#someone help with pharma
reasonsforhope · 2 months
"A first-of-its-kind report has discovered that altering the ingredients list or manufacturing methods of widely used medication can really cut back on carbon emissions.
They found a reduction of 26 million tons, enough to cancel out the whole carbon footprint of the city of Geneva for a decade. Best of all, it’s already happening, and in fact, is almost done—those emissions were already saved.
The lifesaving HIV treatment dolutegravir (DTG) is used by 24 million people worldwide.
Today, over 110 low and middle-income countries have adopted DTG as the preferred treatment option. Rapid voluntary licensing of the medicine, including its pediatric version, to over a dozen generic manufacturers, significantly drove down prices, and it’s estimated that 1.1 million lives will be saved from HIV/AIDS-related deaths by 2027.
Its predecessor, efavirenz, contained 1200 milligrams of active ingredient across the three active compounds present, while DTG contains 650 milligrams of just one compound. This small difference—literally measurable in single digits of paper clips by weight—was enough to change the carbon emissions footprint of the medication by a factor of 2.6.
The incredible discovery was made in a recent report by Unitaid, a global public-private partnership that invests in new health products and solutions for low and middle-income countries, called Milligrams to Megatons, and is the first published research to compare carbon footprints between commonly used medications.
“This magnitude of carbon footprint reduction surpasses many hard-won achievements of climate mitigation in health and other sectors,” the authors of the report write.
At the rate at which DTG is produced, since it entered into production and treatment regime in 2017, 2.6 million fewer tons of CO2 have entered the atmosphere every year than if efavirenz was still the standard treatment option.
Health Policy Watch reports that the global medical sector’s carbon emissions stand at roughly 5% of the global carbon emissions and are larger than the emissions of many big countries, and 2.5 times as much as aviation.
“This report demonstrates that we can achieve significant health improvements while also making strides in reducing carbon emissions. By adopting innovative practices and prioritizing sustainability, we can ensure that medicines like DTG are not only effective but also environmentally responsible,” Vincent Bretin, Director of Unitaid’s Results and Climate Team told Health Policy Watch."
-via Good News Network, July 17, 2024
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
Something else that makes me sympathetic to Pharma's situation is like. Idk if there's an actual term for this or if someone smarter and more academic wrote it about some real life context that actually matters.
But, so we've already established among Pharma stans that the circumstances at Delphi were blackmail/torture with no real way out that wouldn't involve Pharma being responsible for people getting killed (either killing patients for the deal or having everyone die bc he failed his end of the deal).
And I feel like while "he's still in the wrong because he killed people" is part of it, another sort of implicit part is the idea that Pharma should've been willing to take more personal risk, maybe even risk dying? I mean, Ratchet does ask "why didn't you just detonate it near the DJD" (to which Pharma responds that he did try to get Sonic and Boom to do it, but they refused) so like
Idk I feel like we do have this social notion of martyrs as a very romantic ideal, people you can praise for being so brave and strong and righteous that they ended their own lives for their cause, while you can also coo about how sad and tragic it is that dying is what it took for them to do the right thing. But at the same time I feel like in reality, having an expectation that people become martyrs is kind of a toxic social norm bc like. It's very easy to demand that others sacrifice their lives for some Ultimate Moral Good when you yourself aren't experiencing the same hardships as they are. And ultimately it is kind of fucked up to tell someone "the moral thing you should've done was risk your life/kill yourself" because asking someone to pay their life to do the right thing is no small request. And sure, the typical response would be to call them a "coward" for caring more about saving their own skin instead of doing the right thing... but again, death is a really scary thing and self-preservation is a really strong instinct, so it kind of feels like having this binary view of "you're either a Brave Hero who sacrifices your life for everyone else or a Dirty Coward who's too scared of dying to do what's right" is kind of fucked up?
I guess the best way to describe it is that if someone willingly gives up their life as a sacrifice to others, it can be a noble thing because it's a choice they made willingly, but if it becomes a Moral Standard that in order to be a Good Person you have to be unafraid of throwing your life away and if you aren't willing to die you're a Cowardly Bad Person, that's when it becomes toxic.
Idk, I guess how this ties back to Pharma is that he was never in a position where he expected to make these kinds of moral decisions/ultimatums. He's a doctor who doesn't even get into combat, his job is to heal and not to kill, he's behind the front lines in a hospital that's supposed to be a safe, neutral place for him to heal people. So in the face of suddenly having a "murder people on behalf of me, or I murder everyone you swore to protect" ultimatum thrust upon him, I understand why Pharma wasn't """"""""""brave enough"""""""""" to "do the right thing" (whatever that would've been in the case of Delphi). You could argue that maybe a frontliner soldier accepted the burden of possibly dying for their cause and they've become used to it as someone who lives that reality every single day, but I feel like for Pharma, who's a doctor and a protected non-combatant (from what we can tell), that sort of risking of his life/living with the fact his life could be snuffed out any day isn't something he would've been prepared for at all.
And for me personally, from an outsider's perspective, it strikes me as kind of unethical to go "oh well he should've just detonated the bomb himself even if it killed him" bc again, there's a difference between witnessing a moral conundrum as a bystander versus being the person living with it and being under time pressure where it's do-or-die. Just as part of my personal standards, I feel like death is such a huge consequence/burden of someone's actions (literally you are no longer alive, any potential you had left is cut short, you cease to exist on this plane) that it feels rather callous to go "Well you should've just been willing to die for your beliefs if you really cared that much!!!"
#squiggposting#pharma apologism#this is only like tangentially related to pharma honestly#not to compare blorbos to real life but like. it reminds me of this phenomenon where privileged ppl in privileged countries#will tell ppl living in zones of war and strife 'oh well if you don't like your gov so bad just revolt against them'#like oh yes tell me how easy it is to stand up against the threats of torture and death#surely the only reason people would want to avoid that is bc they're cowards or don't want to stand up for their beliefs#contrary to what nationalism would have ppl believe. 'wanting to not die' isn't a moral position#everyone wants to live. no one wants to die. it doesnt make you a bad person to be scared of dying#esp (going back to blorbo's) in a situation like pharma's where every option he had ended in death#the death of his patients or the death of everyone at delphi or his death personally#on top of the fact he's a noncombatant who hasn't been desensitized to violence/risking his own life#and is dealing with a trained group of killers that he can't possibly match on physical terms#so yeah actually i don't blame pharma for what he did#he made shitty decisions in a shitty situation but was ultimately a victim#also if you want to view the blackmail deal from a framework of abuse#it is also fucked up to basically tell someone they werent brave enough to just kill their accuser or ask for help#isnt the entire point of such situations that the victim is both powerless to stop the abuse#and too afraid of asking for help/thinks they cant ask for help. and thats why they dont just get out#idk sometimes the best moral judgement is to forgive someone or view it as 'complicated'#sometimes regardless of the good or evilness of their actions the best choice is to not make a judgement#or to err in favor of a forgiving/'i cant speak for your experience' judgement#anyways the fact is that the rosy fantasy of being a brave noble soldier who sacrifices for the cause#rarely stands up to reality where youre just terrified and powerless and dont know what to do#and suddenly the rosy glow of The Noble Cause isnt comforting in the prospect of horrible torturous death
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cosmicsnufkin · 2 years
can someone who's seen umwa tell me if it's really worth watching til the end bc im on ep 10 (watching just bc i wanted to watch between us and decided to start with this) and pharm constantly looking/seeming uncomfortable with anything romantic/sexual/affectionate is really uncomfortable to watch
does it get better?
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3t22 · 10 months
I love you medicine. I love you drugs. I love you prescription medications. I love you antidepressants. I love you antipsychotics. I love you mood stabilizers. I love you anticonvulsants. I love you tranquilizers. I love you barbiturates. I love you hypnotics. I love you narcotics. I love you steroids. I love you antihistamines. I love you antibiotics. I love you blood thinners. I love you beta blockers. I love you every other drug that I've failed to mention. I love you drugs made in laboratories and with chemicals that we have created with our own hands.
I love you every single person on a prescription medication that you hate. I love you every single person on a prescription medication that you love. I love you every single person on a prescription medication that you'd rather live without. I love you every single person on a prescription medication that you're so thankful for helping you survive and/or function.
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Of Robo-Sheep and Farms
Part 4 of season 2 from the ongoing series set in the sentient SG/LL au from @cuppajj
Our boys are still on the planet from part 3, by the way.
Trigger Warning: none!
Also, no Robo-sheep were harmed in the making of this story.
Rodimus didn’t plan for them to stay on this planet for as long as they did. The way he planned it, they would have re-stocked their ship, sold the not needed items, maybe even changed the interior, before continuing their travels. But Phoenix seemed to like the planet, so, they stayed for a few more days, and days became weeks. 
Weeks, in which Phoenix’s spark seemed to slowly heal from the ordeals of the Lost Light. It was still going to be a long road, Rodimus knew that. After all, he doubted that anyone would be able to shake off what they went through that easily. But it was nice to see Phoenix interact with the Cybertronians living on this planet. Even if those interactions were limited to when they would be buying things at the market, it was still nice to see his brother slowly warming up to the company of other mechs and femmes. Ones who are still alive and not corpses lying in a ship to rot. 
And then there were the jobs they started to do. Both of them mostly helped the Neutrals out by either gathering materials in the surrounding woods, or when someone needed help shepherding their flocks of either cybertronian animals or native ones, because those who usually did it couldn’t. It was actually quite easy, sheparting. All they needed to do was drive around the herd and make sure that none of them would escape. Which was very easy when you had a flier on your team, who was keeping an optic on everything from the sky out. 
“On your left Roddy, the last Robo-sheep is trying to run off.”
“On it Phoenix.” 
Rodimus did a quick turn to the left, before speeding off to get the last Robo-sheep. Using a small hill as a ramp to get himself into the air. Using the momentum to catapult himself across the field and towards the Robo-animal. Transforming right before he would have crashed into it and catching the Robo-sheep with both arms. “Thought you could escape from me, didn’t you?” Asked the prime, as he put the sheep under one arm, while signaling with his free servo that he got it. 
After that, Rodimus carried the last sheep towards the barn. Throwing it in with the rest, before locking the barn door. Hopefully the Robo-sheeps wouldn’t try to get out again, but then again, that would only mean that Rodimus and Phoenix would get more Shanix. If Phoenix didn’t say anything before him. 
The prime loved his brother, he truly did, but sometimes the kid’s good spark would get in the way of earning enough Shanix to live a comfortable life. Just yesterday, Phoenix said that they would help out with building the newest treehouse for free. Even though Rodimus had already calculated how much they could and would get for helping the construction mechs and femmes. That was one of the days where he wished that Phoenix still had his fear of strangers. At least then would Rodimus get to make good deals with the Neutrals and not have to worry about Phoenix messing everything up for them.
“That was fun!” Cheered Phoenix as he nose-dived towards Rodimus. Getting as close as possible, before quickly pulling up and transforming. Landing right before the prime on both of his pedes and raising his sevors in a ‘Ta-daa!’ position. Which caused Rodimus to chuckle, before giving Phoenix two thumbs up for the landing. “10 points for the landing. Only 6 points for the pose afterwards. I know you can do better.” Phoenix only stuck his tongue out as an answer. 
“When ya boys are done outta here, the lady prepared her special casseroles with homegrown space carrots .” Yelled the old mech, who owned this little farm, as he limped over to the two brothers, followed by his trusted Turbofox. “I’m sure that ya two could need some, especially after keeping an optic on the sheep for the whole day.” 
Before Phoenix could say anything, let alone refuse the kind offer, Rodimus was quick to nod his head. Free food, especially when you’re low on Shanix, is a gift from Primus and shouldn’t be wasted. Also, he was sure that the old mech’s conjunx would surely give them more for the way back to their ship. “We would love to stay. Watching and chasing those sheep sure enough emptied our tanks faster than when we helped out with the new treehouse.” 
“Tch, still can’t believe that ya two did it for nothin’.” Said the old mech, before nodding  his head towards the small hut he and his conjunx called home. It was different from the rest of the village. First, because it looked like the cybertronian version of an old western farm house, and second, because it was standing on the ground and not a treehouse. Something Rodimus had asked the old mech about the first time they worked for him. And the answer he got was a simple, ‘We’re no flyin’ folk.’ Which was fair, but still, strange. 
But who was he to judge, when the pay was fair and the old mech didn’t ask about why a ‘Rodimus Prime look-alike’ and a Decepticon youngling were living in a spaceship in the woods. Sometimes, Rodimus believed that the old mech knew exactly who he was, but refused to say anything because they were better workers than those who usually shepert the Robo-sheeps. 
“Don’t forget to wash up, before sitting down. Ya ain’t want Softstreet’s spark to start acting up, do ya?” Asked the old mech, before handing Rodimus the small purse with the Shanix in it. “I doubled it. Ya both have been workin’ more than the rest of the lazy pack I call my workers.” He said with a small smirk, before limping off to check on the rest of the farm. With the turbofox following him, after it got some pats from Phoenix.
“Roddy?” Started Phoenix, but Rodimus was quick to cut him off. “No. We are not getting a turbofox. They’re dangerous, a lot of work, and can’t be tamed. I’m pretty sure that Fungus only managed to tame his, because his alt-mode is a wolf.” Sighed Rodimus while holding the bridge of his nose. I this how Ultra Magnus felt whenever he would suggest stupid ideas? Well, not that his ideas were always stupid, but Ultra Magnus sure thought so.  Either way, Rodimus put the Shanix into his subspace, before starting to gently push Phoenix towards the farmer’s home. 
And they did have a nice dinner with Softstreet and Fungus after the old mech decided to finally join them. With Rodimus and Fungus starting a discussion about the state of the farm, after dinner was over, while Phoenix went off to help Softstreet in the kitchen, before going into the space the pair had named the ‘living room’ to play with the turbofox.
“I’m gonna ask ya again, why not start workin’ for me? I could always need more young mechs like ya two on the farm. Also, the pay ain’t bad.” Started Fungus, after he made sure the youngling wouldn’t hear them. 
“I already told you,” sighed Rodimus, “we will have to leave at one point. We can’t stay on this planet.”
“Because ya wanna go home?” Asked the old mech.
“Back to Cybertron, yes.”
“So, the guilty turbofox hunts his own hole.” That phrase caused Rodimus to set his cup of engex back down on the table, before looking over at the old mech across from him. He knew it. The old mech knew who he was.
The realization must have been written on Rodimus’ face, because Fungus let out one barking laugh, before taking a big swig of his engex. “Don’t look like that boy. It makes ya look stupid.” He said, before letting out a sigh. “Look, it ain’t obvious for a lot of folks here, most never knew ya, but Softstreet served on the Autobot side. She knew ya. She knew what ya were like. What all of ya were like. That’s why she left.” Fungus took another swig of his engex before continuing. “She didn’t like it when I hired ya the first time. Said you would kill us, but then she saw the way ya talked to the youngling. He changed, that’s what she said. And she never complained about me hiring ya the next time. So, let me give ya some advice.” The old mech grew quiet, as he stared at Rodimus with an intensity that made Rodimus shrink back a little.
“Don’t go back. Stay, or find another planet. Settle down, but don’t go back. Cybertron ain’t a place for our kind. For those who try to be something else. Something new, because for them, you’ll always be a killer…” Muttered the old mech, as he finished his drink. 
“I know.” Said Rodimus, after a moment of silence passed between the two of them. “But there is no other option. Cybertron might be the safest place for us now…”
“... If that’s the answer, then I ain’t gonna make ya change it…”
After that exchange, Rodimus went out on the front porch. Looking over the small farm, before casting his gaze skywards. He knew it. Going back to Cybertron was bad. Especially if he returned without his crew and Megatron. They would probably question him first, before either throwing him into a cell to rot, or kill him right away. Either way, Phoenix would be back home. Back in a city that hated him, but at least he would be with his mother and out of the Lost Light’s grasp. At least, he hoped so. 
Either way, it was time to go. He still had to make sure Phoenix was back at their ship, before he headed off for his ‘other’ job. So, he quickly got Phoenix, they both said their goodbyes to the old couple, got some leftovers, and made their way back home.
And after making sure his brother was tugged in and fast asleep, Rodimus walked onto the bridge, got his special rifle, which he bought in the darker parts of the market, out of a hidden compartment, and walked back out of the ship. Locking it behind him to make sure no-one could enter, before heading off to hunt some stray Autobot hiding in the forest.
After all, interior changes of ships cost a lot, and the bounty for rogue Autobots who kill innocent lives was more than enough to pay for them.
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"I love how brainwashed we are by Disney and Marvel". Who's "we?"
The actual quote would uh. Would tell you. Who. Uh. "We" was.
Because the actual post reads. Uhm.
"I love how brainwashed we are as a culture"
I'm a Westerner living in Modern America. And Gen Z. Sorry if that wasn't or isn't obvious from my blog lol .
When I refer to culture I mean my dismal postmodernist consumerist cynical individualist Gen Z and Millennial friends who don't notice that they're eating straight out of a huge corporation's hand with everything they do. I'm talking about my friends who would drop everything if marvel made a movie and hail it as the crown jewel of civilization. I'm talking about people who aren't waking up to the fact that slowly every service in life will need a monthly subscription. I'm talking about people who aren't thinking about what they're taking in.
And I'm not even saying they should stop.
I'm just saying that Big Corporations don't and will not ever have YOUR best interest at heart. They want profit, they want customers. So don't ever think that they're doing what's best for you. They're doing what it takes to make you buy something. That's all.
If I wasn't talking about you ❤️ the post was not about you ❤️ hope this makes sense!
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whatwooshkai · 8 months
"put this guy in earthspark" "put that guy in earthspark" I think you are all correct but I've been thinking about it so here's who I would love to see in earthspark and why:
-sunstreaker and sideswipe (this show is all about family when was the last time the twins were on screen together huh. they are speedster twins twitch and thrash would love them)
-ironhide (would be plotting megatron's demise the second he saw him. like optimus' scary dog who barks every time megatron gets too close "he don't bite" "YES HE DO")
-jazz and prowl (I think they should show up together. I think prowl needs someone to handle people for him because if he showed up by himself it would not end well. also I love jazz and find their dynamic fun, plus jazz would love the terrans)
-ratchet and deadlock (specifically deadlock. it would be so funny. imagine ratchet comes into camp and they're like "holy shit thank god finally an actual medic who can help us" but look he's got the cybtertronian equivalent of a feral attack dog following him that adores him and hates everyone else and he's not doing anything about it)
-thundercracker and buster (GIVE HIM HIS DOG!! bonus points if skywarp and starscream are like "oh we don't know about thundercracker. we lost him years ago. we hope one day to find him and welcome him with open arms" and this whole time he's had a dog and been writing screenplays like "oh they know I'm fine" [they don't])
-first aid (I love ratchet but bro's been dominating the medical field. put first aid in. or literally any other medic actually. put fucking pharma in and let him go wild. that would be fun. but back to first aid I love his character and I think his "I'm a medic, but..." attitude would fit perfectly, and he'd love the terrans)
-whirl (do it you fucking cowards. and don't do it like cyberverse. make him unhinged. he would be such a bad influence it would be great)
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mychlapci · 2 months
We need more absolutely deranged merformer aus!
I always sees mers portrayed as “almost as Cybertronians”, in terms of intelligence and acting, but what if yes, mers are indeed smart, but also like, evil little shits… like old folklore fairytales or dolphins. They intelligent but also incredibly aliens and with a totally different cultures, like, they feel love, attraction, know how to use tools, solve riddles and understand basic cybertron… but they also consider cannibalism ok.
They’re also incredibly unpredictable, they might look soft and curious, but in a matter of second they can turn into vicious killing machines that will start eating their prey before they’re drown.
So, Ratchet is somewhat an odd mer, as he’s very easy to handle. He’s kind, curious, and doesn’t show aggressive behaviors. Maybe he used to live in a part od the rust sea where contacts with land mech where at minimum, and he never had bad experiences, or maybe cause he was handled very young, it doesn’t matter. Ratchet is quite the unique specimens and Pharma can’t help himself.
It starts very easy, very innocent, Pharma would test Ratchet, both his intelligence and on a physical level, rewarding him with treats every time he acted right. Soon enough, Ratchet feels comfortable enough to be handled back and forward from his tank to the lab.
Soon, Pharma becomes obsessed with his new pet. It seems like Ratchet would let Pharma do anything to him, accepting even the most painful treatments.
At some point a new mer is introduced into the tank and he and Ratchet are immediately all over each others. If the stats is at first worried to death, they soon realize the two mers are not fighting, but mating. The new mer, someone calls him Drift, for the way he always seems to be Drifting by Ratchet’s side, some others calls him Deadlock, for how vicious he is against the staff’s members, was found hunting close where Ratchet was caught.
Pharma is livid, his Ratchet doesn’t seem interested in their games anymore, only focused on their new guest. But the doctor can’t really say anything about it, as having a living couple in the tank and being able to observe their mating rituals and maybe, even a gestation is something no other lab has been able to do.
Soon enough, Ratchet began showing signs of a possible litter growing inside his belly, and the staff comes out with a plan to release the couple of mer back into their habitats, with a localizer welded on their armor. Pharma is not happy about it, but he’s reassured in the knowledge that he will be able to track Ratchet and takes him back.
The mers are released back into the ocean and quickly disappear in the depth. Pharma keeps track of their location and during off shifts, tries to find them and lure Ratchet out, believing he will be able to attract the mer back.
In reality Ratchet has never been attracted to Pharma. Even among his kind, Ratchet is not a warrior, but a healer. He can defend himself but often prefer to play along, to study his surroundings and buying time for his bigger and way more heavy armored partner, to come to his rescue. Ratchet would often distract their enemies and potential predators, just for Deadlock to lunge in and kill them quickly and efficiently. He acted all sweet and soft with Pharma cause he had to.
But not that Pharma has come in their lair…
auhhh... Forgot about this one.
Ratchet acting docile and soft with Pharma because he's actually scared shitless of his current predicament is so interesting... He knows he can't lash out right now, that he needs to keep his cool and just tough it out until he can figure out a way to solve this. Pharma does not harm him, he's a little condescending, a little presumptuous about the level of Ratchet's intelligence, a bit clingy and overbearing, but he can handle it. Drift finds him quickly enough, and with his personality, most of the facility staff don't really bother messing with Ratchet's tank anymore. Not even Pharma.
Once they're released, Pharma wants his pet mer back. Ratchet was so good, so domesticated, so obedient, he can't be put back in with those savage mers... Pharma would honestly keep him in a tank in his home if he could. He's sure his old buddy Ratchet wouldn't mind :) Of course, he gets quite the surprise when he meets Ratchet back in the wild, his tail fat with pups... The mer is not as responsive as he was before. His wary body language turns aggressive the moment Pharma floats a little too close for comfort. Ratchet and Drift are on top of him in an instant.
And then Pharma gets torn apart and eaten <33 poor guy, but that's what he gets for trying to poach a wild mer!
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starheavenly · 4 months
(this was about a million more questions than I meant to send sorry! I got ahead of myself, answer what you’d like, no pressure.)
You mentioned Pharma’s codependency with Ratchet and how some deceptions would fake injuries (or actually get injured) to see Ratchet. How do you think he reacted to that? / Was he allowed to help medical visits at all (not saying they allowed him to surgery of course, but more like a basic check up and etc) or was that only after the whole redemption/recovery happened?
Speaking of Pharma’s codependency; how did that work out when Deadlock started to warm up to Rachet? Had he gotten enough work and healing in that it wasn’t an issue or was it a mess? XD (Would be wild of Pharma and Deadlock got along before they added Ratchet)
I'm glad people are invested in these three; they're obviously my favorites! Okay, just had my morning coffee, so it's time for a wall of text.
I still think my idea that half the Decepticons have a tiny crush on Ratchet is pretty funny. It was a little joke on the fandom since so many simp for Ratchet (me, it's me). I don't think Pharma ever noticed the correlation, though. Like I've said, I've moved on from the yandere idea, so Pharma isn't actively threatening people; he's just clingy. Maybe the cons stopped getting injured because they were wary of Pharma being around.
Honestly, I don't think Pharma is ever getting his medical license back. But at the same time, I think part of healing is accepting that you can't be the same person you were or do the same things you used to do. He probably just helps with tools and getting supplies. After a bit of recovery, he would get some of his snarkier personality back and be a bit of a backseat medic to Ratchet. He's healthier but still a control freak, that's for sure.
And Pharma obviously has a resentment to Decepticons in general, so he did not like Deadlock at first; but Deadlock didn't really care about Pharma nor Ratchet either.
This is a super silly detail, but Deadlock writes/talks to Cyclonus on Cybertron since they're all supposed to write to someone. Cyclonus is the one who convinces Deadlock to make more of an effort to get to know people (like how she got to know a little sanitation bot) Once Deadlock actually begins to try, he finds out a bit more about Pharma's whole deal. Deadlock discovers that Ratchet still cares about and helps Pharma even after what he did. Seeing how different Pharma was (a bit of a parallel to Drift/Deadlock), he begins to warm up to both of them.
(Pharma 100% cheats at their games of Go, by the way.)
And I know you didn't ask, but I didn't explain how/why Deadlock leaves Earth. He noticed how fond he was of Ratchet, and that scared him. He really didn't think he deserved any sort of redemption after all he'd done. Windblade and Chromia visit, and he steals their ship. Yes, there is Zenith!Wing. I have to design him, but he's a silly hermit who teaches Deadlock that there will be people willing to forgive him and care about him (also swords; he shows him how cool swords are). So Deadlock goes back to Earth as Drift! And my dratchma bias continues.
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
Tarn geting on his infrequently used personal account on The Great Conversation and lurking in Relationship Advice before coming to the conclusion he actually needs to post because there's no previous question that addresses his problem.
Megatron gets a high priority notification that DamasceneSteel is posting. Tarn is using his old personal username! Megatron keeps tabs on his most volitle high comand member's activity infrequent as it is. "Help! I accidentally seduced a jet," is the last thing Megatron expected from the DJD leader so he lurks on his personal acccount(identity known only to Soundwave) and watches the trainwreck unfold in real time.
Tarn's geting notifications of Lucky slagger! Or, Share your Wisdom I beg you! Not to mention, Hoax! Everybody knows jets dont frag grounders ever!
Then User ShootyShoot McBangBang weighs in to dispense his wisdom. No hoax mech. I once when I was a newbuild, I slaged off my CO so bad i got temporary assigned to a grounder unit and let me say you losers on the ground are fragging weird about fragging. All weird and soft and slag when you flirt. I though my temp CO was flirting with me but when I kissed him he punched me for being a weirdo. The loser had no clue even when I explained how to him exactly how he was coming on to me!"
Tarn meanwhile is cross-referencing the database. Misfire might be an incompetent Deceptacon but he's a seeker and he's actually giving an explanation that's sheding light on of what the frag just happened with Pharma.
What would Jet courting look like to the uninitiated? Tarn typed tentitavely and waited for a response.
Hmmmm. It's really hard to describe the subtitles between flirt-threat and threat-threat to grounders but basicaly if it looks like a seeker's trying to kill you and you're still alive or they could kill you at any moment and they chose not to it's pretty likely they're trying to spike you.
Tarn blinked in shock and typed an incomplete response as he processed. Wait would that mean
KaoniteMiner2793 responded at the same time, But Starscream
Misfire cut them both off with STOP! ✋️ 🛑 Speculating on the Air Comander's love life WILL get you slagged! He'll make sure. You could be a Phase Sixer or the slagging DJD and he would find a way! Anyhow onto a shiny new and much safer topic! DamasceneSteel, you said you seduced a jet and I hadn't heard through the gosip network about anyone in the airforce geting it on with a grounder. You bringing the good news of The Cause to the Lost Colonies, or trying to pull a DocKnock?
Pull a DocKnock? Tarn typed brow furrowed under his mask
ShootyShoot McBangBang blythly typed away unaware who he had warned off. You know Knockout the medic and interogator from Velocitron? Pulled a slagging Wrecker over to our side early in the war with his impeccable valve Dom game? Break-something or other? The two of them single-handedly launched the Converted to the Cause porn genre. Its rumored some of the hottest smut in the genra were written by one of the elite trine.
It's been so long I forgot about that recruitment campaign. KaoniteMiner2793 added. It got unpopular when mechs realized they had to kill their lovers if they didn’t join the Cause and didn’t have live capture bounties.
Tarn considered his response. Misfire didn't. Live capture bounties! we had those! When?! 🤯
We still do. Tarn educated absenly before he logged off. Mostly medics and a few others who if they can be made to serve The Cause are more useful alive than dead. Thank you for your help clarifying the situation.
Tarn leaned back in his chair to best consider how to use the situation.
Megatron blinked at his screen stuned. Starscream's ridiculous stunts were courting attempts?!?! It was ridiculous! Preposterous! It made... entirely too much sense actualy. Had he accidentally been engaging in an amorous game of one-upmanship with his subordinate??? What in the Pit?!
Misfire sipped someone else's energy drink and scrolled to a new thread.
This is just great amazing great amazing great
Win Misfire for being our Ultimate The Great Conversation problem solver today
Megatron is Learning Today and he's not quite sure he's ready to think out the consequences
Tarn got what he was looking for, and shall utilize that information accordingly (oh the humanity, that relationship is going to be so fun given the conditions of this au)
Win Knockout and Breakdown for kick-starting a porn genre
The little lore drops make it extra interesting too like the part about live bounties and how for a short period of time porn was 100% used as positive propaganda
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
pharma really is such an interesting case. one thing i’ve always felt with pharma is that he absolutely doesn’t want consequences. and facing up to it requires a lot of looking at and showing people what he’s done and you know. the consequences. i mean hell he’d rather start a plague than say “hey i got coerced into doing a very bad thing by the djd”
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I do understand what you mean about Pharma not wanting to face consequences, but on the other hand, I kind of understand why Pharma made a plague rather than admit to medical malpractice/murder? Because like, the thing that I don't see brought up often enough with regards to Pharma is that blackmail... is blackmail. Like, as someone who's unfortunately been on the receiving end of blackmail, the entire point of blackmailing someone is that you corner them into doing bad things by convincing them that they CAN'T turn to an authority figure to ask for help. Like, the person doing the blackmailing generally convinces the person who's getting blackmailed that if they try to reach out for help, the law/authorities/etc either won't care about their predicament or will punish them for the bad thing they did that they're getting blackmailed about.
I kind of feel like (and this isn't an attack on you, just a commentary about the nature of blackmail) when someone like Ratchet looks at Pharma and says "but you could've called for help or shut down the clinic or anything!", it kind of ignores the fact that...... when you're being blackmailed you're fucking terrified, and people who are terrified generally don't jump to the most rational, safe solutions possible? When you add in the fact that Pharma was blackmailed by Tarn of the DJD, notorious hater of Autobots and fanatic leader of a torture club, it's not hard to imagine that Pharma was both afraid and in pain (or threat of pain) while at Delphi and thus wouldn't be thinking straight about it.
I don't know, like. Yeah, on one hand Pharma made a plague and killed a bunch of people to try and cover up his crimes and maintain his career. But he didn't just do it for ego related reasons, he was also almost certainly facing threats of torture and death.
#squiggle answers#pharma apologism#i think i'm biased on this issue so anyone can come in here and add their thoughts or correct me#i guess it just bothers me because like. i've kind of been in that situation (not as serious as pharma's) where i didn't ask for help#and when i got in trouble for not asking for help afterwards and instead choosing to lie or go behind someone's back or whatever#it was generally bc i was more afraid of punishment by The People In Charge#than i was afraid of lying or breaking the rules or doing other bad things#and when i got accused (by the people in charge) of seeing myself as above the rules or thinking i was better/smarter than them#it always pissed me off because i was like. bro i didn't lie to you for fun and games i lied to you because i was afraid#that if i asked you for help you would just shun me or get pissed off at me and punish me#also re: the blackmail i was a victim of. the thing about that is it was over something ultimately petty (stupid internet drama)#and i was PROBABLY never in any real danger but like. the issue was that i FELT like i was in danger#fear is powerful. fear of being threatened at any time or having the things you care about taken away is especially powerful#i had nightmares p much once a week for months during the ordeal and still sometimes do now#like idk i really am biased on this matter but like. just bc pharma made the plague to cover up his crimes#doesn't mean that that's the ONLY reason is what i'm saying#when ppl lie and cover up things about that it's not just about ego but about dumb animal terror#and i mean. to get back to the pharma apologism brand. ratchet KNEW pharma was being blackmailed but he fucking ditched him anyways#this is the guy who was supposed to be his bestie of millions of years and he fucking told pharma he was dead to him#and that's the guy who pharma thought would UNDERSTAND. imagine what he thought other autobots would think of him#also i have a theory that tarn probably psychologically tortured pharma by telling him the autobots would just lock him up for his crimes#as a way to get pharma to not tell anyone and keep supplying him cogs. because you know. blackmail
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ephemeralgalaxies · 7 months
Y'ALL. Re-listening to The Penumbra Podcast (s3 now lol bc yes I am specifically looking for Nureyev lore since s4/5 new info) and Man in Glass has me SOBBING IT WAS RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG.
s3ep2, Buddy telling Nureyev his "calling card"
Buddy: "An endoring moral core, coupled with a strong desire to excise that core completely...like having a heart embarrasses you. I brought you on this ship for that moral core. If I distrust you, darling, it is only because you have proven that you can do anything you set your mind to, and so I am certain that you are capable of excising those morals for good. You just haven't done it yet."
Then later, s3ep2 still, Nureyev is talking with Juno in his room and Nureyev narrates:
Nureyev: 'I feel the weight of potentiality sit heavy on my shoulders, I hear Buddy's words about the excision of my moral core and about my ability to do it. And I realize, for the first time, that there is a kind of helplessness in complete freedom[...]when trouble arises, I disappear. [...]but looking at this new man [Juno], there is nothing I want more than to stay.'
AND THEN AND THEN IN S5ep14 The Sixteen Tons,,, yeah I know this line by heart :')
Nureyev and Juno talking (arguing) after Juno takes him into the closet at the facility (near the beginning of the ep)
Nureyev: "I do not want to see you anymore, Juno."
Juno: "...What?!"
Nureyev: "You said that it would just take those words to excise you from my life entirely, didn't you? Well, I've said them..."
Because the reality of it: keeping someone between life and death for YEARS, helping fund the Big Pharma that has vowed to safe Slip and yet also commits such horrific acts, but he has to do it or else he never gets to know Slip or have someone know him as he thinks they should bc surely he must not be worth all of this to Juno, the lady's just being stubborn again and inconsiderate, but deep down Nureyev KNOWS that's not it at all. He knows that Juno does know him and will continue to know more about him, and if he can do that and love Nureyev... well, that means Nureyev could have a future.
But Nureyev has been trying to stretch out the future for over 20 years. He's set his mind to it, and he can do anything he sets his mind to. Including destroying himself until there is nothing left to bother with a future anyway. Until there is nothing for Juno Steel to know and love and so he gets the punishment he believes so adamantly that he deserves long before Juno first left him in that hotel room.
If he is alone, then when trouble comes he can just disappear. If he is alone, there is no one to hurt when that bomb goes off.
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rust-bearer · 2 months
OK I have another idea for a story maybe it will be written.
Pharma Ambulon AU, First Aid is taken by the DJD at Delphi after Pharma missed some quota I don’t know. Pharma realizes then 1) my actions have consequences and I don’t like them 2) fuck I might need help… and the only help is AMBULON (he screams)
Cue sort of, bonding? Trying to get FA back. Really, it would stretch the entire comic length as a timeskip because the general plot remains roughly the same. Importantly, it would stop at a point in time where the DJD haven’t said anything (they act like it never happened), and then- they find First Aid’s body of course.
And suddenly Pharma realizes he failed. So horrifically, too, because First Aid obviously died in agony, after months of torture. Maybe he had hoped someone would save him. And now PHARMA has the body- not unlike First Aid had had Ambulon’s. And this time, Pharma won’t fail First Aid.
Morally grey necromancy. The consequences of reviving someone who actually wishes they’d stayed dead. Someone who comes back very wrong; but, the reality is that First Aid didn’t come back wrong, it’s that Pharma has spent so long idealizing a version of First Aid that didn’t actually quite exist. So the real Fa that comes back is… different. And how does anyone cope with this? How do you move forward?
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ikkosu · 8 months
you want pharma and prowl? I’ll give you pharma and prowl!! Them both as romantic rivals trying(and failing) to woo reader (gn, can be whatever species) cause they are both losers (affectionate) they keep trying to flirt with reader, but are so jealous and possessive they keep getting in each others way, which is not helping their image in front of readers eyes. Maybe reader is a secretary and has worked under both, and their personality(and bod) attracted them in the first place . Here’s your pharma and prowl <3
author’s note : YESSSS YESSSSS THIS IS THE CONFLICT I NEED. ILL GIVE YOU A SMOOCH FOR THAT IDEA ALONE ANON. I’m a sucker for these tropes on goddd. Also don’t mind me as I change it to a medic, since it’s more flexible for me to work with <3 possible three some later ;;)) also, whoo! This is a lot longer than I expected.
summary : prowl and pharma finds themselves as rivals when they pine for the same darling pet and thus the inevitable egos clash.
You hate rom-coms.
Now, you might be a hopeless romantic; delving and losing yourself in romantic stories, tugging even the most deepest heartstrings which gets you all giggly and kicking your feet. What you hate, however, are bland characters. A random, mix and mash kind of chemistry, forced with no substance, set up as a love triangle.
Which is, quite literally, what's occuring right now.
You see, you’re a medic up in Delphi for some time before being paired up as Prowl’s buddy-buddy partner, because Chromedome insists someone needs to look after that unruly cop who’s always destined get himself killed.
And so you do. Upon Ratchet’s introduction to the Autobot SIC he’s not exactly someone friendly. He's, ah, rigid and prickly, the know it all by the book, kind of prickly. His unresolved anger issues takes quite the toll wheb you tend his wounds or even so much as to touch his arm. Though, demure as you are, you know when to stand up for yourself when the situation gets out of hand. And this kind of resistance managed to ease down his sharp edges. Now, he’s still a prick, a tolerable prick more accurately, but you’re both good pals!
Or so, that’s what you thought.
One unassuming day, you were lounging off as usual in the main area, gathering your bearings after another tough match with the hoards of patients when your communicator buzzes with a ping. It's a message from Pharma.
An Autobot base will be set up here in Messatine at due time. Will be expecting your arrival promptly.
Ah, Delphi. How long has it been, seven years? Meeting your mentor again was something of a, well, it wasn't far from a dream. Wasn't really a need, either. But it's definitely something, at least. Besides, Prowl said he had to monitor the new crew in case they messed up the communication systems, again. So, you decided, with a hopeful heart, to follow along with the Coppa to Delphi.
Yeah, bad decision. Whomp, whomp.
That hospital might have it's up and downs, and while saving patients might not be it's strongest suits, it's decor are definitely a catch to mind. Goodness, since when did they have the funds to do that? The stark white of the tiled floor ( since when did they had marble designed pillars? ) embellished with grey, engraved carvings stumped your prior, blatant distaste of the facility.
It's safe to say you're surprised.
You're sauntering across the halls of the hospital, admiring the added features of new wards, machinery and nurses, when you bump into a wall that is, apparently, Pharma. Your, uh, very, very nice superior who you squint at your notes is definitely obsessively clingy BUT very smart , but also crazy. Like, mad crazy. Haha....
Why do you attract people like this.
"And, who ..? is this?" Condescension spools from his tone as he sizes up the Autobot SIC with a careless wave of his hand like he's some newly discovered specimen.
"Their partner." He makes sure to emphasize the 'partner' like it's a bullet. "The 'who', here is a Prowl."
"Oh, is it now. I didn't expect you to move on that quickly, dear."
"You're in a relationship?" You feel his glare on you; it's not a question.
"No, he's just—"
"Kidding! I'm only kidding." Pharma gives a hearty laugh. "My, my, officer. You know, tight muscles are a sore to deal with if you're not going to loosen them anytime soon."
"No thanks. I'll stick with a stroke."
"Ah, the ever so pessimistic. Pleasure to meet you then, officer. I've heard lots about you."
The doctor gracefully extends a hand to which Prowl ignores and then replies without much a look to him.
"If that's so, then I'm not very pleased."
The hand falls sharply, so does the smile.
"Oh, good,"
You swore you heard a joint breaking when he snaps his neck to your direction, and while you look away, you knew the chesire grin-like smile on his face is nothing but a threat.
"Very, very good." He straightens up. "How about a tour?"
Honestly, you expected the two would be more civil since they’re both so heads over heels about their reputations in front of another superiorly defined character. What you didn’t expect, however, is intruding in a tug of war that materialized from, seemingly, out of nowhere.
Right, the doctor insisted on an individual tour of your own. He suggested Ambulon show Prowl around, while he would take the pleasure of doing the same to you.
Obviously, Prowl isn't having any of that. So, you're currently between them, one arm in Pharma’s grip and the other in Prowl’s unrelenting grasp. You wince as their digits dig into your skin. If they're not careful, that's gonna leave a mark for sure.
“They already know their place around the medical facility, Jet-fuel. I’m sure they’re able to handle themself just fine without your guidance,”
“Oh, yes indeed,” Pharma, despite Prowl’s 100 degree glare, grits through his forced grin and yanks you back by the scruff of your collar, right into his chest, “I invited them here, I might as well show them around. If I didn’t know any better you’re trying to hog my staff.”
You know better than to voice your opinions. Their inner brain workings, all the cogs and mannerisms were already familiar; operating under their influence is like treading around a field of broken hards bound to prick you at any moment lest you misstep.
"Your staff?” The Autobot SIC scoffs. “Im not hogging them. It's long gone. They're not working for you, anymore. But I'm sure you're not aware of that since you've got a stick up your ass."
“Not quite, actually. Before they became your little pet—“
“They're. Not. My. Pet. I’d prefer it if you didn’t reduce them to some mindless animal—"
“Doesn’t matter. they’ll be fine. I know you haven’t you heard about this since you’re new here but Delphi has its new additions around the facility. I’m merely trying to greet back an old prodigy of mine back. In fact, they’ll be fine without you.”
"Oh, really." Prowl's up in his face now, grinding his dentas.
"How about you push my buttons and let's see where this leads?" Pharma taunts with an obvious tick on his under-optics.
That’s last week and you’re surprised when Prowl is frequenting your work station more often, always nagging you about your reports and how you ‘incorrectly’ structure them. That's strange, he never does that. Why is it only now he's bothering you about it?
When you asked him to take a look, however, he merely tosses it elsewhere and hands you his own datapad for you to look through. Of course, Pharma pops up round the corner and chastises the strategist for hogging his medic’s working hours. He says it's 'unethical' use of Power-play and authoritism and that Prowl should be locked up in jail.
Even worse, they’ve had this tug of war battle where they would try to ‘woo’ you when they can. You weren’t surpised; Pharma’s quite full of himself, so obviously he’s got territorial problems, even though you're not sure why he's so possessive over you. But later you realized he IS the entire problem. Not singular, not plural, he’s a walking embodiment of a complicated problem.
It gets worse when you're trying to do your work and here they are barging into your cubicle with another problem. At this point, you’re convinced it’s just a fight Pharma puts up because he hates sharing his pets. Now? He’s gotten too far down the rabbit hole to get up. For sentient robots who’s been through a war and back, they’re so damn petty.
Pharma’s idea way of flirting is more up and personal, he doesn’t care about your personal space and he never will. Brother in Christ, this mech does NOT leave you alone. AT ALL. He touches you whenever the time allows him to and you knew he's doing that to get under the lesser affectionate Cop-bot's skin, who finds physical touch repulsive.
Sometimes, you feel his hands up on your waist, your back against his chest as he leans over to regard your report, chin on your shoulder. If he’s feeling more bold, he often puts in his two cents of insinuating a quick session in the office which you, uh, politely decline because you’ve got a meeting with the new interns.
There's always another time, he'd jest. Yeah, well, not so funny. He’s clingy, obsessive and despite the charming suave-esque front of a Bond Villain he puts up, he’s easily the best person you can turn into a pile of seething venom.
“My little pet, I think it’s high time Prowl has his duties transferred off elsewhere, don’t you think?” His optics are twitching, and his unusually sharp talons pierce the metal desk. “ Not that I mind, that rancid Cop-bot has been getting in my nerves, recently. Wrong, this, regulations that. Can you believe it, he terminated half of my crew for, as per his words, carrying out unsanitary operations! Thats defamation! A false accusation. It takes a whole restraint not to shove him down the grinds of the accelerator.”
Please, don’t.
“He’s just monitoring the district, sir.” You maintained a neutral tone. He’s at your desk again. And, instead of trying to woo you into his bed he’s complaining. Oh, my god. I’ve got a report due tommorow. And you’re complaining. Someone, help me.
“Well, he’s not monitoring anything anytime soon with how much blood he’s leeching from your body. I should've known better than to agree with his demands to stay in your office as well. He’s stuck to you like a damn mosquito.”
Like, you're any better. You deadpan.
Prowl, on the other hand is aware and accepted the fact that he’s definitely not the most likable or the best lover kind of material out there. And, to take someone like YOU to like him, someone playful and fun, not ripping out his head every two seconds, is a blessing in and of itself.
He can't even stay a second around someone without pissing off their early descendants. So, with his glock locked and loaded he takes 'counteractive measures' to ensure that nobody is going to take that moment of happiness away from him. Even if in unethical terms he’ll have to ensure it.
“You’re been forty five meters off from your office.”
You let out a startled yelp, swivelling around to meet Prowl, oh thank god prowl, who's expression is pinched, lips pressed in a thin line and his hands are intertwined behind his back, military-like.
“I’m buying drinks,” You clutch the myriad of snacks and drinks in your arms, blinking away your pounding heart. “ H-how’d you find me?”
Prowl merely glances at the contraption on his wrist where, when you crane your neck to look over, is a circular radar with a blinking red dot.
“You’re to notify your disappearance when necessary.” He grunts out and turns on his heel. “Let me know when Jet-fuel decides to harass you again,”
Weird. Still, you brush off his disdain for the medic as nothing when instead his, ah, paranoia (?) goes on for months. That one instance youre in the bathroom? Yeah. Hello, there. I'm just walking. Totally not peeking. Totally not—
Is that a new sock?
"I'm checking if there are cameras here."
"It's a bathroom?!"
"All the more reason why I should ensure there isn't."
What's more strange is the fact that there's a blatant evidence of someone meddling with your schedule. And, you had an inkling their tug of war session travelled even to technological seams.
This rivalry continued on (despite, literally, the entire hospital's annoyance) until you eventually lost it.
It was a Friday night.
A party was held in the lounge. The younger mechs had set the celebration up to mark the lethargic end of July. Of course, since you’re invited to the party, the two came along despite not being known as party-dwellers themselve. So, it was quite a sight for the young mechs to see.
You thought they’d tone down the hostility a little and even warm up with how much time they spnd trying to one up the other. That's enough months to start a relationship, God damnit. Unfortunately, you’re not able to drink freely without the two mechs pushing against your personal space. Prodding, blabbering away about how skimpy your outfit looked. You're wearing your uniform.
At some point you drink in defeat, squished between their two frames as either tries to stop you from drinking your misery out while the other eggs you on with another bottle.
After the party they insisted dragging you back to their quarters. You’re not even halfway into your room when they start bickering again.
“Don’t you have anything better to do, Prowl?” His name is a venomous jab in the guise of a forced, seething smile. “Your presence in the hospital is unnecessary as the security guard up front. A mandatory monitor check doesn’t require you here all the time. If i didn’t know any better, you’re deliberately trying to distract them so they’ll end up in your berth.”
You hold back a vomit as Pharma nabs you into his hold, the alcohol seething your veins aren’t doing much for your psyche and you stare dumbly at the floor, wanting to retch over it.
”I’m checking up on my partner.” Prowl stands his ground then tugs you into his chest again, “Doesn’t have anything to do with you, Jet-fuel.”
“Oh, it does, actually.” Another tug back, “ It’s called harassment and I'm going to report to your superiors for pestering one of my medics.’’
“Your medic?” He scoffs. “You’re a sad sorry bunch who’s got no chicks up his ass. If I didn’t know any better you’re manipulating them into caving into a newly registered scheme. A play toy, plaything, exhausted for pleasure. Don’t think I know you used to work with the D.J.D, Jet-fuel.”
“Call me that one more time and I’ll ensure your processor isn’t he only thing I’m dislodging from that helm."
“Illegal malpractice of surgery is an offense. Is that a threat, Jet-fuel?”
“Oh, you’ll see, Officer. You’ll see just how skilled I am with my Servos.”
They’re both at already each other’s throat, servos clenched, door wings, jet-wings flaring and blasters at the ready. The Engex they’ve ingested earlier only prompted the hostile ambience and as they were about to—
“Why won’t you both fuck me already!?”
In a fit of annoyance, inebriation and stupidity, the three horsemen of your misery, the words left your lips before you even think. They stop bickering and it felt like forever as they did a 180 , full, joints creaking swivel of a ‘What did you just say???’ baffled expression thrown at your direction.
But you’re still seething and only then you’ve realized your slip-up, you’re a crumpled mess on the floor, palms wide and open, clutching your face that’s unrelentingly burning. Pharma looks like he's been kicked in the crotch and Prowl looks like he's seen God.
Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.
“Both of us, hm?” You hear Pharma muse and whether or not Prowl is considering the prospect, all you want to do as of now, is to rot in this hole you dug for yourself.
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theoceanoasis · 2 days
Hope you are better
You could continue the au where Roddy is a mer that his owners want him to have babies but they don't want it to be with a couple so Roddy stays beautiful and they can show him off.
It could be something like Roddy in the absence of his mate and the depression that caused him to start losing his colors because he got sick from loneliness and his owners first try to get him healed, but when he doesn't get better they throw him away. He should be rescued by an aquarium that has a sanctuary of mers that were in captivity. He may find friends there to help him, but whoever saved him (perhaps Ratchet or Perceptor) may look for his mate because he could inevitably die if he remains separated from Soundwave.
I love the drama and You have de touch to write it <3
His owners banged on the glass and he moaned feeling a headache form. His whole body hurt as he laid there wrapping his tail around himself.
He was exhausted and couldn't do anything except sleep. Outside his tank he could hear his master's talking obviously unhappy.
They couldn't shock him because they didn't want to risk the pups he was carrying. The thought made him unbearably sad and he felt like crying because he didn't have a mate.
He was all alone and he didn't want to be alone anymore he wanted his mate. He sobbed uncontrollably calling out for someone who couldn't answer.
Pharma ended up being called and roughly looked him over. Even though he was carrying pups he'd lost weight from not eating. His once vibrant colors were slowly turning gray as he refused to take care of himself. Unable to live without his mate.
Mers swam in pods because they were social creatures. When they mated with someone it was for life and if something happens to their mate they oftentimes don't survive.
Pharma looked irritated as he checked him over and then told his mater's the news. Neither of them looked happy and he found himself listening in.
The facility that was keeping his mate had been seized. The mers had been taken and Pharma couldn't get him.
When he heard this he sobbed and refused to do anything just wanting to die. He didn't care anymore and was tired of living. All he wanted was his mate and now he'd never get him.
His master's were angry by this change and no amount of banging on the glass or threatening could make him do anything.
They were disgusted by how he looked. Instead of the pretty multicolored mer they used to have. They now had a scraggly looking mess who was an ugly gray color.
Whenever they saw him they sneered obviously unhappy with his appearance and wanting Pharma to do something.
The doctor of course informed them there was nothing he could do. Without his mate he was going to die and they might as well get rid of him.
His master's decided to do exactly that and ended up dumping him somewhere. It was a shady facility where the water was always dirty and the mers were starved. None of them said anything too exhausted and sick all of them looking about ready to die with their dull colors.
Then one day police came and the mers were transported to different facilities. He didn't care and just laid there not doing anything as he was loaded up. He was so exhausted and he just wanted to die.
He was introduced to a man named Ratchet who looked him over. Unlike with Pharma his checkup didn't hurt.
When Ratchet realized he was sparked he looked worried and decided to closely monitor him. The facility he was inside was a lot nicer and he had more freedom. The people who worked there treated all of them with respect and no one ever hurt him.
Even though life was better he continued to lay on the floor refusing to move. He barely ate only eating when Ratchet made him as he waited to die. He wanted his mate so badly and he continued crying out for him.
Ratchet and some of the others tried asking questions. All of them thought his mate was dead until he informed them that they'd never even met. He didn't even know his mates name and the only thing he had to remember him by was his pups and his smell.
Even after everything he was determined to remember that much. Just in case they ever had the chance to meet. Even though he knew it was unlikely.
The workers at the facility though seemed determined to help him find his mate something that gave him hope and made him try to live. Which made Ratchet happy.
He didn't know how long they'd been trying to find his mate but he knew his pups would be coming soon. His instincts were telling him to prepare even if it felt wrong not having his mate with him.
He should be helping him set up his nest and get everything ready for their pups. Instead he was having to do it alone and it filled him with sadness.
The staff who worked at the facility couldn't help him because they were busy getting ready for a transfer.
He was a dangerous mer who's last chance at survival was this facility, otherwise he would have to be put down. He couldn't return to the ocean after what's been done to him but he was too violent to keep at a facility. He had hurt numerous people and mers who'd gotten too close and after severely injuring someone at the last facility he was transferred here.
Finishing with his nest he found himself watching as a truck pulled up. He wasn't really paying attention and was just listening to the staff talk amongst each other in the hopes of helping him feel less alone.
The door opened and there was a shout of alarm as a mer crawled out. He looked pissed and his fangs snapped at anyone who came too close.
He watched as the mer looked around the facility and the two of them made optic contact. He froze unable to move as the two stared at each other.
His optics widened when he recognized the smell and he found himself crying out for his mate. The mer must have also realized something because he dragged himself over. Both of them were calling to each other and if it wasn't for his belly getting in the way. He would have jumped out of the tank he was inside.
Soundwave rushed forward ignoring the facilities staff as he climbed into the tank with him. He could hear people frantically talking but he didn't care.
The two of them wrapped their arms and tails around each other and he cried in his arms. The mer touched a gentle hand on his belly looking shocked and happy when he realized he was sparked.
He cuddled against him never wanting to separate from him again.
"My names Hot Rod."
His mate pulled him closer and bit down on his neck to claim him. He shivered from the pain and then moaned when warmth flooded his body.
Soundwave's spike came out and he pressed it into his leaking slit causing him to gasp. He felt him slide all the way inside and it felt like coming home.
The two of them fragged for hours and only stopped when Soundwave ended up inducing labor.
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loveofbots · 1 year
Sfw and nsfw head cannons for tarn please? Reader or cannon don't really care.
Shoutout @starscreamscorpse for calling beloved Tarn ‘mista taint’
I (lovingly) hate tarn so please take this with a grain of salt
- Tarn is a loner in all senses of the word. He doesn’t ask for help, not even Nickel. He trusted people before and that led to his empurata, and then his abandonment from the academy, now he simply directs his team without confiding in anyone except Decepticon high command.
- To tarn, being a Decepticon is a belief. I know we joke about him dick riding megatron (he does) but the Decepticon cause gave him purpose. It gave him someone to believe in, a support system even.
- Advocate for universal healthcare, most likely due to Nickel’s influence.
- Tarn actually likes to sing. Even as Damos! I imagine he sings by himself most days, and actually writes his own music. In his perfect world, maybe he’d be a prodigy and launch Cybertron into an age of art. But of course, his story is one of tragedy.
- Tarn is harsh on the DJD. He may be friendly but he has a short temper, and will easily snap at people he considers his ‘friends.’ He’s also highly critical, as we know he started putting Decepticons on the list for increasingly petty reasons near the end of it.
- He’s probably not as grossed out by us squishies as he tells himself. Although he agrees that transformers are better- he would begrudgingly ‘keep the fleshling alive’ if he was instructed to. Because his singing does not affect humans the same way it affects his own race, he would probably grow very fond of singing to them.
- Tarn’s the type to be creepy at first, but he’s just a lonely, hurt Mech on the inside. He takes advantage of other folks like Pharma to fuel his addiction, a gentle hand would help him by light years. Yet he pushes away (and kills) anyone who tries to help. Citing that they are trying to ‘cleanse him.’ Dumbass.
- His only lover is his hand. I’m serious he gets NO bitches. Every time someone came on to him he would fumble like a dink. Helix is still trying to give him better pickup lines than ‘I won’t kill you… tonight.’
- For me Tarn is on the ace spectrum. He doesn’t want to participate in interfacing, but he likes to watch. You could probably find him in the corner at some swinger parties.
- Normally he doesn’t have time/is too tired to even try to get off. He runs the DJD he’s a busy Mech. Not to say he doesn’t have his own little fantasies.
- Top all the way. He WILL NOT bottom (unless you ask) Tarn likes to feel in charge, superior, loved. He likes to be serviced and he likes the idea of ‘capturing’ someone and making them obey his every word.
- is actually a super awkward bot. His old self- Damos- comes out when he is flirted with. He’s a bashful Mech that can’t take any praise.
- Likes the idea of his partner getting off to his voice, it makes him feel powerful that his voice alone could make someone so down bad (I am looking at you tarn fans)
- cw: drugs!!! He is the WORST person to give a doobie to, this mf takes one hit if a roach and is coughing all night. On another note, he probably does take medicine to help him sleep thanks to mama nickel.
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