#so they just replaced the songs??
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the only way to watch tv shows the way they were meant to be watched is through DVDs isn't it? I keep hearing of tv shows that netflix has made major editing/aspect ratio/music changes, once again cementing netflix as my archnemesis. yes I'm pedantic, it's my only talent
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fisherrprince · 1 year ago
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"We need cash." Two, Soda, Steve, Dallas, Pony, 'n Johnny crowd the living room in a loose circle like mourners at a funeral. Between them, the shattered, stacked, 'n swept together corpse of what had once been their TV.
"We? Ain't my fault it's broken." Dallas kicks at a shard of glass 'n Pony narrows his eyes at him. "Blame it on the kid 'n call it a night."
"Hey!" Pony stomps a foot before he can catch himself, crosses his arms. "It wasn't me!"
Steve scoffs, rolls his eyes. Pony's face darkens murderously. "Was too."
"No, it was not! You were the one who fuckin' threw me!" Soda 'n Two's eyes ping pong back 'n fourth between the two of them.
"Did not! 'N if I did it was only 'cause you started the fight."
"Bullshit!" Pony's voice hits a shrill high note 'n Steve smirks at him, self-satisfied. "I only started it 'cause you were fuckin' callin' me names you asshole."
"Well, I wouldn't have been callin' you names if you hadn't been actin' like a brat." Pony lets out an indignant wail 'n Soda has to fly across the group to snag him by the waist so he doesn't start right back up again.
"Ok, ok. Enough you two." Pony writhes around like a fish on a hook for another moment before Soda jabs him in the ribs 'n he howls but stops fightin'. "This isn't solvin' our problems."
"I don't see how this is an us problem." Dallas tries again, hooks an arm around Johnny's shoulder 'n pulls him close. "I just got here, Johnny wasn't involved, 'n neither was Two. Soda bites the bullet for not stoppin' 'em 'n Darry can string the idiots up as he so pleases. What's the problem?"
Steve 'n Pony both turn on him, united for the first time that afternoon, fingers pointed 'n accusin'. "'Cause Two was bettin' on us-"
"Hey! Look, all's fair 'n love 'n war or whatever they say. Nobody asked ya to start rumblin' in the livin' room of all places."
"Yeah, 'n Darry'll love to hear that." Steve grabs his hip, wags a finger in a pretty damn passin' imitation of Darry. "Two-Bit Mathews you're how old now? Glory God almighty when are you gonna get any sense- OW!" Steve hollers at the comic Two's rolled up 'n thumped him over the head with.
"Ok, Ok fine. But I wasn't fuckin' bettin' against myself!" Two glares pointedly at Soda who rocks back 'n forth on his heels, suddenly findin' the floor real interestin'.
"Soda!" Steve stops nursin' his head to glare at Soda with wide eyes.
"Hey! Look! I'm sorry!" He blinks, tries his best tip-earnin' grin. "It was all on you, Stevie."
"SODA!" Pony whips on him quick as quick, quiverin' with as much indignance 'n outrage a fourteen-year-old can manage. Soda swallows back a snort, grabs Pony's face in his hands. "I'm sorry-"
"Well. Tough shit for y'all. But I don't see what this has to do with me or Johnny 'n I'm of the mind to beat it before Darry gets home 'n raises hell."
"Uh, Dal." Johnny clears his throat 'n tries to ignore the pointed stares of the rest of the gang hot on his face, runs a hand up the back of his neck, blows out a long breath. "IhadfiftycentsonPonyboy."
"Johnny!" Dallas drops him but doesn't sound half as annoyed as he does impressed.
"Well at least someone was in my corner-" Pony shoots Soda an aggravated glance 'n Soda throws his hands up placatingly.
"Yeah, speakin' of which." Two whips his hand out, palm up, 'n makes a grabbin' motion. Both Soda 'n Johnny huff but reach in their pockets 'n pull out quarters, dumpin' into Two's waitin' hands. He hoots his laughter 'n shoves the dollars' worth of change into his pants.
"Wait, who were you bettin' on Two?" Steve crosses his arms at the same time Pony plunks his hands on his hips, both glarin' accusingly.
"Me? I wasn't playin' for neither of ya! I bet y'all were gonna break somethin'!" Two cracks himself up, howlin'. It doesn't last for long 'n Pony 'n Steve turn succinctly on him, draggin' him down to the floor 'n landin' jabs wherever they can reach.
"Good lord. Well, y'all have fun with that one. I'm peelin' outta here."
"Oh no you don't." Soda catches one hand deftly in the collar of Dallas' jacket as he turns to leave, hefts him back. "You even think about wormin' outta this I'll tell Darry about that time you smoked all that pot 'n threw up 'n I had to carry a bowl a soup down to Buck's for your scrawny ass."
"Yeah, or that time you got picked up for shopliftin' 'n when the cops called I picked up the phone 'n never told Dar." Steve pauses in his onslaught of Two-Bit to throw his hat in the ring. The moment he's not focused Two wriggles out, flips him easily onto his back.
"Or that one time with Tim-"
"OK. Goddamn! No wonder Darry's goin' grey. Y'all are enough to send a man to an early grave." Dallas scowls 'n throw his hands up, shakin' Soda off. "So what now?"
"Now we need cash." Two says plaintively 'n they all stare down at the wreckage again.
"Ok. Thanks, genius." Steve rolls his eyes, clambers back to his feet, offers Pony his hand 'n hauls him up. "What are we lookin' at here? Like what? Twenty bucks?"
"Twenty bucks? Steve, what world do you live on where a TV is twenty goddamn bucks?" Dallas toes at the the box 'n it sparks. "Jesus Christ, none of you unplugged it? Hurry up 'n yank the plug out before we gotta by Dar a new house too."
Both Soda 'n Johnny dive for the cord 'n Johnny pulls up at the last second so they don't crack their heads together.
"So what, like fifty?" Pony 'n Soda exchange a glance, avert their eyes.
"Uh, try more like eighty, man." Soda plops down on his ass, looks desolately at the hunk of plastic 'n glass again.
"EIGHTY? Guys. We're dead. More than dead. Dar's gonna kill us, bury us, 'n then dig us back up again." Steve chews at his thumbnail, paces quick back 'n forth.
"Naw, Steve. Be realistic." Two grins, stuffs his hands into his pockets. "He'd never go through all that work for us. I think just killin' us the first time around'll do it."
Pony groans, presses both his palms into his eyes 'n collapses back into the armchair. "Not funny, Two."
"Aw, not even a lil-" He's cut off by the throw pillow Steve beams at his head, hittin' him square in the face.
"Man focus. We got cash, right?" Dallas refocuses the room, looks at them each in turn. The silence is answer enough, the celin', floor, 'n walls becomin' real fascinatin'. "Man, y'all've got to be jokin'. Steve, don't you have some money from the DX or your da put away?"
"Uh, well, no. Not really. Kinda, uh, lost it. All." He twiddles the bottom of his vest between his fingers, refuses to look up.
"Whatta ya mean lost it?"
"Look you lose one goddamn drag 'n suddenly everyone's crawlin' up your ass! How was I supposed to know that? 'N hey, what about you, Two? I don't hear you offerin' anythin' up."
"Ha! What money? I didn't have anythin' to start with don't look at me. Ask Soda, he's employed."
Soda throws his hands up guiltily. "Don't look over here. I got six bucks to my good name."
"Yeah, good 'n broke-" Soda pulls a face 'n kicks Dallas hard in the shin before he can duck outta the way.
"Where'd your paycheck go, Soda?" Johnny prods at him with his foot 'n Soda playfully catches it, yanks at him.
"Hey, I keep the lights on in this place!"
"And the rest of it?" Johnny pulls back 'n, when he realizes Soda ain't lettin' up, reaches down to jab at the ticklish spot on Soda's ribs.
"What? A man can't be afforded a lil' fun?" Soda yowls 'n drops his foot, wrigglin' backwards to get away. "How was I supposed to know a guitar was twenty-five bucks?"
"Soda!" Pony's jaw drops open. "You can't even play!"
"Hey! Yet! Gimme some credit! Plus I don't wanna hear anythin' from mister no job over there." Soda crosses his arms dramatically but he's grinnin' the whole way 'n all of them know he doesn't mean it.
"That ain't fair! Darry won't let me get a job. 'Course I don't got no goddamn money. Look at Dal. He's got a job!"
"First of all, I didn't even break the fuckin' TV. Second of all, how much money I got is none of your damn business." Dallas scowls, turns his nose up. Steve groans, drops down to the couch with his head in his hands.
"God so we're all broke."
"Shut up, Dal." Two cuts him off 'n Dallas' shifts his glare, damn near murderous. "Johnny Cakes?" He tries, weakly hopeful.
"Uh, I got three bucks." Soda quirks an eyebrow up 'n Johnny plops his hands on his hips.
"Where did you-"
"Ya gonna ask questions or are ya gonna take it?" Soda studies him for a moment, arms crossed still 'n doin' a cartoonish impression of a fussin' hen.
"Boys, we got a real hood among us here today." He hoots 'n Johnny kicks him in the hip, both of them still howlin'. "So that brings us up to, what?"
"Uh, nine bucks. Ten if someone can wrestle that change outta Two's pocket." Pony leans forward, elbows on his knees, 'n sizes Two up like he stood even a single chance.
"Man. I want lillies at my funeral. Can I put that out there? Should we do last rites now or-"
"Aw, hush up, Steve. Look, we just gotta scrape together a little money before Dar gets back. We can get, uh, what was it?" Soda frowns, counts absently on his fingers.
"Seventy more bucks." Pony dead pans 'n Soda's self-assured smile wavers a bit.
"C'mon, that's nothin'! We just gotta put our heads together." Soda climbs to his feet, rubs his hands together in thought. "How do we get our hands on some quick cash?"
Dallas 'n Two open their mouths 'n Soda throws out an accusin' finger to each of them. "'N nobody's doin' nothin' illegal 'cause if Dar has to pick one of us from the station before he comes home to no TV he's gonna start inventin' cruel 'n unusual punishments, y'hear?"
Dallas rolls his eyes 'n mutters 'n Two nods absently in agreement but they both don't offer any other ideas. "Anythin' else?"
"Uh, pawn shop?" Pony offers.
"Yeah, great idea, Pone. Anyone have any expensive jewelry they've been keepin' back?" Steve drawls, dryly, apparently resigned to his fate.
"Well, it ain't mine but I got, uh, a Singer we could sell." Dallas leans back in the doorway, waits for the onslaught of questions. They don't disappoint.
"A Singer? Dal, you've been watchin' me hafta hand hem 'n you had a Singer?" Soda howls, goes to kick him in the shin again but Dallas is prepared this time 'n dodges it.
"Where the hell did you get a Singer-?"
"Look! It was Sylvie's, right? When I kicked her out she didn't get the chance to take it or nothin'. It ain't mine." He throws his hands up defensively, eyes Soda still standin' close enough to wallop him if he decided to. Soda glares back like he's still makin' up his mind about goin' for round two.
"Aw, man. We can't pawn off Sylvie's stuff." Johnny backs outta the way as Soda decides to give it another go 'n jabs at Dallas. "She mighta been a lil' mean but she don't deserve to have her shit sold off."
"The bitch- Soda get offa me- two-timed me? Remember?" Dallas knocks Soda's hands deftly away 'n Soda sneaks in on more solid kick before retreatin'.
"Oh, yeah." Johnny rocks back 'n forth on his heels, still clearly uncomfortable with the whole idea.
"Maybe Soda 'n Steve could pick up some extra shifts for a bit?" Pony tries again, clearly not as willin' as Steve to lie down 'n take his medicine.
"Yeah, another winner, Pone. 'N when Darry comes home to no TV tonight?" Steve scowls at him 'n Pony glares back, the two still dangerously close to another all-out scrap.
"Well, at least I'm comin' up with somethin'."
"Doesn't help if it's all stupid-"
"Alright you two, knock it off. We can't afford to have to buy anythin' else y'all broke 'cause y'all can't keep your traps shut." Two cuts in 'n they both round on him, glarin'.
"Look who's talkin'!" Steve mutters 'n Two grins 'n flips him off.
The laughter 'n bickerin' trail off, lapsin' into silence again. Each lookin' guiltily at the disaster, eyein' each other. "Well, uh, is anyone not above beggin'?" No one says anythin' 'n Two clicks his teeth, nods. "Yeah, didn't think so."
"Hey, guys." Six heads turn to look at Pony, suddenly ashen 'n lookin' past them up at the clock in the kitchen. "Is this a bad time to tell y'all Dar told me to tell y'all he'd be home early this afternoon?"
"Pony." Steve flies to his feet, grabs Pony by his shoulders. "How early?"
Somehow, Pony manages to pale even further. "Uh. In like. An hour?"
As if it had heard, the TV hisses, flashes, lets out one final death rattle 'n falls silent so it's just the seven of them, eyein' each other like men at the gallows.
"Dallas?" Johnny gives himself a shake, grabs his jacket from the back of the sofa.
"Yeah, man?"
"Let's get your girlfriend's stuff."
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naggascradle · 6 months ago
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Covers for A Game of Thrones, I (Jon Snow) II (Daenerys Targaryen) III (Tyrion Lannister) IV (Catelyn Stark) V (Ned Stark) & A Clash of Kings, I (Arya Stark) II (Theon Greyjoy) III (Sansa Stark) IV (Davos Seaworth) V (Bran Stark), drawn by Ken Sugiwara for the Japanese paperback release of A Song of Ice and Fire.
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v-poreons · 8 months ago
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ERMM.... trollsona posting.... Firefly my absolute beloved. She is me fr. Cant believe I haven't shared her here yet
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antoineee-x3 · 19 days ago
🪐. | p2 .
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— p1 .
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spitblaze · 2 years ago
The End/Disappearance of Hatsune Miku is a really good song but to me its very funny to imagine a corrupted version of V3 Miku generating this ballad about how it regrets not being able to sing more, how its grateful for all its been able to do, a dirge for herself before she is erased from existence. She's uninstalled. And then like ten minutes later she's reinstalled (bc thats how you fix corrupted programs, generally) and she's like 'oh I'm fine now thank you :)'
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levemetal · 6 months ago
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Day 8: Free Day - Galleria
Some of you might know I am obsessed with this song. Also I think it really suits these two in a way, so I drew a shot from the mv ft. qijiu and ghost SJ
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time-is-restored · 2 years ago
do you guys every think abt death vs immortality as a thoroughline in like. literally all of the mechs albums.
old king cole is explicitly warped by immortality (never to forgive he would eternal live, his hands dyed red by gore - can be read a few ways depending on where u place the emphasis, but at the very least communicates that his wrath is facilitated By his immortality), and the olympians commit attrocities in order to hold onto their wealth and the immortality that it grants them (murdering arachne, yanking heracles' chain the second he tries to go freelance, having a monopoly on the acheron etc). the value they put on immortality and living forever, and the fear they have of ever possibly losing it, has completely warped their morals and priorities.
and while it comes up less in tbi, there's still significant emphasis placed on how odin has been in power for a century (both thor + the narrator bring it up, and there's also an emphasis on how long ago the bifrost project was started, and how 'no one left living' can explain its science). her villain monologue in rangarok iv places the extinction of asgard as an honour - a ruin that no one can possibly rebuild from is called 'apotheosis'. and as she says at the end, the idea that no one can possibly outlive her is a key draw for odin. asgard dies with her.
in hnoc, the only really immortal character is brian (and we only really know that bc of knowledge we get from outside the album), but the axis of life and death as a privilege vs a curse is still very present. 'mordred's gift to Arthur could be love in his own eyes / fating him alone to keep the life to which he clings', not only posits that the gift of survival isn't inherently good + kind (which the audience would immediately recognise as love, not possibly love), but places emphasis on the fact that arthur is now utterly alone. the station's death at the hands of mordred is hardly a happy one ('Its people damned, doomed by a man who's lost all his regrets'), but arthur's fate is arguably worse. severed from the finality and closure of death, what does he become? [insert that one cool theory abt hnoc arthur becoming old king cole here]
it's like. on a meta level, the reason we as fans don't put much emphasis on the depravity + cruelty of the mechs is bc the people portraying the mechs are all charismatic + skilled performers. in live gigs they're all portraying the fun side of their characters - roasting each other, bantering with the audience, making fun of the characters they're singing about, referencing off-screen violence - bc if they portrayed their lore too literally they'd be comitting felonies LMAOOO
but narratively, its like. literally every album is a meditation on the ways that the glorification of immortality can ruin civilisations - can ruin galaxies. whether its rooted in the fear of you specifically dying, or of being outlived, or overpowered or forgotten, or if its done for the sake of someone else's survival... it's all corrosive. if u refuse to accept the indisputable impermanence of life, you lose the ability to value it, and u numb urself to the reality of just how fucked up it is to cut another person's life short for any reason.
like. i do think some of the mechs started as good people, and some of them even might still have ethical standards, but i REALLY cannot stop thinking about how fucking. fascinating it is that this group of immortals who are KNOWN for basically considering nothing but how fun and/or violent any given activity will be, have basically filled their entire discography with songs about how their continued existence is corrosive and brings tragedy + ruin wherever they go.
so how self-aware are they? do you think those old morals + ethics still linger in their mind, when they're writing down these tragedies? they willingly self identify as liars + thieves + bastards, etc etc, and they seem to have no trouble identifying the 'bad guys' in the various albums (ie: humanising snow + cinders + rose, but not king cole), but do those concepts actually mean anything emotionally, or even theoretically, for them all beyond their dramatic potential? do they remember their lives before they were mechanised as it actually happened, or do they remember it as lyrics to a song? is it possible to be entirely self aware abt ur own capacity for violence (as jonny in paticular claims to be), if you no longer relate to violence as anything other than a narrative device - a means to an end, whether comedic or dramatic?
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cowboyidiot · 2 months ago
steve rogers // sun bleached flies, ethel cain
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fbfh · 22 days ago
do you still write for jj?
ooooh not only do I write for JJ but I kiss you on both cheeks for giving me an excuse to talk about one of my favorite obscure JJ thoughts. JJ x ballerina!reader (gn so technically ballet dancer reader, but you do dance pointe and in a more feminine style in pas de deux so do with that what you will)
They thought you were a kook for the first few summers since you clearly went to school off the island. It turns out you're not, you're just a scholarship kid to whatever fancy school you go to (something that Pope LOVES to pick your brain about since he's dying for a scholarship to his dream college)
at some point or another, there's a hurricane. you end up sticking it out with the other pogues. that's when they notice how... weirdly flexible you are. especially JJ. mostly JJ. it started off small, with you stretching a little while you guys are hanging out in the aftermath since the day after a hurricane is always a free day. JJ looked away from you for like two seconds and you just fuckin... dropped into a perfect split. he's surprised by this obviously, but he's more surprised when you seamlessly shift to a split on the other side, then a center split, bending and moving with impossibly flexibility. then a moment later, you're asking him "hey can you grab my leg?" as you stand up and stretch into a scorpion/needle pose. soon you're dragging him out of the room to "help you with something else." he FULLY thinks yall are about to hook up, but instead you put on this beautiful, artsy, erratic piano music, kick off your sandals or sneakers or whatever, and begin moving like a fucking vision.
you're rambling to him while you dance like it's nothing, but his jaw is on the fucking floor.
"This is the solo I learned last semester," you chuckle while spinning like a little figurine atop a music box, or something in a snow globe, or... wherever else he's seen ballerinas in passing before.
"If I'm rusty by the time I get back, Miss Raine will kill me." you chuckle playfully.
after a few moments, you finish, posed delicately on the ground. you look up at him, your cheeks flushed, your eyes glistening with mirth.
"holy fucking shit," he exclaims, making you blush. "goddamn, princess, that-"
he trails off with a disbelieving chuckle.
"That was fuckin' incredible," he says with a breathy laugh, then nudges you playfully, looking at you more closely like he must have missed something all those times he looked at you and never saw this magical ballet fairy hiding inside you. "you've been holdin' out on me." he teases.
"okay, okay, here's where I need your help." you begin, trying not to get too distracted. you reach out and grab his wrist, holding out his left arm palm up. "I'm gonna run at you like this-"
you demonstrate, taking a step forward. his attention is locked onto you even harder from the moment you grab his arm.
"And kinda... kick my leg around," you do just that, so you're twisted around and facing away from him. he lets out a little noise of surprise. you know it must seem convoluted and ridiculous, but you really need help practicing this lift.
"I need you to wrap your arm around me like this," you say, bending forward with one leg extended behind you, the other supporting you, so your stomach rests on his bicep and his hand holds the small of your back. "And then place your other hand right on my ribcage here."
"oh, my hand will be wherever you want it, cupcake." he says, making you roll your eyes at the (only half joking) innuendo.
"okay." you say, taking a step back. "you ready?"
the first few times you walk through it together are clumsy and slow, a mess of limbs and giggles, but eventually you get it. you call your friends in to show them the bluebird lift you've been working on, even having successfully taught JJ how to lower you and do a few basic steps with you to conclude. you both get through it unscathed, and your friends reactions are very similar to JJ (with only slightly less innuendo and teasing from John B and Pope), and as JJ giggles and demands you come at him so he can lift you again, you start to see a lot of potential in him.
maybe, just maybe, you can shape that potential a little more over the summer. your ballet academy always has scholarships for boys available since they're always in demand in the performing arts. you think there might just be a chance for JJ to do a lot more lifts with you.
#drabbles#outer banks#outer banks x reader#outer banks drabbles#JJ maybank#JJ maybank x reader#JJ maybank drabbles#ballet!JJ#THIS IS MY FAVORITE BRAIN ROT AU IVE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT#ITS SO WEIRD AND SPECIFIC BUT AUUGUGHHHH BALLET!JJ JUST HITS DIFFERENT#ITS GIVING SKATER BOY BY AVRIL LEVIGNE BUT INSTEAD ITS YOU WERE A CLASSICALLY TRAINED BALLERINA/HE WAS A SURFER TURNED BALLET DANCER#CAN I MAKE IT ANYMORE OBVIOUSSSSS#also I have an ex friend who is HORRIBLE at singing (I normally never say that about people but she gave me nothing to speak kindly about)#and she was obsessed with that song#I didn't love skater boy by avril (also genuinely surprised I only got one letter wrong in her name before) by avril lavigne before#but after knowing this person I wanna puke a little whenever I think of it bc I can only hear it in a voice that I can only describe as#the scene from the family guy sherlock holmes episode where the dead bodys organs are replaced with bagpipes and sewn back up#and brian and stewie jump on the stomach and play that one song#toxic ex friend used to sound like she had bagpipes in her stomach and was being weakly and erratically punched by a fatigued amateur boxer#every fucking time she would sing#HORRIBLE breath control. nasally. horrible diction. could not stay on key or on tempo to save her life#so yeah anyway#doubt she'll ever see this much less read these tags but girl if you do??? no you didn't. do not fuckin interact w me girlfriend#and yes this is the same bitch I had to block on ALL social media platforms INCLUDING youtube pinterest gmail kakaotalk and several others#I tried to block her on spotify but unfortunately you cannot block people on spotify (last I checked)#anyway enjoy ballet!jj and this bizarre and vague borderline trauma dump lol#to quote that line from fiddler on the roof “may god bless and keep the czar far away from us”#relieved to say she is not my circus and ergo I am not responsible for any related monkeys
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cent-scratchnsniff · 4 months ago
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reread tiphs dialog recently. i love them lots
#lobotomy corporation#lobcorp#lobotomy corp spoilers#lobcorp spoilers#i cant help it. the boxes....#i never know what to tag as spoilers and what not to. so just to be safe#tiphereth#tiphereth lobcorp#chesed#chesed lobcorp#do i do all of them..? some of them are smaller. ahh itll be okay i hope..#netzach#netzach lobcorp#ill stop there. there is gebura yesod and malkuth but its just one drawing for both#just general thoughts of mimicking others and trying to potray what maturity is. the dialog from story 1 when you meet them i think abt tip#talking abt being stern stoic and strict. then netz talking abt yesod and the two behaving similar like that#just thought some others would be cute. trying to get used to how id draw her. ah the gebura tiph one was a loose idea in gebs story to#where the two talk and tiph advises against asking to much and to hold onto that hate iirc. been a bit. then the idea of her able to replac#parts. then the degradation of the soul after being destroyed. maybe tiph might check up on her or peek in to see how shes doing considerin#the idea to hold onto hate was advice She gave. iirc. anyways the concept of having black coffee to look cool and grown#they put the shortest next to the tallets in the same layer. had another idea to have the two tiphs stack atop one another to be as tall as#chesed and gebs but i got too tired. its a cute idea though might do it later. another thing i wanted to do later on was pertaining to#singing a song of homeland and lisa stating she wanted to dance. that and the backdrop from c comand being a giant stage. preformance arts#malkuth is there because the three all do a command team. lots is stuff and responsibility. feel like tiph would have beef w her . also an#iirc moment i recall something abiut the two teams havinf a rivalry or competition of sorts? kind of funny what beef u got w some kids bro#more likely pertaining to the agents inside of the teams itself to be honest. i think id be cute is malkuth would give some help tips thoug
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all the curtis brothers are musically inclined in one way or another (soda learns the guitar, Pony was taught how to play a handful of hymns on the piano by their ma, Darry can SING man) (side note he's kinda shy about it but he has PIPES on him. the only way his brothers can get him to sing is to put them to sleep. pony n soda catch him singin along to himself in the mornin's) but all this to say soda was utterly FIXATED on startin' a family bad for a while when they were younger
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 24 days ago
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ducktracy · 7 months ago
i am very averse to "look at how much this thing sucks. let me shove said sucky thing in your face and laugh at how it sucks and cultivate an environment of suckiness" posting but the reaction to this i'm having is so severe and making my head explode that i have to share it. likewise because it doubles as an excuse to post a Good Thing alongside with it.
i just stumbled upon the Alvin's Harmonica segment from The Alvin Show and I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT IT'S SO CUTE AND CHARMING. i like that Alvin tortures Dave even in his subconscious like some sort of horrible inverse of Jiminy Cricket. love the layout work and everything about this is extremely charming
and so now, having instilled that Goodness into your brains, i now ask you to look at this instead which got recommended to me. WHAT DID THEY DOOOOOOOOOOO TO THEMMMMMMMMMMMMM. THIS IS MAKING MY SKIN CRAWL. WHY DO THEY SOUND LIKE THAT. WHY ARE SIMON AND THEODORE MAD, IN THE ORIGINAL THEY ARE GLEEFULLY COMPLACENT IN ALVIN'S ANTICS AS THEY SHOULD BE. AH!!!!!! AND THE RAPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously making my skin crawl i'm going to sob
i. oh my goodness. for the record i am not Genuinely outraged at this Good Chipmunk Erasure because that would be even more stupid than the above clip. but this just elicited such a violently bewildered and shocked reaction out of me and appeals perfectly to my cartoon masochism in that i absolutely eat up stuff that makes me go "WTF" that i had to share. this is making me hyper from how. whatever this is. i hate it and its existence is so funny to me #NOTMYALVIN
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modmad · 1 year ago
Would RGB sing somewhere over the rainbow? Woke up in a cold sweat and thought that’d be in character for him then went back to sleep then woke up in my cozy bed so cozy got so cozy in my bed
fascinating question, as in the original version of TPoH he does sing that. As with when hero sings "I"m going to go back there someday", TPoH was littered with references to pop culture, but I have had to cut back on a lot of them out of fear of copyright infringement (this is why in the printed version she sings "I'm forever blowing bubbles": as the website version is and always will be free I am able to have the original there). I am unsure about Over the Rainbow's status in TPoH canon, similarly I had planned for a rendition of Pure Imagination in one part, but this story is as fluid as it is set so I will simply wait for the time and listen to what it tells me to do.
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