#≡;- NUMBER 1 CYBERSTAR! | V : Cyberverse.
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
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Spent all day on this but!!! Cyberverse cherry real!! Ill be updating her carrd to add this verse as soon as i get home.
Im so normal about her
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
Her grin quickly falls into a frown.
"First of all; Rude, what did i ever do to you? Second of all; That's your opinion. Must suck being blind." By the point she's spoken the second statement, her frown had stretched back into her previous grin, although more mischievous then the originally playful one she had before.
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@13urningstars asked: “I’m sorry I’m hot and funny. Are you mad at me?” CV!Verse
The seeker narrows his optics at the autobot. She was already proving to be incredibly annoying.
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"Am I missing something here? Last I checked, you're neither of those things. But I'm mad at you regardless."
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into worlds / au's? what au's would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
MAN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I WAS TO ANSWER THIS. I've been enabled. I LOVE au's so much you don't understand it. So i have many au's/variants for cherr, both with canon stuff (show variants including TFP, TFA, Shattered glass, ect) and just basic au's (fantasy, mermaid, ect) so this will be a VERY long post hehhehehe This list doesn't include Cherr's main verse (IDW post war) or her live action verse since i don't know where I'm going with that yet, as well as show variants that i have finished watching but may be added later (including : G1, The unicron trilogy and the prime wars trilogy). I included Beast wars purely because while i might not have finished the series, i already have a pretty solid idea for this variant.
Put under a read more because this is a LONG post
TFP : Same backstory as her main verse. Went on a personal mission to find Optimus prime and his team, eventually finding them after crash landing on earth after her ship got caught and damaged in an asteroid storm. Crash landed in France, and had time to fix up the majority of her ship before ruining into the team while they were on a mission. The teams permanent demolitions expert since wheeljack isn't the kind to stay. The guardian to two human children, Jennie and her babysitter Vera
Rescue bots academy : Would be included as a guest teacher occasionally. She drop's in to bother Joyride (My rescue bot oc), and to give lessons on general safety business (due to her.. experience with explosives), but most of the time she just likes visiting the kids, and teaching them about niche earth things.
Robots in disguise 2015 : Travel's between earth and cybertron, spending most of her time on earth despite the opportunity to go back "home". She travel's around, and ends up coming around to occasionally bother bee and his team once she got word that he was back on the planet. Jennie is 12 and vera is 20 and in college.
While pretty similar to her other verses, cyberverse cherry holds on a bit more to what she was like before the war. A bit more cheeky and mischievous, and just slightly more bitchy and bright. She's as can be and still holds all her normal traits, but she's also just also slightly more willing to dance the line of danger.
Pretty similar in terms of everything compared to her main verse. Lore accurate storewide, Cherr stays behind with elita and her team to defend cybertron and dies during the process, but her Beast wars variant would be in this verse as well.
One of the pods that fell from the maximal ship, cherr ends up adopting the form of a Galah (pink and grey cockatoo) as her alt mode. She has no original name in this verse, or if she does, no one knows what it is, instead calling her "cherry". Quick and light on her feet, she the maximals eye i the sky along with airazor, and just a BIT of a pyromaniac. [This one's iffy, since i haven't actually finished the series. Im just really attached to bird cherry]
Fun fact! Earthspark was originally her main verse before i switched it to tfp (and then switched that to her post war IDW verse). While the same as most of her other verses in term of personality, Cherr's role is what changes the most in this one. SURE, she's still a demolitions expert, but after having given a proper chance to explore earth after the war, Cherr took it. She travels around the world as basically a tourist, keeping an eye out for any bots making trouble. She knows something's up with G.H.O.S.T, and makes an effort the make things better for the trapped cons whenever she visits any of the detention centers, even if she's breaking the rules to do it. Extra rations, gossip, general company. At one point she got roped into one of the fighting rings in France and became its champion for a year or two before busting out. She's on a personally fueled vendetta to find and shut down any ring she can.
A singer high on the charts who's mysteriously gone missing. Early on in her life, cherry took rossana under her wing, and taught her everything she knew. She holds no preference for sides, a true neutral in this verse. However, something happed, and she fled the planet. She lives in hiding on earth, having stolen some tech and making herself a holoform projector, continuing her music career there. Constantly mistaken for an Autobot.
Instead of staying on cybertron and finding work in the body guarding business, the moment rodimus sent out the invite to join the crew, cherr jumped at the chance. In this verse, she's practically the same as her main, since this is a bit of an "alternate timeline" thing, but she does have more chances to find cool spots to herself. She wander's around a lot, unless she's at swerve's or mirage's. [Haven't actually finished the MTMTE/LL comics, so things may change later on who knows]
This is the verse where she's the most different in every sense. She starts out the same of course, minus her paintjob, which instead of pink white and blue, is dark grey purple and red. But over the years, especially during her music career, she gets twisted. A Yearning to be known, to be loved, adored. In this verse, many of the rumors about her in her normal verse ARE true. Yes, she purposefully killed her producer, and yes, her vocal mod is illegal. In this verse, instead of merely projecting her voice, her voice is able to lure in most bots that hear it like a siren, cue the alias (although, whether or not it'll affect a bot, changes on their amount of will, as well as a few other factors). She never left Cybertron in this verse, and thus has a modified version of her design during the contract. Siren in confident and a flirt and just a bit of a pyromaniac, but also cruel to those who earn her displeasure. Her collections are a bit more... morbid here. Your safe really, as long as she likes you enough
Au where Cherr never got into the music industry, and thus, learning about the war earlier in this verse, joined the side of the cons. She's an under cover spy within the autobot ranks, due to her deceivingly sweet nature. An amazing liar, with many skill's acquired from the streets and unlost during her (non-existent) career, the femme is not one to be underestimated. Due to not having entered the contract, All of her mods are illegally acquired, and her name changed. Here she isnt cherrybomb, no. Here she's known as siren.
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
🌟+ starscream
Bond ↳ Starscream
//OOC: I decided to go full out and write out how their dynamic varies across verses
"As much as he is,, kind of the worst, he's SOOO fun to bother" She's grinning. "I mean, common, he's got the funniest reactions! One time, I got put on distraction duty and we ended up fighting one on one, and i used this stupid pickup line from one of vera's films to see if it actually works and he just-" She breaks out into a laugh "-H-He just froze and then started squawking like a bird!! He couldn't even form a sentence!" She's still laughing, but after a moment she manages to collect herself, letting out a small cough. "Anyways. We're enemies, we fight, its pretty simple i guesse." She grimaces slightly, as if remembering something "I don't HATE the guy per say, but he's such a genuine ass! plus, when the guy ends up killing one of you friends and the partner of your teammate wellll.. you kind of got to hold him accountable." Enemies
V. Earthspark
"Love that guy. I mean, not genuinely of course, he's an aft, but i don't hate him so i guesse he's cool. He DEFINETLY doesn't like me though, if the glares say anything." She grins "Although, that's probably cause i go bother him whenever i visit the witwicky G.H.O.S.T base. Pretty sure he hates being forced to listen to whatever's on my mind" She snickers "He's interesting to bounce a conversation off of that's for sure." She doesn't know who can read this, so she doesn't voice how she tries to update him on the going ons, or the small energon rations she slips him and the other cons whenever she gets the chance, no matter how grudgingly he accepts them.
"I try to avoid him, at best. As would any sane person. He totally crashed one of my concerts once! What's his deal!!" She's pretty neutral about him. Giant annoyance at best.
V. Postwar
"He's not.... THAT bad. He's a decent boss if anything. Sure we butt head's a lot but that's kind of our thing at this point." She chuckled "I don't want to kill him if that's what your asking. What surprised? You wouldn't be the first. But i like my job, as weird as that sounds, and when he's not being the biggest aft to exist, he's decently fun to interact with." She pauses, frowning slightly. "I worry sometimes, but primus knows how he'd react to knowing that. Make fun of me for 'caring' or something of that genre." Worsties
V. Lost light/MTMTE
[zim bestie this is literally only for your lost light verse ur welcome/hj]
"I'll be honest i wasn't, excepting him to be here? I don't seek him out or anything but i keep running into him, be it at swerve's or in some of the quieter spaces on the ship. He's like a pretty cockroach i swear!" Worsties x 5
V. Cyberverse
"Him? Really? Why would you ask me about him? I mean, i don't,, Hate him?? But seriously trying to kill everyone? A little overkill in my opinion." im still working on cherr's cyberverse verse, but she's pretty neutral about him in canon events.
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
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13urningstars · 2 years ago
"I never insulted you starscream, i just stated that you and i have clearly very diffrent opinions and that yours just.. sucks." She's still grinning, althought its more plotting then it was before. But then the smile is gone as she frowns, but its clearly not genuine. "You know what? I came down here to see if you wanted some extra rations but i mean if you gonna insult me i think im gonna retract my offer. Rude."
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@13urningstars asked: “I’m sorry I’m hot and funny. Are you mad at me?” CV!Verse
The seeker narrows his optics at the autobot. She was already proving to be incredibly annoying.
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"Am I missing something here? Last I checked, you're neither of those things. But I'm mad at you regardless."
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