#sometimes when we’re sad cheering up others is the best thing to do !
rosylamb · 1 month
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Dear friends ♡
I am feeling a little sad today (admittedly) so I thought maybe I could share something pretty I made with all of you instead c:
Ta-da !! It’s a card I made, with a sunflower! 🌻
I chose a sunflower as they often symbolize happiness, but my inspiration was fall as it’s such a fun season hehe c:
What sort of day have you been having? Are you guys doing ok ??
Many hugs if you aren’t and *lots* of love — I wish everyone the best week ever ~ !! ⊹ ˚ ♡ XOXO
♡ ⊹ . ˚ 🌻 ⊹
🧸 ⊹ 🤍 ˚ . 🍪 ⊹ ˚ ♡
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bratzforchris · 6 months
Ways to Say "I Love You", C. Sturniolo
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Summary: Five times you knew Chris better than himself, and the one time you didn't<3
Pairing: Chris x feminine reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking/hangover (y'all i know he's techinally not of legal drinking age in the USA. this is fiction)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I genuinely need this man in my life so bad actually. Anyways, enjoy some tooth rotting fluff. XOXO<3
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“Bruh,” Chris groaned, leaning his head back against the couch cushions. “I feel like shit and I don’t even know why.”
You looked up from your phone, eyeing your boyfriend up and down. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” he whined, rolling off the couch dramatically. “My head hurts and I’m tired.”
You sat up from the gray couch, standing over Chris, who was sprawled on the floor, pouting and whining. You definitely felt bad for him, but at the same time, you knew Chris tended to over dramatize the smallest, most random things. “Do you have a fever?” 
Chris shook his head, rolling from his back to his stomach, but not getting off the floor. “I don’t feel sick, but I just feel like horse shit and I don’t know why.”
You observed him for a moment, before an idea dawned on you. Having ADHD, Chris tended to forget to eat and drink, so hyperfixated on something or too many thoughts in his head blocking the reminders to fuel his body. He was medicated for it, which both helped and hurt. Sometimes, he would be able to focus enough to remember his meals, but other times, the meds would dissipate his hunger cues. “When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?”
“Hmmm,” Chris’s blue eyes looked thoughtful for a moment before he shrugged. “Dunno. Which is weird because I’ve usually had like, six Pepsis by now, but we’re out and Matt didn’t go to the grocery store yesterday, so…I don’t know.”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, helping your boyfriend up off the floor. “I think that might be the problem, sweetheart. Is there something you want to eat?”
“Do we have chicken nuggets?” Chris asked you, picking up one of the stim toys he had left on the floor last night as he followed you into the kitchen. “That reminds me, isn’t it weird that chickens can’t fly? Like…are they even real birds?” he asked you. 
“I dunno, hun. Google it.” You told him gently, pulling the bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer.” 
“Do you think chickens are sad that they can’t fly? Like do they look at cardinals and go ‘Damn, why can he fly but not me’?” he hummed, flicking at the toy. 
Chris was wrapped up in his own little world as you made his lunch. He didn’t even get the chance to Google his chicken question before he was distracted by a Spotify notification, which led to him loudly singing a Lil Skies song, dancing around the kitchen. As much as you hated how difficult ADHD could be for him, Chris had one of the best personalities you had ever met; he was bubbly and outgoing, always the life of the party and always willing to cheer you up. You quickly plated his nuggets, along with some other random foods that you knew he would love, before sliding the plate across the island too. 
“See if that makes you feel better.” You explained with a soft smile. 
You watched as Chris downed the food, along with a Gatorade you had given him, only to see a smile dawn on his face. 
“I feel better now,” Chris mumbled shyly after a while. “Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You literally always know me better than myself, it’s kinda weird.”
“Why is it weird?” You asked with a snort. 
“Cause it’s like you’re magical or something. Which it would be really cool if you were.”
You smiled, kissing Chris’s soft brown hair. “I love you too, hun.”
Tour life was difficult. No one would deny that. As much as the triplets were absolutely loving the Versus tour and all the antics they were getting to do, as well as meeting fans, they had to admit that it was exhausting. Not only were they running on an extremely tight schedule, it was wearing on Chris the most, simply because he was getting next to no alone time with you. It wasn’t that he simply wanted the alone time for sexual reasons, rather, you were the only person that could calm his mind, letting him just be. 
“Baby,” You hummed, softly stroking the brunette’s face. It was still dark out, just past six am, but you had a surprise for him, and you knew Chris would later complain about his sleeping in if he found the missed opportunity. “Wake up, honey.”
Chris wriggled beneath the blankets, sleepily blinking his blue eyes. He was freezing and it was dark out; way too early to be awake. “Too early.” he groaned in his morning voice, rolling over to face the wall with the blanket bunched around his shoulders. 
“I have a surprise for you.” You said, a bit more excitement in your voice as you shook him harder. 
The word ‘surprise’ immediately woke the boy up as he rolled to face you. You were already dressed in one of his hoodies and a pair of leggings, eager to get on with your plan. You were practically bouncing up and down like an excited little kid, hoping Chris would love what you had come up with as much as you did. 
“Why the fuck are you awake? It’s dark out,” he moaned. “Come cuddle me instead.”
You snorted at your boyfriend’s dramatics, quietly pulling back his blanket so as not to disturb Matt and Nick. “Get dressed, you big goof. We’re leaving in ten.”
As much as he wanted to argue and go back to sleep, Chris couldn’t deny that he wanted to understand what had caused the giddiness in your aura. He quickly pulled on his favorite hoodie and sweatpants, cramming his messy hair under a snapback as he followed you down the bus steps and out onto the quiet, dark sidewalk. He didn't know where the bus had stopped during the night. Philly maybe? But he didn’t get time to think about that as you simply nodded to one of the members of the triplets security and then took his hand, dragging him down the sidewalk. 
“Where are we going? I miss my blanket.” Chris pouted. 
“Me too,” You nodded, trying your hardest not to disclose the surprise. “But I do have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Chris didn’t know where you were going at this point, but he followed you anyway. He would’ve followed in any life, had someone asked him the question. You two continued to walk for a few more blocks until you stopped in front of a brightly lit diner, its neon signs illuminating the darkness of the street. 
“Pancakes?” Your boyfriend asked, perking up as the smell of bacon drifted from the restaurant. “Goddamn, I knew I made the right choice dating you.”
“I am pretty amazing,” You giggled, flipping your hair over your shoulder. “Let’s eat.”
You stepped into the diner together, immediately being sat at a booth and having your order taken. You and Chris both ordered an immense amount of breakfast food, quite tired of the protein shakes and cereal that came with bus life. 
“How did you, um, find this place?” Chris asked bashfully, stirring his straw around his Pepsi. 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “I was just looking for things for us to do alone and it came up,” You hummed. “I love Matt and Nick, I really do, but I also like to have one-on-one time with you, and I could kind of tell you needed some, too.”
“How do you always manage to know exactly what I need when I need it?” he asked with a chuckle, brushing his hand over your knuckles. 
You smiled, a blush dotting your cheeks as your waitress came over with a tray full of all the food you had ordered. “I just do.”
“Baby,” Chris whined, sprawling out across your shared queen sized bed. “Don’t leave me. I don’t need food, nor do I want it.”
“But you do.” You said pointedly, looking him up and down as you slipped on your Uggs. 
“Nuh uh,” he fought back, smashing his face against a pillow. “You’re making me feel sick by not laying with me.”
“I’m not making you feel sick. Your choices are making you feel sick. No one told you to drink as much as you did.” You chastised gently, crossing the room to kiss his forehead. 
You and Chris, as well as his brothers, had gone out last night with a large group of friends, to include Johnnie and Jake, Tara, Larray, and Sam and Colby. Things had gotten a little…out of hand, leaving you with a very hungover Chris, who was making miserable noises as he clutched his stomach. 
“You’re not even laying with me,” Your boyfriend pouted. “My head and tummy hurt and I wanna be cuddled and you’re being mean.”
“You’re so grumpy when you’re hungover,” You snorted, kissing his forehead again. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Chris whimpered again as you propped him up with several pillows, tucking him in and making sure he had water and a bucket nearby. You had opted to get him IHOP, figuring a good amount of carbs would ease the symptoms he was currently experiencing as a consequence of overindulging in alcohol. The time between you leaving the triplets house, picking up food, and returning home was less than forty five minutes total, but it felt like an eternity to your hungover boyfriend who simply wanted cuddles and for his headache and nausea to go away. 
You entered the bedroom, takeout bag in hand. “I’m back. Nothing to cure a hangover like a big, greasy breakfast,” You smiled, settling onto the bed and pulling out plastic containers of food. “Once you eat, you can take some ibuprofen for your headache.”
“I’m not hungry.” Chris whispered softly, feeling too unsettled to eat. 
“You know your tummy will feel better once you eat.” You cooed, stroking his stomach over the comforter. 
“Nuh uh.” he groaned, snuggling further into his pillow and blanket.  
“It will and you know it. You know you can’t drink that much, hun. I dunno what you expected to happen.” You explained softly, pushing some hair out of his face gently. 
As much as he wanted to continue to whine and be difficult, Chris had to admit you were right. A good breakfast and some sleep sounded really, really good right about now. He softly sat up, taking a sip of the Gatorade you had left on his bedside table last night. “Mkay…I’ll try to eat, I guess.”
You didn’t say much as you two began to eat your breakfast. You knew Chris probably had a raging hangover headache right about now, and you didn’t want to make it any worse. Once your boyfriend had had enough to eat and taken the pain relievers, he curled up into your side, placing your hand on his stomach. 
“...you were right,” he admitted quietly, always hating to be wrong. “Now I need belly rubs and sleep.” 
“So demanding,” You fake huffed, kissing his forehead. “Get some rest, hun. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Chris Sturniolo was not the type to let anyone know he was upset. Sure, he would jokingly whine and complain about things when he felt like being irritating to his brothers, but he would never actually let anyone see when his feelings were hurt. You knew this about him, and after a little over a year together, you knew the signs that he was feeling this way as well.
The four of you were currently sitting in Matt’s car in a random parking lot, filming a car video. You opted to sit in the back and mostly listen with an amused look. After all, this was the triplets video, not yours. They hadn’t really planned a topic for today either, which ever bubbly Chris took to his advantage. 
“I need to pee,” he stated to no one in particular. “I got a new water bottle and so now I’ve been motivated to stay hydrated so I need to pee.”
“Why did you say water bottle like that?” Matt snorted. 
The boys continued back and forth with their bickering for a while, mostly making fun of the way Chris had said the word. You simply sat and laughed, enjoying all the weird conversations that came up, that is until Nick harshly interrupted Chris. 
“Do you ever shut up?” he asked. “Like genuinely, do you ever shut your mouth?”
“I do sometimes.” Chris protested. 
“Nuh uh,” Matt interjected. “You couldn’t go five minutes without talking. I bet on it. You’re one of those people on the list Nick was talking about. The one who could benefit from being quiet.”
“Fine. Time starts now.” Chris ‘locked’ his lips and pretended to throw away the key. 
You knew he was just going along with the video, but you could tell by the slump of your boyfriend’s shoulders and the way he had his forehead resting against the cool window that the comments had hurt him more than he let on. Nick and Matt continued to talk for a few minutes, before landing on a topic that immediately sparked Chris’s mind. He quickly decided to speak up, forgetting about their ‘challenge’. 
“You can’t do it,” Matt laughed, a triumphant look on his face. “Chris can’t stop yapping…wait, that should be the title of this video.”
Nick laughed and fist bumped his middle triplet, but you found the joke far from funny. Chris had slowly curled into himself throughout the duration of the video, speaking less and less. He was still appearing to be smiling and having a good time, but his overall demeanor had shifted, and you could tell his brothers’ teasing was getting to him. 
“We should get home. It’s getting late…” You mumbled softly once the car had quieted down. 
Chris turned around in his seat, giving you a thankful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Matt nodded at your statement, turning the key in the ignition and beginning the short drive back to your shared LA home. Everyone was quiet, which was a rare occurrence in this car. You would’ve thought that Matt and Nick would’ve noticed Chris’s unusual silence, but somehow they didn’t. Your boyfriend lingered to get out as his brothers clomped inside the house, laughing about a random joke. 
“You okay, hun?” You asked, climbing from the backseat to the driver’s seat, resting your hand on his arm. 
“‘M fine.” Chris mumbled, leaning his head  against the window. 
“You don’t act very fine.” You whispered gently, running your fingers through the soft, brown curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Do you think I talk too much?” Chris whispered quietly, turning towards you. 
Under the bright light of the garage, you could see unshed tears welling in his lash line, threatening to spill. That’s how you knew Chris was upset. He almost never cried, unless he was really and truly upset. 
“Honey,” You said sadly, running your thumb across his cheek. “Of course not, bubba. I love listening to you talk.”
“Well Matt and Nick sure don’t.” he huffed grumpily, but a sniffle made its way out.
“Yeah…I was going to talk to them about that, actually. They were kinda being dickheads to you tonight.” You whispered, always hating conflict between the triplets. 
“They were right,” Chris groaned, burying his head in his hands. “I can’t shut my fucking mouth and everyone thinks it’s annoying!”
“Sweetheart,” You cooed, pulling him into a hug across the console. “I don’t, and I say that with every promise in me. I love listening to you talk, Chris. Your voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and I learn so much from you every day.”
“Really?” he sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Really, hun,” You smiled, softly brushing it away. “I love you.”
Chris smiled, giving you a soft peck on the lips. “You always just know, don’t you? You always know when I’m sick or tired or when something’s wrong. God, I love you.”
You had always loved music, ever since you were little. Something about how a simple arrangement of notes could make a person feel so many emotions captivated you. It was like a language that you didn't have to learn to understand. By the time you were eleven, you’d been playing guitar and ukulele, and that later expanded to piano and bass. Music was absolutely your therapy, and you took every opportunity you had to practice your craft. 
You were sitting on the floor of your and Chris’s shared bedroom, strumming softly on your acoustic guitar. For once, the house was quiet because the boys were out filming a video, so you took the time to practice one of the new songs you had been working on lately. Being a music major allowed you very little time for your separate projects, so you would take whatever chance you could get. 
The silence didn’t last long, though. Just as you were playing an Em chord, Chris burst into the room, flopping on the bed. “Hey mamas, how was your day?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but continued to strum your guitar. “It was wonderful…until I was so rudely interrupted.”
“You know you love me,” Chris teased, rolling onto his stomach and propping his chin in his hands. “Play me a song.”
“God, you are so demanding,” You chuckled. “What’s next? An autograph?”
“Mhm. On my boobs.” Your boyfriend smiled.
You shook your head with a laugh, throwing a guitar pick at him. “You’re insane.”
You didn’t waste any more in Chris’s antics, though. You fulfilled your boyfriend’s request, quietly beginning to play Falling like the Stars and singing along. Chris said nothing more, cherishing the sound of your voice. He loved hearing you sing and play guitar. It soothed him, allowing him to see the passionate parts of you that only came out in your music. He wished that he could do the things that you did, but he had just never taken the time to learn an instrument. 
You looked up at your boyfriend on the bed after you finished the song, smiling softly. You watched Chris for a moment, observing his body language and the way he was looking at you. “Do you…want to learn?” You asked him quietly, a blush dotting your cheeks.
“You’d teach me?” Chris’s cheeks and ears grew pink as he looked at you shyly. 
“I’d love to.” You nodded with a smile. 
Your boyfriend clambered off the bed, sitting down next to you on the rug. You softly began to explain the different parts of an acoustic guitar and how to hold it, before moving onto chords and strumming. Chris had always been a fast learner when he put effort in, and right now was no different. Within the hour, he was already playing slow, soft songs. The chords were still vibrating and it took him quite a while to change them, but it was a song nonetheless. 
“I’m not as good at it as you are.” he pouted after a moment, setting your guitar aside gently. 
“Well I have been playing for ten years, bub.” You chuckled gently, kissing his face. 
Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you back deeply. He loved you with all his heart, and you taking the time out of your day to share your passions with him only made him love you more. As the kiss grew heavier, Chris fell back onto the floor, still holding you as he giggled. 
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, you know that?” he asked, pecking your forehead. 
“I could tell.” You smiled. 
“You always can.”
“It’s such a nice day out today.” You hummed, soaking in the sun as you laid on your towel. 
Chris fidgeted beside you anxiously, but made an acknowledgement towards you statement so as to ‘throw you off his scent’. He had been planning this surprise for months now and he was currently using every muscle in his body to keep his mouth shut so as not to spoil it.
You two were basking in the sun on the beach in Santa Barbara, towels laid out. You had noticed Chris had been unusually quiet all day, but didn’t really think much of it. The beach usually kept him in his own little world, too distracted by the roar of the ocean and the sand between his feet to notice anyone else. You both had always loved the beach, and moving to the LA area after living in Boston your whole life had been a welcomed change. You practically went to the beach every weekend, but today Chris had led you to a new spot he had found. It was rather secluded, but you loved it all the same. It made things more intimate between the two of you. 
“You’re quiet today,” You said after a while, rolling over and propping yourself up on your shoulder. You looked Chris over from head-to-toe, admiring the tiny features about him like the way his curls had grown more pronounced with the salt air and the birthmark on his back. “Beach getting you relaxed?”
“I, uh, yeah. You could say that,” Your boyfriend tried to smile sheepishly, looking you over. Your lavender bikini hugged you just right, making him even more nervous. If he fucked this up while you looked so gorgeous, he would never forgive himself. “Wanna take a walk?”
You smiled, sitting up quickly and beginning to gather your towel. “Sure!”
“No!” Chris said a bit too hastily. “I mean, you don’t need to bring your towel…I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You can’t just leave your stuff on the beach, Chris.” You giggled. 
“It’s not like anyone’s gonna steal it. Just–trust me, please?” he asked, giving you those blue puppy eyes you could never resist. 
“I guess so,” you fake huffed, taking his hand in your own. “C’mon, let’s walk before the sun sets on us, silly.”
Chris smiled, taking your hand in his own and starting the trek down the beach. The ocean was calling him as you two strolled westward towards the sunset, but that would have to wait. At least until he had finished his plan. The silence between you was comfortable like always, but this time it thrummed with passionate energy. Chris was pretty sure you had no idea what he was  planning, but then again, you knew him like the back of your hand.
“This beach is so quiet. It’s nice when it’s just us,” You smiled. “How did you find this place?”
“Oh, y’know, doing what I do best. Poking around.” Your boyfriend laughed nervously as you came to a beautiful expanse of rock along the beach. 
You immediately ran towards the beauty, smiling up at the wonder of nature. “This is gorgeous.”
Chris took the opportunity of you having your back turned to feel in the pocket of his swim trunks for the tiny box that he had been hiding from you for over a month now. He would admit that he had definitely had a bit of a struggle keeping the secret from you, but it was worth it to see you now, on this gorgeous beach, looking even more beautiful than the view around you. The brunette turned his head to where Nick was hiding out of sight, holding his camera. As much as he wanted the two of you to be alone for this, he wanted the pictures infinitely more. He couldn’t wait to tell his kids about what would be the best day of his life one day, that is, if you said yes. 
He took a deep breath, pulling the box out of his pocket and then tapping you on the shoulder. “I have a question for you, ma.”
By the time you had turned around, Chris was on one knew, holding a tiny, velvet box that held a gorgeous, heart-shaped, diamond ring. “Oh my god…” You whispered, hand flying to your mouth as tears welled in your eyes.
“You are my best friend, baby. I’ve loved you ever since I saw you that day in ninth grade algebra class. Finding out you felt the same way about me was probably the best day of my life. You always listen to every crazy, stupid, and dumb idea I have and I love you for it. You know me better than I know myself. I love loving you; you are my first, last, and only love. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
“Oh my god, yes!” You squealed, throwing yourself into his arms as Chris slid the ring onto your finger.
Chris sniffled as he spun you around, hugging you tightly and kissing you. “This is why I’ve been acting weird today,” he chuckled and blushed. “I was worried you’d find out. You know literally everything.”
“Not everything,” You smiled, showing him the diamond. “You kept the secret so well. Who all knows?”
“Well,” Chris admitted shyly as Nick stepped out from his hiding spot. “Nick knows, obviously, because I needed his help capturing the moment. Matt knows too. Other than that, no one else.”
“You’re amazing, Chris,” You whispered, kissing him again. “I’ve wanted to marry you since I was fifteen years old, you know that?”
“I love you so much, ma. Always have and always will.” 
As Nick continued to snap photos of the two of you in front of the sunset on the beach, you couldn’t help but to feel your heart swell. You hadn’t known what was going on with Chris this time, but for once, you didn’t even mind. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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artssslut2 · 1 month
Girl Dad x2
Art x Reader x Lily
Summary: You and Lily accidentally find out the gender of your baby and have to tell Art.
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Note: Picture Lily around the ages 5-7 in this! (It doesn’t totally work with the timeline but just go with it)
You and Lily headed out the door for your ultrasound in the morning. Art was gonna be gone all day with the Donaldson foundation and was so bummed he had to miss the appointment. If he could have missed his meetings he would have, he hasn’t missed a single thing baby related since you got pregnant. No matter how small it was he was there. When Tashi was pregnant with Lily Art didn’t get to be as involved as he wanted to be, Tashi often didn’t want him at appointments for whatever reason, and it broke his heart. When you asked him to come he was surprised that you actually wanted him there.
“Of course I want you there, you’re the baby’s dad and my husband.” You told him holding his face in your he smiled leaning into your touch
“I love you more than anything.” He whispered pulling you in.
You and Lily were best friends, she was your little side kick and she wanted to go wherever you were. So today she was taking Arts place at the appointment. She was thrilled to be a big sister, she wanted to be one for as long as Art can remember. After he divorced Tashi he didn’t think he would ever give that to her, he was so happy that he found you and could make his dreams a reality.
“Y/n are we gonna find out if the baby is a boy or a girl today?” Lily asked sitting next to you to the table at the doctor’s office.
“Not today baby, we want to wait until they are born remember?” You smiled, Lily’s face scrunched in disappointment the same way her father’s does and you giggled. Before she could answer the nurse came in
“Hey guys! Who do we have here?” She asked enthusiastically motioning towards Lily,
“We have a big sister!” You said shaking Lily’s arm making her laugh “this is Lily.”
“Well you are very lucky to have such a wonderful mom Lily.” You laughed awkwardly, you saw Lily’s smile fade. You got those comments a lot but you tried to shrug them off for Lily’s sake.
The nurse left shortly after and the doctor came in. It was a new doctor because your normal one was on vacation, you greeted the doctor and introduced her to Lily and did the usual check up things before the doctor got the wand out. She squirted gel on your stomach and you flinched
“Is it cold?” Lily asked
“Very cold Lily pad” you said exaggerating a shiver
Shortly after you heard the heartbeat of your six month old baby,
“She looks great, strong heartbeat, 10 fingers and 10 toes.” The doctor said looking at the screen. Your mouth dropped open, did she just say she? The doctor noticed your face and realized what happened
“She… did you say she?” You asked sitting up a little bit,
“O-oh no, were you waiting was I not supposed to say. There wasn’t a note I’m so sorry.” You and Lily looked at each other in shock
“No no it’s ok. We’re having a little girl?” You asked again with teary eyes. The doctor gave a slight smile and nodded. Your heart fluttered
“Lily! You’re gonna have a little sister!” You yelled hugging her tightly. Lily was cheering and laughing
“I’m gonna have a sister!” She squeezed you so tightly. You couldn’t believe you were having a girl, secretly it’s what you wanted but you would have been fine with either.
“Thank you oh my god!” You told the doctor and she laughed with you both.
Later on when you got back to the car you noticed Lily was being really quiet, not her normal giggly self.
“You okay kiddo?” You asked her looking at her through the mirror,
“Yeah.” She answered blandly, you didn’t want to pry so you just nodded. A minute had passed and she hadn’t said anything
“Y/N?” She asked timidly from the back
“Yeah Lily?”
“I’m kind of sad.”
“Why what’s going on babe?” You asked, was she upset that the baby was a girl?
“When the lady called you my mom… I just sometimes get upset that the baby gets you as her mom and I don’t. I wish you were also my mom.” Lily said looking at the floor, you felt your heart melt with sadness and pride. She wanted you as her mom, that was such a compliment but you also didn’t want her to feel left out, she was your little girl too. You pulled into the mall parking lot and turned to look at her
“Oh Lily pad,I know I’m not your biological mom but that doesn’t mean I love you any less.” You told her reaching back and putting a hand on her knee. You saw her chin start to quiver
“But Max from school said that you won’t like me anymore when the baby is born because she’s your real baby.” She blurted out with a small sob. You physically felt your heart shatter, you worried this would happen
“Aw baby come up here.” You told her, she crawled into the front seat and hid her face in her knees, “just because I didn’t give birth to you doesn’t mean you aren’t my baby. I will love you just as much as your sister I promise. You are every bit as much of my child as this baby is Lily, don’t ever forget that, okay?” You told her, you felt tears poke at your eyes too but held them back, Lily looked up at you with wet eyes and nodded, you held her face with both hands “okay?” You smiled asking again,
“Okay.” She answers letting a smile grow on her face
“You know if anything you are even more lucky than your sister because you have two moms, you have your mother who is wonderful and loves you so much and you have me as like a bonus mom who also loves you so much.” You told her, Tashi was a great mom to Lily, and you and Tashi got along well. “I don’t know this Max kid but he sounds kind of dumb huh?” You joked and Lily giggled and agreed with you. Then Lily got quiet again and had a serious look
“Y/n since the baby will get too call you mom is it ok if… maybe I call you that too sometimes?” She asked timidly, your heart swelled and now tears did come to your eyes
“Oh Lily of course you can sweetheart.” You replied stroking her cheek and she smiled and hugged you the best she could over the armrests
“I love you.” She told you
“I love you too baby.” You kissed her cheek and pulled your hormonal self together “Now Lily we have a problem on our hands.” You said dramatically she giggled and listened “your daddy doesn’t know the baby is a girl. We have to find a perfect way to tell him that he’s gonna have another little princess running around!” You told her like it was a mission
“Do you think he will be mad that we found out?” Lily asked
“Not if we can find a good way to tell him. Let’s go look for ideas.” You laughed opening your car door and heading into Target with Lily in tow.
You and Lily had a very fun girls afternoon, you got a few too many outfits for your baby girl, including matching ones for Lily. You also got Lily a few new toys just to show how much you loved her, of course you both had to stop at Starbucks then you were on your way. Lily picked out a shirt for Art that said “Girl dad” she thought it would be a fun way to tell him and you agreed. Once you were home you both wrapped the shirt and put a note on it that said “x2” Lily was beyond excited that she found out before he did and that made you laugh. Finally Art got home from his meetings, he came through the door putting his bag down
“Where are my girls?” He called out like he always did
“Daddy!” Lily popped out from behind the door trying to scare him, she did this every night and Art always acted scared. He let out his dramatic scream that always cracked Lily up. He picked Lily up and threw her over his shoulder hurrying in to find you
“Did you hear what this little girl did to me!?” He said in a playful tone shaking Lily and putting her on your kitchen island as she laughed uncontrollably, then art saw the gift bag on the counter “well what’s this?” He asked coming over to kiss you
“We got you something daddy!” Lily answered quickly art looked surprised
“Did you?” He asked
“Yes we did” you smiled putting your arms around his waist
“Open it!” Lily shouted making you both laugh
Art took out the tissue paper, your stomach fluttered with nerves. What if he was mad that you found out without him
“Ooo what’s this… I love it Lily! Thank you guys!” He said holding up the t shirt clearly oblivious to what the shirt meant, you laughed to yourself at how cute your husband was
“Art look inside the bag, baby” you pushed the bag towards him, he looked in the bag and pulled out the note card. You couldn’t read his face yet. It felt like a lifetime had went on before he looked up at you. Tears were in his eyes, you were nervously looking at him
“Are we… are we having a girl?” He whispered as a stray tear fell from his eye
“Yes. I’m so sorry we didn’t mean to find out then the doctor-“ for a second you thought he was really upset but he interrupted you
“This is amazing y/n.” He cried pulling you into a hug with his face in your neck, you breathed out in relief
“You’re not mad?” You asked, he pulled away
“How could I be mad?” He smiled “Lily you’re gonna have a little sister!” He cheered pulling Lily into the hug. Your eyes welled up as you laughed with joy.
“You’re a girl dad, daddy” Lily told him
“I’m a girl dad Lily pad!” He yelled picking her up. He was thrilled to be having another girl he couldn’t wait to give Lily a sister.
Later on you Art and Lily were settling down and watching a movie on the couch. Lily sat between you and Art with her hand on your belly along with Arts hand. Lily loved feeling the baby move around inside of you, she also loved talking to your bump she would tell the baby all about her day. Art would do the same, like father like daughter. Art noticed Lily yawn
“Time for bed Lily girl” he said also yawning
“Mommy can you tuck me in please?” She asked sleepily Art looked at you with a surprised look, with all the excitement you forgot to tell him about your conversation with Lily, you gave him a look telling him that you would fill him in later and he smiled at you. You knew that it made Arts heart melt
“Of course I can Lily pad.” You said reaching out for her hand.
You were in love with your growing family.
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terramythos · 11 days
I wrote a little fucked up short story today for my daily writing exercise and I like it enough to post it ^_^ let me know what you think
America's Darling
Darling is an all-American dog, everybody knows that. Our Glorious President, may He live in eternal glory, says the golden retriever is the “ultimate example of American excellence”. Nothing like those modern dog breeds, the ones we don’t talk about anymore. It’s sad they all had to go the way they did, but what is breeding if not the triumph of the pure? There’s no place here for anything un-American, dog or not. America is golden, a shining beacon the rest of the world can only dream of becoming. White picket fences, Saturday sunset barbecues, and the Lord, golden hair shining, smiling down upon us from on high. It makes sense that the best dog of them all would be just as golden and just as smiling. America’s Darling.
Things used to be so much worse. People thought too much and all it did was make people sad. Not like it is today. When’s the last time you saw someone with a frown? Sorry, Tom, sorry — I know we’re not supposed to say the "F-word" anymore, but the Lord will forgive me if it’s a warning. Misfortune only falls upon those who deserve it, and let’s face it, it all comes down to breeding. It’s no surprise that a dog with beautiful blond hair succeeds where all other dogs have failed. He’s just like you and me and our whole family.
But sometimes breeding isn’t enough. There are kids almost like you who are born wrong — born frowning and crying all the time, born with sick bodies, born just a shade too dark, born liking the wrong kinds of people. It’s sad they have to go the way they do, but someone has to clean the sanitation machines when they get clogged. But you don’t have to worry about that. You were born normal and healthy and golden. So I don’t want to see you frowning, okay?
Every kid in America dreams of the chance to see Darling, such a handsome dog. When our Glorious President leaves His beautiful white house, sometimes He brings Darling with Him. And what a miracle that we get to see the all-American dog in the flesh from time to time. The television doesn’t do him justice; there’s something about seeing his lolling tongue and lopsided smile in person that changes you. I was twelve when I got to see Darling, his tail wagging in the spotlight, prancing on the President’s Parade float. Quite the cheer from all the kids, though of course we were drowned out by the adults cheering our glorious Commander-in-Chief.
Now now, Tom, you know better than to ask that question! Of course we can’t have a Darling of our own. There are so few dogs since we got rid of the bad ones. Only really important people can have a dog now, and that’s the way it should be. Besides, would you really want a golden retriever of your own when it couldn’t possibly measure up to Darling? He’s been America’s sweetheart for almost 70 years now. And boy, he hasn’t aged a day in all that time. Darling truly is the all-American dog. Eternal and beautiful, just like us.
I know how you kids whisper and make up stories. I was the same when I was your age! A little mischief is healthy here and there. Back when I was in the schoolyard our favorite story was about Darling. One of my friends— what was her name— Betty? Well, Betty was convinced that Darling was a bunch of different dogs. She said there was some machine that gave us an identical Darling every 3 years, and that’s why he never seems to age. We’d tease her and ask where the old Darlings go. And she said they went away forever, just like the other dogs! I know, it’s a ridiculous story, verging on blasphemy, but it’s a little funny to think about. I imagined dozens of all-American Darlings lined up on a conveyor belt, headed to Lord-knows-where. I haven’t seen Betty in so long, but I can remember her silly story. Whatever happened to her?
I’m rambling again, Tom, sorry. No need to tell anyone about that, though. It’ll be our little secret. Maybe if you’re good and finish all your homework, we can walk to the ice cream dispenser and have a little treat. It’s so hot out today, we’ll have to wait until the sun goes down. I can’t remember the last time we could go out in the sun for something as silly as ice cream. You almost feel bad for the workers out there keeping the machine running. But someone has to do it!
When we get home, let’s turn on the TV and see if we can catch a glimpse of Darling. Wouldn’t that be nice?
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Hey there, I hope your having a nice night or day, I saw that you wrote nsfw and was wondering if I could request something for chenya wit a female s/o who has a hard time gaing any weight, and a very skinny and tend to become insecure due to it.. and chenya "cheers" them up 👀
(I have this problem ☹ and would like to feel a bit better w some indulgence you know 🤷‍♀️)
Sweet-scented pigeon wing ☆ Headcanon + Drabble
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☆RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x Skinny!Fem!Yuu!Reader :
Feeling insecure and self loathing sucks, but luckily for you, your act beastmen boyfriend Che’nya is here for you. And he’s going to ‘cheer you up to the best of his abilities!’
Warnings: Mature content, Che’nya is aged up to 18+ and NCR is an actually college, fingering, begging, not anything graphic(violence) reader is just insecure. Not proofread.
Note: Hi thanks for requesting, I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for, I’ve never written comfort for subject like body image, especially people who are ‘skinny’ as I’m more on the chubby side my self. (Working on it girly pops, I’m about to become a slim thick queen and you won’t see it coming, hdhhdjd lol) So if this isn’t to your taste I’m sorry, but I real hope it is!! Also some crack halfway through the smut, I guess it was to make it more cheerful and comforting, though idk if it’s good \:<
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Before you two started dating, Che’nya had picked up on the fact that you were insecure in your appearance. Mostly wearing oversized clothes to hide your figure, and how you would panic whenever he hugged you out of nowhere, tensing as he fully embrace you in his warmth.
Back then, he used to think that the issues you had with your physic were temporarily, or mood related. ‘We all have those times we’re we feel low and unsure of oneself, right?’
Well to his somewhat ‘displeasure’ he was wrong. It’s not like he was mad at you for not liking everything about yourself, but more that it made him sad that you didn’t see ‘you’ the way he did.
Sure he understood the fact that being at risk of developing health issues like osteoporosis, higher chances for hypothermia and lower immunity system, just because of your weight, could make you insecure. And he also knew you did your best despite your struggle in weight gain.
The way he sees things, you can’t do much but you’re still already doing your max. So since you’re doing your best already, you shouldn’t worry to much about it.
He doesn’t expect you to change your opinion towards your body from one day to the other, even when you got together, he still saw the hesitation behind your eyes whenever he would compliment your looks.
But he did feel proud of the way your gaze slowly shifted through time, how you would look less ‘untrusting’ of his words after each time he would call you beautiful, cute, lovely, hot, ‘sexy mama~’, etc. The way you would wear clothes that were a bit more your size after each interaction, the way you felt more comfortable when he touch and caress you.
He knew your self doubts were still present, though he also knew that they were less dominant in your mind. As if every time he would hold your hand, hug you, kiss you, make out with you, those thoughts would be push further and further away.
Of course there were the days where those thoughts would resurface, hitting you with a wave of sadness and self loathing. Maybe someone had said something about your looks, maybe you weren’t so sure about you were wearing halfway through the day, or maybe it just one of those off day. The ones where you felt like shit no matter what you did, from the moment you awake, to the one you would fall asleep.
In cases like this, your lovely cat boy of a boyfriend would help by bringing your moral up, in his own very special way~
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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You and Che'nya were hanging out in Heartslabyul’s rose maze, he had snuck once more to spend sometime with you. The both of you were laying down on the grass, staring at the clouds. When he turned to sneak a glance at your oh so beautiful face, he noticed a look of somewhat unease and despair on your face, so he decided to do something about it.
He knew what that faced meant, so he scouted closer to you slowly, his movement almost silent due to the soft grass under his body. His hands reached out suddenly, wrapping around your waist gently yet firmly before he lifted both you and himself off the ground effortlessly.
Now with you in his arms, without warning, he carried you towards the magic mirror in the dorm.
You soon found yourself back at your dorm, the ramshackle.
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Once inside, he placed you down on the bed, keeping hold of one arm over your head while using his free hand to undo your buttons and zippers without hesitation.
Within moments, he had ripped your clothes apart revealing your naked body in all its glory. The sight of your figure and softness sent waves of desire coursing through him.
"You know, its pretty inconvenient for me not knowing when you’ll be down in a slump." He told you in a cheeky manner, obviously not serious. You can always count on Che’nya to tease in any given situation. “But it’s not all so bad, after all, when your like this I get to play with you.” he murmured against your neck, nipping lightly at your sensitive skin. “Though I would prefer it if it just some random fun, not me having to fuck into you just how perfect you are.” He told you with a rather serious tone, different from his usual one. Thought the softness behind his eyes told you, he wasn’t blaming or reprimanding you. He just wish you could see what he saw when he would gaze at you. But before you could think on that for too long-
"Now, lie back and enjoy yourself." Che’nya spoke out in his usual oh so casual tone.
With that said, he pushed your legs apart wider than they wanted to go and started playing with your ‘sweet-scented pigeon wing’ as he would call it.
Wait- the hell?! “Sweet-scented pigeon wing”, where does that even come from, like what the actual f- oh, right, you remember now.
Sweet-scented pigeon wing from potionology, it’s also known as Clitoria fragrans hence their vaginal shape. What a fucking bastard that he is for calling your coochie that!
Well at least if you had any doubts about sex, your mind was now well off them. But before your mental insulting and name calling of your boyfriend could continue anymore, it was abruptly cut short, by the one you were previously cursing out.
As Che'nya touched your sensitive areas, you could feel a mix of pleasure and shock coursing through your body. His cold hands contrasted with the warmth that was beginning to spread between your legs. He teased you mercilessly, rubbing circles around your clit before dipping his fingers inside of you. Every move sent waves of ecstasy throughout your entire being, making it hard for you to resist him.
In response to his actions, you arched your back involuntarily, moaning softly as he continued to torment you. "Che’nya stop... please..." You begged, but there was no real resistance in your voice. Instead, it sounded more like pleading for more.
"Feeling good, aren't you?" he purred, nibbling on your earlobe playfully. "You know you want this." With that, he pushed two fingers deep inside of you, stretching you wider than ever before. The sudden invasion caused another loud moan to escape your lips, followed by a whimper as he began to thrust them in and out of you rhythmically.
Che'nya chuckled at your moans and whimpers, loving the power he had over you. He increased the pace of his thrusts, going faster and harder until you were on the brink of orgasm. Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out suddenly, leaving you panting and yearning for more.
"Not yet," he purred teasingly. "I want you begging for it, and obviously you got to explain why you deserve it, also you being attractive must be one of those reasons, ‘Kay!” With that cryptic remark, he stepped back slightly, exposing his erect member to your eager eyes. It was throbbing with anticipation.
You couldn't help but stare at his thick, throbbing dick, your eyes widening in a mixture of fear and desire. "W-What do you want me to say? T-That I... need this?" Your voice cracked slightly as he stepped closer again, pushing his cockhead against your entrance.
"Good girl," he praised, before sliding the head inside of you slowly. "Now tell me why else you deserve it." His pace remained slow, allowing you to adjust to his size while teasing both of them.
You bit your lower lip nervously, trying to gather your thoughts. "I... umm... I guess because... uh... well... it feels so good when you touch me like this... And that I’ve been good ..” You managed to stutter out between pants.
"And, I suppose... that I'm somewhat pretty." You reply.
"You 'suppose' that you're 'somewhat pretty'? Hmm, I don't think that's going to cut it. You need to be confident about that sort of thing, especially if you want me to start pounding my dick into you." He tells you, giggling.
You blush bright red, feeling both embarrassed and aroused by his words. "I... I-I mean..." Stuttering again, you gather your courage and look him straight in the eyes. "I'm beautiful, okay? Okay?"
His grin widened as he heard these words leave your lips. "That's more suitable," he praised. He increased his pace little by little, gradually thrusting deeper inside of you. Each powerful stroke sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making it difficult for you to maintain composure.
"You smell so damn good," Che'nya groaned, burying his face in your neck and sucking on your tender skin. His hands moved downwards, once more, grabbing your legs firmly and spreading them wider apart, exposing your wet and needy pussy to his hungry gaze. "Yes, you are perfect, there’s no other way to think about it."
You blushed deeply at his words, feeling both embarrassed and aroused. "I... I mean, I—!"
Before you could finish your sentence, he thrust himself fully inside of you without warning, stretching your tight hole to accommodate him completely. A cry of pleasure mixed with pain escaped from your lips as he began to move steadily, claiming you body inch by slow but powerful inch. Each time he pulled out slightly, only to push back in deeper than before, hitting your G-spot just right, sending waves of intense ecstasy coursing through your entire being.
"That's better," he praised between heavy breaths. "You sound so much better when you aren’t worrying about how you look, but instead of how deep I’m fucking you." He said that last part with a snicker.
You moaned in pure ecstasy as he continued to thrust into you, his thick member stretching and filling up every inch of your tight passage. The combination of pleasure and pain was almost too much for you to handle, but somehow, you wanted more.
"Oh god, Che'nya," you cried out, arching your back towards him. "I want... more..." Your words came out breathless and desperate.
He picked up the pace even faster, pounding into you relentlessly. Each powerful thrust caused a loud slapping sound against your sensitive flesh, adding an erotic rhythm to their passionate dance. His hands gripped tightly onto your legs, leaving marks on your skin as evidence of their intensity.
"That's it, baby," he groaned, his voice hoarse with desire. "Take all of me." Owing to his size, each deep penetration felt like hitting a new level of pleasure that left you begging for more.
Feeling his orgasm building up inside of him, Che'nya slowed down slightly, savoring every moan and whimper that escaped from your lips. "I can feel how close you are too," he panted between breaths.
"C-Come with me..." his voice cracked as he spoke those words, urging you to reach climax alongside him.
The feeling intensified beyond anything you could have imagined, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. And then, just when you thought it couldn't get better, another powerful thrust sent waves of pure bliss coursing through your body, sending you over the edge into a mind-numbing orgasm unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Your entire being shook with intense pleasure as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over you, leaving you completely lost in the moment.
As for Che'nya, he held on tightly, his own release drawing near. With one final, forceful thrust, he let out a primal growl, burying himself deep within you to the hilt. Quickly pulling out, his hot seed spurted forth, painting your stomach and chest with thick, sticky cum. He stayed there for a moment, observing his work. “See, your such a lovely thing.” Was all he said while looking at your fucked out face and and cum cover body.
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Thanks anon for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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disillusioneddanny · 2 years
A Love Story for the Ages Day 1 firsts/lasts
Danny Fenton was nine years old when he met Bruce Wayne for the first time. Jack had decided that they needed to go to Gotham City to investigate ghosts. Danny was just happy to go on some kind of road trip and get out of dreary Amity Park. He had even somehow managed to convince Jazz to take him to the park to play while their parents were off running around and looking for ghosts that were nowhere to be found. 
It was at the park that Danny had met eight year old Brucie Wayne. The little boy was also at the park that day with his butler, Alfred. 
“Hi! My name’s Danny!” The little boy had said, running up to the little boy who was climbing up the jungle gym. The dark headed boy looked down at him and smiled. 
“I’m Brucie!” he said, waving down at him. 
“Can I play with you?” Danny asked, looking up at the child. Brucie just nodded his head once, a happy smile on his face, content with the fact that he was making a friend all on his own. Danny climbed onto the jungle gym and looked over at the boy. “Wanna race?”
“Yes!” Brucie cheered before the two continued to climb, higher and higher to see who could get there first. Danny let out a whoop as he made it to the top. He reached a hand down to help Brucie on the last step. Bruce took his hand and allowed the older boy to pull him up. 
“I’ve never gotten to the top before,” Brucie said, staring down at the ground. “I feel so tall!”
Danny giggled. “I do too! It’s so fun!”
“Can we be friends?” The younger boy asked, looking over at Danny with a hopeful smile. “I don’t have any friends.”
“I don’t have any either,” Danny said. “But we can be best friends! I can give you my parents number and we can call each other all the time after I go home on Friday.”
“You’re going home?” Bruce asked, tilting his head to the side. Danny let out a sad whine of confirmation and nodded his head. 
“Yeah, my parents are here for work and they brought me and my sister with them. I’m just here for a week,” he said, swinging his feet, the ends of his shoelaces dragged along the bar below his foot. 
“That’s okay, we can still be best friends! We can call each other all the time and maybe I can come visit you sometime?” Bruce said. Danny perked up and nodded his head once, agreeing with the plan. “Cool! I can’t wait to tell my mom and dad about you! I’ve never had a friend before.”
Danny laughed and looked over at his new best friend. “Wanna see something cool?” He asked. Bruce nodded once before he let out a gasp as Danny launched himself into the air and landed on the ground, letting out a happy whoop when he landed on his feet. 
“That was so cool!” Bruce shouted before following suit. The two boys continued to play until the sun started to set and Jazz and Alfred respectively told the boys that it was time to go. 
Every single day for the rest of the week, Danny and Bruce found themselves playing together at the park. They created adventures, and told one another stories. They fought imaginary monsters and saved fake princesses from dragons. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” Bruce said softly, a hiccup in his voice as he held back his tears. Danny wiped at his eyes and nodded once. 
“Me too, Brucie. But I’m gonna call you every single day!” Danny said. “And it isn’t goodbye, we’re gonna see each other again.”
“I love you, Danny,” Bruce said, finally letting his tears fall down his cheeks. Danny sniffed and hugged Bruce tight. 
“I love you too, Brucie,” the boy said, burying his face in Bruce’s shoulder. It was the first time that Bruce and Danny had ever told one another “I love you.” But it was not going to be the last. 
Once Danny left, the two had continued with their daily phone calls, spending hours talking about nothing of importance, just how their days were going and what they thought of school. Sometimes Danny would tell Brucie about the newest crazy thing his parents were doing. Bruce would tell him about the boring galas that his parents would drag them to. It wasn’t the easiest friendship with how far apart they were. But it was theirs and it meant the world to both little boys. 
That is, until the accident happened. 
“Brucie? What’s wrong?” Danny asked, listening to his best friend sniffle on the other side of the phone. It wasn’t their usual time to talk to one another. In fact, Brucie had called super late at night. Mom had only let Danny talk to him because he sounded upset. 
“Mama and Papa died,” he said softly. “I don’t know what to do.”
Danny felt his heart sink. “I’m sorry Brucie,” he said quietly. “I’m gonna ask mom and dad to see if we can come see you. It’s gonna be okay, Brucie, everything is gonna be okay.”
Brucie let out a soft sniff. For the first time in Danny’s young life, he felt absolutely helpless. A week later, Danny had managed to convince his mother to fly out with him to Gotham City for Martha and Thomas Wayne’s funerals. As soon as Bruce spotted him, he ran straight towards his best friend, Danny held the boy tight as he sobbed into his shoulder. 
“It’s gonna be okay, Brucie. Everything is going to be okay,” he said softly, hugging his best friend tight. 
After that, the calls continued on daily but the conversations turned into hours long conversations as Bruce told Danny everything going on in his life and his desire for revenge. Danny found himself treasuring every moment he had with Bruce as his own parents started to slip away from him, the neglect growing exponentially as they started to focus more on their experiments than they did their children. 
Bruce is thirteen when he gets the call from Danny. “Danny? What’s wrong?” He asked. At this time their calls had gone down from daily to weekly, high school and middle school now kicking their asses and keeping them busier than they would have liked. 
“Something happened to me, Bruce. I don’t know what to do,” Danny whispered, his voice shaky. “I was with Sam and Tucker in my parent’s lab and I was trying to impress them. Bruce, I think I died,” he said, voice breaking at the end. 
“What do you mean you died? I’m talking to you right now, Danny. You’re fine,” Bruce said with a frown. 
“No, you don’t understand. Something’s wrong with me. I keep falling through walls, I can fly now, I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I think it’s because of the portal. It opened with me in it,” he whimpered. “Bruce, I’m a freak.”
“Danny, you are not a freak. I don’t know what happened but you’re going to be okay, do you understand? Have you told your parents what happened?” He asked, glaring down at his desk and feeling utterly helpless. He hated moments like this where the distance between him and his best friend became a hassle and kept him from comforting his friend in the way that he would like. 
“No! They can’t know about this, if they find out they’ll try to experiment on me. You know how they are, B. If they find out I have powers, they’re gonna think something’s wrong with me and they’re gonna run tests and-”
“You’re catastrophizing again,” Bruce chided. “Look, you’re still coming to Gotham in a few weeks for Spring Break, right?”
“Yeah, mom already bought my plane ticket to come see you guys,” Danny said shakily. 
“When you get here, we’ll figure out what’s wrong. It’s gonna be okay, Danny. Everything’ll be okay,” Bruce said softly. 
“Thanks for letting me stay here with you guys,” Danny said, the bags under his eyes darker than ever as he set his duffle bag down in the foyer. Bruce frowned. 
Danny’s parents had learned about Danny’s accident. They hadn’t taken it well. From what Danny had said, they hadn’t tried to experiment on him or rip him apart molecule by molecule. Instead they had asked him to leave. His parents had kicked their sixteen year old son out of their house like he was trash. 
The fifteen year old simply pulled Danny into his arms and gave him a tight hug. “It’s gonna be okay. This can be your home now, me and Alfred will take care of you,” he whispered, holding Danny close. Danny sobbed into his shoulder, squeezing Bruce’s waist tight. 
Bruce is sixteen years old when he finally manages to get the nerve to kiss Danny. They’re curled up in the entertainment center watching some movie that Danny had been super excited about. 
“Danny, look at me,” Bruce whispered, watching the way Danny’s eyes shone in the dark room. His otherworldliness more prominent in the dark. Danny glanced over and smiled. 
“What is it, B? Are you getting tired? We can finish the movie tomorrow if you want,” he suggested. 
“Can I kiss you?” Bruce asked quietly, slinking his hand down to take Danny’s hand in his. 
Danny blushed a beautiful red. “I think I’d like that,” he whispered back. Bruce’s heart pounded as he leaned in close and closed the difference between the two of them. Danny’s lips are soft is the first thing Bruce thinks of. They’re soft and they taste like butter and salt from the popcorn  and they’re warm. Bruce never wants to pull away. It’s their first kiss, but it was definitely not going to be their last if Bruce has anything to say about it. 
“I have to do this, Danny,” Bruce said, glaring at his boyfriend. He’s twenty years old now and he’s ready to start training to get stronger, to become someone who can finally get revenge for his parents' murders. He was going to avenge them. 
Danny just gave him a small smile and cupped Bruce’s hand in his. “I understand. This is important to you, B. Besides, I can only put off the inevitable for so long. Clockwork is demanding that I start my training to be king.”
Bruce smiled and pressed his face into Danny’s hand. “Can’t believe you’re about to be the king of an entire dimension.”
Danny let out a soft laugh. “It is kinda crazy. Isn’t it?”
“What does this mean for us?” Bruce asked him, taking Danny’s hand and squeezing it tight. 
“It means that we’re just not going to see each other very much for a while. But I don’t think anything has to change. I love you, Bruce, distance and time won’t change that, either,” Danny told him. Bruce smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Danny’s lips. They taste like the vanilla of Danny’s chapstick and they’re just as welcoming as always. They remind Bruce of home. 
Bruce is thirty three when he sees Danny again. It hadn’t meant to be like this, their lives had become so hectic. Bruce had become Batman, he had an entire city to take care of on his own. Danny was a king, he had no time for himself anymore but he makes sure that Bruce knows he’s there. He leaves notes for Bruce everywhere, letting the Dark Knight know that he is watching. 
“What do I do, Danny? How am I going to take care of him?” Bruce asked quietly, watching as his new ward, Dick Grayson slept peacefully in the guest bed. 
“Make sure he knows that he’s loved, B,” Danny said, looking down at the boy. “His parents approve of you being his new guardian. They were beyond happy to know that you would be taking care of the boy.”
“Of course, as soon as you told me about him, I had to be there for him. I know what he’s going through, it’s so hard. I would have never wished that on any little kid,” Bruce murmured, still staring down at Dick. Danny twined their fingers together and led him out of the guest room. 
“It will be okay, Starlight,” Danny told him quietly. “I can pop in from time to time to check in on you guys. I’m tired of this distance,” he said. 
Bruce nodded tiredly. “I am too,” he murmured as they took a seat on his bed. Danny curled up around Bruce’s side and slipped a leg between the vigilante’s. “How are things going in the realms?”
“Exhausting. There’s just been so much to do and I’m only one person,” Danny complained. “How’s the vigilante life going?”
Bruce cracked a small smile. “About the same.”
The two tangled themselves into one another as they got caught up on each of their lives, feeling as though it was just yesterday when they had last seen one another.
Danny watched his lover laying on his bed, his family surrounding him. They were frozen in place. This was a moment between just Bruce and Danny. 
“Are you sure that this is what you want?” Danny asked, watching the man he had loved his entire existence start to fade before his eyes. Bruce gave him a tired smile. 
“I have lived a long life, Danny. I’m ninety years old, I let you have me for this long,” he rasped out, taking Danny’s smooth hand in his wrinkled and gnarled one. “I’m ready to move on. I want to see my parents again. I would like to see Alfred again.”
“But what about me?” Danny whispered, his voice cracking slightly. 
“I’ll see you again too, one day,” Bruce said with a certainty that Danny did not have. The Ghost King frowned down at his love, feeling selfish beyond words as he wracked his brain, trying to think of some reason to keep Bruce here, to keep him living. 
“I love you, Brucie,” Danny said softly, leaning down to press a kiss to the old man’s cheek. 
“I love you too, Danny,” Bruce told him, one last time. 
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minkkumaz · 1 year
hello :) I loved your yungyu imagine! i hope it isn’t annoying asking for another one…? maybe the reader is also an idol and she and yungyu do an interview together and flirt with each other ?!
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dating within the idol industry was strictly forbidden. yet behind the scenes, you and yungyu have something that could only be described as 'a little more than friends.' after he sees you after music bank, he has something to tell you.
PAIRING lee yungyu x fem!reader WC 0.9k TAGS friends to lovers. fluff. mutual pining. OMI NOTE omg anon it is totally not annoying. i am madly in love with yungyu so i feel so happy someone else wants a yungyu request. don't be afraid to send more once my ask box opens up again, i love writing for him. <3 this is a tiny bit different from your ask but i hope you still like it.
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when yungyu gave you soft looks from his side of the stage, you tried your best to bite back a smile. music events were your worst enemy, getting to see your cute boy - crush perform with his group and listen to hundreds of fans call out his name. 
but none of them knew anything about the two of you, what happened behind closed doors. he dedicated his ending fairy to you. something sweet that only you guys knew, something sacred that would be forbidden to the public.
it wasn’t a secret that there were strict rules that enforced zero dating in the industry. dating scandals negatively effected the picture perfect image that idols had to maintain. you and yungyu knew that better than anyone, but it couldn’t pry either of you apart.
nobody caught on how close you guys were, not even your companies. yungyu’s group tried tirelessly to help you guys cover up your tracks just to see him happy. their bond was truly unbreakable and you somewhat envied that. it was difficult to hang around the group in public as a whole without problems arising. 
this was the sad part of being a soloist, not having a group to rely on that could help you with your stupid relationship issues. yet he was always there to be your comfort, your home. 
somewhere behind the scenes, when he saw you for the first time he almost fell in love. you’d never forget when seungheon told you how hard he worked to give you a good stage. since then it became history.
hanging out whenever you could, accidentally falling asleep on his shoulder and waking up to a pitch black practice room at four in the morning. 
it was sappy moments like those that you clung onto, memories that rested inside the company building. especially when you had to make a sneaky escape from his personal office room. there wasn’t a label on things, however, so sometimes you felt confused.
so like every other day, not being able to cheer as loudly for your closest friend, you held back. the event ended after everyone finished with their performances and awards were given out. since you were the honorable mc alongside two others, you stepped aside to a room where you were meant to  interview them.
they piled in, and you tried to avoid eye contact with yungyu as not to raise suspicion, bowing a little lower than usual because of this.
“let’s welcome rookie group, 8turn, back from their comeback stage!” your  told the camera whilst your partner clapped lightly, “say hello!”
“whose turn? 8turn! hello we are 8turn!" they introduced happily.
“how do you guys feel finally being able to perform your first comeback?” your partner asked.
“all of us have definitely worked very hard towards this, and we’re glad to show everything to our turnings!” jaeyun told, earning nods from all the other boys.
“well i would love to know who your guys biggest inspiration was during these times!” you looked as jaeyun passed the mic over to yungyu.
“my biggest inspiration recently has been my closest friend outside of all of this. she– they. yes they have always been so kind and um,” he pauses, “i really enjoy being around them, and they’re always making me feel like my best so i really appreciate them for that.”
while the other mc is clapping, you blush profusely. there was the assumption there that he was talking about you, the chances weren’t zero. it was one of the riskiest things he’s done, especially that slip up.
“ahm– i’m glad you find such inspiration in your friends! you guys have worked very hard. 8turn fighting!” you stuttered out.
the cameras dropped and you quickly bowed before turning away from the boys. the day had run long and you needed some fresh air after their interview. 
you walked off into the hall and grabbed a soft drink from the vending machine before sitting yourself on the stairs. cracking open the tap, you took a sip. there were quiet footsteps in the distance that grew louder, you paid it no mind.
“y/n!” a voice said, who you easily were able to recognize as yungyu's.
“yungyu, what are you doing here shouldn’t you be with you group?” you questioned him as he sat down next to you on the stairs.
“yeah but they let me come find you.” he paused, “you know i was talking about you during the interview right?”
“you were?”
“of course i was! how could i not? you really have been my biggest inspiration ever since i met you.” he admit, letting his hand slightly graze over yours. 
“thank you.. but we can’t be this close while we are in public yungyu, we’ll get hell from the company.” you tried to move your hand away but he was quicker to intertwine your fingers.
“y/n this is so stupid. i really really like you and i hate hiding this. you don’t think they’d maybe be a little bit supportive?”
“wait hold on let’s back track for a second, you like me?” the shock on your face made him laugh.
“oh my gosh you seriously didn’t know i liked you?”
“i thought it was one sided this whole time i feel so stupid!” you pout.
“you’re so cute, i can’t believe you didn’t realize.” he smiled at you, turning your head to face him slightly. the touch made you turn red.
“soo.. what now?” you mumbled
“something something, maybe we kiss.” 
your lips parted slightly as your eyes went wide, making him smile even bigger. he leaned into you and left a small tap on your lips.
“you better hope we don’t get caught you idiot.”
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gazetto-no-ki · 2 months
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2024.04.16 【The important notice】
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2024.04.17 【To All the Fans from the Members】
〈 RUKI 〉
In the end, he said 'I wish for the GazettE to be eternal'. What does eternity mean to him?
I believe Reita wished that the best scenes he saw from the stage in 2023 would continue forever.
The scenes shared with the fans, the faces of his fans filled with joy, the moments when everyone could raise their voices together—
Those are irreplaceable treasures.
I believe he wished those moments would last forever.
I remember him saying how he wanted to do a live show again soon.
Even as an adult, he was a kind and passionate man who could honestly say, "No matter how hard things get, the times when I can laugh with my band members are the best."
I loved that honesty.
This year too, just like every year, we jokingly told each other to take care of our health on our birthdays.
The band will never be just four members. No matter what anyone says.
There’s no bassist for us but you.
I believe your spirit is always at my right side.
Everyone should feel it, even if they can’t see it.
The proof of Reita's life, built up through the GazettE, will never fade and will continue to live on.
I believe that, and I will keep singing by your side, so that your soul can always be right next to me.
The GazettE will never become a band that Reita would dislike.
I wouldn't want to upset you.
People live finite lives, but I believe the soul is eternal.
Reita’s spirit remains with the band, with me, and with the fans.
I want to keep doing live shows that will make the souls of those who love us want to keep coming back to our stage, even in eternity.
It’s because each and every one of you fans that we can create the scenes he wished would last forever.
That’s why I want you to stay by our side and be there, just as you always have.
He would want you to remember him with a smile, thinking, "He was an amazing guy!" rather than feeling sad when you think of him.
We’re more determined than ever to protect this band.
We will fulfill the eternity that Reita wished for.
So, Reita, feel free to come to every live show from heaven.
Your spot will always be here.
We’re going to be really busy from now on.
I’ll let you know when the schedule is set.
〈 Uruha 〉
To all the fans who have supported REITA until now,
I believe he was an incredibly important support not just for everyone, but also for me. I still can't accept or fully realize the fact that he’s no longer here and that we can’t stand on stage together anymore. As time goes on, there may be many things I’ll come to understand little by little. But I strongly feel that I need the strength to move forward now, because if I remain consumed by sorrow, I won’t be able to fulfill the eternity that he wished for.
I believe that the path we’ve walked together with everyone was something irreplaceable for him, and it will continue to live on in all of our hearts, including mine. He gave us so much and walked with us for so long, and that will never change—he will always be my best friend, now and forever. Please keep all the words, memories, and love that he left behind for everyone close to your heart.
REITA will continue to exist and live on in everyone’s hearts.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported and cheered for REITA of the GazettE until now.
〈 Aoi 〉
For a long time now, the members and a small group of staff have been working together on all sorts of things, always going back and forth with “this and that.” But writing this message is the one thing I never wanted to do.
There were times when I almost gave up on my dreams. Every time, we would talk things through over and over, sometimes giving each other a push, pulling each other back from giving in. That’s the kind of band we are, and that’s how we’ve been able to keep moving forward without ever stopping.
REITA, you’re not the kind of person who just wishes for eternity—you’re someone who was making it happen. I can’t come up with some clever line like, “I’ll carry your burden too.” I just wanted to make more music with you, to see more of the world together.
Every scene we see is amazing because it’s the five of us together, surrounded by our fans. I don’t know why, but the fact that I can’t even tell you everything I want to say is just too painful.
For now, when I eventually join you, I’m planning to start with a massive lecture. I know it’ll be lonely without us all of a sudden, but until then, take your time and rest.
I’ve still got some things to take care of over here.
Thank you for walking this long journey with us. Please rest in peace.
〈 Kai 〉
For me, REITA was an immeasurably important presence. His words and sounds saved me countless times. He was the mood-maker of the band, and all the memories I have of him are filled with joy. And more than anything, the only image that comes to mind is of him shining on stage.
He was the perfect partner as part of the rhythm section and a truly irreplaceable presence. That will never change, not now and not in the future.
I want to continue carrying his spirit with me, with even greater determination, as we carry on with the GazettE.
Lastly, to all the fans and everyone involved who have supported us for 22 years, thank you.
And moving forward, our feelings remain unchanged—we want to keep running as a band of five, so we ask for your continued support.
REITA, thank you for all your hard work. We’ll continue to protect the GazettE with the same unwavering resolve, along with all our comrades... I promise.
There are so many of us who don’t want to waste the 22 years you gave us. We’re all waiting for you. You’d better show up at the shows!
Let’s have some good drinks again.
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2024.04.25 【Regarding the HERESY LIMITED 'SIX GUN’S' Concert】
Thank you very much for your continued support of the GazettE. We respectfully inform you that the funeral for REITA, who passed away on April 15, 2024, has been held.
After much discussion among the members and staff of the GazettE on how best to honor REITA with our fans, we have decided to hold this performance as a memorial concert, given REITA’s deep love for music and live performances.
Details are still under discussion, and we will provide further information at a later date. We appreciate your understanding.
Please note that there will be no merchandise sales at this performance.
Messages from the members to the fans regarding this performance have been posted on the official site’s news page. Please check the official site for further details.
2024.04.25 on Twitter:
To everyone,
We share a sadness so overwhelming that we could never bear it alone, but with the resolve to forever uphold the words he wished for in the end, every member is now pouring everything into the GazettE.
This photo is one we took a long time ago, with the five of us joining hands together as one.
I remember that Reita really liked this photo.
Someone had posted this picture, so I'm borrowing it from them.
When I saw it, I hurried to find the original data. It's such an old photo that it feels like a miracle that it was still around.
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Dear fans,
Thank you so much for all your words. No amount of gratitude will ever be enough.
No one has a guarantee for tomorrow. It shows just how precious today is.
So, to my beloved fans, I simply ask you to cherish each passing second and keep living with us.
Lastly, I hope you’ll take a moment to read the members' comments about the upcoming live show.
I believe this is the time when we need to come together the most.
I’m really sorry for making you worry. I’ll start writing here little by little from now on.
The memorial live that was announced today. This reflects how we’re feeling right now—we want to face everyone honestly, without turning away. That’s all we wish for.
However, I want everyone to also take care of their own feelings. It’s fine if you need to take your time to get in the right mindset before moving forward.
REITA has saved me countless times. That’s why I want to cherish my own feelings and face him directly. When we started the band together, we made a promise: 'Let’s keep playing in the band together even when we’re old men.' Because of that promise,
I can’t let time stop in my heart as we grow older together. That thought is speaking to me now.
My feelings for REITA, and above all, the support I’m receiving from all the fans through their words, fill me with gratitude.
To convey these feelings, I couldn’t think of anything other than doing a live performance.
This got a bit long, but as we move forward, I want to keep writing here and facing everyone, so thank you for your support.
Hello, sorry for leaving you like that. The fact that we managed to book a venue in Tokyo about a month from now is truly miraculous.
For us, it wasn’t just a matter of finding an available place. It was essential that we send REITA off while feeling his presence to the fullest. So when I heard that Toyosu PIT was available on May 27, I was honestly thrilled.
"We can send him off in our own way. REITA will definitely be happy," I thought.
In reality, even though we’ve secured the venue and made the announcement, we still need to carefully consider what we can and cannot do on the day. My current feeling is that we must definitely say "thank you" to REITA and send him off.
I just wanted to share this with everyone.
I’ve seen so many words of support from the fans, and it means a lot to me, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to update more often.
And truly, thank you!
With all of you here, I really feel that the GazettE exists because of you all.
When we decided on this title, I thought it was the only possible choice.
Our thoughts behind choosing May 27 for the live show are detailed in the comments on the official site, so I’d like everyone to take a look.
Ideally, we would have liked to prepare a venue where everyone could attend, but even so, it feels like a true miracle that Toyosu PIT was available.
We’re still in the process of discussing what else we can do regarding this, so once the details are decided, we’ll let you know!
〈 RUKI 〉
After gathering all the members together, discussing our true feelings, and sharing what's in our hearts, we have decided to hold a memorial concert on May 27th.
Each of us, including myself, is feeling a mix of various emotions, and there's only one reason why we've chosen to perform a live show at this time.
When we thought about what made REITA the happiest, what brought him the most joy, it was always hearing the fans’ voices and seeing everyone enjoying themselves at live shows. We all agreed on this.
REITA's wish was for "the GazettE to be eternal," and hearing words of encouragement from his family, telling us to "keep going," helped us make this careful decision.
Rather than giving up and waiting for our hearts to find peace, we believe that REITA will be with us and our fans forever. Holding this live show every year is the true way to remember REITA and is a form of love that we, as his bandmates, can give.
We believe that this is our mission as the ones still living, and we want to carry on this wish.
More than anything, we've always heard from our fans that our band is what keeps them going. Together, we've laughed and cried, and even through it all, you've continued to support us. We believe that if we continue with the GazettE, alongside our fans, our band will become stronger than ever.
We have learned that many people, not only in Japan but also from abroad, have paid their respects to REITA. We believe we need to express our gratitude to everyone in person someday.
So, no matter what challenges lie ahead, we believe that the path we're on is the right one, and we will continue to move forward with strength. We will stand on stage with this band, and always protect this place where everyone can return. When you feel ready to come back to a live show, please allow us to express our gratitude with smiles.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued warm support. We’ll be waiting for all of you on May 27th.
〈 Uruha 〉
The one thing REITA left behind for us, the members, and all the fans was his wish: "I want the GazettE to be eternal."
We've thought long and hard about how we can honor REITA's feelings, which were always with the fans and the band until the very end. As a result, we have decided to hold a memorial concert titled HERESY LIMITED ‘SIX GUN'S’ on May 27th at Toyosu PIT.
It wasn’t easy to reach this decision. After discussing our resolve and determination, the four of us who remain have committed to standing on stage that day.
Only a short time has passed since he left us, but rather than relying on time to heal our wounds, we want to dedicate the rest of our lives to creating a place where we can keep REITA’s memory vivid and colorful, together with all the fans.
When I think about the feelings of everyone who cares about REITA, I realize that it's impossible to fully understand each person's thoughts about a 'LIVE.'
But whenever we talked together as a band, we would always get excited over silliest things. On stage, he would play his bass like a madman, captivating the fans. Most importantly, REITA himself always said, "I feel alive" on that stage, where we’ve stood for the past 22 years as the GazettE.
We cannot ask everyone to simply accept everything and join the live. Everyone processes things differently.
No matter how much time it takes, when you’re ready to accept it and move forward, we believe it’s our mission to keep protecting this place where anyone can return. That’s the one thing the four of us can do now.
It feels almost like a miracle that Toyosu PIT was available on this specific day within our tight timeframe. I can’t help but think that maybe God allowed us this final chance to say goodbye to REITA.
I believe that REITA's spirit will surely come down to Toyosu PIT on May 27th to say thank you to everyone.
If we can directly express our feelings and gratitude to REITA at that time, I believe he will be able to safely come down to the stage again in the future.
〈 Aoi 〉
It's been a long time since I last wrote something like this for everyone. Since then, we've talked about so many things every day. We really spent a lot of time talking, being honest with each other about what the band means to us and our feelings as members, speaking openly as genuine friends.
We’ve reminisced about many memories with REITA and talked about what REITA was like. Most of our memories with REITA involve laughter. He was always a presence that brightened up our lives. I’ve often said, 'He was the heart of the GazettE,' because he was such a kind person.
So, we talked about how it’s our way to send him off with a GazettE live show, something he loved. Right now, it might still be a time for mourning REITA. There are surely many different opinions and emotions, and some may think it's too soon. But if May 27th ends up being filled with sad tears, it would only make him sad. We want May 27th to be a day where we can say "thank you" to REITA. We believe that’s what would make him happiest.
I’ve thought a lot about the words REITA left us: "I want the GazettE to be eternal." Of course, it could simply mean he wanted the band to continue, but knowing his gentle nature, I think he also wanted us to protect the band, the staff, and most of all, the fans.
Fans around the world have been grieving since then, and I imagine REITA is shedding tears with them too. Many fans have cherished his words and even gone to Shinjuku for him. I keep thinking that REITA must be saying, "I'm sorry for making you cry, but thank you for coming."
We talked about how we can’t just leave those fans alone in their sorrow forever. REITA wouldn’t be at peace with that, so we decided to prepare a place where those fans can come back and be supported. Even if you can't bring yourself to come right away, the moment you find a little bit of courage, the GazettE should be there for you. If we were to stop, we wouldn’t be able to be in reach when you need us. So, take your time, go at your own pace. We’ll be standing here when that moment comes.
〈 Kai 〉
We, the members, discussed our feelings with one another and decided to do this live show on May 27th. Having spent so much time with REITA, we’re certain that the most brilliant version of him was the REITA standing on that stage, and we believe the fans feel the same way.
Since then, we’ve seen so many fans express their feelings in various ways. We believe that by bringing those feelings to life and continuing to show everyone the unchanging the GazettE, alongside REITA, we are expressing our gratitude to all those who have supported us until now. We want to continue conveying this from the stage, now and always.
For this live show, we understand that fans will have a variety of opinions. But there's no need to force yourself to stand up, and no need to rush to come to terms with your feelings. It doesn’t matter how much time it takes.
We’ll be waiting with unchanging hearts in the same place.
We believe this is what REITA meant by saying that the GazettE is eternal, and that this is the only place where we can address those feelings that are beyond words.
Please be with us on May 27th.
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To everyone who attended the HERESY LIMITED 「SIX GUN’S」performance at TOYOSU PIT and to those who watched the partial broadcast available through the official fan clubs, HERESY and the GazettE MOBILE, thank you very much.
2024.05.27 Twitter:
Thank you all for today.
I believe the miracle of being able to do this live today, along with everyone’s feelings, definitely reached him.
And without a doubt, I could feel his spirit.
Thank you, REITA, for being born. 🎂
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Everyone, you were absolutely amazing.
Thank you so much for coming today and sending your thoughts—it really gave us strength.
I know I keep saying the same thing over and over again, but truly, thank you.
Take your time. Let’s keep walking together from here on out.
HBD REITA 🎂 I’m envious of how loved you are.
Thank you for today.
Thanks to all of you, I was able to feel our strong bond once again, and with even stronger determination, I can move forward.
Please continue to support the unchanging the GazettE.
REITA, Happy Birthday. Looking forward to continuing this journey with you.
2024.05.28 Aoi:
Until now, I’ve only been conveying my words to everyone one-sidedly, so I took the time to read the letters you brought to the venue.
Every time I see the correction pen marks, I think that even if it was written smoothly, it must have been revised many times.
I said to REITA that he was the one connecting 'eternity,' but perhaps it’s really all of you who are doing that.
It’s difficult to put into words, but I take great pride in having met all of you and being connected through this band the GazettE.
I wonder what kind of good deeds we must have done in our past lives to be loved so much.
I feel really saved. Right now, those are the only words I can find.
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littlemissgloomexe · 5 months
MaGir/GaGir headcannons
Just wanted to say; if you genuinely believe Gir is a child and wanna comment to tell me this is wrong, just don’t.😭 Seriously, he’s an ageless robot who doesn’t even act like a child at all, he just acts like someone with undiagnosed + unmedicated ADHD. Okay ty.
[Before they date]
Mel being… well, Mel, takes a while to feel any kind of spark of friendship when she first meets Gir, she’s almost immediately aware he’s not a threat so she won’t be harsh with the robot. Gir on the other hand, immediately got attached and has had the biggest fuckin crush on Mel since they first met lol
Mel develops an attachment to Gir faster than any other friend she’s made, this is confusing for Mel. Why is Gir different? What is it about him that’s so special?
Mel starts to talk about Gir A LOT to Joz to the point she starts to believe that the two are dating, sayin stuff like “You two dating?” Mel just replies with a simple “no.”
Joz still teases Mel about this whenever they brings up Gir; “Gothyyyy, do you have a little crush~?”
When Mel actually does start to develop a crush, she’s once again very confused with herself. “But… I don’t get crushes. I NEVER get crushes.” Again, what makes Gir so different?
She starts to observe Gir a little more when they see each other to figure why she has developed a crush on him. She over analyzes everything about him;
the way he’s always loyal to Zim, the way he shows Mel how much he cares about her, always being there for her, cheering her up in any way he can, remembering the smallest details about her…
…maybe it’s how he’s a complete opposite to her. Is the contrast in personalities alluring? That’s a possibility.
Some time passed and Mel slowly starts to realize that it isn’t anything in particular about Gir, they just like him.
Mel plans the way it would confess to Gir, it thinks about this for DAYS, WEEKS even, until it can come up with a solid way to tell Gir.
She brings him into her backyard garden, sits next to him on the bench swing, and confesses.
“Gir, I love you. I understand if you think I’m weird or if you wanna get away from me because we’re different species-“
Until Gir interrupts; “I LOVE YOU TOOOO, GOTHYYYY!!!” and he pulls them into a tight hug.
They proceed sit along side each other and cuddle for a while.
[OKAY!!! When they start dating!!]
Mel’s pet names for Gir include: Sweetie, love, my love, puppy, honey [she’s basic, I know…]
Mel and Gir giggle a lot when they’re cuddling or kissing
Mel can actually teach Zim a thing or two about making Gir actually listen to him;
“Just be more gentle with him, you don’t need to scream at him.”
Gir quickly realizes that Mel is VERY easily startled, so he makes sure he doesn’t hug them too suddenly and tries his best to make his movements in general less sudden
Gir starts to learn Mel’s safe foods/drinks and gives them to her when she’s sad or frustrated
Sometimes there are days where Mel LITERALLY CANNOT get out of bed, whenever this happens, Gir snuggles up with them under the blankets, silently comforting them.
Gir almost always wants attention from Mel, just any kind of it is fine, even a simple hand hold is okay with Gir, just as long as he has their attention.
Sometimes Gir will pretend to fall asleep in the weirdest places just so he can be picked up and carried to bed by Mel.
If Gir is wearing his dog costume, his tail starts to wag whenever he does as much as THINK about Mel.
Gir likes to drag Mel back to Zim’s base when Mel’s having a hard time with its mom [which is… not a rare occasion…]
Zim doesn’t really like this and has kicked Mel out before, they just keep coming back to the point where Zim grows a tolerance for Mel [ig you could argue that he tolerates her due to the shared hatred for humanity]
Mel draws pictures of Gir at least once every week.
Gir starts to get really attached to Lily too, petting her any time she lays next to him, happily giggling when he hears her purrs, Mel loves to see Gir getting along with their cat and she thinks the attachment Gir has for Lily is adorable.
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mythica0 · 26 days
(Probably) last post for today!
I did a doodle page of Ray and her Anti-fairy, Yar! (I also did a quick comic of Ray and Emma meeting.)
Pictures and also a Rant(tm) below the line
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I know I’m biased cause I made it, but I love the relationship between Ray and Yar, so here’s thoughts on it;
Ray is super friendly towards Yar, and constantly tries to spend time with her. She also often tries to cheer her up. She shoves all her love and friendship down Yar’s throat, much to her dismay.
Yar keeps pushing her away, telling her to go away and leave her alone, but it never works to make her give up.
Sometimes she’ll give up and just let Ray drag her out of the house to the coffee shop or something. Scenario;
“I’ll take a hot chocolate! Extra whipped cream!” *elbows* “what do you want?”
“Sigh. I’ll take a coffee. Black.” *mutter* “like my soul..”
“Alright! Will that be together or separate!”
“Together! I’m paying!” *looks over at Yar* “told ya you’d enjoy yourself! Your pout is smaller than normal! :D”
Other stuff!!
Ray is almost impossible to make sad. The only thing that makes her genuinely sad is not being able to make someone feel happy/better.
She also is incapable of hating anyone. She doesn’t even hate purely evil people, with no sympathetic backstory. She’s just like “oh, I feel bad for them! They never saw all the good in the world or accepted to power of friendship and kindness and love!” 💕
She believes that anything is possible with enough love and kindness. (Accurate)
Ray is also an absolute yapper. She also encourages everyone to find the good in the world, the joy in any situation, and the silver lining to any conflict.
She dislikes it when people fight and will try to break it up, make a compromise and make everyone happy. She’s a massive people pleaser, which makes her a great fairy godparent! But this also means that some anti fairies abuse her kindness, but she stays happy through it all.
Speaking of anti-fairies, because she likes to push her overwhelming kindness on Yar, she often visits Anti-fairy world. She’s infamous there, and most anti fairies will make her do favors for them any time they can.
Yar, despite all her grumbling, actually quite cares about Ray, and if she’s people doing that she gets mad at them. She’s very protective of her opposite. Yar and Ray have the best relationship between Fairy and Anti-fairy ever recorded. Ray hates no one, and Yar can’t bring herself to hate such a ball of sunshine.
Also: sometimes Yar will come to fairy world to visit Ray. Ray is Ecstatic whenever she does this. Jorgen allows it for two reasons, 1- The two have a close relationship, and 2- Yar doesn’t really have the motivation or energy to take over fairy world. Can’t be bothered.
Moving on, Ray has a sort of aura around her, that makes it so anyone near her immediately has more energy and happiness. It’s magical in nature. But even if it wasn’t there, most would find her joy infectious.
On the flip side, Yar has a magical aura of the same variety, but it heightens negative thoughts/ sad feelings and lowers energy levels. Their auras cancel eachother out aka don’t work on eachother.
Knowing all that, Scenario time! (Real writing this one tho):
Ray, Cosmo, Wanda, Peri and their respective godkids were hanging out at the married couple’s apartment. Hey we’re having fun and laughing, all infected by Ray’s Joyous aura. When suddenly it was interrupted by a wave of sadness. Everyone but Ray all felt.. tired. “Why do I feel so sad all of a sudden?” Hazel said, looking confused. Everyone else but Ray replied, “you too?” Hazel looked even more confused. “It’s all of us? What is-“
She was interrupted by a gasp from Ray. “YAY! my sister-not-sister bestie is here!” She shouts, running to open the door. Before Yar can even knock, she’s tackled into a tight hug by her counterpart. “YAR! I’m so glad you came!”
The anti-fairy sighed and rolled her eyes. “Hello to you, too, Ray.” The two fairies auras mixed, balancing out and making everyone in the room feel normal.
“Uh, who’s that?” Emma spoke, with everyone else seeming to agree on the question.
“Oh! You guys haven’t met Yar! Everyone, Yar, Yar, Everyone! Why don’t you introduce yourself!” She nodded towards the bat-winged woman, who seemed to agree but without any sort of enthusiasm.
“Hey. Name’s Yar, I’m Ray’s anti-fairy and,” she sighed heavily, “..friend. I guess.”
“Works for me!” Ray exclaimed, chipper as ever.
The night continued, and it was just as fun as before. Even with a Debbie downer at the table.
Another, shorter, scenario of the two on an adventure! (Incorrect quotes style but I made it so it’s a correct quote)
“This isn’t gonna work.”
“Come on, be positive!”
*sigh* “Fine. I’m positive this isn’t gonna work.”
Can you tell I love them.
I HC that bc most fairies are right handed like humans, most anti-fairies are left handed. But, Ray is Left handed, so Yar is Right handed.
Lastly, tword stuff!
Ray has a very happy, loud laugh. Her worst spot is her sides. She loves to use twords as a way to try and cheer people up, and is a very silly ler. She will often tell jokes (usually dad jokes/puns) while twording someone. And when not twording someone, actually. She loves puns. Not ashamed that she loves being tworded. Will straight up ask for them.
Yar has a quiet, almost whisper of a laugh. It never gets louder than that. Ever. They share a death spot. She is very shy about twords because she never smiles, often making a point of it, and it forces her to do so. This means that, although she doesn’t mind the feeling, she is often opposed to being tworded, and Ray respects that. She will tword people, but she’s very bad at it. Mostly because of her low energy.
That’s all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed my OC rants :3
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
### Navigating Unexplainable Emotions: You're Not Alone
Have you ever found yourself wrapped up in a wave of emotions that you just can't put into words? Maybe it’s a mix of excitement, sadness, frustration, and confusion, all bubbling up at once, leaving you feeling lost. If this sounds familiar, know that you are definitely not alone.
As teenagers, we’re experiencing so many firsts. First loves, first heartbreaks, first real successes, and failures. It’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions during this time. But what happens when you can’t quite understand what you’re feeling?
### It’s Okay to Not Have All the Answers
One of the most important things to remember is that it’s completely okay not to have all the answers. Sometimes, emotions don’t have a clear-cut cause or solution. They can be influenced by a variety of factors like hormones, changes in friendships, academic pressures, or even just a lack of sleep. It's okay to sit with these feelings and simply acknowledge them without fully understanding where they come from.
### You’re Not Alone
Believe me when I say, many of us feel the same way. We all go through periods of emotional confusion and vulnerability. Even those who seem to have everything figured out can be hiding their own struggles. That’s why it’s so important to talk about what you’re going through. Share your feelings with a friend, a family member, or even a trusted teacher. They might not have a perfect solution for you, but just knowing that someone else understands can be incredibly reassuring.
### Ways to Navigate These Feelings
1. **Keep a Journal:** Writing down your thoughts can help you process what you’re feeling. You don’t have to worry about grammar or spelling—just let your emotions flow onto the paper.
2. **Find a Creative Outlet:** Whether it’s drawing, playing music, or even cooking, channeling your feelings into something creative can be a powerful way to work through them.
3. **Practice Self-Care:** Sometimes, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. This could mean taking a long bath, going for a walk, or simply watching your favorite movie. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.
4. **Seek Professional Help:** If your emotions are becoming too overwhelming, consider talking to a mental health professional. They can provide coping strategies and support tailored to your needs.
### The Power of Community
Remember that we’re all in this together. By sharing our experiences and being there for one another, we create a supportive community. Your feelings are valid, and there’s strength in acknowledging and confronting them.
You might not always be able to explain what you’re feeling, but that doesn’t diminish their importance or your strength in dealing with them. We’re all on this unpredictable emotional journey, learning and growing together. Take a deep breath and remind yourself: it’s okay to feel. You’re not alone.
Sending lots of empathy and understanding your way. Keep moving forward—we’re all cheering for you.
Feel free to leave comments below or share your personal stories. Let’s support each other!
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levans44 · 1 year
Damage Control - Chapter 10
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She remembers the first time she was here, during her first Friday night in college. Having arrived in a new city in a new state, she wouldn’t have survived her first semester without her building’s RAs, who had introduced her to some of the best eateries around campus. This was one of her personal favorites—a cute little Thai place a few blocks away from her old apartment. After a particularly bad test or whenever she was feeling down, a cardboard takeout box stuffed with chicken Pad Thai from this place never failed to cheer her up.
Now, sitting in one of the window booths of the restaurant 7 years later, it all felt a lot smaller than how she remembered it. But then again, that could have also been because of the 6-feet-tall giant sitting across from her. Thankfully, they had arrived at a time when the restaurant wasn’t bustling with hungry college students and Postmates couriers, so their order was out in under 10 minutes.
With two steaming dishes of stir-fried noodles between them, she slips out the little red notebook out of her purse and sets it down on the table.
“Before we eat, I need you to explain something.”
Steve looks nervously at her as she flips through the book before reaching the very back. With a satisfied grin, she rotates the notebook toward him and slaps it down on the table.
“I didn’t know you could draw!”
Steve groans, putting his face in his hands. “I don’t.”
“That is a lie.”
“It’s just… something I used to do.” He scratches the back of his neck, looking rather flustered.
During all of her researching and reading at Damage Control, the fact that Captain America liked to draw never came up once. The newly discovered fact was so endearing she could hardly hide her fondness over it.
She flips through the pages, looking up at him in awe “Steve, these are really good. Did you study art?”
“Yeah, I went to arts school for a while.”
She does a double take, eyes the size of saucers. “You what?”
“Auburndale arts.” He smiles softly, glancing down. "Never graduated, though”
“Why not?”
He shrugs, a heavy sadness in his shoulders. “There were more important things going on. I uhm…”
He clears his throat, before continuing. “I started trying to enlist around that time.”
She could tell that he had wanted to say something else instead, and wanted to ask what it was, but chose against it.
Instead, she purses her lip and nods, leaning back in her seat. “Well, that’s still… impressive.”
“Thanks” A sheepish smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he takes a sip of his water. It was only after he clears his throat, glossy eyes flitting up at the ceiling for a brief second, that she figures out what he had wanted to say instead—his mother, Sarah Rogers, had passed from tuberculosis when Steve was 20. Right around when he would have registered for art school.
I know how hard it is to lose someone.
She blinks, shifting in her seat, before taking a breath and straightening up.
“Well, you’ll have to draw me sometime, like one of your French girls.”
His confusion makes her frown, before she lets out a loud laugh upon realizing that he had no clue what she was referencing.
She slides the notebook across the table, and he stares at it, trying to decipher what she found so amusing.
As his eyes flit back up to meet hers, she hands him his pen, smiling so hard her cheeks were starting to hurt.
“We gotta add one more thing to your list.”
“Whew, best meal I had in a while.” Captain America pats his stomach as he follows her out of the restaurant.
“Right? Amazing.”
“Yeah. Much better than anything we had in my time.”
"Well that was nothing, there's still so mu-"
Just then, a notification sounds from Steve’s phone, and he fishes it out of his pocket to check the screen. It makes her realize that she had just taken Captain America out for lunch, when he’s probably due for a million other commitments.
“Oh, if you have to go, I totally get it, I—”
“—no, no, we're good. Got another hour or so.”
She pauses, his reassuring smile slowing down her brain before it goes into overdrive.
“You sure?”
“Positive.” He nods before stopping to take a breath, squinting under the mid-day sun as he glances around at the landscape around them. Though they were still technically in the midst of Manhattan, they were now situated within a college quad. The robust greenery and glass-covered research buildings were strangely serene, somehow shielding them from the bustling city outside. They watched a few students throw around a frisbee on one of the lush green patches, others reading on lounge chairs or chatting as they made their way to class.
“This is your old college campus, isn’t it?”
It takes her a little while to break out of her nostalgia before she can respond.
“Yeah, yeah it is.”
“… mind if I ask for a tour?”
She looks up at him, a little surprised, but the smile on his face is unreadable.
“Ok, uh… what do you wanna see?”
He shrugs, adjusting his cap over his head. “Whatever you wanna show me.”  
“Well, we could start here… at the engineering quad.” She follows the small white stone pathway, headed toward the center of the campus.
“I used to be an engineering major, believe it or not.” She mutters quietly, letting out a small snort.
At that, Steve quirks an eyebrow, tilting his head to look at her.
“Oh yeah? Tell me more about that.”
She smiles, returning for a brief moment to the curious and wide-eyed sophomore she used to be. All she had wanted back then was the intern job at Stark Industries, to work for the Tony Stark. If only her 20-year-old self had known what she knew now.
She tells him small, insignificant stories from her college days, the ones she’s never though she’d come to reminisce—the spot she tripped over while running late to an exam, or the time she and her friends got drunk and highjacked a golf-cart, driving all the way across campus before being discovered by security. Steve listens in with genuine interest in his eyes, occasionally offering her a smile or a small comment. It made her feel as though her trivial experiences actually meant something.
Soon enough, they had reached the center of the campus, where a giant, bronze statue of the school’s founder stood, with the alma mater etched into the pedestal.
Veritas vos Liberabit.
The truth will set you free.
Funny thing, the truth. To her, it had long been lost. Around the same time that the eager spark within her—to help, to serve, to find the truth—had flickered off.
She gazes silently as young students and their families take turns standing in front of the statue, smiling excitedly for the camera.
If she had made her graduation, could all this have made her that happy? Would they have stood here for a photo, holding tightly to each others’ hands as they both smiled wide for the camera?
“She would have been so proud.”
His quiet remark interrupts her thoughts, ripping through her like a hot flame. She feels her stomach drop, tears immediately stinging in her eyes.
He remembered.
Her feet freeze to the ground—she finds herself unable to move, unable to breathe. Not even able to turn and look at him when she can feel his steady gaze on her.
He fucking remembered.
Eyes glued to a single spot on the statue’s pedestal, she desperately tries to control her breathing, feeling the lump in her throat press down on her airway like a heavy rock.
“You alright?” He asks softly from beside her, gaze still on her.
She couldn’t believe he fucking remembered.
She flinches as she feels a warm hand brush against her cold knuckles, eyes glancing up. She blinks, shaking her head though her answer is affirmative.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
She clears her throat, blinking the last of the tears out of her eyes before she suddenly reaches for him, grabbing him by the arm. He lets her push him in front of the statue, retreating a few steps before staring back at her, confused.
Before he can get another word out, she grabs her phone and snaps a few photo of him. She checks the photo, satisfied at the dumbfounded look on his face, her alma mater standing proudly behind him. She feels the lump in her throat melt a little, letting out a small giggle as she giddy scrolls through the photos. Just a fun souvenir, she figures. Plus, she knew Tony would kill to get his hands on these photos.
Before she can look up to survey Steve’s reaction, she hears a woman’s voice approach her from behind.
“Oh how sweet! Are you two visitors? Would you like me to take a photo of the both of you?”
“Oh, n-” She’s quick to shake her head before she’s suddenly interrupted by Steve, who swoops in from behind her, hand gently skimming her upper back.
“Yes, please.” He smiles innocently, handing the woman his phone before pulling her in front of the status alongside him. He pulls her in close by the waist as she nudges his side, elbow digging not-so-subtly into his stomach. She glares up at him, but his gaze is fixed forward, flashing his pearly-whites. Before she can stop herself, a smile starts bubbling through the surface. She slowly lowers her elbow, trying not to focus on the way his fingers were resting above her hip as she looks up at the camera.
The woman crouches low, bringing the phone close to her face.
3, 2, 1, smile!
Damage Control Masterlist
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Hi! Could you please make a one shot of Tom Holland where the reader and him are best friends and they both take the glamour friendship test (it’s on YouTube if u need an example of what that is) and then they both throughout the tests realize their feelings (or they knew they had feelings and they grow stronger) and then after the test they end up together somehow? (Maybe a cute love confession)? thank you so much!
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hi! this idea was so so so so cute i loved it so much!! tysm for requesting, hope you enjoy <3
The Friendship Test
tom holland x female!reader, friends to lovers
“Alright Tom, we’re going to ask you a few questions about your friendship with Y/N, alright?”
Tom nods politely at the producer, rubbing his hands together as he looks at the camera. You’re sat in a separate room with the same set up, both doing the mini interview portion of the video. He wonders what sort of things you’re saying about him.
“So you and Y/N have been friends for years, where did you two meet?” asks the producer.
Tom chuckles.
“We met in school, back when we were around ten or so. This girl had just moved to our school and on the first day she threw her maths textbook at a boy who made fun of her hair. I kinda just knew from that moment we’d be best friends.”
“What’s the best thing about being friends with Y/N?” the producer asks next.
Tom looks up at the ceiling for a moment, deep in thought.
“Uh, I think it’s gotta be how caring she is, really. She puts everyone at ease and she’s always just there for you, you know? I think because we met so young and got to know each other so well before we ended up going into the same industry career-wise, it’s nice to have someone who knows who you truly are and not having to do the scary things alone. Everything crazy that’s happened in the last few years, Y/N’s been there with me through it all, you know?”
“What was your first impression of Tom?” the producer asks you.
You rub your hands on your sweater, sort of wishing Tom was there as a source of comfort.
“Honestly? I thought he was this absolute goofball who couldn’t take anything seriously. Then we became friends, and I realised I was right. He is an absolute goofball.”
The producer nods. “What’s your favourite thing about being best friends with Tom?”
“That boy will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Doesn’t matter who you are, how well you know each other, if he sees that you’re sad or worried, he’ll always drop everything to cheer you up. I’ve never met someone who cares quite as much as Tom does.” you grin.
Exercise one: Give each other compliments
“Be prepared to cry,” chuckles Tom, scribbling away on the little notepad he had been handed.
You glare playfully at him, raising your eyebrows.
“Oh, you are going down, Holland. You’re gonna need to be breathing into a paper bag to calm down from the hysterics you’ll be in after my compliments.”
Despite your competitive trash talking, your notepad is blank as you tap the pen against it, trying to think of what to write. Everything you think of is either completely generic, or far too personal in a way that would totally give away how you truly feel for your best friend.
“Tom, you read your compliments out first,” directs the producer.
Tom turns to face you, looking into your eyes as he starts.
“Y/N, you are hands down the funniest person I’ve ever met. The things you say are sometimes so absurd, I can’t even understand you but I know you’re saying something hilarious. You are a pro at beer pong, so a great person to have on my team.”
You chuckle, nodding at the camera.
“Tom and I are undefeated in beer pong, it’s true. I absolutely carry the team.”
Tom rolls his eyes.
“Can I finish my compliments without you dragging me?”
“You have the best taste in music, even when you go down a rabbithole and only listen to Lorde for like 3 weeks and force us all to listen with you. Whenever I get AUX, I put on your playlist and pretend it’s mine so people will think I’m cool.”
You double over, covering your face as you laugh.
“Are you serious? Oh my God I can’t believe you do that.”
He nods almost shyly, but maintains eye contact as he reads his last compliment.
“My entire family loves you, probably more than they love me. You fit in so well with my family we can’t even remember what it was like before we met you. I can’t imagine my life without you, love.”
You stop laughing, hand flying up to rest on your heart as you pout.
“Tommy stop, you literally are going to make me cry,” you say, as you take a step closer and press a gentle kiss to his pink cheek. He blushes even harder, and you clear your throat, taking a step back.
“Ok, my turn now?” you start. “Tom. You are the most generous person I’ve ever met and would literally give the clothes off of your back if someone asked. And by the way, the rest of us would not be complaining if you did,” you raise your eyebrows for emphasis, giving the camera a knowing look.
Tom rubs the back of his neck, unable to hide his grin even as he rolls his eyes at your exaggerated flirting. He only wishes you were really flirting with him, not just teasing him as you normally do. You are just teasing, right?
“You have a contagious smile, it’s impossible not to smile when you’re around. You’re also a great listener, one of those people where it feels like you are actually listening, not just nodding occasionally while you think about what to have for lunch.” you continue.
You take a deep breath. “Last of all, Tom, you feel like home. You are my home and I know that whenever you’re around things will be okay.”
You’re met with a hushed silence across the small studio, and look up worriedly. To your surprise, Tom’s bottom lip trembles as a few tears threaten to spill from his eyes.
“I’m woefully unprepared for this,” he sniffles. “Usually she gives me two compliments a year and spends the rest of it roasting me.”
Exercise two: Hug for one minute
You reach out and rub a hand soothingly on his bicep, resting your head on his shoulder as he collects himself, and the screen goes blank.
“A whole minute?” you shriek, a little too loud for Tom’s liking.
“Alright, don’t need to act like it’d be so awful to hug me,” he pouts.
“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that,” you giggle, feeling a little mean. “I just meant- like-”
“Just come here love,” says Tom, rolling his eyes and enveloping you in his arms. You wrap your own around him, hands resting on his upper back and head naturally coming to rest on his shoulder as he leans his own head against yours. You can feel the slow thump thump of his heartbeat and can’t help the gentle butterflies in your stomach.
“This is nice,” he murmurs as he holds you impossibly tighter.
“Mhmm,” you agree, feeling your eyelids droop slightly.
Tom instinctively rubs his thumb soothingly on your shoulder as your fingers begin to twirl and fiddle the soft curls at the nape of his neck.
“And… time,” says the producer, looking down at the stopwatch in her hands.
“Y/N?” Tom whispers. “Y/N! Earth to Y/N…” he rubs a hand gently on your arm as you blink in the bright room.
“Wha- did I-”
“You sort of fell asleep on me there, love,” Tom stifles a laugh.
“Oh shit,” you say, embarrassed. “Sorry, maybe the press tour is getting to me.”
You quickly dab up the droplet of drool that ended up on Tom’s sweater as he chuckles.
Exercise three: Trust fall
“S’alright. Just a one-minute cat-nap.”
“Oh nooo,” you whine. “I did this with a girl back when I was a kid and she fucking dropped me. I’m still traumatised to this day. You’d better go first, Tom.”
“Can you even catch me?” Tom quirks a brow at you and you gasp in faux hurt.
“Look at this muscle, baby,” you say, flexing a bicep and Tom bites his tongue at the sight.
He stands in front of you, shrugging as you prepare to hold out your arms.
“I've broken my nose a couple times. What’s a few more broken bones?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, closing his eyes and allowing himself to fall back into your arms. You do falter a little as he hits your arms, but you manage to play it off and catch him cleanly, pushing him back up to a standing position.
“See? Painless.” you say.
Tom nods.
“Not bad. Your turn, love,” he grins.
Your stomach twists as you switch positions and stand in front of him, throat drying out. Tom senses this and leans in so the microphones won’t pick up on his whispers.
“I’ll always catch you, promise. You can trust me.”
You take a deep breath and squeeze your eyes shut as you allow yourself to fall back. Tom expertly catches you a second later, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and leaning forwards so his mouth is right next to your ear.
“I’ve got you, darling.”
You squeeze his hand in thanks and blush painfully at how close he is. You straighten up and both smile brightly into the camera, wrapping up the video.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” you start
“I’m Tom Holland,” he continues, “and this has been us taking the Glamour Friendship Test.”
“Thanks so much for watching, and be sure to check out our new film Uncharted, in cinemas now!” you both wave at the camera, and as soon as the producer calls cut and thanks you both, you shoot out of the room and into your dressing room, leaving a slightly confused Tom standing in the pale pink studio.
You pick up your bag, glancing around the dressing room one last time to check you haven’t forgotten anything. Just as you’re about to open the door and go home to sit on the sofa and replay the moment Tom had whispered into your ear so intimately, a knock sounds at the door.
“Y/N?” Tom calls.
You open the door, revealing him leaning against the doorframe.
“Hi,” you say shyly.
“Hi,” he repeats.
“I was just about to leave-”
“I need to talk to you.” he interrupts.
“Oh. Is everything okay?” you ask.
“Yeah. No. I just, I have to tell you something.” he says desperately.
Your pulse quickens as you nod. “Okay…”
He looks down at his feet, unable to make eye contact.
“I really like you.” he mumbles.
“What?” you ask, leaning closer to hear him.
“I really like you. Like, more than just best friends. And I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I tell you everything and I hate having this huge secret I couldn’t tell you. So I just wondered if maybe you wanted to go and grab a coffee or something? And then maybe we could go out to dinner later this week, just the two of us…” he trails off, fiddling with the ring on his pinkie finger.
You grin, putting your bag down on the floor and standing up again to your full height.
“Thomas Holland. Are you finally asking me out?”
His head snaps up at the ‘finally’.
“I mean yeah… If you want me to be, that is…”
You don’t reply verbally, instead placing a hand on his jaw and leaning in to press your lips into his. It takes only a second or two until he relaxes into the kiss, wrapping an arm around your waist and his other hand finding its way into your hair.
You pull away, grinning as you rest your foreheads together and catching your breath.
“I’m expecting a muffin with my coffee, by the way.”
He grins as he picks up your bag for you, wrapping his arm around your back to rest his hand in the back pocket of your jeans and pressing a peck to your hairline as he leads you down the hallway.
“Alright love. Let’s go get you your muffin.”
thank you for reading! reblogs and comments are always super appreciated <3
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You never will
Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
Summary: Carlos has to come to terms with the fact that you don’t always get what you want.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, drinking.
Words count: 2526
Authors note: Sorry guys, we’re here for some angsty writing, and a lot of the stories coming are going to be similar I think. I’ve also been struggling to be creative but I refuse to let myself fall into that hole so I know it isn’t the best but I’d rather create something bad than nothing at all. I hope you guys like it and sorry for the angsty angst 😊
You Never Will: Part 2
“No, but you don’t understand!” A very drunk Carlos was getting tired of over explaining himself and the alcohol wasn’t helping in the least.
“Mate, sometimes that’s just life, we don’t always get what we want” Charles tried to comfort him, kind of disappointed that this is where the night ended up, but not entirely surprised.
“But I do, we always get what we want” and he couldn’t handle the fact that the one thing he wanted the most was the one thing he wasn’t getting.
Carlos had been enthusiastically talking about the woman he loved for months now, but as they dredged on, Carlos began to realise more and more the reality of you liking him back was next to nothing and that had suddenly become everyone else’s problem too.  
And Charles was sick of it. They all were, yourself included.
Albeit, you were the only one who didn’t know he was talking about you.
You and Carlos were best friends, meeting one evening as you by mistake had bumped into him and the other drivers one very early morning in the hotel hallways as you all came back from the post-race party. The boys all beyond excited having found out you actually worked for F1 and you mortified the next morning when flashbacks of belting out ABBA with them came back to you in your haze of a hangover.
Since then, you and Carlos had became inseparable.
And Carlos had become insufferable.
Which had lead you all to this exact situation, an impromptu party to try and cheer a very drunk and sad Carlos up.
“God, Carlos, like, this is life, sometimes the girl you like doesn’t like you back, you just get over it” Max was getting tired of repeating himself, this entire conversation was getting very old very quickly and all this lying right to your face was starting to annoy him too.
The fact that they all sat there talking about you like you weren’t there, just with secret codes names so you never caught on always felt a bit underhanded to him, to most of them truly, but they had to come up with something, especially since Carlos was becoming more and more vocal about the entire fiasco.
“She’s in love with someone else” Carlos suddenly blurted out.
Now this all made sense. The drivers had yet to see Carlos so plagued by the whole situation and now it made sense.
“How did you find out?” Lando was significantly gentler than all the other drivers had been, but he’d been in this situation before and knew the strange mixture of desperation and despair you felt all at once.
“I looked over at her phone and she there was a contact with hearts and was called crush or something” Carlos knew he was rambling and wasn’t even sure if he had made any sense but he didn’t care. His entire world was crumbling around him.
“Are we sure it’s a good idea that she comes over tonight?” Charles was the first to suggest, wary of how this could all shake down with a very drunk Carlos mixed with your ever thinning patience over the entire matter.
“She has to come over! I haven’t seen her in a week!” Carlos knew it might not be the best idea but truly he couldn’t be away from you for much longer, you becoming an integral part of his life and going a week without seeing each other was almost unheard of for the two of you.
“Mate, I really don’t think it’s a good idea” Charles knew it was a lost cause arguing over this, but Carlos wasn’t the only one involved here, you were too, and with how protective Max was over you already considering all the lying, he didn’t want to deal with any potential backlash.
“Carlos, you’re drunk, this isn’t a good idea” Max became insistent, almost reading Charles mind, anticipating the worst.
“No! This is unfair. This is all unfair” Carlos knew he sounded like a child, but he didn’t care, he was drunk and sad and he just wanted to throw his temper tantrum.
“She’s already on the way with food, should be here any minute really” Lando opted to ignore his friend as he threw his own pity party, knowing Carlos wasn’t himself right now and directing the comment to the other two drivers instead.
“We could always get him a little drunker and make him pass out so he doesn’t say or do anything stupid?” Max knew it wasn’t the best plan, it wasn’t even a good plan but it was a plan.
“We can’t give our friend alcohol poisoning because we don’t want him to do something dumb?” Charles couldn’t admit that he didn’t hate the plan, but he knew he had to do the right thing.
“Why not?” Silence proceeded Max’s question, Lando and Charles both racking their brain for a good enough answer but coming up blank.
“Because I said so” is all Charles instructed, quickly noticing that Carlos was no longer in the room, “Jesus this is getting really tiresome” he dropped his head in his hands, exhausted with all the emotional energy he was using for this one situation.
“Is he ever going to get over her” Even Lando, who normally had an infinite amount of energy to help his friends was slowly running out of steam over this situation.
“Someone is going to have to give him some tough love eventually we know that right?” Max was willing but he also knew he could be a bit harsh when it came to matters of the heart so decided to leave this particular conversation up to Lando and Charles instead.
“He’s just had his heart shattered man, let’s cut him some slack” Lando really didn’t want ‘to hurt his friend anymore than he already was, but knew they were eventually going to have to push for him to move on and he was scared that was going to include shattering any hope Carlos might have, “Does anyone know who y/n likes anyway?”
“Honestly, I thought she liked him just as much as he liked her” Charles was surprised, he really did think that you are Carlos already had something going so the news that you were apparently in love with someone else was shocking information. He understands why Carlos was so hurt.
“Yeah, but we don’t always get what we want man” Max was sounding slightly more adamant about this entire, pushing more and more for Charles to just let it go.
A silence settled between the three drivers, the weight of their friend’s heartache settling over the room.
“Max” Lando was suddenly eyeing hi suspiciously, Charles quickly catching on.
“Oh my God Max, no” Charles was praying that it wasn’t what both Lando and him had suddenly caught on to.
“What?” Max voiced his confusion at the sudden serious tone thrown his way, “Oh! No no! no, there is nothing happening between me and Y/n” he began defending himself.
“Then what do you know” Lando knew Max knew more than he was letting on and was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Max debated whether or not to share the very minimal information he did happen to have, knowing that you’d kill him if he told, but also knowing neither Charles nor Lando would let it go until he told them.
“I honestly don’t know much, like, 2% of the situation” Max opted to give the bare minimum, hoping they would drop it afterwards.
“Well then share the 2% of knowledge you do have” He knew they wouldn’t drop it.
“Look, okay, all I know is there is someone she’s super interested in and it’s kind of driving her insane because he is in love with someone else and she’s just been trying to get over him and just she doesn’t need Carlos giving her grief while she’s trying to do that” Max rambled through all the information he did know.
“Whose the guy Max” Charles insisted on knowing, wanting to figure out who had managed to swoop in and get you while he watched his teammate pine over you day in and day out.
“That I honestly don’t know, she refused to tell me” He was met with sceptical looks, but a silence as they other two had accepted that he was telling the truth.
“Well, I was really hoping Carlos was wrong” Lando knew that when it came to you, Carlos could be a little dramatic.
“Yeah, this fucking sucks for him” Charles was met with hums of agreement.
“Isn’t this little get together for you?” You giggled as you snuck into the kitchen before any of the boys heard you, finding Carlos sitting on the kitchen counter nursing a drink, “what you doing moping about in here?”
“She loves someone else” He couldn’t even look you in the eye, his drunk self probably too in charge of the situation.
“Oh, Sugs, I am so sorry” you immediately moved over to him, surprised when he stopped you from hugging him.
“Not like you actually care” Carlos knew it was wrong, at least the sober part of him did, but the drunk side, well, he needed to have this out with you.
“Excuse me what?” you hadn’t seen this side of Carlos before and you were at a loss for why you were on the receiving end of his foul mood.
“You heard me, it’s not like you actually care,” Carlos spat out at you, “not about my situation, not about my heart, not about me”.
He knew he was getting louder and knew the rest of the boys were bound to come and find out what was happening so if this was his only opportunity he needed to do it fast.
“Oh my god, please don’t pretend like I haven’t been here for you the entire time with this bullshit issue Carlos, she doesn’t feel the same, I am sorry and it sucks, but its life, sometimes we just don’t get what we want” You shouted back at him, beyond hurt that you were on the receiving end of this treatment.
“Hey, what’s happening?” you felt Max tugging you back, choosing to shrug him off and ignore the other three drivers that had now entered the room.
“No Y/n! That’s the thing! I do get what I want! And I cannot handle the fact that the one thing I want most in the world I can’t have!” Carlos was now standing, both of you ready to have this fight, be damned that it was in front of all your friends, “and plus, what do you know about not getting what you want, the princess gets everything doesn’t she” Carlos felt gross saying it, he knew it was a low blow, but he couldn’t help the anger he was feeling.
“I don’t know what it’s like to not get what I want? You are so fucking self-centred Carlos! Believe it or not but you’re not the only one with your own shit going on! Guess what! I’m in love with someone too and guess what, he doesn’t fucking love me either, so I understand, better than anyone but I’ve at least come to terms with the fact that I don’t always get what I want bud! It just is what it is, you accept it and move on because what other fucking option do you have when your best friend is pining over some girl who clearly doesn’t fucking deserve him, and you know you are madly in love with him and don’t want to lose him! You support him and move the fuck on!” You weren’t sure how this had divulged into you confessing everything to him, but it had, and now it existed and you were suddenly feeling claustrophobic and you just needed to get out of there.
Before any of them could utter a word, you began to gather your things, not wanting to be involved in the argument anymore, none of the other drivers stopping you, truthfully, despite you suddenly running away from the admission, none of them had even registered it. Carlos especially.
“Yeah, run, like you do, like you always do, at least I’m willing to fight for what I want” Carlos was going to be sick at how he was treating you, the alcohol not helping, but he couldn’t get himself to be kind.
How was he unable to get himself to be kind to the woman he loves?
Instead, he stood, motionless, watching you leave. They all did.
“Fuck you” and with that you were gone, leaving the boys in thick silence, Carlos’s heavy breathes the only other noise to break through it.
None of them knew what to say and Max had to fight himself not to run after you to make sure you were okay.
“Carlos” Charles began, not sure where to start really, whether to comfort or admonish him for what just happened.
“Please, just don’t, I know” he wasn’t drunk enough to realise how badly he fucked up. He thought it would make him feel better, instead he just felt like he was disgusting, like he needed to take a shower to get off whatever residue was left after possibly the shortest and worst argument he had ever had.
“I know this is a really bad time, but can we just go back to what she said for a second?” Lando couldn’t shake what you had shouted at Carlos.
“And what did she say?” Max truly hadn’t even been listening, only waiting to see if he needed to get involved.
“She said she was madly in love with her best friend and supports him while he’s in love withs someone else and she’s just got to get over it” Lando tried to remember word for word but paraphrased as best he could with the small amounts he did remember.
Slowly but surely, it dawned on them all at once, Carlos most of all, eyes wide darting between his three friends.
“You fucked up” Charles was the first to speak, directed towards Carlos the irrefutable truth of the matter.
“How do I fix this?” Carlos was suddenly frantic, desperately needing to know how to salvage even just a friendship between you two.
“Mate, after how you treated her – “ Max began, unable to say the words he thought he’d so easily be able to, but looking at Carlos now, he wasn’t able to break that hope.
The silence was heavy.
“I could have had her, I could have had everything, and I fucked it all up” He knew it, he knew he had ruined everything and there was no one else to blame but himself.
Charles wishes he knew the right words to say, he wanted to keep his friends hope up, but he had never seen you so hurt and the reality was you weren’t going to want any of them in your life after what he just had to witness, let alone Carlos, and so he settled for the truth.
“And now you never will”.
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f1goat · 2 years
Little Game > Lando Norris
An angsty Lando fic with a fluffy ending. English isn't my first language so please bare with me.
“This little game of yours is done.”
You don’t know if you’ve ever seen Lando this angry. His jaw is clenched, his hands are forming fists. You’ve seen him in many emotions. Sad after Sochi. Mad at himself for fucking up races. Frustrated when fans didn’t gave him his privacy. Happy. Relieved. But this angry. You don’t think you’ve seen it before.
It’s your own fault he looks at you like this. You know that. But you can’t shake the thought that he had it coming. What were you supposed to do? He was the one who fucked it up.
How it all went down? It even hurts you to think about it. You and Lando have been best friends for a few years now. It’s (or was?) the best friendship you could’ve ever hoped for. The rare time Lando had free, the two of you were always together. You went to multiple races with him. You’ve seen his highs and his lows. And even more important, he had seen yours. When your longterm boyfriend broke up with you a year ago, Lando was the one who was there for you. When you finished college, Lando was the special guest at the ceremony.
You have a crush on Lando for about a year now. Never told him about it. Never told anyone. You wouldn’t dare to bring your friendship in danger with him. Sometimes your friendship felt like the two of you were already dating. Sharing hotel rooms, going out for dinner or lunch often and always texting or calling each other. Of course, it’s not your end goal but you are grateful for every tiny bit you could get.
So yeah, you can say the two of you are close. Really close. Fans also started to notice. Rumors were going around, but the neither of you responded to that.
But two weeks ago, everything went to shit. It was right after the first race of the season. The McLaren car was shit. You had been there. After the race you tried talking to Lando. You have thought a lot about that conversation the last weeks.
“It will be better Lan, you’ve heard the team. Yeah it was shit, but you need to focus on the upcoming race.”
Lando doesn’t respond for a while. You don’t know if you just made it worse with your words or that it actually helped. Lando had been in a mood since he got out of the car. You get it. The race was an absolute shit show for McLaren, but it wasn’t Lando his fault.
“I want some time for myself Y/N” Lando tells you.
The words hurt, but you get it. You nod at him, turning away to leave the room. Before you are at the door, Lando continues talking.
“Not just now. We’re way too close. I need more time for myself. I need to focus on racing instead of you. It’s too much for me, the rumors and the attention I need to give you. You’re needy.”
You feel tears coming up. You try holding them back, but you don’t succeed. What did you do wrong to deserve those harsh words? Were you that needy? He never told you something like that before. You thought he liked being close with you.
“Maybe it’s better if you find some other friends? You can hit up your old friends?”
That was the most backstabbing thing Lando could have said to you. He was the one who always told you, you deserved better friends than them. Every time you were sad about something one of them caused, Lando told you to move on from them. He was the one who cheered you on when you stepped out of the group chat. He was the one comforting you, when your old friends didn’t include you for multiple times. He was the one drying your tears when your ex boyfriend cheated on you with one of your so called friends.
“My old friends?” You can’t help snorting while asking him. You turn back to Lando, directly meeting his frustrated gaze.
“Yeah Molly and those girls,” Lando continued.
Oh great, even Molly. The one who secretly had sex with your then boyfriend.
“Did you forget what she did to me?”
One more time for Lando to take his words back. Maybe he forgot. That is at least what you are hoping for.
“Forgive and forget.” Was the only thing coming out of Lando his mouth.
“Oh go fuck yourself Lando. It’s fine you want time for yourself, but you can’t say those things to me. I don’t know what I did to you, but I don’t think I deserve those words.”
With that you left him.
You gave Lando all the time he needed for himself. But you couldn’t help to hope he was coming back to you with an excuse. After a day or two you still hadn’t heard from him. You decided it was done. He had fucked it all up. You blocked his number and his socials. Trying to move on.
It wasn’t easy. It still is hard. Last week you had met Max. The two of you had been close last year. Seeing each other often since he lived at Lando’s. You had talked to Max multiple hours while seeing him last week. It was good. Max even gave you an explanation of Lando his odd behavior. But you didn’t know if you believed him.
According to Max, Lando was dealing with his own problems and just outed them on you. If there was someone else in that room with Lando at that moment, they would have the harsh conversation with him. You don’t know if you believe that. And still, where were those words coming from? It can’t be all improvisation from an upset Lando.
That was the part Max didn’t explain to you. He told you how much he wanted to tell you, but he couldn’t. He had promised Lando to keep it a secret. But he could give you a hint. A hint that made everything even more vague.
“I think you have the same feelings for him as he has for you.”
That was all Max could say about it.
Those memories aren’t really helpful now. Lando is still looking at you. You feel small under his angry gaze. Not knowing what to say.
Before he pulled you away to tell you about your little game, you were dancing with Pierre. You were standing in a club. You still had your tickets for the race from Sunday and after a lot of doubts, you had decided to go. The race had finished hours before. Lando had gotten a decent seventh place.
You decided to go clubbing after the race. In desperate need of alcohol and distraction. It didn’t took long before you met Pierre Gasly. You didn’t know him personally, but you did know a thing or two about him from Lando his stories. About the drama the two of them had about a particular girl.
You and Pierre had talked for a bit before hitting the dance floor. That was when you saw Lando. And that was the moment you decided to make it fun for yourself. If Max got your feelings right, then it meant that Lando was feeling something for you as well. So why not test it and make him a bit jealous?
While dancing with Pierre, you searched eye contact with Lando. Enjoying the shock he had while seeing you. You and Pierre were dancing more sensually when a slower song was played. Pierre his hands were touching you on different places, your hips were swaying against his.
Lando was looking more frustrated with the second.
His breaking point? Pierre his lips touching your neck. You had never seen Lando move as quickly as then. He threw his glass on the floor, speeding up to you and Pierre. Grabbing your arm and pulling you with him. Leaving the two of you exactly where you were standing now. Outside.
“Did you hear me Y/N? I’m done with this little game of you and Gasly.”
Lando speaks up again. His words causing you to shimmer. You doubt about your options. Of course, you were playing a game for his attention. But what’s the fun in telling him that? You decide to play all innocent. He deserves it after all.
“What game?” You ask Lando, giving him big questioning eyes.
“Oh don’t play all innocent now. I saw you looking at me the whole time,” Lando bites back quickly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I barely saw you.”
“Don’t bullshit me Y/N,” Lando almost scoffs at you. Clenching his yaw once again out of frustration.
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about.” You go on.
“Y/N last chance, tell me you were doing it on purpose.” The anger in his voice almost hit the desperation of his words. Almost.
“Who’s needy now Lando? Wanting me to confess to playing a game with you. I was just trying to find out why Pierre is the better option,” you tell Lando.
“Don’t do what?” You don’t know what he means.
“Don’t find out anything more about him. Don’t go back to him. Stay.”
“Why?” You barely dare to ask him.
“Because I don’t want you to do that.”
Wrong answer, you think by yourself. “I thought you wanted me to find other friends? A bit hypocrite to act like this while I’m trying to find new friends.” You tell Lando.
You almost feel sorry for the boy in front of you. He looks desperate. The anger seemed to have faded away. He just looks sad. You want nothing more than to hug him. But you don’t, you only sigh softly. This isn’t getting you somewhere. But you don’t want to let him to think it was okay what he said to you.
“I didn’t mean that. I didn’t mean a fucking word of what I told you. Fuck. Do you actually believe I meant that?”
“What was I supposed to believe Lando? You were quite direct with your words,” you bit back.
“I know. I’m so sorry about everything I told you that day. It were all lies.”
You feel yourself breaking down. You want to believe Lando, you almost feel relieved. But something is holding you back.
“But where were those words coming from?” You ask softly. You feel tears running down your cheeks.
Lando is coming closer to you, even closer than before. You notice that you aren’t the only one with wet cheeks.
“Can I touch you?” He asks. You nod.
Lando pulls you into a hug. “I’m so sorry.” He keeps whispering in your ears. You let out soft sobs. You can only hope that you can believe him on how sorry he is.
“Let me take you back to the hotel, I will explain everything to you. Okay?” Lando asks you after a few minutes of hugging you. You pull back and nod. Lando grabs your hand, taking you with him to his car.
The car ride is silence. The both of you don’t know what to say. Tears can’t stop running down your cheeks. After a while Lando tosses you his phone, “Look at my socials. Look how many messages I send you at every platform.”
You do what he tells you to. You check his messages first. Reading multiple paragraphs he had send you when you had him blocked. Paragraphs about how sorry he is. How he is a dick that doesn’t deserve you. How he’s the one who is needy for your attention. At every social platform it’s the same. There are so many messages. You didn’t have the time to read all of them before you arrived at the hotel.
It’s still quiet in the elevator when you and Lando are going up to his room. You don’t know what to say. You’re overwhelmed about all the messages Lando send you. Maybe he didn’t mean it after all? You can only hope so.
“Can you sit on the bed for me?” Lando asks you while walking in his room. You nod. You’re afraid that if you talk, you will completely break down in front of him. Lando doesn’t take place next to you on his bed. He kneels down in front of you.
“I don’t know how I can make it up to you,” he softly tells you.
“Why did you say all those things? Explain it to me,” you respond with a soft voice.
Lando nods. “It’s quite a simple explanation actually. I can’t handle my own feelings so I do stupid shit. I was upset with the race, with everything. Before you came in the room to talk to me, I saw another rumor about the two of us. It just got all to my head. I really didn’t mean anything of it Y/N. I need you to understand that.”
“I think I believe you.. But what feelings?” You aks.
“Don’t you know that by now? I’m hopeless in love with you babygirl. It’s just too much for me sometimes knowing that you don’t return those feelings. Certainly if there are rumors, it just kills me to know I can’t have you.”
You don’t know how to respond for a couple of seconds. Completely taking back by Lando his sudden confession. You don’t know if you still feel sad about everything or that you’re the happiest girl alive that he is in love with you.
You can only cry while muttering out your words, “You’re such an idiot Lan. I’m in love with you to.”
“Can I kiss you?” Lando asks you softly. You nod. Before you know it Lando his lips are on yours. You taste the salty taste of his and your tears. But the both of you are smiling during the kiss. Knowing this won’t be the last. It will be the first of many.
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the gang with a s/o whos real good at karate?? and like very willing to kick someones ass for them if needed >:)
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Please, for the love of everything, please teach Darry how to do everything that you can do
He wants to learn, is very patient when you do teach him
Darry’s actually pretty good at it, he’s a natural when it comes to all the skills and it’s honestly a little surprising
As for you getting ready to fight? Darry’s pretty good at keeping your temper under control
He’d rather fight for the both of you, no matter how skilled you might be, he’s just trying to save the both of you
Don’t try to fight him on that either, he’s immensely protective and just wants to play Superman sometimes
Sodapop has a mini crisis whenever you bust out your fighting skills, he’s very conflicted
On one hand, he wants to step in, he feels semi-obligated to take care of you and fight your battles
But on the other hand, he thinks watching you fight is so very hot, he gets so distracted watching you
A part of Soda really wants to just let you fight on your own and cheer you on from the safety of the sidelines
Likes to wrestle with you even though he loses every time, he just can’t beat you
But he tries again and again, hoping that he can finally pin you one day
Pony tries his best to keep you out of fights but he doesn’t mind having you fight for him
Has definitely drawn you mid-kick at some point in time, likes to watch you work through moves
He uses your moves almost as a pose study, trying to frame your body so he can continue to draw you better and better as he continues 
He’s asked you to teach him once, only one time 
Pony can do all the acrobatics Darry can but for some reason he can’t do what you do
He doesn’t understand why, but his body just refuses to do what he needs to do
Dally thinks you’re the coolest thing he’s ever in seen in Tulsa
Is he going to tell you that? Of course not, we’re talking about Dally here, c’mon guys
He’s going to tease you for it, make little comments about your fighting skills but he actually really admires you
You two get in fights with other people on the regular, Darry has had to bail you both out of jail so many times he’s lost count
You can try to pull your moves on him, but he’s a pretty good fighter and you don’t win too often
That being said, when you two team up, you’re practically unbeatable
Johnny’s a little thrown-off when he sees you fight for the first time, he’s a little caught off guard by how well you fight
You can fight? You want to fight? Please fight for Johnny, he falls in love you with you even more when you stand up for him
He has never felt more safe than he’s with you
Johnny knows you can take care of him and he completely trusts in you and your karate abilities
If you have, like, karate matches to go to? Johnny likes to tag along!
He loves watching you win and it’s always a plus to have a cutie like him on the sidelines when you lose
So many karate jokes from this boy, so many karate jokes
They’re done out of love so please don’t tell him to stop, he’ll pout and you’ll have to deal with a sad Two-Bit
He really likes that you’re down to fight, it gives him an opportunity to blow off steam and just go wild whenever
Two will never ask you to teach him, but he picks up on things quickly and has definitely stolen a few of your moves when he fights
He’ll just shrug it off and laugh if you question him about it, he’s not going to admit to copying you
Is gong to tell everyone about your karate prowess, no matter if that person wants to hear about it or not
The ultimate cheerleader, the cheerleader to end all previous cheerleaders
He thinks you’re super duper cool, is so very envious of your skills
He wants you to teach him too! Steve wants to be able to do what you do! He never does it quite as well as you do it, but he’s trying
Loves going to matches with you! It’s the perfect atmosphere for him to embrace his inner cheerleader
But it’s also sort of a bad place for him to be?
Like one person will hit you and Steve is so ready to throw fists, he knows it’s just part of the sport but you’re his darlin’ he wants to protect you
Intimidation™, that’s what you guys are, I swear on everything
No one wants to mess with Tim Shepard, or the Shepard outfit for that matter, but with you at his side?
Y/N who has a reputation for their karate and their fights?
No one in Tulsa is going to mess with either of you and I mean absolutely no one
Tim still wants to fight for you though, if the situation ever arises, he’s going to put himself in front of you so he can protect you
He knows you’re perfectly capable of protecting yourself (and him for that matter) but he’s like Darry, he’s protective over you
Curly has made fun of you one time for doing karate, one time and he’s never done it again
All you had to do was sweep his feet out from under him and pin him to the ground with your knee on his chest
The hearts in his eyes were obvious and he’s never made fun of you for doing it again
But he will imitate you, he mimics what you do, partially because he does think it’s cool, partially because he likes messing with you
It’s fitting? That you can do karate? Like it’s a very good thing you have some martial arts training
Curly’s always mouthing off and starting fights so it’s good that he has you to help him out
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