#coriolanus fluff
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| "...the boys, the girls, they all like carmen, she gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes. she laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond...baby's all dressed up with nowhere to go, that's the little story of the girl you know. relying on the kindness of strangers, tying cherry knots, smiling, doing party favors..." |
| this drabble contains sexual content ;) | the 2nd edition to the 'Born to Die' series |
As Soarynn Nightingale climbs the steps of Clemensia Dovecote's apartment building, she sometimes forgets that some people don't live in townhouses, that some people are crammed into giant buildings with hundreds of other families.
What a terrible way to live.
Soarynn is more than used to living a life of luxury, the life she deserves if she's being honest. Her father has seen to it that she's always been taken care of, in school, in public, and even in private.
She's a Nightingale, and she'll be treated as such.
Soarynn can only think of one other person who shares a similar mindset to hers when it comes to carrying the family name. This other person, however, is the most arrogant, cocky, and annoying person she has ever met in her entire life.
And she's known him since she was five.
Coriolanus Snow.
Hopefully, he's not at this party. Clemmie said it would be small, intimate, and exclusive. Soarynn was obviously invited, top of the list like always. She's never missed a social event and can't wait to graduate from the Academy so she can attend University parties.
She's greeted by the doorman, who is more than used to seeing her face. Soarynn has been in and out of this building hundreds of times since she and Clemensia became steadfast friends when they were little. Clemensia lives on the Corso with all the other important Capitol families.
Soarynn and her father are the only people in the elite circles of the Capitol who don't live on the Corso, choosing to live in a more private residential area on Cornelia Street instead. She's heard it countless times from classmates and friends, how lucky she is to have a whole house to live in rather than an apartment.
The only other person that comes to mind when she thinks about living in a house is the President. She's not mad about that comparison at all.
Soarynn makes her way into the elevator, pushing the button to take her to the fifth floor. Clemmie doesn't live in the penthouse, unfortunately. When the doors open up, Soarynn is standing tall, demanding to be respected. She walks out into the hallway, ten apartments are on each floor, and Clemmie lives at the end of the hall.
One person waits outside the Dovecote's door, desperate to get inside. She spots her friend standing outside, caught up in an argument from the looks of it. "...for the last time, Sejanus, you're not invited!"
Soarynn rolls her eyes at the pitiful thought of Sejanus Plinth trying to get into a party like this. Sure enough, he's crowding the door, trying to peer inside at the fun. "What's the problem?" Soarynn asks sweetly, looking up at Sejanus, who sprouted up like a beanstalk during their sophomore year.
Sejanus looks down at her with solemn eyes. Sometimes she feels bad for the kid, forced to move here when he was young so his father could pursue his business from the Capitol side of the border rather than the District side.
He's always been an outsider, and although Soarynn does her best to maintain her sweet persona, she's never gone out of her way to make Sejanus feel included.
He's not one of them, simple as that.
Sejanus goes to explain, but Clemensia holds her hand up, silencing him. "Sejanus here thinks he was invited, but I know I didn't send him an invitation," Clemensia snaps, glaring daggers at the boy.
He slouches, "You won't even know I'm here, Clemmie," he insists, causing Clemensia's face to twist in disgust. "Don't call me that," she says, grabbing Soarynn's arm, pulling her inside, "and don't come to my parties! I don't mingle with District."
Soarynn offers Sejanus a sympathetic look even though she's with Clemmie on this one, he doesn't belong in the Capitol and certainly not in their party. "Maybe next time, Sejanus," Soarynn lies, batting her lashes up at him, "I promise you're not missing anything." Another lie, but who's counting?
Clemensia doesn't give him a single second to say anything else, slamming the door in his face and scoffing, "The nerve of him, showing up to my residence like some creep!" She tosses her sleek ponytail over her shoulder, and Soarynn nods in agreement. "It's honestly sad to watch," she muses, looking around the entryway. "I don't even know how he found out about this."
Clemensia guides her down the hall, the noise of the party grows louder and louder. "Who knows how he found out, I still don't know how he and his family slithered their way into the Capitol. That whole family is one big mystery."
Soarynn, already tired of talking about Sejanus, chooses to change the subject. "Did you get your nails done?" Clemmie visibly brightens at the question, holding her hand out for Soarynn to see. "I did! They look like little snake scales, see?"
Soarynn would never say it out loud, but she thinks the designs Clemensia gets on her nails are so heinous. They're always so trendy, not classy at all. She'll never find a husband with those nails. They're also so sharp, whereas Soarynn's are short and always painted a light shade of pink, the same as her toenails.
"So cute," Soarynn gushes, leaning into her friend, she might have shitty taste in nail designs, but she's one of her best friends. "Who's here? I assumed the usual guest list?"
Clemensia is known for her parties, everyone wants an invite, but she only invites people in their inner circles, the richest, the people who will decide the future of Panem one day.
"Oh, the usual, you, Livia, Persephone, Urban, Felix..." Clemensia goes on and on while Soarynn peers around the corner into the living room, where everyone is already mingling. The girls are sporting short dresses, too short to wear in public without being ridiculed but perfect for private things like this. The boys are more relaxed as well, in button-up shirts and pants, no need for a suit or uniform.
Soarynn's dress is absolutely perfect for tonight, black and tight with a very low back. It'll be sure to drive the boys wild tonight which is her favorite thing about these parties, showing people what they can't have, girls and boys alike.
They all like Soarynn.
"...and Coriolanus."
Soarynn's eye twitches upon hearing that cursed name. She was hoping he wouldn't be invited, and if he was, then she hoped he wouldn't come. Of course, he's here.
"Oh, he's here?" She asks casually, craning her neck to see if she can spot his tall blonde head amongst the crowd. "Mhm, I know you don't really like him, but Persephone wanted me to invite Festus, so obviously, I had to invite Coriolanus." Soarynn nods, she gets it, public image is everything, and not even Clemensia Dovecote is immune to the power someone like Coriolanus Snow has in their circles.
It's best to be on his good side.
Unless you're Soarynn Nightingale and don't care what he thinks.
He hates that about her which only inspires her to keep it up.
"It's fine," she sighs, checking her reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall. "It's for Persephone." Their good friend Persephone Price is madly in love with Festus Creed, an unfortunate choice in Soarynn's opinion. Festus isn't ugly, but he's not her first choice, not by a long shot. Persephone says he's sweet and makes her laugh.
Since when was that important?
Soarynn is well aware of what's actually important. She needs to find someone rich, someone important, someone who will provide for her, someone ambitious.
Someone like Coriolanus Snow.
It pains her to admit it, but he's the smartest boy in their grade; he's aggressive and competitive, always saying "Snow lands on top" whenever he wins something. It's so stupid, but in a way, she admires his grit.
If only he weren't some upright asshole who thinks he's above everyone else.
Soarynn likes to think she was put on this earth to humble him, put him in check.
She'll be sure to step on his toes tonight, just for the fun of it.
Soarynn takes a deep breath before plunging into the deep end of the social pool, walking into the living room where several pairs of eyes land on her. Felix lets out a low whistle, he has no shot with her, but because his father is the President, she remains so very sweet when talking to him.
"Wow Soarynn," he says, rising from the sofa, "you clean up nice." Soarynn tries a soft giggle, leaning in so he can kiss her cheek, a friendly greeting for the elite Capitolites. She looks over Felix's shoulder and sees that Coriolanus is watching their entire interaction, callous as always.
"Well, I knew I'd be in the presence of greatness," she playfully jokes, earning her a few laughs. Felix is only important because his father is important. Soarynn needs to marry someone who's always important, despite their father's position in the world.
"Oh, Soarynn, you're here!" Persephone says, teetering into the living room with two drinks, one in each hand. Festus follows behind her. Soarynn wonders what they were doing before she got here. Nothing good, from the looks of his smug face.
"I am," she agrees, hugging her friend, "and your hair looks fabulous."
The girls exchange kisses and quick gossip about Sejanus Plinth, who was pathetically trying to gain entry to their exclusive party. "He was here?" Persephone asks with a hushed tone, her eyes flitting to the boys on the sofa, "I can't believe he even came! I mean, did he really think we'd let him in?" Her last words are caught by Festus, who has never had an issue butting into other people's conversations.
"Who tried to get in?"
All three girls go quiet, none of them feeling that this is newsworthy information. Finally, Clemensia crumbles, "Sejanus Plinth," she sighs as if remembering the whole exhausting ordeal, "showed up at the door, practically begging to be let in."
Coriolanus adopts a more guarded expression, he's made it very clear that he doesn't like Sejanus. Soarynn remembers watching Sejanus limp out of the boy's locker room one time, with Coriolanus right behind him, a smug grin on his face. They were both questioned at the Dean's office, but Coriolanus got off scot-free. Apparently, his father, Crassus Snow, threatened to pull out all his donations to the school if they tried to punish his son.
Coriolanus gets away with murder so long as his father is there to back him up. Soarynn doesn't mind Mrs. Snow half as much as she minds her son. Mrs. Snow always welcomed her with open arms, whispering about how she'd be perfect for her sweet little Coriolanus. The woman is obviously blind to how her son really acts, but Soarynn won't be the one to pull the wool off her eyes.
Crassus has always remained indifferent towards Soarynn whenever they've crossed paths, but she knows why.
She looks just like her mother.
Father told her about it one night. Soarynn had gone with him to a gala, and they ran into the Snows. She had been around sixteen at the time and hated Coriolanus as much as she does now. Some things never change. They greeted each other and exchanged polite grievances, but Crassus seemed to be on one that night; too much champagne is what his wife wrote it off as.
He kept staring at Soarynn, to the point where she began to wonder if there was something on her face. His son was also staring at her, but that was nothing new. Coriolanus has never shied away from blatantly staring at people he either likes or hates.
Soarynn falls into the second category.
She asked her father about Crassus Snow's strange behavior once they got home, and he told her all about how Crassus Snow was madly in love with her mother when they were all younger.
"He was smitten with her," he explained, "besotted, couldn't go a day without seeing her. But your mother didn't return his feelings, she didn't long for a life with a Snow."
That confused Soarynn. The Snows were the richest family in Panem, her family was right under them, and the rest followed. Why wouldn't her mother take advantage of such a great opportunity?
"She didn't wish for a life of fake plesantries; she wanted more freedom and less societal pressure. I'm sure she would've run off with some District bloke if it wouldn't have lead to public shaming," her father mused. "Marrying Crassus meant conforming to his idea of perfection. Always having to meet his standards. It's not easy to be the wife of a Snow."
Having never met her mother, Soarynn only knew about her from stories and everyone telling her about how identical she looked to her. Soarynn has seen enough pictures to confirm this popular belief. She is Cera Nightingale's twin. No wonder Crassus can only stand to be around her for so long.
"I never thought I had a chance with your mother," father admitted. "I felt she was far too perfect for me, but I made her happy, made her laugh, let her do what she wanted to do. In the end, she chose me over Crassus. It caused quite a rift in my relationship with him. It's only been repaired in the past ten years, and we have you children to thank for that."
Soarynn had never been so confused in her life. What did she and Coriolanus have to do with their father's relationships? Nothing, nothing at all...unless...they thought there was a chance they'd get married and mend the rift.
Marrying Coriolanus Snow, ugh.
"Your mother wanted a little girl more than anything, she was so excited for you to come. We both were. You're the greatest gift she ever gave me, honey."
Soarynn knew as well as anybody that her mother died giving birth to her. She was able to imagine what her father went through, but that new information led her to wonder what Crassus went through. Watching the woman you once loved succumb to death while birthing the daughter who could have been yours. Coriolanus had been born months before she was, leading their parents to believe it was fate.
Or just bad timing.
Either way, it couldn't have been easy for Crassus Snow. And now, instead of forgetting the woman he once loved, he gets to see her daughter all the time. At least she's not in love with his son, that would be awkward. Soarynn can't stand Coriolanus, so cocky, so stuckup.
"Fucking Plinth," he seethes from the sofa, gripping his glass of posca, "I'm telling you, they think they're one of us. Just because you bought your way into the Capitol doesn't mean you belong here." Everyone nods in agreement, even Soarynn. He's right, Sejanus does not belong here.
"Next time, let me know," Festus says cooly. "I'll take care of it."
Soarynn snorts, ignoring the look she gets from Persephone. "Sure Festus, just like you took care of Titus the last time you two got in a fight." Festus immediately turns red when she reminds him of the very recent fight he got into with Titus Fenton. Titus is all muscle and no brains, he's an idiot, to put it plainly.
Soarynn knows how much Persephone likes Festus, and that's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't mean that she has to like Festus. He's best friends with Coriolanus which is dangerous territory for her.
"Well, what have you been up to this summer, Soarynn? Keeping busy with your gentleman callers?" Festus is playing with fire by trying to embarrass her. Soarynn gives him a smile all too sweet to be true and Coriolanus chuckles, bracing for the worst to be bestowed onto his friend.
"Oh, I've been keeping busy alright, Festus darling," she purrs back, "I've been helping out at the school, and I came across the most interesting file the other day. It had your name on it and said something about you almost failing last year's classes? Perhaps I misread the words."
Felix lets out another low whistle, and Coriolanus covers up his laugh with a cough. Festus is furious, it serves him right, too, trying to play with Soarynn Nightingale.
"I don't think that's any of your business, Soarynn," he replies, though not with the same amount of confidence he had moments before she delivered the deadly blow.
Soarynn hums, she makes it her business to know other people's business. It's easier to use it against them that way, to stay on top. "Then why don't you stay out of my business?" Festus lowers his gaze, no longer challenging her. "Fine."
She clasps her hands, wearing a pleased grin now that she's won this fight. "Good! Now, what's everyone doing for their last week of summer?"
꧁ ꧂
They're about an hour into the party when Persephone whispers in Soarynn's ear. "Did you really have to light into Festus like that? He was only teasing Soarynn." Perspehone has been blinded by love, it's painfully obvious to Soarynn, who doesn't have time for such frivolous things.
"The boy's an idiot, Persephone," she whispers back, glancing across the coffee table where Festus is spread out on the sofa, currently in a conversation with Clemmie and Coriolanus. "He nearly failed physical education! Do you know how hard it is to fail the easiest class the school offers?"
Her best friend scoffs, too blinded to see the truth. "He just gets stressed," she explains, taking a sip of her drink, "he's got a lot of pressure on his shoulders right now."
Soarynn doesn't buy that for a second. "Like what? Because he looks very relaxed right now."
"Once he graduates from the University, he'll have to make a name for himself, he has to carry the Creed lineage. This is very stressful stuff, Soarynn."
If Soarynn had to place bets on which boy has the most pressure on him, she'd bet on Coriolanus Snow. If he's anything like his father, he'll want the best and only the best for himself and his family. Festus doesn't come close to touching Coriolanus Snow.
Soarynn slyly looks over at where Coriolanus is sitting, his legs spread, taking up so much room. His fingers are wrapped around his glass of posca, his shirt is unbuttoned at the top, his sleeves rolled up. She sees that his curls are a bit unruly tonight, broken free from any product he puts in them.
It's very unfair how good he looks right now.
She's so focused on looking at him that she doesn't notice him looking at her. Not until Persephone nudges her and Soarynn looks directly into his piercing blue eyes. He looks smug to have caught her staring, and Soarynn scrowls, standing up, "I'm going to get another drink, want anything?"
Persephone looks longingly at Festus, "I'm fine for now, Festus will get me something if I get thirsty." Soarynn stops her eyes from rolling to the back of her head. If she ever gets to be like this because of a boy, she'll have Clemensia push her into oncoming traffic.
Ignoring his penetrating stare, Soarynn makes her way into the kitchen, glad to let her guard down for a few minutes. In a world where one is always trying to beat the other, it's imperative to always keep your guard up and remain sharp and tactile.
She helps herself to some punch that's gone untouched, most of her peers preferring alcohol as they get older. Soarynn glances around the kitchen, the Dovecotes have an impressive apartment despite it not being a penthouse. Mrs. Dovecote has kept it lavishly decorated over the years, never going too overboard with the small details.
There are two types of wealth in the Capitol: new money and old money.
Sejanus Plinth and his breed are the perfect example of new money. Their wealth dates back to two decades ago when Strabo Plinth started making a little bit of money.
Should his business run dry, he'll have nothing to fall back on.
Soarynn and her family are the perfect example of old money. Their wealth dates back several generations to when one of her distant relatives made his fortune and passed it along to his children while setting some aside.
Should her father's business run dry, they'll have something to fall back on.
There are other ways to decipher the two, such as furniture for example. Old money has dated pieces passed down from generation to generation. New money buys from catalogs. Old money has family heirlooms such as jewelry or paintings. New money goes to a gallery or jewelry store for something new.
Some might argue that money is money, but they're probably either poor or come from new money.
Soarynn and her friends are well aware of the differences and see themselves and their families above those who have just come into their fortunes.
Soarynn drums her fingers against the marble countertrops; she can't believe that her last year of attending the Academy is so soon. She still has one big summer event before the school doors open up for her one last time. The horse races. Her father usually prefers to stay home but she managed to convince him to go this time, and she can't wait to place bets.
Soarynn is all for being traditional, but she has no issue stepping into the male-dominated space every once in a while, especially to prove them wrong.
She's so focused on what she's going to wear to the races that she doesn't even notice Coriolanus sneaking up on her. "Lost in thought?" Soarynn snaps out of her daze, glaring storms at him without a second thought. He stands on the other side of the counter, an amused look on his annoyingly handsome face.
It's even worse because he knows he's good-looking.
"Yes I am," she answers haughtily, "but you wouldn't know much about that would you? You don't tend to think much when it comes to anything."
His jaw ticks, she's got him right where she wants him.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he announces loudly, loud enough for someone in the living room to hear him.
Soarynn watches him stalk down the hallway, already pissed off and she hasn't even gotten started yet. She waits one beat, two beats, three beats. She finishes off her punch and goes down the same hallway, glad she's familiar with the layout of this apartment.
Soarynn can see the bathroom light through the door. She looks over her shoulder to confirm that no one's followed her before knocking once, then twice, then once again. The door opens and she's looking up at Coriolanus Snow, the boy she hates and also fucks from time to time.
"You really should be taught some manners," he hisses, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her inside. He slams the door shut, locking it so no one can find them scandalously entangled like this. Soarynn stares up at him defiantly. Some people might be scared of Coriolanus Snow, but she's not.
He's just a boy.
She's seen him at his most vnunerable moments, buried balls deep inside her cunt, whimpering like a dog in heat. "Maybe you need to learn to pick better friends," she snaps back, not batting an eye when his hand comes up to grab her by the jaw.
Coriolanus is notoriously rough in bed, so rough that most girls have only slept with him once. But Soarynn likes it rough, that's what makes her so special. She doesn't mind being thrown around or manhandled. It turns her on, which turns him on.
It's a win-win situation.
Soarynn first discovered his sexual fantasies and desires one day in a storage closet at school. He had dragged her in there to have a private argument, which led to his lips on her lips, and their clothes quickly made their way to the floor. Ever since that fateful day, they've been having these secret little meetings, getting their stress out, and then going their separate ways.
It's made it a little more diffcult to act like she hates him so much, which she does, but she also loves his fingers inside of her, the curve of his cock, how big his hands are, how good of a kisser he is.
He's like this poison that she can't help but take, only for the three minutes of bliss she feels before she slowly starts to whither away.
"Maybe you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut," he fires back, looming over her. And he's tall, so, so tall, even when she's in heels, he's taller than her.
"Why don't you make me?"
That's all he needs to hear to press his lips to hers in a fiery kiss fueled with lust and held-back frustration. Soarynn hadn't planned on him being here tonight, but she still came prepared with her lacy black thong that he'll be sure to love.
Soarynn whimpers into the kiss when his hand slides down to her throat, applying enough pressure to make her dizzy with desire. His other hand comes to rest on her bareback, slipping under the fabric of her tight dress.
"Baby's all dressed up with nowhere to go, huh?" He teases, squeezing her waist, "Thought you'd get some attention wearing this? Thought some Capitol boy would come sweep you off your feet at this party?"
That's probably the thing she likes most about Coriolanus, he doesn't try to act all good and noble when they're having sex. He's his authentic self: degrading, rude, and arrogant. Neither of them has to pretend to be someone they're not for the other person.
It's all out in the open.
"I did," she says in between kisses, "unfortunately, you showed up instead, so I had to settle." He lets out a throaty chuckle, they're too evenly matched when it comes to their words and hatred for one another.
Soarynn can't believe people think they should get married.
He lets go of her throat and grabs her waist with both hands, lifting her up as if she weighs nothing. Soarynn gasps in surprise, only relaxing when she feels him set her down on the bathroom counter. Now, they're a little more even when it comes to height. Soarynn wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him back down to her so she can get in a few more kisses.
While he kisses her, his hand slides between her thighs, headed to her most sensitive area.
Many things can be said for Coriolanus Snow, but he is a very good lover. He's gone down on her more times than she can count, not even expecting her to return the favor. He's the most dangerous type of man in her opinion, the man who enjoys eating cunt for the fun of it, out of sheer enjoyment.
He eats her out like he's fucking starving.
Soarynn rolls her hips the second his fingers brush against her clit, barely covered by her panties. Coriolanus has teased her about the ligniere she wears one too many times. He says they barely cover anything. She says that's the whole fucking point.
It doesn't help that he likes to break things, including her bralettes when he can't get the hooks undone. One time, he did it at school, and she chewed him out about it for a good five minutes while he tried not to laugh.
Thankfully, she's not wearing a bralette today.
"So wet for me," he teases, biting her bottom lip with his teeth, "just sitting across from me gets you off, huh?"
Soarynn tries to scoff but it turns into a whine when he pushes her panties aside to rub her clit, elicting the most wonderful sensations. Most boys his age don't even know what the clit is so he's a mircale in that regard.
"No," she gasps, arching her body into his, "but arguing with your friends does. Maybe I'll let one of them finally taste me before the summer's over."
His change in demeanor is remarkable. He goes from cocky to pissed off in a matter of seconds. His lips latch onto her neck despite her very clear instructions to leave no marks when they have these little rendezvous. They must come back the same way they left.
Soarynn moans when she feels a finger slip inside of her. It's been a few weeks since she saw Coriolanus and that was at a charity auction. They snuck off to a dark corner where she gave him a blowjob and he returned the favor by making her cum in less than five minutes with his nose.
His nose!
He says she tastes good, smells good too.
Soarynn doesn't know how to feel about that.
"You won't let anyone taste you," he growls, sucking on the tender skin of her neck, "we're exclusive, remember?"
In the midst of the pleasure, Soarynn finds enough strength to roll her eyes at his possessiveness. After the first time they had sex, Coriolanus had proposed an arrangement to continue to secretly meet in exchange for mind-blowing sex.
They've never done it at their respective homes, too risky since they aren't officially courting. But he was very insistent on them remaining exclusive, loyal to each other. Soarynn saw it as greed and insecurity, whereas he claimed it was for the sake of their sexual hygiene.
Soarynn thinks that if it smells like shit, it probably is shit.
"How could I forget?" She taunts, reaching down to palm him through his pants, "You'd rather kill yourself than share me."
Coriolanus gives her neck one last suck and pulls away, breathless and his curls are tussled. "Correction, I don't want to share your cunt, not you, darling." The petname goes straight to her core, he called her that once and got a visceral reaction from it. He's used it on her ever since. It's both coddling and condescending.
He presses a row of kisses to her jaw, "You can throw yourself to the dogs anytime you want, Soarynn, but we both know you'll just come crawling back to me when you're done."
Angered beyond belief, Soarynn takes a firm grip of his hardened cock, making him groan. "You're a dog too, Coriolanus, the only difference between you and them is that I have you on a leash."
There, now they're even.
He's mad, she's mad. There's only one solution to this.
"Turn around and bend over."
Soarynn does what he says, not because she listens to him, but because they have a very limited amount of time before someone comes looking for them. Soarynn arches her back, pressing her ass against his crotch, smirking when he lands a slap to her ass. Coriolanus pushes her dress over the curves of her back, swearing under his breath when he sees the panties she wore tonight.
"It might make you less of a whore if you started wearing less provacative panties."
Soarynn smiles at him from over her shoulder, "What makes you think I want to stop being a whore?"
They have such a way with words.
Coriolanus merely glares at her while unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Soarynn rests her hands on the sink, preparing for a good fuck, a hard fuck. She feels the tip of his cock pushing at her entrance, it slides in seamlessly and they both moan at the feeling.
Coriolanus buries himself to the hilt before pulling back out so he can slam back into her. Soarynn has to clench her teeth so she doesn't moan too loudly. Coriolanus is relentless with his thrusts, hitting her sweet spot every single time with amazing accuracy.
"You're only a whore for me though," he grunts, slapping her ass again, "only fall apart on my cock, my fingers, my tongue. No one else can make you feel this way."
He's right, no one on earth could piss her off as much as he does.
Soarynn tries to come up with something snarky to say, but her mind is clouded with lust and pleasure. He seems to pick up on that and brings a hand down between her legs, rubbing her clit in tight circles. Soarynn cries out, and her legs begin to shake.
She's already getting close to her orgasm which is going to be a new record for them at the rate he's fucking her.
She's so, so close when she hears footsteps getting so, so close to the bathroom door.
"Soarynn? Are you in here?"
Both their eyes go wide, and Soarynn quickly turns on the sink. "I am," she calls, reaching behind her to grab Coriolanus, he's still fucking her and it's going to blow their cover.
"Have you seen Coriolanus?"
Soarynn wishes Clemmie would buzz off, but she's a good hostess who, unfortunately, cares very much about her guests. Coriolanus leans forward, brushing his nose against the shell of her ear, "Lie for me baby, be my good girl and lie for me."
Soarynn whimpers, she can feel something dripping down her leg, and it's not water from the sink.
"I...I, I think he went outside," she croaks, her eyes fluttering from his fingers on her clit.
"Oh, alright, let him know we're looking for him if you find him first," Clemmie calls. Soarynn nods even though her friend can't see her, listening to her receding footsteps.
Coriolanus doesn't miss a beat and starts pounding into her even harder than before, taunting her. "Such a fucking slut, lying to your friend. What would she say if she found you split open on my cock Soarynn? Would she call you a whore? Would she be jealous? Would she go tell everyone that little Soarynn Nightingale likes it hard and fast?"
"Fuck...you," she gets out, going limp when her orgasm finally washes over her. Coriolanus holds her up, riding through her orgasm so he can reach his own. Soarynn is more and more grateful for her implant each and every time they do this.
Coriolanus loves to finish inside of her.
They're both panting, sweaty messes in the Dovecote's bathroom. Neither of them says anything, sometimes they leave without saying a word. There's nothing to say.
He finally breaks the silence, tracing a finger down her spine. "I like this dress," he mumbles. Soarynn looks at him through the mirror's reflection. Sometimes, he actually looks sweet, like someone she'd want to court.
Then he says something mean and ruins the whole fantasy.
"I wanted to look nice," she says, straightening up, "presentation is everything, as you know."
He nods, meeting her eyes in the mirror. Every time they do this, she wonders if it'll be the last, if one day she'll see him with a girl and know that it's over. Whatever is between them is over.
She'll have to leave first, she decides. In a world like this, you either leave or get left behind.
"Well, this was fun. You should head out first since they're looking for you," she throws out, hoping he'll catch her hint to get the fuck out. He does, thank goodness. She sighs when he pulls out, suddenly feeling so empty, and it's not because he isn't inside her anymore.
Coriolanus quickly cleans himself up, handing her a wad of toilet paper to make due with as well. Soarynn takes it and wipes between her legs, at least her panties are still intact. She's about to pull them up when he gets down on his knees, causing her to stop.
"What're you doing?"
He shakes his head, a grin now on his lips. "Just trust me," he says, sliding her panties down her smooth legs. Soarynn doesn't know why she listens, but she does. He slides them down to her ankles, and Soarynn carefully lifts one foot and then the other so he can take them completely off.
Coriolanus holds her panties in his hands while she waits with baited breath, no clue as to what he plans to do with them. He rises back up to his full height, and that bastard stuffs them into his pocket!
Soarynn gasps, punching him in the chest, "Give those back!"
Coriolanus laughs, holding his hands up in surrender, "You gave them to me. It's like a souvenir, something that says: 'I visited Soarynn Nightingale's cunt and lived to tell the tale.'"
She's going to kill him.
If she wasn't mad before, she's furious now.
"Give. Them. Back."
Coriolanus unlocks the doors and opens it, fresh air is gladly welcomed into the confined space. "I'll give them back," he says, flashing her that infamous grin, "eventually."
He leaves before she can say or do anything else, left to deal with the mess he's made. Soarynn scowls, slamming the door shut so she can finish wiping up. The nerve of him! That asshole!
She'll get even.
She always does.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn finds herself sitting across from Coriolanus again, the only difference is that she's missing her panties.
He looks so proud of himself, smirking while halfheartedly listening to the conversation taking place in front of them. It seems that Festus and Persephone got into a fight while they were fucking and it's still not over.
With everyone's attention on those two, Soarynn decides to lean back into the sofa, spreading her legs the same way Coriolanus does to take up as much space as possible. He glances at her once and then does a double take when he realizes that her cunt is on full display.
Soarynn tilts her head all innocent-like, pretending nothing is wrong with this picture. It's so satisfying to see how angry he gets, how he grabs a throw pillow so tightly, how his face gets red and his cock begins to harden all over again.
'Close your legs,' he mouths to her.
Soarynn pretends not to see him. If he wants to steal her panties then that's fine but if he wants to call her a whore, then two can play at that game. She'll gladly be the girl who keeps her legs spread for all to see.
He clears his throat in an effort to get her attention, but she ignores him entirely. In a final attempt, he launches the pillow at her, catching everyone off guard. Soarynn shuts her legs and glares at him, "What the hell was that for?"
They get quite a few looks from their friends who are well aware of their rivalry but unaware of what lies beneath it. To them, this is normal, everyday behavior for Coriolanus and Soarynn.
He shrugs, pleased to have gotten his way, "Just felt like it."
Soarynn nods, setting the pillow down next to her. She slowly leans forward, grabbing her fresh glass of punch, "Well, since we're doing things we feel like doing, have some punch, Coriolanus." She jerks her arm forward, splashing the punch at him with precise aim.
Not a drop lands on the furniture or the floor.
Just on Coriolanus.
All the girls gasp, and the boys cover their mouths with their hands. No one makes a move. Coriolanus uses his hand to wipe the red punch off his face, looking down at his stained outfit in disbelief.
"You fuckin-" He's cut off by Festus who sharply elbows him. Soarynn is sure they talk about sex in private, but they're in the presence of ladies right now.
Although Soarynn is no lady.
The tension is broken by the front door being opened and the Dovecotes walking into a soaking wet Coriolanus Snow. "Coriolanus dear," Mrs. Dovecote gasps, "what on earth happened to you?"
He wipes some more punch off his face, "I spilled."
Soarynn smirks, he'd rather lie than tell the truth and be more embarrassed than he already is. Public image is everything, after all.
"Did you get any on the sofa?"
"No, Mrs. Dovecote."
The older woman lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank goodness. We just got the sofas cleaned. And Clemensia, darling, make sure your friends use the coasters for their drinks. Your grandfather paid good money for that coffee table."
Mrs. Dovecote casts Coriolanus one more curious glance before heading to her bedroom, leaving the children to sort out their differences. "You're so wet," Soarynn observes, remembering how he said those words to her in a very different setting, "maybe you should dry off Coriolanus."
He abruptly stands up, and if looks could kill, she'd be dead.
"It was lovely seeing you all tonight," he spits out, casting her one last glare before stomping to the hallway. When they hear the front door close, Livia lets out a laugh, "I can't believe you did that, Soarynn! He's going to kill you!"
Soarynn shrugs, if anything, the sex will be great the next time they see each other. "He had it coming," is all she says.
She can already hear Coriolanus venting about this to his father and then to his friends, complaining about her. "Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean."
He'll get over it.
With things like this, you either get over it or under it, and Soarynn knows Coriolanus will choose to get over it.
It's etiher that or stay at the bottom.
And as he likes to say, Snow lands on top.
| 'Born to Die' |
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| taglist: @lovelylove268 @kickmybark @iswearicanfixhim @wonderlandbound111 @melodyoflovee @thevoicesinmyprettylittlehead @erensrealgf @evilmenarehot @cervvsq @snowgirl12 @matcha-muses @anisangeldust @snowsgames |
#hunger games#coriolanus snow#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#the hunger games#ao3 fanfic#coriolanus fanfiction#slaymitchabernathy#soarynn snow#stay with me always#ao3#coriolanus smut#darkcoryo#coriolanus drabble#drabble#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus fic#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus x oc#coriolanus oneshot#oneshot#possesive coriolanus#presidentssnow#original character#coriolanus x festus creed#oc x canon#coriolanus x soarynn#coriolanus x original character#cera nightingale#soarynn nightingale#born to die
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For Better or Worse | C.S.

summary: Coriolanus was never the same after he came back from District 12. All he saw was power and fame.
pairing: President!Coriolanus Snow x First Lady!reader
includes: BABY SNOWWW aka Elizabeth Snow, manipulation, fluff, comfort, angst, death, guns, blood, trauma, coryo is kinda misogynistic, lying, Lucy Gray makes an appearance, (tell me if I forgot anything!)
a/n: love me some coryo fics :)
You���ve known Coriolanus Snow for as long as you’ve lived. You were there when he was at rock bottom and—somehow—you were by his side when he rose to power and fame. His sudden rise to politician to president wasn't at all shocking to anyone in the Capitol. Especially when he "rightfully" won the Hunger Games.
The second he was inducted as the President of Panem, you became his First Lady. It was expected of you by your past peers and inner circles. You dated him in while attending Academy and there were records of you and Coriolanus sending and receiving letters from one another while he was stationed in District 12.
But when Coriolanus came back from the Districts, he was different. You weren't exactly sure if he changed for the better, but it definitely came with its own challenges. His ideals and principles switched like a magnet. Those ideas that used to uphold his promises and quiet words to you were now vowed to the entire country. Your opinions no longer mattered to him—just the image of a loving wife doting on his every move.
Eventually, you changed.
Half your heart belonged to the boy Coriolanus once was while the other half belonged solely to you daughter—Elizabeth Snow. The second you learned you were pregnant, you practically begged the universe to bless you with a healthy child. Luckily, she came out absolutely perfect. She was an absolute rose.
Coriolanus loved his daughter more than anything Panem could offer, but his idea of being the best reined over his love. He was constantly away at business meetings rather than tending to his daughter—sending you or nurses to tend to Elizabeth rather than face the music himself.
He wanted—no, needed—a perfect family. He made sure to adorn the both of you in the best materials whenever presented to the public, even if you made quiet complaints about it being too much for you daughter. He made sure his daughter would be as smart as you, never him. No one should be as smart as Coriolanus Snow. Besides, you were tied with him for Valedictorian long ago.
If all his demands were pushing his family to their limits, so be it. Coriolanus demanded perfection—no matter what.
Despite all of his requirements to be absolutely perfect, you and Elizabeth found time to just relax with no expectations. Just you and her away from press and public images your husband set up for the both of you.
“Liza, what are you doing?”
You and Elizabeth were in the backyard of the Presidential Manor, although it was like a mini sanctuary if you were to describe it. There was a gorgeous pond in the middle with an entire forest encapsulating the entire backyard. There were rows and rows of flowers—mainly roses—and a greenhouse designated for fruits and vegetables you and Elizabeth would pick from time to time. It was your heaven away from the mess Coriolanus made, but you would never admit that willingly.
“Watching the swans, mama. They’re making funny patterns.” Elizabeth pointed out before beaming brightly when she saw you shut your art journal and approach where she stood, her platinum blonde curls bouncing with her every move.
“And why is that?” You hummed and dusted your charcoaled hands off, careful not to touch her precious clothing or stain her beautiful face with any idiotic movements.
“Well, it means a lot of different things.” She tilted her head to the side and squeezed her eyes shut, doing her best to remember everything she's read about swans. “The most common reasons are for establishing territories or displaying affection.”
You hum and look out toward the two swans, “What do you suppose those two are doing?”
“Neither.” Elizabeth opened her eyes again and shifted her gaze toward the swans, pointing toward the bigger one. “See how the male swan is fluffing his feathers and sticking his neck high? He’s showing off his dominance to the female.”
To be honest, you were quite stunned your daughter knew so much about nature. This wasn't the first time she was able to explain events within living organisms. You knew she read loads, but you didn't think she would ever remember all of the information. Especially since she was merely seven.
“Where did you learn this?” You ask as you lead her back toward the manor, your journal in hand.
“The books papa has stored in the library.” She stepped on the stone path like the grass was lava, using her arms to balance herself. She spun around once she passed the stones, running around the willow tree until you caught up. “Miss Beth lets me read them when papa brings you on business trips at the Districts or when you leave for parties.”
You hold back your laughter at her actions and look around before beckoning her over, whispering in her ear—yet her giggles infect you. “Perhaps I’ll speak to your papa about getting you a miniature library in your room.”
“Really?” She grabbed your arm with wide eyes, practically jumping from excitement. Elizabeth squealed when you nodded—pulling you closer and closer to the manor. Now that you mentioned a miniature library just for her, she would do anything to make the process faster.
“You seem to like reading as much as I do.” You start to clarify as you let her lead you to the back porch, leaning down to whisper in her ear once more. “Besides, it’ll be an excuse for papa to buy even more books.”
Elizabeth squealed once more and tugged you even harder to follow her, your laughter and hers ringing out in the backyard. You loved moments where you and your daughter could just exist in a world without constraints. She was a light in your dark and shrouded world—if anything ever happened to her, you swore you would become the exact person the Capitolites expected you to be.
Just as ruthless and unforgiving as your husband.
“Where are you two off in such a hurry?” Coriolanus appeared in front of the both of you, eyebrow raised in minimal interest.
Speak of the devil himself.
Of course, he wore his pristine—blood-red—suit with a white rose pinned to the jacket's lapel and a white ribbon looped in the hole of his pants. The ribbon was stolen from you the day of your wedding and he chose to wear it everyday to show everyone who belonged to him. It was one of his many prized possessions in life.
“Coming to find you, papa.” Elizabeth left your side and moved to her father's—allowing him to pick her up in his arms. She pushed a stray hair away from his face, earning a half-hearted smile from him.
“Is that so?” He shifted her weight into one of his arms, locking his gaze to your “messy” appearance.
In his eyes, you looked terrible. The curls in your hair were flat; your hands were covered in charcoal; your dress was wrinkled; and it was clear to him you were running from the way your chest rose and fell. It was unacceptable for you to run. People ran for the First Lady—not the other way around.
Rather than dwelling on your husband’s scrutiny, you casted your gaze toward your daughter—who looked like she was ready to explode in excitement if you didn’t say anything. “I have a request on Liza’s behalf.”
“And what does Elizabeth want?” Coriolanus spoke in a sure tone, using his daughter’s full first name. He never understood the need to shorten her name—her name was pure class and power. She was the daughter of the President after all.
“A mini library in my room!” She clasped her hands together and spoke dreamily, eyes filled with stars and fireworks. “I want to fill it with all the books in the world.”
“I see.” He fixed the collar of her dress before tilting his head to the side, catching your eyes for a split second. Coriolanus saw your face soften as Elizabeth’s silent begging, therefore giving him the answer to his daughter’s request. “That can be arranged.”
Elizabeth grinned so wide that it looked like her cheeks began to hurt. She moved to kiss her father’s cheek, words of gratitude spilling from her lips until she couldn’t breathe.
For a moment, you swore you saw the person your husband used to be. You saw the boy who would do anything to make his family happy, even if it cost him more than what he could give. Yet the moment was fleeting as he set Elizabeth down and sent her off to her governess—who was waiting by the double doors of the back porch.
“What is it?” You ask quietly as he guided you away from any prying ears, leading you toward the bed of roses and small fountain by the left side of the backyard.
Coriolanus subtly gestured toward where the governess last stood, adjusting the cuffs of his suit in a composed manner. “She’s not filling her head with fairytales and nonsense, is she?”
“Absolutely not, Coriolanus.” You walk beside him and tuck your hands behind your back—watching every step you took on the cracked path of stones. “She’s been taught all her mathematics and history. When she has the time, Liza does her own reading.”
He hummed and nodded his chin toward the journal behind your back, “Is her portfolio as diverse as yours?”
“She’s learning new mediums every week.” You answer and look up at him—his piercing blue eyes boring into your eyes.
“What have you been up to?” He asked—snapping a rose from it's place and placing it delicately behind your ear, his eyes lingering on the earrings your adorned. Coriolanus had bought them for you mere days ago and expected you to wear them until he bought you a new pair.
“Taking note of everything in our backyard starting with the pond.” You say calmly and back away from his touch—instead—observing the swans and plants that you were drawing earlier. When you felt a burning stare in the back of your head, you continued to speak, hoping to please and ease his mind. “Peacekeepers were at a distance and surveyed the area before we came out.”
“Good.” Coriolanus replied in a curt tone and began to follow you once more, his mind going over a check list he conjured up earlier that day. “We have a conference with the mayors of each District at five.”
“It’s not the end of the quarter yet.” You curl your fingers tighter around your journal—your lips tugging down into a frown at the thought of another rebellion happening in your lifetime.
“They demand to push back the Hunger Games.” His own lips pursing together into annoyance. Who were they to tell him to push back such a crucial event that ever existed in Panem?
“How foul.” You respond accordingly and face him—having already made a short loop around the rose garden. “Of course you won’t agree.”
“Of course not.” He pushed a stray piece of hair away from your face—something Elizabeth learned from him after years of observing her parents. “They don’t have the power—“
A loud, clear shot rings out of the Presidential Manor, your eyes widening at the sudden sound. Your grip on your journal tightens as peacekeepers begin to surround you and Coriolanus, your mind instantly wandering to your daughter's safety. You clutch Coriolanus' arm and look into the double doors leading into the manor—every sound muffling the second he begins directing the peacekeepers.
All you could hear was the blood rushing in your body—your heart pumping faster and faster. Your breathing was labored, each second that passed felt like an eternity until you saw the familiar curls rushing out of the house with her personal peacekeeper close behind. You pushed through the wall of peacekeepers surrounding you and instantly dropped to your knees, catching your daughter in your arms.
“Liza.” You breathed and held her closely, feeling for her pulse anywhere you could reach.
She was alive and well. She was alive.
“Mama,” She said shakily and buried her head into your neck, tears streaming from her eyes at the death she witnessed. She would never dare speak about the moment again and she swore her entire life on it. “Mama, Miss B-Beth—“
“You’re okay, I’m here with you.” You rub her back and wipe the tears from her face, your own voice shaky when you look up at your husband who looked like he was about to murder someone. “Coriolanus—“
“Already on it.” He replied coolly and took purposeful strides toward the back doors of the manor—peacekeepers to his left and right.
A peacekeeper from inside came out of the manor and saluted him before gesturing to the following group of peacekeepers behind him. “Sir, we found the intruder and murderer of the governess.”
Coriolanus' gaze hardened at the sight of an old acquaintance, his breath catching momentarily until he heard a quiet sob from his daughter—snapping him back to reality.
“Lucy Gray Baird.” Coriolanus shook his head at the woman, resentment filling every single step he took toward her. The sky began to darken as clouds covered the sun; the wind was much colder than it was earlier; and the tension that filled the air was thick enough to be seen.
Someone had to go, but it wasn't going to Coriolanus. He wasn't going to ever fall for her tricks again.
“Let go of me!” Lucy Gray fought against the peacekeeper's arms, eyes wild with rage and fury for the platinum blonde male in front of her.
“You killed my daughter's governess.” Coriolanus bent over and spoke to her face to face—hating how unfazed she was with his movements. “How the did you escape 12? Run off with the Covey after all?”
Lucy Gray clenched her teeth at him and shoved forward, barely moving from how hard the peacekeepers held her. She was probably bruised with how tight they were holding her. “You deserve no love for what you’ve done, Coriolanus. You know you were wrong.”
“You’re not supposed to be here.” He gripped her arm and pulled her closer to him, watching her eyes widen at the sudden aggressiveness. He scoffed, “I—“
“Your wife doesn’t even love you.” Lucy Gray spat and continued to struggle, hands clenching by her sides.
Coriolanus’ grip on Lucy Gray’s arm tightened the more she struggled and spoke, his knuckles whitening with the force of restraint. He spoke through his teeth—his voice low and dangerous. “You don’t know what you’re talking about."
Lucy Gray laughed. A brittle, sharp sound spilling from her lips.
“Don’t I? Look at her.” She tilted her head toward where you kneeled with Elizabeth, your arms wrapped around your trembling daughter. “Tell me, First Lady Snow, do you love your husband?”
Your heart pounded against your ribcage. The question hung in the air—heavy and suffocating. You glanced at Coriolanus—your husband—whose cold blue eyes pinned you in place.
He expected an answer. He always did.
“I love my family." You replied ever so carefully.
Lucy Gray snorted and tilted her head at you, tone mocking at your avoidance of answering a yes or no question. “That’s not what I asked, darlin’.”
“Enough.” Coriolanus’ voice was final—cutting through the thick tension like a blade. He shoved Lucy Gray back into the arms of the peacekeeper who found her originally, “You came here to what, Lucy Gray? Kill my family off until it was just me?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “I meant to kill you, but f’course you would never be with your daughter.”
Elizabeth gasped and buried her head into your neck again, squeezing her eyes shut. She wished this was all a dream—that everything she saw and heard was her imagination. A horrible and crude imagination.
“All that's left is to get rid of you." Coriolanus shook his head and glared down at the pathetic woman. Some winner she turned out to be. "Did you really think you could harm me or what belongs to me?”
“You’re sick." She spat and nodded her head toward you and Elizabeth. “Keeping them in this golden cage of yours. But they’ll never be yours, not really. You can’t make someone love you, Coriolanus.”
You take her words in—eyes darting between Lucy Gray and Coriolanus. Long ago you would’ve fought tooth and nail to defend him. Now, you weren’t sure if he was even worth defending.
“Take her away.” Coriolanus ordered the peacekeepers, stepping closer to Lucy Gray one last time, his breath hot with rage. “Make sure she never steps foot in the Capitol again.”
Lucy Gray smirked even as she was dragged away. Her voice was clear to everyone in the backyard, “You can erase me, Coriolanus, but you can’t erase the truth. One day, she’ll see you for what you are.”
The doors slammed shut behind her as they all left, leaving the Snow family in complete silence.
The sun returned and the winds calmed—even the swans came out of hiding to enjoy the once beautiful day. You finally stood up and wiped Elizabeth’s final tears, whispering words of reassurance and love until you felt the same burning you felt earlier.
Coriolanus turned to you with an unreadable expression, clearing his throat when he met your eyes. “Go inside with Elizabeth.”
You hesitated as Elizabeth held onto your hand tighter, her entire body still shaking from shock.
His eyes softened—just slightly—as he looked at his daughter. She was clinging onto you for dear life and you were thumbing circles into her palm, something you did for Coriolanus when he was stressed back in Academy.
“I won’t let anything touch you.” He murmured to the both of you, kissing your temple and leaning down to kiss the top of Elizabeth’s head.
But the question lingered.
Hadn’t something already?
©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
#august’s works 🫧#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow#tom blyth#tbosas#coriolanus snow fanfiction#coriolanus snow imagine#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus snow smut#coriolanus snow icons#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus fic#coriolanus smut#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus x you#coriolanus snow blurb#coriolanus snow drabble#coriolanus snow angst#coriolanus snow x you#coriolanus snow headcanon#coriolanus snow x female!reader#coriolanus snow x female reader#coriolanus snow fic#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus x y/n#coriolanus fluff#tom blyth x fem!reader#tom blyth my husband#tom blyth x yn
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A miscellaneous night with mr coriolanus snow
this is longer than it was meant to be but also happy bday to me for writing😭enjoy :)
Coriolanus internally winced at the state of the elevator when he gestured for you to walk into the lobby of his apartment building. He was hoping all day that it would be magically fixed by maintenance, but he should have known better.
He brushes his hair back at his left side and clears his throat, gesturing towards the stairs, “We’ll have to take those, I apologize.”
“No worries. We need the walking after taking the trolley,” you chuckle and nudge your elbow into his side, letting him take the lead.
Coriolanus tries his hardest not to touch the spot on his side that you touched, afraid it’ll make his cheeks flush more than they already are. He manages a small laugh in response to your words. He had been adamant the two of you take the trolley since it was dark out and then adamant that he paid for you both. It was his last two tokens. Something he’ll tell himself tomorrow was a slip-up, but for now it was the best decision he could have made.
You typically studied with him in the library after classes, but as of late, Coriolanus found talking about anything and everything with you to be more than splendid. Perhaps it’s because you knew of the Snow's state and never made a snide comment about it. Or the way your posture was ever so perfect. The way your leg crossed over the other, poised gracefully more times than not. There was an air of elegance about you, yet the way you spoke so kindly to him, so interested in him, reminded him of something warm and comforting. Not the fake elegance that many of his Capitol peers put on to form alliances and kiss-up to the ones above them. No. You were genuine, he decided, a long while ago.
When the two of you reach his door, he takes the key out and turns it in the lock, silently praying that his grandmother was asleep already. To his luck, neither her or his cousin are in sight, and he locks the door behind him after you step in, setting the keys in a small dish tray in the foyer.
“We can go to my room if you uh��,” he trails off as you look around the living space with a curious glint in your eye.
Your eyes find the stained glass portrait of his father and he almost wants to yell your name to bring your attention to…to what? The fireplace? Dirty. The couch? Stiff. Himself? Too conceited.
But you don’t speak a word on it and he breathes a sigh of relief. Your eyes fall on the stray mannequin draped in some dark blue fabrics and a smile graces your lips, “I suspect this is Tigris’ doing?”
“Yes. Her friend lent her some fabrics to mess with, but she hasn’t made a choice on what to do yet exactly. I don’t know why this is out here,” Coriolanus says as he takes a few steps closer to be at your side.
“There’s good light in here,” you suggest, glancing to the windows where you can see the dilapidated building across the street.
Coriolanus nods and follows your eyesight. He shifts on his heels, then toes, hands clasped to the strap of his book bag, “If I’m not doing my reading in my bedroom, it’s usually out here.”
The grin you give him almost makes him forget why he invited you over. Ah, yes. He had told you he had an edition of a history book written by your great uncle, that you so desperately wanted to get your hands on. Your family had none (because said uncle went rogue and joined the districts). Coriolanus is not sure why he had the book in his possession in the first place. It had to have been at the Academy and he forgot to return it, but after the uncle fled to whatever district he left for, they threw out any and all books written by the man.
Part of him thinks he should be concerned as to why you want the book, but he’s read it himself. There’s nothing radical there that could turn you into something else to his memory. He offered to give the book to you. Coriolanus planned on bringing it to class the next day to give to you but you insisted it would be better to hand it off privately. He had a sneaking suspicion you just did not want to go home, but he didn’t push.
At first, he was hesitant to let you come to his apartment. He had a multitude of plans in place to specifically keep his friends from not coming to his apartment. But he couldn’t find it in himself to follow any of them when it involved you.
When he realizes it’s been silent for too long, he clears his throat, “My room is just this way,” and walks down the hall, wincing to himself at the creaky floorboards.
He turns the knob and at first, the door doesn’t open. Coriolanus pushes his shoulder against his door as subtly as he can, which pushes it open and his cheeks heat up at your small chuckle.
His room is not messy, but nothing to write home about. The only thing a little messy is his dresser, which had a drawer open a shirt hanging out of it that he quickly, subtly, pushes into the drawer and closes it.
“Oh my god,” you say and he freezes, wondering what he’s left out that warrants that reaction.
He watches you walk over to his bed and point at the stuffed dog that lies next to his pillow. He’d like to be swallowed whole right about now.
“That’s so cute. He needs a wash though.”
You think it’s cute? Oh, he’s in over his head.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, he needs a wash, I guess,” Coriolanus mutters, putting his book bag down on his desk chair and watching you carefully pick it up.
“Does he have a name?”
“Naturally,” you mumble, holding the stuffed dog up as though you are examining it. “I like him.”
“Just don’t go telling everyone at school, they’ll have a whole laugh about it,” he chuckles. He’s trying to come off as joking, but he’s also maybe completely serious.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Coryo, I won’t mention it.” You put the dog down gently next to his pillow, patting it’s head twice, then you set your book bag on the floor.
He gestures to his room once your eyes meet his, “I know this isn’t much but-”
The look you give him makes him shut his mouth and he lets his shoulders ease only the slightest bit. He barely realized how tense he had been.
“It’s still your room. That’s nice. I don’t care what it looks like,” you tell him and each word hits right through to his heart.
He nods and then clears his throat, turning to his small bookshelf to find the book for you, “It might be a little dusty, but I haven’t touched it since I read it.” Pulling out the gray spine of the book, he blows over it, grimacing at the dust and then brushes off the cover, handing it over to you.
Coriolanus feels a sense of pride in his chest at how happy you look, clutching it to yourself and then looking at the forward, “Thank you, Coryo. I’ll let you cheat off my biology exam for this.”
He chuckles, “I don’t need that.”
“I know,” you say, and a lull falls over the two of you. For the first time, he sees you be the one to clear your throat awkwardly and you bend down to grab your bag.
Coriolanus thinks himself a respectful man, but he does look at your thighs as you do. He rationalizes that it’s fine because that one time in seventh grade he was pantsed and you saw his thighs so who cares if now he’s-
He blinks and returns his gaze to your face, “yes?”
“Is it cool if I stay a little longer?”
He’s nodding before he’s speaking, but maybe he should have thought it through. Maybe it was bad to have you stay. Distraction. That’s what you are, really. Or are you? You do study with him and the studying has definitely helped him over the past year. So is it really a distraction?
Staying a little longer turns into two hours passing.
Coriolanus tells you about his neighbors across the street and how he loves people watching from his window. You relay your own people watching stories and he shares laughs harder than he has in recent weeks.
You’ve migrated to his bed, feet on the ground, but your back against the stiff mattress. Coriolanus sits backwards in his desk chair, facing you, and after another bout of silence, he says, “That cannot be comfortable.”
“It is if you tell yourself it is.”
He snorts. Since when does he do that?
“No. I know my bed. That’s not comfortable,” he sighs, “I’m sure your bed is miles better.”
Your face twists up into an emotion he cannot decipher. Distaste? Disgust? Contempt? Whatever it is, he feels as though he’s said something wrong, so he jumps to say, “I didn’t mean like-”
“It is more comfortable, but I’m okay here.”
Coriolanus wonders if he’s on the precipice of learning something new about you. He’s never been to your residence. Only heard of your high-achieving father and high-achieving mother. You rarely talked about them, other than to occasionally complain about their pressure on you.
“Will they be worried about where you are right now? Your parents, I mean,” he says in the softest tone he can muster. He prepares what to say in case you blow him off.
“I called them while we were in the library. When you went to the bathroom.”
“Ah,” he nods, “And?”
“And…they don’t mind. Though I should go back before midnight,” you glance over at his small clock on his nightstand. “I would just rather be anywhere else tonight. It's too stuffy there.”
Coriolanus wants to laugh. Stuffy? In your nice, expensive, big apartment? “Why’s that?”
“Cause they just…,” you trail off and gesture aimlessly with your hand, “they’re always a lot, okay? But on my birthday? Fuck, they’re even worse. I would much rather spend it with someone I like, hence,” you gesture again, but to him this time.
Coriolanus wants to celebrate the small victory that you like him, but he pauses. “Birthday? It’s your birthday?”
You turn your head so you’re able to see him while still laying down, “yeah.”
His eyes widen then he chuckles, “and you didn’t mention?” He feels bad he didn’t know. He should have, right? But the fact you hadn’t told him and he didn’t see anyone mentioning your birthday today tells him you seldom want people to know.
“Didn’t feel the need to.”
“Right. Well, happy birthday to you,” he says, his voice having a slight sing-songy lilt to it at the end and it gets you laughing. He can’t wait to tell Tigris about this tomorrow.
“Thank you, Coryo. And I meant it. I’m glad to be spending it here with you,” you say and he watches your hands fiddle like you’re nervous.
A rush of boldness overcomes him and he stands from the desk chair and plops down on his bed right next to you, his arm fully against yours. Shoulder to shoulder. Coriolanus stares at the ceiling, inhaling deep, “I wish I knew how to bake. I’d make you…I don’t know…double-double chocolate cake?”
“You remembered!”
He laughs and nods, recalling the very chocolatey cake you had three slices of at a party the Plinth’s were throwing a couple of months ago. He wonders if that’s the day he decided you were worth being distracted.
“Do you remember my favorite pie?”
You narrow your eyes to think, turning to look at him. He mimics the face you’re making, which causes you both to dissolve into giggles.
“Blackberry. Or pecan,” you finally say and he nods, “Yes to both.”
His index finger twitches and touches your fingers as he studies your face. The soft smile on your lips and the slight tiredness in your eyes. Your hair is less kept than it had been earlier, which feels so unlike you, but you are being so you right now that it doesn’t matter in the slightest. He’s sure his own curls are out of order.
Coriolanus keeps lightly lingering his fingers on yours, his voice a drop quieter, “Do you ever think that…everything you’ve worked hard for…can be lost because you…care too much?”
You look taken aback at the question at first, then you settle. His heart jumps when you let your hand hold to his instead of the dance your fingers had been doing. “I guess sometimes I do. Caring a lot is painful in many ways but…it’s also…”
“Nice,” he finishes in a whisper. Coriolanus doesn’t intend to look at your lips, but he does and he’s sure you notice.
“It’s nice and…shows others how passionate you truly are.” You decide, playing with his fingers instead of your own.
“But isn’t it also a weakness? Something others can pick out and use against you?”
Your brow furrows slightly in thought, “Sure…but you just have to be smarter than those against you so they can’t exploit it. And I happen to know for a fact that you, Coriolanus Snow, are one of the smartest people I have and will ever meet.”
The weight in his chest melts and smiles, not sure how to respond to such a grand compliment, other than saying, “Snow lands on top.”
It makes you laugh. A full laugh that has you gripping to his hand firmly and somehow bringing the two of you closer until you rest your chin near his shoulder, “You’re aware that that is extremely cheesy, right?”
“Oh, always,” he mumbles, and takes that risk of looking at your lips in a more obvious way, and he tries to convince himself that he’s imagining it when you shift closer. Your nose brushes and he envisions a world where he can kiss you whenever he wants. Where he can make you happy and laugh the way you just did forever.
“At least you’re self-aware.”
“I’m incredibly self-aware,” Coriolanus mutters, as your nose brushes and nudges to his. It’s like a dance of who’s gonna make the jump first.
You grin and bite your cheek to lessen it. His heart feels like bursting out of his chest and he wishes he wasn’t holding your hand because he’s definitely getting clammy. But he can’t think of that. There’s no way Coriolanus can dwell on the other parts of his body when your lips are so close that he can feel your breath on his lips. That he can see your eyes go through the thought process, wondering if you should kiss him or if you should let him kiss you first.
You’re not sure who does it first, but your lips meet in a gentle touch. Hesitant on both ends, yet searing with an undeniable surge of something warm. Something satisfying. Coriolanus is the one to deepen it. Squeezing to your hand (for his sake), he tilts his head and kisses you deeper, memorizing the feel of your lips on his. When you shift on the bed to turn more towards him, he doesn't break the kiss, not even when he feels your hand rest near the collar of his shirt, like you’re tugging him in.
When you inevitably break for a breath, he chases after you, only to pause and clear his throat from embarrassment.
“Sorry, I was just-” Your lips find his once more and Coriolanus melts into it, letting you bring his hand to the side of your face right when your tongue slides along his lower lip. He hopes he’s not a bad kisser, but when you hum into his mouth and rub your hand to his neck, the confidence surges in him.
He’s not sure how long the two of you kiss, on and off, tongue and no tongue, wandering hands that never quite go to places more intimate. But when you break off and duck your head into his neck, resting against his side, he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around you and bring you closer. His lips find the top of your head, kissing there, and rubbing your arm.
When you fall asleep against him, he fights with himself over whether to wake you and get you home safely, or to let you stay there in his arms. Coriolanus will mull it over in a couple of minutes. For now, he relishes in the moment. Who knows if he’ll let himself have it again.
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Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader
WC: 1.3k
CW: Pregnancy, giving birth, Coryo being absent, some fluff, ANGST
Summary: You love your husband, but his growing inattentiveness becomes harder and harder to handle, especially with the arrival of your baby.
A/n: I don’t think I’ll ever have it it in me to write Coryo as perfect and sweet cuz he SUCKS. So you get a little fluff here, but a lot of angst still.
Day 8 of mk’s mad dash
The last certainty your husband offered you was on your wedding day when he said “I do.”
That was a year ago.
You knew he was busy. Coriolanus was rising through the ranks so rapidly you wouldn’t be surprised if he assumed the presidency within the next five years. Of course, you were proud of him. Not only was it your duty as his wife to wholeheartedly support him, you also truly, genuinely cared about his happiness and success. But as with everything, there was a cost. In your courtship, Coryo was so very attentive, loving, and dedicated to you. He made you feel special, and you had no trouble falling in love with him. But once he slipped that ring on your finger, all of it came to a halt. It’s not that he entirely ignored you- no, sometimes you saw the glimpses of your old Coryo when he was on top of you at night, or when you went to socialite parties- but you had often been left to fend for yourself this past year.
You absolutely tried to be understanding when your husband would remind you how busy he was, and how he was doing all this hard work for your happiness, but frankly, you missed him. And was it really so wrong for a wife to miss her husband?
Your loneliness and desire for your husband only worsened tenfold when you learned that you were with child. Coryo, of course, was thrilled that you sired an heir. But with him gone all day, and often at outings at night, you saw less and less of him as your pregnancy moved along. You went through your morning sickness alone, felt the first kick alone, learned the baby’s sex alone, and picked out the baby’s room decorations alone. You were desperately hopeful that the birth of your child, your son, would bring Coriolanus back into your arms, a paternal instinct drawing him into the realm of the domestic.
So when the day came that your water broke and contractions started, though you were overcome with anxiety about giving birth, the hope that fluttered in your chest for the return of your husband far superseded it.
You were out tending to the rose garden when it happened, your long, white flowy dress suddenly soaked. You calmly rushed inside to the phone and dialed Coriolanus’ office.
“Office of Coriolanus Snow, this is Lilith. How can I help you today?” A perky, feminine voice asked.
“Hi Lilith, this is Coriolanus’ wife. Can I please speak to him?” You said kindly as you rubbed soothing circles over your swollen stomach.
“Mr. Snow is very busy right now,” Lilith told you calmly, “can I take a message?”
“Lilith, please,” you answered a little more desperately, “this is an urgent call.”
You heard the clacking of her nails against the computer, “one moment.”
The line goes silent, and you know she’s stepped away to speak to your husband. Every second you had to wait to hear Coryo’s deep voice on the other end, the more anxious you began to feel. It was really starting to kick in- you were about to have a baby.
The line crackled and then, “Darling?”
“Coriolanus” you sighed, relieved.
“What’s wrong? I’m very busy here,” he told you seriously.
“The baby. He’s coming. My water just broke.”
Your husband inhaled sharply on the other side of the phone, “Oh, okay. Okay. Well, are you alright? How’re you feeling?”
You cupped your bump gently, “I’m okay right now, sweetheart. But I imagine contractions will start to kick in soon. Can you come home?”
And then, your voice slightly broke, “Please. I need you Coryo.”
“Yes, of course, darling. I’ll be home as soon as I call the doctor.”
“Okay, thank you,” you said, voice shaky.
You hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Everything was going to be okay.
Pain. White hot, blinding pain consumed your body and you couldn’t stop the screams that were leaving your body. The doctor was saying something to you but you didn’t care. You just wanted it all to stop.
Tears were streaming down your face and you kept shaking your head, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”
Suddenly, like an angel, Coriolanus was in your view, white light shining down on his blonde curls creating a halo. Your sobs quieted at his face.
“Coryo,” you hiccupped, “I can’t. I can’t do this.”
He placed his hand on your forehead, stroking your sweaty baby hairs away from your face, and your eyes fluttered shut at his touch.
“Darling, you can. I promise. You know why?”
You opened your eyes again and stared intently into his bright blue ones, “why?”
“Because you’re a Snow now. And Snows can do anything.”
“Snows can do anything,” you murmured.
Can. Coriolanus said can. The first firm answer from him in a year. If he could give you that, you could do this.
Your husband nodded at you, a soft smile on his face, “Good girl.”
He moved his hand from your forehead down to your hand and clasped it tightly. His encouragement is what allowed you to start pushing again.
As you pushed, your screams returned. But instead of hopeless, frail screams, they were determined and strong. Soon enough, smaller, whiny screams filled the air- your baby’s.
The doctor swooped the baby out from between your legs, “it’s a boy.”
Tears began to stream down your face again, but they were happy tears.
“Coryo, we have a baby,” you sobbed.
Your husband bent down and kissed your forehead tenderly, “well done, darling. Our very own baby boy.”
“Mr. Snow, the umbilical cord.”
Coriolanus stood and gave your hand one more squeeze before walking over to your baby. With slightly shaking hands he cut the cord, and then your baby boy was placed gently into his arms. He walked over to you, the softest look on his face.
“He’s here,” Coriolanus said, placing the baby into your arms.
Your son was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, and your heart swelled as you quickly noticed some of Coryo’s features and your own on the face of your son.
“He’s perfect.”
After everything had settled and the doctor left, it was just you and your perfect little family cradled together in the master bedroom of your home. Your baby boy sat cooing in your arms, swaddled in a soft blue blanket, while Coriolanus sat behind you, arm around your shoulders and head peering over you to stare at him.
“We make a pretty good baby, Coryo,” you told your husband softly.
“Mhmm, that we do.”
You leaned into his touch as your husband began to run soothing strokes up and down your side. If everything could stay just like this, you would be perfectly happy. You’d never ask for anything else in your life.
“Sweetheart,” you implore softly.
“Yes, darling?”
“Do you think you’ll be able to take some time off work, to be with me and the baby?”
His hand on your side stilled and he inhaled sharply, “darling.”
You turned to look at him, big eyes soft and pleading, “Coryo, please. The baby needs his father.”
You paused.
“And I need my husband.”
Coriolanus hesitated, and you wished you could tell what was going on in that always-running brain of his.
“Maybe, darling.”
The death and birth of hope.
It wasn’t a no- the word so ingrained in your brain that you saw it seared on the back of your eyelids. And in that, there was hope. Hope that you’d get your husband back. That you’d get to be a mother alongside him as a father. That everything could be the way it used to.
But maybe wasn’t a yes either. One too many times now you’d gotten your hopes up when Coryo responded to one of your requests with a maybe.
Well maybe you didn’t like his answer.
Maybe you didn’t like feeling abandoned or alone.
But instead, all you said was, “okay.”
#mk's mad dash#coriolanus snow x you#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow x y/n#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus x you#coriolanus x y/n#coriolanus snow#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus snow fic#coriolanus fic#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus snow angst#coriolanus angst#the ballad of songbirds and snakes fandom#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#the ballad of songbirds and snakes fanfiction#tbosas fanfiction#tbosas#the hunger games fanfiction#the hunger games series#the hunger games#thg
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we’re in love 🖤
coriolanus snow x fem!reader
in which coriolanus has had an awful day and only wants his wife
being the president of panem was not an easy job. coriolanus relished in his power and it wasn’t the descisions he made that would make anyone else sick to their stomach. it wasn’t the hunger games he had to watch. it was his wife’s reaction to the evil things he did.
somehow, a cold and heartless man, a snow, fell in love with a girl. and not just any girl, a kind one. one full of life and love who despised all things evil. in public, she’d hang on to his arm and nod along to his every word. he liked that about her. but behind closed doors she challenged his every move and never let her hate for the hunger games slip his mind.
“you hate violence, don’t you, baby?” he’d ask. “they started a war with us. we fed them, clothed them, we kept them alive, and they rebelled against us for taking care of them.” she disagreed heavily, but she loved her husband. and so she’d quietly nod and leave it alone for a while.
but today, after rumors of the end of the hunger games had swirled around, coriolanus sat at his desk and drafted a statement denying it and confirming the hunger games would be back this year, as entertaining as ever.
he told the publishers to not let his letter reach the public until the following morning, yearning for just one night before a massive fight broke out between him and the only person he cared for nowadays. she would react horribly and he’d have no footing to blame her. after all, to shut her up when he was tired he’d told her they were indeed over.
“mr president,” his secretary asked, peaking in and batting her lashes at him, “are you alright?”
he paced his office, pausing to look at her. “has my wife called by any chance?”
her posture relaxed and she almost rolled her eyes. “no, sir.”
he sent the girl off, hoping for a call. if he called his wife, she’d know something was up. so he anxiously paced his office, just thinking, for the rest of the day and praying she wouldn’t be too upset.
he stayed late, nervous to go home. what if she some how already knew? no, it’s impossible, he thought, and forced himself into the backseat of his car being driven by a man he did not know the name of.
he soon stood in the cold of december, fidgeting with his keys to get inside. regardless of how serious coriolanus took the snow mansions security, his wife would always make sure every door and window was locked down. she sat on the couch in her navy night gown with her heated curls flowing over her shoulders, watching the news with not a single worry of a burglar in mind.
when the sound of the lock clicking and the door opening, she paused the tv. “coryo?” his shoes hit the marble floor and what sounded like his briefcase hit the table. his soft footsteps padded down the hallway until he reached the her. she had the fire lit and he almost smiled at the sight of her curled up on the couch.
“hey,” he mumbled, sitting beside her. coriolanus’s brows furrowed at the tv, a guilty conscience swarming him.
“what’s wrong?” she sat up, sitting on her knees as her manicured nails ran through the blonde hair on the side of his head. she knew him all too well. “why are you home so late?”
“busy today,” he lied. his head fell back into the couch, turning to look at her. she was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. most galas they hosted he was forced to swat drunk men away from her. she was everything a man could ever want. so why did he constantly sabotage what they had? “missed you,” he murmured, his face burying itself in the crook of her neck, her sweet perfume filling his senses.
“i missed you, too,” she smiled softly. her nails ran through his hair as she pressed kisses to his head. his big hands grabbed her waist, pulling her onto his lap in an innocent way.
“i love you,” he whispered, not able to keep it in. he knew she’d think it was odd for him to say it first. and she definitely did.
“yeah?” she asked with a quirked eyebrow. “i love you, too.” she pressed another kiss to the back of his head as his breath hit her neck.
what if what he’d done was her last straw? anxious thoughts attacked him as he held her tightly. “we’re in love, aren’t we?” he asked flatly, trying to be casual about his dire need to have that confirmed by his girl.
a small laugh left her lips, pulling his head up to look at him. he stared emotionlessly at her, one hand holding the side of her face now. “what’s gotten into you?” she waited for an answer she soon realized was not coming. “yes, coriolanus. we’re in love.”
that was an answer that could get him through tonight and whatever argument awaited him. “good,” he hummed, before a smile graced his features and he stood up, swinging her legs around his waist. her laugh rang through the house, his favorite sound.
his arms held her tightly, carrying her into the empty kitchen as the help had left hours ago and set her on the counter, patting her thighs before making himself something to eat with his wife sitting pretty and speaking to him as if everything would always be so wonderful. and he prayed it would be.
#katerinasas#coriolanus snow#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus snow x female!reader#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus snow imagine#fluff#the hunger games#thg tbosas#Spotify
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❥ kissing them ⸺ coryo, peeta, sejanus, finnick
peacekeeper!coryo is not afraid of taking control. that scrawny boy who was your mentor no longer existed, his head was now shaved, his body had doubled in size and he held a peacekeeper position in your district. who would say huh? who would say that the last thing you'd do before leaving your district was gonna say goodbye to him.
"i'll go with you. meet me in the hanging tree. tomorrow morning." he said and pinched your chin with his fingers so you would look at him.
and so you did, you looked back at him with big eyes. coriolanus turned his head to check that no one was coming and then, with both of his hands holding your head still, he kissed you. his body pressed against yours and you had to take a few steps backward to avoid falling, crashing against the wall, and being trapped between it and corionlanus' body.
his lips were moving with such intensity as if he was trying to devour you, you could even feel your teeth clash. coriolanus squeezed your body even more with his and let out a few grunts straight from his chest when you kissed him back with the same intensity. but then he suddenly broke the kiss trying to catch his breath and looking down. "i'll see you tomorrow." and coriolanus left you there, with you breathing so heavily and having to squeeze your thighs.
mutt!peeta has forgotten what it's like to kiss someone. so one night when you were on watch and peeta couldn't sleep, you decided to go and sit next to him, ignoring the safe distance you were told to keep from him. he would ask you questions to which you would answer real or not to help clear up his confusion.
"we kissed. in the arena. before you shoot your arrow. real or not?"
peeta slowly nodded, feeling guilty and sorry for not remembering it. you remembered it all too well and you wanted him to do it too. once again ignoring all the security protocols they had prepared for peeta. you moved closer to him and caught his lips with yours. peeta didn't quite know what to do, but your lips felt good, the knot that had formed in his stomach told him. it felt so good that peeta was glad that that memory was no longer in his mind so he could live it for the first time again.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled when you parted ways but peeta shook his hands and went in for another kiss.
mentor!sejanus is desperate. his father had found him a good tribute to mentor but that person was from his own district. was that on purpose? his father always said that sejanus never truly left district 2. was he trying to punish him?
he left the academy room from which you were watching the reaping. he was sitting by your side and you could see the tight grip he had on his own uniform pants, nervous, before his tribute was announced. once the girl from the district you had been assigned was chosen, you walked out of the room after him.
he was mad, pacing back and forth around the hallway, talking to himself and waving his hands in indignation you got in his way and sejanus didn't seem to notice because he was so angry. you stopped him before he bumped into you, placing your hands on both of his cheeks and bringing your lips together. the boy's body seemed to release all the tension it had built up as he melted in your hands.
you broke away when everyone began to applaud for the end of the harvest. "any better?" you asked.
sejanus' cheeks grew hot, my god could you see them turning red? he let out all the air in his lungs and fixed his uniform. "yeah, i think so."
tribute!finnick is dying of nerves and all he can think about is your lips. his name had been picked again after five years. finnick didn't mind going back to the arena, he already won once and he had no doubt he would do it again, what hurt him was to be apart from you.
they let you see him before they took him to the capitol.
you threw yourself into his arms. finnick placed his hands on your cheeks and connected his lips with yours. you dug your fingers into his blonde locks of hair, pushing him as close to you as possible. his hands slid up and down your back, trying to hold you all in his arms. when he was starving in the arena he wanted to remember your lips. finnick's lips moved desperately against yours, knowing that this would be the last time he would have them for a long time. finnick wanted to remember their softness, how your saliva mixed, the way your teeth bit into his lower lip, the soft moans that escaped from your mouth due to the intensity of the kiss...
"and if i die in that arena, my last thought would be of your lips." you heard him say through your tv during his interview with caesar.
#coriolanus snow#peeta mellark#sejanus plinth#finnick odair#coriolanus smut#coriolanus snow smut#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus imagine#coryo snow#coryo x reader#peeta mellark fluff#peeta mellark smut#peeta mellark angst#peeta mellark imagine#peeta x reader#finnick odair x reader#finnick odair fluff#finnick odair smut#finnick odair angst#finnick odair imagine#finnick imagine#sejanus x reader#finnick odair x you#peeta mellark x reader#peeta mellark x you#the hunger games#tbosas#the ballad of songbirds and snakes
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Lifesavers - Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus x Reader
Summary: You and Coriolanus have always competed for the top spot at the Academy. When you were both chosen as mentors for the 10th Hunger Games, your rivalry only increased, the two of you determined to come out as the victor. However, things changed when, while on a tour of the Capitol Arena, bombs began to go off, and you found yourself saving your rival's life while endangering yours.
Word count: 2.7k
Coriolanus woke up with a low groan and his back against a hard surface. He blinked through the dark surroundings while sitting up, trying to make sense of where he was and how he got there. It looked like he was in some sort of dark tunnel, but he couldn't catch sight of an exit or anything that indicated he could get out. As he forced his brain to remember what had happened before he blacked out, he heard a sarcastic voice nearby. “Well, good morning, sunshine,”
Snow blinks again when he turned his head in the direction of the voice, and he saw you sitting on the ground, your back against the wall facing him with folded arms. Of course, he thought. "Where are we?" He asked coolly.
“Stuck somewhere at the Capitol Arena,” You replied. “Until someone realizes we're gone, I suppose.”
Coriolanus's expression shifted as the memories from earlier came back to him all at once—the mentors and the tributes touring the arena, him discussing strategies with Lucy Gray… then, the bombing happened. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "How long have we been here?"
You shrugged. “It feels like It's been at least an hour, but who knows.”
"An hour…" He muttered under his breath, frowning. Surely someone must've noticed your absences by now, so what was taking them so long to come back for the two of you? He raised his gaze again, his eyes lingering on your shadowed figure for a few seconds before he spoke again. "And how did we get here?"
You stayed silent for a moment like you were debating whether to answer him or not. Coriolanus began to think you wouldn't say anything until he heard you sigh. "You were lying on the ground, already unconscious, and everyone else was running, so I just…” He heard you shifting slightly, a quiet wince escaping your mouth as you moved. “This was the safest place I could find before a bunch of debris fell and blocked the path.”
"And you... carried me? All the way here?" He asked, his eyes narrowing as he studied you through the dark. He knew that the two of you weren't exactly close and it seemed odd that you would care enough to save him.
You scoffed. "Well, I wasn't just going to let you die. I mean, I know we're not exactly friends, but I'm not evil.”
Coriolanus quirked a brow but said nothing. He hated the fact that it had to be you who had saved him. He focused his eyes on your face, and it was then that he noticed a cut on your forehead. The sight of it annoyed him for some reason, and he scowled. "You're bleeding." He pointed out.
Your fingers reached up to touch where his eyes were staring and, sure enough, you felt the thick liquid on your skin. "It's nothing," you said flatly.
Stubborn as always, Coriolanus thought. He could simply ignore your injury and let you deal with it, or... he could try to be somewhat decent and at least try to help you. You did save his life, after all. "Let me see it," He said after coming to a decision.
"I already told you, It’s nothing—”
"Don't be stubborn," He cut you off, a hint of irritation in his voice. He was suddenly moving closer before you could stop him. He reached with one hand and gently tilted your head, his eyes taking a better look at the cut.
You did your best to avoid eye contact with him, looking anywhere but his face as he examined your wound. "How bad is it, doctor?" You asked sarcastically.
Your comment earned you a small glare from Coriolanus. Ignoring your attempt at humor, he continued to inspect the cut, his fingers gently hovering over the wound. "It's not too deep," He said, his voice quieter. "But it's still bleeding quite a bit.” His eyes flicked down to your abdominal area, realizing now that you weren't just folding your arms—you had your hand pressed to your right side underneath your uniform jacket. “Are you injured anywhere else?" He asked, his eyes meeting yours.
Your lips formed a straight line. “Why do you even—”
“Are you injured?” He asked again, his tone sharper this time.
You closed your mouth. Instead of replying, you began to remove your jacket defeatedly. The movement hurt like hell, but you managed to slip it out of your shoulders somehow. The side of your shirt had been slightly ripped and was soaked in your blood. Coriolanus's expression hardened as he stared down at it, his jaw clenched. “Why didn't you say anything?”
"Well, there isn't a lot we can do about it if we're stuck in here, can we?" You snapped back.
“Maybe not, but you still should've said something," He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. Letting out a frustrated sigh, his eyes went back to the injury. “Let me take a look,”
“We might have to apply pressure to it to stop the bleeding,” He said.
You didn't argue with him further, but you were still hesitant as you began to lift the side of your shirt. His eyes widened when he saw the extent of the injury. "This is bad," He muttered under his breath. The sight of the wound made him feel uneasy. He leaned closer to get a better look. "How did it even happen?"
You shook your head. “I can't even remember. Everything was happening so fast, I…”
You remembered the sound of the screams, the bombs going off, and your heart drumming in your ear. You remembered the smoke and the people running around clouding your vision, but somehow spotting an unconscious Coriolanus with ease. You remembered dragging him to the most secluded corner you could find and debris falling everywhere, nearly crashing the two of you. During all of that, you must've hurt yourself without even feeling anything.
Coriolanus nodded, his eyes still focused on the wound. He could tell that it was pretty deep and that you were in serious pain. He looked back up, his eyes meeting yours. "I need you to trust me on this one," He said, his tone firm. He was not usually the one to take charge in a situation like this, but there was no other choice right now. He had to do something.
And you had no other choice but to trust him. “Okay,”
He was glad that you followed along without trying to argue. There was nothing that he could use to press to your wound, so he took off his jacket instead. “This might hurt,” he warned as he scooted closer to you.
When you nodded, he slowly pressed the jacket against the wounded area, applying the slightest pressure. You hissed at the contact, pressing your lips together to suppress a scream. You shut your eyes, hands curling into fists. “I know, I know,” Coriolanus said, his voice softer than usual. “But It’s only for a little bit. The bleeding should be slowing down soon.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. You took a few deep breaths, tears brimming in your eyes. You couldn’t remember the last time you experienced anything so painful. Coriolanus couldn’t help but watch you, an odd sensation tugging at him. He didn’t know what came over him, but he suddenly found himself wanting to offer you any sort of comfort. “Do you need to hold on to something?”
You nodded. It was the only thing you could manage. Coriolanus hesitated for a moment before placing his free hand on yours, his fingers firmly wrapped around your hand. If you hadn’t been in so much pain, you would’ve smacked his hand away, but right now, it was your best bet. You squeezed it as tight as you could. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, letting you focus on the pain. However, he felt the need to distract you, to ease your suffering in any way that he could. “You’re doing good,” He said. “And you’re being surprisingly cooperative as well,”
You let out a weak chuckle, silently appreciating his attempt to distract you. "That's because I have no choice,"
Coriolanus laughed in a silent huff, the faint hint of a smile forming on his lips. "I suppose you’re right." He said. He couldn’t help but notice the slight shift in your voice, and he wondered if you were close to passing out. The thought worried him for a moment. He tried to be more careful with applying pressure against the wound. “Don’t pass out on me,”
You shook your head, although you were starting to feel unsure of how much longer you’d be able to stay awake. Your body was feeling heavier by the minute. Coriolanus seemed to notice. “Talk to me. It’ll keep you awake.”
“Okay, um..." You tried to think of anything to talk about, but your mind was blank. "What do you want to talk about?"
He pondered silently for a few seconds longer before he said the first topic that came to his mind. “Your family.”
You were taken aback by his suggestion. "You want to talk about my family?"
Coriolanus shrugged. “Just thought you’d like to talk about them.”
You blinked at him for a few moments, but eventually, you leaned back against the wall and began to speak. "Well, you already know that my dad is a doctor and my mom is a professor at the University, and, well, you also know I have a younger brother at the Academy," You pause. “Do you remember my older sister?”
“I do,” He nodded. “Tigris and her were friends back when they were still in school.”
You nodded as well. “Well, she got married to an architect, and they recently had a kid.”
Coriolanus’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Did she now? Good for her.”
“Yeah,” You smiled softly.
His eyes lingered on you for a brief moment before he asked, “What about your brother? What has he been up to?”
“Being annoying, like always,” You replied with a scoff. Coriolanus chuckled. “What about your family? How are they doing?”
His expression faltered for a moment and he dropped his gaze, the question catching him off guard. He rarely spoke to anyone about his family, finding that, in conversations like this, the less attention he brought to the Snow name, the better. But he figured it didn’t matter at the moment. “Well, Tigris works with Fabricia Whatnot now, and the Grandma’am is… well, she’s just being the Grandma’am.”
You let out a laugh, another wave of pain suddenly hitting you. You fought back a wince. “I see. That sounds nice, though.” Coriolanus stayed quiet. It was far from being as nice as it seemed, but he wasn’t going to say that. "What... what else do you want to talk about?" You managed to ask him.
Coriolanus snapped out of his little trance and his eyes darted back to your face. You were growing paler and he could tell that the pain was getting worse. He couldn’t stop himself from squeezing your hand tighter, trying to think of anything to talk about until suddenly, a thought popped into his head. A subject that he wouldn’t normally bring up, but one that seemed fitting in the current situation, somehow. “You know, we’ve been rivals for years now…”
You nodded flatly. “We have,”
“Do you remember the first time we spoke?” He asked you.
You chuckled. That was way back when you two were still kids. "Surprisingly, I do," you said, thinking back to that day. "We were at the school's playground, and you approached me while Lysistrata and I were playing in the swing set. You pointed at a nearby tree and said that my hair looked like the bird's nest on top of it."
A small smirk formed on Coriolanus’s lips as he recalled the memory. “You were crying at the time, if I remember correctly.” He added, his voice slightly teasing.
You couldn’t contain another laughter, even when it sent yet another sharp pain through you. "I was. And then I believe I approached you afterward and pushed you into the sandbox."
Coriolanus laughed as well, his expression amused. “I still remember the sand getting in my eyes.” He said. “You were the first person ever to push me into the sand. I remember being angry at the time, but looking back…it was kind of hilarious.”
"It was," you said. Your eyes began to feel droopy. "We never did get along, did we?"
He noticed how heavy your eyelids looked, his eyes lingering on your face. You looked like you were about to pass out at any moment. “We didn’t,” He finally spoke again, his voice quiet. “But we also never tried to, either.”
You lightly shook your head slightly, tilting it back against the wall. "And now look at us... fighting for our lives together inside an arena... who would've thought..."
Coriolanus hesitated for a moment before he spoke, the words coming out in a soft murmur. “Just try to stay awake, okay? Stay with me a little longer.”
Your grip on his hand loosened. You heard him speak, but he sounded distant now. He could sense that you were slipping away, and he desperately grabbed your hand again, squeezing it tighter. “No, no, no. Come on, don’t pass out yet. Just keep talking to me, okay?”
You hummed, doing your best to stay awake. "What do I talk about?"
“Anything,” He tried not to sound frantic as he wracked his mind to come up with something to keep you focused, to keep you awake. And suddenly, an idea popped into his head. “Tell me about your favorite childhood memory,”
You smiled faintly. "My favorite childhood memory..." You said, talking and blinking slowly. "It was probably when my parents took me and my siblings to the fair for the first time. You remember the fair?"
Coriolanus nodded quickly. He remembered the fair all too well - the colorful lights, the laughter and joyful screams of the people around him, the sweet smell of cotton candy, and the sound of the calliope in the background. “I remember.” He said, desperate to keep you talking. “So, you liked the fair?”
"It was my favorite place in the world back then. My sister and I rode nearly all of the rides, and I remember my brother crying because he still couldn't get into a lot of them..." You swallowed, struggling to continue. "I remember my dad buying us candy apples and popcorn and lemonade. Everything tasted like what I imagined heaven felt like as a child…"
Coriolanus listened to your words, the ghost of a smile appearing on his face. “That all sounds incredible,” he said.
“It was,” You agreed before letting out a long sigh. “I’m tired…”
His smile vanished and his eyes widened at your words, panic spiking within him once more. “No,” The hand holding the jacket against your wound went up to grip yours. “No, you can’t fall asleep yet. Just stay awake a little longer, okay?” You tried to speak, but it was like you couldn’t move your lips anymore. It was getting harder to keep your eyes open. "Stay awake, come on..."
In a moment of desperation, Coriolanus brought your intertwined hands to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss onto your knuckles, his eyes never leaving your face. He was the last thing you saw before your eyes gave up and closed completely.
Coriolanus’s heart sank to his stomach. No no no…. He reached out to lightly shake your shoulder, trying to get a response from you, but nothing happened. You were completely unconscious now, and his mind was overwhelmed with panic and worry. You couldn’t die here. Not like this…
A low rumbling sound came from the large pile of debris blocking their path and his head snapped up, his eyes searching around quickly. In one moment, the pile collapsed, clearing out the exit, and a group of Peacekeepers walked in. They looked around the room with their flashlights until they spotted you and him on the ground. Coriolanus turned back to you as he heard them approach the two of you. Two of them helped him up while a third one crouched down next to you to check your pulse. After a moment, he turned to the others. "She's still breathing," he announced. “But we need to take her to get checked out right away, or else she won't make it.”
He could feel the relief and adrenaline coursing through his body as the Peacekeeper lifted you. You’re still alive. You’re alive.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐲 - 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
warning: smut
pairing: president snow x reader
promt: after years apart and the same feelings still remaining, y/n happens to run into her past lover Coriolanus at the old cottage they used to share.
The sun was setting in a rich tapestry of gold and crimson as I strolled through the familiar streets of my old village, the typical things on my mind, my old cottage, my old music box, the sweet bakery smells, and of course, the man I'm still desperate for despite the years behind our no longer continuing story.
As I continued to walk through my favorite field, the one I first kissed Coriolanus in, the air was fragrant with the scent of blooming jasmine and night time flowers, stirring up long-forgotten memories. It had been years since I last walked this way, the cobblestones familiar beneath my feet, and yet they felt different—charged with nostalgia and longing within my untouched and hungry body.
As I rounded the corner, right next to Corios old cottage we'd spend our late nights in, I could hardly believe my eyes. There stood Coriolanus, leaning against the gate of his old cottage building, a half-smile gracing his lips as he pulled something from his rusted mailbox.
He hadn't changed much; his tousled light hair glimmered in the fading light, and those sharp blue eyes still had the ability to hold my attention completely. I caught my own breath, and reached for the trim of my dress to keep me steady.
"it's been ages," I said, approaching him cautiously.
"Y/n?" he said walked right over to me, quickly finding a place to place the mail so that he could pull me into a hug. We were childhood friends before all else anyways.
His long arms wrapped around my waist, his chin rested onto my shoulder, my hair filling his scent, he was just as warm as I could remember. I took a deep breath as he slowly pulled away from me, slyly letting his hands stay longer than what should've been deemed welcome.
"It's been long, Corio." I said looking at him with all my desire lingering.
"Too long," he replied, his voice was deep and inviting. After smiling at one another for a while longer, he offers. "You should come up for a cup of tea—catch up. My balcony's the best place to reminisce." his voice was teetering on a stutter.
Yet there was something magnetic about his invitation. Temptation tugged at me, a whisper in my head that said, "What's the worst that could happen?" knowing that this was probably going to end up somewhere it hasn't in years, but somewhere its wanted to.
I nodded, and he stepped aside, holding the gate open with a sweet smile on his face.
As we climbed the stairs throughout his old place, the building exhaled memories—laughter, love, and especially heartaches. It was hard to believe that just a few years ago, Coriolanus and I had been entangled in an unspoken flame that flickered only in stolen moments in the hot nights and heated touches. A situation that neither of us knew how to define, yet it clung to my heart like a tattoo on my skin, like a catchy rhythm I couldn't get out of my head, something I couldn't erase.
Then finally, we reached his balcony, the fields sprawled out before us, a canvas of life painted with twinkling lights and the distant sound of bugs and wind. The cool evening air was refreshing, blowing my hair every which way, keeping his eyes glued on me.
Coriolanus gestured for me to sit, the same two chairs we sit and chat in for hours were there, and the table I had said my last goodbye to him over. As he disappeared into his cottage or a moment, and I took in the view, letting my heart race with the excitement and the chance of rekindling an old flame that I wasn't ready to yet let go of.
Finally, He returned with two steaming mugs, the aroma of chamomile wafting towards me. My favorite. "Thought you might enjoy this," he said, handing me a cup. Our fingers brushing against each other for a fleeting moment, and an electric jolt surged through me as I held tightly to the warm mug.
He settled into his chair, his eyes filled with thought, and his body not resting like mine had been.
Slowly settling into easy conversation, reminiscing about the past—the adventure, the late-night talks on this very balcony, the secret smiles exchanged in crowded rooms. Laughter pinged around us, and it felt like no time had passed at all.
And beneath the surface, there was a weight we could neither ignore nor address. As the tea cooled in our mugs, the talk turned toward that exact weight. Corio has started to ask me about my life, and I shrugged, attempting to downplay the emptiness that had crept in over the last year without him.
"Have you been seeing anyone?" he asked, his tone casual but laced with curiosity. I wanted to lie, I didn't want him to know. Know that he was still the only one.
I hesitated, unsure of how to navigate how to lie to him, if I could lie to him. Ultimatly realizing I couldn't. "Not really. Haven't been... looking, I guess."
Coriolanus raised an eyebrow, a nearly teasing smirk tugging at his lips. "looking? That sounds like a mild way to say you're living like a nun."
I couldn't help but chuckle, but beneath the laughter lay a sting of truth. "More like a hermit, really. It's been over a year since... well, you know."
His expression shifted, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "Over a year? Really?" he leaned forward in his chair, keeping his curious eyes on me.
"Surprised?," I replied, a rush of vulnerability coursing through me. "Sometimes it just... happens, you know?" I avoided his eyes, I couldn't let him know he was the reason. "Just not for me recently."
"I know," he added, standing and leaning forward on the railing, his gaze even more intense on me. "So, what's stopping you? You know, from... changing that?"
A blush crept to my cheeks at the implication. The warmth of his presence enveloped me, and I felt a familiar longing rising within. "Life is complicated, Coriolanus. It's not as easy as just flipping a switch." I uttered before standing closer to him. Both of us facing one another now. My heart still racing as fast as it did like when we were dumb kids.
He leaned closer, his eyes going from my eyes to my lips, the distance between us shrinking. "No, it's not. why flip a switch you know?" His eyes danced with mischief and the same longing I saw in my own eyes every time Id Envision him with me. "I could... help you with that, you know." He said, mere inches from my face.
My breath hitched at his words. "Help me with what?" I said, even though I know exactly what he's saying.
"Fixing your little... situation," he replied, his voice dropping to a low, sultry whisper in my ear. "If that's what you really want, y/n?"
I smiled, softly feelings his fingers dance with mine. "Why flip a switch, right?" I say.
Caught in that heated moment, I couldn't suppress the thrill that surged through me. There was something intoxicating about his proposition. As if sensing the crackle of tension in the air, Coriolanus closed the gap between us, his face so close I could feel his breath. "What do you say, huh? Like old times?" he said pushing a piece of hair behind my ear, his breath brushed against my lips, sending sweet shivers down my spine.
There was a spark, a magnetic pull that rendered me unable to resist. I leaned in, our mouths crashing together in a deep kiss—one that tasted of my favorite tea and the years lost between us. It was all-consuming; the doubts around us faded until it was just me, him, and the feelings that never left.
His hands cradled my face gentle, deepening the kiss as I melted under his touch. I felt a hunger ignite, and I instinctively pressed my body against his, reveling in the feel of his warmth and strength. The kiss transformed from soft exploration to violent grabbing—our lips bruising, his large hands grabbing me tightly in dangerous territory, as we rediscovered each other.
"Are you sure?" Coriolanus murmured breathlessly, pulling away just enough to meet my gaze, searching for my consent.
My heart raced in response, caught in a whirlwind of emotions. "Yes," I whispered, a softness threading through my voice. That single word came out as a promise—a reckless abandon into our past, and that spark of youthful chaos I had thought we lost.
With newfound quickness, he pushed me against the railing. his scent filled around me, an endless mindset of possibilities filled my mind as he pressed me firmly against the iron bars. My heart thudded as his mouth crashed into mine again, more insistent this time. It was primal—a collision of need and desire that threatened to engulf us both.
His hands roamed my body as I lost myself in the rhythm of our intensity, one hand helping support what the railing couldn't, and he other lingering over my sensitive areas, his warm hands slowly going from my knee all the way up my thigh, his lips detaching so he could watch me twitch.
With one deft motion, he spun us around, His sudden stop of touch making me whine, but making up for it by pinning me against the balcony wall. The cool surface of the brick pressed against my back contrasted with the heat radiating from his body. Desperation coursed through me as his hands pulled my thigh up around his lower waist, opening my enterence up to tease me.
"let me have you right now" he breathed against my ear, finding the delicate skin below it with his lips, igniting a trail of fire across my neck.
"Here? Right now?" I gasped, my breath hitching again, the rush of adrenaline making everything feel intoxicating,
He pulled back slightly, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Why not? The night is ours—and frankly, I don't think either one of us can wait much longer."
With a flourish, he turned me around, pinning me hands on the wall, a sharp gasp leaving my mouth as I felt his erection press into my backside. I felt his warm hands again, this time pulling up the back of my dress slowly. I need him now.
"Stop teasing me. I want it now." I said eagerly.
"whatever you say y/n" He began to pull down my panties, gripping onto my waist. feeling the contours of my body, tracing the curve of my waist, sending little shocks of pleasure coursing through me. With a deft hand, he began to undo the buttons of his pants, his lost touch igniting every nerve.
I bit my lip, waiting for the largeness I remembered. "Ready for me baby?" he said kissing down my back, keeping me still. "Please." I pleaded still pinned to the bricked wall.
"Whatever you say." He said kissing my back one last time. Slowly he began to wet his fingers, slowly teasing my sensitive area, then one by one adding a finger. Each one making me moan and hold onto the wall however I could. A quick laugh escaping his lips as he began to move them in and out.
His touch now was nearly to much, I couldn't began to explain my excitement for his length. But I know he could sense it. "All prepared for me now." he said leaning against me, kissing my neck. I felt his erection tease my enterence.
as he kissed his way back to his position, I felt him push his tip slowly into me. I couldn't help but squirm in need. "Please, do it already." I exclaimed, before he quickly pushed himself into me. A sharp gasp left my lips, my hand immediately reaching for his. As he rested inside me for a minute, his breath in my ear, he pulled out with a sharp gasp from his mouth.
He put my hand back on the wall, moving my hair off my back to make room for more kisses as he pushed in and out of me, his hands remaining tangled in my locks as he moved at the pace he remembered I liked.
"God I've missed you." He said, breathe shaky, still pounding with harsh passion into me. "You have no idea." a deep moan escaped my lips, the sensation of him stretching me igniting pleasure that shot through my needy body. He pulled back only to thrust even deeper, each movement deliberate, each thrust drawing me closer to the edge.
"Tell me how it feels," he urged, his voice a velvet whisper that curled around my senses. "Let me hear you."
I gasped, the rhythm increasing, each thrust drawing me further in. "It feels even better then I remembered," I managed to breath out, pushing back against him, every fiber of my being craving him more and more.
"mhm," he replied, the dominance in his tone sending waves of heat through me. "You're so good for me"
In that moment, I felt his hands tighten around you, anchoring me to him as the intensity built. There was something primal in the way he moved, something so raw that it sent my thoughts spiraling, leaving nothing but the need to surrender entirely.
"Just like that—don't hold back," he commanded, his voice deep and demanding, urging you me embrace the wildness of my passion. I felt the pressure building, a tight coil of pleasure winding in my core, urging me to release.
As he reached that exquisite spot within me, waves of pleasure began to ripple through my body, stronger with each thrust. The world around me faded entirely as the sensation overtook me, electric shocks of bliss dancing along my spine.
I gasped, the past between us roaring to a fever pitch. With a final thrust, everything ignited within me, the intense waves crashing over me in an overwhelming rush. I was limp on the wall. still breathing heavy as he finished out his high. Feeling more sensitive then ever before.
Coriolanus's voice reached me, dark and familiar, wrapping around my senses. "I've never missed anything more" he urged, pushing me to the brink of something I couldn't control. And as the tide of it all consumed me, I surrendered to the bliss, to the acknowledgement that I stilled loved him. That he was all I was ever going to want.
word count (2.4k)
#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus smut#coriolanus fanfiction#peeta mellark x reader fluff#the hunger games#president snow x reader#president snow x reader smut#mdni
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“Tell me you love me,” you begged.
Coriolanus looked at you sullenly, "You know I can't do that." It was the night before his departure back to the Capitol. He had heard the news from the Commander that Coriolanus was the youngest to pass the officer candidate test. Naturally, he was ecstatic; it was a chance for him to return home to what he knew. But that meant he would be leaving you behind. No opportunity awaited you, no golden ticket to take you away from impoverished District 12.
"Please, I need to hear it, just this once before you leave."
His hands tenderly cradled your face, stroking his thumb's pad across your cheek. Leaning in, Coriolanus brought his lips to yours and kissed you as if it would be the last. Deepening the kiss, he allowed your tongue to slip against his. The minutes felt like hours as the two of you embraced each other.
Pulling away to catch your breath, Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you and looked into your eyes when he said.
"I love you."
#⟢DRABBLE#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus x reader#corio snow#coriolanus smut#the hunger games#tbosas#coriolanus snow#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#thg#x black!reader#x black reader#coriolanus snow x black reader#coriolanus snow smut#fluff#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus fluff
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𐙚⊹ ࣪ - kiss me

pairing: peacekeeper!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
warnings: straight up fluff, hint of daddy issues :p, slight ooc!coriolanus ?
summary: a peaceful morning in a cabin where y/n wakes up thinking about her relationship with coriolanus.
you wake up to the sounds of the bird chirping outside of the windows. it was a hot night and with no air conditioning, it was hard to sleep with no type of air circulation. corio rectified the problem by opening all the windows to let the cool night breeze in.
you blink your eyes open, seeing coriolanus's buzzed hair in your view right away. you smile thinking back the events from last night. after making dinner together, he showed his love for you in a way that made you glad no one could hear you for miles and miles.
your life with corio in district 12 was different than your life in the capitol. after disobeying your father's advice to not fall in love with a snow, he let you follow your boyfriend in district 12 after he was sent there for helping his tribute win the hunger games. he thought a lesson is learned best when you experience it for yourself.
you obviously had a different opinion on your relationship with corio than your father did. to you, corio was the only one you could lean to. unlike your father, he actually cared about you and protected you. you were glad to have a man like him in your life.
you get up from the bed carefully and decide to go out to the porch to let your mind wander. you sit on the chair and tuck your legs close to you.
you miss your family back home, but what good is a family if they never supported you? they never bothered to even give you an ounce of attention. the snows were the only one you could really count as a family.
tigris was closer to you than your actual sister. you were thankful to have grown up with the snows. they gave you love and affection that your own family never did.
coriolanus was the best thing to happen to you. you couldn't believe you were finally living your lives alone, together. you continue to ponder about your new life with your boyfriend.
coriolanus stirs in bed, feeling y/n's absence beside him. he opens his eyes groggily, scanning the empty space beside him, and then suddenly noticing the open front door. concern and worry flood his mind as he quickly sits up in bed and glances around, searching for his lover.
he stands up quietly, stepping out of bed and padding silently over to the porch, his heart racing with worry and apprehension. but it all goes away once he lays his eyes on you sitting peacefully.
he approaches you with a slight worry in his eyes. he didn't know what to make of him waking up without you by his side. "is everything okay my love?" worry filling his voice.
"mmhm everythings okay corio" you smile up at him, getting up from your chair to wrap your arms around his waist. the sudden hug took coriolanus by surprise but he isn't mad about it.
his arms wrap around you like a protective shield, he can tell theres a lot in your mind, "what you thinking about bunny?" he murmurs softly, his voice filled with love and concern.
"just glad to have you in my life 's all" you mumble still in his arms. he smiles at your response, his heart warming up to your words. he presses soft kisses on your hair and temples, his touch gentle and comforting.
"i feel the same way about you. you've brought so much joy and love to my life, and the thought of losing you breaks my heart." he responds. he cups your face in his hand, his gaze meeting yours, full of sincerity. "you are my everything bunny."
your heart swells with how in love you are with him. your chest fills with this bittersweet feeling that you can't get rid of. "i love you so much corio" you confess.
coriolanus's heart swells with love as he hears this. he pulls her as close as he can get, his embrace tight and protective. coriolanus gives you a kiss, your lips meeting in a tender and passionate embrace. he pours his love and devotion into the kiss, his arms tightening around you as he deepens it. "i am yours, my love," he whispers against your lips, his voice full of emotion and desire.
"forever and always."
your heart swells with love and contentment as he says those words, and he leans in to rest his forehead against yours, "and i am forever yours," you whisper back.
the feel of his forehead against yours, the closeness, and the safety of his embrace makes you feel like nothing could hurt you as long as you stayed together. your love and bond is unbreakable, and you know that you'll always have each other to lean on, no matter what the future holds.
your history with him shows how your love perseveres through anything.
#the hunger games#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus x reader#thg#thg tbosas#coriolanus snow x female!reader#tom blyth x you#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow imagine#coriolanus snow fanfiction#coriolanus snow x you#coriolanus x y/n#coriolanus x you#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus snow#tom blyth x yn#tom blyth x reader#tbosas#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus fluff#tom blyth fanfiction#tom blyth#tom blyth x fem!reader#coryo x reader#coryo x you#coryo snow#thg fanfiction
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Coriolanus Snow —
THE MORNING SKY (series — in progress)
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader — (posted in order of when I’ve written, so out of timeline order)
TOM BLYTH x ACTRESS!READER taglist — (if your user is bold and not tagged, it means i wasn’t able to tag you.)
@daenerysqueenofhearts | @coconut-dreamz | @spencerstits | @callsignwidow | @inf4ntdeath | @coryos0ngb1rd | @upsidedownjill | @toeoffrog | @awatt31 | @bada-lee-ily | @sassyangel16 | @lovebyceleste | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @yessswhale89 | @jolleluvsyou | @ennycutie | @ashcosmo | @urfavnoirette | @woweewowen | @awatt31 | @thedeadlynights | @nomorespahgetti | @hopelessromanticwriter | @a-mysterious-potato | @foxevxid | @euphemiaamillais
ALSO! since spots fill up so fast, and i’m so grateful for that, i no longer do tag lists for individual characters! keep an eye out for when i post previews to snag a spot on a tag lists! OR follow my backup @kemp-steve and have notifications on!
#coriolanus snow#tom blyth#tom blyth x you#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth x fem!reader#tom blyth x f!reader#coriolanus snow x you#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow x fem!reader#coriolanus snow x f!reader#coriolanus snow x female reader#tom blyth x female reader#social media#social media au#tbosas#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus snow angst#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus angst#coriolanus x you#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus x fem!reader#coriolanus x f!reader#tom blyth fluff#tom blyth angst#coriolanus snow fanfiction#tom blyth fanfiction
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Off to the Races
| "...who else is gonna put up with me this way? i need you, i breathe you, i never leave you. they would rue the day i was alone without you...and we're off to the races, places, ready, set, the gate is down and now we're going in..." |
| this drabble contains sexual content ;) |
The August heat is blistering for those who walk the Capitol streets.
Coriolanus almost pities them while his family's car drives past them towards the arena. Today is the fourth of August, and every year since he can remember, the Snows attend the horse races on this day. It's an excellent way for the wealthy to flaunt their money and for the poor to watch them do it.
The sunny day will be filled with champagne, conversations, betting, eating, racing, and of course, winning.
He sits across from his parents, his mother's hand rests on his father's forearm, sweet and submissive as he's always known her to be. Her hat is quite loud in his opinion, red to match her dress with a peacock feather sticking out of it. But he won't be the one to comment on his mother's fashion choices.
He's smarter than that.
The Snows sit quietly as the car rolls to a stop near the South entrance, also known as the entrance for those who can afford to buy a box. The poor people come through the North entrance.
"Remember darling, smile," mother reminds him, drawing her fingers up her cheeks as an example. Coriolanus nods, keeping a neutral expression, he's taken after his father in that regard, rarely smiling whereas his mother never stops. She's rich and doesn't have to work, he would be smiling all the time too.
But Coriolanus has a reputation to uphold as he begins his last year at the Academy, top of his class, more popular than ever, and the one person you don't want to mess with.
Smiling does not convey the message he wishes to be received by the general public.
Besides, he's seen the way people respect his father, how they move out of the way for him to pass by, how they duck their heads and avoid eye contact. If that's what not smiling can get him, then he's on the right track.
"Just watch how much you drink," is all father says before the driver opens the car door for them. Coriolanus steps out after his mother, shielding his eyes with his hand as the sun beats down on him. It's a beautiful day for the races, with not a cloud in the sky.
"Come along darling," mother trills, already walking up the carpeted steps with father. Coriolanus follows after his parents, keeping his head held high as they enter the arena. Coriolanus has undoubtedly taken after his father in looks, wearing the same blond curls, blue eyes and tall stature. They take up room and demand to be respected.
They make their way to the staircase that leads to the upper levels and private boxes, he can already hear the chatter and excitement from down here.
"Oh, there's the Creeds," mother points with a gloved hand, "and the Cardews!" Coriolanus sighs, he was hoping that Livia Cardew might not show up today, but with the races being so close to the beginning of the school year, she'd be a fool to miss it.
People will be talking about it at lunch on the first day back, no doubt.
Which means he ought to make the most of today.
He separates from his parents once they reach the top of the stairs, each member of their small family going their own way. Mother goes to her friends, and father to his, leaving Coriolanus to approach his classmates who have already arrived, Festus, Livia, and Lysisistrata Vickers.
He nods politely at the girls and gives Festus a firm handshake, "Rolling in fashionably late Snow," Festus notes with a smirk, "we thought you might not make it."
Coriolanus shakes his head, eyeing the table in front of him which has all sorts of cheeses, crackers, grapes, and meats, a lovely spread to snack on while they wait for the races to begin. "Of course not," he answers, snatching a cracker or two, "you know how we are, and mother needed to find a bird to strangle for her new hat."
The girls laugh at his joke, feeding into his ego. Coriolanus is well liked amongst his peers, especially the girls, but he hasn't really taken a particular interest in any of them. Livia is plain rude, an insufferable creature at times, so he could never court her.
Lyssie is nice, too nice for him, he'd never make her happy.
There's Persephone, but she and Festus have this unspoken thing that's been going on for quite some time now. He knows better than to get in the middle of that mix.
Clemensia Dovecote is one of the prettier girls in their grade, but she can be quite scary when she wants to be with her sharp words and even sharper nails, always manicured to perfection though.
Then there's Io Jasper, Didi Ring, Domitia Whimsiwick, Arachne Crane, surely he's forgetting someone but then again, they must not be that important if he can't even be bothered to remember their name in the first place.
No, best to go this year alone.
"My mother won't stop yammering about how this will be the last race I attend as an Academy student," Festus gripes, sipping a glass of posca, "she acts as if I won't be attending next year."
Livia sighs, scanning the room filled with the elite Capitolites, "It's a bit exciting though, isn't it? Next year we'll officially be adults, able to place bets without our parents, drink without limits." Coriolanus refrains from rolling his eyes at Livia's childish way of viewing adulthood. If betting and drinking are all she's looking forward to, then her father better prepare to be bankrupt before the year is over.
They chat about meaningless things for a little while longer, like who their teachers will be, who might start dating who, what they plan on studying once they go to the University.
The thought of the University somewhat worries Coriolanus, who has grown used to his small pool of familiar classmates. The Academy's tuition is the priciest in the city, only the richest families send their children there. But anyone who can pay their way into the University is allowed to attend, and that worries him greatly.
What forlorn creatures will be crawling out of the dark corners of the Capitol next year to seek a higher education? And will he be forced to sit next to them? To learn next to them? To treat them as equals?
He doesn't think so.
He glances around the large room, there are lots of young people his age serving as waiters and waitresses, will they be in his class next year? Will they think they're of the same descent as he is from?
Coriolanus is a Snow, and he'll be treated as such.
A trumpet sounds, alerting the attendees that the races will begin in ten minutes.
"We're in the box to your right," Festus tells him as they all begin making their way to their private boxes, "who are you betting on this time?"
Coriolanus bites back a grin, locking eyes with his father, "No chance I'm telling you Creed."
Festus lets out a defeated sigh, the Creeds have never had good luck at these things, "May the best horse win then." Coriolanus nods, "Good luck."
He joins his family in their box, filled with sofas, tables, a buffet, Avoxes to tend to their every need, and most importantly, air conditioning.
Coriolanus walks up to the balcony, gazing down at the poor people in the seats below him, fanning themselves with informative pamphlets. How pathetic.
Mother comes to stand beside him, holding her small binoculars, "Oh, there's our horse! Lucky Number Seven!" She's exaggerating really, it's not their horse but the Snows have always bet on the same number each year, and they've also won every year.
Snow always lands on top.
Mother leans over the railing, looking over to their right where the Creeds are also looking down at the crowd and then to their left, where an empty box remains. Or so he thought.
Mother lets out such a sharp gasp that both Coriolanus and his father jump, "There's the Nightingales! Goodness, they rarely ever show at these things, I wonder what's brought them out today."
Father rises from the sofa after recovering from mother's dramatic gasp, looking over the small wall that stands at about four feet, dividing each box where Glen Nightingale has appeared, making a surprise appearance.
A few murmurs pass through the boxes, rarely does Glen Nightingale show up to these sorts of things, unless...ugh. Coriolanus feels his jaw tick when he sees her, wearing a dress she probably bought just for this with gloves to match.
Soarynn Nightingale, Glen's only daughter, and the only one who could get him to come to something like this.
If Coriolanus is the King of the Academy, then she'd be the Queen. The only problem is, they can't stand each other. He can't tolerate her sweet, sugary personality, acting like she's the Capitol's darling with her long blonde hair and perfect skin. She's got everyone wrapped around her finger, students and staff included.
He truly believes that he's the only one who hasn't fallen for her false personality.
As if proving his point, mother abandons her own family to run over to the edge of their box, waving Soarynn and Glen over with her gloved hand. It's fitting that mother would adore Soarynn, always fussing over her at these events, always talking about how lucky her future husband will be whilst simultaneously jabbing Coriolanus in the ribs.
He sees what she's putting down, but he's not picking it up.
Soarynn and Glen make their way over to mother, and Coriolanus and father do the same, it would be bad manners to ignore them.
It's funny to see the two richest families in Panem clashing like this, making small talk as if they don't have great influence on this country. Father has made his fortune in the Capitol, whereas Glen has made his in the Districts, pitting them against one another business-wise.
Coriolanus had always thought it meant there would be animosity between them, that his father would hate Glen, but instead, he found that his father respected the man a great deal.
"He's provided for my family the same way I have," he once told Coriolanus when he asked about it, "and I'd be a fool to create bad blood between our families. Never burn a bridge you might have to walk back over someday son."
Coriolanus had been younger when he heard that from his father, not understanding what bridge he was referring to. But now, as he comes face to face with Soarynn, it's clear that they are the bridge, and all he has to do is marry her.
"Soarynn," he greets her with a fake smile, "how lovely to see you."
Soarynn returns his smile with her own, flashing her pearly whites up at him as she gazes into his eyes, "I was going to say the same thing to you Coriolanus, my, my how you've grown over the summer. You might just be as tall as your father by now."
His eye twitches but mother is quick to shove her way into their conversation, resting her hand on Soarynn's cheek, "Oh, you look so beautiful today darling, absolutely beautiful. Doesn't she Crassus?"
Father grunts, always a man of few words, "Looks just like her mother."
From what Coriolanus has heard, Cera Nightingale was an absolute vision. She was so beautiful that she had her pick of the litter and according to Mrs. Creed, who was once very drunk, Cera turned down Crassus Snow's advances towards her and instead, chose to court Glen Nightingale.
Coriolanus sometimes wonders what his father feels when he looks at Soarynn. Does he see the daughter he never had? Does he see the woman he once loved? Does he feel pity or envy when it comes to Glen who lost a wife but gained a daughter in the process?
To Coriolanus, it's clear who won the battle. Father has a son and a wife, both alive, both happy. Meanwhile, Glen is all alone, never choosing to remarry. But perhaps he's happier than some who are married with children. He certainly seems to enjoy his daughter's company, enjoys it enough to make a public appearance with her.
Soarynn smiles sweetly at father, "Thank you both, we just had to come and see the races today, didn't we father?"
Glen nods, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose, "Soarynn hasn't stopped pestering me about it for weeks, and I figured a little fresh air couldn't hurt." Mother nods in agreement, fanning herself from the exertion this conversation has caused her, "Well, it is the event of the season. Will you be placing any bets today, Glen?"
Coriolanus takes a moment to survey Soarynn's outfit for today. She chose to forgo the hat, pinning up her long wavy hair into a fashionable updo, showing off her pearl earrings she's always been so fond of.
Not that he ever notices these types of things.
For her dress, well, he hates to admit how fashionable it looks on her slender figure. It's white, perfectly tailored around her waist with sleeves that stop at her shoulders and the skirt stops right above her knees. The lapels of the dress are ironed to a crisp and the buttons stop right where she's able to show off a classy amount of cleavage.
Anymore and she'd look like a harlot.
She's paired her outfit with white heels and white mesh gloves that show off her golden rings and freshly painted nails.
As much as he can't stand her, he has to admit, the girl knows how to dress.
She catches him looking and a cruel smirk grows across her glossy lips. Soarynn has always been aware of how much he dislikes her. The feeling is mutual and it only feeds into his hatred more and more each day.
"I am betting on Number Six," Soarynn proclaims in a haughty tone, causing Coriolanus to scoff.
"You are going to place a bet?" He asks, unable to believe that this girl knows the first thing about handling money, "Do you even know how this works?" Mother immediately reaches over to pinch his arm but Coriolanus anticipates it and dodges her attack, "I'm serious," he says, looking around at everyone, "what do...what do women know about horse races?"
If Soarynn wasn't mad before, she's furious now, and if looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.
"If you can do it then it clearly can't be that hard," she fires back, causing both their fathers to chuckle. "Ah, young love," Glen muses, resting a hand on his daughter's shoulder, "we should sit down honey, get you something to drink."
Soarynn shoots Coriolanus one more nasty glare before following her father to one of the sofas, Coriolanus returns it with his own glare, he does not like that girl one bit.
"Really Coriolanus? You had to bring gender into it?" Mother asks with a huff, but he doesn't feel bad, not when it's with her, that prissy little primadona who always gets what she wants.
It's high time she learned that Snow always lands on top.
Even if it means Nightingale falls to the bottom.
꧁ ꧂
The beginning of the races is always the most boring, there's always some sort of delay, some lunatic running onto the track or a horse suddenly falling ill.
Good for the tabloids, bad for the people who showed up in person under this sweltering heat. Coriolanus feels even better than everyone else sitting high and mighty in his family’s box, cool as a cucumber whilst munching on sliced cucumbers.
He looks to his right where Festus is already getting properly drunk. He then looks to his left where Soarynn is rising from the sofa, empty champagne glass in hand. She hands it to an Avox before saying something to her father, vaguely gesturing to the door before leaving her box.
Coriolanus follows her as far as his obscured view will allow him to. She must have gone to the bathroom. He finishes off his own drink, whiskey, since his father slipped him one when mother wasn’t looking. She’s too preoccupied gossiping with Mrs. Creed, leaning over the wall that serves as a barricade for the boxes.
She might as well hop over to their side and make herself at home.
With no one actively paying attention to him, he decides to slip out as well, beelining for the bathrooms.
Some people enjoy the finger foods and air conditioning that these private boxes provide.
Others enjoy what really matters when it comes to these events: the private bathrooms.
They’re not enormous by any means, but they’re clean, cool, and are rooms instead of stalls. An entire hallway is lined with them, half for the men, half for the women. Coriolanus has found that there’s always a line for the women, he’ll never know why and he’ll never want to take their place either.
They probably spend too much time gossiping and obsessing over themselves in the mirror.
Nevertheless, he begins walking down the hallway, pulling on each door handle, disappointed when the doors swing right open. Perhaps he misjudged the situation, perhaps she went somewhere else, perhaps…oh, what’s this? The last door is locked.
He bites back a grin and knocks once, then twice, then once again.
The door swings open and he stares down at a very agitated looking Soarynn Nightingale, even in heels she’s shorter than him. “It’s about fucking time,” she huffs, grabbing him by the tie and dragging him into the bathroom with her.
Coriolanus laughs, she can act all high and mighty in front of their friends and family, but deep down, he knows she’s a simple minded girl with simple minded desires.
She wants to be fucked and he’s the only one who thinks he can properly do it.
Despite their roaring sexual chemistry, Coriolanus has managed to hold off any actual feelings for the girl since they started this entire sexual affair six months ago. It all started out so casually, a heated kiss in the empty hallway, grabbing her in the library, groping him in the courtyard.
One thing led to another, clothes came off, lips found one another, and…he’s trying his best to be good, to be cold and distant and act like this isn’t the best sex he’s ever had in his life.
But it’s hard. It’s so fucking hard because she’s so fucking tight, and flexible, so perfect for him. She’s so soft, she smells so good, and she takes such good care of herself. He didn’t even know it was possible to be this hairless but she’s managed to pull it off, doing it flawlessly every time.
And she gives a nasty blowjob.
His lips are on hers in seconds, leaning down while he fumbles with the lock, the last thing they need is someone stumbling in on them. Coriolanus and Soarynn have mastered the art of indifference and sneaking around. At school, it’s storage closets, at parties, it’s empty bedrooms, and at events, it's bathrooms like these.
He can’t begin to count the amount of times he’s disappeared for a good half hour all to bury himself in her tight little cunt. They come and leave separately, making sure that neither their family nor friends are none the wiser.
There have been a few close calls, or a few times where he's thought about properly bedding her in his apartment, but it's far too risky. Anyone who sees two teenagers leaving the same room together is left with little to assume. It would be an outright scandal for both of them and their families.
He can't have that.
So, it's a little rendezvous like this that keeps them going.
Her lips are impatient against his, using her teeth to tug at his bottom lip. Coriolanus nearly growls at her harsh treatment, they both need to leave this room the exact same way they arrived, unscathed and unblemished.
He's quick to place his hands on her waist, holding her against him so that he can regain some of the control. Unlike the other girls he's fucked, Soarynn does not necessarily lie down and take it. She enjoys taking the lead and frustrating him, challenging him every step of the way, which makes these quick interactions very stressful for him.
But he's embarassingly addicted to her cunt so there's no saving him now.
"Placing fucking bets, huh?" He taunts while kissing her, slipping one hand down to her ass, palming it through the thick fabric of her dress, "How much do you wanna bet that you're already soaking wet for me?"
Soarynn mewls at his touch, leaning into him as she wraps her arms around his neck. She can act all high and mighty in front of their family and friends, but he knows that she's just as addicted as he is to this little scheme they've been running.
He's counted too many longing stares, heavy sighs and pouting lips to put it past his own imagination.
But sometimes he wonders if she just wants him for the sex, or for something more.
It wouldn't surprise anyone if they were to start courting, it's almost expected so maybe that's why they're so opposed to getting along outside of these heated touches and secret kisses.
Either way, now is not the time to think about these things.
"Just hurry up and fuck me," she whispers, "my father will be wondering where I've run off to."
Coriolanus doesn't need to be told twice when it comes to sliding into her warm cunt. He breaks away from the kiss and spins her around, deciding that he can bend her over the sink for the easiest access.
"Where'd you run off to this time then?" He asks, using one hand to unbuckle his belt while the other unzips the back of her dress. Soarynn gasps when he tugs on the zipper too harshly, "I told him I was going down to the main level, and watch my zipper," she hisses, shooting him a glare through the mirror in front of the sink.
Coriolanus merely chuckles in reply, letting his belt and her dress fall to the floor. Next he unzips his own pants, groaning at how confined his hard cock feels in his boxers, so close to being set free. Apparently she anticipated one of their secret little meetings because she's wearing a matching set under her outfit today.
Lace panties and a lacy bralette, it does wonders for the human mind, in his opinion.
He allows himself to stare at her semi-naked body for about ten seconds before tearing her panties down her tanned legs, if he lingers too long, she might grow suspicious about how he feels about all of this.
A good player never reveals his cards.
He slides two fingers in between her legs, causing Soarynn to moan and throw her head back when his fingers rub against her clit, sopping wet already from her dripping folds.
"Little slut is already wet for me huh?" He teases, pulling down his boxers, "I bet I could've fucked you in the box and you'd like that too, hmm? Always desperate for a fight and a fuck."
Her back arches the more he rubs her clit and he quickly pushes the tip of his cock into her entrance, both of them moaning at how heavenly it feels when he's inside of her.
Coriolanus is quick to start up the pace, wrapping one arm around her waist while he rests his chin on her shoulder, watching their reflection in the mirror. "Look at you," he says huskily in her ear, "my little slut, always ready for it. If you place bets as well as you take cock then you just might win this race."
Soarynn has never shied from dirty talk but she also doesn't shy away from talking back either. A double-edged sword in his opinion.
She rolls her hips back to meet his thrusts, causing him to stutter at the sudden movement, "Well if your talk is as big as your game, then maybe you'll win the races today," she replies, digging her nails into his forearm. They're too evenly matched, both vicious in their own rightful ways.
He decides to focus on just fucking her, they don't need to talk all the time. If anything, their public arguments are just foreplay. Something to get both of them equally riled up so they can fuck it out later.
He watches her face in the mirror, how it contorts in pleasure, how her eyes flutter shut, how her lips fall open, how soft her skin is. He's heard that you're only as pretty as you are on the inside, but Soarynn must be some exception.
Her walls squeeze tightly around him, begging him to spill inside of her, which is something he takes great joy in doing. Thank goodness for the birth control implant or they would have a child or two already.
"I'm close," she pants, gripping the sink with her other hand, "make me cum Coriolanaus."
Coriolanus Snow, a boy who hates being told what to do, finds himself fucking her harder than before, desperate to get her to te finish line before the horses on the track do. It's like he suddenly has something to prove, something that lets her know that he is the only one who can satisfy her needs.
He can feel himself nearing his orgasm as well, they almost always finish together. Like a couple. A couple of delinquent teenagers fucking in the bathroom right now.
Their compromised position is what gets him to the edge, not wanting to spend too much time away to raise suspicion. He rubs at her clit even faster than before in tight circles, causing Soarynn to moan from the stimulation. He lands a few more thrusts right against her sweet spot as he paints her walls and that's all it takes to make her cum.
Soarynn does what she always does when finishing, she goes limp in his arms and for a short amount of time, trusts him to keep her upright and safe. He takes this short-lived responsibility very seriously and keeps his arm wrapped around her waist while they both pant, coming down from their individual highs.
He rests his forehead on her bare shoulder, smelling her soft skin, always vanilla with this girl. He debates kissing the soft skin near his lips but decides against it. He doesn't want to make things weird.
Soarynn lets him know when she's regained consciousness by tapping his arm, telling him to let her go which he does without protest, slowly pulling out of her cunt. They both groan at the feeling, at the emptiness inside both of them.
He wonders what causes that emptiness, the lack of sex, or the lack of a real human connection.
Now is not the time to ponder these things.
Soarynn and Coriolanus make quick work at cleaning up. Soarynn wipes herself down, fixing her hair and adjusting her makeup while Coriolanus wipes down as well. He pulls his pants back up and slides his belt through the loops. Soarynn slips her dress back on, going to pull the zipper up but she only makes it halfway.
"Here," he says, in a gentle tone compared to how he usually speaks to her, "let me." Her eyes slightly widen, he's usually much meaner after they finish, she is too. But then her eyes and shoulders soften, "Thank you."
He simply nods, zipping her all the way up, "I'll let you go first."
Soarynn hums, checking her reflection one last time before turning to leave, but for some unexplained reason, he stops her, grabbing her wrist.
"Give me a kiss," he says, almost like he's begging.
Her lips curl into a cruel smirk, much more like the girl he knows and hates, "A kiss? Don't tell me you've gone soft," she purrs up at him. Coriolanus scoffs, tugging her closer, suffocating on her intoxicating scent, "Just give me a kiss."
To his surprise, she does as he asks, pressing herself to her tiptoes to peck his lips. She slides her gloves back on and pats his cheek with her hand, "The big, bad Coriolanus Snow asking for kisses in the bathroom," she teases, "what would your father say if he saw you like this?"
His jaw ticks and she's successfully pissed him off all over again.
"You keep my father out of this," he tells her, growing angrier when she walks out of the bathroom with no response.
What would his father think of all this?
Would he think that Coriolanus was being foolish? Or would he see himself in his son? Running after the beautiful girl with blonde hair that he too chased after so many years ago?
His father has always said that Snow lands on top, but standing alone in the bathroom leads Coriolanus to question if it really does.
Or is that just a lie he tells himself?
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus manages to return to his box without raising any suspicion and apparently, he didn’t miss a thing.
“There’s been a delay darling,” mother tells him, helping herself to some tarts on a silver platter, “something about the track? I don’t really know if I’m being quite honest, I was too busy chatting with Mrs. Creed when they made the official announcement.”
He’s not surprised.
Coriolanus helps himself to some fruits before sitting back down next to his father who hasn’t moved since he left, still as a statue.
“Where’d you run off to?” He asks and Coriolanus tugs at his collar, it’s suddenly very hot in here. “To see who they were predicting to win,” he easily lies, leaning back into the sofa, “odds are in our favor once again.”
Father grunts and glances over at the Nightingale’s box, Soarynn and Glen stand near the balcony, sharing conversation as well. “Good, apparently Soarynn did place a bet on Number Six. Glen let her choose.”
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, that sounds like the sort of thing he’d do. From what he’s gathered, Glen Nightingale is eager to please his daughter, even if it means letting her spend all his money on horses and shoes.
“Well, we’ll see how that plays out,” is all he replies with.
A few more minutes go by until it’s finally time for the races.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for your patience. The races are about to begin!”
A cheer goes up in the crowd but Coriolanus is far too preoccupied with his lingering thoughts from the bathroom moments ago. Maybe he needs to cut things off with her permanently, if he can’t have all of her, then there’s really no point in continuing this.
He also doesn’t want to see her end up with somebody else, doesn’t know the type of person he’d become if he saw Soarynn walking down the hallway holding hands with another boy.
Who else could be more perfect for her than him?
No one.
He’s so busy thinking about her that he missed the gun going off and the race beginning. But his father is already on his feet, pacing the length of the box as the race edges on, Number Six and Seven neck and neck with each passing lap.
Coriolanus stands to his own feet when they reach the final lap, yelling alongside his father as Seven nears the finish line, the jockey holding on for dear life while his horse thunders down the track.
He quickly glances over at Soarynn and finds her equally enthralled with the race, cheering for Number Six who’s up by a hair.
It’s a close race. It’s so close. It’s getting closer.
It’s done! It’s done and Number Six has won the race!
Coriolanus hears his father mutter some not nice words before returning to his seat, defeated and less rich than when he came to the arena.
Mother comes up to him, fanning herself with a gloved hand, “I certainly wasn’t expecting that,” she says to him, “we always win.”
Coriolanus looks over at Soarynn again but this time, she’s looking right at him, a big smirk on her face while waving a handkerchief at the jockey riding Number Six.
Coriolanus scowls, he’s definitely going to fuck her extra hard the next time he sees her.
He goes over to his parents, both look equally shocked and defeated as he is, “I think I’m ready to depart,” he announces, shoving his hands in his pockets. This feeling is so foreign, so...confusing.
Is this what losers feel like?
Mother nods eagerly, resting a hand on father’s knee, “Yes darling, we should go before traffic gets bad.”
Still upset over his loss, father stands without a word, leading their family out of the box and towards the stairs. The entire arena is slowly leaving the building, causing quite a traffic jam for those who bought general admission tickets. But for those who have a private box, they simply go out the private entrance.
While waiting for their car in the shade, Glen and Soarynn approach them, rubbing salt in the wound so to speak.
“Looks like I know more about betting than you think I do,” Soarynn brags in a haughty tone, ignoring the look her father gives her. Coriolanus scoffs, staring her down despite his epic, public loss, “Please, you got lucky. That’s all.”
Soarynn shrugs, “Luck is the name of the game, Coryo.” She tacks on that nickname to piss him off and it does just that, but before he can say anything, their car arrives.
“Lovely seeing you two again,” mother says, kissing both Glen and Soarynn on the cheeks, proper etiquette for those who reside in the upper class when saying farewell.
Soarynn smiles brightly at mother as if she wasn’t getting fucked by her son half an hour ago, “So wonderful to see you again Mrs. Snow, and you as well Mr. Snow.”
Father nods, shaking Glen’s hand, “Good luck in school this year young lady.”
Soarynn looks expectantly at Coriolanus to say goodbye as well, it would be proper to kiss the back of her hand or give a friendly hug, but he is not feeling friendly right now.
He either needs to punch someone or fuck someone and he’s already exhausted the second option.
Soarynn seems to be all too aware of that, and instead of leaving him be, she surprises all of them by stepping up to him and planting a big fat kiss on his cheek. Coriolanus is stunned beyond words, never has a girl shown this type of affection towards him in front of his parents.
These are the types of gestures that have meaning and intention behind them, not for the faint of heart, but mother looks like she might faint while placing a hand over her heart.
“I’ll see you in school,” Soarynn said sweetly, stepping back as if she didn’t just kiss him in front of their parents. Coriolanus coughs into his fist, he’s probably turning bright red, “Yeah, see you in school.”
He’s the first to leave and doesn’t wait up for his parents, speedwalking to the car so he doesn’t have to look at Soarynn for another second because he might explode.
Once everyone is in the car, mother pounces, eagerness in her tone, “Darling, she likes you! She kissed you on the cheek because she likes you! Is there something going on? Are you two thinking about courting?”
Coriolanus shakes his head, burning with embarrassment about the whole thing the more he thinks about it, “No, no, there’s nothing between us,” he swears, ignoring the look he gets from his father.
Mother doesn’t look convinced at his claims, “Well, I suspect that something might bloom between you two this year. How thrilling, Crassus, isn’t it thrilling?”
Father has a far away look in his eyes while gazing at his son, as if remembering his years during school. “Yes, I remember the thrill of the chase, I also remember how it ended.”
That’s all Coriolanus needs to hear.
All he needs to hear to decide that he will not end up like his father did. He’ll get the girl and keep her, proudly show her off while climbing to the top.
Today might have been an exception, but one thing has still been made perfectly clear to Coriolanus after all these years.
Snow lands on top.
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
| 'Born to Die' |
{ Companion: ‘Million Dollar Man’ }
| taglist: @lovelylove268 @kickmybark @iswearicanfixhim @wonderlandbound111 @melodyoflovee @thevoicesinmyprettylittlehead @erensrealgf @evilmenarehot @cervvsq @snowgirl12 @matcha-muses @anisangeldust @snowsgames |
#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#hunger games#coriolanus fanfiction#soarynn snow#ao3 fanfic#coriolanus snow#the hunger games#slaymitchabernathy#wattpad#stay with me always#ao3#staywithmealways#coriolanus drabble#darkcoryo#drabble#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus x oc#original character#oneshot#possesive coriolanus#presidentssnow#coriolanus x festus creed#coriolanus x soarynn#oc x canon#coriolanus x original character#coriolanus fic#coriolanus smut#soarynn nightingale#coriolanus fluff#born to die
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i need to see a scenario of where reader has a younger sibling that ADORES coryo and he gets to babysit them with reader but he’s not that good with kids
yeah i feel like sometimes he has so little patience, that being around a little kid would leave him utterly exhausted.
Let's say this is peacekeeper!coryo but less insane coryo for this concept's sake.
You live in District 12, he took a very big liking to you and now here you are, spending most of your free time with the Snow boy and feeling the most you've ever felt for someone. And he can say the same! He's let you into the deep recesses of his mind and change him for the better (he hopes).
And you have a little brother but Coryo hasn't had the chance to meet him properly yet. You let it slip to him that you've kinda been talking about him a lot around your brother and that he's very excited to meet someone from the Capitol of all places.
Coryo feels honored by it. But he keeps it to himself that he's not even sure how to handle a little kid. He'd feel pressure, knowing it was someone you cared deeply for and Coryo is not one who likes to mess up.
But I think you'd find it endearing? The way he fumbles when your brother starts to randomly play pretend, telling Coryo he's a dragon and himself, a knight.
Coryo doesn't understand at first that maybe he should let the child win the game of pretend. He catches on quick enough not to spoil the day when you give him a wide-eyed look as your brother's lip trembles when Coryo the dragon is about to kill the knight.
Your brother asks him a thousand questions about the Capitol and Coryo answers every one of them, maybe even ones that are a little too much for a child to hear and you're batting at his shoulder and redirecting the conversation.
And Coryo feels very warm inside later that day when he watches you sing a lullaby to your brother as he lays on the blanket you guys set up near the lake. He starts humming along, knowing the song you're singing and the smile it brings to your lips is enough to make him want to do this day all over again.
let's chat about coryo, here :)
#coryoasks#nicer coryo lmao#still lil out of pocket#coriolanus snow#coriolanus x reader#coryo snow#coriolanus x you#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth fanfiction#tom blyth#coriolanus snow smut#coriolanus snow fanfiction#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow imagine#coriolanus snow x you#coryo x reader#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus smut#coriolanus fluff
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ugh babes i just need coryo to tell me i'm doing a good job as i struggle with school work.
being in high school and doing college work fucking sucks.
You're Doin' Great, Doll
Tw/Cw: none
Summary: Coryo encourages you and tells you you're doing great 🫶🏼
A/N: short and sweet drabble, enjoy :)
"Doll, what's wrong?" Coryo inquired, running a gentle hand down your spine. His touch was cold and comforting due to your head throbbing in pain from studying your high school and college coursework.
You felt drained and simply leaned into his touch, sighing.
"All this fuckin' work, it's killing me," you told him, pushing your books away from yourself.
He hummed for a moment before turning your chair to face him and pulling your head up to meet his sharp gaze.
"I see... and why is it killing you, dove?" He murmured, lazily caressing your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
"It's just stressful having to study grades above me," you answered, feeling your body's tension leave you as Coriolanus continued his simple touches.
Another hum and his icy blue eyes softened, finding no reason to not believe you and ignore the doubts that continuously lingered in the back of his mind.
"You're doing great, Doll, even if it doesn't feel like you are. I'm proud of you," He reassured, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before taking your hand in his. "You deserve a break. Come. We'll do one of your hobbies before my meeting."
"Coryo, what did I do to deserve you," you breathed out, hugging his arm as he pulled you from your seat and out of your study your parents had made for you.
"Be honest," He answered, half-serious as his lips quirked into a small smile seeing you relax already.
Tags: @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips
#coriolanus fluff#corio snow#coriolanus x you#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus smut#coriolanus snow#coriolanus fanfiction#coriolanus snow fanfiction#coriolanus snow smut#coriolanus snow x reader#coryo x reader smut#coryo x reader#coryo smut#coryolanus snow#coryo snow#young!coriolanus snow#young!coryolanus snow#tom blyth x reader smut#tom blyth x oc#tom blyth x you#tom blyth imagine#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth#tom blyth x fem!reader#coryo x gn!reader#billy the kid smut#billy the kid x reader#billy the kid x you#billy the kid
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you 🩰
coriolanus snow x fem!reader
in which coriolanus snows wife cannot sleep without him.
the red LED clock on the dresser of the Snow’s shared bedroom read 2:04 am. the first lady of panem tossed and turned, her favorite silk nightgown suddenly uncomfortable and her soft hair itchy.
she’d been trying to find any sort of sleep for four hours and yet no matter how exhausted she was, she knew she’d never find it until she had her husband.
she slipped out of the bed, putting on her baby pink slippers and her robe over her shoulders. “it’s okay,” she whispered to their cat who gave a small meow. she pet her head gently, “stay here.”
the bedroom door creaked open and she shut it behind her. the house was dark with warm lamps sporadically lighting the way as her feet padded down the long hallway and downstairs to coriolanus’s office.
his head hung over papers, a hand holding up his head lazily. his once perfectly gelled hair was now messy and ran through, hanging down in his eyes. his tortoise glasses slipped down his nose and a small sigh fell from his lips as he scribbled something down with a gold ballpoint pen.
“coryo?” called his wife softly, making her way across the room.
his head shot up, his most energetic movement in hours. “you should be in bed,” he said, leaning back in his chair. she stood beside him and his arm snaked around her waist, his other hand rubbing her hip as he leaned over to kiss her stomach. “what d’ya need, baby?”
she sighed, holding the back of his head. “you.” he looked up at her with a smirk earning him a smack on the back of the head. “not like that.”
he frowned before pulling away from her. “this is important, sweetheart. you need to sleep, i’ll be there in an hour or so.”
“coryo,” she whined, kneeling at the side of his chair, too tired to stand.
his hand held the side of her face, thumb rubbing her cheek. coriolanus pressed a firm kiss to his wife’s head, attempting to fight the urge to pick her up and go to sleep with her. “i’m sorry, this stuff- it’s all urgent.”
“what is it? maybe i can help?”
“no,” he said shaking his head, “nothing for you to be concerned about.” a deep frown sat on his face. “want me to come tuck you in?”
she shook her head. “i want you to come to bed.” her hand sat over his, pleading with him. “your work isn’t going to grow legs and run away. it will still be here tomorrow, i promise.”
“so will you,” he said in attempt to make a joke but she was all too tired for it. she quirked an eyebrow at him, pulling a sheepish ‘sorry’ from him.
“c’mon,” she whispered, standing from her crouched position. “you need a break,” she pressed a kiss to his head, “and rest,” she pressed another to above his ear, “and cuddles i’m sure,” another to his neck. “and i can’t sleep without you. so please?” she asked as a final attempt.
coriolanus sat silent a moment before pushing the chair back. “alright, baby.” he stood up, towering over her before picking her up bridal style. her face buried itself in the crook of his neck as he carried her, shutting off lights as they went.
he laid her in the middle of their bed, the california king she’d insisted on getting. he pulled the covers over her before taking off his shoes and placing them in the closet how she liked, undoing the buttons on his shirt and taking his pants off before putting them away.
he shut off the big light before crawling in next to her, wrapping his big arms around her. “love you,” he murmured into her soft hair.
“i love you, too,” and the pair fell asleep with tangled limbs and their cat sleeping above their heads on the same pillow.
2nd post today #grind😛😛
#katerinasas#coriolanus snow fluff#coriolanus snow x female!reader#coriolanus snow#coriolanus snow x reader#coryo x reader#coryo#the hunger games#the hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes#thg tbosas#coriolanus fluff#coriolanus snow imagine
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High Infidelity - Coriolanus Snow
Authors Note: Yup. I wrote for him. Hate me for it. (This was also the first time I wrote him so it’s not the best characterization, but hey. It’s been sitting in my drafts foreverrrrrr)
Word Count: 5642
Warnings: Prostitution. Lmao. And really bad writing so be prepared for that.
Apart of the Midnights Album Event
My MAIN Masterlist is here!
(Thank you for the gif @youremyvioleta )
Lock broken, slur spoken
Wound open, game token
I didn't know you were keeping count
Rain soaking, blind hoping
You said I was freeloading
I didn't know you were keeping count
Your mother had always warned you away from him, warning you of the terrible terrible things that came from his family, she used to sit you at the table and plead with you to stay as far away from Coriolanus Snow as you could.
“Everything with that family ends with bloodshed.” She had warned you, telling you to stay away.
You hadn’t, and you never would….. well at least you never thought you would.
You had grown up with Coryo, known eachother since you were just children and had survived a war together. Had gone through starvation together. Back then you hadn’t understood why your mother was so afraid of him, this was the boy that had shared a can of beans with you when you had nothing. And now that the Capitol was back you were still as thick as thieves.
“I’m sorry.” You rush out, staring at your best friend right now, tears sliding your cheeks. “I don’t understand Coryo.”
It had been months since you last saw him, his hair was shorter and whiter now, and his face set into a grim glare. But it was the eyes that were different, they were cold and dark, just making eye contact made you shutter.
You had rushed to the train station to pick him up, an expensive flower in your hand and a wide smile. That had promptly been wiped away the second he got off the train and snapped at you.
The words fuzzed a bit, but it was something along the lines of “I’m warning you to stay away from my family, you freeloading wretch.”
“Do I really need to repeat myself?” The smile he gives you is anything but warm. “What? Now that I’m back you want to tag along all the time? Steal my family's fortune and pretend you’re not a starving leech?”
“Starving Leech? When have I ever taken anything from you?” You bite back, hands curling into fists.
“I can give you an entire list of everything you have taken from my family.” He laughs. “And I promise you that there will be no more favors.”
“You….. I hadn’t realized helping eachother from not starving was a favor. You ate from my table to need I remind you.” You snap, a heat crossing your skin, casting eyes towards a pair of on lookers.
You didn’t have time for this, you had a shift at the med wing.
You said as much to him, enjoying the way his eyes narrowed as he finally took in your medical garb. “We’ll talk later.” He scoffs, and you walk off after that, set on never talking to him again.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
It was nothing but sobs the night your mother passed away, cuddled on the floor of Coryos floor with his arms wrapped around you, trying to keep quiet just in case his grandmother woke up.
She hated tears, always thought them a sign of weakness.
“Shhh.” Coryo whispers, petting your hair back. “It will be okay.”
“What will I do?” You sob, feeling like your chest was caving in. “How will I survive?”
“We’ll find a way.” He whispers, using the pad of his thumb to rub the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sure Tigris can get you a job, and you can move in here if you need. Just take a moment-“
“I can’t. I can’t breathe.” You panic, hand snapping to his jacket as if he could keep you planted to the earth, your breathing ragged panting as your vision begins to blur.
“No. No.” He breathes, fingers snatching your jaw to make you look at him, digging into your skin. “Focus. Breathe. You’re stronger than this. Take. A. Breath.”
You listen, breathing in the same time he does, deep and open, breathing out when he does. Your nerves calm a bit, and you close your eyes as the tears keep falling. He pushes your head until it is laying on his chest. “Your mother just died. Don’t focus on the future, just let the pain settle. You’re safe here. I promise.”
And so you did, letting the sobs free as he held you all night.
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
“Did….. did you see her?” Tigris asks, keeping close to the doorframe of his room, hugging her arms close to herself as she watches him work at his desk.
He feels himself tense, spine stiffening so much a wave of pain passed over him, doing his best to seem natural about it all. “She will not be coming around anymore if that is what you want to ask.”
He would make sure of it, he would make sure no one took from him or his family ever again. Not that bitch from 12, not Highbottom and not….. you. You whose face filled his brain with sunlight and warmth, you who made his chest melt and hands shake from nerves.
He loved you, always had.
But that couldn’t be anymore. He was set for a pristine life now, he could not let his weakness get in the way. He already risked it more than he should have.
“She missed you. A lot.” Tigris sighs, moving a little closer. “And she…. Well she helped us scrap together money for care packages and rent.”
“I’m sure there was something she could get from it. Don’t worry.” Even as he says it his gut clenches. He didn’t believe it for a second, but this needed to be done.
“She….. Coryo she-“ Tigris seems to stutter over the words, closing her eyes as if just thinking about it dragged her into a wave of pain. He tries not to laugh because what did she have to hurt about? Living the plush life here as he fought for them in 12, fought for them in the games. Risked his life to make sure that girl survived.
“She. What?”
“She….. well once she found out we were short on rent and she had nothing to offer she…. Slept with someone…… for us.”
“How would whoring herself out help us?” He already knew, his heart beating through his chest as his hands began to shake, clenching them into fists so it wouldn’t show. He was going to be sick.
You wouldn’t have. No.
“For money. She made us-“
“GET. OUT.” He sneers, standing quickly. “Get out right now.” He watches his cousin dash from the room with tears sliding down her face, his own kings constricting at the news.
You couldn’t have. You couldn’t have.
Regret laces through his stomach, your face flickering through his mind. Of course you would. You would do anything for him and his family.
Storm coming, good husband
Bad omen
Dragged my feet right down the aisle
At the house lonely, good money
I'd pay if you'd just know me
Seemed like the right thing at the time
It had been a fools dream long ago that you would marry for love, nothing but a dream of a child that didn’t know better, hadn't let the world destroy her yet.
Now, you knew better. Staring at your soon to be husband, Festus Creed, with a small smile playing at your lips. You were trying to make it seem like you actually loved him, like you actually cared what he was saying as cameras flashed at you both. The light of it blinded you a bit, and you tried not to flinch while he merely laughed and gripped your hand tighter.
He saved your ass and the Snow’s asses. Playing pretty little fucking wife is a small price to pay. You remind yourself when he kisses your cheek. Just pretend. Smile and pretend.
You had sold yourself to Festus in the months that Coryo…. Coriolanus was gone. When you were barely making ends meet and his cousin and grandmother weren’t making it. You had known that Tigris sometimes sold herself to people that wouldn’t really know her last name, but she hadn’t ever been able to get the primary houses due to her family's nobility.
You could.
So, you offered yourself to Creed, a classmate of Coriolanus’ and one that he had warned you to stay away from. “A viper wearing human skin.” How ironic how things turned around.
You tried not thinking about Snow at all, tried to get his face out of your mind, but every time you got close to winning against your memory, he somehow managed to pop up. Every. Single. Time.
It had been months since that initial argument the day he returned. You had been a fool who planned on confessing your love to him, planning on asking him to marry you. Then he called you a gluttonous leech, and Festus proposed a week later. It should be history.
And yet, right on cue, you spot a light blonde head of hair making his way through the crowd quickly as you and your fiancé stand quickly, the crowd of cameras dispersing at the engagement party resumes its flow.
You tried not to sneer about the sheer amount of money these people threw at everything. Just a couple months ago you had been starving, and now you can only watch as dozens of tables were set up with ludicrously decorated desserts that wouldn’t actually be eaten. “Never eat the food in front of them. Makes us look bad.” Festus has told you before your first party with all of them.
“Might I go to the restroom really quick?” You ask him, trying to move around with his arm tightly wrapped around you.
“Of course.” He smiles, giving your hip a tight squeeze before his eyebrows pinch together. “Let’s greet Snow first. I’m sure your old best friend would love to see you.”
Wish I could say the same. You bite back the remark on the tip of your tongue with a pleasant smile, allowing Festus to lead you to where your old friend was finally cutting through people. He had a grim look on his face, he always did these days, and if you didn’t know better you would assume he was upset.
“Snow.” Festus smiles, “glad you can make it. I know game keeping has been keeping your attention these days.”
Something in your stomach clenches at the words, no matter how many times people spoke of it you still could not believe that he was helping with the games.
You feel his stare in the side of your head, but you keep your eyes firmly on Festus, playing with his hair a bit as you play the role of lovestruck girl. Festus glows at this, eyes lighting up as he looks at you.
Whether or not he knows you’re using him as an excuse you can’t possibly care, he likes that you’re rubbing it in Snows face all the same.
“How could I miss this…. Joyous occasion?” Every word is clipped, and you try not to roll your eyes. “It’s wonderful that you’re family is able to take the young medic in.”
You know the underlying meaning beneath the words, snapping to glare at him. A smirk slides onto his lips as his eyes spark with excitement, it takes you a minute bro realize you had just fallen into a trap he laid out. To get you to look at him.
“Well I’m no freeloader.” You bite out. “I’ll obviously keep working in the hospital.”
Festus barks out a laugh at this, hand tightening on your hip as his other moves to hold his stomach, pure humor on his face. “Oh darling. How outrageously funny that was.”
“How was that funny?” You ask, blanching a bit.
“You’re not going to work! How would that make my family look?” Festus laughs, leaning to kiss your lips. You try to kiss back, something tightening in your throat as a sharp sting begins to form in your eyes. Do not cry. Do not cry.
“I’m going to go grab a drink. Keep our friend entertained will you?” Festus smiles, squeezing your hip once more before moving to walk away, leaving you with Coriolanus.
You risk one look to him, already seeing that he was staring right at you, and take a small sip from the Champagne in the flute as you think about how to get away. You decide on “I do hope you enjoy the party. I’m going to make my way to the ladies room.”
And for a second you think you’re brilliant, turning on your heel to walk away quickly but he is fast, taking three easy steps and cutting into your path.
“I was hoping we could talk.”
“We just did.”
“Did we?”
“What do you call that whole conversation with my fiancé if not talking?” You put on an airy smile, and fear freezes at you at the sheer anger in his gaze. Panic settles in, and you stand straighter, choosing to play offense. “Besides. You’re the one that warned me to stay away. What was it you said? ‘Or suffer the consequences’, wasn't it?”
His eyes shutter but otherwise he does a good job of playing calm, using one hand to pull imaginary lint off his jacket. “I believe so. But maybe I’ve decided I was wrong.”
“You weren’t wrong.” You snipe. “I was a freeloading wretch and now I’m not. Problem handled. We can go our separate ways and never speak again-“
“Festus was the one that paid you, wasn’t he?” His voice is low, but his eyes are screaming at you as he leans closer. “To help pay for rent. It was Festus.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You did. And he knew it, which was answer enough.
“I’m sorry you-“but you’re gone, dashing to find the bathroom.
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
The door to the Snow Mansion caught a little, letting some of the winter air in with you, your teeth chattering as you did your best to shut it. Managing to push all your body weight into the door to finally get it closed before you puffed hot air into your palms, the sack you carried heavy in your hand as you hear someone call your name.
Then he’s there, surrounding you in what little warmth he had, arms wrapped around you as you try to ease the shivers.
“Come in. We are burning some of mothers old romance novels for warmth.” He smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you to the fireplace where there were indeed pages from novels burning quickly.
“I brought this-“ you smile, holding up the bag of the goodies you managed to smuggle out of work. “It was someone’s anniversary and they had tables of food. I grabbed what I could before they threw it all out.”
A smile breaks out across his face as his cousin and grandmother both gasp and move to surround you. Before you know it you are all huddled close to the fire, eating quickly to try and ease the hunger, Coryo sitting close to you.
Once all the food is gone his grandmother retires to bed and Tigris goes to heat up water, leaving you with Coryo by the dying fire.
“I…. I always imagined small family dinners. Always wanted it for my own family, eating close together rather than a large table.” You admit, pulling your legs close to yourself. “Never did I imagine this though.”
“One day I’m going to get us out of this.” He mumbles, one hand reaching to hold onto one of your own. “And we will have that.”
There was that feeling of happiness rising in your chest as you looked at his determined face, leaning to kiss the corner of his lips softly. “I look forward to it.” And you believed he could make it happen, you truly did.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
You could learn to love him, you were sure of it. Somehow someway you would fall in love with my Festus, provide him a child that would inherit his families vast fortune and you would see to it that your kid never had to worry about starving.
You would rake yourself over coals before letting your child do any of what you had to do.
Like right now, fake moans filtering from your lips as Festus had his way with you on a random desk in a study room you did not recognize. Not that it was surprising, this family liked their secrets.
Once he was done he smiled at you, kissing you quickly as he fixed his pants and tucked in his shirt. “Fix yourself up. We have an engagement party to get back to.”
And with that he was gone from the room, leaving you to fix the skirt and sink to the floor, using the side of the large oak desk to lean on.
The sound of the door opening barely draws your attention, sighing out as you stare at the bookshelf, trying to piece your nerves back together as you always did after Festus.
“Are you alright?” The tone was a mix between your old friends comforting voice and the new Snows voice, and you tried not to roll your eyes.
“I’m fine.” You snap, your spine stiff. “Go back to the party.”
“I should be saying that to you.” He mumbles, moving closer and sliding to sit next to you. “It is your party after all.”
“Yeah? Is it?” You mumble, scooting over slightly to get away from him. He merely follows you, sliding right next to you once more.
Before you can yell at him he is holding out a cloth napkin, filled with those crème cookies that filled the tables out there. Macarons, Festus had called them. But you hadn’t had one. Rich people liked to starve.
“Come on. We both know you want one.” He smiles.
“Does it have poison?” You snipe, remembering the reason he had been sent away in the first place. He had given that Lucy girl an advantage in the games. Poison.
“No, not for you.” He smiles, like you hadn’t just completely tried to chase him off. Then he grabs one and shoves the entire thing in his mouth, making a small laugh slip from you before you bite it down, rolling your eyes. “Do you remember my 13th birthday?”
“No.” Yes.
He had stolen sandwiches from his school lunch and you had somehow managed to steal chocolate chip cookies from some party you had been working at. You ate together in the park, huddled by a tree so no one would see you, whispering all the things you wanted to see in the world.
“It was by far one of the best birthdays I had ever had.”
“One of?”
“Well my favorite birthday was the one before the war. I got so many gifts my parents made me a playroom.” He smiles.
You try not to let the words sting, what were measly cookies to a playroom. That was the life he belonged in. Luxury.
“You won’t be working then?” He asks after a moment of silence. “I always thought you liked being a medic.”
“I haven’t been an actual medic for long.” You sneer, you had only earned the honor while he was gone. Before that you simply volunteered every morning before your actual job, taking lessons whenever you could scrounge up money.
“A short lived career then.”
“What do you want me to say? My husband won’t allow me to work then I won’t work. It’s simple.”
“I would need my wife to work.” He shrugs.
“Why? You wouldn’t want a freeloader?”
“No. I would be running for president of Panem. And I believe that a medic for a wife would help my votes.” He states bluntly, eyes catching yours as your own widen.
“I’m sorry?” But he doesn’t respond, instead he holds out that damned napkin of cookies again. And you snatch one quickly, turning away the slightest bit to eat it.
“You’ll think about it?” He asks, eyes never leaving you.
“Think about it? There is nothing to think about.” You laugh, wiping sugar from the corner of your mouth before using the desk to help you stand and stepping over him.
Before you could fully escape his hands snatch your calf, pulling you down until you unceremoniously fall into his lap. “I told you to stay away from Festus. His family is not-….. he won’t give you what you want.”
“He’s paying my rent Snow. I’m just fine.”
“What happened to family dinners? Or the 6 kids running around.”
“I can have that with him.”
“Can you?” He lets you go then, knowing his words hit the mark when your face falls.
You leave the study, trying to pretend things are fine for the rest of the day, but his words cling to you like a skin of a snake.
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
You would have loved the atmosphere of District 12’s underground space, the dancing and music, laughter falling through your ears and the best of their dancing jolting down your spine with every stomp and clap.
Though he never understood your fascination with the districts back then, during the games he was beginning to understand slowly, and seeing this he could.
“Let’s go get a drink.” Sejanus laughs, pushing him to the bar as he imagines you twirling through, stomping and clapping at the right times.
It’s that night, drunk and a bit out of it that he lets the words he had been holding back for years slip. Sejanus had been grousing on and on about how he knew Snow was a good guy by the fact that his closest companion had been a young student healer rather than a Capitol clone and Snow tried not to bristle as how easy Sejanus laughed off your history.
You had worked for everything, and yet the man in front of him made it seem like you had chosen the healer life out of pity, rather than your hardwork and dedication.
Then the words slipped, “She’s a rare one and that’s why I love her.”
His friends eyes widen, and so does snow, both breathing in for a second before a wave of laughter fills them as Lucy’s voice fills the room.
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough
It had taken you 10 minutes to sneak out of the Creed mansion, and another 15 to walk to Snow mansion where he had asked to meet you.
He being Coriolanus, through a telegram sent directly to you earlier in the day.
The door sticks a little, just like it used to, but the rest of the place had been professionally cleaned and you kept to the front rug in the entrance so as to not drag mud in.
“What are you doing?” He asks, coming around the corner to look at you in the entrance. “I’m in here, let’s go.”
He doesn’t wait to see your panic at the clean floors, so you rush to take off your shoes before tiptoeing to the main sitting room he was in.
“You said it was urgent.” You mumble, looking around at all the papers strewn about. Some designs of outfits and dresses, some of creatures and set ups. “What is all this?”
“This, my dear, is the 11th annual hunger games.” He smiles, and you try not to shudder at how easy he says dear.
“Oh I see, you’ll be making the tributes wear extravagant gowns in the arena then?” You hold up a sketch of what looks to be an evening gown designed for district 3.
“Tigris will be styling and dressing them before the games now.” He explains, moving closer to you. “For if they wish to be performers then we shall let them. Give them all a fighting chance.”
“Like Lucy?”
He doesn’t answer, instead moving to pick up another sketch. “And now, once they are in the arena they will all wear the same uniform.”
“They won’t die in their own clothes?”
“They’ll die at the Capitol wills it.” He sneers, taking a second to regain his composure. “But this isn’t why I have brought you here today.”
“Okay….” He grabs your hand, pulling you to the desk and showing you plans and sketches. “I need your medical advice.”
“For a poisonous sea creature.” You rear back at that, but he is quick to snatch your hand. “I just need to know how to prolong the death.”
“I’m not helping-“
“Please. I need you.” He admits, his hand still on you. “I always need you.”
“Coryo-“ it’s the first time you’ve called him that in forever, and he can’t help but rush to you, pressing his lips to yours quickly.
You kiss back, although your common sense is screaming at you to stop. And soon enough the kiss is deepening, and he’s shoving all the documents off the table to place you upon it, making quick work of stripping you down while trying to keep his lips to you at all times.
And you were ashamed to admit you found pleasure for the first time that night, allowing him to pull that pleasure from you over and over and over.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret meeting me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
“He’s a mad man….” Festus mumbles, hand clenched on your knee. “A mad genius but a madman.”
He was right of course, you could do nothing but blink as the games unfolded before you, surrounded by his peers and coworkers as they all cheered and booed at the tributes.
You couldn’t pay attention, the gore beginning to get to you as well as the fact that Coryo kept glaring over at you and Festus from his podium in the center, eyes narrowing as a sneer coated his mouth.
You hated these moments, when you were anxious about the affair and when Festus was in the same room with the two of you. Don’t do anything stupid, you silently plead.
But when has Coryo ever played stupid? No. Everything he did was smart, three moves ahead.
“How about a wager?” He smiles to his friends, and you bite your lip. That scheming look not good.
“Yeah?” Festus smiles. “My moneys on district 2. Girl.”
Vivi, was her name. She had 2 sisters at home and was playing viciously. She would not win though, she had been bitten by a snake with slow killing venom, you would know since you helped Coryo make it.
“No. Money is far too boring.” Coryo smiles, ever the Capitol player. “How about we wager…… the healer.”
Festus freezes, hand tightening on your thigh in a searing grip that you know has Coryo seething under his calm exterior, those blue eyes lighting with a challenge. He hated when Festus was rough, which was more often than not.
Coryo preferred to be…. Rough in the sheets and gentle every other moment.
“You want my fiancé? Don’t you have whores for that?” Festus laughs, but there is no humor behind it.
“I don’t want a whore. I want a wife.” Coryo smiles, holding out his hand. “District 4, Mags.”
People begin whispering and smiling at the challenge, and you realize why Coryo had been talking too loud then, because Festus would look weak to back away now.
Festus risks a look to you, narrowing on your shocked look before taking Coryos hand. When the blonde walks away your fiancé leans in, “we will be discussing this later.”
After he won, if he won. He would make your life hell.
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
“Your mood swings make my head spin,” you admit, laying on the mattress lazily as Coryo sits leaning on the headboard, tracing his finger across your exposed back. “One moment you’re rutting into me like you hate me, the next your murmuring love sonnets.”
“Do the Creeds actually have money?” He murmurs, fingers dancing across your ribs. “Or are they pretending just as I had been for awhile?”
“They have money, loads and loads of it. So much that they burnt some of it for fun the other day to see how long it took to burn.” You mumble, keeping your eyes closed.
“Then why do you still look starving?” He asks, moving closer to curl around you.
“Because they only eat one meal a day, and it’s more of….. well they don’t like gluttonous people.”
“Surviving is gluttonous?”
“The rich have never made sense.” You admonish. “They starve themselves to prove they can, no sugar or dairy. No this or that. They don’t know hunger like we did.”
“I thought you were marrying him to stop that hunger.” He mutters, a bit of anger in it.
“I also have a roof over my head and warmth. There is more to it.” You sigh, not wanting this to be another argument as it was every week. “There’s nothing we can do Coryo. I get married after the games.”
“They talk about you like you’re a pet.”
“To them I am.”
Oh, there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
And it's never enough, it's never enough
“So this is what he does now?” Festus sneers, whipping his tie off as he storms into his room, dragging you in with him.
The games would last another night it seemed, and Snow sent everyone out as he was getting ready for the big finish.
“He is making it all one big game. Placing wagers and gambling. It’s bullshit!” You try not to roll your eyes at his outburst since he had been all about it before Coryo called him out.
But apparently you still somehow rolled your eyes and his face falls into pure rage as he begins charging for you. Fear coats your system as his hand latches around your neck, cutting off oxygen.
Before it could get worse there is a knock on the door.
“YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!” His little sister calls, turning on his screen to reveal the games, where many of the players are fighting a very large creature in the body of water.
“What is that?” Festus gasps.
“A sea monster.” You breathe out, watching with a small amount of excitement mixed with disgust as Mags plunges her spear into its eye.
Lock broken, slur spoken
Wound open, game token
I didn't know you were keeping count
Rain soaking, blind hoping
You said I was freeloading
I didn't know you were keeping count
But oh, you were keeping count
You married him on April 29th, a year later he ran for president and to no one's surprise he won.
You became First Lady of panem. And would of course bear tons of children.
He kept his promise, eating close together every night, making sure all his kids were well fed and never knew the hunger you both did. And when your youngest was blasted in the tabloids for her ‘pudginess’ Coryo made sure to send the writer and his family to District 7 and the very next year the oldest daughter of the family was chosen in the reaping.
You lived in constant disgust and amazement, the battle never ending.
You helped him come up with ideas for creatures and implemented healing and medicine into the games to at least give some of those kids a fighting chance.
“Remember when I warned you to stay away?” He asks one night, watching you from his spot on the bed as you get air at the window.
“Quite vividly.” You laugh, breathing in the night scent in his shirt as he lay naked save for a sheet. “Said I was a freeloader.”
“I was trying to push you away.”
“Gathered that.” You nod, watching him extend a hand before shuffling across the floor and climbing across the bed until you reach his hands where he pulled you in for a warm kiss.
“You are a freeloader.” He teases, his lips still against yours. “You owe me so much.”
“Oh do I?” You laugh.
“Yeah! You owe me a can of beans, never got paid back for that.” He smiles and you can’t help but laugh.
“I’ll go get the dirtiest can of beans, expired, and it will be just like old times.”
Before he can say anything else you are pushing to kiss him again, falling into his warmth with a hum and letting him drag you under the sheet.
(Yeah. It stayed in the draft because I never quite liked how the story worked….. something always seemed off. I rewrote this 10 times back then, but since I am releasing my old drafts this baby is out now. )
#coriolanus snow#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus x you#coriolanus smut#coriolanus imagine#coriolanus fanfiction#Coriolanus angst#Coriolanus fluff#snow smit#snow smut#snow angst#snow imagine#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#Coriolanus snow smut#Coriolanus snow angst#Coriolanus snow fluff#Coriolanus snow imagine
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