#solar power for educational institutions
townpostin · 2 months
Solar Power Boost for Jamshedpur Workers College
Institution Prepares for NAAC Evaluation with Green Energy Initiative 50 KVA solar plant installation underway as college enhances facilities and readies for accreditation. JAMSHEDPUR – While preparing for a national assessment, a local educational institution is incorporating sustainable energy. The installation of a 50 KVA solar facility at Jamshedpur Workers College is a substantial stride…
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
I know it's late for this, but here's how I think characters in the Mysterious Benedict Society would have reacted to the solar eclipse.
Nicholas- obviously he'd be so excited for this. The world goes dark, he passes out with joy.
Rhonda- buys everyone eclipse glasses and makes sure they understand the dangers of looking at the sun
Number Two- complains about the traffic because tons of tourists are coming for the eclipse and her mom has a ton of weird conspiracies about what the eclipse means, but once the eclipse is happening, she very much enjoys it.
Milligan- happy that he's able to experience such a unique and special moment with his daughter that he will treasure forever
Miss. Perumal- educates the children on how solar eclipses happen and bakes cookies for the watch party
Kate- climbs a tree so she can be closer to the sun and get a better view
Martina- was planning on forcing the tetherball team to practice through the eclipse, but begrudgingly cancels practice to join Kate in the tree
Reynie- is excited about the eclipse in a very average, but endearing way.
Sticky- is fascinated by and excited for the eclipse, but then he saw a video about what happened to that one person that stared at the sun and even though he knows that won't happen to him because he has the right glasses, he still can't get the thought out of his head. His friends help him calm down, and he ends up enjoying the eclipse.
Constance- pretends she doesn't care about it that much, but she actually does and writes an incredibly beautiful poem about it afterwards which she shows to no one.
Nathaniel/Curtain- cancels classes at the Institute to view the eclipse and somehow turns it into a metaphor about himself. I don't know exactly how he would do this, something about the moon being the darkness of Nicholas that blocks out the brilliance of the sun (himself), but the sun is all powerful and shall surely rise again, I don't know, something like that. However, if this happened during season 2, he would 100% incorporate it into his cult's doctrine just because he can. He'd make that the day and hour of his evil plans just for the symbolism.
Jackson and Jillson- they also saw the video about the people who stared at the sun and they have made it their personal mission to warn everyone about proper eye protection
SQ- he's happy to be able to spend the day with his dad watching the sky. He later draws a really beautiful picture of the eclipse.
Jeffers- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage despite being warned multiple times
Dr. Garrison- fascinated by the eclipse for scientific reasons, but takes advantage of the distraction to escape and begin hatching an evil plot
Marlon- does not care at all that the eclipse is happening but goes along with whatever Curtain wants
Captain Noland- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Cannonball- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy Noland believes
Number Two's mom- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Number Two's brother- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy his mom believes
Number Two's sister- doesn't care at all that the eclipse is happening, but goes along with whatever her mom wants
And I know I've been doing mostly show characters, but...
Crawlings- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage. But he only stared at it with one eye because he kept the other one closed thinking that would somehow save him from being burned, so now he wears an eyepatch over his bad eye, but that's not the same one as the one where he lost his eyebrow, so it doesn't cover that damage either, he just looks like a mess.
The Rest of the Ten Men- think Crawlings is an idiot for looking at the sun and claim they don't care at all that the eclipse is happening (Sharpe lowkey does, would never admit it).
Seymour, the orphanage cat- continues being a cat. Is very confused when it is suddenly nighttime. Then when its daytime again, he shrugs it off and goes about his business.
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spotlightstory · 28 days
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The Michigan Medicis of Donald Trump’s America
Left, clockwise from top left Blackwater founder Erik Prince; U.S. Sec of Education Betsy DeVos (Prince); philanthropist Elsa and Prince Corporation founder Edgar Prince. Right, philanthropist Hellen and Amway co-founder Richard DeVos; standing, businessman Dick DeVos.
If you ever wondered where the weird Republican ideas came from or how did we get here, well, here's a piece of the puzzle. Buckle up, it's a long read. Link to full article above. I pulled out quotes on topics below.
"In the solar system of elite Republican contributors, Richard DeVos Sr., who died Thursday at age 92—one of the two founders of Amway, the direct-sale colossus—occupied an exalted place, and his offspring did too. Since the 1970s, members of the DeVos family had given as much as $200 million to the G.O.P. and been tireless promoters of the modern conservative movement—its ideas, its policies, and its crusades combining free-market economics, a push for privatization of many government functions, and Christian social values. While other far-right mega-donors may have become better known over the years (the Coorses and the Kochs, Sheldon Adelson and the Mercers), Michigan’s DeVos dynasty stands apart—for the duration, range, and depth of its influence."
Conservative think tanks, advocacy organizations, and colleges
Grand Valley State University; Calvin College, attended by several generations of DeVoses, including Rich’s daughter-in-law Betsy DeVos, Northwood University, her husband Dick’s alma mater. Hillsdale, the libertarian-plus-Christian liberal-arts college in southern Michigan.
Other recipients of DeVos largesse: the Heritage Foundation, the Institute for Justice, and the American Enterprise Institute
"The DeVoses’ preference for “values-oriented” candidates reflect the teachings of the Christian Reformed Church. A small breakaway denomination of its Dutch forerunner, it has some 300,000 adherents in North America, many living in the same western-Michigan towns where their immigrant ancestors settled in the 1840s to pursue a faith.."
SCHOOL REFORM: Who can forget Betsy DeVos’s campaign to undo the state’s public-education system and replace it with for-profit and charter schools that, as she had put it two decades earlier, shared her mission of “defending the Judeo-Christian values"?
“[Among] her big ‘accomplishments,’” says Diane Ravitch, the N.Y.U. professor and respected education historian, “have been reversing civil-rights enforcement for kids with disabilities, putting administrators from for-profit colleges in charge of monitoring for-profit colleges . . . stabbing in the back young people with heavy debt for their college education, and being a constant critic of public schools.” One saving grace, Ravitch contends, is that DeVos has gotten very few of her budget proposals through Congress. 
LABOR UNIONS: Another target was labor unions. Amway and the Prince Corporation had no use for them. Now the family waged a public fight. After Dick DeVos was routed when he ran for governor of Michigan in 2006, he blamed his defeat, in part, on Michigan’s unions and began to push for a right-to-work law (weakening the unions’ economic power and political clout, a pillar of the state’s Democratic Party). In 2012, the bill got through, and Michigan—headquarters to the United Automobile Workers, no less—became yet another of the country’s right-to-work states.
FAMILY: "Betsy and Erik’s father, Edgar Prince, was a Chrysler-Plymouth salesman and then machine engineer who started a die-cast business and also had a tinkerer’s gift for inventions. One, the lighted vanity mirror on the flip-up sun visor (introduced in 1972), helped Prince become one of the wealthiest men in Michigan." (wow) "As he got richer, the elder Prince rewarded his hometown handsomely; Prince money has done much to preserve downtown Holland, which remains a 1950s time capsule of Candy Land façades."
The C.R.C.’s greatest figure, Abraham Kuyper, a Dutch theologian and prime minister who died almost a century ago, had declared, in words the faithful know by heart: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”  
The Princes and DeVoses—with neighboring homes in Holland—had effected a merger thanks to the 1979 marriage of their firstborn, Betsy Prince and Dick DeVos, then in their 20s. “Bible-reading jet-setter” was the description in a Detroit Free Press profile of Betsy.
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Betsy and Dick own a 22,000-square-foot mansion on Lake Macatawa.
ERIK PRINCE was devoted to his father, who doted on him. He played four sports at Holland Christian and was the proudly straitlaced kid who, without being asked, put away the soccer balls after practice. Prince enrolled in the U.S. Naval Academy in 1987 but was shocked by the frat-house atmosphere—too much for a junior culture warrior who’d been an intern at the Family Research Council. After three semesters, he transferred to Michigan’s Hillsdale College.
Today Hillsdale, under its president, Larry P. Arnn (former head of the Claremont Institute, a citadel of far-right ideology), is known as a feeder school for the Trump administration, including Betsy DeVos’s chief of staff, Josh Venable. In May, the week Vice President Pence gave the commencement address there, Politico called it “the college that wants to take over Washington”—citing many alums who are now D.C. power players. 
In 1989, Erik had been invited to a “youth” inaugural ball for Bush—and there had met Joan Keating, the woman who would become his first wife. Prince even worked as a Bush White House intern. “I saw a lot of things I didn’t agree with,” he later said. “Homosexual groups being invited in, the budget agreement, the Clean Air Act, those kind of bills. I think the administration has been indifferent to a lot of conservative concerns.” He left that job for another, in the office of California congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who has often been called Vladimir Putin’s top Capitol Hill asset, so valued, the Times has reported, that he was given a Kremlin code name.
Prince spent four years with the SEALs in the early 90s but moved on after his wife was diagnosed with cancer and his father, aged 63, died of a heart attack. The elder Prince left behind a business with 4,500 employees. The family sold it for $1.3 billion, and Erik, at 25, now had a sizable inheritance.
One of Prince’s instructors in the SEALs, Al Clark, was also looking to set up a security-and-defense training company. Prince had money to invest. Out of this came Blackwater, which began as an instruction facility for law enforcement, the military, and special-ops squads in Moyock, North Carolina. 
The article goes into detail about Blackwater and it is mind-blowing. Their involvement post 9/11, Russian arms dealings, US government contracts,
"The source says he resigned after he discovered that Prince had approved plans to illegally weaponize aircraft and “actively train former Chinese Red Army personnel that are now being deployed into Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar, and the Uighur region in China”—actions he perceived as supporting foreign interests above America’s. (Other Prince associates reportedly resigned for similar reasons.) Prince firmly denied the allegations."
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Embracing a Holistic Approach: The Multifaceted Activities of Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala
In the heart of India, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala stands as a beacon of compassion and sustainability, embodying a deep commitment to the well-being of cows, community, and the environment. Through a series of dedicated initiatives, the gaushala has transformed into a multifaceted hub where spiritual, agricultural, and humanitarian efforts converge to create a positive impact on society. Here’s a closer look at the diverse activities undertaken by this remarkable institution.
Cow Protection: A Sanctuary of Hope
Home to over 21,000 stray and destitute Desi Indian cows and bulls, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala provides a sanctuary where these revered creatures receive a second chance at life. Rescued through various channels, including police, government agencies, NGOs, and farmers, these gauvansh are sheltered, nourished, and cared for with utmost dedication. The gaushala’s in-house medical facility, staffed by experienced veterinarians, ensures that each cow receives timely and comprehensive healthcare, fostering their well-being and longevity.
Shelter and Nourishment: Building a Safe Haven
The gaushala boasts expansive shelters, meticulously designed to accommodate the growing number of protected cows. These shelters provide a comfortable and dignified living environment, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a holy and safe space for gauvansh. Nourishment is another cornerstone of care at the gaushala, where a balanced diet of dry fodder, green fodder, grains, mustard cake, and jaggery is carefully prepared and served twice daily. This holistic approach to feeding ensures that the cows remain healthy, strong, and vibrant.
Medical Care: Ensuring Health and Well-Being
Around-the-clock medical care is a priority at Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala. With a fully equipped medical facility on-site, the gaushala is prepared to handle any health concerns that may arise. From routine check-ups to emergency care, the dedicated team of veterinarians and support staff work tirelessly to maintain the health and well-being of the gauvansh. Ample stocks of medicines and vaccinations are maintained to prevent and treat illnesses, ensuring that each cow receives the best possible care.
Breeding and Training: Promoting Indigenous Cows
The gaushala is actively involved in research and breeding programs aimed at enhancing the genetic traits of indigenous cows. By focusing on disease resistance, adaptability, and milk production, the institution seeks to create a sustainable ecosystem where farmers are encouraged to keep Desi cows. Additionally, vocational training programs are offered to farmers, educating them on the importance of organic farming and the benefits of desi cows and bulls. These initiatives aim to preserve cultural heritage and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Renewable Energy and Organic Farming: Pioneering Sustainability
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is a model of sustainability, harnessing renewable energy through biogas plants and solar power systems. The gaushala’s BIO CNG plant, powered by ONGC, converts 25,000 kg of cow dung daily into CNG gas and manure, contributing to a cleaner environment and the production of organic fertilizers. The institution also promotes organic farming, encouraging pesticide-free crops and eco-friendly practices, with a mission to convert surrounding villages into organic lands.
Humanitarian Efforts: Serving Communities in Need
Beyond its work with cows, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala extends its compassion to human communities, especially during times of calamity. From providing relief during floods in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand to distributing food during the COVID-19 pandemic, the gaushala’s humanitarian efforts have touched countless lives. The institution regularly sends truckloads of supplies to remote regions and runs food camps, ensuring that those in need receive essential nourishment and support.
Spiritual and Cultural Initiatives: Nurturing the Soul
The gaushala is also a center for spiritual and cultural enrichment. The magnificent yagya mandap, situated on the serene banks of the Ganga, hosts various sacred rituals, including Yagyas, Pujas, and Japas. These spiritual endeavors are conducted by accomplished Vedic Brahmins, creating an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy. The institution’s yoga center, in collaboration with Jhanvi Yoga Dhyan Sevashram Trust, offers yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatments, promoting holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is more than just a shelter for cows; it is a sanctuary where compassion, sustainability, and spirituality intersect. Through its diverse activities, the gaushala not only protects and nurtures Desi cows but also uplifts communities, promotes environmental stewardship, and fosters spiritual growth. It is a shining example of how dedicated efforts can create a ripple effect of positive change, benefiting both the present and future generations.
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Important announcement- PragerU videos could be taught in Florida schools
So I just read this article from Politico, which states that the Florida Department of Education and Ron DeSantis have approved of a series of videos to be taught in Florida elementary schools created by PragerU, a far-right organization. The videos mainly focus on dismissing concerns of climate change and pushing a climate denialist agenda, with false claims that wind and solar power cause pollution and that climate change isn't a big deal because "the climate is always changing." Not only is this rhetoric harmful, Florida is a state where climate education is incredibly important. We regularly experience hurricanes and flooding, and much of our economy relies on the environment, such as beach tourism, the bottled water industry, and agriculture. Irresponsible climate policies anywhere in the world could lead to disastrous consequences, but Florida in particular is in a precarious position, as we have the lowest elevation of any state. Oceanographer John Englander notes that while Florida may not be in danger of sinking underwater anytime soon, some highly-populated areas, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale, are in high-risk areas to flooding, and rising sea levels and over-extraction are damaging our aquifers. Even for a state that leans red, Florida has historically invested in environmental protections, as no matter the political party, many people here understand just how vital they are to the state.
A couple notes on the PragerU videos- while many of you probably already know this, PragerU is not an actual university or academic institution; it is a conservative media organization. However, the videos, which push not only climate denialism, but also racist and anti-LGBT ideological viewpoints- are structured in a way to seem credible, both to adults and students. The Politico article notes this:
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One of the videos the article mentions could be taught in schools also straight-up compares climate advocacy to oppression faced by Poland under the Nazis:
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Not only is this climate denialism and consistent with the conservative persecution complex so often used to fuel their rhetoric, by conflating fascism with climate advocacy, this video is especially dangerous because it may also distort a young viewer's understanding of fascism. Fascism is not "people disagree with me, so I'm a victim." It is a conservative authoritarian ideology that, in the social sphere, relies on the systemic othering and erasure of marginalized groups, suppressing information, and creating a warped view of history that is consistent with its ideological goals- a "return to traditionalism," which often ignores the actual nuances of history in order to create the impression that fascism is the "natural order" of humanity.
The article also quotes these as PragerU CEO Marissa Streit's goals in implementing these videos in classrooms:
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They may be starting with Florida, but it's not just Florida. If you're in another state, be aware of this as well.
We also get this, which uh. requires no comment:
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From this article:
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(Also note the phrase "Judeo-Christian," a controversial term contested by some Jewish people, who have criticized it due to Christianity's role in perpetrating anti-Semitism, as well as the fact that Judaism and Christianity differ in philosophy, culture, and religious beliefs in a number of areas. To critics of the term, "Judeo-Christian values" may wrongfully imply that Judaism is a "lesser" religion or "proto-Christianity". While the term is not always used in this context, and some Jewish people support its use, the phrasing "Judeo-Christian values" may be a dogwhistle for anti-Semitism in some situations.)
If you see this post, please spread the word, and inform any parents, teachers, or friends you may know who may be considering teaching this material, or have children or siblings who may be shown PragerU videos in the classroom. Even if you live outside of Florida, be aware and inform other people, as PragerU wants to expand their agenda to other states.
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intersectionalpraxis · 11 months
The fact that Israel has been and continues to target and bomb THE most vulnerable places -hospitals, refugee camps, schools, and places of worship -should be horrifying to us all. Don't let American or any Western media source numb you to ANYTHING that happened or continues to because this is beyond inhumane, immoral, and criminal. And yes, this also includes communities all around the world with whom the media has normalized, ignored, or silenced genocides and imperial/colonial violence (past, and ongoing).
Let me make it clearer for folks who still don't think this is a genocide being concealed by Western media in Palestine by reminding ya'll some of what has happened:
Israel bombed a major academic institution in Gaza recently, Al-Azhar University, and Western news media outlets were neither shocked nor grieved over the deliberate destruction of Gaza's educational space. When Israel bombed the oldest Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza, the Western world barely batted an eyelash; but when Notre Dame went on fire in Paris, the world grieved for over a week.
Israel fighter jets/warplanes bombed 3 refugee camps: Jabalia refugee camp (which was considered THE most devastating strike at the time: killing at least 50 Palestinians and injuring 150; some other reports suggested higher -in the hundreds). Bureij refugee camp, where over a dozen people were killed. And most recently, al-Maghazi refugee camp, where dozens of people were killed. At all these spaces, Palestinian people are SEEKING REFUGE & SHELTER. Some of the many places that should be SAFE, but Israel's defense?? Hamas commanders were potentially there. Based on HUNCHES -not with ANY confirmation whatsoever... and even so, if we're all living in the real world here -why would a space that is keeping tens of thousands of innocent civilians safe be a place any country/power targets unless there were nefarious intentions?
Israel also bombed and continues to bomb hospitals (and near them). The first, and most horrifying we heard of at Al-Ahli, where about 500 people were either killed or injured. It was also the first time we got Israel's start of their ever-failing PR game of 'but it was actually a Hamas rocket,' -of which Israel claimed was a Islamic Jihadist strike -despite ground footage and experts/people who served in the US military DEBUNKING that absurd lie. Israel even tried to EDIT a fake video about the event to evade accountability for this WAR CRIME. And yet, despite all I've mentioned before, on top of video evidence of white phosphorus being air dropped too, THEY'RE NOT BEING INVESTIGATED BY INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS. Let's also not forget to talk about how Israel has shelled/devastated al-Shifa hospital -a place of critical care for cancer patients, and one where MANY journalists take refugee to charge their equipment/phones/where they edit their work because it's one of the only places with solar panels --is being targeted.
As a few days ago, the Palestinian health minister said: "55% of health sector partners had to suspend operations" due to lack of fuel, "16 out of 35 hospitals in Gaza had to shut down" due to lack of fuel shortages and/or Israeli bombing. There are around 5000 Palestinian women who will give birth this month/in the coming weeks, and without access to proper care, disasters will be eminent.
Most recently, it was reported that al-Quds Hospital will run out of fuel in less than 48 hours; this specific hospital has equipment used to help babies on incubators, and thus will be rendered useless. Israel bombed/shelled this hospital to the extent where it's going to shut down, and they're now LYING about storage spaces on hospital sites by saying they are tunnels, when they are NOT. Blueprints were even uploaded to prove they're a small space; but, despite being DEBUNKED immediately, western media has made it seem like it's a hiding place for Hamas.
Israel has also bombed ambulances, medical convoys (one most recently in front of al-Shifa hospital, killing 13 people), and has labelled independent Palestinian journalists as terrorists and is intending to DOXX them in the coming days so their information is widely available to the IDF/Israeli military.
And the most terrifying news I heard today from letstalkpalestine's backup account: "The UN estimates there’s only enough food in Gaza for the next 5 days 🚨"
For anyone still saying that Israel is a victim, and they they are just 'defending,' themselves still -have more than some shame, have some more humanity. Israel has been destroying infrastructure in Gaza for a reason, and that should terrify you, not fuel your pro-Israel agenda.
This is a genocide, not a war. I repeat: this is a GENOCIDE not a war.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Sun Day
Embracing warmth and radiance, basking in the vibrant glow that uplifts spirits and infuses joy into everyday moments.
Sun Day, formally known as International Sun Day, is a unique celebration that honors the Sun. This day emphasizes the importance of solar energy and appreciates the Sun’s contributions to life on Earth. It is a day that allows you to grasp the Sun’s potential and invest in the planet’s sustainability.
People have been fascinated with the sun and its effect on the Earth since ancient days. It has been seen as a symbol of energy, light, and life. Without it, Earth would be a lifeless rock floating in space. In modern times, we see it as a source of clean, renewable energy.
Sun Day is not just a celebration but also a call to action, a reminder to the world of solar power’s potential for a sustainable future.
History of Sun Day
As a formal event, the Sun Day can be traced back to the late 20th century. Its origins refer to the growing environmental movement and the search for alternative energy sources.
The United States celebrated the first official Sun Day on May 3, 1978, after the U.S. Congress designated the date to promote solar power following a joint resolution passed in 1977.
President Jimmy Carter, whose administration was marked by a strong push for renewable energy, supported the initiative, which resonated with the energy crisis of the time.
Since its establishment, this day has seen widespread activities across the U.S., with events highlighting the potential of solar energy and its benefits.
Educational institutions, governmental bodies, and environmental groups have engaged in discussions, demonstrations, and exhibitions to spread awareness.
Although not recognized as an official annual holiday, Sun Day has been celebrated by enthusiasts and environmentalists who continue to advocate for solar energy.
How to Celebrate Sun Day
Celebrating Sun Day can take many forms, from educational activities to a personal commitment to sustainable practices. Here are some ways to honor this day:
Educational Workshops and Seminars: One of the best ways to celebrate Sun Day is by spreading knowledge. Schools and communities can organize workshops and seminars on the benefits of solar energy, how it works, and its impact on reducing carbon footprints. Experts in the field can be invited to give talks that inspire people to consider solar solutions for their energy needs.
Solar-Powered Events: Events that run on solar power are a direct way to demonstrate the capability of this renewable energy source. Whether it’s a concert, a local fair, or a community gathering, using solar panels to power the event can be a powerful statement.
Switch to Solar: Sun Day might be the perfect time for individuals considering solar panels for their homes or businesses. This commitment can result in long-term savings on energy bills and less reliance on fossil fuels.
Advocacy and Community Initiatives: Take a stand to support solar energy development. Joining or starting local initiatives that aim to install solar power in public spaces or provide solar-powered solutions to those in need are perfect ways to celebrate the day and contribute to the community.
Personal Practices: On a more personal level, taking the time to enjoy the Sun responsibly is a way to connect with the essence of Sun Day. This could be as simple as sunbathing, planting a solar garden with sun-loving plants, or cooking with a solar oven.
Artistic Expression: Artists can use Sun Day to create and showcase works that feature the Sun or are created with the help of solar energy. This could include solar light installations, photography that captures the beauty of the Sun, or music inspired by solar themes.
Sun Day is a moment to reflect on our relationship with the Sun and to embrace the possibilities of solar energy. It’s a day to educate, inspire, and take real steps toward a future where clean energy is not the alternative but the standard.
By participating in Sun Day activities or simply taking a moment to appreciate the warmth and light the Sun provides, we can all appreciate its vital role in our lives.
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Solar-driven green synthesis of epoxides
Research published in the journal Science China Chemistry is expected to serve as comprehensive background knowledge and to provide researchers with insight into the recent developments of solar-driven green synthesis of epoxides. The review was led by Prof. Yuchao Zhang (Key Laboratory of Photochemistry, CAS Research/Education Center for Excellence in Molecular Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) "Epoxides play a pivotal role in industrial production, serving as essential building blocks or intermediates for synthesizing various high-value chemicals. Traditional preparation methods often rely on hazardous oxidants (such as peroxy acids) or extensive fossil fuel-powered thermal catalytic systems, resulting in significant CO2 emissions and waste production," Zhang says.
Read more.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Climate Workers Wanted. (New York Times)
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
Three years ago, Alexsandra Sesepasara moved home to American Samoa, a remote chain of Pacific islands, with her family after more than a decade of military service. She took a job as a water resources engineer for the utility that provides power, cleans up trash and manages drinking water for the more than 49,000 residents of the territory.
But soon after she arrived, she realized that rising seas and worsening storms, fueled by climate change, had brought new problems to her homeland, while exacerbating old ones. Saltwater was seeping into the islands’ fresh water supply, shutting down schools and leading to boil water notices. In December, the issue caused a nearby hospital to close all nonessential services for nearly a week.
There was another problem, Sesepasara said: American Samoa didn’t have enough workers to fix its water issues.
But this summer, the American Samoa Power Authority, her employer, became one of nine entities across the country to receive funding under a $60 million federal program intended to help train workers to combat the growing challenges of climate change.
The climate jobs of the future, experts told me, may mean adjusting how we think of the jobs of the past: Electricians may need to learn to install solar panels, construction workers may need to deal with new engineering requirements and bankers may need to manage climate risk.
“This is a model of us adapting our jobs in real time to the reality and need of the moment,” said Ned Gardiner, a program manager for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Program Office, which is coordinating technical assistance for the grantees.
The funding comes as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which included hundreds of billions in tax incentives for clean energy and climate programs across the country.
While most of the applications NOAA received for the grant program focused on coastal resilience and protecting marine economies, the agency was open to proposals from sectors like shipping, engineering and finance, Gardiner said.
“Every job will be affected by climate change,” said Lara Skinner, founding executive director of the Climate Jobs Institute at Cornell University. “We look at every sector of the economy, and every sector will have to change. This isn’t some little transition.”
The tax incentives in the I.R.A. could ultimately help fund more than 6,200 projects in utility-scale clean energy and storage and almost four million jobs, according to the Climate Jobs National Resource Center, a labor organization educating workers on climate action.
NOAA’s work force program isn’t the only funding for jobs included in the I.R.A. Hundreds of millions of dollars are also available to hire employees in the National Park Service and workers to expedite clean energy projects in rural America, as well as to train a new generation of Indigenous workers through the Indian Youth Service Corps.
Last year, the Biden administration also launched the American Climate Corps to put 20,000 young Americans into jobs addressing global warming.
In the short term, there’s a lot of physical work that can be done to mitigate the climate crisis, like building more flood-resilient communities.
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smaller-comfort · 2 months
27. Share a piece of lore you made up for the Outshine the Sun early years wip and/or Consort roleplay wip?
I think the only lore that really goes with the concubine roleplay wip is general snecrontyr stuff that I've already covered elsewhere. That story is really just an excuse for Zahndrekh to dress Obyron up in sexy lingerie and make him beg to get fucked while Zahndrekh fingers him with his gloves on. At least, thats the plan, but we'll see how out of hand that one gets once I start working on it more.
For OtS- I've made up a fair amount about the Solstice religious order! It's a powerful institution with a lot of political power within the empire, although the Temple tends to be at odds with the Imperial Court on a lot of issues. Children born on the solstices don't get taken; parents can choose to dedicate their children or not, as they please. Officially dedicating a child to the temple does entitle parents to certain privileges and tithes in exchange, though, plus it means your kid gets an education and a pretty decent life. It's more like sending your kid off to be apprenticed; most children do keep in touch with their families, and they have the option to leave once they reach the age of majority.
There are, of course, children who are abandoned as newborns; Solstice orphans aren't uncommon, so there are children of all ages living in the temple cloisters.
The following is full of spoilers for the basic premise of OtS. I think it's pretty, though.
He laughed. “Absolutely not. The Elders said I had no potential, anyway. You'd have no use for me.”
She touched his shoulder. “You have no desire to be a Solstice Priest now, do you?”
“You were a child; there was no way to truly know what potential you might grow into.” She stood, and now she was no longer Sister Anais, who had been so kind to the children in the cloister; she was Solena incarnate, with the light of the sun shining from her eyes. “You have the right to that particular truth. Come.”
He took her hand, and she led him to the center of the courtyard. The midmorning sun was harsh above them. “We are the children of the sun. But after the longest day, the light begins to die. Never forget what our birth signifies.”
She raised one arm, fingers outstretched towards the sky, and time stopped. The sun wheeled backwards in the sky, casting the courtyard in darkness; the moon rose, set, rose again, and the unforgiving light of the solstice flooded the courtyard.
And between the outstretched fingers of her hand, he saw the cosmos: the orbits of the moons and the planet's axial tilt, leaning towards the sun at the height of the solstice; the stately revolution of the planet around the sun, and the entire cohort of the solar system, with its concentric circles of planetary orbits and asteroid rings.
And beyond: stars, of which their sun was but one of a multitude, each spinning around the black hole at the center of the galaxy, and the galaxy itself moving in its slow and ponderous way outwards from the center of the universe, where all things began, and ended, and began again.
She closed her hand into a fist, and time resumed. Her eyes were the blackness of an eclipse, outlined in a corona of solar fire. The sun set; the moon rose, and set, and rose again; the sun rolled back into position where it belonged.
He reached for her, feeling the force of gravity and its counterforce, the dizzying centripetal motion of the universe. He held the sun in his hands, and through it he could see- the pane of glass in his mind was not a barrier at all. It was a prism, refracting the light.
Resh'an blinked. A globe of white hot fire spun in the palm of his hand like a tiny star. He flexed his fingers, and it dissipated with a curl of smoke. It made sense now. He called the fire back, feeling the way the prism in his mind brought forth the spectrum of light and magic; the movement of the universe in space and time, repeated over and over again across the Sea of Stars.
The globe of fire sputtered out, suddenly, and he staggered. Solena caught him as he fell, and her touch flooded him with sunlight- not the white hot starfire, but the gentle warmth of a sunrise. “Have a care not to burn too brightly- this is why we need Luana, for balance, to keep ourselves from burning out.”
“I was never going to have that.” He thought of Aephorul, and the sister he never knew; he was sure he would have loved her, too. The thought was nearly enough to stagger him again, with the weight of that loss finally realized. "You knew from the start- it was why you sent me away."
(The premise: Resh'an is a Solstice orphan, who was taken from the temple before he finished his training. Aephorul has a dead twin sister, and never developed anything more than a rudimentary grasp of Lunar magic. Immortality ultimately corrupts their souls to the point where their own innate Solstice magic becomes poisonous.)
(Aephorul's sister has actually already made an appearance in the fic I've posted! She gets another cameo in Save Scumming, too.)
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realestatewithkk · 2 months
Hiranandani Kavesar Thane | Embrace Luxury Living
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Welcome to Hiranandani Kavesar Thane where luxury meets comfort in the heart of Thane. This premium residential project offers meticulously designed 2, 3 & 4 BHK luxury apartments that redefine modern living. Located in the vibrant locality of Kavesar, it promises a luxury lifestyle with world-class amenities, Modern architecture, and a serene environment.
Key Highlights
1. Prime Location It is strategically located in Thane, one of Mumbai's fastest-growing suburbs. With excellent connectivity to major highways, business hubs, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, residents enjoy the convenience of city life while being surrounded by nature.
2. Luxurious Living Spaces Our luxury 2, 3 & 4 BHK apartments are designed to offer the perfect blend of elegance and functionality. Each apartment is crafted with precision, featuring high-quality finishes, large windows for ample natural light, and expansive balconies that provide stunning views of the cityscape and lush greenery.
3. World-Class Amenities Experience a lifestyle of luxury and convenience with our state-of-the-art amenities:
Clubhouse: A well-equipped clubhouse for social gatherings and events.
Fitness Center: A fully-equipped gymnasium with modern fitness equipment.
Landscaped Gardens: Beautifully landscaped gardens and walking paths for a refreshing retreat.
Security: 24/7 security with CCTV surveillance and trained personnel ensuring a safe environment.
4. Sustainable Living It is committed to sustainable living. The project incorporates eco-friendly practices such as rainwater harvesting, solar power utilization, and energy-efficient lighting to minimize the environmental impact and promote a green lifestyle.
5. Proximity to Essentials Residents of Hiranandani Kavesar Projects In Thane enjoy easy access to a wide range of essential services and recreational facilities. Well-known medical facilities, retail establishments, schools, and entertainment venues are all conveniently located nearby, giving you and your family easy access to all you require.
Why Choose Hiranandani Kavesar Thane?
Elegant Interiors: Each apartment is designed with a keen eye for detail, ensuring a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. From modern kitchens to luxurious bathrooms, every element exudes sophistication.
Community Living: The property offers a sense of community with thoughtfully designed common areas and social spaces where residents can connect and build lasting relationships.
Investment Opportunity: Thane's real estate market is booming, making this not just a dream home but also a smart investment. The property is expected to be appreciated, providing a lucrative opportunity for homeowners and investors alike.
Developer Trust: Hiranandani Group is renowned for its commitment to quality, timely delivery, and customer satisfaction. With a legacy of excellence in real estate, you can trust that your home is built to the highest standards.
Hiranandani Kavesar Thane offers a luxurious and holistic living experience, combining modern comforts with a serene environment. Whether you're looking for a dream home for your family or a sound investment opportunity, Westgate by House of Hiranandani Thane is the perfect choice. Embrace a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and community Welcome home.
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Explore the elegance of Prestige Raintree Park: Verthur, Whitefield
Located in the heart of Verthur, Whitefield, luxury and tranquility - Prestige Raintree Park. With its verdant surroundings and carefully crafted accommodations, Prestige Raintree Park stands as a testament to the Prestige Group's commitment to excellence in real estate development. Let's take a closer look at what makes this residential enclave an alluring address for those looking for the perfect blend of modern living and natural serenity.
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Advantage of location Varthur, located in the bustling technology hub of Whitefield, is renowned for its proximity to major IT parks, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and entertainment hubs. Prestige Raintree Park benefits from this strategic location, offering residents unparalleled amenities without compromising the tranquility of suburban living. With easy access to the Outer Ring Road and the upcoming metro line, commuting to key destinations becomes effortless, making it an ideal choice for professionals and families alike.
Architecture and Design Upon entering the Prestige Raintree Park, one is immediately struck by the architectural brilliance that defines every corner of this sprawling enclave. The residences are thoughtfully designed to maximize natural light and ventilation while offering panoramic views of the surrounding greenery. From spacious 1, 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments to luxurious penthouses, each home is crafted with attention to detail and furnished with high-quality finishes and fixtures, ensuring an unmatched comfort and sophisticated lifestyle.
Benefits for every lifestyle Prestige Raintree Park is more than just a residential complex; It is a vibrant community where residents can indulge in plenty of recreational activities and amenities. Whether you want to unwind after a long day at work or get active with your family on the weekend, there's something for everyone. Take a refreshing dip in the expansive swimming pool, rejuvenate your senses at the spa and wellness center, or engage in a friendly game of tennis or basketball at the sports court. For the little ones, there is a dedicated children's play area and a well-equipped indoor game room, ensuring hours of endless fun and entertainment.
Green living redefined In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of serenity amidst the chaos is essential to one's well-being. Prestige Raintree Park offers residents the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life with its lush green spaces and landscaped gardens. Whether you're walking along tree-lined paths or enjoying a picnic with your loved ones on the sprawling lawn, every moment spent outdoors is a reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of sustainable living. With rainwater harvesting systems, solar-powered lighting, and waste management initiatives, Prestige Raintree Park is committed to preserving the environment for future generations.
Community and connection At Prestige Raintree Park, residents become part of a close-knit community where friendships flourish and memories are made. From festival celebrations to cultural events and recreational activities, there is always something happening within the enclave that brings neighbors together. Additionally, proximity to renowned educational institutions, healthcare facilities and shopping centers ensures that residents have everything they need at their doorstep, fostering a sense of belonging and convenience.
In essence, Prestige Raintree Park is not just a residential enclave; It is a lifestyle statement that epitomizes elegance, luxury and comfort. With its prime location, impeccable design, world-class amenities and commitment to sustainable living, it offers residents the perfect blend of urban convenience and natural tranquility. Whether you're a young professional looking to invest in your first home or a family looking for a tranquil retreat, Prestige Raintree Park is where dreams meet reality. Enjoy the pinnacle of modern living amidst the tranquility of Prestige Raintree Park, Verthur, Whitefield.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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“Net Zero” is the hot thing among Climate Change zealots and has been for quite a while.
The idea is simple: if excessive emissions of CO2 are changing the atmosphere sufficiently to cause undesirable changes in the climate, then we have to quit emitting excessive levels of CO2. The “net” part of Net Zero is finding a way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere in the same quantity with which we increase it through the use of machines.
Simple enough. It’s a bad policy, but the reasoning is simple enough to understand.
More than 140 countries, including the biggest polluters – China, the United States, India and the European Union – have set a net-zero target, covering about 88% of global emissions. More than 9,000 companies, over 1000 cities, more than 1000 educational institutions, and over 600 financial institutions have joined the Race to Zero, pledging to take rigorous, immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030.
This policy goal is truly insane, and everybody promoting it is as well. And, as the Telegraph reports, they are incredibly careless as well, playing with human lives and prosperity without thinking anything they do through to their logical conclusions. Their obsession with Net Zero overrides the most basic level of prudence one would expect from world leaders.
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Two of the primary strategies for achieving Net Zero are, as you know, electrifying everything while simultaneously abandoning the use of fossil fuels to produce electricity. And, since nuclear power is controversial, time-consuming to construct, and requires a substantial up-front investment, countries are placing almost all their eggs in the “renewable” generation basket.
If renewables were reliable and affordable, it would be a great idea. Who wouldn’t prefer a cheap method for reliably generating a lot of electricity without depleting resources we could use for other things, or stretch out for a longer period? If it is all upside and no downside, why not?
Yeah, well, but…None of that is true, so the advocates get sloppy, deceptive, and push ridiculous propaganda out to obscure the basic facts.
Britain’s climate watchdog has privately admitted that a number of its key net zero recommendations may have relied on insufficient data, it has been claimed. Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, who led a recent Royal Society study on future energy supply, said that the Climate Change Committee only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year when it made pronouncements on the extent to which the UK could rely on wind and solar farms to meet net zero. “They have conceded privately that that was a mistake,” Sir Chris said in a presentation seen by this newspaper. In contrast, the Royal Society review examined 37 years worth of weather data. Last week Sir Chris, an emeritus professor and former director of energy research at Oxford University, said that the remarks to which he was referring were made by Chris Stark, the Climate Change Committee’s chief executive. He said: “Might be best to say that Chris Stark conceded that my comment that the CCC relied on modelling that only uses a single year of weather data … is ‘an entirely valid criticism’.” The CCC said that Sir Chris’s comments, in a presentation given in a personal capacity in October, following the publication of his review, related solely to a particular report it published last year on how to deliver “a reliable decarbonised power system”.
Here’s a simple question for you: would you completely upend a system that was working and that undergirded your civilization based on such a limited amount of data?
If the answer is “Yes,” step aside and let the adults make policy because you are a buffoon.  Unsurprisingly reality has not matched the fantasy of the Nut Zeros.
But, in response to further questions from this newspaper, the body admitted that its original recommendations in 2019 about the feasibility of meeting the 2050 net zero target, were also based on just one year’s worth of weather data. The recommendations were heavily relied on by ministers when Theresa May enshrined the 2050 target into law. A CCC spokesman said: “We stand by the analysis.” In October 2021 The Sunday Telegraph revealed that assumptions underpinning the committee’s 2019 advice to ministers included a projection that in 2050 there would be just seven days on which wind turbines would produce less than 10 per cent of their potential electricity output. That compared to 30 such days in 2020, 33 in 2019 and 56 in 2018, according to analysis by Net Zero Watch, a campaign group.
It is not accidental or, bad enough, negligence that led to this rather error-prone way of estimating energy needs. Instead this is the sort of strategy used all the time in getting government to do remarkably stupid things: mislead about what the actual costs and benefits of achieving a goal would be.
In my earlier life as an activist, I saw this strategy used all the time: project an unrealistically low cost, claim unreasonably high benefits, and use the sunk cost fallacy to keep the money flowing. Projects in government can escalate in cost by as much as a factor of 20 or more and produce few actual benefits, but once the first dollars flow in the project has a life of its own.
Think high-speed rail in California. Costs have escalated out of control; hardly anything has been built; and a project that was supposed to be already running will likely never get finished. But the gravy train for the people getting the money continues for years or decades. The project got off the ground in…1996 and has consumed untold billions of dollars without much of anything having been built. The project got the green light in 2008, and costs have ballooned with little progress having been made.
The costs for the California high-speed rail project, which voters approved $10 billion in 2008, have risen sharply and the authority has not identified key funding needed for the project that has faced numerous delays. The full San Francisco to Los Angeles project was initially estimated to cost around $40 billion but has now jumped to between $88 billion and $128 billion. The rail authority estimated costs for an initial 171-mile segment connecting Merced to Bakersfield rose from $25.7 billion to at least $32 billion and is hoping initial service will begin in 2030.
Just to let you know, the Merced to Bakersfield portion is all in central California, where few people actually live. In other words, there will be a segment of high speed rail from nowhere to nowhere. Not to offend the good folks of Merced and Bakersfield, but nobody would have approved a $32 billion train from one to the other. It would have been the subject of very unkind jokes.
Now, it is reality, or rather, it might be late in this decade. That is how government scams work.
Nut Zero is using that model. Overpromise, underdeliver, skim a ton of money off the taxpayers and create a disaster.
Nobody involved with Net Zero has your interests in mind, and only the childish believe it is possible or desirable in the foreseeable future. Trillions will be made by scammers, bureaucrats and the transnational elite will gain more control over you, and the average person will be immiserated.
That is the reality of Nut Zero. It is a scam and a power grab. Nothing more. Trust nothing its advocates say.
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tapuwadangarembizi · 1 year
Greening the Path - Tapuwa Dangarembizi's Leadership in Sustainable Energy
Individuals such as Tapuwa Dangarembizi appear as pioneering individuals in the present day, characterized by an increasing focus on achieving environmental sustainability, creating a flawless and highly efficient energy landscape. Dangarembizi, known for his establishing and transformative initiatives, takes on the role of an unmatched catalyst, propelling humanity toward a greener and more ecologically harmonious future. 
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Dangarembizi's permanent mark in creating a path toward sustainable energy becomes clear through astute foresight, firm determination, and an enduring commitment to ecologically acceptable energy solutions. This blog post will explore Dangarembizi's remarkable body of work to reveal the magnitude of his extraordinary contributions and their profound implications for our collective work toward a sustainable energy paradigm.
Harnessing the Power of Natural Resources
Tapuwa Dangarembizi recognizes the vital significance of transitioning away from fossil-fuel-based energy sources and towards sustainable alternatives. His groundbreaking endeavors revolve around utilizing the inherent potential of abundant natural resources to generate clean, eco-friendly electricity. Dangarembizi's creative endeavors seamlessly reduce the detrimental outpouring of carbon emissions while creatively granting communities long-lasting energy solutions, whether through the safe installation of solar panels or the cutting-edge installation of electric vehicle charging stations and other innovative initiatives.
From Policy to Practice
Tapuwa Dangarembizi's leadership is far more profound than just practical implementation. He actively engages in advocacy and policy development at the governmental and international levels that encourage sustainable energy practices. Dangarembizi supports policymakers in developing supportive frameworks that encourage renewable energy adoption and investment in sustainable infrastructure. He wants to help build a sustainable energy ecosystem that benefits both current and future generations.
Inclusive Education for a Greener Future
Tapuwa Dangarembizi, an unwavering advocate of public access to sustainable energy solutions, firmly believes in actively engaging with communities to raise awareness and enthusiasm for the unparalleled benefits of renewable energy sources. His never-ending efforts are directed toward encouraging underrepresented communities through various initiatives that include educational programs, fully immersive training modules, and innovative workshops. Dangarembizi's efforts aim to promote an inclusive, equitable, and harmonious transition towards a greener and more promising future for all by establishing a comprehensive understanding of sustainable energy practices.
Building Bridges for a Sustainable Future
Collaboration is crucial for achieving a significant impact in the sustainable energy field, according to Dangarembizi. He proactively seeks partnerships with organizations, industry experts, and research institutions who share his vision to leverage collective expertise and resources. Dangarembizi's initiatives benefit from innovative solutions and combined knowledge by encouraging collaboration, speeding up the pace of the energy transition and paving the way for a sustainable future.
The topic, The Future is Green How Tapuwa Dangarembizi is Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy, exemplifies how committed individuals can shape a greener future. Dangarembizi is transforming the energy landscape by focusing on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, advocacy and policy development, community empowerment, and collaboration. Dangarembizi's work is a source of encouragement and a reminder that the future is indeed green as we strive to build a sustainable future.
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Americans are deeply polarized; that much is obvious. Less obvious, and more important for our purposes, is how polarization might complicate material progress today. One big problem the country faces is that as coastal, educated elites have come to largely identify as Democrats, Republicans have come to feel ignored or condescended to by the institutions populated by the former group. As if recoiling from the rise of a liberal scientific and managerial class, the GOP has become almost proudly anti-expertise, anti-science, and anti-establishment. Cranks and conspiracy theorists have gained prominence in the party. It is hard to imagine scientific institutions flourishing within right-wing governments averse to both science and institutions. But this is only part of the problem, culturally speaking.
The other part is that some Democrats—many of whom call themselves progressives—have in meaningful ways become anti-progress, at least where material improvement is concerned. Progress depends on a society’s ability to build what it knows. But very often, it’s progressives who stand against building what we’ve already invented, including relatively ancient technology like nuclear power or even apartment buildings. Cities and states run by Democrats have erected so many barriers to construction that blue metro areas are now where the housing crisis is worst. The five states with the highest rates of homelessness are New York, Hawaii, California, Oregon, and Washington; all are run by Democrats. Meanwhile, it is often left-leaning environmentalist groups that use onerous rules to delay the construction of wind and solar farms that would reduce our dependency on oil and gas. The left owns all the backpack pins denouncing the oil industry, but Texas produces more renewable energy than deep-blue California, and Oklahoma and Iowa produce more renewable energy than New York.
One possible explanation is that progressives have become too focused on what are essentially negative prescriptions for improving the world, including an emphasis on preservation and sacrifice (“reduce, reuse, recycle”) over growth (“build, build, build”). At the extreme, this ascetic style leads to calls for permanent declines in modern living standards, a philosophy known as “degrowtherism.” The aim is noble: to save our descendants from climate change by flying less, traveling less, buying less, and using less. But it is a profound departure from progressivism’s history, which is one of optimism about the ability of society to improve lives on a big scale through bold action. It’s self-defeating to tell voters: “My opponent wants to raise your living standards, but I promise I won’t let that happen.” It’s far better—and, arguably, more realistic—to tell voters that building more renewable power is a win-win that will make energy cheaper and more abundant.
When you add the anti-science bias of the Republican Party to the anti-build skepticism of liberal urbanites and the environmentalist left, the U.S. seems to have accidentally assembled a kind of bipartisan coalition against some of the most important drivers of human progress. To correct this, we need more than improvements in our laws and rules; we need a new culture of progress.
  —  Why the Age of American Progress Ended
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
In the mountains overlooking Barcelona, a team at Valldaura Labs has built a solar greenhouse that harnesses the sun both to grow plants and to create energy to power the hydroponic system for year-round growing.
The unit is providing food for the lab’s kitchen, as well as for a local restaurant, but it’s also a prototype for urban food self-sufficiency, and a larger model is currently being built on the roof of a new Barcelona skyscraper.
The wood for the prototype was all harvested, milled, dried, processed and pressed into CLT (cross-laminated timber) boards entirely on-site. All the pieces were designed to snap together, every joint pre-planned on computer and all hinges were custom CNC-printed, as Valldaura Labs' co-director Daniel Ibáñez explains.
The planting method is all hydroponics, using sawdust waste from the lab as the substrate. The greenhouse is irrigated with rainwater which is recaptured after going through the hydroponic system, to be reused on the gardens.
The students and teachers at IAAC (Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) hope that their two-story greenhouse can serve as a prototype for urban rooftop food production. Currently, a 100-square-meter version is being built atop a new wooden skyscraper that will be Catalonia's tallest CLT building.
Master in Advanced Architecture and Biocities https://iaac.net/educational-programm...
Valldaura Self Sufficient Labs: https://iaac.net/project/valldaura-se...
Philipp Wienkämper (student) https://www.youtube.com/@nullplus3576...
On *faircompanies: https://faircompanies.com/videos/high...
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