#most of the time pony will yell for darry n darry will just shout back I CANT HEAR YOU
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broareweabouttoviberightnow ¡ 2 months ago
In my heart literally every single one of the boys (minus Johnny bc he knows pony would NEVER snitch on him<3) have done they hey hit me back hey pony I'll let u hit me just don't tell Darry cmon DONT CRY ILL HOLD STILL N U CAN HIT ME BACK
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Get Back//Darry x Reader//Modern AU
Prompt: After y/n and her boyfriend, Darry, take a break, Darry tries to win her back with advice from his brothers and friends.
A/N: I randomly had an idea to write this and thought it was really cute! It’s been awhile since I’ve written, so bare with me! I hope y’all enjoy!!
T/W: A little bit of yelling and a little bit of swearing, but for the most part, it’s pretty darn fluffy!!
Y/n lays awake staring at the ceiling, waiting for her boyfriend to come home. She’s been thinking of ways to surprise him, and after months of planning, she decided that he would probably prefer just a simple night in. She made him and his brothers some dinner, cleaned the house with some help from their friends, and planned on watching TV with him in the living room and staying the night. But the dinner soon got cold, the dishes piled up, and y/n got tired of waiting in the living room, so she waited in his bedroom instead. 
It’s safe to say that they have been distant recently with y/n’s new job and the extra hours that Darry took on at work so that he could make rent this month. It wasn’t anyone’s fault--they both knew that--but the distance was definitely taking a toll on their relationship. Sometimes, she would come over after work to see him but he wouldn’t be home, and sometimes, he would stop by her place but she wouldn’t be home. They’d call each other when they would get the chance, but one of them would either be at work or falling asleep on the other end of the phone due to the exhaustion of working all day. They hated to admit it, but they were beginning to have doubts about being in a relationship. They loved each other, but maybe the timing just was not right.
Just as y/n’s eyes begin to grow heavy, Darry opens his bedroom door, slightly jumping at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend in his bed. “Hi, baby,” y/n chirps, sitting up with a smile. “Hi, y/n,” he smiles briefly, walking over to her and pecking her on the lips. As Darry goes into his dresser to change into some sweats and a tank top, y/n gets up and wraps her arms around his torso, kissing him on his neck. He tenses up and removes her arms from him before turning to face her. “I’m not in the mood. I’ve had a long day, and I just wanna sleep,” he states curtly, turning back around to close the drawer. Trying to make the best of the situation, y/n smiles and wonders, “I take it you’ve had a rough day?” “Mhm,” Darry mumbles, kicking off his worn out boots. Y/n eyes her boyfriend and carefully thinks of what to say, but she knows that when he’s had a rough day, he couldn’t care less for small talk. 
With her feelings somewhat hurt, y/n finally asks the question she’s been dreading, “Are we okay?” Darry sighs deeply, softening his sore muscles and allowing his arms to hang at his sides, his clean clothes still in hand. He slowly turns to face her and looks down at the floor as he quietly confesses, “I don’t know, babe.” Tears well up in y/n’s eyes, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t expecting him to answer so unsure. She sniffles, and quickly wipes away tears that now flow, smearing her once perfectly done makeup. “Well, alright then, I think I’m just gonna head home,” y/n murmurs before leaving Darry’s room. He stands up to follow her, but lets her go. It’s better this way.
-a month later-
The Curtis house was in its worst shape yet, and that was saying a lot. Even after Mr. and Mrs. Curtis passed away, Darry made sure to keep up with house maintenance, but his break up with y/n messed up any sense of a schedule that he once had. His brothers try to help as best as they can, but Sodapop and Ponyboy forget what needs to get done without their older brother there to remind them. 
After a long, hot day of work, Darry comes home to his brothers and their group of friends in the living room watching TV. Darry immediately tenses up at the sight of the unkempt kitchen with dishes piled up to the ceiling, spills on the counter tops, and the garbage can filled to the brim. “Pony, why isn’t the trash out?! And Soda, why aren’t the dishes done?!” Darry scolds, causing the group to jump at the sudden break from their television trance. “We forgot, Darry. Don’t worry, we’ll do it now,” Soda explains calmly as Darry storms into his room to avoid yelling more at his brothers. 
Soda and Pony begin their chores almost immediately, not wanting to upset Darry any further. “Shoot, what’s up with him? He still hung up on y/n?” Two-Bit asks before taking a swig of his beer. “Yeah...” Ponyboy trails off as he walks by Two to take the trash out. “That’s why I avoid serious relationships,” Dallas scoffs bitterly. “I’m guessing you and Sylvia are still broken up?” Steve smirks, earning a cold glare from Dal’s ice blue eyes. “It’s a shame. They were perfect together,” Johnny speaks up, fiddling with the frayed edges of his denim jacket. As Pony walks back inside, he sneers, “Darry was nicer when he was with y/n...now he’s just like he was when Mom and Dad died; cold and bitter.” Sodapop, still unfinished with the dishes, takes a seat on the edge of the couch and says, “Wish there was a way to get them back together, but Darry never wants to talk about it.” Darry, who has been listening from the hallway, enters the living room with a defeated expression and admits, “I’m open to ideas...I miss her.” 
Sodapop is the first to speak up, “You’ve gotta do something romantic, like bring her flowers and take her out somewhere real nice.” Darry walks over to his father’s chair and sits down, listening intently to the advice. “That’s too boring. He needs to surprise her, like in that one movie where the guy holds the stereo playing their favorite song,” Two-Bit suggests, his eyes still focused on the TV screen. “Why don’t you throw rocks at her window or something like that?” Dallas says as he feels around in his pockets for his carton of cigarettes. “You should also work on an apology - a real good one. You don’t wanna show up to her place with nothing good to say,” Johnny adds, knowing exactly what it’s like to get tongue-tied at the worst possible time. “You could invite her to the drive-in. They’re playing that one movie she really likes,” Ponyboy proposes. “Do y’all think this is all gonna be enough? What if she still doesn’t wanna get back together?” Darry worries, running a hand through his greased hair. “If she says no, we don’t want anything to do with her anymore,” Steve laughs, getting up to go to the kitchen. As the boys chuckle softly, Soda gives a comforting smile to Darry. This has to work.
-later that night-
As y/n tidies up the small kitchen in her apartment, she hears music coming from outside. Y/n recognizes the song, and stops scrubbing the counter tops for a moment. This was her and Darry’s song. It was the song that they had their first kiss to, the song that they would sing their hearts out to when they would drive together, and the song that they would dance to at midnight in the living room when everyone else was asleep. Y/n smiles as she reminisces, swaying her hips to the beat of the music. While washing her dishes, her window shatters, causing her to stop what she’s doing and grab a kitchen knife in case she would need to defend herself. “Damn it, Darry! I said a small pebble, not a fucking rock!” Dallas shouts, causing y/n to sigh loudly, setting the knife back down. “I didn’t mean to throw it that hard! I’ve told her plenty of times before that she needs to replace her windows, but she never listened!” Darry defends himself. She throws on a pair of shoes to avoid stepping on the glass, and stands at the window to look down at the group of greasers. Two-Bit stands beside Darry with a small radio at its highest volume, playing Darry and hers song. Darry holds a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers while Dallas walks back to Darry’s parked car where the rest of the boys watch anxiously from inside the coop and on the truck bed.
“What the hell are y’all doing?! And why the hell is my window shattered?!” y/n shouts. “Well, the window part was an accident, but that’s not why I’m here!” Darry begins as y/n stares with her arms crossed over her chest. Darry reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out note cards with his apology written out on them. Before he gets the chance to say anything, y/n’s neighbor’s window opens. An older man, about 70 years old, leans out and stares coldly at y/n before hissing, “Would you quiet down? Some of us are trying to get some sleep!” His window slams shut before y/n gets a chance to apologize. She storms out of her apartment and stomps down the old steps of her apartment building. 
As she steps outside, the cool autumn breeze greets her, causing her to cross her arms over her chest to keep warm. Darry and the rest of the gang greet her with hopeful smiles, but she most certainly does not share the same feelings at the moment. She keeps a distance between herself and Darry, keeping a stern expression before demanding, “Do you wanna tell me what the hell is going on?” Even with her stubborn expression and closed-off body language, Darry can’t help but smile dumbly at her fuming beauty. “I came to apologize,” Darry begins, completely ignoring his note cards that were carefully written out, with the help of Soda and Johnny, and placed in his jacket pocket before coming over to y/n’s apartment building. 
“I was a jerk and should’ve given you more attention when we were together. And, I shouldn’t have been so harsh with you when you were only trying to make things better. I really love you, but I know that I’m sometimes not the best at showing it. I want to be better and want to be with you, but I understand if you still need time...I’m really sorry, y/n,” Darry continues, causing y/n to drop her arms at her sides as a small start of a smile pulls the corner of her lips.
“Oh, and these are for you,” Darry says sweetly, handing the bouquet to y/n. She gladly takes the bouquet before wrapping her arms around Darry. Happily surprised, Darry holds y/n close to him before pulling back to kiss her gently. The boys cheer from the truck, causing Darry and y/n to share a laugh. As y/n rests her arms loosely around Darry’s waist, she sighs, “So how are we going to fix my window?” Darry throws his head back with a laugh before placing another kiss on y/n’s lips, remembering the taste and feeling of being in love.
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kennibean ¡ 5 years ago
Hi I was wondering if I could request something. Maybe like Johnny and the reader are hanging out w pony and something happens where they all get in trouble? Maybe a bit of angst?? Haha xx
Yes of course luv.
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Stealing is a Crime
The three of you were aimlessly walking through town, trying to stay out as long as you could before Pony had to go home. You came across the corner store. “You guys wanna see if we can snag some shit?” You asked them. You knew Johnny didn’t want to but would do it anyways. And you knew that Pony wanted to but didn’t want to get in trouble with Darry.
“Aw, come on Y/N. What if we get caught? Darry will kill me.” Pony said with Johnny looking at the ground. 
“Darry don’t gotta know. And besides, we won’t get caught. And even if we do I’ll take the blame and you can scurry on outta there.” Pony looked at you with unease while he was pondering his decision. “C’mon. It’ll be fun.” You said with one final glance at the two boys. 
“If we get caught you can just beat it outta there Pony.” Johnny finally spoke. 
“Alright.” Ponyboy gave in. 
“Cool.” You said. And you guys walked into the store, scoping out what you wanted to swipe. You walked across the store and stuffed a switchblade in your pocket. Along with some cigarettes and a few other random items. You were honestly really surprised that Ponyboy and Johnny--the most law abiding of the group--gave in. You didn’t see what the two boys grabbed, but you assumed Johnny grabbed cigarettes to calm his nerves. 
You walked around the store a little bit longer to make it seem like you were just looking at the merchandise. It finally came time to leave and the three of you were walking out of the store only to find a cop car or two waiting for you guys. One person must’ve had a slip up and the clerk called the police. Nothing any of you had was of any value except for the switchblade in your pocket.
You spotted the cop cars and shoved Pony in the opposite direction telling him to get away. He couldn’t get caught otherwise him and Soda would get thrown in a boys home. The red and blue lights flashed in your eyes and you turned around to see Johnny stuck frozen. “That means you too!” You said a little too loud and Johnny left to get home. You said you would take the blame if you got caught and you were. 
The cops approached you. “What seems to be the problem officers?” You asked in an innocent voice just for kicks. Next thing you know your hands are behind your back and getting cuffed. You got pushed into the cop car and they were driving you down to the station. Again. 
You arrived in the station and got thrown into the cell. “You get one call f-.” 
“I know what to do!” You cut the officer off. Then you dialed the number for the Curtis house, hoping that anyone but Darry answered the phone. You didn’t want to have to explain to him what happened.
The dial tone rang until a voice spoke over the phone. “Sodapop,” You let out a sigh of relief. “What do ya need?” 
“Hey Soda,” You started. “It’s Y/N. Look I got myself thrown in jail for the night. Can you make sure that Pony and Johnny are alright?” You asked hoping that there would be no further questions. 
“Yeah, uh, what happened?” He asked slightly frantic. 
“They’ll explain it to you. Just don’t tell Darry. Please. I don’t want Pony to get in trouble. It was all my idea.” 
“Alright.” Soda replied hesitantly. You crawled onto the hard bed that you had to sleep on and drifted off.
“Y/L/N!” A voice yelled. “Get up you’re outta here.” Frantically, you stood up and walked over to the cell door. The officer led you outside and you took off, headed for the Curtis house, dreading the wrath that would come for you. Sodapop couldn’t keep a secret, unless it was Steve’s secret he was keeping. On the way to their house, all the possible outcomes came rushing into your head. But none of them you wanted.
You pried the door open and walked in to find Darry sitting in his chair, just waiting for you. “What the hell were you thinking!” He shouted.
“Nice to see you too Dar.” You said, dreading what was about to come.
“‘Nice to see you too,’“ He mocked. “You could’ve gotten Pony thrown in a boys home for Christ’s sake!” 
“But I didn’t, now did I!” You shouted back. “I told him that if we got caught he needed to get out of there! Jesus Darry, let the kid have some fun for once. And it’s not like I killed anyone.” Your voice lowered at the end. You wanted anything more than to fight with Darry right now. Pain and tiredness flooded through your body from the awful bed you slept on last night.
“Stealing is still a crime! I just don’t want him to get arrested because he is hanging out with yo-”
“Then I’ll make sure he doesn’t get arrested. It’s fine Darry! Just let him have fun for once. He never does.” And then you left.
Oh my god. I struggled so hard with trying to come up with this so I had to consult people. This is not a good story and definitely not my best work. Sorry.
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staygoldangel ¡ 6 years ago
pairings: very soft dally x reader
trigger warnings: none
about: this is a little fic where you and Dally are in school, and are both in trouble at the same time lol. also you’re a Curtis sister, and it’s a lil bit angsty
“that’s it, Miss (Y/N) Curtis, go to the office!” Your very angry teacher yelled from the front of the room.
your cheeks burned as the entire class had turned to look at you. it wasn’t your fault! Two-Bit had been pestering you for the past twenty minutes, and you’d had enough. you had tolerated the whisper-shouted “Hey!”s, waving, and other annoyances. that is, until he started throwing paper airplanes. you had a hard enough time focusing in math anyway. your teacher was at least a million years old, and was so quiet and monotone you could fall asleep if you wanted.
“fine.” you stood up, slammed your chair into the desk, grabbed your things, and glared at Two-Bit as you exited the room. He only grinned and chuckled, looking satisfied. he leaned back in his chair, still watching you leave.
once you were out of the teacher’s sight, you stood a little bit outside the doorway and flipped Two-Bit off. you turned and started your walk of shame toward the office. you flipped your sunglasses down off of your head, and applied some more clear lip gloss. you wanted to keep your cool to the best of your abilities. it was decently hard, because you needed some time to cool off before facing your principal.
as you slowly walked through the halls, you took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. you looked out one of the windows. it was a beautiful day in Tulsa. it was late May, and school would be out very soon. the clouds were huge and fluffy, trees were full, and flowers were in full bloom. one thing you couldn’t help but notice was the sky. the stunning sky with all it’s brilliant shades of blue. the very same sky you had stared at your entire life. the sky your oldest brother, Darry, would yell at you to stop looking at because you had homework to do. the same sky you would watch change from day to night with your kid brother, Ponyboy. the same sky you watched for hours the night you heard your parents had died. the night you had cried with Sodapop for hours. you could’ve sworn the stars shone brighter that night then they ever did before. 
you tore yourself away from the window, continuing your walk. as the office came into view, you sighed. what is Darry gonna say this time? you would always be grateful Darry never leaned as hard into you as he did Pony. Pony had it real bad sometimes. you swore Darry would yell at him for breathing the wrong way. 
you flopped down into one of the hard, plastic chairs in the office. resting your chin on your palm, you look around. nothing out of the ordinary, except for one little detail. sitting across from you was the school’s bad boy. Dallas Winston. a pretty good friend of yours. he waved a little bit, then walked over to sit next to you. you always had the slightest crush on ‘ol Dal, but your brothers would have your head if you even thought of having a boyfriend. you looked up at him and smiled. 
“so doll, what are you in for?” he grinned.
you giggled a bit. “i was “disrupting class”, apparently.” you stuck your tongue out, mocking your teacher. “how about you?” you raised an eyebrow.
“i may or may not have threatened a kid with my switch.” he gave a dangerous smile. the same smile that had always made blush a bit.
“that’s rough. at least you don’t have an older brother that’ll ground you for a week.” you groaned. you loved your brother, but he could be a royal pain. “Two-Bit finally pushed me over the edge. i was yelling at him and crumpling up all his paper airplanes. of course i’m the one who gets in trouble.”
Dally laughed. you loved it when you made him laugh. and then, there was a minute where everything went still. Dally looked into your eyes, and he softened a little bit.
“y’know doll, you really do have pretty eyes.” he said quiet enough for only you to hear. 
your face burned. Dallas Winston, the Dallas Winston, flirting with you?!? you had decided there was no time like now. you were gonna make a move. now or never, right?
“hey Dal, i just wanna say that i rea-” you were cut off by the secretary.
“Miss Curtis, please report to Principal Smith’s office.” she pointed to a dimly lit room. 
“oh, um, yeah. ok.” you were flustered. as you got up, your hand brushed Dally’s. you looked back at him.
“Wait for me?”
your worries melted away, and so did your heart. you gave him a soft smile. you walked into the principal’s office, still love-drunk and smiling like an idiot. you tuned out most of the principal’s speech until he said, “i’m afraid i’m going to have to call your brother.” you swallowed hard. 
“Principal Smith, please! please don’t. it could have been worse...?” you grinned nervously. He only rubbed his temples and sighed.
“Miss Curtis, this has been the fifth time this month you’ve been called down for being disruptive! is there a certain student who has been bothering you?” you may have been mad at Two-Bit, but you were anything but a snitch. you guys had a strong bond, and a little thing like this was no reason to call him out. 
“no, i was just frustrated. i’m sorry, this won’t happen again.” you sighed, accepting the consequences.
“i understand. i’m still going to have to call your brother, however.” he explained to you. after around five more minutes, he let you go. you made your way back to Dally. 
“c’mon doll. let’s get out of here. the bell is gonna ring any second.” he handed you your bag.
“yeah, let’s go. im gonna have to find Pony and wait for Soda to pick us up. who knows when that’s gonna be.” you ran a hand through your hair.
“i’ll drive you home.” Dally put a hand on your shoulder. you smiled. 
“aw, thanks Dal! let’s find Pony.” you guys both left the office as the bell rang, and kids went running out of their classes. you both found Pony and Johnny, and they explained they were gonna hang out after school, and didn’t need a ride. it was just you and Dally.
the drive to your house was peaceful. it was small conversations and comfortable silence. the sun was still high in the sky. the fresh spring air filled your lungs and you relaxed. 
as you pulled up to your house, Dally lit a cigarette. “i’ll see ya later doll. say, do you wanna catch a movie sometime?” he asked nonchalantly. 
“yeah sure. tomorrow night at eight?” you tilted your head.
“i’ll pick you up then. night, honey.” he grinned. 
“g’night Dally.” you returned his grin with a cute little smile.
you had remembered the single word he told you as he drove away. the one little word that made your heart leap.
you opened the door to your house, putting your bag on one of the chairs.
“(Y/N) (M/N) Curtis! Get in the kitchen right now!” You heard Darry yell from the other side of the house.
Oh boy. 
Notes: EW WHAT IS THIS ENDING. this was wayyyyy longer than i intended im sorry. hope y’all liked my first fic.
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thegangismyfamily ¡ 8 years ago
Preference #10: Your favorite body part
What of his you play w/ when alone (like hands, hair, his ass)        
-Anonymous {Requested}
A/N: I’m surprised at how little time it took me to write this one. Also I didn’t include Tim because I didn’t want to repeat body parts. Anyways! thank you all for being so patient with me, I’m really trying to knock all these requests out, so I can reopen my inbox. <3 xoxo
Darry: His shoulders
 Hefting roof tiles and pipes had quite the strain on Darry, whether he wanted to admit that or not. But when he would come home and groan as he tugged off his shirt, you could see the bruises that spotted his abdomen and tenseness in his shoulders. So every couple days you’ll pat the bed for Darry to come lay down on his stomach, for one of your very famous and sensual back rubs.
Soda: His hair
Everyone was used to the incredibly happy and perky Soda, but only a select few people in his life got to see the anxious parts of him. Soda worried more than he would ever let on, about his family, his friends, where his life was going to take him, etc. And whenever he would get stuck in his head like that, he would always come to you. You always knew how to make him feel better and you always knew how to help unclutter his mind so he could think rationally. The way your gentle fingers tangled in his hair and slowly grazed through it, was enough to make the greaser melt in the palm of your hands. You would listen as he told you the worries and stress in his life, and you would listen as he would tell you about the deepest corners of his brain. You loved to play with his hair and loved the way his eyes would flutter shut as he laid his head in your lap or on your stomach and would just spill his heart out to you.
Pony: His hands
Pony tended to have a temper, despite being the youngest greaser in his gang. He lashed out and often got mouthy with Socs if they ever disrespected someone he cared about. On more than one occasion did you have to pull him away from a brewing fight and drag him home. You didn’t mind his temper, you didn’t mind his pride, but you did mind him almost getting himself beat up. Dragging Pony away from a fight wasn’t hard, it was talking Ponyboy down that was hard. So as you found out through your relationship is that physical reassurance really brought down his temper. So after you would pull him away from a fight, you would sit him down, lay your head down on his shoulder or in his lap, and slowly just tangle and untangle your fingers together. This worked when Pony needed comforting after Darry would yell at him, when Pony was feeling particularly stressed out, or for anything really where his emotions got out of hand.
Steve: His chest
Aside from Darry, Steve was the second most physically built guy in the group. Steve took pride in his muscled and toned body, but ironically the best part of being built, was the attention he got from you. Although you and Steve had shared a before, whenever you did, you never slept on a pillow. You would lay your head down on your boyfriends chest and listen to the beat of his heart and slowly trail your fingers down his defined muscles. It tickled, and sometimes your fingers would elicit a chuckle out of him, but the way your hands felt on his chest, made the tough greaser shiver under your touch.
Two-Bit: His thighs
Unlike Steve, he wasn’t particularly built and had no real intention to focus upon it, he liked the way he was, and so did you. You loved his soft stomach that wasn’t stiff from exercise and exertion. When you two were out and about, Two normally had his arm around you. But when he didn’t, you two would write secret messages on each other’s thighs with your fingers. You would trace “I love you” on his thigh and he would smile to himself and write it back yours. When it seemed like Two wasn’t paying attention, it was because he wasn’t, he was busy cracking stupid jokes and puns to you on your thigh. And while this was extremely cute to you two, his friends often found it irritating but endearing.
Dallas: His arms
Dallas had burns and scars from run-ins and gang fights, and while he allowed you to see the marks of them, he rarely would tell you the story behind them. When it was late at night and you two were lounging in bed, you would grab one of his arms that he had loosely lying on your waist, and trace the scars that scattered his skin. He hated the way you would be so gentle when you would touch his skin as though he would shatter under your touch.  He hated the way his heart would slam against his chest because he had never known such a gentle touch, and never believed that he was deserving of the understanding and unconditional love you showed him. He had scars that littered his chest and you knew it would be a while before he would tell you those, but you would settle to hear the stories that maimed his arms.
Johnny: His back
You were Johnny’s escape, there was no doubt about that. His home life was crappy, so when he would run out the house to avoid his fathers beatings, he would meet you at the lot. You knew there was nothing for you to do in that situation, but you could help make Johnny forget, even if it’s just for a moment. You would wrap your arms around Johnny from behind as he tried to hide his new black eye from under his hair. You would kiss down his back and lay your head on his shoulder, just wishing you could take away his pain. You would mumble sweet comments and tell him how much you loved him while peppering his back and his neck with kisses. On a couple occasions, Johnny was shirtless and you left little hickeys across his back, as a way to cancel out all the bruises that spotted his body. 
Cherry: Her ass
Despite Cherry wanting your relationship to remain a secret at school, she couldn’t say no to the little ass grabs you would go for when you knew none of her friends would catch on. The first time you did it, she whipped around so fast that her hair smacked her in her face. Her cheeks turned incredibly red when she saw who the culprit was and she closed her mouth that was open and ready to shout insults. She turned back around to her friends, waving off her sudden burst of anger. Soon enough it became a game between you two, grabbing each other’s ass when you least expect it.
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milkcartonbastard ¡ 8 years ago
A Not So Beautiful Thing
This is the second part of- http://luddlebubble.tumblr.com/post/162010957103/the-beginning-of-a-beautiful-thing
Warnings- Birth. I also know nothing about birth, so I’m going off of what I’ve seen on television…
Note- This is the part two to the first Darry X Reader where Darry’s lady-friend got preggers. I shouldn’t be allowed to name ANYTHING.
  Darry’s hand was spread out across your belly as you two slept. Your gigantic planet of a stomach was taking up most of the room in the bed, but Darry still insisted on sharing a bed with you. You were laying on your side and he was curled up next to you. It was sweet really.
  You had been woken up by small pains in your stomach. It was different then what it felt like with the babies kicking. It felt a bit like cramping. You screwed your face up and sat up. Darry moved with you. His eyes snapped open and he watched you carefully.
  “You gotta go to the bathroom, Y/n?” Darry asked. You gritted your teeth and shook your head. Darry’s eyes widened and he threw the covers off of himself. “Is it time?”
  “I think I’m having contractions. I think I’m going into labor!” You gritted your teeth as another contraction pulled your muscles. You’d noticed your stomach had been laying lower about a week before and that was always the first sign of labor. Oh, you knew it was coming. At least you’d carried until the nine month mark.
  “I’ll wake everyone up and start the truck!” Darry was yanking his pants on and stuffing his socked feet into shoes. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and turned on the lamp before trying to stand. Darry was hollering at the boys to wake up. Johnny, with sleepy eyes and messy hair, walked into your room and helped you wobble out of the room. You were cradling the bottom of your bump.
  The entire gang had decided to stay over at the Curtis house when you’d reached 38 weeks pregnant. You were, now, about 40 to 41 weeks. Well, that didn’t seem to matter now that labor was starting.
  “Oh, shit.” The words followed the sound of the screen door slamming shut. Darry was in the front of the house looking extremely frightened. His face was pale and Two-Bit didn’t look too alright either. You paused slightly and looked at Darry carefully.
  “What’s wrong?” Your mind began to go into hyper drive. Darry pointed over his shoulder and you looked. A white substance had overtaken everything with a different color. It was above the porch’s steps and the truck looked submerged. You felt your knees begin to buckle.
  “There’s five and a half feet of snow and it’s the middle of the night. The roads are covered and we’re snowed in.” Darry’s pale face made sense now.
  “And I’m in labor. Oh my god.” You were ushered to the couch. As soon as you sat down another contraction hit and it was worse than the first couple. You grabbed onto the arm of the couch and breathed in deeply instead of screaming.
  “You’re having contractions?!” Ponyboy’s eyes were wide and he looked wild.
  “Of course she is! Why do you think we’re trying to get her to the hospital?” Dallas exclaimed. Pony shook his head violently.
  “No! When was your last contraction? Besides the one you just had?” Pony asked. Everyone was watching you and Pony with tense bodies.
  “Less than two minutes.” You stated softly. Pony looked at Darry with a serious look. You could see the gears turning in the youngest Curtis’ head. He scoffed and motioned to you.
  “She would have given birth in your truck. You wouldn’t have made it to the hospital even without the snow.” Pony stated and began to shift his weight from one foot to the other.
  “Aargh!” You gripped the couch’s arm and gritted your teeth. Someone’s hand was on your shoulder and another grabbed your free hand.
  “What do we do?” Soda asked urgently. You breathed out once the contraction ended and tried to relax against the back of the couch.
  “We’re birthing the babies.” You stated dryly. You heard seven people gulp suddenly and simultaneously.
  “We don’t know how!” Steve exclaimed. You shot him a look and then looked to Pony. Pony was counting on his fingers and mumbling. You knew a plan when you saw one.
  “Okay! We need towels, hot water, scissors, blankets, and rags!” Pony exclaimed and everyone scattered. “And coffee! Alright, we need to move her to a bed? She can’t give birth on the couch, man.”
  Johnny and Darry helped get you to Darry’s room. They pulled the sheets off of the bed and helped you onto it. You rested your head against the headboard. Oh, god. It was really happening. It was really time. Darry held your hand as you had to pull your pants off. You did and let the large shirt, it was Darry’s old one, cover your body down to your thighs.
  “Alright, got the towels, blankets, and rags.” Two-Bit rushed into the room and plopped them down onto the foot of the bed. He pushed two rolled up towels under the bend of your knees and stuffed pillows behind your back. You were sitting up now and holding your stomach. It felt bad already and you weren’t even pushing yet.
  “Aghh!” You clutched Darry’s hand and started breathing through another contraction. It lasted a hell of a lot longer than the other ones. Soda brought a bowl of hot water into the room and put it on the nightstand beside the bed. He took your free hand and began rubbing your right shoulder. You exhaled once the contraction ended.
  “Alright, let’s get started!” Pony walked in the room and his face immediately turned pink. His ears were like little beacons. You suppressed a yell as another contraction tore into you. You were in pain, to say the least.
  “What’s wrong, Pony?” Soda asked. Darry turned his attention to his youngest brother. Pony hesitated and pointed to your legs. They’d thrown a blanket over your legs so you didn’t have to feel so exposed.
  “You need to check and see how far she’s… dilated.” Pony stated. Another contraction hit and the two boys by your side couldn’t move.
  “Check and see, Pony. We’re stuck here,” Darry squeaked out. Your knuckles were white from clutching their hands so hard. Pony made his way to the foot of the bed quickly. You were in the middle of a contraction and didn’t care. The other boys, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, and Dally were standing in the doorway by the upper part of the bed. They watched apprehensively as you braced through your muscles pulling together.
  “She is,” Pony lifted the blanket up slightly and squinted through his embarrassment. “About five centimeters dilated. I think she’s supposed to start pushing at four?”
  “No! You push at 10 centimeters, Ponyboy!” You exclaimed as you exhaled and relaxed a bit. Soda and Darry exhaled with you. Ponyboy nodded and fixed the blanket to cover you again.
  “Oh, yeah. We might have a while to wait then.” Ponyboy walked toward the nightstand with a rag he’d grabbed from the end of the bed. He rung the water out and placed it on your forehead and he placed another one behind your neck. It felt really unreal that your twin babies were about to be delivered in the Curtis house by a gang of rowdy (wonderfully, of course) greasers.
~~~Time skip a few hours~~~
  “Dammit, Pony. Check!” Johnny shouted. Pony, red in the face again, checked to see how far along you were. His eyes widened and he raised up quickly.
  “She’s about 10 centimeters. She can push now!” Pony exclaimed. The boys started chattering in the doorway excitedly. You groaned horribly and clutched Dallas and Steve’s hands. Darry and Soda had called a break for themselves since you’d nearly broken their hands. They were hoping some of the snow had melted and that they could get you to a hospital. It was warmer, but there seemed to be more snow than earlier. It was a blizzard out there. The first snow storm of the year and it decided to happen at the same time as your labor.
  “Alright, are you ready?” Steve asked. You nodded and sat up a little bit more. Sweat was running down the sides of your face and you were ready to get the babies out of you and into the world.
  “Alright, Y/n, push.” You rolled your shoulders back and began to push. You felt movement, like a baby was being pushed into the world. It hurt like hell. It felt like you were pushing a watermelon out of your body. It was excruciating, yet it was the only way.
  “I see the baby’s head! I see the-” Pony’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed onto the floor. You screamed out in pain and someones hands were placed on your knees. You looked up and saw Two-Bit and Johnny at the foot of the bed. Steve had let go of your hand and was pulling Pony into the hall. You felt yourself fold up and you pushed more. The baby was lodged, almost.
  “I can’t push anymore! Something’s wrong!” You cried out the words, red in the face. Johnny looked at the crowning baby.
  “I can see the top of the head. I think the shoulders have jammed the movement. Try to push!” Johnny patted the top of your knee and you ground your teeth. You tried to push, but it was like you were being torn open. You grabbed Johnny’s arm an pulled him close to your face.
   "That is not how it works.“ You growled. Johnny’s eyes widened and he began to blush and his mouth moved up and down, but no words came out. "Now, you are going to put your hands inside of me and pull this wonderful fucking miracle out of me.”
  “Yes, Y/n.” Johnny grabbed for the baby’s head. He rotated the shoulders and the baby just slide out. It wailed and you felt it kick you in the thighs a bit. Two-Bit was just staring at the baby with wide eyes. You groaned and sat up a bit more. You could see the baby moving between your legs.
  Two-Bit snapped out of it and pulled out his switch blade. He grabbed the umbilical cord and separated it so the baby could be moved. Darry was ready with a blanket nearby. He swaddled the baby and held it close.
  “It’s the girl. One more to go, Y/n Curtis. One more!” Darry was crying softly and rocking the baby in his arms. Soda was whooping from the doorway, Steve and Dallas were patting your shoulders, Johnny was recuperating himself with a sip of his coffee, Two-Bit was cleaning his switchblade, and Pony was still unconscious.
  “Take deep breaths and then we’re going to push again.” Johnny placed his hands on your knees and you took in a few more breaths. You started to push again. You were screeching as you felt movement again. Johnny was ready this time and rotated the baby’s shoulders. This one didn’t cry. You didn’t feel any tiny feet kick you and it was like the world was holding it’s breath.
  You sat forward and tugged your hands free. You picked up the baby carefully and started patting it. Maybe it was choked up or maybe it was just unaware. You felt something tugging at your chest as the quiet of the room continued.
  “Y/n…” Soda’s voice was thick and cracked. You were crying now, too hard to do anything. Dallas took the baby from your hands and patted it like he was trying to burp it. A hiccup sounded out and wailing began to sound throughout the room. The baby boy was crying.
  “It’s a boy, in case you didn’t know.” Dallas said with a roll of his eyes. You were sobbing happily as Two-Bit cut the umbilical cord with his switch blade.
  “What happened to the scissors?” You asked. Two-Bit grinned broadly and patted your knee.
  “We couldn’t find any. I improvised.” You laughed and saw Darry start making his way toward you. The blanket was across you legs now and you were leaning against the bed. You felt exhausted, honestly. Darry gave you your daughter and let you hold her. The boys were all sitting on the bed, piled around you.
  “Well, what are the names?” You grinned as you looked down at your daughter. Darry was looking down at your son. You motioned for him to come closer. You whispered the name you liked for the girl and he whispered the one he liked for a boy. You both nodded at each other.
  “For our girl- Ophelia Jellybean Curtis.” Darry stated. The room nodded in agreement. “We can call her Beans for short.”
  They all looked to you. You smiled and licked your chapped lips. “For a boy- Bellamy Chase Curtis.”
  Everyone was all smiles and giggles. Ponyboy was starting to stir in the hallway outside. You remembered grabbing Johnny and gave him a side hug. He tensed before hugging you back. “Sorry for being rude earlier. Birth does that to a person, I guess. You alright?”
  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just delivered two babies at the age of sixteen. I kinda feel… good. Thanks for getting pregnant, Y/n.” Johnny stated. You pursed your lips and glanced toward Darry.
  “That was all Darry’s doing. I just laid there.” You laughed at Darry’s ruby red face. Johnny laughed behind his hand. Dallas coughed and broke you out of your laughing.
  “Next time you conceive your children, make sure that the birth isn’t on a snow day. Honestly, guys.” Dallas stated and the room agreed. He was wiggling Jellybean’s toes, which caused her to kick him. He grinned mischievously. He cooed at her and threw his tough guy reputation out of the window.
  “Happy Birthday, you two.” Uncle Soda smiled as he was given Bellamy to hold. A nice and tired chorus of Happy Birthday was sang throughout the room. You looked at Darry and kissed him sweetly. He smiled behind your lips, his stubble scratching your chin.
  “I love you, Y/n.” He sighed and you handed Beans to Johnny. Two-Bit had already called dibs for next. You kissed Darry’s nose and relaxed against the headboard.
  “I love you too, Darry.”
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imlostinsantacarla ¡ 8 years ago
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Not my gif. Gif credit goes to the amazing creators!
Anonymous said:Headcanons for being Darry, Soda and Pony's sister would include please?
A/N: Heya lovely! I’m so happy to have been able to do this one! I love this fandom so much and I love the Curtis boys sooo much! Thank you for blessing our ask box with your request, it means so much! Hope you enjoy this! - Admin Kat 💟
Being the Curtis’s Sister Would Include:
- Do comprehend how protective your brothers are going to be of you? They don’t care if you’re older or younger, you’re the baby of the family (even to Ponyboy).
- You’ll never walk anywhere on your own, okay? Either themselves or one of themselves will accompany you you.
- NO BOYFRIENDS! They know what guys can be like and not even the gang will allow you, either.
- If you’ve got shorts on, you’re gonna be heckled to put some pants on and cover up like a nun.
- You’d be spoiled. They’ll find a way to do it, believe me. (Note: Being spoiled doesn’t always mean material wise.)
- They WON’T tolerate the boys (or any other boys, for that matter) whistling at you or anything of that sort. 
- The boys would flirt with you just to joke around.
- Pony would always bring you to movies with him.
- “I swear, it’s a two minute walk to the drug store, Pony.” you’d insist persistently.
- “Yeah well, there’s another movie comin’ up that I’ve been meanin’ to watch...” Ponyboy would grumble out vigilantly and with red ears.
- “Wow! Get you, kid!” You’d grin incredulously, messing up his tuff hair. “When did you get so into girls? Or are you just listenin’ to Dar?” You’d taunt him.
- “Shut up...” he’d gripe.
- Sodapop would be the shoulder that you cry on, the brother who understands nearly everything that you’re going through.
- “S-Soda?” you called, half of your body stuck in the bathroom. “Can you come here for a minute?” your voice is quiet, but Soda senses it, shooting looks at Two-bit who makes comments.
- “What’s up?” he hums, brushing past you and into the bathroom. There’s kindness swelling in his eyes.
- “Can you get some lemon juice from the store and some uh... lady stuff?” you stare at your jeans, stained red on the floor and the feeling of being abashed swarms you. It’s almost suffocating.
- It doesn’t take Soda long to catch on, but when he does he has a kind smile. “Sure thing kid, I’ll get Darry to guard the door for ya from the knuckleheads in there.” he states like any big brother would. “I get this all the time with Sandy, so I ain’t embarrassed.” he says, getting ready to leave the bathroom. “And neither should you.”
- Darry being your protector.
- “You don’t understand!” you barked after him, heading to your room, slamming doors and such as you tirade through your house.
- “To hell I do!” Darry shouts back, stilling the boys in the house. “I don’t give a hang if Tim Shepard claimed to be the Pope, he ain’t goin’ out with you and that’s that! You can be friends with him, but he’s keeping his hands off of you! I swear to God, if I hear even a damn rumor that you two hook up, kiss in a parking lot in the North Pole or hold hands in an old folks home, I’ll belt him so hard he’ll be left half dead. You hear me?!” Darry’s word was the law, ain’t nobody go against.
- “He’s not like tha-” you whirl around to challenge him but Darry wouldn’t here it.
- “You can bet my boots and even Dallas’s boots that he’s exactly like that. There’s one thing that guys want nowadays! I know Tim’s good to us with a rumble, a good buddy of Dal’s, but if I can prevent my sister from hooking up with someone that’ll get her into trouble, you can bet your boots I will!”
- The gang all being brother’s to you.
- Like forreal, even Johnny would get tense if a guy comes near you.
- “Well buddy, I’d like to think you’re admiring that sign over there, because this chick is off limits, you hear?” Two-bit would drawl on, surprisingly serious.
- You’d totally know how to fight and would play fight with the guys, but they’d let you win, - even Dallas! -.
- Sometimes wishing that you had a sister, but loving your brothers regardless.
- The boys watching their language around you.
- You use any bad language and you’re grounded for life!
- When and if you ever get jumped, you’ll have most of the neighborhood hacking through the city to find whoever the hell hurt you.
- The gang and your brothers crashing all of your dates.
- “I hope you’re not thinking of hooking up with her, buddy. Her brother’s the size of Superman and will wring your neck out like a towel.” Two-bit would grin into your dates ear.
- “And why the hell should I ca-”
- “Because, if you don’t,” Dallas drops into the seat beside your date, the gang scattered around, looking all tough, “I’ll be the one digging your grave. You want it six feet deep or a little deeper? Because I sure as hell don’t want you crawling out.” he’d spit menacingly.
- Bringing Darry lunch on the weekends and any guy who looks at you is a goner! Darry will flex his muscles and have them running!
- Hanging out with Steve and Soda at the DX, getting free Cokes.
- The battle of Coke and Pepsi with Ponyboy.
- “I swear, Coke is sooo much better!”
- “That’s not true and you know it!”
- Strict rules not to go to Buck’s and if you’re found there by Dal, you’re in for some talking to...
- Two-bit and Dallas always pretending to be your boyfriend when people hit on you.
- Being the only girl that Johnny isn’t scared of.
- “Who knew you had a way with the quiet one’s, (Y/N).” Two-bit would tease.
- You’re going to get relentlessly teased all the time but it’ll be made up in other ways.
- Steve giving you free rides all the time.
- “At least you’re not a drag like Pony.” Steve would compliment you.
- “Oooh get you, threatened by a fourteen year old!” you’d grin.
- Anyone who breaks your heart is freaking dead!
- Being close to Evie.
- Dallas telling you stories about New York and keeping you away from idiots like Curly Shepard.
- Infinite piggy back rides.
- You getting a job so Darry has some help with the bills.
- Arguing with Darry a lot but he cares about you and you know it.
- Watching sunsets with Ponyboy and doing other things he likes.
- Sodapop going with you everywhere and always understanding you.
- Wrestling matches with Two-bit, to which you cheat all the time.
- Being tickled all the time and chased.
- Knowing how to do back flips and if it’s something you wanna do, going onto the cheer leading squad.
- Always getting to be on Darry’s team for football.
- “You’re such a girl, (Y/N)!” Steve or Dallas would tease.
- “I’ll make you a girl!” you’d throw your fist in the air and make them laugh.
- Getting off with quite a lot, but always taking up the blame for Pony because you think Darry is too tough on him.
- Saving up secretly to help Darry go to college.
- Pranking everyone all the time and being yelled at for it but they get over it. But it does start a pranking war!
- “Alright, who the hell put my socks in the ice box? They’re soggy now!” Sodapop would snap, only for you and Two-bit to giggle like school girls.
- “You guys are nuts!” Pony would grin.
- Borrowing your brothers shirts (part from Darry’s, unless you’re in desperation bc he’s huge!).
- “Okay, who took my sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off?” Ponyboy would call, as it was the last clean shirt he had.
- “It ain’t much of a sweatshirt now, is it?” you’d say, parading in with the sleeveless sweatershirt in name on.
- “I swear to God!” Pony would yell. “You’ve gotta stop doin’ this! I’m gonna end up goin’ to school stark naked!”
- “Well, I have a shirt with daisy’s on if you’d like?” you’d offer jokingly.
- If you ever forget a jacket, you’ll be bundled up with the gang’s.
- “It’s thirty degree weather out!” you’d retort indignantly.
- “Well, it get’s cold out later on and if you don’t bring a jacket, Two-bit’ll be freezing his nipples off!” Darry would bark back.
- Being the baby of the gang and of the family and being so cared about. You may not have the material world, but you’ve got love and family, and you’re so grateful for that.
Please keep requesting imagines! If you like it, please follow more.
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dakattackkk ¡ 8 years ago
Imagine that you’re walking home one day, and some Socs stop you, giving you a bit more than a beating. The gang finds you after you didn’t come home
Usually, you walked home with either Pony or Johnny, but today, both were busy with school things. As a result of this, you decided to take an alternate route home.
It was actually a nice day, which you enjoyed. You could wear shorts and a t-shirt and not feel stuffy.
Anyways, you were walking with a bounce in your step. For once, you’re alone. You could handle yourself, but Darry insisted. Honestly, you could care less what Darry says. Sure, you’re his sister, but you don’t need a chaperone EVERYWHERE you go. And, who wants to stay after school any longer than needed?
You weren’t too far from your home when a voice called out to you. “Yo Greaser whore, whatcha doin’ walkin’ all by your lonesome?”
You growled in annoyance and started to walk faster. “If you’re tryna scare me, it ain’t workin’ ya dirty Socs.”
“Oo-ho. She’s quite the sasser.” The same voice laughed. “Get ‘er boys.” He ordered. Just like that, two Socs grabbed your arms, and another grabbed your waist to keep you in place. Then, a hand roughly pulled at your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “Wow. What a beaut’. How ‘bout we have some fun?” He questions.
You snort. “In your dreams.” You hiss, spitting in his face.
“Agh! You bitch!” He shouts, dropping your chin and wiping his face. He glares at you, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.” He snarled, pulling out a blade.
Your breath hitched as he pointed the blade at you.
“Look, not so cocky now, are we whore?” He sneered. “Now you have two choices, you come with us for some fun, or we mess up your pretty little greaser face.” He says, motioning to his three other friends.
“I’d rather die than do anything with you monsters.” You spit out.
The Soc shook his head. “Suit yourself.” He chuckled darkly, swiping the blade across your cheek.
You gasped as you felt the blood trickled down your face.
The three holding you dropped their hands/arms from you. You looked around to find an escape, but found none. All four of the Socs surrounded you, one on each side of you.
“Shit” You cursed as the Soc behind you kicked you down. Throwing out your hands, you scraped your palms on the sidewalk. Three feet were kicking at your ribs and feet while a hand was throwing punches upon your back. Along with the punches, one of the Socs , you assumed the one that cut your cheek, started cutting your back. You tried to scream, but one of the three pulled you up by your hair and covered your mouth.
“Nah ah ah.” He scolded. “You can’t go alarmin’ no one“ He smirked, punching you in the face. Once again, blood trickled down your face. You winced at the pain, but refused to cry.
After awhile of them simply beating you, one of them decided to slip a hand on an off limits place down below. You gasped as you felt two hands pull at your shirt. This is when you started to cry. 
“Aw look boys, we made the whore cry.” The one that started this whole thing said.
The Socs had left awhile ago, but you had no energy to get up and move. They had left you completely naked aside from your bra and panties, but you had pulled on your shirt in attempt to cover up. The tears just wouldn’t stop. You felt dirty. You felt violated. Those damn Socs had taken something from you that could never be replaced.No more dignity was left in you. Going home wasn’t an option, you were just so tired and achy. To say the least, you were terrified, shaking wildly, your (Your Hair color) hair all messed up. You weren’t even sure what time it was. It was sometime in the evening, you knew that because you could see the sunset. Leaning your head against the wall, you closed your eyes and just sobbed.
Not much could be heard. The occasional car would whiz by, not even knowing you were just inches inside the alley.
“(Y/N)!” You perked up as you heard voices call.
‘It’s my imagination’ You thought sullenly. That is, until you heard it again, except closer.
You just groaned loudly as you sat up straight.
“Golly! (Y/N)!” You heard the voice of one of your older brothers, Soda, call out.
“What happened? Who did this? Why are you only in your shirt?” You heard Darrel ask angrily.
You opened your eyes and looked into Darry’s eyes. “Socs…” You said quietly, tearing up. “They… They jumped me… and… and…”
“And what?” Dallas hissed.
“AND DID THINGS, ALRIGHT?!” I yelled, my voice raspy. “Bad things…They… They touched me…” I sobbed into Soda’s chest. “They touched me, and went beyond.” I shook in Soda’s grasp.
Realization had struck the boys. They raped her. Mixed emotions ran threw the group. Anger and sadness were a few, but guilt was the largest. No one was there to help you. The guilt hit Darry, Pony and Johnny the most. Pony and Johnny were usually responsible for walking you home, but they were busy and you insisted that you would be fine. Darry knew the boys had to stay late, but he had to work. He should’ve left early to pick you up.
“We’ll kill ‘em” Dally, Two, and Steve hissed. Anger coursed through them. It hurt to see you so weak and broken, scared. All they wanted to do was hurt the ones who dared to lay their hands on you. They wanted to make them suffer.
All that ran through Soda was sadness. He just hated seeing his sister so hurt. It made him sad to even look at you. Your cut and bruised face, swollen legs and arms brought him to tears.
All of them loved you like a sister. And together, they would vow to protect you. Whoever tried to lay their hands on you would have to go through them. Those who already had, well, the gang still hasn’t made up their mind if they’re to live any longer. All that is known, no matter what, you’ll always have a someone to comfort you and fix you up.
So like, this was my first imagine, and I’m sorry it sucked and was looonngg. ;-; I’ll try better I promise! But anyways, I hope y’all enjoyed!! Don’t forget to request anything you want to see in the future
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