#so that could be interesting once i can actually properly learn all that lol
Pog af confirmation today my gallery event bartending will now be paid instead of volunteer
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twisted-king · 4 months
Hello! Since you also write genshin, I've thought about reader or F!S/O being from Teyvat. But that isnt really the main point. How 'bout their F!S/O is from Sumeru and is strictly bestfriends with Cyno and Alhaitham. How would Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil feel about their F!S/O having boy bestfriends back at her world? Maybe if they're jealous, reader tries to comfort them by saying that Alhaitham is engaged(to Kaveh)XD Lol
You dont have to do this if its to much♡
Oddly specific but I like the cut of your jib!
Also can be read as genter neutral, I don't reall mention gender on this one?
Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil X F!SO from Teyvat
who is also besties with Cyno and Alhaitham
Trey Clover
Well youre from a whole different world! Magic seems to exist in some capacity at least.
He doesn't know what a Zatyun peach or a Sunsettia is.
But he tries v hard to make you things that remind you of home sometimes!
He actually does a pretty good job at it too!
And thats where the issue arives.
Whenever he asks about your homeland he knows he is going to hear about your best friends
He's trying SO hard to be normal about this
Trey loves you so much but, he gets a little jealous!
You've done so much with these two!!!
"And Cyno's jokes are the absolute WORST! I swear some of the things he says are worse than Ace's!" "Oh that's... nice!"
but they're your best friends! He really shouldn't be jealous.
"I still don't understand why Alhaitham is so jacked, like all he does is read books all day!"
He really shouldn't be jealous
"And I'm kind of glad its never too hot around here! Like I know he works primarily in the desert but like put a shirt on sometimes! You know?"
But damm its hard.
He tries to be subtle (not really)
"So have you ever like... done anything with one of these guys?" "What do you mean?" "Like have you dated one of them..?"
oh.... OH!
You laugh at that, he's embrassed "Oh gosh NEVER! They both have boyfriends anyhow! Alhaitham is engaged!" "Oh."
You nod and give him a little kith
Wow he's relieved!
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves learning about you and your home world! Truly!!!
Azul thinks your mind is briliant, you're so smart and quick on your feet due to years of travel!
With travel comes a lot of experiences
a lot.
without him.
He's playing it cool though! suuuper cool
"Oh I remember Alhaitham would never answer anything that wasnt formatted or completed properly! maybe you could do the same? it would certainly free up some time, no?" "Of course it woudl free up some time, dear... But" "buut?" "Well it wouldn't be fitting of my benevolent nature now would it, my love?"
Azul keeps trying to prove he's a better boyfriend than your old friends
He needs you to know he's the best option for you <3
"And could this 'Cyno' make you a delightful seafood pasta like this?" "No, not really, he was more into rice." "I see..."
Oh hey he made you curry and rice
You know, by the way. He is NOT sneaky
After another bout of showing off, you finally say something.
"They have boyfriends, you know?" "huh?" "Cyno and Alhaitham? they have partners. You don't have to be jealous." "Why would I be jealous, dearest?"
Denies his jealous to this day but he gets happier after you reassure him.
Jade Leech
Yeah he's super cool about this!
for the most part...
He's extremely interested in learning about the flora in your world!
and he thinks those vishap creatures you compare him to sound rather interesting.
Jade being rather curious in nature comes in handy! since he doesnt seem to get jealous.
His questions are... odd, though. they kind of make sense?
"Cyno once took out like-- 10 guys in like a MINUTE! it was so cool! "Is he that fast in the depths of the sea?" "No-" "I see..."
Sometimes he's a little less slick though
"OH my gosh Alhaitham is so weird about soup! He hates the stuff because it could get on his books of all things!" "Does he consume beverages as he reads? tea perhaps?" "Yeah, sometimes." *Pleased eel noises*
He's just being careful :)
Jade often prefers to dicuss your best friends while in the kitchen. he likes spending this time with you!
And he has his knives and mushrooms at his disposal.
*chop chop chop* "And so Haitham and I used to skip out on akademiya meetings together-" *chopchopchop-* "But Cyno would ALWAYS 'catch' us just before the meeting would actually ends-" *ChopChopChopChop-* "So then he'd bring us to Kaveh, Alhaitham's fiance to-" "He has a fiance?" "yeah,why?" "no reason." *chop~ chop~ chop~*
He's still keeping the information from his... questioning in mind.
Can't be too careful, after all.
Floyd Leech
He loves his shrimpy's stories!!!
He hates his shrimpy's stories :((
Floyd is reaaal conflicted. He thinks you're so interesting! your world seems like fun!! he wants to go there with you.
But not with those men you keep talking about
"So sometimes there are these HUGE mushrooms that kind of act like a launchpad! they're super springy." "Eh? Jade might like soemthing like that... OOOH! do ya think if I throw someone (Ace) on one of those they'd still bounce?" "Yeah they would! one time while going after a criminal, Cyno had to-" "Eeeeh I'm bored. You coming to my next game?"
Subtlety? not THIS eel
He audibly groans when you bring them up sometimes.
But he still loves hearing you talk! so it really confusing sometimesz
"So genius invocation uses 8 elements, 7 from the nations, one is omni. Usually the cards are based off of vision users like Diluc of mondstadt, Arataki Itto, from Inazuma... OH! there is one of my best friend, Alhaitham, he's dendro and Cyno's is electro, its actually" Oh he's no longer looking at you.
You get an idea... "There is one of Haitham's fiance, Kaveh" "Oh really?"
You're his girlfriend, you know him best.
He's a little less weird about listening to your stories now, he's way more enaged.
He still tugs you closer to him when you mention other men, but thats kind of normal for him now.
Jamil Viper
A confident king? He's not really jealous. He knows he can be better than them.
Plus they're just friends to you.
But in all honestly he like... doesn't care too much about Teyvat.
You're here now, with him. not them.
Don't get him wrong, Jamil likes hearing about what your world!
There's only oneee little thing he doesnt love hearing.
"Sometimes I miss the food from Teyvat... Cyno always made the best Tahchin." "The best you say?" "Yeah! he shaped it like a pyramid every time he made it!" "Have you ever tried mine?" "You make tahchin!?"
He's smug, you'll love his cooking more than that Cyno's.
He serves you a plate of tahchin, golden brown, perfectly seasoned, barberries topping the rounded rice dish "So, what do you think?" "This is so good! I kind of miss the padisarah petals though.."
The hell is THAT?
"Is it... not up to your expectations, my flower?" "No its delicious! I think I just miss the way my friend would make it.."
He's a little grumpy about it!!
Jamil gets kind of huffy with you next time you're together.
He's not ignoring you but just don't bring up food for a while.
Snake man will just respond with "Why don't you ask Cyno." when it comes to cooking for the next day or two...
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siennaditbot · 1 month
Sethos x Reader: Sun & Moon
Hehe, look at me actually finishing it lol. Been ages since I've written x Reader stuff but I hope yall like it. Sethos needs more love <3
Female reader but I hope yall can still enjoy it lol :>
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Sethos was a people person. He could talk to everyone and make them forget that they hadn't just met him, seamlessly integrating into any group he wished.
He had a good facial memory, so he could strike up a familiar conversation with most of the citizens.
But there was someone in Sumeru City that he had never properly caught for a chat. A humble cleaner girl, who seemed to hate him for some reason.
Whenever he tried to start a casual conversation with her, she focused on anything but him, her body language telling him she did not want to talk. Her replies were curt and he had to try hard to keep the conversation from dying.
He was pushy, yeah, but he knew not to push his luck. She was practically holding a weapon she could smack him with, after all. An everyman’s polearm - a broom.
So, he stopped approaching her. They just coexisted, him passing by her sweeping the streets sometimes, offering a polite wave as he jogged past her.
Then, on one rainy day, Sethos was caught enjoying the shower between his errands. He stood in the middle of the empty street, eyes closed and face lifted skyward as if to hug the rainfall.
But the rain suddenly stopped.
He opened his eyes in surprise and briefly met hers, before she handed her umbrella to him and dashed off. He was left there, staring at her disappearing form and the splatters of water as she ran.
He was confused, but shrugged the absurd encounter off with an amused smile.
“Heh, guess she doesn't hate me, after all. Interesting.”
Sethos loved being in the city. It was full of fascinating people, especially within the Akademiya. He loved learning about them, their stories, ideas and passions.
And now the curt sweeper girl had caught his interest.
He still politely greeted her when he passed by, and her responses were curt as ever, usually simply nodding and letting him pass. But now he read her behavior as shy and awkward instead of hateful.
His polite smile became a bit more genuine when he understood.
He kept noticing her in other places after that, too. She was often found sitting in random spots, holding a notebook she was very focused on, not paying attention to anyone who wondered what her deal was.
Sethos was one of them. He curiously eyed her every time he saw her, but she never lifted her face from her notebook.
One day she was sitting on a box behind Lambad’s Tavern, hand going wild as she worked on the notebook in her lap. Sethos noticed her, and decided to approach her for once.
She jumped when his voice cut through her concentration, having broken into her bubble.
“Soo. What’cha working on there?”
She immediately shut the notebook and looked away, clutching it to her chest.
“Heh, you were really into it. Sorry for spooking you.”
She didn't reply, no idea what to say, so she literally waved it off. He got the message, leaning against the railing next to her.
“You're a funny one, you know. I can never expect where you'll be sitting with that secret tome of yours. I’ve heard people call you a local cryptid because of it.”
That made her snort, and she immediately threw a hand up to cover her mouth.
His smile widened, proud of drawing a new reaction out of her.
“It's true, though. I've seen you on several branches of the Divine Tree, on a roof or two, and I swear I caught you behind a bush once. What's up with that?”
She scratched her cheek shyly, not expecting anyone to pay attention to her.
“...Inspiration”, she finally managed.
“Inspiration, eh? What's so inspiring about sitting behind a bush?”
She chuckled lightly in response.
“I just like switching spots. Different angles.”
"Riight, right, that makes sense. What do you need that inspiration for, then? Writing, drawing, homework?”
She turned the cover of the notebook towards him. It had ‘sketchbook’ written on it in fancy letters.
“Ohhh, an artist, I see. That's cool. You got the whole ‘vibe’ down too, now that I think about it.”
She drew the sketchbook back to herself again, shrugging with a small, amused hum.
“Quiet and mysterious. Who knows what's going on inside those covers”, he explained with a playful grin.
She was still curt, but her small smile gave him confirmation that she definitely didn't hate him.
“I’ll let you continue, then. Can't stop an artist when inspiration hits, after all.”
After seeing her nod and timidly wave at him, he stood back up with a satisfied smile. He waved in response and walked off, arms stretched behind his head as he went to continue on with his day.
From there on, he stopped to bother her for a moment or two whenever and wherever he caught her. She didn't seem willing to talk about art or her secret sketchbook, so he kept the conversation alive, talking about whatever. She was still curt and shy, but her snorts and amused huffs became a more common occurrence as days passed.
One day, after he was done telling one of his stories, she seemed particularly thoughtful.
“What's up? Remind you of something? Oh, oh, did I give you inspiration?” he grinned excitedly, pointing at her.
She took a moment to formulate her reply.
“..How do you always have something to talk about?”
He didn't expect that. She didn't seem annoyed, though..
“Heh, I’ve just seen and heard many interesting things. I like sharing mine, and learning more from the people I meet.”
“That simple?”
He shrugged casually.
“I’m a people person. I like talking and listening.”
Her face formed a strained smile as she looked away.
“My brain always goes blank when there's people around. It's like there's not a single thought in there.”
That seemed to confirm his assumption of her treatment of him before. She was just shy. Or socially anxious.
“Ah. More of an introvert, then?”
“...No, I want to be around people. I just… short circuit. Not very interesting company.”
“I think you're plenty interesting”, he stated matter-of-factly, “you've got me curious.”
That surprised her, and she turned to look in the general direction of his face, but still not meeting his eyes.
“You’re curious? About me?”
“Sure am. There's the sitting in random spots thing, your mystery book, how you're so focused you don't react to people gawking and talking about you right next to you…”
He counted with his fingers, amused but genuine.
“There's obviously a lot going on in there. I’m curious about what sorts of ideas you have. Art isn't exactly the biggest thing around the city, after all.”
She had to take a moment to take in his words.
“It's nothing special, really. Just stories, imaginary situations and encounters.”
“A bit of fantasy added to the ordinary, eh? That's fun. Care to give me an example?”
A bit nosy, maybe, but he was interested.
She looked away for a moment, not sure if she should or whether she even could produce an example for him. He seemed genuinely curious though, so she tried, and inspiration hit when she gazed down at the docks.
“Um, like, a long-awaited reunion happening down there. A tearful embrace…”
She suddenly felt very embarrassed.
“..That's dumb, isn't it? I can-”
“No, no, no, don't worry. I can see it. A bit of a romantic, aren't you?”
She blushed a little, but shrugged with a noncommittal chuckle.
“Comes with the whole art thing, I think.”
“Heh, makes sense. I like it.”
A moment of silence. It was comfortable to him, but she felt the need to fill it.
“U-um, thanks, for, you know, always talking to me.”
He wasn't expecting that, either, and hummed in question, grinning curiously.
“...I like talking to people. It's just..difficult”, she continued, wanting her thanks to reach him properly.
“Well, I’m always down for a chat. I'll keep stopping by to bother you, then?”
“You aren't bothering me. But yeah. I'd like that. Maybe I’ll learn some tips and tricks from the master of social skills”, she joked with a soft smile.
“Sounds like a plan.”
And so they continued their occasional chats. He often ended up stopping people to talk with them, anyway, but it was nice to have confirmation that he actually wasn't bothering her.
His company gradually helped her relax and learn to imitate some of his social techniques, like asking questions and using more open body language.
Eye contact was still an issue for her, though. And to Sethos’ surprise, it bugged him a little.
He was straightforward and social, so eye contact came naturally to him. Not everyone he talked with looked back into his, so he knew it wasn't easy for everyone. And, to be fair, his eyes were kind of intense, which was a blessing and a curse sometimes.
Yet, somehow, he couldn't shake the thought of wanting to meet her eyes. She was always looking somewhere else when they talked. Usually her sketchbook.
Still, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so he did his best so she could relax when they chatted. He wouldn't push her, make her feel like she had to do it.
He had only met her eyes once, by accident that time she handed him her umbrella. They were bright and curious, almost striking in the muddiness of the downpour.
He remembered them clearly.
So, instead, he focused on learning more about her and her ideas and visions, and loved telling her his stories since they seemed to inspire her to some extent.
He learned to pick up on the change in her expression when she moved from listening to him to formulating an idea.
It was cute.
He thought positively about people, appreciated their qualities, both inside and out, but it wasn't often that he considered a person cute.
That thought lingered in his mind, too.
Her reactions made her even more cute to him. She blushed at times, yes, but she was playful in return, smacking him with her pencil or broom or rolling her eyes with that amused smile of hers. And she gladly showed him her work now.
He didn't think it affected how he interacted with her, but he unconsciously became a bit more friendly, almost flirty at times. He often grinned when they talked, initiated playful physical contact - like poking or gently kicking her - and couldn't help but give her tons of honest compliments, especially on her art.
One time after their brief chat when she was working, he was left with a single thought in his mind:
“Heh, shucks. I like her.”
It wasn't a world changing revelation, just made him connect the dots and realize how much his way of interacting with her had changed.
…And he was pretty sure she liked him too.
He kept interacting with her like usual, honestly just enjoying what they had. A comfortable friendship with banter, intrigue and plenty of laughter.
But it would be a lie to say that he wasn't also gauging more on what she could be feeling.
He picked his best stories, told them with a bit more flair, and gave her more casual compliments.
And, well, if their knees happened to touch when they were talking, or his playful pokes lingered on her skin a moment too long to be read as platonic, he didn't make a big deal out of it.
One day Sethos caught her sketching on a sturdy branch of the Divine Tree, easily accessible but not immediately visible to the townsfolk.
He chuckled and approached her, nimbly making his way to her in the tree.
“You're an enigma, you know that?” he grinned as he sat down next to her.
“It’s simple, really. The view is great from here. So many people to see, so much inspiration to gather.”
He looked down. The citizens were enjoying their evening activities; entering and exiting the tavern, boats docking, adventurers returning to get their rewards for their daily commissions.
It was interesting. He preferred to be mingling down there with them, but stepping back and watching the hustle and bustle from a different angle made him appreciate it in a new way.
He might not have lived in the city for long, but watching all those people do their thing made him realize how lucky he was to be around so many people nowadays. He grew up in the desert, with only the people of the temple as his company, after all.
He was gazing down with a gentle and slightly solemn expression, happy to be where he was now. He had friends, connections, and now… her, too.
He turned to look at her, about to share his appreciation for the view too, but to his surprise, he met her eyes. She had been watching him, curious about how quiet he went and what he was thinking of.
Her eyes held a hint of worry, but enough affection to make him stumble with his words. This time it was Sethos who broke eye contact, turning to look back down.
“Y-yeah. I get it. All those people have their own lives and stories to tell.”
“Exactly!” she chuckled and pointed the end of her pencil at him. “A gold mine of inspiration and ideas.”
They both loved getting ideas from people, huh? Their ways were different, sure, but maybe they were pretty similar, after all.
Stories, curiosity, ideas and inspiration. They worked well together.
That train of thought suddenly made him feel the need to communicate his feelings to her. Like his soul was calling out, wanting to connect with this girl whose company he had been enjoying more and more.
“You know, you remind me of the Moon sometimes”, he started, fittingly artistic for what he was about to do.
“Sounds fun and poetic. Care to elaborate?”
“You're always present, I just gotta know where to look. Mysterious, but mesmerizing.”
“Hehe, thank you.”
She smiled, but didn't seem to catch the full meaning of his words, so he continued.
“What I’m trying to say is, I like you. You draw my attention in a way no one else does.”
Well that definitely caught her attention.
Their eyes met again, and he nodded, not ashamed or embarrassed, but ever so slightly nervous.
“You do?”
She cleared her throat to answer him.
“...I always thought you were like the Sun. You're warm, fun, and easily draw people to you.”
She wasn't as calm as he was, but hoped her indirect poetic message reached him too.
“Does that mean what I think it does?” he couldn't help but ask, a hopeful grin on his face.
She moved her gaze down and nodded.
“I-I like you too. I feel like I can relax around you.”
Both sat in silence, soft and giddy grins on their faces, taking in the big words hanging in the air.
They turned to look back down at the citizens buzzing around the streets, the shy mood eventually becoming comfortable again, and moved on into imagining what kinds of adventures the people below them had experienced today.
Their fingers soon found each other and intertwined slightly as they sat together.
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differenteagletragedy · 11 months
Our Life headcannons
-- Cove has at least one child who is autistic and nonverbal. He becomes a master at communicating with this baby, and whenever they are able to use their words he absolutely loses his mind. The first time he hears an "I love you"? Crying, screaming, flat on the ground, bawling his eyes out. Let someone in public try to make any kind of remark if the kid has a meltdown. They will not survive.
-- Derek asked you to prom "as friends." He asked you what you were wearing so his tux could match you, and he got you a corsage too, "as friends." Did it seem kind of like a date? Of course it did, he'd had a crush on you for years. But he was very insistent on the "as friends" part and even if you had a crush on him too, it kind of made you think he couldn't ever see you that way at all.
-- Going to watch a movie with Baxter? Lol, no you're not. Boy runs his mouth trying to be cute and you can never follow the plot because he's sitting beside you with that little smirk, trying to make you laugh and look all adorable. If you really want to see something, leave him home or at least learn how to tune him out -- even if you do he'll keep going.
-- Cove doesn't like to drink but when he does he will not. Shut. Up. He's not like Movie Baxter, he just keeps saying whatever comes to mind, no filter. No real memory on how to properly structure sentences either. He just really needs you to know literally every single thought that pops into his head so please just listen to him, hey, are you listening?
-- Do you want a dog? You better if you end up with Derek, because y'all are getting a dog. It doesn't matter what kind it is, he'll be taking that dog on runs with him, he'll be doing research to get it the best kind of food and to figure out what kind of environment it thrives in. Did he just get another subscription box for the dog even though he already gets one? Yup. That's his dog.
-- Do you like makeup? Cool, Baxter likes you to put makeup on him too, thanks. Not to go out, that's not really his thing, but it's a nice relaxing activity to do at home. He gets you all close to him (once you get back together he's not gonna let you go lol), and he gets to feel pretty. Don't skimp on the mascara, he likes his lashes, and be sure to play up his best features. Maybe try a dark lipstick this time, he'd like to see how that looks. And when you're done having fun, you better get to thoroughly removing everything and then following up with his skincare routine.
-- Sorry, let's double up on Baxter while we're here -- do you have a skin routine too? Because that's a shared interest and he's gonna want to talk about it. What's your favorite cleanser? Do you want to do face masks together? There's this new moisturizer he's interested in that's stupid expensive but he still wants to try it, want to split it? You share a Sephora rewards account so you can get more points. Oops, you accidentally put on too much of your lip mask and your lips are all goofy -- just give him a kiss, he hasn't put his on yet. It's weird how much I could go on about this.
-- You can also put makeup on Cove, but maybe stick to powders so he can rinse it all off easy after. And you can do whatever to Derek, he doesn't care, he's just happy to be there.
-- Everybody makes a big deal about Baxter's dancing, but this is actually another case of Derek Erasure, because he can do stuff too. His dad taught him and his brothers how to properly dance with a partner, and he was too shy to do it if you took him to the Summer Soiree, but if you end up with him? He can hold his own for sure.
-- If Cove doesn't end up with you, he ends up with Xavier. That's it. That's how it goes.
-- Not one of the main boys, but if you and Cove have babies then Cliff absolutely thrives on his GILF status. He tells everyone that he's a grandfather, literally every single person, and he's def proud of Cove and loves his grandbaby to bits, but also, like, look at him. Crazy hot grandpa, right?
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tokosparrow · 9 months
Could you do max Fischer headcannons of him and a gn reader in a relationship (hope this makes sense first time requesting :3)
a/n: OMGOMGOMG first time actually getting a max fischer request and i’m pretty excited (i’ve never seen any other content with him so i’m happy :3) plus sorry if it may seem hes a bit ooc, i kinda don’t know how to properly characterize him just yet >.<
> you two possibly met at one of the many clubs that max either is the head or founder of, which was pretty surprising to you but yet very impressing.
> and you maybe got his attention by sharing the same couple interests that he happens to be really interested, so your friendship with him kinda just happened.
> soon max seems to find himself more interested in you and your hobbies than he would his other friends at rushmore.
> then soon….BAM
> max realizes he has a big rising crush on you, he’s a little worried at first but he soon gotten over it when he’s also realizes he enjoys just being around you and talking to you as much as he can.
> like he was with miss cross in the movie, he’s very VERY much smitten with you.
> the moment you mutter something you enjoy deeply, he’s immediately on his way to imply it to the school in some way, shape or form.
“i actually really enjoy art museums :)”
“i’ll be right back, give me a moment please”
> soon he has all art classes go on weekly mandatory trips to art museums to study in after many convincing arguments how it’ll help students learn better.
> and when max actually comes around to actually confessing, he writes you a letter, giving it to you in a neatly put together envelope with little drawings and hearts that he drew (how sweet of him <333)
> let’s just hope you could understand the french writing he sparkled in the confession here and there, he just wants to be as romantic as he can <333
> now let’s get to the ACTUAL relationship headcannons LOL
> like i said before, max is VERY much smitten with you, like either getting you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers or leaving sweet hand written notes in your locker expressing how much he loved you.
> one time he even went up to your window while it was raining because supposedly he was caught in the rain while getting home and he was close to your house already (he just missed you, that’s all <3)
> he soon stayed at your house for the rest of the night since it was getting late and you didn’t him going home in the heavy rain.
> max seems like someone to really enjoy PDA so expect some hand holding and some kisses on your hand as he walks you home or just out in public <333
> he’s just such a showoff so he always brings up something good about you at any second of the day.
“did you know my partner is an amazing writer <3?”
“yes max, you’ve said this many times…”
“well you’re in to learn many more things about them from ME >:)”
> max even has a couple printed out pictures of you that he likes to keep around his room and even a picture of the both of you in his pocket that he carries everywhere since he says it gives him a bit of luck (he got a D on a test once when carrying the picture and swore it gave him luck)
> he even shared his first kiss with you, it was a bit unexpected for him since it felt like a normal day with you to him until you randomly kissed him.
“oh wow….i didn’t expect that all…wanna do it again :>?”
“you’re so silly <333”
> since then, he always finds an excuse to kiss you, he loves you a bunch <333
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toomuchracket · 1 year
do you think d!word girlie is all into her wellness and working out? idk, I picture her as being really into her skincare and pilates etc when she has the time? and maybe she works out with matty sometimes, like maybe she introduces him to some skincare products, or when she’s out he uses some of her bath salts or moisturisers because they smell like her <3
anything to decrease the stress of your job, you're into lmao. i don't think you're necessarily at the gym every day, maybe a couple of times a week when you can, but i see you as being a fan of a daily youtube yoga/pilates/morning and evening stretches (sidenote these are actually p good) sesh. i'm sure i saw someone say on here that doing yoga in matty's house would be so good because it's so calm - that's one of the first things you say when you go over there for the first time for drinks with everyone, and matty chokes on his wine at the thought of you a) casually being in his house, b) casually being in his house in workout gear, and c) casually being in his house in workout gear stretching your body out. and then he feels guilty for thinking that. but he's like "well you can test that theory out whenever you want lol", and you just giggle but internally you spiral a lil bit. you do try it, though, once you start dating, and after matty does his "obligatory boyfriend ogling bit" (his words) he actually joins in; in return, you go to jiu jitsu with him a couple of times, but as we've seen from previous blurbs you're both far too competitive and far too horny to actually progress with it lmfao. the "too horny" thing is also why you and matty only go to the gym together on tour when there's no real other option - he's been yelled at by his pt too many times for looking at you do a spin workout or squats instead of doing his own workouts lmao (and you're no better, staring at him with obvious lust as he does literally anything all sweaty and breathless). but aside from that, you both like going for walks and hiking and stuff, so you do that together with no issues lol.
and skincare/beauty/wellness... let's just say, you are a woman on a decent pay grade (i know they're skint. but this is fiction! either way, i suppose, you have a simpy rich boyf who likes spoiling you, so you have Funds lol) with a space nk loyalty card, and by god do you use it to buy some fancy moisturisers and makeup and fragrance. but also you're a boots girly who loves a garnier sheet mask. duality! i think matty learned about your interest in it pretty quickly - thinking one of your earlier dates as an exclusive couple in a central london restaurant was interrupted by you getting a notification that your click and collect space nk order was in, and you were like "oh i'll pick that up tomorrow", and matty was like "babe we can get it when we leave here lol we might as well if we're nearby". once you collected the order (while you queued, matty test-sprayed all of the perfumes to find out which one you wore so he could buy you it for your birthday lmao) and the two of you were settled with a drink in a nearby bar, matty was like "so. what did you get?" and literally made you do an unboxing for him lmfao; he was so cute, though, genuinely interested in what you were saying about your purchases and asking questions and smelling the body lotions and whatever. you actually bought him a little travel size version of a lotion he loved the scent of, but ever since you guys started properly dating and staying with each other he just steals yours lol. but you don't mind, because he has a really nice shower gel that you always use when you're at his, so it balances out. like you said, it's a comfort thing - you both use each other's things (and the bath salts you reserve for when the two of you have romantic baths together) because they smell like them, and it makes you feel safe. it's the same with you guys and evening skincare, you and matty just love the little rituals you share and time you spend together every night you're both in the same place, and it just feels so cosy and comforting and domestic and sweet <3
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thebindingofpillo · 4 months
Hey pillo what are you characters favourite car & brand
This implies I know anything about cars and car brands, which I unfortunately do not. Sorry :/
I guess all my characters are very pragmatic about cars? I honestly can’t see any of them really caring about what model they drive. Some of my characters (Bethany, Jacob, Lilith) don’t even know how to drive in the first place! I’m just gonna hijack this ask and talk about my characters’ relationship with cars.
Isaac: knows how to drive but doesn’t really care about cars. Just wants a reliable van to go from point A to point B and big enough to contain all his art supplies. Since he doesn’t drink he’s usually the designated driver whenever his friends invite him to a party.
Judas: Knows how to drive and is usually the designated driver. Has a beaten up Toyota or something. Second hand, keeps it well enough that it can work, and it’s not a dumpster, but not much else. His interests lie elsewhere
Magdalene: has a driver’s license but absolutely no interest in cars. I don’t really know if she has a car or not, but if she did she’d turn that thing into a mess in a matter of days. Not because she likes the mess, she jut forgets to throw out the trash and then it accumulates.
Azazel: knows how to drive and HATES it. Thinks all cars are death traps on wheels and if he could he’d just fly everywhere. He will drive if asked to, but will be stressed all the time and don’t ask him to merge into the highway because he’ll have a panic attack. Content with being a passenger princess.
Apollyon: knows how to drive, but doesn’t have a license. He’s absolutely neutral about driving, and since he doesn’t need to eat, sleep or take bathroom breaks he’s the best suited to drive long distances. Likes driving at night.
Cain: has a driver’s license, can also drive trucks and buses but doesn’t really do that anymore. Has a horrible habit of drinking and driving but hasn’t been in a serious accident yet. Has at least one DUI, and at the time of the story his license has probably been revoked but he still drives anyway lol. Owns a trailer.
Samson: can drive and has a license but his mother insists about driving him everywhere. She was even the one who taught him how to drive, which stressed him out *a lot* since she wasn’t the most patient teacher. He’ll eventually get over his fear of driving once he gets a job.
Eve: Has a license but prefers public transport (when available)
Eden: technically knows how to drive (because they’re a cherub, and cherubim are all-knowing) but doesn’t really need to, so they never bothered to try.
Lazarus: has a license but is also very prone to accidents and has already totalled two cars. Luckily he has insurance. He also knows how to start a car using only the cables, but never had the chance to show it off.
Jacob: doesn’t drive. Suffers from chronic pain in his hip and while he could technically learn how to drive, he’s afraid of his pain flaring up while he’s behind the wheel, so he’s super cautious about it. Esau usually drives him everywhere he needs so he doesn’t really need a car.
Bethany: doesn’t know how to drive, and doesn’t really have time to study to get a license. She’s usually swamped with university work and doesn’t want to add more stress to her situation.
Lilith: blind :( no car. Cain used to drive her where she needed but stopped once she found out he got a DUI. Now she uses public transport or Uber.
Esau: actually now that I think about it, Esau would know a pretty good deal about cars! He’s a mechanic and probably the only one who would know how to properly care for one. I’d like to imagine he has an old second-hand car he purchased with his money when he was 18, and he keeps in pristine condition. He’s currently saving to get his own place away from Jacob, but he wouldn’t mind splurging on a decent car once he got enough money. Since I don’t know much about cars, I’m just gonna say he wants a Toyota CHR because that’s what my partner likes.
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cherubchoirs · 4 months
How would your V1 react to other Vsonas? Like, would it pull the same thing it did with V2? Or be curious? So many Camara headed machines, from so many different timelines, Gabe would probably have a heart attack because OH GOD THERE'S MORE OF THEM, and he can barely handle one.
depends on quite a bit, like when they meet and if they attack first - i actually don't think v1 is blanketly aggressive, mostly due to how it doesn't necessarily have to fight the ferryman. however, if v1 is engaged, there's a long period of time where it doesn't know how to differentiate between sparring and a death match - it will always fight to kill as quickly as possible once a battle starts, so at that point it would treat things as it initially did with v2. this begins to shift after being with gabriel, where it learns to be much more sociable and can actually act on its curiosity. meeting other vs by then would find a v1 highly interested in learning about itself and so willing to engage less violently in order to sate that need (it will always want to fight, but at this point it understands how to spar properly). it would treat them with caution in its own way, meaning it's fully prepared to turn any interaction into deadly combat, but i think my v1 always leans more toward curiosity the older it gets - it doesn't want to necessarily be outside the box of a war machine, it's very proud of what it is and how well it was made, but it also has an incredible mind that desires to learn far more than its makers probably meant it to. gabriel on the other hand definitely wouldn't know what to do with all of them lol he would be so happy for v1 to have more v friends, he doesn't want to calculate the damage they could do if they ever chose to act as a unit (or got into one massive v fight)
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lilicannotfly · 7 months
Azul Ship Headcanons
So I already made a thread ranking(?? Judging?? I dunno lols) all the Azul ships I care about and so here's a post with headcanons for them and I have important things to do but shhh don't remind me and I won't remind you :)
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Azuvil 🐙👑
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I dunno all my energy for this ship died but I think it would be fun to write or read or work with because imagine they're both doing it for like appearances or something else of that manner and someone catches feelings or something but also they both think the other one thinks it's real from the beginning ??? So fake dating but extra steps. There's like this one fic that put this into my head but I don't remember the name lols
Azujami 🐙🐍
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I really already explained this in the tweet but yeah this is only good when they get together after university (not NRC, but after they graduate and then graduate uni) and then get married and then divorced and then the story is them healing at fifty. Perhaps they become just friends, perhaps Azul learns to leave well enough alone, perhaps Jamil gets mad, perhaps they go their own ways, maybe one of them dies ?? I dunno this would seem fun to play around with :)
Jeiazu 🐬🐙
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I don't really have anything to say about this, except if you aren't related or already in different relationship, being business partners? Pretty gay ngl. Pretty queer.
Floazu 🦈🐙
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Do I have to write about this? Why did I include it. This is not a ship I care about like at all :/ Bumping it down to 1/10 ya'know I hate the childhood friends to lovers trope? It's too messy why would you date your childhood bestie I would let her kill me yes have we spoken in years no but would I date her no. No that's silly. I despise the trope actually. Please get it out of my face ahhhhh anyways
Azuide 🐙💀
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I don't know why I included this either errrrr.. though I feel like they would bond over chess. The whole thing with the game of life in the comic anthology was pretty funny and I feel like working with a relationship with them would be very silly because it would be like that all the time and also neither of them know how to give or recieve affection properly so lols
Azurook 🐙🏹
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As I said, this is literally just Rook being like "ooh interesting what if...I hunted you down??" and me projecting my unhealthy relationship with attention onto Azul. Oops.
Also I wanna be able to come up with cool ship names TwT I wanna come up with something like eight tailed arrow or something but everytime I try it sounds so stupidddddd how do y'all do itttttt I'm sure there are other people who have come up with this ship and maybe I just sound stupid let's move on.
Lizu/Water Spirit 👻🐙
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Okay so this is really a crackship like she found him not up to standard but imagine if she didn't and also imagine if they got married and imagine if the whole story was just them healing in the afterlife?? That would be pretty cool imo :) So yeah that's it. It's gotta be awful to be seventeen for five hundred years and I'm gonna be honest I don't remember how she died so maybe she could work through that and Azul can work through his self worth issues and body issues, especially that he is now without a proper form. It would be cute, imagine it !
Zuel/Sailor's Lungs 🐙🫁
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'Cause selfship names have no rules !!! But also this doesn't even count even because we're literally the same guy (not like I am him or vise versa but more like we're similar) so it would be like dating a fucked up mirror. Selfcest 😭😭😭 Zero out of ten, moving on.
AzuRid 🐙🌹
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I forgot to include this in the original thread, oops. They're t4t lesbians (transfem riddle and transmasc nonbinary azul <3) and also in love and also the healthiest relationship here (shhh these are my headcanons I do what I want they get along beautifully once they get together) and also happy !!! Finally !!! And also they would be fun to work with because academic rivals to lovers is always fun. (I know these images are crispy as hell shhhhhhh don't mention it)
End of Headcanons !!!
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If you have more please share I need more things to read to distract me from my schoolwork because my eyes hurt and my bones hurt an d I need to do something <3
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies! Mostly about ships, but there is a couple of asks about the fandom and stuff…
mysaldate asked:
Two questions here! 1) Would the Leech parents maybe attempt to hijack one of their sons' relationship for whatever reason, maybe if they feel like their sons aren't doing enough in terms of controlling their boyfriend?
They have a reputation to uphold and all so I'm guessing there are probably rules for what they can and cannot afford to tolerate. A bit of snark here or there is probably fine but if one of the twins' partners is bringing shame on the family? The parents might wanna step in and see to it that such individual is properly retrained, especially if their darling sons don't do it themselves.
2) And partially related via a fic, what do you think about Jade/Vil? I can see them as either being mutually toxic, both metaphorically and literally, or totally wholesome. Toxic would be with Jade being more controlling and possessive, not to mention his eel toxins, and Vil being purposely dismissive or sometimes acting like Jade is beneath him just to piss him off, together with his alchemy prowess.
Wholesome would instead work based on the basis of Vil being just smart enough to where Jade's manipulative bs doesn't work so he has to learn to be more open and actually start a healthy relationship for once. Bonus points for careful, controlled introduction of the eel toxins in a cold secluded pool area so Vil can build up resistance to them.
Sorry for the late reply again, let’s talk about it!
1) In general, I don’t think Jade or Floyd would have any problems in this department, both of them are great in this regard: Jade is very calculating and picky, Floyd doesn’t really commit to anyone, but!
If their parents are dissatisfied with the partner they end up picking for themselves, they’ll absolutely let them know and ask them to either discipline (“fix behaviour” even) or get rid of the said partner. This is both a matter of reputation/respect and a matter of control.
If Jade or Floyd doesn’t do as told or can’t do it for some reason, they’ll help out. Even if it goes against their sons’ wishes and even if it’s going to be messy.
Out of all the characters we ship them with, I think their parents would love every single one of the boys~
2) Jade/Vil is a “hmmm intriguing” ship to us; while we don’t actively think about them together, the concept is very promising and could be hot. We actually talked about them in this reply, but very briefly.
And you know how it is with us, so my mind instantly went “YES TOXIC YES YES TOXIC IT’S FUN” lol A manipulative lying bastard and a bossy actor is such a dangerous combination, considering the fact that Jade really is very controlling and possessive, and Vil isn’t someone who would submit to this type of relationship very easily. Vil could also, like you said, act purposely dismissive and straight-up provoke Jade, both to mess with him and to express his frustration with Jade acting like Vil is stupid enough to believe his lies. Whatever they would have, it would be interesting. But I feel like it wouldn’t be very volatile all the time, because Jade strikes me as someone who prefers to keep things low-key… until it’s time to cause chaos lol
The eel toxin thing also sounds quite hot! In fact, this is what I especially liked in the wholesome scenario you’ve described: Vil building up resistance to Jade’s toxins sounds like a very intimate process. Maybe they really could have something more-or-less healthy, but this is a question of which thing is going to prevail: Vil’s impressive life-coach skills or Jade’s distaste for order and tranquility.
I am unfamiliar with the fic you’re talking about, since we don’t really read fanfics. But still, I can imagine how the Tweel parents could be initially very happy with having Vil on board, considering who his dad is + the prestige of it all… even though I figured this isn’t what happened in the fic that you’ve mentioned…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Vil likes to roleplay with his partners in the bedroom?
He totally does. Well, sometimes he just wants to get fucked and go to sleep, but he does genuinely enjoy roleplaying even if it’s just for the dirty talk. But there is also the other extreme that happens every once in a while, when Vil gets way too into the roleplaying aspect and forgets about the sex part, because it wouldn’t make sense for his character to have sex with this person right now lol
Anonymous asked:
Why was Idia shirtless in the comic where Azul was asking about his tattoo? lol
(this is the comic)
I don’t even remember, Anon, it’s been almost a year lol But I think in my head I implied that Idia was acting weird, maybe covering his stomach, but didn’t want to go to the infirmary, so Azul insisted on him taking the shirt off so he could check on him himself.
Either this or they already started _doing something_ because Idia figured that there was no other way to make the tattoo disappear. Still, he didn’t want Azul to notice it or to know about how the tattoo works, so…
Pick whatever option you like the most lol
Anonymous asked:
Honestly I don’t like the shroudcest stuff you post but like other than that ion give two shits ^_^ you eat wit ur art and the headcanons like I’ve been scouring the internet for bottom Jamil content and the second I saw ur account I felt myself salivate at the mouth >_< literally keep absolutely slaying
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3
Like I always say, you don’t have to like every single thing that we post. It’s absolutely okay for you not to like certain stuff, and I really appreciate that it doesn’t stop you from enjoying the rest of our content.
Bottom Jamil is super underrated though, I’m glad we could provide lol
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for using you as a free therapist, but I don't know what to do.  Whenever I get super into a game/anime I always end up getting a fictional crush on one of the characters.  This leads me to consuming every fanwork I can find of them, including NSFW ones.  My best friends know this and let me talk about the characters.  But the moment I get on TWST's Ace (I'm an adult) there are rules to follow and lines you don't cross because sexualizing minors is weird.  Real life ones yes absolutely but he's not real, that's part of the appeal to me.  They're acting like me liking him is me falling into a trap that sort of couldn't be avoided but one I should have known better about and I shouldn't do it again.  I don't have these desires towards real life teens and kids (no one actually since I'm asexual) and while I know sometimes real predators do this, I know those desires existed and come out independently of the fiction they do or do not consume and they're outliers.  I know there's nothing wrong with me "crushing" on Ace, but my friends still made me feel guilty about it.  And they're not strangers on the internet I'll have a bad encounter with but won't meet in real life.  I've known them for a while and they've helped me through a lot.  But hearing them talk like this...I don't know what to do.  Sorry for the long rambling and emotional dumping on you.  To end on a not sour note, have you seen fyageee's TWST comics on Tumblr?  Their Rook is ~delightfully unhinged~.
Well we can’t provide therapy, but we can try giving our two cents for the situation you’re in. We never talk about this topic ourselves, and it’s nice to share thoughts with people who are actually nice and concerned and respectful and just want to talk.
First of all, yeah, as long as you separate fiction and reality as the majority of people does, crushing on Ace and being thirsty for him doesn’t make you a bad person, especially considering that these characters were practically written for people to be attracted to them. And it’s a good thing that you keep it in mind instead of straight-up blaming yourself for that all the time. And I am very sorry that you had such a bad experience with your friends.
But, to put it bluntly, I guess not everyone is going to understand that? It doesn’t even necessarily mean that your friends are assholes, some people just don’t have the same mindset and it’s okay. If you are good friends with them and are very close, I could suggest discussing this thing in-depth and setting up some boundaries: if it’s uncomfortable for them to see someone crushing on a fictional character, alright fair. But I feel like they should at least recognise that this isn’t that serious and it shouldn’t influence your relationship, because you are still the same person, not some criminal with ugly and dangerous thoughts. Maybe they’ll become more open-minded overtime. But if they keep making you feel guilty or bad over this, I wouldn’t call them good friends, even if you’ve been through a lot together. To me, it’s weird that someone would prioritise the fact that someone likes an anime character over an actual friendship with a real person – it just seems off.
If I were in this situation, I would probably just… not discuss this with this particular group of friends. I have people in my life who don’t like BL, and even though we are good friends, I don’t discuss this aspect of my life with them. Instead, I talk about it with those who are on the same page with me about it.
And to answer your question, I think we’ve seen their urinal Rook comic! It’s very funny lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Have you heard of the games NU: Carnival or What in "Hell" Is Bad? I feel like you guys might like it, I know I do ;3
Yep, heard about them! There are some interesting aspects about them, and I do like that these games are spicier in nature and very glad they exist, but I’m not sure if we’re going to check them out in the nearest future.
Still, thank you for recommendation!
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windupaidoneus · 22 hours
hi thistle ! idr if youve talked abt it before but what were ur ideas for hildemet post endwalker ? i remember u posted abt meteion and them after endwalker but i wanted to learn more abt ur thoughts or how the ship develops ! idk if this makes sense i hope it does LOL (@dmclr)
hiii clara :3 ohhh post endwalker. (lies down face first) this one's a real doozy bc i have yet to properly work out the timeline of events... there are two ways it could go & i dont know which i prefer. oh under the cut as per usual. this is actually probably my longest ramble yet LMAO
either hildegarde really did go through with bringing emet back with his own two hands (& aether. & magic. but like it's intentional is what i mean) or emet chose to have another pass at life bc the time spent during post shb/edw up until elpis gave him that want again, & his soul would've held on until a suitable vessel was nearby (so like, very likely one of the solus clones bc he'd rather not go for possession if he can help it lmao). fuck i also thought of the possibility of like... just it happening without either of their direct involvement, maybe something that kinda just happened because of emet's longing but not in the way that he would've actively orchestrated his return so to speak - his soul just doing that i suppose.? because of the power of love sparkle sparkle or something. they all have something good... um.. i started typing before opening the game i think but then i opened the game & now it's like 12 hours later & my head hurts BADDD but i want to answer this.
in the case of hildegarde intentionally bringing him back is. it being intentional is very yummies & good to me. in the sense of defying fate itself & whatnot to bring a loved one back. i am a lameeeee romantic so that shit always gets me..... but at the same time there is a part of me that like, thinks maybe at that point in time it wouldn't be narratively satisfying? since he has messed around with necromancy before then gave up on it it coulddd be interesting to ahve him go back to it bc like he's still a flawed character who does questionable things & all that but this one idk if i want it to be the case all that much. i like when he gets a little fucked up but i dont know about this specific flavour of fucked up... but i DO want emet alive for dt. so much to consider.
for emet willingly coming back... i mean. points at "i am a lameeeee romantic". additionally i think it brings something interesting into play - because the way i see it his death was intentional to start with, the only possible end for someone who had done so much to reach his goal & thus backing down would mean it was all for nothing yet at the same time the awareness all those things he's done were awful, unconscionable, & no amount of work he could've done in the hypothetical rest of his existence would make up for it, in which case death becomes the only suitable consequence for his actions. (there's also a layer of "emet is putting on a performance as a tragic antagonist & is aware of his role within the story to a degree, as he is playing a role of his own volition, making himself more detestable yet likable at the same time in very intentional ways". not all of his endearing traits in shb are intentional but some are, & them being intentional doesn't make them less... genuine? he pulls at the wol's heartstrings or attempts to, but that doesn't make his own longing for the unsundered world any less real, basically. but this isn't relevant right now)
with that in mind if emet were to bring himself back to life fully... well. it would say quite a lot about.. him. as a whole. just. choosing to live once more to be by hildegarde's side, going against his own previous implicit wish for death (which, beyond the whole guilt thing, he probably would've wanted anyway! he'd been alive so fucking long & all of it had been miserable! death was both something he deserved & deliverance.), tearing himself from something that was punishment & relief to trade it for a different kind of punishment & a different kind of relief. living with the things he's done as opposed to being able to just dissolve into the aetherial sea & no longer worry about it all i suppose, but being reunited on more proper, less high stakes & "we have to kill each other" terms with.. pretty much his soulmate. i'm not big on soulmate stuff necessarily but um (gestures at the entirety of the whole thing with emet & azem/the wol in canon) they make it so easy.
oh fuck i got distracted from finishing my custom deliveries before reset oops. well anyway i'm TALKING!
yeah that. he would get to be with one of his biggest motivations for doing all of this in the first place, & while the source is not a perfect world i do genuinely believe he is lying hard as fuck when he pretends he finds no beauty in it. the harsher he says it the more convincing the performance, for everyone & for himself. end of edw cutscene to me says that he does have an actual appreciation for the sundered etheirys, & i also think without zodiark's influence he would be more amenable to properly acknowledging the flaws of the unsundered world as well. now. would he think he deserves to have a happier "second chance"? probably not. but that's where hildegarde's feelings would sway him... how could he not be influenced knowing the one he loves is grieving him so desperately? hilde has lost many, many loved ones & never really learnt to properly deal with his grief because it's just too overwhelming for him to feel. he continuously drowns in it & that'ssss something he has in common with emet for sure. & emet, knowing how horrible it feels (though in his case it was probably worse. still, he's sentimental & also a tank so i know he's got that protectiveness in him ☝️), would likely want to spare hilde that trouble if even a little. he can't bring himself to bring other souls back to life (too similar to what he did with amaurot, probably something he'd like to take some distances from & not recreate too closely...) but he could at least bring himself back. make hilde smile. that would be nice.
now enter the "neither of them did anything about it it just Happened" path. this one is really just reliant on it feeling like an actual miracle. something that would probably bring emet some distress bc oh no he has to deal with all these things now & it's not on his own terms, buuuuuut... miracle of love 🫶 even if to be fair things would definitely be awkward at first. because they wouldn't really know how to approach each other after everything. they would work it out though, it's not unique to this potential timeline of events & they Will work it out no matter what. they have to! it'd be a miracle of love 🫶 all the same. ohh, maybe something kinda like sleeping beauty or something (loose comparison.) in which during the bit in garlemald in post edw hilde would look for the remaining solus clones in the imperial palace (not for any nefarious purposes if we're not looking at the "he does it himself" timeline it's probably just morbid curiosity at that point. also masochism a little honestly) & when chancing upon them emet's like... his soul would always be "near" hilde in some sort of sense, so maybe it could be made to inhabit one of the clones - kind of pulled into it? & yeah. bam. wakes up upon being observed. i don't know! it's an option. they're all options & they're GOOD & i haven't picked one & i don't know what to pick rahhhg. kicks a rock. Whatever... onto the actual answer to the ask now... (wipes forehead) this took a lot of .. preamble? not sure what i'd call that but the yapping before the ACTUALLY relevant yapping
the way they develop (chews on rocks) YAYYYY!! we got there!!! ohhh my god it's so AWKWARD in this room everyone is happy but wants to cry & feels guilty it's kind of beautiful.
emet keeps some reasonable distance & is actually decent at doing it this time since he's not tempered & not trying to get something out of hildegarde. came back for him but does not want to overstep by getting too comfortable too soon. hildegarde on the other hand really badly wants to have conversations & to be more open & vulnerable but he does not know how to even do that voluntarily. with anyone! he's really bad at being vulnerable! he's been able to do it "properly" with nero & cid (nero has big brother privileges so he's the one hilde & various other alters will run to if they are experiencing Too Much of life, & well. cid is cid. kind of cemented himself as an older sibling figure as well, even without taking into account the doozy that is cidnero) & perhaps surprisingly estinien (very detached & to the point, clear cut way of going about things, not judgemental the way others might be because he's not really giving a fuck abt that ascian business. his meatheadedness wins ☝️) but even then it was mostly him reaching a breaking point & having no one else to pretty much drop it all on.
the scions are great but busy all the time & while urianger probably would be best placed to hear of his troubles hilde rarely wants to tell him much of them because urianger's own problems always seem to far outweigh his own, & he doesn't want to put more on his plate. he's close to thancred but thancred would be the least understanding of his woes... & i think he really struggles with approaching y'shtola bc she hasn't exactly been vulnerable with him either. sucks bc he can tell she would probably be a fine person to be straightforward with but just... hasn't come up. he can be vulnerable with aymeric but aymeric is constantly busy & i do strongly believe if he hadn't been so occupied w his desk job they could've had something. he could be vulnerable with haurchefant but WELL. & the scions not mentioned are all younger than him so no way in hell he's relying on them emotionally when for someone as #unwell as him "relying emotionally" comes with SO SO MUCH shit.
i did ignore hancock & that's because i don't like him. (lying) no he can be vulnerable with hancock too on occasion. hancock is detached from this whole world so to be honest i don't think he gives that much of a fuck that hilde is mourning the loss of an evil immortal guy who was also the garlean empire's founder. on a moral level this has got nothing to do with him on an emotional level he's not sure when they ended up getting close enough for hilde to sob in his office about how he can't do anything right & so many people he could've saved he just didn't manage to & it's all his fault blablablah... but sure he'll do the comforting
but but, back to hildemet. it does happen eventually. hilde's not good at being vulnerable on purpose but he's also pretty earnest despite that... so without necessarily overwhelming emet with his emotions & thoughts he is at least capable of going, "hey. i want to talk. have conversations, about anything and everything. about the weather, about everything that happened. i am happy to come home and see you, and to know that i will come home and see you, but there is a gaping pit between us & i want to bridge it. i want to stand on that bridge with you & talk about the pit, how scary it is, & how we're going to overcome it anyway. can we do that? can i step closer to you, & will you return the embrace if i hold you?" which, he will, & he does. & maybe they even have a shared cry about it. emotions really catching up to them in the moment, not realising the extent to which they'd missed & love each other up until they get to really embrace each other fully. i know songs do this to me a lot i'll think i'm fine then suddenly BOOM i'm crying hard as fuck because holy shittt why didn't i tell myself this made me feel THINGS... horrible!
note that no matter the choice made earlier it's more than likely hilde did hold emet when they first reunited, in which case emet would've at most placed one hand on hilde's back without it being an actual hug. he's not really the "outburst of physical affection" type but especially not under such circumstances while he's Just returned & is parsing where he stands on what joys he deserves to experience in his newfound existence. because of course there's that too. he'll indulge if hilde reaches out for it but for a while it is only half-hearted & the guilt eats at him more everytime he leans into it, which fortunately isn't often by that point since hilde is working out how to go about everything. yay!! not very yay okay you got me
BUT THEY WORK ON IT they have to. the weird distance is unbearable & neither of them want it. they understand they now have a chance at this for real, & they have limited time to do it! emet does not have much of a limited lifespan still but he knows he's turning in the moment hilde dies. maybe he'll stay long enough to ensure hilde is remembered & honoured as he feels it should be but like that's It. hilde's gone he's GONE. & until then they get to learn to love each other all over again
which goes pretty great all things considered once the early stages of weird awkwardness are behind them. it would be easier & go faster if they were allowed to settle down properly but you know how it is when you're The WoL. hilde's wol duties can actually be a bit of a cause for concern for emet, which he himself was caught offguard by. probably chastised himself about it a bit too. being worried for the wol?? ridiculous. he's not capable of dying from unnatural consequences it's like he's got plot armor or something (looks into the camera). gets a bit embarrassed about his worries but they don't really go away, & it does lead into him attempting to keep hilde home more often & longer. hilde doesn't really catch onto it until it becomes a little too egregious to ignore but well. when emet expresses reluctantly that ooooo he cares & is worried about him & also a little bit lonely too it actually makes hilde laugh. because that man is CUTE 🫵 & he will in fact tell him just that. to which emet gets "offended" (did not expect a compliment of all things out of that, & compliments when he's not "in control" of a situation are the number 1 way to destabilise him in a harmless way. lest we forget he is the unsundered world's original tsundere) & denies & protests. & it's probably the point where they start acting genuinely more relaxed around each other, & subsequently emet gets less roundabout about keeping hilde around as long as possible.
he also gets the offer to tag along! which he doesn't want necessarily, it's a lot of effort & it would mean being around the scions (he doesn't hate them or anything but well if i was emet i would not want to be around thancred either. just like if i was thancred i would not want to be around emet either) who at this point in time are not aware of emet's presence in hilde's life & also more generally the world lmao. the twins, tataru & krile most certainly have bets on why hilde seems less available & perhaps even a bit flaky & while alphinaud is genuinely worried hilde might finally be crushed by the weight of responsibilities :( (buddy that was an expansion ago catch up) alisaie is like. scary close to the truth. she suspects hilde is trying to settle down but duty keeps getting in the way of it. this gets everyone involved very curious to potentially find out who he's settling down with of course because for some reason they're all willing to entertain that theory. tataru simply wishes hilde isn't trying to settle down with hancock of all people (close! It's Worse)
he takes it up from time to time. bearing a different appearance (keeping his face but he probably wears a face cover around the scions & doesn't speak much) & going by a different name to avoid being recognised, y'shtola absolutely works it out the moment she sees him buttttt that's why emet avoids hanging around if he knows she'll be there lmao her aethersight would clock him instantly
um. yeahg! my fingers hurt from typing this much & also that's like many paragraphs already oops. uhh. yep.! post edw hildemet. they have rough conversations about their respective places in the world & what they deserve & don't deserve to have. sometimes hildegarde gets very upsetting memories from lachesis' life & emet has to be there to ground him. sometimes emet is overwhelmed by the thought of his actions & hilde has to be there to distract him since ruminating won't really change anything.
they're also gossipy queens who go out to big fancy events to comment on the people they don't like there (in hilde's case it'd probably usually be lolorito & gegeruju honestly but it's fine emet can be irritated at minimum by most people for the both of them). they have to take care of each other delicately & they don't always get it right but they gotta keep trying so they do.
emet is a complainer by nature but he also complains in bad faith a lot & is quite unpleasant specifically when he's lying or dancing around the truth, which all remain true to his personality still, however when he allows himself to be entirely truthful & more open he is painfully romantic & loving. not without teasing here & there of course. it's very good for hilde though. getting to be flustered & giggly & just happy after the everything is such a breath of fresh air, very good distraction from the wol shit. he even gets to tease emet back & have it work! love can be so beautiful & augh! they make me sick
emet did not expect the many people hilde's adopted in a found family sense however. he does think he was a little foolish for not expecting it bc. lachesis. wanderer. the guy who makes friends everywhere all the time. but also how was he supposed to expect so many kids were out there calling hilde their big brother or sometimes even "like a dad"..... he's just pickin everybody up off the street at this point & emet's getting a little concerned about the amount of kids he's going to become a bad influence to just by following hilde around. lmao. & ofc the kids love him bc kids fucking love it when there's a guy who's kind of an ass
i keep saying "okay i stop typing there" & then i keep typing SORRY AHHH. i'm not even out of thoughts i just need to end the post somewhere sobs. i really need to sleep 😭 thank yoy so much for the askkkk wah
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tenrousei-kuroi · 3 months
Your answer to anon's question about your favorite character makes me wonder: what was you first incest ship? Also, do you think there's a particular reason this kind shipping that piqued your interest?
oh you’re so silly, my first naughty ship was Sirius/Regulus of course!
but now that I think about it, it was sort of a weird winding journey to get there 🤔
I think like a lot of people I had a bit of a crush on Sirius black as a child, so he was my favorite Harry Potter character from early on, and then when I started flittering about the internet looking for fan content, I gravitated towards him
one of the first fics I ever wrote was Unable are the Loved to Die and that was wayyyy back in…oof, 2005? Between Books 5 & 6, sometime when I was either in late elementary school or early middle school. And contrary to the fic’s final form on FF.net a few years later, it was originally….not overtly incestuous 😝 I think I *wanted* it to be though. Because it still *felt* that way, my preteen brain probably just hadn’t really realized just what it was I wanted to explore.
then I discovered LiveJournal, a little past its prime unfortunately, but back then a lot of accounts and blogs were still up so I dove in *deep* and ended up finding a Sirius Black big bang that I gobbled up, and it was all pretty normal gen or Sirius/Remus stuff (that pairing was called “puppy shipping” back then)….until…the last posted fic in the fest showed up, which was written by a woman named Annie who, according to her LJ, was a classic lit major (We can already tell this is a dangerous combination for someone as pretentious as me).
her fic was called Palimpsest and it had the most gorgeous art by a creator called magrat_me. It was also explicit Sirius/Regulus, the first I’d ever seen. And I fell SO HARD in love with it.
the fact that the first incest fic I read was so beautifully crafted and written by someone with actual literature experience was probably a big factor in why the pairing stuck with me so hard. I bounced from that author’s profile to a bunch of other LJ folks with similar levels of syrupy, pretentious, flowery writing styles and in the course of like a week I think I read every Sirius/Regulus and James/Regulus fic on the site
I wish I could have chatted more with that author because everything I’ve ever written has literally been her fault. But she was a real adult and had clearly moved on from most of LJ and fandom by the time I found her stuff so I just sort of lurked. I did reach out once, years later when I saw the links to Palimpsest were broken and I felt like I might *die* because of it. (Idiot me hadn’t yet learned the hard lesson of saving online content.) And she was sweet enough to not only respond to a DM on a site she hadn’t touched in years but also to resend me the fic 😭 which I now guard quite closely, it’s not gonna get away from me again lol
after my fall into degeneracy I actually went back and changed that first fic I wrote, Unable are the loved to die. It’s properly cesty now, as it was always meant to be 😅
modern discussions about the morality of consuming questionable fiction and protecting children from iffy fic content and such always seems so alien to me because it never came up in my own formative fandom years. (I’m sure it was around, I just skirted by it.) no one anywhere at any point in time in my early days of hoovering up every Sirius/Regulus fic I could find mentioned anything about it being “wrong”. So I never internalized any guilt or shame or confusion. When teenage-me realized how dark my fiction preferences were turning it seemed pretty clear why.
I just find it interesting. I have a pretty normal and stable life, and so the darker and more bizarre corners of humanity are fascinating in a way that happiness just isn’t. “Well adjusted person lives life of moral correctness” is just zero percent interesting to me. And I’ve never felt it went deeper than that.
I’ve always been confident in my ability to consume media critically, and without the need for the works themselves to guide me directly towards the correct opinion. Looking back now this is largely thanks to my mother and her willingness to share any book with me that I wanted to read, and get me to any film I wanted to see. Sometimes things would be scary or wrong or offensive but that just meant it was time to think about *why* and get some good practice handling those feelings.
my family doesn’t read my fanfiction, but they all *know*. My partner in particular is a pretty good sport, love him lol. But my mother has read a bit of my original fiction, which is all just as deranged. And the only question she’s ever asked in response to forty chapters of brothers fucking and murdering each other is: “when are you going to get off your ass and publish something people can buy?”
now that I’ve spewed out an entire confessional on how I became infected with a fifteen year-long Sirius/Regulus brain rot and then diverged into a topic you didn’t even *ask* about…how about you?
let me know if your journey was just as crazy or if you’re a normal person 😅
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rawrtriesagain · 11 months
Heya, found your Diakko art, and I wanted to say you’re an amazing artist, and was hoping you could answer some questions from an aspiring artist who hopes to be as good as you some day. How'd you learn to draw so well? Do you know any good online resources to help someone progressively better at art? Like videos on youtube/any online resource to learn the fundamentals of drawing? Anything you wish you knew before starting your art journey? But anyway, I hope you have a nice day!
Hi there! Just to begin this is very sweet of you to send and I'm very glad you like my art! I still have a ton to learn though and I truthfully don't think I draw all that well, but its very nice to know that someone's interested in what I've done to at least get to where I am now. I will warn I may not be the best to learn fundamentals from as I am objectively not an expert artist that can whip out the most jaw dropping thing anyone's ever seen (and this is not in a deprecating way, its just where I am in my stage of art), but since you are asking me directly I'll do my best to provide some help!
This might get long so I'll write everything under a Read More haha
I'm not entirely sure where you are in your stage as an artist (as some people start from the very ground up of learning how to draw a line, and that's completely ok), but growing up I did some doodles here and there which kind of set me up for what would become my art blog at @rawrroarart and now here once I wanted to take doing art more seriously.
I think at early early stages someone should just draw literally anything, even if its stick figures and the like so that your hand just gets used to general shapes and lines. A pretty key thing would be drawing against references (And this doesn't at all change in the later stages of art skill) like... if there's a banana in front of you, can you draw the banana?
Once you got that down pat, its time to start looking at guides especially to start learning how to draw human faces and the like. For me personally I was never a fan of realism and I'm still not so young me was subject to those "hoW to DraW animE" books which... shaped who i am as a person but i wouldnt recommend them for art lmaOO. if I were to start from the beginning and I was serious about drawing well, I probably would have forced myself to learning how to draw actual humans and bodies. Once you're able to draw and understand the human shape, it should be easier to stylize it to your liking (like anime aha). I'm p much talking out of my ass rn since I of course didnt do this, but I'm sure I'd have learned a lot faster if I did so.
Anyway I dug up some old ass embarrassing art from my personal blog so you can see where I started before becoming more serious about improving myself.
This is from like 2015 and I pretty much quit drawing right after this LOL
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this was like where I peaked until 2020 when I started @rawrroarart heres me begging ppl to join my new blog:
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From then on I've pretty much posted every single thing I've drawn on that blog to see my progress. Here's the last page of my blog if you're interested so you can see where I started and then just go backwards to see where I am now https://rawrroarart.tumblr.com/page/26
Anyway I was doing stuff like this against references from straight from google (looking up "snake"):
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and then.. heres my first diana and the reference it was based off of
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do note that this art took me a god awful amount of time to do still AND I copy and pasted half the face instead of forcing myself to learn properly and draw both sides. I know people have their opinions regarding the copy/paste abilities of digital art and I truthfully do not care what you do unless you're using AI, but for me personally pretty soon after this I decided I wanted to learn how to draw everything myself, even if it meant choosing to struggle just so I could learn. Of course since I became a digital artist, I have so many other tools I use while drawing and its such a gift, but even today I feel it may be detrimental to my growth haha but ive decided im pretty much only going to be a digital artist so, whatever, undo button has saved my ass so many times. If you're a digital artist, its just up to you really and how you measure your level of success.
Anyway if you follow along my art blog you can kind of see where my art started to get more refined, but anyway a big thing I want to touch on is References! Almost every single art I've done has had a reference one way or another. For example I have many pictures in my camera roll of my own hand in different angles, and when drawing clothes I try to get references of fabric and folds and the like. If I find a cool pose, I also will try to reference it since I still don't know shit about anatomy, and I used to reference heads and head angles until I got familiar with the general structure that I'm able to draw it from my thoughts (sometimes I'll still need a reference though, like trying to figure out how to draw someone looking straight up). My art is usually a mash up of all these different references that I put together.
In the early stages of my art I was looking for references from google like looking up something like "rolling on the floor" or something, and you'll find some good stuff here and there regarding poses. Something I noticed though was that a lot of the top google images were usually very... stiff and if its something drawn instead of a real person, its probably really stylized and not particularly helpful (to me). like id look up "anime eye" or something and I just think everything at the top is not something I wanna reference or draw lol
This is where pinterest comes in. there are a ton a ton of references and artstyles and guides from other fellow artists that help break down the human body into more simple shapes. for example these are some of my pins from back in my Assassins Creed Odyssey AU days:
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General shapes and clear lines of movement and how different artist handle "movement" in general. Though I didn't end up drawing from these since I dropped Odyssey AU around the same time LMAO but if I did its the same process of studying how the body actually works here and trying it out myself. Then I'd look up something like "Assassins Creed Odyssey Armor" on google and slap on the clothes onto the naked body
Anyway sorry this is very anecdotal of course and I'm just blabbering on. But to keep things short and you are very free to keep asking questions, honestly I only really got better because I kept drawing what I wanted to draw. I really like Diana so I just kept drawing Diana lmao and I don't think I could draw any other character half as well (Akko gets a pass since I sometimes draw her too). If I was more serious about doing art though I think the number one thing I wish I did and I still wish I would start doing now if I wasn't a bum would be to practice drawing poses until I can form my own poses without needing a reference immediately.
I would ideally spend some time every single day on sites like these:
Maybe one day when I get insane about a fandom again I'll be back to do so, but at least for now I guess I don't have the drive to keep improving anymore.
As for picking an art style, honestly... just "steal" random things from artists you like lmao. artists are inspirations for other artists, thats just how it is. Obvi I don't mean trace someone's art and call it your own or anything like that like please don't do that, but if someones coloring style for example is rly nice to you, try it out yourself. If someone draws their characters hair really cool, try that out yourself. Over time you really just end up developing your own style even if it did start by being inspired by someone else. My sketchy/messy style is because idk how to do lineart
I used to be a hater for when artists would say things like "just practice" because it'd mean like absolutely nothing to me, but it really does just come down to practice lol. I'm not a particularly good artist in the sense that I could draw anything, but I am a good diakko artist because thats all I've drawn for the past 3 years (give or take given my months long hiatus every year lmao). If someone handed me a piece of paper and was like "draw ur mom" id probs just cry but if someone was like "draw diana cavendish" id be like bet
One thing to keep in mind that still gets to me to this day is to be ok with failing. Sometimes my art is straight garbage, and that's ok. Sometimes I get frustrated and cry when I can't get an eye right, and that's ok. I've scribbled, deleted, and restarted many art pieces until I deemed it ok to post, and even then I'll still eventually see them with disgust, and that's ok! I like to look at my very old art and compare it to what I can do now (even if I don't even like my art of the 'now') and I just think to myself, "hey I actually am improving!" and that lets me know that if I keep at it, one day I'll get to where I want to be. I think its nice to keep a log of all of your art (if you aren't already doing so) just to do exactly that
Just keep pushing my dude! I'm sure just based on you asking me this you're already on track to be a really good artist down the line, but you'll just need to be patient is all and know its not an overnight thing. Every single thing in your day to day is a potential inspiration for art, its just up to you what you decide to do with it :)
Hopefully this answers at least some of your questions! Feel free to ask any more and I'd be happy to ramble for a good hour haha
tl;dr: me like diakko, me draw diakko
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this is so long forgive me but back with the girl dad aaron thoughts
What set me off was that one post of the “dad leaves his daughter an honest review of her restaurant” (anon can’t get the post but i hope you can find it 😭) and it’s like a play kitchen/restaurant right? LOOK I just KNOW Aaron would be the type to get really into his daughter’s games like !! he’ll do anything, like she wants him to play princess with him, tea parties, house? uh yeah. He gets really into his little girl’s games! He wants her to be happy and have the best childhood he can provide for her!
Speaking of princesses, INDULGES HER SO MUCH if she’s into stuff like disney princesses. She's like four, pre-k age right? imagine she has just like a specific princess she likes, so aaron buys her the designated dress, right, and she loves it and it’s one of those things she just always wants to wear. Aaron is so weak he will succumb to his daughter’s wishes so fast, like “okay, princess, twenty more minutes, but then you have to take it off for a bath.” weak. weak man. it’s been two hours.
That being said: if his little girl does take more interest in less traditional fem. stuff he doesn’t mind! if she prefers superman to sleeping beauty? okay. She loves it when her dad picks her up and lifts her in the air and she can “fly” all across the house. She loves it when her dad makes her her own personal cape, made out of her favourite colour fabric and adorned with her favourite little trinkets (be it glitter and sparkles or some cute beads or stickers). it’s pretty poorly made but she doesn’t really care because her dad made it for her! (also she’s four lol)
If we’re taking the stay-out-home-dad route, OH. OH. At first he’s actually so bad at it, but once she’s in kindergarten he’s an actual pro. oh my god you ever watched those videos where the parents pack their kids cute, nice lunches? HE DOES THAT HE MAKES THOSE LUNCHES FOR HIS GIRL (also his partner assuming they work!). also volunteers as much as his girl wants him to, if she wants him to go on a field trip? boom done, he’s on it so fast. if she wants a little break (it hurts him, poor guy just loves his kid) but he’ll respect it.
Loves braiding her hair and doing it. he actually spent so long learning how to braid hair, he probably got someone else to teach him.(presenting the kc is a pro at hair styling and dressing people to match their propaganda) he could also have just spent hours on youtube, he’d definitely do that. as she gets older if she wants he definitely does her hair. one time, when she was seven she got mad at him and told him; “no, i wanna do my own hair!”
Find him sulking in his daughter’s room, cleaning it up, one of her dolls in his hand. “no… nobody needs me, anymore, she’s all grown up, doesn’t need her dad anymore to do her hair.”
The next time she asks him to do his hair, he jokes around like “thought you were a big girl?” but a couple whines from her and he gives him, telling her he’s just kidding and of course he’ll do her hair.
We adore ask length in this household. If it isn’t long enough to make me up my brightness a little so I can see it properly then what’s the point?
Also this is all great, but hear me out… Aaron the dad to two girls. (Lilith and Alina, perhaps maybe even more)
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
I accidentally thought I deleted your ask which instead got posted and then deleted, but I got lucky and had copied the questions to answer qwq. I've been using control z too much... So thank you thank you for all the questions on Jornos and here you are! (Sorry I took so long to answer lol) @brick-a-doodle-do i can see a lot of awkward conversations between tommy and emduo + wil. like a lot of sarcastic comments towards tommy that have a secret meaning to tommy! lots of tensing up at the softest of questions
Yesssssssssssssssssssss! Many many awkward times! Tommy just a lil anxious boi :3
for the thing with tommy knowing things he shouldn't, how about a scene with tommy accidentally humming a tune he'd heard wilbur play before? maybe even accidentally murmuring the lyrics while wilbur only plays the melody! :0000 *yoinks this idea for later* Oh I likes this a lot >:3
do you have any design ideas for tommy's borrower home? is it very innovative with crazy cool designs, or something more basic that he'd thrown together with whatever he could find? I have many ideas for his home but nothing specifically made or set yet. Been thinking about that a lil bit atm lol. While I don't have any designs for Tommy's room, I have made a floor plan of the Crafts house to make sure I'm being coherent to the story and scenes so have that!
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how does tommy react to the internet? does he find a means to conquer it after seeing how intimidating it is, or does he immediately fall victim to social media? maybe he finds some good ole schlatt videos and bonds over them with wilbur! Oh he's infatuated with it. He loved to try and watch Tv of Beans in the past but actually gaining access to the internet blew his mind! Learning so many new things and not understanding how some stuff was possible was insane for him! And Canon! Def bonds with Wilbur over the old vids!
does wilbur absolutely drag him into the world of music? i can see wilbur making a mini-him with his new younger brother! 100%. To Wilbur, Tommy is free blank slate brother. Time to educate the child in the world of music and properly!! (as well as everything else lol)
in a lot of fics, techno has swords n knives pinned up on his walls or leaning against his walls, do you follow through with that here? lalalala *yoinks another idea* :3
that also leads me to the question does tommy, as a borrower, find this threatening or interesting? and similarly, when he's a human, does he struggle with hiding his interest/fear of them depending on his borrower-selves reaction? Boi is both terrified and drawn to the blades. There's one sword displayed on top of the book shelf that Tommy often likes to marvel at. It's part of why Tommy tried to go for the craft knife that Techno left out on the table when he first moved in because he wanted to wield a sword like that too.
i bet tommy might have a strong reaction to flavorful things, especially something spicey, sour, or even really sweet, since borrower's grow up mainly on grain with the occasional addition of fruit or dessert. does this spark interest between emduo + wilbur or do they just bond with him and call him a child over it? I think I mentioned in a previous ask that Tommy just goes into sugar rush overload when he gets access to sugar so in a similar way, he'd have an extreme reaction to spicy, sour or bitter things too. If given any of those things tho, I'm pretty sure once comfy with the rest of sbi, would scream: ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME?!?!?
tommy using his skills as a human! i can see him offering to fix the craft's ripped clothing with his sewing skills orrr maybe they go hiking or smth and tommy's climbing instincts kick in and he just fucking climbs a tree like it's nothing lol Yesssssssssssss. That was one of the only things he could do at the colony and not get into trouble for it. Often he'd hide out and fix clothing for others so he loves to get his hands on stuff to mend for sbi. When they notice this, they actually get him proper sewing equipment and nice fabric for Tommy to experiment with and he goes wild with new clothes and bags. He adores it!
on the note of instincts, how are tommy's instincts? i always see borrowers listening to their instincts more than humans but still not always listening to them. does he got like really good reflexes that earn him the nickname spiderinnit? (to which he is extremely confused cause huh? maybe that leads to a movie marathon :0) Brick. How? How are you having all the amazing ideas?? *yoinks this too* He is spiderinnit damn it and they watch every spider man movie. So Tommy's instincts are a bit nuts atm. Normally his first thought when in danger is to run and get back to the walls or somewhere safe, but when he shifts he is so out of it, he kinda just shuts down because he can't just run back to the walls. Later on when he kinda works out the sizeshifting abilities, it takes a lot of will power to not let himself just run from everything and hide. But he will often react a lot to footsteps of people coming or animals because he still semi associates it with danger.
birthdays! i don't know about you or this au, but i like the idea of borrower's not really celebrating birthdays, and even if they do not every single one. so what's tommy's reaction to possibly having a party thrown for him? Sometimes Individual bdays are celebrated within small family's when borrowers see fit, say they turn 1 or 13 but yeah most of the time bdays aren't really celebrated. The celebrations are more of a celebration of surviving to an important point in life, not making it another year older in age. (that makes no sense becky. Good job :'D) Colonies will usual celebrate a borrowers coming of age for all the borrowers going on their first successful borrowing trips (of course Tommy isn't allowed at those though)
^^ on a similar note, does tommy know his own birthday? and if he doesn't, how the hell do the craft's react to that ?? He does not. He was abandoned by the colony and they kind of just guessed he was like 2ish when found so they make his bday just sometime in April because that was the time he was found. Tommy doesn't even really think about not having a specific day till he's asked and the Crafts are just so shocked that this kid has probably never had a party in his life and literally throw him a party within the next few days. Tommy is just so touched that he decides the date is April 9th because that was the date. (Even if it was actually *enter different month here*)
I have no idea what else you said about the ask but at least I had the questions so thank you for sending them in and your continued interest in the story! Jornos chapter 2 is almost done and then just needs to be proof read so keep your eyes peeled :3
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laineystein · 1 year
If this is weird you don’t have to answer it but I was wondering what sparked your interest in WW2? Not to say that Jews can’t like WW2 I just feel like it’s not common and it’s always fascinated me a bit especially because I think you said once that you have shoah survivors in your family? again if this is weird you can ignore it and I apologize lol
Not weird!
Have I answered this before? I feel like I have. But I’m happy to share again!
I am the grandchild of two Shoah survivors. I grew up very angry at the goy world and I didn’t understand how the entire world had turned a blind eye to the atrocities of the Holocaust and everything that led up to it. It was mind boggling to me that other people (goyim) were living lives completely separate from this genocide. And I didn’t have stories about non-Jews during this time. Until I was 21 I really didn’t have much interaction with the goy world at all. So I started reading about the war and what was going on in their world at that time. I was still angry, maybe even more so, but it gave my anger even more context. And I felt kind of valid in my anger…which I can’t really explain and I feel like I’m not articulating it properly here. Being the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors entitles me to anger and a million other emotions; knowing what happened surrounding that horrible time gave my emotions confidence. Nobody could ever say I didn’t understand what was going on. People *did* turn a blind eye to the growing antisemitism in Europe. People did know about the camps and said nothing. The world was fighting a different war than my family and my tribe and my family and my tribe would forever be fighting a different war, even when this particular war ended.
More simply - in general, I love history. It fascinates me. I love knowledge and learning. I think the knowledge that makes you uncomfortable is the knowledge you really need to learn because that’s the world and some aspects of it are never going to change. And a lot of it still makes me angry but when I compartmentalize it, some of it is courageous and inspiring and I think a lot of people were backed into a corner and thought they were doing the right thing. (I’m referring to 18 year old Allied soldiers who thought they were fighting for their country but just ended up watching their friends die and living in horrible conditions for months. I’m not talking about Nazis. Fuck Nazis.)
Regarding BoB - that premiered right around 9/11. And for 24+ hours I thought my parents were dead so when they finally got home, my dad sat down to watch it (he loves Spielberg) and with everything going on, he felt bad telling me I couldn’t watch it too. It was probably not appropriate for an 11 year old (read: it was NOT appropriate for an 11 year old). But he let me watch the entire thing with him. And he, the son of Holocaust survivors who knows far more about what my grandparents went through than I do or ever will, thought the Shoah episode was…fair. He got me the box set (it was before I left for undergrad - it was 5 VHS tapes and I actually put it in my carry on). I ended up watching it anytime my life was stressful. Midterms and finals. Sleepless nights in the army - I made my entire team watch it and they actually liked it. I watched it a lot in med school because I was really fucking miserable and had no friends so I just spent a lot of time in my apartment by myself. It was just a weird comfort watch when my life was chaos - but I almost always skip episode 8 because again: compartmentalizing.
The more I talk about this the more I realize how weird this is (my hyperfixation, not your question) but whatever.
Tachles there ya go 🙃
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