#some like slinky black pants would be nice
It's time to piece together my yearly 'this seems pretty acceptable' funeral ensemble
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shootinwebs · 5 months
( spoilers: hazbin hotel s1:e4 )
( content warnings: sexual abuse/assault, personal stuff )
That part of ep4 when Husk stops Angel being drugged with the "love potion..."
A: "You don't think I can tell when someone spikes my drink? I do this all the time."
H: "You just let people drug you all the time?"
A: "You think I ask for it!?"
Always reminds me of that line from the Tori Amos song "Me and a Gun:"
"Yes, I wore a slinky red thing. Does that mean I should spread? For you, your friends, your father, Mr. Ed?"
(The first time I heard that song was the first time I really froze, like a statue, and started to remember what had happened to me.)
Anyway... it really resonates with me, how any misogynist (yes, Angel is a man, but he is effected by misogyny considering rape culture and the way he dresses/speaks/acts/etc leads assholes to calling him a "slut" regardless) would look at the way Angel is and what he wears, and would claim he's "asking for it."
When I lived in a big city around the last couple of years, I had all sorts of comments thrown at me from other women, when I considered myself actually quite "modest" with how I was dressed:
"Careful wearing such a short skirt on a windy day." (said skirt was down to my knees and i was wearing shorts under it to protect my thighs from friction burns)
"You need to put some pants on, lady!" (I was wearing black leggings with cutouts in them, with a tunic-length shirt)
"Your outfit is nice, but you should be careful dressing like that. You're a very attractive woman. Men will take advantage of you."
Really. Just all the same old shit that we're all beyond exhausted by. Women, fem-presenting, queer, genderfluid, and the like.
But something about that conversation between Angel and Husk hit different for me, just like Angel's story in general, even though we've all seen these stories over and over, communicated in a whole spectrum of ways -- shitty and exploitive and adding to the problem, the opposite, and somewhere in the middle. Stories that talk about rape, where we're unsure if they're drawn from someone's personal experience or not.
But I think, that's just it. Maybe the reason Angel's episode feels different, against hundreds and thousands of stories about sexual violence, is because it is from someone's heart.
We'll likely never know for sure, for the sake of that person's privacy.
But I wanted to say it, because of how many people have come forward thanks to that episode. How many people have reached out to loved ones to talk about their abuse, joined support groups, started treatment.
It's not just a story.
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katsigian · 1 year
15, 21, 36, 68 😏
And to be a dork, 44 🤭
Thank you, peach 😚 p.s. I am so sorry these took forever to answer; they got lost within my 400+ drafts and slipped my mind 😞
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15. What is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice?
Valen owns a Herrera Outlaw GTS if we're talking in-game cars. It's solid black, slightly matte, and purrs. He loves that car, keeps it in very good condition. But if it were possible in some miraculous way for him to have a car from (sort of) our time period, it would be a 1969 Chevy Camaro Z28 Coupe in a shiny black.
21. Do they have any favorite spots around NC?
He likes Charter Hill; it's where he lives and spends a lot of his downtime. He knows the good coffee places and restaurants and clubs. Has a nice, high-rise apartment/penthouse there. But he also really likes Vista del Rey and Japantown. Vista feels like a second home because Vega, Noel, and Hart are there and he knows the cool, hidden gems. Same with Japantown - Vesper and Fawn are there and he knows plenty of small, delicious restaurants and cafes. Knows all of the markets and shopping areas. Plus he likes how colorful it is there. If he wants to go to a swanky club, he chooses Dark Matter over any others.
36. Who is their biggest enemy?
That's a tough one because Valen's quite careful about who he makes connections with, even adversarial or disagreeable ones. If he can avoid being attached in too many places, he will. According to him, even hate is an attachment. That being said, there's a few names on his Shit List. His dad is one of them; Callen was a terrible person and even more terrible father. Following his canon, Valen ends up killing him when Callen comes to find his son again after almost 10 years of no contact. Callen is nearly as big a threat as Valen, and Valen's about the only one that can end him.
He also continually has run-ins with gangs in the city - Maelstrom and 6th Street, mostly - and he gleefully takes the opportunity to rip them a new one whenever he's got the chance. Valen absolutely despises anyone who finds enjoyment in harming others, or worse yet, making money off senseless murder for spare parts. So whenever he's done leaving a trail of bodies and body parts, both organic and machine, he tends to feel a bit of satisfaction. And to clarify, he knows full well that killing a killer and enjoying it doesn't make him a saint, but he does it anyway because who else? Better that someone like him do it, he can handle having someone like Maelstrom be his enemy - he's not scared of them and it's not like they'll ever find him; he's far too good at what he does for that to ever happen.
44. Would your character ever get married?
Of course he does 🤭 He gets married to a gorgeous, bubbly, happy, sweet little ray of sunshine that knows all the ways to make him laugh and for whom he is the softest and sweetest thing.
68. In what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress?
It's a toss up between absolutely nothing at all and an outfit with leather. As in, a slinky, halfway unbuttoned shirt and some tight pants and some ankle boots. The shirt would be some kind of silk that clings and the pants would sit low. I'm having a hard time describing so here's a picture that's similar to what's in my head.
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xcertaindarkthingsx · 4 years
make you mine
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pairing: jealous!mando x fem!reader
summary: you’ve been traveling with the Mandalorian for a while now as a healer and caretaker for the Child.  one day, the Mandalorian needs your specific skills to help him catch a bounty, and needless the say he is NOT happy about it.  
warnings: two idiots that don’t know they like each other, some fluff and yearning, a smidge of possessiveness/jealousy, canon-typical violence, swearing in basic and mando’a, brief mentions of unwanted touching, mentions of taking care of injuries/stitching and blood, SMUT 18+ (minors BEGONE), porn w/ plot i guess, thigh riding, finger sucking, grinding, a lil’ dirty talk (if i miss any just please let me know!)
word count: 7.6k (i’m soRRY)
a/n: WHEW OK so i originally wrote this for #dincember but because i suck at deadlines and take forever to write it just turned into something else. reader is a lil insecure but mando makes it all better (self-projection, anyone?) ummm, this is my first time writing for din AND my first time writing smut but i hope you guys like it! comments/likes/reblogs/feedback are completely welcome and much appreciated! i apologize if this is a mess kladjflkd but shoutout to @a-dorin and @princessxkenobi for being wonderful beta readers and helping me when i got stuck.  i am planning on making this a two parter, so if you want to be added to my tag list let me know! if you prefer to read on ao3 you can do so here . mando’a translations at the end!
gif credit: @bestintheparsec
Soft coos filled the air inside the Razor Crest as you desperately tried to rock the Child back to sleep.  You were almost certain he was starting to get hungry, but you were out of snacks and Mando had told you not to leave the ship under any circumstances.
You had been traveling with the Mandalorian for a while now, after being picked up on Arvala-7. You were a healer—a pretty damn good one, if you had anything to say about it—and had patched him up after a bounty hunt gone wrong.  
The Mandalorian thought your services would be helpful if things ever got a little dicey again, so he asked you along for the ride (the reality was you had nagged and scolded him so much about how cauterizing was not the answer for every wound, that he eventually caved just to get you to stop). There wasn’t really anything tying you to Arvala-7, so you agreed.
Plus, the Child had taken a real liking to you, and how could you say no to that precious face?  
The Mandalorian was an odd man—well, no.  Not odd.  More like intriguing, and you were drawn to it.  It had been quiet and awkward the first few months.  He was a rigid man of few words, never speaking more than necessary (unless he thought he was alone with the kid; the way he spoke with him made your heart melt).  But after countless late nights together of taking care of the Child and constantly tending to his injuries, you were surprised to find there was a sense of gentleness under all that beskar.
The Mandalorian had been just as surprised as you when he found himself warming up to your presence.  It was all the little moments that had snuck up on him, the stolen glances and lingering touches, and now his heartbeat seemed to quicken every time you were together.
Little did he know, yours did too.  
At the sound of the hatch door opening, you looked up.  You watched as the Mandalorian walked up the platform, admiring his strut.  How someone could look so good just walking, you had no idea, but it was maddening.  
“No bounty?” you called out, turning the kid in your arms so he would be facing out towards his dad.  It was unusual that Mando hadn’t found the target yet, but you were just thankful he was in one piece for now.  He shook his head.
“Not yet.  I ran into some… complications,” he huffed and even though his voice was laced with frustration, it put you at ease.  Being on the ship alone for nearly the whole day, sometimes you just missed hearing that husky baritone filtering through his modulator.  
Not to mention you thought it was sexy as hell.  
You quirked an eyebrow at him.  “Complications?”  
He heaved a deep sigh, lifting a hand for the Child to grab, which he took happily.  “Hey, kid,” he whispered, and you smiled as the Child babbled back.  Mando turned his helmet towards you and continued.  “Yes, but I found a contact who should be able to give more information.  I came back for you and the kid first.  I know you guys must be hungry.”  
You nodded at the same time the little green bean gave a resounding coo, earning a soft chuckle from the both of you.  “I’ll get the pram ready.”
After a quick stop in the marketplace for supplies, Mando had led you two into what seemed to be the only bar in town.  It was only late afternoon, leaving it nearly empty, save for a few older patrons lazily sipping on glasses of ale.  You ignored the way the Weequay behind the bar seemed to look you up and down.     
Mando set you and the kid up with two bowls of soup at a table nearby while he talked business with his contact, who happened to be the bartender.  Sipping your soup, you tried not to eavesdrop as the two began to fall into what you would call a heated discussion.  On Mando’s end.  Apparently, this was a particularly “difficult” target.  
“Lucky for you, he’s got an eye for pretty girls,” the bartender drawled, jutting his chin at you.  “She’ll do fine.”
Your head snapped up from your task of feeding the child, spoon mid-air.  “Excuse me?”
“No.  Absolutely not,” resounded Mando’s gruff voice from under the helmet.    
“Listen, Mando.  This guy is high-profile, practically untouchable, bodyguards with him at all times. And I’m not talkin’ your run of the mill pair of idiots that can’t shoot for a damn, I’m talkin’ highly trained mercenaries.”  The Weequay sighed.  “I don’t doubt your skills as a Mandalorian, but you’re just one man.  You need to get him alone, and she is your only way of doing that,” he insisted.  
“I said, no,” Mando gritted out.  You were non-negotiable.  
The bartender just shrugged.  “Then consider this a loss, cause you’re not getting anywhere near him.”
Your heart hammered in your chest listening to the two of them argue. Embarrassment flooded your cheeks, remembering the way the bartender eyed you when you walked in.  All you wanted to do at this point was bury yourself in the confines of your room in the Razor Crest.
Mando seemed final in his decision, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was because he didn’t want you involved or if he thought you simply lacked the skills to do so.  He could probably tell you weren’t really the seducing type, and truthfully the thought of trying to do was mortifying.    
But Mando needed this, right?  You thought of all the things he’s done for you, how he’s protected and provided for you.  This was the least you could do for him.  You could deal with one night of potential discomfort so he could get his bounty.  It was a lot of credits.  
“I’ll do it.”
Mando snapped his head around at you so fast, it was a miracle he hadn’t hurt himself.  “For the last time, I said you are no—”
“I’m doing it,” you said a little more forcefully, cutting him off. You didn’t need to see his face to know he was staring daggers into you from underneath the helmet, but it was going to take more than a dirty look to get you to change your mind.  
“Excellent!” the bartender’s cheery voice cut through the tension in the room.  “Come on back, I’ve got an old dress an ex-girlfriend left behind that you could probably use.”
The dress in question was a slinky black number that had you freezing your ass off in the cold of the desert night.  
The dress was too… everything.  Too short, too revealing, too tight; but the only other thing you had to wear were some oversized t-shirts and utility pants, which aren’t exactly sexy, so you were shit out of luck.  
Mando nearly choked when you came out of your room, thankful for the helmet for hiding his widened eyes and agape mouth. You looked absolutely ravishing, the black fabric clinging to all the right places on your figure.  His eyes roved over the valley of your chest, the curve of your hips, the length of your legs, and his hands balled into fists, just aching to hold you.  It’s as if your skin was begging to be touched.  
You cleared your throat, feeling incredibly exposed and wondering what in the blazes Mando was looking at because you were certain you looked absolutely ridiculous.  The noise shook him out of whatever daze he was in and he quickly shifted his gaze.  
“Not a word,” you warned, wobbling down the platform.  As bad as the dress was, the heels it came with were somehow worse.  “I feel ridiculous.”
“You shouldn’t,” he answered a little too quickly. “You look…” words were lost on him as he tried to find the right one.  One that wouldn’t make it obvious that he was losing his kriffing mind in front of you.  “Good,” he finally decided on, and mentally kicked himself for it.  Good?
You gave him an exasperated look.  “I know you’re just being nice.”
He opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by an ill-timed fit of babbling from the kid.  You had bent down as best you could to give him a little pat on the head and he could feel a lump forming in his throat.  
Mando couldn’t express how much he didn’t want you to do this.  And well, he tried.  The whole way back to the ship, in fact.  But for some reason you were completely hell-bent on doing this for him, and he didn’t know how to explain that you and your safety meant more to him than a few thousand credits.  
The reality was, Mando wanted you.  He never thought he’d be so fond for someone besides the Child, but you were the exception.  And even though he wanted to make you his, he knew it would be selfish of him to pursue you, to claim you, when he couldn’t give you everything you deserved; his Creed prevented him from doing so.  
But Mando was a greedy man, so he took what he could get.  He drank up all the kindness you so freely gave him, like a parched soul wandering in the desert, and cherished every little moment the two of you shared. They probably meant nothing to you, but they were everything to him.  And he wanted more.
Not only was he a greedy man, but a stingy one as well.  The thought of anyone other than him seeing you in that dress was enough to send his thoughts into a jealous frenzy.  
“You don’t have to do this,” he tried to reason again.  
You placed a gentle hand on the soft spot between his pauldron and neck and offered a small smile.  “Don’t worry, Mando.  Everything will be fine.”        
Everything was, in fact, not fine.  
The night had started well enough.  After all of Mando’s failed attempts at dissuading you again, he had finally resigned to silently stewing in his disapproval rather than voicing it.  
You entered the bar while he stayed behind and watched closely from the outside.  He had given you a comms device, that, with the push of a button, would let him know you were alone with the bounty and it was time for him to step in.  
“Just press it, and I will be right there,” he assured, his gloved fingers pressing the device firmly into your bare palm. Something about the protective tone of his voice stirred something in you.  You nodded before looking away, trying to ignore your racing heart.  
The bar was rowdy that night, patrons hooting and howling from the booze.  The smell of stale spice and death sticks wafted in the air, making you wrinkle your nose.  Your newfound bartender friend had waved you over, pointing out the target with a nod of his head.  
Your eyes fell on a Pantoran man across the bar with a drink in his hand, dozens of black suits surrounding him.  His associates—a Rodian and another Pantoran—seemed to all be talking business.  The bartender wasn’t kidding about this guy’s security.
How the hell am I supposed to get this guy’s attention?  You desperately racked your head for subtle ideas but came to a halt when his eyes met yours.  Kriff, he had caught you staring.  So much for subtle.  Trying not to panic, you flashed your best coy smile before turning back towards the bar.
Somehow, that was enough to give him the courage to approach you.  
Cocky bastard, you thought as he swaggered on up to you, leaning in close, leering.  With his chiseled features and striking yellow markings, you would’ve called him handsome— if you didn’t already know what a sleazebag he was.  An air of arrogance surrounded him, the type that made him think he could get whatever he wanted with a flash of those pearly whites. Typical douche.  You wanted to smack him for being so close.  
Instead, you flashed another winning smile. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you leaned in close and with a breathy whisper of, ‘Let’s get out of here’ he was tossing credits to the bartender and signaling to his guards that he was leaving with you.  
The Weequay had shot you a knowing look as he watched you leave; a warning.  You assured him that everything was fine with a slight nod of your head.      
The asshole had his arm snaked around you, hand on your ass, as you made your way to the motel just across the street.  You fought back the urge to throttle him, instead fawning about how, ‘I can’t wait to be alone with you, darling.’    
Your hands began to clam up as he retrieved the keys from the clerk, and you tried to convince yourself that everything would be fine once you clicked the button on your comm from the inside of the room.
Immediately after the Pantoran locked the door, the unease in your stomach began to grow.  Bile rose in your throat at his grinning face, the way he fidgeted and licked his lips as he pressed you into the wall.  A hand landed on your bare thigh, trailing dangerously high, where you shuddered in disgust at the feeling.  
“We’re gonna have so much fun,” he whispered, and that was your cue to press the comms device you were desperately clutching in your small purse.  Your mistake was failing to mask the faint beeping noise it emitted.  Your companion stiffened at the sound, pressing you further into the wall.  
“What the hell did you just do?” he growled, using the other hand to rip your arm from your purse.  He stared at the comms device with contempt, before turning his attention back to me.  “You bi—”
He never got to finish, because the next thing you knew your Mandalorian was crashing through the door, blaster in hand.
The scene Mando had walked in on nearly made him sick.  That osi’kovid’s hands all over you, and worst of all, the look of pure fear on your face after being made.  He’d planned to put a quick end to the whole ordeal, but the bounty had plans of his own.
Mando rushed him, shoving him into the wall and away from you.  As expected, the Pantoran went flying before crumpling onto the floor.  What Mando hadn’t been expecting was for him to be armed. He didn’t peg him as the type to get his hands dirty.  
The Mandalorian was about to release the fibercord whip from his vambrace when the bounty rose from the floor with a sneer, a small combat knife in hand as he lunged at Mando, before wrestling him to the floor and sending his blaster skittering.  
You watched in frozen horror as the two fought for the upper hand. At one point, the bounty had tried to charge at you, slashing wildly, but Mando was already there blocking his blows. The knife caught on the cowl above his chest, slicing the skin underneath with a sickening noise.  That seemed to kick your brain into overdrive, and you dived for the fallen blaster on the ground.  
You took a steadying breath before you aimed and shot once, twice, at the bounty’s leg.  He cried out from his place above Mando before clutching his leg and finally falling over.
Mando rose and immediately released the fibercord, imprisoning the bounty.  He held his hand out for his blaster, and you watched with wide eyes as he smacked the butt of it into the Pantoran’s face once, twice, three times.  The third time ended with an appalling crack, his head lolling forward, and leaving him unconscious.  
You stared as Mando stood in front of the bounty, seething.  You could have sworn his hands were shaking.      
“Stars, Mando, your neck,” you murmured, breathless.  The room was dim, but you could see the dark stain of blood that was beginning to drench his cowl.  Your hands went to inspect the wound, but he quickly brushed you off.  
“We need to go,” he grunted, gathering the rope and heading towards the back entrance of the room.  The two of you hadn’t exactly been quiet and the bounty’s guards were bound to notice their boss had been gone for too long.  When you had opened your mouth to argue, to insist that you needed to check his injuries, he was already out the door.
Adrenaline still coursed through your veins as you walked back towards the ship.  You pulled your arms tight across your body in an attempt to quell your trembling hands; guilt, bubbling up in your stomach as you replayed the events of the night in your head.  
You had been the one to volunteer yourself for the mission.
You were the one who had repeatedly insisted that everything would be fine.  
And now, your Mandalorian was bleeding profusely from a nasty wound on his neck.  
“Mando,” you pleaded, trying to keep up with him in your ridiculous heels.  Instead of acknowledging you, your words fell to deaf ears.  He was stomping his way back to the ship, the unconscious bounty in tow.  
Worry bloomed in your chest.  The wound had looked bad back at the motel, but it was as if he couldn’t even feel it.  You could hear his ragged breathing from behind; whether it was from the fight, the long walk, or the wound, you weren’t sure.  
“Mando,” you tried again, this time raising your voice as you approached the hatch of the ship.  
He let out another grunt as he hauled the bounty onto the ship, towards the carbon-freezing machine.  You pursed your lips, jaw clenching in his direction. You did not appreciate being ignored, especially after just half-saving his ass just moments before.
Granted, you were the one that had put him in that position, but that was besides the point.
His back was to you and you stepped closer, ready to unleash a piece of your damn mind, when you stopped.  You took in his brooding stance and clenched fists.  The tremble in his hands.  Anger seemed to roll off the Mandalorian in waves, making you falter.  
What the hell was his problem?
“Mando, can you kriffing listen to me?  I need to treat you, you have no idea if he nicked an important artery or something.  I don’t know what you’re so worked up about, but you’ve been bleeding for a few minutes now and I just need to look—” annoyance rose in you as he continued to prep the carbon machine.  “Maker, can you even hear me?”
The Mandalorian couldn’t hear you, not clearly anyways.  Blood was still rushing in his ears, his vision still tinged red.  But with another call of his name, you were finally able to get through and he suddenly whipped around.  
“He touched you,” he gritted out, seething and shaking. “That skanah had his hands all over you and I swear if I didn’t need him alive for the bounty, he’d already be dead.”  He punctuated the last word with the slam of a button on the machine.    
You took a step back, eyes wide and brows furrowed. Something warm tightened in your chest and belly.  Wh-why did he care so much?  A lump had lodged itself into your throat.  “Mando, I—I’m fine.  Alright? I’m okay,” you tried to assure.  “So, can you please calm down and let me just—"
But the Mandalorian already had his back turned again.  You threw your hands up in the air, groaning in frustration as he continued to work.  Another minute passed and with a faint whoosh, the bounty was finally set in carbonite.  
A shiver ran through your body as the cool night air blew its way into the Razor Crest, raising goosebumps on your exposed skin.  Seeing you tremble in the cold seemed to break Mando out of whatever angry stupor he was in.    
In all honesty, he hadn’t meant to ignore you, but something in him snapped back at the motel.  The image of that skanah touching you had made his blood boil, and his sole goal was to get him back to the ship and be done with it.  
“You’re… cold,” he stated, the words coming out slow and soft, like pulling them out of a dream.  You must have been freezing in that dress.    
Your head snapped up at him.  “I—what?”
“Let me get you a blanket or—” He hesitated when he saw you pinch the bridge of your nose, eyes screwed shut.  
You couldn’t believe this idiot.  
“Mando, seriously?”  Your heart and your brain were having a hard time deciding whether you should be flattered about him caring so much or pissed off because he didn’t seem to give a damn about himself.  
You chose a mix of the two.
“Mando,” you sighed, looking up at him.  “I promise you I’m fine, thank you.  Really.”  You gave him your most genuine, caring look to show you were thankful for his concern, and then quickly replaced it with a hard one.  “But if you don’t get up into that cockpit right now and let me treat you, I’m going to use that damn pulse rifle on you.”
And just like that, you had managed to dissolve the lingering traces of anger in his mind.  His lips twitched under the helmet.  “That supposed to scare me?”
You glared.  “Don’t push it.” You could have sworn he was laughing under there.
The Mandalorian would have laughed if the wound on his neck hadn’t began to ache.  Instead, he begrudgingly nodded, throwing his hands up in mock surrender before disappearing into the cockpit.  
He began to input the coordinates back to Nevarro into the navicomputer, warmth unfurling in his chest as he listened to you check on the Child.  A tiredness had begun to settle in his muscles from the fight earlier, and he grimaced as he reached for a lever on the control panel.  The pain on his neck was getting worse, and if he was being honest it burned like all hell, but he was not going to admit that to you.
The door behind him slid open and you stepped in frazzled, medkit in hand.  Even with your hair in disarray and scrapes littering your arms and legs, he thought you looked breathtaking.  
“Uh, so bad news,” you began, gesturing at the medkit.  “They didn’t have any at the market earlier, so we’re out of bacta shots and spray.  I’m gonna have to stitch it closed depending on how deep it is.”  You shot him an apologetic look.
He nodded, putting in the last of the coordinates before removing his chest plate to give you easier access, and turning his chair to face you.  You closed the space between the two of you, quickly going to work.  Careful hands began to peel away at the fabric stuck to the wound, a hiss of pain at the tip of his tongue as you ripped off the last of it.
“Sorry,” you whispered, inspecting the fabric before discarding it.  “You’re definitely gonna need a new cape.”
He shrugged.  “At least now you’ve got a new blanket.”  You always had a habit of curling up into all his old stuff.  
With a smile, you returned your focus to the task at hand, mentally sighing in relief as you began to clean the wound.  It could have been worse, but it was still very deep.  An inch to the left and just a smidge higher, and you would have had quite the problem on your hands.  
“Idiot,” you muttered.
“What was that?”
“Lucky,” you corrected, biting back a smirk.  “You got lucky.  Any higher and this would be a lot messier.”  You tossed the last of the gauze out and prepared the needle and thread.
Mando took in your awkward stance as you tried to bend down and begin stitching.  Standing was fine for when you were cleaning, but for something this intricate it wasn’t the best position.  You cursed and tried again, trying to get the angle right, but it was no use.  The thought left his mouth before he even had a chance to filter it.  
“You can sit on me if that’s easier.”
Heat blazed on your cheeks at his words, nearly dropping the damn needle.  “Oh—um—” Coherent thoughts didn’t seem to be forming in your head at the moment.
Panic flooded the Mandalorian’s brain as he took in your shocked expression and realized his mistake.  “I—well, not like that—what I meant was—” he spluttered, trying to find the right words, thankful that his helmet hid his mortified expression.          
“No, no it’s okay I—I know what you meant,” you managed to choke out after picking your jaw up off the floor.  It would have been comical—the certain and capable bounty hunter struggling to regain his composure—but his words had flooded your mind with some less than innocent thoughts and images, ones that left you heated and flustered.  You swallowed hard in an attempt to relieve your suddenly very dry throat.  “I can, if you’re okay with it?”
He slowly nodded, mentally kicking himself for being so daft.  He held his breath as you stepped closer, bracing a hand low on his chest as you perched yourself on his lap.  You cursed, trying to your best to maneuver yourself onto him without being inappropriate.
Finally, you were situated, hovering precariously over his thigh.  You breathed deep, willing your mind and body to calm down. Being in such close proximity to the Mandalorian was… dizzying, but you had a job to do.  And so, you went to work.  
A few minutes in, Mando could feel the tension rolling off your body, the tremble of your thighs as you tried to hold yourself above him.  “You can sit if you need to.”
The thought had crossed your mind, but truthfully you were afraid of how your body would react if you did. Eventually you gave in, shivering at the cold kiss of beskar on the insides of your thighs as you straddled his leg.  A knot was forming in your belly, low and warm.  
Maker, help me, you thought.
The change in position had slid your dress higher and Mando’s eyes began to wander again, taking in the exposed skin where your dress had hiked itself up, the material bunching around your hips.  His hands felt that pull again, that ache to touch you; to dig his fingers into the soft, plump flesh.  
Osik, he cursed, trying to control himself.  In his mind he conjured up the image of a blaster, mentally taking it apart and putting it back together as a pitiful attempt at a distraction.
You had fallen into a steady rhythm of stitching and knotting, your hands absentmindedly working.  The Mandalorian had fallen into a dull haze in the wake of your delicate touches, despite the sting and pull of the needle.  But when your hands brushed the edge of his helmet, he snapped to attention, reflexes kicking in.
A strong hand had immediately encircled your wrist, forcefully locking it in place.  Your breath seized at the realization of your colossal fuck-up.  How could you be so stupid?
“Shit, shit, I—I’m sorry,” you stammered out.  “Mando, I—I promise I wasn’t going to take it off, I just needed to adjust it to get the needle under.”  Your heart thundered against your chest, and you swear you could hear it in the empty silence of the cockpit.  The iron-clad grip he had on your wrist was starting to hurt, biting into your skin.  
Mando saw the flash of fear in your eyes, the way you had flinched at his touch and loosened the grip on your hand.  Regret began to bubble up inside him.  He opened his mouth to apologize, it had just been his instincts, but you beat him to it.  Your next words caught him off guard.  
“Do you trust me?”
He swallowed hard. Of course he did.  There was no question about it.  You were the one constant in his life besides the kid; the one he found he could rely on time and time again for anything. You had never betrayed him, in Creed or otherwise.  He took a steadying breath before answering.  “Yes.”
You tried to ignore the burst of warmth in your chest at his admission and what it implied. Instead, you nodded, slowly allowing yourself to move again and continue your care.  “Lean back,” you whispered and he obliged, fully baring his neck to you. It was a vulnerable position, but the cautious movements of your hands crushed any anxiety that threatened to well up in him.
And maybe it was that cautious, careful touch that had begun to wear down his walls; the tenderness you so freely gave that softened his heart and opened him up.  He wanted to make up the last minute to you, to show that he really did trust you.  Maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop the next thing that tumbled out of his mouth.
You paused mid-stitch, confusion flickering on your face.  “What’d you say?”
His heart felt like it was going to fly out of his ribcage.  “My name.  It’s Din.”
Confusion slowly morphed to shock at his revelation.  He had just shared his name with you; something incredibly personal and dear to him. Knowing it felt… intimate.  How many people actually knew his real name? You couldn’t stop that slow smile that had begun to spread on your face.  
“Din,” you repeated, hushed as if someone else would hear.  His heart skipped at the sound of his name on your lips; the soft way your voice curled around the short syllable.  Your eyes peered into his through the visor of his helmet, a question behind them. “Just ‘Din’?”
“Din Djarin,” he corrected.  
You repeated it again, delight clear on your face.  “I like it.”
I do too, he thought.  Especially when you say it.  “You can use it whenever, as long as we’re alone or it’s just the kid.”
“Of course,” you nodded, then added a soft, “Thank you.”  For trusting me.
The two of you had settled back into a comfortable silence, his hands resting comfortably on your hips, and Din couldn’t fathom why you kept biting back a smile.  You were the first to break it.  
“I’m sorry, for all this.”
“It’s fine, it’s not that painful.”  
You shook your head.  “No, I mean—” you gestured at his neck and then to you. “He was aiming for me.”
He scoffed.  “You’re out of your mind if you think I’d let anything happen to you.” You could hear the anger beginning to simmer beneath his words again.  “No, I… I would protect you every single time.  Besides, that osi’yaim got what he deserved in the end.”  
Your eyes flicked to his visor again and you tried to ignore the way the knot in your belly tightened at his promise to you and the shiver his low voice sent down your spine.  Instead, you tried to change the subject.  “Osi’yaim?”
“A useless, despicable person.  A waste of space.”
A soft laugh escaped you lips.  “You need to teach more Mando’a.  Something besides the bad words.”
Din’s heart clenched at your request. Something about you asking to learn his language stirred something deep in him.  “Of course,” he managed to reply, but it came out more strangled than he had meant it to.    
You continued with your task, getting lost in the repeated movements of your fingers.
Watching you work had always fascinated Din.  You granted each injury the same amount of attention, whether it was as small as a papercut or as big as the gash he had now.  It was endearing.  The meticulous way you ensured every stitch, every bandage, was perfect and in place. The adept movements of your fingers, steady with every touch.  The way you bit your lip and furrowed your brow as you concentrated.  
He was captivated by it, and you, every time.
His gaze was concealed by his helmet most of the time, but tonight you could feel the weight of his eyes on you.  Your cheeks began to burn at the thought of him staring at you so closely and you thanked the maker that he couldn’t see the crimson hue painting your face.  
“Are you warm?” he asked, the low rumble of his voice startling you.  
“You’ve been shivering since you started, but… you’re all flushed,” he explained.
Your eyes widened at his words, heart stopping.  “Wait—how can you see my—”
“Heat sensors.” Din couldn’t help but notice the way the heat on your face spread even more, down the soft slopes of your neck and chest.
Of course, heat sensors.  You were absolutely mortified, a nervous laugh erupting from your chest.  May as well be honest.  
“No, not warm, more like embarrassed,” you tried to explain, unable to meet his eyes.  
Din tilted his head, trying to understand.  “Why?”
You scoffed.  “’Cause I just realized I’ve been sticking my ugly mug in your face for the past 20 minutes.”      
Din was dumbfounded.  Ugly? The mere thought of you seeing yourself in that way made his heart ache.  How could you think such a thing when he saw you as the most radiant thing in this galaxy?  That, every time he saw you, he had to remind himself to breathe?
He had no idea what the in blazes he was doing, but he knew that he couldn’t let you go on thinking such things about yourself.  Din reached out and tilted your chin up towards him, making you meet his eyes.  
“Cyar’ika, you are the furthest thing from ugly that someone could be.  I—you are absolutely stunning.  Do you—do you know what seeing you in that dress tonight did to me?” he confessed, letting out a breathy laugh.  The front of his pants tightened in reminder.  “I’ll teach you something new in Mando’a right now.”  He paused, letting his fingers brush over your chin. “Mesh’la.”
It felt like you were on fire at that point, burning under his gaze, but somehow you found your voice underneath all the flames.  “What does it mean?” you breathed, unable to mask the tremble in your voice.
“Beautiful,” he murmured. “You’re beautiful.”    
Your body betrayed you, melting into a puddle with just a taste of his touch and the boldness of his words.  It was a devastating effect, and there was no denying the dampness that had pooled between your legs now.  You managed to stutter out a, ‘thank you’ before trying to finish the last knot of his stitches.
“All done,” you whispered.    
Din watched as you admired your handiwork and noticed that you made no move to remove yourself from him.  Instead, your hands were softly dragging across the planes of his exposed chest, leaving a trail of fire wherever they went.  It was such a foreign feeling, flesh against flesh on such a shielded part of his body.  He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had touched him there, let alone so gently.  
A strangled sound caught in his throat as you brushed over a particularly sensitive spot, just above the other side of his collarbone.  It was almost too much, the shot of electricity that singed his nerves, but it felt good.
His body involuntarily bucked at the sensation and his hands gripped your hips roughly, pressing you flush against him.  
You gasped at the sensation, of your clothed core dragging against the beskar plate on his thigh, your knee brushing against the bulge that had tented his pants.  Your hands scrabbled to find something, anything, to anchor yourself from the blinding pleasure that fizzled through you.
“Maker,” Din murmured, letting out a shuddering breath.  “Osik, cyar’ika, I’m didn’t mean to touch you like that but—”
“But what if I want you to?” your own voice sounding foreign to your ears.  You did not miss the way his breath hitched, caught in the modulator of his helmet.  
Din’s mind was reeling. “You—you want me to?” he swallowed thickly around the ball of shock that was caught in his throat.  
And you’re nodding, eyes dark and body and mind clouded with need, leading his hands up your torso and chest; but Din, he needs to hear you say it.  “Use your words, cyar’ika.  I need to hear you.”
“Yes, Din.  Please,” and that’s enough to dissolve any shred of self-control he thought he had.  The sound of you saying his name like that, a plea for him and only him, was maddening.  
His hands were on you in an instant; hands that you had seen nearly beat a man to death just for touching you, but on you they were soft, gentle.  Desperate, but tender.  Rough, but passionate and loving.  The contrast was making your head spin.  
“Din,” you whimpered. “You have to be careful, your cut—”
“I don’t care,” he rasped.  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to touch you?  Make you mine?”  He pulled you closer against him, hands grasping at anything he could reach.  He wanted to erase any trace of the bounty from your presence.
You tried to answer, but you were a mess, filling the cockpit with soft moans and mewls as you bucked your hips on his thigh.  
“I want to watch you make yourself feel good, can you do that?  Just like this?”  You frantically bobbed your head.  “Good,” he answered, stroking your cheek.  “You deserve it after tonight, sweet girl.”
The sound of ‘sweet girl’ sent wet heat straight to your core.  If anything, you thought he was the one that deserved to be taken care of right now.  But you were not about to argue with the Mandalorian who insisted on you using him to get yourself off.    
Your hands pawed at his chest again, struggling to find some kind of purchase to anchor yourself. They finally settled for his biceps, nails digging deep.  He watched as you grinded down on his thigh, eyes screwed shut.  His hands fingered the strap of your dress and you nodded, giving him permission to slide it down.  
Din took in the sight of your bare chest, your nipples pebbling in the cold air of the cockpit. He ached to take them into his mouth, hear you whimper and moan against his tongue, but he settled for brushing his gloved fingers over them and watching you arch.  
You ground down harder, desperate you get the friction you needed.  Din’s hands slipped from your breasts down back to your hips, stilling them.  A high whine escaped your throat and it was almost pitiful.  
“Up,” he instructed, confusion marring your face as you lifted yourself off his leg.  He gripped the thigh plate and dropped it to the ground, promptly setting you back onto his thigh.  “Wanna feel you,” he growled, and you could only moan in response.  
Soon enough, your arousal had seeped through your panties and onto the fabric of his pants.  The heady smell hit his nose and his mouth watered, desperate to know what you tasted like, to know what sounds you would make if he buried his face between your thighs.  
You guided his hands back up your chest, up to your neck.  His fingers cupped your face again, thumb brushing the bottom of your lip. You held his hand in place, biting the leather tip of his glove and slowly slid it off, letting it drop between you.
The feeling of his bare thumb resting on your lips sent another wave of arousal through you.  “Wanna feel you,” you breathed, grinning before taking his thumb into your mouth and sucking hard.  Din’s eyes rolled back and he groaned; the sight of your hollowed-out cheeks and the sensation of your tongue on the pad of his thumb nearly sent him over the edge.  
One hand trailed to the base of your neck, tangling itself softly in your hair.  He took in the way your eyes were screwed shut, the furrow in your brows as you chased your high.  You had taken your bottom lip between your teeth, biting hard and almost splitting it from the pressure.  It was almost the same concentrated expression you wore as you tended to his injuries, though it was clear you were concentrated on something far more rewarding now.  
“Mesh’la,” he commanded.  “Look at me.”
You wretched your eyes open, fixing your gaze on him.  
Din watched, enraptured, as you continued to pleasure yourself.  You were a sight before him; pupils blown, mouth agape, chest heaving as you tried to ease the ache in your belly.  He was lost in the way your eyes sparkled, perfectly matching the dark galaxy you were set against just outside the viewport.  
Your moans filled the cockpit, desperate sounds and pleads of Din’s name as he sent delicious licks of pleasure throughout your body.  You held on for dear life, panting as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
He feels the tension simmering from your shuddering figure, like a coil just waiting to spring.
“Are you close, mesh’la?” he whispered, his words and the rasp of his voice sending you higher and higher.  “Are you going to come for me?”
And you’re a wreck, whimpering and pleading, yes, Din, yes; and all Din can think is he can die happy knowing how you moan his name.  He shifts you, pulls you right onto the straining bulge in his pants and you both gasp, the sensation pulling you even closer to your orgasm.  A bare hand snakes between where the two of you are pressed against each other and he presses right onto your clit.  
A sob tears from your throat and stars burst behind your eyes as you’re pushed off the edge; and you’re falling, waves of ecstasy washing over you and burning straight to your toes. Din holds you close as your body continues to shudder, a steady hand on your back coaxing you down from your high. He lets out a groan when he feels evidence of your orgasm seep through to his clothed cock.    
Fog clouds the bottom of his helmet as you softly pant, the pleasure lulling to a dull thrum in your veins. He’s admiring your sleepy eyes, the flushed cheeks of your afterglow.  You give off a shy smile, peering into his visor.  “Beautiful,” he murmurs right next to your ear.  “Just like I said.” 
“Thank you,” you hum, pressing a searing kiss onto his bare neck and sliding a hand over the hardness trapped beneath you.  
Din hisses at your touch and you laugh, trying to ease the ache between his own legs.  “Mesh’la,” he warns, grunting at the loss of contact as you lift yourself off him and slide between his knees, kneeling.  
“Yes?” you respond, sliding your hands up and down his thighs, and pausing at the button of his pants.
“You don’t have to—” he starts, but you quickly cut him off.
“But I want to, Din,” you assured.  You rest your head on his knee, peering up at him with wide, innocent eyes, awaiting his permission.  “Wanna return the favor, wanna taste you,” and you grin at the strangled sound that leaves his throat.  He couldn’t deny you even if he wanted to.  
Finally, he nods, spreading his legs wider to accommodate you.  Your smile grows and your nimble fingers make quick work of the buttons on his pants.  You’re just about to free him from the confines of his boxers when an alarm signal sounds from the ship, startling the both of you.  
“Come in, Mando,” Greef Karga’s voice crackled through the small room.  “We’ve got a problem.  I repeat, we’ve got an emergency, please come in.”
Din groans and you throw an exasperated look towards the comms on the control panel.  “Just ignore him, it can’t be that—” and you’re cut off by another sound.
The unmistakable sound of a baby crying.  
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, pressing your forehead into Din’s knee.  You loved that little green bean to death, but damn him for his horrific timing.  Din softly slid his hand over yours and you looked up.  
“It’s alright, cyar’ika,” he hummed.  “Go check on him,” and you slowly nodded, shooting him an apologetic look before rising from your spot on the floor.
Din watched in mild amusement as you wobbled to the door, before turning his chair towards the control panel and sighing.  His own arousal was almost overwhelming, but he did his best to shove it to the back of his mind.  
Whatever Greef needed, it had better be good, he grumbled in his head.  
mando’a translations:
osi’kovid – shithead
skanah – very hated person, fucker
osik – shit
osi’yaim – cowardly, useless person
cyar’ika – darling, beloved
mesh’la – beautiful
thank you for reading! let me know what ya think!
718 notes · View notes
semicolon, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: He knew you. You knew him. Or rather, you both had an idea of the other, only to find that perhaps you connected on a much more carnal, animalistic level. It only took a hotel bar, New Year’s Eve, and the words, “Nice tattoo.”
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; alludes to attempted suicide; intense smut (fem reader, BDSM themes, semi-public exposure, restraints, nipple play, tit slapping, m-receiving oral, pussy spanking, doggy); non-idol!AU; rich heir, dom!Yoongi x tattooed, sub!reader; shifts back and forth between Yoongi’s POV and your POV
He was sure it was you.
You had tattoos now. A geometric lotus in your right inner forearm and a filled-in circle with a four-sided starburst around it on your inner left forearm. He observed you turning your head and there was a semicolon tattoo under your left ear. You moved your hair to cover it and nursed your rum and coke, alone. The tight black dress you were wearing was sinful at best. Closer to positively illegal with the way it clung to your breasts and squeezed them together. No one was approaching your table in this hotel bar. It was impossible to approach you when you looked that good.
You tapped at your phone, frowning.
He picked up his glass of whiskey and glided to you.  
“Nice tattoo.”
You froze. Your eyes followed his finger, to your left forearm.
“It’s the symbol of the Sith Order,” you replied coolly.
“Star Wars?”
You lifted your head, raising an eyebrow. Beautiful makeup. Smokey eyes, red lips, your beauty marks visible. You hadn’t hidden them with foundation. He appreciated that.
He set his glass on your table and slid into a chair. “Aren’t the Sith evil?”
You didn’t respond to that. Merely smiled at him, eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Do I know you?” you asked, tapping your nails on your glass. Matte black. Interesting.
To be honest, he wasn’t sure. You had attended to the same university. He could guess why you had the semicolon tattoo, because he had been in the hallway, witnessing the event when the ambulance took you to the hospital. He had been sleeping with a girl on your dorm floor.
Admittedly, not one of his proudest moments.
He cocked his chin to your right forearm. “And the lotus tattoo?”
You shrugged. “Just a recommendation from my tattoo artist.”
He took a slow, even sip of his whiskey. “Any more?”
You rested your chin on your fingers, placing your elbow on the table.
“You’d have to take me home to find out.”
Somehow, he did not think you were referring to your under-ear tattoo. He raised an eyebrow. “A woman like you, unclaimed? I can’t imagine why.”
You chuckled, lowering your hand to sip your rum and coke. “Perhaps it’s just personal preference.” You frowned, wincing, as if you remembered something unpleasant. “And perhaps it’s society who doesn’t like women who have their tattoos exposed.”
He thought about his fair skin. The many times he had thought about getting inked, but chickening out because he couldn’t think of committing to one specific image or words for that long. Perhaps he was fickle in that sense.
“Min Yoongi.”
He didn’t extend his hand, just stated his name. You paused, holding your glass over your cleavage, blocking it from his view. A moment of silence, a beat passing between your eyes. And then you gave him your name. Yes, it was you. The name had seen in the school newspaper the next day. The name that left the school, disappearing after the incident. He often wondered if you were okay. You seemed okay, looking at him with discerning eyes.
“You are the son of the owner of this hotel.”
Yoongi paused. He placed his glass on the table.
“Something like that.”
You raised a brow and placed your drink on your table. Expression pensive for a moment before you spoke again, tone light and playful.
“Well, perhaps you’ll be interested to know I just had a very unsatisfying one-night stand on the fifteenth floor, so I’ve come to drink the memory away.”
His lips curled into an entertained smile. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
You sighed and licked your teeth sharply. “On New Year’s Eve, too, no less.” You tapped your cheek with your index finger. “I suppose that means this year is off to a bad start.”
He looked at his Rolex watch. And then at you and your cleavage, breasts violently pushed together by your tight black dress. His eyes flickered back to yours. You were watching him carefully, aware of his traveling gaze. He smirked.
“There’s still time to remedy that.”
There was something about those eyes that haunted you.
You weren’t sure why, because you were quite sure you had never meant this man before. But maybe in a haze, in a dream? You tilted your head. Black hair, half-pushed back to reveal his forehead, dark eyes, pale skin. The kind of handsome that reminded you of midnights and moonlight, with a raspy voice to match. Expensive black suit with ironed lapels, black silk handkerchief in his breast pocket, patterned with the logo of a high-end fashion designer. Crisp white dress shirt, with a platinum tie clip on his slim black tie. 
Well-dressed. Sophisticated. Dangerous.
You did not know Min Yoongi, but it felt like you knew him.
The entire time he was talking, you were watching his movements. For some reason, the heir to this hotel chain was speaking to you. You weren’t that special. That’s how you wanted it. The more anonymous you were, the less people questioned your actions. There’s no way Min Yoongi would know you. And why wasn’t he in the hotel club instead of this quieter, more low-profile hotel bar? Most people wanted to party on New Year’s Eve. The hotel was hosting a huge one at the moment.
You just wanted a good fuck, honestly.
So when he offered, it surprised you. A lot of people would tell you that it was dangerous to have sex with a stranger. A rich man, no less.
But you were also the one with the Sith Order symbol tattooed to your arm.
Your lips curved to match his smirk.
“You got a room?”
He licked his lips.
“They’re all my rooms.”
It started the instant the two of you stepped into the elevator. Your long black fur coat was around your arms, shoulders exposed. No purse, because you had sewed pockets into the coat for your belongings. Less to lose this way. Yoongi had taken you to the back of the hotel, through dark hallways and shadows.
“Service elevator. Less people.”
You cocked your head as he pressed the up button, speaking again.
“Less paparazzi.”
You shrugged. “Someone has probably already caught you and posted it on Twitter.”
The elevator pinged and the doors slid open. You stepped inside and he shoved you into the wall, pressing his expensive suit into your body as the doors slid closed. Eyes on yours, hot breath in your face.
“No cameras,” he growled softly.
The numbers were climbing up, up. 
Your tongue slid out as you tilted your head. You pressed it against his lower lip. His eyes were so dark they looked black in this lighting. So close to him that you were breathing in his exhale mixed with his pine-scented cologne.
“What are you waiting for?” you whispered. “Give me a taste of your power.”
Should you have provoked Min Yoongi? Maybe not, because his kiss sucked your breath away, his large hands coming up and holding you in place as he teased your lips, nipping at the thin skin, making you gasp into his mouth. He had you pressed into the metal wall of the elevator, one of his legs slipping between yours, thigh pressed into the hem of your short dress. Lips to lips, working you, teasing you with his tongue, not giving it to you.
He backed up a little, breathing down on you and your panting mouth.
“You bought this dress for someone else to take off, hm?” he purred, lips dark pink from kissing you.
“I brought it for the sole purpose of being taken off.” Your chest was heaving, ribcage constricted by the boning of your dress. “It’s not attached to a particular person.”
His hands slid down your head, trailing on your bare shoulders. Sliding into the fur, staring at your face the entire time. Drumming against the slinky fabric of your tight dress as if you were the grand piano and he was the pianist.
“It could be.”
Yoongi tilted his head, lips brushing against yours.
“It could be for me.”
One by one, his fingertips hooked under the hem of your dress, nails pressed against your bare thighs. His hands were cold, sending tingling shivers all over your nerves. Eyes half-lidded, smokey orbs locked with yours. Your lips curved into a succubus’s smile.
“It’s yours now.”
He chuckled, yanking the hem up and over your ass. Chilled air rushed to your naked thighs, your black lace, French-cut panties out in the open. He looked down at your quivering legs and then his eyes immediately fixated onto it. Another tattoo. You watched as Yoongi took it in, able to see it because the boldly printed script was on the space were your right leg and crotch connected, that dip of flesh right above your pussy. His eyes flickered back to you.
He raised his eyebrows.
“’Good luck’, huh?”
You grinned.
“Good luck.”
The elevator dinged.
A housekeeping worker with their cart craned above the supplies to look at you two and then immediately looked away, closing their eyes. Unmoving like a statue. Didn’t try to roll the cart into the elevator, didn’t say anything. They knew exactly who Yoongi was and it seemed like they knew exactly why you were there.
He didn’t take your hand. He simply removed his heat from you and glided through the doors like an elegant ghost. You followed, heels clicking on the floor before touching the carpet. Like your dress, your slim heels were the slightest bit uncomfortable. It kept you at attention and highly aware of your surroundings, even though you had a few drinks.
Your eyes traveled over the lavish wallpaper, the plush red carpet. Over-the-top intricate and extravagant that bordered on gaudy. This was the top floor. The penthouse. You didn’t have to go far. The entire wing was the room.
You wondered why he took you here just for a simple fuck.
Yoongi unlocked the door.
“There’s only one stipulation.”
“Tell me.”
You held up the condoms from your pocket.
Yoongi smiled.
He was going to tie you up.
You watched as he pressed a button and the metal bar descended from the ceiling, complete with leather straps. You raised your eyebrows. Yoongi watched your expression carefully. The bedroom was dark, only lit by moody red LED lights from behind the bed and low sconces. The color reflected off his pale skin, casting half of his face in shadow.
The button had been behind a locked panel. He was probably the sole owner of that key.
“You are welcome to leave at any time.”
He said the words without emotion. You removed your fur coat, placing it on the oversized black velvet armchair. Everything in the room was in various shades of black and navy, in plush fabrics or luxurious leather.
“You spend a lot on your hobbies,” you commented.
Yoongi smirked.
“Sex is a performance.”
Your eyes connected. He removed his blazer. Like all of his movements, it was a swift and practiced manner, with two fingers hooked around the collar as he walked towards you. He tossed it on top of your coat. Now Yoongi was right next to you, your black dress still bunched around your waist. He did not have a particularly oppressive presence, but it was more like the company of the ocean. Expansive with unreachable depth, strikingly beautiful, and would have absolutely no qualms in drowning you.
Yoongi made sure your eyes were on him.
His long fingers deftly removed his cufflinks, sliding them into his pants pocket before slowly rolling up his sleeves. He was wearing multiple silver bracelets on each wrist, no rings. He folded the crisp white fabric up to his elbows, revealing his lean forearms. He had nice hands. Pampered ones.
“Scared?” he asked casually.
You reached up to the hook-and-eyes at the front of your dress. His eyes followed your movement. One. Two. Your words complimenting the removal of each one. Your breasts slowly relaxed from their prison, held in place by your free hand holding the top of your dress so you could travel downwards.
“Fear is natural,” you whispered quietly. “It is merely a tool in the realm of the strong.”
Yoongi’s lips curved into a slow smile. “Do you intend to speak like that the entire time?”
You chuckled as the last one was undone. “No. I’m only informing you I’m a bit of a masochist.”
And then you released your hand holding up the dress, causing it to unfurl and slide down, stopping at your hips and flaring out like a flower.
Yoongi wondered if you did this all the time.
He wondered if this was a product of your life experiences or your instinctual nature. He watched as you slid the dress down your thighs, letting it fall to the floor. You stepped out of it, only in your heels and panties. His teeth sunk into his lower lip.
Yoongi had taken a lot of people to this room. All strangers. Never one he knew from the past, no matter how insignificant. That made you the exception, even if you didn’t remember. His memory was still so vivid to this day.
He let his eyes roam over your body. As he predicted, you had great tits. The dress accentuated them after all. There was another tattoo. Script on the left side of your ribcage. You noticed him looking and turned slightly so he could read it. He had to think. It was in English, like your crotch tattoo, although that one was easier to translate.
“’The world is quiet here’?” he echoed.
the world was written so it was only visible from the front, is visible from the side, and quiet here visible from the back. Printed a typewriter’s font, no punctuation, the placement deliberate and thought-out.
You smiled. “Book quote.”
Yoongi liked it when you smiled. He reminded him of his own, a little hesitant but self-aware of your own quiet confidence. He lifted his hand and placed it behind your head, guiding you to him.
“You are very interesting,” he murmured into your mouth before he kissed you again. Tasting like rum and coke mixed with oceanic blackberry. He had smelled that scent before, although not on skin. He recalled the counter of cologne, the glass bottles with the unisex design. High-end.
On your skin, it smelled like sex itself.
He slid his tongue in between your soft lips, running it over your teeth. Drinking in your gasps, taking it all. He liked it when you breathed into his mouth too. You let it out like smoke, drifting into him. Your hands came up to hold onto his upper arms, steadying yourself. He liked the feeling of your hands as well, the way each finger curled around to grip him tightly. His thrust his tongue in and out, slowly, each moan chaining to the last. His hands in your hair, tangling it up, making a mess.
Yoongi opened his eyes just a crack. They landed on the tattoo in your left forearm, the filled-in circle with the four-sided starburst.
What had made you get a symbol like that tattooed to you?
He pulled you along, still kissing you, towards the metal bar. Turned you around, kissing down your jaw to the back of your neck. His hands slid down your hair, tracing your spine. Fuck. Such a beautiful back, with a lovely curve, so perfect to bend over. He dug his nails into it and you whined under him.
Yoongi didn’t bother asking you if you wanted it. You had a mouth; you could use it.
And you were grinding your ass into his crotch so, clearly, he didn’t have to ask.
He folded your arms behind you, forearm above forearm, tying you to the metal bar with the leather straps. One on each of your wrists, one tucked in the inside your elbows, binding them to each other and then all to the metal. He did not want to cover your tattoos but he had to. The position had you bent over, ass sticking out, tits hanging down, back slightly arched.
“Do I need to secure your waist or can you hold it?”
You turned your head back and raised an eyebrow. The curve of your profile, so perfect against the red light.
“What you need to do is fuck me already.”
He grinned.
Yoongi pulled up a chair and sat down right in the front of you.
You gave him a slightly annoyed expression. He smirked at you, placing his fingers on your chin, lifting it slightly.
“I thought you wanted a satisfying fuck?” he drawled.
“And yet nothing is happening.”
“Foreplay is just as important as pounding your pussy.”
You suddenly felt his other hand ghost under your nipple, palm barely grazing it. You tried to drop your body into it but were stopped by your restraints. Yoongi cocked an eyebrow amusedly. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“What are you waiting for?”
His thumb slid up your chin. He pressed it into your lips, forcing it open, rubbing your tongue with the pad of his finger. You made a disgruntled noise, saliva collecting where he touched you. You tried to close your lips but he held your jaw down, grip strong and immovable. Spit was trickling down your chin, covering his fingers and dripping onto the floor.
“Waiting for you to give in to me,” Yoongi murmured huskily.
Your heartrate accelerated disconcertingly in your chest. His dark eyes on yours, consuming you, keeping you in this slightly uncomfortable position. And you wanted it. You could feel it, the heat inside you, stroked from embers to full-blown fire, because somehow Min Yoongi could see right through you and knew you wanted what he was composing.
This midnight was his.
He seemed to know that you came to this conclusion. Maybe your pupils were dilated. Maybe it was your shallowed breathing. Maybe it was your trembling body, shaking at his touch. He removed his wet finger and slid it down your collarbones, smearing your own spit on you, before cupping your breast, squeezing it. You sucked in a breath, moaning his name softly as his other hand matched the first, kneading your breasts, rubbing your nipples with his palms.
You gasped as you felt his wrists slide up and the chains of his bracelets scrape your sensitive nipples, blooming pinpricks of pain over your chest. His palms came back, soothing you, his dark eyes intensely focused on your face, not looking away. His fingers pressed into your skin and he closed them in on your nipples, pinching them hard enough so that you could feel it, but not so hard that it was unbearable. He held you there like that. Seconds ticked past. Long, grueling seconds that felt like hours.
Yoongi was very calm about it as you slowly unraveled in his hands.
You body began to move involuntarily, raising your chest so his fingers pulled on your nipples a little. He still did not move his hands. You couldn’t go far with the metal bar digging into your back. He watched you try different things to get more stimulation, fingers motionless. If you moved too much, you were afraid he was going to let go and not give you more. You craved more. Needed it.
“Yoongi, please… Harder…”
His dark eyes were hypnotizing you.
The position of his fingers changed. He clamped your nipples between the joints of his index and middle fingers. You yelped, back banging against the metal. He pressed his thumbs against the hardened nubs, rubbing them harshly. Expression unchanging, forever on you.
“I thought you wanted it harder.”
His voice was deep, calm, with a hint of raspy delight. The sensation was a stark contrast to what he was doing before, shooting sparks of pleasure through your body. You shuddered, bucking into it, knees collapsing a bit as he stimulated your nipples.
A single command and your knees locked to obey, entire body shaking. Yoongi pulled your nipples towards him, pushing your breasts together as he did so. Your back had to curve abruptly against the cold metal bar at his action. He lowered his head, trailing kisses along your collarbone. You whined, his touch hard and lips soft, eyelids fluttering as your nipples slipped out from his fingers. His large hands quickly twisted to cup your tits, keeping them up and pushed together as he kissed down the curve, nipping sharply at your skin. Leaving small red marks all over, sucking at some points to bruise you.
He didn’t need to speak. His lips told you everything, travelling all over your breasts hungrily, your swollen and abused nipples waiting, patterning your skin before his tongue snaked out.
“F-fuck, Yoongi…”
The pink tip pressed against the inflamed nub, pushing it around delicately. Strands of black hair framed his sculpted brows and those dark eyes were on you again. He closed his lips around it. Your eyelids slid closed, feeling the softness of his mouth and his tongue swiping all over, swift circles.
Then he sucked, hard.
Your eyes flew open, jutting your chest into his face. Yoongi chuckled in his throat and continued to suck, pulsating around your nipple, scraping his teeth against it. One of his hands came up and matched the rhythm of his mouth, tweaking and assaulting your other nipple forcefully. Your core throbbed with need, soaking your panties so much that they stuck to your folds. The scent of your arousal was getting stronger and stronger, a heavy sweetness.
He released your nipples abruptly and you gasped, feeling him lick a fat stripe possessively over your tits. Saliva dripping down, coating them all over. He removed his hand. You panted, trying to catch your breath.
“What’s my name?” he whispered quietly.
You lifted your trembling head, hair covering half your face. Your knees felt like jelly.
He slapped your tits.
You yelped, his open palm creating hot friction on your abused nipples. It wasn’t a hard hit, but an expansive one that covered a lot of surface area. It was obvious he knew what he was doing. Pain trickled throughout your body, pussy throbbing with need.
He slapped you again, from the other side. You shuddered, sucking in your stomach at the sudden pain that seemed to swallow you up, but somehow it didn’t really hurt, instantly morphing into tinges of arousal. It was probably the way he was looking at you. His appearance was bored, but his eyes were trained onto your body, ink-black pupils shimmering with power in his dark brown irises.  
Your eyes dropped down. He spread his legs. It was like he knew what you wanted. His erection strained against his tailored black slacks. It was impossible to hide with how closely fitted they were to his body. Your eyes went back up to his face. His expression was still unbothered.
“Yoongi,” you breathed, the clearest you’ve sounded yet.
Smack! You whined at the force, back against the cold metal. Smack! A half-moan, a half-sob as you felt his bracelets scrape against your skin. Smack! Your breasts banged together, softness against stinging softness, and it just felt so good as the pain crawled through your nervous system, devastating you. Your head was arched back, staring at the ceiling, mouth open and panting.
Yoongi reached up and pushed your head back down. He used his other hand to trace your lips, smeared with lipstick and saliva.
“I’m going to fuck this hole now.”
There was a short silence. He was waiting for you to say no.
You didn’t say anything.
Yoongi stood up and unbuttoned his pants right in front of your face. Your eyes followed his fingers as he unzipped them. The flaps opened and his cock fought against the smooth fabric of his boxer briefs, swelling as it was released from the confines of his pants. He pressed it into your nose and you inhaled his scent, oppressive and erotic, making you moan hotly against it.
You wanted it in you so bad that your juices were leaking down your thighs.
You felt his palm caress your head, smoothing your hair. He rocked his hips into your face, humping your open mouth. You pressed your tongue against his clothed cock, whimpering at how close it was and yet so far. His words drifted down to you in a low growl, teasing and domineering.
“Good luck.”
He removed his hardness from your face. Your eyes flickered up to him, a smirk on your lips. Yoongi matched your devious expression, pushing down his underwear. His cock sprung up into your vision, overtaking it. Oh, fuck. The head already dark red, leaking pre-cum. Veins standing out along the length, waiting to be stroked by your tongue. It was the hottest image you had ever seen, Yoongi’s smug face above you, his stiff cock so close to your lips that you could feel the heat. And fuck, he smelled so good, as if his pine cologne, his skin, and his arousal made an unholy pheromone combination that made you open your mouth, exhaling hotly over the glistening head.
Yoongi shoved it into your lips with one swift stroke.
You reeled, expanding your throat as he buried himself into it, sucking in a tight breath. It was a skillful, deliberate movement, one that didn’t jar your gag reflex immediately. You had plenty of practice from former encounters to not gag at first instinct, but Yoongi also seemed practiced, as if he had shoved his dick down many throats before.
His large hand fitted around the back of your head. Not moving.
His taste overwhelmed your mouth. Your tongue slid around expertly, running down the length, moaning around him. His eyes were closed but you could see his pink lips curve upward. You closed your own eyes, squeezing him in your throat as your tongue rubbed along the veins, pressing him into the roof of your mouth.
“You do not disappoint,” Yoongi sighed in satisfaction.
He pulled out a little and your tongue instantly went to the head, licking slow circles all over, teasing the opening with your tongue, spreading it out before sliding under to stimulate the thin skin between the head and length. Yoongi moaned above you, your name finally falling from his lips. You did not realize it would have such an effect on you until he said it. It made your thighs clench and pussy throb, agonizingly forced to wait until he was done with your mouth.
He began to thrust into your face, slow but forceful, tipping your head back a little so the head stroked against the roof of your mouth before hitting the back of your throat. You took it, helpless, bent over, knees aching as he fucked your mouth, almost lazily. His hand had a firm grip on your head, pushing himself in over and over.
“Keep it tight for me,” he murmured. “You’re doing so good.”
You closed your lips around him, meeting the base of his cock, your cries muffled and vibrating along his hard length, adding stimulation. You looked up, seeing his tensed jaw, pleasure painting his features, eyes closed. Yoongi wasn’t trying to get off fast; he was trying to build it to a crescendo, and your mouth was his tool to do it. In, out, in, out, each time a little rougher, a little more force. Rubbing your throat raw, jaw aching, but you were so focused on the soft pants coming from his lips that you didn’t notice.
“Your mouth is so perfect,” Yoongi gritted out, rocking his hips a little faster. “So soft and tight.”
His eyes opened halfway and he noticed you staring at him as he fucked your mouth. He inhaled sharply at the sight.
“So fucking sexy,” he mumbled. “You want to swallow me?”
You hummed needily in response, gazing imploringly at him. He smirked.
“That’s what I like to hear.”
He rolled his hips, faster, harder. You noticed the muscles in his neck tense, his hand gripping you tighter as he chased his release, fingers digging into your scalp, his cock trembling in your wetness as you sucked your cheeks in. Yoongi clenched his jaw, eyes closing again. His hips smacked into your face repeatedly, your name a low hiss as he thrust particularly roughly into your throat, the head being choked by your wet vise.
Sudden, jerking strings of cum shot down your throat, painting it white, pumping straight into your mouth. You swallowed hard, barely able to take a breath before his cock violently shuddered, filling you up with more of his salty, thick taste. He held your head as you gulped around him, groaning as he felt your throat close in on the sensitive head continually.
“That’s it…”
His fingers curled into your hair, lifting it away from your neck and collecting it behind you so he could look down at you drinking his orgasm.
“What a pretty picture and all for me.”
His eyes honed in on the semicolon tattoo under your left ear.
It flexed and moved as you swallowed, flickering in and out of vision as the small dangling black gems on your ear hid it. His eyes slid back to your fucked-out face, struggling for breath but being denied by his hold on you.
You might have a personal preference when it came to being single, but Yoongi was a rapacious man, and he wanted to own your mouth. He doubted he could buy it with money, but perhaps he could make you addicted to him. He pulled out of your lips and you whined deliciously.
Inwardly, he grinned like a devil.
Yoongi leaned down and lifted your head, kissing your swollen lips. You kissed him back, starved and hungry for his softness, his gentle touches that were matched by his roughness. Did you always look this good? He wanted you beside him so he could study you, so he could push you to your knees whenever he wanted, so you could resist him and so he could teach you a lesson.
But you deserved the fuck you had asked for. He could smell how turned on you were and he had promised after all. His tongue slid into your mouth and he tasted himself, a familiar taste that somehow tasted better when it was mixed with your saliva.
Yoongi did not think he was going to invite any more strangers into this room after this.
He broke the kiss. Your eyes on him, burning him to the core. He removed his shoes and socks, standing up. Stepped out of his pants, still wearing his shirt and tie. He kept them on as a sign of his power over you. You looked so perfectly submissive, just like this. He had to move out of your line of vision.
There was no way you knew what he was thinking, but he still didn’t trust himself. He did not want to get carried away. He had a job to do.
And that was to fuck you.
He moved around to your quivering legs, seeing your soaked panties. Not commenting, but his cock twitched seeing it, knowing it was him that made you this way. His fingers closed in on the top of them, yanking up. You jerked you head back, moaning hotly at the action. The black lace dug into your skin, seeping into your slick folds. He kept his voice measured despite his desperate need to shove himself into you right now.
“Count to four.”
He dug your panties into you as he spoke and made you whine as he pulled from side to side. The delicate fabric was ripping a little.
He spanked your pussy with his large palm. The sound was loud and wet, traveling throughout the entire wing, along with your scream of pleasure. Yoongi was getting hard already listening to you. Even in the low light, he could tell your pussy lips were becoming puffy, reddening. His hand was smeared with your juices and he resisted the urge to lick it.
“Keep going,” he nudged gently.
He heard you panting. “Two.”
Smack! The sound, the sound, it turned him on so much as the lustful moan was torn out of you, your raw throat turning it almost feral. He twisted your panties in your slit, watching the fabric tear slowly against your inflamed skin, drinking in your squeals and whines as he tortured you.
Slap! His fingers were coated in slickness, watching the wetness splatter between your legs as he hit you. Your ass was backing up into your panties, trying to get more, stopped by the metal bar. If you wanted him to stop, you wouldn’t have uttered the final number, gasping it out hurriedly.
Smack! Yoongi slapped the hardest yet and your knees buckled, almost sobbing. He shoved your kneecaps with his, locking them back in place. Your legs were shuddering hard, barely holding up, but your mouth was telling him a different story, choked gasps of pleasure.
“Fuck, Yoongi, yes…”
He pulled your panties down. They were practically ruined by his grip. That was too bad; they were quite beautiful. He intended on buying you new ones. Perhaps he could come with you to select them.
He paused for a moment to grab a condom, holding it in his hand before returning to you.
“Yoongi, p-please fuck me…”
You craned your head to look at him, the perfect profile. He raised an eyebrow.
“Fuck me with your pretty cock, p-please…”
He stared down at your gorgeous back, the peeks of your tattoos in his restraints, your ass stuck up in the air, pussy lips swollen and leaking from his spanking. He couldn’t see it right now, but he knew the ‘GOOD LUCK’ tattoo was there, right next to your pussy. Yoongi wondered who the artist was.
Perhaps they had been lucky like him.
He felt a surge of annoyance.
Yoongi stepped up to your ass, lifting his cock and pressing the length against your wetness. You started, almost moving away.
“It’s not in you.” He kept his voice even. “You will know if it was in you.”
He exhaled quietly as he rubbed his length and his balls against your wet slit, keeping the head away from you. You were warm, soft, and so, so slick. He was semi-hard, but he could feel himself getting harder as he pressed your ass around his cock, fucking the crevice between your cheeks. He knew it would be better inside you, but for some reason he needed to punish you a little. Needed to let you know that he was irate that there were others before him, that somehow fate cheated him by not having your paths cross sooner.
There was nothing you could do about that, but Yoongi didn’t care.
You were moaning under him, hips pushing back to meet his thrusts, your pussy smacking his balls, coating them with your lubrication. He closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy it. Fuck, you had a nice ass, malleable and lush in his hands. He wanted to own this ass too. You mouth, your tits, your ass.
He knew he would want your pussy too once he was in it.
“Yoongi, please…”
He pressed his fingers into your skin, sliding them inward. Held his cock carefully so it wouldn’t leak on you as he retreated.
“Ah, you’re right,” he purred. “You’ve earned it.”
He opened the condom, sliding it on. His cock jerked in his hands, already desperate for what was to come. He was the kind of man who lived under so much discipline that he knew nothing else. Although life could not be controlled, he could control himself and his emotions.
Yoongi pressed the head against your entrance. Sucked in a breath.
Sank in slowly.
Yoongi was not religious, but he swore he saw glimpses of heaven the second his cock was fully enveloped by your pussy. It was tight, it was soft, and each ridge clenched around him, roughly stimulating the head after he had mildly edged himself with your ass moments earlier. You pulsed around him, constricting him inside you as the base of his crotch touched your abused pussy lips.
“Fuck,” he breathed.
He needed to own this pussy.
Yoongi pulled back and shoved himself back in, gasping at the tightness. It was not because you weren’t turned on. It was because you were clenching around him, pressing your walls inward to choke his cock and, if possible, his cock became harder knowing this, harder as he heard you cry out in satisfaction.
“Yes, Yoongi, yes…”
He began to fuck you, rolling his hips into yours, trying to keep it slow and steady to drive you crazy, but to be honest, he was done for, because Yoongi had never experienced such power, never had a body fuck him back with such force, never heard such delicious, desperate mewls of need as he thrusted into you, slamming your hips together with loud squelches. It was probably a lot, his cock hitting you deep and your pussy already sensitive from his spanking, and yet you told him to hold you tighter, fuck you harder.
“Use me, Yoongi,” you gasped. “You feel so good, fuck, Yoongi, your cock is so fucking good…”
How did you know all the words that made him weak? How did you know exactly how to sound to make him want you more? And you took it all despite your shivering legs, despite your tits violently bouncing with every thrust, despite him pressing down on your lower back to hit you deeper. He watched you throw your head back, a long sinful wail slipping from your lips, hair flaring out like fire and you came all over his cock, pussy spasming and clenching around him.
Yoongi’s eyes widened, hips ramming into you. The head smacked against your tightest spot and he saw stars, the pleasure hitting its peak and plummeting into him, taking his breath away. He shot aggressively into the condom, pumped out by your pussy clamping down around his length, sucking it all out. His eyes rolled back into his head with how good it felt. This had never happened to him before. The moans of his name rang in his ears, encompassing him as his cock twitched inside you, the perfect combination of sound and sensation.
If Yoongi ever heard your voice again, it would be synesthetic experience for him, because he would remember this sound and this feeling for the rest of his life.
Outside, the clock stuck midnight, and fireworks overtook the sky in thundering booms.
“Was that a satisfying fuck?”
Yoongi reached over and tucked a spare strand of hair behind your left ear. You sat in his lap, in the armchair with the windows wide open, revealing a perfect view of all the fireworks overtaking the moonlight. It was a bit wasteful for your taste. Not that good for the environment. Yoongi informed you that he would look into more sustainable alternatives.
He pressed his lips into your neck.
“The next time you want to stay at one of my hotels, I will make myself available.”
You chuckled. “Can you afford a pause in your schedule?”
You could feel him sucking a red mark into your skin.
“What else can I do when a member of the Sith Order visits?”
You laughed and he smirked against your newly-made hickey.
same au as exclamation mark !
punctuation au dom!myg and jjk | period . | comma , | question mark ? | apostrophe ‘
767 notes · View notes
brattyfics · 3 years
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— until we meet again, preciosa
PAIRING || bishop losa x black!ofc, miguel galindo x black!ofc (mentioned)
SUMMARY || She’s not his, and she won’t ever be, so he leaves her with words whispered like a promise. “Until we meet again, preciosa.”
TAGS || angst, unresolved feelings, not a hea, mentions of toxic relationships, sex (referenced).
WORD COUNT || 1.6k
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Shadowy clouds hang overhead, blocking out the warming glow of the Sun. Raindrops pelt the roof above, drumming a beat of their own before pooling down to the concrete paved streets below. Isis watches stray droplets gather on the tall windows for several moments before stepping out onto the covered balcony. It felt colder than usual inside the three-story, Spanish-style shophouse, but outside it’s the opposite-- balmy, earthy. The air is heavy with humidity, so she has to take deep breaths, but she doesn’t enjoy it any less. Invigoration comes with the rain, brings hope for new beginnings, renews faith for the hopeless.
Down below, people dart between vendors to continue their shopping as the rain lightens. Colorful rays spring from puddles up towards the sky. A pair of young siblings splash each other while their mother sells delicious smelling tamales wrapped in banana leaves. Another young woman peddles gold necklaces, praying candles, and other little knick-knacks to the tourists of Sonora. Everybody has to make a living, including Isis.
She spends her days stroking the strings of a guitar or the keys of her piano, helping patrons of the music shop in between. The ground floor of the shophouse boasts string instruments and an extensive collection of vinyl records. After hours, she makes money hosting private piano lessons. She performs at the Discoteca down the street on weekends, fueling her passion for music almost 24/7 except when Preciosa is closed for ‘maintenance’.
Overstock merchandise and whatever else the Mayans’ Motorcycle Clubs needs to store clutters the second floor. Don’t ask, don’t tell is her motto, so whenever they come to the shop, she simply flips the sign to closed. There’s no point in fighting it. Besides, El Presidente always makes it a bearable, if not pleasant, experience. Bishop had called ahead to warn her that he was bringing Hank, Angel, and the new prospect, Angel’s baby brother, along. She could hear them bumping around, a noisy reminder that her shop only thrived because of the illegal deals happening in the back.
“Why don’t you put all that time and energy into something that’ll get you somewhere?” Being a musician wasn’t an acceptable career in her mother’s eyes, so the woman took every chance she could to crush her daughter’s dreams. “Nobody wants to hear all that noise!” Staring out into the street, she can’t help but wonder where she would’ve ended up if her mother had been supportive. Maybe she could have been a star rising to the top of Billboard charts or someone who worked behind the scenes, writing songs, singing demos. She had the skill set. Yes, her path would have been much different.
Isis had stood front and center, crooning out an old school blues song at a hole-in-the-wall spot when Miguel Galindo first laid eyes on her. It was a chance meeting, one that felt like fate at the time because dive bars weren’t his scene. The owner was a business associate who decided to try his hand at being a restaurateur; Miguel had been kind enough to come out and support. When he caught sight of her shapely frame in a slinky, satin number, he insisted on being introduced.
Miguel stood out in a crowd, wearing a tailored button-down, dark dress pants, and an expensive pair of Italian leather shoes. His salt and pepper beard groomed to perfection, hair gelled so that no strand was out of place. The moment she’d looked into his eyes, she was caught in his web. His masculine scent drew her in like honey to a bee. His charisma held her attention. Miguel sweet-talked her all night, insisting Isis sit next to him, eat h’orderves, and drink overpriced champagne. She obliged. Who could say no to that face? He used their close proximity to reel her in like a fish on a hook, leaning down to whisper in her ear. You’re beautiful. He told her. You have such a smooth, seductive tone. You should be performing for bigger crowds. Have you ever thought about branching out? He told her everything her mother never had, so she was a lamb to the slaughter.
For months, Miguel had treated her like his very own LifeSize doll to play with. He took her on shopping sprees, kept her draped in silk and lace. Isis didn’t think of herself as materialistic, but she couldn’t deny being showered in gifts felt splendid. He was always so tender, handling her delicately as his newest prized possession. As time went on, she became more like an ornament. Something for him to marvel at when he felt like it and then hide away the rest of the time. But nothing was worse than him leaving her to harden after he was finished molding her like clay. She asked for more—time, commitment, only for him to do the opposite.
Thus, Preciosa was born. A way for him to placate her and later make it easier for the M.C. to make him money.
“Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be out your way.” Isis jumped at the sound, turning away from the street to see Bishop. She hadn’t heard him come outside; didn’t expect him to venture up into her personal space.
Isis’ smile rarely reached her eyes, Bishop noticed. He stepped forward, holding a velvet box that felt heavier than it was. Her fingertips tickled him as he passed it over. Diamonds surrounded in white gold gleamed as the clouds cleared away for the Sun. Even Bishop could admit the set was gorgeous, but she didn’t look impressed. He hated being Galindo’s delivery boy, watching the way her face fell when the gifts she received became increasingly impersonal with each week. Not long ago, he’d also been tasked with passing along handwritten love notes or antique music sheets that she caressed like she would a lover’s skin.
“Thank you.”
She couldn’t hide her disappointment from him. Not for lack of trying-- Miguel always reminded her, appearances were everything. Smile. Don’t make me look bad. But Bishop watched her closely, knew her tells. Despite every nerve in his brain urging him to walk away, he steps forward to stand next to her. His calloused hands rest on the balcony’s edge next to her delicate pair, brown in varying tones of sepia and mahogany contrasting against the white paint.
Bishop feels the heat of her eyes on his frame, but he doesn’t let himself respond. Sharing this moment, a quick breath of fresh air will have to be enough. But she’s all around him, smelling of florals and sweet spices. He can’t think. He fumbles with his pockets in search of a cigarette. “You mind?” She shakes her head but is otherwise silent. Still watching him as he smokes; the way he takes long, steady pulls, cradling the stick between his full lips and then between his strong, veined fingers. She would bet her last dollar that he was an expert at other things involving his fingers and mouth.
When his hand drops again, she links her pinky with his, hesitant but exploratory.
Bishop looks at her, really looks at her like he sees her. It’s nice to be seen, especially when you’re the princess locked up far, far away from everyone you’ve ever known. She’s a black girl from Texas living in Sonora for goodness’ sake. This is no life, and she knows it. Several moments pass where neither can look away, both weighing their desires with the potential consequences.
With a deep breath in, she musters up the courage to ask Bishop what she’s been wanting to for months.
Her heart feels like it might just explode while she waits for a response.
Bishop drops his head to his chest, cursing under his breath. “Fuck.” If Miguel ever found out… But he already knew what his answer would be. He’d been waiting for the invitation. The heated looks they exchanged, the way her fingers lingered on his when he passed her something. That damned pout she wore when Miguel forgot to send a flower arrangement-- she had no idea Bishop had been the one buying the flowers for some time now. No matter what mood she was in, fresh flowers always brightened her day. He loved watching that lonely look transform into something more lively, curious as she marveled over his choice for the week. He went for variety, slowly learning what she loved and what she just liked; her favorite color, favorite scent.
The subtle tension between them, he wasn’t even certain she noticed. The cash and the bling could’ve blinded her to all other men. But it didn’t.
When the Sun had gone down several hours later, and the guys were gone, Bishop redressed. Belt buckling with a clink, leather sliding over his shoulders easily. He let himself take one last look at her wrapped up in a poofy comforter set. The mustard-yellow velvet complimented her skin in the best way, bringing out a gold undertone. Her eyes seem to have brightened as well. He couldn’t resist leaning over to stroke her sweaty skin. Dark coils stuck to her beautiful face, frizzy in some parts from when she rode him, sweat escaping from her pores, flat in the others from when he laid her on her back and hooked her legs over her shoulders.
He wants to stay, to prop himself up against the intricately carved wood headboard and hold her in his lap while they whisper sweet nothing to each other, but he can’t.
She’s not his, and she won’t ever be, so he leaves her with words whispered like a promise. “Until we meet again, preciosa.”
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NOTES || This fic and the collage above was inspired by @isisafrofairy’s gorgeous moodboard! Also, the wonderful “Until we meet again, preciosa” line is hers as well. This is my thank you for the moodboard you made for me. I really leaned on the pictures you used for inspiration and I think I managed to capture/include each element. It was so hard not to ruin the surprise, but I was able to shut tf up for once 😂 I’m really proud of how this turned out, and hopefully you enjoy it just as much! Also, I realize the moodboard had nothing to do with Miguel but he lives in my head rent-free apparently 🥴
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GENERAL TAGLIST || @woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @sheeshgivemeabreak @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @angelreyesgirl @blessedboo @glimmerglittergirl @apantherinmypastlife @brownsugarcoffy @marvelmaree @starrynite7114 @scuzmunkie @thewarriorprincessxo @sadeyesgf @pearlkitten33 @imanerdychubbyqueen @literaturefeen @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @everyhowlmarksthedead @yourwonkywriter @trulysuccubus @sparklemichele @luckyharley1903 @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @amorestevens​
MAYANS M.C. TAGLIST || @cant-decide-at-this-moment
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korpikorppi · 3 years
The Untamed costumes 20/?
Song Lan's outfits 1: The grey and black robes (episode 10)
I started Xiao Xinghen's outfits in the previous post, and because they kind of go together, let's start Song Lan's, too. His first outfit is, of course, the grey and black set of robes we see in episode 10, when he arrives at the Chang Clan residence just after his partner.
The set has three layers:
The undergarments: the zhongyi (中衣) or zhongdan (中單) (the pants and the shirt), and the chang (裳) (a separate, typically pleated skirt).
The black middle robe.
The grey outer robe.
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The overview, which, typically, is not properly in focus. Sorry. The most distinguishing feature of this outfit is the grey outer robe, which is coat-like in that it is open at the front with no overlap of the lapels, but Song Lan wears it under the sash (similarily to Meng Yao and his Gusu robe, actually). The robe has a white or very light grey lining, seen here at the inside of the sleeve.
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The undergarments are black. Or, at least the shirt is, I have not found any screenshots where the underpants or the skirt would be visible (I am not even sure he is wearing a separate underskirt, but that would be the most likely assumption). The grey robe has turned lapels (a kind of shawl collar). There are no trimmings, but the lapels have three horisontal black stripes. I wonder if they are purely decorational, or if they have some further meaning?
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The light-coloured lining of the grey robe is nicely visible here. Judging by the rather slinky drape of the grey robe, here quite well visible at the wide sleeves, the fabric is rather thin and soft, even with the lining. There are three black decorative stripes also at the sleeves, at the wrist, on the inside (seen by the fingers of the left hand in the image above).
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The middle robe is black, and at least the front panels have a textured pattern, but the resolution of the images is not high enough to see it clearly. The lapels of the middle robe have narrow black trimming. I am assuming that the middle robe has narrow sleeves, but have not properly seen them.
The sash is black, comprising the same textured fabric as the middle robe bordered by non-textured black fabric. There is the typical knotted, decorative ribbon on top of the sash, in black.
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The sides of the grey robe have slits.
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And a slit also in the back. The decorative stripes at the sleeves of the robe are also visible here, at the right wrist. And Song Lan's black horsetail whisk, to compliment Xiao Xingchen's white one.
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The fabric of the grey robe also has a texture. Zooming in, it looks like the yarn might have slight variation in colour and thickness... Raw silk? Or perhaps even a mixture of fine wool and silk? Were mixtures like that used in old China? In unspecified, old fantasy China? Also, such a nice picture of Fuxue; I love the antique copper/bronze furnishings and the brown double tassels to go with them... A very distinctive sword 🤎.
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And talking about Fuxue, I just had to include this picture of the nice black and silver/grey brocade strap Song Lan uses to carry the sword. He'll still have the same one in Yi City.
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And to top off the look of a dignified Taoist priest, Song Lan's distinctive hair bun stabilised with a hair stick (Zan/簪) of some hardwood, or perhaps horn.
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ve1vetyoongi · 4 years
better with you | 02
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Chapters: index
Pairing: Seokjin x female reader
Genre: fake dating/arranged marriage!au, smut, angst, humour.
Word count: 18k
Summary: A part time job as a chef at Paradise Resort seems like the perfect way to spend your summer and save up some spare cash to open your own restaurant back home. That is until you cross paths with the CEO’s son who threatens to fire you if you don’t help him inherit his trust-fund-baby-fortune. How? By making you his fiancé. Well, his pretend fiancé at least.
Warnings: (mostly) fluffy smut, unprotected penetrative sex, handjobs, oral (f recieving), creampie, spanking, lots of pining hhhhhh.
A/N: HELLO omg it’s literally been so long since i updated this fic and let me tell you it was so fun to finally write for these characters again!!! thank u for everyone who has sent lovely asks about the first chapter and for waiting so long for the next one! ily and i hope ur all staying safe and well during these crazy times my honeybuns <3<3
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"Seokjin," You gasp. "N-not here."
Fingers toy with the hem of the expensive sequin dress you found wrapped up in tissue paper on your bed that morning, edging agonizingly closer to the damp throb between your legs that under normal circumstances would require immediate attention from Seokjin -- if only you weren't in the back seat of one of the Kim's private cars.
"Why not?" Seokjin mumbles against your neck, the way his plump lips nibble the lobe of your ear making you shiver. "I know you're wet for me. Nobody has to know if I just..."
His palm cups your heat brazenly, and you have to bite back a moan, cheeks flushing when Seokjin chuckles low and gravelly against your ear. Your arrangement as you've taken to calling it has been going on for a few weeks now, Seokjin dragging you along to family outings and fancy dinners as his fiance and rewarding you with sensual rendezvous and get-to-know-me time in between.
"I know you want it, sweetheart." He drags a finger down your panties and you whimper. "Just say the magic word, and I'll give it to you."
Oh god. You are so weak for his touch, and he knows it. The things Seokjin's tousled hair and cocky smirk make you feel should be illegal. Anyone would think you have the sex drive of a teenage boy, constantly eager to jump his bones just looking at him. But not now, not here. The windows might be tinted, but you are sure you spot the chauffeur's eyes drifting to the backseat in the rear view mirror.
"Sir," The driver coughs, eyes trained politely to the steering wheel. The car has stopped at some point, not that either of you noticed. "We have arrived."
Seokjin flashes you a satisfied look as his hand reluctantly slips out from beneath your skirt so he can fish around in his back pocket for his leather wallet, throwing a couple fifty dollar bills on the front seat as a tip. "Thanks, Pierre."
You're still busy straightening your skirt when the car door opens and a black-gloved hand helps you out onto the sidewalk. You can't help but blush ferociously when you meet the driver's knowing gaze, a smirk playing on his lips. "No problem, sir'"
"I'll take it from here." Seokjin nods to the driver and slips his elbow through yours. Pierre lifts his black cap, before getting back into his shiny Mercedes and whizzing off into the city traffic.
Your legs shake in your stilettos, partly because you're not used to walking in anything other than your beat up converse but mostly because of the reassuring smile Seokjin sends your when when he see's you glancing around nervously.
You're in a upper class part of town, the street lined with shiny black cabs and designer boutiques with French names you can't even pronounce. You can't help but feel out of place, like the eyes of every passerby see right through your immaculate rich facade and see you for the ordinary kitchen girl that you really are.
"Don't worry," He leans down, pressing his lips to your ear so only you can hear as he pretends to adjust your diamond necklace. At least you think its diamond...what would you know? "You look beautiful. Just relax."
A small smile plays on your lips. Beautiful. It makes your heart flutter like a butterfly between cupped palms, even though you know it shouldn't. That's been happening a lot lately, and you don't like how easily he can make you melt. Snap out of it!  You tell yourself.
Still, his reassurance makes you feel more at ease than before, and you straighten your shoulders with a new found confidence as Seokjin takes your hand in his, even if it is just for show. You have to make the fiance thing believable, after all.
"You still haven't told me where we're going." It's true -- Seokjin is good at keeping secrets. Probably because he knew that you'd say no to most of the crazy situations he seemed persistent on putting you in.
"Don't hate me," Seokjin eyes you carefully. You narrow your eyes, with a nod that says go on. "Hyejin wants us to go dress shopping."
"You bought me this new dress this morning?" You smooth down the front of the floaty summer dress that hugs your figure.
He coughs, eyes averting yours. "Wedding dress shopping."
That's when you come to a stop on the sidewalk outside of an elegant white-brick bazaar, eyes widening at the glaringly white dresses styled on mannequins that stare at you from behind the floor to ceiling windows.
Seoul Bridal - For All Your Wedding Dress Needs.
Your blood runs cold. Oh no.
You grip his hand tighter. "I'm going to kill you."
Seokjin is already pushing open the door with a chuckle that mingles with the tiny tinkling bell that rings out and announces your arrival. Too late to kick off your stiletto's and run.
"After you, sweetheart."
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"Welcome to Seoul Bridal," A pretty lady with curly hair in a striped pant suit welcomes you inside with a hand shake. Her name tag says Wheein, and you can't take your eyes off the red lipstick on her teeth. "It's nice to finally meet you, Seokjin."
"The pleasure is all mine," Seokjin responds, voice deep with a suave charm that makes the girls behind the reception desk giggle unashamedly. For some reason you have to resist sending a glare their way, not missing the way your chest burns when Seokjin flashes them a dazzling smile. "Hyejin said you had some ideas for Y/N's wedding dress?"
"Of course. We have everything ready. We just need to get some measurements first." She smiles at him courteously, then whips a tape measure out of her trouser pocket which she wastes no time in wrapping around your waist. "Arms up, please." She murmurs as she slides the glasses balanced on top of her head behind her ears so she can get a better measurement of your shoulder width. You send an eyeroll Seokjin's way when you hear him snort bemusedly at the sudden man handling.
While Wheein bites the cap off a pen with her teeth and scribbles down the size ratio of your waist to your hips for future reference, you finally get the chance to take in the boutique properly. The sweet scent from the bouquets of white roses all over the room fills the air and the walls are painted a blush pink to match the faux fur rugs. Streams of sunlight pour through the chiffon curtains making the racks of blindingly white wedding dresses of all sizes and designs glow invitingly.
"Which one am I trying on?" You ask absentmindedly, nodding towards the sea of satin and lace hanging delicately from pink hangers.
Wheein looks up confused, then her nose wrinkles with distaste."Oh, none of these darling. You deserve the very best." She starts walking quickly towards a back room, heels click clacking as she beckons you to follow her with a crook of her finger. "We received some luxury designs from two of our best designers in London and Milan just this morning -- oh! And it looks like the dress from Paris just arrived!"
She shuffles you and Seokjin into a private dressing room, seating you on an elegant couch upholstered with grey velvet. Seokjin picks up one of the gossip magazines on the coffee table and helps himself to the complimentary cupcakes, all while you wring your hands together nervously, Wheein emerging from the large closet with three white garment bags.
"Here they are! Oh, how exciting." She claps her hands together with a beaming grin in your direction. With a flick of her wrist she removes all three bags, revealing three of the most beautiful dresses you've ever seen. You must look dazzled, because Wheein crosses her arms triumphantly. "Hyejin knew you'd like them. Just wait until you see the veils..."
She disappears into another room, and you're left gawking at the garments set in front of you like a goldfish. Fingers trembling, you reach out and touch the first one. It has a giant poofy skirt, like something you imagine a princess would wear, and you imagine how it would float down the aisle like a real life cloud. The second is more slinky, with shiny beads littering the bodice that glint silver beneath the glow of the chandelier and the third is made from gorgeous lace that shows skin in all the right places.
"How much did these cost?" You hiss to Seokjin, ripping your hand away like your touch alone might burn a hole in the fabric.
"Hm?" He says through a mouthful of cake, eyes widening when he takes in the dresses for himself." Too much, probably. Hyejin went a little over board but honestly, these aren't as bad as I was expecting." Seokjin runs his hand over the lace one, and nods approvingly. "You should've seen the rejects. One had a trail longer than my monster coc-"
"I can't try on any of these!" You splutter, arms hugging your torso. They're too beautiful for someone like me, is what you want to say, but you don't. "I'll look dumb."
"Just do it." He leans back against the wall with a roll of his eyes. Like this is all nothing to him. "It's not like you actually have to get married in one of them."
Ouch. His words sting, even though you know they're true, and you're reminded of the real reason you came here in the first place. It makes your stomach turn, how he can go from the sort of sweet Seokjin you know when you're alone to the cold, arrogant rich guy in the drop of a hat.
You turn away so he doesn't see your frown, when you catch a glimpse of something white in the corner, poking out from beneath a dust sheet. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and before you can help it you're crossing the room and ripping the sheet away to reveal another dress; except this one makes something in your chest flutter.
It's simpler than the others. Tiny white roses are stitched into the sleeves, the neckline dipping into a V shape where the bouncy chiffon skirt meets the satin waistband. It's straight forward, uncomplicated. Just how you like it.
"Have you decided which one you want to try on first?" Wheein's shrill voice calls, but it's drowned out by the blood pumping through your ears.
"That one." You breathe, pointing at the dress that you can't help but reaching out to touch.
"That one? Are you sure, darling, I'm sure we can find something more fancy--"
"No!" It comes out too loud, and you cover it with a cough, turning to send her a pleading smile. "I mean, no, no thank you. This one, please. I want to try it on."
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"You know, when Hyejin told me Seokjin was finally getting married I just knew you would have to be something special." Wheein says once you're safely alone in the dressing room, away from prying eyes and mischievous ears. "Suck in."
"Hm?" It's all you manage to get out as you're strapped into a boned under-corset that feels like its trying to squeeze every last breath out of you. You're so close you can smell her floral perfume.
"It's just that I've had so many wedding dresses made that never made it to the aisle. Honestly I was starting to think Seokjin would never settle down..." She trails off, lip tugged between her teeth as she helps you step into the floaty white dress, tying the belt into a bow at your waist before stepping back to admire her handy work. "But now I see what made him change his mind. You make a beautiful couple."
"Oh." You realise she's looking at you, a blush creeping up your neck. "Right."
If only she knew the truth.
You start to turn towards the mirror, but she plants a hand on your shoulder hurriedly. "Nuh uh. No peeking yet." You feel your face drop. "Don't look so worried. It looks perfect. He's going love it."
"I...I have to show him? Now?" You shift uncomfortably. The shoes are rubbing your soles and the sleeves sort of itch. "Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress before the big day?" You ask sheepishly.
"This is just the rought blueprint," Wheein reassures. "It doesn't count."
"I..." Your voice breaks. The thought of Seokjin sat out there with his roaming eyes seeing you in this dress makes your stomach churn. "I'm nervous."
"Don't be. Save that for the big day." She bites her lip, stepping back to look you up and down like there's something missing. Her eyes light up, and she digs around in a leather trunk in the corner to retrieve a sparkly tiara which she tucks neatly into your hair. "There. Perfect. Now lets not keep him waiting, hm?"
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"Holy shit."
The words leave your mouth before you can think better of it.
Your reflection stares back at you, wide eyed and awe stricken, except it doesn't look like you at all.
The dress is beautiful. There's no denying it. It hugs your waist perfectly and the skirt waterfalls down to your ankles in just the right way. Wheein tugged your hair over your shoulders so the sweetheart neckline shows off just the right amount of collar bone, tiara sparkling beneath the soft light. A matching veil partially covers your face, and you've never felt more beautiful than you do now.
It's almost enough to make you want to believe that this is all real. That you're marrying Seokjin. That you get to walk down the aisle looking like...this.
"I don't see why I have to get all dressed up, Wheein, it's no big deal -- woah."
The door flies open, and your eyes snap up to meet Seokjin's in the mirror.
He has half of his seventh cupcake hanging out of his slackened mouth, his hair gelled back and tousled to reveal his forehead, and his piercing brown eyes that can't seem to decide where to look, glancing up over your exposed shoulders and down to your ass and back again, like he can't get enough.
He's lost his casual slacks from earlier, seemingly under Wheein's instruction, now clad in a black suit and matching shiny-toe'd shoes. His tie hangs slack around his neck, like he tugged it loose, and he fiddles awkwardly with his cuff links as he tries to get a grip over his roaming eyes.
"Y-Y/N you look--"
"Beautiful, right?" Wheein straightens his shirt, fastens his cuff links and knocks him beneath the chin to remind him to close his gawking mouth with a tut. He nods, speechless. "I'll leave you two to talk."
The door shuts behind her, and the room suddenly feels quieter than now you and Seokjin are alone, him on one side of the room, you on the other. You dare to meet his eyes and you find them staring straight at you, the glint that's usually there replaced with a wonder that's soft and gentle around the edges. You melt beneath his gaze.
He clears his throat, scratching a phantom itch at the back of his neck. It's the first time you've seen Seokjin seem sort of...awkward?
"C'mere." His voice is low, filled with something you can't quite put your finger on. "I want to see you."
You have to remember how to get your feet to work, hesitantly putting one in front of the other to cross the room. Seokjin stands with his palms clasped, a small smile playing on his lips as you close the space between you, and you swear you can hear the wedding bells already.
After what feels like ages, you stop a few paces away from him. He steps towards you carefully, flipping the veil out of your eyes like he's done it a million times before.
"Hey." You whisper. You don't know what else to say, but it makes Seokjin laugh and the sound makes your chest squeeze.
He looks dapper in his suit, like a real groom, and as he leans in closer, closer, until there's barely any distance between you, you can smell his cologne.
Your eyes fall shut instinctively. You almost swear when you open them there'll be a pastor and a pair of rings and Seokjin will be saying I do--
"You scrub up pretty well, huh?" His breath tickles your ear, and your eyes snap open to punch him in the chest playfully.
"I could say the same for you, mister."
A thumb grazes your jaw, tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. "Whoever gets to marry you is one lucky bastard."
The pounding in your chest is so loud you're sure the whole store can hear it. His lips are inches from yours, parted and plush. You've kissed them plenty of times before but only in the height of passion. Never like this. Not when his touch feels like a jolt of electricity running straight from his body and right into yours.
Just when you think he's going to give in and close the distance, he turns your face in his palm and plants a peck on your cheek. It's soft, careful. Like he's not really sure of it himself, his hand running through your hair before he takes a couple steps back with a shake of his head. Like he almost did something he shouldn't have.
"What time do you have to be at work?"
The question breaks you out of your trance. You realize he's staring at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. "Oh--not until this evening." You manage to choke out.
"Good. Then you're all mine for the afternoon." He grabs another cupcake from the stand and disappears behind one of the fitting room curtains. "Hurry and give the dress back to Wheein and I'll call Pierre to come pick us up."
"Where are we going?"
You hear him snort. "You'll see."
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"This is where you wanted to take me?"
The late afternoon sun sparkles on the surface of the Paradise lake like diamonds. It's peaceful here at this time of day, the gardeners already disappearing into the lounge for a late lunch, rows of pastel canoes tied up to the dock bobbing in time with the chirping birds.
"Well?" Seokjin huffs impatiently. He's stood in the hull of a dark blue canoe that he stole from the boat shed — or borrowed, as he put it, since everything here belongs to him anyway — hand extended towards you. "Aren't you getting in?"
You narrow your eyes and nod towards the sign that says NO BOATS ON THE LAKE AFTER 4PM in curly gold letters. "Isn't that breaking the rules?"
Seokjin raises a brow, jangling a set of keys. "I own this place remember? Besides, I stole the boat worker's keys so we can stay for as long as we want."
The breeze ruffles your skirt, a shiver running down your spine when you peer over the edge of the dock and see your sheepish reflection staring up at you from the water, rippling and watery around the edges. You never did like deep water, and the thought of getting in that rocking capsule of death makes your stomach churn.
"It looks cold," You point out, grimacing at the clear blue water. "What if we fall in? Do you even know how to steer this thing?"
Seokjin shoots you a look, like you just said the dumbest thing he's ever heard. "Pfft. Of course. I've been taking rowing lessons since I could toddle."
Of course he has. You roll your eyes. Rich kids, huh?
"Oh come on, it's fine!" He jumps up and down as if to demonstrate just how safe, but the boat just rocks manically side to side and he has to grab the dock to steady himself before he plunges straight into the lake. He flashes you a sheepish smile. "See?"
You cross your arms, unconvinced. "Yeah, I think I'll pass."
Seokjin slumps into the canoe with an exaggerated sigh. "Well goddamn, I'm sorry for wanting to do something nice. We don't get much alone time so I thought—" He waves his hand at you in frustration, starting to unravel the rope keeping the boat secured to the dock. "You know what, fuck it, I'll just go by myself—"
"Wait!" Something about the disappointed frown on his face makes you change your mind. Fuck it. "I'm getting in."
He pauses, and then his lips curve up into a small smile. Not his usual too-big-too-polite smile; the kind of smile you reserve for special moments. The glint in his eye is back, and if your legs weren't already jelly, they are now.
"I knew you couldn't resist me." He stands up and puffs out his chest, offering you his hand again, which you take this time.
"Don't be an idiot." You flush. "The lake just looks inviting today."
"Whatever you say, sweetheart." He chuckles, before his arm wraps around your waist so he can throw you over his shoulder and tip you into the canoe.
"Seokjin!" Your knuckles whiten with how hard you grip the edge of the boat that tilts left to right sickeningly with the impact of your limp body being man handled into the hull. "Be careful!"
"Okay, okay. Just sit back. Relax. Enjoy the view..." You wobble over to the wooden seat opposite him, grateful for the way the boat balances out on the surface of the water. "Let me take care of everything."
You have to admit the view is beautiful. Dangling your hand over the edge of the boat, you let your fingers swirl through the cool water, and listen to the hum of a speedboat nearby. The sun has turned the water a yellowish hue, like liquid gold.
When you look back up at Seokjin, the sight of his lightly perspiring skin glowing beneath the stream of light as he unties the left oar practically takes your breath away. You almost want to reach out and see what it would feel like to touch his cheek, run your hand down his chest where his flesh peeks out from the top of his dress shirt...
"Ah, shit!"
There's a light splash and you're snapped out of your trance, a pair of sheepish eyes staring back at you.
Yeah. Never mind.
Seokjin peers over the edge of the boat, watching as one of the oars floats into the middle of the lake. The canoe has already floated just out of reach of the dock, so without it you are stranded.
You let out a panicked groan. "I thought you knew how to steer this thing?"
"I do!" He grunts, a flush creeping up his neck. "Besides, I said I knew how, not that I was good at it."
He fumbles with the latch beneath his seat which opens to reveal a secret compartment, inside of which are a pair of life jackets, and, much to your relief, a spare oar.
"Aha! We're saved." Seokjin pulls it out and waves it at you with a look of satisfaction.
You roll your eyes and settle back into your seat as Seokjin grasps both oars and starts to row. "Wow, my hero."
"Don't thank me too hard." He snorts.
You shoot him a look, and he breaks into laughter, the sound melodic enough to have you joining in and before you know it you're both chortling uncontrollably. It feels easy, nice.
Your laughter dies out into a hazy giggle, and you shut your eyes, letting the sun caress your face.
"You're nothing like how I expected you to be, y'know."
Seokjin splashes you gently with the oar. "What did you expect?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Stuck up, selfish rich dude with an ego complex?" You snort, but Seokjin's chuckles have disappeared now. His brows are furrowed when you open your eyes, and you feel sort of bad for ruining the ease that had settled between you. You shift awkwardly. "Can you blame me?"
"Huh," The boat floats beneath the shade of a weeping willow, the scent of white blossoms and freshly cut grass filling your senses, and Seokjin hauls the oars into the boat so he can rest for a while. "You know, it pisses me off that everyone sees me that way. I don't want to be that guy."
"Why?" You're surprised by his honesty. There's a sincerity in his voice that you've never heard before.
"I just...I just try and fit in. To make everyone happy, I guess."
He avoids your gaze, looking out over the lake with his chin in his palm and his shoulders slumped. Your heart twists.
"If it helps, I don't see you as that guy anymore." You shrug. "When we first met I thought you were just like everyone else at Paradise. But you're...different from everyone around here. Nice. Underneath all the designer of course." That earns a snort from him. "Why do you hide that side of yourself?"
"You're hardly one to talk about hiding, kitchen girl." He crosses his legs and points a finger at you. "One minute you're calling me a douche and shooting arrows like an Olympian and the next you're getting all insecure when I call you pretty or something."
You feel a blush rise in your cheeks. Insecure? Is that how he sees you?
"Do not." You mumble.
"You act like you're so much better than me for being good, and then have a fit when I say something nice."
"Well, I never asked you to call me pretty. That wasn't part of the deal." You pick at an invisible piece of lint on your skirt. "I figured you were humouring me."
Seokjin's eyes turn serious. He leans forward, like he's about to take your hand or something but changes his mind.
"I know...that what we have is weird. I know I ask you for a lot, and we're supposed to be strictly friends with benefits but—" He sighs, trying to find the right words."I like spending time with you. Like this. Just us."
You feel giddy, suddenly shy beneath his gaze. "I do too."
"And I always mean what I say, Y/N." A breeze ruffles his hair, and he shoots you a grin. "Like I said earlier, whoever gets to call you theirs is one lucky bastard."
I'll be yours, you want to say, but you know it would be futile; someone like Seokjin could never belong to you, and that's exactly why you don't belong here.
"Oh shit."
Before you can respond, Seokjin's expression is turning grave as you both watch with matching horror as the spare oar splashes into the lake.
"Please tell me there's another one underneath there." You nod towards the storage compartment with wide eyes.
"Nope." He scratches his neck awkwardly and shrugs."That was our only one."
"Then shouldn't we call for help or something?!"
"No, I have an idea. You lean over the edge and I'll hold your legs."
"Me?! Why can't you do it."
"Because I'm heavier, duh? I'll tip the boat." He links his fingers together pleadingly. "At least try, or else we'll be stuck out here all night!"
You cup your hand around your watch face to block the glaring sun. Your kitchen shift starts in forty five minutes and you can't afford to be late. Namjoon will certainly fire you on the spot.
"Fine!" You wobble to your feet and slide over to his side of the boat. "But you better not let go, or I'll kill you."
Seokjin salutes. "Scouts honour."
Before you can change your mind, Seokjin has both hands wrapped around your thighs and you're sent hurtling head first over the edge of the boat, face inches from the water's surface.
With a grunt you extend your arm, and your fingertips barely brush the oar, sending it further away.
"Fuck!" You call over your shoulder. Seokjin is red in the face with extortion, and you feel the boat rock as you lean further out. "I can't go any more or we'll tip!"
"Just a little more!" Seokjin yells back. "You've almost got it."
"Okay...almost..." You shift a little more and aha! The oar is just within your grasp! Until you hear a low buzzing coming from behind you, and you hear Seokjin yelp, his grip on your legs starting to slacken... "Jin? what are you doing?"
"Get off me!" He yells, letting go of you in favour of slapping something on his shoulder wildly, and before you can give him a piece of your mind the canoe loses its balance and tips upside down, sending the pair of you hurtling into the lake.
You manage to hold your breath before you go under. The water is an icy shock on such a warm summers day, your limbs flying into action and scrambling wildly until you break the surface and take a heaving breath.
Wiping the tendrils of dripping hair from your eyes, you glance around for Seokjin, but he's no where to be seen.
"Seokjin?" You call, panic evident in your voice. "Where are you?"
Bubbles appear on the surface of the water, and before you can let out a sigh of relief, a hand grabs your ankle and yanks you back under the water.
When you surface, choking and spluttering, you're beneath the cover of the upturned canoe. Seokjin grins at you, whole and in one piece and perfectly alive, and you can't help but feel pranked.
"Hey, sweetheart." He drawls, running his fingers through his soaking hair. The shadow of the rippling water reflects on the underside of the canoe, turning his skin a pale blue. "Fancy seeing you here."
"Seokjin!" You yell and he jumps when you start splashing him wildly. "What the fuck was that?"
He shields his face with his hands."It was a bee! I'm allergic."
"So? I was hanging out of a fucking canoe!"
"Oops." He's chortling now, and it echoes beneath the canoe. "Did I let go?"
You splash him again, and he grabs your hands with his to stop you from sending another tsunami his way. His palms are warm compared to your clammy ones and his eyes are watching you fondly, but that just pisses you off even more. "Okay! Okay! I get it, I'm sorry okay?"
"You idiot! Now I'm all wet and I'm totally going to smell like trout at work and—"
"Just shut up for a second would you?" A hand brushes the tangles of wet hair from your cheek, and before you know it a pair of plump lips are crashing against your own.
You're surprised at first, but there's something so tender in the way his hand cups your chin to pull you closer, how his arm curls around your waist, and before you know it you're grabbing him by the collar and kissing him back wildly like the world is ending and you're the last two people on earth.
"You're kinda cute when you're mad." Is what Seokjin whispers against your lips when he pulls back, out of breath.
"Oh." You breathe, a smile beginning to play on your lips. "Okay."
It's like you're in your own little bubble. Just Seokjin and you. You and Seokjin.
Until it bursts.
"Holy shit! Are you guys okay?" The sun is glaringly bright when the canoe is ripped away from your heads, and you have to squint through your fingers to see the figure swimming towards you.
"M-mr Kim?"
Seokjin jumps back from your body at the sound of his title, his hand letting go of your wrist. It falls into the water limply.
"That's me." He coughs, straightening his tie, like he isn't soaking wet and it's somehow going to make him look more professional.
"I didn't know you were rowing today..." Your eyes focus, and you instantly recognise Taehyung, the Paradise lifeguard. You have met a couple times at staff meetings.
Shit. You turn your face to the side, and hope he won't look to closely.
"I wasn't." Seokjin deadpans, gesturing to his soaking appearance. "Y/N and I thought we would go for a swim."
"I— oh." You muffle a chuckle at Seokjin's sarcasm and the wide eyes of the life guard who seems utterly stunned.
It doesn't seem so funny when he turns to you suddenly, eyes scrutinising, and offers you his elbow.
"Here take my arm, we have to get you two dry."
You glance at Seokjin carefully, but he just nods for you to go ahead, so you take Taehyung's arm and let him pull you back to the dock, Seokjin leisurely kicking on his back behind you like he doesn't have a care in the world.
Once you're safely on dry land, Taehyung disappears into the boat shed before returning with a pair of towels which he drapes around your shoulders with a concerned look.
"Take these. You aren't hurt, miss?"
"No." Seokjin answers for you with a roll of his eyes. There's a bite in his tone. Is he...jealous?
"Good, this is why we say no boats after 4..." Taehyung sends Seokjin a stern look, and you feel the tension rise when he just clicks his tongue in response. "I should really report this to my supervisor."
"We won't do it again," Seokjin's eyes bulge when you grab Taehyung's forearm. The lifeguard seems surprised himself, looking you in the eyes for the first time. You turn on a sickly sweet tone and bat your lashes. "We can keep this between us, hm?"
"I...I suppose so." Taehyung coughs, but then his eyes narrow. "Hold on a second. Do I know you from somewhere?"
Your mouth turns dry. "I..."
"No!" Seokjin jumps in between you, wrapping a protective arm around your shoulder. "She's not from around here."
His face has turned a deep shade of red, and you can feel his heart beating rapidly against your back. Anyone would think he was embarrassed. Then again, what did you expect? You are just a kitchen girl after all.
You nod slowly. He sighs with relief. "No. We've never met."
Taehyung scratches his chin, stepping back to get a better look at you. "It's just you look super familiar..."
"We have to be going now!" Seokjin stands up suddenly and grabs you by the hand. He squeezes extra tight, swinging your interlocked fingers where Taehyung can clearly see them. "Thanks, uh...Taehyung?"
"My pleasure, Mr. Kim." The lifeguard looks startled by Seokjin's sudden departure, but steps back to let you pass. "Be careful next time okay?"
"Yup, we will kid."
"Thanks!" You call over your shoulder, as Seokjin is already dragging you away from the lake and up the steps to the grand veranda that lines the resort.
"Thanks?" He rolls his eyes. "Y/N, the lake is like a foot deep, it's not like we were gonna drown."
"He was nice..." You bump his shoulder playfully. "Why? You jealous?"
His cheeks flush pink. "No! Of course not, I just...didn't like the way he looked at you."
You reach the top of the steps, and Seokjin slows down to a leisurely walk once he's in the clear. From here you can see the whole of the resort, sprawling greenery and luxury living in all its glory.
"Speaking of, that was a close one." You laugh. "He totally almost recognised me."
"Yeah." Seokjin laughs too, but then his face drops. "You're right. That was close."
He stops, and turns towards you. His hand drops to your waist, lifting you up so you're sat on the balcony's edge, and then his mouth is capturing yours once again.
This time something feels different. It's desperate, but timid. Passionate but broken. It leaves you breathless.
He pulls away first.
"Jin, what just happened—"
"I..." He swallows thickly and looks away. "I shouldn't have done that. I've gotta go. I'm sorry."
It's then, as he turns and hurries down the back staircase towards the plaza and leaves you all alone on the veranda, that you realise you had never let go of his hand, not even for a second.
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"I had fun tonight." Seokjin says as he drops you off at the Paradise gates after an evening spent perusing high fashion wedding venue magazines with Hyejin over tea and finger sandwiches. "Hyejin looked like she was on the verge of a stroke when I suggested walking down the aisle to The Thong Song."
Seokjin boasts a simple T-shirt and tailored pants tonight, the turtle neck draped over his shoulder unnecessary on such a warm and sticky summer night blessed by the lingering caress of the day's blazing sun. The drive slopes downwards, Seokjin's angular shadow a contrast against the twinkling lights that blur Paradise into a picturesque backdrop of pristine white brick, and a warmth spreads through your chest as he beams at you.
"I thought it was a fine choice," You muse, suppressing a giggle when you think back to the way Hyejin dropped her teacup at Seokjin's suggestion, eye twitching in disgust. "We're not even engaged yet and she already has our entire wedding planned out."
Oops. Seokjin stiffens. Your laughter comes to an abrupt stop, face reddening with embarrassment at your slip up. Of course you aren't engaged. You never will be. At least not to each other.
He's been weird like that, lately. Ever since that day at the lake when he left abruptly, seemingly shaken up, you've been walking on egg shells around him. One wrong word could send him flying away with that same scared look in his eye. And honestly, you still don't understand why.
All you know is that things have been different since you almost got caught at the lake. Sure, you've continued to hook up like normal, but Seokjin seems to be making a conscious effort to be more distant around you. You haven't talked about what happened that afternoon on the veranda, but it's clear something did; Seokjin hasn't kissed you since.
If Seokjin notices your poor word choice, he doesn't mention it. "Pretty sure she has my entire life planned out too." He murmurs almost bitterly, despite his face boasting a smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes. You figure it's better not to press him further.
He walks beside you to the end of the drive in a relative silence that feels all too loud — not awkward per se but filled with a definite unspoken tension that has you hiding behind your hair, eyes trained to the ground because you don't know how you are supposed to look at Seokjin when it was just you and him.
Moments like this, not heightened by passion or under the watchful eyes of his family are rarities. You take a deep breath and try to savour the taste of geraniums which lingers in the air from the gardens and the closest thing to normal you have ever experienced around Seokjin.
Despite the the emotional distance Seokjin seems intent on keeping in place, every physical step seems to edge you closer to him, eyes trained to the way his shoes sidestep until you are practically shoulder to shoulder. Seokjin doesn't so much as look at you as he does so and you are content to think he is too deep in his own thoughts to notice the way your bodies cling to each other like magnets, until the tips of his fingers brush against your palm in a delicate touch that may have been perceived as intimate had he not ripped it away with a pained expression, like he touched an electric fence or something.
You have admit that you felt it too. The spark as they describe it in romance movies. It was more of a tingle really, warm and fuzzy as it fizzed all the way from your hand to a spot in your chest suspiciously close to your heart that was beating a little faster now as you imagine how it would feel if he took your hand in his.
Except he doesn't. And when you glance up at him he is no longer engaged with his own thoughts but rather staring at you with a questioning look, brows slightly furrowed, and embarrassment replaces the fuzz in your veins when you consider for a moment that perhaps he was reading your mind and the completely inappropriate thoughts for a fake bride to have for her fake husband along with it.
The flush that caresses your cheeks is nearly as vibrant as the rose bushes which line the drive, perfectly pruned and as beautiful beneath lantern light as they are in the day and a perfect reminder of your embarrassment as you create a relative distance between your body and his. That way you were sure you could keep your hands - and your thoughts - strictly to yourself.
Far too quickly you find yourself turning the corner onto the street where you always part ways, the stoney gravel evening out into the same boring old scuffed concrete that winds through the entire city, a clear indication that you were leaving behind the Paradise grounds and entering the not so pristine visual of reality.
Usually you were glad to be on your way, sick of talking about neck lines and lace types and the way your shoulders ached from nodding politely at people who got wine drunk on weekdays but tonight you feel like you could keep walking with Seokjin forever in this strange bubble of unspoken words.
But you know as soon as he stops dead beside you that the bubble has already burst, floating away just out of your grasp like the false reality you live at Paradise.
"I'll be going then." It's quiet out here, not a trace of the music from Jazz night at the bar or the laughter of couples crossing the plaza to their suites after a few too many Chardonnays. Seokjin opens his mouth and then closes it again while you fidget awkwardly. "Thanks for a good night."
The way you say it sounds like he took you on a real date, one that you were supposed to thank him for. It's too late by the time you realize that a boundary has been overstepped when Seokjin doesn't return the genuine smile you shoot him as you turn to leave.
"Wait!" The click of your shoes against the sidewalk halts at the serious husk in his tone, jarringly loud against the silence. "I need to ask you something."
His face is partially lit by the street lamp you find yourself beneath, casting half of his face in a golden glow that emphasizes the shadow of his lashes against his cheeks when he closes his eyes, as if to briefly collect his words.
Despite your better judgement, probably blinded by the normality you had fallen into, you press him further. "What is it?"
"Listen Y/N..." Seokjin scratches the back of his neck and you shift awkwardly in front of him, chest suddenly tightening with a niggling dread. "You haven't told anyone about us have you?"
"Us?" Your eyes widen. Since when did Seokjin start referring to you as a pair? You tilt your head quizzically. "I mean, your sister and your parents know —
"No, I mean the things that we...do in private." The summer evening suddenly turns chilly. Seokjin must notice when your face drops, the way you hug your arms to try and keep hold of the warmth that had practically singed each of your nerve endings just a moment ago.
"Things?" You splutter. "Is that all they are to you?"
You can't help it. The way Seokjin talks when you are intimate, the way he kissed you so desperately that day on the veranda -- it made it feel like those moments meant more to him. He was damn convincing - when he told you that he wanted you, you believed him - and you can't help but feel cheated.
Seokjin's brow simply furrows, flummoxed by your sudden outburst. "Yeah, I mean we had an agreement — isn't that all they are to you?"
An agreement.
The way he says it sounds like your relationship is strictly business. As if he's paying you for a service - which, in his own way, you suppose he is. Sure, you knew he wasn't really going to fall in love with you in the way he told his family he loved you but you thought he at least felt something — no, you were sure he had at the lake. Maybe you were just confusing pleasure with intimacy.
Still, the way his finger points at you accusingly makes a hot rage rise in your chest but you simply take a shaky breath and plaster the closest thing to a grin on your features as you can muster.
"Of course they are." The sweetness in your voice is a little too forced, but it goes unnoticed on Seokjin who lets out a sigh of relief. "None of this means anything. I know that."
"Good. Then we're on the same page..." He still looks slightly unconvinced - you can just make out the way he narrows his eyes doubtfully in the dim light - but he doesn't have time to press further before a black car rolls into the drive and he clasps your wrist to pull you across the paving and into the shadows. "Watch out!"
Seokjin suddenly yanks you closer to him, your chest nearly pressed up to his. You almost mumble a thanks, idiotic enough to think that his only motive is to prevent you getting flattened by a Mercedes Benz nearly invisible in the night if not for the crunch of tyres against gravel.
But then you feel his breath hitch when he catches a glimpse of your white kitchen uniform reflected in one of the tinted car windows, sending a salute towards the security guard in the drivers seat with fingers crossed behind his back, and you silently condemn yourself for thinking he cared about anything other than his reputation even for a second. You go numb.
You look between your bodies where your hand dangles limply in his grasp. Just a moment ago you were envisioning how it would feel for him to hold your hand in his, the way his skin brushed yours enough to give you shivers. Now it just made the hollow ache in your chest throb with a cold emptiness.
Seokjin strains his neck, only releasing you from his hold when the glow of headlights disappears around a corner and you are smothered by darkness again.
Seokjin's sigh of relief stings. The words never leave his lips but you can tell what he was thinking. Phew, now I don't have to explain why I, almighty Kim Seokjin, was conversing with a staff member after hours. Lucky escape!
A smile appears on his face, as if you were supposed to share his relief. "So, same time tomorrow?"
You feel yourself stagger away from him in shock. Seokjin is many things but you didn't think he was heartless. It's enough to send you over the edge.
"Clearly we are not on the same page." You spit. "Actually, you know what? No. I'm busy tomorrow."
Seokjin scoffs, running a hand through his hair. "Doing what?"
"I have things to do." Your emphasis on the word makes his eyes widen,
"Oh great!" He barely raised his voice before glances behind him warily, making sure there was no one around to see him getting heated. When he turns back his voice is nothing but a harsh whisper. "And what do you expect me to tell my family, huh?"
"Tell them that your fiancé to be had to go do the job they actually pay her to do." The way he laughs breathily makes your fists clench at your sides as you turn on your heels and stalk down the street before he can see the way your face reddens with a combination of hurt and anger, though not before you are calling over your shoulder despite knowing it would only fuel the fire. "Unless you're too embarrassed to tell them who I really am."
"You don't seem to mind when you're cashing in your favours." He calls after you, hands on hips with a bitterness lacing his voice that makes your heart twist painfully.
You hear the way your pulse quickens, the lump in your throat growing bigger and bigger as you stop dead. "What?"
"Y/N, I didn't mean that I —"
"So that's what this is? You are embarrassed of me?" Your voice raises incredulously.  "Is that why you've been so weird with me since Taehyung almost recognised me at the lake? You're scared someone will snitch on you to your rich friends?"
"No, I--"
"No what, Jin?" You let out a hollow laugh. "I thought I meant more to you than that."
Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's just you and I...we could never be anything more, you know that right? I don't want you to get the wrong idea. We don't come from the same background and it would be..." He pauses. "Inappropriate."
"It's too late, anyway. Forget I said anything." Tears streak your cheeks hotly and you hide behind your hair, determined to hide your weakness from him. "This was a mistake."
You start to walk away, but then you're running, as fast as you can away from Paradise and all the hurt. The sound of Seokjin's tennis shoes hitting the concrete picks up as he follows you down the path, calling your name, and for a moment you think he's going to comfort you. Tell you that he was sorry and that none of this was meaningless to him after all.
But he doesn't.
"I'll text you!" Is the last thing he calls before you disappear around the corner out of sight. You want to sneak a look over your shoulder, see him standing there at the end of the street beneath the street light.
Instead you resist, letting the bitterness pooling in your stomach rise up and burn your throat like bile. "Don't bother!"
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Either he listened or he didn't mean it when he said he would text you.
The anger that ran hot through your bloodstream after your fight with Seokjin has faded to nothing but an indescribable emptiness and regret.
You haven't heard from him in three days. That is a long time where Seokjin is concerned and completely out of character.
Even on normal days, when you had a day off from pretending to be his fiancé, Seokjin would find a way to make you laugh by sending you a low angle selfie from the dinner table at one of his father's business conferences or a cheeky message to let you know he'd just seen you walk past the golf court wearing the red sundress that he liked.
You couldn't remember when Seokjin became a normal part of your day. Just like brushing your teeth or washing your hair, you had become almost expectant of a vibration against your thigh at work or the ping! of your ringtone before you went to sleep or even a heated make out behind the restaurant when you just couldn't wait any longer.
So when it all suddenly came to a stop, you were sure you were going crazy. All you were left with was a feeling of emptiness, as if something vital was missing.
It wasn't even as if he owed you anything, not really - it was true that the romance wasn't real and even the sex was just sex to him; but at some point you had to admit you had crossed some kind of invisible barrier. In between lying to his family, public "dates" flavoured by champagne and hanging off his forearm at celebratory cocktail parties, you and Seokjin had become friends.
(Sort of. If you ignored the parts where his lips made you lose your breath or the night's that ended with his head between your legs.)
So god forbid you expected something from him after your fight the other night. A sign that he cared, if even a little bit. An apology for the way he'd deliberately tried to hurt you.
That's how you find yourself checking your phone anxiously on your kitchen shift breaks, refreshing your inbox obsessively and trying to ignore the heaviness weighing down your chest with each passing hour without even so much as one of the cheesy emojis he used way too frequently to be ironic lighting up your screen.
He even stopped dropping by the restaurant under the guise of a casual lunch like he usually did. You found yourself on edge, breath fogging up the glass of the window with your disappointment every time you heard the door zip open and you rushed to greet him, only to be met with someone utterly not Kim Seokjin.
You thought you saw his broad figure dipping into one of the other restaurants across the plaza instead one afternoon as you left work and you couldn't help but wonder if he shamelessly flirted with the kitchen staff there, too.
It hurts knowing that it was so easy for him to cut you out of his life completely when he had become such a constant part of yours. It hurts knowing that he probably wasn't even thinking of you when he was the only thing on your mind.
And to make matters worse, it seems that the tight smiles and vacant nods you shoot Jimin as he divulges the latest and greatest Paradise gossip he overheard while serving at some fancy dinner party last night didn't do a good job at hiding the melancholy gloom which hangs over your head.
He's still talking as you swipe your cards to check out of work, charmingly holding the door ajar for you to slip outside the restaurant where you told Jungkook you'd wait for him to join you.
The air is cooler than expected against your face, the first time that summer where the sky is covered by splotches of grey cloud that refuse to let any blue peek through like an ugly patchwork quilt that mirrors your ugly mood.
"Y/N, didn't your hear me? Mr Kim's wife literally grabbed him by the balls and threw him out of the building when she caught him cheating with the waitress — wait, are you okay?"
Jimin is already half way down the limestone stairs, too caught up in his own dramatic storytelling to notice the way you stand rigid at the top. The phone in your palm is lit up with the same three words that have haunted you all day — NO NEW MESSAGES — but Jimin's question breaks your trance for a moment.
"Huh? No, I'm fine." You assure, slipping the device into your back pocket, swallowing thickly and mustering up a watery smile you hope will appease him before he can ask any more questions.
It doesn't work.
"You've been acting weird all day." Your legs feel wobbly as you close the distance between you, like the very foundations of your body are beginning to give in to the weight that has set up camp in your chest no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
"I have?" Jimin is peering at you with narrowed eyes, not malicious necessarily but inquisitive. They narrow further when you sigh shakily, averting your gaze to the shirtless gardener who mows the green lawns that spread out as far as the eye can see into perfect lines, counting the distant rose bushes as a distraction from the impending tears that have begun to well. "I don't want to talk about it."
Jimin throws an arm around your shoulder a little too roughly to be comforting, following your stagnant gaze. "Damn he's kinda cute." The lack of witty remark from you when he lands a jokey punch to your shoulder seems to finally perk Jimin's attention. "Tell me, are you and Mr Kim Seokjin having trouble in Paradise?"
Jimin lets out a snort at his own pun before he spots the sullen look on your face, covering his impending chuckle with a cough and releasing you from his grasp to sling his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "Oh shit, really?"
You simply sniff in response, allowing that to be confirmation enough, slumping down onto the grand staircase and letting your face fall into your hands.
Jimin plonks down beside you, sidling up until your knees touch, the simple act of comfort making the tears that had been threatening to emerge all day prick hotly at the corners of your eyes.
"I messed up, Jimin." Your voice is muffled by your palms but that doesn't mask the way it wavers slightly, Jimin's hand immediately rubbing soothing circles into your back. "I think he's mad at me."
"Because I basically told him that I kind of have feelings for him—"
"You did what?" Jimin grabs you by the elbow, alerting the atention of a guy in a velour tuxedo leaving the restaurant who gives the hot tears staining your cheeks a funny look. "Hold up, go back. You have feelings for Seokjin?"
Even with vision blurred by tears you can see the wide eyed expression on Jimin's face. You cross your arms in a pout. "Well you don't need to say it like that."
"Like what?"
"Like the idea is completely crazy or something."
Jimin runs an exasperated hand through his hair. "So you mean the truth?"
It isn't the way he says it so much as the realisation that he is right that stings. You bow your head, a few silent tears rolling down your cheeks until you can taste their saltiness. "I know, I know. I'm not good enough for a person like him, I was stupid—"
Jimin shakes his head gently, placing his palms firmly on both of your shoulders and forcing you to face him head on. "Listen up because I'm about to serve you a cup of piping hot real shit, okay?"
You wipe your nose noisily on your sleeve, giving him a curt nod. "Okay."
"The reason you and Seokjin will never work out has nothing to do with you so I won't accept any of that mopey shit." Jimin shakes you vigorously as if he is knocking some sense into you, and you offer him a tearful giggle. "Truth is, Seokjin can't see a good thing when he has it because there is no room in his rich ass heart for anything other than money and his reputation."
"No buts!" Jimin shucks up his sleeves until they cover his hands like paws, using the fabric to dab away your tears, unphased by the growing damp spots on both of his cuffs. "The sooner you realise that Seokjin's issues are not your issues the better."
Your tears are dry now. You're pretty sure Jimin's pep talk ended your momentary wobble but your voice still sounds slightly hoarse when you speak. "It just felt like more when we...you know..." You wave your hands around wildly hoping Jimin will fill in the blank, which he does with a click of his tongue.
"Then you need to stop sleeping with him immediately."
"You know what I think?" Jimin links his arm with yours, pulling you alongside him. "I think that you're confusing intimacy with actual feelings."
Maybe he's right. It's natural for emotions to be heightened when Seokjin is making you literally fall apart beneath him, probably for him too which would explain the intimate things he had said. Perhaps all this time you were just confusing loving the way he made you feel for loving...him. After all, you had always thought the regular Seokjin was kind of an asshat at times. Of course you didn't have feelings for him!
"You know what? I think you're right." Jimin raises his eyebrows in surprise, as if he was expecting you to be harder to win around. You slap a palm to your forehead. "I can't believe I actually thought I caught feelings for him for a second."
"Happens to the best of us." Jimin grins. "If I was getting dicked down by that beautiful god of a man then I'd want to have his babies too. Imagine how cute they'd be..."
"Jimin!" You smack him playfully before leaning across to rest your head on his shoulder, his chuckles vibrating against your cheek. "You just basically told me he's an asshole."
"And I stand by that!" He defends, letting his own cheek rest against your hair. "But you can't deny that he is fucking inhumanely gorgeous..."
"Are we talking about Kim Seokjin again?" A dry voice appears somewhere behind, making you jump and pause your laughter. A glance over your shoulder reveals none other than Jungkook, arms crossed and a sullen vibe emanating from the way his thick brows furrow so deeply they almost connect. Come to think of it, he always seems to be moody where Seokjin is involved. Huh.
"Why? Are you gonna try and tell me that he's not that buff again?" Jimin scoffed, stiffening ever so slightly beside you and refusing to even glance in Jungkook's direction.
"No, I just don't see why we have to always talk about him." Jungkook puffs, blowing his bangs out of his eyes bitterly. "Besides, I just saw him outside the kitchen and his body isn't that good. I'd hardly say 'sculpted'."
Huh? Seokjin? Outside the kitchen...
Neither of the boys seem to share your bewilderment, launching into a spat heavy with a tension that had been building long before. "And what would you know, anyway?"
"I go to the gym!" Jungkook flexes his arm, earning a scoff from Jimin to which he frowns. "Look!"
"You saw Seokjin where?"  You breathe, butting into the squabble and drawing two startled looks when you jolt to your feet, wiping off the back of your leggings.
"O-outside the kitchen...why? I assumed he was waiting for you..." Jungkook is wide eyed, blinking with a lack of understanding considering his previous absence. Jimin has already wrapped his hand around your wrist to pin you in place.
"He is?" You nibble your lip.
You imagine him leaning up against the wall outside the kitchen, probably looking at his watch impatiently as he waits for your shift to finish. He never could wait for long so perhaps he'd even already left, storming off to go let his anger out in a game of extremely competitive table tennis with a retired CEO in the lounge.
But there's a chance he is still there and that he was waiting for you and even though every fibre of your being screams that it is a bad idea, you just want to see if it was true. If he really was thinking about you. If you'd misjudged him after all and a part of him did care.
"Y/N this is a bad idea." You're already bounding down the steps when Jimin tugs you back to offer a slice of reality. "Remember what we just talked about? Not catching feelings." He draws the last word out and wiggles his eyebrows which only makes Jungkook even more confused.
"It'll be fine Jimin," You brush him off though it sounds a little like you are pleading with him. Carefully dislodging your wrist from his grip, you plaster a reassuring smile to you face that doesn't seem to appease his anxious foot tapping. "I won't let him get inside my head. I'm not confused anymore, see?"
"Fine. Knock yourself out." Jimin steps back, gesturing for you to go forth which you do far too quickly for his liking, flashing him a thumbs up before turning your back and disappearing down the steps before he can protest any further. "But promise to call me immediately if you get horny feelings again!"
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The way your heart thumps in your chest as you speed walk around the building has to be unhealthy.
You slow down as you get closer to the corner that obscures the back of the restaurant from view, taking cover behind a bush pruned into a perfect ball.
There he is.
Your breath hitches. It's almost as if your brain tricked you into believing he was a figment of your imagination these past few days without him. Like you made the whole thing up. But no, here he is and he's breathing and he has blood pumping through him just like you and he's so real that it hits you like a freight train.
For the first time this evening, the sun pokes it's head out from behind the clouds, a small crack opening up in the sky that sends a stream of soft golden light cascading across him. And almost as if in unison, it feels like the light shines right through the Seokjin shaped cracks in your heart as you watch his eyes flutter shut at the kiss of warmth and his arms reach above his head to lean into the light in a leisurely stretch.
It almost feels like you are seeing him for the first time all over again.
If Seokjin didn't let out a sigh of impatience in exactly the way you imagined he would, shaking his head and throwing his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts in defeat, you would have been content to just watch from the sidelines like you promised Jimin you would.
Perhaps you wouldn't have rushed out from behind your camouflage of foliage, sending a garden gnome flying in a crash of broken china in your haste. And even more importantly, perhaps you wouldn't have found yourself calling out for him to stop.
"Seokjin!" Your voice sounds small but the word flies out before you can slap your hand over your mouth to keep it in. It's familiar on your tongue, like coming back home after a long trip, and you savour the taste.
Seokjin stills at the crunch of your shoes approaching him tentatively, shoulders squared as if weighing up his options - fight or flight? - and just as you think you are mistaken and he didn't want to see you after all, he's taking flight - straight towards you and drawing you into his arms in an uncomfortably tight bear hug.
His chest hits yours with a force that makes you literally lose your breath, hairs on your arms rising as you feel his warmth encapsulate you completely like a comforting blanket.
The sudden embrace stuns you to a shocked silence, arms pressed to your sides stiffly as he buries his nose in your hair and takes a deep inhale. Is Kim Seokjin smelling your hair?
You have to admit the scent of his cologne makes you giddy, a little woodier around the edges than you remember it to be which you put down to the still slightly sticky and sweaty gym clothes hugging his torso. Under normal circumstances you would've been grossed out but the heightened thump of your heart in your ears acts as an ample distraction.
For a moment you forget about Paradise and the argument and the door to the kitchen beside you that could open at any moment. It's just you and him again, and you're melting.
You could stay like this forever, if his grip didn't tighten considerably, as if he was trying to squeeze the breath straight out of you and hold that too, and you are pushing his chest away from your body with a cough. "Jin — can't breathe!"
Seokjin lets you go — reluctantly, settling for holding you at arms length instead — and you are sure you spot his neck flush at the nickname you used accidentally.
"Sorry." His gaze dips to your feet and then drags all the way back to your puzzled eyes as if he is taking all of you in, like you had changed since he last saw you or something as if that wasn't just three days before. A lazy smile appears on his face. "Missed you, that's all."
His words are slightly breathless and punctuated by a shake of his head as if he can't quite believe he's saying them either and the honesty is so unlike him it makes your chest ache.
"Then why didn't you call?" There's a snipe in your words that seems to jolt him out of his sunny disposition, mouth downturning into a frown, arms dropping from your shoulders and going limp at his sides instead as if he is coming to his senses. "You're the one that's been avoiding me."
His shoulders droop awkwardly. "I'm sorry."
"It just didn't make sense why you would stop talking to me—."
"No, not for avoiding you — well I am sorry for that," He explains. "I mean for the things I said. The other night."
You furrow your brows, stunned. "Why?"
"It was mean and...truthfully I couldn't face you because of it." He drags a hand down his face and presses his back to the wall in defeat, giving you a perfect view of the regret that makes his jaw tighten.
With a sigh you sidle up next to him, careful to leave enough space between you so that your arms don't touch. Deja vu masks the ordeal and you realise it's all too similar to the first time you met in this very spot, watching the very same plaza except today it's still bustling with life beneath the orange glow of the setting sun and you have to squint to see it clearly.
You clear your throat. "I thought it was because of the things I said. About us."
"No!" His exclamation is a little too quick, too loud, and he looks embarrassed, following it up with a gruff "Don't be stupid."
"Well don't worry. While you've been avoiding me I've had plenty of time to think it over and you were right after all."
His nose scrunches, a habit of his you've noticed before that gives him an air of innocence. "I was?"
"Yeah, I think I must have had a few too many glasses of champagne at dinner that night." Your laugh is hoarse with the effort it takes to force it past your lips. "I'm happy with our agreement how it is. You don't need to worry about me going all crazy on you again."
"That's...good." His adam's apple bobs. He seems unconvinced by his own words. "Good. I'm glad."
Then he smiles and your heart throbs so hard it could explode so you just smile back and join in with his nervous laughter.
"So we're okay?"
"We're okay."
There's nothing left to say; now it's clear where you both stand. So why is Seokjin opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish?
"Is that all you came here to talk about?"
His laughter stops, and then he coughs and puffs out his chest, returning somewhat to the cocky Seokjin you are used to.
"Actually I was thinking...it's getting kind of late. It would be bad mannered of me to let you walk home alone."
"Why? I always walk home alone?" Seokjin never seemed to possess the worry you can see in eyes before when he dropped you off outside the club and watched you disappear into the night multiple times a week.
"For protection. Just in case." He rolls his eyes, as if it should have been obvious.
"It's okay, I've got pepper spray in my bag plus it's like 5 PM—"
"No. Protection for me." He suddenly pleads. "My mind will start to wander if I go back to my apartment alone again."
Seokjin seems so serious you know you can't reject him now without your conscience taking a beating, so you choose to say nothing at all. You want to be there for him, but at the same time you know you're only going to get hurt. The toe of your shoe draws circles in the dirt. "I don't know what to say."
"How about you don't say anything and just come to my place instead?" Your neck snaps up. He's never invited you to his place before. It always seemed like an inappropriate boundary to cross considering you are hardly even friends let alone lovers. "That way we both win."
You smile and he seems relieved. "I guess, just for a little bit."
"Great! Think of this as you doing a favour for me."
"Again?" You roll your eyes teasingly.
"I repay you don't I?" He sees your face fall. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that—"
"I know." You butt in. "It's fine. Really."
A silence falls in the same way it did the night you fought and it seems neither of you know what to say next. Truthfully you're just glad he doesn't seem mad at you, his quiet company a familiarity that tells you nothing has changed between you.
That is until he leans in a little too close and his fingers brush your wrist. You swallow thickly and wait for him to push you away again, when you feel him hesitate.
This is supposed to be the part where he pushes you away again, looking at his hand in disgust or wiping it on the back of his pants like he touched something dirty.
Instead, he reaches between you to link his fingers carefully with yours. It's like you are suddenly filled with helium, at risk of floating away if the feeling of Seokjin's warmth beside you wasn't there holding you to the ground.
"Is this okay?" You ask with wide eyes, nodding down at where his slightly clammy palm smothers your own.
He nods. You melt.
"You were right, the other day." Seokjin squeezes your hand comfortingly. "I need to stop hiding how I really feel."
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You've never been to the residents part of the resort before. You never dared. But truthfully, by the time you realise you are walking not floating, you are already half way across the plaza.
Seokjin guides you around the circular fountain spitting water from the mouth of a cherub, carried by the breeze as a fine mist that feels cold and refreshing against your hot cheeks and marches you up a marble staircase to the resident lodge which rises up out of the ground like a beautiful half moon of white brick, stylish balconies decked with jacuzzis, chiffon curtains and a sea of people who fit Seokjin's class perfectly.
A tired looking doorman stands posted to the entrance and despite feeling Seokjin stiffen beside you, he never lets go of your hand. Not even when the doorman gives you a once over, an eyebrow raising at your casual attire.
You wait for Seokjin to force the doorman to sign an oath of secrecy when his eyes widen at your interlinked fingers, except the moment never comes. He simply rubs his thumb across your knuckles soothingly, striding straight past the doorman and holding the gilded door open for you to slip through himself.
You mumble a thanks, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding and hope Seokjin can't feel the way your heart thumps against your rib cage uncontrollably. For what reason you can't quite decide — is it because you're conditioned to fear getting caught with Seokjin or because he doesn't seem to care? 
Seokjin doesn't let go of you until he has to press the elevator button, and it feels ten degrees colder when he does. Your curious eyes take in the perfumed lobby, grand staircase winding upwards as far as the eye can see, lined with a carpet that's intricately embroidered with gold thread. Paintings line the walls which makes the place feel like some sort of museum and you half expect someone to ask you for an entry fee.
Then the elevator's ornate doors open with a ping you thought only existed in movies and Seokjin's hand is back and shuffling you into the elevator at the small of your back, refusing to leave even once you are inside.
The elevator is lined with polished mirrors and you do a double take when you make eye contact with your reflection, nearly reaching out and tapping the glass to check they are real and not the kind you find at a carnival that make everything look distorted. The way Seokjin pulls you closer to his side makes you look like any one of the other normal couples who frequent the resort, if you ignore the way your baggy cardigan contrasts his head to toe designer outfit.
Seokjin's too busy humming along to the classical music which crackles through the speakers overhead to notice the way your gaze travels to him. You know he wants to make you think that none of this affects him like it does you and his unbothered attitude would have worked had you not noticed the way his cheeks have a pinkish tinge, even in the dim yellow glow of the elevator.
The elevator opens, and you follow him down the hall only to find out Seokjin lives in one of the penthouses. You shouldn't be surprised but when he swipes a shiny key card and the lock beeps with a little green light that tells you the door is unlocked, you can't help the way your mouth gapes. Almost as if you were expecting it to flash red instead, denying you entrance and reminding you that you didn't belong in a place like this.
"Aren't you coming inside?" Seokjin has already crossed the threshold, wiping his polished shoes on the gaudy WELCOME mat inside while you stand awkwardly in the hallway, peeping through the crack of open door. You suddenly feel self conscious in your cardigan and leggings, as if you should've dressed up or something.
Seokjin seems to sense your hesitation, fingers finding your wrist with a smile. "You'll catch a cold out there."
He tugs and you don't resist, letting your feet follow him inside. "It's summer. And we're inside, Jin."
"Well how would I live with myself if I took the risk?" The click of the door locking echos from the high ceiling and you swallow thickly knowing there's no going back.
Inside, the suite looks like a luxury hotel room, like every last penny from the royal Mint had lived and died there.
It's open plan, the grand chandelier glimmering in the evening sun casting miniature rainbows across a living room consisting of pristinely white sofas sporting an array of throw cushions that look as though they have never been moved, collecting dust in the same way as the open magazine on the marble coffee table and the empty coffee mug beside it that look like they were placed there to create the illusion of the space being lived in.
Everything feels a little too pristine, a little too perfect like it materialised straight out of a furniture magazine.
The far wall is entirely glass, floor to ceiling windows looking out over a view of the entire resort; with a squint you can just make out the soft lights of the restaurant you know well, reflection shimmering like gold dust on the surface of the undisturbed public pool. An array of caddy boys on the golf courts collect stray balls and haul clubs back into the lodge and beyond that the vibrant gardens, a blur of pink roses and green hedges from where you stand but still a pleasant sight against the evenings pale blue sky.
Seokjin hums to himself as he flicks on all the lights, disappearing around a corner until you can't hear the click clack of his shoes against the tile anymore. You don't know if you are supposed to stay with knees knocking in the living room or if he was expecting you to follow him; but you presume the latter is true when his voice rings out into the room, jolting you from your shameless study of his living space.
"Have you eaten?" You shake your head in a silent no even though he can't see it, somehow managing to get your legs to carry you beneath a decorative arch and into the kitchen where Seokjin stands with his head ducked into a fancy looking fridge - even the most basic of appliances seem high tech, a touch pad visible on the front for what purpose you don't want to even ask. "I don't know about you but I'm famished."
"I was on my way to find something to eat when we — when you saw me, actually." The correction is quick but it makes your stomach feel funny. Since when did it start to feel normal to refer to you and Seokjin as a "we", as if you are anything but his accessory?
"Perfect." He emerges from the fridge with an armful of tupperware boxes balanced beneath his chin, foot kicking the door shut before he dumps the entire load onto the marble kitchen island that separates you from him.
"How about you stay for dinner?" He flashes you a small smile, corner of his mouth blowing the bangs out of his eyes, and your heart practically skips a beat.
It's just a formality surely, the polite thing to do. The Seokjin you knew was usually eager to get you out of his hair.
He is looking at you expectantly, your throat suddenly dry as you try to muster a response, an excuse. The word that immediately crosses your mind is no. This is dangerous and you know it. But then the bite in your stomach is back and despite knowing an I shouldn't be here in the first place would have been more appropriate, your lips betray you with a simple, "Yes." And the way that Seokjin's face lights up in surprise has every regret falling away as you relish in the knowledge that he is actually happy to have you.
"I thought I would have to bargain with you. You're usually stubborn with me." Shiny bar stools sit tucked beneath the little kitchen bar set up beside him, a few expensive looking champagne bottles littered across the surface. He pats one of the plush cushions in a gesture for you to sit which you graciously do, even as you scoff at his words and silently wonder why someone who lives alone needs so many seats.
"Because you're usually trying to get me to do something ridiculous." You chide. "And besides, I'm hungry."
"So you're just using me for my cooking skills, huh? I didn't think you were that kind of girl." Seokjin eyes you cheekily, hands fiddling with the dials on the stove with a pout. "How do you turn this thing on?"
You let out a sigh of mock despair, joining him at the counter and turning the knob until you hear a familiar click as the gas ignites, basking the kitchen in a blue glow. "If your 'skills' end with me getting food poisoning I'll never forgive you Kim Seokjin".
"I think I can handle a simple pasta dish," He retorts, but not before sending a pot from the utensil rack crashing to the ground with a clatter. "Maybe I spoke too soon." He picks up the appliance, holding it out to you sheepishly, a flush caressing his cheeks now.
You click your tongue but in no way maliciously, instinctively filling the pot with water and pulling open a few drawers in search of some other equipment. "Where do you keep the spoons?"
"Top drawer." You hear him call, settling himself into the askew stool you previously occupied, kicking his feet up onto the opposite stool and making you internally wince when the soles of his shoes settle on the white leather cushion. "Can I ask you something?"
Something in his voice changes, a seriousness that you aren't used to with him. In fact the only time you'd ever heard it was last week on the lake, when he admitted he felt like an outsider at Paradise.
You dump the pasta and lean against the counter to face him. "Sure."
"Do you think I'm an asshole?" He asks quietly.
You pause. "Sometimes." Eyes narrowed, you let out a sigh. "Why?"
"I'm sorry." Seokjin sounds small, and he wrings his hands together awkwardly. "For making you do all this for me, and then acting like a douche."
You push his feet off the stool and take a seat opposite him. Your mouth is dry, so you say nothing. He looks at you expectantly. Like he's hoping his apology will make up for the stinging hurt that still lingers in your chest every time you remember the look of shame in his eyes when he almost got caught talking to you at the gates. You flash him a sad smile, and he sighs when he realises it's not enough.
"God, I'm so fucking lame. What normal guy has to get a girl to pretend to be his fucking fiance?"
"What normal girl agrees to pretend? If you're lame then I'm just as bad." You chuckle, somewhat bitterly. "If you're so embarrassed by me, why don't you just tell your family? Then you won't have to worry someone will find out who I really am."
There's a sharpness to your words that makes Seokjin wince.
"It's not that I'm embarrassed of you! I'm...embarrassed of me."  Seokjin rushes. "I just can't tell them. It would break them if they knew we've been lying."
Oh. So all this time he wasn't afraid someone would find out your real identity...he was just worried about disappointing his family?
"I always knew I was going to marry some nice girl from upstate and take over Paradise one day," He continues. "But now it's actually happening and I'm realizing I'm not cut out for this."
His head falls into his palms, forehead creased. You can tell this has been weighing on his mind for a while, and part of you feels thrilled that he trusts you enough to confide in you.
"I want to be the man they want me to be but I don't know how much longer I can pretend."
You slide your hand over the counter and cover his. He looks up, surprised, when you give it a comforting squeeze.
"I think you're just scared." You whisper. "I know you Seokjin, and you'll be an incredible CEO."
He puffs out his chest. "Pfft, I'm not scared."
"You're scared you won't be as good of an owner as your dad." You say. "And you're scared that you won't love the girl who you marry like you're supposed to."
Seokjin falls quiet, like what you said hit a nerve. He frowns. "I know what it's like to love someone. And those other girls -- the ones my parent's tried to set me up with -- they were nice and all but... I didn't feel it with any of them."
"You can't force love." You offer him a sympathetic smile. "Sometimes it just pops up in the strangest of places. It just happens."
"You're right." He smiles back, and shakes his shoulders like a weight has been lifted. His eyes soften fondly. "Hey. How do you always seem to know exactly what to say?"
"One of my many talents,"You laugh as you instinctively start to dish up your meal. That's what working in a kitchen does to you. "Including making incredible pasta."
The smell of carbonara wafts through the kitchen, and he rubs his stomach gratefully.
"God I love you." Seokjin says breathily, threading his hands through his hair and looking at you in wonder.
"What?" You go slack, the metal spoon between your fingers hitting the ground with a tinny crash.
Seokjin blinks twice before rushing to cover up his mistake. "You know what I mean."
You do know. But a part of you wishes that you didn't know, that you could pretend that the words that spilled from Seokjin's lips were real and true and meant something.
Not that it matters anyway. You aren't in love. You are just pretending to be. So why does it feel like a ton of bricks smushed your heart when you realise this was probably the only time you would ever hear him say those words, even if he didn't mean them how you wished he would?
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth before it can start to wobble and bend to your knees to retrieve the spoon. Seokjin is already ahead of you, leaping out of his chair to grasp the metal at the exact same time.
A gasp passes your lips when his hand covers yours tightly, the contact accidental but enough to send tingles up your spine like it always does. Except this time, it seems he feels it too, because when you dare to look up he is staring at your almost interlocked hands in wonder.
"Is now a bad time to repay one of your favours?" His voice is hoarse.
Seokjin's fingers hook beneath your chin, tilting your head towards him so that he can press his lips against yours in a tentative kiss, swallowing your words in transit.
The kiss is slow and languid, the way he slots his plump bottom lip between yours making you melt instantly. His cheeks are warm and soft in your hands as you cup them, the action feeling just as natural as the warmth blossoming in your chest when Seokjin moves his mouth in time with your own with an impossible tenderness.
He sighs into your mouth like he'd been waiting forever to do this, and you feel a similar satisfaction, finally able to curb the craving for him that has been aching inside you since your last encounter when he left you standing alone on the veranda.
Seokjin's fingers trace up your arms tentatively, hairs raising wherever they touch, before tangling them in the hair at the base of your neck and pulling you ever deeper into the kiss, not just with pure desire like you were used to but with a yearning to hold you closer. For the first time you let yourself succumb to your senses, protective guard over your heart shattering as you get lost in the scent of his woody cologne and the roughness of his simultaneously pillowy lips.
By the time he pulls back you are already breathless and he is too, lips parted slightly, breath tickling your nose.
"Sorry." The curve of his lips tells you he didn't mean it. He wanted to kiss you. You melt. "'S cause I missed you, that's all"
"C'mere." With a breathy laugh you pull him closer to you again by the collar, mouths crashing together in a tangle of teeth and tongue this time that makes you burn with a hunger to commit every caress of his lips to memory, blood running hot as he tugs your bottom lip between his teeth like he wants to devour you right then and there. "I want you."
His hands search your body making you shudder, swell of your chest pressed to his as he slips his burning hot palms beneath your thighs to hoist you onto the kitchen island, uncaring when the spice rack rattles precariously. His lips never leave yours, tongue sweeping into your mouth in a way that has you panting for more, suddenly desperate to feel his warmth against you without the damn barrier of your leggings between you.
"Wanna take you right here so bad." Seokjin breaks away, eyes glazed over and slipping from your swollen lips momentarily to take in your quivering body, slotting himself between your welcoming legs. "God, you drive me crazy."
His hair tickles your cheek when he lets his face fall into the crook of your neck as if accepting defeat, his self control hanging by a thread in the same way as yours.
"Then take me." It's hushed whisper but it makes Seokjin groan, his hands rubbing flat circles into the tops of your thighs but never getting quite close enough to the ache that pulses between your legs, as though he can't trust himself.
"Don't want you to do something you'll regret." Seokjin sounds pained as he nips at your neck, lips sucking marks into the flesh obscenely while his tongue soothes the burn, your eyes squeezing shut at the sensation.
"I could never regret you." You stammer between quiet whimpers when his teeth attack the sensitive spot behind your ear and in that moment you believe every word. "I promise."
Seokjin leaves one last wet kiss to your jaw. "Open your eyes. Look at me." His hands tremble when they take your face between them and hold your already damp forehead against his. You obey, biting your lip when his own lustful eyes stare into yours with a gentleness. "Promise. You want this — me?"
Your heart throbs. "I promise."
"Then how could I refuse?" With a peck to your lips Seokjin hoists  you over his shoulder like you are weightless, blood rushing to your head as you come face to face with his butt.
"Let me down!" You laughed as he carries you through the apartment, pounding your fists against his back playfully. He only tightens his grip, landing a sharp smack to your ass that has you quieting down quickly. "Ow!"
"Don't pretend you didn't like it." His voice is muffled as he lets you down but you can still hear his smirk before he even comes into view. Your back lands on top of a plush mattress, silken sheets a welcome cold against your skin which still burns from Seokjin's touch. You manage to glance around the room briefly, taking in the elegant matching silk drapes and the luxe gold trimmed furniture which makes it feel like a hotel room you probably could not afford.
But then Seokjin is hovering over you again and the way his eyes darken as they rake across your body captures all your attention.
"I wouldn't mind if you did it again." You hum coyly, enjoying the way his pupils dilate as he swallows a groan. Seokjin grips your ankles and lands another slap to the flesh of your ass that has you panting and choking on your own smirk.
"Such a slut, hm?" Your knees fall apart instinctively as he leans over your body, leaving a few lingering kisses across the expanse of your chest that peeks out of the top of your tank top, all while your fingers find the hem of his gym t-shirt. "God I love your ass."
"I'll fuck it myself if you don't hurry up." The way your hips buck up give away your impatience, never quite meeting the painfully visible tent in his crotch and gaining the friction you so desperately search for. Your panties are soaked through and clinging uncomfortably to your dripping folds by now, the heat between your legs pulsing unbearably.
Seokjin chokes at your threat, eyes rolling back as he pictures the image you painted. "F-fuck, I'd love to but maybe another time." Your lithe fingers manage to get his shirt over his shoulders, throwing the garment somewhere behind him and sucking in a gasp when you take in Seokjin's naked torso beneath the warm glow of his bedside lamp, toned and slightly damp with anticipation. "Gotta take care of this cunt first, hm?"
His palm cups your mound obscenely through your leggings and you whine at the first contact you'd received all night, eager to have him touch you without the barrier of your clothing. "P-please." The way you twist your hips needily, trying to grind your throbbing clit against the heel of his palm makes him laugh lightly.
"Sit back, get comfy." He helps you slide up the bed, arranging a selection of tasseled throw cushions behind your head until he's satisfied you are adequately supported, kneeling between your legs to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and press a prolonged peck to your parted lips. "Want this to be good for you."
"It's always good for me." You assure, fingers trailing fleetingly down his chest and feeling him tense above you at the ticklish contact. Seokjin makes quick work of your top, leaving you quickly in just your bra which you graciously save him the trouble of undoing by snapping the clasp open yourself.
The way he gazes in awe at your bare chest makes you self conscious, hands coming to cover the flush that caresses your face until he rolls one of your hardened nipples and lets out a sigh in unison with your own when your hands fall away, unable to focus on anything other than the tingle of Seokjin's touch and your own shallow pants.
"You're so pretty." His words make your chest blossom with warmth and you arch into his touch, air cold against your hard buds until Seokjin takes one of them into the heat of his mouth and reduces you to a gasping mess beneath him.
As soon as he comes up for air you manage to wriggle your hands between your flush bodies, latching on to the waistband of his gym shorts and sliding them down his thighs along with his boxers as soon as you catch his nod of confirmation.
His cock springs free, hard and already leaking against his stomach. Seokjin hisses at the cold air against his length. You wrap your hand around his girth, lidded gaze watching the way his face twists with a pleasurable agony with each flick of your wrist. He's hot and heavy in your palm, impossibly hard and your entrance clenches when his cock pulses against your palm, forcing him to swallow a moan and stop his hips from thrusting into your hand. You are suddenly hyper aware of how empty you are, another bout of lust pooling in your stomach as you anticipate how good he would fill you up, length enough to stretch you out perfectly.
When your palm twists around the angry reddened tip he just about looses his mind, falling forward to grip your shoulder with a bruising grip, uncaring when a few choked groans spill into your ear. You take pride in the way he falls apart so easily until his large palm covers yours and halts your ministrations all together.
"Stop, fuck—" He squeezes his eyes shut, letting out a hiss as he tries to regain his control, length twitching and drooling against your bare stomach. "Nearly came, shit." Seokjin's chest heaves with laboured breaths, cheeks flushed as he grips the base of his length firmly.
"I'm that good huh?" The teasing tone makes his eyes snap up, the scarlet tint to his cheeks deepening.
"No — I mean yes — but mostly I've been imagining this for a while." He seems slightly sheepish and you find it cute, feeling a little pang in your heart when his nose scrunches with shyness at his confession. "Got too worked up too fast."
"Guess you don't want me to suck you off for a bit, then?" You ask almost hopefully, your heat growing ever wetter at the thought of his girth fucking your throat mercilessly.
"There's plenty of time for that, princess." The glint in his eye is the same as the one he had that day in the locker rooms, except this time you trust his words knowing that nothing could stop you coming back for more.
"Guess I'll have to save my skills for another day, then." Seokjin chuckles at the pout that graces your lips, swatting your hand away before it could stroke his length again. "Unless..."
"Brat." The shake of his head is affectionate.
"Don't pretend you don't like it." You echoe his earlier words and he rolls his eyes to your amusement.
He holds your gaze for a little too long, the way his eyes soften at the edges and his lips part cutely too intimate for you to deal with in the moment so you focus on the neglected ache between your legs instead.
You interrupt the moment before you let a piece of your heart flutter straight into his hands. "Hurry up and get inside me, idiot!"
"Okay, okay jeez!" Seokjin raises his hands defensively before he shuffles down the bed, eye level with your crotch.
You can't help the way you arch off the bed as he peels away your leggings, whining shamelessly when your swollen folds finally hit the air.
Soon enough you feel Seokjin's hot breath hovering over your slit, making your clit pulse even more desperately if that were possible. Before he could devour your heat like you wanted him to, you are reminded of his own self control. "'S not fair, is it?" You slur, head spinning with lust as he spreads your lips with his fingers, taking you in completely.
"Not going to eat you out this time, don't worry," The sight of him looking up at you with pleading eyes from between your legs, lips inches away from your clit, is enough to have the coil in your stomach tightening, sure you could cum just from the visual alone. "Just a taste?"
You nod, too breathless to speak, and he runs a flat stripe up your dripping slit, the contact enough to make your legs shake and your head fall back against the cushions. He places a single kiss to your clit which makes you quiver before he climbs back up so you are eye level. "Can't get enough of your pussy," Your breath mingles, his lips glistening with your arousal just inches from yours. "Could taste you forever."
"You can." You whisper.
His tongue traces your bottom lip languidly. You can taste yourself just barely on his lips. "I don't deserve you."
Seokjin supports himself on his forearms, hovering over your body and taking his cock in his palm to line it up with your entrance.
"Ready?" He scans your face for any concerns, any suggestion that you are having second thoughts. Even your small smile and the shameless twists of your hips as you tried to impale yourself on his cock wasn't enough to appease him, apparently. "Promise?"
The tenderness in his voice makes you lose your breath in a mixture of shock and warmth. This has to be a dream. "Promise."
Seokjin's lidded eyes light up and he finds your hand where it tugs on the sheets beside your bodies and carefully interlinks your fingers. The callouses on his fingers, the grooves of his palm and how it slots perfectly into yours is starting to feel familiar. You don't have time to dwell on whether the action was supposed to feel as romantic as it did before he's pushing the tip of his cock against your entrance which clenches with every inch until he bottoms out with a guttural groan of his own.
The slide is slow and languorous, allowing you to feel every ridge of his cock drag against your walls, the stretch burning a little as you tried to accommodate his girth.
"So fucking wet for me, huh?" It's true; you can feel your arousal dripping down your ass, his hips meeting yours with an audible squelch that was testament of his affect on you. You feel his cock twitch inside you, his nose scrunching as he resists slamming into you straight away to allow you to adjust. Instead he focuses on rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs into your hips, taking in your bare form with a fascination. "So fucking pretty underneath me like this."
"All for you." You manage to stutter between hard pants as he snaps his hips back until just the head of his cock remains at your entrance and you whine with the impossible emptiness. "I'm all yours."
"Promise me." It comes out as a command but it's tainted with a softness that makes your cheeks burn with more than just lust.
"I promise. I'm all yours."
That's all it takes to have him slamming back into you, hips meeting yours repeatedly with a loud slap which is almost drowned out by the soft moans that spill from his lips into the crook of your neck. He's more vocal than you were expecting and it drives you crazy.
"Fuck, I'm close." His breath hitches at your words, tongue snaking out to wet his lips as he shudders closer to his high. With a pained expression he pauses mid thrust, head barely inside you as he searches your face for answers with desperate eyes. "Where can I—"
"Inside me." You buck your hips, whimpering when he slides back into you to the hilt as if he can't help it. "Wanna feel you fill me up."
"Shit, okay." He stutters as your fingers move the bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead, his neck and shoulders glistening slightly in the deep glow of the room. "God, you're so tight."
By now you are clenching around him wildly, the heat between your legs getting hotter with every drag of his cock against your velvety walls. With his next thrust he hits your sweet spot deliciously, the mewl that leaves you alerting him of the fact and he watches with a dark amusement as your eyes roll back and you lose yourself to the feeling.
"Mmf — g-gonna cum." Seokjin's thumb rubs circles into your throbbing clit in time with his thrusts and the pressure is enough to have you falling over the edge, vision fading to black as Seokjin fucks you through your high.
"That's it, cum for me baby," He coaxes, thrusts turning sloppy as you feel him release inside you, the feeling of him coating your now sensitive walls almost too much. "S-shit."
You don't realise your eyes are squeezed shut until Seokjin's palm cups your chin, his face a picture of pure bliss when your lashes finally flutter open. There's barely any distance between your noses, his breath lightly tickling your parted lips and you're sure he can hear your heart thumping against your rib cage, loud in your ears as he closes the distance between you in a lazy kiss that feels indescribably intimate with him softening inside you.
"I don't deserve you." He says again, voice croaky this time. "You could do better than me."
"Shut up," His cheek presses to your chest, warm against your clammy skin. "Don't be silly."
"There's something I need to tell you..." He begins, cut off when you sit upright abruptly, eyes wide. "It's nothing bad. Well, it might be depends on how you respond. It's just that day on the lake, when I saw how Taehyung looked at you, and when I thought I lost you, it made me realise that I'm—"
"No, not that." You begin feeling around for your underwear. "I think the pasta boiled over!"
"Oh shit!" He joins your search for clothes, rolling onto his back beside you, though you don't miss the frown that appeared on his face. "Guess I can wait a little longer."
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Information on Amy.
(Be warned it's a ~little bit~ long, any other pieces of information you want to know I'll gladly answer if you ask.)
~General Information~
Fandom: Toy Story.
Name: Amy the Ragdoll.
Nickname, if any: Amy, Ames, and Doll-Face(usually by more villainous characters or used in a joking manner).
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: ??? (I mean I know the gender of who she has a crush on, but I'm unsure on what her actual sexuality should be tbh)
Age: Mentally, mid-twenties in the first story second movie, thirties to forties in the third and fourth. Physically, she doesn’t have an age, but in regards to when she was made (the 1950’s) makes her fifty to sixty.
City they currently live in: San Francisco, apparently that’s where Toy Story takes place.
Any pets: Would Rex count? He just follows her around like a nervous puppy.
Current occupation: I mean she’s practically a therapist, but she’s a toy and she only treats Rex so it probably doesn’t count lol
~Physical Appearance~
Height: 10 inches.
Body type: Stocky, but a bit gangly too, similar to Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Eye colour: Black.
Skin tone: Light.
Clothing style: Pale green/turquoise shirt with short puffed sleeves, with a denim dungaree dress with a daisy print in the centre over it. She wears yellow rain boots.
Hairstyle: No style, it’s just there. It’s messy and gets in her face easily and is made out of dark brown thin string.
Amy speaks quietly and politely, rambles a bit if left without a reply or under pressure, very nervous in front of intimidating characters.
First language: English.
Learned languages: A bit of Spanish (Ya’ll remember Toy Story 3!)
Accent: American.
Pitch of voice: High, but soft, not quite annoying, unless she’s stressed, then it gets very pitchy and shrill.
Amy tends to just stand there when she can’t find anything to do, and will immediately try to find Rex, Hamm, Buzz or Jessie if surrounded by strangers (Though she’s not sure if it’s for their comfort or her own) Amy is very polite.
Spending habits: She doesn’t like to be made a fuss of at all, the very fact of someone giving something to her is unnerving (even if the thing never costed anything at all) and she feels compelled to give the giver something in return.
Morning routine: She gets up same time as the others, but wishes she could stay in bed a bit longer though. Before she came to Andy’s room, her sleep pattern was all over the place.
Bedtime routine: Similar to above, now she goes to bed the same time as the others, but before she just slept and got up willy-nilly.
Nervous habits: Amy will try to find Rex if she’s nervous, and she’ll pretend it’s because she’s worried for him, which is quite true, but she also just feels most safe with him. Speaking of, Amy will let Rex hold her hand and squish it whenever he or Amy is nervous, it’s calming to the both of them.
Bad habits: Not a very good exerciser, but then again, she’s spend basically half her life in a small attic, so I’ll give her a break.
Skills/talents: She’ very logical, mind-over-matter, (mostly, very good at calming others down and/or convincing them. She’s very good at spelling and knows quite a lot of words, some of which others haven’t even heard of.
Hobbies: Reading, talking (especially with Rex, Jessie or Hamm), and generally just lazing about or walking around somewhere, on her own or with a friend.
~The Past~
Amy’s first owner was a little girl called Alice. Alice loved nothing more than to read Amy stories (Mostly fairy tales), but of course, Alice grew up like all kids do, and she left Amy in the attic for someone else to have her.
Amy waited for many years, and all that time she’d never given up that someone would find her.
She thought she’s hit the jackpot when Andy and his family move into Alice’s old house, but they don’t go up into the attic to collect her. Some weeks later, though, Andy’s mother brings a set of boxes filled with junk into the attic and leaves. Woody, Buzz, Slinky, and Rex were trapped in one of the boxes (Call me a cheater but this part was actually inspired by a Toy Story comic, where those four toys get stuck in the attic that way and have to escape. It struck me odd that they never met at least one new friend there, so I made one. It was also my first story, I needed some inspiration!)
Amy, in a fit of panic, goes and hides.
But then she’s found by Rex as he and the others try to find a way out.
They then decide to let the strange, dust-covered ragdoll come back to Andy’s rom with them. (well, Rex did, anyway.)
Home town: Would Alice’s old room count? But it’s now Andy’s Room, so it won’t count will it?
Happy or sad childhood: Pretty normal to be honest, as normal a life as a toy could have anyway. And as for sadness, having spent all that time on her own for all those years, having missed out on so much, is a little sad. But Amy made sure she never became bitter over it or used it as an excuse for anything.
Earliest memory: Waking up in her toy store, with a friend of hers for company (a ragdoll Prospector, a much as she remembers) and as she gets bought by Alice’s Auntie, she says she hopes he gets picked up by a kid. (Unbeknownst to her, she would meet him again in a while to find out he never got to experience it)
Saddest memory: One, being left by Alice, yet being so happy for her and how much she’s grown up, if she could cry tears of joy for her owner, she would. Two, some (or most) of the days she spent waiting for a new owner to arrive. And three, watching Rex have a mental breakdown of anxiety.
Happiest memory: One, the time she and Alice went to the park, (Amy absolutely adores nature) Two after sliding down a drainpipe to get to Andy’s room, and three, having known she’d helped her friend out.
Significant events: Being bought, being left in an attic, being rescued from the attic, while gaining some new friends.
The entirety of Andy’s room, whether they like it or not, they’re all in this together and are some kind of mish-mash, found family in a sense.
Siblings: I’ve been thinking of giving Amy a brother (since I based her on Raggedy Ann, a matching bootleg Raggedy Andy seems reasonable) bur I’m unsure about it, since I’ve already mapped out Amy’s entire series of stories (Around six or seven all together, so far I’m currently writing only the third) and I can only fit him in the fifth or sixth if I can.
Romantically? I’d like to say she has a crush on Rex, I don’t know why I thought of it, I was contemplating it one day as I sketched a rough (and terrible) sketch of her, and I drew Rex too because he’s just so fun to draw and I wanted to make a scale for Amy’s size, and one of my friends (who had been watching me) immediately said “I ship it!” and well, the rest is history, I made the decision to ship it too.
Friends: Jessie, Hamm, Buzz, and Rex are her closet friends, but she’d like to say that all the Gang are her friends. Later on she becomes good friends with Mr. Prickle Pants, Buttercup, Trixie and Totoro, and she absolutely loves the peas and Forky.
Best friend(s): Hamm, Mr. Prickle Pants, Jessie, and Rex.
What do people like about them? Amy’s pretty easy to talk to, she’s polite and attentive and will sit in companionable silence with someone if they need it. But she won’t hesitate to give hard truths and advice if it’s needed.
What do people dislike about them? Amy is quite a doormat, if someone is rude to her or breaches anything she just lets it happen, and sometimes she’s too indecisive about her own stuff, unsure whether she’s going to offend others or not over the smallest things, which annoys others quite a bit.
~Mentality/Personal Beliefs~
Amy is a toy of logic, and though she believes others can do it if they set their minds to it, she doesn’t quite believe in herself. She believes she must follow the rules of being a toy at all times, no matter what.
Phobias: Dust. She hates it. It took a good five weeks to brush all the dust out her hair and clothes, and even so there’s still some in her pockets and places she can’t reach. And being alone, too. Now she can’t be alone for more than an hour before she starts to get antsy and nervous. And for a short time books gave her a strange tiredness, after reading them for so long and for so many years she couldn’t even stand the sight of them.
But of course, not for long, since Amy found out Andy had a copy of Red’s Dream by a Mr. William Reeves.
Optimist or pessimist: Depends on the situation really, if her mind can’t come up with a solution, then there’s no point in trying anymore. Unless someone else can think of something, that is.
Personal philosophies: “You are here to make good things happen. No person here is made for one reason only, or even only one. There’s no point in pretending to be someone you’re not just for the attention of others, no matter how cool they are. We should find are own meaning, as we’re the only ones who have control of it.
It’ll take a while, but I swear, it’ll be worth it.”
Biggest dream/wish: Amy wants nothing more than to find meaning for herself, but finds it rather hard to do so. Of course, that doesn’t mean she’ll settle for someone else’s meaning. As cheesy as it sounds, she just wants an adventure. She doesn’t necessarily want to be the hero, though, she’s just happy to go along with the ride so long as it gets her out the house for a few hours. She also, above all else, wants Rex to find meaning too, even if she never does, it would be nice to know that he had.
Greatest strength(s): Persuasion, story-telling, logic, and good grammar.
Biggest flaw: Despite being a ragdoll, Amy can’t sew because of her fingerless hands, which are just soft mittens in shape. Amy is also quite a doormat, as I said before, so if her calm persuasion and reasoning doesn’t work, she’s left to be walked all over.
Regrets: Staying in that dratted attic too long, the window was open, she could’ve just climbed out, but no, she had to stay there for some mind-rotting decades. But if she had just escaped, she would never have met her new friends. Amy just wishes she had met them a lot sooner.
Achievements: Escaped the attic, slid down a drainpipe, leapt onto the windowsill (though nearly knocking Woody and Buzz over in the process) stopped her friend from having a panic attack, and managed to remember the entire Dictionary and is able to recite it down from A to Z, and even Z to A.
Secrets: Not much, just strange feelings for one of her friends, but it’s not much of a secret, Bo knows, and Mr. Potato Head and Hamm could see it from a mile away, and the others have their suspicions.
Goals: Read the entirety of Andy’s (and later Bonnie’s) bookshelves, become more confident in herself, have her own book-worthy adventure, and figure out what those strange feelings for her friend is.
Favourite colour: Even before meeting Rex, Amy’s favourite colour was always green. Every time Alice had taken her to the park, Amy adored watching the sunlight pour through the leaves with a golden-green glow.
Favourite book(s): Because it’s sentimental to her, being her owner’s favourites, she loves Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and The Wizard of Oz. They all hold similar plots (a little girl in a blue dress goes to a fantasy land, has a few adventures, and then leaves said fantasy land to go home to her family and responsibilities) but it reminds Amy of her old owner Alice (who was actually named after Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) and their playtimes together.
Favourite Book Quotation(s):
“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”
“There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is facing danger when you are afraid.”
Favourite movie: Amy does much prefer books, since they allow her to imagine the setting and characters in her own way, but doesn’t mind movies, and isn’t picky on what they watch, though she does quite like horror films.
Favourite song: Amy likes any kind of music, new or old.
Favourite game: Amy never really cared for games, the competitiveness always bothered her and stressed her out. But she’s more than happy to watch Rex play his video games and cheer him on.
~Relationships with other characters~
- Hit it off pretty quickly.
- Amy helps him with his anxiety, and helps him find confidence in himself, she acts as a certain therapist to him.
- Both become very stressed without the other around.
- Rex will hold and knead at Amy’s hands sometimes; it calms him down.
- Rex will let Amy ride on his back if she’s tired or needs to see something (Because she’s so short).
- One of them can basically be talking about the most boring-est things ever, yet still the other will hang on to their every word.
- Became friends pretty quickly.
- Will drag Amy along anywhere.
- Get along fairly well.
- Jessie does the talking and Amy does the planning.
- Jessie always pranks the other toys and makes Amy tag along (along with Hamm).
- Introvert/Extrovert dynamic for sure.
- Both were left in alone for years so like to find solace in each other.
- Hamm begrudgingly warmed up to the timorous ragdoll.
- Surprisingly good pals.
- Have full conversations without saying anything.
- Like to sit and look out of the window together.
- Hamm makes Amy laugh when she really shouldn’t (mainly when he makes fun of the other toys, mainly Woody).
- Hamm makes fun of Amy having a crush on Rex every once in a while, though he doesn’t mean any harm.
~The Potato Heads~
- Mr. doesn’t really interact with Amy much, but finds her surprisingly tolerable, if a bit high-strung and annoying.
- Like Hamm, Mr. makes Amy laugh at the most wrong moments.
- She and Mrs. Are quite good friends, and she sometimes lets Amy take care of the aliens if she and her husband are busy.
- Are aquianteces.
- Don’t exactly interact much, even though the whole room practically revolves around him, in Amy’s opinion, though she would never say it to his face.
- Amy thinks he’s super cool (then again, he is Buzz Lightyear, he practically invented coolness)
- Both are just as clueless as one another when it comes to social cues and interactions.
- Amy helps him with vocabulary and spelling every once in a while.
~Mr. Prickle Pants~
- Are absolute BFF’s.
- Go back and forth with book quotes to the point of driving the other toys insane.
~Bo Peep~
- Amy's not exactly sure if Bo has befriended her or not.
- (She has)
- They later become good friends.
- Amy misses their talks, Bo was one of the only toys she could talk to that could keep a secret.
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winzenni · 4 years
butterfly (nakamoto yuta)
Summary: when your secret tattoo is discovered and you're scolded during dance practice, the nice Japanese boy group trainee can't help but interfere.
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Pairing: trainee!yuta x trainee!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Author’s note: trigger warning! unwanted touching? also, we all know that yuta respects women af so i thought this would just be something he’s probably done
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“and uh 5, 6, 7, 8.”
“smoother movements, people.”
“y/n, you’re late on the third count.
“one more time from the top.”
“y/n, fix your left arm.”
“last time from the top.”
It was just another day in the practice room, preparing for your next dance evaluation, but today’s practice felt a little harder than usual. Maybe it was the fact that it was over ninety degrees outside (a typical summer day in Korea), or the fact that you were wearing a fairly thick T-shirt with long sweats that were made for chilly weather.
When you woke up from your nap two hours earlier, you had completely forgotten about the group dance practice scheduled in ten minutes, and grabbed whatever clothes you saw first in your closet before dashing to the practice room, where your trainee friends were already warming up with the teacher.
“Ok, 10-minute break. Get some water and come back ready to clean up your moves.” said the instructor, Mr. Kim.
The trainees scattered from the center of the room, with some girls leaving to stop by the water fountain, some guys grabbing a towel to wipe their sweat, and some just plopping down on the floor to catch their breath.
“It’s so hot, Jiwoo. I think I might faint from heat exhaustion,” you tell your friends. Like you, Jiwoo has been training under SM for the past two years. Though make and female trainees were often divided during the training process, today, all trainees, both male and female, were learning the same hip-hop routine for the monthly evaluation.
“It's not that hot though? Maybe it's because you're wearing fleece sweats. Y/n, you really are going to pass out if you keep wearing that. I have extra shorts that you can wear.” Jiwoo pulls out a pair of black athletic shorts from her duffel bag and hands them to you.
“Really? Oh my god, Jiwoo, I don't know what I would do without you.” You take them from her, standing up. “I'll be back, I'm going to go change.”
The shorts definitely helped with the heat, but Jiwoo’s size and proportions were a little off from yours. She was a little shorter than you, which made the shorts barely reach halfway to your knee, yet the shorts were a little loose around your thighs, allowing the fabric to fly up each time you squatted or jumped. Nevertheless, it was better to show some skin than pass out from heat exhaustion.
Still, you didn't want the male trainees to see anything that you didn't want them to. And in particular, you didn't want anyone to see the tattoo on your inner thigh.
Not only were tattoos considered ugly and immature, but they were also a nuisance to makeup artists and stylists. Just knowing that you had an inked design on your body would make you less eligible to debut.
So to prevent the shorts from rising up and revealing your tattoo, you put less energy into the jumps, but this compromised the appearance of the performance.
“Ok, everyone stop,” said Mr. Kim. “Y/n, why are you jumping like a half dead frog? At this part, everyone needs to jump up like a spring, a slinky! You're a rusty wire right now, fix it.”
“Sorry, Mr. Kim. I’ll do better.”
In the next rounds of dancing, you decided to put your all into it, fearing a scolding from the teacher. Hopefully, no one would pay attention to you enough to notice what was under your shorts.
“From the top to the second jump,” Mr. Kim ordered.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. You counted in your head, focusing on only the dance and your movements.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. In this moment, you only noticed yourself, your swaying motions, your posture, your expressions.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-
“STOP!” Mr. Kim roared.
Everyone's eyes widened, unsure if they were the ones going to be scolded. At this point, it had been a longer practice than usual, and as practice dragged on, Mr. Kim’s mood and tolerance dwindled exponentially.
“Y/n. Step up.”
Your heart suddenly began pounding a mile a minute. What did you do wrong? You could have sworn your movements were perfect. You stepped forward from the grid formation, to the front of the class with your back facing them. In the mirror, you saw your fearful face in front of all the other trainee’s wide eyes and pitiful stares.
“Y/n. What is this?” Mr. Kim pointed to your right inner thigh, right where the fabric of the shorts ended and revealed a black mark on your skin. “Lift up your shorts.”
With shaking fingers, you slightly pull up the edge of the shorts to reveal a small inked butterfly on your thigh, just a few inches wide. In your peripheral vision, you could see the other trainees, sending looks of surprise? shock? confusion? to each other.
“Y/n……” the edge of Mr. Kim’s lips slid upward, almost laughing in your face to mock you. “You've been messing up all day and now this. You really continue to surprise me.”
He pulled up the edge of the shorts once more to get a glimpse of your tattoo, his foreign touch on your thigh making you flinch.
“If you're going to be a rebellious bitch and get a tattoo, at least make it creative!” He laughed. “A butterfly?”
At this point, you looked down at your feet in the mirror’s reflection, too embarrassed to face how the other trainees were looking at you. You blinked quickly to prevent any tears from falling. Would you have to get the tattoo removed to keep training? Or worse, would you maybe even be kicked out? Having a tattoo was one thing, but you had been causing some trouble during today's practice with your mistakes.
Mr. Kim’s scolding continued in the back of your mind, but you tuned it out with the clouded thoughts of what might happen to you. You were brought back to the current situation when Mr. Kim’s hands pulled up your shorts again to see the tattoo, this time a little too high, revealing a sliver of your black underwear. You took a step back.
“Hey!” A new body appeared in your field of vision, pushing away Mr. Kim’s hand and stepping in between you and the teacher with his y'all figure.
“M-mr. Kim,” you started.
“Hah, look at this-this,” Mr. Kim didn't know where to start with cursing you. “Y/n, you're dismissed. Leave now. Yuta, get out of my way and go back to your position.”
It took a minute for you to process Mr. Kim’s words. Dismissed from practice? Dismissed from the monthly evaluation? Dismissed from the training you had put the past two years of your life into and given up academics and friends and good food for? With all these thoughts in your mind, you couldn't help but let some tears slide down your cheek as you left the room and went into the hallway. You couldn't even hear the roaring voice of another teenager behind you.
“You can't touch her like that! That's not-"
Sitting in an empty recording room, you couldn’t help but let the tears run down your face.
You had worked so hard for so long to get to where you were, and you might have just lost it all because of a stupid butterfly tattoo you thought would be cute a year ago. In your head, you could only hear the sound of your own crying and the troublesome thoughts plaguing your mind.
A boy sat next beside you. Looking at you through his straight blond bangs, he says, “Sorry about what happened to you back there. That wasn't cool at all.”
You try to even your breathing and control your tears for a moment to respond. “Thanks, but it wasn't your fault so you don't need to apologize. Why are you here? Aren't you going to get in trouble for leaving practice?”
“Well, I just didn't think it was fair for you to be treated like that back there,” the boy says, looking down at his feet. “I-I wanted to see if you were ok. Oh, and I'm Yuta by the way. Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.” He offers a hand to shake, and you grasp it weakly to give it a friendly shake. 
“I'm y/n,” you say in an almost silent whisper. “You should go back. One dismissed trainee is enough.”
“No, I'll stay here until you stop crying,” Yuta declares firmly. “I-I just really think it was so unfair for you to go through that. It's so dumb, like honestly, it's just a tattoo! It's no different from… from me wearing this earring or choosing to have blond hair!” He says, readjusting the beanie around his bangs. 
After a moment of silence and looking down at your shoes, your sweaty legs and tired ankles, Yuta gently breaks the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You hesitate for a moment, wondering if it will be burdensome to release your tensions and worries into this stranger you've just met today. However, his aura radiates a warm, welcoming feeling, like a close friend you've reunited with after a long time.
“I just… I just did so much to get here. I don’t think I can live with myself if this is what gets me kicked out.” Your mind reverts back to flashbacks of all the meals you skipped, tears you cried, hours you danced, and sleepless nights you had dedicated to your journey to debut. To throw that all to waste over sweating a little too hard and changing pants at dance practice -- it would be a burden you would not be able to live with. 
Coming to terms with the tragic future you’ve set up for yourself, a tear slips from your eye down onto your shoes, not going unnoticed by Yuta. 
“Hey, hey, y/n, look at me,” he says.
You look up to him from under your tear-stained eyelashes, meeting his honey-like gaze.
“You’re not going to get kicked out. It’s gonna be ok,” he says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly before sharply retracting his arm. 
“S-sorry, I… is it ok if I put my arm here?” He asks.
You nod, leaning into his touch and putting your head on his shoulder. 
You sit together for a while like that, without exchanging any words. Though he doesn’t say anything besides softly rubbing circles into your shoulder, Yuta’s mere presence and the warmth radiating from his body brings you a sense of consolation. 
“I think it’s cute,” Yuta says, after what feels like ten or fifteen minutes of silence.
“Hm?” you say.
“The butterfly,” he explains. “I think it’s cute. Don’t listen to what others say about it. I think it’s really cute.”
“Thanks. It’s supposed to represent, like, hope and endurance,” you say. “I got it a few months into training because it was a difficult time for me. So whenever I mess up, I just look at it and think about…. I guess, I remind myself to keep going.”
Yuta nods, processing the symbolism of it and how much it must’ve meant to you. “I’ll be your butterfly,” he chimes in quietly.
“You’re going to keep training here with me. I’m not going to let you quit now.”
Though his words sound motivational, you wonder, what power does he have over this? Well, whatever happens, you’re glad you were able to make a new friend. Little do you know that Yuta’s father has some... connections with the company.
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okk--maaan · 4 years
Hello :) it's the anon who requested the headcanons on how Charlie would take care of a partner who had experience with bad relationships. I absolutely LOVED how you wrote that/handled that and I was wondering if you could tell me how Charlie would be with a lover who is curvy and a bit insecure about that? -🦕
Hello my dear!! Oohh! If you’re gonna use the dino emoji can I call you Lil Foot (I can’t think of any other cute/clever nicknames lol)? I’m SO glad you liked the last thing I wrote for you - I was a lil worried about it for a minute!
Instead of HCs, I wrote you a whole lil (wow I say lil a lot) ficlet this time!  It definitely turned into smut - WHOOPS! When I started outlining it I literally wrote -- in my notebook with a pen -- ‘ok this gone get real nasty’. I hope that’s ok and I hope it gives what you were looking for! And let me say that I and any of the boys I will ever write for LOVE AND APPRECIATE AND ACCEPT ALL BODY TYPES!!! Thicc Thighs Save Lives is a longstanding motto here!!
Also I’m a bad writer so it takes me forever to write anything (and my ADHD and anxiety be like nah fam) and I did very little editing to this so sorry for all of those things.
Word Count: ~2k
CW: curvy/plus size RC, body insecurity, smuuttt, like one mention of spanking, slightly Dom!Charlie (?), alcohol consumption, fluffiness (’cause ‘course), lots of build up (what can I say? I like foreplay), bad grammar
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“Charlie,” you whine standing in front of your open closet, still in your robe. You couldn’t believe what you were looking at. He really wanted you to wear this tonight? And he really wanted you to wear that underneath?
Hanging neatly on the inside of the closet door was a slinky red dress -- that you knew was going to be way too tight -- and a meticulously matched set of lacey lingerie. Silently judging you. ‘Nope’ you thought to yourself, ‘Not happening’.
Just as you start rummaging through your wardrobe for one of your other perfectly fine, perfectly comfortable dresses, Charlie steps into the bedroom. Sensing his presence, you turn to find him already fully dressed. He’s wearing a charcoal gray suit, tapered and tailored precisely to his body, and a slim navy blue tie. His black oxfords look freshly polished and his neatly parted hair is almost as shiny.
“Wow. You look nice,” you say with a bit of a bite as you pivot back to the task at hand. It wasn’t fair that he was able to look that sophisticated and handsome with such little effort.
Hearing your bitterness, he cautiously moves in closer, rests a large hand on your back. “What’s wrong honey? You don’t like what I picked out for you?” He nods his head towards the offending articles of fabric.
Without losing any heat in your voice, you shoot back, “Well Mr. Barber. I don’t think your lovely gifts here are going to exactly accentuate my figure!” Oohh maybe that was a little harsh. But Charlie never falters, takes you in stride, like he always does.
“Baby,” he says in that way that just makes your heart -- and every other part of your body -- melt. “I wouldn’t have picked these things for you if I didn’t think you were going to look absolutely stunning in them.” With that, he places a loving peck to your forehead and steps back to sit on the bed. “Please, honey, put them on. For me.”
And only because you have such a weakness for when he talks to you like that, do you undo the tie on your robe, place it in the closet, and begin timidly dressing yourself in his gifts.
Even with your back to him, you can feel Charlie’s gaze boring into. Studying. Studying the way your hips and thighs round out as you stand naked in front of him. The way your backside swells as you bend down to step into your panties. The way the soft curve of your breasts peeks out as you reach up to loop your arms through your bra.
Charlie can already feel himself stirring under his suit pants.
As soon as you pull the dress straps over your shoulders, he’s back to standing behind you, hand on your zipper. “Let me, sweet thing,” he whispers into your skin, right against that tender spot between your neck and shoulder. His lips never leave you as he closes you up. Once the zipper reaches the top, he shifts back to observe you fully. Admire.
Even technically fully clothed, you can’t help but feel self-conscious exposed with the way the fabric hugs your body. Instinctually, you go to wrap your arms around your middle, to try to hide. But apparently Charlie can read minds and he’ll have none of that. His long fingers wrap gently, knowingly around each of your wrists. He places another kiss to that spot on your neck and whispers, “beautiful.”
The theater is dark, aside from the few soft spotlights that glow over the actors on stage. It’s quiet enough that you can hear Charlie beside you, scribbling in his notebook.
But he’s not focusing on what he’s writing nearly as much as he should be. Instead of the words on the page, all he can see are images of you pulling on that dress. All he can think about is that memory of your supple skin, wanting to map out every inch. If he wasn’t trying so hard to get these damned notes down, his hands would be all over you.
Those thoughts alone are enough to get him growing in his pants again. 
With your second glass of wine in your hand, you are finally starting to relax a little. You lost Charlie to the hustle and bustle of the after party some time ago. But that’s ok. You understand there are certain duties he must fulfill as the director on opening night. When you find each other again, you can tell he’s already had several scotches by the flush in his cheeks and slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. And that’s also ok. He deserves to celebrate tonight after all those months of hard work.
When his eyes lock with yours, his pupils are blown black and wide and there’s something behind them other than just a few drinks. He doesn’t interrupt the conversation you’re having, just places a hot hand on your ass. And squeezes. It takes everything in you not to squeal outright in front of your friends and Charlie’s cast. He leans down to murmur into your ear, “let’s go home now.” His words are slurred just slightly but their meaning rings through you crystal clear. He composes himself enough to turn to the small crowd that’s gathered and excuse the two off you. And before you have a chance to say the rest of your goodbyes, he’s whisking you out the door.
The second the doorknob to Charlie’s apartment latches closed, his hands lips tongue are all over you. You have little time to catch your breath before his hot hot mouth is on yours, prying you open. You can taste the remnants of alcohol on his breath. With his hands on your waist he’s pulling pulling pulling you further through the foyer and into the living room. As you stumble around corners and furniture, he mumbles against you, “You looked so good tonight baby. So fucking sexy. Mmnhh I love you in this dress. I was getting so hard just looking at you.”
“Charlie,” you gasp as he suddenly breaks all contact, leaving you disoriented, and plops down on the couch. His legs are spread wide and his chest is heaving.
“Take this off baby,” he leans forward to pinch at your thigh, just above the hem of your dress.
“Uh-huh,” you bob your head up and down until it tips back and your eyes close and your hands reach behind you for your zipper. You tilt your chin down and open your eyes to him when the zipper reaches the bottom. Your arms fall to your sides knowing he’s in charge right now. He’ll tell you how he wants you next.
“Turn around sweet thing,” he instructs, more breath than words.
Somehow more heat rushes through your body, through your face, neck, fingers, thighs, toes. You’re already so hot too hot. You cross one heeled foot in front of the other and spin to face away from him. Behind you, you hear the clink clink of Charlie’s belt buckle followed by his own zipper sliding down. Then the sound of fabric rustling, bunching up. You know he’s stroking himself now. Watching you.
“Pull it down. Slowly.”
You do as you're told. Of course you do. You want this just as badly as he does. You push the straps down your arms and over your plump chest, breath ragged. You let the dress pool atop your full hips and wait for further direction.
Charlie huffs out a light life, reveling in how good you’re being for him. “Keep going baby.”
With one final shove, the crimson cloth slides down your thick thighs before falling around your ankles. Charlie groans, deep and guttural. Goosebumps spring up over your newly exposed flesh, assaulted by the cool air and Charlie’s sounds.
“Take your bra off.”
That one was easy. You unhook the clasp and let it hit the floor with your dress.
And you wait again. Wait. Wait. You listen to Charlie’s deep breathing and picture him slowly pulling up down up down on his length. Your pussy drips then clenches at the thought. You’re not sure how much longer you’ll be able to stand.
“Bend over baby.”
Ever so slowly, you lower your torso, brace yourself on your shins.
You hear movement behind you again. Charlie moves off the couch to rest on his knees. Eye level with your ass. You feel his fingertips trace lightly up your thighs, exploring. More goosebumps. A moan escapes your throat. “Nnnnhh yes sweet thing,” he says. Then another squeeze. “Mmm so soft.” He relishes in the way your flesh gives for his fingers. Mesmerized by the way he can leave little dimples where he presses. He inches closer to graze his lips across each leg. “I love you so much baby. I love your body. You’re so perfect.” His words send a shock from the crown of your head to your needy core. You need him.
“Charlie please. Give me something. Anything,” why was he teasing you like this? You know you hadn’t drank nearly as much as him, but now it felt like you did.
Mischievously he responds, “Oh I’ll give you something.” With one swift movement, he rips down your panties -- probably ruining them -- and buries his face in your pussy. “Ahhh!” is the only answer you have. He lavishes scorching open mouth kisses over your slick lips, occasionally brushing your stiff clit with his tongue. “Mmmm you really are so sweet baby,” he groans against you. Losing yourself, all you can do is chant, “Yes yes yes.” With one final suck, he pulls off. He sticks two of his fingers in his mouth, getting them nice and wet and warm for you, then shoves them into you. While he pumps in and out of you, he kisses your thighs, nips at your ass and asks, “Are you ready for my cock sweet thing?” His hands fill you to the brim, but they’re never enough, never compare to his cock. “Yes Charlie ! Yes! Please!” After a few more thrust, he withdraws his digits, smacks one of your bare cheeks loving the way it shakes, and returns to the couch.
“Come here my beautiful flower,” he holds his full proud dick up for you. You more than happily lower yourself over him, hands on his knees, just enough for him to drag his swollen head through your folds. When he feels he’s slicked up enough, he grips your waist and pulls you all the way down. His big cock knocks the wind out of you. Always does. And your body is already so exhausted from the build up, you can’t help but slump against him, heavy head leaning on his broad shoulder. Your back sticks to his chest.
You roll your head so your tingling lips can find his neck. There you moan and whisper sweet nothings between kisses. One of your sweaty hands reaches up to tug at his ear and fist in his hair. You roll your hips on him one...two...three...four.
Charlie can’t take it anymore. “Fuck,” he grunts as he lifts you to give him space to really pound into you. And oh he does. Digging into your fleshy hips, he fucks hard into you, asks, “You like that sweet thing? Does that feel good?” “Aaarghh! Yes baby! Unngghhh! Please. Don’t. Stop!” You were already so close. And so was he.
Reading your thoughts again, he drops one hand to rub at your wanting clit. And you see stars. Moans, grunts, screams rip your throat raw. The hand still on your hip smooths its way up your soft belly and gropes at your tit, your stiff nipple. “Char-uh-lie! I’m gonna- I’m gonna-” He picks up the pace and pressure of the circles he’s drawing into your clit. And you tumble. Down down down a hole of pure pleasure. “Fuucckk!!” you shout as the tidal waves of your orgasm come crashing down on you. You can barely hear Charlie’s stangled words, “Yes yes sweet thing cum for me. Shit!” With the sensation of you squeezing clenching fluttering around him, he’s cumming. Cumming so deep inside you. Hot thick ropes.
“Hhhnngg,” his final moan rumbles through your bones as his hips stutter, slow, and eventually stop. Your bodies feel like jelly and mold into one another as you come down, trying to steady your breath.
Finally able to speak, Charlie nuzzles his nose behind your ear and places a tender kiss there. “I love you flower. And that dress fit you perfectly.”
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senorarelojes · 4 years
Fic: Happiest Girl (Part 8)
Alan makes a bet that Dave would not be able to pass off as a woman in ladies’ clothing. Dave decides to prove him wrong. (This is set sometime during the Black Celebration era.)
Pairing: Dave/Alan Rating: Explicit Notes: Thank you @pinksyndication, @what-could-have-been and @im-knocking-on-deaths-door for generally being wonderful. :)
First part is here. Second part is here. Third part is here. Fourth part is here. Fifth part is here. Sixth part is here. Seventh part is here.
When Alan came back with the drinks, his expression had reverted to that polite, distant look Dave knew he only employed whenever he was suffering through a photoshoot or interview and he would much rather be someplace else. He handed Dave a glass of house red, avoiding Dave’s eyes as he sipped his own vodka tonic. Earlier his lips had been smudged with traces of Dave’s lipstick, but he must have wiped it all off at the bar with a napkin or something. Dave had no idea why he felt a ridiculous pang of loss at this thought.
Dave himself had to take a moment to make sense of what had just happened, his head spinning in confusion. Alan had barely hesitated when Dave had asked him for the kiss, and it had felt shockingly real and intimate, Alan’s lips warm and firm against his own. In fact, Dave wanted to do it again and again, tonguing the curve of Alan’s lower lip before tugging it down with his teeth and sucking on it, just to hear Alan gasp into his mouth. He wanted to back Alan up against the wall and just...plunder his mouth.
Then Dave felt like an utter idiot.
Why couldn’t he? The fact that Alan had willingly kissed him, with so little persuasion, meant that Alan was definitely on board with whatever was going on between them. Hence Dave had to act quickly, before Alan further retreated behind his usual mask of polite indifference.
Dave took Alan’s drink from him and set it down, then gripped his puzzled friend’s arm. “Come with me,” he said loudly, tilting his head towards the back exit.
“Our drinks--” Alan protested.
“For fuck’s sake, Al, I’ll get us new ones. C’mon.” Dave did his best to look cross, although with his current disguise, he might have just ended up looking more pouty than angry. Judging from the way Alan’s mouth was twitching in amusement, that was most probably the case.
Dave dragged him to where the lavatories were, looking for the door further down that led to the fire exit. A bored-looking bouncer was guarding the door, but he only raised an eyebrow as Dave flashed him a sweet smile before pushing the door open. The bloke didn’t stop him; he must have assumed that Dave and Alan were going outside to find a nearby alley for a quick shag.
There were some staff sitting outside the back exit on upturned beer crates, smoking viciously and complaining in German. Dave just dragged a confused Alan past them, further down another side alley behind a closed restaurant where it was quieter and darker. At least they were alone here. Thankfully, the night was still warm enough for them to stand outside without jackets.
Leaning against the wall, Alan arched an eyebrow at Dave. “What’s going on?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest. Alan had such nice arms; Dave privately thanked the inventor of sleeveless button-downs for their contribution to society.
Dave stepped forward, closing the distance between him and a suddenly wary Alan. “I wanted you to kiss me earlier,” Dave said bluntly, placing a hand on either side of Alan to trap him against the wall.
Alan’s jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. “Yeah I know, you asked me to,” he said a little sullenly. “Because of Mart and Fletch.”
Dave shook his head, holding Alan’s gaze. “No mate, you’re not listening. I wanted you to kiss me. Even before Mart and Andy came along.”
He could see the exact moment everything clicked in Alan’s head, his eyes widening in realisation. “Oh,” Alan said, licking his lips and leaving them moist. Now his breathing was a little harsher, his gaze dropping to Dave’s mouth.
Dave took his own sweet time to study Alan’s face. Alan had very soft, plush lips for a man, and now that Dave knew what they tasted and felt like, one couldn’t blame him for getting addicted. Suddenly Dave was driven with the possessive need to leave his lipstick smudged all over Alan’s mouth again. 
“Idiot,” Dave said fondly, before leaning in and capturing Alan’s lips in a kiss far deeper than the one they’d shared in the club. 
In turn, Alan was reaching under Dave’s curls and wrapping a hand around the back of his neck to drag him closer, their bodies pressed together from chest to hip. Dave moaned into the kiss, raking his fingers through Alan’s gelled hair and tightening his grip on it just to hear Alan gasp. He laughed when Alan did just that, nipping at Alan’s half-open mouth so he could start sucking on the tip of Alan’s tongue. Fuck, Alan tasted wonderful.
They continued trading kisses that were increasingly getting filthier and dirtier, to the point where Dave was harder than he could ever remember being. He inexplicably wanted to spread his legs and guide Alan's hand there, the smooth, slinky fabric of the dress making him feel especially indecent, like he wanted Alan’s long elegant fingers to lift his skirt, to rip it off him entirely.
Alan was the first to pull away for breath, licking Dave’s lipstick off his teeth. His hair was mussed, the grey-blue of his irises now merely a thin ring around his blown pupils. He looked wild and dangerous and debauched, like he was a step away from tossing Dave over his shoulder and dragging him back to the hotel to finish what all those kisses had promised.
“All right?” a panting Dave asked, cupping Alan’s face. Alan only nodded, reaching out to brush Dave’s curls away from his face. He had that impassive look on his face again that he was so good at hiding behind, but there was no dimming the brightness of his eyes. 
“C’mon, let’s go back to the club for another drink, then we’ll take a taxi to the hotel.” Alan was still combing his fingers through the waves of Dave’s hair. “Think you’ve won the bet, fair and square.”
Dave’s eyes widened in alarm. “What? Right now?”
“Yeah, why not?” a confused Alan asked.
"I've got a problem, alright?" Dave hissed, jerking his head downwards. "Once people see this, I'm not winning any bloody bets." 
Alan followed his gaze. "Oh. Okay, don't worry. We'll just wait here until your, er, problem goes away." 
But it didn't go away, as the main cause of the problem - Alan - was standing so close to him, his warm palm tracing the curve of Dave’s spine. Dave took a deep breath to calm himself, but all he got was a whiff of Alan's cologne and scent, which made the issue even worse. 
"Sorry, mate." Dave tried to keep his tone nonchalant, even though his cheeks were burning with embarrassment. "It's just been a while since--" 
"No, I understand," Alan said. For some reason he didn't seem put off or disgusted with the situation. In fact, he was leaning in closer, his hip pressing against Dave's thigh. He was probably trying to be a good friend and calm Dave's 'problem', but it had the opposite effect, causing all the remaining blood in Dave's body to rush south, fuelling his erection even more. Dave buried his face in Alan's neck, smelling his skin with a soft groan. He was so hard he felt like he was going to explode any minute. 
"There's another way to get rid of your, er, situation," he heard Alan say softly. 
Dave lifted his head to stare at Alan. "Are you suggesting I go have a wank in the bathroom?" he blurted out. 
Alan laughed. "Well no, not necessarily." Then he shifted his hips so that they were pressed together from chest to pelvis, and Dave let out a small gasp when he felt Alan's own erection digging into his thigh. 
Dave didn't quite know how to process this whole new situation. It was one thing to drunkenly snog your best mate (even though Dave wasn't really that drunk) and feel him up, but it was quite another to have undeniable proof of just how much he had turned Alan on. Dave had never touched another bloke like this in his life, and he was sure Alan hadn't either. But anyone with a basic knowledge of sex and biology would know how to make a persistent erection go away. 
The thought of it - the prospect of touching such an intimate part of Alan for real - both scared and thrilled Dave. "Liked the sight of me in a dress a little bit too much, did you?" Dave said with a breathless laugh, content to take refuge in humour as he always did. 
Alan cleared his throat. "I haven't been able to stop looking all evening," he admitted, eyes travelling down Dave's body. 
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vintage-story-time · 3 years
Family Games by Ray Todd
Chapter 12
Glynn caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was
still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and
grueling night.
"Hey, sis -- how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your
room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to."
She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still
in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three of us women, just as
you have."
"All three -- oh yeah, including mom. I heard her moving around downstairs
awhile ago. She slept the night through." Glynn held to his sister's hand. "I'm
wondering how I can get Jean and mom together today. Got any ideas?"
"How about if I split with dad? We can say we're going up to his office or
something. Then you can use little Jean to turn on mother and ball her
"Good enough," he said, feeling a lift of anticipation at the idea of swinging
with the little redhead and his mom. "But you know something? I'm missing your
pussy, sis. I hope it doesn't take much longer before we can all be together,
you and me, mom and dad."
Her kiss brushed his mouth and she said, "Hang in there, Glynn. I'll go get them
up so we can have breakfast; all of us need the vitamins."
When she darted back through the bath, he went on down the stairs, eager to see
his beautiful mom again.
It felt funny, he thought, talking about fucking with his sister, discussing
their sex life openly and up front, but there were a lot of things changing
around here since the plan had gotten moving. With any luck at all, he and
Lorena ought to be able to work out the rest of it, getting his old man and mom
together again.
"Hi mom -- smells like pancakes. Did you know that Jean Marks stayed over last
night? No, I guess not; you were asleep when she came after Lorena called her."
His mother was dressed in hip-snugging slacks, black and slinky, with a
see-through white blouse. A bra cupped her opulent breasts, and he wished she
didn't have it on, so he could see those great nipples. She said, "Oh? Did you
and Jean have fun?"
He came up to her and put his arms around her slim waist, tugging her close so
he could feel the shape of her ass against him. "Didn't touch her, mom, I swear.
But if we can get dad and Lorena out of the house again, I think I can have her
spend the rest of the day here -- with us."
"I -- I don't know," she said. "Everything looks different in the hard light of
day, dear. Besides, your father took your sister along yesterday and he won't
want to -- "
He rubbed against her, his cook getting hard at the merest touch of her
beguiling ass. He wanted to slide his shaft between those pear-shaped cheeks and
move up and down, maybe prod her hidden asshole a little before lowering the
head and pushing it thrillingly into the hot, wet grip of that fantastically
beautiful pussy.
"Don't be a copout, mom; I won't let you. Last night you were all up on the idea
of Jean with us, making love, and I can just about guarantee that Lorena will
haul dad off again this morning."
She trembled against him and said softly, "All right; I just couldn't resist my
eager young lover, even if I tried. If they go out, I'll go right to my room,
and you can bring Jean there. Have you talked to her about it?"
"I'll get to her right after breakfast," he promised, and stepped back, letting
go his mother's body as he heard footsteps on the stairs.
They ate quickly, with Lorena and him carrying most of the conversation, and
when they were having a second cup of coffee, his sister announced that she was
going to the office with their father.
"Some files to catch up on," his father said without looking up from his plate,
"and Lorena volunteered to help."
Surprisingly, his mom said nothing in return, no putdown as she would normally
have done. It was pretty nice, Glynn thought, not to have his parents cutting at
each other all the time. He followed Lorena out to the station wagon because she
motioned him to, and there she whispered in his ear that she would go away for
about two hours.
"That will make it about noon when we come back, Glynn. Leave all the doors
unlocked, and I'll accidentally let dad see you putting it to mother, with Jean
right there helping. Just a glimpse to shake him up real good, then I'll back
him out. It's the next logical step."
Glynn said, "Well, all right, but I'm still a little shaky about him seeing me
and mom." He saw his dad coming around the car and split, his belly tightening.
Sure, he thought, it all seemed very logical and simple, but what if his old man
blew his cork? Dad might figure it was fine for him to stick his daughter, but
he might not want his boy sticking his wife.
Back in the house, he saw his mother and Jean Marks cleaning up the remains of
breakfast, and heard the dishwasher going. This kind of thing could turn a
worried guy into a juice head, he decided, but voted against a beer on top of
hotcakes with syrup. He compared the two -- his mother tall and willowy, but
with flared hips and long, eye-catching legs, Jean small and cute, put together
like a miniature Venus. Mom's hair was black as night, and Jean's was flaming
They seemed to be getting to know each other, laughing and whispering things he
couldn't hear. As he fidgeted just beyond the door, his fear fading in his
eagerness to screw these two beautiful females, he saw Jean put a hand upon his
mom's waist, and watched it drift almost casually down across her ass.
Immediately, his shaft leaped to attention. Jean was feeling up his mom, and he
knew damned well that he was going to see some lesbian type loving before long,
that he was going to be a major part of a sexual get together different from the
one he had joined with Jean and his sister.
This time, Jean would make love to his mother, and maybe it would also go the
other way around, while he got his licks in with both of them.
He couldn't just hang around and watch them, so he went up to take a bath, using
plenty of hot water and soap, lathering his body strongly, then changing the
water flow slowly from hot to cold. In the end, he found himself yelling and
dancing around in the needlelike spray.
They were waiting for him in his mother's room -- but not really. Jean and his
mom had started without him, for they were already naked and together on the
bed. As he stood staring in the doorway, he saw the little girl crawling over on
top of his mother's statuesque body. Jean had both hands full of tit, and was
kissing the beestung lips with dedication, her little pink tongue darting in and
Glynn heard his mother make some kind of choking noise, and watched her hands
come up to cup the trimly molded ass cheeks, to caress and stroke them, push
them together and pull them apart. The sight started a vibration in his rigid
cock, and he walked slowly toward the bed where they were squirming. For the
moment, they seemed to have forgotten he existed, and he couldn't blame them.
His mother was having her first lesbian experience, and Glynn was anxious to see
what would happen next, but not from a distance. Not wanting to miss a single
movement, he sat down on the far edge of the bed, holding his cock and staring
avidly at them.
Jean manipulated his mom's breasts, thumbing the nipples while she kissed the
older woman, mashing down on the springy mounds and letting them spring up
rounded again. Her sleek little belly moved back and forth, seeking contact with
their crotches, but until Jean stopped kissing her mouth and slid down, their
cunts couldn't meet.
When she reached the base of the white throat, her mouth hesitated, and Jean
licked the hollow there, then dipped over to the left to fasten hotly upon the
upright nipple. Glynn sighed as the girl sucked upon that fabulous tit, because
he knew the texture and flavor of it himself. She caressed the belly, the hips,
and his mother's fingers dug into Jean's ass.
They were moving together then, pussy to pussy, Jean in between his mom's
outflung legs, between the full, rich thighs. They humped and ground their
cunts, making fucking motions as if one of them was a man, and he could see
Jean's dark red pussy massaging his mother's midnight black cunt
Moaning, his mother gasped out: "Oh! Oh darling girl -- it's wonderful to feel
you like this, your sweet little box against mine. Oh! Yes, dear -- your clit
against mine -- humping, humping -- oh!"
And Jean answered hotly, "Yes, Arlene -- yes, Mrs. Johansen; what a deep, wet
cunt you have, all velvet and juicy. So lovely, so hot and beautiful. Fuck me,
Arlene -- fuck me!"
The girl's ass blurred as she stroked furiously into the woman's cunt, heaving
and twisting, rubbing her inflamed clitoris into his mother's steaming box.
Glynn clamped down hard on his cock as he saw his mom lift her symmetrical legs
and coil them around the small, perfect body. They really screwed then, moaning
and gasping, rotating their asses and ramming their cunts together faster and
"C-coming!" his mother cried out. "Oh you wonderful little thing, you're making
me come!"
"Me, too!" Jean sobbed, bumping her crotch violently into the black one, making
wet sounds. "Your beautiful hairy pussy -- oh, squeeze me in your thighs, Mrs.
Johansen, grind that terrific cunt into mine -- OOOHH!"
Glynn sat entranced, his prick leaping in his hand, his balls packing themselves
with fluid that was demanding to be released. They were so damned beautiful
together, lying wrapped in naked flesh, and they had just reached a mutual
orgasm, sharing the lascivious delights that one woman could give to another.
And Jean was only beginning. A real AC-DC chick, he thought, as she began to
slide down his mother's supine, panting body, kissing the rib cage, licking her
tongue over the smoothly mounded belly to ram it hotly into the navel. His mom
shuddered all over, and pawed ineffectual hands at the twisted sheet, her mouth
hanging open and her eyelashes fluttering.
"Your skin tastes like honey," Jean purred, "and I'll bet your pussy is even
richer. Love the feel of your cunt hair against my cheek, Arlene -- it's all
crinkly and kind of stiff, and I can smell the perfume of it, warm and pungent"
The girl was rubbing her face into his mother's snatch, first one cheek, then
the other, nosing into the thick curls of the ebony pubic hair. She even used
her chin to burrow into the springy bush, and nipped the insides of the
trembling white thighs with quick, hungry teeth. Glynn clamped down on the head
of his prick, held it lightly as he watched.
He climbed on the bed with his knees, and scrambled over so he could see the
most intimate details. There was Jean's tongue lapping like a puppy dog into his
mom's quivering labia; he could see that the cunt lips were swollen now and
turning redder. Jean was playing with the cheeks of the other woman's ass and
dipping her fingers into the crack while she ate pussy.
The dark red head, the elfin face, pushed deeper into the humid receptiveness of
his mother's crotch, and he watched Jean take the cunt lips between her teeth to
bite tenderly upon them. His mom rocked from side to side and her ass began to
hike itself up and down. She took the girl's head in her hands then, and her
hunching movement fucked it.
Glynn stared down at Jean's uptilted ass, at the sweetly formed cheeks and the
tiny cleft with its feathery covering. He saw the tight little anus, and below
it, as Jean wiggled, the cunning design of her tiny pussy. It pouched at him
when she pumped her ass, as she buried her face inside his mom's blackly heaving
It was so close; he ran his hands over the sleek buttocks and felt their shape,
their warmth, the smoothness of them. Prodding, he slipped the distended head of
his stiff prick between her thighs, and for a few breathless seconds she rode
his shaft, skidding her wet cunt lips up and down the length of it. Then Glynn
used one hand to hold her bobbing still, the other to hold his cock while he
steered the blunt glans into the tufted red hair.
The heat of it sizzled against his cockhead, and he shoved steadily into it,
fitting his knob into the tight but eager slot that was so inviting. It went in
slowly as the lips turned elastic and gave to his pressure; the bulb popped
inside her pussy, and with a long, twisting stroke, he seated the rest of his
prick full length within the tight sleeve of Jean's blistering young cunt.
Glynn had never fucked this way before, from behind. It was a new sensation for
him to snug his balls up tight to the neatly sculptured ass, to drive his long
thrusts into the girl as she shook her tail against him. It was good, he thought
dazedly, holding to her waist with both hands and cramming his cock while Jean
ate so ardently into his mother's pussy.
"I -- I can't stand it!" his mother called out, swinging her head blindly from
side to side like a metronome, her tits heaving and her belly jerking. "Oh --
it's too much, too much, darling! My pussy is going insane -- ahh! Oh! Please --
Narrow and snug, Jean's cunt worked over his moving prick, and his balls swung
against the backs of her thighs. Glynn stared down at the entangled women, at
the sweetly surging ass he was putting the rod into, at the twisting, arching
form of his mother in the throes of her orgasm on the girl's avid mouth.
His mom fell back limply, and Jean lifted her dripping face from between the
older woman's thighs. Glynn gave her a few more strokes, and Jean's pussy
thrummed around his buried cock like a soft tuning fork. She was coming, too, he
knew, and held his shaft solidly in her, deeply within her box, as her hot oils
bathed it.
By keeping still, he didn't come. It felt almost as good, he thought, and held
his prick inside the girl's snatch, wondering if this was how to keep fucking
for a long, long time. Jean wobbled in his grasp, so he allowed her to slide
forward, so that his hard pole slipped soapily from the kiss of her pussy lips.
"Oh, lover boy," she said, rolling over and smiling wetly up at him. "That was a
fine screwing; you timed it just right, while I was about to make your mother
Glynn was proud of himself, and saw that his mom's eyes were opening, that her
dark eyes were focusing upon his posed cock with its shiny head. She acted
puzzled, as if she didn't quite know where she was for a moment; then her eyes
cleared and she smiled that warm, bitchy smile.
"Well, dear -- you've just seen your mom debauching herself with a girl. Did it
surprise you as much as it did me? I had no idea, really -- but it's so
different, so tender and thrilling."
He said, "You were great, mom. I put it to Jean from the rear, while she was
eating your pussy, but I didn't come yet."
"I sure did," Jean announced. I had it going for me at both ends, and I came so
hard that my head spun. Wow -- what a beautiful family you are, every one of
Glynn saw his mother frown. "Every one, Jean?" she asked.
He moved to her, hurriedly cutting off the conversation, telling himself that he
would break the news a little later, that she didn't have to know right now. She
would have to discover that dad was screwing her daughter sometime, but there
was more than an hour left before Lorena was due home.
"I'd like to fuck you dog fashion, mom. Maybe you'd like to go down on Jean,
kind of reversing your positions. She's ready for it, ready for anything."
Eyes clouding over in that special, sexy way, his mother licked her full lips
and nodded. "That sounds nice, lover. Were you saving your load for me?"
She kissed him before turning to straddle Jean's slim body, and he still felt
the wet thrusting of her tongue for several seconds afterward. Trembling, he
watched Jean set herself for the oral loving, putting a pillow under her piquant
little ass so that her scarlet mouth tipped upward, and spreading her polished
knees wide.
The red tufted and downy hair of her pussy gleamed up at his mother, and the
older woman stooped to gather the small girl lovingly in her arms. As Glynn
watched enraptured, his mom snugged Jean close, kissing her mouth hungrily,
shoving her tongue deep into the gasping, open lips. His mother's knee was
prodding into Jean's crotch, and the lovely girl was wiggling upon it, rolling
her snatch hard against the sleek flesh there.
Then his mom, his gorgeous, sensual mom, was kissing Jean's tit, sucking upon
each nipple in turn, and her hands were cupping the girl's body, running over
the warm skin. She lowered the girl and began to lick hotly over her chest and
belly. Her fabulously shaped ass came back toward Glynn, lifting up as she slid
down Jean's writhing body to the treasure of the fragrantly steaming pussy.
Head turning back over her shoulder, his mother said to Glynn: "Put it to me,
The cheeks of her ass were like big, beautiful melons in his hands, and when she
turned to plunge her mouth into Jean's thrusting pelvis, he eased the head of
his prick out to touch the puckered brown ring of her hole, staring down at the
crinkly curlings of her snatch hair, at the meeting of her inflamed pussy lips
in back.
Had his father ever mounted her this way? Had his dad ever fondled these
splendid, captivating cheeks and nudged his mom's asshole with his cockhead? A
quake rippled over Glynn, and his skin turned extra sensitive. When she rolled
her hips, he poked gently with his knob and discovered the marvelous slippery
labia kissing his point. With a little guidance, it eased into the wet, greasy
hold of her pussy, aroused now because of the sucking it had just had.
The shock of it was always new, he thought, sliding his hard and aching shaft
deeply into her alluring cunt; it was always as if he was putting the meat to
his darling mother for the very first time. The juicy tissues of her pussy
closed around his probing dick, tightened upon it with a loving grasp, and his
balls nestled against the silken pillows of her textured thighs. It was in his
mom again, stuck to the roots within her mature, ripe cunt, and he adored the
feel of her inner vagina.
She was so damned hot, so damned beautiful; she was the queen of all bitches,
and Glynn worshipped her sexually, grinding his pelvis into the hills of her
cheeks, bending down to tuck his belly against the velvet length of her graceful
back. Her heavy tits hung down as she ate into the girl's pussy below, and Glynn
caught them in both hands, clung jealously to them all warm and springy as he
stroked tenderly into her pussy.
"I've got my prick locked into your hot cunt," he whispered into the back of her
neck. "My cock is buried in your pussy, mom -- moving all hard and slippery in
there where dad fucks you. It's my pussy, too, and I'm fucking you, mother --
I'm pumping my shaft in and out of your boiling cunt, and you love it, you
beautiful, hot bitch -- you love to be fucked by your son!"
She moaned into Jean's crotch, and the small girl moaned in answer, heaving
gently into the older woman's face, turning her trim ass in the gripping hands.
Glynn pulled on his mother's round, pendulum tits, and worked his rod steadily
into the clutching well of her deep pussy. Suddenly he wondered how her
quivering nest would feel, if it was already made oily by another man's semen --
by his own father's hot juices.
Pretty soon, he told himself, giving her longer, harder hammerings, reaching to
the far end of her vagina with the lunging head of his cast-iron prick; pretty
soon, he might get the chance to watch his daddy fuck the hell out of her, and
then he'd climb onto her the second his daddy climbed off, the very moment after
the old man withdrew his big, dripping shaft after letting go his load.
Glynn would rut and grind in her wet cunt then, continuing where his dad left
off, fucking and screwing and pumping his own searing come in to blend with the
slidy stuff already left inside her stirred-up, shuddering pussy. Both of them
would fuck her, and daddy would see it, see him pound the cock into her body
while mother squirmed and told him how much she loved his young, hard meat.
Just then, Jean cried out wildly, and beat her tiny hands against the bed. "Mrs.
Johansen -- oh, Arlene, darling -- darling -- eat me -- devour my cunt, darling
-- I'm coming, coming!!!"
Glynn felt his mother's pussy snap on his cockhead, felt the inner sheathing of
her gorgeous cunt draw tight around it, and in reflex, the semen came hissing up
from his balls. When she bucked her ass back against him, he held desperately to
her tits and banged away at her suctioning box. The come hosed from his glans,
hurled thick and viscous fluid at the entrance to her cervix, dripped his male
essence sticky and penetrating along the enveloping wall of her cunt, soaking
her completely, lathering his still churning rod from head to balls.
He thought he was never going to stop coming; it was so good that he felt dizzy,
and at last he shivered to a stop, his balls only twitching against her molded
thighs, his prick stilled and drowned within the soggy velvet grasp of the most
fantastic pussy in the world.
Slowly, he sat back, bracing his hands upon her hips for better balance, but she
came back with him, lifting her smeared face from the young girl's smokey cunt,
grinding her ass in ecstasy upon his sloshy prick.
Something from outside came knocking at his consciousness, something alien, and
Glynn pivoted his head at the sound of the door opening. He saw them standing
there, his sister and his father, saw his dad staring with unbelieving eyes at
the tableau the three of them made, on the bed.
Then Lorena pulled the door shut again, and Glynn collapsed on top of his
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turtletotem · 5 years
Breaking the Curse
The last of my Star Bright reward fics, for @covertius-fic! The prompt was--well, telling the whole prompt would give away the entire plot, but it’s a Captive Prince modern AU that involves Damen always falling in love with the worst person at Nikandros’s party. This year, he meets Laurent.
(Also on AO3!)
Damen was beginning to wonder if Nik's New Year's Eve party was cursed.
Nikandros had thrown a grand blowout party every New Year's Eve since they graduated law school and got real jobs—Nik at a prestigious corporate firm because he had the talent and intellect to go far, Damen at the state prosecutor's office because he had the desire to fight for justice and the financial ability to focus on his ethics more than his slender paycheck. Even though he and Nikandros still lived in the same city, they moved in different circles and worked very different schedules; it wasn't all that easy for Damen to see his best friend. For that reason, and the fact that the party itself was incredible, with fireworks and performing acrobats and an open bar, Damen did not want to miss it. But he was starting to think he ought to.
Because every year Nikandros threw a New Year's Eve party, and every year Damen fell in love with the worst—or at least worst for him—person there.
The first year had been Erasmus, a shy sweet submissive paralegal whom Damen doted on for ten months… until he reconnected with his high school sweetheart, leaving Damen devastated and on the rebound just in time for the next New Year's Eve party.
That year he'd met the hot and glamorous Kashel, someone else's plus-one who had dumped her boyfriend and torn Damen's clothes off in a closet before midnight—but that went nowhere in a hurry. It turned out that all he and Kashel had in common was sex, which was spectacular but not what Damen wanted in the long term. They parted ways, amicably enough, by April.
Most recently, after a long (for him) dry spell, he'd met Jokaste at the third year's party—a partner from one of Nik's firm's rivals, who hadn't actually been invited. She had proceeded to turn Damen's entire brain inside out for months, before eloping with his brother the day before Thanksgiving. That had made for an awkward family dinner.
"My party is cursed?" Nikandros repeated when Damen told him his theory, pacing his apartment with his phone in one hand and the party invitation in the other. "That's what you're taking away from this? Not, say, an indication that you jump into relationships way too freaking fast?"
"Wow, way to blame the victim," Damen said.
"I'm right and you know it. You always think someone is your soulmate based on warm pants-feelings and a ten-minute conversation in which you don't hate them. And the only time you meet new people is at my parties."
"None of that is true!"
"I think you should definitely come, Damen. You'll meet a new soulmate, or at least a new Kashel—that didn't turn out too badly. Some awesome rebound sex is just what you need."
"No. I don't want a rebound. I don't even want a date. I want to stop getting my heart broken over and over. The woman I wanted to marry blew up my world and my family less than a month ago. I want to rest."
"Well, stay home then, dude," Nikandros said gently. "I'm not gonna get my feelings hurt about it, I promise."
"No. You know what? No!" Damen dropped the invitation to smack one fist into the other. "I'm gonna come, and see my best friend, and have a great time, and not pair off with anybody, and break the stupid curse! It'll be my New Year's resolution—go to your party and fall in love with absolutely no one!"
Nik laughed. "I don't think that's exactly how New Year's resolutions work, but okay, sure! I'll see you tomorrow night."
"Damn straight you will!"
A minor emergency at work had Damen late arriving to Nik's party. He stepped out of the elevator into what was a tastefully luxurious apartment on a normal day, and had now been transformed by twinkling lights, multicolored fountains (rented, he assumed) and circulating waitstaff into a revel of high glamour. Jazzy music filled the space between conversations, and people in tuxes and slinky black gowns gathered in knots around the piano, the refreshment table, the bar, and the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the sparkling city.
"Damen!" Nikandros called, waving over the heads of the crowd. "You did make it! Get a drink, I'll be right over!"
Damen waved back, and happily accepted the glass of wine a passing server offered him. He took a swallow, looked up—and caught sight of the most beautiful human being he'd ever seen in his life.
Blond hair, arctic blue eyes, the fine high-cheeked features of an elven prince. His expression was haughty and displeased, but that did nothing to decrease his appeal; it was all too easy to imagine him coolly evaluating the strength of the knots holding Damen to the bed. He took a broody sip from his glass, tipping it up and revealing a pale, elegant neck. Damen felt his mouth fall open.
Cursed, he thought, his stomach going into freefall. This party is definitely cursed. And it was too late to do anything about it. If he turned around and went home right this second, this guy would still be the only thing he thought about the rest of the night.
And then the server who'd given Damen his wine, a dark-haired young man who looked barely out of high school, walked past the arctic beauty. And the arctic beauty tossed his empty glass at him. Surprised and with a tray balanced in his hand, the server couldn't possibly have caught it; instinctively he tried, and in so doing, dropped his entire tray with a shocking crash and shatter of glass.
The arctic beauty looked the devastated server dead in the eye, laughed, and walked away.
As he went, he lifted a vape pen to his lips, and began filling the surrounding air with a cloud of peppermint-scented vapor.
Damen's heart leaped with delight. Yes. This was perfect. The man's behavior was exactly as appalling as his appearance was inviting; Damen had just found the one person at this party who would thoroughly distract him from hooking up with anyone else, while also making it impossible for Damen to fall in love with him. It was the perfect solution.
Other party attendees had already stepped forward to help the server with the mess of his dropped tray; Damen stepped around them and made his way through the crowd toward the jerk, following the cloud of eye-stinging peppermint and the mutters of complaint against it.
By the time he caught up with the jerk, Nikandros had cornered him against one of the windows and was telling him off.
"—and put that thing away right now," Nik said, jabbing a finger at the vape pen. "Don't you have the sense God gave a kindergartener? Any one of them could tell you that's an outside toy."
The beautiful jerk rolled his eyes, taking a deep drag that was equal parts obnoxious and picturesquely sexy, and put away the vape. "Yes, sir," he drawled, in a voice lower than his appearance might indicate, and mocking almost to the point of flirtation. What little of Damen's blood had not headed south started packing for the trip.
"Hey," Damen said, which was all he could think of to say.
"Damen, hey," Nik said, in a tone of abstracted relief. "Um, this is Laurent de Vere, a new junior attorney," he skewered Laurent with a dark glance, "at my firm. Laurent, this is my best friend, Damen. Be nice to him."
"Charmed," Laurent said, and extended his hand.
Instead of shaking it, Damen gave a flourishing bow and pressed a kiss to Laurent's knuckles.
Laurent looked intrigued, his eyebrows climbing. Nikandros looked horrified.
"Nik," somebody called, "there's something wrong with this fountain, it's making a mess…"
Nikandros groaned, made apologetic noises at Damen, and hurried off.
"So what's Nikandros like to work with?" Damen asked.
"You know how some species of water-creature survive being frozen all winter by lowering their brain function to almost undetectable levels?" Laurent said. "Imagine one of those working in law."
Damen choked on a shocked laugh.
"Laurent, I thought that was you!" A middle-aged woman paused on her way past them. "Goodness, I didn't realize you'd been invited!"
"And I didn't realize frosted tips were back, Madeline," Laurent said sweetly. "Oh—oh, you're just going gray. How mortifying. My mistake."
Madeline drew in an outraged breath.
"Er, let's just get another drink, Madeline," said the man at her elbow, whom Damen recognized as a longtime business acquaintance of Nik's.
"Yes, I'm sure another drink is just what you need, sir," Laurent said, which, considering the drunken hijinks the man had committed at last year's party, made Damen bite his lip to keep from cackling. The man turned red, and he and Madeline both slunk away.
"Aren't you just the social butterfly," Damen said.
"Oh yes, my goal in life," Laurent said, "winning the approval of the rich and shallow. I'm just as rich and shallow as any of them, and they know it. I have nothing to prove."
"Let me get you a drink," Damen said.
"Tempting as it is to spend this evening in a haze of alcohol, getting drunk in front of my boss—who is here somewhere—would be even less helpful to my career than skipping this party," Laurent said. "Oh, look, there's Allen Mortimer, whose embezzlement trial recently ended in a hung jury, I simply must say hello…"
Damen followed Laurent around the party, listening in fascination to his seemingly endless supply of cruel and cutting witticisms, both behind the subjects' backs and to their faces. No foible was forgiven, no flaw went unobserved. How Laurent even knew some of these things was a mystery to Damen. Nor did Damen himself escape unscathed; Laurent once introduced him as "Nik's idiot friend, who is hoping to get into my pants," and another time as "my hired escort; the muscles were extra." This last was given, fortunately, to people Damen already knew, who found it uproariously funny.
Every remark—except for the escort one—was both clever and true, and most were hilarious. Laurent was obviously brilliant, and also a remarkably hateful little snot.
"You must be a terror in the courtroom," Damen said.
"I'm sure you are, as well," Laurent replied. "Such moon-faced slow-witted obstinacy is very hard to combat. Like trying to swordfight a glacier." He looked up from the wineglass he'd bullied a server into filling with apple cider. "I'm not going to sleep with you. Why do you keep following me around?"
Before Damen could formulate an answer, a ruckus at the nearest window drew his attention. Several people were gathered at the glass, pointing and exclaiming at something on the other side. Snow suddenly spattered against the glass. A snowball?
He and Laurent reached the window at the same time, pushing their way to the front until they could see what was happening.
A gray tabby cat was tangled in the Christmas lights on the fire escape, thrashing in panic. Some boys, barely visible on the ground below, were hopping around excitedly and throwing snowballs at the cat.
Laurent hissed under his breath, a startling and furious sound, and bodily shoved two people aside to yank the window open. It didn't want to move at first; Damen pulled at the other side, and up it came. Laurent scrambled through onto the fire escape.
"Get away from here or I will make you regret it," he shouted down at the boys, his voice clear and crisp and incensed.
"Up yours," one of the boys shouted back.
Laurent scraped snow off the railing of the fire escape, packed a ball, and pegged that boy in the face hard enough to knock him on his butt—all in less than a second.
Damen was cautiously approaching the cat, making soft shushing noises. It stopped thrashing and stared at him, ears pinned and teeth bared, making the weirdest, scariest bubbling growl he had ever heard.
Below, the boys were laughing at their downed friend, sounds that changed tenor as they noticed Laurent packing another snowball. Their voices and footsteps trailed away as they chose the better part of valor—still laughing, but leaving.
"The lights are around his hips and back leg," Damen said as Laurent turned his attention to the cat. "He's gonna bite me sure as the world if I try to touch him. Maybe if you distract him…"
Laurent made a thoughtful noise, and took off his tuxedo jacket. It was already cold as, well, as a late-December night, fire escape open to the wind and snow, and neither of them were wearing coats, but Laurent showed no sign of discomfort. A minute ago, Damen would have said it was because he was carved of ice himself. Harder to think that now.
"Wrap this around her front half," Laurent said, tossing the jacket to Damen, "and I'll disentangle the back half. Don't let her get away; she's pulled that back leg out of joint. Needs a vet."
Damen looked at the cat's wide-blown freaked-out eyes and glittering claws. "I'll… try," he said. "One, two, three!"
He leaped forward and tackled the cat, throwing the jacket over her head. She screamed pitiably, and her claws went right through the jacket into his arms, but he'd resigned himself to that much. At least the jacket did keep her from biting him.
Laurent had the harder job, trying to hold down her injured leg while she kicked for all she was worth. He swore a blue streak, and came out of it with a score of scratches of his own, but finally the cat was free of the Christmas lights. Laurent shoved the rest of her up into the jacket; Damen did his best to wrap her up.
"Where's the nearest emergency vet?" Laurent called—to someone behind them, Damen realized, and turned his head to see Nikandros staring through the open window. "Or her owner—do you know her owner?"
Nik shook his head. "She's a stray, me and the neighbors have been taking turns feeding her."
"Right. Well, we need to get her in out of the cold, and get her to the vet." Laurent's voice brooked no argument. "Clear us a path to a warm, quiet room, find an emergency vet, and call a cab."
 Damen ended up taking a bit more damage to the skin of his arms, wrestling the cat into a cat-carrier Nik borrowed from the neighbor. They'd taken over the bathroom, he and Laurent and the cat, and Laurent used the antiseptic he found in its cabinets to clean Damen's scratches, silent and expressionless as the cat screamed bloody murder inside the carrier.
"Yowch!" Damen couldn't keep himself from flinching from the sting.
"Baby," Laurent muttered, cleaning his own scratches without a flicker of discomfort. "Her leg hurts a lot worse than your arms."
"I'm sure," Damen muttered, watching the cat clawing at the door to the carrier. "Poor thing, she's so scared."
"She'll be fine," Laurent said shortly, but flinched when the cat gave a particularly heartrending yowl—the only sign that anything he'd experienced all night had bothered him.
There's a lot more to you than I thought. Damen found himself watching Laurent—indirectly, in the mirror—as he crouched in front of the carrier making spspspsp noises, and couldn't make himself look away even when Laurent caught him at it and glared.
 Damen wasn't actually sure how he ended up accompanying Laurent and the cat into the cab. It didn't take two people, surely, to drop a cat at the vet, especially when the vet was expecting them and already knew the situation. But into the cab he went, and into the vet's office he went, and before he knew it he and Laurent were sitting in plastic chairs together, waiting for the cat's initial prognosis. They could hear her howling all the way down the hall.
"I'm really more of a dog person," Laurent said suddenly, after a long silence. "Not that I actually own one. But I get along better with dogs. Cats are… We're too much alike, me and cats."
One corner of Damen's mouth tipped up. "I can believe that."
"You're more like a dog," Laurent said, and then looked away, as if embarrassed by his own words.
"Sloppy and dumb?" Damen said brightly.
"No, that's not what I—I mean, yes, obviously that, but—" Laurent's ears were turning red.
Damen couldn't stop smiling. "I might be more insulted if you hadn't just finished saying how much you like dogs."
"What is this, Jupiter Ascending? I do not like dogs, and I do not like you!"
"But you like Jupiter Ascending," Damen said. "Enough to have parts of the dialogue memorized."
"Well, you recognized it, so—"
"So we have more in common than I thought." Damen continued smiling, and enjoyed watching Laurent flail for a response.
"You have a low opinion of high society," Damen said after a moment. "You've spent enough time in it to have dirt on everybody, so you know whereof you speak. You hate them all, but you have to move among them to do your job, so you cope by channeling Dorothy Parker. I get that much."
"Oh, you've got my number, have you?" Laurent said nastily.
"Not yet," Damen said. "Because what I don't get is how the man that climbed out on a fire escape without a coat and rescued a cat—and gave up his New Year's Eve to bring it here—is the same man that was willfully cruel to the waitstaff for kicks."
Laurent appeared struck by this. "I suppose that looked bad, out of context."
"What possible context could make it look good?"
"Nothing could make it look good," Laurent admitted. "I wanted to hurt and humiliate Aimeric, and I succeeded. Very petty of me. No moral high ground there. But it might help to mention that the last time I saw him, Aimeric wasn't working as a waiter. He was the personal assistant to a very powerful man, and a witness in a child abuse case against that man, a witness I thought we could trust to turn the tide of the case. Instead he lied on the stand, ensuring that man got off scot free." Laurent closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "He's probably a victim himself, frankly. I ought to try to have compassion. But I had to send a little boy back to a nightmare he thought he'd escaped, because of that piece of shit. So yes, I was delighted to see him reduced to serving drinks, and delighted to have a chance to make his life a little more difficult."
"A child abuse case?" Damen said, somewhat inanely, since that was the first of the many surprises Laurent had just hit him with.
"Yes, I'm part of the firm's family law department."
That wasn't what Damen had expected of Laurent at all. But a lot of this conversation was tending that way.
"Mr. de Vere," said a vet tech, coming into the otherwise-empty waiting room. "We've successfully gotten your cat's dislocated leg back into place, which was her only major injury, I'm happy to say. She's under sedation right now and we'll need to keep her under observation for tonight. Once you get her home you'll need to keep her confined and sedentary—as much as you can, I mean—for a few weeks so she can rest and heal without re-injuring herself."
"She's not my," Laurent began, then heaved a deep sigh and rubbed his eyes. "Right. Okay."
"She can stay at my place," Damen said, the words bypassing any common-sense filter he might have possessed. "I have a guest room."
Laurent stared at him. "You don't even know if she's litterbox trained."
Damen shrugged, not about to back down now that he'd made the offer. "It'll be fine."
"I'm sure can work out the details when you come pick her up tomorrow," the tech said. "For tonight, you can rest easy, knowing she's okay and in good hands."
 They turned toward the closest tube station outside the vet clinic, their breaths puffing dragon-like in the cold air.
"I could commit war crimes for a cigarette right now," Laurent muttered, huddling into his coat.
"Cigarette?" Damen said. "I thought you were a vaper."
Laurent sighed. "The vaping is supposed to help me quit. My New Year's resolution last year was to quit smoking, see. So I've spent the last three days desperately pretending I can still pull it off before the end of the year." He gave Damen a sideways look. "I'm probably even bitchier than usual, tonight, due to that." It had the air of an apology.
Damen smiled wryly. "Broken resolutions. I know how that goes. This year I've managed to break my New Year's resolution before the new year even started."
They were walking past a bar; inside, people with goofy year-numbered glasses and hats were cheering and clustering around the TV screens, which showed footage of Times Square and the traditional descending ball. They both stopped to watch.
"I don't think that's how resolutions even work," Laurent said. "What was the resolution?"
"Five! Four! Three!"
"I'll tell you later."
"Two! One!"
"Tell me now," Laurent said, and Damen kissed him.
Laurent's lips were cold at first, but warmed quickly under his, Laurent's gloved hands fumbling with Damen's coat to pull him closer. He kissed Damen back in an artless, innocent, almost clumsy way that was as unexpected as it was charming, and he kept his eyes closed for a second after Damen finally—reluctantly—pulled back.
"Happy New Year," Damen said, leaning their foreheads together.
Laurent tried to speak, cleared his throat, tried again. "Happy New Year. What were you about to tell me?"
"That Nik's New Year's Eve party is cursed. I'm really glad I decided to come."
"You," Laurent said, "do not make any sense. I like that about you." He pulled Damen in for another kiss, and Damen was happy to oblige.
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A frown scrunches up her nose and she shakes her head. “That might be fashionable, but it isn’t really me. I’m not a big sparkle girl. This, though…” She drifts over to a black v-neck dress and picks one out in her size. “I like this one. Come tell me how these look?”
James nods. "No sparkles, noted." He follows her to the dressing room where she sits him down on a small sofa outside of the dressing room.
“Be right back, sweetheart.”
James stares around the room until he hears Anne open the door.
“How does it look?” Anne opens the door to smile at James, her hands falling to her sides of the slinky gown. “And you’re allowed to look, sir, because I’m your girlfriend,” she teases.
"Wow..." His voice trails off and he lets loose a whistle. "If you weren't already my girlfrend, I would make sure you were wearing that." His brow furrows. "I don't like the idea of other men leering at you." He rubs his chin. "But if you love it, then I love it. Do you love it?" - J.C.
"Wow..." His voice trails off and he lets loose a whistle. "If you weren't already my girlfrend, I would make sure you were wearing that." His brow furrows. "I don't like the idea of other men leering at you." He rubs his chin. "But if you love it, then I love it. Do you love it?" 
She blushes at his reaction, pleased that he is so willing to make it known how he feels about her appearance. It makes her feel wanted. “Women are going to leer at you when we get you in a nice suit, sweetheart. They can look all they want, but at the end of the day, I’m the one who warms your bed, okay? Nobody else. I feel really good in this, so I want to get it.”
Anne walks over to him in her socked feet and kisses his forehead. “Let me get some shoes that will work for this one and the next outfit. I’ll be right back.”
She scurries off, still wearing the dress, to grab a pair of classic black pumps before slipping back into the dressing room. The dress goes back onto the hanger to buy for dinner, and she slips into the soft, flowing white suit. The black heels are barely visible beneath the long hem of the pants, which means she only has to buy one pair.
“What about this one?” she asks again, hopeful but clearly pleased with how she looks as she opens the door of the dressing room. It makes her feel powerful and beautiful, strong. She pulls out her hairtie and slips it over her wrist before placing her hands on her hips. 
But then she remembers his reaction to the neckline of the other one and her face falls. Downcast green eyes linger on his feet. Anxious hands wring together in front of her. “I have the money for it and the room in my suitcase...”
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rogersbabyyy · 6 years
enemies with benefits | roger taylor
summary: Roger Taylor and yourself are not exactly the closest of friends, something Freddie Mercury blames on sexual tension. And he might just be right.
pairing: roger taylor x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k+
warnings/tags: smut ladies, hate fucking, a bit of dom!roger (blink and you’ll miss it), foul language
a/n- this has a nonsensical, shitty plot and i hate it but we’re going to ignore that and focus on the smut okay! if this flops cardboard ben hacked me bye
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It was no secret that you and Roger Taylor weren’t particularly fond of each other. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for the distaste the two of you shared (and the only thing you agreed upon); it might have had something to do with how you caught him getting head in your bathroom that one time, or his generally utterly obnoxious attitude that left him unable to get his head out of his arse. His immature personality left him unable to leave you alone for more than five minutes, always prepared with a snide comment or cocky glance.
When the two of you were in a room together, the tension became so unbearable that it could even bring Freddie to an uneasy silence. The only reason you stuck around with the band was due to your close friendship with Brian, who often invited you to recording sessions and the like. During the recording of A Day at the Races, you were moaning to Brian about the prick as Roger recorded his drum parts for ‘Tie Your Mother Down’.
“He’s just such a prick, thinks he’s so smart, doesn’t he?”
“You should at least make an effort to get along with him, Y/N, he’s not going anywhere,” He answered simply, politely trying to tune out your complaints that he’d heard a hundred times before as he fiddled with the strings of his Red Special.
“Oh, don’t start with that, please!” Throwing your hands up in exasperation, you slid off the table you’d been sitting on to lean on the mixing board, crossing your arms in a huff. You glanced at Roger through the window in the mixing room, and he caught your eye and winked teasingly before turning his attention back to the beat he was playing. You didn’t even try to suppress the frustrated groan that left your lips.
“Darling, please, I might just jump off the London Bridge if I have to listen to you complain about Roger one more time. Just fuck him, already, it’s plain to see this is all sexual tension.” Freddie smirked at you as he blew a plume of cigarette smoke toward the ceiling, looking regal as ever despite having his feet crossed on the desk. Brian made a retching sound at his words, Deaky snickering.
“Just calling it like it is, my dear.”
It was at this point that Roger entered the room, twirling a drumstick between his fingers.
“How was that?”
“Perfect.” Brian gave him the thumbs up, and you rolled your eyes as subtly as you could; but Roger didn’t miss it.
“I’d like to see you do better. Think fast!” He threw the drumstick in your direction, and you caught it with one hand; glad that your rather unreliable hand-eye coordination hadn’t failed you.
“Didn’t say anything, did I?”
“Yeah, but you implied it-”
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” Freddie stubbed out his cigarette in the glass ashtray with a vigour, silencing Roger. “If you two don’t cut it out, you can count yourselves uninvited tonight.”
Freddie was referring to the party he was holding at his house that night, something you weren’t particularly looking forward to, but you knew Brian would be upset if if you didn’t at least put in an appearance. You huffed, and Roger snatched the drumstick from your hand as he left the room, probably to tend to his dear old drum kit.
God, you hated him.
Later that night, you rocked up to Freddie’s when the party was in full swing. Dressed in a terribly uncomfortable slinky black number that didn’t even have pockets, and showed a bit more cleavage than you were accustomed to, it was safe to say that you were out of your element. With a final tug at the hem of your dress, you knocked on the door. No one answered, and you assumed this to have something to do with the new Diana Ross song blasting from Freddie’s top of the range speakers (that he had spent weeks raving about). So, you timidly let yourself in, and was thankful to spot Brian’s head of curls immediately from the doorway.
“Wow, Y/N, don’t you look lovely!” Brian’s wife, seated by his side, greeted you warmly.
“Thanks, Chrissie, it’s not the most comfortable thing,” You grimaced as Brian shoved over on the sofa to make room for you. A waiter graced past, precariously balancing a silver tray of champagne flutes in one hand, and you took a glass gratefully.
“So, how long do I have to stay?” You smirked at Brian, sipping the bubbly alcohol.
“Couple hours at most, you know Freddie really wants you to feel welcome.”
“I know, he’s lovely, s’just not my scene, is all.”
As if on cue, Freddie sauntered into the room, flanked (much to your disgust) by Roger.
“Hello, Y/N! God, look at you, dressed to the nines, darling!”
Freddie’s contagious attitude was something that even you couldn’t fight off, and you grinned as he leant down to peck your cheek.
“Thanks for having me, Fred.”
“I hope you have fun, dear,” As he was straightening up, he paused at your ear, “I know how you feel about Roger, but I have about five bathrooms upstairs if you want to-”
You thumped him playfully on the arm before he could finish, and Freddie snickered.
“I have to mingle, darlings, catch you later!” And just like that, he was off. Roger took a seat on the armchair opposite you, Brian and Chrissie, beer in hand. You waited for a snide comment that never came, as you felt his eyes on you from behind his obnoxious dark Aviators (you were inside, for God’s sake).
“You look nice tonight.”
The sharp retort you had planned died on your lips.
“Are you feeling okay, Rog?” Brian reached out to press the back of his hand to Roger’s forehead, as if testing for a fever. He swatted it away, nearly spilling his drink in the process, and flashed a grin at you.
“Cat got your tongue, love?”
“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink, Rog,” you found your voice, crossing your arms self-consciously over your chest.
“I can assure you, I’m quite sober.”
“That makes for a nice change.” You muttered, taking a gulp of champagne. Roger huffed, shaking his head to get his hair out of face before sipping his own drink. He… he actually didn’t look that bad.
Brian shifted uncomfortably beside you, and clasped Chrissie’s hand as he stood up.
“We’re going to get some drinks and say hello to everyone. Don’t kill each other, Freddie’ll have to clean up the mess.”
He was oblivious to your wide, pleading eyes that screamed please don’t leave me; but just like that, he disappeared into the tangled mess of bodies that clouded the living room. Damn you, Brian Harold May. Damn you.
And so, you and Roger ended up alone. Desperately, you racked your mind for an excuse to leave your seat; your champagne glass was almost full, so you couldn’t slink off to get a “drink”, and the bathroom was too obvious. Shit. Didn’t he have better people to talk to, anyway?
“So, no girls tonight?” You interrupted the silence, a term which you use lightly, due to the music and general yelling that you knew was going to end in a pounding headache later.
Roger scoffed, setting his beer down on the coffee table.
“What do you think I am, some kind of man whore?”
“Well, yes.”
“At least I get some, love.”
You hunched forward in your seat, glaring at him.
“And why do you think I’m some kind of prude, huh?”
“Oh, I don’t think you’re a prude. I can tell just by looking at you that no guy, well, maybe one or two, has made you orgasm. You’re an expert at faking it. Everyone you’ve been with has been extraordinarily average and you’re sick and tired of it; so, you’re opting out of sex for now.” Roger said all this with an extraordinarily casual flair, examining his nail beds as he did so.
And you couldn’t hide the shock on your face, because he was right. You gaped helplessly at him, like a goldfish, your brain failing to provide words.
“How’d I know?” He smirked. “I’ve been around, love.”
And so, somehow, by some glitch in the simulation we all live in, either the Devil’s doing or perhaps by the grace of God, you ended up pinned against the wall of a secluded hallway by Roger Taylor himself.
“We can’t do this,” You gasped against his insistent mouth, gripping the lapels of his jacket as some sort of way to ground yourself in all this madness, “I fucking hate you.”
“I fucking hate you too.” He cradled the back of your neck as his tongue slipped past your lips, rocking his hips against yours, a growing bulge already prominent in his pants.
“Can’t do this here,” you panted in between kisses, “Bathroom. Upstairs. Freddie has loads,”
Without a word, Roger grasped your hand and ran up the nearby stairs two at a time, dragging you behind him. He pushed open the first door he came across, which thankfully was a sparkling white bathroom that included the handy feature of sporting a lock on the door.
“Are you sure you want this?” His shockingly blue eyes pieced yours as he waited for confirmation.
“God, yes, and I don’t fucking know why!”
Roger slammed the door shut and locked it, his lips crashing with yours once again as he backed you up against the bathroom vanity. His mouth quickly found your neck, making his primary focus to turn your skin a beautiful shade of purple, while his arms circled your waist as he easily lifted you onto the cool marble counter top.
“D’you have a condom?” You gasped as his teeth nicked your neck in a sensual, practiced manner, his breath warm against your skin as lips trailed to your collarbone.
“Mhmm, in m’wallet…”
The hand that wasn’t gripping his hair for dear life patted down the back pockets of his jeans until you located his wallet. You fumbled with it, Roger’s mouth never leaving your body for a second, until you found the little square packet and threw it on the counter.
“Rog, I need you, now…” His lips silenced yours and you felt him grin against you.
“I always knew I’d hear you say that.”
“Shut up.”
Still smirking, his hands fumbled with his belt as he kissed you again, fervently. You reached down to help him tug the leather through the loops of his jeans, as he fought to pull down his underwear. It was if the two of you were horny teenagers, the way you were dry humping each other in the bathroom while a party roared downstairs.
“People are gonna notice we’re gone,” You murmured.
“Let them wonder.” His cock finally sprang free from the constraint of his boxers, painfully red and raw, swollen veins running down either side. Your mouth watered at the sight, as he pumped his hard length with his fist. “See what you’ve done to me, you fuckin’ minx?”
He wrapped his hand lightly around your throat, his lips now fighting to mark up your jaw.
“Need you, Rog, please,” You were almost disgusted at yourself, the way you were begging for him, and you knew he’d give you shit for it later but Christ, you didn’t care.
“What d’you need, love?”
“You know.”
“I don’t think I do, Y/N,” A devilish smirk graced his features. “Where d’you want my cock? Your mouth, baby?” His thumb brushed roughly over your bottom lip, as you shook your head; his hand then found its way to where you needed him most, and you whined. “Want me inside your tight little pussy, huh? Is that what you want?” His fingers expertly pulled your underwear to the side as he gently toyed with your entrance.
“Bastard,” You gasped as he pulled his fingers from you and swiped his tongue over the mess you’d made on them.
“Now, that’s not very nice, is it?” You felt your wetness trail down your thighs at Roger’s mocking tone, and you quickly reached down to yank your knickers off and throw them to the ground. Roger wasted no time in taking the condom from the vanity, on which you had thrown it, and tearing the foil packet open with his teeth. He masterfully rolled the latex down his length and, taking his cock in his right hand, lined himself up at your entrance.
“Ready for me, babe?”
“Hurry up, Rog, God, m’so wet-”
That was all he needed to hear. He pushed into you in one swift motion, filling you up just right, as you both cursed furiously at the sensation. Your arms reached up to lace around his neck, gasping, as his hand gripped your waist to steady himself. He slid further into you until you took him to the hilt, his balls resting against you. Feeling yourself clench around him as your body adjusted to his length,
“Christ, give me.. Give me a minute, love,” He grunted into your neck, his eyes squeezed tight.
“What, you’re going to cum already?”
“Fuck off,”
Roger pulled slowly out of you, only to snap his hips quickly against yours. You yelped in pleasure, and his hand clamped over you mouth.
“Gotta be quiet for me, okay? Don’t want everyone to know how much of a slut you are for me, hm?”
You became a whimpering mess at his words, and your condition didn’t improve as he built a steady pace, grunting under his breath as he began to fuck you hard and fast. Sounds of skin slapping echoed in the bathroom, interrupted by sporadic moans and curses that both of you tried, without much success, to muffle.
“Your cock feels so good inside me, Rog, fuck- oh!” He hit a sweet spot inside you making your back arch.
“Yeah, you like that, huh? M’fucking you so good, aren’t I? Let me hear you say it.”
“Fucking me so good, babe, filling me up so nicely, fuck, fuck!”
“That’s right, shit, you’re so fucking tight-” He pounded you even harder than before, his eyes rolling back in his head, as his cock slipped easily in and out of your slick folds. Your nails dug into his back and you felt the well toned muscles of his back (presumably from years of drumming) contract underneath your touch. Roger tugged at the low cut neckline of your stupidly tight dress until your breasts spilled out; and he eagerly took one of your nipples into his mouth as his hips snapped against yours.
“Fuckin’ perfect tits,” he grunted against your skin, before slipping out of you without warning, the head of his cock nudging your sensitive clit. You whimpered his name and clutched at his shoulders, desperate to have him back inside you.
“C’mere, love,” He pulled you off the vanity on which you were sitting, legs spread, and flipped you over so that you were standing, your ass facing him, leaning against the vanity. He delivered a firm slap to your ass, and you jolted forward, gasping; the mixture of pleasure and pain was just right.
“Such a little slut…” He slid back into you easily, and your eyes fluttered shut, flinging your head back from the incredible sensation. Roger suddenly tugged at your hair, his lips grazing the back of your neck.
“Open your eyes, love. Watch yourself as I’m fucking you. Watch yourself as I make you fall apart.” Eyes opening, and fighting back an ungodly moan that threatened to leave your throat as Roger resumed his pace, what you saw in the mirror before you was enough to push you to the verge of an orgasm.
Roger’s jaw hung open, grunting, as he watched himself slip in and out of your folds, his beautiful features shining with sweat. Your tits bounced in rhythm with his thrusts, and Roger leant forward to knead one with his right hand; the other reached down to rub quick, short circles over your swollen clit.
The coil building in your belly threatening to snap at his actions, you moaned, “Roger, m’so close, m’so close-”
Biting into your lip hard enough to draw blood, you felt your tight walls spasm around Roger’s cock as pure euphoria washed over your body, which was enough to trigger his own climax.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, Y/N, I’m coming-!”
Roger bit into your shoulder to muffle a cry as he filled the condom with his hot seed in a number of quick spurts, the both of you shaking as you hit your high together. As your body was still trembling with the aftershocks of the intense climax, he pulled out of you carefully, pressing a rare, gentle kiss to your shoulder, and went to throw out the used condom. You let your head rest in your arms as you fought to catch your breath, as you heard him rustling about behind you.
“Fuck, I need a cigarette,” he muttered, rifling through his jacket pocket for his packet of Benson & Hedges and his lighter. You laughed once, breathlessly, and finally stood up, your legs wobbly. As you took a seat on the edge of the bathtub, you were surprised to see Roger’s cock was still erect; that man really did have stamina, and you couldn’t deny it. Once his cigarette was lit, Roger took a seat next you, sighing out a breath of smoke.
“So…” you began. “What are we now? Is this… a thing?”
“It could be,” the blond shrugged. “Enemies with benefits.”
You snickered. “Enemies with benefits?”
“Yeah. Anytime you need a shag, give me a call,” He passed you the cigarette, and you took it between two fingers gratefully. “I still hate you.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
read part two here !
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