#so u still gotta remove them the old fashioned way
fatescattered · 5 months
by the time lydia makes it back to stark mansion, she's certainly worse for wear. her suit is, for the most part, intact – but it's not without a few battle scars. cuts and dents, not to mention the repulsor on her right hand threatening to go out at any minute.
it's nothing she can't fix after a few hours in the shop. the wounds under the suit aren't so easy to work around, unfortunately.
her arrival is announced by a loud clang, and lydia silently thanks the heavens for the house being empty. she'd rather not have her father see her like this, lest he deems it a complete failure.
making her way inside the shop, every step a clanky dissonance, she's startled to find she isn't alone after all. her sister sits at her work desk, surrounded by papers and tools – a familiar scenario for any of the starks.
" sher. " hearing her own modulated voice, lydia realizes she still hasn't taken off her helmet. " wait, hold on. " she strains to remove it successfully, her arms starting to give out after an exhausting night.
lydia lets out a long breath as she finally peeks out from the suit. " i thought you were out too. weren't you going with dad? "
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billybloodybill · 3 years
hi helloooo
I was formerly bloodybillyonhisknees before I got nuked — if we were mutuals please get in touch!! and if you see any of my old posts floating around please send them my way so I can collect them here ✨
absolutely no minors at all at all at all seriously
hi im billy, bottom eyes extraordinaire 🥺 i once came 73 times in 12 hours
billy’s fun time house rules:
⚡️ age in bio — if I have to dig for it I will block u — i block ageless and blank blogs
✨ @let-sleeping-succubi-lie controls my orgasms
🌟 asks and dms open
💫 ask for nudes if ur queer and ur age is in ur bio!!
⚡️ I try to tag things that i consider more taboo (piss kink, feet, cnc) — please ask for others to be tagged!
✨ all photos/vids/audios of me are tagged #bloodybilly
🌟 harder play should be in the dms only bb
💫 Feederism blogs will be shot on sight
k i n k s:
common types:
orgasm denial/edgeplay/torture babyyyyyyy • bimbofication/intelligence regression • good ole fashioned domination, pain, and bondage • cnc • degradation • impact play • overstimulation • cummmmmmmm (aka breeding) • pet play • hypnosis • somno • monsterfucking lololol
rare types:
kidnapping • dubcon rough rough rough (u know the word here) • modification (specifically clit removal 🥺) • humiliation • total submission • primal/feral/fear play
🥺 gotta collect em all 🥺
this blog is for fun and cum — as soon as its not I will bounce. i don’t owe access to my time or body to anyone and I’m still trying to get more comfortable asserting those boundaries.
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alilbihh · 5 years
hocus pocus — 1
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masterlist  previous part  next part
pairing: maknae line x reader
summary: jungkook wags his tail and his eyes look like truffles. jimin drinks blood out of juice boxes and bendy straws and tries to wink but ends up blinking both his eyes closed. taehyung likes the ocean and all kinds of art and apologizes to rocks. you don’t know if they want to take you out the date way or the assassination way and somehow you think it’s both. 
genre: werewolf!jungkook, vampire!jimin, hybrid!taehyung, witch!reader; crack (lmao); humor (??); poly!au (in the future!)
words: 6.3k
a/n: this is entirely self-indulgent. this will benefit no one but me and will have 3 parts. thank u
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This kind of patience better earn you a great seat in heaven, you think offhandedly.
"Please help me! The test was only announced today and I don't have much time, I need a potion that gives me photographic memory!" Says a desperate looking girl, hands clasped together as she repeatedly whispers a mantra of pleases under her breath, as if worried she'd push you over the edge if she were to say it any louder.
Little does she know she's, metaphorically speaking, already pushed you. Hard. With no remorse. Probably followed by a series of stabs to the back.
"Please, I would do anything!" She looks frantic. The only time you've seen her unclasp her hands was to pull desperately at her hair. She's pretty, you'll give her that, the kind of pretty that makes people more easily soft and influenced to her desires. But you're no sucker, and you're certainly not soft.
"Anything?" You whisper, leaning forward a bit. She nods, hope pooling in her round, pretty eyes.
"Anything!" You're not really used to people interrupting you during your free time. She at least has the decency to keep her voice down in the library, but you have a feeling the librarian and usually easily irritable students would easily succumb to her puppy dog eyes and let her scream all she wants.
You don't tell her that there is no such thing as a potion for photographic memory. You don't tell her that, even if such a thing were to exist, it would have drastic long-term side effects. As in, death.
"Anything anything..?" You lean forward a bit more, the female eagerly mimicking the action. You stare into her pretty eyes, the honey gold of her skin. "...even study?"
The female deflates, shameful as she twirls at a strand of her hair. This girl is just one of the many reminders on why you should never have been known as the campus witch in the first place.
You also should have just stayed in bed, despite the uncharacteristically calm day you've been having. You should have slept through your subsequent assignments and uncountable morning classes; but Jungkook had pulled the sheets out from over your head that day almost knowingly, reminding you how much you're paying for tuition. Curse that familiar of yours.
(Jungkook's voice also seemed to be the one to coax you into giving the girl a discount on your widely known all-nighter potion; which really just mostly consisted of a monster and some ground coffee beans, but she didn't need to know that. But you're still definitely, definitely not a soft witch.)
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Three years ago you started a shop of your own, one typical of a witch like yourself. All herbs and tea leaves and scented candles and crystals, ground sunflower seeds and fruits and, later on, potions; the thing that's gathered the most attention in your community, from both supernatural beings and, as harry potter so delicately put it, muggles alike.
On Sundays, you sit behind the shop's counter on the red cushioned bean bag chairs that Jungkook likes so much, taking in the low hanging vines of your small, dainty little shop, the smell of old parchment and the sound of fluttering pages, the shelves of books barely anyone but yourself reads but are familiar and comforting nevertheless.
On Sundays, people stop by; sometimes for tea, mostly for potions, and one time someone asked for a potion to help him get laid but even so, business is buzzing, Sunday or not.
On Sundays, you tolerate Jungkook's grunts and groans of boredom, the boy taut as violin strings until he starts arm wrestling with the plants and reading books by the corner, his long hair obscuring your view of his features as he bounces all over the place.
In the corner by the bookshelves sits a fish tank you'd gotten over a year ago, courtesy of Jungkook, now barren of fish of any kind. (The male managed to get a goldfish at some point. He named it ironman. It died a week later, now buried in Yoongi's greenhouse, and you coaxed some flowers into sprouting around its grave for his sake. Mostly lavender, reminiscent of your familiar. Lavender helps you sleep. Lavender soothes small hurts.)
Sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll hear little snippets of a singing voice, murmuring when he thinks no one can hear him — and you can almost feel the creaking of the floorboards and bookshelves ceasing, the books shifting about in their spines halting at the mere sound of it —  as if even the walls are straining to hear the tiny little sounds of your familiar's voice.
And although Sundays are meant for that, meant for all of that, on one particular Sunday you find yourself out of faerie tears to mix into your concoctions. An odd ingredient it is, but important nevertheless. And you know just the faerie willing to hand over some more.
"Yoongi!" You squeal as you enter the greenhouse, messenger bag over your shoulder, glass vials inside of it clinking together as you walk.
The greenhouse isn't big— not as big as Yoongi would have liked it to be, anyway— but it's tall enough to make room for trees of all sizes. Certain panes have been removed on its walls to allow the branches to carry through towards the sky, as if Yoongi would rather tear the place down than tear off a branch. Vines curl around your feet as you walk, tickling at your legs, and the plants greet you softly as you pass, (except the roses. They don’t like you too much and they tend to gossip quite a bit).
You tip your head up to stare at the hazy sky through the glass. It's humid and will probably rain later, another late summer storm.
You hear a grunt.
Hunched over a flowerbed sits a tuft of black, the endearing sight bringing a smile to your face that remains even as the male in question notices your amusement, frowning as his brows furrow and his nose crinkles.
He stands up as gracefully as his little faerie ass can manage, wiping the accumulated sweat on his forehead away with the back of his hand, a streak of dirt on his cheek and, somehow, on his nose. "Yes?" He mutters, grumpy and all, despite his patience as you move to grab an empty vial from your bag.
You stretch the empty glass expectantly, "I'm in need of some faerie tears, my good man."
The man waddles towards you in typical Yoongi fashion, inspecting the vial for a second before his gaze shifts to you, eyes squinted. "You know I don't cry," He says stubbornly.
"Oh, please. You’re one of the softest boys I know. Didn't you take theater in high school? The tears don't have to stem from real sadness, you heathen."
His cheeks redden at your reminder, grabbing the vial from your hands with a huff. "I just messed with the lighting for a while. Fixed the sound. It's not like I acted, damn you."
"But still! You gotta feel some sort of.. kinship. Come on. I'm not asking for much!"
"You're asking for my bodily fluids. It seems like quite a bit to me."
You hide your smile with your hand as you watch the male grunt and grimace, trying to get the tears out by sheer force. His body is shaking a bit at the strain, and you finally laugh when he lets out the breath he'd been holding with a dramatic, Yoongi flair. "Can't do it?" You ask through laughter.
"Shut up." He shoves the vial onto your chest. "Anything else for you to humiliate me with?"
"Huh. I am in need of some pixie dust, now that you mention it."
"Hobi probably has some of that, he's full of pixie friends." You, personally, aren't a fan of those tiny little rascals. The ones around your hometown were known for trouble, pulling at your ears and pushing objects off tables.
Though you suppose the ones around your current home weren't all bad. You've caught a few helping motivate your plants by your window to sprout, and sometimes you find petals by your windowsill that weren't there before, all layered with pixie dust. Sometimes they simply flutter overhead, tossing pink dust at passersby, and sometimes you hear them sneezing by your ear, drunk on plum blossoms.
They hang around Hoseok almost regularly, and it's not uncommon to find a few napping on his head and shoulder, warbling softly in their sleep. That merman attracts a whole bunch of creatures, so you don't blame them, really.
"Well. Walmart probably has some faerie tears, anyway. Thanks, Yoongs!" You pat at the now frozen male's chest thoughtfully, the man blinking slowly with wide eyes. You take off into a sprint at his bewildered WHAT? from behind you, laughter on your heels.
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"Here, noona." Your familiar mutters as he walks into you finishing some paperwork, your form hunched out of view under the shop's counter, red bean bag hardly a chair for such a feat but at least it's comfortable. He places a cup of tea by the coffee table beside you, still steaming, the smell wafting through the tiny expanse of your homey shop.
"Thanks, Guk." You murmur in response without looking up, but you still catch his tail let out a tiny wag at that before he nods and shuffles away, almost like a waddle, and disappears into the closet-sized kitchen, large clothes swallowing his form adorably.
He shuffles back a few minutes later with his own cup, sinking into the bean bag beside you. He stretches the cup towards you after a second of hesitation, "Sorry, but could you heat it up please? Do that thing?"
You chuckle, sitting up straight to drop your papers on the counter before turning back towards the werewolf, "'course." You take the cup, fingers brushing against his, and you see him recoil in his seat as he sinks further into it.
Your fingers cup the mug lightly, and you feel the liquid slowly heat up, becoming darker in color. Your eyes catch his gaze as you hand it back, his eyelashes trembling as he looks down, cheeks dusted a shy pink, taking the drink generously. "Thank you," he mutters.
The moment is interrupted by the gentle chiming of the wind chimes tinkling in welcome as someone opens the door, and you stand up with a groan the second you hear it. Gently placing your cup on the coffee table, your attention shifts to the customer tripping into your shop, the smell of rain and autumn and wonder on his heels.
"Can I help you?" You ask, albeit uselessly as he continues inspecting your array of books without a word, pausing at the poetry section.
Maybe you shouldn't have bought those bean bags. They're low enough to hide you completely from view of anyone if you were to sit and you, being the one to sit by the register, kinda have to do that a lot. You take to standing, taking occasional sips from your tea when you think the boy that stumbled in isn't looking.
The boy suddenly marches towards you. Eyes you for a minute. Blinks profusely. "Morning," he says after a moment, voice soothing and soft, like melting butter and dripping honey. He slides a book onto the counter. Poetry.
"Good afternoon," you answer with a twitch of your lips, "Is this all?"
He clears his throat, his cheeks a bit flushed, "Yes."
You can feel his eyes on you. They flick over you quick and then again slower and then again one more time, dragging like a lip being pulled through teeth. You feel tingly.
With a hum, you mutter the price you know by heart as you stuff the book into a bag. His voice interrupts you.  "Do you sell blood here?"
You blink, catch Jungkook freezing from where he's seated. The boy in front of you at least has the decency to look sheepish after a moment, smiling with just a twitch of his lips, and it's then you notice the ever protruding fangs that line the sides of his teeth.
"Uh, nope, sorry."
"Hm." He hums. "How long has this been here? It's, well. Nice. Must be nice to work here."
You scoff out a laugh, "It has its downsides. Pay is shit, mostly. You're mostly just making drinks and making sure no one is doing anything stupid or trying to hide a body in one of the vanishing bookshelves."
"I already disproved that theory, noona!" Comes Jungkook's interjection from somewhere below you, voice laced with an odd sort of pride. "I sat there for an hour and didn't disappear."
"That... okay." Maybe you would scold him in any other setting, seeing as the bookshelf was completely capable of actually making him disappear — but seeing his pretty, honest eyes, his cupid's bow pulled into a smile, well.. who were you to take that away?
It's only then you remember the strange vampire you still have yet to know the name of was here for a reason. Your eyes stray to the book he'd bought, and you notice he seemed to dwell on which to buy for a bit too long. "Do you like poetry?" You mutter as you hand over his purchase.
"Nope." He grins. "I'll be back!" The boy says it like a promise before closing the door behind him, nimble as a cat and grinning like one, too, giving the dream catcher by the entrance a dangle and, in a blink, he's gone.
"That was weird." Jungkook mutters through the rim of his cup, and you agree with a simple nod of the head. “He was pretty, though,” he adds thoughtlessly. You nod again.
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You spend your lunch, as you usually do, in a coffee shop close to campus, Jungkook sipping on a milkshake beside you and Yoongi sitting opposite you both, the latter pumping an unreasonable amount of sugar into his coffee.
"So Hobi's in this wack exercising mood these days. He signed us both up for couple's yoga classes."
Your lips twitch upwards at that before you purse your lips, trying to hide your smile. "That's.. wild."
"Yeah. Worst part is that I don't even mind going that much 'cause I know it'll make him happy. Gross, huh?"
"Super gross, dude."
Yoongi picks up his spoon and promptly stabs at the thick layer of sugar in the bottom of his cup, stirring glumly. "Anyway, how's the shop? Anyone walking in asking for condoms again?"
"Well, no, but I was asked if I sell blood bags."
Yoongi raises a brow, probably more surprised that there's a vampire on campus than he is surprised at the question. "Huh. That is weird. Was he cute?"
"Yoongs, you are not asking me if my vampire customer is cute. Tell me you're not." The man promptly starts to sip loudly at his coffee, avoiding eye contact stubbornly. You sigh. "Yes. Yes he was. Damn you." The man grins.
"He really was, though," Jungkook speaks up for the first time since you all sat down — not counting the little hello he'd whispered to Yoongi — and you watch as he sinks down his seat, smiles this shy little thing, cheeks and nose all scrunched up, trying to hide it as he sips aggressively at his oreo milkshake.
You smile knowingly at him and he all but melts, looking out the window, the tips of his ears a pretty pink.
"That so?" Yoongi says, watching you over the rim of his cup, "I was starting to think you two were cave gremlins incapable of feeling. How nice for you."
You scoff out a laugh, "Easy for you to say, you met Hoseok on Grindr."
"And we are positively thriving, thank you for asking."
"Oh!" The tiniest sound, whispered more to himself than anything but you manage to catch it anyway, your familiar's eyes widening prettily as he spots something out the window as his whole face breaks into a smile, cheeks crinkling at the edges, "It's Hobi-hyung!"
"Where?" Yoongi asks but sees him immediately after, the man in question spotting them through the glass and waving frantically, like he thinks you all might not see him.
Hoseok opens the door to the coffee shop cheerily, both the dulcet soft chime above the door and the usual light he carries on his shoulders alerting others of his presence. There are remnants of pixie dust on his shoulders, strapped to his clothes, glued to his hair. He smells of salt water and chlorine and dried flowers and something like pomegranate, just on the edges. The smile that always seems to be perpetually glued to his face brightens as he power walks towards your table by the corner.
"Hey! What're you all doing here?" He asks with a laugh as he slides on the seat beside his boyfriend, and Yoongi allows himself to be hugged by Hoseok, who hugs everyone.
"We're the physical manifestations of Y/n's inner demons." Yoongi says before Jungkook snorts out a laugh endearingly.
"How're classes, Hobi?" You ask, managing to ignore Yoongi only due to several years of training.
Yoongi groans at your question. Pretends to be annoyed. "His yoga classes or his dance classes?" Hoseok laughs at that, a loud and confident thing.
Hoseok laughs a lot. Dances a lot. Smiles a lot. Sometimes helps his dad teach little kids how to swim. Sometimes sea foam sticks to his eyelashes. Knows nothing about flowers but listens patiently when Yoongi talks about them, when Yoongi talks about his greenhouse and his love for jasmines and sweet sweet bubble tea.
You watch as Yoongi listens to Hoseok's ramblings, very much enamored and very much enraptured, eyes filled with love love love, a shy but fiercely sure thing. He's watching with the same soft, scrunched eyes he tends to be looking at everything with these days; at his plants and his friends and his music, like they're something precious, something to be cherished. You watch and it fills you with a not-jealousy, an almost-jealousy, an almost-want.
You want that kind of love, and yet you stray away from it at the first chance you get.
Yoongi leans in close, whispers something in his ear, and it's then that Hoseok snorts the coffee he'd been drinking through his nose, flushed from the tips of his ears down to his collarbones and suddenly they're all laughing, the two sneaking glances at each other. Glances you feel are private, intimate, probably something you weren't meant to see. You look away, feeling as if you're intruding.
Your eyes catch shifting from your peripheral vision, and you turn to see Jungkook moving hesitantly about in his seat, nibbling at the straw of his now empty milkshake. He stops. Purses his lips. Makes eye contact for a second before looking away.
You sigh. "If you clean out the backroom at home tomorrow for twenty minutes, I'll buy you another drink."
Jungkook perks up immediately. "How about if I clean out the backroom for ten minutes?"
You consider it. "...Deal."
Jungkook bursts into a celebratory dance as Yoongi tries hard to rein in his smile. You flip the two off before catching Hoseok's eye. WHIPPED, he mouths, enunciating it heavily just to be annoying, so you flip him off, too.
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Two years ago, Jungkook entertains a visit to the town's newest herb shop; his expectations low and, despite his pack sending him out to search for medicine, his eyes were mostly searching for amusement.
Witches. A funny lot, all of them. They gather leaves for a living and use brooms as a means of transportation and they sprinkle basil into their soups and they think they know how to — how to herb.
The werewolf approaches the wooden door — printing paper taped to it with 'open' written in sharpie — and in he steps, wind chimes tinkling in welcome. If there was one thing he was expecting, it wasn't this. 
The air smelled like wood and scented candles, paint that's just beginning to dry. Shelves lined the walls from top to bottom with potions and tea and crystals and, well, herbs, and in the far back stood a nearly empty bookshelf, only half the books on the shelves and the rest still sitting in a box not quite in plain sight but not exactly hidden, either, as if the owner hadn't quite finished packing them.
If Jungkook holds his breath just right, he can feel his heart beating in sync with something in the air. Something living. 
Jungkook approaches the counter, searching left and right. No one in sight. "Hello?" He calls out. Flinches when he feels a thud, followed by a very abrupt, very loud—
He leans forward tentatively after a moment of hesitation, glancing beneath the counter and, sure enough, there you are. This small thing curled on the floor, rubbing at your head from when you'd just tried to stand. No pointy hat or a big nose or dozens of moles, no evil laugh threatening to tumble out your lips, hidden just under your tongue.
It was just you. Wide eyed you. Sweet smelling you; sugar cookies, his brain supplies even though he didn't ask it to. Sugar cookies and vanilla and dark woods and something like coriander, just on the edges.
"Why were you sitting on the floor?" He asks you, the first thing he asks you.
You look up at him. Stare for a while. Your eyes don't linger on his ears stretched up in curiosity, black fur tipped with brown, or his tail wagging a bit behind him. He grabs at it to make it stop.
"I don't have any chairs." Is all you say, the lilting tone of home in your words. Jungkook laughs that terrible laugh of his, the one with his grin stretched ear to ear, his nose and eyes crinkled terribly. His laugh makes you laugh. Your laughter is terrible too, he notices.
He gets the medicine, tossing a pouch of coins onto the counter, courtesy of his pack. They have a knack at bringing the most inconvenience possible and living as if it were the nineteenth century.
Jungkook thought that would be it. But his father needed more scented candles and his brother needed more tea and his mother whined, like, once, that they were out of basil. And of course there are other shops that sell scented candles and tea and basil, but yours happened to be on his way every time.
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True to his word, the vampire does indeed come back.
Despite barely talking to the boy, you know a bit about him from his interactions with Jungkook and what Jungkook, himself, shares with you. There's a dog with angry and very expressive eyebrows as his lock screen. His lips are naturally pouty and his hands are never quite still. Jungkook once stepped into the kitchen with peppa pig bandaids on his knees and despite knowing fully well that it could be any one of your friends, Yoongi is the least prepared person you know, Hoseok was working at that hour, and Jin only carries hello kitty bandaids from down the street, so you have a pretty clear idea of who's responsible.
And despite all that, you know little to nothing about the man personally.
"Noona, he's.. so nice. He's, like, my weekly reminder that I am, in fact, bisexual." Jungkook speaks as he polishes a crystal, sky blue in color and warm in his palm, and you watch him from between the bookshelves, placing your newly ordered volume of Jim Morrison's books through the available spaces.
"That's nice, Guk-ah." And it is, it really is. He's starting to move on and he's happy and his eyes are shining brighter than the crystal in his hands, tiny constellations hidden behind his eyelids, his eyelashes. "Tell me more?"
And so he does. He explains in a tiny voice, a soft one, occasional giggles and nose crinkles and bunny teeth as he talks about this mysterious boy and it all just feels like. So much.
The shop's lights dim the slightest bit. Jungkook doesn't comment on it.
It goes on until you both hear a loud gurgle from the closet-sized kitchen followed by the scent of smoke, and it's only then you remembered the potion you'd left brewing in the cauldron. You trip only once in panic, and Jungkook's laughter echoes through the walls and it follows you the whole way there.
It's a small little thing. A typical witch cauldron in its finest, smaller than average, sitting over your stove and under the kitchen cupboards. They're all filled to the brim with color-coded tupperwares, its ingredients labeled in sharpie in each respective container; because otherwise you wouldn't be able to distinguish the luck potion from the mashed potatoes, the health potion Jungkook thinks tastes like dirt from the apple sauce.
Somewhere between you opening your window to let the smoke out and your attempts at dwindling the damage, your familiar approaches you from behind and looks over your shoulder curiously, ears moving about in alert. "Can you save it? Is it still good?"
"Yeah, no thanks to you." You say in response, but there's no bite to your tone. He bites your shoulder playfully, a tiny howl slipping from his throat. You chuckle, fully endeared.
You grab a nearby measuring cup. You'd prefer glass vials, but they were all being used at the moment, sitting somewhere in your cabinets. You should probably move them somewhere else. Last time they were left alone too long, one exploded and ruined everything else you'd left in that cabinet.
"Do you know if we got any crystal orders recently?"
Jungkook hums at your question, chin propped on your shoulder, his arms still and unsure at his sides. You should probably nudge him off. Some selfish part of you, the bigger part, doesn't let you.
"Um. I think so. Maybe last week? I think you shoved them in a box somewhere." You probably did. It's starting to become a bad habit of yours.
Jungkook laughs. "What do they do, anyway? Do they predict the future or something?"
"No, unfortunately. Only specific kinds of witches can do that. Divination is pretty hard so I'm pretty sure, like, only Namjoon is capable." You huff out a laugh, "And they're for curses, mostly."
"Namjoon-hyung can do everything so he's the only exception." He pauses. "Except context clues. He's very bad at context clues."
"And taking care of plants," you add. Just last year you'd given him a succulent because you figured it was the easiest thing to keep alive. It died within a week.
You grab a ladle and scoop up some of the liquid from the cauldron, bringing it to your lips before blowing softly. Probably a bad idea to taste test unknown substances, especially in its early stages, but you decide that it's as good a day as any to challenge death, so you swallow some determinedly. It doesn't burn in your throat, just fuzzes and warms a bit on your tongue, so that's a good sign.
"Are we cursing someone?" Jungkook says with a toothy grin before then resolutely, decidedly, adamantly, rests his hands on your hips, twisting his head so his cheek is on your shoulder instead of his chin. You can feel his breath on your neck, goosebumps prickling at your skin, his touch burning even through your clothes.
"No." You say, feeling small. "Not today. Crystals aren't made for that, Gukkie." You mix the wooden spoon through the concoction absentmindedly as you continue, "Plus, curses need a lot of magic. Usually more than one witch. And don't ask Namjoon because I know he would say yes if you asked."
"I think you can do it yourself." He mumbles, nose pressed to your neck.
"Sweet talk isn't going to make me curse someone." You say but your eyes are wide and lovely, as if you'd give in with just a bit more persuasion. "Who do you have in mind, anyway?"
"No one," he hums for a bit, lips pursed, and they tickle your neck a bit in a not-kiss. An almost-kiss. "Yet."
A hearty laugh bursts from your chest and Jungkook giggles along, giggles, the sound delightful and lovely and the cacti on your windowsill hum, leaning into it. You find yourself doing the same. The kitchen gets a tad bit warmer and the lights get a tad bit brighter.
"Any crystal can curse someone if you throw it hard enough." He grins, bright and unreserved. His eyes look like the chocolate truffles he drools over when commercials for it show on TV.
Some days it hurts more than others. This intimacy you have with Jungkook, how safe he makes you feel. How sometimes is hurts just a bit, just around the edges, where it's easy to hide. How sometimes it hurts too much, when the words are all up in your throat and blocking your airway, no space to let your rib cage expand when you try to draw in a breath.
"Guk- grab me some aloe vera roots, please? Please." You whisper, afraid that if you talked any louder the other words would come tumbling out. Your heart sits so big in your chest it's taking too much effort to hold it in place. Hands claw around it incessantly, some squeezing at it and others making it harder for you to breathe.
Jungkook untangles himself from you just as the lights overhead flicker indecisively. His hands don't linger. They feel like they might linger. They hover over your hips for a second, as if he stopped them from lingering.
He says something that sounds like okay, noona but the words get lost somewhere between his tongue and his teeth and only half of it makes it out. You hear cupboards opening and closing—feel Jungkook lingering in the air you breathe in.
You turn around and the werewolf is moving aside your many tupperwares, reading the label of the ones he finds the strangest. He picks up one with a soft pink color, the liquid bubbling unpleasantly. He places it right back, brows furrowed.
"How do you know how to make all this stuff, anyway?" He exclaims with a huff, closing another cupboard with a thud.
"Pinterest. Yoongi. Years of training, maybe. Or not. I think I stopped paying attention after seventh grade."
He laughs a bit at that, a soft thing. Hands you the tupperware with the root you asked for, which ended up being shoved somewhere in the fridge. You really should reorganize your things.
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You take trains sometimes.
Faraway trains, hidden somewhere in the deepest part of the city. Trains taken straight out of Ghibli films, splashes of watercolor and pencil art drawn by hand. You take them when you feel like getting away, like outrunning the heartbreak chasing you down, like you want to go somewhere but have no destination in mind. You get off on stops where you don't know where you are.
The train sometimes takes you to farms, where the horizon is burning against the tips of the wheat, setting the world on fire. Sometimes it takes you to towns you haven't even heard of, where everything is homey and everyone knows each other and the flowers sitting on windowsills to bask in the sun greet you softly.
Everything is nice. Calming. You like when the train goes through tunnels, the dark inviting and comforting, a childlike wonder. The sound of the rail wheel on the track almost lulls you to sleep at times, white noise in your ears, and the few people in the train agree — most already doing exactly that, slumped against the seats.
The train skids to a halt. Nothing compels you to get off, so you don't.
People are leaving, a mother sitting in the seat in front of you urging her daughter awake, the old man sitting a few seats back getting up slowly, with kind eyes and laughter lines. You stay slumped by the window, sunlight warming the side of your face.
Amidst your daydreaming and despite the available seats, a man gets on board, spots you, sits beside you. He watches your side profile for a bit, as if waiting for you to complain or call him out on it. You don't, so he gets comfortable in his seat, closes his eyes. His skin is the color of honey and gold.
He looks absolutely horrible. Well, not outwardly—not outwardly at all. He's wearing slippers with little rabbit ears drooping horribly endearingly, a flannel and basketball shorts, two articles of clothing that don't match at all, as if he grabbed them last minute, but he makes them work. You have a feeling he would look good dressed in cardboard and trash bags.
His ears are a light brown color, and on his head sat a pair of antlers, the tip of one broken off a bit.
But his aura. His aura is absolutely horrible. It's gloomy and so unbelievably dark, hovering over his form and twisting into something ugly.
Maybe this strange man is like you. Maybe he likes to take train rides to the middle of nowhere in early mornings, when the clouds are still blurring over the horizon. You catch him staring at it, the horizon; right when you look up and see him looking not at you, but just past your head up to the skies.
You stare, too. The silence stretches, and a voice—thick and smooth like honey—breaks it. You're comparing him to honey a lot, you notice. His voice and his skin. You'll call him honey boy for now. "Blue."
The sky is awfully blue today, only a few clouds hovering overhead. "It'll rain soon," you reply thoughtlessly.
"How'd you know?" You sense a lilting tone of comfort in his tone of voice. He has a bit of a lisp. His eyes are big and open and honest.
"The leaves are turned on their back, the crickets are chirping, there were some colorful streaks on the sky today." You can tell he's processing the words, taking them to heart, listening gently.
"Oh." Is all he says. The silence stretches again. It doesn't last long. "Are you sad, too?"
Your eyes are wide with surprise when you turn to look at him. A grin splits across his face at your unintentional open admittance, and it's so pretty you can't look away.
The man explains he hasn't gotten more than four hours of sleep for the past two weeks. That he hasn't properly interacted with another human that wasn't his roommate and his mom probably since last Wednesday ("Maybe, that might have been a fever dream," he adds. You laugh). That he's been functioning solely through chocolate, granola bars and vitamin gummies—not coffee, no, he can't stand caffeine—and you laugh until he opens his backpack and pulls out, like, thirteen kitkats.
Describing honey boy is some new word you don't know. Like all the gentle love in his heart has manifested itself, is seeping out through his skin. You wonder how many strangers he's charmed in his life.
Honey boy hums a song absentmindedly from beside you, probably unaware that he's doing it. His voice is a deep timbre that fills the silence in a quiet way. His voice is nice and the train ride is nice and for a second it feels like you've run so far ahead from the heartbreak that it's likely impossible for it to ever catch up.
"Do you like the ocean?" He asks after a bit. The train is getting closer to it, to the ocean, and you can see the line where the blue of the sky blurs into the blue of the ocean. He answers before you get the chance to, "I really like the ocean. I would come here a lot with my grandparents. I like how my dad used to chase me around the sand and my mom would sing to me and my grandma would buy me cotton candy from the vendors that walked by and my grandpa would playfully pull at my antlers. And how the pretty scaled mermaids kept the tide gentle when I was learning to swim and it's, just. A cradley sort of place."
The way he views the world is so gentle. "It'll kick your ass, though," you mutter.
He giggles, really giggles, and it comes out as a ehehe kind of sound. It's cute, your mind supplies even though you didn't ask it to.
"It will, won't it?" He says between laughter. "Sorry, I'm talking too much, aren't I?"
"No!" You say too quickly. Clear your throat at the realization. "No, you're not. I like when you ramble."
Pretty pink on his cheeks. He looks small, somehow. "You sound like someone I know."
"That's good. You should have those kind of people in your life or else you'll go mad."
He laughs. The train skids to a stop the same way it always does, but it feels different. The man goes to stand up, hesitates, sits back down. Looks at you, almost as if to ask for permission. "Will I see you again?"
Your breath hitches in your throat. "I don't know."
"Gram says that people that are meant to find each other, will." He looks determined. One of his ears twitch. "See you soon."
And with that he gets off the train, doesn't look back for even a second, is saving that glimpse for when you see each other again. A part of you doesn't think you will. Another finds itself wishing for it.
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whski · 3 years
NEW  MESSAGE   :   [ REPUTATION MEME ]    ⇢   @mzcal​
" you might tell me how you did it someday. perhaps over some drinks? " / hey u come around here often sweet cheeks??? 😏
         The warm hues of oranges and yellows painted the summer afternoon with almost a lazy sort of attitude. The desert sun began to hang low, but the heat was still sweltering and miserable. Ashe had opted to remove her coat and hat awhile back, making sure to loosen those top buttons of her blouse while she was at. Meanwhile, the companion sprawled out to her left seemed to be making herself right at home; fanning herself with one hand and holding a melting fruit pop in the other. The sticky fluid dripped onto the floor, which was in desperate need of cleaning anyway; so the cowgirl didn’t bother fussing about it. 
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           This was starting to become commonplace, the Talon Hacker in her home, in her hideout, and perhaps most importantly, in her bed. -- their relationship was complicated, to say the least. 
           There was a playful attitude, but also something more dangerous that kept the two together. Time after time they always found themselves in this dance, and if Ashe didn’t know any better she would say that her friend had become rather comfortable here as well. Here not exactly being a place, but rather something much less tangible and hard to explain. The conversations were casual and rather flirtatious in nature; even if it was far too hot to even think about touching one another. 
           " You might tell me how you did it someday. perhaps over some drinks? ", a pointless tease as she watched Sombra curse at the sudden realization that the fruity treat was now oozing all over her hand. A burst of half laughter left red painted lips as Ashe leaned back, she could feel her skin sticking to the expensive leather as she shifted her attention the open window. Not a breeze in sight to rustle those thin curtains -- how miserable indeed. Air conditioning was something she could afford, but maybe she enjoyed being this old fashion. Her childhood estate had always been cold, dark, and empty; somewhere subconsciously perhaps she was determined to make sure no place she considered home reminded her of that exquisite cage. 
            “Are y’all implying that I’m going to tell you all my secrets?”, a chuckle as the older woman adjusted and propped herself up to watch her cohort. The world’s best hacker was now licking at her fingers in a futile attempt to clean up some of the mess she was making, and it was moments like this that made them both feel a little more human. “Also since when have you ever been the one buying the drinks? Last I remember it was always my card that ended up on the bar at the end of the night.”, she spoke with the slightest smile as she unstuck parts of her skin from the leathery adhesion. 
          Moments passed as she continued to watch the hacker struggle, but she seemed to eventually get a handle on it as she popped the whole thing in her mouth and shrugged innocently. A tongue made of silver and claws filled with more venom than a viper, Sombra was nobody to take lightly, and yet here Ashe was falling for it all the same. It was women like her that left you for dead, the kind that thought loyalty was foolish, and the kind that broke her heart every time. Thoughts of Jesse entered in a passing kind of way, she had been a fool for him too -- guess some things never really change. 
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           “Hey Sombra.”, there was hesitation. She shouldn’t tell her about this, and surely she shouldn’t invite her to such an important and exclusive event. The talon agent was untrustworthy at best, downright manipulative at worst. Letting her prance around unchecked in an event with so many powerful faces and names, that sounded like a terrible idea. Especially giving it to her for FREE, she should at least demand something in exchange, but that demand never did come. 
           “If you’re serious about those drinks, I gotta go up north real soon. It’s a private event…”, now she had her attention. Those large purple doe eyes lit up with excitement, and something that Ashe could only describe as hunger, “I have a plus one, now this is a formal event. Invitation only, I suppose I could take y’all along if you’re willing to behave.” 
         This was a mistake that the cowgirl seemed to be dead set on repeating, and the realization of this went down hard and bitter like a shot of buttermilk. -- rising from her seat she walked over to the woman without a real name, the one who had stolen the one thing she could never replace with all the money in the world. Still despite all of that, Elizabeth leaned down, sealing her proposal with a kiss. 
                                   This woman could be the death of her. 
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chcfasher · 4 years
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okay i am so excited to get to plotting & interacting with all u cuties ! bare with me though , im also trying to study for a quiz i gotta take later tonight . anyways , i’m mia aka your resident masshole reporting for duty . i’m 20 years old ... will be 21 in june ( fingers crossed my Sad ass will be out of q*arentine by then ) . i go by she / her / dumb bitch pronouns & am very much so done talking about myself already . so lets get to my boy asher here who is ... how do you say ? a asshole ? a dirt bag ? a soft baby boi ? if you wanna plot & discord is easier for you shoot me a mssg @ 𝖒𝖌𝖐'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#9789 . lets goooo 💛
full name: asher james bennett nickname: ash , aj birthday: march 25 , 1996 zodiac: aries hometown: madison , wisconsin ( click here to see his parents house / childhood home ) current residence: los angeles , california ( although he lives in the villa with everyone , before the year away he lived on his own & still owns the home , both because he loves the place and because it gives his family somewhere to go when they come out click here to see his house ) vehicle: 2017 jeep wrangler rubicon in black ( click here ) , 2019 maserati granturismo in red ( click here ) gender: cismale orientation: heterosexual , heteromantic relationship status: single ( it’s complicated ) family: tamara marie bennett-abbott ( mother ) , harrison charles bennett ( father , deceased ) , mason billings abbott ( stepfather ) , bradford sawyer abbott ( brother ) , stephanie anne bennett ( sister )  education: vocational highschool graduating from the culinary program , graduated ucla with a bachelor in management with a minor in food studies occupation: celebrity chef , tv personality  net worth: 19.7m height: 5′11″ weight: 161lbs tattoos: left arm ( x , x ) , right arm ( x , x  , plus the butterfly tattoo jack has ) , right hand ( x ) , right thigh ( x ) , left leg ( x ) criminal record: arrested ( x6 ) - simple assault ( x2 ) , assault and battery ( x1 ) ,  disorderly conduct ( x2 ) , criminal mischief ( x1 ) , criminal trespassing ( x2 ) , minor in possession of alcohol ( x2 ) , drug possession ( x1 ) drugs / alochol / smoking: yes , mostly marijuana though / yes / no moral alignment: chaotic neutral hogwarts house: slytherin theme song: righteous by juice wrld (  a look at his mental health and the way it he attempts to cope ) & i am by james arthur ( deep dives into his view on himself and how outside opinions of him have effected the way he sees himself ) & empty space by james arthur ( instead of being about a girl this really encapsulates how the loss of his father has affected his life ) traits: charismatic , well-intentioned , affectionate , loyal , jocular , reckless , immature , flippant , short-tempered label: politicians son , miscreant , fuck boy , broken bird , mr. misunderstood , mama’s boy , epicure hidden talents: drawing , singing , master at rubiks cube , skilled card counter ( blackjack )
asher was born just eleven months after his sister stephanie , to at the time lobbyist harrison bennett &  prosecutor tamara bennett . a menace as a child , he made dennis the menace look like a saint , basically . at first his parents hoped this was simply just a phase but as time went on it became very clear that  if it were a phase it was going on for much longer than his parents had hoped . his sister immediately taking on the spot of prodigal daughter , while asher took on the spot of black sheep of the family . this didn’t mean that his parents didn’t absolutely adore both of their children , because they did . both taking on daddy’s little girl & mama’s boy respectively , early on . 
around the time asher was seven both of his parents were up for office , his mother for district attorney & his father for u.s representative from wisconsin . the influx of cameras / eyes on the bennett family mixed with the level of stress both his parents were under completely put asher off from the world of politics . despite being in a family that had generational ties to politics on both sides . during a family appearance asher was captured on camera ( both video & photo ) putting up a piece sign behind his sisters head during a speech his father was giving . 
[ tw: death , suicide , loss of a parent ] when asher was twelve his father went on a boating trip with friend , call it a boys trip if you will . two days into the trip news broke of his father being in a major boating accident where harrison was the only one on the boat & was dead upon being found . it later was confirmed by the coroner that his death was likely a suicide .  the loss of harrison was hard on the entire family , it was easy to say it affected asher heavily having locked himself away in his bedroom for nearly a week only leaving his room to go to the bathroom & grab food that he’d return to his room to eat . later , when he returned to school he was suspended just in that school year three times . it was genuinely the beginning to the incredibly reckless version of asher , that we seen since .
despite his antics he played varsity football as a cornerback & varsity soccer as a midfielder . taking up sports at an early age , it was clear he was a born athlete who genuinely enjoyed a little competition . he also took an interest in culinary , he was very much so that kid standing on a step stool as he helped his parents in the kitchen . this interest turned into him attending a vocational / trade highschool instead of an ordinary public school , like he had in elementary & middle . 
when he was fifteen he started a youtube channel where he posted cook with me videos weekly & vlogged his experience within the culinary program at school .
during highschool his mom started getting serious with a professor at the local university . asher , of course , hated the idea of his mom replacing his dad and it took nearly two years & an engagement for him to actually sit down & listen to his mom about the situation . it wasn’t until then that he realized , mason , was supposed to replace his father ... it was simply his mom not allowing herself to get stuck in one place in life & fall into a spiral . once he actually heard her side he gave the guy a chance . turns out the two have alot in common & get along very well . he’ll never replace his father but he respects him none the less .
before he’d even graduated highschool , asher amassed over 1m subscribers , made appearances on the ellen degeneres show & rachel ray show . this was around the time he realized he wanted to turn his hobby into something more than that & hell he was good enough to do so . when graduation came , he’d already committed to attending ucla as a business major with a minor in food studies . 
soon after graduation he went on the show master chef , finishing as runner up , which was one hell of a feat given he’d been the youngest chef on the show . he enjoyed the experience & recognition the show gave him . 
while at ucla he continued to play football he was so good he was receiving national attention to the point where nfl scouts were looking at him . obviously he was still too young to go into the draft but they let him know , this was something that was more than on the table . it was definitely something he loved hearing but at the end of the day , the nfl was never really the goal for asher . so toward the end of his sophomore season when he was suspended for the rest of the season for getting arrested & charged with drug possession & criminal trespassing he took that as the excuse not to return the sport the following season .
this was not the first time ( we know it was not the last *wink wonk* ) asher was arrested . from the end of his middle school days throughout highschool he’d racked up four arrests . his first one taking place in eighth grade & the only reason the misdemeanor charges actually went through were because his mom asked for them to in hopes that it would scare asher from acting out in such a fashion ever again . unfortunately , his actions were rooted in much more than teen rebellion having never accepting or being able to cope with his father’s passing . the charges & arrests that would follow his mom was able to cover up & kind of bury them . that way word didn’t spread like wildfire about her reckless son .
not even a full year removed from football & he’d accepted a tv show offer from food network . a show called asher’s kitchen a primetime half-hour show where a new chef would come on each week if they beat asher in making a 3-course meal they win bragging rights & $20,000 , if they don’t they go home empty handed . despite the shows constant high ratings asher grew bored of the show & left after only two seasons . the network tried to replace him but quickly learned asher’s personality was what really carried the show .
in 2018 , he went on to open his first ever restaurant the smoking goat an american bistro with an upscale vibe in the heart of los angeles . the place is literally his baby & if you can’t find him you can bet your bottom dollar you’ll find him there . whether it’s catching up with regulars or big name celebrities coming through the doors , or throwing on a chef coat and cooking up some of his very own specials . 
around the time of his restaurant opening he started to let up on the youtube channel & it’s now been nearly two years since he’s uploaded & honestly has no intent on returning to the platform . in asher’s eyes , everything has a term limit & his youtube channels time was up .
the timing of his amsterdam arrest was to say the least , horrific . not only was he in talks with several networks ( fox , cbs , netflix , etc ) to have his own daytime food-focused talk show but his mother was at the beginning stages of her 2020 presidential campaign , which she had since put a halt to and decided to continue on with her tenure as a u.s senator from wisconsin . with the headlines of his arrest spreading like wildfire , the internet resurfaced many of his earlier transgressions , the networks inevitably put a halt to going any further in negotiation & the political realm began to turn their attention to the kind of parent the senator was to have a son so ... out of control ? her opposition questioning how she could run a country if she couldn’t so much as raise a law abiding son .
upon his release from jail he took a jet straight home to wisconsin . with the realization of how much harm he’d done to the bennett reputation he made the personal promise to stay away from the media ( no social media , no tv , nothing ) & be the son the political world expected from a politician . his mother ( who is emulated mostly after laura baker from all american ) nearly begged him not to halt his life as a way of personal punishment for his actions . but after months back home & away from the limelight , asher could see the tides turning back in his moms favor & no big network offer ( and there were quite a few that came his way after the news of his arrest subsided ) could pull him back out into the forefront . 
instead opening his second restaurant bennett’s  , an upscale bar & grill in the capital city of wisconsin . he also began work on a cook book that’s kind of taken on a life of it’s own but he’s yet to be anywhere close to finishing that . 
he has inevitably decided to come back & reunite with the bling ring a year later after his family sat him down & kind of had an intervention with him over his persistence to punish himself . claiming they feel he’s matured & gotten a good grasp on himself & that they don’t think he’ll fall into his bad behaviors again . ( spoiler alert: they’re going to be very wrong about this ... just saying / he’s going to return with the intent of being a better guy , being on the “ right track “ but lets be real it’s going to quickly spiral out of control as per usual ) . 
as you can probably tell this boy is no good . he’s the guy your parents warn you about , i swear , he will get you into so much trouble & bask in the glory of being the one to give you such an adrenaline rush . he’s big on being here for a good time & not a long time . he just wants to have fun , at any cost . he’s extremely goofy , the kind of guy to whip out some mediocre wrestling moves on you for the sake of getting attention . he doesn’t take much seriously ... until he does ? what im saying is homeboy has one hell of a short temper and once he’s flipped his fuse , he basically blacks out . the reason for this is because no matter how happy & full of life he’d like to come off he has this deep well of anger that swells in him ever since he lost his dad . also a topic that can get him clenching his jaw , do not under any circumstances bring up harrison bennett . very much so a mama’s boy , though , catch him facetiming his mom once a day to tell her how much he loves her & see how she’s doing . he can come off very uncaring at times , it’s easy to say he’s probably one of the most misunderstood people around . he comes off like a douchebag , like someone who has little regard for others & don’t get me wrong he often is both of those things but he isn’t heartless ? when he has time to sit back and think about the damage he does ... it hits him like a mack truck & he goes into a pretty dark place of feeling like he’s a villain but he wants to be the hero of the story ? not very big on apologizing , verbally . if he says sorry you can bet a smug grin is following behind the words . instead he’s big on buying things & even cooking to show he’s sorry . probably not the best way to go about things but this is asher we’re talking about here . he is a flirt & will fuck anything . that’s all i have to say about that . onto his friends ? whew are his friends his world . he is a big proponent of bros before hoes & is an extremely loyal guy - to his friends . a true ride or die type a guy , he’d help he hide a dead body without any explanation at so what happened . a big move now ask questions later kinda dude .
BREATHE BY JAMES ARTHUR : he has a soft spot for her . he always has . she’s one of the only girls who doesn’t drool over him , they’ve never hooked up to any extent and that’s due in large part to her telling him from the beginning that the only way she’d give him a chance was if he straightened up his act & proved to her that he was worth her time . if there is a girl out there who can asher for the better , it’s her . but everytime she thinks she’s gotten him on the right path , she catches him either acting out or reverting to his fuck boy ways & getting with girl’s who he doesn’t have to put so much work into .
SAME SQUAD BY P-LO : let’s be real these three originated “saturdays are for the boys” . they’ve been boys for as long as they can remember . if you see one of them around you can rest assured the other two are in the vicinity . they’re the best of friends . they know everything there is to know about each other . all a bit reckless , but that’s what makes them such a fun trio . a very homiesexual bond takes place between these three & nothing & nobody could get between them .
CLOSE FRIENDS BY LIL BABY & GUNNA : they were once good friends , things spiraled past the point of their control , lines got blurred & then they were dating . the relationship as a whole was one no one thought would last . to give them credit things were good at first but after he cheated & she found out from a friend about it things started to go down hill . things only got worse when he was persistent in lying to her about the situation . she inevitably took him back & not too much later the arrest in amsterdam happened . before he was even released from jail , she was sent a video of him & one of his friends talking about sleeping with a prostitute . although it never happened the fact that was his intent was enough for her . his expectation was that because she forgave him before she’d wipe away the pain of him once again not having regard for their relationship & forgive him but she just couldn’t . when he came out to her forwarding the video to him , he decided to ignore the situation completely . the two have not had any contact for nearly a year & never really broke up or spoke about the situation . 
NO FRAUDS BY NICKI MINAJ & DRAKE & LIL WAYNE : the perfect ride or die squad . the media likes to say someone in the trio is dating at any point in time but , that’s just not the case . these three are always getting into something . the true depiction of always having your friends back . they will lie for each other , fight for each other , anything to prove their loyalty to each other .  
i also have some musing posts here , if you want to give that a look !
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia drabble
author's note: yall. the LATEST CHAPTER!!!!! OMFG!!!!!! it was soooo fuckin cute dude i wont ever be over it. ok so this is inspired by natsu picturing juvia topless and gray saying "don't imagine it!" or whatever basically we gon have some ~jealous gray~ hehehehehe ok enjoyyyyyyyy<3
The guild was finally repaired from the Alvarez war, looking good as new, so Fairy Tail decided to celebrate in natural Fairy Tail fashion, with a party.
Everyone was as rambunctious as ever, drinking, laughing, and making a mess of the place. Basically, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Gray smiled as he saw his guildmates celebrating, just as everything was before the war. It all felt like home once again, and he couldn't be more thankful.
"Take another shot, Juvia!" Gray turned and saw Juvia and a few other girls standing around some shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. Erza was cheering her on.
"I dunno', Erza." Lucy interjected. "Juvia's had a lot already."
"Not enough, I say. Drink!" Erza poured the drink into Juvia's little glass, and the water mage picked it up.
She examined it for a moment, took a breath, and down the hatch the drink went. Juvia grimaced at first and quickly took a sip if her soda as a chaser.
"Atta' girl!" Erza laughed, clearly very drunk herself and followed suit with another shot of her own.
Gray couldn't help but feel a pang of worry. He knew all of the girls were a mess when they drank, and Juvia was no exception. He watched from afar as the girls took some more shots, and after the third, Gray felt himself moving to the table they were stood at. Juvia picked up the glass again, laughing and spilling some of its contents on the way to her mouth, but Gray swiftly took it out of her hand before she could get it in her mouth.
"Eh? Gray-sama?" Juvia hiccuped.
"I think you've all had enough." He shot a look at Erza who seemed to be the one encouraging it the most.
"Oh, you men are such a buzzkill." Erza pouted.
"Yeah, yeah, well I'll be taking this now." Gray reached for the bottle and took it from the table.
"Gray-sama is no fun." Juvia whined.
"You guys drank most of the fun as it is." Gray wiggled the bottle that was only about a fifth full. "So I think you'll be fine." Gray rolled his eyes and walked away with the bottle, handing it back to Mirajane who was behind the bar.
"Confiscating the alcohol already? It's only 10:30." Mira chuckled.
"I guess so." Gray sighed.
"Any reason you're playing the bad guy?" She leaned onto the bar.
"I'm not playing the bad guy. I'm just making sure they don't drown themselves in booze." He looked back at the girls who seemed to forget the tequila ever left, and were dancing and singing their drunk hearts out.
"Hmm and you're just so worried about everyone?" Mira pried.
"Whaddya' mean? Of course I'm worried about all of them." He scoffed.
"Didn't seem that way when you were taking the shot glass specifically out of Juvia's hand." She playfully raised a brow.
Gray rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He turned back to the crowd and took a swig of his beer.
Mira hummed a chuckle. "It's alright to be a little protective, Gray. You guys are a new couple and all. It's only natural."
Gray grunted with a slight rose on his cheeks, and his response was finishing off his beer. Mira took the hint, and realized her job was done, moving onto another spot of the bar.
Eventually, Natsu and Gajeel came up to him and the three started goofing around, so he naturally forgot about having to worry about Juvia.
"Gray-samaaa!" Juvia yelled, her syllables slurring together a bit. Gray's ears perked up. He turned around from the bar and saw Juvia standing on a table across the guild, and she was waving her hat in the air like a flag. He slapped the palm of his hand onto his face, letting out groan.
"What the fuck..." Gray grumbled into his hand, and it was followed by Natsu and Gajeel laughing.
"Gray-sama! Why won't you look at Juvia?!" Her voice squeaked a bit, like she was ready to cry. He tried his best not to watch and save himself the embarrassment. Gray still said nothing but instead shot daggers at Erza and Lucy who were right by her side on the ground, as if he was telling them to get her down, but they were having too good of a time to care.
"Juvia, get down! You're gonna' hurt yourself!" Gray shouted back, finally giving in.
A mischievous smirk curled Juvia's lips. "You're gonna' have to come make me!" She giggled.
Gray's face lit up with red, and he spun back around in his barstool, burying his face in his hand once again. "Can you guys just let me know when it's over." He muttered to Gajeel and Natsu.
"U-uhh--" Gajeel suddenly stammered, still having his eyes on Juvia.
"What?" Gray looked to his side at Gajeel.
"I'm not sure if she's taking no for an answer..." Natsu said, his wide eyes matching Gajeel.
"What are you talking ab-" As Gray spun around once again, he saw Juvia's jacket fall to the ground. The only thing remaining on her torso was her bra.
"If Gray-sama won't pay attention to Juvia, Juvia will just strip until she gets someone's attention!" She said through drunken sobs.
"No fucking way..." Gray said under his breath, his eyes were even wider than the two beside him.
"Still nothing?! Fine!" Juvia yelled, straight to Gray. At this point, almost all the men in the guild were paying close attention. She unbuckled her skirt, and let it drop to the ground. She wobbly stepped out of it, and proudly stood in her matching bra and underwear duo.
All the men were ogling, shouting at her, whistling at her. Gray felt his blood quickly rising, and his fists were clenched by his side.
He noticed Natsu and Gajeel still had their eyes on the scene, clearly in shock. "Cover your eyes, idiots!" Gray punched them both in the heads before finally walking his way towards Juvia.
"Don't stop there, Juvia!" Wakaba was standing next to Macao, right by the table.
"Yeah, come on!" Macao agreed, and the two were practically drooling.
"See that, Gray-sama!" Juvia hiccuped. "Everyone would love to see Juvia's body!" She reached behind her back, seemingly going for her bra clasp, and Gray picked up the pace.
He wasn't quick enough, and Juvia's bra fell to the floor along with the rest of her clothes.
"Woooo!" Macao, Wakaba, and most of the men in the guild all cheered, and their eyes nearly fell out of their heads.
"Both of you old perverts need to get out of my way, and look away before I beat your eyes swollen shut." Gray threatened, plowing in between them.
"Are you finally watching me, Gray-sama?" Juvia giggled.
Gray didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed onto Juvia's wrist, and pulled her swiftly off the table, and he carefully caught her, wrapping his arms around as much surface area as he could so no one could see.
"Aw, she was just having some fun, Gray!" Erza drunkenly laughed. Gray glared at her and focused back on Juvia.
Without thinking, he quickly removed his jacket and wrapped it around Juvia. He grabbed her clothes off the table, and escorted her out as quickly as he could. A lot of the men boo'd him for taking Juvia away, to which Gray froze them all in an ice box without a second thought.
Soon, they finally reached the infirmary of the guild.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Gray finally said, sitting Juvia onto one of the beds.
"Juvia just wanted to get Gray-sama's attention!" Her eyes were watering again.
"So you got butt naked?!" He shouted back.
Juvia pouted. "It worked didn't it?"
"Fuck, Juvia." Gray sighed and went over to a sink, filling a small cup with water. He brought is back to Juvia. "Drink this." She sheepishly took the cup and did as he said.
"You gotta' stop with the whole stripping thing." He finally said.
"But why?! Gray-sama does it too!" The drunk tears were building up once again.
"Ok, and no one cares when I do it! When you do it, it's a whole damn show! No one can keep their fuckin' eyes of ya'!" He angrily thought back to all the men staring at her.
"Juvia is sorry!" She cried out.
Gray didn't feel like dealing with anymore tears. "Listen," he took a step forward. "It's different when it's during a fight, but doing it at the guild, drunk, in front of so many people just causes a lot of problems."
"Like what?" Juvia was still holding on tight to Gray's jacket that she was wrapped in.
"Like- like-" Gray crossed his arms and looked away. "I-I just don't like it when everyone's staring at you." Juvia's face completely lit up.
"I-it's just that--" Gray was blushing fiercely. "That's for me to look at and no one else, alright?" He blurted.
"Oh, Gray-sama!" Juvia shot up from the bed, wrapping her arms around Gray and letting her jacket fall to the floor.
"Gah!" Gray gulped when he felt Juvia's naked chest pressed up against him. "Ok, ok, can you get dressed please!?"
Juvia hummed a giggle and released Gray. She did as he said and began to put her clothes back on. Gray turned around, facing the wall.
"Juvia thought Gray-sama said it was ok if you looked at my body?" She innocently asked. Gray felt his blush intensify when he heard the cuteness in Juvia's voice.
"W-well, I can! It's just too embarrassing right now, and you're really drunk, and I-" Gray's voice almost shook, which was completely unlike him. Juvia stopped him with a kiss on his cheek from behind.
"Gray-sama's such a gentlman." She said, sweetly.
"Whatever, are you dressed yet?" He mumbled.
Juvia walked in front of him, finally clothed once again. "Yup." She nodded.
"Ok, good." Gray followd her out the door.
"No more stripping shows tonight, alright?" Gray said, sternly.
"Yes. Juvia will only strip for battles and for Gray-sama." She surely said.
"W-well that's not-!" Gray paused for a moment when Juvia looked up at him with her big, beautiful, doting eyes. Gray felt his breath catch itself in his throat.
"Yeah." He finally said. "Fine."
The two made their way back to the celebration where both of their clothes remained on their bodies, and no one dared to bring up the situation to Gray.
And he made sure Juvia stayed close to his side, 100% clothed.
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dramayeoja · 6 years
Goblin ❣︎ 도깨비
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Kim Shin, an undefeated war general, is ultimately killed by a jealous young king named Wang Yeo. After death, Shin is revived by the gods—but his revival is by no means miraculous. He becomes a 도깨비 (dokkaebi, goblin), and is cursed. He will have to pay for all the lives he took in battle by living alone in immortality, witnessing everyone he's ever loved, die. Remaining lodged in his chest is the very sword that killed him. There is only person who can see that sword, and draw from his heart so that he can finally rest in peace: his bride... whom he's yet to meet.
Things get spoilery under the cut—you've been warned! ;)
Chipper, yeah? Haha so, right off the bat, the premises of Goblin remind me of like, a much more morbid version of the legend of King Arthur. You know, a man draws a sword from stone to prove himself the greatest king in all of Britain? Yeah. Just to be clear: this is a good thing (imo). Like, I personally think this is just such a cool idea for a drama 😍
Let's jump right in. I'm gonna be honest and say that, at first, I felt a little turned off at the female lead, Eun Tak, being nineteen (in the beginning of the show), meanwhile the male lead, Shin, is 900+ years old (but physically looks to be in his thirties). It just... rubbed me weird. But hey, the Twilight series (both the books and the movies) is exactly the same—high school girl, century-old man, bananas yet somehow romantic storyline... And I loved me some Twilight as a young adult. So I mean, I have no right to judge, really. Plus, Eun Tak soon turns twenty anyway. So that's an improvement I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ We follow her character into her late twenties, nearly thirty. So things are definitely fine by then haha! 👍
Don't let that previous bit make you think I didn't enjoy Goblin—I LOVED it. That detail is just a lil funky to me, is all. Back during my Twilight obsession days, I was nearly twenty myself, and the thought of being pursued by an older man was exciting. Hell, I mean, it still is! But now that I'm two years shy of my 30th Birthday, I feel differently sometimes. I think, LAWD get that girl away from that man, she too young for him LOL. I am definitely getting old... Enough about Twilight now, apologies! I'm only using it for the sake of conveying similarities seen in Goblin 🙏 Let's talk cast!
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Kim Go Eun as Ji Eun Tak and Gong Yoo as Kim Shin
Eun Tak is a bubbly young woman with limitless energy! While still in her mother's womb, Mama Ji was involved in a hit-and-run incident which, sadly, took her life. During Mama Ji's dying moments, she prayed to anyone above that her child's life be spared. Sat on a rooftop from afar, beer in hand (lol), Shin hears her prayers, as he is a god of sorts. He appears before Mama Ji, and shows mercy to her unborn baby. Eun Tak grows up with the ability to see/speak to ghosts. Said ghosts tell her constantly that she is the goblin's bride. How do they know? A strange birthmark on the back of Eun Tak's neck tips them off. Eun Tak unfortunately was taken in by her abusive bitch of an aunt, who jabs Eun Tak every chance she gets. Her cousins are assholes. Eun Tak's aunt really only keeps her around in hopes of collecting Mama Ji's savings (intended for Eun Tak) one day. Sad, right? I mean, isn't Eun Tak being born without her mother enough as it is? Life can be so cruel 😔
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Lee Dong Wook as Grim Reaper/Reaper/Wang Yeo
This is Grim Reaper (or Reaper for short), portrayed by the handsome Lee Dong Wook. His character is just this strange, not at all tech-savvy man with a constant deadpan facial expression. Said facial expression provokes so many giggles during funny moments, and drives home the longing and desperation during sad times. We learn quite a ways in that he, in his previous life (again, just in case: spoiler), was Wang Yeo G A S P ! The young king that is essentially responsible for Shin's death, as well as all the misdeeds that were done to Shin's family. Again, this is something I don't want to spoil. Well, more, anyway 😆 You gotta see it!
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Yoo In Na as Kim Sun/Sunny
Kim Sun, or simply, Sunny (she loves to spell her name for people lol, S-U-N-N-Y!) is the second female lead. Yoo In Na is so gorgeous that one look at her makes you feel like such a potato hahhah. 🥔 This fact about her beauty bleeds over into the show itself—every time another character meets Sunny, the camera does this slow motion pan into her lmao. She really is that pretty! Sunny's personality comes across so odd at first... Having watched all of the episodes now, I feel the intention of Goblin's creators was to make her seem like a soul searching for something it has lost in a previous life. idk if that makes sense, but yeah. She has this way about her, like she's disconnected from others, and is sifting through the haziness to find this thing she feels she's lost.
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Yook Sungjae (my BtoB bias 😍) as Yoo Deok Hwa
Sungjaeeee ahhhh 💘💘💘 I had to gush, sorry! Hehe. Meet Deok Hwa: unofficial nephew of Shin. Deok Hwa is a third-generation chaebol (heir to a family-owned corporation) and spoiled man-child, always seeking his credit card hahaha 🤣 But I love him so much. Between Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, and BtoB Sungjae? Man, I'm dying over here! Deok Hwa's true identity is revealed later in the show, which if you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil it. Just watch. But his ending sucked. Like where did he go? Everyone else's endings got tied up neatly except for his. What gives, man? 🤔 Edit: I was actually reading an online conversation about what happened to Deok Hwa online—someone jokingly said he was reincarnated as BtoB Sungjae LOL 💯
Other various comments
Good pace, episodes drag at times. A little confusing in the beginning, but you get there eventually. Maybe this is just me though, viewers who are a little more keen than I will likely catch on sooner ;) My mom was a little confused as well, and actually said at one point, "This should be called the 'what-the-hell-is-going-on' show," hahaha. Like I said though, we quickly moved on from this, and loved all the things. There are actually, I think, three (?) specials that were made to aid viewers in making sure they understand the complex events and relationships clearly. I haven't watched them yet, but want to!
Quite repetitive tbh, as there are unnecessary flashbacks often. Probably for two reasons: the obvious of reminding you what's what, but also to create suspense. Typical duration of most tvN dramas seems to be about 16 episodes, so it's possible these flashbacks and things are, for lack of a better word, filler. I don't know how rigid or lax tvN is about having a drama set at 16 eps, but I get the idea this is their preference. Seeing as so many of their programs on average last that long, I feel this must be what they want. Such has the potential to affect the writing, either positively or negatively.
A continuation of the previous bullet: I think Goblin's creators oversimplified the plot at times. I'm unsure if this is due to possible pressures to meet a specific requirement(s), or what. I'd rather forgo ALL restrictions and let creativity flow, let the story be told without pressure to fill a specific amount of time, etc. but TV production is weird. And contracts are weird. tvN might not to blame for these issues, could simply be that storytelling isn't always easy, man. I'm a writer myself, it's hard! I'M being redundant now lmfao! Anyway, yeah ~
Absolutely LOVED all the scenes that were filmed on location in beautiful Québec City, Canada 🍁 Tall, romantic trees, the fall foliage, historic buildings... sigh. Now all I need is Gong Yoo chasing me and we're all set! ;D
In addition to Shin being revived, my crush on Gong Yoo has been revived as well LOL. He fine 🔥 A classic K drama crush, can't go wrong with GY👌
Gong Yoo is always stellar at doing kiseu (kiss) scenes, and in Goblin, he does not disappoint. He really goes at it 🙈 which is preferred vs. the typical person kissing a stone statue that you see so often. He even did a lift kiss with Kim Go Eun that was reminiscent of THEE Coffee Prince kiss he did with actress Yoon Eun Hye! 😍
I never saw it coming, how the sword would wind up being removed from Shin's chest. I worried what the writers were going to do, how would they approach this, and just wow. The way things turned out is such a relief. It also told me that Shin's love for Eun Tak is true. I mean, I didn't need that scene to occur for me to know that, rather it just adds extra oomph that yes, Shin really does love Eun Tak. He didn't want her to suffer knowing she was responsible for his "death," so he thought quick and used her hands WITH his hands asdfghjkl. How dumb (bc noooo now you're gonna die) and amazing he is at the same time 💜
I love how Shin made his way back to Eun Tak after passing away, it was such a powerful scene. I could really feel his struggle, and kept yelling at my TV for him to stand up lol!
Devastated that Eun Tak died 😭 I really thought as many times as she'd cheated death before, she would somehow continue cheating death again and again for the rest of her days. But no... What a selfless person, Ji Eun Tak. Her being reincarnated as Park So Min gave me some closure. Not the closure I wanted, but closure.
The relationship between Shin and Reaper is ADORABLE. Whenever they interact with each other, they just have this great dialogue. Shin pings, Reaper pongs, Reaper pings, Shin pongs. It's great 😄 I still laugh about the slow-mo scene of them returning from the market with green onions HAHAHA 😂
I love Sunny & Reaper ~ However, their history as Kim Sun & Wang Yeo in their past lives is so very sad. I don't even know where to start RE: my feelings on this 💔 imo, their ending kinda sucked. I just wasn't satisfied with them having had this complicated, tragic story, only to be reincarnated in this fashion that I ultimately found to be just... idk, disappointing 😩 Again, closure, but not the closure I wanted.
I thought Reaper, the other grim reapers, the name cards, the depiction of what happens immediately following death with the brewing of the tea, the afterlife, etc. was all very creative. We really don't know what awaits us when our time comes—it's interesting to wonder if it's anything like it is in Goblin 🍵
Can't stop thinking about Goblin, even though I'm now watching Thirty but Seventeen & Mr. Sunshine! I'm emotionally cheating lol halp.
Photo credits: tvN & AsianWiki
Yo yo! I'm sorry I took so long to watch + write up this review! It's been a long couple of weeks for me, I wasn't always able to watch when I wanted. It was maddening 😆 But I have finally watched, and feel like the most accomplished person on the planet hahaha. xoxo 💜
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nettvnow-blog · 7 years
All For One | Episodes 7-15
Episode 7: Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One
Characters: Dorothy (Gwenlyn Cumyn), Ariana (Xavier Lopez), Portia (Claire Gagnon-King), Alex (AJ Simmons)
Plot: In this episode Portia so happily welcomes everyone and by that she means everyone to this inclusive event for a good old fashioned, Girls Night*
It’s been a week of Dorothy being MIA with her friends, though she’s not necessarily missing out on any action with Miller (oops, my hand slipped). Alex being Alex throws down the third degree on wanting more deets on her friend’s boyfriend but Portia’s quick to put everyone back on track because she has an agenda for the night. Of course she does and Alex is OBVIOUSLY loving it...see below for loving it expression.
It’s a valiant effort from Portia to host a night to help show Dorothy that she doesn’t need a sorority to make her feel like she has sisters and truthfully, we have to agree with Portia! MST or not, she’s got these girls for life. Dorothy’s still a bit of a downer but she’s fully on track to recover from the Blanket Burrito incident of 2K16 and is ready to get this party started. We start off with a 90s karaoke event which Alex is quick to turn off the camera for (rude) but we pick back up just in time for truth or dare, where the Inseparables get to take a hold of the reins for a bit!
Ariana is the clear winner in the ‘Who Wishes They Were Anywhere but Here’ category as we’re met with one snarky comment after another and it finally gets under Alex’s skin when Ariana provokes her during her choice of picking truth, sparking some not so great memories from Alex’s past.
The night takes an awkward turn and in an attempt to salvage what’s left of the their night Alex slowly but sure begins to open up. There was a boy, they dated in high school and it ended badly, end of story. So why is this different than any other high school fling? Well, he was a runaway and Alex was supposed to help protect him but instead ended up hurting him and let him down, making him disappear. Guys, we’re gearing up for some really great character development, especially with Alex, so let her grow on you.
Portia, taking the reins once again transitions from this sad moment to a round of crank calling and just like that, we’re back on track!
*A gender inclusive sleepover event!
Episode Takeaway: Portia is too good for this earth, what did we ever do to deserve this cinnamon roll?
Best Inseparable Line: I like to feel the cool breeze between my toes because breton needs to give us more of a reason to think he’s weird.
First thought: Hi, hi, hi how do I get invited to one of these inclusive sleepovers also Portia, where can I get that onesie?
Final thought: I still don’t know where to get that onesie and Dorothy, I promise you, no one wants to hear what you and Miller might get up to over the phone. Gross.
Episode 8: A Revelation or Two
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Connie (Linnea Currie-Roberts)
Plot: So things are about to get heavy and not hot and heavy in the way that we’d hope (Dornie!) but something’s going down in Connie’s sorority, Psi Pi Alpha and Dorothy is ready to help her through it. So we find out that Connie did in fact put MST down as her first choice and was rejected which is bizarre given that her cousin, Anne, is the President. Legacies don’t just get shut down like that guys!
So as it turns out, Rick, President of the Student Union and infamous ex-boyfriend of Anne, told her to reject Connie, for what reason? We’re not so sure but it smells like blackmail to me. Connie being Connie says she doesn’t want to react because she loves Anne and of course she doesn't want to do anything to make matters worse for her. Now here, we get a firsthand view of a not lover’s quarrel, the first of many I’m sure, when Connie so straightforwardly yells, “Dorothy, you’re not my girlfriend!”
Except that it isn’t...Because Connie reveals that Anne was told to block two pledge and guess who pledge number two was...All because of Douchcanoe, Owen Rochefort. We shouldn’t be surprised at this revelation but we are and I’m shookth (am I using that right?) at Cumyn’s performance to keep it together when I’d be a baby crying on the floor.
Dorothy shares her news with the trio we’ve come to love and you can only imagine where they each stand on this. Alex is for ‘Team Don’t Do Anything!’ While Ariana is on Team ‘Let’s Rock This Shit! Personally,’ I’m on ‘Team Let’s Rock This Shit.’ Nevertheless, Alex talks some sense into Dorothy and they plan to take Rick down at the next Student Union gathering.
Episode Takeaway: Alex’s moral compass seems to be rubbing off on Dorothy...kinda and Ariana is definitely a lot more dark than we thought she was...Hacking the Pentagon, what?!
Best Inseparable Line: This is why I don’t date guys, from our favorite cookiemonster *cough* Laure Hollis, with an honorable mention from monochrome stating the obvious, ur a lesbian.
First thought: GUYS CONNIE IS BACK!
Final thought: Rick the Dick is a thing, also I want to see these hyena videos that Ariana’s talking about.
Episode 9: Vengeance Interruptus
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Treville
Plot: So that went well...not. As you can see, our beloved leading ladies are covered in what appears to be...fruit, so I’m assuming their non-violent, Rick the Dick, confrontation went well. So you guys ready for the rundown? After getting cleaned up, Alex lets us know she was well prepared, cue cards and all until they realized that everyone at the student union...LOVES and I mean LOVES the student union in a not cool scientology way, yikes.
They’re two hours into the meeting and Alex finally gets her chance to speak but Rick and being the charming man that he is, diplomatically states he’d love a sit down. It should’ve ended there right? But it didn’t because Dorothy, oh our sweet and firecracker of a girl, decided to pick a fight with Rochefort in hope of provoking him in front of Rick.
As if her night couldn’t get any worse, Treville springs a surprise visit and Dorothy is not prepared. Straight to the point, Treville asks for an explanation of Dorothy’s earlier antics and boy were we not prepared for this version of Treville because she is ON IT, even shooting Alex down as she tries to be a good friend and explain but on the premise that Rick is evil, Treville grants her permission to continue the validation of her earlier outburst but despite her best rebuttal Treville is once again ON IT. She gives off some, “don’t mess with me vibes,” and guys, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Episode Takeaway: Treville is a badass, Dorothy still has a lot to learn and Alex is pretty great despite her motherly antics.
Best Inseparable Line: So gang, let’s regroup: how do we get Dorothy into MST? sometimesawesome asking the important questions in life but also, agreed.
First thought: *nods absentmindedly to The Beatles, Revolution*
Final thought: I need more Treville in my life.
Episode 10: I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Miller (Dan Mousseau)
Plot: Welcome back viewers and oh...gross...kissing. Now I know that I said I loved the chemistry between Miller and Dorothy because it’s there, absolutely! But after the not-lovers spat that Dornie had in episode 8 how can I not be rooting for them? So Miller finally removes his face from Dorothy’s long enough for us to get an update, I’m all about new love, romance and all that jazz but c’mon you gotta remember your friends. We find out there isn’t any updates on Rick, but judging from the episode title, we’re in store for something good and oh if it isn't Miller with the interruption suggesting that maybe Dorothy can do something about it just on the DL.
So Miller comes up with a brilliant plan to take down Rick by exposing him for his other misdeeds, but this time be smarter about it by going after him for something the team can actually prove. I hate to admit it, but Miller’s onto something, let the sucking face continue.
And we’re back, with Miller and Dorothy a respectable distance away from each other, we finally get to hear this diabolical plan of theirs which now includes Portiana and Alex! This moment also strikes the first time that Miller meets Dorothy’s friends and it’s all great until Alex shows up...Because it turns out she knows Miller and she knows him by Anton. We’re with Breton on this one, wtf?!
Episode Takeaway: Portia’s a Hufflepuff, Ariana’s a Slytherin, Alex is a Ravenclaw and Miller is a hippogriff.
Best Inseparable Line: I don’t think u 2 attacking each other’s faces will stop Rick, preach on monochrome, preach on!
First thought: Gross, turn the camera off if you’re gonna mack.
Final thought: Shit just hit the fan, cue dramatic zoom in and zoom out on Alex’s face!
Episode 11: Don’t You Dare Look Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Anton/Miller
Plot: So Anton...Anton is Miller and Miller is Anton. Got it? Okay, good. Well whoever he is, is doing a shit job at trying to save face as he tries to hurdle Alex outside away from prying eyes and ears but leave it to Dorothy to intervene at the right time.
So here’s what we find out, Anton is Miller’s middle name and he knew Alex in high school, are you guys thinking what I’m thinking? Absolutely, he was totally Alex’s high school runaway boyfriend. Dorothy, trying to continue the conversation gets shut down hard and I mean hard as Anton/Miller loses his cool and yells for them to drop it. Strike one bruh...strike one.
The episode takes a bit more of a serious turn as Alex confesses that she thought he was dead, Anton/Miller takes a step forward, his hand going straight to comfort her by grabbing her forearm, a very intimate and affectionate move might I add. In front of Dorothy. Strike two.
Dorothy quite literally inserts herself into the conversation, standing between Alex and Anton/Miller and tries to reel the conversation back to herself, naturally. She turns to Anton/Miller looking for some sort of clarity and he at least has the decency to reply with, “it’s complicated.”
Okay, now every time I’ve seen this episode I’ve had to pause at this moment (1:41). The acting is phenomenal and not much is even being said. There are three things I love especially about this moment, 1) Ariana’s reaction to watching this go down. 2) Dorothy’s stance after confronting Anton/Miller and 3) Anton/Miller might be the tallest one in the room, but right now he’s looking very, very small.
The scene continues with Alex powerfully taking control of the situation, kicking everyone out of the room to talk to Anton/Miller. Some go quietly, some go kicking and screaming, Dorothy.
The gloves come off and underneath all that macho, pie-baking, scruff, there is a real human in there who felt things. Anton/Miller admits how dejected he felt after being dumped, to which Alex reminds him that she didn’t break up with him, she just told him that he might be better off with a better family that could care for him. Honestly, both sides are pretty heavy to take in but I feel for both of them, I really do. The acting from Simmons and Mousseau are phenomenal and it’s quite possible one of the shortest episodes of the series thus far and just wow.
Episode Takeaway: Anton/Miller might not be such a bad guy after all.
Best Inseparable Line: I think Akari^89 takes the cake with this one...
First thought: Anton/Miller is TOTALLY trying to save face right now and I hope no one buys it. Especially Dorothy and Alex.
Final thought: Where does this leave Alex and Dorothy but also Dorothy and Anton/Miller?
Episode 12: Bugaboo
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Miller
Plot: Things seem to be going swimmingly as the entire gang (Miller and Alex included) have banded together to help take down Rick. Miller seems to be handling it better than Alex, if the way Alex’s pacing gives anything away.
Portia makes drinks, because of course she does and Miller continues to rattle off any ideas to take Rick down, but it’s Alex with the not-so-legal tactic to get what they need, by bugging Rick’s office. Miller has this devlish gleam in his eye and it most definitely does not go unnoticed by Dorothy. The plan takes on a life of its own with Portia and Miller placing the bug, Ariana hacking the video camera and Dorothy in the least bitter way possible (yeah, right), asks Mom what her role is and we can totally tell she’s not having it with being shafted to backup for Miller and Portia while Alex heads up everything from base AKA Dorothy/Connie’s apartment. Speaking of Connie, where is she? I miss her.
Six hours later the plan is moving forward and we’ve got Alex at the helm alongside the Inseparables which spark the conversation on what’s been going on with Alex and Dorothy. You have to feel for them because this really isn’t anyone’s fault but when feelings are involved well, I’m sure you guys know how it goes.
The walkie talkie banter is pretty solid in this episode, in addition to the Miller backstory Alex divulges too. Long story short but they met at a mall, Miller’s parents had just passed away and he left to avoid getting stuck in a group home. We can’t blame him there, but unbeknownst to us, he had an aunt and uncle ready and willing to take him in, he just didn’t want them. Oh and not to leave you guys hanging but the bugging of Rick’s office was a success!
Episode Takeaway: Alex is a boss at executing plans, walkie talkies need to become a thing again, jealous Dorothy is probably one of my favorites and Alex admits that the Inseparables are real friends!
Best Inseparable Line: So how did teeny bopper Alex meet Anton and faaaalll in loo~ooove. Breton, I despise you but I also love you.
First thought: Dorothy has some feelings.
Final thought: Dorothy still has some feelings.
Episode 13: 100% Success Rate
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Alex, Portia, Connie, Miller
Plot: The squad is in full celebration mode after the successful hacking/bugging of Rick’s office and it appears that foam swords are now part of this crew’s celebration. You do you! Alex takes this moment to confront Dorothy and clear the air, quite frankly I’m a bit peeved at how standoffish Dorothy is being, when Alex has been nothing but kind to her, given the circumstances. Dorothy is awkward as hell and Alex is still the best for being so supportive. Plot twist though: Alex tells her to be careful because Miller is cool but the Anton she knew wanted to set the world on fire. Another plot twist, apparently Rick might be involved in some heavy coke smuggling ring, things sure have changed since I was in college.
This is probably a great time for Connie to show up. HI CONNIE! After a quick rundown on what’s been going down, Connie doesn’t exactly disapprove but she doesn’t exactly approve either. Either way, we’re just happy to see Connie back in our lives and in Dorothy’s (squeal). So naturally, this is a great time for Monty to be brought back up and for Connie to even ask about Miller. The roomie reconciliation ends and everyone comes out of Dorothy’s room to get back to celebrating. There’s an awkward conversation between Dorothy and Miller about Connie that honestly leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth but I suppose time will tell and Miller officially goes back on my Do Not Trust list. The episode segues into a group dance because why not and the episode ends in a rather dramatic way with a dark room and Alex back at the helm with a message to the Inseparables: Keep an eye on Dorothy and don’t trust Miller. This doesn’t feel right.
Episode Takeaway: Dorothy doesn’t know how to be cool. CONNIE IS BACK. Ariana and Miller fake sword fighting is everything, fake sword fighting in general is awesome.
Best Inseparable Line: And as usual Dorothy has the subtlety of a hammer. Sassyinspanish is quickly becoming my favorite.
First thought: Do we get another episode of Jealous Dorothy?
Final thought: Alex is the real MVP.
Episode 14: The Red Pill
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Miller
Plot: To say things are getting out of hand would be an understatement. There hasn’t been any incriminating evidence on Rick, Douchcanoe seems to be a very willing participant to do whatever Rick tell him to do and our Musketeers are once again left asking themselves what more can they do? Alex and Miller are at each other’s throats because once again one of Alex’s plans haven’t flourished so the overall frustration is understandable. Ariana’s dark side is showing again and I’m starting to feel like things may not be so great in the foreseeable future.
The bug seems to be useless right now and instead of trying to think of a more strategic approach Miller goes 0 to 100 real quick. I do however agree with one approach that they’re going for, and that’s making Rochefort look weak to Rick. The way to do that? By using Portia as bait and I am NOT here for this, especially with how Ariana is pushing her to do this.
Episode Takeaway: Rick the Dick drinks cherry coke. Ariana’s quick with the quips.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana SWEETHEART pls save it for fanfiction.net. Akari^89 with the mic drop!
First thought: Why are Alex and Miller fighting?
Final thought: I am NOT here for Portia being pushed into a corner and being used as bait. Not one freaking bit.
Episode 15: Backstab in the Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Miller, Alex
Plot: It’s party time back at Casa de Castlemore, the drinks are flowing and everyone seems to be in a great mood except, Portia. Can you blame the girl? We get a rundown from Rick himself as Dorothy plays the tape of Rick tearing into Rochefort after his let up AKA being seduced by Portia. Plot twist, but not a surprise at all: Alex still doesn’t know about the plan.
Now can I please introduce you to the highlight of this episode? This reenactment from Portia and Miller who are being puppeteered by their significant other. Is it hilarious? Oh it is by far one of the best things this season, expect it’s pretty obvious that Portia doesn’t think so judging by her annoyed face.
Alex appears and things take yet another bad turn and this time there’s no telling what Rick will do and Portia may face the brunt of it. Alex has a point, their plan wasn’t thought through in the slightest. Alex lashes out at Miller, calling him out on his Anton bullshit (YAS), she calls out Dorothy and her lack of brains and she even calls out Portia for going along with it, which poor Portia, she so doesn’t deserve it but she did go along with it. Alex leaves in a huff only to be stopped by Dorothy asking her not to tell Treville which tells me that she absolutely cares and wasn’t fully comfortable...Yikes.
Episode Takeaway: Ariana and Dorothy are not the best reenactors, but A for effort, also A for hilarity.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana’s kinda skeezy when she’s wasted. Breton, I actually agree with you for once.
First thought: Why is Portia sad and why isn’t anyone paying attention to her.
Final thought: When is Portia going to snap and when is Dorothy going to get her head out of her ass?
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accio-ambition · 7 years
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Hi there. This is a relatively short chapter, but you get some good Jefferson/Emma interaction as well as Charming family feels. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that.
A huge massive thank you to @sotheylived for betaing this mess of words and @shipsxahoy and @queen-icicle-fandom for not only reading through the whole thing but making great art to it. And I keep forgetting to thank all the mods over at @captainswanbigbang for organizing this whole shindig. Thanks guys!
Summary: Bouncing around with her son for the majority of her life, Emma Swan has told herself she’s happy in the city. It’s where the most camera operating jobs are, and that’s how she makes her money. But when an old friend calls her and asks for her help on a new project in small town Maine, Emma finds herself in a place she’s never been with people she doesn’t know filming a profession she knows nothing about. But when the captain of the ship she’s filming begins taking a keen interest in her and her life, she finds herself wondering whether she might just catch something other than fish. Deadliest Catch AU Rating: M Content warning: Character death, some violent situations
FFnet/AO3/Cover art/Snapshot art
Chapter Four
The only reason she wakes up the next morning - and not the next afternoon - is she hears a particularly loud peal of Henry’s laughter from downstairs. Blowing her hair out of her face, Emma has the belated thought that she’d meant to shower last night. Stretching out, the pops and groans of her joints bounce off the decorated walls of the guest room. She spots an open door, a toilet just beyond, and Emma has never been happier to have slept in a room with a connecting bathroom.
Bathed and feeling a little more human, Emma walks down the stairs to find Mary Margaret and Henry watching cartoons on the couch.
“Where’s David?” she asks, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss her son on the top of the head.
“Good morning to you too,” Mary Margaret greets her, placing her cup of coffee down on a coaster on the table. “He’s outside moving boxes into the house.”
Heading out to join him, Emma says over her shoulder, “You guys should’ve gotten me up.”
Mary Margaret says something about Emma needing sleep, but the latter’s already jogging down the front stairs toward David, who’s standing in front of the open hatch of the truck. She crosses her arms as she comes to stand between him and a pile of boxes.
“You’ve got a lot of stuff,” he says. A light sheen of sweat already covers his forehead and, despite thinking that Maine is always cold, Emma’s a bit fearful of how hot the temperature will get today.
“I thought the same thing,” she sighs. Even outside for only a few minutes, Emma can feel the sweat building up on the back of her neck. She quickly ties her hair up in a ponytail, offering some relief, but not much. Maybe once she gets moving, the breeze from the back and forth of her hair will help.
She sighs again. “There’s so much more than when I left the East Coast.”
“I think that comes with having a kid,” David offers.
Emma hums in agreement. And, because curiosity often gets the better of her, she asks, “Is that something that the newlyweds have discussed and I can be nosy about or is that for another day?”
David chuckles. “How about another day?” he replies. “Or maybe even later today, once we’re celebrating you being all moved in with a cold beer and air conditioning.”
That makes Emma laugh. “Deal.”
Sighing again, David claps his hands. “Well, as much as we want it to, this shit ain’t gonna move itself.” He hops into the truck and starts handing more boxes down to her. Henry and Mary Margaret join them shortly afterwards and start taking boxes Emma’s piled on the ground into the house.
“Mary Margaret, can you be sure the A/C’s on full blast?” Emma yells as her friend’s body retreats back into the new home. “I bought this house, I am expecting it to treat me like a princess.”
Emma hears something that sounds suspiciously, like “Yes, your highness,” in response. She smiles wide. It’s been a while since she’s felt this good.
They spend the rest of the morning emptying the U-Haul and getting everything inside before Emma has to return it. Their afternoon is spent organizing and unloading boxes. And by the time it’s starting to get dark, Mary Margaret is pulling the leftover sauce from last night off the stove while the other three sit around the newly reconstructed dining room table, resting their tired muscles and icing strained backs in Emma’s case.
(“David, you’ve got to lift more or walk faster, I don’t care which one, but I felt something crack that shouldn’t have!” she had shouted as she took the majority of the couch’s weight while David tried to open the front door.)
And, as much as she hates to admit it, Emma’s trying to hide tears. It’s been so long since she’s had this feeling – contentment. Her son on one side of her, her closest friends on the other, and a house that is all hers surrounding them. They’re all here on this grand adventure with her and maybe it’s the sleep deprivation talking more than anything, but she’s just so – happy.
(Yeah, she could do without the bumps and bruises and possible strained muscles, but nothing comes without a price, right?)
Leaning over under the guise of picking up a napkin, Henry slyly asks, “Are you okay, Mom?”
Emma nods. “Yeah, kid. I’m doing great.”
The next morning, Emma wakes to a kick to the shin from a messy tumble of hair on the other side of her mattress, and it makes her grin sleepily. Henry tends to do this the first couple of days in any new place – climb into bed with her sometime during the night – before he gets acclimated. Neither of them are quite sure why – the few times she’s asked him, Henry’s just shrugged, flipped over, and gone back to bed.
When he did this back in Phoenix, it was so hot even with the air conditioning and a fan blowing that she had to kick him out. But with the much more temperate and livable weather in Maine and the sheets freshly washed, she doesn’t mind a bit.
In fact, she was afraid that her son might not continue this tradition, now that he’s getting older. Waking up as she does assuages her heart. He might act older, but Henry will always be her baby boy.
After allowing herself a few more minutes to lay in bed, Emma gets up and preps herself for a run. When she’d looked at the weather last night, once the Nolans had headed next door, the forecast had predicted upper 80s during the day. If she wanted to get the lay of the land before threatening her health and livelihood, she’d need to start hitting the pavement.
Emma leaves a kiss on Henry’s forehead and lightly jogs downstairs and out the front door. As she stretches against the gate post – her back’s feeling better, but she doesn’t want to keep adding to her list of ailments – she’s taken aback by how picturesque the street is. Birds are chirping sweetly, the sun’s bright but not too hot, and she thinks that one of her neighbors down the street is even getting his morning paper in a robe.
It’s perfect, in that stereotypical, small town way. There aren’t any sirens or horns blaring, loud music from apartments beneath them. It’s strange not to greet the day in such a fashion, especially after years of it being the only thing she knew.
As she’s running through the streets of Storybrooke – literally, she’s always wanted to run down the middle of the road without being accosted or nearly dying – Emma begins to run through the long list of chores and errands she needs to get done before starting work. She’s got a couple of days, she knows, but Jefferson was never really forthcoming with specifics, and thus she wants to get everything done before so she can focus on really getting this gig right.
“Gotta register Henry for school, gotta get some groceries,” she mutters to herself, her breathing uneven and labored. She stops her listing momentarily to wave at some random woman walking her dog before taking it up again. “Gotta call Jefferson, gotta visit the insurance office.”
By the time she makes it back home, sweat drips off her brow and nearly into her eyes. She walks into the kitchen and cools her face in the cold air of the freezer.
(Like she told Henry before, she’s the parent. She makes the decisions. They’re not always the best examples, but she’s an adult. Emma can do what she wants.)
Her breathing a little more regulated and her skin not feeling as heated, Emma removes her headphones from their socket and dials Jefferson’s number. It’s still early, but she’ll leave a message and cross this chore off her list.
Except he picks up with a perky, “Top o’ the mornin to you.”
“Hey, Jeff,” she says, opening and closing cabinets in search of a glass. “I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”
“I’ve got to get Grace to camp and I never really sleep much as it is,” Jefferson explains. Emma finally finds cups in a cupboard above the sink, and she fills and empties a glass full of water. “What can I do for you, Emma Swan? Cashing in favors? My realtor has some great houses for sale.”
Emma chuckles. “We actually moved in yesterday, so thank you, but I don’t think my credit can stand a vacation house down the street.’’
“Rats.” Jefferson’s voice gets muffled for a second as Emma assumes he talks to Grace, asking her to get herself breakfast or pack a lunch or something. “Well, I’m glad you both made it here safely. How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s,” Emma hesitates for a moment, cup halfway to her lips again, as she searches for a word that correctly identifies how she feels about Storybrooke so far. “Different.”
“Good different or bad different?”
“I don’t know yet. Just…” she shrugs, “different.”
For someone as eccentric as he is, Jefferson has always had a knack for knowing people. Emma feels that power of his eke through the phone, and her instinct is right. “If you need someone to talk to, I can set you up with the local therapist,” he offers. “No judgement, everybody needs to talk to someone. He’s helped me out since coming here.”
“Thanks, Jeff, but I think I’ll be okay for now.” She takes another drink of water before setting the glass in the sink. Mentally, Emma adds fill and run the dishwasher to her list of things to do today. “I’ve only been here two days. Not even. I just need some time to acclimate.”
“Fair enough.” Grace yells something in the background before Jefferson responds. “Then you called for pleasure? Checking in on an old friend?”
“Official business, actually. You said filming starts beginning of July. Are we having a pre-season pow wow or something? Signing our contracts and such?”
“Right, right, right, you guys do need to sign those,” he mutters to himself. “Don’t want you out here doing all this hard work and not getting paid.” Grace shouts something again and Emma can hear the exasperation in Jeff’s voice. It must be getting close to departure time for camp. “Uh, why don’t you and David come over for dinner tomorrow night? Bring the kids and the missus – well, kid in your case, missus in his – and we’ll talk shop over some grilling delights. Grace and I are getting very good at not getting burnt while we do it anymore.”
Emma laughs, then quickly quiets herself down so as not to wake Henry. “Sounds like a plan. We’ll see you tomorrow around 7?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jefferson confirms. “Have a lovely day, Emma Swan.”
“You, too, Jeff. See you tomorrow.”
Hanging up the call, Emma heads upstairs. She needs a shower and then maybe she’ll have the energy to make pancakes for breakfast. She enters her room to find Henry burrowed even deeper into the covers of the bed. She grins and heads to the bathroom.
Clothed and clean, Emma leans over the mattress, letting her hair drip onto the sheets, and gently shakes Henry. When he rouses, she’s got a smile on her face that looks like it’s Christmas morning instead of a Thursday at the end of June.
“C’mon, kid,” she whispers excitedly. “Let’s go explore this place.”
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Green Is The Warmest Color - Chapter 22
Camila’s POV
“I seriously don’t need anything fancy to wear, Dinah. I mean Austin won’t mind at all whatever I wear.” I assure Dinah. Here it goes again, Dinah being her fashion icon self. Dinah keeps on rummaging my drawer of t-shirts and jeans that I can wear since it’s already Valentine’s Day and I promised to going out with Austin. I slapped Dinah’s arm for her to stop looking for fancy dresses. “Seriously Dinah! I can wear anything. I can even wear like a total hobo and he won’t even care. Seriously, you don’t really have to worry about it.” I say quite annoyed.
Dinah averted her gaze on me. “But you’ll lose your v-card tonight, Mila. You’ve gotta be pretty! It has to be extra special.” Lose my v-card? Wait what! Since when did I tell her that I’ll lose my v-card on the v-day? I gasped at her in shock realizing what she had just said. “Don’t play dumb on me now Mila. Been there done that. Although I don’t like Austin that much, I just at least want you to prepare and just know what you’re getting yourself into.” When she said those words, the image of Lauren kissing me in one of the public comfort rooms appeared in my head. I instantly erased it in my mind and remembered Austin and our somewhat ‘date’ tonight.
“I am not going to lose my v-card okay? You have to chill out!” I almost screamed at her and she pulls away her hands from a handful of my shirts and it seems like she literally just ransacked my whole drawer.
“Okay woah I’m chill!” She collapses on the bed and rests. “I’m sorry okay? I’m just- I don’t know I’m overwhelmed and happy and confused. I’m overwhelmed by the fact that you’re changing into someone I’ve always wanted for you to become. Like someone who goes to parties and meets new people every night. I’m happy that you found a guy to make you smile. But I am also confused. It’s like- It’s just like you’re changing and it’s all my fault. I don’t know – do you like how you feel about changing?” She blurts out while hugging a pillow on her bed. I sat on her bed to stare at her and she seems really genuine about it.
I stole her pillow from her touch and she didn’t even notice it. “Dinah listen to me. Nothing is your fault. It’s not like I stopped going to school because I’ve changed.” I chuckle. It’s true. I’ve changed quite a lot lately. I started going to parties Dinah invited me into and met a handful of people. Some of them I exchanged numbers to and some of them just became acquaintances one night. Ever since Lauren agreed to my proposal, our relationship massively changed too. We’ve kissed a bunch of times whenever we had the chance especially when the girls were away and out of sight. At first it felt really weird having to sneak out to share lustful kisses with her but as the time went on, I suddenly felt excited and giddy about it like I craved it every time I thought of Lauren. Maybe if I could admit it to myself, Lauren was a drug and I’m pretty much addicted. That was the start of the change in me. I realized that there’s really nothing wrong with something new, with doing and experiencing something new and with Lauren’s help, it wouldn’t be so much hard.
Every time I took a glance and scroll through my phone’s contacts, the old Camila came back to me and whispered “You’re still Camila Cabello, the one who hides in her room and watches by herself because she’s too afraid of the world.” I would easily remove the thought in my mind even though I never actually had the guts to talk to the people I exchanged numbers to. Dinah would tell me to do so but I never really felt the need to talk to any of them to be honest.
I continue what I’ve been saying. “I still ace my quizzes and essays. I still respect people and my mom is not mad about the fact that I actually go out now and in fact she’s psyched about the idea! Dinah c’mon the only thing that changed is that you don’t have to encourage me anymore. Isn’t that better anyway?” I nudge her and she looks up to me.
“Okay Chancho you’re right.” She finally understands it. “But don’t blame me if I miss the old days okay? The Camila who would kill me if I gave her number to some guys. Anyway I must admit it’s actually really good that you’re hanging out.” She reveals and I embrace her into a tight hug.
The doorbell rings. I let go of our embrace.
“Are you really sure that you’re dressed like that when you guys hang out?” Dinah presses once more. “I mean I actually found a good and you’ll—-.”
I smile at her. “I’ve never been surer.” I opened the door while Dinah watched me from behind. It revealed Austin’s face- suddenly smiling and his eyes lighting upon seeing my face.
“You look pretty.” He compliments and I can’t help but smile back. “Also, if you don’t mind, these flowers I bought for you. I don’t know if you’re allergic or something but I really hope not.” I caught the bouquet of flowers in my hand and he chuckled.
“Dinah, we’re about to go. Will you be okay by yourself?” I ask Dina who’s still intently watching our interaction.
Dinah continues to study my face before speaking up. “Austin-d-don’t forget to bring condom!” Before I even closed the door, I gave her the most devilish glare I could ever give to someone and mouthed ‘you are such a shit, Dinah’ and she even laughed at the realization that she almost made things awkward.
I decided to leave and Austin remained silent while we’re on our way to whatever place he planned for us to go. But surprisingly, Austin and I went to a fancy dining restaurant. It explains the black suit, the white shirt inside and black pants. From his messy brown hair down to his worn boots, he almost seemed formal to me. The place is nice, almost Italian vibes or something, but what got me is how can he pay for something so fancy and grand like this?
“Austin.” I stopped him before fully coming inside. “Austin I don’t think we can’t. This is almost like a restaurant inside a five- star hotel.”
He smiles at me. “Camila, don’t worry I’ve got this all planned.” Somehow his smile made me feel like there’s really nothing wrong about this and it’s going to be alright. So, I followed his lead inside. The restaurant is not just fancy; somehow the people who are eating inside look like they belong in the riches part of the society. Austin guided me to our reserved table and if the food here already is expensive then how the hell can he afford a reserved table?
It made me think of Austin and how much I’ve known him through these weeks we’ve been actually together. But not together like in a relationship, because this is casual and we’re just good friends. I sat on my place and Austin brought the flowers beside me as he picked one flower in the bouquet and put it in the vase on top of our table. He sat too, officially facing me.
“All things okay, Mr. Mahone?” Austin smiles at the waiter and he left us alone after the assurance.
Austin then faces me once again. “I want to make this Valentine’s Day special for you. I’m not actually the grand gesture type of guy… but for you…. I’d actually make an exception.”
Wow. If I wasn’t that speechless. I quite am now.
“Actually it made me think Austin. How can you afford all of these things? You’re- I don’t know. I mean yeah, I don’t really know you that much. Who are you really?” I question him not in an irritable tone but more of a curious one. Austin clears his throat before answering my question.
“I’m sorry Camila I didn’t tell you sooner. But I promise! I promise I’d tell you.” He stops mid- sentence studying my reaction. “I’m actually the son of the owner of the Mahone Enterprises and Companies.”
I’m definitely speechless now.
How the hell did I not try to put the puzzle pieces back together and find out about it?
Austin remains staring at me. “A-are you m-mad at me?”
“I just don’t u-understand. I mean, n-no offense Austin b-but… how can you be a nobody in the school? Like no one actually tries to talk to you and behind all that look of yours, you’re actually an heir of some sort.” I try not to laugh while talking to him. “I mean really? It’s quite confusing.”
“Well even if my father owns the Mahone Enterprises and Companies, I was really a nobody.” He chuckles before continuing. “I was born to clothe myself like that and I never really bonded with people when I was a child. They thought I was weird or something like I scared them off because of my nerdy look. When I looked at the mirror one day and examined myself, I was not happy too but what could I do? That was me even before they met me. So I stayed like that until I became a high school student.” I pay much attention to him wanting him to continue his story. “When I became a high school student, the bullying got even worse than I thought it would be. I mean people actually laugh behind my back and mess with my locker and I don’t know how to fight them because all I was taught was to be kind to people no matter how mean they are to you.” I feel like I want to hug Austin at this very moment but I decide against it because in all of these I still want to know how his story ends or may have ended in fact. “I just shrugged them off I guess until I got used to the bullying and to the same people’s faces that laugh and pick at me. Sometimes they would look at me but most of the time they just ignore and that’s how I knew I won. I mean they don’t bother me anymore right?” I nodded and he smiled right after. “But somehow everything about my high school changed when you actually came to my life.”
He stopped right there and I remained staring at him, urging him to continue but I didn’t think he would actually continue until I said something. “Uhm, what d-do you mean by that?” I simply asked.
“What I meant was you gave light to the darkness in those hallways I walked every morning, Camila. You really changed my high school life. Remember when you approached me after Chemistry class? I remember it because that’s when my life changed.” Now I’m even more curious. “After we talked about the-you know? The thing you asked me to do. The next day people actually look at me but not the same look when they were judging me. Somehow the look became curious and intrigued.”
“I don’t even know. I mean, I’m also a nobody too Austin!” I respond back at him and he continues his story.
“My locker hasn’t been bothered ever since and it actually felt good. Not being bothered and everything being okay for once. That’s also when I knew I had to change myself. I saw you changing, evolving even Camila. I saw how you became even prettier woman in these weeks we’ve been together, somehow.” I smile at the thought that I had helped him. “You changed me Camila. When before I didn’t like change, I definitely like it now.”
It’s also a one big fact that Austin has changed. From the way he cloths himself and from the way he speaks to people. He may still be a bit shy about it but people actually noticed it too. Some students actually have talked about him and also confessed their little and happy crush on him. Austin still couldn’t acknowledge it fully though but I’ve been helping him with the change since I’ve been going through the same thing too. One time at school, we were approached by a handful of students asking us about relationship advice. Since it’s pretty obvious in school that we’re a couple in short I became desperate for it to look like real, we answered the questions.
“Austin and Camila wait up!” Austin and I stopped walking and stayed by our lockers. I carefully watched as one of the girls absolutely swooned over Austin and I didn’t feel any less happy about his new state. “Can you answer few of our questions, for the newspaper at least?” They began asking.
I smiled warmly nudging them to continue with the questions. “Yeah sure of course!” Austin responded.
“Being a couple, what’s the best thing you’ve discovered about each other?” The girl wearing cute glasses started the conversation with the question. It didn’t feel awkward the least since Austin and I have been pretty much used to it recently.
I had to answer first. “Well, Austin is a really sweet and nice guy. He can be annoying at times but he’s a really good listener too.” I saw a smile appearing upon Austin’s face before he answered.
“Camila is pretty and adorable in any ways. I like everything about her.” Austin answered smoothly and the girls just said their usual “awww” and “ooooohhhh”.
“What the biggest fear of the both of you?” They inquired once again.
Austin then answered first. “My biggest fear right now? To lose Camila any moment. It sounds so scary.” I wanted to laugh but refused myself to do it because Austin seemed serious about it.
“Just like anyone’s answers, my biggest fear is to lose the people I love.” I told them.
“Would losing Austin count though?” One of the giddy girls asked. “If you don’t mind me asking since you’re a couple after all.”
I smiled and that smile they knew was already a yes. I didn’t have to answer.
“Last one! What will you say to your old self?”
“That you…”
“That you…”
Austin and I didn’t notice we spoke the same time. We both laughed at the sudden act. The girls laughed and giggled with us too. “You guys really are so cute!”
I thought I’d be the one answering first. “That you don’t be afraid of anything, explore the world, because it’s beautiful and it’s wonderful and you’ll be happy.”
Austin smiled. “That you don’t know what might happen anytime. Be good and be kind always.” Austin looked at me and it’s not the same way he looked at me the first time and the first few days of our agreement. Being friends with Austin is never a bad thing at all.
I didn’t even notice the food coming by our table. The pasta and carbonara with spinach on top and garlic bread, few wine and orange juice and chicken soup. I start to consume my food before Austin notices my discomfort. Somehow it’s all making sense to me, maybe or maybe not, but it can be true and there’s only one way for me to find out; for Austin to say it to my face.
“How’d you find the food and the ambience?” He spoke up breaking the silence eating us. “I specifically picked this place to impress you.”
I stopped eating. “Why? Why would you want to impress me?” I didn’t want to sound cocky at all but I really had to know. I really want to know if it’s true.
“Because….” He’s getting all sweaty and nervous. “B-because… I l-like you. I like you, Camila.” There he blurted it out, the one specific thing I was afraid for to happen. I mean it’s a privilege and a compliment but I didn’t want him to like me because I can’t reciprocate his feelings. I could never reciprocate his feelings for me and I feel bad about it.
I sigh averting my gaze on him. “Since when?”
“S-since before we met. Since before you approached me after my Chemistry class. I’ve always f-found you charming and pretty and when you approached me and asked me about the agreement, I couldn’t let go of the chance of spending time with you.”
The truth being revealed to my face is a pain and a beauty and the same time. I’m absolutely grateful that Austin thought of me that way since before I actually changed. I just don’t want to lead him on.
Austin held my hand. “I would never ask something more from you. Just let me have these feelings for you. I p-promise I won’t cross any boundaries from here.” A friendly smile creeps up to my face and I knew that we would remain friends. Maybe not for so long but we would.
I came back to our dorm after the fancy dining restaurant we’ve been to. Austin took me home with his Rolls Royce, even if I already know the truth about him; it still surprises me that he managed to hide his true identity from me and from all the people at school. I said goodbye to Austin and thanked him for the wonderful night and he just smiled mouthing welcome. Actually being friends with Austin has perks at all, he can give me a ride any moment. I almost laughed at the thought. When I reached the door of our dorm, I heard muffles and whispers inside and I didn’t know if Dinah was home but if she was, what would she be possibly doing on a Valentine’s night? Siope may have invited her out and if he did, who would be inside at this hour?
When I turned the door handle, I also took out my pepper spray in case someone might have sneaked out our dorm and that someone has bad things in mind. I carefully turned the door handle until it fully revealed the dorm to my eyes and before a shadow even approached me, I sprayed the person whoever the hell it was with my pepper spray.
“Go away! Go away! Get away from me!” I started screaming. I didn’t notice that I’ve been punching the person’s body by now and when I felt something strange in my hands.
“What the hell Camz! Stop! Awww! H—.” I stopped spraying the person whom I just realized was a girl. That voice being so familiar it struck me. It’s Lauren. “What the hell is with you and pepper spray?!” Her voice almost broke maybe because of the pain that strings in her eyes because of the pepper spray. She is wearing a 1975 shirt and a plain shorts although she keeps on wiping her eyes and honestly she looks awfully in pain and my stomach churn at the sight. I caused this.
“Oh God! I’m sorry Laur. I didn’t realize…. I’m really sorry. I thought it was someone who may be a kidnapper or something.” I hold Lauren’s back carefully until we are both sat on my bed. “Wait here, I’m going to go get some draped towel or something.” Before I even got to stand up and find myself a towel to wipe her eyes, some strange shadow from a figure appeared in the kitchen. My eyes widened when it barked, not just once, but a bunch of times.
“Lauren?” I turned to Lauren and there’s a weak smiling creeping upon her face.
“Surprise! I got you a puppy!” Lauren seemingly appeared enthusiastic, I didn’t mind at all when I jumped into her and embraced her into a tight and warm hug. I can feel Lauren’s arms being draped around me and I quickly buried my face on her neck. “Guess, you’re welcome.” She chuckles. 
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bwicblog · 7 years
SA: I am still troubled by this insistence it is just a leaf. It is a shamrock.
SA: In other words. a clover.
ID: 🍃
SA: don't encourage them. it's a shamrock.
SA: 🍀
SA: here, for the fight.
SA: now you will be lucky.
ID: i don't need luck, but thanks for the support. =:)
SA: if you could use your psionics you could eviscrate your opponent and none would stand in your way.
SA: If only.
SA: oh, wait, this was a nonlethal fight.
SA: Nevermind.
ID: uhhh i better be able to use my psi.
ID: for non-lethal uses of course.
ID: does this fight come with a rulebook. =>:I
SA: i thought it was exclusively a melee weapons fight? you know. to be.... accurate.
ID: my psi can be melee weapons!
ID: psi are accurate to the times. =>:I
SA: are they...
SA: is that what the lady in the lake was.
SA: maybe she could do what you do.
SA: throwing out glowing psionic swords.
ID: i have no idea what you're talking about, but yes.
SA: that was very cool, by the way.
SA: I enjoyed that.
SA: I am sorry I had to leave to sleep.
ID: good! did you have to sleep because you used your psi?
ID: i noticed you were getting. sloppy and rubbing your neck at the end. =:/ you gonna be alright?
SA: i am alright. It has just become harder as of late.
SA: i am on my last set of medicine.
SA: I do not know what will happen after this.
ID: =://///
SA: but my inhibitor is now trying to regulate my telekinesis by more physical means instead of chemical, as it is drained of thechemical used to nullify it.
ID: what's the chemical? maybe i can find a way to. hook you up.
SA: It's alright, Hadean. I already searched the black market for it.
SA: it has to be smuggled from the colonies and they've cracked down on the runners lately.
SA: but if you must know, this is the list.
SA has sent InhibitorRounds.txt
ID: i mean it's not alriiight.
ID: do like. the usual psi null shit work? you know, like. the stuff they use on psis they catch and stuff.
SA: No, that is too strong. It would also turn off my clairvoyance.
SA: perhaps if it could be diluted.
SA: but I do not know how that would be done.
ID: i mean. if it's having no psi or being dead. which is better?
ID: i'll see what i can find out for you though.
SA: I don't think I will die. But it would be lonelier without my clairvoyance.
SA: it would be like living in a world that is completely silent.
SA: but thank you, friend.
SA: I will remember this.
ID: well i'll do what i can. =:I
SA: how was pizza?
ID: good! now i'm gonna get makeup done so i can look glam while kicking ass. =:D
SA: make sure it's waterproof so you don't sweat and become one with the clowns during the fight.
SA: will you change or is the hooker outfit for the entirety of the fairs part of your contract
ID: sip is doing it and she fights all the time, i'm sure she knows what she's doing.
ID: and no! definitely back to normal clothes. t-shirt and jeans are what i'm used to fighting in.
SA: oh, I didn't know Sipara wore makeup in her fights. Then again I have marginal knowledge of her fights.
SA: t shirt and jeans...
SA: I would almost prefer the hooker outfit 😮
ID: rude!
ID: i'm sorry i have no fashion sense. =>:I i tried shopping with gliese for clothes but everything is all. old-timey. or garish!
SA: oh, no I didn't mean it like that.
SA: rather that I would be uncomfortable fighting in that.
SA: but if it's what you're used to then it's no problem
ID: oh. well. yeah, i'm used to it. since that's my wardrobe like. every night.
ID: what do you fight in then?
SA: my uniform. 😮
SA: I don't have any photos of it.
ID: do you still wear it? =:?
SA: yes, on jobs that I anticipate will be dangerous
SA: do you only have one set of clothes?
ID: i mean i have three sets of practically the same outfit.
SA: oh.
SA: would you like to go shopping with me?
ID: i mean. sure bud! you seem to have more idea of what to wear than i do.
SA: do you like suits?
ID: i've never. worn a suit.
SA: then I have no idea if I have any idea of what to wear better than you do all I wear is suits and baggy shirts
SA: people often tell me I am too thin otherwise.
SA: we can go ugly shopping then. And pretend we know.
ID: well i doubt a troll can gain much weight on sushi and coffee.
SA: most of my diet is desserts and fruit unless I'm eating out
SA: I don't know how you don't gain weight. Three pizzas, Hadean
ID: just eat out all the time! you have the money for it. or hire a cook to cook for you.
SA: that's as many as twenty slices. And that's a lot
ID: my psi burns it all up. why do you think i'm poor?
SA: oh, it isn't internally generated energy?
SA: it relies on a metabolic process?
ID: it doesn't rely on it, but it messes up the process or something?
ID: i don't know. it's just something i deal with and don't think too much about. i'm no scientist.
SA: I see.
SA: i am sorry.
AA: wassup, did someone mention S C I E N C E? >:}
SA: also, I do not think my roommate would like a cook. And they may rob me. And I will fight them.
ID: no.
SA: hello, AA
AA: arne you surne it's yrn psi, and not just you hiding food in yrn horns forn latern??
AA: suuup, prnisma.
ID: and don't be sorry pris, i mean it's fine.
ID: do my horns look like they can store three pizzas. stop being jelly of my horns.
AA: they totes do. rnight, prni??
SA: I think they are cute horns.
SA: but I want to touch the orb.
SA: and remove it
ID: it is not removeable.
SA: were you hatched with it?
ID: and it'll shock you.
ID: no. it, uh. grew in. Like I had a lumpy ugly horn.
SA: Sipara, I think it would take very condensed pizzas to manage that
ID: and then the lump broke off.
ID: and now i have a much cooler horn.
AA: but what if we comprnessed em way thin??
AA: like. rnoadkill thin.
SA: they would have to be ribbon pizzas to wrap properly on the outside, but I am unsure about the inside.
SA: oh
SA: I still wish to touch it
SA: I wonder what would happen if someone places a psionics field around it
ID: no experimenting on my horn, i was about to say you could touch it but now i'm rethinking things.
ID: also stop talking about me having pizza-stuffed horns. rude.
ID: ps sip are you gonna make me pretty yet.
ID: i don't think i'll be hard since i'm already gorgeous. =:P or at least have some flawless skin.
SA: I wouldn't try to do anything to it, just touch it.
SA: make him prettier, Sipara
SA: his ego craves this 🙃
ID: you can touch it. just be aware it'll feel weird.
AA: y, y, y, just finished up lal, so I'll give him the boot and you can get yrn ass in Phern's van. >:} AA: gonna make you soprnetty that evernyone's phones crnack frnom fucking envy. AA: orn frnom yrn lameass clown tatts. >:P
ID: fuck off they aren't clown tats. =>:P
AA: prni. prniiiiiii. AA: arne you coming orn n?? ain't got any yellow shit, but can totally deck you up in marnoon. phern's got so much marnoon. AA: orn jade. you feeling gothy today? >:}
AA: stfu, they totes arne.
ID: c'mon pri, wear my colors since you're gonan cheer for me. =:P
ID: they are not! they are ancient designs i found in an old scroll that looked kickass.
AA: yyyy. become an honornarny rnustbucket. join the parnty. >:P
AA: and. AA: in an old scrnoll? srnsly? oooh my god.
AA: you A RN E a nernd.
SA: I will wear Hadean's colors. That is fine.
ID: uh you're the one who cuts trolls open to look at their psi organs. so you can't judge you super-nerd.
SA: please do not cut us open
SA: how does jade relate to "gothy "?
ID: ...are you asking because you wear jade pris.
AA: bc jades arne drninkerns and can go out in the sun, and, like, fondle zombies, and shit.
SA: no.
SA: oh, like Perdia wants.
SA: yes, alright.
SA: I wear almost exclusively black and lime
SA: it tells people to mind themselves
AA: no cutting open unless you ask. >:} dnw, we'rne all bosom buddies herne, yeah??
AA: lmao, wow. lime?
ID: if i go down in the fight pris don't let her get to my body. =:I
AA: >:{!!!
AP: I can't actually go in the sun, thank you.
AA: rnude!!
ID: ruder to want to cut my poor body to pieces. and what? laaame ap.
AA: yeah, see, that's what jades say. kinda like hads saying he won't gimme his bod.
AP: I'm pretty sure there's a reason people generally don't like having their body swapped.
AA: and yeah, yeah, you can be like B'L U H B'L U H, hads, but what I'm hearning is yrn totes selfish.
AA: mb I don't W A N T yrn bod forn science. so therne
SS: (Maybe your bod ain't cut out for sciencing? (\unu/) )
AP: ....
AP: That was really good
AA: >:D
AP: Nice
AA: neway, y, you two get yrn glutes overn herne and i'll make you HELLA prnetty.
ID: you wound me bonnie. omw sips. you can sigh in envy about my perfectly even skin.
ID: other than, y'know. the tattooed parts.
AA: dude, if I wanted to sigh in envy, I'd look in a mirnrnorn. >:}
ID: i mean you could if you wanted to break the mirror. =:P
SA: where are we going?
AA: phern's carnt. but also like wait n back this shit up. AA: can I also touch yrn weirnd horn tumourn??
AA: orn is that prnops of prni only? >:}
ID: i suppose. the cart can turn in to a hadean petting zoo.
ID: feed me some damn pellets while you pet me.
AA: yesss. and n, fuck off.
AA: gotta do a trnick forn pellets.
ID: my horn is the trick. =>:I
AA: like, say hello in nerndfesterntongues.
AA: yrn horn is a weirnd abomination I wanna poke. that's not a trnick!!
AA: unless you grnow anothern. in which case: yes, a+ trnick, you should grnow like.
AA: E I G H T.
ID: fuck no one is enough staring as is. =:I
AA: but, dude, think abt it.
AA: you could thrnow them at ppl.
ID: i can throw psi at people already. =:I
SA: yes. It is very impressive.
SA: sorry, I was resting again.
AA: horns arne bettern than psi. forn starterns, they'rne heaviern. >:P
SA: I will come to the cart when you all do. I wish to see Hadean pretty.
AA: .. duuude, lmao. you sick, brnah?
AA: orn just like. tirned? >:?
SA: I always sick semantically speaking
ID: oh! sip!
AA: L M A Ö. >:}
ID: pris needs a null.
ID: but not a full-null.
ID: is there like. half-nulls.
SA: quarter even
AA: haha, what.
ID: sure quarter.
AA: .. let's switch chats, loserns. >:}
AA: wtf you need a null forn?
ID: pris' psionics need flattening.
ID: he used expensive fancy drugs but can't get them anymore.
ID: =:I
SA: my inhibitor restricts my telekinesis to prevent me from causing inordinate harm.
SA: using them dry results in the inhibitor causing me physical pain to incline me to stop.
SA: like having an nerve pinched.
AA: hads. haaads. AA: yrn lucky I like yrn dumb ass, bc, like, if I didn't? you popping up like Y, NULL MY DUDE would be totes fucking weirnd. js.
AA: .. what, and you can't just, like, not use 'em?
ID: some psis have a mind of their own sip.
SA: I do not know if it will spread to my clairvoyance as well the longer it goes
SA: also: I enjoy using my telekinesis to clean.
SA: it allows me to defend myself within reasonable margins but as long as the inhibitor thinks they cannot be regulated then it will keep hurting me
AA: lmao. 'kay. ppl gotta sparnk, i guess. >:} phern won't stop using his shit neithern, but eyy. AA: that's fixable. AA: gimme yrn inhib deets.
AA: it internal orn, like, ext??
ID: it's a big giant thing on his back.
SA: it's a model built specifically for my program. The chemicals are inserted via rods or injectors.
SA has sent InhibitorRounds.txt
SA: these were the chemicals I had been administering
ID: yeah that so can you fix it?
AA: mb, mb. could make something to, like, sornt of synthesize some of that shit? like row h's a naturnal byprnoduct of the saturnine undernpernfornmern rnoadrnoach. AA: but lmao, row a is some srns wadern shit.
ID: ...i have no idea what any of that shit you typed means. =:I
AA: mb if I rneplaced it with.. hmmm. AA: idk, I can trny. >:} but idk how well it'll wornk. orn, uh. side effects. AA: you allerngic to anything?
AA: bc if you dunno, we'rne gonna F I N D Ö U T.
AA: ... and dnw, hads, that was just all S C I E N C E. also, like, tl;dr: bug juices.
ID: oh okay. =:/
AA: do you want me to brneak it down forn you?
AA: .. bc like if you want to get in on the nernderny, i'm all abt that schoolfeed shit. >:}
ID: uh.
ID: no.
ID: i mean. why would i want to?
ID: my psi are cool.
AA: idk, dude, yrn the one making =:/ faces.
AA: and still won't tell me wtf yrn psi is. >:P
SA: I don't believe I would have been finished if I had allergies.
SA: only the best generically were
SA: nevermind
SA: we will find out if it causes me catastrophic harm
SA: I am not particularly worried
AA: ???
ID: my psi are the coolest and that's all anyone needs to know. besides, i showed you a construct!
AA: haha, wait, shit, I forngot. yrn a clownbb, arnen't you? AA: yeah, prnobs no allerngies. idk. we'll see. >:} AA: get some juice beforne you come up, btw, prni, I'll do yrn mugs and then I'm taking chrnome.
SA: clownbb?
SA: why is Hadean a clown baby
AA: no, you, dornk.
SA: why am I a clown baby
AA: he just looks like one. >:P
AA: bc!
AA: oh my god, you don't know anything, jfc. >:{
AA: hads. go fuck off and rnead a rnecipe blog forn a min.
SA: Hadean translates for me usually. I'm sorry
AA: yyyy, ino, stfu. AA: it's nbd.
SA: what does juice have to do with chrome
ID: i am now reading blogs or whatever.
AA: gj. AA: so, like, you got nornmal folks with psi, like, idk, phern n hads. then you got clownbbs like you and phern's fuckboy and rniccin. AA: hanging arnound w highbloods and getting shit shoved in you.
AA: make sense??
SA: Pheres's fuck boy?
SA: I don't really like the term clown baby but I understand what you mean.
AA: the blue one.
SA: I would rather be a clone than. A clown baby even if it isn't accurate.
SA: kit?
AA: kit?? cottontail orn w/e. >:} AA: and loool.
AA: y, guess yrn not wearning paint, so you can't be one. >:P dnw, will find anothern ternm just forn you.
AA: and chrnome is yrn blood. which I'm taking. so I can check if yrn gonna get anaphyletic on me bc I used cheap shit.
SA: oh.
SA: okay.
SA: I have good veins.
SA: 😃
AA: W Ö W, gj, +10 crneepern rnight therne.
SA: that's what the staff told me
SA: anyways.
AA: oh my good. AA: anyway. y. any othern qs??
SA: no not particularly.
SA: thank you
SA: I can give you money.
AA: yw. dnw, dn-- LMAO no. AA: stfu and keep that shit.
AA: 'kay, hads, we'rne done talking science. >:}
ID: okay sweet. i got myself a pastry while i was waiting.
SA: what kind?
ID: just some sort of roll with berries in it. and frosting. tasted good.
SA: scone?
AA: what type of bernrnies??
SA: i should find juice and eat something. This reminds me.
SA: tell us Hadean
AA: y, go do that. no fainting in the van. >:} AA: and brning me something, all we've got in herne is coffee.
SA: lemonade?
AA: food!!
SA: oh! Oh. Yes. I will do this.
ID: no, not a scone. and a bunch of berries. i dunno, i didn't stop to examine them. i just ate it.
SA: he consumes
SA: I will go now. I'll see you all soon.
SA: 💗
ID: sorry i'm hungry all the time. =:P see ya.
AA: haha, omg. awww. >:}
ID: my body is a mess but it's my mess.
AA: lmao. AA: idk, dude, at least it's only one horn on firne. >:}
AA: can you rnly be a mess until then? yrn just, like, a tiny trnash heap.
ID: wow, doubting my mess status. i'm hurt.
ID: ps do you think fighting in a t-shirt and jeans isn't good? like. what do you fight in?
AA: oh, n, yrn totes a dumpstern firne, dnw. just not a M E S S. least, not aftern I'm done w yrn makeup. >:P AA: and idk. whatcha fighting against?
ID: emerel. duh. =:P
ID: and generally other trolls.
AA: no, dornklornd, what strnifes??
ID: ...i can use most stuff alright. whatever i need to use!
AA: you need mobility?
AA: orn you want padding?
ID: well apparently he uses a halberd so i'm going to try and stay in close quarters.
AA: 'kay, jeans arne fine but it's gonna rnip like tissue if he's got a knife. leatherns bettern, tbh. suede?? waaaay hardern forn anything to get thrnough.
ID: i can make armor in a pinch. enough to take most of a hit probs.
ID: gotta remember i have to worry about overheating.
AA: haha, yeah, soon as you starnt moving, dude, you'll prnobs steam. AA: and y, mb you can, but do you have the rneflexes to make arnmourn forn yrn thigh when his fist is in yrn face?
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
After the flood: ‘No tourists please. Help welcome’
On a journey through northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, Warren Murray meets locals contending with the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie
Light to moderate traffic is easing along the Pacific motorway connecting the Gold Coast and the Tweed, with no particular sign of storm damage or delays. But in Chinderah, just inside New South Wales and just off the highway, John Anderson is in full-tilt disaster recovery mode, contending with the aftermath of the flooding rains that ex-cyclone Debbie sent south.
At the Gateway Lifestyle Tweed Shores over-50s community, in between dealing with a stream of tradies coming in and out the office door Righto mate, do what youve gotta do, well pay for it Anderson describes how last week the water went through probably 140 cabin-style homes in this complex that he manages.
On Thursday the tide met the downstream flooding and we were inundated with a metre, metre and a half of water not a flood, but slowly rising water.
By Friday afternoon evacuation was well under way for those residents happy to go.
Gas bottles ripped off their moorings, leaking gas, electricity in residences filled with salt water, Anderson recalls. By 10 oclock Saturday night the park was basically isolated and only accessible by rubber ducky. He and his wife, Beth, opted to stay and keep an eye on things, sleeping on foam mattresses on the upper level of their manufactured home, with water swilling around on the floor below, until they could get out and about to assess the damage.
Days later, theres still so much to be done before things even faintly resemble normality. A jotting on the desk blotter says Copper gas line missing gone. Andersons mobile rings and flashes up the caller details: Shade Sail Andrew.
Out front of the park is a pile of ruined possessions that stretches for maybe 100 metres down the road. It represents in a lot of cases everything that people own, or did own. The villas are about 85% privately owned, 15% rented. Some people are insured, a lot are not because of the cost, being flood-prone.
Anderson lauds a magnificent response from the community, individuals who are pitching in to help out. The ladies from nearby Cudgen public school have been turning up with hot food, and in the top bit of the Gateway park where the water couldnt reach we had ladies there cooking sausage rolls and bringing them round. Just the most magnificent response.
Cleaning up after the flooding in Tumbulgum on the Tweed river, northern New South Wales. Photograph: Warren Murray for the Guardian
Double whammy
A short drive away in Tumbulgum its clear from the comprehensive inventory of household goods in jumbled heaps at the end of every driveway that some people lost more or less everything. A woman throws her hands up in resignation as a man adds more ruined belongings to one such growing pile. Everywhere is silt and sludge. At the entry to Riverside Drive a chalked sign says Please stop to help residents. Nearby a woman, looking newly arrived on the scene, unloads from her car a little yellow water blaster. It seems hopelessly dinky for the mammoth job at hand, but every bit helps and you know she will not go unthanked.
Compounding the heartbreak for Tumbulgum is the death on its doorstep of Stephanie King, 43, her son Jacob, 7, and daugher Ella Jane, 11, after their car plunged off Dulguigan Road and into the swollen Tweed on Monday afternoon. Daughter Chloe May, 8, managed to escape from the sinking car. I arrive on the other side of the river at 11.45am on Tuesday and line up with the rest of the media in a sludgy riverside park. We are being kept at bay as police divers continue their work after having to stop overnight. Even at this distance the water can be seen roiling with bubbles from their difficult work in the murk.
Pixie Bennett clutches a Jack Daniels in a can as she stands near me watching the recovery effort. Like everyone else she was stranded by the waters and stripped of everything that she couldnt get upstairs.
Sorry were drinking in the middle of the day but were still in shock its a double whammy for the little town of Tumbulgum, she says, nodding towards the emergency services at work on the opposite bank. She moved her car on to a high bridge before the water came but lost boxes of possessions when the water rose two steps from the top of our 13 steps. A plastic box floated past and she grabbed it, to find a Barbie dolls clothes packed inside. Our neighbour rowed over in a canoe and rowed us back next door so we could have dinner with them.
Further back from the river in Bawden Street, earthmoving contractor Ben May is opening the jaws of his Bobcat loader, plunging it into those roadside piles, clamping down on whatever he can pick up a fridge, a hot water system and then mechanically hoiking it into his tip-truck. Hes guided by concreter Geoff Percy, a 16-year Tumbulgum resident.
John Anderson, manager of the Gateway residential complex, with ruined belongings piled along the roadside waiting for collection. Photograph: Warren Murray for the Guardian
Good over-the-road mates, they have both been badly hit I lost my ute, lots of white goods, it was about seven feet deep through here on Friday but have turned away from their own troubles to help others. Nah, well be right, says Percy. The tip-truck went under but once the water receded Ben just changed all the oils and got it going. Well do this load and then head further up the street.
The words and phrases that come out at these times like resilience and community spirit can sound like cliches until you walk into the sort of situation that gives rise to them.
Two ancient pinball machines sit outside a neighbours place waiting for disposal. In their heyday, Duotron and Firepower cost you 20 cents a go. The owner bustles back and forth clearing up, not wanting to be photographed. Hes had enough, says Percy. Here for 18 years. Hes leaving. Had enough of the floods.
Three quarters of an hour after I arrived, the grim task down by the riverside is more or less done. The bodies have been removed and a crane waits to fish out the still-sunken family car. For a while this site has been the focus of the east coast flood story. Now the cameras will swing north to Rockhampton, where the Fitzroy river is approaching its flood peak.
Everyone in Tumbulgum has been at it for days cleaning up. But it looks like they have only just started. It smells like a muddy cattleyard from my country boyhood. Leaving town theres a hedgerow of household debris tangled in trees along the riverbank.
On the road towards Murwillumbah, through Condong, the same scene repeats itself over and over. Flood-ravaged sugarcane paddocks, pile after roadside pile of everything from barbecues to microwaves to baby strollers to chests of drawers and other buggered stuff. It is like an endless waterlogged forlorn jumble sale. Where will the council ever bury it all?
The makeshift sign in bedraggled Condong is a bit more firm than the one in Tumbulgum. No tourists please. Help welcome. Understandable in the circumstances.
Geoff Percy at work cleaning up in Tumbulgum, with his mate Ben May working the loader. Photograph: Warren Murray for the Guardian
Above the floodline
A floodline can be a thin topographical boundary between chaos and business as usual. This is brought home when I pull into Murwillumbah. Nearest the river there are familiar scenes of mopping up. Competition for parking spaces pushes me further up the main street than I would have otherwise gone, until I find a spot in front of the old-fashioned Austral Cafe (Established 1919).
Inside, not so far above that fateful floodline, I get to enjoy a midday breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast varnished with butter, all in perfectly dry surroundings. The walls are fittingly decorated with historical pictures of the districts past floods and fires, putting the current events in context.
Theres friendly chatter and laughter amid the tinkle of cutlery on crockery in the Austral. But snatches of the days inevitable conversations reach me as well. They found some of his gear on South Stradbroke Island It went floating past the boat ramp He slept through it, which is probably for the best Thats the hardest part. I mean were lucky, but
I think about the people in Tumbulgum making the most of their sausages on bread and whatever else neighbours have chucked together, volunteers have brought, or providence has left unspoiled. I hope they can dine somewhere like this when its all over.
The scenic route back from Murwillumbah to the Gold Coast is over the Queensland road that crosses the mountains via Tomewin to the Currumbin Valley. The road is damaged and open to local traffic only, but when a Falcon station wagon hoons impatiently past me and around the road closed sign, I decide to chance it. I have taken the route plenty of times on my motorbike, I know it well, Im in an all-wheel drive, it cant be too bad. And a trek back to the motorway through that landscape of muddied piles of ex-goods and former chattels doesnt appeal.
Its a mistake. The weather that caused all the devastation down below has left fallen trees, debris and landslips littering the road up here. Council crews are doing what they can to clear the way through, but like everywhere in these parts they are mere days into what looks like weeks or months of work.
At one blockage I wait behind a campervan for a bit, but then people start getting out of their cars, so I pull a U-turn. On the way down theres a Toyota 4WD lying on its roof at the bottom of an embankment. The Stop/Go man with one of the road gangs says things are better on the Numbinbah Valley Road, another of my favourite motorbike routes back to the Gold Coast. There are bad patches, he reckons, but you can get through.
And the road is indeed passable, but only just. It is still partly blocked or extremely damaged in sections. I find myself having to steer around tonnes of earth that a saturated hillside has disgorged into my path, or skirt patches where chunks of bitumen have been torn out by whooshing waters, or dodge areas where the road verges have collapsed away, leaving gashes that could swallow the car. On this familiar route it would be easy to lapse into an accustomed pace and come to grief. I remind myself to take it easy.
Theres a rural version of the recovery effort that is happening back in the Tweed Valley. Unsalvageable belongings being put out for collection, busted fences being put right. In one spot a little Suzuki ute is being used to pay out a coil of barbed wire along a boundary. Flooding has wrecked the road in areas where you wouldnt even have noticed a waterway before. Trees lie flattened in creek beds.
Not far short of Numinbah village theres been a huge cascade of boulders that looks like it should have swept the whole road away. Its down to one lane, marked by temporary guide posts. From the ridge above, the little waterfall that no doubt swelled to a roar and caused all this damage has shrunk back down to an innocuous trickle over the rocks.
Two pinball machines that finally met their match when the swollen Tweed river flooded into Tumbulgum. Photograph: Warren Murray for the Guardian
Things arent fantastic further west in the Scenic Rim country either. Beaudeserts state MP, Jon Krause, has been on ABC 612 radio reminding us that rural communities are likewise dealing with the effects of this natural disaster. Crops have been lost and ruined paddocks will take a lot of work to rehabilitate before they can be planted again.
Pretty soon Im back in suburban Nerang and not far from home. Theres the odd tree lying on the ground here and there, whipped down in the high winds of the previous days, roots having given up their grip on the soaked ground. Wed already had more than a week of downpours when the remnants of Debbie arrived and upped the tempo.
In the park across the road from my house a council crew is mucking out the kids sandpit. But thats about as devastated as it gets round here. The park is part of the local stormwater drainage system, and when the rain arrives the boogie boards come out.
Last year we put on a new roof on our late 70s, early 80s brick-veneer bungalow, and consequently had to follow the 21st-century regulations. That meant threading steel cyclone rods down through the walls, tying the roof to the concrete slab foundation.
Many of the houses around us in this brick-and-tile suburb are of a similar era, but still have their original roofs. Which means they dont have those rods. This time around the winds were less than cyclonic. If more of north Queenslands most extreme weather comes south in future years as feared, we may see those structures tested. To the north, the south and the west of us, there are thousands of people dealing with such consequences in the here and now.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oBtEju
from After the flood: ‘No tourists please. Help welcome’
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