#something i routinely have to remind my ocd
themarimosystem · 2 months
factives dating other factives is not rpf, youre not "shipping" real people just because your system has alters introjected from real life sources. its okay
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unhappytimeleaper · 1 year
This is part of my just random blurbs I post on the servers I’m on but no one understands so I’m forcing it on all of you.
Truly unedited thoughts. Gender neutral reader; no age is mentioned but the idea is reader is around Kei age.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
No warnings outside of yes, it is vague but it is still yandere and possible spoilers for part 8 of Jojo
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Kira himself was weird. At least hard to deal with, his narcissistic nature and OCD being one side that you could manage, within small doses, but the other being his naturally cold demeanor made it much harder. Somehow, you did manage to keep some form of a friendship. It was always hard when you would bring things up, and he would brush it off or tell you to just cut them out. You had him; why waste your time with others. Correction, you occasionally had him; you knew he was fond of his own personal time and interests, plus sometimes you just need a break from his personality. Sure, it made him a little more grumpy when you called this out, but amends usually were made quickly, and you'd fall back into your routine with each other. In his own weird way, Kira knew she was more fond of you than pretty much any other person outside of his family, even if it was hard to tell. Something you probably only ever learn from his sister after his disappearance.
Josefumi always felt abandoned and left out less you were around. You checked in on him in conversations, invited him to plans, walked alongside him, and overall did your best to consistently remind him that he had value. Was it wrong for him to be sort of selfish when it came to you and how much you seem to want to be with him? It meant something special to have you around, even if only as a friend, and it wasn't like with Sakunami. Josefumi was, after all, who you always turned to as a close friend when Kira and you were doing your own thing. Although his brutally violence fighting was something you shouldn't forget, or could really as the aftermath of some of them had been burned into your mind, he overall was a kind and caring young man you admired a lot and took pride in being friends with. It wasn't hard to see his crush, a very apparent one, but nothing could ever come from it as soon as he up and vanished.
Enter Josuke, or Gappy, nicknamed by his two front teeth. An odd fellow who appeared from nowhere with what seemed no memories. Not to say he wasn't smart, but he lacked a sense of self and the world around him. And despite this. Not knowing who he is, who anyone is really, he notes there is something strange about you. Not in a bad way, but like your fates are connected. That he cares for you even if he doesn't remember who you are. And despite everything, those feelings from both Kira and Josefumi only seem to be brought more and more to the front as you spend time. There is no memory of who you were to them; they are all separate people after all, but the care he has seems deeply burned into his soul. Something he doesn't want to lose, no matter what it takes.
You knew this wasn't them even as you learn and piece together this was the two friends you had lost. Gappy was someone new, and you couldn't push the life you had in the past with "them" onto him. It crushes you to be around him at times, you admit to yourself. The loss of both Kira and Josefumi was devastating; after all, even with the troubling nature they both could have, you did care for them as friends. And Gappy himself wasn't bad; he had many good traits and was fun to be around, but it's not like he could fill the hole in your heart. But even with the distance you tried to put in, acknowledging to him it's nothing he did or didn't do, you just needed space. Time. One day, maybe things would heal more, and you'd be able to truly befriend the new boy.
Distance isn't possible, though; the feelings of Kira and Josefumi, even without memories of who they are, are ingrained in a way he can't understand or explain. Like an invisible string connecting those they held dear to each of his fingers, he can't see what makes them special; he just feels it to his core. And he can't let it slip away, let you slip away when you hold the secrets to his past and to the weird drumming of his heart. Please, just stay a little longer? His drive is relentless, and while he can play cute to keep you around if what it takes, he does have other means he'd be willing to try if you keep pushing him away.
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basic-bamboo · 1 month
Today on: Tumblr is a hell designed specifically for people with moral OCD as well as You're Just A Religious Fundamentalist in a Different Hat
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This was a reply on a post about "thought crimes" (completely misunderstanding the probably context and meaning of thought crime) and how if you talk about something then it ceases to be a "thought crime" and then you are just telling people what you're like.
I replied to this directly, but I needed to reply to it openly because this is something that greatly contributed to my development of scrupulosity. For me, this was framed a little differently. This was part of my religious and institutional abuse at the hands of the LDS/Mormon Church and they would say "if you wouldn't say it in front of Jesus or your grandma, don't say it at all."
The idea of having to weigh the potential harms of every possible thing that I could say is something that still affects me to this day. I still struggle to talk to strangers about hobbies or fandoms we have in common because it has been drilled into me by my experiences that I will inevitably do harm- and my mind shows me each and every way every possible thing I could say could be interpreted in a way that could harm the person I'm talking to (including making this post! And replying to that post!) -that in the end it is safer not to talk to anybody (which my mind reminds me is also causing harm) and I routinely delete the things I create because of the Moral Implications.
It is not my or anyone else's responsibility to curate your internet experience for you. When I am posting to my Tumblr- one of the few platforms that allows you to tailor your experience! You have options to filter out things you don't want to see! -I do not have to post with hypothetical children or psych patients or family members or Jesus in mind. You are free to not interact with me or block me or interact with some things and not others and have complicated feelings because despite what our evangelical culture (and my brain) tells us people aren't just Good or Bad and Bad people aren't just waiting in the shadows to jump out and getcha.
The phrase "does this person need to hear this?" is what my brain asks me before I have a chance to send a message reaching out to a friend to tell that I'm having a hard time and then delete it because I can't justify that they do need to hear it. This kind of thinking, this culture of thinking convinces people that they are fundamentally Evil and if you're Evil, why would you deserve help?
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kaleeatinghoe · 8 months
(+individual)⚠️ocd and very small blood mention (just to be safe)
recently ive been obsessed with them i need to make headcanons it’s a requirement
first of all, gregory was never secretive about his feelings,,. he would call chrisophe “darling” and “my dear” but christophe somehow didn’t realize that this was romantic (??) and thought that was just how he spoke.
everybody assumed they already had something going on, until gregory started loudly monologuing about his love and how he had “longed to profess” his love.,, christophe was absolutely taken aback, but nobody else gave a fuck
gregory is definitely a theater kid in a way. he joined the drama club at school, and was absolutely disgusted at how bad everyone’s acting and how they didn’t put their entire heart and soul into a school play.
he also convinced christophe to join tech crew. (maybe i make a comic??:0)
sometimes christophe disappears for days at a time and hes just like somewhere around like in a random field or walking down the road,, and he doesn’t sleep much. hes just out all night doing random stuff
gregory speaks french and he’ll monologue in french occasionally and very theatrically and christophe is just there sick of this shit
they both just crawl into each others houses through the window(especially christophe) while the other is sleeping. gregory keeps his window open and christophe has crawled in and woken him up at some ungodly hour because there was something unescessary that he insisted had to be done and couldn’t wait until daylight.
he also somehow just knows extremely specific details about people and businesses that he pulls out of nowhere whenever they are plotting against them
oh and he definitely knows all about tweek bros,, and has planned to expose them
gregory once kissed ze mole in a very theatrical way. he would do some kind of speech and make it look straight out of a shakespeare play,, and time it right before he leaves abruptly. and christophe is like shocked and also cringing because gregory is such a fucking theater kid and while what he did was rlly sweet.., it’s like dude
gregory is a bit germaphobic and takes hygiene extremely seriously. he washes his hands before and after he eats, and showers atleast once a day. he may have ocd which causes him to wash his hands like 57 times a day giving him super dry hands (js like me with my ocd fr) so he constantly puts lotion on his hands
christophe is kinda the opposite. he has normal hygiene like he doesn’t fail to wash his hands after taking a shit but he will also forget to shower for weeks. he just kinda forgets so he has gregory remind him every so often “have you showered this week?” also he is really dirty all the time and tracks dirt and mud a lot. gregory makes him take his shoes off before coming inside
overall christophe doesn’t take very good care of himself., mostly because he forgets, partly because he doesn’t gaf. gregory on the other hand, gets severe anxiety if he forgets one step of his routine, or forgets to eat, or loses track of time and goes to sleep too late,, he is very concerned for his wellbeing and physical / mental health,, a bit to much to the point where it affects his mental health a little bit
ALSO CHRISTOPHE HAS FUCKING BUSTED UP HANDS from like digging and stuff,, his nails are just caked with dirt even after he washes his hands. bro cannot wear white clothes without them getting stained
gregory also has busted up hands sometimes because when his ocd gets really bad and he washes his hands like crazy,, and he forgets to put lotion on his hands crack and bleed. (js like me omg)
okay,, i wanna do more but i can do a sequel. if u want me to do any particular character(s) or ship(s) my ask box is always open!! ;D
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woodenfawn · 1 year
Thoughts on Rem and Ram <3
One of the first ever hints we get to how different they actually are is their little twin-talk routine. Along with the discussion of their "competency" as maids, and the Red Oni/Blue Oni story. And I think it's a really cool little detail!
Rem always speaks first. "Nee-sama, Nee-sama," referencing Ram as Nee-sama is a title that implies respect above everything else. Of course you can tell they love each other so very much but Rem is emphasizing how her older sister is the "superior one", which, I'm pretty sure, is why Subaru says that Ram gets special treatment. It is also interesting, though, that Rem is the one who speaks first in the routine- despite being the more insecure of the two. Ram is definitely more confident in her ability to mess with people and make rude comments, so why does Rem go first?
When Ram speaks, she simply calls Rem by her name, instead of Onee-chan or Nee-chan, and I'm curious about it. You'd think they'd have matching titles for each other, the Nee-sama and Nee-chan or something, but no, they very specifically do not. Even in a conversation pattern where they're playing into the "identical twin dynamic". I wonder if Ram is using this to remind Rem that she's her own person? Like, of course Ram loves her sister- and it's not a sign of disrespect. But she seems to have chosen to address her by name rather than by their relationship, and given how much she wants Rem to be remembered and loved by others, it might be a way to make sure they remember her as an individual. Interesting, given what happens to Rem.
I do think that this was Ram's indirect way of pushing Rem to be more confident in herself. She's always been able to tell how insecure she was, but I don't think she ever knew what to do about it, because the source of their problems came from the circumstances of their birth. Given how may years it'd been from the burning of their clan to arc 2, it surprised me a little to hear that Rem had held onto her inferiority complex and guilt for that long, when Ram cared about her wellbeing so much. I think if they'd had enough long talks about it, it could have healed (at least mostly) over time. I think it leaves the idea that either Ram was unsure of how to address it, or Rem refused to talk about it at all. Probably both.
I do also have my "Rem has OCD/OCD traits" theory because of how she. You know. Decides she needs to spend the entire rest of her life filling Ram's shoes and protecting her to atone for *one thought* she had in an extremely traumatic event. There's also the whole business with her being attached to the idea of living/dying for people she cares about as her ultimate proof of love, and her excessive willingness to hurt or kill *potential* threats to Keep Her People Safe. That's not to equate any disorder to a potential to hurt others! The world of Re:Zero frowns on murder in many cases, but it is far more willing to accept it as a response to threats- it can easily be forgiven with a good justification. The reason I bring this up is because Rem is very willing to act on her own to use Extreme Measures because she is *so certain she's right, and she HAS to do this to ease burdens on her loved ones.
!!!ARC 7/8 SPOILERS!!!
For these reasons, I find it very interesting that Rem was brought back into the story without her memory. We get to see a more unfiltered version of her. She still feels guilt extremely easily and holds onto certain ideas with a little too much strength, but she doesn't put up acts for people and she hasn't Attached Herself to someone. With no memory of Ram or Subaru, she has learned to think for herself and be more independent. It's mentioned that her personality is more similar to Ram's than it seemed to be before. I know many people are annoyed with how she's lost her memories because they want Their Rem back, but I honestly think this is a really interesting and worthwhile study of her character. I almost wonder if she actually would be happier if she never got her name and memories back, if she could live without her traumas, even if she is fully aware that she's missing a large part of herself.
Personally, I want to see her grow as she is, and develop her relationships and mindset and way of life from here, and *then* face her memories again. Her learning to love herself and have self worth and then facing the her that couldn't... that would be really cool, I think. I want to see her and Ram develop a new sisterly relationship and I want to see how it compares and contrasts with the one they had before. I love their dynamic, and I love how Tappei Nagatsuki is treating the reunion of the sisters. I am very interested, too, to see how things play out with Spica, given this is the closest kind of Capital P Protectiveness we've seen from her, in a similar way to how she cared for Ram and Subaru pre-gluttony.
She's definitely got a strong theme of Memory and Sleep as concepts, and I've been wondering if her name was intentional. Along with Ram being the hornless oni. Ram.
The fact that Ram may have spent this long trying to make sure everybody remembered Rem's name, just for her to be forgotten by *everybody*... man .
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
wait the mista thing reminded me do you remember that one quote murolo makes abt his stand being divided... what do u think that means if we apply it to mista bc murolo knows abt like bad company and the. other stand I forgot but he knew Things and ur the mista person.... so enlighten me if u can with ur very cool thoughts
YES I think about this so much. Like literally the first thing that came to mind when Murolo mentioned that was "wait. Mista though."
(For reference/anyone who hasn't read PHF, this is the quote in question:)
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Obviously, by the time of Purple Haze Feedback, Mista has a "hollow pit inside," caused by the grief of watching his loved ones die and, very likely, having no other support mechanisms to process it (he's isolated from Trish, and his relationships with Giorno and Fugo are rocky, at best). At the same time, I think the Sex Pistols being a colony stand has to stem from something further back - after all, they've been a colony since he obtained them years prior (and his backstory seems to imply that, even before the stand arrow, they'd existed on some level, though they hadn't yet manifested).
If I can refer back to that Fugo and Mista post, I think what split the Sex Pistols might have been his very OCD-coded thought patterns. Just as All Along the Watchtower (a stand made from a deck of cards, which puts on performances with the "stage name" The Watchtower Troupe) reflects Murolo's belief that the world around him is flimsy and unstable, and that he can't trust anyone and must put on facades to avoid being betrayed; and how he claims Metallica, Bad Company, and Harvest reflected their own users' "hollow pits;" the Sex Pistols are another facet of Mista's life that give him routines and structure, even if it seems irrational to others. He actively has to take care of the Sex Pistols, feed them when they need to be fed, keep them in line behaviorally, etc, or he'll be defenseless, and tangible harm could come to him. Forgetting to, say, give the Pistols lunch would be, in Mista's mind, no different than taking the fourth slice of cake; in both cases, performing (or not performing) a specific, seemingly unrelated action puts him in danger.
The other thing that's interesting about the Sex Pistols, though, is that they're completely sentient. Historically, we see this with characters that have a strong resolve: Koichi, Trish, Giorno, and so on. At the same time, there's characters whose stands behave independently because they lack control over themselves - namely Fugo, to the point where Giorno expresses fear that Fugo dying without coming to terms with his anger/finding self-worth could cause Purple Haze to run wild like Notorious B.I.G. In a way, I think Mista's both; he has incredible resolve, yes, but it takes the smallest, most arbitrary thing to destroy that confidence. From his manga profile:
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So the Sex Pistols are sentient, but unlike Echoes Act III, Spice Girl, or Gold Experience Requiem - who may act outside their user's conscious wishes, but always for the best - the way they behave is sometimes to Mista's detriment. They'll get distracted, fight with each other, feed into Mista's paranoia, and so on.
Going back to that Murolo quote does make me wonder, though - based on his theory as to why a stand splits into a colony, why aren't some other stands split? It would make a lot of sense for Purple Haze, Moody Blues, and Voodoo Child to be, for instance, because I'd say that Fugo, Abbacchio, and Sheila E all have their own "hollow pits" that shape them as people. Beyond Vento Aureo/PHF, it'd even make sense for Polnareff, Kakyoin, and Jolyne, off the top of my head. I'd even argue, if Keicho's obsession with his ambition is what made Bad Company a colony stand, shouldn't Giorno have a colony stand? Then again, maybe this implies something about Giorno - that, even if he tries to hide it, the people in his life are more important than his dream. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into this.
But thank you for bringing this up, this Murolo line lives in my brain rent-free and I've been looking for an excuse to talk about it with regard to Mista forever lol
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7-wonders · 2 years
Hey again, could I request some Michael hdcns or just a fluffy blurb of Michael with a reader that has adhd? Once you get to feeling better ofc! I've been going through it mentally and it would mean the world to me! I haven't found any Michael fics with a neurodivergent reader. So I'd love to see how your brilliant mind would be able to bring that idea into fruition! If not, I understand! Lmk pls :) !!
p.s, I'm currently sick too and on my period *sigh*, so we're in this together sis :,)
Anonymous asked:
Hey! I hope you're feeling well <3. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and OCD. Do you think you could write some Michael fluff with this? Maybe where the reader tells him about it, and how he would react? I hope that makes sense. Just something with Michael and a reader with ADHD and/or OCD 👉👈
These asks speak to me as someone who also has ADHD lol. I hope I do these hc's some justice!
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Michael is one of the first people in your life to actually seek to understand your ADHD and help you with it, instead of just getting mad when you exhibit symptoms that make life difficult. It's a total breath of fresh air, and at first, you're a little worried that the other shoe is gonna drop and you're gonna act too neurodivergent for him. Spoiler alert: there's no other shoe
Your emotions are so intense, and Michael often has to remind you to take a couple of breaths and revisit these feelings in a few minutes, rather than letting them take over and ruin your mood. He's almost always right that you'll have a clearer mind after doing that
I tend to get the "zoomies" with my ADHD, where I'm suddenly buzzing and feeling really goofy and like I want to bounce around. Michael finds it fun to join in on the zoomies with you, which usually ends with both of you wrestling on the floor and just acting like a couple of kids
Likes going on walks with you when you're feeling overwhelmed
Always carries a pair of earbuds for you in case you get too overstimulated in public and need to turn music on and tune out your surroundings
(Considering a large part of ADHD is forgetfulness, you're eternally grateful for this because you usually forget to bring earbuds with you)
Has started actually cooking meals so that you can get out of the cycle of forgetting to eat, eating a bunch of random snacks, and forgetting again. Cooking quickly becomes an activity that you do together, and you really enjoy it. When you eat better, you feel better!
Breathes with you whenever you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed
Reminds you to take your meds (he sets up an alarm on your phone because, predictably, you've forgotten to do so)
If he notices you picking at your skin, he'll gently grab your hands to get you to stop
Encourages your hyperfixations and is more than happy to listen as you excitedly explain whatever it is, but also helps to pull you out of that hole so you can eat, sleep, and not burn your eyes staring at a computer or a TV or a video game
Doesn't get mad at you for accidentally talking over him or repeatedly asking "what?" before whatever he's said computes in your head 0.1 seconds later
He took it personally the first time that he tried to touch you when you were overstimulated and you pulled away with him, but only because he thought you were mad at him. Now, he always looks at you before going to touch you, waiting for you to nod before he grabs your hand or hugs you
Is currently fighting a losing battle when it comes to trying to help you sleep normally and through the night. He's tried all the tricks that people recommend: going to bed earlier, having a routine, taking melatonin, keeping electronics out of the bedroom. Nothing works, and it's frustrating for both of you, but you deal
Is always reassuring you that he loves you and that you're not doing anything wrong. You tend to worry a lot, and he wants to make sure that you never doubt him or what he's feeling or thinking
Loves you completely and wholeheartedly, even on the bad days
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deusexmachinawitch · 1 year
My results doing @starnightlover’s Miracle Maker 7 Days Challenge!!!
I was manifesting SP and at the moment, nothing happened. That doesn’t mean everything is bad, don’t come for me or Star because I know the community can be a bit sensitive when it comes to trying to prove that the law is wrong 😂.
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While there was times I couldn’t count because I was working or attending emergencies, I did affirm in my head and sometimes affirm randomly outside the 45 minutes since this was an easier affirmation compared to the previous one I chose the previous time.
Still, the affirmation I used this time really resonates with me to the point that whenever I have a thought that doesn’t align with the results I want, I shut it up with that affirmation. I feel really calm as well and I really think that things will go amazing. It also helped me not give a f to the 3D.
While I did not get him immediately, there was something beautiful that happened yesterday just when I was going to sleep and considered the challenge done.
I was calmly getting ready for bed, I have OCD so my rituals before bed are skincare, making sure my pets have everything they need, cuddle them and then tidy my desk so everything is good for when I wake up. I was tidying my desk and suddenly I see one of my pets managing to remove my backpack from a chair I have and opening it. It was a lot of noise and I see them removing something from my backpack and I run to them. It was SP’s hoodie that I keep with me always as a way to remind me he’s already with me. Because of the summer, I just really didn’t take it out or done something to it for months.
Right when I was scolding my pet and I grabbed the hoodie to shake the fur out of it, I heard something outside my window and a surge of light filled my room. It was fireworks, just right at the moment I grabbed the hoodie. One of the things that SP and I love is to watch fireworks together, so I wore the hoodie over my shoulders like he was passing his arm around me and watched the fireworks. I didn’t feel sad, I didn’t cry, I didn’t wonder anything. I just watched and said “Aren’t they beautiful, SP?”. I was really calm and just continued my night routine as soon they were over.
It was really like having my anime moment. This is really something that I like since I got into LoAss, that things that I see in stories happen to me and I really feel like the main character.
Since I liked this challenge, I’ll probably do it again this week but more generalized like affirming that everything bends to my will or something like that.
Don’t feel discouraged guys, to me this was worth it because I feel calm and that fireworks moment was worth everything.
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rosewinterborn · 8 months
"One Of Them Tag Games: A Week Late Edition"
Tagged by @synobun !
Last Song: Tomboy Tuesday! By Ham Sandwich (very fun gender vibes, very difficult to follow anime clips)
Favorite Color: pretty much any dark, rich jewel tone, but i tend towards midnight blue and, currently, forest green
Last Movie/Show: technically Sense8 because j and i are watching it with a friend, but last night i got caught up on The Apothecary Diaries and as someone who doesn't like a lot of anime I'm having a great time
Next on My Watchlist: i don't really do watchlists (or tbrs), i generally just follow the dopamine. In all honestly, probably sense8 again next Thursday
Last Game: i play a very dumb color sorting game on my phone to fall asleep. Other than that, i think i played a few hours of bg3 last week.
Last Book (completed): Crescent City House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas (in preparation for House of Flame and Shadow, which came out on Tuesday. I did not make it and my book bestie has been yelling at me lol)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: i don't really snack anymore? So this question is hard. I used to go for salt above all else but since salt disagrees with me more often than not, i just kind of. Don't. Probably sweet, at the moment. If i had to guess.
Relationship Status: Double Married, as @wasabipesto reminded me last week lol
Last Thing I Searched For Online: the artist for tomboy tuesday. Before that, the symptoms of MCAS (which I've since deemed unlikely that i have)
Current Obsession: still chipping away at the health anxiety, unfortunately. Hoping to replace it with something more pleasant soon though.
Biggest Flaw: also difficult. Every answer ive come up with is just A Disorder That I Have and it feels wrong to just say like. My anxiety (which is currently debilitating and getting expensive) or my inability to maintain any kind of self care or regulation routines (thats just adhd baybee). Plus i don't know that i have anything about myself that i think is outright Bad. Like. The anxiety makes me very good at noticing things, and there are a lot of aspects of my adhd that i actively enjoy. Something something your greatest flaw is also your greatest strength given the right context.
...Yknow what, I'm going with the anxiety actually, because it's turning me into a caged animal in my own body and i feel like I'm watching myself develop ocd in real time. Hate that for me.
Fic I'm Currently Reading: haven't actually read any fic in a while tbh. I think i was on a brief destiel kick a couple weeks ago but it didn't last very long and it was mostly rereads. (For currently reading in general I'm *supposed* to be working on House of Sky and Breath. Progress has been slow.)
Tagging: @wasabipesto , @laboradorescence , @writersblockandapotoftea , @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile , and anyone who feels like playing!
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aureamediocritasi · 11 months
chronic aches mind
chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
a lot of nerve damage! involuntarily twitching and chronic pain, mostly in the worst of his scars around his torso. he never comments on it or takes anything for it, though. both because pain killers arent something easy to come by, and also because he feels he sort of deserves to live with it anyway. its his injury, he should be reminded it exists, is what he'd probably say about it.
aches: does my muse have any frequent aches? ie, muscle aches, joint aches? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
rotator cuffs on both arms definitely, and especially with his missing one. sometimes he can still feel it, and then the pain of whenever it was cut off comes back like its new. whenever this happens, he takes off his prosthetic and rubs some numbing cream into the healed over scar tissue. seems to work for the worst of it, in his experience.
mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most?
depression, anxiety, paranoia, panic, mild ocd, c-ptsd but that kind of includes most of the first four. naur he does not have any coping mechanisms besides being acutely aware that all of it is a thing and just dealing with it as it comes. if he has a panic attack he sits still for as long as he needs to until it goes away. as for the depression, anxiety, paranoia etc. he just drinks. very healthy. he has his own little rituals for the ocd: his morning routine, and he deals with other excessive intrusive thoughts by playing them out in his head rather than doing them if theyre inconvenient. if theyre not then he just does it. he probably also has some undiagnosed/unidentified ADHD / ADD. i def know knives is autistic lets be real as senior wizard the great autismo myself.
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solitalien · 4 months
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Just recently got myself planner because I've learned that I do better achieving things if it's something I plan physically. Not just setting a reminder on my phone, as that shit just never works.
Anyway, I found some comfort and reassurance by looking up tips for beginners by Passion Planner and The Organized Money, both lovely youtubers.
From what I essentially got from both of them is to take it at your own pace by not pressuring yourself to overdo it. As well as keeping it with a nice consistent routine, and a place where it can constantly remind you of the plan.
(Ahh.. just started feeling anxious... and now I'm bored.)
Well, just wanted to say that I don't plan to start it till June, because my OCD feels that need to start at the beginning of the month. otherwise, I'll mess up the whole thing if I don't.
I also wanted to share some questions I asked myself by Passion Planner's video that helped me calm my nerves about the whole things as I do plan to commit to it for my own self-improvement.
I will do my best.
My Planner Fears:
What are my doubts and fears?
That I will lose touch of my good habits, that this planner won't help me make new ones.
What is holding me back from my goals?
Not getting up and doing the things I need to do, and self-sabotage.
What about my environment is making me feel uncomfortable with my planner?
The possible idea that it will be swallowed up the next time my room becomes a mess.
Planner Opportunities:
What excites me about my planner?
Being able to have too physically write my plans down to get them done.
What does future me look like, feel and do?
I look put together and healthy. I feel calm and cool. I am doing my best.
What are my intentions for the new year?
To be the best me, for me, my family, friends, and for anyone else who needs it.
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introvertfox · 7 months
Some things about me AKA why I think I might be autistic:
Hate clothes with buttons
Had a gibberish language with my siblings that only I spoke when I was younger than 9. I don't remember how old I was then
Go non verbal when overwhelmed
Misread the room and end up saying rude/embarrassing things without understanding it was rude/embarrassing; ie, when I said my parents sleep separately when relatives were visiting and being shown around the house. I did not know, in fact, that was a no no. I was 12-15 then. Had to be pulled aside for that.
Genuinely asked "Is that rude?" after telling Theater(? It was a weird extra English class mom signed us up for) teacher to "Shut up". I don't remember what it was in response to, but it was probably some innocuous comment. Further reflection leads me to believe that a more appropriate response would have been "Please don't say that." Or just saying nothing. Also learnt since then that "Shut up" was rude
I forgot what was said moments before, but it led to grandpa saying "Walk on all fours", and I replied "Like a dog" giggling because dogs are cute and I've heard this saying on the TV. Get told off for being sarcastic. Never felt comfortable talking to grandparents about anything ever again
A more recent example was when a housemate's phone rang with a guy's name and I said as much while passing her phone back to her from the living room. She was with her mom. Another housemate had to escort me out. We're in uni (by now I usually run everything I want to say in my head several time before saying it aloud, but if I get too comfortable it slips my mind)
Inappropriate eye contact; always either too much or too little (usually this). Only started noticing this last year
Empathy issues. "Okay, sorry that happened to you" is something I had to teach/remind myself to say instead of just "Okay". Especially not to say "Why are you telling me?" or "What does that have to do with me?"
My only frames of reference for how to act normally are media/ pieces of fiction I've consumed; I somehow passed through the schooling system until college without getting social cues and norms IRL. Mind you, I went through two different schooling systems; government school in the morning, religious school in the afternoon, alongside tuition for language and math; neither of which had me learn how to interact with people, regardless of how many "group projects" done
Additional things about me that psyche me out of self-diagnosis:
Only ate things separately/methodically (vege, then rice, then meat) because it'd drag out the time I spent in recess, than having to sit alone in class; and I could overhear classmates talking about stuff for longer
I don't like soups or any liquid foods; but will still eat them else it'd be wasteful
Holes hate may just be my tryptophobia. Also despise drains in the sink and shower that's round. Covered or slitted is fine
Non verbal due to social anxiety. And 90%+ introversion. last I did that MBTI test. People battery runs out fast; the exception is if the task at hand is interesting and I'd power through the low battery like I'm in a weird drunk/high state. (I've never imbibed so I'm assuming)
Am doing better in group settings nowadays. Have been emailing and booking rooms for group courseworks okay
I don't stim or fidget or have repetitive behaviour
According to aunts, I was pretty talkative as a kid, so no speech impediments
I don't have a set routine, nor do I care for one
My compulsion to arrange things in a specific way only applies to things I have irrationality decided to be picky about; ie, how I arrange my suitcase and closet. I'm not OCD about every little thing in my spaces. I don't throw tantrums if something I arranged gets messed with
I don't explode in tantrums at all. Or breakdown. I just cry in bed sometimes but that's more to do with being overwhelmed by life in general every few months or so
I'm not entirely touch averse. If anything I'm touch starved, but I'll never initiate hugs unless I think it's an obligation
Probably unrelated, but I have trouble projecting my voice, like I can't not talk with my head voice, so saying stuff out loud is difficult for me. Unless you're my parents, because every time I try to make myself heard, I'm shouting n being disrespectful
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s-o-a-p-ing · 1 year
Friday, 7/14/23
"In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, at the feast, he shall provide like this, seven days for the sin offering, the burnt offering, the grain offering and the oil.” ~ Ezekiel 45:25
This is the last verse of a series of verses going into great detail about preparing sacrifices - repeated sacrifices - to atone for sin...
Something my "ADHD" and "OCD" nature would obsess over and make the whole point of my relationship with Him...
Thanks be to Him for Jesus Who atoned for my sin with His singular sacrifice...
What do I do to acknowledge that, and live as forgiven?
Give thanks for the "simplicity" (is that the right word?), of having been forgiven once and for all...
Live as one forgiven...
Heavenly Father - I confess to getting caught up in the ritual and routine instead of glorying in the simplicity of confession and repentance... Thank You for Jesus's singular sacrifice on my behalf... and may Your Holy Spirit remind me that You want the relationship with me, not the actions for the actions sake... In Jesus's Name, and for Your glory and honor and praise...
Have the best weekend yet... not necessarily ever... just yet...
Yours - joyfully and prayerfully and thankfully - in Him...
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tanrininmahkemesi · 2 years
Hey there val!! I remember sending an anon on my exam week last time and and a little time passed, we literally reached 2023. i'm on this period's last exam week n stuff so we're moving fast!! how is it going on??? i hope everything's as good as they can be. nothing's ever perfect but maybe that's better. everything can shape their shifts into a chaos and you know, experiencing it is ten times colorful n exciting!! This year there's this huge wave of illnesses i hope you are okay :(( if not try to rest and take care of yourself, drink water 'cause your kidneys are like, your lifelong friends so gotta treat them right!! Know that you are precious and worthy, no matter what you do, you are a human being who deserves to be loved and i s loved. Living takes courage sometimes and people sometimes need to stop and think about how far they've come. i personally believe it's important to observe and analysis the journey, especially their own being. Take a break when you need, even if it's waking up ten minutes late or getting fresh air in the morning. maybe these messages are out of nowhere, i don't know but in my estimation, there are times that routine or whatever you are doing struggles your mind and body so much that you might wanna hear another voice (metaphorically) or a reminder about that things happen for a reason and universe got your back. Hopefully you always get up from where life has kindasortapunchedyou and keep going!! I HOPE YOUREHAVINGANAMAZINGDAYNIGHTNOON!! 🎠🎠🎠🎠
i honestly don't know how to respond these kind words of you 😭🫶🏻 sending lots of love to you, anon <3
i'm trying, and i have hope this time. i think i can do it! studying english 24/7 is not my favourite thing or something but it's fun! 😅 and also it will help me to success, so... 💪🏻💪🏻
i finally could go to therapy! turns out i have adhd & ocd. it's nice to know what is happening to me, and i always knew that i had these disabilites to be honest, so i'm not shocked and i am actually happy. i have started to use medicines 👍🏻 it's like too early to tell it's working but yeah i know it will! but gosh it's frustrating to use those because they have so many side effects 😅 it's okay though, i've got this!
also i've started to play frp these days. my friends and i are addicted to it 😹 i love frp! i suggest you to take a look at it too! :)
thank you so much, anon. it's nice to know you're here. so nice. i love you! <3
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skelejon · 2 years
Wrt an earlier reblog I of course think that people should be donating to help folks, but also it isn't morally reprehensible to spend money on stupid shit that makes you happy sometimes. I have to routinely remind myself of that because otherwise my moral ocd would run me into the ground, like it was my birthday on Sunday and I spent a bunch of money on something that isn't necessary (coloured contacts) but will make me happy, I could have spent that money donating it to a random gofundme or something, maybe I should have, but I wanted something that will make me happy for at least a year and so I got myself something nicer than just my regular plain prescription contacts. If I just donated all the unneeded money that I ever had I probably wouldn't be alive to have the chance to donate more in the future.
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nekropsii · 2 years
PLEASE please please talk more about psychotic jade and mituna and ocd dirk and latula. i need more
Now, I’m not the one who is most qualified to talk about Dirk and Latula having OCD, so I will just page that part over to @scalematez. She’ll respond as a reblog, and I’ll be sure to put that on my page here, too, so everyone can see it!
I can, however, talk about Jade and Mituna being on the Psychotic Spectrum. It’s a concept that’s near and dear to my heart, being a Paranoid Psychotic myself.
Jade’s severe, crippling loneliness and isolation as a child is a psychological recipe for disaster. Her circumstances growing up are a Molotov Cocktail of Mental Disorder waiting to happen. It’s a speculation I don’t feel I have to elaborate much on- the main crux of my point lies in her introductory exploration section.
Remember her “interactions” with Grandpa? Her thoroughly, concerningly going about her routines as if he, the taxidermied stuffed corpse, were still alive? There’s a simultaneous awareness and lack of awareness to it- she knows he’s dead, theoretically, and by technicality, but he’s still very much so alive to her. He’s alive and well, an active part of her life, both good and bad, and I feel as if one tried to convince her otherwise, and tell her that he’s dead and gone, it’d do some massive damage to her psyche.
Her whole method of interacting with and communicating with others with regards to how she sees the future in the Clouds of Skaia, especially considering how her peers responded to it, very much so rings of it, too. She’s very much so not really aware she has it, and her friends don’t really think anything is medically wrong with her. To everyone else, she’s just a strange and silly girl, with some very weird habits, and a penchant for saying very peculiar things, and that’s how a lot of psychotic kids can be. It’s just a very nice divergence from the typical formula used for psychotic characters- she’s not evil, just different, and she is beloved and cared for.
Mituna, meanwhile, takes a little bit more obtuse speculative extrapolation, I’ll admit, but I genuinely don’t think it’s that far of a reach. While Jade’s friends responded to her psychosis by playing along and not suspecting anything, Mituna’s friends have outright rejected him for it. He’s definitely a much more tragic direction to take, but unfortunately very real. The way he’s treated very much so reminds me of how Psychotics are often treated- often being met with a lot of Systemic Abuse and Sanism purely for existing. Cronus’s interactions with him in particular showcases this well, putting a heavy emphasis on the fact that since everyone thinks Mituna is crazy, no one will believe the fact that Cronus is abusing him.
His status of being a Cassandra parallel- essay linked for context- paired with the fact that he’s generally treated the same way people treat the “Town Schizophrenic,” really does not make for a good combination. I do think taking the Psychosis route for him really adds something to his character, and helps recontextualize a lot of things quite nicely.
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