#some nice jams for ya’ll
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bubbiethesaur · 1 year ago
I finally finished putting together a few playlists for Long Road Ahead, and I thought it might be fun to share them with everyone! There’s the main playlist with all the songs in a random order, and I like to just hit randomize and listen away. Then there are five playlists—YN, Sun, Moon, Eclipse, and Themes and Vibes. Each of these are more in order of the character/story progression. I’ve also put the playlists on my pinned post.
Please enjoy!
Long Road Ahead (all songs)
Themes and Vibes
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pettyshippen · 2 years ago
This Just In, We’re Back to Libertys Kids While Higher Than Ben Franklins Kite
New York New York
Gotta be one of my favorites because of how smooth that guy was
Why isn’t this the national anthem? I want someone singing this before every football game
American history but make it so sugarcoated that everyone gets diabetes
Mom I like your friends house
Black Dick, your telescope sir
James that collar looks great, stop whining and be the queen you are
James is like fuck she’s conservative af too
Omg that cute yankee soldiers looking at me ☺️
I’m just gonna get out if this march to try an get some
James should have started cackling after her ‘I’m English’ comment. It would make Udneys comeback way smoother.
“I give you my strong arm for your protection” “BRO WTF GET BACK IN LINE”
Almost got it Udney.
“Can I come?” “NO”
Strategy is important
“This is a PAID internship” “Ok hell ya”
“What do they know about running a country?” Mrs. Radcliffe spitting facts.
Whot are you doin in ma swamp?
They really let Henri get snatched like that 
“Because they can’t fly” Damn
“General Howe is welcome to him” DAMN
Henri wtf
Henri blew up the Sept, not Cersei
“I found Ugly and he told me what happened.”
Welp, the British have New York
Black Dick took Manhatten.
One Life To Lose
Ah yes, this was when they saw a nice man get hanged for creepin’
I feel like the sound of his neck snapping and the sight of his limp body would make Sarah faint if they were ballsy enough to include that
Wow these dudes were fat
And the proof is in the pudding
Oy the drunkin sailor be back
Sarah is so bored
The Brits are stealing American men
The old man was like “Get tf out of here”
Nathan cuts in so randomly it does not feel natural.
She did the full curtsy for him
Mr. Hale so hot he’s got all the girls curtsying.
Nathan, why are you telling them all this?
Sarah is totally flirting with him.
So wait, Admiral Howe and General Howe are different people
God damn it how did I not know this
They’re spying on a spy. The irony
Nathan WTF
Don’t tell me this is actually how he got caught is it
There come these three stooges
I think James has been kidnapped way more than Sarah could ever be despite her damsel in distress demeanor
Nathan is ballsy af
James said I’m staying
Sarah said I’m gonna hitchhike.
Here it comes ya’ll
“He’s actually quite gracious and cultured when you get to know him.” Ok Jane Austin.
And now they’re Hillips shippers
“So, when is the big day?” And then it transitions to them years later at the alter, Sarah wearing a nice green dress with gold butterflies and a veil and James in a nice blue suit with a hat, and you hear the priest say ‘I pronounce thee Man and Wife.’
“Anyways, Nathan’s hangin out with the redcoats today.”
These men are so burning in hell for how they treated these people
They wouldn’t even draw in a noose
The sight of Nathan at the gallows causing Sarah to cling to James’ arm tho
Alright James time to write this article
Captain Molly
Ok but an episode where Henri accidentally joins a mafia
Ben be going on another cruise
Sarah’s insulted Washington won’t let her come
And here comes Molly
Henri giving off autistic vibes here
Rosemary, that is French silk you crotch goblin
Damn Molly
“Sarah, she’s English!”
“I don’t ask permission to do nothin’!” Sarah, let those words inspire your character.
Dad Moses mode activated
James got passionate there
You can forget about those eight to ten kids Molly
Well Sarah now you’re seeing a lil bit about why King George is evil
They brought in tHe bagpipes for their funerals.
I’m surprised the redcoats didn’t hold all those women and children hostage.
James is so happy Sarah’s alive
Molly was another woman school didn’t teach me about.
American Crisis
Henri has a soldiers spirit
Moses you’re too calm about Henri running away
Traveling by ship must have been mentally trying for everyone.
These dudes are not ok
Henri 😭
When a little French boy smelling of onions sneaks into your camp in a barrel.
Thomas Paine is back 🩷
Writers block is a bitch
Do you think Paine would like the movie Soul
“We’re walking to Philadelphia.”
Omg Moses no
A printing press is large enough to bone on. Just saying.
Tom said “I will beat yo ass in with this log.”
Imagine putting all those letters together by hand
“Hold your breeches”
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itsallyscorner · 4 years ago
Being A Singer Who Is Part Of The Marvel Cast
Pairing: Marvel Cast x reader
Prompt: What it’s like to be a singer who is also a Marvel actress.
Warnings: none! This isn’t really a teen!reader, but it can be!
Side note: I’m using Ari’s music, so just pretend you’re Ari or something😂😂 Should I write imagines about this?
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(Ya’ll already know I had to use my bby Ari😌)
(Gif from Pinterest)
Being a singer and joining the MCU was actually quite nerve wracking.
You weren’t sure if anyone would take you seriously and that everyone would just see you as some singer who got casted into the movie because you were well known.
In fact, Kevin Feige casted you because you represented the character you were auditioning for so well.
You remember your first day on set and how nervous you were to be surrounded by so many talented actors. You kept to yourself and sat by the sidelines while everyone reunited with each other.
I feel like Mark or Robert might come up to you first. They would probably approach you and be all like, “Hey! My kids listen to your music and I have to listen to your voice 24/7! It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Anthony would probably join in and be like, “Aye, I know you from the radio. You sing that one song that’s goes like, ‘I want it, I got it’. Right?”
After some introductions and filming scenes together, you’d feel comfortable with your new friends. Especially after some of them fangirled over you.
Tom (Holland) most definitely fangirled over you, I just feel it😂😂
A few years later they would become your most supportive and dedicated fans (and family).
They’re probably even more dedicated than your fans.
Whenever you drop a new single or a music video, expect them all to share it on every social media account they have.
Tom Hiddleston, who’s barely on social media, would come on just to promote your stuff.
@/ChrisEvans: Hey everyone! Just came to say that @yourtwitterhandle just dropped a new music video and you should all see it! You won’t regret it! Amazing as always @yourtwitterhandle 💙💙💙
@/RobertDowneyJr: The talented and oh so beautiful @yourtwitterhandle just released a music video for her new single! Go ahead and see for yourself to experience the greatness of (y/n)! I’m proud of you sweetheart!❤️
They would even share it on their Instagram stories and post about it because they’re so proud of you🥺
Sebastian and Tom (Holland) would probably post videos of them jamming to your song and yelling at people to listen to it.
Video: Sebastian with 34+35 blasting in the background, “GO LISTEN TO (Y/N)’S NEW ALBUM POSITIONS! DO IT! NOW!”
If you release an album while working on a Marvel movie, they would have little release parties with the whole cast and crew of the movie.
They will have a countdown on some projector and once it hits one everyone would scream and hug you. Then you guys would listen to the whole album with no stops.
When they see you writing in your journal during breaks on set, they would ask if you’re writing new songs.
Sometimes they would even help you brainstorm for lyrics or a concept for a song.
I feel like Evans would be really good at this because he’s good with words.
When they hear you humming something that doesn’t sound familiar they would ask you if it’s a new song.
Scarlett and Lizzie were always excited to hear your stuff.
“Oooo, is that a new song?”
“Come on, (y/n)! Can we get a little snippet please?”
“We promise to not leak it like last time!”
“Yeah! Neither Mark or Tom are here, you’re all good!”
Tom or Mark definitely leaked a few of your songs by accident. Not that they did it on purpose, they just recorded things at the wrong times.
When you sang they would always be quiet and just listen to your voice.
Whenever you hit a high note or sang something that was a bit sassy, there were always some reactions.
Chadwick would really listen to your stuff and just feel the music. When he’s done listening to a song, he would hug you and praise you on how good you did.
Anthony was always your hype man, whether you were singing or answering a question about your music, he will hype you up whenever he can.
“Mmm that’s right, sing it girl.”
“Damn, ya’ll heard that note?!”
“That’s right! Number 1 album in the world, baby. Get with it.”
“Ya’ll heard her right, five Grammy nominations. Gimme some.” He’d brag while fist bumping you.
Sometimes you would catch them singing one of your songs and you would feel all warm and giggly inside because it makes you happy that they enjoy your music.
When you guys aren’t filming and you’re off on tour, they would come to the shows that are in their city or whatever is nearest to them.
Sometimes you wouldn’t even expect them to be there and would be caught off guard while you’re singing.
For example, you were doing a show in New York and all of a sudden you see Paul Rudd just jamming to Thank U, Next in the pit.
“I know they say I move on too fast, but this one gon’ last. ‘Cause her name is— Paul?”
Whenever you guys are promoting new Marvel movies on morning/late night shows, you were always the musical guest.
They were always excited to see you perform. They loved to see you in your element because you always looked like you were having fun and so free. You always stunned them with your talent.
They could never wrap their heads around how you could sing and dance while having so much energy on stage, it truly boggled with their minds.
When they were asked about your music career, they would always say good things because it was true.
RDJ: “She’s just so talented. Like at such a young age, she’s accomplished so much! She’s writing music, releasing album after album, and on top of that she’s working on these films with us! I’m proud of her and proud to say that she’s part of this little family we have. We’re very blessed to have her.”
Brie Larson: “I wish I was like her at that age. I’m so proud of her, she’s a young woman just doing what she loves and not letting people stop her. I’m glad that young girls around the world have her to look up to. She’s going to do amazing things in the future.”
Evans: “Man, have you heard her new album? She really went all in on that one. You know, we’ve seen her grow up into the woman she is today, and you could hear that in her music. I’m glad that we got to experience that and have some kind of part in the legacy she’s building. I hope this means we get to have a musical now.”
Mackie: “That’s our little birdie. Yeah— we call her birdie cause she’s always singing or humming something. You could never have her or Evans together on set, they just burst out singing some random song and everything becomes a musical. No, but in all seriousness, she’s special. The talent she has, you can’t find that in everyone. She’s one in a million.”
They would be so proud of you when you finally win a Grammy or other awards for your music.
There would be videos of them reacting to the moment your name is called for awards like, Album of the Year or Artist of the Year.
When you guys have karaoke night, everyone would fight for you to be on their team.
You could’ve been your own team, but there was no fun in that.
You were like the last donut with red, white, and blue sprinkles (If you know where that’s from, I love u)
“Robert, she was on your team last time! You can’t have her twice!”
“Watch me, Evans.”
“Ayo! Hold up! Sebastian and I barely get to have (y/n) on our team!”
“You boys are childish! (Y/n)’s going to be on my team with Brie and Lizzie.”
Being part of the Marvel family was one of the many things you were grateful for in your career.
They gave you so much love and support as if they were your real family and you loved them all so much.
Even when their times with Marvel were done, they would still be there to support you no matter what, because they were your number one fans.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Spiking Trends in Student New Year Resolutions
January 16, 2012
Excitement is flying through the hallways of Monster High this month as guys and ghouls stake claim to some of the most freaky-fab New Year's resolutions the Gory Gazette Staff has seen in centuries. Royal sisters Cleo and Nefera are trying to play nice this year by working out their dynastic differences (and some monsters speculate the Werecat Twins should follow in their exquisite footsteps). What other kinds of pledges came crawling out of the coffin this year? Staffers stopped some of the student bodies in the hall to see what they dared to pick for their New Year promises.
"I totally vow to make my vegan vampire voice heard on campus this year," said sweetie-ghoul, Draculaura. "Between my fangtastic column in the paper and hanging with my ghouls, I'm thinking a raw food revolution in the MH creepateria is totes possible! Smooches!"
Clawdeen, whose wildly competitive side made her hesitant to share, finally told staffers, "I plan on spending this next year perfecting my fierce talent for speed. I'm going to break the Wolf family track record, all in furrrocious style of course."
Holt Hyde was more than willing to dish the dirt on his hot 2012 plans. "Naturally, I'm going to turn up the heat here! I'm working on releasing some sinister jams for everyone to dance and howl to," he revealed. When approached, Operetta was singing a similar tune. "I reckon' an album collaboration with Holt could be in the works in the near future. In fact, ya'll will have to excuse me, I should be down in the catacombs practicing right now!"
Other student bodies are dying to bring school spirits back to life this semester. "I promise to lead the casketball team to victory in the championships and give a helping hand, or shot, when needed," Deuce Gorgon, co-captain of the casketball team explained. Similarly, future valedictorian, Ghoulia Yelps has decided she'll "help UHHH-thers with their homework by extending tutoring in Study Howl and holding weekly practice for zombie dodgeball."
All in all, it lurks like this is going to be a fangtastic year for the student bodies of Monster High. Guys and ghouls are keeping MH tradition alive by remembering to be themselves, be unique and be a monster!
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narrators-journal · 4 years ago
The final step
This is it boys! The final part! After this, I have no other fic to post, so I’ll probably return to original work or silence lol. But! I’ll try to post what I can to feed ya’ll content!
cw: descriptions of murder, Hint o’ Hisoka, reader’s pregnant
Previous part: here
First part: here
Illumi spent a while helping you pack before the butlers he'd requested showed up, than he returned to his home across the street to pack up as well. After all, with you now on the track to marry him, he would no longer need the home. Though, maybe we could keep it, and use it as something of a vacation spot to escape mother's unrelenting nagging. He mused.
While he was shoving his clothes into his bag and mulling over that option, he spoke to said mother, or, more-so half listened to Kikyo squeal and giggle in pure delight at the news of your pregnancy.        "Mother, please refrain from shrieking in my ear," he said when his excitable mother had to stop for breath,         "I'm sorry dear, but this is such good news! Your father and I were hoping this woman would prove to be a good wife, and while I will say it's a little soon for a baby, this is good news nonetheless!" She squealed, making the assassin huff,        "I know, I should've waited until after I'd married her to consummate," Kikyo about blew a raspberry at his words, making him blink,        "Illumi, we don't care if you decide to have sex before you get married. My only concern is that this woman isn't the right one for you." she said, "Your father would prefer that you choose a woman a bit more suited for our line of work, but if she's really as submissive as you described, I'm sure she'll be a fine addition to the family. Oh! And I'm sure your child will be absolutely adorable! I can't wait to put little booties on them, and absolutely dote on them like you no longer let me do-"          "Mother," Illumi said, though his mother knew despite his monotone voice that he was annoyed.          "Well, you don't." she sniffed before changing the subject. "Anyway, when are you bringing her home? I want to meet her already!" she said, going into a bit of a rant over his failure to even show Kikyo a picture of you, but her son was no longer listening. Instead, Illumi's attention was turned to his surroundings, his senses on high alert from the waves of malicious intent he felt so suddenly from the direction of your home.         "Mother, was Hisoka released?" Illumi asked, his mother's voice dying at the palpable tension coming through the phone,         "I believe so? Your grandfather was apparently sick of the creep, so he had him thrown out." she offered a second before Illumi hung up. In a flash, the assassin was across the street at your home, his needles at the ready. As soon as he set foot in the house, the assassin was greeted with the familiar scent of blood hanging in the air like a heavy blanket and a silence that ate at his nerves. Your home was quiet. too quiet. It about drove the assassin insane with the possible reasons behind the lack of life. Of course, the butlers that were tasked with helping you pack your clothes were dead, so that helped to explain the stifling quiet, but the sight of the help mercilessly slaughtered didn't justify the way Illumi's heart raced and a strange feeling gripped at his throat until he felt he couldn't breathe. The only time that feeling seemed to finally leave, only to be replaced with wrath, was when the casually dressed assassin slipped into your bathroom, his needles poised to be thrown, and he was met with the one person he didn't want to see inside of your home.         "Hisoka." he hissed, his dark eyes narrowing and his aura reflecting the heated rage that boiled his blood at the sight of the brightly colored magician, who turned to look at him lazily, frowning as if the soulless man was as equally unwanted as the pink haired man was,         "Before you maul me and get no answers, I didn't hurt your precious (y/n)." He assured, plucking one of his signature playing cards and licking the blood of a butler from it before continuing "I believe she crawled out of the bathroom window. So, I suggest you go get her back before you focus on me. Don't want her to get too far away now, do we?" The magician pouted, knowing damned well Illumi wouldn't bother with him after that news, which meant Illumi wouldn't be fighting him, yet. The assassin did, in fact, leave the magician at your house, going out instead to find you. If the help wasn't so fucking incompetent this would be a lot easier. He thought as he forced his wrathful aura into zetsu while he coldly rushed by the corpses and returned outside to prowl down the chilly streets of town, turning that edgy, strangling, anxiety feeling in his throat into energy to fuel his possessive hunt for his wife, his property. On the bright side of the situation though, you were nothing compared to the dark-haired predator, so he had that to cool his unhinged emotions before running into you. You were a recluse, you likely didn't know your way around town that well, so your trail was pretty obvious. In times of life threatening danger, people, more-so women, usually went to crowded areas after all, and you didn't know of many places that would offer help, so you were likely going to head to your grocery store. Knowing that, Illumi was able to get ahead of you, scooping you up before you could slow from a mad dash fuelled by mortal terror to a speed at which you could avoid slamming into the hunter's chest.        "(y/n)," he growled, shaking you once, firmly, to put a stop to your flailing and squirming, "I am this close to jamming one of my needles into your brain. STOP IT." He ordered, the force of slightly panicked rage in his words making you freeze and stare up in terror at him with your wide (e/c) eyes. For a few seconds you stared at one another, your form squished to his in an inescapable grip while his soulless eyes glared down at you until you finally burst into tears.       "Please! Just let me go!" You plead, your voice quivering with barely restrained sobs, so he took a deep breath and ran his thumb down your already tear-stained cheek,       "Why would I do that? I'm only trying to keep you and our baby safe." he reminded you, but you shook your head vigorously, making bits of your (h/l), (h/c) hair stick to your face,        "You're scaring me! Please let me go, I'm begging you Illumi." you cried, trying to shake his comforting hug off,        "I thought you loved me," he said, not releasing you even when your upset tantrum stuttered to a stop. For a moment, you seemed conflicted, but than closed your eyes and tried to kick him to no avail,         "I...I don't know anymore. You've...become so scary recently, I have to p-put my own well being ahead of any shallow attraction." you sniffled, digging your nails into his t-shirt. He brushed a strand of hair from your (s/c) face as you shook against him          "(y/n), I would never do anything to harm you or our baby unless you force me to. Just behave and act like you did before figuring out you were pregnant, everything will be okay." he assured, making his voice as comforting, soft, and loving as he could manage to try and sooth you. Thankfully, he could see the fear and rebellion in your (e/c) eyes dim, returning to their usual, gorgeously submissive state. After that, you only gave one final attempt at escaping his arms before finally giving up. "Good girl, (y/n). Now, let's go home. My mother is about to implode in her excitement to meet you." After that, Illumi returned to the house he had bought for his bag of clothes, then made a beeline for the Zoldyck estate. On the trip there, the long haired assassin tried to make you happy, providing you food, comfortable places to sleep when need-be, and finding you little gifts related to your hobbies to try and entertain and make you smile. He could tell that you were still uncomfortable with him, but you slowly began to warm back up to him when your human need for companionship demanded it. However, the one thing he couldn't save you from or prepare you for, was Kikyo. The woman about tackled Illumi when he pushed open the testing gates, but as soon as you were through and safely on Zoldyck land with your husband protectively at your side, his mother began her fussing.       "She looks so ill! Illumi, did you make sure she's physically healthy?"       "She's not much to look at, maybe if she tried more make-up and clothes that fit her better?"       "Illumi, where are her things? Did you just snatch her up off of the street while she was pregnant?!" The only thing that saved you and Illumi from his mother's judgements and chiding was a firm look from his father, Silva, who was making a rare appearance to greet you in a much calmer manner.       "To answer your questions, I will get the family doctor to look her over, and her things had to be left. A threat came up and I needed to bring her here before harm befell her, so I will need to buy her new clothes." The dead eyed assassin assured his mother, who obviously had more hen pecking to do, but she refrained under the stern look of her husband. After that, Illumi got you nicely settled in to his bedroom, and while you did put up some more of a fight over staying there, you mostly accepted your role as his wife-to-be and mother of his child rather easily. He knew you were simply acting out from your hormones and the stress of your situation, so he did his best to keep his temper with you.         "It'll be okay (y/n), once you get comfortable here, we'll be happy." Illumi soothed one night after one of your bouts of sobbing and fighting to escape while he sat, cross-legged with you in his lap and his hands rubbing your belly. You weren't showing much yet, but it still pleased him greatly to now have his wife and child safely at home. That's right, he thought, letting a rare smile spread across his usually unreadable face, you're home now, (y/n)...
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lihikainanea · 4 years ago
This is a long angsty thought I had so I apologize: Bill and Tiger on vacation with friends and this is the first one with a few new editions to the group. Tiger gets along with all of them, but one night the girl reveals she wants to get with Bill. While Tiger gets a flare of jealousy, the calming waves and shining moon makes her feel a little more vulnerable than normal. She plays it cool, but she can’t help noticing how this girl is nice, she’s a solid friend from what Tiger can tell. She bottles up her emotions from the conversation, going straight to bed without texting or visiting Bill’s room. He’s slightly worried, of course, but just figured she got wasted. She had given him a key to her room so he walked in late to get some lovin, but she’s asleep. He sees the tears on her face, still wet and he knows somethings wrong. She wakes up from his stare and she loses it. He tries being stern with her, but he knew it was really bad when that didn’t work. She sadly tells him and he doesn’t say it’s dumb or that she’s overthinking. He just kisses her, plain stupid, grabbing her face and pulling her onto him. “Every time I look at you, kid. Every single time I look for you specifically and that won’t change.” He says, the warmth in her chest makes her head spin, and she smiles which he returns. “Plus, she spent the night with another guy hear yesterday, she was probably just a little vacation lovesick, just like another girl I know” He says, pinching her bottom. (Okay I’m done, but when she feels up to it he definitely fucks her so good she’s speechless and has to keep repeating that she’s his.)
Ohhhh sweet nani, the thoughts you have given me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I love it when tiger just kind of gets all up in her head about this thing she has going with Bill, because goddamn if that ain't relatable eh? My friends and I talk about this a lot, about the differences in the way men and women approach dating or hell, even hitting on someone. And we have come to one main conclusion: men will almost always approach and hit on someone WAY the fuck out of their league, and women seldom will.
I don't know about ya'll, but when I see an insanely attractive guy I just like...shut down. I stare at my feet. I mumble. I blush. I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole--and the last thing on my mind is "yo, I'mma hit on this tall drink of water." Like, I would literally rather pull my own teeth out than hit on a guy that is so ridiculously attractive and so COMPLETELY OUT OF MY LEAGUE.
But dudes? Dudes will see a solid 10 walking down the street and think "Thank god I'm a fucking 14 because that bish is mine." It's actually incredible. Like, it's a scientific phenomenon.
For all the confidence that us women lack, the wrong men seem to have absorbed it all by fucking osmosis.
ANYWAY. I'll bet tiger feels like that a lot. Bill is just...he's so much, you know? On the surface level there's his insane good looks, his height, the fact that he's a rich motherfucker, and he's famous. All of that weighs on tiger's mind, yes, but then she's even worse off because she knows what's underneath too. A kind, gentle mammoth of a man, the most empathic person she has ever met, someone who is incredibly sensitive and who takes such good care of her, worries over her, tries every day to make her happy. And tiger just...tiger will never understand how she got so lucky.
But then alright, it's time for another friend vacation and this time there are a few new additions. People try not to make a big deal out of it but somehow there always is just a slight check in with Bill--nobody does it outright because god Bill would be mortified and so would everyone else, but there is definitely a few mentions of new people joining the vacation and it gives Bill a chance to back out if he's not comfortable with the idea.
And maybe tiger really does genuinely hit it off with one of the girls. She's a real firecracker, and the exact type of person that tiger respects. She's funny, she's pretty as all hell, she's not afraid to make a bit of a fool of herself to make everyone laugh. This girl eats like a trucker and swears like a sailor, and tiger thinks she's good people. So much so that one night maybe the boys go off and do their own thing, macho bonding or some shit, and tiger and this girl grab some drinks and have some good girl bonding time.
But then it happens. A few drinks in, it happens. And this girl absolutely isn't trying any in vino veritas bullshit, this is really just the first opportunity she's had to drill a little deeper.
"So what's his deal?" she asks. Tiger blinks, sips her drink.
"Who's deal?" she replies. But tiger knows exactly who.
"Bill," she says, "Is he single?"
"Oh, uh," tiger knocks back another big sip of her drink, "...Yeah. Yeah he's single."
Because what is she supposed to say? No, he's taken? Then that would lead to questions about why he's on this vacation alone.
The girl gets a devious smirk, steeples her fingers together--and tiger just wants to hit something, because goddamn this girl is cute. Adorable, even. And when she gives a little whoop and a dorky fistpump, tiger feels her stomach drop to the floor--not because she's after Bill, no no, even worse--because she's actually just so perfect for him.
"Diiiiiiibs," the girl says, "Man I've been eyeing that tall drink of water all trip."
"Ha, yeah," tiger stammers awkwardly and downs the rest of her drink, "He's a handsome one."
"Are you cool with it?" the girl asks, and actually places a concerned hand on tiger's knee, "I don't want to...come between anything. If there is anything." Dis bitch is cute as a button and kind. Fuck.
Tiger gives a casual shrug.
"Why wouldn't I be cool with it?" she says, "I....don't have any claim to him."
"Would it be weird for you?"
"Go for it," she mumbles.
And tiger wants to tell this girl to back off, that Bill is claimed, and that Bill is being claimed every goddamn night of this vacation to the point where his back jammed on him again and tiger had to ice it down this morning. But she can't say any of that--and in true tiger fashion, she just gets a little sad about it. Anger and ferocious defensiveness for Bill would be her first reaction if this girl was a real fucking idiot, but god she's just....she's so nice.
"Okay, okay okay okay," the girl smoothes her hair down, starts to look real serious, "Help a bitch out. What should I do?"
And poor tiger, tiger has to sit there the whole night while this girl actually schemes to get her claws into Bill. And tiger is almost forced to help.
She retreats back to her own room that night, nauseated, sad, and with raw emotions bubbling to the surface. And bless your heart sweet nani, bless your heart for knowing mine so well--because the shining moon absolutely gets to her, the call of the crashing waves. Tiger sits out on her balcony for a bit but she just cries. Just lets it all overwhelm her, lets herself feel every emotion she tried to reel in that night as she helped give a girl tips on how to get Bill. And when she's too exhausted, when it's all just too much--she goes to bed. She misses the text messages from Bill--doesn't even look at her phone, actually. Just curls up in Sad Girl form, all balled in on herself, and falls asleep.
And Bill thinks it's pretty strange that she's not responding, and it's even more strange that she didn't let herself into his room which they had agreed would be their place of rendezvous that night. So instead, he does a quick check of the hallways and then Pink Panther's his lanky ass against the wall before deftly swiping his key card in her door and opening it.
And that's exactly how he finds her, cheeks still wet, her own thumb in her mouth, all curled in on herself. Concerned, he traces a gentle finger down her cheek and she stirs.
"Tiger," he crouches down to be eye level with her, "What's wrong?"
She blinks sleepily, bristles a little, and swipes at her cheeks.
"Nothing," she croaks. Her throat is dry from crying, and she winces.
He doesn't say anything. Just brushes his thumbs across her cheeks, keeping her face in his hands.
"Tiger," he says sternly, "We have rules."
"Yellow," she says immediately, "I don't...I don't want--"
"Okay," he soothes, running his hands up her arms, "We won't. But tiger, can you tell me what's wrong?"
"Bill, it's nothing. Let's just go to sleep."
But like, she's cracking. There are fresh tears rolling down her cheeks now, and Bill knows she needs to let something out.
"It's me kid," he says softly, "You can tell me anything."
And like, tiger cracks. It opens the floodgates. She tells him everything--the entire conversation, every little detail of it. When she works herself up too much at some points, when he starts to hear a wheeze in her breath, he puts a steadying hand on her knee to help ground her. But she lets it all out--every detail, everything this girl said about him, everything tiger told her. She's full on crying again by the end, but Bill just listens. He listens, and he waits.
And you know what I love here, nani? God it's so important. Bill doesn't tell her she's nuts. Doesn't tell her she's foolish for ever thinking he wanted anyone but her. Because that's not what will get through to her. Instead, just like he always does--he loves her and reassures her in the way that she needs, in the way that she can recognize in that moment.
He waits as she pauses, waits to see if she'll continue, but she doesn't.
"Are you done?" he asks quietly. She nods.
"Can I say something now?" he ducks to catch her gaze, and she nods again. He pulls her into his lap.
"Tiger, it's you," he says simply, "It's you kid. Only, and always."
She sniffles, and he kisses her nose.
"Everybody else can try as much as they want. They can give it their best shot. It won't matter," he continues, "It's you, kid."
Ugh, my fucking heart. It gives her the reassurance that she needs. And listen, over the next few days, Bill finds little ways to reinforce that. Maybe this girl does take a shot at him--and he politely, gently shoots her down. Maybe when tiger is feeling ready for it, man he gives it to her so good that she has to stay in bed the next day, because she's walking funny. It's his secret glances, his small winks, his hand on her knee under the table, rising just a liiiiiiiittle high under the safety of the dark night club.
It's everything she needs, in the way that she needs it.
this ask was a gift nani, thank you.
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eddsworld-headies · 4 years ago
i was wondering if u could do a tord/tom with a female reader that dresses really baggy-VERY TOMBOYISH but is decked out with all types of rings and chains. doesn’t dress girly but still barely wears makeup and likes to have pretty nails at the same time.
Tom huffed loudly, not noticing that Tord had helped himself to sitting at the kitchen table to watch him press his forehead to the window, looking outside. He simply stayed silent, watching the brit get frustrated while opening and closing cabinets.
"Lose something?"
Tom groaned, slamming the cupboard door and turning round and facing the Norwegian with a sneer. "Screw off. I don't need you chewing my ear off." He replied grumpily, moving towards the living room and giving a quick glance around. " What, did you lose something in the bottom of your flask? Other than your self-worth?"
"EDD!" Tom shouted, making Tord roll his eyes as he stood up, following Tom as he moved up the stairs. "Jesus, don't be such a tattletail. I'll stop bothering you." "This isn't about you, Commie."
The two stopped in Edd's doorway, Tom holding onto the edge of the door trim as he leaned in. The leader of the group was jamming to some tunes at his drafting table, tablet pen in hand and hoodie wrapped around his waist.
His room was messy, seeing as he wasn't the only one occupying the room now that their newest addition moved in from America and needed a place to stay.
"Hey," Tom said loudly, moving in and lightly slapping Edd's shoulder, the tallest of the group shifting his eyes over before lifting his left earbud out. " Where's your sister?" The black eyed man asked." Huh?" "Your sister, dude, where is she?" " I dunno. She's your girlfriend, keep better track." "It's not like I have a tracker on her or something." "Then maybe you should invest in one." Edd retorted, settling his earbud back in his ear.
"Thanks for the help." The dirty blonde scoffed, pushing the second ginger of the house to the side and moving past him. "Oh!" Edd said, pulling out his earbud once more. "If you figure it out, let me know!" "Whatever!"
"You seem ever worried today," Tord started, continuing to follow the other-- much to his annoyance. " What? You fuck something up again?" " Fuck off. I haven't seen her all day. I'm just worried, Dick." "It's not like she can't take care of herself." "I know that. But she's a fucking dumbass with an impulse disorder and a can of pepper spray. Plus 4 years of law enforcement and dumb fucking defense classes in a tiny 5 foot package. The girl thinks she's indestructible and that doesn't go well with her--" "Tendency to do dumb fucking shit?" "That's putting it lightly. I guess getting into trouble runs in the family."
Tom perked up when the front door opened, Matt walking in with his hands behind his back as a much shorter figure following behind.
"Fuck, there you are-- What's with your hair?" Tom asked, moving toward his girlfriend, who's impossibly short cut hair almost replicated her brother's. " It's windy. And of course someone had to put the top down." She said, green eyes narrowing at the freckled ginger who was smiling brightly. "Oh, but look how good my hair is!" Matt whined, trying to get a bit of sympathy from his best friend's sister.
It was times like this that Tom realized, without her snake bites and brow piercing, their were only a few differences to Edd and his sister. Besides the accents, they could be twins if her eyes were a different color. And you know... If she wasn't a fucking twig.
Tom can remember how hilarious he thought the two were where they were younger. Sure, they weren't as big as they were now, but seeing this skinny short stack next to a guy like Edd and claiming them to be siblings was hilarious. But they looked a like, identical traits in each but separate none the less.
He had to admit, seeing his girlfriend without her hair pushed back was a little odd. She rarely wore it in a cowlick like her brother.
"Okay. Where did you two go off too?" He asked, noticing that the only girl in the house hand her hands shoved into the pockets of her blue zip up hoodie. The red long sleeve down to her wrists while the blue sleeves of her jacket were up to her elbows, and her tan pants and sneakers were slightly muddy. Practically all the cuffs of her pants were dirty, since she usually liked to go through puddles and mud rather than walk around a foot or two.
"We went to the mall!" Matt exclaimed, suddenly thrusting his hands into Tom's face. The shorter flinched, grabbing Matt's wrists and pushing them away to get a look at his hands. His nails were long, at least an inch and a half, and bright purple with butterflies and hearts. They were rectangles at the top and wrapped pretty nicely in a white french tip. "Aren't my nails gorgeous?"
"Yeah, their great," Tom said, letting his wrists go. " And why did you need to get your nails done?" "They were so dull before! I can't be this perfect and have dull nails! Plus, we got a 5% coupon!" Matt explained. Tom looked over to his girlfriend. " And how much did this cost?"
" 63 pounds each." She answered, her boyfriend raising a pierced brow. "Each?"
"Ah! Well yes, of course! I simply couldn't have a spa day all to myself," The ginger said as Tord took a seat on the couch, messing with his phone. "Sooo, I invited Bridget to come along!" He said, grabbing her hands out of her own pockets and revealing her nails. Long and sharp, deep blue with little piercings on them and a little blue marbling.
She smiled guiltily as Tom's eyes widened. "I mean- I couldn't not." She defended. "Bride- Baby, You're an All-star, really-" "Ah yes, just what every girl wants to hear." She teased lightly, fully knowing neither were at the "I love you stage" yest so finding a compromise was hard. "Yeah yeah- But... You're the clumsiest person I know. And you chew nail polish off your nails. In what world is this a good idea?"
Bridget blew air as her ran her hands through her hair, the front lightly sticking up in her normal do but half deflated without hair gel. " There is none- But! Listen to this!" She said excitedly, moving towards the wall and clicking her nails repeatedly on it with a wide smile, the noise loud and slightly satisfying. " Eh? Right? Isn't that great?" She asked. Tord sat up, laughing lightly. "You game for a living and the first thing you do is get acrylics-?" Bridget shushed him, moving over and running her fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp as his face scrunched up.
"Don't think about the future, think about the now." "OH gOd that's horrible!" Tord groaned, cringing but laughing at the odd feeling. "Fuck it feels like your scratching my brains!" Tom rolled his pitch black eyes. " You're gonna hate those in two hours." He insisted, watching her creep closer. "Okay. I'm hearing you," She said. " But in my defense...."
Bridget moved forward, wiggling her fingers in her boyfriends face. "These are fucking sick." She whispered, her nails lightly scratching at his stubble and making his laugh and pull back from the ticklish feeling. " Fuck that's absolute shit." He chuckled, face scrunching as Edd jumped down the stairs.
"Hey! I knew I heard you-" His eyes widened as they landed on his sister, the siblings locked in a staring contest as she slowly moved her hand away, this time towards her brother.
"What the hell are those?" "Edddyyyy," "Don't you dare." "EEEEEddddddyyyy," "Bridget, I swear to god if you touch me with those things-" " I think you need a back scratch, Eddy bo' Beddy." "Get away from me you fucking dwarf!"
Tom groaned as he scratched his stomach, lazily flipping out the band of his sweatpants so he didn't have to tie them as he went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door, goosebumps forming over his chest as he reached in to grab the milk. He kicked the door close with his foot and turned to fill his glass, jumping out of his skin at the figure in the arch way to the living room and hall.
"Jesus-! Damn it, Bridget! The hell are you doing?" He asked, hand over his chest as she stared at him, eyes slightly bloodshot and wide as she stood in the arch way, his blue hoodie down to her thighs and the peaks of dinosaur boxers underneath. Her hair was spiked up now, only slightly ruffled. " Did you just finish your stream?"
"Seventy-eight," She said shakily. " Seventy-eight fffffucking run-throughs, because my fucking nails! Keep getting caught!" She whispered- but it was more of a stage whisper with her theatrics as she held her hands out awkwardly. " I want them off, Thomas." Tom stared at her for a moment, eyes wide as she looked at him with a death glare.
"..Uhhhhh," He dragged. ".... There's a Buzzsaw in the attic?"
haha I really just wrote a short with my Oc in it cause I have that kinda power so suck it
( But if ya'll really want an x reader one I can write another one. It'll litterally be the same though I have a bunch more asks to get through)
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patricksmusicblog · 4 years ago
DMX Discography Overview
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It's Dark and Hell is Hot(1998): DMX's distinctive growl, aggression, and arresting flow is fully formed and at its highest potency here on It's Dark and Hell Is Hot. It's Dark and Hell is Hot is, for the most part, a dark menacing and street-orientated album. Some tracks even lean toward a horror-core vibe, "X is Coming" being the bleakest and most unsettling of the bunch. Still, there are deeply emotive tracks like Let Me Fly, Look Through My Eyes, and Convo, where DMX gets introspective and lets us in on his struggles internally and morally/spiritually. There are also hits here, like the hard but catchy "Ruff Ryders Anthem" and the chill summer jam "How's It Going Down." The album's production is handled by PK and Dame Grease, with the album's calling card produced by Swizz Beatz. On a broader level, DMX was a presence in the rap game filled some of the space that had been vacant since Tupac Shakur was murdered, passionate, aggressive, and visceral only specifically representative of the east coast. He also was the answer to the shiny suit luxury rap era Puffy was dominating with in 1997. The album is pure classic and certainly a top-tier album of 1998. Rating: 9.0/10
Favorite Tracks: Rough Rydahs Anthem, How's It Going Down, Intro, Crime Story, Look Thru My Eyes, Let Me Fly
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Flesh of my Flesh Blood of my Blood(1998): Flesh of My Flesh Blood of my Blood was released in late December of 1998 cemented DMX as the biggest rapper of that year and late 90s in general(Jay-Z notwithstanding). Aside from the Beastie Boys, the album had the highest first-week sales in a highly competitive year. As for the quality of this one, It's more of DMX's burst of rough and jagged rhymes. When he's not menacing(which is most of the time), he's as introspective and pain-stricken as he was on It's Dark, and Hell Is Hot. The apex of that would be "Slippin," an iconic song that is amongst the saddest tracks in hip-hop history as DMX open shares the trauma of his upbringing, being an addict and struggling to get out of it only to find its way back in it and everything that surrounds that in his past. It's really the fight in the song that makes the song his willingness not to quit and keep trying that makes the song "I got to get up, get back on my feet so I can tear sh*t up." What keeps the album from being the classic his debut was is that Swizz Beats takes the helm on most of the production here, which is hit or miss. DJ Shok, PK, and Dame Grease have a lot of the best beats here. They bring out that dark energy and tone that makes for X's best work. All in all, it's still a great project and amongst his best work. Rating: 8.0/10
Favorite Tracks: Slippin', Dogs For Life, Coming From, Black Out,
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...And Then There Was X(1999): ...And Then There Was X picks up were DMX previously left out brutal, pummeling bone-crushing violence come is to be expected. "One More Road to Cross" and "The Professional"(one of the albums hardest tracks) are early highlights. Then there's the heartfelt but mature writing of "Here We Go Again," one X's best tracks, and "More 2 a Song," the ladder of which speaks to DMX's avoidance when it comes to rapping about the flashy materialistic side of things. While this is DMX's third full length album, it sounds more like a full-fledged sophomore effort to It's Dark and Hell is Hot while Flesh of my Flesh' plays more as an extension, too, or a very good b-side to its predecessor. This album contains some of DMX most well-known hits it including his biggest "Party Up"(Up in Here), a high energy track produced by Swizz Beatz that finds DMX being peak DMX, the chorus is both funny and little corny, there's a good touch of humor in DMX's bars on the track that give it charm. Another well-known X track is "What these B*tches Want" ft Sisqo, a silly and misogynistic track that has its charm and humor but is a bit lacking as far as the chorus in my opinion. "What's My Name?" however, is a banger that's one of DMX's better singles and meant to be played at a high volume out of your car. ...And Then There Was X is another strong album from DMX, and its more consistent than Flesh of my Flesh' less visceral and hungry than It's Dark. 8.5/10 
Favorite tracks: Party Up(Up in Here) Here We Go Again, What's My Name, The Professional, Angel, More 2 a Song
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The Great Depression(2001): DMX's fourth straight #1 album finds him trying new things. There are the rap-rock efforts like Bloodline Efforts, and I'ma Bang which will always be hit or miss depending on the kind of music listener you are. To me, they're listenable but amongst the corniest of DMX records in his catalog. The worst is the silly/sad "She Was Da Bomb" where X writes a track about basically impregnating a woman and threatening to be a deadbeat. Yeah, the lows here are amongst the lowest of his career. Transversely, "Who We Be," a socially conscious record, is one of DMX's best tracks ever, and "We Right Here" has a great beat and is amongst the best on the album. Aside from the hits, you get the heartfelt "I'm Missing You" and the thoughtful "When I'm Nothing". There are also more R&B sounds here which I think is a nice change of pace. The Great Depression is solid; it's less aggressive and consistent than any of the three albums before it; some songs really work, and a few don't. I think it's worth listening to; there are essential DMX tracks here, but I wouldn't consider the LP quintessential as a whole. 7.5/10
Favorite Tracks: Who We Be, We Right Here, When I”m Nothing, I”m Missing You,
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Grand Champ(2003): DMX's fifth straight #1 album is even more boom or bust than The Great Depression is. Where The Great Depression had weird moments and tracks that didn't quite work. Here X doesn't sound quite as passionate as he does early in his career. In an interview he did on 106 n Park around the time of the album's release, he'd spoken about not making what he should off his music, and I wonder how much that put a damper on writing and recording for this album. When it comes to what's here, the menacing brutality and growl is here, but it isn't as consistently visceral as it was early on. At 24 tracks, it's also a long, over-bloated album but even shorting it; I don't think the bulk of the music here holds up through time. "Get it On the Floor," has a terrible chorus, and most tracks between 13-23 are forgettable. As for the best of what's here "Where the Hood At" Produced by Swizz is a classic DMX track it's hard and has a great beat and hook. "Dogs Out" Which features Kanye on production. Then you have "We're Back" ft Eve and Jadakiss, another highlight and features pretty good verses from all three, but I believe Jada had the best performance. The international version of the album features the track "X Gon Give It To Ya" another very good single from X. This is an interesting listen, and depending how die-hard an X fan you are you may still enjoy this. I think there are tracks worth salvaging, but it isn't an essential listen. 6.5/10
Favorite Tracks: Dogs Out, Where The Hood At, X Gon Give it to Ya
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The Year of the Dog(2006):This is the point where the bottom really fell out on DMX's music. The highs here aren't amongst the highest of X's career, and the lows are certainly amongst the lowest—tons of generic and lackluster production, mediocre choruses. A weird rap/rock crossover. DMX's tenacity isn't as urgent or visceral, and a lot of what's here (tracks 2-10) sounds, sadly, like a caricature of himself(with "It's personal" as the exception). The best tracks on the album are sneak in at the end where you find songs like "Blown Away" and "Goodbye"; those are the most soul-bearing tracks on the album. As a whole, it's a below-average album that, aside from a few moments, The down turn reflected itself culturally and sells wise it was his first album not to go #1 and only to go gold, and by the mid 00s DMX wasn’t in most conversations when comes to being amongst the best . 4.0/10
Favorite Tracks: It’s Personal, Blown Away, Goodbye, Life Be My Song
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Undisputed(2012): Undisputed was a well-intentioned, admirable comeback album for DMX.  There are some solid moments here "Cold World" Speaks on what he perceives as the rap game getting weak.  "I'm back" is one of the better tracks on the album. You can hear the pain coming through on "Have You Eva."  I like "Y'all Don't Really Know" because it comes close to some of his early work. Still, it just isn't enough; there are quite a few missteps on this album, whether it'd be the awful "Sucker for Love" or "I Get Scared" X sounds weaker vocally, and the production is lacking. There's some charm to "I Don't Dance" with MGK but it's somewhat awkward and not among his strongest singles.  It's better than Year Of The Dog but still far from the level of X's heyday.  5.5/10
Favorite Tracks: I‘m Back, Have You Eva, Ya’ll Don’t Really Know
DMX is an undeniable legend and quintessential to late 90s-early 00s hip-hop. His music and voice, and passion transcends its era and is easily felt now. His apex from 98-00' is highly recommended. Past that, it's a lot more hit and miss, but both the Great Depression and Grand Champ have some gems worth grabbing. Past that, it's even spottier but given X's internal struggles it was great we were even able to get those LPs. Fortunately, DMX seemed to be doing well and had finished an album before passing away, so I'm eager to hear what he'd been working on.
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chaos-in-the-making · 4 years ago
WOW THE FIGHTING. I MEAN YA'LL. THE TENSION. Towa is like "Sister!" And Sestuna is like "whom the fuck" and Towa is like SISTER?! 🥺 And Setsuna is like "prove it, bitch." The fighting scene was smooth and beautiful, and well animated, and the TENSION between the sisters is *kisses fingers* mwah!
SETSUNA REALLY IS THE SPITTING IMAGE OF HER DADDY. even down to her "do as you please" to Moroha lmaaaao we get to see more of their demon powers which ROCK. Also, did anyone else think that Towa's magic sword resembled tetsaiga? Anyone? Just me?? Probably just me. ANYWAY THATS A THEORY FOR ANOTHER TIME
Ok on Moroha: i am fucking loving her. I came for the twins, but my god is she hysterical. And she is the PERFECT blend of Inuyasha and Kagome. She has Inuyasha's boldness and dumbass energy, but she has Kagome's compassion. She is the voice of reason between the two sisters, forcing them to see each other on the same level and trying to keep the peace. Its obvious that she does not enjoy fighting for the sake of fighting, but wants FRIENDS OMG SHE JUST WANTS FRIENDS. Did you see her call the demon slayers HER FRIENDS?!? half an hour before they were trying to KILL HER and she just decided on her own that nope, they were friends now! Lmaaaaaaooo. They shall be mine, and they shall be my squishy. But ok, I need to know why Moroha just knows so much?? She can SMELL that Sesshoumaru is their dad?? Has she smelled Sesshoumaru before??? She knows who he is, does she know he is her uncle?!??! And then she just GUESSES accurately about Setsuna's curse?? Is it because she has run into it before?? I NEED ANSWERS AND NOT PLOT HOLES. The exposition is nice, but I need a reason for this 14 year old to know everything.
Speaking of Moroha, KAGOME'S FAMILY RECOGNIZED HEEEEEEER. I am living for this reunion. And its so NICE to see that Sota is pure at heart and does not keep secrets from his wife. Also, I love his wife. She is like "demons exist? That almost killed my daughter? Yeah they can stay, no problem." Like ok, I need whatever mood stabilizer she is smoking, bc that shit is the bomb.
Things I am concerned about:
KAEDE'S SPECULATIONS. seriously???? SERIOUSLY??? This shit had better not be true. And I'm holding on to the fact that it's her misunderstanding of demons and their culture that makes her believe that 1) Sesshoumaru would abandon his children, and 2) that the children would fight and kill each other at an early age. Like yes, we see that with some demon siblings and Sesshoumaru hated his little brother, but we also see examples of sibling codependency and family. So her assumptions might be based on only one of those. Anyway they had better be. Because this Spartan bullshit of "Only the strong survive" is sooooooo not my jam. That had better not be Sesshoumaru as a father, or so help me God.
BUT WE GOT TO SEE HIM HOLDING BABIES AS HE FLEW AWAY SO I AM JAZZED ABOUT THAT. but that makes me WORRIED because twin births are HARD and I SWEAR TO GOD IF RIN DIED IN CHILDBIRTH IM GONNA LOSE IT. But why did he take them OUT of the village? Did that mean they were born there?? WHERE IS RIN DONT DO THIS TO MEEEEEE.
I have more specific thoughts about specific moments, but that's my overview, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!!
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reducttiddi3es · 4 years ago
Feels Right Monty x OC- Requested
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REQUEST:   @vintagemac94 Hey🌸, I just came across your blog and loved the Monty love I saw there those two stories were pretty awesome. Could I pls make a request for MontyxOc where she has a boyfriend in college but when she moved to town and transferred to Liberty High she fell for Monty because of the amazing chemistry they had when they first met... As much as she wanted to stay loyal the connection her and Monty had proved too strong to ignore and she let the temptation take over💜. Tysm
I really enjoyed writing this, so much so that I had to split it up into parts XD. I will put the second part up soon(once I complete it that is)
hope ya’ll enjoy it. requests are always open.
WORDS: 1389
“Ok, babe. I’ll call you tonight. I can’t afford to go late on the first day of school”
“No, Soph, you call me in break time ok.”
“Ugh, fine. I love you but I really got to go now”
I hung up smiling about how much my boyfriend cared for me. We had been together for a little more than a year and it was going great. He was a little possessive but that’s because he loves me. Right?
I ran down the stairs excited for my first day at Liberty high.
“Morning, mom. Hey dad”, I said kissing both of them.
“Here, have your breakfast and then we’ll leave”
“Have a nice day, sweety.”
“Bye dad”
I walked into the massive property of Liberty high which was crowded with noisy teens. I looked around, there were the cheerleaders, nerds, punks and the jocks. Ugh.
I never really fit in with most of these groups. I am friendly but I’d rather be alone. But I had promised myself to make friends.
I looked around and spotted a boy and a girl talking, they seemed nice.
“Hey, I’m Sophie Miller. I’m new here, can you please tell me the way to the counsellor’s office”
“Hey, I’m Hannah Baker.”
“I’m Clay Jensen. Well I was just heading there to take the new students on the school tour.” He laughs.
“Well then you can give me a little preview” I said before we bid goodbye to Hannah and headed towards the counsellor’s office. Wow. Its gonna take some time to memorize all these hallways.
The day went by well, I had a few classes with Clay and others with Hannah, so I didn’t have to put in the effort of socializing.
I sat at their table during lunch. They were so sweet, and we talked about random stuff while they told me a little more about the school.
As soon as the bell rang, we all moved towards our next class, when I realized that the next class, I had neither Clay nor Hannah with me. They showed me towards my classroom before going off towards their own. I walked in slowly, almost as if I was walking into a dense cave. I walked slowly to a bench at the end of the class, satisfied that I had caught the attention of nobody, or at least that’s what I thought.
I managed to get away from the “new girl introduction” bit successfully. Since it was the last class of the day, I went out towards the parking lot wondering where my dad was.
 Things went on quite smoothly for the next few days. By smooth I mean little to no social interaction except with Clay, Hannah and a few teachers. It felt nice, like I could fit in, that I did not need my boyfriend as a barrier between me and the world. Jake (boyfriend) had asked me to call him at least 5 times a day. It was getting a little annoying, but I had to, after all he agreed to me going away to another town. It was the least I could do for him.
It had been almost a week in school and it is safe to say I still don’t know anyone other than Clay and Hannah, I mean I did make efforts to make friends but it seemed as if everyone had their friend groups filled already.
“Honey, I’m so sorry but you’ll have to walk to school this week”, my dad told me as he was getting ready to catch his flight to go on a business trip.
“Don’t worry dad, I CAN walk to school. It isn’t far” I chuckled.
Monday morning came soon, I got up realizing that I had to walk to school and so I had to be quick. But after all I’m as slow as a sloth bear. I ran, literally ran out of my house without breakfast, racing with the wind. God, I’m going to be late.
“Hey, careful.”
In the haste of getting to school on time, running like a mad-man on the streets, I did not realize when I bumped into someone.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking, so sorry.” I said sweating and almost at the verge of freaking out. “I didn’t see, I don’t- I’m sorry”
“Oh god, shhh, quiet”, that someone clasped a hand over my mouth with the other slowly rubbing up and down my back. This somehow immediately calmed me down. I looked up to meet the eyes of this kind stranger.
I looked into his deep hazel colored eyes, and I felt something. Something, that I can’t explain. Something I haven’t felt before. Something that was nice. I was so lost in his eyes that I did not realize that I had literally been gawking at him.
“You’re a weird girl, aren’t you” he laughed.
I snapped out of my bliss and gave him a confused smile.
“And a pretty one” he added, sending more shivers down my spine. His smile was so confident, so sweet yet almost like a smirk oozing with arrogance.
“Why are you walking to school today? Do you need a ride?” he asked.
I was shocked he knew as much as he did. And I guess it was written all over my face. He added “I go to the same school. I’ll give you a ride, it’s not very safe to leave you unsupervised right now”, he laughed.
He walked over to a jeep parked near the sidewalk and sat confidently in the driver’s seat, sure that I would follow him. And I did. I don’t know why I did it but I did. I sat down in the passenger seat.
“I’m Sophie. Sophie Miller” I said mustering up the most confidence I could and smiled at him.
“I’m Montgomery. Montgomery De La Cruz. But I prefer Monty” he said mimicking me. But I wasn’t offended, in fact I smiled at him wider than before. “Monty” I said softly.
The entire ride we spoke about tons of things. I’m not saying we had many things in common in fact we didn’t but it did not feel awkward. Also did I mention that that he was the hottest person I’d ever seen (still is). I hadn’t gotten the chance to see him that well considering I was near-freaking out over stumbling into him but when we reached school and he got off the car, the radiation of the morning sun hitting his skin in all the right places making him look more godly than he did before, had taken my breath away. Wow.
My feet carried me to class, my hands carried my books, physically I was in class but my mind could focus on nothing but Monty. His voice echoed inside my head; his soulful laugh made me smile like an idiot without realizing that I was in class.
“Miss Miller, is there something that you want to share with the class, so that all of us can laugh”
My face turned red at the teacher’s voice and I shook my head. The bell rang before she could go any further. The entire day, I barely payed attention to any class, my brain flooded with images of Monty (funny how I could imagine him in ways I’d not even seen him).
I absent mindedly walked out of the school towards home, still smiling wide. All of sudden a car pulled up next to me. The window rolled down.
“You know you can’t just ditch me, today morning was certainly not a one-time thing” he said smirking.
“N-no I was-“
“Oh God, just get in sweetheart” he laughed, the nickname leaving his lips effortlessly.
It had been a week and my dad was back home but I still drove with Monty to school. We had gotten incredibly close, I went to his games and we spent a lot of time together after school, gaming, listening to music, I even tutored him while he failed to teach me baseball. But the most wonderful time was when we sat together and talked about random things. Monty had gotten me to feel so good about myself, I had become more confident. It felt nice.
We were jamming to some music while riding to school when my phone rang.
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franks23 · 5 years ago
Horikoshi has done it again with another brilliant chapter.
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I LOVE THIS. Aizawa getting ALL the love. Which he totally deserves. I can’t believe I disliked him when we first met him (even if it was only for about three pages of one chapter...still...I’m so ashamed of myself). I’m also going to pretend that the water from Manual is actually just tears of happiness from Aizawa at being appreciated by his two problem children. They love you. We love you. Please don’t die.
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Izuku using black whip is my jam. I love to see it. And ouch, Shiggy, you really don’t wanna be saying that shit to Bakugo, he’s got a major complex and ya’ll just riling him up.
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ENDEAVOR, it is criminal to have those thighs. Jesus Christ. I can understand why Izuku is looking at you like he is. I would too.
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And please, Izuku. You’re in the middle of a very important fight. Don’t be getting distracted just because someone said All Might.
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Oh boy are Izuku and Katsuki in for it after this is all over. Have a feeling Izuku is gonna have a lot of explaining to do. I can’t really see how they’ll get out of telling Endeavor and Aizawa about OFA now. It’s gonna be interesting to see how Horikoshi decides to play it.
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And yes, this! I love how confused Shiggy and Izuku both were when he said this. I think Shiggy is gonna have a hell of a lot of questions too. I think he’ll be wanting to pay a visit to AFO in the near future. What I want to know is though, is AFO able to take OFA? I was under the impression that he wasn’t able to take it, because OFA has to be willingly given away? I know AFO steals quirks, but I’m sure we’ve been told previously that OFA is the only one he can’t steal, right? Or am I making that up?? And if I am right in saying so, are they (Shiggy/AFO) just wanting to kill Izuku to get rid of OFA? I think I need to go back and read some of the earlier chapters again because my memory is shit.
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And finally, can I just say. shiggy is looking SCARY AS SHIT this chapter. Boy needs some serious moisturiser. He is crispy as fuck.
I love this. I loved the end panel too, with Mt. Lady versus that pain in the ass dude. Looks like we’ll probably be jumping over to the other battlefield next chapter, which is nice. I wanna see how Shouto and the gang are all holding up (please all be alive and safe and well).
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maeryn-liones · 5 years ago
The legends as types of ASMR they might listen to
[I came up with this idea at 2AM and couldn’t sleep. Shhh]
Believe it or not, most of the ASMR she listens to is to relive her trauma. Years of experience in battle can scar a person and being in the IMC??? She’s seen a whole lot, most of it not good. She’ll listen/watch videos that are helpful for people who have experienced trauma. That may include videos that help her try to forget or maybe a few videos trying to help her move on.
Camping ASMR. Listening to the crackle of the fires or rain always reminds them of home. They can almost feel the late nights in the wilderness on their own again. During very sleepless nights, they’ll open Arthur’s cage and have the bird curl up in the corner of the room and try to mimic sounds that nature makes (look it up, crows can and will mimic the sounds of other creatures)
Generally, he won’t listen to ASMR. If he ever has trouble sleeping, he’ll usually take melatonin or drink some tea. But on the rare occasions he does, he’ll try to find carving ASMR. Maybe it’s wood carving or soap carving. The sounds just feel calming and relax him, the sounds can ease his mind. On very super rare occasions, he’ll listen to Mad Scientist ASMR to either make him laugh or just see how some people view him since fan or other legends will joke about that.
Anxiety Relief ASMR up the ass my dude. Hacking or spending extended times on his computer will cause him to put on headphones to listen to background ASMR. During the night, it’s sometimes insanely difficult to sleep so he tries to calm himself down. He deep down knows none of the legends would try to hurt him (except for Revanant, that rat bastard that climbs on the ceiling like a fucking creep) so he feels much calmer and safer than he has in a long time
Not gonna lie, I struggled so much to try and find something he’d listen to. I eventually came up with the conclusion that he listens to nice positive vibes ASMR. Any video that has negative vibes or a weird RP? Begone thot! This man cares about one thing and one thing alone: Trying to stay positive. The original reason he joined the games was to protect those around him and literally all of his lines are along the lines of staying positive and happier. It’s better to keep your head held up high than to put yourself down.
Tapping. As somebody to loves to jam out with her drumsticks, she enjoys tapping on things. This includes when she tries to sleep. She enjoys listening to the sounds late at night as it remind her of her favorite hobby. Anybody who has watched her sleep as she listens to ASMR might notice how she lightly tries to sleepily tap along what she’s hearing.
Ngl, at the time I’m making this post, Loba hasn’t been out for too long. My personal view of her character may not really be good enough for me to get an accurate viewpoint for this post. Just throwing that out there before I state anything😅
Loba enjoys mic brushing/mic pulling. The sound just feels soothing to her. It drowns out all the background noise that scares her or just makes her feel unsettled at night. Revenant has caused many many many sleepless nights for her so she prefers something to drown out whatever insecurities or fear she might be feeling internally.
Positive. Affirmations. Ya’ll. Mirage is so fucking worried all the damn time about everything. He often finds it difficult to sleep because he just worries about a lot. Do the other legends find him annoying??? Do they talk shit behind his back??? Do they hate talking with him??? Do fans only like him for his looks??? He especially struggles after having phone calls with his mom or the anniversary of his brothers disappearing. Those nights are the worst and the hardest for him. He stumbled onto ASMR by total accident and has not stopped using it each and every night since.
I originally was going to kinda brush this off and say he doesn’t really listen to ASMR and then my brain was like, “You’re a fucking idiot.”
It’s kinda rare to find them (at least in my experience) but Octane listens to ADHD asmr. It is just so fucking difficult to sleep when you can’t turn your fucking brain off. It also doesn’t help when you play video games all night. Octane doesn’t usually listen to ASMR, he’ll try to roll around in his bed for a couple hours before looking up old videos Lifeline showed him when they were kids. He never ever tells her this.
Doesn’t really listen to ASMR because robot who literally can’t sleep. But, if he finds any of the other legends struggling to sleep, he’ll look up all their favorite ASMR videos and send them to their phones to remind them, “Hey! You use these to sleep friend! You should use them now!” 😁
Doesn’t use ASMR to sleep, but will browse old memories or horror movies to hear people screaming. Everybody sleeps super far away from him for a reason
Very very gentle and quiet videos. Loud noises bother her so very much that she enjoys very gentle, very soft videos. She enjoys the ones with inaudible whispering so she doesn’t have to focus too hard on what people are saying or doing. No crazy role plays, no doctors appointment role plays, just very very soft and sweet videos.
(I repeated very a lot in this description but shhhh it’s fine)
Wraith was one of the hardest to decide because she listens to every kind of ASMR if you want to get technical with dimensional travel. Whispers are definitely a no go, the voices in her head late at night are no fun at fucking all. Doctor ASMR triggers her PTSD at the IMC facility so fuck that. I eventually came to the conclusion that it’s either hair brushing or listening to rain. The hair brushing gives her a sense of peace and eases her mind by quite a bit. At some points, she’ll feel an odd sense of familiarity with those videos. The rain calms almost everybody enough for sleep and Wraith is no exception.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years ago
survey by n0b0dysp3rf3ct
—:: Who ::—
… was the last person you saw face to face?
My mom.
… was the last person you texted or messaged online? My aunt.
… was the last person who asked you for a favour? My mom earlier.
… was the last person you lent something to? I don’t recall.
… was the last person who told you a secret/confided in you? Probably my aunt.
… is the tallest person you know? My brother.
… the shortest person you know? Me, ha.
… your oldest (in years) friend? I don’t have any friends.
… is the oldest (in length of time) friend? --
… is your youngest friend? --
… is your newest friend? --
… is your closest relative? My mom and brother.
… was your favourite teacher? My 4th, who also ended up being my 8th, grade teacher.
… was your least favourite teacher? These two math professors I had at community college. They were really rude.
… did you spend the most time with when growing up? My parents, cousins, and grandparents.
… knows you the best? My mom. And ya’ll, ha.
… always beats you in games or sports? I don’t do a lot of competitive stuff, but let’s be real everyone would probably beat me cause I suck at everything.
… who is the most creative of the people you know? I have a few artistic and creative family members. I sadly did not get the gene.
… is the funniest person you know? My brother.
… is the most organised that you know? One of my aunts.
… that you know has travelled the most? My paternal grandparents and one of my uncles.
… has always been there for you? My family, especially my mom.
… has given you the most personal gift? What’s a personal gift, exactly?
… has an annoying laugh? *shrug*
… never forgets a birthday? I think I’m pretty good about that.
… do you live with? My parents, brother, and doggo.
…,do you have the most in common with? My mom and brother.
…is the sportiest person you know? My dad.
…was your last missed call? A spam call.
…did you last open your door for? Delivery person.
… has your heart? Me.
…do you share a special song with? No one.
…do you miss right now? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
…last made you angry? Not sure about a who, but situations and circumstances lately have.
…did you last buy a gift for? My dad for Father’s Day.
…did you celebrate your last birthday with? My parents and brother.
…have you gone to a concert with? A former friend.
…can make you laugh? My family.
…has taught you how to do something? Teachers.
…has lost something of yours? Hmm.
…has broke your heart? A couple of people.
…has stood you up? Joseph.
:: What ::
s your favourite colour?
...Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, yellow.
...Can you do that most your friends can’t? ---
...Is your birthday? July 28th, mark your calendars. 
...Colour eyes do you have? Brown.
...Form of transport do you take to work/school? I don’t work/done with school.
...Music do you like to listen to in the car? My parents and brother each play their Spotify playlists in their cars, so I hear whoever’s playlist of the car I’m in.
...Languages can you speak? I’m only fluent in English, but I know a little Spanish. ...Was the last thing you drank? Water.
...Was the last thing you ate? 4 over-easy eggs, loaded hash browns (shredded cheese, country gravy, and onions), and toast with strawberry jam from Denny’s.
...Time did you wake up this morning? Around 8.
...Colour are your bedroom walls? White.
...Drink do you usually order when eating out? Coffee.
..Food can you cook well? Just ramen.
...Animals have you had for a pet? Doggos, fish, and a couple of hamsters.
...Are your initials? ---
...Kind of activities do you like to do on the weekends? I don’t do anything different.
...Movie do you know line by line? There’s a few.
...Band(s) have you seen in concert? I’ve seen several.
...Do you buy/get to treat yourself? Depends what I want.
...Colours your phone cover? It’s a clear one.
...Part of the world would you love to visit? I’d love to be able to travel all over.
...Subject were you good at in school? English.
...Careers do your parents have? My mom works at Walgreens and my dad works at a car repair shop.
...Brand of clothing do you buy most often? Most of my clothes are from Boxlunch, Hot Topic, and Kohl’s. 
...Chocolate bar is your favourite? White chocolate.
...TV show have you watched every series of? There’s a ton.
...Radio station do you listen to the most? I haven’t listened to the radio for like 4-5 years now.
...Podcasts are you subscribed to? None.
...Is your favourite dessert? Milkshakes, ice cream, brownies, cheesecake, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, muffins.
...Can’t you do that most around you seem to? >> Function. <<<
...Are 5 qualities you value in a friend? Someone I can confide in, someone that’s easy to be around, good listener, loyal, understanding.
...Are 5 qualities you value in a partner? Patient, understanding, caring, good sense of humor, loyal. 
...Size pizza do you usually order? It depends. If my family and I are all getting pizza, we usually get 2 mediums ad one of those are the toppings of my choosing and they’ll have some of that as well as the pizza of their choosing (I’m the picky one that’s why we get two, ha). If I’m just getting pizza then I’ll get a personal.
...Cuisine do you like to order or cook? I love Italian, Mexican, and Chinese food. I’m not a cook except for ramen.
...Colour(s) dominate your wardrobe? Black.
...Toothpaste brand do you use? Sensodyne.
...Sounds can you hear right now? ASMR video, my fans, and the TV.
...Is the weather like today? It’s currently 90F.
...Are your plans for tomorrow? Just another day.
:: Where ::
Do you keep your phone when not using it?
It’s usually always near me somewhere.
...Were you born? California.
...Do you go to unwind? My bed. And the beach when I’m able, which isn’t often. :( I wish I lived near one cause I’d be there a lot.
...Is your best friend right now? Work.
...Can you go nearby to have a good time? My city is lame.
...Is the nearest restaurant? Not even a 5 minute drive from my house.
...Is the nearest beach? About 2 1/2 hours away.
...Did you meet your closest friend? --
...Did you go for your last vacation? I went to Disneyland last year and it ended up being right before the pandemic and lockdown stuff happened. Like literally two weeks before.
...Is the nearest mall or superstore? About a 10 minute drive.
...Did you last get an injury? I don’t remember.
...Is the most extravagant place you’ve stayed at? I’ve stayed at nice hotels.
...Do most the local kids play? *shrug*
...Have you been with your family? Uhh, lots of places?
...Did you spend Christmas last year? At home.
...Did your parents grow up? My mom has lived here all her life and my dad moved around a bit coast to coast.
...Did you buy the shoes you’re wearing? I'm not wearing shoes, but no I didn’t buy the pair I last wore.
...Would you like to go right now if you could? Somewhere with cool weather and a beach.
...Do you miss the most from your childhood? Being a kid.
...Is the best restaurant you know? Wingstop.
...Will you never go again as it was so bad? I haven’t had that bad of a restaurant experience.
:: When ::
was your last vacation? ...February of last year.
…did you graduate? I graduated UC in 2015.
…did you decide what career you wanted? My freshman year of high school. 
…did you have your first kiss? I was 16.
…did you learn how to swim? I haven’t.
…did you have your first relationship? 2005.
…did you meet your best friend? She’s my mo.
…do you feel the most at peace? At the beach is the closest I get to that.
…do you usually fall asleep? When the sun is almost rising or already has.
…do you usually wake up? Between like 9 and 12.
…did you last watch a movie? I saw A Quiet Place 2 a few weeks ago.
…did you last go to a party? A few weekends ago to my bro’s grad party.
…did you last cry? Yesterday. It’s a daily thing nowadays, at least once. Usually more.
…did you laugh really hard? I don’t remember. 
…did you buy something pricey last? For Mother’s Day.
…did you have an argument last? Recently.
…did you last have a sick day? All the time?
…did you last recieve a hug? The other day.
…when is your best friend’s birthday? September.
…did you learn how to drive? I haven’t.
…did you last receive a surprise? I received a bad, unexpected one recently.
:: How ::
Many pets do you have?
Many houses have you lived in? A few.
Often do you shower? About every 2-3 days.
Well can you cook? I only cook ramen.
Many close friends do you have? None.
Many Brothers or sisters do you have? I have two brothers.
Often do you go swimming? I don't.
Many times have you texted today? Zero.
Do you like your toast (colour, topping)? A light brown with butter or jelly.
Do you like your tea and/or coffee? I like a packet or two of sweetener with my tea and flavored cream or cream and sugar with my coffee.
Do you like to celebrate your birthdays? Just chill and lowkey.
Are you feeling today? Hot and tired and meh.
Serious are you about your career goals? I’m not even doing anything in regards to that as of now. I have no idea what I want to do and I can’t put the time, energy, focus, or effort to figure it out at this time. I’m dealing with and focusing on my health and can’t work right now anyway.
Many bedrooms in your house? 2 bedrooms.
Did you do in your school exams? I did well.
Close do you live to your parents? I live with my parents.
Close do you live to your siblings? I live with my younger brother and my older brother doesn’t live far away.
Sensitive to criticism are you? I’m sensitive, but it’s definitely gotten worse in recent years.
Motivated to make changes are you? That’s something I’ve been struggling with and it’s certainly doing me no favors. :/
Creative are you (1-10): I missed the creative gene.
Hard working are you (1-10): Not very much at all anymore. :/
Sporty are you (1-10): Not at all. 
Musical are you (1-10): I don’t play any instruments. Do you prefer your eggs? Over-easy, scrambled, deviled, hard boiled.
Often do you go out to eat? I get takeout a lot. I just started going out to eat again recently, having been to Denny’s twice now in the past week. It’s a new tradition my mom and I are starting couple or so times a week when we go for a morning walk.
Would your best friend describe you? Meh.
Can someone cheer you up if you’re sad? It’s honestly better to just leave me alone.
Often do you meet up with your friends?  ---
Important is religion to you? My faith is very important to me.
Old were you when you first stayed overnight from home? *shrug* I was a kid.
Old were you when you got your first pet? Like 3.
Tech savvy are you? Eh, I know some stuff.
Often do you cut your hair? It’s been over a year since the last time.
Often do you paint your nails? It’s been a few years since the last time. 
Many countries have you visited? Just one apart from my own.
Boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Two.
:: Why ::
… did you choose your username?
Cause I love me some surveys. ‘Nuff said.
… did you take this survey? I wanted to.
… did you choose the career you did? I don’t have one.
…did you last leave the house? My mom and I took our walk this morning and stopped to have breakfast along the way. 
…did you last give up on something? I gave up on myself in a lot of ways the past few years and I’ve paying for it.
…did you search the last thing you searched? I was looking up how many miles away something was for one of the questions.
…would you give up on someone completely? I did that easily with myself, but it would take a lot to do that with someone else.
:: If…::
You could live in any country which would you choose?
I’ll just stay here.
You could choose any animal as a pet which one? I like having doggos.
You could be famous for something what would you like? >> I don't want to be famous. <<<
You are sad, how do you combat it? >> I am sad almost all the time lately, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's not something to "combat", I'm not trying to be in a fucking battle with myself and I'm tired of that rhetoric. I just wish I was less sad. I can't be less sad. But I wish I could. <<< 
You can drive when did you learn? --
You could have any job what would it be? I don’t knowwww.
You could go anywhere for a vacation where would you go? Somewhere far away with a nice beach.
You could eat anything right now what would it be? I just put in my Doordash order for Wingstop.
You wrote a book what genre/topic would it be? Murder mystery/psychological thriller.
You had a theme song what would it be? *shrug*
You could meet any band/singer in person which one? Hmm.
You could act in any movie which would it be? No thanks.
You get married what venue would you like? I don’t want to get married.
If you have kids do you have names picked out? I don’t want kids.
Could describe your dream home what would it be like? Spacious enough for 4 adults and a doggo, near a beach, hardwood floor, big backyard with patio deck, pizza oven, grill, deck, nice sitting and eating area, pool, and a balcony.
You could go back in time what would you change? I’d take better care of myself.
Could use 3 words to describe your childhood which ones? Good, fun, memorable.
Could get the answer to any question which question would you choose? I don’t know cause if it’s bad I don’t wanna know.
You could have an endless supply of something what would it be? Money.
Meet anyone who no longer lives who’d you choose? Chester Bennington.
:: Can ::
… you ride a bike?
… you ski? No.
… you bake a cake? >> I'm sure I could wing a box cake. <<< Yeah, that’s all I do. I’m not in there whipping stuff up from scratch.
… you sing well? Nope.
… you do your own taxes? >> I don't do taxes, I don't earn a taxable income. <<<
… you remain calm in a crisis? I tend to freak out.
… you do first aid? No.
… remember your best friend’s family members’ names? They’re my family, too.
… you fire a gun? I’ve only done it once when I went to a shooting range with some friends a few years ago. I didn’t want to do more than that.
… your parents drive? Yes.
…your best friend dance well? She doesn’t like to dance.
…you make people laugh easily? I don’t think I’m funny. I’ll have my moments now and then and I own that shit when it happens haha but it’s at random.
…stand up for yourself? I’m not great a that. I’m too shy, too awkward, suck at expressing myself, and don’t like confrontation.
…you do a martial art? No.
:: Would ::
You like to learn a new language?
I’d like to be fluent in Spanish. I only know some.
Save the life of a stray animal? If I could help in some way.
Know what to do if there was a hurricane? >> Not entirely, because I've never lived in a hurricane-prone area. <<< Me either, thankfully.
Try a new cuisine? If it sounded good to me. I’m very picky and particular with food.
Risk your life for anyone? My loved ones.
You like to get back in touch with someone? Ideally, but it’s not ideal right now.
You drive in the middle of the night to get a stuck friend? I don’t drive so I wouldn’t be any help. I could call them an Uber, though.
You Know how to perform CPR? No.
You likely win in a game of chess? Nope, I don’t even know how to play.
You stop talking for a day for $100? Yeah.
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honeyedhoseok · 5 years ago
| good songs, good vibes |
Hey all! I’m in the middle of writing the ending scene for my upcoming Exposure Epilogue (Part Two), and while I’m taking a break, I thought I would share with you all some jams that I’m really enjoying lately! Music is a big, big part of my writing--inside and outside of this blog--and I’m always jonesing to talk about music with anyone that will listen. Hopefully some of you will find these as cool as I do! 
(WARNING: These genres are all over the place. I don’t think these lists would work good as playlists, but rather as a “pick what song you think you’re in the mood for” kind of thing)
☆ In My Feels Tracks ☆
Hayley Williams - Leave It Alone
Keshi - bandaids
The Neighbourhood - Cherry Flavoured
The Academy Is... - 40 Steps
Pierce The Veil - Falling Asleep On A Stranger
☆ Emo, Middle School You Would Be Proud Tracks ☆
Joyce Manor - House Warming Party
The Story So Far - Placeholder
Arctic Monkeys - 505
Ignant Benches - Monodrama
The 1975 - People
Tigers Jaw - The Sun
McCafferty - Beachboy
Joyce Manor - Up The Punks
☆ Hot Girl Summer, Now Pop Ya’ll Shit Tracks ☆ (EXPLICIT)
Mulatto - B*tch From Da Souf
Flo Milli - Beef FloMix
Megan Thee Stallion - Rich
Bhad Bhabie - Geek’d
Chloe x Halle - Do It
☆ Vibes, But Make Them Hip Hop/Pop? Tracks ☆ (EXPLICIT)
Oliver Francis - New Years Day
No Rome - Cashmoney
Juice WRLD - Blood On My Jeans 
Lil Uzi Vert - Baby Pluto
Onlychild - Chardonnay & Tangerine
Oliver Francis - Gene Simmons
☆ Serotonin Thooooomin Tracks ☆
Surf Curse - I’m Not Making Out With You
Twin Cabins - I’m Sure
The Wrecks - Feels Nice
Hayley Williams - Pure Love
Surf Curse - Disco
All Time Low - Clumsy
Wild Party - Take My Advice
☆ Hey, Ho, I’m Suddenly Thinking About My Ex Tracks aka Good Songs He Showed Me That I Now Hate Because Of Him :’) ☆
Joyce Manor - Falling In Love Again
Bright Eyes - First Day Of My Life
The Get Up Kids - My Apology
The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
Dashboard Confessional - Swiss Army Romance
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years ago
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The guys meet up for a casual Sunday farmers market trip but when they get back to Bucky’s apartment things heat up fast. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: basic second base smuttiness; swapping hand jobs and some frottage.
Word Count: 5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I told ya'll there was gonna a lot of smut in this one and I'm starting to deliver as of this chapter :) So please, enjoy some lovely smuttiness on this fine Wednesday evening lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“I told you so.” Natasha cheered over their plate of danishes the next morning. 
Bucky’s smile was sphinx-like as he nibbled on his pastry, “You did. I’m still not 100% sure he’s not going to just bolt at some point but I think that’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” 
“It sounds like a risk worth taking if one kiss has you smiling like that twelve hours later.”
“Ugh, Nat! And for the record, it was more than just one.” Bucky chuckled as Natasha shoved at him playfully.
Across town Steve was helping Sam tidy up in between classes and trying to avoid the grilling he knew Sam wanted to give. They had recapped the last class and personal training sessions and planned out the room for the next group coming in. They went over all the adjustments needed to the next week’s schedule since they were still covering for Thor who was out on paternity leave for the next four weeks now that his wife Jane had the baby. By the time they were setting the last of the kettle bells on the rack they had run out of gym related topics. Sam gave him another side eyed glance and Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.
“So are you still talking to Bucky?” Sam finally asked.
Steve had been reluctant to tell Sam about anything other than their first meeting. He hadn’t even told Sam why he’d bought the new outfit for earlier that week. It was still so new and he was unsure himself of where things were going, or where he even wanted them to go. He figured if in the end he realized he was bi or gay or whatever, then he could tell his friends. But until he was sure there was no point in announcing anything. “I am.” Steve admitted reluctantly.
“And how’s that going?” Sam seemed genuinely interested but Steve still clammed up.
“Good, he’s a good friend. We’ve been swapping memes all week.” 
“Nice. See, it all worked out and now you have someone else to send those stupid GIFs from The Office to.” 
“Hey, don’t knock one of the best TV shows of all time.” Steve glared pointedly.
“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Sam moved on, heading over to the desk to check the roster one last time before he started pulling out mats for their next class. A small twinge of guilt bit in Steve’s stomach, knowing he had let Sam make a wrong conclusion and hadn’t corrected him. But really, what was the point if he still wasn’t sure of everything himself? 
Bucky woke early on the Sunday after their date, restless in a way he hadn’t been in a while. He wanted to see Steve again but it had only been a day. Bucky busied himself with too much coffee and a book while he did laundry in his building's basement, trying to distract himself for a while. By 10am all of his standard keep busy chores were done and he was staring at his phone, trying to make Steve text him by sheer force of will. Giving up he started swiping through Instagram, catching up on his friend’s weekend adventures. Pepper had posted a cute picture of a bouquet she bought at the local farmers market and Bucky realized he had found the perfect reason to text Steve. It was innocent enough and casual so if Steve was busy or declined it wasn’t earth shattering. Plan in place, Bucky fired off a quick text.
Bucky Barnes [10:17:44AM]: hey u. im heading 2 the farmers market in sunset park. gonna stop 4 more of that wine. wanna come?
Steeeeve [10:19:23AM]: Hey! That sounds fun. What time?
Bucky Barnes [10:19:52AM]: headed over now if ur free
Steeeeve [10:20:08AM]: Okay. I just need to throw on some shoes and I’ll head out. I can be there in like 15min. 
Bucky Barnes [10:20:33AM]: k see u then
Bucky scrambled to fix his hair and pick a shirt from the pile he’d just brought up. He hadn’t expected Steve to be willing to meet up so quickly and he was still wearing his laundry day sweatpants. He was closer to the market than Steve but he also needed more time to get ready so he ended up getting a “I’m here” text from Steve on his way. 
Steve was waiting by a jewelry stand when Bucky caught up with him. He had been wandering around for a few minutes and the display of beaded bracelets caught his eye. They reminded him of the ones Bucky had worn when they first met and he wondered which ones Bucky would like. 
“Hey!” Bucky greeted him with a small wave as he approached.
“Hey.” Steve echoed happily. He almost reached out for a hug but something held him back and after a second ticked by he realized he should have just done it but the moment had passed. 
“What are you looking at?” Bucky asked, a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten their standard greeting hug and wanting to move on. 
“Oh, these things caught my eye while I was browsing.” 
“They’re nice. I love the way the translucent ones almost glow.” Bucky picked up one of the vivid pink ones, letting the sunlight hit it from different angles. 
“Let me buy it for you.” Steve offered before his brain caught up with his mouth. 
Bucky looked skeptically at him, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I want to, please?” 
“Thanks, Stevie.” Bucky said softly, handing the bracelet over. 
Steve blushed at the nickname, ducking his head and walking over to pay the sales girl for the bracelet. Once purchased, he returned it to Bucky who slid it on his wrist next to the two others he was currently wearing.
“Perfect.” Steve praised. 
Bucky was looking appreciatively at his newest addition while Steve was looking appreciatively at Bucky. God, he was gorgeous. Bucky was dressed casually in light washed jeans and a dark grey shirt with no one should live in a closet written in fancy script with a wand below it, all in rainbow colors. Leave it to Bucky. “I like your shirt. Harry Potter reference, right?” Steve guessed.
“Yep. I found it at Pride last year and I’m completely in love with it.” 
“It’s very you.” 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Bucky preened for a moment. 
Steve chuckled, “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. Altitude Coffee has a little pop up shop back that way.” 
Steve and Bucky trailed their way through the bustling farmers market, picking up things here and there. Some they actually needed for groceries, but others were just fun impulse buys. They each had overly full canvas totes by the time they were done, and hauled their finds along with them to the wine shop. They each bought a full box from the shop, having stocked up on a half case of their favorites, which only further slowed Bucky down. While Steve had the muscles and endurance to haul a giant tote and six bottles of wine around the city, Bucky did not. 
“Uh, Steve.” Bucky panted out, finally giving up. 
Steve looked over and realized Bucky had fallen a few steps behind while he was talking about a winery he had visited while in Canada a few years ago. 
“I think I need to tap out.” Bucky admitted while shifting his bag as much as he could to get comfortable. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Steve shifted his tote higher on his shoulder, wondering if he could sling Bucky’s on next to his. “Here, let me take your bag.” he extended a hand towards Bucky’s bag.
Bucky was conflicted, he wanted to try and at least get his stuff home but Steve probably could carry both without breaking a sweat. Damned muscled god of a man. “How about this? Since I’m the one wimping out, let me call us an Uber. I can probably get us one less than five minutes.” 
Steve frowned at the idea of an expensive ride all the back to Park Slope. “You don’t have to do that. I can carry our stuff.” 
“If I call us an Uber we could go back to my place and try that baguette and jam I bought.”
“Ooh, that’s a good bribe. I have that cheese I got too.” Steve looked at Bucky for a long moment. An afternoon of good food and even better company was too tempting to pass up. “You sure you don’t mind me coming over?” 
“Not at all. It’s a tiny little crap shack of a place, but it’s my tiny little crap shack.” 
Bucky was already pulling up the app and ordering them a car when Steve finally said, “Okay, let’s go.” 
The Uber ride back to Bucky’s place was barely more than ten minutes and they sat cramped in the back of a Prius with their wine boxes in the trunk and their totes in their laps. Bucky was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness and shot Steve amused glances every so often, making the blonde have to tamp down his own laughter. By the time they got to Bucky’s apartment Steve practically leapt out of the tiny blue car, grateful to stretch back to his full height again. He insisted on carrying both of their totes and his box of wine bottles up to Bucky’s apartment, leaving Bucky his own wine to carry. Thankfully the building had an elevator and Steve seemed barely phased under the weight of all their stuff. Bucky tried to ignore the filthy thoughts racing through his head of what else Steve was strong enough to do. Like pick him up and fuck him against a wall. Or something. God, Bucky hoped Steve figured things out soon because he was barely through their second date and wanted to climb the man like a tree. 
“Home sweet home.” Bucky announced as he swung the door open to his apartment. He flicked on the recessed lighting in the living room and showed Steve to the kitchen where he could put their bags down. It was a cute little one bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room and dine-in kitchen. 
“It’s nice.” Steve said looking around as he placed their bags on the faux granite countertop. 
“It’s tiny but it works.” Bucky shrugged. 
Steve noticed the would be dining room area of the kitchen was set up with a desk and three wide computer monitors instead of a table. “That’s quite a set up over there.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Bucky looked embarrassed for a moment, “It’s a little ridiculous, but when you work from home it’s kinda nice to have a sweet setup. When I signed on to work for Stark Securities they gave me a signing bonus so I splurged and bought better equipment and that fancy office chair. It was completely worth it too.” 
“Good for you, you deserve it.” 
Bucky blushed lightly at the sincerity of Steve’s tone. He nervously spun the bracelet Steve had bought him around his wrist a few times, hoping he wasn’t setting himself for heartache. “So, lunch?” Bucky offered, the momentary tension dissipating. 
“Absolutely. Let’s break out that bread you got.” Steve started rifling through his bag for the soft cheese and candied pecans he’d bought while Bucky pulled out the heavy loaf of artisan bread, the little pot of homemade plum jam, and a bottle of Chloe Prosecco he’d bought at the wine shop. The bottle had been adorable with its fancy little bow and the sales girl had said it was a popular choice.
They laid out their feast on a large cutting board, teasing each other about how posh the whole thing was. It was a simple but seemingly elegant lunch spread and Bucky liked that their official second date had a bit of a classy feel to it. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a table or anything for us to eat at.” Bucky waved his hand at his little office space. “I normally just eat on the sofa like a heathen.” 
“Honestly so do I.” Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“We can be heathens together then.” Bucky picked up their wine glasses while Steve carried the large tray out to the coffee table where they set up their feast. Flicking through his streaming channels he settled on Disney, knowing everyone loved those movies. “Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?”
Steve shook his head, “No, I heard it was good though.” 
“Good?” Bucky feigned offense, “Stephen Gilligan Rogers.” 
“Not my middle name.” Steve chuckled but Bucky was undeterred.
“BATB is not good. It is iconic. The elaborate costumes, the backdrops, the music, oh my god Steve, the music. We’re watching it. End of subject.” Bucky started up the movie, not even slightly apologetic for his dramatics. One had not lived until they saw Emma Watson as Belle. 
Two hours later Bucky was curled up against Steve, watching with misty eyes as the palace furniture turned back into real people as the curse lifted. Steve was completely engrossed in the movie, barely registering that he had been stroking Bucky’s hair for the better part of an hour. 
“Now do you see?” Bucky demanded as the credits rolled a few minutes later. 
“You were right. That was amazing.” Steve conceded. 
“It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid but seeing it redone in such a perfect way really gets to me. I’ve threatened to dress up as Belle for the past three Halloweens now.” 
Steve grinned at the idea, “I think you’d make a beautiful Belle.” 
And just like that the air shifted. Bucky was suddenly very aware of how close they were curled up together and the way Steve was looking at him like he’d hung the moon. He didn’t want to rush Steve, he was willing to wait as Steve figured himself out, but if he kept looking at Bucky like that, his timeline needed to hurry up. “You’d make a very handsome beast.” he finally said, going for levity but falling short. 
Steve blushed so prettily, his eyes locked on Bucky’s lips, the bottom of which he was chewing on again. Steve knew now it was a nervous tell and it gave him a little thrill knowing he wasn’t the only nervous one. “I think I’d like to kiss you again.” he admitted quietly. 
“You don’t have to ask, honey.” Bucky purred, leaning in to press a tender kiss against Steve’s lips.
Steve’s body was shaking with nervous energy as Bucky shifted up onto his knees so he could kiss Steve easier. Bucky tasted like wine and plums and something very uniquely him. It made Steve’s head spin as he chased Bucky’s tongue with his own. The fears and worries over what he was doing died away in that moment, his whole being consumed by his desire for the sweet man who was practically in his lap. Steve still wasn’t sure what it all meant, but he knew he wanted more. 
Bucky was so thankful for a repeat of the night on Steve’s couch. Kissing Steve was electric and Bucky couldn’t get enough. The hard planes of his body pressed firmly up against the softer ones of Bucky’s, which only made Bucky more desperate for the close contact. Despite having a thicker build, Bucky felt small next to Steve and he loved it. Feeling brave, and praying desperately that Steve wouldn’t bolt, he swung a leg over Steve’s lap and sat himself atop Steve’s thighs. “Is this okay?” he asked once he was settled. 
“Yeah.” Steve shuddered, “Yeah, it’s fine.” Steve let his hands come to rest on Bucky’s thick thighs on either side of his smaller ones. While Steve’s thighs were hard with well earned muscle, Bucky’s had natural musculature and a softness to them that had Steve wanting to sink his fingers into their plush expanse. Bucky had gone back to kissing him while his mind wandered and Steve decided to give Bucky’s thighs an exploratory squeeze. For science really, just to see if he would feel anything. The kissing so far had been fantastic but Steve worried they’d eventually hit a point where everything went to hell and he realized he was most definitely straight. And then he’d lose Bucky forever. 
Bucky made a light huffing sound when Steve sunk his fingers into the soft meat of his thighs. He was thankful Steve was getting a little braver and decided to run his hands up and down the length of Steve’s ridiculously muscled chest and stomach in a tentative exploration of his own. 
A choked noise made its way out of Steve’s throat as Bucky touched him with feather light hands. He wanted to rip his shirt off and give him all the access he wanted. But he was taking things slow, Steve reminded himself. Unfortunately, not all parts of Steve got that memo. 
Bucky had shifted a bit trying to sprinkle kisses along the sharp edge of Steve’s jaw when he accidentally brushed against an unexpected guest. “Oh, shit, sorry.” he blurted out, moving back an inch so he wasn’t pressed against the, frankly enormous, erection in Steve’s pants. 
Steve blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his throat. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” 
Bucky glanced down at the tenting of Steve’s pants. Damn, he wanted to get his hands on Steve like yesterday. “I could, uh,” he cleared his throat roughly, “help you. With that.” Steve looked at him with wide bright blue eyes, so open and unsure, that Bucky started backpedaling all in a rush, “Or not, we can stop. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” 
Steve just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bucky again, his motions almost questioning. “I think I’d be okay going a little further this time.” he said quietly against Bucky’s mouth. 
Bucky squeaked involuntarily at Steve’s words. He was now dealing with his own growing problem at the idea of getting to fool around a little with Steve. “If you’re sure. We can stop at any time.” he promised. It would probably kill him, but if Steve said stop at any point he would be off him in a second. 
“I trust you, Buck.” Steve told him, brushing a strand of hair back behind Bucky’s ear. 
Bucky wanted to melt at the trust Steve had in him. He was too good to be true and Bucky just had to hope it would all work out. Gay or straight or somewhere in between, Steve Rogers was an absolute dream partner. Bucky shifted himself forward a little so the hard length in his pants could rub against the one in Steve’s while they kissed a little more. Bucky let his hips rock a little as they moved, giving them both a little bit of tortuous friction. 
Steve was panting like he’d run a marathon, and he knew this from personal experience when he and Sam had run the New York City Marathon a few years back as publicity for their gym. He’d never thought making out on a sofa would have quite the same effect but life had been full of surprises for him lately. The friction against his dick felt amazing and there was a naughty little zing of arousal knowing it was from Bucky’s erection rubbing against his. He would never have expected to enjoy that so much but there he was, fighting for self control like a horny teenager. He wanted to get Bucky off too and not just selfishly sit back and let Bucky take care of him. Steve was well acquainted with getting himself off and really how different could it be doing it to someone else? He was feeling bold and brash, knowing a hand was just a hand and really he had to start somewhere. “I think I’m ready for more.” he spoke up in between heated kisses. 
Bucky paused, jaw hanging open in shock. “Like, more more?” 
Steve nodded rapidly. “Like second base more?” He held his breath, waiting for Bucky to process what he’d just asked for. 
“God,” Bucky heaved out a breath, “You’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, second base, yes. Get those pants off, Rogers.” He stripped his own shirt off eagerly while Steve just sat there, amused.
“I kinda have this gorgeous guy on my lap at the moment.” he teased.
“Sorry!” Bucky yelped, hopping up so Steve could pull his pants down and off, quickly followed by his tee shirt. He sat in just his boxer briefs on Bucky’s sofa, looking like every Calvin Klien ad fantasy Bucky’d ever had come to life. “Jesus.” he whispered harshly. Bucky couldn’t get his own pants off fast enough, leaving him in his own silky boxers to resume his perch on Steve’s lap. 
Unconfined by pants Bucky got a better feel of Steve’s cock and he was thanking every saint he could think of for what was about to happen. He shifted himself closer to Steve, his thighs spreading wider, and he reached down to give Steve’s cock a tentative squeeze over top the soft cotton of his underwear. 
“Ohh.” Steve gasped out, his body trembling once again. His eyes were glued on Bucky, not wanting to miss a moment. He was so handsome sitting on Steve’s lap. His long hair shining in the afternoon sun that flooded in the glass balcony doors, his lightly tanned skin decorated with a series of finely detailed tattoos. While his muscles weren’t hard and cut like Steve’s, Steve loved the slight softness of the other man’s body, giving him something to sink his fingers into along his sides. It felt nice, and right, and Steve realized in that moment he was more invested in what was about to happen than he had been for most the sexual encounters he’d had with Peggy. It was startling but Steve pushed it down to deal with another day. In the moment, all that mattered was Bucky. 
“Can I?” Bucky asked, trailing his fingers along the waistband of Steve’s boxer briefs. 
“Yeah. Can I?” Steve echoed, tugging at the silky material at Bucky’s hip. 
“If you’re sure.” Bucky prayed silently that having an actual cock in his hand wouldn’t send Steve running for the hills. 
But it didn’t. Steve pulled his underwear off when Bucky hopped up to do the same and he was all nervous excitement when Bucky resumed his perch. He hadn’t thought of what to expect but Steve was blatantly staring at the thick length of Bucky’s dick. It was shorter than his own, but Steve had already known he was considered a bit above average, and it was girthy in a way that made Steve wonder if he topped or bottomed. Because, Steve thought with amusement, these were things he had to consider now. But not right away. They would take things slow and he would see if this was even something he wanted to try. Steve reached out a hand to test the weight of Bucky’s dick in his palm. He slid his hand up and down for two quick strokes, testing how doing that made him feel and was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty familiar act. The way Bucky hissed out a sharp breath and craned his neck back, eyes shut tight, made Steve’s own dick jump for attention. Oh, this was kind of fun. Steve moved his hand for another few stokes, enjoying the way Bucky’s body reacted so blatantly to the pleasure. It was easy to get him worked up like that and Steve was genuinely enjoying himself watching Bucky become a desperate, needy thing in his lap, thrusting a little into Steve’s fist. 
“God. Fuck. Stevie, slow down.” Bucky pleaded. “I wanna take care of you too, honey. Can I? Please?” 
“Okay.” Steve acquiesced, bracing himself for the pressure of Bucky’s hand around his dick. 
Bucky eagerly wrapped his fist around the hard length of Steve’s cock, sliding it up and down the impressive length until Steve gasped. He leaned forward to kiss Steve from his jaw down his neck to his collarbones while he groped him fervently between their two overheated bodies. For as simple as it was, it was absolutely exquisite. “How you doing, Stevie?” Bucky prompted, wanting to check in to ensure Steve was still on board. He rested his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“So good.” Steve managed to moan out. “This is amazing.” 
“Wanna try something even more amazing?” Bucky grinned devilishly. “Just hand stuff, promise.” he added for reassurance.
“What can be better than this?” Steve questioned but motioned for Bucky to go ahead with whatever he had in mind.  
Carefully, Bucky shifted forward one last time, pressing as close to Steve as humanly possible making his over stretched thighs burn in the process. He slipped his hand from Steve’s cock and lined it up with his own, wrapping his fist around them both the best he could. He gave them a quick stroke, reveling in the sensation and waiting to see if Steve would enjoy it too. 
Steve’s whimper was a good sign. “Please.” he begged, “Please, please do that.” 
Bucky picked up the motion again, rhythmically pumping them in his fist. Steve was making little broken ahh sounds, unable to keep up with the pleasure thrumming through his body, and it spurred Bucky on to bring them both racing towards their release. 
Steve could feel the pressure building, his body was on fire and he could barely bite out a warning to Bucky as he felt his orgasm ripping through him. A half formed “I’m g-” was all the warning Bucky got before Steve was spilling all over his hand and cock. Watching Steve come undone, the pure bliss on his face, had Bucky following him over the edge of his own climax seconds later. His body shook hard as he spilled over his hand and across the rippled muscles of Steve’s abs. 
Steve’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining, and Bucky mused he probably looked about the same. Steve was so stunning sitting there with a wide, lazy blissed out smile on his face. Bucky giggled a little realizing how incredibly lucky he was. Steve really was just perfection. 
“What?” Steve asked, joining in Bucky’s infectious laughter. 
“You’re perfect.” Bucky admitted, speaking what was on his mind. 
“And you’re beautiful.” Steve leaned up to push Bucky’s hair back where it had fallen forward in his face. He pressed two chaste kisses against his lips before pulling back, feeling a little extra affectionate in his post-orgasmic haze. 
Bucky made a muffled mmph sound, leaning into Steve, just wanting to be close for a moment. “We made quite a mess.” he said finally, the squidgy feeling of their come between their stomachs not exactly a pleasant one. 
“We should clean up.” Steve agreed. 
“Come on, I have some wet wipes in my room.” Bucky lifted himself up off of Steve’s lap, suddenly cold without their skin to skin contact.
Steve noticed his shiver and as soon as he was standing, he pulled Bucky close against him in a warm embrace. 
Bucky basked in the warmth, his brain effectively turning to mush again at how sweet Steve was. “You spoil me.” he whispered against Steve’s firm pecs.
Steve dropped a kiss on top of Bucky’s head, “You deserve to be spoiled.” 
It took every bit of willpower in Bucky to pull back and lead Steve down the hall to clean up. He could have stayed wrapped in Steve’s arms forever, sticky cooling mess on his stomach be damned. They exchanged quick, adorably awkward glances at each other as they cleaned up. Both wanting to get a more detailed look now the heat of the moment had passed. Steve tossed his wipes in the wastebasket by Bucky’s dresser and then pulled Bucky close by his hips, “You really are so beautiful, Buck.” he told him softly.
Bucky had been careful to wall up his heart when he decided to give Steve a chance. He didn’t want to risk another heartbreak less than a year after what he’d been through with Brock. But Steve’s sweet words and affectionate touches had the walls crumbling a little despite Bucky’s best defenses. “Careful.” he teased with a pang of truth to his words, “You’re gonna ruin me for all other men, you keep this up.” 
Steve chuckled and kissed the top of Bucky’s head yet again. There were so many things he wanted to say in that moment. Raw, honest things that ached in his chest. But Steve kept them inside, not willing to let down his guard so completely just yet. He still didn’t really know what he was doing but damned if he wasn’t loving every second of it so far. 
“Come on you, let’s get dressed.” Bucky said finally, tugging Steve��s hand into his and leading him back down the hall.
Steve left shortly after they’d redressed and cleaned up the mess from their lunch. It was a long, drawn out goodbye in the doorway, neither one of them really wanting to part despite knowing they both had to get on with their usual Sunday routines. Steve promised to text Bucky once he’d made it home, insisting he would have no trouble carrying his tote and box on the subway. And then he was off down the hall, looking back just once before he got on the elevator and wishing he could have stayed. Bucky walked over to his glass balcony door, watching the street below as Steve crossed it heading toward the nearest subway station. He was trying not to get too attached but after the day they’d spent together, Bucky knew it was a losing battle.
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years ago
1, 15, 20, 29, 32, 43, 49, 58, 62, 66, 83, 85, 98 ♥
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Wine glasses because I can feel fancy drinking lemonade or juice. 
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Le Bourgeois gentillhomme by Moliere. Seriously, I love it. It’s old and I did read it in the original French and I love it. 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
On my laptop specifically in Word. But as a plus, I do sometimes like to handwrite on nice, lined paper when I’m feeling particularly inspired. 
29. best way to bond with you?
For real- come spend a day doing lazy things like watch anime, eat pizza/snacks, and chit-chat about anything and everything. I’m super shy but deep down I am an extrovert and when I get comfy I will chat with you about nothing until the cows come home.
32. top five favorite vines?
“I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my tiddy,” “Johnny has 19 bottles of dish soap,” “Fuck this shit I’m out,” that one where the guy is jamming to the Bop It, “FrEESH Ava ca do!”
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie all day every day *dabs*
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“Not all who wander are lost.” 
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Learning languages and specifically my fluency in French is the top one, since I built it from nothing in a monolingual household. Hand-sewing, my newest favorite skill. Graphic design (which until I get new software I unfortunately cannot show off ;-;). Cooking a mean super-delicious spaghetti sauce. 
62. seven characters you relate to?
Eugeo (family issues), Minoru Utsugi (I’m scared of forming tight relationships because what if I lose one oh god-), Deku (Look at these tear ducts ya’ll!), Bilbo Baggins (some days I wanna just go home and have none of this unpredictable adventure called life!), Tanaka from Haikyuu (literally me playing sports...I’m love him), Umetarou Nozaki (art problems he’s such a mood), Narumi from Wotakoi (a whole ass mood when it comes to being a nerd).
66. favorite flower(s)?
Hibiscus, orchids, and cone flowers! 
83. writing or drawing?
Writing. :3 
85. fairy tales or mythology?
98. favorite historical era?
US in the 50s, you know, with the poodle skirts and the soda shoppes and the juke boxes and the dudes in leather coats. 
8 notes · View notes