#so sorry if there's any spelling errors
collierose1 · 1 year
a small little unfinished etho/bdubs ficlet i wrote earlier this year if you want :)
Memory Box (1.9k)
The monolith towered high over the trees in the forest. Cicadas chirped under the almost-full moon, the light causing a shaddow to sprawl over the forest behind it. Etho made his way up the worn down path towards the structure, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the old birch forest. The path was trodden down to dirt from all the horses and foot traffic over the past year. He made his way over to the beautifully detailed door of the monolith, with an intricate carving of a tree with gold flowers hanging from it. “Hey Bdubs?! You home?” He laid his hand against the cold spruce door, feeling all the grooves carved into it. He wondered how long it took bdubs to carve. “The guy always pours his heart and soul into every build, why wouldn't he spend hours on one door?” Etho thought to himself. “Its kinda sweet.” He shook his head, where did that thought come from? After waiting a little more he called out to bdubs again.
“Bdubs? You in there?!” He yelled upwards, hoping the man may hear him better. “Hey, I'm coming in, say something if you don't want me to.” He said smugly, knowing Bdubs wasn’t going to protest. He pushed open the heavy door and a rush of cold air escaped from the diorite tower. He pulled out some flint and steel from his bag and lit a torch. “Gosh, why does he keep it so dark in here?” He said to himself, voice echoing off the walls. He walked through the dark over towards the staircase. Something brushed the back of his neck and he let out a surprised exhale. Etho quickly whipped around and held his torch out towards the offender. He opened one eye and saw that it was an innocent rose bush. It was a beautiful dark red that contrasted the glossy green leaves. Etho laughed to himself and picked a rose from the side of the plant, so as to not ruin the beauty of the main part. He tucked the rose into the side of his headband and lit a wall mounted torch to better illuminate the room. 
He walked up the mossy diorite stairs to the next floor, hoping to find bdubs just caught up with a project. He held the torch out in front of him, “ok I get it, darkness makes a cool atmosphere but isn’t actually seeing important too?” He peeked around the corner hoping to see who he was looking for, but the desk chair was empty. There was a cluster of candles on the back corner of the desk that were still lit, albeit almost melted down. There were detailed sketches of different projects and ideas sprawled out on the desk and hung up on the wall behind it. Diagrams of the crescent moon base from the past season, and his castle from season 7. Interiors that never saw the light of day were planned out across 2 papers along with some handwritten notes. His eye was caught by one paper with a building he never saw, yet looked oddly familiar. The corner was charred and there were rips and folds all over. Etho took it off the wall and sat down to get a better look. He mounted his torch in an empty wall sconce and read the messy notes. “warped hyphe = hard to break. Lava in walls.” At first etho thought it might've been a minigame, but he turned it over and saw very hasty plans for a familiar structure made of snow. He let out a small gasp when he realized that somehow Bdubs managed to get the plans for their base in Last Life off of the server without it deleting. He flipped it over again and looked closer at the first iteration of the snow fort. It was red and blue, made out of the materials they were unable to obtain from the nether. 
Back on a corner of the desk he saw a small wooden box that was slightly open, too full to close completely. Etho thought to himself that he shouldn’t be snooping around in things that dont belong to him… but bdubs looks through his things, so its only fair right? He slid it towards him and flipped open the lid of the box. The inside was full of letters and a book. Upon closer inspection, it was all the letters that he had sent Bdubs while he was gone for the better part of the season after Last Life. He unbuckled the leather strap that held the book closed, and flipped to a random page. A dried wither rose petal resided between the pages, dated with the day that Bdubs… No. Etho didn’t want to think about that. That wasn’t his fault. It's not his fault he wasn't there; wasn’t there when Bdubs had always been with him. He closed his eyes tight and flipped towards the start of the leatherbound book. 
There he saw old polaroid photos back from Mindcrack. The first base bdubs built on the server. Etho remembered that wooden structure, it was where they spent countless nights in the tower planning pranks to play on Guude, Pause, and the others. He laughed as he flipped the browning photos of the old pranks and builds on Mindcrack. He found one photo of him and bdubs sitting together eating lunch, with his one hand seemingly pulling up his mask and the other outstretched towards the camera in a failed attempt to stop the photo, which made him laugh to think about. It's not that he didn't want Bdubs to see his face… in fact he was one of the few people who have! It's just… he can’t remember the last time someone else saw his face. There had to be someone else right?
Etho flipped a few pages more and found pictures from season 5. A shiver bolted up his spine as he remembered the nHo and the Jungle. What had happened tainted his memories of the place, but looking at all the clumsy photos of the four of them having fun and laughing together put a smile on his face. He found some better quality photos from early season 7 of the selfies they sent back and forth over the end rod game. “Oh good, he finally got decent with a camera,” Etho laughed to himself. He flipped through more pages and they gradually got more put together and scrapbook like. The mayoral race flyers, Turf War memorabilia, and pictures of the different builds across the server. A few more pages over it turned to season 8. A selfie of everyone at the starting village, gem and pearl in a ditch in the ground and grian being launched into the air by a golem. He found the planning sketch of the Horse Course wedged between two pages, and then a half finished chart of all the horses and their stats. He did a double take as he flipped to a picture of himself feeding one of the horses. He didn’t know bdubs took a photo of him?! There were multiple pages filled with pictures of the horse course from the past season. “Bdubs always looked so happy with that project, too bad we didn't get to use it with the others,” He thought to himself. He remembered the late nights laughing together trying to get the horses to cooperate, and racing alongside each other. He saw the moon growing bigger in the background of every photo. A pain stung his chest as he saw a teary eyed selfie of bdubs with Lulu and Squakers, illuminated by the moon. The last photo of season 8.
He shut the book and put it in his bag. “Ok this isn’t helping me find him,” Etho said out loud. He thought about where to find him this late, and only one place stood out to him. “The Horse Course, of course he’s there.” He blew out the candles on the desk and grabbed the torch off the wall. He walked down the stairs and out the door, closing it softly. He headed to the side of the monolith over to the animal pen. He walked over to Bdubs's horse. He reached his hand out over the fence, “Shh shh its me, good ol Etho… are we good?” The horse snorted and nudged Ethos hand. “Is it this you want?” He pulled some sugar cubes out of his bag pocket and fed the magnificent white steed. He pet her snout as she ate the sugar. “You ready now?” Etho asked. 
He hopped up onto the fence to mount the horse. She shook her head as Etho set his feet in the stirrups. With one flick of the reins they were soaring over the fence and down the trail. Etho needed to duck under some low hanging branches as they went down the path. The stars shone overhead and the cool breeze rushed past them. The lights of the Horse Course illuminated the horizon. Etho flicked the reigns and they sped towards the course, hooves hitting the packed soil with a rhythmic thump. He hopped off the horse and tied a lead to a lamppost. “Stay here and be good, ok? I’ll be back soon,” Etho promised as he pet her snout and tossed her an apple. He made his way over to the stables and saw exactly who he was looking for. The man’s moss cloak hung over the back of his chair. Bdubs seemed to be restocking the feeding containers. Etho decided to try to sneak up on him.
He walked over quietly and grabbed his arms from behind “BOO!” Bdubs jumped and sent a half hearted punch to Etho. “ETHO! What was that for?!” Etho keeled over laughing and between hysterical breaths he managed to joke, “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” “You shut up,” Bdubs responded quickly. “You're the one putzing around late at night scarin’ people! Whaddya want anyways?!” Etho tried to suppress his laughter to no avail, which only flustered Bdubs more. “What?!” He said indignantly. “N-nothing,” Etho managed to calm down. “I found this…?” He pulled the book out of his bag to show Bdubs. “How long have you been doing this?” “HEY! Where did you find that?! Give it back!” Bdubs replied, trying to grab the book. Etho held it up over his head out of Bdubs’s reach, “Not until you answer me” He said with a smug smile hidden under his mask. Bdubs flushed red, “Why’s it matter anyways? It's just a dumb book,” He said, looking away and crossing his arms. “Well clearly it’s not dumb if you've bothered to keep it for a decade,” Etho responded, giving up and handing the book back to the shorter man who promptly snatched it back and held it close. “What were you doing snooping through my stuff, you?” “I was looking for you,” Etho responded, leaning back on the stall wall to avoid eye contact. “Now why would I be in a book box???” Bdubs responded. “I don't know,” Etho replied without missing a beat. “You're short enough to fit-” Bdubs punched Ethos arm just enough to hurt a bit. “Why so violent today?” Etho jokingly played innocent. “I just came all the way over here to find my best friend, and this is the thanks I get? I'll just go then…” He ended with a dramatic sigh and turned to walk out. “Hey wait–” Bdubs grabbed his wrist. The two looked at each other in surprise. “I-I mean, I guess you can stay.” He quickly let go of Etho’s wrist and folded his arms. “Please?” “Fine,” Etho exaggerated, “Whatcha doing?”
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casualavocados · 2 months
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I want you to tell me the truth in person, or I'll burn your mouth with chilies!
AI DI, our 小辣椒 (little chili padi)🌶️🎉 KISEKI: DEAR TO ME Bonus: Cayenne Auto Shop
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lon3rlife · 4 months
Dating Rick Sanchez Headcanons
Mostly fluff. I’m going to ramble a lot because I love him sm
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He’s extremely overprotective and would do absolutely ANYTHING to keep you safe, even if it means putting his own life on the line.
He comes and goes to your house as he pleases. You’ll come home to see him on your couch or stealing your food. He’ll also portal to your house in the middle of the night and get into bed with you without saying anything.
He’s not huge on pda, he’ll have an arm around you on the couch when you guys watch tv with the family and will hold your hand and give you a reassuring squeeze when you get anxious, but he won’t hesitate to get extremely touchy if someone is looking at you wrong.
In private though he’s a hugeee softie and will never let anyone know. If you’re working on something or cooking something in the kitchen he’ll come behind you and hug you from behind (you usually don’t even know he’s there and he scares the living shit out of you). He loves when you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair until you fall asleep, and in bed he’ll pretty much melt into you holding you tightly.
He loves your hair so much. If you’re brushing it he’ll stand there admiring you, and he just loves tangling his hands through and and playing with it while you guys cuddle.
You guys always get into the dumbest fights like if pancakes are better than waffles or that he needs to do dishes if he comes to your house and eats your food without cleaning up. They leave you frustrated and Rick pouting like a child for a few hours until you guys kiss and make up.
I think this is canon but he’s actually a really good cook. Once a week you guys make it a habit to cook a homemade meal together to get a short break from the stress of everything and spend quality time together.
If you leave for a trip for work or with friends he will be EXTREMELY clingy the days leading up to the trip because you guys spend so much time together he doesn’t know what to do with himself when your gone. (He ends up portaling to your hotel at night because he isn’t able to sleep without you)
Kisses you anywhere. On your lips, your forehead, your neck, chest, arms, you name it.
He’s definitely a bad influence 100%. He will get crazy alien drugs and take them with you, he won’t force them on you but if you don’t want to take them he’ll be like “come on baby you’re missing out don’t be lameee.” He will also take you to parties on different planets just to get completely shitfaced.
Even though he’s a night owl and stays awake most nights, his favorite time of day is the morning. He loves the intimacy of laying with you just talking about anything without any specific plans for the day, the sun hitting your face just right still sleepy and you playing with his fingers is the most special time for him.
PETNAMES 1000%. He will use the most obnoxious ones as well, usually he’ll call you baby, sugar, honey, or a shortened version of your name.
You get along very well with the Smith family, especially Morty which makes Rick sooo happy. Also you help Morty with his homework because Rick sure as hell doesn’t, and Morty looks up to you so much and trusts you enough that he’ll talk to you about anything he needs to get off his chest.
Omfg writing these are sooooooo much fun if anyone wants me to write more I will cause I have so many more but it’s like 1am and I’m tired
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
you know those posts where cap’s seen as a dad figure? what if one of the reasons why the other superheroes think that way is because when league members bring up there kids or need cap to cover for them when their kids need them cap is just super understanding, empathetic and gets oddly proud of them for being with there for their kids
the actual reason why he’s like that is because billy just really values those things as an orphan and is proud to work with such great people
Whenever someone mentions or even breathes the implication of Cap being mistaken as a dad or seen as a father figure, I lose my marbles, because, oh cheese and crackers, I just can't express enough how much I adore this headcanon! I'm doin' a little happy dance :D
Billy Batson is someone who has always yearned and wished to be a part of a family again since his experience was cut short due to tragedy and made sour thanks to his uncle Ebeneezer being crusty dusty, so it's easy to see him respecting those who appreciate the family they have. He had to grow up and mature far faster than any kid his age, and compared to most adults, Billy is actually more mature and responsible than they are, unfortunately. It's reasonable to see that this would be reflected in Captain Marvel; someone who's immature at times, but ultimately a good-natured person with a golden heart and good intentions, who others can depend on anytime and anywhere (much to the sacrifice of his personal life).
Billy has been in enough foster homes at a young age to know the difference between a good parent and a rotten one, so seeing members of the league prioritize their family members and kids would make him really happy. He's the type to take on any shift or mission in the place of another member if they had something important to do with their family. What you said about him being very proud and empathetic towards parents in the league made me realize that Billy would have loved to have parents like them had his own not perished. In a way, he's not just proud of them, but a little bit envious.
This also brings up another headcanon of mine, where Captain Marvel is the unofficial designated babysitter of the league when emergencies come up. Because despite not knowing who he is/his secret identity, people trust him enough to let him know theirs. Like, it all starts with the Captain in the watchtower break room drinking apple juice, and is suddenly bombarded with a group of children or sidekicks being thrown at him by the other heroes, saying that the Captain was in charge while they were away before teleporting away.
All these kids and teenagers that he suddenly has to help look after, and while Captain Marvel is calm on the outside, Billy Batson is freaking out on the inside. Some of those kids are older than he is, and there's some hilarity to it. Shenanigans ensue in the Captain Marvel: Adventures in Babysitting day, but it all turns out okay in the end. As a kid, Billy would know how to talk to them and keep them busy with fun/educational stuff. Might even teach them a thing or two about good morals, manners, archeology, or ancient magic stuff.
I imagine some of those kids would want to be babysat by him again, and Billy would welcome it (with warning ahead of time). Captain Marvel is just someone people like being around with his good dad vibes. Some of them even ask if he has kids of his own, but are met with an empty room immediately as the man zooms off whenever people ask him questions about family.
Gosh I went rambling again, but I loved this ask!
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rexwrendraws · 1 year
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Sandcastles: Year One, A Sandman Fan-Fic Anthology ⏳
To celebrate The Sandman's one year anniversary this past weekend (how has it been a year already!?), I started a self-indulgent project and decided I wanted to take a crack at typesetting for the very first time.
So, I'm very proud to present: Sandcastles, an 180-page digital anthology that celebrates some of my favorite Sandman fics from the past year! Sandcastle collects shorter fics ranging from gen to mature, and is print-ready and available to be downloaded for free. Through this anthology, I hope others can get the same joy from these fics the same way I did over the past year (think of it as a glorified fic rec list)! (And, if anyone's interested, the print-ready files are available for download as well, if anyone wanted to print their own copy of Sandcastles!)
✨ Download Sandcastles here!
Thank you to all the authors for giving me permission to include their work in this anthology! This is my love letter to all of your work! Please check them out and leave a kind word or two!
The fics included in Sandcastles, in order of the Table of Contents, are the following:
Companions - Picture_Yourself (@anthrossandman)
Fridays - hardly_an_escape (@hardly-an-escape)
Warning Sign - issylra (@issylra)
Snacktime - fishydwarrows (@fishfingersandscarves)
Stray - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Aulon Raid - moorishflower (@moorishflower)
Unbidden Miracles - mostlybuddingthoughts (@mostlybuddingthoughts)
Available - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Points of View - cuubism (@cuubism)
Fern-Fevered - notallsandmen (notallmaenads) (@notallsandmen)
The Last - secondjulia (@secondjulia)
Scratch a Little Itch - sanyumi (@valeriianz)
Simple Dreams of Comfort - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
The Apocalypse is Nigh! - cuubism (@cuubism)
To Those Who Dare Wonder - Astrophel_Hireath (@mentallyinvernation)
The Perils of Inebriation - Lilibet (@the-slow-arrow)
Touch - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Passing the Time - Anonymous
I'm Stuck on You (I'm Mighty Glad You Stayed) - hardly_an_escape (@hardly-an-escape)
Hob Gadling vs. The British Museum (Unknown Artist, c. 2022, Oil on Canvas) - TheAllKnowingOwl (@theallknowingowl)
This also counts as my submission for Day 1 of @mr-sadman 's Sandmanniversary 2023 prompts (Collection) :)
_ _ _ _ _ (Post & files updated — 29.08.2023)
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flutterflora · 6 months
Whenever I see people say things like "Pinkie Pie should've been a pegasus" or "Fluttershy fits earth pony more" I get a little frustrated because TO ME the mane six have always been a really good example of "societal expectations" VS "societal deviance" of the three pony species within equestria.
Earth ponies are almost always expected to be providers. Like the Apple family for example or the Cake family OR even the "flower trio". They provide necessities, often food or they often provide hard labour (note how "background" jobs like construction and taxi pulling are most often done by earth ponies too). Applejack is obviously a perfect example of this! She's the head of her family, she's extremely hard working, shes incredibly physically strong, she's known and relied on by most of Ponyvill. Applejack very much lives up to the expectations that pony society has of earth ponies.
Pinkie Pie on the other hand is not one bit concerned with hard work. Her whole thing is having fun and throwing parties. In a way she is also providing something very important and necessary, socialisation and relaxation, however these are generally not deemed as valuable as strenuous labour and food production. Pinkie Pie is always written off as "childish" or not taking things seriously enough. She isn't deemed as very reliable a lot of the time and has to work very hard to prove herself, more so than someone like Applejack.
Ponyvill was founded by earth pony farmers, and is densely populated by earth ponies. Earth ponies are expected to work hard and grow food and provide for everyone, their roles are incredibly necessary and their work is highly appreciated. However, without someone like Pinkie Pie who deviates from those expectations, Ponyvill would be a miserable place (as seen in the episode Magical Mystery Cure). She may not be a farmer or a construction worker but her divergence from earth pony "standards" is what keeps everything in balance.
The same can be said for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy too. Rainbow Dash is an exceptional athlete, she flies like no other pony and she almost always has her wits about her. At the end of the day, Rainbow Dash is truly a performer at heart, she wants to be in the Wonderbolts and show off her skills to all of Equestria. Pegasi are expected to be fast, agile, eager, always cool, proud and quick witted just like the Wonderbolts, and just like Rainbow Dash. She is a peak performance pegasus.
Fluttershy is Rainbows exact opposite. She doesn't care for speed, adventure or displays of athleticism, she truly doesn't even care for flying. She is, in both a literal and metaphorical way, very "down to earth", however her role is still very important and her being a pegasus is still very integral to who she is. If it weren't for her experiences of being ostracised for being different she would never have the empathy and dedication to her animals the way she does (and on more practical note, being able to fly does aid her in her work a lot the time). Fluttershy slows down, she's quiet and she gentle which something that other pegasi (and earth ponies honestly) struggle with. It was alway right for Fluttershy to be a pegasus who could soar the skies, because if she never fell down to earth she would have never found her true calling. Without ponies like her, many important things, creatures and events would go unnoticed and unchecked.
Rarity and Twilight Sparkle is kind of a funny one because I think a lot of people may expect Twilight to be the prime example of unicorns, but that's not really true at all. Twilight, despite being our mane character, is actually the deviant one here.
This is illustrated for us almost immediately in the first episode, where she's invited to a party by three other unicorns but ditches it to go study instead. Magic is merely a tool for most unicorns, but for ponies like Twilight or Starlight, it is their whole existence, it's what they were quite literally born to do. Twilight does not value social status at all, she doesn't have time to and growing up so stuck in her studies I'm not even sure she aware that it's such a big deal to others, especially within Canterlot. It's also worth noting that to Twilight, Princess Celestia was always her teacher and Princess Cadence was her babysitter so their status as royals never really mattered to her and she's able to see them more are regular ponies for that reason also.
Most Unicorns are socialites, they value "social currency" and monetary gain more than they value magic. They don't care that the Princesses are very powerful magically, they care more about their political powers and their social status as royals. We see this clearly in the season 2 episode "Sweet and Elite" where Rarity gets swept up on the high society life of Canterlot, when she mentions being from Ponyvill to two random snobby unicorns they look down on her, yet once it's revealed that she's staying at the castle for her visit, things change, mostly notably: her status. Rarity is a prime example of a unicorn, she's stylish, she's ambitious, she's concerned with image, she's social, she has very fine tastes and she's a businesswoman.
As the series progresses we she both Twilight and Rarity gain some fame. Twilight is mostly inconvenienced and troubled by this whereas Rarity, like most unicorns would, relishes in any sort of limelight. Unicorns are expected to be professional, they're most often more modern or "ahead of the curve" than other ponies and tend they to be the primary business owners of Equestria. However without ponies like Twilight, magic would become just an afterthought. Without powerful wizards like Starswirl, dedicated students like Subburt or magic obsessed freaks (affectionate) like Twilight Sparkle, pony society would crumble.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are prime examples of what is expected of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, respectively, in Equestrian society. However without ponies like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle there would be no balance and no progression. In fact in the episode "Hearts Warming Eve" we literally get canon lore telling us that if it wasn't for three ponies who deviated from the rules and expectations of their respective tribes, that Equestria wouldn't even exist today.
I think the mane six are a great small scale example of how pony society functions and I really appreciate this aspect of the writing <3
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solardrake · 2 years
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BNY's updated ref sheet! ^^
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 10 hours
Hello I’m drunk and thinking about six of crows agaiiiiin (why is this a recurring phenomena???? Ah well can’t complain this has happened like twice now?? That’s not too bad tbf)
I’ve had a lot of Soc related dreams in my time fun fact
Do you guys ever think about the fact that Wylan had precious few memories of his mother?? Even though he lost her at a similar age to Jesper, who remembers his mother clearly?? To Kaz losing his Da, who he’s implied to remember well?? (I have more thoughts on Kaz’s active choice to bury those memories and his freaking constant parallels to Matthias but that’s no relevant right this second)
Do you ever think about that in conjunction to Wylan being taken abroad and “everywhere” with his father all the time?? Bc sometimes I imagine Marya standing up to Van Eck in attempts to defend Wylan and I don’t imagine that was the only time she stood up to him (her defending Wylan is probably part of why he sent her away) and I wonder whether since we know she was probably not safe in her marriage (and probably didn’t chose it based on what we know of Alys and how the Kerch patriarchal system works) and I wonder whether to some degree Van Eck separated her from Wylan as some kind of effed up punishment for standing up to him because Wylan had very clear memories of going away w his father and is implied to have some kind of photographic/eidetic memory like Kaz in the whole card counting thingy so why would he have so few memories of his mother if not because he was actively kept away from her during those periods that he still has clear memories of?? Idk but ultimately van eck is a skiv and I wouldn’t put it past him to punish Marya by separating her from Wylan and like he wouldn’t out rightly state it but they both knew that was what he was doing yk??? Anyway that’s just a theory I have
I need to go to sleep
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One thing that for me showed the minecraft movie was going to be just a cash grab, is how un-mincrafty it is.
Like even if the movie looked good (it doesnt) making it in live action and ignoring the simpler art style the game is built upon is already weird,
Then you have staff like trees and flowers that aren't from minecraft.
The blue portal or Tessrac like thingy that they made up.
The landscape that isn't even close to minecraft world generation.
The nonsensical crafting recipe that isn't even on grid making an entirely new item.
The Piglings that can somehow be in the sun (and yes i know that its like that in Legends too, but this a Mincraft movie, not a Minecraft Legends movie)
Jack Black looking nothing like Steve.
And I'm sure there will be many more examples in the rest of the movie.
This movie isn't made from a love of the game, and that's sad, but looking at it I would be surprised if anyone who made it played minecraft for more then half an hour.
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strqyr · 7 months
tai is often characterized as this 'always positive, keep on smiling, hide the pain with a joke' yang-lite and having thought about it more, i... i don't think i agree?
first things first: tai quite literally wears his heart on a sleeve; he may not talk about his feelings a lot--presumably, since we have primarily seen him interact with his daughters, so it might just be a case of not wanting to burden them with his problems--but he definitely shows his emotions, clear as day. there's no pretence that he's fine, he's just the type to take his time and not rush it.
you know who kinda does do the whole 'gotta stay positive, smiles all around', 'hide your fear with a joke' thing that yang took upon herself to be for ruby's sake, to 'pick up the pieces'?
summer rose.
summer, who upon being caught leaving by tai, turns around to hide her emotions, before facing tai with a smile and some levity: "you know how ozpin gets. mystery after mystery." <- an opening for further jokes.
it's not one-to-one comparison--e.g. yang doesn't need to turn around to steel herself first (that's what ruby does)--but like. the influence is there; the acting of like everything is fine, great even! see, i'm smiling and even making jokes!! :)
it's just. yang trying to fill the void summer left behind.
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miriatwstuff · 29 days
My friend just reminded me of the 2010s Disney era and so resurfaces my need for
VilYuu StarStruck-styled romcom
(It is objectively NOT a good movie but it really stuck in my impressionable preteen head back then)
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Anyway! I was thinking it started somewhere in book 2, while Cater lead Riddle, Adeuce, Yuu and Grim to investigate the culprit behind the Magift/Spelldrive incidents and that's when they crossed path with Vil! (Actually they were out to see Rook but you know, the vice housewarden was always around his housewarden blah blah). Yuu might have been genuinely entranced by Vil's beauty (as they should) but that's the extent of their impression.
But unfortunately they may or may not have made a fool of themself in front of Vil (due to either Grim or Adeuce bumping into them, making them trip and fall face first in front of the Queen). So naturally, Vil assumed this little potato was yet another admirer, and while he was flattered, he was not at all amused with how they "bent over backwards" just to see him. Just try to approach him normally next time, and maybe he'd be inclined to help them fix their clothes!
We know he really meant well despite how strict he acted, but Yuu didn't. What a self-centered, condescending arse he was! Coupling with the embarrassing situation, Yuu vowed to never like Vil, like ever <3 Not even Cater-senpai's long list of Vil's achievement can change their little stubborn mind! Not like they'd ever willingly see his works, his films, his interviews, his modelling on their own accord!
Fortunately, they never crossed path again so neither paid any more mind to the other. Unfortunately (for Yuu), they gotta bit back their complaints when they was forced to welcome Vil and his NRC entourage into Ramshackle dorm in book 5. Ok they might have tried to play a nice host, but that's because of their friends and because they actually got manners, unlike some superstar! Unfortunately being a magicless half-student and all, they couldn't really voice their opinion, but seeing Epel's "pitiful" state they silently sided with the boy and felt some type of camaraderie with him. Vil, being emotionally dense as he was, didn't realize Yuu wasn't his biggest fan, he just assumed they were a little too starstruck and shy when facing their favorite star <3 (to his defense he was quite astute with malice, and Yuu's awkwardness around him does nothing to indicate that they didn't like him, they just seemed like some of his shy fans <3 which was adorable in a way)
Things started to change along with how the events unfolded, and Yuu started to see other sides of Vil and see through his tough facade and his smart mouth. And Vil... finally got to understand that Yuu neither was shy nor idolized him, they simply did not like him, and that was because of Vil Schoenheit the asshole upperclassman who "made fun" of them (sorry for pointing out the person who fell flat in front of his heels), who "forced their friends go through unimaginable horror" (it was just stretching exercises and a ban of unhealthy snacks), whose "attitude and approach suck harder than a prostitute with a dick" (he'd never heard such... vulgar and graphic comparison before, but that aside he had no justification). They hadn't even seen his work! They hadn't even seen his portrayal of evil villains and all, so their perception of him was just... refreshingly just another student in NRC, albeit a very mean one. Kinda like Epel in a way (though Epel's case was another can of worms... no preconceptions whatsoever except his ideals for manliness).
And throughout his breakdown and overblot, both Vil and Yuu gotta face the inner demons of Vil's, and Rook's encouragement for Vil's beauty as long as he himself believed in it, and the first years chimed in and said how awesome Vil was, and Yuu quietly admitted to misunderstanding him, and they were sorry for accusing him of being superficial despite they themself were superficial when it came to judging him.
And all of those words meant a lot and Vil put his all in his performance, with Yuu, more objectively this time, witnessing his highness' in all of his glory ✨️✨️✨️
Ignoring the chaos that ensued later with Neige and Rook's "betrayal" lol
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frootbyethefoot · 1 year
god not to be sad but i really do enjoy how melancholy veronicas journey is. how doomed she was from the very start when it came to convincing the brotherhood to change. how her past literally follows her when she tries to move forward. how she almost always ends new vegas as a lonely wanderer, terrified to put her talents anywhere lest the brotherhood hurt another friend. how she could not change the brotherhood but it was still important to try, to give them that chance, and have them firmly reject it
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
out of the three (four? if you wanna include ridonculous race) noah appeared in, which one do you think noah could have won if he cared about the competition
hot take; none of them.
he did care about the competition (at least somewhat) in the first season and it was objectively his worst. in island, he was too blinded by his own hubris to consider the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, isolating himself in a socially driven competition. he was standoffish and rude, which would've been fine if he hadn't outright directed negative attention to himself with his comments AND refusal to participate in the dodgeball challenge, and he offered little in terms of both teamwork and team utility anyway. so being voted out early was a given, and a much needed wake-up call for him.
he didn't compete in season 2, but if he did i doubt he'd make it to the finale. i'd like to say he'd make it pretty far into action- both because action has a lot more technology and media references, which noah could play to his advantage as both an established nerd and a canonical hacker (though these aspects of him are mostly delegated to his biographies/interviews outsode of the show itself), and because we know he does learn from his mistakes in season 1 so he'd try to be a better teammate (like he does in season 3). but i truly and honestly don't think he'd stand a chance against powerhouses like courtney and duncan, or have even a smidge of beth and owen's in-competiton social game/likability, so he'd eventually be voted out.
and in season 3, as much as i disagree with the amazons winning the challenge, getting rid of noah there and then was the right play from a narrative standpoint. because, at the end of the day, he's a filler character. he doesn't have any engaging plotlines of his own to warrant keeping him around, and his only real use from a writing standpoint is to make snide comments and witty one-liners; when the remaining cast all have at least one subplot going for them, and you need to 'thin the herd', you get rid of the deadweight characters first.
by world tour, i believe he's only competing for the sake of it, and he doesn't really care about winning or losing; if anything i'd say he only went along with the celebrity manhunt bus chase because he was supposed to stay with chris/the total drama crew, and since he was fired from being chris' assistant he didn't have anything better to do (he's always been a passive character, so going along with the crowd for curiosities sake is very much something he would do).
but if he did care?
i think he'd make it to early merge. a noah who cares about the competition would try to take down alejandro for the sake of his own survivability (after all, how long is it going to be until team victory is gone and alejandro turns on his own teammates as his next targets?) thus making himself plot relevant enough to keep around- maybe even allying himself with heather to do so. but alejandro, whilst not as smart as noah, is far more savvy and capable than him, and their 'rivalry' would end in noah being voted out.
or maybe he'd embrace his villain-coding (watch island again and tell me he isn't villain-coded. he does a "mwu-ha-ha" laugh and says "excellent." he's so campy bond antagonist coded in island) and ally himself with alejandro to garuntee his survivability, helping him weed out the competition as a right-hand man. eventually, alejandro would discard noah- either because noah would refuse to help him eliminate owen, or because they'd make their way far enough into the competition that noah becomes less of an ally and more of a threat and have him eliminated accordingly. because noah might be the villain, but alejandro's the archvillain.
that, and i think the finalists of each season are already the best picks from their rosters. i wouldn't change any of them to give one sarcastic twink the chance of winning.
(i haven't seen ridonculous race but i'm fairly certain caring about the competition is part of his character arc in it? he comes in guns blasing and then gets sidetracked by being smitten with emma, at least that's my understanding of it. so nothing would change there.)
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
do you think that captain marvel plays off his using kids slang as part of him being omnilingual? better yet, imagine that he thinks that it doesn’t count but it actually does and he only finds out years later
i dont really have much to add to this but yeah
Oh I 1000% believe knowing slang/kids slang counts as part of his omnilingualism.
I see the reasoning behind this being that with omnilingualism comes the ultimate understanding of all languages and the ability to decipher them. With language comes formal and casual conversations and alternative versions of words that generations have created due to changes in society, environment and the eras/time. Slang and kids slang are all a part of the art of languages, so i see that it makes perfect sense for Captain Marvel to be able to understand them.
Adding onto that, if Captain Marvel's omnilingualism didn't include understanding of slang terms, then I believe Billy's influence as the vessel included those additional parts in the power. It's a little headcanon of mine that the mortal behind the power of the "Mightiest Mortal" is able to influence the powers they gain with their personality flare/unique identity. Since Billy is a homeless street kid, that left him more susceptible to hearing slang words from other people on the streets, mainly teens and kids from skateparks and parks (where he hangs out sometimes because no one will question him for being homeless there among other kids).
As for the slang words expansion pack not belonging at all to his omnilingualism and is in fact just Billy being a kid, then that would also be a barrel of fun to see! I can easily see members of the Justice League asking Captain Marvel what certain words their sidekicks/children text them, asking him to translate for them.
Green Latern (Hal): Hey, Cap, you're pretty immature right? By any chance do you know what "rizz" and "finstas" mean? We're trying to tell what this text means.
Captain Marvel (Billy, a little offended): First of all, harsh, didn't have to shade me like the dark side of the moon like that, but okay, go off, Salt Lantern. Second of all, bet, fam, say less.
Green Arrow (Oliver, feeling old): Oh God, did anyone even understand that?
Captain Marvel: Chillax, dude! Don't go crying in spanish.
Everyone else:
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scrambledd3ggss · 23 days
Wisdom saga thoughts!! (Spoilers for the wisdom saga)
Legendary- MICO’s VOICE?? Oh my god it’s great, ALSO THE SUITORS IN THIS??? THE WHOLE SECOND PART OF THIS LEADING INTO LITTLE WOLF???? Oh my god I’m losing my mind. “Don’t you dare call my mother a tramp!” “I just did. Whatchu gonna do about it champ?” AGHHHH AYRON’S VOICE???
Little wolf- okay so I was singing to the parts I knew AND THEN ATHENA SHOWED UP?? OH IM GONE! WHAT??? EVERYONE SOUNDS SO GOOD 😭🙏 (also Telemachus’s reaction to Athena is amazing and I love it) ATHENA’S VERSE IS GIVING ME LIFE
We’ll be Fine- Oh my god I’m crying, sobbing even. Athena describing her and Ody’s relationship is simultaneously adorable and so so sad. Athena and Telemachus’s friendship is so wholesome and I love this duo. “You’re a good kid” KILL ME NOW/pos
Love in Paradise- ATHENA’S MIND DIVE IS SO COOL. ALSO SHOWING ALL THE PROGRESS IN THIS MOMENT IS SO BITTERSWEET. “Odysseus where did you go” SOBBING. Wangui’s voice is so magical, everyone in this is so talented (also her little giggle is so cute). THE ENDING OF THIS FUCKING SONG THOUGH?? KILLED ME. ODYSSEUS IS SO DEPRESSED AND ITS JUST UGHHH I WANNA BE ABLE TO HELP HIM GET HOME BUT I CANT. Also how this part just shows everything he’s been through and how it’s affecting him mentally and emotionally and he knows he can’t go home. CALYPSO CALLING HIM ODY??? Hearing all of his loved ones singing.. I’m too far gone guys. HE CALLED ON ATHENA FOR HELP
God games- APOLLO AND HEPHAESTUS VOICE REVEAL (they sound great, loved their verses so much) Aphrodite and ares are the it couple tbh, and I know I keep repeating this but EVERYONE SOUNDS SO GOOD😭😭!!! I just love Athena’s different tactics to convince them to let Ody go home. ALSO ATHENA’S LITTLE BOOGY DURING HERA’S VERSE?? ADORABLE. I forgot to mention Apollo calling Odysseus ody 😭🙏 ZEUS’S BEAST MODE THING??? OH MY GOD??????? HOW HARD ATHENA FOUGHT HIM ESPECIALLY AFTER HE TALKED SHIT ABOUT TELEMACHUS (p.s ares’ little “is she dead” got me for some reason 😭)
So in conclusion, every saga that comes out wrecks me more and more than the last one and I love it
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dracallyart · 12 days
Share with us the lore behind Shieru and Orochimaru, please! I found your art through the latter's tag and they look so appealing together in a way that's hard for me to put words to. Old friends, perhaps?
Thanks for sharing!
AAAAAA!! Absolutely!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about these two hehe 🙏Also, thank you so much for finding them very appealing, you made my day!
I don't have their full story completely complete, as I only started working on it a few days ago and kept building on it as I went. As a warning; this will be LONG. The reason why is because Shieru and Orochimaru's story would be considered a slow-burn, due to Orochimaru needing a proper redemption arc and eventually receiving forgiveness.
Some important things to note about my character before going on; Shieru is around the same age as the Sannin's, and is considered a very well respected veteran among Konoha. Having been kidnapped when she was young into Danzo's root, eventually escaping in her early twenties where she assisted Konoha during the Second Shinobi war, became a hermit for about a year or so after (due of her past trauma and actions) and returned with being able to summon the legendary bird she made a contract with and learned new, powerful jutsu. In her clan (the Fūrin clan, a fictional clan I made) she is considered the most powerful.
She's incredibly wise, is a sage without the official title and is incredibly knowledgeable on things relating to anthropology from life experiences.
Now! On to her and Orochimaru. (I will be referring to Orochimaru as they/them!) She is aware of everything they have done in the past, and have even affected negatively a student that she ends up rehabilitating back into Konoha. So, when Orochimaru is pardoned in Konoha due to assisting in the war efforts by saving Tsunade and even guiding Sasuke into assisting the village. Shieru begins to keep a close eye on the Sannin, and not long after they wander aimlessly around the village during the "Blank Period Episodes" she asks Kakashi, the current Hokage, to take Orochimaru to travel for around a year or so. As she wishes to see whether they had the ability to be properly redeemed. Due to her experiences as a veteran shinobi, she is allowed to as long as she is with Orochimaru at all times.
So, the two set off. Orochimaru asking why she would take them on a "leisurely jaunt" this way and Shieru would explain she's made a journey like this before, which changed her for the better, and wants to see whether that will do the same effect for Orochimaru. Of course, due to their circumstances, Orochimaru requires constant supervision and so they go on this journey.
Early during their travels, Shieru attempts to act professional and rigid with Orochimaru, often humbling from their acts of the past and occasionally snapping at them. Orochimaru meanwhile would act incredibly sly, teasing and equally as stubborn as Shieru in terms of their conversations. At some point, Orochimaru even begins nicknaming Shieru "Shi-Shi", which only grates her further.
Many points during their travel amongst different lands, Orochimaru finds themselves frozen as they recall a specific memory of certain events that have occurred to them in the past. Whether that be a specific hideout they had nearby, or even finding the spot where the "Three-Way-Deadlock" occurred where he nearly killed Jiraiya. At the beginning they put it aside, but little do they know all these memories begin to eat at them from the inside.
After a good long while into their travel, they've had their fair share of rogue ninja attempting to ambush them. One time, Orochimaru breaks the rule of no direct attack and assists Shieru in fending off some rogue ninja. They both end up working very well fighting together. And this specific incident is what causes Shieru to feel comfortable enough making fun of Orochimaru, she was never afraid of them to begin with. But she gives him the nickname "cornsnake" which causes Orochimaru to react at the slander, which eventually makes the two jab at one another in a more teasing, casual manner. It's around this time Shieru begins acting less professional and rigid with Orochimaru too, as they start having more and more conversations, albeit, it is still too early for Oro to talk too deeply over their thoughts.
MUCH more into their journey, Orochimaru begins to feel emotions they did not feel capable of feeling before. Some of them being shame, and regret. They at one point hurt Shieru's feelings with a statement so out of bounds, and at the beginning they feel nothing, but the abrupt change in Shieru's attitude makes the bubbling feeling of shame rise in their gut. So, a few nights later, they force themselves to apologise. Their apology makes Shieru have to stifle a laugh, and forgive them, which... surprises Orochimaru. But they move on, and it gives Oro much to think about.
The last half of their journey is a lot more eventful, Shieru eventually going the same route she went before on her journey from many, many years ago and telling Orochimaru about her adventures, and eventually opening up about what she got over in her trauma through this journey. Giving her plenty of quiet time to reflect. Though, she jokes due to her being here, Oro had little time to reflect. They disagree with her, but don't continue the thought. It's only through the course of a few more weeks and months that they begin to show frustration, regret and shame for what happened before. Shieru meanwhile is patient, open to hearing Orochimaru's thoughts on the manner, and offers her genuine opinion on certain things. And is, honestly forgiving as she comes to further understand Orochimaru in a deeper level, which does let Orochimaru express deep emotions he's not felt in years.
Through this journey, Orochimaru learns to (slowly) be a better person, and Shieru learns to forgive and further give belief that even those who are villainous by nature do so for a reason.
The drawing I made where they are going for drinks is the day that they return to Konoha, now as friends. And they go for drinks as a bit of a victory for their journey and Orochimaru's much more mellowed out personality. And redemption? They act like indeed old friends going for drinks that night.
And over time, the two do form a deep partnership, specifically once Orochimaru has made up for their past mistakes in a meaningful way, which surprises everyone, but Shieru pacifies Orochimaru in a good manner and does genuinely feel love for them, and Orochimaru treats Shieru incredibly well and feels equal amounts of love for Shieru. This occurs when they're back in Konoha and still continue to hang nearly every day, Orochimaru became accustomed to their presence and finds themselves restless without them around, and Shieru has come to find Orochimaru endearing and enjoys their company just as much.
This of course further mellows out Orochimaru to the point of Boruto! And of course, Shieru is basically Mitsuki's mom (merged their DNA into a petri dish LMAO).
One reason I wished to make this ship is to further give explanation for Orochimaru's personality during Boruto. Since I do feel we're missing plenty context to why Orochimaru changed so drastically over the decade, I suppose when you've lived so long and have attained the immortality you wish, you do mellow out. But! I also personally love Orochimaru since the Blank Period Episodes, so I wanted to give this little ship a shot!
BUT! This is all of my thoughts! I definitely have more that I might have forgotten to mention, but I will most likely be drawing them a lot more and exploring their relationship further over time, since they've infested my brain since the day I made Shieru. Especially on their one year journey, a LOT can happen at that time, but I only have the template for what occurs.
Either way! Thank you so much for asking me about them!! Once again you made my day by asking that <333 I apologise if it was so long, but if you made it to this point, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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