#so we get shenanigans like this
thatndginger · 1 year
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I'm back!
disappeared for a few days to part of the mountains that burned in 2020 and I swear I was the only human being in a five mile radius. It was awesome.
I am so fucking sore from crawling over deadfall and boulders and I have bruises in weird places, but pretending to be a lonely hermit was exactly what I needed.
Bonus pics: my dogs being dorks while I'm trying to take in the landscape
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ruporas · 1 year
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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escelia · 3 months
Gotham Portal
(If you get the notif for this post like 2 days ago, no you didn't! I wasn't done yet! You were imagining things!)
Where the story takes place in Gotham instead of Amity Park, the Fentons having moved before the construction and testing of the Ghost portal due to the high saturation of ectoplasm in Gotham. So, Danny's accident ALSO happens in Gotham, except he has no support system at all.
Enter the Bats stage left!
Danny couldn't believe he'd been so stupid. His parents had uprooted their whole life to move to Gotham. They said they'd need all the ambient ectoplasm there for when they built their portal. Jazz had been thrilled! After all, Arkham was a shining beacon of mentally ill people, and Jazz was like a psychology moth to a flame; it would be the perfect place for her internship after college.
His parents had wasted no time assembling the portal from their blueprints in the basement of the run-down apartment building they'd bought outright just on the edge of Crime Alley, complete with the Ops Center parked right on top. They'd gutted the place and completely redone it before they moved in. (Danny had no idea when they accomplished that. Maybe they'd been planning it for a while and only thought to tell their children two weeks before moving day.) He was genuinely surprised the local vigilantes hadn't stopped by yet to ask questions.
But anyway, back to how he was royally screwed! He'd just wanted a cool picture for Sam and Tucker now that he'd moved away. His parents weren't home (they'd gone back to the hardware store after their last test), Jazz had stayed after school to try and butter up her new teachers by running a study group, and he'd been alone. He'd even followed all the safety precautions his parents had told him about! He'd put on the hazmat suit and tried not to touch anything. But he'd tripped.
Through the whirling of green and the static buzzing in his ears, he remembered screaming, though he hadn't recognized it as his own. Every nerve in his body was on fire, and he just wanted it to stop. Stop, please stop, why won't someone save me, please!
He woke up to the smell of burning flesh, but he woke up. He was okay! Disoriented, a little disgusted by the smell and throat a little raw, but okay!
At least he'd thought so at first.
He'd begun to... change colors? And float, he floated sometimes, too. But the most irritating of all was that he would go through things. Forks and glasses slipping, quite literally, right through his fingers.
He hadn't told his parents. He'd been fine, after all. A little shaken up, but they'd been so excited he'd gotten the portal to work, who was he to put a damper on the mood when he was fine?
That brought him to now, staring at the mirror in the school bathroom in horror. He'd fought his first real ghost that morning around breakfast. He'd kept it together fairly well, in his opinion. Got through three whole classes before making an excuse to the teacher, slipping off into the blessedly empty restroom.
He'd been getting better and better at controlling his form, and he transformed in front of the mirror, taking stock of his appearance.
Odd colored hair: check.
Bright glowing eyes: check.
Floaty hair: check.
Could walk through walls, disappear, and fly: check.
He raised his finger to his pulse point and felt... nothing.
"I died," he whispered to himself in shock. "I... died," he repeated, this time in despair.
Damian Wayne was not usually one to keep tabs on his classmates. They weren't his friends, therefore he saw no point. However, the new kid, Daniel Fenton, had begun to act strange.
When Daniel Fenton enrolled in Gotham Academy it hadn't been anything special. He'd started the year a little last due to his family moving, but families moved for all sorts of reasons. He hadn't tried to immediately make friends with Damian like so many others had, much to his relief. But he hadn't tried to make friends with anyone else, either. Maybe he liked to be alone? It really wasn't his business.
But then the boy started getting skittish and clumsy. Clumsier than he had been when he started school. He'd developed a miniscule tremor in his left hand, so he'd probably sustained an injury. He began dropping things in Chemistry. So often, in fact, that he'd been banned from doing practical labs and was instead assigned extra book work.
If Damian had been anyone else, if he hadn't been raised by assassins or had his night work as Robin, he wouldn't have noticed. He wouldn't have followed Fenton to the bathroom under the guise of needing to see the school nurse for a headache. Perhaps if he were anyone else, Fenton might have noticed him following.
There was an alarming flash of light as Damian peered carefully around the corner. Fenton had changed forms. Something had happened to him.
"I died," he heard him say. Damian thought he was being dramatic until he watched him raise his fingers to his pulse point. His glowing eyes dilated in panic, and he repeated himself. He watched as his classmate, looking fragile and lost, curled in on himself floating in the air, and sobbed.
Damian didn't confront him that day. He watched, waited, and researched. He found the research of Dr's Fenton on ghosts and ectoplasm, most of which he was skeptical of up until actual ghosts started to torment them during patrols.
Ghosts were real, it appeared.
He also concluded that their findings on ectoplasmic entities being non-sentient and inherently malevolent was incorrect, having met the ghost of a little girl caught up in a rouge attack that killed her and her family.
Damian watched Daniel Fenton for about a week while he ditched class in a poorly hidden effort to fight and contain the ghosts that he and his family were having such a hard time dealing with. His father was even nearly considering contacting John Constantine, which was never his ideal solution. Damian had been rolling an idea around in his head for a while and he decided now would be the time to bring it up.
Dinner at the manor was more of a full table than Damian had expected. Not everyone was there, Jason's relationship with them was still a bit strained, so he was not in attendance, and neither was Stephanie. But Duke was home, and Dick was actually there early for patrol later. Tim was there, and so was Cass, so almost everyone.
"Ahem," he cleared his throat politely. "Father, I wish to recruit a new member."
The chatter around the room came to a halt, the clatter of silverware ceasing.
"What exactly do you mean, chum?" Bruce asked carefully.
"I have a classmate I believe would be a valuable asset in light of our trouble with ghosts recently. However, he has no training or support, so I'm asking for your assistance."
"Did... demon brat make a friend?" Tim asked bewildered and a little bit terrified.
"Tt. No, I've never even spoken to him." Damian rolled his eyes. "My classmate, Daniel Fenton, transferred to Gotham Academy about a month ago and started acting strange soon after. He came to school with a tremor and a Lichtenberg figure you can just barely see starting on his left hand and traveling up his arm. I believed he'd been in an accident, and my suspicions were proven when I saw him use meta abilities to ditch class and fight a ghost in the courtyard of the school. From my observations, they are newly acquired, but he has decent instincts and an inclination toward heroism. I believe it would be safer for everyone involved if we approached him first."
"What?" Tim muttered. Dick was smiling gently at him, though, as if he were doing something he was proud of.
"Do his parents know?" Duke asked. Damian scoffed.
"I highly doubt it."
"Wait, Fenton as in the ectobiologists?" Bruce asked. The ex-assassin nodded.
"And considering their research is not reflected in our own interactions with ghosts thus far, I do not believe we should tell them."
"Not safe?" Cass signed. Her brother shook his head.
"The abilities I've observed resemble that of a ghost. He even has an alternate ghostly form."
The implication that they'd be endangering him hung heavy in the air. They'd all seen the Fentons' research. It mostly consisted of theoretical analysis and blatant biases with a long list of proposed experiments they'd run if they ever caught one. They'd all agreed that the Fenton ghost hunters were not a viable option for their ghost problem, especially after seeing how they drove, which in itself nearly put them on the Bat's rogue list.
"We've been meaning to investigate the Fentons properly anyways," Dick pointed out.
Bruce attempted to massage a headache out of his temples. The stuff his kids stumbled into, really. But Damian was right. If his classmate was a new meta with no support, it was only a matter of time before the rogues zeroed in on him, and since his family lived there, he couldn't tell the kid to leave.
"I'm not saying yes just yet, but talk to him. Find out any more that you can."
"Of course, Father."
Danny finally felt like he was getting the hang of his ghost powers. He was pleasantly surprised, and also mildly horrified, that his parents' inventions actually worked on the ghosts he was now beginning to fight regularly. His favorite was by far the thermos, which did no ghost mutilating whatsoever.
He discovered he had a ghost sense and enhanced hearing and vision, which was cool and all, but now he could hear all the shitty things his classmates said about him behind his back. Which, rude! He didn't even talk to them, what did they have to be shitty about?
He also noticed that one of them, Damian Wayne, had been watching him. From what Danny had heard, Damian was the richest kid in school, a Wayne. Son of billionaire Bruce Wayne, to be exact. And his attitude reflected that. His standoffish, holier than thou rich guy attitude made Dash and Paulina look like they lived below the poverty line. Apparently, he generally didn't talk to anyone at school unless it pertained to class, so Danny saw no point in introducing himself.
That made it extra weird that Damian was following him.
It was right after lunch when a hiccup had a cold breath tumbling from his lips. He raised his hand and asked his teacher if he could use the restroom. He made his way to the bathroom on the other side of the building this time, hoping it would be too out of the way for Damian to follow. But soft rustling of his classmate's school uniform gave him away, no matter how imperceptible his footsteps were.
When he entered the restroom, he made his way to the sink instead, splashing some cold water on his face as Damian walked in behind him loudly as if announcing his presence.
"I know what you've been doing," he said confidently, crossing his arms and standing in front of the door so Danny couldn't leave.
"Oh, hey! Damian, right? I'm in most of your classes, but I don't think I've ever introduced myself. I'm-"
"Daniel Fenton, I know. You've been fighting ghosts." Damian had to give him at least a little credit; he'd become a great actor over the last week. Though, that probably had a lot to do with the fact that he probably didn't feel safe at home anymore.
"My parents are ghost hunters, but I don't think shooting a ghost in the face with a lipstick laser then running for my life counts as 'fighting ghosts'."
"Tt. You are lying."
"Dude, what are-?" Danny cut himself off when his words came with another misty breath. Crap! He'd taken too long!
The ghost of the day, an ugly, mutated, bird looking thing with claws at the ends of its wings and a full set of dangerous, pointed teeth, phased through the door behind Damian, poised to strike.
Without warning, Danny grabbed Damian's wrist and whipped him out of the way, throwing himself between the two. A green shield formed in front of him just as the bird slashed at them with one of its wings.
"Well, that's new," he said startled as the bird geared up for another attack.
Danny groaned at his miserable luck before throwing caution to the wind and transforming. He'd just have to force friendship upon one Damian Wayne in an attempt to keep him from telling anyone about his whole magical girl transformation. He tried to activate his shield again, but when nothing happened, he was flung across the room into the wall. God, this was embarrassing.
The next time the ghost tried to attack him, Damian yanked him aside in a dodge and bolted out of the bathroom with Danny in tow. He was dragged through the winding halls to one of the side exits of the school. In costume or not, Damian's priority was luring the ghost away from the other students.
"Hey, so uh, you won't say anything about this," he gestured wildly to himself, "will you?"
"Tt. Of course not, but I believe you have more important concerns at the moment."
“Right!” Danny patted at the sides of his hazmat suit. “Crap, I left my thermos in my locker!” He dodged another attack and retaliated with an ectoblast, trying to keep the ghost's attention off of Damian as much as possible.
"Your lunch? Really?" Damian shouted. Dang, Danny must have been doing a decent job if Damian had the spare time and attention to be exasperated with him.
"No! It's a containment device! Besides, ghosts are basically soup anyway!"
"Distract it," Damian instructed, "I'll retrieve the device." The boy took off. Danny had to wonder how he even knew where his locker was. The ghost tried to follow him, but Danny shot another blast at it.
"Hey ugly, auditioning to be one of Gotham's Birds? Sorry, but you don't really look the part." He had no idea if the creature could even understand him, but the way it turned to him and lunged again suggested it had done the trick. This time, his shield did work!
Danny could have cried tears of joy at finally having some consistency with it. The next few minutes of the fight felt like an eternity while he dodged and shot ectoblasts at it. The creature wasn't really that strong, and it didn't seem to have super dangerous abilities like some of the other ghosts he'd fought like Skulker or Technus. It ended up being a great opportunity to practice his new shield ability, actually. But he knew the longer he took, the more danger his classmates would be in.
The bird ghost slammed into his shield with a particularly vicious strike, slamming him into the ground and creating a small crater.
"Note to self, remember intangibility," Danny groaned.
In that moment he noticed a door opening on the school building. It was Damian! He was finally back with thermos in hand! Unfortunately, the other ghost noticed too.
"Oh no you don't!" Danny yelled, latching onto one of its feet as it tried to fly toward his classmate. He dug his fingers in hard and sunk into the ground partway to anchor himself.
"Big green button by the lid then the button immediately below it!"
Damian wasted no time popping the lid open and sucking the ghost into the device, the lid closing with a quiet pop. He had to admit, though the design was questionable, it was sturdy, light, and very clearly effective. He wondered if he could get away with sneaking off with this one to have drake examine later.
"That was some incredible timing, thanks." The ghostly form of his classmate floated over to him, taking the thermos from his hand. Damian did not pout.
"We should probably get out of here before the Fenton's show up." He could already hear the screech of tires and his dad's voice over the megaphone tearing through the air.
"Don't worry honey, we'll catch that nasty ghost boy next time," Jack Fenton comforted his wife. True to form, the Fenton's had arrived to the scene late, and most of the damage to the school yard had been from their vehicle crashing into things upon their arrival. Parents had been called and classes ended for the day, which was how one Bruce Wayne found himself at Gotham Academy trying to help the teachers talk the two down from storming and searching the school.
His son was standing off to the side with one of his classmates. Dark hair, bright blue eyes, lanky frame; Bruce could have mistaken the child for one of his own, but looking between the hulking man in front of him and the kid standing next to Damian, the resemblance was obvious. That had to be Daniel Fenton, the meta his son had told him about. Which meant he'd been the one to deal with the ghost before anyone else had gotten there. The classmate Damian had suggested they recruit for his safety.
"Danno, did you see where that spook went? When I get my hands on him, I'll rip him apart molecule by molecule for even thinking of attacking your school!" Bruce saw Daniel's breath hitch with fear.
"Sorry, no. I was coming back from the bathroom when I saw him fighting another ghost through the window. I was scared so I hid," he lied, gripping his left wrist while he spoke.
Bruce was impressed. The boy's fear was real, and he used that to his advantage to really sell the lie to his parents. His heart ached for him. He couldn't imagine seeing any of his boys looking at him like that, with such fear and distrust.
"That's okay sweetie, we'll get him next time. We're just happy you're alright. Let's get you home," his mother comforted, though Bruce knew it wasn't very comforting at all.
"Yeah, we'll teach you to use the Fenton Bazooka," well that was horrifying, "that way next time you can just blast him!" Danny wanted literally anything else.
"Actually," Damian interrupted politely. "We were assigned a project in class earlier on the history of Gotham. As Daniel is relatively new to town, I offered to assist him with the assignment. Father, would it be acceptable for him to join us for dinner?"
Bruce would have been incredibly surprised his son was inviting someone over for dinner if he didn't see exactly what he was doing. Daniel wasn't safe at home. And he clearly wasn't comfortable with the way his parents spoke of the 'ghost boy'. If his defeated expression was anything to go by, it hadn't been the first time they'd said something like that, nor would it be the last.
"What do you think, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton? We'd love if Daniel could join us for dinner."
"Please, call us Maddie and Jack. That sounds wonderful Mr..."
"Wayne. Bruce Wayne, I'm Damian's father," he introduced. If the two recognized the name, they didn't show it. It worked out rather well in his favor.
"Mr. Wayne. If its not too much trouble, that would be wonderful. It's about time he made a new friend, he's been sulking since the move. Now, we have a ghost to catch!" Maddie planted a kiss on Danny's forehead, leaning her blaster on her shoulder as her and her husband made their way back to the homemade assault vehicle parked haphazardly on the lawn of the school.
"Be sure to call us if you plan on staying the night! We'll let Jazz know she doesn't have to worry about dinner for you! We love you, have fun sweetie!"
"Are they always like that?" Damian asked after the two had pulled away. How had those two even gotten their driver's license? It was truly abysmal, he dreaded the thought of anyone getting into a vehicle with them. And then there was the speed in which they'd dumped their son into their laps, even suggesting they'd be okay with him not coming home that night.
"They mean well, but yeah," Danny replied, heaving a sad and defeated sigh. "Thank you, by the way. For inviting me over, even if you didn't mean it. They can be a bit much."
"Clearly," Damian mused back.
Bruce watched the two interact and felt pride well up in his chest. Meeting the Fenton parents just once was enough to convince him that their son needed help, maybe even their daughter too. That Damian had taken the initiative to bring this to his attention, that he had stood up for Danny and offered his home as a sanctuary for him, made him so incredibly proud as a father. He wasn't as prickly with Danny the way he was with other people, even his own siblings. That was a very good thing indeed, considering it was looking more and more likely this would end with another adoption.
Maybe Clark was right, he did have an adoption problem.
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strawberri-draws · 2 months
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princess tutu fellas from memory
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feroluce · 4 months
I love the fact that the Silvermane Guards are essentially just a very devoted "We Love Gepard Landau" fanclub, and I desperately need for all of them to get into ship wars about it behind their Captain's back. The soldiers are all split into several factions:
Some of them ship him with Sampo 🛡💣 (enemies to lovers/hateship enjoyers; this does not necessarily mean they like Sampo- in fact it's more like most of them want to sic their Captain on him skzjsmdm)
Some of them ship him with Bronya 👑🛡 (knight and princess trope enjoyers and also a sorta-kinda "that is our mom and dad" type of deal; this faction gets riled up and ridiculously hypes Gepard up to Bronya every time she comes down to the frontlines mskdkxmd)
Some of them ship him with the trailblazer 🛡💫 (the smallest and newest faction, but steadily gaining!)
Some of them ship him with Pela ❄🛡 (workplace romance enjoyers; Gepard once charged out into the Fragmentum alone to save Pela from an expedition gone horribly wrong, and when this faction saw Gepard carrying Pela back princess style they threw a whole party)
Some of them ship him with Dunn 🛡🗡 (also workplace romance; Dunn is very flattered by this because yeah wrong Landau, but wow, the troops really think he's good enough to woo the Captain, what an honor)
And some of them ship themselves with the Captain 🛡❤ (yumejoshi enjoyers; this faction throws a massive group effort every Valentine's Day and are also all very supportive of each other)
The final faction is an odd one, because they're defined not by who they ship their beloved Captain Gepard with, but rather by who they don't ship him with. Their name is generally shortened to the A.B.S. Group- Anybody BUT Sampo 🚫💣 DKSZJJSMSOZ
#honkai star rail#gepard landau#hsr gepard#gepo#sampard#bronpard#gepela#gepdunn#sampo koski#bronya rand#pelageya sergeyevna#dunn#I'm so happy Hoyo gave us TWO knight and princess ships with bronseele and bronpard. two cakes!!#and I actually do love bronpard but I think it'd be hilarious if that faction dissolved the second they saw bronseele together nskzjskdk#same with the gepela faction and pelynx haha#every time Bronya comes down to the frontlines she tends to gravitate towards Gepard and the bronpard faction kicks into high gear skzjkske#they ask Gepard to show them proper form with a weapon or to tell some of his exploits. anything to make him look cool in front of Bronya.#'Madame Supreme Guardian we heard Captain Gepard took down a direwolf THIS big-' XD#I don't even ship Gepard and Dunn but I do think it's really sweet how Gepard talks about him-#-and how grateful he is that the trailblazer didn't seriously injure him during the main quest.#I think that if they had then Gepard would not be NEARLY as kind or forgiving of them. Dunn is one of his. he's protective of all of his me#the gepo/sampard and ABS group are the ones most at war with each other#every time Gepard gets the soldiers to split into teams it gets vicious XD#like I need some red vs blue shenanigans with the Guards you feel me. i need them to play capture the flag and get way too into it amsjmsks#pela has taken writing commissions for every ship under disguise- including gepela so she wouldn't seem suspicious#someone once claimed she wrote Pela way ooc and demanded a refund at the last second and Pela nearly strangled them HSKKZSNKSKD#hsr
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
"I feel him." El insists. "Alive." 
She hasn't said his name since Will first raised them all over the walkie, but every person in the room knows who she means. 
Not that Steve can say his name either.
"But we watched him die." Nancy says gently, before Dustin properly loses it from where he sits in the corner. "Owen's even sent someone back through to check." 
"Yes." El agrees, but it's clear she's frustrated. "He died here. But he's not alive here, he's alive over there." 
"In the Upside Down?" Steve asks, and pretends his voice isn't cracking with desperation and barely concealed hope.
"No!" El snaps, before taking a deep breath and collecting herself to try again. "Through the other gate." 
"Okay." Hopper cuts in, hands waving in some kind of "stay calm" gesture. "El, honey, I think we're all still hung up about the other gate." He pauses, before adding. "And how Creel dying opened it." 
El gives him a thousand yard stare. 
"I'm getting the crayons." Joyce sighs as she stands up. In a mutter she continues, "Should have gotten them to begin with." 
Silently, Steve agrees. 
xXx Eddie xXx
It goes like this.
A bat breaks through the side of the trailer. It swoops low, teeth rattling, but it doesn't attack. 
It emits an odd, echoing screech, before  flying through the gate, to the Rightside-Up. 
"Shit." Dustin curses wildly. "Shit, they're gonna try and invade!" 
"I thought they were guarding the gate!" Eddie protests, as that echoing scream returns tenfold, coming from the mouths of too many demobats. “If they wanted to invade wouldn’t they have done that already!?” 
"No, because Vecna was focused on opening more gates! This must be his plan--to open enough gates to push an army through. We have to lead them away!"
"Dustin-!" Eddie calls out desperately, but finds himself overwhelmed by bats as more and more break through. 
He fights through them, trying to get to Dustin, trying to listen to what the kid’s screaming.
He can’t hear him.
Not over all the screeching, the beating bat wings and the thudding noises as they smack at his head. Their teeth snap, tearing into every piece of him they can reach.
Eddie doesn’t know how long he’s been surrounded, but he hears the trailer door bang open--and shut.
"Dustin!" He screams this time, voice as loud as he can make it.
The kid’s faster than he is.
He’d planned this--or at least, had thought about it long enough to get himself a solid head start, leaving Eddie scrambling after. 
Fighting through the torrents of bats. Abandoning the gate because Hawkins can burn for all he cares--but there are people who don't deserve to go down with it.
People like Henderson, who have bright futures ahead of them.
Eddie tears his way towards Dustin, unthinking, just running.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid-!’ He thinks, but not at Dustin. 
At himself, because he knows the kid. Knows what to expect from how he acts in games. 
Steve even called it--and Eddie’s not stupid enough to think he was talking to both of them when he warned them about not being a hero. He was included purely because Dustin would fuss otherwise and they were short on time.
Dustin’s on the ground when Eddie finds him, and he whips his spear at the few dozen bats that attack him, their bodies circling, teeth biting. 
He gets in two good hits before shit hits the fan. 
To his right something explodes, flames high and reaching, a thunderous boom whipping out so loud that Eddie's ears ring. 
A shockwave nearly takes him off his feet, bandana pulled from his head and freeing his hair. 
Eddie crashes on the ground next to Dustin.
 Sees all the blood and doesn't know what to do. 
"Come on man." Eddie pleads. "Come on!" 
He doesn't get an answer. 
It goes like this.
Vecna’s dead. 
The blast that killed him was from some kind of explosion that took out all of Creel House. 
It fireballed skyward, and the Upside Down rapidly began doing….something, seconds after. 
Returning, Eddie decides, to whatever it was before the asshole got thrown in here. 
Or dying, maybe.
(This is easier to think about than the fact that no one could have survived that blast. That there's a black hole Eddie can see, and it has to wrap miles and miles around the Creel House because he's still near his trailer.
It the trees down the stupid hill didn't make it then Robin, and Nancy, and Steve--
He stops. Shakes his head.
If Eddie thinks about it, it will make it real. 
He can't let it be real.),
The monsters all fall as one, dropping to the ground like puppets with cut strings. 
Eddie had been pummeled by a few demobat bodies before he could get clear, though given how some still occasionally twitch and hop around weakly after, Vecna's death doesn't necessarily equal their own.
Madly, he crushes a few beneath his boots. 
Knows that won't bring his friends back. 
Stomps on a few more because he can't do anything about that, and he can't cry any harder.
It goes like this.
Eddie gets back topside to find Vecna's revenge in action.
 It's an act worthy of a mad god, not that Eddie would ever give him such a title. 
Hawkins wasn't split. It was consumed, with large portions falling deep into the earth that opened under it. Smoke chokes half the town from an outburst of fires, while downed trees and electrical lines make walking a chore. 
The road is a cracked and pitted mess, littered with holes large enough to swallow entire cars. 
Passage is nigh impossible by car, and downright dangerous by foot.
It makes Eddie want to sink to his knees in despair.
There were still people around, that first day. 
There were still people around the second and fifth days too. 
But then the monsters appear. 
They're not the demobats, or demodogs or even the demogorgons that Eddie was told of. 
They're something--else.
Mutated and mutating, taking on appearances that reflect both the Upside Down and the Right-Side Up (a term coined by one of the freshmen--Eddie can't recall which.) 
Actual flowers, great purple and orange looking blooms sprout teeth and attack. Vines stick out of arcade cabinets, carting them around like a hermit crabs shell. 
Some people breathe the falling little pieces of ash and suddenly aren't people anymore.
(It was Erica, who had coined the term. The Right-Side Up. 
Erica who was also deceased, because the fucking explosion didn't just take out the Upside Down version of the Creel house, but the real one too. 
Which meant Max and Lucas and Erica…
But Eddie's not thinking about that.)  
It goes like this.
Wayne's gone.
He'd been at the plant when the Earth had swallowed it, his first day back to work because he'd used all his PTO trying to find Eddie.
The coworker who watched it happen makes sure to tell Eddie his uncle insisted he was innocent. That the old man never stopped looking.
Likewise, the trailer is gone. 
It fell barely a day after Eddie had climbed out of it, one half eaten while the other teetered dangerously on the edge.
There's cops at the borders of the city. 
They’re been commandeered by the military and the feds both, and people in heavy gear prowl around like guard dogs just waiting to be let off leash.
Helicopters fill the air, always circling and searching. Units of men and women begin parading around with guns as they escort tanks and other battle equipment through the streets. 
They're looking for something besides the monsters, and they're happy to cut the phone lines and police the survivors to find it.
No one's allowed in--or out. 
Eddie tries to escape the first few days, after he realizes everyone who knew the truth is gone. 
Thinks maybe he can get to the Byers, and that super powered girl out in California, but keeps getting cut off.
Twice they've nearly caught him, which means twice Eddie has been forced to come to terms with the fact that he's one of the things they're after.
They know him by name.
They know he was involved in Creel's takedown.
Eddie"s not just being hunted by the town now. 
He’s being hunted by the United States as a whole. 
It goes like this.
Eddie doesn't want to die. 
Can't bring himself to take his own life, forever too much of a coward. 
So he berates himself while he hides.
Wonders what the fuck his plan is here. 
Focuses on surviving, stealing food, sleeping in people he loves houses and hoping maybe some of them made it out.
(Given how Gareth's and Jeff's places are both untouched, he doesn't think they did.) 
He’s never prayed before but now he’s praying to every deity he can think of. Hoping, wishing, that if he can’t get out alive, he at least goes down quickly. 
It goes like this.
Steve Harrington walks out of the woods with a nailbat in his hands, like a blood soaked fever dream. 
Eddie doesn't care. 
He hugs him so hard his own ribs hurt and the crazy thing is Steve hugs him back even harder. 
"You're alive." Eddie sobs, face buried in Steve's shoulder.,"You're alive, you're alive…" 
Steve grips him for a moment before whispering back; "And so are you." 
He pulls away and Eddie struggles against him, not ready to let go, fingers grasping at his shirt. 
Steve strokes his hair, his stupid tangled, gross hair and Eddie looks at him, desperately needing the contact to prove that Steve is real. 
That he’s here. 
 "I need you to listen--I'm not your Steve." Steve says, and Eddie’s so desperate for contact that the words don’t register for a moment. 
Not that they make sense when they do. 
"What?" Eddie asks. 
"There’s a--okay.” Steve sighs, before saying; “I am going to absolutely blow the explanation, but I need you to trust me.”
“I do.” Eddie says, even as Steve fulfills his own prophecy, and gives a completely nonsensical explanation.
At the end of it, Eddie can’t bring himself to care. 
As long as he has Steve back--even if it’s not technically his Steve, Eddie will follow him wherever he goes.
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shaunashipman · 1 month
bobby asks tommy to check in on bobby in his day off, since with the firefam and athena all working, and eddie dealing with Chris gone, and henren and madney dealing with the whole mara situation, bobby's alone most of the time at whatever temporary lodgings they're in.
so tommy goes over and boolbby's being really suspicious when he answers the door, not letting tommy see fully in, and when tommy finally bullies his way inside, he sees the big evidence board of the connection between gerrard and ortiz that bobby's been investigating.
and that's how we get bobby and tommy coming in clutch with just the right evidence to help the firefam put the final nail in gerrard's coffin and get mara back
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Based on a real group chat convo (I was Jingyi)
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freckledbastard · 6 months
redid the reaper quests for funsies and this was all i could think the whole time
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"hey zenos, yeah theres this voidsent dude calling me his prey? yeah you need to have a pact with another voidsent to beat him and he was being real intense the whole time and talking about how he was gonna devour me and how glorious it would be? yeah- yeah no i know thats your thing dude i tried to tell him and everything but idk, he seems pretty set on the idea of me being his prey... oh youre heading his way already and are gonna super murder him? oh weird thats crazy, anyway."
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akkivee · 2 months
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rosho’s wondering how tf sasara still has copies of his key when he’s already confiscated 50 of them and sasara says he’s shooting for 100 keys confiscated, we gotta get rosho outta there
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starmonsterrr · 2 months
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Hello :}
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blackhholes · 1 month
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teen wolf meme: [4/6] creatures -> chimeras
You found the perfect word, though, Scott... Because a Chimera isn't just a monster with different parts. It can also mean something impossible to achieve. An unrealizable dream.
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sweet-potato-42 · 9 months
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lets fucking gooooo the time machine HAS to be at least somewhat preplanned lore.
like he must have seen how fun people saw the deepslate chest timetravel shenanigans and planned some more story. Hoping for a goofy dr who esque story with lore and fun shit
like i bet the stream would have gone like he tried to find a way to break up fitpac and he thoguht "what if htey never got together" and thats how he started time travel but hte tubhole snow incident was a good way as well.
could also be the way his backstory is explained and it owuld be so fun.
Also so awesome there is an actual in game mechanic reason for qtubbo knowing how to time travel. like it was a natural thing that happened when he was messing around with fit so tubbo took it and made a story out of it. So cool
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Pac: Hello, hello Etoiles!
Etoiles: Hello Pac, my bro!
[They start playfully beating the crap out of each other]
Pac: Hello bro!
Etoiles: My Brazilian bro! My Brazilian bro!
Pac: My French bro!
Etoiles: [Laughing] My Brazilian bro! Oh, Pac is sht at the game, look!
Pac: My French garçon! My French garçon!
[They both laugh]
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cubbihue · 16 days
hihihi, going to bed
rechecking all the asks i've gotten, and, oh boy. they all date back from August 20
so i'll be closing the inbox tomorrow morning when I wake up, and keeping it closed until it's gone down somewhat. Or at least until the box only has big story/lore points left.
So uhh :O !!! prepare for that!!!
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I really want to know how Lilith Sorrengail feels about trying her best to get her youngest daughter away from whatever it was that her dad supposedly found in the Archives after Brennan 'died', just to get said daughter even more involved with the tyrrish rebellion two: electric boogaloo.
#fourth wing#ngl my first thought reading the book was 'oh shit she Knew brennan wanted to use his sis as a scribe informant for the rebellion the same#way he maybe used his dad and she was like hell no and put her in the riders quadrant to get her brainwashed that navarre is right instead#so that she doesn't end up dead like spy-scribe dad and his questionable research into ward magic'#but then i thought about it more and decided i wasn't giving papa sorrengail enough credit bcoz he was Up to Something and got got for it#personally if my entire family was lying to me abt my big bro being alive i would lose my shit. that being said i find it incredibly funny#that everyone who knew violet best were like 'she finds out venin are a thing and she WILL do A Stupid out of righteous fury'#not A Stupid like smthn dumb; A Stupid like lead the entire scribe quadrant to a bloody revolution against Navarre Babel-style#I can't wait for this series to finish publishing so I can sit my ass down and plot out a scribe-revolution-leader-Violet AU#it can even be a viden secret arranged marriage. as a treat. because we need to merge the two rebellions of course#where is tiern in all of this? he got stuck babysitting teen andarna who is Super Mad her rider is a scribe. The Audacity! Navarre Will Pay#teenage dragon shenanigans occur. Scribe Violet bonds two dragons in front of her whole year. they're in the underground scribe library.#how did two enormous-ass lizards get in? nobody gives a shit. all scribes are too sleep-deprieved to care about distinguishing between#real life and halucinations. the dragons stay in the library. they get sat on because it's cold underground and fire lizards are Warm#command tries to find out if smthn weird is happening in the scribe quadrant but at this point every single one of them is in the rebellion#they have 600yrs of misinfo to correct. venin to dissect. what dragons? in the library? don't be ridiculous they'd burn the books#anyways i got carried away but library cats!tiern and andarna#kei writes
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