#sometimes he endangers himself because hes scared
phyronia · 10 months
something i appreciate very much about baldur's gate 3 is the way it doesn't try to sand down its characters edges to make them fit into their roles as victims of their past better. it doesn't make them soft and sad and scared at the expense of their other, sometimes less palatable traits. even though the things people have done to them have molded them, they're still full people beyond that, warts and all.
karlach, for example, was an unwilling soldier for ten years. but she still loves fighting. smashing heads is often her first answer to any problem, because it's what she knows, and she's not ashamed of that. she's good at killing, and she's proud of it. ask her about killing devils! she gets so into the details that she forgets what you were even talking about.
astarion's been through two hundred years of hell and barely even knows who he is any more, and he's so terrified of losing his freedom that he's willing to hurt anyone (including himself) to try to protect it, but he's also just genuinely a huge bitch. not even in a 'pushing people away so they can't get close' way, he's just kind of a dick! and that's wonderful.
and gale's the last one i'll talk about for now because this is getting long. he was groomed by the literal goddess of magic and cast out for trying to prove himself to her by helping her, left to slowly and painfully die and endanger all those around him, then told to kill himself for redemption in her eyes, and he was down enough on himself to believe this was fair! but also! he is hubristic and arrogant and absolutely thinks that yeah 'rip to everyone else who reached too far for godhood and doomed themselves and others in the process but i'm different'. he's a disaster.
i'm just go glad larian gave us these characters that aren't just poor little snookumses. they have the range
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artebris · 2 months
Sudden Ominis Confession
My tumbrl line suddenly exploding with: Dominis or Ominis?
Me: I am surely just a humble ant, but I have a damn nobody-cares opinion.
Ominis is a shy, good, kindhearted, very mistrustful, closed and highly traumatized young man, afraid to lose dear and close people to him, who are counted to ones, but not that afraid not to do the right thing. He is both timid, just and brave. Not enough from both sides to confidently claim a pure and one-direct description. It is a very complicated character. He experienced great pain and loss. He is not about all that bullshit.
Though. On the other hand, he has his roots. Gaunt’s roots. Which are mixed with this kind and timid personality of a dreamer and trickster. Anger bursts, authority, inheritance of a Gaunt are in his blood, whether everyone likes it or not. He showed it not for once officially, he can be quite dominant, when the situation claims it, usually if he is scared and feels his privacy endangered. Not like it actually has a direct consequence. Ominis is like a fluffy bee, showing his sting, but never actually sting you. He is defending himself, but he can do it.
In a regular situation when Ominis is comforted and keeping easy with a person, he is a shy, kindhearted, timid and playful boy, as we meet him in the Common Room as Slytherins. That meeting tells about him more than it is shown, it is actually his true face. Kind, a bit mischievous and playful, tricky, posh.
He loves a trick, but it is never evil.
If he can dominate someone, it can be done after a very, very long time!
And if it happens, it more than sure, that it is just in a playful type of a thing. A game. A power exchange to let his partner (whoever that is, woman, man, whatever who can make him happy), to relax from the usual role.
To my taste, he prefers to be a bottom most of the time. But he can be dominant, greedy and wild sometimes and with someone’s he trusts wholesome, to also let the one he loves to feel calm and relaxed. To let it all go when needed. Cover with love and demanding, with protection and care, when you need it most. He can do it, but does not prefer it, because usually he is a person, who needs this protection himself.
Perhaps, if it is actually a true love, it is a thing in common, to care about each other, to exchange, not to put up a sign saying “you are this and no other.” I hate signs put up. The world is a flexible thing, the sexual energy is a flexible thing. And as a former worker in the industry of a performance, as a shibari-switch, model and master, I can confirm, that power exchange is hell of a healthy thing. Not even sexually. It helps keeping both, bottom and dominant sane and aware of how the other feels. No matter how much you are in charge, you need a break from time to time, a moment to feel weak.
To conclude. Ominis is a bottom naturally. But if he trusts you, if he needs and loves you, he can serve a dominance you need in a playful, non-serious way, just to make you feel good, wanted and belonged to him.
Because he cares.
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matan4il · 4 months
Daily update post:
This morning started with the horrible news about an independent Palestinian terrorist attack on the main road to Jerusalem. As workers come into the city in the morning, there's a junction where at this morning time, there's usually a traffic jam. Three Palestinians (from the Beit Lechem area, two of them brothers) started shooting from assault rifles at people sitting in their cars, as if they were fish in a barrel (hand grenades were found as well, but thankfully they didn't get to use them). Currently, the reports are of 1 person murdered (26 years old Matan Elmaliach), and 11 wounded (on TV, they're saying 13 more were wounded, including a young pregnant woman in very serious condition). A spokesman for Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) said that the terrorist attack scene was 500 meters long (about 1640 feet). Two of the terrorists were neutralized immediately, and the third was after a chase. The father of one of the wounded said his son just finished his army reserves service, noticed the terrorist attack, tried to stop one of the terrorists, and in the process was shot himself.
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On a personal note, my mom's cousin sometimes works in Jerusalem, coming in through that junction, and his wife sometimes comes with him, so after I woke up from a nightmare about a baby crying because its limbs were amputated by Hamas terrorists, I had to contact my family to check that they're alive, and figure out when it's okay to wake my mom up, so she doesn't get scared for her cousin when she hears the news.
A terrorist attack that was carried out about a month ago, has now been revealed as originally targeting the IDF spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee. Turns out one of the terrorists, who was working in Ra'anana, walked into a restaurant and saw Adraee. The terrorist couldn't kill him on the spot, but returned with a weapon the next day and staked the area (assuming Adraee lived somewhere nearby) for a while, before he decided if he couldn't carry out a "quality" terrorist attack, he still wanted to carry out one. He got his cousin employeed, and together, the two murdered a 79 years old woman, Edna Bluestein, and wounded 18 others. I just think it says something, that an army officer, and an elderly civilian woman, are equally legit targets in these terrorists' mind, because they're both citizens of the Jewish state. Both terrorists were indicted today.
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Survivors of the Nova music festival carnage on Oct 7 are suing AP for hiring 4 photojournalists that were embedded with Hamas, and should have been identified as such by the news agency. The lawsuit names the men who were there in the middle of Hamas' war crimes, and documented, among other crimes, the kidnapping of Shani Lock's raped body, and of Yaffa Adar, a Holocaust survivor.
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In London, the anti-Israel crowd projected onto Big Ben messages that UK Jews have repeatedly said endanger them, including calls for the Jewish state to surrender to an antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization, and the slogan that calls for, at the very least, an ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews, but one which most Jews understand as genocidal, because if it were to be implemented, it would necessarily include the slaughter of the world's biggest Jewish community. According to one witness, he asked the police if projecting these slogans on Big Ben's tower is legal, was told it wasn't, but the police personnel present still wasn't moved to stop this. At what point is the UK going to wake up, and act as if its Jewish citizens, and their well being, counts?
And since I mentioned that demanding a ceasefire before Hamas has surrendered, is to ask the attacked (the Jewish state) to surrender to the attacker (an antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization), I also want to remind everyone that allowing Hamas to continue existing, and ruling Gaza, is also BAD FOR PALESTINIANS. As the war goes on, more and more Gazan protests are being held against Hamas. I haven't mentioned them in a while, but this is a good moment to remind everyone that people who REALLY care about Gazans want Hamas destroyed for them, too. Here's newly released footage from a Gaza anti-Hamas demonstration, we're now getting more documentation like this practically daily.
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This is 19 years old Nimrod Cohen.
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On Oct 7, he was kidnapped to Gaza. His twin sister Romi and his parents have been fighting to have him released. The family says he's so sensitive, they can't imagine how he'd be able to survive captivity, and the kind of constant abuse they'd heard the hostages are undergoing from those already released.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
I noticed you did a Tall!Husband with the Task Force, could I ask for the same prompt with Nikolai, Farah, Alejandro, and Rudy, if you haven't already?
Thanks you! /nf
Hey there! Here you go!
Alejandro, Rodolfo, Farah and Nikolai with a Very Tall Husband
Alejandro: He takes you being this tall in stride. Sure, he would have preferred being the bigger guy among the both of you, but he won’t actively go out of his way to be butthurt about it. That just means he’s finally found someone who can wrap himself around him, and for that he’s grateful. You make for a nice cuddle buddy. Alejandro is quite the cuddler in general, so he’ll often just walk up to you just to cuddle you. He’s not above asking you to get something from a high shelf either, always rewarding you with a kiss to your cheek as well. Overall, there’ll be lots of cuddles, even if he sometimes might try to climb you as well. It’s his way of showing off just how strong he is. However, he will call you things such as “skyscraper”, but he loves it as much as he loves you. You’re just such a sweetheart. Alejandro will invite you to just about anything he does, as long as it’s not related to his job. He’s well aware that you’re super intimidating and scary to everyone else, but all he can see is his lover with the biggest heart imaginable. If you scare Rodolfo too much, though, then he’ll ask you to tone it down by quite a bit. Rodolfo has done nothing wrong, plus the two of them are very close. Ideally, you and Rodolfo would also get along well with each other. But other than that? Alejandro doesn’t really mind you being this scary. It just means that people feel less inclined to walk up to the both of you and bother you while you’re out on a date. He feels a bit torn on PDA, though. Trust me when I say he wants to give you hugs and kisses in public so everyone knows you’re his, but he holds back a bit since he doesn’t wanna endanger you. Secretly dreams of dipping you under the moonlight and giving you a big old kiss. While he can get very heated himself in the right situation, he’s a real sweetheart towards you as well, so the both of you would fit very well with each other.
Rodolfo: On the one hand, he’s not happy at all with you being such a giant. On the other hand he loves it. He wanted to be the taller guy among the two of you so he can make you feel protected. At least that’s what he’ll sometimes say to you, feigning hurt. In reality he’s going wild on the inside because his lovely husband can wrap himself entirely around him and give him the best hugs imaginable. Rodolfo gets to feel calm and at ease whenever you do that. Although he normally wouldn’t be as willing to do such a thing, he’d also have an easier time walking up to you and asking you for some cuddles. Especially with him being the one to be held. It’s a huge thing for him, but you’re a guy, his husband, so it should be quite alright. Is also a lot more affectionate with you in private than he normally would be. Lots of kisses, rubbing your noses together, pressing your foreheads together, all that stuff. He actually quite likes you being this scary towards other people, that just means he doesn’t have to deal with as many people when going out, so he likely will take you with him as much as possible. Scare everyone all you want, aside from Alejandro. That’s his best friend, you really shouldn’t be scaring that guy. Not that you properly could anyway, but still. If anything, you should be getting along with him so that the three of you can hang out together more often. Everyone else is fair game, though. One thing you can definitely count on is that he’ll, without using any words, ask you to run your fingers through his hair. All Rodolfo wants is to lie on his husband, have him run his fingers through his hair, and then fall asleep. He’s such a sucker for being on the receiving end of physical affection, and lucky for him, you’re willing to give it to him. If you want to talk to him while he’s falling asleep, then you may. Your voice calms him down greatly and lulls him to sleep. In order to show his gratitude, he’ll learn how to become the best cook out there. You will be well fed under your shared roof.
Farah: She’s of average height for a woman, so roughly 1,65m. You being taller than 2,10m is quite the height difference between the both of you. However, that doesn’t stop her from sassing you out of love from time to time. She’s not intimidated by you at all. She doesn’t really care about you being this tall, but sometimes she thinks about going to the sea with you and just messing around in the water together. You’re such a sweetheart, surely you’d be on board for such a thing. She could always just ask you to lean down for a kiss, but that would be boring. She climbs you like a tree and kisses you then as she holds onto you. Farah needs to show off just how strong she is, to everyone around you too. Not that anyone would ever doubt her strength, she’s the commander, after all, but it’s the thought that counts. Because of your height difference, she loves just walking up to you and giving you a big hug. Either from the front or behind is fine by her. If she’s hugging you from behind then that means she’s asserting dominance. You may be the taller one out of the both of you, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be the dominant one. You being this scary sometimes bothers her, though, especially when children are around. The adults likely can handle themselves, especially once she tells them that you’re, for the most part, not going to hurt them. But children will start crying upon seeing you, so she asks you to tone it down around them. She knows you wouldn’t hurt anyone, but still. You can be as scary as you want to be, as long as you don’t hurt anyone. You don’t need to glare daggers at everyone, though, since no one is going to take her from you. Farah’s loyal like that. Something that Farah would have definitely loved to do with you would be to have you lie on top of her, with her running her hands over your back and telling you how much she loves you. Unfortunately, you’d likely crush her. That doesn’t mean she won’t hold you close while standing, though. Again, she needs to assert her dominance in some way. You being such a sweetheart towards her really motivates her to keep fighting the good fight, though. She wants to fight for a future in which the both of you can live together in a nice home without the fear of war. A future in which the both of you can just go out and look at the scenery as the sun rises. Either way, that future isn’t as far away as it used to be.
Nikolai: He’s a very tall lad himself, standing proud at 1,98m. However, the first time he saw you, someone even taller than him, he had to chuckle a bit. It was a rarity for someone to be much taller than him, but he doesn’t mind. Nikolai isn’t sensitive. Nothing can stop him from proving himself to you, though, and picking you up. He does it with quite ease too since he’s such a strong lad. If you’re quite the cuddler, then so is he. He’s a chameleon in that regard, he can be whatever you want or need him to be. Either way, he’ll still mostly have you lying on top of him. Although he could go either way, it’s still a pride thing for him. Having someone as tall as you be vulnerable with him, lying on top of him while not fighting him at all, it feeds his ego. Yes, he’s strong. You better know that as well. Besides, he’s pretty sure he can make you feel protected like this as well. Won’t fight you if you want to hold him for once, though. He just loves having his husband in his arms as well, holding him close and giving him a few kisses to the crown of his head. He doesn’t mind you being this scary towards other people. It just shows you that you really don’t want anyone but him, so to some degree it’s even very sweet to him. You can scare anyone you want, aside from the important people. He also likes it because that means less people will come up to him and ask him stuff. He likes being left alone with you quite a lot. Besides, as long as you don’t scare people like Price or Laswell, not that you could anyway, they’re both tough cookies, you’re all good. Anyone else isn’t as important anyway. Because you’re such a sweetheart towards him, he’ll often take you just about anywhere. To his little home in Siberia, to St. Petersburg, anywhere he knows you won’t be in too much danger. Showing you around Russia is one of his favorite things to do. He’s a patriot, so he loves combining his love for his country with his love for you. You’ll get to see a lot of places that way.
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noturprobiem · 4 months
This is a part of a crossover fic I'm writing, a meeting between bingqiu
The fic will be mainly focused on hualian, but the idea is that Xie Lian, Shen Yuan and Lan Wangji are researchers and their men are supernatural entities
I will need a lot of time to finish the whole thing and this passage might change a bit, but I think it works on it's own right now. It's a bit spooky, too!
Report by: Shen Yuan
On: Entity A0518
I must start by asking you to not allow this information to leak. My report can not be seen by Shen Qingqiu, under any circumstances. If gege finds out, he will endanger himself or others in a misguided attempt to protect me, and there will be casualties. Thank you.
Several years ago I was forced to get rid of an entity, then known as F0518. It was a creature capable of creating illusions, but not trapping people inside. It used the form of a teenager and claimed to be fourteen years of age. However, it looked just like A0517, which gege spent years hunting and running from. They had some history I'm not aware of.
When the entity turned eighteen, gege became convinced that it was hiding its dangerous power and manipulating me to then use me in some nefarious plot. He had some odd ideas about its feelings for me which I won't repeat. He was going to destroy it, but I couldn't let him kill something that resembled a child so much. So I pretended to do it myself, wounding it, but making sure it can survive after a long healing process. I realize how irresponsible that was, but there is no use in disciplining me, as he found me already and will make sure that I know I made a mistake. 
Which I don't regret. He was a child.
Yesterday, I was going home late, and turned to a dark alley I know very well. I can avoid every obstacle there blindfolded, which is why I was very confused when I bumped into something. I thought it was a dog at first, but upon further inspection, it turned out to be a small child, standing in the middle of the road and crying. I crouched to ask him what happened, but the kid didn't answer, just grabbed my sleeve and started bawling. Children were always my weakness. I spent several minutes trying to calm him down. I tried sign language, but it didn't work, the kid just got scared that I was trying to shake his hand off my coat. So I scooped him up and left the alley, to at least get a good look at his face and check if he had anything to identify him by. As I walked, my heartbeat slowly gathered speed. The alley was too long. I knew it was supposed to end already, but blamed the fact that I now had a passenger for the tricks my mind played on me.
With a creeping suspicion, I turned left at the end of the alley, and I didn't know where I was anymore. I couldn't let the child feel that something went wrong, so I stubbornly kept going straight ahead. I've been through encounters like this before, they were usually just inconvenient, but not dangerous. The senior Luo Binghe made my paths to gege's house longer just to annoy him sometimes.
As you can guess, I was slowly realizing who caught me this time. It's been three years, after all. I didn't want to run, because it would scare the child, so when I saw the light, I just walked faster. I knew it was a trap, but hoped that I would at least be able to get the kid out before anything bad happened, and that could only be achieved by letting Luo Binghe have his way. He can't tolerate when things don't go as he wanted, and it might partially be my fault.
When I reached the light, the child turned his head to face me. There was something unnatural in the way he moved, in the speed and angle. He looked at me, unblinking, no expression on his face.
“Shizun,” he said. “I miss you.”
I dropped the child and made several steps back, but running was useless in the realm controlled by him. The child's body shifted, as if his bones were breaking and growing and rearranging under his skin. I took another step back, but tripped and fell. For some reason, Binghe put a blanket under me before I hit the ground.
He looked just like the senior one, standing in front of me. He was even taller than when I last saw him, which I didn't think was possible, dressed in several layers of a black old-fashioned hanfu, with long curly hair and a handsome face. Not sure if it's important. Entities aren't usually handsome, from my experience. 
The darkness around us turned into an interrogation room, which he sometimes used as a joke when I tried to ground him for something. Didn't expect this room to horrify me, but the gray walls made me feel trapped. The light was dirty and yellow, blinking from time to time, and it made my eyes hurt, the air was stuffed and dusty. The blanket stayed, though. I can't fully understand his actions, even now. 
“Aren't going to run? Good,” Binghe chuckled, leaning on the table. “Let's talk like adults, then.”
I didn't have the energy for this. Walking this much wasn't very good for a chronically ill body like mine, and I was already tired after work. So I said:
“Just kill me and we can all move on."
He threw a chair at the wall, and it shattered into pieces.
“You were the one who tried to kill me!” He screamed.
Suddenly, the illusion was broken, and I was left standing in the middle of the alley, completely alone. Nothing odd happened since then.
If I disappear, I beg you to burn this paper before gege can find it and murder everyone involved.
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howhow326 · 11 months
First day of college is tomorrow so
Team Miraculous Headcanons!
(Note: I feel like the temp heros arent fleshed out as much so im only talking about their role on the team and the difference between their civilian and hero persona.)
Ladybug & Chat Noir: you already know.
Rena Rouge & Carapace: Just like the two lovebirds up there, I think there personalities swap in their hero personas. While Alya is the more rational one and Nino the coming up with crazy ideas, Rena is the crazy idea girl and Carapace is the one that wants everyone to think things through. In combat, Carapace is a frontliner like Chat Noir but with meatshield bent. Rena rarely sees combat because she's more of a mission control/guy in the chair/Navigator and yes I can randomly make persona references that supports the team from the shadows with illusions and spying on the villain.
Queen Bee: This might contradict canon but idc, Queen Bee is nice! Like yeah, she still insults her teammates, but not to their faces anymore! Chloe's making an effort to not be bad and she's failing, but it's the thought that counts right? In battle, Chloe is just doing her best Ladybug impression and it's not too bad.
Vesperia: If Queen Bee is Chloe trying to be nice, then Vesperia is Zoe being a savage! The girl has a lot of pent up anger from living with Audrey and Chloe at the same time, so she deserves to cut loose a bit. Vesperia is one of the heroes that uses the most taunts and insults against villains, sometimes to bait them but most of the time it's just her being a little bad. She's a frontliner but with an emphasis on dodging hits and grabbing attention.
Viperion: Luka is approachable, Viperion is not. He has creepy eyes and half of Paris is convinced he's psychic and can read minds (which isn't entirely wrong, he just reads emotions). The bad rep dosen't bother Luka too much, but it gets annoying when his teammates are scared of him.
Pegasus: Despite being a nerd, Max really isn't an uptight person. As long as something dosen't endanger himself, he's open to trying new things. Pegasus isn't. He lowkey believes he's surrounded by idiots including Ladybug (but he obeys her orders cause she hasn't really lost yet). Half of Paris is also terrified by him because he's able to pull off Batman levels of big brain during a fight.
King Monkey: Most of the temp's hero personas have different personalities but King monkey really is just Kim in monkey suit. Max has lowkey sussed out his identity, Kim suspects nothing.
Ryuko: Kagami is calm, which is why no one has figured out her identity because Ryuko is cRaZy. She's like one of those middle schoolers pretending to be their favorite anime character but WITH REAL POWERS! Villains are also scared of her because she has like 3 powers for some reason.
Purple Tigress: What more can I add? We all saw her: a raging cat lesbian. She's a berserker!
Pigella: She's like that one "threatening positivity" post: you will feel better, you have no choice >:)". the Love square between her and Tigress is real also. In fight she's like those really annoying spell casters that hypnotize your party members.
Miss Hound: When Sabrina transforms she just goes full Chloe! All the years of being mistreated come out as her being 10× meaner than any other hero! Miss Hound dodges a villains attack? "And thats why your useless, utterly useless!" She and Vesperia are besties!
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ikamigami · 6 months
Solar seems to cope similarly to Sun.. they both kind of repress their trauma..
And also they both view themselves as they're bad and not good enough and they blame themselves for things that went wrong..
I think that the difference is that Solar thiks that he's bad due to trauma and circumstances and it shows in the way of how he responds to our Sun..
He pushes him away because he doesn't want to go through the same thing like it was with his Sun and that's why he keeps Sun on distance and seems even sometimes passive aggressive towards Sun..
This is quite common thing for people who were traumatised the way Solar is.. Just avoiding the same circumstances that led to your trauma - even pushing someone away if needed..
Sun on the other hand seems to believe himself to be bad.. and it shows in the way he acts and in his general behaviour..
Sun also tries to avoid the circumstances that led to bad things that happened before.. but you can clearly see from the way Sun responds to events that are happening in his life that Sun thinks that no matter what he'll do or say he'll always mess up..
The difference between feeling that you're bad and believing that you're bad.. is that the first one is simply normal response to trauma and typical for many mental issues.. the second one on the other hand isn't a normal thing.. you believe yourself to be evil without a reason (some reason can also be there but your mind just always exaggerates everything to absurd scale)..
But funny thing is that you're trying your best to be good.. but in your mind you'll never be able to do something good not because you're not doing good things.. but simply because your mind will always find something to complain about you.. for example:
You: I'm going to buy this lovely present for my bestie <3
Your mind: You're only doing this because you want them to perceive you as a kind friend.. but actually you're doing it to boost your own ego.. you're definitely not doing it because you simply like your friend...
Or another example:
You: "I love you, mom" <3
Your mind: Why did you say that if it's not true? Cause if you genuinly loved your mom you wouldn't act like you do...
It's simply that that you don't believe that you have any good intentions ever... Unlike in first case when you believe that you're not good enough so you try harder and better and even sabotage yourself.. in the second case it's just everything can be fine, you can have good grades, be a good parent, spouse or kid or sibling.. but in your head you still view yourself as the most awful being.. your life can be good but you won't stop believe that you're evil...
In both cases 1) when you feel like you're bad and 2) when you believe yourself to be bad.. you're unable to accept kindness of others and happiness in your life which applies to both Sun and Solar..
In second case people also often perceive you as dishonest and two-faced.. just like many assumed about Sun at the beginning of the show.. iykyk💀
And also the anger issues and people telling you "you need to chill" - happened to Sun and me as well..
Cause I'm talking from my experiences..
Also when you believe yourself to be evil you often times let other overstep your boundaries cause when you speak up others often read that as you being too pretentious and/or angry..
That's why Sun most the time doesn't tell people to stop treating him the way it hurts him because he feels that it's both deserved and it would be seen as if he's asking for too much (even if in reality that's not true)..
Also did you realize how Sun always seem to be concerned about Moon's safety whenever the things about Old Moon are brought up? He rarely says that he's scared that Moon will start to abuse him once again.. It's more like "I'm scared that Moon will start acting like Old Moon and do something rush and endanger himself" (not real quote but example).. It's almost never about how Moon treated Sun but how Moon will potentially do something that may lead to him being harmed or even to his another death...
I don't even know if Sun fully processed Old Moon's abuse and aknowledged it as something true that happened.. Remember like Sun hallucinated Old Moon and he told the hallucination that Moon wasn't like that.. "maybe at the beginning but he changed".. and it was a response to what OM's hallucination told Sun that he represents Sun's fear that Moon never loved him.. and Sun later said "I loved you.. I did"
Also the example I gave with telling your mom that you love her also fit Sun's situation - remember how many times Sun told Moon "I love you"? Compared to how many times Moon told that Sun it's like he almost never told that (on-screen, Sun told Moon that he used to say that more often but Moon didn't like hearing Sun saying that)..
I believe that Sun wasn't saying that many times that he loves Moon because he simply felt that it is fake due to how he was unable to help Moon and how many times he screwed up everything..
You may think that I'm exaggerating but.. the fact is that I know that it bothered people - the fact that Moon who isn't as emotionally open up as Sun says that more often than the supposed to be more emotionally open up Sun..
And I can't blame them, it's like I said people viewed Sun at not so kind and as if he hides a dark side to himself or that he's straight up two-faced because of how more Moon talked about his feelings and how little of Sun's p.o.v. we've ever gotten..
Sun tries his best but whenever he messes up even something insignificant and small or when things are going downhill he immediately takes the blame (internally) on himself and try doing things from a different angle and then again and again and again.. and list of ideas for what to change in himself and how to approach this problem differently for all those previous times that ended up horribly are getting shorter and shorter and shorter.. until you don't know what to do.. and everything is crushing you from the inside and often times you start to think that the only solution to all the problems is to kill yourself - not only because you want to end your own suffering but also because you don't want to be a burden and a problem for others...
I hope that what I wrote makes any sense.. even a little bit and I hope that I didn't make mistakes cause English isn't my native language.. QwQ
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Ninjago has social media so why not share some headcanons
so I was chatting with a friend and this came up and I wanted to expand on it and talk about it
Basically... how the ninja interact with the canon social media. Yeah. Twitter- I mean Chirp... is a thing in Ninjago. Canonically. And then never brought up again. So uh
What better to do than explore how the Ninja's social media life is going in relation to them being celebrities. And then post it on a social media at 9 pm. Headcanons under the cutoff yayy
Ok so first off Cole because he started this mess and I want to get him out of the way because I want to get to the other's.
He's... I mean are we going to deny he's popular... He was kinda already a celebrity before becoming a Ninja thanks to his family history. Either way, he is very afraid of the omnipresent conglomorate known as a fanbase. They scare him so he just does not interact with them whatsoever, yet he still somehow manages to remain VERY popular with fans for... a variety of reasons... his lack of interaction means they feel like they can get away with a lot of things. Despite this Cole does still have exactly one active social media account and it is an anonymous (Insert Ninjagan equivalent to Instagram here) where he quite literally just posts art randomly and daily and says absolutely nothing. By anonymous, I mean he pretty much just has an online name and profile picture that he made up that has no connections to his personal life or being a ninja. The other Ninja are aware he has an art account, but not of the name or any other details, so they've made a secret game out of finding his social media identity. It remains yet to be found, which is either a relief, to Cole (though he isn't even aware of it) or sad, to the people who are betting on it.
Lloyd!! Little candy loving goblin man!!! Lloyd is awesome I want to draw him more often hhh
Lloyd kind of just talks about funny things, posts memes, and shares cool fanart. He tries to steer clear of negativity in general because good lord knows he's far too exhausted from his own trauma and stress to fight the internet. He just tries to turn a blind eye to stuff but he still gets caught up in the web that is social media sometimes, what with fame and all that, which often ends in him getting emotional. And subsequently having Kai offer to punch somebody. His socials are public but he doesn't advertise them much at all for the sake of a peaceful atmosphere, so he has like a decently small follower/sub/whatever count for how popular he is. His fanbase is pretty tame for the most part, though there are a few overbearing young children who don't quite understand things just yet.
Kai, the guy who made chirp canon by posting about being in the hospital and causing a break in that probably violated several laws and frightened the children.
... I mean it's kind of canon that he uses socials. Since he's likely one of the only two Ninja with public and advertised accounts, people flock to him a lot over that fact alone, so not all of them are necessarily there for Kai. He has a pretty dedicated fanbase of people who like him for his charm and personality, but he also has a few people who find him annoying and pretentious. Some people kinda don't mind him and just follow him for Ninja news or snippets in general, even though he doesn't just post about Ninja stuff. Since it's kind of hard to convey a personality in.. you know... text... unless you know someone REALLY well, he tends to have a bit of a divide in the community over how he comes off as arrogant or full of himself sometimes.
Nya our local girlboss who's movie counterpart rides a straight up motorcycle through hallways endangering hundreds of children- look I love Nya but principal where are you.
She does have a social, but she rarely uses it. When she logs in every month or so it mostly just consists of roasting Kai or answering curious fans. Despite this she does look at the fanbase every now and then because she finds it equally parts heartwarming and, when it comes to the idiots and trolls, amusing. She's pretty popular because of her general attitude and girlboss vibes.
Zane, robot man with infinite access to the entirety of the web.
So hear me out here... I don't think he has an actual social, but I think he edits wikipages. Like not fandom or anything just straight up Wikipedia. In every language. (or, well, regional dialect?) I know it's really specific but that just seems like something he'd enjoy. It's a secret hobby. He'll be up at night facing the wall in his bed, eyes open trying to finish this wiki article because new info about prehistoric dinosaurs and their connections to birds came out and he has to document it right now oh my god, and the others think he's just like asleep or smthn. It just makes him really happy. His fanbase isn't as large as the others, but he's still very well liked by the majority of the ninja fans, even though he rarely interacts with social media outside of interviews (because Jay is actively trying to stop him from getting anywhere close to it so that he doesn't have to explain certain things)
And last but not least... Jay... the social menace of the internet.
He's the second ninja with a public and well known account, and he's very popular. He talks about everything. Funny memes. Fanart. Silly thoughts. And he loves gossiping about the other's in good fun. His sole purpose is to entertain both others and himself, and he is very good at it, even online. He's also really involved in the community and likes giving shout outs to talented people and such. Being really involved also means he knows their secrets. He knows about the more sus parts of the fanbase. He knows about the secret Benedict cult. He knows about the real reason Cole and Nya are so popular. Sometimes, he'll deliberately mention these parts of the fanbase, randomly and oftentimes months apart, and just set the place ablaze because he finds it funny. Nowhere is safe from him and they all know it. It's become a meme at this point with some even people making up wacky conspiracy theories about him being omnipresent or the account being run by a robot with very well programmed bad jokes. But his sheer presence in the fandom and his personality makes him very popular. And the social he uses is probably YouTube, but he also streams sometimes. On YouTube. Not twitch. He never changed. Ever. The others love coming in during a stream and messing with him or teasing him in chat. Mostly Cole and Nya. They're subbed both to be supportive and so that they get the notification whenever he's live or uploads so that they can leave a comment. Because of course they would. Cole's YouTube account is the only account he ever uses that's public, and he made it for the sole purpose of teasing Jay. If that doesn't say best friends, then I don't know what does.
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expungedagalungagoo · 20 days
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ray's relationships with other npcs. the template is by @m1n10sbl0gz but i completely changed the relationship colors because i wanted more and i wanted a rainbow
and here's more in-depth explanations of the relationships under the cut:
Bive, unsurprisingly, has some batshit insane theory that Ray is going to turn everyone in the universe into shrimp and eat them or something. Ray thinks she's annoying, but he doesn't know her well enough to think any more than that
Folly knows more about him than he does, and he absolutely hates that.
DrRetro keeps him from reverse-drowning on the elevator, which he's very thankful for. She would like to find out more about him, since there aren't many of his kind left to study.
Him and Big Fish bond over their semi-aquatic lifestyles. They have nothing else in common at all, but they still talk sometimes.
He's seen far stranger beings than Fleshy. It just isn't worth his thoughts.
Gnarpy thinks he's weak and puny for needing water to live. That pisses him off. He'd bite xem if given the chance.
Infected thinks Ray is cool, whereas he can't understand a thing Infected says most of the time.
Him and Mark would totally get along if Ray weren't such a pyromaniac. Ray sees wood as just another thing to light up, which Mark finds stupid.
He likes Lampert because Lampert is nice and agreeable. Lampert thinks he's gross because he smells like burning garbage and he lives underneath a moldy, mucky pier.
MR requires no further explanation.
He respects Pest, as they have a lot in common, but finds him a bit unapproachable. Pest wants him to keep his distance, as Ray just isn't worth his time. They'd probably become good friends if given the opportunity to know eachother.
He feels a bit bad for Spud, but nothing more.
Poob thinks he's super cool. He appreciates the gesture, but they're just a bit too much for him.
Pilby is probably shit scared of sharks. They probably watched Jaws or something and it stuck with them. Ray doesn't really mind them.
He finds it unsettling how Reddy doesn't respond to him in the most proper fashion. Also, if there's a FNARB movie in the regretevator universe, he's seen it.
Him and Scag barely know eachother. They don't care to get to know eachother.
Prototype is very fascinated by him, with his species being endangered. Ray doesn't like the way Prototype asks him so many questions about himself, he finds it patronizing.
He thinks Split is fun, he'd have nice conversations with her if given the time. Split likes him because split likes pretty much everyone.
Sharks have monochromatic vision, so he doesn't really understand the hate Unpleasant gets.
It's hard not to like Wallter.
and also here's the template
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beetleviolet · 2 months
(To tune of Spiderman theme song) Raaat-man, raaat-man, does whatever a rat can! From his master learns to fight. Takes down shredder with a single bite. Look out! Here comes
SPLINTER (and origin story)
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So I've done minimal research on rats. Like very minimal. Like I know that 1. One breed of rats that are pets are called Fancy Rats (which would be the greatest thing ever if not for fact two) 2. Apparently father rats carry baby rats on their backs. So I will absolutely be drawing that at some point.
Also I accidently used a pen that bleeds so I couldn't color some of the images 😭
But anyway I made Splinter a white and gray rat because uhhh I felt like it. And isn't he cute??? (Yes. The answer is yes.)
Splinter grew up a rat and was the pet of Hamato Yoshi, a ninja master from Japan with the mission to defeat the Foot Clan. Yoshi was asked by a friend to hide a canister of mutagan. The Shredder was after it and it would be awful if he got his hands on it. Unfortunately, the Shredder found out and showed up at Yoshi's apartment complex. It was a long fight, in which it was revealed that the man who had given Yoshi the canister had been killed. Anyway there is an epic fight scene and Yoshi ends up being taken down. They ransacked the room before finally checking Splinter's cage, where the canister was hidden in some sort of rat cage toy thingy under shredded paper and stuff.
Shredder opens the cage and Splinter bites his hand. So Shredder does the natural thing and bitch slaps Splinter and the entire fucking cage out the open window right behind it. This is when it falls onto some sort of moving truck for a turtle sanctuary. This is how I justify using wildly unique turtle species from all over the US, one of which is deaf and wildly endangered. The canister lands on the street and breaks, mutating the turtles and Splinter. Splinter grabs the turtles and runs into the sewers.
Splinter struggled a lot with his kids when they were younger. It was risky to leave them alone, but he had to go to the surface to get food and supplies. As the kids get older its easier to leave them at home, even take them with him sometimes. He is super careful, but at some point Leonardo and Donatello end up getting out on their own. This is what leads to.. the incident (I'm being so cryptic I'm so sorry) (oh wait no I'm not im enjoying this quite a bit)
Things became harder after that. Leo was super scared of his Dad leaving the sewers, and even more scared of leaving them himself, so Splinter went out for groceries when the kids were asleep or got Raph to distract Leo for a couple hours. As they got older they got better. Leo goes out to the surface on a regular basis for errands, so Splinter assumes he's doing great now! (Cough he uh. He's really not.)
After witnessing Rise Splinter, I really wanted to give the boys a positive role model, but I also knew he has to have flaws so. Uh.
Splinter is a good Dad. He takes care of his kids, knows them well, and loves them to bits. However, he just isn't a good teacher. He doesn't know how to hold back in criticisms, which totally reflected on Leo whenever he leads training. Raph tries to compensate by being super nice and supportive, even when he doesn't mean it. It kinda skews the dynamic when Splints is in teacher-mode. Splinter also applies this style of criticism to himself and is super hard on himself about the death of his mentor/owner, Hamato Yoshi. This reflects on his kids more than he realizes, particularly Donnie, and I plan to explore this sometime at the end of or right after the first arc of the comic. Which... we won't get to for a WHILE.
I still need to develope Splints a little more, but since in the present comic we haven't met him, I figured I have some time to work out the kinks.
When he's training his kids call him Sensei, but otherwise they call him Dad, or when they were little they called him Papa. His signing style may be the best next to Leo, his hands are a little quieter and softer most of the time.
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simlit · 10 months
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first of all, how rude.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
His resilience. Eifra is constantly seen as an easy target, and physically, he's not particularly strong, but he's endured a lot and has the ability to bounce back from just about anything.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
His kindness. It's the one thing he's most taken advantage for. He's aware of it, and people constantly warn him, but I don't think even he would choose to be different.
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
All of the above lmao. Depends on the threat. He does naturally frighten easily, but he's also a very seasoned hunter. Even if he's afraid, he has the ability to temper his nerves to withstand a fight, but if he knows it's a fight he'll lose, he'll happily flee.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Eif would never endanger others, but he would put himself through a world of pain if he thought it would help someone he loves. Again, all depends on the context.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Not... easily. He would have to be put in a very precarious position, to know it was his only option, or if someone's life depended on it. But he's also not so much of a goodie two shoes that his moral compass is swung so far to one side.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ah, this is a fun question. I think I mentioned before I actually intended for Eifra's PoV to only exist as an introduction to Zeh's. But instead he became pretty much the defacto protagonist and narrator for the sequel. I didn't expect to love Eifra as much as I did, and I got attached to him, both as a writer, but also through Zehel. In the same way that I fell in love with Yeryn's romance, Zehel and Eifra's relationship *is* the main dynamic of Arcaen'vel. Eifra is Zehel's crux. He's his driving force and he pushes both the plot and Zehel's character development forward. I went in thinking Zehel would be the main character in what I thought was his own story, but Eifra really had another plan (though I'm sure if I explained it that way to him, he'd disagree and hold Zeh's pedestal that much higher lmao). The two share the spotlight in different ways. But if you asked me like three years ago if I thought the successor to Yeryn's line would be some random hybrid kiddo I'd have slapped your face.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
NO lmfao. Eifra would never just commit murder. But he certainly wouldn't have the braincells to get out of it if he did.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Yes! Zehel's theme for Eifra is "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay, and I can literally not listen to this song without thinking of him. "Cuz you get lighter the more it gets dark, I'm gonna give you my heart."
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Tbh, I think Eif would work in any AU, but I'll have to choose the most boring and say I'd love to see him in a modern storyline with Zeh. Just because Eifra adapts so well to our timeline.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Bow and arrow. He can hunt well regardless, but his arrows are also the only way he can channel dragonfire. It's the only defense he has, not having been born with arcane magic.
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Yes, and no. I think he sometimes gives too much of himself away, but I wouldn't say he's actively tearing himself down. But he'd be willing to let people walk all over him if it'd make them happy and that's not a particularly healthy way to live, either.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Probably LOL. I mean he's a much MUCH better person than me, but his self-deprecating humor is so relatable. He's a really uplifting person, which is actually the type of person I most enjoy being around, but he does lack the petty shittalk side I require my friendships to have so that I may thrive lmao.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
I don't think he much cares how other perceive him, but I think he'd like his friends to see him as reliable. Someone that can be depended on, even when things get difficult.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
We all know I don't do real human face claims, but I do have an artwork I pinned ages ago that encapsulates his vibes down to his stature and dress style, the only thing off about it is the hair, otherwise really spot on: here.
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Surprisingly high. Eifra has been through... shit. And he's conditioned himself for things most people have never had to. He's been forced to survive most of his life, and I think that gives someone a lot of internal strength. He also has an incredibly good hold of his mental. In a situation where he knew he'd have to endure something to save someone, he wouldn't even miss a beat.
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
He's very personable, but honestly he understands people wanting space. He gets attached to Zehel so easily because he feels like he owes him his life (he kind of does lmao), so it's a bit of specific situation. Normally, Eifra is the type to only approach if asked, but he'd always be able to reply. He's incredibly charismatic.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
I think Eifra has only been truly angry a handful of times in his life. Only once severe enough to have some physical repercussion. Usually he lets things slide off him, and doesn't get caught up on negative feelings.
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Unsurprisingly not at all lmao.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Neither, but I suppose in the context of their world, he's sort of "broken". He's half elf, half dragon, but he was born magicless, and his wings never developed properly. He's also not able to shift into dragonform, which is usually something that gets bred out over many generations. As he's a "first generation" mix, this is exceedingly odd. He's the only known halflyn to have one dragon parent and not be able to shapeshift.
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Lawful/Neutral Good
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Desire. Eifra has an incredibly difficult time asking for anything, even if he needs those things to actually survive. He feels embarrassed and burdensome to ask favors of others, and hates to be indebted to them. He constantly sees himself as a weight holding back his friends, and would rather starve than to ask for money for food or anything similar.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
His tenacity. Eifra is such a hard person to keep down, and even though I find these people really annoying irl, I think in stories, juxtaposed characters like Zeh, they become so much more likeable, and important. I think Eifra has a lot of qualities I gravitate to, but being in Zehel's head for almost four-hundred pages, my love and violent need to throw my life on line to protect Eif at all costs is so deeply engrained in me LOL. Zehel really following in Daddy's footsteps by being the world's second biggest simp, only in his case it exists within a platonic friendship, and honestly, I think it's the most fitting storyline I could have written for him.
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mypromptlair · 1 year
TCF Prompt 24
When GoD transmigrated Kim Rok Soo, he went a little too far back into the past. And while he was not the one to be able to defeat the white star, he opened a doorway towards it.
So, why after all this time, was he awoken by a (regressed) Cale Henituse? He thought he hid this mansion quite well in this forest. Well. If he was an ancient power, he might as well get this over with. His test was quite easy, all the person had to do was eat a rock(he even made it soft because who likes pain?). Hm? Strange..why was he still here, and in this kids head no less? Wait, why were his old comrades here too?
*sighs* so much for being able to slack. Though, at least its Cale who's doing the work...but why does he(and the others) feel like they'll get grey hairs by the end of all this.
KRS is "Super Rock"
He has fun trolling Cale at first with "Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?
And then eventually Cale does, and KRS is horrified and scared. So are the other AP's cause now there's TWO of them.
The protective AP's activate on their own sometimes, especially when Cale is endanger or about to do something stupid.
They semi-parent/raise Cale.
Cale is 16 when he goes after the AP's. He uses his trash persona to get away and try and start to deal with things on his own.
Ron and Beacrox eventually find out and follow him around and guard him, etc. Cale picks up Rons training like a sponge, which makes Ron both sad and proud of his puppy. And if sometimes Cale calls Beacrox hyung on accident like when he was younger, well... :)
Cale has both parts of his mother's ancient powers. WS never got the one from Harris. Which makes the WS want him even more later on when he finds out.
He does find and take in, On, Hong and Raon early(KRS helps with the name). He also meets Choi Han after he gets Super Rock and leads him to Harris Village to stay/get citizenship too.
He meets Choi Han again at 18 and aids Harris Village in the attack(he doesn't hate the people, he just hates the Village /the unsafe area.)
Cale's family find out mostly everything after the plaza incident, where Cale takes Basens place, etc. Henituse fam and Cale finally start healing and bonding.
They also have a bigger role to play in the war. Basen is still the heir, tho Deruth uses it as a threat when Cale gets too sacrificial ,etc.
Eric, Amiru and Gilbert also have bigger roles as well. There's also a older sibling war between them and Alberu after they become sworn brothers. Cale is confused and annoyed. And a smug Beacrox already knows he won this round much to Ron's amusement.
Everyone's super protective of Cale (which he is mostly oblivious to of course)
Cale's trash persona also yeets itself away after the plaza incident. He doesn't know how to feel, but Ron and KRS aren't letting him go back to it, let alone his family :(
Cale has dreams/nightmares of the past of the AP's. His soul shares a bond with theirs, especially KRS who he is related to.
KRS is a Henituse not a Thames.
Because of the special bond, Cale gains KRS's earth powers(record, etc). Which is not good for his plate.
These memories and his previous ones are also not a good mix, leaving him with migraines/headaches/nosebleeds and insomnia.
Some things follow the TCF storyline, but Cale is not KRS and does things differently.
For KRS, Cale will try for a slackers life(he's never let himself rest before like KRS wants to), but it's just out of reach for him as it was for KRS(for now). sad times.
But a farm with his kids and found family and just resting really does actually sound nice after two lifetimes of war...
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whumpster-fire · 11 months
Today in my journey of rereading the Redwall series: Salamandastron.
This is definitely another one in the "In a world where racism is objectively true" category. Look I know Urthstripe the Strong's overpowering anger towards vermin to the point of endangering himself and sometimes his allies is sort of portrayed as a character flaw, but when your narrative includes "one of the main good guys is openly speciesist to literal children that his adoptive daughter made friends with" (to the point of going "I almost wish they'd try something" and fantasizing out loud about the biggest guy in the hare army beating them to a pulp when they haven't even done anything at that point) and then this is shown to be the right decision with no other example of someone making a bad call like this, there is very much a moral of "Urthstripe is right, Vermin Are Evil. Even the children."
And... look. I am trying not to make every single vermin character my Poor Little Meow Meow and Klitch as written is basically Joffrey Baratheon with fur, but I am so fucking mad that Jacques refused to do any of the interesting things that could have been done with this character and just made him Ferahgo's sociopathic mini-me. Because there was so much potential here.
Like... imagine if Klitch and Goffa were genuinely trying to get away from Ferahgo's horde but Urthstripe ruined it by making it very clear he wasn't welcome in Salamandastron. And then after Urthstripe throws him out and Mara and Pikkle run away Klitch actually sees Mara as a kindred spirit and is like "Hey, your dad's a dick who tries to control your life and stops you from hanging out with creatures he doesn't approve of, my dad's a dick who tries to control my life and stops me from hanging out with creatures he doesn't approve of, we should team up and run away from our horrible parents together!"
And it's only when they get caught that he pivots to "Hello Father, I have successfully spied on the Badger Lord's mountain and I've brought you two hostages!" because the poor kid's panicking because he knows what his father does to deserters (and he picked the moment he did to try to ditch the Corpsemakers because as far as he knew Ferahgo's best trackers were out chasing Dingeye and Thura). He's been much too well trained at lying to protect himself for Mara or Pikkle to notice.
Also: Klitch trying to act casual about Goffa's death and dismiss him as just a dumb minion while internally losing it because his best friend was just killed right in front of him but he's afraid if he shows any sign of grief Ferahgo will use it against him.
Also Also: the wasted comedy potential of Klitch as a high-ranking general in the Corpsemakers who is only in charge of anything because of nepotism and everyone knows it including him. The troops under his command have absolutely no respect for him and only obey his orders because they're scared of Ferahgo. Klitch does not even want all this responsibility (especially because he's not actually given much freedom to make decisions himself: Ferahgo tends to veto or poke holes in any plan he makes whether it's good or not because Ferahgo is caught between trying to train his son to be an effective warlord and being paranoid about his army being more loyal to Klitch than him so he actively tries to engineer situations that will lose him the respect of the troops). Klitch would actually not be a bad tactician but he is also mutually unable to agree with his father on anything as a matter of principle, and is trying to find the precise level of fucking up that will let him weaponized-incompetence his way into not being put in charge of anything anymore without causing Ferahgo to actually murder or maim him.
...combined with the drama potential of him wanting to be the leader of his own army (because he's been raised in an environment where power means safety) but also feeling trapped because most of the Corpsemakers fucking hate him and if Ferahgo dies and he's "in charge" his only chance of survival is if there are so many creatures trying to assassinate him that they all trip over each other. The horde is going to rally around some other figure who will have Klitch disposed of ASAP even if he tries to abdicate, unless he overthrows his father / wins a major victory on his own in such spectacular fashion that he inherits Ferahgo's reputation for being Not To Be Messed With.
Bonus Points if he uses terrible non-waterproof rope on Sapwood and Oxeye on purpose because that's the kind of fuckup that might be that perfect balance (and also because he fucking hated them from the moment they stood guard outside and wants an excuse to have to kill the escaping hostages) but fucks it up for realsies when they actually manage to kill several beasts and escape.
Double Bonus Points if he gets voluntold to help his dad fight a duel against an angry badger lord despite knowing just how stupid that is, and figures out that he's basically there as a distraction so Ferahgo can stab Urthstripe in the eyes while he's busy curbstomping Klitch's head into pulp.
Triple Bonus Points if instead of Badtooth getting caught by Samkim, Mara, and Co, they run into Klitch, who is trying to make a break for it while the horde is distracted and copy the hares' driftwood escape. And who, after getting absolutely decked by Sapwood and informed that he's the hostage this time, completely loses his cool and begs them not to give him back to Ferahgo because he will definitely be literally skinned alive if Ferahgo finds out about this. Which is when at least one of the adults present is finally clued in that something is wrong if the little brat is more scared of his own father than of the numerous well armed creatures with good reasons to want him dead who are right in front of him.
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Being Chase Devineaux’s Adopted Kid
[Author’s Note: I don’t know why but I’ve been thinking about him]
When he found you as baby on a case so many years ago he knew he should have given you the opportunity to be with a normal family. 
But you grew on him. 
When he found you he wasn’t in the best place. With a judgmental family, not many friends, and failing in his career. Despite his goofy ways he’s always having an internal battle with himself. 
Your smile gave him a reason to get out of bed in the morning and try his best to make the world a better place. 
I have my own idea for what Chase’s backstory could be but I can imagine he didn’t have the best home life. 
He’ll give you the amazing childhood he never had. 
Definitely has at least three pictures of you in his wallet. 
No matter what you do he is so proud of you. 
“Dad I’m sorry but I got a D on my test.” 
“Last time you got an F that is improvement!” 
When he’s not working as an agent he’s spending time with you. Chase wishes he could take you with him yet he doesn’t want to risk it. He does FaceTime you when he can and gets you a cute souvenir. 
He might not understand the things kids your age are into but he tries his best to learn. 
When Zack and Ivy are apart of ACME he asks them for help trendy media. 
“I played Pokémon when I was a kid but it wasn’t THIS fancy!”
It doesn’t matter if you’re a minor, he respects and takes you seriously because he knows you’re smarter than him sometimes. 
You’re his soft spot.
In the episode when he was interrogated he tries his best to fight it because he was scared he would say something you and endanger you.
Chase loves hanging out with you, it doesn’t matter you what you two do. 
You wanna put makeup on him? Make him look fabulous!
Wanna bake some sweets? Hell yeah! 
There’s a concert you wanna see? Acme agent discount and special seating! 
Also you and Carmen are probably besties who talk about your dads.
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ofcongress · 8 months
@gunmetalgrey cont. from x
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John can't help but roll his eyes rather dramatically at her question in return. "Are you saying you got the bright idea to kill me yourself? Alex, I thought we were friends!"
His smile at his joke fades quickly. She isn't usually this quiet. Well, she's damn near silent sometimes, but not when asked a question directly. He feels the itch to get up and grab himself a drink, but determines that's all because watching her think about his inquiry has made him uncomfortable.
"If this were your choice, you wouldn't be a pawn." He takes a deep breath and sits up a little straighter. "If this were your choice, you would be running your own empire. Either that or as far from this as possible."
It shouldn't come as any surprise that he wants Mycroft out. He wants so desperately to understand what that would take. Of course, the typical response to any inquiries into this side hustle was 'you knew what you were getting into when you married me, dove.'
He isn't scared of Moriarty, but he's thinking he should be. The man may not be able to harm him, but he sure as hell can harm those he loves. Pushing this further may endanger Mycroft, yet it seems he's in just as much danger if he stays.
"You have a point." He'd helped start a damn war because he'd been told no, after all. "We are all a stubborn lot, aren't we? Some more stubborn than others, apparently..."
John stands and walks toward the window, arms folded behind his back. "Hypothetically, what do you think would happen if you tried to say no?"
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Foster Household: Chapter 7, Part 5
Reece is in his final year of high school. As much fun as his genius self has with study, he's also working on getting to know his boyfriend Samir who finds it hard to open up and be around more than one person at a time.
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In this part Reece and Samir continue their date and discuss their dynamics. Harvey's hair ages and Reece goes bowling with his friends before completing his final day of high school.
Reece: What do I get if I win
Samir: What do you want
Reece: You know what I want
Samir: I think you're trying to throw me off blondie
Reece: Guilty
Samir: *chuckles*
Reece: Have you... played ping pong before
Samir: Me
Reece: Yeah, I know you said you tried to kiss that boy
Samir: I did, years ago
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Samir: You won the game, good boy
Reece: Must you keep distracting me
Samir: I like seeing you flustered
Reece: I want to talk about this you know
Samir: Okay. We'll talk about it then
Reece: I haven't played ping pong with anyone before. Have you
Samir: Does solo ping pong count
Reece: No
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Samir: I have not played ping pong with anyone before. Feel good now
Reece: I don't know
Samir: I've played ping pong while thinking of you though
Reece doesn't know what to say to that but feels oddly proud.
Reece: I mean... did I make it a good game
Samir: You made it a great ping pong game
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Reece can feel himself blushing and buries his head in Samir's neck to try hide it. Since he's already there he begins a series of kisses along his collarbone.
Samir: You're blushing
Reece: You can't see my face
Samir: I can feel the heat in your cheeks, plus I'm learning how to make you blush
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Reece: Can we please go play ping pong
Samir: Good manners, but not yet. How about some space invaders
Reece: Fine Mr bossypants
Samir: *chuckles* watch your left
Reece: Die UFOs! I think there's one-
Samir: I see it
The two launch a solid attack on the invaders, but eventually it's GAME OVER
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Samir: We do make a good team
Reece: Are we a weird team
Samir: I'm not a genius. I don't follow
Reece: I like it when you take the lead, and when you praise me it feels like I'm the most important person in the world. And you're this shy guy who is also somehow the most commanding person I've ever met
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Samir chuckles and kisses Reece on the forehead lovingly.
Samir: Blondie you really haven't researched much ping pong have you
Reece: I've been a bit busy researching football
Samir: Ah. Well allow me to explain. There are different techniques, and what works for one player wont work for another
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Samir: It's about finding the technique that works for you, nothing weird about that. People play differently. Like you said, we fit together
Reece: You remember that?
Samir: I remember everything you say, although you do say a lot sometimes
Reece: I can work on that
Samir: Don't change. For me, or anyone
Reece: Why not
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Samir: Because I love you just the way you are
Reece wonders if he was hearing things but Samir keeps smiling at him.
Samir: Speechless blondie
Reece: I guess you just take my breath away sometimes
Samir: Good
Samir sweeps Reece into his arms and begins to kiss him. Reece feels his worries slip away
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Reece can't quite understand how the guy who hates crowds seems to have no problem romancing him in public. It must be because when they're together everything else just becomes background noise.
Reece: Wait
Samir: What? Are you still hurt
Reece: No, I just... love you to
Samir: *chuckles* good boy
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Carson wakes up feeling scared. He had an awful nightmare about monsters chasing him. Kayleigh notices he seems off. He recounts as best he can and both Kayleigh and Reece agree it sounds awful. Carson is worried he could have it again but Kayleigh assures him they'll look in to it if it does.
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Harvey spends the day working from home, in the loosest possible sense. He takes time to sail around to various fishing spots, and tries some land spots as well. He manages to catch an endangered Leopard Shark and doesn't hesitate to release it back to the vast ocean. Hopefully it'll survive the temporary abduction.
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Kayleigh spends her day off work painting and selling. She makes several masterpieces, and duplicates of ones she already has. She only keeps one of each masterpiece for display. Her hard work boosts her celebrity level to 4 stars. That's right, she's a proper celebrity now!
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It's not all work however and Mr and Mrs Foster use the time with an empty house to have some woohoo. Using the bathroom afterwards Harvey is shocked to discover his blonde hair is now grey. He had hoped to avoid grey for a few more years but it's caught him, he is 60 after all.
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After school the crew heads to a bowling alley. After much glitching, I mean... discussion it's decided Reece will bowl first on the left and Deanna will do the first run on the right.
Reece: This is just physics. I can- omw I dropped it
Samir: Do-over?
Reece: Right! I didn't drop it in the lane
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Deanna: Let's go
Paris: You got this babe
Noe: You must be glad to be done with high school
Samir: Mmhm
Noe: You keeping busy
Samir: *shrugs*
Deanna: I knocked some down!
Paris: *cheers*
Reece: Let me get the right angle
Tamika: Just bowl already
Reece: Don't boss me around!
Samir: *chuckles to self*
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Reece: Damn it, I missed 1
Samir: You got 9
Deanna: Now you two are all official and everything we should see more of you Samir
Samir: Hmm
Paris: We could double date
Samir: Maybe
Deanna: Come on, I'm Reece's best friend and I hardly know you
Samir: Mmhm
Reece: We'll get back to you De, don't worry
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Noe: Finally, my turn
Tamika: No way, it's my go
Noe: Paper scissors rock?
Tamika: You always cheat
Reece: How do you cheat at paper scissors rock
Noe: Fine, you go, just make sure to tell dad I let you
Tamika: Out of the way everyone
Reece: Hey, you okay
Samir: People
Reece: We don't have to stay
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Samir: No. We stay as long as you're happy. I can handle some discomfort
Reece: You'll like them when you get to know them
Samir: You like them, so I will, individually
Reece: Thank you for coming, I feel better when you're around
Samir: Anything to keep you happy blondie
Deanna: Okay you two, say cheese!
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High school is drawing to a close and Tamika bids it goodbye with some light pranking. Reece already has a bunch of photos with Deanna, so he snaps some commemorative ones with Noe and Tamika. Paris is upset they'll all be graduating, leaving her doing her last year alone, so pouts for her picture.
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Final exams, never anyone's favourite. Unless you're Reece and relish the chance to show off your smarts. Lunch passes quickly and before he knows it, Reece is closing the book on his high school experience.
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Samir takes Reece out to celebrate and what do you know, they end up by the tunnel of love. The pier seems to be deserted again, the rain must be keeping other sims away. The couple take another trip in the cuddle carts and use the opportunity to mess around a bit, just enough to light up the sign.
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Samir: You did it blondie, high school is done
Reece: I'm pretty sure I aced the exams
Samir: I know you did
Reece: I feel safe with you. Do you feel safe with me
Samir: Of course
Reece: Then tell me why you were having a rough time the other day. You're not the only one who can remember
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Samir: I was going to talk to you about that
Reece: Were you really
Samir: Yes. I was just waiting
Reece: For what
Samir: *chuckles* for you not to be a high schooler
Reece: Really?
Samir: Let me take you someplace
Reece: Where
Samir: Somewhere important blondie
Reece: If it's with you, I'm in, all the way
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