#so this is kind of rushed
ribbononline · 2 years
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Personalised post ORAS teams featuring… Everyone! Wahoo!
Funni lore bits for those who are interested;
Torkoal - His first Pokémon, caught as a child. Suspecting to have been very old even then, it’s nonetheless going strong. Aloof and uncaring, most people are surprised to hear it’s one of Tabithas Pokémon. It doesn’t battle. 
Armaldo - Obtained in his Devon days when working on the Hoenn fossil revival project. One of the very first successes, Tabitha decided to take care of the then Anorith themselves. It often helps him keep order among the grunts. 
Skarmory - Caught after beginning to work for team Magma, wanting a Pokémon that could fly. It often carries supplies and never tires. Much like Armaldo, it often helps keep order among the grunts. 
Donphan - Caught during his work for team Magma. Found ruining crops, he defeated it and took it with him. The shiny patches show up as rust, and the health problems from that were found causing it to act out. Making sure it’s healthy, it’s now their strongest battler, even it still acts moody towards others. 
Tentacruel - Her first Pokémon, caught as a Tentacool as a child. Due to it’s extending tentacles, it’s an invaluable team member for rescue missions. It helps often with training the grunts in battle. 
Kingdra - Caught as a Horsea as a child. Despite being fairly standoffish towards others, it’s very close to her. She often has it explore new terrain for her. 
Milotic - Caught in her Devon days in her free time. The Pokémons living space had been disturbed by new developments, leaving it wandering. She took it in afterwards. 
Gyarados - Caught in her early Aqua days. Found rampaging after evolving, she defeated it and took it with her to prevent future issues. Due to Milotics ability to calm raging spirits with it’s beauty, they became battle partners. 
Marill - His first Pokémon, caught for him by his older sibling. It’s very playful and likes to battle, even though it never seemed to want to evolve. 
Pelipper - Caught shortly after Marill as a Wingull. Nowadays, due to it’s ability to carry things safely in its beak, its often used when relocating smaller fish Pokémon to safer waters.
Crawdaunt - Caught as a Corphish just before joining team Aqua. Due to it’s tough pincers, it’s Matts main fighter on the team. Overall however, it’s a remarkably friendly Pokémon for it’s kind, mainly due to good training from Matt back from before it evolved.
Wailord - Caught during the team Aqua days. The grunts found it stranded on the beach, and couldn’t push it back to the ocean. Matt eventually figured the best way to relocate it would be to catch it and then release it in deeper waters. It chose to stay with him however, and is now a celebrity amongst the grunts who love to fetch a ride on it.
Whismur - Caught in her teens, and her first Pokémon. She thought it was cute and took it along. It doesn’t battle, though she uses it’s ear shattering abilities sometimes to not have to deal with people she doesn’t like. 
Skitty - Originally the pet her parents had at home. She took it with her once she moved out for college. It doesn’t battle, but it’s quite good at stealing whatever she asks for. 
Claydoll - Caught as a Baltoy during college. She wanted a Pokémon that could protect her during expeditions into cave systems. Due to it’s psychic abilities, it helps her out in the lab a lot. 
Ninetales - Caught as a Vulpix during college. She saw it on a field trip, thought it was cute and caught it, despite not having much room left at home. After it evolved, it became a very capable battler.
Maxie n Archie already got their teams lore here!
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chainsawworld · 2 years
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Y'know I literally couldn't picture the narrator in my mind for the longest time and now I can't stop picturing him
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britomart · 3 years
al pacino is the only living boy in new york :(
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kkulmoon · 3 years
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a fine assortment of jin moments for @kithtaehyung​ ♡
[cr. dwellingsouls, outroher]
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tls123 · 3 years
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people’s favorite the untamed scenes  —  for @omgwaffles
jiang cheng handing over zidian
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doodlestab · 2 years
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Hi guys!! Usually I do commissions in September, but with my wedding coming up & things I need to take care of soon, I’m opening up a limited 8 slots for two weeks only. These are first come first serve. (8 out of 8 slots reserved as of August 8th.)
If you’re interested or have any questions, go ahead and DM me through tumblr’s direct messaging system, or if you’d like to keep things a little more organized, you can inquire me at [email protected]
Limit to 1 commission per reserved slot. Payment will be through paypal invoice up front.
If you like my art but can’t commission me, please support me by reblogging this to share it around :3!
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thetardigrape · 2 years
You know, there's been a lot of discussion about this scene.
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But it's mostly been about whether Ed really meant to kill Stede when he told Izzy about that plan. What I haven't heard mentioned much is how this scene is a spectacular example of Ed's empathy.
Ed and Izzy have known each other for years. Ed knows Izzy's moods and can tell how he's feeling. He's been feeling trapped himself, like he's doing the same thing over and over with no way out. And the scene that led to this was Izzy cornering him and saying he spends all his time managing Ed and the crew but it's not enjoyable anymore, it's Izzy having to get through one more day, one more fight, over and over.
Is any of what Izzy said about what he does true? Doesn't really matter. What's true is that he feels like he's doing the same thing again and again, trapped with no way out but death. Ed can sense it, and he knows how terrible that feels, because he feels it too.
So how does he start this conversation? "You were right, man." He validates Izzy's perspective. He acknowledges Izzy's feelings, then offers him what he knows Izzy needs: a way out.
Ed knows Izzy isn't trying to leave because Ed didn't make a plan (he did, and when he discovered it had a fatal flaw, he made another one). Izzy is trying to leave because he feels just as trapped as Ed in their cycle of miscommunication and drudgery. Ed doesn't want to lose Izzy (reasons for which are probably worth a whole other essay) so he tells him what he needs to hear: that Ed listens to him, cares about his perspective, and values his input.
Is Ed's empathy flawless? Of course not. His relationship with Izzy is so fraught it could be a whole series of essays. There's an entire library of fic out there devoted to it, actually. But he's fucking trying. He sees that Izzy needs validation and he gives it to him.
This scene gives so much insight into their relationship for so many reasons, and I think this is a major part of it.
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cindersart · 2 years
not gonna get into anything negative because the casting has been out for barely a day but like. for ppl complaining abt preferring “book annabeth” (which??? just say white annabeth if that’s what you mean 😭) i need you to really examine where that preference originates, and what exactly is so important about annabeth being white, that a black actress can’t do the job. this is an argument that happens every time a woc, specifically a black actress, gets cast in roles where the character was originally white, and that argument has always been rooted in racism 
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rainestormes · 2 years
people aren't saying hunter doesn't need a love interest because we don't think abuse victims deserve/should be in romantic relationships, omfg. we're saying it because his story is heavily focused on his trauma and recovery, and now, especially since the show got shortened, there's only 6 episodes to wrap his story up and developing a romance would take attention and time away from his character arc.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Fierce Revelations Pt 3 (Linked Universe story)
@silvercaptain24 @ajscico @sky-squido GUESS WHO FINISHED PART 3 :D
Summary: When a battle spirals out of control, Warriors finds a familiar mask in Time’s arsenal and decides that desperate times call for desperate measures.  Time then has to confront what it’s like to be on the other end of the mask, and the repercussions that come with it.
Part 1 Part 2
 All fingers. Lift two on the right hand. Lift one on the left hand. Lift the pinkie on the right. Repeat.
 He could do this. He could do this.
 All fingers. Lift two on the… wait, which two was it again? Middle and fourth. That’s right.
 All fingers. Lift two on the right hand. Lift one on the left hand. Lift the pinkie on the right. Repeat.
 "Good. You’ve got the first part.”
 Link smiled. Yes! He just needed to have Navi write it all down so she could remind him when he needed to play it later.
 “Now,” Sheik continued. “It’s time to learn the rest of the serenade.”
Time took a deep, relaxed breath before humming again. The Serenade of Water was one of his favorites that he’d learned on that journey many years ago. It was one of the few that relaxed him without bringing memories and feelings that made his heart clench or made his mind get lost in the past. It was just… calming. He’d hummed it or played it to himself many times over the years.
Sky shifted in his arms, sighing into his tunic.
Keep reading
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
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formulaonedirection · 3 years
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Sober, Melodrama (2017)
Top 5 Lorde songs I associate with Daniel: 3/5
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emmet-appreciation · 3 years
When I saw you mention that what if Arceus time yeeted Ingo for a good reason, my brain decided to go in a terrible direction (and I hate it for it). What if something happened and only one of the twins could be saved. Or something happened and a time rift opened and Emmet pushed Ingo through it to try save him :(
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POV You are ingo and Emmet just pushed you through a timerift/worm hole/something :<
OK, disregarding the jokes THIS IS RLY SAD HGAEHFBS. There’s also none of the “Emmet beats up god” jokes, just pure angst out of this idea ;w;. ugh. I love it-
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comics-in-midgar · 3 years
when i tell y’all i almost threw up in the theatre laughing over that fucking floor keyboard
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crimeronan · 2 years
so i knew the mabel podcast had lesbians because everyone who recced it to me was like "theres lesbians here" because obviously. however i did NOT know that the lesbians are wildly traumatized fuckups with totally different coping mechanisms whose relationship is built on trying very hard to support each other while also having deeply incompatible neuroses and constantly hurting one another by lashing out or saying the wrong thing, After spending an endless amount of time being obsessive and codependent and doing grand personal sacrifice shit and idealizing the other bc they've been individually isolated instead of being able to communicate, And managing to link their sanity thru magic which neither of them is okay with which Sure Does add another layer to how tangled their conflicts get, And they're both having to face the fact that this idealized soul bonded beautiful kickass magic life partner is actually.... a flawed three-dimensional individual, who is not perfect, and also is not easy to understand, and also is capable of making bad bad bad Bad mistakes,
literally Every Time they start fighting (which is approx every 3 to 5 minutes) i experience a higher enraptured floating state of being called I Was Born Exclusively To Experience This Media. Purpose Fulfilled I Can Now Die In Peace
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bunycube · 3 years
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heart skipped a beat atleast 50times while i drew this
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