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changingplumbob · 7 months ago
Woods Household:Chapter 2, Part 9
Samir and Kristopher talk.
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Carrying on from last chapter, Samir has a voice in his head now that he's a werewolf. When it "speaks" to him, it will be in italics. When he answers back, just in his head, it will be bold.
Kristopher: Hey Samir! How are-
Samir: Fated mates?
Kristopher: *sighs* Wolfgang. He's written too many romances
Samir: Only wolves? Reece can-
Kristopher: Listen kid, and listen properly. Fated mates, by definition, can only be a pair of werewolves. You and your boyfriend may be in love but a fated mate bond is different
Blah blah blah, just because he’s never had a fated mate. That’s not a bad idea.
Samir: Have you ever had one
Kristopher: What?
Samir: A fated mate. Is your wife…
Kristopher shifts uncomfortable, clearly not have anticipated this line of questioning.
Kristopher: We love each other but no. Natalia’s mate was lost decades ago. Each wolf only gets one. When they are gone you do the best with what is left
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Samir: Why are you so sure Reece isn’t mine
Kristopher: Have you not been listening? It's simple. He’s a human
Trick him. What? Trick him. Tell him Reece might become a werewolf. Reece won't, and I wouldn't want him to. You know that and I know that but Kristopher doesn't.
Samir: Reece has been thinking of becoming like me. If he does… how would I know if we were fated mates once he turned
Kristopher: *sighs* When the bond is established there are physiological changes beyond the normal feelings of love. I would assume they would start to show up after he shifted for the first time
Samir: Physiological?
Come on, come on, tell us what we want to know. We’re in agreement for once.
Kristopher: Smell is normally the first one. Your mate’s scent becomes irresistible
Reece smells so good I want to eat him whole. Shut up he’s talking.
Kristopher: Reports differ from intoxicating to infatuating. Regardless the scent always invokes the desire to posses and envelop or become one with the mate
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Samir: What else
Kristopher: Hearing. Although most werewolves can pick up on the emotional states of those nearby some fated mates are able to sense what their mate is saying without needing the words verbally spoken
Samir: So it affects your senses?
Kristopher: Yes. Of course, touch and taste are the strongest ones. Fated mates become both more sensitive to the touch of their partner, and able to… err… feel things more intensely with their mate
Bless him he doesn’t want to say- Shut up.
Kristopher: Sight is the slowest to kick in but does. Fated mates can see each other’s fury levels. Sort of like a hallucination
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Samir: Fury? The thing that makes us turn right?
Kristopher: Oh wow, you really had no werewolf introduction. Fury is the force inside us that forces us to shift into a wolf. With practice we can do it at will but that fury is always there, growing. Mates will see a red haze around their partner when the level is high, and sort of a fire light in their mates eyes when they are close to losing control
Do you think- Maybe. We’d need to check.
Kristopher: Regardless committing to being a werewolf is a serious decision. I would not encourage Reece turning simply to see if you will establish the bond
Samir: Yeah... Ah, this voice I hear...
Kristopher: Getting unbearable is it? Let me see you in wolf form
Again the older werewolf shifts like a ripple in a pond while Samir’s transformation is jagged.
Kristopher: Hmm… yes, your abilities have grown since last we met. The voice will be louder now, it grows as you do
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Kristopher: There are many opinions on what it is, but all werewolves have it. You must soothe it, work in harmony with it, bring it to the light. I assume it’s told you things you’d rather not do
Samir: *quietly* Yes
Kristopher: Don't be ashamed, it calls us all. The best way to get it on side is to include it in your mind, give it room. I’d suggest having more time in wolf form than just when your fury forces you to shift. Engage it in conversation and it will demand less of you attention when you want it to be quiet.
Kristopher suggests the pair try some tug of war. He expects the voice will likely give Samir pointers. He advises Samir to reject the worst thoughts but embrace the smaller ones. A way to try train the inner voice if you will.
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Kick his knees. It’s tug of war. So? You want to win don’t you. Do you have any useful advice? Notice his jaw. What about it? He’s not gripping as hard on his right side as his left. And what does that mean? Hard to believe you were on a sports team.
Kristopher tugs the rope away and lets out a victory howl.
Damn. It’s not my fault you couldn’t take a hint. I told you. You told me some nonsense about his bite. I was saying that he was weaker on the right side of his jaw. To make use of that you should have given a few tugs to your right, then a sharp yank to your left. Oh. That makes sense.
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Kristopher: How’s the voice doing
Samir: Telling me I should listen to it
Kristopher: Mine does that. Taming it is a process. Come, lets spar
The two werewolves clash and Samir again tries to listen to the voice inside him instead of blocking it out. It does give some helpful tips. Things he didn’t notice. Or maybe he did notice and that’s why the voice is saying it? The whole thing is still pretty confusing. When the pair break apart Samir thanks Kristopher for the help and decides to chance heading home in wolf form.
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On the way he swings past the plants the collective are cultivating and harvests what is available. Then he can turn for home.
It’s great that our snowpal is still up, but next time we should make a headless one.
Samir remembers what Kristopher said. Engage it in conversation. Don’t treat it like a nuisance.
Yes, it is still there. Reece was so cute about it. He was, wasn’t he. He’s going to be insufferable with kids. Do you mean insufferably cute? Ha, I suppose I do.
So Samir moves about the garden, picking the crops Reece hasn’t had time to harvest and talking to the voice in his head about things other than killing.
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When he’s not telling it to shut up the voice is less hostile towards him. It still won’t give away what exactly it is but Samir supposes none of the voices do. If they did werewolves would have a better name for them.
Do you think I’ve been in this form long enough? Who knows, why are we even listening to Kristopher? I bet his bones have rings in them like old trees do. He knows a lot about werewolves. Well I don’t care what he says. Reece is ours. Do you think? I mean if there’s never been a werewolf human fated mates pairing… More like there hasn’t been one recorded yet. As much as I'm not talking to mr "it's an infection"... you should talk to Reece about it. Yeah, I should do that. Then go kill something. Okay, I think we’ve done enough bonding. I'm going to shift back to human form. Suit yourself.
Samir finds it easier to slip back to his human skin. There’s still the feeling of resistance but it is less than the last time he went from wolf to human.
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Semir gets busy trying to decipher the markings on various bits and bobs he found during the full moon. Reece gets home and he moves towards the table with the magazine he found.
Reece: Hey boss. I did good in class, I got all the notes
Samir: You did?
Reece: Mmhmm, and I’m going to do my homework now so we have plenty of time later for us
Samir: You are pretty focused right now
Reece: Thanks! I can’t wait to hear all about what the other werewolves said. You did talk to them right?
Samir: I did. Just like I promised
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Reece: I can tell you’re happy about it
Samir: You can?
Reece: Yeah. It’s like a happy calm. Motivates me to do my work so we can have fun
Samir: Good. I’m glad you think I’m a good influence
Reece: You are to me, you help me be better, because I want to be good for you
Samir: I want to be good for you to blondie… I’m just going for a run while you finish that then
Reece: Okay boss, be safe
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 13
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
As soon as school was over Carson sped to the art room where Ariadne had been for the afternoon.
Ariadne: YES!
Scarlett: I knew it
Roger: Hey Carson
Ariadne and Scarlett broke apart and Ariadne turned to him beaming.
Ariadne: All set to go?
Carson: Yep, just need my date?
Ariadne stood giggling and went to follow him out of the room. Looking back Scarlett mouthed for her to text her afterwards and Ariadne nodded.
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The pair walked through the centre of town catching up on the day and their classes. When they got to the shop snow began to fall and Carson began to laugh.
Ariadne: What’s so funny
Carson: I guess I'm just wondering if this is our first or second date. I'm a bit nervous
Ariadne: Hey don’t be nervous
She took his hands and Carson felt himself flush.
Ariadne: We’re just going to chat like we’ve done dozens of times via text. It’s in person sure but that’s great, I’m really glad you asked me. How about we say it's our second date, would that make it easier? Less worry?
Carson nodded and smiled.
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The pair sat down and talked. Ariadne told Carson more about her life growing up. Since her parents left it was just her and her grandmother. Then of course her grandmother got arrested and she got put in the foster system. She’d bounced around many places but after meeting Alexander and James it felt like she had a place to belong again.
Ariadne: I keep wanting to say, thanks dad, but I’m worried James would have a heart attack
Carson: I’m sure they’d love to hear how you feel
Ariadne: Maybe. I’m worried they’ll just think I’m conning them like my grandmother did to... well... everybody
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Carson: We’re more than our family right? We’re individuals
Ariadne: That’s true, we’re us
The afternoon sped along and before Carson knew it it was time to catch the ferry home.
Carson: See you tomorrow. I might be a bit in my head before the exams but-
Ariadne: Take me home at the end of the day then? We can chat when you’re not trying to remember ten dozen answers
Carson: Sounds perfect
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Charlie: Don’t be so worried dad, he’s probably just on a date
Harvey: Isn’t he young for a date
Samir: I dated Reece when he was 15
Harvey: Yeah and then you- *eyes widen* oh... Kayleigh and I need to give him the woohoo talk
Charlie: Calm down dad. From the conversation this morning he’s clearly not there yet
Samir: We didn’t woohoo while he was here sir
Harvey: Sure you didn’t
Charlie: Dad, go fish or something. We’ll text when he’s back so you know he's alive
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A little after 8 Carson made it back and headed straight for the fridge. Looking around for somewhere to eat he decided the safest bet was Samir, he was bound not to ask him probing questions. As he walked in the lounge Samir nodded his acknowledgement but didn’t stop eating, perfect. Siting on the couch he noticed for the first time how quickly Samir really ate, he’d finished half his plate before Carson had more than a couple of bites.
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Reece came in just as he was finishing.
Reece: Hey loser, did you get lucky or what
Carson: *scoffs* None of your business moron, I’m going to my room
As he left and the sounds of guitar floated from his room Samir looked accusingly at Reece.
Reece: What?
Samir: *growls* You said you’d be on good behaviour
Reece: Now now, if I was well behaved all the time there would be no need for your special brand of discipline *kisses cheek* I’ll be a good boy tomorrow. Are you doing okay away from home lover? If you're too stressed we can-
Samir: If you’re with me, I'm more than okay
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The next day was bright and sunny! The guests would be heading home while Carson was at school.
Kayleigh: I’m thinking best man, maid of honour, and four others in the wedding party
Samir: Shh, he could hear. Carson, change topics, please
Carson could see Samir was uncomfortable with whatever his mum was saying so figured why not?
Carson: Burgers for breakfast?
Samir: Reece made them
Carson: He’s awake this early?
Kayleigh: We’re taking a family picture before your ferry, you bet I’ve told him he has to be awake by now
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*phone beeps*
Carson: Oh it’s a text, sorry
Charlie: How’d your date go then
Carson: Fine I think
Kayleigh: So she’s your girlfriend now? My youngest baby in a relationship?
Carson: I don’t know, is she? Is that how it works?
Charlie: If you’re not sure you should talk about it. You may not want to but trust me, she will. Don’t be an arse who strings her along okay?
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Family photo!
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Top row left to right: Samir Hadji, Reece Foster, Kayleigh Foster, Harvey Foster, Kaori Nishidake, Charlie Nishidake
Bottom row: Keira Romero, Carson Foster, Marta Romero
And of course we couldn’t say bye for now to guests Reece and Samir without them autonomously kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 12
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
For the first time in years all the Fosters had lain down to sleep under one roof. Harvey and Kayleigh enjoyed having a large family. For the most part everyone got along well, the girls were especially close. Carson and Reece liked to get on each others nerves of course but at the end of the day they were family. Kill each other, kill for each other, it was a narrow line.
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Marta: Buenos Diaz
Reece: Morning Marta
Marta: You cooking?
Reece: For Samir, he likes meat in the mornings
Marta: I saw him eating veges Harvey prepped
Reece: Yeah he’s also a fan of seconds, and thirds. He's a bit of a glutton but I love him
Inside Harvey and Kayleigh were trying to talk to Samir but despite his conversation the previous evening Samir still wasn’t much of a talker, choosing to nod and murmur most of the time.
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Keira: Why did you cook if you’re having sushi?
Reece: I look after my partner, but we hardly ever eat the same thing
Keira: Because of... him being a werewolf?
Samir: I like meat
Reece: Yeah he’s a big fan of fresh meat, the hunting is pretty good in Moonwood Mill
Harvey: Do you get much trouble when you run in to bears and what not?
Reece: *sighs dramatically* Do I have to tell you all a thousand times? There are NO BEARS in Moonwood Mill
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*phone noise*
Reece: Ohhh, texting someone before school?
Carson: None of your business
Reece: That's what I said about my journal, didn't stop you. Who is it? It’s Deanna’s little sister isn’t it? *singing* Carson and Emi sitting in a tree
Carson: What? No!
Reece: But it is someone you like? Knew it
Carson: I didn’t say that
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Charlie: Reece leave him be if he doesn’t want to talk about it
Keira: But if you want to brainstorm we’re here
Carson: Fine. She’s a girl from school, Ariadne. The blonde one you teased me about on the beach idiot
Keira: Wait wait wait- Alexander’s kid? Omg he’s gonna flip if she's dating already
Carson: Thanks
Reece: To think, Keira and I were at his wedding a few years ago and now you’re dating his daughter
Carson: Can you not? We’re not dating
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Reece: Well do you want to date her
Carson: Yeah but it’s hard
Reece: If you like her you gotta ask her on a date, let her know you’re interested
Carson: I mean I think she’s flirted back... but what if she rejects me
Reece: Then you cry and you move on to someone else
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Charlie: Look at him trying to be all wise when he was in knots about his crush
Reece: I wasn’t in knots!
Keira: Sure you weren’t, you were just moping around the house for fun. You’re together now so it’s fine. Carson, I do have to agree with Reece
Reece: Because I’m a genius
Keira: Because he’s right about taking the plunge. If you have feelings you’ve got to let her know. Who knows, maybe she has feelings and is waiting for you to make the first move. I was afraid to let Marta know how I felt before she made it clear she was attracted to me
Charlie: Ask her out, today. And if you strike out come home after school and we’ll have a water balloon fight. You can throw the whole bucket at Reece's head
Reece: HEY
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Carson decided to listen to his siblings, but maybe not right away. At school he worked on the mural before class while Ariadne took time skating. Sure Carson could have joined her but he’d promised himself the next time he saw her he’d ask her out properly, and he really didn’t want to do that while flailing about on ice. He got to class early and composed a text to her before Mrs H could yell at them about phones.
Hey Ariadne, sorry I didn’t catch you this morning but I’d like to chat at lunch? I’ll be upstairs if you want to chat but no pressure. Enjoy gym class
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When the time came he raced upstairs. She wasn’t there so he sat and tried to remember a breathing exercise Chad had taught him.
Ariadne: Carson?
Carson: Hi! Oh you look really nice
As she thanked him he reached for her hands again, happy that she didn’t pull back.
Carson: So I was thinking about when we went swimming together and I had a really good time
Ariadne: So did I
Carson: Would you like to do it again? Not like swimming but there’s stuff in town here
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Ariadne: Like a... date?
Carson: Yes. Yes, I’m trying to ask you on a date
Ariadne: Hmm, let me check my schedule
Carson felt his chest tighten as she pulled out her phone and flicked through it. This was it. She was going to reveal she'd been recording him and his awful attempt at romance would be uploaded and go viral and then he'd die of embarrassment-
Ariadne: Ah, just like I thought. I’m completely free anytime
She burst in to giggles and Carson let out some nervous laughter.
Carson: Was that completely necessary
Ariadne: I’m sorry, you just looked so serious
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Carson: I- I just get worried
Ariadne pulls him in for a hug and he likes how it feels. Maybe hugging could be okay.
Ariadne: I didn’t meant to make you worry. I’d like to go on a date with you Carson. What did you have in mind
She pulls out of the hug but takes hold of his hand, giving a reassuring squeeze.
Carson: Well we could check out that shop in town that’s like a bubble tea place and a clothes place
Ariadne: Sure. Collect me after class okay?
Carson: Yeah, I’m looking forward to it
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Carson’s afternoon class went by slowly, he was busy thinking about the date. A proper date! And she’d said yes. Now, how to not stuff it up...
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 11
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
Onyx: Where were you before school
Carson: Trying out the skating with Ariadne
Onyx: Have you talked to her yet
Carson: Yeah we text before school and after dinner
Onyx: I meant about if your meet up was a date
Carson: Why do I have to talk about that
Onyx: By all means, don’t talk about it and let her think you’re not interested, or that you want to date Artemisia
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Carson knew Onyx was right, but he wasn’t up to risking Ariadne making fun of him just yet. Instead he did his normal work on the mural while sneaking glances at Ariadne from afar.
Mrs T: Great job Carson
Carson: Oh, thanks. I’m still not sure what I want it to be yet though
Mrs T: That’s fine, it’ll tell you as you go. Did I hear the radio right this morning? Your mum is getting a star on the walk of fame?
Carson: Yeah
Mrs T: Well tell her we're all very impressed
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Mrs T: Okay everyone, settle down. Phones away
Zhafira: But if it’s computer science why can’t we? Are phones not just small computers?
Mrs T: Everyone put them on silent! We need to focus. The topic we discuss today will be on the exams
Carson pulled his from his pocket to double check and saw he’d got a text at the end of lunch from Ariadne.
Ariadne: I didn’t want to interrupt you, you looked so focused! But good luck for the ceremony
She’d remembered! Although he supposed someone’s parent getting a walk of fame star was memorable. It didn’t mean she liked him. He didn’t have time to reply now but he made a mental note to send a text of thanks after class.
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So all the Foster extended family traveled to Del Sol Valley for the afternoon. They watched with excitement as Kayleigh became the second active sim of mine to get the honour. First recipient was Mortimer Goth, let’s hope she has a brighter future than the now dead author.
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Back in Sulani everyone and their suitcases pile in. Charlie and her wife Kaori with their dog Clover. Keira and her wife Marta. Reece and his partner Samir. Kayleigh and Carson welcome everyone while Harvey gets a head start on cooking. While Reece is playing guitar outside Samir asks Kayleigh if he can have a word with her and Harvey. Keira really hopes it’s about what she thinks it is.
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Samir: Thanks. Reece and I have talked. After he finishes his degree he’d like to get engaged but, well, I’d like your permission to propose to him. And marry him. Please. I would like to marry him.
Kayleigh: Absolutely!
Harvey: Hmm
Kayleigh: Harvey that’s the most words we’ve heard Samir say at once. I think he deserves a response
Harvey: Are you going to give me grandbabies?
Kayleigh: Harvey!
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Harvey: Because if you will then obviously yes
Kayleigh: Harvey!
Harvey: I’m kidding. Of course you can. We’d love you to keep him happy
Samir: *sighs in relief* Thank you
Harvey: When you told Kayleigh you could probably get him pregnant because you’re a werewolf was that like a throw away comment or?
Samir: *chuckles* I don’t think I could. Plus, imagine him pregnant
Kayleigh: *laughs* Oh he’d be too dramatic for anyone to handle
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Harvey: But you will have kids right
Kayleigh: *sighs* I’m leaving before you embarrass yourself even more
Samir: We do want kids
Harvey: Good, good. Now what are your proposal plans
Samir: Big? Flashy?
Harvey: Oh he'd love that. Make sure it’s well lit and get someone to record
Samir: I will. Deanna probably
Harvey: We best get back out there before he gets suspicious. Oh I hope this means we can expect more talking from you. Not that silence isn’t golden of course but you probably need to rest your vocal chords after such a long discussion. I can say things like that you see because you’re going to be my son in law
Harvey walks out chuckling.
Samir *under his breath in confusion* white people
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Carson: Hey Reece. Do you need help with your bags?
Reece: Do I need help? What’s with you?
Carson: Mum said that Samir really is a werewolf. I’m sorry for being mean on the phone about it
Reece: It’s fine, I didn’t expect you to believe me. Hey, hey, remember that time I convinced you raisins were actually dead flies? *laughing* Classic
Carson: *sarcastically* Yes, hilarious to put me off the only breakfast cereal we had
Reece: Don’t worry, seriously, it's all good
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Carson: I kind of can’t help worrying. I’ve got OCD actually
Reece: Like real OCD or-
Carson: Real OCD
Reece: Oh man that must be tough
Carson: Excuse me? You’re giving me sympathy?
Reece: I did psychology last term, it’s a requisite for a bio major. OCD sounded intense
Carson: Yeah... it can be
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Reece: Are you getting help with it
Carson: Yeah, I’m on some meds and have a counsellor
Reece: That’s cool. I tell Samir he should see a counsellor but he insists I’m enough. Which I love but I’m not trained. How’s the asthma
Carson: I have less symptoms but that’s because I don’t push myself to exercise
Reece: Exercise is really healthy though
Carson: I don’t need it, look at these guns
Reece: Woah, don’t hurt yourself there
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changingplumbob · 7 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 8
Samir is a veteran level werewolf! But it doesn't come without drawbacks.
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Carrying on from last chapter, Samir has a voice in his head now that he's a werewolf. When it "speaks" to him, it will be in italics. When he answers back, just in his head, it will be bold.
Samir cleans up his excessive territory marking and then sets about scrubbing the shower where he spooks Reece who walks in to use the toilet still half asleep.
Reece: What are you doing in there
Samir: Cleaning it
Reece: But I clean stuff for you
Samir: Yeah well you have study. Don’t worry, I can punish you for not doing it anyway if you want
Reece: *smiles* yeah. Are you okay? Was the full moon tough?
Samir: *doesn’t answer*
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Reece: Hey, lover, don’t do that. You know you can ignore everyone else but you talk to me, please
Samir: I’ve been having some trouble with the voice in my head again. I thought it’d shut up as I grew my skills but it’s almost… getting louder
Reece: Lover… I know you don’t like talking to people
Samir: I don’t
Reece: But I think this is something you need to talk to the other werewolves about
Samir: But I only like talking to you
Reece: Flattering, but I can’t help you with stuff I don’t know about. Kristopher has clearly been alive for decades if not centuries. He’ll have some idea what to do
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They head out of the bathroom and Reece puts his arms around Samir, nuzzling into his neck.
Reece: Promise me you’ll talk to them *kisses* please *nips* please *kisses* please
Samir: *chuckling* Okay, okay, you win. I’ll do it for you
Reece: Good. I missed you in bed last night
Samir: Well we can’t get up to any fun now. You’ve just said I have to go talk to people
Reece: *pouts* I didn’t mean this second
Samir: Okay *kisses* I’ll have breakfast before I go
Reece: *sighs* You’re such a tease
Samir: And you’re needy
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Reece: But you wouldn’t have me any other way
Samir: That is true. Ah, this steak looks good
Reece: I was thinking, if you get werebies from a bite then maybe it’s an infection
Samir: You’ve lost me
Reece: You got bit right. Then you got werebies. Then you became a werewolf. So maybe the voice in your head is an infection
What a jerk, how rude.
Samir: *chuckles* It doesn’t like that idea but it makes sense to me
Now you’re both uninvited to my birthday party.
Reece: Because like- hear me out
Samir: When do I not hear you out
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If anything you listen to him too much. No one asked you.
Reece: Most infections are dealt with by antibodies but the werebies stayed in your system right? Because you’re a werewolf
Do you follow half the nonsense he comes out with. Shut up, he’s a genius.
Reece: So maybe as you develop your werewolf abilities the werebies is getting stronger. If it is, and the voice was a symptom, it would make sense that it’s only getting louder
Samir: That makes sense. I’ll ask them about it
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Samir heads out and is happy to find it still snowing. He used to not like the snow. It was cold and wet and ruined his hair. But now his temperature ran hot. The chill of the snow was soothing if anything, and he had time to admire how beautiful the outdoors looked under a blanket of white. Inside Reece practiced some yoga before class. He wanted to do it outside but Samir told him he wasn’t to even think about being barefoot outside in this weather.
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Sniffing the air reveals the strongest scent of Wolfgang and Kristopher seem to be coming from a large decorated tree. Approaching it Samir find the werewolf he’s looking for underneath.
Samir: Hi
Wolfgang: Oh hey there Samir! Nice to see you
Samir: Hmm
Wolfgang: Is there anything I can help you with today? I’ve not been up long enough to grill anything but I’m always good for a chat
Samir: I … hmm… help?
Wolfgang: Depends what you need help with
Samir: *sighs* a voice?
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Wolfgang: The voice in your head? Oh yeah, we all get that after turning
Samir: We... all have it?
Wolfgang: Oh you bet! Mine was a hassle for the longest time before I found this place
Samir: Can we get rid of it
Wolfgang: Oh heavens no! Not without giving up being a werewolf. I may not know much about it, you’re better off talking to Kristopher, but I do know that
Samir sighs and feels downcast.
Cheer up chum, we’re besties. Shut up already.
Wolfgang: Is there anything else I can help with
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Samir: Yeah. Fated mates
Wolfgang: *chuckles awkwardly* Kristopher doesn’t like me speculating-
Samir: Tell me
Wolfgang: I suppose I could… basics… can’t kick me out for that
Samir: Please
Shouldn't have said please, should have ripped his throat out. He can't talk without his throat now can he. Shut up, you're letting boy toy's logic rub off on you.
Wolfgang: Through the centuries our kind has found the ability to connect on… a deeper level. Humans talk of soul mates and that’s close… But fated mates are wolves that are destined to be together
Samir: Like... love?
Wolfgang: Precisely. They form an unbreakable pairing
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Samir: Why wouldn’t Kristopher-
Wolfgang: *sighs* Ignorance. Sometimes age brings wisdom but it can also bring narrow mindedness. A unflinching belief in what is or is not possible. The fated mates bond has only ever been established between werewolves. I proposed that it could exist between werewolf and human
Samir: Why
Wolfgang: I’ve met many fated mates, I know what the bond is like. Anyway Kristopher disagrees with my theory. I’ve tried the black swan argument on him-
Samir: The what?
Wolfgang: Well... swans were always white, the idea of them being any other colour was absurd. However, when Europeans reached Australia they discovered swans with black feathers. In a nutshell, just because something has never happened before does not mean that it will not happen in the future. Oh, there’s Kristopher. You better talk to him
Wolfgang wanders off quickly and Samir’s head is spinning as he heads towards Kristopher.
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changingplumbob · 7 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 10
Samir tells Reece what Wolfgang and Kristopher have told him about the voice... and fated mates...
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CW: Moderate sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Carrying on from last chapter, Samir has a voice in his head now that he's a werewolf. When it "speaks" to him, it will be in italics. When he answers back, just in his head, it will be bold.
Samir jogged and wondered. Wondered how Reece would take the news, if he would even believe it. Wondered how he was going to cope with letting this voice in to more of his life. If he could keep it from bringing out the worst in him. When he got back home Reece was just closing his book up. Samir sat and relayed both of the conversations he had had with Wolfgang and Kristopher. The conversations about the voice. The ones about what a fated mate was. When he was finished Reece stood there open mouthed and Samir knew his partner's mind was racing.
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Reece: We should experiment
Samir: What
Reece pulls Samir up and towards the bathroom.
Reece: Let’s go in the shower, you need it after your jog, and we wont talk
Samir: You, not talk?
Reece: And you. Just think about what you want me to do, I’ll do the same. We’ll see if we’re in sync or not
Samir really didn’t like the idea of woohooing without hearing Reece’s voice but the younger man was so excited by the idea he couldn’t say no.
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It went better than Samir thought. He may not have been verbally giving commands but Reece seemed to pick up what he wanted him to do, even when he changed his mind. He tried his best not to give physical clues and found that he could follow when Reece wanted to do particular things to. By the time they clambered out of the shower the bathroom was full of steam.
Reece: I did miss hearing your voice but I felt like I still had you in my head
Samir: Yeah, you did follow my thoughts pretty well
Reece: So either I did really good at that or….
Samir: Or?
Reece: You have me well trained
Samir: *chuckles* Can we eat? I’m starving
They get dressed and head back out to the kitchen.
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Reece: So what was that one meant to be? Hearing?
Samir: I guess that’s what he said
Reece: It’s not like I can hear your voice saying sentences in my head or anything but I think I can feel your ideas or feelings… if that makes sense
Samir: None of this makes sense gorgeous, you’re human
Reece: Then tell me there has never been a time when you’ve known what I wanted to say without me saying it
Samir: That’s called being in a loving relationship where you know each other
Reece: And you said I smell delicious now that you’re a werewolf
It’s true. If you won’t eat him I will. Shu- No. You’re right. I do like tasting him.
Samir: That is true
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Reece: And I know your sense of touch has gotten more fine tuned since you first turned. You said the pleasure radiates through you more. But… when you touch me it’s like… my body…
Samir reaches across and takes Reece’s hand, stroking his fingers gently.
Reece: *sighs* I don’t have the right words but it’s definitely more intense. Plus, sight. I saw you in a red haze the other day. And when I got back to the rec centre after classes your eyes glowed red even though you were in human form, and your wolf eyes are golden anyway
Samir: Golden like your heart
Reece: So if there are to be teams then I’m team Wolfgang. I think we have that connection
Samir: Fated mates?
Still in though Reece tidies the dishes and Samir grabs another wolf book from the shelf.
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Reece writes down what he can in his journal to try keep track of the arguments for or against. In the end there’s only one against that can’t be overruled, he’s a human.
Samir: You’re happy being human right
Reece: I am. I feel like it’s me
Samir: So maybe the bond knows that. It knows you’re never going to be a werewolf so it activated while you’re still human
Reece: Maybe…
Samir: Hey why do you sound sad
Reece: I’m not sad
Samir: I can feel it. Come on, let’s go to bed and you’ll tell me what’s wrong
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They climb on the bed and Samir pulls Reece into his arms.
Samir: Talk to me. My hearing or whatever it’s called isn’t as good as yours yet
Reece: If we are fated mates then… you didn’t choose me
Samir: What do you mean
Reece: Some cosmic space gods chose me for you, and you just have to go along with it
Samir: Do you know what I think
Reece: It’s not like I hear sentences-
Samir: I think that everyone has a soulmate out there. Humans, werewolves, whatever other occults exist. I think that werewolf abilities just allow them to feel the connection more clearly, to know they’ve made the right choice, but blondie I have made the right choice
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Reece: When
Samir: When a cute blonde asked me to skip prom with him, I chose to. When that beautiful soul asked me to be his boyfriend, despite my reservations, I chose to say yes. I chose to tell you... I played ping pong thinking of you
Reece: *giggles* And you said it was good
Samir: I chose to put you on the lease for our house. I chose to ask you to move in. I chose to put up with large family gatherings and awkward conversations. Every step of the way Reece, I swear, I have chosen you. Deliberately. Me becoming a werewolf, and us being fated mates, is simply the way of the… what did you call it? Cosmic space gods
Reece: *sniffles* I believe in the watcher but... yeah
Samir: Right. It’s the way that the watcher is letting us know I’ve made the right choices.
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Samir: You and I are meant for each other. I know it. And I can feel you know it to
Reece: I’ve chosen you to, I promise
Samir: Will you chose me again
Reece: What do you mean
Samir: Marry me blondie
Reece leans in and kisses him deeply. But before things can go further he pulls back.
Reece: No
Samir: No? You’ve been wanting to get engaged for-
Reece: Forever, I know
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Samir: Then why not
Reece: Because I believe you. You’ve chosen me. And you’ve chosen that the right thing for us is to wait. To get engaged and married after my degree. I can see it your way, that this bond is confirmation not command
Samir: *smiles* At the end of the day we still make our own choices
Reece: Exactly, look at you all reading my thoughts like the fated mates we are. Plus I’ve kind of fallen in love with a glamorous proposal
Samir: More than this intimate one?
Reece: Samir, this one will always be my favourite. Because I know you mean it with your whole heart *kisses* but a man does like to be courted
Samir: Whatever you desire blondie, I’ll give it to you. Forever
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changingplumbob · 7 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 7
We spend some time with the voice in Samir's head.
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Carrying on from last chapter, Samir has a voice in his head now that he's a werewolf. When it "speaks" to him, it will be in italics. When he answers back, just in his head, it will be bold.
When Samir finished his run he swung by the rec centre to switch the laundry over to the dryer. He’d just finished when Reece returned from campus for the day. Reece was rather shocked at Samir’s appearance. The glow he saw earlier may have been a trick of the mind but now it seemed like the red light was paired with a fiery glow from his partner’s eyes. Pushing it to the back of his mind as a likely headache symptom from a fast paced lecture he embraced Samir who sent him to do homework while the werewolf continued searching books for lore.
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Reece sat out the back and reviewed the notes he did in class. It was like Keira had said, logical. Flourishing off some answers he heard the beep of the dryer. He went inside but when he opened it the clothes still felt damp. Holding his breath and hoping not to start a fire he sent the dryer on another cycle. He went back to his board right beside the dryer so that if anything caught flame he would be able to react.
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Outside Samir felt the wolf within him stir, forcing him to his knees and shifting him. Growling he pushed himself back up, feeling his view become tinged with red.
Cute partner you got yourself. Shut up. I’d really like to take him to bed. Bet I could make him cum faster than you. But you are me… aren’t you? And I’ve already- Am I you? That is the million dollar question. Now, shall we go track down a killer. No! Why not? Are you scared? I’m not ready. I’d hurt myself. What’s wrong with dying trying? It would hurt Reece. Now get… out of… my HEAD!
Samir let lose a violent howl that caused some snow to fall of the branches of nearby trees. Clutching his head he felt that he had turned back in to his human form. The wolf was gone for now. Yeah he should talk to people who could explain...
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Collecting Reece and the dried laundry he headed home. Reece had work to do on his presentations, so Samir left him to it in the spare room and turned his attention to the piece of bone he found earlier. It seemed to be a jaw that could fit on to the top part of the skull he had found ages ago. He remembered what Kristopher said about his eyes developing. Focusing he writes down what he can see on the pieces, part of the time his hand seems to move by itself.
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Reece: Can I have a favour please boss
Samir: Huh? What’s up blondie
Reece: I finished collecting all that info for my presentations and I think my brain has turned to mush
Samir: Beautiful brain like yours couldn’t
Reece: I was hoping a little, or a lot, of you in me might put the pep back in my step? I still need to do my homework
Samir: *chuckles* Work, work, work
After their fun Reece planted one of the chrysanthemums inside, hoping the grafting wouldn’t be far off. Samir went back to the tunnels. He ran across a strong lockbox but it was wedged under too much debris to try shifting. Although he never clapped eyes on the wolf who had attacked him down here before he did feel like he was being watched.
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Heading home Samir spotted Reece’s mum at their door and invited her in.
Samir: Blondie, your mum is here
Kayleigh: Hi ya honey
Reece: Hmm? Oh hi mum
Kayleigh: You busy studying
Reece: Basically
Samir left to go do some carving and Kayleigh waited until he was out of earshot. Well, it was human earshot.
Kayleigh: So tell me, when can I start planning a wedding
Reece: What are you talking about?
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Kayleigh: You’ve been together, what? Four years
Reece: Yeah and?
Kayleigh: Oh honey you don’t have to get married if you don’t want to. But you know… some grandkids would be nice
Reece: Watcher! Keira has already said she's thinking of it, we don't all need to reproduce at once. Mum, I’m trying to study
Kayleigh: Yes but with my income I can support you. You don’t need to go to university
Reece: Maybe not, but mum I want to. I enjoy learning, using my brain.
Kayleigh: Hmm… Would you at least let me increase your allowance so you can expand this house
Reece: Mum! I’m capable of doing things myself
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Outside Samir can hear the whole conversation and can feel Reece’s anxiety increasing. Time to swoop in and be distracting. What should- oh well there was one thing that was bound to distract her. Squaring his shoulders he goes back inside.
Samir: Kayleigh? Reece and I have been wanting to tell you...
Kayleigh: Have you impregnated him already
Reece: *wishing the ground would swallow him* MUM
Samir: No. Probably could if I tried though. I’m a werewolf
Kayleigh: Three sentences ! That's a- you’re a werewolf? But... they’re fictional
She looks at Reece in confusion.
Reece: He is a werewolf mum. They exist…
A silence descends and Samir can feel Reece’s joy that the spotlight is off his choices coupled with worry about how Samir was doing. Samir didn't like talking to anyone but Reece but he could do it. He'd do whatever he needed to look after Reece.
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Samir: I made a sculpture for you... and Harvey
Kayleigh: Oh, thank you. So… werewolf… have you always been…
Reece: No not always but he is now
Kayleigh: And you are still happy together
Samir: Being with Reece is the best part of my life
Kayleigh: Well then who cares what species you are! Thanks for telling me. Can I tell your dad? He’ll have so many questions!
Reece convinces her the best thing to do is leave and brainstorm a list of questions with Harvey.
Reece: I am so sorry, she must have eaten the wrong kind of mushroom or been working with strong paints or-
Samir silences him with a kiss. Sometimes humans are just weird.
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Outside the moon rises high, illuminating everything below.
Reece: I guess this means we won’t be sleeping together tonight
Samir: Not with this moon. Get in our room and lock it properly. I’ll see you in the morning *kisses* I love you
Reece: I love you to
Samir heads for the bathroom to try cool down. The full moon can’t be ignored though and he is forced to shift.
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Did you miss me already. Hardly, you’re in my head all the time. Yeah but you ignore me unless it’s like this. Because I like to appear sane. Boring. So, who we going to hunt? No one. I am going to look for artifacts. I need to learn more about being a werewolf.
Samir stomps outside, the voice in his head continuing to protest.
I pissed you off talking about the boy toy didn’t I. I love him. Of course we do. That's exactly why we need to track down who killed your parents. No. Kristopher says I’m not ready. He’s a weakling who wouldn’t say boo to a goose. We need to find the killer and- NO. I just want answers. I’m not a killer. But maybe I am. What do you mean? Oh now you’re quiet. Fantastic.
Samir sniffs around for things buried beneath the ground, he finds a few of them to.
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He continues through the night with the voice in his head providing unhelpful commentary every so often.
We should take him in the snow, that'd get him moaning. What? The hot, the cold, the sensations would be incredible. I’m not risking my partner getting frostbite. I suppose you’re right. Would be a shame for his pixel parts to fall off. No one asked you. I know you’ve thought about it. I’m in here remember. So what? When someone is turned on they think a lot of things, doesn’t mean they intend to follow through with them all.
Finally the moon loosens its grip and Samir can bring himself to shift back to being human. The voice is still there, obviously, but it’s quieter. Easier to ignore.
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changingplumbob · 8 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 5
Reece and Samir have a serious talk about their future.
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Samir and Reece are curled up in bed while the snow falls heavily outside.
Samir: *whispering* Time to get up
Reece: No *yawns* You’re warm and cozy
Samir: You were keen to wake-
Reece: I like the way you smell
Samir: *chuckles* Come on, you’ve got coursework and it’s Snow Day
Reece: *slurred* Slow day
Samir: Let’s go gorgeous. If you get all your uni work done early we’ll make a snowpal, huh?
Samir gets up and Reece reluctantly follows. The thermostat was installed so he’s able to stay warm inside even if it’s not in Samir’s arms.
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Reece eats his breakfast as Samir marks his territory and he’s busy with his coursework when Samir comes to eat some meat.
Samir: What’s this one called
Reece: Building with cells, I can kind of understand it
Samir: By the time you’re done with it, you’ll understand it all
Reece: Thanks. What will you be doing while I’m slaving here
Samir: Just see if I can find anything around the place, and go for a jog. If you get cold, please put a shirt on
Reece: I’ll have a hot shower just as soon as I finish this…
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In the garden, despite the cold, the chrysanthemums and roses are growing side by side. Samir smiles at them as he heads out. He still can’t help thinking of them as symbolism for him and Reece. One bright sunny and uplifting. One deep, passionate and thorny. After a shower Reece heads to tend the garden and picks the flowers happily. He still wants to graft them together, but he has to get a bit more knowledgeable about gardening first.
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Samir gets back and picks one of the books of the shelf to try reading while Reece does more coursework. They’re supposed to be focusing. But, as often happens, their thoughts end up being about each other.
Reece: When can we get married
Samir: We’ve talked about this
Reece: Yes but snatches of conversation after woohoo are not the same as an actual sit down conversation
Samir: *sighs* We should be focusing
Reece: *pouts*
Samir: Blondie... It's like I've said. I’m not proposing until you’ve got your degree
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Reece: What if I proposed
Samir: *scratches* I wouldn’t accept. I’ve told you, when I think the time is right, I’ll ask
Reece: Do you need to know who killed your parents first
Samir: No. They’re separate to us
Reece: I just… I want the world to know you've picked me
Samir: Is the hickey you’re always getting me to make on your neck not enough
Reece: I love it, and I love you but…
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Reece looks sadly at his coursework and Samir feels bad. He doesn’t want Reece upset but he knows once they get married Reece will be obsessed with the idea of kids. He loves Reece being a genius and knows that long term Reece will be happiest having at least a part time job where he can use his brain. He needs to finish his degree before they "settle down". Then he's happy for him to have as many kids as will keep him smiling.
Samir: How about a compromise
Reece: Like a woohoo compromise
Samir: No. Like a… be my partner compromise
Reece: Huh?
Samir reaches over and grabs Reece's hand. He's thought of him as his partner since they moved in but they've only ever referred to each other as boyfriends. Maybe an upgrade will help Reece see he's invested in him.
Samir: A step up from boyfriend but still no ring. That’s what I can propose for now. Think about it while I shower okay?
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As Samir showers his mind drifts back to what Kristopher mentioned about mates… Reece would probably have some idea since he was reading all of Wolfgangs books but how could he ask without relaying the conversation? He didn’t want Reece to feel like he had to be with him. Selfishly he wanted Reece to choose to be with him. Shaking off excess water he gets dressed and heads back to the table.
Samir: Do we have a verdict
Reece: *smiling* You bet partner. Do you wanna build a snowman?
Samir: *chuckles* Snowpal. You finished the work then?
Reece: Yes
Samir: Good boy. Let’s go
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They head outside where the sky has started to darken, in winter the sun sets early.
Samir: Have you read any more of Wolfgang’s books?
Reece: Bits. You know I like my werewolf romance
Samir: I do know that very well. Is it weird reading the steamy bits now you know he wrote them
Reece: No. I mean he’s not the characters he writes about. Like I’m not reading a scene where I picture that he’s woohooing himself. Plus I already substitute the characters for us in the love scenes anyway
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Samir: *chuckles* Of course you do
Reece: Thanks for earlier. It means a lot. I know you just want what's best for me I'm just... not good at being patient
Samir: Hey, it means the world to me you want to get married. You know that right?
Reece nods and Samir pulls him in for a serious of gentle kisses that leave the blonde boy giggling.
Samir: Trust me, my proposal will be worth waiting for. Now, what shall we name this monstrosity?
Reece: Monstrosity? Lover that’s our child! I even gave them a headscarf to keep warm, see
Samir: How about… Scarf-face?
Reece: *sighs* You better upskill your imagination before we have our kids, that’s all I’m saying to that
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While it was a bit late for a dinner date Samir invited Reece to come with him to the onsen to rest. He knows that when Reece does a lot of writing he tends to get cramps in his muscles and he hasn’t had time for yoga with the coursework. Soaking in the onsen is something they can do together. The warm water does Reece good as he’s soon flirting up a storm.
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Samir: Can I interest my partner in a massage
Reece: *chuckles* Anytime you want to put your hands on me just do it
Samir: Your shoulders are tight. Did you take a break between sections of writing?
Reece: I… wanted to get it done so we could build a snowpal
Samir: Blondie you’ve got to take better care of yourself
Reece: I’d rather have you take care of me. Shall we go home?
Samir: Soon. I just want to be gentle with you a bit more first
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changingplumbob · 8 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 4
Four werewolves and a human sit down to dinner...
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Wolfgang and Kristopher have not come alone. Natalia, Kristopher’s wife has come to. She and Kristopher have three kids together. Samir is relieved they didn’t bring them to dinner. He and Reece greet her and the meal properly begins.
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Samir is nervous at first, then the other werewolves begin eating. They’re every bit as messy as him! He tucks into his food happily, glad he doesn’t have to repress his gluttonous nature and Reece prepares himself for people talking with their mouths full.
Wolfgang: This is delicious
Natalia: Much better than what we have on set
Kristopher: Natalia is an actress in her spare time
Reece: Oh my sister’s friend does that. What do you do Kristopher?
Kristopher: Look after any wolves that come through these parts
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Samir: How long have you been doing that
Natalia: A while… he’s immortal see
Reece: Immortal?
Kristopher: Love you forget, they don’t know much about our lore
Wolfgang: They should if they’ve been reading my books, I see a few of them on the shelf
Samir: You write
Wolfgang: Under a pen name of course of but you can also find me at the main mill most days, I’m the librarian
Reece: You work for the library? Say hi to Flynn and Eve for me
*crickets as no one else gets the geeky joke*
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Reece: Uh, did you write that bit in The Werewolf who came in from the cold?
Samir: About the collective
Wolfgang: You could read that? Oh wonderful
Kristopher: It means your eyes are adjusting properly. You’ll be able to see extra text in many of the books in the library
Wolfgang: And my books of course. Read up on what you can and we’ll fill in the blanks for you
Reece offers to sort the dishes while Samir grabs some of the meat in the fridge for seconds. Reece goes to the lounge to do more of his homework while Samir asks more questions.
Samir: Will I always be hungry
Kristopher: It takes a lot of calories to shift, and we have a faster metabolism than humans. I’d suggest planting a fruit tree of some kind so you can always have a snack on hand
Samir: I’m more a meat kind of guy
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Kristopher: *whispers* how is your hearing
Samir: *whispers* pretty good
The conversation continues with the group talking so quietly that Reece who is close by cannot hear a word they say.
Natalia: It’s an adjustment being able to hear so much. I am not looking forward to what I might hear when the kids become teens
Samir: Wolfgang… what did you mean when you said Reece and I were lucky to have found each other? It seemed weighted
Kristopher: Tell me you didn’t-
Wolfgang: That was all I said Kristopher, those words
Samir: Why? What could he have said
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Kristopher: Nothing that’s backed up by precedent
Wolfgang: Just because you’ve never encountered it before-
Kristopher: *snaps* For the last time, fated mates have only ever been documented in relationships between werewolves
Samir: Fated what
An awkward silence descends as Kristopher and Wolfgang exchange looks and Natalia clearly searches for something to say.
Kristopher: So you want to take on who killed your parents do you
Samir: What? *growls* Do you know who it was
Wolfgang: We have an idea
Kristopher: But no, we’re not telling you until we’re sure you won’t go getting yourself killed. Come outside with me, show me what you can do
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Samir follows Kristopher outside, nearly slipping on the icy ground.
Kristopher: You need to work on your reflexes
Samir: I know…
Kristopher: I trust you’ve figured out how to shift at will?
Samir: Sort of…
Kristopher: Come on, show me
The older wolf effortlessly ripples into his wolf form while Samir enters his wolf form more awkwardly.
Samir: Why don’t our clothes tear
Kristopher: We may change our physical appearance but you’ll find we stay a similar size. Now, attack me
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The pair disappear into a cloud of dust and fur! Samir isn’t used to tangling with someone as fast as him so he has a job staying ahead of Kristopher’s swings. He sadly discovers a bop to his wolf nose is extremely painful, and that it’s harder to slice through fur with his claws than he thought.
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When the dust settles Kristopher is the clear victor but Samir isn’t hurt.
Kristopher: You have an amount of raw talent. That may have been fine on the football field but it’s different as a wolf. You need to work on refining your talents
Samir: I know. Thanks
Kristopher: Anytime. If you want to join the collective-
Samir: No. I have Reece
Kristopher: Up to you of course. I’ll grab the others and take our leave. Howl if you ever need anything
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Samir goes inside and Reece looks up from his homework.
Reece: You do make a good looking werewolf… but I still think we should keep woohoo to human form only
Samir: No problem, I can shift
Samir goes into the kitchen to get some space and tries to shift. Nothing changes.
Samir: Damn it!
Reece: It’s okay boss, you’ve done it before. You’ll do it again
Samir: Right blondie, I’ll try. I am in control *deep breath* I am in control….
Reece does his best to think calming thoughts as Samir awkwardly shifts back to human form. It’s still a rusty process but at least he can do it.
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Reece: There… my handsome lover is back. Did the others have any good tips
Samir: Just to keep reading and working on skills. Now I have a pretty good tip for you… if you can take it
Reece: *chuckles* I do my best
Samir: Come on, let’s put you to bed
Reece: *sighing* I love you
Samir: *smirks* I love you to, now come on or you’ll miss all the fun
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changingplumbob · 8 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 3
When you want to jog for pictures but it's cloudy...
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CW: Moderate level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Carrying on from last chapter, Samir has a voice in his head now that he's a werewolf. When it "speaks" to him, it will be in italics. When he answers back, just in his head, it will be bold.
Reece and Samir wrap up and head out for a jog together. As usual Samir is in front.
Samir: Come on, I’m beating you
Reece: Wish you were, gently though
Samir: Focus
Reece: But you have superhuman speed now, I am only human
Samir: I’m not a vampire blondie, I think you’re just making excuses
Reece: My phone says it’s freezing
Samir: Then you better keep up to stay warm
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Reece: So that’s the tunnels where…
Samir: Yeah. I’ll probably go looking for more stuff this week, see if these werewolf senses can help with anything
Reece: Just be careful lover. And come home
Samir: I always have, I always will. You warm enough
Reece: I could do with a cuddle
Samir: After the run… if you can beat me
Reece: *huffs* I’m trying!
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Nearing the bridge back they encounter a patch of ice that almost sends Samir flying! Luckily he has Reece to grab on to! Unluckily the closest part is his butt.
Reece: *squeaks*
Samir: *chuckles*
He pulls himself up and gives Reece's butt a slap for fun.
Samir: Thanks for saving me from the fall
Reece: No fair! I thought that meant you-
Samir: Can’t hear you, too far ahead
Reece: You have ridiculously high expectations of me
Samir: You meet them every time though
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Back home Reece is pretty chilled despite the run so Samir orders a thermostat to help keep the house warm enough for him.
Reece: *chattering* co… co… cold
Samir: I have an idea that could help
He raises his eyebrows and Reece is putty in his hands.
Samir: You’re taking a shower with me. Clothes off, now
Reece: *pouting* Just a shower?
Samir: Don’t talk back or it will be
Laughing Reece follows him into the warm water where he finally warms up and gets what he’s been angling for since he woke up. The increase in sensation since Samir became a werewolf is an adjustment Reece never tires of.
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Around midday Keira pops by to help Reece with his homework for biology.
Reece: You’re still so tanned
Keira: What can I say, the honeymoon was good. Marta says to say hi
Reece: She’s sweet. Now can you explain the types of alleles again? I thought it was just dominant and recessive
Keira: Sure. So it was in high school. But at this level it’s also about if the allele is on the x chromosome, y chromosome, non-sex chromosome or in the mitochondria. Hey- don’t pull faces, you can figure it out
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Outside Samir has been keeping himself busy. He fixed one of the turbines that had broken down and then went on a hunt. He got some kind of meat back, we’re not to question it, he is a carnivore. Then he finishes a half done garden planter that is sitting on the workbench. He levels up level 3 handiness and finally sees the benefits of carving with a saw instead of a knife. Then quick mail check.
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Reece: That makes so much more sense now!
Keira: It’s pretty logical in the end
Samir: Hi Keira
Keira: Oh hey Samir, you want to study biology
Samir: *chuckles* I’ll leave it to Reece. Thanks for coming over
Keira: No problem
The Foster pair get back to work and Samir goes into the bedroom to practice on his violin.
Keira: Did he not want to practice out here?
Reece: He’s a shy guy Keira
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Keira: Right, I know, I’m a loner to. You just look at him and he doesn’t look like he should be shy you know?
Reece: I’m so glad mum got him that violin
Keira: You should thank Carson
Reece: For peeking in my journal? Never
Laughing, Keira sees herself out and when the coast is clear Samir comes out.
Reece: You’re sounding really good boss
Samir: Thanks blondie. I’m just going to mark the property, back in a sec
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That’s it, make sure that murderer knows to stay away. That’s not why I’m doing it. No? Could have fooled me. I’m just marking what’s mine. Don’t let those dinner guests lay claim to one inch of your territory. Yeah yeah yeah.
Heading back inside Samir is glad the place smells like him and grabs a book off the shelf.
Reece: Any luck seeing stuff in there yet?
Samir: I don’t- wait… this could be something
He turns the book on a weird angle and begins to read.
Samir: The Moonwood Collective is here to help those in need, to teach control, for the betterment of werewolves around the world. Any who come to Moonwood Mill have a pack waiting for them.
Reece: That sounds… good?
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Samir shrugs and goes to get started on dinner.
Samir: I don’t want a pack. I don’t need a pack. I have you
Reece: Yeah but… some kids would be nice one day right?
Samir: Yeah, of course they would. They’d be ours
Reece: *smiles* How’s the Gollum/Smeagol situation thing going
Samir: We watched the film but I still don’t get it
Reece: *sighs* How’s the inner wolf
Samir: Peeved at the idea of dinner guests
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Reece: What ya making?
Samir: Steak Tartare. Closest I can get to raw meat without seeming like I didn’t try
Reece: You don’t think they’re vegetarians do you
Samir: I… No? Why didn’t we ask
Reece: You wanted them off your territory
Samir: Hmm, guess this will just have to do
Reece: Table is all set, we’ll be ready
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changingplumbob · 8 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 2
We couldn't avoid the locals forever, even though Samir wants to
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Samir: *growls*
Reece: Can we help you
Kristopher: More like, we can help you
Samir: *growls*
Wolfgang: Calm down kid, we’re not here to steal your territory
Reece: Territory?
Kristopher: Me and Wolfgang here are the same as your boyfriend, werewolves
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Samir: *puzzled* You are?
Wolfgang: Are you surprised
Reece: We figured the only one around here was whoever killed Samir’s parents. That they'd driven any others off
Samir: *growls*
Reece: Uh-If you could just confirm you didn’t…
Kristopher: Kill Nadia and Othman? We did not
Samir visibly relaxes and Reece assumes his werewolf abilities somehow told him that wasn’t a lie. His boyfriend isn’t comfy but he’s switched from aggressive to tolerating. Reece still can tell he’d rather not talk though.
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Reece: So why are you here
Wolfgang: To offer our help
Reece: Help?
Kristopher: You’ve probably realised by now the internet is not an exhaustive source of knowledge on our kind
Reece can almost hear Samir’s thoughts racing though his body language gives little away. He knows what he would want to ask.
Reece: Why now?
Wolfgang: Excuse me
Reece: Samir has been a werewolf for over a year. Why are you just introducing yourselves now
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Kristopher: I’ve been a werewolf for… a long time. The initial stages are rough
Samir: *grunts*
Reece: Seems to me that the rough patch would be the best time to introduce yourself
Wolfgang: You don’t approach a rabid dog, you don’t approach a werewolf as he adjusts
Kristopher: Unless you like to lose your limbs
Reece: Just tell us why you're here
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Kristopher: Now it’s about figuring out how to be a werewolf in harmony with the rest of the world. I run a collective-
Samir: *growls*
Reece: My boyfriend isn’t a joiner
Kristopher: You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I consider it my responsibility to make sure werewolves in the area have what they need
Wolfgang: And know enough to keep themselves-
Kristopher: And their loved ones
Wolfgang: Safe
Samir bows his head. He does want to keep Reece safe. But taking his boyfriend into another werewolf’s space seemed the most unsafe thing he could do.
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Kristopher: If you would like to come over for dinner we would be happy to talk properly
Reece: No. We’re not waltzing into your territory
Odd. Samir wonders if Reece somehow read his mind. It would be better to have them come here if they insisted on talking. He could keep a better eye on them in a known environment.
Reece: Here. Let us make you two dinner here tonight and we can talk then
Kristopher: *hesitantly* Yes, of course. We could do that. We will see you two tonight
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Kristopher heads off but Wolfgang stays for one more comment.
Wolfgang: You two are lucky to have found each other
Turning on his heel he follows Kristopher.
Samir: That was…
Reece: Weird, right? That was weird
Samir: Hmm, I’ll see you inside
Reece chuckles and heads in knowing what Samir has in mind.
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Samir squats and the territorial wolf inside him growls in satisfaction as he marks his territory. If there are others out there they need to know Samir does not want them on his land. They can all stay away from his boyfriend to. Standing back up and fixing his pants he watches the men disappear in the distance.
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Heading back inside he heads for the fridge where some prehunted meat is stored.
Samir: Sausage for breakfast again?
Reece: *cheekily* This is technically my second and third sausage of the day
Samir: *scoffs* Oh you are definitely wanting a spank aren’t you
Reece: They interrupted our woohoo time, of course I am. I love you *blows kiss* Thanks for defending our home
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Samir: Anytime. Thanks for suggesting they come here instead of agreeing to-
Reece: Wander into unknown territory? Seemed sensible. You know you really ought to breathe between bites
Samir: *through food* That’s what my nose is for
Reece: I mean if they can give us some tips it would be good. There’s only so much to learn from fiction
Samir: I can handle myself. I swore I'd protect you and I mean it
Reece: Yeah but if they know stuff that’s bad for werewolves it might help us against whoever killed your parents
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Samir: Oh. Have I ever told you how smart you are
Reece: Yeah but I do like hearing it so… tell me again?
Samir: *chuckles* You’re smart blondie. And that’s the last free compliment you get today
Reece: Oh? What do I have to do to earn more?
Samir: Dishes… shower… homework… and come with me for a run
Reece: But I don’t want to run now I want-
Samir: I heard you this morning remember? I know what you want
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Reece: Fine. Dishes, quick shower, but can we please run before homework?
Samir: Why
Reece: Helps my brain if I exercise before I study. It's like the on switch
Samir: Fair enough
Reece: Lover... I can feel you staring at my butt
Samir: It’s a very nice butt and it’s all mine *growls softly*
Reece: If you don’t let up with the growls me and my lust won’t survive a whole run
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changingplumbob · 8 months ago
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 1
I missed these two
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CW: Moderate sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Snow is falling in Moonwood Mill. Winter is well and truly here with a chill in the air. The perfect weather for climbing under the blankets and cuddling. Although… if your boyfriend is a werewolf the blankets are optional. Reece has woken up early and as usual finds bed a warm place with Samir’s body radiating heat in the cold. He takes some time to watch Samir, he can’t help it, when Samir sleeps he’s free of the worry. And the bad memories unless he’s having a nightmare.
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So if you are not a fan of spice just scroll to the final picture/text section, that's all you need to stay on top of the plot! I'll chuck another interruption banner there to help you skim.
Samir: I can feel you watching me you know
Reece: With your eyes closed?
Samir: You are obsessed with me
Reece blushes and Samir smiles opening his eyes.
Samir: Morning blondie
Reece: Morning boss
Samir: What time is it
Reece: Early o’clock
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Samir: You should be sleeping gorgeous. Your university course starts soon, you need sleep
Reece: I was having good dreams… *cheekily* do you want me to tell you about them
Reece slowly moves his hand down Samir’s chest, stroking the scars and taking time to kiss each.
Samir: Blondie… sleep
Reece: Sleep is overrated
He leans down to kiss Samir then starts caressing his face with his spare hand.
Samir: Are you trying to get me to bite you
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Reece: Maybe
Samir chuckles and lightly clasps Reece’s finger between his teeth causing the blonde to gasp. Still holding on he moves his tongue over his boyfriend’s skin, enjoying the sounds Reece makes with the movements. Watcher he loves having a vocal boyfriend. Soon enough he releases his bite and gently pushes Reece’s finger away with his tongue.
Reece: *moans* Why did you stop
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Samir: *casually* You’re misbehaving. Bad boys don’t get what they want
Reece: But you’re a big bad wolf and always get what you want
Samir: That’s different *yawns* I’m the boss. Now go back to sleep
Reece: But *kisses* …I don’t *kisses* …want to
Samir: So we’re misbehaving today?
Reece: Yes. I am misbehaving… what are you going to do about it
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Samir: Well if you keep it up I’ll have to give you some consequences
Reece smiles and moves his hand over the bulge in Samir’s pants, confirming his theory that his boyfriend was wanting him. Sure it could just be the morning but apart from when he made him wait for his birthday Samir usually was up for some adult fun. It was one of the things that kept Reece obsessed with him.
Reece: Feels to me like you want me to misbehave
Samir: I might…
Confident, Reece moves his leg between Samir’s enjoying the gruff growl his boyfriend makes.
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Reece bends down and the pair share a long kiss before he pulls himself back up.
Reece: I love you
Samir: I love you to
Reece: Now tell me more about these consequences
Samir: Oh now you’re just begging for it
Reece: I know you like me begging
Samir: It’s one of my favourite sounds. Now be a good boy and beg some more
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Smiling Reece leans down and returns his attention to his boyfriend’s chest, switching between kisses and nipping.
Samir: That feels good blondie *sighs* but I’m not hearing any begging
Reece: I want *kisses* you to *kisses* punish me
He begins tracing his hands around Samir’s hips, hearing his breathing getting deeper.
Reece: I want… mhmm… I want you to bend me over *kisses* and grab my hair *kisses* making me cry out
Samir: Mhmm… keep going bad boy. What’s the golden rule
Reece: No getting off until you say boss
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Samir: Very good
Reece moves his mouth lower wishing Samir would grab him but knowing he has to work for it.
Samir: *gruffly* keep talking
Reece: I want you to spank me… until my skin is flushed
Samir: *moaning* Yes?
Reece: And I’m hard… like you’re hard
Samir: *growls* And then…
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Reece: Then I want you to-
Samir: *gruffly* Look me in the eyes when you say it
Reece falters, looking at Samir with a mix of desire and the beautiful, embarrassed flush that often appears when they get intimate. If Samir hadn’t been hard already that look would definitely done it.
Samir: If you won’t tell me then we better find you something else to do with that mouth
He looks down at his waistband and Reece doesn’t need much more prompting than that. He raises his hips as Reece slides his pants down and gets to work. He rides through the sensations and when he feels close he grabs Reece’s hair, making the blonde gasp around him as he holds him in place.
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Samir: Crap! That was fantastic
Swallowing, Reece crawls back up towards his face and they share a messy kiss.
Reece: Did I do good
Samir: You did *kisses* very good gorgeous. Did you find it easier to swallow that?
Reece: Yeah *kisses* as always you were right *kisses* practice makes perfect. Lover... you wouldn’t want anyone else?
Samir: No. But you still need a bit of punishment even though you’ve got a devil given gift for-
Samir freezes and Reece can tell something is wrong. Samir gently moves him off, pulls his pants back up and moves to the window.
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Oh hey look, actual plot starts now.
Reece: What is it?
Samir: *growls* visitors
Reece shakes his head out of the lust haze and goes to peek around Samir. Out on the lawn are two men they’ve seen around the woods before.
Reece: Why are they just standing there
Samir: We’re gonna find out. Don’t forget your slippers, you almost got frostbite from the last time you ran into the snow without thinking
Reece: Right, that was not comfy. But your footrubs were great
Samir: You can do the talking but… stay behind me okay
Reece: I promise
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Samir at 5
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I knew I wanted to have Reece and Samir going through a police report, but I figured to do that I would actually have to know what happened... So I did what I do and brainstormed via writing. I don't tend to do writing in the first person, but it felt right for this situation.
Here's Samir's experience of the attack that killed his parents. Content warning for death obvs (nothing is shown, just written).
Non English words Ab (Arabic) meaning father Abi (Arabic) meaning my father Ommi (Arabic) meaning mother
I’m not sure why I’m awake. I was having a bad dream, but now I’m awake I can’t remember what happened. I’m just left with the fear. Then I hear it. Through the wall comes a rhythmic... thumping? It doesn’t make any sense. Am I still dreaming?
Ab told me to be brave though. I want Ab to be proud of me. I pick up my stuffed bunny Babbit and hug him close. Slowly I crawl out of bed and approach my door, the tiles under my feet are cold. I press my ear to the wood and listen. I can hear Ommi crying. It sounds like Abi is comforting her. I know she likes my hugs, so I should go help. She always hugs me when I cry.
Nervously I inch open my door. I thought the noise was loud before. Oh, I was wrong. It’s much louder out here. I want to go back and hide in bed, but Ommi needs a hug. I leave my room slowly, Ab has his back to me and can’t see. If I want to get to Ommi I have to go past that front door. Out here I can tell it’s more than just thumping. There's a scratching noise to. It sounds like something wild is trying to get in.
We had a wild racoon under the house a month ago. Ab said it was sick and I wasn’t to touch it. Sometimes it would throw itself against the floorboards under my room. It would scratch at the beams beneath my bed, but that stopped last week so it must be better now. Perhaps it’s come back with its friends to steal more of our old fruit. As I tiptoe past the door, I hear something I can’t place. It’s a low deep growling. I’m sure it can’t be a racoon now and I freeze in place. I don't know what to do.
“Samir!” Ommi calls my name and I turn to her. She looks pale. I’ve never seen her pale before. Abi turns to me. He looks afraid. I didn’t know Ab could be afraid. He always chides me for jumping at noises in the woods, telling me nature is our friend and I must learn to be brave. I don’t think what’s at the door is our friend. I hug Babbit tighter.
“Hide Samir!” Ab and Ommi both move towards me then. I feel bad, maybe I’ve been caught doing something wrong. I back up. Then there’s a rush of air that blows me backwards along with the sound of wood tearing apart. Babbit isn't in my hand anymore. From the floor I can’t believe what I see. It’s not... it's not right. I can't be awake yet.
Moving through the doorframe is something large and not human. I don’t take it all in, I can’t, because of the eyes. They are bright red with flaming light, glowing. Sort of like the candles on my birthday cake last week. But this blaze isn’t fun, it scares me. Is it here to set me on fire?
I look around me for Babbit and start to scream for my parents when it happens. Broken light showing something sharp, and too big, I can't move away. Pressure on my skin and then I’m in agony. I think I hear Abi screaming, but it's starting to sound far away. You shouldn't yell at monsters, they'll just get mad, that's why I leave the one under my bed alone.
I look and can see my nightshirt is torn. Deep gashes cover my chest and I’m bleeding. I’ve bled before. I’ve lost count of how many trees I’ve fallen out of. Ommi always patches me up after. This is... different. The gashes are throbbing rhythmically, just like the thumping at the door was.
“Please, just let us-“ I can hear that Abi has his words cut off. I try to wake up but I can’t. It’s a nightmare, why can’t I wake up? I shouldn’t be dreaming this much pain. Then Ommi is over me, pressing something on my chest. I try to tell her it hurts, that I need Babbit, that I just want to give her a hug, but I can’t get any words out.
“Hold on Samir, hold on” I try to. I try to stay awake but it hurts so much... it hurts too much. Then Ommi is on top of me, pressing into me, I don’t know why. She’s heavier than I thought. I try to move but the weight of the blanket and her keeps me pinned. I can breathe but its tricky, and I can't see anything under Ommi. As I begin to feel less I can hear far too much. Strangled sobbing, strange tearing noises, a gurgling above me, my heartbeat in my head. Behind it all that low deep growl uttering nonsense words. Then everything is numb, and everything is dark.
Samir now does NOT remember all of this by the way, his brain has made him forget most of it. He does have nightmares about it from time to time, but like many dreams once he wakes up they mostly slip away.
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changingplumbob · 11 months ago
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 7
Time for photos followed by the reception! I love love ❤️
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Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish words/phrases Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Gracias: Thank you Te amo: I love you
The new Mrs and Mrs Romero took time in the garden following the service to take their official wedding photos.
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For their photo in front of the church Keira lifted Marta up on her back causing the shorter woman to develop a case of the giggles. While Marta takes a moment to catch her breath Keira gets a photo with her two best men, Alexander and Joey.
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Despite protests from her brothers Keira managed to get a photo with her siblings, and the boys weren’t picking on each other in it for once. Then away with the men! Kayleigh gets a photo of all of her daughters and daughters in law. Then Keira and Marta hold each other close for a photo with Keira’s parents. The lighting has been so good to us! I was so worried it would be raining hard here.
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The party head to the back of the church where the reception has been set up. There the wonderful cake Stefan made is on display.
Marta: Carino, you remembered I wanted a pink one!
Keira: I did *starts speaking to the crowd* Alright everyone, thank you for joining me and my wife-
Everyone: *cheers*
Marta: *giggles* Gracias for joining us on this special day, and being part of a ceremony we will never forget
Keira: It’s time to do battle against this cake. Do you think me and my wife can win?
The audience laughs while Keira grabs the appropriate knife and waits for Marta’s hand to lay on top of hers.
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Marta: *whispers* You ready
Keira: I’m ready. Here’s to our forever sweetheart
Together the pair guide the knife down the cake through the layers, working together to keep the cut on track. They finish to a round of applause which causes Marta to tear up again.
Keira: Are you alright? I’m worried you’ve cried out a lake since this morning
Marta: *sniffles* I’m just so happy
Keira: Make sure you have some water soon
Marta: *smiles* Is that your first wifely request?
Keira: Almost first. I would like to do the traditional feeding each other cake
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The pair feed each other, taking care not to smudge their lipstick. They call guests for cake but many haven’t visited the church before and would rather head inside to get some photos with the decorations.
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Keira: Thanks for coming Samir, I know crowds are not our thing
Samir: *chuckles* Not even a little
The pair walk over to where Marta is already chattering to Reece, the two of them sometimes speak so fast it’s hard for anyone else to keep up.
Reece: Hey Keira. Your vows were great by the way
Keira: Gracias. I was so worried I’d forget what I’d written, especially when I saw how beautiful my wife looks
Marta: *blushes* One day we’ll get tired of saying wife in every second sentence
Reece: I doubt it. I never get tired of saying Samir is my boyfriend
Samir smiles proudly while the women tuck into their wedding cake.
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Then it’s time for the first dance to begin. Marta begins to sway before the music even starts and Keira smiles. She’s glad she married such a spirited woman.
🎶Something happens when I hold her🎵 🎵She keeps my heart from getting older🎶 🎶When the days get short🎵 🎵and the nights get a little bit colder🎶 🎶We hold each other🎵
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🎶Everything looks different now🎵 🎵All this time my head was down🎶 🎶He came along and showed me how to let go🎵 🎵I can't remember where I'm from🎶 🎶All I know is who I've become🎵 🎵That our love has just begun like oh🎶
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Keira: So our forever starts now
Marta: *smiles* It started when we met but this has been a lovely highlight
🎶You give me chills and I can't imagine you leaving🎵 🎵If I could build a perfect person honestly you would be it🎶 🎶And you know nobody knows you like I know you🎵 🎵I can't wait to come back home so I can hold you🎶
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Marta: Te amo
Keira: I love you to
🎶Something happens when I hold her🎵 🎵She keeps my heart from getting older🎶 🎶When the days get short🎵 🎵and the nights get a little bit colder🎶 🎶We hold each other🎵
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 3
In this part Reece finally becomes a YA (it would have happened sooner but clearly wheelofnames.com wanted to torture me) the house gets power, and Fosters descend for a belated birthday celebration.
Part 3 is mainly my sims being in love so if you're only here to find out who killed Samir's parents feel free to skip this spicier part.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Samir: Happy Birthday blondie. I love you
Reece: *smiles* I love you to. Is it morning already?
Samir: And here was me thinking you were desperate to get started. You were *kisses* practically *kisses* begging *kisses* yesterday
Reece: I am *sighs* and can beg more *giggles* if you tell me to. But I also *kisses* really love cuddling with you
Samir: We can cuddle later. For now *kisses* get your butt *kisses* in the shower
Reece: The shower boss?
Samir: *sternly* Don't ask questions, just do it. Clearly in our down time you've forgotten your manners, that'll have consequences *switches to whisper* bad boys get punished
Reece: *panting* Wow, that... was definitely.... worth... waiting for
Samir: What do you say needy boy
Reece: Thank you boss *kisses* may I have some more
Samir: *chuckles* hmmm, not just now, you also said you wanted more cuddle time
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Samir: You sure you want to be the big spoon
Reece: Just because you’re bigger than me doesn’t mean I don’t like getting my arms around you boss. Plus, I really love kissing your neck
Samir: *chuckles* Oh I'm aware. It’s your birthday I suppose, better let you have some say
Reece: So I'm a good boy again
Samir: Hell yeah you are
The couple are quiet for a few minutes as they come down from the woohoo high. Samir almost falls back to sleep but something's bothering Reece.
Reece: Samir... my lover...
Samir: *groggily* yep, I'm awake
Reece: About... about what happened to you…
Samir: *sleepily* hmm
Reece: Do you want me to not make such a fuss of your scars when we’re woohooing? I always thought they were hot but I don’t want to upset you if they bring up bad memories
Samir: *sighs* blondie, you know I tell you if I don’t like something you’re doing. I tell you quite sternly do I not?
Reece: Yes you do. But... maybe you’re trying not to make me feel bad when-
Samir: I do actually enjoy making you feel bad from time to time, you're more eager to please then
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Reece: Lover be serious. I want to know I'm not upsetting you
Samir: *sighs* Are you listening properly blondie
Reece: I can stop talking if that’s what you mean
Samir: Never stop talking, but for now, cuddle and listen *kisses* My scars, they used to be a reminder that I had nearly died, that Grim could have appeared and taken me with him, right after my parents. But now, they remind me that I survived. Whatever tried to kill me failed *kisses* I love that you think they’re hot, it makes me feel even better about them *kisses* that I'm strong enough to look after you
Reece: How did I get lucky enough to score a man who’s just as strong on the inside as he appears on the outside
Samir: If I remember right you proposed we skip prom together, and kept going on about your feelings until I caved
The couple reflect for a while, recalling their past.  Of course all the reminiscing of their romance together means they have to take another pit stop in the shower before we can get to cake…
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Reece: Where did you get a confetti cannon
Samir: From my pants, where else
Reece: And where did you get a cake, we don’t even have an oven
Samir: Welcome to the future blondie, you can get most things on the internet. Now be a good boy and make a wish
Reece thinks, blows out the candles, and is officially a young adult.
Samir: How do you feel
Reece: Geekier… I’m just going to go get changed
Samir: *kisses* Don’t cut your hair too short, I like being able to grab on to it
Reece blushes and heads for the bathroom.
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Reece: There, will I do?
Samir runs his hands through Reece's new haircut, shorter but still fine for gripping. His hands move over Reece's torso, dancing softly across the ticklish parts, getting joy from hearing Reece try to contain his giggles. After running his fingers around the edge of the new pyjama pants he backs up and sweeps Reece's hand into a kiss.
Samir: You’ll do… very well. Come on gorgeous, the sun is up and we should enjoy it
By enjoy it Samir of course means head out to enjoy the near dead daylife of Moonwood Mill. That’s why he likes it here, there never seems to be any crowds. The two find a picnic table near the bar to enjoy the chocolate cake.
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Samir: Your arms look so good in that shirt *smirks* Really makes me want to rip it off
Reece: *chuckles* I know, why do you think I picked it. Now tell me, what’s next for our secret mission
Samir: *sighs* It’s your birthday, we should be focusing on happy things. Like seeing if we can set a new woohoos in a day record
Reece: First off, yes. Secondly, solving puzzles makes me happy. Please tell me *pouts*
Samir: Alright, you win. I did notice this weird door that seemed to lead underground on my run yesterday. I figured I might take a look, perhaps there’s some signs of “bears” down there
Reece: My lover is so brave *blows kiss*
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Reece: but, flirting aside, be careful Samir
Samir: Aww, you worried about me gorgeous
Reece: With you trying to find what killed your parents? Nope. Not worried at all that it'll get you killed. That I'll be left with even less answers than we have now. That I'll be... alone
Samir: Hey, hey. Come here
Samir pulls Reece in for a passionate embrace that takes his breath away. Like normal Reece is sure he's going to run out of air before Samir lets him go.
Samir: I promised I would keep you safe. I also promise, no matter what happens, I’m always going to come back to you alive. Remember that
Reece’s reply is swiftly silenced by Samir’s kisses returning furiously.
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Samir: Now, do you want your birthday present
Reece: I thought you already gave me my present, twice
Samir: *chuckles* So you don’t want what’s in this box
Reece: I mean, I’m not going to turn down a gift. Wait, is this… really?
Samir: I know you’ve been wanting to try some for ages but I had to do some research first, ways to use them without you breaking a wrist. Plus I couldn’t very well be locking you in handcuffs that are going to break mid woohoo now could I
Reece: *blushes* Thank you. For getting them, and… getting me
Samir: You're welcome. Somehow... you understand me. Apart from that time you thought I was closeted
Reece: Yeah... I did kind of read that wrong. But I think I've got better at figuring you out
Samir: I'd say so. I’m always going to try and understand you, I promise
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Back at home...
Samir: Gorgeous, I’m only going to the tunnels, I’m not leaving for say Peru or anything *kisses* We can play when I get back
Reece: I know lover. I just want you to know I’ll miss you while you’re gone, and I love you, and I love your neck, and I love your-
Samir: Remember blondie, the people should be coming with the wind turbines for installation
Reece: Stay here with me *nuzzles neck* I can show you electricity *kisses neck* and we can give them a show
Samir: OMW, I’m leaving *whispers* don't even think of getting off without me though
So Samir heads out to explore the tunnels for the first time while Reece tends to the garden. If his family are coming over tomorrow he wants to show his dad he didn’t forget everything he was taught about plants.
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Reece makes sure to plant his chrysanthemum and Samir’s rose in the same planter box. It makes him happy to think the flowers can grow side by side, just like him and his boyfriend. Maybe if he gets good enough at gardening he can make a bush where they intertwine.
Samir’s first trip in the tunnels ends with a small scrape, but, determined to find some kind of lead, he brushes it off, and heads back in. Sure enough the wind turbines turn up right on schedule, the house will now have power! No more relying on lanterns.
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*wolf whistles*
Reece: That better be you
Samir: Or what
Reece: Or I’ll have to tell the prowler I have possessive lover who will kick his ass for checking me out. Wait, are you possessive?
Samir: I mean… I don’t like to think of you with other guys but I’m pretty sure that’s just not wanting to be in an open relationship. Why? You want me to be possessive
Reece: Hmm, sometimes…
Samir: *nods* I shall try to be more of a possessive jerk in future then
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Reece: Find anything in the tunnels
Samir: Nope. Now give me a hug so the neighbourhood knows you’re mine
Reece: *laughs* smooth, that’s not quite what I meant
Samir: I know what you- ahh
Reece: Crap! Are you okay
Samir: Yeah, yeah I’m fine
Reece: So that was just a not in pain screech then was it
Samir: I may have… fallen down a hole in the tunnels
Reece: You did what?
Samir: I’m fine, didn’t even break a bone
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Reece: We’re having dinner, then a bath to get the cobwebs off you, then bed. I'm not having spiders invade our bed
Samir: *smirks* I thought I was the boss
Reece: Then you shouldn’t have fallen down a hole
Samir: I like falling in your holes... often, hard
Reece: *blushes* Oh watcher that was a terrible line. You might have a concussion, we should-
Samir: I’m fine gorgeous, and I’m cooking
Reece: Samir-
Samir: It’s your birthday. I’m not letting you cook on your birthday
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Reece: This tastes good
Samir: Told you I should cook
Reece: Can you even taste it when you eat that fast
Samir: *through mouthfuls* absolutely
Reece: It’s got to be pretty healthy right? Char grilled food without oil? Maybe it’ll let me get muscles as big as yours
Samir: *smirks* Keep on dreaming blondie
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Samir: You’re not going to make me have a bath alone are you
Reece: And you call me needy
Samir: You are. I’m purely thinking about how a man with a possible concussion shouldn’t be left alone around water
Reece looks skeptically at Samir who manages to keep his composure for a few seconds before breaking in to a smile, making Reece laugh. Sure enough both of them end up in the tub, and Reece helps Samir clean up before he wants to have cuddles again.
Samir: Did you have a good birthday then blondie
Reece: *smiling* Yeah I did, thanks to you. Do you think we could... take the handcuffs for a test run
Samir: *smirks* who’s the needy one now
Reece: *laughs* Definitely me boss *kisses* I always need your touch
Samir: You know the rules. Ask me nicely
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Another sunny day dawns in Moonwood Mill and Reece and Samir kick things off with some woohoo and breakfast.
Samir: Any plans today before your family descend
Reece: You invited them so they’ll only be descending because of you
Samir: One day I’m sure I shall love them all… individually… alone
The couple head out for a morning run, oh how I wish there was a "go for a run together" option. Today Samir comes across an abandoned house on the outskirts of the woods. The place is filthy but he tries to take note of its location in case Reece feels like collecting frogs now that he’s a geek. It's here he realises he's an active kind of sim.
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Eventually the Fosters (plus their plus ones) rocked up to pay Reece a belated happy birthday. He and Carson still don’t get on. Yes I reused the pose of Samir and Reece for an individual picture for their wall because they just look sweet.
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Harvey: I know it’s Reece’s birthday but Kayleigh and I wanted to give you a little something
Samir: Oh… thanks!
Kayleigh: Happy birthday darling! Oh look at you, all grown up
Reece: Can I open my gift now
Kayleigh: Of course
Reece: A guitar?
Kayleigh: I know you have the music and dance hobby, we should have got you one sooner but-
Reece: I love it mum
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Reece: So here I planted the fruit you gave me, and some stuff from the romance festival
Charlie: I’m just glad you remembered to plant the dragon fruit instead of eat it
Harvey: Let me know if you want any clippings from our garden, I’ve plenty to spare
Charlie: You checked out universities yet
Reece: That’s an in-progress thing. I mean, what would be the point in starting a degree before I know what I want to do
Harvey: If you want to be a forest hippie, you be a forest hippie
Reece: It’s kind of weird that you let us do whatever we want dad
Harvey: Is it? I thought I was being a cool dad
Charlie: Most parents have like, rules and stuff
Reece: *deviously* You know it’s not too late to implement rules for Carson
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Reece: You should like… take away his cellphone, and ground him
Charlie: Aren’t you meant to be a mature young adult now?
Reece: Show me where it says mature sis
Keira: What are you working on
Samir: Umm... Horse
Kaori: With a knife? Is that safe?
Harvey: You sure you’re all right here
Reece: Yes dad, I’m good. Better than good-
Samir: Blondie... tunnels. Back later
Harvey watches his son say goodbye. It’s clear to him that Reece and Samir love each other, he just hopes Samir deserves his son. But how is he meant to learn who Samir is when he barely speaks?
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changingplumbob · 11 months ago
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 3
Dia de los Muertos is here!
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CW: Discussions of death
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common phrases Spanish words Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Barrio: Neighbourhood Buenos días: Good morning Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Gracias: Thank you Hasta luego: See you later Lo siento: Sorry Mi familia: My family Padre: Father Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
Poor Marta has an awful night with Burning Belly. She drinks green tea while checking out some midnight building show, forever hoping the nausea will die down. When it does she’s able to nap for a few hours. But before long her stomach forces her up and back to the tea and TV. Who is this house flipper person? Marta wants to improve her handiness but she doesn’t think that he looks trustworthy…
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Keira: Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep
Marta: *yawns* in patches but I feel much better now
Keira: That’s great news!
Marta: Oh you must come! I finished the ofrenda last night
The couple head downstairs and Marta excitedly shows Keira where she’s set up the bottles of wine and larger sugar skulls amongst the food she grilled.
Marta: Do you like it
Keira: Of course but I’m hardly an ofrenda expert
Marta pushes herself to tiptoes and kisses Keira on the cheek.
Marta: You will be carino
Keira: Why the sugar skulls?
Marta: Abuela, Abuelo, Padre and Mama each have one of the big ones, their names are carved in them to honour them. Then the four smaller ones on the second level, there’s one each for abuela Maria’s ancestors, abuelo Manuel’s ancestors and the ancestors of Mama’s parents.
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Keira: I’m surprised you found someone here who makes them
Marta: The woman has made them for over 60 years
Keira: Wow, no wonder they’re so detailed. Why are we having chimi for breakfast, I thought it was for dinner
Marta: Family tradition carino. Every year Abuelo Manuel would make chimi with Padre. He claimed they were the best in town so he made extra to give away, you know to all the people to busy working to cook. We always had more than we needed by Dia de los Muertos so he would have us feast at breakfast as well as dinner
Keira: That’s cool, gracias for telling me
Keira volunteers to do the dishes and is glad to hear a healthy Marta singing away like normal as she collects their gear for the gym space at the rec center. Marta takes a moment to stop by the ofrenda and talk to her family before they leave.
Marta: Buenos días mi familia. Don’t be mad at me for not having a proper ofrenda in years, por favor. Liam never let… well, he’s gone now so what he stopped me doing is past. But I have Keira now, you’ll meet all her familia tonight. I hope you like them. Te amo, hasta luego
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After a few hours at the nearby church service the couple make it to the rec center. It’s pretty quiet here by midday, the couple guess since the weather has less clouds the people in the area must be enjoying outdoors. Keira gets on a workout machine in the corner while Marta finds space to roll out her yoga mat. There’s no room in their unit and the ground outside was too muddy to risk it. Keira watches Marta as she stretches away. She’s always in the zone when doing her yoga, the oversized cat headphones ensuring the only sounds she hears are her beats.
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After what seems like hours Marta lies down to finish her routine. Keira takes that as a cue to finish up her own exercise.
Marta: All done carino?
Keira: Si
Marta: *giggles* I guess we need to clean up before we receive your family
Keira: *smiles* Are you proposing what I think you’re proposing
Marta: *innocently* The showers are there to be used are they not
Keira: *laughs* you win
The pair head off to the changing rooms where they lock themselves in a suite and make very good use of the shower. Perks of leaving the house.
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The Fosters arrive and are called to eat and share stories of those who are no longer with them.
Kayleigh: Oh Marta dear this looks delicious
Marta: I hope you enjoy it
Samir: Is any of it meat?
Reece: Don’t worry boss, I’ll grab you some chicken
Carson: Please tell me you vacuumed
Marta: Uh, not today lo siento
Carson grumbles but goes and grabs a plate.
Harvey: So how exactly do we do this
Marta: There’s no script. We just share tales of ones we love who are gone that we wish to honour and remember. Who wants to go first
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The Fosters all look a bit hesitant so Marta figures she may as well start.
Marta: Let me tell you about my Abuela Maria. She was born back in Mexico. Growing up she was known as the girl who was always falling over. We think she had an inner ear problem but there were not many doctors in her barrio so we don’t know. She would fall over if she went too fast which she would do a lot *laughs* she was a speed loving kid, always had someone to go see
Keira: And she grew up to become a teacher. She emigrated to the Dominican Republic with a group from her college and that’s where she met Marta’s abuelo Manuel. He insisted on walking arm in arm to help her balance but later admitted that was just so he could be close to her
The girls start eating again, clearly having finished the tale.
Charlie: I… I had a great dog called Allie
Keira’s parents and siblings all murmur in agreement. They grew up with Allie and all had affection for her.
Charlie: She was always a good dog. She stuck to me like glue. I remember one time out on a run I twisted my ankle and she stood barking until a car stopped to help me
Carson: I miss her
Charlie: Me to. She’ll always be my first furbaby
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Kaori: My grandmother Sachiko was a light in the darkness for me after my parents passed. No matter how angry or sad I got she always made sure I had everything I needed. Her favourite thing to do was garden. She was always out cutting from whatever plants we had and making big bouquets too send to others on the mountain
Harvey: What about your parents Samir
Harvey is obviously just trying to include Samir in the conversation but the large man looks very uncomfortable, having already perched himself on the lone chair by the stairs.
Reece: Actually dad we talked and I’m going to share a bit about his parents if that’s all right
Reece looks to Marta for reassurance and she nods.
Marta: We do not have to remember those only connected by blood, familia is much more than that
Reece: *smiles* So his ommi, Nadia Hadji, gave the best hugs in the whole world. Regardless of if she was in a good mood or not, she always had time for hugs. Samir fell out of a bunch of trees when he was little and when he’d get home his ommi would patch him up. When he was all clean she’d kiss every plaster before giving him a giant squeeze and letting him run off
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Marta: That’s lovely
Samir digs into his food trying to ignore the blush in his cheeks.
Reece: His ab, Othman Hadji, loved the woods and the animals that inhabited it. He’s where Samir got his love of nature and he remembers having many adventures with his ab through the woods. Just like I remember having with dad
Harvey smiles and pulls Reece in for a hug.
Kaori: My dad’s the one who taught me how to snowboard. Or rather tried to teach me how to snowbard
Marta: I have so many questions already
Kaori: My dad wasn’t from Mt Komorebi, he was traveling there when he met mum and had never seen snow before
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The evening passes with the family sharing stories of all those they have loved and lost over the years. Kaori’s parents Emica and Daiki had a lot of fun around Mt Komorebi which didn’t always impress Kaori’s stern grandfather Shigeru. Of course all the Fosters remember their shock at discovering Sachiko and Shigeru had become enemies, and divorced. Then Shigeru announced he’d married Geeta, a woman none of them knew.
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Samir of course had lost his parents and he suspected his grandparents, no one pressed him on the subject. Both Kayleigh and Harvey’s parents were all in the forever save now, Harvey’s dad was there before even Charlie was born. At last the family understand why Harvey is so eager to become a grandparent. The sims were all gone now but as the stories continued to be shared and everyone got full bellies, the room did feel as though there was more life in it than just the sims that had still beating hearts.
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Kayleigh: Thank you for including us Marta, it was nice
Marta: Dia de los Muertos is for familia
Kayleigh: Well I’m very glad you’re part of ours. You to Samir
Samir: Hmm? Oh, ah… thanks?
When the parents are out of earshot Keira pops over to her brother and his boyfriend.
Keira: You have to tell me, you must be responsible for that thing on his neck
Samir and Reece blush but while Samir is less than eager to elaborate, Reece is happy to report the hickey is intentional.
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To wrap things up we have a couple of group photos and thank everyone for coming.
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