#so thats my hypothesis
ghostsense · 5 months
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ive been thinking about it too hard
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manebioniclegali · 7 months
"sugar highs don't exist!" have you considered that maybe tiny bodies aren't equipped to handle the amount of sugar shooting through their veins????
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m00ngbin · 7 months
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See that cat? That cat is me RIGHT NOW
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About Sanae
Alright, so Sanae Kochiya
Is known to have been a geek as a human in the outside world (referencing pop culture often in multiple of her appearances)
Has very specifically been shown to be into science-related fiction (her interest in aliens in UFO, her absolute joy at being able to go to the moon, her Soku story involving her thinking that Hisotensoku is a giant robot)
Is a noted eccentric
Used to read "occult magazines" when she was young around the turn of the century (Vs. Patchouli win dialogue, Soku) These things we know about her factually
We also know that in the outside world (our world)
American comic books have a niche in Japan (they are not sold in all book stores and the more fashionable shops that sell them sell them in English for the art [Justin Sevakis w/ ANN, 2018])
Most Japanese people who read comics read comics from the Big 2 (Marvel, DC)
At some point, American comics were serialized in Japanese magazines (Justin Sevakis w/ ANN, 2018)
There was a huge boom in extreme/grimdark themes and tropes in 90s American comics
Spider-Man antagonist Michael Morbius had a solo run starting in 1992
Thus, we can infer
Sanae, as an eccentric and a nerd, has probably read some American comics
Sanae would have been reading comics from the Big 2
Sanae, who read magazines in the 90s, could have read those comics in the 90s (if not through magazines, then through collected editions)
Sanae would probably lean more into Marvel, as Marvel is heavy on sci-fi elements
Sanae would be in the middle of the era of 90s grimdark
Leaning more Marvel, Sanae would definitely had read Spider-Man if she read western comics
What I'm saying is, there is a non-zero chance that Sanae Kochiya has read Morbius, The Living Vampire (1992). Now, her opinions of Morbius, at least in my opinion, depends on when she started reading/what issues she read, but that doesn't change the fact that the chance that she has knowledge of Morbius exists.
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garbashedump · 7 months
what if they were human?
kay kay kay so i was thinking what would the bugs loook like if they we in a human form or like in a disguse similar to scrabby and this is what i got:
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I was also thinking hmm.... well beetles are one of the most diverse species in the world and literally I watched a video talking about how they collected beetles for a sample in the wild and out of those beetles they discovered 7 new species. Soooooo I was like what if they were different races instead?
honestly, I'd be so funny bc of how Scrabby is ginger and he just starts singing the Animaniacs song if someone asks his race
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its literally just this lol
also I did as much research as I could ofc :p
Also one with the pink/green eyes (Popstar) belongs to @chaosaliien and the one with purple eyes (Stella) belongs to @liqu3d
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caffeinatedopossum · 7 months
I was just thinking "why do all the cis men I meet act like they have depression" and then I realized that's the lack of anxiety that I'm sensing. Don't get me wrong- they DO have depression. We kind of all do. It's just I'm not used to seeing depression without anxiety and it's kind of jarring
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 months
i think beastzais just like that cause he hasnt been pegged
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
another post inspired by the bad books book club but it's kind of concerning how a lot of popular YA books these days feature a huge power imbalance and don't like. make it clear that it's unethical and because these are popular with teenage girls it makes me concerned that they're internalizing these messages.
like the love hypothesis for example, which i have actually read and hated so fucking much, the main romance is between a phd candidate and one of the professors at her grad school. while they make it clear that he's not her advisor and can't be on her doctoral advising committee or whatever, he's in the same department first off and can still hold power over olive and in real life that could very very quickly turn sour because of the power imbalance. he very much still has power over her in ways she might not realize yet.
and then you look at......... well everything coho. like in verity the main character is sleeping with her agent which is UNETHICAL and could very very easily lead to a lot of business problems!!!! like you cant fucking do that and there's a reason why its looked down upon for agents to be romantically/sexually involved with clients. because the agent has power over the client. and while i think a fully grown 30 something adult can tell when something is just fantasy, younger adults are much much more impressionable to this kind of stuff. i'm saying this as 22yo college undergrad and i'm not immune to this either, but i'm aware of when i need to step back and ask myself what a text is saying and what it wants me to think because i've cultivated those skills. fresh 18yos who are still in high school and have had most of their high school career online or completely fucked with because of covid might not.
you can have books aimed at young adults that don't involve this type of harmful messaging romanticizing the power imbalance between characters. i see the way people talk about colleen hoover romantic leads and relationships and it's so worrying because nothing in any coho book is romantic and the romantic leads in all these books are like the brooding bad boy stereotype dialed up to abusive and people find it hot and attractive when it should be a massive red flag instead. young adults deserve better books.
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xietydhd · 6 months
This might be niche, but there is nothing quite like the pain of hearing someone talk about your dedicated field of study and get the facts so, so, so wrong,,, like please,,,,you arent right at all,,,,please no,,,you just regurgitated something you read somewhere on the internet and its not right
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unganseylike · 6 months
one of my roommates is a fan of modern family which is just like. ive never met anyone who would consider themselves a modern family fan. so its like. bit strange but whatever. now though she is getting into big bang theory and i feel like i cannot let this progress further.
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kittykatinabag · 7 months
My illness addled brain has come up with the dumbest answer as to why I one, keep getting sick despite doing literally nothing to warrant it, and two, don't seem to be getting better in a meaningful way:
The climate control in my parents house.
For the past 6 years I haven't had the means to constantly run my heat and/or AC (when I had it) to maintain my living spaces. I relied mostly on windows when it was warm, and the heating when it was cold (and even then only to a temperature that's comfortable in long sleeves, pants, and occasionally socks and a blanket).
But here?
My dad (and my mom but mostly my dad) has the heat set to start going when the temperature dips below 60 degrees F. Sometimes even higher if he's cold working. The windows and screen doors are closed 80-90% of the time, even in good weather. I get shit from them for having my room's window open on days where it's low 60s and slightly breezy. Even though that's perfect open window weather.
All this climate control also makes the air so fucking dry. I'm drinking so much water (probably too much) and I still feel like I'm thirsty, and my skin is a travesty because I keep forgetting to lotion after I shower and when I wake up. All the closed doors and windows make the air here so stagnant.
Yeah I should probably go outside more. But then the stink of asphalt and cars is around unless you hike, which is a minimum 30 minutes commitment for the trail behind my house and minimum 2.5 hour commitment for the actual hiking trails that get far enough away from the roads to actually smell like nature again. And I am a tired and sick person at the moment, so that's not super feasible even if I wanted to get out.
Logically this probably isn't the answer but my god it's been almost constant coughing and new symptoms coming up since I landed here that I'm running out of logic to base anything on anymore.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
I love the idea that Chrollo goes through a dram book you have and reads all your dreams- from good ones to weird to bad ones
Bc I had a dream: me and a group of friends was at a food court and they decided to make me order for them bc I’m “mom” and so I go up to this place and I try to order and the cashier-
Cashier: you like the hooba, doopa, bluba, boopa, soopa
Me: 👁️👄👁️ sure??
Cashier: ok the wooper, twoobter, hoober, snoober
Me:…the whooba cares??
Cashier: oh the special with the qoobrr bloop blooper
Me: uh hooba toopa coolpa
Casier: tooba wooba boob beep beep
At this point we were saying whatever this is and slowly we both spun around and some reason I spun so quick I ended up spinning to a different universe where everyone was a care bear character
And then watch Chrollo try to desepct and analyze these dreams
- moonie
Dreams are weird. Once I had a dream where I was being hunted by demidogs in my neighbourhood and when I was finally eaten alive, I raised my head up in class to my math teacher scolding me for already knowing a topic. It's safe to say I woke up in cold sweat
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prapuna · 9 months
aaaaaaugh. pain ramble
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tchaikovskym · 1 year
today's mantra is not all my ideas are stupid not all my ideas are stupid not all my ideas are stupid
#im like. kind of chickening out of my own ideas for my phd#bc like. what if im wrong#but thats the point of science#but im chickening from telling them to my advisor#but the thing is im so focused on my idea and i just keep on finding that it is not actually been researched#or maybe it was in like 1967 but i wouldnt know lol#i would. i would.#i would do lit research but i cant do lit research now#well i can but what would be the point if i turned out wrong#thats why i have my advisor#and im afraid to go to her and bare my little curious heart of my hypothesis and what id like to find#the first barrier is cortisol sampling. i want that. i dont know if we can have that. i should ask. but idk idk idk.#if we cant. we cant.#i dont feel like im qualified now. like im a big girl! and im afraid that im going to be right! imagine what would that do to my ego#but imagine if i was wrong! i would not want to come out of my cave ever!#but you know. if i fail. i fail.#i will send her an email soon. about my idea. like vague idea. and ask if that would be possible.#she will find out im actually crazy and deranged#and idk if its a good thing or not#oh boy my advisor has no idea what kind of gremlin i am and she even asked me to work in their lab#like girl. im a menace.#no actually not all my current coworkers dont want me to leave because im actually okay at my job#but im out of sanity. like im deranged. im not normal about science. its like a blorbo but real#oh man oh man decisions decisions all of them wrong
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kirnet · 2 years
Eight Nine sentence sunday
I was tagged by @girlbosselrond last week and @lavampira now! Tagging @lvllns @ejunkiet @mrs-theirin and whoever has something else to share!
“I don’t know. Either our timeline is wrong, in which case decomposition should be much farther along, or-”
“Or it’s a pathogen,” Dorotea whispered, the hairs on her neck standing up. Two pairs of eyes slid over to the cadaver’s slightly-parted mouth, where no doubt more pond flora and fauna were hidden. She was now painfully aware of the sign on the lab door that warned against bringing edible items inside, just as she was painfully aware of the two steaming mugs of coffee and half-eaten muffins that sat on each desk. The taste of blueberry greeted her as she ran her tongue over her teeth. “Good lord.”
“You don’t think it’s airborne, do you?” Even as he spoke, Dorotea could tell that Verda had arrived at the same conclusion she had.
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
I just realized why ADHD meds don't do anything to me at all
My doctor told me last year that I actually produce TOO much dopamine, but my brain doesn't process it. It like....blocks it off to prevent it from overflowing into my mind? Idk. That's what the lady told me after all those brain scans.
So of course, something that raises your dopamine levels won't do shit if your brain ignores it :/
And my serotonin receptors are straight up dead, so SSRIs have never worked either, even after 7 years of trying every one they have
My brain is literally broken
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