#so yeah that is the argument i would make to roll deception
thiefscant · 1 year
astarion when anais asks yurgir about his contract w/ raphael: why are we talking to him??? let's just kill him already!!!!
shadowheart, who just recently watched anais talk three thorms into dying without lifting a finger: shhh! let them work.
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stardustedknuckles · 3 years
Hi, how about #3. “Shhh. Don’t try to move. I’ve got you.” For Beau/Yasha. If you are interested, I would really appreciate a NB Beau story for this if you can! Thanks! :)
Written straight down the page, got away from me, more than 1k. They/she for Beau, plus an obligatory pun because like. That's just what it is to be NB sorry I do make the rules. Hurt/comfort, college AU, could fit right alongside anything I've done before but just also Beau is nonbinary. Early days. Enjoy!
"You're sure you're good?" Beau flipped off the guy who looked up from the nearby computer glare at her but lowered their voice a bit further as they sidled up to Yasha. "Because you look like shit. No offense."
The world was doing something kind of wavy as Yasha reached up for the book she'd come for, but she shook it off and blinked to clear her head. "I'm fine," she whispered back. "I told you. I'm not used to staying up studying like this."
"Yeah we need to get you some fuckin' study skills or something before finals," Beau remarked. "This is just midterms and you look three seconds from face planting."
Yasha didn't really have an argument for that. Also she wasn't really sure what would happen if she opened her mouth. She offered Beau a weak smile and made to step past her, but something fuzzy happened to gravity and the next thing she knew Beau had her by the arm in both hands and was puling her down. "Quit fighting me and sit," they hissed. "You're not good. You're dehydrated at best and probably made yourself sick staying up."
"I had water," Yasha protested. "Three hours ago."
Beau's face always looked angry, but now it looked severe. Worry, Yasha guessed. It was sweet coming from them. "Stay the fuck there. I'm going to the vending machine." Yasha blinked at the pap sound made when Beau stuck the back of their hand to her head. "You feel like a person," they whispered, aggrieved. "How's anyone get any info from that?"
"Take my card," Yasha mumbled.
"Fuck you."
She glared up at Beau. "You have three dollars to your name."
"Call it a micro trans action." She said each word distinctly. "Now stay."
Her hand when it brushed the side of Yasha's hand was softer this time, though that could have just been her hair buffering the feeling. "All your transactions are micro," Yasha muttered. Beau rolled their eyes and walked off with her hands in her pockets, but the third floor of the library was dead quiet and Yasha heard them break into a run at the end of the aisle. Damn. She must really look like shit. She definitely wasn't feeling so great, but she'd suffered exhaustion enough before to know whereabouts she was in terms of collapse. Kind of weird, to go from being unfazed by buildings routinely blowing up and fighting for her life on a daily basis to someone a little wiped because she'd gone too long without a granola bar.
Yasha lifted the book she'd pulled from the shelf and stared at it balefully. Maybe Beau had been right and she should have just pulled a random quote and bibliography from the internet. The essay was almost done anyway. She just couldn't shake the feeling that no matter how many shortcuts Beau took, if she tried it it would bite her in the ass. What if she lost her partial scholarship over feeling a little sick?
Her stomach gave a sudden lurch, then growled loud enough for half the third floor to hear. That seemed rude, and whatever Beau brought her was going to probably have a loud wrapper or something else to piss off everyone trying to study up here. She could at least haul her sorry ass to the elevators and wait there, where the silence hadn't quite set in and every sound didn't echo so much.
Yasha used the bookshelf to steady herself and get to her feet, and from there it was deceptively easy to put one foot in front of the other and shuffle towards the other side of the room.
She didn't quite make it. Yasha passed the last bookshelf and was about fifteen feet from the couch-chair things when she realized she might have underestimated just how far she was gone. Her foot scuffed the carpet wrong a second later, sending her tumbling onto the thin carpet. They got that part right, she thought dimly. Someone her size should have made a crash or at least a thud, but she hit the floor with hardly a whisper. Beau is going to be pissed, she thought, and then she passed out.
"Yasha. Yasha, hey. Yasha. Fucking answer me, Yash."
Yasha groaned and squinted against too-bright lights, tongue heavy in her mouth and feeling layered with something sweet. "Ow," she managed.
She heard a loud exhale of annoyance or relief and rolled her head towards the shape blocking the light. "Ah-ah. Don't try to move. Shh. I've got you." The dark shape resolved into Beau, backlit as they were from the fluorescents and holding a partially drained Powerade bottle. "Hold still and swallow."
Yeah, okay. Yasha held still as Beau tipped the bottle closer, and only when she moved to help the angle of things did she realize Beau's other hand was holding her head. "Sorry," she said once the bottle had been removed. "I really didn't think it was that bad yet."
"No shit," Beau shot back. They looked up past Yasha to something she couldn't see and made a universal "get lost" gesture with her arm. "She's fine. Fuck off." They glanced down at her. "Are you actually fine? Do you even have insurance?"
"It's eighty degrees in October and I wore my jacket," Yasha managed. "I'm an idiot, but I'm fine."
"You're not an idiot, you're a mess. There's a difference. The second one's fixable."
Yasha quirked a smile at that. Things were coming into better focus, equilibrium returning even as she still felt like warm death. "You're a mess."
"If you can talk, you can drink." Beau stuck the bottle back against her lip, but Yasha didn't think she imagined the curl of her their fingers in her hair.
"I can sit up now," she said she she was done. Her voice sounded stronger now - she actually believed herself.
Even if Beau didn't. "Nope. Five more minutes at least, and I will sit on you if I have to."
Yasha sighed and lifted a hand to her face, suddenly cognizant of the breeze on her skin. "My jacket -"
"it's right here." Beau lifted the familiar leather from Yasha's waist into her field of view. "Needed to get air in. Knew better than to put it anywhere else. And yes, technically that does mean you passed out and I started undressing you, get the jokes out of the way."
Yasha reached up carefully and touched her fingers to Beau's jaw. They frowned but didn't pull away. "I was just going to say thank you. And sorry again."
Now Beau batted her hand away. "Apologize again and I'm buying dinner."
Yasha scoffed, It didn't hurt this time or set off any little lights in her mind. "Dick."
"That's better." A little of her seemed to uncoil as they said it, and it was only then that Yasha pieced together what now seemed pretty obvious.
"Hey. Quit worrying. I'm fine."
Beau scowled at her. "Really selling that for me flat on your back in the campus library. I mean seriously, how the fuck were you after me all night to drink and eat snacks just for this to happen?"
Hmm. Well, that answer was anywhere between a sentence and a life history. "I don't do well with stress," she admitted, because it was technically true. "I just...didn't realize how stressed I was, actually."
To her surprise, Beau relaxed a little with a snort. "That's relatable at least." Their piercing eyes roved over Yasha for a moment, and then they dropped from their squat into a proper sit on the floor, careful with Yasha's head. "Want me to add your last citation? It's due in like an hour and we both know it's damn good and ready to go."
Yasha hesitated, anxiety flickering through her before she clamped down on it. "Yeah. If you would. Just...stick something in a spot it could go."
"Maybe when you're feeling better," Beau said breezily, reaching over Yasha to pull her messenger bag into their lap. "I'm going to fix your shit and print it, and then we're going to turn it in to your professor, and then we are going back to your apartment. It's Thursday," she reminded Yasha before she could protest. "Labs are on Tuesdays. I don't have anything left for the day, so suck it."
She ignored Yasha's eye roll and tapped at her screen. "And maybe change your PIN, uh. Sorry. I noticed the other night."
The floor was transitioning from comfortable to vaguely painful; Beau watched her warily as she sat up but didn't say anything. "Consider it sucked," said Yasha. "And I don't care that you know my computer password."
"Cool. This one, right?" They turned the screen so Yasha could see the essay title and tossed their braid over their shoulder when she nodded. "Just a sec."
They care about me, Yasha thought suddenly. It wasn't a particularly new realization - there was precious little about Beau that didn't make a fundamental kind of sense to Yasha - but up until now she'd been able to chalk up most of what they did for her as a sense of obligation. She'd seen the frustration and accepted it at face value, and only now watching them tap at her keyboard with a placid look of concentration and an empty Powerade bottle next to their knee did Yasha get a clear, solid glimpse of what it was to be cared for by one Beauregard Lionett. It was spiky. A little dangerous. Delicate, even, and so beautiful.
Their eyes slid sideways as her hands paused over the keyboard. "What."
"Nothing," Yasha said quickly. "Don't forget to close the quotation marks."
Beau glared at her, indignant, but whatever she was going to protest died when Yasha bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Yeah, you're fuckin' fine. You're still going to eat a godsdamn sandwich where I can see in the next twenty minutes though."
Yasha leaned up against the cool glass at her back and pulled her jacket up over her waist. "Deal."
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weebsinstash · 3 years
Can I ask what you think aizawa would be like with a chubby s/o? Or chubby darling? (Have you written one before? If so lmao I can't find it with the app)
Especially one sorta body conscious and I have some thoughts (mainly how, soft = best bed for the sleepy hobo) but it'd be cool to get some of your if that's cool to ask?
I haven't really been doing anything with MHA and The Storm at all so I guess I'll repent and answer this
I haven't written an official fic with a chubby reader because I just 😳 feel a lot of embarrassment i guess. You know how when other people so things, they're totally ok, but when you do the same exact thing, it feels too self indulgent and cringe? Yeah 🥺 I'm very shy about my weight I guess 👉👈
Aizawa strikes me as a character who is very good at putting up a front and bottling his emotions or keeping them on the downlow, and he is known for his "tactical deceptions" after all. I imagine that, on his best days, he's capable of acting fairly normal to his darling's face, albeit maybe more polite than he is to other people, smiling a little more. In private he's wide eyed and sweating and panting as he daydreams, fantasizes about sinking his hands into the plushest parts of your body, leaving little kisses and bites with his mouth in your most delicate of areas that make your toes curl, how your body would have a nice little 'squish' if he bound you with his capture weapon
He's definitely rubbing it out to thoughts of you on a nightly basis, like clockwork really, like a routine for him.
Of course he's also thinking of all sorts of sweet domestic thoughts too. Learning how to cook for you so he can see you eat his home cooked meals with a smile, buying you new clothes that he thinks would compliment your body better and make you look just lovely, maybe settling down and adopting a few cats with you...
And I mean, these feeling develop rather quickly. You meet him and somehow days later you just so happen to bump into him again. And again. And again. Shouta's definitely following you at night, making sure you get home safely, silently stalking along the rooftops and looking into your windows with a good set of binoculars, watching you sleep of he's especially lucky and you leave your blinds open a crack.
You are his cinnamon roll, too sweet for this world, who he must protect at all costs. There are no arguments. He perceives you as this soft vulnerable pure patch of sunlight in his gloomy depressing ass life and he starts following you uh basically the same day you meet. Good luck, because within the first week he's already starting a collection of your pilfered belongings, doublechecking and constantly adding to his notes on you, starting to draft up plans of the perfect prison dream home for you both to live in
And god yes does he insist you two sleep together every single night so he can feel your softness and warm and breathing against his own body and yes he will restrain you if you aren't cooperative
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate and Phantasms #2P: Artoria Pendragon
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re rebuilding the King of Knights Artoria Pendragon! Unsurprisingly, Artoria is a Champion like Mash, but you’d be surprised how different two characters can be even if they share a class. She’s also a Marshal to rally her knights to action, a Duelist to summon her sword just a little bit faster, and a Swordmaster to focus on skill above brute force.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here! Yeah! We have character sheets again, go nuts!
Despite Tristan’s arguments to the contrary, Artoria is still a Human, which gives her two free stat boosts which we’ll put in Strength and Charisma. You gotta king and you’ve gotta swing. That giant freaking sword, I mean. If you swung more often the thing with Lancelot might not’ve happened. As a Versatile Human, we get the Ride feat right away letting you command an animal without making any checks. The riding skill’s so much easier to set up in this game! You can also Keep Up Appearances when you’re affected by an emotion effect, letting you make a deception check against the observing creature’s perceptions. On a success, they can’t tell you failed the save and thus can’t benefit from that effect. If they can’t tell you’re hurting, nothing can go wrong! Right? Right?
At level 5 you can Sense Allies, so undetected friends who want to be noticed are just hidden instead (so at least you know what space they’re in), and you can sense these hidden allies with a check DC of only 5, not 11.
At level 9 you become a Hardy Traveler, increasing your Bulk limit by 1 and increasing your speed while traveling. Heavy armor is heavy, and that riding skill is coming in handy on road trips.
At level 13 your Stubborn Persistence becomes truly legendary. If you’d become fatigued, you can attempt a DC 17 check to just… not do that. We’ll definitely be using this again when it’s Casgil’s turn, but Artoria’s no stranger to pushing herself too hard as well.
Finally, at level 17 your Heroic Presence can inspire your knights to victory. Once a day you can cast Zealous Conviction on up to 10 willing creatures, giving them temporary HP and a bonus to their will saves against mental effects. Also, if you tell a target to do something, they have to do it unless it’s something they would normally find repugnant. You don’t exercise the king part of your title too much, but you are trying to rule a country here.
Artoria is a Chosen One, giving her two ability boosts and a skill training in something related to the prophecy plus Fortune-Telling Lore. I’d pick Deception here, since a big part of being king is tricking people into thinking you’re perfect, and also a guy. For your abilities, Charisma and Constitution.
You also get the Prophecy’s Pawn free action, letting you re-roll a failed save, attack, or check. After doing so, your DM can then force you to re-roll a successful save, attack, or check to balance things out. You can use this once every 24 hours or after the DM screws you over. You’re gonna be a great king. Just don’t expect too much else to work out for you.
Class Levels
1. Once again we’re taking the Champion class, and once again Strength is your Key Ability, giving you a free boost. This makes you Trained in Perception, Religion, Reflex saves, all attacks, and all defenses. You’re also an Expert in Fortitude and Will saves. Once again you get retroactive skill training every time your intelligence goes up, so we’re just including the whole list here and now: Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Medicine.
You also get four more ability boosts to increase your Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma. You follow the Tenets of Good like Mash, but unlike the soft-hearted shielder you are a Paladin, a Lawful Good champion. You still get Lay on Hands as your devotion spell, which you can cast once a day or by recharging with a 10 minute focusing session. You’re not much of a healer, but servants have their own healing factor, so it kind of works. Also, thanks to our Champion Feat Deity’s Domain, you can use that focus point to cast Oathkeeper’s Insignia instead since you’re all about that Duty. When you cast this spell after making a promise, a trinket is created. If you complete the promise while the trinket exists, it fades away with a pleasant chime. If you violate the promise, it breaks instead. At level one it lasts an hour. At level 5, a day. At level 9, a week, at level 13, a month, and finally at level 17 it lasts a full year.
Also, if one of your knights gets hit near you, you can make a Retributive Strike against the idiot attacking them. The ally gets resistance 2+your level to the attack, and you can make a Strike against the enemy if they’re within range.
One last thing, you can use the Shield Block feat, though we’re using a greatsword, so it’s not going to come up much.
2. As a second level champion, your Divine Grace makes you a little harder to rattle, giving you a +2 bonus to a save against a spell as a reaction. Wow, you’re getting magic resistance right away too, we’re on a roll!
We’re actually going to pick up the Marshal Dedication first, giving you a marshal aura that extends 10’ around you, giving yourself and your allies a +1 bonus against fear effects. This dedication also gives you Expertise in Intimidation, which opens up our skill feat, Terrifying Resistance. If you demoralize a creature, you have a +1 bonus to all saves you make against that creature’s spells. You cut a terrifying figure in battle, might as well put it to use, right?
3. At third level you gain a Divine Ally in your blade, letting you add the effect of a disrupting, ghost touch, returning, or shifting rune to your greatsword. You also get the greatsword’s critical specialization effect, making the target flat-footed when you score a critical success. This means they have -2 AC until the start of your next turn. You probably can’t use that too much, but that’s why you’re part of a team. You’d be totally lost without the round table!
Also, to go over the runes: disrupting deals extra damage to undead, ghost touch can touch ghosts, returning lets you throw a weapon and get it back, and shifting lets you turn your sword into another weapon as an action. I personally think disrupting is the best option, but none of them are that in -character.
Your healing factor kicks up again with the general feat Fast Recovery. You successful saves against diseases and poisons cause you to reduce their effectiveness by an extra 1 point per success, and sleeping reduces being drained by 2 points instead of just 1.
Also let’s get Deception up to Expert, just in case anyone looks too closely at the paladin ripping ghosts apart.
4. At fourth level you get another point of focus as well as the Sun Blade devotion spell, letting you properly EX-CALIBAAAAAH at a target, firing a ray of fire damage. The target also takes good damage if they’re evil, and positive damage if they’re undead. Each damage type deals 1d4 damage, or 1d6 if you’re standing in direct sunlight.  At fifth level and every two levels above that, increase each damage type by 1d4/1d6 in sunlight. So if you’re fighting an evil undead, this beam can do 3d4 damage in a single attack, which is roughly as much damage as an actual sword swing could do. In ideal circumstances at level 20, you’d be dealing 27d6 damage in a single beam, truly an attack worthy of being your noble phantasm.
But wait, there’s more! You can also don a Backup Disguise in three action, allowing you to quickly transform into your knightsona before any of the other members of the round table can wake up.
For your archetype feat, the Inspiring Marshal Stance, using a diplomacy check to determine how powerful your stance is. On a success, your allies get a +1 bonus to attacks and saves against mental effects. On a critical success, the aura increases to 20’.
5. Fifth level is pretty quiet in terms of new stuff. You get a buff to Charisma, Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, all weapons, and Religion, but nothing new happens outside of your race stuff.
6. Sixth level definitely makes up for it though! You can now Smite Evil, picking out one foe to deal extra good damage against with each attack until the start of your next turn- unless they’re dumb enough to attack one of your knights, in which case the duration is extended a round. This can last until they wise up or until they’re a pile of ash on the ground, whichever happens first.
You can also make a Group Impression, making a Make an Impression check against two targets at once. This hits four at Expert level diplomacy, 10 at master, and 25 at legendary. You’re the king, you’re going to turn heads wherever you go.
From the Marshal class, you gain a Rallying Charge, moving yourself and striking an enemy. If you hit and deal damage, each ally nearby gains temporary HP. That’s the power of charisma! The feature’s also literally powered by charisma- it’s how you determine how much THP everyone gets.
7. At seventh level you become an expert in all armors as well as Diplomacy. I was really hoping we could avoid levelling diplomacy since you’re actually kind of bad at talking to people properly, but intimidation is more Alter’s style.
On the plus side, your Weapon Specialization lets you deal extra damage with weapons you’re an expert or better in, which is practically all of them!
You can also Exhort the Faithful, letting you use a religion check instead of diplomacy or intimidation if you’re requesting or coercing members of your religion. You get a +2 to the check if you do this, and on a critical fail their attitude doesn’t get worse. Just tell them you need it to get the holy grail, I’m sure they’ll go along with it.
8. At eighth level your Focus Pool is filled with all three points thanks to your Advanced Deity’s Domain, allowing you to cast a Dutiful Challenge against a target for up to a minute. A challenged creature gets a -1 penalty on attacks, damage, and checks targeting creatures other than you, and you take the same penalty for creatures other than it. Duels were big back then, right?
You can also use Quick Coercion to coerce someone after 1 round instead of one minute. If the king yells at you, you’re gonna shit a brick. You can’t do this mid-combat, but I think you’ll have other issues to deal with in a fight.
Finally, you can fight Back to Back with your allies. If the two of you are adjacent, both of you have to get flanked before you become flat-flooted. You can have this bonus for everyone around you, but it stops working as soon as you and one other ally get flanked.
9. Ninth level is another nothing happens level. You get a Divine Smite, but that just adds persistent good damage to your retributive strike. Outside of that, you get a boost to your Class DC, Fortitude and Reflex saves, and Diplomacy. Not every level has to be chock full o’ stuff like level 1 was.
10. Tenth level is a different story. You get four more ability boosts in Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma, as well as the champion feat Radiant Blade Spirit which lets you pick three more runes for your blade: flaming, axiomatic, or holy. The first deals fire damage on each hit, as well as persistent fire damage on crits. Useful, if more gawain’s thing. Axiomatic weapons deal extra damage against chaotic targets, and crits always deal average damage on each die. Holy weapons deal extra damage against evil creatures, and once a day you can react after dealing a critical hit to heal yourself for twice the evil creature’s level. Personally I like the Axiomatic effect, but that’s mostly since I’m not much of a gambler.
You can also make Shameless Requests, reducing outrageous requests’ DCs by 2, and you can’t critically fail a request any more. Again, just tell them you’re going after the holy grail in sixth century Wales, because obviously Christ had been hanging around there in that time period.
We also pick up a pretty weird archetype. The Duelist Dedication isn’t good for much since we’re using a greatsword, but it does grant you the Quick Draw feat, letting you attack with the same action you draw your weapon. Almost like you’re summoning it mid-swing. I know it’s a stretch, but returning runes only work if you throw the damn thing.
11. Level eleven is another pretty quiet one. You’re an expert in perception and a master in will, and we’ll also pick up some training in athletics so you can stay on your horse better. Aside from that, you can now Exalt when using your Retributive Strike, so every creature within 15’ of you and within melee of the target you’re hitting can also use their reaction to attack them with a -5 penalty. Ganging up on someone might not be chivalrous, but damn if it isn’t effective.
The only other new thing is now you’re Diehard, which means it takes five stacks of Dying to kill you, not four. If Saber was easy to kill, she wouldn’t be the protagonist of the whole franchise, would she?
12. A twelfth level champion can become a Blade of Justice, spending two actions to deliver a Strike against someone who’s harmed an ally or innocent being. The strike deals two extra damage dice against evil creatures, as well as adding all benefits from your Retributive Strike like Divine Smite and Exalt.
You also gain an Intimidating Prowess, giving you a +1 bonus to all checks made while coercing or demoralizing someone, and you ignore the penalty for not sharing a language, so not even the French are safe from your steely glare now!
Finally, you can lead a coordinated charge- you can stride and strike like the last one, but this time if it hits and hurts every ally within 60’ can react to move closer to the poor bastard you just hit. Easy out guys, easy out!
13. Thirteenth level is another slow one. You’re a master in weapons and armor now, plus you’re an expert in Athletics. Mana burst is one hell of a drug.
14. At fourteenth level you can bring down a Litany of Righteousness down on your foes, since it’s not really a Nasu game until we spend half an hour detailing our exact ideology on life and What Good Means. Sadly this doesn’t increase your Focus Point amount since the max is three. The litany can target an evil creature and give them weakness 7 to good for a round.
You can also put your mana burst to good use with a Powerful Leap, adding 5’ to your horizontal and vertical leaps. When your only weapon is a sword, you have to make your own ranged attacks.
As a marshal you can also let out a Cadence Call as an action once per minute, quickening everyone in your aura until the end of their next turn, giving them an extra action to stride with. If they use that action, they become slowed on their next turn, losing one action. No, you’re not calling that Cadence. Probably. (That’s my “jokes only like eight people in the audience will get” quota marked off for the day.)
15. Use this round or Ability Boosts to bump up your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma again, and then use your mana to become a Hefty Hauler and increase your bulk limits by 2. Artoria might be scrawny, but she’s packing a lot of muscle under that armor. Also, her Greater Weapon Specialization lets her deal more damage with weapons she’s trained with- a +6 as a master, and a +8 if she’s legendary. Speaking of skill stuff, let’s get trained in Nature for another boost to your riding skills.
16. At sixteenth level your Aura of Righteousness protects you and your allies from evil. Specifically, it gives you evil resistance 5. You also become an Express Rider to pick up the pace while riding, using a Nature Check to speed up your mount while traveling.
I also want to get another Archetype, but first we need to get two feats from Duelist. Literally none of them are worthwhile since a greatsword is two-handed, so grab whatever you want.
17. Another boring level. Class DC go up, Armor go up, Nature go up. Moving on.
18. At eighteenth level we can finally do that cool thing where Saber sheds her armor to fight a particularly powerful opponent or lancer thanks to Sacrifice Armor. When you take a hit, you can reduce the damage as a reaction by twice your armor’s level. This breaks your armor, or if it was already broken, it’s destroyed instead.
You can also find a Bonded Animal now by spending a week of downtime hanging out with a friendly animal. If you pass a DC 20 Nature check (which you should you’re level 18 for god’s sake) they become permanently helpful to you, though you can only have one Bonded Animal at a time. I know Artoria doesn’t love horses any more but damnit I can dream!
Oh right also pick up a second duelist feat so we can ignore that archetype again I’m sick of looking at it.
19. You’re a protagonist, so we should probably pick up Untrained Improvisation to add your level to your untrained skills while we still can. You can also use focus points to cast Hero’s Defiance, healing you when you’re about to take an attack that would reduce you to 0 HP. You can’t do this again until you refocus, or until your next long rest. It also can’t be used to protect you from Death effects or disintegrate.
We’ll also boost your Nature skill one last time, why not.
20. For our final level, use your last Ability Boost to increase your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. You also become a Sacred Defender, giving you a permanent resistance 10 to physical damage types caused by evil creatures. Also, regardless of alignment, creatures and effects that score a critical hit on attacks against you don’t gain any bonus effects.
To guarantee your riding skill is always at its peak, you have Nature Assurance, allowing you to forgo a roll to instead score 10 plus your proficiency bonus  on Nature checks.
Finally, now that our Archetype is free once more, you can become a Swordmaster. This gives you a +2 bonus to the DC against being disarmed. You could swap this and the duelist archetype around to get swordmaster feats that actually help, but waiting til level 20 to get something she could do from the word go doesn't sit right with me, y'know?
As you’d expect from the strongest class, Saber is great at combat. With almost 300 HP and 40 AC she can eat up damage like Shirou’s cooking, and her Excalibur- sorry, Sun Blade- is a powerful offensive option, dealing plenty of damage against evil and undead targets.
Even though you can stand on your own, you don’t have to thanks to your various auras coordinating your party as well as yourself, granting them protection from mental effects, extra damage, and even helping them move and attack as a unit.
With untrained improvisation and an Axiomatic sword, you’re also really consistent when it comes to both combat and exploration, along with several tricks to save your hide in social encounters as well. It’s almost like the saber class has no weakness…
That no weaknesses thing was a blatant lie. Your range is awful. Yes, Sun Blade is a ranged attack, but you can only use that three times per focus, and your focuses also power your Not Dying ability which is pretty fucking useful. Sure you can add the returning glyph to your sword, but I seriously doubt throwing your greatsword around will do much of anything.
Despite not having many weaknesses in terms of skills, you’re also not a master in any of them. I mean you are in quite a few actually, but I’m talking about Legendary tier training. Not being legendary locks you out of the high-end skill feats which can be super useful for a low-magic character.
Your best buffs are also pretty situational, working only on evil or chaotic creatures. Sure your regular knightly questing will be fine, but if you find yourself fighting another honorable knight you’ll be up the creek! Thank goodness that’ll never happen!
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
headcanon for when billy realizes he’s in love with reader? i’m such a sucker for romantic and soft billy😫
I love this. I'm going to go a little beyond just when he first realises too. You'll see. It's turned into more of a 'when Billy's in love with you' headcanon.
I'll break it down into sections once again. It's just easier that way 😌
When he first realises he loves you:
Oh man. Billy doesn't realise he's in love until he's so far gone he's drowning in it lmao
He has no idea why he gets crazy ass butterflies in his stomach every time he just thinks about you. No idea why his heart beats all funny when he looks at you or why his chest feels all warm. He doesn't know why everytime he's away from you his chest hurts and it feels like someone's punched a gaping hole right through it. The boy has no clue.
But then one day, he's out drinking with Frank, having a good time. And Frank's been going on and on about Maria, absolutely gushing about her. Billy being the good best friend he is, teases him of course. Sends him an offhand remark with a smirk. And Frank replies with...
"Yeah well. That's what happens when you're in love."
The words feel like a smack to the face. Suddenly, Billy feels like he's free falling, plummeting at record speed towards the concrete from a 50 story building. Because he relates. All the sickening gushing Frank had been doing, Billy got it. He does it himself about you. And Frank's words make everything click into place, Billy's world is suddenly tilting on its axis. Because what if you don't feel the same? Why would you when own his mother couldn't muster up any love for him?
He freaks out. His mind is going to dark places as his heart feels ready to give out. Frank sees him looking a second away from collapsing in a heap on the floor and takes him outside. After some brotherly advice and tough love, he feels a little better.
He still won't tell you though. Of course not, that's just fucking stupid. The fear of rejection runs far too deep in Billy to admit such a thing and he doesn't know how he'd cope if you broke his heart. If he lost the only person he's ever been in love with. So he resolves to keep it to himself. Its kind of nice though, to finally know just what it is that he's been feeling. It was obvious really. People write love songs about this bullshit. The same songs Billy's been listening to like a love sick fool because he gets it. He relates to the words.
How he tells you:
Billy won't outright tell you he loves you first. At least not on purpose. There are three likely scenarios that happen.
The first is you telling him you love him first. This is his best case scenario. He blinks warily at you for a moment, dark eyes rapidly scanning your face as he tries to find even the slightest hint of deception. It's not that he doesn't trust you, but he finds it almost impossible to believe anyone would ever be in love with him.
But when he realises you're telling the truth, he's dumbstruck. He's stunned but overwhelmingly happy and he tells you he loves you too. It feels like a weights been lifted, to finally tell you, to know you haven't turned him away. That you actually love him too.
The second way it might happen is him blurting it out randomly. This might happen during or after some amazing sex. Maybe you're both snuggled on the sofa and laughing about something stupid. He just looks at your wide and radiant smile and it strikes him how absolutely hopelessly in love with you he is. How lucky he is to be with you. And his mouth takes on a life of its own. The words tumble from his lips without his consent and he panics.
Total blind fear claws at his chest when he realises what he's said. He fears the worst. That you'll say you don't feel the same, maybe even laugh at him. Yet you don't do those things. You tell him you love him too. He reacts the same as the other scenario. Wary at first until he sees you mean it. And then he's overjoyed and shocked and confused but ridiculously happy.
The last scenario is similar to the other one in that it gets blurted out. Only this time it's during a heated discussion or argument. I made a whole headcanon post about arguing with Billy and another on the kind of things you might argue about.
This isn't a huge fight but most likely caused by something you did that he saw as reckless. Something like you walking home from work in the dark instead of getting a cab or calling him. Is he being overdramatic? Definitely. He knows this. But he's so terrified something might happen to you and it frustrates him that you don't see that. That you have no idea how much it would kill him if you got hurt. And in the middle of all the anger and the blind fear and intensity in the moment, after a biting remark from you, the words get ripped from his chest.
"Because I fuckin' love you, alright?! I'd die if somethin' happened to you! So you don't get to stand there and tell me it's no big deal!"
He's full of barely restrained rage at the mere thought of someone hurting you and he's sad and upset that you don't seem to care much about your own wellbeing.
But now it's a tense silence because he just blurted those words and worst of all, he yelled them at you. It was all going wrong and he hates it. But his panic was kept at bay by his anger, his only outwards reactions being the clenched jaw, the narrowed eyes and the roll of his shoulder. He's steeling himself for the inevitable. The searing pain of rejection.
But then you're yelling right back that you love him too and calling him an asshole and he's never been happier in his damn life. And with emotions still running high from the fight, he tosses you over his shoulder and takes you to the bedroom so he can show you just how much he loves you.
Ways he shows you he loves you:
Any of these that don't involve the words 'I love you' he's already been doing a while. But he continues to do so after that hurdle of first telling you passes and he gets comfortable with telling you verbally at every chance he gets.
He loves taking care of you. If he's off work he loves making you breakfast in bed. He loves cooking for you, he's actually quite good at it. He draws you relaxing baths, sometimes joining you and not even for sex. If you've had a hard day at work, he'll put your feet in his lap as you sit on the sofa with him and rub your sore feet.
He often buys you your favorite flowers, always accompanied by a sweet note. When you're both at work, he stops by your work for lunch because he can't stand a whole day away from you.
Since he wakes before you, he often just lays there and watches you. With the sun rising and bathing you in its glow, he watches in awe of how he managed to get someone as amazing as you. He doesn't dwell on these moments for too long though. His treacherous brain has a habit of poisoning anything good. If he lays there too long, his thoughts turn sour as the voice in the back of his head tells him he's not good enough for you. He doesn't deserve you, deserve your love. You'll leave him one day, realise you deserve way better than someone like him. He was an unloved and unwanted child, and that little boy is still there inside of him, hiding behind his bravado and his fancy ass suits. It's a downward spiral he finds it hard to come back from and he learned his lesson long ago. So instead, he allows himself a moment to admire you, appreciate you, and then he gets up for the day.
He doesn't wake you, you look so sweet and peaceful and he doesn't have the heart to. You don't need to get up as early as he does. Sometimes, if he's feeling particularly sappy, he leaves a note for you on his pillow. Letting you know how much he loves you and that he'll miss you while at work.
Gifts are abundant with Billy. It doesn't matter what it is, if you want it then it's yours. If it's expensive, it's yours. Cheap, it's yours. Weird and rare and very hard to get, he finds a way and it's yours. He's also a sucker for sentimental gifts. Jewellery that means something, maybe the date you met engraved on it. Some kind of photo gift with a picture of the two of you.
Billy has a lot of affection to give you. I've talked about this in other posts but he's a tactile person. He always needs to be touching you, reassuring himself you're real, you're safe and you're there with him. He often puts his hand on your neck, slender fingers feeling your pulse under them. It soothes him to do so. There's plenty of kisses on your head, temples, shoulders, neck, cheeks. He can't help it. He also loves stroking your hair. His hand are always attached to you like there's a gravitational pull towards you he can't resist. There's at least one hand on you at all times if you're near.
Billy doesn't fall for people easily. It's never happened before you. But when he falls, he falls hard. It's an all consuming kind of love that takes over his whole being.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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“Don’t you see what he’s doing to you?! He’s hurt you way more than what’s acceptable in a sparring march! You’re bruised and hurting, and he sure as hell doesn’t seem to care that this is the state he’s left you in.”
— Or in which, Hawks manipulates how you view your boyfriend, Shouto. —
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, cursing, alcohol consumption, manipulation, 18+, smut, first time sex, body worship, oral (receiving and giving), and praise
word count: 10,223
a/n: this was a commission! it was very fun to write this once I got around to it... life has just been... well you guys know because youre living it too. but I hope you enjoy this!!!!
Being a student at Yuuei was a privilege.
Every year only two hundred and twenty students were admitted from a drawing pool reaching into the thousands. From there, only forty were admitted into the Hero Department, and finally, only three per year were granted the title of the Big Three.
“Watch out!”
You watched as Hawks crashed through the window to your left, and you looked down at him with a wide grin, what an idiot.
“I thought speed was better than power,” you mock watching as the villain the two of you had been hunting for some time now easily flicked the number two hero to the side.
“And that’s why I got you, isn’t it?” he chirped before rolling onto his feet. 
You shrug, the smile on your face telling a different story while you both stared down the villain you had corned. There was no way you were going to let him go, no, this hunt was going to end now.
“I’ll assist you,” Hawks whispered, and your stomach fluttered in anticipation.
There weren’t many times in your internship where Hawks would say that. Working with one of the fastest and swiftest Pro Heroes ever meant that you were always fighting for a spot on the table. The days of Hawks swooping over the city faster than the eye could follow were still there; in fact, most of his sidekicks were probably cleaning up the mess the two of you had left five cities behind you. 
But you were different than them, you guessed.
You were only fifteen years old when Hawks scouted you for an internship, and while you had heard the rumors of what working with the — at the time — number three hero was like, it wasn’t like that. Speed was something you had always lacked. Sure, you were faster than any past Olympian, and any ordinary citizen, but in comparison to your hero peers, you were slow. After a humiliating loss of your first Sports Festival on account of being too slow, it was an almost sweet irony that the fastest Hero took an interest in you.
But it was good. Three years you had worked with him, three years of learning how to keep up with the fastest hero by breaking your body down on multiple occasions. At first, it had been just trying to keep up with his sidekicks who cleaned up after his mess, who were extremely quick as it is. Then after figuring out how to use your power quirk to make yourself faster, something that had been helped with a fight or flight response on your own end, you were able to become faster than most Pros.
But that wasn’t anything in comparison to Hawks still, but when a sixteen-year-old girl saves your life because you overshot your ability to fight, it’s easy to incorporate said sixteen-year-old girl into your regular routine. 
The initial introduction of you into his regular routine was less than ideal, he had simply stated to follow after him and would be gone. But with time, he took to holding onto you while he flew, which meant that you needed to include glasses and ear protectors into your costume. 
With the glass crushing under the weight of your shoes, you crotched the slightest bit, looking over at Hawks with a smirk. Three years of teamwork had lead to moments like these, no need to communicate, and with a raise of an eyebrow, he nodded.
The feeling of his feathers skimming your back shot the anxiety coursing through you, and you ran out of the shattered window, Hawks hot on your heel and the villain coming straight at you.
In the long run, it didn’t mean much that you were physically stronger than Hawks could ever be, but it sure made you smile knowing that you were.
“And that’s another point for me!” you grin watching as the police took the villain into their car, Hawks stood next to you with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What will I do? I have eighty-seven points, and that makes what? Twelve?”
“It’s not my fault you go for slow as shit villains,” you accuse, turning your nose up at him.
“Oh yeah? Should we hunt for the fa—”
The two of you froze in your quarrel, turning to a man who was towering over the two of you.
“Endeavor, hi!” Hawks erupted into a wide grin, his eyes brightening while he looked up at the man he admired. 
Trying to hide your snicker, you tilted your head, and your eyes widened seeing three boys behind him.
“Hey guys!” you wave at your classmates behind Endeavor.
“Y/h/n!” Deku greeted you with a large grin and a bow.
You smiled, even more, seeing the way that Bakugou and Shouto both addressed you in their own ways. 
“How are you guys doing?”
The rather one-sided conversation between you and Deku made you laugh on many instances. It seemed that being the only work-study students had meant that they were always getting their asses beat. Not that you didn’t already know this, it was just humorous hearing it coming from Deku’s mouth.  
“Is Tokoyami-kun not with you guys?” Deku asked, looking around at last for the raven headed student who did, in fact, work with Hawks.
“Not today! A neighboring agency requested his help, so it’s just Hawks and me today!” you nodded your head at the three boys who were quite famous within Japan. 
“Are you okay? We heard about the villain; that’s why we’re here,” Shouto spoke, his eyes curious, and his head tilts.
Your face warms when you smile, nodding gratefully.
“I am,” you clasp your hands together, “Hawks got sent through a building, though.”
“Some fucking number two hero,” Bakugou scoffed, and you snickered not wanting to agree with your stupidly observant boss behind you.
“You guys look less than put together; what happened to you?” you asked, noticing the scruffs and dirt on all of their faces.
“Bakugou and Midoriya got into a fight mid-air, and I happened to be in the fire zone,” Shouto rolled his eyes. At the same time, your friends exploded into offensive and defensive arguments, respectively. “We fell into the middle of some villain fight weirdly enough.”
While you grinned at Shouto, your eyes locked completely, you knew it wouldn’t last.
“Alright, y/h/n, Endeavor says there’s a villain seven blocks ahead, and I think we can beat them there!” Hawks laughs, and you can’t say your goodbyes because his hands lift you into the air. “See you guys there!”
And you were off.
Your limbs ached slightly when you reentered campus grounds. With your case in your right hand, there was nothing to do except trudge ahead, hoping to get to your dorm quickly. 
“You’re back.”
You blinked and saw Shouto approaching you. He was in a casual outfit, most likely having been here for some time, seeing that it was eight at night. 
“What are you doing out so late?” you ask, pushing down your skirt in hopes to look presentable even with the bandage on your chin.
“I was waiting for you,” Shouto smiles gently, his hand brushing your cheek, observing the injury on your face. “You okay?”
“It was just a scratch, nothing too crazy,” you promise, and you smile under his warm touch.
There isn’t much surprise when his lips come and press against yours, and you hum contently feeling his warm skin moving gently against yours. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” Shouto whispered, finally pulling away from you. You groaned, having not been satisfied with the simple liplock, but opened your eyes to see that he was studying your face again.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tease, your nose scrunching with your words.
“I have so many already.”
“I know,” you smile, dragging him away, “I’m starving.”
It didn’t take long for you to get a proper dinner. With you being out for your only day off, you were pleased to see that there was a plate of food waiting for you that was left behind by your classmates. So you sat in the dining area of the dorm, eating the food while talking with Shouto.
You told him about the rest of your day, of how the two of you were close to cracking this case of serial cases of disappearing Pro Heroes who would reemerge days later without memory. The two of you had been working on it for a week now and had multiple promising leads. With the end of your career at UA coming in only five days, you were excited about the possibility of cracking this case after your graduation to help give you a good running start as a sidekick on the Hero Charts.
But before you knew it, it was already past eleven, and with classes tomorrow, it was time for you to go your separate ways.
“You don’t want me to spend the night?” he asks while you walk unconvincingly to the door of your floor, your hands grasping his. 
“You know that I do, but I can’t let that happen yet,” you pout, watching as Shouto nods in understanding. “Soon, I swear.”
“I just can’t believe my girlfriend has no self-control that I can’t even sleep in her bed without her wanting to fuck me,” Shouto sighs and while you splutter, telling him how he’s wrong, he places a goodnight kiss onto your forehead and leaves with a kind smile and a small wave.
Stupid son of a bitch.
But he wasn’t wrong.
You had morals and ethics that you had told to Shouto well before things turned serious for the two of you. Sex was something you were always nervous about, not in the sense that it was a bad thing — god forbid you’d ever slut-shame anyone — but more that you wanted it to be special.
It had to be with the right person at the right time.
Shouto was someone you knew was the right person, but as your hormonal feelings for Shouto grew and you realized one late night that you were grinding against his bucking hips, your face hot, his lips and teeth pulling at the sensitive flesh of your neck did you realize that this was so not okay. You had pushed Shouto onto the ground, his eyes dazed and confused while you began to say that you were so not ready for this step of the relationship. But it wasn’t like it was the only time you’ve blue balled your boyfriend… no, you had done it time and time again.
So much so that Shouto practically refused to be in a room alone with you now because it always ended with one of you pinned to the bed and Shouto being launched onto the floor.
With a sigh, you watched Shouto turn around, walking backward with a small wave and a grin when you blew him a kiss and flipped him off. He called you the moment he was back in his room, and although you weren’t letting him stay in your bed with you, you did fall asleep on the line with him, his steady breathing lulling your heavy eyes to sleep.
Hawks watched while you trudged into his office, your face pulled into a pout, a bandage sitting on your cheek. 
“Morning,” you call out, exhaustion evident on your face.
“What’s up with you?” he smirks, watching you walk to his desk and slumping onto a chair, your eyes closing.
“So tired,” you murmur, your head nestling into your arms, ready to fall asleep. “I didn’t sleep much last night?”
“Why’s that?”
“Stupid boyfriend,” you mumbled.
It had been three days since you had last been in the office, with graduation preparations, Hawks couldn’t call you out as often. But that wasn’t what he was concerned about, no. Hawks froze, replaying your words in his head like a broken record. He didn’t know you had a—
Those words passing his lips only made you groan louder, your head nodding, “Yeah… I’m dating Endeavor's son Shouto… for about… a year now!”
Hawks' brain went into overdrive.
A year of dating, and this was the first he’s ever heard of it! He had been your mentor, your boss, for three years and never before had you even mentioned a boyfriend before. Hawks lips pressed together, a looming pit of jealousy forming in his stomach. His feathers fluttered, his arms crossing.
Hawks was used to knowing everything, to being able to get what he wanted most, and he was planning on asking you out when you graduated. He had sworn his feelings had been returned; after all, who couldn’t find themselves falling for the young and hot number two hero?
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah! I can have him steal you a pair of Endeavors underwear if you want, I know you’d like that!”
Hawks looks down at your teasing face, his nose scrunching in mock disgust, “Please, I don’t need a baby stealing Endeavors underwear for me. I can get them myself!”
Your smile is warm, and Hawks watches while you pull out your phone, quickly texting something.
“What? Telling your boyfriend you made it safe and sound?”
“Actually… yeah…” you mumble while finishing up your text.
Now Hawks wasn’t evil, he knew that; he also wasn’t used to losing, because that wasn’t him. But there was something odd about the way his stomach twisted and his feathers raised at that confirmation, and the words poured from his mouth without him ever having the chance to stop them.
“Does he make you text him?”
You nod, a grateful smile on your face when you drop your phone. “Isn’t it sweet? I think it’s… why are you making that face?”
“What face?” Hawks fluttered his eyes, mock innocence for the first time not sitting correctly on his face.
“That one, Hawks!” you laughed, throwing your case at him. “The one that looks like when I stole your chicken leftovers.”
Hawks snorted, and he shook his head, deciding to walk out of his office to begin his daily routine; after all, these morning conversations were apart of said routine.
“I don’t know... He knows you’re strong and that you’re here with me, and yet he doesn’t trust that you’ll get here? Or is it in a controlling sense?”
Hawks turned around and looked at you, your eyebrows scrunched, eyes looking down at your phone.
But when your eyes rose to meet his, Hawks simply smiled, his head shaking.
“Never mind!”
It didn’t stop there. No Hawks had officially lost his brains with how he was approaching this. Everything out of his mouth concerning your boyfriend was bitter, foul, and implementing lies in your mind. A desperate attempt to get you to feel like Shouto wasn’t good enough that he was manipulating you and Hawks watched while you carefully danced to his tune, your frown deepening with every sweet lie that rolled off his lips.
“I’m hanging out with him and his siblings tonight!” you announced after the day at work was done.
Your smile was bright once more, a day on the field improving your mood. Hawks nodded his head, remembering how the Todoroki siblings were good people, and how you also had siblings.
“His siblings too?”
“Yup!” you nod. “I’ve gotten to know his siblings really well! They’re really great! We go over so often, and I like to believe that I’m close with his family now!”
“Oh, that’s sweet!” Hawks smiles, his head tilting to the side. Faux innocence. “How about your family? Is Todoroki close with your family?”
Your jaw opens, and your head drops, your head guilty shaking no. “It’s a bit harder for that to happen, and he met them once and well… it didn’t go too well.”
Hawks eyes widen, his hand rubbing the back of his head with a heavy sigh, “Ah, I see… don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Um… no, not really?”
“Well, as an outsider, and your friend, Imma have to tell you that it’s weird. It sounds like he doesn't like your family? He’s not trying to control you, is he? Not trying to isolate you from them, right?”
Your teeth dig into your lower lip, and Hawks watches with over bubbling joy at the doubt and realization growing on your face. He was hitting the right nerves.
“I-It’s okay!” you chirp, your feet dragging against the floor while you move to leave. “It's probably not that!”
“Another movie outing with his friends?”
“We’re watching the newest All Might documentary, it’s not like it's a banger!”
“Todoroki just never seems to care to include your friends or do things with your friends. It seems like he’s trying to keep you confide in his friend group.”
“My friends haven’t… they haven’t said anything?”
“Who would? You’re dating the most powerful son of the number one hero, no one would dare to speak up against him, especially if he told them to stay away from you.”
“That doesn’t sound like Shouto…”
“I mean, Todoroki is jealous of the way that your family loves you, and that’s why you’re always with his family. I don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t keep you from your friends too?”
“You don’t have to believe me, of course! I’m sure he’s a great kid, after all, he did choose you to be his girlfriend.”
You scoff, shoving Hawks with your shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Nah, you’re amazing, y/n, and you should know it.”
“Mkay, pigeon, egg off.”
“Oof, I’m so scared!”
Your world spun, and you crashed onto your back with a low groan, jolts of nervous energy coursing through your nerves while you remained pinned to the floor. Hawks stared at you from above, his jacket long since discarded, and his hands grasping your wrists while he straddled you.
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve been able to pin you since you were sixteen!” Hawks laughed, but he immediately took notice in the way you were grimacing.
You didn’t do that often, but you weren’t done yet. Shifting your weight up and over, quickly, you managed to pin Hawks to the ground, his head bouncing against the matted floor with a groan of dismay on his skin. Your nose was brushing against his, his warm breath expelling gently against your face. No! You pulled away suddenly, your heart in your throat at the nearly intimate contact. But it was too much movement on your own end because your body screamed at you.
Your breathing was shallow, a feeble attempt to calm the pulsating pain that traveled through your nerves.
“What is it?”
“I was sparring Shouto last night,” you mutter, feeling Hawks’ fingers immediately searching your skin for injuries. “You know how he sucks at close range combat, but he must’ve been practicing with Bakugou and Deku because he’s never been able to land hits like that…”
With your jacket pooling from your shoulder, Hawks fingers traced over the bruises that colored your skin. Ugly purple, green, and yellow all over. You hissed when he applied pressure to one, and you flinched, getting off of him.
“Are you sure this was sparring and him not beating you?!”
“I would know the difference between sparring and an ass beating,” you groaned, your eyebrow scrunching while he took you in more. “Besides, you should see how he is. I still won!”
“Don’t you see what he’s doing to you?! He’s hurt you way more than what’s acceptable in a sparring march! You’re bruised and hurting, and he sure as hell doesn’t seem to care that this is the state he’s left you in.”
You were silent Hawks words ringing heavy in your ears.
Did Shouto… was this a sign that he wasn’t who you thought he was?
“Shouto?” you whispered, your knuckles rapping at the door, hopeful he was in his room. “Are you in?”
You heard the sound of footsteps against the floor and watched the door open. There Shouto stood, wearing black sweatpants and a white tank he leaned against the door. Your eyes caught sight of the black bruises against his skin courteous of your sparring last night.
“Y/n?” he expresses with a pleasant surprise. Shouto’s hand reaches for yours, but you flinch away, stopping him in his tracks. “Are you okay?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your head nodding, “Sorry, long day, and um, I’m still sore from yesterday…”
“Yesterday? Ohh~ what happened yesterday?” You watched with the smallest amount of amusement when Sero revealed himself, his arm thrown around Shouto’s shoulder with a stack of manga in his hands. 
“We spared, why?” Shouto asked with that perfect density that Sero stammered, unable to recover from Shouto’s lack of an appropriate response.
“Boring, anyways, I’ll bring these back soon, I promise!”
You and Shouto bid Sero goodnight, and with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Shouto looked back down at you.
“Care to come in?”
“I would.”
You sat on Shouto tatami, your knees bent with your arms wrapped around them while he rummaged around.
“Here, I made some healing ointment for the bruises,” Shouto said, placing the white container on your knees while he sat in front of you. “I know that even though you won, my kicks probably hurt like a bitch.”
“The biggest bitch,” you agreed, watching while he unscrewed the ointment and began to delicately place the salve on your skin. It immediately cooled down the warm skin, and you studied his face while he did so. His touch was gentle, almost too soft for someone as battle-ready as himself. But he was on a mission to make you feel better, and for every bruise he covered, he apologized.
Soon enough, every bruise was covered, and you didn’t even realize you were crying until Shouto’s eyes widened when he noticed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you not trust me?” you ask, the days worth of anxiety that Hawks had been instilling into you, finally pouring from your lips.
“It’s just… with the texting you where I am, and who I’m with even when you know before I leave! A-And how about my family? I always go with your family, but the one time you met mine, it was disastrous! And then you never w-want to hang out with my friends! And you were so hard on me during sparring last night… Did you want to hurt me?! Why are you trying to isolate me?! Are you trying to control me?! You’re a powerful person Shouto a-and with your dad being the most powerful person I just… are you forcing people away from me?!” Tears poured from your eyes, your sleeves rubbing away the tears on your face, the ointment gathering on the fabric,
Shouto instantly reached out to you, but you shifted away from him, your face burning with embarrassment from your outburst. You wanted Hawks to be wrong, Shouto was good. He was an idiot, but he was a good boyfriend. Please prove him wrong, you thought. Please.
“Is that how you feel?” Shouto asked, his voice quiet but steady. His hand was pressed against the duvet, centimeters from your side. Not touching you, but giving you the ability to reach him when you were ready. “I just… I’ve never done this before, you know that. Y/l/n y/n, you are someone that I am way too lucky to have in my life. I asked what are boyfriend appropriate things to do from my classmates, and I guess I might have been overdoing it myself. I ask for a text because I want to make sure you get places okay. I know you’re powerful and can take on anyone, but it’s because you’re powerful; it makes you a target to villains. I honestly thought you liked my siblings a lot, so I wanted to keep you with them because if they’re your friends, you deserve to see them. I am sorry about your family, but they are assholes, and you know that. 
“But if you want to go visit and hang out with them more — with or without me — I would never stop you! I know I can’t keep blaming myself for being new to all of this a year into our relationship, but I didn’t know it was appropriate to invite your friends to hang out with us when we were with my friends. I thought they wouldn’t want to hang out with us guys. I also know you enjoy your alone time, and you tend to spend alone time with your friends, and I never want to intrude. I am so sorry for making you feel this way.”
“No,” you sniffle, your tears turning from one of sadness to those of guilt. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is,” he whispers, his fingers brushing against yours ever so gently. “It’s my fault you felt like I was isolating you, controlling you. You don’t have to forgive me, but if you’re willing to give me a chance to prove myself that I can change, I’d like that.”
There wasn’t stopping the way that you threw yourself into his arms, your tears soaking his neck, and he pressed gentle after gentle kiss against your temple until you were no longer crying.
For the first time in your relationship, you spent the night, and against what you had previously thought, the two of you did nothing more than embrace in a wet lip-lock.
Graduation finally came around, and to say the least, you were excited.
Finally, you were now a Pro Hero — well, really a sidekick, but that didn’t matter! The entire day you spent it on campus, watching the graduation ceremony take place with your classmates at your side. Tears were shed, photos were taken, and the end of your high school career came to a close. 
Due to your accomplishment, something that wasn’t at all doubted in the first place, Hawks had thrown Tokoyami and you a large party in celebration. You were, after all, the first students to have gone through his agency for all three years of high school, and he deemed that celebratory worthy. 
With such an occasion and countless years ahead of you to be on your top tier game, it was to no surprise that you were letting loose at this party. And yes, by letting loose, you meant being drunk.
Me: shoutoooo baby i loe you oh so much
Shouto: I love you too, make sure you get water to drink and don’t have an empty stomach.
Me: i had dinnerr with you remeber !!!! no empty stomach here!!!!!
Me: im sorry for crying that night that was so dumb of me to being insecure about
Shouto: you should still be eating more if you’re planning on drinking more. And it’s okay, it’s equally my fault as it is yours.
You stared at the text, your vision slightly blurry while you imagined just what you would do with Shouto soon. You bit your lip with a grin, but with a sudden loss of balance, you stumbled back into someone.
“Oops, sorry!” you yelled louder than you expected, turning around to greet whoever you had run into. You saw a familiar face with a bird head standing there with his arms outreached to balance your stumbling form. “Tokoyami-kun! I didn’t know you were still here!!! I would’ve taken a shot with you! Oh my god, I LOVE your jacket! Where did you get it!”
Tokoyami smiled, his head nodding, “I happened to have it lying around, although I can’t remember where I cross paths with it, to begin with. And I couldn’t forsake you by leaving before you were ready. It’ll be pleasant to have you around all the time with Hawks starting in a few days.”
You nodded your head, your hands stretching out in an attempt to respond animatedly, but yelped when you slapped someone instead.
“OH, NO! Did I hurt you?! I’m so sorry!” you exclaim, turning to the second person you had hit in a matter of minutes.
It was Hawks.
“It seems she is quite inebriated,” Tokoyami pointed out, and you nodded in agreement. 
“I am!”
Hawks chuckled, his head shaking, “Imma take her back to my place then, she’s a disaster in the making if we let her stay here.”
There wasn’t room for debate because you were suddenly in his arms and waving goodbye to Tokoyami, your sense of judgment gone.
“Take me hoooomeeee,” you sang into Hawks's ear when he soared into the night sky, and much to your amusement, Hawks continued your song.
Shouto sat in the common room, his eyes shifting to check his phone every so often. He knew you were drunk, that had been very clear the moment you called him only twenty times pretending to not be you while slurring your sentences. Nothing was stopping the uneasy feeling in his chest after you had explained yourself and your feelings that one night, he had put together that Hawks liked you. But without definite proof, he didn’t want to claim such things.
And while he had no doubts about your ability to protect and defend yourself, there was no saying if that was true if you weren’t sober. Hell, he’s fought you sleepy once, and there was a significant difference between you being alert and you being exhausted. 
Regardless, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he heard something back from you, and with his classmates currently celebrating the end of the year by playing video games, he was there alongside them.
“I’ve returned,” Tokoyami called from the entrance, and Shouto turned around to see the bird head man walking to approach the gathering of the few remaining classmates in front of the common room's TV. He said his greetings before coming to rest by Shouto’s side. “The party was a bit too loud, but I think you would have enjoyed entertaining it.”
“It’s your guys night,” Shouto shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t need to be there when it was her work friends. How is she doing?”
“Ah, well you see,” Tokoyami nodded his head, his fingers raking through his black hair, “She was quite drunk, so Hawks-san took her back to his place to sober up, most likely spend the night at his place — Todoroki?!”
Shouto had no idea why bitter fire raged in his chest; all he knew is that for the first time ever while he slipped on his shoes and his jacket, he pulled up a contact he didn’t expect he would be using so casually.
“Do you know where Hawks lives, Endeavor?”
“Are you feeling better?” Hawks asks you, taking the bottle of water from your hands.
The low sparks of the alcohol that had once been coursing through your body had simmered into slow pulses. You knew you weren’t one hundred percent sober, but you were sober enough to realize that you should have asked Hawks to take you to the dorms instead. 
“If you’re asking if I’m no longer sloppy… you’re in luck,” you sigh, a tired grin spreading on your face while you reach for your phone. You frown, seeing that it was dead, but it didn’t matter much; you would get home without it being alive anyways. “Thanks for sobering me up; I think you could have done it back at the party, though.”
Hawks snorted, his head tilting up, his head in thought. “I definitely could have done that, but I didn’t want you taking shots in secret while trying to sober you up.”
“I’m sure you could handle me just fine.”
“The last thing I can remember is that you are physically stronger than me and if you’re drunk… well, I was scared you’d kill me by accident.”
“Haha,” you laugh sarcastically, your eyes rolling in your amusement. 
Silence overtook you both, and your gaze fell to your hands. You wanted to ask him why he was so insistent on Shouto being toxic, and how he did a 180 the second you told him about how the two of you talked things through.
“Did you want me and Shouto to break up?” you ask quietly, unsure of what you wanted him to answer. “I keep thinking of everything, and that’s the only thing that makes sense to me and all the controlling business…”
Hawks stared at you, his eyes void of all emotion, and yet you felt like he was more open to you than he had even been before. His mouth moved to answer, but there was a knock at his door.
With a heavy sigh, Hawks rose to his feet, “I don’t think I should answer your question.”
So there you sat, his once comfortable couch feeling stiff and hard.
“Y/l/n?” Shouto’s voice rang through the apartment, and your eyes widened. You got up off the couch, your head pounding just slightly while you clamored to the front door. There you saw Shouto staring down at Hawks, how funny it was that your eighteen-year-old boyfriend was taller than a twenty-seven years old Pro Hero.
“Tokoyami told me you were here, and I wouldn’t want to bother a busy hero with taking care of my girlfriend when I can do that myself,” Shouto spoke, his eyes narrowing down onto Hawks as the words my girlfriend let his tongue. But it also sent a shiver down your spine, a coursing ember that had been ignored this night, reigniting it once more. 
You were ready, you realized when his blue and grey eyes found yours. 
“Thanks for tonight, Hawks,” you wheeze, grabbing your shoes at the door and quickly pulling them on. “I’ll see you in the office in two days!”
With nothing more to say, you grabbed Shouto by his wrist and pulled him away.
The campus was quiet when you arrived, the day of excitement having long since simmered down as the clocks read two in the morning. This would be your last night in your dorm, most of your classmates had chosen to move out today as well, but with no one to help you out while you were at the party, you decided to stay one more night. But with the way your blood was pumping, and how you could feel the jealousy coursing through Shouto’s veins, you wanted to get back to your room as quickly as possible.
Entering the dorm building that was made for your class, you felt Shouto pulling his hand from yours, obviously ready to begin his goodnight routine.
Shouto’s hands grasped your cheeks, fingers hot against your cold skin, and his eyes staring down at you. Millions of emotions coursed through his gaze, but you were focused on the one that spoke of his love for you. His lips pressed down against yours, and you met him in full earnest. His lips pulling against yours, sending fire through your body, sensations that sparked only the familiar excitement you had always denied in the past. You could practically taste his unspoken anger and jealousy on his tongue, and it only made you crave more from him.
You were ready.
“Goodnight,” Shouto whispers against your lips softly, and you laugh. Your hands move up to cup his cheeks, and he pulls you in closer, his hands firmly placed onto your lower back. “I’ll come to your room in the morning to help you pack up.”
“Stay the night,” you say softly, your teeth tugging at your lower lip that was warm from his efforts. “I’m ready.”
Shouto’s eyes widened, his eyebrow lifting slightly, “You want to fuck?”
“Don’t say it like that!” you groan, pinching his cheeks in your embarrassment. But his eyes were bright, and the next thing you knew, you were being lifted into the air, and your legs found their place around his waist. “You sap!”
“Say that one again, I’m finally going to let you smash, whor—”
He shut you up with a kiss.
It’s a slow kiss, one that warmed you up effortlessly, intimate contact pressing between the two of you, but nervous energy chipping through you fully. Your head tilts to the side, the kiss deepening, and your arms pulling him in closer. The two of you pull away slowly, both of your eyes slowly opening to look at each other in a whole new light and a fire under your skin, and something is silent between the two of you. Growing silently, steadily, and coming crashing down all at once.
“I love you…” Shouto murmurs, and that’s all it takes. The movements are desperate now, his steps quick and steady while your mouth clashes against his. Deep, ardent, fulfilling. You can’t help the nervously aggressive make out, tongues pushing against each out, drawing out noises you weren’t quite used to hearing. Low groans and pants you had known, but never in this context, and you were addicted. But Shouto must be thinking the same thing, for when you finally make it to your dorm room’s door, his mouth trails from your mouth. Sloppy and burning hot kisses trail down your cheek, to your jaw, before pressing searingly against your neck, and you mewl at the feel of his warm lips on your neck. Your eyes fluttering closed when his lips left hot and wet kisses on your sensitive skin.
Your lips met again, and this time you wrapped your arms slowly around his neck, and you pull him impossibly closer. His hands are moving vehemently up and down your back, making you shiver and arch against his traveling fingers. But when his nails glide delicately against an exposed piece of skin on you back, you gasped into his mouth, and the door opened loudly against his need to get to your bed.
A soft giggle leaves your lips when darkness falls against your closed eyes, and your hips shift in your state of need. Only that you weren’t expecting to feel him tremble under your actions or the pleasurable hiss that passed to your lips. your eyes opening to see Shouto’s eyes still closed despite the fact he was walking with you. 
“I love you so much,” you whisper into his ear when you pull away from the kiss. Your fingers raking through his hair, your teeth nibbling onto his earlobe, his throaty groan a sign of victory. “Thank you for being wonderful.”
Shouto’s lips are back on yours, greedily seeking more contact, and you don’t hold back as you kiss him back with equal fervor. You feel the mattress of your bed hit your back as you continue to kiss him, sitting up so you could crawl back to let Shouto onto the bed with you. You smile once again as Shouto’s hand rests on the bed frame behind you, while the other one rests on the small of your back, keeping your torsos pressed together.
Your hands are fisted into Shouto’s hair, the small tugs from your hand blazing his own blood, making him press his growing length against your thighs, and his tongue grazes your bottom lip. You moan softly, your head tilting up, and you open up your mouth so that your tongues meet halfway. You start moving to unbutton your graduation outfit, and Shouto hastily pulls away, and your eyes open, his mouth is stained with your the leftovers of your makeup, and he looks concerned. 
“Are you sure, y/n?” Shouto asks, his hands stroking your side. His gaze is intense, unmoving, and challenging. “If you’re not ready for this, I won’t be hurt.”
You stared at him, a soft smile coming to your lips as you sit up, making Shouto sit on his haunches while you move to your knees, “I always knew I wanted my first time to be with you, I just wanted the moment to be perfect… and this is perfect to me,” you confess to Shouto, and you watch his eyes soften when you press a soft kiss to his lips.
Pulling away, you stripped of your clothes and dropped it on the floor next to the bed, your breath hitching as Shouto stares at your now only lingerie-clad body, and you blush. 
“Shit, you’re beautiful,” Shouto murmurs like a man who had seen something divine for the first time ever.
Your heart roars in your chest, your blood pulsating through your sensitive body while he leans in close. His mouth presses against the swell of your breasts, trailing down to the valley between your mounds. Your body quivers in your overwhelming emotions and sensations. Shouto presses you back onto the mattress, his calloused hands pressing right below your breasts, heating emitting in large waves from both hands, making your mind spin in needy desperation.
“Are you okay?” Shouto murmurs, his lips feeling the gentle movements of your body.
“I am,” you breathe, your eyes shut tightly. You wanted to feel his lips and forget everything else in the world. This was a night of passion, and you’d be damned if your anticipation was going to stop you. “Don’t stop.”
A low chuckle vibrated against his throat, sending gentle waves through you, and you moaned the second his fingers pressed against your breasts. Shouto’s hands worked your breasts tentatively, his eyes studying your flushed face while he kneaded the tender flesh.
“F-Fuck,” you moaned when his finger brushed against your erect and clothed nipple, your hips quivering underneath him.
“Did that feel good?” Shouto hums, and when you confirm his thoughts, coldness hits your chest. Your eyes open to see that he’s discarded your bra and that his lips are millimeters from your breasts. “Do you want me to do more to you?”
The words are curious, but you don’t miss the glint in his eye, but he’s long since knocked the air from your lungs.
“I need to hear your words, princess,” Shouto smiles softly, his warm breath fanning against your erect nipples that cried for attention. “What do you say?”
“P-Please…” you breathe, your body squirming in your denied attention.
The feeling of his hot and wet mouth encasing your nipple sent you impossibly over the moon, your body arching off the bed, a lament cry heavy on your mouth while his tongue circled and flicked your nipple. His eyes were on you, you could feel his stare burning into your body, but you couldn’t even see, your eyes closed in your throbbing pleasure.
More, you wanted more.
His finger pinched your free nipple, pulling and rolling the pert skin between his fingers, your wanton cries only fueling him further. Liquid heat coursed through your veins, your pleasurable sensations overwhelming you, and your hips began to hump against his clothed thigh. The friction of his jeans against your barely clothed cunt sending you well beyond the confinements of pleasure.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers. “I love you,” he confesses. “You’re gorgeous,” he repeats.
Tender and sweet words fill your ears while he switches where his mouth and hands are. The kneading of your breasts, the manipulation of your nipples, and the way his thigh pressed against your throbbing cunt was sending you over.
Your breathing was unsteady, puffs escaping your lips in an overwhelming and failed attempt to calm yourself down. Shouto was on a mission, however, and his mouth removed from your cool breast with a soft pop, your breasts shining with the coats of saliva, and you shivered.
Shout hummed while he lips pressed the sensitive underside of your breasts, and continued downward, gentle after gentle kiss down your torso, until he made contact with your trembling inner thigh. 
“Do you trust me?” he asks, his fingers toying with the band of your panties. You can barely hear him over the roar of your heart, but you know what he says, and you nod. He smiles kindly, placing one final kiss to your thigh before pulling off your panties. 
Instinctively, your legs try to close, nerves firing away, but Shouto keeps your legs wide open, and his mouth lowers towards your dripping cunt. His tongue takes a languid and slow lick. His tongue slipping between your slit and you arch off the mattress. Your eyes fluttering in their battle to stay open, the addicting sensation of his hot tongue against your equally hot core burning you.
Your legs tremble as he thrusts his tongue within your clenching wet walls, swirling in circles and pushing further in. His fingers thrust into you at an amble speed, aiding to your pleasure sent descent on the mattress. On one lick, one godly irresistibly mind-numbing lick, your thighs come crashing against his head. Shouto’s free hand moves to grip onto your trembling legs. His tongue coaxing your orgasm closer to the edge by speaking a language you knew nothing of.
“S-Shouto!” you curse, your hips rolling desperately against his mouth. Your hips were stammering against his compelling tongue.
Your eyes struggle to remain locked on his eyes, your body twitching with the building pleasure. The electricity igniting in your flesh and bloodstream. You can hear the sounds of your squelching pussy against his moving fingers, and your jaw drops. You’re under his absolute control, and you’re no longer able to hold back anymore, your orgasm is right on edge, but you stop him.
“Wait!” you push him off of you, your chest heaving, and the wet arousal pouring from your cunt was slick against his mouth, and confusion evident on his face. “I don’t want to… I want to cum on your cock.”
“Okay,” Shouto pants with amusement, and you watched when his fingers — which were coated in your essence — slipped into his mouth, sucking it clean. The image of that sent electrifying pleasure through you, and your mouth watered at the thought of sucking him off. “What is it?”
“Get up,” you command, your hands moving to remove the belt around his waist, and he was quick to stand on your bed, and you were on your knees. Your knees buck under your weight, and you help Shouto remove his pants. You watch in an almost lusting virgin horror when his cock springs out from under his underwear. The hard cock slaps against his lower stomach, and you take in the way that his cock is thick, with bulging veins, and precum leaking from his head.
There was no going back, it seemed.
Steeling yourself over, you wait for his feet to be free, and the moment he’s out of his jeans, your hands immediately encompass his length. His girth wide enough you struggled to hold it with one hand. You marveled at the way the skin was unearthly warm and impossibly hard in your grip. This is what was going to be buried in your cunt in moments time?
“Y-Y/n…” Shouto stutters as your hand fists up and down his length in initial unknowing movement. Your eyes snapping up to meet his lust covered ones.
“Now,” you sigh as your thumb rolls over the pre-cum that slips from the tip of his head. “You can’t make fun of me if I’m bad, okay?”
Shouto licks his lips, his eyebrow quirking. “I don’t think that’s possible from you, princess.”
You smile softly, but there’s a strong sense of hope when you notice the tremble in his legs, “We’ll see!”
Licking your lips, your mouth opens, and you let the head of his cock press pass your lips. The dark pink head is hot in your mouth, and your tongue presses against the flat of his head, swirling your tongue around, testing his reaction. By the fluttering of his eyes, and the way that his hands seem to fight whether they should latch onto your hair, you reckon it’s okay. 
So, you push on ahead, moving further down his impressive cock. His girth so full you had to open wider than you were used to. You gasp as you push him further down your throat. Your eyes flashing up to see Shouto struggling to keep his head down and eyes on you. 
Good god, you pray you were wet enough to take him in without lube.
Your mouth sinks down as far as you can go while not choking yourself. Your fingers trailing up and down his toned thighs as you move your head up and down his length. You’re now in a smooth rhythm, bobbing up and down on his cock with enough vigor to make Shouto praise your name.
Your movements signal to Shouto that he can move as well. Shouto groans, and his hips move forward. You relax against his rocking hips, you’re focused on your breathing as his cock moves up and down your throat. Deeper and deeper, you feel his cock move within you. His hand pressing against the back of your neck, and you gag softly against his length.
Your eyes look back up to see Shouto’s eyes closed. Moans and pants spilling out with every thrust, and your cheeks hollow out. Creating a vacuum sensation against his length.
“Oh shit!” Shouto snaps. His hands tangling within your locks as he struggles to not overwhelm you. “You’re amazing, of course, you would be good at this,” he gasps as his cock only goes further down your throat.
You struggle to breathe with his thrusting. His snapping hips overwhelming you with their speed and depth. He’s distracted while he fucks your throat, but you’re even more desperate to keep up. Uncaring about the burning sensation erupting through your airway as he continues at his strength and speed. Your tongue swirls around his thrusting cock. Trailing against his veins as his hips stutter, and your teeth dragging against the sensitive skin.
You moan against his length. The action allowing you to gain more air and sending a loud moan from Shouto’s mouth as his pace increases.
His hips abuse your throat, and you’re delighted in the fact that you’re keeping up. The soft gags that occasionally slip from your mouth, stirring him on. He’s sinful yet heavenly in your mouth, and you want him in your dripping cunt. Your thighs shaking with the mere thought of him having his way with you.
He pulls his length away from your mouth. Your saliva stringing between your mouth and his still erect cock. You cough as you try taking in the air again, the lack of oxygen had been ignored as your pleasure was so high.
“N-Not yet,” Shouto staggers, and you nod in agreement, watching him sink back to the bed.
“Take it off,” you mutter tugging at the hem of Shouto’s t-shirt, and he moves to take it off.
With your teeth tearing into your lower lip, you watch him remove the dark shirt. Shouto’s body had to be a sin while you stared at the rippling muscles on his body, something you had never truly appreciated before. They moved with his body, the faint scars littering his body for you to kiss and count later. 
Tone and lithe. He was beautiful.
Shouto’s lips are back on yours as you kiss deeply, your head tilted to the side as his fingers gently grasp your chin. A shaky moan leaves your mouth at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue, and Shouto moves his body so that you’re now on your back. The tips of your aroused nipples brush up against Shouto’s naked chest, and both of your release a throaty gasp as you pull him closer to you.
Your bodies were overshot with denied pleasure, and the mountaining need for more was finally being addressed.
Your leg hooks lazily around Shouto’s waist, and a sigh leaves your lips as Shouto gently grasps the back of your leg, running steady, consistent strokes from the end of your thigh to your ass.
A fire is building up in your gut as your hands work their way down to the buttons and zipper of his pants. His hands gripping your waist, and you could feel Shouto’s arousal pressing against your stomach, hot and throbbing with need. You pulled away from Shouto and giggled as he attempted to follow you with closed eyes as you had to brush your hair out of your face, suddenly feeling hot.
“Y/n…” Shouto just about whined, and you smiled softly at him, finding it endearing and the slightest bit hot when he used that tone. 
His hands were on your breasts, slowly stimulating your aroused nipples as he slowly massaged them, making sure to brush your nipple with his thumb every so often, and your head tossed back as you bite down hard on your lower lip. He once again kissed you ever so lovingly, and you felt him pulling away to line his cock with your entrance. You watch with hooded eyes as Shouto presses the head into you, teasing the both of you to extreme lengths, and you wantonly sighed. 
You rest on your elbows, a smile on your face as Shouto moves his messy hair out of his eyes. As you stare at his slightly sweaty face covered by strands of different colored hair, your heart just about bursts.
“Make love to me, Shouto,” you say aloud as Shouto stares at you, his cock removing from your entrance and carted against your clit.
“I plan on it,” he smiles, and he grabs your ankle, pulling you closer to him, and you shriek with laughter until his lips engulf your sounds. “Are you ready?” Shouto asks once more, teasing your entrance with the tip of his dick.
“Whenever you are,” you whisper into his neck, preparing for the initial pain.
You let out a cry of pleasure and pain as he slowly enters you, and you pant heavily, trying to contain your tears as he manages to push all the way in. Your eyes clench as you bit your lip, your head buried into his neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry as he stretches you out. Shouto is panting too at the feeling of your tight walls clenching against him, they’re unable to relax against his cock. It’s not until the head of his cock hits the wall of your cervix does he stop, and even then he’s not entirely in you.
Your breathing is harsh, and you feel like you’re sweating as you look down at the now joined body. The feeling of him entirely in you makes your head spin, the pressure in your lower belly could be from just Shouto within you or from your slowly growing orgasm, you had no idea.
“Are you o-okay?” Shouto stutters very clearly still adjusting to having his cock in you.
“Yeah, just… trying not to die,” you manage to croak out, and eventually, you collapse onto the bed, looking up at Shouto, who seems to be concentrating hard.
“You’re just super t-tight,” Shouto gasps as you wrap a leg around his waist.
It’s a good move, but it’s too quick as a sharp pleasure pained fire shoots through you as you slam your forehead against his shoulder.
“Too fast,” you snap in regret you try to calm your head. This was too much for you, you felt like every nerve was firing all at once on your inner wall, and no orgasm had reached you yet.
“It’s okay… breathe...”
It takes a few moments, but sure enough, you manage to raise your leg to his waist, and both of you moan at the new level of penetration and the way it made your walls clench around him. “Move,” you command, and Shouto falls onto his forearms as he nods.
Shouto moves his hips back, and slowly almost painfully slow, returns them to the original position, and even with the smallest movement, a lewd moan escapes your lips. Shouto continues going in and out, his hips slowly moving while you start to meet him with every thrust.
Whispers of encouragement escape both your lips as his slow thrusting continues.
Shouto picks up your legs so that they’re both wrapped around his waist, and he comes to lean over you. At the new angle, your head is thrown backward, and you let out a string of soft curses. “Shit, that feels so good,” you cry out in encouragement as you bit down on your lip harshly.
Your lips are soon sought after by Shouto’s as sheen layers of sweat cover both your bodies as the consistent moving of both your hips never falters.
“You’re so fucking tight, shit, you feel so good,” Shouto grunts, his hips picking up in speed as he drills into you faster, the sound of your meeting sweaty bodies echoing in your room.
Soon you can hear the sounds of your bed hitting the wall, and a cry escapes your lips as Shouto’s finger grazes your clit.
“Say my name…” Shouto grunts as he presses harder on your clit, and you can feel the coil within you getting tighter, but at the moment, all you can give is wordless cries. “Say it, y/n.”
“S-Shouto!” you scream out as you shake with an overwhelming need to climax, but Shouto’s finger leaves your clit and goes to keep your hands above your head.
“Are you enjoying this?” Shouto teases as he slams into you at full force again, your cunt tightening sinfully against his length, electricity coursing through your veins while you cry his name. “You’re so good, shit.”
“Oh my god, yes, Shouto!” your voice splutters, and his hands leave your wrist to gently pinch your nipple and clit. You go speechless, and your mind spins as he pulls one of your legs onto his shoulder, and all you can do is let your jaw drop as the new position lets you see stars.
You couldn’t take the feeling of how his body moved entirely within you, the strength and power behind his every move were almost too natural as if this was an everyday thing. You let out noises similar to a purr, grinding your cunt against his conquesting cock and laughing breathlessly at his low groan.
“You like this, princess?” Shouto nips at your throat, his thrusts making you shriek out his name as he buries you further into the bed, your nails digging into his flesh at the back of his neck. You nod rapidly, your eyes closed, your mouth open, your pants tumbling from your mouth. He wasn’t going too fast, just fast enough to have wet smacks echoing through the room, but every thrust seemed to have his cock being pulled out of you nearly completely. He pulled out entirely so he would have the ability to drill back into your wet cunt. The noises of your connecting wet sex left loud echo with your squelching pussy around his hot cock.
The muscles on his back seemed to flare dramatically, your screams turning silent due to your approval of this.
“I needa cum,” you shriek, the fire in your face as bright and hot as the one between your legs. His sweaty forehead pressed against yours, and his lips recapture yours.
Your mind goes blank when a mighty crash goes through you. But Shouto must not have felt the spastic vice-like clamping of your inner walls as he continues pistoling his hips into you, hitting your cervix, and pushing it further up with every slam. You cry against his mouth, your hands shoving at his shoulders as the feeling of your orgasm was too strong to deny, and he slips out of you.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he moans, his mouth connecting with your breast, and once again slams into you.
Your scream is silent, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your fingers digging into his neck, and your toes curl. His hips are driving, persistent, and have a goal in mind. You can barely keep up with him, your long overstimulated body wanting to collapse at the seams, but he doesn’t stop.
The bed creaks loudly under you, headboard crashing into the wall, over and over again.
“Cum, baby,” you beg, your hips wildly thrashing against his. “Cum..”
That’s all it takes, and a hot and heavy load shoots through you, and Shouto collapses onto you at the same time the bed falls. Neither one of you reacts as gravity shifts you both slightly downwards, but your mind is too full of Shouto to care. His body twitching while his cock remains hard within you, the feeling of his cum swimming in your cunt, making your head spin with euphoria.
Drowsiness hits you quickly, and Shouto’s body heat is quickly putting you to sleep.
He pulls out of you gently, and the feeling of his cock no longer in you makes you whimper, your nose burying into his neck as he flips the two of you over so that you’re laying on his chest. His hands send warm and cooling waves through your body, helping soothe the aches in your tired body.
“That was…” you mumble, your mind unable to think straight.
You snort, your head nodding.
“Yeah… something…”
“I love you, y/n,” Shouto whispers against your temple, and you sigh, contentness and warmth flooding your aching body.
“I love you, too.”
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neonthewrite · 3 years
Field Trip
Another contest prize! The request this time was for some quality fluff between Jacob Andris, a human, and Vel, a young wood sprite of Wellwood. Jacob is the gentlest giant around, so it's no wonder that little sprite wanted to hang out with him!
Reading time ~5-10 minutes
Jacob smirked when Bowman flitted towards him. As he predicted, the fussy sprite wasted no time scolding him. “Could you be any more of a stompy giant?!” he complained, banking in a wide arc around Jacob’s long, striding gait. “You’ll scare everyone off before you even show up.”
Jacob had put a lot of work into walking carefully enough to avoid that exact situation. Even knowing he could do more, he was confident in his skills. Naturally, that did nothing to stop Bowman from scolding him. Jacob would worry about the little guy if he ever kicked that habit. “Nah, I won’t,” he countered. “I had you to warn everyone I was coming. They know I’m on the way. Bet I’ll even have a big welcome party.”
Bowman scoffed. “Welcome party or not, you’re blasted loud, Jacob. No storm clouds to be seen and yet there’s thunder.”
That earned another chuckle from Jacob. “Dude, what’s got you so worked up? Trying to convince people you trained a giant again?”
Bowman groaned, and Jacob spotted the look on his face before he could flit away. “Bowman, you don’t need to fret about it. I’ll be on my best behavior, like I always am. No one will find a reason to scold you, at least not from me.”
Another little scoff. This time, Bowman swooped close so he could land on Jacob’s shoulder. With his perch claimed, he finally admitted “Fine. You’re right. But if someone gets upset, I might just get chased out of the village. Last visit a nestling climbed into your hood but I’m the one who got bopped for it!”
Jacob laughed, though he tried to rein it in with Bowman perched on him. “Dude, they wouldn’t do that. And if they did, you can just chill with me. That’s not so bad, right?”
“Ha. If any nestling gets in trouble, I’m pointing at you, giant.”
Jacob rolled his eyes, but wasn’t surprised. “And if someone tries to bop you, I’ll probably have to let ‘em. Wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m not trained, right?”
“Oh, climb a dead tree. And then behave. We’re almost there.”
Jacob had visited Wellwood several times before. It never went as badly as Bowman assumed it might, though not for lack of griping. Most of the residents of the village trusted Jacob to be near their vulnerable homes; he’d stood up for them against other humans before, after all. He protected the secret even from his own family. Even those who were still wary of him didn’t begrudge others a chance to visit with him. Jacob had no intention of forcing someone to be around him if they didn’t want to, anyway. He had plenty of visitors as it was.
True to his word, he behaved well. He put up a calm front for Bowman, but in reality Jacob was careful to watch every move. He didn’t want to break that fragile trust he’d built up with the wood sprites of Wellwood.
While some of the younger sprites came to see Jacob, with their parents nearby just in case, Bowman had spent some time wheeling about in the air, chasing or being chased by other sprites his age. It was a pleasantly uneventful afternoon, as far as Jacob was concerned.
He made his way back to his clearing near dinnertime. While the sprites all wandered home to eat, Jacob wanted to be well away from the village. Seeing him eat made them nervous sometimes, and it made him feel awkward. He’d go have his dinner at his camp and the sprites needn’t be bothered.
The clearing, his temporary residence whenever he visited, was just as he’d left it earlier. His tent waited to one side with some firewood piled next to it. A plastic cooler sat in the shade next to a bucket for water. He had a sturdy line tied between two trees to hang up some of his other belongings, particularly food he didn’t want some forest critter to drag away.
He took a few steps towards that line only to halt in surprise at the sound of a giggle. The sound startled him enough that he swayed in place from the sudden stop. It was not a sound he expected out here, not with the village so far behind him.
“Alright, very sneaky,” he said to the open air before looking down at the pocket on the front of his hoodie. An innocuous pouch of fabric, it fascinated most of the sprites that encountered it. They didn’t have pockets on their clothes at all, so he didn’t have to wonder why.
Gingerly, Jacob reached a hand into the pocket, wary of bumping into tiny wings at the wrong angle. A small figure shifted away from his fingers and another giggle emitted from the pocket, and he couldn’t help a faint smile of his own. Whoever it was, they were young and quite pleased with themself for their deception.
A deception Jacob would take the blame for, he was certain.
“C’mere, kiddo,” he said, scooping his hand beneath the miniscule sprite and ferrying them out into the open. Little movements fluttered on his palm as they settled, and before he even had them in view he felt little hands clinging to his thumb for stability.
It turned out to be one of the nestlings, an absolutely tiny child with wings too small to do more than flutter along on the ground. His light brown hair was mussed and staticky from the pocket, and his wings stretched out as soon as he was back in the sunlight. He grinned at Jacob as he rose to eye level with the would-be giant. “Hi, Jacob! I was hiding!”
“I noticed,” Jacob replied, amusement coloring his voice. “You’re … Vel, right?”
If possible, the boy’s grin brightened. “Yeah! I’m Vel! I wanted to see your, um, your camp! So I was real sneaky.”
That exuberance was hard to deny, so Jacob only shook his head ruefully. “You don’t need to be sneaky to come visit me here, Vel. I’m sure your parents wouldn’t mind bringing you, but you should have asked so they’d know where you went.”
The boy stuck out his lip in a defiant pout, and his little wings flared open in a show of confidence despite the way his arms still wrapped around Jacob’s curled thumb. “But I wanted to be sneaky! And my mama wouldn’t have said yes, not when it’s dinnertime. But I thought, maybe, I could just have dinner here! Then when we go back she won’t get upset!”
Oh she’ll be mad alright, Jacob thought. Just probably not at you. It looked like Bowman’s worrying earlier would come to pass and Jacob would earn a few tiny bops.
He looked over his shoulder as if he might see a pair of angry sprite parents darting out of the woods right then and there. When he looked back, he was met with some very potent puppy eyes from Vel. “Okay,” he conceded, earning another enthusiastic grin. “But you’ll have to be good, and you have to promise me you won’t hide in my pocket again, okay? It’s not safe for you to be in there without me knowing.”
Vel nodded vigorously. “Okay! Yeah! I’ll be good, Jacob, I promise!”
“Good, we don’t want to make your mom worry any more than she already will,” Jacob replied with a faint smile.
Jacob had no doubts the kid would do his best, but really the responsibility all rested with him. He sighed and determined not to let that thought worry him; it wasn’t like he would let Vel wander into something dangerous, and the kid really couldn’t go all that far on his own. His wings were still small, occasionally fluttering involuntarily.
He moved his hand closer to his chest, offering his tiny guest better stability as he continued towards his hanging food bags. “You might end up having a dinner of human food, I can’t remember everything I brought,” he warned.
Vel didn’t seem worried. “Yay! Is it candy?”
Jacob had to chuckle at that. He grabbed one of his bags down from the line and made his way to his dormant campfire to have a seat. “No, I’m not gonna feed you candy for dinner,” he chided. “You need something healthier to make sure those wings grow big and strong.”
Vel pouted up at him, but didn’t have any further arguments. He clung tighter to Jacob’s thumb as he settled himself on the ground. He watched the sturdy food bag curiously, eyeing the zipper as Jacob opened it up.
First things first, Jacob rummaged in the bag with his free hand until he found a handkerchief, little more than a worn swatch of cloth he’d meant to use as a napkin. This he set on the ground before finally lowering Vel down. “Here you go, bud. You can sit here so you’re not right in the dirt, sound good?”
Vel scooted himself to the edge of Jacob’s hand, pausing to survey the offered picnic blanket before he hopped down. His wings fluttered and his arms shot out to his sides so he could prevent a stumble, and then he grinned proudly up at Jacob. “Thanks, Jacob! It’ll be fun! I’m gettin’ hungry! What’re we gonna have?”
Jacob couldn’t help an endeared smile. He gently nudged at Vel’s tiny stomach, earning a burst of giggles. “Hungry, huh? Let’s see what I have, maybe we can fill that tummy right up.”
“I betcha have a lot,” Vel mused, dropping to a seat while Jacob searched through his bag. “That bag is big enough for a whole house! Maybe two!”
“It’s pretty big alright,” Jacob agreed. “Gotta have a lot so I don’t run out while I’m visiting. Then I’d have to eat leaves, and those don’t fill me up as well as they do for you sprites.”
Vel giggled some more, but was distracted from responding when Jacob produced a few clear baggies from the large canvas bag. Raisins, granola, trail mix, and a few other things that kept well were separated into the bags; Jacob set aside a few that definitely wouldn’t work (thankfully Vel didn’t notice the M&Ms in the trail mix before it was out of sight again). Jacob picked out a raisin and a broken shard of a banana chip, thinking they’d be plenty to get the kid started.
He held them out and Vel, his eyes wide, took both in his hands with an endearing kind of reverence. “Thanks, Jacob! These look really good! This … what’s this yellow thing?”
Jacob helped himself to some granola, but before eating any he explained the food for Vel. “The yellow thing is a dried piece of a banana. It’s a kind of fruit. The other thing is called a raisin. It’s a dried berry. They’re still good like that, I promise.”
Vel wrinkled his nose in thought, then eyed up the two unusual fruits in his lap. “That sounds like winter food,” he pointed out. “But they’re not cold!”
"Nah," Jacob agreed, keeping an eye on the fascinated little sprite. "Maybe they were cold when someone dried them out. I don't know how they make 'em."
Vel nibbled at the banana chip and pondered it. Jacob took the kid's distraction as a chance to sneak a few more bites of granola. Vel didn't seem as worried about it as most of the adult sprites, but Jacob didn't plan to take any chances upsetting him. The kid had an innocent trust in the would-be giant in his midst. Breaking that trust would be deplorable.
After a few minutes of quiet, Vel finally had a verdict. "I like this banana thing," he announced, holding up the piece he'd barely made a dent in. "You said it wasn't gonna be candy, but this is just as good as candy! It’s kinda hard but I don't mind 'cause it's really yummy!"
"Well, good," Jacob said with an endeared smile. "It’s good for you. Much better for those wings than candy would be " To punctuate his claim, Jacob nudged one of Vel's fluttering wings with a fingertip.
Vel squirmed away on his makeshift picnic blanket, clutching his banana chip close to his chest as he did. “Wait, wait, I wanna try the other thing too!” he said in between giggles.
Jacob relented and nodded pointedly at the raisin Vel had left behind in his scrambling. “Oh, that thing right there? I thought you were leaving it for me.”
Vel gasped and dove for it. “Nooo, I still want it! I promise!”
“Alright,” Jacob conceded, doing his best put-upon expression. “Go ahead and try it out. Whatever you don’t manage to fit in your tummy can go home with ya, okay? Maybe your parents would like it.”
And maybe a peace offering will get me out of trouble, he amended silently.
Vel fidgeted to settle himself comfortably again. “Yeah! I bet they’d like to try it. Winter food that isn’t cold is so weird!”
Jacob hummed thoughtfully. “I bet it is,” he said, sneaking some more of his own food while Vel was preoccupied. “I wonder what your mom and dad will say about it.”
Soon enough, it was time to head back to the village. The sky was turning orange at the edge of the horizon. No matter the begging faces he got, Jacob’s resolve only wavered a bit. He really couldn’t let the kid stay out too long without his parents knowing where he was.
Arriving back at the village, he had a feeling he knew which of the trees held Vel’s home. A number of adult sprites fluttered around it in agitated patterns. They barely noticed his return to the village.
Until he cleared his throat. “Um. Hey, guys.” He held up his hand, fingers curled for the security of the nestling sitting on his palm. “I had someone sneak back to my clearing with me when I left for dinner.” Vel waved at the nonplussed adults.
Several of them darted over to Jacob, heedless of his size. Among them was none other than Bowman himself, who came to a hover right before Jacob’s face. “What did I tell you about behaving?!” he scolded.
Jacob blinked and leaned back. “I did behave! Vel here is very sneaky. So I gave him some dinner before bringing him home.”
Vel was grinning at a sprite woman that had landed right on Jacob’s hand to check on him. “I was so sneaky, mama!” he announced. “We had fun! Jacob let me keep the leftovers!”
At least he had Vel to smooth things over. Jacob could tell by Bowman’s narrowed eyes that he’d be bopped later. “It was just a little field trip. Won’t happen again without permission, I promise.”
“It better not,” Bowman warned, as if that was all it took to keep a nestling from misbehaving and landing Jacob in trouble.
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
if we’re bound to be something, why not together? (chapter 13)
Read on AO3
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Notes:  A bit happier with this chapter than I thought I would be. Day 13: Affection.
Working with Rena Rouge was different now. 
Ladybug hadn't thought someone knowing would be so freeing. She had spent the first week waking up in cold sweat, mind working at the speed of light to come up with counter plans from the nightmare scenarios it kept conjuring. Looking over her shoulder and expecting frantic calls from Alya's mom that something happened to her, that Shadow Moth took her became her common place. It went so badly that Alya took on commenting on her dark eye bags and fidgety hands. 
The perks were undeniable though. Having her friend by her side was also calming and reassuring in a way she never felt before. Alya had always been whip-smart and quick on her feet and having her come up with believable excuses so she could run and transform ("Sorry, Marinette, but Rose said that the next time you say you have sudden heart palpitations, she's going to take you to the doctor.") was very convenient. It wasn't limited to their civilian lives, however, and culminated on the perky Rena Rouge in front of her and Chat Noir.
"Ugh, I can’t wait to tell you guys what I found about miraculous maintenance in my last research. I wanted to talk about it earlier, but someone — “ Rena mock glared at Ladybug, who rolled her eyes and elbowed Chat Noir when the stifled a giggle. “— said I should wait until our next meeting so can we start? Please?”
“Oh, since you’re in such a hurry I guess you don’t want the treats…” Ladybug sing-songed, holding the Tom & Sabine’s patissiere box behind her back as Chat Noir organized the pillows she made so they would spend hours on the concrete of the rooftops. 
Almost simultaneously, Rena and Chat’s ears perked up and it was Ladybug’s turn to hide her giggle. 
“What did you bring?” Rena Rouge asked, voice deceptively nonchalant. 
Ladybug put her index finger to her lips, pretending to think. “Maybe… beignets?"
“Yes!” Her two companions shouted in unison as Ladybug gave up on hiding her grin, sitting down on her polka-dotted pillow. 
She set the box down in the middle of the pillow circle and quickly took her hand back as Rena and Chat jumped on the treats. 
“Okay, we can start now.” Ladybug said, watching as Rena perked up even more. “After you finish chewing.”
As her friend nodded, Ladybug felt a familiar weight on her shoulder and caught the sight of messy blond hair from the corner of her eye. She squirmed a little, finding it a little hard to grab her own food as her arm was pressed against her body by the boy leaning against her. Wordlessly, Chat Noir slid down and put his head down on her lap, munching carefully on the pastry in his hands so as to not let crumbs fall on her suit.
Smart kitty. She thought fondly. 
As she scanned the box to choose a beignet, Ladybug noticed Rena Rouge stopped chewing, half of her beignet hanging out of her mouth. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she started directly at them. Tensing up, Ladybug looked around them carefully as to not startle Chat Noir and, upon not seeing anything, turned back to her friend.
“What?” She mouthed, in case they were being heard. That seemed to snap Rena out of her state, as she ripped her pastry away from her mouth.
“Nothing at all.” Rena mouthed back before popping the rest of her beignet on her mouth.
“So, we’re starting?” Chat Noir said out loud, hand sneaking at what amounted to his, if Ladybug was counting right, fifth beignet. 
“Yeah, sure, let me just get my notes.” Rena said as she grabbed her little reporter notepad and opened it. “Okay, first of all, after intensive research, I can say the miraculous probably aren’t made from any metal known to men. They certainly don’t taste like any —”
As Rena went on with her thesis, Ladybug listened attentively as she munched on her beignet. Her other hand went, inevitably, to the fluffy blond mop of her lap. God, how did Chat keep his hair so soft? No matter how much she hydrated hers, it never felt like this. Also, his shampoo must have been expensive since she could smell the calming scent of honeysuckle everytime the wind ruffled his hair. 
When she heard Rena stop talking, she noticed her gaze was too busy between her partner and her beignet to pay attention to her friend and winced. Looking up to apologize, she noticed Rena’s cheeks were puffed and she was biting on her lips, face slowly turning red from lack of air. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Ladybug asked, crossing her arms. Chat Noir whined from the loss of her hand on his hair.
“Noth- pfffff.” Rena started, letting out a few huffs of laughter before composing herself. “It’s nothing, really, I’ll continue.”
“If you’re sure…” Ladybug said, trying to shove suspicion aside, and put her hand back on Chat’s head.
“I am.” Rena grinned, going back to her talk about the benefits of soaping the miraculous three times a day. 
After that, the reunion went on without much fanfare. The stand out point was, in Ladybug’s opinion, the very convincing arguments for giving the kwamis baths and Chat Noir begging her to send Tikki to convince Plagg to take a shower at least once a month. When he left with hand kisses for both the girls, Rena broke into laughter. 
“Alya?” She hissed, only making her friend laugh more. “What’s this all about?”
Rena hiccuped, cheeks flushed red. “God, Ladybug, you two are too much.”
“What does that mean?”
Rena Rouge didn't answer her, only gave her the tenderest touch to her face and swept her hair back while looking deeply into her eyes. It was nice, but she still slapped her hand away.
“Oh, so you can do that to Chat Noir but I can’t do that to you?” Rena smirked, watching Ladybug turn red. “I thought we were frieeends.”
“Stop it.”
“Oh, Chat Noir, your hair is so soft!”
“Why would you need a pillow? Take my lap instead!”
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mintjamsblog · 4 years
Hey, I miss your writing! I don't know if you're taking asks but hate-sex? Argument-sex? Make-up sex?
Okay, sorry for the delay, have a horny ficlet
Tommy/Alfie Hate-sex
It's not that Tommy means to be selfish, Alfie's pretty sure of that, it's just that selfishness comes to him naturally. It's no doubt a byproduct of the life he's led, a combination of ruthless self-sufficiency and entrenched self-preservation that manifests in occasionally infuriating ways. He spends so much time wandering around in his own labyrinth of a head that 'e don't always seem to realise where 'e is or how 'e got there. How 'is food got onto that plate in front of 'im for that matter. Which is kind of a case in point.
Alfie scrapes the remnants of an individual salmon encroute into the kitchen bin, dislodging the perfectly-cooked pastry that's now curling upwards, like the ribs of a rotting cadaver, protecting what's left of the messily pecked-out pinkness inside. He can't help being stung that Tommy couldn't even be bothered to finish it. It's as if the cocky little bastard thinks perfectly-prepared dinners-for-one just appear in the oven of their own accord. As if the cupboards are self-replenishing — automatically restocking his favourite whisky and tea (and semi-skimmed milk, 'cause skimmed tastes like dishwater and full-fat's too creamy) every time supplies run low.
But communication is key in any relationship, innit? So rather than run his mouth off half-cocked, Alfie decides to conduct an experiment. See how long it takes Tommy to communicate his appreciation for the things Alfie does.
The answer, it turns out, is a fucking long time — longer than Alfie's patience will last at any rate. When he walks in for the fifth night in a row to find the meal he prepared half-eaten, dirty dishes next to the sink, and Tommy so enthralled by his laptop he barely nods, "hello," well ... Alfie has had enough. He schools himself though. Clenches his fists and forces his voice to taken on a deceptively breezy tone.
"You eaten, treacle?" he enquires.
"Yeah," Tommy answers with a quick glance up. The living room's in near total-darkness, not a single lamp switched on, which means Tommy's lit only by the bluish glare of whatever's on 'is screen. It's not a flattering light. Makes 'im look tired — haggard actually — all sharp angles and purple shadows. Then again, it is one o'clock in the morning. (It'd have to be some quality porn to have Alfie absorbed at this hour, but the sad reality is that it's far more likely spreadsheets.)
"What did you 'ave?" Alfie asks.
"To eat."
Tommy sighs. "Er ... that thing you left in the oven." He glances up again, irritably this time.
"Hmmm," Alfie says. "Bouillabaisse."
"Bouillabaisse. French fish stew."
"Yeah, it was fish." Tommy's typing something now, bashing the keys impatiently — workaholic little prick.
Alfie looks round the room. There's a bottle of whisky on the coffee table and a glass (no sign of a coaster). A sea of stale bread crumbs flecks the sofa — the accompaniment to tonight's lovingly prepared meal. The man himself sits cross-legged, bare feet tucked up into the backs of his knees, socks discarded amongst the pale shreds of sourdough like twisted creatures in a gloomy velvet sea. He doesn't acknowledge Alfie's scrutiny; doesn't even seem to notice.
Alfie would like to start an argument right here, right now, to ask Tommy what his last slave died of and who the fuck he thinks he is. Instead he finds himself gritting his teeth and swiping at crumbs with brusque, rigid movements. He pairs Tommy's socks and collects up the discarded innards of this morning's Financial Times, seething quietly all the while. He's worked damn hard tonight, serving one hundred and forty covers in two sittings, (one hundred and forty three if you count Prince Tommy's dinner. That thought irks him more than it should). He needs a shower more than a row, but he can't help himself from needling.
"Nice was it?" he asks, crumpling the newspaper into the fire-bucket.
"Your dinner."
Tommy huffs and finally looks up, dropping his hands from the keyboard to rest either side of his legs. "Is there a problem, Alfie?" he says.
"Problem?" Alfie says, his eyebrows raised in mock surprise. "No, nah. No problem. Just wondered if it was nice? Ya know, the bouillabaisse?"
"Yes. It was nice," Tommy says, digging thick fingers into his eye sockets as if the bloodshot orbs were the source of his irritation. "I have to send this to Pol in the next fifteen minutes or she'll fucking skin me tomorrow. Alright?"
"S'not Pol makes all your dinners," Alfie mutters under his breath.
"I said Pernot. Makes all the difference."
"To bouillabasisse."
"Fuck's sake..."
"I'm going up for a shower."
"Fine. I'll be up when this is done."
Alfie stands under the hot water and lets his anger simmer, stirs it just enough to intensify the flavours. He pours over the paltry slights, the daily irritations and provocations that come from sharing a home. And alright, each annoyance on its own might not sour the dish, but combined they begin to thicken. Alfie's careful not to let his anger boil, he don't want to turn it bitter, but by the time he walks into the bedroom he can taste it on his tongue.
Tommy is already in bed, one hand tucked behind his head as he reads a document of some kind, several creamy pages stapled together. He tuts and turns the page, without looking over to Alfie. And p'raps that's what does it, finally tears Alfie's patience; he strides to the bed and rips the papers clean out of Tommy's hand, hurling them across the floor.
"What the fuck?" Tommy says. He looks shocked, and slightly bewildered. There's anger there, but dulled by a visible weariness.
Alfie ain't in the mood for concessions; he climbs onto the bed, boxing Tommy in on all fours.
"That's fucking rude," Tommy says, his mouth a mean little line.
"Rude?" Alfie says. "Me?" He laughs so unexpectedly it comes out as more of a bark. "You're fuckin' unbelievable, mate."
Tommy's face hardens in that way that suggests he's about to say something deeply unwise. Alfie leans down to kiss him, hard, before he has the chance. There's a startled sound and a clashing of teeth as Tommy tries to shut him out, but one strategically-placed hand around his throat and he opens for Alfie's tongue with an audible exhale.
Alfie licks into him, probes the inside of his mouth, overwhelmed with a desire to retake what Tommy's withheld: his attention. His full, undivided attention ... by god, he's gonna give it now. Tommy's defences start to weaken — his tongue softens, his mouth falls wide — when he lets out a whorish little moan, Alfie pulls away. He's hard with lovingly-nurtured anger and ready to put it to use. "Over," he says, nudging Tommy's hip with a knee.
Tommy rolls reluctantly, looking rather bewildered. Alfie reaches into the bedside drawer and slicks himself one-handed, cursing as the lube falls noisily onto the floor. Don't matter, he's done enough.
"Got something to say to me, Tommy?" he asks, fumbling in his haste.
Tommy doesn't answer, though he can be in no doubt as to where this is leading. It's a source of unending wonder how he can look so fucking truculent when he's splayed face-down on the bed.
"No?" Alfie prompts. "You sure about that?"
Tommy stays defiantly mute, so Alfie wraps an arm beneath him and slams in with a single thrust. The sound of breath being knocked out of Tommy shocks the air in the room, and sends fire licking through Alfie. He hauls Tommy closer still, squeezing his slender waist as if emptying a soda-bottle of air. His hips and forearm are opposing forces, jaws clamping down on a pelvis — he lets Tommy feel the bite of his strength, of his want, until a cry of anguish fills the air.
Then he waits, breathing slowly through the seconds of charged stillness as Tommy fights to yield. Ten seconds turn into fifteen, twenty, followed by a convulsion — one rigid spasm that travels the length of Tommy's body and ends with a shuddering groan. The precious sound of acceptance. Only then does Alfie ease back, sliding out an inch or two purely for the pleasure of pressing back in and making him cry out again.
"Thank me," he says, voice low as he presses a kiss into Tommy's neck.
Tommy groans and tips his head but doesn't form the words.
"Thank me," Alfie repeats with a thrust. "I want to hear you say it."
Tommy buries his face in the sheets and doesn't make a sound.
"Alright, if that's how you want to play it." Alfie heaves himself upwards, and presses his weight into Tommy's shoulder-blades. "You will thank me," he promises, "if I 'ave to fuck you into next week."
Maybe that's what Tommy needs, Alfie ain't giving any more chances. He builds up the pace with increasingly vigorous thrusts, which Tommy just lies there and takes it. And takes it. And takes it. The sheets come untucked, the pillows bank up against the headboard and Alfie fills with dark delight when Tommy starts to falter, to let little growls and mewls escape. He sounds like a wounded animal. Perhaps he's expecting sympathy ... poor deluded boy. Alfie slows his hips and shifts position, wrapping his arms beneath Tommy's armpits and locking hands in front of his chest. The position puts his mouth against Tommy's ear.
"If you ain't gonna say it, darlin', you'd better shut the fuck up." He pulls out achingly slowly, feeling the grip around his cock before slamming back in with a groan. The angle clearly changes something because this time Tommy sounds desperate — a series of high-pitched sounds ripples out of him, ending with a whine.
"Say it," Alfie growls, repeating the exact same movement to even more delightful effect. He pulls out for a third time, about to fuck in again when  
Tommy whispers something that sounds awfully like compliance.
"What's that?" Alfie says, pausing to pull him out of the pillows by his hair.
"Thank you," Tommy says, his voice barely a whisper as he quietly obeys.
"Again," Alfie says as he drives back in, pulling hard on the black locks so that Tommy's neck is bared.
"Thank you," Tommy repeats. This time the response is a gasp, two gasps, but still Alfie isn't sated.
"Again," he says, with another thrust.
"Thank you," Tommy replies; the struggle in his voice drives Alfie on like a racehorse under the whip.
"Again," he says, "again ... again."
"Thank you," Tommy murmurs, "thank, ahh, thank y—"
Alfie lets go of the hair and fucks Tommy hard, cutting off each gasped response before it's fully formed. Soon it's like an echo that follows every thrust.  "Thank—, than—, tha— urgh!"  Tommy's fingers splay out like flags of surrender but Alfie ain't feeling merciful.
"Again," he growls. "Thank me again, thank me until you can't say it."
Tommy does, he says it over and over, until he's so battered by Alfie's desire that every pitiful, "thank you," is a breath forced into the mattress. Is a plea. Is a please ... "please Alfie, fuck, god, please ..."
Afterwards, Alfie curls onto his side and basks in the faintly horrifying afterglow of his own cruelty. It takes a good few moments until he feels his own pinkness subside. Tommy shuffles closer, ducks into the concave space formed by the curve of Alfie's body. His arms slide around Alfie's belly and he holds on tight, in the way he only ever does after a particular type of sex. Alfie bends to kiss the top of his head, a single peck that's suffused, somehow, with more tenderness than an hour of tongued kisses.
"Thank you," Tommy whispers into the hair on Alfie's chest. Alfie strokes the back of his neck and feels overwhelmingly and incongruously protective.
"For the dinners or the sex?"
"Both. You always know what I need."
"Good job one of us knows what's good for you."
"You are."
Alfie wishes he were more certain of that.
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kimnjss · 4 years
get even | ksj
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⤑  series: sugar free
⤑ genre: angst, rich!jin x artist!reader, college au.
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 4.4K
⤑ warnings: humilation (it’s not a kink here tho), suggestive topics, nudity... (this lowkey pretty tame, ngl).
⤑ A/N: a little late, but i literally just finished this and did like a half ass job editing it, buuut i really wanted to get this out bc OHMYGOD (you’ll see) - don’t forget to let me know what you think, your feedback is my favorite! x
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A bet. The second the words left Yuna's lips you felt your blood begin to boil. Was that what all of this was? Why Jin had been so persistent to be around you, to get you to like him... so he could win a measly 100 bucks from his friends. That was it?
 You felt sick to the stomach, on the verge of screaming at the top of your lung. How could you allow yourself to be so stupid? To not be able to see past the cheap facade, protect yourself like you had done countless times before. To think you were slowly starting to melt, starting to see yourself becoming comfortable around him. Smiling a bit too wide when texting him into the late hours of the night, moving a little too fast when his name was lighting up your screen.
 He had been playing you for a fool this entire time and the only thing you could think of was how could you get even. At this point, he had no idea that you were on to him. Still thought that everything was going according to his plan, boy was he wrong. You were going to get him back, flip the tables so he was the one left licking his wounds. Who the hell did he think he was?
 The idea came to you a few hours after hanging up with Yuna. The anger that had blinded you earlier finally subsiding enough for you to properly check the messages that had been flooding your inbox in the time since. Most of which were from the group chat of your best friends. Making a mental note to tell Yoongi about his role in this bet as well, you immediately clicked on the latest message from Jin.
[15:59] seokjin: did you pick a movie for tonight, yet?? i saw something you might like.
 Instantly you're scoffing at the reminder that you were supposed to be out with this man in a little over an hour. You had actually been looking forward to this date, a more relaxed setting where you two could truly be yourselves around each other. The hell with that now. 
 Quickly, you were typing back your response. Ignoring the fact that it was coming in three hours too late. He could wait. If he felt like he could use you as a ploy in this stupid game with his friends. Then he could wait a few hours for your reply.
[18:12] to seokjin: oooh, surprise me then! im getting ready right now, see you in a bit?
 Rolling your eyes at your overly enthusiastic you're standing from your position on your bed, moving to your dresser to pick something to wear tonight.
 When you were in your early teens and just getting to know Namjoon and his friends, not a day would go by without an argument between you and Jungkook to take place. He always felt the need to try and one-up you, always had an opinion on what you were saying, and never believed you were as smart as him.
 The fact you got into your shared middle school solely on recommendation had nothing to do with his thought conclusion. Anyway, something that young Jungkook found extremely amusing was pranking. Loved the thought of tricking someone to the point of them getting upset only for him to shout: 'Relax, it's just a prank.' It was his favorite pass time, especially when you were involved.
 Quickly, you were picking up on his tactics and soon enough you were able to counter all of his 'well thought out' deceptions in a way he was the one with the egg on his face in the end. Fast forward years later, you and Jungkook hardly argued as much and he found more interested in girls than pranks... but that didn't mean you forgot how to play along.
 The forced learned deception would be applied tonight. How dare that boy think he could pull a fast one on you and get off scratch free? Yeah, right. There was going to be hell to pay. And you were going to make sure of it.
 Despite the fact, this was only a movie date and you could pretty much dress down when sitting in a dark room for hours, what you wore held a big part of your plan for tonight. Of course, you didn't want to make it obvious that your goal was to turn heads. Something subtle but undeniably sexy that his jaw was dropping at the first sight of you.
 It had been a while since you wore your bright red mini skirt and it fit tighter than you remembered. Deciding the tightness fit the theme of tonight, you're tucking your long sleeve black turtleneck into the skirt; admiring the way the form-fitting material highlights the natural curves of your body. 
 A large heart belt to give your waist that extra snatch and short black boots to tie it all together. Yeah, this guy is not going to know what hit him once he caught sight of you – you were sure of that much.
 Makeup had never really been something that you cared a whole lot for. Loved the way a bare face felt as opposed to being caked up for hours. Tonight was an exception though, you had to play the part, right?
 One short, way too detailed YouTube tutorial later, and you're being interrupted by the knock on your front door. With a final swipe of lip gloss onto your softened lips, you're moving from the mirror to answer the door.
 “Oh! Are you early or am I running late?” Jin stands on the other door, a large hoodie covering his slender figure and black jeans clinging to his legs. He eyes you shamelessly, seeming to have missed the words that had just left your lips. Bingo! “Here come in, I'm almost done,” You're turning, leading him into your house acting as if you hadn't noticed the way his eyes dropped when he thought your back was too him.
 Too freaking easy. Guys were too easy, it was sad.
 Just for good measure, you lead him to your couch; delicate fingers wrapped around his wrist. You're gesturing him to sit with a gentle tug of his wrist and his body moves accordingly, eyes never once lifting from you.
 “I'll just be another minute,” You promise, watching as he pushes a smile on his face before nodding. You make your way down the corridor and into your bedroom, honestly finished with getting ready but not against making the boy sweat for a little bit.
 Ten full minutes pass by of you just sat on your bed, scrolling through your phone before you're deciding that it was time to go. Jin stands as soon as you're exiting the room, composure back in check – that familiar smug look settled on his features once again. He spares you only a single glance as if he hadn't been full-on drooling when you first had opened the door.
 “You ready?” His voice sounds deeper than you remember and you can't help but wonder if he was forcing it in hopes to impress you. Not caring much to mull over the question, you're nodding your head. The heels of your boots clack against the hardwood floor as you move to meet his side.
 Jin thoughtlessly slides his arm around your waist, a simple gesture that pulls an annoying reaction from you. He leads you out of the front door, waiting patiently on the steps as you lock up.
 “No, Minho?” You're asking, noticing the absence of the shiny SUV parked on the curb. Jin is shaking his head, digging into his front pockets for something you can only assume is a key due to the metallic jingle filling your ears. “Gave him the night off... it's just me and you,” He grins and you smile back, of course, your master plan in mind and in no way a natural reaction to the sight of his contagious smile.
 He's pulling a silver key from his pocket, clicking the remote and you nearly jump at the sound of the beep. Bright lights illuminating the headlights of the sport's car parked just a few feet from your building. “Is that your car!?” Wondering out loud and neglecting to check the excitement in your tone.
 Jin watches with a knowing grin as you make your way over to the vehicle, cautious palms sliding over the fresh paint. You couldn't believe what you were staring at. A 2019 Alfa Romeo Giulia in the shade midnight black; an all-red leather interior... were you going to be sitting in that? This was what he was going to be taking you to the movies in?
 “It's nice, right? Got it for my birthday last year... a little bored of it now, though.” You hear the cocky tone of his voice, the 'I'm-so-much-richer-than-you' twang that has your blood boiling. With a roll of your eyes, hands now stiff and dropping to your side you step back.
 “It's alright,” You say with a shrug, pulling the passenger's side door open and sliding in before he even has the chance to reach for it. No point in keeping up with his fake gentlemen facade, you could very well open your own doors.
 Despite your slight shift in mood, Jin is still smiling. Not thinking twice about you not letting him open up the door you and sliding in on his side. Instantly, he's pulling his seat belt on; twisting the key in the ignition and you melt at the hum of the engine coming to life.
 “What's the movie you picked?” You're asking as a few moments of silence passed, the only sound that had filled the car in the past eight minutes was the radio that he liked to keep on low for some reason. 
 His gaze is shooting in your direction, eyes wide as if he hadn't expected to hear your voice just then. You offer up a gentle smile, blinking your eyes cutely up at him as you wait for his response. Jin's adam's apple bobs as he turns his attention back onto the road.
 “It. Have you already gone? It came out a few weeks ago,”
 You're shaking your head, ignoring the fact that if you had been the one to choose the movie for tonight – that would have been your choice. Even if you had already seen it, horror films were at the top of your list of faves... which was weird, because you had it on pretty good standing that Jin wasn't into scary movies.
 Either way, it wasn't like you planned on having him pay all that much attention to the movie in the first place.
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 As expected, Jin paid for both your ticket and his. He purchased a large bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share and a couple of drinks to counter to salty effects of the treat. What a shame he was actually a douche bag, otherwise you would've swooned at his catering.
 Seats smartly chosen in the back row, where you could see the entire movie screen clearly but avoid being spotted by the other moviegoers. With the risk of being obvious, you lifted the armrest that divided your two seats long before the movie had started. Forty minutes in and several popcorn jerking jumps after, you were taking advantage of your early decision.
 “It's a bit cold in here, don't you think?” You spoke with a pout, eyes lifting to grasp his attention. He was staring at you, head shaking in a nod and you could tell he was searching his mind for ways to make you more comfortable. How sweet. “Should we sit a bit closer?” Voice laced with velvet, you're already scooting over the gap before he can disagree.
 Not like he planned to, the moment Jin's realizing what's going on; he's moving to close any left space between you two. His arm lifting to wrap around your shoulders as he tucks your body into his side. The movement so fluid and natural that you can't help but wonder how many times he's pulled the same move – no prompting needed.
 A few moments passed with your body cradled in his arms, his warmth surrounding you, and the strong scent of his cologne intoxicating you. You had noticed this the first time the two of you went out, Jin was well put together in his clothes and he always smelt so good. Not sure what it was, but the way that he smelt never failed to make your stomach flip.
 But it wasn't the time for that. Right now, it was time to put your perfect revenge plan into action. Delicately, the tips of his fingers ran over the swell of his chest, admiring the way the muscle felt underneath your digits. Dropping your hand lower, you spread your palm against his abs. 
 He had been so invested in the movie during your initial contact, that he hadn't noticed the feeling of your fingers on his chest... or chose not to acknowledge it. Now that you were tracing the ridges of his abs, his eyes were on you, slightly wide as he tried to figure exactly what you were playing at.
 You shot him an innocent smile, the tip of your index finger running over the curve of his bellybutton. Flinching at the contact, he blinked hard; breath caught in his throat as he waited. “I never knew you were so... strong,” Voice coming out in a purr, the tip of your finger trailing up the middle of his stomach. 
 Jin visibly gulped, confusion dancing over his brow as he shifted beside you. Not sure how to react to your sudden shift in behavior. You didn't care to slow down, to explain it to him – this was what he wanted, right?
 “I'm finding it so hard to pay attention to the movie,” Scooting closer to him, your hand drops down onto his thigh. Giving the muscle a light squeeze as you lean your body up, lips inches from his pink ears. “Do you want to know why?” You whispered, lips gently brushing over his lobe.
 “W-why?” He cleared his throat, fidgeting in his seat; trying to avoid looking in your direction. If he was to turn his head, your lips would be mere inches apart. Just a simple twitch forward and you'd be kissing. No way he'd be able to keep his cool if that were to happen, so he kept his gaze forward. Not risking it.
 Fine with you, you weren't done playing. Thumb rubbing circles into the fabric of his pants, mouth closing around his earlobe. You felt him shudder, making a smirk rise on your lips. “I can't stop thinking about you... all the things we could be doing instead of being cooped up in here...”
 Jin was no fool, not the one to waste any time. If you were acting like this, saying that you were down there was no way he was going to pass up an opportunity like this. He'd just catch the movie when it came out on Netflix. “Should we go then?” He's mustering up all the courage he can manage to turn his head, dark eyes finding yours in the dim-lit room. 
 A bit surprised with his quick agreement, you're not letting it show on your face. You're grinning at his words, standing from your seat, and taking hold of his hand. Jin allows you to pull him up from his seated position, his hand landing on your hip. “Wait, slow down.” He's whispering, being considerate to the people scattered you.
 “You sure?” Head nodding before you had a chance to mull over his thought process in checking up at you. Reaching for his free hand, you're wiggling out of his grasp and tugging him behind you out of the theater.
 Both of you moving so fast, laughter slipping past his lips at your haste and you can't help but join in. You can feel the gaze of the people around you, but you don't care. Don't even bother to present an apology too wrapped up in enjoying yourself and trying to push away the warmth rising in your chest. Now wasn't the time for that.
 Jin's stopping you the second the cool night air is hitting your exposed skin. His hand twisting in your grasp until he's able to take hold of your hand. Easily, he's pulling your body into his and flashing you that heart-stopping smile of his. Chests pressed together, breaths mixing and you hadn't realized you had been breathing so heavily before.
 Your heart hammers against your chest as you stare up at him, his eyes searching yours. He's slow with the way he closes the negative space between the two of you, his hands lifting to cup your cheeks. And he's leaning in, lips finding yours... the smile breaking onto your lips before you have the chance to fight it.
 He's kissing you so slowly and delicately as if you were made of glass. Hands cool against your heated cheeks and you can feel his smile over your mouth. It was all becoming too much, your heart getting too involved over a stupid kiss... this was not part of the plan!
 You're pulling away at the feeling of his thumbs brushing against your cheeks, looking up at him with your lip caught between your teeth; trying to look as sexy as possible in this situation. “Come on, we'll have much more fun once we're alone...” Discreet in the way you gesture to the family of five that were making their way into the theater.
 Jin's following you without a word, the grin never falling from his plump lips. He's leading you this time, quick steps are taken to his car where he opens your door for you. You get comfortable against the seats, watching as he jogs around to the other side to slide in beside you.
 All giddy and smiley, excited that he was about to get some. That he was about to win this stupid bet he and his friends thought would be a good idea... boy, he had no idea what was coming.
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 Thick laughter leaves your lips as you stumble into your bedroom with tangled feet. Jin's lips haven't left your skin since you were pushing your front door shut, fingers gripping at your hips, eagerly drumming at the exposed skin. He's turning your body to gently push you back against the door, lips dropping to capture yours.
 “Don't think... I'll... get tired, of kissing you,” He breaths out deeply, sentence carelessly strewn together his sole focus was the way he was moving his tongue in your mouth. And a skillful tongue it was, too bad this couldn't go all that far – you'd love to know how that tongue in other places...
 You're kissing him back with just as much fervor, hands sliding down the front of his shirt until you can grip the hem of the shirt. Slowly you drag it up, inch by inch revealing his well worked on torso to ghosts of your bedroom. He's pulling back then, hands reaching for yours to assist you in his disrobing.
 A moment is spared to admire just what he had been hiding underneath all that fabric. Oh, what a shame... Leaning on your toes, you're taking his lips in another lingering kiss careful not to push too far. Plan would go to shit if you were allowing yourself to get lost in his soft kisses.
 Easily, you move from your position against the door. Jin watches you the entire short walk to your bed, body turning so he can get a better look at you. You make a show of the way you climb toward your headboard, bare legs crossed as you look up at him. Beckoning him over with your finger, Jin is quick to spring to action, all but running over to the edge of your bed.
 He's waiting, noticing how you stopped him just before he was about to climb into bed right on top of you. If only. What a shame. Jin's eyes drop to your thighs, catching the way you rub them together as your teeth nibble at your lower lip. “Take your pants off,” The command coming out whiner than you had hoped but Jin's hands are quick. His eyes on you the whole time he's unfastening his belt and dropping his pants to his ankles.
 You're careful not to let your eyes bulge at the sight of the size of his erection, straining against his boxers and just begging for some attention. A rub. A suck. Something. If circumstances were different, you would've been on your knees by now. Begging for a taste. What a shame.
 “These too,” The finger you had began to nibble at falls from your mouth, arm extending until you're able to reach him. You trace the tip of your finger over his covered shaft because, fuck... you can't help yourself.
 Jin shudders, mouth dropping and you can swear you see his dick twitch underneath the fabric. “You're fucking perfect.” He groans, quick to pull his bottoms down his legs, not even reacting to the way his cock bobs free, slapping against his hipbone. Fuck, he was huge, unbelievably thick, and beautifully veiny. Whoever said God was fair...
 Swinging your legs toward the edge of the bed, you're reaching for his hip; pulling his body toward you gently. Forcing your eyes from his pretty cock up to his face. Ignoring the urge to wrap your lips around the tip, just a taste. That couldn't hurt, right? “You think I'm perfect?” There's sincerity in your voice, still not over the initial shock felt when the compliment was falling from his lips.
 You couldn't lose your head now, though. Not when you were already so close to your goal. Jin is nodding his head without a second thought and you're grinning, leaning back just a bit so you can get a better look at his face.
 “Worth a hundred bucks?” 
 His eyes turn to moons the moment your words are registering. “W-what? How do you... how do you know about that?” He's stepping back just as you're shooting up from your bed.
 “What do you mean how do I know!? How could you try to humiliate me like that!?” You had spent so much time planning and re-planning your revenge that you hadn't put any time into thinking of what you were going to say once the jig was up. Mostly because you were so hurt by what he had done and you couldn't think of a way to express that without punching him a good one.
 “I mean-,” You're moving around the room, collecting the clothes that he had carelessly thrown down in the mindset he was going to become a richer man tonight. “Who even does something like that!? Is making a quick buck really that important to you?” You felt yourself holding back, wanted to ask how dare he make you like him just to turn out to be like any other guy.
 No way were you going to let him know that his stupid prank was working in any way, though. Keeping the little fact that you were falling for it to yourself was best. “It wasn't like that, Yn! Really.” He's half trying to explain himself to you and half focused on just what the hell you're doing with his clothes. Large hand covering his junk, no longer feeling confident in his nudity. 
 “Then what was it like, Jin?” You're turning, quick, not realizing that he had been standing right behind you. “Because from what I understand is that you and your friends thought it would be fun to put a price tag on my sex life and who knows how many other girls you're fucking with,” That, had been something that you forced yourself not to consider... but not the words were falling from your lips and realization was hitting.
 “It's just you! I mean... please, just hear me out. There aren't any other girls, and-,” You're cutting him off with a lift of his hand. Not really in the mood to be lied to. So ready to get him out of your face so you could be alone with all that you were feeling. “I don't want to hear it. I really don't. You're disgusting, Seokjin.” Your last words are delivered slowly and with your eyes staring into his. 
 “Yn-” He starts, but stops when he notices your backward steps toward your bedroom window. You push it open without any strain, lifting his clothes. “W-wait, what are you doing!?” He looks panicked as you toss his clothes out of the window, slamming it shut after you see them hit the ground.
 “Why would you go and do something like that!?” He's pissed, you can tell... but you don't care. You're done with him. Gave him the thirty seconds of distraught that he earned and now you were over it. For the most part. You'd work it out. It hadn't been that long since the two of you started hanging out. It wouldn't be that hard to get your shit together.
 “Hm, I wonder.” You mock with a roll of your eyes, you're passing him crossing your bedroom to reach your bathroom. “You can let yourself out,” There finality in your tone and you mean it, not bothered if you never saw him again after this.
 “You're not even going to let me explain?” He sure is talkative for a dude clutching his junk while his designer garments soaked in mud. “There's nothing to explain. Get out.” There's a droop in his shoulders following the sternness of your words. He's making his way toward your door with slow steps and you feel your heart crunch.
 Hated that it had to be like that, that he had to be like the rest of them. That you even bothered to give him a chance in the first place. It was so clear to you in the beginning, but you thought to give him the benefit of doubt, wanted him to be different... everyone was the same.
 “To think I was starting to change my opinion about you,” The words slip without your full intention. He's turning to look at you, but you're quick with the way you pull the bathroom door shut. Not having it in you to actually watch him walk out.
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– rich, spoiled and a bit of a womanizer. but underneath all of that, there’s a heart of gold. and no matter how determined she is to reject him, he won’t stop trying until she sees he’s kinda sweet.
↲ masterlist ↳
taglist: @randomkoalablog​​ @smoljams​​ @dee-ehn​​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​ @lilacdreams-00​​ @sw33tnight​​ @bangtansonyeondayyyum​​ @okblve​​ @jinhitwhore​​ @tae165​​ @hellotherehoneybee​​ @bangtansbun​​ @betysotelo18​​ @cherriigguk​​ @koostime​​ @kooinluv​​ @butterflylion​​ @kookiesjoonies​​ @uxwi​​ @honeyoongles​​ @imajiningseokjin​​ @amoreguk​​ @beeeb05​​ @tommasauras​​ @bluefaeriefury​​ @butterflylion​​ @withlovestudyblr​​ @samros95​​​ @korkanswers​​ @houseofarmanto​​ @soulstaes​​ @thesunisup-theskyisblue​​​ @jinsearth​​​ @aizuwusho​​​ @moonb0yy​​​ @tan-dulset​​​ @8sjaf​​​ @mini-coop25​​​ @marifujioka​​​ @sunskook​​​ @elliemeetsevil​​​ @ratking101​​​ @leovaldezisfire​​​
A/N: timestamps are important throughout the fic!! if you want to be added to the taglist, send me an ask! also if you asked to be on the taglist and aren’t on there, it’s because tumblr sometimes doesn’t let me tag ppl for some reason.
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ofsinnersandsaints · 4 years
Pebbles and Sparky
rating: G
word count: 3955
one shot
Fjord knows where Sabian is, and after a long and drawn out negotiation with the Plank King, the Mighty Nein is allowed 24 hours to find Sabian, get their business done, then get off the island.
Or, Fjord and Jester corner Sabian and scare the shit out of him in order to get the answers Fjord desperately needs
Special shout-out to @humble-wayside-flower for the nickname Sabian has for Fjord 😘
Fjord sat next to Jester in the inn’s dining room with the rest of the Mighty Nein around them as they tried to decide the best way to get to Sabian.
They were on Darktow, having been able to barter their way back onto the island after getting exiled months before. The Plank King had given them 24 hours to take of their business and get off, but if they made any noise, or were in any way disruptive, they would have the entirety of the pirate community after them.
Keeping their heads down and not making a wave wasn’t exactly the Mighty Nein’s strong suit.
Jester had scried on Sabian once they were at the inn, and had been able to narrow his location to a particularly raucous bar in the middle of town. Fjord was worried the second his old crewmate spotted him, he’d run, so they needed a way to figure out where he was and what he was planning.
“I’ll go in,” Beau offered, leaning forward with her tankard in hand. “Get a lay of the land, see if I can get eyes on him. I’m a criminal, I’ll fit in.”
“Hey,” Jester cut in, clearly offended. “We’re all criminals, Beau. We were pirates.”
“You’re absolutely right,” Beau apologized. “But that’s like, water criminals. I’m also a land criminal, I’ll just go in like I’m a wine smuggler. Give me twenty minutes.”
Two minutes of debate later the group agreed to let Beau in go alone, but Veth would trail her and keep in contact with her via message spell so if anything happened, the group could come to her aid.
“Stay safe,” Fjord encouraged as Beau adjusted her cloak, before they’d landed she’d switched it from the Cobalt blue to the plain brown to better fit in.
With a nod, and a quick squeeze of Yasha’s hand, Beau left. Jester scooted her chair closer to his and reached over to take his hand, her body pressed against his. “How are you doing?”
“It’s weird,” he admitted. “Been running towards this for a year, and suddenly I’m a couple of minutes from seeing him again.”
“It’ll be over soon,” she reminded him. “And then you don’t ever have to look back again.”
Fjord wished he could be that optimistic. “Your mouth to the Wild Mother’s ears.”
“I know,” she dug into her backpack. “I’ll draw tarot cards for you.”
He smiled as she pulled out her deck and shuffled them. Fjord didn’t particularly believe in tarot cards, but she loved doing it so much he wasn’t about to dampen her fun by telling her that. And it was fun to see her get so excited about the cards she drew, about finding meaning in them. The way he figured it, it wasn’t much different than him meditating or Caduceus doing communion.
When she looked for answers, this where she found them, and occasionally she found them for him too.
“Cut,” he told her because they’d done this half a dozen times by now.
“Okay, this is for the past,” Jester turned the card over. “Ooooh, it’s the Bed & the Hearth.”
Despite the fact they’d been together for months now he still blushed when she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at him. “The bed is up which means rest and comfort, but the fact that it’s empty means there’s decisions to be made. Which you’ve done,” she reminded him. “We’re here, we’re looking for Sabian. The next one is the present.”
He told her when to cut the cards. “This is a good card! It’s the Sword & Shield.”
According to Jester, every card was a good one, or an interesting one, but Fjord played along. He threw his arm along the back of her chair. “What does it mean?”
“It means,” she stared as she turned the pages in her little book to find the right section. She read a couple of sentences before hitting him on the leg, proof of her excitement. “The shield is up which means you’re standing up for your beliefs. It’s an indication of protectiveness, but it can also mean you’re under attack.”
Fjord didn’t believe in tarot cards, but shit did they get it right sometimes. “I don’t suppose those cards tell you whether or not I’ll succeed?”
“We’ll do a card for the future, that’ll tell us.”
He looked over her shoulder as she revealed the last card. “Storm & Sun, haven’t we seen that one before?”
Jester nodded, “The storm was up last time, but this time it’s the sun.”
“Sun is good?”
“Unless you’re Yasha, she wants to get this card with the storm up. But for you,” she quickly read the paragraph and he watched the slow smile curve across her face. “Healing, progress, and overcoming hardship. It’s good, Fjord.”
She leaned forward and kissed him. “We’re going to be okay.”
“Well, then.” Oddly enough, the knowledge and her certainty made him feel better. “Here’s to being good.”
Jester spent the remaining time doing Yasha and Caduceus’ tarot cards, and just on time Beau walked into the dining room looking confused and maybe a little angry. Veth came in a step behind her, grinning like an idiot.
“You okay there, first mate?”
Beau sat down and drank almost an entire tankard before she looked at him. “He hit on me.”
Fjord smiled at the confused and slightly offended tone to her voice. “Is he still alive?”
“Yes,” she assured him with a roll of her eyes. “He didn’t even use a good pick up line. Does that shit actually for dudes?”
He shrugged, “Sabian’s always done well with the ladies, but I always thought he was a dick. He was a one and done kind of guy.”
“He’s slick,” Beau judged. “And not in the good way. His accent sounded kind of like your old voice, but less drawl, and more clipped. I don’t like him.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Seven of us,” Caleb corrected. “What did you gather from him?”
“He didn’t give away much, but he’s not here for anything good, I can promise you that.” She reached out and took some food from Caleb’s plate. “He’s got a meeting for later though. When I turned him down he hit on some guy at the bar and they made arrangements to meet up in thirty minutes.”
“They’re going back to Sabian’s place,” Veth added. “That would be a good place to corner him.”
“We can all go,” Caleb offered. “A united front.”
“Yeah, and I’ll hide in the shadows and put a bolt in his ass if he so much as sneezes,” Veth added gleefully.
Fjord smiled, but shook his head. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, and I’d feel better knowing you lot were hovering nearby. But…But if it’s alright with everyone, I’d like to talk to him one-on-one to start.”
“I’m going with you,” Jester announced, her narrowed eyes daring him to argue with her.
“Of course you are.” Her expression immediately softened, grinning as if she’d just won an argument he’d had no intention of starting. “If anything goes down, Jester can send an SOS.”
Caleb and Beau looked at each other and after a moment they both nodded. “Okay, but we’ll stay close by, just in case. Ja?”
Fjord nodded and grabbed Jester’s hand as they both stood up. “We’ll talk soon.”
Together he and Jester walked towards where Beau and last seen Sabian. Apparently he’d been living here for a while, which meant there was a better than good chance he’d been here during their brief visit before. What would he have done if he’d known?
“Do we have a game plan?”
Fjord snorted at the question, “No. Should we?”
“Beau would probably have come up with one,” Jester shrugged, but she didn’t seem particularly concerned.
“Probably shouldn’t start out with punching him.”
“Probably not,” she agreed. “We can try being nice.”
He thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “No, he wouldn’t buy it.”
“Then we play it by ear,” she decided. “We’ll see what his reaction to seeing you is.”
“I’m kind of hoping he shits his pants.”
Jester laughed and swung their intertwined hands back and forth. “Me two. Get it? Two.”
“Excellent pun.”
“I thought so. Do you think he knows about the bounty hunter?”
“Probably not, Kotho seemed pretty damn good at her job.”
“Then we’ll definitely have the element of surprise.”
Fjord nodded and kept an eye out for the people leaving the nondescript building a couple doors down from the bar. It only took a few minutes for the half elf to emerge, instantly recognizable with his dark skin and easy swagger. It was bizarre to see Sabian so unchanged.
The past few months had utterly change Fjord, he was stronger, better, and yet Sabian looked almost exactly as he had the morning of the shipwreck. Lean and rangy, he was stronger than he looked and quicker than anyone else on the Tide’s Breath.
Fjord walked along the sidewalk, Jester at his side, and then crossed the street to put himself in Sabian’s way. The half-elf orphan with a quick simile and shuttered eyes widened when he realized who he was looking at.
“Well, well. If it isn’t my old buddy.” Fjord watched as Sabian took in the entire scene, saw those dark eyes dart around as if to make sure there weren’t more people hiding in the shadows. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Sabian’s charm was almost a match for his own, but Fjord immediately caught deception in the casual greeting. Whatever Sabian felt, whatever he’d planned for the night, he was jut a little scared at the sight of Fjord suddenly in front of him. “Nice to see you survived.”
“You as well,” he smirked and tucked his hands into his pockets, rocking back on his heels. “Not scars, I hope?”
He had three, but Sabian he said, “Nothing I couldn’t survive.”
“Seems you found some treasure at the bottom of the ocean,” Sabian pointed out as he looked at Jester. “Sabian Flint, at your service.”
Jester’s voice was flat as she met the sailor’s eyes. “Charmed, I’m sure.”
Fjord barely held back at a laugh at her response. Instead he took a step towards his old acquaintance. “I have some questions to ask you.”
Sabian shook his head. “It’s in the past, let it go.”
“Let it go?” Fjord demanded, anger rising to the surface at the sheer lack of concern in Sabian’s voice. “Those sailors died, they’re gone, men we served with, worked shoulder to shoulder with for years. They had people who loved them, who miss them, and they deserve answers. I deserve answers.”
“Calm down, Pebbles.”
The nickname wasn’t new, and neither was the patronizing tone, but Fjord was more than willing to let it slide off his back. His girlfriend apparently had other ideas, as he saw a flash of blue out of the corner of his eye. He barely had a chance to wrap his arm around Jester’s waist before she socked Sabian in front of a crowd.
“He’s not worth it, Jessie.”
She struggled for a second, and they both knew if she wanted to she could escape, but she eventually settled. “It’s Captain Tusktooth, you asshole.”
Sabian smiled, as if he was looking at a small kitten showing its claws. Fjord was more than a little tempted to release his grip on Jester and let her beat him to a pulp, but it might be a better idea to let him think they were weak. The Mighty Nein would prove Sabian wrong if it came down to it.
“Captain, huh? Got a ship of your own?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, but didn’t elaborate. He didn’t want to give Sabian any more information than was strictly necessary. “And a crew. None of whom would stab each other and then blow up the ship.”
“You really don’t understand,” Sabian shook his head as if disappointed in Fjord. “And you never will.”
“I understand more than you think.”
“And yet you still felt the need to track me down to ask me questions? You’re as clueless as you’ve always been, Pebbles. But you know what they say, ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your bliss, and your lady friend, and stay out of my way.”
Fjord watched Sabian turn around to walk away, and he couldn’t think of anything to say to stop him. Aside from physically detaining him, there wasn’t much he could do.
“What did he promise you?” Jester asked to Sabian’s retreating back. “For every soul Uk’otoa gets, he gives you a little more power?”
Sabian stopped walking, his entire body seeming to have frozen in place. Slowly, he turned to face them both. “Excuse me?”
Jester snorted and crossed her arms in front of her. “You think you’re the only person who knows about the snea snake? Because you’re not.”
“He can’t be that high up,” Fjord added. He had no idea how Jester had connected those dots, but now that she’d said it, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized the possibility sooner. “He probably doesn’t even know about the orbs.”
“Oh, definitely not.”
“What do you know about Uk’otoa?” Sabian asked, but Fjord was drawn to the way Sabian’s fingers had begun to move. He recognized those movements, they’d been instinctual to him after surviving the ocean.
Sabian knew magic.
Before his former crewmate could do whatever he planned, Fjord cast a spell of his own. Throwing out the magic towards Sabian before he could do any damage to himself or Jester.
“What did you do?” Sabian demanded. His voice was strained and Fjord could all but see the muscles tighten as Sabian attempted to fight against the paralyzation which had suddenly come over him.
“I cast hold person,” Fjord explained matter-of-factly.
“Impressive,” Jester complimented him. “He can escape from it though, can’t he?”
“That’s what I’ve got you for.”
Jester’s grin was bright and eager as she patted the axe at her side. “I’ve been wanting to hit him for a while now.”
“Let’s get him out of the open though.” They hadn’t made a scene yet, but it was only a matter of time before someone noticed Sabian couldn’t move. “I don’t want anyone helping this piece of shit.”
“No problem,” Jester picked up Sabian by the waist and Fjord laughed so hard he was pretty sure he pulled something in his rib. “Come on, Sparky.”
She carried him down an alleyway as Fjord followed her. “Fuck, I wish the rest of the crew could see this.”
Jester grinned over her shoulder as she set Sabian back down, still paralyzed but anger and embarrassment darkening his cheeks.
“You dumbass half-orc,” Sabian roared. “I’ll get out of this and then you’ll regret ever finding me.”
“Shut up or I’ll make you shut up,” Jester warned and the look in her eye must have been enough of a warning because while Sabian still threw daggers from his eyes, he didn’t say anything else.
“If we try to take him back to the ship like this, he’ll call for help,” Fjord pointed out, fully aware Sabian could hear them.
“We can stick him in the bag of holding and take him back to the ship.”
“He might die in there,” Fjord pointed out casually.
“He’s got at least ten minutes,” Jester reminded him, voice pragmatic. “But we are in the middle of Darktow, so it might take longer than that. We’d have to walk fast.”
“And work up a sweat?” Fjord asked, feigning disgust. “No, thank you.”
“Good point,” Jester chewed on her lip as if she was deep in thought. “I mean, if he dies I can always bring him back. Or we could just cast speak with the dead and get our answers that way. We don’t actually need him alive.”
Fjord nodded, fully aware Jester was playing to the growing fear in Sabian’s eyes. He wanted to kiss her, but he figured now probably wasn’t the time. Instead, he held out his open palm and summoned the Star-Razor. Turning to face Sabian he put the sword to the half-elf’s neck, putting just enough pressure on the skin for Sabian to feel it. “You’re going to come with me, and you’re going to cooperate.”
“Why the hell would I do that?”
“Because if you don’t, I’ll kill you.”
“We both will,” Jester corrected helpfully. “We like to do couple things together like get revenge on dumb, small dicked cowards like yourself.”
Sabian’s eyes flitted from Jester to Fjord, confusion mixing with a growing sense of fear. “Fine, I’ll go with you.”
  “Holy shit, that’s him?” Beau asked as Yasha tied up Sabian in one of the storage rooms on the lower decks.
“Yeah,” Fjord nodded. “Yasha, could you maybe gag him too?”
“Love too,” Yasha answered, and passed over two different pieces of cloth before finding a dirty rag and shoving it in Sabian’s mouth.
Fjord was going to buy her a hundred flowers for that alone.
“Hold on, I don’t want him to hear us talking.” Jester turned and cast a quick spell, “There. I cast silence on him, now he can’t hear us and even better we won’t be able to hear him.”
“Thanks,” Fjord ran a hand down her back. “We should get the rest of the Nein down here. I don’t want to go far in case he manages to get out of those manacles.”
“I’ll get the others,” Beau offered, then turned towards the stairs and shouted at the top of her lungs for rest of the group. With a triumphant grin she looked back to Fjord. “There, they should be here in a second.”
“I think you destroyed one of my ear drums.”
Beau shrugged and didn’t even pretend to hide her grin, but good as her word, the other three members of the Mighty Nein came below decks. “You bellowed, Beau?”
“Fjord and Jester kidnapped Sabian-“
“Sparky,” Jester corrected. “We’re calling him Sparky now because he was rude to Fjord.”
“Cool,” Beau acknowledged. “And now I guess we’re going to interrogate him. Is that the plan?”
“We didn’t really plan much further than bringing him to the ship,” Fjord admitted. “But I think Jester figured out why Sabian did what he did.”
“I think Uk’otoa got to him,” Jester explained. “Or maybe Avantika? Possibly Vandran, but either way I think Sabian found out there was a powerful sea god who could give him powers, and what better way to prove your allegiance than to gift him with a dozen drowned sailors?”
“You think he blew up the boat to get in Uk’otoa’s good graces?”
“What other reason would he have had?” Jester asked Veth.
“She’s right,” Caduceus nodded. “It was just a merchant ship, wasn’t it? There was no strategic reason to bring it down, and you said the ship was practically empty, didn’t you Fjord?”
“Yeah, we were on our way to pick up cargo.”
“And it’s not like Sabian had insurance on the ship. There was no reason to bring down the Tide’s Breath except to kill everyone on board.”
“He’s not very powerful,” Fjord pointed out. “If he’s got magic, he doesn’t have a lot of it.”
“Power comes from experience,” Caleb explained. “If he’s been hiding out on the island since the sinking, then he’s not exactly testing his boundaries.”
“Coward,” Beau muttered.
“That’s what I said!” Jester laughed. “I also said he has a small dick, but I don’t know that personally.”
“He looks like a guy with a small dick,” Yasha nodded sagely. “Probably can’t hold his liquor either.”
Beau leaned over to look at Sabian. “You’re totally right, babe.”
“So what are we going to do with him?” Veth asked, refocusing the conversation. “Cause if we have to share our rations with a prisoner he’s not getting any of mine.”
“The Plank King gave us 24 hours to take care of our business, and while I think Jester’s right about why, I still have a lot of questions. After that, I think we should give him over to the locals and let them deal with him.”
“They can’t have good opinions about men who kill their fellow crew members,” Caleb agreed. “They’ll exact their own justice.”
“Hopefully the same kind of justice they gave Avantika,” Jester muttered. “But hopefully this time he doesn’t creepily climb over our ship as an undead sea witch.”
Veth shivered at the memory. “The less we can have that happen, the better.”
“Someone make a scary ‘let’s kill him’ gesture,” Jester ordered and without missing a beat Yasha drew her thumb across her neck and then looked directly at Sabian.
“That should not have been as sexy as it was,” Beau commented and Fjord rolled his eyes.
“Keep it in your pants, Beau.”
She glared at him and then they both just grinned.
“Okay, I’m going to talk to him, see what info I can get.” He looked down at Jester, “Mind being my muscle for a little bit longer?”
Jester put her hand over her heart and looked incredibly sincere as she looked him in the eye. “It would be my honor, Fjord.”
“Let us know if you need any help,” Caduceus offered. “I don’t think I’d be any good at interrogating a live person, but it might be interesting to find out.”
A chuckle rippled through the group and then they dispersed.
“Ready?” Jester asked.
“One thing first.” Fjord tugged Jester out of Sabian’s eyeline and leaned down to kiss her. Jester rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him back, both of them just taking the moment before Fjord eventually pulled away.
“What was that for?” Jester asked.
“I need a reason?”
She smiled and shook her head. “Not normally, no. But that felt like it had a reason.”
“Just… thanks for having my back.”
“Anytime,” she promised. “Now, let’s get Sparky to pee his pants.”
Fjord waited until he stopped laughing before walking into the room. “Mind getting rid of the spell?”
“Oh, right.” Jester waved her hand and they could suddenly hear the grunting of Sabian fighting against the binds and gag.
“Before we let you have your say, there’s a couple things I want you to hear.” Fjord once again made the Star Razor appear and he rested the tip against the wood of the floor and spun it around idly. “I’d like to have answers, it would make everything quite a bit easier, but the thing is: I’ve lived without answers for a while now, and I think I could live the rest of my life without them.”
Sabian’s eyes darted behind him, and without looking Fjord knew Jester and created her serrated lollipop, the slightly purple glow reflecting off his sword was easily recognizable. “So the thing is, I could kill you, and move on. Eventually, I’ll forgot about you and the fish will eat you, and there will be no evidence you ever existed. Or…”
Tearing his eyes away from the terrifying spiritual candy, Sabian narrowed his eyes at Fjord. “Or what?”
“Or you could tell us what we want to know and go back to Darktow. As long as you don’t leave, we’ll let you live. Otherwise?” Fjord picked up the sword and swung it around. “I’m going to see how many times I can cut you before you beg for mercy.”
“Who the fuck are you?”
Fjord stepped forward, all the confidence and self-assurance he’d faked in the past now real, and smiled slow and wicked. “The lady already told you, I’m Captain Tusktooth. And you’re going to tell me what I want to know.”
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luxekook · 5 years
trivia love | knj
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⇥ pairing: kim namjoon x reader
⇥ genre: non-idol au with fluff and smut
⇥ summary: in which the reader and namjoon become ridiculously attracted to each other over weekly late night trivia sessions
⇥ word count: 5.4k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, terrible trivia team names, namjoon being devastating, low-key exhibitionism, smut in a bar bathroom, oral (f receiving), sub!joon, switch!reader, everyone being nerdy af
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Weekly trivia used to be so fun. Your team - The Multiple Scoregasms - used to demolish the competition with ease. You used to be able to think so clearly and answer so correctly. You used to revel in the free drinks earned with your $20 bar credit winnings.
Keywords: used to
For the last two Thursdays, not only had your team lost miserably, you seemed to have lost all recollection past your own name.
The reason? Team Text Us, We're Single.
First of all, their team name was highly deceptive. There was no way that all seven of those beautiful team members were single. It was absolutely ludicrous.
Second of all, only one member of the group seemed to even take trivia seriously. And they still won. Twice.
And last of all, you were high-key attracted to said member. You sighed, thinking back to simpler times before you first saw him two Thursdays ago…
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The first thing you saw when you walked into Queenie’s Bar was a squad of middle-aged men debating the merits of Draco Malfoy’s redemption arc.
And the second? Just the cutest smiling boy you’d ever seen in the entirety of your existence. He was tall and deliciously tan, with cute dimples that surfaced suddenly when he smiled at the bartender in thanks.
As you stood in the archway of the bar gaping at this dimpled god, you got jostled from behind by your friend Olivia. “What’s the hold up? Go claim our usual table, (y/n)! I’ll get the drinks.”
You snapped out of your reverie. Cute boy or not, he was likely to be part of tonight’s competition; and, therefore, you needed to annihilate him accordingly.
Nodding inwardly, you stalked past the men who now had moved on from Draco to a heated argument surrounding house-elves and their rights.
 “Hermione just dropped her whole campaign! S.P.E.W. was never mentioned again!” One man thrust his hand through his thinning hair in exasperation, “God, did the campaign buttons mean nothing?”
You cracked a smile as you settled into your usual table in the middle of the crowded bar. You loved Thursday night trivia with everything you had.
Thursdays brought in an eclectic sort of crowd to Queenie’s. The groups scattered throughout the bar represented everyone from middle aged Potterheads to skulking e-boys to nerdy young adults (READ: you) and - apparently - to models (READ: Dimples).
You spotted your roommate Jordan and your friend Marlene hurrying through the door and raised a hand to wave them down. Marlene noticed you first and yelled, “Yo, (y/n)!”
Typically, you would have been embarrassed by this behavior, but it happened each week without fail. So, you just gave a half-assed salute.
The only thing that Marlene, the only extrovert in your circle of friends, loved more than being the center of attention was forcing the rest of you into the spotlight with her.
Her reasoning? Something about comfort zones and shit. Your reasoning? Pure evil.
Jordan rolled his eyes at you and grabbed Marlene, dragging her over to your table. “She needs to be stopped,” Jordan said in lieu of a greeting, “She’s a menace to introverts everywhere.”
“Puh-lease,” Marlene plopped into her seat dramatically, “Y’all love me. Besides, if you got rid of me, who would do speed trivia rounds for you?”
You and Jordan exchanged a panicked look at the mere thought of being put on the spot in front of a large crowd. “You make a convincing argument,” you sighed, “I guess we’ll keep you.”
“Well,” Marlene concentrated on something over your shoulder, “I might leave voluntarily if other teams are out here looking like that.”
You turned, seeking out the team in question, and locked eyes with Dimples. He blushed furiously and ducked his head, blonde hair falling to cover his eyes. His friend to his left, equally as attractive, gave Dimples a weird look and shoved his shoulder. You whipped back around before you got caught staring - again.
“What the fuck?” Jordan whispers-yelled across the table to you, “Do you know that boy, (y/n)?”
“No,” you choked out, already halfway to whipped over someone you’d never even met.
“Well, damn,” Olivia finally arrived, somehow successfully holding four drinks, “What’d I miss?”
“Nothing,” Marlene smirked, “Just a cute boy thirsting over (y/n) from afar.”
“He is not thirsting!” Your disclaimer went by unacknowledged.
“Oooh, we love a thirsty boy,” Olivia slid into her seat next to you and turned around to assess the crowd, “Shit. Which one is he? All the boys at that table are hot.”
“The one with the dimples,” you automatically answered, your mind replaying his squinty-eyed smile in full HD.
“Whoa, hold on a minute,” Marlene whipped out her pen and notepad like she was about to take notes, “Now, how do you know he has dimples?”
“Uh,” you sank low in your seat, “A good guess?”
“Nope, try again,” Jordan cackled, “You twirl your hair when you’re lying, bitch.”
Goddamnit. You released your traitorous hand from your hair immediately. “Fine, because I saw him smiling when I arrived, okay?”
“Interesting,” Marlene scribbled gibberish on her notepad, “And how do you feel about that?”
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Now, two long weeks later, you still had no idea how to answer that question. However, you did know that you longed to talk with him for hours and absorb the knowledge he seemed to hold in every crevice of his brain. You did know that a darker part of you wanted to see him kneeling before you, completely at your mercy. You did know that his thighs were distracting, to the point where you accidentally dumped your entire beer down your shirt because you were too gaping at the way he leaned over the bar to order drinks.
And, unfortunately, you did know that he seemed to be equally distracted by you. This bit of knowledge came via your friends; and, therefore, you were in full denial.
“Question nine,” the bartender-turned-announcer cleared her throat, jolting you from your inner thoughts. “Who wrote 1818’s Frankenstein?”
“Mary Shelley!” You whispered across the table to Jordan, who then scrawled the name onto your team’s answer sheet. Satisfied, you shot a furtive glance around the bar and frowned as the surrounding teams all seemed to be confident in their answers as well. Your gaze strategically skipped past the table in the back section of the bar before returning to face your teammates.
From her seat next to Jordan, Marlene spotted something in the very direction you had been avoiding and giggled, “Dimples is staring. Bottoms up, fam.”
“Again?” Olivia rolled her eyes and drank from her dwindling gin and tonic. “He just looked at her, like, thirty seconds ago!”
Your eyes swung to Jordan as he attempted to covertly take a sip of his vodka cranberry.
“Please tell me you all aren’t drinking every time he looks over here,” you groaned, crossing your arms, “How are you even sure that he's looking at me?”
“Maybe because his eyes were glued to your ass when you walked by his table earlier on the way to the bathroom,” Olivia cackled, “I mean, I can’t blame the guy. Those jeans really do make you look thick.”
“And that’s ‘thick’ with at least three C’s and possibly a Q,” Marlene added, shooting you a thumbs up and nod of approval.
Jordan arched an eyebrow slyly, sipped his mixed drink, and drawled,“Well, why do you think she wore them?”
That snake!
“Top ten anime betrayals,” you whispered, eyes wide in the wake of being exposed.
Marlene and Olivia gasped in unison and turned towards you. Olivia hissed, “You bitch. Have you been holding out on us? Have you been seducing him?”
“Question ten,” the announcement blared from the bar’s speakers, saving you briefly from the brewing interrogation you felt was headed your way. “What novel begins with the words 'Call me Ishmael’?”
“Moby Dick,” Marlene answered, “Now, back to the matter at hand. I cannot believe you didn’t tell us this crucial information. We could have been scheming together if we knew you liked him.”
“Like him?!” Your shriek drew the attention of the neighboring table, and you shot them a sheepish smile. When they finally looked away, you immediately reverted back to your murderous state, “I don’t even know his name! And when have you been scheming?”
“Fine,” Jordan acquiesced, stirring his paper straw around his drink, “Maybe you don’t like him yet, but you definitely want to sit on his dick. Am I right or am I right?”
Gleefully, Marlene and Olivia faced you with fierce looks of anticipation.
“Fine,” you sniffed, trying to scrape your shredded dignity off the floor, “Yes, I want to sit on his dick. Is that so wrong?”
“Oh, this is going to be good,” Olivia rubbed her palms together, grinning deviously, "I mean, we already know he's into you. Why can't you just say something to him?"
You looked at her like she had just spoken Latin backwards, "Have you seen him? He’s so sweet. I could ruin him.”
“I don’t think he’d even mind though,” Marlene sighed, gazing over at the boy in question.
Jordan snorted as you buried your head in your hands and audibly prayed for anyone out there to take pity on you.
"We're moving on to our next category, folks," the bar's sound system crackled to life, answering your prayers, "Harry Potter."
"Oh, fuck yeah," You and Marlene - resident Harry Potter dweebs - exchanged high fives. Finally, a category you could probably win with your mind functioning on minimal capacity.
"Question eleven: In the Goblet of Fire, who poses as Mad-Eye Moody, Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"
"Barty Crouch," you and Marlene said, pausing for dramatic effect, "Junior."
You cracked up as Jordan and Olivia shook their heads. "I question our friendship every damn day," Olivia joked, gazing off into the metaphorical distance - aka at the wall.
"You love us, bitch-ass," Marlene aimed a kick in Olivia’s direction under the table.
You grinned at their antics and went to take a sip from your beer, only to discover it empty. "Another round?" You ask your friends, standing to head over to the bar.
"Yes, please," Jordan groaned, "Anything to make it through these next four questions."
"Anyone - besides Jordan - want another round?" You revised your original statement aloud.
"Wow, have I mentioned I love Harry Potter lately? Like, yes, ten points to Hogwarts, bitch," Olivia thrust her empty glass in the air.
"That's not even how House Points work, Liv," Marlene sighed, "Solid B- for effort."
You turned to leave. "Wait!" Jordan drew your attention back to your group, "Stick your ass out when you order. He'll be watching." He shot a quick glance in He Who Shall Not Be Named (Because You Don't Know It)'s direction. "Oh, wait. He already is. Go get 'em, Hedwig."
You inwardly screamed at the knowledge that you were being watched by the current focus of your attraction and decided not to comment before leaving.
"Hedwig?" You heard Marlene addressing Jordan as you walked away, "Did you mean Hermione? Hedwig is Harry’s fucking owl. RIP, by the way."
God, you loved your friends.
Arriving at the large wooden bar running the length of the room, you flagged down one of the bartenders and circled a finger in the air to indicate another round. You and your friends came often enough for most of the staff to know your orders by heart. It was awesome.
"Question twelve!" The sound jolted you upright. You hadn't noticed you were standing right next to one of the extra speakers the bar used for trivia. Idiot, you cursed yourself, why must you be like this?
"Why was the Whomping Willow planted?" Cringing again at the volume, you craned your neck and located Marlene, who gave you an affirmative nod of 'I got this, fam.'
"Here you go!" The bartender placed your drinks in front of you, "Same tab?"
"Yes, please," You nodded, attempting to smoothly grab all four drinks, "Thank you!"
"Need some help?" The sweetest voice you had ever heard in your life sounded from your left side. You slowly turned your head to face its source and was equally as stunned by the beautiful boy in front of you.
This was one of Dimples’ teammates - one of the Team Text Us, We're Single boys.
"Um," your brain resembled the scene from Spongebob where he forgot his name. Your eyes darted over the boy's shoulder in a deliberate attempt to avoid his cute scrunched eyes and wide smile. But, you were only faced with something even more devastating.
Six boys openly gaped at you from the back table. When you caught their eyes, three looked away, two grinned shamelessly, and one blushed right to the tips of his ears.
Cute. Your insides turned to mush over how adorable your Dimples was.
"They're the worst, right?” The boy in front of you commanded your attention once more, "So nosy. Now, let me help you. I'm Jimin, by the way, from Team Text--"
"Us, We're Single," you finished, "Yeah, you guys beat us the last two Thursdays. We had such a nice winning streak going, too."
"Well, if it makes you feel any better," Jimin smiled wide, "Most of us don't even care about trivia."
"That makes it even worse," you groaned, sliding two drinks his way, "I'm (y/n), from The Multiple--"
"Scoregasms," Jimin laughed, "Awesome name."
"Thanks!" Your confidence soared at his praise and you smiled genuinely, "It's some of my best work."
"Question thirteen!"
"Oh shit," Jimin muttered, "Let's go before I miss any more questions. Joon will have my ass on a platter."
You nodded, mind whirring to try to determine which team member this 'Joon' was. Maybe the intimidating-looking boy with the bleached blonde hair pushed back in a headband? Or the really muscular one in all black with the doe eyes and long brown hair?
"When Dumbledore and Harry first visit Horace Slughorn, what is he disguised as?"
At the question, you grabbed the two remaining drinks and head back to your table with Jimin following close behind. As soon as you began your journey, you rolled your eyes at the completely obvious way your friends were pretending they hadn’t been watching you and Jimin interact this entire time.
You had never seen them having such an animated conversation about... "Bagels are so good! I love how you can choose from so many different types, like cinnamon raisin, sesame, blueberry, honey wheat--"
"Hi," you forcefully placed the drinks down in front of your friends and succeeded in interrupting Marlene's riveting tirade about bagels, "This is Jimin. He was kind enough to help me."
"Hey, Jimin," Jordan eyed the boy appreciatively, "Decided to scope out the competition, huh?"
"Honestly, sort of," Jimin chuckled. Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, not liking the sly edge his grin took on in the slightest.
"Well, hopefully (y/n) didn't give much away," Olivia giggled, staring up at Jimin with heart eyes, "She's our team leader."
"Damn straight." You plopped back down in your chair, "Want to sit with us? We can grab an extra chair from a nearby table."
"Nah," Jimin glanced over his shoulder at where his teammates were probably still staring, "I should get back. Want to hang out after trivia though? We can merge tables!"
Before you could even answer, Marlene enthused, "Yes! That would be so fun. Don't you think, (y/n)?"
You gave her your most lethal side-eye, catching onto what seemed to be happening here, "Yes... so fun."
"Great!" Jimin ignored your dry tone, "Talk to you later then!"
You all watched as he sauntered away.
"Damn," Olivia sighed, "That boy is fine." You nodded sagely as your eyes stayed glued to Jimin's firm ass as he walked away in those tight jeans.
"So, what's the plan, team?" Jordan clapped, "We have T minus twenty minutes to get 'Operation Get (y/n) Dicked Down' up and running. Let's do this."
God, you hated your friends.
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Twenty minutes later, your team had solidly lost. However, unlike the last two weeks, your loss did not come as a surprise or alongside any hard feelings. You four were too busy prepping to hang out with seven intimidatingly hot boys.
You were the only one not excited.
“And that concludes trivia for tonight, folks,” the bartender announced, “Team Text Us, We’re Single wins once again. Please come to the bar to collect your bar credits, lads.”
“Oh my god, okay, it’s happening,” Jordan bounced up and down in his seat as you all watched the bar start to clear out, “Stay calm. Stay fucking calm.”
“I don’t know how you have any room to call (y/n) and I nerds while you straight up quote The Office, Jord,” Marlene laughed.
“The Office is an Emmy award-winning show,” Jordan sniffed, “Come at me when Harry Potter wins a Pulitzer.”
“The Pulitzer is only for American authors,” Marlene cried.
“I rest my case,” Jordan lifted his glass.
“What?” Marlene yelped, “That makes literally no sense.”
“As much as I hate to interrupt this fascinating argument,” Olivia drawled, “We’re being summoned.”
You gulped, glancing behind you. Sure enough, Jimin was flagging you all down from across the bar, while a few of his teammates dragged over an empty table towards their own.
“Shit, I guess this is it,” you sighed.
“Jesus, you’re not going off to war, (y/n),” Jordan rolled his eyes, “You’re literally about to meet the your trivia daddy.”
“Please— and I cannot stress this enough,” you paused, “Never say that again.” With that, you stood, grabbing your drink and sauntering over towards Jimin with all the confidence you could possibly summon.
You heard your friends’ laughter behind you, and you discreetly flashed them the middle finger behind you back.
“Hey, Jimin,” you smiled at the boy as he greeted you and your friends.
“Hi, welcome!” His eyes were completely encompassed by his cheeks, and you internally screeched at his cuteness.
“This is Taehyung,” Jimin gestured to the curly-haired boy to his right. Taehyung greeted you all with a deep ‘Hi’ and a peace sign.
“Yoongi,” Jimin pointed towards the intimidating boy you noticed earlier with the bleached hair and the headband. Yoongi only nodded in your general vicinity as greeting.
“Hi, I’m Jin!” The stunningly handsome boy at the end of the table burst out, evidently unable to wait until he was introduced. Jin blew you all a kiss as his friends groaned.
“Please ignore him,” Jimin rolled his eyes before moving on, “Those two are Hoseok and Jungkook.” Jimin gestures towards the bar where two boys were collecting two pitchers of beer.
“And, last but not least, our trivia leader Namjoon,” Jimin’s grin turned devious as the boy in question raised his hand in greeting and ducked his head back down.
“Please sit,” Jimin gestured towards the scattered empty chairs amongst his group.
“(Y/n)!” Jin called suddenly, his arm flopping frantically in the air, “Come sit next to me!”
Your eyebrows shot all the way up as your heartbeat accelerated. Sitting next to Jin meant sitting next to Namjoon - your Dimples.
Nodding, you made your way over. It would be rude to refuse his request, and you could not help but wonder if Namjoon’s friends were also schemers.
You rounded the corner of the table and plopped down between the two boys. “H-hi,” you offered, eloquent as ever. You sipped your beer to cover up your burning embarrassment.
“Hi,” Jin grinned at you, “Thanks for joining us at the handsome end of the table.”
You choked on your beer, before cracking up, “The handsome end?” You loved this boy already and couldn’t resist the urge to tease him, “Oh, you meant Namjoon.” You shot the boy you just mentioned a sly smile as Jin spluttered.
Namjoon cocked his head slightly as he slowly broke into a shy smile, “Yeah, he definitely did, (y/n).”
Lord Almighty, the way he said your named almost sounded like a confession.
“Oh, this is insane, you fools!” Jin shook with incredulity, “I am worldwide handsome. Not Namjoon. Ugh, I need new friends.”
Jin stood and skulked over to the other side of the table as you all laughed. He was so extra, you could already tell. However, his antics had done wonders for your nerves.
Turning back to Namjoon, you leaned in closer, “Did he just make an Always Sunny reference? Or was that just me?”
Namjoon nodded, eyes glinting in amusement, “He did. You watch that show, too?”
Your conversation delved into your favorite shows, your favorite movies, your favorite meals. You felt like you had known Namjoon forever with how comfortable you already were with each other. Yet, you couldn’t help but notice how his eyes strayed to your lips every so often or how his hands crept closer to your thigh with every parting word.
The boy was into you. You were almost 85% sure of it. So, you decided to test him.
In the middle of Namjoon’s story about the time Jungkook almost burned down his apartment complex, you slid your hand over his. Namjoon paused, and you looked up innocently. He gulped and continued.
You smiled viciously on the inside. Your fingers played with his, intertwining with them, playing with his rings, brushing over his palm.
As Namjoon’s story drew to a close, you tugged his hand onto your thigh and released it. Nonchalantly, you picked up your beer and took a sip.
Shooting the boy a quick glance in your periphery, you found him staring openmouthed at his own hand encompassing your thigh. He gave your thigh a tentative squeeze, and you hummed in content. His eyes shot to yours.
“W-what are you doing?” Namjoon’s pupils were dilated as he blinked at you.
“I just wanted your hand on me, Joon,” you pouted, “You can take it off if you want.”
You moved to shift his hand off you, but his grip tightened. “I like having my hands on you, (y/n),” he said, his voice deeper than ever, “I also like you calling me ‘Joon’.”
“Two more things we can agree on,” you smiled at him, stomach full of butterflies and anticipation. Glancing around you, you realized that your friends were dispersed throughout the bar.
Marlene, Jordan, Hoseok, and Jungkook were dancing wildly in the middle of the bar’s tiny dance-floor. Jimin and Taehyung were bothering the DJ to presumably keep playing an assortment of random songs from the early 2000s. 
Olivia, Yoongi, and Jin sat at the bar, watching the others and laughing as Jungkook kept hitting the whoa no matter what song played. Currently, he was hitting the whoa to Baby Got Back.
Turning back to Namjoon, you find him looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“What?” you questioned, eyes searching his inquisitively.
He shoved a hand through his messy hair. “You’re so intimidating, (y/n). You’re so smart and beautiful, and it messes with my brain.”
“You’re intimidated by me?” You arched an eyebrow before smiling sweetly, “I promise I don’t bite… Unless you want me to.”
“I do,” he answered automatically. You both paused. His eyes widened comically, “F-forget I said that.”
“You want me to bite you, Joonie?” You sighed into his ear, relishing in his shiver, “You want me to mark your pretty skin?”
“Yes,” he breathed out.
“Okay,” your mouth descended to his neck, searching for a weak spot. His breath hitched as your mouth neared his thrumming pulse point. Bingo.
You placed an open-mouthed kiss onto his warm skin before sucking lightly. Namjoon moaned, shifting in his seat. 
You bit down, and his hips bucked instinctively. Pulling back slightly, you licked over the mark that was slowly blooming on his neck.
The clear imprint of your teeth on his neck had you grinning like a fool. You really wanted to own this cute, shy, intelligent boy.
You looked up at Namjoon. He was watching you with his puffy lips parted, his breathing hard. “Can I kiss you?” You asked, eyes focused on his. He nodded frantically, and your lips tugged up in a small smile.
Slowly, you inched your mouth closer towards his. Your breaths mingled. You pressed your lips to his gently and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You kept kissing Namjoon until you finally had to come up for air. Leaning your forehead against his, you locked eyes, breathing each other in.
“Can I sit on your lap, Joon?” You asked in between peppering kisses on his reddened cheeks.
After getting a nod in confirmation, you straddled his lap and returned your lips to his. The small part of your brain still thinking rationally reminded you that you were in a very public bar. The much larger and irrational part of your brain urged you on as your hips shamelessly grind onto Namjoon’s. The hardened cock that you felt through his jeans was too tempting. And, besides, exhibitionism was fun, right?
You bit down on Namjoon’s bottom lip, and he thrust against you.
You broke away and turned your head to the side, needing another moment to breathe. Namjoon began to kiss your neck, and you let out a small laugh as he nipped at your skin. He was marking you right back.
Namjoon lifted his head again as your lips parted. His face was inches away from yours. He stared at you like a starving man.
“Fuck, baby,” Namjoon said lowly, “I’m beginning to think you might be the devil, because you just snatched my soul.”
You stared at him. “That was so goddamned cheesy.” Your giggles made him turn an interesting shade of maroon.
“I knew I shouldn’t have listened to Jin-hyung,” you heard him mutter before you captured his lips once more.
As you kissed, his fingers slowly inched downwards, caressing you. You decided then and there that you would have this boy.
“Undo my jeans,” you commanded after pulling away from his mouth. His eager fingers dropped to your zipper, fumbling in their haste. Once your jeans were undone, you felt him hesitate. You instructed him, “I need your fingers.”
He thrust a finger into you. “Mm, Joon,” you dropped your head into the crevice of his neck as he pumped another one in, stretching you. His fingers curled inside you, as you shifted your hips.
“Rub my clit,” You demanded, and he pulled his fingers out and circled it immediately. You moaned at both the new sensation and at the loss of his fingers inside you. “Keep your fingers in me, use your thumb.” You gripped onto the back of his head, pulling on his hair in punishment.
His fingers thrust back into you without warning as his thumb circled your clit. You felt yourself clenching around him, so close to coming just from his hands. Still, you needed more. You were definitely a greedy bitch.
You pulled his hand from your pants, and he stared at his fingers, which were sticky with you. You watched enraptured as he lifted his wet fingers to his lips and sucked.
His eyes widened, “Fuck, (y/n), you taste so good. You have to let me eat you out. You need to let me put my head between your thighs. Please.”
“Bathroom,” you gasped out, “Now.” You shimmied off of Namjoon’s lap and onto shaky legs.
“Follow me in one minute,” you kissed his cheek and tried your best to casually make your way to the bathroom. However, you were pretty sure you had already blown all efforts to be casual as soon as you sat on Namjoon.
Finally, you entered the empty single-stall bathroom and let out a sigh of relief.
Two seconds later, a knock sounded. You barely opened the door wide enough before Namjoon was all over you. His hands gripped your ass as he backed you against the wall next to the sink.
He gazed down at you with hooded eyes, “You still want this, right?”
“Yes, Joon,” you leaned up to kiss him one more time.
Namjoon sank to his knees before you.
You audibly moaned at the sight. Quickly, you tugged your jeans down your legs and kicked them to the side. Your underwear followed suit.
Namjoon cursed lowly as you lifted a leg onto the ledge of the sink, baring everything to him. “Well,” you smirked, “You wanted to put that smart mouth on me.”
“You are going to kill me,” he muttered. His hot mouth closed over your clit. Parting your lips, he caressed you as he sucked and licked. His fingers thrust into you once more, pulling out slowly then pummeling back in.
“Harder,” you moaned. He fucked you faster, adding another finger, stretching you.
He pulled his mouth away from you, his lips swollen and pink. “How the fuck can you taste this good?” He panted as he carried on fucking you with his fingers, grabbing at your ass with his free hand.
His mouth returned to your pussy, circling your clit with his tongue and moaning against it. His fingers continued to push into you relentlessly.
You felt your toes curl as your orgasm approached at a maddening rate. “J-Joon,” you cried his name, your back arching as the pleasure built up with each stroke of his tongue and movement of his fingers.
Without warning, he sucked on your clit harshly, and you came, clenching around his fingers. Namjoon continued to pump them in and out of you, carrying you through your orgasm. He licked your pussy, lapping up everything you gave him with his tongue. After a bit, your fingers wound into his hair and pulled. “Stop,” you begged, legs shaking with overstimulation.
He pulled back immediately and lifted his head, looking thoroughly fucked-out. His lips were more swollen than ever. His hair was a tangled mess. You had never seen anything better. “God, you look so sexy right now,” you mused, reaching a hand to stroke at his cheek.
“Are you guys finally done in there?” You cringed as Jordan’s amused voice shouted at you through the bathroom door, “You have work tomorrow, (y/n).”
“Jesus H. Christ, Jordan! Go away!” You screamed back at your infuriating roommate.
“…I’m going to take that as a ‘yes’,” he replied, laughing, “See you out there, champ.”
“I’m going to murder him,” you seethed, accepting your jeans from Namjoon who held them silently out to you.
You scanned the floor of the bathroom, “Wait, where’s my underwear?”
Namjoon’s cheeks flooded with color as he lifted a hand to rub at the back of his neck, “I needed some form of reminder of tonight.”
You shrugged, giggling as you tugged on your jeans, “Let’s make a trade.”
“I’m listening,” he grinned, goddamned dimples popping out and making you want to kiss him forever.
“You keep my panties; I keep you,” you grinned back at him.
He blinked rapidly, “Keep me?” You nodded, nerves erupting. Had you misread the situation? Did he just want this to be a one-time thing? Shit, had you royally fucked this up already?
He kissed you suddenly, and you relaxed.
“Please keep me,” he mumbled, “I’m a mess, but I can be your mess if you’d let me.”
“We can be messy together,” you gripped his hand in yours, “Now, come on. We have to go face our friends.”
Namjoon gulped, looking rightfully terrified at that prospect. “Or we could sneak out the back?”
A smirk wound its way onto your face, “I really do like the way you think, Joonie. Let’s go.”
With that, the two of you snuck out of the bathroom and out the backdoor of the bar.
“I knew it!” Marlene and Jimin greeted the two of you with triumphant fists thrust high in the air. Jimin whipped his phone out before you or Namjoon could even say a word. “Hey, hyung? Yeah. They’re out here.”
Ignoring the gloating pair, you turned to Namjoon, “We could still make a run for it?”
He met your eyes; and, without a word, you both took off.
Shouts of your names followed you down the dark alley as you both cracked up. This was definitely not how you had pictured your typical Thursday trivia night to go down, but you were not disappointed. No, you shot the boy running beside you an affectionate look, you weren’t disappointed at all.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
917 notes · View notes
jyunshiim · 4 years
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬; 𝙨𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 *✬★*’☽* ✬ ⤷𝘒𝘪𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘶
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Genre → romance | angst | friends to acquaintances | friends to lovers | college!au |
Contains → fluff | angst | Kihyun x reader ft Changkyun
Listen to →  Compass
Word count → 4207 words
TW → –
Chapters → | Chapter 2 | 
Summary: Best friends since childhood, you and Kihyun had always been by each other’s side before things began to turn in a different direction on Prom night. From then, things changed when you both transferred to college/university. Bonds collapse, deception and fear; what will the future hold?
[ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ]
9 years ago. . .
You remembered your mother’s fingers tap against her arm as she leaned upon the ivory door frame of your best friends’ bedroom. “can I please stay a little longer, Kihyun and I haven’t even finished building the house yet,” you pleaded to your mother who had a smile painted across her face despite being tired from her job and taking care of you. “We have to go now, who will feed Kiwi?” She pretends to be concerned knowing it’ll lure you back home. “no, no I will feed Kiwi,” you immediately stand up and leave the little lego pieces on the floor. “I have to go and feed my cat now,” you from at a tiny Kihyun who sat distraught at the fact you were leaving him. The sky darkened and the nocturnal animals were ought to come out around now. “wave goodbye,” your mother nudges you gently and so you do, with a wide smile and your eyes full of hope.  
You and Kihyun met in daycare and ever since you became best friends. You did everything together and it went on into your senior years of school.
Moving on to further education, you and Kihyun attended the same schools including high school. High school was full of surprises and also many arguments too; friendships aren’t all as smooth as it seems. Kihyun waited at your locker after every lesson you had so you could both sit together with your other friends. Kihyun’s  5’7 slender physique leaned against the cool steel of the locker, his phone sitting in the curve of his hand, scrolling through what seems to be his text messages. He texted you around 3 minutes ago and huffed impatiently – he wasn’t the most patient person in the world - wondering where you were since your class finished exactly 3 minutes ago. The hallways were congested to the point where pushing pass was necessary. The scattered ‘excuse me’s and ‘sorry can I get past please’ were ever so repetitive but it got you through your high school experience up until now. You see Kihyun at your locker, his head resting against the steel.
“what took you so long?” his voice was fruity and oddly comforting to listen to. “my teacher wouldn’t shut up about our late assignments and was setting us more, I had no control over that,” you respond instantaneously as his arm draped around your shoulders. “right, I’ll give that to you,” he tuts and rolls his eyes playfully.
The pair of you ambled through the hallways towards the cafeteria and set your belongings down onto the round table and onto the chairs beside you to reserve them for your other friends since they were coming from the other side of the school. “Jooheon and Changkyun take so long to get here, I’m going to get food, do you want anything?” he asks you waiting to respond. “oh umm- yeah maybe like a sandwich or something?” you suggest. “That’s not enough, I’m buying you a meal,” he informed politely. – of course he’ll buy you a meal –
Jooheon and Changkyun finally make their way to the table where you sat, keeping it occupied so no one else sat there. “Yo where did Kihyun go?” Jooheon asks as he gets out a Kimbap roll from his bag and rips open the packet. You point at the queue where Kihyun was and notice a girl being pushed closer to him by her friends. “There they go again,” Changkyun sighs, “Let me go and help him.” Changkyun always knew these girls will throw themselves at whatever guy they would want to get their attention from and Kihyun hated it.
“o-oh sorry, I’ll keep moving forward,” He apologises to the girls knowing what they were doing. “It’s okay Kihyunnie,” the girl purred; Kihyun could swear he just threw up in his mouth. He ignored her until Changkyun came to save the day. “Kihyun how you doing?” his American accent ringing through the cafeteria. “Ah yes, the English card,” Jooheon nods whilst munching his roll. “Oh is this for me? Thanks, I’ll pay,” Changkyun says as he swipes his card and takes both trays with him and places it on the table. The girls look shaken behind them but in return Changkyun flashes a smug smile before seating himself next to you. “I hate them, they think they can do anything to get what they want,” Changkyun sighs, “you bought bought her lunch again but not for me, how sad,” He tuts, “ you need to pay me back since I paid for it actually so next ones on you alright?” he jokes with Kihyun before sliding the tray in front of you. “Thank you but you didn’t have to,” you pick up the cutlery that was on the tray. The girls walk past, their face painted with disgust whispering something to one another. Was it about you? The 4 of you sat together and talked about your lessons and gossiped about your teachers and also talked about that group of girls who have become an infection to your school. Luckily it was very soon until the end of the entire high school experience since prom was in a few months.
After you lunch break you didn’t have any classes left so you were contemplating whether to go home or stay to study. “Hey Kihyun, are you going to go home or stay to study?” you ask him, your honeyed tone captivating his attention. “Probably, I have a test to study for, do you want to go to the library or to some café?” he asks you. You think for a moment. It’d be more logical to stay at school and study in the library; “the library, I don’t think I can focus at a café,” You grab your books and notes from you locker and make your way to the library and find a table to sit at with Kihyun. The library was slightly fuller than usual, the tables had spaces for 4-6 people but it was only you and Kihyun sitting behind a shelf of books. You set your books and notebooks out for your Business class and open your text book which has an assortment of coloured sticky notes which were highlighted and extremely condensed down. “how?” Kihyun stares in awe at your study notes. “what? My notes?” you point at them “they’re really helpful, that extra effort its worth it” you smile softly at him. “yeah I know but how do you do it, I don’t even know where to start from.” Kihyun sighs. You delve into your bag again and grasp a hold of your transparent stationary holder which was filled with sticky notes, pens and bookmark sticky tabs. You pull your seat closer to Kihyun’s and move your hair behind your ear to help him and teach him how to take notes. You open his law textbook  and ask him what he needs to learn or understand so you knew where to start. “easy right?” you smile as you pass him some notes and memo sheets and he nodded his head, making himself believe that he new what he was doing. You turned back around to look at you textbooks, your eyes scanning the text book although Kihyun’s eyes often glanced away from the paper and pen and was captured by how focused you were, how you would unconsciously tuck your hair behind your ear, how your eyes scan the text you were reading and then articulate it into something concise yet informative. He needed a quick break to grab some water but you didn’t notice that he left since you were focused on studying. He placed a plastic cup on your desk and tapped your shoulder. “make sure you drink? Water is good for your brain” Kihyun smiles at you before sitting back down. “o-oh thank you!” you take the cup and drink the water, “I was going to have a short break anyway to get some water, how’s your notes going?” you ask him looking over to see a few notes here and there but he tried to cover it. “u-uh it’s, going okay.” You stand up to see the other side of him, he was doing quite well and learning how to take notes like you. “see you are doing good, isn’t it so much easier?” you ask him. He nods and hums his response. “don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it,” you nudge him softly.
An hour and a half passes and it was time to go home. You gather all your belongings organising them and putting them back into your bag, reaching for your jacket to which you find isn’t there to your surprise. “o-oh,” you sounded confused “ did I bring my jacket with me?” you ask Kihyun who had already shoved his textbook into his bag. “Oh um, You didn’t bring it with you from the cafeteria you might’ve left it there,” he shrugs “ we can go and look for it now?” He suggests and you agree with him, opening the doors to the library to leave. The school was oddly quiet. Probably because everyone leaves incredibly quickly but you and Kihyun make your way to the cafeteria and nothing was there. “ugh,” you grunt sounding annoyed “ whatever, I’ll look tomorrow and lost and found,” you drag yourself out of the cafeteria and head towards the exit.
“hey dumpling,” Changkyun calls out to get your attention. “stop calling me dumpling, It’s not cute or endearing,” you sigh “why are you still here?” you ask. “seems like someone lost their jacket,” he holds it in his hand, “ you have to get it though,” his smug smile appears gradually. You sigh and try to grab however he pulls It away from you and decides to mess with you and hold It above his head. “awh look at you, you can’t even reach it, that’s so cute” he chuckles. “just give it back, I want to go home” you whine before giving up, “I’ll walk home COLD then.” You turn around and walk knowing he’ll give it back; “okay okay hey, HEY, take it,” he says as he drapes it over your shoulder and Kihyun follows hands in his pockets. Walks home with Kihyun and Changkyun started to become the norm since the start of high school until now. You knew that once you move, everything will change and it haunted you so you enjoyed the moment whilst it lasted.
You arrived at your house and you wave your friends goodbye. “when will your mum make that soup again?” Changkyun asks. “I’m not too sure, I can ask her to make it on Friday?” You suggest. They both look at each other and nod their heads in unison.
It was late in the evening and you open your laptop; 9:45pm. You sigh. It’s been exhausting but you spent all evening tidying, cleaning and also resting after your meal. You lean back into your desk chair, the squeak startling your puppy Lucas. He hid under your bed from the sound then soon after leaving the dark abyss under your bed with a squeaky red ball. You open a word document that had over 9 thousand words for a project that you were doing for your business class. You’d study all night for your classes, some nights on call to Kihyun or another one of your friends, Irene. Tonight, you felt like being alone for some reason, perhaps because your best friend was a distraction?  - I’m probably a distraction too – you think to yourself. You look at your computer and think to play something just to get your mind off school for once. You had a selection of things to do for your classes but a slight break from school wouldn’t hurt. The bright screen of your PC lit up your dimly lit room, your window open to let in the winters breeze as well as the moon beaning outside of your window tonight. You grab your headphones and plug them into the headphone jack and you see Changkyun playing the game you wanted to play.
“Yo look at who’s on,” he says in his annoying mocking tone. “you’ve seen me play before, don’t act so surprised,” you scoff, “is Kihyun playing today?” you ask Changkyun. “I don’t think so, he said he had some notes to finish and study, what a loser,” Changkyun laughs “ I mean, he lives up to that name doesn’t he,” making you laugh a little. Changkyun had always been there for you and for Kihyun, making you and Kihyun always make up by doing the most absurd things he could think of. He comforted you as well as Kihyun.
Whilst you wait in the lobby, your phone screen lights up blue with a notification from Kihyun. It was a text message.
“hey my wifi died but I was going to message you to ask what you are doing?” Kihyun texted you. You responded back almost immediately; “ I’m online playing with Changkyun hbu?” you ask. The response was delayed by a couple minutes. “I’m studying atm, if only if could go online I’d play with you” he responds with a sad faced emoticon. “I wish you could too, maybe have an early night and rest, I’ll go in a bit too,” You message him. “I’ll go whenever you do,” – that’s new, he never used to wait for you– “I mean the rounds are really long but we can call if you want,” you tap at your screen. “ it’s okay, just message me okay,”
You start a round with Changkyun, immersing yourself into the game and occasionally yelling when he’d kill you or when he’d win. “hey! That’s not fair I was drinking!” you squeal when he sneaks around the corner and gets his final kill. “no! how?” you growl. “I have never heard you grown on voice chat,” Chankgyun burts into laughter “it’s cute don’t worry, it’s like a little tiger cub.” You hand reaches for your phone to text Kihyun; it had been at least 30 minutes since you last messaged him. “hey Yoo, you still awake?” you press the blue send button and wait for the response. You kept your phone unlocked and settled it onto your desk beside your pink bunny plushie Kihyun got for your birthday which was placed next to a framed photo of you both. You glanced at your phone every second but he hadn’t opened it or read the message, perhaps he fell asleep waiting for you? “Oi why are you so quiet? Did anything happen?” Changkyun noticed the drastic change in your behaviour. “oh it’s nothing I was just waiting for Kihyun to reply but I think he fell asleep.” You lock your phone after sending him a goodnight. “yeah probably, he doesn’t study for this long so many he just fell asleep and it is 1am-” he reminds you. “1am! Shit I need to go to bed,” you scurry around and put your things away, “I’ll play with you tomorrow or something whenever Kihyun is free, I’ll be going to bed now Goodnight!” you frantically leave the game and wash up and get ready for bed. You lean against your oak headboard, your phone between your hands and scroll through your Instagram. The girls who tried to shoot their shot posted and you felt a pit fall in your stomach making your mouth go bitter.– Why do they think they’re so entitled?– you scoff before locking your phone and setting it onto the wireless charging pad you got from Irene. You lay in your bed letting the cool air in your room circulating settle onto your skin making the little hairs on your arms raise. You close your eyes, your eyelids were heavy, and sunk into your mattress letting the cotton sheets intertwine with your body the warmth sheathing your body. You let out one last sigh before drifting off into a sound slumber.
6:30 am. You twist and turn until you turn your alarm off dragging yourself to your bathroom from your bedroom and push the tap up letting the water run until it went warm. You tiredly reached out for your toothbrush and toothpaste, squeezing the white paste from the tube then setting it down on the sink. Lucas whimpers at your feet wanting you to open the garden door for him so whilst you brushed your teeth you opened the garden door for him and continued your morning. You got dressed as usual and went to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast. It was an omelette roll and some sautéed vegetables. You quickly ate your breakfast with a cup of coffee and looked at your phone. “Good morning, sorry for not replying last night but studying is so exhausting! Are you taking the bus today?” Kihyun messages you. “yeah I am,” you reply sipping the bitter, lukewarm liquid from your cup before pouring it down the sink, “is it near my house?” you furiously type before bolting to your room to grab your bag, Airpods and your jacket. Before you were about to dash through the door, you remembered your lunch. “ugh whatever, I’ll just buy lunch,” you say to yourself before running to the bus stop.  You got there on time and go onto the bus; you search for Kihyun and there he was at the back, his bag reserving a seat for you before the girl from the day before spotted it thinking it was for her. – How humiliating– you slowly walk towards him.
“hey,” she flutters her lashes forcing her cutesy tone, “can I sit here?” she asks. Kihyun locks eyes with you and gulps, “oh um well- AH you are here!” he looks at you as you walk towards the two. You could see her eyes fill with fury and her blood could be heard boiling within her. “hey, did you save the seat for me?” you decided to pull her leg a little. She scoffs and turns around to realise that there are no seats, and she has to stand so she walked away and held onto the rings to keep her stable. “She won’t leave me alone,” Kihyun whispers to you, “what do I do?” you let out a soft laugh. “Don’t you know you get encounters like this because you’re single and prom is soon?” you shake your head “how naïve” you nudge him. “oh yeah true, you have a point.” He looks down at his phone scrolling through his feed and you glance over at him. “so, Kihyun, do you like anyone?” you hum leaning into him, trying to see his face, being playful like you usually are. “I-I don’t think I do,” he nods, “why are you asking?” his voice sounded apathetic when he replied. “did I say anything wrong? You sound really… off?” your playfulness disintegrated, and you were confused at his rapid change in emotion. “no you didn’t, I-I just didn’t have coffee this morning, I’m still a bit tired,” he clears his throat and looks outside, “Don’t worry about it, I didn’t mean to upset you.” He hands you a little chocolate truffle wrapped in gold.
The bus stopped at your school and you both got off however the girl shoved past you causing you to drop the wrapped chocolate on the floor which she then stepped on looking back to make sure you were looking. The evil in her eyes burned bright. Kihyun didn’t see what just happened since Changkyun ran up to him and began talking. You stand still for a second as people push past you, why was she so against you? –what did I do?– “Hey sleep well last night?” Changkyun asks you, his joyful voice added to his charismatic personality. “it was great, I had a nightmare that you broke into my house to get your final kill,” you laugh softly, “that wasn’t a good dream…” you roll your eyes. “wow, Kihyun do you hear this? She dreams of me,” Changkyun provokes you to react defensively, joking around with you. “You’re making it sound so wrong,” you yell. “you finish early right? Do you want to go for lunch together?” Kihyun’s honeyed voice asks you. “Of course, if you’re paying,” you smile endearingly. “Okay, I’ll pay” his arm wraps around your  shoulder before Changkyun decides to open his mouth again. “why don’t you just hold hands?” he jokes again “ you both look like a couple anyway,” He bites at his coffee straw. “No we don’t!” You laugh but only 2 of the three of you laughed at the harmless joke. “awh no, I have class,” Changkyun, “it’s fine you both can go we can hang out another day.”
Time was inching closer to your lunch break. It was nearly time to leave, just a couple more minutes. You eyed the time like you life depended on it, you were itching to leave the dingy classroom – I can’t wait to go to university– the ringing of the bell saves you from you thoughts eating you from inside. You dash out the door, or so you thought you would however Kihyun stood there waiting for you with your jacket he got from your locker. “Let’s go,” he smiles before putting his hand on your back and guiding you towards the exit. “damn you were quick,” you prodded his arm. “ well, you can always count on me, we’re like each others-“ he thinks for a moment, “we’re like each others Compass.” Kihyun’s words always sounded poetic one way or the other. He really knew how to sway you with his words, probably from all those years he made you feel comfortable and content whenever you had a hard time. “There’s this restaurant place down the road if you wanna go?” he points down the road. “oooh yeah sure, let’s go!” your ecstatic energy surprising Kihyun as you cling to his arm. He hesitated but the corner of his mouth curled into a smile and his hands rested in his pockets to seem as if he were chilled out in this situation when in fact he was yelling inside, at the top of his lungs.
The interior of the restaurant was simple yet pretty to look at. It was Bohemian inspired; the stained wooden chairs and tables and the white curtain like bunting on the plants above the ceiling. It also has an element of a rustic style too. You and Kihyun walked in and were seated; you look at the menu and your eyes scan down the laminated card. You point out a soup that you want and a drink too, “ these look really good!” you smile at him as he tries to keep himself at bay. “mmh yeah it does, I’ll get the same as you then!” He calls the waitress and orders what you wanted.  Lunched passed my sooner than you’d expected but you both get out your cards to pay.
“what are you doing?” Kihyun sounded perplexed to say the least. “paying for my lunch, what else Kihyun?” He pauses at you, eyeing you up and down then whisking the card away from you. “Not today, my treat okay?” he goes to a waitress as you wait at the table. He left his bracelet on the table so you swiped it into your bag to give to him later. When Kihyun turns around, it was like the gates of Heaven opened up; there was a luminescent glow outlining his angelic features, features that were carefully sculpted by groups of angels. He was just perfect. Whilst he leads you out, you both walk to the bus stop before he pauses and begins to speak. “you know you asked me if I like anyone,” he starts off getting your hopes up thinking he’ll tell you something that’d make your heart happy, “well, do you like anyone?” his head tilts like a little puppy would when they’re confused. “hmm..” you think, unconsciously smiling to yourself, “maybe maybe not Kihyun,” you shrug giggling at his ‘O’ shaped mouth. “You are unbelievable, did you know that,” he tuts, “whatever don’t tell me, the bus is here anyway.” The bus stops and he gets on scanning his pass and you follow and do the same. There were no seats so you both had to stand; he stood behind you and held the rings above and you held onto the railings. The bus jolted and you lost your balance slightly although managing to get a hold of yourself but at the next stop, a group entered the  vehicle and it was cramped. There was a middle aged man toppling onto you and as the bus jolted again he nearly crushed your petite frame until Kihyun shielded you. You looked at him. What an angel.
“Hey, Kihyun…” you whisper and he lowers down slightly to hear what you have to say with a cheerful bright smile on his face that beamed like a sun on a summers day, “you wanna know who I like right?” you giggle into his ears. His ears burned a pinkish-red; “I really really like Changkyun.”
➠ Chapter 2
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liemonyellow · 4 years
i couldn't hide from the thunder (tragic end) - (a sky full of song)
read on ao3
previous in series
Ship: romantic anamoceit (Patton/Virgil/Janus)
Word Count: 4878
Warnings: major character death (janus), implied/referenced suicide, janus thinks virgil hates him and leverages that in an argument, lots of italics
Summary: It was cruel, the way Virgil’s heart belonged to someone who would never love him back. It had to be karma, because hadn’t it been Virgil who pushed him away? Virgil, who lashed out and locked out everybody in a moment of hurt, who was too afraid to admit his feelings, forever destined to see his beloved love someone else?
Notes: This is the TRAGIC ending. If you prefer happy endings where the ship does get together and no one dies, there is a happy ending version. The story is exactly the same up until the line, “From you? That would be nice, yeah!” and diverges from there.
If you're here for the alternate ending, click here to skip to the diverging point.
Virgil didn't understand how things had gotten to this point.
He drifted vaguely into the kitchen, taking in nothing, trying not to think about how tired Patton looked when Virgil checked in on him only five minutes ago. Despite Virgil’s insistence that he rest, he was adamant on staying where he was, though he did ask if he could bring up something warm, like tea, or soup. Apparently it tasted better if it was handmade instead of summoned.
"Can you bring up two? For when he wakes up?" He had asked, eyes red with exhaustion, his normally exuberant smile timid and watery.
Virgil didn't want to. But he saw the tremor in the moral side's hand as he tried and failed to rub away the tiredness of his eyes, the other clutching Deceit's cold, unresponsive arm like a lifeline. So he agreed, of course he agreed, because Patton had asked, and it was important that Patton was happy. And if making Patton happy meant making Deceit happy…
Virgil sighed, rubbing his own eyes, pinching his nose as he tried to focus. He opened the cupboard to check what they had and spotted a tin of Patton’s (and Deceit’s, his brain unhelpfully reminded him) herbal tea. He figured it was a safer - and quicker - bet than food and grabbed a couple of tea bags and put them in some mugs, then filled the electric kettle and started it.
It was taking a while.
Wasn't there a saying about pots and boiling water or something?
If Patton was here, he'd probably make a pun, his grin bright and shining as Virgil rolled his eyes and pretended he wasn't amused.
If Deceit was here, he'd probably shoot back with a snarky pun of his own, in that silky-smooth voice of his, all arrogance and smirks.
If Deceit was here, Virgil wouldn't be doing any of this.
Virgil didn't know what had possessed him to go and confront the snake the day prior. He was just so frustrated, unable to get the concept of Deceit charming his way into Patton’s daily life - and his heart - out of his head. Virgil was sure that the deceptive side had to be manipulating Patton somehow. And the sight of Patton, after everything he’d said, looking at Deceit with such fondness and affection whenever he saw them together, and Deceit doing the same - it made Virgil’s blood run cold and boil all at the same time. Virgil couldn’t stand it, the thought of the two of them, together. Deceit had to be using Patton to gain more influence over Thomas, because Virgil refused to believe the lying serpent could love anyone more than he loved himself. Because if he could...
Perhaps it was because no one had seen him in the last few days. That had Virgil worried, and the longer he failed to make an appearance, the more antsy Virgil got. Patton’s own fretting was driving him up the wall, but the other side kept saying something about “respecting his boundaries”.
He expected a fight. He expected the usual snark and sass and sarcasm. He didn’t expect to find Deceit’s room dark and freezing, or the side’s cold, dead-looking body curled up and slumped over in a pile on the ground.
Virgil wasn’t sure what happened after the others arrived. He hadn’t even been aware he was screaming until someone had grabbed him and sunk them both out into the commons, because even Remus knew that leaving Virgil anywhere near his own room in that state would have been a bad idea.
Whatever they did or found out, they had eventually managed to move Deceit to his bed and warm him and his room up without too much trouble, or so Virgil had discovered after he had calmed down.
Patton hadn’t left Deceit’s side since.
The shock had worn off completely then, replaced with renewed ire when Virgil realized Patton wouldn’t leave until he woke up.
If Virgil was frustrated before, he was incensed now. What if this was part of Deceit’s plan? What if it was all just another plot to get them to trust him? What if it was all just another lie? Patton, bless his forgiving heart, was dangerously close to falling in love, if he hadn’t already.
And Virgil had tried, so, so hard, to convince Patton to let him take care of Deceit. At least then the moral side could get some rest, and Virgil would have a 24/7 watch on the serpentine side. And watch he would.
Virgil had to admit that Deceit was very convincing in the way he looked like he was falling just as hard for Patton, likely plying him with some sympathetic sob story designed to reel in the fatherly figment. Every little glance, every lingering stare, every miniscule twitch of Deceit’s eyes were focused on Patton, when he wasn’t mocking Virgil with forlorn eyes and damn his acting abilities for making it look so genuine that Virgil couldn’t stop himself from glowering back, trying to catch him slipping up, to the point that every detail of his face, down to each and every scale was ingrained in Virgil’s mind.
The anxious side honestly didn’t know how he could keep up the act. But while Virgil had years of experience with Deceit’s smug goading and flirtation, Patton was falling for it all, hook, line, and sinker. (But why him? Why not-)
Virgil didn't have to like it, but Deceit was one of them now, and Patton would defend his acceptance to the bitter end. Such fierce loyalty, directed at the worst possible target. But however admirable Patton’s newfound devotion to and defensiveness of Deceit were, Virgil was determined to put a stop to it before the situation could change even more.
Now was probably the best time, given Deceit’s unconsciousness. The first thing to do was stop them from spending so much time together, before they actually got together; it was a slim chance, given their recent closeness, but Virgil had to try something. He was running out of simple options - Patton would only worry more once separated from his not-yet(?) boyfriend, and asking him to just hang out would just be tactless and suspicious at this time. Virgil had even offered to stay there with him and Deceit - so many times it sounded pathetically desperate even to himself - just so Patton could eat or sleep or simply stretch his legs for a minute, but Patton wouldn't budge. He hadn’t so much as drunk a glass of water unless someone put it into his hands.
Right, the tea.
He hadn’t noticed the kettle click off, but there was still steam rising from the spout so he poured the water into the mugs. He hesitated before putting the kettle away. Maybe Patton would let him stay a little, if he brought his own cup, and then Virgil could maybe convince him to leave Deceit alone with him for a few hours? Virgil would stay with Deceit for as long as it took.
He grabbed another mug and tea bag and poured himself a cup and grabbed both the other mugs with his free hand before carefully heading back up the stairs, focusing solely on not spilling anything as he walked.
He was just outside the door, wondering how he was supposed to get in when he heard a raised voice. It sounded like Patton.
Glancing around and finding no help, he ended up setting down his one mug on the floor and opened the door with his newly free hand, and slowly tilted his head inside.
“-ease, Janus!” Patton was kneeling next to the bed, clutching Deceit’s hand between his as if in prayer, his head turned away from the door, focused solely on the bed’s occupant.
Deceit was awake, just barely, eyes cracked open just enough to reveal a sliver of yellow and amber. As soon as Virgil had peeked in, he’d noticed and stared, expression unreadable. Virgil’s blood chilled at the sight of him, pale and pitiful and hardly able to keep his eyes open, looking so vulnerable and weak. Then Patton bowed his head, bringing their joined hands to his brow as he trembled, and Virgil’s blood burned in his veins. It was an act, he reminded himself. It had to be. Because if it wasn’t… then they...
Deceit mumbled something too soft for Virgil to hear, and Patton spun around to see him standing in the doorway, wide-eyed. He scrambled to his feet and gave Virgil an obviously fake smile, wiping away his tears. Virgil could feel his heart squeeze at the sight of him pretending he wasn’t hurting.
“Virgil! Janus is awake! Um,” he glanced at the bedridden side and back, spotting the mugs Virgil was holding, “oh, right, the tea! Thank you so much!”
He walked over quickly and grabbed the mugs, saying, “I’m sorry, kidd- uh, Virgil, but I don’t think Janus is really ready for more people right now. I’m really sorry!”
Virgil’s heart dropped, but he managed to nod mutely, step out, and close the door behind him. He heard Patton cooing apologies to Deceit before the heavy wood cut off his voice with a finality that unsettled the purple side.
Virgil stood there for a minute.
Picked up his mug.
Made it all the way to his room.
Shut and locked the door.
Stood there another minute.
Started shaking.
Then, he threw the mug, tea and all, against the wall, splattering the hot liquid all over the posters and shattering the ceramic.
Virgil sank to the floor, hugging his knees, tucking his face into them.
It was cruel, the way Virgil’s heart belonged to someone who would never love him back. It had to be karma, because hadn’t it been Virgil who pushed him away? Virgil, who lashed out and locked out everybody in a moment of hurt, who was too afraid to admit his feelings, forever destined to see his beloved love someone else?
He didn’t know how long he stayed there. Eventually, he managed to drag himself into bed and into sleep, so exhausted that his anxiety had no chance to keep him up before he was unconscious.
For the next week, Virgil settled into a vague routine of bringing tea to Patton (and Deceit) in the evening. Deceit had recovered rather (suspiciously) quickly and was able to get up and walk for a bit. Still, Patton refused to leave him alone. If anything, he’d gotten more protective. Logan, Remus, and even Roman would also pop in during the day to see how the two were doing, but they did not seem all that concerned with things, at least not as much as Virgil was.
The worst part was how carefully the others would tread around Virgil, like he was some pitiful, pathetic creature or something. It was no secret that he had a huge crush on Patton. (Was that why Deceit chose him? Or just a spiteful twist of fate?) Roman had teased him relentlessly about it before… recent events, but Remus had only gotten worse, ribbing Virgil about making a little threesome with Patton and Janus, after years of mocking him about Janus’s “flirting”. And while Logan didn’t participate, the logical side also talked about Virgil’s crush as a matter of fact while chastising the twins for their teasing. So Virgil had taken to just staying inside his room and taking a nap during the day and going out in the dead of night, when everyone else was sleeping.
The evening of that fateful night, Virgil drifted awake the same way he fell asleep, vaguely aware that he was in a state of transition before his mind caught up to whatever was happening. He pushed himself up and stretched, checked the time, then flopped down, eyes drifting closed again...
Why had he woken up so early? Usually he wouldn’t get up for at least another hour, unless he was being summoned for something. God, he was so damn tired these days, no matter how long he slept.
Virgil’s eyes snapped open and he bolted up.
Fuck, Thomas was getting anxious about something.
Virgil swung himself out of bed and ran his hand through his hair to hopefully smooth it out some, then sank out and appeared in usual place at the foot of the stairs.
Thomas was staring at his phone, frowning. He didn’t seem too aware of Virgil’s presence.
Virgil reviewed the situation: Thomas was anxious. Obviously. He was about to text a friend. They hadn’t talked in a while, and left things off in a weird way that no one was happy with. Thomas missed him. He just wasn’t sure he missed him back.
Thomas sighed. He looked up and over to the blinds where Patton (and, now, Deceit) usually stood during discussions, then back down to his phone again. It had locked from inactivity. He huffed in frustration as he keyed his passcode into the screen.
Virgil decided to cut to the chase.
“Tell him the truth.”
Thomas practically leaped, his head whipping back up to see his anxious side leveling an accusatory stare at him, one eyebrow raised.
Thomas sighed again. “It’s probably too late...”
“Look, I’m sure he misses you, too.”
“Yeah, right. Clearly he does, or he wouldn’t be constantly avoiding me.” Thomas frowned at his phone again.
“You don’t know that. Not for sure. And being sure means you can move forward.”
Thomas gave an empty chuckle, then he leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands, as if denying he could see anything would help him avoid talking about it.
“Pretending you don’t miss him isn’t going to help. Just tell him the truth. Doesn’t he deserve that much?” Virgil asked.
Virgil knew that neither option felt any better than the other. Thomas glanced at Virgil from the corner of his eye. The side slouched even more, eyes flicking between Thomas and a random spot on the floor, almost pleadingly.
“Of course he does. But what if he doesn’t feel the same?”
“Then you apologize. And… you move on.”
Thomas shifted his glare to Virgil. “You’re saying that?”
Virgil hid his face. Of course he’d be called out. “We all have to try something new at some point, right?”
Thomas’s glare lost its heat. He looked back down again. “I want to apologize, but I feel like-”
“Like no matter what you do, you do the wrong thing. I know.”
Thomas sighed again, frowning at his phone. He hesitated, then deleted his text and wrote, “I’m sorry for how we left things. I still care about you. I want to apologize. Can we talk?”
He stared at the words for a good minute. Then he hit send.
It was the truth, at least. Thomas didn’t feel all that much better, and for that matter, neither did Virgil. Thomas set his phone down and buried his face in his hands again.
“Thanks, Virgil. For being… gentle? Patient? Understanding? Usually you’re the one giving me a hard time about this stuff.”
“I figured you could use a break. I am trying, you know. To help. To be less… aggressive.” Virgil shrugged, looking away. “I’m just filling in for Patton, really. Y’know, what he’d say in this situation and all.”
Thomas looked up and glanced at his- their spot again.
“I figured he would have shown up. To help me, like you just did. Where is he?” he asked.
Virgil shrugged. “With Deceit.”
“Just- don’t ask, Thomas. Now’s… not a great time.”
“When is?”
Virgil couldn’t look at Thomas. Thomas rubbed his eyes.
“I just don’t get it. Up until a couple of weeks ago, things were fine. Then, it’s like, I don’t know, it’s like I stopped caring. About my friends, my family, my own life. I was supposed to do laundry, and take a day off to hang out with everyone, but I totally flaked on everything!” Thomas leaned back, sliding a little down the couch. “And I know it’s not Janus’s fault because Janus told me self-care was having clean clothes and spending time with my friends.”
Virgil held back a growl. This was absolutely Deceit’s fault. ‘Janus’ this and ‘Janus’ that, could the snake leave him alone for five goddamn minutes?! He already saw him day after day (Virgil could think of only one reason for wanting to see him more and he was already doing the best he could on that front) and he couldn’t even get away from him in his dreams!
“Why don’t you ask the Lord of the Lies himself?”
“I tried! But he didn’t show up either.”
“So you summoned me instead?”
“Not really… I guess I just got more anxious the longer I waited.”
“You know what? I just- I can’t with you right now.”
And with that, Virgil sank out, refusing to answer Thomas’s summons afterward. He appeared outside of Deceit’s door.
Now that he was here, though, he hesitated. But he brushed it aside, too angry to think at the moment. He knocked and let himself in.
“Thomas wants to talk to Deceit.”
Patton was already half-standing, looking back and forth between the side in the bed and the side who just entered.
“But, Janus isn’t ready for-”
“He can walk now, can’t he? It’s not like he’s a real human, it’s not like he’s going to disappear without you around.”
Patton made a pained sound, but Deceit laid a hand on his arm and said, “It’s fine, Patton. I can go and see what Thomas wants to talk about.”
Patton shook his head. “No! I’ll go!”
“I’ll go,” Patton said.
Deceit looked into his eyes for a long moment, then nodded gravely before adding, “Then Virgil can stay with me tonight, and you can get some actual sleep.”
Patton’s face scrunched in distress. “Janus-!”
“Thank you, Patton. For everything you’ve done for me. But you need rest.” Something they both agreed on, not that Virgil would ever admit to it.
“Will you…?” Patton glanced worriedly at Virgil.
“Yes, Patton. I’ll tell him. It will be fine, Patton. I promise. Go to Thomas.”
Patton glanced a moment at Virgil, then bent down over Deceit. From his angle, Virgil couldn’t tell what he was doing, but it seemed like he was whispering something in Deceit’s ear. Deceit whispered something back, and Patton stood back up, tears forming in his eyes. They were both smiling softly. Virgil felt a pang of jealousy throbbing in his heart, knowing he’d never be the recipient of such fondness. Patton wiped his face on his sleeve, then walked over to Virgil, expression somber.
“Virgil,” he said, voice low. “Please, please, don’t let Janus do anything… extreme. Please. I know you don’t like him much, but I’m begging you.”
Virgil sighed, but cracked a small smile. “Darn, there goes my plan to secretly help him enter the Olympics.”
Patton didn’t laugh. Virgil’s smile fell, and he said, “Yeah, sure. I’ll try.”
A corner of Patton’s mouth quirked up. “Thank you.”
Patton sunk out slowly, maintaining eye contact with Deceit until he was gone, leaving the two of them alone together. Finally.
Deceit immediately spoke up. “There’s no need for you to actually stay, Virgil. At least, no longer than you’re comfortable with staying.”
Virgil fixed his stare on the reptilian side. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? No, you’re not getting rid of me that easy. I told Patton I’d stay here, and that’s what I’m going to do. And so are you. You said you were going to tell me something?”
Deceit sighed, rolling his eyes and looking away. He looked deep in thought. That never meant good things, in Virgil’s experience.
“Do you remember what it was like? Before you left?”
The question caught Virgil by surprise. “Uh. Yeah, I guess. As much as anyone remembers things that happened years ago.”
A corner of Deceit’s mouth twitched up, not unlike Patton’s had some minutes ago. Virgil wondered who’d picked it up from whom.
“I suppose it’s too much trouble to ask if you ever missed it?”
What was his angle here? Trying to trick Virgil into reminiscing? For what purpose? Virgil’s glower deepened.
Deceit sighed. His shoulders slumped, just a fraction. “I’m only wondering, Virgil, I’m not going to bite you or anything.”
“Why do you want to know?”
Deceit met his eyes, staring levelly. Neither one said anything for what felt like ten minutes, but couldn’t have been more than ten seconds. Virgil broke away first, face flushing from such direct, intense eye contact.
“Can’t a side be curious about what it’s like to be accepted?”
“You are accepted. Sort of.”
“Sort of,” he agreed, nodding.
Virgil bit his lip. The motion drew Deceit’s eyes to it, but they snapped back up to continue boring into Virgil’s. “Honestly? Not really. It was different, back then. Harder. And don’t get me wrong, it’s still hard sometimes, but it’s also easier? ‘Cause now Thomas knows how to, I don’t know, work with me? We work together now, and it’s a lot better than it was when we didn’t.”
Virgil ran a hand through his hair, fixating his gaze on the pattern in Deceit’s rug.
“When you were one of us.”
Virgil looked back at Deceit. His expression was, as usual, unreadable. “Well, yeah.”
Deceit looked away. He took a deep breath. Then he got out of bed.
“What are you doing?!”
Deceit snapped his fingers.
“Baking a pie. What does it look like I’m doing?”
He was now dressed in his best attire, though not quite fully. Virgil was reminded of the courtroom. Whatever Deceit was planning, it couldn’t be good. Virgil could feel his panic rising.
“Patton said-”
Deceit frowned and snapped again, conjuring a pair of yellow socks.
“Patton doesn’t control what I do.”
He put the socks on.
“I said-”
Pulled out a pair of shiny shoes from beneath his bed.
“You said you would try. You tried. It’s not your fault you didn’t succeed.”
Put on one shoe.
“What are you even going to do?!”
Then the other.
“Take a walk.”
Deceit stood up, straightening out his suit and checked his inner breast pocket for something, patting it for extra measure.
He stood in front of Virgil. He looked shorter without his hat. His hair was a mess of curls. They looked soft.
“I left my favorite hat in the Imagination. I need to go fetch it.”
Virgil blinked incredulously.
“Why now?”
“Patton would hardly let me out of his sight, let alone this room.”
“Ask Roman or Remus to get it.”
“Alas, I hid it too well. Neither of them would be able to find it.”
“Ask one of them to make you a new one!”
“Are you going to let me go or not?”
“Give me one good reason I should!”
Deceit gave him yet another unreadable expression.
“You want the truth?”
“From you? That would be nice, yeah!”
Deceit’s eyes narrowed. He stared levelly at Virgil, and the latter could see him measuring his words. He was absolutely planning something. Then he smirked. “Too bad I’m such an unrepentant liar, then, isn’t it?”
Virgil glared at him. Deceit’s smirk only grew wider. There was something going on. He was trying to goad Virgil into doing something stupid.
“Want to know what I’m planning? What sort of dirt I have on your dear Patton? Such a compromising position he’s ended up in, hasn’t he?”
Virgil grabbed him by the lapels and pulled him close. “What are you talking about?!”
Deceit laughed, looking at Virgil with some unknown, unnamed emotion roiling in his eyes. “Oh, I can tell you. For a price.”
“No. You’re going to tell me what you’re planning, right now.”
They were so close. Closer than they’d ever been, even before. Virgil could hear his quickened heartbeat. Or was that his?
“I’ll do you one better: let’s make a deal.”
“Fuck your deal, fuck your price, just tell me what you’re planning!”
“Ah, ah, ah!” Deceit had the audacity to wag his finger. “You’re going to want to listen. I think this deal will work out wonderfully for you.”
“I know better than to trust you.” A flash of... something flickered in Deceit’s eyes. Virgil felt the pit in his stomach deepen.
“Just listen. You can always refuse.”
Virgil glared, then let him go. “Talk.”
“I won’t tell you what I’m going to do, but I assure you it’s for the best.” Virgil scoffed. “I’m going to give you everything you’ve ever wanted from me. If you let me walk out that door, no questions asked.”
Virgil raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Oh, really?”
Deceit gave him a smug smirk. “Yes.”
“So what exactly do I want from you?” For some reason, Virgil’s heartbeat sped up with that question.
“What I succeeded in doing weeks ago, darling.” Virgil shivered at that, then gave a loud sigh.
“Dude, just tell me the truth.”
“Hmmm.” Deceit mocked studying his nails through his gloves. “I’m going to break Patton’s heart and ride off into the sunset. He’ll be all yours. Surely, this is amenable? You’ll never even have to see my ‘creepy, lying snake-face’ ever again.”
Fuck. This. Manipulative. Snake.
Virgil’s fist met the other’s jaw before he realized he’d punched him. The other side buckled.
“Don’t you dare! He loves you!” He thrust an accusing finger at the smug serpent’s face.
The fucker didn’t even blink.
“Fine. Let me leave and I won’t.”
Virgil ground his teeth, then spat out, “Fine. Deal. Do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt Patton, or I’ll pay it back a hundred times, got it?”
That unrecognizable flicker of emotion flashed in his eyes again, at odds with the triumphant smirk on his stupid face.
“Wise decision,” he said as he stood, brushed himself off, and shoved his way past the taller side.
Virgil almost turned around to grab him, but found himself frozen to the spot. His emotions were out of control. His heartbeat was running a mile a minute.
He heard the door open just before Janus said, “For what it’s worth, I missed you, Virgil. And I apologize. For everything. Farewell.”
Virgil stood there dumbly, trying and failing to figure out what just happened. He stayed in the room the rest of the night, waiting for him to return. He was going to get a straight answer out of him if it was the last thing he did, and he wasn’t leaving until he did.
Janus never came back.
The more time passed, the more anxious Virgil became. What happened? Did he actually go into the Imagination? Did he get hurt? He couldn’t get hurt, not again, not after last time, Patton would be devastated, Virgil would be at fault, he couldn’t lose him again, no, no, no, it was all just a bad dream, right? Or Janus was just waiting, just being dramatic, he was going to show up at the last moment and laugh it all off, he couldn’t be gone forever, right? He was lying when he said that Virgil would never see him again, right?
Wasn’t he?
He had to be. Virgil had to see him again. He couldn’t bear not to.
Early in the morning, hours after being left, alone, in Janus’s room, Virgil had crawled into Janus’s bed. He’d pulled Janus’s blankets over himself. They still smelled of lemons and lavender. Of Janus.
Virgil couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t even lie to himself anymore.
He wanted Janus to come back. He wanted to see that stupid snake face and his too-pretty eyes and his soft, silky curls under his dumb bowler hat. Just as much as, maybe even more than he’d wanted Patton to hold him close and whisper sweet things into his ears, just as he’d done for Janus. He’d wanted them both and he’d been so afraid neither would want him back, and now he’d ruined it all, because they’d be together and Janus thought Virgil hated him, even though he didn’t.
He never had.
It was Patton who found him there in the morning. A crying, barely-holding-it-together Patton, tugging uselessly at his sleeves and the sheets that covered him. Virgil didn’t move.
Virgil clutched at the sheets, pulling them closer.
“Virgil, please.”
It was his fault.
“Virgil, no, it’s not.”
It was all his fault.
“No, it’s n- it’s not your fault, Virgil, please!”
Janus left because of him. Virgil pulled himself into a tight ball, unable to stop the sobs that wracked through his entire being.
“He- he said- his letter- he wanted us to be- to be happy. To- together.”
How could either of them be happy without him? He left thinking Virgil hated him.
And even if he somehow thought that Patton and Virgil could move on without him, to, what, bond over losing him? It wouldn’t stop them from remembering why it happened.
“V- Virgil, pl- please, just talk to me.”
Patton broke down into full sobs, sinking to the floor. Virgil curled up tighter in the bed, his own tears soaking into the pale yellow fabric.
He wasn’t moving until Janus came back.
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teruthecreator · 5 years
okay so uhhhhhhhh fitzroy’s a changeling, right??
like, we’re all seeing this?? this thing that is happening?? 
aight i’m gonna break this down because when i mentioned this theory people were very “???” and i wanna get this out before travis and griffin have a chance to get a gotcha on me. this is gonna be very long and full of spoilers but!! read on!! 
okay so this is gonna be sort of hodge-podged together but i’ve grabbed some quotes and i have some sources and we’re just gonna get freaky w it. 
so changelings, according to the DND wiki, are: 
“subtle shapeshifters capable of disguising their appearance...(they are)  commonly harmless, passive people and are uninterested in politics and social affairs. Due to their capricious ways of life, many people have come to distrust changelings which has led to them becoming social recluses or more commonly has pushed them to create fake identities to escape persecution.”  
now, immediately, there are some arguments that can be made against this theory in the fact that this blurb describes changelings as “uninterested in politics/social affairs”, but this wiki article further breaks down their alignment and says that: 
“Most changelings are neutral. They prefer to keep a low profile and often do not take passionate stances that would draw attention. However, changelings can be any alignment, and often readily adapt to the culture they are raised in.” 
there is something to be said about fitzroy’s passionate devotion to becoming a knight maybe being a product of the environment he grew up in, or perhaps being an outcome of him knowing he will be constantly persecuted unless he makes a solid name for himself. quote supporting this comes from Episode 7 during his talk with Higglemas: 
“If you… do the work, and you stay true to whatever cause you swear yourself to, you can… become somebody. Somebody important. Somebody who may someday become even more important, in a way that is not simply guaranteed in any other sort of way of life.” 
also! from another dnd wiki comes this lil quote: 
“Despite common fears, few changelings embrace evil.” 
and that fact is INCREDIBLY evident in how fitzroy has viewed the villain track this entire campaign so far! 
but what i am most interested in and why i believe this theory so strongly is just how absolutely shifty fitzroy has been. fitzroy talks A Lot, but if you look at what he says, he doesn’t say Much about his actual life. the most he ever goes into detail with is his removal from Clyde Nite’s Night Knight School, which even then doesn’t touch upon his life before knight school. and even when he’s confronted with times to be honest! to actually open up and talk about things! what does fitzroy do? 
he avoids it. 
the first Major instance of this i would say is Episode 6, when leon literally goes up to fitzroy and is like “what do you feel about this situation?” and fitzroy says all this surface-level bullshit and basically talks circles around leon until he drops the subject. 
THERE IS ALSO SOMETHING TO BE SAID ABOUT THE FACT THAT GRIFFIN IMMEDIATELY ROLLED TO LIE WHEN LEON ASKED IF HE COULD KEEP A SECRET. also fitzroy’s deception stat is Pretty High for a half-elf trying desperately to be a knight, i’m just sayin’... 
but also! another moment that fitzroy Completely Avoids Being Honest is this most recent episode (ep 7)!! when higglemas asks fitzroy why he wants to be a knight and fitzroy is immediately like: 
“Why do I care about being a knight? Hm. That‘s a fair question that I… would…rather… not… answer to you? Or anyone. If that‘s okay. Is that okay?” 
this is a private moment between a teacher (a headmaster even), and a student. most kids would typically see this as a safe space to be honest. but fitzroy is either extremely skeptical of this entire school because he Knows shady shit when he sees it (which is valid, given what we’ve seen of the goings on) and/or fitzroy has Far More to hide than this school does. 
which would then make complete sense why the Unbroken Chain would want to know everything about fitzroy. because they’ve started to pick up that fitzroy is keeping A Lot to himself. and that reads as really shady!! even if it is just fitzroy trying to hide his changeling-self so he isn’t persecuted by the masses, like changelings typically Are in DND. 
there are so many little moments, too, that just Scream “he’s hiding something” that feel like changeling stuff to Me. imma just chuck a couple of em out: 
“It is unusual but you know, beggars cannot be choosers. I have sworn fealty to Goodcastle. Who am I to judge their secrecy?” (ep 3; interesting how he considers himself a “beggar”; possibly speaks to a past where he Has had to scrounge for his way up i.e. new identities; him not judging their secrecy Says Something to how fitzroy feels about people keeping secrets) 
“I was just gonna kick it here, I think. No need to bug the folks back home. Uh, Goodcastle is, of course, out of my reach at this moment. Uh, what with my not knowing exactly its, uh, its exact location… upon terra firma. But um, yeah. Just gonna sort of… I guess sit here with the Firbolg and… wait.” (ep 7; fitzroy has been portrayed as this dude who came from a Wealthy Upkeep and has been Consistently complaining about this school, but when the opportunity arrives to go home he decides he’s going to stay??? interesting...) 
“I think maybe doing some work might be a good idea. It would be nice to have something, uh, in the old coffers that the three of us could treat as a bankroll for the new Thunderman operation.” (ep 7; another supporting line for “if fitzroy comes from wealth, why would he care about getting more money?”; speaks to his backstory not being solid) 
this is also not really a piece of Solid Evidence, but my girlfriend realized in episode 2 when fitzroy is describing how he ended up getting removed from the knight school, he says he “catfished” the headmaster. one can see this as the ally-oop to the “i turned her into a catfish” joke fitzroy makes immediately after this line. BUT remember that catfish is typically a term used when someone uses a fake identity on someone. and we all gotta remember, this is Griffin Mcelroy we’re talking about. if there’s anyone to drop those subtle kinda hints on us, it’s gonna be This Dude. 
obviously this theory seems kind of wild, when you read my opener. but i encourage you all to look at the sites i’ve linked and really Look at fitzroy’s character!! i think this boy is hiding a lot more under that charismatic personality and preference for sweet crepes, and this would be a super cool element to fitzroy’s character! 
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Marco’s Home for Lost Boys
Read on AO3 - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday my sweet Emma.” She clicked the end button on her phone and stared out at the forest in front of her.
She was definitely, maybe, possibly going to have sex with Neal!
Thank you everyone again for reading my little fic. I truly appreciate anyone taking the time to keep up. References to sex included, but not earning that M rating just yet. Saving that for something a bit more special! :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter 4: Definitely, Maybe
2 years later
It’s nearly impossible to get any alone time at Marco’s home for Lost Boys.
He just needs to save enough money to get a place of his own, but currently Killian Jones is flat broke. Which means he’s stuck sneaking around and stealing moments with Milah when everyone is out of the house.
If he’s being honest, he’s tired of all the cloak and dagger bullshit. He wants to be able to announce it to everyone that Milah is his girl.
“You’re thinking again.” Milah’s mouth is on his as she groans in frustration.
“Sorry love, I’m here.” He opens his eyes and runs his hand down to the curve of her ass.
She pulls back and looks at him. “No, you’re not.”
“Do you think it’s time that we tell everyone about us?”
He feels her anger before she even speaks. “We’ve talked about this; do we really have to do this again?” She sits up, re-arranging the buttons on her shirt.
“I just don’t see why we have to keep this hidden, we love each other, what is wrong with people knowing how happy we are?”
“Baby, this is special. You and me. Why do we need to shout it to the world?”
They’ve had this argument for years now. It always ends with the two of them screaming at each other and Killian drowning his anger in a bottle of Rum, alone. And currently he’s not in the mood for either. He may not have the opportunity of an empty house for a while.
“Alright love, I’m sorry, you’re right. This is perfect, just the way it is.” He quickly pulls her back on top of his lap, pulling her lips to his.
“Then why do you…” His hands tighten in her hair, pulling her harder against his mouth. “keep bringing this…” Her hips grind into his as she pulls back and smirks at him. “up.”
“No more talking, I promise.” Her hands are under his shirt in a second and he groans at the contact of her nails on his flesh. He clutches the hem of her shirt, yanking it over her head, leaving her in her black lace bra.
“Mmm, this is more like it.”
“Killian, have you seen my…”
“My God you silly girl, do you knock?” Milah slides off the bed, glaring at the intruder standing in the doorway to his room. Her face is flushed, her lips are pursed in a scowl, but she is doing nothing to cover herself up. Instead, she seems to be trying to intimidate the girl, as she goes about pushing her breasts up as she adjusts herself in her bra.
“I um, God I had no idea anyone was in here but…”
His eyes lock on the girl standing in his doorway, Emma’s eyes currently fixated on his lower half. He grabs a pillow to cover the erection currently tenting in his boxers. “Well as you can see the room is occupied, so if you wouldn’t mind relocating yourself, love!”
Her eyes snap to his and he sees red begin to creep into her cheeks. “Um, I uh, yes. Leaving!” She turns and slams the door shut behind her.
“Oh my God.” Milah exclaims. “What are you going to do about that?” She gestures toward the door.
“Yes, HER, she just walked in on us, she’s going to blab it to all her little friends.”
“Emma’s not like that, I’ll talk to her, it will be fine.”
Milah crosses her arms. He tries to pull her back to the bed. “Killian!”
“It’s alright, love. I promise, Emma won’t tell another soul.”
“Then go see to it now before she does. You can’t trust silly little teenagers.” Looking at her face, he knows he’s not going to win this battle.
“As you wish.”
“Um hey.” Killian finds Emma on the back porch and walks over to join her on the swing.
“So um, that was awkward.” She’s looking anywhere to avoid making eye contact with Killian.
“Uh yeah, so I should probably explain.” He scratches his ear before turning to look at her.
“You aren’t going to tell me about the birds and the bees, are you? Cuz uh, David already tried to have that talk with me about a year ago.”
“That’s what I told him, but I’m not exactly a child you know.”
“Yeah whatever, you’ll always be my little swan.” He winks at her before pausing. “But um, the part I was referring to was Milah and I. You see, it’s not public knowledge that she and I are together.”
“Oh. Why not?”
“Milah thinks it’s special just keeping this between her and I.”
“And what does Killian think?”
“I uh, it doesn’t matter what I think. So, I really need you to keep this between us.”
“Uh, sure, that sounds a bit one sided, but it’s not my place to tell your business.”
“Thanks Swan. I apologize that you had to see me,” He coughs before continuing. “Er, us like that.”
Emma laughed loudly, “Yeah next time can you put a sock on the door or something cuz I definitely don’t want to have to tell David that I got a live lesson on the birds and bees.”
Emma isn’t sure if she’s actually mortified or intrigued by what she walked in on in Killian’s room. It wasn’t like it was news to her that Killian and Milah were seeing each other. He wasn’t very good at hiding anything. At least not with her. She could always tell when he was lying to her and had picked up on his deception regarding Milah the moment she met the girl.
She remembers all the times she caught him staring at Milah when he thought no one else was watching him.
But currently all Emma could think about was the image of Killian half dressed, lying on his bed in an obvious state of arousal.
She had never seen an erection before. Sure, she had felt a hardness against her leg on previous occasion when she and Neal would sneak off to make out but seeing Killian’s rather large member standing at attention behind the thin fabric of his tight white boxers caused a reaction she had never experienced before.
Neal had been pushing for them to take their relationship to the next level, but something had always stopped Emma from taking it that far. Emma wasn’t sure she was ready. Something always caused her to panic when she thought about it.
Sure, she enjoyed the excitement and it felt nice when Neal kissed her, even made her a bit flustered when his hand would travel under her shirt and rub against her breasts through her bra.
But she didn’t know if she was interested in sex or the just the idea of sex.
However today, she definitely felt the warmth in her core when she walked in on the scene in Killian’s room. As soon as she closed the door behind her she felt the need to squeeze her thighs together to stop the ache. Maybe that was a sign that she was ready to go to that step with Neal.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she smiled when she saw Neal's face pop up on her screen. “Hey you!”
“How’s my favorite girl.”
She laughed, “What do you want now Cassidy?”
“Hey, can’t I say nice things about my girl?”
“Fine, what kind of nice things do you want to say to me?”
“Well, I was thinking maybe you’d let me say these nice things in person to you this weekend. My dad’s going out of town, I thought maybe you and I could uh, hang out here.”
Emma blushed. “Hmm, you and me alone. Now just what would we do with a house all to ourselves, Neal.”
“Oh, I have so many ideas I’d like to share with you.”
“Care to give me a sneak peek?” She cooed into the receiver, almost at a whisper.
“I’d prefer to show you. So, what do you say? You, me, Saturday night.”
She paused, knowing what this would mean for them. “Um, Sure. It’s a date.” She said, trying to sound confident. “I uh, I gotta go, Neal.”
“Ok, I’ll see you Saturday my sweet Emma.”
She clicked the end button on her phone and stared out at the forest in front of her.
She was definitely, maybe, possibly going to have sex with Neal!
“Uh sorry.” She jumped when she heard Killian’s voice behind her.
“Hey.” He walked out and set down on the step next to her.
“I uh, didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation…”
Emma blushed, “Oh?”
“So uh, you and Neal. Saturday. Are you in need of the birds and bee’s conversation, Swan?” His look was definitely disapproving.
Emma frowned. “Please don’t be David right now.”
“Are you and Neal…”
“Oh God!” She turned away from him. “No um, we aren’t, not exactly, I mean we haven’t done THAT yet.” She stammered nervously.
“Oh good!” he said quickly which caused Emma to roll her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have done it!”
“Swan!” He growled.
“You’re one to lecture ME right now!”
“I’m older than you.”
“That’s a stupid reason.”
“I’m not trying to lecture you, love. I’m just saying that you should be careful of Neal’s intentions.”
“God you sound like a dad right now.” She snorted.
“I’m serious. You shouldn’t just jump into something you might regret later.”
“Who says I will regret it. Maybe I want that with Neal.”
“You don’t really know him Emma.”
She groaned. “God Killian, what is your problem with Neal anyway?”
“I just want you to be careful. With Neal or anyone you chose to give yourself to.” He reached out and pushed a strand of her hair from her face, dragging it across her cheek and behind her ear. “You should wait until you are sure you love the gent.”
“Killian Jones, who would have thought you would be such an old-fashioned gentleman.”
He leaned closer to her, their foreheads almost touching. “I’m always a gentleman.”
Did he always smell this good?
His steely blue eyes were locked on hers and she let out a shaky breath she hardly realized she was holding in. “I should um, get some sleep.”
He blinked, not moving an inch as she stood up and walked back into the house, his voice trailing softly after her. “Just think about what I said.”
Does it really matter if your underwear matches your bra?
She was frowning at the polka dot underwear in the reflection of the mirror in front of her. Nothing seemed to look good. Her legs weren’t long enough, her ass was too flat, her breasts didn’t perk up the way Ruby’s did in a bra. In fact, she looked nothing like Ruby did.
Would Neal care what she looked like naked.
She groaned at her reflection. “Of course, he cares Emma!”
Determined that nothing she wore was going to be perfect, she quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and the first shirt she found in her closet.
She ran a brush through her hair, lightly glossed her lips, buttoned and then quickly unbuttoned the first 2 buttons of her shirt.
This is as good as its going to get.
She found her dad in the living room tinkering with a small clock on the wall.
“I’m off to Ruby’s for the night.” She kissed his cheek and smiled at him, trying not to look guilty.
“Alright dear, you two behave and don’t cause Granny any trouble.”
She giggled, “Of course, Papa.”
She turned to see Killian standing in the door, frowning in her direction.
“And what are you and Ruby planning for the evening?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We have all kinds of plans, Jones!”
“Oh, it would be most enlightening to hear of these great plans.”
She rolled her eyes in his direction. “See ya tomorrow, Jones.”
She took off out the door before he could respond, yanking her bicycle off the front porch. She really needed to get her driver’s license.
She groaned, hopping onto the seat and looking back toward the front of the house.
“Since when did Ruby start covering for you lying to our dear father. You and I both know where you are off to this evening.”
“Oh please, Mr. breaking the no-sex-in-the-house rule just 3 days ago! I kept my mouth shut! You owe me!”
She peddled herself down the drive leaving a brooding Killian Jones watching the dust kick up from her wake.
She is definitely having sex with Neal tonight!
Her confidence begins to falter about 30 minutes after she arrives at Neal’s home.
She isn’t sure how Neal’s family can afford such a nice home with just the income from the pawn shop, but the place is amazing.
However, she barely has time to take in the tour because it ends abruptly once they reach Neal’s bedroom.
“Emma, I have wanted you for so long.”
Emma moans softly at the feel of his mouth on her neck. Her heart pounding in her chest when his fingers slip under her bra and brush her nipple.
You can do this Emma. Just breathe.
The warmth of his lips disappears and her eyes pop open just in time to see him yanking his t-shirt over his head and tossing it into the corner of his room.
He is immediately on her again, she gasps when his hands tug at the zipper on her jeans.
“Relax, Emma.” He breathes into her ear, tugging at her hips to pull the jeans down her thighs.
She feels like her heart is in her throat.
His hands dip into her underwear and she squeaks when his fingers jab quickly inside of her.
His head pulls off her neck as he looks down at her. “Em, seriously, you need to breathe.”
“I’m sorry, I just need a minute.”
He groans, “Seriously Emma you’ve had a lot of minutes!”
Come on Emma, you want this.
She smiles up at him and kisses him slowly before she hears his pants unzipping. She squeezes her eyes shut and tenses beneath him. Behind her closed lids steely blue eyes come into view.
You shouldn’t just jump into something you might regret later. I just want you to be careful. With Neal or anyone you chose to give yourself to. You should wait until you are sure you love the gent.
“Get out of my head!” She whispers.
“Huh!?” Neal pants above her.
“Um nothing, sorry.” He kisses her and she feels something hard pressing against her thigh, flesh against flesh and she gulps, trying to sit up.
“Sorry Neal, I uh, I just I’m not sure I…”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now Emma?” He’s staring at her, anger in his eyes before he quickly recovers and sits back.
“I don’t think I can do this.” She says softly.
“Ems, I love you. I’ll go slow. It will be fine.” His lips are on her neck and he’s pushing her back down against the bed before she sits up abruptly.
“Neal.” She says firmly, putting a hand on his chest.
“Emma, I’ve been waiting for this for 2 years now. You can’t just get a guy to this point and tell him to stop.”
“I’m sorry! I just, can you please just wait a little longer?”
“You’re…sorry?” he stands up, yanking his pants on and storming out of the room.
Emma chokes back tears, feeling around the bed for her clothes. She feels foolish. She knows Neal is mad, this was the farthest they have ever gone before stopping.
She feels awful for getting him all worked up again. But she doesn’t want to regret something she can’t take back. No matter how she feels about Neal. Damn Killian for getting in her head. But mostly for being right!
She pulls her clothes on and pulls her phone from her back pocket.
She groans as she pulls the contacts up on the screen. She’s never going to hear the end of this. If only Ruby hadn’t failed her driver’s exam twice in the last month she wouldn’t be in this situation.
She’s definitely taking that stupid exam next week so she can get herself out of her own embarrassing jams!
E: Can you come get me?
She sits nervously and waits on the bed. She knows she should go talk to Neal, but she also wants to allow him time to calm down.
Ten minutes pass and she still doesn’t have a reply text. She really doesn’t want to have to ride her bike all the way home at this hour and she knows she needs to stop delaying and go downstairs and talk to Neal. But most of all she really needs to find older friends who can drive.
She walks down the steps and sees Neal sitting on the couch, a bottle in his hands. She hates when he drinks because he always gets so angry.
“Are you mad?”
Neal groans. “What do you think Em?”
She frowns. “I’m sorry, Neal.”
He tips the bottle and gulps, looking over at her. “When are you going to be ready? Ever? Do you not love me?”
She sits next to him and takes his hand. “Of course, I just… This is a lot for me. I’m just scared and while I can’t tell you how long it will be, I promise I’ll tell you as soon as I know.”
Her phone buzzes in her other hand.
Suddenly there is knocking on the door and Neal jumps up from the couch. She looks down at her phone.
K: I’m outside the door now.
Neal looks out the window and turns angrily toward her.
“You called your brother! Really Emma?”
“I thought it best that I just went home for the night.” She stands and walks toward the door swinging it open to an angry Killian Jones.
“Get on the bike, Swan.” He tosses her a helmet and points her toward his bike parked in front of the house.
She grabs the helmet, turns toward Neal and smiles. “Good night, Neal.” She says softly, turning to leave, before mouthing “I’m sorry”.
“Baby, I want you so bad.”
“Then show me.”
Milah pulls at his T-shirt, yanking it up his body. His phone begins buzzing on the dresser beside her bed.
“Don’t you even think about touching that phone, Killy.” She demands.
Her lips are on his in an instant. He tries to lose himself in her kiss, ignoring the voice in his head telling him that it might be Emma texting him.
He knows where she is and what she plans to be doing right now, with Neal.
Neal Cassidy, the last man on earth he would choose for Emma. Hell, he’s not even in the top 10. Not that he has a list of men he would choose for Emma. Honestly, he would prefer she just stay away from men altogether. Celibacy seems like a good path for her honestly.
Come on Jones, she’s trying to do the same thing you are right now! She’s probably already in bed with Cassidy right now.
“Ouch, would you pay attention!” His thoughts come back to the woman in his arms and the grip his fingers currently have in her hair, releasing her dark locks from his tightened fist.
“Sorry, a bit distracted, love.” She sits up and rolls over to his side. He quickly reaches over and picks up his phone.
“I told you not to touch that.”
“I know, I just…” He stops when he sees the text.
E: Can you come get me?
“I gotta go.” He gets up immediately and starts pulling on his clothes.
“I know, but family emergency.” He shrugs before leaning over to kiss his annoyed girlfriend on the forehead and running out the front door, yanking his jacket on as he shuts the door behind him. There will be hell to pay for this tomorrow but right now he just needs to get to Emma.
He rides his bike with a fury toward the Gold residence hoping that the Sheriff isn’t out patrolling tonight.
He parks his bike near the small bicycle propped up behind the pawn shop in the alley beside the house and pulls out his phone, typing quickly as he runs up the stairs to the front door and bangs his fist on the wood.
K: I’m outside the door now.
The door swings open and he’s faced with the subject of his anger standing behind a slightly disheveled but embarrassed Emma.
“Jones.” His annoyance is clear as he watches the boy stare angrily between him and Emma.
“Get on the bike, Swan.”
She hesitates but takes the helmet from him, turning back toward Neal before setting off down the walkway.
The moment she’s at his bike he steps toward Neal.
“Stay away from Emma.” He growls.
“You threatening me, Jones?”
“Just telling you how it’s going to be. Leave Emma alone. She’s innocent. She doesn’t know who your father really is.” He pushes a finger into his chest. “Or who you are!”
“Oh, and you’re gonna tell her, are you?” He laughs. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He shoves his hand off his chest, taking a step toward him. “After all, you wouldn’t want Emma to know what exactly it is that you do for my father, now would you?”
Killian turns away from Neal and storms toward the bike, grabbing his helmet from Emma’s hands before pausing and looking down at her. “You ok, Swan.”
She stares at him with what he can only describe as red-faced humiliation. “Um yeah, I just want to go home.”
“Mr. Cassidy’s performance not everything you were dreaming of?” He says with a hint of sarcasm.
“Oh, we didn’t, I uh, yeah I definitely don’t want to talk about this.” He climbed on the bike and he felt it dip as she settled in behind him, her arms wrapping around his waist.
“Sorry to hear, love. Though I am happy I was able to be at your disposal to rescue your virginity.”
“Oh, shut up, Jones.” His smile grew as the bike roared to life and they set off toward home.
Uh oh, what is Killian involved with? And will Emma get sucked into Neal's world?
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