#tf deadlock
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 days ago
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nat-but-free · 30 days ago
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I'm very normal
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tankerz1-official · 14 days ago
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kissie cutie
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marku567 · 3 months ago
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Just deadlock visiting his wife after becoming a war criminal
I'm so fucking tired of drawing their details, god please bless me and give me an ability to not burn out on my own drawing after only 2 hours of drawing it
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this cat is so ratchet coded btw
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pharmasrightarm · 8 months ago
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just a couple of bros
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glitchgh0sty · 3 months ago
Behold! All the little baby Mecha au wips,, that will probably never graduate from their wip-hood 😔7 ✨
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Based off of: Various tumblr community JazzProwl world building that I found hilarious 💀😂✨
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Based off of: The Mecha Starscream and Jetfire fic
[By: AstraRyuusei 👏😂✨]
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gravedwe11er · 2 months ago
Mecha AU Deadlock angst? Mecha AU Deadlock angst!
Or, I saw a post mentioning that someone is gonna have to explain human lifespans to the bots, and my brain ran with it. Based on the @keferon mecha AU.
CW: Discussions of death and mortality
Human and cybertronian lifespans are such wildly disparate things. Deadlock struggles with this newfound knowledge.
Forty local stellar cycles. Maybe fifty, if he’s one of the lucky ones.
Now, even before his crash-landing on this planet, Deadlock knew enough about organics to be aware they’re generally not as long-lived as mechanical species. Comes with being so breakable all over, if he had to guess, but-
That’s barely half a fragging vorn.
Even if he gets lucky, even if, for once, Deadlock doesn’t fail at keeping the people he cares about safe, the little organic medic is going to be dead in half a vorn. ‘That’s just how things are, for humans,’ Swerve said. ‘I’m sorry,’ Swerve said.
Slag, and what about Roddy? Deadlock’s pretty sure the pilot is younger than Ratchet, but still- that gives him, how long, a vorn? Less? Even the very thought of it just feels so damn wrong. The little guy’s so bright, how could anyone with an EM field like a fucking Prime have the lifespan of--
Deadlock desperately wants to shoot something.
Instead, he drives towards Ratchet’s workshop, transforming the moment he’s out of sight and heading straight for the doc once he finds him in the garage. It’s yet another testament to the man’s caring nature that he lets himself get picked up with only token grumbling, throwing a concerned look Deadlock’s way but not pushing the matter.
The human medic has always been scarily good at reading him. In moments like these, Deadlock can’t help but be overwhelmingly grateful for it.
Hugging the man to the side of his helm, he soon feels a small, calloused hand running gently down one finial. Deadlock wants to scream. The injustice of it all making his processor spin, his spark thrumming with pain and fear and overwhelming grief. How can he bear to lose all this so soon? He’s only just found him, the first glimpse of something like peace in eons, and he can’t deal with the thought of him gone, he can’t-
Ratchet grunts in his servos, knocking loudly on one of Deadlock’s fingers, and with a jolt he realizes just how tight he’s been holding the man. Immediately, he loosens his grip, gently petting down the doc’s back in silent apology. After a moment, a warm ser- hand pats his cheek.
“Feel like telling me what’s eating you, kid?” Ratchet asks, before lightly pushing against Deadlock’s face.
Responding to the wordless request, Deadlock pulls his cupped hands away from his helm, just enough so he can look into the human medic’s opti- eyes. He scrambles for a way to express his racing thoughts, vocalizer hissing with static, before abruptly spitting out, “Are you dying?”
To his surprise, the man bursts out laughing. “Shit, where’d you get that idea?” he chuckles, shaking his head. “Now, as much as I’m sure a bunch of my previous employers would love to dance on my grave, let me assure you that I’m perfectly fi-“
“But you’re not!” Deadlock almost shouts, engine growling. “He said- decay of organic components, and human lifespans are-“ his voice gets stuck in his throat, vocalizer jamming, and he offlines his optics for a moment. Tries to get his slag together, at least a little.
When he turns them on again, all the mirth has left his human’s face. The medic’s eyes are serious, a sad sort of expression on his face, and Deadlock wants to curl himself around the man and never let go.
“Right,” sighs Ratchet, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I was sort of hoping you knew about that already.”
The last flutter of hope he was harboring vanishes. “So he was right? You only live for- eighty, ninety of your years?”
“Afraid so, kid,” says the man, suddenly looking so fragile in Deadlock’s palms. “Look, I know it’s not a lot to your kind, but-“
“And there’s nothing to be done? Can’t you- figure something out?”
He’s reaching and he knows it, but the human looks so- accepting of it. Like it’s a perfectly normal thing, to barely get to live at all before your body breaks down and dies, just like that!
Ratchet shakes his head with a wry smile. “Not how that works. People have been trying, sure, but nobody ever really got anywhere. And even if we did manage to drastically expand our lifespans somehow, the psychological effects it would have… we’re just not made for that, Deadlock,” he says, patting Deadlock on the nearest finger; a ghost of a touch, but still comforting. “I, hah, appreciate your faith in me kid, but not even I can do miracles.”
“I just don’t- how the fuck can you be so alright with that?” Deadlock asks, feeling utterly miserable.
The man snorts. “What else is there to do? It’s not like worrying about it would fix anything, and I’m not going to waste my life thinking about my death.” Then the human’s gaze softens, and he stands up to be more optic-level with Deadlock. “Listen to me. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but there’s nothing you, or anybody else, can change about it. The only thing you can do,” he says gently, reaching a hand towards Deadlock’s cheek, “is make the most of it.”
Deadlock exvents, suddenly feeling deeply tired. “Right. Right, I guess I just- gotta make it count, then,” he mutters, carefully leaning into the contact and the comfort it brings.
Ratchet smiles at him. “That’s the spirit. Have fun with Roddy- safe fun,” he quickly adds. “Take him on drives, or, hell, feel free to bum around my workshop as usual, if that’s what you want. You know I don’t mind the company, provided you behave yourself,” says the doc, his words punctuated by a mock-threatening look. “Just… try enjoy the time you have with us, okay?”
“Mkay,” he answers, voice still choked with static, before pulling the little medic to his chestplates. This close to his spark, he can read the human’s odd, tiny EM field with perfect clarity – concern, quiet affection and a deep kind of care rolls off of him in waves. Sometimes, Deadlock wishes he could tangle their fields together properly, synchronizing their frequencies in an embrace only possible for his kind, but- this is good too. More than good, really – it’s something unique to the two of them, and that makes it perfect as far as he’s concerned.
“Now, I’d really like to know which tactless bastard just dropped all this on you,” jokes Ratchet, the vibrations of the man’s voice tickling pleasantly against his plating, “so I can go brain them with a wrench for it.”
Despite himself, Deadlock snorts. “I think Swerve might be a little outside your size class, doc.”
“Oh, don’t you underestimate me, kid!” the medic grumbles, but he’s laughing too, and the return to the usual banter eases some of the weight on Deadlock’s spark.
Forty stellar cycles, maybe fifty.
He’ll make those years count.
He’ll make them be enough.
(Maybe, if he repeats it a few hundred times more, he’ll make himself believe it, too.)
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blighted-lights · 2 months ago
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and when that snake gets to rattlin', boy, you better not listen.
aka, wouldn't it be fun if deadlock had an extra little nudge to leave the cons :)
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snakesandferns · 10 months ago
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Ratchet and his cat husband
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sideswipesjetpack · 6 days ago
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dratchet, ratchlock.. WHATEVER THE TERMS ARE!! Come feast fans of whatnot
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wing-locked · 23 days ago
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icypolargirl78 · 1 month ago
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after so many months i'm so happy i'm finally able to release my piece for the Transform and Go Out With Me Zine hosted by @rbzines!!! it was truly an honour to join and as the first zine i've joined, i had a fantastic time!!!! go download it now if you can!
reblogs are appreciated <3
individual pieces under the cut <3
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sorry there's no text, i added all of that in on the final piece via fire alpaca, but i had so much fun drawing these goobers!!! dratchet is a ship i hold near and dear to my heart and i'm so proud of how it turned out!!!! it took a lot of work but i had so much fun and ragh, i hope people like them!!!!
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nat-but-free · 2 months ago
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unfreeeee · 5 months ago
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An old photo.
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deep2pace · 11 days ago
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pharmasrightarm · 9 months ago
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/whacks him i love you
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