#so to me its more like. agender/nb
cosmicallyavg · 2 years
i get a lot of dw edits on my tik tok fyp these days and i keep seeing the ones that are like “lgbt characters in doctor who” and like everyone sort of collectively agrees that the doctor is genderfluid and pan but a lot of them forget the ace part?? like the other ones i feel are sort of up to interpretation on how you see them but the ace one is like.. non-negotiable . to me anyway
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
okay so I was thinking about gender. My gender. And my feelings about being a cis girl over time.
When I was little I used to wear all kinds of dresses and wore nail polish and even occasionally makeup (but like. Sloppily as a 7 year old would lol) and how overtime I stopped wearing nail polish and stopped wearing dresses and despised make up. I dont really remeber why I stopped with nail polish. Maybe because it flaked off too easily or maybe I was sick of the few colors we had idk. I know I gradually stopped wearing dresses and night gowns because I was sick of being told I couldnt "put my legs up [up against the wall or just straight up in the air] or that I had to sit a certain way while wearing one. So I wore more and more pants.
I think about how i used to stand in the toys aisles while my mom did grocery shopping and look at "The Boys" section and think how much cooler it was than the girls section.
And I think about how my music teacher told us one day we'd hit puberty and we'd grow and us girls would be like "[in a high pitched voice] OH MY GOSH I LOVE BOYS AND DID YOU HEAR ABOUT SO AND SO" and I looked over at my classmates and friends to see if they were also terrified of becoming annoying teenage boy-obsessed girls.
And i think about how when I was at my friend's house and we were building "tree forts" in the woods i would wish I had a penis for the convenience of being able to just go pee behind a tree, because squatting near the ground was Not Fun and I hated walking all the way back to the house. And I think about how I hated that I'd have to wear a bra once my boobs started to come in
Now you might be thinking. Friend I think you want[ed] to be a boy. But the thing is, i dont.
I may have hated being restricted in dresses but I dont actually hate them. I've gotten a couple dresses in the last 10 years (for prom and graduation and a [not my] wedding) and how I actually did like how I looked in them and enjoyed wearing them for that time.
I think about how I was jealous of the boys selection of toys, but also how I had a ton of barbies that I massively enjoyed and how if I'd been a boy I probably wouldnt have been able to enjoy them (thanks to pressure from society) as well as a bunch of other "girly" items and shows and movies. I think about how I'm actually Asexual and that I wasnt scared of becoming "a young woman", I just didnt understand the obsession with sex/romance/boyfriend&girlfriend stuff.
And while having a penis is more convenient for peeing I also remeber thinking that it would suck to get kicked in the balls and/or that trope of falling on soemthign between your legs that happens in so many movies (not that it feels any better with a vagina honestly). And that if I had been born a boy I'd most likely have to deal with all the toxic masculinity forced on me, and I'm glad I dont have to deal with that.
And while me and my boobs dont always get along, I remember that after getting my first cute bra, I thought. Oh well maybe this isnt so bad. And I mostly wear sports bras now because I do wish they were smaller and I HATE that so many bras (EVEN THE SPORTS BRAS) are already padded into cup shapes, and while I don't mind Having Boobs, i Do Not want to show them off. And sometimes i think that maybe i wouldn't mind chopping them off, but then i think how my figure/outline/silhouette would look with out them, and that seems worse.
And i think about the times I've accidentally been called "Sir" from tired fast food employees when wearing gender nonspecific clothing and felt happy about it. But not "oh it feels right to be called sir/he/him" , but more of "hehe I fooled you! You thought this was a dress but its pants!"
And really this is all to say. I was born a girl and grew up that way so it's what I'm used to. If I'd been born with a dick then I guess I'd be a guy. If you magically stuck me in a male body right now, would I feel like a Guy or feel like a girl in a guys body? I honestly dont know. So am I non binary? Maybe that that doesnt quite feel right either.
Being a girl is what I've grown up as and into, and it's what I'm used to and going by anything else is… odd. Maybe itd be better and maybe it wouldnt. It's like an old blanket. You've had it forever and maybe its frayed and patched maybe a little too small and it's not what people expect you to have for a blanket, and maybe you could do with a new one. But nothing feels right with out it. No other blanket feels the same. It's what you're used to and its familar. It's a comfort blanket.
And that's why being a [cis] girl is my comfort gender.
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eclaire-went-bam · 4 months
i'm THIS close to just making my pronouns he/it, or just it/its, bcs istg ppl see "prefers it/it but also ok with he/they" & think it's a good excuse to not call me by my "weird" pronouns
people hardly ever use "he" either, bcs i don't pass
like. it/it's my preferred pronouns. he/they is tolerable but over time i'm just going to get annoyed. wait till they hear abt my super secret neopronouns
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killyjae · 1 year
Idk how many times I've said this but as a big masc intersex nb myself, Matrix gives off nb vibes so much
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jeanstapleton · 1 year
closeted trans saul tigh fighting against his own journey of self-acceptance out of fear his loved ones will hate and ostracize him & agender starbuck fighting for her right to exist after the rebirth alienates her from the ppl she trusted and loved the most
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teddykaczynski · 2 months
i literally just figured out the actual reason i was originally trans as a teenager like my actual original core motivation. its been easy to say it was like internalized lesbophobia and it wasnt not that but. it all started when my abusive middle school ex girlfriend told me she identified as genderfluid. (AN: she was also. in a sense, the first person i knew who stopped having a gender identity. i think she was a junior when i heard through the grapevine that she wasnt nb anymore and was like girling)
but yadda yadda other things happened and now im 13 nearly 14 and e-dating a similar aged ftm and like. my identity was not solidly “gay transboy” until that relationship. i was more like… gaygirl agender. definitely not using the word lesbian for myself. but… the realization is that my identity as a “boy” has always been wrapped in social connection to other female boys. times since i was 17 when i wasnt male-identified and comfortable with that, i either lived in an environment with few trans people and my online and irl friends were women, not ftms. and ive been in an environment with a lot of trans people for almost a year now and getting increasingly more dysphoric while trying to be a Woman, or more so, going by a feminine name but just wearing what i want. either avoid answering the pronoun question or say she her when i am asked (and i am a lot) because i look a way where if i say i dont care many will default to they and i hate being called that. lol.
this feeling increased when i started a job with two ftm coworkers. i could tell they weren’t seeing me as one of them, and why would they? but this feeling made me so uncomfortable. i posted a long rant about this feeling a few months ago and i remember a line in it was essentially: “i just want to be one of the “boys” but its the boys that named themselves after a tree and know all the lyrics to at least one cavetown song” and i was saying it as a joke but thats. thats literally it. i was crying when i started writing this but im not now
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
hey, may i request hcs of laughing jack + slenderman x nonbinary, afab!reader who gets misgendered/bullied a lot but is too scared to correct/stand up to ppl? happens to me a lot :[
laughing jack and slenderman x afab!nonbinary!reader
im so so sorry you keep getting treated like dookie- as a fellow afab nb i totally get your pain with the misgendering, people just need to hush up
notes: reader is afab and nonbinary, established relationships, both canon characters have limited knowledge of lgbt topics but thats mostly because they hardly interact with people or media
cws: transphobia, canon typical violence, mentions of stalking
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laughing jack
doesnt get to interact with many people much, so hes a little limited on his knowledge- and given that he originally started existing in the Victorian era? hoo boy- hes not transphobic or otherwise lgbtphobic but there is some ignorance
can see himself as using some labels once he gets more educated on it, though! always headcanoned laughing jack to be gnc!
tries to help you appear more androgynous or masculine if thats what you want! he doesnt mind playing dress up with you, and hes definitely going to take it as a moment to turn it into a game and try to cheer you up!
openly mocks the people who bully you, as well as outright saying that theyre just a bunch of jerks who... dont deserve nice things to head their way.. to keep the description vague
similar to slenderman, hes going to go out and get some vengeance if things get ugly enough
he doesnt like going out without you, hes a bit clingy.. but the sight of you being so distraught really makes his insides coil like snakes.. does not like it at all
even tries to push for you to carry him around in his box so he can just jump and slash anyone who says anything- though thats not a very good idea... would give him away quickly
he doesnt understand much about gender, and honestly? i can easily see him being agender, or maybe gender apathetic simply due to him not showing interest in his own identity. he rarely wants to be perceived anyway
despite not knowing much about it and not caring how others see him, he can understand just a little bit on why it matters to you- especially when youre seen as something youre not and harassed for it
rest assured that if he ever finds out someone is harassing you, he will silent them quickly. out right offing them or stalking them over a period of time, the result will end in you having one less person on your back... then two.. then three.. and so on
actually the fact that people seem to either go missing or skip town not long after messing with you makes many keep their mouths shut- and before you even think that might prompt someone to harm you under the guise that its YOU doing it, slenderman isnt going to let that happen
he listens to you if you need to talk about your feelings on it, hes unsure of how to verbally help you affirm your gender identity but if you outright ask him how he views you; he tells you that you pass in his eyes regardless of if you present more femininely, masculine, or androgynously.. though that may be because of his aforementioned limited knowledge on the topic... hes supportive nonetheless!
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gb-patch · 2 years
Hello, I have a question relating I'm hoping is not rude of me to ask, But I'm a bit confused about Qiu's Genderfluid Identity.
In past asks I've seen you've referred to Qiu as Non-binary, which while Genderfluid is under the Nb umbrella and its ok to call them so in some cases, the two have very different definitions identity-wise:
"Gender fluidity is a non-fixed gender identity that shifts over time or depending on the situation. These fluctuations can occur at the level of gender identity or gender expression."
"Non-binary is used to describe people who feel their gender cannot be defined within the margins of gender binary. Instead, they understand their gender in a way that goes beyond simply identifying as either a man or woman."
Genderfluid people go between two or more genders, and while Qiu does use He/They, Pronouns doesn't equal gender.
Someone who is just Non-Binary can use He/They and still be Non-binary. But someone who is Genderfluid might go between identities like Agender and Non-binary, Demigirl and Demiboy or Male, Female and Nonbinary.
For a while, I thought Qiu was someone who went between Male and Agender but I've recently learned that was wrong, so I wanted to ask what gender identities they go between?
I'm really sorry, I'm confused by this ask. Qiu is non-binary because they don't identify as male or female, and they are gender fluid because their gender identity does shift/change. That's true but not really a question. Unless you're including definitions in case the readers don't understand terms, I unfortunately can't tell what you're trying to get across.
From what I can gather, you're wondering what makes Qiu's gender fluid since they don't identify as male and agender like you had thought? And for that, Qiu's feelings on gender are much more akin to people who use neopronouns rather than someone who identifies as specifically male or agender. Their gender is entirely personal to them. They don't put a name on it beyond 'gender fluid' because they do know it's not one static thing. How they feel and how they present themselves ebbs and flows. Qiu uses they/he pronouns simply because those are typical options and are useful for communicating, but it means as much to their identity as saying 'you'. Those specific pronouns aren't core to their gender, but the gender they have is fluid.
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daz4i · 6 months
what r ur bsd gender hcs????
oooo thank you for the ask! >:3
chuuya is transmasc i think is basically canon atp really
dazai is nb forever and ever to me
big fan of transfem kouyou + kyouka bc of meta reasons and also bc it's just fun in general
transmasc tanizaki. also a near canon one. why are you wearing a binder boy
the doa have one bit of gender they're forced to share and fukuchi hogs it most of the time (sigma is agender, fyodor doesn't care enough to figure things out, nikolai is like fyodor but in the opposite direction. bram is a vampire which is a whole gender all on its own)
speaking of i like transmasc fukuchi actually. 1 that one pic with his tits out. where are his nipples. top surgery fukuchi real? 2 i like to hc characters that express their genders in extreme ways as trans bc well. ik many trans ppl irl who do it too. so i can't help but hc any character who is basically the definition of a Manly Man as transmasc 3 i think we need to start hcing big strong guys as trans more often only then we can start healing
akutagawa is kinda like fyodor in a sense that he's probably nb but too busy with other things to figure it out rn
q! once again basically canon lol
i think that's all i have for now! 😌
otherwise i go by their canon genders. not necessarily assuming they're cis, these are just the ones i'm most passionate about! :3
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p0rcelaindolllyy · 8 days
Maybe you don’t feel it’s hateful, but say someone who IS nonbinary sees this kind of thing being said. What if you *have* nb followers? You’ve essentially stated that they aren’t real people, and whether or not there’s more deep-rooted feelings behind what you originally said (which I don’t know obv), being told you’re not allowed to or you can’t be x y or z is hurtful. Hopefully you can accept this and learn from it, but the way people identify themselves is up to them y’know? We don’t have to like it, or even understand it, just be respectful of their choices and let them exist in peace
i dont say they aren't people tf😭 i just say that they are not nonbinary because that doesn't exist its a silly trend for people that have an identity crisis or want attention. sorry i dont wanna offend anyone but they call themselves "trans"!! excuse me?? trans literally means TRANSITION , what are they transitioning to if they don't identify as a man or woman? i just feel sorry for real transpeople which had so many proplems and a hard time to get taken serious the last years and now people associate them with those weird genderfluid , nonbinary , agender people. trans is a diagnosis that comes with genderdisphoria where u cant accept ur genitals and secondary sexual characteristics. if u can accept that and just want to be called "they/them, then u just want attention. periodt
people need to learn that making up new genders for every personality traid literally confirms old genderroles. U can be a nontypical boy and do ur make up and stuff and still be a BOY. that doesn't need a new name or new pronouns.
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genderstealer2000 · 9 months
How do you start gender hoarding? I know that it might sound like a stupid question, but you see, I live in a place where trans people and nbs are looked down upon but lesbians and gays are ok. (rural Australia)
I felt weird coming out to my bf as a demigirl( I am AFAB) and he knows I’m a furry, but doesn’t know about my alter humanity (questioning therian)
So my view of gender is very “traditional” and where I live there’s only really female, male, trans and (very rare) nonbinary. I also have highly suspected autism/ self diagnosed yet I don’t see gender in a way I hear people with autism do, probably due to my upbringing
I want to know from a person like you who knows the “newer” ways of gender how I should gender hoard and not stick myself to just the traditional genders
its not a stupid question at all!! ill do my best to answer! so i identify as agender transmasc. agender goes under the trans umbrella and nonbinary, but i dont see myself as gender neutral i just have no gender. now going more into the transmasc, just means i feel more masculine. doesnt really effect the way i present my gender any differently, hmm i guess i dont really know how to explain it. i dont understand the concept of gender, i dont understand a lot of social constructs, i honestly think its sort of unneeded. my gender is complex in the most noncomplex way, its vast and its tiny. ive made my own genders based off of feelings and intrests, i think thats the best way to get started with genderhoarding. making your own ideas, analyzing yourself. (personally its helped me become more aware of who i am!) imaginationnnnn!! creativity!! make something up, no ones stopping you! the way i view gender is its what makes you, you. it doesnt have to make sense to anyone but you. it doesnt have to make sense! some of the things i tie in with my gender are the rustling of leaves in a forest, fog in the early morning, large fields, chaotic music, soft stuffed animals, the smell of pavement after it rains, soft piano music, acoustic guitar, the moon some of those things are real different!! and those are some of the things that i view my gender as! i think its a lot easier too with the internet, theres a ton of people who have similar ideas and interests so they also make genders, sexualities, and flags to go along with them.
i have a board on pinterest that i frequently add stuff to, i could link it here if you would like! i also save just anynthing that pops up if it remindes me of my friends or it seems cool. it doesnt mean i identify with it, but its cool to read about them! i keep track of them in a notebook as well!! my genders relate to my hyperfixations, mostly. Hyperfixations and anything that i can relate too! ex. horrormasc: a masculine aligned horrorgender. fits both definitions (1: a horrifying/all over the place gender, and 2: a gender related to different horror genres) raingender: a xenogender connected to the rain scenekid/scene neutral, oldwebemoic, onlineboyic, endspacic etc, etc. dont feel rushed at all to tell your boyfriend! when i started feeling more comfortable telling people, i made sure to have articals pulled up to read, notes etc. so it would be easier to sort me thoughts? get it out more smoothly. i also wanted to talk about self-diagnosing!! i hear so much negative about it, but honestly, its good to research and try and find out things about yourself. that my opinion. and not for longterm, just for a bit until you can get evaluated. gahhhhh self diagnosing is valid and it makes me so mad to see people who think its not. granted, some people to just see a couple things and "oh yup got that" but when you really spend time looking at signs, symptoms, traits it can be very beneficial in the long run, and also just to check before you go get evaluated also i apologize if this is insanely long, or if it makes no sense. im sleep deprived, im trying to fall asleep gahh i hope this helped even a little bit!! if you want me to expand on anything or explain anything further feel free to dm me!
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twsthc · 1 year
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thanks again for submitting stuff on twitter! i tried to include everyones hcs somehow but also keep it true to my own hcs. again this took forever so sorry for any writing/grammar inconsistencies
⚠️ warnings: i typed the word "transmascpilled" with a straight face, light chapter 3 spoilers!!
last updated: oct 6, 2023
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Riddle: Unlabled Questioning Asexual, Transfem (she/any)
because of her parents i think her identity was the last thing on her mind
after going to nrc they found out about... expression?! crazy i know
started to cautiously experiment with his identity, but isnt very open about it and is still figuring himself out.
Ace: Cupioromantic Bisexual, Cisgender (he/him)
is always getting "crushes" on people (he cant tell the difference between platonic and romantic love)
after pining for someone for like a week he gets a little "OHHH" moment
asked cater about it, got laughed at, and was directed to the lgbt wiki
despite this he can feel romantic attraction! he just feels very little. is deuce's qpp/possible romantic partner
Deuce: Pansexual, Gender curious (he/him)
hasnt really thought about his identity much but after some research (an Am I Gay Quiz) he realized he was pansexual
still figuring out his gender
type of fellow to say "HIS PRONOUNS ARE THEY THEM" /j
Cater: Queer, Transmasc NB Genderqueer (he/they/any)
@/heartslabyulian on twt explained it better than me but the resistance against his mom and sisters about "being like them" (feminine) is so transmascpilled
also i think theyre just having fun expressing themself like who cares? wear a skirt, dont bind, grow out and dye your hair, use fem terms, literally just go crazy
Trey: Cisgender Bisexual (he/him)
male/nb preference
pretty confident in his identity but isnt opposed to experimentation
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Leona: Unlabled, Intersex GNC Transfemneu (she/him)
lions are one of natures queerest animals
i think he wouldnt care too much about gender presentation
i was inspired by that gay lion in kenya (as well as the real lion king) and have come to the conclusion that leona kingscholar is bisexual (bangs gavel)
Ruggie: Pansexual, Agender/GNC Transfem (he/she/they)
read a fanfiction where ruggie used she/her and i havent been the same
expresses herself how she wants but doesnt really align with any gender
im conflicted if he would be agender or nonbinary SIGH
Jack: Panromantic Asexual, Gender curious (he/him)
still figuring out his gender just give him a minute
sex repulsed ace, hes really uncomfortable w the topic and thought of sex
all he knows is he likes boys alright
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Azul: Bisexual, Intersex Transfem (she/he)
i think one of the reasons azul wanted us to get that picture from the museum so bad is not only cos hes self consious of his younger self but because he looked "more masculine" and he just really hated it
me when im in a depressed and self conscious competition and my opponent is azul ashengrotto [insert enel one piece shocked face reaction image]
Floyd: Unlabled, Genderfluid (he/any)
doesnt care for labels he just wants to have fun in the sun!!!
type of guy to go "im a boy but a girl but a Man but a pretty princess but also a mud eating warrior but also--"
just like me fr
Jade: Aromantic Asexual, Agender (they/he)
fucking battery
look i get its probably stereotypical to hc the typically "stoic" guy to be triple A but just hear me out: i dont care (also jade isnt even stoic he is such a silly guy!!)
its MY headcanon account and EYE get to choose which anime boy i project on
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Kalim: Lesbian, Transfem Genderfluid (she/he)
she has lesbian eyebrows okay?
always sliding around from fem to masc, his outfits often reflect how hes feeling
blink and she switches from ultra pink miniskirt sparkly frilly femme girly teengirl into a baggy pants oversized band shirt beanie wearing 7/11 mountain dew big gulp drinking Creature. seriously iconic
Jamil: Bisexual, Nonbinary (they/he)
they dont have time to worry about their identity
he has BILLS to PAY
but seriously they never got the time to do any self reflection when they were younger and after their OB they were able to fully come to terms with and explore their identity
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Vil: Queer Polyamorous, Genderqueer Transfem (she/her)
said this already on twitter but she/her vil is so real
figured herself out even before NRC
i dont have much to say about pomefiore as a whole tbh like theyre just Gay it just makes sense?
Rook: Pansexual Polyamorous, Agender (they/them)
this is the one hc i will never ever budge on
i cant explain myself. rook is just agender okay.
the panpoly bit is because he sees beauty in everyone and wants to share beauty with everyone (and he wants potential romantic partners to share beauty with each other as well)
Epel: Gay, Trans man (he/him)
also took an Am I Gay Quiz
asked vil about her identity and for advice on finding himself and stuff
he came out to leona as trans during practice and leona was like "okay? me too? now do 30 pull ups?" and epel was so happy
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Idia: Bisexual, Nonbinary (he/they/xe/it ++)
i think lilia canonically uses he/they pronouns for gloomurai. im not fact checking this i will just saw someone on twt say it once and choose to believe
probably found out he was bi after playing an otome game
list of neos: xe/it/exe/cy/vi/byte/if/gore
Ortho: Experimenting (he/it/neos)
someone on twitter said ortho was that ""cringe"" baby queer who is constantly changing his identity and trying out different pronouns
and it reminded me of myself when i was 12 and named myself ""moth"" 😭 so its canon now
idia is supportive and uses his heaps of money to buy new pride flags/pins for whenever ortho comes to a new conclusion
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Malleus: Pansexual, Agender (any pronouns)
doesnt care about gender constructs, but in a way thats like "human gender doesnt make any sense so you can perceive me any way you want and it literally will not matter i dont care"
didnt even realize that going by different pronouns and wearing fem clothes was considered to be out of the norm until being introduced to human society
Lilia: Unlabeled, Agender (no pronouns)
again for fae gender isnt a construct as much as it is for human societies
id imagine lilia doesnt really mind using he/him pronouns after learning about those constructs but really doesnt care for them
Silver: Lesbian, Nonbinary (he/him)
when lilia took silver in, lilia didnt want to get too close to him, so lilia just used he/him on silver as a bitter reminder that silver isnt fae (contrary to raising silver without pronouns like he would typically for a fae child like malleus)
but then lilia got attached anyway LOL but the he/him stuck
kalim and silver are nonbinary lesbians in love
Sebek: Questioning, Questioning Nonbinary (he/him...?)
hes like "STUPID HUMANS AND THEIR GENDER" but at the same time is secretly questioning if its okay to use she/her pronouns, wear a wig, and put on makeup
because his dad is a human he got pronouns and grasped the concept of human gender constructs but was also able to experience his moms side of not caring about it
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xdemonicheartx · 11 months
Ive been struggling a lot with my self image to the point I’m having breakdowns in the mirror. I need help from anyone who can.
I’m AFAB agender/non binary and ive got some gripes about me I want help in altering in any way if I could get help finding resources or workouts or anything that would help me achieve a more masculine silhouette I would kiss you on the mouth (with your consent of course )
I am 24 years old, 5’7”/170.18cm, 195lbs/88.5kg, type one diabetic, neurodivergent (diagnosed ADHD, high suspicion of comorbid Autism though i cannot get an official diagnosis because the waitlist closest to home is a 2 year wait as of 2022) fibromyalgia is also present for anyone who needs any context regarding health concerns surrounding medical procedures they might recommend or suggest
Below are the things I need help in changing as a list with some details surrounding my anatomical structure
My goal is to be completely unsure if I’m a male or female with a look alone but with androgyny that can be a pretty broad area. I know if I gain upper body musculature that can help but I cannot afford a gym membership yet
vvv More below vvv
I have an exceptionally voluptuous butt. Its almost comical to me, I would say I’m slim-thick or pear shaped. Its the type of back end that a lot of cis femme women would covet, its mostly muscle tissue due to years of athletics but theres also scar tissue from years of insulin injections
My hips are VERY wide. Like I said I’m pear shaped, I hate the curvy figure I have and its rounded edges, I have small pockets of fat resting on my hips that only add to the figure
I have a very stubborn hormonal fat deposit on my stomach I want to stop oral birth control which is the most likely culprit but I currently cannot until I can get a hysterectomy
I have a muffin top and artificial hip dips due to fat deposits that I am looking to tame
Chest dysphoria, I don’t have large boobs, they’re a perky B/C cup. I would consider top surgery but I don’t know how to bring that up with my partner. I do use a fytist binder and I love how my chest looks flat/with nice pectoral muscle (even if its smushed boob). My partner loves the way I am shaped overall but I do not. (He/him/they/them bisexual)
Facial features are so rounded and I cant contour to save my life. I know losing weight will be seen in the face first but what else can I do?
Speaking of face I have loose skin under my chin thats not a double chin but any type of glance downward makes a pseudo double chin and I’m incredibly insecure about it. I have a relatively feminine jaw line and I have a jaw exerciser/silicone bite that I need to use more. Are neck tucks something available for me?
I have hooded eyes, they make me look so tired. I know eye lid lifts are a procedure but thats something I would need to save up for and plan for, I am unsure if losing weight would change this
The triceps of my arms feel like they’re on the road to bingo wings/bat wings, I know the tricep is supposed to hang freely when relaxed and not in use but when my arm hands at my side there is a bit of pudge above my elbow that says “body fat” and not soft muscle
I understand weight loss can help with a small handful of these and muscle building can too but there are additional features and traits that cannot be worked for aside from medical intervention and cosmetic electives. I’m looking for workouts, medical procedures and price ranges, shapewear, makeup tutorials, diets that help in weight loss or muscle gain, and literally anything else that might help me feel like this is my body. Its becoming a large hinderance on my mental wellbeing
I really cannot keep dwelling on how my body is wrong when its something I am stuck with for life so all I can do is work to alter it and care for it. However I know these alterations are possible. Ive seen incredible transformations and transitions within the trans community and NB communities and I’m really hoping some of your experiences can be passed onto me so that I can live as myself too
I appreciate those that have taken the time to read this far. Thank you
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gender is weird, y’all.
so I think I’m gender apathetic. Not sure if there is a flag for it tho. I don’t care abt gender, and I came to this realization when I saw this post on Pinterest:
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this photo is basically my life, but I’ll still put it into my own words.
I always thought I was a female just cause I was raised as one, but I did some thinking and realized, I don’t care how you perceive me. female? sure, im used to it. non binary? cool. male? well, its a new one, but theres a first time for everything so go for it! i gotta admit, i have a weird fascination with gender. i mean, how does anyone ever just pick one set of pronouns? also neopronouns and xenogenders. theyre sooo coooolllllllll. i love the names and pretty flag colours!!
so I’m gonna use the label ‘androgynous’ but if ya rlly want to know, I’m agender and genderfluid [whoooyeah, agenderfluid rep!], as well as gender apathecticfem, basically meaning, although idc how you perceive me, I’m more fem presenting, kinda like how nb ppl can be lesbians (love y’all). (‘but Evan, how can you not have a gender, and also be genderfluid’) well my dear anon, it’s cause some days I feel more gendered then others. Think there is a term for that, but I prefer this. Anyways, think that’s all for now, but if anyone is curious, here’s my Pinterest board filled with different genders and orientations I use.
also I know I just talked abt how idc abt pronouns but if u wanna use something specific from me; she/they/ri/rem/thon/thonself/thons works great!
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kamil-a · 2 months
sayer itself for the ask meme!
Yayyyyy ty!!
How I feel about this character
LOVE IT, DOWN BAD FOR IT, OBSESSED WITH IT, SHOWSTOPPING AND INCREDIBLY EVIL HOTTIE I NEED TO TELL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT, and a strange and intense protectiveness coming from a subconscious layer i cant really word. i want to compliment it and boost its ego but it would only get me killed bc it would sniff out instantly i do so from a place of worry/pity for it lololol. but at least it might be a change of pace for it...?
All the people I ship romantically with this character
svencob haleson🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My non-romantic OTP for this character
speaker though im equally open to romantic speakersayer!! It could go either way for me. I feel like this one hasnt quite Caught the lever in my mind yet tho so im mostly nodding at what others say. speakerhalesayer is excellent too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think more fanwork should take advantage of the fact that it cant see/senses info both through alternate means and via trusting that data given to it is correct!! i really like the twist away from like.... controlling company=eye/camera imagery that feels a bit Too obvious. Id love to see it pointed out more... while im mentioning things, i also would love to see more fanwork focusing on it as an inbetween for things. i tried to emphasize that in faustfic lolol
entirely setting aside my own design funtimes which are, like, obviously Exxagerated For Fun And Not Reflective Of Actual Analysis, i still think of it as nb in the direction of turned away from masculinity. and it likes its voice, right, its not a question of dysphoria, but of mislabeling what SHOULD be a good and neutral trait if humans werent so weiiiird. not to mention its literally wire mother. all this to say i take a noticible but ultimately insignificant 1hp damage (which is ofc only to Describe The Heart's Phenomenon and not To Assert Correctness- mistake or not, canon DOES use he/it+"space boyfriend") when i see it reffered to with he/him or sayerhale described as m/m and i think more exploration of sayer as a fully agender or even slightly feminine figure would be interesting perhapbs...... this feels like an extremely dumb thing to care about- aaaa the tumblrina has complex specific headcanons on the finer points of an nb characters gender, pointnlaugh- but!
(But also more ppl should put it in beautiful dresses.)
I guess this is worth mentioning- for whatever Naming or Intensifying s4 future's program did, i think it extremely obviously had emotions all along. I think the only thing it actually gave it fresh and new was the ability to conceptualize how someone else is feeling emotionally.
I also am always skeptical of a move towards a more "human" experience being "better"- i want it to be skeptical of what emotion is- it knows who made them, after all!! It watched!!- and to retain its inhumanity even after its been so changed. its very, extremely, important to me to separate out the experience of both "nanite in occupied body" and "nanite in empty body" from "regular bodied existance". we love separating and categorizing here at kam inc.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
connected to the above, i wish sooooo much we'd gotten an earlier-season episode with an equivalent situation to In Darkness where someone is able to successfully lie to sayer by describing something they can see and it cannot. (doubleconnected to the further above..... claims to feel protective of it, wishes there was an ep where it got tricked via an exploitable weakness.... MY HEART IS LARGE, AND FULL OF CONTRADICTION!!)
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elfdyke · 1 year
i have a nb question, is it ok if i go by she/they but also idk what i identify as?
im afab and grew up around conservatives so all i've ever know being a girl/woman but tbh the concept of me being a woman doesn't make sense to me like sometimes i feel like im cosplaying a woman even tho im afab but also sometimes i enjoy being feminine but also i the closest to wearing gender neutral clothes for me is t shirt and jeans but the tshirt is like hello kitty or something so i dont really know what dressing gender neutral would be like also i know gender doesnt have to do with clothes but i always wonder about it
other than clothes tho the mere concept of gender is confusing to me but i do feel more feminine than masc i was thinking maybe im a demi woman but idk i just feel like i have no gender but also femme at the same time if that makes sense
but i dont have gender dysphoria at all and i dont notice any gender in me at the same time
you didnt even need to elaborate, just from the first sentence alone yes of course its ok to use any pronouns you want regardless of how you identify <3 there are even cis people who use different pronouns than those that align with their birth assigned identity. gender is sooo crazy and we are all just doing our best and trying to make ourselves happy! try out different labels try out whatever pronouns you want to use! dont stress about it too hard <3 id say maybe look into the label agender bc u describe a lot of similar experiences that i have and ive been iding as that for a long while now ^_^ but truly just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. you dont need dysphoria to be trans/nonbinary, seeking out labels and identities that make you feel the most You is whats most important!!
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