#estarossa imagine
animeyanderelover · 1 year
1: Could you please do yandere headcanons for Tanjiro, Muzan, Inosuke, Rengoku and Giyu
2: Yandere headcanons for Meliodas, Ban, King, Gilthunder, Zeldris, Gloxinia and Estarossa
More Seven Deadly Sins stuff. Perfect!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, overprotective behavior, clinginess, touchiness, delusions, stalking, guilt-tripping, sabotage, blackmailing, threatening, abduction, violence, death
Yandere Seven Deadly Sins Hc’s
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🐲Whilst Meliodas has certainly mellowed out after his darkest days of being the leader of the Ten Commandments, that doesn't mean that he has become a truly good person. Meliodas is very possessive over his darling and whilst that might not always be obvious because of the smile he keeps on his face and his softer facade, he scares away anyone who can pose a threat to his darling or the relationship he plans to have with them. Additionally to that he is also very protective over his darling, especially if they are a normal citizen. He's witnessed brutality and war and whilst that didn't even bother him a slightest bit during his days as the heir to the demon throne, he has gone through a lot of change and even imagining that you might get harmed in any way manages to fill him with wrath true to the sin he represents. It's just unfortunate that Meliodas overdoes it with his protective feelings which is also to blame on his wish that he's the only one you rely on.
🐲His frankness is one of his most outstanding traits in both verbal and physical matters so Meliodas is very clingy and touchy with his darling. He constantly wants you with him and if his possessiveness gets the better of him, you're forced to endure his extreme affection. You might view him as a bit naive and the other sins certainly tend to think that way about him sometimes too but Meliodas uses a surprising amount of manipulation and guilt-tripping around you to coax you into accepting him and his obsessive antics. He knows how people tend to see him if they don't know who he is and he takes a certain advantage of that image you might have of him since it's quintessential for him to not have you be scared of him the moment you do find out who he really is. He'll also put his foot down quite firmly the moment you do something he doesn't want you to do because despite his excessive doting on you at times. The Sin of Wrath tends to be strict when you don't listen to something he clearly forbids you to do.
🐲His possessive side shows itself strongly in moments of jealousy. As soft and merciful as he might have grown, Meliodas is fully ready to revert back to a bit of the darker aspects of his personality from back then when it comes to you. Thinking about you with someone else makes him feel sick, feels like a stab in his heart since his darling is the most precious thing in his life and his greatest source of happiness. I'd actually credit him as being more possessive than jealous, he just overall dislikes it when someone takes you for themselves and he's left out but he can swallow it down as long as you make up for it later on. Luckily Meliodas tends to be more rational and merciful or it would be a nightmare for you and everyone who causes him to get irked. Meliodas knows his own limits though and if enough is enough he will put himself between you and the other person and tell them very frankly with a bit of a strained smile to leave and in case of them doing something that gets under his skin, he will shoot them a dark glare that would put most people back in their places.
🐲I think TC Meliodas would be a menace, Seven Deadly Sins Meliodas is in comparison softer and more reasonable. That doesn't have to make much of a difference though since he can revert back anytime to his older and far more ruthless self when someone is a threat to his darling. He's capable of expressing extreme rage when someone harms you in which case he will wipe everything in his nearest surroundings to pieces as he turns shortly into the terrifying demon he once was. Admittedly, Meliodas gives someone a very clear warning and by all means, it should be quite obvious judging by the colder look in his eyes that he intends to grow violent if the person he's adressing doesn't heed his warning. If this isn't sufficient enough, Meliodas won't feel guitly for any action he takes after as he believes himself to be in the justified position. He made it painfully clear what would happen if they wouldn't stay away so this is the fault of the by now probably dead or at least terribly wounded person for not listening.
🐲You have it coming one way or another with Meliodas even if the guy prefers to have the impression that you two live together because of mutual desire. You're already spending so much time with him in his tavern together with Hawks because he asks you constantly to help him out and the question if you want to live together with him permanently appears very soon. His face falls shortly when you reject him although he quickly masks this flood of displeasure behind his grinning facade and gives you a nod but he is far from fine. You can reject him the first, the second and maybe even the third time but eventually you won't be able to get his more and more strained smile anymore as a reply and are instead met with a blank face and normally shining green eyes staring at you sternly with a darker gaze. Even if an abduction against your will isn't what he would have preferred, Meliodas will do it if he gains the impression that you do not wish to be with him like he wants to be with you.
🐲If you do work for him in the tavern, you'll probably take the position of the cook. You most likely know firsthand from the abomination he cooks himself and prefer to prepare dishes yourself since they are at least eatable so you might as well save others from consuming whatever he creates from a pan and a pot. Meliodas himself would prefer it if you would stay in the kitchen and away from all the visitors who come to eat, drink and have a good time since it wouldn't do well if he would notice even one of them staring at you or even attempting to flirt with you. Once you have seen behind the mask of the green-eyed male and have realized how terrifying he really is, it's by a long shot too late to escape him anymore. Meliodas, whilst trying to avoid frightening you even more, lets his more scary side slip if you attempt something stupid and one good glare from him is most of the time already enough to cause you to break out in cold sweat.
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🦊Ban is someone who is very passionate, the man decides his course of action after whatever the hell catches his interest at the time. His interest happens to be you for a while where he starts staying in the town where you live to spend time with you, tease you and flirt with you. You don't take it that seriously and quite honestly, neither does Ban at first. What you estimated to be a week or at best two weeks of him staying turns into months though and there is a worrying increase of the tall male monopolizing your time more and more. He's incredibly clingy and always hangs around you, not embarrassed or shy at all to even mingle under your friends who are collectively frightened and amazed by him. His eyes are only on you though as soon as he sees you and he isn't afraid to completely ghost your own friends and ignore them in order to spend more time with you and similar to Meliodas, he's very touchy and affectionate with you.
🦊Ban has gone through some shit in his past already and this has marked him and is the biggest reason for his very overprotective tendencies. He makes a fuss over even the small stuff when it comes to his darling and babies them nearly just as bad as Meliodas tends to do. The thief is nearly just as possessive as he is overprotective, he has no tolerance when it comes to his darling having any other s/o besides him and considering that he is the Sin of Greed, he decides to stay true to this as he is selfish when it comes to his lover. Now, there are moments where he feels a bit guilty for the way he's acting around you and scares others away which mainly happens when he sees how strongly it affects you in which case he tries to hold a bit back. Most of the time he shrugs his clearly obsessed antics easily off though as he deems your safety and the guarantee that you stay with him and love him as more important than any morally right actions.
🦊Considering that this man is almost always a mere two steps away from you and hugs you and smooches you out of nowhere, a lot of misunderstandings are bound to happen which the tall male obviously enjoys. If someone is approaching you, they might want to think twice with the 6'11 immortal man trailing right behind you. He's quite literally your looming shadow and stares with sharp red eyes at anyone who talks to you, especially if they are strangers he doesn't know of yet. If someone starts flirting or intends to ask you out, he won't have any of the bullshit. He's literally pushing you behind him and stares the other person literally and metaphorically down with a smirk on his face. That alone is already quite a bit scary and his condescending comments aren't helping this. Why would his darling want to go out with someone who is already looking like they might piss themselves right now? A coward won't be able to keep you safe and provide for you after all.
🦊Ban sees himself almost as lenient since he threatens people to stay away from you for good if he knows that they cause you stress or torment you in any way. Anything that might harm you physically or emotionally will be removed from your life. Well, except him of course. You only deserve the best after all and Ban is intend on giving you this. His morals are clearly not intact though as Ban is the type who will delude himself into wholeheartedly believing that murdering someone is the right thing to do if they've harmed you and didn't listen to his warning. Your safety and well-being matters more to him than one or two lowly humans lives anyways so he will lock away all possible guilt he will feel when slaughtering them. The closest he will come to actually feeling guilty is if you still react devastated even if whoever he killed hurt you.
🦊He doesn't really have a place to stay when he meets you so it happens more than just once that he invites himself over into your own house and makes himself comfortable like a cat in your place. The thought of having a domestic life with you definitely is on his mind though and that is what leads him to searching for a new place where he can move in with you, hopefully. Ban really wants this to be consensual too since he would feel the closest to being a bad person if he abducts his darling and they would end up being terrified of him which would only hurt both parties in the end. He's often attempting to sweet-talk and coax you into moving in with him as soon as you two are an official couple, promises you to make you happy and take care of you. An abduction might happen if you are either mortally wounded and he gets completely paranoid or you end up wanting to leave him in which case you will be knocked out by him.
🦊Generally talking, Ban hates being strict with you or scaring you in any way since the fearful look in your eyes and the tears that fall hurt him. All he really wants to do is dote on his s/o and adore them with everything he can. He's a superb cook and knows that so he definitely takes pride in the fact that you love his meals so much. Loves to cuddle and kiss the daylight out of you and sometimes he just does it for the sole purpose of flustering and annoying you a bit. He's a huge tease so if he realizes that any of his flirts words result in your face heating up, he will continue with his playful assault although he will stop it if he notices that you're about to ge genuinely angry. His darling is going to be smaller than him in most cases and if the height difference is very big, he'll definitely enjoy it to just randomly pick them up and twirl them around. His darling is his light and he genuinely thinks dying would be better than living without them. He's immortal and his darling most likely is human so Ban will most likely use his blood, essentially the Fountain of Youth, to prolong their life as he is too selfish to let death take them away.
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🐻The Fairy King Harlequin holds great affection and love for his darling but his biggest problem is that he has such a hard time admitting this. It should be fairly obvious to someone who observes him even for a little bit that he loves his darling dearly and believe me when I tell you that King wants to tell you everything. He has tried in fact multiple times so but every time you look him in the eyes, he gets far too flustered, his face turns pink and his brain suddenly stops functioning as he gets all of a sudden hit by a wave of self-doubts. He gets depressed every time he has failed once again as all he seems to be able to do is just watching over you. He stalks you a lot, is often levitating around somewhere with a soft smile on his face when he watches you going on about your day. When other members of the Seven Deadly Sins point out that he's probably being a bit creepy by watching you as often as he does without you knowing about it, he gets all defensive and denies their words as he claims that he's only watching out for you.
🐻Whilst Meliodas and Ban don't really care for the wrongness of their love, King is someone who slips more into the completely delusional area as he has never considered any of his thoughts or feelings as wrong. He is probably just too overwhelmed to do so, the only thing he knows is that he loves you to death and would do anything to see you smile and be the one who makes you happy. King is very obsessive as all he does is stalking you and by extention of that also watching you a lot. He remembers even small things about you and keeps everything in mind which results in you often receiving anonymous gifts from someone who seems to know which flowers and things you love and prefer. His heart is always pounding in his chest when you show others the gifts and gush about your secret admirer. King grows quite clingy himself once he is your lover although he only does it when you two are alone. He loves being lazy together with his darling and cuddles a lot with them.
🐻King tends to be insecure at times and that is especially bad when he sees his darling with someone. Now he is not someone really possessive and petty as your happiness is from utmost importance to him but he gets particularly anxious when he thinks that you admire the person, be that for their looks and body which would be especially bad for him if he still hasn't developed his wings at that time, or for their charm and courage. All he really can do is stand awkwardly behind you and watch you interacting with them, unaware how and when he can interrupt this conversation. You are bound to notice him at one point as he gets very fidgety. It happens at times that there is a short boost of bluntness and courage when someone flirts with you or asks you out, something he feels only moments later a bit embarrassed about.
🐻King is probably one of the more harmless and merciful Yandere as he is compassionate and, most of the time, very kind. He's maybe only at times a bit too overbearing with his protective feelings which steams from the fact that he lost his sister already once in the past and also wasn't able to protect his forest and all the fairies living in it. Such events are a reason why he lost confidence in himself but it also stirs this slight paranoia that he can't fail you too. He dislikes killing in general but it doesn't mean that he won't do it at all if it's for the sake of protecting his darling and even if he doesn't look like it, King is incredibly strong and underestimating him might turn out to be a deadly mistake. Terrified to traumatize his darling though, he attempts to never let them see or even know when he goes with such drastic violence.
🐻As the Fairy King, it's unavoidable for King to go at one point back to his forest and when that time comes, he's begging his darling to come with him. He wouldn't be able to bear the distance and if you say 'no', he might be upset and saddened to the point of crying a bit. He doesn't want to force you though so he would still accept. He'd be miserable though as soon as he's alone and Gerheade and Elaine realize that and most likely try to get in contact with you and try to convince you to at least visit King to soothe him a bit. By all means, he's not neglecting his duty as the Fairy King but both notice that he's quite depressed and all the other fairies do too so they all most likely support King. When you do come to visit, all fairies end up trying to convince you that staying in here would be wonderful, show you the most beautiful places to let you see how beautiful their home is. If you decide to stay with King in the forest, he'll give you everything he can provide you with out of sheer love and happiness.
🐻His Heart Reading actually makes him quite terrifying since it allows him to read someone's true thoughts and feelings and after awakening his true potential, this ability of his only grows stronger. He feels guilty about invading your privacy though so he often tries to not read anything from you although he won't deny that when he feels insecure or paranoid about something, he might glance a little bit into your thoughts and feelings to ease his worries. He feels a lot of pride every time he sees how amazed you are with his forest and makes sure to always show you the prettiest places. He doesn't like leaving you alone for long but he feels less scared since he knows that people like Gerheade, Elaine and literally every fairy in the forest will always look out for you and protect you if something or someone should threaten you.
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⚡️You certainly do get a lot of jealous looks from other women whenever the handsome knight is walking with you, insists that he helps you in your ordinary and mundane life as much as he can. Be that by buying groceries for you or just walking you home, you just have to ask and the sweet man will help you to the best of his abilities. This daily behavior of his already reveals two of Gilthunder's traits which are his clinginess and his desire to protect his darling. The Holy Knight adores his darling and spends nearly every minute that isn't spend on honing his swordmanship with them. His friends tease him when they catch him spacing out with a dreamy smile on his face as his thoughts wander immediately to his sweet darling and not being able to see his sweetheart for a few days stirs up visible distress inside the man. Due to him not only being a knight but also the lover of you, Gil also sees it as his daily duty to protect you from all potential harm and whilst that doesn't have to escalate, the man is very doting to you just in general.
⚡️Gilthunder is also more or less semi-aware at best. He realizes and acknowledges with a little bit of sadness inside of his heart that you might not see him as your lover yet but is weirdly positive at times that he will be able to charm his way into your heart. This delusional streak is unstable at times though, mainly when he feels a bit down or finds out that there is someone you apparently fancy a lot. He's not looking very threatening and acts in general very sweet around his darling so that can be the potential way for him to eventually manipulate his s/o a lot. I don't think that he is necessarily someone who is fond of actively playing mindgames with you as he hates lying to you unless he thinks that it is needed. What he does is coaxing you into letting him help you a lot though although he respects it when you want to do something alone.
⚡️He knows that a lot of people often ask you what your relationship with the Holy Knight is and he knows just as much that a lot of them believe that he would be a great lover to you. He feels as flattered as proud when he overhears someone talking about how good of a husband he would be for you and he dearly hopes that you, even if just secretly, think the same. He isn't someone to monopolize you or needs to know with whom you spend your time with when he isn't there as he trusts you enough with that. He's probably prone to react jealous when someone is very presistent to get you to talk with them, throws glances at you more than just once or starts flirting with you. He can swallow one or two comments or glances down and ignore it but if someone is very insistent, he starts feeling annoyed. The worst you have seen him is when someone flatters you and courts you even though you already are with him at that time in which case jealousy and disbelief manage to make his blood boil a bit as he storms over with clenched fists.
⚡️He's a kind soul and not likely to kill someone, at least not without a valuable reason. Gilthunder, with his more protective feelings, will still be quite stern and strict as soon as someone does as much as mutter an insult about you. In his eyes his darling deserves all the love and respect and he will go against anyone who will treat his lover differently. If someone already gives him bad vibes, he instantly shields you behind him, especially if he realizes that they make you feel uncomfortable, and does all the talking. Less the type to attack and only defend, even if he should get into a fight he tries to stop the person without killing them although he might be particularly rough with his lightning magic in hopes to have them realize that they just aren't a match for him. Similar to King though just because he doesn't prefer killing doesn't mean that he'll never be capable of doing it. Setting him off by wounding his lover and not even feeling any regret about it, worst case scenario laughing about it, provokes unusual rage inside of him in which case he will deem that person as someone he has to kill.
⚡️Doesn't really strike me as the type who would kidnap his darling which is also partially because of his half-aware tendencies. He is counting himself as lucid enough to know that forcing you into a life with him wouldn't make you happy and might even lead you to despise the man in front of you. Gil's heart most likely would shatter if that were to happen and he wants the delusion in his head where the both of you are a loving and married couple to become true under all means necessary. Considering his sweet and attentive behavior around you and all the attention he showers you with, it isn't even that far stretched to assume that you might accept him and have an almost normal relationship with him. He's most likely loved by your family and by your friends just as much so they would definitely appreciate him as your husband too.
⚡️Gilthunder is almost normal with his behavior, maybe a tad bit too sweet and obsessive but most people just gush over him and the way he treats his darling with such love and such care. When he's first forced to join the Holy Knights, it's his darling who ends up being imprisoned and he has to hunt down the Seven Deadly Sins in order to ensure that no harm comes your way. He feels terrible about this since he admires Meliodas so much but is left with no choice since you might be harmed otherwise which causes him to act even colder and more ruthless. Whenever he has the chance to see you, all he can do is swallow down everything as both of you know that he's being watched although the way he grasps your hand tightly in his own through the grids and the way his thumb brushes over your palm tells you that he's silently telling you that everything will be fine. After Meliodas has freed him, he's breaking down the door to your cell and just embraces you, on the verge of tears after he had to constantly fear for your life and promises you through a lot of sweet kisses that he'll never let anything happen to you again.
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◾️Between the two demon brothers, Zeldris seems like the better choice but that doesn’t have to mean incredibly much when we’re talking about Yandere. He’s certainly lucid enough about his own feelings and differently from his older brother, he doesn’t just ignore all of this. Zeldris struggles with that aspect of his emotions and this all is even worse since his darling happens to be a human. He’s well aware that you might not see him in such a good light since he’s a demon even if he is nothing like he used to be during his times in the TC. Zeldris probably refuses to seek you out at first but to his huge shame he ends up finding himself stalking his darling since there is an almost irrational feeling of fear stuck deep inside his core when he doesn’t know what they’re doing at the moment. He shares the same possessive feelings as his brother though and whilst he might be initially not someone who goes out of his way to meet you, he’s sure to remove anyone who dares to court you.
◾️Zeldris is also quite protective of his darling and that is partially fueled because they’re human. Differently from Meliodas, he doesn’t tend to completely underestimate you. He’d be happy if you would rely on him but also respects most of the time that you aren’t a completely weak person either. The younger demon brother finds himself being quite flustered about the aspect of being overly affectionate in front of people and even in private, much to his great dismay. As someone who puts more importance into personal choice and boundary, unlike Meliodas, he isn’t quite as overbearing and exhausting as his brother unless he has a good reason to be. His darling influences him in a good way too as he finds himself turning more open and honest around them although he’ll still lie and manipulate them at times. He tends to give in to his possessive and more entitled side after all.
◾️He’s shown to be rather patient and composed and deep down he’ll deny the emotion of jealousy. He’s rather confident in himself and his abilities, knows that he could eradicate someone within seconds. There’s no need for him to feel threatened or jealous. Precisely because of this he finds himself trying to ignore the small jabs that he feels all over his skin at times when he sees you interacting very closely with someone. He’s never dealt with such a situation before and his older self would have probably just threatened both darling and companion but he won’t do that for now. He certainly feels more antagonistic about such people though, especially if this isn’t a one-time thing and is not above mocking and taunting someone when his patience crumbles. Don’t let it escalate further though since Zeldris will start threatening someone with a dark glare to stay away before dragging you away from them, indifferent to what you want in that moment.
◾️He’s relapsing on his cool side when it comes to you at times seen in his jealous response but nothing could make it more obvious than when his s/o is in danger. Zeldris is rather overprotective as it is already so if someone hurts you or even threatens to do so, that’s basically already a death sentence. He doesn’t take any bullshit at all and is dead serious. Zeldris is additionally someone who doesn’t hold back against his opponents so it’s a guaranteed kill the moment he attacks someone and no one will be able to stop him. Similar to many others, he won’t really feel guilt if he kills someone as he’s categorized them as a threat for you in his mind and for that they have to be gone. If he’s kind enough to give a warning, they should really take it to heart. Well, it’s too late now.
◾️Your personal choice matters but there’s a limit to that when it comes to Zeldris and his possessive personality. To your luck he himself needs time to make that decision for himself when he feels comfortable enough with it as he needs his time to grow fully accustomed to the situation and his feelings. Additionally he is almost a bit hesitant to ask you about it, still worried that you might not want to live permanently together with him which wouldn’t do well for his feelings. He can probably deal with quite a few rejections though as personal choice matters for him and he does attempt to lead a more genuine relationship with you. But that doesn’t mean that this can drag on forever since he will question at one point how much you love him if you keep on saying no. If you leave him or are targeted in any way, Zeldris will also resort to an abduction without as much patience as he normally has.
◾️In a strange way he’s almost a bit endearing when it comes to the relationship. He tries to hide it but it’s obvious that he at times doesn’t know how to deal with you or the relationship. Zeldris keeps his feelings and his attraction, even the relationship, more secretive most of the times so only a few will know. Meliodas is obviously included and loves teasing his younger brother about it. Zeldris grows with time more accustomed to everything though as he learns to fully embrace his feelings, expresses his affection and excitement openly for you. He’d prefer living in a more quiet and peaceful environment with his darling when they decide to live together with him, without too much visitors aside from your family and his own brother. Whilst Zeldris finds himself being more lenient, he can be just as strict and restricting with his darling and that would be the worst when they betray him in any way, shape or form since it took longer for him to accept his own feelings for a human and since he tried to be as understanding and respectful with them as possible.
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🦋Gloxinia is anything but harmless and that is mainly because he holds a deep grudge against your kind due to their betrayal in Stigma and his false belief that his sister was killed by humans. That’s what causes an inner clash of emotions in the former Fairy King as his resentment and his blooming obsession are two polar opposite emotions. He rejects his darling as good as he can but ultimately he can’t settle peacefully unless he knows that they are somewhere near him. His hatred causes him to be surprisingly sadistic though even if he has a rather upbeat personality. It’s like he takes his pain and resentment, all his conflict, out on you. You’re completely isolated from everyone you love as he taunts and mocks you for your weakness, threatens and intimidates you and even uses his Heart Reading against you. You’re not able to keep anything a secret from him thanks to this and he uses this shamelessly to his advantage as he manipulates you. Gloxinia knows that he’s cruel but his deep loathing doesn’t let him act rational.
🦋Eventually he just decides to keep his darling with him as he accepts that he’s too possessive to let them leave him otherwise. It doesn’t mean that he’s going to be nice but having you is enough for him. Any of the other sins are kept away from you though, only Drole is allowed near you as Gloxinia doesn’t trust any of the other demons. Drole seems to note the inner conflict of his friend and the suffering he causes you so he actually attempts to talk to the fairy. Gloxinia rejects his suggestions though as he continues to deny his feelings. Humans killed everything he held dear, he can’t be in love with one. His true emotions sometimes slip out though as he reverts back to his comedic and caring personality where he looks at you as if you’re the prettiest flower in the world, wants to play some childish game like hide and seek with you or plays with your hair, sometimes even asks you if you’d like to do his hair. He backs off and disappears for a while when he snaps out of it though, shocked and flustered with the situation that just unfolded.
🦋Gloxinia hasn’t considered the feeling of jealousy before as he never had such a situation to deal with. Initially he doesn’t believe it to be jealousy either if he should ever catch you with his abilities longing for someone else or thinking of someone in a romantic sense. The heart never lies after all and there is a bitter feeling boiling inside the pit of his stomach, one he doesn’t pay too much attention to at first. When he eventually realizes his own feelings for you, even if he tries to convince himself that it isn’t true, he also learns that he’s in fact terribly jealous of those you fancy, especially if you should have a love interest. That’s when bitterness gets mixed up with a stinging pain that he can’t be the one you long for even if he knows that at this rate you’d never see him as anything else than a monster. At the same time Gloxinia doesn’t want you to know either as he’s paranoid that you’ll betray him and use his kindness just like your kind did 3000 years ago. He won’t risk the same mistake twice.
🦋Gloxinia is almost merciless as he has no problems hurting you, even if not too severely, or others. His sadistic personality since joining the demons shines through in moments like this although luckily they don’t happen too often. He sees no reason to slaughter senselessly due to his darling being almost always with him and no contact besides really him and Drole. He often keeps you in line by telling you what might happen if you ever try to escape him and if you’re smart, you won’t do anything like this. There truly doesn’t appear to be a problem for the fairy at first as he stays true to his words if you do anything like running away in which case he destroys anything around you, even killing. As time passes by, Gloxinia mellows out though and with that comes a more compassionate and caring side of his which, whilst still anything from harmless, is more merciful.
🦋He is part of the TC and for that has no morals left at first. Gloxinia is for that the type to abduct his darling in the earliest stages and it’s terrifying. Even if he looks girlish and not threatening like some of the other Commandments, the difference in power alone has you realizing soon that you can’t run, not to mention his powerful aura that has you breaking out in sweat. The chance to escape is slim, not without him wrecking havoc and knowing that even your feelings and thoughts aren’t safe from him has you falling into despair. You’re either locked up somewhere and guarded by his flower dolls or he spends personally time with you, his black eyes never leaving you. His Spirit Spear Basquias tends to wrap itself around your body if you stray off to far away from his taste. Keeping you out of sight of anyone besides Drole is a conscious choice though as he still dislikes demons even if all of them know of his prisoner at one point.
🦋He reverts back to his old personality with time, especially after meeting the new Fairy King and learning from him. It comes with a lot of guilt for his actions against you though as he truly realizes how terrible he’s been to his darling. He immediately sets them free, apologizes to the best of his abilities even if he knows that this won’t cut it for them. Gloxinia stays in your life though, even if you don’t know it yet as he starts stalking you, unable to fully leave you alone. The fairy is depressed even if he stays cheerful and outgoing when in the company of others. He’s ruined everything for himself by turning to the demon clan and traumatizing you after all. He grows very protective over you now even if that isn’t enough to atone for what he’s done to you, helps you secretly however he can to make your life as easy and good as possible. With nothing holding him back from his feelings now, Gloxinia grows more obsessive though and only time will show if that might end in another drama for you, sweetheart.
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🔲Estarossa might appear quite relaxed and even aloof but honestly, he's quite unstable mentally and even if he doesn't show it at first, darling will eventually notice the rather alarming and frightening signs. He's deeply stuck in his obsession and whilst he might deem his s/o initially as weak because they're human, once something has struck him and led him down the road of downfall, he'll simply stop caring. Considering the fact that his Commandment is eating slowly away his mind and he is due to that emotionally and mentally damaged, Estarossa is an individual who is on the more delusional side. It seems just so unbelievable that the son of the Demon King fell in love with a human that it makes only sense in his mind that there lies something more behind that which is why he declares you to be his soulmate of sorts. No comments and pleads can get through him either as he merely labels you as naive and yet unaware that you two are destined to love each other. His delusion of you being his soulmate only drives his possessive attributes on and is one of the times where you start seeing how mentally broken he really is.
🔲Initially a rather composed and quite calm man, as time passes by and his commandment starts eating him away, he grows overly paranoid. Everything that may turn your attention away from him is instantly seen as a threat as he does his best to retrieve your thoughts to him. At times he is excessive to express his love to you, does his best to ignore all your protest and clear signs of displeasure as he starts grasping tighter and tighter onto his delusion that you two are meant to be which is at one point his sole pillar of stableness. Whilst he might initially allow Zeldris to see you and even boasts about you, his soulmate, in front of his brother, at one point only the tall man will be the one to solely see you as he grows more and more unhinged and in return all the more paranoid. He starts becoming incredibly demanding as he grows tired of your refusal and at one point you have to fear for the lives in your village as he starts thinking that you may just grow to accept him if he eradicates everyone who holds you back from the realization that will set you free. That you were destined to love him.
🔲You never really see at first how deeply jealous Estarossa grows to be, or probably has already been, in the beginning. He keeps a calm smile around you, constantly reassures you that he'll protect you and won't let anyone harm you and dotes on you. You yearn for those who are unaware what happened to you, at times lament about the situation you're in yet the male demon seems fairly unbothered by it. Or that's what you at least thought at first. Time passes by and you notice that he seems to spend more time with you, always talks to you or does something to turn your attention back to him when he notices that you're spaced out and with your thoughts somewhere else. At first it's not as bad albeit you perceive it as annoying since he starts invading your private space too much, something he hasn't done before to such an extent. Then it grows worse and worse though until it becomes unbearable for you as Estarossa starts overthinking and becomes highly paranoid.
🔲You know that he kills people as it is and whilst Estarossa is at the beginning, where he still has some screws in the right place, reasonable enough to not confront you with death and his crimes since he sees you as a rather fragile person, the more his mental health deterioates, the more you are confronted with the topic of death. Estarossa grows extremely violent and hostile to about anybody as he can't stop thinking and also feeling irrationally threatened by everyone who is around him when it comes to your affection and admiration. Even Zeldris experiences this at one point as Estarossa accuses him and everyone else of the other Commandments that they plan to steal you away from him. Whether he fears that they might kill you or want to court you is never clear, even to Estarossa, all he believes he knows is that they plan something. He'd do anything at one point to really just have you to himself and grows definitely insane enough to threaten to wipe out the whole town you've lived in if it should "help" you.
🔲The abduction happens before you truly know about anything as Estarossa has merely stalked you before arriving at the conclusion that you two are connected by fate. Honestly, you just label him as a complete and utter crackpot when he approaches you, a complete stranger in your mind, and starts talking something about that you have to come with him. That he has found in you his soulmate and that you must feel something for him too. The vibe he gives you makes you uneasy and puts you off since you clearly see that something is very wrong with the man in front of you but you fear to anger him. A strained smile on your face as you try to excuse yourself, sweat starting to build on your forehead when he starts persistingly following you. You lose it when he grabs you and lifts you up, push him away and want to make a run of it before a hard hit on your head causes you to lose temporarily your consciousness.
🔲If you think that Estarossa was already freaking you out at the beginning, just wait until he starts consuming the other Commandments. You see his sanity withering away in front of your own eyes and the worst is that the more he grows unhinged, the mor he seeks you out for comfort and emotional support. At one point he becomes unpredictable when it involves you even only in the slightest. One moment he might just dote on you and smother you in affection and in the other he's accusing you of planning to cheat on him and leave him. This gets out of control when he starts hurting you, even if only accidentally. He always starts crying as soon as he realized what he has done and everything starts again. It's hell for his darling and it's just as much hell for him but he denies the truth at every second as he clings desperately onto the hope that everything will work out because you two have each other. Meanwhile you pray God for mercy and to free you from this demon. Who'd have known that soon enough you'd really be saved by an angel, only that this angel would be somebody you know all too well...
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smokerswifey · 4 months
got any side characters from either nnt or 4kota you wanted to see/find out more about?? personally i would've loved to see more of zhivago and kilia :,)
First of all @spro-o thank you so much for the ask and I am so so sorry that I took so long to answer, school has been a lot lately so sorry bud 😭.
Second this is a really good ask and I totally agree ok the Zhivago and Killia part . I would've loved seeing more of Ban being a big brother to Killia and more of Zhivago's struggles into trying to blend into human society !
One of the characters I would've loved to know more and see more in the series is an nnt character Jelamet.
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She's one of the top generals of the Godess Clan and was one of- if not Elisabeth's closest friend and was also very inlove with Mael
Apparently they were tight af before Elisabeth started her relationship with Meliodas, a relationship that Jelamet dissaproved deeply and she never hesitated to share her sentiment with Elisabeth despite being ignored.
Then after Elisabeth broke clan laws and ran away with Meliodas and after the Godess clan was sealed away, Jelamet started to resent her best friend, considering her a traitor and blaming her for the godess clan being sealed away and later on for Mael being turned into Estarossa .
Eventually after the HW ended Mael returned to the Godesses who were free from the amber and saw Jelamet again who cried tears of joy .
And that's about it about her .
Yet I still want to know so much more !!
Like her and Elisabeth's relationship before their falling out or why she suddenly fell in live with Mael or if her and Elisabeth eventually make up after the Holy War ??!!
I think she's a character with such an intriguing premise behind her like imagine your best friend being in cahoots with you're entire species mortal enemy and you're being forced to keep it a secret cause she's you're best friend like why is there so little content about her !
And then imagine said best friend running away with her lover leaving you alone like ngl I would be kind of annoyed too !
Anyways if I wanted to see more about her it would definitely be Jelamet and there's a bit more info about her on Wikipedia and on some side chapters ( about how she basically had to possess a troll since she had no corporal body anymore to fight Meliodas and they have this tiny talk about Elisabeth and Meliodas is asking her for forgiveness blablabla ) if anyone else wants to check her out !
Anyways thanks so much @spro-o the ask, thanks for reading guys and remember keep em coming
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Nanatsu no Taizai
Mael x Goddess Clan! Reader Part 1
Mael/Estarossa x Goddess Clan! Reader Part 2
Mael x Goddess Clan! Reader Part 3
Imagine: Escanor becoming a father figure ( teenager reader and father figure! Escanor)
Nanashi x kitsune! Reader.
Nanashi as a Boyfriend ( Nanashi x reader)
Nanashi and strong yet tender reader ( nanashi x reader)
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sullina-nnt · 1 year
Imagine a modern au, the demons and goddesses are rival companies, and are deciding to collaborate on something or another. Now obviously, there’s tension between the two companies, so to smooth the way for not just themselves but also to not seem suspicious to the rest of the world (for whatever reason), they decide that marriage is the way to go.
Only, who do they marry?
Obviously, the ones next in line for the seats of CEO: Meliodas and Ludociel
Why not Elizabeth? Well, Elizabeth didn’t agree with company policies, so she “wasn’t suitable”.
Now obviously, there couldn’t be any worse candidates than Meliodas and Ludociel. The two hate each others guts, but the DK and SD don’t care, obviously. They just want the money, which is just about the only thing they can agree on.
Meliodas and Ludociel are unwilling to step down, solely to spite the other. But obviously, they don’t wanna marry the other either, but they can’t exactly show that in public, the public is supposed to believe that they’re totally in love, or at least don’t want to kill each other. The only solution to their problem? Kill the other. But is has to seem like an accident, of course, and if the other dies, they can put on a whole show like “I will go through with the merge of our companies in their memory, OH, MY LOVE, WHY WERE YOU TAKEN FROM ME SO SOON“ cue the crocodile tears aaand scene!
It’s not gonna be easy. But Meliodas and Ludociel are absolutely willing to go through with it, because killing the other is still better than getting married to them.
The one issue is obviously that neither of them want to die. The other issue is that their friends and/or relatives also don’t want them to die.
So Elizabeth, despite being kicked out of her mothers company, is still friends with them. More or less. Mostly Meliodas’ friend, but she also doesn’t want Ludociel to die, so she tries to act as a sort of mediator between the two, which... does not go well.
There are two more people who don’t want the two to die though, and those are: their brothers, Mael for Ludociel, and Zeldris for Meliodas.
Now as you can see, I’m setting up Zeldris and Mael to eventually fall for each other, but before that, I think Mael would also lowkey have a crush on Meliodas for a while, which one could call his Estarossa emo phase. He got over his crush as he got older for the most part, but not quite, and when he actually meets Meliodas (and Zeldris) in person for the very first time, he kind of giddy and lowkey wishes that he was the one who could’ve married Meliodas. This sentiment quickly disappears though, when Meliodas doesn’t really notice him at all. Not because he hates Mael, he’s just caught up in his hatred for Ludociel. So Mael and Zeldris get to talking instead. It’s a bit of a rocky start, they’re rival companies after all, but they quickly realize that they have more in common than they thought.
I’d imagine that the place where they meet is like a formal dinner or something, likely in a private area just for them. The DK and SD leave early due to business or something else, if they show up at all, because they’ve always been terrible parents. It’s not just the demons and goddesses who show up though, it’s all relevant big shot companies, so humans, fairies and giants also attend, or representatives for them attend at least, so Elizabeth, representing an up and coming company called Liones, is also there.
I also haven’t specified what the companies make. I don’t know for the others, but I did sort of attempt to write a snow white au, and ever since then, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head that the demons company would produce clothes or something else fabric (FABRIC, NOT FASHION, necessarily) related.
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sullina · 1 year
Part 3:
“Excuse me, Sir Meliodas? There’s something i’ve been wanting to ask you.” Meliodas turned around to look at her from where he was standing by the bar. “The Seven Deadly Sins, are you really that wicked? Are you all terrible criminals like the rest of the world says? And if you are, what awful crime did you commit?” She asked bringing her clasped hands up to her chest. Meliodas turned back around, folding his arms.
“My crime huh? Well…”
"He committed a lot but the crime he committed that cause him to be branded as a sin was destroying that human kingdom" Melascula said. "We witness it"
"It's really surprising for Meliodas to serve and then destroy the kingdom later on" Galand replied. "It really is. Meli's power is really destructive. Especially when his mad, he usually keeps his emotions in check which makes him a perfect candidate for the commandment of love" Zeldris chimed in
“If you answer my questions, I’ll make sure you get some food.”
“Nope, food first.”
Gloxinia smirked. “No one wants any of your food Mel.”
"He can't hear you, you know" Estarossa said which caused Gloxinia to burst out laughing while Estarossa looked at him. "I feel bad for the people who gets to taste his food" Zeldris sweatdropped.
"He should have been banned from the kitchen" Deriere added. "He already is but that was a long time ago" Grayroud informed him.
Meliodas looked over at him. A plate of steaming hot chicken being laid down on a table. “That looks great!” Mead said as he brought a drum stick to his mouth. “I can’t wait to dig into this!” He bit down, briefly closing his eyes before opening them in surprise and quickly spitting the food out. Meliodas looked over at him from where he was standing by the bar. “I never claimed it was gonna be any good.”
This caused the demons to laugh while some just smiled. "Good one brother" Estarossa chuckled. "What a scum" Melascula grumbled under her breath
"His cooking is horrible but for some reason it always looks so good" Monspeet uttered.
"He could kill unexpected people from the inside out" Drole said looking a bit green than he is right now. Still remembering the taste when he ate Mel's food during his stigma day.
"The only thing the sins and the ten commandments agree on" Gloxinia declared, laughing. The TC nodded their heads in agreement.
Meliodas swung his sword around in a series of short movements in the floor.
“Whatcha doing there?” Hawk asked. Meliodas smiled, “A little spell to keep him from coming inside.”
“‘A little spell’ my pork butt, since when have you been able to use magic?” Hawk asked. “Well” Meliodas replied, smiling, “How do you know I can’t?”
"Well he was trained by a mage and a wizard so you could safe to say he knows magic" Estarossa said. "He barely use any magic he was trained for. From what I can tell he only uses the magic counter vanish, and Full counter ever seen we have been watching him" Zeldris added.
Zeldris, Estarossa, Drole, and Gloxinia call Meliodas. Mel or Meli ever seens they have been watching him. The others do call him that time and time again
The first part here makes it sound like the TC are planning to re-recruit Meliodas into their ranks and give him back the commandment of love XD (poor Esta is gonna be out of a job XDDD )
Drole and Glox have a bit of a hard time laughing whenever someone eats Mels food, since they've also been the victim of it long ago.
In the manga, there was one question about why Meliodas never uses magic (or something along those lines) and the answer was that Mel just prefers moving his body. I don't remember it too well. But I also think it would be safe to say that Meliodas does know a few more spells that he uses, if only because Chandler insisted on teaching him for a well rounded education. I can also imagine demon Gowther teaching him a trick or two, not necessarily for combat, but just for fun.
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sydns · 2 years
Something i'm down to see is Monspeet & Derieri just- straight up bullying Estarossa 😂
It'd be so funny to see, Like Estarossa trying to eat some souls; But it suddenly turns into a apple, shocked, he tries to eat another soul. apple. even more apples. So many apples that Estarossa gets sick and pissed from the amount of apples he's bitten.
And he turns up and around, to see both of them; Monspeet with a smirk on his face, looking down at him with a apple in hand and a barrel of it beside him. Derieri is right next to him, happily eating the souls that Monspeet's provided for her.
Or Monspeet pouring old bay into his cereal and Derieri dunking Estarossa's head into it.
I imagine them having so much fun taunting and causing mischief all throughout Britannia, not just to Estarossa but everyone. Kinda like a rebellious teenage couple, stealing bread from time to time; wandering off during missions (that they technically complete), and other things
After a days full of mischief, they'll flop onto a field and cuddle there until someone comes to get them XD
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prolestari · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Appreciation Week Day 7
It's the last day to celebrate my favorite fanfic author, @solynacea! You can check out their work over at @solynaceawrites or on their AO3.
Day 7 is a free day, but I can't talk about solynacea without talking about Dark Side of the Moon. Their longest work to date, it is a romantic and imaginative story set during the First Holy War in NnT.
Once more they feature their OC Moth, but this time she is a princess of the witch clan who is caught between Mael—the goddess she loves—and Estarossa—the demon she wants. At times sweet, other steamy, it's one of the best romance novels written for NnT and features the best NnT OC that I've ever read.
The story that launched a thousand ship fics, this story is so near and dear to my heart that I still think about it every day. I've even written my own fanfiction based on this fanfiction, if that gives you any indication of how excellent it is!
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
Filth alphabet: Estarossa
Doesn´t really do much, he becomes very clingy after sex and therefore just wants to cuddle you. You have to physically push him off you and drag him to the shower with you and do all the other things that need to be done. Afterwards you give into his cuddle wishes of course.
B=Body part
On him he likes his back because you´re always clinging onto him and scratch him there, he loves that.
On you it´s gotta be your hips, he loves holding onto them, gripping them, it just drives him wild.
Can´t tell the exact time when he´s gonna cum cause it takes him a while, so it always ends up in a mess.
He likes seeing his cum on your stomach, legs, chest and back however.
D=Dirty secret
He always wanted to have really rough and dominated sex with you, but he´s too scared that he´ll hurt you.
None before you, he wasn´t ever interested in anyone that way and nobody before you liked him either.
F=Favorite position
Probably doggy, he can just go wild and knows that he´s hitting all your right spots, always has the most intense orgasms that way.
Also loves pulling you against his chest and holding you close as you cum.
Not that huge of a fan of jokes and laughter during sex, he´s always so serious. However he doesn´t mind when you have casual conversations during it.
He trims and is overall clean, does keep his pubic hair though, it´s black.
Depends on his mood. Sometimes he gets so frustrated and just wants to fuck your brain out. However most of the times he´s quite gentle and romantic.
J=Jerk off
Doesn´t do it that much, only when you´re apart for a very long amount of time. Doesn´t get horny that much either, so it´s not a problem.
Cum play, choking, restraints, pet play, power play
Anywhere used to go for him, but you don´t have public sex anymore ever since Meliodas walked in on you and gave his brother instructions on how to make you cum faster (poor Estarossa just wants to forget that moment)
Since he´s not that easy to get going, you´re going to have to work for it. The only time he´s ever aroused by himself is when he´s frustrated and wants to fuck it out. 
Is willing to try everything at least once, but respects your boundaries and would never do anything that you don´t want.
He prefers receiving. He´s not that good at giving, but he tries his best. Likes it when you grip his hair and deepthroating sends him to heaven.
Likes to build it up, always ends up really fast and rough though.
Not too much of a fan because he likes to drag things out with you, he likes to watch you unravel and isn´t ever that horny to make it quick.
Always up to try something new in the bedroom if you´ve talked about it long enough before and when the mood is right.
Not too much, he´s overall very lazy but it will definitely last enough to make you cum.
Not completely against the idea, but you´ll definitely have to ease him into the idea and try to convince him.
Doesn´t think about teasing you too much, but ends up doing it anyway kind of subconsciously.
You´ll have to tell him when it gets enough and he´ll stop.
He´s very indifferent about you teasing him back, you can do whatever you want to him, he doesn´t mind it.
Not too loud, very deep grunts and growls, when he´s close he´ll just chant your name over and over again.
He cums in his pants way too much because he has a wet dream about you every other night.
His length is average and his girth is above average, rather on the thick side and doesn´t have too many veins.
He doesn´t have a very high sex drive, but if you´re horny he´ll definitely be willing to pleasure you. It´s very spontaneous with the two of you since he himself doesn´t really get horny all that much.
He´s always very sleepy after sex, so he´ll just cuddle up to you and fall asleep that way.
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
So if I started an Estarossa story... Would anyone read it?
Asking for a friend.... I'm the friend
Idk man it only takes one person to influence me... be the one.
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
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[x] § Estarossa Imagine §
“Get out of my way,” he spoke in a gentle voice.
“No,” Escanor frowned, taking a fighting stance, “I’m not going to let you take (Y/N), especially if it’s against their own wil.” his hand gripped his axe tightly.
“You’re a nice man,” Estarossa didn’t change demeanour -- nor did his face change in the slightest.
“Of course I am,” He responding. The demon took that distracted fraction of a second to slam his foot into Escanor’s stomach, making him fly up in the air.
“I’m taking (Y/N), whether you like it or not.”
Requests Are Open
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hazuxia · 2 years
The scene:
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🌌Hazu's translation🌌
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Please that is damnned cannon 😔✋
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
4kota/7ds incorrect quotes, memes, crack
Y/n: I just wanted attention that’s why i called you a slut
Mael: How many times did you call me a slut
Y/n: 27
Isolde: Would you date me?
Y/n: Baby we couldn’t even get a drink together
Isolde: Why?
Y/n You can't buy me nothing
Isolde: What do you mean
Y/n: Look at your outfit, what are you wearing? 
Isolde: I think i look pretty fly
Y/n: For who your mom
Isolde: Maybe
 Y/n: Oh…okay but not for me
Isolde: Bet
Y/n’s parent/guardian: Hello?
Y/n: Ma i’m telling you now i’m gonna try my best to not beat the shit out of this” little’ white girl
Y/n: Wow, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, [privileged, effete, soft penis debutante. 
Zeldris: Great… she’s doing it again
Estarossa: Oh my goddess, they're killing you!
You wanna start a street fight with me? Bring it on, but you’re gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets.
Meliodas: You are
 You don’t even know my real name. I’m the fucking lizard king
Random goddess: :0…i’m sorry 
Nerobasta: We never should have come into the gardens!
Y/n: No guts, no glory!
Jelamet: Are you ever scared of anything?!
Y/n: Yeah dying alone. That’s why I brought you here!
Zeldris: Have at me
*Gets hit with a crowbar*
Zeldris: Ah My Fucking Knee!
Y/n: Get crowbar-ed Bitch! Thanks for the crowbar, Meliodas!
Zeldris: Meliodas What The Fuck!
Meliodas: idk, *shrug* I'm bored! 
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madamxrose · 3 years
Final Goodbye
♡ pairing: Estarossa/reader
♡ word count: 560 (approx.)
♡ warnings: death, angst
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Estarossa kneels beside you, delicately lifting you onto his lap to cradle your neck and legs, fearful to inflict further pain. Your unkempt wounds soak a scarlet red into his clothes, but it's the least of his concerns.
"(Y/n)," he calls, a distressed glint in his eyes. He's longing to see the look of adoration you always gave him — the one with the hint of glimmer complementing the hues of your irises. But instead, they're half-lidded and glossy; any sign of life dissipating from them.
You remind him of a glass doll: so fragile that the slightest mishap could break you into pieces.
He's searching for the right words, but the self-inflicted guilt binding his chest makes it hard to think clearly; so, he takes his hand in yours, rubbing circles into the back of your hand. Your skin is forbiddingly cold to the touch, much different than the homelike warmth he grew accustomed to.
He pulls you closer to his chest. Maybe if he shared his warmth, things could take a turn for the better. Except the cold is as stubborn as him; it's rejecting his heat.
"You can't leave me." It comes out more of a plea than a demand. His fingernails dig into his palm. There was nothing he could do, but he's replaying different scenarios instead, ones where you're without a scratch and leaving the battlefield. Alive.  
"We'll meet again," you assure him, a slightly upturned lips adorning your face.
He was no stranger to loneliness. Being the second choice — or even the third — was customary for him. But with you, it wasn't the case. Being with you unlocked doors to new sensations. For once, he felt loved; accepted; completed. An angel gracing him, remissive of the chaos he's created.
Yet, here you are. Progressively becoming a bystander in your own body, at the grips of survival.
You're leaving — even if involuntarily.
When he comes to terms with reality, his tears join in, also staining his coat. The mixture of conflicting emotions expressed through the ungoverned tears trailing down his warmed face.
As if by instinct, he raises your head to pull you into a kiss, tears trickling onto your face. It's one that is tender at its core, but starved. His lips instill the shape, texture and taste of yours, so desperate to find an excuse to linger, never truly satisfied. Despite that, his chaste intentions speak in volumes since he does not press further, focused on expressing his devotion and gratitude for you.
He leisurely departs from the kiss, almost forgetting that any longer could've suffocated you. He gives an apologetic look, his thumb wiping away the stray tears on your skin.
"I love you," he utters, he appears stoic, but the way his hand grips your says otherwise.
"I love you too," you whisper, your eyelids falling as you cave into your exhaustion.
Estarossa watches the last rise and fall of your chest, the peaceful look on your face causing his heart to crumble.
With knitted brows, he remains still. The silence engulfing him while he reminisces his favorite moments shared with you, refusing to release his hold on your body — the last tangible remains of you.
And once again in quite some time, he’s reunited with an emptiness in his heart, the final piece fading away.
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comments and reblogs are always appreciated! ♡
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eternally-divine · 3 years
Imagine riding estarossa.
Those fucking hands holding your thighs.
An occasional grunt to accompany your moaning.
Whispered dirty words that only make you more wet with each sentence.
And when he's done with you riding him, flipping the two of you over and railing the ever loving shit out of you until HES done.
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sullina · 2 years
Meliodas decides its too big of a risk right now, Gelda won't be gone long enough and he won't be able to get out fast enough with his broken arm. He'll have to just keep his guard up, especially around Gelda now. He knows Gelda will keep her promise, but he's still uncomfortable she had managed to get so much information out of him at all. He may even be able to use this as an opportunity to learn what the Commandments were planning if he waits untol his injuries are healed, afterall they're bound to leave him alone at some point!
So he waits patiently as Gelda returns with another set of clothing, this time a shortsleeve green tunic, still open collared, but with a string tied at the collarbone into a gold decorative bead necklace and a pair of tan trousers. Once again he was allowed to keep his shoes. Gelda gave him a satisfied once over as she adjusted his clothes bit, having turned for a few minutes to allow hin to change his pants and helped him into his shirt.
"There, looking like a proper little prince now."
"I don't see why i need to wear this..." Meliodas grumbled a bit, missing his bar uniform, "What's wrong with what I had before?"
"Meliodas... it's was ripped to shreds and made you look like some second rate bartender."
'I am a bartender though.' Meliodas thought to himself as he thought back to the Boar Hat, wondering what the Son's were doing now. The thought made his frown deepen as he remembered how he'd left his friends, 'Or at least... I used to be.'
With mothing else to do, he let Gelda lead him back out to the dining room, bracing himself as he stepped in. Within seconds of stepping foot withing the room, he found himself being lifted up by Estarossa, much to his distaste.
"Meliodas! You shouldn't be walking after a fall like that!"
"Wha- Put me down!!!"
"No." Estarossa started walking him back to the table, unimpressed by Meliodas' struggles and protests.
Galand was petrified, metaphorically. "What did I just say, Estarossa!" The damn brat of a prince broke his promise. The other commandments weren't thrilled either, although for a different reason. After what they heard from Drole and Gloxinia, they all just wanted to cuddle and comfort Meliodas. They all could imagine what Meliodas had gone through in the past 3000 years and it might as well be a miracle he was even still alive.
When Estarossa finally let Meliodas go, he sat him in the same chair from before, ignoring how his older brother glared at him. Well, at least it was good to know that not all of him was gone.
Meliodas inspected the table and evertyhing once more. The spilled stew had been cleaned up and a new tablecloth had been put on the table where Meliodas had spilled, making him wonder just how recently exactly this place had been abandoned.
"You must still be hungry. Here", Zeldris served him a new bowl of hot dusk bull stew. He glared at the stew like it was at fault for the situation he was in, but the more he stared at the floating pieces, the more he was reminded of how Ban would get him to eat enough with his delicious dishes.
...he missed Ban. And the other sins. Even if he were to get out of here, he had nowhere to go. There's no way they would accept him back and even if he did show himself to them, they would only look at him with hatred in their eyes. His hearts couldn't take that. Not again.
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Zeldris: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Zeldris: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
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