#someone help lugnut
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
I'm keeping the fact that Megatron has a High Chance of contributing to saris DNA in my tfa babysitters au, and so, the round about personality I have given him once I get to That Part will be, "fuck you mean I can't give her energon she's MY Bitlet, and My Bitlet needs All of her Nutrients."
The first time she's kidnapped is a disaster on all sides.
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
TFA Yandere Megatron x Femme Reader (Part 2)
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(Y/n) lets out a low groan feeling her head heavy, she felt movement and was staring at the floor she thinks.
Then it hits her.
She was being carried by lockdown with no problem, lifting her head a bit she noticed where she was.
"No. No! No! Let go!! Please!!"
(Y/n) begins to wiggle and fight back with all the energy she had at the moment, lockdown stops his walking adjusted (Y/n) on his shoulder as a warning for her. But she didn't listen struggling again.
"LET ME GO! You are mistaken!! Please! No! I can't!!"
Lockdown doesn't listen and continues down the dark hallways leading to the throne room.
Once the large doors opens to reveal megatron sitting on his throne his red optics shining bright in the dark room.
Lockdown grabs (Y/n) up to show he indeed found her to megatron, who slowly gets up from his throne.
(Y/n) with fear in her eyes began to struggle and cry out. Once megatron was close enough to grab (Y/n), (Y/n) halted and looks up, he was smiling.
"Lockdown, go see blitzwing for your payment."
And with that lockdown leaves, leaving you both alone in the throne room.
Megatron places (Y/n) down gently, grabbing ahold of her hands breaking the cuffs she had. (Y/n) flinch hearing the cuffs hit the floor with a loud bang.
"You certainly gave me and our decepticons a scare, they're all going to be thrilled to see you safe and sound."
(Y/n) looks away from his gaze, her arms wrap around herself nervously, (Y/n) was trying to find the right words but before she could speak, megatron cuts her off.
"As for this little game of yours, it's finally over."
Megaton lifts (Y/n) chin up
"Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?"
(Y/n) couldn't reply back to megatron
"Good, good. Everyone is so relieved."
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Megatron smiles wickedly making (Y/n) concern for her well being, she didn't see the other larger bot coming from behind and injecting her with a small sleeping virus.
(Y/n) felt the harsh sting that travel through her body looking back in surprise to see the one eye decepticon.
(Y/n) felt her body become heavy, leaning back trying to catch herself but felt someone else catching her. Leaning towards the larger body, Megatron sighs lifting up (Y/n) carefully carrying her off.
"Welcome home my dear."
Shockwave was typing away looking at the screen to make sure everything was set, (Y/n) was lying peacefully on an operating table. Shockwave looks back to (Y/n) sighing coming closer to the sleeping femme. Gently caressing her face,
"I'm glad you're safely back with us (Y/n). You gave our lord a scare."
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There a a long pause
"Lord Megatron punch down a whole new hallway when he heard the news of you had escaping."
Shockwave moves to grab a small extension cord to connect to the side of (Y/n) head, hearing a satisfying click and begins to work. Shockwave laughs to himself quietly, speaking out
"You should have seen lugnut, he was so devastated hearing his queen has escape."
Shockwave took a moment to himself knowing well (Y/n) wasn't going to answer.
"Don't worry my queen, you are in good hands."
(Y/n) lifted up her upper body, her arms coming to her face, she looked around the room.
(Y/n) tried to restrain herself from grabbing her face on damaging it, she felt as it would help her to disappear from this nightmare, loud stomping steps catches her attention,looking up to the large door that slide open to reveal.
"MY QUEEN! Are you alright?!"
(Y/n) optics widen, then without a second she cries out,
Lugnut quickly comes to her side letting her cry on his shoulders, trying to pat her back gently as to not hurt her with his size.
"There, there my queen. Let out your pain."
(Y/n) leans more closer to lugnut, letting out screams and cries, lugnut stays quiet. After what felt like forever, lugnut looks down to (Y/n) noticing something new.
"My queen! Your optics! They're exquisite!"
(Y/n) was confused touching her optics then rushing to a mirror, letting out a loud gasp. She slowly leans more closer making sure she was seeing right.
"Now you are truly perfect my dear~"
A smooth voice echos out catching (Y/n) and lugnut by surprise, lugnut kneeling down to his lord. (Y/n) kept her stance looking at megatron through the mirrors reflection. Megatron walks closer to her grabbing ahold of her arms, spinning her around to face him.
"(Y/n) my dear~ I believe a celebration for your return is in the works, don't you agree?"
(Y/n) doesn't respond letting Megatron continue, grabbing a hold of (Y/n) so roughly
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you."
(Y/n) felt something inside herself, she could feel all her anger and frustration coming together. (Y/n) knew deep down she had to release this anger somehow.
"As I was say-!"
Megatron flinch feeling a small pain on his cheek, (Y/n) hand was shaking realizing what she has done, but she kept a stern look. Megatron touched the cheek that (Y/n) strike, not even glancing at her stood up straight turn to leave."
"Lugnut with me."
Lugnut looks to megatron then to (Y/n) giving her a bow, following his lord out the room, hearing a loud click.
Megatron continues to walk down the long hallway quietly, lugnut nervously following behind him. Once arriving to the throne room, everyone stood up straight and saluted their lord. Starscream smiles to megatron and bows
"My liege I see you have return from visiting lady  (Y/n), how is she settling?"
Lugnut took a step back making everyone else see his actions and also copying lugnut, stepping back slowly. Starscream looks up confused, a loud crash startles them all seeing megatron begins to throw and trash the throne room. Megatron leaving large dents on the walls and taking apart his own throne chair, everyone watches in fear not daring to stop him. Megatron then halts his attacks slowly walking up to (Y/n) throne chair, taking a big breath, moving his fists to remove any debris left on his hands. Turning around to face his loyal followers, speaking out to himself.
"I truly am a lucky mech."
Thanks so much for reading ���
I’m truly sorry if I’m lacking on updates, I just got a new job and I’m trying to settle in with this new change, hope y’all understand 🙂‍↕️
Again thanks u guys for reading and leaving amazing responses to my work, it really means a lot 🥹
Peace ✌️
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signedaiko · 4 months ago
for a Bumblee Bee x Decepticon reader who’s short like him but more timid than their comrades. Like they mess up on missions, but they can be snappy too and fast like Bumblebee! I imagine him chasing them in a fun cat and mouse and accidentally takes it like a fun game. all scaring the heck out of them as he catches up with a smile. He would start crushing on them and just says things like it’s a fun idea “you should totally switch sides! Join us!” And the reader is all bewildered but wary.
Bumblebee [Animated]
In which the small bot finds a con just about his size that he wants to spend more time with.
Reader is: Gender Neutral | Cybertronian | Decepticon. Romantic.
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Bee has a fair few con encounters now that he is fighting for Earth
Usually they were against the likes of Blitzwing, Lugnut, and the odd Starscream
But you were new; you were something that paled in size but made up for in interest
You were mostly known for your ability to distract; that's right, the cons used you as a lure on purpose
You were small, nimble, decently fast, and as Random had once told you;
"You have the face of an Autobot!"
Autobots thought you were an easy target, easy to manipulate, perhaps less smart
But you were dedicated to the cause, and while you hated being bait and preferred your spot on intelligence collection, you were happy to do whatever Megatron wished of you
Usually, it was fine
But recently, the yellow one had gotten too close, and he was only getting better at catching up to you
Telling the cons you were scared was out of the question, but it was seriously concerning how obsessive it had become
Every time you made yourself visible to the Bots, he was racing towards you with a smile and a hand extended, like he expected you to reach out and accept him just like that
More recently, you were worried he'd actually catch you
Racing down a frozen-over river as thick snow slowly fell from the sky, leafless trees whizzing past your vision as your peds left compacted snow marks behind you
He had special wheels made for snow, but you didn't, and he was fast behind you, yelling some more of his pleas
"Aren't you tired of running? I just wanna talk!"
He sounded so young, certainly near your age, someone you could get along with had it not been for the war
But what if it was only a trick? What if he only played this game for his own amusement?
You'd long since called Blitzwing to help get you, since you couldn't fly, and he was on his way, but visibility was low with all the snow, fog, and your distant location
You had to keep running, but Bee was only a few meters behind by now; you could hear the snow crunching beneath his tires
"C'mon! Join the bots! We can race like this more often on real roads!"
He offered again, but you refused
"You make it sound easy; how about you just join the cons?"
You were just as snappy, though
Just as he got on your heels and transformed, digits inches away from grabbing your arm, you jumped up and grabbed onto the wing of the purple and tan jet that swooped down, dragged away from his reach in seconds
He stopped in his tracks and groaned, but his smile never left
"Next time, then!"
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Authors Note - This prompt is so cute!!! It honestly reminds me of a Blitzwing fic I read by @vhaos-chaotic-writing that was him being yandere and kinda doing the same!
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fourphoenixfeathers · 5 months ago
Someone help Starscream, Megatron took the braincell with him.
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The Decepticons may be a bunch of idiots, but they're his idiots (/affectionate).
The Decepticons are on earth mostly to look for the allspark, but Starscream and Lugnut are also very keen on finding any sign of Megatron. Preferably alive, but even a shell would give them some sort of closure that their leader isn't somewhere out there, waiting.
Blackarachnia is lurking around on earth, expanding on her research as much as she can with the technology she has to work with. Her greatest project was lost when Megatron fell, and it's hard to find the resources to try again. For now, she's returned to her techno-organic research while helping the rest of the cons with the allspark search, but progress is slow when she's so unique. And she'd never dream of subjecting another mech to her fate. It helps that Starscream is there to help out with her research. In the thick of the war, she almost forgot that he used to be a scientist.
Blitzwing and Lugnut spend a lot of time exploring the Earth, Blitzwing for the thrill of exploration and Lugnut for the sake of looking for clues about Megatron. As such, they are almost always the first to hear about any crises happening outside of Detroit, and will call the others for help with disaster relief. After all, the Decepticons were formed to fight for life and freedom, and that goes for organic life as well. Megatron would be so proud (and he is, later when the allspark key brings him back online in Sumdac's lab.)
Of the Decepticons, Lugnut and Blitzwing are the most knowledgeable about human culture. Blitzwing definitely annoys the hell out of Starscream with memes.
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erimeows · 7 months ago
TFA Characters' Toxic Traits
Me with another TFA headcanon set? Who would've guessed. Got the inspiration for this one after realizing I'd done it with MysMes but not with Transformers. Enjoy!
Optimus Prime: Shoulders every single burden all by himself. Will not ask for help and open up to others when needed, even though not doing so ends up negatively impacting everyone more in the end than asking for help would've.
Bumblebee: Toxic positivity- enough said. You vent to him and he's like "oh but you have so much to be happy about!".
Bulkhead: Will not take sides in any conflict of his own accord even if he knows that one side is "right" if he fears it will upset any of his friends. Passively steps out of conflicts even when he's needed, unless it's an absolute emergency.
Ratchet: Refuses to open up about trauma that he has even though it affects the way he acts and negatively impacts the people around him, who are very confused as to why he acts the way he does.
Prowl: Has an ungodly superiority complex, tends to think he's better or smarter than others (even when he's not), though he's trying to work on that.
Sentinel Prime: I think we saw in the show, but he's very prideful and will never admit that he's wrong in any situation. Also terrible at offering genuine apologies- more of a sarcastic "I'm sorry you feel that way" than a genuine "I'm sorry I did (x)" kind of guy.
Jazz: Gets uncomfortable when things get too serious to the point that if people try to open up to him about something deep, he will change the subject or deflect them 90% of the time.
Ultra Magnus: Too by the book. Will do things that he doesn't believe in or ignore wrong doings for the sake of legality.
Megatron: Very selfish and very charming, which is a bad combo. Similar to Starscream, he will be nice to your face if needed and then screw you over in the end as long as it benefits him.
Starscream: So many, but the worst one is lying to people's face and then talking shit behind their backs or doing them wrong for his own benefit.
Blitzwing: Depends on which of the three personalities you're dealing with because they all have some pretty over the top toxic traits, but the worst and most prevalent one is that all three of them tend to belittle others to feel better about themselves- especially if their life is going bad or if they're feeling insecure about something in particular.
Lugnut: The Megatron obsession, obviously. It gets to the point that anyone and anything else in his life that should be prioritized get(s) pushed to the side for Megatron's sake when Megatron doesn't value him nearly as much.
Blackarachnia: Very vengeful and obsessive about getting revenge to the point that it's unhealthy. Obviously this is seen in her TFA episodes where she wants revenge on Optimus/Sentinel for what happened when they were in school- but those emotions are over a huge tragedy that happened in her life and are almost understandable. This toxic trait also applies to, say, someone who accidentally shoulder checked her or took her lunch from the staff fridge. If you wrong her in the slightest, she will make sure she has revenge, even if it was a genuine mistake.
Lockdown: Can't handle commitment. He's not scared of it, just not emotionally mature enough. Whether it be a job, a friendship, a romantic relationship, or whatever else, he won't commit. He doesn't care whose feelings it hurts or if he's passing up on something genuinely good for himself either.
Swindle: Also can't handle commitment, but I'd argue that his worst toxic trait is actually his concern for money. He's terrified of being broke to the point that it consumes his every waking minute. Sure, he enjoys the swindling, but if he misses out on money he panics and he will go to ridiculous lengths to get a good deal or to rip someone off.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months ago
Hi, is okay to do a request? A Christmas or New Years?
With TFA Silver Aid (you can also with TFA Ironhold, Ophelia, & Fearless, if they live in a same universe)
Or any other Buddy you like?
(also Take care & Merry (Early/Late) Christmas & Happy New Year!)
Made it just in time!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
Hope you enjoy!
Silver Aid, Ophelia, Ironhold and Fearless Christmas
SFW, Platonic, Famialal, Hinted Romance, Cybertonian/ Technoorganic/ Human reader
The idea of the holiday was introduced by Fearless.
It had just started snowing in the area when the human started bringing in boxes.
The Con’s didn’t question it at first.
Ophelia honestly thought that Fearless was finally moving in.
Ironhold also thought about this idea but kept to themselves.
They both were a bit upset when they found out that Fearless was not moving in.
Please ignore Ironhold’s blueprints to make a human room in the base.
No one saw them.
They don’t exist.
Silver Aid was getting a bit worried about the resident human when they started bringing in heavier boxes.
Soon Fearless asked for a meeting.
Megatron: “Let me understand this clearly.” Fearless pauses their presentation on the history of presents. Fearless: “Yeah?” Megatron: “You expect us to participate in some Earth holiday for fun?” Fearless: “Well, not entirely true but yes!” Megatron: “I’m afraid I’m going to have to put a damper on your plans.” Ophelia raises her servo. Ophelia: “It does sound nice to participate Father.” Ironhold coughs a bit: “It may boost moral as well.” Silver Aid: “The concept does sound lovely.” Starscream: “The colors aren’t so hideous to look at.” Blitzwing: “The scenery does look nice.” Lugnut: “Can we invite Strika to the holiday?” Megatron: “Enough! We are not celebrating this ‘Christmas’.” Ophelia gives his a pleading look. He looks away refusing to give in. Silver Aid: “Megatron—” Megatron: “I have made my decision Silver Aid.” Fearless crosses their arms. Fearless: “I guess I’ll have to drag all my stuff over to the Autobots then.” Megatron’s optic twitches a bit. Fearless: “And I bet Optimus would let me—" Megatron suddenly stands up. Megatron: “Everyone get to work on this Christmas thing!”
 Lugnut and Ironhold are in charge of getting the tree.
Lugnut would have gone by himself, but it was it was clear to everyone that someone needed to watch him.
At least so he could pick a real tree and not some telephone pole.
It took a few tries before the pair managed to squeeze in a giant tree into the base.
Thank goodness Fearless thought about bringing scraps of metal to make more ornaments.
Starscream and Blitzwing were in charge of placing the lights and ornaments on the tree.
The Second in Command takes a liking to the shinier ornaments.
Ophelia and Silver Aid have caught him looking at his reflection in them.
Blitzwing loved putting the weirder and bigger ornaments.
Somehow managed to tangle his wings and Starscreams in the tree lights.
Neither of them knows how this happened.
Silver Aid and Megatron help with the lights around the base.
Using her alt mode, Silver is able to reach the higher and more narrow parts on the ceiling.
Megatron may or may not have used this as n excuse to ‘help’ her in the higher places that didn’t need an alt mode.
Has he caught her blushing after lifting her up with one servo to get the door frame?
…No… At least that he knows of…
Ophelia and Fearless are in charge of gift wrapping and making sure that no one tried to open their gifts before time.
Some culprits already caught were Starscream, Random Blitzwing and for some reason Ironhold.
Ironhold refuses to tell them why they were trying to peak at the presents.
But there was one last thing that Fearless needed to do…
Ironhold has Fearless in their servos. They were both walking to the final doorway in the base. Ironhold: “Explain to me again why you are putting a plant on a string above the doorways? Does it smell that bad in here?” Fearless finishes taping the last of the mistletoe. Fearless: “Listen Hold, I can not stand another YEAR of Silver and Meg’s pinning for each other. I’m going to speed run this slow burn as fast as I can, and mistletoe is the first step.” Ironhold: “But what is the plant going to do?” Fearless: “If two people—er bots, stand underneath it, they have to kiss.” Ironhold: “Oh… Oh!” Fearless: “Quick hide! Lia’s bringing them over!” They both hid behind a corner just as Ophelia ran to their side. She hid behind Ironhold’s pede. Fearless was in Ironhold’s open servo. Ophelia: “Here they come!” Both Con’s walk into the room. Silver Aid: “Did you see where Ophelia went?” Megatron: “She probably—what is that?” Silver Aid looks up at the tiny plant Megatron was pointing. Silver Aid: “Oh! That is Mistletoe! Fearless mentioned that you have to kiss under it. Megatron freezes for a second. Megatron: “Wha—” The Technoorganic gently holds his servo and kisses the back of it and smiles at him. Silver Aid: “This is such a sweet holiday! I’m going to tell Lugnut to bring Strika next time around!” Silver Aid walks off leaving a buffering Megatron to stare at his servo. Ironhold and Ophelia wince at the sight. Ironhold: “Well that was painful—HEY! HEY!” Fearless tries to swan dive off of Ironhold’s servos. Fearless: “I CAN’T TAKE ANOTHER YEAR OF THIS!!!! I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS SLOW OF A SLOW BURN!!!” Ophelia: “FEARLESS DON’T!!” Ironhold: “YOU’RE TOO TINY I CAN BARELY HOLD YOU!!! STOP TRYING TO JUMP!!!” Fearless: “NEVER!!!”  
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 months ago
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: minor fluff, angst, murder (implied), character death
Summary: One good deed turns into your worst nightmare, one that you can’t stop from coming.
Square Filled: heartbreak (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Before you can leave the bedroom, Dean pulls you in again and kisses you. He knows exactly what to do to get you to stay, but you promised your friend you’d go shopping with her. You wrap your arms around his neck and allow yourself to get lost in the kiss for exactly five seconds before you pull away.
“I gotta go, Dean,” you giggle.
“Come on, stay. I’ll do that thing you like,” he smirks.
“No. It’s not fair to use sex to hold me here. I’ll only be gone a few hours at most. You’re so clingy,” you laugh and push him off you. “You’ll survive for a few hours. I promise.”
“Okay, fine, but you’re not leaving my bedroom when you get back.”
“Deal,” you chuckle. “If I’m not back by seven, you have my permission to come get me.”
You kiss Dean quickly before leaving the bedroom. Dean won’t let you take his precious car so you opt to take one of the other older ones in the bunker’s garage. They’re all vintage classics that Savy fell in love with when she first saw them. She’ll appreciate you taking the 1955 Ford Thunderbird. Savvy is only in town for a few days on business so you only have a few days to hang with her before she goes back home on the East Coast.
“How are you and Jerry doing?” you ask when you pick her up.
Normally, the drive to the mall is only twenty minutes if you take the main roads and the highway. The weather is nice so you opt to take the back roads which will add another thirty minutes to the ride. Neither of you mind.
“We’re trying for another baby, so that’s exciting.” She already has four kids so you’re surprised she wants to bring another one into the world. “What about you? Any kids for you and Dean?”
“Savy, we’ve only been dating for six months.”
“So? You’re not getting any younger.”
“I don’t want kids, and I don’t think Dean will have an issue with me not wanting kids.” Kids don’t fit into the hunting life. “Plus, we’re taking things at a nice pace. He just asked me to move into the Bunker last week.”
“That must be easier for hunting.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Are you happy, Y/N?”
“Very. Are you happy?”
“I am,” she smiles.
You turn the music up and let the wind blow through your hair as you drive down the desolate road. You turn the corner and see a gray car parked on the side of the road about one hundred yards away. There is a man standing by the car with his hands on his head like he’s stressed about his car situation. You slow down and turn the music off when you approach the man.
“Car trouble?”
“Yeah. My tire is flat, my phone is dead, and I don’t know how to change a tire. I know what you’re thinking. A man doesn’t know how to change a tire? I was never a car man, and no one ever taught me,” he chuckles nervously.
“Do you have a spare?”
“Yeah, in the back.”
“I know how to change a tire. I can help you.”
“You’re a lifesaver. Thank you.”
You pull up in front of the car, and Savy looks at you with concern.
“Are you sure you should be doing this?”
“I’m just changing a tire. It’s fine. Ten minutes tops.” You get out of the car. “Stay here.”
“Thank you for stopping. I would have had to walk home,” the man chuckles. “I’m Peter.”
“Y/N. That’s Savy, and it’s no problem. I’d want someone to stop for me.”
You take the spare from the back and get started on taking the current tire off the car. You have just undone the lugnuts from the rim when your phone rings from your car.
“Dean is calling you.”
“Answer it. Tell him I’ll only be a minute.”
Savy grabs your phone and answers his call.
“Y/N’s phone. How may I help you?”
“Where is Y/N?”
“She’s busy right now. Can I take a message?”
“Just tell her to call me when she can,” Dean says and hangs up. Dean puts his phone down and looks at his brother who is looking at his iPad. “So, you thinking ghost possession?”
“Well, the witnesses claim to see black goo coming out of the victims’ ears before they killed themselves.”
“Yeah, ghost possession. We’ll leave in an hour. We’ll pick up Y/N on the way.” Forty-five minutes later, Dean enters the man cave to grab something when he sees you sitting on the couch staring at the TV that’s turned to the news. “I thought you’d be gone for a few hours. When did you get in?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“Oh, well, Sam found a case a few states away. He’s thinking ghost possession. You in?” You don’t answer and continue to look at the TV. “Are you okay?”
“Look what’s on the news.”
Dean walks closer to you and pays attention to the news reporter.
“While on a car chase, authorities discovered a 2003 gray Honda Civic abandoned on the side of the road. When authorities looked closer, there were signs of a struggle. We’re not clear as to what may have taken place, but they found two women’s purses on the ground. It is presumed that two women are missing, but their identities remain a mystery as of right now. Back to you, Sam.”
The news coverage changes to another news reporter who is already on the scene.
“Yes, Jill, what happened here is a tragedy. Local authorities are doing everything they can to locate the two women, hopefully alive.” Shouts from the officers can be heard, and Sam looks behind him to see what is going on. “This just in, I think they found a body.” Sam turns back to the camera. “I am unsure if they are able to identify the body. When we have more information, you’ll be the first to know. Back to you, Jill.”
“Wow, that’s so sad,” Dean says.
You look at Dean with unshed tears in your eyes.
“I’m at the bottom of Waconda Lake.”
“Who are you talking to?” Sam asks when he pops his head in. Suddenly, you mist away, and realization dawns on Dean’s face. His knees buckle and he has to sit down before he crumbles to the ground. “Dude, you okay?”
“I think Y/N’s dead.”
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lavenlady · 2 months ago
Platonic Yandere Megatron and Sari where it's revealed that she's his daughter
Here you are @yanderefangirl ! Enjoy!
♬ Daughter ♫ | Tfa Platonic Yan!Megatron x Sari Sumdac
✴︎ Noone really expected that Sari's co-creator would be Megatron
✴︎ Even the Warlord himself was taken back by it, the supposed organic, now techno-organic, was created with his help? How weird and interesting
✴︎ Megatron is a manipulative, overprotective and self-aware yandere
✴︎ I mean - she was his creation, which ment he could do with her whatever he liked, right?
✴︎ So he did, he decided that he wouldn't want his creation to be poisoned by the Autobot nonsense
✴︎ Kidnapping her was the most adequate option at the time. He didn't care if she was screaming till she could no more. The only Autobot that got close to defeating him again was Optimus Prime himself
✴︎ With his superior intelligence and experience he managed to take what was his
✴︎ Megatron doesn't know anything about rising a child by human standards, but he surely knows the cybertronian way
✴︎ Of course she resists the affection control of her new found out sire, but soon she will learn that her place was never with the organics to begin with
✴︎ Megatron while not admitting anything directly, still shows small signs of care. Always softly holding the little spark in his servo or placing her near himself to have her in his sight, not wanting someone go do something behind his back
✴︎ He would never ever let anyone not qualified to be near something made with his help, it being most of the Decepticons. The most trustful are Lugnut, Shockwave and to some extend Blitzwing
✴︎ He will teach her his ways, whenever she liked or not, she had no choice in the matter
( Hope you liked it! )
(Master list)
( Request away! )
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 4 months ago
In the TFA Quirked AU, how do the Decepticons react to the Symbol of Peace hero?
-Megatron has known about the hero for years now and has observed him for a long time. While intrigued by their power, he inherently dislikes them. Their senseless heroics makes him think of autobot propaganda where they portray themselves as selfless heroes and he's sure that underneath the surface, the hero is flawed. Still, there's a certain amount of respect that Megatron holds for them, purely for their strength and conviction.
-Starscream is baffled by the hero. They have all this power and they use it to play savior? Sure, he gets wanting to be admired, revered even, but they never appear to fully reap the benefits of their actions. Why do what they do, and not take full advantage of it? Finds them annoying.
-Blitzwing largely finds the hero infuriating because they get in the decepticons way all the time. Random does, however, find them to be funny. But in, like, a mocking way. He will mimic their body language and phrases playfully, almost teasingly. Ja, watch him flex his muscles, ja!
-Lugnut fucking hates them. They are so squishy and small yet they keep beating him up. It's infuriating! It's embarrassing! Especially when it happens in front of the other decepticons. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT HAPPENS IN FRONT OF MEGATRON!
-Shockwave finds their strength intriguing and wonders if there's some way to replicate or perhaps transfer the power to someone else. Very much dislikes their heroic attitude though. Such a goody two-shoes.
-Blackarachnia has mixed feelings about them. On one hand, it's very annoying and frustrating when they get in her way. She finds their heroic personality too much resembles the naivety she had when she was still Elita. On the other, she likes that they really are a good person. They don't do this for fame of fortune, they just want to help people. She could have used someone like that...
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lunarbreaksblog · 1 year ago
I was wondering if you’re familiar with Steven Universe and how the Cons would react to their human s/o having the same abilities as Steven?
( can produce a shield and change its size, thickness and durability as well as create a bubble surrounding themselves. Their shield and bubble are capable of growing spikes)
( they have healing spit and can bring someone who just died back to life, though they will be pink and have a pocket dimension in their hair)
( they can project their mind into others as well as onto devices like tvs though they have to be asleep)
( they can give plants sentience and make them fight for them as a plant army)
( they can jump up really high and basically float by slowing the speed of their descent)
( they can put things like a phone or notebook in a bubble and tap the top of it to transport it through time and space to their home instantly)
Please and thank you
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Note: sorry for getting to this so late T-T reality hit me like a cannon ball
Note 2: I kinda made it angsty but like with how life is, I want evil cons lol
TFA! Cons X GN!Steven universe! Reader
At first doesn't really like your naive nature but then he sees you use healing power to bring back your ‘friend’. He knows power when he see it.
You're just lucky that he likes your appearance and your easy manipulative nature. You'll make a good pet to him.
Kinda like Megatron but he knows no boundaries and will force you to do things that you will not like. It just amuses him to see you have a moral dilemma.
He loves learning about you and your abilities, if he had the chance he would dissect you however you are officially Megatron's pet. He doesn't want to get on the bad side of his lord.
Does though ask you to do things for him like reanimate objects, mind projection and give organic life sentience.
Feels bad for you but she hopes you become more self assured and build yourself up so you can fight back.
Doesn't like talking to you. You make her uncomfortable with how the cons treat you. It reminds her of how they treated her. You are simply not made for the con's world
Like Blackarachnia, just more vocal on how you make him uncomfortable— goes out of his way to mess with you so you don't ever come near him. Can't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for you but he knows he would do the same to you like Megatron did. However, maybe he would be a little bit better than the Decepticon warlord.
Has no options on you, he does whatever his lord commands him to do. If that means making sure you never leave his sight, so be it. You get no privacy with Lugnut.
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cozzzynook · 1 year ago
Thinking of how protective Blitzwing would be if someone hurt his hummel.
He does not take kindly to anyone or bother hurting his precious bumble and the day he sees an injury on Bumblebee’s doorwing, a very sensitive mesh of wires, metal and cyber matter on the mini, he absolutely takes Bumblebee into his servos and flies off.
Ignoring commands, horrified stares, missiles, canon blaster and Starscreams annoying yelling about him being spark bonded to an autobot as they fly beck to base.
Bee tries to assure Blitzwing he’s fine but Blitzwing is a stone wall that refuses to let Bee out of his sight.
His seeker coding is always first and foremost since he was a flyer before his experimentation and seeing as his mate was now injured and unable to fly. Leaving him grounded, nevermind that his hummel could not fly regardless injured door wing or not, which meant as his conjunx it was his duty and sole right to protect his vulnerable mate.
Did Blitzwing tackle Starscream to get his hummels favorite energon before the annoying glitch could down it?
Of course.
His hummel deserved a fueling best suited to his tastes. Starscream should’ve stuck to the energon he typically prances around Megatron with.
Did Blitzwing throw a live bomb at Lugnut for knocking their hab suite door down?
Megatron told the over grown numskull to stay away from the two of them and for not listening and setting off a rightfully over protective seeker, Lugnut was not given immediate medical help.
Bee tried to help the poor clumsy bot but Blitzwing growled at him in warning and kept him pressed against his chassis and Bee knew it was a lost cause.
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moonlight-tmd · 9 months ago
Reading back on this post-
Do you think Wasp and Bee would be friends in Shattered Glass?
I mean, normal Wasp and Bee are enemies, Wasp was an asshole and bullied Bee relentlessly until Longarm set him up as a spy and he was arrested. I imagine Shattered Glass Wasp was kind and nice, even befriended Bee. Wasp saw Bee getting pushed around by this big jerk Bulkhead and decided to step in. Bulkhead just huffed and decided to not waste energy on those puny things.
Wasp helped Bee patch up his dents. "Us little ones need to stick together." He said when Bee was confused as to why anyone would help someone like him. Wasp was friendly, he cared about Bee and made sure that other jerks stayed away from him.
Ironhide also helped- normal Ironhide only followed Wasp's orders before he was arrested and Iron could relax and stopped picking on bots like Wasp did. Shattered Glass Ironhide is the same, except he sticks with Wasp purely because they're friends, not out of fear of bullying. He helps Wasp fend off jerks from Bee and the little trio has a place in the camp. They even introduced this weird new guy Longarm to the group.
(I suppose Bee is white and black, Ironhide is light green and Wasp neon yellow. Longarm is black with lavender details)
Of course, all good things must come to an end. Rumours of a Decepticon in the camp spread and all leads pointed to Longarm. None of them believed it of course.. but the officers seemed to think otherwise. Wasp took it upon himself to save his friend and revealed that he was a spy, not Longarm. He was taken and locked up, leaving Shockwave in a cloud of guilt. Not long after Bee got caught up in some other issues and was forced to serve in a repair crew with Bulkhead. Longarm stayed with Ironhide and continued his tasks, althought much more careful so no one else will suffer. They both graduated and got put in different departments in Elite Guard.
Speaking of- Sentines is surprisingly not that awful. He's very likable in fact. Sure he's stern and makes everyone stick to the rules and given tasks but he's genuinely trying to help. I guess in the Prime Duo, he's the pushoever instead of Optimus.
Wasp spend years in stockades, his hopeful attitude was slowly drowned in the abuse of the guards and insanity of fellow prisoners. One night however a break-out happened, he was on the run with few other prisoners. He almost made it out but then he got shot square in the chassis, his vision flahsed black and he thought it was the end of him. But to his surprise he woke up in medbay being treated by a weird bug femme. Turns out some Decepticon snatched him after he got shot and took him along to the Decepticon ship. The femme's name was Blackarachnia; she got Wasp in critical condition, his frame was gradually destroying itself because of something in the blaster shot. Her only way ti save him was to perform an overhaul procedure and turn him into an techno-organic. Wasp was confused and scared- his mind wasn't faring any better, but eventually he got used to this new form. He got aquainted with few other Decepticons, Blitzwing, Lugnut and Starscream. All of them were accepting and evencommented on how cool he looked. And of course, he met Shockwave himself. Waspinator couldn't believe when Longarm made an appearance, he apologised over and over again for Wasp's fate. Waspinator however wasn't all that angry, sure he was angry a little but seeing how Shockwave is helping all those who suffered unfairly he forgave him. Soon enough he regained secret contact with Ironhide, who got in kahoots with Shockwave and helped him smuggle data to the cons.
Waspinator decided to take his opportunity and search for Bee. He and the other Decepticons go look for Megatron and end up on a planet Earth. And bumo into the same blasted Autobot crew that attacked Nemesis and is now terrorizing the organic race. But that wasn't as important. Bee was there. Oh, how he was worried about him...
Once when the Autobots were investigating some suspicious activity, Waspinator jumped out and kidnapped Bee. Once he found a safe location to land bee immediately tried to defend himself. He was so scared,.. but stopped shooting once Waspinator started speaking to him. It was an odd speech pattern but still understandable; Waspinator was Wasp and he came to save Bee. Bee couldn't believe what he was seeing- that was Wasp? What happened- doesn't matter, he was so happy to know his friend was here. Bee told him about what's been happening since he was put in the team- How mean everyone was and how he found a friend in one of the organics that the team tolerated only because of her weird in-build healing tech. He told him about Longarm finding him and helping as much as he could. And about Sentinel- the mech was the kindest of the officers back at boot camp, it was a relief hearing that he did his best to help Bee in this abusive situation, although Optimus never allowed him to interact much with his possesions team.
They managed to share one last hug before Prowl jumped them and dragged Bee away. Waspinator was a lone hunter- he wanted to save Bee without needing to drag the other cons into this, he'd be very close to snatching Bee away for good but the Autobots are always one step ahead of him, keeping their slave tightly in their grasp. Except one time... He was so close, he almost escaped... ut their shots were faster. Waspinator was shot down, Bee was forcing himself to not cry as he saw his dear friend fall and crash.
Waspinator was gone for a long time, everyone though he was dead- but his stubbornness was too much. He pulled himself from the brink of death and tried once more- except this time he didn't have to fight. Blackarachnia took him in again and he woke up to Bee's sweet voice quietly talking to him. Turns out Longarm upheld his part of the promise and rescued Bee upon finding him imprisoned in the underground of the Autobot's base. Also this weird organic with superpowers came along with him- she turned out to be techno-organic too.
From then on, aside from Blitzwing and Shockwave, Bee has Waspinator as a scary guardian- and Waspinator definitelly uses his form to give Bee "scary dog privillages". Decepticons may not be much agressive normally but Waspinator WILL throw hands if someone ever as much as mumbles something behind Bee's back. (he has very good hearing, you don't wanna test him.)
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mothraranger · 6 months ago
Okay, HOW WOULD THE COUNCIL REACT TO ULTRA MAGNUS being sparked with Optimus? Better yet, how did Megatron find out Optimus is HIS sparkling
Okay I have thought about this scenario dozens of times and the million ways it could go. Bear with me, okay?
Most scenarios involve Megatron and Ultra Magnus fragging the night before the Decepticons are to leave Cybertron. Ultra would get sparked with Optimus but he would only find out weeks after the 'Cons left. Megatron being out of communications range. Ultra upon finding out already loves their sparkling and decides to keep it.
Here comes the problem: telling the Council. Now, if the Council is like their Canon selves, they wouldn't necessarily be happy but they won't turn their backs on Ultra either; they eventually come around to Ultra having the sparkling. But if the Council was like their IDW 1 selves...
They wouldn't be happy. At all. Like admonishing Ultra and demanding that he'd terminate his carrying cycle. And in AU's where Ultra is half Decepticon, Allspark help him because it's worse, like bitching about how there's gonna be another hybrid, slut-shaming the Magnus, saying horrible things about the sparkling even before it's born, maybe trying to marry off Ultra, or maybe trying to convince Ultra to have the sparkling marry one of the Council Members kids when it's older (doesn't work because Ultra beat the shit out of the first person who dares to think of his child that way!)
It's a mess.
Now if course, there is the issue of telling the Council as to who the Sire is. Telling them outright that Megatron is the Sire would get him Court Martial, stripped of his rank and status as an Autobot, have the sparkling taken away from him, and facing jail time or exile. So he lies: he tells them that he had been in a secret relationship with another 'Bot for some time but unfortunately, the 'Bot died during the Battle for Iacon and their remains obliterated and unable to be recovered during the fight between Blackout and one of the Omega Sentinels. He would also say that the 'Bot had no surviving family and had requested that there would be no funeral if their remains couldn't be recovered. The Canon Council wouldn't be surprised that Ultra had been seeing someone and had suspected it for a while and respects the Magnus's wishes. The Council that is like their IDW 1 selves wouldn't believe Ultra but couldn't do anything because they had no proof.
As for Megatron finding out, I honestly haven't thought of it that much but I'll try my best.
It could happen near the end of Megatron Rising, Part 2, where Optimus and Megatron are fighting onboard Omega Supreme when the Allspark shows that they are father and son. Where it can go from there, I don't know.
Now this one I have thought of. During the Elite Guard's stay on Earth, Ultra Magnus gets captured by the Lugnut and Blitzwing and is brought to Megatron. The Warlord treats him well and they even interface. But something happens and Ultra reveals that Optimus is his son. Megatron, doesn't believe him at first and goes to confront the Prime despite Ultra's pleas. He gets a strand of Optimus CNA and sure enough, he's his son. He is upset at Ultra at first but comes to understand why Ultra keep it secret (especially if the Council is Functionist).
These are just the scenarios where Ultra raised Optimus (and for the record, in AU's where Ultra raised Optimus, the sentence "Being a hero is not in your programming" was not said by the Magnus , it was either unsaid or spoken by Alpha Trion.) Now AU's where Ultra Magnus gave up Optimus for adoption are different: Ultra gets sparked before the War really broke out (there's no rape involved), hides his carrying cycle, gives up Optimus (reluctantly) because he can't provide a good life for him and him and Megatron are on bad terms, and the Council never knew. When Optimus and Megatron find out, there's a lot of drama but there is eventually reconciliation, genuine apologies, and peace between both sides.
I have one even worse. Optimus was raised by Ultra up until he was the equivalent of a Cybertronian four-year old when the Functionist Council discovers that Megatron is his Sire. They take Optimus away from Ultra, temporarily imprisoned the Magnus so that by the time Optimus is with a new family that it's already too late to find him, and either performed mnemosurgery on Optimus or Optimus is so traumatized that he blocks out any and all memories during that time including the identity of his Carrier. Ultra is either sterilized or is forcibly married of to a Council Member or Senator. When Megatron finds out, Unicron won't be able to save the Council.
For more lighthearted stuff, I got two scenarios. During the War, something that threatens the existence of both sides (probably the Quintessons) forces the Autobots and Decepticons to join forces. Megatron and Ultra goes from enemies to reluctant allies to lovers. Quintessons lose, peace is achieved, Megatron and Ultra Magnus become co-rulers and sparkmates, and they have Optimus and some other sparklings (my OCs). Scenario 2 involves Ultra getting kicked out of the Elite Guard while he was Ultra Prime, meeting Megatron and falling in love, joining the Decepticons, becoming Decepticon second-in-command (much to Starscream's displeasure) and eventually Lord Consort, and they have Optimus and his six or more siblings (don't worry, Optimus wasn't parentified and none of the sparklings were neglected in any way, shape, or form).
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cybertron-after-dark · 2 years ago
More questionable tfa headcanons
-Bumblebee and Bulkhead do impressions of Optimus behind his back. Bulkhead actually feels kinda bad about it but that does not stop him. Prowl is not immune to joining in. OP still hasn't caught them.
-Optimus really wants to adopt a dog once he's positive he could adequately take care of one. He loves the idea of keeping a big grey one and naming him Silverbolt, after Silverbolt Major from the great war. It just feels right.
-Starscream will never admit to listening to the dumb sound patterns humans call music, but in private he's a swiftie, and he WILL sing shake it off if nobody's watching.
-Lugnut bakes in his off time, and he keeps trying to spoil Megatron with little treats, as his grand and glorious master deserves little gifts and tributes whenever Lugnut can give them. Sadly, Megatron doesn't actually have much of a sweet tooth so most of Lugnut's edible gifts get passed off to someone else.
-you know that bit in the Allspark almanac where Lugnut is bitching about earth sports and the Tigatron stadium? He has such strong feelings because Blitzwing loves that shit and keeps trying to rope Lugnut into playing. For Blitzwing, it reminds him of his gladiator days, it's a way to have fun and reminisce without killing someone. For Lugnut, it can't compare, it's kinda just a watered down, wussified version of real gladiatorial combat.
-upon discovering ytps, both bumblebee and bulkhead trained their voice synthesizers to be able to mimic the edited sounds. Sometimes they'll use it in the middle of a fight as a sort of secret code so the cons can't pick up on what they're planning to counter it. Optimus has mixed feelings. He doesn't understand what the hell they're saying like 90% of the time, and he recognizes this isn't proper military strategy, but he can't argue with the results. At least they're sort of taking the fights seriously?
-Blitzwing and Blackarachnia fucking hate each other but Megatron frowns upon infighting, so instead of constant violence, they've sort of settled on an escalating cold war of inconveniences and irritants. Neither of them can throw a punch, or set anything up that would result in actual injury, but immobilizing via ice or webs is fine, provided it doesn't affect tactical matters. Blitzwing constantly freezes the locks on BA's door, BA spikes Blitzwing's energon with cyber venom, pretty much anything that could qualify as day ruining. The worst was when Blitzwing covered BA with electronic paint and turned her into a walking rainbow all day.
-prowl wants to volunteer at animal shelters but he's a bit too big to fit in most of the buildings
-both shockwave and starscream are horrible liars but Megatron is terrible at picking up when someone's lying, so starscream's scheming went unnoticed for years and shockwave was sent in as a spy with full confidence that he wouldn't blow his cover.
-ratchet and optimus have been teaching Sari bits of cybertronian. Optimus teaches her the more formal aspects of the language, given there's a high chance she'll be interacting with Ultra Magnus, the guilds domesticus, and other high ranking autobots that warrant a more formal address. Ratchet (Mr "don't call me sir, I work for a living") teaches her more day to day, informal cybertronian. And swears. He teaches her pretty much all the swears.
-when Sari moved in, Optimus learned to cook so she wouldn't have to live off fast food from the burger bot. Which was hell for the big guy because why in primus's name is human fuel so complicated? He used to think sugar was pretty much an energon equivalent, cut and dry. He was wrong. He was so wrong. OP usually has Sari help him out because he cant exactly taste it to make sure it's, you know, actually edible.
-Prowl loves animals and the natural parts of earth with all his spark, but man are some parts of it brutal. When he learned what a parasitoid wasp was he couldn't sleep for days.
-bulkhead actually wants to go to a human art college once the war's over. Maybe not full time but he definitely wants to pick up some classes and learn what he can. Once he gets good enough, he wants to bring that knowledge back to Cybertron and see what other bots do with it.
-Optimus has a collection of skeezy romance novels. The equivalent on Cybertron is kind of an obscure rarity, only really sold in the seediest of places, so he couldn't really believe how easy it was to find smut like that on Earth. The intrinsic human fleshiness of the book characters always weirds him out just a bit, but not enough to ruin it for him. It's not really the pornographic aspect he's interested in, after all, it's the romantic aspect. He keeps his digital stash double encrypted in his datatrax, because he knows if anyone found it (cough cough bumblebee cough) he'd never hear the end of it.
-giving Blitzwing internet access was a mistake. Now he knows what memes are and random has been making that every other decepticon's problem since he found out. Megatron has to constantly guess whether what would normally be a standard Blitzwing non sequitur is actually a setup for Megatron to get laughed at by the entire human internet. He's fallen for updog, he's fallen for Ligma, he will NOT be caught slipping again.
-while he was undercover, once a week, shockwave would call Megatron and complain over a few barrels of oil about what kind of stupid slag his pompous idiot crankshaft coworkers would pull. One of the few autobot names Megatron could remember was Sentinel Prime, solely from the long list of transgressions Shockwave has drunkenly recounted.
-Soundwave hates most humans but he's decided that a few specific bands whose music he likes will be spared when the revolution comes, inferior as they may be.
-Prowl sends jazz earth music sometimes. It's pretty much blown Jazz's mind because most of the music on Cybertron is propaganda songs. He's not really used to songs about things other than war heroes, or even songs with no words at all. Just music for its own sake.
-Sentinel Prime's only friend is Cliffjumper and Cliffjumper only hangs out with him for brown nosing sycophantic reasons, not because he actually likes the guy.
-Ultra Magnus knows he's a corrupt bastard. He doesn't lose sleep over it, as long as his public image is good.
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trollprincess · 9 months ago
So I am rather notorious for hitting potholes and getting flat tires, and therefore needing help to change my tires not because I don’t know how, but because the lugnuts are always on too tight.
Anyway, my parents’ solution this year was to get me a AAA membership. This way, I could call someone to come change my tire. (Keep in mind, I also put one of those drill guns that takes the lugnuts off for you on my wishlist and instead they picked this.)
Tonight I decided to drive down to the Barnes and Noble in Wilkes-Barre, which is something like forty minutes or so from home. I hit a pothole by the Target, so I pull into the bookstore lot and call AAA.
They give me an ETA of 11:47. In the morning. Tomorrow.
To be fair, the AAA guy was like, “… the hell?” So I was like, “No, it’s cool, I’ll just go outside and start to change the tire and some guy will come up within five minutes and ask if I need help.”
… look, I’m not SAYING men are predictable, but it TOTALLY worked.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 6 months ago
You know, thinking about it, TFA tinyformer Megatron must be honestly so easy to care for. Just make sure he's got a good brooding window, a chalice (goblet?) to hold in one servo, a throne to sit upon when he's not at the window, and at least one (1) minion to boss around. He's set!
And maybe schedule some play dates/play 'fights' with someone that owns a TFA tinyformer Optimus for the occasional enrichment. Win win!
He needs some gauzy curtains too, or a lamp with a colored shade, so he's got some edgy mood lighting.
The best minion to get him is probably Lugnut, because not only is he incredibly obedient and won't cause dominance fights (those are literally all that Starscream would do), he's also big enough that he can help you around the house with various things.
Play fights for enrichment 😭 i love it
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