#so the fights more often go ponys way
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broareweabouttoviberightnow ¡ 2 months ago
In my heart literally every single one of the boys (minus Johnny bc he knows pony would NEVER snitch on him<3) have done they hey hit me back hey pony I'll let u hit me just don't tell Darry cmon DONT CRY ILL HOLD STILL N U CAN HIT ME BACK
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cherry-pop-elf ¡ 4 months ago
Kiss it Better Pt:2
Curly x Reader
AN: Holy shit I did NOT expect all the love and support from the original like god damn! People begging for a part 2 and everything (I’ll make sure to tag those who asked for one at the bottom) Like oh my god thank you guys so much! This means the WORLD to me! As a disabled person trying to make his medical issues more accurate it means so much that yall love it and how I write in general! Thank you!
SUM: You and Anya were busy dealing with changing Curly’s wrappings together. Sharing stories, and just trying to stay positive. That’s when you just had to ask. What’s going on between her and Jimmy?
Warnings: Jimmy, sexual assault, Anya sharing her trauma so pls take care of yourself, medical gore, medical situations, light violence,
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“Thank you again for handling Curly’s medication. I’m sorry I just-“ Anya would try to explain again how sorry she was that she was struggling to do her job. A job you could never blame her for. She’s been through a traumatic event of the ship crashing, and already had to try and save a near corpse. She deserves to breathe.
“Anya it’s fine, really. I’m his romantic partner as well. It be weird if I didn’t pick up some responsibility and tried to take care of him. You also deserve time to rest. You’ve done so much for him, and saved his life. Give yourself more credit. It’s not a sin to ask for help.” You would try and comfort her, as you would grab the fresh bandages for Curly.
He needed a lot of them, and they had to be changed out relatively often. He’s basically just exposed meat after all. The risk of infection was high, which you were wondering how he didn’t even catch any yet, so he needed alot of attention and care.
If only Pony Express had packed more, because the med bay was running out of them fast. Very very fast. Might be only able to maybe re wrap him a few more times now. Had you terrified because as much as you wanted to take care of him you had to leave some bandages for the rest of the crew. In case of another emergency.
You wish you could be doing more.
“We’re going to undress you. Is that alright?” Anya would ask Curly, who in return would give two blinks to indicate that he consented to being stripped. Was gonna have to be done but it was still so kind of Anya to still ask before hand.
The two of you would soon get to work on changing out his bandages. A very slow, careful, tedious job. One that normally took over a hour to do properly. So it’s time to kill some of that empty space.
“Ya know, this isn’t the first time over had to wrap up a certain someone because they got hurt. I remember a time when we were at a Ski resort with his family. Someone wanted to try a path that was meant for experts and before you know it someone’s returning to the lodge with his leg bone sticking out of his pants.”
Anya gave a little ‘oh my’ as you just laughed at the memory. Curly just adored sports. Especially the winter variety. You felt so blessed that he had a job that paid so well. Well enough that the two of you, and his own family sometimes, could go and enjoy vacations like that.
You wonder if the two of you will ever see the snow again.
“That sounds rather nice, minus the whole breaking his leg. To share a cabin together with someone. Cuddle for warmth together by the fire place. Sounds really nice.” She would speak dreamily. As if she knew it was simply that. A dream. Something that will never happen again. No matter how hard she tried.
Like something was wrong with her.
“I bet you’ll get that moment. When we escape here you’ll have a flooding of men and women coming your way. The brilliant woman who managed to fight death and win. Again and again. The most brilliant woman to ever live.” You would praise her, as you were very mindful of Curly’s catheter. As if that needed to be messed with.
“Yeah…..Maybe……” Anya didn’t really seem to actually respond. Was like she was just saying words for the sake of words. Had you wondering.
Even before the crash she had just started acting off one day. From being a cheerful woman who was gentle and full of smiles, to being so quiet and scared by the littlest of sounds. Like she expected someone to jump from around the corner and attack her. Any feeling of safety and comfort vanished.
You were worried.
“Say, Anya-“ You began to speak, while disposing the bandages safely into the bio hazard bag. “-Is everything ok? I mean duh we’re not doing to hot with being, ya know, crashed and all. But besides that. You just seem…..different.”
Anya seemed to not hear you. She simply worked on checking over Curly’s body. Hunting down any infections, looking for possible bed sores, monitoring his healing, and getting ready to do the ever so gentlest of sponge baths.
Anya did always get in the zone whenever someone was hurt. You figured she didn’t catch what you said because of it.
So repeated yourself, as you stood next to her. Impossible to miss what you were asking, as you would help Curly sit up and just move his joints to better reach with the sponge.
The only sounds in that room were Curly’s whines of discomfort. Whines to indicate truly how much pain he was in when even the pain killers can numb it.
“Anya….I know you can hear me. Is everything alright? Not to be rude but I’m kinda asking you a question.” You would be gentle, but she still couldn’t help but looked distressed.
“Anya what’s-“ You would reach a hand out, to comfort her, but the second it was raised towards her she would immediately flinch. Her startled reaction ended up even making her drop Curly’s leg on the table.
Oh that’s gotta hurt.
For a fleeting moment you put Anya on the back burner, and just focused your attention on comforting Curly. How he gave a weak sob from the intense pain.
“Shhhh I know Curly Fry. I know. It’s gonna be ok. It was an accident. You know she didn’t mean it. Shhh.” You would kiss his forehead, as Curly had a muscle spasm through his body from the intense shock to his system. So exhausted and in so much pain.
“It’s gonna be ok. I promise. I love you so much. Just think about our future. How we will get off this ship, and have that family. Have our own baby-“
The moment you said baby, that’s when Anya finally cracked.
Her hands were now covering her face, as she just broke down into sobs. Sobs that sounded so hoarse. Like she’s done it so many times that her body was just abused from it. Left you so worried and confused.
What the hell is going on here?
“Anya, what’s wrong? What did I say?” You would gently guide her to a chair, and worked on stroking her hair. Giving her as much comfort as you would to Curly. The same gentle love as he would get. Love she deserved.
It took a while for her to catch her breathe, and you didn’t rush it because it really seemed she needed it, but her own trembling body was finally able to quite down.
“I need to tell you something. I need to tell you something about Jimmy-“
You were quick to kneel down infront of her, and was ready to take in every last word she was going to say. Maybe what secrets she held could finally explain why the hell you all were crashed here. Why Jimmy crashed you all.
“Jimmy ra-“
That’s when the door opened.
As if that bastard had a sixth sense for whenever people were talking about him. That same annoyed expression, same sneer, same empty eyes.
All three of you kinda froze in time now. Looking at him, as he looked back at you all. Scanning you. As if judging to figure out what was being said before entering.
“Hey….Captain….” You swallowed, as you would return to standing. Anya herself remained in her chair, with her head down. Didn’t seem she trusted herself in showing any expressions right now.
“What were you guys talking about?” He asked, as he seemed slightly on edge. Like he hasn’t been sleeping well or had too much caffeine. Just this tension of paranoia was in the air. Like he was worried about something.
“Just about the bandages. We’re starting to run low, and Anya is just getting worried about having enough.” Wasn’t a complete lie. The best lies were the ones with truth sprinkled in.
“Of course he’s wasting our supplies.” He scoffed, before walking over to the table. You were trying to give Curly some respect with grabbing something to cover him up with, but it was like Jimmy wouldn’t let you. The stare he gave you, when you grabbed the clean hospital gown, made you just freeze in place.
It was just so full of hate.
It was just so full of disgust.
It was just cruelty in dark eyes.
It was just focused on you. As if Anya didn’t even exist right now. Like she meant nothing to him. Nothing but the wind in the air. Something you don’t even bother in registering every day. Like how you breathe in air in your lungs.
You don’t notice until it’s gone.
“Has he been given his medication?” He would ask you, as his hands would be firm on the bed side. Just seeming to assert his dominance with standing over the man. Like some got over the little people.
“Yes Jimmy. He’s been medicated. We are actually in the middle of washing him. It would be nice if there was some privacy-“ You tried to gently hint at, only for it yo fall on deaf ears.
"The crash really did do a number on you. You don’t even have a dick anymore. Just holes huh-?” Jimmy would scoff, as that was your final straw. You would give Jimmy a hard hip bump, and quickly covered Curly up. To give him dignity and respect.
“Hey-! Watch it! Don’t think because you are Curly’s little eye candy doesn’t mean you can go pushing people around-“ Jimmy would bark at you.
You didn’t feel fear.
Jimmy was messing with YOUR man now. Curly deserved dignity and respect. He doesn’t deserve to be called a ‘set of holes’ no way in hell. No one deserved that and ESPECIALLY not Curly.
“Will you just shut up?! What the hell are you even doing here?! Aren’t you the Captain now? Captains are suppose to be doing whatever it takes to help the crew. All you’ve been doing is walking around and insulting everyone! It’s like you don’t want us to be saved. Be a Captain and take some responsibility already-!”
The anger that he had for you was terrifying. You swore it was like a switch. He suddenly seemed taller, bigger, angrier, more intense. You felt like you were shrinking more and more. Like you would melt into a puddle under that heated stare.
But you refused to.
For Curly.
“Listen here you-“
You smacked him across the face. Was like the world went mute. No one was so much as breathing. Just the stares of shock from Anya and Curly.
“Get. Back. To. WORK.”
You ordered, and he listened.
He would hold his red cheek, and walked away like a dog with its tail between its legs. As if he was all talk and no bite. That he couldn’t bring himself to be more than an angry voice.
Someone needed to keep him in his place.
“Can this damn ship get any more hectic?” You sighed with your fingers to the bridge of your nose. Just trying to think clearly.
That’s when Anya found her voice.
“I’m pregnant.”
You opened your eyes wide, and was frozen in place.
Did you hear that right? No no. No way. Why would she be pregnant? How would she get pregnant? Who would get her…
“Oh my god.”
You slowly turned around to Anya with the puzzle pieces falling into place. You finally realized what had happened.
Jimmy never was a responsible man.
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@meheheasasa @letmebedelutional @trashcansally @balanahala562
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just-some-user-hunny ¡ 7 months ago
The Cannibal dragon headcanons ...
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(art credit for middle image, ig: dracalyss)
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. Cannibal is a huge dragon, the largest of all wild-dragons, but I can't see him being any larger than Vhagar- let alone Balerian the black dread. I imagine he'd be a tad bit smaller than Vhagar- just about. His build is bulky and scarred, a thick neck of scarred obsidian scales, a set of jagged jet-black spikes that run along his spine, and covered in thick taut muscle and hardened flesh. His eyes are a blazing emerald green, teeth sharp and jagged like a shark.
. I also love the idea of him having this 'grinning' look on his face, like a crocodile or the indoraptor from Jurassic world. (His personality screams indoraptor to me, just a mean guy with a nasty lil goblin grin). And with his torn jaw and exposed teeth, it makes him look even creepier and menacing. There's something way too...human about it. Expressive in both his grin and mannerisms.
He's definitely a stare-er too. Something about a monstrously big dragon being unnervingly quiet and observing is uncomfortable, which is exactly the vibes he gives off.
. I like to visualize him as a very 'wild' looking dragon, like how'd you imagine a stray feral cat. His scales are rough and weather-worn, covered in large claw-like scars from fighting and hunting other dragons throughout his life. There's also fanart of him missing a huge chunk of flesh around his jaw and mouth, baring his teeth, which I think looks really cool :) as a young dragon he probably picked off the small and easy dragons, ones that wouldn't put up much of a fight. But as he grew in age and size, he would probably grow cocky and try his luck with larger prey. Due to him being an absolute monster, I'd imagine he'd often come up on top- but not without earning a few disfiguring scars in return.
. Despite never being bonded to a rider before, nor being ridden before in his life (he'd scoff at the mere thought of some little measly human thinking that they could climb upon his back and treat him like a pony), once he bonded with you it was like an instant connection. He is still a little edgy and unpredictable, but there is one thing for certain and that is he is always as gentle as possible with you. He'll press his body into the dirt if it allows you to climb on and off safely, craning his claws and jaw for you to step upon.
. He wouldn't wear a saddle, so you'd have to learn to ride him bareback. Thankfully he has many jagged scales and spikes to cling onto, but to be on the safe side, you'd have special riding gear to wear to help cling on. Rougher gloves and boots and trousers, it certainly helps, even if it's just a little. If anything the fact you ride bareback is a testament of your bond, showing how close and in sync you both are.
. The biggest issue with him would be his... diet, and how he'd have to adapt once he begins to hang around dragonstone more often. I'd imagine he wouldn't eat much, adding to the unpredictability of him and when he would hunt, but as his rider you'd have to supply him at least livestock every week to keep him happy and saturated. Cows, horses, large livestock due to his sheer size.
. He flies quite similar to Vhagar. His form is heavy, and although strong, he is lumbering.
Although at his age now he'd be a rather ancient dragon, he wouldn't really show his age besides a few moments where he just wants to curl up in his little cave upon his ✨private island ✨ to take a nap. In his youth he was most likely a very quick dragon, like a stalking panther striking upon his food. (Being younger dragons and hatchlings). I've seen someone write about him being a silent hunter (I'll reblog and credit once I find them), but that's such a neat idea for his character! He's survived from hunting his own kind, so he's going to hunt differently. Smarter.
. His fire in the books is described as green, and that's just too cool to swap it out with normal fire. Blazing emerald flames that engulf earth and prey, unnatural and mystical. It'd be very distinctive as well, whoever finds their fields or flocks of trees burning and crackling in a blaze of green fire, they'd know that the cannibal had just been there.
. Personality wise, I feel like he'd be cruel and sadistic, but wise and grumpy. Probably cocky as well, for having survived on his for so long and through unconventional means.
He's not a hardheaded bully, he's very tactical when it comes to facing challenges, but at this point he's such a huge threat he may be blinded by his own ego and emotions. If something were to happen to his rider, he'd make sure you'd get avenged. He's ride or die, quite literally. He'll burn everything down for you, because he feels strongly for the one human he feels he can trust. His grief is not silent or tearful, it's angry.
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winstonsns ¡ 8 months ago
i read your cuteness aggression for the curtis!reader and i’m in love! can you maybe do preferences with a curtis!reader who’s a year younger than pony? thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! ☺️
the gang and 13 year old curtis!reader (request)
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pairings: ponyboy x reader, johnny x reader, soda x reader, darry x reader, dally x reader, two-bit x reader, steve x reader
warnings: cussing
authors note: this is strictly platonic guys!! i feel like i’ve been falling off lately LMAO. i hope u guys enjoy though 💗
word count: 1.0k
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the two of you are the closest in the gang, being the closest in age and him being a protective older brother to you
he doesn’t always feel the closest to his siblings because him and darry are always arguing, soda’s in the middle and doesn’t interfere anymore
but you’re always one to comfort pony after he gets into a heated argument with his oldest brother
he helps you with homework a lot since you’re not far behind him, he helps you study and get super high grades so darry isn’t on your ass for shitty grades
pony also reads you books when you’re stressed, it’s also just something he enjoys doing in your presence
quality time means a lot to him because his brothers are never home, he’ll read a magazine or do homework in a room with you, it gives him a sense of safety
the two of you aren’t exactly the closest in age but you talk to each other about everything
you and johnny hang out at the lot and sometimes fall asleep there, when you wake up, you direct him to your house so he can sleep there too
sometimes he’ll give you little gifts for fun, remembers a lot of things you tell him
if you talk about a book or item you want once, he’ll get it as soon as he can
he really appreciates your friendship and will do anything to keep it and strengthen it
probably let’s you borrow his switchblade even though he always has it on him, has backups too
he’s the most annoying but loving brother to you, always asking you if you have a partner yet and teasing you if you do
“ooooh.. who were you hangin’ out with today, y/n? you like them?”
“soda, i’ve been friends with them for years!”
“yeah, but do you like them?”
he’s the embodiment of the trend ‘i know love is real because (name) is real and they are full of it’
soda makes sure you have a lot of attention and love, doesn’t necessarily try to replace your parents but is somewhat nurturing to you
he doesn’t rant to you often because he knows it can be overwhelming, you’re just a kid, as he puts it and shouldn’t be dealing with others problems
sometimes he’ll take you to the DX after school so you can gossip and you can learn about working
darry’s your eldest brother and is extremely protective of you, always checks up on you and asking about your day
he has the same expectations for you and ponyboy, he checks over your homework but is calmer with you
he wants you to be with some sort of guardian wherever you go, even if you’re walking down the street for fun
he knows it’s not the safest for you to be alone, especially at night
because he doesn’t have the best relationship with his brothers, he makes cake with you more often than he does with the others
he does not let you participate in rumbles, he says it’s way too dangerous for you to fight
he fucking hates kids so it’s a surprise he enjoys your presence
you remind him a bit of himself, you’re a bit of an ‘outcast in the outcasts’ because you’re the youngest and told you can’t do anything
so dally teaches you how to live in case you ever get put on the streets, teaches you what to do in the worst case scenarios
he’s hard on you though, it’s tough love and he can get really frustrated if you get hurt or in trouble because he’s taught you how to protect yourself
steals random stuff for you, most of the time it’s candy or random sweets like popcorn from the drive in, sometimes it’s a drink
you remind him of his younger sister, he feels obligated to protect you in some way
most of the time, soda and darry are working so they aren’t home most of the time, pony’s hanging out with johnny so keith watches over you
sometimes he calls himself your babysitter because he thinks it’s funny, it’s even better that he knows you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself
he’ll tell you super inappropriate jokes and when darry’s there, he’ll smack him on the back of the head
“two, knock it off. she doesn’t needa hear that stuff!”
“i didn’t even do anything, super—“
he steals stuff for you too, whether it’s something related to your studies or a random item you want for some reason
originally didn’t want to be around you, he doesn’t want to be around ponyboy and you’re with him all the time
but eventually, steve warms up to you and lets you hang out with him and the gang sometimes
he’s actually pretty smart and not many people expect that from him, he helps you with homework even though he can get frustrated at times if you don’t understand
if you’re into cars, expect him to teach you all about them and for him to invite you to the DX
maybe he lets you help him fix some of the cars, of course you won’t get paid money, instead snacks he gives you for free
soda will come up to you in the morning as you’re barely awake, talking to you
“steve said to come to the DX after school, gonna teach you some stuff about cars.”
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supernatural-bias ¡ 11 months ago
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𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥
↳ summary: everyone knew you loved your lazy sundays. but that didn't stop them from bothering you
↳ warnings: mentions of fights and ponyboy getting jumped. nothing serious
↳ notes: could be interpreted as platonic or romantic with whoever you like. just some silly times
↳ song: we're gonna move—elvis presley
masterlist | commissions | carrd
Sundays at the Curtis household were normally calm.
Maybe it was because that was the day before school would start up again for Ponyboy— it used to be that way for both him and Sodapop until his big brother dropped out —or maybe it was because that was the lords day; at least according to the bible. Whatever the case, you knew you could always rely on an unlocked door and comfy couch awaiting you each time you jumped the chain link fence in their front yard. Just as long as it was Sunday.
So, understandably, you were peeved when Steve Randal and Two-Bit had come bursting through the front door looking for a fight.
"Come on man!" Two-Bit, otherwise known as Keith Matthews by his mother and kid sister, but only by his mother and kid sister, was currently whining your name in a way that he would only do if he wanted something. "Those soc's deserve it for what they did to Pony yesterday!"
Warm sunlight from the clear afternoon day peaked through the window panes behind you, lighting up each and every crevice in the front room of the house. A great black and white picture show was running on the TV, the likes of which had captured your attention for most of the day as you lay on Darry Curtis' couch, only ever moving to help out with chores when asked by him or Soda.
You scowled from your spot on that same trashy floral couch as before, flipping Two-Bit off quick enough so that Darry didn't see you. Even though he was in the other room working on dishes with Soda, you knew he would be able to tell. He was magic in a way like that. Annoyingly magic.
"What's with the shake up?" Steve questioned through the cigarette in his mouth, looking down at you from his nose. "Just last week you were itching for a rumble, and now all you want to do is sit and watch TV like some bum?"
"Wrong. Now all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch cartoons like some bum." You corrected him with a bit of snark in your tone, knowing that he hated that sort of thing. You saw Two-Bit's lips quirk up in a smile from the corner of your eye, reminding you temporarily of the shared love of cartoons that the two of you held.
"It's Sunday." Soda strolled in from the other room with a damp rag in his hands, tossing it down on the couch cushions as he went to clap Steve on the back—the way he always did when he saw his best friend. "You know they like their Sundays, guys."
"Screw their Sundays." Steve scoffed without any real malice behind the action. "Dally's on his way over with Johnny right now to meet us before the fight. We just wanted to come and get you before they got here."
With a halfhearted groan you let your head hit the back of the couch. If Dallas was coming over, you knew that the gangs minds had already been made up. Dally could be awfully convincing when he wanted to get his way, and that was more often than not. Really there was no sense in arguing now, but sometimes you had less sense then you'd like to admit.
"I'll tell Darry ya'll are gonna start up a fight." You said in a last ditch effort to keep your lovely spot on the warm couch. You were just met with knowing smiles.
"Awh you know he'd let us go if we promised to not get anymore blood on his floor comin' home." Two-Bit's smile widened, and you knew that he could tell they'd worn you down. That's how it always went when they wanted to fight during an off day for you, and you should be more used to it by now.
With the beginnings of a slow chew on your bottom lip, you mulled it over. Despite what one could think about Darry, that he yelled at his brothers too much or was too hard on Pony, you knew he wouldn't hesitate to get into a fight of his own for one of his brothers, even if he had work the next day. And that was a stone cold fact.
The screen door to the Curtis home squeaked open for the second time in just a few minutes, the entrance giving way to two more figures in dark clothing and greased up hair. One was nursing a cigarette butt while the other swayed side to side in a nervous tick.
"Ready to split?" Dallas Winston let a puff of smoke escape his lips as he grinned, looking around at the small group that had gathered in the living room. Johnny Cade shuffled behind him, and despite the current situation, you made time to send a welcome wave in his direction. He nodded back with a light glint in his eyes.
"Most of us." Soda laughed at Dally's question, ratting you out with a single look in your direction.
"I swear to god man, we do this every time." Dally shook his head as if he'd been expecting this. He looked at you dead on, almost as if trying to pry an explanation out of you this time. You resisted the urge to scrunch your nose up as he did so.
"Don't worry Dal, we just got 'em on the fence." Two-Bit smiled, and you hated that he was right.
With a sigh, you dusted your lap off before getting up, ignoring the small cheer that came from Soda and Two-Bit as you did so. From behind them Johnny smiled that little smile of his.
Dally even let a small one of his own slip, and you cursed whoever decided to give him such long eyelashes. One wrong downward tilt of his head, and sometimes you felt like he could get you to do whatever he wanted if he just asked.
"I'm coming, but next Sunday if any of you so much as ask me into town, I'll start a fight of my own." You pursed your lips. Another cheer rose between the six of you, and somehow you just knew that next week the exact same thing would happen, just as it always did. Good thing it never really bothered you. Nothing these guys ever do would, even though you'd never admit it to them.
"And just to be clear I want you to know I'm only going because it was Pony that was jumped!" You raised your voice through the pre-celebration, trying to stop the smile breaking out across your face from growing any wider. "If it was any of you idiots, I'd go join the other side!"
Playful boo's broke out as Soda slung an arm around your shoulders. A hand was quick to fly up to your hair with an attempted noogie, but you shook your head wildly enough to hault it.
Leaving the security of the plush couch and the drone of the Curtis' TV, you found yourself walking down the street with Dally's cigarette between your lips, taking a puff of it before handing it back to him. As the white smoke drifted up into the blue sky above, you thought about the people around you, and smiled.
Now you just had to hope you wouldn't ruin yet another shirt with blood.
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thewertsearch ¡ 1 month ago
@elkian asked: PS - I think Sally can watch [S] Duodecim Rex Angelus at this point(?), but obvs I don't want to interrupt if she's on a roll lol @marinerofthestars asked: Since you’ve now finished Act 5, I think you can now watch (and react to when you have some time?) Rex Duodecim Angelus without risk of spoilers. It’s a 7-minute long fanmade Flash depicting the trolls’ battle against the Black King at the end of their session, hope you enjoy: https://youtu.be/-19Up0dLzNw @captorations asked: you've probably got a bunch of messages about this but. there's a fanfic out there that is the full text of strider-ified detective pony, and it is, unironically, one of the greatest fanworks ever created. i do not grant that title lightly, and i cannot recommend it enough. also! maybe i've forgotten and you did cover it, but. at this point i believe you're very much able to watch rex duodecim angelus, the fanmade flash of the trolls fighting their black king, without spoilers of any kind. some parts of act 6 can be a bit slow, so. if you need a break for action, it's there @joyfulldreams asked: By the way, since you've finished Act 5, you can absolutely watch Rex Duodecim Angelus now! (If you haven't already.) @transguyhawkeye asked: Not sure if anyones mentioned it yet but now that you've read the ancestor section you should be able to watch [s] Rex Duodecim Angelus spoiler-free! Anonymous asked: It looks like maybe no one's pointed out that you can now watch Rex Duodecim Angelus (which you were recommended in 2022 and 2023 but it was too early to watch then). You should definitely do that. Hussie declared it canonical, and Cat even suggested liveblogging it. Anonymous asked: OKAY YAY. There's a fan animation that I hear Hussie canonized called [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus and most people recommend that the earliest possible spot in a reading to view it is right after the completion of act 5. You don't have to liveblog it but I would LOVE it if you did. Anonymous asked: Augh I forgot to add that Rex Duodecim Angelus is of the troll session's fight against the black king. That would be worth mentioning. Especially so that you could dig up some of the references to the battle made in the comic ;>_> @morganwick asked: [...] this is a reminder that you used to go through the newsposts/blog posts/Formspring answers preserved in the Homestuck Collection, but you haven't done that in a while (cancelling it at the end of Act 4 in your haste to get to Act 5); were you thinking of catching up at the end of Act 5? I think you're close to the point where the Formspring stopped already. @likelyvampirical asked: [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus is now spoiler-free. On a related note, we've not had an episode of Tunes with Sally since November 2022. Maybe we could do some album reviews before coming back with Act 6?
Yup, it's finally time. After hearing about this legendary video for over a year and a half, today I'm going to check out one of Homestuck's most iconic fanworks, [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus!
I've heard from several people now that Hussie declared it canon, but no one's been able to track down a source for that just yet. Either way, it's clearly intended to be canon-compliant, so I'm interested in seeing how they handle the more ambiguous aspects of this fight, such as Gamzee's Rage attack.
On another note, I've deliberately placed Tunes with Sally on hiatus until later in the comic - mostly because the albums often contain songs from flashes we haven't seen yet, and I want to experience Homestuck's OST from within the comic first.
Finally, I promise I'll get to the Formspring eventually, as well as Hussie's news and blog posts. They're just not a giant priority, at the moment - but if anyone's got any specific Hussie quotes they'd like me to check out, feel free to send 'em in.
Anyways, I'll be watching Rex Duodecim Angelus after I've had dinner. Talk to y'all then!
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diorgirl444 ¡ 7 months ago
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to all the greasers i’ve loved before - chapter 1.
warnings: bad writing (my first time writing a multiple part fic ), don’t let the picture of dallas fool you he barely features in this chapter i’m afraid, fem! curtis reader though it is never specified whether the reader is a bio daughter or adopted and so can be read as either, doesn’t follow book canon, 1060 words <3
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you had always loved love. your parents were more than happy to recount stories of how you would wander around the house dressed in your nightdress with the lace curtain over your hair clutching onto a small posy of daisies and dandelions. you had called it playing weddings and it was your all-time favourite game.
this obsession with love trickled into other things with most of the cookies you baked being heart-shaped or being the only person to still give everyone, even the weird kids handmade valentines after it was deemed uncool at about thirteen. yes, you loved love but there was an important differentiation, you loved the idea of it. so you supposed it was natural that you began to write love letters the way some people wrote diary entries.
you kept them in a teal silk hatbox of your mothers which had long since lacked the hat intended to be in it. there was one letter for every boy you had liked at one time - five in total. Bryon from volunteering at the hospital, Johnny from freshman homecoming, Dallas from two summers ago, Randy from Model Un and Keith since forever. you supposed your letters were less i love you love letters and more goodbye love letters. they were a way of accepting the crush whilst also allowing yourself to let go and move on. that you could sing to the Ronettes and not be singing about him, that you could buy milkshakes at the diner and not wonder which flavour he’d choose. the letters set you free - at least they were supposed to…
Keith Jacobs was a friend of your brothers but you’d always been a bit in love with him. his mother moved to Tulsa all alone with one son and a baby girl just across the street from you and so your parents, lovely people that they were invited the Jacobs round for a fried chicken dinner. you made a peach cobbler for dessert and when Keith asked for seconds - you glowed with pride. by the time he’d finished his third helping you’d already decided what shade of white your wedding dress would be and from that day he was practically always at your house. there was time when it was the four of you, Daryl, Soda, Pony and Keith but then your parents died and it all changed.
Daryl had to grow up and then the other three all started hanging out later and getting into fights which was fine because you had Angela and Sylvia. well, you had Sylvia till the summer before high school. then suddenly over that summer, she started smoking cheap cigarettes and wearing tight jeans where you were still happy to read a silly romance novel and bake cookies. angie was more like Sylvia really but she was like a street dog who you’d given a treat to - loyal to a fault and kept coming back.
which leads you to where you are now, the last day before junior year and the house is packed. you and Daryl were determined to keep up the tradition of home-cooked meals, mainly for Ponyboy but if you were honest with yourself sometimes as you mashed the potatoes with the radio turned up you would close your eyes and pretend your parents were slow dancing behind you. it turned out that most of your brother's friends didn’t normally eat well so they would often come round too. privately you wish they wouldn’t, they were too loud to you with no manners and they didn’t wash their hands before they ate. but for Ponyboy, the baby of the family you put up with it. You break out of these thoughts when Two-bit speaks, because as you hate to remember he’s Two-bit now not Keith anymore.
“guess who scored themselves a girlfriend”
You choke on your broccoli as all the boys cheer and clap him on the back. your ears ring and you feel like you’re gonna be sick. quietly you whisper to Daryl.
“I don’t feel very well. I think it’s my monthlies - I’m gonna go to bed”
he nods ruffling your hair affectionately as if you're still five and not almost seventeen. you don’t mind - that’s Darry’s way - playing dad to you and your brothers.
“g’night kid I’ll bring you some hot cocoa up and one of those hot water bottles wrapped in a towel.”
as you retreat to your bedroom with tears stinging you hear a chorus of “goodnights” and “feel better soon” from all apart from Dallas. despite your pain you still have the energy to roll your eyes, god forbid Winston cares about someone other than himself for once.
once you clasp your box and retreat under the floral quilts that your mom made you finally allow the tears to fall as you reread the letters. you decide tomorrow you’ll draft a new letter for two-bit, an official goodbye to the foolish hope you’ve clung to for so long. You hear the click of the look, and hastily you shove the letters back into the hatbox and wipe any resounding tears. Pony perches on the edge of your bed holding out the hot cocoa and water bottle that Darry had promised you.
“sissy, you okay?”
you bite back a laugh when he calls you that, a name that he called you as a baby that just stuck. then you watch his eyes catch the hatbox with curiosity.
“what’s that?”
clutching the box to your chest you speak.
“nothing just an old hatbox of mom’s that I keep recipes in. I’ve been working on a new strawberry shortcake one.”
you lie easily knowing that since that’s Pony’s favourite dessert it’ll distract him. he grins widely at you and you are reminded how young he is like a stab in the gut.
he says holding his pinky finger out.
“promise baby, I’ll see you in the morning okay?”
standing up you say to him as you press a kiss to his forehead and place the box away in the top shelve of your wardrobe. he’s still at an age where he pretends that stuff grosses him out so he scowls childishly as he leaves the room. you slip into your white cotton nightgown and finally let sleep overtake you. you’ll deal with it all in the morning and yet in that weird stage between sleeping and awake, you swear you hear the door open once more…
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
@socgf @heart-shqped-box @jujuheartz13 @r0seb100d @cranberrv @anifever @notagreasernotasoc @honeysmoonn for now i’m just tagging all the people who expressed an interest but if you don’t wanna be tagged or wanna be added let me know <3
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sunshine-on-marz ¡ 8 months ago
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Darry Curtis x Home Baker Reader
Basically Darry with sunshine reader but shhhhhhhh
For the loml @st4rgzer
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⋆ For starters, he’s so supportive
⋆ Just freaking adores your baking
⋆ You get very good at baking chocolate cake because you’re making it. Constantly.
⋆ He also just thinks your the sweetest thing ever (pun intended)
⋆ About kills Dallas a couple times for criticizing you or your baking
⋆ Speaking of Dallas, you and him have a similar relationship to what he had with Mrs.Curtis
“Dallas Winston why is there a cigarette lit inside my house?” you ask as you walk into the living room. “I’m puttin out, I’m puttin it out” he mutters as he stubs the cigarette on the ashtray on the coffee table. “Y’know, I don’t even know why you have this thing if you and Darry are so anti-smokes” he says, you roll your eyes “you just used it, didn’t you?” You ask incredulously, smile playing on your lips. “Yea yea” he mutters
⋆ The gang calls you and Darry, Mom and Dad
⋆ Darry claims not to like it
⋆ Secretly he’d be so sad if they stopped
⋆ Let me just reiterate that this man ADORES YOU.
⋆ He gets home from work and immediately asks you about your day, won’t tell you about his until you atleast say “it was good”
⋆ If you say it’s bad he offers to let you talk about it
⋆ Most nights consist of you massaging his back and shoulders while you two talk about your day
“Well I delivered a pie to this older woman over on the East Side and she was just the sweetest thing! Oh she was lovely Darrel, and her husband too? Gosh they were just the kindest souls” you giggle as you ramble on about your day. “That oughta be us someday, yea?” He hums, turning around from where he’d been leaned against your chest to kiss your cheek. “I think that could be arranged”
⋆ Also, you call him Darrel and he loves it
⋆ Don’t get me wrong, you also give him a billion nicknames, along with his preexisting ones
⋆ But the way his name sounds from your lips just drives him nuts
⋆ Also the boys love you
⋆ Not just Pony and Soda, but the whole gang
⋆ You, rather quickly, took on a motherly roll
“Those better not be work boots on my freshly mopped floor” you call over your shoulder as you hear Soda and Steve come inside, two quick “Sorry!”’s sound from the living room as they turn back around to put the boots on the porch
⋆ You bake Darry (and all the boys) a cake for his birthday.
⋆ Not just the regular chocolate cake he’s been making constantly his whole life. But a nice, double layered, decorated, dream. It took you all day.
⋆ He cries.
⋆ Darry refuses to let you help more than absolutely needed for bills so you buy things for him and the boys
⋆ You buy Pony some nice, new, good condition books, and that boy decides that if Darry ever breaks up with you he’s running away
⋆ Yea no, Soda and Pony are on your side in any and every argument
⋆ Not that you and Darry fight often
⋆ Maybe once every couple months, but you never go to bed angry.
⋆ The day he realizes he’s in love with you is when he came home from work to both his brothers asleep on the couch next to you, and you folding laundry
“Now what’s all this?” He smiles, coming over to kiss your forehead. “They had rough days” you tell him. “So you’re babysitting?” He asks, you playfully glare at him. “It’s not babysitting, it’s comforting” you say, he just hums. “And laundry is a part of comforting?”. You roll your eyes, carefully getting off the sofa. You walk over and put your arms over his shoulders. “Will you ever just let me help around here without telling me I dont have too?” You hum, he shakes his head, leaning down to kiss you. “Dar’. I like helpin’” you say softly, he smiles against your cheek, where he’s pressing small kisses “I know you do. You’re so amazing. So so so amazing”
⋆ He just adores having someone like you around
⋆ Swears up and down no one as great as you has or will ever exist
⋆ Your kinnda known around Tulsa as the “sweet baker girl” so people leave you alone
⋆ The gang jokes that you’re the joining force between Socs and Greasers
⋆ But on the off chance someone does mess with you?
⋆ Darry raises hell
⋆ And if you’re physically hurt?
⋆ He basically puts you on home lockdown because he does not want you to see the side of him that whoever hurt you is about to see
⋆ On a less violent note!
⋆ He always makes sure you have fresh flowers
⋆ No matter what.
⋆ Even if it means picking some from some garden. He makes damn sure you have fresh flowers
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EEEE MY FIRST OUTSIDERS POST!!!!!!! More are on the way (Johnny Cade fic soon maybe possibly)
My requests are open for the outsiders gang and Dean Winchester if you wanna send somethin over
Remember to reblog because it really helps
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08melancholie ¡ 1 month ago
8 Random Micah Bell HCs
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A lot of these are connected to Baylock or Micah's family because I love the two of them (Micah and Baylock) way too much, and because Micah's family life is way too interesting to me to pass this opportunity up.
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Used to baby-talk Baylock when he first got him as he grew up, however his father once caught him and he got reprimanded because it was 'un-masculine' and made him look 'weak'. Hasn't done it since then, however he does still talk normally to Baylock when he's sure he's alone and that nobody can catch him. Considers Baylock his best friend and, when talking to him, often gossips or complains about the others in camp. Micah's favourite way to blow off steam after someone pisses him off in the gang is ranting to Baylock as he tends to him.
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Micah is very sentimental about his guns because they were passed down to him from his father. They are basically like a family heirloom of some sort in the Bell family, and that's why Micah was insisting on getting them back; getting them re-made wouldn't have been the same, and thats why he couldn't leave them in someone else's possession. He was afraid somebody like Norman wouldn't have taken care of it as well as Micah does, mostly. It being passed down to Micah by his father is the reason he's so excessively careful about them; cleaning them constantly, for example.
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Micah hides the features he got from his father and tries to make the features from his mother stand out more. For example, his eyes are from his father—so he hides them under the brim of his hat. His hair colour is mostly from his mother—so he keeps it long and makes sure it's the first feature you notice. His father preferred being clean shaven or having a very simple stubble—so Micah grew a beard out and make it a style that would distract from the few features that are from his father, making himself unrecognisable when compared to his father.
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Micah is always cold. That's mostly why he's wearing the leather coat all the time—ever in hot weather like in chapters Clemens Point and Shady Belle. I mean, the swamps may not look that hot, but I definitely think that, looking at what the others were wearing, it's pretty damn warm at least; so him wearing a leather coat on top of a, presumably long-sleeved undershirt AND a vest, the normal person would be sweating pretty hard. That's why I think he doesn't mind it, and enjoys it since he feels cold all the time. Would explain him not sweating all the time or complaining much during Colter. In fact, I don't remember him complaining about the cold once!
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On topic of Baylock; Micah's had him since he's been very young. It was part of Micah's outlaw starter pack, given to him by Micah's dad. He got his own horse, satchel and holsters—and of course, he received his two Double Action revolvers as well.
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Once when Micah was still just learning how to ride Baylock—when he was young, of course—he tried to get him to jump over a fence. At the time, Baylock was still only a pony, and of course—failed to jump over the fence. Ended up hurting his leg and Micah couldn't ride him for a while. As soon as it happened, Micah thought that Baylock was going to die and felt so bad he sobbed until he threw up. Didn't try making Baylock jump over basically anything taller than an inch for years because he kept thinking back on that scenario and didn't want it to happen again; safety first.
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When he first sent a letter to his brother Amos, he actually had hopes that Amos would have even a little sympathy for him. However, when he got Amos' response letter, he had to re-read it multiple times and then left it on that crate where Strauss is to process it. He wished for a way to reconcile but knew Amos well enough to know his threats were not empty and that Amos would have no problem shooting Micah if he even tried to visit him at home; or even worse, Micah would have to fight back and shoot at his own brother to keep his head. However, 'defending' himself would just be proving his brother and everyone else right—that Micah was violent and not to be trusted around Amos' family, especially his nieces. Micah would have enjoyed having family and being called uncle a lot—main reason as to why he contacted Amos was to try and meet his kids.
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It's canon that Micah was drunk during the final mission, 'American Venom', and that's the main reason he acted so odd—almost no reaction to being shot and betrayed by Dutch; that silly walk he did before falling to the ground, all of that. However, Micah knew John was coming, and the reason he got drunk was his fear of death. If Micah was sober, he knew he would have been too on-edge to even shoot his guns; stuck on thinking that he might actually die today. So once he knew John, Sadie and Charles were coming for him, he got overly-drunk so that he wouldn't feel a thing. It didn't exactly work, as Micah still felt every shot—both the one from Dutch and from John. He knew his end was coming, and he was too scared to go fully aware of his death.
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Goofy silly guy I love thinking about youu </3 Should I make more of these? I'd love to hear what y'all think about my silly little headcanons and thoughts...
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k ¡ 3 months ago
Here's a funny kinda nostalgic post for commenting on.
In Husbandry Warhammer what media normally designed more for kids do Space Marines enjoy? (Aka what media are they latching onto because it is healing their traumatized inner child?)
I'm gonna go through some of my totally unbiased opinions. And if you're favorite legion isn't on here...
Comment it with your thoughts!
Thousand Sons - Take your damn pick there's so much magic based media but of course the Owl House is up there for recent examples.
...some of the Loyalist Thousands Sons do get a bit...existential when the plot line of the tyrannical Emperor Belos gets expanded upon.
Ironically despite its fictional nature Thousand Son or other psycher space marines use certain scenes in it almost like training videos for their offspring.
Ultramarines - You can't Tell me these guys wouldn't like Bob the Builder, and Thomas the Tank Engine. The main characters are Blue and so much of trains and building is logistics! And Cyberspace! Logistics is mostly math so Cyberspace is in there too.
Death Gaurd - Zoboomafo, the focus on flora and fauna is quite enjoyable for marines literally in tune with the cycle of life. Children's shows in general often use simpler language which is easier to understand or translate for Marines still coming to grasp with ancient terran languages. The similarly enjoy The Wild Thornberries
Nightlords - Goosebumps. They LOVE Goosebumps and 'Are you afraid of the Dark?' No I will not explain it.
Blood Angels - Art Attack! Never watched the show myself but Damn it looks fun! And perfect for craft inclined Blood Angels.
Alpha Legion - The animated Carmen Sandiego cartoon! Deception, mystery and most importantly disguises! What more could a hydra want? And Blue Clues...because.
Salamanders - Dragon Tails. Love watching it with their family or kids. The show has a big focus on family itself and giant lizards it's practically made for them! Would probably also like Dinosaur Train.
Emerperors Children - Steven Universe. The art, the music, the messy drama of the characters that makes them weep and the existential dread of being similarly tied to a parent or family that is...complicated.
They find a lot of comfort and catharsis in it.
Black Templars - Veggie Tales. Okay JK kinda they would like that just swap out God for God Emperor. Also...Winnie the Pooh.
Is it just because Pooh is Yellow like their gene father? That's not entirely it but they approve of the little yellow bear who isn't the brightest but he does his Best Okay!
I could also see them using it as another weird allegory for the God Emperor loving and protecting because in quite a few episodes of "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," Christopher Robin shows up to help Pooh and Friends out of their predicaments.
Iron Warriors - Reboot! My sister loved this show as a kid, and given its focus on computers/a digital world I could see them enjoying it! Also they like Cyber Space because Math. And...Chip and Dale rescue rangers But! They like it specifically for the scenes with Gadget because she makes cool things and they also want to make cool things/find a way to make them work.
See a video on AstartikTok about an Iron Warrior making a remote controlled roller skate and putting the families pet rat on it.
The rat is unharmed and even seems to enjoy the ride.
Dark Angels - Redwall. God that series gave me Nightmares but it Was still technically a kids show....technically. Also Jane and the Dragon, they like the medical aesthetic.
Space Wolves - No I'm not saying paw patrol. Blue Clues and Bluey! But All the legions have Marines who like Bluey! There's hardly a demographic on this planet that doesn't have a legion of Bluey Fans!
Also the old Tarzan Disney animated series because it was actually pretty damn hot shit! And full of cool action scenes fighting giant frightening animals.
White Scars - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Yes because horses, and yes because it espouses the values of community and collaboration and it has a kicking soundtrack. And White Scars are one of the few legions who both accept psychers but also acknowledge their inherent danger. They have a big focus on meditation and not becoming lost to the power you wield and finding support in those around you. They appreciate the similar messaging in the show.
War Hounds and World Eaters - Lazy Town. Because all of them want to become as strong as Sportacus and be able to lift a fuckin pyramid with a grappling hook from an airship!
Please stop them, the Pyramids of Giza need to stay where they are. Don't let them cause an international incident.
Ravengaurd - Ruby Gloom. They enjoy the macabre atmosphere merged with the cheerful main character. Plus the music isn't half bad.
Some tags for ya'll if you wanna jump in! And don't hesitate to comment about legions already mentioned if you've got more ideas about shows they'd like.
@egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts @barn-anon
@kit-williams @bispecsual @angronsjewelbeetle @virozero @sleepyfan-blog @passionofthesith
@beckyninja @felinisnoctis
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made-my-peace-with-all-the-bad ¡ 3 months ago
Sodapop Curtis who loves too hard and doesn't get loved hard enough in return.
He has to love too hard because he doesn't, who will?
Sodapop who offers to move into his baby brother's room to help with his nightmares. Not just for Pony's sake, but for Darry's too. so that Darry can get more sleep and go do his job better rested. Sodapop who drops out of the school that made him feel so stupid for years, but not for himself. No, he drops out so that he can help Darry afford the house. He drops out so that Darry doesn't kill himself trying to pay for everything on his own. Sodapop who will come home from working his own long shift and sit down to give his brother a massage so that he doesn't injure himself. Sodapop who needs to be the constant mediator between his brothers. Sodapop who separates them and then listens to them each individually. He'll listen to Darry's vents about work and money and will offer his support. He'll listen to Pony's fears and reassure him that Darry doesn't hate him, but loves him more than anything. Sodapop who doesn't really have that for himself. He's the family's heart and soul.
So, even when Sandy leaves, Soda knows they have bigger things to worry about than his "silly breakup". He refuses to make it a big deal. Because he knows that Darry is worried sick about the hospital bills and how they're going to afford those while also having food and heat for the fall and winter. He knows that Ponyboy is mourning his best friend and is never going to be the same. So, Soda reassures them and comforts them. But he can't do it forever. Some nights he cries. And not his usual, loud sobs. These are silent, heavy tears that fights their way out of his eyes and glide down his face slowly. It's when he's in bed, late at night, usually after he calms Pony down from a nightmare. Then, he lets himself break. And he cries. He cries for Sandy and what she did to him, for Dally and Johnny and all their suffering, for Pony and the pain he's experiencing, for Darry who almost had the life he wanted, for the whole gang who are never gonna be whole again. And he does it alone. Because he doesn't want other people to worry about him. He can handle it himself, they have bigger problems.
Soda, who knows he's loved, but wishes that someone would tell him or show him a little more often.
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staygolden-and-chaotic ¡ 1 month ago
Dallas Winston’s kid sister headcannon
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A/N - I lovvvvvvvve the idea of Dallas Winston having a kid sister. So here’s a headcannon about how it would be.
• Firstly there half siblings, same dad different mom.
• As Dallas Winston’s little sister, you’re not just a greaser you’re a force of nature. The same reckless, no-holds-barred attitude that makes Dally infamous runs through your veins. You’ve got his sharp tongue, his “don’t mess with me” glare, and his knack for finding trouble.
•Dally may not show it with hugs or sweet words, but he’s fiercely protective of you. If someone even breathes wrong in your direction, Dally’s ready to throw down. He’s been known to show up out of nowhere if he thinks you’re in danger, scaring off anyone who crosses you.
• You and Dally argue like cats and dogs, but it’s all in good fun (most of the time). Whether it’s about who’s tougher or who got into more trouble last week, neither of you ever backs down.
• Growing up with Dally means you learned the ropes of street life early. He taught you how to hotwire a car, handle a switchblade, and hustle your way out of bad situations. He trusts you to hold your own, but he’s always got your back if things go south.
• Dally isn’t the type to say “I love you,” but he has his ways of showing he cares. He’ll slip you a couple of bucks when you’re broke, leave you his last cigarette, or stand outside your job at night to make sure you get home safe.
• Being Dally’s little sister comes with a certain reputation. Everyone knows not to mess with you because they’ll have to answer to him. But that doesn’t stop you from proving you can handle yourself just fine without his help.
• Growing up with Dally means your life is full of wild stories. From sneaking into drive-ins to high-speed getaways, you’ve shared adventures that most people couldn’t imagine.
• While you’re close, there’s always tension simmering under the surface. Dally’s tendency to shut people out sometimes includes you, and it hurts when he won’t let you in. But you know it’s his way of protecting you from the darker parts of his world.
• Being Dally’s sibling makes you an honorary part of the gang. Ponyboy sees you as another sibling, Soda’s always ready to cheer you up, and Two-Bit loves cracking jokes at your expense. Even Johnny, quiet as he is, watches out for you like a big brother.
• Dally isn’t the type to play the doting brother in public, but behind closed doors, he’ll check in on you when you least expect it. He’ll gruffly ask if you’ve eaten or toss a blanket over you if you fall asleep on the couch. It’s these small, rare moments that show how much he really cares.
• Rules: Despite his “live free or die trying” attitude, Dally is surprisingly strict when it comes to you. He’ll let you get away with a lot, but there’s an unspoken set of rules: no dating punks he doesn’t approve of ( the gang, Shepards, or anyone at the matter) no ratting to the cops, and definitely no getting involved with anything that might land you in jail. Not because he’s a hypocrite, but because he doesn’t want you to end up like him.
• Dally tries to steer you away from the worst parts of the life he leads, even if he doesn’t always set the best example. He’ll warn you about trusting the wrong people or getting too comfortable in the greaser lifestyle, though his lectures are often cut short by his own bad decisions.
• Like Dally, you’ve got a short fuse, and the two of you have had some explosive arguments over the years. Whether it’s about his recklessness or your stubbornness, your fights can shake the whole neighborhood. But no matter how bad it gets, you always make up in your own unspoken way.
• The gang practically adopted you the moment Dally brought you around. Two-Bit treats you like his favorite little sibling to annoy, Soda’s always got a big grin for you, and Johnny is quietly protective of you, just like Dally. Pony sees you as the slightly wilder counterpart to himself, and Darry keeps a close eye on you when Dally isn’t around.
• Dally’s biggest advice to you is to never let anyone see you cry. He’s the first to wipe your tears when you’re upset, but he’ll tell you, “The second they see you’re soft, you’re done. Toughen up.” It’s harsh, but it’s his way of preparing you for the rough world you both live in.
• As Dally’s sister, people expect you to be just as tough and untouchable as he is. While you live up to the reputation most of the time, there are moments when you hate being seen as just “Dally’s sister” instead of your own person.
• Sometimes, words aren’t necessary. You and Dally can sit on a rooftop sharing a cigarette, watching the stars, and not say a word. In those quiet moments, you feel closer to him than ever, knowing he doesn’t need to speak to show he cares.
• Though he’d never admit it, Dally’s biggest fear is losing you. You’re one of the few people who keep him tethered to the world, and he’d burn the whole city down before he let anyone hurt you. If you ever got caught in trouble you couldn’t handle, Dally would do whatever it took to pull you out even if it meant sacrificing himself.
• No matter how much you fight or how much trouble you get into, Dally is your brother, and no one can take that away. You both know that when it comes down to it, you’d do anything for each other even if you’d rather die than admit it out loud.
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listofwhyyouloveher ¡ 9 months ago
what if the greasers dated someone who was feisty ?
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Summary: The Outsiders x Fiesty!Reader Warnings: ups and downs of being in a relationship w them. Maybe small toxicity?? If you squint?? Author's Note: none PONYBOY CURTIS
Ponyboy doesn’t like ‘submissive’ people per say, he just would rather not fight every given moment of the day.
Sometimes he finds your fiestiness cute, but not when its directed at him. The only reason he’d tell you to do something is if he’d need something or if he’s worried
Theres obviously clear boundaries in your relationship, he has to make sure your outward personality wont get in the way of him loving you and vise versa.
He really loves you and thinks your personality is cute, he always tries his best to be open minded and loving.
Johnny is defienetly influenced by Dallas, in the sense he’s love a fiesty girl when he’s pursuing her because he likes the chase
But in the end he’s prefering a girl that’s more open because that’s just his preferance rather than something that’s grown from Dallas.
He loves to play-banter-fight with you, but he really doesn’t like to take it too far because he understands that both you and him are sensitive at times.
However, he really likes when you open up to him or listen to him because it makes him feel like you actually want him.
Soda also enjoys the chase of winning your heart and he likes that it comes with an ego boost because he’s the only one who can do it.
He enjoys glimspes of your fiesty side and really enjoys it when you pick a fight or stand up for yourself with others.
However, he’s always had a perfect idea of what he wants in a relationship and he loves the feeling of being in love,
If your fiestiness gets in the way of him feeling loved, or it makes him feel like you hate him, he’s going to get sad for a couple of days until you clear it up with him.
Steve likes the fiesty and cocky girls, he also sees it as a fun challenge to get them.
However, because your personality is so alike, you two can clash quite often and easily get into petty fights
Although you fight a bit, it’s more of a Notebook romance because as much as you fight, he’s still crazy about you.
Tells you that at the end of the day, he still loves you and can look past the fact that you’re so stubborn because he’d rather die than be away from you. He just makes you promise that you wont tell anyone he said that to you.
Two-Bit likes a fiesty girl. He likes it a lot actually, it’s very endearing to him and he actively seeks out a girl that fits your personality.
He enjoys funny banter and the play fights you two can get into and because of that he and you are a perfect couple.
You both understand the unspoken boundary when you two banter and you never cross it because you never mean anything you say.
He loves you because you’re so fiesty and says you’re the best girlfriend he’s ever had because he’s never had a girl that could keep up with his wit and its the best.
Although he’s not actively seeking out a ‘fiesty girlfriend’, he’s -hands down- the best at handling one.
He’s patient and stern when he needs to be because he has so much experience with handling people like you (hint hint pony and soda.)
He thinks you remind him of you mom and that your relationship is kind of like his mom’s and dads.
He idolizes you because of this idea of him having the perfect relationship (from what his experience is) because it’s so identical to his parents.
Dallas is like Darry but reverse. He’s seeking someone who he can get a kick out of but would handle you very poorly.
He’s trying to get with you because of hard you seem to get but when he finally does date you he expects you to switch your personality.
He likes to feel big and in charge so having you around really knocks him down a few pegs which he really doesn’t enjoy
He thinks you’re really hot though and having you being fiesty makes it a constant challenge that he thinks is worth his time
In reality, the ‘worth his time’ bullshit is just an excuse to be around you because he’s grown to like you.
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alittlebitofloveliness ¡ 11 months ago
Darry Curtis hc because this day is shit and he's my comfort character
-Does that thing where he kind of dances/shimmies to music unconsciously. Steve made fun of him for it once, and ever since Darry’s tried to tone it down, but never really succeeds. (Steve never bugged him about it again because Sodapop got so mad at him for it)
-Doesn’t laugh often but when he does it’s the kind of laugh that’s completely contagious. Surprisingly Ponyboy’s sarcasm and Johnny’s dry quips end up making him laugh more than any of the rest of the gang’s bawdy or situational humour
-Makes the best scalloped potatoes known to man. Both Soda and Ponyboy practically beg him to make them for their birthdays or special occasions
-Ponyboy went with him to the gym once after windrixville when they were trying to find an activity to bond over and it ended with Ponyboy attempting to keep up with him and Darry having to practically carry him to the car. They decided Darry would teach Pony to drive as a bonding activity instead
-Was up for a promotion to foreman at his job that would have had a decent pay raise and didn’t tell Soda or Ponyboy about it. He made it to the final round of interviews but ultimately didn’t get it and was SUPER crushed. (Same Darry, same)
-His eye twitches when he’s pissed off but trying not to show it
-Sometimes when Ponyboy is out with friends or goes to bed early, Darry and Soda will have a mini conference where they discuss whether they think he’s doing ok because Darry is terrified of messing Pony up and needs the reassurance he’s doing a good job as guardian
-Taught Pony to shave and it was actually a really emotional time for him because their dad had taught both him and Soda how but wasn’t there to teach Ponyboy. It hurt even more because Ponyboy was so excited about the fact he finally HAD enough facial hair to need to shave and Darry was kind of punched in the chest remembering that Ponyboy is only fourteen, and that he’d had so much less time with their parents than he himself had.
-Doesn’t talk about the gang or his brothers at work. Not because he’s ashamed of being greasy or anything (a lot of guys on his work crew are east side guys) but because work is his only escape from being a leader/grown up and having to take care of everyone. In fact, he’s one of the youngest full time guys on the crew, and because of that he gets a lot of ‘shut up and listen to your elders’ kind of jokes from the guys in their thirties and forties, which he finds ironically funny on good days, and gets lowkey pissed off about on bad ones
-Has skipped meals when money is tight so that his brothers have enough food
-Didn’t regret fighting Paul at the rumble even though they’d been good friends in high school, because after the Curtis parents died Paul told him to let Pony and Soda go into care and to look out for himself and not ‘kids who aren’t your problem Darry’ and Darry never forgave him for it
-The gang and his brothers think he doesn’t have time for girls, and he doesn’t, not really, but he goes to the same diner during his lunch break each day to flirt with one of the waitresses there- a girl he went to high school with who was also meant for bigger things but got stuck in Tulsa just like him.     (listen I’m multiship trash who also has a soft spot for tarry but this idea lives rent free in my head ok)
-His way of dealing with issues when he’s unsure is to just ask himself what his dad would do and if he doesn’t know what his dad would do he panics
-Is TERRIFIED of the dentist and so its the only thing he’s kind of lax about with Pony and Soda because he refuses to be a hypocrite and not go when he makes them go, but also…he’s terrified
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alaskan-wallflower ¡ 4 months ago
Do you have angsty/sad hcs for the Curtis brothers
Oh boy do I! (all warnings are in the tags)
I’ve said this before but he used to be kinda chubby as a kid before he started working out because he felt insecure
In doing this though he developed some eating issues he still has to work through
He’ll never admit it but he cries himself to sleep nearly every night, especially after Pony ran away, like he needs to know Pony is and will stay in bed at night
If Pony’s out post curfew he gets so nervous, one time Pony got home about twenty minutes late and he found Darry pacing and running his hands through his hair, shaking. He doesn’t come home late too often after that
I wrote a fic on this but post his parents death he tried to end his life one night because he was just so depressed
He doesn’t think he’s a good brother or guardian. If you asked him he’s say he’s “alright” but in all honesty he didn’t know what he’s doing and it scares him
He used to starve himself because he thought his brothers needed the food more, and he was “strong enough to” (he passed out on a roof and nearly broke his neck)
It’s canon but he hates being mediator. It makes him feel like he’s being torn in two
Post book if Pony and Darry start fighting he just goes outside and smokes, which scares Pony and Darry because Soda never smokes
Soda despises when Pony smokes because he’s scared Pony’s gonna ruin his chances at being able to continue track
He has asthma really bad (Pony won’t smoke inside if it’s just him and Soda, he did once and Soda almost choked to death)
He was very depressed in school and probably found his way to be invited to soc parties where he’d drink everything away
I made this hc yesterday or so but he’s terrified about Steve graduating because if Steve leaves him he’s truly gonna be alone
He hates his appearance-he knows he’s good looking but part of him hates being objectified like that
He screamed at some girl post Sandy because she was way too pushy with him and he broke down at work (Steve took him home and told Darry)
Pony starts cutting post book-he burns his hands and arms a lot with his cigarettes too
He tries to stop smoking post book too because he saw what happened to Johnny and by default Dally
He becomes a bit of a pyromaniac post book too
Darry and Soda do frequent body checks on him and he sees the way Soda holds back tears and Darry’s eyes go cold and hard
He thinks he’s never going to be good enough and that Johnny and Dally would think the same
He doesn’t pray often but after his parents died he started praying more in hopes that he’d be able to stop mourning
He was hospitalized once for his aspirin addiction and Darry nearly throttled him (and then collapsed into tears)
He tries to hold his emotions in a lot more around his brothers because he doesn’t think Darry or Soda want to deal istg an emotional kid
Hope these are alr-
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yanderes-galore ¡ 1 year ago
I'm so happy MLP is open because I read them roughly 50 times. Each.
What about a rivalry between Sombra and Chrysalis rivalry??
Ohhhh, I love this idea! I'm not on the Grogar season yet so this is me mostly making comparisons with research.
Yandere! King Sombra with Pegasus! Darling
Yandere! Queen Chrysalis with Pegasus! Darling
Yandere! Queen Chrysalis vs King Sombra
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Manipulation, Stalking, Hypnotism, Kidnapping, Violence, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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This is a cool rivalry for me due to their differences in how they go about their obsession.
It's also neat because they're both enemies of the Crystal Empire in their debut.
What may make them clash is the differences in their courting/possession of their darling.
I don't have a general concept for them but ironically they both have a concept with a Pegasus darling on here so there's that-
Queen Chrysalis feeds off the love radiating from her darling.
She does anything she can to get it, even to the point of disguising as a friend or lover to get it.
She's sneaky and farms your love and adoration along with using her magic to hypnotize you into giving more.
She finds your love tastes the sweetest which makes her want even more.
She'll be any type you want if it means she gets to have a feast.
Plus her changelings keep a close eye on you.
She's possessive and replaces those around you with her hive.
She'll do anything to keep your love on her while masquerading as your lover.
Eventually she doesn't just love you for the magic, she loves you because she's addicted to you.
Then there's King Sombra... something completely different.
As you can tell his way of obsession clashes with Queen Chrysalis.
He's a pony made into shadow, a unicorn king who controls ponies through fear.
He is controlling of you through his magic and likes to make you fear him more than love him willingly.
He is the opposite of Queen Chrysalis' plan of being subtle.
How is she supposed to feed off your love if King Sombra keeps controlling you with fear to keep you to himself?
This is what makes them fight as they are both quite possessive.
They could never share as they conflict too much.
They are both manipulative and possessive, a dangerous combo when they are in a rivalry.
Queen Chrysalis no doubt tries to make you trust her more.
Are you scared of the umbral king? That's okay...
Still under the disguise of your lover she pulls you in closer, hiding you away while she feasts on your love.
Meanwhile King Sombra does whatever he can to expose Queen Chrysalis.
Scared of him? Well... you should be more scared of your lover.
They're using you... that's not even their true self.
Somehow Sombra would knock Chrysalis out of her disguise to make you run back to him.
There's no winning this scenario for you.
You don't want to pick either of them but they aren't going to give you a choice.
Eventually either Sombra will materialize and take you away or Chrysalis will send changelings to drag you back to her home.
They no doubt would fight often.
Queen Chrysalis has the advantage in numbers but King Sombra has powerful magic.
They both watch you quietly before finding time to strike.
Even if one acts first, the other will storm them soon after.
Queen Chrysalis is nearly losing it as King Sombra ruined her plan.
They both can use magic to control you but they're constantly countering each other's magic.
You're dragged between the two villains with no possible means of escape.
You can only hope the Princess of Friendship helps you...
Surely she can get rid of them and save you, right?
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