#so take my hand and we will walk through this maze together its scary but i wont let you do it all by yourself
hilsonisthecure · 2 years
how loved do you think wilson felt when he realized house gave up his life just to be with him for 5 months ????
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
So I do have a promt because 'tis the season (Halloween 🎃)
Maybe the reader, Sy, and a group of their friends go to a haunted corn maze or something (assuming Sy is okay to go to those). And maybe reader gets startled by one of the actors and accidentally stumbles into Sy, who then grabs their hand, and then they end up holding hands through the rest of the haunted whatever. Buts it's like "ahh scary haha" not actually terrified, where they continue through the maze and get scared together and reader maybe clings to Sy a lot but they're having fun and joking around.
Sy and reader have had a "will they, won't they" relationship for a while, so maybe Sy drops reader off or something, and they confess their feelings for each other. Possibly smut ending??? But that's really up to you and if you feel it flows into that. Mainly fluff.
Obviously if you don't like it don't worry! Just thought it could be a fun seasonal idea! Love all you work so much!! 😁
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Summary: You and Sy have been close friends for years and the sexual tension between you has been growing palpable. Will the chills and thrills of Halloween bring you together or tear you apart?
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 10.5k
Warnings: Fluff, angst, smut, oral sex (f receiving), hand job, fingering, p in v sex.
Authors note: This turned into a monster, appropriate I guess since its Halloween. Thanks Anon for the prompt, it definitely got me thinking and the story came to me pretty quickly. I hope you enjoy it.
As always, thanks to my two close friends @amberangel112 and @henryobsessed. Your help was amazing, your encouragement necessary. Y’all have them both to thank for the smut. I was gonna leave you hanging 🤣 Thank you to @amberangel112 for the edit. Its nearly 2am here. I just wasn't up to it!
Practical Boundaries
As soon as your friend’s metallic blue truck pulls into your driveway you run out the door, locking it quickly and leap down the two small steps off your porch. You can’t contain your excitement. You have wanted to go to one of those Haunted Corn Maze’s for years and this Halloween you and your friends were finally going to go.
You skip towards Sy as he got out the driver’s side. He grins when he sees you, and shakes his head as he walks towards you, meeting you halfway. “You really wanna go to the maze, huh?”
You bounce from side to side, so much excitement and nervous energy pumps through your veins you can’t keep still. You grin broadly and let out a tiny squeal before standing on your toes and giving Sy a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go!” you say as you settle back on your heels and bound to the passenger side.
Sy turns slowly rolling his eyes, deliberately taking slow steps and starts patting his pockets. “Hmm…” he says. “I can’t seem to find my keys.”
“Sy!” you whine, pulling on the door handle.
“No really, I just had ‘em and now, I can’t find ‘em.” The exaggerated look of confusion on his face and the small dimple on his bearded cheek tell you he’s kidding.
You growl and stomp back to Sy. He raises his hands in mock surrender and you tap at the numerous pockets of his cargo pants until you hear the jingle of his keys in the one on his thigh. You draw your brows together and purse your lips in faux anger, and dip into the pocket pulling his keys out.
“Hmm, maybe I shoulda put them in my back pocket.” Sy grins.
You look up at him and smirk, then pretend to slap at his balls. Sy’s eyes go wide and his hands rush to protect himself.
“Ha!” you cry like a kid. “Made you flinch!”. You press the key fob to open the trucks doors and get in, waiting for Sy to put his seatbelt on before handing him the keys.
“Cheeky bitch,” Sy says as he takes the keys and turns the car on.
“Smug bastard,” you reply, grinning. “Are we going straight there or are you picking someone else up.”
“Gotta get Dan and his new girlfriend.”
“Ugh!” you groan. Sy huffs, clearly as unimpressed with the situation as you are. “Have you met her yet?”
Sy inhales deeply. “Yup,” he says slowly.
“What she like?”
“Remember the last three girls he dated?” You nod and Sy continues, “Exactly like that.”
You slam your head back against the seat rest. “Oh God! How long do you think this one will last?”
“I’d be surprised if they make it through tonight.”
“Why’d you say you’d pick him up?” you moan at Sy. “If it’s that bad, the drive home will be awkward as hell.”
“’Cause he asked me to.”
“Good old reliable Sy,” you say sarcastically.
“Hey, I picked you up,” he says defensively.
“That’s different,” you say smugly. “You like me.”
“You sure about that, sugar?” Sy says, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re being a bastard again,” you laugh. Then you get serious, “Besides, I pick you up all the time. We’re friends. Dan just seems to call you when its convenient and never seems to be around when you need him.”
Sy grunts, you know you’ve hit a nerve. Neither of you say anything for a while and you worry you may have hurt Sy’s feelings implying that Dan was using him. Dan wasn’t a bad guy, he was just one of those people who seem to change when they are in a relationship. He is Sy’s closest friend other than you, but you feel protective of Sy and don’t like the way Dan treats him sometimes.
“Sy, I’m sorry,” you say softly. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Turning his head towards you, he gives you a forced grin. “You didn’t say anythin’ that isn’t true.”
You look out the window, feeling a bit down, the whole discussion put a wet blanket over your excitement. You stay quiet as Sy pulls into Dan’s driveway and gives him a little toot with his horn to let him know he’s arrived.
You and Sy wait a few minutes. You start to pick at your nail polish the atmosphere in the cab is still a little tense. Sy’s hand covers yours and you glance at him. He gives you a small shake of his head then grins. You smile back and stop playing with your nails and Sy withdraws his hand.
Grimacing, Sy beeps the horn again, a little louder and more insistent this time. “Asshole,” Sy mutters under his breath. A few moments later, Dan comes outside followed by his girlfriend. She’s tall, long legged, gorgeous, an impeccable natural beauty, just like all of Dan’s girlfriends.
“She looks familiar,” you say to Sy. “You sure she’s a different one to last time?”
Sy snickers. You like making him laugh and are relieved that some of the tension rescinds.
Dan opens the door for his girl, and she shimmies along the backseat until she’s behind Sy. “Hi again Sy,” she says. At least this one bothered to learn Sy’s name. Sy nods, then she smiles at you and almost shyly says hello.
“Hi,” you reply. You wonder if Sy got his assessment wrong. Yeah, she looks just like all of Dan’s ex’s but already she seems nicer than the others. Dan gets in and says hi to Sy, then leans forward to give you a kiss on the cheek before he introduces you to Hope.
She sticks out her hand towards you, and you reach back giving it a shake. “Nice to meet you,” she says, softly. You see instantly that she really is shy, and you take pity on her.
“Nice to meet you too.” You beam at her to make her feel welcome. “Looking forward to tonight?”
Hope pulls her face into a scared look and shakes her head. “No,” she whines playfully. You genuinely laugh, you decide you like her, and your sour mood really begins to improve.
The two of you chat away as you make the thirty-minute drive outside town to the corn field. You glance at Sy, and you see a small grin on his face. He catches you looking and gives you one of his terrible winks, you giggle and shake your head before turning your attention back to Hope.
“Aw, you two are sweet,” Hope says. “You’re such a cute couple.”
Silence fills the cab, that awful silence where someone says something so wrong that everyone is stunned the words were spoken aloud. She sees the look on everyone’s face and her cheeks begin to colour.
“I’m sorry… I…”
You force a smile to cover your discomfort. “It’s cool.”
“Don’t worry yourself none,” Sy says looking at Hope in the rear vision mirror. “You ain’t the first to think it.”
“We get brother and sister sometimes too,” you add, and you don’t have to force a smile at that. You always think it’s funny when someone assumes that because in a lot of ways, Sy feels like family to you, you’ve known him so long and are so comfortable with him, you don’t remember life without him hanging around. Even when he’s on tour, you still keep in regular contact, rarely phone calls, but you send him emails and the occasional letter or gift for his birthday or Christmas.
Hope relaxes a little, but the air in the cab feels heavy and the silence is stifling. You look at the clock to see you still have another fifteen minutes until you get to the maze.
“Where’s your phone Sy?” you ask.
Sy reaches into one of his pockets and hands it to you. You put in his pin, open his music app and finding your playlist you put it on. You look in the back to ask Hope what kind of music she likes, and you see her and Dan exchanging a look and Dan shrugging. You wonder what it’s about when Sy gets your attention.
“Put some Metallica on,” he says.
“Nah, I feel like some AC/DC.”
“Guns n Roses?”
“Iron Maiden?”
“White Zombie?”
“Rob Zombie,” he suggests.
“Rob Zombie,” you agree, putting on Dragula. “Let’s get in the mood for thrills and chills!”
The atmosphere in the car slowly warms again and you laugh when you see the look on Hopes face as you, Sy and Dan start moving your heads to the beat. Obviously, this isn’t her type of music, but by the time Sy finally pulls up at the maze Hope is headbanging with the rest of you and your excitement returns as you bounce happily out of the truck.
You wait for the others to get out and you grin as you hear Sy lowly still singing along to Superbeast. Together you make your way to the entrance, Sy walks beside you as Hope, and Dan walk together in front of you.
You bump Sy with your shoulder and say softly, “I like her. She’s actually sweet.”
“Yeah,” Sy agrees. “She was much better tonight.”
“I think she’s shy,” you say. “Poor thing, I hate when I get shy.”
“What would you know about bein’ shy, Sugar?” Sy asks playfully. “I ain’t ever seen you be shy ‘bout anythin’.”
“I’m not shy with you,” you say. “I know you too well.”
Sy hums. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me too.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
Sy doesn’t finish his thought as you both hear your names, and you see the rest of your friends at the entrance. It was a big group, eleven once the four of you arrive and after everyone greeted each other you seem to split into girl and boy groups, except for Hope who looks a little lost. You pull her away from the boys and bring her to the girls, making sure she was included as you stand in line.
The maze is everything you hoped it would be. Over the top, tacky, actors in crazy make up and costumes with prop knives, chainsaws, blood, and guts and death things everywhere. You got all bouncy again and as a Zombie takes your ticket and you enter in the maze, Hope goes to find Dan and Sy falls in beside you.
You smile excitedly at him, bounding along but his pace is too slow though and a gap opens between you and the rest of the group.
“Come on Sy!” you say, grabbing his arm pulling him along. You walk around a broken wagon, and something grabs at your feet.
You yelp and your blood runs cold as an actor crawls grotesquely out from beneath the wooden cart, growling and swiping at you. You cling to Sy in fright, almost climbing his back to get away from the thing.
“Holy fuck!” you squeal as you register what happened and your blood warms with a burst of adrenaline.
Sy chuckles, he hadn’t even flinched. “You ok, Sugar?” he asks, taking your hand off his shoulder and bringing you around in front of him.
“Don’t laugh at me!” you cry. But you’re not mad, you’re laughing now the fright has passed. “They just startled me.”
“Aww you need me to protect you huh, baby?” Sy grins, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You smack playfully at his chest, pushing him away with a laugh. “Yes actually. Go ahead. Do some reconnaissance or whatever shit you guys do in the army. Protect the asset or whatever the fuck you call it.”
Sy shakes his head, and lets you go, but takes hold of your hand. “It’s called…” Then someone jumps out at Sy, machete in hand and you see Sy stiffen. “God fuckin’ Damn it!” he shouts. He looks at you out of the corner of his eye. He sees you pressing your lips together, hiding your grin. “Don’t say a fuckin’ word,” he warns pointing a finger at you, face grim.
You wrap your arms around his waist. “Aww, you need me to protect you, huh, Baby?” you ask Sy.
“Cheeky bitch,” he laughs.
“Smug bastard,” you counter.
Sy’s arms encircle your waist and for a moment your eyes hold each other’s, both of you grinning. Then Sy brushes some hair off your brow and suddenly it feels too intimate, no longer a playful hug, and you feel a heat bloom deep within you. It’s not the first time you’ve felt that with Sy, but after Hope’s assumption earlier it’s harder to shake off.
Why aren’t you and Sy together? You always have a litany of reasons in your head as to why. Sometimes it was because you were dating other people, but that wasn’t the case now. You remember whispers in your group that the reason his last girlfriend broke up with him was jealousy of your relationship. They hadn’t dated long, only a month or so, Sy never seems to keep women around long. Sy had told you that you weren’t the reason, and you believed him because you wanted to believe him. But when he looks at you the way he’s looking at you now, you wonder if he had told you the truth.
You bite your lip and let him go. Sy holds you a beat longer than necessary and seems to draw your body closer to his before releasing you. You notice the way he clears his throat and pulls at the collar of his jacket.
“Come on,” you say, surprised by how hoarse your voice sounds. “Let’s find the others.” Sy nods and holds out his hand. You hesitate a moment, maybe you shouldn’t hold his hand, maybe you’re sending the wrong signals to him. Giving yourself a mental shake to clear your thoughts, you take his hand, convincing yourself it will be more awkward if you don’t.
As you move further into the maze, you are glad you held Sy’s hand. Although it isn’t really scary, the actors startle game is on point. Both you and Sy jump a few times, sending you both into peels of laughter. It is a lot of fun, and though you would deny it to anyone who asked, you like having Sy there to hold onto. You like knowing that although he laughed, he laughed because he was happy, not because he thought you were being silly.
As you get closer to the end of the maze, you start to get a little in your head. The adrenaline in your veins has abated and you start to feel a little cold. Like he always does, Sy notices and draws you under his arm, wrapping his jacket around you. Your body presses against his and you like feeling the pleasant warmth of his body through his t-shirt. You put an arm around Sy’s back, above the shirt but beneath the jacket and rest your head against his chest.
It is scary how natural it feels, how often he’s done that for you, warmed you when you were cold or given you his hoodie or jacket. Sometimes you think he wears an extra layer just for you.
“What are we doing after the maze?” you ask Sy.
He shrugs. “I think Dan and Hope will want to home. Dan has work in the mornin’.”
“What about the others?”
“Not sure. Do you want to do somethin’ after this?”
“We could go to the bar, Glenn and Mia are always up for drinks. Or we could all go back to my place and watch some horror movies? We could stop at the store and…”
Suddenly someone jumps out of the corn at you shouting “Run!”
You scream and cling to Sy, burying your face into chest, hands clawing at his shirt. You hear Sy start to chuckle and feel his voice rumble in his chest. Then you hear Dan laughing. You turn around and see Hope shrugging her shoulders and apologetic look on her face and Dan bent over in hysterics.
“Fuck,” you breathe. “Dan, you’re such an asshole.”
“I know…” Dan says, “I’m not even sorry.”
You glower at him, then step out of Sy’s embrace feeling too warm again after your fright. You look at Sy and see him trying to keep a straight face. “You’re both assholes,” you say to Sy, who lets his laughter go.
“I’m sorry, Sugar,” Sy says. “Come back ‘ere.”
“Nah uh!” you go to Hope and link your arm with hers. “C’mon Hope.”
The guys follow the two of you as you go through the last of the maze. “Sorry about Dan,” Hope says.
“Hey, don’t apologise for someone else. Besides, I’m not mad,” you tell her. “That’s just how we are together. We all pick on each other.”
Hope bites her lip, you don’t know her well, but you think she wants to say something. “Are you ok?” you ask.
“I shouldn’t say anything,” she replies.
“Ok…” You’re curious to know what she’s thinking, but because she’s shy, you don’t want to press the issue.
You walk arm in arm for a while, still being scared by actors, but you’re both used to it by now, and other than a short squeal you continue as if nothing happened.
“I suppose you and Dan are going home after this?”
Hope nods. “Yeah, he has work and I need to get home to my cat.” She pauses and when she speaks again, she sounds like she’s trying to be casual but fails miserably. “Why don’t you and Sy do something together?”
“We will,” you say slowly. “We are going to see if the others want to meet up at the bar.”
Hope is quiet for a bit. “Look, I don’t know you and if I’m out of line, tell me…”
You breathe deeply, you think you know where this is going. “Go on.”
“It’s just that you’ve been really nice to me and… well… What’s going on with you and Sy? He obviously likes you. You like him too, right?”
You force your voice to sound flippant, “Of course I do.”
“I mean, really like him,” Hope presses.
“Well, I mean…” you sneak a peek behind you and your eyes meet Sy’s. He was looking directly at you when you turned, a small smirk on his lips as he listens to Dan chatter away. You are far enough away from them that they can’t hear you talking, but Sy looks at you as if he knows you’re talking about him. Feeling heat rise to your cheeks you turn around. “We’re just friends.”
Hope grins at you. “I think he wants more than friendship. Friends don’t look at each other like he looks at you.”
“How does he look at me?” you ask softly. You know, you’ve seen it tonight, but you keep denying it. Why do you do that?
“Like he wants to take you to his bed,” she says.
“We’re friends,” you repeat. “It’s better that way.” I’ll never lose him that way, you silently add.
“Yeah,” Hope says. “Forget I said anything.”
You reach the end of the maze and join up with the others. There’s a brief conversation about meeting up, but everyone seems to have excuses not to. It seems too forced, like everyone is busy on purpose. You smell a rat, but as you look at Sy you can’t see any hint of deception on his part.
The drive to Dan’s house is subdued. Hope lays her head on Dan’s shoulder, and they hold hands while Dan traces lazy circles over her palm. You get a flashback to a few weeks ago when you all went camping. After dinner everyone gathered around the fire, you had sat with Sy, his arm around you and he had done the same thing to your hand, calming you so much you had fallen asleep.
In that moment you realise that you and Sy had been practically boyfriend and girlfriend for years. The only thing that you lacked was commitment and physical intimacy, but then again, what Dan and Hope are doing is intimate and you and Sy do that kind of thing all the time. The only physical boundaries you haven’t crossed were kissing and sex.
It wasn’t that you wouldn’t want to kiss Sy, you do. When you boil down all your fears about taking that step from friendship to relationship, it all came down to one thing. Commitment. You don’t know if Sy could commit to you long term. You’ve never seen him date someone for longer than a few months. And when he tells you why they break up, it always feels like a superficial excuse. You don’t want to lose his friendship and it seems like taking the relationship further would be the quickest way for that to happen.
You are so wrapped up in your thoughts you don’t notice when Sy pulls up into Dan’s driveway until Hope says goodbye. You turn around and give her and Dan a hug, then wave at them as they go inside.
As Sy reverses out of the driveway he asks, “Wanna go to the store and grab some beers and junk for a movie?”
“Everyone’s busy Sy, don’t worry about it, just drop me home.”
“I ain’t busy,” he says.
Yeah, but I can’t be alone with you right now. I don’t trust myself. It would be a mistake.
“Wanna watch a Rob Zombie movie? I’m kinda in the mood after listenin’ to his music,” Sy suggests.
“Which one?” you ask.
“Halloween, or House of 1000 Corpses.”
“I haven’t watched House of 1000 Corpses in ages.” You laugh. “I’m in the mood for some Captain Spaulding. Don’t worry about getting beers, I have some in my fridge.” You blink, until the words came out of your mouth, you hadn’t realised you had decided to let Sy come over. It is too late to take them back now.
Sy grins and nods. You look out the window, biting on your thumbnail. It’s fine, you try to convince yourself, you and Sy hang out alone all the time. Nothing is going to happen.
When you arrive at your place, Sy follows you into your house hanging his jacket by the door and immediately makes himself at home, going to the fridge, pulling out a beer for himself. He opens your freezer and pulls out your vodka and starts making you a drink as you get out the disk.
“No drink for me,” you call out to Sy.
“What’s that?” Sy calls. “You want a double shot?”
You laugh. “Sy,” you whine.
He brings out the drinks and flops on the three-seater next to you. “Come on, have a drink with me.”
“Just one,” you say. “You shouldn’t have much more either, you have to drive.”
“I’ll spend the night,” Sy says smoothly. You stare blankly at him. This is what you are afraid of, this easiness he has with you, it’s too comfortable between you two and it’s all too easy to see yourself allowing something to happen. “Right here,” he adds, giving the couch a tap.
You nod then get up and turn all the lights off and settle into the movie. Sy reaches over and pulls you to him, resting your head against his chest and putting an arm around your shoulder. You go with it, he will think something is wrong if you don’t.
As was your way when you watched movies you’ve already seen together, Sy starts talking. “Did ya have a good time tonight?”
“Yeah, it was good. You?”
“Course I did.” You feel Sy’s fingers stroke your hair. “I always have a good time with you.” You lick your lips and have a sip of your drink. “I like hangin’ out with you.” Sys fingers brush your ear then skim over your neck.
You don’t breathe. You don’t know what to say. You have to say something. “I like Hope,” you deflect. “First of Dan’s girlfriends I met that I actually like.”
Sy gives a hum of agreement. “You were real nice to her tonight. Dan appreciated it. I was wrong, I think he’s serious ‘bout her. What were you two talkin’ about at the end there? Seemed real deep.”
Fuck. “Just stuff about Dan,” you lie.
You don’t know if Sy believes you, but he doesn’t call you out on it and you keep watching the movie while Sy keeps drinking his beer and playing with your hair. For a while you almost forget about feeling awkward and enjoy the movie, enjoy being close to Sy, without it getting weird. When you finish your drink and notice Sy has finished his too, you push yourself off him and he grumbles as you move.
“I was comfortable,” he complains.
“I’m going to get another drink. Want one?”
Sy nods and pauses the film. When you come back, you find Sy playing the label of his empty beer, flicking at the edges of it. He is so engrossed in whatever he was thinking that he didn’t notice you come back until you waved the new bottle in his face.
Looking up at you he gives you a quick grin of thanks and he waits until you sit on the couch and instead of putting his arms out to you, he speaks.
“Sugar, I wanna talk to you ‘bout somethin’.” Sy doesn’t look at you, he leans forward, elbows on his knees and he stares at his new bottle, rolling it between his hands.
Oh fuck. “Ok,” you say slowly.
“I’m… uh…” Fuck he’s nervous. Oh fuck, he’s going to say something about your relationship. Fuck. “I’m thinking about retiring.”
You raise your eyebrows. Sy is thinking of retiring from the army. It surprises you because you always thought he would be a lifer, rise up the ranks, be a Colonel one day. You wonder why he wants to leave. Did something happen? You always thought he coped well with military service, you rarely saw signs of trauma, even tonight with all the jump scares, he was relaxed and seemed to handle it as well as any of you.
Reaching your hand out, you lay it gently on his shoulder, “You ok, Sy? Did something happen?”
He looks at you then, looks at your hand on his shoulder, then he smiles. He covers your hand with his, gives it a pat before rubbing it and giving it a squeeze. He looks at you and meets your eyes with an intense gaze. “You’re sweet, you know that?”
You give him a brief smile. “Why do you want to leave?”
Inhaling deeply, Sy gives your hand another squeeze before leaning back into the corner of the couch so he’s facing you, one leg bent, the other foot resting on the floor. Your hand slips off his shoulder and you turn your body to face him, crossing your legs and your back leans on the arm rest. One of your knees is against Sy’s and he leans forward, gripping your denim clad thigh in his hands.
“I’ve done everythin’ I wanted to do, now I’ve had enough,” Sy says. “I don’t wanna do it no more.”
“Sounds like a good reason, Sy,” you say. “You don’t think you’ll miss it though? Won’t hanging out with us civilians all the time be a little boring?” You grin.
Sy grins back, he still seems a little nervous though. “There’ll be things I miss.” His brows furrow and he’s quiet, but you can tell he hasn’t finished talking. “But I’m sick of missin’ things here.”
There are several ways you could interpret his last sentence, but when he meets your eyes, there’s only one way you can read it. He’s talking about you. He misses you. Fuck.
Tearing your eyes away you have a sip of your drink trying to give yourself time to think. “What would you do? For work I mean.”
Sy shrugs, his eyes still bore into you. “That depends.”
“On what?”
“On you.”
For once you detect no hint of mocking in his voice, he’s serious. Fuck. You look down at your hands and start picking your nail polish off, the action is soothing to your reeling mind.
When Sy realises you’re not going to say anything he keeps talking. “I have options,” he says. “I’ve been lookin’ ‘round ‘ere, and there ain’t much. But I could do bouncing, maybe even join the police force, or fire department. My brother-in-law has offered me a job. He’s willin’ to pay good money, but that wouldn’t solve my problem since I’d have to move back home, but it could still work. Maybe. If… uh… some things don’t work the way I want, I was fixin’ t’ spend some time on an oil rig, makin’ some money then buyin’ some land or somethin’. I ain’t thought that one out too much.”
“I don’t see what any of that has to do with me,” you say, playing dumb. You know what he’s looking for. He’s looking for a reason to stay here, he wants you to tell him to stay. “What do you want to do, Sy?”
“It has everythin’ to do with you, baby. I wanna be with you.”
And there it is. Out in the open. You can’t pretend anymore. You can’t keep telling yourself you’re just friends. You feel a heat rise in your gut, a toxic burning that tastes bitter in your mouth. You feel your jaw clench and a lump rises in your throat. For a minute you think you’re going to be sick.
“Why?” you shake your head. Your voice trembles, you don’t know whether you want to cry or scream at him. “Why would you say that, Sy? Why would you ruin everything?”
“We can’t keep goin’ on like this, sugar. It’s not good for either of us.” Sy reaches forward and tries to cup your cheek. You smack his hand away and draw your knees up to your chest.
“Don’t Sy,” you say, unable to keep the venom out of your voice. “Don’t touch me.” Your breathing becomes rapid, shallow, and hard as you try and get a grip on your emotions. You don’t want to make this worse than it already is.
“Why do you fight this? I know you feel how I do,” Sy says calmly. For some reason his composed attitude makes you angrier and you unleash.
“Why? Because I don’t want to be just another girl to you Sy. I see the way you are with women. I see. I’ve seen the women you take home from the bar, I’ve seen the girls who manage to stick around for more than a month before you toss them aside. I’m not going to be one of those girls, Sy.”
“You have no fuckin’ idea what you’re talkin’ about.” Sy’s voice is quiet, but there is a dangerous tone that you have never had directed at you before.
You suck in a breath. You cautiously look up and you wish you hadn’t. You’ve never seen Sy look at you like that, his face twists with rage, and… something else. You hug your knees tighter.
Sy turns away and rubs his hand over his buzzcut hair before sliding it over his face and beard. He sighs and shakes his head. “You’re right, this was stupid. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinkin’.” He stands up and takes a few steps towards your front door.
Stunned you sit there, unable to move as he stops, his hands pump into fists then he shakes his head and keeps walking to the door. Tentatively you put your feet on the carpet and stand up. You follow him and watch Sy open the front door through the archway that leads into the hallway. He stands at the door, one hand on his jacket on the hallstand, you see the tension in his shoulders as he holds them high and tight.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, you barely hear him. You creep into the hallway and lean against the wall, waiting for him to leave. You want him to go, you want to cry, but you don’t want him to see your tears. But he doesn’t leave, he stays there for what feels like eternity. He swears again, a little louder this time, then glances over his shoulder.
Sy sees you. He’s still angry. He turns, lets go of his jacket and uses the heel of his boot to kick your door closed. The slam of the timber in its frame rattles you. Sy stalks down the hall, his eyes narrow, and dark, his body hulking as his arms barely swing. You’ve never been scared of Sy before, but seeing him like this is frightening and you back away. Your shoulder hits a corner and you’re trapped as Sy puts his hands on the wall either side of your head.
“Do you know why it never worked with those women?” Sy asks. His low, husky tone makes you look at him, and you’re shocked to see it isn’t anger he’s showing. It’s something else you’re not used to seeing from him.
You shake your head slowly. Your shallow breathing isn’t from anger or fear anymore. The heat in your body seems to come from a deeper place and warms you until you feel like your whole body smoulders.
“Yeah, you do baby,” Sy rumbles gently. He presses his body against yours, this aggressiveness is a side of him you’ve never seen, but, God, does it feel good. His hand moves to the back of your neck, and he lowers his head to yours. Your mouths are so close. You can smell the beer on his breath, the faint scent of his spicy cologne and a deeper masculine musk beneath it all. Your will is fading, he’s barely touching you and all you want to do it cry out for more. “I can see in your eyes you know why.” Sy’s thumb traces your jaw then down your throat resting just before the hollow at its base. “Because every single one was an insipid substitute for you. Each and every one was to try ‘n get you out of my head. Not one came close.”
“Sy, I don’t know what to say,” you murmur.
“Don’t say anythin’. Just kiss me.” Sy’s voice is rough and severe. Then his thumb moves up and down your throat, his touch was harsh as first, but now it’s gentler, nearly tender. “Just kiss me,” he repeats, but this time its whispered and there’s a pleading desire in his deep voice.
You’re nearly panting as your reach your hands up to Sy’s shoulders. You close your eyes and press your mouth against Sy��s. He feels warm, soft, his whiskers pricking gently at your sensitive skin only heighten the plushness of his lips. He lets out a shuddered moan that tears through you, your hands tighten, gripping his shoulders, nails digging into his hard flesh. His legs are wide, the inside of his thighs press against the outside of yours and his hips lean harder into you. You don’t fight it, you can’t, there’s nowhere else you would rather be. You pull back slightly and open your eyes. Sy’s eyes are closed, his face is almost pulled into a look of pain, his eyes look tight, his brows are drawn together and raised, his jaw is tense.
“More,” he sighs.
You kiss him again, your lips parted slightly as you brush them over his. This time Sy kisses you back and you can’t suppress the moan in your throat. His hips move against you in slow circles and with each firm pass you feel him grow harder and your core starts to throb with a dull ache. The arm that leans against the wall begins to snake around your waist and he draws you closer.
Sy pulls back, breathing as hard as you are, and he rests his forehead on yours. His hand on your neck moves slowly caressing you and he opens his eyes. “Your heart is beatin’ so fast,” he murmurs. “I can feel it here.” His fingers press softly into your neck, nudging at your vein. Then he takes your hand in his, and laying it on his heart, he holds it there, pressing it hard against his shirt. “Can you feel mine?” he asks softly. You nod, you can, it feels so strong, so unwavering, but so fast. “It’s just like yours.”
“I’m nervous, Sy,” you say.
“Me too,” he says.
“I’m scared,”
Sy gives you a small smile before he admits, “me too.” His hand is on your cheek, his long fingers slide into your hair and his thumb slowly moves over your lips. His body is still pressed against you, though he is motionless except for the heavy rise and fall of his chest. His eyes aren’t still, they roam your face taking you all in, rapidly moving over you like he can’t decide where to look.
You look away, feeling overwhelmed, he overwhelms you, crowds you, fills your senses until there’s nothing but him. “Don’t do that. I’ve wanted to look at you like this for so long.” Sy’s fingers move over you, over your brows, your cheeks, your nose and your jaw, caressing you like you’re a porcelain doll or glass statuette. “You’re so beautiful,” he says.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding; it comes out in a sob and you gasp. You try and get hold of yourself, but you feel tears coming fast and knowing you can’t stop them you bury your face into Sy’s chest.
“Shh, baby,” Sy says. He drops his head low, nuzzling into your neck. His words and tone are soothing as he whispers in your ear. “You’re ok. I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”
You don’t want to cry, but you can’t stop. Every supressed emotion comes hurtling to the surface. You’re still scared, still worried that you’ll lose Sy, but you’re also relieved, relieved of all the tension between you, all the yearning, all the desire you feel that you had forced into a corner of your mind, hidden away from the surface so that he can’t hurt you. You feel so vulnerable, so bare, so defenceless, but so is he. The realisation that this is difficult for him too is what you need to start to gain some control, and your tears slowly abate. You’re not going to go through this alone, Sy is going through it too.
Sniffling, you lift your head, and see Sy’s tear stained shirt. “I’m sorry,” you say. “Your shirt’s all wet.”
Sy grins. “I could take it off it it’ll make ya feel better.”
Despite everything you laugh. “Sy…” you whine.
“Come ‘ere,” Sy rumbles. You wrap your arms around his waist and Sy give you a bear hug, complete with growl. He is still grinning, as he softens his hold and lifting his shirt, he wipes your tears away. “I didn’t mean to make ya cry, sugar.”
“I know, it’s just a lot.”
“For me too.”
Still sniffling, you feel a little lost. “What are we going to do now Sy?”
“There’s no rules,” Sy says. “We can just keep doin’ what we’ve been doin’. ‘Cept I get to kiss ya whenever I want.” As if to prove his point he lifts your chin and brushes his lips over yours. It’s not like his kisses from before, he’s holding back after your little freak out, but it still feels amazing.
“What about whenever I want?” You ask teasingly.
“Baby, you can kiss me whenever you want to. I ain’t gonna say no.” Grinning you tug on his neck, bringing his mouth to yours for a brief kiss. Sy hums as you pull away and his eyes seem to shine. “I like you kissin’ me.” He breathes deeply, a satisfied smile on his face as he takes your hand. “Wanna finish watchin’ the movie?”
You nod as Sy leads you back to your couch. He makes you wait while he takes his boots off and lays down. Then he pulls you on top of him, facing him and your head rests on his chest. His arms wrap around you, and you do the same, tucking your fingers between his back and the couch.
“Comfy?” Sy asks.
“Yeah,” you reply, pressing your ear to his chest, you can hear his heartbeat, slower now, but still faster than you’d expect, but you can also hear the vibrations of his voice as he speaks, and it makes you smile.
You watch the movie a while, using the time to reflect on what happened. You feel better after your cry, the tightness you felt in your chest since Hope made the comment in the truck is gone and you breathe easier. You’re not completely relaxed, there is still a tension, but it’s a pleasant one. It’s exciting being in Sy’s arms now, not just comforting. There is an air of anticipation that both of you seem to be happy to ignore for now.
Sy’s hands play with your hair and caresses the skin on your neck. After a while he gets bold, slipping his fingers beneath your shirt, tracing your spine, and rubbing your back and shoulders. The movie finishes but Sy makes no move to stop touching you. It feels nice and you want to feel him too, so you lift his shirt a little, revealing a slither of his stomach. You hear Sy suck in a breath and when you slip your hand under his shirt, you’re rewarded with a hum. His body is so warm, you knew that already, but you had never felt his bare skin before. You feel his stomach muscles tighten as you run your fingers down his side and for a while, you barely feel him breathe. You notice a change in texture and realise your fingers have found a scar. Its small by the feel, and you wonder how he got it.
“IED Afganistan,” he murmurs. You look up at him, surprised at his admission. “Before I met you.”
You reach up and touch the faded scars on his cheek, you can barely notice them, they’re more like a graze. “Same one?” you ask softly.
Sy shakes his head. “Iraq,” he says. “I met you just after I came back from that tour.”
Not sure what to say, you nod, slowly. Sy’s hands move to your waist, and he slides you up his body until your face hovers above his. God, he’s strong, he pulls you like you weigh nothing. He lifts your shirt a little, and he slips a hand underneath, and you feel his warm, work hardened skin on your lower back. His other hand slips over your ass and grabs your thigh, opening your legs enough for him to put his between yours. He bends his knee, and your eyes widen at the sudden pressure between your legs.
“Oh God,” you mumble. Your stomach flips as Sy’s hand holds the nape of your neck, drawing you close and the other splays over the bare skin of your back. “Sy…” you start to say. It’s too much, too sudden, too fast and you feel the tightening in your chest again.
“We’re just kissin’,” Sy says, soothingly. You feel his thumb trace the shell of your ear. “We’re keepin’ our clothes on, ok?”
You nod and let yourself be guided to his mouth. He kisses you like before, lips soft, mouth closed, and you kiss him back the same way. His kiss is soothing, seductive, and sensual and you allow yourself to melt into it.
Sy’s tongue flicks over your lips, coaxing you to open for him. With a soft moan you do, and you feel Sy’s body tense, his arms tighten around you. When you meet Sy’s tongue with yours it’s like a switch is flipped and Sy groans, both his hands rush to your ass squeezing your cheeks, pressing you onto his thigh as his hips rise.
Feeling a rush between your legs, it doesn’t feel like just kissing anymore. Sy doesn’t feel restrained either. His tongue becomes forceful, demanding as he explores your mouth. His hand returns to your head, keeping you close to him and the other glides up your side, over your shirt, until he finds your breasts.
Too aroused now, you find yourself unable to stop touching Sy either. Those arms of his, you longed for years to feel them beneath your fingers. You let them move over his bicep, curled from holding you tightly it feels hard as a rock as you grasp him. Your other hand slides over his belly under his shirt and you arch your spine up to give you room to feel the trail of thick hair that disappears into his pants.
“Fuck,” Sy growls into your mouth. “You’re so fuckin’ hot,” he breaths. His hips roll again, pressing his straining pants into your hips. You rock your hips in response, and don’t bother supressing the moan as it passes your lips.
You want him so badly, you want him to tear your clothes from your body, you want his mouth on you, you want to touch him, you want to look at him, you want to feel him inside you.
“I can’t tell you how long I wanted this, wanted you.” He presses your forehead against his, keeping you there as his eyes stare into yours. “I almost told you a thousand times…” he shakes his head. “Can’t believe I waited so long.”
“Why now?” you ask. You bring your hand up to his cheek and play with his beard. It makes you smile; you have wanted to do that forever.
“I knew I wanted to leave the army, but I didn’t know what I was gonna do.” Sy chuffs and sucks his lip into his mouth like he does when he thinks. His hands don’t stop moving over you, but he’s just feeling you now, not pawing or squeezing. “When my brother-in-law offered me work, I wanted to say yes, but my first thought was you. I couldn’t go, not without tellin’ you how I felt.”
“And now?”
“Now, I’m stayin’ here. With you.”
“You really gonna be a cop?”
“Dunno. It’s an option.” Sy shrugs, “I could go back to school and get an MBA, maybe teach. I’ll figure it out.”
“But you’ll stay here,”
“I’ll be wherever you are.”
“You’re really serious about this,” you say, partly to yourself.
“’Bout you,” Sy clarifies. “I’m real serious ‘bout you.”
Sy brings his lips to yours. In what seems to be a pattern, his kiss starts soft, gentle like he’s holding back. Then something triggers in him and his kiss changes, he becomes rough, urgent, his lips and tongue become commanding, dominant. Despite being on top of him, he’s in control, and you like it.
You press your body against his, your hands slip under his shirt again, seeking his warmth. Your hips move, you can’t stop them, you want to get closer to him, closer to all that muscle, all that strength. You want to feel overwhelmed again, you want him to fill you until there’s nothing but you and him, until nothing else matters because nothing else does.
Holy fuck. You’re in love with him.
Crap. You freeze up. Shit. Sy notices immediately pulling his head back, looking at you confused. Fuck. It’s too soon for that. Who are you kidding? You’ve been in love with him for ages. Shit. Sy’s still looking at you. You try to kiss him, push the thought out of your mind, but Sy pulls back.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
Cupping Sy’s cheeks you bring him back to your mouth. “Nothing,” you murmur and slide your tongue into his mouth. Sy hums and kisses you back. For a moment you think you got away with it. Then Sy pulls away again.
“Somethin’s wrong. Did I do somethin’?” Sy asks.
Shaking your head, you kiss Sy again, trying to distract yourself and him. “Nothing, just kiss me.”
“No,” Sy says. “What happened.”
“Fuck,” you say and scramble off Sy. He lets you go, swinging his long legs off the couch and sitting upright. You pace the room, you can’t stay still, you’re too restless. Your mind is reeling and your body… Your body is on fire.
Glancing at Sy, you see he’s not in a much better state. You catch him with the heel of his palm at his pants, readjusting himself, the sudden change of position must be uncomfortable.
You want to look away, but you can’t. Knowing he’s hard like that… You want to see it, feel it, God, you want it in your mouth. Sy sees where you’re looking and half smirks, opening his legs a little wider.
“Is that what’s got you worried, sugar?” Sy asks. “Just cause I’m ready, doesn’t mean we gotta do anythin’.”
You feel heat rush to your cheeks. Fuck, but you want to. “It’s not that. I mean, it kind of is, but no.”
Sy grins and stands, pulling you into his arms. Oh God, now you can feel it. “So, what’s the problem?” The problem is that you want to him too much, you’re in too deep, and this thing between you hasn’t even started. You thought he was attractive before, but now, Christ, now that he’s unleashed the full extent of his raw, dominant, masculine sexuality, you feel out of control.
“I don’t know what’s happening here,” you mumble, hiding your face against his chest. Your nose fills with his scent again, everything about him is so alluring.
“Whatever you want is happening,” Sy reassures you. Despite his raging hard-on, he holds you soothingly, rocking gently side to side as if dancing, his head is lowered so you can hear his deep resonating voice in your ear. “I can’t hide how bad I want you, not anymore, the barn door is wide open now. But I can be patient.”
“That’s not what scares me.”
“Tell me, baby. Talk to me. It can’t be that bad.”
“I think I’m in love with you Sy,” you say softly and hold your breath.
Sy laughs. Your eyes narrow, fury rises swiftly, and you don’t want him to touch you. How could he laugh at you? You knew it was too good to be true. You knew you’d be like every other girl. What made you think you were special to him? You try to push him away, but he doesn’t let you go.
“Shh,” Sy says. “Sorry, I just… Is that what’s got ya all tangled up in knots?” You nod. “You think I don’t feel the same way?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble.
“You don’t know?” he shakes his head. He lifts your chin and makes you look at him. “Baby, I am so fuckin’ in love with you.”
Your jaw drops. “Really?”
Sy chuffs. “You really didn’t know?” You shake your head. “I thought you knew. I thought there was no way ya couldn’t have known.”
You shake your head again. Sy’s eyes seem to darken, his mood changing on a dime. He licks his lips as he slips a bent leg between yours.
“Tell me again.” Sy’s voice is deep, and gravelly. “I wanna hear it again.”
Your mouth feels dry, but you swallow and in a hoarse voice you say, “I think…”
Sy stops you. “Not ‘I think’. You know, baby. You know you do. Tell me.” He’s leaning over you, an arm around your waist close to him while the other wraps around your neck. “I wanna hear it.”
How can he be so demanding? And how can you be so willing? You don’t know, he just is and you just are.
“I’m in love with you, Sy.”
Sy’s eyes close and this close you can see his jaw clench as he curses under his breath. When he opens his eyes, you gasp. They’re dark, lust filled blue orbs, his lids are heavy. His lip curls in a near snarl, and his throat rumbles. Then his lips are on yours, his kiss is frantic, tongue deep in your mouth, exploring, leaving no part of you untouched. He starts walking you to the couch, his lips never leaving yours, but you want something else.
Everything is out in the open now. Its liberating, and you feel your sense of control come back. If you and Sy are going to do this, you don’t want to dance around it, you’ve been doing that far too long.
You step away from him, he clutches at you, not wanting to let you go, but you’re insistent and he loosens his hold. Gathering every last ounce of courage you have; you cross your arms over your body and grip the hem of your shirt.
With wide eyes Sy reaches for you, you grin and step back. He growls at you, “Come ‘ere.”
You shake your head and lift your arms, bringing your t-shirt over your head before dropping it to the ground.
“Fuck,” Sy groans. He grabs at you again, but you keep backing away heading towards your bedroom.
Grinning, you put your arms behind your back, holding the clasp of your bra. “I want to go to bed Sy,” you say.
“Do you?” Sy smirks.
You don’t know how he does it, but despite following you, he makes you feel like he’s stalking you. He reaches behind his head and pulls his shirt off, bringing it over his body. Your eyes widen as his shoulders are revealed, the muscles rolling beneath his lightly tan skin. Sliding his shirt down his arms he drops it to the floor. You bite your lip; he was magnificent as he prowls down the hall.
“You gonna take that off, baby?” Sy asks as his hands go to his belt.
Reaching your bedroom, you back up until your legs hit the edge of the bed. Sy stands in the doorway, belt undone, pants open resting on his hips, his dark underwear not able to disguise the hard bulge straining against the fabric. He licks his lips, his eyes aflame as he takes a slow step towards you.
You can hardly contain your excitement, every part of you is trembling and for a minute you think you can’t undo your bra. Then it falls apart and you hold it to your chest as Sy approaches. You’re damn near hyperventilating by the time he reaches you, his small smirk only adding to the feeling that you were playing with fire and about to get burned.
Sy’s tongue moves over his teeth as he looks over you. You think he’s going to take off your bra, but instead he grabs at your pants. His thick fingers make quick work of the buttons and squatting down he slides them down your thighs. He looks up at you through thick lashes, his blue eyes flashing with mirth and lust. He taps your left leg and you lift it and he pulls the tight denim off before tapping your right leg and repeating the process.
“Still waitin’ for ya to take that off, sugar,” he says, from his knees as his hands move smoothly up and down your legs.
His eyes stay on yours as he lays a kiss on your belly, just above your plain black cotton underwear. His beard tickles at your skin and you instinctively pull away.
Growling Sy grabs your ass pulling you close as he continues to leave wet kisses bellow your belly button. “You’re not goin’ anywhere.” But he smiles as his kisses move lower and you can feel the heat of his breath as he puts his mouth over your covered mound.
“Fuck, Sy,” you moan, your hands dropping your bra as you reach for his head. Your fingers glide over his velvety hair and you hear him groan. You feel dizzy, breathless, weak at the knees. You would fall if he wasn’t holding you.
As if he knew you were wavering Sy stands and lowers you onto your bed. His bare chest presses against yours, his thick thighs push yours apart as he quickly loses his pants. He rests his weight on his elbows and his fingers stroke at your hair. He gives you whiplash, one moment he’s full of frantic, animalistic, primal passion, the next he’s almost a gentleman, tender and slow.
“You good?” he asks.
You nod and smile. Placing a hand on his neck, you bring his mouth to yours. You swipe your tongue across his lips, and he practically purrs as he opens his mouth. You feel his cock against your open legs, and he rubs against you, moving in slow tight circles. Sy’s hands are everywhere, stroking, petting, squeezing, kneading. Your hands are just as busy, moving over the flexing muscles of his arms, back and chest. Your body surges, you can’t stop writhing under his touch, hips rocking to meet his. Sy is so vocal, groaning, moaning, cursing into your mouth as his hands glide over you.
“I love the way you touch me, baby,” Sy says with a shiver as your fingers glide over his nipple.
“You feel so good Sy,” you murmur.
Sy moves his mouth to your ear and says in a low, husky voice, “I want to be inside you.”
“Fuck,” you cry. The words alone send a ripple of heat through your body.
You feel Sy lift his hips from yours and he lowers your panties and his underwear quicker than you think. His hand slips between your legs, his fingers run over your swollen, wet folds and you moan, widening your legs.
“Holy shit, baby you’re drenched,” he mumbles. He’s gentle as he slips his finger inside you. Your body heaves, back arching, hips rocking as his palm presses against your clit. His mouth is hot as he starts to kiss your breasts, slowly moving down your body.
Any other day, you would let his path of kisses continue, but not today. You were desperate, needy, you need him inside you and not even the thought of his mouth on you is enough.
You dig your heels into his ass as you paw at Sy, dragging him back. He looks confused, “I want to,” he says.
Shaking your head, you reach between you, letting your fingers glide over his length. Sy groans and slips another finger into your throbbing, aching core, pumping his fingers harder as your hand wraps around his shaft. God he’s thick, heavy in your hand, and you feel him pulsing in your soft grip.
“I need this, Sy,” you moan. “I need you inside me.”
“I ain’t gonna last, baby,” Sy admits without shame. “Ya got me too fuckin’ worked up. I wanna make you cum.”
“Keep doing what you’re doing, I’m so close.” You are, so, so, close. You claw at Sy, your nails dig into those broad, muscular shoulders.
“Fuck it,” Sy says and slips out of your grasp. You want to protest but the heat of his mouth on your clit renders you speechless.
Mewling, moaning, twisting, your body cries out for release. You look down at Sy, his eyes are so hungry, and you watch him as he sucks you lightly into his mouth. Your body tenses, you hold your breath, as that familiar warmth spreads from deep within your gut.
“Oh fuck! Sy!” You cry as you fall apart, he growls into you, his eyes never leave you as he watches the tension release from your body and waves of torrid pleasure roll over you.
When Sy’s mouth releases you and his fingers withdraw, you feel shaken. You have never cum so fast in your life, but then again, you have never had years of foreplay, years of burning desire supressed and ignored only to be unleashed in one short night.
It takes you a moment to realise Sy is talking to you, the pressure of the satiny head of his cock pressing against your core brings you back to reality.
“Do you still…” You don’t let Sy finish talking. You pull his mouth to yours, and he groans, pushing himself into you. He fills you, stretches you, consumes you, it’s like you feel him through your entire being. “Fuck,” Sy spits out through gritted teeth. “You’re so fuckin’… you’re everythin’.”
Sy’s mouth covers yours as he starts to move. He moves slowly, steadily, as his hands move over you. You go with him, matching his movements with your own, and you feel his pace start to build.
Breaking your kiss Sy looks at you, his hand resting on your neck as his thumb slides over your cheek. You smile at him and mirror his action, your fingers sliding into his soft beard. Your thumb brushes over his lips and he kisses it, the tenderness of the moment surprises you. Then he brings his forehead to yours, noses nudging playfully against each other.
“I love you,” Sy whispers. “I love you so fuckin’ much.”
Your heart skips then hammers in your chest. His words send a swirling warmth through you. You wrap your arms and legs around him; you want him closer, you want him deeper, you just want him.
“I love you too, Sy,” you whisper back.
Your mouths meet in a scorching twisting of lips, tongues and teeth. Sy doesn’t hold back as he grips your hip and his thrusts become rapid, powerful. All you can feel is him, all you can smell is him, all you can see is him, all you think of is him.
Sy lifts his head, and gives a primal, wordless shout as he releases. He’s beautiful as he cums, his body glistens as he breaks a sweat, his muscles ripple and his face is set with an expression of orgiastic ecstasy.
Falling beside you on the bed, Sy is quick to gather you in his arms, rolling you to face him. His eyes are hooded, still basking in his post orgasm haze, his fingers caress your face. He smiles at you, seemingly lost for words. You return his smile, and he kisses you with a laziness that seems appropriate considering how exhausted you both are.
When Sy pulls away, he tugs at the covers and you both crawl beneath them and wordlessly reach for each other again. You rest your head against his chest, and you feel him kiss your forehead. You don’t speak again, you don’t need to, everything has already been said.
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thatslikely · 4 years
Seasons- G.W. Headcannons
dating George Weasley through the seasons
Warnings: mentions of food, but it's all fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: just thought it would be fun! Let me know if you want this for any other characters!
George Taglist: @hufflepuff5972
if you want to be added to the taglist, reply to this post, send me an ask, or dm me!
I recommend listening to this playlist while reading for the best experience!
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On the first snowfall of the season, you two definitely built an adorable little snowman, complete with coal eyes (you probably stole Ron's scarf for his neck). You told George about the muggle story Frosty the Snowman, and he tried to find a spell to recreate Frosty.
The next day, you two gradually started amassing a large snowman army. Inevitably, in the middle of construction, George betrayed you with an icy snowball to your back.
Naturally, this incited a five day-long snowball war that increasingly got more and more intense. George was surprisingly good at building sturdy snow forts, so you never really stood a chance against his defences. He could have probably constructed a 7 foot tall barricade in a matter of minutes!
Even if you two are locked in battle, he'll always take time to admire the way the white snowflakes rest in your hair so beautifully, as well as the fiery determination behind your eyes.
Fiesty battles aside, George always made sure that you were warm and cozy after a long day in the cold, making homemade hot cocoa using Molly's famous recipe.
One day, long after the ‘Snow Skirmish’, you convince him to go ice skating with you; he absolutely fell in love with it. For a while, he had to hold onto your arms for balance, which led to a lot of falls considering he's a giant compared to you.
Eventually he got the hang of it and you taught him how to play muggle hockey, which he picked up quite quickly. He eventually got all the Weasleys hooked, and they held weekly tournaments. You were always George's favorite cheerleader.
If he ever became a little too cocky, he'd fall face-first onto the hard ice, which always brought a small smile to your face. He always laughed with you, too.
On snowless days, however, you two went on 'expeditions', which entailed peaceful walks through the woods, hand-knitted gloves intertwined.
You'd always keep your eyes peeled for birds or foxes, and occasionally he swore he saw a yeti. You were surprised he never got Fred to dress up in a yeti suit, at least not yet.
One word: picnics.
You spent the majority of springtime down at the Burrow, enjoying the pleasant spring weather. There were huge multicolored flower fields surrounding George's childhood home, making it even more fitting for the season.
Some days, he'd take you down to the creek past the Burrow, and the two of you would stand ankle-deep in the cool, flowing water. Sometimes, if he was feeling a bit mischievious, he’d splash you with some of the refreshing water, you quickly returning the favor.
Occasionally, he'd try to catch a little leaping frog, holding it carefully in his big palms. He was enchanted by the tiny creature, and without fail, he always begged you to let him keep it.
"But Terrance needs a home! We can make him a terrarium and everything! Please?"
Some days, he'd take you up to the Tree, which laid on a soft, grassy hill in the middle of a luscious yellow flower field. A single tire swing hung from its burly and ancient branches.
Often times, he'd sit at the base of the trunk, either dozing off or humming a song from his youth. If you chose to sit with him, however, he'd braid your hair perfectly and pick some colorful flowers to accent it.
"My little Angel, you look so pretty with flowers in your hair."
You'd always pick some petals for his ginger mop, too.
"Now we're matching, Georgie. Daffodils compliment your hair beautifully."
He loved to push you in the tire swing. He was far too big to fit in it now, to your dismay, but he was perfectly satisfied pushing you back and forth in it. It almost reminded him of rocking a baby cradle.
On rainy days, he'd fetch old rain boots from the attic. He'd always wear Bill's old pair, you wearing his'. The area around the small creek was all muddy, and you can't tell me he wouldn't make mud pies. Even if he's way too old for them.
"Darling, would you care for a pie?"
"And what does it taste like, exactly?"
"It's my signature flavor, mud!"
I firmly believe George is a good cook. He just is (see my chef!George fic for elabroation).
One sweltering day, you and him went out to the gardens and pick ripe, ruby-red strawberries to chop up and make into homemade strawberry ice cream.
His ice cream would surpass Fortescue's by a lot. Like it's scary. From then on, he made it every Saturday morning, even on chilly winter days.
Sometimes he'd turn adventurous and try some new flavors, which were normally pretty good, until he got a little too creative and made caramel watermelon ice cream. From then on, he stuck with the classics.
In the evenings, a small bonfire was lit and all the Weasleys spent the night drinking and dancing. Bill held a guitar concert, George and Arthur grilled up some hot dogs (which were juicy and delcious), Fred set off some fireworks, and Ginny held fiercely competitive broom races.
When everyone went inside, exhausted, you and George stayed outside, listening to the crickets chirping and admiring the clear, country sky. He pointed out his favorite constellations to you, reenacting the myths behind them with you as his co-actor (you can't tell me we wouldn't let you fake-stab him and he'd fall to the grass super dramatically).
Beach days: a must have.
George would definitely wear red/maroon swim trunks, and there would always be a white stripe of sunscreen on his freckled nose, even after he furiously rubbed it in.
He'd always love the bathing suit you sported, whether it was a gingham bikini or a gorgeous silver one piece. He loved you so much, you never felt self conscious around him.
He'd take you to a secret, tucked-away beach, and you two would spend the day building elaborate sand castles, burying you deep in the sand, and searching for pretty sea shells and sand dollars.
“Where do you think you’re going, Mister? You can’t just leave me buried under the san like this!”
“Someone’ll find you eventually. I just want all the icecream for myself, what can I say? Oh fine, I’ll dig you up, darling.”
Autumn at the Burrow was like nothing else. There was always a seemingly endless supply of pumpkin juice and apple juice on tap, and traditions were ampted up to the max.
Pumpkin carving was taken very seriously, and you and George were no exceptions. You and him were never artsy per se, but you always tried your hardest together to crave an intricately designed pumpkin. It always turned out pretty decent, to your surprise.
George and Fred would constantly wear scary masks and hide around he Burrow, or plant fake spiders in the cupboards in hopes of scaring Ron. It always worked.
Since the weather was so nice and chilly, he'd always go around the woods with you collecting a pile of some good sticks for a tree fort. He always carried the branches, and you collected the prettiest orange leaves you could find, for a collage or scrapbook.
All fall, he worked on building a small, secluded tree fort, which was definitely worth it in the end. You two stayed up late into the night, telling ghost stories, kissing, or inviting the whole Weasley clan for a good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare.
As for Halloween, you guys already know he goes overboard. He decorated every inch of every wall with black and orange streamers, fake cobwebs, and little baby pumpkins. It was always really sweet; he'd always wear a proud grin after the whole house was adorned to his liking.
For costumes, I'm 99% sure that you two would always do pun-y couple costumes think him dressing up as a cereal box and you as a killer, or him as a ghost and you a pepper).
You two would also 100% go to a costume store, and buy as much cheap hair gel as you could, all so you two could make each spiky Mohawks (you'd never admit it to George, but he pulled them off).
One time, he let you take him to a muggle farm for the day. You decided it would be fun to do a corn maze. The both of you got lost for three hours. From then on, he just stuck with hay rides.
Spending time with George was always fun, year-round.
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rwby-diaries · 4 years
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Happy birthday Blake!
The bestest kitty is up next! Blake was born on November 8th (Total Lunar Eclipse date)! This cute cat has had a lot of hardships in her life, but if there is one thing that’s absolutely certain, it’s that RWY love her to bits and always will!
Art piece sketch, background, and colouring editing by: @yang-diary
Line Art by: @thetopazvulpix
Coloured by: @catsofhorror
Shading by: @narwhalish 
Fic by: @lameclub
Edited by: @thetopazvulpix @yang-diary @jackedupjack
Fic under the cut!
"Why can't you just admit we took a wrong turn?!" Weiss' shrill voice echoes across the vast corn field. Ruby scoffs loudly as she turns back on her heels to face Weiss - hands on her hips with a slight pout.
"Because we didn't!"
Weiss scoffs in response causing the bickering back and forth to grow more heated. The two stragglers behind them giggle amongst themselves. Blake and Yang, not wanting to be dragged into the argument, walk beside each other at a steady pace at the back of the group. Both would occasionally glance towards the other with shy smiles before their gaze falls back to the ground shortly after.
Yang snorts as Weiss lets out a rather indignant shriek when Ruby blows a raspberry at her, "At least these two make for good entertainment."
Blake nods with a fond little hum as they continue to walk down the winding paths of the maze - nothing familiar seemingly jumping out to her.
As they pass by a separate path, in the near blind-spot of her vision - a low pulsating glow catches Blake’s attention. She pauses for a moment and looks towards it with a curious stare, but it wasn't long until its warm glow disappears behind the wall.
Almost on instinct, Blake feels her body move on it's own accord, her heart racing and her pupils widening suddenly. Blake could hear the bickering of Ruby and Weiss becoming more distant - but she wasn't thinking about that right now. Turning on her heel, Blake follows in the direction of where she saw the light go - leaving a confused Yang staring after her.
"Blake, where on Remnant are you going?"  She calls out only for Blake's head to turn back slightly.
"Something went down this way - let's go check it out!"
Yang pauses for a moment as her eyes shift in the direction of where the other two went - seemingly pondering on what to do. Blake could feel her ear twitch in the direction of where the light had scampered off to and shrugs.
"I can meet you guys at the exit," she tells Yang before she turns back around and darts in the other direction  - barely giving Yang the time to react. The other watches for a moment before curiosity gets the better of her and Yang smirks, chasing after Blake with a gleam in her eye.
As the two jog down the path, Blake does her best to focus on the small glow, as it would keep vanishing just out of her reach - much to her annoyance. For a few moments, the two remain silent and focused on the task at hand, but it isn't long until Yang couldn't keep quiet any longer.
"Do you even know what we're chasing?" That question has Blake's left ear twitch under her bow and she glances behind her.
"Not a clue," she answers plainly as she suddenly picks up the pace. Yang quickly follows suit as they sharply turn at another corner and the world falls silent once again.
As Blake moves through the night with ease due to her excellent night vision - she doesn't realise how little she is interacting with her partner. She was so focused on her goal she didn't hear Yang's numerous attempts to grab her attention. It isn't until the third 'ahem' does Blake jolt at Yang's voice - it sounds so loud in her head.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," Blake says, awkwardly laughing and scratching the back of her neck. Yang smiles at her warmly and waves her off.
"Don't sweat it - I know how focused you get." Yang says with an eyebrow raise. Blake giggles to herself as she covers her flushed face and finally looks around  - realization setting in.
“I...I have no idea where we are," she says quietly as she steps forward on her tip-toes and strains her neck in an attempt to see over the corn stalks. The maze around them seems to go on forever with the horizon stretching out of their view.
Yang hums to herself as she wanders around the small area, inspecting the different paths that lead in a variety of directions.
Yang shrugs, "Yep we're lost." Blake groans to herself while burying her face in her hands.
"Darn it, if only I hadn’t gotten distracted. I’m sorry Yang," she mutters, shaking her head and looking up at the paths again.
"Might as well keep going - we're bound to hear the other two eventually," she says quietly as she takes Yang's arm gently and the pair begin down a path of Blake's choosing. Little pumpkins dotted the sides of the trail - some painted and carved - likely by the local kids from around the area.
"I used to love pumpkin carving," Blake says, more to herself rather than to Yang beside her. The other tilts her head in Blake's direction, signaling her to continue. "It was a yearly tradition with my parents, during simpler times at least. I was eleven the last time I carved a pumpkin."
"Watch out!"
The pumpkin begins to roll off the table - causing Blake to shriek in horror as it falls. Before hitting the ground however, a hand catches it at just the last minute. A big burly laugh is heard as the pumpkin was placed back on the table.
"Be careful, my lil' puma," her dad says with a fond chuckle as he holds the pumpkin in place. "We don't have many of these lying around." He ruffles Blake's hair, who just giggles in response.
"Daaaad! You know I'm not a puma, I'm a Bombay and mama is a bur… a bur…" Blake starts but finds herself stammering mid-sentence as she stares down at the table, thinking intensely.
Ghira laughs as he pats her back "A Burmese, kitten," he explains and that causes Blake to jump up in excitement - nodding frantically. Ghira chuckles and kneels down beside Blake, as the two nuzzle each other's foreheads affectionately.
A small laugh sounds from behind them, "Looks like someone's excited for pumpkin carving." Kali smiles while taking the spot beside Ghira and crossing her arms. Blake nods enthusiastically as she slaps the pumpkin - it sounds like a drum.
"What do you want to carve into it, baby?" Kali asks, which has Blake pausing for a moment as she ponders the question. Pursing her lips, Blake reaches over and takes the marker carefully and sits back on her seat - humming to herself while inspecting it.
Both Ghira and Kali exchange soft looks between them before they sit down at the table and smile at their child whose eyes light up as an idea pops into her mind.
"I think I know!" she cries out as she sets herself upright and pulls the pumpkin closer in front of her. Picking up the pen marker on the table beside her in exchange for the larger one, she bites off the cap off it with fierce determination; but the moment the tip of the marker is pressed against the orange skin, Blake stops in her tracks.
"I don't know how to draw it," she says with a small pout. As her ears go down, Kali looks at Ghira with a small smile before she sits down beside her daughter.
"You don't need to be a master artist, my love," she explains while running her hands through Blake's frizzy hair. "You just need to try your best." Those words seem to do their job in bringing up Blake's spirits once more as her entire face lights up.
"What are you doing for your pumpkin, mama?" Kali giggles as she kisses the top of her daughter's head.
“As if I couldn't get any more stereotypical - I'm doing a tuna fish!" She answers her with a smile on her face.
Ghira let out a rumbling laugh beside her, "That's terrifyingly perfect for Halloween, ain't it my dear?" His teasing tone cases Kali to playfully jab him in the ribs. Blake could feel her stomach rumble at their antics as she hums to herself.
"Oooh tuna, my favourite!" Blake hums happily. Ghira nods in agreement.
"It's my favourite too, maybe we can catch some for next week! For an after-birthday celebration dinner!" He suggests with a smirk on his face and Blake claps her hands together in excitement.
"Sounds amazing, dad!"
Kali laughs warmly, "Going back on topic, what are you carving, dear?" She places her hands on Blake's shoulders, as the girl is practically thrumming with energy, and her eyes focus on her husband. Ghira stops for a moment as he thinks to himself and a serious look washes over his face.
"What do you think, Blakey, what should I carve?" He asks while turning towards his daughter who looks at him with big doe like eyes. Blake then proceeds to place a finger on her chin as she gives a thoughtful hum - her mind wild at work.
"You should make something super scary papa!" A devious look creeps onto Ghira's face as he leans on his elbow with smirk.
"Oh? But we already have you!" He says in a joking tone and Blake sticks her tongue grumpily but with no malice behind her actions. Ghira leans back with a hearty chuckle.
"I think my pumpkin will be a surprise!" Despite not fully being satisfied by that answer, Blake nods in agreement as she once again turns to her pumpkin, a focused look in her eyes.
"Then mine will be a surprise too!" She shouts out loud with a determined nod. Ghira and Kali both laugh to themselves as they accept her decision, and stand up.
"We'll give you space then, my love," Kali says as she pulls Blake in for one final hug but proceeds to blow raspberries into her neck. Blake snorts loudly as she pushes her mom off but can't contain the laughter that is rising up her body and escaping past her mouth.
As she is left to her own devices, several different ideas begin to bounce around inside of Blake's head - her tail wagging behind her. Thought after thought would rattle around but nothing seemed to stick or jump at her - much to her frustration. Groaning as she face plants the table before her and her attention falls elsewhere.
Spotting the slew of halloween decorations that littered around her house and several others, Blake sits up suddenly as she notices a particular one. A miniature, howling Beowolf animatronic with large fangs and smoky fur sits in the hallway. A grin creeps up her face as the pen marker is soon sketching the design on the pumpkin.
"Mama, papa! I'm finished!" Blake shouts excitedly as she runs over, tugging on her father's sleeve and trying to lead him in the direction of her pumpkin. Her dad laughs as he places his hand on his head and smiles.
"We're just finished ourselves, we're coming!" He says while tucking his own pumpkin under his arm. Blake jumps up and down before rushing off in the other direction, frantically urging her family to hurry up before sprinting ahead once more. Ghira and Kali smile to one another before following their daughter at a steady pace.
As they arrive back at the table, Blake's pumpkin is turned in a way that hides her carving. Blake plops herself back on the chair and pats the table while beaming brightly. Her parents arrive not long after and place their own pumpkins down in front of them.
"Do you want to go first, sweetheart?" Kali asks with the crinkle of a smile in her eyes. Blake nods as she eagerly taps her pumpkin, a big toothy grin present on her face. Kali giggles "Go ahead, dear, we're watching," she says with a look of encouragement.
With a small amount of effort, Blake turns the pumpkin around, revealing a rather choppy carving with random jagged points and no clear outline. Both of her parents glance at each other for a moment before they let out gasps of bewilderment.
"Wow darling! It's so unique!" Kali compliments warmly.
Ghira nods "I agree, honey - this is a true masterpiece!" He says as he takes in every aspect of her handiwork. Blake becomes quite bashful as her ears go down and she gives an awkward giggle.
"Beowolves are hard to carve, I was scared you wouldn't get it," she says, smiling. Kali shakes her head while walking over, ruffled Blake's hair before inspecting the pumpkin. Placing a finger to her chin, Kali hums in approval as she turns back towards Blake.
"A boo-wolf more like, very spooky!" She responds by playfully growling and hugging her daughter from behind and Blake lets out screams of laughter as she tries to wriggle out of her mother's grasp.
"Mama! That tickles!"
Kali eventually let's go of Blake and smiles down at her, her amber eyes swirling with warmth and love. "I don't think my pumpkin could ever compare," she says while turning around the orange vegetable, the careful carvings and details on the tuna fish has Blake lost for words as she stares.
"Mama, that's so cool!" Blake exclaims as she stares at it with her mouth agape. Ghira beside her whistles in admiration as he crosses his arms and nods - agreeing with Blake's statement. Kali softly blushes and leans up to kiss her husband's cheek, requiring her tip-toes just to reach him. Ghira's face mimics her blush, eliciting a giggle from her lips at the sight.
Blake looks up at her parents happily as they show affection to one another - it always made her happy.
It wasn't long, however, until Blake's attention was diverted somewhere else. "Come on, papa, you're next!" Blake calls out, gesturing to the pumpkin  that was still somewhat hidden away - causing the man to become rather embarrassed all of a sudden.
Kali's features soften as she places a tender hand on his arm, "Like I said to Blake, darling - you don't need to be a master artist--"
"--You just need to try your best!" Blake finishes with a smile.
Ghira finally brings his gaze back up to his family and a small fond smile makes its way back onto his face. "It might not be as much of a masterpiece as yours or Blake's, but..." he quietly says as he spins the pumpkin around with great ease.
Kali puts her hands up to her mouth with tears in her eyes while Blake gasps loudly.
Despite being crudely carved, the clear outlines of three people could be seen: two small stick figures with cat ears and a tail stand next to a tall, more squared figure.
Blake jumps from her seat "It's us!" She says loudly, running over to her dad who easily picks her up and hoists her onto his shoulder, keeping one arm over her legs for stability. Kali giggles as she nuzzles into Ghira's other arm.
"I love our family," Kali muses with purr.
Blake nods "Me too!" She says proudly, her tail wagging happily behind her. For the next few seconds, the trio embrace each other in total silence -  just enjoying each other's presence.  
Blake wipes her face and looks towards the sky, noting how much darker it's become. "Time flies when you're reminiscing," she muses. She holds her hand toward the sky and a soft glow lands on her finger. She brings it closer to inspect it, realization dawning on her.
“Wait, was I chasing a firefly before?” Blake asks, gaze shooting up from the tiny glowing insect in her hand. Yang chuckles, scratching the back of her head awkwardly.
“Yeah, I was pretty sure that’s what it was, but I didn’t wanna embarrass you,” she says, still grinning. Blake huffs to herself, watching the tiny bug as it takes flight with a passing breeze, a silence falling between the two.
As they both watch the small bug flitter off into the newfound darkness, Yang tilts her head in the other’s direction, “You’re pretty close with your parents, huh?’’ Yang mentions with a smile, but it didn’t garner the reaction she was hoping for - as tension falls on Blake’s shoulders.
“I-I’m sorry you don’t have to answer--’’
Blake shakes her head frantically as she crosses her arms, holding them over her chest with a sigh “N-No I want to… It’s just a little hard for me,’’ she explains while staring on ahead - her body feeling heavy at the thought. Yang’s features soften as she places a reassuring hand on her shoulder and immediately Blake eases from the touch.
Blake inhales deeply before speaking “I-I left home when I was very young - on my birthday in fact,’’ the more Blake speaks, the more shame starts pooling into her chest.  All Blake was waiting for was for Yang to lash out or feed into her guilt - but to her surprise it never comes.
In fact, the hand on her shoulder squeezes it in reassurance and a look of understanding washed over Yang’s face, “That explains why you were so hesitant to let us know it was your birthday, huh?’’ She suggests.
Blake nervously gulps and nods “I-I… I just didn’t want to be reminded of it,’’ she mumbles under her breath as her hands fall to the side of her body limply “It wasn’t just me leaving that bothers me the most - it was the reason behind it.’’ Blake’s voice is shaky as she explains further, her mind becoming rather hostile towards her own self.
“The reason behind it?’’
Blake opens her mouth to finish her sentence, but finds her eyes wandering towards the stalks of corn once more - only to notice a figure standing not that far in.
A man in the corn?
A man with horns...
Blake stumbles back, eyes going wide with shock. Yang reaches out and catches her, steadying the other as Blake’s eyes readjust to the gloom. A scarecrow. It was a scarecrow, not Adam. Blake sighed in relief, only then realizing that Yang is helping hold her upright.
"You okay, B?" Yang worriedly asks, watching as Blake's frantic breathing finally returns to its normal pace. It takes a few seconds before Blake could compose herself and she sighs.
"I-I… I thought I saw someone-- something." Blake quickly corrects herself, all while staring down the scarecrow not far ahead of her - an uneasy feeling nestled within her chest. Following her line of sight, Yang takes a quick glance at the figure and then back to Blake.
"I wouldn't blame you for being scared of this thing," Yang starts as she walks over, inspecting the scarecrow carefully and shrugging, "This fella is very poorly made - we have more goofy looking ones back at home!" She explains while flicking the scarecrow's head and it barely budged.
"I don't even think they're meant to be scary - this poor one just got the short end of the stick… literally!’’ Yang says as she gently kicks the stick holding it up with her boot before walking back over to Blake, a big grin on her face. "You have nothing to be afraid of, especially when we're together!" She says with full confidence in her voice.
Blake blushes, "It's hard to argue with logic like that," she mumbles while playing with her thumbs, smiling down at the ground. Suddenly, Blake finds herself overtaken by a new and funny feeling  - it flutters in her stomach and makes her nervous.
What was this feeling?
All Blake knows is one thing - she wants to be close to Yang. Without warning, Blake wraps her arms around Yang and buries her face into her chest, much to the surprise of her partner. After the initial shock wears off, Yang pulls Blake in and hugs her even tighter.
"Thank you, Yang."
Blake's heart is beating like crazy, finding comfort  in how warm Yang's body is - a welcome change from the nippy autumn air. The two don't move a muscle nor do they speak a word - Blake enjoying the peace she has been withheld from for the longest time.
Everything was perfect… until-
"Take that, maze!" Screams a  voice, knocking the two out of their daze and drawing both of their attention. The blade of crescent rose slices through the corn, revealing Ruby and Weiss - the latter of whom was standing there and shaking her head.
"I will slay the hay!" Ruby screams.
Weiss raises an eyebrow "It's corn, you dolt."
Ruby blinks a few times before triumphantly holding crescent rose up high once more "I will slorn the… corn?" When Ruby loses momentum halfway through the sentence, Weiss groans.
"You're honestly going to get us kicked out.''
Yang laughs, "I think she has the right idea!" She calls out with a smirk, as she wanders over towards the other two. Blake watches as the excessive chatter starts up once again but she can't stop herself from giving a wistful sigh.
"You need to stop encouraging this behaviour, Yang!" Weiss says while sticking her nose up and huffing.
Yang rolls her eyes and yanks Weiss in with the crook of her elbow, "Lighten up, Weiss!"  She teases much to the annoyance of the trapped individual.
Blake snickers, "I like Ruby's plan," she says and Weiss gasps while pushing Yang away and staring at Blake in mock betrayal. Ruby fist pumps the air with a quick 'woo!' with a grin painted across her face.
"Birthday girl's wishes are to be followed-"
Ruby stops herself and covers her mouth, shooting an apologetic look in Blake's direction. The other blinks for a brief second before she manages a short laugh - confusing the others around her.
"It's okay Ruby - my birthday wish is to slice our way through this maze," Blake says while placing a hand on her hip and nodding. Ruby sticks her tongue out at Weiss who just responds with an irritated huff.
"Feisty! I like it," Yang says with a wink while she readies her gauntlet, "I'd love to see that side of you more." She comments, causing Blake's cheeks to burn brightly and she was thankful that her friends couldn't see in the dark like she could.
"Onwards, Team RWBY!"
On their way out, Blake makes sure to slice up one particular scarecrow, leaving its head all alone on the dusty ground.
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
— setups, haunted houses, and confessions
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characters; daichi sawamura, gn! reader
synopsis; after being set up by sugawara, a pining captain and a smitten team manager stumble their way through a very unplanned ‘date’
total w/c; 2154
warnings; a little mentioned of (implied) fake blood, and i mention clowns and zombies like once, just some normal haunted house stuff. otherwise nothing but awkward pinning here
「 a/n 」 requested by @girlontumblur! so i obviously failed at getting this out like i wanted (i went back and edited last minute smh) 😔🤚 but it’s here now! 😼😼 and i hope this does decent because although it doesn’t flow as well as i wanted it to, i still kinda like it lmao. anyways, daichi simps unite 🤝 enjoy!
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you honestly should’ve known something was up the second sugawara approached you after practice with a sly grin plastered on his annoyingly pretty face. you should've known when everyone texted the team group chat with last minute cancelations or excuses for running late. and you definitely should’ve known when daichi was the only one you found sitting at the planned meeting spot. but, you didn’t and neither did he.
now you two were sat alone on the small blue bench. daichi had one of his hands tucked into the pocket of his thick army green jacket and the other hand scrolling through the same group chat you were looking at minutes prior. the two of you had agreed to wait for a little in hopes that maybe one or two other team members might show up. but unbeknownst to either party, both of you also hoped someone would show up and save you the pain of embarrassing yourself in front of the person you had been pining after for nearly three years. daichis phone pinged, interrupting the awkward silence. it was a text from suga and daichi can feel the tips of his ears grow warm as he reads the message;
have fun on your date! ;) -suga
of course it was suga. he shouldn’t have expected anything less from his scheming vice captain. how he got the whole team to go along with it, is a mystery he decides to leave for another day when he hears you speak up from your spot next to him.
 “is anyone else coming?” he’s thrown out of his thoughts when he feels you nudge his shoulder with yours and sees you nod to his phone. he quickly turns it off and pockets it before he turns his attention to you completely.
“i don’t think so, asahi was the last one to check in and he just canceled,” he sighs and shoves his other hand in his pocket. you two have been close friends for years, but a few recent incidents, (perhaps incited by suga now that he thinks about it…) have left you walking on eggshells around each other. all in attempt to not admit your feelings, the same feelings that are completely obvious to everyone except yourselves.
“oh.. well, i don’t mind if you don’t?” you wring your hands together in your lap as you look at him.
“yeah, yeah of course not. we’re already here aren’t we?” he gives you that big, warm smile you love so much. it’s practically infectious as you feel a wide grin spread across your face too. “lets go, yeah?” he stands up from the bench, and doesn’t hesitate to offer you his hand. you happily allow him to help hoist you up off the bench, but have to resist the urge to intertwine your fingers with his.
the walk to the pumpkin farm and haunted house combination is only about fifteen minutes, but the awkward silence from before is gone. replaced by comfortable conversation about your responsibilities as team captain and manager respectively, funny stories about your friends or talk about your shared classes. you’re so involved with the conversation neither of you notice the way you walk with your shoulders pressed together. maybe it’s a subconscious pull to one another or maybe just an attempt to escape the chill of the late fall air. 
upon your arrival, you can see the towering entrance archway, made of large sticks and corn stalks. built up into a curve with twinkle lights woven throughout. it welcomes you into the family owned farm turned halloween attraction. underneath the arch, families enter and exit, some with children in their costumes and some with parents carrying pumpkins. some young couples and teenage friend groups pass through as well. the small apple cider stand surrounded by hale bales emits that sweet spiced scent that so perfectly encapsulates autumn.
the original “plan” as stated by suga was to just go through the haunted house together and get some food together, just some team bonding. but without the lovable burden of the entire karasuno volleyball club with you, it’s easy for you and daichi to leisurely make your way around the entire farm and participate in all of it’s available activities. you made your way through a hay bale maze together. it may have been meant for children but you had fun regardless, laughing when you got separated and teasing each other when you hit a dead end. you got the treat of watching daichi attempt to bob for apples, and get nothing except for a slightly damp shirt collar.
you even purchased a bag of animal feed for you and daichi to share. you went around petting and feeding goats and a few chickens. at some point you reached into the small brown paper bag right when daichi did. your fingers brushed his and you both pulled back like you had been burned. each of you flusteredly spitting out apologies, until he takes a deep breath, chuckles and shakes head, telling you not to worry about it and it’s no big deal. his strong voice and calm words are a stark contrast to his worried apologies just seconds earlier, but it’s enough for you to relax and continue on with the afternoon.
eventually, daichi leads you to sit down across from him at a wooden table and you’re quick to fall into comfortable conversation. all while the warmth of the apple cider he had just bought you seeps into your fingers and keeps them warm.
if you didn’t doubt yourself so much, you would’ve thought this felt exactly like some sort of date happening. the two of you together, spending time doing things any real couple would. at the same time, similar thoughts raced through daichis mind. he thought about how much this must look like a date to any people passing, and how much he really did wish that was the case. to be able to call you his own and take you out on cute dates like this whenever you wanted. too concerned with his cheeks dusting red at the thought, he fails to notice the similar blush presenting itself on your face.
it’s so easy to get caught up as you keep talking with daichi, you don’t notice the sun starting to set and you don’t even catch him gazing at you with that soft look in his eyes. 
you crack a joke during your story about some of tanaka and noyas shenanigans and he laughs. he laughs this hearty, bright laugh that makes your chest tighten and your own smile widen. i’d like to make him laugh like that for the rest of my life you think.
“you know, i’m a little relieved. with the entire team here it would’ve been hectic to say the least,” he lets out another laugh at the thought of the whole club wreaking havoc on the poor farm, “and you know… i’m glad i got to spend time with you too. it was nice and i’m having a really good time” his soft smile is just as sincere as his words.
“i did too, daichi. thank you for today, i really had fun” you smile back at him and take a sip of your cider.
“ah ah! don’t say thank you yet, y/n. we’ve still got one last thing to do,” he shoves a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the haunted house. from your spot at the table you can see the flash of the strobe lights and artificial fog trickling from the attraction. “maybe we should go get in line?”
you nod, and he once again offers you his hand to help you stand. and just like before you resist the nagging push in the back of your mind to just intertwine your fingers with his. you make your way over, tossing your empty cider cups into the trash as you walk.
you purchase your tickets, or more so daichi buys both of them despite you insisting it’s your turn to pay after he bought cider, and get in the line of about ten people.
“you know i didn’t really consider the fact i wouldn’t have the whole team to hide behind anymore” you rock and back and forth on your feet, as you hear a couple of screams echo from inside the house.
“what, is your captain not big and strong enough to protect you?” he teases while flexing one arm.
“oh stop it, you know what i meant” you playfully roll your eyes and poke him in the ribs right before he swats your hand away.
“just remember, if you take me out now you won’t have anyone to hide behind” by now the line has moved up and there’s only two or three people in front of you.
they group in front of you goes and suddenly you and daichi are up next. the front of the haunted house is decaying and covered in those sticky store-bought cobwebs. you drop your tickets in the box and with a wave of their hand an employee motions you forward into the entrance.
you make your way through the halls of the attraction, going through different themed sections. a circus tent full of crazed clowns, a bloodied butchers shop, and zombies kept back by chain fences. each hall comes with its own set of spooks and scares. creepy sound effects, banging on the walls all around you and air machines puffing air into your face. you don’t even attempt to hide your terror as you scream and even grab onto daichis arm. he lets out his own shouts of fear, but manages to put on his tough act at least partially. you notice him place himself in front of you slightly as you walk, the arm you cling to held in front of your body protectively, although there was no true danger. you’d probably think something of it if you weren’t too distracted by the adrenaline pumping in your veins. it’s not all scary though, a couple of daichis screams make you giggle and act as momentary distraction from your surroundings. a particularly high pitched yelp of his has you gripping the back of his shirt, doubled over laughing. but a loud bang that rattles the wall next to your gives you a start and you keep venturing forward through the house.
you think you’re finally in the clear when you're walking down the hall that leads to the exit off the back of the house. you see an employee dressed in all black at the end directing people around the side of the house and back to the front. but it’s only when you feel your heartbeat start to slow that you hear the chainsaw start and the screams of the group behind you and daichi. you’re heartbeat picks up again and out of pure instinct you lurch forward. you make it out the hall and into the small gravel field behind before you realize daichi still had himself in front of you. you’re too late to react and go barreling into him. the momentum brings both of you tumbling forward into the gravel. you land halfway on top of him but his reflexes are much better than your own and they help keep you from going too far. one arm keeps you from rolling and the other cradles your head to his chest to prevent you from hitting it. the loud buzz of the chainsaw fades as the actor chases the friend group around the side of the house for a short distance. you immediately sit yourself up and attempt to apologize between labored breaths.
“oh god, daichi. i- i’m so sorry, i just heard the chainsaw and i started moving. i didn’t even think. i understand now why you don’t like me back now. i’m so sorry” you hang your head in apology, not even registering the words that slip from your mouth in your scramble to say sorry.
“what?” he asks, stunned.
“...what?” you echo back slowly before the realization hits you hard. you struggle to spit out an explanation and you feel your face heat up, “i just meant-” 
daichis look of shock morphs into a soft smile as he cuts you off with another one of his warm laughs and uses the hand at the back of your neck to pull you down. his lips meet yours in a kiss thats just as warm and solid as him. he pulls away after a moment only to rest your foreheads together and smile at you softly 
“does that mean?” you breathe out, smiling back hopefully.
“yes, yes it does,” he chuckles and stands up from the ground. daichi offers you his hand one last time, you take it and pull yourself up. but unlike any previous offers, you don’t hesitate to lace your fingers with his.
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dzamie-oc · 3 years
15 - Floral
What’s so scary about a flower-breathing dragon? Well, the flowers, for starters. I rather like playing around with alternate breath weapons.
Length: 2100 words Rating: T (death, mild body horror) Summary: A man tells the tale of his failed expedition to slay a flower dragon, while a boy listens in.
Isaac sat in the corner of the tavern, eating a sandwich his dad, the owner, had given him. He knew not to pester the customers - especially the well-armed ones - and in turn, he was protected by common decency and the knowledge that an adventurer who struck a child for no reason was on a fast track to get beaten up, themselves. So, he would often sit and listen to their tales of glory, and tonight was no exception. For now, he focused on one peculiar-looking fellow. His face was grizzled, and everything about him gave off an air of danger, and of experience with danger... with the exception of his left arm, which hung limply at his side, covered in wildflowers in all colors from the elbow down.
“Nice arm,” another patron had said, mockingly, “did you fist a dryad?”
“Like it?” the man growled, “the dragon of flowers is giving out free samples if’n you want one of yer own.”
This only seemed to spur the other fellow on, as he laughed and jeered, “you found a dragon that breathes FLOWERS, and you STILL got your ass kicked? I guess age catches up to everyone!”
They were joined by an elf. Isaac couldn’t tell if their ears were long enough to be a girl elf, but he could tell, even through their inhuman grace, that they were limping; a quick glance at their feet, and the boy saw one covered in flowers just like the man’s arm. “Appearances are deceiving,” they said. “Had we not taken its threat so lightly, perhaps we would not have left six corpses and a live dragon behind.”
The elf’s addition, at least, seemed to give the mocking man pause. “You lost six men? How?”
“Four men, two women,” the grizzled man corrected, “and it would’ve been five and three if the two of us hadn’t bolted before its second breath. As for how...
“The dragon’s lair was easy enough to find. Middle of the forest, suddenly there’s this huge, flowering... hedge of some kind. Only one way in, so we take it. It felt like being in a corn maze, except there’s flowers all over the place. Mildred, here (he gestured to the elf), suggested we use the old trick of sticking to one wall until we get through it, in case it is a maze. Turned out not to be, but it was a good idea nonetheless.
“So we’re walking through the dragon’s lair, or garden, or whatever, and we see this big, purple flower - seriously, like twice the size of my head - all closed up, like it hasn’t bloomed yet. The eight of us, we figure we should figure out what to do about it - cut it away, ignore it, or what. We don’t wanna burn it, because if the fire spreads, well, we’re right in the middle of it. But as most of us are standing around like clever people, this one hotshot - think his name was Tyrill or something - gets it into his mind that he should just go up and whack it. With his fist. And it’s not until he’s got his fist cocked back, readying a punch, that we see him, and before we can drag him away or even shout at him not to be stupid, POW! He smacks the flower. And it explodes! Well, it opens in an instant and a purple gas bursts out. Most of us are able to retreat back away from it, but Tyrill obviously gets a face full of it.
“Now, obviously we want to get him away from whatever that flower was, but none of us are stupid enough to run into the mysterious purple gas, so we just wait there. And Tyrill just turns to us, says ‘hey guys, I found the dragon!’ and then... plants his face into the middle of the flower. Not even like it’s a pillow. The petals close up around his head, and start dragging him through the hedge. None of us wanted to leave him to die, of course, but that gas made him do... whatever that was, so we couldn’t risk it. I assume he died, of course, but it’s not like any of us actually saw the bodies.
“We continued on, following the winding trail through the flowers, and then saw what looked like a pair of jaws, but plant. Or, if you held your hands like this (he pressed his forearms and hands together, then opened his hands and curled his fingers in - a venus fly trap, although neither Isaac nor the taverngoers knew of such a plant). This part here, this isn’t how we lost all those folks, but how to avoid losing more if you try to follow in our footsteps. Now, I don’t recall what exactly we used - Mildred, do you? No? Ah well, it’s not important - but we threw something small at it. A knife or a stick. The damn thing snapped shut faster than you could blink, in case someone had accidentally brushed it while walking by.
“There was also this one flower, growing easily a dozen feet up, with a thick, sturdy-looking stem. We rested for a while near it, and for some reason, one of the gang decided to lean against the plant. You’d think we would’ve known by then, but, well, I guess she was tired. None of us paid any heed until she said it felt itchy, and when she tried to move away, it had stuck fast to her - or she had stuck fast to it. Me and one of the other guys tried to pull her off of it, but it didn’t work - the guy planted his foot against the stem for leverage, but all that did was get it stuck, too. Poor dude had to keep going with only one boot. Still, a better fate than the lady found. I can’t say what, exactly, it was doing to her, but she started screaming in pain at some point and couldn’t stop ‘til she was hoarse. Healing magic helped for a while, but it would always start back up again, until she pleaded for us to not waste the magic and to stop making her suffer longer.”
The grizzled man finished off his drink and stared down at the table. “I’ll confess to some measure of cowardice, aside from fleeing the dragon,” he said, “she asked for a swift death, and I faltered. One of the others had to be the one to grant her that.
“...anyway, where was I? Right, well, it turned out that the dragon was waiting just further ahead, in a flower-covered clearing. Dozen feet long and a tail to match, white scales with yellow and green patches, a flower tucked under each horn, and at the end of its tail was a big, purple flow- oh, gods above. Mildred, I think I know what happened to Tyrill. The dragon, its tail ended in a purple flower, and it looked awfully lumpy, like there was something under its scales. I don’t know how, but I think its tail... ate him.
“It said... something. I think it asked us a question, but I don’t think any of us were paying attention to the words of a beast. I made sure no more strange flowers would somehow strike from behind us, Mildred drew her bow, and three of the others just charged right at it. The dragon took a deep breath, and a moment later, three bodies fell to the ground, covered in these flowers.” He held up his arm to show his botanical injury. His story had attracted the attention of several other people in the tavern, and someone had ordered the man another drink. “Even those who tried to shield themselves, all that did was cover their shield in flowers as well.”
One of the onlookers asked, “so, did you get caught on the edge of the blast?”
The man shook his head. “No, the first one only hit those three, but the other three of us quickly bolted before it could take a better shot. Unluckily for us, we had to run down a straight path away from it, and so it got off a second attack just as we rounded the corner. Well, Mildred and I. Samuel - I think it was Samuel who hung back as well - lost both legs, an arm, and a fair amount of his upper body. Last I saw of him, he shouted at us to leave him and run. And run we did, as quick as we could while not running into any more of those crazy plants. It was a stroke of luck that we didn’t find any other beasties as we fled back here.” His gaze swept around the table. “And that, boys, is why I’ve no shame in admitting I ran from a ‘flower dragon.’”
With his story concluded, a few of the others swore vengeance on the dragon, while others told them to stop fooling about. Isaac, however, made plans of his own.
Late at night, the boy crept out from his room and snuck out of his home. With a jar full of dirt, Isaac wandered through the dark woods, on a mission. Before long, he found himself before a hedge of flowers that bloomed even at night. The boy took a deep breath, put on his best serious face, and stepped inside.
He kept his eyes peeled for weird flowers, and, on seeing a big, red one, stopped well before it. “Mister flower dragon?” he called, though not too loud in case the dragon was asleep. “Or, miss flower dragon? The man didn’t say. Your flowers are very pretty.”
Something rustled in the hedge to one side. Isaac took a step away, just before a draconic head poked through a foot or two above his head. The dragon looked around, then noticed and focused on the boy. It tilted one way, and asked, “aren’t humans diurnal? It’s very deep into the night for a human.”
“I don’t think I’d be allowed to go if I tried during the day.”
“Ah, a young one. And what brings you to my home, little one?” The dragon stepped out of the hedge as though it wasn’t there, and laid down around Isaac. His way deeper and his way out were cut off by white, yellow, and green scales, but he found it didn’t scare him much. “I hope you aren’t thinking I’ll eat a bully for you. ...well, maybe if you can lure them here.”
Isaac shook his head, then held out the jar. “I saw the flowers you gave that man’s arm, and they were very pretty. May I have some? Only, not on my body, because my dad would freak out.”
“I would hope so, or I think he would not be a very concerned father. Set the jar down, and I’ll give you some flowers.” Isaac did so, and the dragon breathed over the opening of the jar. Colorful flowers immediately sprouted and bloomed in the jar, as well as on the ground around it. Isaac took another step back, just in case, and found himself nearly stumbling over the dragon’s tail. “Now, if you put just a drop or two of blood a week in the pot, they should stay nice and healthy. It doesn’t have to be yours, it doesn’t have to be human. Use a mouse if you like.”
The boy, however, was staring at its tail, which looked kind of lumpy on the underside. “Did you really eat that guy with your tail?” he asked.
The dragon shook its head. “My tail doesn’t eat, only holds. I will let him out in the morning, but for now, he is in a deep sleep. ...did you hear what to do with the flowers?”
“Oh, okay then. In the story, he didn’t really do anything, so that would have been very mean to eat him for just that.” The sound of the dragon’s claw tapping the jar drew his attention, so he nodded. “Do I have to water them, too?”
“No, although it won’t kill them.”
Isaac picked up the jar again and slowly climbed over the dragon’s body, taking care not to kick it. “Okay, thank you! I’m glad you’re really nice and aren’t gonna eat that guy.”
The dragon laughed. “Of course. Four is more than enough to keep me going for a week; this enthusiastic fellow can leave if he likes.” As it watched Isaac walk back towards the entrance, it began to slip back through the hedge. “Goodnight, little one.”
“Goodnight, flower dragon! Thanks again for the flowers; I’ll take good care of them.”
Unseen by Isaac, a scaly head with a flower behind each horn popped up above the tall hedge, watching him depart. If any creature got too close, it found itself beset by flowers.
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What The Stark Spangled F**k?
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Drabble- Fuck Off, Clown
Summary: It’s Halloween, and Jamie’s outfit isn’t quite to Steve’s liking. Warnings: Non- some bad language...some almost smut, but nothing major...and a Super Soldier with coulrophobia... A/N: So if you all remember in Phobias, Steve admits to Katie he has a fear of clowns. I do as well, so this came out of a little fun chat with my Evangers (you know who you are girls) as a further expansion on the incident referred to in The Devil Wears Nada. Takes place during the 5 years post Snap. Hope you enjoy!
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October 2022
“All set?” Katie asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs as Steve walked back into the hall having loaded their bags into the car. They were heading off to Tony’s lake-house for a few days where he was throwing a bit of a Halloween party, nothing major but it was a chance for the kids to get dressed up in costumes and eat a load of candy whilst the adults could kick back and drink. Katie was looking forward to it for two reasons. Firstly, it was always nice to gather together with friends and family, well those of them that were left post snap-it made her feel normal, and she could push that persistent feeling of sadness that seemed to manifest on a daily basis, back down into the depth of her mind. And secondly, she was a little excited because she had no idea what Emmy or Jamie’s outfits were going to be. Emmy had asked a month or so ago if she could be in charge of getting the pair of them costumes and Katie had agreed, simply handing over her card when she wanted to order whatever it was off the internet. She’d even resisted the urge to check her statement to see what it was as Emmy had demanded she didn’t try and find out. Katie had a sneaking suspicion that Tony had also been involved in these costume choices, as the last time her brother had been over a few weeks ago, the pair of them had been huddled on the large arm chair, sniggering as they looked at something on Tony’s phone. With that in mind she was expecting Jamie to come down in some form of Iron Man or Captain America costume and she had every intention of filming Steve’s response.
“Yup. Locked and loaded.” Steve nodded, dropping a kiss to her cheek. As soon as the kids are ready we can go.”
“No rush.” Katie shrugged, looking at her watch as they walked into the kitchen. “We don’t need to be there for a few hours.” She wrinkled her nose and slapped at Steve’s hand as he went to peek under the foil wrapped plate on the side. He sharply withdrew it and grinned at her.
“Tell me that’s a pie.”
“Apple and pumpkin, but it’s for the party.”
Steve pouted and she laughed and jerked her head behind her “There’s another there as I knew you wouldn’t be able to wait.”
“You-” Steve pecked her lips “-are” another peck “-the best.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere Captain.” She smirked as his lips hovered over hers, before he deepened the kiss slightly, both his hands sliding down to give her ass a playful squeeze before he stepped back and walked over to his coveted prize. Steve peeled back the little cloth that was over the top and gave a little groan that was positively sinful as he inhaled the smell.
“Don’t eat that straight out of the pie dish.” Katie warned him as he made his way to the freezer for the ice cream, “I was gonna cut a few slices for the kids to munch on the way.”
“Then they can get their own.” Steve grumbled a little, but he grabbed a plate none the less.
“Oh yeah, where from?” Katie asked, her hands on her hips.
“Don’t know, don’t care…” Steve muttered as he cut himself a huge slice of the coveted pie. He ladled a generous amount of vanilla ice cream on top then carried it over to the breakfast bar, sitting down as Katie gathered the rest of the food items she had said she would bring which included a huge dish of Mac and Cheese that she’d coloured green with food colouring, spaghetti and meatballs that were supposed to be worms,  cinnamon and apple cookies in the shape of pumpkins and a batch of home-made raspberry and cherry gin which had been done using the raspberries and cherries from the brambles and trees in their small orchard at the bottom of the garden. She began packing it all into a hamper as Steve took the first bit of his pie and gave another groan.
“You know…” he swallowed, waving his fork at her as he gave her a playful grin “I think this pie is actually better than sex.”
Katie looked at him, arching her eyebrow. “Is that so?”
“It’s a very close call.” He nodded.
“Well maybe I should make you a pie once a week instead of letting you get me on my back.” Katie looked at him, closing the lid on the basket and pushing it to one side, leaning over the breakfast bar.
“Ok, first off we have sex way more than once a week.” Steve pointed his fork at her “and second-“ his eyes glinted cheekily “-you’re not always on your back.”
“True.” Katie pursed her lips and reached for his fork, snatching it from his hand “But if you think I’m baking a pie more than once a week you’ve got another thing coming.” She used the fork to take a piece of the sweet treat along with a large blog of ice cream and shoved it in her mouth, closing her eyes. She moaned a little, ensuring that the noise that left her throat was as sinful as she could make it, before she opened her eyes and used her thumb to wipe at a little trickle of ice cream in the corner of her mouth. With her eyes locked on Steve she sucked her thumb clean and smirked a little at the familiar glint of dark in his eyes that he always got when he was turned on.
“You’re lucky you’re the other side of the breakfast bar.” He leaned forward a little, elbows resting on the marble surface, his voice a low timbre that sent those familiar sparks up Katie’s spine.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Katie asked innocently, ignoring the sudden flutter she’d felt between her legs at his tone.
“Because if you weren’t you be in my lap right now testing my theory.”
“Shame…” she nodded, looking around. “I mean it’s not like you could reach and drag me over it or anything.”
“Well I could…” Steve agreed “But there’s a piece of pie in the way. And it’s too good to waste.”
“You’re a jerk!” Katie shook her head as Steve laughed, before he leaned back in the stool and patted his right thigh
“C’mere pretty girl.”
Katie grinned, the sound of him calling her pretty girl always did things to her, as did the soft instruction to ‘come here’ in his Brooklyn accent. She rounded the bar and he reached out, easily pulling her onto his lap so she was perched sideways, legs hanging over the side of his right thigh as he curled his left arm around her waist, right gently resting on her thigh. Katie’s right arm slid round his neck and he titled his face to look at her.
“Just for the record you taste far better than any pie you make.” He grinned and Katie’s mouth fell open at his dirty comment.
“Steven Grant Rogers!” she snorted, slapping his shoulder slightly and he laughed, his hand on her thigh tightening its grip slightly, fingers curling round the toned muscles which were evident once again due to Katie having started training again. Steve actually kind of missed the softness that she’d had since having Jamie but he was damned if he was going to tell her that. As long as she was comfortable in her body that was fine by him. He leaned towards her slightly, his nose bumping hers a little as she gently trailed her hand over the nape of his neck, nails scratching just below his hair line above the collar of his black sweater.
“Love you.” He said gently, his lips brushing hers and she smiled, her fingers tanging in the hair at the back of his head.
“More than apple pie?” she teased and he chuckled.
“Infinitely Mrs Rogers.”
“More than Mac and Cheese?” Steve hesitated and Katie scoffed “Rude.” Before he laughed again and pressed his lips to hers.
“For the record I love you more than anything.” He smiled “Well, apart from the kids.”
“I’ll accept that exception.” Katie chuckled, he mouth finding his again. The kiss deepened, Katie letting out a soft sigh as his tongue brushed against hers, tasting the apple pie and Ice Cream he had been eating before. Steve’s hand skated up the outside of her thigh coming to rest on her hip, finger tips brushing the strip of skin where her top had ridden up slightly as her own hand fisted slightly in his hair. Completely lost in one another they almost missed the little footsteps coming down the stairs and the giggles in the hallway. Almost, that is. Steve’s tuned hearing heard it first and he pulled back, looking at Katie who grinned.
“Play your cards right we can finish this later.”
“At Tony’s?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged “Won’t be the first time we fucked in his spare room.”
Steve snorted at her and patted her ass as she hopped off his lap.
“Mom, Dad!” Emmy called “We’re ready for you to see us!”
“We heard!” Katie called back as Steve stood up, grabbing his plate of pie. He took another bite before he wandered into the hallway where he collided with Katie who had stopped dead just outside the door. Frowning he looked up and stopped dead.
A clown.
His 2 year old son was dressed as a fucking clown. And not just any clown, which would have been bad enough, but that bastard clown from IT. The film he refused time and time again to watch because of said bastard clown…which was now stood on the bottom step of the stairs holding a red balloon.
And suddenly, all he could see was that damned clown at Coney Island chasing him through the stalls, Bucky’s laughter echoing in his ears…and then that fucking mirror maze where he’d had the panic attack as he was surrounded by them.
The plate holding his precious pie slipped from his hand and dropped to the tiled floor, where it broke into 3 pieces, its contents splattering all over the grey slate.
“Woah, Dad…didn’t think it would be that scary!” Emmy grinned from behind Jamie as she stood in her outfit, which was a superb replica of the Wicked Witch of the West complete with full green face-paint and a broomstick.
Katie looked over her shoulder at Steve and she could see from his face that he was really struggling to keep it together. Trying not to laugh at the expression of sheer horror on his handsome features, she clamped her lips together and turned to Emmy.
“Your dad’s…” she took a deep breath, trying not to laugh “He’s scared of clowns.”
“Oh…” Emmy frowned “Uncle Tony said he would love it.”
“I bet he did.” Steve bit out a little harshly and Emmy looked at him.
“Are you mad?” she asked and seeing the look on her face Steve inwardly cursed his phobia and his damned brother in law.
“No, honey…” he shook his head “Not at all…you both look…” he trailed off.
“Daddy, look!” Jamie grinned, and he jumped off the bottom step “Balloon!”
He toddled over towards Steve who automatically took a few steps back and Jamie stopped in front of him, right by Katie’s side, a confused expression crossing his painted face. “Daddy?”
“Yeah, pal…I gotta…” Steve exhaled “I gotta put some stuff in the car so we can to go to Uncle Nee’s ok?”
“Kay…” Jamie said a little quietly.
Katie watched, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter as Steve went to move round Jamie, turning sideways so he could keep his eyes on him, before he pushed past Emmy and bolted up the stairs taking them 3 at a time.
The hallway was silent bar the sounds Lucky was making as he cleaned up the remnants of the pie on the floor, not wanting to miss a single crumb of his human food treasure.
“Em, why don’t you two take Lucky and go get in the car, we’ll be out in a little moment.”
“Ok. Come on Jay!” Em said. She grabbed his hand but Jamie, clearly now finding the reaction his dad had as amusing, turned to his mom and made a little growling noise at her. Katie gave a fake scream and jolted back, causing Jamie to cackle a little, tilting his head back in mirth before he toddled after his sister.
As soon as they were out of sight and earshot Katie started to laugh. She laughed so hard that she had to retreat to the kitchen to sit at a chair. She doubled over, clutching at her stomach, trying to gather her breath as the tears poured down her face. Try as she might, she couldn’t get the image of Steve fighting the urge to punt his own son into another room out of her head.
Eventually she managed to sort herself out enough to grab her phone and swiped over to the number she wanted.
“Hey Kiddo.” Tony greeted
“Tony, you…” she started to laugh again “You better be able to run fast because Steve…he’s…”
Tony chuckled “he liked the costume then…”
“Tony he freaked.” She laughed “Like, seriously…poor Steve. I expected like a full Captain America outfit, not that!”
“Well, on this occasion the Spangles just weren’t enough”
“You’re a little shit, you know that?”
“It’s been said.” He conceded “Did you get it on video?”
“No.” Katie sighed “I was going to but when I saw Pennywise on my damned stairs I knew what was gonna happen so…”
“Shame.” Tony sighed, “We could have played that back later. For science.”
At that point Katie looked up as Steve walked into the kitchen, glancing round.
“He’s not in here…” She chuckled and Steve glared at her, before he gestured to the phone.
“That Tony?”
She nodded.
He reached out and snatched the phone off her, “You’re a dead man.” He growled down the handset, and Katie could hear her brother’s roar of laughter before Steve hung up and tossed the phone down onto the table.
“Calm down!” Katie laughed, standing up “Steve, it’s just a costume.” “Katie, they freak me the hell out!” he shook his head “You don’t…” his hands dropped to his hips and his head dropped “Did you see his face when I backed away?”
“Oh, he’s fine!” Katie said, rubbing Steve’s arms “He couldn’t care less.” Steve took a deep breath and she looked at him “Do you want me to get him to change?”
Steve shook his head “No, he was so pleased with himself…plus, I don’t fancy that particular tantrum now do you?”
“Not really no.”
Steve shrugged “Then I guess I’m stuck with it. Come on, let’s get gone. Sooner we get there the sooner I can carry out my threat to kill your asshole brother.”
Steve grabbed the food hamper and headed out to the car with it, settling it onto the trunk of the car as Katie got into the passenger side. Once Steve finished his usual checks to ensure the door was locked, he climbed into the driver’s seat ant they set off.
“Yeah buddy?” Steve asked, glancing in the mirror automatically and once more was confronted by that fucking clown. He swallowed and turned his eyes to the front.
“No scared, daddy. I not real clown.”
Katie chuckled as Steve pulled out of the drive onto the road. “I know pal, but it’s Halloween. Everyone gets scared at some point.”
Jamie nodded, accepting his answer and turned to look out of the window. As they approached a junction, Steve checked the mirror again and then sighed, shaking his head.
“You’re gonna hafta drive.” He looked at Katie.
“I can’t do it.” He shrugged “Every time I check the mirror, all I can see is…” “Are you being serious?” Katie looked at him.
“Absolutely.” Steve unclipped the seatbelt and climbed out of the car.
And right then Katie vowed that if Steve didn’t kill Tony, she was gonna.
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alphi-writes · 4 years
:000 HELLO I REALLY LOVE YOUR WRITING ITS SO GOOD 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 may i please request Haunted House with Che'nya? thank you so much 😭😭 (reminder to take care of yourself properly and make sure you are well rested, hydrated, and have eaten today! i we all care about you ❤❤❤❤❤)
:0c tysm!!! ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I'm elated that you enjoy my content! Also, kind of weird thing for me to say but thank you for reminding me to eat today (*ノ∀`*)
Characters: Che'Nya
Items: Haunted House
"Y/N should hurry up, hihihi." Che'nya snickered, tugging on your sweater sleeve.
"Che'nya, slow down a bit, I know you're excited but-"
He abruptly stopped, causing you to slam into his back. You rubbed your nose, huffing at him.
"Look at the scary house!" He had a firm grip on your sleeve with his right hand, and was pointing at the large building with his right.
The building was large, maybe three or four flights tall. In the windows were shadows and multiple flashing coloured lights. It was eerie in a way that made you excited and jittery.
You breathed out a 'Wow' and started pulling Che'nya with you towards the house.
Che'nya was snickering while you pulled him, also vibrating with excitement.
When you made it to the line, you were suprised to see that there weren't many people waiting.
"Y/N has noticed there aren't many people, too?"
"Yea, I wonder why."
The two of you stood in line for almost ten minutes before you were making your way into the spook house.
For the first few minutes, there were only minor scares such as loud sounds or far off voices.
As you traveled deeper into the spook house, the walls seemed to be closer and the ceiling was much lower. It was cramped and you had to crouch behind Che'nya while you went through the hallways.
When the cramped walls finally let out, you entered a much larger room.
There were no lights in the room, but musky light from the next room poured in, exposing the red and black smoke billowing across the floor.
"Oh my gosh, do you feel that pressure?" You whispered, grabbing Che'nya's hand and squeezing.
He giggled, squeezing your hand back in assurance.
"Y/N is a scaredy cat!" He whispered loudly, ears perked up.
When you passed the threshold into the next room, an actor jumped out, roaring loudly at you.
You stifled a scream by burying your face in Che'nya's shoulder. Che'nya laughed loudly, returning the favour and growling back at the actor.
Every once in a while you would laugh out loud or make humorous comments towards the actors. Sure you had your scares here and there, but after getting used to the atmosphere, it became a lot more like a game.
You walked into another room and there was a large clown standing to the side with a sledge hammer propped up on his shoulder.
"Wow, you're guys are pretty-"
You heard Che'nya snicker, before the clown spoke up again.
"Pretty ugly!!" He laughed heartily, clutching at his stomach while you went to the next room.
"That was a good one, actually. I can't even be mad."
When you made it to the end and burst through the curtains, you squinted at the bright light ahead of you.
There were multiple people walking around, either customers or actors, and a large beacon light was shining directly at the curtains.
To the side, there was a small television screen with different camera views on it. You could see what was going on in the scare house, and you began to wonder what you looked like throughout the maze.
"Che'nya had fun! What about Y/N?" Che'nya had a grin on his face, one bigger than you've ever seen before.
You laughed quietly, squeezing his hand again.
"Of course I had fun! We should go to other scare houses together!!"
"Yay! Che'nya absolutely wants to go to more spooky houses!"
He ruffled your hair, smiling down at you.
By the time you returned to your own dorm, you bid Che'nya a sleepy goodbye and snuggled into your bed, perfectly content with how the night ended.
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fanfic-collection · 4 years
Loki x Reader: October 24 - Maze
This one went really long
“Hurry up!” Stacy, your roommate called. “We're going to be late.”
You rolled your eyes and returned to applying the last of your exaggerated makeup, completing your Cleopatra features. “I'm going, I'm going.” You called back, moving from the bathroom and back into your room where you pulled the costume from its plastic bag and carefully unfolded it. Slipping it over your head, you slid it down your body as quickly as you could, mindful of the flimsy fabric and how cheap it had been at the Halloween store, one of the last available options.
One last passing glance in the mirror, a fluff of your wig, a quick nod, and smile, and you headed down to the waiting car.
Stacy snorted and shook her head when she saw you, “Is that really call you could find?”
“What?” You replied, fastening the golden sandals that strapped halfway up your knees, already buckled into the seat.
Stacy had definitely put more effort into her costume than you had: a zombie with realistic blood makeup and even some prosthetics on her face for a ripped out cheek and a blind eye. “You really went all out.” She rolled her eyes, once more focusing on the road.
“I've been busy studying! I almost didn't go tonight.”
“Ya I know.” Stacy shoved your shoulder, turning the car at a stop sign, “I swear if they didn't promise extra credit for dressing up and attending this, you wouldn't have gone.”
“I wouldn't have. There's a test in four days, I could get a lot of time studying in if I didn't go tonight. And besides, I have homework in other classes that I could be working on.”
“You and I both know that you've finished it.”
“I had to take time off work for this.” You added.
Stacy rolled her eyes again, grumbling under her breath.
Stacy's parent's may have paid her way fully through college and not expected a dime in return but you had debts. You were hoping to graduate magna cum laude at least, if you could manage better, you knew it would look a lot nicer on future resumes. A political science major wasn't the most competitive of job markets but you knew it was what you wanted to do. And you knew tonight's Halloween party would look good if you attended, despite the monetary loss at not working.
The car rolled to a stop behind a long line of over cars parked at the end of a long driveway. In the distance you could see an old Victorian manor, more of a mansion than a house.
“That tenure pays well, huh.” Stacy muttered as you shut the door and walked over beside her.
You whistled softly. “No kidding...”
The two of you made the long trek towards the house, the many windows decorated with spooky decorations and some of the upstairs windows had flashing lights as though there were fires alight in them. Giant cobwebs littered the lawn with hordes of skeletons and spiders stalking towards the house.
You and Stacy climbed up the front stoop, a large wrap around front porch that disappeared onto each side of the house and you reached to ring the doorbell, stopping when you saw a sign that read, “Enter if you dare.”
You glanced at Stacy.
Stacy shook her head, “Guess it's open invitation.” She took the handle and turned it, unsurprised to find it unlocked, and stepped inside.
Boisterous noise blasted out at you, interrupting the relative silence that you had just been in, as long as a wave of warm air; you realized how chilly it had been outside as you stepped in finally warming up and gaining feeling in your fingers and toes again. The sandals you wore were not ideal for the cool fall weather.
The head of the department came over with two glasses of punch and a twinkle in his eyes, “Ahh two of my favorite students, I'm so glad you could make it. I'll be sure to put your names down in the guest book. Welcome, welcome.” He pushed the punch into your hands.
“Hey Professor J.” Stacy said with a wide grin.
“Professor Johnson.” You inclined your head, holding up the punch glass and taking a sip.
“Please tonight I'm Jeff. Well,” The professor held up the traces of bandages he had wrapped around himself, “I'm more of a mummy if you will, but you can call me Jeff.”
You snorted, he still wore his tweed jacket and brown dress pants but had attempted to wrap what looked like a little bit of toilet paper around his head and torso and age it with some tan paint. At least attempt is all the costumes would be counted for you figured.
Stacy mumbled into her glass, “Nice mummy.”
Jeff looked between the two of you, “My now, so who are you supposed to be, hmm, let me guess. I think we have a zombie and hmm... is that Cleopatra?”
You pointed your finger at him, with a smile, “That's the one.”
Jeff grinned, a teasing look on his face. “Well there's a roman you'll have to keep an eye out for. He never said who exactly he was, but I could see him being a fine Mark Antony. Did you do that on purpose?”
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks. “What, I, no? I didn't know anyone was dressed like this, I just chose this costume because it was cute and well available...” You trailed off lamely.
Jeff clapped his hands together, “Right-o, the drama unfolds. This is the sort of thing you would expect in the drama department, not the poli-sci. But Cleopatra and Mark Antony did play at politics. I won't keep you, please mingle and there is a haunted maze that leads to the mother-in-law house out back. We hired some theater students to keep it nice and scary for anyone who tries to complete it.” The front door opened again, “I have to go greet some other students, Jason, Richard, hello! I'm so glad you two could come!” The professor turned away to grab more punch and his focus was lost from you and Stacy.
“I wonder who your mystery Roman is.” Stacy said, grabbing your arm and dragging you towards the main room.
Different groups of people were smattered here and there in bunches of friends or otherwise groups of people who knew each other, chatting, gossiping, just generally getting along. Stacy moved from group to group, checking in with different acquaintances and friends. Sometimes she would stand for a few minutes, other times longer. All the while, you kept craning your head around, trying to find who the mysterious Roman was.
“Hey, I think I see a Roman.” Stacy said, moving towards another group.
You perked up, growing tired of mingling with people. You had never been the most social of butterflies.
Your mouth fell open as he turned around. “Loki?”
The Roman looked to see who had said his name and he stared down at you. For a moment, with the makeup and wig, he didn't seem to recognize you, then he saw your eyes and realization dawned on him. “No...” He breathed your name softly.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“You're Mark Antony?”
Loki cleared his throat, “Not exactly.”
“How did you know I would be Cleopatra?”
One of your good friends from an English class hurried over, having left a group of friends who were all gawking at the two of you, “So are you two finally dating?”
Your faced flushed, you could feel it burning down to your chest, as you crossed your arms and sputtered, “Well, I mean, I wouldn't say, I, um.”
Loki cleared his throat, his face tinged pink, “No, not, I mean, maybe, no,” He coughed.
You and Loki looked at each other then quickly looked away.
Your friend looked at the two of you and hurried off to report back to the others.
You slumped your shoulders and glanced up at Loki, he looked down at you.
“I had no idea you were going as Cleopatra.” Loki muttered.
“I didn't know you were going as-”
Loki interrupted you, “The easiest and least amount of effort I could think of, a Roman, everyone decided I was Mark Antony when the rumor that Cleopatra was going to be here, and that she was you.”
“Stacy.” You grumbled.
Loki sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
An undergrad walked by and casually said, “Nice couples' costume, loved that movie.”
Loki had been your best friend since you started college and declared your political science major. He was double majoring in political science and astrophysics, with a minor in history. How he was maintaining his grades so well and not looking like the walking dead, was beyond you. You expected having rich parents helped, but still, you admired that he was able to maintain a double major. He was quietly wealthy, never flaunted it and strove to work hard for himself, you could tell he earned what was his, he had fought for his place in this world. You knew of his golden brother, whom he spoke bitterly of that things always seem to come to him, seemed to be handed to. You understood that. The two of you had quickly bonded and had grown quite close over the years, being near constant companions, helped along by the fact that you had many classes together. Also, you studied a lot together. Things you struggled in, he was helpful at teaching you, and things he struggled in, well even if you didn't understand astrophysics, you could slow him down and get him to think it through until he could work it out. And sometimes, you did understand it, you could see the missing piece that he wouldn't see and connect it for him. You figured if you were in the class learning the subject, you just might do well, and he often praised you for it. It made you feel good.
Rumors had sprung up, a will they won't they type thing. You had heard of them vaguely, but never paid much stock. But now tonight, it seemed as though finally, like a wall, they were hitting you. And as you glanced up at Loki, his hair slicked back, feathered down to his shoulders, Roman helmet held under one arm, his tall pale forehead, green eyes staring down at you, sharp cheekbones, thin nose, sharp angular jaw, and thin pale lips... maybe, just maybe there was something to the rumors.
“There's an apple bobbing trough.” You croaked, weakly, “Want to?” You mimed bobbing for apples.
Loki nodded quickly, “Yes, certainly, let's.”
You took his hand, a normal enough gesture, but tonight it felt electrical. Glancing down then back at him, you wondered if he felt it too. His eyes lingered on your hand before looking up and making contact with yours, lingering a second too long. You forced yourself to look forward dragging him towards the trough and biting your lip as you walked.
“Alright.” You said, kneeling down before the trough, “I'll go first?”
Loki nodded, “I'll hold your hair.”
You nodded stiffly, inhaling as you turned to face the trough. The feel of Loki's fingers brush along the back of your neck nearly elicited a moan and you immediately plunged your face into the trough, thankful for waterproof makeup. Loki kept his fingers painstakingly still, not daring to touch your skin and it took everything you had not to gasp and drown. Eventually you managed to grab an apple, biting into it and pulling up out of the water, gasping for air. You beamed, chest heaving as you held the apple out before taking a mighty bite.
Loki chuckled, “Very well, my turn.” He knelt down before the trough and glanced back at you, and you realized you were to hold his hair back. Swallowing hard, you stepped close to him, gently grabbing his hair into a bundle and holding it back. It felt heavenly and once again that electrical touch when your had brushed against the base of his neck; you bit your lip.
Loki resurfaced, an apple of his own in his mouth. He took the apple lazily and bit a chunk out of it.
“Touche.” You looked around, “I've talked with everyone I've felt like talking to tonight...”
“As have I.” Loki agreed looking around.
“There's a dance floor, but the music isn't...”
“Johnson's music taste not up to your standard?”
“I like spooky Halloween hits but I think he could stand to change the CD now, has anyone introduced him to like, Spotify, or the internet?”
Loki laughed, and grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the dance area, “The Monster Mash is indeed timeless.”
“I don't doubt it but after the fourth or fifth time.” You laughed back, dancing with him.
You and Loki danced for a little while, listening to the music that Jeff had picked out, though really wishing for some variety.
Finally the music grating on your nerves, you remembered the promise of the haunted house outside. The two of you made your way towards the back door, winding your way through the house, occasionally chatting with other people who had made it to other rooms while exploring the house. There were a series of signs pointing in the direction of the haunted house and you found yourself appreciating them because it would have taken much longer to reach it.
At last you reached the back door and opened it, stepping into a blow up tunnel that blocked you from the chilly wind.
You and Loki exchanged a glance, “I guess it starts here.” He said.
“I guess so.” You replied.”
You both stepped into the blowup tunnel and bounced along, fighting to keep your balance as ghostly cries filled the air. The back door of the house shut and blocking off the music and conversation of the house within. Ghostly wails filled the air, frankly more comedic than scary, given the nature of the bouncy tunnel, but you worked with what you had.
Reaching the end, the tunnel spat you out and you and Loki collapsed onto the grassy ground, a small maze of chain link fences leading to the mother-in-law suite. In different places, there was black paper so you couldn't see through the chain link. Flashing strobe lights filled the air and a fog machine summoned heavy layers of fog. Loud disorienting metal music screamed out at you, blaring in your ears, so loud you could barely think.
“Get up!” Loki yelled over the cacophony, offering his hand to you and pulling you to your feet.
You scrunched your eyes shut, the strobe lights making your head hurt. Trying to squint and look around, you held tight to Loki's eyes as he led you through the maze.
A gorilla leapt out at you from one of the chain link enclosures, screaming and shaking the fence. You rounded another turn and a guy in stripes shoved his face at you, laughing maniacally, tugging at bendable rubber bars.
Then just as quickly, you were out of the chain link maze and Loki opened the door to the house.
You blinked several times, trying to get rid of the strobe lights, and adjust your eyes to the darkness.
“Damn those lights.” Loki muttered.
You smacked your head a few times, as though hoping to get the flashing and noise out, “No kidding, thanks for leading us.”
Loki nodded, looking back at you with concern, “Are you alright?”
“Just a little, fuzzed up. I'll be fine.”
Loki wrapped his arm around your shoulder and held you close, once more taking the lead.
The two of you walked into the kitchen, a bloody crime scene had occurred, someone had been murdered and dismembered. A women lay on the ground pleading for help. “He's going to come back, please... please, you've got to help me.” She groaned.
Loki kept walking.
You looked at her fearfully.
“He's coming!” The bloody woman cried.
A man with a chainsaw came running from behind you and you screamed, running ahead.
“No, don't!” Loki cried, rushing after you.
You ran into the next room where a contortionist was rolling around on the floor, body twisted into all sorts of unnatural shapes. Stopping you moaned weakly, looking as they uncoiled and began to crawl upside down towards you.
Loki finally reached you and guided you away from them, on to the next room.
From behind you, you could hear the cackles of the contortionist filling the air.
The two of you passed through a long hallway and a zombie bride walked out, dress bloodied and torn, “Have you seen my husband?”
“N-no.” You stammered.
“Good, I ate him!” She jeered.
Loki continued to guide you, the next room had eerie green lights and was filled floor to ceiling with all manner of dolls, old and new, porcelain and cloth, cracked and torn and well cared for.
“I never much cared for dolls.” Loki muttered.
“Dolls are freaky, period.”
An especially large doll in the corner slowly started to stand, her porcelain face slowly contorting into a look of rage. You and Loki screamed, you clung to his chest and Loki wrapped his arms around you protectively. Behind you the chainsaw man appeared and screamed, “GET OUT NOW!”
A door opened and you and Loki ran for the door, Loki almost carrying you, as you exited to the outside.
There was a small shed type building with a creepy clown holding water laughing and giggling, “Congratulations, you survived.” He said in a singsong voice. “Do you want a picture, I won't take a no.”
“Wha-?” You panted for breath, doubled over.
Loki looked between you and the clown and took the water suspiciously before drinking it.
The clown danced over to the table where a single printer sat. He waggled his fingers until a picture slowly finished printing. “Here you are now!” Once again he giggled in a disturbing voice and you realized he was part of the haunted house attraction.
Taking the picture from him, Loki sighed and rolled his eyes, “Here.” He handed it to you.
It was the final scare, Loki holding you protectively in his arms as you clung to him fearfully. If anyone saw this there would be no denying how you two really felt for each other.
The clown honked his nose as he looked between the two of you, an obnoxious grin on his face.
“Well that's some damning evidence.” You muttered, taking a sip of your water.
Loki chuckled, adjusting his cape.
“Can I catch a ride with you?” You asked.
“You're fine with it?”
“Are you?”
“Yea, me too.” You stood on your toes and kissed his cheek. “I'm more than fine with it.”
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millenniumsilver · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: A Dark Night
Main Character(s): Kwon Junseo. Cha Yejun.
Summary: There were a lot of things Yejun expected prior to moving into the dorms, as his group’s debut approached, but having his ex show up at his front door in the dead of night was the last thing that crossed his mind. 
Warning(s): Discussions of mental health. Bad mental health/mental state. Cursing. 
When Yejun was younger, he harbored a small fear of the dark, which equated to not being entirely too fond of the night. It originally stemmed from watching too many scary videos before bedtime, and it always ended up with him running to his parents’ room in absolute tears. It didn't take much for Yejun to realize that whenever he was scared shitless, it was dark, and whenever it was dark, it was nighttime. Thus, as a child, Yejun's aversion to the night began. 
Even now, as a 23 year old, Yejun still wasn't fond of the night. He never truly understood the appeal it had to some people, where they genuinely preferred being awake when the sun set as opposed to when it rose, and how people simply were night owls, or how they started enjoying the day the moment it ended. 
His dislike towards it intensified when he found himself standing side by side with his ex (and current group member), on the roof of his family’s house, only a few weeks prior to his big move into the dorms with the rest of his group. 
Maybe Yejun was biased and was quick to blame the moon that followed him around whenever something bad happened in his life, as never once was the sun present when the tears began falling for him. The bad things in Yejun’s life were always accompanied by the taunting glow of the moon. 
“Can you kiss me again?” the sound of the city filled the empty space that lingered between Yejun and Junseo, neither of the boys inching to close the gap between one another. 
“Just one more time.” Junseo’s pleads bleed into the sound of the city being alive, allowing for himself to excuse the desperation in his tone that was barely audible. 
“It’s not right, Jun-“
“We weren’t right when we started, why does it change anything now?” Yejun could tell from the way Junseo was speaking that he was both fighting to hold himself back from letting any tears slip, and he was fighting his own mind to be able to even speak his heart. “If we do something wrong one more time, what difference does it make?” 
A siren blared in the background of the boys, allowing for yet another bit of noise to slip in between the cracks of silence between the boys, letting them both a second to try and collect their thoughts that had slowly been swept away with the wind.
“I miss your touch.” 
There wasn’t a moment Junseo didn’t shock Yejun. From the moment they met, and let their hearts skip a beat in the form of an unspoken spark when their eyes landed on each other. Even now, in the cold night with both boys looking like strangers and almost feeling like strangers to one another. Junseo was a surprise in every sense of his being. 
“I miss your lips.” 
In the short while they first met, Junseo quickly became one of the best parts of Yejun’s life. It didn’t take more than a few times of the two hanging out for Yejun to like what he knew about Junseo, and count down the moments until he had the chance to learn even more about him. 
“I miss the way you always treated me.” 
He would never admit it, because even in his own mind it sounded like nothing more than a cliche from a romantic comedy, but Yejun finally discovered the meaning of falling fast and falling hard when Junseo walked into his life. Never once in his life did Yejun want to know every single thing he could about someone, while also wanting to keep things a secret so he could learn of them through memories he could always keep in his heart. 
“I miss how you always spoke to me like I mattered.” 
In his 23 years of life, it was the first time Yejun felt true love. He wasn’t shy of love, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t dated previously, but it was never like this. It never felt like his world had been lit aflame with a new purpose whenever he simply looked into Junseo’s eye; a glaze of hope always staring back at Yejun. 
“I miss the way you held me.” 
Yejun let himself give his heart to Junseo in between small kisses in empty rooms, and quick glances that only they knew of in crowded rooms.
“I miss the way you made me feel safe.” 
Junseo gave his heart in between nights spent clinging onto Yejun in bed and moments where he could let himself fall, knowing Yejun would be right there to catch him. 
“I miss your love.” 
Both boys lost their hearts in one another, and even when the love for each other was only existent in memories, neither of them made a move to retrieve their hearts. 
“I miss you.”
Their hearts belonged to one another, even if neither boy could cherish them the way they wanted. Their hearts were like puzzle pieces that finally found its rightful places, completing a puzzle that seemed to have broken away. 
Yejun missed Junseo. 
There was no way the young actor could deny that, or even interpret his feelings in a different way. He didn’t want to. 
But he knew better. 
The love the two boys had for one another was as brilliant and hot as a flame, and just like a flame, it was gone as quick as it came, leaving nothing but the cold darkness. 
It didn’t take more than a quick glance for Yejun to know that while Junseo’s pleads were nothing but truthful, that Junseo hadn’t changed. Maybe he was worse than when they were together. Junseo always came off as someone who held appearances to a high degree, and it he made it a goal to make it clear with always dressing to the nines with what was in season, and simply having himself look like he was always coming back from a photo shoot. 
However, in the nights where the older had slipped into Yejun’s home in order to find the warmth of his embrace, Yejun finally had a chance to see the real Junseo. Or at least, as much of the “real” Junseo, that he himself was willing to show. 
Gone was the man who didn’t pay any mind to those around him, the man who walked the earth as if it was built for him, and the man who was far from comfortable with letting anyone see him as anything but his absolute best. Instead, there was the man who wordlessly found himself wrapped around Yejun’s body, wanting to receive the type of attention he never knew he needed. There was the man who stumbled in his thoughts and words, wanting to prove how much he cared for Yejun with every breath he took.
There was the Junseo who showed off how much the world was chipping away at him. Through bags underneath his eyes that seemed to become more and more prominent as time slipped by. Through nights where he couldn’t bring himself to speak and simply came for the affection he never felt before. Through confessions of how scared he was every time he opened his eyes in the morning. 
Through it all, it became apparent to Yejun that he was far from the Junseo that everyone knew of. He was lost in himself, and he gave Yejun the chance to see him as his most vulnerable. He gave Yejun the chance to help find him. 
But, if anything, the dim glow of the lights on the roof showed that while Yejun desperately tried to help Junseo, he had lost himself even more. 
Before, he was wandering aimlessly in a maze built from everyone’s expectations for him. Now, he was drifting away into a typhoon of thoughts he had no intention of swimming away from. 
“Have you gone to see someone like we talked about?” it was a cop out, a cheap one at that, and Yejun knew. But, if he told Junseo he missed him too, he knew what it would lead to, and he didn’t know if he could handle being the wave that swallows Junseo whole. 
“My mom almost found out and that was enough to make me give up.” Junseo’s hands were quick to reach up and wipe at his eyes, his head ever so slightly tilting away from Yejun. “It’s a habit, I guess. Giving up on what helps.” 
“You can always go back-“
“I gave up on you too, didn’t I? Can I go back to you?” 
Gone was the soft tone embedded with the ghostly appearance of desperation in Junseo’s voice. Instead, there was a harsh anger in his words. Although, it didn’t take Yejun longer than a second to realize that the anger was directed at himself. 
“You need to start looking after yourself, Junseo.” the younger finally made a move to eliminate the space between them as he put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You’re important, Junseo. For reasons I know you don’t understand just yet, you matter so much. You can’t let your life slip away from you, it’s yours. Not for someone else to own and control.” 
“You make it sound so fucking easy.” 
“And it’s not, I know.” Yejun put the slightest amount of force on Junseo’s shoulder, trying to squeeze it comfortingly. “It’s never easy to go against everything you’ve known in life, everything that's become a habit, even if it’s not a good one. But if you don’t start somewhere...if you don’t start soon, Jun, I’m scared you won’t be able to in the future.” 
Yejun never thought that when the famed model showed interest in him, that he would fall in love with someone who had become so attuned to self-destruction that it was like second nature. To the point where he didn’t even know what he was doing would end up hurting himself. 
The second he felt Junseo’s body lurch ever so slowly to the side, wanting to pull away, Yejun found his hands reaching up to cup his ex’s cheeks, allowing for him to finally glance into the eyes he had been so desperately avoiding the whole night. 
The eyes that glittered with tears, and was nothing but a seemingly growing void of hurt. The same eyes that Yejun found himself smiling at the first time he saw them. 
“I’m not promising anything.” 
“I’m not the one you should be promising to, anyways.” the faintest of smiles began to linger on Yejun’s face, although it was void of the same warmth it always had. It hurt him that Junseo thought that he would be doing this for anyone but himself, but he knew it probably hurt Junseo even more. 
Yejun didn’t know what was in the future for them, but it wasn’t what his mind was focused on. He wanted Junseo to get better for himself, so he can finally begin to live life the way he spoke of it in his sleepy rambles during the nights they were together. 
If that future didn’t include Yejun, it would be ok. He just needed Junseo to be ok.
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pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA time travel idea (part 37)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3,  Mystery POV , Vivi POV 3, 29, Lewis POV 4, 31, ViVi POV 4 , 33, 34, Lewis POV 5, Mystery POV 2
Part 38: here
Lewis POV
To Lewis, it feels like blinking. Arthur’s workshop breaks apart, splintering into pieces which disintergate around him. The body snatcher, still clutching his shirt, still grinning, dissolves, flaking away. Darkness swallows up the scene leaving only an impression of poisonous green imprinted into his mind.  
When he opens his eyes, it is too pale moonlight and cool blues, greys and browns. He is standing in a clearing of loose rock and packed dirt. Vivi is standing several feet away surveying a grove of bent-looking trees. The bright blue of her sweater and skirt stands out against the muted background. Relieved, he tries to call out a greeting and maybe ask if she is okay but finds the action hard, bordering on impossible. 
He can’t talk. He can’t move either. 
“Are you sure about this one. It says to keep out.” 
Arthur’s voice, loud if slightly muffled, sounds like it is being filtered through a closed door. Vivi turns and hits him with a wide smile. 
“So have half the other places we’ve visited,” she answers, drawing Lewis’s attention to the numinous ‘keep out’ signs hammed into the ground between them. Where are they? Is what he wants to say. 
“Yeah, and I remember getting chased through a forest by a bunch of machete-wielding, red-cloaked wackos,” he finds himself asking instead in a voice suspiciously close to Arthur’s.   
Vivi walks a little way into the trees, disappearing, and-without his impute- Lewis’s attention drifts to examine the entrance to the foreboding cave looming over him. It is far too dark to see into.  He can feel himself breathe and shuffle with apprehension, though Lewis has never been one to fidget. 
“Sometimes, there’s a good reason for the keep out signs.” 
“I’m sure that was a one-off.” 
Lewis’s view quickly shifts, moving, reacting to the comment. And… he finds himself looking into a very familiar face. His own face. Stunned, Lewis stares at the second Lewis who wears an expression of amusement and concern, mouth curled into a loose smile. It's like looking in an uncanny mirror. 
Oh.  His own hand, other-Lewis's hand, lands on his, Arthur's, shoulder, giving a reaffirming pat. 
This is a memory. He is reliving a memory from Arthur’s point of view. That’s why everything feels disconnected and fuzzy around the edges. When tries to concentrate on areas outside Arthur’s line of focus the scene blurs. 
This is what that body snatcher had promised him… a look into Arthur's memories. 
It feels like he's stuck in some sort of hyper-real, virtual reality without any input controls. His ability to hear is muffled, and his sense of touch is muted, almost non-existent, so there is a distinct disconnection between himself and the scene. Despite this distance, it feels invasive. He’s not sure what he ought to have expected upon agreeing to see Arthur’s memories, but this isn't it. Lewis tries to shake his sudden discomfort and guilt, focusing instead on the other-Lewis as he talks. 
 Memory-Lewis looks pretty relaxed despite the disconcerting environment, commenting “If this has you really worried we can always wait out here while Vivi takes her supernatural readings.”
“No." Arthur sighs, waving away the concern, "It’s fine. Probably best not to let Vivi go spelunking with only Mystery as back up.”
“Just stick behind me. I’m sure this will be just as boring as all the other caves we’ve walked through.” 
There is an air of familiarity to their words, like traversing creepy caves is an everyday occurrence. Confused, Lewis searches his recent memories but comes up with nothing resembling this exchange. 
The group of three, having finished their light banter, start into the cave with Vivi in the lead. They talk like they’ve been planning this trip for ages.   Only, no, that can’t be right because Lewis can’t remember ever visiting a place like this with Arthur and Vivi. The cave, now lit with the flickering firelight of the torch Vivi's uncovered, is distinct enough that he would surely remember it.
How was this one of Arthur's memories if Lewis doesn't remember taking part in it? Is it even real or is this another lie? 
Vivi and the other-memory-Lewis walk down the sloping stone tunnel with Arthur quick to position himself between the two of them, so Lewis has a good view of the back of Vivi’s head. Mystery appears at Vivi’s feet, sniffing around, all dog-like. Lewis vaguely remembers Mystery conversing with the body snatcher before turning into a giant fox and biting his arm.  Details of the confrontation are a little fuzzy, Lewis being too preoccupied with his worry for Arthur at the time. This Mystery is acting normal. Arthur barely spares the dog a glance with his vision glued into Vivi. Occasionally, Arthur’s attention wanders over to the cave's uneven walls, examining shadows which waver in the firelight. 
“Maybe there’ll be an actual ghost this time and not a dude playing dress-up?” The other-Lewis comments from behind him. 
 “One can only hope,” Vivi’s voice echoes about and Arthur shudders at her volume, peering into a particularly dark crack in the wall before adding in a half-whisper, “Ah. Objection. A dude in a sheet is plenty scary, thanks. No need for anything else.”
Thankfully, the other-Lewis seems to be picking up on how nervous Arthur is because he attempts to lighten the mood. “Like weird-scary or scary-scary?”
Arthur glances over his shoulder, retorting, “Both.” The interaction is friendly and familiar, no trace of stiffness.  It is easy to imagine that, had they decided to travel around and follow Vivi’s original plans to investigate supernatural locations, then this is what it would have been like. he ease of the interplay, lacking any form of tension, is one that Lewis misses. He wants it back.
The lighter mood doesn’t last long because Arthur spots something moving along the cave walls. An elongated shadow appears and is gone quicker than Arthur can blink. Lewis’s sense of nostalgic longing turns to apprehension and fear. So caught up in enjoying watching Arthur interact with other-memory-Lewis, he had forgotten what this was. A fake memory or illusion designed to mess with him. 
Barely noticeable is a sinister shadow of a recognisable green colour. Arthur doesn't notice it, attention drifting. Lewis begins to study each stone surface around the small group. That thing is here. In the walls. In the floor. Watching and waiting…
“Let’s split up,” Vivi’s announces when the group arrives at a split in the larger tunnel. 
 “What? No way!” Lewis hears Arthur object to which he mentally agrees. Splitting up is definitely a bad idea… Other-memory-Lewis doesn’t appear to share his mindset, unbothered by the location, nodding along with Vivi like an idiot. 
  “Splitting up is a terrible idea. When has splitting up ever worked well for anyone?” Arthur continues. 
 Yes. Listen to Arthur! Even if this is some twisted illusion, Lewis still doesn’t want to see any of them hurt.  
 “If we split up, we’ll cover more ground and get through the cave system faster.” Vivi points out. 
 They’re not listening. 
 “Just remember to take lots of photos. Here have my spare EMF meter.”
 He watches Vivi and other-Lewis pass equipment between them. Arthur groans aloud, rubbing his eyes in frustrated exasperation. His friend is nervous, but not nervous enough to insist on them all sticking together. Lewis watched silently, worry mounting. 
 “Lewis. You go with Arthur. He’ll need the moral support more than I will.”
 “Hey,” Arthur mutters a half-hearted protest. 
 “I’ll take Mystery down that tunnel. Let’s meet up in, say, an hour and report our findings.”
 Mystery. Vivi’s mention of her not-quite-a-dog has Lewis’s attention drifting around. Surely, the dog would stop them from splitting up. In all the chaos and in between getting stabbed, Lewis is sure Mystery had been on their side. Even if the result had been less than ideal. They should stick together with Mystery so the dog could protect them all from whatever danger was lurking in the walls.
 Alas, Mystery seems oblivious, following Vivi as she walks off towards one of the tunnels.  No. What he wouldn’t give to be able to interact and warn the trio. 
Vivi pauses, glancing back.  “Oh, and if it gets too maze-like come back here, so you don’t get lost,” A familiar playful note colours her voice as she takes a light jab at his poor sense of direction, “And don’t fall down any holes.” 
 “We’ll be fine,” Other-Lewis reassures, amused while  Lewis stews in his worry, annoyed at his counterparts carelessness. Idiot. He’s pulled from his worry by the odd experience of getting caught in a headlock when Arthur is too slow to avoid his other-Lewis.  Lewis knows he’s above average height, but it’s a very different experience seeing and feeling it from Arthur’s perspective.
 Vivi snorts, waving, “See you boys in an hour.” She disappears into the dark, the blue of her shirt fading. 
 “You okay there Arthur?” 
 Arthur glances up at the other-Lewis, batting away his arms. 
 “Yeah. Come on. Let’s go poke around a dark, damp, tunnel some more.”
  Lewis might have found the sarcastic comment amusing if he weren’t so busy freaking out, trying to work out which of them the body snatcher will target first. Silently, Lewis watches, wishing he could smack the other-Lewis over the head. Arthur is obviously nervous, this cave is creepy as hell, and he doesn’t appear to care. 
 The trip down the tunnel becomes an expedition of heightening tension. A rope being slowly pulled to its breaking point. Every time the other-Lewis stumbles on a bit of uneven rock has him holding his non-existent breath. The low flickering light does nothing for the ominous atmosphere, causing Arthur to stumble as well, bumping into Lewis several times. Doom presses down on then. It reminds Lewis of a horror movie, in which he is stuck waiting for something terrible to happen. 
 They come to the end of the tunnel without interruption. A narrow stone walkway juts out ahead, ending in a sharp drop. The light of the torch reflects off the mossy walls and spike-covered ceiling and Arthur eyes the pointy stone formations with apprehension.  This is dangerous, Lewis thinks as Arthur shivers. 
 Other-Lewis confidently walks out ahead, leaving his friend to follow at a more cautious pace. If it were up to him he would be grabbing Arthur and dragging him out of this creepy cave system post hast. Sure, this cavern is impressive, but what about self-preservation?   
 It does not take long for the worse to happen. Distracted by the impressive scenery, Arthur trips and brushes up against the cave wall.  When Lewis sees Arthur’s arm start to turn green, everything rings with an overpowering déjà vu. This time, Mystery doesn’t jump in to immediately rip the infected limb free.
 “Hey, Arthur! Come check out this view!” Other-Lewis calls from where he looks to be attempting to peer down into the steep drop. Arthur lunches forward, arm outstretched and aiming for other-Lewis’s unprotected back. 
 His name is chocked off, so his counterpart doesn’t have time to turn around and brace himself. Lewis is treated to the somewhat horrifying sight of his own shocked expression as he disappears over the edge of the stone platform. He hears the other-Lewis yell, which echoes in the stone chamber, and then he only hears Arthur’s harder breathing. The sound is no longer muffled but distinct and sharp, taking over the memory. 
 Had…had he just watched himself die??
 The next sequence is also disturbingly familiar. White teeth. Bone snapping. Blood droplets spinning in the air. Unlike his own recent experience, Arthur doesn’t immediately blank out, so Lewis is treated to the phantom sting of pain, filtering through the bond. 
“Ah Shit.” He hears Arthur uncharacteristically say in contrast to the nightmare going on around him. Was that the body snatcher?? The scenery blurs and distorts so he no longer has a clear view.  
This couldn’t be real…This wasn’t a real memory because he definitely wasn’t dead. He'll wake up in the hospital, and Arthur and Vivi would be fine. They would work everything out. 
The cave dissolves, breaking apart and fading. 
Lewis blinks and opens his eyes to darkness. Complete and utter black presses in from all angles. The memory…or illusion because there was no way that had been a real memory… is finished. For a moment Lewis can’t think, brain stalling as he tries to process what he’s just witnessed. 
It couldn’t have been a real memory. But, if that where the case, then why show it to him? Too upset him?? Well, it has succeeded. Poor Arthur, he had probably been terrified. At least when Lewis had had his own arm bitten off, he had, sort of, understood that Mystery was trying to save him. Arthur and other-Lewis were taken completely off guard. He can’t image what they might have been thinking. Nothing good. Slowly he clenches his fist, drawing it into his chest, clutching it tightly.  When he looks down, he can see his hands and torso, giving off a faint lilac glow. It’s his own arm, whole and attached. There is solid ground beneath his feet, though, when he looks down, all he sees is the same bank darkness.  Lewis glances around in helplessly. Stuck in this empty void, all he can do is feel frustrated and trapped.  
Where is he?
 His vision blurs, and he blinks again. 
 Reopening his eyes, Lewis struggles to focus on an off-white ceiling lit by warm natural light. He is lying horizontally on a soft surface. For one brief moment, Lewis thinks he’s made it back to the real waking world. No more nightmare fake-memory. That overhead definitely looks like a hospital ceiling and he seems to be in a bed. 
 When he tries to move, he is faced with a familiar disconnection and lack of control. He still can’t quite feel his limbs or talk. 
 The voice seems to pull Arthur fully awake and his vision finally focuses, landing on Mystery who leaps nimbly into a vacant chair positioned adjacent to the bed. A curtain blocks out most of the room to his left and a window lets in fading sunlight on the right.
 Lewis is right about this being a hospital. The space is sparse, tilled with grey and white vinyl, consisting of a single bed, and two empty chairs, one with a blue denim jacket slung over the backrest. Bright red eyes catch the light of the fading sun, causing Arthur to flinch slightly under their unnerving intensity. At first, Lewis thinks there is something wrong with the memory when darkness tugs at its edges but quickly realises that it’s because Arthur is too drowsy to properly focus. 
 /You are awake./ The sentence is said with relief, sounding distorted to Lewis who is again relegated to watching from the sidelines. 
 “You’re talking?” Arthur mutters to himself. 
 Mystery is silent and Arthur’s attention drifts away to examine the ceiling, vision continuing to dim. If Mystery waits any longer, Arthur is going to fall right back asleep. Lewis wishes he could ask the dog questions. He has so, so many questions about everything that has happened over the last 24 hours. 
 But no…he can’t as he is once again the silent observer. 
 /You do not remember either…/ Mystery’s voice is softer, reserved, almost as if speaking to himself. 
 “Remember...” Arthur repeats, blinking up at the ceiling so Lewis can’t see Mystery’s expression when he asks gently, /What is the last you remember, Arthur? /
“A cave… I think?”
 /Nothing else?/
 “Vivi and Lewis were there...” Arthur winces. Even with the sound muffled Lewis can hear Arthur’s confusion as he clings to consciousness. Mystery lets out a long breath, shuffling back, jumping from chair to the floor.
 /Go back to sleep Arthur. / Mystery, now out of sight, commands softly. The sound fades and Lewis is left alone in the dark, the memory finished. 
Once again, he blinks, and he is back in the empty space …still clutching his arm. Lewis glances around, mind churning. What had been the point of that memory? Maybe, it was supposed to mess with his head, tricking him into thinking he had awakened back in the hospital, giving him relief then snatching it away.   He doesn’t get the chance to properly contemplate the ramifications of the scene because the next memory starts suddenly with a lot of panicked movement and activity. 
 Instead of drifting back to consciousness slowly, Arthur snaps awake, lunching himself upright, arm outstretched like he's trying to grab something. Lewis’s perspective spins as he tries to reorientate himself within the new memory. Sunlight is streaming through the window, making the white walls and floor unbearably bright. Arthur apparently thinks so too because his vision distorts as his eyes water. 
 “Whoa! Arthur, you’re awake!” Vivi’s startled voice draws Arthur’s attention. His friend’s gaze snaps to her and he blinks rapidly.
 “Vivi…what…ugh...” Arthur groans, doubling over, gripping his bandaged shoulder. Even Lewis can feel a phantom sting of pain, captured faintly in the memory. It is a harsh reminder that this is his future as Lewis might also be faced with a missing limb upon wakening. Perhaps, foreshadowing Lewis’s future is the purpose of this particular fake-memory. 
“Where am I? What is this?”
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re in the hospital,” Vivi reassures and Lewis examines the darkened under her eyes and her gaunt features like she hasn’t been eating properly. The room is the same hospital room from the last fake-memory only it is now daytime. There is also a book, lying discarded, face down on the floor. Vivi had probably dropped it upon Arthur's sudden awakening. 
 “Mystery…Mystery was here…he was…ouch….” Arthur’s grip tightens on his shoulder. For several seconds the scene blurs and distorts as Arthur tries to control his breathing, panting heavily. 
"Why does everything hurt?"
“You shouldn’t be moving around so much…” Vivi answers gently, voice soft and careful. Arthur reaches pull at the bandages on his shoulder to which Vivi immediately grasps his…Arthur’s…hand. Lewis momentary struggles to separate the two, thrown by the affection the action inspires in him. 
“Hey, stop that.”
“My arms gone…” Arthur breathes, shivering, shifting his grip to squeeze Vivi’s hand, staring at her with wide eyes. Her expression radiates concern.
“I can’t remember anything.” Arthur stammers, growing more panicked.
 “The doctor said that’s normal for recent trauma suffers,” Vivi placates, returning the squeeze “…here, I’ll call the nurse now. They should probably be the ones to explain this…Also...I'll text Uncle Lance as well...he'll want to know you're awake...”
 “Trauma?” Arthur interrupts dumbly, looking from Vivi, who reaches for bed’s call remote and then her phone, to his bandaged shoulder like he’s not sure if it is real. Internally, Lewis winces, uncomfortable. Even if this is fake, it still feels like an invasion of privacy.  
 “Were we in an accident? I remember a…a cave or something... It was dark…green...” He shivers again. 
  “I…” Vivi’s voice wavers, sounding uncharacteristically hesitant. 
 “I can’t remember much either…” She admits, uneasy. 
 “Oh..I...I see.” 
They both appear equally confused, lapsing into a disconcerting silence. 
Lewis’s thoughts shift anxiously at the admission. Is it a good or bad thing that neither of them remembers that strange cave nightmare? Did that mean neither of them remembered his death? It had been a pretty traumatic event…maybe it is for the best that they don’t remember. But why include that in this set of fake memories? If the point of all this was to make Lewis suffer, then witnessing Arthur remember unwillingly pushing other-Lewis down a pit would be more upsetting for the both of them. Knowing Arthur, his friend would definitely blame himself for other-Lewis’s death. Surely, forcing him to watch his friend spiral into a circle of self-deprecation would be the worst sort of second-hand torture. 
 “What about Lewis? What does he remember…” Arthur asks suddenly, glancing around like he is expecting the other-Lewis to come strolling around the curtain. 
 Of course, there is no Lewis. If this was continuing on from the last memory then the other-Lewis was dead. Vivi doesn’t respond and Lewis’s feels a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach . Or maybe it’s Arthur feeling that...hard to tell. 
 “Vivi?” Arthur glances back in time to watch Vivi’s expression slacken, eyes growing vacant. 
 “Vivi?” Arthur repeats, flustered, pulling at the hand still holding hers. Several seconds pass and Vivi stares, unfocused and unaware of Arthur and his increasing panic.  The memory ends with a nurse arriving and Arthur trying to physically shake a response out of Vivi.
 Lewis is left cut off from his two friends to fret in silent isolation. Around him the dark presses in once more. Even if the memories weren’t real, Lewis still feels a lingering pang of worry and distress at seeing either of his friends hurt. He would give anything to just...walk into that hospital room and alleviate Arthur’s fears and check on Vivi himself. Angry and anxious, Lewis waits for something else to happen. 
How many more of these disquieting, fake memories is he going to have to live through? 
Note: Hello! It’s been ages (^▽^;) here’s an update. Enjoy!
Part 38: here
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tobesensation-9 · 4 years
DDDDDDDDDD. Okay so I would like a fluffy imagine where Taeyang and I have a funny outing. So it can first start off in the daytime at the pumpkin patch, then mid day we got have lunch at a cafe, and at night, we go to a HAUNTED HOUSE where the members of SFD try to scare us.
Alrighty, more Taeyang content coming up! Tbh Rowoon, Inseong and Zuho aren’t scaring anyone 😂 more like their gonna be scared. (More of them would be too but I’m just thinking of that haunted house they went through and them performing Now or Never’ with that horror prank 😂😂 the soul literally left Rowoon’s body 😂😂).
Was That Supposed to be Scary? (Taeyang x Reader)
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Genre: Fluffier than Taeyang’s hair. And cornier then the corn fields.
Synopsis: You and Taeyang go on a fun filled date that’s ideal for the Fall season, one of the places being a Haunted house 🏚. There the rest of the members try to scare you. 
You were excited about what the days would bring. Taeyang has called you a few hours earlier to take you out on a date. He hasn’t told you much about what the two of your were going to do, but nonetheless you were still hopeful. Soon you heard a knock on your door and you knew it was him.
“Hey. Are you ready?” He smiles at you, looking more excited than usual.
“I mean yeah, but you still haven’t told me where we’re going.”
“I know. But it’s a surprise. You’ll love it anyway, I know you will.”
As the two of you get in his car and head to the unknown destination, Taeyang gets a call. His phone connects automatically to the cars speakers and you hear Hwiyoung on the line.
“Ya Taeyang-Ah, are you on your way?”
“Yeah I just picked up y/n. Headed there now.”
“Good. Because the line to the hayride and the corn maze is pretty long.”
The moment he mentioned a hayride Taeyang fumbles with the buttons on the stiring wheel and him phone.
“Where are going to the punpkin patch?” You ask is excitement.
“Oh I guess I ruined the surprise?” Asks Youngkyun on the other line.
“Yeah. I didn’t realize I would have to disconnect from the Bluetooth. But yeah we’re on our way. I guess we can do which ever one y/n wants to do when we get there.”
“Okay. I’ll see you guys when you get here. Ya, Hyung wait to pick pumpkins until they get here!”
You can hear Dawon yelling in the distance refusing before he hangs up.
Both of you laugh at the ruckus and hold hands the rest of the way there.
20 minutes later you’re pulling up on grass along with other cars, facing tons of pumpkins stacked on hay. Following the pumpkin display you see Sanghyuk with a body size bag of kettle corn and two big pumpkins. I guess he really couldn’t wait to get the pumpkins you thought as you unbuckled your seatbelt and jumped out the car to greet the others.
“Hey guys!”
“Heyyyy!” They greet you just as joyful as you do them. 
“Hyung you really couldn't wait until we got here?” Taeyang looks at his hyung defeated. 
“You guys were taking too long, I was ready to have fun.” 
“I can’t blame him,” says Inseong, the rest of us didn't get pumpkins but we did go look at the farm animals they had while we waited.” 
From behind the rest of the members you see Chani and Rowoon went to get some kettle corn too, “Oh hey guys!” Rowoon waves at you guys smiling stuffing his mouth with popcorn with the other hand. “Oh you’re finally here?” Chani snickers as he gets near. 
“Yes but we’re now guys. Do you want to do all the fun things before it gets packed y/n?” Taeyang turns to you expectedly. “Yeah that's fine with me.” 
You guys do all the classic things one does at the pumpkin patch, go on a hayride and go through the corn maze. Since you guys were a party of ten, you all had good portion to yourselves. The sun was starting to go down, and you thought to yourself that this was the best time to do this. The hayride starts and from start to end its filled with hysteria. When the man driving the tractor drives in the dark for a little while from cutting off his lights, both Zuho and Rowoon start to loose their minds. Rowoon tries to stay and act cool but everyone knows he's scared. Zuho doesn't care and yelps whenever Sanghyuk takes a piece of hay and tickles him, making him think its a spider. 
Next you guys grow through the corn maze. You and Taeyang stay together and enjoy your alone time, while the rest of them run around and scare each other. For the first time that night, you finally hear Seokwoo and Inseong scream for the first time from a distance. You also hear Chanhee laughing hysterically was well, you figured maybe he scared them. Your assumption is confirmed when you hear Seokwoo yell at his and hear the corn ruffling due to him chasing Chanhee. You and Taeyang just laugh together as you try to find your way out. After this all of you head to a cafe nearby. 
The two of your take a fifteen minute drive to one of your favorite cafés nearby. Once inside and settled the two of you order.
Both of you sit together at the table where all ten of you sit. “Are you having fun?” 
“Yeah I'm having a lot of fun. Isn't this it though? Aren't you taking me home afterward?” 
“Oh, no,” he gives you that stupid cute smile again. 
“Oh no. What are we doing?” 
“A Haunted house,” says Jaeyoon on the other side of Taeyang. “Taeyang really wanted to go with all of us. I had to convince Rowoon and Inseong to stay and not ditch us.” 
“I didn't sign up for this!” Rowoon speaks up from across the table. “You guys know I dont like scary things. Its not good for my mental health!” 
“You always say that but you end up just find afterward,” Youngbin waves him off and continues to eat his food. 
Soon afterward you guys head to the Haunted house. When you get there Taeyang keeps you close to him, hands held tight and cracks jokes as the two of you head in together. 
As you walk through the to of you walk to each other and is interrupted every once in while when an actor jumps out or tries to chase you. 
Laughs and screams is all the that they receive, and the two of you continue to talk. 
“Wait Taeyang?” 
“Where are the guys?” 
Right then someone from the darkness throws a spider on you which makes you jump, and all the guys jump out an scream. The two of you jump more than you had all night. 
“Haha we got you guys,” Juho laughs hysterically at being able to scare you guys. 
“No what are you talking about? Was that supposed to be scary?” You say this trying to play cool with guys but they call you on your bluff, you laugh along with them. 
You guys eventually make it through the rest of the house laughing and in one piece. 
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gidleboo · 4 years
an imagine where Minnie is shocked to see her night owl girlfriend awake early in the morning.
not requested
Word Count : 1,229
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After watching horror documentaries by yourself until 1 am, every little sound in your shared apartment with Minnie drove you crazy. Even the slightest water droplet from the bathroom would cause you to jerk your head in that direction or when the ticking of the clock seemed to grow louder and louder as if it was the only thing you could hear in the room.
'I should have just watched those in the morning with Minnie.' You thought to yourself in regret. You turned around and faced Minnie's back to wrapped your arms around her waist, burying your face in her hair that smells of orange.
Just as you finally thought you were about to doze off, the cold wind runs up your spine and you quickly turn your head to see if there was someone behind you. You let out a sigh when you see nothing.
The room was way too dark. When you tried to relax as you stare up at the ceiling, a creepy image pops in your mind and you had to blink several times before it disappears.
You softly whine as you struggle to fall asleep. As much as you want to shake Minnie awake and have her comfort you and tell you everything's fine, you love her too much to wake her up for some lame reason.
Besides, you care about your pride too. It would be too embarrassing to tell Minnie the reason why you can't sleep. She'll be teasing you all day!
You sigh hopelessly and decided to reach for your phone. You flinch at the sudden brightness so you lower it down to the lowest setting. You check the time and it read 3:44 am. It was almost 4 in the morning and you were still wide awake.
You returned your phone back on top of the drawer and decided to wrap yourself in your blanket which somehow made you feel safe. After a few minutes, you started to doze off once again.
When you finally thought that you've fallen asleep, you felt your legs growing numb from the lack of space which made it uncomfortable for you to sleep. You slowly woke up once again for what seemed like the 6th time that night.
You untangled yourself from the blanket which seemed to be the reason why your leg became numb. The soft light that came through the window helped you see much better than the other times you've woken up. You look up at the clock by the doorway and it read 5:28 am.
You sighed in defeat as you fall back on the bed. In the end, you didn't sleep at all. But to be fair, it was also your fault for watching scary documentaries.
Deciding that it was probably best to just wake up now, you gave Minnie a soft kiss on her shoulder before quietly making your way outside the bedroom. It felt really new to you as you moved around the house at such an early time when usually, you moved around the house late at night.
You walk over to the big window next to the living room and pushed the curtains aside. The sun greeted you with a great view of where you were. It was your first time seeing the city in the morning again after a long time when usually you would wake up around 1 in the afternoon.
You unlocked your phone to take a picture of the view and decided to do your morning routine. Opening your Spotify app, you put (G)I-DLE's album on shuffle with 'Maze' as the first song to play.
You quickly showered to wake yourself up and cleaned the living room a bit before heading to the kitchen to cook breakfast for you and Minnie. Minnie was a morning person and would usually wake up between 7 or 8.
You checked the time and it read 6:35 am. You quickly hurried to make breakfast knowing that your girlfriend could wake up at any moment now. You wanted to surprise your girlfriend and see her reaction to the fact that you didn't sleep you waking up early.
As you finished frying the eggs, you heard her feet shuffle and gasp. "Y/N?! Why are you awake already? What's going on?" Minnie asked as you placed the eggs on a plate.
Although she was very shocked, Minnie was very happy to see you finally join her in the morning. She walked over to you and hugged you tightly as she swayed you both from side to side.
"Why is my love already awake at 7 in the morning?" Minnie cooed at you as she showered your face in kisses. You giggled nervously and just hugged her saying, "I had something to do today so I set up an alarm. I got it done now though." You lied smoothly.
"Oh, okie babygirl." Minnie gave you one final kiss on the forehead and looked at the table. "Wow, Im hungry! Thanks for cooking." Minnie gave you a wide smile which immediately melted your heart. "Its nothing."
You and Minnie ate breakfast together and once you were both done, Minnie suggested that she would take care of the dishes.
. . . . .
Minnie joined you on the couch after she was done doing the dishes. Minnie gave you a quick peck before grabbing the remote. "Wanna do a movie marathon for the whole day?" Minnie asked you, not really bothering to wait for your answer as she started searching movies on Netflix.
You stifled a yawn before answering, "Sure baby." Minnie had already picked a movie and went to close the curtains and turn off the light switch. "Now it's like a theatre in here." Minnie giggled and went back to cuddle with you.
The dark living room and the soft sounds from the TV started making you drowsy. Minnie cuddling you only added to your drowsiness. You look at her perfect face concentrated in the movie and studied every detail. Her sharp jawline, her pretty eyes, her small nose, everything about her was amazing.
You cuddled closer to Minnie and press a soft kiss on her neck and before you know it, you started drifting off into dreamland.
. . . . .
"Baby..." Minnie's soft voice filled the now quiet living room as she started shaking you awake gently. You suddenly widened your eyes and remembered that you and Minnie were doing a movie marathon.
"Omg babe, I'm so sorry I fell asleep!" You looked so guilty that Minnie giggled and held your face and kissed you passionately. You melted in the kiss but she soon pulled away.
"Let's do a movie marathon next time, okay? First, we gotta get you to bed baby." Minnie said softly and grabbed your hands. At times like this, you can't help but fall deeper in love with Minnie. She leads you to the bedroom and laid you down before showering your face with kisses.
You giggled as you slowly started to feel sleepy once again. Minnie gave you one last kiss on your lips before standing up to leave.
You then reach out a hand and tugged at her shirt, silently telling her to stay with you. Minnie smiled and being the whipped girlfriend she is, there's no way she can say no. She goes under the covers and spoons you as she hums soft melodies in your ear.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
lmao fun fact : this imagine was based from this morning when I couldnt sleep and so i ended up not sleeping at all
sorry if the grammar is a bit bad since my english sucks sknchb
anyway thats all thanks for reading❣
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pokeprism14 · 4 years
Halloween Special
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Halloween Party~Fairytail Style
***Third-person p.o.v***
“Kill it! Kill it!!!”
“I got it!”
“Salamander you missed you idiot!”
“Then help me Metal Breath!”
“You’re both idiots! I’ll kill it,”
“Please kill it Gray darling!”
“You guys are destroying the guildhall. You must be amateurs if you can’t hit that little thing without destroying the guild,”
“Will you boys stop arguing and kill it already!”
“We’re trying! The darn thing is too fast!”
When Rachel walked into the guildhall that day, she was in no way expecting this kind of situation. A fight wouldn’t be surprising, but the girls huddling together on top of the bar with the boys running around trying to kill the thing scaring the ladies was something she wasn’t expecting to see today.
But what really through her off was the thing causing this whole mess. A tiny little thing the size of the palm of her hand.
A spider.
Natsu finally lured it into a corner smirking triumphantly.
“Ha! Now I gotcha,” Natsu sneered evilly with a wicked grin on his face as he lit up his fist to kill it.
Just as he was about to punch it someone caught his hand.
“What in the world are you doing?!” Rachel exclaimed.
“Rachel! Out of the way! It’s going to get away!” Natsu shouted at her trying to free his hand from her grip so he could kill it.
“All this fuss over a little spider? Honestly, I thought you guys would be better than this, you guys about wrecked the guildhall! Move,” Rachel said pushing Natsu away from the spider.
Rachel walked over to it and bent down. “Poor thing, these people probably really scared you. Here, I’ll take you away from them,” Rachel said as she grabbed one of its legs and held it up before standing up.
“Rachel! What are you doing don’t touch it!” Lucy screeched.
“Why it’s just a spider? Honestly, it’s pretty harmless,” Rachel said with a shrug holding up the spider.
“But it’s so icky!” Levy trembled.
Rachel rolled her eyes. “Whatever, I’ll be right back after I let it go outside,” Rachel said.
“What?!? You’re letting it go?!?” The girls screeched.
“But it might come back that way!” Evergreen squeaked.
“Yeah, just let us kill it!” Natsu exclaimed.
“It’ll be way easier that way,” Gray argues.
Rachel shook her head walking towards the doors.
“No. There’s no reason to kill it. Now you guys are going to clean up the guildhall while I’m gone and if you don’t, I’ll bring it back and this time, I’ll bring its friends too,” Rachel said wickedly.
The guild nodded quickly and got to work as Rachel walked out the guild doors spider in hand.
After disposing of the spider back to a good home in the forest, Rachel walked back into a nicely cleaned and repaired guildhall with a smile as she joined a large group at a table.
“Rachel how the heck did you do that?” Evergreen questions the spirit mage.
“Weren’t you scared of it?” Laxus questions.
“I’m surprised you weren’t scared of it,” Freed responds.
Rachel chuckles, shaking her head.
“I still can’t believe you touched it,” Carla shivers.
“Me neither,” Wendy agrees with a shiver.
“How could you touch it. ‘Shiver’ It was so gross,” Lucy shivers in disgust.
“It’s just a spider,” Rachel reasoned.
“But there so creepy looking,” Erza shivers.
“With the way they crawl around and- ‘shiver’ there just so terrifying,” Levy shivers.
Rachel shrugged her shoulders, “It’s just another bug.”
“But all bugs are gross!” Juvia argues.
“Yeah, how come you weren’t scared like the rest of the girls?” Bickslow questions.
“Do you know how many bugs I’ve lived around over the years? I lived in my parent’s basement, then a dungeon cell for six years before I lived in the forest for nine years. Honestly, I lived around bugs my whole life. I’ve pretty much slept next to them. If I ever was scared of them, I got over it a long time ago,” Rachel answered.
The girls shivered in disgust at her response.
“Well, that explains it,” Gajeel responds.
“Why wouldn’t you let me kill it though!” Natsu exclaims.
“Because that would’ve only left a mess and that is just gross. There’s just no need for that. It was just looking for a home. Besides, you guys are way more of a threat to it than it is to you. There’s no need to be afraid of the little thing,” Rachel explains.
“I knew you were kind, but I can’t believe your defending a spider,” Gray mutters.
“All life is important Gray. Besides, spiders eat all those other gross bugs you guys don’t like,” Rachel explains.
“So you like bugs then?” Happy asks.
“I wouldn’t say I like them, but I wouldn’t say I dislike them either. I just don’t mind them,” Rachel shrugged.
“Wow Freed you’ve got a girlfriend braver than all the girls in this guildhall,” Bickslow chuckles.
“That’s not true. Everyone has fears Bickslow. It’s only natural,” Rachel said simply.
“I’m still allowed to be impressed right?” Freed asks, placing his head in the crook of my neck.
Rachel chuckles, rolling her eyes.
“You’d be a great person to have around during Halloween with bravery like that,” Laxus chuckles.
“Halloween? What’s that?” Rachel asked.
The group froze.
“You don’t know what Halloween is?” Gray asked her.
Rachel shook her head, “No. Am I supposed to?”
Freed sighed lifting his head, “I should have expected this.”
“Halloween is a holiday about celebrating the spooky things in life. People dress up for fun in costumes and scare people, while kids go around door to door to get tricks or treats,” Freed explains.
“Not all the costumes have to be scary either, they can be fun or silly too,” Evergreen comments.
“A lot of people tend to go to haunted houses or mazes to get scared for fun,” Bickslow adds.
“It’s really just a holiday to have fun and mess around,” Freed explains.
“Ooh, I understand,” Rachel replies.
“Fairytail always hosts a Halloween party in the guildhall on Halloween,” Laxus comments.
“Really?” Wendy questions.
“Yeah, there’s drinking, candy, food, games, even a haunted house!” Happy exclaims.
“And everyone dresses up in costumes for the event,” Bickslow explains.
“It’s always been one of Fairytail’s biggest parties, well, aside from the Christmas party of course” Evergreen explains.
“Don’t forget Mira’s spooky performance too,” Gray adds.
“Sounds awesome!” Lucy exclaims.
“Sounds like a wonderful time,” Carla explains.
“Juvia’s excited,” Juvia exclaims happily.
“I even heard Master’s invited the other guilds to join in if they wanted this year,” Erza comments.
“So it’ll be even more awesome! Ha-ha!” Natsu laughs, excited.
“It sounds like loads of fun! I can’t wait!” Rachel exclaimed.
***Timeskip***     ***Freed’s p.o.v***
“Freed, you made it!” Bickslow exclaims as I entered the guildhall for the Halloween party.
Bickslow was dressed as a grim reaper, with his dolls as his ghosts.
“You look good man. Nice costume,” Laxus praises, dressed as a vampire.
I was wearing a long red over coat, different from my usual coat, dark pants, black boots, and an eye patch over my right eye. To make it even better, I had my chest exposed and of course I had with me my sword as well. I was a pirate this year, captain to be more specific.
I smirked triumphantly. “Thank you. I’m proud of it,” I bragged.
“I bet Rachel will like it too when she sees it,” Bickslow comments.
“Speaking of which, where is she?” Evergreen questions, she was dressed as a witch.
“She said she needed a bit more time to get ready. She said she’d meet me here,” I explained.
“I’m excited to see her costume!” Evergreen exclaims.
“I bet Freed is more excited,” Laxus comments with a smug smirk.
I coughed, trying to hide my deepening blush.
Truth be told I was very excited. After hearing about the idea of couple costumes, Rachel wanted to do one together with me. So we were supposed to both be pirates. With me as the captain and her as my first mate. It even works for Prism too as she’s both our trusty bird, (Prism did not like the idea of being called a parrot, not in the least). So the costumes work for everyone.
To make the whole thing even more fun, we decided to surprise each other with our costumes by not revealing them to each other until it was time for the party. So saying I’m excited would be an understatement, it was driving me crazy not knowing what she was up to.
“Of course I’m excited. I know that Rachel will look amazing no matter what she wears,” I spoke confidently.
“Aww that’s sweet of you to say Freed.”
I turned around at the sudden voice.
My jaw dropped at the sight. Rachel was there wearing a loose low white frilly shirt with a red corset around her waist and short shorts alongside a side cape around her waist. Her boots went up to her knees and the left side continued halfway, and she had a rose and feather in her hair. The outfit cleverly showed off much skin, but not too much. It complimented her perfectly.
“Freed if you keep gawking at her like that you’re going to start drooling,” Bickslow laughed.
I pouted as Rachel giggled.
“Well, I for one am glad he likes it,” Rachel smiled seductively.
I smirked.
“Hey Rae, where’s Prism?” Laxus asks.
“She already started her mission,” Rachel responds.  
“Mission?” Evergreen questioned.
“She’s made it her goal to scare everyone at the party at least once, so watch out,” Rachel warned with a chuckle.
“Duly noted,” Laxus responds as Bickslow cackled at the idea.
“What’s your plan for tonight Rachel?” Evergreen asks.
“I plan to spend the night with my trusty first mate, that’s what,” Rachel answered, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
“Excuse me, but I’m the captain here,” I scolded playfully.
“Really?” She purrs, playfully tracing her fingers over my exposed chest.
“Captain means you’re in command of the crew. Do you really think you’re in command of me, Mr. Justine? After all, every good captain needs a sword, and you seem to be missing one,” She purrs before disappearing into the party crowd.
I blinked in surprise, glancing down to my side, noticing my sword was now missing.
She took my sword.
“Sly little Spirit mage. I’ll get her yet,” I muttered.
Evergreen squealed as Bickslow and Laxus chuckled.
“So, you gonna let her get away with that or are you gonna go after your girl?” Laxus questioned.
“Like I wouldn’t,” I responded with a smirk, leaving them to search for her.
***Rachel’s p.o.v***
I snickered as I moved through the crowds of the Fairytail’s Halloween party. A lot of people came tonight, not just members of our own guild, but other guilds as well. There were people from Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, Blue Pegasus and even Mermaid Heel here, it seemed like everyone wanted to come to the party.
As I moved through the crowds of partygoers, I spotted Mira and Cana waving me over.
“Wow Rachel, you look great!” Mira says in her ghoul costume.
“Aw, thanks Mira. You both look amazing too,” I complimented them both.
“So Rachel~ How’s it going so far with you. I see you got his sword,” Cana teases in her cat costume.  
“Yeah, is our plan working?” Mira asks excited.
“Well, I don’t know yet, I just got his sword. Are you sure about this plan guys?” I asked them.
“Of course Rachel, just you wait,” Mira winked.
“You’re the one who wanted to make it special for Freed,” Cana pointed out.
“Yes, but are you sure Freed’s that kind of person? I don’t really see Freed as a type of possessive person,” I asked them unsure.
“Just trust us Rachel,” the girls said with a wink.
“Ok,” I muttered unsure before I left them to explore the party some more.
***Freed’s p.o.v***
“Damn, where is she?” I muttered searching through the crowds of the party.
“Ahhh!” I screeched, jumping in surprise at the white glow suddenly appearing next to me.
A hooted giggle soon followed.
“Geez, Prism,” Freed exclaimed as Prism chuckled in amusement.
I suddenly lit up with an idea.
“Prism, do you know where Rachel is?” I asked her.
If anyone could find Rachel, Prism could.
“No, but I can find her. What’s up?” Prism asked, landing on my shoulder.
“I just need to find her. Can you find her for me and help me sneak up on her?” I asked her.
“Sure, but only if you help me with something,” Prism hooted flying in front of me.
“What do you need?” I asked her.
“I need help to scare Bickslow. He’s the last one I have left to scare, but with his babies keeping guard it makes it difficult to sneak up on him,” Prism explained.
“Really? You got everyone else? Even Laxus?” I questioned.
“Ooh yes,” Prism smirked triumphantly.
I thought for a moment before I got an idea.
“Leave the babies to me. Can you-” I started.
“Already on it,” Prism hooted flying above the crowd.
After a quick moment, Prism responded, “She’s over by the bar talking to Gray and Juvia. If you sneak through the crowd on the right, you should be able to get right behind her easily.”
“Thanks Prism. Here,” I said writing some runes.
“This should lure his babies away for a bit,” I said with a smirk.
“Perfect, thanks,” Prism smirked before she flew off.
“You too,” I muttered after her before hunting after my girlfriend with a smirk.
As I headed towards Rachel, I heard a distant screech from Bickslow and smirked to myself.
***Rachel’s p.o.v***
I laughed at Gray’s failed attempt to pretend he didn’t want Juvia around.
Suddenly, both of them smirked.
I looked at both of them questionably before I froze at the sudden voice.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow my girlfriend for a bit, thank you,” Freed interjected with a growl.
“Free-!” I squeaked in surprise as he pulled me away from the party into a room behind the bar.
“Freed?” I squeaked in surprise as he pushed me against the wall of the room after he closed the door, trapping me between his arms.
“I believe this belongs to me,” Freed purrs, taking his sword from my hands and placing it back around his waist.
“Now~ I believe I need to remind you who’s the captain here,” Freed purrs, breathing down on me as he moves in close.
A nervous, excited shiver went down my spine before Freed moved in close.
“Morning Rachel,” Mirajane greets as I entered the guildhall and sat at the bar.
“So Rachel~ How was your night at the party?” Cana asked expectantly.
I flushed, extremely red. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tried to cover it up, but failed miserably.
“Really? That hickey on your neck says otherwise,” Cana laughs.
I buried my face in my hands as I flushed even more red.
“Well, by that reaction, I guess it went well,” Mira chuckles.
I pouted. “It was just a kiss...” I muttered.
“It must have been one heated kiss with that squeal you made Rae,” Laxus said from behind me.
Burying my face once more, I groaned, “Laxus you’re not helping.”
“Yeah, well now you learned your lesson. Despite what you think, Freed’s quite a possessive person,” Laxus comments.
“Yeah, I definitely figured that one out,” I groaned, embarrassed, although I smiled slightly at the thought of my over possessive rune mage.
And only a few tables away, that very rune mage was smiling as he listened to their very conversation.
A/N: No, there was no lemon. Sorry, I just don’t do lemons so don’t expect one from me. Anyway,  Happy Halloween everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed the special! If you want to read more on the two’s story come check out my book here:
P.S. I have now added the picture.
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alindakb · 4 years
Letters to my Parents - Sunday 25 June 1995 - by Alinda
Sunday 25 June 1995
Dear mom and dad,
 I see that Draco already explained most of what happened yesterday to you. He’s sleeping now, he’s got his hand twisted in my t-shirt. He’s scared, just like me. Yesterday was bad. Cedric is dead. Every time I close my eyes I see him getting hit by that awful curse. He just fell to the ground, like he was a string puppet who strings just got cut. And all I can think off is that Voldemort did the same to you. He used that curse to kill both of you. I’ve known for some time now that this is the way you died, but seeing the curse happen, it has made it worse.
I also hate how much I scared Draco. He was on my mind all the time when I was in that graveyard. That is where we were transported to. But let me first tell you about the maze. I thought that thing was scary, but after seeing Voldemort in the flesh the maze was a piece of cake.
 The maze was dark. The hedges were enormous and cast dark shadows onto the path. And all sounds were blocked by them. I couldn’t hear the crowd anymore. Luckily, it didn’t stop me from feeling Draco, like when he was enchanted during the second task. I knew he was close and that he was rooting for me. And that was enough to be brave and walk onward.
 I entered at the same time as Cedric and we both went into a different direction when we reached the first fork in the maze. I wish now that this was the last time I saw him, that we hadn’t reached the cup at the same time and he wouldn’t have come with me to that graveyard. He might still be alive if that was the case. I still can’t believe he’s dead. It’s surreal. He was only sixteen.
 I did see him again a couple of times in the maze. The first time was when he jumped out of a corridor where he had encountered Hagrid’s Blast-Ended-Skrewts. He said they were enormous. This was around the same time I was wondering what the deal was, as I hadn’t run into any obstacles yet. I just felt like someone was watching me all the time. It was creepy.
 Moments later I turned a corner and spotted a Dementor. Without thinking I draw on one of my happiest memories of time spent with Draco and cast a perfect Patronus. My Stag galloped towards the Dementor, who tripped over its own ropes. It turned out it was a Boggart and not a Dementor. Even easier to deal with. I just shouted Riddikulus and the Boggart was gone.
 The next obstacle was some kind of enchanted mist. This is when Fleur screamed. I could feel that Draco was worried about me so I chanted that I was fine, that all was okay. And reading his letter to you from yesterday, I guess it did help him a little.
 But back to the mist. All other paths I had tried were dead ends, so I had no choice but to go through it. As soon as I stepped into it, the world turned upside down. It freaked me out a little. It felt as if I would lift my feet to walk, that I would fall into the sky and disappear from this world forever. In the end, I closed my eyes so I couldn’t see the sky and pulled one of my feet from the ground. As soon as I did, the world turns right side up again and I could move on.
 Next, I ran into the Blast-Ended-Skrewt. And Cedric was right, it was enormous. I tried to stop it with a Stupefy, but the spell just rebounded on his armour. Then I tried Impedimenta, but that rebounded to. I stumbled backwards and fell down. The Skrewt was coming closer so I yelled Impedimenta as loud as I could. The Skrewt froze in place, so I got up and ran as fast into the other direction as I could. I think I hit the Skrewt on his fleshy underside with my second attempt of Impedimenta.
 And all this was still fine, What happened next was the start of everything going downhill. Cedric was in the path next to me. He screamed at someone, asking them what they were doing. And then I could hear Viktor shouting Crucio. Cedric screamed in pain and I tried to find a way onto his path to help him. There was no way, so I used the Reductor curse to make a whole. I had to kick the branches until they broke so I could get through. But I’m glad I did.
 Viktor stood over Cedric, who lay on the ground, twisting and jerking around. I used Stupefy on Viktor to make him stop. I couldn’t believe he did this, I thought he was a good guy. He was always friendly towards us, joined us for dinner on multiple occasions. And even Hermione liked him in the end. But it looks like he was a cheating bastard after all. We did send up some red sparks so the teacher could get him out of the maze. I didn’t want to be responsible for him getting eaten by a Blast-Ended-Skrewt.
 Cedric and I both went our separate ways again. And I know I ran into a Sphinx and that he had a riddle I had to solve, but I can’t remember what the riddle was any more or how I solved it. I only know that I did and that the Sphinx let me pass. And when I took the corner I could see the Cup. I started running towards it until I saw Cedric come out of a path further ahead. I knew I would never be able to catch up to him, with his long legs. I stopped in my tracks and just stared at Cedric getting closer to the cup.
 And then I saw the shadow on the hedges moving towards Cedric. Cedric hadn’t seen it, so I shouted to warn him. Cedric turned and could get out of the way just in time not to get hit by a giant spider. But he fell and lost his wand. The spider was going to eat him, so I swing spells at it to make it stop. Only it didn’t do much good, expect set the spider after me. I couldn’t stop it from reaching me and lifting me from the ground. I tried to kick it, but instead only hurt myself when my leg touched its pincer. The pain was horrible. I think I could lose by shouting Expelliarmus, but I’m not sure anymore. I fell to the ground and landed on my hurt leg. This was bad. I could feel the bone giving way and I couldn’t stay upright. Cedric and I both through a spell at the spider at the same time, and that finally stopped it.
 I couldn’t move, my leg wouldn’t support me. So I told Cedric to get the cup. He was closest and still able to get there. He had won and I was okay with that. I had never wanted a part in this stupid tournament in the first place. But Cedric didn’t. He said he would have never made it if it wasn’t for me. That I saved him twice now in the maze and told him about the dragons. He wouldn’t take it. But I also couldn’t take it and stealing away the glory from Cedric, who had wanted this, who had fought for it. So I suggested to take it together. I now wish I hadn’t, that I had listened to Cedric and just took the cup alone. He would still be alive. I know I didn’t kill him, but it does feel like it was my fault. He was only there because I suggested taking the cup together. And we were only transported to that place because of me because someone wanted me there to help Voldemort with his crazy spell to get his body back. So I do feel guilt and blame when it comes to Cedric’s death. I can’t help it. If I hadn’t been in that tournament, he would have won and been alive. But now he’s dead.
 The cup was a port key. When Cedric and I took hold of it we were transported to a graveyard. We had no idea what we were doing there so we took out our wands just in case. Cedric was holding me up when a figure in a black robe approached us. I thought he was holding a baby or some cloths. But when the person came nearer my scar exploded. The pain was horrible. I grabbed my head and if it wasn’t for Cedric I would have fallen to the ground.
 And then it happened. A high, cold voice said ‘kill the spare’. The words Avada Kedavra sounded. A green light flashed by me and then Cedric fell to the ground. As he was holding me up I fell with him. I landed on top of his body. I looked into his face and couldn’t believe it. His grey eyes blank and expressionless, his mouth was half-open like he was surprised. He was dead.
 Before I could properly process what was happening I got dragged to my feed. The man in the cloak tied me to a headstone that had the name Tom Riddle on it. I struggled to get loose. It’s then that the man hit me with his hand and I saw that he was missing a finger. I knew then who it was. Your supposed to be friend Wormtail. Anger flooded my head. I wanted to get loose and kill him. I had shown mercy toward him and now he killed an innocent person.
 What happened next was sickening. Wormtail brought out a cauldron and started a fire underneath it. He then took the bundle of cloth and took out a creature that looked like a small child, but it had a face with bright red eyes and a snakelike nose. Its arms and legs were thin and tiny. It looked horrible and I knew it was truly evil. My scar hurt again when I looked at it. Wormtail lowered the creature into the cauldron and I wished it would drown. That would have been so much better than what really happened.
 Wormtail started a spell. It made the grave beneath me crackle and a small amount of dust rose into the air. It fell into the cauldron and the potion in it turned blue. Then Wormtail said something about the flesh of the servant and cut off his hand. He dumped it in the cauldron, turning the potion red. And then he walked towards me. His words frightened me, and I thought my end was there. He said: ‘blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe.’
 I thought of Draco, far away at the Hogwarts grounds. He would feel the pain and despair I’d lived through during the second tasks. He would be incomplete for the rest of his life. And I would do that to him. Tears fell from my eyes, knowing I would hurt him more than anyone could ever do. He would be alone and broken. I wished I could have held him one last time, kissed his lips goodbye and watch him sleep next to me.
 In the end, he only made a small cut on my arm and took a little blood. For a short moment, I felt relieved that I wasn’t going to die. But then Wormtail dropped my blood in the potion. It turned white and started to send sparks in all directions. Then there was a white fog that raised from the potion. And then he was there, Voldemort stepped out of the cauldron. He told Wormtail to robe him and then he was standing in front of me. His face was whiter than a skull and he had wide livid scarlet eyes. And his nose was flat as a snake, with slits for nostrils.
 Voldemort summoned his followers by touching the Dark Mark on Wormtail’s arm. It took some time for them to arrive, and Voldemort started talking to me like I was his friend. He told me he killed his own father. Who could even do that? Kill the man that put you on this world?
 And then they arrived. Man in black cloaks and masked. They approached Voldemort on their knees and kissed the hem of his robe, calling him master. Then they would back up and stand. A circle formed around Voldemort, with gaps in between, like more people should still come. But Voldemort started to talk. He was not happy with the Death Eaters. Went on and on about how they never went looking for him and help him. One of the men asked for forgiveness and was punished by receiving the Curcio curse. Voldemort told them they should all serve them for thirteen years before he would even think of forgiving them. He then rewarded Wormtail for his help by giving him a silver hand that took the place of the hand he had chopped off.
 I hate what happened next. Voldemort spoke to the person next to Wormtail. He called him Lucius and I knew it was Draco’s father that was standing there. At the moment it was clear that Draco just lost his home. Voldemort wasn’t happy with Draco’s father. Said it was a disgrace how he couldn’t even control his son and teach him the ways of a true wizard. And Draco’s father said he was sorry, and that he won’t disappoint the Dark Lord again, that he would teach his son to obey. I have no idea how I’m going to tell this to Draco. I won’t let him go home this summer, I’m sure I will never see him again if I do. Draco will never betray me, and I’m afraid his father will kill him for that.
 Voldemort went by the circle, mentioned names of people missing, and mentioned names of the people there. I hated knowing that my friends' fathers were among them. Greg and Milicent will be so ashamed knowing their fathers are back in the service of Voldemort. Nott and Greg’s fathers were also present. I’m sure they will like that, even brag about it when it comes to it.
 Then Voldemort just went on and on about how amazing he is, how he managed to return to them because of a spy at Hogwarts. He Crucioed me then. The pain was beyond anything I ever experienced. It felt like my bones were on fire as if my head was splitting in two and my eyes were rolling in my head. I wanted it to end, to blackout, or even die, just to have the pain stop.
 Voldemort wanted to prove to his followers that I was no match for him, so he ordered Wormtail to set me free and give me my wand. It hurt like hell when I had to stand on my broken leg again. I don’t know how I managed it, but I did. Not that it mattered. I knew I was no match for someone like Voldemort. He hit me again and again with the Cruciatus curse. The pain was unbearable. And the feelings I felt through my connection with Draco made it even worse. He was hurting too because of this. He could feel my pain and be unable to stop it.
 That is when I knew I had to try to survive somehow. Even with all the odds against me, surrounded by laughing Death Eaters. (How am I going to tell Draco that his father was one of the loudest laughs among them? It will hurt him to know that his father wishes me dead.) When Voldemort gave me a breather, I ducked away and hid behind the headstone.  I could here Voldemort coming closer. He was taunting me, saying he would finish me. And deep down inside I knew there was no way for me to escape death. I cried as I made a choice. I was not going to die like a coward, hiding behind a grave. I was going to die standing proud, just like you dad. So I whisper a goodbye towards Draco and then stood up. I stumbled around the grave to face Voldemort and the end. I fired off the only spell I knew would give me a small chance of survival. My Expelliarmus left my wand at the same moment that Voldemort cast his Avada Kadava.
 And I don’t know if you know what happened then, if the slivers I saw were you, or if they were just lingering parts of you. And it doesn’t matter. The words you, or your lingering parts told me gave me the strength to get home, and that’s all that matters.
 Our spells met in mid-air. My wand started to vibrating and I had to struggle to hold on to it. But I knew I had to, that if I would let go, I would die. The thread between our wands turned golden and splintered into a thousand more offshoots until we were enclosed in a golden dome of light. And then beads showed up on the golden thread that connected our wands. They started moving towards my wand, which became hard to hold onto. And I just knew that if they would come to close, my wand would break and I would be lost. So I concentrated hard on moving the beads in the other direction. Slowly the beads came to a stop and started to move towards Voldemort’s wand.
 When the bead touched Voldemort’s wand, smoke came out of it. First, a hand appeared, and then the smoke turned into Cedric. He stepped out of the wand and told me to hold on. Next, the old man I had seen in my dream during summer stepped out of the wand, followed by Bertha Jorkins. She also told me to hold on. Her voice sounded from far away, it even had a little echo, just like Cedric’s voice had sounded before.
 And then you stepped out of the wand, mom. My hand trembled then, and I almost let go. But you said that dad was coming, that he wanted to see me too. So I fought to hold on. I wanted to see dad too. And just thinking about it, makes me miss you so much. I hope it truly was you that came to help me from beyond. And it was good to see you and to hear you speak to me. I just wish you were here now too. That you could hold me and tell me that everything will be alright. Because I don’t think it will be for a long time and I don’t want to think about what that means for me and Draco. I don’t want a war. I don’t want anyone else to die.
 I did what you asked of me, dad. I broke the connection and made a run for the port key. It was hard with my broken leg, but I managed to step through the pain and make it. I grabbed hold of Cedric’s body and then the port key. I was swirled away and landed back in the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts.
 You wouldn’t believe the relief that washed over me when Draco knelt beside me and took me in his arms. I grabbed his hand and won’t let go of him. I didn’t know how to speak, to tell him how sorry I was for almost leaving him forever. I won’t repeat everything he already told you yesterday. Just know that I was shaken and scared, but also happy to be back with the people I love. Sirius and Draco made sure I got to the hospital wing. The supposed Professor Moody was with us. He questioned me. When Sirius and Draco both fell asleep, I knew something was wrong. And then Professor Moody called Voldemort the Dark Lord. And I remembered that Voldemort had said he had a spy at Hogwarts, one that had put my name in the goblet of fire.
 Professor Moody didn’t deny it. He took credit for his handy work. He wanted to know if Voldemort forgave the other Death Eaters, the ones that never went to Azkaban, or even searched for their lord. He was the one who concurred the Dark Mark in the sky during the Quidditch World Cup. And he made sure I would win the Tournament. He manipulated me all year and he is the one who used the Imperius curse on Viktor during the final task. Viktor didn’t attack Cedric because he wanted to win that badly, he wasn’t in control.
 I didn’t understand why Professor Moody would join Voldemort, or why he wanted to kill me. But he was planning too. And if it hadn’t been for Tonks, Professor Snape, Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall barging into the hospital wing to stop him, he would have. You should have seen Headmaster Dumbledore’s face. I finally understood why everyone always calls him the greatest wizard of our time, and why Voldemort fears him. He stared down at Moody, with cold fury in every line of his face. And there was a power radiating from him as if he was giving off burning heat.
 Professor Snape rushed towards me, making sure I was alright. But all I wanted to know is what the bastard had done to Draco and if he was fine. Professor Snape understood and he smelled the tea and then checked Draco. He promised me it was just a sleeping potion, that Draco was fine, and that he would wake up once the potion had set its course.
 After that everything became a little hazy. Headmaster Dumbledore ordered everyone around. He told Tonks to go and set the real Professor Moody free, and then he ordered Snape to get his best trued serum and for Professor McGonagall (who was checking up on Sirius) to go and fetch Winky. The headmaster told me that the person that just tried to kill me wasn’t the real professor Moody. That the impostor had used Polyjuice potion to hide in plain sight all year.
 Lupin came barging into the hospital wing than. He rushed to Sirius to check on him. And maybe there is still hope for them if Professor Lupin is so worried about Sirius. I truly hope so for Sirius. I know he would nothing more than to have Lupin back in the way they were before that faithful Halloween night.
 Not long after that, the person that looked like Professor Moody turned into his true form. And I recognised him from the pensive memories Draco and I saw. It was Barty Crouch Jr. He hadn’t been as innocent as he had tried his father to believe on that day he was sent to Azkaban. Headmaster Dumbledore questioned Winky when she arrived and later Barty after he had given him some Veritaserum. He told us how he escaped Azkaban (and how his mother past away in there in his place), and how he stole my wand during the Quidditch World Cup with which he concurred the Dark Mark that night. He explained how he got to Hogwarts and how he killed his own father when he had escaped Voldemort’s hold on him.
 When Headmaster Dumbledore was done questioning Barty Crouch, he asked Professor McGonagall and Tonks to escort him out of the hospital wing. And once they were gone, the headmaster woke up Sirius. He told us it was better to let Draco sleep. So that when Harry was ready, he could tell Draco all he wanted too in his own time and own pace. But now the headmaster wanted me to set aside the pain and confusion and try to remember as much as possible. Sirius was all protective of me, asked if we could leave it till morning, let me first have a good sleep. But the headmaster said it couldn’t wait. So I set out to tell as much as I could remember.
 It was hard to start, but soon it felt good to tell it all. So I did, even when it was hard. Draco’s weight against my chest, his soft breathing also helped. When I got to the part where our wand connected and you, and the others came out of it, I struggled to continue. I was glad Professor Lupin how that was possible and that I had some time to collect myself. It’s called Priori Incantatem and happened because our wands both have a core with a phoenix feather (and it turns out that Fawkes is the phoenix who gave up the feathers).
 The headmaster explained the effect to Sirius, mentioning that one of the wands would force the other to regurgitate spells it had performed. And then he looked at me and said that some kind of form of Cedric most have appeared. I confirmed and said that there were more, an old man, and Bertha, and them mom and dad. When I said that, Sirius and Lupin linked their hands, and I could see the tears stuck in Sirius his eyes.
 I told them how you helped me get away. I was able to escape because of you. I told them about Cedric’s final request, and then I just couldn’t continue. It was all too much. Sirius put his arm around me and hugged me as best he could, without disturbing Draco. And then headmaster Dumbledore let Madam Pomfrey heal my leg and give me some dreamless sleep. Before I fell asleep, Professor Snape told me he would inform my friends that I was okay and that they could wait till morning before visiting me.
 Sometime during the night, I woke up. Draco wasn’t resting on my chest anymore. His head rested on his hand as he was staring at my face. He looked sad, and he pushed some of my hairs out of my face with his free hand. We shared some emotional words. And he told me he wrote to you to tell you I was okay, and that I could wait with informing you about everything else that had happened. I first needed to just be with him, lay together and tell each other how much we love each other. If Sirius hadn’t still been in the room, I think we would have done more than just kiss. But Sirius was still there, asleep in a chair. Draco said that Professor Lupin had left together with Tonks and that it was hard to watch how broken Sirius is about that. And I love Tonks, she’s great, but because of her Sirius is hurting and I don’t like that.
 Draco and I fell asleep again, and when we woke up this morning, the hospital wing was crowded with our friends. Hermione, Blaise, Luna, Greg, Daphne, Millicent, Ron and Neville were all there. They had overheard headmaster Dumbledore fight with the minister about the return of Voldemort. I knew I couldn’t lie to them, so I told them the truth, that he was back.
 This is when Draco remembered that Voldemort had summoned his followers, and he asked if his father had been there. I just nodded, I didn’t want to tell him how his father had spoken about Draco. Greg didn’t need to be told, he just said that his father would have come too. Then Millicent said she was sure her dad would too. And then Neville did the most amazing thing, he said that didn’t matter, as long as they all knew what was important, and that if they needed, they could all come to stay at his place to stay safe. And that is how I know I have the best of friends, and that even if things will take a turn for the worse now, I’m not alone. None of us is.
 When they had all left Sirius stood up from his chair and said he would write a letter to Draco’s mom, to make arrangements to keep Draco save. When he left, Draco started to cry. He sobbed on and on about that he could never go home again. I just held him until he fell asleep. And that is where we are now.
 So now you know everything. I promise I will keep you informed on all that will happen now.
 I love you, and I miss you.
 Your Harry James Potter.
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bxckys-spideysenses · 5 years
Best Feeling Ever | bucky barnes
summary: you’re in the middle of an essay and someone interrupts
warnings: cursing, kidnapping, jealous y/n
pairing: young y/n and bucky barnes
word count:1,691 
a/n: enjoy!!!!!! xo soph
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Bucky Barnes never knew how much different it would be to date a girl that’s almost one hundred years younger than him. Sure, he knew it’d be hard, but he never imagined driving you to class and making you coffee at midnight in order to keep you up to study. He never imagined you calling him after class complaining about your US history teacher, saying how Bucky could teach you more than your teacher ever could.
When you were dropped off at your Uncle Tony’s house three years ago after your mom died, you never imagined that you’d fall for the assassin with a metal arm. You never imagined having a school girl crush on him and having to whisper things to Peter about it.
When you finally realize that Bucky actually likes you, too, you couldn’t help but squeal in your room. You were a twenty-year-old in love with a man that didn’t even exist a year ago because of the snap.
The day they all came back was the first day you had ever seen Bucky in real life. That was the day that your Aunt Nat died. The day you had to rush out of the complex as it was blowing up and watch the man you considered a father to make the ultimate sacrifice. The day Bucky met you by keeping you from hitting the ground as you sobbed about Tony. The day you began crying yourself to sleep.
But a lot changed because of Bucky. He took care of you the way you dreamed about, not exactly in the situation you dreamed about, but that’s what made it exciting. It was exciting to train with him, exciting to run around with him and Sam in the new complex. It was exciting to learn new languages from him, just in case you wanted to tell someone to fuck off in Russian.
Some things weren’t exciting. Like, right now for example. Sitting in a dark basement with your wrists in cuffs and your legs tied to a chair while trying to translate the Romanian being yelled around you wasn’t exactly on your Friday night to-do list. It wasn’t even that scary. You had an essay due on Monday, so it was actually really annoying.
“I just want everyone in this shitty man-cave to know that my boyfriend is like, super strong and will totally come kill all of you. And his best friend is also pretty badass, so might as well let me go now,” you rolled your eyes as footsteps made their way towards your corner.
Four men walked in and surrounded you, two of them scrawny enough that honestly, if you tried hard enough, could probably kill them. But you scrunched your nose up to that, killing people wasn’t really your thing. The other two men could definitely kill you, though. Like, really easily.
“Hey, boys. Glad we’re all here together. Any chance you could let me go? I was in the middle of my thesis paragraph.” You quickly realized that sarcasm wasn’t their favorite, and now your check stung.
“Shut the hell up, little girl. We don’t want you,” the largest man chuckled, “We want the Winter Soldier.”
You sighed, “Doesn’t everyone in this country? What is with Romania and my boyfriend?”  
Three of the men left the room, all of them mumbling something that sounded similar to “annoying bitch,” but you couldn’t quite understand. Now, it was just you and the skinniest, saddest looking gang member ever.
“So, is this your main occupation? Because, let’s be honest, you look twelve. Like, I’m being serious. Do your parents know you’re here?”
He never answered, just walked around the room, messing with a huge knife. You decided to keep your mouth shut for a while, no point in trying to press buttons if the person hasn’t got any. You ended up falling asleep, which definitely wasn’t the best idea, but you were tired, and you knew Bucky was coming, so might as well pass the time.
You woke up to more yelling, only this time, they were scared. You could hear frantic footsteps and someone praying. You couldn’t see much, seems how the room they put you in was no where close to five stars, but you could tell something was about to happen.
It was as if the whole building was shaking. You could feel yourself moving, but compared to what happened with the old complex, this was nothing.
A few men rushed in to your room, mumbling things to each other and placing a disgusting bag over your head. You gagged at the idea of all of the shit touching your face.
“Anyone want to tell me what’s going on? I don’t do well with being the only one who doesn’t know. One time in high school, they didn’t tell me who had won best smi-,” you were interrupted by gunshots, which should’ve scared you more, but you had a feeling it was your incredible boyfriend coming to save you. Which, thank God, because it was getting really stuffy.
You could hear fighting and screaming, a sound you don’t hear often, but people love to try and kidnap super soldiers’ girlfriends, so it wasn’t exactly new to you. Gunshots got closer and the screaming got louder. Some men cried for mercy, but Sam and Bucky weren’t really the mercy-giving type, so it obviously didn’t matter that much to them.
You were so excited to see Buck. It hadn’t even been that long, but you were kinda scared, you felt filthy, and you were so hungry. But more than all of that, you just wanted him. He was like, a super deadly ex-assassin, but he was also the biggest baby alive, and you were dangerously in love with him.
You could tell the fight had moved into the room you were in; you could hear everything. The men had left guarding you, you felt a lack of heat by your legs, so you just waited until they all had been taken care of.  
It quickly became silent, except for one pair of footsteps.
“Babe, you have no idea how excited I am to go home. Like, they were so annoying,” the bag was taken off of your head and the person in front of you was not Bucky. “You are not Bucky. Who the fuck are you?”
A woman stood in front of you. She was gorgeous, and also visibly older than you. She was untying everything and helped you out of the chair with a smile on her face.
“He’s this way. Him and Sam were interrogating one of the men. He’s excited to see you,” the lady led you out of the room and through a maze of halls. You both walked into a room similar to yours. Inside was your boyfriend, Sam, and the man who told you to shut up, which was really rude.
You stayed quiet though; you doubt Bucky and Sam even knew the two of you had come in. They were already yelling and the weird, gorgeous lady was taking her gun out of its holster.
You couldn’t help but gawk over how extremely attractive your boyfriend looked while preparing to beat the shit out of someone. It was really hot and did not help the fact that you were going to be an absolute bitch about the random model showing up to help you.
You weren’t even that mad, but you knew Bucky didn’t need help with something like this, so why was she invited? You just wanted to know why the older, pretty, tall woman had to come help your much older, gorgeous, tall boyfriend.
“You’re so fucking lucky you didn’t hurt her, or I would have ripped your fucking head off with my bare hands,” Bucky spat. The man chuckled.
“We didn’t hurt her because she’s annoying. We couldn’t stand being in the same room as her.”
“That’s super rude. I’m very funny,” you called out. It was one thing to threaten you, but to call you annoying? Unacceptable. This got Bucky’s attention, though, and the smile on your face grew.
He whipped around and let go of the man’s collar, leaving Sam and the lady to finish what he started. You just stood there as he took the longest strides to get to you. You sighed when he got to you, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
His metal arm grabbed your hand and took you outside of the room.
You barely turned towards him before he grabbed your waist and hugged you. You rested your head on his chest and could hear how fast his heart was beating. He kissed your forehead and then leaned down to kiss you.
When you kissed him, you forgot everything. The woman didn’t matter, the man that was in there didn’t matter, Sam didn’t matter. You were finally with the man you loved.
And it was very obvious that he loved you, too. Your hands were twisted in his hair and his hands gripped your waist as he kissed you like he hadn’t kissed you in years. And honestly, it was the best feeling ever.
No matter where you were, or who was around, being with Bucky was the best feeling ever. He made everything better.
As you two came down from the high of seeing one another, he began walking you to the quinjet. Your right hand fit in to his metal one perfectly, as if it was meant for you to hold. You couldn’t help but smile as you looked at him.
“Hey, Buck?” You walked in front of him and stopped him from walking, playing with his fingers while looking towards the ground.
“I love you. Thanks for getting me.” He laughed as he bent down to kiss you again.
“I love you more, baby. Just try to be a bit more scared when someone takes you, okay? With all of your attitude, someone might try to kill you.”
You both continued walking, hand in hand. You couldn’t help but ruin the moment.
“One more thing,” he hummed in response, “Who’s that girl you were with?”
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