#tfa team babysitters au
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steamingstewchunks · 20 days ago
Chhk- someone order two Sari meals, one with a side of Bumblebee and the other with a large Megatron drink? -cchk
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My preciousssssseesssss
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bitesyoubitesyouchomp · 28 days ago
Y'all can I get some ideas to draw for the tfa babysitter au, If been bled dry but I need to draw situations© with those fuckers Please! !! ! !!!
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moonlight-tmd · 2 years ago
This is a list of ideas/headcanons of the tfa fandom that crossed my mind, piled into one giant mess. Enjoy.
those are things that i consider canon in my works. (outside of AUs)
IMPORTANT FOR ALL NSFW WORKS: Interfacing and Sparklings. My version is different from the usual sexual spike/valve thing. C’mon they’re ALIENS. I have it all written out in this post.
Bee has a golden voice when singing, he’s anxious about it tho. [the whole headcanon explained] After some time and events this scenario happens and Bee gets more comfortable around others.
Bee is basically a stuntman when skating. Casual or on battlefield, his actions are purely impulsive. Sometimes he’s lucky and pulls off that sick move... sometimes he ends up in medbay for many long hours. Here’s an example.
Bee is a good actor, he can lie on the spot and get away with it... most of the time. He’s also good at hiding his emotions. Fake it till you make it... or at least before Prowl comes knocking at your door.
Bee has 3 modes; Chaotic/Feral Gremlin, Kind Child and on rare occasion; Lazy Ferret. When he dates someone, there comes a 4th one; Lovestruck Idiot.
Bee is the early bird and wakes up way before the rest of the Autobots. He’s made a little routine of making the morning oil for the rest of the team. It’s the only thing he can “cook” really.
Sari keeps the weird healing powers the key had when she upgrades herself. Ratchet helps her figure it out and teaches her cybertronian first aid.
Ratchet knows human curses and will use them when things are going down.
Sari and Bee are the young siblings™. Prowl plays the role of the babysitter, keeping those two out of trouble.
Bee sometimes vents to Prowl about topics he wouldn’t talk about with anyone. They have an unspoken agreement to never do anything to mess with the other when it comes to these meetings.
Prowl is accidentally creepy, he will eavesdrop or spy on someone unintentionally. He doesn’t mean it, but his curiosity can get the best of him sometimes. Here’s a list of things he eavesdropped so far.
Optimus is a kindsparked leader, he’ll think of the person’s wellbeing first instead of “is this okay with the law?”
Bulkhead sometimes helps the architects with building stuff, he likes the art aspect and the job is easy cuz he can carry like few tons of materials at once.
Random!Blitz will eat various things that are definitely not meant to be eaten. Glow sticks, scraps, paint and even some organic things. He also chews on anything that he find appealing. Somehow, he has yet to end up in medbay for doing that.
Blitzwing likes to sculpt, he’ll carve in wood, stone, ice and metal.
Bee likes to set up harmless traps to mess with everyone, his time repairing space bridges taught him how to construct things. He’s quite crafty.
Longarm(Shockwave) actually kinda likes Bee. The bot is optimistic, kind and funny. He likes to hang out with the scout and have some fun, but other than that he focuses on his duties as a traitor Prime.
Lugnut is Lugnut, he’s basically in love with Megs. Megs wants nothing to do with him except for work.
Autobots and Decepticons are not separate species of transformers like i often see. They just have different builds and coding. A transformer who’s not aligned with any of the factions doesn’t have any specific behavior attached, it all depends on what they learn as a sparkling. If they choose a faction, an additional coding is added to their system which might alter their behavior slightly.
Since time units are very confusing in the fandom i decided to settle on this: Nanoklik (1 second), Klik (1 minute), Joor (1 hour), (Solar/Lunar)Cycle (day/night), Decacycle (week), Orbital Cycle (month), Stellar cycle (1 year). Then it all goes like normal; decades, centuries, millennia. Sometimes i will use other transformer time terms when i don’t know what else to use.
Ratchet, despite being a medic, dismissed his own small damages. He says he will take care of them later but never does, which later comes back as a bigger problem. Like a trembling wheel, dimmed light or glitched comm piece. He’s learned to go fix himself when reminded about them or look for Sari.
Prowl has a bad habit of nightly snacking, he meditates all day long and sometimes forgets to refuel. Bad habit but he’s not really keen on stopping.
Shockwave/Longarm is the tech folk, the one who manages files and all, but he’s also somewhat of a medic. He knows how to patch system errors/viruses as well as fix some external damages.
Megatron actually remembers Optimus’ name, he just chooses to avoid using it because he has a grudge against the Prime for kinda offlining him.
Prowl doesn’t die in my timelines/AUs. Nor does Blurr. Nobody does(permanently). I just can’t let them.
Claws and sharp dentae are a basic upgrade you get when becoming Decepticon. Based on the frame type, there are few exceptions, example: Blitzwing has both sharp teeth and claws, but Lugnut has only sharp teeth cuz his servos are not compatible with the claws. Same with Shockwave but he's only got claws.
Bee was raised in the orphanage, he never brought it up to anyone. The only one to know might be the one he’d date. Bulkhead knows little about it but not the whole story. [See this post]
Since Shockwave has 2 forms, he has something similar to Blitzwing’s multiple personalities thing- it’s not that intense, but there is a weird switch in his mind that he can activate on command. He is more laid back and cheery when he’s Longarm. When he’s Shockwave he’s very calm and focused- It’s his peak performance form, so to say. A weird thing that happens with Longarm is that he’ll be focused and calm with everyone but the second he, Bee and Bulkhead are alone- it’s time for wild fun.
Everyone thinks Random is the cannibal. He’s not, Icy is the one enjoying devouring a fellow mech. He keeps quiet about it, Random is just hyping it up like he usually does with everything.
Blackarachnia may be a mad scientist but she would help someone out if they begged her enough. She’d do everything to fix a bot- but then use them for her own goals. Every “transaction” you make with her will have the consequences... well, unless she’s “feeling generous”- which is like a miracle and you’ve probably made her feel bad if she does this.
Bumblebee loves to dress up. He loves human clothes, he loves cosmetic upgrades, he likes the temporary paint that is make up. He’ll never admit or show it though. He feels like if he does, he’s gonna be judged and everyone’s gonna stop liking him. Dressing up makes him feel like he’s truly pretty and amazing. He doesn’t want that feeling crushed if others find it weird and tell him to stop.
Bee dresses up for Halloween with Sari. Despite what i said in the previous point, he allows himself to dress up in cool costumes- usually the classics like a vampire or ghost. Rarely anything cute tho- those costumes are mostly saved for his time alone. 
Bee has a job that earns him human money- in some weird chain of events he met a guy with a shop that sells old and damaged stuff. He offered to pay Bee money to bring him old stuff from garbage yards/trash stations that may be restored and sold. So now he has a fun and productive way of earning money to buy new games. He goes treasure hunting at least once a week.
Bumblebee and Prowl are almost the same height; motorbikes are small, even when compared to tiny cars. Prowl is only a foot or two taller than Bee. He is very thin in build, Bee is more bulky and wide. Bee is also physically stronger than Prowl- Prowl is always using tactics and momentum and such to gain advantage over stronger enemies.
Bee is a natural climber- being the short bot, it’s obvious he has to climb to reach that shelf. His servos have rough pads on them to help him stick to surfaces better. It’s especially effective with earth’s buildings since they’re made of rough concrete.
Bee sometimes naps in weird places. His favorite place to nap are Bulkheads subspace.
Bee will learn anything about any game just to win. He has a self-claimed title “Game King”. One time he found out about Prowl liking chess- he spend the next few cycles on research and perfecting his skill with online chess. The “Game King” title has been made valid by everyone after Prowl got obliterated in chess by Bee.
Prowl has to temporarily move out of his room in winter because there is no roof. He has a back-up room that doubles as his garden for when the snow starts piling up and he can’t recharge in it. He also has to recharge in the back-up room when there is a heavy downpour and his room floods.
Each Team Prime member has their own love language/way of showing affection/care. [Here i listed them]
At some point in the story, Bee and Bulkhead would become Amicas. Not Conjunxes(spouses)- they are Amicas(long-term best friend/family). [this and this]
I imagine Bumblebee would be a great parent- sure he’s reckless most of the time but when it comes to Sparklings or baby creatures- something in his mind switches and he goes full ‘Mama Bear mode’. [exaples: this and this]
Optimus is a great cook, he especially loves to bake. Bee is into mixology- he makes morning oil for everyone after all. Prowl cooks with organic ingredients for Sari, he wants her to eat more healthy so he takes it upon himself to make sure she does. [anker post]
Bee loves racing, in AU or not. He’ll go up to anyone and challenge them to a race. The winner gets the respect of being faster. Blitzwing is Bee’s go-to race rival, they have fun together and mess around on some occasion. [anker post]
Bee got crayons from Bulkhead. Sometimes he will draw things- he drew a picture for their first christmas and everyone loves it, it’s hanging in the main room now.
Here you have Halloween and Christmas traditions with the group cuz i’m too lazy to write an entire point for it.
Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead are The Gamer Trio. They always play multiplayer games together when they’re not busy. Sometimes Prowl joins them for specific games. [anker post]
Team Prime + Sari have preferred food flavors n such. [anker post]
Team Prime + Sari having trouble sleeping/recharging and doing stuff instead of that. Nightly habits list. [anker post]
Bee has ADHD, you can’t convince me otherwise. He has also been diagnosed with depression later on. Oh, also Prowl is on autism spectrum.  [Bee+Prowl diagnosis] [Bee’s full diagnosis post]
Bee sometimes talks in his sleep. It’s easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or not. He’s just murmuring what is happening in his dream, it’s not every night but at least once a month it happens. Funny enough you could have a conversation with him like this. [anker post]
Ratchet volunteers as medical assistance in Detroit. The messed up USA healthcare system is beyond what Cybertron had.
Bee goes mute when he’s dealing with trauma. He uses ASL to communicate when that happens. [anker post]
There are differences between Seeker and Grounder customs and behaviors. [anker post]
Different frame types have classification and subclassification. [anker post]
Bee used to work as a bartender and knows how to handle high grade, he’s got the highest limit out of everyone on the team. Optimus loves baking in his spare time and Prowl makes human food for Sari. [anker post]
Frame sensor and EM field headcanon. [anker post]
Handling alcohol and drunk behavior. [anker post]
if there’s more i come up with, i will update this post. thank you for reading this text wall.
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into worlds / au's? what au's would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
MAN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I WAS TO ANSWER THIS. I've been enabled. I LOVE au's so much you don't understand it. So i have many au's/variants for cherr, both with canon stuff (show variants including TFP, TFA, Shattered glass, ect) and just basic au's (fantasy, mermaid, ect) so this will be a VERY long post hehhehehe This list doesn't include Cherr's main verse (IDW post war) or her live action verse since i don't know where I'm going with that yet, as well as show variants that i have finished watching but may be added later (including : G1, The unicron trilogy and the prime wars trilogy). I included Beast wars purely because while i might not have finished the series, i already have a pretty solid idea for this variant.
Put under a read more because this is a LONG post
TFP : Same backstory as her main verse. Went on a personal mission to find Optimus prime and his team, eventually finding them after crash landing on earth after her ship got caught and damaged in an asteroid storm. Crash landed in France, and had time to fix up the majority of her ship before ruining into the team while they were on a mission. The teams permanent demolitions expert since wheeljack isn't the kind to stay. The guardian to two human children, Jennie and her babysitter Vera
Rescue bots academy : Would be included as a guest teacher occasionally. She drop's in to bother Joyride (My rescue bot oc), and to give lessons on general safety business (due to her.. experience with explosives), but most of the time she just likes visiting the kids, and teaching them about niche earth things.
Robots in disguise 2015 : Travel's between earth and cybertron, spending most of her time on earth despite the opportunity to go back "home". She travel's around, and ends up coming around to occasionally bother bee and his team once she got word that he was back on the planet. Jennie is 12 and vera is 20 and in college.
While pretty similar to her other verses, cyberverse cherry holds on a bit more to what she was like before the war. A bit more cheeky and mischievous, and just slightly more bitchy and bright. She's as can be and still holds all her normal traits, but she's also just also slightly more willing to dance the line of danger.
Pretty similar in terms of everything compared to her main verse. Lore accurate storewide, Cherr stays behind with elita and her team to defend cybertron and dies during the process, but her Beast wars variant would be in this verse as well.
One of the pods that fell from the maximal ship, cherr ends up adopting the form of a Galah (pink and grey cockatoo) as her alt mode. She has no original name in this verse, or if she does, no one knows what it is, instead calling her "cherry". Quick and light on her feet, she the maximals eye i the sky along with airazor, and just a BIT of a pyromaniac. [This one's iffy, since i haven't actually finished the series. Im just really attached to bird cherry]
Fun fact! Earthspark was originally her main verse before i switched it to tfp (and then switched that to her post war IDW verse). While the same as most of her other verses in term of personality, Cherr's role is what changes the most in this one. SURE, she's still a demolitions expert, but after having given a proper chance to explore earth after the war, Cherr took it. She travels around the world as basically a tourist, keeping an eye out for any bots making trouble. She knows something's up with G.H.O.S.T, and makes an effort the make things better for the trapped cons whenever she visits any of the detention centers, even if she's breaking the rules to do it. Extra rations, gossip, general company. At one point she got roped into one of the fighting rings in France and became its champion for a year or two before busting out. She's on a personally fueled vendetta to find and shut down any ring she can.
A singer high on the charts who's mysteriously gone missing. Early on in her life, cherry took rossana under her wing, and taught her everything she knew. She holds no preference for sides, a true neutral in this verse. However, something happed, and she fled the planet. She lives in hiding on earth, having stolen some tech and making herself a holoform projector, continuing her music career there. Constantly mistaken for an Autobot.
Instead of staying on cybertron and finding work in the body guarding business, the moment rodimus sent out the invite to join the crew, cherr jumped at the chance. In this verse, she's practically the same as her main, since this is a bit of an "alternate timeline" thing, but she does have more chances to find cool spots to herself. She wander's around a lot, unless she's at swerve's or mirage's. [Haven't actually finished the MTMTE/LL comics, so things may change later on who knows]
This is the verse where she's the most different in every sense. She starts out the same of course, minus her paintjob, which instead of pink white and blue, is dark grey purple and red. But over the years, especially during her music career, she gets twisted. A Yearning to be known, to be loved, adored. In this verse, many of the rumors about her in her normal verse ARE true. Yes, she purposefully killed her producer, and yes, her vocal mod is illegal. In this verse, instead of merely projecting her voice, her voice is able to lure in most bots that hear it like a siren, cue the alias (although, whether or not it'll affect a bot, changes on their amount of will, as well as a few other factors). She never left Cybertron in this verse, and thus has a modified version of her design during the contract. Siren in confident and a flirt and just a bit of a pyromaniac, but also cruel to those who earn her displeasure. Her collections are a bit more... morbid here. Your safe really, as long as she likes you enough
Au where Cherr never got into the music industry, and thus, learning about the war earlier in this verse, joined the side of the cons. She's an under cover spy within the autobot ranks, due to her deceivingly sweet nature. An amazing liar, with many skill's acquired from the streets and unlost during her (non-existent) career, the femme is not one to be underestimated. Due to not having entered the contract, All of her mods are illegally acquired, and her name changed. Here she isnt cherrybomb, no. Here she's known as siren.
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endlesswarsim · 4 years ago
Headcanons - Memory - 1
Lots of thoughts on Mems because main muse energy:tm:
WARNINGS: LONG. Also, implied solitude for insane amounts of time. Implied PTSD.]
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I think, of the stupider things I’ll make canon on this blog, the universe goes through multiple scenario rotations- ranging across several versions of Transformers (RiD: 2001, TFA, TFP, Bayverse). The timeline the main blog takes place in is one of the few ‘scenarios’ where the system has merged differing concepts from differing realities. Also, Memory’s TFP/Bayverse never had more than one human aside from her on the team (as a permanent member) and the system switched depending on how Cybertron fell many years prior. So she’s only ever had to deal with Miko, Raf, and/or Jack as separate NPCs, never as a group.
She least likes when it’s Miko’s turn, since Miko’s recklessness often results in Memory having to do more revives before the war ends. Raf’s usually ends up with her playing babysitter, and her Jack has never stuck around more than a few months at a time.
Memory herself has lived through so many of the scenarios that she has virtually every single one memorized- every reaction, every outcome. She’s also tried to explain this to the Autobots/Decepticons in previous wars, with no luck outside of Shockwave (who immediately tried to rip apart the system they were all residing in, thus causing an early reset). She’s given up trying to explain it to anyone, and getting her to open up about it... Takes an insane amount of trust, which is nearly impossible to get since Memory consistently distances herself from everyone with the ‘happy-go-lucky memes weeeeee’ exterior.
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I would also say that the Autobots notice Memory’s change in demeanor during some of the fights they engage in against the Decepticons.- And on certain days. Bumblebee is the most aware of this, having been hanging out with Memory the longest in the blog’s canon timeline. There are moments where she will get hyper defensive of certain members of the team, and on some days, she’ll hear something and it’ll just set her off.- She’ll start moving around the base, getting supplies, setting up defenses/traps for seemingly no reason- only for something to start going wrong later that day, and Memory’s traps/defenses to come into play.
No bot is quite sure how she knows these events will happen, but most of them leave her to her devices as a result.
The Autobots can tell when Memory takes a fight seriously vs. when she’s messing around. During most skirmishes, she’s making jokes and jumping around the field like a circus act, but in certain fights (seemingly random ones)... She’s lost her humorous exterior, and there’s just something there. Optimus and Ratchet know what it is, while Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead, do not. During these fights, she’s far more likely to push herself until she’s at death’s door- and usually it is in defense of one, maybe two of the other Autobots.
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As for more positive headcanons... This was one of the funnier ones I came up with ages ago, but: Memory is loaded. Thanks to being able to access the internet mentally and basically mind-hack through every firewall known to man (but not Cybertronian, curse Soundwave), she has... Quite a bit of wealth accumulated, under multiple aliases.
She cannot interact with NPCs without one of the ‘Active Players’ present. Due to her status as a glitch, she’s not registered as an entity when she tries to talk to any of the NPCs. And if the ‘Active Players’ are far away enough... The NPCs will start to glitch and break down. To add on to this, the universe starts to de-register/refuses to load when she’s too far from any ‘Active Players’. This has caused every gaming glitch one can think of, but thankfully, she’s always either been found, died from going ‘beyond the boundaries’, or had to wait it out until the universe reset.
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And here I thought I was getting POSITIVE, jeez....!
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Memory has gained quite a few skills when it comes to combat against full-grown Cybertronians (yes, even her Megatron). As such, she may look small... But she can still kick aft if she wants to. However, she almost never takes fights seriously... So good luck on that.
She refuses to kill (unless it’s the Dark!Memory AU in which case uhhh... R U N).
In a personal continuity with toras-muse-cabinet, Memory is not the only one who is aware of the resets.- She has a friend in Collet Pinion, the femme being the only other one who knows/is aware of the resets/wars.
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Memory is her strongest while on Cybertron.- Her stamina/body hold out longer, so she has more time to influence the tech around her. Besides, the whole place is literally made of metal/wires/etc., so she can literally influence the surface of the planet to her advantage.
Memory’s ABSOLUTE strongest form is a being called ‘Core File’. This may become an AU but I’m unsure (it’s not canon in the main blog timeline, that’s for sure).
While she acts happy-go-lucky, she’s almost always ecstatic to meet humans.- No offense to the Cybertronians, but when she meets non-NPC humans on this blog... She’s internally screeching with joy. She’s had no one to talk to for who knows how long outside of the Cybertronians, and most of them don’t believe her when she explains her history to them anyway, so she’s never felt connected to them.
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Memory loves physical touch, but because of the war, the slightest movement of someone’s servo/arm sends her into immediate fight/flight mode. Bumblebee tried to pat her once.
His servo twisted real fast and he hasn’t tried it without warning her since.
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She’s so out of touch with humans that most social situations seem impossible to her. She doesn’t know how to work at a restaurant/event, and most of the time will just go with her gut. This often... Has interesting results.
Ratchet is the one who tries to get Memory out of the base the most (for obvious reasons).
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
Babies and bots...
Bots and babies.....
Fuckinggg soundwave
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That poor thing has empty nest syndrome when their supposed to be evil again.
But for now, they're chill with making Bulkhead mad, and getting all the baby drama from the babble.
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steamingstewchunks · 29 days ago
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Guh, more rock baby sari shenanigans.
Also Optimus is not holding Sari, hes holding like,,, a pillow with sari intop of it cuz I just KNOW he wouldn't have done it if there was an actual risk of hurting her. So take an extra plush pile of pillows.
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steamingstewchunks · 27 days ago
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"probably not."
Urgh...... Elite guard Jazz and ... And prowls.....
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With a little Sari!! She's getting twice the glasses neow!!
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
Optimus is so reluctant to hold sari when bulkhead and Bumblebee eventually rope the rest of the bots into taking care of her (because of their own naivety and/or incompetence) since she's such a Little Thing, so small, regular sari is like the size of one of his digits, or course even in holoform a baby would be very overwhelming to hold.
When I get to it, I wanna write him holding Sari as an accident. Something he doesn't mean to do but when they do it it's so natural that he forgets. He forgets why he should be afraid to do it in the first place, too caught up in the way she grasps his fingers to play with it, how he gently takes his jacket away from her mouth, saying things about how "yucky and weird that must feel in there", and he doesn't remember until she's been either put down or passed to someone else.
And now he has to go and sit by Ratchet in bot mode. Just sitting there as the weight of Sari still lingers on his sensors, and how much joy he felt in holding her. Sure, he's played with the little girl before, jingling trinkets and rolling a ball back and forth, but he hasn't... Held her.
And Ratchet just puts a hand into his shoulder and nods in solidarity.
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
I'm keeping the fact that Megatron has a High Chance of contributing to saris DNA in my tfa babysitters au, and so, the round about personality I have given him once I get to That Part will be, "fuck you mean I can't give her energon she's MY Bitlet, and My Bitlet needs All of her Nutrients."
The first time she's kidnapped is a disaster on all sides.
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steamingstewchunks · 20 days ago
There is absolutely no fucking way that the bots didn't ship lift the first few days of taking care of Sari.
And it's (mostly) by accident anyways
(stop looking at Prowl, Sari wanted the little toys and he saw no reason why she couldn't have them, no matter what Ratchet says)
I'm talking like, small stuff, ratchet walking out of the store with a milk jug and not realizing that all he did was scan the items and didn't pay for them, or Bumblebee giving Sari a little lollipop as a treat while stocking up their baby corner with more blankets and pillows, forgetting that technically, you have to pay for everything you get in this store.
Optimus goes to get formula one time and finally realizes that Shanix is not a valid form of currency on Earth. The store owner let him take it though, talking about how it's not fair to keep something so important under such lock and key.
"thanks," glancing at the name tag "Rafael."
"no problem!"
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
Them, just them
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All Megatron did was get rid of the safety protocols not the "that's my fucking baby" code
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The human error episode where instead of soundwave trying to shift their code, he's just trying to tell them "look, we BOTH can take care of her, with me as the father, and you guys, as the nanny bots".
That's his fucking shaylah, don't separate them
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steamingstewchunks · 9 days ago
Each of the bots think the other has Sari. Everyone's doing their own thing, out and about or doin their little hobby, having fun and thinking that she's okay, and their friends are okay, and this is a well deserved break.
The groceries are in the car seat, and wreck-gar has a 5 month old to walk around Detroit with.
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steamingstewchunks · 1 month ago
Prowls is in one of those mom support groups, not only for the information, but also the community.
There's yoga, there's gossip, and there's talk about random skills before they had their babies etc;
There's this one bitch though, Patricia, who bothers him. It's in such a backhanded way, she HATES it. Patty is always jabbing about how he isn't a "real mother" and shit, despite him being very open and honest that it wasn't his baby and he was nannying like, 25/8.
"oh wow! Such a great figure! Almost as if you never had a baby before!" Shut up shut upshut upshutupshutup-
"oh my, what beautiful eyes, so blue and striking, marhiahs' got her eyes from me, just a simple brown, maybe it'll grow to her father's Hazel!" Don't do it you'll get kicked out, don't do it you'll get kicked out-
I'm living for petty mom group drama. Patty brings brownies? Prowls learning how to make Bundt cakes for the daycare. Of course he checks the allergy chart, and follows it religiously too.
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steamingstewchunks · 19 days ago
Something happened.
Not something bad, obviously, all hands on deck would be needed for it.
But it was enough for Prowl to ask him to stay,
"Just sit there, make sure she doesn't climb on or into anything." It was easy enough, the little femme couldn't even walk properly let alone climb!
"Do not take your optics off of her."
... They didn't like that tone all too much, if Jazz was being honest.
"Looks like it's just you and me now little lady, Sari baby, what do you like to do for fun around here?" Cautiously, he places a servo into the little playpen, holding it up so she couldn't climb his servo and possibly hurt herself, instead opting to hold it closer to her so she could grab it, or something.
"I've heard stories of your little run offs, givin' all these big guys a scare kid. It's not healthy for them." He chuckles, as the organic infant places both hands on his digit, circular toy held between her "gums"(such a weird name to call it. There's already candy of that, why a body part?) as she grunts, taking a stand.
"oh, are you gonna walk? Should I record this?" as a precaution, he proceeded with recording. " Are you gonna do a trick? Prowl says you like to dance, maybe some tunes would help get you movin'."
Jazz spoke softly, and calmly, playing a low energy, but still bumpy beat. Something easy to move too. He would have put on some of those baby songs from the human internet, but, well, he didn't really like em. Got stuck in the processor is all.
The speakers where kept at a low volume, something else he read in the books and files prowl provided. Organic infants had sensitive ears, and spooked easy.
He moved himself closer to Sari, smiling all the way. Organics weren't half as bad as sentinel made them out to be at all,
Infact, they where kinda cu-
Jazz practically bent over backwards. He did it so fast it was a miracle he didn't move his servo, patiently, (impatiently, but he wasn't going to rush her, it would never be worth it.) he waiting for her hands to disappear from his sensory net.
She plopped herself down with a grunt and jazz decided to finally let his freakout, out. Groaning and convulsing, he wipes his visor repeatedly, then his olfactory sensors, and then his dermas.
It was beyond nasty.
Organics did spew slime! Sentinel was right! He grabbed one of the nearby blankets, sure that it wasn't going to be used later as it was thick and it wasn't really cold, he started to clean it all off hurriedly.
"not cool, Sari baby, not cool...!" He whined.
Something seemed off, just a little bit, but the slime was nearly off his visor, and scans where screaming about the bacteria and germs and micro organisms in the liquids and eugh!
"okay, maybe I'll keep my distance 'till tall dark and handsome comes back okay?" Focusing back into her little play pad, he ceased all functioning. Tac-net working either in overdrive or not at all, he didn't know, there was simply the matter that the little gate they used to keep her from wandering too far, was pushed open.
She's loose.
She's loose.
Gone, where's the baby? Not here. Nada, nuh-uh.
"Sari?" Foregoing Dignity, he crawls on his servos and knee-struts, over the play pen and following the area of interest in case there was any sort of clue to where she could have gone too so spark-damned quickly.
"come on, little lady, where'd you go huh? If I can't find you, your babysitter is gonna have my helm haha!"
Swiping at leaves and picking up sticks, he starts to grow frantic, scurrying faster and faster, picking up speed while scouring everywhere in the room. He checks under the berth, under the table even risking the tree roots listening and watching, poking in any little hole he could find with great precision and care, lest he crush the object of his panic.
"come on, please little lady, I know prowl doesn't let you have any before nap time but I promise you, I'll get you one of those little candy sticks you like so much, maybe even one of the big ones! Just please, please come on out," he sits on his heels, "or even just a sign!"
His movements cease when he turns, trying to retrace his steps, just to see black and gold striped pedes. Trailing up and up, his visual network shows him just what he didn't want to see.
"ahem. Have you, perhaps, checked behind the beanbag chair?" Prowl offers helpfully.
"how long have you uh... Been here?" He chuckles, rising, "and b-behind the what?"
"the beanbag chair." He turns to walk the three steps to the playpen area, and sits in his haunches.
Making the autobot servo sign for quiet, prowl beckons to Jazz, who followed that order.
"she usually puts herself to sleep in my room," prowl whispers, "the bean bag being her favorite bed." The yellow of the chair, had mixed with a curled up Sari. Teething toy still in her mouth, which was open and making little snoring sounds, Sari slept still in the play pen, not under the berth, or under the table. Or in the tree roots.
"... Oh..." Heat travelled up Jazz's faceplate, derma pointed down in embarrassment while he grasped the tip of his hat and brought it forward to hide it all, "she's quite a troublemaker huh?" He mumbles.
A fool is what he has been. His tac-net was searching simply just for the human infant, in his urgency and panic, he forgot to just... Look.
She was alright.
"I did see... A lot." Prowl chuckles.
His dignity however, was not.
"Don't worry. Everyone, Bot or not, has a spark attack, courtesy of her, one way or another." He sits, legs crossed, and simply watches her as she breathes.
Jazz realizes he's still recording. And stops it, while grabbing one of the thin blankets, looking to prowl for approval, and draping it gently over Sari, the infant.
"by the way, you still have some stuff in your face."
Jazz let out a whiny groan, as prowl made a move to wipe it off.
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steamingstewchunks · 9 days ago
The bots have tried to feed oil to Sari.
This is why I have the nanny-bot (the tutor-bot) be an actual character-
Fuck it it's fix-it. Fix-its in this now. Sari turns the tutor bot into a living being with the key or by accidentally leading the bot to the all-spark and it goes "yeah these guys are.... Look just show them how it's done." And he does.
It's a great time until like, a week in he's accidentally left with fanzone and in charge of the villains of the week. That's how he becomes a prison warden, his knowledge of baby proofing everything leads to being very capable at preventing break outs and with his own ability (provided by Sumdac) to defend himself and that baby to the last damn wire, he's a formidable opponent.
This was going to be something cute, like the bots going to a park and looking at all the other parents of all ages and like, trying their hand at all the types of parenting, maybe getting techniques from TV shows and all that. Which also leads to prowl joining that mom-group.
"we just need to let her run around a little! Get tired!"
"Prowl she can't walk."
"not with that attitude" type stuff.
I still might do it when I remember too.
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