I will make you laugh until it hurts. You will curl back your lips and expose your teeth in joy. whether you like it or not, I am in need of a home and will crawl into your heart. Let me in. Unlock the door.:)*profile edited by me*
Last active 3 hours ago
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no because this scene made me cry and laugh so hard?? It’s so silly, I actually love them and chases reactions are priceless, especially in the last couple panels lmao
and foreman looks so done I can’t
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THIS IS GENIUS LIKE?!?? actually sobbing rn cause this is so in character and SO FUNNY
modern-day house m.d. episode where the patient is transmasc and on T, and after house reads his file he goes in and is reading off prescriptions like "estradiol cream, finasteride, prescription face wash, prescription deodorant... god, it's like you don't even want to be a man!" and the patient says "just because i wanna be a man doesn't mean i have to suffer all the shitty side effects" and house goes "it's all shitty side effects! being a man sucks!" before tossing the file down on the little tray table thing and leaving.
chase and cameron exchange A Look in the room and then while they're walking down the hall cameron's like "we should talk to him about it - maybe he'd be... happier? if he transitioned?" and chase rolls his eyes and is like "just because he thinks being a man sucks doesn't mean he's trans, every guy hates being a man at least some of the time" and then cameron gives him Another, Slightly Alarmed Look
we cut to house and wilson and wilson's looking at him like he's insane, going "so you... told the patient that being a man sucks?" and house laughs and says "sure did! i wanna know which will take longer - cameron coming to me concerned about my gender, or chase realizing he should be concerned about his gender. her gender? eh, probably easier to just stick with 'his' for now." wilson accuses him of being a sociopath and house looks fake-wounded and says "you know, if i am a sociopath, you're being ableist by attributing my cruel actions to my sociopathy, and if i'm not a sociopath then it's even worse that you're accusing me of being one just because i'm mean."
cuddy approaches house later and tells him that she heard about what he told the patient, and she is required both to make him take sensitivity training and also to provide him resources on transitioning if he wants to pursue that. house asks if him being a woman would make cuddy bisexual, and she raises and eyebrow and says "that ship sailed long ago" and doesn't elaborate on whether she means she isn't into house anymore so it doesn't matter or that she already is bi. house starts cyberstalking her to try to figure out if she slept with any of the women she's friends with on facebook. the team comes in to tell him about a new symptom and he shows them a photo of cuddy from college with a hot girl at a halloween party and is like "do you think they ever fucked? i think they fucked. even if they didn't, i'm gonna imagine they did." foreman tries to get them back on track but chase leans in to get a better look at the photo and it turns out to be wilson in a costume. there's an awkward beat of silence before cameron goes "SO, back to the patient!" and house makes a sort of dismissive "huh? oh, yeah, go test him for [whatever]" while staring intently at the photo.
he confronts wilson about the photo, wilson admits it's him, house starts by going "oh, yeah, but i'm the one having a gender crisis" but accidentally says "sexuality crisis" instead and wilson is like "house do you... do you think i'm hot in that photo?" and then we cut to chase asking cameron if she thinks he could pull off an outfit like that and they discuss it a little while doing a blood draw or LP or whatever. the patient gives them both A Look and is like "you know, you can get wigs and breast forms pretty cheap these days..." and chase is like "hm? oh, yeah i guess one of those costume supply sites would probably have stuff like that huh," and the patient raises his eyebrows at cameron who just shakes her head a tiny bit.
house accuses cuddy of sleeping with his best friend in the clinic lobby and she drags him into her office to ask what the hell he's talking about and he shows her the photo. she's like "yeah, we were at a halloween party together in college, so what?" and house says that wilson makes a really hot chick and asks if that's what awakened cuddy's "bi side," and cuddy just rolls her eyes and tells him to stop projecting his sexuality crisis onto her just because he thinks his best friend is hot. house asks if wilson was at least a good lay and cuddy says "find out for yourself!" before kicking him out of her office again.
house goes back to his office and cameron is pacing outside the door, and she looks nervous when he walks up to her. she follows him into his office and she has clearly prepared A Speech about how if he doesn't like being a man he doesn't have to be, and he doesn't even have to be a woman either, there's options, and it's never too late to transition no matter what people say, and he cuts her off like "yes yes you're very supportive, you clearly aced sensitivity training" and then he has the episode's Epiphany and it turns out that the patient transitioned too early and there was some (largely made-up and not actually backed by irl medical science) complication from starting his transition as a teenager, and the patient is like "oh so you're saying i did this to myself?" and house says "well legally at least, either your parents or the governor of new jersey did it to you - depends on who approved the hormones."
wilson comes up to him at the end and is like "you know, it's okay if you think i'm hot. and it's also okay if you're a woman. if you... ever need any tips on passing as one, i'm happy to help."
the ending is left ambiguous as to house's actual gender identity and, much like the autism episode, it kinda feels like the writers' room was full of heavy debate about whether house should be trans or not. we also never actually circle back to the fact that chase is definitely trans, it never comes up again, and this move pisses off both trans people and allies who wanted it to become A Story Arc and anti-trans people who are mad it even came up in a single episode, absolutely nobody is happy about how they handled that subplot.
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THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!! also I adore this art style sm
here’s the full thing
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I’ve just had (sorta) shocking and rather depressing realization (while watching a patient die in house) that if a doctor told me I was going to die, I’m not sure I would care. Like, I’d care, but I wouldn’t feel bad for myself, I’d only feel sad because I know the people in my life would be sad for some weird reason. idk.
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*house does something mildly embarrassing*
me: *gets such bad second hand embarrassment I double over and have to pause it to compose myself*
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my lunch today! :3

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lunch at my moms house: oh. it’s around lunch time. guess I reheat the three leftover, burnt pancakes from last Tuesday n some peas. (no joke that’s what I had for lunch yesterday)
lunch at my dads house: *spends like, 40 minutes cooking pizza rolls with a homemade butter spice mixture to cook in AND a fruit salad*
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I may have no idea how a can opener works but I can make a mean fruit salad
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the fact that cuddy called Wilson houses wife is just…ergh
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if there’s wc art on my homepage, I just KNOW it’s @fallenrain40’s fault/silly
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I just made myself a pb&j sandwich at 6:30 in the morning, what’d you do
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house md is the only fandom by far that i like because I hate all of them but I also love them. like chase, i fucking hate your guts, but I also love you. you're so pathetic. cameron, get a grip, you're falling apart girl. you also scare me. foreman, you're just a dick. i fucking love that. wilson, you're also falling apart, like real bad. also, you're gay as hell, stop getting married. lisa cuddy.....you're the only i like. but you're also a pushover sometimes, but I'll forgive you. and oh. do we even have to talk about house. no. no we don't.
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I think I’m a trans boy in denial
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can you send urself an ask.
oh. Huh.
ig u can :3
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I can’t tell if my mom is inperceptive or if my dad is perceptive, but I’ve had ‘cat scratches’ (that’s what they look like+I live with three cats so it’s an easy assumption) for weeks and my mom hasn’t brought them up once or noticed them, but I’m going to my dad’s for march break and he picked me up (in the car rn) and one of the first things he says to me is ‘your hands all cat-scratched up?’ And I just think that’s interesting, idk.
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