#sometimes the forces of the universe are in my favor
cto10121 · 5 months
How Romance in Fiction Works
For this Valentine’s Day I dedicate this to all the “Romeo and Juliet/Twilight/[insert X] isn’t a romance!!1!1” clownery out there, because now I have to contend with the depressing fact that people—and not just illiterate randos, actual bookish people perhaps too used to the Hero’s Journey template—have no clue what romance in fiction (as the main plot) works. And no, it has nothing to do with ~fantasy or ~wish fulfillment or ~everyone is nice and in love and nobody’s mean or cheats ever!!!1!1 It has to do with the goals of a romance. I’ll be focusing largely on literature, but technically this can also apply to TV, movies, and other dramatic mediums.
(Disclaimer: I will not be talking about romance as a genre, either the knight/damsel tradition or the HEA conventions of modern American romance fiction. The former has nothing to do with romantic love and the latter has nothing to do with the art of fiction but what sells, so don’t @me. It should also go without saying that I won’t be talking about romance as a subplot to the main plot. You lot already know too much about that already.)
Romance IRL vs. Fiction
So romance in real life can be literally anything and occur anywhere and at any time. No duh. That is true for *waves hand vaguely* everything in reality. Fiction, however, is a different story. It must, in short, make sense. There is plot, character, tone, as well as your literary techniques and devices. Otherwise the romance will not work or be implausible. So far, the same as most any other fiction.
Where romance differs from most fiction, however, lies in its purpose. I like it to call it The Romance Novel Paradox. To whit: Romance in fiction functions on the premise that the couple cannot be together because of X reasons. As soon as the couple resolve all of their issues and be together fully, that’s when the romantic story is over.
Thus, the task of the romance writer is to prevent the couple from getting together before the point where they absolutely need to be. So in a way, writing a romance…is fundamentally writing an anti-romance.
Sounds crazy and weird and hard? It is. That’s exactly why writing romance is so hard in the first place. You have to juggle these two separate and opposite tensions tugging and tearing at the work. You literally have to do two things at the same time along with all the other things required of writing a romance.
The Goals
So with all this in mind, the goals of the romance is as follows:
That the couple meet and fall in love
That the couple enjoy and even consummate their love
That the couple overcome any obstacles that threaten their relationship
That the couple be successful in being true to their love and the first 3 goals.
The Plot(s)
Romances actually have two kinds of plot. I’ll just call them the Courtship Plot and the Love Story Plot respectfully.
The Courtship Plot essentially deals with the inner conflicts/obstacles that prevent the couple from being in love or falling for each other. This could be as short as a scene or two or as long as a whole book/movie/TV show, depending on the medium and intentions.
Beginning/Set Up: Establishes both the world, its stakes, and/or the romantic couple. Oftentimes, though, a romance does start with a different character(s) entirely who talk about the couple before they appear.
Inciting Incident: This is when the couple first meet. This could range anywhere from love at first sight (instalove) to absolute abhorrence (rivals/enemies to lovers).
Courtship/Investigation: Even if the couple does do instalove, they must first get an understanding of each other’s intentions, the depth of love/attraction, personality, etc. This time also includes Proofs of Love, in which the lovers each provide proof of their love for each other through words, acts of service, etc.
Internal Conflicts/Obstacles: These relate to the couple’s inner conflicts/hangups that prevent them from entering a relationship and what they must do to overcome those. In this type of plot they will mostly be internal but there can be some external obstacles as well.
Separation of the Lovers: Most often because of misunderstandings/internal hangups, but it can also be because of actual external shit beyond their control.
Resolution: These inner conflicts are resolved and the couple can get together properly. Traditionally this is shown through marriage (Cheers, bells, and Hymen the God of Marriage arrives to officiate your wedding. Congrats!). Or simply living together/dating.
This is more or less the plot of a romantic comedy, but this can be the plot of romantic drama as well, especially if those internal conflicts are truly heavy. There may also be some external conflict happening, but it’s usually not as significant as the internal ones.
The Love Plot, or Love Story, is concerned with the the love/relationship of a couple as well. However, it is less focused on the courtship side and more on the external conflicts/obstacles that threaten their love. To whit:
Courtship (Abridged): Some Love Plots may include this, but it is not strictly necessary. If they, it’s mostly in abridged form, quick montage, small flashback, or simply just as Proofs of Love.
Couple Is In Love (Status Quo): Most Love Plots begin with the lovers already together and in love.
External Conflicts/Obstacles: These include anything that prevents the lovers from getting together or keeps them apart. Family doesn’t approve, society doesn’t approve, natural events occur, personal enemies, other love interests, etc. Sometimes the couple has an internal conflict going on, but mostly not for this
Separation of the Lovers: Almost always temporarily and literally, due to above External Conflicts and, on occasion, Internal Conflicts. Very rarely metaphorically.
The Lovers Reunite: Almost always, although some media may skip this part.
Couple Triumphs (Or Not): The couple succeeds in vanquishing all obstacles and they come out stronger than ever, yay! Or they don’t and they die and/or their love dies, oh no! Yes, the latter is definitely an option and actually not an uncommon one with these plots.
The Love Story Plot does have its downside in that it can be harder for the audience to care very much for the couple if they haven’t spent at least some time getting to know them and their love. However, it is preferred traditionally if just because of the dramatic and much-clearer stakes involved. The lovers’ characters are also revealed/developed through adversity, which is always a plus.
So all romances are effectively love stories. However, not all romances are love stories. Most romances tend to have both, mostly in one or two books. In Epic Romance this is stretched to three or four at the most. Beyond four the book/TV show/thing turns from a romance into a full-blown soap opera (coughOutlandercough).
So here are a few examples of romances often classified as such and why they count as romances. I’ll start with two works people most insist are not romances: Romeo and Juliet and Twilight.
Example 1: Romeo and Juliet
Though tons of Internet clowns insist to this day that Romeo and Juliet is not a romance and is a comedy/satire/what have you, it skews closely to the Romance plot as outlined.
Romeo and Juliet:
Courtship Plot: Two families in a patriarchal, violent, and conservative society hate each other (Beginning/Set Up). They meet at a ball and fall in love (Inciting Incident). But of course they are heirs of two feuding families (Obstacle 1). However, Juliet is worried that Romeo is just playing with her (Internal Conflict) while Romeo is worried Juliet might choose to refuse him after all (Internal Conflict). As proof Juliet asks Romeo to arrange for their marriage and Romeo agrees right away (Resolution). Romeo pretends he is over Rosaline with Mercutio and Benvolio and meets with the Nurse to arrange the marriage (Proof of Love). They then get married and renew their commitment to each other (Couple Triumphs).
Love Story: This is the latter half of the play. Tybalt kills Mercutio, so Romeo kills Tybalt and gets banished (Obstacle 2), Juliet forgives him (Proof of Love), they make love (Proof of Love), and say goodbye to each other (Separation of the Lovers). Juliet is then forced to marry Paris by her parents (Obstacle 3) and so with the help of the Friar she fakes her death (Resolution). But Romeo doesn’t get the news in time due to plague (Obstacle 4), and so goes to her tomb and kills himself; Juliet wakes up and does the same (Couple Defeated…Triumphs?).
So obviously Romeo and Juliet is a love story in just plot alone. But is it also a romance? As you can see, they end up dead and do not succeed in having a full relationship.
That said. Romeo and Juliet do succeed in keeping their love for each other true and pure. They do not cheat each other, think about cheating on each other, or decide not to pursue their relationship. And that, I feel, is more important than the fact that they could not be together in life. So yes, I do think theirs is a romance too, and why most people consider it to be one.
Example 2: Twilight
Speaking of another work that gets a lot of hate for no good reason, Twilight! And of course you have the antis insist this isn’t a romance either. Unfortunately for them the plot hews even more closer to the romance plot and even has more of a Courtship Arc. To whit:
Courtship Plot: Bella goes to Forks to please her narcissistic mother and worries about fitting in (Beginning/Set Up). She meets Edward on the first day of her new school (Inciting Incident). Unfortunately Edward wants to eat her (Obstacle 1) and leaves for three days later. They meet again and talk about each other (Courtship). Edward then saves Bella from the van the next day (Obstacle 2). This, however, does not bring them together and they don’t speak for one month until Edward gets jealous of Mike Newton (Obstacle 3). Edward and Bella become tentative friends and Edward takes Bella to the nurse’s office when she gets dizzy smelling blood (Obstacle 4). He insists on driving her home and they talk (Courtship). Bella and Edward spend the weekend apart but still thinking about each other; Bella learns what he is (Courtship). Bella then goes to Port Angeles with friends and Edward rescues her from rapists (Obstacle 4). They then talk (Courtship) and Edward admits he is a vampire. The next day Bella and Edward go public about their situation (Courtship) and they talk at lunch, clarifying their feelings for each other; Edward invites Bella to the meadow on the weekend. Billy Black learns of their relationship and tries to warn Bella (Obstacle 5). Edward and Bella meet in the meadow and confess their love for each other (Courtship). Edward successfully resists his bloodlust all for his love for Bella (Resolution of Obstacle 1).
Love Story: This is basically the latter half of Twilight and the rest of the series. Edward saves Bella from James (Obstacle 1) and the lovers are together again (Lovers Triumph).
New Moon:
Love Story: Bella and Edward are in love (Status Quo), but then Jasper tries to eat her and Edward’s self-loathing and desire for Bella to have a regular human life kicks in (Obstacle 2). Edward lies to Bella and tells her he doesn’t want to be with her and she accepts it (Separation of the Couple). For six months the two are barely functional. Eventually Bella’s need for adrenaline leads her to a friendship with Jacob (Obstacle 3–yes, this counts) and starts to love him despite herself. Laurent arrives and tries to eat Bella (Obstacle 4) and tells her that Victoria is out there trying to hunt her as revenge (Obstacle 5). But then Alice comes and Jacob unintentionally tells Edward that Bella is dead; Edward decides to commit suicide (Obstacle 6). Bella saves Edward from the Volturi (Obstacle 7) and they are reunited (Reunion of the Lovers).
Love Story: Bella and Edward are in love (Status Quo), but Bella wants to keep her friendship with Jacob (Obstacle 3). Jacob is also opposed to Bella being with Edward for both ethical and personal reasons (Obstacle 3 again). Victoria is still hunting Bella but now she is making a whole new army (Obstacle 5 again). Bella realizes she loves Jacob in a potential-love-interest-way (Obstacle 3) but still chooses Edward (Resolution). The lovers decide to get marries (Couple Triumphs).
Breaking Dawn:
Bella and Edward get married (Status Quo). Bella and Edward make love, leaving Bella happy but bruised, which pains Edward so much he refuses to make love to her again (Obstacle 1). Bella seduces him successfully (Resolution) but then falls pregnant (Obstacle 2). The pregnancy is high risk, causing dissension between the two (Obstacle 3) but Bella convinces Edward to go along with her plan (Resolution). Bella delivers her baby and turns into a vampire (Resolution). She learns the ropes of vampirism (Obstacle 4) and harbors no romantic feelings for Jacob anymore; Jacob imprinted on Renesmee so he has no more love for Bella (Resolution). Irina finds out about Renesmee and think she is an immortal child, and tells the Volturi (Obstacle 5). This leads the Cullens to call their friends and prepare for any eventuality, and Bella learns to use her power (Obstacle 6). The Volturi come and try various excuses to execute the Cullens (Obstacle 7) but they are able to defend themselves aptly. The Volturi leave and Bella and Edward can finally be together with their little family (Couple Triumphs).
As you can see, a lot of Twilight's Obstacles double as Proofs of Love what with Edward and Bella saving each other constantly. That is perfectly acceptable and in fact a very common doubling in romance.
What Is Not A Romance?
Romances do have to have some provisos, a couple of quid pro quos. Again, though, there are some exceptions and writers can and will break the rules successfully.
They must be requited. Unrequited love on either side does not a main romance plot make. Unrequited love is mostly a romance subplot if that or as part of a love triangle.
They cannot be abusive (to each other). The lovers of a romance do not have to be good people at all. In fact, they (yes, it has to be both) can be bad or villainous…to other people. That said, their love must be actually mutual and good for each other, even redemptive. A couple who is bad for the world and each other defeats the point of a romance. Mutual enmity does not count (see: Enemies to Lovers).
Their love must be main plot. If the couple is not the focus of the plot, then it’s not a romance but a romance subplot. Subplots can be as complete or incomplete as they like, developed or underdeveloped, but they are subplots for a reason.
Can a romance focus on a beta couple as well? Generally no. In American romance novels, authors do set up the couple for the next installment, but that is not quite the same as page time and development. Romances focus on one couple at a time—once that couple’s love story is done, writers can move on to another couple’s romance. Stories that have more than one couple tend to be something else entirely.
What about second chance romance? Second chance romance is essentially the same as the Courtship Plot, since the work very rarely talks about the lovers’ relationship before they separated. So in plotwise it’s basically just like meeting each other for the first time.
What about love triangles? Unless Character C is framed as an obstacle in the overarching narrative, then love triangles do not really count; they are more for coming-of-age or slice-of-life fodder. Polyamorous couples, however, should count in theory if their story has the romance plot. But of course, that is the rarest kind of all.
Keep Calm and Love On
There are some unconventional romances out there, for sure. But they are ultimately rare; the standard romance plot should fit most works accepted as such. As always, romantic tropes and dynamics are neither good or bad—they all largely depend on the the execution.
The only plot that may be confusable with the romance is the marriage plot, which is something different. Marriage Plots are essentially comedies of manners and they may or may not include romantic love or attraction as a major plot element. They are less about the couple’s erotic compatibility and more about their social compatibility. Austen’s works come the readiest to mind; a contemporary example would probably be Crazy Rich Asians. Otherwise Marriage Plots have much of the same beats as a romance.
So if you’re not sure if X is a romance, see how it fits within this plot. Nine times out of ten, you should get your answer.
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shadowboxmind · 11 months
Maybe a hot take, but I don't think the Traveler was being inconsistent or out of character in the last archon quest at all. People are getting upset at their reaction to Lyney and Lynette's behavior from the perspective of players, with meta knowledge of the story that the Traveler, the character, doesn't have.
The players know, for example, that because they're playable characters, Lyney and Lynette are ultimately friendly and on "our" side, and we can also trust that what they told us about their backstory is true. The Traveler does not have that knowledge.
TO BE CLEAR this post is talking about my thoughts on the TRAVELER'S thought process. If we want to talk about how I personally would have reacted to the situation, I'm an overly trusting bleeding-heart who would absolutely get scammed and probably murdered by Fatui in this universe.
(Also characters, even main characters who you normally like, can do things you disagree with and that doesn't mean they're badly written. I mean, sometimes they are, but I don't think that's true in this particular case)
But think about it! Looking at the entire situation from an in-universe, in-character POV, it's a really bad look for Lyney and Lynette overall, because here are the facts as the Traveler is aware of them:
Lyney and Lynette are not only members of the Fatui, the primary antagonistic force in this story, but are specifically members of the House of the Hearth, which is known to specialize in espionage, subterfuge, and sabotage.
Both of them also work in a field that would further require them to be masters of misdirection, audience manipulation, and drama.
They "coincidentally" ran into the Traveler right as they arrived in Fontaine and immediately began to do them favors and be very friendly, including saving them from Furina, bringing them to meet their family, and gifting them VIP tickets to Lyney's show.
During the trial, the twins withheld key information, and not just about their identities (and listen, I get it, I fully empathize with why they did it, I get the reasoning, but it's still a bad look when it gets figured out) but also about what they were doing in the tunnel.
They admitted that the entire magic show was a ruse to do, guess what? espionage! To break into the room with the Oratrice's core and find out how it works. To, through subterfuge, obtain Fontaine's secrets about the nation's most important mechanism and central source of power.
The Traveler has known these people for like, a day total.
So what conclusions might the Traveler draw from these facts? When the evidence shows that Lyney and Lynette have a record of misdirection and obfuscation for their own ends? When the Traveler has no way of knowing if even their initial meeting was orchestrated for an ulterior purpose? How are they supposed to know if the tragic backstory is even true, or if that's just Lyney trying to win back some favor and sympathy? In my opinion, at that moment, they don't. Hence the coldness.
My interpretation of events is that the Traveler does like the twins, and wanted to keep liking them, but was struggling to reconcile their initial impression of two friendly magicians with the realization that these two friendly magicians were dishonest with them for most of the time they'd known each other, so they needed to have some space to figure that out.
And for those saying the Traveler is inconsistent, here's the thing: they still helped Lyney. They still acted as his attorney, investigated thoroughly, won the case, and cleared his name. They've done similar for other Fatui members in their acquaintance—they helped Childe with Teucer, they helped Scaramouche/Wanderer with getting his memories back, they helped that other member of the House of the Hearth fake her death and escape the organization—whether or not they fully trusted them, and generally they didn't.
As for the Traveler's supposed hypocrisy, my view of their relationship with Childe is that it's only improved because, despite Childe trying to nuke Liyue in the past, the Traveler knows that
a. They can handle him if it comes down to a fight again; b. He likes them, regardless of if the feeling is mutual or not, and is indeed aggressively friendly to the point where it's easier to just be civil; c. Childe is generally upfront and honest about his actions and will strike from the front, not stab them in the back; and d. He's worked together with them before when they had a common goal (for example, the labyrinth they went through with Xinyan).
They know how his mind works and what motivates him. Childe is a known quantity, the twins are not, and it took in-story time and shared experiences for the Traveler to get to even this point of neutrality; they were openly suspicious of him during his story quest.
As for holding his Vision for him, the Traveler didn't exactly volunteer for the job, Childe literally threw it at them with no warning and peaced out. What do you expect them to do, drop it in the sea? That would be inconsistent with their characterization.
Wanderer's whole situation is even weirder, since the Traveler was able to experience his actual memories and emotions and therefore has good reason to trust that he's had a genuine change of heart. Not to mention that they're not friends, I'd argue they're in that same nebulous "neutral" zone, and that only because Nahida usually functions as a buffer (and also because, again, the Traveler knows that they can handle Wanderer in a fight, and Wanderer also tends to be blunt and honest).
Also, in Lyney's story quest it seems like everyone got over their problems pretty fast and they're all chummy now, so you can all rest easy that the twins' feelings weren't too hurt about it.
Anyways if you disagree go ham, refute my points, whatever, just keep things civil.
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You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but how has your opinion changed on Steven Universe now than when it first aired? Like I have fond memories of watching the show while it was airing but now I realize that it had a lot of problems that I feel like a lot of fans either flat out ignore or bend over backwards to make sure their rose tinted glasses stay on.
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... okay, fair question. Let's talk about this.
I'll try not to wax poetic too long, but there are a lot of things to be said here.
First and foremost - how has my opinion changed since the show has ended?
Simply put - it hasn't.
When I started watching Steven Universe over 7 years ago, I didn't have much knowledge of it. I sat down, saw a few of episodes and went 'well, this is a silly show for kids with a goofy but loveable protagonist... but it seems like it's also incredibly charming with its delivery and has some nice, more complex themes about loss and healing and grief throughout.'
And if you ask me what Steven Universe is now... I would probably say that exact same thing.
Am I wearing rose tinted lenses? Interesting question.
What ARE 'rose tinted lenses' in this context anyway?
What do these lenses represent? What do they obscure?
Since you didn't go into specifics, I can only assume what you're referring to when you say that many fans ignore the show's problems.
There have been many discussions surrounding various aspects of the show and how it might be read as 'problematic' (ahhh how I've come to despise that word.... without context, it has all the descriptive power of the word 'icky' - none of the critical details and all of the emotional punch of scrunching up your face like a cat that just sniffed a lemon...)
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Is this about something as simple as the 'SU doesn't have a consistent size for its characters' debate?
Because that has been gone back to, over and over again, and proven to be a point of opinion. SU favored allowing storyboarders to show off their personal flourish, and even though Peridot was 30% hair in that one episode, it did not overall take away from the plotline being told, which was their goal. If you wanted to watch a show with consistent styling throughout, you can always watch a 3D modeled show, but keeping that up was simply never one of SU's main pillars. And I feel like it didn't have to be.
Is this about something more complex such as the way Rose was presented?
...and how her arc was shown backwards instead of forwards - showing first the person she became in the end, and afterwards revealing all the growth she had to have to get there?
That was on purpose! And I don't think this is a problem. It's a feature, not a bug. Rose was never meant to be an ideal character - she was meant to be complicated and messy, and I think the fact that the fandom is so split in their opinions of her shows that the Crewniverse pulled that off really well!
She fucked over Bismuth! She forced Pearl to be silent! Those are both parts of her character arc that were never resolved because she died before she could resolve it - that's BY DESIGN. Sometimes, you just do something absolutely stupid and cruel, and you cannot go back to fix it.
Is this about the Diamonds? The fact that they were not put in space jail, after being put on trial for space crimes, and then publicly executed for space eco-genocide?
Here's the thing - most people I know who watched and loved SU are fully aware of that. But simply put - Steven Universe was not a story about Revenge.
Steven Universe was a story about love. A story about family. A story about truth, and lies, and hurt, and healing. About how sometimes healing doesn't happen. And how sometimes it will, but you won't be around to see it.
But it's not a story that can be all things for all people.
That is the thesis of my reply: It is a story.
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It is not a manifesto. It is not a bible. It is not a Complete Truth.
It is a single story. Made by a group of very talented people, who cared about these characters, who did their best. They made a funny, emotional, well-drawn and complex cartoon show about the things THEY personally wanted to tell stories about.
Does it answer all questions the way everyone wants them answered? No. That's impossible.
Everyone wants a different story. Everyone wants a different solution, a different resolution. A different ending.
Steven Universe is one story. It cannot satisfy all people.
So when you ask me 'has your opinion of Steven Universe changed'? The answer is 'no'.
I went in, expecting to see a story. I saw a lot of what I liked! I saw some parts which I thought were interesting. I saw some parts which, yes, I disagreed with a little.
But overall, it's a good story. And that's what I expected, and that's what I got, which means I'm pretty satisfied. I love that story.
I feel like recently, there's this expectation of media, to be Everything For All People. And it's a bit unrealistic. No one call tell the perfect story. We are all simply telling the stories we want to tell. And people will vibe with that, more or less.
A single story, made by a small group of people, will never be that for you. There will never be an Unproblematic Cartoon that you watch that will be devoid of things you disagree with.
Being critical of media doesn't mean 'Criticize the FUCK outta that media, and the one with the least criticisms is the best one'.
Critical thinking is about evaluating things critically - that means being critical of YOURSELF. Being critical of your OWN reactions. Asking 'why did I like this?' and 'why did I dislike this?'. Asking 'this doesn't mesh with me, but who WOULD it mesh with? It isn't for me, but who is it for? Who would it hurt, but also who would it help?'
Some people HATED how SU: Future ended. They beat their fists on the wall and cried about how Steven was leaving his family behind, and how THEY could never imagine doing something like that, and how he was running away from his problems just like Rose had.
Me? I loved it. I think it was the right choice, and I COULD imagine it and thought it was in character. I thought he needed to be his own person, instead of shouldering everyone else's responsibilities for once. Was one of us more right than the other? Maybe not? Maybe that was the whole point?
Loving things is not about putting on rose colored glasses. Sometimes, choosing to love something with flaws is an act of rebellion. It's about knowing you have differences, but understanding that there is value in the things you DO agree on, and knowing you can consume that.
Healthy consumption of media does not mean throwing the whole cartoon away as soon as you notice something is wrong with it, like a bruise on an apple.
Healthy consumption of media involves critical thinking AND feeding yourself. Acknowledging you may disagree with parts of it, but not starving yourself just because your apples all have small imperfections.
Eat, for fuck's sake. Feed yourself. You'll feel better.
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thesensteawitch · 5 months
What Is Magical About You? 🧚💕🌱
Pick A Pile Reading
🩵(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🩵
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Hello, Senstea Souls!
This reading will give insights about your unexplored potential. A power that you can nurture. So take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
To get more insights about your unexplored potential book a tarot reading with me. If you have any further questions you can also DM me.
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Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 10 of swords, 3 of cups, the world, the high Priestess, 7 of cups, 10 of wands
Hello, my dear pile 1. The first thing that I hear for you is healing your body with positive thoughts and affirmations. Your mind can do astral travel and make your wishes come true within days. You may have noticed your manifestations (be it favorable or unfavorable) coming to fruition within days. You have the powers of a warrior who can put an end to things. You are a destroyer of diseases just by aligning yourself to the vibrational frequency of healing. This pile is a healer. And if not then you have the potential to be a healer. You are a great manifester. I also sense sharp intellect and ability to understand complex concepts. You do know that you have some great insights to share which you learned through some adverse situations in your life. There's a secret of the universe that only you know but sometimes you overthink too much about the things that only you know and may end up concluding that you are being delusional. It's so not true, pile 1. I would highly suggest you to invest in your curiosity. Take classes about things that intrigue you. You will be able to strengthen your magical powers. I sense both the energies within you; soft and sharp. Don't go for a third opinion on things that you believe in because I see that people try to convince you otherwise and you end up being confused. Someone in your close circle is being deceitful. You need to add more meaning to your life but don't be too detail-oriented. You may lose track of the goal by carrying this perfectionist attitude. Your magic doesn't need validation from others. You must be the first person to trust in your intuition then only you can expect others to have faith in you. Don't take life too seriously, be playful and that will be your magic. But when tough times come your capability to exert dominance over challenges will be another strong magical side of yours that will bring stability to your life.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- 8 of wands, knight of wands, 9 of wands, queen of swords, 7 of wands, 9 of swords
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. Your thoughts have the power to navigate the fire of your magic is what I hear. Your power is so strong that if you aren't aware of it and do not have the skill to manage it then you'll stay blind to it all your life. You'll never be able to see its true potential unless you free yourself from self-doubt. There's a fine line difference between considering the risks and living a life full of fears. Your life has no destination because the potential of your magic is ever-expanding. Don't try to fight with the challenges and put an end to them. As there's no end to your potential and growth there's no end to the opposing forces either. These opposing situations are an opportunity for you to grow and expand your magic. Don't try to reach an end goal. Do anything to expand it as much as you can. You are your only limit. Be very blunt and bold when challenges come up and do not lose your faith. Don't withdraw, keep moving forward. Your journey to realize your magic will bring initial challenges but as soon as you keep moving forward they will subside. Your magic lies in revival. You can revive things and bring them to life after they were dead for a long period. You can bring vegetation to the barren land. Impossible it may seem but for the kind of magic you possess, it's not. I hear rebirth and reincarnation. Rare but possible. Things that may not be possible in other people's reality it is in yours. You can bring joy after a river of tears.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- 3 of swords, page of swords, the Hanged man, king of swords, 10 of cups, 3 of wands
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. I hear dysfunctional family dynamics. You may feel victimized because of the family you were raised in. You have developed defensive qualities and ceased to believe in a harmonious family or may deny the idea of family or marriage altogether. Though deep down I see the curiosity to lead a fulfilling and balanced life. Nevertheless, I sense that your magic is asking to be explored by you. It wants you to leave the hurt behind because the hurt is keeping you stuck. You can give the right discernment and bring a balanced approach to life. Kids are attracted to you. You leave an impact on children's lives and if you haven't then try talking to children and you'll know because they will feel comfortable talking to you and will have so many questions for you. And that is when your test will begin. What will you tell them? That the world is a shitty place? And never believe in having a good and peaceful life for yourself? No, right? You'll give them hope. So give it yourself too. This ride may be bumpy and with ups and downs but it'll be worth it. The more you open yourself to do things with your heart the more opportunities will open up for you. Don't keep yourself blocked. Some of you can even become a great child psychologist and literally can bring magic into others' lives. Find a way. Because you can! Your magic lies in accepting and adapting. I sense a strong connection with children here. You can literally be the magician to them. You leave such a beautiful impact on them. Children find you to be very interesting. With their help you may learn to see the world from a different perspective. Your magic lies in bringing two forces together and yet keeping their individual qualities apart and appreciable. Something you do with your hands weaves magic. Idk why but I am seeing a juggler.
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moonsaver · 4 months
@pix3lplays is back again~ not a request I promise, just a question for you because I’m genuinely curious~
So Nanook the Destruction am I right??
I always fall in love with the ones who would kill me, sigh.
But seriously the potential for yandere! Nanook is so important to me, they are sooo yandere coded~being their favorite little mortal that they’d do anything for…it wouldn’t happen but let me have my moment lol
Anyways I wanted to ask who your favorite aeon is. I tried, I tried so hard to keep it at Aha but…Nanook has swayed me to their side…the design?? The cold stare?? They are IMPORTANT to me.
Idk I think I have a chance with them (Pix is delusional) wish me luck~
No, no, come back Pixel, you are CORRECT. You are RIGHT.
I am so thirsty for Nanook. I don't even use that word often as I keep myself hydrated well.
As for my favorite Aeon.. not so sure. I'll have to catch up on the lore, but I'd say it would be the Aeon of Preservation, actually. [Edit: NOT PRESERVATION. I forgot who, but the one who has like.. all the mirrors and memories and stuff.... pls spare me.] {Another edit – it's Fuli!}
Fun fact, I thought Nanook was a playable character and got into hsr because of him, only to find out with disappointment that he is, in fact far from playable. Although Blade might substitute for an inverted Nanook.
But you're so right. I love Nanook. The yandere potential...
Being some Person™️ like out in the middle of who knows whatever planet, and waking up with the sheer, almost incomprehensible knowledge and fact that Nanook has his eyes on you.
Im not sure how exactly being in an Aeon's favor would work, but I imagine it's no easy work. Especially for someone like Nanook, who finds you, as tiny and insignificant, somewhat.. intriguing. Anyone blocking the now golden, burning path set ablaze in front of you is obliterated almost instantly. His favor works so much on you that sometimes you feel it settle thickly in your bones, the gold of his eyes burning through your tiny heart. No one dares to even look at you. Destruction follows the pattering of your feet, the favor rotting into a curse all too quickly, until you have no one left. You'll be forced to see him. To face him. To bear the fraction of a burden he intends to lay upon you for daring to catch his eye, despite being so pathetic and insignificant in the expanse of the universe. Your fragile, human body is laughable. But the curse that rots in your bones might ascend your vessel, if not aid you. In any case.. Nanook watches. His eyes are fixed on you. A vast, golden expanse always haunts your dreams. It is a contrast to the deathly stale black that comes with the wake of Destruction.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 months
Rick and Morty if Autism Speaks and Autism Moms focus-grouped it to death:
Rick: Everyone, I have a terrible confession to make. Summer [scrolling through her phone]: Sure, Grandpa Rick. How many planets did you blow up today? Rick: No, Summer, it's much worse than that. I... [sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets] I just got back from the doctor's office. I...I have autism. [The entire family gasps in shock. Summer drops her phone. Morty's hands fly to his mouth.] Beth: No! Rick! Why didn't you ever tell us? Rick: I didn't know, sweetie. Bird Person noticed that I'd been flapping my hands a lot and said, "Mubba rubba nub nub," which means, "I'm going to give you a referral for an autism diagnosis." I just got back from the clinic. I'll be honest with you--when the word "autism" came out of the doctor's mouth, I couldn't decide if I wanted to hide the truth from you or crash my ship directly into the building, killing me instantly. [Jerry stares at him. Summer starts sobbing. Beth glances at Morty with horror and disbelief.] Beth: But--what about Morty? He flaps his hands sometimes, too. Do you think that--maybe--oh God, I don't even want to say it-- Rick [looking at her sadly]: I don't know, sweetie. Autism is a genetic disease, and it's not looking good. Morty: No! NO! Why, Rick? This is the worst thing you've ever done! Rick: I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could go back in time and delete the autism from my genes. Summer [sobbing]: You've ruined our family! I always knew I was the one normal child, and now you've just confirmed it! Beth: I'm sorry, Morty, but I won't be able to look at you the same way again. I knew there was a reason I favored Summer all these years. And Rick, well--I don't know if you can keep living here. Our budget is already tight without you spending $500 a month on math textbooks and model train sets. Jerry: Wait, hang on. If I can get meta here for a second--doesn't Dan Harmon play Bird Person? And isn't he, you know...in that way? Rick: Autistic? [Beth and Summer gasp at the sound of the word.] I don't know, let me check. [He opens a portal and disappears, then returns a few seconds later, his eyes heavy with sadness.] Yes. Dan Harmon is autistic, which means...Bird Person is autistic, too. I'm sorry. [The entire room is silent.] Beth: Well...at least you'll be able to get together now. I know you autistics can't date normal people. Summer: Autistics can't date anyone, period. Sorry, Morty, but I guess Jessica and Bruce Chutback both dodged a bullet. [Morty bursts into tears. Beth rubs his shoulder.] Beth: It's okay, honey. Look at it this way--you'll be able to go on lots of adventures with Grandpa since we have to separate both of you from the general population. Jerry: And "different" doesn't mean "worse." I mean, in this case, it absolutely does, but it doesn't mean that in other contexts. Morty: I'm sorry that I'm burdening everyone. [glances up] Hey, um, Rick--maybe you can find a cure, right? [smiles weakly] Some planet out there must've found a cure for autism by now, right? Rick [forces a smile]: You've got it, buddy. I'm sure there's a universe out there that's...found a cure for this tragic disease. [Everyone looks silently down at the table. Morty stands up.] Morty: I'm going to sit in my room for a while. Let me know when you've decided if you're going to keep me or put me up for adoption. Beth: We'll let you know, honey. [Morty walks upstairs. The rest of the family turns to Rick, who sighs.] Rick: Well...I guess I'll go to the garage. The noise-cancelling walls will protect you from the sounds of my incessant stimming and hand-flapping. I know you don't want me back in the house, so you can turn my room into extra storage space. Jerry can even turn it into a man cave if he wants. I don't care if he does. I don't care about anything anymore. Summer: Neither do we, Rick. Neither do we... [Rick walks into the garage and sits quietly on the stool. After a few minutes of silence, he hesitates, then reaches inside his coat and applies a sticker to his ship. The camera zooms in to reveal a puzzle piece that reads Autistics On Board.]
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upheavalofmemory · 2 years
pick a pile || future spouse/lover letter!
I am someone personally who tends to find comfort in these types of readings, so I hope someone here can find the same comfort.
Keep in mind that I am still a beginner, not even quite sure if I have abilities, so I will say that this is mostly for entertainment only, but if it resonates with you, it resonates.
I will be using tarot as a guide and leave the rest for whatever is told to me. Keep in mind I won't be editing the written portions, just the portions that I write myself from my intuition and the cards, everything else is raw and unedited.
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pick a pile! webkinz dog inspired <3
Pile 1
Wow, they have a lot to say I think.
"Hello, dear (a faint chuckling in the background),
my sweetheart, my beloved. My beloved, I can see you, you are not too far away. Do you miss me? I hope you do, I miss you, I miss you the most. How are you? fine? I'm glad of it. You are stronger than you think, you know, that is why i love and adore you. five years ago, I never thought I would meet someone like you, and here we are today. finally you are here, with me, in my arms, something i never expected to be saying. finally finally finally. there's something about you- there's so much about you that i adore. i cant approach you yet. look at you in your elegance, absolutely a marvel and me? i am just a peasant boy, waking and quaking in your presence. will you do me a favor? don't let someone else sweep you off your feet just yet, i promise that when i get my confidence up and my ducks in a row, marbles in a bunch. it will be soon! I promise. i promise i promise i promise, for your sake and mine we need to meet soon! maybe i hope so, I'm not sure.
anyways i do love you, see you soon.
yours forever. "
I believe that this is from their future self. They are fiery and loving and they love you so much. They may be very nervous in your presence but they want you to know that YOU and only you cause that nervousness, it's like they are a shipwreck when they are around you. You give them anxiety and butterflies! They give off very anxious energy, they just want to keep repeating how much they love you. They'll shake your whole body and shout it from the rooftops and the tops of mountains, only you do this to them. They love you they love you they love you, they really do. I have a feeling that they don't express this verbally but they think it so much and they don't want you to doubt their appreciation.
pile 2
I had to do pile 3 before this one.
"Hi baby <3
My adoration, a mirage of all things beautiful and concrete. Except you're real of course! My beloved baby, how are you? Dazzling, as always. A fortress that cannot be torn down, stopped, or blocked, an absolute unit! (laughter here) I love you, you know? You're funny as hell and I'm glad to be with you. My every wish was granted, would you look at that? I guess the universe really is some unstoppable force, except when it comes to you, it bends for you I guess, like you've got some magic powers? But nothing will stop how I feel for you. You are mine. Alllll mine (hearing Stingy saying "mine mine mine"). Sorry I'm clingy, you know I am though and sometimes you tell me that I need to let go a little bit, which is okay, I can give you a little space sometimes, but I'm still stuck to you like a leech, head over heels! My final resting place will be just in your arms, perfect just how I wanted. God, this is like a school essay. Sorry, this is supposed to be romantic, but maybe it can be funny too? I don't know, sorry, I'm being stupid & silly with you but I think you don't care so it doesn't matter anyway. We are so different but we are so good together yk? Two peas of a pod...except maybe we are two different peas, maybe I'm spike-y, lol! Or no, you're probably the spike-y one, okay I'll stop. But my lovely, I'm glad to talk to you. You're such a good friend to me, how do you put up with me? I'll never know, I can barely put up with myself. Have you ever heard that humans think they're ugly because they get used to themselves and their faces? Maybe that is me, maybe I'm just insecure and you see something magical in me, just like I see it in you. Maybe you feel the same way about yourself and you don't tell me, which makes me sad, but you know you can tell me and I wont push it. I love you ok? stay hydrated and things, do the work, have fun, live your life, whatever bye.
okay i'll give you a proper goodbye, a hug and a kiss on the cheek, a proper smooch maybe? no? okay fine. bye my love, see you in the afterlife... JK!!!! I'm not dead hehe>>, okay sorry bye. nonon wait, okay never mind yeah I'm done now, bye." *phone click*
They have a hard time saying goodbye to you, they never want to stop talking to you. I remember another reading on here (sorry I cannot remember which one or who) describing someone as a "down bad loverboy/girl" and that's what I'm getting for you (if someone knows which reading I'm talking about, please send it to me so I can link it here !!). they are cute. you guys might be long distance in the beginning, which is why i got the phone click. but whatever it is, they love uuuuuuu ok? "to the moon and back."
pile 3
"Hello. (I hear a very deep masculine voice here, very prominent) If I've ever seen such a beautiful soul, no soul could be no more beautiful than yours. No sun could shine brighter than the way your eyes light up, nothing can take that away from me- that appreciation I have for you and your beauty. You radiate, you know? I love that. You radiate like the sun, shining brightly and me being the humble man I am, simply adoring you from below. They say that if you look into the sun, you will go blind, but I would gladly go blind for you my love, because you are blinding and I would rather have you seared into the back of my eyeballs and in my mind as the last thing I've ever seen than to never see you again. Everything is for you, always for you, just for you. Why did you go so soon? We barely had begun our journey and you were off again on your great quest for such knowledge I can never give you. I wish I could give you everything but I cannot, only you can do that for yourself and I will let you- I mean, I don't control you. You're free to do whatever you want, I support you, I just miss you..a lot. more than I admit it. Come home safely, bring me a souvenir? The pretty kind, the beautiful kind, but none will be as beautiful as you are; they're only beautiful because they've been touched by the hands of the angel on earth.
hands I am glad to hold one day, hands I will gladly hold forever.
Once again, I got very masculine energy from the beginning. They may be very masculine, I'm seeing mostly a male here. It can be the other way around, or really any gender, but that's what I'm seeing here. They're very....formal? Cut edge, straight to the point. They're good with words, they like using them (I just heard "In more ways than one" :I, that was meant to be sexual but I don't do 18+ readings so they can shut it, haha!). They like you a lot, they think you're amazing and personally lovable (lovable just for them and only them, perfect match, a match made in heaven). They encourage your adventures and your thirst for knowledge, the need to explore, although they may not be able to come with you. They root for you on the sidelines though and may provide financial assistance for you to accomplish your dreams. I'm getting older businessman vibes from this, specifically getting a white older 'gentleman' with brown hair and a very thick beard? that might be someone's person, their name might be Micheal with their last name beginning with an R, very specific.
pile 4
TRIGGER WARNING; d3ath, self-loathing, overall a very depressing & heavy energy.
If you aren't comfortable with these things, here is a quick overview minus the heavier topics.
Your future spouse is going through a lot right now. They may be in a depressed and detached state, they might be a player but it isn't something they enjoy. They need time, they don't believe you exist at this moment. Their energy is very sad and dark, although if they don't change, someone else will take their place as your future lover. The lessons they need to learn are important and you should also take your own lessons seriously.
"introducing... you, my beloved lover!
one of three, hehe. or maybe not, maybe you are the one. i don't know why you would think i am the one, did i make you think that? I'm not that good of a person, you know? people toss me to the side and use me like a puppet, toy on a string. i want you so badly...no, i just want someone. have you ever seen those cute movies with cute couples doing cute things? i would love that to be me and someone, someone out there maybe. but maybe I'm not meant for that, I'm not sure. maybe I'm meant to be a plaything and a lesson and eventually end up in a dumpster somewhere (wow wtf?), not from dying though, just being trash i guess. i'd rather not die. i mean, i don't know anymore. if you're real, can you come get me? pick me up? carry me away, safe in your arms? but there's no guarantees though, I'll probably kick and thrash and be toxic and make you feel lonely for a while and I'm sorry. but i promise I'll be yours one day, let me just get it out of my system. or maybe you don't care? i don't know. I'm tired of people pretending to care, if you don't actually care, maybe it's your actual emotions about me. maybe I'm projecting, I'm sorry. i love you. but this is empty. empty love, no cup to pour from. maybe there's someone else for you out there, maybe i need to find myself first.
-someone new."
oh, this got sad and dark :(? sensing that this is current energy, they're in a bad place. sorry for the sad reading pile 4,if you were expecting something happier & lighter-hearted. i hope you can love your fs in the future for all of the shit they have to go through. they'll be better when they get to you, the universe will make sure of it and if they aren't then someone new will come and take their place for them, they're willing to let the spot go because they know you deserve the best.
they do want you to know that lessons are important.
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mixelation · 9 months
reborn au: sometimes tori should be allowed to win. as a little treat
iwa fails team 4, which is just funny. i was debating minato just promoting itachi bc he'd have the missions for it, but actually i think it'd be funnier if he went and took a formal exam in a way that somehow pre-empts deidara from doing it? idk how that could work, but i think it would be Fun if both deidara and itachi won the tournament in their exams, and for that they'd have to take them separately
(it might make more sense logistically if itachi was like "why do i care? i'm an ANBU captain. i already have the paycheck/security clearances" and then deidara solos the next exam and itachi is like ".....wait i can't let him win" and solos the NEXT one. but also i think the laws of the universe are such that itachi should advance first, because it would piss deidara off)
anyway the point is. tori applies for R&D immediately and spends all her free time slinking around & then complaining she's not allowed to do her own projects
minato after she's tried some insane manipulations to take over R&D: (squints at her) yeah, because you're a genin. just apply to be a chunin?
it has not once occurred to tori she could be promoted the regular way. she's used to just like.... infecting a space, like a fungus. and then people get used to her enough that she gets to do what she wants.
tori: what is rank to a fungus?
deidara: what the fuck are you talking about? just take the exam. you'll get a raise and then we can afford a nice ass apartment together
anyway tori signs up for the next chunin exam feeling extraordinarily like she's doing some sort of weird undercover mission. she's not a ninja in her mind, she just plays one on tv. then kushina is like "ohohoho so are you going to keep up the team reputation and win the tournament???" and tori is like ".....no?" but both deidara AND itachi make the same joke
tori: i think you're really overestimating me 8|
it's not that tori doesn't think she can't take on any task they might throw at a chunin, or that she won't pass. akatsuki had her doing missions as a civilian, okay, she can handle chaos and responsibility and the associated danger. she just never, ever picks "fight" as her first solution to a problem... and the chunin exam tournament is just a fight. there's no changing parameters or redefining your win condition to force the outcome in your favor. it's just.... a fight. which she's iffy at
kushina: oh, i get your problem. your baseline is whack
tori: no no, i'm pretty sure there's lots of thirteen year olds that could beat me up
kushina: do you know what makes a ninja good-- like, actually good? it's not being the strongest. it's being able to go up against someone who's stronger than you and winning anyway. and a lot of people won't ever be able to do that, but you definitely could
so tori goes and takes her exam and it turns out the average thirteen year old sucks!!! she wins easy!!!
tori: what the FUCK
then she goes home and is like "i won? i don't get it??" and two weeks later she's a special jounin* because minato wants her to have the associated permissions
minato: go on, go do fuinjutsu reearch to your heart's content
tori: ;^; i am going to make the MOST forbidden technique
minato: please don't
*special jounin in my mind is for people who have a specialized jounin-level skill but don't qualify for a full jounin promotion, because those people need increased security clearances and shit compared to a standard chunin. it's not EXACTLY a rank between chunin and jounin because there's a lot of variation in abilities within in it... like at this point tori would basically be an average chunin in terms of combat but also capable of making up s-rank techniques on the fly
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itstokkii · 3 months
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I've been considering making this post for a while but hesitated since I don't wanna beat a dead horse.
I'd like you to look at this post looking back at the Andijan massacre. What started as people protesting issues like distribution of gas, electricity, and other human needs and rights ended in a bloodbath. A cousin of mine told me schools taught it as "the national guard protecting civilians from Islamist terrorists."
I'd also like you to look at this paper by the Human Rights Watch on the torture and persecution of Uzbek Muslims like me during Islam Karimov's 20 years of dictatorial rule. Even Uzbek Muslims outside of Uzbekistan weren't safe. Multiple family friends of mine were randomly tackled to the ground and arrested by Korean Police on accounts of "domestic terrorism" in Uzbekistan, and some were only released about 5 years ago.
You weren't allowed to wear hijabs(even in Islamic universities), openly pray, read the Quran, or do anything religious. Someone would always be there watching to report you.
I wasn't allowed to go outside by myself around my neighborhood due to Uzbek government agents kidnapping the children of Uzbek diaspora abroad. I wasn't allowed to wear a hijab until after we went to Uzbekistan 2 years after Karimov's regime ended, and we made sure it was safe there and back. I wasn't even allowed to visit the country to see my relatives for almost a decade because of the crackdown on Uzbek Muslims.
When Uzbekistan was colonized by Russia as the Uzbek SSR and even before then as Turkestan, Russia made sure to stamp out religion entirely. They killed off scholars and poets like Cholpon, who wrote about Uzbek self-determination and praised religious texts. Uzbekistan's first leadership since its independence carried on with this policy, with Russian colonial values ingrained into them.
As for Korea, our partition was opposed by the whole peninsula. When Jejuans protested the US-UN backed elections, it ended in 10% of Jeju's population being killed by joint US-Korean forces. Though the South Korean Government apologized for the first time recently, the US stays silent. What a surprise. The bodies of these Jejuans were buried in mass pits and had the Jeju Airport built on top of it.
The US still fails to apologize for the No Gun Ri Massacre, in which the US Army murdered about 300 Korean villagers despite knowing they were civilians and therefore not targets. The US also indiscriminately bombed North Korea with more bombs than they had in the Pacific Theater in World War 2, martyring almost 2 million Koreans.
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After the Korean War followed almost 30 years of dictatorship by Syngman Rhee, then a military junta, then Park Chung Hee and Chun Doo Hwan. During this time, university students protesting the dictatorial rule established by the US were arrested as "anti communists," and be tortured repeatedly, sometimes even until death.
Though the Seodaemun Prison is known for being Japan's colonial prison where they arrested independence activists, the Korean dictatorships used it to arrest people in favor of democracy.
The Namyeong-Dong Anti-Communist Investigation Office was a similar prison, in which one of the floors had extremely thin, narrow windows to avoid prisoners from escaping. Park Jong Cheol, a Seoul National University student who was protesting against Korea's military dictatorship at the time, was incarcerated here and routinely tortured. He eventually died due to water torture.
The Gwangju Massacre was a protest held by many activists against Chun Doo Hwan's dictatorial rule, which came about as he staged a coup and successfully overthrew the previous government. As they called for democracy, Chun Doo Hwan brought the national army, who fired upon, killed, and raped the protesters. Chun Doo Hwan was never held responsible for his crimes before he died, and his grandson recently apologized to the victims and their loved ones. It was found that the US approved Chun Doo Hwan's plans to use armed forces on the protesters in Gwangju.
Though the Gwangju Massacre is taught about in Korea, much of the US involvement and responsibility of the horrors of the dictatorship is left out.
The US does not allow Korea to produce its own nuclear arsenal, allowing Korea to rely entirely on the US for nuclear support. Additionally, the existing presence of the USFK in Korea and their joint training sessions with the ROK army further provokes North Korea and therefore gives the US a "justification" to maintain its military presence in Korea.
Growing up I was taught where to look for nearby nuclear shelters. We visited the War Memorial of Korea multiple times, and air raid sirens are rare but are happening more often recently.
This, along with the added danger of living as Uzbek diaspora outside of Uzbekistan as Muslims.
So when I say "please respectfully depict Russia and the US when it comes to the Cold War in a way that does not center them entirely" and "please keep the gravity of their actions in mind as you write them; Hetalia does not exist in an apolitical vacuum,"
and I am met with "mature adults" telling me that "they're just characters," or
"i'm the one ruining the fandom," or
"block and move on," or
"i love russia and america cold war!!!" or
"you're crazy" or
"moralf*g" or
"someone's sensitive"
and especially from russian artists who call me an "American SJW." russians calling me an uzbek overly sensitive for asking that they portray their country a little more respectfully to the victims of their colonialism. yeah that's completely normal
you are normalizing centering discussions about the Cold War to the imperial core, and then having nothing of substance to say about and being absolutely insensitive towards someone who's life has been and still are dictated by these imperial forces, and even harrassing them.
where's the "block and move on" mentality you prided yourselves for?
this fandom hasn't changed since the 2010s. it's just more quiet in the way it marginalizes victims of colonialism.
oh, and that person who told me to "block and move on, sister!!!" when it comes to me explaining myself as an uzbek-korean muslim?
you're not one to talk. 네가 뭘아는데 ㅅㅂ새끼야
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shiftingforyeonjun · 2 years
How I Manifested $5,000 & Proof!
& how I manifested NOT to pay it back 
Things I will cover in this post
- My affirmations
- How I changed my mindset
- How I acted as if
- The sentence that changed my manifestations forever 
- How the universe tested me & how I passed
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Why hello there! 
I am now going to explain how I manifested $5,000 and how I am now able to get my own apartment because of the money I manifested. 
So one morning a few months ago I was getting ready for work and doing my makeup. I felt so drained from needing to rely on my sister for a place to live and pretty much living paycheck to paycheck while working a part time job and being a student. So I looked in the mirror and said to myself “I’m gonna receive $5,000.” 
& I believed it.
And when I didn’t believe it, I forced myself to. I affirmed over and over again, “I have $5,000. I have that apartment. I am moving out. I have $5,000 in my bank account. I am rich.” Even though having $5,000 isn’t rich, I still affirmed it.  
I acted as if. I went to work and thought to myself “I don’t need this job. This job needs me. I have enough money to quit but I know they need the help and I have nothing else to do so why not?” I thought of going to work as doing them a favor and not needing to make money. Because I don’t. 
I also would think of ways I would help other people once I got the money. 
But even while doing all this, I still had the thought, “But how am I gonna get this much money?” and this next sentence is what completely changed my manifestations.
“It doesn’t matter.”
It doesn’t matter where the money comes from. I am open to receiving the money in any way the universe sees fit. I was flexible. As long as it doesn’t come at the expense of someone else and does not harm anyone, I am open to any way the money comes. 
When I had a doubt, I immediately replaced the thought with “It doesn’t matter.”
But before any manifestation, the universe will test you. Sometimes it seems like you might manifest the opposite of what you want but in reality, that is progress. And I will touch on this in a second. 
So after I affirmed and acted as if, I got the notification that I have received my financial aid rewards for the fall semester. So I logged on and saw that I had a surprising amount of aid offered to me that included grants and loans. So I said “fuck it” and accepted all of it, even the loans. 
After my tuition for the semester was paid, I had $5,555 left over. I want to stress that I have NEVER had this much money offered to me before. Usually it is only around $1,000. This was insane to me. 
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I can’t even make this up. It’s the angel number for me. A literal angel number telling me, “here is the money you asked for.”
But of course, there had to be a test.
Throughout this whole process, I would find money everywhere. BUT, I would never keep it for myself. I would either give it back to the person it belongs to or leave it where I found it. I wasn’t greedy and I was honest. There was one time when I found what looked like a debit card and I called the number that was on it and it turned out to be someone’s business card that they made to look like a debit card. That was embarrassing. 
But the real kicker was one day, I checked up on my refund before it got disbursed and it said $900. I freaked out because I was wondering where all the money went. I was suppose to get over $5,000 back but it only said $900?! 
But then I stopped myself and calmed down. I told myself “It’s okay. I will make do with the $900 because it is still money and I am grateful for it.” I took the $5,000 off a pedestal and became genuinely grateful for my $900. 
A few weeks later, refunds were ready to be disbursed and I got my full $5,000 straight into my bank account. 
I literally cried. 
I was so grateful to have finally gotten the money I asked for. 
Now, when I found out the money was going to come from my loans, I thought to myself “it doesn’t matter if they are loans, I won’t have to pay them back. I don’t know how but I won’t need to.”
And then Biden announces the student loan relief which I qualify for. 
The universe works in such magical and mysterious ways. The key is to trust the universe and trust the process and stay true to yourself and be honest.
Let my story inspire you and help you on your journey to manifesting your desires. You can manifest and have anything you want in life. 
And also, I struggled terribly with mental health issues so during all this, I would get very depressed and anxious and not once did my mental health effect my manifestations. 
Happy Manifesting!!! 
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perfectlovevn · 4 months
Would Milo be able to hace a family with Eris? (If yes then poor kids ._.)
The question is less of are they able to and more of are you sure you want them to try to raise a child or even any living thing.
Out of the three forms, I think Pre Milo is probably the best parent you'll have but as I stated in this ask, unless he has someone who can sort of help him parent, he will end up smothering the poor kid. So you can imagine that Manipulation and Violence are probably not going to fare much better.
With Violence, his behavior won't change too much around Eris, but he won't be very fond of the kid either. He probably won't even call the child by name and either tell him to leave or stay out of his way. He probably won't actually physically hit the kid (Eris would never let him, lest someone catch on and catch the two), but he will likely threaten or yell at them in certain scenarios. Most of the time he will probably ignore the child unless needed for something. If he is ever nice to the child, he will never do it in Eris's presence and it always ends up being forceful, or some sort of tough love kind of scenario.
With Manipulation, he will be a lot more kinder to the child, but in the way that you're kind to something to get them to do what you want. If Manipulation ever interacts with the child, it is only to get them to behave or do something for him or Eris. He will always favor Eris over the kid in any scenario and will sometimes even guilt trip or gaslight them if Eris ever makes them get punished. I think he'd also teach them how to act in certain scenarios to get what they want from others.
Eris will basically never have a kid unless it's calculated in some way, or they can use them in some way if for some reason they do end up having them. Eris by nature is always planning something, so it's not really out of character to utilize the child to their own needs.
I did have an idea I was making with one of my friends that involve Ryan that I might make in the future given I can figure out how I want it to work. It'll be a kind of dark comedy game where Ryan (at least in a universe where he doesn't die) has been kidnapped and living in Eris and Milo's basement for who knows how long being forced to take care of their kid. Ryan, being seriously resentful for what the two have done to them basically trains the child to take out their own parents and you play as the child trying to get rid of them both. Just an idea though, I still wouldn't know exactly how I'd want to put it all together.
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tossawary · 1 year
Love Third Transmigrator Mobei Mom!! The comedy of the situation is so good.
Vital info though, if we can ask, would the third Transmigrator be a fan of Shang Quinhau (like casual) or another “fan” like Shen yuan?
Thank you! Honestly, my current notes have this Third Transmigrator as not really being a fan at all, because I thought that would be the funniest third option to Airplane Bro (the author) and Peerless Cucumber (#1 anti-fan). Also, I thought it suited someone in the position of Mobei-Jun's parent, from the position of Mobei-Jun not knowing WTF is going on with Shang Qinghua EVER.
My dad has spent the past year or so reading a LOT of webtoons, manhuas, mangas, whatever, and so we've had a few conversations about xianxia and wuxia and harem and isekai stuff. He says that quite a few of them seem to be based on web novels.
So, I thought it would be funny if someone (probably an actual fan of PIDW) attempted to make a graphic novel for PIDW, then some English-speaking rando reads the unofficial English translation of the unofficial graphic novel for PIDW. There are probably only 30 chapters at most and ENG Rando didn't read the last 5 because they got bored when the harem stuff continued even inside the Abyss. Luo Binghe wasn't even the Demon Emperor yet. Mobei-Jun hasn't even shown up yet, except maybe in the bonus art at the back, and ENG Rando thought MBJ was the artist's OC or something.
(Also: Chapter 13 was just Chapter 12 posted twice to the shitty online manga website for some reason. Chapter 21 and Chapter 22 were posted in reverse order. And the translators changed like six different times. The second translator was really fond of not translating some basic nouns in favor of adding a billion footnotes. The third translator kept writing/typoing Luo Binghe as "Lou Bingo" and this lasted for 10 chapters. Chapter 8 was only translated into Spanish and so Google Translate was needed. These are the problems of a foreign webtoon reader.)
ENG Rando only read this because it was listed first on the "NEWEST UPDATES!!!" list and they liked the art. And then it started to be a Sunk Cost sort of thing. Then morbid curiosity.
ENG Rando transmigrates because they died in a car crash on the way to work or something, still thinking about PIDW. Even the System was not expecting this. Neither Airplane Bro nor Shen Yuan have transmigrated yet. ENG Rando gets a kind of crappy personal System until the Senior System can work things out, and maybe this Junior System isn't even fitted with a proper English Language pack for whatever reason, so ENG Rando and their Junior System have to communicate mostly through emojis.
ENG Rando is assigned the temporary role of "Beta 2". This is interpreted by some of the characters they meet as "Beida" (which is a fanon name used for Mobei-Jun sometimes, because it's a rival university to the one Shang Qinghua's name sounds like).
Later, when MBJ is forced to introduce SQH and maybe also SQQ (Shen Yuan) to his mother and the transmigration thing is known by all three transmigrators, Airplane Bro has to suffer his future mother-in-law saying about the unofficial graphic novel of PIDW in a heavy English accent: "I was worried that I was accidentally reading hentai. You wrote 20 million words of that?"
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jedishadowolf · 6 months
What's Force animals for the WIP game? I'm intrigued!
Oh!Force Animals is a delightful idea that came from one of @phoenixyfriend ‘s posts about clones becoming force ghost kittens when they die. Seriously, this idea gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies. https://www.tumblr.com/bitter-chocolate-stars/717777252956389376?source=share
From there I started getting a couple of scenes about the jedi sometimes gaining force guides in the form of animals. I need to get back to it to actually plot it out because I really wanna see where it goes.
Here’s the first little scene that came to me:
The Force was an energy field that was found in every living thing in the universe. The Jedi were fond of saying that it guides them. Until recently, no one knew they meant that literally.
"Master Qui-Gon, there's a Strill behind you."
Qui-Gon looked down at the small initiate before turning. Behind him, he could see it. Hazy around the edges, a bright blue aura, crouched low as if it was about to pounce. Its whiplike tail lazily flicked back and forth.
"So there is. What do you think it wants, Little One?"
The little initiate looked at the hazy figure seriously. His brow wrinkled and his tongue poked between his lips as he concentrated.
Qui-Gon laughed gently. "You do not have to force it, Initiate. There's no need to focus quite so hard. Reach out with your feelings, close your eyes so they won't deceive you. Listen to the Force with your heart."
The child took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Qui-Gon could feel the tentative touch of the boy's force presence as it briefly brushed against his mental shields then extended towards the strill. After a moment he opened his eyes and gave Qui-Gon a delighted grin. “They want to play!”
Qui-Gon stepped aside with an indulgent look. “Well then, don’t let me stop you. Enjoy your time in the gardens with your new playmate.”
The initiate bowed hurriedly and almost tipped over in his excitement. “Thank you, Master Qui-Gon!” He took off after the strill laughing brightly as they darted back and forth just out of reach.
Qui-Gon watched for a few moments. He enjoyed the joy he could feel in the Force from the pair as they played tag. It was early for a guide to find the Jedi they were most suited for, but the Force seemed to love that particular youngling. The Force’s love was a treasured thing, but the beings that were favored often had a difficult path ahead of them. Qui-Gon hoped the young initiate’s light was strong enough to weather the destiny the Force had in store for him.
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embras-grace · 7 months
It's time to rant about my human in Palia: Ori Tian
He is awful and I love him. You can learn more about my human under the cut! This information is not spoiler free as his character changes over time as we learn more about the world.
Ori Tian || He/Him They/Them || 29-30 || The Watcher
Ori's history makes more sense with a few key points (some of which are spoilers you learn when talking to folks/exploring the world):
Kilima was built on the ruins of an ancient human school (I think of it as a university)
The ruins were where humans were forced to go by the human king (the Fire Temple lore) where it seems they were getting more and more ridiculous orders. I consider this to be when humanity's downfall was fast approaching.
The disaster that killed the humans was not just Flow (which I see as a global warming metaphor) but also an attack from Shadow Creatures (the Library you unlock with Jina).
The human downfall took hundreds if not thousands of years until they finally died out. They didn't go out with a bang, but with a painful whimper.
All humans have innate magical abilities. Some humans spend their whole lives learning how to tap into them, others are born with a close connection.
Human Life
Ori was a professor at the university and the dean of the humanities department which happened to be part of the school's administration. Their specialty was ethics and mortality, especially when it came to magic and Flow. They helped students organize various clubs and organizations inside the school, as well as supporting them during walk-outs or demonstrations against the king for trying to force people into "safety areas" to "wait out the danger" instead of facing the problem head on and cleaning up the mess humans had made that was destroying their world.
To students, Ori was known as the laid-back professor who was easy to talk to, but who wasn't afraid to talk back and be firm when needed. His tests were hell on earth but his classes were fun to those interested in a good-natured debate of philosophical principles and theories. He took it easy, but he took it.
To fellow professors and adults, Ori was a belligerent and sometimes down-right rude person. He had no problem calling people out for acting immature or acting ridiculous given certain circumstance (despite being hypocritical at times as a very hyper person themselves). The amount of fist-fights Ori has gotten into in university board meetings was too many too count.
He was outspoken against the king and didn't bother to hide his politics, which put them in a lot of danger. But Ori had one special thing that kept them safe from a great majority of threats: magic.
Ori was born with a natural affinity for fire magic and his anger could become explosive (literally). His flames were hot enough to melt iron and--when incredibly agitated--he could make anything he touched spontaneously combust. Yet this natural affinity came with a strict control he tried to keep tamped down... except when he couldn't in arguments. Fire brimming at the edges of his clothes (they never really caught on fire--clothes are expensive!) and his hair becoming bright flames. It's no wonder he was considered one of Embra's chosen.
On top of being a professor, a dean, and an activist Ori also managed the Phoenix Shrine. He was the primary caretaker, although he was as close to secular as someone could get in Palia. Is Embra real? Yes. Is she a goddess? Sure, why not. Does that mean you can't argue with her and have to accept everything she says or does? No fucking way!!! Ori is whatever the equivalent of a Jew is in Palia and he is very proud of his heritage, traditions, and beliefs.
His best friend was a kitsuu who followed him around the university and joined him on a lot of his routines for the temple. They could never be separated, his friend bringing him gifts from the natural world and Ori returning the favor with food and shiny things. His other close friend was Einar--who remembers Ori and what Ori did when he died.
Ori's death happened when the Shadow Creatures attacked the school. Many had already been moved to the temples, but Ori had stayed outside to protect the students that didn't want to go yet. When the evacuation order came to get everyone to safety, Ori was left at what is now known as the Mirror Pond Ruins.
When the last students were fleeing into the library--unable to get to the Water Ruins, Ori stood as the last guard to buy them time to lock the door. His magic was always explosive and he gave the Shadow Creatures the best show he could: he immolated himself in a massive explosion to protect the students he swore to protect. Taking out any Shadow Creatures in the nearby vicinity.
The only thing left behind was a pendant.
Kilima Life
Ori doesn't remember anything after being reincarnated. At first when he woke up Jina had to walk him through a lot of things, but slowly some stuff started coming back to him. His traditions, his knowledge of what he once studied, his love of researching, his hatred of authoritarian governments and anyone that bans or burns books, and intolerance for adults acting like immature brats.
He's slowly remembering some recipes he used to cook (thanks to Reth's help), other human languages he learned, more about life for humans, but a lot of it is very fuzzy and comes back slowly.
Still, though, he doesn't recognize the kitsuu who had great fun trying to get his attention with the help of Tau and can't comprehend why they keep little him little presents every day... and he doesn't remember his old friend Einar. Maybe it'll come back eventually, but there is one thing he is starting to remember...
And he won't let the Order take it from him.
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enjoy-the-butterf1ies · 10 months
Everywhere, Everything-
CL16 (Chapter 4/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc × female!reader
Series Summary: In which a rising singer gets her biggest break yet; opening at the Austin Grand Prix. All record companies would have their eyes on her- along with a certain monegasque driver.
Trope: Slow burn with a mix of other tropes in there (He fell first, one bed, roommates, all the good ones!)
Chapter Summary: Plane rides and conversations spark new and confused feelings inside you.
Warnings: Cussing, reader is clueless, extremely quick and rushed chapter 🫣
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“Oh my god, Charles,” You said, stuffing your mouth with a rich chocolate cheesecake. “This is delicious. I take back everything I said about private jets. Screw the environment. I literally want to marry this dessert.” Charles couldn’t help but laugh at you. You were only halfway joking anyways.
You two had boarded a private plane to go to Mexico earlier that morning. After a lot of struggling, he finally pulled you out of the hotel bed to make it to the plane on time. You were a force to be reckoned with when your sleep schedule was fucked. He quite literally had to drag you at one point, but that’s long forgotten. All you could focus on now was the plane food.
“Is this what being rich is like? Sign me up.” You licked your lips and rubbed your stomach happily. You leaned back in the cozy chair and curled your feet up close. Okay. As nice as it was to be in this position, you were petrified. You could put on a brave face in front of Charles but in truth, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. Private gets, trip to Mexico, fancy food, expensive hotels… Not to mention you still had to perform at the rest of the Grand Prix this season.
You silently kicked yourself for agreeing to it.
Nonetheless you still smiled and thanked Charles once again for everything. After all, he’s the reason your dreams may come true.
But to him, it seemed like no big deal.
You watched him shake his head and shrug. “No, no. No more thanking me.” He chuckled. You scoffed. And he dramatically put a hand over his heart and gasped. “Sassy today, are we?”
“I have to thank you,” You protested. “How can I not? I promise I’m gonna pay you back someday, for everything. This is so much bigger than you realize.”
Charles grinned, dimples prominent on his cheeks. “Non, non,” He ticked his finger back and forth. “It’s just a favor for a friend.” Friend. The word echoed in your brain more times than you’d like to admit.
“Whatever you say frenchie,”
“You do realize that term is incredibly offensive? I’m not french.” He huffed like a child. “I’m monegasque.”
You laughed and tossed a straw wrapper you had balled up previously at him. He chuckled and fought back, tossing plastic cup which you easily dodged. The more time you spent with Charles, the more comfortable you two had grown, which is saying a lot because it had only been a few days. The universe is funny in that way, you think. It puts two people together and sometimes they just click. It seemed to be the same with you and Charles.
Soon after the first (and probably last) straw paper war, a flight attendant came to take your plate. She smiled kindly at you, her gaze drifting to Charles as she lifted the silverware. “Is there anything else I can get for you guys?” She asked, her tone sweet. You weren’t keen on the way her eyes wandered over Charles more than once. Especially when her hands wandered dangerously close to his as she grabbed his wine glass. Taking a deep breath to think clearly, you realized you were just protective of your friend. Nothing wrong with that.
“No, thank you, I am good,” He responded, and she nodded her head and flashed an award winning smile. He looked over at you. “Do you want anything else Y/N?”
You froze for a second when he caught your gaze, but quickly regained composure. “No, thank you,” You smiled at the flight attendant, breaking away from Charles’ intense stare. She nodded, glancing at Charles one last time, but his focus was hardened on you. The attendant walked away, her heels clacking against the ground. It thankfully filled the awkward silence you felt. “So, looks like someone’s got a secret admirer?” You wiggled your eyebrows at Charles.
He blinked, confused. “Who?”
Your eyebrows raised in shock. He must be oblivious. “The flight attendant,” You gave him a crooked smile, shock and confusion filled his features. “She was checking you out completely. And she’s cute, maybe you should get her name?”
He smiled but it was clearly forced. “I didn’t even notice.” He said honestly.
You two sat in silence for a minute or so, Charles scrolling through his phone. He seemed completely unbothered by the flight attendant’s advances. Then again, he probably got a lot of attention from women. He’s probably immune to it by now. If that’s even possible.
You looked out the window. The plane soared through the clouds, creating a scene out of a painting. The sun peaked through just enough to create an orange glow among the sky. You took a deep breath, imagining the upcoming days. It didn’t feel real. You were set to play Saturday after qualifying. Mexico was a beautiful track, not quite your favorite, but you knew the energy would be incredible. That is, if you could make it to Saturday. You were sure you were going to pass of a heart attack soon enough.
“Are you going to watch the race?” Charles voice broke you out of your thoughts.
“This race weekend,” He suddenly got shy. “I know you’re going to be focused on your music and everything, but are you going to watch the race this weekend?”
You smiled widely. What an odd question. “Of course I am Charles, everything from free practice to race day I’m gonna be there.” You assured him. His smile grew. “It’s my first real Grand Prix weekend. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
His shoulders slumped slightly and you wondered what you could’ve said to change his demeanor. His smile remained unwavering though, and he stretched. You had to stop yourself from looking at his biceps as he laid his hands behind his head. “You’ll be watching from the Ferrari paddock, yes?”
“I was actually thinking of the Redbull paddock,” You joked. Charles though, didn’t seem to understand, and you could see his eyebrows furrow. His eyes widened in fear and you nearly fell back in your chair from laughing. “Oh my god Charles no, I was joking. Of course I’ll be cheering for Ferrari. I’ll be cheering for you.” That last sentence slipped out faster than you could stop it.
You couldn’t help but notice the way his cheeks reddened at that, and you slapped yourself inside your mind. How could you possibly say that? You definitely made him uncomfortable. You cleared your throat, sweating. “Are you nervous for the race?” You asked, hoping he would forget all about this conversation by this time tomorrow.
Charles bit his lip in thought. Your eyes focused on his mouth, the way his teeth rolled over his bottom lip almost made you crazy. You forced yourself to look away, ashamed. This had been about the 5th time today you had to break your gaze away from him and you had no idea why. “Truly I’m worried about the team’s strategies, this season the pit stops have been awful and team communication has completely gone out the window.” He had to chuckle at the absurdity. You assumed if he didn’t laugh he would cry. “Nevertheless I have high hopes, as long as I go into it determined then I’m bound to come out feeling good yeah?”
You smiled at him, seeing the way his body physically relaxed at the sight. “I’m sure you’ll do great Charles, you’re really talented despite the cards you’ve been given,” You said. He nodded. “Whatever you do though, never let racing change you.”
He raised an eyebrow, lost. “Racing is who I am. It’ll never change me.” Is all he said to that. You pursed your lips together and sucked in a light breath. You wondered if you were overstepping by saying any of this. “Besides,” He grinned widely at you. “I’ll have a lucky charm there this time, and an awesome hype up playlist.”
Your heart swelled. The corners of your mouth twitched upward. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, absolutely,”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
“Dude how do you afford the nicest hotels in the history of the world?” You asked Charles, gaping eyes around the hotel lobby. You probably stuck out like a sore thumb, the way your mouth was wide at the sight of the shining chandelier or the way you stuttered when the doorman welcomed you.
The plane ride had been long but you enjoyed every second, you couldn’t deny that. Charles company was incredible. Not only were the conversations special, but you kicked his butt in Mario-Kart and forced him to watch a horror movie. He screamed like a little girl and made you swear to never tell anyone. You agreed, but you were never let him forget about it.
Charles chuckled at you. “Close your mouth, a fly is gonna land in there,” He teased and you flushed with embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get to our hotel room Frenchie. My arms are tired from holding this suitcase.”
“I’m not french!”
A kind young lady eventually showed the two of you to the hotel room. You guys had agreed to share another room for easy accommodation, plus you were very unsure of staying in a hotel room by yourself in a country you had never visited. Charles was more than okay with that, eager even. He was a very kind friend, always looking out for you.
“Enjoy your love weekend!” The sweet lady said to the two of you, handing Charles the room key. “A beautiful couple, you are.”
“WHAT?” The two of you cried in unison, laughing awkwardly at her words. You wondered what could’ve possibly made her assume the two of you were a couple. On a romantic weekend, at that. Charles shook his head and placed a hand over his heart. “Thank you but we are just friends,” He chuckled, eyebrows furrowed together in embarrassment. He refused to meet your eye, instead fidgeting uncomfortably.
Friend. There was that word again, bouncing back and forth in your mind like an annoying ear worm.
The lady’s mouth opened in a small ‘o’ shape, clearly confused. Flustered, she apologized and the three of you laughed it off. Charles made sure to deeply thank her, tipping her a decent amount for showing the way to the room. Once again, you were amazed by his kindness.
Charles slid the key card into the door, and opened the hotel room. “Oh, shit,” He muttered, pausing at the door. You ran directly into his back.
“Charles, what the hell-“ You grumbled, about to give him a piece of your mind.
“I guess I know why she assumed we were a couple now,” He said, carefully stepping out of the way to let you into the room.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
There was only one bed.
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residentroam · 2 months
Five Ships, Five Fandoms.
@persnickety-doodles tagged whoever sees her post. I saw her post.
Hades and Persephone (Greek Mythology): Since my early in life introduction to Greek Mythology I've been fond of the couple of the Lord of the Underworld and his Queen. Today I'm focusing on the version/adaptation brought forth by Netflix's Blood of Zeus. Season 2 blew my expectations out of the water and now I'm intoxicated. Go watch the show, please.
Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine (Resident Evil): Videogames are one of my favorite things in the world. And quite honest I can't think of a couple in videogames I like more or as much as I like the relationship between Chris and Jill.
Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen (The Twilight Saga): And I'll be damned. I sincerely like something related to Twilight. The main characters might be boring but something I believe this franchise has in its favor is the plethora of interesting and entertaining side-characters. Rosalie and Emmett not only are my favorite characters individually, but their relationship feels like heaven within hell.
Tom and Maddie Wachowski (Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe): Tom and Maddie's lack of conflict and drama is a gift after years of tedious, exhausting, and sometimes unesesary obstacles that couples in media have to or are forced to deal with. The Wachouski's marriage is one of love, respect, fun, support, understanding, camaraderie, happiness and friendship. It's a recipe for bliss and I love the heck out of a marriage portrayed like this and not the typical punishment.
Belle and Beast/Adam (Beauty and the Beast): Simply put one of my favorite stories of all time and possibly my favorite love story of all time. I've read and watched several versions but the one I'm talking about, my favorite, is the animated movie. You know the one.
Not tagging anyone. Be free to make your list.
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