"Reflections Multiplied"
In the mirror's gaze, we see our soul
A reflection of love, or a heart of coal
As the glass shatters, our truth expands
Multiplying the love, or the hatred's hands
If we behold ourselves with critical eyes
The shards of glass will magnify our demise
But if we gaze with kindness and gentle grace
The mirrored fragments will reflect a loving space
With every break, a new reflection's born
A chance to choose, how our hearts will be sworn
To multiply the love, or the hate we hold
A mirrored maze, where our true selves unfold
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At times love feels fake
No one ever loves anybody cos they're too busy loving themselves
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bluegladiatorstudent · 2 months
Don't pick up my phone ain't no one worth the time
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bluegladiatorstudent · 2 months
And my parents see me as an understanding normal child
“No, I’m not ok. But I haven’t been ok since I was 11, maybe 12. I am still here though. I’m still breathing. For me, sometimes, that will have to be enough.”
— Clementine von Radics
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bluegladiatorstudent · 2 months
And you could be selfless all your life and the one time you choose to care about yourself alone you'll be called selfish and self centred
“I’m independent and strong, but sometimes…just sometimes, it’s nice to be taken care of.”
— Samantha Towle
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bluegladiatorstudent · 2 months
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bluegladiatorstudent · 2 months
The fact I relate to all
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
### Navigating Unexplainable Emotions: You're Not Alone
Have you ever found yourself wrapped up in a wave of emotions that you just can't put into words? Maybe it’s a mix of excitement, sadness, frustration, and confusion, all bubbling up at once, leaving you feeling lost. If this sounds familiar, know that you are definitely not alone.
As teenagers, we’re experiencing so many firsts. First loves, first heartbreaks, first real successes, and failures. It’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions during this time. But what happens when you can’t quite understand what you’re feeling?
### It’s Okay to Not Have All the Answers
One of the most important things to remember is that it’s completely okay not to have all the answers. Sometimes, emotions don’t have a clear-cut cause or solution. They can be influenced by a variety of factors like hormones, changes in friendships, academic pressures, or even just a lack of sleep. It's okay to sit with these feelings and simply acknowledge them without fully understanding where they come from.
### You’re Not Alone
Believe me when I say, many of us feel the same way. We all go through periods of emotional confusion and vulnerability. Even those who seem to have everything figured out can be hiding their own struggles. That’s why it’s so important to talk about what you’re going through. Share your feelings with a friend, a family member, or even a trusted teacher. They might not have a perfect solution for you, but just knowing that someone else understands can be incredibly reassuring.
### Ways to Navigate These Feelings
1. **Keep a Journal:** Writing down your thoughts can help you process what you’re feeling. You don’t have to worry about grammar or spelling—just let your emotions flow onto the paper.
2. **Find a Creative Outlet:** Whether it’s drawing, playing music, or even cooking, channeling your feelings into something creative can be a powerful way to work through them.
3. **Practice Self-Care:** Sometimes, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. This could mean taking a long bath, going for a walk, or simply watching your favorite movie. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.
4. **Seek Professional Help:** If your emotions are becoming too overwhelming, consider talking to a mental health professional. They can provide coping strategies and support tailored to your needs.
### The Power of Community
Remember that we’re all in this together. By sharing our experiences and being there for one another, we create a supportive community. Your feelings are valid, and there’s strength in acknowledging and confronting them.
You might not always be able to explain what you’re feeling, but that doesn’t diminish their importance or your strength in dealing with them. We’re all on this unpredictable emotional journey, learning and growing together. Take a deep breath and remind yourself: it’s okay to feel. You’re not alone.
Sending lots of empathy and understanding your way. Keep moving forward—we’re all cheering for you.
Feel free to leave comments below or share your personal stories. Let’s support each other!
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
“I withdraw from people and places from time to time. I need space from a world that is filled with millions of mouths that talk too much but never have anything to say.” - Kaitlin Foster
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
It's autumn again,
The leaves are falling,
The same ones that grew last spring,
It's time to say goodbye.
"How hard could it be"
Knows nobody but a tree;
One doesn't know grief,
Until they witness the shedding of a tree;
Having to let go of the only thing one has,
Something you loved with all your might;
It isn't easy,
And it'll never be.
They say "leaves come and go",
But how can a tree let go,
When it raised them all like babies.
A happy tree is the one in bloom,
And when autumn strikes,
Everything is surrounded with gloom.
The wooden skeletons stand still,
In the winds they once danced to.
Missing their green leaves,
That once swayed in the air.
They now lie all dried up on the ground.
The trees couldn't hold them any longer,
The branch became numb from their weight,
Can't blame the trees,
It's been a long time since spring,
So it began to give away the dry leaves,
Slowly, one at a time,
First waving in the air,
Then landing on the ground,
And smash!
Under someone's foot they go.
Alas, dried leaves don't have another chance at life.
But the hope is on its way,
As spring is paving its path,
Only to repeat this cycle,
Of loss and gain.
Saumya Thapliyal
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
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I woke up and found it upside down
My heart sunk thinking it died
It left too like the others
Then it moved
Huge sigh of relief
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
Why do we see the beauty in others and see nothing but scars,acne and flaws we've
We do not see that we're perfect and tripping in our own way though I know many went through body shaming but It's saddening at times
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
But I gotta be careful
Gotta watch what I say
God I hope it all goes away
I can't fall in love with you
No matter how bad I want to
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
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I went back to school today
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
But the old me is still me and maybe the real me and I think she's pretty
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
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What happened to people I hanged out with in school or let me say was obsessed with cos it now seems like a one sided relationship
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bluegladiatorstudent · 3 months
You blame me for taking everything to heart
But do you think of how I feel or reason?
You do one thing and then other memories related to it floods in
Then fear Struck in
I start panicking
I shiver
Before you know it I'm on the ground seeking air
It feels like a near death experience
But all you see is me taking little things too personal
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