The Gory Gazette
82 posts
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Frankie Finds Beast Ghoul Friends
September 07, 2012
Rumors have been flying for days over Frankie's supposed possession of tickets to an upcoming haunt concert! The one question on every guy and ghoul's mind is – who will she choose to go with her? According to the masses, everyone thinks they are the final choice and beast friend. "Let's just put this rumor to rest right here, right now. I have it on high authority that I, Cleo DeNile, will be Frankie's exquisite escort to the concert. Obviously." Will Cleo win the uhhhl-timate prize and claim the title of Frankie's beastie? Only time will tell.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Crowded Halls Make For Creeptastic Atmosphere
September 06, 2012
The halls of Monster High have been crawling with student bodies – old and new – as the fall semester creeps back into high gear. "Sometimes it can be a little tight in the halls," reported C.A. Cupid, "but it makes for a lovely atmosphere between classes." With music pumped in through the loudspeakers, courtesy of epic DJ Holt Hyde, the halls have practically been turned into a late night dance haunt. In Frankie's words – it's totally voltage! But not every monster is as excited to partaay between bells. Ghoulia Yelps prefers a slightly slower pace. "It is already extremely difficult to navigate the halls as a zombie. Our slow nature provides enough hurdles, we don't need extra bodies to have to maneuver over," Ghoulia explained. "That being said, I do enjoy seeing my beast friends hour after hour. They really are the cornertomb of Monster High." Good luck navigating the halls guys and ghouls, it may be treacherous, but at least it's a party!
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Fashion Slays on First Day of School
September 05, 2012
The first day of school has officially set the trend for fangtastic fashion statements. Drop dead gorgeous outfits from famous student bodies like Cleo de Nile, who strutted in the Monster High front doors in a new pair of golden chunk platforms from the Jessica Scareson line, definitely did not disappoint. Never to be outdone, Clawdeen lurked equally furrrocious in leopard stiletto heels.
Newcomer Robecca Steam skyrocketed into the fashion spotlight with bold navy prints and steam punk flair that blew much of the competition out of the sky. Her riveting lurk is bound to set monster trends this semester among long-time and new student bodies alike! Operetta is another ghoul haunting the halls and setting monster trends this season in a goregeous rockabilly houndstooth jacket and Victory curls.
Other back to skull fashions we've seen breathing life into the undead this year are leather bomber jackets, patchwork plaids and stripes, tons of freaky-fab sparkling accessories and, of corpse, always staying true to your unique monster self!
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Spirited Voters Form More than Flash Mob
September 04, 2012
Spirited student bodies will be thrilled to hear that this year's school play choice will be put to a creeperific vote! Top options to consider will include High Skull Musical, Phantom on the Roof, and Death of a Scalesman.
Headmistress Bloodgood chose to leave this year's play up to the masses after hisses and howls over last year's poorly reviewed rendition of Scream It On: The Musical. Toralei is certainly a smitten kitten over the announcement, which was made public earlier this morning. "Let's not lie, sometimes you just need to put choices like these into the paws of the professionals. I know my classmates will make the purrrfect choice in the end. Especially if they choose my favorite, Death of a Scalesman."
Monsters will have until midnight to deliver their ballots to the Screamatorium. Make sure to cast your vote, before it's too late.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
August 30
August 30, 2012
The Monster High administration would like to remind monsters everywhere about the health concerns that can plague student bodies during the summer months. While grime flu and the uncommon cold are two illnesses to be on the lookout for, Headless Headmistress Bloodgood is most concerned about the spread of the ghastly polka dot fever.
"Polka dot fever is not something to be taken lightly," HH Bloodgood told reporters. "It can haunt a monster for weeks if not treated properly." While there are catacombs filled with rumored remedies, the MH Witch Doctor reports that few of them are actually ever successful.
What does work? Rest, relaxation, and a little love from your beast ghoulfriends.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Debut School Outfits Score Mass Appeal
August 28, 2012
Furrrocious fashion rules the halls of Monster High and no one is as excited for "first day of school" style as Clawdeen Wolf. "As Fashion Club President, I am howling to announce that back to school fashion promises to be absolutely clawsome this year," Clawdeen wrote in a statement to the MHGG. She goes on to say that she anticipates more than just a few student bodies will piece together freaky-fab, MH inspired, debut outfits that are bound to thrill on the first day of class. Studies show that monsters express their creativity in thrilling ways toward the beginning of a new school year. The Fashion Club hopes to capitalize on this creativity by stitching up a three-page spread for this year's Fearbook. "We're asking all monsters to submit photos of their most fangtastic first day looks," Clawdeen's memo continues. "We're just dying to see what everyone has been keeping locked in the coffin."
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Abbey Brings Heat on Wheels
August 23, 2012
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The latest after school activity to possess the ghouls of Monster High is the ever epic – Roller Derby! While many monsters are ditching their wedges for a pair of retro skates, no one has taken to the immortal intramural sport like Abbey. "Was like second nature," Abbey told the MHGG after one particularly grueling Bout. "Skate no different than snow board. I bring on the avalanche in the track."
It's true that Abbey has excelled at the newly recognized sport in just a few short weeks of practice. Teammates say that she may even be voted MVP this sizzling summer season. "I can't comment on that," said teammate Frankie Stein, "but let's just say she can grand slam like no one I know!"
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Toralei Digs at Past Life
August 16, 2012
Last night Toralei was spotted scratching at the door of a mysteriously unrecognizable home. Upon further investigation, the MHGG has learned that the door belongs to the fierce feline's former Juvi facility. Toralei appeared to be carrying large bags of food, smelling strongly of tuna and kibble, and cartons of farm fresh milk. Her visit lasted only a few hours, but sources associated with the center confirm that this is not her first time visiting since she left the home years ago.
When stopped for comment on her way out, Toralei hissed angrily and darted off like a cat on a hot tin roof. Perhaps this conniving kitty isn't as hard hearted as some student bodies may think.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Monsters Form Mobs for Fashion
August 14, 2012
Fangtastic fashionistas and clawesome style mavens will be leaping into local mauls this weekend for some skin tingling back to school sales!
Monster High's resident fashion experts, Cleo de Nile and Clawdeen Wolf will no doubt be ready to set the trends this school year. It's expected that each of them will be three moons ahead of whatever fall trends are haunting designer runways. Also expected to impress are fresh bodies Operetta (with a rockabilly style that continues to thrill) and Robecca Steam (with her hot steam punk lurk). Sources tell the MHGG that these ghouls are also expected to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight this season.
Rumors are flying that the scary sweetest deals will be at Gloomingdale's, Fangever 13 and Scare-mart.
The MHGG staff can't wait to get the freaky-fab fashion show started!
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Dual Personalities Duel During Interview
August 10, 2012
Gory Gazette: So, there are rumors you two are coming out with a special album release that represents your two sides.
Jackson: I will not confirm or deny the accuracy of this rumor.
Holt: That would be wiiiiiiiild if you ask me! Oh yeah!
Gory Gazette: Does that mean its happening?
Jackson: If you don't mind, I'd like to talk about something else.
Gory Gazette: OK. Tell us about your relationship with Frankie Stein!
Holt: Heck yeah! That girl is miiiiighty fine! She and I have a date next we--
Jackson: This is not a good topic either.
Gory Gazette: Jackson, what would you like to discuss?
Jackson: Well, I was in the creepateria the other day and was really excited to see something normal on the menu for once. It was actually my favorite food, macaroni and cheese! There were no eyeballs, or dragon scales, or brain crumbs. I think my "Normie Food" petition to Headless Headmistress Bloodgood finally got through and I'd like to take this opportunity to say tha--
Holt: Dude, you are soooo boring! Get a life!
Gory Gazette: How do you two keep interrupting each other? Aren't you the same body? This is the most bizarre phone interview I've ever conducted.
Jackson: Unfortunately, our annoying neighbor keeps changing the radio station. I wish he would just leave it on Cupid's talk show, but he seems to want to—
Holt: Paaartay!
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
August 08
August 08, 2012
The eternal clock is ticking closer and closer to the first day of school and MH new ghoul, Rochelle, is ever so eager to get a head start on all the MH madness.
"I miss some of the rock solid friendships I made last semester at Monster High," the ghoul reported to the MHGG. "I simply cannot wait to immerse myself back into the open culture and monster legacy of this esteemed establishment."
Luckily for Rochelle, student bodies will be haunting the halls in just a few short weeks. Until then, the scary-sweet ghoul will be counting down the minutes until the clock strikes midnight and her nightmares are answered.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Viral Monster High Design Lab Video Sparks New Life
August 08, 2012
The latest viral video to send the student body into a craze shares masterful tips on monster creation using a special new lab, a top secret device previously kept under wraps.
"I can't wait to test out the Monster High Design Lab!" sparked Frankie Stein. "I hear we're getting a whole slew of them delivered for a new class, Resurrection 101. I'm already signed up!"
The Gory Gazette also heard Hoodude Voodoo is already writing up a special student manual to help the freshly created student bodies seamlessly learn the ropes. "It's something I really could have used when I came to Monster High," said Hoodude. "It took me weeks to find the Creepateria!"
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Tips For The Stylish Manster
August 06, 2012
It's pretty safe to say all the ghouls and guys here at Monster High have monstrously cool fashion taste. Cleo tells me all the time that my style is royal (and everyone knows her approval is pretty hard to secure) so when the Gory Gazette asked me to write up something quick on men's fashion, I couldn’t think of a reason to scream no.
Deuce's Four Tips for Mega Manster Style
Whether you're looking to be legendary, express yourself or just keep it simple, here are my top four tips for keeping style real:
To be way out of sight, mix graphics with patterns. Rocking this super stylin' look can be tough, but if you stay in the same color family you'll have no trouble standing out for your stone bold fashion forward choices.
Don't try too hard. The thrown together look is pretty rock solid. Staying simple is the key to pulling this off. If you're worried you've over-done it, you probably have.
Green is always a good way to go. Seriously, it looks creeperific on every manster.
Always have a pair of shades handy. You never know when you'll want to rock out in the sun, plus they look wicked awesome with any outfit.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Ula D Power-lunches with Famous Advice Columnist
August 01, 2012
"Dear Draculaura" fans should get excited! Gory Gazette contributor Draculaura has been sending postcards from France ever since she landed on her summer vaca, and besides updates on her visit to the Eiffel Terror, her vegan cheese tasting notes and details on her late night walks through the Père Lachaise Cemetery, the vamp experienced a once in a lifetime opportunity!
During a coffee break at the Coffin Bean's sister French pavement cafe, Cafe de Cercueil, she ran into infamous advice columnist Jan Landslide who gave her some excellent tips for "Dear Draculaura."
"I was totes blown away by Ms. Landslide's insights into sharing epic advice," Draculaura shared. "I can't wait to put her tricks into practice!"
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
New Classes Have Heads Spinning in Excitement
July 31, 2012
It's no secret that Headless Headmistress Bloodgood plans to announce new classes to the course lineup this fall, but what exactly can student bodies lurk forward to? According to our sources, the skulltastic new selection will span from the sciences to the arts (and every gory detail in between). It's been said some classes have been locked in the coffin for years, their syllabuses being perfected with the most caring third eye.
Here's a deeper look at what was just released! Pick up your copy of the final list at the front office and make sure to sign up early to get the beast class schedule!
Into the Abyss Algebra
This course is designed to assist student bodies in successfully learning the mysteries behind Abyss Algebra. Monsters will be taught using a variety of methods, preparing them for the torture chambers of standardized math tests that await them at the end of the year.
Other Worldly Science
This course is for student bodies that have a desire to become familiar with the supernatural, the things that go bump in the night and techniques we use to observe them. Each week students will have one midnight session at Ogre Observatory. Monster High will provide transportation to and from the observatory. Activities will focus on (1) Practical mythology from the standpoint of understanding the motions of monsters across time and space, (2) Telescopes and their use, (3) Nature of supernatural objects, which are observable with the unaided eye or small telescope.
Oracle Journalism
This course is the required introductory course for student bodies who want to contribute to the Monster High Gory Gazette. Through a combination of required readings, creative exercises, peer critiques and critical discussions, monsters will learn to develop both their third eyes as well as their sixth senses and will come to form a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of oracle journalism.
Phantom Photography 101
Building on methods and tools explored in Chop-shop for Photographers, this course offers an introduction to Phantom Photography techniques. Through demonstrations and readings, students learn to make slimy selection and color correction, scream of the crop editing and principles of creepology that are utilized in the photography process. Emphasis is on the development and exploration of a phantastic vision and the creation of a diabolical portfolio. Must be a Tell Tale Arts and Sciences student to enroll.
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
Heath Burns Breathes Fire on His "Haters"
July 30, 2012
During a recent Creative Conjuring Class, we were challenged with writing a personal essay exploring inner thoughts of self. Heads turned towards me instantly. No one thinks I can be serious; Ghouls laugh at me when I try and ask them out; teachers always blame me for pranks. Well, the truth is I am a very serious monster, with a lot of deep feelings. To set the record straight, so to speak, I decided to publish my essay (which got an A by the way). Breathe fire all you want, because I'm proud of who I am.
WHO AM I? The Monster Inside.
By Heath Burns
It's hard out there for a mildly funny prankster. Most monsters deal with the same questions of self – who am I? What do I want in un-life? Even some of my closest monsters wonder who I am, and to be honest, many times so do I. It leads me to ask, can one ever truly know the real monster inside? Or is un-life just a continuous hunt to find purpose to feed the soul? I know that one thing that truly feeds me is my passion for fun, but no one seems to get the humor in my punch lines. The hardest part is being tormented by the feeling that no monster will ever truly understand me.
Most times, I just feel completely misunderstood. On the outside, I'm Heath Burns – class clown and UHHHn-defeated prankster! It's an external personae – everyone has one. Don't get me wrong, I love to laugh and practical jokes really are my forte, but occasionally a monster just wants to mellow out and have a serious convo with the pretty ghoul from Biteology class. Unfortunately, most monsters don't let me express my sensitive side, because they expect a joke at every turn. Since I’m a pro, I always give my audience what they expect – but sometimes it can be a total buzz kill.
That being said, the Heath Burns lifestyle is one awesome ride! I am who I am, and that's all I want or need to be. Monsters may think they have my personality pegged, but they're dead wrong. I am strong, unique and totally the beast guy to have around when you’re in need of a gut busting laugh. But I'm also caring and creative – so don't forget you should never judge a clown by his worst joke.
I am myself, I am unique and I am a freakishly awesome monster!
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the-gory-gazette · 2 years ago
SDCC: Behind the Screams Video
July 27, 2012
Recently obtained by the Monster High Gory Gazette, this behind the screams video (which was co-produced by the Monster High AV Club) shows a particularly freaky-fab side to the dead-lightful underbelly of San Diego Comic-Con 2012.
Headless Headmistress Bloodgood, the AV Club's faculty advisor, is on record with the MHGG in support of this voltage new video. "This latest production will allow student bodies a freak peek into a side of Comic-Con that they may never have seen before," HH Bloodgood said. "While a select few are able to experience the excitement in person, we at Monster High believe all monsters should have the opportunity to see the creeperific things that go on during the convention. I have a feeling this video will leave many heads spinning, in a good way!"
Just before going to press, the MHGG learned that the student body population has formed quite a mob in the halls, clamoring to see this most unique and thrilling video.
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