#someday I’ll draw a hot hook
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just-honey-dewd · 2 years ago
A reasonable part of me agrees with everything here. But the other part of me is saying Captain Hook should look ridiculously fruity at least. He’s not hot in the traditional sense, but he’s very well-groomed. Like Mister dressed to impress with his sharp red and magenta captain fit, and extravagant feathered hat.
If he doesn’t have luscious dark locks, a prominent nose, a twirly evil ‘stache, and resembles Wendy’s dad— is he really Captain James Hook?
Y’all….that new Peter Pan and Wendy movie…looks bad.
Before everyone comes at me for being racist, lemme explain.
I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO problem with a POC Peter Pan. I have NO PROBLEM with a black Tinkerbell. I don’t mind a scraggly/hobo Captain Hook and I liked Ever Anderson from her role as Young Natasha Romanoff in Black Widow so not that my expectations for her are high, but I know that her acting can be pretty good for a kid. And as a POC myself, I’m all for representation.
But the track record for successful Disney remakes (of their animated movies) isn’t high. The remakes are kind of like this generation’s animated sequels from the 2000s. Some people really like the live-action remakes (just like there are some that love the animated sequels), but lots of people seem to hate/dislike them. I’m weird I guess..I like lots of the animated sequels but don’t like most of the remakes.
That’s one of my problems with this movie (at least from what has been shown so far). There isn’t anything new (besides designs/looks of the characters) introduced.
Personally, I really only enjoyed the Cinderella, Pete’s Dragon, and Jungle Book remakes (Maleficent/Cruella/Aladdin I thought was ok. Could’ve been better imo but definitely not as bad as some others). Cinderella, Pete’s Dragon and The Jungle Book remakes are the only ones I’ll actually rewatch.
I’ve seen most of the remakes (except for Pinocchio w/ Tom Hanks) and don’t like Lion King, Mulan, Dumbo, Lady and the Tramp, and Beauty and the Beast. I’d heard the Pinocchio remake was terrible so I just didn’t even bother.
I’m skeptical about The Little Mermaid remake (again, not because of a POC Ariel) but Melissa McCarthy has always been a fav of mine so I think I’ll see it (unlike Pinnochio. Guillermo Del Toro’s version on Netflix is so great and definitely superior).
But another problem I have with this new Peter Pan and Wendy movie is the color. Everything looked muted and not bright (even on Neverland). The Little Mermaid has this problem too. The lighting makes it look dark (yeah it’s deep in the ocean but even Finding Nemo did a better job w/ lighting). That’s the same thing with this Peter Pan remake. Everything looked a little saturated too, if that makes sense.
Now I wanna get to one of my main problems with this movie. The Lost Boys. I have NO PROBLEM with people identifying the way they want. Whatever makes you comfortable. But my problem was more with the delivery of the lines. Wendy looked over and said “wait, but you’re not all boys.” And one of the girls snaps back with a ‘so?!’
While I can’t exactly explain why I dislike that particular exchange, I just thought it didn’t sit well with me. I’m wondering because of the addition of girls that the way to become a ‘lost boy’ will change. In the book, Lost Boys were male babies that would fall out of their prams. I believe they said that only happened to boys because they weren’t as smart as girls or something (it’s been 20yrs so please correct me if I’m wrong).
I just don’t think we’ve seen enough at this point for it to be good. I’m really hoping that once other trailers are released, my opinion will change. I really think we just haven’t seen enough.
Also does the actress that plays Tiger Lily look a little too old? Idk I just thought she was supposed to be like a teen girl. The actress looks to be late 20s-early 30s maybe.
I’d also like to point out to those saying they hate the movie because there are girls that are Lost Boys. My problem was the delivery/acting of the lines, not that there are girls with the Lost Boys. Saying only boys are stupid enough to fall out of their prams is just untrue because that’s something that can happen to any baby. Plus those that say that Wendy being female is special because she’s a mother figure to the boys? Like do girls not deserve a mother figure too?? Disney has historically avoided mother/daughter relationships so this would be a great opportunity to switch it up.
And people have a problem with a black tinker bell like she isn’t some sort of made up magical creature. Like c’mon. Plus people saying Hook doesn’t look ‘hot’ anymore. Guys I don’t think he was ever supposed to be good looking. I’ve never seen any of the live action peter pans, but I know Jason Isaacs plays Cap Hook in one movie and yes, he’s good looking, but if I remember correctly, in the books, Hook used to be in the navy or something and eventually went crazy and started tracking down/hunting the kids. He’s supposed to look…like a hobo.
So yeah, in short, my problems are with the acting so far and the lighting/saturation. The effects look decent but again, I think I really need to see more footage and I hope my opinion will change cuz I really enjoyed the animated Peter Pan as a kid.
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years ago
So if the TTB couples had a theme song to them, what would be their song? Ex: beauty and the beast : WindScream
MiragexHound: Tell Him/Something About The Way You Look Tonight (These bitches GRANDIOSE about their feelings)
Tell him Tell him that the sun and moon Rise in his eyes Reach out to him And whisper Tender words so soft and sweet I'll hold him close to feel his heart beat Love will be the gift you give yourself
SideswipexStrongarm: I think I’m in love/Hooked on Feeling (These bitches engaging in TSUNTSUN TO DEREDERE COMBAT)
I keep on frontin' Yeah, I stay bluffin' I keep you wondering Keep you hunting for my lovin' But I crave us hugging Yeah, I stay stubborn 'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings And know just how tug 'em
WindScream: Carry Your Throne/ You Raise Me Up (VERY SPECIFICALLY the Lena Park version for that one Romeo/Juliet anime opening for voice AND narrative purposes)
They try to break inside the walls with These lies but I'm pulling up the draw bridge We rose this love from the dirt now Set fire to the sky watch it burn down It's a ceremony but the crowd's gone And you got nothing but my crown on If you're lost in this darkness I'll carry your throne No, I won't let it swallow you whole
RavagexLaserbeak: Head Over Feet/I’ll Be (These bitches DOMESTIC DORKS)
You're the best listener that I've ever met You're my best friend Best friend with benefits What took me so long? I've never felt this healthy before I've never wanted something rational I am aware now I am aware now
Dratchet: Writing’s on the wall/Love is all (These bitches ANGSTY)
I'm prepared for this I never shoot to miss But I feel like a storm is coming If I'm gonna make it through the day Then there's no more use in running This is something I got to face If I risk it all Could you break my fall? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here, I'm suffocating I want to feel love run through my blood Tell me, is this where I give it all up? For you, I have to risk it all 'Cause the writing's on the wall
MegxOP: Someday out of the blue/A Million Dreams (Can these bitches pine any harder?)
I still believe I still put faith in us We had it all And watched it slip away Where are we now? Not where we want to be Those hot afternoons Still follow me
ProwlxJazz (QPP): Iris (No notes, Prowl baby ur an angle)
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
Overarching theme: L’envie d’Aimer (Because love--romantic, platonic, familial, community, all its forms--is what ties everyone together and saves everyone/the world in the end)
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things-we-cant-say · 4 years ago
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years ago
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Mr. Big 
▸ Johnny x reader (CEO au) ▸ 1,438k words ▸ Smut, Fluff ▸ Unprotected attempted sex, they tried to have but Johnny wouldn’t fit, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, size difference, petite reader but its not described, Jaehyun cameo, Inspired by Mr. Big in Sex and the City hihi, maybe I’ll make this a full fic someday.  ▸ Requested, see anon request at the end of the drabble 
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A rumor has been spreading in your office that the CEO is a very hot man who's recently had a divorce at a very young age. He is very much private and no one knew what he looked like except his secretary and his business partners. Word is, he is a young CEO and he is very business minded, ahead of his time, and a true gentleman. Mr. Big is what your office calls him. 
“Do you think Mr. Big will appear at the company’s Christmas party tonight? your friend asks you through the phone while you get ready for the said big party tonight. 
“I think, no. He’s a very busy guy, I’m sure he won’t waste his time with us” you said. 
“It’s a very extravagant party Y/n…” you listen to her theories about what he really looked like but the truth is you don’t care. The party may be big tonight, fancy and very exclusive, but you’re just going tonight because you wanted to see your ex, Jaehyun. 
The time has come and you’re about to enter the place and walk on the red carpet when someone tapped your shoulder, “excuse me miss, you dropped this” he hands you your handkerchief that seemed to have slipped on your hand and you thanked him with the nicest smile you have. 
“Do you have a date? Beautiful miss?” he asked. The handsome gentleman that’s in front of you right now is heaven sent because you just saw your ex with his date get out of a car, arms hooked, and… they look perfect together. 
 “Want to walk together? I’m Y/n, by the way” 
“Johnny. It’s a pleasure” 
The party went on and Johnny stayed by your side and kept you company. You didn’t expect to have a great time with a guy you just met tonight, you didn’t even know that someone so handsome like him worked in your company. He is very funny and outgoing, he listens to you whenever you tell him stuff that he doesn’t have any idea, and he says he thinks you do a lot of great things in this company.
Johnny became your unexpected date for tonight. Dancing under flashing lights and loud party music. He looked so handsome, dancing in his tux you thought. He taught you how to talk wine, which is very attractive when he does it. After a few glasses of wine and different kinds of alcohol, the gentleman offered you a nightcap in his apartment which you accepted of course. The truth is, you both know that he didn’t just offer you a nightcap, but he offered you a one night stand and you’re both up for it. 
Outside the lobby, you thought you were waiting for a cab but a fucking limousine parked in front of you, and Johnny opened the door for you. No one with your salary can afford a limousine and a Rolex watch that you just noticed now that all the party lights are gone. From that moment, you remembered what your friend said earlier. ‘Young CEO and a true gentleman’ you breathe in and breathe out quietly in your own corner, trying not to show that you’re actually nervous because the man sitting beside you might be Mr. Big. 
Which is basically your boss.  
“Why are you so far, come sit near me,” he thought you might figure it out already because you’re a smart girl. “I didn’t tell you because I know you will act like that. Listen, I don’t often do this. If that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t seduce my employees, you just happened tonight… And I very much enjoyed your company. Please don’t think too highly of me I’m-”
“Just a normal person who wants to attend the company’s Christmas party” you finished his sentence for him so he can stop worrying. “I’m just shocked. That’s all, the rumors are true then you looked so handsome” 
He blushed and patted the space near him. The ride to his apartment, or to wherever he’s taking you became warm and full of touching. Hands playing each other’s fingers, his other hand is placed on your thigh and he never stopped talking about the most random things. 
Your head hit the wall in Johnny’s big room as he kisses you hungrily, making a trail of your clothes from the entrance of his room until you reach his super king sized bed. You sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Johnny to finish removing his slacks and see him just wearing his boxers briefs. When it finally happened, your jaw dropped as you scan his beautiful body, his tattoos suits him and the sunflower on his arm had your attention. 
“Condoms?” He asked before he joins you to bed. 
“Raw” you answered and the next thing you know he’s removing your panties while your legs dangle on the edge of the bed. He throws your panties somewhere, not caring where it lands, and went straight to kissing your thighs. Slowly he kneels in between your legs as you support your body with your propped shoulder. He wanted to eat you out, but you want him to fuck you already so you protest before his tongue licks your wet folds. 
“Okay” he whispers and proceeds to remove his boxers brief in front of you. You removed your bra but you cover your boobs with your arm, teasing him further before you two fuck. 
“You’re not fair, I want to see you” he tried removing your arm but you lost your mind when you saw his cock. His nickname 'Mr. Big' proceeds him well.
“It’s not yet fully hard-“
“Johnny, that won’t fit inside me” 
“That’s why I’m gonna make you so wet” he chuckles lowly and you both crawled to bed. He immediately kneels in between your legs, licks his fingers, and played with your slit while you lay comfortably and grip the sheets. Even his fingers feel so good already, it’s making you twist and turn, moan so loud and clench and unclench. 
When he stopped making you wet using his fingers, he grabs his cock and slides his head up and down on your slit. “You look so hot” he says as he continues, “ready?” 
You breathed heavily and ready yourself for his big cock. You watch him line it on your entrance and, “oh slowly-“ you moan out. But he was so big and you’re so tight for him that Johnny himself is having a hard time sliding in so he pulls his head out and licks your slit for a few minutes until he can hear wet sounds and he can slurp some of your pussy juices already. He saw what his mouth does to you and the effect was like a wave crashing onto you, too much pleasure, oh he knows how to eat pussy. “Sorry. I had to make sure” he then lines his cock again, push slowly, and thankfully it’s sliding smoothly now. 
“Johnny stop-“ he did immediately but he did not pull out. He watched you breathe heavily as you take your time which is fine with him of course. “Okay continue” it was practically a moan, and he did continue as soon as you gave him the permission. 
When his cock is half in already, you stopped him again with your hand and let out soft, “ouch. John-“
The moment he heard the word ‘ouch’ he pulled out slowly and said his sorry over and over again like the gentleman that he is. He kissed your lower abdomen, your knees, your thighs, caress your skin until he feels you relax again. “I’m sorry” he whispers beside your ear and laid beside you, “we don’t need to continue and have sex, I’m sorry” his strong arms cages you with a tight embrace while he still showers you with loving kisses. 
When it’s all quiet again, you and Johnny stayed in bed, bodies to bodies and enjoying each other’s presence. The fact that he has someone to share this big bed tonight is better than sex if he’s being honest. He loves how you trace his tattoos on his chest, draw small circles on them and let out a soft giggle whenever he gets tickled. 
What a big baby, you thought. 
From there on you and Mr. Big had a secret relationship and you come home to him every night. It doesn’t matter if he can’t have sex with you whenever he’s horny, what matters is he has someone who truly cared for him from now on. 
The sex can wait. 
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Dear Anon, I had fun plotting! Thank you for this request. 
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im-immortal · 3 years ago
Favourite EK lyrics ? ❤️💜
"And I'm losing time, losing weight I'm a loser for this man I've been lost since our first date He is a tight-rope talker, I can't balance at all He says it's fascinating watching me tip-toe and crawl He says my ex-boyfriend is boring, he says the moon is the sun He says anxiety can be the source of lots of fun My best friend made a list of ways his love is off-track But I don't give a shit And I refuse to call that bitch back..." --Back On Love
"And I'm angry when he leaves me I love, they love me not Popsicle to my temples, I'm so fucking hot And I'm frustrated forever About the air that hangs around Wafting around my apartment I can't cool down..." --Popsicles
"Oh, I've been watching you all day in those dark sunglasses And I've been wanting you more and more with every moment that passes You like to say it's all wrong, I like to say it's all right The type that never hurts But to see you at this party feels like a sign from the universe But, if it's not Say you got drunk and lost, lost, lost..." --Drunk and Lost
"When the world is on fire But your heart is on ice It's hard to know what's wrong and what's right But if you wanna feel your blood burn, get to the floor Scream to God, "I want it more!" More hurricanes, snow storms, rain in my face More midnights drunk and dizzy, dancin' at your place A life of fame and fortune and the star of some show Now it's almost over, almost time to go..." --Last Chance
"And if we're gonna be laughin', I would like to be in on the joke Sometimes I think you show me scabs Just to tempt me to tear 'em away Makin' me draw blood Will never make me wanna stay Oh, it's sad but true Love is never enough..." --The Turtle and the Monkey
"And I've got a song in my head And It's never done I tried strumming out the chords The night we started having fun It sounds like crickets in the floorboards Cupcakes in the dark The drums of fireworks and staircases and Echo Park Got your notes on napkins And my blood on your walls Our soda glass love Could only take so many falls Can only take so much rain Before it drowns, dissolves Gets dragged down the drain I only wish you the best But I've got this pain in my chest It doesn't soften or scab Lessen or fade..." --Soda Glass
"Maybe I just wanted love so badly I drew it up to look like you Colored in the corners with some lipstick What's a girl at a rock show supposed to do?" --Boy Band Hero
"The movie goes by so fast It's been a month and a year The world is a hurricane You and I are just a single tear The mountains cut against the sky It's like I'm in some dream The supporting character to something else's lead..." --The Supporting Character
"I am done with the jealousy Done with the fighting Done with the words that feel just like biting I have found a new man with a heart he wants to share It just goes to show, life isn't always unfair I have pumped new blood into this heart for him to take We're gonna move to California, to a house on a lake And someday, we will kiss, in front of family and friends Only cake and champagne and no need for weapons..." --Weapons
"I can't help but break in half each time you ask me to bend I can't help but unravel when you pull out a thread I just lose my mind when you mess with my head And I will always throw a tantrum if you throw me just some bone I'm not your puppy, I'm a famous fish, who'd rather swim alone..." --Mermaid Song
"I swear he's trying to say he loves me The way he's moving his mouth I swear he's trying to say he loves me But the words never come out Baby, that's what I call feeling mortal Put your head and cry on my shoulder We can watch the moon turn bright blood red You can stay the night in my treehouse bed Oh, he's got my soul in his hands And oh, next to Skid Row on a rooftop, we slow dance Is this forever? I'm not at my best But I'm addicted to the music Swear I hear in his chest..." --Mortal
"And oh, I kissed a boy on the west side of town With a Porsche and a million-dollar record deal Oh, but there's a boy living downtown Doesn't understand how he makes me feel Logic tells me I should drive that Porsche toward the sand But my heart only beats for this downtown man So I'm lovin' like a loser Batting zero for ten I'm gonna drive downtown and make the same mistakes again I can’t say I didn’t know better I can’t say that I was just naive When he left before the night was over I was crying in a blanket on my knees Praying, “God, please give me direction” Scrub away his scent with five-star hotel soap It doesn’t matter how he pushes and pulls Oh, Los Angeles, I’ll never give up hope..." --Same Mistakes
"She said she's packed to go But I know she'll never leave 'Cause when it comes to giving her whole heart My sister's just like me..." --Genetic Makeup
"You've got these rough spots I'll rub 'em down I wanna show you I'm not just some easy girl you found Let's go to Paris, let's go to Rome You're like a hotel that I keep wishin' was my home You're like a hotel I mistake for a home..." --Easy
"I am a sun, he's like a cloud I gotta know what he's about So I defy the laws of daylight Turning down the waves that burn bright He gets heavy, he gets dark He leaves a shadow on my heart Now I'll never light the world the same Without windy whispers of his name..." --Jonathan
"You build castles in the clouds, when the sky was clear and blue No one else sees cloud castles 'cept for me and you And the grayness turns to glitter, with a laugh and a wink All the buildings are outlined in orange, and gold and pink My black, white life turns to color But baby, I'm with another..." --Masterpiece
"But I was never yours, and you're no longer mine Oh, I'd like to kiss you, but my lips are purple And I'd like to love you, but our love is spent And we wasted our wishes, hurt our best friends, Made a home in heartache, And now we can't pay the rent So what can I, what can I do for you, honey? Buy you a coffee? Lend you some money? Walk you to Times Square. walk to the moon?" --Times Square
"Stealing all my thunder when I try to boast It's got it hooks in my brain like a radio song Over and over 'til I'm forced to sing along You're a smart, pretty catch, quite a winner If you were just a few pounds thinner Oh, I wanna be skinny, let my bones show Let the world grow while I am shrinking I wanna be beautiful, I'm constantly in fear And crying midnight tears 'bout what you're thinking Oh, God, give me self-control God, give me one more mile God, give me some small space to fit for a while..." --Skinny
Well, that got away from me :) But I can't even begin to explain how much I relate to EK's lyrics. Her music is beautiful for so many reasons. Thanks for the ask! <3
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hazytaezy · 5 years ago
i’ll show you, if you show me.(m) jk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2,173
genre: gamer jk, best friends au, slight fluff in the form of (y/n) is literally jk’s biggest fan, smut-ish??? minor nasty-ness, but a general warning that smut is implied and sort of written, humor (to me lmao cause I think I’m hilarious)
warnings: 18+, nsfw, language
“game night suddenly gets a little more interesting when Jungkook forgets to hang up from your video call.”
“Alright, (y/n). We are in the last half of the battle and we just about have it. I’ll be operator, you get my six. Let’s get tactical!”
A soft exhale escaped your lips as you listened to your best friend through your headphones.
Jungkook could be both endearing AND annoying.
Sometimes you wondered how he could accomplish the two at the same time. But he was charming after all.
“Yeah, yeah Jeon. Same old song and dance. I’ve got you.”
The game launched to life and your character quickly rushed off to scavenge for items that could be turned into armor.
You had first come into contact with Jungkook when you were both twelve years old.
It was Christmas Day to be exact. Both gleaming with joy as you hurried up the stairs to set up your newest prized possession- an Xbox.
You couldn’t quite remember which game introduced you to each other, but what you did know is that you beat him.
Tremendously so.
And you never let him live it down.
Ever since that day, you both spent most of your time speaking to each other every night. Eventually teaming up and forming what you called yourselves, “The Indestructible Duo.”
People grew to hate you. Once anyone saw both of your usernames enter the server it was game over.
You both loved it.
It was your typical best friend bond. The only thing separating you from everyone else was that you hadn’t ever met in person.
As time went on, e-mails and phone numbers were exchanged. Graduations were had, colleges were trudged through and brand new jobs were offered.
But one thing remained the same, Saturday game night.
You would always joke that this was the reason that you didn’t have a life, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
So that’s how you were here today. 2 a.m. on a Saturday with glossy eyes from staring at the screen for the majority of the night.
“How’s the job been going, Miss editor?” You could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice. Jungkook was a writer and as far as he saw it, you worked for the enemy.
“It’s fine.” You mumbled through your sips of tea. “I keep telling you to submit your novel, but soMEBODY’s too chicken shit.”
Jungkook scoffed as he slew the head off of another forest monster.
“If it’s not good enough for Harper Collins, then it’s not good enough for your publishing house.”
“Dude, you sent your first novel to a major company. All I’m saying is, in the hands of the right editor, ME, that shit would be flying off the shelves.”
You jammed your thumb into the up arrow, drawing your sword to shoo away the oncoming goblins.
“You know I love you, but the only reason you think that is because you are my best friend and you know it.”
“No. I really don’t, Jungkook. Do you remember that bird house you made for your senior project in high school? The one you made out of floss and hot glue? Yeah- it was an atrocity. AND! I told you!!!”
The familiar warmth of his laugh filled your ears and you sat back for a minute to relish in the sound.
“It was really bad, wasn’t it?”
If Jungkook could rank the top ten most painful positions to fall asleep in, sitting upright with his head hanging over the side of his game chair would come in at number one.
This is how game nights would usually end. You slumped over and Jungkook listening every once in a while for your soft snores to come through.
A sound he had grown to look forward to.
One might call it adoration.
He removed his headset and untangled the controller cords from his feet, delicately setting them on his dresser. His body went into autopilot and made the motions to shut down the game, not before saving their progress. You would have his head tomorrow if he forgot to save.
He has made that mistake only once.
Jungkook peered down at his attire, wondering if he really did have to change into new boxers just because he spilled a tiny bit of soda on them.
He could practically hear your voice in his ear, “Men. They are do disgusting”.
It only made him want to defy your thoughts and just wear them.
Opting for the easiest route out, he hooked his thumbs through the waistband and stripped them off. He tossed them to the side watching as they got snagged onto a knob of his dresser drawer.
He had slept like this many times before. There was this one time he had the nastiest flu and any clothing made his fever skyrocket.
Anyhow, he liked the way his sheets felt against his body.
He let his mind wander on what you had said earlier. Ever since Jungkook had expressed that he hoped to be a writer someday, you had been his number one fan.
He almost felt like you were destined to meet because your interests went hand in hand.
He felt a warmth grow in his belly as he thought back to all those video chat sessions while you were both in college.
He would read aloud the chapters he had finished that week as you were working on your homework. You would laugh at the parts he knew that you would and would stop him mid-sentence to tell him to change something.
A characteristic that would annoy some, but Jungkook was grateful for your honesty and how much you cared.
You were just so incredible, he couldn’t believe that he-
Jungkook felt the familiar twitch from below.
A betrayal that he had grown accustomed to as of recently.
This had been happening more and more. He would think about how wonderful you were and then all of a sudden he would be sporting a half hard tent in the sheets.
Sure he had thought about you when you were younger, but he always chalked it up to teenage hormones and the fact that he had a girl best friend.
But lately, after every Saturday game night and sometimes throughout the week,
Okay who was he kidding. It was everyday.
Jungkook would catch himself thinking about you.
In more lewd ways than one.
He would get so far as to letting his hand wrap around his length, allowing gentle pressure to relieve the aching feeling. But then he would stop himself.
“She’s my best friend.”
Tonight was different, though. You had spent most of the game convincing Jungkook he was good enough and that you loved every bit of his work.
You had even said that you loved him, which was a new thing they were doing.
Being adults made it less weird to share your feelings and you both knew that you loved each other.
Platonically, of course.
Except all too much recently, Jungkook has had this nagging feeling in his stomach.
Platonic wasn’t a word for it.
He squeezed his eyes shut with a huff and flipped on his side. He could think about his novel. He could do this.
He wouldn’t think about you again tonight.
He just simply wouldn’t.
“Fuck it.”
Jungkook kicked the sheets off of his body and let his hand creep lower on his abdomen. He envisioned your smiling face. One that you had given him a couple nights ago. He remembered how his breath caught in his throat as he watched the strap of your dress momentarily slip off of your shoulder.
A rhythm had finally set in as his hands moved up and down.
He felt the familiar stick, which only made him hasten his pace.
He wondered how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. You had gorgeous lips.
Most of your conversations were spent with him staring at them.
Just the though alone of you looking up at him, mouth closed around him, coaxed a moan from the back of his throat.
He could practically hear you calling out his name.
It all felt so real. He wished that it would be.
Fuck, wait.
His hands dropped as he tilted his head out into his room.
“Are you okay? Jungkook?”
He didn’t understand the expression “My heart fell into my stomach.” until now.
He shot up from his position and leaned forward to see his headset glowing bright green. His hands flew towards his computer and shuffled the mouse around to wake it up.
Hovering over the video call icon, he almost hesitated to click to find out his fate.
Call with (y/n)- ongoing, since 5:50 p.m.
His mouth felt dry.
But he didn’t have any time to dwell on the fact that he felt like he was going to vomit.
He could still hear you calling out his name.
Quickly, he adjusted the headphones to rest on his head and let out a silent, ragged breath.
“Hey! Finally! What happened? I fell asleep and I woke up to you saying my name?”
Had he been saying your name?
Jungkook cursed again under his breath. Damn his imaginative writer brain that caused him to leave this earth for a fleeting moment.
And for it to fucking utter your name while he was pleasuring himself.
“Y-yeah! All good!” He was still trying to catch his breath. He hadn’t noticed he was breathing this hard until now.
“You sure about that? Because it sounded like you were touching yourself and saying my name.” (Y/n) deadpanned into her mic.
He was dead.
Here lies Jeon Jungkook. King of the dumbasses of his time.
Why they fuck wasn’t self vaporization a thing?
About 30 minutes ago, you had woken up to delicious moans and someone purring your name.
You would have thought it was a figment of your imagination, had it not been for the blinking video call icon on your screen.
You knew you should have said something. And quite honestly you let it go on for far too long, but the twinge in your stomach made you stop.
Next thing, your hand was sliding into the front of your unbuttoned jeans.
“How-how long have you been listening?” Jungkook nearly spoke in a whisper.
“Does it matter? Tell me what you were thinking about, Jeon.”
He could hear your smirk.
“Are you serious?”
He froze.
He hadn’t thought about what he would do if you ever reciprocated these feelings. He didn’t even know where to start.
“I- I was thinking about your lips.”
“My lips where?”
You knew what you were doing.
Jungkook leaned back into his chair and let his hands rest back to the position they were in before.
“Wrapped around my cock. How good they would feel.”
Your thighs squeezed together and you didn’t know if you had ever felt a rush of arousal come that quickly from just words alone.
“You know…I’ve thought about this plenty of time. I think I could make you cum in zero seconds flat.”
Jungkook felt like his entire world was spinning.
So, he hadn’t been the only one thinking these things.
“God, I wish I knew where you lived. I want to be able to touch you.” He murmured.
It never felt strange that they didn’t share their addresses with each other. What with it being the digital age, they never had a reason too.
Not until now.
He reached over and pressed the video call button. His body acting on pure desire before his brain and once he realized what he did, he rushed to hit the end call button.
But he was met with a smiling (y/n).
A smiling, pantsless (y/n).
He watched as you rolled your hips up towards your hand.
His brain felt like it was going into overdrive.
Not only was he seeing you partially nude for the first time, but you were also touching yourself.
Thinking of him.
“Tell me how you would have me if you were here, Jungkook.”
He watched hungrily as the fabric of your underwear rose up and down like a guide for your fingers.
“I’d spread those pretty little legs and taste you. I’ve wondered what you taste like.”
“Do you want to see what you’ve been thinking of?”
“Yes. God, yes.”
Jungkook watched as you stood up and slowly lowered your underwear, kicking them off once they were around your ankles. You kept your legs shut and looked towards him with hooded eyes.
“Let’s see you.”
You took your bottom lip in between your teeth and awaited his next move.
Jungkook tilted the camera down to show off his quite embarrassingly fully hard cock.
You sucked in a breath and allowed your legs to be open just enough for you to run a finger over your clit.
“Do you want to see what I do what I think of you?” You tried to keep your voice level, but it came out in a sort of whine.
“I’ll show you, if you show me.”
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starkrogerrs · 5 years ago
Keep your body all on me
this is for @desitonystark aka the thot queen. ly and hope you like it! (i have part 2 of this in the works already so let's hope y'all make me wanna write more ;))
summary: stripper!tony x sugar daddy!steve. you know what (or rather, who) is coming. ao3
Steve isn't a regular at The Lotus Strip Club.
At least, that's what he tells himself everytime the guards let him through the doors and into the bedazzling lights and amidst the dancers who are in varying degrees of undress.
"Hello, Mr. Rogers! We weren't expecting you today," a beautiful, red-haired woman greets him.
Steve smiles at her forcefully. He is still debating whether or not to go ahead with this at all, partly because he is slightly tipsy from the bar visit and partly because this was not a habit he wants to develop. But today he needs this. Especially after the exhausting yet trivial fight at work.
"Change of plans. I'll have my usual, please," he tells her politely and she winks back at him.
She returns a moment later, an apologetic look on her face. "Giselle's not here today, sir. Also, Rick and Hernandez are busy."
Steve's face falls. He'd wanted to see Giselle today; she was exceptionally attractive and often helped him forget everything that was on his mind. This was the one place he was allowed to have a favorite.
"Surely there's somebody who's free," he says, hoping his voice sounds more cheerful than what it seems like to him.
"There are loads, sir but you haven't been with anyone of them. Who would you like?"
"Surprise me," he says nonchalantly, stalking off to his already paid-for-room.
Bucky had hooked him up to this place. Damn him, but after a particularly bad break-up, Bucky had suggested doing something more... bold to help him move on.
He walks into the expensive suite, all with it's own mini - bar, a lounge, a pole and other things Steve hasn't bothered to check. It's a little too gaudy for Steve's taste but it is a strip club. Flashy is what it has to be.
He is barely settled onto the couch when someone calls to him from behind the shimmering drapes at the entrance.
"Hey, handsome."
A man, about 5 and a half feet tall dressed in tight leather pants and a shirt whose first three buttons are open, is leaning against the frame, a hand on his hip.
He draws close then, as Steve looks on, stopping just shy of his legs.
Glitter shimmers subtly at the corners of his light brown eyes, lined with thick, dark mascara. They almost twinkle as he spins around for Steve. His hair is a mess of dark curls, but looks sexy.
"It's Tony," he chirps. The grin on his plump lips is so contagious, that Steve finds himself smiling back at the man.
God, is he hot.
"I'm Steve," he greets back.
"Gorgeous," Tony drawls, as he drops onto Steve's lap, straddling him with his knees. Steve doesn't even have a moment to process it before Tony starts grinding against him.
Steve lets out a moan at the sudden friction and Tony flashes him a brilliant smile.
"You're a noisy one," he hums, running his hands through Steve's hair and Steve almost leans into his touch, moaning.
His last trip had been a whole month ago. He is touch-starved, to say the least.
"Love that," Tony purrs, continuing to grind against Steve.
He smells brilliant too, adding to his overall attractiveness and Steve feels himself growing hard with every movement of Tony's hips.
Steve puts a hand on the small of Tony's back, holding the man in place as he moves against him.
Tony smiles as he slowly unbuttons his shirt and lets it drop to the floor.
His skin glows a dull bronze and it definitely isn't make-up.
"I've never seen you around here," Steve says, his breath get heavier with the arousal. Tony is panting slightly too, and Steve has an overwhelming urge to kiss him but alas, rules are rules.
"I'm new, hon'," Tony answers and lets out a whimper so soft, it makes Steve buck a little against him.
Tony casts him a devilish smile. He throws his head back then, eyes fluttering shut and one hand coming up to run through his own hair. He arches towards Steve, who is far too tempted to dart out his tongue and lick a stripe.
But all he does is push Tony closer to himself, hands still splayed firm against his ass.
"Oh yeah, that's good," Tony hums, hands now moving to run down Steve's front and then back up. Steve let's his head rest against the couch, relishing in that absolutely addicting feeling that's coursing through his blood.
Just when Steve starts to move against Tony too, unable to keep from the temptation, Tony jumps off of him.
Steve's eyes snap open.
Tony makes a huge show of removing his trousers, as a song blares through the speakers in the room.
His legs are long shafts of beautiful, bronze skin and Steve swears he has never seen a more beautiful man in a life.
Tony is now dressed in only black, lacy underwear that, when he bends, gives Steve the full, scenic view of Tony's absolutely perfect, bubbled ass.
Steve's mouth goes dry at the sight, as Tony slowly stands straight again and strides towards him, a seductive look on his face. He sits on top him again, throwing his hands around Steve's neck this time.
Steve hasn't been this turned-on since... forever. He's feeling almost animal-like, something wild and carnal in him wants to rip off that last piece of cloth off Tony's skin and take him whole.
"You're fucking beautiful," Steve breathes, feeling hot. The tip of Tony's ears turn pink at the compliment but he quickly composes himself.
"You're not so bad yourself," he whispers, lips brushing the shell of Steve's ear. His voice is soft and flirty, and it sends shivers down Steve's spine. Tony is making him feel like a first timer and he absolutely loves it.
Tony has resumed his grinding, but it feels different this time; drawn out and oh-so-good. Steve moans again, trailing his hands all over Tony's front.
"Oh yeah sugar, let me make you feel good," he says softly, and Steve can feel Tony's hardness pressing against him as his own twitches in response.
Steve drags his hand up the length of Tony's thigh, before resting it on his ass. He gives it a harsh squeeze and Tony bites his lips, groaning.
His eyes feel heavy, and his entire body is feverish with desire, the racing thoughts in his brain tumbling out of his mouth before he can ever stop them.
"How much to take you home, then?" Steve breathes, looking at Tony through hooded eyes. Tony stops his movements, gasping at him in surprise and turns red.
"There's rules in this strip club, mister," Tony retorts but the blush hasn't left his cheeks yet. Steve squeezes his ass again, gesturing for Tony to start moving again.
"You look fairly young. I am assuming you need the money," Steve notes as Tony pops the first button of his blue shirt, before sliding one hand inside. He takes a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline rush to his head.
"Well, most people are in this for money," Tony replies quietly, letting his fingers trail over Steve's collarbone. His hips start to move faster, as he bends over Steve's shoulder and Steve has to grip Tony's waist to keep from grinding right back.
Steve blushes a little, not knowing if he should voice the thoughts in his head.
"I'll pay you double the amount that you get here," Steve says, voice almost guttural and Tony pulls back to stare at him with wide eyes. "You don't have to keep doing this."
Tony blinks at him, obviously taken aback. He is silent for a moment. "What do I have to do in return?"
Steve tugs him closer, brushing the skin of the delicious 'V' above his abdomen. "Whatever you do here. The only difference- it'll be at my place. For me exclusively."
Steve has only ever heard rumors of people making such propositions before and never thought he'd be making one someday as well but hell, Tony's making him feel wild like he hasn't in ages.
Tony stares at Steve for a moment, tonguing his cheek. Steve can't tell what he's thinking.
"C'mon," Steve presses, voice dropping an octave,"I'll treat you so good."
Tony looks up and draws close, so that his face is hovering above Steve's and runs a finger from the latter's temple, pausing for a second longer at his lips and all the way to his collarbone; mild amusement curling at the edges of his smirk.
Steve hasn't seen anything hotter and that's saying something, given the plethora of experience with someone as gorgeous as Giselle.
Tony then reaches behind Steve to produce a lipstick from God knows where. He holds his stare as he lets his fingernails scrunch up the fabric of Steve's expensive shirt before ripping it open, buttons flying askew. Steve has barely enough time to react, before Tony quickly writes ten digits in the flamboyant red on his skin and then jumps off his lap, just as the song in the background comes to an end.
Only when he is by the door does he turn back and give Steve a seductive look, all with a playful lip bite that sends all of Steve's blood rushing to his already erect dick.
"Send me the place and time," Tony says with a wink that makes Steve's heart rate spike to a one-fifty, and is gone.
356 notes · View notes
Share a Lair 14 || Share the Details
Max was honestly stressed out for nothing. He spent all of this time trying to talk his way up to the news, and whenever he actually finally spit it out, Charlotte was relieved and surely didn’t seem any of the things he’d been afraid about. She laughed a little and said, “I honestly thought that you were about to break up with me moments after your mother posted me dancing and tagged me to it on her page.”
“I’d never break up with you,” he said, then, “Wait, what?” He checked his mother’s birthday album for the twins and sure enough, there was a post of Max dancing around Charlotte, who was way more reserved, but so dang cute! Max loved it and almost went through to read all of the comments, but Charlotte cut into that mission.
“It’s just that sometimes, I can’t tell if you’re as deep into this as I am. You just have so many important things to do. By comparison, I’m kind of relegated to something fun on the side,” she said.
He put his phone into his pocket and sat down next to her, “That’s never been the case for me. Mostly, I haven’t wanted to scare you off, because my feelings for you are SO intense that I have to rationalize and reign myself in, like, “Max, this is NOT the way to handle this. But, I don’t have a huge frame of reference, because I haven’t had many serious relationships and this is only the second time that I’ve been in love…” As soon as he said it, they both gasped. But, while this apprehensive expression poured over his face, hers lit up at the same speed and they looked at each other, both became confused and expressions switched to match the other one’s, then again they both realized that they were inadvertently making statements with their faces and they both started laughing at this. They leaned towards each other, laughing and Charlotte reached out to collect him into her arms and moved him to lay back on her chest.
“I’m in love, too.” She said it very softly and stroked his hair with even more gentleness.
“I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me, just being able to admit that out loud, and hearing you say it too, is like… The perfect birthday present.” She kissed the top of his head and hooked her arms under his. He rested his hands on hers and whispered, “Can I spend the night with you?”
“Of course,” she said and rubbed his chest, one of her legs now comfortably wrapping around him, as well. He sat up and she was momentarily missing his body.
But, he turned to face her, hands sliding up her party dress as he stared into her eyes, “No… I meant… I want to spend the night with you, Charlotte…” She shifted to allow him better access beneath her dress and nodded her head, unable to break eye contact with him, as intense as it was. Had that been all that he had been waiting for? To be able to say he loved her? To have her say it, as well? She wasn’t sure. But, that didn’t matter. It was go time! He leaned forward and she leaned back.
“My bed is pretty small,” she whispered. But Max simply extended his hand, and within moments, the spare bed had been slid across the floor, right next to this bed. She smiled. “That was hot.” He just smiled. He loved when she said things like that to him, and he was ready to prove himself to her.
Whenever Charlotte came into the “Danger Column,” she was humming joyfully and carrying a ton of stuff with her. “Hey Char, what’s all that stuff?” Jasper wondered.
“Just some things that I got from home over the weekend,” she said. “Sort of officially moving in with Max.” She continued on her way and Jasper squinted his eyes as she set her things on the rolling cart, “I know that they’ll be gone soon, but what we might wind up doing is me living here for however long they’re here, then when it’s time to relocate, I’ll be looking for a place for us outside of Share-A-Lair.”
Jasper nodded his head, then wondered, “Who’ll be gone soon?”
She laughed a little then looked at his genuinely curious face. “Umm.,, the guys, from this site. Or at least Max, will be. Maybe not Henry, if he hasn’t said anything. He’d certainly tell you before he would anybody else, I’m sure.”
“No. He’d probably tell YOU before anybody else. What do you know, Charlotte?”
She fumbled her hands around packing the cart and tried to find something that MIGHT distract Jasper from the suggestion that Henry might be leaving and hadn’t said anything to him. It probably was a misunderstanding on her part, so she definitely didn’t want to add to that fuel, But, there were very few things that could distract Jasper from the subject of Henry, and if her moving in with Max wasn’t enough (hell, that only caused more questions), then she was probably about to open her mouth and insert and poorly constructed lie foot. “I know what it feels like to have thunder coursing through my body.”
“Don’t change the subject. Thunder can’t course throughOHMYGODYOUANDMAXFINALLYDIDIT???” And just like that, she had deterred him away from the Henry subject and she texted Hen a warning about it as Jasper had to know everything, “How’s it shaped? Is it as perfect as we imagined through the gray sweatpants? Can you draw me a sketch of it? Better yet… Did you get pix?”
“I… had already seen it before. Calm down there, Bud…”
“Did you sing Happy Birthday to him like Marilyn Monroe? That’s what I would’ve done.”
“I didn’t. Honestly, it was just really slow and sweet and steamy,” she said, nodding.
“Awwww. You went easy on him. You must really be in love!” Jasper gushed.
She smiled hard enough to hurt her face, “I did!… And, I am. It’s really cool. I haven’t been this close to anybody in a while, and even then, it was you know, just… not like this is.  I’ve never had to take things slowly, and I’ve never had to learn to trust or have someone learn to trust me after the emotional connection. I’ve never had to be patient for a guy to be ready for me and I certainly have never had to go easy on somebody. It’s equal parts centering and exciting!”
“Did you at least warn him that you were a raging ball of aggression in the bedroom?” Jasper asked.
“I am NOT!” She said, then giggled a little, “I mean, I haven’t had any complaints!” She gasped, “You think that I’ll frighten him if he gets Take Charge Char?”
“I think Take Charge Char is far more hot than she is scary, but the scary is a good scary. That “roller coaster ride scary,” not “a bear in the woods while you’re camping” scary. But, more about the di-”
“Naw. I gotta get this stuff to my new place!” She said and began rolling the cart out of the tower, with a huge smile on her face.
Henry looked at Max approaching and wondered, “Are you late, or am I uncharacteristically early?”
Max looked at his watch and said, “I’m late…. Wait, why did I look at my watch? OF COURSE, I’m late. Like you’d ever be early.” Henry laughed and rolled his eyes, then heard his phone and checked Charlotte’s text. “Uh uh. Phone away. It’s training time,” Max said, setting his things down.
“You’re one to talk. You were late today!” Henry said, then groaned at the text message, “Your delightful girlfriend just told Jasper that I might be leaving soon. Why would she do that?” Henry had taken to sarcastically using positive words for Char whenever he was irritated by her, to avoid interference from Max, that he was certain could result in either his own derision or demise. Better safe and sarcastic than sorry.
“Have you not talked to Jasper about possibly leaving here?” Max wondered, stretching.
Henry put his phone into his bag and said, “I’ve brought it up a few times that I was probably gonna go on some far off missions with you, but I think that he’s not hearing that I might be leaving soon.”
“Are you SAYING that you might be leaving soon to him?” Max asked.
“Did you SAY it before you told Char over the weekend?” Henry asked right back.
“Are you and Jasper in the same situation and Char and I?” Max wondered.
“No, but… you can’t be pot kettling or whatever.”
“Different situations, Dude,” Max said. “I wanna marry Charlotte someday, but as it stands, she’s technically not my best friend. I mean… That’s a goal, definitely, but it isn’t our reality. You and Jasper have been together your entire lives and he follows you everywhere. Not telling him that somewhere may be another country is a little different from me having anxiety about admitting to a short term girlfriend the same thing… He is gonna come with you, right?”
Henry shrugged his shoulders, “I kinda want him to figure out his own thing. I’ve been doing some soul searching and I realize that while I’ve been putting everybody else first and working on saving other people, Jasper’s been doing the same thing, but for me.”
They continued stretching and Max commented, “Maybe that’s what he wants to do.”
“Maybe. But, I’ll feel better if he has some time to look inside and really determine that, you know? Would you want Charlotte to just pack up and leave and come along with us to Russia?”
“Yes. But, yet again - not the same situation.”
Henry sighed, annoyed and commented, “I am so ready to swing punches at your face now.”
“I am ready to watch you fail to land them.”
“Okay. I am ready to do THAT for the rest of my life,” Max said. Charlotte simply laughed. It was nice, but she was certainly sore. She hadn’t had to work her thigh muscles like that before, or at least in a while. She forgot about all of the “additional” that came along with this. It didn’t matter, though. Max was here with her, and he wanted her, and he wanted this. She had no complaints.
He laid in Charlotte’s arms, ready to forsake Russia, the T Force, the Hero League, anything else that dared to come between him and this feeling that he had right now, in this very moment, wrapped up in her, bodies connected, spirits aligned.
“Whether it’s 3 months or 6, I want to be with you, okay?” She whispered.
He nodded. Of course. He wanted to throw a ring on her and pop a baby in her, but that was a bit much for right now, so he just said, “You could move into the lair, if you want. That might give us a little more time together before the changes happen.”
“Wouldn’t you have to run that by Share-A-Lair?” She wondered.
“Running it by them for me includes sending them a message that it’s happening.”
“Oh, so you got it like that, huh?”
“I’m the man.” He kissed her fingertips and asked, “Do you not want to?”
She smiled, “I think that’d be cool. I mean, it’s only for a few months, then you’re off to Russia, so it isn’t like there’s a danger of us growing sick of each other. Besides, I practically live there now and gas to and from for when I’ve gotta come back here is pretty pricey.”
“You think that we’ll grow sick of each other when we’re around each other more?” he wondered. “I can’t imagine ever being sick of you. I imagine you being the main thing that makes me feel well in a very sick world where I have to battle sick people.” She just smiled. He was strumming her skin lovingly with his fingertips and seemed like he had a lot going through his mind.
“Will we be able to visit each other at all? When you’re in Russia?” She asked.
“It’s not final that I’ll be in Russia… but, I will have a lair, hidden beneath the property of my secret identity. If you want, you can certainly visit me, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to leave during the tour.”
“Cool. I’ve never really thought about Russia, but I’m going to look into it. Add it as a place for me to be able to visit a time or two in the next few years… You are only gonna be gone for a few years, right?”
“Three,” he said.
“Yeah, I’ve done this long distance thing for longer before. We’ve got this.”
He looked at her and gave her a kiss. “Can we…”
“If it isn’t asking too much…”
“It’s not!” She smiled. “Come here…”
Each day, Charlotte came in a little less chipper and a little more sore looking. Jasper smirked every time, until one day, maybe about a week later, he straight up asked, “You can’t handle the D, can you?”
She let out a relieved sigh and a chain of word vomit, “Dude, I can’t even get to the point where I’m at my usual performance level with Max, because whenever we get down to it, his physical superiority and stamina outrun my experience and prowess. What does it matter if you can do fun little tricks, if after a few minutes, you’re ready to pass out, just as he’s getting warmed up? He is a leading world  superhero, with nearly perfect health, and impeccable bodily preoccupation! He can do some GLORIOUS shit with body. I mean, leave you speechless tier. And… I can handle about 10 minutes of him, then I’m just there because if I move, I might collapse. I have GOT to add cardio to my daily schedule!”
Jasper nodded his head, cordially the entire time she was speaking, but as soon as she stopped, he simply asked, “Okay, but how big is it?” She stared at him for a moment before walking away. “Bigger than Henry’s? Surely.” He gasped, “Is it bigger than mine? Are there other personality traits to it? Like a curve or a slightly fatter top? OH! He’s… cut, isn’t he? You know what, you should see if he’ll let you take a photo of it, so we can research.”
“Jasper!” She finally shrieked. “Shut. Up.”
“Right. You’re having a crisis. Here’s a solution! You let him take control until you get your own physicality up. Those are essentially pleasure filled workouts. He’ll like being in charge all the time, at least for a while, then whenever it seems like it’s boring and dull, POW! You’ll hit him with your modulation. He’ll be like… WHAT? There was a higher pleasure setting? Huh?? And you can stay on that level until you gain more endurance, and then, guess what? POW! Another modulation on him.” Jasper shook his head, “But, that’s probably not gonna work.”
“No, no… That’s… I can work with that. My legs haven’t burned this much since I started marathon training in junior high!”
“I forgot that you used to do that!” Jasper said.
“So did my thighs.”
He laughed and said, “RIP Charlotte’s hamstrings.”
“Rude!” she snapped. They looked at each other, “But, accurate.” He laughed again and she tried not to, because it wasn’t funny and she didn’t want to encourage him. But, in spite of herself, she had to laugh a little.
She definitely regretted it when a moment later, Jasper slid a pencil and a piece of paper to her and said, “What if you just sketch it for me? As true to life as possible, please?”
She gave him a small, tight smile, picked up the pencil and said, “Imagine for a moment that this was one…” Then, she snapped it in half with her thumb and threw it down on the table. Jasper gasped as she got up and walked over to her work area in the lab.
“He… He has a pencil one?” He wondered, in horror. She just left it alone. Maybe if he thought that, he’d give it a rest! “I’ve been sweat-fished!” He whined. That sounds disgusting.
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winrene · 5 years ago
wenrene fanfic masterpost
(last updated 15/07/2020)
(these are all from ao3, i can try and make one from aff too if anyone wants it, but i don’t really read on there) 
let's get away tonight by daybreaking - “you should really stop showing up like this,” joohyun reprimands, wry and dry, but her hands are reaching out to take the spare helmet anyways. “my parents will know about it someday.” seungwan just grins under her helmet, cheeks full and pressing against the insides of it. she pats the space behind her on the motorcycle. “yeah, someday.”
oneshot, 3,341 words, highschool au
i'll be your naughty girl & i got to have ya babe by throwaway18 - seungwan thinks joohyun is too much of a prude to be able to beat her in a dance-off. and joohyun is certain she's the only person capable of getting into seungwan's nerves.
oneshot, 6,800 words, dancer/rivals au
much ado about nothing by numot94 (futureplans) - seungwan's front-door neighbour is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen, and one day she'll definitely work up the courage to ask her out. in the meantime, though, she'd be happy to get through a conversation without embarrassing herself.
39 chapters, 180,319 words, neighbour au (this is simply gorgeous, one of the best wenrene fics of all time in my opinion, again highly suggest reading their other wenrene fics)
tell me why my gods look like you (and tell me why it’s wrong) by irwens - joohyun waits tables. seungwan is a cook. they work at the same restaurant.
oneshot, 3,333 words, restauraunt au
when you move, i'm moved by birdii (birdmint) - when you're an idol dating a ballet dancer, finding time to appreciate each other is difficult. seungwan and joohyun do their best.
oneshot, 2,195 words, ballet/solo-artist au
playing pretend by xpenguinqueenx - yeri needs a fake girlfriend to meet her parents, and wendy agrees to fill the spot, but mostly because she wants to eat her yogurt in peace. irene is not enthusiastic about their new 'relationship.'
oneshot, 10,026 words, ordinary-life au
this structure fell about our feet (and we were free to go) by redcapesarecoming - the seven times irene and wendy met in an airport
oneshot, 4,740 words, airport au
recessional by birdii (birdmint) - seungwan calls joohyun for a ride to the airport. it's the first joohyun has heard from her in five years.
oneshot, 4,045 words, modern au
rain will make the flowers grow by 8moons2stars - after red velvet splits up, joohyun and seungwan find each other again.
5 chapters, 5,334 words, canon-divergence au (highly suggest reading this author’s other wenrene fics too)
death of the author by numot94 (futureplans) - all seungwan wanted was to escape reality at least for a little while and go live in some fairy tale where everything goes right and everybody’s happy. still, she didn’t expect it to actually happen! now that she’s found herself in the fairy tale kingdom overnight, she’ll do her best to keep the story on track and make sure princess joohyun gets her happily ever after with the prince. of course, nothing is ever that simple, is it?
11 chapters, 35,134 words, fantasy au
the purity club by changdeol - joohyun bae is the president of their school's christian union who thinks she has all the answers. seungwan son proves her wrong.
37 chapters, 152,278 words, highschool au
sweet like honey by hyunsvelvet - son seungwan is in desperate need of a job. when she gets hired as the new secretary for up and coming forensic lawyer bae joohyun, who has developed a habit of firing secretaries, she's determined to keep this job. she pictured joohyun to be cold and distant, but upon meeting her seungwan can't help but notice her warm personality and begins to wonder how she's the same person known for firing secretaries after hiring them just weeks before.
25 chapters, 48,900 words, lawyer au
and i could see for miles, miles, miles by jisooosname - based off of the prompt: in which joohyun runs an advice podcast show and one day, seulgi asks for her advice and she gives an advice so bad that seungwan hunts her down
oneshot, 5,547 words, college radio-host au (fluff and good feelings all around, a very adorable read)
never mind your bleeding heart by numot94 (futureplans) - the first time seungwan saw joohyun, she’d just turned 13 and the older girl was 14, a few weeks away from her birthday. she fell in love instantly.
3 chapters, 32,742 words, childhood au (yes yes i know another numot fic, but god their writing is amazing i can’t help but suggest it cause i just love everything they write)
hey jealousy by fated_addiction - "you know they're not dating." or when wendy struggles with definitions.
oneshot, 1188 words, canon au (i have a thing for this author’s introspective writing. it’s like a drug, also i’m a sucker for lowercase. highly suggest their semicolon and check one series)
a kiss (to build a dream on) by seungvvannie (galaxygerbil) - there are other things and other people that should fill up Irene’s time, but maybe… maybe just for now, it can be her in Irene’s heart. just her on irene’s mind. everything else can wait until tomorrow. wendy just wants tonight.
oneshot, 3,845 words, fallout au
pisces by espressochoreom - in which a 24-year-old joohyun is at a laundromat on a gloomy tuesday morning when she recognizes someone across her washer. it's none other than the girl who had her earnestly question her sexuality in high school—son seungwan. the last time joohyun heard from her was six years ago, months after they graduated from high school, when she told her that she was planning to move and stay in canada for good. but of course, that's not the case anymore. seungwan happens to be in the same laundromat building, and from there they attempt to catch up where they left off. the awkwardness is so consistent; it's laughable.
oneshot, 2,447 words, laundromat au (kinda)
vague hope by beatosuffers - irene only knows one thing: emotions are prohibited.
oneshot, 6,475 words, nier:automata au
yesterday, today, tomorrow by sparksfly7 - there are two new girls this year. one is tall and round-cheeked and sweet-looking. the other one – from canada, with her collection of instruments and powerhouse voice – won’t leave irene alone.
oneshot, 2,796 words, canon au
let it shine by sparksfly7 - “it’s just – i planned to talk more, to give people a good impression, but…” irene trails off, clearly frustrated. “i don’t know.” she drops her head, her hair falling over her face. even the pink streaks in it look duller, as if her mood has washed out the dye. “there was nothing wrong with how you acted.” wendy sits down next to her on the bed. “being quiet isn’t a bad thing.”
oneshot, 2,064 words, canon au
see you soon by leirskald - seungwan tries to be okay with everyone leaving for the new year's holiday, but it's hard when she's the one left behind.
oneshot, 1,237 words, canon au
trust these butterflies by rosybutterflies - the circus just isn't that fascinating for irene bae anymore, having been in it since she was young. but the butterflies in her stomach tell her otherwise every time she's with one of the newbies, son seungwan.
2 chapters, 17,527 words, circus au
in her eyes by blkvelvets - now is definitely not the time to get hooked on a dumb freshman with a smile that could light up planets.
oneshot, 2,387 words, highschool au
i wanna come home to you by newboldtrue - irene says, “thanks for not thinking i’m a serial killer. i guess.” “thanks for letting me throw up the worst new year’s eve of my life in your apartment,” room 53 returns, and irene cracks a tiny smile at that. or, irene doesn't know her upstairs neighbor, really, but it's 5am and she won't stop ringing the doorbell;
oneshot, 1,599 words, neighbours au
the scent of you by ashensprites - seungwan, a private investigator, is hired to find a child who went missing almost 15 years ago.
16 chapters, 38,253 words, private investigator au
the downfalls of procrastination by lovelines (alliwantisthetruth) - fun fact #1 : seungwan has exactly 3 midterms coming up this week. fun fact #2 : seungwan has not started to study for any of her midterms. fun fact #3 : joohyun might kill her before she has the chance to sink her gpa. college au where seungwan is a smart but hot mess(TM) and joohyun cannot tolerate messes but for her, she does. somewhat.
oneshot, 1,413 words, university au
close your eyes, see through mine by sindubu - "her name is joohyun, and if that were the case...." her heel comes up to rub at the bridge of her nose. "why is she even here?" junior shrugs. "the intricacies of repressed lesbianism, my young, sapphic friend, is shockingly not in my field of expertise."
4 chapters, 9,070 words, conversion therapy au
feel my heart come undone by sindubu - wendy is homesick.
oneshot, 1,390 words, canon au
i’m different by throwaway18 - when wendy returns to seoul, being mistaken as a homeless person has been far from her expectations.
6/? chapters, 27,871 enemies to lovers/baker au
my heart and this night (makes this game flicker) by daybreaking - seungwan just got dumped and her roommate is trying to make her feel better by playing cards with her, but she just keeps winning and whispering, "sorry."
4/? chapters, 33,782, university au (an absolute favourite of a fic, it is so so good)
colored out the line by baechuzz - it’s been a while since joohyun had seen sooyoung blooming with happiness and love since her soulmate died. so when joohyun met wendy for the first time and during their handshake, a little dandelion blossomed on her wrist—she decided not to say a word and step back on the sidelines. even if wendy was her soulmate.
4/5 chapters, 27,628 words, soulmate au
somebody wants you by winterbreath - wendy doesn’t need anybody to tell her that this is a bad idea but she needs something to draw attention to the coffee shop; and irene needs a pretend-girlfriend. except Irene is a brat—and can someone please just send wendy to hell.
12/? chapters, 71,840 words, fake/pretend relationship au (another one i love a lot, definitely suggest reading this author’s other fic too, especially their all this love series)
shared space by sapphicirene - seungwan needs a new roommate, and joohyun is searching for an apartment. joohyun wonders if it's bad luck or fate that draws her back to seungwan after all these years.
4/? chapters, 11,259 words, college au (i’m not going to lie, this hasn’t been updated since 2018-12, but the chapters that are written are very lovely, so i think it’s worth a look!)
tea party for two by scarletstring - as a veteran female escort, wendy expects to be between the sheets, receive her pay, and then leave -- all within the hour. but wendy can't tell if this particular client knew that when she was spending her time preparing her tea instead of telling her to take her clothes off.
8/? chapters, 114,713 words, female escort au
noisy thoughts by scarletstring - irene moves in to her new apartment, where she meets her interesting roommate.
15/? chapters, 172,654 words, college au (scarlet is currently on hiatus, but their fics are one of the best things you could read)
just my cover, sweetheart by newboldtrue - wendy threw a disbelieving glance at the woman in her passenger seat. “have i had lunch? i just attended my own funeral, haven’t much been in the mood for eating.” or, son seungwan is leaving her life as a hitman in the past--but when a dead woman criticizes her epitaph and offers her one last job, she finds herself agreeing to help. wendy isn't quite sure what she's signed herself up for.
6/? chapters, 14,319 words, 1950s hitman au (hasn’t been updated in AGES, since 2018-08, but it is honestly a really worthwhile read)
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lloydskywalkers · 6 years ago
turned to smoke
Someday I’ll hit all the days of angst week, but it’s not this year. I did manage to get this one written out though, so here’s “weakness” for @ninjago-angst-week day 6! About Lloyd and Garmadon, because they always come up when I’m writing angst it just happens >:’( 
Being back in Ninjago after spending as long as he did in the Dark Realm is disorienting, to say the least, but not nearly as disorienting, Garmadon is finding, as how much his son has grown since he left.
“—and then Kai — he’s the fire one with all the red jackets, I think you guys had a fight or something? — anyways, he said that Jay was lying, and he couldn’t fry an egg on his sword, and I said why not, and then he said ‘you wanna go, half-pint’ and then we fried an egg on the sword!” Lloyd throws his arms up, huffing. “I don’t know why Uncle Wu got mad, all we did was steal all the eggs in the fridge, nobody died or anything.”
Garmadon’s lips quirk in amusement, even as his head continues to spin. Lloyd hadn’t even been talking when he’d left. “Did you clean up your mess?” he asks.
Lloyd wilts. “We ate one of the eggs,” he mumbles. “The rest were all exploded.”
“Ah,” Garmadon says. “I believe you have your answer.”
Lloyd wrinkles his nose. “That’s dumb,” he says. “We wouldn’t have even been caught if Zane hadn’t thrown us under the bus.”
“Throwing people under the bus is a time-honored tradition in the life of a ninja,” Garmadon says, remembering how many times Wu ratted him out. “It is best to start expecting it.”
“Yeah, like Pythor threw me under the bus,” Lloyd mutters darkly.
Garmadon’s heart does an anxious, angry sort of flip at the reminder. It’s been a day since they rescued Lloyd, and that’s not nearly long enough for the terrified fury he’d been gripped with when Lloyd’s cage was dropped into the lava to fade.
“Pythor threw you into into a volcano,” he growls. “There is a vast difference.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Lloyd mumbles, staring down at his tea.
Garmadon sips at his own tea while eyeing his son, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. As much as he’s grown, Lloyd looks especially small, his clothes a size too big even though they’re clearly too old, worn and threadbare and full of little tears. They’re clean, though, washed free of the soot and dirt that had stained them when he’d pulled Lloyd from the volcano. That thought, if anything, eases his heart a bit.
Wu and his students care, enough for that, at least. He remembers the look in Maya’s boy’s eyes. Lloyd will be safe with these people, he does not doubt it.
Garmadon realizes he has, perhaps, been silent for too long.
“Yes, Lloyd?”
“If Pythor was just gonna throw me in the lava, why didn’t he do it earlier?”
Garmadon stares at him. The cup in his hands suddenly feels very cold.
“He was acting rashly,” Garmadon says, picking his words carefully. “I believe his mind was clouded by fear, and foolishness. I hope — he would not have so carelessly thrown your life into jeopardy otherwise.”
Lloyd looks at the floor between his crossed legs, twisting his fingers together. Garmadon is again struck by how small his son is – how young he is. Lloyd knows nothing of the world, not like he does. He doesn’t know how cruel it can be. Not yet.
“He dropped me to stop you, didn’t he,” Lloyd says, quietly.
Garmadon blinks. Something sinks heavy in his heart, like a stone. Perhaps his son is not as naïve as he thought. The thought brings him no happiness.
“Why do you say that?” he asks, slowly.
Lloyd bites his lip. “If you didn’t hav’ta rescue me, you could’ve gotten the Fangblade.” His shoulders hunch up, and Lloyd hooks his arms beneath his legs, drawing his knees up to his chest. The action makes him look even smaller, if possible. “I thought I could help, but all I did was get in the way,” he mumbles, his face downcast.
Garmadon stills, holding his tongue. Lloyd is his son, and he loves him more dearly than anything else in this realm, or any other. But that love….
Garmadon knows evil. And he knows full well what evil is capable of. Garmadon is powerful, and he’s made countless enemies who would jump at the chance to have the upper hand on him. Pythor is merely the first of many that made the connection, and there are far worse enemies than the sniveling snake out there. If they knew how he loved someone like Lloyd, someone that vulnerable…
Lloyd is his son and Garmadon loves him, and the last thing on earth he wants to call him is a weakness. But Lloyd is something to exploit — a terrible, gaping, glaring hole in his defenses, in what should be an ironclad defense built of fear and terror.
Garmadon looks at his son again, head down and shoulders slumped where he sits on the mat in front of his brother’s table. He’s inexplicably reminded of himself, eyes lowered and arms tucked in, talking years and years ago to his own father.
Something in his chest goes tight.
“You did not ‘get in the way’,” he says, decided. “You inspired Kai to unlock his true potential, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, by falling in lava.” Lloyd rolls his eyes, and Garmadon raises an eyebrow at him. Lloyd shrinks.
“You helped Kai realize something very important about himself. That’s something not even your uncle could do, or any of the other ninja,” he continues. A smile quirks at the edge of his mouth. “You broke down a Smith’s defenses. That’s no small feat.”
“Yeah?” Lloyd says, hesitantly.
“And you did not get in my way, either,” Garmadon says, firmly. He remembers the white-hot fury that had gripped him when Pythor dropped his son, the ease with which he’d torn through the Serpentine warriors. “You made me stronger than I could’ve been otherwise, and that was a great help.”
The worry eases out from Lloyd’s forehead. “So I’m not your kryptonite?” he says, hopefully.
Garmadon pauses. “My…what?”
Lloyd’s nose crinkles. “Kryptonite, dad – how do you not know what that is? It’s in all the best comics!”
“I’m afraid they don’t have many comics in the underworld, son.”
“Oh.” Lloyd’s nose scrunches up further. “That’s okay, I guess. I can show you.”
“I look forward to it,” Garmadon sighs, but his voice is fond. Time spent with Lloyd, over silly comics or not, is time well spent.
It’s precious time, Garmadon thinks to himself as they both raise their teacups. Time he doesn’t have much left of. He must leave, soon – back to whatever dark hole he can, wherever he can try to hide himself away from destiny.
Until he’s forced to fight his own son—
Garmadon steadies his heart. No. He will not let Lloyd be turned into a mere weakness for him. Not when Lloyd is the greatest source of strength he has in this world.
* * * * * * * *
The prison is desolate in the wake of the fight, wrecked and ruined, but the girl promises him they will stay there no longer. They have bigger places to move onto, greater buildings to conquer.
Garmadon cares little, but for the sparking power now beneath his skin.
The girl was right. The boy had served his purpose as she promised he would, feeding his fury as the fight had raged on. The more desperate he grew the stronger Garmadon became, his power singing as his blood grew hot, bloodlust a powerful weapon. It was one the boy was no match for, not with his pathetic powers better meant for peace.
Broken stone cracks beneath him as he walks steadily from the prison, the sand dry and gritty under his boots. The brilliant path lit by the dying green light from the boy has long since been snuffed out, but the cracked plaster and concrete he’d smashed through paves the way for Garmadon.
He won’t find him at the end of the path, he knows that. The boy’s companions snatched him from the sand mere minutes before Garmadon could reach him, hauling him away and out of reach. He’s proven correct — the only thing left behind is the scattered rubble left from the smashed walls, and the dark stains in the sand he knows to be blood.
Something crackles beneath his foot, fragile and crinkling. The hint of a frown edges his eyebrows, and he lifts his boot, peering down at the sand. His fingers glance the crumpled paper, lifting it closer. A picture, of sorts, with two people in it.
His eyes drag across the older human in unfamiliarity, but the boy sparks recognition. It’s the same child he sent crashing through the walls a mere hour ago. The picture must be his, then. There are fingerprints of blood on the edges.
Other than that, the picture seems well taken care of. The boy cared for picture, obviously. He cared for the man, too, whoever he was. Garmadon’s lip curls. This is the man the boy mistook him for? How foolish.
And how very convenient for Garmadon, that the boy had such a weakness to exploit.
His fist closes and the picture crumples in his hold, the image balling up and distorting as he lights it aflame with dark purple. It’s reduced to ash in a matter of seconds, slipping through his fingers like the sand.
Garmadon lets his hand fall, soot shaking loose before it’s caught in the wind, drifting and dissipating into the darkness.
It was no more than a fatal weakness for the boy. Garmadon does him well by ridding him of it. It’s not act of kindness, of course, but the boy proved himself a valuable source of strength.
It’s simply a returned favor.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years ago
Share the Details
Shout out to @adorkable-blackgirl for helping me brainstorm with this a little. Even used one of her lines. My @chenoahchantel has had so much going on and I really needed backup, so I had some and I’m thankful for that and all the support and readers that I get. CW for sexual themes in this chapter.
Share-A-Lair 14
Max was honestly stressed out for nothing. He spent all of this time trying to talk his way up to the news, and whenever he actually finally spit it out, Charlotte was relieved and surely didn’t seem any of the things he’d been afraid about. She laughed a little and said, “I honestly thought that you were about to break up with me moments after your mother posted me dancing and tagged me to it on her page.”
“I’d never break up with you,” he said, then, “Wait, what?” He checked his mother’s birthday album for the twins and sure enough, there was a post of Max dancing around Charlotte, who was way more reserved, but so dang cute! Max loved it and almost went through to read all of the comments, but Charlotte cut into that mission.
“It’s just that sometimes, I can’t tell if you’re as deep into this as I am. You just have so many important things to do. By comparison, I’m kind of relegated to something fun on the side,” she said.
He put his phone into his pocket and sat down next to her, “That’s never been the case for me. Mostly, I haven’t wanted to scare you off, because my feelings for you are SO intense that I have to rationalize and reign myself in, like, “Max, this is NOT the way to handle this. But, I don’t have a huge frame of reference, because I haven’t had many serious relationships and this is only the second time that I’ve been in love…” As soon as he said it, they both gasped. But, while this apprehensive expression poured over his face, hers lit up at the same speed and they looked at each other, both became confused and expressions switched to match the other one’s, then again they both realized that they were inadvertently making statements with their faces and they both started laughing at this. They leaned towards each other, laughing and Charlotte reached out to collect him into her arms and moved him to lay back on her chest. 
“I’m in love, too.” She said it very softly and stroked his hair with even more gentleness.
“I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me, just being able to admit that out loud, and hearing you say it too, is like… The perfect birthday present.” She kissed the top of his head and hooked her arms under his. He rested his hands on hers and whispered, “Can I spend the night with you?”
“Of course,” she said and rubbed his chest, one of her legs now comfortably wrapping around him, as well. He sat up and she was momentarily missing his body. 
But, he turned to face her, hands sliding up her party dress as he stared into her eyes, “No… I meant… I want to spend the night with you, Charlotte…” She shifted to allow him better access beneath her dress and nodded her head, unable to break eye contact with him, as intense as it was. Had that been all that he had been waiting for? To be able to say he loved her? To have her say it, as well? She wasn’t sure. But, that didn’t matter. It was go time! He leaned forward and she leaned back. 
“My bed is pretty small,” she whispered. But Max simply extended his hand, and within moments, the spare bed had been slid across the floor, right next to this bed. She smiled. “That was hot.” He just smiled. He loved when she said things like that to him, and he was ready to prove himself to her.
Whenever Charlotte came into the “Danger Column,” she was humming joyfully and carrying a ton of stuff with her. “Hey Char, what’s all that stuff?” Jasper wondered.
“Just some things that I got from home over the weekend,” she said. “Sort of officially moving in with Max.” She continued on her way and Jasper squinted his eyes as she set her things on the rolling cart, “I know that they’ll be gone soon, but what we might wind up doing is me living here for however long they’re here, then when it’s time to relocate, I’ll be looking for a place for us outside of Share-A-Lair.” 
Jasper nodded his head, then wondered, “Who’ll be gone soon?”
She laughed a little then looked at his genuinely curious face. “Umm.,, the guys, from this site. Or at least Max, will be. Maybe not Henry, if he hasn’t said anything. He’d certainly tell you before he would anybody else, I’m sure.”
“No. He’d probably tell YOU before anybody else. What do you know, Charlotte?” 
She fumbled her hands around packing the cart and tried to find something that MIGHT distract Jasper from the suggestion that Henry might be leaving and hadn’t said anything to him. It probably was a misunderstanding on her part, so she definitely didn’t want to add to that fuel, But, there were very few things that could distract Jasper from the subject of Henry, and if her moving in with Max wasn’t enough (hell, that only caused more questions), then she was probably about to open her mouth and insert and poorly constructed lie foot. “I know what it feels like to have thunder coursing through my body.”
“Don’t change the subject. Thunder can’t course throughOHMYGODYOUANDMAXFINALLYDID???” And just like that, she had deterred him away from the Henry subject and she texted Hen a warning about it as Jasper had to know everything, “How’s it shaped? Is it as perfect as we imagined through the gray sweatpants? Can you draw me a sketch of it? Better yet… Did you get pix?”
“I… had already seen it before. Calm down there, Bud…”
“Did you sing Happy Birthday to him like Marilyn Monroe? That’s what I would’ve done.”
“I didn’t. Honestly, it was just really slow and sweet and steamy,” she said, nodding.
“Awwww. You went easy on him. You must really be in love!” Jasper gushed.
She smiled hard enough to hurt her face, “I did!... And, I am. It’s really cool. I haven’t been this close to anybody in a while, and even then, it was you know, just… not like this is.  I’ve never had to take things slowly, and I’ve never had to learn to trust or have someone learn to trust me after the emotional connection. I’ve never had to be patient for a guy to be ready for me and I certainly have never had to go easy on somebody. It’s equal parts centering and exciting!”
“Did you at least warn him that you were a raging ball of aggression in the bedroom?” Jasper asked.
“I am NOT!” She said, then giggled a little, “I mean, I haven’t had any complaints!” She gasped, “You think that I’ll frighten him if he gets Take Charge Char?”
“I think Take Charge Char is far more hot than she is scary, but the scary is a good scary. That “roller coaster ride scary,” not “a bear in the woods while you’re camping” scary. But, more about the di-”
“Naw. I gotta get this stuff to my new place!” She said and began rolling the cart out of the tower, with a huge smile on her face.
Henry looked at Max approaching and wondered, “Are you late, or am I uncharacteristically early?” 
Max looked at his watch and said, “I’m late…. Wait, why did I look at my watch? OF COURSE, I’m late. Like you’d ever be early.” Henry laughed and rolled his eyes, then heard his phone and checked Charlotte’s text. “Uh uh. Phone away. It’s training time,” Max said, setting his things down. 
“You’re one to talk. You were late today!” Henry said, then groaned at the text message, “Your delightful girlfriend just told Jasper that I might be leaving soon. Why would she do that?” Henry had taken to sarcastically using positive words for Char whenever he was irritated by her, to avoid interference from Max, that he was certain could result in either his own derision or demise. Better safe and sarcastic than sorry.
“Have you not talked to Jasper about possibly leaving here?” Max wondered, stretching.
Henry put his phone into his bag and said, “I’ve brought it up a few times that I was probably gonna go on some far off missions with you, but I think that he’s not hearing that I might be leaving soon.”
“Are you SAYING that you might be leaving soon to him?” Max asked.
“Did you SAY it before you told Char over the weekend?” Henry asked right back. 
“Are you and Jasper in the same situation and Char and I?” Max wondered.
“No, but… you can’t be pot kettling or whatever.”
“Different situations, Dude,” Max said. “I wanna marry Charlotte someday, but as it stands, she’s technically not my best friend. I mean… That’s a goal, definitely, but it isn’t our reality. You and Jasper have been together your entire lives and he follows you everywhere. Not telling him that somewhere may be another country is a little different from me having anxiety about admitting to a short term girlfriend the same thing… He is gonna come with you, right?”
Henry shrugged his shoulders, “I kinda want him to figure out his own thing. I’ve been doing some soul searching and I realize that while I’ve been putting everybody else first and working on saving other people, Jasper’s been doing the same thing, but for me.”
They continued stretching and Max commented, “Maybe that’s what he wants to do.”
“Maybe. But, I’ll feel better if he has some time to look inside and really determine that, you know? Would you want Charlotte to just pack up and leave and come along with us to Russia?”
“Yes. But, yet again - not the same situation.” 
Henry sighed, annoyed and commented, “I am so ready to swing punches at your face now.”
“I am ready to watch you fail to land them.”
“Okay. I am ready to do THAT for the rest of my life,” Max said. Charlotte simply laughed. It was nice, but she was certainly sore. She hadn’t had to work her thigh muscles like that before, or at least in a while. She forgot about all of the “additional” that came along with this. It didn’t matter, though. Max was here with her, and he wanted her, and he wanted this. She had no complaints.
He laid in Charlotte’s arms, ready to forsake Russia, the T Force, the Hero League, anything else that dared to come between him and this feeling that he had right now, in this very moment, wrapped up in her, bodies connected, spirits aligned. 
“Whether it’s 3 months or 6, I want to be with you, okay?” She whispered. 
He nodded. Of course. He wanted to throw a ring on her and pop a baby in her, but that was a bit much for right now, so he just said, “You could move into the lair, if you want. That might give us a little more time together before the changes happen.”
“Wouldn’t you have to run that by Share-A-Lair?” She wondered.
“Running it by them for me includes sending them a message that it’s happening.”
“Oh, so you got it like that, huh?”
“I’m the man.” He kissed her fingertips and asked, “Do you not want to?”
She smiled, “I think that’d be cool. I mean, it’s only for a few months, then you’re off to Russia, so it isn’t like there’s a danger of us growing sick of each other. Besides, I practically live there now and gas to and from for when I’ve gotta come back here is pretty pricey.”
“You think that we’ll grow sick of each other when we’re around each other more?” he wondered. “I can’t imagine ever being sick of you. I imagine you being the main thing that makes me feel well in a very sick world where I have to battle sick people.” She just smiled. He was strumming her skin lovingly with his fingertips and seemed like he had a lot going through his mind.
“Will we be able to visit each other at all? When you’re in Russia?” She asked.
“It’s not final that I’ll be in Russia… but, I will have a lair, hidden beneath the property of my secret identity. If you want, you can certainly visit me, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to leave during the tour.”
“Cool. I’ve never really thought about Russia, but I’m going to look into it. Add it as a place for me to be able to visit a time or two in the next few years… You are only gonna be gone for a few years, right?”
“Three,” he said.
“Yeah, I’ve done this long distance thing for longer before. We’ve got this.” 
He looked at her and gave her a kiss. “Can we…”
“If it isn’t asking too much…”
“It’s not!” She smiled. “Come here…”
Each day, Charlotte came in a little less chipper and a little more sore looking. Jasper smirked every time, until one day, maybe about a week later, he straight up asked, “You can’t handle the D, can you?”
She let out a relieved sigh and a chain of word vomit, “Dude, I can’t even get to the point where I’m at my usual performance level with Max, because whenever we get down to it, his physical superiority and stamina outrun my experience and prowess. What does it matter if you can do fun little tricks, if after a few minutes, you’re ready to pass out, just as he’s getting warmed up? He is a leading world  superhero, with nearly perfect health, and impeccable bodily preoccupation! He can do some GLORIOUS shit with body. I mean, leave you speechless tier. And... I can handle about 10 minutes of him, then I’m just there because if I move, I might collapse. I have GOT to add cardio to my daily schedule!” 
Jasper nodded his head, cordially the entire time she was speaking, but as soon as she stopped, he simply asked, “Okay, but how big is it?” She stared at him for a moment before walking away. “Bigger than Henry’s? Surely.” He gasped, “Is it bigger than mine? Are there other personality traits to it? Like a curve or a slightly fatter top? OH! He’s... cut, isn’t he? You know what, you should see if he’ll let you take a photo of it, so we can research.”
“Jasper!” She finally shrieked. “Shut. Up.”
“Right. You’re having a crisis. Here’s a solution! You let him take control until you get your own physicality up. Those are essentially pleasure filled workouts. He’ll like being in charge all the time, at least for a while, then whenever it seems like it’s boring and dull, POW! You’ll hit him with your modulation. He’ll be like... WHAT? There was a higher pleasure setting? Huh?? And you can stay on that level until you gain more endurance, and then, guess what? POW! Another modulation on him.” Jasper shook his head, “But, that’s probably not gonna work.”
“No, no... That’s... I can work with that. My legs haven’t burned this much since I started marathon training in junior high!”
“I forgot that you used to do that!” Jasper said.
“So did my thighs.” 
He laughed and said, “RIP Charlotte’s hamstrings.”
“Rude!” she snapped. They looked at each other, “But, accurate.” He laughed again and she tried not to, because it wasn’t funny and she didn’t want to encourage him. But, in spite of herself, she had to laugh a little. 
She definitely regretted it when a moment later, Jasper slid a pencil and a piece of paper to her and said, “What if you just sketch it for me? As true to life as possible, please?” 
She gave him a small, tight smile, picked up the pencil and said, “Imagine for a moment that this was one...” Then, she snapped it in half with her thumb and threw it down on the table. Jasper gasped as she got up and walked over to her work area in the lab.
“He... He has a pencil one?” He wondered, in horror. She just left it alone. Maybe if he thought that, he’d give it a rest! “I’ve been sweatfished!” He whined. That sounds disgusting.
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keelywolfe · 6 years ago
FIC: Joint Effort (baon)
Summary: Jeff is getting back on his feet and that’s pretty nice. He’s not so sure about Red and Sans’s version of helping, though.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationship, Humor, Marijuana Usage
Notes: I’m getting my timeline a little scattered, but man did I need something funny and cute.
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Staying in New New Home was nice.
Honestly, one of the nicest places Jeff ever lived and there was something about knowing that if he went outside for a walk at least one person was bound to wave at him, and if it was a skeleton or a Bun or even a Moldsmal, it was, well. It was nice.
Not that Jeff was walking that much, he was only just back on his feet. Blue spent a decent amount of time this morning scolding him not to overdo it, doublechecked that he had his phone and that he’d call if he needed to, and gave him a sack lunch before shooing him out the door.
Maybe it was a little overkill for a walk over to Stretch’s house, but the kindness of it made a warm glow settle in Jeff’s middle and that was a nice change from the itch of his healing stitches. It reminded him a bit of how it felt for Stretch to pull his soul out, but that memory was blurred through pain medicine. Maybe someday he could persuade Stretch to do it again, just to compare his memory to reality. But not today.
Today they were hanging out to celebrate Jeff’s return to being upright. Stretch seemed all for the bag lunch anyway, promptly stealing it and now they were sitting in the backyard together sharing the chocolate chip cookies while the nice, healthy sandwich on wheat sat wilting in the heat, sad and ignored.
The chickens wandered around the yard, occasionally inspecting their feet for possible goodies. This was nice, too, sitting in comfortable silence with a friend, sharing snacks and company.
“hey, you two.”
Swallowing back a yelp, Jeff whipped around to see Sans and Red standing behind them, lounging back against the large tree. He didn’t really know either of them well, Sans a bit better of the two since he’d helped out with the lab work that one time. But the matching grins on their faces filled him with a sense of foreboding.
Stretch seemed to agree. He slouched even more in his chair, rolling his eye lights as he reached out lazily to snuff his cigarette out in the nearby ashtray. “hey, you two back. what do you want?”
“aww, that ain’t nice, honey bun,” Red shook his head sadly. “maybe we just came to visit you and your little feathery dinosaurs for andy’s first real outing.”
“maybe. except every time you come over you have an agenda, short stack, and it better not be trying to sneak in more of your spy shit.”
“i’m here, too,” Sans pointed out. “what’s the agenda, do i need to take notes? got a pen i can borrow?”
“like you’d do anything he says? i know you, you have your own shit planned. better not let him be rubbing off on you and you can skip all the puns around that, i’ve already thought of all the good ones and the statute of limitations isn’t up.”
“rubbing ‘em out as we speak,” Sans said solemnly. “now, if you’re through your daily quota of paranoia, we brought you both a gift.”
“you can’t have any cookies.”
“we ain’t after the fucking cookies. besides the blueberry would hand some over himself if we asked and you know it.” Red nudged Sans ungently and got a sharp elbow to the ribs for his trouble. “show ‘em.”
With theatrical flare, Sans reached into his hoodie pocket and withdrew what to Jeff’s inexperienced eye looked like a joint. “ta fucking da.”
From Stretch’s brutally unimpressed expression, he probably wasn’t very excited. “seriously?”
“c’mon, please?” Sans wheedled, hands clasped together in a pantomime of pleading. “we haven’t smoked since you hooked your anchor to the edgelord.”
“yeah, because the last time my brother was ready to commit a couple murders over what we did to his sofa.”
“he got a new one! besides, can’t burn any of the good furniture if we stay out here. it’ll be fun! andy, talk to him.”
Jeff froze, looking between the twin earnestly pleading expressions (it was oddly disturbing on Red’s face) and Stretch’s skeptical one. “Um. I don’t mind if you guys want to?”
“don’t go into infomercials, kid, you ain’t so good at the ringing endorsements,” Red said dryly. “c’mon, i doubledchecked, it won’t interact bad with your meds.”
“ixnay,” Sans hissed. Stretch only sighed.
“of course you did, you shit. you know, i need to stop bitching about my brother being controlling because you’re valedictorian with an advanced degree in meddling.”
“yeah, yeah, me and those kids with the dog,” Red waved that away. ”c’mon, we could all use some chill. either smoke with us, or sansy and i’ll go back to my place and do it there.”
“give me that,” Stretch said irritably, reaching for the roll. Sans let him pluck it away. He flicked his lighter and held it to the end until it kindled, inhaling deeply. Breathed out a cloud of smoke with a faint cough, “at least if you’re here i can keep an eye on you.”
“oh, yeah, you’re great as adult supervision. i feel safer already.” Sans took it back when Stretch held it out, taking a hit of his own. He held it out to Jeff, “give this a try, andy.”
“Um, that’s okay?” Jeff said meekly. “I tried it in college, it doesn’t do much for me. I don’t want to waste it.”
“can’t hurt to take a hit then,” Red said reasonably. “give it a try. what could wrong?”
“He is hot as hell, though, right?” Jeff slurred out, blinking up dazedly at the bright blue of the sky.
The path of his descent to laying on the grass was only a little convoluted. Starting with his feet being suddenly too hot, so he kicked off his shoes and the grass felt so good on his bare feet he decided that laying on it would feel even better. It did, all cool, faintly prickly glory and that mingled with sweet relaxation lapping over him was a hell of a lot better than simply nice.
He was pretty sure one of the chickens was trying to preen his hair. He damn well hoped it was a chicken.
“the edgelord?” Came from next to him where Sans had joined in on his magnificent quest to the grass. Red and Stretch were occupying their own section of the lawn, solidifying it as a common goal. Sans didn’t wait for Jeff to reply, only added with lazy fervor, “fuck, yeah, he is.”
Okay, so, all of them ending up on the grass was a path Jeff could chart. This topic of conversation, not so much.
After passing the joint a couple times, —and Jeff was pretty sure he hadn’t meant to take more than one hit— the rest of the cookies had fallen quickly to their ravenous appetite. So had the sandwich and the little baggie of chisps, and somewhere in there Stretch was lamenting that Edge wasn’t home to bring them more snacks. Sans made some comment about Edge being a snack, and then—
Jeff wasn’t entirely sure what qualified as attractive to Monsters, but from his own observations of others around them, he was pretty sure when they were handing out the sexy, Edge went back for a second helping. Didn’t hurt to ask though, right?
From somewhere around his bare feet, Jeff felt the grass stir, then a bony finger poked the sole of his foot hard enough to make him yelp. “are you two discussing how hot my husband is without me?”
“nah, you’re sitting right there.”
“i didn’t think so,” Stretch sniffed. “yeah, he’s really hot, isn’t he. fuck, when he wears those jeans—“
“yeah, and those boots of his—“
“And that belt? Kind of, you know, draws the eyes down, yeah?”
The sound that came from Jeff’s left made him frown, trying to turn his wobbly head that way to see how a wounded animal managed to get into Stretch’s backyard. But the only thing there was Red and rather than enjoying the feel of the grass, he looked like he might be attempting to bite out a chunk of the ground.
“can we please not talk about how hot my baby bro is?” Red said, and wow. Jeff never took him for the begging type. “let’s talk about how hot someone else’s honey is. you!”
Jeff froze when Red pointed at him accusingly.
“Me? Oh! Oh, yeah, Antwan is hot,” Jeff agreed eagerly, sighing happily as his mental picture of Edge was overlaid with Antwan. Both of them obviously took far more than their fair share of sexy on their buffet plates, letting it spill over onto everything else like salad dressing seeping into the mac and cheese. Hmmm, maybe he could keep them on his thought player side by side, Edge and Antwan—
His introspection was interrupted by a loud scoff from Red. “we know he’s hot, we can see. how is he in the sack, now, that’s a real question.”
“Um.” There were many answers to that question in varying stages of pornographic, each battling with his dwindling common sense to be said first.
“you can’t ask him that!” Stretch scolded and gave Red a rough shove with his own bony bare foot. Jeff’s swelling relief at being rescued was immediately punctured as he went on. “i’m his best friend, i get to ask. how is he in the sack?”
“Uhmm…he’s…good?” Jeff tried but as answers went, no one seemed very satisfied with it. ”Really good?”
“that’s how you describe a mediocre summer action flick, not getting laid,” Red complained.
“don’t pick on him!” Stretch said, loyal even in his disappointment. “don’t feel bad, andy, edge is good in the sack, too.”
“doesn’t anyone want to know how good my boyfriend is in the sack?” Sans asked.
“you ain’t even got a boyfriend, you shit.”
“Yeah, okay. Is he hot?”
Before Sans could answer, a pair of boots came up beside Jeff’s head. He stared in awe at the glory of them. They were nice boots, familiar boots, and Jeff reached out to rub a thumb over the dark, shiny leather. To his disappointment, they moved out of his reach and Jeff sighed sadly, absently looking up the long, long legs, up, up…oh.
Edge was looking down at them, arms crossed over his chest and that look should be patented under Severely Disappointed.
“What are you idiots doing?” It was a question, but Jeff had his suspicions that Edge already knew.
“babe!” Stretch said gleefully and made an attempt to sit up. It failed somewhere around the point of pushing up on his elbows and he sank back to the grass. “you’re home! we’re just…uh…” That laser of disapproval looked like it cut through the cloud of his high and dawning realization washed over Stretch’s face. He made a hasty attempt to change tactics. “hey. uh. love you?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
“which one will make you less mad?”
“Neither, brat.” But he moved to kneel next to him, a gloved hand gently smoothing over Stretch’s skull. He made a happy little sound, not unlike the chickens, and leaned into that touch. “I’m not angry. You seem relaxed.”
“yeah,” Stretch sighed. The way he tipped his head into Edge’s petting made Jeff unsuccessfully stifle a giggle. “and we kept it outside!”
“Smoking anything in my house is unwise,” Edge agreed.
Sans leaned up with marginally more success than Stretch, holding up the joint. “you want a hit?”
“No, thank you,” Edge said dryly. “Try not to light anything on fire this time. Do you all want a snack?”
From his wince, they were maybe a little too enthusiastic with their response. But Edge only nodded, his thumb skirting over the curve of Stretch‘s skull a last time before he climbed back to his feet, and Jeff watched in bemusement as both Stretch and Sans lifted their heads to watch Edge walk away.
Or at least Sans tried. For some reason his head dropped back to the grass with a muttered, “ouch! stop it asshole, i ain’t lookin’!”
The door closed and Jeff whispered as softly as he could to Stretch. “I thought he’d be mad.”
Apparently, his whispers were currently set to high. Stretch only flapped a hand vaguely at the house. “nah, he’s cool. also, he can hear you, he opened the kitchen window. gotta be a mamma bear.”
Sans’s voice managed to be somehow vague and still rich with his own brand of disappointment. “aww, so we have to stop talking about how hot he is?”
The loud sound of dishes crashing made a round of wincing go through them all.
Stretch waited for the last of the clatter to fade. “only if you want something to eat.”
“i’ll think about it…ouch! okay, okay, i’m done!”
Jeff shook his head when Sans held out the joint to him again. Whatever snack Edge was making, he wanted some, too, and if the price was ending any chatter about how hot Edge was, eh.
Better to not take the chance.
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utagoe · 5 years ago
Zenryoku Shounen: Ai Japan (愛ジャパン) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Ai Japan (Love Japan) by Rihito and Key
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(kanji source)
OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything Oh OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything
ふたりでMakeするLoveで、 一世風靡するのさ  ノ・リ・コ・ナ・セ!!!!
Hi!!! Shooting Star 予測できないSpeedで落ちてきた 受け止めれば Bon-Q-Bomb[ボン-キュ-ボン]
Ah ヌき撃てないほどの至近距離なら “素っぴん”[アリノママ]で Here we go!!!
夢の祝杯 (あげようよ) 気づいてたよ (その熱視線に) ココゾのChance 難易度はウルトラCでも
「って思ってるんだけど」 「・・・・・・―――いいよね?」
夏の青空に響き渡るよ! マジでSadisticな  Double Slap in the Face (ものの見事な、フルスウィング) キミの瞳は純度最高! ヤバいClimaxで Knockin' on Heaven's Door (誰もかもが、夢中になる) 目から火花飛び散り、 燃え滾る 乱気流[Turbulence] on 愛ジャパン 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
もぅ、出し切れないほどの我欲保守なら トッピンシャンで、Don-Doko-Show?
心、全壊 (逃げられず) 追われてるよ (あの怪光線に) 未だに Cry out 元彼[トラウマ]はやたら深めでも
「���われても」 「・・・・・・―――構わない」
虹の彼方まで飛んで行くから! マジでMajesticな HeartBeat on the Beach (冗談じゃなく、本気だから) ボクの涙は、鮮度最高! 過去のClimaxを  Jumpin' All Night Long (何もかもを、忘れられたら) いつか汗で虹描く、 燃え滾る 乱気流[Turbulence] on 愛ジャパン 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
「思いっきり」 「やってみろよ」
「・・・・・・ウッ」 「・・・・・・アッ」
夏の青空に響き渡るよ! マジでSadisticな Double Slap in the Face (ものの見事な、フルスウィング) キミの瞳は純度最高! ヤバいClimaxで Knockin' on Heaven's Door (誰もかもが、夢中になる) 虹の彼方まで飛んで行くから! マジでMajesticなHeartBeat on the Beach (冗談じゃなく、本気だから) ボクの涙は、鮮度最高! 過去のClimaxを Jumpin' All Night Long (何もかもを、忘れられたら) いつかボクがキミを変える、 燃え滾る 乱気流[Turbulence] on 愛ジャパン 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン、 愛ジャパン―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything Oh OneNight AtoZ 知り尽くしたい Everything
ふたりでMakeするLOVEで、 一世風靡するのさ ノ・リ・コ・ナ・セ!!!!
OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything Oh OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything
futari de Make suru Love de, issei fuubi suru no sa no-ri-ko-na-se!!!!
Hi!!! Shooting Star yosoku dekinai Speed de ochite kita uketomereba bon-kyu-bon
Ah nuki utenai hodo no shikinkyori nara ari no mama de Here we go!!!
yume no shukuhai (ageyouyo) kizuitetayo (sono nesshisen ni) kokozo no Chance nan'ido wa urutora C demo
sono kuchibiru ni, furete mitai
"tte omotterun dakedo" "...ii yo ne?"
natsu no aozora ni hibiki wataruyo! maji de Sadistic na Double Slap in the Face (mono no migoto na, furu suingu) kimi no hitomi wa jundo saikou! yabai Climax de Knockin' on Heaven's Door (daremo kamo ga, muchuu ni naru) me kara hibana tobichiri, moetagiru Turbulence on ai japan ai japan, ai japan, ai japan,
mou, dashi kirenai hodo no gayoku hoshu nara toppinshan de, Don-Doko-Show?
kokoro, zenkai (nigerarezu) owareteruyo (ano kaikou sen ni) imada ni Cry out torauma wa yatara fukame demo
sono kizuato ni furete mitai
"kirawaretemo" "...kamawanai"
niji no kanata made tonde yuku kara! maji de Majestic na HeartBeat on the Beach (joudan janaku, honki dakara) boku no namida wa, sendo saikou! kako no Climax wo Jumpin' All Night Long (nanimo kamo wo, wasureraretara) itsuka ase de niji egaku, moetagiru Turbulence on ai japan ai japan, ai japan, ai japan
sono "akirame" wo kaete mitai
"omoi kkiri" "yatte miroyo"
"...uh" "...ah"
"...nando demo, uketomete yaru"
natsu no aozora ni hibiki wataruyo! maji de Sadistic na Double Slap in the Face (mono no migoto na, furu suingu) kimi no hitomi wa jundo saikou! yabai Climax de Knockin' on Heaven's Door (daremo kamo ga, muchuu ni naru) niji no kanata made tonde yuku kara! maji de Majestic na HeartBeat on the Beach (joudan janaku, honki dakara) boku no namida wa, sendo saikou! kako no Climax wo Jumpin' All Night Long (nanimo kamo wo, wasureraretara) itsuka boku ga kimi wo kaeru, moetagiru Turbulence on ai japan ai japan, ai japan, ai japan
OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything Oh OneNight AtoZ shiri tsukushitai Everything
futari de Make suru LOVE de, isseifuubi suru no sa no-ri-ko-na-se!!!!
OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you Oh OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you
With the Love that we Make, We'll rule the times Pull their strings!!!!
Hi!!! Shooting Star I've fallen down with an unpredictable Speed If you catch me, what a style you'll have!
Ah, if you're in such a point-blank range that I can't even shoot you As we naturally are, Here we go!!!
A toast to our dreams (Let's make it) I've noticed (Your hot glances) A critical Chance, even if the difficulty is at Ultra C
I want to touch your lips―――・・・・・・・・・
"That's what I'm thinking" "・・・・・・―――That's fine, right?"
It resounds in the summer's blue sky! A seriously Sadistic Double Slap in the Face (A magnificent full swing) Your eyes are of the highest purity! Having an amazing Climax, we're Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Everyone will be hooked) Sparks fly from your eyes, A blazing Turbulence on Love Japan Love Japan, Love Japan, Love Japan―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
If you're so focused on maintaining your selfishness that you can't do your best Shall we make merry with a bang?
Completely destroying my heart (I can't escape) I'm being chased (By that mysterious beam) I still Cry out, even if my trauma gets recklessly deeper
I want to touch those scars―――・・・・・・・・・
"Even if you hate me" "・・・・・・―――I don't mind"
We'll fly beyond the rainbow! A seriously Majestic HeartBeat on the Beach (This isn't a joke, I'm serious) My tears are of the highest freshness! Our Climax from the past Jumpin' All Night Long (If we just forget about everything) We'll someday draw a rainbow with our sweat, A blazing Turbulence on Love Japan Love Japan, Love Japan, Love Japan―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
I want to change your "resignation"―――・・・・・・・・・
"Try and do it" "With all your heart"
"・・・・・・Uh" "・・・・・・Ah"
"――・・・・・・・・・I'll catch you as many times as you need"
It resounds in the summer's blue sky! A seriously Sadistic Double Slap in the Face (A magnificent full swing) Your eyes are of the highest purity! Having an amazing Climax, we're Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Everyone will be hooked) We'll fly beyond the rainbow! A seriously Majestic HeartBeat on the Beach (This isn't a joke, I'm serious) My tears are of the highest freshness! Our Climax from the past Jumpin' All Night Long (If we just forget about everything) We'll someday draw a rainbow with our sweat, A blazing Turbulence on Love Japan Love Japan, Love Japan, Love Japan―――・・・・・・・・・!!!!
OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you Oh OneNight AtoZ I want to know Everything about you
With the Love that we Make, We'll rule the times Pull their strings!!!!
4 notes · View notes
houston-notlikethecity · 6 years ago
A Hockey Life by Matt Cullen
Part 1
One of the worst parts about growing up was having to make a malt.
Don’t get me wrong, the ingredients are pretty simple. And I loved drinking them. But if I had to make a malt, that meant one thing: I lost a hockey match on our outdoor rink.
My father, Terry, built an outdoor hockey rink in our backyard. Me and my two younger brothers, Mark and Joe, spent every spare minute we had on that ice. We’d come home from school, change and hit the rink. Every birthday party was on the rink. We hooked up lights onto the roof and would play until it was dark and all we could see were the bright Minnesota stars above.
All I’ve ever known in my life is hockey. My earliest childhood memories were on that rink in Virginia, Minnesota. That’s all I really wanted to do as a kid, was be on the rink and play with my brothers and friends. There was nothing better in life. I know it’s the same story for a lot of guys, but that’s how I fell in love with hockey.
If we weren’t spending our night in the backyard, we were usually attending one of my father’s high school games. From my youth until I was 10 years old, my father was the hockey coach for the Virginia Blue Devils. And I imagined myself being a Blue Devil one day. But when I was in the fourth grade he took over as coach of the Moorhead Spuds.
(I remember being so mad. I didn’t want to be a spud. I wanted to be a Blue Devil! They had such a cool logo. What even is a spud? A potato? We’re going to be potatoes? It’s so funny thinking back at how upset I was at the time).
I still remember going to watch my dad coach. My friends and I collected programs and would tear out the pages. If our team won the game we would count down the final seconds and throw those pages into the air like confetti and celebrate like we just won the Stanley Cup. In between periods my brothers and I would play mini sticks with the team doctor in the hallway.
When we got home there was always one final chore for the night. We shoveled off the outdoor rink and flooded the ice so that it would be nice and solid for the next day. On the nights before a big game or tournament Dad would bring out a bucket of hot water. It was like we were Zamboni-ing it. It felt like big time. The ice would be super smooth after. The stakes were high.
And those tournaments could get pretty intense. My father, my brothers and me would mix teams for a 2-on-2 matchup. The losing team had to make the winning team malts and serve them to the winners.
So if I was making the malts, it meant that I had lost. But if I had won, then the losing team had to make malts for me and my teammate. The only thing better than the sweet taste of victory was the sweet taste of drinking that malt.
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Part 2
In Minnesota, high school hockey is king.
We didn’t have NHL on the Fly or ESPN Hockey. The NHL was another planet. To kids growing up in Minnesota in the 80s, playing for your high school team was the dream.
My favorite moments were when my dad would let me in the locker room. I was in awe of the high school players and wanted to be them one day. For me, it was the equivalent of my children being in the locker room with Sid and Geno.
To us Minnesota kids, high school hockey was the NHL. And playing for the state championship was our Stanley Cup.  
Every year my family would drive three-and-a-half hours south to the St. Paul Civic Center to watch the tournament, whether my dad’s team was in it or not. I remember it had clear boards and was filled with 15,000 people watching. It was the highlight of my whole year. It was like a holiday.
My best memories of my high school career at Moorhead was playing in that tournament. For a kid growing up around high school hockey, that was the ultimate. I played in the tournament during my sophomore, junior and senior years. Unfortunately, we never won the title, but we were runner-up twice and finished third the other year.
What sticks out most was my senior year. I was playing with my brother Mark and we had a good team. That year I started thinking that I was good enough to maybe play in college and maybe, someday, the NHL. We made the state tournament again that year. We faced Rochester in the semifinal and the game went into double overtime. I scored the game-winner to get us to the final, though we didn’t finish it off in the last game of the season.
Losing was tough. Obviously, I wanted to win. But I think losing in those games was good for me in the long run. Losing in the finals and never quite getting there, I felt like there was maybe more I had. I felt that this isn’t my big moment. There’s maybe more ahead. I don’t know why I thought that. I’m not sure where it came from. But going through my head during that defeat was that my big moment was still to come.
Part 3
I jumped over the boards at Maple Leaf Gardens and skated to the faceoff circle to square off against Hall-of-Famer Mats Sundin. It was October of 1997. Two years ago I was just a high school senior.
Now a member of the Anaheim Ducks, I was about to skate my first career shift in one of the NHL’s most historic venues. I lost the faceoff, a defensive zone draw. The Maple Leafs had a shot on net and the coach called me off the ice. It was a short shift, but I’ll never forget it.
Everything was so new to me. I was living in California on my own, the farthest I’ve ever been away from home. I was balancing all these new experiences from dry cleaning, being on the road and keeping up with an apartment. Not to mention learning how to play in the NHL.
Being a rookie in the league was a lot different back then. I was really quiet my first year, if you can believe that. We had an older group and the rookies were treated like rookies. We only spoke when spoken to. I came home from the rink one day and called my brother and I said ‘You won’t believe this, but I didn’t say one word at the rink the entire day. I was there for five hours, didn’t say one word to anybody.’
My welcome to the NHL moment happened on Day 1. Teemu Selanne walked into the room and took out his skates. He hadn’t skated the entire summer and his skates had rust on them. He threw them on and was the best player on the ice from the first day. I was thinking, 'This is crazy. This is a whole new level of hockey.’ I was on a line with Teemu that first year and he scored a career-high 52 goals - but believe me, it was no thanks to me.
I spent most of my four seasons in Anaheim skating alongside Teemu and Paul Kariya. And they taught me so much about the game.
Teemu was such a fun-loving, easy-going guy. He loved the game. He just played for fun and enjoyed it. Paul was super intense and serious, the ultimate pro. It was super cool to see both sides of them.
But the thing I learned the most that year was from Paul, who was also my roommate on the road during my time there. He taught me how to be a pro. He was super structured and detailed, trained like crazy. He showed me how much you have to commit, how much you had to put in to being a pro if you wanted to be good at it.
Paul would stretch every night before going to bed, so I started stretching every night. I think that was one of the biggest reasons I was able to stay healthy throughout my entire career and play until I was 42 years old. I stretched throughout my whole career.
Coming out of high school I was pretty green. I didn’t realize that in an 82-game season you should be working out. I didn’t do things like that.
I always think back to spots in my career and people that came across my path, I think it’s for a reason. I learned so much from Paul, who remains a close personal friend to this day. Without his guidance I don’t think my career would have gone where it did.
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Part 4
My hockey career hit a crossroads in the summer of 2005. I was 28 years old and worried that my career might be coming to an end. My last year in Anaheim and the next year-and-a-half with Florida were unmemorable. Then the NHL lockout happened. I knew if I had another bad season, retirement might come earlier than I anticipated. You can fall off the map pretty quickly in the NHL.
Then came a dilemma. Two teams called me with a contract offer. One was my hometown team, the Minnesota Wild. The other call came from Carolina Hurricanes general manager Jim Rutherford.
Minnesota was my hometown and was offering more money. Carolina seemed a much better fit and I already had built a relationship with Peter Laviolette, who coached me with the U.S. at the World Championship.
The chance to come home to Minnesota seemed too good of a dream to pass up. Going to Carolina would require a huge risk and huge leap of faith. I talked with my wife Bridget and we prayed. Something told me to take the risk and go to Carolina.
We had an interesting group. There were some unknowns like Eric Staal, Justin Williams, Andrew Ladd, even myself. There were also some older, veteran guys like Ray Whitney, Cory Stillman, Rod Brind'Amour and Brett Hedican. We had Martin Gerber in goal and a rookie, Cam Ward, as the backup.
Sports Illustrated picked us to finish 30 out of 30 teams. But everything came together in a way that I never experienced. We got off to a great start and things just worked out. I scored 25 goals and had one of my best years. We finished second in the East and added guys like Mark Recchi and Doug Weight at the deadline.
We opened the playoffs against Montreal at home and lost the first two games. It was awful. I was thinking our great season was coming to an end. We switched goalies and Cam stepped in and he was lights out. He played unbelievable and won the Conn Smythe.
We beat Buffalo in Game 7 to get to the Stanley Cup Final and faced Edmonton, a Cinderella team that was an eighth seed in the West. We had a chance to win the Cup on home ice in Game 5, but lost in overtime. Then we went to Edmonton and got pounded.
Game 7 was back in Carolina. It was the most fun game I’ve ever played in. The crowd didn’t sit the entire game, they stood the whole time. It was intense. I hadn’t experienced that before. I was nearly 30 years old, but I felt like a little kid.
We battled and held on for a 3-1 win, and you can’t even believe it’s actually happening. After Aaron Ward handed me the Cup, I did a quick twirl. There was a sold-out crowd in the building, but when I looked up all I could see was the Minnesota stars and the hanging lights on that outdoor rink growing up.
All those games I played with my brothers and friends, pretending to be playing for the Stanley Cup, and there I was, holding this trophy high above my head and living that dream.
Our families joined us on the ice for the celebration. And I remember all those times when things didn’t work out. Not winning Minnesota’s Mr. Hockey as the best high school player (with all due respect to Erik Rasmussen, of course). Not getting drafted in the first round.
And I remembered that feeling of losing in the state final my senior year, when I believed that my big moment was still to come. And this was it. This was the big moment I was waiting for. We reached the pinnacle of the hockey world: Stanley Cup champions.
And no one will ever take that away from us.
But what I really took away from that group of guys was leadership. There were a lot of good leaders on that team, and they all weren’t wearing letters on their jerseys. You see it takes a large group of leaders on your team to win.
And for some of those older guys, this was their only and last chance to win a Cup. You see how fleeting your opportunity is for winning a championship. They fought so hard for it. They put so much into it. It was eye-opening to see how much it meant to them.
I know I’ve said it before, but really do believe everything happens for a reason. Instead of playing it safe, taking more money and playing in my home of Minnesota, I took a chance on Carolina. I went into that year thinking it could be my last one in the NHL. And I ended it by lifting the Stanley Cup.
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Part 5
There are few things I loved more than coming home after a game and flooding my own outdoor rink. I would drive home, put on my warm clothes, fill a thermos with some wine and go outside and drink it while I flooded the rink.
By that time I was back in Minnesota, having signed a contract with the Wild. My chance to come back home came true after all. And it seemed like the perfect time to go home, play out those three years, retire a Wild and live in Minnesota.
By that time, I also had a family. Three young boys of my own: Brooks, Wyatt and Joey. And for the first time in my life, it was my job to build the rink in the backyard. I had never done it before, but it was so fun. I felt like I was my dad.
I wanted to give my boys all the things that I had growing up, except now I’m the old guy flooding the rink. They were still very young in those years. Joey had just been born a few months before (I actually watched him being born on Skype from my hotel room while I was playing with Ottawa in the playoffs against the Penguins).
When I skated on that outdoor rink, it was the first time I had done so since I left my home in Minnesota in 1997. I was just as excited as the kids to be on the outdoor rink. It was the coolest thing. It certainly brought back a lot of memories, but mostly I felt my life coming full circle.
That included sharing in the Cullen family tradition of attending the Minnesota high school tournament. We actually saw a young Jake Guentzel skating there for Hill Murray on that ice sheet. I definitely didn’t think I’d see him scoring 30, 40 goals in the NHL alongside Sidney Crosby one day. It’s funny how it works out.
But those three years in Minnesota, it was really about family. We spent holidays at home with my boys and the entire family. It was a really special experience getting to play at home. I really enjoyed it. It gave the kids the experience of growing up on the outdoor rink.
It was during that time in Minnesota that they started to really love the game. For me as a dad, that was the ultimate to be able to share it with them.
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Part 6
The phone didn’t ring on July 1, 2015, the annual start to NHL free agency. I had just finished two great years in Nashville, but my future was still unclear. I still wanted to play even at 38 years old, but I was pretty sure that it was the end.
That day came and went without a call. Then the next day came and went. Then the next week. Then the next month. Even so I continued to train and keep myself ready just in case an opportunity came up. At least I would be in shape and could make a decision for myself. I didn’t want it made for me because I was out of shape.
One day in early August, the phone rang. It was Jim Rutherford.
Bridget was out for a run. When she got back, I said, 'You’ll never guess who just called.’ And she goes, 'Was it Jim?’ It was crazy. She just knew.
As usual with these decisions we talked for a while and prayed on it. But we felt like we kept getting these opportunities and it would be crazy not to jump on it and give it a try. We took that leap and went to Pittsburgh.
The rest speaks for itself. We won back-to-back Stanley Cup championships the next two years, the first team to do so in two decades. It was a historical run.
I just pinch myself and think about how close it was to not happening. Those were probably the best years of my whole career and life with the Penguins. Going through all that with the boys and Bridget and that group of players, the whole organization, everything was perfect. It was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
I certainly couldn’t have imagined it the way we started that first season, though. We had such a terrible start that nobody had any expectations. I remember my son Wyatt coming to me at Christmas and crying because we had dropped out of the playoff picture.
Then Mike Sullivan came and we made a bunch of changes. Things started rolling from there. It was a unique group. It was a special group. That first year everything came together, and we were having so much fun. We were like a machine, all the way to the Cup.
The second year it was the same group, but it was a totally different year. We had to really lean on each other the most that year. The expectations were high going in and it brought our group closer together. It was rewarding because we stuck together through so many ups and downs.
I’ll always have the Cups and those memories. But when I think back on those times what really stands out is watching my boys with those guys. A lot of the guys would come over to my house, Chris Kunitz, Nick Bonino, Sidney Crosby, Ian Cole, Marc-Andre Fleury, Phil Kessel, Carl Hagelin. We’d all have a couple glasses of wine and the guys would play mini sticks with the boys (the most intense games were between the boys and Patric Hornqvist; I know you’re shocked).
That, for me, was the coolest thing ever to watch. It was like the boys were part of the family. They’d come in the locker room after practice trying to avoid doing homework. They’d steal gum. One time, Joey hid in Ian Cole’s change stall. He jumped out and scared the crap out of him.
Those are the memories I’ll treasure, probably more than anything. Just seeing them around the room every day. I know the boys will remember it forever.
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Part 7
I’ve been in a constant state of almost-retirement for the last few years. But coming into this last season, I knew that no matter what it would be the end. Even if we had won the Cup I would have been done. Playing those last few years really gave me the clarity to know this was it.
It was an emotional time, but I knew it was coming. It just felt right and I was really at peace with everything when it was over.
I felt like it was only right to retire in Pittsburgh with everything that the organization had given me and done for me. I’m so happy I came back and finished my last year in Pittsburgh. I wouldn’t trade that last year for anything.
I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting. More than anything I’m just so appreciative of everybody that helped me along the way. Looking back on it there are people that came into my life at the right time to lead me one way or teach me something. It’s not an easy thing to play for that long of a time. It takes so many people to step out of their way to help you, and I needed a lot of help!
And the friends I’ve made along the way, whether it was Eric Staal or Mike Fisher or Ryan Suter or Paul Kariya or the guys in Pittsburgh. There are just too many to name and I’m sorry if I left anyone out.
I just hope I had a positive impact with my teammates wherever I went. I tried to be the best teammate that I could be throughout my career, and be there for other people, try to be a good example.
But the biggest lesson I’ve learned from my 21 years and 1,500-plus games in the NHL is that you have to take a risk.
By my nature, that’s not me. I’m not a risk-taking guy. I think you’re given certain opportunities in life and if you’re willing to take a risk and throw yourself in all the way then special things can happen. For me, that was the case. We leaned on our faith a lot and took leaps of faith. Thank God we took those chances and opportunities where He was sending us.
I remember waking up in the middle of the night many times these last few years thinking, 'What am I doing? I’m 40 years old. I don’t think I can play another year in the NHL.’ After each time I signed the past few years I woke up in a cold sweat, not sure if I could still play.
Honestly, if I could play forever, I would. All I know is hockey. I’ve never done anything. I never wanted to do anything else. I don’t know anything else.
I may have skated my last shift, but I’m not hanging up my skates just yet. After all, there is a sheet of ice in Minnesota that needs to be flooded every night. That’s where you’ll find me, sipping my thermos. Maybe, even using the hot water to get the surface nice and smooth so the next day me and my three boys can have our own little intense 2-on-2 tournament with a malt on the line, skating in the open air, on the outdoor rink, under the hanging lights, under the Minnesota stars.
For me to be able to take them to the rink and play with them on the ice, as a dad, that’s as good as it gets. I couldn’t ask for more. That’s what I had as a kid and to be able to share it with my kids is my greatest joy.
It’s funny. When I was a kid, I used to hate making those malts. Nowadays, it’s not so bad.
[Whitney’s note - all images are from the original story. Please click through to the source, there’s also a video that goes along with this]
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sarahegerton96 · 6 years ago
Field Trip(Dennis Severs)
This was requested by the amazing @primaba11erina, I hope you like it babe it was really fun for me to write and I hope I done it justice and its what you had imagined it would turn out like :) Please excuse any mistakes I edited it but may have missed some :) really sorry it took me so long :)
Y/N was a first grade teacher who had arranged for her class to go on a field trip to the local fire station where her boyfriend works( none of the kids know Y/N and Dennis are together) so the firemen could teach the kids about fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire, seeing her boyfriend interact with all the kids made her heart flutter, she knew she always wanted kids someday and after seeing Dennis today she made the decision that she was ready and decided she would tell Dennis when he got home this evening in a rather exciting way ;)  
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the sound of Y/N's alarm going off woke her, groaning as she rolled over  to find her phone on the nightstand to silence the alarm. Thank god today was the last day of the school term, no more 6am starts, she could have a lie on and enjoy the summer with her wonderful boyfriend Dennis she though to herself as she made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day, after showering and getting dressed she made her way downstairs where she was met with the smell of bacon and coffee and the sight of her boyfriend sitting at the table shirtless sipping of his coffee and scrolling through his phone.
"Morning babe" he said smiling as he noticed you walk into the kitchen, "good morning Den" you replied as you walked over to him kissing him as he pulled you into his lap inhaling the scent of your coconut shampoo on your freshly washed hair, "mmm you smell delicious babe, I bet you taste even better" he mumbled against you as he trailed kissed down your neck sucking gently at your sweet spot just below your ear. "Den not now I've to get to work" you said hesitantly as you tried to pull away, unsuccessful in your attempts as he tightened his grip on you. "Babe its only 6:25, you don't have to leave until 7:45, we've got plenty of time" he said as he sunk he teeth into the skin of your collarbone, sighing you finally gave in as you melted into his topless torso, his hands sliding beneath the waistband of your leggings fingers gentle brushing over the thin material of your panties..."Shit babe its 7:15, I've only 30 minutes to have breakfast and get to the school" you say as your pulling on your panties and leggings looking around for where you bra and top landed after Dennis tore them off you. "Relax babe your class is going on their field trip today to the station aren't they? you'll have plenty of time you can afford to be a few mins late" he says as hes zipping up his trousers. " you go finish getting ready and I'll get your breakfast and coffee ready, yeah?" he says placing a reassuring kiss to your lips, "thank you babe" you hurry off to the bathroom to fix your hair and brush your teeth.
You arrived back in the kitchen to see Dennis has your coffee and breakfast ready on the table as promised. "Den babe where are you ?" you called out as you sat down to have breakfast, looking at your phone the time read 7:25am, phew I still have 20 minutes left, "In the bedroom babe, be down in a few" he calls from the bedroom. Ten minutes later I had finished my breakfast and was putting my cup and plate in the sink when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and Dennis softly kissing my neck, I leaned into his touch and kiss sighing contently wishing that I didn't have to leave for work. "I wish you didn't have to leave babe" he says as if he just read my mind, "Me too babe but today is the last day and I'm all yours" you purr in his ear making him groan, you and Dennis spend the next 10 minutes in a very deep handsy make out against the kitchen counter, you reluctantly break away to check the time and notice its time for you to leave. Dennis hesitantly lets you go after try to pursued you to call in sick you kiss him goodbye and leave for work.
****15 minutes later*****
When you arrive at the school the principal calls you into the office, "Y/N can I talk to you for a minute please?" "Of course whats up?" worrying that your going to get into trouble for being 5 minutes late trying to think of an excuse. "I'm sorry to have to ask you this as I know you were busy today packing up your classroom while your class was going on a field trip to the fire station but Ms.Madden has called in sick and wont be able to assist Sarah on the trip so could you please go with Sarah?" "Oh em yeah sure, of course" you stuttered out a bit surprised. "Great thank you so much they leave in 45 minutes, meeting outside at the fire assembly point" she says "I'll be ready" I say as I walk out of the office towards my classroom debating on whether to text Dennis to inform him that I will be going but decided against and to surprise him, I have 45 minutes to try pack up as much of my room as possible so I get to work boxing things up.
****45 minutes later****
Once all the kids were loaded onto the bus, permission slips were checked and a head count done we were on our way to the fire station, it was only 30 minutes to the fire station, along the way the kids played games and sang songs to pass the time, once we arrived at the station we gathered the kids up and gave them all name tags and done another headcount to make sure we had everyone. Kev one of the main firemen greeted us and showed us to one of the main halls to wait for the rest of the firemen, they were on their way back from a call for a house fire, 10 minutes later Dennis and 2 other firemen that you didn't recognize walked into the the hall laughing and joking, when suddenly Dennis stopped abruptly in his tracks and his eyes going wide as he saw you standing there clearly surprised as he wasn't expecting to see you. "What are you doing here he said" still trying to recover from the shock of seeing you and not draw attention to you's, "Ms.Madden called in sick so I had to cover for her" you say smirking quickly as you walked off leaving him standing there.
"Right so boys and girls today were going to be learning about fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire" Kev says to get the attention of the kids, all the kids immediately stop talking and listen to Kevin explain all about the do's and don'ts of of what to do and what not to do in the event of a fire. All the kids sat there mouths open in awe of what Kevin had to say, 20 minutes later Kevin asked  had any of the kids got any questions before they done the tour of the fire station, a few of the kids asked some really good questions you were impressed by them. "Now if yous would like to form an orderly line and follow me we will begin the tour" Kev said, all the kids scrambled to get in line quickly and they were on their way, as you were walking out you felt yourself being pulled into a room just off to the side, and a pair of lips come in contact with yours in a hungry kiss and a pair of hands grabbing my ass, "Dennis we cant, not here someone will find us" you moan out as he continues his assault on your mouth, hips lips moving down your neck sucking and nipping just below your ear, loosing all the will to fight against him your hands trail up his back and into his hair tugging at it now it's his turn to moan against your neck, he grinds his hips against you and you can feel a very prominent boner in his pants, one of your hands leaves his hair to palm over it earning another moan from him, "Oh god Y/N the things you do to me, you think I would have gotten enough of you this morning after pounding into you on the kitchen table" you cant take it anymore and drop to your knees in front of him, undoing his zipper and taking him into your mouth without any warning, "Shit babe don't stop please j-just like that" he moans out as he bucks his hips causing you to gag on his dick, with that he grabs your hair holing you in place as he cumming down your throat, just then the door swings open and Kevin stops dead when he sees whats going on in front of him, "I guess i'll just say that yous 2 went off to get the kids fire men hats and certificates" smirking as he turns and walks out heading back towards the kids and Sarah. You look up at Dennis finally swallowing his load as he tucks himself back into his pants and helps you up capturing your lips in a sweet kiss tasting himself on your lips. "That was so fucking hot babe, as much as I'd love to return the favor we better get back" you bite your lip and nod.
You's make your way back to the group carrying a stack of plastic firemen hats and the kids certs from the trip to the station handing each kid a hat and putting their certs in to one side to hand out at the end of the trip. "Who wants to go down the pole?" Dennis says "Me" all the kids shout at once and yous all burst out laughing, "okay hope on" he says as he lifts up one of the kids and showing them how to hold on, "Ready" he says once the kid is in position and making sure Kev is at the end to catch them as they go down "Yeah" he lets her go and she squeals in delight as she slides down the pole. You watch Dennis interact with the kids over the next hour, playing, laughing , joking and showing them all the tools in the fire truck, one of the girls tugs on Dennis trousers and he bends down, "Yes sweetheart how can I help you?" he says smiling "could I please try on your fireman coat?" she asks "of course you can" he says as he takes it off the hook and drapes it over her shoulders folding the sleeves up as its to big on her and zips it up, he picks he up and turns to you with her in his arms, "How's she look" he says smiling at you and his smile is such a happy content beaming smile, you breath hitches in your throat and tears well in your eyes as you look at the love of your life holding the little girl in his arms and you cant help but think of what an amazing dad Dennis would make one day. "You look absolutely beautiful sweetheart" you say half taking to the little girl and half taking to Dennis.
You and Dennis have always talked about having kids one day and seeing him with all the kids today makes you realize that you don't want to wait anymore, you love Den and he loves you so what are yous waiting for, it was in that moment that you decided you were going to tell Dennis that you were ready to start a family with him, the thought made you get butterflies and you couldn't wait to get home and get everything ready, 15 minutes later it was time to start loading the kids back on the coach but not before a group photo for the kids to remember, they stood in 2 line holding their certs up and their fireman hats on Sarah and Kevin stood at one end and me and Dennis stood at the other end both Kevin and Dennis fully clothed in their uniforms, I could feel myself getting hornier as Dennis stood there his arm around my waist. "Say cheese"Kev shouted as the picture was taken, "Now kids time to go can you all please say thank you Kevin and Dennis for taking time out of their busy day to have us and for such an amazing fun filled and educational day" I say as start to gather the kids "Thank you Dennis Thank you Kevin" all the kids say, "You's are all very welcome" they say. "Sarah can get all the kids loaded onto the bus I'll be with you in a few just want to thank the guys and make sure nobody left anything behind" I say as I walk towards Dennis, "Of course"Sarah replies. "Are you okay babe? you looked quite upset earlier on you had tears in your eyes? was it because Kev caught us?" he asked concerned, "No no quite the opposite actually, but before I could explain Kev interrupted us walking over standing there smirking  "What you smirking at?" I asked knowing too well what it was, "So Y/N what was that I caught you's two up to earlier?" amusement laced through his voice, "Well Kevin what did it look like to you?" I replied with just as much amusement "It looked like you were sucking Dennis here off in the supply closet" he said with another smirk "A+ for you Kev, you listened in sex ed" I say with a smirk as I kiss Dennis goodbye. I walk towards the bus, I stopped "Oh Dennis" I say as I turned me head "Yeah babe?" he says "Wear the uniform home tonight" I say with a wink and continue making my way to the bus trying to hide the blush that makes it way over my face hearing all the lads hooting and hollering, "Dennis is getting some tonight" I hear Kev say as I step onto the bus.
We arrive back at the school 45 minutes later and all the kids parents are waiting to collect them, I am bombarded with thank you gifts from my students and parents which is so sweet I thank them and the parents and make my way to the car, I put all the gifts in the boot, wave goodbye to my colleagues wish them a lovely summer and I'm finally on my way home to get ready for my fun filled evening with Den, I stop by Victoria's Secret to pick up some lingerie I settle on a red lacy corset and matching panties and and some red stockings, these will surely get a reaction out of Den I think as I pay for them and make my way home to start dinner.
****1 hour later****
Once the spaghetti bolognese was ready I left it in the oven to keep warm I decided against garlic bread, I set the table and went to have a quick shower to freshen up and slipped into my newly purchased lingerie especially for this occasion, I slipped on my black silk robe and made my way back down to the kitchen, I went to the fridge and decided between which bottle of wine to open I had gotten 3 as thank you gifts off my students(the perks of being a teacher, free wine :P), I settled on the Rose wine  just as I poured myself a glass I heard keys in the door and I knew Dennis was home the butterflies returned and I prepared myself for the news I was planning on telling him and hoping that he wanted it too, "Babe I'm ho-" he cut himself off as he saw me standing there in a black silk robe with the lingerie peeking out he stood there biting his lip as his eyes raked over my body, "Oh well hello to you to babe, like what you see because I sure do" I said as I eyed him standing there in his uniform the wetness pooling between my legs all I wanted to do was pounce on him but I had a carefully organised plan, so I refrained myself. I cleared my throat and spoke up "Ready for dinner babe?" still standing there he hadn't said a word just stared hungrily, he snapped out of it "Sorry babe, yeah I am I just wasn't expecting to see you dressed in that and to be honest id much rather go straight to dessert" he bit his lip again and waled towards me and kissed me hungrily squeezing my ass, "Hmm babe as much as I would love that too lets eat first" I said as I broke away from him and got the spaghetti out of the oven and dished up some for the two of us. I took a deep breath as I prepared to tell Dennis about my decision. "So babe you know how we've talked about wanting kids some day?" I say and Dennis nods, "Well today when I seen you with the kids it made me realize about how amazing you would be as a father and when you put your jacket on the girl from my class and picked her up and I seen the smile on your face it just made my heart swell you looked so happy, and content and well that's why I teared up because I was picturing that being you with our son or daughter some day and well I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want that day to be sooner rather than later, Dennis I'm ready to have kids if you are?" I said as I look up I see Dennis with tears streaming down his cheeks, before I could apologize for upsetting him he was up and across the room grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me, "Your not upset?" I said "Of course not babe I've wanted kids with you for months now but I was just to scared to say anything as I didn't want to push you into it Y/N I would love nothing more than to start trying for a baby with you" he said as he kissed me with so much love now I was crying, we broke apart laughing as we were both a weeping mess. "Well what are we waiting for, lets gets baby making" he said wiggling his eyebrows picking me up bridal style and making our way to the bedroom.
He put me down at the foot of the bed, undid my robe and stood there mouth open when it fell to the floor to reveal all my lingerie to him, he groaned as he brought our lips together in a passionate loving kiss, his hands roaming over my body caressing me lovingly, I slid my hands up his jacket and pulled the zip down and pushed it down his shoulders, wrapping my arms around his neck his lips trailed down my neck, his hands working skillfully on undoing the corset, he slips it from my body effortlessly and I slip his suspenders down his shoulders and work on unbuttoning his trousers and tug them down and he steps outs of them, he makes quick work of my panties and next is his top and boxers I'm just left standing in my stocking, I go to remove them but he stops me, "Leave them on" he says biting his lip as he hungrily looks me up and down. He picks me up laying me on the bed hovering over me kissing from my lips down my body taking his time so much love and passion in every kiss until he's facing my dripping core. His tongue makes contact with my clit and I hiss out in pleasure, he teases my opening with two fingers gently easing them in and curling them slightly hitting the spot inside me perfectly while continuing his assault on my clit his fingers pump in and out as a steady, my orgasm is fast approaching, I can feel it in the pit of my stomach the tightness getting more intense as the seconds go by. "Shit babe I'm so close" I manage to pant out "Cum for me babe, I want you to to cum for me" he says and with that my vision goes white, my back arches off the bed and I cum harder than I've ever came before clenching around his fingers, his fingers still pumping in and out of me helping me through my orgasm. As I come down from my high I grab him by the face pilling him up to bring our lips together in a slow lust filled kiss, I moan as I can taste myself on his lips, our tongues move in sync, he lines himself up with my core and slowly pushes himself in staring deeply into my eyes and lacing our finger together, he waits for a minute so I can adjust to him. "Shit babe your so tight" he moans out as he slowly starts to move our eye contact not breaking once he speeds up a bit setting a steady yet pleasurable pace, the sound of soft moans and grunts fill the room as we make slow passionate love,beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead and chest and I know he's close, he shifts slightly and hits the spot within me and I'm cumming again, "shit babe I'm coming, come with me" I moan out and that's all it takes for  him his hips begin to loose rhythm and he comes with a grunt staring deeply, lovingly into my eyes my eyes flutter closed and I bite my lip as I feel him fill me up, I open my eyes to see him still staring at me and there's no much loves in his eyes, his eyes fill with tears as he bends down capturing my lips with his, "I love you so much Y/N, that was amazing" he says as a tear rolls down his cheek, I wipe it away with my thumb, "I love you too so much Den". He slips from me and goes to the bathroom and comes back with a cloth and cleans me up tosses it to the dirty hamper and climbs in beside me and pulls me into his chest whispering sweet nothings in my ear kissing my shoulder softly, we fall asleep cuddled up in each other arms after making the most sweet passionate love and hopefully a baby.
****8 weeks later****
I check my phone to discover I'm late, 10 days late, I rush to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test, I hurry home to take them, I finish peeing on the tests and wash my hands, "Babe I'm home"  I hear Dennis call from downstairs "I'm in the toilet" I call back as I dry my hands, looking down at the tests there's 2 pink lines on both them I gasp as I realize I'm pregnant, one hand goes to rub over my stomach as one picks up the tests, I walk into the bedroom from our en-suite, to see Dennis sitting our bed, he looks as me and notices the look of shock/ excitement on my face, "Babe whats wrong? what you got there" he says noticing I'm holding something.
"Babe I'm pregnant" I exclaimed in pure joy and happiness as tears streamed down my face, "What are you serious"he says as he jumps up running over to me looking at the tests in my hand "Yes, Den your going to be  a dad" I say he breaks down in tears too overjoyed at the news he picks me up and spins me around kissing me deeply, he puts me back down and looks into my eyes. "Marry Me Y/N" he says, "Yes  of course I will Dennis" I say, he kisses me and in that moment I couldn't be any happier, a baby on the way and engaged to the love of my life.
*****THE END*****
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coffee-scribbles · 6 years ago
A Kingdom of Ash
Chapter Five, The End of the Beginning
Guess who’s finally back from hiatus!! :D
The broad crown of his father glinted in the limelight as a five year old boy giggled madly, the pilfered ringlet of gold held tight in the vice-grip of the prince’s tiny hands. His father would definitely be searching the castle for both his son, and his precious crown. But Bruce had decided his father could not have it.
Prince Bruce, in all his five year old wisdom, had decided that he did not like his coronet. It was small and silver, and his parent’s matching pair of bright gold always seemed to garner so much more respect!
So, he’d decided that for this gala, he would be the king, and Dad would be the prince!
The five year old smirked triumphantly at his plan, not noticing his mother enter the room, nor that she noticed the crown almost instantly, as he tried to set it atop his head.
Unfortunately, he had not accounted for the fact that this crown would be bigger, to suit his father, who was also bigger.
So, from the top of his small head to around his collar, the golden circlet fell, hanging loose around his neck.
He blinked, baffled.
This had never happened to Dad before.
His mother barely stifled her laughter.
Bruce tried to once again place the crown on his head, only for it to hang down around his neck once more.
He pouted.
His mother gave a slight, gentle laugh that Bruce had not expected at all; whipping around at the sound, his tiny legs stumbled, and fell to the shock. The golden ringlet clattered around at his neck.
His large blue eyes met the matching gaze of his mother.
Even so young, Bruce always had a flair for the dramatic.
Thus, is pout grew deeper.
“Mama!” The little boy exclaimed, extremely indignant.
Martha failed to hide her giggles as the sound spilled from her hand.
“Oh my darling,” his mother knelt before him, flowing gown curling around her with the etherial grace of a weightless petal, drifting from it’s blossom.
“I don’t think that fits you, just yet.” Queen Martha spoke just as sweetly as she smiled, even as her son’s pout deepened somehow further.
But she could tell he was simply acting by how the edge of his pout twitched, and by the smile that broke just a second later, falling into his own set of childish giggles, that turned to hiccups, that turned to a simple smile; to match his mother’s.
Martha lifted her husband’s crown from her son’s small neck, and placed it to the side, expression falling forlorn at the day she knew would come, someday, where her little boy would wear his father’s circlet and bear it’s tremendous weight.
Bruce seemed to sense the shift in moods for his mother, and did not do much else but wait, head steady and eyes concerned, as his mother revealed his own smaller crown. The familiar ringlet of silver, incrusted with sapphires and emeralds alike, replaced his fathers, settled gently upon his head.
Far smaller, the weightless ringlet stayed.
“My darling,” Martha whispered, voice willowy and faded, hands drifting from the crown to her child’s shoulders, she pulled him close and tight; she whispered.
“Don’t you ever become king.”
She pressed a feather-light kiss to the six year old’s forehead.
“Promise to stay my little prince forever.”
Into his mother’s shoulder, the small boy nodded, arms reaching out to hold as much of his mother’s warm, steady form as his little arms could grasp.
In a young, gentle voice, he replied.
“I promise.”
Bruce awoke to the nothingness, which, for him, was quite odd.
The dream, or memory, or whatever might lie in the blurred absence between truth and thought, still flickered, visceral and steady in his mind.
Bruce threw the covers from his form with purpose, and slid out of bed, an elegant movement that was only slightly hindered by his broken and bandaged ribs.
In two steps he’d grabbed his robe from it’s hook on the wall, tying it’s matching blue sash around his waist, the thick soft fabric combatting the chill of the morning air.
He threw back the deep mahogany curtains, greeted by the tail end of the rising sun. Wincing, his hand moved to block the light.
A moment later, with eyes adjusted, he watched out over the horizon, toward the dance of light beyond.
God, he hadn’t seen the sunrise in years.
A good few minutes later, a familiar sound caused him to turn from the sight.
“Master Bruce,” the familiar voice spoke in time with the large, mahogany door sweeping mostly open.
Alfred turned from where he had pushed the door with his hip, the tray holding Bruce’s morning tea clinking ever so slightly, and his charge’s event clothes folded over his arm.
“It is time to-”
Alfred took pause at the sight of his charge, still dressed in his bedclothes, seemingly contemplating the view from his bedchambers.
A view he had surely gotten used to… though, its majesty never failed to awe Alfred, so he supposed he should not judge with such haste.
Still, it was very unlike Bruce to not sleep in at least another hour or so.
“Oh, hello Alfred,” Bruce said, his voice was… melancholy, which was an odd sight on him.
Bruce was not one for casual emotion. It was either open sadness, or cold nothingness.
Quite honestly, Alfred was unsure if this was an improvement.
“You are awake.”
Alfred still stood in the doorway.
“I thought I was supposed to be the detective here,” Bruce said, his joke flat and smile low.
Alfred quirked an eyebrow, but little more.
“Of course you are, sir,” Alfred moved as if he had not missed a beat, kicking the door closed with his heel and strutting inside, tray of hot tea set to his bedside, and laying Bruce’s clothes out onto the sheets.
“This morning we have an earl grey imperial, two sugars, just as you prefer.” Alfred spoke, turning from the clothes and lifting the tea cozy from the pot of tea.
He lifted the top, gulfs of steam rising into the slightly chilly air, wafting with sweetness and gentle flavor. He added two spoonfuls of sugar, before replacing the top with a gentle clink, and in the same motion, he poured the tea through the strainer, and lifted the now full tea-cup to Bruce.
Or, where Bruce should have been.
Alfred blinked again, meeting the eyes of his charge.
“Come, sit,” Alfred spoke slowly, evenly.
He set the tea down onto the side table.
Bruce moved with an odd trepidation, taking a moment to untie his housecoat and hang it on its hook, before taking his normal seat at the edge of his bed.
Alfred held out his dress-shirt to him, which he took and slid over his shoulders, adjusting the cuffs as Alfred lifted his tea; Bruce took it, inhaling the aroma in movement that was far less unsure.
“Thank you,” Bruce whispered, voice gentle and oddly… young.
Alfred simply nodded, grabbing Bruce’s plain white stockings from where he had set them on the bed, kneeling down in front of him.
“As to your schedule for today; this morning you have been requested to meet with the council, concerning the state of your knight, or lack-there-of.”
Bruce’s expression soured. Alfred pulled the second sock over his knee, and gestured to the bandages wrapping his torso.
“I have already declined on your behalf, stating excuse of illness,” Alfred took Bruce’s tea just as he held it out, moving to sit back for a moment as Bruce grabbed his trousers and pulled them on, buttoning them.
“As per usual, they send their regards.”
“I’m sure they do,” Bruce muttered distastefully, handing Alfred the shoes as he grabbed his cufflinks and fitted them through the small holes.
Alfred smirked slightly and rolled his eyes, holding out one boot as Bruce stepped into it, following the second one, he buckled the belts across the dark leather.
“Commander Gordon, as per monthly routine, he will be here at eight to discuss kingdom affairs.”
Alfred stood, brushing off his knees.
“Normally we would be sharing breakfast with the commander,” Alfred lifted his waistcoat from the bed, Bruce turned to help him slide it over his shoulders, “but as we are running a tad early-“
“No, no, I can wait to have breakfast with Jim,” Bruce smiled as Alfred came around to his front, clasping the jacket closed. “Besides, it’s only an hour or so. I have a few files I can busy myself with until then.”
“Ah, more on this ‘Red Jack’ character?” Alfred asked, handing Bruce a pair of short, white gloves, before grabbing the last item from the bed, a half cape, that he then pulled around Bruce’s broad shoulders.
“Last night I ran into him again; or rather, his handiwork.”
Bruce’s expression turned to a dark grimace; one more befitting Batman than himself.
Alfred hummed as, using a pin with the engraving of the Wayne crest, he pinned the half-cape in place.
“It just doesn’t make sense.” Bruce adjusted his gloves, glaring at the poor cloth as if it were this mysterious ‘Red Jack’.
“Looking at it, these scenes; they look like an open autopsy preformed at gun-point. There’s no rhyme, no reason behind them. The deaths seem completely random as well.”
His eyes narrowed, Alfred straightened his jacket.
"It's causing a great deal of panic; no one knows who could be next. No one knows why."
“Well, I suppose you will be in your cave, then?” Alfred asked.
Bruce nodded, lifted his cup and took his last swig of tea.
“Alright, I shall alert you when the Commander gets here.”
Alfred bowed, and bruce nodded; seeming bright with purpose, his half cape flittering as he strode from the room.
Alfred sighed.
At least his charge was feeling more like himself.
Alfred moved to the curtains to draw them more fully open, watching the skyline for a long moment.
He was proud of Bruce, of all he had accomplished, all he had saved.
Quite frankly he hated the reasons it had to be done. He hated the city that needed him so.
He hated, not what Batman didn’t, but how he, how the world had failed Bruce, such that the Bat was forced to rise.
Alfred pulled the curtains closed.
WOW that took a long time, sorry for the wait :/ Classes kinda grabbed me by the throat and refused to let go - hopefully I’ll have more out soon,,,,, hopefully :)
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