rafe, you met his amused expression with a blush.
Dinner was winding to a close, and everyone was bringing their plates to the kitchen.  Sarah’s phone rang, and she squealed as she went to answer it in the next room.  It was probably John B., and you knew she’d be occupied for at least half an hour.  Ward and your father were in an intense discussion about basketball brackets, so you and Rafe were on no one’s radar.
After leaving your empty plate in the sink, you turned to see Rafe striding down the hallway.  Eyes narrowing, you didn’t want to miss this chance.  So you rushed to catch up with him, surprising him by grabbing his arm and pulling him into the small bathroom just off the kitchen.
Once locked inside the tight space, you faced Rafe and folded your arms.  He mussed his hair and gazed down at you, taking in your appearance in the yellow fluorescent lighting.
“’I’ll do whatever she wants’,” you stated, one brow raised.  “Really, Rafe?  Way to be subtle.”
His smirk widened, and he brought one hand to the wall so you felt surrounded by his presence.  “It’s true.  Whatever you want, baby.”
You ignored the way his words made your legs press together, and you shook your head incredulously.  “You must be out of your mind.”
“Oh, I’m the one who’s out of my mind?  What was that shit with JJ on the boat yesterday?”
Smiling evilly, you twirled the end of your hair innocently.  “Saw that, did you?”
Rafe scoffed, jaw flexing as he controlled what you perceived to be as either anger or jealousy.  “Don’t bullshit me.  You wanted me to see it.”
Pursing your lips, you shrugged.  “I don’t know, I don’t really think of you that often, to be honest.”
At your challenging words, Rafe took a step forward and closed the minimal space between your bodies.  His head tilted down so you could stare deeply into his eyes, and the blue orbs had you captivated.
“Really?  So you haven’t been thinking about me?”  You shook your head.  “You haven’t been thinking about how good I made you feel?  How I had you calling my name into the night sky?”
Shivering, you closed your eyes and smiled.  “You’re quite proud of yourself for that, aren’t you?”
Rafe’s eyes sparkled.  “I made you crumble, Y/N.  That’s a pretty impressive feat if I do say so myself.”
All of the tension and nerves from the night culminated into bravery.  You channeled that energy into your next actions, refusing to let fear get in the way.
Grabbing his face, you brought Rafe’s lips down to yours.  He melted into the kiss immediately, and his hands wrapped around your back until your chests were crushed together.
You pushed your tongue against his, and Rafe groaned into your mouth.  Fingers holding his face against yours, you arched your body into his embrace.  Rafe gripped your shoulders, surely leaving marks on the delicate skin.  You moved your lips from his across his jaw and down to his neck, sucking and biting until he was breathing hard in your ear.
By now his back was pressed against the bathroom door, and you heard his fingers deftly turn the lock, ensuring no one would catch you.  Kissing down his collarbone, you expertly undid his bow-tie and started on the buttons to his shirt.
“You don’t like the suit?” Rafe joked, his voice gravelly as you kissed down the skin you steadily exposed with each pop of a button.  Pushing the suit and shirt off his shoulders, you smiled slyly up at him.
“I do.  I just like it better off.”  His eyes rolled back, a smile lighting up his face.  You were kneeling before him know, face level with his crotch.  You could already tell he was hard beneath his pants, and bit your lip before reaching out to undo his belt.
“Shit,” Rafe hissed, chest heaving with effort to control himself as you pulled his pants down.  Feeling across the front of his boxers, you gently squeezed his hard length and caused him to flinch.
Grinning, you slowly dragged your fingers across the waistband of his boxers, teasing him slightly.  Rafe was cursing under his breath, clearly hot and heavy and more than ready for you to actually touch him.  
You brought down the final layer of clothing until his cock sprang free.  He was rock hard, veins sticking out of the thick skin.  You were slightly shocked by his side, but didn’t hesitate before reaching out and taking it in your hand.
Rafe exhaled harshly, mouth open as he gazed down at you.  His eyes were dark with lust, pupils blown out from need.  Your breath washed over the tip of his cock, making him twitch in your hand.  
Tilting your head, you licked a long stripe up the side of his length.  The skin was warm and taught, and you licked around his tip which was already slick with pre-cum.  Closing your lips around the head, you hollowed out your cheeks and twisted your tongue against his hot member.
His hands were fisted by his sides, and you could tell he wanted to let out loud moans of pleasure.  You moved your mouth to take in more of him, almost reaching the hilt before his tip hit the back of your throat.  Rafe couldn’t resist, and a low moan left his lips.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, you whispered, “Shhh” before pressing a light kiss to his slit.  Rafe groaned, gripping his hair tightly as he tried to swallow his moans.
You moved your mouth up and down his length rhythmically, hands twisting at what you couldn’t reach.  Your fingers gently curled around his balls, and in combination with your mouth this caused a string of curses to escape his lips.
“Fuck,” he murmured when you took him particularly deep, cheeks hollowed out as you tightened your lips around him.  You worked him with your mouth and tongue for a minute longer, looking up at him through your lashes.
This look must have pushed him over the edge, because your name tumbled from his lips before his cock jerked, spurting out sticky liquid into the back your throat.
Working him down from his high, you kissed his hipbone before bringing his boxers and pants back up.  With a triumphant smirk, you got to your feet and put your hands on your hips.
Rafe was still breathing hard, but his expression was quizzical now.  “What does this mean?” he wondered, redoing his belt.  His hair was messed up severely now, and you desperately wanted to run your fingers through the silky strands.
In the haze of your lust for him, you hadn’t actually considered what this meant.  You hadn’t come tonight expecting to do this, but you didn’t exactly regret it either.  Frowning, you answered, “I have no idea.”
He looked closely at you, a small smile playing across his lips.  Rafe shrugged on his shirt and suit jacket, redoing the buttons while you watched.  You recalled your conversation before you kissed him, and added, “I just wanted to be even.  You made me crumble, and now I just made you crumble.  We’re square.”
Rafe narrowed his eyes at this.  A heartbeat passed, and then he grabbed you by the shoulders and ripped you towards him.  Your lips smashed together, and his tongue instantly battled with yours.  You moaned lightly, a hand resting against his chest.  His fingers held your face against his, passion seeping from his movements.  You were shocked by how electrified this kiss was, and when he finally broke it you could barely breathe.
Pushing a small lock of hair behind your ear, Rafe gazed deeply into your eyes.  “I don’t want to be even,” he whispered, and your mouth fell open in surprise.
But then he was unlocking the door and disappearing into the hallway, leaving you alone and confused, lips still tingling with the after-effects of his kiss.
~ ~ ~
taglist (strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you)
@prejudic3​ @afterglows7b-tch13​ @beeeee06​ @dysaneworld​ @we-are-all-lovely​ @luckypurpleunicorn @poguequeen​ @solko​ @freebiscuitdragonbear @sunflowerkxsses​ @tembo-ndoto​ @justcallmesams​ @theworldofimagines​ @rafescameron​ @jjs-housekeeping​ @spencereidbasis​ @sexytholland​ @odelia-d32 @ayybecca 
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photolover82 · 3 years ago
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 3: Time to meet Group B! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello fellow humans! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I recap and talk about this show called The Masked Singer if you wanna stick around for that. So, this time around, we get to meet the other group, Group B, who we might not see again for 2 weeks, since we are going to see group A perform again this upcoming week with a new wildcard, Pepper. Anyways, let’s get started with the recap:
Group B was introduced and they consisted of Dalmatian đŸ¶, Queen of Hearts đŸ«€, Mallard 🩆, Cupcake 🧁, and Banana Split 🍌🍩. They performed, and one was eliminated unfortunately, let’s start with that

So the contestant that was eliminated/revealed first in Group B was:
Dalmatian đŸ¶
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Performance Commentary: ok, so I wasn’t super surprised by this elimination honestly, I expected it since he was the weakest vocally of this group. He sang Beautiful by Snoop Dogg ft Pharrell Williams and I gotta give him props for actually singing when most rappers just decide to only rap and not sing at all on this show. However, he did sound a bit like they put way too much of that auto tune stuff on his voice so it sounded like a robot him singing, which kinda made him the weakest link. However, his rapping was awesome (duh because that’s what he does professionally
 and btw not spoiling who he is with that comment because when you hear the performance, you’ll know 100% it’s a rapper)
And he was revealed to be

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Omg I knew it!! Thank you Twitter for helping me out, y’all are the best. I thought at first it might have been Chance the Rapper but then people started saying Tyga and I was like hmmm lemme see the clues, yup makes sense, well great segue (segway) Ana because imma show you some of the clues you might have missed:
Scream Poster= he was in the Scream series
Cat Doll= play on words because his name is Tyga (like Tiger
 man these producers are really into puns, it’s kinda clever tho)
Was discovered by a big player= in 2007, he started doing mixtapes and he was discovered by Travie McCoy who offered him a record deal
Now, that we have that out of the way, let’s get into our remaining contestants (big warning: this group has left me all types of confused when it comes to guesses so I apologize if my arguments aren’t perfect with some of these):
1. Cupcake 🧁
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Performance: This performance is so confusing to me. Idk if this is a man or woman, sometimes I think woman with deep voice and other times I am like no that’s a man. So I don’t know about this one, it’s a very good performance of Heat Wave by Martha and the Vandellas but I need to hear more because I am confused. I am in between a specific man or a specific woman but I am not sure so unfortunately for this one I don’t have a guess
Sorry y’all no guess for this one :(
 hopefully, next time they perform I will have a better idea*
*(I will say the guess I am leaning towards that a few people have said *just in case the cupcake leaves next* is Ruth Pointer from the Pointer Sisters because there were supposed to be multiple cupcakes and not just one, and in the PKG, cupcake said they were used to being in a group)
2. Banana Split 🍌🍩
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Performance: They were 1000% my favorite performance of the night even though only Split/Ice Cream sang A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman. She is amazing, I absolutely love her, she has that iconic Broadway sound that I absolutely adore. Just her singing this makes me so confident on who she is omg I’m stoked!
Having said that, I am so positive, like way too certain none of y’all will convince me otherwise like Todrick level confidence they are

Katherine McPhee and David Foster
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Ok, so you guys are probably like “Ana, how can you be so sure if the damn banana didn’t even sing a note, he just played the piano?!” Well, my friends, you have a point, but I know who she is and honestly I don’t even care if I am wrong ab him (I won’t know for sure until he sings a note) but HER I am absolutely positive
.and they are a married couple and the banana has heart eyes so in my head it makes sense with the clues too, but before I go to the clues, I have a funny story on how I know who Ms. Katherine McPhee is
 so like I was watching this performance and was like omg her voice Sound so familiar! Where have I heard her before?! This is driving me nuts
 And then I saw people on YouTube saying that it’s them and I was like wait Katherine McPhee that name sounds so familiar. Then I looked her up and I found out that I knew who she was because I randomly watched a show on Netflix called Country Comfort (which side note: LeAnn Rimes or the Sun from Season 4 guest starred on that show and LeAnn’s husband stars in it
 so connection there?), which to explain the show briefly it’s literally the Nanny but with country music and in TennesseeïżŒ instead of NY. Anyways, she sang a lot on that show and it clicked, I was like BINGO OMG THAT IS HER IT CANNOT BE ANYONE ELSE (similar to how I felt about Todrick being the bull when I saw that damn sneak peak performance). Anyway ya, that was unnecessarily long, now onto the clues:
She left school to move to the city= she attended Boston Conservatory for 3 semesters and left to move to LA to try out for TV pilots
Thought she got her big break, but it wasn’t it= she got an MTV soap opera plot but it never made it to air
Collaborator who sticks with me through sweet and sour= they have known each other ever since she was on the 5th season of American Idol in 2006 and their collaboration is that he is a music producer and she sings (on American Idol, he would play the piano while she sang
 does this sound familiar to you guys yet? Ringing any bells? If not, rewatch the performance Banana Split did)
3. Queen of Hearts đŸ«€
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Performance: She sang Born This Way by Lady Gaga and I already knew she was going to be good, but this was like Black Swan all over again. This beginning song wasn’t the best for her voice, but she had fun and she did the damn thing. Closest Lady Gaga singing impression I’ve seen, but I am positive it ain’t Lady Gaga. Also, she slayed that ending.
Ok, so I am not too sure about this guess but after a bit of research and voice matching, I think it might be

Jewel (the singer, not an actual jewel)
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Again I say, with a bit of research, I feel like she’s the closest guess I can give you guys especially matching the singing voices, but let’s look at the clues:
Grew up in a house that lacked warmth= she grew up in Alaska (born in Utah)
Tin man from Wizard of Oz= she played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True in 1995
Hilary Swank photo= Swank has a dog named Jewel (when I read this I laughed, wow Masked Singer really?! 😂😂)
4. Mallard 🩆
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Performance: This performance was not my cup of tea tbh, it was real deep country which is not my jam at all. The song title says it all: Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) by Big & Rich. Like it was great no lie, but like I just don’t really enjoy that kinda music so it wasn’t for me.
Again, this one is a shot in the dark guess but I am gonna stick with it and it is the one I am leaning towards voice wise:
Willie Robinson (yes the guy from Duck Dynasty)
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Ok, so again hear me out, this might sound stupid (and half of me thinks it is) but it kinda makes sense in a strange way especially looking at the clues:
Surrounded by dollar bills= Duck Dynasty merch raised a ton of bills
Photo of Chris Pratt= they worked together and became friends filming Jurassic World in 2014
Platinum Album= Has a certified platinum album “Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas” (I can’t believe this one, I was pretty surprised)
Anyways, that’s it! I can’t wait to see Group A next week.. again yeah but with Pepper this time so woohoo another Wildcard. I just hope we can see more of Group B too because it feels like too much of Group A is being seen. Anyways, see y’all next week with the recap for tomorrow’s episode! Bye guys! Remember to do all the social media things! Like, comment, follow me for more, all of that đŸ‘‹đŸŒ
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