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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 3
In this part Reece finally becomes a YA (it would have happened sooner but clearly wheelofnames.com wanted to torture me) the house gets power, and Fosters descend for a belated birthday celebration.
Part 3 is mainly my sims being in love so if you're only here to find out who killed Samir's parents feel free to skip this spicier part.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Samir: Happy Birthday blondie. I love you
Reece: *smiles* I love you to. Is it morning already?
Samir: And here was me thinking you were desperate to get started. You were *kisses* practically *kisses* begging *kisses* yesterday
Reece: I am *sighs* and can beg more *giggles* if you tell me to. But I also *kisses* really love cuddling with you
Samir: We can cuddle later. For now *kisses* get your butt *kisses* in the shower
Reece: The shower boss?
Samir: *sternly* Don't ask questions, just do it. Clearly in our down time you've forgotten your manners, that'll have consequences *switches to whisper* bad boys get punished
Reece: *panting* Wow, that... was definitely.... worth... waiting for
Samir: What do you say needy boy
Reece: Thank you boss *kisses* may I have some more
Samir: *chuckles* hmmm, not just now, you also said you wanted more cuddle time
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Samir: You sure you want to be the big spoon
Reece: Just because you’re bigger than me doesn’t mean I don’t like getting my arms around you boss. Plus, I really love kissing your neck
Samir: *chuckles* Oh I'm aware. It’s your birthday I suppose, better let you have some say
Reece: So I'm a good boy again
Samir: Hell yeah you are
The couple are quiet for a few minutes as they come down from the woohoo high. Samir almost falls back to sleep but something's bothering Reece.
Reece: Samir... my lover...
Samir: *groggily* yep, I'm awake
Reece: About... about what happened to you…
Samir: *sleepily* hmm
Reece: Do you want me to not make such a fuss of your scars when we’re woohooing? I always thought they were hot but I don’t want to upset you if they bring up bad memories
Samir: *sighs* blondie, you know I tell you if I don’t like something you’re doing. I tell you quite sternly do I not?
Reece: Yes you do. But... maybe you’re trying not to make me feel bad when-
Samir: I do actually enjoy making you feel bad from time to time, you're more eager to please then
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Reece: Lover be serious. I want to know I'm not upsetting you
Samir: *sighs* Are you listening properly blondie
Reece: I can stop talking if that’s what you mean
Samir: Never stop talking, but for now, cuddle and listen *kisses* My scars, they used to be a reminder that I had nearly died, that Grim could have appeared and taken me with him, right after my parents. But now, they remind me that I survived. Whatever tried to kill me failed *kisses* I love that you think they’re hot, it makes me feel even better about them *kisses* that I'm strong enough to look after you
Reece: How did I get lucky enough to score a man who’s just as strong on the inside as he appears on the outside
Samir: If I remember right you proposed we skip prom together, and kept going on about your feelings until I caved
The couple reflect for a while, recalling their past.  Of course all the reminiscing of their romance together means they have to take another pit stop in the shower before we can get to cake…
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Reece: Where did you get a confetti cannon
Samir: From my pants, where else
Reece: And where did you get a cake, we don’t even have an oven
Samir: Welcome to the future blondie, you can get most things on the internet. Now be a good boy and make a wish
Reece thinks, blows out the candles, and is officially a young adult.
Samir: How do you feel
Reece: Geekier… I’m just going to go get changed
Samir: *kisses* Don’t cut your hair too short, I like being able to grab on to it
Reece blushes and heads for the bathroom.
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Reece: There, will I do?
Samir runs his hands through Reece's new haircut, shorter but still fine for gripping. His hands move over Reece's torso, dancing softly across the ticklish parts, getting joy from hearing Reece try to contain his giggles. After running his fingers around the edge of the new pyjama pants he backs up and sweeps Reece's hand into a kiss.
Samir: You’ll do… very well. Come on gorgeous, the sun is up and we should enjoy it
By enjoy it Samir of course means head out to enjoy the near dead daylife of Moonwood Mill. That’s why he likes it here, there never seems to be any crowds. The two find a picnic table near the bar to enjoy the chocolate cake.
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Samir: Your arms look so good in that shirt *smirks* Really makes me want to rip it off
Reece: *chuckles* I know, why do you think I picked it. Now tell me, what’s next for our secret mission
Samir: *sighs* It’s your birthday, we should be focusing on happy things. Like seeing if we can set a new woohoos in a day record
Reece: First off, yes. Secondly, solving puzzles makes me happy. Please tell me *pouts*
Samir: Alright, you win. I did notice this weird door that seemed to lead underground on my run yesterday. I figured I might take a look, perhaps there’s some signs of “bears” down there
Reece: My lover is so brave *blows kiss*
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Reece: but, flirting aside, be careful Samir
Samir: Aww, you worried about me gorgeous
Reece: With you trying to find what killed your parents? Nope. Not worried at all that it'll get you killed. That I'll be left with even less answers than we have now. That I'll be... alone
Samir: Hey, hey. Come here
Samir pulls Reece in for a passionate embrace that takes his breath away. Like normal Reece is sure he's going to run out of air before Samir lets him go.
Samir: I promised I would keep you safe. I also promise, no matter what happens, I’m always going to come back to you alive. Remember that
Reece’s reply is swiftly silenced by Samir’s kisses returning furiously.
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Samir: Now, do you want your birthday present
Reece: I thought you already gave me my present, twice
Samir: *chuckles* So you don’t want what’s in this box
Reece: I mean, I’m not going to turn down a gift. Wait, is this… really?
Samir: I know you’ve been wanting to try some for ages but I had to do some research first, ways to use them without you breaking a wrist. Plus I couldn’t very well be locking you in handcuffs that are going to break mid woohoo now could I
Reece: *blushes* Thank you. For getting them, and… getting me
Samir: You're welcome. Somehow... you understand me. Apart from that time you thought I was closeted
Reece: Yeah... I did kind of read that wrong. But I think I've got better at figuring you out
Samir: I'd say so. I’m always going to try and understand you, I promise
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Back at home...
Samir: Gorgeous, I’m only going to the tunnels, I’m not leaving for say Peru or anything *kisses* We can play when I get back
Reece: I know lover. I just want you to know I’ll miss you while you’re gone, and I love you, and I love your neck, and I love your-
Samir: Remember blondie, the people should be coming with the wind turbines for installation
Reece: Stay here with me *nuzzles neck* I can show you electricity *kisses neck* and we can give them a show
Samir: OMW, I’m leaving *whispers* don't even think of getting off without me though
So Samir heads out to explore the tunnels for the first time while Reece tends to the garden. If his family are coming over tomorrow he wants to show his dad he didn’t forget everything he was taught about plants.
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Reece makes sure to plant his chrysanthemum and Samir’s rose in the same planter box. It makes him happy to think the flowers can grow side by side, just like him and his boyfriend. Maybe if he gets good enough at gardening he can make a bush where they intertwine.
Samir’s first trip in the tunnels ends with a small scrape, but, determined to find some kind of lead, he brushes it off, and heads back in. Sure enough the wind turbines turn up right on schedule, the house will now have power! No more relying on lanterns.
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*wolf whistles*
Reece: That better be you
Samir: Or what
Reece: Or I’ll have to tell the prowler I have possessive lover who will kick his ass for checking me out. Wait, are you possessive?
Samir: I mean… I don’t like to think of you with other guys but I’m pretty sure that’s just not wanting to be in an open relationship. Why? You want me to be possessive
Reece: Hmm, sometimes…
Samir: *nods* I shall try to be more of a possessive jerk in future then
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Reece: Find anything in the tunnels
Samir: Nope. Now give me a hug so the neighbourhood knows you’re mine
Reece: *laughs* smooth, that’s not quite what I meant
Samir: I know what you- ahh
Reece: Crap! Are you okay
Samir: Yeah, yeah I’m fine
Reece: So that was just a not in pain screech then was it
Samir: I may have… fallen down a hole in the tunnels
Reece: You did what?
Samir: I’m fine, didn’t even break a bone
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Reece: We’re having dinner, then a bath to get the cobwebs off you, then bed. I'm not having spiders invade our bed
Samir: *smirks* I thought I was the boss
Reece: Then you shouldn’t have fallen down a hole
Samir: I like falling in your holes... often, hard
Reece: *blushes* Oh watcher that was a terrible line. You might have a concussion, we should-
Samir: I’m fine gorgeous, and I’m cooking
Reece: Samir-
Samir: It’s your birthday. I’m not letting you cook on your birthday
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Reece: This tastes good
Samir: Told you I should cook
Reece: Can you even taste it when you eat that fast
Samir: *through mouthfuls* absolutely
Reece: It’s got to be pretty healthy right? Char grilled food without oil? Maybe it’ll let me get muscles as big as yours
Samir: *smirks* Keep on dreaming blondie
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Samir: You’re not going to make me have a bath alone are you
Reece: And you call me needy
Samir: You are. I’m purely thinking about how a man with a possible concussion shouldn’t be left alone around water
Reece looks skeptically at Samir who manages to keep his composure for a few seconds before breaking in to a smile, making Reece laugh. Sure enough both of them end up in the tub, and Reece helps Samir clean up before he wants to have cuddles again.
Samir: Did you have a good birthday then blondie
Reece: *smiling* Yeah I did, thanks to you. Do you think we could... take the handcuffs for a test run
Samir: *smirks* who’s the needy one now
Reece: *laughs* Definitely me boss *kisses* I always need your touch
Samir: You know the rules. Ask me nicely
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Another sunny day dawns in Moonwood Mill and Reece and Samir kick things off with some woohoo and breakfast.
Samir: Any plans today before your family descend
Reece: You invited them so they’ll only be descending because of you
Samir: One day I’m sure I shall love them all… individually… alone
The couple head out for a morning run, oh how I wish there was a "go for a run together" option. Today Samir comes across an abandoned house on the outskirts of the woods. The place is filthy but he tries to take note of its location in case Reece feels like collecting frogs now that he’s a geek. It's here he realises he's an active kind of sim.
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Eventually the Fosters (plus their plus ones) rocked up to pay Reece a belated happy birthday. He and Carson still don’t get on. Yes I reused the pose of Samir and Reece for an individual picture for their wall because they just look sweet.
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Harvey: I know it’s Reece’s birthday but Kayleigh and I wanted to give you a little something
Samir: Oh… thanks!
Kayleigh: Happy birthday darling! Oh look at you, all grown up
Reece: Can I open my gift now
Kayleigh: Of course
Reece: A guitar?
Kayleigh: I know you have the music and dance hobby, we should have got you one sooner but-
Reece: I love it mum
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Reece: So here I planted the fruit you gave me, and some stuff from the romance festival
Charlie: I’m just glad you remembered to plant the dragon fruit instead of eat it
Harvey: Let me know if you want any clippings from our garden, I’ve plenty to spare
Charlie: You checked out universities yet
Reece: That’s an in-progress thing. I mean, what would be the point in starting a degree before I know what I want to do
Harvey: If you want to be a forest hippie, you be a forest hippie
Reece: It’s kind of weird that you let us do whatever we want dad
Harvey: Is it? I thought I was being a cool dad
Charlie: Most parents have like, rules and stuff
Reece: *deviously* You know it’s not too late to implement rules for Carson
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Reece: You should like… take away his cellphone, and ground him
Charlie: Aren’t you meant to be a mature young adult now?
Reece: Show me where it says mature sis
Keira: What are you working on
Samir: Umm... Horse
Kaori: With a knife? Is that safe?
Harvey: You sure you’re all right here
Reece: Yes dad, I’m good. Better than good-
Samir: Blondie... tunnels. Back later
Harvey watches his son say goodbye. It’s clear to him that Reece and Samir love each other, he just hopes Samir deserves his son. But how is he meant to learn who Samir is when he barely speaks?
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 4
In this part shit gets real Samir explores the tunnels further and finds something he did not expect. He and Reece puzzle over the find and confront Sheriff Captain Greenway about what he knows.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Reece did get told to expect gifts in the mail. Turns out his family know him as well as like him and he got some starter herbs and veges. No planter box for them right now, maybe later on. He begins to practice guitar, glad that there’s only the trees to hear him at this stage. Inside, the money Harvey gave Samir has been used to buy a sofa, a few counters, a sink, an indoor oven and wooden chairs to replace the plastic ones that were being used indoors. The walls aren't painted yet but Reece has tried to spread the pictures out to cover the shabby.
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Samir is out again, searching the tunnels. He has just tripped over a small skull when he hears a howl in the distance. Bears certainly don’t howl. In a flash of desperation he howls back, but the answering silence is deafening. Feeling defeated he turns to head back home but can’t shake the feeling that something is watching him. The darkness offers no clues however and he does his best to retrace his steps. Suddenly he gets knocked forward, the wind flying out of his lungs.
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Turning over dizzily he sees a pair of red eyes blazing, and wonders if he’s been knocked out. Normally he only sees eyes like that in his nightmares, the ones where he is a frozen 5year-old before it gets dark and he feels like he's being crushed. He tries to stand up but is forcefully pushed down. A low growling starts and Samir realises with horror, the thing in the darkness is talking to him. Still feeling poorly from his previous tunnel injures he finds himself unable to follow the words. All except... shouldn’t have come back.
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Samir’s bicep screams as sharp fangs clamp on his arm. He flashes back to that night, so many years ago, trapped. The sound of his parents cries… he couldn’t bear to hear Reece cry… no. No! He will not be trapped again. He's not 5 years old anymore, this thing doesn't get to throw him back 15 years. It may have taken his family but Samir will not let it take him from Reece. He lets out his own growl, startling the creature in to letting go. Then his years of athletic training kick in. He sweeps his legs in arch until he hears the sound of something heavy falling. He bolts up, sprinting for the nearby light. He hears the growling behind him but he doesn’t stop, he promised Reece he’d come back alive. He makes it out, whatever was down there is not strong enough to stop him keeping his promises.
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As he runs for the house he can feel his blood boiling. Whatever was in the dark, he's faster than it is. Thick foam starts to form in his throat and he finds himself spitting it out several times in an effort to avoid choking. But there, Reece is right outside, safe.
Samir: Blondie *spits* we need to talk
Reece looks around and is clearly startled by Samir’s appearance, not knowing where to start.
Samir: I was right. I thought it was all a nightmare, my mind warping what happened... but I was right. It almost killed me
Reece: Samir, you’re not making any sense. What happened? You don’t look good. I mean you always look good but you look off. We need to get you inside
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Samir: No! Just... thank you…
Reece: Please come inside
Samir: Listen. I was pinned in those tunnels by… the point is... I’m always coming back. That’s what’s important. I knew I had to get back to you, so I got away, and I got home. You got me home
For once Reece is speechless. Samir always makes him happy when he says he loves him but this... It's like Samir is thanking him for simply existing, as if by existing he's done some heroic feat, he has no idea how he's meant to respond.
Samir: I’ll always keep my promises to you blondie, I swear
Reece: *sniffs* I know. Samir will you please come inside before I have a heart attack? You look like you’ve been mauled
Samir throws his arms around Reece and holds him as if checking that he's real. After a minute he pulls back and nods. Inside is best.
Reece: You didn’t find a bear did you? You know you can’t win a fight with a bear
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Reece: Can I get you water or something
Samir: No. I need to tell you… I need someone to know what is going on in my head
Reece: Hey, I’m listening. I’ll always listen to you
Samir: I found this bone thing in the tunnels
Reece: What is that
Samir: Who knows, but I figured if anyone would know how to figure it out, it would be my... you
Reece: Is this how you got hurt? Getting this... it kind of looks like a skull doesn't it? Or, well, part of a skull
Samir: No. I mean I tripped over it but, I was heading back, and it felt like I was being watched and then, I got hit
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Reece: Hit? Where?
Samir tries to speak but his memories are coming apart. Things he thought were real, things he thought were not, all conflicting. He starts to sob. He hates for Reece to see him like this but his boyfriend keeps a firm grip on his hand while he cries into his other arm where it rests on the table. When the tears finally stop he goes to wipe his face only for Reece to pull him in for a kiss. They sit with their foreheads resting together for a moment before Samir finds the strength to sit up properly.
Samir: I was flung backwards… just like when I was a kid, or when we would tackle in football. You remember?
Reece: I mostly remember looking for excuses to grab on to you, but yeah... I got hit bad a couple of times
Samir: Then I saw the eyes, red pits of flame in the dark. My nightmares of what happened normally fade when I wake up but those eyes... they always take longer to disappear
Reece: You have nightmares? I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised but you just never said
Samir: I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to keep them from you. It sounds silly but... I just wanted to seem strong. Like someone you could depend on
Reece: Hey, you're the strongest person I know. Even sitting here with your tears on our faces, you're strong. Do you hear me?
Samir: I always hear you blondie, I do
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Samir: Those eyes... I tried to tell the cops, bloody Greenway, I did! But they all said I was hysterical and imagining things... so then I thought I was hysterical and imagining things
Reece: I’m so sorry you went through that, and that I have nothing better to say than I'm sorry
Samir: There's no right thing to say. But if eyes can really glow red... The strength required to break down the door, the growling and slashin. Is there a chance that my parents were killed by- by-
Here Samir freezes up again, unable to get the word out. He throws his hands up in frustration, desperately tring to think of a way he can tell Reece without sounding like he has lost his mind. He couldn't bear if Reece thought he had a broken mind.
Reece: A werewolf?
Samir looks at Reece trying to tell if he's being serious or attempting to break the tension with humor. Looking into the eyes of the one he loves all he can see is sincerity. Reece is listening to him, he always does. Even if Samir doesn't think he has anything interesting to say, Reece listens.
Samir: Yes blondie. But- but no! They’re supposed to be fiction! Like vampires and spellcasters! Everyone knows werewolves don't actually exist, they're myth
Reece: Well, they are... and they aren’t...
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Samir: What are you talking about
Reece: Remember how I said I was looking up about the area
Samir: Yeah, you found out there were no bears
Reece: I did... but some people were discussing how it would be possible to have no predators and not have the area overrun with deer and wild pigs and stuff. You know I like puzzles, and nature so I kept reading. There are... folktales I guess you'd call them, of this area. Of werewolves here. I didn’t mention it because I- I thought it was made up. I am so so sorry
Samir: *confused* Wait why are you sorry
Reece: If I’d told you that theory maybe you wouldn’t have been hurt. But I kept it from you so now it's my fault. You were out there and you could have been killed and-
Samir: Blondie, stop. You did not make me go down there, I chose to. Whatever this is, it is not your fault. Do you understand me?
Reece: Mmhmm
But Samir can see Reece needs time to process. He did have the whole run back to think about it, Reece on the other hand has barely had ten minutes.
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Samir goes to shower, letting Reece have time to think. Reece knows that logically, this isn’t his fault. If it was a... a werewolf that killed Samir’s parents then this whole thing started long before Reece came in to Samir’s life. Nevertheless, Samir was hurt today. He was here practicing guitar and the man he loves… he was being attacked by a werewolf. Wait, was he attacked? All he said was hit, and the werewolf revelation kind of derailed the conversation after that. Reece contemplates joining him in the shower to properly look at any injuries but he decides to practice being patient. He sets the table and heats up some leftovers for dinner to try give his brain something else to do.
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Samir: You got food ready! This is one of the reasons I love you
Reece: You said you almost got killed
Samir: *through food* I said what?
Reece: Lover you said you almost got killed. What happened after you were hit
Samir: *shovelling food* I got pinned I guess, and the… the werewolf, watcher that sounds weird, the werewolf bit through my arm. It hurt like hell to. But I fought back enough to get up and just bolted for here, for home. But it's fine, I can't even feel it any more
Reece: Samir...
Samir: Yes?
Reece: Does this mean…
Samir: *hesitantly* Does this mean what
Reece: Well you know the myth right? A werewolf bites you, you become a werewolf
Samir: I have no idea, they're supposed to be fiction
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Reece: We could go to some locals, there's bound to be some kind of antidote or something
Samir: But… *softly* I need to find out what happened to my parents
Reece: I know you do, I’m not trying to stop you. I just want you safe
Samir: Werewolves are meant to be fast and strong right
Reece: Yes...
Samir: I was faster than it, I got away. It was strong but I'm only human. What if I wasn't? If I'm faster already then becoming a werewolf could make me stronger than it. Strong enough to get some answers. If it takes becoming… becoming a werewolf to find the one that killed my parents, then that’s what I’m going to do
Silence settles over the room and all that Samir can hear for a while is the sound of his chewing. He can't take Reece being quiet.
Samir: Blondie? You’re not talking…
Reece: I- it’s a lot to process I guess
Samir: But… you don’t want me becoming a werewolf, do you?
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Reece: I'm not saying that. I actually *blushes* think you’d make a pretty hot werewolf. Watcher knows you have the physique for it
Samir: You... what?
Reece: All the stories and myths say werewolves are meant to be like, super buff and powerful. I already consider you both of those things. Maybe this is just like a next evolutionary step for you
Samir: You’d really want to woohoo a werewolf
Reece: Well probably not in wolf form. But general werewolf myth has their human forms being very much to my tastes. I do love you Samir, I'm not going to say "It's me or the wolf". If you want to see if being a werewolf helps, I'll support you. I know you’re not going to be happy until we figure out who killed your parents
Samir: Hey, look at me blondie, I am happy. You make me happy *wicked smile* especially when you groan, and shudder, and beg. My past just makes me… restless. I don't want it to make me lose you
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Reece: No matter what happens, you promised you’d come back to me alive. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere
Samir: Thank you
Reece: One thing is for sure, you’re going to be the hottest werewolf around
Samir: *chuckles* Calm down, we don’t even know if this bite will turn me or just give me a nasty infecton
Reece: It’s definitely... making you froth at the mouth
Samir: Yeah *spits* I don’t know how you always handle stuff in your mouth
Reece: *smiles* You taste good, that’s how I handle it
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Reece: You know I bet it was Greenway
Samir: What do you mean
Reece: He’s making inconsistent statements about stuff. Maybe he didn’t throw up on scene because it was his first time seeing something like that. Maybe it was guilt
Samir: Because he killed my parents… but I was still alive?
Reece: I don’t know, I guess I’m just looking for a place to start
Samir: We better talk to him. Even if he’s not a killer, there’s just something about him that pisses me off
Reece: *laughs* We should totally tell him we've woohoo'd, it'll unsettle him
Samir: I don't remember going through with having you on the table
Reece: When we get back? *pouts*
Samir: *laughs* we'll see
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Sheriff: Oh look, nature obsessed people roaming the woods. Why am I not surprised
Samir: At least *spits* we’re not lying murdering snobs
Sheriff: What are you talking about? You dare come on to my property and insult me? I should arrest you
Reece: Maybe we should arrest you
Sheriff: What are you on about now kid
Samir: Werewolves *spits* Werewolves! WEREWOLVES
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Sheriff: You’re going to have to expand your vocabulary eventually son if you want to have conversations like an adult
Reece: He's not your son! Stop talking down to him like that
Samir: You knew *spits* Covered up. Or killed
Sheriff: That's quite the acussation but you don't look well. Go home, rest, think about what you're doing
Samir: Why should we
Sheriff: Because I bloody well said so and I'm the sheriff
Reece: Please, Captain Greenway, we need to know-
Sheriff: Get off my property this instant or I WILL arrest you two for trespassing
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Samir: Fine. We’ll leave. But we know you know
Sheriff: Know what? That you're on my property raving about things that don't exist
Reece: No, they do exist. Samir was down in the tunnels and he saw one. Just like he did when his parents were killed. He tried telling you but you dismissed him
Sheriff: He was wrong then and he's wrong now
Samir: I'm right here
Sheriff: Then YOU were wrong then. YOU are wrong now. Keep raving about werewolves and I'd be within my rights to arrest you. If you act in a way that would endanger the people in my town, I will. I'll have you committed. Now get off my property
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Sheriff Captain Greenway heads inside his house while his wife, who has heard the argument, comes out. Sophia greets them, compliments them on the wind turbines they’ve installed, then asks them to leave. Turns out she’s also a snob who doesn’t want to talk to nature obsessed sims.
Samir: That could have gone better
Reece: Yeah… but also, could have gone a lot worse
Samir: *chuckles* true. Come on, he seems to... scared and angry to tell us anything else. Let’s get back home
Reece: Table time?
Samir: Table time
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 2
In this part the couple work together to get the file from the sheriff, Reece learns how bad the attacks were, then the couple unwind at the romance festival.
I changed my limit of pic collages per story post to 20 a while ago but I felt like I wrote a lot here. I did math and it's 52% longer than part 1 so... grab that snack, grab that coffee, it will probably take a few extra minutes to read so may as well be comfy.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice, mentions of death and violence
Reece: You’re so damn precise, I love it
Samir: Sometimes, like when we’re together, I have to be. Safety first. Other times, well…
Samir pulls out a knife and begins swinging at the block, causing Reece to wobble in his tree pose.
Reece: *shocked* The hell are you doing???
Samir: If they didn’t want me to use a knife for woodworking, why would they include one with the table. There, one horse sculpture done
Reece: *quizzically* Are you… starting another one?
Samir: We have to earn money somehow. But go back to your brainwave
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Reece: My brainwave?
Samir: I know you. If you were thinking about the sheriff then you were bound to come up with a brainwave
Reece: I was thinking, the file on your parents deaths has to have a hard copy in records. Do you know where they’re kept?
Samir: The station is technically a small office above the library, so they’ve got to be kept nearby but not inside
Reece: I was thinking I'll go and talk to Sheriff Captain about the deed stuff while you go have a look for the file. Then we, you know, run away
Samir: I don’t like the idea of using you as a distraction
Reece: I’ll have you know I am very distracting, it’s a quality I have. Besides, I don't think you'd be able to have a conversation with that jerk. Unless it was a see who blinks first contest
Samir: *snorts* Well if Captain seemed to think you were a responsible person, we may as well take advantage
Reece: Okay just... let me take a cold shower first. Hearing you work there gave me... some kind of feelings
Samir: *smirks* Alright but no cheating. Remember, good boys follow the rules
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The two head to the renovated mill which now serves as the Recreation centre for the town. Before heading in Samir grabs hold of Reece’s wrist, and twists him so they’re face to face.
Reece: Are you all right? There doesn’t seem to be too many people around
Samir: It’s not… I mean people are difficult but… I wanted to say, whether we pull this off or not, it means the world to me that you want to help
Reece: Of course I want to help, I love you
Samir: And I love you. Have I told you that today?
Reece: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I object to hearing it again
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Samir: 🎵I… Love… You🎶
Reece: Well be still my beating heart
Samir: I’m so proud of you for coming up with this idea
Reece: It wasn’t that tough, I just… you know… thought it up
Samir: It still came from your brain blondie. You're a genius
Reece: We should get inside before I turn red, or the sheriff hears your singing and figures out what we’re doing
Samir: You go first, then I get the best view. One damn fine backside
Reece: Just admit you want me to fail at not getting off. You’re so- oh hey look, laundry machines!
Samir: Good. You always get your clothes dirty
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Reece: It’s not like I get them dirty by myself. Is it this way
Samir: Should be. Nothing else has changed here
Reece: That’s one big sign. Hey *laughs* do you get the feeling he’s compensating for something?
Samir: Please don’t suggest that to him
Reece: Don’t worry boss. I’m going to distract him, you’re going to find the file, and we’re going to meet back home after, no problems. You should be able to pick it from first page stuff without having to read the details
Samir: *sighs* We can do this?
Reece: We can do this
Captain: Oh, it’s you again
Reece: Yes sir, I’m Reece
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Samir timed the closing of the records room door for when Reece shut the office door. The records room was larger that he thought but didn’t appear to be too disorganised. Now, if he was a cop who thought murders were bear attacks, where would he put the file?
Captain: I hope you didn’t think I was out of line this morning. As sheriff I'm supposed to... extend courtesy to the citizens here
Reece: Seemed to me like you were just making sure no one was damaging the property, for which me and my boyfriend are extremely grateful
Captain: Did you bring a copy of the deed? To prove you have a right to be there?
Reece: Did I- why yes, I did, hold on a second
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Bear attacks would fall under the umbrella of animal attacks. But there was nothing labelled animal attacks. Instead from what he could see every case of an animal attack that the town had had was kept separate from one another. His parents were the only fatalities though. Most others just had people losing consciousness and being unable to say what happened.
Captain: I’m glad to see you’re true to your word
Reece: So is my boyfriend
Captain: *scoffs* he doesn’t seem to say very much
Reece: He doesn't need to. Besides, he’s had a hard life, remember
Captain: Right. Watcher I’ll never forget that scene, I can’t believe they managed to clean it all up to try put the place on the market. I would have just torn the whole thing down
Reece: It was… really bad then?
Captain: I had seen dead things before, growing up near the woods you do. But I hadn’t tossed my stomach like that before, nothing prepares you to see bodies like that for the first time
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Reece: You said there were urban legends...
Captain: Sure. Go anyplace and you're bound to hear about one house where things went sideways, people got hurt, and rumours say you won't survive a trip inside. It so happens your house is that place in Moonwood Mill. The deaths... but that’s just memories now. Good luck renovating and selling the house
Reece: Oh, we’re not selling it
Captain: You’re... not selling it?
Reece: No. We’re going to make a home there
Captain: You mean *scoffs*… you two will be sticking around?
Reece: *carefully* Yes, Samir and I are both big nature fans. The woods here are lovely
Captain: They are but *sighs* nevermind kid. Look, you proved you can be in the house, I have work to do here. You should... you should leave now
Reece turns to go when he hears the sheriff clear his throat.
Captain: I hope you and your boyfriend aren’t doing anything too… intimate. Because if you are getting up to stuff when you’re still a teen, he will be held responsible in the eyes of the law. We take protection of minors seriously here
Reece struggles not to swing for him. How dare he talk about looking after minors when he'd been so insensitve to Samir, who was only 5 when it all happened. He took a deep breath, and chose his next words carefully
Reece: He is a teen himself Sheriff, and I turn 18 tomorrow... but thank you for your concern you... clearly take your job seriously
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Back at home...
Samir: I found the file. It was labelled so I didn't have to look in it. Were you okay
Reece: Piece of cake. Apart from it seeming like he would be a lot happier if we left town
Samir: What did he say
Reece: When he implied we needed to sell the house or when he implied he would arrest you if we had woohoo
Samir: Jerk. Almost makes me want to bend you over the table just to spite him
Reece: I mean you could and I would endorse such action
Samir looks sternly at Reece.
Reece: *sighs deeply* But I can't get off until my birthday, I know
Samir pulls Reece close and kisses him on the forehead before the two turn their attention back to the file in front of them.
Reece: Okay, you ready
Samir: Yeah just... maybe read in your head... please
Reece: You take care of me, I take care of you
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Report of first officer on scene: Sheriff Giles. The station had a call mid-morning from a woman out on a run. She said she saw the door at the Hadji house was knocked in. She told me she approached the property but got a "weird feeling" so decided to call me instead of heading inside. I left Deputy Greenway manning the station and I went over there. I sent her on her way and approached the house. The door was completely detached and the doorframe was splintered. The smell hit you before you could even see inside the house, it's a good thing the woman didn't get closer. My late father used to hunt the wild boar in the area. He would drain the carcass of blood in our backyard before cutting up his kill, the smell put me back there.
Reece: Okay this bit is just saying a Sheriff Giles was first on scene
Samir nods, indicating Reece should keep reading to himself.
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Upon entering the property it was clear that there were the remains of two bodies amongst the wreckage, most likely the property owners Othman and Nadia Hadji. Around the body I assumed to be Nadia were chunks of flesh leaving gaping wounds in her back, enough gone to see bone. I'm sorry to say Othman was in several pieces, and the blood pools around him appeared to have been walked through. However it had likely been some hours since the attack, and alongside the main tracks were small tracks, most likely from investigating animals. The larger tracks weren't clear enough to place. Most of the household furniture in that main area had been broken and touched by blood spatter. I looked up and there was even some on the roof, figured whatever did it got mad. I called in to the station then to alert my Greenway to the situation. I told him I would require camera equipment first off, and that he should bring the town doctor with him because we had bodies to process. Poor bloke was silent for the longest time, probably figured all he’d be doing in a small town like this would be parking tickets.
Reece: *softly* Samir... I didn't know
Samir: *clears throat* anything strange yet
Reece: Seems like the sheriff then thought Greenway was not cut out for something like this
Samir: He had kind eyes that sheriff. Giles I think he said he was
Reece: You're right, that's what it says
Reece gave Samir’s hand a reassuring squeeze and carried on reading.
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Once the lads arrived, I set about taking photos of everything I could. The doctor wondered about Samir but whatever did this likely dragged him off, the boy was tiny and would be easy prey for something that took down his parents. I figured if anything needed following up on, we should have original pictures. Sure the scene had clearly been contaminated by wildlife, but the higher powers would want evidence. I had moved on from photos of the bodies and was photographing the door, well what was left of the door, when the doctor said the strangest thing. He said the young Hadji boy was under his mother, and that he had a pulse? I had hoped that if Samir wasn't dead then at least he wasn't in the house when the attack occurred. No such luck. Together, the doctor and I, we shifted Nadia’s body as carefully as we could. Under her it was clear Samir had been torn, the doctor said it looked like the same kind of marks that were on his parents. It was a miracle he was still alive, I know not all the blood was his but those cuts on his chest looked deep, I was sure he didn't have long.
Reece: Your mother… you were stuck under her
Samir: I mean… I can’t remember much of that, I think I’d been in and out of consciousness for too long to take stock of anything *sighs* has it mentioned Greenway again
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Reece: Yeah, down here, hold on
I called out to Greenway who had been tasked with taking pictures of the outside damage and setting up a cordon. The doctor said we had to get the boy to a hospital, that the local clinic might not be enough. I instructed Greenway to call for a helicopter but upon entering the house and seeing the bloodied boy squirming he… contaminated the scene. The helicopter arrived and I helped the doctor carry Samir, who was now crying and trying to push off the material stopping the bleeding. When he was off safe I had Greenway inform the local social worker while I continued cataloguing evidence alone. He contaminated the scene once, I wasn't about to let him lose his insides again. Still can't get the boys wild eyes out of my head though, that poor kid's all alone now.
Reece: This bit makes it sound like… you nearly died
Samir: *shrugs* That’s true. They said…
Reece waits patiently while Samir gets his words sorted in his head
Samir: They said ommi’s weight on my chest stemmed the blood enough to stop me bleeding out. It’s... not exactly the best pillow talk you know
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Reece: I’m so sorry
Samir: *sniffs* Is there anything else in there
Reece: Yeah umm... Coroner’s reports, photocopies of pictures that I do not want to look at right now. Here we go, sheriff’s concluding statement. I guess that's kind of like an inquest
I have talked to the doctor and the local rangers. It seems clear to us that no man committed this crime. The violence was too severe, and too random, to have thought behind it. Doctor determined the victims suffered claw and bite marks, had to be a large predator. I inquired if the damage could have been done with tools, a butcher knife or scythe or something, watcher knows there are enough amateur hunters in the area. Doctor could see no evidence to support the conclusion that instruments were used though. With that knowledge I have determined the most likely culprit was a rogue bear, no other predators would have the strength to smash the door in such a fashion. I know the rangers doubt a bear would wander inside a house but agree bears can hunt down prey. This time the prey was just our citizens. Greenway is keen to support this conclusion, saying he had seen bear attacks like this before-
Reece: Wait, that’s not right
Samir: What isn’t?
Reece: When I was in distracting Captain... he said he’d never seen anything like that crime scene before
Samir: Yeah. That's what he said when I reminded him he vomited
Reece: But in here it says he told the old sheriff he had seen bear attacks that looked the same
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Samir: *sighs* Thank the watcher for you blondie, I knew you’d find something. I know sheriff Giles thought it couldn’t have been a person but it must have been. I mean I can't imagine Greenway lying to protect a rogue bear
Reece closes the file, putting it back on the table. He hold Samir's hand, tracing patterns on the back with his other.
Reece: I just wish I could go back and comfort you. Samir you must have been so scared
Samir holds Reece's hand to his mouth and kisses it softly.
Samir: Pretty sure I wouldn’t have been in the mood to humour a talkative 3 year old, even one as cute as you
He puts his arm around Reece who snuggles closer.
Reece: You knows what I mean. I’m so glad you survived it
Samir smiles, kissing Reece on the forehead again.
Samir: Yeah, I’m pretty glad I survived it too. Now, good boys that find leads deserve rewards
Reece: So you’ll let us-
Samir: Go to the romance festival
Reece: *pouts* well that’s a good second option I guess
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Reece: This tea tastes good
Samir: What’s in it
Reece: I don’t really know. It can’t have any alcohol since it’s a free for all
While Reece continues to speculate what might make the drinks, and themselves, glow Samir took a moment to relax. The past would be solved eventually, tonight he just wanted to be in the moment with the guy he loved. When Reece declared his intention of raiding the gardens for their own stock Samir took the opportunity to approach the romance guru. He didn't believe much in superstitions and fortune tellers but when in Rome.
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After the guru assured him the future was bright Samir approached Reece’s mum who was here selling some of her lower level work.
Samir: *clears throat* Reece’s birthday?
Kayleigh: Don’t worry. Harvey and I figured you two will probably want your space tomorrow, I promise you won’t get swarmed by every Foster in the save
Samir: *chuckles* thanks. Umm… Monday... not busy... if you…
Kayleigh: Say no more, we will be there! Will we get to meet your mum and brother
Samir: Umm… crowds are…
Kayleigh: I understand, Keira is just the same. But Harvey and I would love to meet them sometime if you can arrange it, since the two of you are living together and all
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Reece: What were you talking to mum about
Samir: Oh I said she and your family should come over on Monday
Reece: You? Inviting people over? People plural?
Samir: I know your family are close and I don’t want that to stop just because I can only tolerate people in small doses
Reece: Except me
Samir: Except you. I gladly have you in large doses
Reece: *gleefully* What a concidence, I enjoy your large doses
Samir: *smirks* Do you now?
Samir brushes Reece's hair behind his ear and leans in to whisper.
Samir: Imagine, a pretty blonde piece like you enjoying my "doses"... in you... on your-
Reece: *playfully* Excuse me Mr Hadji but that talk sounds rather forward and I’m under strict instructions not to get off until my birthday so unless you want me to fail you’ll need to dial it back
Samir moves back smiling proudly.
Samir: *chuckles* Good boy, you pass even if you are flushed, but I do love that colour on you. Let’s go get some food
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Samir orders food for them, barely taking his eyes off Reece. When they sit down Samir begins to dig in happily before noticing that Reece is letting out sighs of frustration. Normally he enjoys those sounds, but that's when he's the cause of them.
Samir: Blondie, what are you doing
Reece: It’s these wooden things! How does anyone eat with them
Samir: The chopsticks? Relax, you’re a genius, you’ll figure it out
Reece: Charlie and Kaori make it look so easy!
Samir: Are you-
Reece: Yes! I’m stabbing the food to make it cooperate
Samir watches Reece as he attacks his food, and smiles. He's got most of the morning planned already but he does like running it over in his head to make sure he's thought of every variable.
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The pair arrive home still glowing, but before they can sleep Samir has a gift.
Samir: I know there were a bunch of flowers at the festival, and many of them are more symbolic of love but… yellow is your favourite colour so I wanted to get you a chrysanthemum
Reece: Aww, I love it. I’m afraid I just got you the traditional rose
Samir: Hey blondie, I’ll happily take anything you give me
Reece: *giggles* normally I’m the one saying that
Samir: *chuckles* okay Mr smut for brains, time to go to sleep before you wind your self up
Reece: Do we have to boss?
Samir: Trust me, you are going to need your energy for tomorrow
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 1
In this part Reece and Samir settle into their dusty murder shack home, discuss their secret mission plan to get the file on the Hadji deaths, and have their first encounter with chief of corruption Sheriff Captain Greenway. (Yes the stuff crossed out is Reece's opinion)
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
The sun dawns illuminating the dusty murder shack in Moonwood Mill. The inside is scarce, and the lot has yet to be hooked up to water or power, but Reece is too in love to mind. On an airbed in a room lit by lamps he cuddles up close to Samir.
Samir: Are you trying to wake me up
Reece: I’m just getting comfortable. But you know, if you wanted to play some ping pong (their code for woohoo)
Samir: I told you blondie, no more getting off until your birthday. Some of the folks here can be a bit... backwards
Reece: My birthday is tomorrow and you’re only two years older than me, it’s not like you’re taking advantage of a minor
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Samir: Your birthday is tomorrow so practice being patient. Get up, give me a kiss, then let’s go make breakfast
Reece: You got it boss
Samir: I like it here, it’s quiet
Reece: Nature is great. What? What’s that look for?
Samir: *chuckles* Mr can talk, will talk, and all you have to say is “Nature is great”
Reece: I was taking a leaf out of your book, you know, silence is golden
Samir: Your voice is golden
Reece blushes and Samir smiles, he loves making him blush. Reece may have confidence in spades but Samir can always seem to take his breath away when he wants.
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Reece: So are you going to tell me more about the secret mission
Samir: Calm down blondie, there’s no secret mission
Reece: Well excuse me for thinking “I need you here” is code for, of course I’ll involve you in my secret mission shenanigans when we're not busy playing ping pong
Samir: I want to know why my parents died but I don’t think we need to mount a whole secret mission
Reece: Too late, if I’m in then I’m in all the way
Samir: I can’t talk to people but… you seem to enjoy talking. I figure things will go smoother if you’re here. Plus, you know, I love you
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Reece: Good, because I love you and to show my love-
Samir: No ping pong
Reece: *sighs dramatically* But who would even know
Samir: Blondie we need to get on the sheriff’s good side
Reece: If they’re the kind of sheriff to get upset over consensual fun then they clearly need an attitude adjustment
Samir: Look, I- I don’t like to talk about what happened
Reece: I'm sorry, I know you don’t
Samir: And my brain has suppressed some of it... I think. We need to get the file from the sheriff. That way, you can know what happened without me having to… get stuck there again
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Samir: I’m hoping they’ll let us have it since I’m family but I really don’t know. I didn’t live here long but from what I remember most of the community is pretty closed off. Plus I don’t know if the sheriff will even be the same one
Reece: Even if they’re not, they’re bound to still have the info somewhere. You don’t just chuck away old unsolved cases
Samir is silent for a while, looking like he’s on the verge of saying something but can’t manage to string the words together.
Reece: Hey, talk to me Samir. What are you thinking
Samir: Technically it is half solved
Reece: Wait what?
Samir: They wouldn’t tell me much, I was only 5, but they said it was a bear attack
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Reece: A bear attack? We don’t believe them because?
Samir: Blondie you don’t have to believe everything I believe
Reece: I know but you feel like that’s not what happened, so tell me why
Samir: Well... when did you last hear of a bear breaking into a house? I think whoever killed my parents made it look like an animal attack, so it could be written off. Plus…
Samir’s voice drops to a whisper, as though he is somewhere else entirely.
Samir: If it was a bear, it would have taken us for food. Whoever did it just left us, and assumed I was dead
Reece: Shouldn’t the rangers have told the sheriff this? Seems like a big thing to miss
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Samir: You… actually believe me?
Reece: Of course! Plus, there are no bears in Moonwood Mill
Samir: How would you-
Reece: I read up on the area while I still had internet. Apparently no large predators have settled here, which is really weird because with the wildlife there should be something above them in the food chain. But no predators and no prey overpopulation, a weird pairing
Samir: *chuckles* of course my genius boyfriend looked up random facts, good boy
Reece: Hey, I love the outdoors. I’m interested in this kind of stuff
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Samir: Thanks. It really helps having someone in my corner
Reece: Is the food nearly ready? I’m starving
Samir: Patience. I thought we were working on that
Reece: Yes but you taunting me when I’m desperate for you is different to when my stomach is growling uncontrollably
Samir: *chuckles* Fear not, it’s ready blondie
Reece: Thank you for cooking
Samir: *through mouthfuls* Good boy, you remembered your manners
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Reece: How come I should have manners and you can shovel food in
Samir: *still eating* Because you have to be a good boy, I don’t
Reece: Oh I know you’re not a good boy
Samir: *chuckles* If you make me laugh when I’m eating I could choke you know
Reece: Maybe you should slow down then, watcher knows you have no problem going slow when you feel like it, despite my protests
Samir: Don’t pretend you don’t love it, or I’ll stop
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Reece: *blushes* please don’t. I… I do like it... you taking control of me
Samir: See now, was that so hard to admit
Reece: Not to you but… I don’t know, people would probably think I’m weird for being a submissive when my confidence is like…
Samir: You could see your confidence from the moon
Reece: Exactly! Yet I’ve also got, what did you call it? A praise kink?
Samir nods, still focused on his food.
Reece: But also a slight degradation kink? It must seem bizarre to others
Samir: Then isn’t it good we’re the only ones in our relationship blondie
Reece: Yeah, I suppose...
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Samir: Hey, look at me, I love you *blows kiss*
Reece: *smiles* And I love you back
Samir: I meant what I said before you moved in, I’ll keep you safe here
Reece: From the non existent bears
Samir: From whoever is out there. You can trust me to look after you, okay
Reece: I know, besides have you seen your muscles? I’m pretty sure no one could mess with you even if they wanted to
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Samir: The dew collector should be delivered by now, so we can get water. Then it’s just a bit more work to set up power. Here, leave me your dishes, I’ll take care of them before I have my run
Reece agrees and heads out to the front where he’s set up a couple of garden beds. He’s got some produce from Charlie that he can plant, and he’s sure he can order some more to get them a small income. He’s lost in thought in when a loud voice barks at him. And not from the person he likes to hear giving orders.
Reece: Wh-what?
Man: I know you teens like to squat here on a dare but moving in a dew collector? Planting stuff? You need to leave, this is private property
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Reece: Oh. I think you may be confused. Let me introduce myself-
Man: I am Sheriff Captain Greenway and I am never confused
Reece: Wait... your first name is Captain and you became sheriff
Sheriff: I don’t need your lip son, we don’t know you here. Move on and be a hippie elsewhere
Samir comes outside, having planned on starting his morning run, but freezes when he sees the argument.
Reece: Sir, my name is Reece Foster and my boyfriend here actually owns the house
Samir: *sternly* We
Reece: Right! He put me on the deed, he's the best. I keep forgetting, we do actually own the house together
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Sheriff: Do you now? Then I assume you can tell me its proper history and present me with this apparent joint deed
Reece: Who the heck carries their house deed on them? Look, it’ll be inside somewhere, but Samir did live here when he was little. You probably know of his family, the Hadji’s
Samir nods and the sheriff rolls his eyes.
Sheriff: Everyone knows that urban legend, doesn't prove you are who you say. You expect me to believe the boy found half dead in his house wants to come back and live where his parents insides were-
Reece: Look, you need to stop! Clearly you’ve never lost someone like that or you wouldn’t be so insensitive. And if you haven’t then who are you to possibly follow how he thinks. Please leave, we can find your office and bring you the deed later
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Sheriff: Look I-
Samir: Vomit
Sheriff: What?
Reece and the Sheriff both look at Samir wondering what he's talking about.
Samir: You. Vomited on my toy
At this recognition comes across the sheriff’s face.
Sheriff: Look, I was just a deputy back then, I’d never seen something like that, of course I puked my guts out, anyone would have. Your toy was a write off anyway... to much blood. I don’t know why you’ve come back but... fine, I’ll accept it’s really you
Reece: How kind of you
Samir: Reece asked you to leave. Leave
Sheriff: Fine, but you two better watch yourselves. We have enough nature manic people around without importing more
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Reece: Thanks for backing me up, I know confrontation isn’t even close to your favourite thing
Samir: I may not be a wordsmith blondie, but I’ve got your back
Reece: So that cop spewed on your toy?
Samir: Yeah, I dropped it when… Anyway I was half awake after but I wanted to pick up Babbit-
Reece: Babbit?
Samir: *smiles* Was a soft toy rabbit. But before I could talk a uniform vomited, and it got on Babbit. I remember his face. Look, I need to go run but um…
Samir trailed off and bit his lip.
Samir: Will you be here when I get back
Reece: Yeah, I’m not feeling like running today, I’ll stick to yoga. Now go on, I’ll be fine, I promise
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After watching Samir head away from the house, Reece turned his attention back to the garden. He couldn’t get the sheriff out of his head though. Samir hadn’t spoken about the gore that the Sheriff seemed to claim there was. Did he not remember, or did he not want to burden Reece? Reece hoped to the watcher it was the first option.
Samir’s run around the woods gave him an odd sense of déjà vu. Pieces of memory swam up, but before he could focus on them they would drift away like a dream at sunrise. He couldn’t keep them. However fleeting they were they helped settle his rage at the sheriff, and he found himself smiling as he felt the memory of being loved by his parents.
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Before turning to yoga, Reece tried getting his thoughts out. Samir needed the case file on his parents. Places this small kept files for ages, so there had to be a paper copy somewhere. Where? It had been almost 15 years ago, so it’s not as if the sheriff would have the file on his desk. Records! It would obviously be wherever they kept records of all the crime that happened. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be many “bear attacks” to search through.
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Reece: You’re back!
Samir: Yeah. It was good to clear my head but I do enjoy watching you be flexible
Reece: I mean... you don’t have to just watch
Samir: It’s one day blondie. You can survive one day without playing ping pong
Reece: *sighs* you're the boss
Samir: Yes I am
Reece: So I was thinking about Captain, you know, the sheriff
Samir: Wait... his name is Captain, and he became a sheriff
Reece: That’s exactly what I said! It’s weird right
Samir: That’s like if we had a kid called Scooter who ended up building motorcycles
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Reece: You want to call our future kid Scooter
Samir: No, it was just an example
Reece: I mean… do you want kids?
Samir: One day… yeah, I do. But I want to be able to give a kid stability, and we couldn’t do that right now. Do you want kids?
Reece: Slow down boss, ask me again when I’m a young adult
Samir: *smiles* Fair enough. So you were thinking about the sheriff… nothing explicit I hope
Reece: No! I wouldn’t-
Samir: I’m just teasing blondie
Reece: Oh, right. I don’t think I think as well when my head is upside down
Samir: *chuckles* we can work on that… tomorrow
Reece: OMW this is the longest day of my life!
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 7
In this final part of the chapter Samir gets a visit from his adoptive mother and brother, reminding all of us that Reece is the only one able to get more than one word or sentence from him. Samir gets ready for another shift where he tries to keep hold of his humanity.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Kawikani: Maybe he’s not home
Yesenia: Of course he’ll be home
Samir: Visitors?
Yesenia: Better not be calling us that or you’ll disappear in two seconds flat. Come here honey, are you doing okay? You eating properly
Samir: Suppose
Kawikani: Still a man of few words huh bro
Yesenia: Now where is that boyfriend of yours? It really is high time I meet the boy my son is living with
Samir: Fishing
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Having seen guests approaching the house Reece packs up his gear and jogs back from the lake.
Yesenia: Oh look at these photos, very nice dude (she's a bro sim btw)
Samir: *smiles* Reece looks nice
Yesenia: Don’t be modest honey, you’re up here to
Samir: Suppose
Yesenia: I’m so proud of you for being brave enough to claim your home back, you know that right
Samir: *nods* Hmm
Kawikani: Reece, dude! Nice threads
Reece: Thanks
Yesenia: Is that my boys boyfriend?
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Reece: Hi Ms Mireles, I’m Reece
Yesenia: Gosh, you’re a lot… younger than I expected *looks at Samir with concern*
Kawikani: Scoring a younger partner, nice one
Samir: *blushes* Yeah. We fit together *blows kiss*
Reece: Aww, thanks
Yesenia continues to look worried and at a loss for words. Samir's brother however sees nothing wrong.
Kawikani: two sentences at once bro? This day is full of surprises
Yesenia: Now Kawikani, you know your brother doesn’t like to talk, don’t make fun
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Kawikani: Any updates on your parents case
Samir: Yes… werewolves?
Yesenia: I beg your pardon
Samir looks pleadingly at Reece who promptly takes over sharing what they’ve found. Samir figures Reece is better with words anyway, that's one reason why he loves to hear him talk. When Reece gets to the part about Samir turning into a werewolf Reece can feel Samir tense up, waiting on a response from his family.
Yesenia: Hopefully this will help you find some answers then. No matter what, I'll be your mother. But I know you need to know what happened to your birth parents
Samir: You don’t… mind?
Kawikani: Course we don’t bro, come here
Kawikani pulls his brother into a hug and Samir feels his chest lighten just a bit.
Kawikani: Besides, when have we ever been a typical family unit? Why not add werewolf to the mix. I seriously hope you find the bastard who killed your folks, I know you’ve always wanted a why
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Kawikani and Yesenia get talking and Reece pulls Samir aside.
Reece: You need to go for a run right? You're getting restless
Samir: But blondie I get the feeling mum...
Reece: Thinks I'm immature? Yeah, me to. But hey the best way to change that is for me to talk to her right
Samir: Just know I love you, no matter what she thinks
Reece: I know. I love you to, regardless of others approval or disapproval
Samir heads out for a run while Reece tries to win over Yesenia. She’s in a tense mood so Reece attempts to calm her emotions. She’s much happier after that and Reece hopes it’s a step in the right direction.
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Samir: They gone
Reece: Yep, the house is ours
Samir: Good because I need to mark again
Reece: *smiles* I have to admit, I find the claiming territory thing attractive as hell, even though puddles are included. You letting the other thousands of werewolves know this house is in your territory
Samir: You’re my territory blondie *howls* everyone out there should know *howls*
Reece: *blushes* but seriously, do you think there are others out there? Apart from whoever bit you
Samir: *shrugs* Maybe. There are... a lot of smells in those woods
Reece: Do you want to like-
Samir: Cozy up and make a werewolf bff pack, nope. You know I don’t do crowds
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Samir: I see you got books, good boy
Reece: And a bookshelf to put them in boss
Samir: Wait... why are half of them romance
Reece: *chuckles* You really wonder why I'd like to read about woohooing werewolves
Samir: Well... yeah. Why read when I can show you whenever your needy self wants?
Reece: *laughs* Not that I could ever say no to you but these books could help. Myths, legends and folklore have to come from somewhere right?
Samir: I mean that sound like the excuse of a- wait... I feel like there’s something in the margins here. Do you see?
Reece: I can't see what you're seeing
Samir: I can’t see it properly enough to read it… but it’s there
Reece: Maybe your eyes are still changing, give it time
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Reece: One sausage and peppers for me, one raw steak for you
Samir: *eating* thanks, it’s all I really feel like
Reece: Maybe I was wrong, if you catch all the food you eat then grocery cost shouldn’t be a challenge
Samir: Plus, the plate disappears, no dishes
Reece: Guess I’ll clean up my single dish before we head outside then, hey!
Samir: *eating* what
Reece: I thought you didn’t want to eat the meal
Samir: *chewing* I can’t resist food in front of me though
Reece: You’ll get an angry moodlet
Samir: *swallowing* worth it. Always worth it
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Samir: Okay, one planter box. How hard can that be really
Reece: Just remember to keep it all square
Samir: What’s a square again
Reece: *sarcastically* Wow, you’re hilarious
Samir: I’m glad you see- ouch
Reece: What happened
Samir: I got distracted by the plant evolving lights and hit my head
Reece: Blame the watcher, I normally do
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Reece: You ready for bed
Samir: Yeah. I just… it feels like I could turn tomorrow
Reece: If you do, you do. We’ll handle it
Samir: Any genius ideas of how
Reece: You take the house, I’ll take the outdoors?
Samir: *laughs* Fine, you get outside, this time. I suppose that makes sense if I’m not wanting to scare people. Now, you mentioned something about bed… woohoo and cuddles? But only cuddles after if you’re good
Reece: *giggles* such a task master
Samir: Come on. You show me what you think those books have taught you, and I'll show you some stuff I've read up on that involves your birthday gift
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In the morning Samir feels his internal rage nearing its peak and marks his territory out of habit before going to find Reece.
Samir: Hey gorgeous I don’t know how long I’ll be rampaging
Reece: I should have done scouts, then we could have used smoke signals
Samir: I mean... phones exist
Reece: Have it your way, but I'll still be listening out for when the howling stops
Following breakfast Reece heads outside and makes sure the external doors are locked. More than just wanting Samir to be safe inside, he doesn’t want any nosy sims trying to check out the howling. Especially not Sheriff Captain. The dew collector has broken, again, so he fixes it before foraging for wild berries.
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Samir has some leftover meat for breakfast. Not the freshest but still fresh enough. He wants to go hunting but doesn’t trust himself around others when he’s not in control of the fury within. He figures if he’s stuck inside, he may as well stress clean. He’s just finished in the bedroom when he feels the rage boil over and his body starts to shift.
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Reece spends the morning fishing, or trying to fish while listening to the semi regular howls. He could always catch something in Sulani, even if he’s nowhere near as skilled as his dad. In Moonwood Mill however the fish are having fun alluding him. After a very unproductive hour at the lake he decides to switch to the river that runs through town. While he gets a change of scenery he doesn’t have any luck catching more than seaweed.
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We need to mark what’s ours! No, no, we already did that. We need to do it again! Howl so Reece knows it’s not safe yet. No, howl so whoever that killer is they know not to mess with us.
Poor Samir deals with the battling voices in his head for an hour, marking his territory repeatedly and howling so much that he shoots up to being a prime werewolf! With more power seems to come more control and with a series of collecting breaths Samir is able to calm himself down, returning to his human form and unlocking transformation mastery.
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Adjusting back to his human form, Samir realises he’s standing amidst an abundance of puddles. He looks around, hoping he broke the sink. Nope, sink is fine, they have to be from him. Rather than feel ashamed at the mess Samir feels something resembling… pride? (his latest temperament is prideful) Of course he managed to pee more than could actually fit in his bladder, he’s clearly going to be a wolf not to be messed with. With a smug smile he sets about starting to mop up, the marking will stay but he doesn’t need the puddles damaging the already dodgy floor.
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Reece: *knocks* Can I come back in now
Samir: Sure blondie just… watch your step
Reece: I see you went to town with marking
Samir: And howling, my throat is killing me. But… I managed to turn back by myself!
Reece: That’s great! So it means you're getting some control over it, right?
Samir: It feels like it
Reece: Although that probably means whoever killed your parents…
Samir: Chose to do it in wolf form. Yeah. Hey, I need to get out of here. Come on a date with me?
The couple head back to the park in Cooperdale where they had their first not date of skipping prom together.
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The two take a seat and as per normal begin flirting up a storm with each other. It helps that the rain has kept most people away from the park, as Samir really doesn’t do crowds. When Reece pulls out some mistletoe for a special kiss however, Samir realises he does really do romance, cementing his identity as a romantic sim!
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Samir: So tell me blondie, are you truly okay with all that’s happened to us since we moved in together
Reece: I mean, it’s been a lot… *chuckles* wilder than I was anticipating, but yes. I’m better than okay, I’m with the guy I love. I’m happy
Samir: I love you to. Now you are still going to apply to university right
Reece: If you insist
Samir: I do. I don’t want trying to find out who killed my parents stop you from flourishing into the genius you are. Plus, there’s many ways we can study biology together
Reece: Have some ideas for that do you
Samir: *smiles wickedly* always
Reece: I mean there is a public bathroom over there if you felt like getting a head start on the curriculum
Samir: *kisses* clearly we still need to work on your patience. Let's go home
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Separate dinners eaten together, some wild and playful woohoo, and Reece and Samir fall asleep happy, if on the wrong sides of the bed. This is the end of their first chapter living together, but they’ve got many more stories ahead.
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 6
In this part Samir undergoes his first transformation and Reece has the opportunity to host his first guided meditation. The couple also talk about what's different with Samir now.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Reece is lost in meditation, so much so that he doesn’t realise he’s begun to levitate! He feels like he can sense Samir out there, panicked and pacing. He tries to push the thought from his mind and picture Samir calm. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat.
At the top of the peak Samir is fully transformed now. The rage is burning through his eyes but he needs to get hold of himself. He feels himself thinking breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. His heartbeat begins to slow and he’s able to think again. What’s important again? Finding the killer? We ought to rip their throat out! Protecting Reece? He should be safe. But the killer is out there somewhere. Samir's thoughts are at war with each other.
Reece feels himself coming out of a trance and hears a banging in the distance. When he stands up he finds himself shocked as a rampaging werewolf heads for the bathroom.
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Samir: *gruffly* I told you to lock the front door
Reece: Fudge! I had to go back out to the garden, I must have forgotten to relock it (the watcher forgot to relock it and is regretting it so much just this second)
Samir: *panting* I don’t want to hurt you blondie
Reece: You won’t, you won’t. Here, you’re in the bathroom now so we’ll just lock this one. You won't hurt me. But Samir… are you hurt?
Samir: *howls* I scared you *howls* I shouldn’t have done that *howls*
Reece: It’s my fault really (it’s the watchers fault for forgetting). And it's the first time you've changed, everyone usually messes up on their first time at anything
Samir: *howls* I… I can’t change back *howls*
Reece: Maybe... maybe we just have to wait it out
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Samir continues to howl and Reece hopes he won’t be stuck like this long. The first transformation was always going to be rough but… is it really worth it? Samir's howls grow more painful and Reece worries he might not be able to come out of it. Surely answers are not worth Samir losing himself.
Reece takes some steadying breaths and thinks about his own family. What would it have been like to have seen his parents killed? His sisters. Heck, even Carson. His brain would be unlikely to rest without answers, just like Samir. He really couldn't say how far he would or wouldn't go for them.
All he can do is be here for when Samir needs him. Curled on their bed Reece manages to get a minute of sleep here and there, woken frequently by Samir’s pained howls. Watcher he hopes Samir’s not in agony.
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I feel bad for Samir, locked in the bathroom all he does is howl. He howls so much that he grows from a pup to runt in a couple of hours.
Samir feels something strange come over him. Yes he's a werewolf but this is like an extra instinct. He felt something like it earlier, the need for meat. But this isn’t the same. His senses are all working overtime and he wants… no he needs to claim what’s his. His territory, his life, his love. A small voice in his head tells him it’s not proper but before he can stop himself, he’s pissed on the floor, marking his territory. After this he returns to howling. Eventually a fog comes over him.
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Samir shakes his head, trying to be free of it. The fog pushes him down and he feels his body burning up. When he can breathe again he realises he’s in human form, and there’s a light knocking on the door.
Reece: I haven’t heard a howl for a while... are you okay? Please don’t be unconscious, or have chewed your own arm off
Samir looks around him trying to remember where he is and what is happening. The bathroom looks intact, he managed not to smash anything. But there’s a puddle on the floor. Oh watcher was that him?
Reece: Samir, if you can speak then... please speak to me. I’m losing my mind out here lover
Samir: I’ll... I'll be out in a sec blondie, I just need to… tidy up
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Reece: Do you need any help cause I can help
Samir: It’s fine, I got it
Samir: I scared you. I told myself I wouldn’t but I did
Reece: It was a shock, can’t lie about that
Samir: There’s no proper apology but I am so sincerely sorry
Reece: Hey, it’s okay. It wasn’t totally you, I know that
Samir: It was like… these two voices in my head. Both me, both wanting different things. I didn’t know what to do, I just felt like… like I needed you
Reece: So you came home
Samir: Yeah, I came home *kisses* Hey, do you know you smell really good
Reece: Uhh what?
Samir: It’s like my senses have gotten sharper, and you smell *chuckles* delicious
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Reece: *blushes* So you can smell more, anything else different
Samir: I want meat, like FRESH meat. I don’t know why but I'm craving it
Reece: You do have a fondness of food so I guess an obsession with meat could make sense
Samir: And I want to… I don’t know, defend my stuff. Is that weird?
Reece: You’re a real life werewolf, I think we’ve gone way past weird
Samir: So... you’re not scared forever
Reece: Of you? No. Of our potential grocery budget, yes
Samir: *chuckles* I can try hunting. Come give me a hug, I need you in my arms
Reece: I do love your cuddles
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Samir: And how about my kisses
Reece: *smiles coyly* they’re not bad
Samir: *chuckles* not bad huh
The two share a frenzied kiss before Samir lifts Reece off the ground.
Reece: *between kisses* I mean… they could… or… I forgot… what we…. Saying
Samir: *groans* Damn, I thought kissing you before was good
Reece: What? *panting* Is it not good now?
Samir: *grins* Before, I’d feel where you kissed me but now, when you kiss me I feel it pulse throughout me. I can tell where your lips are still but the pleasure... it radiates
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Samir: Sort of like my body is singing to yours. I guess touch is another sense that’s heightened
Reece: Want to take it up a notch then boss? Test how good it can get *laughs* for science
Samir: I don’t know. What if…. What if I hurt you too much
Reece: Samir, you haven’t before, you’re not going to start now. I trust you. Trust me, you can control yourself. The only way we can find out is by trying. And hey, this is why we have a safe word right?
Samir: You had better do *kisses* exactly what I tell you to
Samir took a steadying breath and led Reece to their bedroom. As normal he controlled what happened, but this time his satisfaction was brighter than it had ever been. When they finished he curled up next to Reece, longing to stay enveloped in him.
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They had only gone to bed together at 2am but having managed moments of sleep Reece was ready to get up at his normal time. He carefully slid himself out from under a still sleeping Samir and quietly headed to the kitchen. There he ate his leftover salad while thinking back on the post transformation woohoo. He'd been right of course, Samir didn't hurt him, he'd maintained control the whole time. Maybe it was just what Samir had been saying beforehand, but Reece had felt like his body was singing right back to his lover.
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Samir: Did you sleep okay? You didn’t get up spooked or anything?
Reece: I did not get up spooked or anything. I was able to get up early because... I did some napping while you were rampaging. Is that horrible?
Samir: *through food* No, I’m glad you were able to hold it together better than me during the transformation
Reece: What do you mean? You didn't break anything I could see
Samir: When I didn’t want you to come into the bathroom… I had kind of… marked my territory
Reece: Umm… did you do that the way I imagine it’s done
Samir: *sighs* Yes, I pissed on the floor. I had to make sure that whoever is out there knows this is our house, and they’re not coming in here and taking anything more of mine *growls*
Reece can't help it, his mind runs away with him when he hears Samir being territorial. If he had it his way Samir could be territorial over him 24/7.
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Samir: These cold cuts aren’t doing it. I need something… fresh
Reece: Maybe you should go catch something
Samir: Like a fish?
Reece: Like the deer population… that are probably being kept in check by the werewolf or werewolves or whatever. I was thinking of trying to host some meditation at the rec centre so I’ll be busy
Samir: Fine. But I’m marking the place first, can’t have any rogues bothering you
Reece’s first guided meditation goes pretty well. Three of the women on the lot come to join in as he talked about deep breaths and clear skies. None of them see Samir when he gets back from the hunt as they have their eyes closed. Samir sees them though and is happy that Reece is able to keep trying to be a zen guru despite having a lone werewolf for a boyfriend.
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Samir is busy boxing when he hears some visitors to the rec centre discussing the midnight howling. Whoops, that was him for sure. To fuel up after he grabs some of the meat he caught and wolfs it down eagerly. Reece decides to do some studies of the sky while I sit nervously, quite worried he’ll get hit by a meteor like Mortimer. Samir turns to the books again to try and understand some more of his new state of existence. Unfortunately, he doesn’t find anything helpful.
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Samir: I just wish they had some stuff that wasn’t fiction
Reece: I’ll have a look online, try order us some stuff. Oh, Keira’s calling
Samir lets Reece take his phone call and realises he can now hear a faint buzz, his hearing must be better now. Looking around for bees he notices that both wind turbines are smoking, they must have got ruined in the storm last night. He heads off to try fix them, boosting his handiness to level 2.
Reece: Is the chord this, or is it different...
Noe: They’ll give anyone an instrument nowdays
Reece: Hey man!
Noe: Come on, I’m not cool enough to get a birthday party invite?
Reece: I just had a quiet one with Samir, there wasn’t a party to miss
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Noe is in a tense mood but Reece tries to calm him down, what do you know it works! Did I mention Reece aged up with all 5 positive character value traits? No. I forgot didn’t I, I was too busy letting him fulfill his romantic whims. He did! Well done Reece! He and Noe play some football and it actually goes… well. He gets a focused moodlet from doing so well. Is this an alternate universe? Did the game hear my football complaints?
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Reece: Please tell me you’re not messing with the electric grid with metal tools
Samir: Why? Is that bad?
Reece: You must be winding me up
Samir: Was Noe all good
Reece: Yeah I think so
Samir: Thanks for not making me come say hi
Reece: Hey, I know your boundaries
Samir: Lets do dinner
Reece: Can you do me after
Samir: *grins* So needy
The couple head around to the grill. Samir puts some sausages and peppers on while Reece takes the chance to geek out and play some video games on his phone.
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Reece: What do we do about friends and family anyway
Samir: What do you mean gorgeous
Reece: Will we, you know, let the wolf out of the bag
Samir: *sighs* I don’t know how people will react
Reece: They should react positively, I mean you’re even more buff now
Samir: *chuckles* pretty sure you’re the only one checking me out
Reece: Oh, I don’t check out. I blatantly ogle you
Samir: *smirks* You’re becoming a bit of a werewolf ally there
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Reece: Lover... what did you mean when you said... you had two voices inside your head when you were in wolf form
Samir: Should have figured you’d remember that. It was kind of like having two sets of instructions at once
Reece: Like a Gollum Smeagol situation
Samir: I don’t know what that means
Reece: It just means we need to try help your good side win out
Samir: Damn it! I thought these sausages would be fine but I really just need more meat
Reece: I can grab a plate for you, don’t worry. Then maybe I could... taste your meat?
Samir: *snorts* I guess good boys can get seconds
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Samir gains the werewolf diplomacy perk and Reece is indeed a werewolf ally now. However neither of them want to be allies with whoever is responsible for the death of Samir’s parents. It’s more that they understand that werewolves can be good and bad, just like human sims. When they get to bed, after woohoo of course, Reece cuddles up to Samir, who can’t believe he snagged such an understanding boyfriend.
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 5
In this part Samir is still feeling the effects of his battering in the tunnels. It's a rainy day so he and Reece spend some time at the rec centre, where Deanna shows up to say hi!
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Samir: I can’t believe your parents got me a violin for your birthday
Reece: I can, mum likes matching gifts, thinks it's cute
Samir: How’d they even know I used to play violin
Reece: My guess? I did write it in my journal when you told me, so Carson read it and blabbed. He’s a nosy little git
Samir: Let’s see if I remember… any of this
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Reece unwinds and writes down all the days events to clear his head. In the background Samir tries to channel what violin skill he had as a child. When he got interested in football he forgot about the violin, but if he is going to be a werewolf it could be good to have another outlet. (Reece has a football in his inventory and cues up the play football practice with Samir ALL the time, I just cancel it because I don’t want their relationship tanking from it, but it makes me smile)
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Samir: Oh, my head is pounding
Reece: Maybe you should go to bed but… cuddles first
Samir: *chuckles* cuddles huh? Then why are you making a move on my neck
Reece: It’s… a very nice neck
Samir: Blondie, I don’t know if we should… I mean, the table was one thing but what if I’m contagious. What if I get caught up in the moment and bite you without thinking
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Reece: If we look at it logically… you’d have to be a werewolf when biting me to turn me. Normal human biting should still be fine
Samir: If we look at it logically… there would be no such thing as werewolves
Reece: *pouts* please, I still want you *switches to whispering* I still need you lover... over me... in me...
Samir: *sighs* fine, but only because I love you. And no biting of any kind until we figure out what’s myth and what’s real, I’m not having you hurt
Reece: Sure thing boss
So the two have a slightly tamer than normal woohoo session before falling asleep together.
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Reece: Did you get any sleep? You were tossing and turning a fair bit
Samir: Crap, I didn't want to wake you. It’s just this… it’s like a tension I suppose, in all of my muscles
Reece: You feel like you’re waiting around for something to happen?
Samir: Yeah, I can feel… something is changing. It’s just taking its sweet time
Reece: Biology is complex. If you are becoming a werewolf… then all your cells will probably be changing
Samir: You think?
Reece: It’s just a guess. I mean it probably depends on if it’s a werewolf gene or a werewolf infection
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Samir: I wish I was as smart as you sometimes
Reece: You have other strengths… like brute strength and amazing woohoo skills
Samir: *chuckles* I’m so glad you’re here, I’d probably be pacing aimlessly otherwise
Reece: Hey lover, how about we get out of the house? Our laundry needs doing anyway, and I’m sure it would do you good to work out at the rec centre, you always seem calmer after a workout. If things seem to change we can always come back home
Samir: I suppose so. I just hope there's not many people there
Reece collects their laundry while Samir does some sit ups to try get rid of all this restless energy.
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Reece and Samir head off to the recreation centre. Samir is doing some heavy lifting while Reece chucks on the laundry when he notices Deanna.
Reece: De! What are you doing in Moonwood Mill
Deanna: If I had to wait for you to come visit me I’d probably be waiting forever
Reece: I’m sorry, I meant to call you. It’s just been *sighs* some kind of week
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Deanna: Wait so the sheriff actually came to your house
Reece: He thought we were squatters. Samir has said the bank had trouble with it over the years
Deanna: He wanted to kick you out then
Reece: Make no mistake, the guy still wants to kick us out
Deanna: But- why
Reece contemplates telling Deanna everything, but he hasn’t discussed that with Samir. He doesn’t want to betray Samir’s trust by blabbing.
Reece: Sheriff doesn’t like us being nature lovers I guess. Neither does his wife
Deanna: For a sheriff of a town in the woods that’s a stupid excuse
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Reece: And get this, his name is... Captain
Deanna: Shut up!
Reece: Seriously. But I probably shouldn't say much more here
Deanna: Because everyone likes to eavesdrop at a rec centre
Reece: People do! I know I do. Plus his office is right above us. Hey, that wasn’t fair
Deanna: Because I won? To bad sucker
Reece: Yes I am. Best of three then?
Deanna: I don’t think it’ll help you but sure
Reece: Just let me get my washing in a dryer
Deanna: Watcher, you’re so bloody domestic now
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Samir: Deanna *nods* Blondie... might read...
Reece: Yeah sure boss
Deanna: *concerned* Is he okay? I know he doesn't really speak but it looked like he was… frothing
Reece: He’s just come down with… something
Deanna: Come on man, if you’re sick you stay home, everyone knows that. You should be tying him to the bed so he rests
Reece has to stifle his laughter over Deanna's assumption of who would be tying up who in bed.
Reece: Pretty sure it’s not an airborne thing, he won’t get anyone sick
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After having some reading time Samir returns to the gym area. There he picks a fight with a boxing bag, imagining it’s whoever killed his family. Sure he doesn't know exactly who did it but it was somebody. Somebody who was still stalking the underground tunnels. They clearly know who he is, since they said he shouldn’t have come back. Whatever it takes, he’s going to find out who they are. Then, they’re going to give him answers.
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Reece finishes up the game, says bye to Deanna, and goes to check the laundry. Excellent timing, he gets there just as the cycle finishes. He gets the clean clothes in his inventory then looks around for Samir.
Reece: You doing okay
Samir: I clearly haven’t turned yet but... I think we should get home
Reece: Are you feeling sick again
Samir: No. I can’t describe it. It’s like I’m feeling… the tension will go away? I really don’t know what will happen then, and would like to not be around people
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Samir: You need to get inside, lock the door, and stay there
Reece: I think you’re overreacting
Samir: I think you’re under-reacting. We don’t know what I’ll be like when I … change. I couldn’t bear it if I hurt you
Reece: You won’t. Whatever werewolf killed your parents, and hurt you, there was a person in there making that choice. You’re the strongest person I know. I choose to believe you will be strong enough to control yourself
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Samir: You’re sweet, but I don’t want to take any chances. Get inside
Reece: Wait-
Reece threw his arms around Samir, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He didn’t know what would happen to his boyfriend tonight, but he needed him to know he was on his side, no matter what happened. As Samir peeled away and ran in to the distance Reece couldn’t help but remember the last time Samir ran away from him in the rain. Back then his biggest worry had been that Samir was straight. Now so many more worries were trying to enter his brain.
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On top of the peak Samir felt the tension that had coiled in his muscles ease off. Rather than feeling himself shift he felt… hungry. Really hungry. He knew he was a glutton but this was something else. Heading back down the peak confused, he felt like there was food nearby. Sure enough a faint aroma of hamburgers reached him, making his stomach growl ever louder. He was trying to avoid people but… oh watcher did he need food.
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Samir: FOOD
Wolfgang: Help yourself kid
Samir: Thanks. Starving
Kristopher: You and your boyfriend have just moved here right
Samir: *nods and chews* I'm back. My parents… my parents were Othman and Nadia Hadji
Kristopher and Wolfgang exchange glances, but this is completely missed by Samir as his hunger continues to rise. How can he eat but get more hungry?
Wolfgang: I’m finished, better get going eh *nudges Kristopher*
Kristopher: Hmm *nods and murmurs in agreement*
Wolfgang: Look after yourself kid
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Reece has been busy vacuuming and putting the clean clothes away. Deanna joked about him being domestic, but it did feel good to be able to look after Samir. He realises he was so busy worrying about Samir this morning that he didn’t harvest the garden. Strangely most plants seem to have reverted, so there’s not much to pick, but he can get their flowers.
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Reece tries to nap on the couch but he only manages a few minutes of fitful sleep. His worries soon start swarming in. Will Samir be okay alone? It’s raining, what if he catches a cold? What if he runs in to the one who killed his parents? He would be completely unprepared. Unable to still himself, Reece gets up. He makes a salad because he doesn’t trust himself with the stove, and tries to get lost in guitar playing. It doesn’t clear his mind but he does reach level 2.
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Samir has been wandering aimlessly, trying to ignore the hunger. He heads to the lake but by the time he gets there he’s too uncomfortable to fish. Luckily he has some leftover birthday cake on him, and demolishes it. The rain is getting heavier and Samir once again feels drawn to the top of the peak. There’s not much of a view in this weather but at least he’s away from others.
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As he’s enjoying the feel of the rain a howl escapes him, taking him by surprise. Before he can wonder what happened his head is filled with pain and his eyes feel like they’re on fire. The pain moves down his body, forcing him to buckle over. He can feel things shifting under his skin… fur??? He tries to calm down but instead all he can feel is rage. Someone out there killed his parents, he has to return the favour. No, no. He’s not a killer. But someone is, and killing them back is justice. No it’s not justice. Oh, yes it is. The rage fills him entirely and he’s lost to the red haze.
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
This took an embarrassingly long time...
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At least I got it in the end... maybe? Tale of woe below
So first I had to go into manage households and edit 7 different families to get them Winterfest outfits
Then I went to the Yorks and it was ****ing raining wasn't it? Just change the weather you say? I did... but I also have a raincoat mod and half the family refused to take them off despite being under cover
I waited but eventually had to travel lots and back with the group, then redo all the poses and correct outfits AGAIN
The entire time, as you probably know, Rilian was crying at me 😭
At least it wasn't raining in Sulani. Yes but how to fit everyone, including the dog, in one picture? Especially when the backyard was shaded by the house... Steps were involved which means T.O.O.L was involved for detailed movement
I set them all to pose, pressed play, then half wandered off and rotated before posing so the micromanagement was... not micro
Did I forget to mention after posing I also had to have my played sims give their families their own copies of the photo because... well because it makes sense to me but it takes a while
Then it was finally back to Alexander, James and Milton! I know I forgot to light the Christmas tree first but it had been several hours at this point and my sanity was on thin ice
Again how to get a photo with toddlers and grown ups? The disparity in wedding photos was large so I went with the sit on the floor option
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
New Household Alert
Coming to the household shuffle next rotation... The Woods Household!
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In Moonwood Mill is a small house, affectionately called the “dusty murder shack” by Reece. In it live Reece Foster and Samir Hadji.
Reece has loved the outdoors all his life. Growing in to a teen it was discovered he was actually a genius, something that doesn’t quite line up with his aspiration of being a Zen Guru. Having completed high school he’s currently thinking about whether he wants to attend university, or just become the local forest hippie. Samir votes for university.
Speaking of Samir, he’s had a rough life. At just 5 both of his parents were killed in a home invasion that injured him, and landed him in the foster system. While he was quickly adopted with a new brother, the murders still bother him. Now he’s a young adult the house is back in his possession after no one wanted to purchase it. He’s moved in with his boyfriend and is determined to figure out his old memories from that night. Who exactly killed his parents and most importantly, why?
Reece is from a household originally found on the gallery, created by sakuraleon (he was a toddler originally). Samir Hadji was spawned in game by MCCC as a teen. Original YA sim can be found on the gallery, created by Louloukiie.
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