#anyway i truly hope everyone else is doing fine and having a nice day !!
rosylamb · 1 month
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Dear friends ♡
I am feeling a little sad today (admittedly) so I thought maybe I could share something pretty I made with all of you instead c:
Ta-da !! It’s a card I made, with a sunflower! 🌻
I chose a sunflower as they often symbolize happiness, but my inspiration was fall as it’s such a fun season hehe c:
What sort of day have you been having? Are you guys doing ok ??
Many hugs if you aren’t and *lots* of love — I wish everyone the best week ever ~ !! ⊹ ˚ ♡ XOXO
♡ ⊹ . ˚ 🌻 ⊹
🧸 ⊹ 🤍 ˚ . 🍪 ⊹ ˚ ♡
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
This Love - DR3 x fem!OC
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Summary: An escape to Perth for a week helps Dan and Em to realise what they want. But they each have a secret to tell that could rip them apart before they can begin to fix each other.
Words: 5.8k
Warnings: Pregnancy loss, retirement talk, smut (piv sex, fingering, light choking)
A/N: A day later than planned, but the continuation of what’s going on to our babes in 2022! This part deals with some pretty heavy themes, so look after yourselves. Take this as a present for the 300 followers. Hope you like it and lots of love! 💜
June 2022
When Dan helped Em to bed that Monday night she didn’t really sleep. The fog that had clouded her thoughts and judgment basically since she’d left London was lifting and it was like coming back to 4K from an old VHS tape. The way she’d buried her thoughts and self in anything except thinking about what happened, the weight she’d lost, the way she didn’t feel like herself anymore. She’d buried her head in the sand and hadn’t realised what was going on until it was too late. She didn’t want to be like this anymore.
Having Dan there at her side helped. They’d decided to delay their conversation for the summer break, booking flights to LA to leave soon after the race there. It was a week talking about everything and building their relationship and a week of wine tours to celebrate her birthday. She knew it would be hard and they’d both struggle at points but it needed to happen. They were committed. They were going to tell the world about their relationship in Baku. It was going to work out for them. It had to.
Em tried to push the thoughts swirling in her brain aside but it didn’t work, her sleep fitful. She woke up to Dan kissing her forehead and she smiled up at her boyfriend. He was right there beside her and that wasn’t changing. He wasn’t leaving her. She could do this. She could talk to him about anything.
Grace and Joe were staying in Monaco and using it as a base to visit family in Italy while Em and Dan were packing for three weeks away, from Perth to Baku to Montreal. She had her packing list on her phone and Dan pulled it out of her hand.
“What happened to your screen?” He ran his finger along the broken glass, a plastic screen protector barely holding it together.
“It broke when I was away.”
“How?” She blinked and took a breath before answering. It was probably the most embarrassed she felt about how she acted when she was gone.
“I threw it against a wall.” That was a story for another day.
“We’ll get you a new one. It’s not safe to use like this.”
“Danny, it’s fine. I can get the screen changed.”
“No. Baby you’re gonna hurt yourself on it. You’ve had it nearly three years, you need an upgrade anyway.”
“Fine.” He kissed her and she smiled, not truly annoyed at him as he went to the bathroom. She was filling the case mostly for Baku and Montreal, she had clothes in Perth still. They were old but they’d work for while she was there.
Dan came out of the bathroom with the two toiletry bags, passing her the purple one she put in her checked bag and the clear one that went into her hand luggage. Em smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I put a box of tampons in too. It’s about time you’ll need them, right?” The casual way he said it made her want to smile, but it nearly broke her at the same time. She had to tell him everything.
“Things shifted when I was away. But better safe than sorry.” They finished backing and Dan held her for a few moments as she got herself ready to leave. Final hugs went to everyone else before they went to Nice airport to start the trek to Perth.
Dan held her hand the entire way in the car, and for once they decided to take advantage of the VIP service the airport had. Usually they didn’t bother, but today it was worth it. They were escorted through security and to the lounge to sit and wait for their flight to Dubai. It was packed, a side effect of it being the day after the Grand Prix. Most of the other drivers who didn’t live in Monaco had already left the principality but they were ignored by most of the clients there. Another Formula One driver wasn’t a big deal. They spotted Kevin with his wife and daughter sitting a few tables away, smiling and waving to them.
As she watched Laura sit in Louise’s arms, babbling away, Em felt another pang of longing and loss hit her. The memories of that day four weeks ago when she realised her planned but delayed trip to the pharmacy for a test wasn’t needed anymore. That the suspicions she’d had but was too afraid to confirm for a few weeks were right but she was too late. Sobbing on her childhood bedroom floor clutching her knees to her chest because she was in the worst physical and emotional pain she could think of. She was losing the last piece of Dan she thought she’d ever have.
He needed to know. She needed to tell him and it couldn’t wait until August. It couldn’t wait for months because, selfishly, she couldn’t live with the guilt of not telling him if it was what would break them in the end. The internet had told her that it wasn’t her fault. That losing a pregnancy before twelve weeks was common, that late periods because of stress were normal. That running your pill together for three months and then not taking it for two could throw your cycle into chaos.
She had no true proof of what had happened apart from her symptoms and suspicions but it was enough for her to know. The way the constant exhaustion had eased, how the tenderness in her chest calmed within hours. The nausea she’d had stopping even though she didn’t want to eat. The nearly two week long period when before she was ever on the pill she’d been like clockwork.
Em knew the truth of what she’d lost. And she knew telling Dan was going to hurt both of them. Now that she could think clearly there was no alternative to telling him. She should have tried to get in touch no matter what to tell him and he deserved to know now.
She was quiet on the flight to Dubai, both of them taking a nap through it. Em woke to Dan’s hand on hers, his arm stretched awkwardly over the screen between them so he could hold onto her. He loves her. That was what could get her through until they were alone.
Arriving in Dubai meant that they were escorted to the first class lounge to wait out the three hours of their connection. As they got to the door Em stopped dead in her tracks. Dan was pulled back by his hand because of it and he watched her stare at the door.
“Emmy? Is everything ok?” He asked as she shook her head and bit back the tears she wanted to let out.
“We haven’t been here since last year.” She could see the moment the realisation hit him of their last time in the lounge together. When they said goodbye and he was going to Perth for New Years and she had to go back to London. The beginning of the end of everything.
“We’re going to find a table and sit, ok? Just you and me and some food. That’s all, Baby girl.”
He found them a seat on the opposite side of the lounge to last time, both of them slipping into seats. Food was brought to them that Em didn’t want to eat but made herself take some bites. Dan’s arm was around her as he held her close and pushed kisses against her head. Fuck the rules, they needed this closeness.
The second flight from Dubai to Perth was eleven long hours as they fought to stay awake to try stave off jet lag. It was caffeine and watching films together, pressing the play button on their screens so they could watch them at the same time. The flight passed slowly but she held Dan’s hand whenever she could. They stayed connected like that as they got off the plane and she put her carry on over her arm to go through immigration and customs. They only let go when she had to join the non Australian line at immigration. Dan watched and waited for her as he was already through.
“What’s the reason for your visit?”
“We’re seeing my boyfriend’s family. I’ve only seen them once in the last two years and I had to leave Melbourne pretty quickly when I did. We have a spare week so wanted to see them.”
“Is your boyfriend Australian? Is he travelling with you?”
“Yes he is. He’s already through if you look behind you.”
Even in a hoodie and jeans to beat the Aussie winter Dan’s smile was infectious. It was the same grin as on nearly every Optus ad in the country and Em could tell the exact moment he was recognised.
“Oh, of course. Enjoy being back.”
She rarely used Dan’s celebrity for her own good, if ever, but it was worth it now to get through without extra questioning. Instead they collected the bags and went through quarantine with a smile and handing over the entry cards. The treats that they’d brought back were approved and just over an hour after landing they were in the familiar surrounds of Perth international arrivals. Joe had given them the keys to his car so they didn’t need to rent one. Instead they piled their bags into the boot to go straight to the farm. It wasn’t too cold for Em but Dan hated the thirteen degree weather and put the heat on as soon as they got into the car.
Their original plan had been to get to Michelle’s from the airport to see everyone but they couldn’t face it. Em was desperate for the hugs from her niece and nephew, for Michelle to wrap her in the big sister hugs that felt so good, but she couldn’t keep her emotions together if she saw them. It took all of three minutes to choose takeout to order on the way home to the farm. They sat at the table as Em nibbled the pizza she’d gotten while Dan ate chicken and rice that mostly fit his race diet. Once they were finished they curled into bed, wrapped around each other.
They lay there in the dark, quiet room, not sleeping or speaking. Em took a deep breath and let out a sigh as everything was screaming at her to speak.
“Penny for them?” Dan asked and she blinked, looking up at him and realising that this was the moment she had to say everything out loud for the first time. “There’s been something on your mind since you came back, right? What’s going on Wrinkles? You know you cal always tell me anything.”
“I’m afraid if I tell you then you’ll hate me.” His arms tightened against her while she closed her eyes and felt a kiss pressed to her forehead. He was there. He wouldn’t leave.
“I can’t hate you. I promise, Baby. I could never hate you. I love you. If you want to wait we can until we’re in LA and we have our talk. It’s whatever you w—“
“No. I need to tell you now.” Em pressed a kiss against his chest, holding onto him so tightly that she thought she might break him for a moment. “I…Fuck. When I was in Liverpool I was late. I was really, really late Danny.”
His sharp intake of breath was enough to tell her he’d heard what she said, but he stayed quiet and pushed his lips to her head until she was ready to keep speaking. Em took a couple of quiet breaths before continuing.
“I had a plan. I was gonna take a test to confirm, and when it came up positive I was gonna call you after the race. You had a right to know, y’know? I wouldn’t have kept that from you. I swear, Dan, I never could have done that. But the day I had the courage to buy it and take it I wasn’t late anymore.” Trying to get the words out felt like a clog in her throat. Tears streamed down her face as she forced herself to push everything else out. “Remember when we were here for lockdown and how I was when things got too much? I was like that and I was alone and in pain and I was so sad. I didn’t know I wanted a baby. But I really wanted your baby. And then I had one and I lost our baby and it’s my fault and I’m so sorry, Danny. I’m so, so, so sorry for losing them. I’m sorry.”
Her sobs overtook her but Dan sat up in the bed and pulled her to him. She didn’t know how they ended up like that but she was in his lap. His arms wrapped around her as he rubbed her back, soothing her and trying to calm her tears. She’d lost their baby and the only things going through her head was that it was her fault and if she’d looked after herself and not let herself be so upset and angry then things would have been different. It was her fault. It had to be her fault, it couldn’t be anyone else’s fault because she was the one who couldn’t keep their baby safe. As her tears began to slow and the wracking sobs eased she could hear Dan’s constant murmurs while she calmed down.
“How can I blame you, my Emmy? It’s not your fault and I will never, ever say it is. You’re so fucking brave, Baby. You’re so brave for getting through this and doing it by yourself and I wasn’t there to help you and I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I’m so, so sorry that you didn’t think you could ask for help. I’d have been there in a minute, fuck everything else. Nothing else matters except you and me, Baby. You are wonderful and strong and brave and it’s going to happen for us. When we’re ready to have a kid we’ll get to. I promise you. You’re going to be ok. We’re going to get through this, you and me, like always.”
She clung to him as he spoke, a weight lifting off her shoulders. The miscarriage had been in the back of her mind ever since it happened, even when she hadn’t realised it was there. She’d been ignoring it since that day, nobody knew. But it was real. They’d lost their baby and she had hurt so badly because they had but they were going to be ok. They were going to make it.
“You back with me?” Dan asked as she stopped sobbing and he wiped at her eyes. His thumb wiped the tears away and all Em could see when she looked up at him was love. He loved her. Even after all this, even after her failure, he still loved her.
“Yeah I am. I’m not ok. I’m really not doing ok Danny.” They were some of the hardest words she’d had to say.
“I love you so fucking much. So much. I always knew you were brave anyway. Anyone who’s seen the crap said in the paddock knows that about you. You are amazing and wonderful and kind. We both know this is the kind of thing so many people have nightmares about. And you, my amazing and strong girlfriend, went through this on your own.” A watery smile went across her face as Dan pecked her lips quickly. “I’m sad we’re never going to meet that baby. I’m so sad we won’t get to see them grow up. But the worst part is that you went through that without anyone to support you. I’d have been there in a heartbeat if I knew. When did it happen?”
“The week of the race in Miami.” The pain was clear on both their faces. “I nearly texted Michael so many times. There was a photo of you—“
“The blonde who wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Yeah. I saw that photo the day after it happened. Started. I guess. I tried writing and deleting a text a hundred times to ask him if you’d moved on but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to know.”
“Oh Emmy, baby. I was never going to move on from you. Ever.”
She believed him. She believed every word he said, every moment of them together. And that realisation made her curl against him even tighter.
“I’m so tired, Danny. I’m so, so tired.”
“You just sleep. We’ll see the kids in the morning before they go to school and we can pick them up after to bring them to dinner. Sound good?”
“That sounds really good.”
It was probably too early to go to sleep but for the first time in a week Em slept well with Dan’s arms tightly wrapped around her. She woke up to him shifting in his sleep with his lips against her forehead as he slept. She smiled as she woke and kept her head on his chest before Dan’s alarm went off to wake them.
“You up?” He asked as Em twisted her neck to loop up at him again.
“Yeah. You?”
“Just about. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She let out a breath she didn’t even know that she was holding as Dan caught her in a kiss. He grinned against her lips before letting go and watching her for a moment.
“I’ll put coffee on, we can get breakfast out later?”
They were able to take their time getting ready. Dan watched as Em got dressed in clothes she’d kept there, putting her jeans on and pulling the belt tight against her. It was an old belt but it was in a new notch. The jeans that she’d owned since the Chinese Grand Prix were loose around her legs and it felt wrong. She was physically and mentally exhausted and worn out and desperately needed to relax and spend time with Dan. He held her hand as they got into the car, Dan the one who drove back to Michelle’s home.
They arrived just in time as Michelle hurried the kids out the door to go to school. Isaac started asking who was in his grandpa’s car but when Em opened the passenger door and stepped out there were two excited yells as they sprinted to her. The force nearly knocked her backwards into the side of the car but Dan held her arm so she could keep on her feet. Bending down for hugs Isabella wrapped her arms around Em’s neck to be lifted for a cuddle and Isaac followed suit.
She shouldn’t have been able to lift them up. Not with how tired she felt, not with how weak she felt. But she made herself stand up with them in her arms. Dan’s hands were supporting her lift and helped her stay upright as she did, grabbing onto them and holding close. Michelle ran towards them in surprise and once the kids were standing on solid ground Em got a hug from her too. She was home and in her sister’s arms and even with how awful her body felt this was good.
Michelle had to go back to work but they both promised to be back for when the kids finished school to take the family out for dinner. But Dan and Em ended up in a hipster breakfast place Dan found online, sitting next to each other in the booth. She sat there with her caramel latte and avocado toast with a poached egg and listened to Dan’s accent get thicker the more he spoke to people. They could both tell he’d been recognised but the nice thing about Perth was that people left him alone there.
“I think this is technically our first date,” Em murmured and watched as he frowned and thought.
“Fuck. You’re right. I always figured our first official date would be something fancy. Bring you somewhere you deserve.”
“We’re sitting in Perth having breakfast together. It’s the first of many.”
“Yeah it is.” He grinned and gripped her hand while they finished what they were eating before leaving the cafe.
Em just followed Dan down the semi familiar streets. So much had changed in the two years since she’d been in Perth, stores closed and new ones taking their place. They held hands in the weak winter sun, still warm on her skin compared to England. Dan walked like a man on a mission until they arrived at their destination.
It was the Apple Store, quiet for the Thursday morning as they arrived. They went to the phones immediately, Em looking at Dan.
“You need a new phone, Baby. One that isn’t going to cut your hand. Which size do you need for everything?”
“Danny I can get this fixed.”
“Please? Fresh start. New phone, new iPad. You need a new iPad for work anyway, it was upgrade time. So we’ll get it all now.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, both of them smiling as they separated from their first kiss in public. Em was still nervous about it and would have rathered just get her phone fixed but she knew what Dan was like when he got an idea in his head. So she held his hand as he explained exactly what they wanted.
“So it’s two 13 Pro Max phones, each one terabyte. Can we get a gold and a silver one? And an eleven inch iPad Pro with as much memory as you have.” Dan put the other accessories he’d picked up on the table beside the sales assistant, two cases for the iPad - one with a keyboard and one without - and two phone cases. Em’s was purple leather, Dan’s a bright blue silicone. She felt overwhelmed with the amount of money Dan was spending on her but just gripped his hand as he put it through his card. It was for them. Them as a couple, nobody else. It was worth it.
Instead of going back to the farm to come back to town they found a coffee shop to set up their new purchases. It felt a little ridiculous but Em loved it as Dan pulled her in for a selfie as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and set it as his Lock Screen. This was real. It was them.
“We’ll talk to Blake in Baku about when you start coming back to work? You left things easy for him to pick up so if you want some time you’ve got it.”
“What are you talking about, Dan?” She looked at him carefully. She’d quit her job. She didn’t have anything to go back to.
“I assumed you’d want to come back to work? If you don’t that’s fine. If you need time or anything it’s totally fine. But it’s there for you.”
“What about your new assistant?”
“What new assistant?”
It made the tears want to come out again. They hadn’t replaced her. She thought people were just keeping her replacement away but they hadn’t. They still wanted her. They always had wanted her and she’d walked away.
“Em. Emmy, look right at me ok? You and me.” She blinked the tears back to stare at Dan as he squeezed her hand. “We couldn’t even think about replacing you. Never. You’re right here and not going anywhere. And if you want to come back you’ll slot back in. If you don’t want to come back to work that’s also fine. It’s up to you.”
“I didn’t think I could come back.” The words were slow to leave her mouth, each one an effort as her panic started to recede.
“We wanted you back as soon as we could find you, Baby.”
“Thank you.”
“For loving me.”
Dinner at Michelle’s was fun. The kids enjoyed seeing their Auntie Emmy and Uncle Daniel when it was least expected, and the idea of a sleepover for two whole nights was exciting. Most of it was casual until Michelle half cornered Em in the kitchen.
“Are you ok?” She asked and Em shook her head.
“I…no. The last two months haven’t been good. But we’re getting through it.” Michelle wrapped her in a hug and it felt so, so good. They were close together for a moment and Michelle kissed her cheek.
“If you need anything we’re right here. No matter what’s happening between you and Dan we’re here. Especially if my idiot brother needs a reality check.”
“Don’t call my boyfriend an idiot. But no, it was both of us. We’re fixing it. It’ll take time.”
“Still, if either of you need anything. We might be the other side of the world but we’re here for you.”
“Thanks. For all of it.”
They left before it got too late, the two of them exhausted from jet lag and a busy day. Dan navigated the turns back to the farm easily, his hand on Em’s thigh. When they got inside she sat on the couch, opening the iPad to set it up.
“I haven’t looked at my emails since I left Melbourne. It’s going to be scary to look at, isn’t it?” As she finished speaking there was a crash, Dan smashing a glass that had been in his hand. “Danny?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. You haven’t looked at your email since then?”
“No. Why?”
“Fuck. I thought you knew.” He sat beside her and took her hand, Em staring at him as he did. “Two days before you came back I sent you an email. I…I’m retiring at the end of the year.”
“What?” The words were going around her head. Retiring. Dan. It didn’t feel right.
“Racing’s taken everything from me. It nearly took you from me. I can’t do this again. I can’t, Baby girl. I can’t do it. I’m not happy anymore, I hate this team, I hate the way they treat you and act about you. How they don’t listen to me and keep blaming me when it’s the fucking car. So I’m out at the end of the year.”
“Don’t do this for me. If you start doing this because of me you’re going to regret it.” The naked fear that he’d start hating her because of this decision filled Em. She didn’t know what she’d do if he hated her.
“It’s not just you. I don’t—“
“Do you still love racing?”
“Yeah. But not with McLaren. Not in this car. It’s fucking toxic.” She squeezed his hand and kissed him carefully.
“Then we’ll find a team for you. But don’t retire like this. Don’t let them chase you out of the sport you’ve loved. You’re the king of fucking Monaco, Danny. You’re an eight times Grand Prix winner, and you haven’t bottled multiple podiums the way your teammate has. I believe in you. So if you want to retire because it’s time then do it. If it’s like Kimi and you’ve done what you want to do. But not because you think it’s your only option. Don’t do that.”
His expression changed and Dan pulled her close. Kisses pushed against her head and she smiled up at him to kiss him properly.
“Do you really mean that? Mind another couple of years of travelling around the world?”
“I mean every word. This is your time, Danny. And in a couple of years we’ll move back and it’s my time. Deal?”
He didn’t respond, instead lifting Em up and carrying her to the bedroom carefully. Her legs wrapped around his waist while he did, arms holding onto his neck for dear life. But she knew Dan wouldn’t drop her. She trusted him not to.
When they made it to the bedroom it was fumbling fingers, both trying to get the other naked and hold on at the same time. She gasped as Dan undid the clasp on her bra, his hands cupping her boobs for the first time in too long. He lavished kisses against them until he was interrupted by Em taking his shirt off, pulling her too him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
She moaned as Dan’s fingers slid through her folds, feeling where she was wet and slowly playing with her to make sure she was fully ready for sex. He held onto her cheek with the other hand. They each pushed soft kisses to their faces while they got ready, but finally Em positioned herself and slid onto Dan. The stretch as he entered her was perfect, everything she didn’t know she’d missed.
Every time Em tried to get a rhythm going Dan held her at her hip, slowly thrusting. It was shallow and didn’t feel like him, didn’t feel the way they always had sex. It just felt wrong and that terrified her. From the first time they’d slept together they’d always managed to make sex work. And now it felt wrong and if this was a sign of things to come then they wouldn’t be able to save themselves. She couldn’t lose him. Not like this. Not after everything they were fighting for.
“You can go like normal.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” It was like a punch in the gut but Em held firm and looked at him. Her hand caught his chin and made him look into her eyes.
“I need my Danny back. I need the Danny who doesn’t treat me like I’m about to break back, the one who knows exactly what we need. We know each other so well, we know what we have. If we’re scared of each other this isn’t going to work for us. Baby, please. I love you and I believe in you.”
Em didn’t know what possessed her to do it but she took Dan’s hand from her cheek and carefully pressed kisses to each digit. The final one went to the centre of his palm. Watching Dan’s face carefully she pulled his hand from her lips and pushed it to the centre of her neck.
It had been their thing for so long she’d forgotten how it started. Her riding Dan, his hand on her throat controlling how she moved. She trusted him with all of it, with her. It was the ultimate way of showing how she felt.
“I love you and I trust you. Let me feel you, Baby.”
“I love you so fucking much.”
After the first proper thrust Em didn’t remember much else from the sex they had. She knew she came more than once because Dan would never let her be otherwise, and she knew his back was covered in scratch marks from her nails. Her boobs had love bites marked into them to mark her as Dan’s. The small spots where he gripped her hips to bounce her up and down would darken to fingertip bruises as well. There was a hickey on Dan’s collarbone that she knew Michael would kill her for but she didn’t care. It would fade.
But it felt right. It felt good. It was tiring and she was sore but Dan was all around her and it was everything. He brought her into the bathroom and ran the bath, helping her in and settle beside him. He even remembered a hair tie so her hair didn’t get wet.
“We’re going to make it.” Em said it determinedly, her voice quiet in the room. Dan pulled her even closer as she did.
“We’re gonna make it, Emmy. You and me, like we promised.”
“Yeah. We are.”
Dan helped her out of the bath and they got ready for bed, curling up with Em lying over him. A day ago she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, but now it felt like a new life for them.
“Ready for a weekend of chaos? I thought we could do the Zoo with the kids on Saturday, and Sunday bring them to the cinema and send them home hyper on sugar. Plus they want to spend time with you.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. We’re lucky to have them.” She could feel exhaustion hitting and kissed Dan’s chest once. “Gonna go sleep now. Love you.”
“Love you too, Emmy. Sleep well.”
For the first time in too many months, Em fell into a dreamless sleep with her boyfriend’s arms tight around her.
Taglist: @dr3lover @sabrinaselina55 @majx00 @tall-tanned-tattoo @lovingdennishauger @lauehr @msolbesg @f1medlife @idkwtfimdoing2 @leclercsbae @hiphopdancer101universe @mehrmonga @lewispool @saintandrea-droidsmuggler @coldheartedmar @sugarbabygirlofdaddy @nonsensical-nonce @a-distantdreamer @tita010 @leslizzle @javden @mloyer @magical-imagination-kgp @danarysstormborn @kakorrhaphiphobia @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @elizanav @neiich @luckyladycreator2 @scotlynaurora
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abysswalkersknight · 10 months
Found this one in my drafts so added it into my list.
Fair warning this really made me sad and I'm the damn author. But this was inspired by the death of the hydro archon in genshin impact and some amazing theories I saw about the knight of dawn. So either way enjoy and tell me what you think!
The castle was quiet.
Everyone had been evacuated due to the coming battle. 
Everyone except a few loyal servants and the royal couple.
The knight of dawn sits upon the steps before the empty throne, it has been empty for some time, neglected by the dragon princess regrettably slain by his own two hands. In his arms lay a sleeping newborn babe just barely a few days old, with silken golden hair like his own and boisterous lungs to match his mother’s. His son rests peacefully, oblivious to the heavy stillness that plagues this dark castle, absent of life and light as the torches had been left cold, the knight draws a soft finger across his son’s cheek.
I wonder how he’ll look in ten years. His beloved, Leia jokingly believed that their baby shall grow to be the spitting image of his father, he dearly hoped not; call him vain but he was well aware of his fine features. And the troubles that came with it. The infatuation of others are not something he’d wish upon anyone.   
It was nice out here, in the blissful silence. For once the knight was free from all worries and troubles, free from all the heavy expectations, free from the thought of what’s to come. Here, it was just him and his child.
The calm before the storm. His mind supplies unhelpfully, the knight’s content smile falls and he sighs through his nose. Yes, it all floods back to him why exactly the castle is as it is, their enemy comes at the ready to rid them off the map, and he’s to hold them off as best he can so that everyone else can run to safety. Thus that thankfully includes his wife and son.
Personally he was worried that Henrik would deny them sanctuary, with the birth of the knight’s son there was a new heir that could challenge him for the throne, and the knight  knew full well how greedy for power Henrik was, knew that he now saw the knight as a broken tool the day he married his beloved.
He knew that this night would also be his last, the odds were too high in their enemy's favour and he was too weak from the endless battles prior, perhaps this was simply another reason why Henrik thought to have him lead the charge, what better way to be rid of a brittle blade than to use it up until it shatters to smithereens?
All he could do was fight long enough so that his family was safe, and by the seven he will fight till his sword can no longer stay in his grasp. Fighting’s all you're good for anyways.
He’s heard what the three great fairies plan to do to keep his son safe, and he is thankful for their help, but a selfish part of him only wishes for another way, to keep his son from a long, unbearably lonely slumber. He’s only agreed for the promise of his boy living a happy, peaceful life with someone who will truly love the child as he surely does, one devoid of the pain and sorrows of war. 
A world in a time of peace, what a pleasant thought. He’d only wish that he’d get to experience it with his family, but if his son gets to live through such a life then he shall be content with that. I wonder what you’ll do when you're older, will he carry a sword like his father? Or perhaps have a more quiet hobby? Will he make any friends? Someone who he can compete with, to help each other reach new heights? What will his favourite food be? Will he have an affinity for animals as well? The knight wasn’t sure about blessings being inherited but he'd love to see what becomes of it. He lifts his child up to his cheek, one of the only places deprived of glistening cold silver, breathing in the milky scent that all infants had, and felt his heart twist painfully as eyes beautiful as the rising dawn slowly blink up at him.
He’d love to see who this tiny little babe becomes, even if only for a moment…
Oh! Birds and other wildlife seem to have flocked down to one of the windows, as silent as possible as to not startle the infant, just watching them. The knight knew why they were there, they were there to say farewell, among them were the families of various animal friends he’s made in the past, of the ones who helped care for him when he was young. He stands up with his baby in his arms and goes to greet his old friends, the smallest of the birds gather round the babe’s blanket while a deer sniffed at his golden hair. Sweet giggles fill the room and as the knight smiles fondly at the scene he almost fails to notice a strange new arrival.
Time seemed to slow, for squeaking pleasantly to the child from above on the window sill, was a tiny bat. It was so peculiar, normally they preferred to keep to themselves. Usually the knight was not one who typically believed in signs or omens, but something about this bat stirred something in his chest, and he suddenly recalled that day when he was thrown into the waterways, of that fae who held the princess’s egg with such tenderness, the bat is now nuzzling his babe with a similar softness and he too reaches out a finger to stroke it’s fur, which it didn’t take too kindly to, snapping at his hand with such an insulted look upon its face that the knight nearly laughed, somehow the look reminded him of the tales told of the general of the right, its with this thought that he wonders if the general had made it to safety that day. If my guess is right he may as well have, he thought once the bat finally let him scritch under its chin, he knew deep in his heart that if it was to be fated then he could think of no one better to take care of his child despite their being enemies. 
I wonder what name he’ll give you.
Beyond the horizon the knight could faintly see the first rays of dawn stretching across the pinkening sky. 
Ah, it appears our time together is coming to a close. 
While he knew what was to come, faced with death he still found himself a little afraid. Was this what the Princess felt when she had to leave her egg? He thinks feeling his breath stutter and fingers curl tighter around his bundle.
He presses one final gentle kiss to the babe’s forehead. I apologise for leaving you like this my son, he tucks his treasured ring around the boy’s neck, please forgive your fool of a father.
The hour of his execution is almost here.
In a way this felt deserving, it was just like that day, leaving slashed bodies in his wake, the glare of dawn beating down upon rivers of red and iron. Only this time he knew full well what he was fighting for.
I pray that he won’t become what I was.
His strength wanes, his helmet laid cracked and caved in on the floor like scrap metal, leaving his determination visible to all.
My dearest little one.
Should you ever raise a sword like I.
The morning sun gazes down upon the knight, upon the gleaming sword painted a lustrous crimson in his chest, his failing vision fixed on the beautiful briar crawling along the castle, he gives one last smile for his sleeping son.
I pray that you will carry it with pride and for a life you truly strive for.
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narrators-journal · 4 months
The senku fake dating fic was so good!!! We need a part 2 <3 (this isn't pressure or anything I just find your writing so good and need more :>)
Sorry that this took so long, and that I can’t say with a lot of confidence that this has the same charm as the first part. But I hope it’s an amusing follow-up at least. Senku’s character is...questionable to me? But I may be a bit too close to it. Anyways! I hope you enjoy, and I hope this is as funny as I find it lololol.
“What the fuck was that, Ishigami?!” You snarled with indignant fire in your cheeks as you slammed the hotel room’s door as best the thing would let you. “You asked me to be your date to this stupid fucking thing, so I played your date. What else was I supposed to do?!” He snapped back, his crimson eyes sharp as they glared at you. “Maybe not whip out this wild fucking tale of love at first sight or whatever?!” “I did not say it was love at first sight. I pointedly said you annoyed the shit out of me at first. That’s more realistic.” “Yeah! For a rom-com!” You countered, though the man only flopped onto his bed with a groan as you stood at the foot and glared a hole through him. “Dude, this whole scenario is from some rom-com! Might as well lean into the cheesy crap.” He sighed. “Besides, why are you even mad? My tale was plenty romantic, your aunties and grannies were eating it up. You should be offering to up my pay, not chewing me out for doing my job.” He pointed out after, which only worsened the heat in your face. “Did you not think that this would make it near impossible for them to not ask about you in the future? Unless you’re gonna come to every family reunion, birthday, and engagement party for the rest of our days, I’ll have to tell them we broke up. Then you’ll become that ‘one who got away’ to my family.” You hissed, though you didn’t mention the issue of him having flustered you. That was an unnecessary factor for the red-eyed leek to know as he scrolled on his phone. So, you continued, “I’ll be ten years married and still hearing wistful musings of how my life might’ve been if I’d married that nice young man who was so deeply in love with me or some crap.” “You really over think shit, has anyone told you that?”
You shot your apathetic room mate a dirty look, but he didn’t bother with a glance towards you. Which, you were used to. While you and Senku weren’t best friends, you’d spoken a few times in your time as roomies, and each time, he had a skill for not looking at you as he tossed his barbs and snide remarks like darts. He generally just had a skill for being a bit of an ass too.
Which, on some level, was always fun. It took the pressure off of you to be polite and cordial when he’d trudge out of his room and snatch your coffee from your hands as if he was two seconds from crashing. It was entertaining to swap remarks with him, and hear the, admittedly, funny cuts he could cook up towards you. At least, after you’d met Taiju, and it had truly sunk in that Senku really was just like that with everyone. It was worlds easier to not take offense to being called an elephant or compared to an unsocialized chihuahua when you’d seen him tell Taiju that a rock had more braincells than him without a glance. And maybe, a little endearing..
However, at the moment, that parlay of words and chilly smugness only pissed you off further. It seemed to only dig into the melancholic well of anger, happiness, and embarrassment in a way you didn’t enjoy at all. “Fine then, if I’m just over-thinking, what do yousuggest I do to get rid of any future questions of you?” You asked, your words sharpened by the annoyance at yourself, thankfully. “Easy. Just tell them I died in a car crash.” “SENKU ISHIGAMI.” The only response you got was the leek-haired man’s devious cackle. “That’s a horrible way to handle it!” “Eh, not really. They won’t ask much if they think I died.” He pointed out, almost smug at his suggestion as you growled and flopped onto your own hotel bed. Your face buried into the lavender-scented pillow.
As if he could sense your frustration at the idea, though, Senku did offer an alternative. “I mean, if you really don’t want to lie and you’re so worried about your family missing me, we could just. Date for realsies. That way you wouldn’t have to weave a web of lies. And I could come to your other functions.” Which, sat in the air between you for a long, slow moment while you chewed on it.
When you lifted your head to look at him, he didn’t seem to be lying, he looked as he always did, as if the answer had been obvious, and he was amused at your not seeing it. Though, after what he’d said at the dinner...you couldn’t help but think the glint of amusement in his cherry eyes was an honest, affectionate bit of playfulness. Not pure condescension. But, you were still skeptical as you pushed yourself up from the bed and turned to face him on his own mattress. “Are you being serious? Do you seriously want to date me?” You asked, and Senku shrugged, “Sure. I don’t see why not. Though my pay will have to be upped to fifty a date. I need to pay for next year’s classes.”
You gave a bit of a furious scream and threw your pillow as hard as you could at that. The fluffy, lavender-scented mass able to smack Senku in his laughing face before you flopped back onto your bed. Your back now to him, your cheeks alight with a fresh wave of embarrassment, and his maniacal laugh in the air. Of course the bastard was fucking with you. Senku wasn’t an ass, but he had enough of a mean streak to tease you so viciously. Fine then, fuck face. You’re gonna regret those words, though “Fine since you offered, we’re gonna date. That solves my problem, and you can finally say you get girls.” You snarked, pointedly not looking back at the scientist in a similar way he often didn’t look at you when talking to you. “Fine by me. I need a test subject that’s closer than Taiju is.” Was his simple response. Ever smug, as if he’d won.
God I hate this man.
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multiyandereimagines · 6 months
Yo can we get a yandere Hyde/Jackie from that 70s show :3
Sure thing, Anon! I wasn’t sure exactly how you wanted this so I went with a Steven Hyde and a Jackie Burkhart headcanons separately, I hope that’s okay!
Yandere Steven Hyde & Jackie Burkhart Headcanons
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Steven Hyde
- He would be demanding for sure, about everything.
- He would pretty much be attached to you alllll the time.
- If you were at Foreman’s place, he’d be there, which would be the norm.
- But then it would start to freak you out when you would be at your friends houses and he would literally just walk in as if it was his own house.
- Sometimes, he would literally wait outside their house until you finally came out.
- “What the hell, Hyde… why are you here?!”
- “I just want to be with my darling, is that so bad?”
- Your friends would practically beg you to end things with him since he was so… weird.
- You thought about it, but every single time you were with your boyfriend and he would give you so much love and even gift you some of his prized rock records. You couldn’t go through with it.
- You’re the only person he would be forever nice and sweet to. Often times seeing a different side to him no one else got the privilege to see. It made you swoon even harder for him.
- He would pretty much stalk you all the time. No matter what. Every. Where. You. Went.
- You got used to it soon enough, never having the heart to break up with him, or even talk about it with him.
- Whenever he sensed you were weirded out or tried to keep a distance, he would always resort back to love-bombing the hell out of you. Completely blinding you from all of his red flags. And it worked, every single time.
- He always knew exactly what to do to keep you with him, so he was never really worried about you getting away. You can’t. He will never let you. You’re going to be stuck with him forever, whether you’d like it or not.
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Jackie Burkhart
- If you thought Hyde is super demanding, Jackie would be even crazier about it.
- She wouldn’t let anyone touch you. Especially Donna. She grew so much resentment over her.
- She would shout at her, accuse her of trying to get with you. In front of everyone which humiliates you every time.
- But that never stops you from ending things with Jackie. Mostly because you were way too scared of her, but also you were just completely blinded by her great looks.
- She would give you those adorable eyes she knew you love so much to persuade you to do whatever she wanted you to do.
- Whether it would be to go out and buy food for the both of you.
- Or when it would come down to never speaking to certain people, ever again.
- That would explain why you were slowly losing friends day by day, the only person you truly had, was Jackie.
- And she loves it that way. She’s got you completely wrapped around her finger.
- “Y/N! I told you not to hang out with them! They’re obviously into you and they’re trying to take you away from me! You’re mine!”
- “But Jackie, they’re not into me… they’re my only fri-“
- “Don’t care!” Adorable puppy dog eyes ensues.
- “Ugh… fine.”
- She never plans on letting you go, using her good looks to get whatever she wanted out of you, and it works like a charm. It’s not like you were planning on leaving her anyway. It’s damn near impossible.
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thenugking · 2 months
Perseverance “Percy” Ashton (she/her)
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(Percy's costume evolution throughout the game. She's getting her Hot Girl makeover! The fact that she's losing every trace of individuality isn't important!!)
Race: Asmodeus Tiefling Class: Cleric of Ilmater (Life Domain) Background: Acolyte
Personality: Percy is a Good Person. She’d like everyone to be aware of this. She’s a Good Person and therefore all her actions are Good things a Good Person would do, and if those Good Actions result in the deaths and suffering of hundreds of people, it wasn’t that bad and they deserved it and it wasn’t actually Percy’s fault anyway!!
Percy is a conflict-averse doormat who doesn’t want to cause problems and supports her friends unconditionally. Unfortunately, her friends are the kind of people who want to do things like serve evil goddesses, become gods themselves, and kill thousands of people. But hey, they’d totally have done all that anyway, there was nothing Percy could have possibly said to stop them! She was just being a good friend!
She believes strongly in not giving up and continuing in your beliefs and actions, no matter what kind of odds (or common sense) are stacked against you (this being why she named herself Perseverance). She’s extremely ambitious, though she’d never admit it, and desperately wants to be held up as a paragon of virtue in front of the entire Ilmater church. She’s smart, though lacking the wisdom score she really needs as a cleric, and a great lover of reading.
And, of course, she is deep in self-delusions. Ilmater finally stops lending Percy divine power after she helps Astarion ascend, and she completely refuses to notice that the god she spent decades worshipping has gone, and Loviatar’s stepped in instead.
Backstory: Percy grew up in the Outer City, where poverty and anti-tiefling racism were often issues. Fortunately, she found support at the Open Hand Temple and was grateful enough to that as a teenager, she started working there herself, wanting to be able to help others as she’d been helped. Unfortunately, she slowly started taking on a lot of shitty doctrine and a huge martyr complex.
Despite Father Lorgan attempting to gently suggest otherwise, Percy believes that suffering is holy, and by suffering in the service of others, or even just generally Going Through it, she’s a better person. She dedicated her life to helping as much as she possibly can, eagerly going without meals, forcing herself up after only a few hours sleep, and refusing to ever take a day off, in the hope that eventually someone would look at her and say, “Wow you’re so much more selfless than everyone else here, you’re truly the greatest person I’ve ever met, I can’t believe no one’s noticed how incredible you are before!!” And while she was far too nice to say anything, she spent years stewing in resentment over anyone who stopped to take care of their own needs, and clearly weren’t as good people as she is. 
Her home life wasn’t much better. Percy married her childhood sweetheart, Kairon, at 19. When Baldur’s Gate starts, they’ve been married for twenty years, have two kids together, and the spark has gone out completely. Kairon… wasn’t an amazing husband, and should probably have noticed how discontented his wife was, but Percy sure did love to repress her negative feelings and constantly insist she was fine and refuse to actually ask for anything she needed. They’d probably both be a lot happier if they’d broken up ten years ago.
Anyway, by the start of the game, Percy’s worrying that she’s wasted her life on a man who never really appreciated her, and that she’s old enough now that no one ever will. Her sex life, which had dried up completely in the past few years, was never very satisfying because she’s a Good Christian Girl who just wants to please her husband and can’t admit to having any desires of her own. The most joy she’s felt in the past several years is secretly reading steamy romance novels and the occasional piece of Loviatan literature. For, yknow, research into the enemy!
Also, I decided she’s the person who wrote this.
Relationships: When Astarion suggests he can do more for Percy than her husband ever has, she takes a long, thoughtful, angst-ridden two minutes to consider it before jumping into bed with him. She’s not thrilled when the sex break happens, but he’s sweet and broken and he cares about her, so she’s willing to do anything for him as long as it doesn’t mean tearing her family apart! They’re both very much trying to be the person the other wants them to be and oh boy does that not go well. She eventually lets Astarion ascend and becomes his spawn, and the two of them spend the next several years being miserable.
After Astarion, Percy is closest to Gale during the game. They drift apart afterwards, as Gale focuses on being a god, during which time Percy becomes closer to Shadowheart, leaning on her more for advice, and begging regular access to the Mirror of Loss so she can forget everything that makes her worry she might not be a great person. None of them see Lae’zel again, after she goes to serve Vlaakith. 
Percy always secretly disliked Wyll a little. Nothing to do with jealousy over his reputation as a folk hero constantly helping others, or publicly being made to Suffer when Mizora turned him into a devil! He wasn’t immediately fine with suddenly growing horns as part of a violent non consensual body modification, so he’s probably racist against tieflings and therefore awful!! She and Karlach are friends for a while, but things fall apart in Act 3, after Karlach “betrays” Percy by telling her husband about the affair, and makes a fuss over her allying with Gortash. Neither Wyll nor Karlach survive the events of Percy’s game, but that’s a whole thing that we don’t have room for here.
Percy never recruited Jaheira or Minsc, due to supporting Shadowheart in her dreams of becoming a Dark Justiciar, and let the Mistresses of Souls wipe Minthara’s mind. (She was a Bad Person, why would Percy ever think of rescuing her?) Halsin eventually quietly separates himself from the group, after growing discontent with the paths a lot of them are taking, and Percy’s constant attempts to get his endorsement over her cheating because she can’t tell the difference between that and polyamory.Speaking of which, Percy cheats on Astarion with Mizora while he’s still a vampire spawn and the sex pause is ongoing (so really it was his fault--). As much as Mizora’s main aim was causing trouble, she does find herself a little bit enamoured by Percy’s absolute dedication to twisting the truth, and their shared passion in being a massive asshole to Wyll. She turns up again a few years after the events of the game, when Percy’s really starting to want out of her relationship with Astarion, offering protection and freedom from him in return for Percy’s services as her warlock. The two of them eventually begin a relationship which is practically healthy by Percy’s standards! For her, anyway, not for anyone else who has the misfortune of being around the two of them.
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practicecourts · 11 months
Beatles prompts
there's this Taylor Swift writing prompts lyric thing going around & while lovely (truly lovely) I felt it would be nice to have another list too.
She's leaving home, after living alone for so many years
we gave her everything money could buy
And you're making me feel like I've never been born.
So how could I dance with another (Ooh) When I saw her standing there
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do will make me feel alright
Changing my life with the wave of her hand
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Me, I'm just the lucky kind
And I'm not what I appear to be
Things we said today
Some day you'll know I was the one
She thinks of him and so she dresses in black
Treat me like you did the night before
Hey, you've got to hide your love away
I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want
You're gonna lose that girl
She's got a ticket to ride, but she don’t care
It's only love, and that is all / But it's so hard loving you
If you leave me / I will follow you and bring you back where you belong / 'Cause I couldn't really stand it / I admit that I was wrong
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
I've just seen a face I can’t forget, the time or place where we just met
Why she had to go, I don’t know, she wouldn’t say. I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Working for peanuts is all very fine / But I can show you a better time
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more...
This bird had flown
When I call you up, your line's engaged
Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand
You're telling all those lies
In the good and the bad books that I have read
Say the word and you'll be free
I met you in the morning
Waiting for the tides of time
I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in, to keep my mind from wandering
I can see that I was blind
You don't look different, but you have changed
We'll forget the tears we've cried
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
Love is all and love is everyone / It is knowing, it is knowing…
UPDATED with so many more lines that just need love! 41. Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see 42. When the broken-hearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. 43. There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done 44. Carve your number on my wall / And maybe you will get a call from me 45. With every mistake / We must surely be learning 46. Something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover 47. But of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you 48. For well you know that it’s a fool who plays it cool. By making his world a little colder 49. Try thinking more if just for your own sake
50 (from the last and final Beatles song 2023 - Now and Then) I know it's true, it's all because of you / and if I make it through, it's all because of you
I could do another one of these lol... i'll start collecting anyway !
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Everyone Wants A Brother Like You Part 2 Inosuke
Just a heads up these chapters are gonna be short. They're not meant to be very long and this story is just for fun. Hope you all enjoy!)
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The leaves and wind running around through the tree tops created a beautiful symphony for the ears. The breeze felt nice against her skin and was a relief from the warm summer sun's sunlight. Truly today would be a good day for everyone.
"Tanjiro!" A pair of red eyes looked at her as she smiled. "How are you feeling today?"
"Nezuko!" The boy immediately set the bowl of rice he'd been eating to the side and stood up turning to greet his sister with a bright smile on his face. "I'm fine. Although my cuts still stung from Ms. Shinobu reapplying new bandages to them."
Good. That meant he was recovering nicely from the final battle against Muzan. Until Tanjiro's injuries fully healed or at least healed enough to safely travel without worrying about harm, they'd be staying here at the Butterfly Mansion until then along with everyone else who also needed healing. But she didn't like the idea of just free loading so Nezuko often found herself helping Aoi take care of things or visiting her brother and his friends. Like today she was going to do a large basket of laundry in her hands but stopped when she noticed her brother sitting outside the door eating food and she had to stop and say hi to him but mostly she wanted to ask and make sure he was alright. 
"What do you have there?," he asked gesturing at the large basket in her hands.
"Aoi's really busy so I offered to do the laundry for her!"
"How nice of you! Hey! I'll help you!"
Her brow rose. "Are you sure? Your injuries."
"I'll be careful. We haven't spent much time together anyways! Don't worry. I'll be fine."
Behind them both a figure moved about the shadows and towards the door. Sneakily a body pressed against the doorway inching closer and closer to the open doorway. Until he poked his head out and looked directly at the siblings smiling at one another.
"Hm. Well ok. But finish eating your food first. You need your strength to heal."
"Alright! I don't think Shinobu would like me just leaving out unfinished food either."
Nezuko nodded before looking behind him and pausing. Causing Tanjiro to also pause in the middle of reaching for his food again and turning behind him. Both siblings paused at seeing a literal boar head staring at them from behind the doorway half hiding. Before Tanjiro smiled happily at him.
"Hi Inosuke! Did you want to help us with the laundry?"
Instead of answering the other boy just ducked behind the door again noticing that he was caught and similar to a squirrel scurried away from the door and out of sight. Not that it phased either of the siblings already being used to Inosuke's actions by now.
"Hm. I guess not. Oh well."
Little did they know that Inosuke did not really leave or at least go too far. Instead he hid just out of sight poking his head out from behind a bed watching as Tanjiro finished his food, and then left with Nezuko towards the well on the other side of the garden. As soon as the both of them were out of sight, he crawled forward back to his previous place hidden behind the doorway and poked his head out once again. Finding the two siblings smiling and walking off all the way towards the other side of the garden. As stealthy as a mouse he snuck out, crawling across the grass and wordlessly behind a giant flower bush surrounded by butterflies as he followed the siblings.
He stayed close by the entire time peeking behind random hiding spots before scurrying to a new one as he closed in on  them both before stopping behind one tree and watching patiently as the two siblings smiled away as they gathered water from the well and they got to work washing the laundry with the water Tanjiro lugged over for Nezuko and then helped her scrub down the sheets. He byed his time waiting for the perfect moment to sneak closer to them. Or more Specifically his actual target Nezuko. As she sweetly smiled at her brother laughing at something he said as they rung water from freshly cleaned sheets before placing them back into the basket soaking wet. He waited like that for minutes before they finally carried the basket over to the clothes lines to hang up, and he took that opportunity to sneak closer crawling low across the grass and then behind a few small bushes lying flat on his stomach. Poking his head out to keep track of the two hanging the sheets against the wind one after another. 
"There! All done!" Nezuko beamed proudly at their handiwork hanging on the line.
"Great job! Ali's going to be so happy."
Nezuko smiled at him and looked about ready to say something-
Until all at once she was suddenly not standing there. It all happened so fast. One moment Nezuko was standing there and the next his sister was sprawled out on the grass dazed and blinking as someone held her in a 'just tackled' way.
"INOSUKE!?" Tanjiro yelled out looking horrified at his friend who just tackled her to the ground. "What are you doing?!"
"HAHAHA!!" He proudly stood up proudly pointing at his shocked expression. "Lord Inosuke has obtained this brother just like every underling has!!"
"What are you talking about?" A wheeze directed his attention to the ground. "Nezuko!" In an instant he was kneeling at her side pulling her up to stand. "Are you ok?!" She shook her head but nodded much to his relief. "Oh thank goodness. What were you doing?" He turned back to his friend who still stood proud.
"Silence!" He pointed at his face. "Bow down to your superior brother!"
Both siblings just stared at him. "....What?"
"I heard from one of my underlings that I get a brother by taking out your sister!" He pointed out Nezuko who blinked. "So now you both have no choice but to accept me as your superior brother!"
Tanjiro... slowly blinked. "So.. Someone told you that I'll be your brother by taking out my sister??"
... Tanjiro facepalmed with a groan. "Inosuke, that's not what they mean by 'taking out' Nezuko."
.. Inosuke tilted his head confused. "Eh? What do you mean? Do I need to fight her or something??"
"No! No fighting! Just...*sigh*"
"I'm..confused." Nezuko said.
Tanjiro rubbed his head but eventually smiled at him. "You really want to be out brother huh? Alright then, Inosuke. You can be our brother if you want to. I don't mind. Just..No more tackling Nezuko. That's not a good thing."
"HA!! Once again the great Inosuke gains victory!"
...Nezuko blinked again. "I'm still confused."
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ticklygiggles · 10 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello - Hi! I was tagged by the cutest @otomiyaa! Oh, you saw that? Eh? You want us to get to know each other better? Well, you can call me Mia for starters! It's nice to become your acquaintance!
Chat: Tickling - A-Ah, you really had to bring that topic up, huh? Anyways... yes, how to explain? Tickling is just nice, I guess. It feels nice and it's something fun to do with your friends and the ones you love, isn't it? A- A tickle fight? Maybe later. Now, let's talk about something else.
Chat: Reading - You think these are a lot of books? I wish my collection was even bigger! Do you enjoy reading? I could lend you some books, if you want!
When It Rains - Ugh, I hate it when it rains. Such a bummer. Good thing I always carry an umbrella, although it's a tiny one, but if we squeeze together we'll be fine!
When It Snows - Snow? I've never seen it and I'm glad, I don't think I'd handle the cold!
When the Sun Is Out - So bright and warm! Doesn't it feel so nice on the skin? Don't forget to put enough sunscreen, though!
Good morning - I must admit I'm not a morning person, I wish I could come back to sleep.
Good night - Go to bed if you are sleepy; a good night rest is necessary. I still want to stay up for a little while longer!
About me: Writing - Ah, yes I write from time to time, nothing too amazing, really.
Something to Share: Drawing - From where did you get-?! Y-Yes, I sometimes draw, but I'm really not that good at it, but hey... I really like your eyes... would you mind if I just- don't move, please.
My Hobbies: Scrapbooking - I don't do this activity as much as I would like to, but I do have a scrapbook where I put memories about trips and places I visit! We should take a picture together so I can put it on my scrapbook! Do you have you kamera with you?
My Troubles - Oh, I don't want to bother you with those, but tell me, do you have any troubles yourself?
Favorite Food: Are you going to make food for me?! Well, can I ask for some sushi? Or maybe something with shrimps? Pasta is also so good!
Least Favorite Food: Hmm, I'm not really picky when it comes to food, but I usually try to avoid beans, although sometimes they taste good enough for me to eat!
About @otomiyaa - You see us together often? Why of course! She's my best friend after all! I'm glad I reached out to her first, I wonder how life would be if I hadn't sent that message- unimportant, we now talk every single day and look out for each other! Such a lovely person she is! I truly love her!
About @lovelynim - Hehe, you saw our collaboration? That was so much fun! We've recently become friends, you see! To be honest I was a little bit intimitated by her. She's so talented and smart, so I only admired her from afar as a loyal follower. I'm happy we're getting the chance to know each other better!
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Hehe this was fun, I hope I was not too cringey jdfsnfj everyone I talk to has been tagged already, so you're gonna get tagged again, I'm sorry! @wertzunge @eliankrios @xsezzie @ticklystuff @chibimochii
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theodoraflowerday · 6 months
young royals s3e6 episode reaction (the last one 😭)
I'm gonna miss this I'm so emo
ok let's go
simon's shaky eyelid I'm gonna rip my foot off
"it feels like you two are never truly over" SPEAK ON IT FELICE
wille's voice breaking I'm gonna start fucking sobbing
"I have to take responsibility for my own problems, I can't drag him down with me" bro I'm gonna kill myself
fuck I can't believe that's the last title
I'm gonna start sobbing ohohoho
he's gonna skip??? when has simon ever skipped in the whole series?
oh sara baby no
oh, just the car
sure give them the car. that makes up for all the years of abuse. totally.
this conversation is so important help me
"see? she'll be fine" god I hope she will be fine
oh my they look all so nice in the sunlight. wille w the sunglasses. love the look
haha yea called it
but why tell them like that? like why not call for a full student meeting and tell everyone? so unprofessional
if vincent doesn't Shut the FUCK Up oh my god
if he talked to me like that I'd be throwing fists on fucking god
also stella and fredrika need to calm the fuck down. go to new york then assholes
this man cannot be serious. sobbing like that over a school. be so for real. go hate crime someone if you're so upset. fuck
god that's so heartbreaking
fuck them rich kids but that's so heartbreaking
that's so weird. thinking abt simon moving away. it doesn't feel nice.
also rosh and ayub in full panic mode @ simon moving away... not great
kristina's gonna croak isn't she
chorrito pa las animas aaayyyyyyyyy
oh my god that's goddamn hilarious
"you wanna be close to the royals, you don't wanna be one" "which is great for us actually" I can't stop fucking laughing jflsfjlsjflskf
oh god
"I feel empty. and scared" wonderful I love this honesty let's keep it going
sure, talk abt the booze and the drugs, that sure will make simon want to come to the party
baby worm wille is my fav wille
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oh also he acknowledges he's gonna send krissy to an early grave. committing regicide is so based.
anyway LOVE OF MY LIFE?????????
does this track for an endgame or no?
oh god
oh my god
that was some king shit
"and I know erik did worse things in his day" understatement of the century
king wilhelm fr
they're all so cute
seriously rosh and ayub are damn good friends
they brought rosh and ayub I'm gonna cry
do you think rosh and stella are gonna kiss
august looks like a mafia boss
oh. yeah. that was shitty. I also feel a lot of sympathy for that
oh fuck me I'm watching this in the train
"you know erik loved you more than anything else? the video with you two guys. it wouldn't have meant a thing"
I'm trying so hard not to sob but there's tears streaming down my face i
but I have stronger and more important feelings for you oh my fucking god I'm gonna start sobbing for real
im gonna cry
that was the best day of my life oh my god I'm making a scene in this train what the fuck
they're totally drunk
oh don't go after her asshole you're drunk
wille fully has no game huh. august did that immediately, wille is still all ooo im gonna be king my GOD ELOPE WITH SIMON
big fan of the random two people with wille just BOLTING when they saw simon. like oooooohoho no this is NOT something we're doing tonight
oh my god
I don't think I'm gonna take that. like I can't deal with that
no they're not doing that
they're not singing that song they're just not
I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to watch this in public transport
I thought it would be us
it was us and when it was us it was good
oh wow that just broke me
im shakingb
that is such a nice tradition for the graduating class. I really like that.
oh yeah congrats august
why is kristina smiling is she happy abt her son going after the love of his life?
"even though it was sad" actually lmao
I'm gonna cry lmao
oh my god
oh my GOD
oh man it took one (1) thing she didn't like for krissy to go back to a stuck up bitch
however, I just SCREAMED
there couldn't be any other way now could it
it couldn't have been any other way. truly.
I feel like I can't breathe but in a positive way
omg August's face. bro knows he's fucked
oh my gOF
OG fod
the 4th wall break
fuck me I'm sobbing
what an honor it's been to love this show
thank you thank you thank you
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shmowder · 2 months
The return of crybaby reader fuck yeah we love to see it!! Good stuff - definitely preferable (imo) than when the person with dacryphilia is the one making you cry on purpose :( Evil :( And it's literally fine, who among us is seeing the light of heaven anyway 😇
I've been wondering about a few things lately so I hope you don't mind me asking! When you're writing for a character (and the request hasn't specified the P1 or P2 version of them), how do you decide how to characterize them? Especially with someone like Saburov, who you said earlier was quite different between the two games. Do you find yourself picking one or the other version, do you try to focus on what's in common between the two, do you pick what you want to from each version and blend them together, a secret fourth thing?? Do tell! I'm just curious ^^
Also, how do you decide whether something goes in "x reader works" or "x reader drabbles"? The length probably plays a role, but anything else?
Re: modding, tysm <3 To be fair, what I did is probably one of the easiest ways to mod the game......... but like I even struggled to find the game data folder in the beginning, so I'm happy!
Thank you sincerely for more P1 tips. You're the best. I just got so mad save scumming when I could have spent that time getting on with the story - but still, I really don't want to screw myself over by not having enough resources as time goes on, so I'll keep doing it as long as I have the patience. I've been trying to use your advice to fight, but I just don't have the timing right yet - now I know not to aim for the chest though!! Ahh I'm very happy you told me that about the yellow pills. Is there any place to buy lockpicks other than Bad Grief?
I hope you're having a good day :) It's nice to see so much activity here. I've got to run, so I might not see your reply for a while depending on when you answer.
🐿️ anon
I always default to P2 unless the requester specifies otherwise. Even with my own work, I use P2.
P1 was more about survival than about a narrative story, it was more of a... gamey game to say? The townfolks–even the children, are more jaded to the brutality and indifferent to other's struggles.
It was a truly unwelcoming town that's bursting at the seams from the constant tugging and power struggle. People rarely liked each other, let alone liked you.
It was hard to relate and sympathise to the characters because everyone built a fortress of steel around them, you simply couldn't crack past the shell no matter how much you tried, even if you risk your life for them, you will remain a stranger locked outside the gates.
People were more cruel, cold, and punished for their loving and naivety. That town cannibalised its weakest each night, women were beaten in the streets past a certain hour if they dared walk around at night, and you lose reputation if you try to interfer.
That's why I default to P2 where the story is more flushed out, so much that they added easy difficulties because they genuinely wanted you to listen to their tale, become a part of the show and relate to the town and its people. The townfolks weren't needlessly cruel, they were terrfied deep down and paranoid, yet love flourished in hidden corners and in the least places you'd expect.
P1 punished you for wanting to play it, P2 encourages you to try more albeit with tough love and taunting. Mark Immortell can afford to be cruel to you because the warmth of the town will mend any wounds he inflicts on you, while in P1, the tragedians and exectuers almost pitted you at times, advising you with mourning in their tones as if they can forsee your grim fate.
In P2, they truly wanted to save the town, they cared for their home. P1 Alexander is power-hungry and wants to prove a point by taking control over everything and show that he is capable. He wanted to save the town to prove that his convictions and ways are superior, to win an imaginary contest rather than actually save it for the people suffering inside or because it's his home.
Even the kids feel more like... kids. Silly, full of love and wonder. Doesn't a little girl give you milk and bread for free on day 1? She never asks you for anything in return but if you give her a piece of bread–not even a full loaf–she is over joyed and tells her friends "See! See! I told you he's good! I told you he'll return the kindness."
While in P2, he is almost the opposite, he doesn't stubbornly insist that Artemy is the killer based on little evidence. Instead, he actively helps you find your father's killer, time after time, and actually makes progress.
He asks for your opinion on the fate of those who could've prevented your father's murder but didn't. He genuinely worries about Clara and his wife rather than seeing them as a source of more power and control.
Especially your relationship with Murky and Sticky, oh my god it pained me to shut them out in P1 because you're never presented with a different choice. It is truly soul sucking to go back to the lair each day and not see Sticky there. Knowing things can be different, if only.
In the x reader genre, I'm not trying to fully incorporate the canon characterization. I only want to float close-by sun, never fly into it directly.
Because it's a hopeless endeavour, you'll lose your mind trying to imitate another's art and only end up feeling hollow and disappointed even if you succeed.
I take creative liberates, lots! I make them softer, lower their guard more, their love is easier to earn and keep. I flush the humane parts of them, the mundane struggles that the average person can relate to rather than the ingenious traits which make them an interesting unique character in a game.
Yulia's disability, Daniil's double-edged perfectionism, Rubin's paranoia, Artemy's suffocating devotion.
I build off of the P2 characteristics. I do borrow plot points from P1, however, I intertwine the canons together and cherry pick what serves a better narrative for the kind of tale I'm trying to tell here.
For example, I like that Peter has no bed in his room. He sleeps inside a ceramic bathtub instead that someone must've broken their back carrying up all these stairs to his room. So I'll incorporate it into the version of Peter I write in my stories.
But when it comes to personality, yeah, hard on P2. I don't even consider P1.
I don't like the phrase "done dirty" Neither should we belittle P1 characters writing. It wasn't a stepping stone, it was the foundation whole. They did the best they could with the limited times and funds they had, plus the conversation flow and dialogue choices felt better and more natural in P1.
P2 was terrified of giving you any dialogue choices that are longer than a sentence while each character freely monologued to you over and over. I like talking dammit! Let me talk!
And the story P1 was trying to tell is very different than the story P2 told. Same premise but different cores and essences. You don't judge art by its relativity to another piece that subjectively "did it better". That's horeshit.
You judge art by it succeeding in reaching what it was set out to achieve. What is the author or artist in general trying to do here? Not if it's to your personal tastes or not, why subject them to imaginary expectations and damn them for failing to reach the goals you secretly set for them by your own self?
I'm not talking about you, squirrel dw, it's just a general "You". A term of speech. You haven't done anything similar to that, if anything you've been very considerate and understanding when it comes to the things you don't like or enjoy in my writing. I really admire that about you.
P1 wasn't looking for a heartfelt story about the people of the town, but about you. Not Artemy, Not Daniil, hell not even Clara.
But You. The player. It's your story, your struggles. You're the hated person who keeps coming back by their own free will each day.
That's why it has so many 4th wall breaks! That's why it taunts you at every corner, why the mechanics are so easy to exploit but so time wasting and obnoxious. Because they were ment to test your patience! They were meant to be annoying on some meta level, a final "fuck you" to the player for abusing their player powers that the game itself EXPECTS you to abuse.
While P2 wasn't about you, really. It was about this beautiful town that has fallen under a grim tragedy. This rich folklore and stories of magic, love and survival. Of betrayl and guilt.
Everything you expected from your father killer, you find in P1. That game hands you Oyun as the unlikable ruthless antagonist he was always predetermined to be. He fights you on each level, he makes your life a living hell as the player not just as Artemy.
And being annoying to the reader, annoying to the player, is the biggest crime any character can ever commit.
That's why you don't hesitate. You spare him no sympathy.
While in P2, instead of the grand revel that happened in P1, you're met with the shell of a broken man. Tethering on the edge of life, withering away, begging you to grant him mercy and end his suffering, to atone for his sins.
He's already a corpse by the first conversation you ever had with him, not a single light in those eyes. You're robbed out of your revenge, you end up feeling sad for the man who stole your father from you.
Even if you do kill him, he doesn't put up a fight. One stab, he swiftly falls down. This hulking gaint minotaur.
Do you know how many times In P1 I had to-
I don't want to spoil the story, I want you to experience it for yourself.
But yeah. Mischaractersation is doomed to happen. The more I talk and write about them the more they'll twists and change, gradually over time. Might as well embrace it and make my own versions, be open about it rather than cling to the stolen puppets of two kids who grew bored of their sandcastle.
It's not the length that determines what goes into the "Works" or "Drabbles" category, it's the effort and polish I put it.
Sometimes, people will request a fic or HC, but I'll still give them a drabble based on their concept instead because it's all the energy I could afford for the day.
I know it's quality over quantity but god is it tiring and consuming. This is my hobby, not my work and not a skill I'm honing. This is my relaxation, my respite, my bit to the world before I venture into the abyss forever and get lost to obscurity and irrelevance in history.
I deserve the right to mediocrity. It's fun as fuck.
I get to decide in the end, I love my readers but I'm the one who is writing at the end of the day. I get to pick and choose which glowing ember of an idea I want to hammer and polish until it shines as bright as any star in the night sky, or simply cradle it and give it a loving smooch before sending it off to be posted immediately.
Sometimes, you want intricate full meal fics. Other times, you simply want snacks and candy.
It's the type of effort, too. Some things are hard for me because they're new and therefore scary, so I have to put in a lot of energy to achieve very little while still labelling it a drabble at the end.
Other times, things are hard whilst being familiar because I genuinely want a good story, I want something beautiful and above the bar. That's when it's labelled as a full work.
I also tag my full work while my drabbles remain untagged. it is the wild west in there. Like a kinder surprise, you'll never know what you get once you click on the mystery link!
Oh I didn't intend for the Alexander fetish drabble to be crybaby reader. I pictured it as more of a reader that deliberately taunts and teases him without him being aware.
But I wanted to be very subtle about it, I don't do subtlity much in my works. My meanings are as hidden as the sun in the sky. So this time around, I tried something new by implying you're actually the one in control... rather than blatantly stating it like I usually do.
Yk, that line about you holding "power" over him. Or your choice of clothing, pressing your thighs against him. Sitting on his desk! what kind of a person in strife would ever do that? Your thighs being so close to his hands too.
It's more of a reader that gets a kick out of watching his self control crumble, the inner turmoil he goes through everytime you fake cry and run into his arms.
But art, especially x reader works, are meant to be a mirror for the... reader. So you're free to interpret it however you want, death of the author and all.
I get where you're coming from, that line about wanting to move on with the story but the savescuming is sucking the fun out. It will cause burnout if you're not careful, it's why I'm moving at a snail pace in the Bachelor route.
I just dread having to over-achieve again. I feel the need to perform better than my Haruspex run and somehow collect more than 24 shmowders this time around–or was it more? I don't want to check.
But deep down, I enjoy savescuming. I like zoning out and watching youtube or something while reloading. It's rotten work but it's worth it just for that high afterwards when I meet a shmowder girl and I can easily trade for one with my pockets stuffed with nuts.
Or cheeks? Yk bc you use a squirrel emoji. Man I am so funny fowjfijejfiwid.
I think you should do what you want, not what you must. Move on with the story and deal with the consequences later.
None of your bounds will ever get infected, I guarantee you that. The mechanics are different than P2. As long as you finish your main quest daily, your bounds will never have a reason to go outside and get infected.
The shmowders are really for the other two healers' bounds, who will randomly end up infected. You should only cure them if you're gunning for the double secret ending where you meet the devs.
And at most you'll need like 5 or 7 shmowders? That's not counting the panacea you'll have in the Haruspex route yk. Like 4 or 5 bottles total, I think.
So really just two or three shmowders are needed for the secret secret ending.
Ignore teensy, she is useless to you.
for the lockpicks, you shouldn't be needing too many? What are you using them for? Looting healthy houses or savescuming trading with kids inside the houses?
If it's the first, don't bother. Whatever food in the healthy houses pales in comparison to the fact you can find weapons in looter houses that sell for a shit ton of money. Buy food from shops instead, you'll be able to afford it eventually.
If it's for trading with kids, don't bother either. Or only do it once a day at night when wasting time. Hog all of your trade items, memorise one house with at least one girl with pigtails who trades bullets and one black hair boy who trades bullets, then trade all your items to them
Their inventory refills when you leave and re-enter the house! So you can endlessly trade with them.
If you still want lockpicks, you're better killing enemies and looting it out of their corposes. You can also trade them from pigtails girl, otherwise yeah Grief is the only option.
Eitheway. I hope your day goes well <3 And whatever you're in a hury for ends up going smoothly and to your liking. I loved talking about this! I really enjoy talking about my art and writing process, thank you for the thoughtful questions.
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keisukibaji · 2 years
A Letter from Keisuke Baji <3
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˚๑꒰﹕Hey everyone! I'm back and with the fourth post in 'A letter from….' series! The reader is gender neutral and all the letters are platonic! I hope you like it!!
Ok Chifuyu did tell me I was supposed to start with dear in a letter but it sounds so sappy and fucking cringe so no way am I doing that….
I am using a dictionary to check my spellings though so if u can’t understand something I do apologize! Me and spellings don’t mix haha.
Well I doubt you’ll get to read this after all….
If you are wondering where I disappeared off to and why I haven’t been in touch for a while, it’s because I’m no longer in Toman! I joined this new gang, Valhalla! There is this pest that needs removing so…
I can’t let anyone else get hurt ever again….
ANYWAYS! Today Chifuyu called me out so I went to meet him and this weird kid I punched a while ago at the meeting to chose the Toman third division captain. Takemichi his name is….
He had the guts to punch the new third division captain in front of the everyone including the president!
A fucking dumbass….
But I like him…..
Hence yours truly served a punch!
For some reason….
He told me I was gonna die soon…..
Before you panic like you always do, I DON’T THINK I’LL DIE! I AM PRETTY STRONG! 
One of the strongest of Toman and Valhalla in fact!
But for some reason…. I have this feeling….
If this is the last time…..
What if I never get to say goodbye…..
U MOST LIKELY WON'T READ THIS CAUSE I'LL BE FINE I'M STRONG but if this does reach ur hands it means....i...well....
I wish I could talk to you in person though!
And Chifuyu too!
You know something Reader? Peke J doesn’t stop by any more…..
Ever since that day…..
Ever since the day I fucked up everything and ruined my friendship with Chifuyu….
I do keep looking at the window though…
I do keep thinking, Peke J! This food is getting stale here you know! It’s time for your play date!
But he never showed up…..
I wish I could tell Chifuyu that I’m sorry but somehow…..
I feel like I’ve fucked things up for good…..
I wish he would abandon me already……
If I do end up dying tomorrow…..
I hope… I hope he could forgive me for what I had done….
Somehow just the thought of my life ending soon brings back a flash of memories….
You know reader? SINCE YOU ARE TOTALLY NEVER GOING TO GET THIS, I’m gonna let you in on a secret….
I don’t think anyone knows this in fact…..
Whenever a day feels a little too much…..
Whenever burning cars doesn’t feel enough…..
Whenever past memories come to haunt me in the form of nightmares….
You know what I would love?
A nice, warm comforting hug!
AND DON’T U DARE TELL ANYONE ESPECIALLY KAZUTORA! He won’t let me live this down….
That day…
That day when Shinichiro died….
I felt like dizzy, the spell of blood hitting me, making me realize that the guy I looked up to as an older brother was now dead and lying sprawled out in front of me….
I felt like the world was ending as my heart shattered into a million pieces….
Somehow in that moment, it felt like it was the end….
Like I couldn’t go on….
I mean how could I? I was the reason Shinichiro kun died…..
But in that moment, I saw Kazutora….
Seeing him more broken than I was….
Knowing all that he had been through….
Knowing that he planned this all so that Mikey could be happy…..
I couldn’t stand seeing Kazutora cry…..
Before I knew it, I swallowed my fear, my withering pain and hugged him close, promising I would never let him go…
Whatever we did and whatever we will do….
We are in this together….
I’ll give up everything just to be in hell with you…..
As long as you are happy….
As long as everyone is happy…..
That’s all that matters….
But somehow that day…..
Even though I tried to ignore it....
As selfish as it was….
Some part of my heart wanted someone to hug me tight just like I hugged Kazutora that day…
Telling me that it was all gonna be ok! 
That it was ok for me to feel sad or cry whenever I wanted to!
That day….
When they took me and Kazutora in for police questioning…..
I saw my mom….
And somehow…..
Everything around me faded away……
I remember screaming on the top of my voice as the sobs chocked my throat… I ran straight headfirst and held on to her tight.
And I cried and cried and cried…..
For some reason…. I thought she would yell at me….
Even hate me for what I did….
Instead she put her arms around me….
And she didn’t let go……
In that moment,
Even though I always felt very strong…..
That was the safest I felt in a long time….
I wish I could feel that way again…..
If I do end up dying…..
Somehow just the thought of it makes everything trivial and insignificant fade away…..
Me grumbling over not being able to watch the next episode of Kayo Suspense Gekijyo….
Me not able to get the latest copy of the action manga I wanted….
Me not being able to see Peke J for a bit….
Me wanting to open a pet shop in the future…..
All that is no longer important to me anymore…..
All I want is….
All I want is for…..
Toman to be happy…..
Draken, Mitsuya, Pah, Mikey, Kazutora, Chifuyu….
I want all of you to be safe and happy…..
I love you guys so much…..
I visited Shinichiro’s grave today….
Perhaps if I’m fortunate enough to see him again….
I wish I could say sorry….
For robbing him of the years he could have spent with Mikey and Emma chan…..
It’s something that burns me, eats me away on the inside, just like the cars I set fire to against the early morning dawn.
I was thinking as I walked back home….
If I do die….
Who is gonna look after u guys?
Who is gonna make sure you all are doing ok?
It was getting dark and a strong gust of wind blew across my face.
Forcing me to look up at the night sky.
It was dark, very dark.
The blackness stretching for miles and miles with no end to it….
That’s when I saw it…
A single lone star….
Shining brightly against the darkness….
That’s when it struck me!
If I’m…no longer here….
I want to be that star up there….
So that whenever u guys look up, u can see me there…. 
Whenever u guys feel sad or lonely….
Or feel like nothing is going your way.
It will be my way of saying
There is nothing you guys can’t handle as long as I’m here!
As for me well,
I’ll get to see you guys grow older….
Achieve your wildest dreams….
Who knows what you all will end up doing in the future!
Oh well if not a star, I can always be Peke j’s distant cousin or something….
Just a couple of final things…
If you do end up finding this, just letting you know that I wrote something for Chifuyu as well! It should be along with this one… Please make sure it reaches him ok?
And please tell him that I’m sorry…..
I really wish I could eat Peyoung Yakisoba with him again….
Even if it were just one last time….
Please look after my mom too ok? She doesn’t stop talking about you so I can tell she really likes you and though she always puts a strong face, she can get really sad sometimes she would really love it if u stopped by time and again just to say hello! I wish I didn’t make her cry back then….
And as for u guys,
Well that is if I don’t end up killing him tomorrow myself…
Apart from that….
Please be happy ok?
I would die for you guys in a heart beat…..
And in any life I'll always choose you guys.... Over and over again...
Please live on my behalf to the fullest!
Well then….
I really hope I can…. For just a little while longer….
Keisuke Baji 
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 9 months
Hi! I wanted to ask for your opinion on an idea regarding a rewrite of Wish movie I'm writing, and it's that some time ago the movie was going to be about the origin of the wishing star we see in Disney movies (an idea that was later discarded), and suddenly it came to my mind....
“What if King Magnífico was the wishing star?”
It's such a crazy idea, I know, but after watching the whole movie I couldn't help but think about that idea and how interesting it could have been. Now, how would i carry out this? Well, it's an idea in process for the rewrite I'm doing of the movie, and there would be a lot of changes to the original story, for example:
In the "climax scene", when Magnifico is already possessed by the book of dark magic, and absorbs the wishes together with the star, we would have a confrontation between master and apprentice. Now, with the power of the star in his hands, the king would say to Asha something like...
"Now I will show you the true power of the wishes!"
And using his magic scepter the king would transform into a great dragon!
(That would be a reference to Maleficent in "Sleeping Beauty," when she transformed into a dragon to fight the prince. I was hoping that Magnífico would transform into a dragon or something else in the movie, but sadly that never happened 😔).
Back to the story, Asha, with the help of her friends and the queen, managed to defeat the king. Expelling the malevolent entity from his body, however, the price of his deliverance was Magnifico's own life.
The star sympathizes with the queen, seeing how devastated she is by the loss of her husband, and understanding that the king only acted based on his fear of his kingdom being destroyed as in his past.
(I've read your blogs about Magnifico suffering post-traumatic stress after the sacking of his village, and it's something that really stood out to me, as it gives a lot of depth to the character, as well as helping us understand his actions. It doesn't justify him, but it helps to understand why he acted as he did).
Anyway, the star decided to use it magic on the king. Magnifico's body rose up and shone with a blinding light that forced everyone to cover their eyes, and when they opened them they saw a big star in the sky. A star that shone brighter than the others, it was beautiful and magnificent. Now Magnifico was among the stars, bathing the kingdom with his warm light.
Amaya would have a conflict with her emotions, on the one hand, she would feel a deep sadness at no longer having her husband by her side, but at the same time she would feel comfort, knowing that now the king would watch over his kingdom, and her, from the sky.
“The king who once fulfilled the dreams of his subjects on earth, now does so every night in the sky.”
Sorry this has been so long, but it's an idea I had in my head and Tumblr won't let me post my blog 🥲
Thank you very much for your attention, hope you have a nice day!
Hey anon!
And whoo what a long one here! But don't worry, it's all fine!
I'm generally not a big fanfiction reader anymore. But that doesn't mean that I cannot give my advice and opinion 😉
Now, I've heard lots of ideas for fanfic content in the past months and while I think there are indeed some very creative ones along them, I don't pay much attention to them. Not because some ideas aren't good, in fact, I think your idea is very creative and special in its own way! I just am not a big fan of fanfictions anymore. 😆
Of course there are very talented writers out there, heck I even started out as a fanfiction writer myself. Many authors started as fanfiction writers in fact.
My advice is, if you truly want to write something that is dear to your heart, write it! Write the thing! No matter what anyone says. If it won't leave your mind, bring it down. Tell your story! Because only you can tell it!
And also! DON'T MAKE ME FREAKING CRY 😭 But seriously, I can see potential in your writing skills! I might not be interested to read fanfictions BUT ☝🏻 I can tell you, you are talented and most def. creative!
So, bottom line, if you really want to do it. DO IT! 💙✨️
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atopearth · 10 months
Final Fantasy XVI Part 3 -  To Live is to Hope
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I'm glad they addressed the anklet on Torgal's leg, I've been curious about it. Nice to know it was from Cid. I'm glad the kids helped stand up for L'ubor because I was just about ready to leave this town to die. But of course it's better for everyone to be alive because then that can truly change the situation of the people and the Bearers. I liked the quest following in the will of Archduke Elwin. I'm sure he must be really proud to see both his sons living as he would have wanted them to, unwavering in their beliefs for a world where Bearers and everyone can live as they will. I like Isabelle, she's very strong, mature and cool. Her story was very bittersweet too, it's a common story but you could really feel how grateful she was towards Northreach and the Veil for taking her and her lover who was a Bearer in when no one else would, and how much they treated her like family and kin that she's willing to give everything to protect this town and it's people. Her strength and resolve throughout the game in caring for this town goes to show how beautiful Northreach is and also why I have a soft spot for this town too.
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It was really sweet to know that Clive tried to take Jill to see snow daisies when they were young because she was sad. He didn't get to show it to her back then but at least now he's been able to fulfil that promise. It's not as romantic as the flower scene in FFVIII before the end but not many things can top the feelings I had back in the day. Anyway, I'm really glad we got this scene because I was like, what about Jill the whole time I was doing all these side quests haha. Glad she got a bit more screentime and it really warmed my heart seeing them hug each other so comfortably and happily. I'm happy that we got the Dion side quest, I think he and I really needed it. Harpocrates also needed it I guess since he never got to watch over Dion any more than the brief time he did when Dion was young, but the fact that Dion remembers and respects him goes to show his importance in his heart. It was cute how Mid also hugged Dion before they left for Origin and he was so surprised haha. But what about Terence? Did he die? I really wanted Dion to get a proper farewell too. I really like Gav's relationship with Clive, so when he started crying, I wanted to tear up too😭 What?! No Torgal for the final battle? That's ridiculous, we've never separated from him, how could we go without him? What is life without Torgal? I mean I should say the same for Jill but I have to admit that I feel more incomplete without Torgal than Jill lmao.0
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I knew it was basically impossible for Joshua to live until the end but having to watch him die and Clive absorbing the Phoenix just makes me sad. Little Joshua knighting Clive was the cutest thing ever. As for Ultima, honestly have no feelings for him because he's a pretty typical JRPG villain lol. What, I couldn't believe that was the ending because it was so anticlimactic, I wasn't sure what to feel even when I got back to the title screen. And honestly, what I hate most aren't endings I dislike but inconclusive endings and this is one. It reminds me of Gantz and I'm still salty to this day. I honestly don't care if our main characters really died or not, I don't care if the ending is sad or happy, but I hate that they showed nothing that was an "ending". Everything was just the aftermath of the final battle and then the end. Even that book is just a cop out to make you feel better or something, is it written by the real Joshua resurrected? Clive in his name? Jote in his memory? It could be anything but because they refuse to show it, I don't think I really care either. Just seeing Jill and Gav cry as they welcome in a new life is very unsatisfying. I felt bad for Torgal. How many people he cared about died before him? Anyway yeah, I have no doubt that a world with L'ubor, Martha, Byron and Isabelle and them will be perfectly fine but that doesn't mean I spent 60-70 hours on a journey with Clive just to not see a proper ending for him and I'm just disappointed in this decision. Maybe they're trying for DLCs again or a sequel (EDIT: DLCs coming as expected I guess) but seriously, it leaves a bad aftertaste considering everything that's happened. Dion's implied death was the worst. And the battle where we couldn't play with Bahamut or Phoenix was lacklustre considering how great the battles with Titan and Bahamut were. Anyway, it's crazy how the Bahamut fight was so long, but the ending to an entire game was so short and meaningless.
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Overall, I still enjoyed FFXVI. The highlights of the game are definitely the Eikon fights and the side characters. I'm not one to fall for the sway of graphics considering I grew up with the blocks in FFVII but I can very assuredly tell you that the fight against Titan was great, and the fight against Bahamut was pretty freaking cool despite how terrible of a situation it was. In terms of Eikon fights though, I was quite disappointed that Shiva never really got to shine considering how beautiful she was and how cool Shiva always is. Even Garuda had better screentime. Odin had his splitting the sea moment too. As for the side characters, honestly the side quests were tedious at times because running around was annoying and there's only so many times we can kill bandits and fetch materials that are super far away.
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I'd say the side quests were worth doing because they really helped towards world building and giving me a better view of how towns and people were. I won't say I liked all of them but Martha and Wade, Isabelle, Eloise and Theodore were great. In terms of main story characters though, my favourites were definitely Joshua, Dion, Gav and Cid. It's funny but this is one of the rare times where I actually loved the younger brother more than the older brother hahaha, I guess I just loved how even though Clive was Joshua's shield, Joshua turned out to be the one to protect him more than he did once they got older. I loved the sibling love and care for each other. I loved Dion's story the most because it was very straightforward and understandable. He was a good guy who cared about his people and his father but wasn't able to stop the destruction caused by Ultima because of these feelings he had for them. Gav and Clive is my favourite relationship because their trust and heart to heart to each other just makes me happy to watch all the time. Cid was cool and a great role model, charismatic and strong in his beliefs, a good way to show what Clive was to become as he continued his journey.
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However, I do have to say I probably have more negatives than positives for this game. Personal preference but I wasn't a fan of the combat system. I can understand why there's no "magic system" but the utter lack of debuffs and status changes etc really makes battles quite one dimensional in that your focus is really to combo and dodge/block. Attacks from enemies are basically meaningless because the only difference is how much damage they do and not what they do. Weapons and accessories aren't any better because weapons can only have better damage and stagger but nothing else, and accessories don't really add much change to make me really care what I was using. I mean as I've said, I was using the accessory that does attacks for me so you can take my words with a grain of salt lol but I was just so disinterested in the combat, I couldn't bring myself to bother. Oh and the non-existent party system was disappointing because it never really mattered if you had a party or not, it was just more characters on screen but really, I always felt alone in battle and completely forgot their existence. Anyway, as I was disappointed with Shiva's lack of screentime, I was also disappointed with Jill's presence in the story because her character fell flat for me. She and Clive were cute at times but I kinda wish she had more of a character if that makes sense. Barnabas was also disappointing considering he was closest to Ultima and that he was Odin, so he could have brought more insight and development to those things but nope. I have to say though, the story was very average. I thought the story was going to be more "mature" and go for the exploration of politics, Clive's revenge and fight for forgiveness etc but instead it went down the JRPG killing god route which was very disappointing to me especially considering how boring Ultima was. Oh well I guess. Despite my grievances, I'd still give it a 7.5, it was a nice ride but nothing really hit me, it basically met my expectations which was that even if I don't like the game, the Eikon fights should be cool, and I'd say the game definitely delivered in that aspect with Bahamut, which is kinda ironic because when I first saw Bahamut, I thought he was the ugliest out of all the Eikons hahaha! Who would have thought I'd like his Dominant Dion, and the Eikon fight the most in the end? Odin was the most beautiful but also the most disappointing. Anyway, I'd say the game is worth playing just to see the Eikon fights haha, they are just that visually stunning!
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envelop-ing · 8 months
january 19, 2024
I've been terrible about keeping up with this journal! At first, the time felt like it passed so slowly, and now I'm 20+4! Much of pregnancy is waiting, anyway.
Second trimester has been lovely so far! The exhaustion and nausea I was feeling has gone away, and I'm back to sewing. Due to my growing size, however, I'm dealing with some other symptoms — achy hips/back, and needing to use the bathroom constantly. Also I hate that I can hardly fit into my old clothes — jeans were out of the question months ago. I'm sewing myself a couple of skirts and dresses to help me feel more feminine and presentable; I've been wearing nothing but t-shirts, sweatshirts, leggings, and sneakers for weeks now. Also hoping the weather warms up soon; I thought being pregnant in winter would be nice because I could bundle up in my oversized wool sweaters, but I can't stand the feeling of wool now! And the bulkiness of sweaters makes me look fatter than ever. I'm really looking forward to springtime.
Some highlights from the last few weeks:
My OB panel came back great. So did the NIPT, and my carrier testing. No issues so far! Baby was confirmed to be a boy on the NIPT.
Rob and I got married on December 12 with our friends Johnny & Christine! It was very no-frills, the way I always wanted. :) We met up with our old coworker Karen (who is a notary) at Amavida Coffee, had coffee together, and signed our papers. Then, Rob and I went grocery shopping. It was a lovely day!
We announced to our families during Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, showing a picture of an ultrasound I had printed out. Everyone was so happy for me and has given me space, I don't know why I was nervous in the first place. We pulled my dad aside in the garage on Christmas and showed him the ultrasound and he started crying immediately (I've only seen my dad cry two other times in my life — at my cousin's funeral, and when I came home from college to visit for the first time) and told me he didn't think he had ever been so happy, and that he was so proud. I won't ever forget that moment. My mom was also so happy and started tearing up also. I was 17 weeks at that point!
I started feeling him move at 18 weeks, which was incredible. At first, it felt like slight twitching in my low abdomen, but I knew it was him, especially as it got stronger over the next two weeks. Now, I feel him moving every day! Rob was able to feel him kick through my belly last week.
We have our anatomy scan scheduled for next week, so I'm hoping that goes well. After the scan confirms everything is alright, I'll probably finally start buying baby things off my registry.
We're closing on our first house in a week and a half! I don't remember if I already wrote about this in a previous post or not, but we bought a house I had half-jokingly been bugging Rob about for a few weeks. It's so beautiful, I'm excited to get out of this apartment and finally have a home that belongs to us. We've been making so many plans for the landscaping and gardening that I can't wait to get started on. It'll be so nice for our dogs to finally have the yard they deserve, too.
I'm so grateful for Rob, he's really made all my dreams come true. Marriage, a baby, and now a home. He's supported all of my birth plans and decisions during this pregnancy, and has done everything he can to make this experience stress-free. He's already planned and budgeted for me being able to stay at home with our son, and is already seeking out higher-paying jobs (not that he needs one; we'd be doing fine on his current salary alone) so we can have this lifestyle with even more ease. I can't imagine doing any of this with anyone else; I truly don't think I could have picked a better husband, or father of my children. I love him so much. :)
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number1jeonginstan · 9 months
hiii love love love your work !! i recently had a dream about chan as a p.e teacher and it was so heartwarming seeing him interact with the students but i CANNOT stop thinking abt how good he looked in the lowcut shirt he was wearing that exposed his collarbones djsifnwjdkw anyway i wanted to request a gym teacher!chan x english teacher!afab reader smut where the reader is helping chan put away equipment during lunch but they get a bit distracted in the storage room 👀👀
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pairing: teacher! Chan x afab!teacher reader
warnings: swearing, kissing, smut, and some fluff too!
word count: 3.5k (I got a bit carried away...)
18+ Minors DNI
A/N: Sorry this took so long, but I hope it is to your liking! I didn't do it so the kids are at school, because personally, I find that a bit weird, sorry! I write what I feel comfortable, but I try and keep the premise of the story that you asked!! I hope y'all like it because it was fun to write and I got a bit carried away when it came to the smut. (heheheheh) I hope y'all enjoy!!!
smut warnings: unprotected sex, daddy kink, technically public sex (but like, there is no one else at school...), creampie  
It was your first day of your new job, your nerves going through the roof and the cup of coffee in your hands was not helping. It wasn’t like you didn’t know how to teach, you were doing private tutoring for years while in college for high schooler’s essays and did the whole student-teacher thing to get your degree, but this was the first time you were teaching by yourself. 
You were getting paid way more than other teachers to teach 3rd grade in a rural town in the middle of nowhere. Everyone here was rich, like wearing Louis Vitton bags to hold their dogs rich. While driving to school, the plethora of porches and teslas didn’t surprise you. Being in such a small town where everyone knew each other, you were terrified of messing up. 
Sure working with teens would have been more intimidating, but working with a bunch of 8-year-olds olds, now that’s scary. What if they didn’t like you, teased you, and didn’t think you were funny enough? Before you ended up in more of a whirlwind spiral, you crashed into something. You could feel something cold hitting the back of your hand as coffee spilled all over what was in front of you. 
You look up to see a man with curly hair and wearing a matching tracksuit, the thing you must have hit was his whistle. Before he could even react, you started profusely apologizing. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, let me wash this for you. I can’t believe I did something so stupid, your suit looks nice too, I can’t believe I ruined it” You continued your word vomit only to be interjected by the man’s voice in front of you. 
“Don’t worry about it, accidents happen, I can just take my jacket off” he simply unzipped his jacket and shrugged it off, allowing the tanktop he was wearing underneath to show off his defined muscles. “See, no harm done” he grinned, his smile toothy causing a slight blush to appear upon your cheeks. 
“Again, I sincerely apologize, I had no idea you were there” you continued on, too afraid to look him in the face as you apologized. 
“It’s okay,” he said, placing his hand on your shoulder, “now breathe with me” he lifted a hand, inhaling loudly, causing you to follow suit. You both exhaled at the same time, a slight chuckle leaving his lips as you did.
“I get it, first-day, you will be fine, I believe in you” he grinned. “Thank you” you gleamed back “I’m so sorry, but I didn’t get your name?” you asked.
“It’s Coach Bhang, or Chris to the adults” he chuckled. Before you could respond with your name, he interrupted you “You are the new teacher right? Your kids have me right before lunch today” 
You looked at him a bit confused, not knowing how he knew who you were already. “The principal told me, I was on the committee to hire you” answering the question that must have been written on your bewildered face. 
“Oh, it’s very nice to meet you, Chris, but I truly must get going. I guess I’m going to see you before lunch!” you said, trying to turn around and leave to get to your class on time. He simply nodded, waving you goodbye as you left him there. You looked even better and sweeter in person he thought to himself. 
He was so excited to have someone his age around. When the hiring committee asked for his help, knowing that many kids confided in him, he wanted to find someone young. He wanted to make sure the kids got a different perspective, especially growing up with parents who always thought they were doing the “best” for their kids. 
He appreciated all of his seniors in his school, knowing that they had been teaching kids for years, some even being his teachers while he grew up. When he saw your resume, your reason for teaching caught his eye before anything else. 
“I want to make sure that every kid is comfortable. It isn’t just about teaching them, but making sure they have fun along the ride. Kids are supposed to have fun at a young age and not stress out. I want to make it so they are in an environment where they can confide in me.” 
He knew then and there, you were what their school needed. It took a bit of convincing, but he had gotten you to the school, and there you were with your long skirt and sweater covered in apples, glasses laying on the bridge of your nose with a cheesy smile ridden on your face. 
He couldn’t have even gotten mad at you when you spilled coffee on him, you were just too sweet, apologizing even with your “first day of school” jitters.
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You finally got to your classroom, placing your almost empty cup of coffee onto your desk. You had spent almost a week preparing everything. Your room was filled with color, allowing all your kids to express themselves in their own way.
You had made a reading corner with all your favorite books as a kid surrounded by beanbags, your walls empty and ready for whatever art the kids make. It felt like home. You sighed as you finished taking in your room admiring each crevice before the kids rushed in.
As the kids began to trickle in, you saw the excitement on all of the kid’s faces. Some looked at you a bit confused, others whispering with their friends. They were all so cute, falling into their own cliques and taking a look at the place they were going to spend most of their time. 
You even overheard some of the parents talking which intrigued you a bit. 
“Did you hear about the new teacher?” one asked while the mother nodded. “Yeah, my son Sohee is in her class, I hope she’s good or else I’m going to take it up with my husband, he is the county’s superintended after all,” she said with a fake laugh. 
“I agree, I hope she doesn’t try and steal a man’s husband like the last one. Poor Susan, she was crushed after she found out” she giggled. “I know, I can’t believe that he slept with that skank, hopefully, this one doesn’t try the same innocent act”
“I agree, but do you think Coach Bahng will be coming out today, I don’t see him. He’s the only reason I dropped off Sohee or else I would have gotten his nanny to do it” 
“I saw him earlier,” said the woman with blonde hair, Sohee’s mother, “he finally took off that damn jacket, and can I say, I would not be opposed to taking a bite out of him” she chuckled, biting her nail.
“Oh, you are so bad!” the other woman laughed. You quickly walked away before you could overhear any more of their conversation. 
Thirty minutes after the first bell rang, all the kids were situated in their seats. You opted to give kids assigned seats to all the kids to help you get and know them better. They were all chatting amongst their selves, reminiscing about where they traveled for summer break, what they did, and who they met. 
It was cute seeing them all talk amongst themselves, seated in their tiny desks, giggling away. You decided that it was time to introduce yourself, and try and get on their good side. 
“Hi, class!” you said as you walked in front of the classroom, causing them all to direct their attention. “My name is Miss L/N, and I’m your teacher this year” you grinned, trying to see all their reactions. 
They all shyly replied with a short and curt “hi”. “I thought, because it’s the first day of school, we can all draw what we did over the summer and what your favorite things are!” you laughed watching all the kids get excited.
They all pulled out their markers, colored pencils, and crayons ready for the paper you were passing out. After another 15 minutes had passed, every kid began sharing. Showing what they did through their pictures, as well as telling stories from their adventures.
As they began to wrap up, one of the kids, who you think was named Lily, asked you what you did. This caused all the kid's attention to get off their friends and onto you. 
“Oh I didn’t do much this summer, just prepared to hang out with you guys” you explained causing all the kids to groan. 
“That’s boring” one of the kids yelled “Don’t you have a boyfriend or something, all the other teachers are married except Coach Bahng, except my mom said he could have been my dad,” he said out loud, causing all the kids to giggle. 
One thing that you forgot about kids was their blunt honesty. “Umm, I don’t have a boyfriend” you replied, trying to change the topic you quickly blurted out “Would you look at the time guys, it’s time to go to P.E” 
This diverted all the attention from the boy’s previous question, they waddled out of their seats into a single-formed line, which amazed you. For 8-year-olds, they already knew what they had to do. The line leader was the Sohee, the boy’s mother was the one you overheard in the hall. You chuckled a bit, seeing how eager they were to get to their next class. 
As you were walking, you asked Sohee why all the kids were so excited. “It’s because Coach Bahng is sooooooo fun” he exclaimed, jumping up and down. “He loves playing with us, and he always finds games that are fun and not like the old P.E. teacher who made us run all the time in kindergarten” 
You simply nodded, bringing them all into the gym, taking attendance, and making sure all 17 of your students were there. That was when you ran into Chris again, he smiled at you, coming over as all the kids went into their respective locker rooms. “So, how are you liking the school so far?” he asked when he was in front of you.
“It’s good so far, everyone was so sweet and we did a kind of show and tell of what they did over the summer with pictures they drew,” you told him. He noticed how expressive your eyes were as you told him what you guys did in your class. 
“That’s amazing”
“I know” you replied “I also wanted to apologize about what happened earlier this morning, I would love to make it up to you in some way” you stated, still feeling guilty about the whole coffee fiasco. 
“I mean you don’t have to, but I do need to clean the gym’s storage closet, and would really appreciate some help” 
“Consider me there!” you giggled, “here, give me your number so I know what time I have to be there” You pulled out your phone quickly, not knowing how long it would be before the kids came out and you did not want to be see with your phone. 
“Here you go” he said, returning your phone in your hands “text me first so I get your number, I have to take care of these gremlins now” he chuckled, watching the kids pile out of the locker room. 
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“So you said you needed some help?” you asked. It was Saturday morning and you were there at 8 am like you promised. The rest of the week had worked out smoothly, other than the day when a kid in your class’s dad asked if you were single, which caused a bit of an uncomfortable situation. 
Chan admired you, you were dressed in a long shirt that was falling off one of your shoulders and leggings, your hair a bit messy framing your face. He told you there was going to be some heavy lifting due to the both of you having to clean out the gym’s storage room, and you had dressed for the occasion.
Chan was wearing some basketball shorts and his signature tank top. If anyone could look good in a wife-beater, it would be him. You quickly shooed the thoughts away, not wanting him to catch on. You were doing him a favor for spilling coffee on him, that’s it, but why did he have to look so good? 
“Yeah, we just have to take some things out of the storage room and clean it up so I can make sure I have all the supplies for our next lesson. It’s just doing inventory” he said with his signature smile. His eyes curled up as you simply nodded, following him. 
You both got into the groove of fixing the closet, he cleaned everything up while you were taking inventory. He brought in another box, and he accidentally kicked in the door stopper, causing the door to shut. 
“Oh shit” he exclaimed as he saw what just happened, you looked up to see the door completely closed. “Fuck, how are we supposed to get out” he groaned, rubbing his face in his hands.
“What happened” you asked, walking up to him, still a bit confused about what had happened. 
“The door only opens from the outside, which means we are stuck in here for” he checked his phone “another 2 hours til the janitor is going to come in here and take all the trash like I asked him to” 
“Why can’t we call someone?” you asked, your face ridden with worry.
“There is no cell service, I told Josh to put a tower in the gym in case this happens, but he didn’t” 
“Oh,” you sighed sitting on the floor, patting the spot next to you to sit down. He reluctantly did, both of your backs pressed against the wall. 
“What should we do with all this spare time?” you asked, looking at his chiseled face right next to you. The terrible lighting of the storage room didn’t do his features justice. 
“Why don’t we get to know each other better?” he asked “I mean you are new here” 
“Oh, well, I grew up in a small town. Not like this though, everyone here is filthy rich” 
“You can tell me about it, I overheard some mom talk about how she got her husband to pay for a 40k boob job just for finally cleaning her house. I feel like it benefited the husband more than her though” 
You laughed at his joke, “I’m 23, and I don’t know what else, there isn’t much interesting about me” 
“Well I think that is quite interesting,” he said, looking directly into your eyes. He didn’t know what came over him, but he took your face in his hands, cusping it and placing a kiss directly onto your lips. Before you could even react, he quickly tore off of you.
“Shit, I’m so sor” You kissed him back before he could even finish his apology. You didn’t know how long had passed, but you slowly climbed into his lap, lips still connected. 
You didn’t want to pull away from him, his pillow lips. He pulled you down, your clothed cunt rubbing against his already semi-hard erection causing you both to moan. “Am I going too fast, because we can stop?” he asked, removing his lips from yours. 
“No, please don’t stop Chan” you whimpered, rutting against his erection a bit harder and faster in pace than before. You were like two teenagers dry humping in the back of a truck “Fuck, you are going to be the death of me” 
He trailed his fingers under your shirt, slowly unclasping your bra as he brought his hand over your already-hardened nipple. You whimpered into his neck, as you slowly began to remove his shorts from underneath the two of you. 
He picked you both up, allowing his pants to fall down, placing you on the floor, and removing his sleeveless shirt. You looked up at him in awe as you began to remove your leggings that were hugging your legs, tossing them near his shorts. 
You moaned at the sight of his happy trail peeking outside of his boxers, as he lifted you up again, your back pressed against the wall. 
He ran a finger along your already-soaked panties, groaning at how wet you were. “Fuck baby, so wet for me, can’t wait til you can take my cock” 
He removed your panties, the cool air hitting your cunt. He placed a finger near your slit, running it back and forth before placing his finger in your mouth. 
“Suck on it like a good girl” 
You did as he said, sucking on the fingers that he placed in your mouth, moaning and the feeling of his heavy fingers on your tongue, tasting your essence on his finger. 
You sucked on them, looking at him with your doe eyes. “What a good girl, can’t wait for you to suck my cock next time” 
Your ears perked at him saying next time, you were glad this wasn’t a one time thing. 
He took his fingers out of your mouth, placing it on your clit, rubbing it. “Feel so good” you whispered into his ear. 
“Feels good baby? Wait until I put my fingers in you” 
He was still holding your body up with just his left arm, while the other one was running up and down your slit. 
He slowly inserted a finger into you, thrusting it in and out before adding a second. “Feels so good Daddy” you moaned around his fingers, causing him to go faster.
“Fuck, baby is already babbling on Daddy’s fingers? Wait until she takes Daddy’s cock” he moaned as he began to scissor his fingers in your cunt. 
“Baby’s pussy is so tight, don’t think she can even take my cock” 
“No, I can, I can take Daddy’s cock” you cried. His fingers felt amazing, but his cock felt huge underneath you, and you needed it inside of you.
You pawed at his boxers, releasing his cock from them. You were right, he was huge. His tip was an angry red, leaking beads of pre-cum. He was thick and long, bigger than average.
No wonder he was trying to prep you, you wouldn’t be able to take him without it.
“Baby’s such a needy whore for Daddy, can’t even wait” he took his fingers out of you, making you whimper at the loss. 
He placed them in his own mouth, tasting you on them “But fuck do you taste good”
He began to run his cock along your slit, causing you to moan, your walls already clenching around nothing. 
“Wait baby, I don’t have a condom, are you sure?”
“Please Daddy, need your cock  in me. I’m clean and on birth control”
“Fuck, my baby wants me to fuck her raw, want me to breed you, give you a kid of your own?” 
You just nodded, needing to feel him inside you. “Be good for Daddy and wrap your legs around me” 
You did as he asked as he pushed the tip inside your cunt. You were so tight and warm he let out a groan. It took him a while, but he had fully bottomed you out.  
“Fuck so good Daddy, you can fuck into me, please fuck me Daddy”
He began to thrust into you, lifting you a bit, your back feeling cool as he pounded you into the wall. The position you were in felt so good, he was hitting that spot inside of you and you didn’t know how long you were going to last.
“Fuck Daddy, so good, your cock is so good” 
“Yeah, you like Daddy’s cock in you, fucking into you til you are a babbling mess?” 
Your walls clenched around him when he said that. He brought a hand down to your clit, simultaneously playing with it as he pounded into you. 
“Fuck, cunt is squeezing me so good, it’s like you were made for me”
“Fuck Daddy, so good feels too good, gonna cum”
“Yeah, gonna be a good whore and cum around my cock, gonna milk me dry like the good slut you are?” He asked, pounding into you. 
That was all you needed to cum, your walls pulsing around him as he was close behind, one more thrust and he was filling you up your cunt milking him dry. 
“Fuck, that was”
“Amazing?” You asked, as his cock slipped out of you. His cum leaking from your cunt as you began to put your panties on and him his boxers. 
“Yeah, spectacular even” he laughed 
“Why don’t you let me take you on a date? After we get out of here, I have the perfect place” he grinned, kissing your lips again. 
“Yeah, I would like that, as long as the “perfect place” isn’t your bedroom” you giggled putting on your clothes before someone came and opened the storage room for the two of you. Maybe working at a new school wouldn’t be that bad. 
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