#so they wanted me to test it to make sure it was still safe to use once it had dried
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terrestrialnoob ¡ 23 hours ago
"John." Bruce said with so much accusation he could see the man suppress a flinch. The toddler in front of them started to crawl to the edge of the table. Bruce reached his hand out and stopped the child. It stared at his hand in fascination before reaching out and touching it curiously.
"Bats..." John wanted to deflect, but Bruce stared at him until he cracked. "The texts said it- he?- was forged in lightning on the edge of life and death. That's not- I don't know how in the seven hells that could make a baby. An adult wouldn't be able to survive what that implies."
"But that's what we have." Bruce said, the baby had tried to put his gauntlet in his mouth, but Bruce had a small, soft dog toy in his utility belt, clean and safe for a toddler to chew on.
"Yeah, I think I need to do more research... A lot more." John said and stood up. "You don't mind taken care of him, yeah? I mean, I wouldn't trust me with a baby."
"I want a copy of all your research so far and to be kept updated on all new information." Bruce said. He had his own list of things to help figure out what the toddler was. First thing he was going to do when he got home was a DNA test.
John nodded stiffly and walked out of the room like a man on a mission. Bruce was thankful the man was taking this seriously.
"Oh, this is going to be great!" Dick said leaning in where John had been. "A little brother I can finally have a good first impression on."
"Aren't you Robin's favorite?" Bruce asked as Dick offered his hand to the toddler like he would a new pet.
"Not at first." Dick said as the toddler ignored him in favor of the toy. "You remember how we were all stunned when he showed up and interacting with him had a real learning curve."
"Red Ro-"
"Neither of us were in a good headspace when we first met him."
Bruce sighed, he didn't bring up Jason, but, "Black Bat?"
"Sister." Dick answered quickly. "This time, I'm going to be nice right from the start."
"So does this mean no burgers?" Barry asked with a sigh.
Clark answered for him, "B probably wants to take the kid somewhere safe. The three of us can still go though."
Barry smiled, but Bruce knew it wasn't the same when he wasn't there. Sure, Barry, Clark, and Diana got along- actually were real friends who enjoyed each other's company. But Barry was looking forward to sharing work stories Bruce. Clark could keep up with the technical aspects, and Diana valued his knowledge, but Bruce was actually interested in it.
Clark was the least disappointed since he and Bruce hung out far more out of costume. Diana was right in the middle, wanting to spend time with her friends, but she values duty enough she would never ask Bruce to put herself over a child.
Diana shook her head and laughed at Bruce. "I do believe this means you have more children than friends."
Bruce gave her a look that meant, "yeah, you're right but it's rude to say so."
"Hey, Bats, can I have a word?" John asked as everyone started filling out of the meeting room.
Batman gave him the side eye. "You don't usually come to meetings."
John raised his hands in surrender. "Caught me, I'm really here to ask you a favor."
Batman looked over by the door, where it looked like Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash were there waiting for him. But, he turned back to John and asked "What do you want?"
John tried not to cringe at the tone in his voice, telling himself that's just what a tired after meeting Batman sounded like. "I need help with a puzzle box."
John pulled said box out of his coat pocket and held it up for Batman to take, but the man examined it closely without touching it. "What's in it?"
"A world-ending weapon, probably. There's like, a 10% chance it's a world-ending monster." John helpfully provided.
"And you want to open it..."
"Yeah..." John sighed then explained, "It's part of a pair, with this-" John pulled a gear shaped dial puzzle out of his pocket. "But, since I solved this one, that one wont work for me."
"Why do you want to open it?"
"Because, whoever solves the puzzles control it."
"But you've been magically locked out of solving this one." Batman pointed at the box still in John's hand.
"Yeah, so I need someone good at solving puzzles -you- and who's dabbled enough in magic to effect the box -you again- and who I trust not to use whatever's in it to destroy the world."
Batman gave him the patented bat-interrogation glare. "You still haven't explained why you want to release this weapon."
"It's a fail safe. Like the two keys thing governments put in front of their nuclear bombs. According to the texts I read, this isn't the only way to release the whatever-it-is, but once we solve both these puzzles, you and I will have control of it and absolutely no one else can get it." John wiggled the box at Batman. "We do this now, we don't have to pray I can track down all the alternate methods, and neither of us can use it without the other's permission."
Batman closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're certain this is the best method to ensure the safety of as many people as possible?"
"And you're certain I'm the right person you want as the other half of your fail safe? Not another magic user?"
"I feel the degree of separation will be useful in determining what situations call for using a world-ending weapon."
Batman let another deep sigh and took the puzzle box.
"You two staying late?" Superman asked as John and Batman sat back down at the table. Him, Wonder Woman, and the Flash came over to check on them.
"Sorry, we can get dinner together another time." Batman said without taking his eyes off the box. Each side had nine squares, each with a rune on them that glowed when pressed. There was a pattern, John was sure, but after he'd solved the dial puzzle, the runes where blurred and the squares didn't light up when he pressed them.
"How long do you think your puzzle thing will take?" Flash asked, looking over Batman's shoulder as he seemed to solve the puzzle quickly. Or so John hoped, again, he couldn't actually see what kind of progress Bats was having.
"Ten minutes, tops." Nightwing interrupted. Batman did glance at him, but then went right back to work on the box. "We still have plenty of time to go to Bobby's before closing."
"I thought you had better things to do?" Superman asked.
"And pass up on burgers with you? Never." Nightwing said with a wink. "Is John joining us when this is done?"
"I'll have to take whatever comes out of the box back to the house of Mystery." John said, though burgers did sound good at the moment.
Silence lapsed into the room as they watched Batman work. And ten minutes later, it was done. The puzzle box glowed and one of it's faces folded into itself, leaving a hole shaped just like the gear puzzle. Batman held it out and John dropped the gear into it. The room filled with a bright flash, and once it faded, sitting on the conference table between John and Batman was a toddler. He had black hair and bright blue eyes and freckles scattered across his face. He reached out a little hand towards them and started babbling.
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madamechrissy ¡ 3 days ago
Baby You're No Good part three preview- spoilers if you haven't read part two!
Pairings - Cult leader/clan Leader Geto x F! reader
Warnings- just a whole bunch of angst (chap will be explicit and NSFW but this section isn't) say hi to Satoru hehe
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Satoru pulls up his white wrapped blindfold, one cerulean eye meeting yours, swirling storms that you could never forget, looking back at Suguru, glossy lips turning up in a smirk. Suguru scowls right at him, when Satoru puts his hands in the pockets of his dark blue pants, tilting his silvery locks as he steps just a bit closer, his shoes glinting under the light with each step.
“A non-curse user married to the infamous Suguru Geto.” Satoru whistles now, walking closer until he’s right in front of you.
“Arranged marriage.” Suguru says, making you tense, feeling sick to your stomach, sure you know it’s true, but…
Perhaps you thought you were a little more?
“Ah, need me to take her off your hands?” Satoru taunts, grinning as he puts his blindfold back on, and you watch Suguru stiffen, before he glares.
“The fuck you say?”
“You hate humans, I’ll take her with me. Sure she’d prefer that over certain death, hmm?”
“You won’t take her any fucking where.”
“Why, it’s forced, right?” Satoru’s lilting voice was laced with sarcasm, as he looks right through Suguru, the way you do, the way Shoko had so casually the day he last saw her, the way only people…
People he loved did.
Fuck he can’t, he doesn’t, but as Satoru brushes your hair back gently and you eye him curiously, he grips one of Satoru’s wrists tightly, and he can feel the goddamn gaze behind that blindfold. Knowing, still caring somehow, though Suguru doesn’t deserve his care, nor does he deserve you.
If he loved you enough, he’d let you run the fuck away with Satoru, perhaps he could keep you safe, from the monster Suguru had become.
But he can’t stand the thought of you gone.
“Is it because she’s pregnant?”
“What!?” Suguru demands, and he lifts his blindfold again, eyeing you with those powerful six eyes, as you touch your tummy, looking at Satoru in shock.
“It’s brand new, won’t even show up on a test, but you are.” Satoru’s voice is just a little soft, you could feel how he felt horrible for you, but also you could still feel the love he had for his former best friend.
“You can see?” You murmur softly, as Suguru’s lips are parted.
“I can see a lot. I see you care about her, hmm?”
“You need to leave, to prepare for when I come.”
“Suguru!” His name on your lips makes him pause, as you look at him with tears now. “You can’t do it.”
“Oh I can’t hmm?” Suguru’s struggling to remember his motives, all he can think of is that there’s a fucking baby in you already.
“You can’t do this, what life will this baby even have?”
“A better one, when the scum is off this earth.”
“Including her?” Satoru says now, and Suguru’s jaw locks, violet eyes narrowed with his lashes casting shadows on his cheeks, the wind starts whipping around the three of you, as you feel Satoru’s immense energy. It’s far surpassing Suguru’s, intense to withhold as it surrounds him. “If you hate humans, you hate her.”
“That’s… she’s mine.”
“Your human?”
“She’s my…” He stands in front of you now, as Satoru grins, chuckling just a bit. “She’s my wife and has my heir, she won’t leave my fucking sight.”
Suguru never wants you to leave him, the thought makes his heart clench with fear, his very energy shifting, and Satoru picks up on it. “Oh so you’ll just kill her once she has your heir?”
“No I…”
“Why not?”
“Satoru fuckin' leave, go prepare now because I sure the fuck am coming prepared to kill everyone in that city, including you.”
Suguru stomps away, as Satoru sighs, stepping closer to you.
“You alright here?” He murmurs, you nod then, carefully. “I can get you out of here.”
“You what?” You blink just a bit, and Suguru is shouting your name, glaring at the two of you.
“You love him too, don’t you?”
“No! God no…” You falter, and Satoru exhales, brushing the backs of his fingers across your cheek, and you feel Suguru summon a curse right around you, making you gasp.
“Back the fuck off.” Suguru speaks through gritted teeth, Satoru just smirks, waving off Suguru’s curse like it’s nothing.
“You see them.”
“Yes, I can, some… family trait.” You murmur softly.
“Hmm, interesting. I can still take you away, just say the word.”
You hate Suguru.
Suguru is a psycho murderer.
“Or?” Suguru’s now got his people around him, his cult, his minions, making you sick as they gather, as if they’re putting a dent in Satoru Gojo.
“Or… you try to stop him.”
“Me!? He fucking hates me, he thinks-”
“Nah. He certainly doesn’t hate you, in fact… maybe only you can get through to him.” He rubs the back of his neck, as Suguru and his group start stepping forward. “I’ve tried, I’m… fucking tired.”
“If you don’t get through, how can I?”
“He feels something. Try to… just buy me some time could you?” You gulp now, as you touch your stomach again.
“I’ll try, Gojo.”
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Coming this weekend <3
Perm Tags- @alt--er--love @indiewritesxoxo @nanasukii28 @cuntphoric @loafteaw @n1vi @miizuzu @beachaddict48 @honeybunnnnie @re-tired-succubus @gojosukuna2268 @waterfal-ling @1brii @wise-fangirl @moncher-ire @orikixx @uhnosav @baepsays @designerpvssy @orixxxana @airandyeah @nina-from-317 @evelynxxo @naammiii @soyokosuguru @espresso1patronum @tomboy-disaster @iam-souless @lanii-i @cristy-101 @tojicvmslut @cvixmei @mutsu422 @g00seg1rl @ivyvenus333 @suki91 @naomi-main @fairygardenprincesss @jinjen
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odileeclipse ¡ 2 days ago
Had a funny idea based off the shanigans...imagine shadow milk x y/n x pure vanilla but well...an alternate of the crazies lol. Different anon so this can be its own series...say y/n is the type of shy person to be overly cautious and has two lovers...one who is safe and caring and trying to get them to be a bit more social while the other is daring yet also caring and trying to make y/n live a little!
While pure vanilla is gently coaxing them out of their shell and trying to keep them safe...shadow milk is trying to get y/n to be a little more daring, to live a little! Get that adreline flowing...so I can imagine the fun struggle between the two...both wanting y/n to get out of their shell in different ways. One wanting y/n to spend more time with fellow cookies while the other is trying to get y/n to he braver lol...can imagine funny convos between shadow milk and pure vanilla. Both talking about the other's approach to y/n and other stuff lol!
Between Light and Shadow
The silver glow of the moon bathed the garden, petals drifting in the evening breeze. You stood between two forces one warm and steady, the other elusive and sharp. “My dear, you need not rush,” Pure Vanilla’s voice was soothing, a gentle balm to your cautious heart. His golden eyes shimmered with kindness as he cupped your hands in his. “The world is vast, yes, but you do not have to face it all at once. We can start small perhaps attending a gathering? A place where you can feel safe, yet still take a step forward.” A soft chuckle slithered through the air, curling around your ear like a ghostly whisper. “And yet, they will never truly be free if they only take steps upon paths already paved.” Your breath hitched as Shadow Milk’s presence coiled around you, unseen yet so very there. His voice dripped with amusement, a murmur from the unseen corners of the night. “Come now, little petal… doesn’t your heart ache for something more? A taste of the unknown… a thrill you’ve never dared grasp?”
Pure Vanilla’s grip on your hands tightened ever so slightly, his warmth grounding you. “They do not need deception to grow, Shadow Milk.” Shadow Milk’s laughter was low, curling like smoke. “And yet, you would have them walk only beneath the sun, where all is safe and known.” His shadow stretched toward you, a whisper brushing against your skin. “What of the unseen wonders? The truths hidden in darkness? Wouldn’t you like to know?” Your pulse quickened, torn between the sanctuary of Pure Vanilla’s touch and the tantalizing pull of Shadow Milk’s words. Pure Vanilla sighed, his voice laced with patience. “I only wish for them to grow without fear. Not to be lured into reckless abandon.” “Fear?” Shadow Milk hummed, his voice curling at the edges like silk. “Or hesitation? There is a difference, dear Vanilla. And you know it.”
You inhaled deeply, then finally spoke. “What if… what if I tried both?” Silence. Shadow Milk let out a short, amused chuckle. “Oh? Both? You surprise me, little petal.” His grin widened, his mismatched eyes gleaming. “You wish to bask in the sunlight and dance with shadows? How intriguing.” Pure Vanilla tilted his head, considering your words. “Balance is important, but are you certain? I would never wish for you to be led into danger.” You nodded firmly. “I don’t want to just hide away forever, but I also don’t want to throw myself into things I’m not ready for. Can’t I have a little of both? A little safety, a little adventure?” Shadow Milk smirked. “Oh, I like this. You’re finally starting to break free from that cautious little shell.” He leaned in closer, his voice dipping into a whisper. “How about a test run, then? There’s a fancy banquet happening tonight. I say we sneak in.”
Pure Vanilla blinked. “Sneak in?” He sighed, already weary. “Shadow Milk, that’s hardly the kind of outing I had in mind.” “Oh, I’m sure it isn’t,” Shadow Milk purred. “You’d rather take them to a safe, dull gathering full of polite conversations and predictable outcomes.” “That ‘safe, dull gathering’ ensures no one gets thrown into danger,” Pure Vanilla countered, his expression exasperated yet fond. You giggled at their back-and-forth before slipping your hands into both of theirs, squeezing gently. “How about this? We go out together, enjoy the night, and see where it takes us. No reckless sneaking in… but also no hiding in a corner the whole time.” Pure Vanilla softened. “That… is a reasonable compromise.” Shadow Milk hummed. “Not as fun as my plan, but I’ll allow it. For now.” With an excited flutter in your chest, you tugged them along, stepping into the lantern-lit streets. The night was young, and with the warmth of Pure Vanilla’s kindness and the thrill of Shadow Milk’s mischief, you knew you were in for an unforgettable adventure.
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traincat ¡ 2 days ago
i’d pay you real money for that “maybe baby” fic.
You can have it for free, but I do have a ko-fi if anyone is interested: https://ko-fi.com/traincat.
Anyway, the baby fic! Based on Fantastic Four Annual 2010, set nebulously post-Secret Wars (2015). I started this in 2016, so we didn't have any definitive answers for the Fantastic Four's return, but it's not really relevant to the fic anyway. I'm still putting together a list of the other WIPs I'm willing to release, but this is one is easy, so here it is.
Baby fic!
a torch for you @JSTORM 1h well this is still less complicated than the time i rescued a highlander
a torch for you @JSTORM 1h aw she likes her uncle benjy @clobberintime #rockstar
a torch for you @JSTORM 1h good thing about this is @peterbparker never checks his phone so he's still gonna be surprised
The first thing Peter registered was the vaguely defensive look on Johnny's face. The second was the baby.
"Wherever you found it, you put it back right now," he said.
The look Johnny gave him was venomous. "Oh, sure. Let me just toss the helpless infant back where she came from! What a great idea, thank you, Peter!"
"I'll get the portal ready," Val said. She was sitting crosslegged way on the other end of the room, holding a tablet computer like a shield and eyeing the baby like she might try to bite her.
"Shush," Johnny said, but it wasn't clear whether he meant it for the baby or Val or possibly for Peter, whose jaw had started making a strange grinding noise of its own volition.
Peter leaned forward to get a better look. The baby had ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes and she was squirming in Johnny's arms even as he hummed and hushed and bounced her up and down, still dressed in his costume. She was so small, wrapped in what looked like one of the shock blankets from the Fantasticar's emergency kit.
"If I put her down, she starts to cry," Johnny confessed.
Peter's heart was doing something disturbingly close to melting. He tugged off a glove and reached out with tentative fingers, stroking soft cheek and wispy dark hair. The baby yawned, barely batting an eye.
Peter looked at Johnny and said, "Why are you doing this to me?"
Johnny wasn't looking at him, though - his gaze was fixed on the baby, eyes soft.
"Look, Peter, you need to know before this part gets out - Reed ran all the tests. She's mine, Pete."
That threw Peter for a loop, but looking for traces of Johnny in the baby's face - yeah, he could see it.
"How? And don't tell me the usual way. Where did she come from?"
Johnny told him: the club, the girl, the supervillain. Peter hissed in sympathy when he hit the part about Psycho Woman spending two months hanging around in Johnny’s brain, touching his fingers to Johnny's temple. Johnny's voice wavered as he got to the end: the fall, the jump, Amy's disappearance through time.
"But time travel's weird. And we've torn everything apart and rebuilt it so many times… Amy never came back after she made the temporal jump," Johnny said, sliding Peter a cautious look, like he thought he might - what, upset? "I've gone looking for her before, but if she was out there, she didn't want me to find her. And then today we were just looking between dimensions, you know?"
"Just your typical Sunday," Peter said, mouth on autopilot while the rest of him was stunned. Johnny's child, here, safe in Johnny's arms - and to think Peter had swung in to ask about dinner and beating up the Shocker.
"Reed found traces of a familiar cosmic radiation signature," Johnny said, shaking his head. "Mine. And then we found her."
"So," Peter echoed, feeling lost. "She's yours. Really yours."
"Yeah," Johnny said, nodding. "She was all alone and in between. But she's alive and she's mine."
Peter leaned his head against Johnny's. "She's a little small for the Future Foundation."
"Well, the weird thing is," Johnny said, smiling, "they don't stay that way for long."
Val put the tablet down and said, "Oh come on, are we seriously not going to throw her back?"
Peter Parker @peterbparker 15m he promised me life would never be boring…
It had been at the end of the world. The incursion had been fast approaching, and this time - this time Peter could feel it in his bones. The end, just over the horizon.
It had scared him more than he ever wanted to admit.
"You're coming with us," Johnny had told him in a voice that brooked no argument. He'd caught Peter's hands in his own inhumanly warm ones, squeezing. "Reed says we'll have time once we're beyond. We'll work something out. We can fix it."
Peter had wanted it, so badly - but. Always the but.
"I should stay with the city. You've got room for, what, a hundred people?"
"Sixty," Johnny admitted, forehead creased in worry. "Peter - you're one of the big brains. You belong with us."
"One of, but not big enough," Peter said. "You need my spot for someone smarter, someone who can help fix this -"
The kiss had been unexpected, a tentative thing, just the soft press of Johnny's lips against his masked mouth, Johnny's fingertips careful as anything underneath his chin.
"You're family," he said, breaking apart, his forehead resting against Peter's. "And you're coming with us. We'll have time."
Peter took a deep shuddering breath and said, "Okay."
He let himself have this one selfish thing, standing on top of the Statue of Liberty with Johnny Storm the day before the end of the world.
He let himself be selfish, and then the raft split apart and Johnny paid the price. He knew it deep in his bones, every second he watched Johnny fall away. Maybe that was why he didn't say anything when they were returned safe and sound to their own world. Or maybe it was cowardice, him waiting for Johnny to make the first move a second time. Maybe it was the way he still remembered blinking the spots from his eyes down in Battleworld, staring at the sun in search of a familiar face.
It didn't matter. He had Parker Industries, and Johnny had moved on with Medusa. Peter had gotten one kiss at their usual spot - if that was all he was granted, well, it was more than enough for two lifetimes. He could live with it.
Except he lost the company, Medusa worked it out with Black Bolt, the missing members of the Fantastic Family returned with a fairly literal bang, and Johnny and Peter ended up crash landing in a rooftop hotel pool.
Parker Luck, doing its very finest.
He'd taken the brunt of the hit, thankful for it - he was more durable than flamed-off Johnny - but the rush of cold water made him gasp, fighting his way to the surface. Johnny surfaced beside him, gasping, and Peter grabbed a handful of his collar. He dragged them both to the shallow end as tourists scattered left and right.
"We're fine, thanks for asking!" Peter shouted after them. "Can anybody grab me a towel?" Johnny was laughing by the time Peter collapsed against the steps, languishing in knee deep water. "New Yorkers. What's so funny?"
"You," Johnny said, looking at Peter with shining eyes. He started laughing again when Peter groaned, shoulders shaking with it. Peter slid a hand over the back of his head, checking for bumps.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Peter said. He told himself to take his hand off Johnny, but he didn't. He just kept touching him, pushing Johnny's soaked hair up off his forehead. Johnny was staring at him, all traces of humor gone from his face. Now or never. Peter swallowed hard. "Johnny, you know I -"
"Just shut up," Johnny said, climbing into Peter's lap. He shoved Peter's soaked mask up over the bridge of his nose, twining his arms around Peter's neck. "Shut up, shut, god, Pete, why don't you ever say anything important?"
The kiss made Peter's head spin -and he had to grab Johnny by the shoulders and put some considerable strength into prying him off just long enough so he could talk.
"Me? What about you?" he said. "I thought - you never said anything when we got back."
"What about me?" Johnny said, pouting a little when Peter wouldn't let him lean forward again. "You're supposed to be the smart one."
Peter couldn't argue with that without walking straight into a trap.
"Dammit," he said, and pulled Johnny back on top of him until security showed up.
May Parker-Jameson @mayparker 3m When you learn important family news from TWITTER of all places
"May - May, I am telling you, I did not know about this," Peter said, standing in the doorway with the phone sandwiched between his shoulder and ear, one hand in his hair, the other on his hip. "Because I'm pretty sure you knew before me, is why. No, I don't know - I got home and he was holding a baby, okay, that is the extent of the story. He found her. Yeah, like, with a dog - I'm not calling your grandchild a dog, your grandchild, what, whose side are you on?!"
Johnny was laughing at him from the other room, which he thought was completely unfair. Peter threw strangling motions at him, scowling. Johnny stuck his tongue out. The baby cooed.
"Can I put him on the phone? Can I make him explain this to you?" he said, listing to the side until his head hit the doorframe.
"Hi, May!" Johnny called cheerfully, making the baby wave. He was a monster and Peter deeply hated his coalition with his aunt. He zoned back in time to hear "- you're my nephew, I want to hear it from you."
"I'm your nephew, yeah, but he's the one who went time hopping and found his kid." He sobered, rubbing at his forehead. "Honestly, May, I'm telling you, I know as much as you do."
"Well, I could do with knowing her name," May said, clucking her tongue.
Peter blanked. He cupped a hand over the receiver and leaned forward. "Johnny. What's her name?"
Johnny blinked, then looked down at the baby. "Um."
"Yeah, May?" Peter said into the phone. "We're actually going to have to get back to you on that one."
Jennifer Walters @jenatlaw 30m Some days it's just not worth your custom ordered MAC foundation. "Crocodile” btw.
Jennifer Walters @jenatlaw 30m Told the woman I was really more of a shark. She didn't laugh. It's not easy being green, folks.
Jen dropped off paperwork with a lot of eyerolling, a threat of resignation, and an order that the baby be kept away from her.
"This is Stella McCartney," she said, gesturing to her blazer. "You keep that thing out of range."
"Hey!" Johnny protested.
Jen gave the baby one last warning look and then whirled out on her heels, moloid kids flocking in her wake.
"Auntie Jen is a scary Hulk," Johnny told the baby. The baby gurgled in agreement.
"Auntie Jen heard that!" Jen yelled from the hall. "Start with picking a name! Jennifer's a great one!"
"Have you considered Petunia?" Ben asked nonchalantly.
"I have never and will never consider Petunia," Johnny said blithely. "Next suggestion."
"Howzabout Benjamina?" said Ben.
"No," Johnny said. Peter made a hemming noise and he repeated, forcefully, "No."
"Benita?" Ben said, rocky brows raised high. Peter stifled a snicker with a fake cough, ducking his head.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Johnny asked Ben, scowling.
"I came back from space for this family and this is the treatment I get," Ben grumbled, getting up off the sofa. He paused in the doorway, looking back over his shoulder. His gaze went all soft at the sight of Johnny and the baby. Peter couldn't blame him. "Hey, kid. I'm really happy for ya."
Johnny looked up at him and smiled, tired and real. "Love you too, Rocky."
Ben heaved a great sigh like Johnny's love was some kind of terrible life sentence - Peter knew the feeling - and left the room.
"This is hard," Johnny said, throwing his head back. The baby was asleep in his arms, blissful in her ignorance. "Can I conference in Victor?"
"Please don't," Peter said. He stroked the baby's soft, downy hair with one gentle finger, feeling an equal mix of awe and terror. "Marie?"
"Like Mary?" Johnny said, contemplative. "My mom's name was Mary."
Peter shifted. "Uh, sure. But also like - Marie Curie?"
Johnny looked up at him, eyes narrowed. "Are you serious?"
"She discovered two elements!" Peter said, defensive.
"She died from radiation poisoning!" Johnny said. "I don't care if it worked out for you!"
"Just in the grand plan for my life, this is not how I thought it'd go," Peter said.
"And then you got bit by a radioactive spider and all the rules went out the window," Johnny said, yawning. "Old news. Pete, you know I'd never ask you to do anything you're not ready for. I want this, but if you don't -"
The sincerity on his face was unbearable. Peter cupped a hand to his face and shut him up the only way that ever really worked.
"Aimee," Johnny said at last. His head fell to Peter’s shoulder; Peter curled a hand in his hair. "After her mom."
"I like it," Peter said, watching her sleep. "Aimee it is."
Aimee Benni Storm was what was written on the birth certificate in the end. Johnny looked Peter straight in the eye and said, "You tell Ben and you're a dead man."
"See?" Sue said, humming. "Living with the in-laws has its perks. I remember this age - it's a good one. Just wait 'til they can talk back."
"I love you," Peter told her. "Leave Reed and run away with me to Majorca."
Sue smirked, leaning over to palm his cheek. "You're adorable."
"Whoa," Miles said, flipping out of nowhere and matching his swing with Peter's. "Is that a baby?"
"Here," Peter said. "Why don't you hold her for a sec?"
"Oh, I don't, um, okay, wow, hi, baby," Miles stammered when Peter didn't give him much of a choice. Aimee was a sucker for anyone in webs, so Miles ended up making alarmed sounds when tiny hands tried to grab his mask. "When did you get a baby?"
"She's the Human Torch's baby, technically," Peter said, stretching.
Miles looked down, clearly alarmed through the mask. "Is she gonna light on fire too?"
Aimee cooed.
"Nah," Peter said, arms high above his head. "Probably not."
"Peter!" Miles said.
"I am like 98% sure she will remain flame free," Peter said. "But fine, give her back."
Peter was pretty sure the only reason Miles didn't thrust Aimee back was because he was too afraid to make any sudden moves. She made a sleepy, annoyed noise when Peter lifted her from Miles's arms.
"Why do you have the Human Torch's baby?" Miles asked, a very quiet version of shouting.
"Last chance to keep her," Peter said.
"I'm good," Miles said.
“Okay,” Sue said when she found them in the kitchen at three in the afternoon. Johnny was still in pajamas; Peter was wearing half his spider-suit. Aimee was wearing brunch. “Enough is enough. When was the last time either you left this building?”
“Carjacking,” Peter said, yawning. “Guy dressed like a possum knocking over a Chase. Do I need to go on?”
Johnny was trying to get mashed banana out of his hair. “I don’t know, I think I did something - Tuesday? Was it Tuesday? I had that interview.”
“You cancelled that interview,” Sue told him.
“Huh,” said Johnny, then made an outraged squawking noise when Sue swept in and grabbed the baby from him. “Hey!”
“You’re going out tonight,” Sue said, eyes narrowed. “Together.”
Johnny and Peter stared at each other.
“Together, like, him and me?” Peter said, gesturing between them.
“I think we used to do that,” Johnny said faintly.
“Save the comedy routine,” Sue told them, bouncing Aimee in her arms. All the mashed banana didn’t seem to bother her. She jerked her chin first at Johnny, then at Peter. “You, put on something nice. You - try to do the same. I’m making a reservation for you someplace nice, without supervillains or babies.”
“Do we have to?” Peter asked.
“Can’t we just sleep instead?” Johnny said.
“No,” Sue said. “It’ll be good for you.”
“This is not paying me back for all the times I babysat for you!” Johnny called after her as she carried Aimee from the kitchen down the hall.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Sue said. “Ben owes me a favor.”
Johnny scowled at her back. “She took my baby.”
“Aw no,” Peter said, plucking at his spandex. “I’m going to have to wear a dinner jacket, aren’t I.”
Peter came through the door so tired he couldn't see straight, only to have a baby shoved into his arms. Aimee gurgled happily when Peter's arms came up around her automatically.
"Oh no," he said. "Johnny, I'm about to fall over -"
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Johnny said, not sounding very sorry at all. He leaned into kiss Peter - that Peter kissed back was muscle memory, he was pretty sure, because the only thing he felt towards Johnny in that second was the sleep-deprived urge to strangle. "I've got that photoshoot, remember? I'll be back soon, I promise. Love you!"
Peter watched him go with narrowed eyes.
"Should we tell him his shirt's on backwards, Firebug?" he asked Aimee. She put her head down against his shoulder with an annoyed sounding little sigh. "No? No." He hummed to her, heading for the couch. "I'm gonna go evil and I'm gonna kill your dad, yes I am. This is my supervillain origin story."
"Peter? Are you awake?" Franklin whispered.
"M'just resting my eyes," Peter replied.
"Okay," Franklin said hesitantly. "Can I tell you a secret?"
Peter cracked an eye open. "Do you have a Galactus stashed in the basement?"
"No," Franklin said, looking a little put out about it.
"Then go for it," Peter said, yawning.
Franklin was quiet for so long Peter had almost drifted off when he spoke.
"When Dad and Mr. Reece and I were putting the universes back the way they should be… I know I wasn’t supposed to, but I knew Uncle Johnny was going to be lonely without us, and I think I maybe accidentally gave him Aimee back."
Peter rolled over onto his back, fully awake now. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment, thoughts tumbling - how unfair it was that any kid in the universe should be able to do what Franklin could. How glad he was that if any kid could, it was Franklin.
"But I think I messed up," Franklin said. "She didn't end up where she was supposed to."
"Okay," Peter said, "I know this might not be the best kind for this conversation -"
"You are gifted with the understatement!" Johnny shouted as he streaked by a little too close for comfort, a rush of flames and heat.
"Spidey," Johnny said, swooping down to hover in front of him. "Get to the point, please."
"My point," Peter said, as best as he could with Johnny so bright and so hot and so close, "is that we might need a nanny."
Johnny turned his face towards him, his eyes glowing embers and his face barely more than an outline in flickering flames - and then he burst out laughing.
"Oh," he said, darting away. He circled a group of bugs, leaving them huddled together and clacking while Ben bagged them. "Now he wants a nanny. Do you believe this?"
Ben Grimm @clobberintime 1m when you wanna watch the game and the marrieds + kid are asleep on the couch. what a revoltin development.
Peter woke slowly, drifting in and out of consciousness, too warm and content to care.
"Ben took a photo of us and put it on the internet," Johnny said, waving his phone.
And that's the WIP! Not much action, just Johnny and Peter being cute with a baby.
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zepskies ¡ 18 hours ago
Ooooh I LOVE the movie RED!!! ❤️ Karl Urban's fight with Bruce Willis is so freakin' iconic. 🤩 I'm already in, babes. Let's dive in.~
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Ahh the "hear me out" thing is so relatable lmao. But Marlin?! Really?! 🤣🤣
Four times you’d fallen asleep on your computer and had the imprint of the keyboard on your cheek, three times you’d had a mental breakdown and decided to change your major promising yourself that you were sure you could make it doing freelance whatever the fuck sounded good at that moment, and you couldn’t count the number of times that you’d gone to the library to study only to get distracted by whatever else was better than studying for a physics test.
Oh God, you're giving me Vietnam War-level flashbacks to undergrad when I was stuck until 12 am at the library working on essays and shiz. 🫠
“And I raise you Kerchak from Tarzan!” “The daddy gorilla?” Liza asks, leaning into her fiance, Matt, where he lounges back against the faded maroon leather beside her. 
GIRL PLSSS. 💀💀💀 Not "daddy gorilla." 🤣
The stranger sitting at the bar is everything she suggested and more. He’s the kind of handsome that didn’t exist outside of the stack of communal romance novels that sat on the bookshelf in your living room and served as the perfect reminder of how single you were. 
Okay, lmfao. I'ma need you to stop calling me out like this. 😂😂
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But I so love the description of Russell -- he's a man in a sea of man-boys our age, and there's a distinct difference. 😏
“Hi.” You smile shyly at the man when you meet his gaze. “Hi.” He rumbles with an easy smile while the green of his eyes flashes in the neon sign hanging behind the bar. His voice catches you off guard. You weren't expecting it to be so smooth, silk over your skin, but also like the rough drag of the ocean against sand as it pulls it out to sea. “Hi.” You say again as all other thoughts evaporate from you mind and you fight the urge to facepalm. 
LMFAO. Reading this snippet in context is of course even better. I'm dying but also she would so be me in this situation. 😝
“Rain.” Despite the last few seconds of you feeling so awkward it made you want to sink into the floor like quicksand and the fact that your throat is still burning from when the beer went down the wrong pipe, your mouth quirks up in a smile. “The horse from Spirit?”
OMG YESSSSS. Lmfao Rain was beautiful! And I love that you referenced one of my favorite movies. 😆😆 Totally agree that Nala had bedroom eyes. And I raise you Robin Hood from the Disney movie! They did NOT have to draw him that sexy.
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“Shut up.” You laugh and raise your hand to hit him on the shoulder, but he catches it with his. The contact of the rough palm of his hand in yours makes electricity zing through your body, bringing a wave of heat coursing behind it.  “That’s not very nice. Keep trying to hit me like that and I might have to take you to court, Sweetheart.” He winks.
Miss ma'am!! Don't make me bring out the Out of Order gif again! I had to fan myself when he literally caught her hand. Dear Lord. 🫠
Also, the way I was so shocked and literally laughed out loud at the way she headbutted him. 🤣 Honestly that would probably be me trying to flirt. A+ casting 😂👌🏽
But again, that spice and the way he kissed her melted me like the Wicked Witch of the West. ❤️‍🔥
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“Seriously babe.” Kay begins to back away. “Be safe. Because the last thing you want to pass right now is a pregnancy test.” 
lmaooo sage advice! 😂
How could I have been so stupid? He’s going to kill me here and I’ll never know what that physics test did to my GPA.  You frown slightly at that thought. It really is weird what goes through your head when you think you’re going to die.  “Please, let me explain.” He says again, eyes wide and filled with an emotion that looks surprisingly like regret.
LOL I love her inner monologue. She's so adorkable, but I'm already getting the RED vibes omggg. 🙏🏽
His body lays over yours, curving protectively around you, and his arm is behind you head so when you hit the ground, your head doesn’t.
It's the little things I love loll. 🤌🏽
“Calm down Derek Jeter! I’m not going to murder you, please stop saying that.” “Why?” He frowns and shrugs his shoulders. “Because it’s hurting my feelings a little bit.” 
Not me feeling sorry for him right now when she's well within her right to try and beat him with a pink baseball bat. 🤣🤣🤣
I was smiling so hard while reading the rest of this. I was actually so disappointed to get to the end! This was one helluva meet cute, hun. 💜
The thing about your one-shots is that they feel like the start of a series--of an amazing adventure that's about to start. I know you have probably a million WIPs at this point lol, but this does feel like a RED kind of movie and I would love to see more of these two if you ever feel so inspired. ✨
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I Can Explain!
Pairing: Russell Shaw x f!reader, Reader POV
Prompt: "How Do You Know Where I Live?"
Requested by: @vixaaa
Summary:  When you meet a gorgeous green-eyed stranger at a bar and agree to go home with him, everything goes off the rails and you're strapped in for the ride.
Tropes: Awkward Rom-Com? Forced Proximity? Protective Russell.
Word Count: 10.6 K (But You'll Laugh The Whole Time)
Warnings: An Unhinged Game of "Hear Me Out," References to Sex, Sexual innuendo, Little bit of self-deprecating thought (reader), Reader is kinda awkward and clumsy, Gunfire, Weapons, Talk of Murder, Shooting?, Brief Description of Torture, Brief Description of Murder, Terror, Fear, Cursing, Kissing, I think that's everything? I promise this one is a rom-com despite all the warnings. 😅
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is no use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Main Masterlist
Prompt Celebration Masterlist
A/N: Hey guys! This is another wonderful prompt request that I got for my prompt celebration from the enchanting @vixaaa! This one is based a little bit on the movies "Knight and Day" and "RED." If you've never seen either of those, go and watch them right now. They are some of my favorites!
P.S: Yes, this is the one I've been writing that has just been making me wheeze/cackle laugh the whole time I wrote it...
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“Alright, hear me out… Gil, the angelfish from Finding Nemo. There is no way in hell he was made for kids.” Your friend Liza says wobbling slightly on the plush leather bench seat of the booth before taking a shot of vodka. Her peacock blue No. 2 hair shimmers like a beacon in the dimly lit bar. 
“That’s low hanging fruit.” Kay snorts from your left while leaning heavily into your shoulder, the smell of her vanilla perfume wafting up with the movement. “That scar? The tragic backstory? And voiced by Wilem Defoe? Sign me up.”
You giggle into the shot glass clasped in your hand before you knock it back, face scrunching at the taste and pleasant burn.
The “Hear Me Out” drinking game your two best friends proposed to clear your head from the nuclear level bombing of an exam you just took in your Physics One class, had been successful so far. You couldn’t remember any of the questions from the test that made you scream obscenities into the strawberry shaped pillows on the couch in your living room earlier. Exactly where the two of them had found you when they got back to your shared apartment at the end of the day.
The live music in the crowded bar thrummed through your veins and the shots were giving you just the right amount of buzz to feel more carefree than you had in the past week. The week that you’d spent approximately one million hours studying for the test and trying to memorize all the formulas that looked exactly the same. 
Four times you’d fallen asleep on your computer and had the imprint of the keyboard on your cheek, three times you’d had a mental breakdown and decided to change your major promising yourself that you were sure you could make it doing freelance whatever the fuck sounded good at that moment, and you couldn’t count the number of times that you’d gone to the library to study only to get distracted by whatever else was better than studying for a physics test.
Spoiler alert, there are a lot of things that are.
But you knew you were screwed the second you saw the first question and the rest of them had only been the final nails in the coffin that was the dream of getting an “A” in the class before the semester was over. 
The glimmering sheen of hope at the end of the semester you once had, was ebbing to a dim lantern being swung by a lighthouse keeper in a hurricane, hence the large tray of vodka sitting prettily on the water ringed table in front of you.
You were sure to regret every single shot, but your next exam was two days away and you didn’t want to think about it yet, not when the shadow of the last was poking you in the back with a pencil like someone looking for your final piece of gum.
For a Tuesday night, Duke’s, the bar the three of you frequented so often that the rotating circle of bartenders knew you all by name, was crowded.
There was the familiar glow of the neon signs posted on every wall, a new band performing a set on the small stage in the corner, a collection of screaming girls in the front row of the crowd snapping photos and drooling over the base player, a group of frat guys shouting obscenities at a tv blasting a football game, and a few patrons trying to unwind from a long day while nursing multi colored drinks and sitting sporadically around the crowded bar while the bartender of the hour leaned against the counter and tried to hear orders people shouted over the din. 
You would have been more than happy to spend the evening on the couch eating a greasy pizza and drinking margaritas back at the apartment, but Kay and Liza refused to let you rot on the couch. 
The three of you had been inseparable since freshman year when you’d been assigned as roommates together. Liza was an art major hoping to illustrate book covers one day, Kay was a hardworking pre-med student, and you were… undecided. Physics 1 had been the idea of your advisor, who after a year of trying to get you to declare a major was close to throwing in the towel, you believed that he was using Physics 1 as a form of payback for driving him almost to the point of early retirement. 
“Okay, okay I see you.” Kay giggles, before grabbing a fresh shot. Her long black hair is pulled back from her face with a claw clip, but a few pieces bob around her head with the movement of her head to the music. “And I raise you Kerchak from Tarzan!”
“The daddy gorilla?” Liza asks, leaning into her fiance, Matt, where he lounges back against the faded maroon leather beside her. 
There was a half full glass of beer sitting in front of him, one he’d ordered when he found out what everyone else at your table was drinking. But he’d been a good sport so far despite all of his suggestions to the game being so obvious there was no reason for him to defend his choice and the rest of you mocking him endlessly for it. 
“Sweetie, he could be my daddy any day of the week.” Kay winks and throws back her shot. 
“You’re disgusting.” Liza rolls her eyes, refusing to take a shot to agree with Kay. 
“Hey! What happened to ‘we listen and we don’t judge?’” You interrupt, putting your arm around Kay who holds up a middle finger in answer to Liza’s taunt.
“Where was that when I said Jessica Rabbit two turns ago?” Matt grouses from his side of the table, crossing his large arms over his chest. His blond hair had tumbled out of the bun at the back of his neck to cover the grass stain on the collar of his jersey. He’d come straight from practice when Liza called. 
And then Kay and you had to suffer through the long make out session the two of them had when they reunited as if they’d been separated by war for fifty years and not two hours. They were recently engaged and you loved Matt, which is why you’d let them make out for exactly thirty seconds before Kay and you started making exaggerated gagging noises while they kissed. 
Kay’s boyfriend hadn’t been able to get out of work, but Kay was going to walk to the coffee shop inside the library to pick him up when the tray of shots in the center of the table sat empty. Usually you’d worry about that sort of thing, your friend walking alone on campus at night, but because Kay had the highest tolerance out of all of you, Matt included, and a total badass who welcomed the challenge of anyone who tried to test her, you were willing to let it slide. 
That and the three of you tracked each other’s location with your phones.
“Because Jessica Rabbit isn’t a hear me out! Everyone knows that she’s super sexy!” You argue. “She doesn’t fit the criteria of this game!”
“She’s right babe.” Liza says, squeezing his arm with a sympathetic smile. “But it’s okay. I love that you’re a basic bitch.”
“But she’s animated!” Matt exclaims, obviously confused.
“So? Flynn Ryder is animated and he’s every woman’s dream.” You shrug, picking up a glass to take your turn.
You begin to shuffle through the mental file folder you have on characters who possessed “the energy” that made them so attractive. Truthfully, Kay and Liza had already said most of the ones you were thinking.
“You want to talk about every woman’s dream?” Kay smirks, her eyes flick over to the bar. “Check out green eyes over there. Holy shit, I’d let him rock me like a hurricane all day and all night!” 
“I’ll be sure to tell Sean, your boyfriend of three years-” You begin to say, but Kay pinches your cheeks between her fingers and turns your head so you can see who she’s talking about. 
The stranger sitting at the bar is everything she suggested and more. He’s the kind of handsome that didn’t exist outside of the stack of communal romance novels that sat on the bookshelf in your living room and served as the perfect reminder of how single you were. 
The man is taller and broader than any of the so-called boys you went to class with each day, his tight fitting dark t-shirt pulling up over muscular arms that rippled with taunt muscles and were decorated with smoky tattoos curling beneath the ink colored sleeves. His chocolate colored hair is long and pushed back over his head, but a few strands hang forward to frame a well defined jaw covered in a thick dusting of facial hair.
Your throat suddenly gets very tight. 
The man’s gaze is focused on you, the green of his eyes brilliant, crinkled just around the edges with his smile. He winks and your entire face takes on the identity of a strawberry with your flush.
“Holy shit!” Kay nudges you. “You have to go over there.”
“What?” You squeak. “Are you insane? That guy is-”
“The kind of man who would make you forget all about that physics test?” Liza raises an eyebrow.
“The kind of man who would break the laws of physics with you all night long?” Kay adds. “Babe, come on, it's been months for you. Why don’t you go over there and say hi?”
“No way.” You shake your head vehemently, hyperventilating a little bit at the thought of going up to a complete stranger. 
You were not the confident girl in the group that did that. Kay was. It was exactly how she had met her boyfriend Sean three years ago, by using a cheesy pick up line that made him snort so hard he had beer coming out of his nose. Liza wasn’t much better. She’d met Matt in this very bar when her heel broke and she stumbled into where he was sitting with his friends at the bar. 
And the truth was it had been a few months since the last relationship (if you could call it that) fizzled out… and with both of your friends in relationships you often were the awkward fifth wheel. It wasn’t that you didn’t like your friends' boyfriends, Matt and Sean were great and they always did their best to make you feel comfortable whenever you were out with everyone, but you were kinda tired of being the spare tire.
“I don’t think we should be encouraging her to go off somewhere with a random man from a bar that she just met.” Matt says with a frown. 
Matt often held the braincell in your friend group and was the one who was more focused on making sure that everyone was safe. He was the one who followed up with a text whenever someone left to go home, the one who made sure that everyone stayed together when you were out late, and was usually the designated driver. 
“You’re such a hypocrite.” Liza boops Matt on the nose. “You were a random man that I’d never met before. And if I’m not mistaken we met in this very bar.”
“That’s different.” Matt sighs, but he leans towards Liza, the tension dissipating from his shoulders as he looks at her and his frown slips into a smile. 
They were one of those couples that no one ever thought would work. Liza was the carefree art major with no plan in the world and Matt was the All American, blue-eyed, blond haired football player that everyone said was “going to do great things” when in reality all Matt wanted to be was Liza’s husband. He didn’t care about anything else, but making her happy. Hence the giant engagement ring on her finger, the same one that he’d let her design because he knew that was important to her. 
They were everything you wanted in your own relationship. A beautiful merging of crazy (from you) with someone stable and structured, preferably someone with a strong jaw, brilliant green eyes and-
Great, he’s already invaded my subconscious. 
You glance up again to see if the stranger is still looking. He is, but this time his smile is just a little wider, and you watch his eyes drag down the length of your body for a moment appreciatively before flicking back up to yours and catches you doing the same thing. 
You weren’t wearing anything revealing, in fact, you hadn’t bothered dressing up to go out because you didn’t feel like it. You were still wearing the blank sweatpants and oversized sweatshirt combo that you’d worn to your exam. 
When you caught him looking at you, it made you regret you hadn’t worn something more eye-catching.
“Come on, that guy is checking you out! Go over there.” Kay nudges you, jostling the forgotten tequila shot in your hand. 
“He looks like trouble.” Matt says half-heartedly, but he’s too busy staring into Liza’s eyes to really care. Her hands are entwined at the back of his head pulling his forehead down to hers.
When it got to that point of the night, it usually meant that the two of them were about fifteen seconds from calling it an early night and going back to Matt’s apartment. Technically Kay would probably end up there as well because Sean was now Matt’s roommate and that meant you’d have the apartment to yourself…
“How can you tell? Are you looking at his reflection in Liza’s eyes?” Kay takes a shot from the collection of the remaining few in front of her.
“We all know that if Sean was here, you’d already be practicing your scuba breathing.” Liza gently brushes back the few strands of blond hair that hang forward into Matt’s face which only makes him sigh softly and look at her like she’s the last woman on earth. 
You try not to be jealous. 
Kay only rolls her eyes. “Alright, I’m taking initiative.”
“What does that mean?” You begin to ask, but Kay shoves you out of the booth and towards the handsome stranger who hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since your eyes met moments ago. 
“Kay. What the hell?” You turn back to look at her, but she’s already holding up your forgotten shot. 
“Take this and go over there.”
“The only butt you should be thinking about is his, in those deliciously tight jeans. You will thank me in the morning.” She refuses to budge. “And then come home and tell me everything the two of you did, because Sean’s about to go visit his family for a week and I will need something to fantasize about.”
You wrinkle your nose in disgust, but then look to Liza hoping for help. Unfortunately she’s too busy counting Matt’s eyelashes to defend you. You look back at Kay who is still holding up the shot, gaze unwavering. 
I can’t believe I’m about to do this. 
You think to yourself with a sigh, before taking the shot, hoping that it will give you some of the confidence you need to talk to the most attractive man you’d ever seen in your life. 
I can do this, I can do this-
The internal monologue repeats itself over and over again with each step as you weave your way through the crowd to make it where the man is sitting, dropping your gaze to the people around you as if you’re more focused on them.
You weren’t, but staring at him while you were walking towards him seemed too predatory, and you could already feel how warm your cheeks were from your flush.
You grip the firm edge of the bar when you make it to him, using it to ground yourself there in the moment before you find the strength to meet his gaze.
There’s a faded green jacket hung over the high backed barstool behind him that you hadn’t noticed before.
Your eyes trace over his body, just a quick glance, but snags on his arms for just a second too long to be casual. They were even more glorious in person, tan and flecked with cinnamon colored freckles hidden beneath twisting tattoos that disappeared into his dark shirt sleeves.
“Hi.” You smile shyly at the man when you meet his gaze.
“Hi.” He rumbles with an easy smile while the green of his eyes flashes in the neon sign hanging behind the bar.
His voice catches you off guard. You weren't expecting it to be so smooth, silk over your skin, but also like the rough drag of the ocean against sand as it pulls it out to sea.
“Hi.” You say again as all other thoughts evaporate from you mind and you fight the urge to facepalm. 
What the hell am I doing over here? I might as well do the walk of shame back to my own table. 
Russell raises an eyebrow, his smile widening. “Hi.” He echoes.
You open your mouth-
“Before you say hi back sweetheart, why don’t you tell me what you’re drinking instead?” He winks making your cheeks warm with their flush.
Honestly, you were expecting him to be turned off by your somewhat awkward introduction, but if you bothered him, he doesn’t show it. He leans towards you curiously, eyes drinking you in. 
You clear your throat while your mind scrambles to come up with something appropriate or sexy to say other than ‘wow you’re pretty.’ You settle on. “Whatever you’re drinking.” 
Smooth real smooth. 
You glance back in the direction of where your friends are sitting as the man’s gaze turns to the bartender so he can order you a drink. Kay makes an obscene gesture with her hand that makes Matt kick her under the table, and Liza gives you an encouraging thumbs up.
Kill me now. 
You turn back to the man lounging against the bar, unaware that he’s watching you again. 
“You seemed like you were having some fun over there. What were you talking about?” He nods his head in the direction of your friends, the motion causing more of his dark hair to fall into his eyes and you fight the urge to push it back from his face and find out if it was as soft as it looked.
“Oh um.” Your mouth goes dry. The last thing you wanted to say to the gorgeous man was that your friends and you were discussing what animated movie characters turned you on. So you blurt out. “The First Law of Thermodynamics.”
It had clawed its way from the dark recesses of your mind where the rest of the test answers had been hiding from you when you tried to summon them earlier. 
“What?” The man laughs while you feel your face begin to blaze. 
“The First Law of Thermodynamics?” You clear your throat. “The theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed."
Where was that when I needed it for the test?
“Huh.” He smirks and takes a long sip from the beer in his hand. “Didn’t think Tarzan had anything to do with that.”
Oh sweet baby potatoes he heard the daddy conversation. Why couldn’t he have heard the Jessica Rabbit conversation instead?
“Ah.” You laugh awkwardly, realizing exactly what he overheard. 
The bartender puts down a bottle of beer in front of you and whirls away to another patron sitting on the opposite side of the bar. The band begins to play a new song, this one louder with more drums than the last one, causing the man to lean closer to you so you can hear him. 
“So.” The smell of the man’s cologne wafts over you. He smells like pine, mint, whiskey, and there’s an odd smell you can’t place, something that smells almost a little bit like smoke.
You ascribe it to cigarettes, but you don’t realize how wrong you are. 
There’s something about him, more than just how attractive he is or how good he smells that draws you in. Maybe you’d just been burned by far too many boys and were blinded by the man sitting in front of you, but he had a roughness and self-sufficient air that you found refreshing. 
He was assertive, sexy, with smoldering green eyes that somehow seemed soft and hard at the same time and filled you with an unholy amount of desire. 
“So?” You parrot, bringing the beer up to your lips, hoping that a sip will take the edge off. 
“Don’t you want to hear mine?” His voice is low and sultry, breath warming the air between the two of your faces. 
You sputter out a cough, choking on the sip you took in surprise, and his eyes widen in concern.The man brings his hand down against your back with a hearty smack to clear out your lungs.
“Are you okay?” 
“Never better.” You choke out, voice a little wheezy. “Wrong pipe.”
This is quickly becoming the most embarrassing moment of my life. 
“Are you sure?” The stranger’s eyes trace over you as if he fears you’ll start asphyxiating at any moment.
“Mhmm.” You clear your throat again. “What were you saying?”
“I asked if you wanted to hear mine.”
You suddenly forget how to breathe, the only thing grounding you to this moment is the hand you placed on the cherry wood of the bar. “Sure.”
Despite the last few seconds of you feeling so awkward it made you want to sink into the floor like quicksand and the fact that your throat is still burning from when the beer went down the wrong pipe, your mouth quirks up in a smile. “The horse from Spirit?”
“Mhmm.” He smiles a little wider. “My little sister used to watch that movie non-stop, and there was always something about that horse.”
“Huh.” You muse taking another sip of the beer, this time successfully not choking on it. “I didn’t peg you for a horse guy. You seem more like a Nala person.”
“Oh that lion did it for me too.” The man leans closer to you and you can feel your knees getting weak. “She definitely had bedroom eyes.”
“She did!” You laugh at him. “The animators knew what they were doing.”
It was getting easier to talk to him now and you could feel your nerves slowly going out to sea. There’s a comfortable silence that fills the air between the two of you.
“Why did you say the First Law of Thermodynamics earlier?” He asks before taking a sip from his beer. The condensation trickles down the side of the glass to pool against the wood of the bar.
“Because I didn’t want to admit what we were talking about.” You answer honestly. “And I guess it’s still a little fresh in my mind-”
“I had a physics test today. Completely bombed it. That’s why my friends brought me out tonight, they were trying to make me forget it.” You wave a hand dismissively, but it was the first time you’d thought about the test in the past hour and it still stung a little bit. 
You were hoping that by this point of the night it wouldn’t have mattered anymore, but it did. Not to mention you didn’t exactly want to be talking about your most recent failure with a man who looked anything like he did. 
But something about him made you feel comfortable talking to him about things that were not on the pre-approved list of subjects you created when you spoke to people you were attracted to. He didn’t seem to just be some hot stranger in a bar, he seemed like he actually cared, and that he was invested in what you were going to say. 
It made him even more attractive. You weren't used to boys wanting to actually listen to anything you had to say.
“I’m sorry.” His face pulls down into a sympathetic frown. 
“Me too.” You sigh. 
“Maybe you didn’t do as bad as you think you did.”
“Oh I did. When I turned in the test, the professor made a face.” Your thumb rubs against the glass of the cold bottle clutched in your hand. “I studied all week for it and it kinda feels like I wasted all that time.”
The man studies you for a moment. “I think that if you learn something from it, then it’s not a waste. There are no accidents.“
“Are you purposely quoting Master Oogway to make me feel better or is that just a coincidence?” 
“He’s a smart turtle.” He laughs pleased with himself that he made you smile. “But you remembered the First Law of Thermodynamics. And I thought it was a nice pick up line. Might use that sometime.” 
“Shut up.” You laugh and raise your hand to hit him on the shoulder, but he catches it with his.
The contact of the rough palm of his hand in yours makes electricity zing through your body, bringing a wave of heat coursing behind it. 
“That’s not very nice. Keep trying to hit me like that and I might have to take you to court, Sweetheart.” He winks.
“Oh please-” 
“How else am I going to run into you again?”
“Well-” You swallow trying to find the next words, but they’re stuck in the back of your throat. 
I am so out of practice. 
“Well?” He raises an eyebrow in a silent challenge, the end of his perfect mouth teased upwards in a smile. 
“This doesn’t have to be goodbye.”
“What did you have in mind?” The heat of his gaze sends goosebumps dancing over your skin and you swear you can feel your heartbeat in the base of your throat. 
People do this all the time. I can say it. I can-
“Maybe-” You scoot closer to him, summoning some courage from the tequila. “Something like this.” 
Your free hand curls into the front of his shirt to pull the stranger closer for a kiss.
Unfortunately, you pull him just a little too hard, with a little too much enthusiasm, and he falls off the stool with a startled cry in surprise and knocks his head into yours. 
“Ow.” You groan rubbing at the red mark forming on your forehead. “I am so sorry.” 
By now your cheeks are so warm that you could fry an egg on them and you were sure you looked like a giant raspberry. You had never been so clumsy or so embarrassed in your entire life. 
“It’s okay, you just surprised me a bit.” The man says, but he’s peering at the mark on your forehead. “Are you okay?” 
How many times is he going to ask me that tonight? 
“Yeah the only thing that’s hurt is my pride.” You let out an awkward laugh. “I’m just gonna-“ You gesture with your thumb over your shoulder to signify that you’re going to leave. 
The anecdotes that your friends were going to tell from tonight had already begun to manifest in your head:
“Hey, remember that time you tried to flirt with a gorgeous man at the bar and you headbutted him?”
“Hey, remember that handsome stranger? The one you told all about your failed physics test instead of sleeping with him?”
“Wait.” He gently puts his hand on your waist, sending your heart into a gallop. “Can we try that again?”
“Huh?” You blink in surprise.
So far all you’d done was head butt him and tell him your sob story about failing your physics test. 
Worst seduction technique ever. 
“Don’t move.” He smiles. “Don’t want to have to take you to the hospital for a CT if you bump my head again.” 
It would have made you laugh if he wasn’t already kissing you.
It might just be the alcohol talking, or the fact that the last thing you kissed was the strawberry pillows on the couch in the living room last week when Liza, Kay, and you were watching your favorite paranormal tv show and you were imagining the male lead, but this kiss is nothing like any of the others you’d had in the past. 
His mouth devours yours, beard scratching against your cheeks in a way that makes your entire body buzz. The man’s hands tighten your waist to draw you closer, closing the space between your bodies, and all you can feel is the wonderful drag of his fingertips against the end of your sweatshirt, the burn of his beard, the press of his chest onto yours, and the tangle of his tongue as you sink further into him. 
A moan vibrates up through his chest and into your mouth that you echo with a soft sigh, your hands slipping over the taunt muscles before finding purchase against his back, your fingertips curling into the soft fabric of his t-shirt. 
The rest of the bar is rendered to a dull throb of life at the back of your mind, the man in front of you absorbing the rest of your attention as he should. He is nothing like anyone you’d ever met and you wanted to know more. You wanted to see the end of the odd shaped scar just at the base of his throat, trail your fingers over the dark tattoos that decorated his skin while searching for more in places you couldn’t yet see, and sink into the deep green sea of his eyes. 
“Better?” He breathes.
“Much, but if you’re not into that, I also know the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Just to give you something to remember me by.” You mumble against his lips, still slightly embarrassed. Your hands were still curled behind his strong shoulders, fingertips digging into the firm muscles.
“Beside the bruises?” He smirks before he kisses you again, the languid roll of his tongue against yours makes you forget your own name. “I’d very much like to hear it.” The rumble of his words vibrates through where your bodies are pressed against one another. “But first let me get the car and then I’ll let you tell me all about it.” 
He brushes his lips to yours one more time, before he puts cash on the bar, and leaves you breathless as he saunters away towards the front door. 
Holy fucking shit. How did that work?
“Girl Yes!” You hear Kay, before you feel her hands come down on your shoulders to shake you excitedly. “I was a little worried in the middle there for you with that head butt, but yes! That’s how you do it!” Her excited squeal brings you back down to earth from the cloud you were floating on with Russell. 
“Where’d he go?” Liza asks. Matt was holding her from behind, his chin on her shoulder as he slowly rocked her to the music.
“To get the car.” Your cheeks flush at the insinuation. 
“Fuck I am so jealous. The only thing I’m going to get to do tonight is Sean’s back.” Kay gives an exaggerated sigh. “It’s acting up and that means I’m going to have to give him a massage for an hour and not the good kind. It always knocks him out.” 
“Aww babe.” Liza says. 
“It’s okay.” Kay shrugs, but then sends her a saucy wink. “I can do some laundry. His washing machine has this spin cycle that makes me see stars.” 
“I didn’t need to know that you’ve been molesting our washing machine.” Matt closes his eyes as if trying to scrub the image from his mind. 
“It’s money well spent, Mattie.” Kay batts her eyes at him. 
He huffs, but then turns his gaze on you, his blue eyes are filled with concern. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Yeah.” You shrug, nerves popping and sizzling inside so much that they might as well be giving off enough electricity to power New York City. “I don’t get a creepy vibe from him. I think he’s actually kind of nice.” 
It was true. Your radar was usually on point with things like this, and there was something about Russell that didn’t scream axe murderer. He seemed surprisingly laid back and honest, and you found yourself curious to know more about him. 
Matt doesn’t look convinced.
“It’s okay babe.” Liza says, swaying her and his body to the music. “We have the app on our phones and we all know the safe word.” She continues, referencing the word the three of you designated when everything was okay as well as the other word that meant everything was going terribly wrong. 
You didn’t think that you would need it. 
He sighs. “Fine, but if he tries anything weird-”
“What qualifies as weird for you?” Kay asks, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve always been curious about your kinks.” 
Kay always took pride in getting under Matt’s skin. You never knew why that was, only that it seemed to be her mission to make him crack. He never did. 
“Be safe.” He nods at you before he drags Liza towards the door. 
“Seriously babe.” Kay begins to back away. “Be safe. Because the last thing you want to pass right now is a pregnancy test.” 
“Why are we friends again?” You groan as you follow behind her, weaving through the mass of bodies writhing to the newest song. 
The air outside the bar is cooler, but there’s just a hint of something on the wind. Spring was coming, but it was still far enough away to leave just a light chill in the air. The street in front of Duke’s was populated sporadically with cars of varying shapes and colors, but you couldn’t help but wonder what kind of car the mysterious stranger drove. 
Why didn’t I ask him for his name? 
“Because you’d be lost without me.” Kay laughs at you, but then pulls you into a hug. “Have fun and please try not to think about that stupid test. You’re so smart and I promise that one test is not going to define your entire future. If that were true my first organic chemistry test would have come with a refrigerator box to live in, because that test was literally the stuff of nightmares.” 
She frowns at the memory. It was the first test that she had ever failed in her entire life, and although you were the one who usually obsessed over grades, it was the first time you’d ever seen Kay so disappointed. That was also because her professor had asked her to stop by for office hours and told her that there was no way she’d ever be able to get the grades she needed in his class. 
But a weekend marathon of Sex and the City listening to her mentor Samantha Jones, had brought her back to life and she’d sauntered confidently into the classroom armed with a flat white latte and sat in the front row at every lecture the rest of the semester. 
She’d gotten the highest grade in the class. 
Basically, Kay was your hero, that was the real reason why you were her friend. 
“I’ll try my best. Tell Sean hi for me.” You squeeze her just as tight, before she walks away down the darkened path back to campus where Sean would be waiting for her. 
There was an odd glow over the sidewalks tonight, a yellowed light that crawled along the cracked brick building that housed Duke’s and halted just shy of the opening of the alley that ran between Duke’s and the bank next door. No other people were visible. Even the small crowd that usually leaned against the rustic brick wall outside of the bar smoking was nowhere to be seen. 
It was odd.
You rub your hands down your arms with nervous anticipation. You’d slept with someone from a bar one time before, but one night stands were not your forte at all. The last time it’d happened, you’d gone back with a guy to his apartment only to find out an hour later when his girlfriend got home that he wasn’t single. She hadn’t seemed surprised that you were in bed with him, but you had been when she pulled out a switchblade the size of your hand and began to slash through the neatly arranged collection of plush squish-mallows on the floor while screaming obscenities at the guy.
In hindsight, maybe the squish-mallows were a clue that he was in a relationship. 
But you didn’t have any bad feelings about the man you’d met. He was attractive, witty, nice, funny, and he genuinely seemed concerned about you when you almost choked to death on a sip of beer. 
I will make him forget the entire awkward encounter. 
You promised yourself, but you also began to be a little bit nervous. You didn’t know why it was taking him so long to find the car. 
A bird caws overhead, sweeping low across the buildings, feathers an inky black in the night air, its shadow flickering across the moon. 
Another two minutes pass and you start to get antsy. 
Maybe he just left?
The thought brings a wave of disappointment over you. The stranger was the first person in a long time that you’d felt genuinely attracted to and now you couldn’t help but think that maybe he lied and when he said he was going to get the car, he really was trying to get away from you as fast as possible. 
You take a few steps in the direction that Kay left thinking that you might as well cut your losses and see if you can catch up, but hesitate. 
What if I leave and he comes back? What if-
An odd noise that sounds like a cat hacking up a hairball comes from the alley directly to your right, followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the pavement. 
You turn. Most of the alley is obscured in shadows, several large dumpsters jut out from grimy brick walls stained with God knows what, but you don’t see anything out of the ordinary. 
There are some lights fastened to the wall that runs the length of the bar, sending a dingy orange light over the bags of trash, empty flattened cardboard boxes, and plastic cups strewn over the wet ground. 
The door of Duke’s swings open for a moment, bringing the sounds and smells of the bar through the doorway as a woman enters tugging a sullen looking man behind her.
You turn your attention back to the empty alleyway, and catch the low rumble of a voice that sounds oddly familiar. It echoes through the darkness bouncing off the stone, metal, and bags of trash to where you stand at the dimly lit mouth of the alley.
That’s weird. 
Another sound follows the voice, a wet sounding thud that piques your interest. You take a tentative step forward into the darkness.
Wait. Isn’t this how every horror movie starts?
It was a valid question. But then you hear the voice again, it’s louder, vibrating against the brick and mortar, and it pulls your forward. 
Anxiety hums through your body as you inch down the alley, sticking to the well lit side that runs the length of Duke’s.
“Who sent you?” The familiar voice asks.
There’s no answer, and the sound of the cat choking up a hairball comes back. 
Someone needs to get Grizabella a glass of water.
You take another shaky step passing by the first dumpster before you reach the part of the alley that wraps around the back of the bar. 
At first you’re not sure what you see. The part of the alley behind the bar is more of a cramped street with a tire marked dirt path, bathed in awkward light from the moon and from a lazy streetlight that’s only half lit. There’s another dumpster back here, this one a little larger than the others you’d seen along the side of the building, but that isn’t what’s interesting. 
The image comes into focus. 
The stranger from the bar is standing there, his back to you, but he isn’t alone. The stranger has a man pinned to the dumpster, a large knife stabbed into the space between the man’s collarbone and his right shoulder while his other hand is clasped tightly around the man’s neck.
“Who sent you?!” The stranger roars, the knife digging into the man’s shoulder. 
Your entire body freezes in fear.
My radar was so wrong. How could it be this wrong? He was so caring and kind- That’s what they said about Ted Bundy. 
Your gaze drops to what you thought was a garbage bag at the green-eyed stranger's feet, but realize that it’s not a bag, it’s a body.
Holy shit he’s a murderer! Maybe if I just back away slowly-
You take a slow step backwards hoping to edge back into the alley that runs the length of the bar and forget this night ever happened, but instead of your foot finding solid ground, it finds a forgotten potato chip bag. 
The crinkled plastic crunches underfoot, breaking the still silence of the night. You inhale sharply and look up. Your gaze locks with the green-eyed man.
“I didn’t see anything.” You hold up your hands, backing away slowly. “Have a nice night.”
“Nope.” You turn and flee down the alley hoping that someone is coming out of the bar at the exact moment who can witness the broad stranger chasing after you. His boots thud against the concrete, splashing through water in hot pursuit, contrasting against the plods of your own feet sloshing through puddles and through trash to get back to the light.
Before you make it halfway through the darkness, he grabs your arm and turns you to look at him. 
“Let me go!” You shriek, tugging at his grip, preparing to kick him between his legs, the only place that matters.
“Please wait. I can explain!” 
“You don’t have to explain!” You keep pulling at his arm. “I didn’t see anything! I don’t know who you are. And you know what? I wasn’t even in the bar tonight! I was back in my apartment watching Crime Scene Kitchen!” 
It was the first thing that popped into your head, but if it meant that you got to live, it would be your alibi.
He hesitates confused. “What’s Crime Scene Kitchen?”
“What? You just fucking murdered someone in an alley, you’re about to murder me, and that’s what you’re asking me?” You scream.
“I’m not going to murder you. And I was the one who was attacked!”
“Oh sure!” Fear clamps down hard on your throat squeezing the air coming in through your lungs. Tears begin to burn against your eyes as you try to release his grip. “Somebody help me!” You scream loudly trying to twist away from him and wishing that you’d brought your bottle of pepper spray or that you’d taken the self-defense class last summer with Kay or at least paid more attention to that scene in Miss Congeniality.
How could I have been so stupid? He’s going to kill me here and I’ll never know what that physics test did to my GPA. 
You frown slightly at that thought. It really is weird what goes through your head when you think you’re going to die. 
“Please, let me explain.” He says again, eyes wide and filled with an emotion that looks surprisingly like regret.
His dark hair has fallen forward over his cheeks that are flecked with blood, but the lights that line the wall of the dark alley perfectly frame his face. He looked like a model for a beer commercial or one that they’d roughed up a little for those weird perfume commercials you saw that never made any sense, but were always intriguing. 
Why are all the hot ones crazy? Why couldn’t he have just been a bad kisser? Or maybe a little too loud? Why is his flaw that he freaking MURDERS people? 
As you think that, there is a little voice inside your head that asks: Could I be okay with that? 
“There’s nothing to explain! You’re a murderer! You just killed those people!” You aim a kick at his crotch, but the man only catches your ankle with his large hand. You could feel the warmth of his skin through your sweatpants, the sensation that brought warm tingles through your body when you were in the bar, only sends a wave of fear crashing over you.
“Yes I did, but for a good reason!”
“Really? What reason was that!?”
“They were trying to kill me!”
“I don’t believe you!”
Before he can finish his sentence, gunfire explodes over your head. Sparks fly as bullets crash into the dumpsters and rip through the night air around where you and the man are standing.
There’s a large black suburban parked in the street that runs behind Duke’s where you’re found the stranger with the body. Three men stand in front of it all in dark clothing and each one is  holding a pistol pointed directly at where you’re standing. 
“Holy shit!” You scream, but the stranger tackles you back behind the large rusting green dumpster that juts out and gives you cover from the blaze of bullets.
His body lays over yours, curving protectively around you, and his arm is behind you head so when you hit the ground, your head doesn’t. The impact of the cold, wet, concrete beneath your body jostles through your system, but you can’t focus on it too much, not when the man’s entire body is laying on top of yours and it feels as if he was made especially for you. 
He lays in the cradle of your thighs, wonderfully broad and hard, the muscles of his body contrasting to the soft curves of your body underneath your clothes. It left very little to the imagination, well… not little. 
It’s enough to make a girl forget that he’s a murderer… No, what am I saying!!
You shove him off of you and cower back behind the dumpster, the sound of gunfire filling your ears and making you realize exactly what you smelled on the man earlier that you thought was smoke. 
“Baby-” He says reaching out to comfort you.
“Don’t touch me! I’m not your baby!” You swat his hands away from you pressing yourself back into the wet wall of the alley. 
The smell of mold and trash was rising all around you in an unholy mist. The wet ground soaked into the soft fabric of your pants and left stains that you didn’t want to think about what they were. 
“Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit-” It comes out like a sickening mantra as you rock back and forth, hands on your ears to make the sound of the gunfire stop.
I’m going to die here. In this dismal back alley. In front of this gorgeous murder. If I had know that I wouldn’t have spent so much of this week studying for a mother-fucking physics test!
“Sweetheart!” The man shouts to catch your attention, but you don’t look at him. 
“What in the devil’s ass is happening?!” You shriek.
“Listen to me!” He shouts louder over the sound of gunfire and takes your cheeks in his rough palms to make him look at him. His green eyes are brilliant in the light, but filled with a determined fire that makes you suddenly feel very safe despite watching him kill someone and the active gunfire bouncing all around you. 
You wanted to trust him, but you also didn’t want to be on the news or used as a cautionary tale for mothers to guilt their daughters with. 
“I promise that nothing is going to happen to you.”
“How can you guarantee that?!”
“Because I don’t break my promises.” The determined grit in his eyes hardens as they sweep over your face. “I will explain what’s going on. But first I have to go talk to them.” He releases your face, but hesitates. 
The man wasn’t bothering to duck and cover, in fact each time a bullet ricocheted off the side of the dumpster he didn’t even flinch, meanwhile the sour taste of bile was rising into your mouth and you were sure that you were going to throw up. Panic was setting in, and your heart rate was getting dangerously high as anxiety and fear flickered along your nerve endings. 
Oh my sweet goodness he’s mentally unstable.
“Actually.” He sighs and flashes an awkward smile. “I don't want to lie to you. I’m going to go kill them. Don’t move.” He reaches into the waistband at the back of his worn jeans and pulls out a gun. 
Has he had that this whole time? HOW did I not feel it? 
“Wait what? Don’t go out there!” Your fingers fist in the front of his jacket, the fear of him leaving you more than the fear of him murdering you. At this point it was either be killed by the beautiful stranger or killed by the other guys, and being killed by the other guys meant that you’d have to meet someone new and look where that had gotten you tonight. 
“They’re not exactly going to leave on their own.” He cracks a smile despite the situation. “But promise me you’re not going to move.” His smile turns into a concerned frown, eyebrows furrowing together as his eyes settle on you once more, steely and unyielding. 
“I promise.” Your voice comes out shaky and not at all what you sound like. Truthfully you were surprised that you got anything to come out of your mouth that wasn't vomit.
He nods once. 
When he leaves, you wait exactly three seconds, counting each of them out in your head before you take off in a dead run for the front door of Duke’s bar and into the safety of the street beyond without looking back while hoping that all of this has just been a bad dream. 
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Coming back to the apartment feels surreal, crossing through the living room like a Salvador Dali painting, and finally closing your bedroom door and locking it is like a mirage. 
You weren’t sure how you made it back here, only that you did, and that was all that mattered.
Kay and Liza weren’t home, predictably, but you would have tried to call both of them if you hadn’t dropped your phone in the cluster fuck that was everything that happened an hour ago. Because on top of everything now you didn’t have any way to contact your friends and let them know that you’re alive and okay.  
Your body was still buzzing with the anxiety of everything that happened, mind going a mile a minute the longer you allowed it to bathe in the memories of being shot at and watching the stranger kill those men. 
The stranger that somehow was able to trick your radar.
I just need to breathe, relax, and- 
You turn around towards your bed expecting to go to sleep and forget all of it, but the thought stutters to a halt as you realize you’re not alone. The green-eyed stranger is standing there in the center of your bedroom. He is holding a bundle of your clothes in one hand and your empty school backpack in the other. 
“What the fuck?!” You scream and reach for the Strawberry Shortcake bat your dad bought you when you moved out, hefting it high on your shoulder preparing to swing. “What the hell are you doing here?”
He raises an eyebrow at your awkward stance. “Why are you holding a bright pink baseball bat?”
“All the better beat the shit out of rapists who break into my apartment in the middle of the night!”
“What happened to murderer?” The end of his lips lift up in a smile too perfect to be real. He almost seems to be enjoying this, like he thinks you’re being cute and not accusing him of something terrible. 
“That too!”
He laughs at you, but then his smile slips into a frown.“Why did you break your promise?” You don't understand why he looks like a kicked puppy at the thought that you broke your promise. 
Of course I didn’t keep it! I was running for my life to get out of the way of the millions of bullets pointed at my head!
“You promised that you would stay there and you didn’t. You could have been killed.” Worry flashes in his gaze, and your eyes drop to the flecks of blood on the outside of his jacket that remind you of everything this man had done tonight.
“Oh, well excuse me for breaking a promise I made to a murderer!” 
“I’m not a murderer.” 
“If the boot fits!” You snap back. “You showing up in my bedroom certainly seems plenty murdery. That and you going through my underwear drawer for a little souvenir.” Your eyes narrow in suspicion. 
“A souvenir?” The man laughs at you again, his shoulders shaking. He’s still wearing the same clothes he was in the alley, and again you’re momentarily stunned by how attractive he is.
“Why else would you be going through my drawers? And how do you know where I live!?”
“That’s not important right now.” The man shoves the bundle of your clothes into your backpack before moving back to the chest of drawers in the corner of your bedroom for another handful.
“What the fuck do you mean that’s not important right now? And what the hell are you doing?”
“I’m packing you a bag.”
“What? Why? So it’ll look like I ran away?!”
Oh holy fuck he’s still going to kill me!
You swing the bat as hard as you can, but the man raises the backpack to block your attack. 
“Calm down Derek Jeter! I’m not going to murder you, please stop saying that.”
He frowns and shrugs his shoulders. “Because it’s hurting my feelings a little bit.” 
“Hurting your-” You shake your head in disbelief. “Look, I have no idea who the fuck you are or why you broke into my apartment but-”
“Hi. I’m Russell.” The man now identified as ‘Russell’ holds out his hand to try and shake yours. 
That’s obviously a fake name. 
You stare at him blankly. “Are you insane?”
“No, I just told you, I’m  Russell. And we have to go.” He retracts his hand and begins to shove clothes into your backpack again.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, crazy! I have class in the morning and an exam in two days!” You heft the baseball bat higher on your shoulder as a silent threat.
Judging by the way he blocked your attack so easily a few moments ago, you didn’t have high hopes. But you did think that if you screamed loud enough your elderly neighbor, aptly named Willy due to the many, many times he’d flashed Kay, Liza, and you “accidentally,” would come over at least to see if you had any extra magazines to take back to his hoarder apartment that was stacked floor to ceiling with yellowed newspapers long out of print. 
Russell sighs, and looks from the bat to you, shoulders relaxing a millimeter, but there’s still something determined in his gaze. “I understand that you’re scared, but those guys, they saw you with me.”
“So if I leave you here with no protection, they’re going to come here and take you.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Yes I do!” He replies, the edge of his voice is tinged with anger and frustration. 
“Look!” Russell holds up a battered phone. Displayed on the cracked screen is a message thread of texts to an unknown number. Russell clicks on one of the pictures that was sent an hour ago, about the time the two of you met.
As it grows larger on the screen you recognize the two people in it. It’s a picture of Russell and you kissing at the bar. Your eyes are closed, hands curved over his shoulders possessively, while you smile into his mouth.
The memory of the kiss sends a warm tingle down your spine as you remember how good the kiss was. It was definitely in the top ten, hell, it was number one. 
Don’t be seduced by his charm and good looks! You saw him kill someone tonight! Not to mention he probably killed those other guys that were shooting at you.
Russell swipes his finger over the screen again, this time the picture is of him and you talking, your face on full display. You’re laughing at something Russell said with your right hand resting on the cool bottle of beer you never finished. Honestly, if anyone was seeing those photos for the first time it would look like Russell and you were together. 
“You took pictures of me!?” You shout. “You’re a fucking freak!” 
“Sweetheart, listen to me-”
“I’m not your Sweetheart. You’re just some random murder that I met at a bar!”
The things that I’ve said tonight for the first time could be an SNL skit. Why me?
“For the last time, I am not a murder! And I didn’t take those photos. The men who were after me did.”
“So? Why would they care about some random girl?”
“Because they don’t know you’re some random girl I met! They think that you’re important to me and until I figure out who they sent these pictures to, you’re not safe.”
“Can’t you text them and say that you just met me tonight? That it’s a pure coincidence?! That I’m not important to you.” You point at the cracked phone, waving your free hand frantically at it.
Russell laughs at your question. “Are you kidding? Do you think they’re going to believe me?”
“I don’t know! And how would they know where I live?”
“The same way I knew how.”
That is a good point. How did he know where I lived?
You hesitate, gaze flicking over where Russell stands with your backpack in his hand, but another idea begins to wiggle from the depths of your mind. “Wait. Is this some kind of kinky thing you do? Some fetish? Pretending to be a spy or that people are after you just to get yourself all hot and bothered?”
“What?” Now it’s Russell’s turn to look at you like you’re crazy. 
You take that as confirmation. “It is! Holy fuck, that is so messed up.”
Wow forget murderer, he’s an actual psychopath. Why the hell did I drop my phone?
Kay and Liza weren’t going to be back tonight. Especially not if they think that you took “Russell,” if that really is his name, back to the apartment. You had no other way of contacting them, except with your laptop that was sitting closed on your bed behind where Russell was standing. 
“Wait a minute. I’m not a spy.”
“Exactly, that’s the point! You’re pretending to make me-”
“No, I’m not. I promise all of this is real!” Russell sighs frustrated. “I know that you don’t want to believe me, but it isn’t safe here. And I can protect you!”
“That’s exactly what you would say to kidnap me!”
“Sweetheart. I am not going to kidnap you, I’m trying to keep you safe. I mean, if I have to kidnap you I will-”
Your eyes widen and you heft the bat high on your shoulder prepared to swing.
“Sorry, that was a bad joke.” He holds up his hands in surrender, flashing an apologetic smile. “What would it take to make you believe me?”
It was the question that you had been contemplating since he’d protected you in the alley. You knew nothing about him, didn’t know what he did for a living, and you’d only just learned his name. But despite everything that happened there was a little part of yourself that wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe everything he was telling you, well, not the part about you being in danger and the idea that people now wanted to kill you, but the part about being able to trust him. 
You think about the way he made you feel at the bar, when he listened to you complain about your physics test and made you laugh. You’d trusted him then, enough to go home with him or at least, try to go home with him. 
“I don’t know.” The bat slips a little bit from your shoulder with your honesty. “Do you have any character references?”
Russell cracks a smile. “Isn’t it a little early for you to ask me about my old girlfriends? Don’t think any of them would be willing to say anything good about me either.”
This time you can feel a little smile begin to tug at the end of your lips, one that Russell notices. 
“I know that you’re scared.” He takes a tentative step forward. “But I promise that I will explain everything to you, answer all your questions, but all I know is that you’re not safe here. And I can’t in good conscience leave, if I know you’re in danger.”
The look in his eyes had the determined fire you’d seen many times tonight, but there was something honest about it. They saw through you, and even though you had spent most of the night terrified and believed him to be a murderer, you didn’t think that someone like that would be so determined for you to go with him. 
It felt like two parts of your head were at war. You wanted to trust Russell, you didn’t think he was lying to you, but you had seen him kill those men. And there was an unfortunate part of you that worried he made all of this up to kidnap you. 
But I think if he meant to do that… he would have jumped me the minute I walked into my bedroom, he wouldn’t have said “hi.”
“I know this whole thing sounds crazy. But the last thing I want is for you to die because of something stupid I did. Please.”
You bite the inside of your cheek thinking about Kay and Liza. “If I leave, what about my roommates? They live here too.” 
He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not going to sugar coat it Sweetheart, there’s always a chance that they’ll be hurt, but with you gone, there’s also a chance that these guys will focus more on finding me.”
“So basically you can’t guarantee their safety?”
“No.” He drops his gaze for a moment, but then he looks at you again. “But I can guarantee yours and I don’t want to take the chance with your life. And my brother is smart, maybe he can figure out a way to keep them safe too.”
You stand there for a moment contemplating what he’s saying, the memories of everything that happened tonight rising up in an unrelenting wave, not just cowering behind the dumpster, but the kiss the two of you shared, and the way he made you laugh.
I want to trust him. I don’t think he’s lying, I don’t think he’s going to hurt me. You think to yourself, and then the inevitable thought comes. I feel safe with him. 
“Do you promise that your name is Russell and that you’re telling me the truth?” You ask one more time to make sure.
So you take a chance and hope to God that you’re not wrong. 
“Okay.” You nod, lowering the bat entirely. “I’ll go with you.”
He sighs in relief. “Good.” Russell holds out the backpack towards you. “You should probably pack this. If I had my way, there won’t be much in here besides underwear.”
“You’re such a guy.” You roll your eyes and take the backpack from him, but you can't help the smile that curls on the end of your mouth.
Russell returns it, pleased with himself that he'd gotten you to smile again. “That's better than you accusing me of being a murderer.”
“Jury’s still out on that one.” 
“But you have to admit… this did make you forget your physics test right?”
He's not wrong... but you don’t think that this is better.
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A/N: I had so much fun with this one. I hope y'all laughed as much as I did 😂
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deesseshesca ¡ 16 hours ago
PAC : Is this new crush worth it ?
Il a tout essayer...lol
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This pile and pile 3,4 … u guys decide to play mind games with me and I only could channel your last crush. 
First y’all are my blank canva. Nothing ever happens. No kiss, no holding hand, no bf/gf just no nothing ( Don't worry babe … I am working on a serie for y’all) 
Rn is not looking good for y’all. You just stood on business with a long distance situationship. I feel like the most y’all did was some phone sex. I dont even know if you truly love them but you were genuinely excited to see a serious fucking offer in you love life. Just for it to be a fucking mess. 
Your next crush… ig. 
Lol I just felt somebody rolling their fucking eye. I just heard the meme : ‘’ Again … The fuck again … Nothing new …’’. Girl, give me a chance. Your next serious offer, you may miss it because you are too busy complaining about how your love life never takes off unlike your peers. Don't get me wrong,  I get how it could be frustrating but  I am just telling the messages. In this pile, I feel like I am in a mob meeting with my boss and I did not sell my quota. (ME: ‘’Let me tell you ! No let me tell u something !) C’mon don't shoot the messenger, I am just relaying the message…Damm. While you are going to be slowly slipping in melancholy, a new girl is going to make her away too. All she can do is hope you look at her the way you look at all the other ‘’almost bf’’ that cross your life. Y’all may be straight … but y’all also never explore. How can you be so sure of something when you don't even try to test the other possibility ? On the other hand, I feel like y’all only get off on lesbian porn. LOL don't worry I understand… This is a safe place. I am going to speak from my very fucking humble tarot reader experience. We both know there's nothing wrong with you. You did the healing and you are actually working towards your goals. Most of y’all go to the gym or eat healthy or have an amazing sleep schedule. If you are not the problem but the result keeps failing the expectation maybe the problem is the formula (YES… I am an EX stem student … but tell me I am wrong … (still waiting)). Mamacita come down ! The whole scenery of the conversation changed, now we were both spinning and falling in a sea of red. I did not tell you that you are lesbian or that your life is a lie. All I told you is to let go ! Allow yourself to feel. So instead of going for someone that checks all your boxes, maybe you should try somebody with whom you actually have some chemistry first. 
If u want to maybe find more detail check the free PAC on my Ko-Fi. If it did not resonate, try your luck on my free video PAC on my Ko-Fi.
2. PAC VIDEO (FREE) : Who is your inner slut ?
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Bestie, let’s be so for real right now this is not the dreamy romance you deserve. This crush? A total ✨no-go✨. It’s giving emotional entrapment, not fairytale love. You’re way too divine to be entertaining someone who's already locked in with someone else.
Think about it why waste your sparkle on a situation that’s already tangled? You’re meant for a love that flows effortlessly, where you don’t have to second-guess your worth or wait for someone to choose you. The right one? They’ll be all in, no hesitation, no complications.
So, let’s redirect that energy, babe. Romanticize yourself instead. Go do something that makes you feel expensive, play your favorite love songs (but about you), and trust that something so much better is on the way. 💕💫
If u want to maybe find more detail check the free PAC on my Ko-Fi. If it did not resonate, try your luck on my free video PAC on my Ko-Fi.
2. PAC VIDEO (FREE) : Who is your inner slut ?
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In this group, y’all may speak Arabic or are learning. 
You guys also got fucking ghosted out of nowhere and is is really fucked up because you guys were dealing with this person for at least 2 months on a daily basis. 
But you did not even tweak. You block them and completely move on. Standing on big business. 
They are going to me sadly surprised when they are going to make their comeback.
Your next crush … ig. 
Lol … you guys are going to chase after a girl that already loves you. Don't get me wrong is a new girl but I see her being amused by how much effort you are putting to impress her. While she is already in love with your hair, your eyes, your lips, the way your body moves, the way you think, everything you like and hate, she's in love with your essence and everything you will grow up to be. If you have big boobs, girl … she wont stop daydreaming about sleeping on your melons. Don't get me started on all her late night fantasy and the time she will spend masturbating at the thought of u. You are going to loose hair, trying to understand why the fuck is this girl not crazy about you yet. No shes not playing games … you are just too much in your fucking head, to realize that she's already yours. 
If u want to maybe find more detail check the free PAC on my Ko-Fi. If it did not resonate, try your luck on my free video PAC on my Ko-Fi.
2. PAC VIDEO (FREE) : Who is your inner slut ?
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There's a lot of intimacy between y’all. Get off the gutter I ain't talking sex ( but if you do pursue an union with them babe wrapping it up because the slow love making is going to make u see the stars and u might manifest a little big blessings). The way you guys look at each other, the way you guys hold hands, the grace in which you both speak about each other and to each other even when you guys are arguing can be about the most basic shit. Like which apple is best, red or green. The passion, intensity and grace makes it look like we are looking at Romeo and Juliet going at it when they need to decide whether they should die together or live apart. No I dont think yall are suicidal and I was no making a reference about the situation of the fight but he purity of a flamboyant love in everything y’all do. Even people around you are going to catch it and realize how different and superior your couple is ( LOL this is about a crush but I am writing like you guys are for sure going to take their love offer). People dont look at y’all like ‘’ Eww go get a room’’ nahh they look around waiting for camera to come the fuck out because this must be a fucking movie. In an ethereal and disturbing way. Also this person has a background with a lot of culture, could be Hispanic or Caribbean. I see a merge of two people with 2 heavy and beautiful cultures. 
If u want to maybe find more detail check the free PAC on my Ko-Fi. If it did not resonate, try your luck on my free video PAC on my Ko-Fi.
2. PAC VIDEO (FREE) : Who is your inner slut ?
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Somebody from your past is coming back. Y’all last relationship was with someone with a heavy narcissistic tendency. Other of yall was verbal abuse on a daily by that person. They are going to try to spin the block (Me: Yeah babe I know it has been years/months since you dealt with that person but they still have you in their vision). DO NOT FALL FOR IT ! They have a target on you. They will act like a new leaf but their goal is very dark. They want you to pay for everything you made them lose. Maybe when y’all were dealing with is person nobody knew how fuck he/she was. A lot of people thought they were relationship goals until you freed yourself from the guilt and broke the illusions. 
Angel number : 333 may be important for y’all. Whatever decision you just took, just know your spiritual team is 10 toes behind you. 
You next crush … ig.
Chérie d’Amour, y’all look the fuck good ! Congrats on your change. I know you may be beating yourself up because you hit THE goal you had envisioned for yourself. Maybe some of y’all lost weight but you are not exactly the number you wish to weigh by now. Babe is not about the weight and so much bigger than that.  You glow, your hair is healthy, you are more confident in your curves, you have boundaries and stand on it with ease. Your makeup looks sooo good. You may have change the way you dress, dont get me wrong, you always have been a very stylish gyal but now you look THE FUCK good. I see someone coming towards me, somebody that you will have your eyes on but I am hearing : ‘’I don't chase, I attract’’. Meaning if he doesn't come for you that it aint meant to be because a girl like you ain't never desperate. When they are going to make a move on you, you are going to make it hard because you are all that plus some taxes. AS YOU FUCKING SHOULD. I see you still letting them know at least that you are in fact interested in getting to know them but nothing is for sure. You know what's funny is the whole time they were plotting on you, you just never paid attention to them. They liked you wayyyyy before you even knew they existed. Believe me,  they ain't going to give up until they make you theirs. I am hearing from them : ‘’ All I need is the platform. I already have the plan’’ ME: ‘’Right, Right’’. 
If u want to maybe find more detail check the free PAC on my Ko-Fi. If it did not resonate, try your luck on my free video PAC on my Ko-Fi.
2. PAC VIDEO (FREE) : Who is your inner slut ?
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kite33 ¡ 1 month ago
rubbed salt into my eyes today
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genderdog ¡ 1 year ago
how do therapists typically react when you say you think you have something
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moreaujeans ¡ 2 years ago
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hedgehog-moss ¡ 23 days ago
When the world feels chaotic and unstable you can draw comfort and hope from one enduring certainty, and it is...
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... that PampĂŠrigouste escaped again.
She Found A Way, and so can you—the first tenet of llama philosophy.
@ Anon from last time, please don't insult my fence again, it is truly doing its best 😔 One of the crossbars snapped because of the snow. Or the wind. Or Pampe. But I launched an investigation and found the crime scene pretty soon, thanks to her footprints in the fresh snow. (Surrounded by a whole lot of Pandolf's excited pawprints.)
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Pandolf & I walked around in the woods for some time looking for a replacement crossbar—as always, he wasn't quite sure what we were looking for but was very supportive and enthusiastic nonetheless.
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We found a suitably long & straight branch.
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Ta-dah! All patched up. (It's hard to tie knots with freezing hands so I warmed them up in Pandolf's neck fur at regular intervals. He thought he was being petted for being a good dog. He would have probably been even happier to realise he was being a good and useful dog, at the same time.)
I felt like I had earned my morning coffee, but just to be on the safe side, I went to check another crossbar that I've been keeping an eye on as a potential Escape Spot, because it's curved and therefore lower than the others—but there were no llama footprints there.
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Then I saw Pampe start trotting towards a specific part of the fence, with this cheerful and resolute gait which is always very alarming. I went after her, and discovered that she'd led me straight to another broken crossbar, and she was politely waiting for me there.
She is so confident in her abilities that she's decided she can afford to give her adversary some helpful tips.
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I had no trouble getting her back in her pasture btw, the Muesli Whistle still works very well (especially in winter when she's hungrier.) She didn't really want to go anywhere; her to-do list for today was 1. test every crossbar by applying pressure with her neck to locate a weak one, lower it then gracefully jump over it to practise her best talents; 2. acquire illegal hazel catkins from the tree near my house, thus making sure I can spot her from my window and see how talented she is; 3. make me say "Pampe!!!" in that annoyed tone that she evidently enjoys hearing; 4. wait for me to go get the usual muesli bribe before following me to the pasture.
And since the other animals always end up getting some muesli as well, it's clear that Pampe thinks of her escapes as a service to her community.
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quarterlifekitty ¡ 29 days ago
This post made me start thinking about getting a false positive test with Simon.
You tell him you felt a little strange, your period was late, so you took an at home test, and it came back positive. You know how he feels about fatherhood, so you hasten to point out that these tests can be wrong— so you’ll need to go to the doctor to make sure.
He spends the next week up to your appointment in a haze. All he thinks about is you and what life will be like if you’re pregnant. God, what if you wanna keep it? If he leaves, he’ll be a deadbeat, but what if he stays and he’s a shit father, like his was?
Everything little, every baby aisle in the store, every pram out on the street makes him think. He can’t focus on anything else.
Eventually, he reckons that it’s likely the test was accurate. That he needs to be prepared. And the more he comes to accept it… the more he finds himself excited. The more he wants it. He’s looking up recipes that are good for expecting mothers. What to put in a hospital overnight bag. The pros and cons of formula vs breastmilk. He’s still terrified, but he’s also happier than he thinks he’s been since he got together with you.
So when he gets the news that the test at the doctor’s came back negative, he’s a little gutted. You were excited to tell him— you thought this was saving your relationship, but he doesn’t seem relieved at all…
Tells the lads about it in an uncharacteristic moment of vulnerability when they’re spending the night in a safe house. Price is smiling and about to give him an eloquent response with relevant advice.
“Jus’ knock ‘er up fo’real then,” Soap blurts out, earning an elbow to the ribs.
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lyonnerileyauthor ¡ 1 month ago
minotaur knight, fully decked out in armor that covers his huge body, his helmet revealing only his horns. he's always protected you, always watched over you, going everywhere that you go to make sure no one who wants your crown might try to take it from you.
he tries to hide how he feels, how he doesn't just serve you because it's his job, but because he wants nothing more than to keep you safe. he's professional, polite, sometimes curt when you push too hard on the barrier between you. but it's growing more and more obvious now with the way his eyes linger on you for too long, how he keeps even closer to your side on long rides, starting conversations when he always kept to himself before.
and you want him, too. he towers over you, a monstrous figure covered in steel, but you know the soft heart that lies underneath. every day your feelings swell bigger, until you don't know how much longer you can bear the occasional touch and the deep, meaningful conversations as you walk through the woods together.
on one of your rides you reach the lake, and this time, you decide to swim in it even with him there. your minotaur knight stations himself at the edge of the lake, at the ready should some enemy try to attack you while you're vulnerable. but he can't help following you with his eyes, drinking in your naked body as you swim.
when you emerge from the water soaking wet, he offers you a towel, but you push it aside. you stand on your tip toes to stroke his cheek, and he stills completely under your hand.
princess? he asks, baffled by this change in your demeanor. you touch yourself with your other hand, coasting over your breasts, plucking your nipples in front of him. his mouth falls open, his nostrils flaring as your arousal fills the air. you're tired of hiding how much you want him.
it's when you dip your hand between your legs to touch yourself that his composure, his will to stay away from you, finally breaks. he groans at the sight, pushing your hand away so he can be the one to feel how soft and wet you are. his eyes roll back in his head as he slips one thick finger into you.
you're this wet for me?
you rock and moan as he slides in another one, stretching you open. suddenly, he pushes you down to the grass, his massive body caging you in, his horns shining in the sunlight. he shoves your legs apart, ravenous now, and torments you with his tongue while he fucks you with his hand. he's wanted you for so, so long that he can't stop himself from devouring you, fitting that fat tongue inside you so he can lick up every last drop.
now he's beyond control, beyond sense as he takes off his armor, flinging it aside until his thick, swollen cock is exposed. it's so long, so broad, that you're certain it won't fit inside you.
I'll prepare you well, princess, he assures you, stretching you even wider with his hand until you're slick and gaping. with his strange haunches he has to lift your ass until, at last, he can slip the blunt head of his bull cock into you.
you gasp and writhe, still not sure that it will fit, but your minotaur knight holds you fast, his tail flicking behind him as he pushes in deeper.
oh, you feel like heaven, he mutters as he tests you, opening you, spreading you for his cock. his arms tremble as he holds himself back so he doesn't spear you through with the sheer size of him.
yet you beg for more, meeting him thrust for thrust until a wildness takes hold of him. his eyes glaze over as instinct kicks in, and he fucks you harder, pinning you to the ground as he makes you his. even after you've come all over his cock, he doesn't stop plunging into you, making you scream and clutch him tight.
when at last, he spills all of his seed inside you, there's so much that it gushes out. he pants on top of you, recovering his senses, and he apologizes for how brutishly he claimed you.
but you wouldn't have it any other way.
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whatifitis ¡ 3 months ago
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♡ You Make Me Crazier - LN 4 ♡
Summary: this is based off this request! Lando spends most of the night playing Tarkov with Max and ends up keeping his gf awake for hours. so guess who's in a bad mood in the morning while the other is just vibing 😀
WC: 1781
CW: fluff, lando being loud (NOT IN THAT WAY PERVS), pillow tossing
Finally, the end of the season has come and the peace can begin. Lando and yourself had joined the team in celebration of Mclaren winning the constructors’. But Lando decided to leave the party quite early as he’d wanted to play some Tarkov with Max. You didn’t argue, you were pretty exhausted from such an eventful day, you were excited to hop into bed and get some much needed rest while Lando played some games. 
The two of you had arrived back in your hotel room and Lando quickly pressed a kiss to your lips before letting you know he was going to play Tarkov immediately. You watched him race to the desk with his laptop. You didn’t mind him playing video games, you knew it did him some good. Tarkov was sort of a safe place for him to forget about the real world a bit and you were grateful that he had something like that. Although, you’re not sure how he finds that game peaceful as it is one of the most stressful games you know of. It’s not like Animal Crossing where you just talk to villagers and hunt and gather. 
You got ready for bed, taking a nice shower to get rid of the smell from being out all day and partying. You think there was a bit of rose water still in your hair. Taking your time, you smile as you hear Lando’s laughter from the main room. It’s rare to hear it nowadays. 
Once you’re ready for bed, you walk over to Lando and tap him on the shoulder, “Love, I’m going to sleep now. Don’t stay up late, we have to be at the track early tomorrow for testing. And don’t be too loud, I wanna sleep a decent amount and I don’t want another noise complaint from the hotel.” you tease. 
“Alright, darling. I’ll try and keep it down and I won’t be long. Goodnight.” he says as he softly kisses you before returning to his gaming session. 
You got settled into bed and closed your eyes, ready to drift into a peaceful sleep. But the universe decided you weren’t going to sleep yet as Lando could not, for the life of him, keep it down. One second he was laughing his head off and the next he was doing some sort of accent that was a mix of German and Bulgarian? 
Slightly opening your eyes, you peer up at him and you silently scold him for being too noisy. You grab a small pillow off the bed and toss it in his direction, watching as it bounces off his back a bit. You can hear as he whispers “Guys, I think I fucked up.” before removing his headphones and turning to look at you, “I’m sorry, love. I’ll keep it down now, swear.” 
With that statement, you flop back down and sink into the bed. Thinking you’ve successfully gotten him to quiet down, until you hear him nearly wheezing from something Max said. This went on for another few hours, each minute passing you got more annoyed. But you didn’t want to say anything because you knew that these moments were hard for Lando to get and you knew he needed this time a lot. He needed to spend time with his friends and enjoy himself. He deserved it. 
So there you were, eyes dry as Oscar Piastri’s humor, mindlessly scrolling on your phone, waiting for Lando to log off for the night. You look at the clock and it was already 2 am. Your alarm was set for 7:30 am so that you could get ready and maybe eat before heading to the track. You cursed the universe and time difference, questioning what you did to deserve 5 hours of sleep. 
Finally, you heard Lando tell Max that he was done for the night and that he was logging off. 
Praise the lord. 
Lando shut his laptop and quietly got up from his seat, turning to see you still awake and on your phone. 
“I thought you were sleeping.” 
“Are you for real?” you blankly stare at him. 
“You were still loud, Lan. I couldn’t sleep.”
“Why didn’t you tell me to shut up? More than once? You know I’m not a very good listener.” he jokes. 
“I know. But you love being able to play Tarkov and stuff with Max and them. I didn’t want to stop you from doing that.”
“Oh, baby. Next time smack me over the head. I don’t like that I kept you up for so long.” he says, walking to sit by you on the bed. 
“It’s okay, Lan. Seriously. I can still get about 5 hours of sleep.”
“That’s absolute rubbish. Why don’t you sleep in? You can meet me on the track later or you can spend the day relaxing.”
“Nah. I wanna go with you and see the car. I also wanna mock Zak cause I know he’s gonna be hungover as fuck.” you laugh. 
“Fine. But I’ll make sure you get some Celsius tomorrow, even though they don’t sponsor Mclaren! Monster does. Just make sure to cover the can if there’s cameras.”
“Thanks. Now shut up so I can sleep.” you say, rolling to sleep on your side. 
“Alright, we’ll sleep now. Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, gorgeous.”
It was indeed not a goodnight. You woke up to your alarm blaring loudly in your ear. Your eyes felt as if they were glued shut, you couldn’t open them to turn off your alarm. After a few attempts of trying to find your phone with your eyes closed, you reached over to Lando and shoved him, “Lando, turn it off. If it keeps ringing, I’m gonna kick both you and the phone into a wall!”
“Damn, someone’s already in a bad mood.” Lando mutters as he reaches across your body to grab your phone and mute it. 
Finally, some peace and quiet. That was, until Lando’s own alarm started going off. You were already off your rocker and his alarm sent you off the edge. He was still hovering over you and setting your phone back down so you end up “accidentally” tossing him off the bed with your eyes shut. All you heard was the thud that came from his body hitting the floor. 
Lando was so thrown off. He quickly stood up with his hands on his hips as he stared down at you. “Okay, I was gonna let you off for slapping me awake and making me turn off your alarm. But that was rude! You just tossed me off the bed. Not cool, babe.”
“Your fault for keeping me up for so long. Now I’ve had about 5 hours of sleep and you’re already on my nerves.”
“Since I’m so generous, I’ll let you sleep 10 more minutes. If you don’t wake up, I’ll be rolling you off the bed.” With that, he softly kisses your head and goes and gets ready for the day. 
Lando had taken a shower and gotten dressed, so it was time to awaken the beast, aka you.
He quietly walked over to your sleeping figure and sat next to you. Gently, he places a hand on your back and slowly rubs it, letting you know it had been 15 minutes and that it was time for you to wake up. He was met with an annoyed groan and a swatting away of his hand. 
“Okay, wake up. If you don’t get up now, I’ll make sure all the Celsius and coffee are hidden from you today.” 
“You wouldn’t dare.” you side eye him. 
“Oh I would.” He smiles cheekily. 
“Piss off.” you, hitting him with a pillow, causing him to dramatically flop onto the floor. 
“Damn, you make me fall all the time. I’m so unbelievably in love with you.” he says, trying to flash you a cheeky smile but you were not having it. You got out of bed and locked yourself in the backroom so you could get ready for the day. 
After about 4 minutes, there was a knock on the bathroom door. Through muffled sounds, you could hear your boyfriend begging to be let in, “Baby, can you let me in please. I feel so lonely and bored. I want to hug you, please. Let me in, please. Let me innn, let me innnnnnn.” 
As much as he was pissing you off, you loved him too much to leave him out there alone. Plus, you were sure he was going to break something, a bone, if he’s left unsupervised for too long. Opening the door, you watched as Lando slid down the door and onto the floor. He was leaning on the door with all his weight so he didn’t land gracefully. 
“Oh would you look at that? I’ve fallen for you, again!” he laughs, still you’re not having it. 
You go back to doing your makeup in the mirror. You’re focused on your eyeliner when you feel something, Lando, grab your ankles. He pulls himself closer and wraps himself around your legs. 
“Koala mode. Oscah mode. Mark Webbah mode.”
“Off.” you try to shake him off. 
“Not until you love me again.” 
“I still love you, somehow. Get off.” you try and shake him off again. 
“Please. Please. PLEEEAAASSSEE” he squeals.
“Lan! Up.”
Almost as if he were a soldier being commanded, he jumped up to his feet. 
“I’m sorry, babe. Really, I am. I’ll make it up to you, promise.” he says, hugging you from behind and planting soft kisses on your shoulder and neck, “I shouldn’t have stayed up for so long and yelled so much. I’ll be better, I promise. Please, forgive me.” he’s gone all soft now, truly afraid he’s messed up. 
You turn in his arms to face him, “Lan, listen to me, yeah? As much as your late night gaming can annoy me, I wouldn’t change it for the world. There’s a sense of peace I feel whenever I get to hear you talk and laugh. People would claw for pieces to get that type of peace. So don’t worry. I still love you and will continue loving you. Even if it means less sleep. You still owe me a Celsius though.” you smile at him. 
His heart feels like it’s surrounded by butterflies. He loved hearing how much you love him and he’s relieved that you aren’t too mad at him. 
He softly connects your lips with his. He only feels happy and safe when he’s with you. So he thanks god everyday for you. He also thanks god for the fact that you can be bribed with Celsius.
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obsesssedblerd ¡ 5 months ago
if there’s too many asks going on feel free to skip over mine but I was thinking 5 + Nanami? Xoxo
prompt #5: “Your ex never got you off?” 
pairing: kento nanami x f! reader
[18+ content below, MDNI]
contains: smut, cunninglingus, vaginal fingering, reader receiving oral for the first time
wc: 2k
likes, reblogs and comments appreciated <3 
a/n: seven of you requested this pairing omg.
— — — — — — 
Kento Nanami stares at you incredulously, and it reminds you of the way he looks at Satoru Gojo and Yuuji Itadori whenever they say something that’s a bit more on the sillier side. You look away, but you feel his fingers angle your jaw so your eyes are meeting his honey brown ones once more. 
“Your ex… never got you off.” He repeats your words back to you slowly. 
“I know it sounds crazy, since we dated for a while, but yeah.” You laugh nervously. You bring the champagne glass to your lips, then tip your head back, allowing the chilly liquid to slide down your throat. “He tried, and it couldn’t work. He mentioned something about how some women just can’t cum, so we both assumed that it’s the case for me. I remember—” 
Kento puts a finger to your lips, and you stop talking. He’s still staring, but this time, you can see the calculating—the plotting in his eyes. “Respectfully,” he says, his voice low. “Your ex is an idiot. I’m confident that he hardly tried at all.” 
You raise an eyebrow, and you shift yourself in the couch cushions to sit straighter. “I don’t think he’s an idiot, he was just…” You sigh as you trail off, unable to find anything polite to say about your ex-boyfriend. It was impossible, since he cheated on you. “I don’t know. Anyway, he definitely tried. Numerous positions, but nothing. It’s just something I’m unable to do.” 
He finishes the rest of his champagne before placing the empty glass on the living room table. He props an arm up on the back of the couch, then uses it to support his head. He’s still staring, still thinking. With his glasses and tie off, and the first few buttons of his blue dress shirt undone, your coworker looks even more handsome in this comfortable state. 
Kento inhales, then releases his breath. Slowly, he unclasps the expensive watch from his wrist and looks down at it. He remains like that for about fifteen seconds before you ask him, “What are you doing?” 
“Going to test something.”
“Test something like…?” You urge him to finish. 
He gently places the watch on the table next to the empty glass, then offers to take your empty glass as well. He leans towards you, and your heart pounds when his hand delicately strokes your cheek. The faint scent of his cologne fills your nose. His face nears yours, your eyes flicker to his mouth before fluttering shut. 
“Do you trust me?” He whispers against your lips, and you nod once before you feel his lips on yours. The kiss is gentle at first, but after wanting him for so long, you immediately grow hungry for more. You find yourself climbing on top of his lap, and he guides you there without breaking the passionate kiss, his large hands settling comfortably on your hips. 
You sigh blissfully into his mouth, and you feel your body heat up. Your arms wrap around his neck, and you savor every second and every feeling that this moment brings you. Months of keeping each other safe on missions, soft stares as you trade students for training and quiet conversations over coffee in the breakroom before meetings have all led to this. 
When he gently breaks away from you, both of you are slightly out of breath. His gaze settles hungrily on your low-cut top, and his fingers skim the hem of it. “May I?” He asks quietly. 
Kento isn’t fast; no, after craving you for many months, he has zero desire to rush any of this. His thumb brushes against the skin underneath your shirt briefly, then he grasps the hem of it, and pulls upward until it’s completely off of you, leaving you in your bra. Suddenly shy, you look away. You don’t know why you’re nervous; you’ve had sex before. You know what happens during sex. 
However, you don’t know how Kento Nanami operates. His kisses alone tell you that he’s nothing like your ex-boyfriend in the bedroom. 
His voice pulls you out of your mind, and you look back at him. He gives you a dizzyingly charming smile, his cheeks slightly flushed from champagne and want. “You’re beautiful.” He brings you closer and pecks your lips a few more times, then moves to your neck. “I’d like to taste you,” he whispers, and your breath hitches as he kisses the delicate skin beneath your ear. “Is that alright?”
You swallow thickly, and you manage to find some of your words. “Taste? I-I’ve never- No one has ever done that.” 
Kento hums as he pulls away, the corner of his mouth slightly lifting. “Your ex never went down on you?” 
You gently shake your head, and he exhales. “Disappointing, but not surprising.” One of his fingers fidget with one of the belt loops on your jeans, seeking permission. When you grant it with a single nod, he whispers to you once more. “Lie back for me.” 
He waits for you to lay down on the couch, and then climbs above you, caging you between his strong arms. He kisses you again, then begins to move lower, allowing his lips to explore your body, goosebumps on your flesh as they do. He carefully pushes your bra upward, and your head spins slightly when you feel his mouth wrap around one of your nipples. Large hands cup your tits as he sucks, massaging and gently squeezing. You release a sound that is something between a moan and a sigh, and Kento loves it. 
He takes his time, sliding lower and lower until he’s finally on his knees before you, fingers unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down your legs. Heat rises to your face, and you look towards the couch cushion, too shy to see his reaction when he finds out just how wet you are. You know that there’s a damp spot on your panties. Your knees are pushed apart, revealing the most sensitive part of you. His fingers hook your lacy panties, then peels them down your thighs and calves, leaving you bare for him. “God,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. You look down at him again, and arousal pools in your stomach at the utter hunger in his eyes. “You’re beautiful,” he sighs again, and you exhale shakily when he kisses a particularly sensitive part of your inner thigh. “So, so beautiful.” 
Over the next few minutes, you learn that Kento Nanami is a teaser. His lips are everywhere except your aching pussy, which you’re certain is dripping messily onto the couch. You’ve never felt this wet, so needy to the point you’re whining out his name, spreading your legs just a bit more for him. “Please,” you whisper. 
His thumb slides around the outer lips of your pussy, applying just enough pressure to tease your clit—where he knows you’re aching the most. So soft, he thinks to himself. Soft and very wet. There’s no way her ex is so stupid—so selfish that he’d pass up the opportunity to taste her. 
“Patience, sweetheart,” he quietly tells you, like a teacher softly instructing his student. “There’s no need to rush this. I promise, I’ll give you what you need.”
Once he’s certain that no parts of your delicate thighs are unkissed, his lips inch towards your core. His tongue licks slow, vertical stripes. “Ohhhhh,” you gasp, every thought draining from your mind as your head falls back against the cushions. “Oh, my g-god, Kento…” He’d just begun, but you easily decide that his firm tongue against your pussy is the most incredible thing you’ve ever felt in your life. 
Kento releases a deep groan, obsessed with the way you taste and the sounds you make. His tongue expertly swipes across your folds, teasing you for just a little while longer before he finally gives your clit some attention. You jolt when you feel his lips wrap around your clit and suck a few times, and his hands firmly hold your thighs open so you don’t squirm away from him. 
“You can grab my hair if you need to,” he says when he notices your hands palming at the couch cushions. Once your hands grasp his blonde strands, Kento goes back to eating your pussy like a man starved. Your moans are far louder now, any nervousness you felt earlier now completely faded away. You buck your hips when he slides two fingers into your sopping wet core, his tongue still rolling against your clit. 
When he sees how your breath is beginning to shorten, how your abdomen gently clenches and how your thighs twitch, he pulls away for a moment to look up at you. “Where my thumb is now,” he starts, using a thumb to rub your swollen clit, “did he spend enough time touching here until you’re trembling like this?” 
You meet his eyes, then shake your head. “No.” 
“Then he didn’t try.”
Inside of your pussy, his fingers curl upward and you nearly shriek when he begins to massage a weak spot within you, pleasure zipping through you with every movement. “And here?” He asks you again, his fingers unrelenting. “Did he ever find this spot of yours and touch it the way I am now? Even when he fucked you?” 
When you struggle to answer, he adds a bit more pressure, and your back arches off of the cushion. “Ahh! N-No, he didn’t!” 
“Then he didn’t try.” He reiterates a bit sharper. “Still believe he’s not an idiot?” 
You shake your head, and his rough palms spread you open a bit wider. “I want you to relax for me. When you feel it, and you’ll know what it feels like, don’t tense up. Breathe through it,” he tells you, the bass in his voice vibrating against your thigh before he tenderly kisses it.
You nod, and his mouth is on you once more, licking, sucking, devouring you. His fingers continuously stroke that weak spot, and the combination has you breathing hard. Your hands grip his hair tighter, and you buck your hips against his face, instinctively chasing something you’ve never had before—a release of the pressure building in your body.
Nearly there, Kento thinks to himself. 
You gasp and attempt to slither away, suddenly nervous about the intensity about the impending orgasm, but he grips you tight to keep you still. “Oh my goddd,” you whine, and he feels you begin to tighten on his fingers.
That’s it. 
Your eyes squeeze shut, and you try to do what he told you earlier and focus on your breathing. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, K-Kento…!” You cry out his name in warning, and he hums against your clit, encouraging you. 
Cum for me. 
When you climax, you feel like you drown in pleasure. You sob in relief as you grind against Kento’s face, and he licks and fingerfucks you all the way through it, savoring the sweetness of the juices that flow from your pussy. Once you’re finished and your body relaxes, he lifts his head from between your legs, his chin glistening with the evidence of your orgasm. 
He reaches for his watch that he placed on the table, his eyes glimmering with approval as he checks the time. “Twenty-two minutes.” 
“H-Huh?” You ask, trying to focus even though your mind still spins. 
“From the first time I kissed you until now, it took twenty-two minutes to make you cum,” he says, leaning forward to place a kiss on your navel. “Your ex spent so much time in your presence and in your bed, but he couldn’t put aside twenty-two minutes to make you feel good. Truly a selfish idiot. As you can see, you can orgasm,” he says quietly, then brings himself back up to you, your faces nearly touching. “You just needed a competent partner.” 
He kisses you again, and you moan as you taste yourself on his lips. Your hands begin fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, eager to have and feel more of him. “Want more,” you sigh in between kisses. “Want you.” 
“Good,” Kento smiles as he assists you in unbuttoning his shirt. “Because I’m dying to see how fast I can get you to cum on my cock.” 
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rin-may-1103 ¡ 8 months ago
Delilah's language (part two)
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"Tomorrow?" Danny repeated, glad he had set his cup down.
Mr. Wayne smiled, relieved Danny hadn't completely brushed him off. "yes, it's tomorrow. Damian, my son, is a huge conservationist. he gets it from his mother."
Danny blinked but before he could cut in, Mr. Wayne continued, "Oh! not that I don't care about the environment and stuff, it's just-"
"I get it," Danny reassured. he did not want to get stuck listening to Mr. Wayne try and fail to 'fix' his self-perceived mistake. "but I still don't really understand why you want me there..."
like sure, the kid's a fan of Danny or whatever (he was still trying to wrap his mind around that one.) but would the kid actually want Danny at his party? wouldn't that be like... he didn't know, weird? to just have this random guy from Illinois show up?
"Right!" Mr. Wayne coughed, scratching his face in embarrassment. "once Damian learned that the purple back gorillas would be in Gotham, I suggested we have his birthday party at the zoo. He told me he wanted to know everything he could about their species. so, I invited all the scientists working with the gorillas to the party so he could talk to them."
Danny nodded in understanding when Mr. Wayne glanced at him, even if Danny thought that that was the most fruitloop way he could have gone about it. then again, Danny's pretty sure all billionaires were fruit loops...
"He started digging into their history once he learned about them, and after some digging, he discovered that you basically saved their species. He has declared that he must meet you at all costs. something about needing to know their language?" Mr. Wayne trailed off, looking at Danny as if to see if he knew what his son meant.
If the kid was looking to Danny so he could learn the language then that meant he read the same paper Danny had. the scientists that had dedicated themselves to studying Delilah had printed one claiming that the purpleback Gorilla language was apparently hard to learn. (Even if Danny had been able to understand it pretty easily and told them so.)
they had listed Danny as the only person fluent in it so far, which now that Danny thought about it was kinda rude. they hadn't asked to put his name in there and now look at him! being visited by Fruitloops looking for him to be at their son's birthday parties.
so, if the kid, Damian, read the same paper, he must have concluded it would be easier to learn the language from someone who was already 'fluent' than try and teach himself. (something Danny can't blame the kid for, but still.)
"KIDS!" Dad's voice bellowed from downstairs making Mr. Wayne startle and turn to glance down the hall. "IT WORKS! IT WORKS!"
"so, when do we need to leave?" Danny asked, all previous paranoia and reservations thrown out the window.
mr. Wayne slowly turned back, his brows furrowed in confusion. "we, uh, we'd have to leave in," he glanced down at his watch, his eyes widening a little, "an hour. I have to leave in an hour."
mr. Wayne then frowned as he looked back up at Danny, "I just need your parent's permission and you can come with me now, or I can arrange for another flight for you later tonight or early tomorrow?'
danny did not want to find out how they were going to test their new machine, so, he turned and cupped his hands around his mouth as he shouted, "HEY MA! CAN I GO WITH MR. WAYNE TO HIS KID'S BIRTHDAY PARTY?!"
it was silent for a second before she shouted back, "SURE! JUST BE BACK BEFORE WE LEAVE FOR OUR TRIP!"
oh, right. his parents had a trip planned for their anniversary. something about a huge ghost or demon trap in Wyoming they wanted to investigate.
Danny blinked, then shrugged. He could do that. turning back he found Mr. Wayne staring at the floor, his brows raised and furrowed in concerned confusion. Danny didn't know someone could make a face like that, but seeing as Mom had finally gotten Mr. Lancer to curse in front of him last year, it wasn't that surprising.
"let me pack my bag and then we can get going," Danny announced, standing up and grabbing his cup from the table, silently offering to take Mr. Wayne's as well. the man handed him his full cup and watched as Danny walked away.
well, at least Danny had already told the other ghosts to leave him alone for the rest of the week. they shouldn't get into too much trouble while he's gone. speaking of trouble, Mr. Wayne lived in Gotham, a place riddled with crime and violence.
dupping the cups into the sink, Danny turned and rushed up the stairs. unplugging his phone, Danny sent Sam and Tucker a text to let them know he wouldn't be in amity for the rest of today and tomorrow. he also let them know he'd keep them updated.
once done with that, Danny turned to his closet and rummaged around until he found his old backpack. pulling it out, he dumped the contents onto his desk and made quick work of packing his essentials. Clothes, phone chargers, and ectoplasm in case of emergencies. Mr. Wayne said he'd pay for the travel fair and hotel expenses, so Danny only needed to worry about food.
glancing in the mirror, Danny finally noticed he was still dressed in his pj's. he took a second to debate whether he really cared enough to get dressed properly or not before shrugging. Mr. Wayne's already seen him in them and they're comfy, no point in changing.
zipping up his bag, Danny tossed it over his shoulder and quickly ran downstairs. Mr. Wayne was walking around the room, studying a few of the leftover project pieces that his parents had left lying around. man, Jazz was going to be so annoyed once she learned they hadn't been picking up after themselves. again.
"Alright, Mr. Wayne. I'm ready when you are." Danny greeted, stepping into the room. the man turned to look at him, a strained smile on his face, "Just Bruce is fine."
"Alright, mr. bruce then." Danny agreed, gesturing for the man to start making his way to the door.
mr. Bruce heaved a sigh, shook his head in resignation, and turned to walk out the door. digging his keys out of his pocket, Danny turned to shout into the house one more time, "BYE MA, DAD! I'M LEAVING! HAVE FUN ON YOUR TRIP!"
not waiting for a response, he closed the door and locked it. turning around, he found Mr. Bruce studying him. lifting his brow in confusion, Danny started making his way down the steps and over to Mr. Bruce's fancy car. why the man had a fancy car when he said he'd be flying Danny didn't know, but he's pretty sure it has something to do with image or something.
Vlad did the same thing after all.
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daycourtofficial ¡ 1 month ago
Tell me I’m the only, only, only, only one - part five
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Pairing: Eris x Azriel x reader | WC: 6k | warnings: general angst, canon violence, blood, loose medical stuff that likely doesn’t make sense
Summary: avoiding Azriel only works for so long when he uses Rhysand to get you to see Eris one more time. You’re more than shocked when your meeting is ambushed, wounds making you reconsider things.
A/N: we’re insecure, and we don’t know what for! Anyway please enjoy 💕
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After Azriel had left you in the bathroom, you stood there for what had to have been hours, the last remnants of his warmth clinging to the air around you. You had never felt so alone, his rejection an intense sting you were certain branded your soul.
Your chest felt heavy with his presence. At some point in the night you had finally figured out how to shut him out. The iron was heavy as it shackled your heart, cutting off the mate who was supposed to protect you, not knowing he was who you needed protection from.
Sleep didn’t come to you that night and it was a battle the next night to sleep for even a few hours. Your mind felt stale and stagnated, yearning for the fixation that was his journals. Azriel had given the most recent one to you just before rejecting you, not even having the chance to crack the spine yet. His confession that Eris was above you still stung too much.
You spent most of your time outside of work now laying in bed, unable to stop your thoughts from analyzing every angle of your entire relationship with Azriel. You hardly slept, no idea how much time had passed in the stillness of your grief.
Rotting in bed was an option both Nesta and the House did not appreciate - the latter stopped giving you full meals, the former making her way into your room this afternoon informing you that you would be seen at dinner so she had proof you were alive and eating.
The last people you wanted to see were happily mated couples, practically rubbing their mateship in your face just by existing. The Mother was surely testing you in some way, and you weren’t sure if you could handle the outcome of failing.
You had left your room one singular night during your solitude. The moon had been bright through the windows as you snuck to the library, leaving a note for Clotho to deliver a book on failed mating bonds to your room in the House of Wind.
It was an unusual request, but you knew Clotho would do it. You spent many nights in the library pouring over textbooks, dropping off various sweets for Clotho and the other priestesses in offering and thanks for their help.
By the next afternoon the book was on your bedside table, placed there by the house no doubt to ease your embarrassment from the nosey eyes of Cassian. Now the book on broken bonds sat on top of the last journal you had gotten from Azriel, taunting you with your future within its pages.
They were all going to find out eventually that Azriel had rejected you, but that left you in an even more impossible situation. Reaching out for comfort from your friends meant Azriel’s secret mating with Eris became public knowledge. No matter how mad or upset you were with the both of them, that was a line you refused to cross.
Would Nesta and Cassian kick you out? If Azriel didn’t want you, surely you’ve lost the friendships you’ve made the past few years with his family?
Maybe you’ll move to Spring. Tamlin surely won’t notice if you just picked a spot and built a house.
You put your head in your hands, wanting to claw the possibilities out to find which one would save you from this grief.
Your self imposed isolation hadn’t kept you safe from seeing Azriel. You had asked Cassian to fly you home from work, a job he did with delight. You avoided dinners, changed your entire schedule to maximize your potential to avoid him.
And yet you’d pass him in the hallway, see him in the stairs, and find him in the kitchen. He was everywhere, each appearance only pissing you off further. Every time you ignored him, even going so far as to bump him with your shoulder when passing by.
But he never said anything. Just looked in your direction, his eyes not catching the light like they used to. His shadows don’t even follow you around anymore. They clung to Azriel like a second skin as if holding him upright.
Were you a failure? Had any other fae had such a short mating? Was it even truly a mating?
Your anger had been simmering for a while, but now as you descended the steps to dinner, your rage was palpable, nearly carrying it with you like Azriel does with his shadows. You craved it, needed it to hold you through seeing him, having to pretend he hasn’t laughed in the face of the Mother and carved out your heart.
But your anger was for naught as you approached the dining room. Azriel wasn’t there amongst the faces of his family, a rarity for the House of Wind. Usually dinners consisted of Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel, but tonight Rhys and Feyre were in attendance, a small Nyx situated on Feyre’s left.
Your fury tampered down, taking it off the heat and letting it cool down as you walked in, all eyes turning to you.
“Just in time! Now can we eat, Nes?” Cassian was impatient, his fork already in hand, clearly waiting for the second you showed up.
“Let her sit down first, Cassian.” Rhysand laughed. “Or perhaps you’re going to gnaw on her legs, hm?”
The growl of Cassian’s stomach rippled through the air, his body’s own testament to the discomfort it felt.
“Go ahead and dig in, I wouldn’t want Cassian to starve.” Cassian let out a ‘thank you’ between mouthfuls as you sat across from Nesta. She watched as you sat, her eyes tracking as you picked up the tongs to plate your food. She didn’t relax until you began eating, and even then it was only enough for her to eat.
You watched her watch you, confused about her intensity, not even paying attention to Rhys and Feyre’s light teasing of each other.
It was wonderful that they had happiness with each other. Good for them. You stabbed your chicken with a bit more force, chewing slowly, putting on a show for whatever Nesta was watching for.
“Azriel should be back in time tomorrow.” It was almost comical how quickly your ears tuned into the conversation at his name.
“In time for what? What’s going on tomorrow?” It was the first words you had spoken, and you didn’t notice the glances they all shot to each other. Rhys turned his attention to you, violet eyes kind as he spoke.
“You and Azriel will be seeing Eris tomorrow.”
“We are?” The incredulity of your tone could be heard from streets away, other family dinners halting at the annoyed tone that floated on the breeze.
“Yes, he told me Eris is quite chatty with you. Azriel left word that Eris had something important to share and that it was urgent the two of you met with him.”
You blinked a few times, trying to push your anger aside to make way for the bewilderment. Had Eris called for this? Or was it Azriel, finally wishing to put an end to this?
Your heart hammered, the string around it pulsating tighter, worried it would be broken and left unraveled to slosh around inside your chest for eternity.
“Maybe Eris likes you.” Cassian made kissing sounds at you. Your eyes remained fixed on Rhysand, as if the longer you looked the more answers you’d get. He tilted his head, the slight caress of a claw tapping onto your mental shields the only thing to get you out of your trance.
“Don’t be gross, Cass.” Feyre chided despite her giggles. “I don’t think he’s capable of enjoying anything.”
“Eris likes fresh blood.”
“So did Amren.”
“Rhys, I’m not sure if I should go.” You broke up their joking, finally responding to Rhys’s prodding. You were pleading with your High Lord, trying to make him understand you can’t.
“I know he’s a bit much, but if Azriel’s right and Eris has some soft spot for you, it’d be in our best interest to exploit it.”
How far Cassian had been from the truth. Eris would delight in nothing more than ripping out your arteries with his teeth.
You nodded silently, looking back to your plate, pushing the peas around. You don’t say another word, you’re not even keeping watch of Nesta before retiring for the evening.
Rhysand hadn’t given you a time to expect to leave, so you spent the morning working with Madja, telling her you’d have to leave at noon to attend to some affairs Rhysand had asked of you. The older fae was annoyed, her wrinkles deepening, but she kept her mouth shut before walking off, muttering something about young males in power.
A few patients had come in, mostly to have previous injuries checked for an all clear. The cold snap in Velaris had left several fae slipping on ice, many twisted ankles keeping you busy the past few weeks.
You left promptly at noon, saying goodbye to Madja before heading out. Seeing your most recent patients had you checking every step for ice, ensuring sure footing before fully putting your weight down as you headed to the end of the road, already seeing the tips of Cassian’s wings.
You bundled yourself in your coat, burying your face into your scarf as you began mentally preparing yourself for seeing Azriel. Eris you could handle - he was cruel, but manageable. He never pretended to be something he wasn’t. But Azriel kept popping in and out, handling you delicately and with care before shattering you unexpectedly. Your heart was beating faster at the thought of seeing him, while also sinking deep into your stomach.
Your eyes followed the cobblestones, being mindful of any patches of ice, too busy to notice until you were right in front of him that it wasn’t Cassian you had seen. His blue chest siphon m was the first thing you saw, a soft expletive leaving your lips before you could stop it.
“Hello to you too.”
You finally looked up, his shadows peeking out from the collar of his leathers, tracing up his neck in beautiful patterns. You nodded in greeting.
“Where’s Cassian?”
“We’re heading straight for Spring, so I told him I could come by and get you.”
It was painfully silent as the two of you stood there, Azriel’s head moving constantly to try to catch your eye. His annoyance flared up in your chest, and you were too absorbed in it to shut it down.
“Talk to me.” His voice was pleading, but with a sharp edge.
“I don’t want to.” Your tone was petulant, a childishness to it that was uncommon.
“Why not?”
“You’ve made your opinion of me very clear. Besides, don’t you need Eris’s permission to talk to me first?” He sighed, the siphon on his chest glowing slightly. “Surely he’ll be upset you had to hold onto me to winnow here. Maybe he’ll have soap on hand to scrub your hands of me once and for all.”
“You’re being childish.”
“Can we just get this over with? I know why we’re here and I don’t exactly want to linger for a long time.”
Azriel’s eyebrows shot up at the curtness in your tone, but you couldn’t be bothered with niceties anymore. You were exhausted of chasing after him, begging for his attention, just for it to always be on Eris. The sooner this was over, the sooner you could move on.
He reached his hands out, gently scooping you into his arms. You took care not to dive nose first into his neck like last time, not wanting his scent to overpower you or make you spiral further.
The bond inside of you was rattling in your ribcage, desperate for you to fight, to snark, to do something to get Azriel’s attention. But you blocked it out, only looking ahead for the entirety of the flight.
The two of you landed in the familiar spot, an earthy scent clinging to the air. The spot was empty, and you felt Azriel’s stomach drop in disappointment at the knowledge through the bond. Your hand rubbed across your face before you quickly tampered down the bond, not wanting to know how they’re feeling about this.
The two of you waited for several minutes. The chittering of the forest was loud, heightening the awkward silence. It was so green and bright in Spring, the plant growth nearly blinding after the intense snowfall Night had been experiencing.
You felt Azriel’s eyes on you, hazel irises unwilling to depart from your form. Your name was a soft exhale from his lips, a pleading tone that would have sent past you spiraling. It only furthered your resolve.
“Don’t do that. I’m only here out of duty to Rhysand. My High Lord asked this of me, and frankly, it’ll likely be the last time Eris ever sees me.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It means I’m done. Clearly the Mother was wrong and clearly you and Eris both know that. It’s just taken me until now to figure that out myself.”
“That’s not true.”
You finally looked at him. Your beautiful, beautiful mate, who had always been so kind to you. He had been nothing more than a charade, a carefully crafted story to deter from his actual mate. You straightened your shoulders to gather your words, trying to voice your exact thoughts.
“No, Azriel. I’m done being your second choice, I’m done being strung along. I don’t want that for me, and as my mate, you shouldn’t want it either. So treat me with the respect I deserve and recognize I’m only here because of Rhys’s asking. You and Eris have made your opinions of me very clear.”
Azriel opened his mouth, but rage flew from yours. The dam had broken, and now a flood was headed directly for the shadowsinger.
“Was it just so I wouldn’t say anything about you and Eris? Was that why you kept stringing me along? Keep your precious bond between you and Eris, keep it to yourselves, I no longer want any part of it.” It felt incredible to say the words aloud, to try to get the point across. But his face twisted with anger, his wings twitching behind him.
“You were never just a secret keeper. You’re my friend, you’re important to me. I told you about Eris in an effort to show you something! I’m trying to reprioritize, but it’s hard.”
For the first time in ages, a shadow moved from Azriel’s body, swirling around you. You were too caught up to notice the little thing, its attempts to calm you down failing.
“Azriel, when have you ever prioritized me? Every time something happens, you’re gone.”
“What do you want me to do? Eris is my mate.”
“And what am I?”
The question cut through Azriel, slicing between his ribs, the pain fracturing through his chest. He didn’t get a chance to reply before Eris materialized in the woods.
Eris was in more regal attire now, a vest covering his tunic that was likely thousands of hours of embroidery. The stiff collar made his jawline seem sharper, his features even more cutting in such regalia. Eris blended into the trees, making the natural world bend a knee to his beauty.
“I see the two of you are incapable of leaving me alone.” He didn’t even look at the pair of you, looking instead at his manicured nails. Filed to a point, the red polish made it look as if blood were dripping from his fingertips.
“Eris, stop.”
“It’s fine, Azriel. I came on your invitation, after all. What is this most pressing matter?”
“We need to talk.”
“Think of that all by yourself?”
“Shut up, Eris. You know what I mean.”
“I don’t know anything going on in your life as of late.”
You looked up, surprised at that tidbit. Maybe you weren’t the only one uncertain of where you stood with the shadowsinger.
“I’m trying to figure it out, Eris.” Azriel’s words were icy, coming from some deep, dark depths of himself.
“What is there to figure out?”
The pause after Eris’s question was too still. The forest was quiet, all birdsong gone. Not even insect chittering to fill the gaps. The world was still outside of the three of you. You looked up into the canopy above you, a chill going down your spine.
“Azriel, I asked you-“
The sound that cut off Eris was a quick burst of wind as an arrow came whizzing past. Azriel was the first to move, pushing you onto the ground, his body laying on top of yours, sheltering you. You pushed against him, trying to get up, trying to see, but he wasn’t budging. Panic flooded you as his wings formed a cocoon around the two of you, what should have been a womb of safety felt more like a cage.
Wood splintered as arrows hit trees, impossible to tell how many fae were targeting the three of you. It sounded like hundreds of arrows, each whizzing past at speeds that could easily kill.
Your breathing quickened as a new worry overtook you: had Azriel been shot? Was he injured?
And where was Eris?
Azriel grunted into your ear, his body jolting. His arms cradled your head, not even a slither of light coming through. This darkness was so different from the one that followed Azriel. It felt nearly suffocating, not even his shadows pittered about in it. It felt cold and hopeless
You could hear the roar of flames beyond the shelter of Azriel’s body, the crackling getting closer to the pair of you. Sweating and breathing heavy, it felt like Azriel’s body weighed even more. You tried to push him off again, but your ragged breathing made it even harder.
Something reached through Azriel’s body, a warm touch gripping your wrist. A flicker of light made it through, not enough for you to see anymore than a blinding white. Suddenly the world shifted, the mud beneath you hardening into wood floors. Azriel’s body was heavier now, his weight digging into you.
“Push.” A muffled voice came from somewhere beyond Azriel, nearly muffled by his body. Fear struck through you - was this whoever had ambushed you? Was Azriel the intended target and you were simply a bystander?
Or was Eris the target, carted off to some court while they dealt with the witnesses?
Despite the panic, your heart tugged in the direction of the voice, practically guiding your arms to push Azriel from you. As you did, more and more light filtered to your eyes, his shadows clinging tight to his body, securing their master’s wounds.
Pale hands wrapped around Azriel’s torso, and you thought you’d never be so happy to see the ring clad fingers of the Vanserra. It took a moment, but Eris was able to lift Azriel enough for you to crawl out from beneath him.
You glanced over Eris, the only injury to be seen were cuts on his face and arms. Relief flooded you at the sight of him, your breaths still shallow. You felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins, only speeding up with the lack of danger. The cabin was dark around you, the place seeming more empty than when you were here last.
“Aren’t you a healer?” Eris had been speaking to you for several moments by this point, his words a buzzing you couldn’t make out until now.
“Then help him.”
You were frozen, unable to do anything other than look at your hands. You had never been in combat before - during the Battle of Hybern you had been left in the city to run the clinic, the only one left behind.
Azriel’s blood was on your hands, sinking into your skin. Are your bones marked red now?
“Useless.” Eris was a wildfire, moving quickly down the hall before coming back, his arms full of tonics and bandages. The sight snapped you back, your thoughts coming in full force at what to do. You stood, moving quickly to stop Eris.
“Stop, you need to give him some pain medication first.” You rifled through the bottles and bits, each of Azriel’s labored breaths making your heart sink further and further.
“No, we need the arrows out of his back, they’re killing him.”
“I can give him some medicine to manage the pain first. Removing the arrows will mean we’ll have to act quick to stop the blood. It’s better to give him something for the pain now.” Your voice took a sharp edge, the commanding tone of someone in charge. “Then we take out the arrows in his wings.”
Eris’s face was hard as he looked toward you, no doubt hating you even more. Azriel dove to protect you - his state now should have been you. You found the bottle you needed, it’s not as strong as you’d like, but it’s the best you can do.
“Azriel, you have to swallow this.” Your hand gently caressed his cheek, letting him know someone was there. He slowly opened his mouth, allowing you to pour the purple liquid down it. The grimace he made almost made you laugh, like this were any other time, having him eat something unappetizing because Nesta had made it.
Fire stung at your fingers, but you ignored Eris as Azriel finished the potion.
“Okay, we need to trim off the tops of the arrows so we can pull them out more easily. Eris, find a knife and use your fire to sterilize it.”
He started to open his mouth, but you leveled him with a stare that had him quickly closing it.
“Are you going to waste our time by second guessing everything I tell you? If you bothered to let Azriel tell you anything you would know I work directly beneath the court’s healer and am quite competent.”
Eris’s sharp canines protruded from his mouth, a low growl emitting from him, but no more protests as he heated a knife.
“Az, we’re going to cut off the arrow heads and remove them from your wings. Can you stretch your wings out for me?” You rubbed your thumb across his cheek, trying to offer any tenderness he could hold onto.
He nodded so softly you hardly noticed it, his wing unfurling ever so slowly. It didn’t extend fully, but he got about three fourths of the way there.
“I’m going to help you stretch it out this last bit, okay? I need to see all of your wings to help.” You sent a light pulse of what you hoped was soothing down the bond before closing it off again, bending to rest on your knees as you sat in front of his left wing.
Several arrows had pierced through the delicate membrane, but only four remained caught in his wings. You swallowed down your guilt - it wasn’t what Azriel needed now. He needed Madja’s apprentice, not his rejected mate right now. You took a deep breath before extending his wing further, ignoring Azriel’s groans of pain.
“Eris, hold his wing taut.” The uncertainty slipped off like a second skin, making way for the commanding presence you took on for the care of your patients. Once Eris had his wing, you took the hot knife from his hand, quickly and methodically snipping off the heads of the arrows, making sure to hold the base to keep it stabilized before pulling each one out.
You pulled the wood slowly, trying to keep the wood from grazing his skin again. Each arrow went into a pile behind you until his left wing was clean of them, the holes they left the only reminder of them. The two of you repeated the process for his right wing, this one only having three arrows in it, the extraction going much more quickly.
“Is he still awake?” Eris shuffled before a grunt of agreement came from Azriel.
“Azriel, we have to move to the arrows on your back. It’s going to hurt, but we’re going to move fast.” You looked back to the bottles of potions Eris had found, searching for anything that could help Azriel clot faster or sanitize the wounds.
“Why didn’t we do his back first? It’s worse and the arrows are draining him.”
“Because I’m not sure how much blood he’s going to lose. It was a 50/50 gamble, either way.”
“A gamble? Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“Of course I know what I’m doing, Eris! I’m dealing with a squabbling family member who thinks they know better and are keeping me from my job. My job right now is to save his life, not argue with you over semantics. Now either shut up or get out.”
You don’t even watch to see his response, your attention solely on Azriel again. Your hands worked of their own accord, rubbing potions across his back, careful around the protruding arrows. You eventually looked up to find Eris just staring at you.
“Have him drink this.”
Eris took the vial, coaxing it down Azriel’s throat, murmuring softly to the shadowsinger.
“Do you have any towels or rags? We’ll need as many as you have.” Your hands felt down his back, his skin riddled with scars, each one telling a story. You couldn’t fixate on them - how the small nick by his third rib was made by steel a little over a century ago. The sideways gash across his fourth vertebrae made from a carbon blade roughly twenty years prior.
You focused on his current wounds, pinpointing how far the arrows have lodged themselves. You closed your eyes, feeling for his body. A path unfurled in your mind’s eye, following the layers of tissue and muscle the arrow penetrated.
Both arrows avoided the soft, delicate organs housed in his chest, but the longer they stayed inside, the likelihood they’d cause more damage to him.
“Eris, as I remove the arrows, I need you to immediately place rags on the wound. The arrow didn’t pierce any organs, but it cut through several veins. Is Azriel still awake?”
“Yes,” it came out as a croak, so different from Eris’s usual snark and calm.
Eris was ready as you pulled the arrow out, quick and unflinching. A spurt of blood followed the arrow, shooting onto you before Eris covered the wound.
“I can either move onto the next one or start trying to close this one up.” You were muttering to yourself, trying to decide on a course of action.
“The faebane in the arrowhead will make his healing take longer, it’d be better to pull it out.”
The faebane from the arrows was already swimming through Azriel’s bloodstream, but Eris was right - the sooner it comes out, the better for Azriel. You nodded to Eris.
“Right. Keep holding pressure while I pull this other one out. Then we’ll switch sides and I’ll start working on healing him.”
The second arrow was much messier, Eris’s rags darkening with blood much more quickly. The air held a copper tang that was getting stronger by the minute, your concern rising with it.
“Eris, do you know how to count heartbeats?” You don’t even watch for a response before you start explaining. “Count how many times his heart beats for a minute, and then keep repeating. After a few times you’ll know if his heart rate is steady or not.”
You focused on one wound at a time, magic making its way through Azriel’s skin, slowly stitching up the path of destruction the arrowhead forged. It was slow work, his body fighting against the faebane with every breath.
Every ten minutes or so you made Eris help Azriel drink water, hoping the fluids will help wash out the toxin. Each time he did, he’d also make a call out of Azriel’s heart rate.
Azriel remained unconscious, his heart rate changing drastically every few minutes. It had dropped quickly a time or two, causing Eris to panic, but Azriel’s heart rate never got below a threshold, always staying where it could manage.
The sun had set at some point, the cabin surrounded by darkness. Your hands ached from stillness, your joints crying out to move even just a little, but you refused, remaining steadfast. You were a conduit for the magic that lived inside you, magic that was slowly stitching Azriel back together again.
“Here.” Eris sat next to you, holding the cup of water before your face. You hadn’t heard him move, too focused on Azriel. You shook your head, pointedly looking down to your hands.
“I can’t.”
“I can help you.” You looked to find a new expression on his face, something you’re not sure anyone had ever seen on the male. As much as cruelty sharpened his cheekbones, the softness of his eyes made him nearly blinding in the moonlight. You nodded, unable to speak. He held the cup up to your lips, the cold liquid refreshing as it trailed down your throat. Your hands remained on Azriel, but you gulped down the entire cup, not realizing just how parched you were.
Eris pulled the cup away, settling in next to you. More time passed, all of it a blur as you kept your focus on Azriel. Neither of you spoke. Azriel’s face was pale, from blood loss or his shadows having gone missing, you’re not sure.
You slumped back against the couch, rolling your stiff neck. Azriel’s wounds weren’t perfectly healed, but your magic had repaired his blood vessels enough to allow you a break.
It was easy to get swept up in healing - you have a focus, a goal. You know what steps to take next. But as Azriel’s breathing remained strong and steady, yours became shallow. The reality of the day hitting you all at once, Eris’s warmth from next to you making you feel claustrophobic.
“I can’t do this anymore.” Your words were quiet, not much louder than Azriel’s breathing. He was still so close to you, his eyes closed as he laid there. He looked so peaceful.
A month ago you would have salivated at the idea of touching him for hours, but now the smell of his blood made you want to throw up the contents of your stomach.
“He’s yours, Eris. I can’t - you won. I’ll go away, move to the continent to be as far away as possible.” A soft confession that had been lingering in the back of your mind the whole day. You were foolish to believe you could best Eris, completely underestimating the deep well Azriel and Eris’s mating bond ran to.
“You’ll do no such thing.”
“You despise me. If you feel anything like I do, you want me gone.”
Eris was still, his heat nearly unbearable despite the distance between you two. It was so hard to breathe around him, as if he were drawing in all the air for himself.
“He doesn’t want me. I’m tired of fighting for his attention when his mind always goes back to you. He was my friend for so long, and the fact he can just toy with me like this.. I’m not sure how to handle it.”
All you could hear was Eris’s breathing, but you knew he was listening.
“He was my friend and now I’m- well, I don’t know what I am. He’s going to pick you, Eris. He doesn’t want me.”
The confession you had been holding so tight slipped from your tongue like silk. The words sent the bond in your chest into a chorus of screams, their agony the perfect soundtrack to your turmoil.
“Say the word and he’s yours.”
For once, Eris was quiet, no words coming from his mouth. He only shook his head, the movement so precise and imperceptible you thought you dreamt it. You looked back at Azriel, needing to prepare to winnow the two of you away.
Coated in his blood, you had to leave sooner rather than later - Rhysand is surely on the cusp of worry, and there was only so much explaining you could do without forfeiting the cabin.
You watched Eris as you grabbed Azriel’s hands, his eyes reflecting all the hurt you’ve felt the past few weeks. Eris was the easy choice to be mad at - you were tied to Azriel, Eris was just some male tethered to the other end of your mate. But watching him keep his gaze on Azriel, some part of your anger to the redhead cracked, allowing the words to come from you.
“I’ll bring him back to you. He’ll be okay.”
“Thank you.”
Eris’s face hardened as the world blurred, your grip on Azriel strong as the ground gave out beneath you, the wood flooring exchanged for the hard stone of the House of Wind. The two words followed you through space and time, ringing in your ears.
Those two words broke you completely, every ounce of sorrow and pain breaking through. There were no soft cries, only guttural wailing.
It was Nesta you saw first, having followed the loud commotion throughout the house. She found you gripping Azriel, softly crying out to him before she pulled deep in her chest to get Cassian’s attention.
She crouched next to you, wrapping her arms around your shoulder as fat tears rolled down your face.
The bond cried out in pain, practically pleading with you to change your decision, but you knew it was the right choice. Once he healed enough, you’d sever it. You had to. Someone had to put an end to the madness, and you could do what Azriel couldn’t.
Azriel almost died because of this stupid arrangement.
Too lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice when Cassian or Rhysand arrived, their voices indistinguishable to the inner anguish you felt. You were exhausted, your soul crying out in pain. You swore you could hear tiny cries echoing how you felt.
Through the thick fog of your thoughts, you heard Cassian’s voice clear as a bell.
“I bet Eris is behind this. Bastard tricked us.” You crouched over Azriel, becoming even more defensive of the Illyrian. It was a ridiculous stance, trying to shield him from his brother, but you couldn’t help it.
“It wasn’t Eris.” It came out more as a snarl that sent Cassian reeling back. “I don’t know who, but they- it was bad and- Eris winnowed us away to some clearing.”
Your pleas were gut wrenching, anger dissipating and making way for what you had pushed too far down to heal him.
“Azriel’s bandaged.”
“Eris left and got us supplies. He came back for us. He wouldn’t do this, you have to believe me.” You were sobbing now, clutching Azriel’s arm to your chest like that would fix everything. Your breaths were quick, bringing in enough air to sob once more.
“He didn’t - and Azriel-“ arms wrapped you from behind, gently pulling you into their embrace. The smell of leather and sweat enveloped you, Cassian’s strong arms slowly pulling you from Azriel.
You were blubbering now, mostly cries of Eris’s name over and over. You were scared and full of guilt for Azriel, but your mind kept playing that tender moment between Eris and Azriel over and over again. Your heart cried out for the redhead, a deep well of sadness that you had to pull him away from his mate.
Footsteps retreated away from you, but you reached out, clinging to Azriel’s sleeve to remind yourself he was still there.
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Header by @tsunami-of-tears 💕
Only, only one taglist: @paleidiot @becstersworld @seasonallyapril @buttermilktea11 @wolfbc97 @carmenadkins78 @shadowsingercassia @abysshaven @myromanempiree @snatched-bubblegum-bitch @chaos-on-stand-bi @moonlwghts @witchymomfrien @awkwardnerd @ssmay123 @scarsandallaz @meritxellao @saltedcoffeescotch @2ooopenbook @wintersquirrel @manicmanuscription @wavegirl @thisishwrworld @tempermentalbookworm @romantasyreader28 @marina468 @i-know-i-can @rcarbo1 @lifesdisasters @tele86 @ireneisbored @yazzzmints @azysmate @bsenpai @curiosandcourioser @elisha-chloe @yasmin-oviedo @that-one-little-soybean @azrielslittledove @stormieandateacup @anon1227 @phoenix666stuff @asahinasstuff @acourtofbatboydreams @anainkandpaper @mother-above @sunshinedayz19 @bibliophilr @famousprincesscollector @calamislunafox @dnfhascorruptedme @saltedcoffeescotch @blightyblinders @l11lll1th @cabbageisdead @love-over-fears
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A/N: if you’ve read this far, just know I’m a bit on the fence about this part so don’t be mean to me 🔫
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