#sometimes I find something that makes me go so 🤨 I feel the need to respond
kukuandkookie ¡ 8 months
Man I should’ve gone to sleep ages ago or at least enjoyed myself by reading more danmei or manhua before I do so but…
I ran across a tweet asking if there’s any Chinese actors who can compare visually to a specific Korean actor and it did kind of strike a nerve with me.
But that wasn’t even that big of a deal. Some people like Korean actors and some people like Chinese actors. You can share some pretty Chinese actors and see what others say, whatever.
Ignoring the political tensions OP may have been stoking—as in, I’m of Chinese descent and I always hate seeing any Korea vs China posts crop up; besides being more popular than China anyway, I just have bad experiences in the past with nationalists spiralling this kind of thing out of control and making me sad to realize that quite a number of Korean people actually really hate/look down on China. So ignoring all that, who cares, right?
Except I found some care being piqued when I saw a qrt pretty rudely claiming Chinese actors are so weak they can’t lift their female partners and that they also can’t sing or act—and if OP could have, I’m sure they’d claim they can’t dance either.
Like hello??? We’re really pretending a country of 1.7 billion people isn’t going to have some skilled or strong people in acting??? Hell, some of these so-called “can’t sing/act” Chinese actors have actually found success in Korea for doing the thing that person thinks they can’t (eg Wang Yibo, literally). So is this apparent Korean entertainment fan just going to ignore that fact about the Korean entertainment industry???
Even all of that is technically whatever, but what rubbed me the wrong way was that they sounded so petty and weird about it too???? It’s one thing to say, “I don’t think Chinese actors are that impressive because they’re not very strong or skilled at their craft”—that’s still a bizarre claim to make even as an opinion (because it’s written as a broad, generalizing, sweeping statement instead), but it nevertheless sounds a lot less asshole-ish than whatever the hell their actual tweet is:
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So this time I was petty and ended up responding ffjhskdjs.
Idk if they’re going to start arguing with me but hey at least it led me to find some cute clips of actors carrying actresses:
I also found some fun facts about actors; some of which I knew, and some of which I didn’t: Song Weilong knows martial arts, Luo Yunxi knows ballet, Li Xian dives, Wallace Chung plays sports (volleyball, tennis, baseball), Huang Jingyu does Brazilian jiu jitsu…
Like those are all skills that just so happen to require strength.
And even skinny people can be strong (Luo Yunxi can be easily labelled thin, but he’s not without muscle. Like ballet isn’t an easy sport at all).
Then we have the opposite side of the spectrum with the fact that China has a whole martial arts movie industry. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen… Whether you think their strength is practical or not, martial arts still takes a form of strength.
Plus you know how Asia is about “men needing to be manly.” Even with the flower boy trend in both China and Korea, there’s still an emphasis on some traditional gender roles, and quite a number of Chinese men do work out.
There’s just so many different forms of strength.
My younger brother works out and he can physically pick me up (he actually did it today to force me to get out of bed lol), but he’s often lamented being skinny, so the muscle doesn’t show—or take form—as easily. In fact, both my brothers are their own forms of gym bros so I know a bit about physical strength, and there’s obviously the fact there are many different kinds of strength.
A man who works out regularly and has visible muscles can likely pick up a woman, but that doesn’t mean he’ll necessarily be great in a fight or at a certain sport (eg my brother is good at working out, can lift heavy things to be fixed or carried, is technically alright at basketball, but cannot really do long-distance running).
My older brother then looks bigger than my younger brother but he can’t easily beat him in an arm wrestling match. My dad isn’t that muscular but he can also hold his own in an arm wrestling match against my brothers.
It’s almost as if different bodies and different types of strength exist! The exact same way that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!
Back to the flower boys thing—with there being a trend in China where people prefer more “delicate” men (remember when Simu Liu got cast as Shang-Chi and a number of articles came out about some Chinese netizens not finding him all that attractive?), then of course Chinese actors may not be as bulked out as some western ones. But that’s also whatever—it’s a cultural difference.
As I already described, there are Chinese actors with muscles, or who work out, or who are strong in other/not immediately obvious ways, or who can carry actresses…
But whether they can or can’t, including whether they’re muscular or thin, I don’t think it matters. In fact, if anything, I’m glad that despite the government’s efforts to “ban” flower men, the blur between masculine and feminine—at least when we follow the western standards—still exists in China.
And I emphasize that even more since China and Korea can buy into beliefs about gender that imo are too traditional. So I am glad that even if Chinese men are “smaller” than Korean men—or at least the actors are (in that person’s eyes), they’re defying gender expectations somewhat. Especially what with Korea fervently continuously getting the spotlight for misogyny in the workplace or by fans/incels (eg recently with Arknights’ more independent Korean division despite Arknights coming across as rather feminist, the whole ordeal with Furina’s designer, the whole 🤏 controversy, actual sexual scandal cases…).
And well oops that went into another tangent.
Technically it’s not that serious, but it is also a slippery slope. And anyway, the tweet in general was just baffling enough it made me want to respond lol.
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aemondfairy ¡ 2 months
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summary: On a dreaded night out with Aegon to forget his past, Aemond finds himself thinking of a future with you.
pairing: Modern!Aemond x Stripper!Reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: Explicit smut, alcohol consumption, brief mention of drugs, sex work, dry humping, lactation kink, slight mommy kink, handjob, cum play 18+ MDNI
note: Tbh, idk what urged me to write this, (it was the photo of Ewan on the couch with the leopard print carpet) but shout out to Aegon for being a good wingman 🫡 I have a part 2 planned but only if people are interested
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Aemond Targaryen was never a fan of strip clubs. He viewed them as not only a waste of time, but a waste of money. Spending ungodly amounts on overpriced, watered down drinks. Just so some girl who pretended to be attracted to him, could dance on him for a couple of hours. He always left feeling impure while glitter and the scent of cotton candy body spray clung to his clothes. It just wasn’t his thing, he had better ways to spend his time. And yet, he found himself getting ready to go to one now, on a Tuesday night. With his heathen of a brother and his immature friends. What had become of him?
You’re on the opposite side of town, also getting ready for the evening. Hot steam and the scent of coconut invigorates your senses as you’ve just finished taking an ‘everything’ shower. You’re scrubbed to the bone, freshly exfoliated, shaved, and now lathering vanilla scented lotion onto your skin when your phone buzzes. Aegon Targaryen.
Aegon was your typical rich, spoiled, frat boy who frequented the club you worked at. Over the years he had become something more of a friend than a customer. He would sometimes bring you food, or weed, or a pack of cigarettes. He had even come to your defense when certain men would over step boundaries with you.
He was a good customer, gave a lot of money to the club – and to you. He wasn’t exactly your type but there was no denying he was attractive.
you workin tonight?
depends who’s asking 😈 jk … u know where to find me 💋
perfect. and not for me 😢 have a guy who needs a distraction. wear smth expensive!
oh? 👀🤨
money talks baby
yeah yeah 💸💦
It’s a rainy Tuesday night, you’re not sure why you agreed to pick up a shift in the first place. But you could use some extra cash, and your daughter is at her dad’s this week.
Even though the club you work at is one of the busiest in Kings Landing, you anticipate it to be an uneventful evening. Aegon coming in changes things, maybe you’ll have some sort of fun, and at the very least someone to talk to.
It’s just you and two other girls working tonight. There are three men sat around the stage as Floris dances, and Sara is occupied with a private dance in the back. As you predicted, a pretty slow night. You have the bartender make you a drink. You sit and tap on the glass waiting for some action when Aegon finally shows up.
He has a decent sized group of guys with him, most of which seem to already be under the influence. In order to not appear desperate you wait for Aegon to come to you.
“Lookin’ good, girl!” he calls, leaning in to hug you, “and you wore expensive perfume, that’s a good girl,” he flirts as he slides you a $50 bill, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him.
“Is this for… your friend?”
“Not a friend,” he states proudly, a devilish grin on his face, “my brother.”
You look past Aegon to the group of guys he sauntered in with, and then you spot him. A tall, lean guy with hair the same shade as Aegon’s; except his is much shorter, and styled neatly. He’s aimlessly scrolling his phone, barely looking around. You notice he has a pack of Marlboro Menthols in his hand. With a cool demeanor and a jawline chiseled to perfection by the Gods themselves, you are in for it.
He resembles Aegon for sure, though he is much more handsome.
“Gods, there’s two of you,” you groan jokingly.
“Actually, there’s four of us,” Aegon corrects, “but one’s sixteen and the other is a girl, our sister.”
Aegon hardly ever spoke of his family and when he did it was never in detail. All you knew was they were toxic, full of drama, lacking love, and filthy rich.
“Right. Well, what do I need to know about this one?”
“That’s Aemond. Go easy on him, will you? He’s a major nerd, hates all things fun, and the club isn’t really his scene — total opposite of me,” he notes, “but he’s been hung up on this older woman and I need him to get under someone else to get over her.”
You raise your eyebrows at him a second time, unsure of what you’re getting yourself into.
“What can I say? We’re a complicated bunch, but it’s nothing you can’t handle, right princess?”
You giggle at the pet name and he grins before he smacks you hard on the ass.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
You glance over in Aemond’s direction again, now he sips on an old fashioned, his grip tight on the glass while his expression remains unreadable.
You decide to head to the back to quickly freshen yourself up. You’ll need to mentally prepare yourself before sinking your paws into Aegon’s sexy-as-hell younger brother. You brush out your curls, pick away any dried mascara from below your eyelids and generously apply more perfume. Baccarat 540, it was expensive, thank you very much.
You take a large sip of your own drink before you saunter your way back out front and over to the table where he sits.
"Hey! You look like you could use a friend" you purr, “can I offer you a dance?"
Aemond looks over to Aegon who is giving him a thumbs up before looking at you. His eye scans your body.
"Um, yeah,” he finally responds, swallowing thickly, “yeah, you can.”
This time he smiles as he checks you out.
"You wanna go somewhere more private?" you offer in a whisper, motioning to one of the closed off rooms, "ya know away from prying eyes?"
"Sure," he replies and your perfectly manicured fingers wrap around his wrist, dragging him to one of the rooms. Once you’re alone, tucked away behind the velvet curtain, he takes it upon himself to take a seat on the leather couch.
“So how does this work?" he questions nonchalantly, taking a large sip of his old fashioned.
“You’ve never gotten a private dance before?” you ask him and he shakes his head as he swallows.
“Oh, well, I’m flattered,” you giggle, taking a seat next to him, feeling him out.
“Well, while we’re in here,” you say as you place your palm on his leg, “I’m all yours,” you smile.
“All mine, huh?”
“That’s right,” you soon come realize that Aemond isn’t even sure what he wants. You take a large sip of your drink, finishing it off in one gulp.
You discard your empty glass and slowly straddle Aemond’s lap, refusing to break eye contact as you move your body to the rhythm of the song the booms through the speakers. Your palms glide over his lean chest, teasing and tantalizing as you continue to sway your hips. Aemond keeps a firm grip on the couch, his hands not leaving his sides. You reach down and take them in yours.
“You can touch me, you know. I promise you won’t break me,” you encourage, guiding his hands up your body.
His hands are cold as they run up and down your stomach, but they cause a fire to ignite inside of you. His touch is more gentle than what you’re used to. He uses his thumbs to swipe over the sheer fabric of your bra against your nipples. You gasp under his touch but he quickly removes his hands from you, yet you feel his cock grow harder underneath you.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, your hands flying to your breasts, instantly feeling two damp spots there. Fuck.
It’s something you know is inevitable, but it doesn’t make it any less awkward. All of your regulars are already aware of your situation, but with someone new and unsuspecting, it’s an uncomfortable conversation. You’d found a lot of men are actually turned on by it, but there is always that chance that the current one won’t be.
“I – I’m so sorry. I don’t usually confide this, Aegon knows… but uh, I have a one year old who’s still breastfeeding.”
Aemond appears to be at a loss for words. You need to get up before he can reject you himself.
“Let me just—” He stares at you intently as you’re about to remove yourself from his lap. He is definitely caught off guard by your confession, but not in the negative way that you think.
“That’s no problem,” he says huskily as he composes himself, “you stay right here.”
His gaze is piercing as he keeps his hands firm on your hips, the cool metal of his rings digs into your flesh as he holds you in place in his lap.
“Alright, if you’re sure,” you mutter back to him, feeling relieved.
“Oh, I’m sure,” he tells you, the bulge in his pants evidently harder than it was earlier.
You study him carefully, there is a hunger in his eye that wasn’t there before, even moments ago. It’s as if his entire demeanor has changed. You figure you can use this to your advantage.
“I don’t usually do this, but I’m making an exception,” you tell him as you reach behind your back to unclasp your bra. You shimmy it off your shoulders and let it fall to the dirty floor.
“Because I’m Aegon’s brother?” he asks.
“No, because …. I want to.”
It was true, you didn’t normally get this intimate with customers, but something about Aemond was drawing you in.
Aemond’s eye widens as you reveal your glistening nipples to him. You squeeze at your breast lightly, grinding yourself into him, and he rewards you with a moan. your thumb around your nipple, gathering some of your milk onto it before rubbing it along Aemond’s lower lip. He eagerly accepts it into his mouth, sucking it harshly, nipping at your fingertip.
“You like that?”
“Mhm,” he groans against you, releasing your thumb before leaning forward into you. He smells good, expensive cologne and nicotine. His lips find their way to your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. His fingers ghost down your body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. You arch into him, wanting more.
He continues to move at an agonizingly slow pace, taking his time with you as his lips make their way from your throat down to your chest. Your breath hitches once his tongue finally comes in contact with your nipple, lapping at the droplets of milk there. He takes your flesh into his mouth, gently suckling, careful not to apply too much pressure.
Your mind is going hazy as arousal leaks from your core, so you grind down harder on him, attempting to ease the ache between your legs.
Aemond continues to suckle at your breast, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud as he drinks from you with ease. His eyes are closed, his mind completely lost to the sensation of you in his mouth. Your body trembles against him and he feels it, your small whimpers and moans urging him on.
He pulls away slowly, and you wince at the loss of contact. His lips leave a trail of wet kisses across your skin as he looks up at you with glassy eyes.
You lean back, positioning yourself so that you have access to the button of Aemond’s jeans.
“Can I?” you ask.
He nods his head eagerly, unbuttoning them for you and yanking the zipper down with quickness.
You slip your hand inside, beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs and wrap your hand around his length, tugging gently as your free hand flies to the back of his head, pulling at the hair at the nape of his neck.
Your hand slides at a steady pace against his shaft, squeezing gently. His thick veins pulsing underneath your fingertips.
“Fuck, M-mommy,” he moans.
Your eyes widen at his choice of words but they stir something sinister inside you, and what Aegon told you earlier rings in the back of your mind: “he’s been hung up on this older woman.”
It all clicks.
You kiss him soft and slow for a moment before pulling away.
“You wanna be a good boy and cum for mommy baby?”
“Yes! I’m — I’m good,” he stutters, rutting himself up into your palm.
Your hand works quicker as he finds himself back at your chest. Drinking from you like a man starved.
A few more languid pumps of his cock and he’s trembling beneath you. Shooting thick, pearly ropes into your hand. You move your hand down lower to cup and squeeze at his balls for a moment before bringing it back up to your mouth, licking away the salty remnants as Aemond shoves his cock back into his pants.
As if right on schedule, the timer you set on your phone to keep track of the time goes off.
“Well, looks like our time’s up,” you say with a frown.
“Looks like it,” he replies and the air swells with tension.
You turn to leave, hoping to give him a moment to gain his composure and get himself together but he yanks at your wrist.
“Wait! Let me take you out!” he blurts out at you, “on a date, a real one. Please.”
You bring your hand up to wipe a smudge of your lipgloss from the corner of his mouth.
“This was paid for, ya know?” You say empathetically and his eye darkens. Great. You’ve offended him.
“I know that,” he says sternly, “It’s just, I want to take you out. Please. Just one date.”
“One date,” you repeat.
“Yes,” he assures, his good eye gleaming.
Something else you don’t usually do, date customers. These Targaryen’s are giving you a run for your money.
You give Aemond your phone number and you let him add his to your phone.
“I will text you,” he promises before he goes to exit the room. You follow him out and watch as he makes his way back to Aegon who is bright eyed and clapping at his brother.
You make eye contact with Aegon and he mouths something to you that you are unable to decipher.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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soobnny ¡ 1 year
classmate au | yang jungwon
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❝ i’ve retired from the student council lmao ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | JUNGWON | ni-ki
yang jungwon
where do i even begin
in the first year of highschool, he used to be THE class president
resident teacher’s pet, sits in the front, yada yada… typical good student stereotype
BUT NOW??? 😭😭😭😭
he just goes to school to be silly
don’t get me wrong like he is smart n still receives good grades
but he isn’t the 100% school jungwon from 7th grade
how do you befriend yang jungwon
he’s actually a friend of a friend!
apparently, rei had met him when she was in the student council for like a year
so naturally, you eat lunch together at the canteen
he always has those cool lunchboxes and just rly GOOD food for lunch that he doesn’t share
you didn’t know what to expect from the boy when you first started eating lunch together
maybe timid??? shy??? bossy?? you don’t know bc he’s in a different section
you certainly don’t expect him to know about every single possible GOSSIP in the school
he says it in such a funny way too like
yang jungwon storytelling skills 10/10
and he laughs so hard like he will draw attention to your table bc he’s laughing so hard
but it’s valid bc the things he says sometimes are so unhinged that even YOU can’t help the loud cackles
tho you don’t rly become close friends until sports fest season
you hang around each other ++ additional friends BUT they’re always in some contest so you’re left with jungwon most of the time
“do you want to leave and go to the mall??,” you’d ask more as a joke
but he agrees
YANG JUNGWON agrees to skip sports fest to go to the mall with you im in tears
that’s how you find yourselves in a small karaoke room at the mall
he drags you to the arcade too
the original bet was loser pays for the winner’s lunch
but then u lost every game and u looked so cute pouting that jungwon suddenly changes the rules
“FINE… winner pays for the loser’s lunch”
he pretends to be so upset about it too so that you can grab his arm and shake it around to try and get his attention
he gives in obv
then he takes u to lunch at one of like ur fav places and ure like omg ??? u think it’s telepathy that he knows
BUT NO he listens to your stories during lunch time and you’ve mentioned eating here and loving it before
he even has your order down but he tries not to be too obvious about it ☹️☹️
yang jungwon listens to you even tho you’re seated a few people away from him
womp womp it rains when u decide to go back to school
you two end up running in the rain together
WELL technically at first you tried to share his umbrella but then the both of you got too flustered
so when u started to stray away from his umbrella .. he CLOSES it
he takes your hand and goes running for the school so you can take shelter from the rain
the teachers and students look at u like 🤨🤨
anyways jungwon and (name) ABSENT from sports fest
the only thing you remember the event by is bc u joined picture taking before leaving the school grounds
it’s so natural hanging out with him
nothing ever feels forced bc he’s just so goofy and silly that you never feel crazy when talking to him
ever since then !!!!! he’d sit closer to you during lunch time
then he’d start waiting for you outside your classroom just to tell you something ??
will find every excuse to talk to you
and if the teacher needs something from your room? bye he’s VOLUNTEERING just to see you for a few seconds
ofc the teachers just think typical Jungwon behavior
but no … this is typical Jungwon with a Crush behavior
ALSO picture this
his classes end earlier than yours
he will literally pass by your classroom a million times and peek through the open door to make like brief eye contact with you
sometimes .. u don’t notice him and he just admires the way you look on forward to the teacher
also pretends his class ended late so when ur class dismisses he’ll be like “oh let’s talk to the cafeteria together!”
he’s not slick abt it
why is he suddenly so down bad and willing to do everything to hear you laugh
(he starts sharing his food with you btw i know… very shocking for him who ltrly Never shares)
he finally confesses after a school event that ran longer than it should’ve
so he sprints at you and tells you he needs to tell you something bc he is going crazy
CONFESSES !!!!!!!!!
ofc who are you to reject him.
be careful when you start dating bc i firmly believe he LOVES kissing 😹
like he is obsessed and will just be kissing you all the time i’m sorry i’m pushing this agenda
tho ofc in hidden areas!!!!!!!
he doesn’t want his beloved teachers catching him who still has an image of being a teacher’s pet
soooooo like……
“come here, let me kiss you”
you even receive TEXTS as if you’re some sort of sneaky link (you’re not)
“please meet me under the stairs beside the student council office and prepare your lips 😘😘😘😘”
under the stairs, the side of the basketball court, an empty classroom … everywhere
BEHAVE yang jungwon
he’s so clingy and so smug too
has you as his lockscreen
it’s so funny bc someone would borrow his phone and your zoomed in face would just flash in his phone
talks about u to his friends all the time
“isn’t my girlfriend so pretty?,” with this smile 😊😊😊😁
lets you wear his school blazer
sometimes he even switches ur pe shirts
He just likes seeing the big fat “yang” printed on your back
he makes his kisses a reward sometimes like if you get this question right he’ll SMOOCH u
he’s honestly so good at being academic support like he knows exactly what to say bc 7th grade him was a different breed n be was so eager to please and always felt so pressured
jungwon a Veteran u guys
helps you in the subjects you’re not so good in
tbh teaches better than your teachers sometimes
like he’d stay behind in class and it’s only the two of you in the classroom and he’ll start WRITING on the whiteboard
just starts lecturing to help you for an upcoming exam
honestly just good luck to you and your poor lips
oh also your poor stomach bc he will always make you laugh
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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loviingpedri ¡ 2 months
💋 me thru the phone - joão félix
prompt: it’s hard doing long distance.
warnings: grammar issues, one suggestive comment
click to help palestine
credits to owners for all images
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the moon reflected in the window as the trees are shaking from the wind. raindrops covering the glass, slowly falling down.
staring at the picture frame of you and your boyfriend on the nightstand, you sighed.
long distance was very difficult. joĂŁo was in portugal for a little vacation, while you were in spain for work and university. joĂŁo was in and out of your apartment, meaning there was barely any contact or conversation.
he tried his best. he was the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for. you smelled the fresh pastel tulips in the glass vase. lost in your thoughts, and about to pick up a book, a sudden noise shocked you.
ring ring
a smile formed on your face as a picture of joĂŁo holding floki in front of a sunset on a mountain, next to him was you. a memory appearing of how your lips felt against his cheek. a scent of ocean, wood, and citrus flowing through the air.
swiping to answer his call, you were met with a smiley, tan, and dark brown eyed guy.
“hey.” he says on his white couch.
“hey, how are you?” pulling your (his) hoodie over your head to get comfortable, he could tell something was on your mind.
“i’m doing pretty good. did you get the flowers i sent?”
“yeah, i did. they’re really beautiful.” flipping your camera to show him. he admired the pink tulips, reminding him of you.
“i noticed your hoodie. wonder where you got it from,” noticing his smirk, you tried to hide your face in the camera. “is something going on? you don’t seem very talkative.”
you don’t wanna admit it, but he was right. usually, you would explain in detail on how your day was. quiet on you either meant you were mad at him, or just weren’t having a good day.
“i’m okay. not really feeling talkative today.” you gave him a small smile of reassurance. he wiggled in response, not buying the response. he shrugged it off instead of trying to push it on you.
“you look good. i’m glad you’re taking care of yourself.” honestly, that small comment made you want to lay flat on your stomach, kicking your feet in the air with a soft pink rising on your cheek.
“thanks. how’s your vacation going?” trying to control your heart rate, you decided to change the topic.
he smiled as you were fixing your hair, trying to noticeably look good for him. “it’s chill, not very eventful. sometimes i think about how i should’ve stayed with you though.”
“you know i would’ve never let you do that. you needed a break.
“yeah, i know. its been awhile. i really miss you.”
with a little sarcastic hair flip, “i’m so glad you miss me,” his laughter made butterflies fly in your stomach. “but really, i miss you too. especially when you would make hot chocolate during rainy nights. i crave it literally almost every day.”
“is that the only thing you crave?” he winked at you. your smile dropped at first in shock, but you two were dying in laughter.
“ew joão, that’s so gross.” you said in between laughter.
“if i had the opportunity to climb through the phone and kiss you, i would take it.”
“and people say romance is dead.”
rolling his eyes, you saw a glimpse of an open suitcase. it was filled with clothes neatly folded and ready for a trip. you furrowed your eyebrows.
noticing your face, “what’s wrong? did something happen?”
“are you going somewhere? i thought you weren’t leaving for another 3 weeks.”
laughing it off, which you did not find it funny (cause where is he going 🤨🤨🤨), he noticed you were being serious. you did not take the hint at all.
“y/n, don’t be sour. i’m going to fly over there tomorrow morning.” your mouth flew open. he didn’t even mention it.
“what? when did you book the ticket? you didn’t tell me anything.”
“calm down, i started packing this morning. i honestly couldn’t wait to see you anymore. i just booked the tickets literally 5 minutes ago.”
“i should probably clean the apartment a little bit then.” scrambling out of bed, ready to spot every dust speckle.
“don’t worry about it. i’m just ready to see you.”
“you should sleep early then for your flight. i’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
nodding his head, “kisses?” you rolled your eyes. he think it’s so funny how you kissed the camera one time before hanging up. now, he wants you to do it every phone call.
blowing a kiss at the camera before quickly hanging up in embarrassment, you could see his cheeky smile. you laid in your bed, thinking about what just happened. you were kicking your feet, ready to see him.
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vampcubus ¡ 2 years
a/n: it’s my love language ok. just needed to get this out of my system. also no gifs cus i'm sleepy...
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊eren, levi, connie, reiner, and bertholdt.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊mostly sfw but suggestive hehe.
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— HE UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT, down to tussle anytime I promise you. Just make sure you’re ready for the smoke because he will not be going easy on you, he wants to WIN.
— The most likely to get a little too rough with it and one or both of you gets genuinely hurt 💀
— Something about play fighting flicks a switch in his brain and makes him feel like a kid again. Can’t help but laugh because hey this is so much fun.
— Eren is actually more likely to initiate and gets upset if you’re not as into it as him like, “Babe fight back :(((“
— Best way to win against him if you aren’t as physically able is to distract him! Nip at his ear, dig your fingers into his side to tickle him, press a kiss to his neck as you lunge for him. Makes him short circuit, all of a sudden he doesn’t wanna fight anymore 😳
— Henceforth why 9/10 times your roughhousing turns into you making out or something else.
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— Finds it annoying, naturally. But if you pester him enough he’ll give in and indulge you. He expects you to get bored after pinning you several times, but when you keep coming back for more he gets really into it. All of a sudden his pupils are all big and he’s fighting more enthusiastically.
— Play fighting brings out his inner child tbh. I doubt you can overpower his insane ackerman strength, but you can outmaneuver him if you really try. The look on his face when you finally flip him onto his back is worth the struggle. Grey eyes wide and the slightest of blushes adorning his pale cheeks.
“Ha! I finally got you!” you pant triumphantly, practically heaving from the effort it took to pin him.
“Yeah you got me. Now get off, you’re heavy.” he can’t even look at you, the image of you atop him is doing things to him he isn’t ready to confront.
— Learns to love roughhousing with you in time. It’s a nice way to burn off any restlessness before you wind down for bed.
— Don’t expect to win very often, and if you do give him plenty of kisses to soften the blow. He’s incredibly ticklish and you can abuse this fatal flaw to get the upper hand, he gets all squirmy and is more focused on wiggling away than fighting you between the wheezes being forced out of him.
— Sometimes he’s simply too exhausted to play to which you can usually tell and wrap him up in your arms to cuddle instead.
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— LOVES TO PLAY FIGHT!! In fact he’s usually the one that initiates! Hope you’re watching your six cus he could attack at any time, you’ll just be minding your own business and suddenly he’s pouncing on you from behind.
— Beware!! He does not play fair! Will pull out all the stops: tickling, smooching, pinching, BITING. He’s feral istg 😭 Pulls you back by the shirt when you scramble away, rests his whole weight on you to keep you immobile, will even pretend like you hurt him to get you to lower your guard so he can strike back.
“Connie ow! Did you just??? Did you just bite me?!”
“You didn’t say it was against the rules 🤨”
— Connie is overall a very affectionate partner, and I feel like he interprets your desire to roughhouse as wanting to be close to him. Another way to say “I love you and want to be around you.”
— It’s all too easy to get distracted by his grinning lips while you’re fighting for the upper hand, so there will be many kisses exchanged in between. And more often than not you forget about fighting all together, too busy sharing spit to care about throwing the other around.
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— His hearts in the right place… maybe a bit too much so because he can’t for the life of him loosen up enough to actually put up much of a fight against you. He’s too afraid he’ll accidentally hurt you for real and that wouldn’t be any fun at all :(((
— has too much anxiety to really enjoy it at first, but after a few rounds of you looking a little too smug? Talking all that smack? Well now he’s got to challenge you, just to see what you look like when you’ve been beat. He expects you to pout after he’s successfully trapped you beneath his body, but you can’t stop giggling because what you wanted from the beginning.
— Learns to love it because you get so into it, full on tackling him to the ground when he lets his guard down. He just likes to see you happy tbh, and if a little roughhousing is what makes you smile that big you can bet he’ll indulge you whenever you want.
— Likes it especially when you get Gabi in on it and coordinate combo sneak attacks when he’s none the wiser. The two most important people in his life giggling and squealing as he tosses them around? He can die happy.
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— He’s not the best at it, he mostly pretends to fight back while you maneuver him into various joint holds. He’s a gentle giant really, he’ll just let you pin him and look up at you with sleepy eyes as you pout because he’s not really trying.
— Doesn’t help that he very much likes to be pinned down by you and oftentimes his body reacts to you, turning your one-sided play fight into something less wholesome.
— Falls asleep on you a lot because you’re pressed so close, and you’re so soft and warm and… snore. You can tell when he’s had enough of your wrestling because he just rests his whole weight on you so you can’t move (the only time he ever really wins) you can’t help but sigh and accept defeat, opting to run your fingers through his hair while he snuggles into your chest instead.
— probably fights you more in his goddamn sleep than awake with all that moving around he does 💀
“You bored yet?” he chuckles as you’re perched on his thighs, hands barely pushing back against his.
“You’re no fun, Bertie,” you sigh, leaning forward til you fall on top of him. His arms wrap around you immediately, large hands rubbing soothing circles into your back as you relax against him.
“Sorry, I just get all soft around you I guess. I don’t even think of defending myself.” he yawns, eyelids drooping as your comforting body weight starts to lull him to sleep. “Not like I’d win anyways, you’re stronger than me.”
“Not trueeeee, you just won’t try. But it’s ok, I like seeing you beneath me.”
He chokes at that, suddenly wide awake.
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lamnwar ¡ 1 year
KNB boys getting caught with their s/o? Specifically Kagami, Kise and Aomine.
getting caught doing what hm? 🤨 jk jk!! that's a very fun request I really enjoyed writing these hcs so thanks for the request babe 💕💕 (also sorry took me so long but coming from me are we surprised lmao)
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MDNI 18+
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Context: what if you and your boyfriend get caught in action, huh? All characters are aged-up for plot purposes (18+).
Pairings: Kagami + Kise + Aomine x gn! Reader
Warnings: nsfw (obviously 😭)! mention of sex (penetrative and oral), exhibitionism, public sex (kinda), more crack than sexy tbh but still!
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Ok first, let's preface by saying that it really is not like Taiga to take the risk of having sex when he knows you guys might get caught
He really tries his best to conceal his needs till you can find a place with enough intimacy to proceed
But sometimes, he really can't help it, you know?
And it's kinda on you for tempting him too! You know the guy gets riled up easily so maybe you did it on purpose now... didn't you?
(In other words, it's a 100% your fault oops)
Anyways, long story short, you got him so turned on that he had no choice but to drag you to the closest room with the very clear intent of being burried deep inside you
He's midway through restlessly thrusting into your tight little hole and he's so lost on the feeling that he doesn't even realize how loud the both of you are
There could be a whole party going down, y'all would still be heard
And it doesn't take long for someone to walk in on you bend forward, Kagami's fat cock drilling into you with so much fervour
Neither of you realizes that someone's there till they make themselves heard
A string of "oh my fucking god, I'm so sorry!!" getting the both of you to look at the door with wide eyes
And Kagami is so stunned on the moment to even think
Under the surprise, his first reflex is to hide his dick completely inside you, getting a surprised yelp out of your mouth
And when it hits that you guys got caught, he goes flushed red
Given that the person catching you isn't a perv, they close the door rapidly after but Kagami is still under total shock
He doesn't move for a while, and you have to bring him back to Earth
So here you are, Taiga's dick deep in your guts, trying to move to get him to react or something
"Uh... Taiga? What-"
When he finally snaps out of it, he hurrily gets out of you, quite to your displeasure though
And it's when you grab him and pull him back to you that he realizes that you have no intention to stop, despite getting caught
"They already know anyways, doesn't change a thing"
Definitely the one that got you in that situation in the first place
LISTEN there's no way he's not gonna use his charms to get you to follow him in his ministrations
So he just had to bat his pretty eyelashes and tell you the right words for you to accept the position you're currently in
Meaning split in half by Kise, as he lets out the prettiest moans ever, like there's not a whole crowd on the over side of the wall
It doesn't take long for people to notice what you two are doing
But that doesn't stop Kise, oh no haha
He's a showman of sorts, so it doesn't bother him that to the surrounding, it is clear as day that he's fucking you senseless
Only when someone actually shows up to tell you to stop does he care
And not because he minds being seen in such position
Mainly because you seem very embarrassed that you've got caught
Kise would argue that you are at your hottest when your face's flushed, hair disheveled, body contorsioned to accomodate him in between your thighs, but that's Kise's very biased opinion
To a stranger, it's a rather scandalous sight so it's very likely that you'll hate being in such predicament
Lucky for you, Kise talks the way out of trouble for the two of you
But you still urge him to leave the place and go to somewhere we're it's actually acceptable to have sex
(He loves you so much and is so needy for you though, he can't even stand the drive back home, he'll go back deep into you in the car itself <3)
Alright for this one, if you're wondering how you ended up having public sex, the answer is rather simple
Daiki and you are just super horny and can't keep it in your pants (sorry 😔)
It's really in the heat of the moment y'all figured that nothing mattered
Not even the fact that you're giving him head in a very public space
He's just so tempting, you know!!
And he's been looking at your lips for the past hour, so you should have known that he'd end up begging for you to suck his dick
So you just found the first place where you could get on your knees and didn't hesitate twice before getting him out of his pants
Now here you are, sloppily giving him the best head of his life with a bunch of strangers around
I'd like to say that neither of you are exhibitionist but this situation is somewhat super hot
(Again, y'all are just super horny)
Anyways, doesn't take long for you two to get caught and nearly cause a heart attack to whoever sees you
Thing is!! Aomine has no intention to stop
You neither, by the way
You're both on a mission to make him cum so you're not stopping
Instead, you pick up the pace, till he finally snaps and cum down your throat
Swallowing it all because you shouldn't leave any trace!
Once that's done, you do apologize to your surrounding
Takes a couple of hours for you two to realize what you've done and that it's lowkey a public offense
Promise that it won't happen again but Aomine really can't help wanting you anytime and anywhere :)
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sbk-zgvlt ¡ 10 months
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Guys. I finally finished book 4.
Sebek doesnt go home for winter break, deciding to stay with Yuu and Grim in Ramshackle (He feels left out by Dia 3 and decides to stay back, not willing to put himself through more heartbreak) (Yuu and Grim dont question him when he appears in front of their dorm with a luggage bag)
Sebek wanted to see Dia 3 off when they leave through the Magic Mirror only to get there with Adeuce Yuu and Grim and find out they leave without bidding him goodbye
Adeuce's opinion on Dia 3 are slowly souring
Bump into Jamil and the rest of Scarabia!! Decide to help them with cooking. Idc about that theory that the culinary crucible cards that have their bows not properly done r bad cooks SEBEK CAN COOK AND I STAND BY THIS !!!
heads up! Sebeks previous interactions with Jamil (namely the ceromonial robes vignette) has already skewered his personal opinion on him, so he doesnt get suspicious of him until its too late
Something something about how easy it is for Sebek to love admire and respect someone something something about how he lets it blind him to peoples faults sometimes
SEBEK LOVES IT IN SCARABIA OMGG ITS SO WARM. Those green flames in Diasomnia heat JACKSHIT smh
The carpet likes messing around with Sebek and Yuu has to stop him from trying to set it aflame/lh
When they take to the skies, Yuu takes the time to look at Sebek and Grim and just be. Insanely glad that theyre with them (AUGHHH THEY MAKE ME SICKKK)
Kalim's "mood swings" do NOT mix well with Sebek "autism" Zigvolt. Works well in Jamil's favor because Yuu gets upset on both Sebek and Grim's behalf
The whole thing with Yuu unable to say no because of Jamil's UM and Sebek and Grim scolding them, but the former admits that it leaves a sour taste in his mouth if they leave Jamil without helping for some reason
Try to escape and FAIL spectacularly. Try to call the headmage, and Grim eventually tells Yuu to message Adeuce. Sebek messages Jack ("Why do you even have his number in the first place 🤨" "It is none of your concern, human!")
Sebek stops Grim from trying to dig their way out with a spoon, knowing it would be fruitless, and makes him rest
They have the talk with Jamil and the other dorm students !! When Jamil mentions why exactly he needs to be compliant to all of Kalim's wishes, Yuu whispers about how that sounds like someone they know. Sebek tries to ask them what they mean but Yuu says its nothing
Sebek criticizes the Al-Asims and Jamil is surprised by how passionate he is about the topic (Yuu tries their best not to call Sebek a hypocrite with how he's been excusing all of his Wakasama's actions that are CLEARLY hurting him) (Malleus sneezes in Briar Valley)
Jamil also finds out that technically Sebek is a servant as well, although it was by his own will. He questions how Sebek could so easily dedicate his whole life to someone just like that. Yuu agrees, mentioning how his Wakasama doesnt even seem to give him the time of day, which doesnt help
THEY ESCAPE WITH THE HELP OF THE CARPET 🔥🔥🔥 and crash into Octavinelle
Skipping a lot of chapters over here since nothing really changes drastically. Sebek goes with Floyd, Yuu, Grim and Azul to distract Jamil. He plays a board game with Yuu :3
Skipping again, they find out about Jamil's whole scheme and Sebek is CRUSHED to find out that someone he looks up to is actually a bad guy. Jamil once again ignores the teeny tiny guilt he feels upon seeing Sebek's distressed face
Something something about being the one praised for once something something about how Sebek freely gives his love and praise to anyone he believes deserves it and how Jamil feels appreciated even though he wont admit it
Flings them to the edge of the desert, Sebek holds onto Yuu and Grim so he would be the one to get the brunt of injuries upon impact. It doesnt help that its cold
OASIS MAKER 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Sebek uses his crocodile form to carry Yuu and Grim (Yuu was against it because WHAT THE FUCK SEBEK YOURE INJURED)
Fighting Jamil! Sebek connects with Jamil, servant to servant and all that shit, saying that what he's doing wont change a thing. Starts off insulting him ("SEBEK YOURE NOT HELPING???") before going "Will you really let yourself stoop so low and let them take the last laugh!?"
"You have talent and skill that could make others envious, and you're using them for what? Stealing some title? If it was truly yours to begin with, then prove it! Do you really want to become housewarden through such underhanded tactics?" "I truly admire you, Viper, so don't tell me that I placed my faith in someone so imprudent!"
Jamil scolds him, saying that Sebek of all people should understand why Jamil's doing this in the first place. Tells him that he can help him as well, offering his hand. Sebek doesn't take it
He gets in a bit of a funk after that, not being able to understand why Sebek is just okay with being a servant all his life, getting more aggressive with his attacks while the others try to push him back. He still has his hand stretched out towards Sebek, screaming about how he should understand
Azul tells them theyre running out of time, and Jamils going to be too consumed by his blot for any of them to snap him out of it. Against his better judgment, Sebek grabs Jamil's hand, Yuu barely holding onto Sebek's jacket when they tried to pull him back
FLASHBACK!!! Sebek and Yuu finally acknowledge each others existence when they watch the memories play out. When nearing the end, Yuu asks Sebek why he cares so much about this "Wakasama" when its clear that they dont care for him. Sebek doesnt answer
BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!!! Azul tries to convince Jamil to transfer to Octavinelle, and after some thinking decides to extend the invitation towards Sebek. Sebek immediately refuses. Yuu retorts and says the only dorm Sebek is ever transferring to is Ramshackle. (They look at each other like 🤨)
Jamil tells Sebek that he still doesn't understand why Sebek would want to serve someone his whole life. Sebek tells him that he doesn't need him to understand since it's his own decision anyway. Jamil contemplates on his answer
PARTY!!!! Adeuce and Jack FINALLY arrive and fuss over Yuu Sebek and Grim, still not admitting that they were worried
Yuu realizes that Sebek still didnt answer the question. When they ask Sebek about what happened in the memory Sebek feigns obliviousness
Finally back at Ramshackle,,, the ghosts are RELIEVED to see them again. They usher Sebek into the house, noticing how Sebek is SHIVERING
Before Yuu gets in as well, Lilia pops up, saying that they have something to give them. After he gives them the postcard and disappears, Sebek goes out to shout at Yuu to come inside
Yuu shows him the card and Sebek's face FALLS (YOU SEND YUU A POSTCARD BUT NOT. SEBEK. OKAY I SEE HOW IT IS !!!)
Yuu tries to ask him whats wrong, but Sebek says that its getting too cold outside and heads in. Yuu stares at the postcard like it just killed their entire family
"M.D." has a #1 hater and it's YUU 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION FUCKKKK Sebek picks the stone up before Grim does, intending to throw it away only to become curious as to why Grim likes them so much. He pockets it instead
AUHUGHUG FINALLY DONE 😭😭😭 im goign to try and finish book 5 next !!
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bau-drabbles ¡ 2 years
a/n: inspired from all the prev posts!
your insta but you're dating aaron hotchner part 2 :")
part 1, 3, 4
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liked by kate.callahan, the.davidrossi and 497 others
y/n_xo: look at my faves 🫶🥹.... and then there's aaron
view all 211 comments
its.emilyp: jumpscare warning next time 😨
d.morgan: nah he looks like he's concocting some evil plan
penny.garcia: he looks like he's going to steal christmas
reid.gram: he looks like he kidnapped my mom and held her hostage somewhere 😦
itsjj: just smile and wave, kids. smile and wave 🥲
d.morgan: crop him out next time fr 🙏
a.hotch: i'll crop you out of the team
d.morgan: say less 😍😮‍💨 least ion have an ugly smile
a.hotch: what smile? you just bare your teeth
y/n_xo: oh 😭
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liked by penny.garcia, reid.gram and 489 others
y/n_xo: meme jack really quickly 🫣
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reid.gram: jack is me when hotch is asking me to get to the point even though my point was the whole theory 🙂
penny.garcia: omg me when he tells me to search something more quickly even though i'm already working high speed 🙂
itsjj: me when he plants more files on my desk even though i'm drowning in the last ones 🙂
its.emilyp: he's me that one time hotch did "team building" and then proceeded to complain the whole time 🙂
d.morgan: me when i made one mistake and he held it against me for months but goes on about forgiving and how its important to move on 🙂
the.davidrossi: me looking at him ogling @/y/n_xo for months and then passionately disagreeing he was in love
y/n_xo: so i'm sensing some of you need therapy 🧍‍♀️
a.hotch: all of you are dead to me
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liked by its.emilyp, itsjj and 524 others
y/n_xo: i really got replaced 💔
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the.davidrossi: WHERE are you finding these???
itsjj: so... who's the wife in the relationship? 🤔
its.emilyp: it's rossi for sure
reid.gram: i would say hotch. the angle of the selfie says it all
d.morgan: nah it gotta be rossi, he types and cooks like a mom. sometimes he even be smelling like one
the.davidrossi: all of you are out of my will
d.morgan: i complimented your cooking and this is the attitude i get? choke
its.emilyp: you're probably immortal at this point, poisoning and sucking the life out of other people so you can drive us to insanity which would inevitably lead us to our doom. but i see right through you 😒
itsjj: sweetheart we need to stop watching horror movies at night time, okay?
a.hotch: it's not what it looks like!
y/n_xo: i don't know if i should cry or be disgusted >:(
a.hotch: baby, i haven't cheated. i promise you ❤
y/n_xo: omg could you imagine if you did with rossi? 💀
the.davidrossi: what is that supposed to mean? 🤨
reid.gram: she means you're old and embarrassing. and maybe even disgusting 🤷‍♂️
y/n_xo: i will physically mutilate you and feed you to wild dogs
itsjj: thanks for that, my kids are crying
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liked by the.davidrossi, a.hotch and 478 others
y/n_xo: my bae 😍
view all 234 comments
reid.gram: we literally have a pending case right now y/n
y/n_xo: okay? he's still a bae 😍
reid.gram: awww really? hope you guys find out you're related 😍🤞
penny.garcia: well... at least we know those frown lines are removable 😌
reid.gram: in a time like this, his frown lines are what matters to you? imagine if he was dead
itsjj: omg imagine he was and you guys were discussing his frown lines. i'd resurrect and haunt everyone on this thread
reid.gram: don't worry, your cheeto breath would give you away instantly 🤢
penny.garcia: all i'm saying is i'd want to make sure our boss got a nice makeover one last time in the coffin. and you can't do that if you have bad indentations on your forehead 💗💗
itsjj: this alone should give you employee of the year 😍
a.hotch: i think we need to have a serious talk
d.morgan: seeing hotch not angry makes me feel deeply uncomfortable
its.emilyp: no cause same. someone poke him and see if he's alive
y/n_xo: you'd think i'd kill him? 😡
its.emilyp: if you did, there'd be no one between us would there? 😏
y/n_xo: 😳
a.hotch: i'm wide awake, thank you 😠
its.emilyp: its like he's still with us 😢 i can almost feel his presence 💔
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caprisunandmoon ¡ 1 year
🧚🏼‍♀️analyzing my synastry with my ex-coworkers - part one
because what else is there to do after quitting a job you had for 4 years?? 🤪
Coworker #1
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[lowkey was my favorite, felt the most comfortable with him & we had kind of a father-daughter relationship; we would spend a lot of time talking or joking around at work, he would buy me food/little snacks and drive me where i needed to go (i was the ultimate passenger princess with him lmaooo) + he even helped me with stuff outside of work like changing my tire when I had a flat 🥹🫶🏽]
My Ascendant conjunct his Sun/Mercury/Saturn (but with his sun/mercury falling into my 12th) - At first, we didn’t really click that much; we were friendly to each other but not that close in the beginning… he’d always try to joke around with me and I’d be like 🤨🤨🤨 idk man I don’t know you that well yet LOL. This was probably from so many of his planets falling into my 12th house (his venus was also in my 12h), so I simply ✨didn’t notice✨ him that much at first, but over the course of me working there and being around him more, we became inseparable. We loved to talk and just be in each other’s company. Lots of admiration for each other. And perhaps Saturn here is what contributed to the fatherly vibes lol
My Sun square his Moon - Any time I read descriptions about this aspect online, it talks about how the two will end up fighting and nagging, finding the other person annoying, etc and I’m over here like 🧍🏻‍♀️…. never had that issue with this aspect… I also have this aspect with my bestest friend in the world and we’ve never had even one fight lmao. So I’m not really sure how to describe this aspect honestly, but I guess I would consider it “binding” as it contributes to a deep connection between people
Moon square Moon - Again, this is an aspect often described as leading to fights, fundamental emotional incompatibility, etc but I never noticed this with him 🤔 We were actually able to talk about and express our emotions with ease. Obviously, we were only friends at work so perhaps if we got to know each other more, this square would have become more apparent, but ??? We have other really good aspects to the moon, so maybe that’s what helped neutralize this.
Mars trine Sun double whammy - I think this contributed to the general sense of “liking” each other. Also, we were always really supportive of each other and he was easy for me to work with.
His Mars trine my Moon - He was definitely very protective of me and tried to take care of me as much as possible. Any time I was feeling down, he would always notice and try to make me feel better <3
My Mars conjunct his Moon - I cared a lot for him but also thought he was a lil too sensitive sometimes haha; it never caused any conflict between us though (perhaps since this is a conjunction in Libra, so we were more focused on keeping the peace). And I was protective of him in the sense that I absolutely wouldn’t tolerate any other coworkers badmouthing him in my presence 🔪
My Mars trine his Mercury - The way I visualize aspects between mars-mercury in synastry is the “walk and talk” aspect between two people, like those two people who just like to walk around or do something while they talk to each other & this was very much us 🥰 people eventually stopped asking “where are you guys going” bc they soon realized the two of us would literally just walk around for the sake of walking around, no destination just vibes lmao
Venus conjunct Venus - Having the same tastes, likes, mannerisms, etc. top tier aspect imo 🫶🏽 and since it was a conjunction in aqua, we had a great intellectual connection above all, best friend/partner in crime vibes 🌚
My Venus trine his Moon - I LOVE when my Venus makes aspects to people’s moons, for me it’s literally the best for any relationship, platonic or romantic. In my natal, I have a cap moon square saturn & mars at 0-1 degrees (yes I’m extremely traumatized thank you for asking 🤩), so I’ve always struggled with my own emotion management and tend to get annoyed by most people’s expression of their emotions (I’m working on being better about this smh) but whenever my venus aspects someone’s moon, this isn’t the case, like I genuinely wanna hear about how they’re feeling and if there’s anything I can do to make them feel better if they’re down 🥰
His Jupiter trine my Mercury - He genuinely found my jokes funny, which I really appreciate as a Capricorn mercury bc our dry-ass humor isn’t understood by most 😃 Also we never ran out of things to talk about
His Jupiter square my Venus - Although this is a square, I think the only “problem” that comes out of this is excess aka I think he was excessively generous with me sometimes 🤪 ...definitely not the worst problem to have, at least not on my end lol
My Mercury trine his Uranus - Very intellectual conversations, it was always fun talking to him because we’d end up chatting about the most random subjects
My Mercury trine his Pluto - He simply had this way of getting me to open up and talk about deeper topics with ease, something I usually find difficult to do with people I don’t know well 🤔
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Coworker #2
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[I ended up having an on-off situationship with this coworker for about a year; the most physical attraction I’ve ever felt for a man LMAO but also definitely the most obsessive and toxic situation of my life (so far 🤪) + we had to keep everything a secret since relationships weren’t allowed between coworkers.. yeah long story short he traumatized me in many ways lmaooo]
His Mars trine my Venus - The main (and perhaps only) source of our attraction to each other hahaha, I love this aspect because it gives genuine physical chemistry + that feeling of butterflies but honestly it can also make you blind to overall emotional incompatibilities but ohwellyouliveyoulearniguess 🫠
Mercury square Moon double whammy - On a day-to-day level, this definitely made connection and communication difficult, even downright impossible sometimes, but also somehow added to the ✨spice✨ idk there’s just something kind of sweet about not understanding each other on an emotional level but still wanting to make that effort to connect 🤷🏻‍♀️ overall, as frustrating/irritating as this got sometimes, I appreciate that it made me aware of how differently other people can process their emotions
His Mercury square my Sun - We definitely had different points of view on so many things and sometimes I’d be a lil defensive with him but I generally try not to be led by my ego so this wasn’t too big of an issue overall (for me at least)
My Mercury square his Jupiter - Lots of laughs. Since it’s a square, sometimes an excess of joking around or joking around in situations that should have been serious like work meetings but oh well 🤙🏼🤪🤙🏼
My Venus sextile his Moon - Like I said above, I LOVE WHEN MY VENUS ASPECTS PEOPLE’S MOONS!!! The sextile is less easygoing than the trine, I definitely had to make more of an effort here, but still a sweet aspect nonetheless 🥰 And I think perhaps this is one reason why the Mercury square Moon didn’t hit as hard
My Venus sextile his Jupiter - Venus/Jupiter aspects are one of my favoritesssss and I think it was a major reason why I got so attached 🫠 Venus/Jupiter is such a nice aspect, it’s truly one aspect I wish for everyone to experience at least once in their lives, you just feel so lighthearted around each other and the energy is so warm, my fave is the trine but the sextile is also quite nice
My Venus sextile his Saturn - With Venus/Saturn in general, I think Saturn has the “upper hand” and ultimately gets to decide if the relationship will last. I knew from the start I wanted commitment and something serious, unfortunately he didn’t end up feeling the same way 😃 And overall I felt quite dependent on him, like he was a source of stability for me
My Mars opposite his Moon - I don’t know how tight this aspect was since I don’t know his time of birth but I definitely thought he was way too f*cking sensitive sometimes LMAOO as much as I cared about him & felt intensely for him, sometimes I’d be like 🙄🙄 by his reactions to things, overall he was easily triggered by my actions and I’d get triggered by his reactions
My Mars opposite his Mercury - Leads to a lot of bickering if not careful. I think it’s important to channel this energy into healthy debates etc otherwise it spills over into the day-to-day, causing bickering, arguments etc. If we kept the debating to work topics, we were fine, but anything outside of that was dangerous territory. Often best to just agree to disagree here. As a Libra mars, I’m not prone to arguments but his Aries mercury certainly tried to goad me into more than a few fights (and succeeded at times lol)
My Mars sextile his Uranus (0 degrees) + His Uranus trine my Mars - Absolute freaks in bed with each other LMAOOO absolutely nothing was off-limits and I’d never felt more comfortable, including being open to doing things I’d never done before. And, in general/day-to-day, we were comfortable being “weirdos” together and showing our more “quirky” sides (yes I indeed cringed while writing that last sentence)
My Saturn conjunct his Moon - On my end, I’m not sure if I felt this energy much, but natally I have a cap stellium and lots of Saturn aspects so this is like second nature to me. If I had to guess, I would say it probably felt oppressive for him as an Aries stellium with mostly trines in his natal 😃
My Neptune square his Sun - Sigh. I definitely felt like he was idealizing me and seeing me as someone I wasn’t and the more he got to know me and began to realize the fantasies weren’t true, the more I think he felt disillusioned and not as interested, which was heartbreaking for me to see, esp since I never intentionally tried to deceive him or act like someone I’m not 🫠
My Neptune sextile his Venus - Again, not seeing the other for who they really are, lots of idealizing. Even though the sextile is supposed to be an “easy” aspect, I don’t think anything involving Neptune in synastry is really that easy unfortunately
My Pluto trine his Venus - Yeah, as more time passes and I look back on our relationship, I can confidently say it was obsession and not love. I felt consumed by him and like our situation was taking over my life, constant fears that he would leave, typical Pluto/Venus lol… And I think as Pluto I was more attached to him than he was to me.
My Pluto opposite his Mars - Whewwww the sexual chemistry here was 😮‍💨😮‍💨 But outside of the bedroom, lots of power struggles. He constantly accused me of trying to control him, perhaps I was without realizing it, but in any case, the constant back and forth became too much to bear. We were both equally jealous/possessive. I felt like I could never fully relax throughout the entirety of our relationship.
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luffyvace ¡ 8 months
Obanai x chubby gn reader!!
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This won third place in the poll so here you go<3 enjoy kny/obanai stans!! I actually like obanai very much he’s one of my favs from kny i just don’t talk abt him often
also just for the record let’s say this is a au where obanai and mitsuri are close friends :)
In this you’ll be a hashira as well
I don’t think Obanai is one to judge
especially when he wears bandages since people do
if anything he’s worrying about his looks
so in this case it’s not that he dislikes it, it’s just that he saw through your physical appearance and went for personality
and if you have a crappy one?
well then he doesn’t know what draws him to you but somethin’ does!
he tolerates no disrespect from anyone.
like we all know how sharp tongued he is- 😜
and just because he’s one of the “weaker” hashira’s doesn’t mean he’s not one!
he is DEFINITELY above average and CAN do damage
so somebody would be a FOOL to see you with him and decide to screw around and find out
as well as you!!
your strong too!
and they’d better have respect for you!
getting one tapped by two hashiras don’t sound very fun to me..
but yeah if someone is like drunk off they’re end and tries to insult or harass you?!
obanai steps in before you can even do something yourself
depending on the level of what they said or did,
he either flames them so bad they can’t recover
or straight up punches them
maybe even beating them up
who’s going to stop him? The police? 😂
he calls it self defense
tbh it was like, that person was harassing you????
bro thought he was gon let that slide
this why you can’t pull up on everybody 🤦‍♀️
anyway if your feeling sad bc of what someone says
obanai gets you a gift to make you feel better
He’s really thoughtful and pays attention/remembers everything you tell him you like
which makes perfect gifts for situations like these
ngl this is like idk the year 1500?? IDK BUT ITS THE TAISHO ERA SO THIS WAS A WHILE AGO
which means beauty standards were 📈📈
but for obanai? You ARE his beauty standard 😍😍
everyone should strive to look like our majestic (name)!!
as far as the hashira’s opinions☝️
they don’t mind at all and are completely nonjudgmental
gyomei can’t see so when y’all described how you look it doesn’t necessarily make a difference 😅 although, again he doesn’t mind :)
mitsuri is literally the love hashira she adores you just as much as obanai does <3
shinobu is more mature than to make fun of someone over they’re appearance
now tokito will either
1) be rude at first (the hashira’s have to set him straight)
2) won’t care
3) likes you from jump so he doesn’t mind
sanemi would never judge a women like that (if you know what he did for mitsuri and shinobu and they’re uniforms yk what I mean)
Giyuu is completely unfazed
Rengoku loves you all the same
now uzui…….bc of his standards and 3 wives….it can either go one of two ways
1) him and obanai are now mortal enemies and he keeps you away from him
2) he thinks your THICC and FINE 💖 (dis one better fr)
Ngl it’s even worse if a demon insults you
bc now he gets to KILL them
He goin all out too
who are they to talk anyway demons be the most horrendous looking BEASTS-
fluff time~ 💕💗💖♥︎♡
obanai loves to cuddle!
he’s shy but once you get sometime into the relationship he likes gentle and intimate affections such as cuddling, hugging & hand holding
he holds you in his arms before falling asleep
and he makes sure you sleep first
If you have a nightmare he’s on it!
he’s got water, blankets, comfort food…what else you need??
on it! 🏃💨
That’s literally him
he’s always prioritizing your comfort and happiness in your relationship ★
Get this to the obanai stans, tumblr!! Go go go!!
;3 - Brook
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donnas-dollface ¡ 2 years
Since requests are open, would it be alright if I request something with Alcina with a girlfriend who was basically raised to embody the 1950's ideal woman? Always insisting she do all the housework, always trying to appear elegant and poised and dainty, always supporting their lover no matter what, and always going all out with their appearance: makeup, hairstyle, dresses, high heels, just to please Alcina? Only they actually enjoy doing all this?
If this is too uncomfortable for you I won't be upset if you don't do it, I was just curious.
characters; Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem! Reader
a/n; mm, to be a vampire's wife and dress pretty yes. my apologies for the wait, im a bit picky about how i write things and wanted this to be just right 😭🙏
warnings; natta
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Okay, Alcina is indeed a woman of class. So while you do fit in with her appearance and everything, she feels guilty thinking you're just doing this for her sake of keeping a good image.
"Oh Y/N darling, you don't need to do all of this to please me."
"What? Oh no, Alcina, I enjoy doing this."
Oh my. You like doing this? She's absolutely thrilled. And very much relieved. Oh my god, she thought that maybe you thought she had certain expectations and SHE FELT SO BAD.
Alcina absolutely loves you but y'know she kinda insists you don't do much house work. "We've got our lovely little maids for that Draga." You just look at her and shrug. "Keeps my hands busy while you're working hon." Oh well. Happy wife, happy life.
She does like it when you give the cooks a day off and make dinner yourself. It's something about you making it, it tastes different. Even the girls do. Sometimes they bug their mother while she's working asking if you're the one cooking.
"Mother? Motherrr??"
"Yes Dani."
"Is Y/N cooking dinner tonight?"
"Let's see… they agreed to give the chef Fridays and weekends off… Mm, I'm afraid not my dear."
"Let's just fire them."
"Your darling mother wouldn't agree with that."
she likes watching you though, it's odd. Hardly was there domestic moments in Castle Dimitrescu before you showed up.
Another thing. Alcina and the girls absolutely do NOT trust anybody, even the maidens with cleaning their rooms and spaces. But you? Alcina doesn't mind, and she adores it. You've clearly paid enough attention to her to know where every little thing goes. Her lipstick? Neatly placed on top of a washcloth in her bathroom drawer. Messy documents? Neatly stacked at her now cleaned desk. You even refilled her ink jar.
She's swooning oh my. She's literally holding herself back from buying a wedding ring and proposing on the spot. Visualize that TikTok with the guy pounding his credit card against the desk. That's her.
On the other hand, the girls don't really mind it, but when they know their rooms are due for a cleaning they quickly throw their messy teacups at the dishwasher and are hiding whatever needs to be hidden.
And your little outfits? She finds them so adorable and honestly it's comforting. she was born a little after the 1950s, so seeing a familiar thing is comforting.
REALLY REALLY ENJOYS HELPING YOU WITH YOUR MAKE-UP AND EYESHADOW. She'll hold your face and be carefully applying it and you're there watching her eyes and her little tongue sticking out as she's just totally concentrated.
Sometimes you're just totally in awe by her and get startled by her releasing her gentle hold on you and going "Finished!" Please this woman melts the minute you look in the mirror and smile so big. she was hesitant about doing it when you asked first, but her confidence blooms when you point at hers and go "Can you do it like yours please?"
She enjoys you telling her about different eyeshadow palettes you got and different lipstick shades. Definitely agrees with allowing you to practice different techniques on her, and will proudly flaunt them. Sometimes she's in a meeting and Heisenberg is looking at her like 🤨
"Something's different."
"Mind your business child."
Donna notices her adoptive sister's wearing a different shade of eyeshadow and this causes Angie to ask.
"Hey Beanstalk, what's up with your look?"
"It's Alcina, and my lovely little Y/N did my makeup today."
Angie deadpans.
Okay clothes wise, Alcina probably has alot of vintage dresses and wardrobe stored away. Not exactly 1950s but hey. After her implant with the Cadou, she did grow remarkably taller, and she couldn't fit them anymore. It made her quite upset, so she stored them away. But now you're here!
She pulls them out and has you do a whole fucking fashion show. She's so happy you're marveling at them, and honestly so thrilled they have a new purpose. And she lovessss it when you wear them while accompanying her occasionally to a meeting.
Hair wise, Alcina just adores whatever style you go with. She tries helping you with the curling but she burned herself one time and started cursing like a sailor. You wanna cut your hair? She's a bit sad to see your long hair go but will happily snip it. or accompany you to a professional your choice.
Babes will one hundred percent hold your high heels when your feet get sore from them. She'll carry you too, cause she'll be damned if you hurt yourself.
Enjoys the smell of your perfumes. sometimes when you're away for awhile, sayyy helping in the village because somebody broke something and can't run their shop, she'll spray a bit on herself and is just like >:( "They better be home soon".
The sight of you two together? has her smiling so much. She hired a painter to do a portrait of you two and the girls. Has it smack in the middle of the living area.
hehe i hope you enjoyed thank you for requesting :)
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bigirlsdontc5y ¡ 11 months
My thoughts on Marie, Jordan, & Halloween
If they don't do a couples costume...
Jordan is definitely the type to pretend they’re chill about Halloween when they’re absolutely not. If someone asks about their costume beforehand, they’re like, “I’m not going.”
Spoiler Alert: They go.
When (not if) they go out, their costume is most likely a character from an iconic video game or action movie. I can see them as Lara Croft, which is a great choice, because the costume is super slutty in both forms. Or they show up in a yellow tracksuit with black stripes on the sides, and when people inevitably say, "Oh, you're the bride?"
They’re like, "No, I'm Bruce Lee in Game of Death 🤨"
They chose their costume, specifically, to throw people off. It's a fun little game they play. But Marie guesses correctly on the first try, and Jordan is a little annoyed for the rest of the night.
Anyway, Jordan wins the costume contest with a costume they started working on at 9 pm the night before.
Marie, on the other hand, is 100% a last minute costume person. The only reason she’s dressed up is because Emma asked her to. And by dressed up, I mean she bought a cat ear headband from Walgreens for 5 dollars on her way to the event. Emma is going as a sexy mouse or Alice (of Alice in Wonderland), so they technically match. Just one person put effort into their costume, and the other person still has the tags on theirs.
If they do a couples costume...
I had a lot of different ideas when I was theorizing this. At first, I wanted Marie as Claudia from IWTV(2022). I feel like Marie would find a lot of comfort in her character. Claudia, like Marie, did not get to experience girlhood in the same way as her peers. Choices they could not make for themselves took it from them. Marie was given compound v as a baby, and they turned Claudia while she was unconcious. Both instances made them into something their family members were disturbed/afraid of. (This is me advocating that someone get to work on a Claudia & Marie edit.) But I eventually decided I wanted to do a couple's costume, and Claudia does not work with that.
Because I was still very attracted to the idea of Marie as a vampire, I stuck with it. I wanted to do something with classical monsters because the tropes they come with have so much fascinating symbolism.
Vampire novels, to me, are about hidden desires. Vampires are creatures that take what they want when they want it. Usually, it's an analogy for general hedonism, queerness, sex, gender ambiguity, etc, etc. The main character of a vampire novel is often disturbed by their desires, needs, and inability to control when they engage with those needs.
Jordan and Marie feel a certain amount of insecurity and discomfort around their powers. There was a time when Jordan didn't shift unless necessary, and Marie believes her powers make her a danger to society. Their discomfort harms them more than helps them because their powers are a part of their identity. Those characteristics make them conceptually aligned with the vampire.
Another choice, in line with the theme of identity and uncontrollable compulsions, was Maren and Lee from Bones and All.  But I felt like Lee wasn’t a character that Jordan would be interested in embodying.
Eventually, I settled on Marie being a vampire and Jordan being a werewolf. Werewolves share a lot of themes with vampires, but there’s one key difference. Werewolves explore ideas around transformation. Sometimes, their transformation is permanent, but usually, the werewolf is in constant movement between being a werewolf and being human.
Werewolves are about a fear of the true self. It’s the idea that being free and exploring things outside the mainstream will hurt other people. Being different from the masses makes you a danger to society. This story is preached to a werewolf so often that they believe it themselves. They take desperate measures not to shift. Even though said measures harm them.  A werewolf is depicted as being in constant emotional turmoil because they’re not “strong enough” to prioritize the needs of their community over themselves.
The werewolf's experience mirrors Jordan's experience. Their parents, ex-partners, and Vought tell them their identity is too confusing. That their identity is hurting their relationships. And that their identity is hurting their career. They tell Jordan that if they just stayed a boy, their life would be better. But Jordan knows staying a boy would be a disservice to themselves and their happiness.
Jordan putting on the costume of a werewolf is their form of reclamation. They take it on as a symbol of what they used to be (afraid of themselves) and contort it to their current feelings of who they are. Jordan’s Werewolf is about being yourself, being free, and making your own decisions.
The couple's costume Is 100% Jordan's brainchild, and Marie just agreed to go along with it. They go as a nerdy vampire and a werewolf jock. Their costumes are a fun twist on 1950s youth culture. While they’re visually mainstream, taking on the role of a monster separates them from it. The 1950s was a time when the policing of gender and sexuality was at an all-time high. Playing these characters for Halloween is a fun, transgressive experiment.
With that, I’ll walk you through each mood board and explain some of my aesthetic choices.
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Marie’s preppy vampire has claw-like nails. Her teeth are sharp and uncomfortably white. She wears a neutral-colored button-up with a knit vest pulled over it. On her feet are a pair of unstylish black oxfords and fuzzy red socks. To keep her hair out of her face, she dons a ribbon or headband. A pleated skirt and leather belt tuck in her top. Blood paints her face.
The costume includes a brooch. Which is in reference to the 1950s youth culture practice  of “getting pinned”. It implies that Jordan’s Werewolf and Marie’s Vampire are dating. I chose a pin that incorporated pearl with Jordan’s Frankenstein pearl necklace in mind. So it’s less of a pin and more that she has a piece of Jordan attached to her knit vest.
In her hand, Marie holds her school books, which she ties together with a brown leather strap. The book strap calls back to an era before backpacks were popular. It solidifies the time and place of her costume.
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Jordan's werewolf has recently gotten into a fight. The skin around their stark yellow eyes is a dark, discolored purple, and there's a gash across their nose. Blood drenches the front of their crisp white shirt. They styled their hair after jocks of the 50s. By that, I mean (too much) gel helps to form perfectly placed curls .
For their ears, they have prosthetics that make them appear larger than they are. The ears add an extra amount of scruff to the otherwise clean-shaven look.
On their neck, Jordan has two bite marks. The implication is that the marks are from their vampiric girlfriend, Marie. I decided to include this aspect in their costume because I get the vibe that Jordan is the sort of person who engages in PDA. They like people to know Marie is their girlfriend, and the faux bite marks are a new way for them to do it.
I heavily considered having Jordan wear their signature bomber instead of a letterman. But if I went that route, it wouldn't be of a costume. So, Jordan is sporting a blue letterman jacket to solidify their werewolf's role as a jock.
(Bonus - Cate is a siren, Sam is Chucky, and Andre is a loser.)
Happy Halloween,
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thedreadvampy ¡ 3 months
my therapist spent today's session making Faces at me about getting an ADHD diagnosis
I can honestly say I have never seriously considered the possibility of seeking an ADHD diagnosis but she might not be a billion miles off
I was describing how I get "fizzy bored" where I have no energy or ability to move and nothing holds my attention but I feel like my bones are trying to vibrate out of me with the desire to be Doing Things and she was like 🤔 and I got onto the fact that I often need to be doing 3-4 things at once to ease into focusing on one and she was like 🤨 and then I mentioned how I find it really difficult to start doing things but once I'm in it I'm super focused and she was like 😌 have you considered the possibility of an ADHD diagnosis?
and so I explained that I don't really see the point because even though, unlike EDS and autism, a diagnosis could suggest an actual treatment, I don't really feel like anything I've described is disabling me cause I have the tools to manage it now most of the time and I feel Fizzy Bored WAY less often these days. and she was like 🤨
and I was like yeah to be fair actually I did use to think that about chronic pain, trauma and having shit eyesight and doing something about them did really change my experience. and she was like 😌 and I was like and actually now we mention it the fact that I sometimes for NO REASON AT ALL simply put off doing things even though they would be really easy to do and I want to do them for LITERAL YEARS is maybe. A thing that it might be nice to change if I could. And she was like 🤔 and I was like OH FUCK I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GENUINELY CONSIDER THIS POSSIBILITY AREN'T I?
anyway after talking a mile a minute and overrunning by 15 minutes I then got a quarter of a mile away on foot and realised I'd left my glasses on her table. she opened the door I went HEY SPEAKING OF ADHD
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ephemerensis ¡ 2 years
To You; February // Bakugou Katsuki x GN! Reader
ya new character 4 me ik,, anyways this is formatted as a love? letter/ monologue from katsuki 2 u! no pronouns or physical descriptions just… a lot of rambling. pretend ur birthday is the day after valentines pls </3 u can argue that it’s out of character but i disagree 🤨☝️ not proofread as always xoxo love yall
Something about February has always invoked in me a sense of docility.
It doesn’t make sense.
I have coined myself as an embodiment of passion and rage and discontent. It's against my nature to feel so calm.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say something stupid, like the love of the season settles onto me. I have sought none and I seek none. I’ve never had the desire. Love isn’t real; at least not the way it’s made out to be.
They make it seem so trivial. As if to be with someone defines it. I see in them, the fear of being alone and the fight for having someone over intertwining with someone. It’s almost melancholic. It’s completely idiotic. I reject every suitor in my path.
I don’t care for public displays of affection. I never have. Only morons need to parade around something so vulnerable like it’s a show. I care even less for sweet nothings. There are so few words that ever carry meaning anymore. How could a person be in love without ever presenting everything they are to the other? They mean nothing when they claim that my eyes are the most dazzling they’ve ever seen. Or maybe those idiots do mean it, everything glimmers if you squint. They see it without seeing me. If it were real, it would be too raw to be spoken. It would be whispered like a prayer. To salvage it from being stolen, or worse, remade and copied and sold until everyone has it. It becomes nothing.
At the very least, if I’m going to vocalize the most susceptible, intimate parts of me it should rivet through your soul and be yours alone.
Yet paradoxically, Valentine’s is my favorite holiday. I find myself more tolerant. Sometimes I’m even happy for them, because despite the intentions and deceit and falsehoods and inflations of avoiding a fear— at the very least they have succeeded. I find myself happy. Maybe it is something stupid. I’ve never had nor wanted another person, but I once had a soul shattering inkling of you.
Of course, we weren’t together then. We were never together. But we were never friends. Stuck somewhere on the cusp of both and yet impossibly far away from either. And somehow still, in that platonic complacency you managed to breathe an innate sense of comfort into me. It’s like my persona was unfired clay, I crumble to you. Your words meant nothing, but when you called me dumb I couldn’t have been more irrevocably enamored. I found myself content. Like a moment of clarity in the midst of noise. Especially, on a day I so often found to be profane. But I can hardly justify my favoritism through the confines of contentment alone. It’s too ordinary.
That’s not to degrade contentedness. It’s a peace I spend my longer days pining for. Above joy, it is ecstasy to know the permanent renderings of contentment.
But I would be lying to say it’s the only reason. Really, it's something more technical. The day after, forever and inevitably, was always your birthday. When you first told me, I said it was unfortunate. Who would want to celebrate with you when the world was too caught up in the whims of chocolate coated affections. But you said you didn’t care, validation never meant so much to you. That congealed loneliness I so often expected you to feel doesn’t exist. I know that now. As if anyone else ever mattered in our lives, yours and mine.
It was then I began waiting for Valentine’s Day. I looked forward to it. There was a time when I even pined for it to end, because it was a permanent, promised excuse to talk to you. We spoke so often but every sentence we’d exchanged always entranced me. You still do. But February especially was always yours.
It became my favorite holiday to justify all that. Then it became less about you. Half because I was never vocal about my feelings, and half because I grew too fond of platonic complacency. Until I did believe it was my favorite. It’s true now— although I’m not sure it was ever really a lie. I think somewhere in my mind I equated the two.
For the first time in years, I almost forgot your birthday. If you didn’t text me the day prior, I might’ve. But that contentment you stirred in me perpetually rolls in with the month, with or without your presence. It is yours. I don’t believe in love, but I can’t deny I do love you. You have bewitched my soul. That calm, content forever. A promise of nothing. We were never meant to be together, and I love you.
likes and reshares appreciated !
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kaedeakeshisworld ¡ 2 years
Husband Nanami Headcanons
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cw: established relationship, fluff( it hurts me to read what I wrote like what am I on, anyways), comfort, Nanami is a great listener and cook too, Nanami got peak emotional intelligence, agoraphilia(public sex in washroom), unprotected sex( wrap it before you tap it duh 🤨), sugar daddy vibes (if you squint)
wc: 1158
cs : it is Hubby Nanami Headcanons before he even becomes reader-san’s husband because that man screams hubby vibes in my opinion. If you simp for him, welcome to the acquired taste club boo where these characters have a specific vibe you simply cannot dissociate from them… 
gist: Hubby Nanami has been on my mind since the first time I saw him so it was only right to do this. Also, first time writing for him so…yeah.
ps: I better find me a man like this but I know damn well that’s not gonna happen ‘cause he not real and that’s what kills me
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Hubby Nanami is head over heels from the very first time you two talked to each other. It’s the beginning of the week and you’re a tad bit late to work. Nevermind, you tell yourself I might as well go to that new place since it’s on the way to work. You were finally going to give a try to this brand new bakery that was getting extremely popular and that your friends had already informed you about. They all had encouraged you to go there as soon as you could and quite early in the morning so that way you could see the broad variety of items they had to sell. That day, you were in a hurry which caused you to accidentally bump someone's shoulder.
Hubby Nanami was going to glare at you and suck his teeth(don't ask me how I know, he would just do it 😂). As soon as he would get a glimpse of your figure and you uttered a heartfelt apology, he would say it is his fault too because he was inattentive 👀.
Hubby Nanami is determined to get someone like you to remain by his side, he cannot physically wait to take you out on dates, meet your parents and eventually see you bear his children. So, he gets your number and in less than a week you're on your first date with him.
Hubby Nanami is a calm and collected man. His Saturdays start with a black cup of coffee with no sugar and he reads for half an hour before doing anything else of his day. You tend to wake up a bit later and he always greets you with a forehead kiss each morning asking you if you slept well. After his quiet alone time, he dances a little with you. This lovely moment does not last for too long because someone’s stomach is clearly upset and demands food. But these precious moments are something you always look forward to.
Hubby Nanami is heavily appreciated by your family. Sometimes for the annual barbecue that is your family tradition, you feel like you're the odd one out. Most of your siblings already have kids, are going to have their first or potentially are on their second if not third. Your parents keep bugging you specifically with this bothersome question " When are you going to give me some grandkids?" You don't know as a matter of fact, you never even thought about dating before meeting your hubby.
Hubby Nanami noticed your uneasiness after bidding goodbye to your family. He will give you the time it takes for you to finally let it out. And by the end of the night you're crying in his arms, he comforts you with his words such as "Do not worry sweetheart, I am here for you. What matters for me the most is your happiness, you do not necessarily need to have kids in order to make your parents proud honey. Only you matter to me."
Hubby Nanami is always there for you. Whether you need a shoulder to lean on, someone to listen to your shitty week or brighten up your day. He lets you know he is keenly listening to you by softly squeezing your upper thigh, caressing your hand or even sometimes acknowledges what you say with "hmm, I'm all ears babe"
Hubby Nanami loves to spoil his pretty woman. This goes without saying but it is necessary to mention it. There is no way you are going to pay for dinner, clothes or even if it is your idea to check out a new place, he won’t let you pay for it. Yes, you are an independent woman and your man always told you to rely on yourself but it also feels good to be cherished this way by the one you love right.
Hubby Nanami is the big spoon that night. He hugs you quite right from behind and holds your left hand until morning comes. The next morning, you feel much better after a much needed weeping session. The other side of the bed is already empty. You get up from the bed, freshen up a little, put on some clothes and head towards the kitchen. He is not home, you tell yourself. He left a note on the fridge that says " Good morning my sunshine, I Hope you feel better this morning. I went to the store and I'll be back in a few. Tonight, we're going out so please make sure you're ready by 7pm."
Hubby Nanami got back home around 12 pm and you both ate some takeaway food. Your hubby made lemon poppy seed madeleines for today's snack. Tonight, you wear a satin bronze nude back dress adorned with some black strappy heels. You wear two bracelets on your left hand and some discreet jade earrings. For make up you only decide to brush your brows and get a lil’ rouge on your lips that is barely noticeable. Nanami is elegantly dressed as always with his signature tie, he is amazed each time you both go out one dates. He doesn’t cease to compliment his wife “You look absolutely splendid tonight darling, are you ready to leave?” You nod with your head yes and by 6:25 pm Nanami was driving you to the restaurant.
Hubby Nanami got a whole floor of this restaurant for both of you. There is a waiter that occasionally comes to check up on you if everything is fine, if you need anything else and leaves. Nanami has a keen eye on the way you eat. After all, he has to make sure his baby is eating well, right! Nanami tried his best not to jump on you when he saw you at home but he cannot help it any longer. When you leave for the washroom, he follows right after you. You don't really mind him, maybe he is going to empty his bladder too you think.
Hubby Nanami has quietly entered the washroom and the way he is eyeing you. Oh lord, you're in trouble. In a matter of seconds, you're melting under his touch. He lazily tous with your clit, pinches your nipples and languidly kisses you. After all, Nanami does know how to savor dessert, amirite 😉. Slowly, he starts pounding you against the bathroom stall, you're trying your best to keep quiet but can you like really!?
Hubby Nanami after finishing inside you likes to tell you this "It's still a public setting honey so please make sure you do not let my essence drip on the floor at all. I can also carry you if you cannot walk. If I see it drip, I am stuffing you again once we get back home okay honeysuckle" - Audacity level 1000 and counting 🫣
Needless to say that was only round one at the restaurant honey like some people say, these guys are a menace for a reason.
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Fic 15 of pride series
Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments. Any kind of interaction is immensely appreciated!!
2022 Š All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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tonberry-yoda ¡ 2 years
*runs up to you full speed and looks right into your eyes*
Do the entire fluff alphabet with Skeptic 🤨 🙏 💻
*runs away*
*pops head back out* please 👀 *runs away again*
thank goodness i have a fellow skeptic fiend like myself. thanks gurl, i can always rely on you (srsly tho i want more skeptic request fr fr). i hope this is a banger and that you have a radical day
Fluff Alphabet with Skeptic (Tomoyasu Chikazoku)
Pairing - Skeptic x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - (image below not mine) (post inspired by this) sorry this took forever omg. but I love it! I dont get to write for this man enough, so thank you so so much! enjoy and stay hydrated!! <333
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he just likes to sit and have you there in the background
he literally wont even talk to you, you just need be there
yall dont go out much together (i mean look at this cockroach of a man fr)
when you guys hang out the most it's usually at his place in your pjs just sitting and working in silence
sometimes you'll find his arm draped around your shoulder tho
and y'all definitely listen to music as you work and he builds a PC or something
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
he loves you
hecc yeah he does
he just like... doesnt admit it all the time
he will secretly admire you from afar
and stare at your thighs respectfully
he thinks you're really hot
he just wont say that out loud of course
he also admires that you're a strong independent person who can tell him where to shove it
thinks its hot when you're telling him or other people what to do
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
stares at you while you're crying on your bed
walks out
man dont know how to comfort are you for real??!
like he will tell you to get over it and then reluctantly pull you in for a hug
then he'll just sit next to you and pop an earbud in your ear and listen to Gorillaz while you're pressed against him
he cares, he's just bad at emotions fr
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
marriage or nothin
no kids tho
he just wants to be the hot married couple
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he likes to think he's dominant when yall are just on equal footing
he'll try to tell you what to do and you'll just sit there and slow blink before tilting your head and going... "really?"
but he does the same to you, so yall do your own thing while being equal and happy
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
fighting with Tomoyasu would last DAYS
he just likes to pick fights tbh
he'll complain about little things and y'all will be crossing your arms at each other for weeks but still holding each other at night
they're never bad, just nit picky bullshit
you both end up just forgetting about it and go on with normal life
your'e never really mad at each other just cranky. married couples cant be in the honeymoon phase forever
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he cares a lot about you and knows that you care a lot about him
he always has that why do they love me mindset whenever he looks at himself for too long in the mirror
he knows that you love him because even though he looks like a cockroach that just crawled out of your sink drain, you still press yourself against him and take him on dates and make him feel... worthy of love tbh and no one has ever made him feel that way
he will never admit this to you tho because he doesnt want to show you how cheesy he is
he will show you through a hug every blue moon and a cuddle every night
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he shares everything, but he just doesnt hide anything
it's not like he's trying to hide anything from you, if what he needs to say comes along in a convo, he'll tell you
he just doesnt care to hide anything, but wont spill his whole life on you
if you didnt know about it it's because it was never brought up in conversation
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he finds himself smiling more and taking to more people
like he became a little less introverted since you met him
he hates it but you love it
you actually came to love staying at home more because you get to spend that time with him, so you never feel like you constantly have to be out and about to be happy
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
you're a very friendly person so if he sees you bring a little too friendly with someone, he will walk over to you, wrap his arm around your shoulders and dead stare that person in the eyes
then he'll complain about it later blaming how pretty you are and then a stupid argument ensues that ends with kisses and cuddles ;)
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
this man's kisses would be like silk
like omg he's gorgeous
he would pull you in slowly and place his lips on yours softly turning into the hottest make out session in the world
the first kiss: you kissed him
you just pecked him on the lips and he pulled you closer, asked if that's all you got and then y'all were kissin night
wish that were me frfr
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he just told you
better to just say something
you were just walking on your college campus when he was like "i want to date you"
thank god it was fast because you wanted to tell him that for weeks, but didnt know how to say it
what a savior
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
as stated before lol
he would walk up to you, hand you the ring box and just sit and wait
you look up at him confused when you open the box and he eyes you, waiting for a response.
"tomo... what is this?"
"marriage. you wanted it, didnt you?"
"oh!" you laughed, slipping on the black ring and looking it over. "of course i will!"
you're wedding would be during fall and it would be all black. black clothes, black tables, black flowers, etc. it would be awesome
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
he just stares at you
a lot
it's hard for him to say his feelings in words so instead he just stares at you
would hold your hand more often when he is really feeling in love with you
it is not obvious for others
the entire MLA has no idea that he has been married for over six years
it's just a run on joke at this point
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he hates PDA with a passion
the most he will do is hold your hand or kiss you on the forehead, but he hates is so so much
i mean, if he's feeling jealous, he will purposely get handsy with you in front of other people to show that you're in a relationship, but other than that he doesnt want your lips touching his while you're out
that's for home and for home only
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
really good at cuddling somehow
also just makes you feel pretty and loved without him having to say anything
and back to those 400/10 kisses
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? ClichĂŠ or rather creative?
you mostly have at home dates just sitting together and cuddling because he wants his hands on you and he cant do that in public
but if you do go out, he takes you to some fancy shit
nice resteraunts
like 5 star shit
expensive man
and yall always dress up as the power couple you are
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
yeah, but in secret
he doesnt need to be up your ass when you're working on stuff, but he will definitely be supportive of your dreams
he knows you can do it by yourself tho so you're all good
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
this man NEEDS a routine
none of that try new stuff shit
he needs to wake up and do his morning routine with you in the bathroom with him doing yours
he needs you both to head out to work at the same time with a kiss goodbye
he needs at home dates and occasional dinner dates
maybe a walk every now and again and a run every other day, but really, nothing changes all that much in his routine, only for trips, which are rare
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you like the back of his hand
he may not be good with emotions, but that doesnt mean he automatically doesnt know what you're going through
he knows what makes you sad and what doesnt
he knows when you need to be left alone
he knows you well enough to take a break every now and again
and he knows when you just need a hug
he loves you, he just doesnt vocalize it
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he could not live without you
breaking up with you would be a crime
he needs you
like literally NEEDS you
it's in his routine that you're there and without you... he would be nothing
you make him feel like he's worth life and he didnt realize how much he needed that until he met you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he loves taking you on midnight drives in his nice car when neither of you can sleep
he also loves pressing kisses all over your face when you're asleep and dont notice
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
oh very much so
but tell anyone that and you're dead
he loves the feeling of his body pressed against yours
he literally purrs like a cat when y'all cuddle
and he's really good at cuddling
but you dont say any of this because you dont want him to stop
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
he just gets really stressed out
a huge part of his routine is missing so he is lost for the first part of his day if you arent there
its also too quiet for his liking
he likes hearing you complain that there's no more milk in the fridge and that you have to go to the store or get on his ass for not doing the dishes, but if you arent there, it's dead quiet and he's not a fan
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he wants to keep you.
he would do anything to keep you in his life.
mha masterlist --- pinned post
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