#sometimes she just scratches at my door till i open it or it opens on its own
a lot of the time when i'm up sitting in bed and i stim by kind of shaking around it makes the bed shake and it makes a noise? and that's kind of part of the stim? it's The Happiness Noise. anyway my cat is sitting up here with me and she also started shaking around (not sure why) and it made the bed make The Happiness Noise and i never felt closer to another being in my life than i did in that split second
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nathaslosthershit · 4 months
New Neighbors and Interrupted Streams [Part 1] (LN4)
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Read Part 2 here! Summary: Desperate for new friends, maybe it's time to revert to the tried and true neighborly American cookie exchange.  A/N: I know Lando lives in Monaco but in this he is still in the UK. Also I really love fics that have something to do with Lando streaming and being teased the entire time.
This was stupid. This was probably so stupid. But she had to do something.
Two weeks she had been in her new apartment, in a new country. In that time, she had gotten increasingly lonelier, seemingly unable to make friends.
She had moved to the UK for work but with another month till she actually began her new job, she didn’t know how to make friends in her free time.
God, why was it so hard to make friends as an adult? 
So, after a call with her mom expressing her issues with making friends, she was reminded of a good-old US custom.
Baking cookies for your neighbor.
Usually, this was reserved for pre-existing residents to introduce themselves to the new folks moving in, but after all this time she didn’t expect her neighbors to reach out, so it seemed she had to do it herself. 
After that phone call, she tried it twice with some of her neighbors. The first time, she left them at the door with a note introducing herself to them, saying she hoped they could meet up sometime. She found the cookies still in the box, with the opened note on her doorstep later that day. 
The second time, she got so excited when she saw from down the hall that her neighbor had grabbed them, swiftly moving inside his own flat with the cookies while reading the note. But a week later and no sign of any desire from the neighbor to connect with her, she gave up. 
She had one last person she could try with, the ridiculously cute boy who lived in the apartment across from her. She hadn’t actually talked to him, just spied on him a few times from her peephole when she heard him leaving his flat. Creepy, she knew, but she was far too shy to say anything.
But she was so desperate, and she could tell he was around her age… she thinks. After sitting at her table for an hour staring at the home baked goods, she finally grabbed them and knocked on his door before she could chicken out. 
Lando was streaming with Max next to him, when he got a notification that someone was by his door. Thinking it was the takeaway he ordered, he swiftly excused himself to go grab it. What he didn’t expect was the pretty girl who had just moved across from him to be at the door.
There was a beat of silence as they both stared at each other. In all honesty, she was just going to knock, wait a few seconds, then leave the cookies. She hadn't expected him to answer the door so she was unsure what to say. 
Finally he spoke up.
“Sorry, are we being too loud? We can totally quiet down if you need to.” He said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
She still didn’t reply, too stunned by seeing him for the first time not through a small and dirty peephole. God, he was beautiful.
Seconds of silence went by until she finally managed to get everything she wanted out.
“No, no I am so sorry. You are completely fine, that's not why I am here. I just didn’t think you'd actually answer the door. Anyway, I know this is probably strange and I don’t think they actually do this here but I just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors, so I made cookies! Again this is probably so weird of me so it's totally fine if you don’t want them or something, the other neighbors clearly didn’t but that's okay. Anyway- Hi, I live across from you and now I am here with cookies!” She managed to get out in one breath while sticking the cookies out for him to grab.
This time, Lando took a few seconds to reply, trying to process what she said. “You’re American.” Was all he managed to get out.
She didn’t know what to reply, it wasn’t a question but felt like he needed reinforcement about that statement.
“I am.”
“I didn’t realize they actually did this, thought it was a movie thing.”
“Uh- I am sorry?”
“No. no! It's sweet, thank you for them. I really appreciate it… sorry what's your name? I’m Lando by the way” 
How she managed to not actually say her name while she spent a full minute rambling about how she wanted to introduce herself was beyond her, but after quickly introducing herself, properly this time, she finally felt the tension and awkwardness leave her body.
He took the cookies from her, promising that he was excited to eat them even though he knew his trainer wouldn’t be too happy, and took this opportunity to get her phone number. Promising to text her, he closed the door and immediately looked out his peephole, wanting to get one more look at her. He was surprised, and amused, to see she did a little celebratory dance in the hallway, before taking a breath and entering her own apartment, excited she had just made a new potential friend.
“What took you so long, Mate? And why are you so red? And why do you have cookies? Where is the food we ordered?” Max asked when Lando entered the room again, a stupid grin adorning his face.
“It wasn’t our delivery, the new neighbor just stopped by to introduce herself.”
“The cute one you kept going on about?” Max teased, earning a kick to the shin as that wasn’t information Lando wanted everyone watching the stream to know.
“Anyway- she brought cookies as a little hello. It's sweet. I've never gotten cookies made for me before.”
“She brought cookies? The hell would she do that for?”
“Like I said, to introduce herself. She’s american.”
Before Max could ask anymore questions, specifically about why Lando was smiling so much and why he was beet-red, which Max already knew the answer to, their actual takeaway came, saving Lando for the time being.
When he came back and they started eating, Lando wasn’t interrogated on the topic, at least not until he began giggling on his phone.
“Mate, what are you- Oh my god guys he is giggling and texting his new neighbor. Chat, this is unbelievable.” Max yelled as he stole Lando’s phone from his hand. Reading the messages with disgust, he added, “God, you need to work on your flirting, you sound like an absolute muppet right now.”
Lando quickly took his phone back and tried to change the topic. Throughout the rest of the stream, he tried his best to not look at the new messages she had sent in order to not be teased, as the chat seemed to still be mentioning every time he would secretly text her, trying to be stealthy as to not let Max find out.
He just hoped this whole thing stayed on the stream, and that it wouldn’t come to the press, who loved to question him on his relationships. The last thing he needed was to be asked this during media after a race.
He wouldn’t be so lucky, he soon would find out after the next race.
Read Part 2 here!
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ortegatargaryen · 4 months
Delivery Driver:
Tara Capenter x Fem!reader
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Summary: you’re just a simple delivery driver. Your shift is going normal till you realise you have a pizza delivery to your crush’s house. You assume she doesn’t even know you exist, but when she invites you in she proves otherwise
Warnings: Bad writing lwk, fluff, slight smut near the end ig, alcohol use.
Disclaimer: this is my first time posting a one shot on here! So please be! I don’t mind advice just please be nice about it!
Also requests are open so please please make them!
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You look at your phone as a new order goes through. You take a look at the address,
“Not too far from here” you mutter you don’t bother looking at the name of the order before walking inside the pizza restaurant.
You go into the kitchen,
“Hey Scarlett” you say, smiling at your friend, she turns to you.
“Hey Y/n! You here for another delivery?” She asks you,
“Yep! Last one of the night then I’m off” you say.
She hands you the pizza box and drinks, it’s not too heavy but it weighs your arms down ever so slightly, you put it into your delivery bag and make your way out to your motorbike.
Placing the bag securely into the compartment, you get on and put your helmet on.
You look at your phone, putting the address into your gps.
“It’ll be here soon!” Tara reassures Sam who’s been complaining about how hungry she is for the past hour. She loves her sister but when Sam’s hungry she never shuts up, she has to make sure the whole world knows, whining every five seconds that her stomach hurts.
Tara sighs and looks out the window, blocking out the sounds of Sam’s complaints, she smiles widely when a motorbike pulls up, she rushes to the door and opens it.
You look surprised when the door opens before you could even knock, you smile,
“Hi uh pizza delivery” You say, somewhat awkwardly, not fully looking at the girl, though she doesn’t look at you either, she’s too focused on the pizza,
“Yeah thank you” the short girl says, looking up at you.
You look at her, your mouth hanging open slightly. She has long brown hair, reaching just over her shoulders. freckles are scattered across her face. Her smile is spring but there’s autumn in her eyes, softly brown, with a hint of passing summer and the promise of winter dark and deep - Eyes you recognise.
“Wait…Y/n?” She asks, snapping you out of your day dream, you chuckle lightly,
“Oh my god Tara…you’re in my film class at college, right?” You ask, of course you already know the answer, she sits at the front row, second chair to the left nearest to the door.
Tara laughs and nods,
“Yeah I am, what a coincidence” she says with a short laugh.
“Yeah…I didn’t even see your name on the app” you say, handing her three large pizza boxes,
“Oh I ordered small pizza’s, these are larges…” she says, staring at the box.
“Oh…hold on” you check your phone,
“Oh it says here you ordered them in large” you say, showing her the phone, she frowns,
“Must’ve clicked the wrong button” she sighs.
“Happens to me all the time” you say, chuckling, she smiles at you,
“Well um…me and my friends probably won’t finish it all, and we’re having a kinda mini party, so if you want, you could come inside and eat with us?” She offers.
You chuckle and scratch the back of your neck,
“Um..” you take a moment to consider it, “oh fuck it why not, sure” you say.
Tara smiles and moves out the way of the door,
“You remember Mindy? She’s in our film class too, she’s here” She asks you. You both walk into the apartment together, you look around at the pictures she has up on her walls.
“Oh yeah, hey Mindy!” You greet her,
“Oh Y/n what’s up…” Mindy greets you, she gives a look with a smirk to Tara and a not so subtle wink, you raise a brow in confusion but wipe it off when Tara shows you all her friends, Chad, Mindy, Sam, Quinn, Anika and Ethan. You sit with Chad, talking about football.
“I have to admit, this isn’t how I thought my night would go” you say, taking a bite of a pizza, they all laugh,
“Sometimes the best things are unexpected” Quinn says,
“Since when did you get all wise and inspirational?” Sam jokes, making you all laugh.
Tara keeps sneaking glances of you, she can’t get her eyes off you, though that’s not out of the ordinary, she’s always like this in school.
Usually, she wouldn’t invite someone she only met a few days ago in this quickly, but something about you changed that. Maybe it was the aura you gave off. Maybe it was the way you always seemed slightly awkward whenever you talked to her, she found that adorable. Maybe it was the way your smile, which she always tried to steal a glimpse of in class, made her heart flutter or maybe she was just drunker than she thought. Probably all of the above.
“You guys have a nice apartment” you compliment,
“Thanks, we only moved in a month ago so it’s not fully furnished” Tara admits, you turn to her.
“Had a chance to look around the city yet?” You ask her, she shakes her head,
“Not yet…but I want to” she says.
You nod,
“I could take you sometime if you like, I’ve lived here my whole life so I know this place like the back of my hand” you offer, smiling hopefully.
Tara’s face lights up slightly.
“I’d like that…do you have a car?” She asks, you shake your head,
“I’ve got a motorbike though” you say.
Tara grins widely, grabbing your hands in hers,
“You have a motorbike?!” She exclaims, you chuckle at her enthusiasm and nod,
“Yeah I do…”
“Tara you’re not going on a motorbike” Sam says, Tara looks at her and frowns,
“Why?” She asks,
“Because they’re dangerous, no offence Y/n” she says, you nod understandingly.
“Sam it’s my life, you can’t just decide for me what I do with it” Tara says, your eyes widen slightly at the sudden outburst.
Tara let’s go of your hands as she starts bickering with her older sister.
“does this happen a lot?” You whisper to Chad, beside you, he nods,
“Yeah…a lot” he answers.
The girls continue to argue till eventually, Sam storms out to her room and Tara storms off into the kitchen.
“I’m gonna go check on Tara” you say to the others, they nod,
“Go get her tiger” Mindy jokes, you can’t help but blush and awkwardly scurry out the room.
You go into the kitchen and lean against the doorframe. Tara is on her tiptoes trying to reach a bottle of tequila that Sam put on the top shelf, purposely out of Tara’s reach.
“Need some help?” You ask,
“No…I can reach” Tara grumbles, she very clearly can’t reach, seeing as she’s two apples tall.
You chuckle and go over anyway, you go behind her, leaning up with one hand on her waist while the other reaches for the bottle.
You grab it and hand it to her, she smiles at you,
“Thank you…” she says, taking the bottle,
“No problem…just don’t get too drunk” you say.
“No promises” she jokes, grinning as she pours herself some. You lean against the counter, looking at her.
Your eyes trail over her outfit, the way it perfectly outlines her curves like always, she always picks the best outfits.
She once wore basic grey tracksuit bottoms and a baggy hoodie to school, yet still you’d never seen anything or anyone more beautiful. You don’t know how she does it.
Simp, is what your friends call you whenever they catch you watching Tara or whenever you compliment her.
“You good?” Tara asks, chuckling slightly at you as you gawp at her. You clear your throat, standing up straight as you nervously scratch the back of your neck,
“yeah yeah sorry, zoned out” you justify.
“Wanna go chill in my room? We can watch a movie maybe…” Tara recommends, you smile a bit at the idea and nod, a bit too eagerly,
“Yeah sure…” you answer.
After grabbing some snacks you both make your way into Tara’s room, she sets down the bowl of popcorn on her bed. She grabs the remote and turns on the tv, sitting down on her bed.
“Okay what movie?” She asks, you aimlessly walk around the room, looking at various things she has scattered around.
“um…The Babadook?” You request, her face lights up. You like The Babadook, that means more to her than you’ll ever realise.
“Yeah! I love that movie!” She exclaims, putting it on. You grin and sit down next to her,
“Yeah same…it’s so good” you say, leaning back against her headboard.
“Literally…like no other horror movies compare to it” she says, you chuckle and shrug,
“Well I wouldn’t say that” you trail on, she gasps and turns to you,
“Well what would you say is better?” She asks, you sigh and look at the tv, thinking about your answer.
“Halloween” you answer finally, her face drops into a look of disappointment, you turn to her and your eyes meet, you chuckle at her reaction, “what?” You ask.
“No way you just chose Halloween over The Babadook…” she mutters, astounded.
You let out a short laugh and shrug, turning back to the tv once more,
“I just prefer it…” you admit, you see her shake her head out the corner of your eye.
She has a small smile on her face, not an awkward smile or forced smile it’s more of a comfortable smile, like she’s happy where she is, and it‘s true, Tara has never felt more relaxed.
It was weird, though she barely knows you, but she feels as though she’s known you forever. Like you’re childhood best friends finding each other again after long separation.
With you she feels like she can be herself, she can show that geeky side of her without feeling embarrassed or worried you’ll mock her. She’s comfortable. Happy.
And she’s just realised she’s been staring at you for a solid hour, she mentally punches herself. The credits of the movie roll on the tv, you were probably so uncomfortable during that whole film. You turn to her with a smile.
But are slightly shocked when you realise she’s already looking at you, throughout the film you’ve wanted to sneak glances at her, but you’re worried it’ll make her uncomfortable. You didn’t even realise she was staring at you.
Tara quickly pulls her eyes away, clearing her throat,
“That was uh…yeah” she mutters, talking about the movie.
“Wanna watch Halloween?” You ask, she smiles a bit and nods, not speaking as she doesn’t trust her own voice. She’s so embarrassed she’ll probably blurt out something stupid.
You put the movie on, Tara focuses on the movie this time, being sure to not embarrass herself again. You on the other hand, you keep looking over at her, just like you do in school.
Your eyes flicking from the tv screen to her.
You notice something she does while watching. She has little reactions to what’s going on in the scenes, you chuckle slightly as she raises her eyebrows a bit, her mouth opens slightly when Micheal Myers brutally kills someone.
She looks at you, your chuckle gaining her attention.
“What?” She asks, realising you’re watching her,
“Nothing…just um watching your little reactions to the scenes…it’s cute…you’re cute” you say, smiling sheepishly at her.
Her ears burn red and so do her cheeks, she quickly looks down, trying to hide it making you chuckle again.
“You’ve gone a bit red” you comment, looking at her, she chuckles and looks at you,
“Shut up…” she mutters before leaning against your side, she gently rests her head on your shoulder.
Now it’s your turn to blush, and just like her, your ears go red, shortly followed by your face.
“Now you’re red…” she says into your neck,
“Oh shush…” you mutter.
Tara looks at you, with the way she’s sat, her lips are right by your neck. You can feel her warm breath against you it. Tara hesitantly moves in closer before laying a gentle kiss on your neck.
She moves away and lays down like nothing just happened, you look at her, shocked,
“Did you just kiss my neck?” You ask her.
Tara tries to hold back her laugh,
“What? No you’re hallucinating” she says, facing you.
You grin at her as she has a small smirk playing on her lips, you move closer to her, laying next to her, getting a sudden surge of confidence.
“Well good…cause if you did I would’ve told you that you missed” you say, she cocks a brow, trying to figure out what you mean.
“Huh?” She questions, you chuckle and move in closer, “how did I miss?” She asks, but instead of saying a response, you lean in, your lips meeting.
She gasps slightly but doesn’t pull away. She leans into the kiss, one of her hands going to your waist whereas one of yours goes into her hair, caressing through her it as you kiss her.
She opens her mouth slightly and you take the opportunity, sliding your tongue into her mouth, your salivas mixing as your tongue explores her mouth.
Though you keep one hand in her hair, you put the other on her waist, slowly trailing it down till your cupping her ass firmly, she lets out a quiet whimper into the kiss which only fuels you more.
Where she was laying on her side before you now push her so she’s on her back. Never taking your lips away from hers, you climb on top of her, straddling her waist.
“Oh my god ew!” A voice yells, you quickly get off of Tara, who whines in annoyance. She looks at the door to see Sam standing there, a hand over her eyes.
“Can’t you just knock?” Tara asks, frustrated, she grabs a pillow and covers her face to hide her embarrassment and the fact she’s blushing right now.
Sam moves her hand away from her eyes,
“Sorry…I was just gonna say Chad and Mindy are heading home” she says.
Tara puts the pillow back and sits up,
“Cool tell them I said bye” she says, trying to get this conversation over and done with.
Sam nods and looks at you expectingly, she clearly wants you to leave, probably not a great impression seeing you on top of your sister, making out with her.
“Uh I’m gonna go…” you say, getting up and grabbing your jacket, Tara sighs and nods,
“Alright…see you Monday” she says, sounding disappointed.
You smile at her,
“I’ll message you when I’m home” you tell her, her face instantly lights up,
“Okay…wait i don’t have your number” she says.
“Just message me on insta, we follow each other any way, I’ll send you my number then” you explain, she nods,
“Sounds good…” she says.
You lean over to her slightly, giving her a gentle peck on the lips, which she eagerly returns, following your lips for a bit as you pull away.
You smile at her one more time before walking out the room, giving Sam a polite and apologetic smile.
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
A Love Watered By Blood
Part one.
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Enemies to lovers- Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader.
-£ Plot: No matter how much the two tried peace was never a option. Always insults, and never compliments. it was the middle of the school year, and a new adventure started. Could they be civil when the time comes. Or will the war between them get in the way.
-£words: 3k words.
-£Previous // Next (coming soon)
-£Warning: Fighting, Cursing, Blood, Death, Seeing horrible things, Angsty, happy ending, slow updates, New god, Percy being rude, enemies to lovers, New plot, Slight slow burn
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“So,” the trio looked at the restaurant that glowed yellow, a old dinner style with big windows. it screamed 80s movie scene. they could smell the freshly made food coming from inside the diner, making their mouths water.
“This is the best day of my life.” Percy smirked as he looked into the window for the girl they had been searching for. the two beside him just looked at each other with a knowing look, that this was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Percy,” Grover spoke and leaned his arm on his shorter friend, “don’t be rude. we need her to come along with us and we can’t stand you both fighting this whole trip.” annabeth nodded along and rubbed her forehead thinking of how the two argued often at every chance they got.
Percy looked between the two of his friends and rolled his eyes, “I’m not mean. She’s just rude and I have to defend myself, come on.” He pointed to the dinner, “How can she of all people be a waitress? She has the shortest temper.” they ignored him and walked passed him and into the diner. he let out a groan and followed behind them but his smirk returned quickly.
once they sat at a booth they waited for you to come out or see you. your mother said you were working here tonight. another girl was across from them on the other side helping a elderly couple. “she’s probably in the back.” Grover looked at the kitchen door waiting for you to pop out. annabeth looked at the menu to pass the time, plus she was hungry.
things were quite for a few minutes, them sometimes glancingaround. they couldn’t be patient even if their lives depended on it. Grover was getting hunger by the second that he could almost eat the counter underneath his hands. anything really.
they heard shouting from the kitchen and then the door swing open, a girl stepped out with a old waitress style outfit and her hair pushed out of her face. the group looked and found the girl they had come to see.
percy smirked and got too proud of himself when he spotted you, knowing you would hate him being here. when you looked over to see them your face dropped and your body froze for a minute, then you rolled your eyes and got out your notebook and marched towards them.
they see you throw on the fakest smile and suck your teeth before speaking, “Welcome to The Country Diner, what can I get started for you today?” the fake preppy voice made their ears scratch. you hated how he was looking at you. that same wide smile made you want to grab his neck and wait till he stops breathing.
“Oh, look at that! Our waitress is here,” percy cleared his voice and grabbed his menu, “I really just love that outfit, don’t you guys?” the two glared at him. annabeth kicked him under the table and gave him a warning look.
of course, percy didn’t judge against waitress because his mother was once on. but he knew that you’d never wanted to be caught wearing the outfit.
“y/n, it’s so good to see you.” You look at the satyr you’ve known for a long time. his hair grown longer and bushier, and his face more grown and facial hair started to grow. “hello Grover.” that was genuine. You nodded to annebeth before looking down at the notepad.
“Tell me what you want.”
“We want you to come along with us on a new quest.” she saw your eyes perk up and take a minute to register. huffing you look around you, the other girl who worked with was now out of sight and no manager around.
“And, why me? There is already three of you.” you raised a brow. the three looked at each other wondering who was going to tell you. grover shifted in his seat and slapped his hands on his legs.
“We need you on this quest,” you look at him with your head titled.
“Look, I can’t really take any quests at the moment. I have this test that effects half of my grade, I have money to make-” your voice was cutter off by the satyr. “It’s about your father!” His voice loud and made the couple on the other side turn their heads at the shouting.
shifting your weight you sit on the empty spot in the booth, and unfortunately it was next to Percy but you didn’t care at the moment. “my father would have said something.”
“he wasn’t allowed. you know how he is, I mean you must have felt something?” your eyes found the table as your thoughts brought up the memories of the past few days. your dreams were more vague and darker then normal, each night you saw at least three different people in hard problem. and each night you woke up drench in sweat and tears. you saw everything from their eyes.
he looked at you and at how you were deep in thought, making his theory correct. “what have you been seeing?” You shifted uncomfortably in the booth. looking to the side you check for any of the workers in case. sighing you open up,
“it’s been getting worse, I have at least five a night.” annabeth and grover nod while percy looks confused at what you are saying, he never listened to you or asked.
“then you know somethings wrong,” he leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. “The Episkopos has been stolen.”
they watch you freeze again and your eyes start to glare, mind running. “when?” You ask. Annabeth perked up and took over the conversation from Grover.
“A week ago.” You nod your head and place your hand on the edge of the table and slide out from the table. Percy’s eyes glares in confusion, “Where are you going?” looking back at him you give him a death stare.
“You think I want to go on a quest in this outfit? Or without anything?” Crossing your eyes. “Not all of us want to look like they put no effort in.”
“Clearly, I mean look at you.” he snapped back.
Grover sat up quietly and took you by the shoulders before you had the chance tackle him. And you have before. Pulling you to the side he hears you mumbling angrily and fight back against his hold. Once he gets to the end of the counter Grover lets you go and carefully, but ready to hold you if he needs to again.
“We need to leave soon. You know how powerful your fathers mirror is, I’m afraid of what someone might do with it.” The look in his eyes brought you back to reality. you hum and relax you tensed body. “If they are smart enough to use it.” You shrug at the thought of the thief. you pat his shoulder and give him a small smile before walking away to the kitchen door and wondering how in the hell you’re going to get out of working.
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“So remind me, what exactly do you “see” when you sleep?” percys asks out loud as his fingers trace the posters on the wall. “you being wiped from experience.” the girl smirks as she places some clothes in a book bag. the boy laughed sarcastically and looks back at her.
“That’s funny, I’d like to say the same thing but you don’t even exist in mine.”
their friends sit on the bed watching the two throw insults knowing that this was what the whole trip would be like. “Can we just stop fighting? You two are so annoying.” annabeth looks at a magazine in her hands bored. “It would save a lot of time.” The satyr agrees with his friend.
“She started it this time.” Percy pointed his finger and then turn his head back around to snoop around your things.
“If you must know, beach boy, I’ve been seeing many things. Oh yes, like death of loved ones, some receiving horrible news, or maybe you want to hear of how I watch someone take their final breaths from their own eyes?” the girl faked beaming with happiness as she put on a happy face. maybe that was mean but he was asking for it. she didn’t want to talk about the things she was cursed in seeing.
the boy turned fully with all the sarcasm and sass leaving his body as he leaned against the dresser. “sorry.” the girl replied with a huffed and continued to stuff her bag full of stuff. a few bills she had been saving under her mattress and anything she thought she’d need.
now Percy hated her to the ends of the earth. everything about her made him annoyed. her breathing. the way she’d tease him. how she looked. how her voice sounded. no one hated her more then him. but seeing all that- he’d never wish that on her or anyone, not even the worst monster.
the room around them looks like a slight punk. posters of bands all over the walls, a few messy clothes laying around and jewelry spread around. a big mirror hung above the dresser with pictures stuck to it, mostly taken in camp.
“okay, after that lovely piece of information we should talk about what we should do.” Grover clapped his hands together once more and looked at each of them.
“The oracle says to go to the temple of the unknown,” Percy steps closer and looked at y/n. “Do you know?”
“It’s called the temple of the unknown for a reason.” She taunted him again and zipped up the bag.
“Well, as his daughter I thought you would know.” He stepped closer to her direction.
“Do you know everything about your dad?” she asked and waits for a moment. he goes to answer but he stops himself because he didn’t. “Exactly.”
the boy when to fight with her but he only made noises and then backed off with his hands flying in the air. he couldn’t do this, she was too much. y/n smiled softly in victory and threw the black bag over her shoulders, “I think I might know something but I’m not for sure..”
the three are now looking at her, “Even when I’m dreaming I knew exactly where I am. The last place I saw was a park in Minnesota, but every place i saw was almost like a road map. I think we should follow it.”
they look at each other to conform. they nod and stay up, “at least we have a plan.”
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and it was a really shitty plan.
you stayed in that small town because of the waste of mortals. or in the diner that smelled of food that over powered your scent. now three demi gods and a satyr traveled together, a death wish just waiting to happen.
being a demigod always makes things so much harder.
The group didn’t even make it half way across the state without being attacked by a monster. and usually you could handle it but you had walked into a town filled with them. a nest of some sort.
you had to relay on fleeing and try not to get seen, and for annabeth it was easy. however, you and Percy found it hard when he kept bumping into you. you whispered at him to stop a little too loud, and he glared and whispered(yell) back. and they could only tell you both to stop a few times because you both could you guys caught.
“What is your problem?” Percy yelled at you after you guys finally got away, having to fight some monster and all of you getting a few scratches.and bruises. “Me? What about you. How clumsy can you be to run into me ten times? is your scull just filled with water?” You flicked his head and he hissed in slight pain.
“because you kept stopping for no reason, I had no choice. it was your fault we got caught.” his fingers pointed at you.
“Me? you are the one who squealed when you stumbled back, that was one hundred percent your fault.”
his mouth handing open as his eyes went up and his face turned angrily amused. “sometimes I can’t believe how stupid you sound sometimes. do tell, who trip and made us almost get eaten?”
you had been running away and your foot bent slightly and causing you to slipped, you put your hands out to try and stop yourself. percy was the closest one to you so he helped you up and made sure to get you in front of him in case that happened again. no matter how much he wanted to leave you. he wasn’t that kind of person.
“okay, really? it wasn’t my fault the ground was slippery. we would have more time if you hadn’t-” the yelling of the two drowned out to Grover as he covers his ears and blocked them out.
can’t they just say quite for a day?
“It’s both your faults! both of you did things wrong, and your yelling isn’t helping.” the boy shouted and pulled them both apart.
“please, just shut up! If you don’t have anything nice to say then not speak.” the two looked at him surprised. he didn’t usually do this but only when he got really angry or annoyed.
y/n looked away and kicked a rock on the ground, “sorry.” She mumbled quietly. percy did the same thing, “whatever.” he walked away from them both to cool himself off. he didn’t understand how she could always mess up and get under his skin, it’s like she was made just to annoy him.
after that the group barely spoke to each other. they traveled for a few hours until sundown and looked for a place to stay. luckily, they found a old house that was newly abandoned. when they set up the sleeping area y/n walked out, saying she would keep a eye out for any monsters. they all could see how shut off she was being and how clearly upset she was. and in this situation it was easy to let her be.
Annebeth was curled in the corner with her hands clinging to her dagger. Grover was spread out with his arm spread across his face slightly snoring.
percy tried to sleep.
he toasted and turned but there was something plaguing his mind that kept him awake. how you clung to his arm when he pulled you up. you looked so afraid as the monster nipped at your feet almost getting you, that you had no choice but to ask for help. he’s ever seen you so scared and for some reason, all he could see was the fear in your face when he blinked.
“don’t be a idiot, I’d never ask you for help.” he could hear the words ring in his head if he told you.
pushing the shirt thrown over him to the side he carefully stood up without waking the other two. he walked out the room and went to search for you. if he wasn’t going to get any sleep he might as well help with the lookout.
he found you sitting on the steps with your head leaned against the railing. humming a soft tune to yourself and for a second, he felt peaceful. but he remembered that it was you. cleaning his throat to make his presence know and walked across the porch boards.
turning your head you looked at him. it was a soft look of hate and not the full glare he was expecting. “what do you want?” He sat down on the same step away from you but as far as he could. almost afraid you’d bite him.
“couldn’t sleep.”
you hum in response and slight nod your head. you continued to look at the street and around the place in case something was to sneak up on you. a breath leaves your lungs and you lean back on your hands, pushing yourself back against the stairs above you. you throw you head back up and close your eyes to relax for just a minute.
“you know,” you began as his ears perked up. “I have no clue where the hell we are going.” You admitted with little confidence in yourself.
“it could just all be a trick and I’m leading us down the wrong path. but each time I feel-” you cut yourself off before you go to deep.
percy looked at you with your eyes closed. this was a actual conversation. no insults. he didn’t even feel angry as he stood next to you. for the first time it was a comfortable understanding.
“i know how you feel. when I search for the lighting bolt I knew exactly where I was in my dreams dispute never going to those places.”
he watched your eyes open again and look into his. “sometimes we are shown things. i trust you, for this quest at least. you’re the only one who could help us get there now.” you face grows and small smirk and your eyebrows raise.
tilting your head and sit up slight, “that almost sounds like a compliment.” you teased him. he rolled his eyes playfully and looked away from you, “never in a million years.” he chucked. you looked at him for a second longer then you normally do. this was the first time you saw him smile with you, it was new.
and kinda pretty.
shaking your head at the thought you looked away from him and let the thoughts get pushed back into your head. there was nothing pleasing about him and your brain needed to remember that. your both just to tired to fight and it means nothing. because never in a million years, will you ever be friends with Percy Jackson.
but, maybe you can get along with him for this quest at least.
Taglist: @american-idiot21 @kazurami14 @anonymouslyawesome25 @itzmeme @poemfreak306 @motorsport @mxlI0d1 @daughterofthemoons-stuff (just ask to be added and I will)
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lilbitdepressed27 · 8 months
Hi, I was thinking Tara Carpenter x Reader. Where Reader and Sam coming home from work. They are at Sam’s car going to her house till, she saw 2 kittens in the alley way. Reader told Sam to stop but Sam wants to know why till she pointed out the kittens. Sam sighed because she knows you love kittens. Reader went outside and pick up 2 kittens. One of them is a Scottish cat with brown eyes just like Tara. And the other one is a orange cat with blue eyes. Reader took them back to Sam’s car and Sam look at the kittens and she stared at them with awe’s. On the way reader has to tell Tara someway that she brought two kittens in and she doesn’t know that if Tara likes kittens but Sam tells the reader that she does. When they made it back to the house, Reader saw Mindy, Chad, and Anika in the living room but doesn’t see Tara. Mindy told Reader that Tara is in her room. Reader opened the door and see Tara, Reader is hiding the kittens behind her back till Tara hears a meow and she actually went towards her. Tara ask what is behind her back, & Reader shows her the kitten.
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
WC: 1.0k
Authors Note: hope you like it dude. Sorry for any mistakes in advance.
It had been a long shift. You were tired, but you did enjoy the extra money you got. You loved spoiling Tara and sometimes your friends. So you had begged Sam to get you a job at the restaurant she worked at. Now that you worked with Sam, it was convenient that you both to ride together.
The drive back home was quiet. With the streets mostly empty. At a stop light you looked to your right, seeing the some people walking but what really caught your eye was something in the alley way. What looked to be two tiny ears sticking out of a box.
"Wait Sam!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Stop the car." You quickly unbuckled your seat belt. Moving to exit the car.
"Wow Y/n wait! Why?" She reached over to stop you, she didn't want you running out there at night. If something were to happen to you, even if it's the smallest scratch. Tara would kill her. Tara had become so protective of you after what happened last year. Even though Tara was also attached. You had been the one on the verge of death. Amber had attacked you, stabbing you a total of five times. You had been a state of a coma for two weeks. It had been a hard time for Tara.
"I think I saw a kitten! In a box!" You looked back at Sam with a beaming smile before exiting the car. Sam was quick to park the car and follow you. There was no keeping you away from any kittens. The love you had for kittens could rival with your love for Tara.
Seeing you coming out of the alley way with two kittens bundled up in your jacket. "Sam look! This once kinda reminds me of Tara. The brown eyes are crazy similar. I'm gonna call this little girl Jenna. And this orange little cutie, you could name her." You excitedly explained. Making sure to keep your voice down. Not wanting to scare the little kittens that had quickly cuddled up into your jacket.
"They are cute. But we don't even know if-" Sam didn't understand, well she could cause most times when you pulled the look she was receiving at moment. You always got your way. It was no wonder Tara was wrapped around your finger. But it wasn't like Tara didn't also have you wrapped around her finger. "Ugh fine. Come on. If we're gonna keep them. Let's go buy them stuff they need."
"Wait, Tara likes cats right? I mean, she's never said anything about kittens, but then again I've never asked-Y/n stop. Tara likes cats. And even if she didn't she loves you too much to say no." Sam lead you back to the car. She could already imagine her sister now, the amount of times Tara would do just about anything to see you happy. To see you smiling. And if that meant keeping kittens. Than Tara would allow it.
"Okay. Well what's your cats name?"
They had gotten home a lot later than they usually would. You had Jenna and Lexi in your arms while Sam brought all the things a cat could need.
"Oh my god are those kittens?" Anika was the first to spring up from where she was sitting on the couch. Gushing over the kittens in your arms.
"Yea this one is Jenna. And this one is Lexi. The newest family members." You looked around the apartment hoping to see your girlfriend. You couldn't wait for her to meet the kittens. "Where's Tara?"
"She's in your room. Went in there to focus on her homework.” Mindy said as she helped Sam unpack all the shopping bags.
With a nod, you made your way to your shared room. Peaking your head in when you opened the door. There she was sat on the desk chair. At the sound of the door opened had her turning around. A smile forming on the her lips at the sight of you.
“Hey baby-” Tara had stopped when she saw how you didn’t make a move to get in the room. Her eyes narrowed, from the smile on your face she knew you were hiding something. If hiding most of your body behind the door was saying anything. “What are you hiding?”
“I-*Meow*” You stepped in side of the room. The two kittens still in your jacket. Tara stepped closer to you, looking down at the bundle you had on your arms. “I found them coming back from work. Look this one kinda reminds me of you. This one is Jenna. And this one is Lexi. Can we keep them, please.”
Tara chuckled as one of the kittens licked her finger. She had already been convinced as soon as she heard the first meow. But seeing your pout would have convinced her if she hadn’t. “Of course we can.” At the sight of your smile she leaned up bringing your lips down to hers for a kiss.
Quickly pulling away when she had remembered something. “Wait a minute. Did you name the cat after that one actress? The same actress that flirted with you when we met her?”
“Oh my gosh! Yea! That actress looks exactly like you. But she wasn’t flirting with me. She was just being friendly with a fan .” You leaned down to kiss the top of Jenna’s head. The kitten meowed a return, purring as you gently ran your finger under the kittens chin.
“No she doesn’t and yes she was!” She lightly pushed you away. It hadn’t been a few weeks ago when you both had ran into the actress. The actress had been nice but then she had realized that the actress was flirting with you.
“Oh come on, I’m only teasing. Now come on help give these little cuties a bath. Gotta make sure they don’t have any fleas.”
Tara rolled her eyes half heartedly. The smile you had on your face as you spoke to the kittens had her swooning. The smile was a reminder that you were still with her. You were happy and alive.
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Unmanageable 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Pete Brenner
Summary: your manager sets his eye on your (plus!reader)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You’re often the first one in office and unfortunately, the last one gone. That day is no different as you let yourself in through the back door of the bank and lock it behind you. You arrive at least an hour before opening to run diagnostics. Marska or her equivalent, Taylor, often cut it close to the starting time. You don’t mind so much as long as they’re not late.
The silence is soothing where to many it may be eerie. You leave your office door open as a scan runs on your screen. You blow over the open slot of your thermos and groan. You were up a bit too late playing Eldenring. The Godskin Duo gave you quite the headache.
The connection, despite being wired in, seems slower than usual. The last week or so, cell service has also been limited. In Hammer Ford, it isn’t entirely surprising. Sometimes it feels like the world forgets the backwoods village.
You yawn and take a cautious sip of hot coffee. You nearly choke as your eyes are drawn above the monitor by a blurred shape. You pull your mouth off the lid of the cup as Pete leans against the doorway, slightly bedraggled as his floppy hair droops down one side of his forehead and his eyes are ringed with sleep.
“Hey,” his voice is gritty and low, “you’re here early.”
“Same time every day.”
You note that he’s wearing the same jacket as the day before. You can’t see the rest of him past your computer but his tie is gone and his shirt is wrinkled and unbuttoned. You should be concerned but you’re just not. Whatever problems he has, you can’t imagine they’re not self-made.
“I smelled coffee,” he grumbles and scratches the side of his nose.
You put your thermos down softly, hiding it out of his view. You’re not sharing.
“Guess…” He leans back and looks into the bank, “I could make a pot… Marska usually puts one on… her coffee tastes better than mine.” He checks his watch, “how long till she gets in?”
You blink at him. Shouldn’t he know? He’s the manager. Your job is the computers, not scheduling. You look at him and shrug.
“Mm,” he turns back to you, “guess I’ll give it a try.”
His reluctance is clear as he sluggishly pushes away from the frame and drags his feet away from your office door. You have the urge to get up and shut your door but even you know that’s a bit much. His soles scuff as he barely lifts his feet and you listen to him grumble and sigh.
He clanks around loudly with the old machine. You’re always sure to bring your own. They only ever have the cheap brand in the office and when you brought your own, others drained the pot before you got any. This place is miserable. You wonder if they need a technician down at the library.
The shatter of glass breaks the morning lull completely. So much for a slow start. You hear Pete groaning from the next room. You don’t have to go out there, you don’t have to…
Damn it.
You get up and find him standing over the broken urn, only the plastic handle still intact. He hangs his head and grips his hips, pouting over the disaster. You cross your arms as you approach.
“I’m a mess,” he pushes his hair back as he shifts to look at you. “Sleeping in my office, wearing yesterday’s clothes,” he drops his hand emphatically and puffs out through his lips, “now this.”
“Did you cut yourself?” You ask, scanning his hands for blood.
He shakes his head, ���no, I didn’t, just… I’m not doing well.”
“Right,” you stare at him flatly, “well, just broken glass. Nothing that can be cleaned up.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says, “thank you.”
Then he walks away. Walks. Away. Leaving you in front of the scatter of glass shards. You watch him go incredulously. Does he really expect you to clean up his mess? As he enters his office, you’re assured that he very much does.
You close your eyes and take a breath. Technically, he is your boss. Well, truly, he is a man child.
You go to get the broom and pan and sweep up the glass. Not for him, for practicality. No one else should have to cut themselves for his clumsiness. You dump the glass in a box and put that in the bin. You’ll leave it to him to add the replacement to the supplies sheet.
Marska arrives as you put away the broom. Before she even slips her purse off her arm, she struts to the machine, not acknowledging you until she finds the burner empty. She tuts and faces you, blocking your path back to your office. Your safe haven.
“What happened?”
“Pot broke,” you answer bluntly.
“You broke it?”
“No,” you say.
She scoffs, “no? Well, what happened?”
You point to Pete’s office and shrug, shouldering past her without further argument. She sighs and clicks her heels towards the front desk. Her agitated mutters drone on as you enter your office and rub your forehead.
“Hey Mar,” Pete greets the teller buoyantly, “that’s a nice skirt.”
Absolutely no shame.
“Pete,” she purrs back, “what happened to the coffee maker, baby?”
They’re not as subtle or quiet as they think.
“Mm, yeah, accident,” he says, “you know what time that bakery opens? They do good coffee. You could run over, it’s never busy at open.”
“Pete, it’s always busy at open. That’s when all the old ones do their banking,” she rebuffs.
“Oh…” he sniffs, “I’m sorry, baby. Late night, I…” he pauses, “she knows.”
“What?” Marska’s voice cracks.
“I don’t know how she found out…” his voice trails off, “we should talk in my office.”
“Whatever, the other won’t care. I don’t even know if she understands me half the time,” Marska sneers, “you sure she knows what she’s doing? These fucking computers are slow as hell.”
“Mar,” Pete warns, “let’s go…”
“Well, I don’t have much time or any coffee, so make it quick,” she snaps and her heels tap across the floor.
You roll your eyes and close your own door. You don’t envy the mess they’ve made of their lives and you assume it won’t be long before Marska’s husband knows about it. What do you care? You don’t waste your time on all that. You’d rather get to the Erdtree.
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
Not too fussed on which character you write this for but i was thinking what if reader has nipple piercings that one of Auli’i’s characters doesn’t know about until reader wears a fitted T-shirt around them (reader normally wears sweatshirts or baggy clothes)
Call Me
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: some coarse language, fluff, one make-out scene
Reader sees AJ from across the room and decides to shoot her shot, start things with a simple ‘hello’
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(Pictures used above are from Pinterest)
You met AJ for the first time at an art show a few months ago when you had to accompany your sister there— your parents weren’t free so you took her instead. At first, you were unhappy about having to ‘babysit’ her, but you couldn’t complain once you laid your eyes on the cutest girl you’ve ever seen. While your sister was busy setting up her pieces, you went up to the girl who caught your eyes.
“Hi.” You said, approaching her table.
“Oh. Hey.” She glances over her shoulder, smiling at you, “What’s up?”
“Uh…” You chuckled, a light pink hue quickly dusts your cheeks, “Just wanted to say hello.”
“Really?” She grins, “You just wanted to say hi to someone you’ve never met in your life?”
“Okay, you caught me.” You threw your hands up in mock surrender. “I’m here with my little sister. I saw you from across the room and I just couldn’t look away. I’m sorry.”
“Mm, no don’t be.” She says, “I’m AJ. You are?”
“Hi, AJ.” You stuck your hand out for her to shake, “I’m y/n.”
The corners of her lips tug into a small smile, “Hi, y/n.”
“So…” You shove your hands into the pockets of your pants.
“So…” She laughs a little, “Okay, I’m gonna be honest— I suck at small talk.”
“Me too.” You scratched the back of your neck, “But uh, I’ll only be in town for the weekend. And I would love to hang out with you.”
“You do? Sure.”
Your eyes widened in shock, “What? Really? We only just met.”
“You’re cute, so that helps.”
“Call me, okay?” She scribbles her phone number onto a small piece of paper and hands it to you.
“Will do, AJ.” You blushed, “Will do.”
“Nice meeting you.” She smiled brightly, giving you a little wave as you turned around to leave and go back to your sister’s table.
AJ picked you up in her car at your hotel and took a drive. You let your sister sleepover at her friend’s hotel room that night. She teases you for being ‘down bad’ for AJ— a girl you’ve only just met.
“Hey, you.” She greeted, stretching over to open the door for you.
“Hi.” You smiled, “So, where are we headed?”
“I was thinking we go to a drive through, get dinner and drive up to the beach.” AJ suggested, “What do you think?”
“I think…that’s a great idea.” You agreed.
“Where are you from?”
“Ah, Connecticut. New Haven.”
“Ooh.” AJ nodded, “You’re a pretty long way from home.”
“Eh, well— it’s not my first time having to travel alone and stuff. Parents are always so caught up with work they kinda just…leave us to fend for ourselves.” You scoffed, “Never flew alone with my sister till now, though. I’m just glad she isn’t so annoyed with me like she usually is.”
“Look, I have a twin. And sometimes at our big age of 18, we still fight like children.” AJ giggles, “Over the stupidest things— so…I get that.”
You gasp, “You have a twin?”
“Yeah, we don’t look anything alike though.” She chuckles over her words, “Alright- few options. What do you feel like having for dinner? Your choice.”
In the end, you made her choose since you didn’t know what to eat. Once dinner was acquired, the drive to the beach continues. It was relatively quiet, but you two asked each other questions every now and then.
“I noticed you’ve been wearing the same sweatshirt.”
“Don’t worry, I wash it.” You joke, “I just like it. It was my grandpa’s— we were really close but he uh, passed away a few years ago when I was twelve.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You assured, “I’m alright. It was a long time ago.”
She smiles, reaching for your hand to give it a squeeze. All you could managed was to smile back, and blush. “You’re shy.” She teases. You chuckled wryly, “Yeah, yeah.”
“I’ll take you and your sister to the airport tomorrow, okay?”
“What? No, you don’t—”
“I’ll take you two.” She insisted, “I get to spend more time with you that way.” AJ was laying right before you in bed, brushing the hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear.
You still couldn’t believe it. AJ was here, spending the night in your hotel room. You peeked over her shoulder and saw your sister fast asleep and facing the other way. You snuggled closer to AJ and she presses a kiss to your temple.
“How are we gonna do this?” You ask quietly.
“We’re gonna text, we’re gonna call, we’re gonna FaceTime.” She cups your cheek, “We can make it work. It won’t be long before you have to come back here for college, right? You’re going to UCLA. I’ll be at CalArts…”
You hummed, “You’re right. It won’t be long.”
“We got this.” She smiled, giving you another kiss— on the lips this time, “Four months will be over before we know it.”
“This is so crazy to me. We just met and I am so in love with you— it’s crazy.”
“I’m pretty crazy about you, too.” She grins, wrapping her arms around you, “Okay, go to sleep. It’s late.”
“Babe? I’m home. I got your favourite coffee.” Hearing her voice, you rushed outside to give her a kiss and say hi.
“Missed me?” She chuckles, kissing you back.
“Yup.” You nodded, “Thanks for the coffee.”
She flashes you another smile then began unloading the groceries. “Is the headache getting better?”
“I dunno. That’s why I asked for coffee— see if the caffeine will help.”
“Okay.” She says while looking at you, she then does a double, “Hang on a second.”
“What?” You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
“Do you have piercings?” She squints, putting down the bag of potatoes she was holding. “Like—”
You smirked, “Yeah, I do.”
“I never noticed.” She chuckles in disbelief, still fixated om your chest.
“Now you know.” You walked over to her and hugged her from behind.
“What’s this?”
“Nothing, just wanted to hug you.”
She turned around, abandoning her task at hand, “That’s sweet.” Her hand subsequently rests on your hip, her fingers tugging at the waistband of your shorts, “I would love to what’s under that top.”
“I’m not opposed to it.”
“Sure?” She asks, gazing into your eyes lovingly.
You nodded firmly, “I’m ready.”
“M’kay, baby.” AJ shrugs, leaning closer to crash her lips onto yours, easily hoisting you up so that your legs were on either side of her. “Looks like we’re getting busy this morning.”
You laughed giddily, she plops you onto the mattress. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you looked right at AJ who was hovering over you and looking right into your eyes at first, but her gaze traces the rest of your body that she could see.
“So you’re sure?”
“Hell yes.” You confirmed.
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tswaney17 · 2 years
I Do Bad Things with You - Part 35
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The happiest of happy birthdays goes out to my mate, @nikethestatue!! 🎉 I'm so grateful to have gotten to know you and to consider you a friend. You're such an amazing, kind, incredible person and I adore you so much. Thank you for being such a special person in my life, someone I can always count on to have my back. I hope you enjoy an IDBTWY update for your birthday, my love. All my love. 💙💚💜
This is a long update, so grab yourself a drink and a snack.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault , language, NSFW
Word Count: 15,277
Since Elain and Azriel broke the damn on their physical relationship a few nights ago, they had been going non-stop. If Elain was the first one home, she practically pounced on him the moment he was through the elevator doors. That first night, he stripped her of her clothes and fingered her on the small foyer table until she was sobbing with pleasure. Only after he thoroughly ravaged her there did he finally carry her to the couch where he fucked her until her legs shook and her voice cracked from her screams.
Azriel proudly wore the scratches on his back left by her nails like they were war wounds. If he was home before her, he’d wait till she at least set her stuff down before swooping to throw her over his shoulder like some sort of caveman and carrying her to wherever he wanted.
The mark he had left on her neck—though covered by makeup—wasn’t enough for Viviane’s hawk eyes not to notice. She had dragged an unwilling Elain into a janitor’s closet and practically begged for details. Not giving her anything but a promiscuous smile, Elain left her in the closet and received a few curious glances as to why the two were in there, to begin with.
They were in a frenzy. Trying to make up the last couple of months, or more like the last ten years’ worth, of being together into a short period. It didn’t help that Azriel had a business trip coming up at the end of the week and would be gone for a few days. It would be the first time they would be apart since they had gotten back together and if Elain were being honest with herself, she was dreading it.
She didn’t want him to leave. Was slightly worried about it, though she knew she had no reason to be. It was silly to feel like this she had told herself. He was only going to be gone for four days. Elain could make do without him for four measly days, right?
It sounded so pathetic to herself that she hadn’t mentioned it to him yet, the uneasy feeling of being without him. It was nerves and the idea of missing him. That was it.
She had just come off a four-hour surgery when she felt pain in her lower stomach. Grabbing her belly, Elan made a beeline for the employee locker room.
Shit, shit, shit!
It couldn’t be that time of the month already. Not when they had a few more days before Az left. Even on the shot, Elain’s sporadic menstrual cycle typically caught her unawares, sometimes bleeding for days while other times she didn’t at all. Throwing open her locker, Elain reached into the box of menstrual supplies and pulled out the last product. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Her stomach cramped as a wave of pain radiated over her lower abdomen. Gripping the metal of her locker, she breathed through the hurt until it subsided enough and she could go use the restroom.
Thank god she had caught it between surgeries this time. There had been a few times when her period had hit in the middle and she either had to temporarily excuse herself from the procedure to get what she needed or let herself bleed onto her underwear. She really needed to track her cycles better, but her work schedule and other things would always take priority. And the randomness also made it difficult to keep up with. As long as she got her shot booked accordingly, she never worried about it.
It would also explain why she had such a high sexual appetite right now—though that sounded weak even in her head. Elain knew hormones or not, she’d still be trying to jump Azriel at every opportunity. Fuck, even last night he had some work things he needed to get done, but she was so desperate for him that she had bothered him in his office.
“C’mere, El,” he motioned her forward, sliding his desk chair out to make room for her.
She slowly made her way over to him, feeling a bit out of sorts with what he wanted but trusting him. Slipping over his legs, she sank onto his lap.
Azriel wrapped a hand around the backside of her neck and hauled her in for a hot, passionate kiss. His tongue slipped between her lips, stroking hers, and licked into her mouth until she was moaning and grinding on his growing erection. He hissed, halting her movements. “No, no. I need you to tell me what you want first.”
Elain whined, dropping her forehead against his. “You,” she breathed. “I need you.”
Seemingly satisfied with her answer—though Elain had a feeling that that wasn’t something that would last forever—he kissed her again. A quick, messy, claiming sort of lip-lock. Pulling back, he ordered, “Stand up.”
She did, scrambling to her feet.
Her eyes darted to the floor-to-ceiling window in his office as she hesitated. Yes, they were up high, but there were still other buildings around them at their height. And people could look up and see her.
His face softened. “All of the windows in this penthouse are one-way, Elain. I splurged and replaced them all when I moved in. I like my privacy. Nobody can see in, even if you’re pressed against the glass.”
The last bit felt like a promise for what was to come.
His words calmed the nerves that had fluttered in her stomach. Gripping the hem of her—well his—shirt, she yanked it over her head. Azriel leaned back in his seat as he watched her slip her fingers into the fabric of her underwear and shimmied them down her legs. When she leaned forward to push the thigh-high socks down, his hand shot out and encircled her wrist.
“Leave those on,” he croaked. Releasing her, he sat back, swiping his thumb over his bottom lip as he looked his fill.
Elain felt her body heat under his scrutiny, but she grew wet from his hungry gaze. Her nipples pebbled and she was close to begging him to do something when he finally kicked off his shoes and began unbuttoning the white linen he still had on. He shucked it off to join her clothes on the floor.
Those beautifully, scarred fingers unbuckled his belt. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he started as he shoved his pants and boxer briefs down his toned thighs. His erect cock caught her attention, proud and ready for her.
She unconsciously caught herself rubbing her thighs together.
“You’re going to sit on my cock until I’m finished with my work. And if you can hold still until I’m done, then I’ll fuck you on my desk until you’re begging me to stop. Understand?”
Her breathing had gone erratic, but she nodded.
“Tell me, Elain.”
Shit. Az had been forcing her to communicate with him more when they got hot and heavy. Gestures wouldn’t be enough; not with him. He wanted vocal responses from her. “Yes, I understand.”
He motioned her forward. “Come sit.”
Elain shuffled forward, setting her hands on his shoulders and stepping over his legs. Her hair draped over them as she lined herself up over his cock and slowly sank down. She gasped, taking him one inch at a time until he was seated fully. Good lord, he wasn’t even fully undressed and she was completely impaled onto his cock. He felt so good, stretching her, bordering on painful, but was simply divine as well.
She started to rock her hips forward, needing to get the friction against her clit, but he grabbed her waist in a tight hold and stopped her movements.
He clicked his tongue. “No, stay still and then you’ll get your reward.” Az pressed a light kiss to her lips, teasing her.
Elain whimpered. “Can I hold you?” she pleaded. She couldn’t just sit there; it felt too weird to sit there on him without touching him.
Az smiled. “Yes, love. Come here.” He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her temple. Those tantalizing fingers slid up and down her back. “I’m almost done. Five minutes. I know you can do it.”
A locker door slamming pulled her from her horny reminiscing. Elain blinked, clearing the fog that had cast over her mind, and blushed. She had done it, barely, and was so soaked by the end she had dripped all over his lap and leather chair. And was thoroughly rewarded on Az’s desk and then again in their bed.
Another wave of pain washed over her lower stomach making her clutch herself. Grabbing her phone from the front of her scrubs, she tapped on Azriel’s name and put the phone to her ear.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hi, Elain. Are you all right?”
She huffed a laugh. “I’m fine, fussy hen.”
He ignored the quip though she knew he was wearing a grin. “What’s up, baby?”
“I have to run to the store on my way home tonight, so I’ll be late.”
There was some rustling on the other line and then, “What do you need? I can get out of here early and pick it up for you.”
Elain hesitated. She didn’t exactly love the idea of telling her boyfriend that her uterus was currently trying to turn itself inside out because he hadn’t impregnated her and it was pissed because it wanted to play host.
“Your cycle started,” he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She spluttered. “What? Why—how do you even know that?”
He chuckled into the receiver. “I clocked your last one on my calendar to keep track of them.”
“You what? Why?” Her face heated even though he couldn’t see her.
“Well, for one, to make sure I keep supplies for you at our place on hand when you needed them.”
Well, that was incredibly sweet. Goddammit, now she was trying not to cry. “How did I end up with the most caring boyfriend in the entire world?” she questioned, feeling a bit choked up. “But you really don’t need to pick up supplies for me.”
He sighed. “You deserve to be taken care of, Elain. And what kind of a shitty boyfriend would I be if I can’t go to the store to get you supplies for your period? Tell me what you prefer to use and I will get it.”
She didn’t want to get into the fact that Grayson had never offered to go to the store for her. In fact, he tended to keep a ten-foot radius around her whenever Mother Nature called like she had some sort of infectious disease.
Gods, why was she ever with him?
“I’ll text you a picture.”
“Can I get you anything else? Are you craving something? Chocolate? Some sort of comfort food?”
Elain’s phone pinged and she glanced down to see an incoming patient alert. “No, I’m good. Thanks, though. I have to go. I have a patient on the way in. I’ll send the picture now. Thank you, Azriel. I appreciate it.”
She could hear his smile through the phone. “Anytime, El. Love you, baby.”
The words made her heart flutter in her chest, as ridiculous as it was. “Love you too.” Elain tapped her phone to end the call, and then snapped a photo of the box in her locker and sent him the image with a heart emoji. She shut her locker and was making her way back to the emergency area when her watch dinged with an incoming message.
Azriel’s name popped up with a single heart response back.
Fuck, she loved that man.
There was a reason Azriel avoided the grocery store at peak times. Why he got up at the crack of dawn once a month to shop at seven in the morning. To avoid being approached by random strangers. He had made that mistake only a few times before realizing he was too wealthy and well-known to shop during the day—and frankly too attractive too.
On more than one occasion, he was stopped by some dude who thought he had the next great idea in security and he’d spend the following ten minutes listening to some bullshit spew he really didn’t care about.
Hence why he preferred to shop at seven in the morning. Nobody shopped at seven in the morning. And even less on the weekends.
However, Azriel would face the crowds, the stares, the dreaded conversations, and everything else if it was for Elain.
He was strolling through the store, a handbasket tucked into the crook of his elbow. Inside, he already had two boxes of Elain’s preferred menstrual supplies—one for work and the other to stock up the penthouse—a bouquet of peonies, her favorite flower. He made sure to call ahead and have a large order put together for him to pick up. Two pints of coffee flavor ice cream, and was now in the candy section searching for her favorite chocolate truffles.
Why they didn’t alphabetize the candy like the spice section was beyond him, but he’d search until he could find what he was looking for. Azriel was so focused on his quest for truffles that he hadn’t realized someone approached him until they spoke.
“Beautiful flowers.”
He started slightly—though, to anyone other than Elain, they wouldn’t have noticed—and found a coppery-brunette-haired woman looking up at him. She was young, maybe fresh out of college. Twenty-two if he had to take a guess. Tall for a female, pushing five foot ten, and without heels on. She had little to no curves on her body like she hadn’t quite grown out of her child’s form into her adult body, though he wasn’t looking at her in that regard. With her pin-straight hair tied back using a ribbon and a coltish figure, Azriel would file her under a girl, rather than a woman.
Inexperienced. That was the word he was looking for.
He realized she was still waiting for a response from him. “Thank you.” There, short, sweet, and hopefully the end of the conversation. He refocused his attention on the chocolate, praying she would leave, and groaned internally when she didn’t.
“You don’t strike me as a chocolate connoisseur.”
“I’m not.”
She dipped her head to look into the basket he was carrying.
For god’s sake. Did this child not respect boundaries? Azriel took a step away.
“Coffee ice cream too? My favorite.” She flashed him a flirty smile and held out a hand. “I’m Gw—”
“I didn’t ask,” he countered, expressionless. Good fucking lord, read a mood.
Her face soured, but his piss-poor attitude didn’t deter her. “Well, if you’re looking for good candy, these fruit ones,” she grabbed a package off the shelf and set them in the basket hanging on his arm, “are the best.”
He looked down at the unwanted item in his carrier, then glanced back at the audacity of this girl and he had had enough. Plucking the fruit monstrosities out of his collection of groceries, Azriel set them back on the shelf.
Twisting to face her completely, he snapped, “Since you don’t seem to take social cues well, let me put this bluntly. At what point do you realize what I’m carrying in this basket is not for myself but for my girlfriend?” He wasn’t fazed by the slight reddening of her cheeks. “I am much too mature for you, and frankly, too man as well.” Azriel caught sight of the red bag of truffles behind her shoulder. Reaching out, he snagged it off the shelf and dropped it into his basket. “Excuse me,” he said non-too-politely and stepped around her.
Gods he just wanted to get home, pull Elain into his arms and stay there for the rest of the night. Quickly grabbing the remaining groceries he needed for dinner, Az made his way to the check stand, picking the one with the shortest line.
The older clerk gave him a sweet look. “Wife?” she asked.
His mouth ticked up in the corner. Not yet, he almost said, but went with, “Girlfriend,” instead.
“You’re a keeper.”
He half chuckled, tapping his black card to the point-of-sale terminal. Grabbing the bag of groceries and his receipt, he thanked the clerk and slipped his Ray-Bans back onto his face as he made his way back to his car.
Elain’s surgery had run late, but she shot him a text to give him a heads up so he could time dinner. The spaghetti sauce was simmering on the stove and the noodles were nearly finished cooking. Az smiled to himself at the meal, reminiscing about their first date.
The elevator doors pinged open and he twisted to see Elain stepping out, setting her bags on the foyer table. Immediately her eyes went to the bouquet of peonies sitting on the counter and he watched as her entire face brightened.
“What are these for?” she asked, sniffing the floral arrangement.
He came around the counter to pull her into his arms. “They’re for you.”
“You got me flowers?” she said like it was the most precious thing in the world. “I can’t tell you the last time somebody got me flowers…” There was an edge to her voice that told him she wasn’t done with her thoughts. “I think when Feyre and Nesta, and your brothers gave me flowers when I graduated from medical school was the last time I received any.”
His thumbs brushed over the skin of her arms as he considered her words. She would’ve been dating Grayson at that point. No, they may have even been engaged or nearly close to it. And the fucker didn’t even get her flowers at her graduation. Son of a bitch, he really fucking hated that man. But he didn’t say that instead leaning his head down to kiss her cheek. And made a mental note to make bringing her flowers a regular occurrence. “Do you like them?”
She reached out brushing a silky petal between her finger and thumb. “They’re gorgeous, Az. I love them.” Elain twisted in his arms to face him. “You remembered my favorite flower?”
“Of course, I remember. I also picked up your favorite chocolate truffles and two pints of coffee ice cream. And I restocked your supplies under the sink in our bathroom; the brown bag on the foyer table has a box for your locker to take with you tomorrow.”
Elain blinked at him, too many emotions for him to read danced across her face. And then she buried hers into his chest, wrapping herself around him to hold him close. “Thank you,” she murmured into his shirt, nuzzling her nose further into his embrace.
The softness with which she spoke told him that she was trying to keep her emotions in check. He threaded his scarred hand through her hair to cradle the back of her head.
She pulled back and looked at him, determination set in her brow. “I want to thank you.”
His lips pulled up. “I think you just did, love.”
Elain shook her head, stepping around him and into the kitchen to turn off the stove. Az watched her from where he stood. “Spaghetti?” she said, though it sounded like a question.
He chuckled lightly. “Surprise.”
She came back around the counter, her steps light—almost intimidated. But she reached out a hand for him and he gladly took it, letting her tug him to the couch and gently push him into a sitting position.
When Elain said ‘thank him,’ she meant thank him. Az allowed her to push him back into the couch cushions as she straddled him and brought their mouths together. Her tongue licked at the seam of his lips, asking him for entry, to which, he granted her full access.
Elain slid her hands to his hair, using the grip she had on him as leverage to rock herself on him.
His hands went to her waist, helping to guide her movements in a way that had his cock hardening quickly.
She kissed down his jaw, the strong column of his throat, and began sucking on the junction of his shoulder.
“Fuck, Elain,” he groaned, gripping her around the hips.
The little minx licked up his neck—back to his mouth. She dropped a filthy kiss on his lips before she slipped off his lap and settled between his legs.
“El, baby. You know you don’t have to do this, right?” He needed her to know this, but fuck, did she look so damn sexy kneeling in front of him.
She reached forward, sliding her palms over his muscled thighs until she reached his belt. “I know I don’t,” she started, looking up at his face. “I want to.” Elain looked up at him with such a trusting face, fingers tracing his waistband, that he couldn’t stop himself from grabbing her under her jaw and kissing her again. She hummed against him.
Pulling back, she deftly undid his belt buckle then popped open the button of his dress pants and tugged down the zipper. Her eyes flicked up to his as she gripped the hem of his pants and boxers and slid them down his legs—Az lifted his hips to help her—until his incredibly hard erection sprang free.
Elain wrapped a small hand around his cock, the tiny thing not even closing completely around his shaft. Her grip was firm as she dipped her head and licked a broad stripe from the base up to the tip.
Azriel’s head fell back against the couch cushions as he let out a throaty groan. He threaded his hand into golden-brown tresses, tangling them between his fingers to lift her hair out of the way.
Seemingly satisfied by his response, she licked him again and then took his head into her mouth. Elain worked him slowly, letting herself get acclimated to his size. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, flicking over the slit at the top, then back down the underneath side. Gripping his thighs to leverage herself, she raised herself on her knees and sank down until he touched the back of her throat.
“Fucking hell, El,” he moaned, savoring that warm, wet, delicious feeling. Az watched as she bobbed up and down his length, taking him as far into her mouth and throat as she could. She used her hand to cover the rest, twisting and stroking him until he had stars dancing in his vision.
Azriel was typically good at predicting things, but anticipating Elain giving fucking amazing head was not one of them. Not because he thought she’d be bad at it, but because he assumed she was inexperienced at it. He had a feeling he knew why she was good, but he pushed that thought from his mind and focused on the pleasure he was receiving from his gorgeous girl.
He cupped her face; let his thumb brush over her hollowing cheek. “My good girl gives me such good head. You look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth, baby.”
Elain hummed, preening at the words, and fuck him if the vibrations didn’t nearly make him come. She had spit running down his dick, over the hand still pumping him, dripping off her chin onto his lap.
It was filthy and messy, and honestly the hottest thing he’d ever bare to witness.
She licked and sucked and slurped and everything in between, taking him as deep as she could allow until she started to gag, and fucking hell, he had started to go down her throat.
Az teetered on the edge of his orgasm; felt that pull in the pit of his stomach that had his balls tightening. “Elain, I’m going to come,” he warned, though it came out like a growl.
Her other hand slipped between his legs to fondle his sac—the surprise catching him off guard enough that he snapped his hips up into her mouth until she choked.
“Fuck, shit! Are you okay?” he worried and tried to pull her off him.
But Elain would not be deterred, gripping his cock harder to latch on. She continued to suck, increasing her speed on the bobbing of her head to get him to his peak.
Azriel moaned again, body bowing over hers. “Baby, if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, stop now.” He knew some girls didn’t like the sudden surprise of when a guy came while others just didn’t like cum to begin with; though, Elain had previously licked his up and didn’t seem to mind it.
He leaned back on the couch just as his wave crested. Az called out her name, cock pulsing as he shot hot seed down Elain’s throat.
His beautiful, sexy woman swallowed every single drop he gave her. The suck from her mouth was simply exquisite. He felt every drag, every pull, every delicious draw from between her plump lips as she slurped down his release.
Panting, he slouched in his seat as she pulled off his dick with an audible pop. Elain sat back on her heels and shot him a feline smirk, clean thumb wiping away the spit and cum that had dribbled onto her lips.
“Fucking hell, c’mere,” he growled, grabbing her underneath her arms and hauling her onto his lap. Az slammed their mouths together in a hot, bruising, needy kiss. It was a clash of teeth and tongues—a kiss where he tasted himself in her mouth.
He overwhelmed her, sliding a large hand into her thick locks to angle her head how he liked it. To control the kiss and the way her lips moved against his, how her tongue slid along his.
Elain whimpered, her body shuddering with the need to submit to him as he reined in her movements. Her soaked hand gripped his shirt at his shoulder; tethering herself to him.
When he started to lift her to lay her on the couch, she hesitated. Immediately, Azriel pulled back to look at her flushed face.
She was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath, golden-brown eyes were blown wide with lust and desire.
“I want to repay the favor, love. You deserve to feel as good as you made me feel.”
She smiled softly at him, running her clean hand through his hair. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me,” she said, using the same words he had used countless times on her.
He frowned. “I am worried about you. I’ll always worry about you.”
Elain laughed lightly. “That, I’m sure of.” She carded her fingers through his dark locks. “But to be honest, my cramps today have made the idea of anything going inside me or orgasming in general unappealing.”
Azriel brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Your cramps weren’t like this the last few times you had your cycle.”
“It comes and goes.” She shrugged.
Pursing his lips, an idea struck him. He tucked himself back into his pants; gripping her hand, he wiped it clean on his shirt then lifted her off his lap and resituated them until she was facing away from him, her back pressed into his front.
“What are you doing?” Elain asked.
Az ignored the question. “Relax for me.”
So, she did, reclining onto his chest and laying her head on his shoulder.
Kissing her temple, Azriel swept his hands over the curves of her body, down her hips, and then slid around to the front. His fingers danced along the waistband of her scrubs before dipping underneath the band.
“Az,” Elain moaned, body melding against his when he added more pressure with the pads of his fingertips. “What did I just tell you?”
He kissed the side of her head again. “I’m not doing that, now hush and relax.”
She grumbled at his response but did as asked, melting into his further as his deft fingers began massaging her lower stomach and pelvic area. Elain sighed in contentment, her small hands finding his and moving them to where she ached. “That feels nice.”
Azriel kissed her shoulder, smiling into her scrub top as he worked her muscles.
They sat like that on the couch for a good ten minutes until Elain stopped his ministrations and brought his hands to her mouth to kiss. “Thank you for that,” she whispered, twisting her head to join their lips together.
“Anytime love. You know that.”
She blinked up at him. “Do you think you can play for me tonight?”
He glanced at the black instrument—something he hadn’t touched really since they started their rendezvous escapades. “Of course, I can. Anything, in particular, you want me to play?”
Elain chuckled, slipping off his lap and holding out her hand to him to help him stand. “Like I have any suggestions. Surprise me.”
Az brushed a kiss on her forehead. “Go change. I’ll finish up dinner and get the table set.” He watched her make her way up the stairs before he refired up the stove to heat the spaghetti sauce. He was draining the noodles when Elain emerged from their bedroom, dressed in leggings, one of his long-sleeve shirts, and socks. “Better?” he asked her, bringing the dishes to the table.
She parked herself in her designated chair. “Much, thank you for all of this tonight. I appreciate it and you. So much, Azriel. I do.”
He came around to her side and dropped down to a knee in front of her. “Elain, you don’t have to thank me. I want to take care of you in any way that I can. I know you’re self-sufficient and I don’t want to take that away from you, but if there are little things I can do to make something easier for you, to make you feel valued and cherished, then I’m going to do them. Because you deserve to feel like that and because I love you.”
A small hand reached out to cup his cheek—brown eyes sparkling with so much affection, he could feel it in his very soul. Her thumb brushed over his stubbled skin. “I love you, too,” she breathed, leaning forward to kiss him.
Serving her dinner, Az sat down across from her and listened to her speak about her day. He played for nearly two hours on the piano while Elain sipped wine and ate chocolate truffles and coffee ice cream straight from the carton on the couch. A lovely smile spread on her face that could light up the night sky.
It may not have been how they wanted to spend the last few days until he had to leave for his business trip, but they made the most of it.
Azriel leaned down to plant kisses on Elain’s sleeping form. Along her temple, her cheek, over her shoulder, until she stirred and blinked sleepy eyes up at him. He brushed the hair from her face. “Good morning, love,” he whispered.
She yawned, rolling further onto her back. “Az,” she breathed. “Is it time already?”
He nodded. “Yeah, Nuala and Cerridwen are waiting in the garage.” Az let his thumb swipe over the apple of her cheek.
“What time is it?” Elain asked rubbing her eye with a fist. She was utterly adorable in this sleepy state.
“Three-thirty. My flight’s at four.”
She blinked at him. “Are you going to be late?”
He shot her a smirk. “The plane won’t leave without me, love. Promise,” he added with a wink. He hadn’t mentioned that the plane was his and wouldn’t leave without him on it.
Elain mumbled something that sounded like “rich man’s perk.”
Az chuckled, leaning forward, and dropped one, two, three more kisses on her plump lips. “I have to go now. No—stay in bed. I’ll see myself out,” he said when she started to get up. Tucking her back under the covers, he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Call me if you have any problems, Elain. I’ll come straight home.”
He knew she was slightly apprehensive about his trip, without her having to tell him, he knew. Az could see it in how she clung to him a bit more the last couple of days. Just the fact of not having him near after what had happened set her on edge, and well, he didn’t exactly blame her for it. He wasn’t thrilled to be leaving her either but knew she wouldn’t be able to skip work again so soon after her time off from her recovery.
“The Moonbeam twins will pick you up and take you to and from work and are on alert should you need them here. As are our siblings. You know Cash will be here at the drop of a hat.”
“I know. I’ll be fine, Az. I’m just a little anxious is all.” She brushed her thumb over the back of his palm. “Text me when you land. I’ll call you as soon as I’m able to.”
His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it, knowing it was the twins wondering where he was at. “I will. I love you, Elain.”
She smiled softly at him. “I love you, too. Have a safe flight.”
“Thanks, love.” He kissed her again, letting his tongue trace the seam of her lips before gently prying her mouth open. Sweeping in, he claimed her with his lips, teeth, and tongue.
Elain hummed against him, molding herself to his demands.
He gave himself just a few seconds longer before he pulled back and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Go back to sleep, baby.” Az grabbed the blankets and adjusted them around her shoulders. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
She rolled onto her side settling into a comfortable sleeping position.
Azriel sat there and rubbed her back for a few minutes until her breathing evened out and she fell into a deep slumber. He pecked the top of her head once more before rising from the bed and grabbing his suitcase sitting near their bedroom door.
When he stepped out of the elevator, he was confronted with two shit-eating grins from Nuala and Cerridwen. The former was dressed and ready to go with him, the latter, in a pair of sweats to drop them off. Cerridwen would stay behind and take care of affairs here and keep an eye on Elain in case something went south.
“What?” he demanded stopping in front of them.
Nuala peeled herself away from the car, a mirthful grin danced on her lips. “Did you get your last-minute randevu in finally?” she teased. “Will that hold you over for four days?”
He scowled at his assistant. “Did you, Nuala? However will your fiancée last without you here to keep her busy?”
Azriel regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth and saw the feline smirk on her face.
“Oh, we have our ways of maintaining our pleasure from a distance.”
“For Christ’s sake,” Cerridwen muttered, looking like she wanted the ground to swallow her whole. He wasn’t far behind her. “It’s too fucking early for this and not a conversation I want to be a part of. Now, if you want me to drop you off at the airstrip, then get your asses in the car or I’ll call Gavriel and tell him to leave you both here.”
Nuala stuck her tongue out at her twin as he put his suitcase in the trunk and pressed the button to close the hatch.
Climbing into the back, he pulled out his phone and opened up his emails.
His assistant snatched the device out of his hand. “Azriel, for god’s sake. It’s three thirty in the morning. Work can wait for a few hours.”
He leaned back in his seat. “We have a five-hour flight, Nuala. What do you suppose we do for it?”
“Well then, you can have it back for the flight. In the meantime, there is a very beautiful woman living in your apartment, which, in the near decade that I have known you, has never happened before. Shit, I don’t think you’ve ever had a woman in your apartment—”
“Is there a question here or are we just stating obvious facts?” he retorted, interrupting her little rant.
Cerridwen met her sister’s gaze in the rearview mirror once before returning her eyes to the road, whatever the hell that meant. “I think what my twin is trying to beat around the bush and ask is for you to tell us about her—about Elain.”
“You two know about Elain.” They both have driven her around, in the couple of weeks when she moved back into her apartment before she was kidnapped, Elain only allowed them to cart her around.
Nuala snorted. “Yeah, we know she’s a surgeon and sweet and really gets under your skin when she wants to. But we don’t know her.”
“She’s a major part of your life now. We want to get to know her better,” Cerridwen added.
Azriel rubbed his thumb under his bottom lip in contemplation. If he thought he’d be having any type of conversation with the twins this morning, this was definitely not it. “All right, I’ll bite. What do you want to know about her?”
His assistant clapped her hands together. “Okay, tell us some of her likes. What does she like to do outside of work?”
“Other than me?” he said without hesitating, then cringed inwardly.
Nuala leaned over and slapped his arm. “I’m going to tell her you said that.”
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Please don’t. Poor taste in a joke from lack of sleep. She likes to bake and garden, though she doesn’t do much now. Actually, she hasn’t gardened in a while… I should ask her if she’d like planter boxes or something for the windowsills in the penthouse or on the balcony,” he said more to himself than to them.
“What’s her favorite flower?”
“Peonies, but she has a knack for growing roses.”
“Does she drink coffee?” Cerridwen asked from the driver’s seat.
Az chuckled. “If you mean ‘does she drink creamer with a dash of coffee,’ then yes. It’s a sugary, sweet nightmare.”
Nuala smiled. “A woman after my own heart.”
And he knew it too. Nuala loved her lattes and Frappuccinos with whip cream and all the heart-stopping sugar that made you crash four hours later. “I make her coffee every morning and I’m surprised I get it right, to be honest.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” they said in unison, which used to freak him out, but he’d gotten acquainted with their one mind over the years.
“Is she on social media?” Cerridwen questioned.
“Yes!” Nuala popped in. “I’m scrolling through her Instagram right now.”
He reached out and grabbed her phone from her hand. “Stop that you little snoop.”
His assistant snickered. “How sad. Not a single photo of the two of you.”
Az rolled his eyes. “She rarely goes on her social accounts. And knows that I don’t have any for privacy reasons. All of our photos are on our phones.”
She held up his cell. “This phone?”
Quick as a flash, he snatched his phone from her fingers and tossed hers back onto her lap. “You’re being such a pain in the ass this morning, Nuala.”
“Blame yourself. You’re the one who wanted to leave before the butt-fuck of dawn, Azriel.”
“Don’t make me turn this car around,” Cerridwen called from the front eyeing them both. She was always the mediator when they started acting more like obnoxious siblings than colleagues. “What’s her favorite holiday?”
He shook his head, dark hair sliding across his brow. “Winter Solstice. Not just because that’s also Feyre’s birthday, but because she loves to host and have gatherings with friends and family.”
“You hate social gatherings,” Nuala deadpanned.
“I hate being forced to socialize when it’s not on my terms. But I love her and she makes it bearable.”
The twins cooed in unison again, making him roll his eyes in the dim lighting cast by the street lights they passed under.
“What’s her favorite food?”
He sighed, wishing this twenty-question game was over already but knew they were relentless when it came to their pestering. “Italian is her favorite cuisine. She’s a pasta and bread girl. But she loves anything with chicken. Chicken cordon bleu, coq au vin, roasted-herb chicken and vegetables.”
“Are you going to marry her?”
The car went silent at his bomb of a confession. To be fair, he didn’t mean to drop it casually like that, but as he took in their gaping faces, Az knew he caught them off guard with this truth. “Oh, come on. You can’t honestly tell me you’re surprised by that answer,” he said, looking back and forth between them. Cerridwen had returned her eyes to the road, but he’d catch them darting to look at him in the rearview mirror.
Nuala, however, had her mouth hanging open.
“From the expressions and the silence, I suppose my assumption was wrong.” He chuckled more to himself, crossing his ankle at the knee. “She’s living with me for god’s sake. As you two have so helpfully pointed out, that has never happened before with any other woman. So, why are you so surprised that I plan to marry her?”
His assistant sat back in her seat. “It’s not that we’re surprised per se, it’s just that we’ve never seen you like this. I remember you talking about her back in Bootcamp. How much she meant to you.” Her head cocked to the side. “Before she came back into your life, I never imagined you’d actually planned on settling down.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t planning on it. But she’s my everything.” He thought back to the beautiful woman sleeping in their bed; about everything they had gone through to get to where they were now. Az sighed heavily. “I know that this life isn’t ideal to take a wife. To show a vulnerability like that…But I’ve already let somebody rip us apart once and it cost the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And she, for some reason, forgave me for it. I didn’t deserve it. God knows I still don’t, but I won’t make that same mistake twice.” And he wouldn’t. Azriel would tear the world apart if anything came between him and Elain again.
The sisters shared a look again.
“You know, I hate it when you guys have a conversation in front of me when it’s about me,” he stated, annoyed.
Cerridwen turned into the airstrip where his jet was housed, but it was Nuala who sat up straight in her seat to speak. “Azriel, we would never begrudge you for wanting to find that happiness. Frankly, I’m thrilled that you’ve found it with Elain. I’ve seen how she makes you a better person—don’t take that the wrong way. You’ve always been a good person despite what we��ve done, but she makes you act more human.”
He mulled over her words as the car came to a stop and Cerridwen turned off the engine, twisting to look back at him.
“We’re happy for you, Az. Truly happy for you. And we like Elain. She’s sweet. Treats everyone with respect. So, don’t fuck it up.”
A laugh bubbled out of him at her words. “Noted. Are we done here? Gavriel looks like he’s about to take off without Nuala or me on the plane.”  
Collecting his and Nuala’s things from the trunk, Azriel carried them up the steps where the pilot stood. “Gavriel,” he said, “It’s good to see you.”
“Mr. Knight,” the golden-blond gripped his hand. “Pleasure is all mine.”
“And where’s the young buck you’ve taken under your wing?”
The older man laughed. Older was probably not the best way to describe Gavriel. Though he was technically in his late forties, he looked to be right around thirty-five. “Dorian is doing great. He’s already in the cockpit doing the final run-through before takeoff.” A conspirator’s smile turned up the corner of his lips. “So, a little birdy told me there’s a special someone in your life.”
He whipped around to the twins.
Cerridwen grimaced, looking like a kid who got caught with their hand in the metaphorical cookie jar. “Apologies, Az. I thought Elain might be coming with you when I made arrangements for the flight. I have Gavriel a heads up.”
Azriel sighed heavily, shaking his head. “You two are a menace.”
“Did I get somebody in trouble?” he cringed. “Sorry about that, Cer. I was merely curious. Though it appears she won’t be joining us?”
“Not this time. And given the life I live, I’d appreciate it if we kept this between us.”
Gavriel made a crossing motion over his chest. “Swear on my life. She’ll remain secret and safe with us.”
He clapped his pilot on the shoulder before heading into the cabin of his sleek, black jet, murmuring a “thank you” as he went.
The inside interior was black and white. Spacious. It could easily seat twelve comfortably. Four leather chairs sat around a table. Two faced each other on the other side of the walkway. Two more sat behind them across from an L-shaped couch. Azriel spared no expense when it came to the design of this plane.
Grabbing his laptop from the front of his suitcase, Az slipped it into one of the upper storage bins, then set Nuala’s up there when she arrived after saying goodbye to her sister. Sliding into a chair at the table, he fired his computer up to get some work done during the flight.
Gavriel shut the plane door, throwing them a salute before closing himself off in the cockpit.
Nuala went straight for the bar area and whipped up two coffees for them. “I think we both need these. Larger ones, but these are the only cups you have on this plane.” She set one down in front of him.
“Thank you,” he said, taking the mug and sipping.
Within a few minutes, Gavriel’s voice came on the intercom telling them to strap in as they’d been cleared for takeoff.
He looked out the window towards the glittering city—towards her.
“She’ll be fine, Az,” Nuala said quietly. “The Moonbeam twins will be with her and Cer will check in.”
“It’s still hard to leave her,” he admitted, looking back at her as the plane lurched forward. Azriel grabbed his coffee and held it in his palm, the warmth soaking into his scarred hand. “Just after what happened the last time we were apart.” And that was the truth, his guilt ate at him for what had happened to her. Leaving her now made him anxious.
Her head cocked to the side. “You can’t live with that guilt, Azriel. Elain made her choice to leave—”
“If you’re about to tell me that it was Elain’s fault, we are going to have a very big problem,” he warned.
She raised a hand to settle him. “That’s not what I’m saying at all. Elain chose to leave. You chose to let her go. And Hybern chose to do what he did. All of your choices played into what happened. But ultimately, it was Hybern’s fault. So, don’t let yourself feel guilty over it.” 
Deep down, he knew she was right. It was something Elain had said to him on more than one occasion. But telling somebody not to feel guilt and them actually moving past it were two very different things. “I’ll try,” he said just to appease her.
Nuala, he knew, didn’t buy it but let it go so they could get some work done.
Elain had gotten Azriel’s text when his flight landed while she was in surgery. She called him almost two hours later for a brief conversation before being pulled away for a consultation.
That was almost two days ago, and she missed him dearly. She had barely slept since he left, tossing and turning all night in their large bed. Elain was thoroughly exhausted, maybe catching four hours of sleep in total last night after two torturously long days. She had two surgeries today, the first one was four hours, but the second went for nearly eight solid hours. Coming off a fourteen-hour shift, she prayed she’d get some sleep tonight, but doubted the success of her endeavors.
It was nearly eight when her phone dinged from an incoming text. She was sitting in the bath, jets on low to help with her aching legs. Lavender engulfed the bathroom as she settled into the hot water.
Drying her hands off on the towel next to the tub, Elain picked up her phone and saw the message was from Azriel.
Are you home yet?
He’d text her first to make sure she was home before calling her, being two hours behind and knowing her schedule sometimes fluctuated.
Her lips curled up as she snapped a photo of the murky water, set off by the candles she lit to help her relax rather than turning on the harsh bathroom lights and sent that as a response. She expected her phone to start ringing. What Elain didn’t expect was the distinct sound of a Facetime call.
Butterflies erupted in her stomach, not for the call itself, but because she was currently naked and she knew Azriel knew it too. Setting her phone up on the tray she placed over the tub with a book, glass of wine, and chocolate truffles, Elain accepted the call, making sure her breasts were just out of the shot.
Azriel’s beautiful face filled her screen.
“Hi,” she breathed, smiling bashfully.
“Hey, love. Do you have a headache?”
The question didn’t surprise her. Elain often got into the bathtub when one of her headaches or migraines came on, Az sometimes joining her to rub at her shoulders. “No. I pulled a fourteen-hour shift today. One surgery was eight hours alone. My legs were killing me.”
His lips turned down into a frown. “Did you eat?”
“I grabbed a granola bar for the ride home.”
“That’s not dinner, Elain,” he chastised.
She chuckled. “Relax. I’m eating now.” Reaching forward, she grabbed a truffle and slowly popped it into her mouth, then washed it down with a swallow of wine before settling against the back of the tub, water sloshing around her.
Azriel snorted, shaking his head in exasperation. He readjusted himself on his bed and she caught a glimpse of the room he was in.
Her brow furrowed. “Where are you? That doesn’t look like a hotel room.”
“It’s not. I rent an Airbnb whenever I travel. Gives me more space. Nuala is staying in the guest house.”
Elain’s eyes widened. “There’s a guest house? My god, Azriel. How much does your company spend on travel expenses?”
He laughed. “As you love to put it, an ‘atrocious’ amount.” Az tucked an arm behind his head, bicep bulging with the movement.
Fuck he really was gorgeous. “Do vacations count in your travel expenses?” she joked. “Because after the last two days, I could use one.”
His head cocked to the side. “Where would you like to go?”
Elain debated the question. There were so many places she wanted to go—having never had the opportunity to travel—but she settled on, “Someplace warm. With a beach.”
Az smiled. A curl of his lips, likely taking the information and tucking it away for future use. “I miss you,” he said instead.
“I miss you too. I miss you in our bed. It’s much too large and lonely without you there.” Elain had gotten used to having another body next to her while she slept. Actually, she and Az rarely weren’t touching in some way, shape, or form when in bed whether that was a hand reaching out and pressed against the other’s back, an arm thrown over a waist or full-on wrapped around each other. It typically was the latter, like neither of them could bear any space between them.
A feline smirk pulled at his mouth. “So, you miss my body, then. Not just me.”
She rolled her eyes. “The sarcasm leaves little to be desired,” Elain snarked making him chuckle. “No, but I do miss your presence. I sleep better with you here.”
His face sobered. “Are you not sleeping, El?”
A shrug of her shoulders. “Not really. I toss and turn a lot when I don’t feel you next to me. I was hoping that a bath would help not just my legs but relax me before bed.” Hence the glass of wine—it always made her a bit tired.
Az sat up in the bed he was lying in, exposing more of his bare chest. “You know, there are other ways to relax your body that could help you sleep.”
Her brow furrowed. “Like what?”
“A couple of orgasms should do the trick.”
Elain’s face heated. “Last time I checked, it’s a bit difficult to give me an orgasm when you are two time zones away, Az.”
The grin he shot her was purely arrogant. “Oh, baby. I don’t need to be in the room with you to give you an orgasm.”
She shifted in the water, nearly exposing one of her breasts on camera. Azriel’s eyes caught the slip, but he was kind enough not to mention it. Elain hadn’t needed to allude that she’d been feeling a bit needy, having gone seven days now without any pleasure since her cycle had come and interrupted their frenzy. She knew he could sense her need, even through a Facetime call. Elain licked her lips, swallowing. “How, exactly, would this go?”
His eyes flared with excitement. “Well, you’re going to listen to my instructions and do exactly what I tell you to do. And I’m going to guide you through your pleasure until you orgasm. Twice.”
Her breathing had gone ragged at his words. “So…I just do what you say?” She had to admit, the idea excited her a bit. Even in the water, she felt herself throb in anticipation.
He nodded. “Exactly what I say. Is this something you’d like to try?”
Did she want to try it? Hell, like she needed to question it. She already knew her answer before he asked her. Elain’s teeth sank into her bottom lip as she nodded. “Yeah, I would.”
Azriel grinned. “I would like to watch you, but don’t feel like you need to show yourself on camera if that makes you uncomfortable at all. Just know you’re on a private network and that our call is secure.”
The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind, but once again, she was grateful that Azriel was always three steps ahead in his plans and preparation. Considering his words carefully, she gripped the tray she had set across the bath and slid it back. Moving to recline against the edge of the tub exposed her breasts to him, the water hitting right underneath the soft flesh. The angle of her phone gave him a view of her entire body, though the lower half was slightly blurred in the water.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Elain,” he groaned. “I wish I was there with you right now.” Az shifted in bed to sit up better. “Can you grab some soap for me and pump a small amount into your hands? Get them nice and sudsy.”
She did as told, rubbing her hands together, and sat back waiting for further instruction from him.
“Good girl,” he smirked. “Stroke your chest. Over your collarbones, your shoulders, but keep your touches light. Delicate.”
Elain tipped her head back, eyes closing as she touched herself. Her hands glided over her soft skin, down toward where she wanted them.
“I didn’t tell you to touch your breasts yet.”
Her eyes snapped open, a low whine echoing in the back of her throat.
Hazel eyes glinted on the other side of her phone. “Patience, baby. Take the pads of your fingers and lightly drag them around the outside of your breasts, over your ribcage, then up the center over your sternum.”
Again, she followed his direction, letting the suds on her hands lather her skin.
“I want you to repeat that motion, slowly working your way inward until you’re just circling your nipples.”
Finally, she wanted to cry.
“Slower, Elain.”
She growled in frustration, but reduced the speed of her movements, inching closer and closer until she was tracing over her pebbled nipples.
“Fuck, you look so damn sexy touching your tits like that. Give them a quick pinch for me baby.”
Elain’s back arched as she cried out, rolling her nipples between her thumb and forefingers. “Az,” she moaned. “Please.”
He smiled at the phone screen. “Please what, Elain?”
“Please—I need—” she let out a frustrated breath. “I need more. Give me more.”
“Does my sweet girl need to touch herself?”
She was nodding vigorously. “Yes, please Az.”
He chuckled. “All right, my love. Keep one hand on your breast but go ahead and take the other one and drag it down the center of your stomach until you reach your lower belly.”
Elain followed his instructions perfectly, hoping—praying—she would get rewarded soon. The ache between her legs was becoming unbearable. Her hand settled over her pelvis then she opened her eyes, found his in the Facetime call, and waited.
In her time with her eyes closed, Azriel had propped his phone up down the bed giving her a full view of his body. Her eyes traveled down his strong shoulders, over the swirling tattoos that covered his chest, across his chiseled abdominals, finally reaching the very prominent bulge in his grey sweatpants.
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Are you going to touch yourself too?” she asked, breathily.
A sinful, little grin kicked up the corner of his lips. “I was thinking about it. But right now, let’s focus on you. Is your hand spread over your lower stomach?”
“Go ahead and use your middle finger to split yourself, baby. Gently slide it between your legs to circle your clit for me.” He watched her with hunger in those hazel irises as she did just that.
The moan that Elain let out pierced the stillness of the penthouse like a dagger’s blade. Her body arched, hand gripping her breast while she ground against her fingers.
“That’s it, sweet girl. Just like that. Little more pressure on your clit now,” Az encouraged, voice guttural. “Don’t stop touching your tit. Keep going.”
Her body quaked, demanding more, but Elain was a victim of the pleasure she was giving herself. To the sounds and the guiding of his voice. Trapped between the two, her cognitive brain shut off and she was utterly at the mercy of Azriel’s direction and her body responding to it.
“All right, my love. I think you’re ready for more. Take that middle finger of yours and push it inside of you.”
Thank fuck.
Even in the water, she was slick, her small finger sliding right in without resistance. It wasn’t anywhere near what Azriel’s felt like, but it’d have to do. She pumped once, whimpering. It wasn’t enough.
His chortle made her eyes snap open. “You’ve gotten so used to mine that your hands are too small, aren’t they baby?”
Elain’s eyes widened as she realized he held his cock in his hand. She somehow got even wetter in response to seeing him pleasuring himself to her.
“You can add a second finger, love.”
Eager as always, she slid her ring finger in along with her middle and began to pump in and out of her entrance. “Az,” she moaned. “Can I touch myself, please?” He hadn’t told her she could continue to stroke her clit, so rather than risk his wrath which would likely end up as some version of delayed gratification, Elain avoided it altogether.
His brows shot up into his hairline, movements pausing on his cock. “El, baby. You stopped rubbing your clit?”
“You didn’t say I could continue.” Oh no. Had she chosen wrong?
Azriel’s face softened. “I’m sorry, baby. I should’ve been more specific. You’re free to continue rubbing yourself, but I appreciate you asking me for permission first. And because you did, I want you to go ahead and finish.”
She didn’t need to be told twice, pressing the heel of her palm where she needed it most. Elain cried out as she rode her hand, chasing her high. Her body tightened, toes curling when she reached that peak.
“That’s it, love. Let go for me.”
Back arching, Elain tipped over the edge and shattered. Her fingers pumped vigorously into her quaking center, riding out her high as best as she could.
“Good girl, El. Keep going. Keep stroking,” Az encouraged her.
She fucked her hand, hips undulating against her palm as pleasure licked up her spine. Elain kept working herself until her body sagged, slouching until she was neck-deep in the water.
“Hey,” came Azriel’s sharp voice in her post-orgasmic haze. “Keep above water, Elain.”
“I am, I am,” she panted, fingers slowing to a stop.
“Don’t stop. Slow strokes, baby.”
She peeked an eye at him to see him still rubbing his hard cock in his fist, his movements unhurried, steady, and smooth.
Azriel looked like some Greek god, carved from marble splayed out and ready to be devoured. “We’re going to get one more out of you, then you can rest.”
“I don’t know if I have another in me,” she admitted, breathing heavily. Her wrist was starting to ache from the angle at which she had it between her legs.
“El, you’ve given me plenty of orgasms back-to-back before. I know you can do more than one,” Azriel chastised.
She groaned, head tipping back against the tub. “It’s not the ability, it’s just my arm is tired.
He pursed his lips. “Okay, let’s try something else. Fingers out and focus on your clit. Small, tight circles.”
Elain sighed in relief, slipping her hand out from all the way between her thighs. She was slick with release as her focus returned to that pleasure point. But for some reason, she couldn’t find a speed or tempo to build herself back up to that edge, and even with Azriel’s words and encouragement, Elain found herself getting more and more frustrated. “This isn’t working,” she finally snapped, pulling her hand off herself and slapping it down in the water.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“Because it’s not working!” she cried out, clearly upset.
His head cocked to the side, assessing her. “All right, we’re going to try one other approach.”
“Just forget it Az,” she muttered, popping the drain on the tub.
He tucked himself back into his pants to focus on her. “No, we’re not going to forget it. I told you were getting two orgasms out of you, and I am a man of my word. Get out of the tub and dry off.”
They stared at each other—Elain debating whether or not to argue. But Azriel’s face had that inner beast inside her wanting to fall in line. To submit. It was a strange complex for her, to allow that side of her that wanted to be tamed, to be controlled and willed by somebody else in a way she had never previously thought she desired. But, then again, it was something that had to be coaxed out of her by somebody she thoroughly trusted and loved completely.
It was only obvious it came out with Azriel. A male who was so completely dominant, both in his life and beneath the sheets—or wherever they were going at it. The person who patiently waited months to be with her, while proactively helping her through her own shit. So, when she looked at him again through that phone screen and saw him waiting for her to comply with his command, Elain realized she didn’t want to argue. She wanted to listen to him, somehow figure out another way to pull that second, blissful orgasm from her, and get a good night’s sleep in.
“Okay,” she murmured. “Hang on while I dry off.” Heaving herself from the tub, Elain quickly dried herself off and grabbed her phone. “Now what?”
“I’m going to swap to my iPad in a second, but while I do that, I want you to go to my nightstand and pull out a black, satin bag. Don’t open it until I tell you to.”
She didn’t question why he was switching over to his iPad, but the call froze and then reconnected when he made the switch as she opened his drawer and rooted around until she located the bag in question. It wasn’t very heavy and fit in the palm of her hand. “This one?” she asked, holding up the satin fabric.
A devious grin spread on his lips. “That’s the one. Go ahead and open it for me and pull out what’s inside.”
Elain loosened the drawstrings and slipped her fingers in, gripping what felt like a small, silicone-like rubber object. Pulling the thing out into her palm, she very nearly dropped it on the bed. “Azriel, what is this?” she demanded, though she already knew what was currently sitting in her hand.
“A vibrator,” he said without a hint of hesitation.
Her eyes flashed to the phone screen, then back to the pink contraption in her palm. It was oval-shaped at the top, with a long, slender tail. In all honesty, it looked like a damn sperm. And then, the thing began to vibrate in her hands.
She yelped, dropping it on the bed, startled.
Azriel chuckled, catching her attention. “It’s a remote vibrator, my love. One that I have control over. I wanted to wait to try it when I was there, in hopes of making you feel more comfortable with it, but desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Elain hesitated. “I don’t know, Az. I’ve never used one of these before.”
His face softened. “The nice thing about this one is that you don’t have to do any of the work. Just slip it inside and let me take care of the rest. No teasing, not now. I’ll get you over the edge for your second orgasm so you can get some sleep.”
Well, that did sound pretty damn appealing. And she trusted Az, knew he probably researched this quite a bit. Glancing down at the pink toy, her fingers stroked over the smooth texture. It was small, smaller than him, and would easily fit inside her. And she’d prepped herself already for it. Elain could do this, wanted to do this. Finally, she looked up at him, and said, “Okay, how do you want me?”
He grinned. “Lie down on the bed and prop the phone up wherever you’re most comfortable.”
She took that to mean, she didn’t need to have it down there and expose herself completely on camera. Maybe one day she’d be okay with that—but not today. Elain placed her phone down on the bed, supporting it with a pillow. The angle showed off the side of her naked body when she reclined back on her portion of their bed and waited for instruction.
“Good girl. Take a deep breath for me.”
Elain did, inhaling through her nose and out from her mouth.
“I want you to take the vibrator and place it against your clit for me. Let’s make sure you’re nice and wet before I have you insert that.”
She flashed him a cheeky grin. “I’m still plenty wet from earlier, but okay.”
His chuckle slithered along her spine, sending waves of pleasure between her legs. “Aside from the point my love. I want you soaked for me, baby. So, press that onto your clit,” he repeated, making the toy pulse between her fingertips.
Slinking back into the pillows, Elain placed the vibrator between her thighs and waited. At the first pulse, her body jolted and she let out a long, sultry moan, her hand slipping and moving the toy off her clit.
The vibration stopped. “Move your hand back, El.”
Breathing deeply, she readjusted her fingers and he started the pulsing again, less intense than before but gradually increased the pace.
Her back arched as moisture gathered between her thighs, dripping down over the curve of her behind. “Az,” she whined. “Az, please.”
“Fucking hell, El. You look like a goddess right now—divine on pleasure and ecstasy. I wish I was there right now.”
She managed to peek an eyelid open at him; see his painfully erect cock back in his hand, his beautifully scarred fist slowly pumping it.
“All right my sweet girl. Go ahead and gently insert that until it’s comfortably sitting inside you.”
Azriel slowed the vibrations until they stopped so she could push the toy into her aching center. Her wetness allowed it to slip inside without resistance. She found his lust-filled eyes on her phone screen. “It’s in, I’m ready.”
Again, he started slow, letting her get adjusted to the sensation, but it still didn’t stop her hips from jerking off the bed.
He chuckled lightly—a sexy little sound that made gooseflesh erupt along her skin. “Relax for me, baby.”
So, she did. Trying to breathe in and out as Az increased the intensity of the vibrator, Elain shut her eyes and focused on the overwhelming pleasure that licked up her spine. Deep, heady moans tumbled from the back of her throat. Her body withered on their bed, fingers grasping at the sheets as he flicked vibrations using whatever control he had.
“Az, Az, Azriel,” Elain chanted. Her propped legs fell open; one of her hands gripped her breast while the other fisted the pillow by her sprawled hair.
“That’s it, baby,” he purred in a sensual voice that had her toes curling. “You’re doing so well. I know you’re close, love. Can you give me that final orgasm now? Let go for me and come, El.”
With a final flick of the control and holding it there, Elain shattered hard and fast. Back arching off the bed, screaming out nonsense, she grabbed whatever was previously in her hand—her mind was too far gone into orgasmic bliss to remember—and held on tight.
White light burst behind her closed eyelids, and then, a kaleidoscope of color. Beautiful, pleasurable color. Elain was panting like she had run a mile, and she likely would’ve stayed like that had the vibrator slowly come to a stop and Az’s groans filled the room. She twisted her head to look at him on the phone, watching him find his release into a wad of tissue.
Her thighs were a mess, her body limp and relaxed.
Azriel cleaned himself off and tucked his cock back into his sweats. “How are you feeling?”
She gave him a happy, little smile. “Sated, tired.” Elain looked down at her legs. “Feeling like I might need to take another bath to clean up because I’m a mess.”
He laughed. “I’m not going to apologize for that. But do you feel like you can get some sleep tonight?”
Elain nodded. “I do. Thank you for that. And for not giving up when I got frustrated. I’m sorry I snapped at you.” Her cheeks heated, slightly embarrassed that she had gotten to that point with him while he had remained patient with her.
“You don’t need to apologize to me, love. You were frustrated—I get that. But you do need to communicate with me before you get there. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized had badly you were getting upset, though I should have read you better—”
“No, that’s not on you, Az.”
“It’s partly on me. I pushed too hard. I knew better than to do that, and for that, I’m sorry.”
She gave him another soft smile. “I’m sorry too. How many days till you get home, again?”
He chuckled. “Too many, unfortunately. Go get cleaned up and get some sleep tonight. That will make it one day closer to me being home.”
“I love you, Az. Miss you already.”
“Love you too, Elain.”
She reached over and clicked the Facetime call off. Sighing to herself, she gently pulled the vibrator from inside her, wincing as it slipped free, and went to clean up and get ready for bed.
Azriel was hoping to surprise Elain. He wasn’t supposed to be home until tomorrow, late morning—but he missed her. A lot. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her. And, to be fair, he couldn’t stop thinking about the other night. What they had done over video chat and how he had helped her get off.
It sent a wave of male pride washing over him to hear the sounds she made. To watch her hands do what he wished he could’ve. Then, when she got so frustrated she snapped, he pulled out that secret present he had been hiding in his back pocket for several weeks now, waiting to bring it out at the right time. To say Az was excited to explore how they could utilize that toy more was an understatement; especially given how soaked Elain had gotten from it. He could tell she liked it.
Now, he was about to walk into their place at just before ten at night, and gods, he was hoping she wanted him as much as he wanted her right now—now that her cycle had finished. The heat in his blood simmered throughout the rest of his meetings and let’s just say he’s not the least bit embarrassed about where his mind continued to wander when he was trying to finalize the deal with Tarquin.
Nuala looked less than thrilled with his lack of focus.
Thankfully, the young male took it in stride and everything went off without a hitch. Knight Securities was now officially offering the Summer System panels. Things were finally in motion.
When the elevator doors opened, however, he came up short at the darkened penthouse. That was odd. It was a bit early for Elain to be in bed. He knew she was home, had received her text when the plane landed and the car in the garage told him she was there. Stepping out, he carried his bag up to their bedroom when the scent hit him.
Shit. Elain only used peppermint oil when she had a migraine or the onset of one.
Quietly, he nudged the door open with his hip and found her asleep in their bed. She was on her side, facing away from him. Her unbound hair was strewn across her pillow reflecting moonlight streaming in from the balcony window.
He set down his bag and walked over to the bed, kneeling on the floor before it. Azriel hated to wake her, but he didn’t want her to feel his presence in her sleep and wake up terrified that somebody broke in. He gently touched her shoulder, shaking it lightly. “Elain,” he whispered.
It only took a moment before her body jolted slightly and she rolled over to look up at him. “Azriel?” she murmured, her voice edged with confusion and sleep. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming home till tomorrow.”
Az smiled softly at her. “I missed you too much to wait until tomorrow to come home.” He could see how the comment filled her with unfiltered joy—even in her tired state. Leaning down, he kissed her plump lips, savoring the feeling of them on his. Fuck, he missed these lips, her mouth, her presence. He was so glad to be home, especially now so he could take care of her. Az caressed her jaw with his thumb in a long, sweeping gesture. “Migraine?” he asked, though he could tell just by looking at her face.
She nodded solemnly.
“I’m sorry, baby. Anything I can do for you?” he asked voice a bare whisper. He placed his large, warm hand on the top of her head and let his thumb stroke her forehead over her brow.
“No, I’m okay.”
Azriel knew she wasn’t, not when she took a peppermint bath and was already in bed, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. He leaned down to kiss her softly again. Once, twice, three times. “Go back to sleep. I’m going to shower off my trip before I join you in bed. We can talk in the morning.”
She nodded sleepily, likely having taken one of her prescribed medicines that made her drowsy knowing she wasn’t working tomorrow and rolled back onto her side.
He tucked the covers up to her shoulder and continued to rub the top of her head, adding pressure knowing that the massage helped soothe her until she fell back asleep. Only once he was sure she was under did he stand back up and grab his suitcase, heading to the bathroom. Azriel pulled out the box with the oil diffuser he bought for her. No better time than the present to test out its helpfulness.
Quickly reading through the instructions, he cracked the bathroom door, leaving it slightly ajar so he could see and made his way over to his dresser. He set the diffuser there, poured water into it, then grabbed Elain’s peppermint oil and let a few drops fall into the liquid. Sealing the top, he pressed the button on.
Instantly a vapor puffed from the top and he could smell the peppermint infuse in the air.
Walking over to her sleeping form, he dropped a kiss on the side of her head before heading back to the bathroom to shower.
Once clean, Azriel took his suitcase and stuck it in their closet to unpack tomorrow, then climbed into bed next to Elain.
Seeming to sense his presence in her unconscious state, she shuffled closer in her sleep, her arm going around his torso, leg slotting between his, and she rested her cheek on his bare chest. She let out a contented sigh, breathing his scent into her lungs as her face buried into the thick muscle of his pectoral.
His arms automatically went around her, fingers sliding into her hair to gently massage her scalp. He kissed her forehead as he continued to rub her head until exhaustion pulled him under.
Elain woke up feeling warm and safe. Her eyes blinked against the bright morning light and it took her half a second to remember that Azriel arrived home last night—even with her curled up on top of him. He was currently still asleep; she could tell by the deep, even breaths that came from him, and she knew that as soon as she stirred, he would wake. So, she took a moment just to study him.
The peaceful look on his face. The long, dark lashes that framed his gorgeous hazel eyes brushed the tops of his cheeks. Her eyes traveled the slope of his nose and over the sharp cut of his jawline—dusted with five o’clock shadow and then down the strong column of his neck.
Elain didn’t know how she got so lucky to call this gorgeous male hers again, but she would thank every god in the heavens above for the chance to love him.
Deciding to wake him up slowly, she leaned her head down to kiss the bare skin of his chest.
His face twitched slightly, but he didn’t wake.
She grinned mischievously as she dragged her mouth up further on his pec, kissing him there. Then moved to his collarbone.
A low groan escaped his throat, but Elain didn’t stop.
She buried her face into the crook of his neck, slowly sucking on the skin there.
He stirred beneath her, hand landing on her behind squeezing lightly.
Elain peeked up at him, finding his lust-filled eyes already open and watching her intently.
“Good morning to you too,” he breathed huskily, his voice still heavy with sleep.
The sound of it sent shivers wracking down her spine. “Good morning,” she murmured, crawling further up his body to kiss him soundly on his lips.
Azriel’s hand cradled the back of her head, fingers threading through her hair to hold her to him—stealing a few more precious seconds of that kiss. “Well, that’s one way to be woken up.”
Her eyes danced with mirth and amusement. “Next time I’ll move southward.”
His brows shot to his hairline, but a wicked smirk played on his lips. “You’re extra feisty this morning. How’s your head?” he asked, fingers in her hair lightly massaging her scalp.
“Better, surprisingly.” She blinked down at him. “Does it smell like peppermint in here?”
He chuckled, bringing her lips down for another soft kiss. “It does. I bought you an oil diffuser and plugged it in last night after you fell asleep. There’s some peppermint oil in it right now.”
Honey-brown eyes widened and she looked over her shoulder, finding the diffuser made of sea glass on his dresser. It was beautiful and reminded her of the jewelry she saw at a street vendor during their first date. “You bought that for me?”
“Yeah, I was looking for something to get you and asked about it. The shop owner said it could be used for migraine and headache relief.”
Elain’s heart fluttered in her chest. This man not only picked something that she could utilize and would be incredibly helpful for her, but also remembered something she didn’t even voice, but just showed interest in months ago. “That was so thoughtful.” She murmured, blinking back tears. “I appreciate you wanting to give me something from your travels, but you know you don’t have to do that, right?”
Azriel let his hand slide down to her jaw, his thumb caressing her cheek. “I know I don’t have to, but I wanted to.”
“You truly know my heart, inside and out. That diffuser will be invaluable.” She leaned forward to kiss him chastely on the lips. “Thank you, Azriel. I mean it.”
He dropped one of his devastating smiles, the one he reserved only for her. “I love you, El.”
Elain ducked her head, blushing. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his warm scent. “I love you, too, Az,” she whispered, placing a featherlight kiss over his strong pulse. His hum of contentment made her belly turn molten, and lit a desire in her blood. “I missed you.”
His thick arms wrapped around her, tugging her closer to his body. Pressing all of her soft curves to his cut form. Those beautifully scarred hands ran up her back, sending shivers in their wake. “I missed you too, my love. Why do you think I came home early?”
She smiled into his skin. “I’m sorry I wasn’t up to welcoming you home properly.”
At that, he gripped her chin to meet his eyes. “Don’t ever apologize for having a migraine,” he said earnestly, then spread his fingers across her cheek. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to help you.”
Elain kissed his palm. “You did plenty. Though, I was planning on surprising you at the airport.”
The corner of his mouth quirked up, fingers rubbing slow circles over the skin of her back. “Were you going to run up to me, leaping into my arms like in those cheesy rom-com movies you love so much?”
She grinned, her teeth a slash of white against her pink lips. “You know it. My legs wrapped around your waist, kissing you all over for everyone to see. The perfect description of a cheeseball.”
He chuckled, leaning forward to kiss her again, putting enough hunger behind it to make her sigh into his mouth. Azriel took advantage, sweeping his tongue between her lips to claim her, licking deep—dominating. “We’ll have to just look forward to that at a later date,” he said into her mouth.
Sliding onto his lap, she made herself comfortable. “How about we skip right to the welcoming home, now?” She left a path of searing kisses over his jaw, down his throat, and across his chest—leaving no bit of skin untouched. Elain tossed her hair over the side of her head and looked up at him through her long, dark lashes as she made her way down his bare chest to the hard planes of his abdominals.
“Fuck, you have no idea how unbelievably sexy you look right now,” he groaned, handing fisting in her hair. He seemed to love grabbing at her long, luxurious locks whenever she let herself loose on his body.
She hummed against his stomach, letting her teeth scrape against the ridges of his well-defined abs. Her hands shimmied down to his hips, thumbs brushing over the beginning cut of his Adonis belt. Elain would be lying if she said that Azriel’s body was nothing short of utter perfection. He kept a rigorous workout routine and her mouth seemed to go dry at the sight of his naked torso every single time she saw it. She thought it’d be something she’d get used to, but boy, was she so wrong about that.
Elain attached her mouth to his skin and sucked a mark around his navel, relishing in the way it made him squirm. How his stomach contracted and flexed under her lips and teeth and tongue.
Without warning, Azriel hooked a leg over hers and flipped them, pinning her to the bed, making her yelp in surprise. He began a torturously slow line of kisses from the base of her ear, down her jaw and neck, to the hallow of her throat.
Her hands wove themselves into his dark strands of midnight hair, mussing them up more than his sleep did. “I thought I was supposed to be welcoming you home?” she muttered breathlessly as his tongue licked the spot where her neck and shoulder met that had her body shivering. Gods, he knew exactly where she liked it most.
His smile branded into her skin. “You are. I’m starving.” The underlying innuendo made her toes curl.
“You’re so filthy,” she giggled but didn’t stop his assault. Letting him tug her—no, his—shirt up her body until he could pull it off and discard it somewhere behind him.
Azriel’s kisses singed her skin, placing them like stepping stones down her stomach and around her navel. He sucked an identical mark onto her belly to match the one she placed on him, a matching tattoo if you will. And then proceeded to continue with his path of kisses. Lower.
His nose brushed her inner thigh, inhaling her sweet scent. “Only for you,” he breathed, kissing the tender flesh of her leg.
She was soaked and aching for him, something he would be able to tell by looking at the wet spot that was visible on her purple-colored underwear. Her fingers tugged on his hair, pulling him closer to where she desperately needed him. “Azriel.”
“Should I get the toy and see how long you last before I have you begging me?” he asked a smirk dancing in his hazel beauties.
Elain’s breath was stolen from her lungs. No, she didn’t want that. She didn’t want that at all. “No.”
His eyes shot to hers, all humor gone. That delectable mouth hovered over her covered sex, waiting for her to tell him what she wanted, what she needed from him.
“No toy,” she panted. “Not now. I just want you, Az. I’ve missed you too much to play games this morning. Please, please.”
“All right, love. Let me take care of you like you took care of me.” He pressed a kiss to her soaked undergarments, then gripped them by the hem and slipped them over her hips, down her thighs, and off her feet, tossing them unceremoniously behind him to the floor. Azriel rolled over to take his boxers off and shuffled back up the bed.
Elain’s sense of disappointment over not getting head was short-lived as he tugged her on his lap and slid his hands under her thighs. In a move that demonstrated his show of upper body strength, Azriel lifted her into the air and set her down directly over his face.
Another sharp yelp escaped her as she moved to catch herself on their headboard, then proceeded to look down at the smug male looking particularly snug between her lush thighs.
Holy fuck. 
It was just like her erotic dream.
How the fuck did he know?
Those large hands kneaded her backside. “Have you ever done this before?” he asked like he didn’t already know the answer.
But her hesitation made his eyebrow raise.
“I can’t imagine him,” he said the word like a foul curse, “doing this because it gives you control and is about your pleasure, so now you’ve piqued my interest.” His thumb made a slow, sensual movement over her entrance spreading her wetness gathering there and sending bolts of pleasure all over her body.
“Um,” fuck it was hard to concentrate when he touched her like that. “No, not exactly.”
He moved the thumb forward to lightly brush over her clit, chuckling at either her response or the way her body bowed from his teasing fingers. “Not exactly? What does that mean?”
Shit, why couldn’t he just let it go? She looked down at those hazel eyes, blown wide with lust, and knew he wouldn’t. So, she might as well just get it over with. “I, uh. I dreamt about it once. With us.” Her face scorched in embarrassment.
His fingers stopped moving as he looked up at her intently. “You had a dream about sitting on my face?”
Could her cheeks get any redder? Elain was barely able to nod.
“Baby, why didn’t you say anything to me? I could’ve made this fantasy come true a while ago. This is something you want to do, right?” His thumbs went to stroking the inside of her thighs, not to tease but in soothing gestures.
“I was embarrassed,” she admitted, ducking her head.
He frowned. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about sharing your fantasies with me, Elain. I want to know about the things that interest you or that you want to try.” Az twisted his head to kiss the side of her knee.
“It was before we had gotten back together.”
Realization dawned on him. “The day you came home frustrated. That’s what made you frustrated?”
She shook her head yes.
A smirk grew on his lips. “Did you at least enjoy it in your dream?”
“For a while…I didn’t finish.”
A twinge of something she couldn’t place flashed in his eyes. “Well, that doesn’t happen here in reality. Because here, you always finish. Multiple times. So, my darling love. Grab the headboard, and let’s get started.”
They went four, maybe five rounds that morning before they dragged themselves from their bedroom for breakfast. And then proceeded to continue with their randevu in the kitchen, dining, and living areas. A sexcapade is what Azriel had called it.
Elain couldn’t think of a better way to spend her day off to welcome Az home after his business trip.
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
I’m not doing a tag list anymore because they’re really more trouble than they’re worth. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Intro:No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (poly Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader story)
(HI! Author here! Before we start I'd like to say that I have updated the list of characters I will do for requests! And I will be working on those! Also if you'd like to get instantly notified when I update comment ima start a tag list since people love this book
..onto the chapter!)
Word count" 1029
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Chapter 22- scratches and hot chocolate
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
As Dewey drove the police cruiser he glanced over at Y/n, seeing her claw and stratch at her own skin till it bled
"Stop that" Dewey muttered as he took once hand off the steering wheel and moved Y/ns hand away from her bleeding arm.
"I hate myself Dewey..sometimes death seems better then living...I feel uncomfortable in my own skin...I..I feel dirty no matter how many times I shower..I can't get those fuckers out of my mind..they plague my mind like a sickness...they haunt my dreams and make it impossible for me to sleep..I...I can't take it anymore!" Y/n started crying again as she rambled on
Dewey looked at her with soft eyes "listen..I promise...I'll help you through this...okay?" He said offering a soft smile to her.
He knew he couldn't fully fix what happened but he knew he, her friends, and boyfriend could help make her life worth living again.
"And I personally swear on everything that I'll find the sick disgusting people that did this and put them behind bars...so they won't be able to get  you again" his voice was soft as he spoke to her, he spoke to her as if she was his sister or..his daughter.
"It'll all be okay" he said "just don't hurt yourself...okay?" He added
"I'll..I'll try"
"Try as hard as you can..I believe in you..
Your a strong girl Y/n..physically and mentally..and trust me...both me and Randy will be with you every step of the way"
With that Dewey reached his free hand upwards to her head and ruffled her hair slightly causing a small yet faint smile spread onto y/ns lips.
After a few minutes, Dewey parked the car infront of the police station and got out.
Dewey knew better then to leave Y/n alone, especially after all that she has said to him in the car.
"Come on Y/n...you can stay here till school's over" Dewey said with a soft smile as he opened her door for her.
"Thank you" Y/n whispered, her voice strained as she slowly stepped out of the car, her body trembling.
"Once we go in I'll see if I can find you something to eat or snack on" Dewey said as he started waking slowly, waiting for Y/n to follow him.
Y/n followed him, trailing close to his side. She felt herself feel comfortable around him. After what happened she lost her trust with everyone...
Everyone but Randy who had came to the hospital just to make sure she felt okay and safe.
Now she felt as if she has Dewey.
Dewey walked into the station keeping a close eye on Y/n till they made it to his desk.
"Sit here okay? Ima go find you something" he said.
Y/n nodded as she sat down on the chair at his desk. Then, she watched at Dewey walked off, leaving her at the desk.
Her bloodshot e/c eyes wondered around his desk, eyeing the countless small items he had scattered on his desk.
She was tempted to touch them or fiddle with them to maybe ease her racing mind but instead her right hand found it's way back to her left arm and she started to scratch at it relentlessly.
She felt as if she'd feel better if she could cut off all of her skin.
She left a warm liquid coat her finger tips, then she looked down, seeing the bright red blood lightly coat her fingers.
"Y/n I'm bac....y/n..." The semi happy tone in Dewey's voice dropped when he seen Y/ns arm.
Dewey sighed and put down the candy and hot chocolate he had found for her. "You said just moments ago you wouldn't hurt yourself" he whispered looking at her, sadness laced both his voice and his eyes.
"I'm sorry" Y/n forced out as she hung her head.  She felt..guilt...rise in her body, filler her throat, causing her to struggle to breathe.
"It's..okay..come here" Dewey spoke as if he understood why she was doing all of this.
Dewey held out his hand to her, which Y/n slowly took.
Dewey led her to a small sink in the office and turned on the water.
"Put your arm under it while I grab some bandages" Dewey said looking at her, as if waiting for her to move.
Y/n nodded, not daring to speak as she slipped her arm under the water, and once she did, Dewey walked off.
She whinced slightly, feeling the cold water wash away the blood from her arm, the feeling made her clench her jaw as she watched the bright red fade down the drain.
Dewey was back in no time with a small first aid kit and a dry wash cloth.
"Can I see your arm?" He asked softly
Y/n slowly pulled her arm out from under the sink and moved it to Dewey.
Dewey slowly wiped away the water from her arm then disinfected the wound before gently wrapping it in gauze. (I can't spell the word)
"Thank you" Y/n muttered.
"I got you some things" Dewey said his eyes dashing over to his desk.
"I didn't know what you liked so I just got you some candy and a hot chocolate..it was all I can find"
"Thank you Dewey"
"No problem..now you can head back to NY desk..I got to make a few calls...but I'll have someone keep an eye on you okay?"
At that Y/n walked back to Dewey's desk, seeing the candy and the now semi hot chocolate waiting for her..
After maybe 15 minutes a voice rang through the station...a voice Y/n knew too well...
"Y/N?! Shit! No no where is Y/n I think I have a right to see her....what do you mean kick me out?! Get the sheriff I bet he'd let me see her!"
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devinescribe · 2 years
Enji Matsushita × Reader
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Specific smut warnings: Oral(fem receiving), scratching, praise, slight use of hypnosis. It's pretty vanilla tho
You were never one to fall to easily.
Or trust.
Because you knew that's how you'd get hurt.
But he was just so charming. Even though when you tried to talk to him after the game, he acted shy. Like he was scared.
"Hey... um.. I- I didn’t catch your name?" He stammered, playing with the hem of his sweater. He was cute.
You smiled, "(L/N) (Y/N). And you are?"
"Matsushita Enji... pleasure to meet you."
From then on, you stuck together. You found out about his act. And it didn’t bother you in the slightest.
"Hahaha, I would have done the same! If they find me weak and pathetic, then I'm not a threat," you giggled, a hand on his shoulder. "Ah? You thought I was weak and pathetic?" He questioned, placing a hand on the one you had placed on his shoulder. You giggled softly. "A little... in my defense, you were always clinging onto me like I was going to disappear," you shrugged.
He grabbed your hand and placed a chaste kiss onto it. You could feel your face get hot, and tried to softly take your hand away. It was an auto pilot reaction... you didn't really want his hand to leave yours. And a small part of you was hoping his lips would be somewhere else. Like your own.
He didn't let go, making you sigh in content.
"You're interesting," he muttered, pulling you close. "I like you."
It was about the third time people had failed his game.
He giggled with delight.
You walked out of your cell as the collars came off.
"Ick, fucking finally... I hate that thing Enji," you complained, hugging him tightly. He could be so reckless sometimes. And arrogant to think he would always have a group of people dumber than him. People that were easy to control.
"(N/N), don't you think this is wonderful? I can keep you safe, your visa never runs out, we're always together... alone," he said excitedly. You nodded, hidding your face into his chest.
You did enjoy not having to risk your life. You also enjoyed his company.
"Hey, let's take advantage of this time alone then," you whispered, one of your hands traveling to his face. Your thumb caressed his cheek, and he smiled, looking at your eyes.
Beautiful, intelligent. You were caring towards him. He felt like you were the most trustworthy person he had ever met. That's why he planned on never losing this game. This game was built off of how much you trusted someone. And he felt like he could trust you to point a loaded gun at him blindfolded and still miss.
"Of course my love~"
He led you around till he opened the door to the makeshift room you two had.
Simple. A bed on some box springs you found, and a small nightstand. It wasn't anything that would be considered luxurious, far from it, but being with him made this space feel like home.
You were always giddy to come back here. It meant you two survived for another day. You weren't counted as a Jack of Hearts. But he made his game how he wanted. So, even though you were a player, you survived like him. If he lost, you would still win in all technicality.
But he promised he would never lose. You knew better than to make him keep that promise. You said he was arrogant and childish to say such a thing. He said you doubted his control over situations. Which was true. Control only goes so far. This last game had come close.
"Only 4 left..." the woman muttered. She looked over at the three of you. Her eyes settled on you and the soft smile you wore as you talked to the kid with bangs.
"Oi, what are you smiling about?" She shouted at you, making you look up. "Oh my apologies..." you said, bowing.
She scoffed. "You're probably the Jack!"
"I can assure you I am not..." you said, grabbing onto Matsushita's arm. "Yeah, sure. I am watching you."
You both decided to go to the cafe, watching the other player. "Hey... I see your partner died... would you like me to tell you your suit?" You offered kindly. The young woman smiled and nodded. She turned to show you the back of her collar. A spade.
"Thank you! I'm sorry about... well the other woman yelling at you," she sympathized. You smiled. "It's alright. Everyone is feeling stressed."
She walked off, and you sat down next to your boyfriend. "Trusting so easily... that's everyone's demise," you muttered as his arm went around your shoulders.
"I'm going to find the woman that yelled at you. Have the feeling I can convince her easily," he said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You sat on the bed, and called him over, almost immediately dragging him down onto the bed.
He laughed slightly, "Eager aren't you?"
You nodded with a giggle, "Who wouldn't be?"
He sat up, and pressed a hand to your face. You smiled, leaning your face into his warm hand, grabbing it with your own. "Ne... if you're gonna tease, I'm gonna cry," you joked, a smirk playing on your lips.
"Dont make me want to tease (N/N)."
You huffed, and kissed the corner of his mouth. He smirked, grabbing your face gently, bringing your face to his. He kissed your lips, making you smile into it. You pulled away a few seconds later, needing an annoying thing called air.
He smirked, kissing down your neck, leaving small marks. They wouldn't be noticeable.
Yet it still gave him a sense of pride. You let him do this to you, even though you weren't under his control. He loved it. You loved him and trusted him so much that you let him mark you as his. A
Your hands pushed his sweater off his shoulders, and softly worked on the buttons of his shirt.
He stopped what he was doing, grabbing your hands. Not harshly, just with enough force to stop you.
"Matsu~" you whined, looking at his smirk. You huffed. His hands let yours go, and he shrugged. Not to say there were rules, but there was certain things that you two agreed on.
An eye for an eye.  Or on this case, an item for an item.
His hands went down to your legs, running them up and under your skirt. You shivered, his hands pulling your tights down gently.
"What a gentleman," you said sarcastically. He smirked, getting off the bed. He kneeled before you, and began gently pulling your tights off once more, giving gentle kisses to the newly exposed skin of your legs. Your body felt hot. "See? Didn't rip them," he muttered, gently kissing the skin of your inner thigh. You looked away, just a tad bit embarrassed.
You felt his warm hands leave your legs, and the bed dip besides you. His hands, held your face as he pressed his lips to your again. You gladly kissed back, your arms making their way around his neck. One of your hands got tangled up in his hair, pulling on it slightly.
He hissed slightly into the kiss, and decided to take a little bit of a further measure. He usually kept your hair out of his hands, not wanting to ruin it, or get his hand actually stuck in your hair. But he got his fingers tangled up at the base of your scalp, and pulled lightly.  You yelped quietly, and he took to opportunity to force his tongue into your mouth.
You weren't even going to fight him for dominance, because you didn’t care. His hand left your hair, softly grabbing your chin, and tilting your head back, allowing him to deepen the kiss.
You allowed him to do this. And he loved it.
You broke the kiss, panting. Your hands went back to unbuttoning his shirt. This time, he let you finish.
"Your turn," he whispered, grabbing the hem of your sweater, and began pulling it off.
He threw it somewhere in the room, but you didn't care where. His hands were cold in comparison to your body, making goosebumps rise on your skin. He held you like you were a delicate pane of glass.
Like you might break if he touched you the wrong way.
His eyes shone with admiration, like an artist would his muse. Aphrodite herself must have blessed you with beauty and charm, because there was no lack. If you were a goddess, he would have kneeled on the pews of a church for hours, praying at your feet. The sun itself would be jealous at the warmth in your smile.
"Are you ok Enji?" You asked in a hushed whisper, your hand going to his face once more.
"Yes... yes... it's just that... you're so beautiful," he murmured, eyes drifting over your body. You smiled, getting closer to him.
His hands went behind your back, fidgeting with the clasp of your bra.
You gave him a nod, and he undid it like it was nothing.
"Aish, its so cold.... and we are not even," you whispered with a teasing smile. He smirked. He took off his shirt, seeing as you only unbuttoned it, and wrapped it around you. You smiled. It was a possessiveness thing. "Now we're... sort of even," he mumbled again.
You stared at him, a small sigh of happiness leaving your lips.
"Ne, don't stare," he whispered, bring your body close this his. His hands went to your waist, and he unzipped the zipper of your skirt, pulling it off. You helped, throwing on the floor.
"Want you so bad," you whined, kissing his neck, his hands pressed you closer him. You were basically sitting in his lap. His skin against yours felt good. Like electricity was flowing between both of you.
Your eyes were filled with lust, that much he could tell. He was sure he probably wasn't much better than you. And who would be with such a beautiful woman in front of them, pressed against them only in her underwear, pressing kisses to their neck, whining about how much she needed them.
Somedays he wondered if you hypnotized him. There was no way for a man to be as devoted and as in love with anyone as he was with you.
He broke from the small trance, his hands grabbing your shoulders and pushing you down softly.
His hands travelled down your body. Your eyes closed, and he leaned his head down, kissing down your body. Every inch of skin was like a treasure. As if whomever was in charge of the universe had created you just for him. You fit perfectly into his arms, your lips fit perfectly with his.
Before you he was a lock without a key. A puzzle missing a piece.
He never thought he would have someone as perfect as you.
Yet here you were.
"Enji~ don't tease," you murmured.
He smirked, "Well... I don't think we're  even."
You looked up at him, and groaned. He loved teasing you. You sat up, shoving his shoulder softly. He simply laughed, and looked to you expectantly.
You knew what he wanted you to do. However...
If he wanted to tease, you would to.
You sat on his lap once more, feeling him shudder. "What's wrong? A bit sensitive?" You teased with a smirk, grinding down on him. He groaned, grabbing your hips harshly, making you stop. He looked to you with a smirk.
"Remember... one snap... and you're in my control."
You hummed, playing with his hair. You gave him a quick kiss, before taking your hands down his chest, over his stomach, and down to the hem of his pants.
"See, I know that's an empty threat Enji~" you smirked, looking at him as your fingers unzipped his jeans. He helped you pull them off, an amused look on his face. "Empty threat?"
You nodded.
"Now we're even," he muttered, kissing you roughly. His patience could last forever when it came to you. So yes. It was an empty threat... for now.
His tongue forced its way into your mouth, making you moan lightly into the kiss. He pulled away, panting heavily, a smirk playing on his lips. His hand traced up your thigh, higher and and higher till he reached where you nedded him. He looked up at you, pressing a finger to your clothed sex.
Your eyes widened slightly, he hooked his fingers into the waist band, and pulled them down. You were completely exposed to him now, making you a bit self conscious as his eyes trailed over you.
"You have a staring problem Enji."
"Who wouldn't when you're so fucking gorgeous."
You felt your body get hot, and averted your gaze.
Once more, he got off the bed, kneeling in front of you once more. He grabbed your legs pulling you closer to him, making you gasp.
You felt his lips press against your thigh. "H-hey what-"
He shushed you with a small laugh.
"Let me make you feel good darling."
It wasn't as if he hadn't done that before, but it usually took... a little convincing.
He didn't mind. Easy enough.
It was never an empty threat.
"Dont you wanna feel good, (Y/N)?"
"You wanna make me feel good, don't you?"
"You're gonna let me make you feel good?"
"... yes."
"Good girl."
And you were back to reality.
"Still think it's an empty threat my love?"
You shook your head. And he laughed, pulling your body closer. You could feel his breath on your skin, and his hands gripping onto your thighs.
"Matsu please," you whined, lifting your hips. He giggled, and whispered something you couldn't hear.
His lips were suddenly on your clit, sucking and licking at your most private place.
You moaned out his name, one of your hands gripping onto his hair.
You didn't notice his hand leave your thigh until his fingers were inside you, eliciting a mewl from your lips.
"E-enji please-" you moaned, stsmmering over your words.
He had a decent amount of self control. But it was hard to keep focus.
You were the closest thing to religion in his mind.
Your voice crying out his name might as well been an angel leading him to heaven.
He looked up, watching your chest rise and fall.
"E-enji don't stop please," you whined. He smiled, "Your wish is my comand my darling."
His toungue circled the sensitive bud, his fingers curling upwards. His other hand pressed at the base of your stomach. It was more to stop you from moving so much, but he knew it added to your pleasure. He could feel your legs twitching, and you clenching around his fingers. Your moans like music to his ears.
"Matsu 'm close, don't stop," you begged. You were so needy for release.
Good thing he wasn't planning on stopping.
"Go ahead, all I want is for you to feel good, love," he said, continuing to suck and lick the sensitive bud.
You came with a cry of his name, a hand gripping onto his hair.
Pride surged through his body.
You came undone due to his touch. His. Not anyone else's, his. And that was the greatest gift of all. He got off on making you unravel.
Which could explain why he was painfully hard right now.
He softly put your legs down, off his shoulders as he sat besides you again. Your face was pure bliss.
Eyes hazy, mouth open slightly a thin layer of sweat covered your skin, making it look like you were shining.
He kissed your lips, making you shudder. You could taste yourself of his lips.
You broke away, sitting up. "We aren't even," you whispered, grabbing onto the hem of his boxers, pulling them down.
He sighed in relief.
You pressed your thighs together in arousal.
"Now you're the one with a staring problem," he said, a smirk on his lips. You looked up, feeling your face heat up. "Sorry," you mumbled. You wanted to hide your face. You were embarrassed for no reason, as if you hadn't done this before.
One thing he knew about you was you'd never tell him if you wanted to stop. If you wanted something else. For as outspoken as you were, you hated telling him things like that. He knew why.
You were probably scared of him getting upset, or worse.
Rejection could be another reason.
But he would never.
For he was here to make you feel wanted. Make you feel good. That was his purpose, at least in his head.
He leaned over to you, kissing you once more. This time, he layed you down gently only the bed.
"Enji, wanna make you-"
"Not today darling."
"But then we're not even," you said. That was the basis of thought. "But I don't care about my pleasure. Only about yours. Let me worship you like the goddess you are," he said, running his hands down the sides of your body. You shivered at his comment.
"Enji, want you," you mumbled, your hands resting on his shoulders.
"No... need you."
He could have died of happiness in that moment.
"Alright then," he said.
You felt his tip at your entrance and tried moving your hips toward him. He wanted to laugh at your pathetic display of obvious neediness.
He pushed into you slowly, making your eyes roll back slightly. You grabbed onto his shoulders tightly. You heard him hiss softly.
"You're ok aren't you darling?" He asked, kissing your lips softly. "Of course I am... you never hurt me," you mumbled against his lips.
"Enji please," you pleaded. He smirked, softly being to thrust into you. It was euphoric.
Broken moans of his name fell from your lips as he sped up. He bit his lip, watching you underneath him.
His hand travelled down to your clit, rubbing soft circles into it with his thumb.
"You're so- fuck-," he cursed, feeling you clench around him. "Gorgeous."
Your nails scratched along his back, leaving marks behind
A kind goddess you were. Letting him service you was the utmost privilege he had ever received.
"Please... please, fuck Enji gonna-"
"I know- fucking hell you feel so good," he hissed, gripping onto your hips tighter. It would bruise, but you didn't mind.
All you cared about was him.
He could feel his high coming soon, but he could hold himself back. You were close, that much he could tell.
"I-im gonna-"
"Go ahead darling," he said, moaning the last word. His thrusts were hard and slow. Calculated in order to make you feel better.
You came with a cry of his name, one of your hands getting tangled up in his hair.
Your name felt like a quiet prayer spilling from his lips.
You were above holy.
"Darling 'm gonna-" he warned, panting and trying to keep his moans in.
You gazed up at the pretty sight above you.
His eyes were shut, sweat glistening on his body, you saw him muttering something under his breath.
He came with a sigh of your name, pulling out and covering your thighs with his cum.
The world seemed to stop.
He took a shuddering breath, laying beside you.
He caught his breath before getting off the bed, grabbing a small towel, wetting it with some water you had on the nightstand.
He grabbed a pair of sweatpants he had in the corner of the room, putting them on before walking back to you with the towel.
He cleaned you up gently, making you smile.
He was so kind to you.
"Do you want something to wear?" He asked, already picking up the small room. You nodded. He threw you your panties and his sweater. You slipped your underwear on, and slipped the cardigan over your shoulders, buttoning it up.
He came over to you, laying on the bed besides you. You immediately curled up besides him, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
He sighed, and closed his eyes. There was nothing better than this.
You holding onto him in his clothes.
He turned on his side to face you, bringing your hand up, giving it a chaste kiss.
"(Y/N), I love you."
" I love you too Enji."
Not my best smut, however... I think it was cute :')
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 2 years
A Bionicle Advent Calendar: December 15th (Day 15)
The Prompt: Show one character sobbing into the chest/shoulder of the other when they think they're dead before the presumably dead character wakes up to the sound.
Lariska and Lhikan stole under the cover of darkness to one of the great storehouses of burgeoning Metru Nuva Nui. Hastily erected by Pouks, Pohatu, and Hewkii, it was little more than a giant stone box, but it was solid. It was there that the Matoran had already removed all the contents of Nidhiki’s former dwelling on Metru Nui, when it had become clear that there was a dispute over giving it to Lariska.
The storehouse was guarded, but when Turaga Lhikan approached, the Matoran keeping watch deferred to him with the instinctive respectfulness all Matoran have for Turaga (augmented, perhaps, by his legendary status among the amnesiac Metru Nuian Matoran), and when the door had opened and he passed through, Lariska dropped from the shadows above and entered behind him. The unsuspicious Matoran never even noticed.
Once inside, the door closed behind them, and they were alone. There was no light in the cavernous storehouse, filled with shelves and items in long rows, with occasional cross-aisles. Fire flickered at the end of Lhikan’s staff and by this dim light they scoured the aisles for the scratched out markings indicating where things were stored.
“That’s not a lot of flame,” noted Lariska. “The drop from Toa to Turaga is far.”
“It should be more,” agreed Lhikan, “but after the Red Star, I am a shadow of myself. My return was not… normal. We found some records, before our escape, that suggested that even in ancient times, a returned being might be weaker than they had been before, but none of them wasted away a millennium on the Red Star. I am scarcely more than a Matoran now—though this helps.” He tapped his Hau. “It was kind of Jaller to return me the original.”
He squinted at a particularly shallow etching on the end of the stone shelf in front of them.
“Though I would much prefer a Ruru or Akaku just now, perhaps even a Rau.”
“Aisle 14, Crossway 12,” said Lariska. “I think.”
“Two more, then,” said Lhikan.
Two aisles on, they entered the crossway between aisles and began to check the shelves in front of them. After only a couple minutes, they found a coarse sack on a shelf labelled “Nidhiki-Recovered Effects.” Lariska poured them out on the shelf: a few tools, some armour polish, an empty pot with dusty ancient soil crumbling inside it.
“So much legal drama for so little,” said Lhikan, shaking his head. “Is it here?”
“I don’t know,” said Lariska. She was turning over each item in her hands. She finished with the ancient clay pot.
“Yes,” she nodded, and then slammed the pot on the stone shelf, shattering it. The sound did not travel far, muffled by the many shelves. Lariska held out a small green object covered in a sap-like ichor. The lights of Lhikan’s eyes squinted at it in the darkness.
“His finger,” said Lariska. “In a preservative.”
“I didn’t know he still had fingers at the end,” said Lhikan.
“He didn’t,” said Lariska. “This is from before that—long before that. Did you know that he wanted to leave the Dark Hunters?”
“That is why he was mutated—to cut off that thought from his mind,” said Lhikan.
“I didn’t know either,” said Lariska. “Not till after—then he told me everything. He meant to leave this as a token that he still considered me his friend, his teammate.”
Hundreds of years before, Lariska had heard what happened to Nidhiki from the Shadowed One, and sought him on Odina. He had not been easy to find, having fled even the sometimes grotesque society of the Dark Hunters in his disgust at what he had become, but she knew more of his haunts than anyone else, and had found him alone atop a ridge overlooking the ocean—a tough climb for her, but easy for a Toa of Air.
Save that he wasn’t a Toa of Air anymore. Legs split in two, limbs elongated, huge claws where his hands had been, his Volitak melted into his monstrously large head. He didn’t move. Lariska reached out with her right hand—her living hand—and tried to feel lift in him. If he still had a heartlight, she could no longer see it.
“You Piraka!” she swore. “If you’ve given up on me!”
There was a gasp as Nidhiki took an involuntary breath.
“What are you doing?” Lariska demanded to know.
“I haven’t got control of Air anymore,” said Nidhiki. “I… Look at me!”
“You stupid Piraka!” Lariska swore again, ready to hit him. “You were going to leave me here in this hellhole!”
“Well, that’s not happening now,” muttered Nidhiki, but Lariska cuffed him with a slap that woke him up.
“You intended it!”
“I wanted to leave, yes,” said Nidhiki. “This island—not you!”
“Were you ever going to tell me?” asked Lariska. “Or did you mean to abandon me to serving the Shadowed One alone, just as you left the Mangai?” Nidhiki’s new open face did not hide his guilt as the Volitak might once have done.
“I was going to leave you a token,” he said. “I wasn’t just going to forsake you.” He held up a small green object. “A part of me to be with you always.”
“Grotesque,” said Lhikan, shaking his head.
“Not everything is pretty and innocent with the Dark Hunters,” said Lariska. “All things considered, I thought it was sweet.”
“And did he give it to you covered in goo?” Lariska laughed.
“No, that is an artefact of a later plan. We preserved it, hoping that having a piece—both mechanical and biological—of his original body, we might be able to find a way to restore his mutations. Now… well, I have higher hopes for this last piece of him. Have you ever heard of a Po-Matoran named Dekar?”
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raven-witch-01 · 1 year
He was my Lover until he became my Enemy (Baek Ahn x Reader) Part One
Y/n was Tapjahae's twin younger sister, despite that being El Temur's eldest daughter and older sister of the empress, y/n had a kind heart which confused many people in the palace since she was the daughter of the Grand Chancellor. When y/n heard something about to happen in the palace she visited her secret lover not knowing it would be her last visit as his lover...
Madame Pearl - y/n undercover name, Lady Silk - y/n undercover partner and Jo-cham lover
Warning: Love Betrayal, Near Death Experience, Heartbreak and Much more.
Y/n pov - El Temur home, within y/n bed chamber 5 years ago
Being an older sister is a hard job and all but I loved my little sister, all the same, Tanashiri hasn't heard of my return from my long journey's yet but I do plan to surprise her and Maha, Father was still in the palace in his office preparing something I don't wish to be involved in yet he sometimes forgets to care himself so I came as often as I can with some snacks at least unless he as already eaten when visiting Tanashiri and Maha thankfully, I have secretly given some to the palace maids and servants knowing that a palace is a dangerous place. I then started to wonder if I should tell father the truth about Baek Ahn and me but I also remembered that I should tell Tangqishi, Tapjahae and Tanashiri. Tangqishi and Baek Ahn have been rivals for as long as I can remember. If I told my older brother about my relationship with Baek Ahn, he would not hesitate to hunt Baek Ahn down till the end. He can be a bit dramatic at times but he means well. I then heard a light knocking on my door thinking it was Tapjahae who had come home from the palace to check on me due to having 'twin senses' that he and I shared and knowing that someone told him I just came back from my long trip. When I stand up and walked to the door to check to see my twin only to find out it was not my twin brother. It was my beloved Baek Ahn, I didn't hesitate to grab him and pull him inside my room then I quickly closed the door behind him and I felt his arms wrapped around me, I then lean my head to his chest as he tucked strings of my hair behind my ear then he started kissing my neck and whispered "I missed you" I smiled while he continues kissing my neck and said "I missed you too beloved" I then turn around and wrapped my arms around his neck as he was so close to kissing my lips "it may have been a couple of week's but it felt like years since I held you in my arms y/n" then we finally shared a passionate kiss. He then lifted me as I wrap my leg's around his waist, just as he was about to lay me down on my bed we heard a knock and later a voice "y/n, I've come back from the palace as soon as I heard you came back from the trip" it was my twin brother Tapjahae. Baek Ahn immediately put me down while I unwrap my legs around him and quickly hid him in my hidden passage that no one but father and siblings knows but now Baek Ahn knows. I quickly fixed myself and then went to the door to see my twin brother "it's good to see you again dear sister" he and I shared a smile while I said, "likewise dear brother" then we both shared a hug for the first time in weeks, I then noticed that he hugged me a bit tight. I knew its meaning "is something about to happen Tapjahae" he nodded while hugging "I was afraid that I wouldn't see you again" "you worried too much, I told you that I would return home without a scratch on me, besides who else" he let go of hugging me "father wishes to see you" I nodded and told him I'll meet him as soon as I changed out of my travelling clothes. He nodded and left as I closed the door, I then put my head on the door while releasing a sigh of relief, I then lifted my head from the door and headed to the hidden door where I hid my lover. I open it and see him still there "by the end of the hall is the exit out of my home, be careful" he nodded and gave me a quick kiss before leaving through the passage. I then closed the hidden door and proceed to change out of my travelling clothes
Moments later - at the palace, outside of the Grand Chancellor's office
I knocked on the door hoping that maybe my father was inside his office only to hear his voice "enter" I then enter my father's office seeing that he was sitting in his chair drinking tea alone when he turned to see that it was me, he put his tea down and stand up and smiled at me then held his arms open, which I happily rush into his arms as we both held each other for a long time. Father and I shared a closer bond ever since mother's passing, I usually travelled a couple of times but somehow managed to make time to visit back home at least. We then let go of each other and looked at each other "welcome home y/n" he then went to sit back on his chair while I sit a nearby chair "do you plan to travel again y/n or will you be staying home" "I won't be travelling for awhile now father, ever since I heard what happened to you I stopped everything that I was doing and come home as soon as I can" he smiled knowing that I staying home even for a while, I then him all of my travels stories. As I finished telling stories of my travels I heard the door open, I turned around to see my little sister Tanashiri "big sister, you finally came back" I stood up from my seat to greet her imperial majesty yet, however, Tanashiri was already hugging me before I have done so "I missed you so much" I returned the hug and said, "I missed you to sister" I then see my twin brother Tapjahae along with our older brother Tangqishi holding the young prince "and this must be Maha" the young prince then hold out his hands as in trying to reach me, Tanashiri then let go of the hug and smiled "seems like the young prince is eager to meet his aunt" Tangqishi then let me hold the young prince and the young prince was already hugging me "seems like Maha already like me" we all shared a laugh like old times, I then to told my siblings and nephew the same stories that I told our father. Not knowing that it would be the last exciting storytelling I've given...
In The Present - Within The Eagle Group Headquarters 
"Madam Pearl, our leader wishes to see you when you have the time" I open the door to see Yeom Byung-soo and Jo-cham outside "I got plenty of time for our dear leader and please just call me by my name instead of my title, after all, we've been friends for a couple of years now and been so much together alongside with my dear older brother" both men nodded yet however I sense something wasn't right with Yeom Byung-soo "is there something troubling you, my dear friend" he was caught off guard that I could sense his worries and I have seen that worried looked before "is it about Yeon-hwa?" he nodded while Jo-cham wasn't surprised but he was a least he was supported him "I'll see if I could get one of my dear old friends inside of the palace to helped her out of the palace" both he and his friend was surprised that I had someone inside of the palace they have been there more then five years now thankfully "did our dear leader tell you where I shall meet him" "he wishes to meet you at the courtesan's house after his meeting with the others" I smirk as they left I then later closed the door and change out of my training clothes thanks to our dear Eagle Leader, I've been trained to kill, turning both Consort Ki and that traitorous bastard Baek Ahn allies slowly turning into my loyal puppet for four and a half years now but my most loyal puppet of them all was the Emperor himself I smiled knowing that my plans are slowly coming together, I then changed out of my training clothes and put on the courtesan attire along with the veil, I  looked at the mirror to see a faint scar on left side of my neck as a reminder of what happened that night in the forest, the night I found out about Baek Ahn's betrayal, the night where he thought he killed me but instead of being dead I survived...
Five years ago - Near midnight, at the abandoned house outside of The Capital
I waited nearly all night for Baek Ahn but he still didn't show up which was unusual of him not to show up, just as I was about to leave the house when he finally appeared at the door "seems like I was a bit late" I smiled not caring where he has been. I then approached him and kissed him which he gladly return the kiss, he then pulled me closer to him and we both embrace while we kissed. He then ended our kiss a bit early which is kind of odd of him to do, he let go of our embrace but still has me in his arm "y/n, there's something you should know" "know what beloved"  he looked with at with sorrows that I haven't seen from him beforehand and I started to worried "Baek Ahn what's wrong, is there something on"  he then held my hand and lead me outside and kept going till the lights from the capital was in our view, he let go of my hand while I looked at the light coming from the capital. I turned to him still wondering yet worried at the same time, just as I was about to ask him why he brought me here until I heard my twin brother's cries "Y/N" I turned to see my father along with Tangqishi and Tapjahae coming out of the woods, I was about to call out their names but Baek Ahn stop me by doing so by holding my arm then pull me towards him and kissed me in front of my brother's and father but what shocked more than that was he ended our kiss and said "From the day we met, I knew I'd hurt you" I felt something sharp on my neck then a sudden pain and feeling something wet on my neck. When I put my hand on it and pull out to see blood on my hand when I slowly looked at Baek Ahn with shock yet he left me there, time moves so slowly yet he moves further and further away from me as I faint to the ground. The last thing I remembered was my father coming to my side as he tries to stop the blood from pouring before blacking out.
Back To The Present - Within The Courtesan's House
Knock knock I looked towards the door "who's there" "Madame Pearl, he's here" I open the door to see it was Lady Silk "have you gotten everything our special guest needs" she smiled and nodded "good, have the rest of the night off" she nodded excitedly and left quickly as I closed the door behind me, as I finally arrived in one of the special guest room I saw he's bodyguard outside of the room "My my, what are you doing outside of our special guest room" his bodyguard just looked at me in confusion due to seeing me wearing a veil, I then calmly introduced myself "I am Madame Pearl, lovely to meet you dearly" the bodyguard was a taken back yet I already see the blushes on his cheeks "our leader is waiting for you inside Madame" he then opens the door for me, I smiled and thanked him as I went inside of the room while the bodyguard closed the door behind me. I then saw the hooded mask figure sitting on the bed "it's has been a while, Madame Pearl, I see that you have been treated well" "indeed it has been a while, although I'm glad to see you are well" the eagle leader then took off his mask and set his mask beside him then looked at me "I admit that I have missed some of your travelling stories that you once told me when you were once a kind and loved noble lady despite coming from Yeon Chul family" "I too missed our daily gossip within the palace" I then pour some wine on both mine and his cup then I sat down right next to him and giving him his cup of wine, I then took my veil off and put it next to his mask before drinking the whole cup of wine "my only wish is to see my brother and nephew once again Golta, I only wished to Maha once again" Golta then drank his cup of wine and took both of our cups away. After doing so he then held my hands in comfort while wiping my tears with his other hand, then later said "don't worry my dear pearl, I already have made some arrangements for you to see Maha again"...
To Be Continued...
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 4: The Changeling (read on AO3 here)
There's a soft whimpering sound from the corner, and Oliver looks up from his book, searching for the source of the sound. Lucy isn't -
His eyes land on the white plastic "baby monitor," a gift from Audrey's mum. Ah. Right. It's been four months but he's still not used to it. It had seemed unlikely to work, with three (now four) magic users in the house, but it hasn't let them down yet. Hoisting himself to his feet, Oliver sets down the book and goes upstairs, gently pushing open the door to the nursery. Baby jungle animals peek out from behind pastel fronds along the wall, and in the crib, a little redheaded girl has fat tears rolling down her face, though she doesn't make a sound beyond a soft huffing.
"Hey, love," Oliver coos, coming over to the crib. She holds her arms out to him, and he scoops her up, sliding a hand down to check her diaper. "You're okay there. You hungry? Wanna go find Mummy?" She lets out a little quavering sob against his shoulder, which is probably the closest thing he's going to get to a 'yes.' Bringing her out of the nursery, Oliver walks down the hallway and knocks lightly on the door to the study.
"In a minute," Audrey says distractedly from inside. Oliver hears the scratching of her quill against parchment, and Lucy has perked up at the sound of her mother's voice, reaching for her. In an attempt to distract her, Oliver bounces her gently, humming tunelessly. A few moments later, the door opens, and Audrey smiles a bit wearily.
"Oh, is it second breakfast already? Come on, then; let's get you taken care of." She reaches for the baby and Oliver deposits her into Audrey's arms, then follows her back into the study. Audrey takes a seat on the couch and does something with her t-shirt and something with her bra, and soon Lucy is feeding contentedly. As she does, Audrey says, "I didn't even hear her. Good watching out."
"She wasn't crying, just whimpering," Oliver says, sitting down on the couch. "Really quietly. If I'd had the wireless on, I wouldn't have heard it either."
"You're gonna need to make a bit more noise, especially when we go to Daddy's," Audrey says to the baby. "We'll never hear you there."
"Have you noticed she doesn't cry anymore?" Oliver asks, watching her. "First three months she was like a siren, now this. Do babies do that normally?"
"Everyone's different," Audrey replies, looking down at her daughter with an expression equal parts love and concern. "Molly said that Percy didn't cry much when he was a baby, either. Maybe she gets it from him."
They sit in silence then, both of them just watching the little girl as she eats. 
Her fingers are so small, Oliver thinks, struck as always by how tiny and perfect she is. Once upon a time, he was that little, and so were Audrey and Percy. Once upon a time he'd looked up at his mum like she was the center of the universe, too. He reaches out and strokes his finger against Lucy's hand, and she grips it firmly. Audrey chuckles softly.
"Hope you don't need that anytime soon."
"Nah, she can have it," Oliver says, enamored. 
He adores her, but at the same time, something - some things - make the hair stand up at the back of his neck. Percy had been sitting with her on the couch the other night, reading the Tales of Beedle the Bard to her, and Oliver swore he'd seen her mouthing the words along with him. It's impossible. She's four months old. But sometimes he'd catch her watching him with those big blue eyes, and he'd see a canniness, a cold cunning there that sent a shiver up his spine. 
Before long, Lucy finishes up, and nestles into Audrey's arms, content. 
"I can't wait till you're on a consistent schedule, darling," Audrey says, stroking a hand over the feathery red curls. "It's like having a hobbit in the house." A pause. "And unlike your papa, I'll make sure you read Lord of the Rings, so someone in this house gets my references."
"Hey," Oliver protests, but it's weak, because she's right. 
Audrey gets to her feet, careful not to jostle Lucy too much. "Let's get you back in the crib. Time for a nap, I think."
Oliver trails Audrey out of the study, getting the door of the nursery for her, and Audrey settles Lucy back into the crib. 
"I need to get back to it," Audrey says with a sigh. "Keep those ears out, Ollie?"
"Yes, ma'am."
She leaves, and Oliver turns a moment later, intending to go back downstairs and pick up his book again. At the door, he hears movement from the crib and looks back.
Lucy is standing in the crib, hands by her sides, not gripping the edge or using anything for support. She looks up at Oliver, deep blue locking onto worried hazel. 
Her smile is all gums, and unquestionably does not reach her eyes. 
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paintedtragedy59 · 4 months
Lmao kinda rant
One of the cats is in heat (waiyng to get her into a vet to be spayed) and for some reason, ot was decided that when my partner and her gf get annoyed with her she gets put in my room
I get it while roommate is working cause they take calls from home, but its also tirned into when no one else wants to deal with her. I HATE keeping her locked in here bc she obv. Gets anxious, plus she'll scratch/pull at the door and yowl non stop
Unfortunately i tend to not sleep well, and ive been going to bed around 430-5 am. This means that yesterday after going to bed aroumd five (and waking up briefly from like 7 till around 8 30 ish) i had to get up at like 930 to get the cat and bring her into the room, which she spent most of the time yowling/protesting being locked in, so I ended up not going back to sleep/napping like ill sometimes try to do.
I had plans, and not long after getting back she got brought up and put in the room AGAIN. Its now like 430 am, i havent slept, and the cat is just now begining to settle down and maybe fall asleep.
Oh, i also cant leave the room when shes being confimed, bv wothout something blocking the door from the inside, she can eother pull the door open, or the othet cat can use her bodyweight to push ot open bc the doors here all SUCK
And dont get me wrong. I love this cat. I adore her and would 100 end a man for her bc she is like my baby.
But i feel like its unfair that im stuck pretty much constantly listening to her yowl bc tje others get annoyed with her.
Like yall dont think im frustrated?? Literally losing out sleep bc of it, sitting in a small, hot room with the door closed listening to yowling and scratching/pawing all day and then all nighg??
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Chapter 4: And Then There Was Hope
Characters: Melanie Cavill, Alexandra Cavill, Bess Till, Josie Wellstead, Bennett Knox
Warnings: None
She could barely see the outside from the window with the dark gray sky and the blowing snow more awful than usual and it was already getting really bumpy
The charts kept going back from yellow to red in a matter of seconds, sometimes green but only for a split second before it goes back to red or yellow again. They hit a rather big bump, Alex almost flies out of her seat, Audrey was probably having an experience of a rollercoaster at the cells,
"Shit!" Alex exclaims
"You alright?" Bess asked
"I'm fine, this just plain sucks"
"You'd think they would put seatbelts on these chairs!" The blonde laughed
"I don't think Alex knows what a seatbelt even is!" Ben popped in
"She would've been too young to remember, it's literally basically some material I don't even kno-" another bump, larger this time, Alex smirked
"Alright that's enough, be calm guys we gotta pay attention, Breslauer doesn't have the kindest rails"
They went silent as asked and all they could hear was the sound of violent rattling and shaking from the weather, BreslauerBreslauerBreslauer ah yes the place where she went looking for her mom only to find the data she left behind, not even a trace of her besides the goodbye letter, there is a spark of hope in her heart that tells her that her mom is indeed alive, her gut is keeping her optimistic on that thought but her sadness all crumpled up inside her says that she is gone for good and she went outside to let herself go.
"We should probably increase speed, to fasten this part, I'm sure the wind will calm down and perhaps the torque" Ben decided to speak up
Alex got out of her thoughts when he spoke, she doesn't really like to agree with him but he's right in this situation, she nods at him in agreement.
A while passed from when they sped up and were still on the same route, Alex had Ben take over while she went to go to the bathroom and change into her jumpsuit, she came back from Mel's quarters to find the rest of them back on the floor On the mattresses again I was guessing this is going to be the new routine every day that they were standing up or just like to sit down on the floor or the mattresses again until something pops up, it's not like they had a lot of places to sit.
The mattresses were the extra ones from Mel's quarters again and of course, Layton said they wouldn't take Mel's mattress for obvious reasons other than a sad and angry teenager and a ghost.
She sat back down and closed her eyes softly
Woken up to a weirdly loud sound of metal scratching and the red lights, Alex did not intend to go to sleep, she turned around to see everyone confused
"What the hell is that?" Said Layton
Bess huddled over by Ben to look at one of the screens, Ben was reading the data of the sensors that were set around the train
"Hey" Bess tapped his shoulder "what's going on here?"
"We are getting amounts of damage to the first exterior shell by the cold lock… it says semi medium punctures- wait-"
Red lights flashed again with an even louder sound now, Alex switched the train to autopilot because who knows what's happening
"There's a breach at the cold lock"
They all have expressions of confusion and being surprised
"Door one is still open and door two still hasn't," Ben said open-mouthed
"There's no way" Alex chimed in "no...oh god"
She ran towards the back of the train where the cold lock is, she got there and peaked out the second door window to see a breached body lying on the floor in
"Oh no no no no"
Alex smashed the button on the arch of the second door and door one closed along with the outside, Andre had an ax at his side in case of anything, Josie came behind her waiting for the code to work and the door to open up and she can pull in the body, Alex opened up the door revealing "Melanie? Jesus, oh my" Josie laughed as a tear rolled down her cheek as she was pulling Mel in.
Alex couldn't believe what she was seeing, the waterworks were coming now, taking off her cracked helmet she saw her mom's face covered in soft ice crystals, she tapped the side of her face to wake her up.
"Mom?! Mom?!"
Nothing. She checked her pulse as they were taking off her suit that had two cuts in it, gladly there is, Melanie's eyes opened barley and let out an not so normal gasp for air
Alex needed "I need an air fibular and blankets!!!"
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roxannex90 · 3 years
What's In Your Head (Leah Williamson X Reader)
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Driving on your way home you’re still thinking about Leah. What does she mean to you? Well let’s think this through. She’s always been a huge support and someone who you can rely on. Also has spent time on vacations not as “fuck buddies” but as friends too. When not in bed with each other, deep conversations really are something. You feel connected and read each other’s mind when one isn’t speaking. Sometimes even spending time going out to eat or go dancing at a club or even run errands with each other. Kind of sounds like you’re almost a couple in some way.
“Fuck it” you said turning the wheel in a different direction you’re going to see Leah. On your way to see Leah you rehearse what you’re going to say “Will you be my girlfriend Leah? What! Uh no! That sounds cringey.” Slapping your forehead “I think we should be in a relationship? No come on think! Ugh whatever I’ll just figure it out.” Getting anxious you’re almost there at her house. Not sure of what she would think when you’d tell her. “No attachments” those two words linger in the back of your head. It was something both parties agreed on before engaging in these sexual relations.
Leah’s house
“I’m coming!” Leah approaches the door with her phone in hand. The door opens and she sees you standing with your hands together. “Can I come in?” You ask. “Sure” she opened the door wider letting you in. She closed the door then led you to her living room where the tv is on. Still nervous you manage to hide it and focus on getting to the point. “Hey, I don’t think you should be embarrassed about it earlier. Katie understood she just did expect it.” Leah explains sitting next to you on the couch. She places her hand on your back rubbing it trying to comfort you. Taking in a deep breath before telling Leah “I like you” those words come out of your mouth. She stops rubbing you back and looks confused “I like you too?” She says with an awkward smile. “No like I like you a lot” standing up from the couch now with your hands on rubbing your face. Your mind goes blank as you try to think what to say next.
She stares at you waiting for a response “I know what we said before starting this but I would be lying to you if I said I haven’t gained any feelings for you.” You say scratching your head pacing around her living room floor. Leah looks to be understanding the situation nodding her head slightly moving her lips as she thinks. “I ignored those feelings till we got caught. Something about being seen made me think ``what if we just continued to be seen but as a couple?” Looking over at Leah she’s still thinking but then looks up at you and smiles. “Is this what you really want?” She asked. You nod “come here” she opens her arms and you sit on her lap to hug her. She gives kisses all over your face as you both smile. “What do you say if we go to bed and I make us breakfast in the morning?” She looks at you seductively. You laugh then give her another kiss “I would say that sounds like a good girlfriend” she laughs hearing the word girlfriend “gonna have to get use to that word” she picked you up as the two of you giggle taking you to her bedroom shutting the door.
Part 1, Part 2
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