changingplumbob · 30 days
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 12
The week wraps up!
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James: How did it go
Ariadne: *sighs* not great. The principal made me feel small, the teacher sprung exams on me and some girl made fun of my hair
Milton: I think your hair is pretty
James: I taught a lot of teens. Often they will pick something random to make fun of, something that isn’t actually bad, they just make you think it is. Did you do your hair yourself
Ariadne: *quietly* Just the colour. I went to a proper place to get it cut
James: We can get you a salon appointment to maintain the colour if you like but do it for you, not because some girl had an issue. If you like to dye it yourself, keep doing it
Ariadne: Thanks James. Oh and I met Carson, he seemed nice
James: Harvey’s youngest? I haven’t met him myself but I’ve met the next oldest. The brothers don’t get along from what I hear but the family are nature loving so he could be a good friend option
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Ariadne: I hope you don’t mind but I invited some kids over after dinner. Hopefully they can be friend options to
James: This is your home, invite over all the friend options you want
Milton: Good thing you didn’t invite them before dinner
Ariadne: Why
Alexander: I’m home! Did you tell her?
James: Ah. Well we want to properly welcome you so Alexander’s sister and her family will be coming for dinner
Ariadne: For me?
Alexander: Of course, you’re important
After a quick small family photo the Chopra’s arrive and Ariadne has a chance to meet them all.
Cassandra: And my youngest is Viola, she’s still learning to talk
Ariadne: Hi there
Viola: *shyly* hi
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Alexander: Care to help me cook Rahul
Rahul: Of course, I brought some herbs I think would be good in the pasta
Viola: Ari… up?
Cassandra: Don’t feel like you have to play with her, she’s a bit wild
Ariadne: I don’t mind. Come on Viola, let’s have fun
Savannah: See Milton, you’re meant to treat us like that
Milton: You’re meant to treat Viola like that
Mercedes: *sighs* shut up
James: Do you think it’s twins again
Cassandra: I don’t know, I’m definitely getting stronger symptoms than the last pregnancy
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Ariadne: Are you excited for another sibling Viola
Viola: Ye ye
Cassandra: She’s always- ohhhh
Alexander: Are you okay sis? Is it the pregnancy
Cassandra: Kind of…
Rahul: *chuckles* I know that kind of
Alexander: What does it mean
Rahul: Do you feel too nauseous to have the pasta sauce darling?
Cassandra: *sighs* Sorry
Rahul assures her it's fine and talk turns to an alternative dinner plan.
Ariadne: The spice festival is on, do you think you could eat something from there
James: Good idea. How about we go out instead?
Twins: YES
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Everyone manages to find something they can swallow at the festival even if the lighting is being stupid! Looks like Devin is gracing us with her presence and a performance!!! No one tell her my lighting is this bad. The lack of proper light does send us home pretty quickly though. Ariadne has invited some kids from school after all and Joey is going to come for a game or two.
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Scarlett: Damn girl your house is massive
Ariadne: What can I say? Rich parent perks
Rodger: My household is the same size as yours, cats included, and we live in a relative shoebox
Ariadne: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as-
Rodger: It’s fine. Everywhere is a shoebox compared to this place
Ariadne: You’re not utterly disappointed in me?
Scarlett: *laughs* Nope. Girl I'd brag about it to
Rodger: What can I say? You give us something to aspire to
The trio burst out laughing and Ariadne feels like she could finally be making some friends.
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Joey: Zooming by on your left
Alexander: Hey that was an illegal driving move
Milton: Alexander, there’s no illegal driving moves in this game
James: Hurry up love, I’m going to lap you soon
Alexander: I don’t get how you’re all so good at this
Joey: Practice and technical know how. Hey, who threw that banana?
James: It was Milton
Milton: It was not me, Uncle James is lying
Joey: It’s okay Milton, I believe you
James and Milton leave once the game is over and Alexander takes the opportunity to talk to Joey.
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Alexander: You know how James and I have adopted Ariadne?
Joey: I haven’t got a proper introduction but yeah
Alexander: I need to know you won’t sleep with her
Joey: Dude! She’s a teenager. I like to screw but I don’t have a screw loose
Alexander: I know but she won’t always be 13 and I don’t need you laying on your charm and breaking her heart, ever. No matter how hot she may grow up to be, don’t sleep with my daughter
Joey: What if she makes a move on me once she ages up? You know boobs distract me
Alexander: You drag your eyes up and say, no thank you, your dad is one of my best friends and I will not cross that line
Joey: Agreed, I’m never going to sleep with any kid of yours... I did want to woohoo your mum though
Alexander: *laughs* I knew it!
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With Joey heading home Alexander goes and makes sure Milton is heading to bed. Milton is actually busy talking to his friends online though…
Alexander: Come on, bedtime. How are you getting on with Mum’s journals
Milton: *sighs* fine. I wish she was here to tell me abut her life instead of me needing to read it
Alexander: I miss her to Milton, every day
Milton: You don’t think she’d be mad I’m reading them do you?
Alexander does his best to assure Milton it’s fine and get the boy to sleep. In her room Ariadne has said goodbye to her visitors and is trying her luck at the flower arranging table. She planted some but has quite a few left over to play around with.
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Alexander: So Mr Dad how are you doing
James: *chuckling* I’m good, really good. Ariadne seems to be settling in although she had a rough day at school
Alexander: She told you that? That's not great but I guess that’s better than lying to our faces. We should do something this weekend to cheer her up
James: Did you have something in mind
Alexander: She’s a teen girl so… shopping?
James: Do you just want to go shopping
Alexander: *laughs* Maybe, but her being honest with us should be rewarded right?
James: You are going to be a much better dad than you think love
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The household falls into slumber and we leave them for now.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 11
We go to high school and see what impression Ariadne makes.
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I have been dying to share this! Let's gossip about my sims! How do we see her getting on with the other played teens long term? Tell me, tell me, tell me!
The next day starts and Ariadne tries to mentally prepare herself for a new high school.
Milton: Are you nervous
Ariadne: A little, but I’m not going to let the other kids know that
James: You’ll do fine. Just remember, no matter what happens, you’ll still have us here after school
Ariadne: Thanks James. Getting to know new people can be hard for me
Milton: Me to. I normally try to geek out with them
Ariadne: Unfortunately I’m not a geek
James: But you have interests. Don’t be afraid to share them, how else will you learn who might get along with you?
Big hugs from everyone, even Alexander who manages to leave the computer, then Ariadne is off!
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It’s a fine autumn day and many of the teens are making use of the roller rink. Ariadne however has other tasks that need attention.
Mr A: I’m Mr Amarynth, welcome to- Sterling!
Ariadne: Huh? Sorry I was just taking a commemorative selfie
Mr A: I see you will not be joining our academic success ranks, pity
Ariadne: Oh actually I do know a bunch of stuff. I got good grades at my last school and I did all the pre homework you assigned. I’m excited to be here
Mr Amarynth keeps his face in a look of disdain while Ariadne tries awkwardly to smile. When he doesn’t continue the conversation she figures she should take the initiative.
Ariadne: Is there anything I need to do before class
Mr A: Ms Hensley will be taking your class today, she should be in the main building. See my assistant on the way there and they’ll assign you a locker
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The principal’s assistant gave the worlds vaguest directions but Ariadne can find the main building. Now what? Luckily a helpful Onyx swings by.
Onyx: Excuse me, you look lost. Need any help?
Ariadne: Yes I need to find the lockers and a Ms Hensley
Onyx rolls their eyes and beckons Ariadne to follow them, humming to themselves.
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Onyx: Ms Hensley can be tough, I try to take no notice. My best mate Carson gets tense just seeing her though. Ah, here are the lockers. If they don’t have stickers it’s safe to assume they’re not taken
Ariadne: Thank you…
Onyx: Oh I’m Onyx
Ariadne: Ariadne, thanks for you help
Onyx: No bother. Ms Hensley will probably be in the library at this time. Good luck
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Sure enough around the corner in the library is Ms Hensley.
Ariadne: Hi, are you Ms Hensley? Mr Amarynth said you’re going to be my teacher
Ms H: Normally yes, but it’s exams today
Ariadne: Exams? On my first day
Ms H: *sighs* teenagers. Not everything is about you, I have other students to tend as well. If you want to do well you’d best revise
So Ariadne has a seat and does her best to look over her notes from her preparation work. Would have been helpful for Ms H to have said what subjects the exams are for. When the bell rings Ms H introduces her to Briana who is tasked with taking her to class.
Ariadne: Hi! Do you like the outdoors? I love the outdoors
Briana: Yeah… inside is great
In her head Ariadne can hear the stereotypical wah-wah-wah noises.
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Math is first, not Ariadne’s favourite. But James did help her with the pie charts so she manages to follow the questions. Between papers she tries introducing herself to people around her.
Ariadne: Hi there, I’m new
Anya: I noticed
Ariadne: Do you like fishing? I love fishing
Anya: I’ll fish in Stardew Valley
Ariadne: Where is that? Is it near Del Sol valley?
Anya laughs to herself and Ariadne can’t help feeling the girl seems immature. Many more students in the high school sea though. It’s hard to tell from where she’s sitting but she does feel a pair of eyes on her from time to time. She can’t sense any ghosts around so maybe it’s a classmate?
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In the lunch line Ariadne has a quick chat with Scarlett who seems interested at the idea of coloured auras. Ariadne asks if she can sit with her at lunch but the teen has an art project to do. Scarlett does tell her to friend her on social bunny though. Nothing for it, Ariadne will have to sit down with strangers.
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Ariadne: Hi everyone. I’ve met some of you but I’m Ariadne. I’ve just started. I live in Willow Creek with my dads Mr and Mr Goth
Carson: James Goth?
She turns to look at the brunette who responded. He seems to be squinting as if he needs glasses but he has a kind face.
Ariadne: Yes that is one of my dad’s first names
Carson: Sorry we’ve not met before. I’m Carson. My dad Harvey is in a fishing group with James. He says good things
Ariadne: Oh are you in the fishing group? J- my dad has been asking me to join
Carson: I love the outdoors but fish gross me out a bit
Ariadne: We could always watch them fishing and pick flowers instead
Carson: *laughs* sounds good. I’ll see you round then, I need to study
He leaves. Ariadne feels happy to have found someone like her. And he obviously knows she’s in the process of being adopted and didn’t out her to everyone. That’s nice. He's pretty cute to.
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Ariadne pops over to Onyx to thank them again when another teen walks by. A teen with a dark aura.
Artemisia: Who are you
Ariadne: Uh… I’m-
Artemisia: *tuts* Not very bright are you
Onyx: Lay off, she’s new, her name’s Ariadne
Artemisia: Whatever your name is, you’re in my seat. Go bother someone else with your bad dye job
Sensing rising hostilities Ariadne decides to go sit by another boy from her class.
Roger: Met Artemisia then?
Ariadne: That’s her name?
Roger: Yeah. She’s a boar. Not to say that I make snap judgements or anything. She's popular but I don't see the appeal
Ariadne: I was getting a bad vibe from her. She doesn’t seem very generous
Roger: *sighs* forget her. Are you generous then?
Sensing the opportunity to flirt and distract herself Ariadne turns to face Roger properly.
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Ariadne: I can be, with the right incentive. What about you
Roger: That would be telling. I’m happy to go over what our next exam is if you’d like, as a taste of my generosity
Ariadne: *giggles* I wouldn’t like, I’d love
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Roger helps Ariadne out right up until the bell rings. Ariadne heads to class and grabs a seat by the window. At least she can be close to nature in this room.
Artemisia: Hi
Ariadne pulls her attention away from the window to see Artemisia sitting down beside her and she feels her stomach turn.
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Ariadne: Hi. Look, I’m sorry about being in your seat before but that really was no reason to make fun of my hair
Artemisia: *shrugs* I make fun of everyone, it’s entertaining
Ariadne: Well in future, don’t make fun of me. My forgiveness only goes so far
Artemisia: *rolls eyes* Sure your ladyship. My aim in life is to stay in your good graces
Ariadne scowls while Artemisia giggles to herself and Ms Hensley hand out their papers. Ariadne does her best to fill out the paper but can’t shake the feeling that Artemisia is reading all her answers. At least she doesn’t know if her own answers are right so maybe that’ll trip up the girl. At last the bell rings and it’s time to pack up.
Artemisia: Bye dye job *winks*
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Ariadne watches her go feeling flustered. Mean girls have no business being pretty and playing with people like toys. At the back of the room Roger is focused on his phone so she decides to hang back.
Ariadne: Hey you. Thanks for the help, I think I got a few of those right, even with Artemisia looking at my work
Roger: Yeah she totally was. It was clear from back here, I don’t know how Ms H missed it
Scarlett: We can afford to cut Ms H some slack. I heard her tell Mrs T she thinks the art room is haunted, she looked freaked
Ariadne: Is it actually haunted? Ghosts fascinate me
Scarlett: I think it’s just haunted by me really but you never know
The three chat about things going bump in the night and following some commemorative photos Ariadne invites them around to visit after dinner.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 9
Time to hear the verdict from the social worker...
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Alexander and James are sleeping soundly when a meow as loud as a car siren begins and jolts the older man awake.
James: *sleepily* Hamlet? What? Let me get the light
Hamlet: *meows* Snuggle time? Daddy come on, snuggle time!
James: Oh you… come here
Hamlet gets closer and jumps into James waiting arms, happily snuggling.
James: I’m getting older buddy *kisses head* my sleep is important. Can you please stop waking us up
Hamlet: *purrs* If you insist I shall learn not to wake sims
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While James visits the bathroom Hamlet decides to show off how good he is by sitting on the bed beside Alexander and not waking him up. When James returns he gets another snuggle for his good behaviour.
James: *sighs* To be young and to sleep that deeply. We best get some shut eye Hamlet
While James climbs back into bed and rearranges to pull Alexander close Hamlet considers sleeping on the sofa. Problem is, that is rather far away from his dads. He glances over to where Gerturde has claimed the bed by the balcony door and decides there’s nothing for it. He’ll just have to sleep on the carpet beside the big bed.
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The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it’s another lovely autumn day.
Alexander: Morning Milton. No bear suit today?
Milton: I think I’m over my bear phase. But maybe we should keep the suit... just in case
Alexander: *chuckles* As you wish. How are you doing with mum's journals?
Milton: Did you know we had an Uncle Micheal
Alexander: I did. I think something happened to him when she was growing up. She looked sad when she talked about him... but she would always say he was her first best friend
Milton: Hmm... You're my first best friend Alexander. Thanks for being here for me
Alexander: I always will be here, okay? You remember that
In the kitchen James spends time smothering his furbabies with love. Even aloof Gertrude enjoys some snuggle time. Holding Hamlet close James promises that no matter the adoption outcome, he will always be a priority. The affectionate cat purrs in approval.
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Just as Milton heads off to school James’ phone rings. He rushes to answer while a nervous Alexander leans against the kitchen archway.
James: Good morning, James Goth here
Harper: Mr Goth? Splendid. I’m ringing to let you know the outcome of yesterdays visit. I talked to Ariadne last night and she indicated she would be comfortable coming to stay with you. You both made a good impression, and she likes Milton
James smiles widely and gives a thumbs up to Alexander who fist pumps the air in success.
Harper: Are you there?
James: Yes, yes I’m here. Sorry, we’re just very excited
Harper: If you are ready Ariadne can come to your place after school. I’ll arrange some check in visits for the first few months and if things go well we can start the formal adoption process
James: Of course she can! That would be a dream come true, thank you so much
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James pops out for some fishing to clear his head before the arrival. He calls ahead and Harvey and Reece are at the park waiting for him.
Harvey: *beaming* So it’s all happening
James: Yes! Alexander and I ordered some furniture to arrive during his shift so hopefully she likes it
Harvey: You can’t just adopt her right away?
James: The social worker says with older kids they like to make sure that the kid feels it’s a good fit to
Reece: Makes sense, that way everyone can be happy
James: I was wondering if you’d consider letting her join the fishing group
Harvey: If she wants to. I know Bob has been getting sick of Bjorns backseat fishing advice lately
Reece: *laughs* I just take deep breaths and tune him out
A few hours later James bids his pals goodbye and heads back home.
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Milton: Ariadne! Are you here to stay
James: We certainly hope so
Ariadne: Me to James, thank you
James: Well come on in and we’ll show you your rooms
Ariadne: Rooms?
James: *chuckles* My husband leans towards shopping. So these door lead to the wing, if you want to keep the cats out just lock these ones
Ariadne: Oh no, I really don’t mind the cats
Milton: No one loves cats more than Uncle James
James leads the younger sims through the doors and into Ariadne’s main room.
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James: Now please remember that if anything is wrong we can change it
Ariadne: I see you guessed my favourite colour. I… you really want me to stay here a while?
The teen shifts uncomfortably and doesn’t know where to look. This is James’ first test, can he settle her nerves? No time to try being a dad like the present.
James: Ariadne, I know life since your gran... went away has been tough. Mrs Ali said you had a few stops before here but please know, me and my husband have always talked of raising a child together. We want you here
Ariadne: That's- I- You do have Milton already
Milton: I’m technically a brother
James: I am committed to making life better for you here. I know you won’t feel like I’m your parent right away but I’d like to be here for you as much as I can so you don’t feel alone. You're going to be a priority for me and Alexander, I promise
Ariadne nods trying her best not to sniffle and pulls James in for a hug. She feels herself relax a little in his embrace. Maybe here can be permanent after all. Pulling away Ariadne kisses James cheek letting him know he's passed this trial.
Ariadne: James... do you know anything about pie charts?
Milton: *laughs* He was a teacher, he knows lots of useless stuff
James: The cheek on this one
Milton: You know I don't mean it Uncle James *hugs*
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The trio head downstairs and the kids bust out the homework. Milton is working on spelling while Adriane seems to have a range of topics to answer questions on.
James: Alright Milton, first word to spell is around. Ariadne how do you have homework if we’ve only just transferred you
Ariadne: *sighs dramatically* Mrs Ali called school when she knew I was coming here. They contacted the new one to transfer records and apparently the principal wants me to do some “introductory work”
Milton: Done! Next
James: People. It’s a shame Mr Booth left, some of the faculty tells me this Mr Amarynth is quite a strict character
Ariadne: Was it the school you worked at?
Milton: Done! Next
James: Yes it is, I hope that’s okay. Milton, house. They have had a rebuild since I left though
Milton: And… I’m… done. Toy time!
James: Slow down, better let me check if you’ve spelled them right first kid
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Ariadne: So I catch the loading screen there?
James: Yep. And that will deposit you right out front
Ariadne: Huh. Oh hey, want to see some photos of my last fishing trip? They should be on here somewhere
James: I’d love that
Ariadne: I was only with that family for a fortnight but we went to Oasis Springs and the pond there was well stocked
James: I know it well. Anytime you’d like to visit again just ask and I’ll arrange it
Ariadne: Thank you, I'll think about it
James: I do belong to a fishing group that you could join if you like. They’re not all ancient like me
Ariadne: Hey, there’s no problem being ancient
The pair laugh but Ariadne does like the idea of fitting in somewhere. Then, Milton has an idea.
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Alexander: I’m home!
James: In the kitchen love!
Alexander wanders in and sees James, Ariadne and Milton busy cooking away.
Alexander: What’s this? Are you cooking without me
Milton: We wanted to cook for you Alexander
Alexander: Well thank you. Ariadne did your things get sent here all right?
Ariadne: They did, yes. I’ll unpack later but thank you for the lovely rooms
Alexander: Don’t mention it. I’m just glad you decided to give us a shot, you could have seen this guys smile from the moon when he got the call
James: Oh don’t let him fool you, he was every bit as excited as me
Milton: Gertrude, please shoo, I’m trying to use the bench
James: Wouldn’t be dinner without some errant cat fur
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Alexander: Thank you all for the lovely fish and chips, it was a nice surprise
James: Homemade tastes so much nicer than the store
Milton: Yeah I- *sighs* Gertrude
James: She’s just curious, she wants to meet our new family member
Gertrude moves around on top of the benches and cautiously sniffs in the direction of the new teen. Ariadne reaches forward to scratch her ears while Milton shakes his head.
Milton: Careful, she can be grumpy
Alexander: She probably wants to steal some fish
Ariadne: Is she a fish cat
James: She’s a, anything she can get her paws on, cat
Alexander: So is Hamlet really. They’re a pair of scoundrels
Milton: Just like my nieces
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Ariadne looks confused so Alexander jumps in with an explanation.
Alexander: You may have remembered I talked about my sister Cassandra when you were here
Ariadne: The one you needed to check- stuff with
Milton: Hey you still haven’t told me anything about... whowoo?
Alexander: Yes that’s her, and not yet Milton. Anyway she’s married to a nice guy called Rahul and they have three daughters
James: Savannah and Mercedes are the eldest, they’re twins and had very colourful toddler years. They don’t always get along with Milton or their youngest sister Viola
Milton: They’ll be my friends one day, I'm going to make sure
Alexander: Yes, when you stop rubbing your uncle status in their faces maybe
The group laugh and the rest of dinner is full of warm conversation. No fish for Gertrude though.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Sim! Ariadne Sterling
Originally by @bakersimmer .... Ariadne Sterling
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Now I know what you're thinking... Let me explain real quick.
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I have something between prosopagnosia and autopagnosia. I can see faces but ask me specifics like, what shape is the nose, I could not tell you. This makes faces in the sims difficult for me. The original Ariadne had some face overlays and sliders used but face overlays confuse my brain unless they're freckles. I could click through the swatches and sometimes I might be able to tell the face has changed but most often I can't. If I can see a change I still can't put into words what about the face has changed. For that reason I keep my skin default as the only overlay.
So my version of Ariadne has no skin overlays apart from her freckles, she is using the default skin I use and the make up I put my sims in. I would like to assure you I have checked with Mari to see if I could do this and she gave permission. I have not changed face genetics, just removed overlays. I have changed skin colour because her regular skin colour appeared lighter in my game without any filters. Oh and I made her a tad more curvy. Also Ariadne is starting in my game as a teen, not the wonderful YA Mari created. Original creator details will of course be on the household page (IF she decides to give James and Alexander a shot) like all my sims but I also wanted to do a shout out post.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 8
Ariadne's visit wraps up before James and Alexander spend time together.
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CW: Moderate sim spice and mentions of death Content Warning Guide
After the dishes are done Milton leads Ariadne to the library.
Ariadne: Woah. I... I thought Mrs Ali was expecting us to go to the actual library
Milton: *laughs* I think the actual library is closed by now. Want to play some chess. I can kind of move the pieces with my paws
Ariadne: since it’s not a video game, sure
Milton: You-you don’t like video games
Ariadne: Afraid not
The two play the opening moves in silence, unsure of what to say.
Milton: Ariadne?
Ariadne: Yes
Milton: Can you really speak to the dead
Ariadne: Huh? Sometimes, why
Milton: Alexander and Uncle James have custody because... my father died and mummy vanished. I'm used to everyone knowing but I didn't know if...
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Ariadne: No, Mrs Ali didn't mention it. She vanished?
Milton: *shrugs* I just woke up and she wasn’t there anymore. I don’t know where she is but... I worry sometimes that she’s dead
Ariadne: *sighs* I know exactly what you mean
Milton: Wait- how?
Ariadne: My parents. They left me with my grandmother and just... never came back. I don’t know where they are either. Sometimes I worry they're dead to
Again silence settles over the chess table while the two sims think.
Milton: Do you want to know where they are
Ariadne: Sometimes I think knowing might be nice, sometimes I think it would be too hard to have an answer
The pair carry on with the chess game. They may be different but having had similar struggles makes Milton hope she decides to give his brother and Uncle James a chance.
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Back in the dining room...
James: Did we do okay? I know we didn't meet in a conventional way-
Harper: Mr Goth, it is important for a potential adoptee to know you can be honest with them. If you had concocted a falsehood I assure you, she would have seen right through it. This wasn’t about my opinion, but yours and hers
Alexander: You know... I like her. I was worried she’d make fun of me for being so much younger than you but she didn’t seem bothered. She made zero jokes about our age or our marriage, and she didn't belittle Milton for his bear phase
James: That's true. She does appear rather generous of spirit. I like her to. I think she could keep us on our toes in a good way
Harper: Did her talk of auras and seeing the dead worry you
James: Oh I don’t think so
Alexander: If you look back every generation of Goths has at least one eccentric member
Harper: That's good. We don't want to find her a home only for the parents to want to change her. I guess the question is, are you still interested in adopting her
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The pair look to each other and nod.
James: We’re ready to expand our family
Harper: Wonderful news. I will have to speak to Ariadne when I take her back to the group home and see if it’s what she wants
Alexander: So If she says yes? Or umm... what happens if she doesn’t want to see us again
Harper: There are other children we can introduce you to. But if she says she felt good about this meeting we’ll look at moving her in and beginning the foster to adoption process. There’s a few more steps than if she was just an infant. I’ll let you know in the morning
James: Thank you
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When the guests are gone and Alexander has seen Milton to bed it’s time for the grown ups.
Alexander: Was she all you hoped then
James: Hard to say but I have a good feeling about it
Alexander: I think if we adopt her our life will be full of far more feelings and vibes
James: *laughs* I thought you liked her
Alexander: I do. It's odd- Harper said she could be competitive for attention. I didn’t get that feeling from her at all, perhaps family is exempt?
James: Maybe it was because the whole dinner was about her in a way? Or maybe Harper was just at the end of her rope having to relocate Ariadne all the time and didn’t have a clear answer as to why she could never fit with a family. Thank you for saying what you did about past Goth's
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Alexander: Hopefully she can fit with us. I know how much you want to be a father and I'll do my best to be one to
James: So I’ve not pushed you into a role you’re not ready for
Alexander: Mr Goth, I love you
He pauses and draws James close for a kiss. Moving gently Alexander gets his arms around his husband and lifts him off the ground causing the older man to laugh.
Alexander: James you have never pushed me into a role I haven’t been ready for. Please know that
James: At dinner I did worry…
Alexander: I pursued you. I wanted you. By the time you showed me affection back I was more than ready to be yours. And now, you’re mine. Truly and completely
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Hi friendly readers. Just wanted to let you know the rest of this part is the moderate sim spice so please feel free to SKIP reading, you will not miss any plot points. It's somewhat NSFW so I will not be offended.
James: It did take a while for you to have me honestly though
Alexander: *grins* That just made the chase more fun for me
James: *quietly* I figured
Alexander lowers his husband back to the ground then kisses their wedding bands in turn.
Alexander: Tell me, did you enjoy lying next to your wife and dreaming of me
James smiles and sits down on the sofa returning the mischievous glint in Alexander’s eye. James does love when Alexander goes down this path. For so long he wasn’t important to anyone, and thought no one would look at him like this. Alexander shows him his affection matters and makes him feel seen.
James: That never happened love. I did not dream of you while I was in someone else's bed
Alexander: No? *pouts* That is a shame
The younger man moves to stand over James and after delivering a kiss turns so James is looking at his backside.
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Alexander: You’re telling me you weren’t lying in your bed dreaming of seeing more of my skin up close
James chuckles and raises his hand to give Alexander a spank before caressing the sides of his hips.
James: I was not lying in bed imagining you in front of me like this *slap* I never once wondered what it would feel like for my skin to hit yours and-
James pinches Alexander causing him to gasp and almost break his composure.
James: I did not dream about all the sounds I’d get you to make if I had the chance
Alexander: Are you sure you didn’t imagine me, under you, squirming away
James: *heavily* definitely not
Alexander: *innocently* Oh? You might want to tell that to the equipment in your pants
He lowers himself onto James lap, lightly grinding to emphasise what he’s meaning. James kisses the back of his neck and reaches his hands around to carefully remove Alexander’s shirt. As Alexander slides to the floor he removes his own, he likes seeing Alexander ogling his tattoo. He got it to spite Ophelia but it's part of him now.
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While James thinks of this change Alexander open James pants, allowing his husband to be free, and moves on to massaging his thighs. When James eyes go hazy and he bites his lips Alexander knows he has him right where he wants him.
Alexander: Not one night was spent imaging me between your legs? You never thought about me in front of you, begging for it, while your wife lay snoring
James: *gruffly* You think you’re impossible to resist
Alexander: I just find it odd that you never imagined my mouth around you considering how much the idea ran through my mind
James grabs Alexanders hair and lowers his face signalling the younger man to begin his mouth work.
James: I… did not…
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Alexander: Never once… mmm… imagined my hands here
James: *breathlessly* No
Alexander: Didn’t wonder… how it would feel… for me to… suck like…
James: *breathlessly* Nope… mhmm… never
Alexander: Didn’t dream… of seeing… my mouth… full of you
James curses as he can’t hold it in any more. Gripping Alexander’s hair tight he lets it come and closes his eyes enjoying the sounds of his husband dealing with the aftermath with enthusiasm. Watcher he was lucky to get himself a youthful man. When he opens his eyes again he sees Alexander’s looking up at him with eyes full of lust. A glance down confirms the younger man is ready for his turn.
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James: Stand up and I’ll tell you what I think you imagined
Alexander complies and James pulls his husbands hips closer. Slowly he lowers Alexander’s waistband until the pyjama bottoms fall to the floor. As usual Alexander has opted not to wear underwear under his sleepwear.
James: I bet you imagined me impressed with this thing
Alexander: *breathlessly* yes. And your hands- mmm
James: Like this? Or… like this
Alexander jerks his hips in response and James chuckles.
Alexander: Yes… mmm… exactly that
James toys with him a bit longer and when Alexander peaks he falls into James’ shoulder moaning. When the younger man recovers he feverishly kisses James throwing his arms around him. James chuckles and speaks between kisses.
James: You knew I had a wife *kisses* and you still imagined *kisses* me doing that
Alexander: See *kisses* it was absolutely *kisses* me pursuing you. I love you *kisses* you never have to feel guilty about that
James: Thanks love *kisses* let’s get to bed
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 7
Time to meet the girl who James and Alexander may adopt.
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CW: Mentions of death Content Warning Guide
When the doorbell rings Alexander answers it and ushers social worker Harper and a teen into the dining room.
Harper: Ariadne I’d like you to meet James and Alexander Goth
Ariadne: Hello
James: It’s lovely to meet you
Alexander: We look forward to getting to know you
Ariadne: You both have lovely auras, and I can feel the history in this house
Harper sighs quietly and the Goth men expect she’s experienced this scenario before.
James: Thank you dear. That’s lovely to hear, isn’t it Alexander?
Alexander: James might know about the house's history but I'm afraid I don't know much about auras, you'll have to teach us
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Alexander tries to think of something else to say but the girl seems to be continuing studying the furniture in the room intently.
Alexander: Umm, so this is my younger brother Milton
Milton: Hi *waves*
Ariadne: Oh my! I thought you were a bear
Milton: *laughs* You’re silly
Ariadne: You have a very natural vibe. Hmm, animals may understand you more than you think
James: Milton is finding lots of comfort in the bear suit at the moment
Milton: *fake roars*
Harper: Many kids go through bear phases
Ariadne: I know I did. Scared almost all the customers away from Gran's store
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Harper: Yes, well... Ariadne, do you have any questions
Ariadne: So… Mrs Ali said you two are married?
Alexander: Very happily, for three years now
Ariadne: How... did you even meet? Was it fate or did you seek each other out
James feels very nervous all of a sudden. He and Alexander didn’t have the most typical start. Will their beginnings count against them if the social worker finds out?
James: I’m sure you don’t want to come here just to listen to us drone on. We should be asking you about you
Harper: Actually Mr Goth it helps kids to know the people who are considering adoption. You two are far better sources of your story than I could be
Alexander: Okay. If it’ll help we can tell you how our paths crossed
James looks at Alexander who is showing none of the nerves he’s experiencing. The younger man is looking at him lovingly and quietly squeezes his hand in comfort. Hopefully their guests will understand.
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Milton: They’ve never told me
Ariadne: Well I love love stories, and you two seem very attached. Your auras are merging at their edges
Alexander: We are very attached. Umm, how old are you again
Ariadne: 13, and don’t worry I know about woohoo stuff
Milton: What’s woohoo
James: Not something we will be discussing just now
Ariadne: Oh sorry, I didn't mean to...
Milton: I’m turning 8 tomorrow, then you’ll have to tell me Alexander
Alexander: *laughs* I think I’ll check with Cassandra first. She’s my older sister Ariadne. James and I have custody of Milton but I like to run things past her as she has more parenting experience
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Harper: Back to you two meeting? Please feel free to act like I’m not here. This meeting is for all of you
James: Alright then *takes deep breath* when I met Alexander I was married
Ariadne’s eyes light up. From his many years of teaching James can tell she’s listening intently and thinks of his next words carefully.
James: When I was younger things were different. Image mattered more than happiness. My parents decided when I was young I should marry a girl called Ophelia who was from another wealthy family. Unfortunately for them I’m gay, not that I felt like telling them when I was young. So me and Ophelia married for the good of our families but I wasn’t happy
Alexander: To be fair Ophelia was awful *switches to a loud whisper* She wouldn't even let him have cats
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Ariadne giggles and so far Harper looks unfazed.
Alexander: What’s a handsome man to do in a loveless marriage but day drink
James: I-I wasn’t day drinking
Alexander: What do you call sitting in a gentlemen’s club with a glass of whiskey before 5pm
Ariadne giggles while James nervously glances at Harper. The social worker doesn't show any signs of disapproval so far and seems amused like Ariadne.
James: I never drank it, I would just go there to get away from Ophelia
Alexander: One afternoon my father told me to meet him there before we were scheduled to go shopping. I needed a suit for one of his book launches. As normal, he was late and I was moody so I decided to flirt with a hot guy at the bar. The place was normally packed with rich people who enjoyed attention. Turns out that was the best decision of my life
Harper: *laughs* How old were you Alexander
James wrings his hands below the table, why did he think they’d ever let him adopt. Alexander was above the age of consent before anything physical happened but he worries the story still doesn’t paint him in the best light. But would it be any better for Alexander to lie to the social worker?
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Ariadne: Oh Mrs Ali, surely age doesn’t matter if it was love. Was it?
James watches as Harper nods and seems to be content not to push for more details.
Alexander: There was a definite spark and it grew into love. Age, gender and wealth aside *turns to look at James* we were meant for each other
Ariadne: Aww
James looks into Alexander's eyes and feels his husband squeezing his hand. Perhaps their possible daughter hasn't been put off as much as he feared.
James: Eventually it became clear that what we had was so much more than the facade I had with Ophelia. I had to let her go. To accept myself and be someone Alexander could be proud to call a partner
Alexander: I am proud of you
Ariadne: So... how did she take it
Alexander: I’d say her response was expected up to a point. Anger at both of us, name calling, threats, general nasty. We uh- hadn’t expected her to have a fatal cardiac explosion after yelling at us though. But we got the money and each other so happy ending
James: By that he means we’re just glad to be together now. Food? Can I get anybody food?
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Only too eager to change topics James retrieves the meals from the fridge and everyone takes a poke bowl.
Alexander: James caught this fish himself, he loves fishing
Ariadne: Oh so do I. Being in the outdoors is refreshing for the soul
Milton: I would fish but my paws aren’t made for it
Ariadne: *giggles* What do you like to do then Milton
Milton: Voidcritters. Taking photos. Playing games
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Alexander: What activities do you enjoy Ariadne
Ariadne: Oh… I have a great interest in the paranormal, probably because I can speak to the dead
James: The dead?
Ariadne: When they feel like talking. Then I like fishing like you and umm, gardening. I really like flowers but I’ve not been able to grow much the last couple of years because… you know... stability...
Ariadne looks down sadly and Mrs Ali jumps in.
Harper: She’s also recently discovered a passion for gemology
Ariadne: Yeah. Umm... I think the way crystals can affect our spirits is interesting. My grandmother told me some stuff but I’m still learning
Milton: Do you like cats
Ariadne: Cats? I should have known you would ask about animals
James: Yes we have Hamlet snoring here in the yellow and Gertrude… well she’s around here somewhere
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Alexander: I love all animals but James likes cats most
Milton: Because they’re fluffy
Alexander: Hey now, Llamas are fluffy to
Milton: Llamas will spit at you
James: You’re not allergic are you? If you do decide to give us a shot we can simply lock the cats out of your room, they won’t bother you
Ariadne: I like cats, I’ve just not had a pet in a long time. This meal is really good James
James: *chuckles* I’m glad but while I may have cleaned the fish, Alexander is the cook around here
Milton: Remember Uncle James I helped
Alexander: He did. I like cuisine, that’s why I’m a food critic. And I watch lots of cooking shows
Milton: *whispers loudly* He watches too many cooking shows
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James: *tuts* He complains yet he sits and watches with us
Ariadne: I like cooking shows, and baking shows. They always look nice if a bit over dramatic
Alexander: Excuse me, I’ll just go do the dishes
Milton: I can do it!
Ariadne: I’ll help you. Must be hard with your paws
Milton: *sighs* You’ve no idea
Harper: Ariadne dear if you and Milton could go to the library afterwards I need to have a conversation with James and Alexander before we leave
Ariadne: Yes Mrs Ali. Umm, It was lovely to meet you both
James and Alexander express their agreement as the younger sims clear the table.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 10
Did anyone else get the feeling there was more to the story of Alexander and James than we told the social worker?
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CW: Mentions of death Content Warning Guide
After dinner Ariadne decides to try bond with Gertrude.
Ariadne: If I was a cat, what would I enjoy
Gertrude: *meows* sunlight, fish, naps, mice. Oh and I quite like trash
Ariadne: How about a treat huh? I’m sure James has some stashed around here somewhere
Gertrude: *meows* They’re in that cupboard. No not that one. It’s like you don’t even understand me
Eventually Ariadne opens the right cupboard and grabs out a treat for Gertrude who is eagerly waiting.
Ariadne: Here we go Gertrude. Can we be friends huh?
Gertrude: *purrs* We’ll see human
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Ariadne goes to find Alexander who is relaxing in the lounge while James got Milton to bed.
Ariadne: What are you reading
Alexander: Just something my father wrote
Ariadne: I’m sorry he died, you must miss him
Alexander: He was… difficult to get along with. I get more out of his books than I did from him if I'm honest
Ariadne: But if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t have met James
A warm smile spreads across Alexander's face.
Alexander: True. My father’s ability to forget planned family responsibilities got me my man
James: Are you talking about me
Alexander: *chuckles* Only in the best way
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Ariadne: So… are you going to tell me what you were afraid to tell the social worker
James: *surprised* We don’t know what you mean
Ariadne: When she asked how you two met you wanted to crawl under the table James, I could sense your panic. Your aura danced all over the place
Alexander: *sighs* James doesn’t like to talk about it
James: I- you know what? If you want to tell Ariadne, go ahead
Alexander: Are you sure?
James: I’m not ashamed anymore love. I need to leave my fears in the past
Ariadne looks at him with interest and Alexander wonders where would be the best place to begin. Lucky for him Ariadne is already ready to dive in.
Ariadne: You met in a gentlemen’s club right? Were you actually a dancer there? Waiter? Bathroom attendant?
Alexander: *laughs* I don't know what you imagine gentlemen's clubs to be like but I certainly was not a dancer. Father was running late like he always did. I went up to the bar, being the offspring of a celebrity they pretty much just gave me whatever I wanted. I recognised James from those kind of events where all the rich go to show off. Anyway he was sad so I decided to try cheer him up, work on my charisma skill
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Alexander: I told him I was 20. I mean I wasn’t but having hit puberty early I could mostly pull it off. Weeks passed and I started going to “meet father” just to talk to James. He opened up about his marriage struggles and listened while I complained about father or not knowing what I wanted out of life. Eventually one day I successfully-
James: She doesn’t need the nitty gritty details
Ariadne: But James *pouts* that’s where the drama is
Alexander: *laughs* Don't worry, there's enough without it. Besides, I have to try be a responsible and mature adult in your eyes
James: Responsible and mature young adult
Alexander: Fair. With our budding relationship James felt like trying new things or things that had scared him before. Rather than stay teaching at one school he became a substitute. One day he was put in charge of a high school class that included the best possible student... myself
Ariadne bursts out laughing and James flushes.
James: *sighs* I almost died of a heart attack
The watcher nearly died of a heart attack when he showed up at high school to teach
Alexander: I have apologised about that many times sweets
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Ariadne: What happened then? Did you storm out of the room James? Oh! Alexander did he give you detention?
Alexander: *laughs* Not exactly. After school we had a massive fight, verbal not physical. James thought if anyone knew of our relationship he’d get in legal trouble so we had to be more discreet after that. Especially when he got hired as permanent relief for the school. Point is we were falling for each other long before he became my teacher but he always worries no one will believe that. We don't like people we aren’t close with to know in case they take an uncharitable view
Alexander’s phone rings before Ariadne can get any more questions in. It’s Cassandra so he takes the call and Ariadne turns to James, still wanting to know more.
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Ariadne: That must have been... Wow. You really don’t mind Alexander telling me James?
James: You’re family now. Just don’t tell Milton or your cousins, they’re young and might misunderstand. I'd never want them thinking it was appropriate for their teachers to get close or have them keeping secrets
Ariadne: Wait, so- Milton doesn’t know?
James: No. He was too young to remember when it was all happening. If he asks when he’s older we’ll tell him though
Ariadne: You do love each other a lot. I mean I know we’ve not known each other long but I think what you two have is really beautiful. I promise I wouldn’t tell anyone but- thank you for trusting me with it
James: You get your feelings, so do we. You’re a good kid
Ariadne: Can I-
James: Can you what?
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Ariadne: It’s tough sometimes, starting a new school. Everyone asks questions and I've done it so much... Can I just say, this time… can I just say I live with my dads in Willow Creek
Hanging up the phone Alexander seems a little surprised while James bursts into a grin.
James: You do live with two males who look after you in Willow Creek
Alexander: It sounds like a fine thing to me
James: We’d be honoured
Before heading upstairs Ariadne gives them each a hug and Alexander reveals the final surprise of the day. A pile of pots and leftover flowers from Harvestfest for Ariadne to look after. She sets about planting and watering while admiring the auroras. She still misses her gran, but she feels like she can fit here. They trust her, and she thinks she could trust them.
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James and Alexander head to their private office where Alexander jumps on the computer and James picks out a book.
James: Are you writing another column
Alexander: No, I’m trying out poetry
James: Poetry?
Alexander: I need to become a level 1 celebrity to be promoted
James: I thought you didn’t care about work, we have plenty of money you know
Alexander: We could always have more. If I don’t work the pile of simoleons will just get smaller
A comfortable silence follows. The couple are both occupied with their own tasks but like knowing their partner is there. Alexander watches James over the top of his screen from time to time, and James gazes at Alexander every time he turns a page.
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Alexander: I know she didn’t call us dads but telling people she lives with us as her dads is a good first step right
James: I would say so. Rome wasn’t built in a day but I think she’s learning to trust us
Alexander: I think she took our story on board well. If she didn't she probably would have fled the house
James: *laughs* Yes I think so. You weren’t really going to tell her about when you dragged me into the coat room were you
Alexander: Umm… not the specifics of what happened in the coat room
James: Love…
Alexander: Sweets- It’s not like I was going to tell her about our private detentions. I know we need to be responsible older figures I just… don’t want her feeling like we’re not real people. Or that we’re hiding parts of ourselves from her. Because then she’ll hide herself from us
James: I know, I know. I just want her to be able to look up to me
Alexander: She’s going to tell other kids we���re her dads. I’d say you’ve started on accomplishing that task. It's late, let's get to bed
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