#so she ditches her order and wanders around until trouble finds her
effysayres · 8 months
i’m aware it’s in direct contradiction with the goal of the game, but i never know what to name my dnd characters. :/
0 notes
Wasted 6
Warnings: drug dealing/use, violence, noncon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
The other girl in this one is from Black Light
Part of The Club AU
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The lights flash in tandem with the poppy beats. Bodies writhe, voices bubble, and alcohol flows. You’re bumped by a dancer nearby but ignore them as you let the drink in your hand spill over the rim. It’s the first time you’ve been wholly uninterested in a cocktail. It’s your bait, and if need be, your cover.
Your eyes search, finding little out of the ordinary. It won’t be easy to spot him, you’re sure. There’s couples all around, drinks carelessly left on tables or swishing in hand. There’s no shortage of sexual tension or drunkenness here.
The bartender signals and draws your attention. There’s a small girl flitting around behind the bar with him; not his usual accomplice. You couldn’t help but pity the bandage around his finger that had him slow in mixing. You have your own troubles.
You slip your phone out and text your new partner-in-crime. You’re not entirely sure she’ll do much but she’s oddly loyal and rather endearing. She has the kind of I don’t give a shitness that you admire. Not your own repressed stoicism but a genuine lack of caution.
You stare at the phone for a minute, waiting for the small icon to show if she’s read the message. It doesn’t change and you sigh as you lower the screen. It might take her a moment. 
You wave through the crowd, hands wander, grope, and you dodge a few stumbling men here and there. You turn back, not sure what you’re looking for. Your plan is starting to seem less tenable as your anger succumbs to practicality.
You look at your phone again. Still no answer. 
Well there is a last ditch idea. A trap you can only hope works. You put your cup on a table nearby. You give a bit of a sway trying to act tipsy before you drag your hand away. You pretend to dance and forget about it, hoping to retreat to some corner where you can watch for predators.
As you shimmy your hips and peek over your shoulder, you bump into a stealthy figure moving in the opposite direction. You bounce off of them and catch your balance, keeping your cool as you face the bullish man. Long dark hair beneath a ballcap, a black bomber jacket, and a gleam in his eye that turns your blood to ice.
‘It's alright, baby, you'll feel it soon.’
An echo slithers in your brain, itching in your ears as you wince. You stare at the man, brows drawing together. You smell vodka and feel a cold splash of deja vu. You know him. You blink as the memory of the bar flickers in your mind.
“Hey,” you point at him, “you owe me a drink.”
Your own words slap you with another strike of familiarity. He tilts his head and chuckles, waiving away your pointing finger. You retract your hand, lightning zipping from his touch. Your heart hammers.
“Fucker!” You bark and lunge for him, “it was you–”
He catches your wrists before you can latch onto his jacket. He squeezes until your bones ache and he pulls you off kilter. You try to stomp his feet as fire scours your insides. A dull pulsing awakens in your core.
“Come back for more,” he taunts as he backs you up, “what’s say we go somewhere classier than the dumpster?”
“Get off of me,” you sneer, twisting your arms helplessly.
You hit another couple and a girl squeals as her partner growls in your direction. The stranger, your accoster, snaps at him to back off. His order is potent.
“Fuck off me!” You try to yank free. “Fuck OFF!”
“You keep fighting and I’ll have to bash you harder,” he warns as he angles you through the crowd, keeping you on your heels as you try not to topple, “I’m gonna take me time tonight.”
He flings you forward and you stagger backwards, arms swinging for a stronghold as you barrel down the hallway. You hit the wall and slip to one knee. Your phone flies against the opposite wall and you look up at the man advancing on you.
“Scream,” he speaks above the music, “do whatever the fuck you want. They’re not gonna hear you.”
He grabs you by the throat before you can fend him off. He lifts you to your feet and you punch his shoulders as he turns you, your back colliding with a door that swings inward. He pushes you inside and spins with you, pinning you against the inside of the door.
The wall quakes with the sheer force of the booming music. Your voice is swallowed up as you holler and curse at the man and his grabbing hand. He won’t stop , swiping, scratching, and groping at you, pulling up the tattered hem of your denim skirt.
“You bastard!” You shriek and you scratch at his neck, kicking around his legs as he keeps his hand around your throat, “let me go–”
“You’re giving me mixed signals there, baby,” he leans in to snarl in your ear, “coming back to find me if you didn’t want some fun…” he pushes his hand against your jaw until it’s forced shut. “If it makes it easier, I got some molly you can pop.”
“Gooorffffffyyssslllllll,” the gibberish can barely rasp through your clench teeth as your ‘go fuck yourself’ is lost to the cacophony.
“Don’t say I didn’t offer you a good time,” he shoves his other hand against your panties, poking his middle finger between your folds, “be a good girl and you won’t wake up with the garbage.”
143 notes · View notes
btsmutimagines · 4 years
Our Future
Look, I suck at titles, y’all and I’m a day late ffs but happy birthday Kookie 
Arranged Marriage AU
Word Count: 7.5K (I really need to stop)
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Grey skies arched above you as you walked home, kicking a small pebble along with you until it got caught between a crack in the sidewalk.
You audibly sigh, enjoying yourself as you kicked it further and further each time. It was almost like you were that pebble, your life seeming to be pushed by something until it stops.
You were stuck, just like your little pebble.
You finally reached your house, unlocking the front door and noticing the familiar shoes. They were shined up and as uninvited as usual but their owner paid no mind to what you thought, clearly.
The back of your father’s head greeted you as you stepped into the living room and he put down the newspaper he was reading.
You brace yourself, knowing he came to talk to you about something. He never really looked for a conversation, just a breathing punching bag.
“Hello, father.”
“I expected you to be home sooner.”
“I hadn’t expected any guests.”
“Maybe if you answered my phone calls once in a while.”
“You don’t pick up when I call back.”
“I’ve been busy, Y/N.” When are you not? You silently retorted in your mind.
“What did you need to say, father?”
“I’d like you to come to dinner with me tomorrow night.”
“I rather not.”
“Tell me why? Is there something unpleasant about a father and daughter enjoying a nice dinner together?”
“When have we ever done anything ‘nice’, father?” He cocked an eyebrow, he knew damn well that your relationship was far from any loving familial ties.
If you had it your way, he won’t ever know where to find you.
“The Blanche, seven o’clock. I’ll have Hyunjin pick you up.” He adjusted his tie, standing up to walk away and you clenched your fists.
You wanted to yell, at least tell him off for coming over uninvited to force you into some weird dinner. But you merely stood as he brushed past you, you standing in your spot until you heard your front door shut.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─── 
This morning, you found a box with a card attached in front of your door.
You could tell from the intricate design on the card, it was from your father. Inside was a gorgeous red dress, the off-shoulder design along with the leg slit satisfying your tastes.
You held up the dress, looking in the full-length mirror and imagining yourself in it.
“As if he would know what I liked.” You scoffed to yourself, pulling the dress back on your bed. He probably just sent off one of his servants to find something for you.
Even so, what would be so important that he would send you something to wear? You were his well-kept secret, him wanting you to keep yourself hidden from his life for appearances.
He couldn’t afford to be distracted, he said. In exchange for you disappearing from his life, he sends a weekly allowance that you’ve been saving in a separate account.
Maybe one day when you’re finished, you can pack up your things and truly disappear. Nothing was tying you down to this city anyways.
You heard your phone vibrate, a text notification appearing on the screen.
Incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2…
“One!” You heard your friend, Yeseul entering your apartment and you put to the dress back into its box hastily.
“Where are you?”
“Bedroom.” She wandered in, quickly embracing you in a hug and you stood still. You’ve been friends since freshman year, Yeseul being the only one who put up with you.
You didn’t mind hanging out with her but you didn’t put your eggs into her basket yet.
Memories of your ‘friends’ asking you to hang out, racking up a huge bill and then making excuses to leave you to pay each time. Your dad even got on your case, interrogating why you spent so much each week. He cut you off, only giving you enough for lunch and your so-called friends were suddenly too busy for you.
How naïve.
“You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“Zoning out, burning imaginary holes into the last thing you looked at. You know, the usual.”
“I was just thinking, Seul.”
“Well stop that, we got other things to do.”
“We? What are you roping me into now?”
“Why do you say that like I only get you into trouble?”
“Because you do.” You deadpanned, you haven’t forgotten the time she thought it was a good idea to stay for after-hours when there’s a curfew in place. You had to dip into the savings to pay off the ticket you got.
“It’s harmless fun, Y/N.”
“That citation definitely harmed my savings.” You muttered.
“Anyways, listen. You and me, dancing and drinking at Hoseok’s party tonight. Sounds like a dream, right?”
“A nightmare, actually.”
“Come on, Hoseok was gracious enough to invite me with a plus one, meaning you.”
“I have to pass.”
“I have plans. Dinner plans, actually.”
“Who’s the mystery man? He must be worth your time since you’re passing up an offer from me.” She knows damn well you would pass up any party with or without plans.
“That’s not important. I just don’t think I can miss this dinner. Sorry.”
“So secretive. I expect no less though.”
“I’ll tell you about it later.”
“It’s fine, Y/N. I’ll take enough shots for both of us.”
“Remember to drink water in between and eat something too.”
“Okay.” She pursed her lips, leaving your apartment right after and you sat on your bed. You shook off the tension, checking the time and preparing yourself for this dinner.
Whatever it’s about, you had a feeling you wouldn’t like it.
You were adjusting your necklace when you hear a knock at your door. Opening the door revealed Hyunjin, one of your father’s drivers. He was newer than the others but devoted to your father like the others.
“Miss Y/N?”
“Y/N is fine. Take me to where I need to go, please.”
“As you wish, Y/N.” You took his arm, locking your door behind you and followed him to the car. The unease settled in when he started driving, part of you that you just went to that party with Yeseul.
Maybe she wouldn’t make that pointed comment and you would send your father a message.
Alas, here you are, walking into the Blanche like the little good girl he expected you to be. Wearing the dress he picked for you, even putting in the useless effort of making yourself presentable to only be met with him scowling at his phone.
“Hello to you too.”
“Ah, so you did come. Glad to see you have the decency to clean yourself up.”
“I rather you tell me why am I here instead of having this conversation with you.”
“First, sit.”
“I don’t plan on staying.”
“Then, change your plan. I have very important people that you have to meet arriving soon and it would be rude to stand there as you are.” You grit your teeth, sitting across from your father and crossing your arms.
A waiter braved his way to your table, filling up your water glass while you shot daggers at your father. Bastard didn’t even have the decency to even hint at who these ‘very important people’ are and why it should somehow matter to you?
You thought the deal was you wouldn’t even say your father’s name in passing and he could live his life freely. No burden of you.
“Ah, Younghee.” Your father got up, making you turn your head to look at a woman who was walking towards your table.
God, was he going to tell you that he was marrying this woman? Why would you even care if he gets remarried?
“I’m terribly late again, aren’t I?”
“Hardly. Is he here as well?” He? Was there a man accompanying her? Her son?
“Of course, he’s an important part of this conversation.”
“That is right. Oh, I almost forgot, this is Y/N, Younghee.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“How polite. Ah, you’re more beautiful than I thought.”
“Thank you very much.” Currently wishing the ground would swallow you whole, right about now. At least before this other guest shows up.
“Oh, Jungkook, darling, over here.” She waved someone over you, this time you stared forward. You froze as this man took a seat next to you. Fuck, you should have ditched when you still had the chance.
“Pardon my mother and I’s tardiness, sir.”
“It’s quite alright, Jungkook. All that matters is that we are all here now. Before we start, we should actually order something. Breadsticks will not get me through the night, I’m afraid.” This fucker is just going to keep dancing around the real topic for as long as he can-
“Um, I’m Jungkook. Y/N, I presume.” You looked at the man, quietly taken aback by how attractive he was. His hair was slightly parted, each hair perfectly in place. His shaped jaw highlighted his face, his pink lips were a perfect hue and he was just… perfect. But he was going to be your stepbrother, right? You shouldn’t even look at him in any other way.
“You would be right, Jungkook.”
“See, they’re already getting along.” You wanted to roll your eyes, all you did was introduce yourselves.
The waiter took your order, you quietly tapping your foot while your father acted jovial with his two guests. You only answered when addressed, quiet otherwise and hoping your food would arrive soon.
“So, Jungkook, your mother says you’re a game developer.”
“Yes, sir. Currently developing a sequel to one of my first projects.”
“My Jungkookie’s project has sold almost one billion copies globally. I’m lucky to have such a successful son.”
“That’s impressive, right, Y/N?”
“Yeah, sure.” You were more interested in swirling the rich wine that sat in the glass you held in your right hand than whatever this conversation was about.
“Y/N’s in university, right? I’ve heard from your father that you have multiple companies scouting you.”
“That’s really cool.”
“Yup.” You said, taking a large swig and placing your glass on the table.
“Alright, enough of the small talk. Why are we really here?”
“Forgive her, Younghee, I’m afraid alcohol tends to loosen her lips. But I don’t mind cutting the chase.”
“It’s quite alright, I’m sure she wants to relax. After all, to be married so young in this day and age is a rarity.”
“Wait, excuse me. Who’s getting married?”
“You and Jungkook are getting married. Engaged for now.”
“Are you joking? This is a joke, right?”
“Had you not tell her? This is a lot to load on the child.”
“She could have seen it coming.”
“You’re too mean.” You got up, walking away from the table as you glared at your father. Of course, he would pull some shit like this with you now and then he has to remind you that he was in control.
“Y/N!” You didn’t look back, not caring about who was following you.
“Y/N, please.”
“Just leave me alone.”
“I can’t. Not when you’re like this.” You stopped, turning around to face Jungkook. He loosened his tie, his coat over his shoulder as he caught his breath.
“You know you walk fast in heels.”
“Why did you follow me anyways? Did your mom send you?”
“I came on my own. Your dad made some excuse about you being drinker than he thought, and my mom just accepted it. I figured it was more than that.”
“Even if it was, it’s none of your business.”
“Hard to say when we’re engaged now, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to get married to you, Jungkook.” He looked down, running his hand through his hair.
“Are you really okay with this, having everything in your life dictated by someone else? Don’t you want to know what it’s like to choose?”
“All I ask is that you give me a chance.”
“Jungkook.” How strong is his mother’s hold on him?
“I know that this is probably the worst thing that could happen to you, being forced to be stuck with someone like me but I want to show you who I am. Show you that I’m someone that you can fall in love with. If we don’t work, I’ll break the engagement myself.” You looked at him, his hand clasped together as he pleaded with you.
He looked so sincere, something in his eyes made you feel like he meant it.
“I’m holding you to that.” You replied, looking away from him and he pulled you into a sudden huh. Your body stiffened, not expecting the sudden skinship. He felt warm, the scent of his cologne making it hard to think of a better adjective.
“Thank you.”
“You’d be welcome if you let me go.” You blurted, not wanting to linger around him any longer.
“Sorry. Got a little too excited.” He cleared his throat, you avoid his eyes while you fiddled with your dress.
“Can I take you home?”
“If you’re okay with a few blocks.”
“Why not call a taxi?”
“Easier to walk.” You asserted, beginning to walk in the direction of your apartment and Jungkook could only follow you.
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 You made it home, Jungkook awkwardly bidding you goodbye while you muttered a good night before slipping inside. Thankfully, you had classes to distract you but all you could think about how your dad decided to basically sell you off for his best interests. Someone like Jungkook probably had a monopoly on the gaming industry and your father wanted to venture into technology.
Regardless of how good looking he was, how successful he is, you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was mainly your father’s and his mother’s influence that is driving him. How long can he put up this earnest act?
Give me a chance.
“Ugh.” You groaned, his words repeating in your head and you felt someone poking at your head.
“Quit it.”
“It’s only Monday.”
“That’s part of the problem, Seul.” You looked up to see her sitting next to you, she didn’t seem upset anymore.
“Then what is it? Mystery date was a dud?”
“Something like that.” More like mystery fiancé.
“What happened?” You came up with a lie, telling her that your father arranged your marriage overnight would result in questions you didn’t want to answer.
“I agreed to a second date and I’m not sure if I’m still up for it since we didn’t start on the right foot.”
“What do you like about him?”
“He’s loyal to a fault, he puts in the effort, ambitious…”
“Sounds like things you put on a resume.”
“It wasn’t the best first date.”
“But you said yes to a second one.”
“But he said some sweet things when he did. It sounded like something out of a drama.”
“Aw, he melted your heart a bit, didn’t he?”
“Shut up.” You snapped, embarrassed that you admitted that part of what he said actually affected you.
“I think you should give it a shot since you saw something in him. Plus, you could always dump him if he’s not what he seems.”
“I guess, you’re right this time.”
“What do you mean ‘this time’? Aren’t I always right?”
“You wish.” She nudged you, you were laughing in response.
After your talk with Yeseul, you felt better about the bombshell. But you figured you would have some time before you would see Jungkook. Not him standing outside of your apartment building with his hands in his pockets.
He looked formal, wearing a waistcoat with a dress shirt. You could see gloves covering his hands and you cursed yourself for immediately thinking of how hot he looked.
“At my pace, my ass.” You muttered as you tried to pretend that you couldn’t know him, but he started to jog towards you. The two of you ran in the opposite direction of your apartment until he caught you, your back pressed against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Caught you. Part of me is starting to think you like the chase.”
“I like space, which you’re invading.”
“Right, no hugs. But can we talk face to face?” He let go and you obliged to his request, currently giving him a hard stare.
“I really came because I don’t have your number, can’t give our relationship an honest try without each other’s number.” You gulped, even the word ‘relationship’ made you feel weird. He was right, you thought to yourself, you had to give this an honest try, so you could properly reject him and break it cleanly.
After all, how could you fall for someone like him?
“Having daydreams about me?”
“Ha, you wish, Jeon.” You started to walk back in the direction of your house, not wanting to stay out for long.
“Not even my first name, I thought we were closer than that.”
“You have to work for it.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” How do you say things like that so casually, ugh? You pulled out your phone, handing it over to him to enter his number before he turned it over.
“It’s cuter hearing you actually saying it out loud.”
“I’m literally never saying that again.”
“Aw, come on Y/N, I can make up a cute nickname for you too.”
“Please don’t.”
“You seem like a sugar plum.”
“What kind of nickname is that? Sugarplum? I don’t even know what that is.”
“Have you never tried them?”
“I think your terrible nickname counts as a deterrent.”
“Why wouldn’t you want to be compared to a candy?”
“It’s not exactly something I want to hear, to be honest.”
“I promise to come up with something better.”
“A promise I wish you can’t keep.”
“I’m not giving up.”
“This is a weird hill you want to die on but by all means, go ahead.”
“At least it’s earned me a smile today.”
“You talk like the main lead in a romance drama. Just awfully cheesy.”
“I hope you’re not lactose intolerant.”
“Seriously, stop it.” You reach your apartment, the two of you talking while walking up flights of stairs until you were at your door.
“Time flies, doesn’t it?”
“I wish it would stop, kind of liked talking to you.”
“Ouch, you didn’t feel the same. I thought we had a good chat.”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Can’t play all my cards, can I?” You unlocked your door, letting yourself in but leaving it open enough that you could still see him.
“If this is a game, hope you don’t mind losing. I play to win, Y/N.”
“We’ll see about that. Good night.”
“Night, Y/N.” You shut your door, walking into your bedroom and plopping on the bed.
I play to win, Y/N. Not on my watch, Jungkook.
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“If you stare at your phone that hard, you might actually shoot laser beams at it.”
It’s been two weeks since you and Jungkook had met, the man semi occupied your thoughts. He kept his distance, probably leaving the ball in your court in terms of whether you wanted to talk to him or not.
And you hate to admit it but you did want to talk to him at least.
“Har har.”
“Is Mystery Date on your mind again? Did you have your second date?”
“I guess you could say so, it went so much smoother like I could say anything, he would know what to say back. It was nice.” God, you sounded like a high schooler in their first relationship. And you can’t even see you and Jungkook beyond acquaintances.
“So, he wasn’t a waste of time but what’s wrong now?”
“I don’t know what to text him.”
“Wait, you weren’t already texting?”
“I met him off Tinder and he wanted to delete the app so we exchanged numbers.” You lied coolly, Yeseul humming in response.
“What are you hoping this message sends to him? Not literal, like do you want him to be more enticed by you or like you’re playing a hot and cold thing with him.”
“Just that I’m open to texting.”
“Oh. You’re not ready for sexting anyways.”
“Just send him a simple ‘hey’.”
“Isn’t that too simple?”
“But you’re just opening a conversation, you don’t need much.”
“Are you sure?”
“Y/N, do it before I do it myself.”
“Okay, okay.” You murmured, typing it out and hitting send. He must have seen it, the familiar three dots appearing on your screen before his message came.
I didn’t think you would actually text me, I was preparing to camp out your apartment door.
I would totally call apartment security if you did.
So mean, honey bun.
Honeybun? I think you should retire from this nickname thing, it was funny the first time and now it’s just sad.
No good, huh? I have gotten plenty more to try out.
I swear I’m going to block you if you do.
Fine, I won’t try them out here. But believe me when I say that I’m going to have the perfect nickname for you and you’re going to love me for it
Sure, Jeon.
You do realize my name is actually Jeon Jungkook, not Jeon?
I am aware
Man, you play hard to get on the hardest mode, but I’m not giving up. I’m going to capture your heart.
“Oh my gosh, he’s going to ‘capture your heart’. He found your weakness, sappy lines.”
“They are not my weakness.”
“Please, all I have to say is ‘Don’t let go-”
“It’s too soon, Yeseul. Okay, too soon.”
“Are you sniffling?”
“Shut it.”
Great, you got my friend in on your corny lines
Aw, you talked about me to your friends? Can’t keep us a secret, babe? ;)
I rather keep it a secret but I need advice.
Yeah, how to deal with such a shameless man.
Hey, I have some shame. It take a lot of confidence to talk to a girl like you, I feel like you can see through me
So, you know to not waste my time.
Time with me is always worth it, trust me.
Somehow that hurt more than when you do that in person.
Hey, Y/N, I’m really happy you texted me but I gotta go? Talk to me later or something.
Don’t play too hard
That’s literally my job, Y/N but seriously bye J
“He sounds cute.”
“He’s something else, really.”
“I know you like to keep people at an arm's length but it really looks like he wants to be centimetres apart if you catch my drift.”
“We’ve been out twice, I’m not going to sleep with him.”
“Is he hot?”
“What kind of answer is that?”
“I’m not sure where you’re going with this.”
“I’m going to tell you to bag him.”
“You’re nuts.”
“No, it’s been two weeks since you met, he seems pretty decent and he’s objectively hot, whatever that means.”
“I still need to get to know him.”
“Just take him for a test drive.“
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You were scrolling through your twitter feed, reading some thread exposing another influencer when you heard a knock on your door.
“Coming.” You said, walking over and opening it to Jungkook.
He lost the business attire, wearing a simple black shirt and jeans. Fine, so it wasn’t the suits that made him look so hot.
“Is there a reason you showed up on this fine Saturday?”
“Because I want to take you out. Plus I got to see you in shorts.”
“My eyes are up here, Jeon.”
“Wait, let me admire them a bit longer.” You were about to swing the door shut when he stopped the door.
“I was just joking, Y/N. But would you like to go out with me?”
“You don’t mean like a date, do you?”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
“Then we can hang out, Jungkook.”
“You said my name.”
“Did I? Must have been a slip of the tongue, Jeon.”
“Shoot, I should have enjoyed it while it lasted.”
“You can wait in the living room. Touch anything and I’ll have your head.”
“You’re joking, right?” You smiled in response.
“So where are we going?”
“Somewhere fun, casual.”
“How descriptive.”
“It’s no fun if I tell you everything. You’ll know when we get there.”
“Of course I would because we would already be there.”
“Just get changed, Y/N.”
“Bossy.” You teased, going into your bedroom to change.
Should I dress up for him? But the most we are is friends and since when did friends have to impress each other? Gosh, why are you even thinking about this? Just toss something together!
You put on a crop top and some shorts, joining Jungkook in the living room after brushing your hair.
“Let’s go.” You clapped your hands together, getting Jungkook’s attention and walking towards the front door.
You thought you heard Jungkook mutter under his breath, making you quietly smirk before turning to look at him.
“Is something the matter?”
“Of course not. After you.” The two of you opted for the elevator, you listening to Jungkook hum melodically. He led you to his car, opening the door for you and you sat with a quiet ‘thank you’.
“Are you really not going to tell me?”
“I’ll give you a hint. It’s a building in this city.”
“I see you can be mean too.”
“Taste of your own medicine. A bit bitter, isn’t it?”
“You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?”
“A bit.”
“Sounds more cute than angry.”
“You’re a strange man.”
“Only to you, Y/N. Mother says I’m the most perfect person in the world, you’re a close second though.” You rolled your eyes, you’re surprised he went so long without mentioning his mother and chose now to bring her up.
“Of course she does. You’re her baby boy.”
“Oh shit, forgot about your father.”
“Let’s keep him forgotten.”
“I’m surprised you know how to drive.”
“What a weird comment. Why wouldn’t I know?”
“You seemed like the type to have drivers, mommy won’t want her baby to get into an accident.”
“I’m not that much of a momma’s boy. I have a motorcycle license, I’ll have you know.”
“You? On a motorcycle?”
“I was 18 and feeling rebellious. It explains the earrings too.”
“They suit you actually.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, I have to see you on a bike.”
“Depends, will you take a ride with me?”
“You just want an excuse to get me to hug you, don’t you?”
“Damn, nothing gets past you. But I miss the night rides and it’s nicer with company.”
“I might take you up on that.”
“I guess I better dust off the old bike, then.”
“It’s not a date, remember that.”
“I know, I know.” He pulled into a parking lot, smoothly reversing into a spot before the two of you getting out.
“This way.” You followed him, the sign a dead giveaway and you smiled.
“I could have guessed that you would pick an arcade.”
“It’s fun and casual.”
“Hey, Ms. Han.”
“Oh, Jungkook honey, you came! Who is this lovely woman? Your girlfriend?”
“No, she’s just a friend, Ms. Han.”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” You bowed to her and she waved her hands.
“No need to be so formal, a friend of Jungkookie is a friend of mine. This rascal has been coming to this arcade for years, even skipping classes to beat the high scores on most of these machines.”
“Is that so? What a bad boy.”
“Hey, don’t gang up on me. I still did well, didn’t I, Ms. Han?”
“With the skin of your teeth. You’re lucky you were a talented kid, now a big name game developer.”
“I’m still the same Jungkook.”
“You are the reason I still have banana milk in my fridge.”
“My favourite. Thank you, Ms. Han.”
“Ah, you.” Jungkook cheekily smiles before laughing, soon enough the three of you were. You took a seat at a machine, Jungkook sitting next to you and playing.
“Wanna make a bet?”
“Depends, what do I win?”
“Your most embarrassing baby photo.”
“Blackmail material, huh? Won’t put it past you.”
“Humour me with what you think you’ll win.”
“You let me take you out on a real date.”
“Aiming high, aren’t you?”
“Of course, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. You in?”
“Better be ready to hand that picture over tomorrow.”
“Don’t count on it, babe.” There’s the damned nickname, hearing it in person has the same effect as it does typed out. You didn’t let it seem obvious, focusing on the machine and the two of you playing a single round.
“I win. I can’t wait to get my hands on the sweet blackmail material.”
“Sure, after our date.”
“That isn’t part of the deal.”
“Check the scores again, Y/N.” You looked at the two screens, Jungkook putting his arm around your shoulder with a smile on his face.
10660 to 1066…5. He beat you by 5 points.
“I’ve been playing since high school, I think I’m losing my touch. I have the high score on this game, I think.”
“I want a rematch.”
“If that’s what you want.” You tried different combos, putting all your focus on your character and finishing with a better score than the first time.
“Beat you by 10, this time.”
“Are you cheating?”
“I think it’s a classic case of sore loseritis.”
“I am not a sore loser, just can’t wrap my head around you beating me.”
“Well, I am a game developer. If I were horrible at games, that would be ironic.”
“This isn’t fair.”
“Wait here, I’ll get you some banana milk.” You frowned at him, watching him go into the back and Ms. Han hit you with a rag.
“He looks really happy with you.”
“I think he just likes winning games.”
“This is a different kind of happy, the smile on his face looks different than when he sees me coming into the arcade with a carton of banana milk or hearing about how the neighbourhood kids talked about his game.”
“It’s like he’s in love. Just like that girl he used to talk about in high school.”
“Jungkook had a crush?”
“But he has you now. Keep your eye on him for me, will you Y/N?”
“Ms. Han, you’re running low on banana milk.”
“Ya, you punk, you should supply your own.”
“I promise I’ll buy some next time. Y/N, here.” He handed you a bottle, the straw already inserted and you took a sip. It was really sweet, you never thought he would like something like this.
“Can we book a karaoke room?”
“For how long?”
“An hour.”
“I want to hang out with you a bit longer.” That innocent comment led to the two of you singing the opening to Naruto three times and you two belting Unravel on the top of your lungs.
You took a seat, tired and Jungkook sang on his own. He had such a pretty voice, each note sounding perfect in your ears. Is there anything he can’t do?
“One more song?”
“You’re totally going to lose your voice.”
“I’m dedicating this song to you, Y/N.”
“Oh my god.” You covered your face, laughing as he dramatically pointed at you and he entered the code.
The gentle piano played through the speakers and he kept his eyes on the screen as he sang. It was a simple love ballad, it felt like he was truly saying these words to you.
“Are you crying?”
“Shut up, that was beautiful you ass.”
“I’m not sure whether to be offended or flattered.”
“It’s a compliment, you jerk.”
“Okay… let’s take you home.”
You followed him out to his car, going back to your apartment.
“Are we really going on a date?”
“Why? Can’t wait?”
“I rather not.”
“But we had so much fun today.”
“But it wasn’t a date.”
“I know. But it was a test run for our real date.”
“You planned this out, didn’t you?”
“No comment.”
“I can admire the sneakiness.”
“I planned the whole thing, except for the little chat between you and Ms. Han.”
“Did you eavesdrop?”
“No, I thought she would say something embarrassing that I rather not relive.”
“Really, not even the girl you had a crush on?”
“She didn’t tell you her name, did she?”
“No, but now I’m curious. A girl that got your attention, wonder what she was like? Could she be the reason you got all rebellious?”
“Hey, save these questions for our date.”
“You’re serious about that?”
“Of course. Let me walk you up.” He locked his doors behind the two of you, taking you up to your floor while talking with you more.
“Just what I wanted to see.” You looked at your father standing out of your apartment, Jungkook stopping behind you. He smirked at the two of you, your blood boiling as he adjusted his cuff links.
“Why are you here?”
“Is there something unusual about a father caring about his only daughter?”
“You? Care about me? When did that start? When I became an asset to you to use?”
“Watch your words, girl. Do you realize who you’re speaking to?”
“A deadbeat father who chose money over me.”
“You-” You shut your eyes, knowing what should come next but it didn’t. Opening your eyes, you saw Jungkook holding your father’s arm and he let go.
“Remember this, Y/N, your life was never yours. Never.” He spat, walking off and Jungkook turned to you.
“He’s done that before, hasn’t he?”
“I push his buttons a lot, don’t I?”
“You don’t have to tell me but I won’t let him get away with it anymore. Okay?” You let him hug this time, holding onto a piece of his shirt for a moment. He didn’t make you say it, thankfully but he knew what your father truly was at least.  
His hand patted your hair, the soft gesture melting your heart a bit. Your mother used to do the same thing when you were scared at night before you’d fall asleep she would say these words:
“I’ll protect you.”
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
 Yeseul came over, tossing dresses in your direction and currently spazzing while you dodged.
“Oh my god, how come you have like nothing to wear?”
“We’re standing in like a hill of my clothes right now.”
“And yet you still have nothing to wear.”
“Maybe I should get a raincheck.”
“Oh hell no, I can finally meet this mystery man tonight and you can’t take that away from me.”
“Yeseul, calm down.”
“I am calm.” So not calm. You sighed, just fishing through the clothes that Yeseul chucked and finding a simple little black dress.
“That is it. Simple, chic and elegant. My tossing abilities have never failed me.” You rolled your eyes, knowing better than to argue with Yeseul about her not noticing it when she initially tossed it at you but there was no point being a dead horse.
After putting on the dress and Yeseul becoming an impromptu hair and makeup artist, you waited for Jungkook.
You heard him knock and Yeseul sprinted to the door before you could make three steps.
“Oh my god, he’s hotter than I imagined.”
“You must be Yeseul.”
“So you have talked about me.”
“Yeah, just the usual, you being annoying and slightly overbearing. Everyday things.”
“Sometimes I wonder how Jungkook managed to get through 2 months of you without even thinking he needs a break.”
“I think about it every day, try me.”
“Oh yeah, you can start right now.”
“Oh no, missy, and pass up on this date when you’ve dressed up so beautifully? I’d would have to be locked up in an asylum.”
“I told you you looked hot.” Yeseul boasted.
“Now, I’m stealing Y/N for the night. Not sure if I’ll get her back by morning.”
“By all means, take her.”
“Gee, Yeseul, some friend you are.”
“Have fun, lovebirds.”  She rushed you both out, giving you a thumbs up and wink. You cocked an eyebrow, Jungkook leading you away and you were met with a midnight blue motorcycle.
“You weren’t joking.”
“I’d never joke about my Harley. Come on.” You took the helmet from him, placing it on your head and sitting behind him.
“Trust me and hold on.” You listen to the bike roaring to life before purring as he began to ride. He weaved through traffic carefully, probably because of you and parked at a restaurant.
“Can I..um…hold your hand?”
“Yeah.” You breathed, Jungkook quietly lacing his fingers between yours and leading you into the restaurant.
“Reservation for Mr. Jeon.”
“Right this way, sir.” The host led you to your table, an intimate booth with virtually no one in sight.
“A waiter will be with your shortly to take your orders.” He said, walking away and leaving you with Jungkook.
“Are you nervous?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to look this beautiful, it’s kind of distracting.”
“Should I be offended or flattered?”
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re pretty handsome, I guess.”
“Compliments with you are like pulling teeth.”
“At least you know how much I mean it when I say one due to their rarity.”
“Point taken. But I’m going to keep telling you how beautiful you are until it sticks.”
“You might give me a big head.”
“Even so, you would be beautiful.”
“I aim to please, babe. Since you like it when I call you that.”
“When did I-”
“Didn’t think I would notice how you gulp anytime I said it and you look to your left?”
“Okay, that’s weird for you to notice.”
“It’s because I’m always looking at you. It’s hard to keep my eyes off you.”
“But you drink it up like syrup.”
“Doesn’t make it any less sappy.”
“Fair enough.” The waiter came by, the two of you placing your orders and once again were left to each other.
“What was your childhood like?”
“Always with the hard questions, Y/N. Dad was busy expanding his empire and legacy, Mom took care of me and my older brother. My older brother started working for our dad, spending more time with the company then getting married and putting any other free time into his wife.”
“It was me and mom for a while, but my dad would come back to remind me that I was his son and he’s the one calling the shots.”
“I remember the day I ran off after turning 18, spending countless nights mindlessly riding through cities, spending nights in bars and crashing at random people’s houses to get by. My mother came for me with two men to drag me back home, my father was gone. Fucked off to god knows where.”
“Mom was lonely and so was I, so we lived together. I put my time into game development, being one of the lucky ones to hit big with my first project and here am I.”
“I guess a power-hungry father is a trope we share.”
“You’re right.”
“But you’re conveniently forgetting this mystery crush from high school.”
“She was so carefree, always doing what she wanted but never in the way of others. Like a bird. She flew away, out of my life for years.”
“Do you know what happened to her?”
“I.. don’t, could only guess she’s happy now.”
“I’m surprised your crush wasn’t a video game character.”
“Lara Croft is still my number one.”
“I see, that’s why you like shorts so much.”
“It was an awakening.” You tittered, he’s such a goofball.
“Your turn.”
“It was just me, my father and mom. My mom died in my first year of middle school, dad starts nosediving into work and I had to raise myself. Dad came home one day and told me that we shouldn’t be associated with each other anymore. Sent me away after high school and occasionally pops in to make me feel like I’m nothing without him.”
“You’re more than what he could ever be. He’s just a grumpy piece of shit.”
“It’s nice to hear someone else finally say it.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.” He reached for your hand, his thumb stroking the back of your palm.
“Yeah.” He caught your eyes, the two of you having a quiet conversation through eye contact. You didn’t know what to say next until Jungkook started to wiggle his eyebrows at you.
“God.” You started to laugh, breaking eye contact.
“I win.”
“When was this a competition?”
“Since I said it was.”
“Is everything a game to you?”
“Not when it comes to like… serious stuff.”
“How profound, Jungkook.”
“I should be a philosopher.” You shook your head, him chuckling to himself. The waiter came around with your food, appreciating the arrangement before taking a bite.
It was silent yet comfortable. The quite clatter for utensils against dishes left you to think about this moment in time.
You would have never thought that you would be able to sit across Jungkook, being about to joke around with each other and just feel happy in each other’s company.
Didn’t think that you’d find yourself talking every day, hanging out whenever you were free, sometimes even missing him- Wait, when did things become so different?
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s just you got a little something on your cheek.” You took a napkin, gently wiping his cheek before he could. He watched you, those brown eyes drinking the sight of you and you felt like you were drowning.
His hand came to cover yourself when you were about to pull away. Your face grew hot, his large hand clasped over yours against his cheek while he gazed into your eyes. You were slowly becoming his leading lady and you hadn’t even realized it until now.
“I like you.”
“I like you, Y/N. Not because of our parents, but because I got to see parts of you that I didn’t know existed. You’re witty, competitive, smart, beautiful, everything I could ever want and need.”
“Tell me I’m not crazy for feeling like this, that I’m not the only one.”
“You’re not crazy.”
“But how do you feel about me?”
“Promise me you won’t grow a big head.”
“I won’t grow a big head all of a sudden.”
“I think you’re different from who I thought you were.”
“Good different?”
“Good different. Maybe more than that.”
“I’ll take it.”
 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
 You took off your helmet, fixing your hair and Jungkook getting off after shutting his bike off.
“You totally rode slower this time.”
“It’s the only time you’ll hold me.”
“That’s because…you’re the affectionate one.”
“And I’ve been deprived, you know.”
“You have my permission now.” He took a step closer to you, his hand gently smoothing over a strand of your hair before tucking it behind your ear. His hand swiftly moved to hold your cheek before he looked into your eyes.
“I want to kiss you so badly.”
“Please do.” You breathed mindlessly before he leaned in.
He was gentle, your kiss barely touching before you pulled on his tie to reel him closer. Your mind was racing faster than your heart, the softness of his lips blocking out any other thought beside Jungkook.
He tasted like the champagne you two shared, the sweet taste more intoxicating than the actual alcohol. You melted, him wrapping an arm around your waist and temporarily breaking your kiss.
You dived back in, not wanting to let go the feeling his lips gave you. It hadn’t occurred to you that you were waiting for this for so long, holding back for what?
You pulled away, needing to breath and he held you close. His heart was pounding as hard as you was while you quietly listened against his chest.
“Give me your hand.”
“Now, close your eyes.”
“You’re getting bossy, you know.”
“Sometimes I like to wear pants, you know.”
“Don’t get used to it. I like control.”
“Then I’m all yours. Open them.” You looked your hand, seeing a ring on your ring finger.
It was a silver band with red heart crystals embedded around it.
“It’s just a promise ring. A promise that I’ll be by your side… as your boyfriend.”
“Will you be my girl?”
“Of course, I will, Kookie.”
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thebiscuiteternal · 4 years
Reverse Age Nies, One-Sided Attraction, Sexual Harassment, Ancient Chinese Roofies (but nothing happens), Nie Mingjue is this close to committing murder. And his friends might help.
"What has you so troubled?" 
 Nie Mingjue blinked and looked up from adjusting the fletching on his arrows to find Lan Xichen watching him with concern. A short distance away, his friends from the Jiang sect were also studying him with expressions a bit more tense than usual. 
"Nothing. I'm fine." 
Wei Wuxian openly snorted. "You usually kick our asses way easier than this. Something’s got you off your game." 
He rolled his eyes, then scratched the back of his neck with an annoyed growl. "He's doing it again." 
Lan Xichen’s eyes went wide. “Oh, no. I thought that would have stopped by now.”
"Wait," Jiang Cheng cut in. "Who's doing what again?" 
"Every time they're in the vicinity of each other, Wen-zongzhu starts eyeing my brother like a particularly nice dish at a banquet." 
Wei Wuxian's nose wrinkled. "Seriously?"   
"Watch this." 
Turning, Nie Mingjue waved to his brother up in the stands. Nie Huaisang beamed and enthusiastically waved back, and, just a couple seats away, Wen Ruohan turned his head slightly in the middle of a conversation with one of the minor sect leaders. 
There was no missing the way his gaze tracked from Nie Huaisang's raised hand down his back and then back up before he resumed whatever he and the other sect leader were discussing. 
"Oh, that's fucking creepy," Jiang Cheng muttered in disgust.
"How long has this been happening?" 
"Seven fucking years. Ever since their first meeting as fellow sect leaders. Sang-ge insists he's only doing it to provoke us into embarrassing ourselves by making accusations we can't prove." 
"Yeah, no. If that were the case, he wouldn't be doing it where other people can see it."
"Unfortunately, no one seems willing to actually call him on it," Lan Xichen pointed out, disappointment written on his face. "Even shufu only reminds him of propriety every so often." 
"Which is why I told the disciples that Sang-ge has to have at least one guard at all times until we get the hell out of here. I trust that bastard as far as sect Leader Jin could throw him."
“A fair assessment.”
It was well after dark when a pounding on the door startled Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng out of bed. 
"Wen Ning? What are you doing here so late?" Wei Wuxian asked, ignoring his shidi's hissed question as to how the hell he knew a Wen. 
 "I am so, so very sorry!" Wen Ning stumbled over the words and nearly his own feet as he bowed low. "But there is a problem and your room was the closest!" 
 "What kind of problem?" Jiang Cheng asked, immediately suspicious. 
 "This way." 
 The two of them glanced at each other, then followed. 
Whatever possibilities they had been considering, finding Nie-zongzhu slumped against a pillar in a daze, barely able to stay standing, wasn't it. 
"Drunk?" Wei Wuxian asked. 
Wen Ning shook his head. "I checked his eyes. This is something much worse. He needs to see a-jie, but-" 
"We'll help," Jiang Cheng said roughly. "Wei Wuxian and I can get him to his room, then one of us can keep watch while the others get Mingjue and your sister."
They took up positions on both sides, slung the barely-conscious sect leader's arms over their shoulders, and put their own around his waist. Even with the sluggishness of the drugs, one of them probably could have carried him easily, and he made only the smallest incoherent mumble of protest as they started down the hall. 
"Wasn't he supposed to have a guard already? Why the hell is he out here alone?" 
"I have a feeling that no matter what answer to that question is, we're not gonna like it, and Mingjue's gonna like it even less." 
Nie Huaisang's room was empty of anyone when they arrived. At the sight of the overturned table near the door, Wei Wuxian cursed softly. 
"And was already addled enough to get lost. Damn. Lucky he came our way, instead of running into a Wen guard." 
"He must have tripped over it trying to get out of the room." Which would have meant he was aware of the drugs starting to take effect. "He wasn't just wandering around, he was trying to get help." 
Actually getting their burden onto the bed proved more difficult than getting him down the hall. Whatever it was he'd been given had progressed enough that it was more like moving an oversized noodle than a person. 
But they managed, and when Wei Wuxian turned, Wen Ning had already vanished. "Okay, so who has to break this to Mingjue?" 
Jiang Cheng winced, then sighed. "I'll do it. If someone shows up to make trouble, you have a better chance of defending Nie-zongzhu." 
Wei Wuxian clapped his shidi on the shoulder with a grin. "You're a brave and noble man." 
"Shut it."
Nie Mingjue stood beside the bed, a positively murderous scowl on his face as he watched Wen Qing work. "Well?" 
He didn't bother fighting the urge to growl. He had absolutely no illusions as to what this was about. There was only one reason that someone here would so obviously want his brother alone and entirely unable to defend himself. "Can you purge it?"
"Frankly it's a miracle he was still on his feet at all," she said as she finished running her tests. "The combination of sedatives and muscle relaxants should have put down a horse." 
"Qi circulation would help, but with that dosage, it'll still take hours. Since there's no danger to his breathing or his heart, it would probably be better to just let him sleep it off." 
"Why not?" Nie Mingjue asked bitterly. "He has been for almost a decade." That earned a round of flinches from the rest of the room's occupants. "But I know what Sang-ge will say," he continued. "And as much as it pisses me off, he's right. We have no way of proving that it was actually Wen Ruohan or someone on his orders. It could have been Jin-zongzhu or one of the vassal sects looking to settle a score." 
"What do we do in the morning?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Sect Leader Wen can't just... get away with an attack on another sect leader." 
"If that were the case, it says nothing good about the security here," Wen Qing pointed out archly. "Wen-zongzhu would still take offense." 
Wei Wuxian looked absolutely galled. "So we have to keep quiet about this? That's horseshit!" he protested. 
 "It is horseshit," Nie Mingjue agreed. 
Wen Qing sighed. "You're... not wrong. But you're also in the middle of a stronghold not your own, with only a few disciples to back you up. Can you actually afford to piss him off?" 
Nie Mingjue gritted his teeth, and for a moment, he was damn well willing to try. But... if he lost, that would leave Huaisang alone to face someone who'd already shown he'd use the worst of underhanded tactics to get him into bed. 
He forced his jaw to unclench and his hands to relax. "No. We can't. Not yet." 
Wei Wuxian looked like he had something to say about that, but Jiang Cheng elbowed him sharply before he could run his mouth. "So what do we do?"
"I'll tell Sang-ge what happened in the morning and see if I can find out what happened to the guard. And then I'm taking over guarding him myself. There's still another day and night to go before we can leave, and if that bastard had the stones to try once, he'll probably try again." 
 "If you don't mind other sects assisting, we could take a couple of shifts," Wei Wuxian suggested. "I bet Lan Xichen would, too." 
"I'll consider it. For now, the rest of you should get back to your rooms." He hesitated for the briefest moment, then saluted sharply. "Thank you all for your assistance and good night."
His brother was still sleeping when the door cracked open and Jiang Cheng poked his head in. "The first event for today's at si shi, do you need one of us to take over so you can get a bath and some sleep?" 
"I bathed before bed last night," Nie Mingjue replied. "But I suppose I could use an hour nap or so." 
The other boy nodded, then vanished. Roughly a fen later, the door opened again and Lan Xichen entered with a breakfast tray. "The others explained what happened," he said as he set it down on the bedside table. "Is he alright?"
"Hasn't so much as twitched, but his breathing evened out a few hours ago. It's just a waiting game, now." 
Lan Xichen shook his head a little. "Horrible. I knew Sect Leader Wen was brazen, but this-" 
A tiny, confused noise from the bed caught their attention, and when he turned his head, Huaisang's eyes were slitted open. They still looked cloudy, though, and when Huaisang tilted his head to look at him in turn, his brother blinked several times before registering his presence. "Jue-er? What time is it?" 
"Still early," Nie Mingjue murmured, gently sweeping mussed bangs out of his brother's eyes. "Do you remember anything from last night?" 
"Anything after the banquet?" Lan Xichen clarified. 
"N... no." Huaisang put an unsteady hand to his forehead, then rubbed his eyes. "I don't. Gods, did I seriously drink that much?" 
"No!" Nie Mingjue snapped vehemently, then at the startled looks from the other two, he took a deep breath to get his anger reined in. "You didn't. Someone gave you drugged wine." 
Huaisang stared at him, the color slowly draining from his face. "What?"
"Nothing happened!" he quickly elaborated. "Some of my friends found you and got me and a physician." 
"Still... Wait, what happened to Zhang Fai?" 
"I'd like to know that myself." 
"I overheard Liu Hei telling your deputy that he didn't report in this morning." 
Huaisang groaned softly. "Fantastic. So he's either in a dungeon or a ditch somewhere, or he left on purpose." 
"He better be in a dungeon or a ditch," Nie Mingjue muttered. "And I'm taking over guarding you." 
"No. We're not arguing about it. My friends-" he nodded to Lan Xichen, "-have offered to help when I absolutely have to take a break, but I'm not letting that asshole get near you again." 
Huaisang sighed and reached up to swat lightly at his cheek. "Stubborn brat," he chided fondly. "Fine, then. I'm in the capable hands of you lot until we leave for home." 
"Good. And on that note," Nie Mingjue said as he rounded the bed to flop on the other side, "You're up, Xichen. Don't disappoint." 
Lan Xichen smothered a laugh with his sleeve. "I'll do my best," he said with a teasing salute as Huaisang rolled his eyes.
Satisfied, Nie Mingjue settled in, and sleep claimed him surprisingly quickly. 
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iv: i hate you but i’m too tired for this shit (bucky barnes x reader)
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i hate you but masterlist
summary: bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
word count: 2061
warnings: swearing, arguing, death, and this is not proofread
taglist is CLOSED
       “Do you know where y/n is?” Bucky raised a brow at Sam as he pulled a carton of milk from the now-replaced fridge.
      “Why? Are you gonna accuse her of burning the kitchen down again this time? I don’t think she burned down any kitchens today,” Sam chuckled, his gaze wandering around the newly repaired kitchen.
       “No, it’s not tha—” Bucky tried to explain, only to get interrupted by Sam breaking out in a fit of laughter.
       “Man, you’re in love with y/n! That’s why you’re always pissing her off!” Sam exclaimed excitedly, earning a smack across the shoulder from Bucky.
       “Why do you always assume people are in love with other people? Last week, you said the guy in front of us in the café was in love with the barista just because he took ten seconds longer than he was supposed to for ordering a drink,” Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam’s childish remarks.
       “You should’ve seen him! He was making heart eyes at her!” Sam exclaimed, holding his arms up in defense.
       “He was on the phone with his girlfriend, Sam!” Bucky pointed out.
       “Okay, that was a mistake on my part, but why are you looking for y/n?” Sam raised a brow at Bucky as he crossed his arms.
       “She borrowed my van four days ago and she never came back,” Bucky shrugged.
       “That’s because she went on an indefinite break from staying at the tower and all her Avengers duties. She even sent Fury an email about it,” Sam chuckled before pausing as his eyes widened, “wait, you let y/n borrow something you own?”
       “She was doing that weird thing with her eyes; you know the one she uses to get information when we’re undercover?” Bucky scratched the back of his neck, struggling to describe what exactly it was y/n did to get him to hand over his van keys.
       “You fell victim to her puppy eyes? Damn man, I thought it would take more than to get you to crack,” Sam broke out in a fit of laughter as Bucky scowled.
       “Yeah, well, she did this thing where she held onto my shoulders and started shaking me!” Bucky exclaimed defensively. Sam shook his head as his laughter slowly began dying down.
       “Man, so if HYDRA decided to capture you and gave you the puppy dog eyes, you would give up all the information they want you to give up?” Sam raised a brow at Bucky. Bucky, as though in deep thought, averted his gaze as he swiped his lip with his tongue.
       “Well, no but—”
       “Man, I should tell Fury to start looking for a replacement now,” Sam quipped.
       “All I’m asking is you know where she’s staying? I wanted to pick up a few things from the hardware store, but since y/n has my van, I can’t really do that,” Bucky questioned, pouring milk in his cereal bowl.
       “Can’t you have FRIDAY call her? Wait, she’s your teammate, you should have her number!” Sam pointed out as Bucky attempted to argue with a mouthful of cereal.
        “She banned,” Bucky paused to swallow his food before continuing, “from contacting her through FRIDAY or via her phone number.”
       “That’s all on you, Barnes,” Sam chuckled before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and walking away.
       “FRIDAY, can I have a location on y/n?” Bucky requested as soon as Sam was out of earshot. To Bucky, talking to someone he couldn’t see was a little weird at first. Sure, when he was in Wakanda, he’d seen Shuri do it plenty of times, but he just assumed she had someone on comms. That was why the first time FRIDAY greeted him, he was startled—and whether or not he’d admit it, he pissed his pants a little too.
       “Unfortunately, Agent l/n blocked any requests for her information,” FRIDAY explained. Bucky groaned in frustration; he just wanted his van back. Was that too much to ask for? That was when he was struck by an idea.
       “FRIDAY, can I please have a location on my van?” Bucky requested, silently praying that his van did not somehow end up in another state.
       “Your van is parked outside an apartment complex in downtown New York. Shall I send the coordinated to your mobile device?” FRIDAY questioned.
       “Yes, please,” Bucky responded as he downed down the leftover cereal milk in his bowl.
       Bucky checked his phones from any notifications from FRIDAY and there it was on his lock screen: y/n’s home address.
       “FRIDAY, set my GPS on my motorcycle to the location of my van,” Bucky requested.
       “The GPS on your motorcycle has been set,” FRIDAY responded.
       Bucky left his bowl on the counter and headed into his bedroom to grab a pair of sneakers and a pale green jacket. He stared at the dark glove on his nightstand in consideration for a moment.
       Even after he’d been pardoned for his crimes under HYDRA, people always had that underlying fear that Bucky would revert to his ways with HYDRA and the Avengers would be unable to do anything about it. Luckily for him, the people of New York only ever recognized him when his vibranium arm was on full display. After all, not that many people in New York sported a vibranium arm and a perfected scowl.
        After careful consideration, he decided to ditch the glove for the day and hope the jacket would cover up the arm the way he wanted it to. After all, he was just heading to y/n’s apartment and he would head back to the compound.
       He pulled his—well, it used to be Steve’s before the old man gifted it to him—motorcycle keys off the hooks on the wall and headed to the parking basement where he kept his beloved Harley Davidson. He mounted the bike and sped off, following the directions in which the GPS directed him through.
       A grin found its way to the super soldier’s face. He was brought back to his younger days as he and Steve rode through the busy streets of Brooklyn whenever the Howling Commandoes didn’t have any missions to partake in—which was pretty rare. He felt young and carefree as his wind blew through his dark locks.
       He remained like that for a while; in a state of nostalgia and an uncharacteristically happy grin on his face as he dashed through the busy streets. He only broke out of it upon hearing FRIDAY’s voice announcing that he was at his location; a shockingly large apartment complex.
       “Shit,” he swore upon realizing y/n would be a bit tougher to locate than he thought. He didn’t think y/n’s life outside the tower would be as glamorous or at least not boring as it was. He was, of course, proved wrong at the sight of the massive building. Did y/n live in an apartment or a condominium?
       Luckily, as Bucky entered the buildings (after having some complications with the metal detector, of course) he noticed there was a concierge stationed at the front desk. He silently prayed to whoever was listening that the lady stationed there would tell him which floor and which apartment number he could find y/n in.
       “Good morning, sir, what can I help you with?” the lady—she couldn’t have been a day over thirty—greeted Bucky, a soft smile on her face.
       “Hi, uh, I’m here for y/n l/n. Do you know what unit she’s in?” Bucky questioned, leaning closer to the desk. He didn’t want to raise his voice; the whole lobby of the complex just seemed like such a peaceful place he didn’t want to disrupt.
       “Just a moment sir,” the woman smiled before dialing a number on the telephone and speaking to who he just assumed was y/n, “She’s in unit 8E on the eight floor, sir.”
       “Thank you,” Bucky smiled as he headed into one of the thankfully empty elevators. He didn’t know why, but since his first elevator ride, he always found riding an elevator—an enclosed metal box—with a stranger filled him with unease.
       Bucky arrived at the beige-carpeted hallway of the building as he passed by the abstract paintings hung on the wall and the doors with the unit number engraved in them. A, B, C, D; he passed by them all until he reached y/n’s door. He brought his fist up to the door before realizing there was a slight racket going on from within the door.
       That was when he panicked; was his teammate in trouble? No, there would’ve been more noise if y/n really was in trouble. Of all the times he’d worked with her, y/n was known to let out a battle cry here and there whenever she got into a physical confrontation.
       He relaxed, flicking his wrist against the smooth wooden door and waiting a moment for it to swing open and reveal a very tired-looking y/n who carried a wailing toddler in her arms.
       “You’re not the gelato guy,” y/n frowned, pulling a chuckle from Bucky.
       “And there’s no way in hell you’re y/n. You didn’t tell me you had a kid!” Bucky exclaimed, shocked at what he was seeing.
       “First of all, we aren’t close enough for me to disclose that kind of information with you. Second, she’s not mine. Well, she kind of is but not really,” y/n shrugged, “wait, why are you here?”
       “You borrowed my van,” Bucky raised a brow as he crossed his arms.
       “Oh yeah, you might want to take a seat, though. I know it’s somewhere here, but the past days have been pretty hectic,” y/n chuckled dryly, stepping aside and letting Bucky into her apartment. The action itself shocked him a little. In all his days living with y/n, she’d never once invited him into her room or any room she was in whenever he needed something. On a normal day, she would’ve shut her door for a while and opened it as she chucked the item right at him before slamming the door shut again.
       Bucky took in his surroundings; y/n’s apartment looked as though it was supposed to be a peaceful place. The spacious apartment’s furnishings matched those of the compound’s, yet it all felt more like an actual home compared to the compound.   However, it didn’t take him long to realize some things were placed where they weren’t supposed to.
       There were articles of clothing on the floorboards, a toy or two there, a pack of diapers in the corner of the room, and a child wrapping his arms around a sobbing teenage girl on the couch. Wait, a child and a teenage girl? How many people did y/n live with?
        He awkwardly took a seat on one of the seats by the plush velvet sofa, trying to avert his gaze from the two on the couch near his seat. His super soldier hearing, however, betrayed him as he heard every sob and every word that fell from the teenager’s lips.
       “I just can’t believe it!” the girl sobbed, her eyes red and puffy.
       “It’s gon be okay, Livvy. Mommy’s gonna go back,” a smaller voice came to comfort her. A smile found its way to Bucky’s face as he heard the child’s attempt to comfort ‘Livvy’. God, it had been so long since he’d seen that kind of innocence in his life.
       “I found your keys,” came y/n’s voice from behind him as she pressed the cold metal against his flesh hand.
       “Did you kidnap these kids with my van?” Bucky quipped, his brows furrowing as he watched the interaction happening on the couch.
      “Look, I’ll explain everything later if you end up sticking around. I’m too tired to even banter with you at this point,” y/n shook her head. As if on que, a knock came at the door and she swung it open to reveal the gelato guy!
       “So, you’re fine with me just, staying here?” Bucky raised a brow in suspicion.
       “Join us for breakfast if you want to. Just, try not be such a pain in the butt, Barnes,” y/n sighed. Bucky noticed how uncharacteristically tired she sounded. With a small nod, he took a seat at the dining table in her kitchen area. It wasn’t like he had much for breakfast, what harm could a little more food do?
i hate you but taglist: @sarcastic-britt​​ / @kmuir1​​ / @shower-me-with-roses​​ / @justab-eautifulmess​​ / @thomasthetankson​​ / @x-abi-sharp-x​​ / @intovert-gone-wild​​ / @brittanymcsharry​​ / @leaving-the-past-behind​​ / @xoxabs88xox​​​ / @mylifeiscrazy0423​​​ / @howliebucky​​​ / @i-cry-so-much​​​ / @witchything​​ /   @naimalove143​​ / @simplybarnes​​ /
Forever tags: @spatium-viatorem​​​​ / @sxphiiwrld​​​​ / @strangersstranger​​​​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​​ / @cutie1365​​​ / @valeriiaaass​​ / @adorkably​​ / @whatinthyworld​​ /
MARVEL TAGLIST: @captainamerica-is-bae​​​
BUCKY TAGLIST: @missmidnightxo​​​ / @tinymalscoffee​​ / @howliebucky​​ /
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: OK here we go! Part 4.. This took a little longer.. but i need to build up the upcoming carnival scene.. which in my opinion is going to be worth the wait! Enjoy! PS thank you for all the love i’ve been getting!! it really makes my heart warm! xoxo
Summary: Nightmares + Caliban + Tight Yellow Tees = TROUBLE.
Part 4:
You and Sabrina recited the opposite spell to get you back to her place. After you both grabbed something to eat from the kitchen, you went back up to her room. “Y/N, I told you to stay away from him.”
“Well, technically you told him to stay away from me.” She glared at you for your snide remark.
“I’m sorry. He came out of nowhere and then we were attacked by a Gallu—.”
“You were WHAT?!”
“Oh. Yeah.. I forgot to mention that.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. To be honest, I don’t know if I would be if Caliban wasn’t there. He performed some spell and the Gallu vanished. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not sure I would be here right now.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I should have never left you alone. It’s just this whole ‘Hell’ is literally driving me crazy and now Lilith says that Earth is ‘out of its original order’ and I have no idea what that means, but she said that the angels are going to be arriving soon if we don’t figure it out.”
“I think they’re coming either way,” you said under your breath.
“Y/N what are you talking about? How would you know?”
“Sabrina… there’s something you should know. Before I got here, my mom sat me down and shared some news with me.”
“What kind of news?” she looked at you with a worried grimace.
You went on to tell her everything. Your mom. Your dad. You. Glowing eyes ‘n all.
“Holy shit…” she said. She sat down on the bed, eyebrows raised. “How could you just now be telling me this?”
“I just found out, Sabrina. It took me a little bit to digest it and I didn’t know how you’d react. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I mean I get it. I didn’t tell you guys about being a which until last year. Just wow. Have you told anyone else? Please tell me Caliban doesn’t know.”
You gave her a sheepish grin.
“Y/N! Oh forevermore. Why! Why would you do that?”
“He knew! He figured it out. I mean not the entire story, but he knew that I wasn’t mortal, because of my aura and eyes..”
“Y/N he’s going to use this against us! He’ll figure out a way to get to me through you. I’m not sure how, but I wouldn’t put it past that hellfire little shit.”
“I don’t know if he will. Sabrina, for some reason and I have no idea why, I trust him. I feel something. I feel like he won’t hurt us.” You sat down next to her on the plush bed. “Also, I warned him not to use this information against us and you and your quest.”
“Oh sure! You warned the guy. He wouldn’t dare mess with you.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just I don’t have a good feeling about that Caliban.”
“I know, but you can trust me.” She put her arm around you and you leaned in for the hug. “I know, I know. Ok, let’s get some rest, we’ve got a big day tomorrow with the carnival and all. And I’ve got to find that crown.”
The two of your got ready for the long awaited slumber and shortly after climbed into bed. Sabrina quickly dozed off, for she had a long day dealing with the hell kings and her reforms. You couldn’t help but picture those eyes of his. Those same eyes that stared at you in the forest. Those eyes that looked deeply into yours after the two of you nearly been killed. After some time of imagining you different scenarios, you finally fell asleep.
You were running. Running from what, you didn’t know. You looked up at the canopy of trees above you and realized you were in the Greendale forest. “How the hell did I get here?” you said breathlessly to yourself. Not seeing the large root in front of you, you lost your footing and landed on the forest’s floor.
The wind completely knocked out of you. Coughing and stumbling to get yourself back up, a force pushed you about twenty feet from where you fell. This time landing on your back, you saw what was hunting you. It was none other than a Hellhound, one of Satan’s minions chasing you. His bulging red eyes were staring right at you. The beast was huffing, from chasing after you. His four unnaturally, muscular legs outstretched ready to pounce on you. You lifted your upper body up, slowly, resting on your forearms. You turned your head to the right and then to left looking for something, anything that could kill this thing. You turned your head back again and saw Caliban standing right next to you about five feet away.
‘Caliban!’ you tried yelling. Nothing, nothing came out of you.
“Aww, love. You in a bit of mix-up?” Caliban said to you tauntingly.
Tears brimmed on the edge of your eyes. ‘Why isn’t he helping me?’ you thought.
“You see Y/N, I can’t help you. I am not permitted to. Even if I was, I do not know if I would because of how completely worthless you are. A fae and an angel. Two of the worst kinds of creatures. Your bloodline now is so utterly tainted I would never want to be with someone like you.”
You couldn’t believe it. The man you were falling in love with was literally leaving you to the dogs. How could he do that to you? The two of you shared something. The tears started rolling down your cheeks.
Caliban bent down and wiped away one of your tears with his thumb. “Love don’t cry. It’s just the beginning”, he said with an evil smile. “You may proceed dog.”
Just as the dog jumped on you, you jerked up from your pillow. Your chest was freckled with sweat.
You got up to go down to make a cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves. “Just a dream. It wasn’t real”, you said as you sat down at the kitchen table. You took a few deep breaths, and went to take a sip of tea. You peered out the window. The sun was rising. ‘So much for a good night’s sleep’, you thought. You stood up to place the mug in the sink and make your way back up stairs to catch a few more hours of shuteye.
As you went to leave the kitchen, you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t dare look, for you were too shaken up by your dream. You ventured back upstairs without glancing through the window, where, without your knowledge, Caliban stood watching you.
The next morning, you and Sabrina got ready for the day. You threw on a plaid pinafore, a dark green turtleneck, some black tights, and a pair of boots that you had packed the night before. Sabrina wore a black turtleneck and a red plaid skirt. The two of you walked down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Sabrina told you she was going to spend the day with Nick, since he was somewhat back to normal from spending what seemed like forever in Hell. You told her you were going to try to have a normal day. Enjoy a lunch at Cerberus Books and catch up on some school readings.
After breakfast, the two of you parted ways and you made your way toward the café. Mythological stories had always been one of your favorite pastimes. Today you were rereading the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. You didn’t give the part about being stuck in Hell for all of eternity, when you read this story before, but now you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. Learning of your lineage, going to Hell, meeting Caliban, and now that dream.
‘Maybe this story wasn’t the best one to get your mind off the subject.’ You closed the leather-bound book and stood up to go get a chocolate milkshake, your favorite. When you turned to go to the register, you face planted into someone’s rock solid chest. You looked up. Caliban.
“Caliban!” you yelled in a hushed tone. “What in heaven’s name are you doing here?! In Greendale?”
“I came to see you, fae”, he said in a husky tone. He was wearing a tight yellow ringer tee, that accented every part of his arms, with tight blue jeans which mirrored the compliment to his lower half.
“A new nickname? Really?”
“Well, you won’t let me call you ‘love’ and besides fae suits you.”
“Fine, but you didn’t need to come all this way to tell me that. You do realize you’re in the moral world, right?”
“I do. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about; Sabrina won’t shut up about Greendale and you mortals. Well, I guess that doesn’t pertain to you anymore, does it fae?”
“Caliban, I don’t have time for this. I’m… studying.”
“Sure seems like you were getting a snack and reading—what’s this?” he went to pick up your book. “Ahh, Eurydice and Orpheus. Such a fool that Orpheus. If he had just trusted Hades, Eurydice and he would be enjoying life together as we speak.”
“Well it’s hard to trust someone like that right off the bat. Trust takes time”, you said looking down at the ground.
“You trust me right, fae?”
You didn’t answer his question. You snatched the book out of his hands and trudged to the register to order your dessert.
He followed you closely behind. “Why are you being so distant all of the sudden, fae?”
“No reason, I just told myself that today I was going to stay away from all things supernatural.”
“That’s a bit hard to do, considering you are part of that order,” he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. “Talk to me. Please.”
“Caliban, I can’t. It’s just too much is going on right now and with you added to the mix, it just makes things really difficult. Besides, I have a carnival to get ready for.”
With that, you ditch the milkshake and Caliban along with it.
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dr-ethan-ramseyy · 4 years
when i got into the accident, the sight that flashed before me was your face
Book: Foreign Affairs
Pairing: Tatum Mendoza x f!MC (Clara James)
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: very mild violence
Summary: While Tatum’s away at a security meeting, Clara sneaks out to a party. On her way back, she runs into trouble. (Worried!Tatum. Cuddling!)
Technically this is a series, but you don’t have to read the others to enjoy Protective!Tatum. :)
evermore series part 4 ✨ Previous // Next ✨
Life went on as usual. Mostly. Tatum and I went back to rarely speaking. I went back to trying to keep my grades up, maintaining good relationships with my fellow students, and staying away from the media. 
I could feel his eyes on me all the time. I was hyper aware of his presence, wanting desperately to reach out to him, but knowing that I couldn’t. The only time I got away from him was when I was in the library with Blaine, which Tatum did not appreciate. Occasionally Tatum would have to meet up with some of the other security on campus, in which case, he would make me stay in my suite. 
He had made good points. I knew it would be a national scandal if we got together. I knew it would affect both of our careers. But, I couldn’t help the way I felt about him, especially since that night he kissed me. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he held me, like I was the most important thing in the world. 
“Clara?” Tatum leaned against the door frame of my room. 
I looked up from my textbook that I was clearly not reading. It was still easier to not respond to him most of the time. I felt like what he said that night everything changed: if I started talking, I didn’t think I would be able to stop until I spilled my guts all over the ground at his feet. 
“I have a security meeting tonight. Stay out of trouble, okay?”
I rolled my eyes, dropping my head to look at the open textbook on my lap.
He let out an exasperated sigh. I knew I was upsetting him with my silence. Good. Now he knows how I felt all those weeks. “Just promise me you’ll stay here? Please?”
“Okay,” I said finally, refusing to look up. 
He was lingering; I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Maybe he was hurting, too. A pang of guilt rose in my chest before I squashed it down. I wasn’t the one who wouldn’t give us a chance. 
Finally, he said, “Okay. Bye, Clara.”
His retreading footsteps made my heart drop a little. I was constantly hoping he would just come over to me someday and change his mind. Say that he loved me. That he wanted to be with me. But, I knew that would never happen. 
A little while later, Dionne came into my room, a mischievous smile lighting up her face. “What are you up to?”
“Drowning in my sorrows,” I deadpanned. 
She laughed. “That’s tragic. You miss your hot bodyguard?”
“Only always,” I shot her a sad smile. “What’s up?”
“I have come with a solution to your troubles! A party!”
“A party is the solution to my troubles?” I asked, skeptically. 
“It sure is. Come on, you need to let loose. You’ve been down in the dumps forever.”
“I shouldn’t. Tatum’s gone at that security thing and I promised I would stay here until he’s back.”
“You mean the Tatum that broke your heart? Come on, you need to have some fun. The party is on campus, you’ll be fine. Plus, Murph will be coming of course.”
I took a moment to think about the consequences. I had gone to parties before, and there had never been any problems. Especially since there would be other security there…
“Alright, fine, I’m in,” I conceded. 
“Yes!” Dionne grinned. “Okay, be ready to go in 30 minutes.”
The party was in full swing by the time we got there. Dionne and I made our way through the crowd, talking to everyone we came across to keep up good alliances. I was trying to have a good time, but honestly, my heart still wasn’t in it. Even making fun of Blaine wasn’t as amusing as it usually was. I stayed around for a while, trying to have a good time, but after a few hours, I just wanted to crash back at the suite with a book. 
I found my way back to Dionne, and told her that I was going back to the suite. 
“Alone? You sure?” she asked, skeptically. 
“It’s a five minute walk, I’ll be fine,” I assured her. 
“I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe you should ask Blaine to walk you back? You know that he would do it.”
I sighed. That probably would be better than going alone. Just in case. 
Glancing around the room, I found Blaine, already looking my way. I wandered over to him. “Hey. I’m going to go back to my room. My bodyguard isn’t here...I was wondering if you would mind walking me back quickly? Just to be safe?”
He smirked. “Oh, you finally ditched the guy, huh? Good for you. Yeah, no problem, Clara.”
“Thanks,” I said, ignoring his first comment.
The two of us walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, when suddenly, Blaine stopped, putting his arm out in front of me to block my path.
“Shh!” he scolded, then nodded his head in front of us, where a guy was ducking behind some bushes not far from us. It seemed like he may have been looking in our direction, but it was difficult to tell in the dark. 
“What do you think he’s doing?” I whispered. “What do we do?”
Blaine shook his head slightly, unsure.
I strained my eyes to see what the man was doing, only to find that he was coming closer now. Fast. 
“Blaine-” I said, starting to panic. 
Before I could react, the man was right in front of me, grabbing my shoulders in a tight grip.
I screamed, pushing his chest back as hard as I could, but he wouldn’t budge. I was dimly aware of Blaine trying to rip the guy off of me, but it wasn’t working. I thought of Tatum, how he would be able to protect me if I had just listened to him. If he were here. 
Then, as quickly as the man grabbed me, he was gone. 
I blinked, and there was Tatum, pinning the man to the ground, yelling into his monitor for backup. Almost immediately, three other security guards showed up, dragging the man to who knows where. It was so fast, it was as if I had dreamed it, dreamed that Tatum came to my rescue. But no, he was really here, frantic eyes searching my body, his hands coming up to cup my face. 
“Clara, are you okay?”
“I- I’m okay,” I squeaked, not able to form any other kind of coherent sentence. 
He was breathing heavily, eyes still raking over my body like he wouldn’t believe it. 
“Clara, I’m sorry I couldn’t-” Blaine started to say, but he didn’t get to finish. 
“Leave.” Tatum spat over his shoulder at him, only taking his eyes off me for a moment. 
Wisely, Blaine obeyed, walking back toward the party and shooting me an apologetic glance. 
Tatum wrapped me up in his arms then, holding me closer than I think he ever had before. He bent down, tucking his face into the crook of my neck. 
“Clara,” he mumbled against my skin, like it was all he could say.
I cried into his suit as he held me, practically collapsing into his arms to the point where he had to hold me up so I wouldn’t hit the ground. 
Eventually, he slowly rose to his full height, keeping one arm wrapped around my waist as he walked us back to my room. I watched his eyes dart around as they always did, but this time it seemed elevated somehow. 
He didn’t even let go as he sat me down on my bed. He sat next to me, his leg and shoulder against mine, and rested his hand on my thigh. It was like he was scared I was going to disappear if he didn’t hold onto me. We sat in silence for a while, his eyes on me the whole time.
“I’m sorry,” I said finally, looking at my hands in my lap, trying to keep from crying. 
“What?” he said quietly.
“I should’ve listened to you. You told me to stay here and I didn’t. I promised. God, I’m so stupid,” I said. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. 
“You’re not stupid,” he said, squeezing my leg lightly. 
“I went to a party,” I admitted. “Dionne wanted me to go because she said I’ve been so sad lately. She thought it would help, but I was miserable there, too, so I wanted to leave early.”
“With Blaine,” he grumbled. 
I shook my head. “Dionne suggested I ask him to walk me back so I wouldn’t be alone.”
Tatum didn’t say anything. He just ran his thumb back and forth on my thigh. 
“Who was that guy?” I asked, turning to look at him for the first time. “What did he want?”
“I don’t know,” he said gently, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb. “Campus security is figuring that out right now.”
“I’m sorry,” I said again, my voice breaking. 
He pulled me into a hug, cradling my head with his hand. “Shh, don’t be sorry. It’s okay. You’re okay, Clara. I’ve got you.”
“I thought of you,” I mumbled into his shoulder. “When he grabbed me, the first thing I thought of was you. And you still managed to save me even though you weren’t even supposed to be there.”
“I’ll always be there when you need me.” He ran his hand up and down my back soothingly, pressing his lips to my hair. 
“You should be pissed at me,” I whimpered.
“The bodyguard in me should be, yeah. But I wasn’t, I was just scared. I’m glad you’re okay. I just need you to be okay.”
“I’m okay. Because of you.”
He kissed my head before standing up, giving me a look so full of affection and worry that my heart somersaulted.
“Get comfy,” he said suddenly, like an order.
“You just had an unbelievably horrible night. Get into your comfy pajamas, I’ll be back in five minutes.”
I dutifully got up as soon as he closed the door behind him, changing into my fuzziest pajama pants and a t-shirt before climbing into bed. 
A light knock sounded on my door a few moments later, before Tatum opened it cautiously. “You decent?”
“Mhmm,” I said, my eyelids already growing heavy. 
He shut the door behind him as he entered, wearing a tight black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Despite everything that had happened, I couldn’t help but stare at his biceps now that I could actually see them. But before I had time to properly drool over him, he climbed into bed behind me, wrapping his arms around my middle and nuzzling his face into my neck. 
“You’re staying here? Shouldn’t you be, you know, on alert?”
“I can protect you from here,” he murmured, kissing my neck lightly. “If that’s okay with you.”
I scooted back a little bit, reveling in the feeling of his strong chest against my back. “Yeah. That’s more than okay with me.”
It didn’t take long until I drifted to sleep to the sound of his breathing, feeling more at home than I had since coming to Vancross. 
@flickering-chandelier @openheartthot
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nozomijoestar · 3 years
I used to have this story exclusively on my Ao3 but since I deleted that last December its taken me months to feel any rhythm of comfort uploading writing online again be it original or not; so I’m finally planning to reupload stuff I saved that isn’t already tagged here
Originally written under ‘Start and Start Again’ for She-Ra Fluff Bang 2020 and my first standalone novella length thing at 10k
The journey of Catra’s ever changing life begins with one step forward
It started as a bump on her stomach. A mild thing no bigger than her fist. Yet it stuck out the way the crown piece of a treasure hoard shines. Catra stumbled backwards; gripped the sink to keep her balance. She stared deeper into the full length mirror. The bump remained, had it gotten taller in this light? It was smooth to the touch or rather as smooth as fur could be. The softness of her was something to take great pride in. Anyone who assumed her messy were proven dead wrong. Now wasn't the time for petty thinking however.  
Catra sank to the floor still clutching her stomach. She felt it join as part of her, this new thing, and if she strained her ears she just knew it had a heartbeat. A child. Adora's- no their child. She has to swallow to not shout 'Holy Shit!!!' at the top of her lungs. Instead it makes her bite her lip until blood trickles. Catra winces then recovers; she stands and runs water to splash on her face. The woman staring back in the vanity mirror is smiling under the wet bangs sticking to her forehead; smiling like an idiot now disheveled. She pivots and bolts out the bathroom yelling.
"Hey Adora! Adora come over here!"
"Catra? What's going on this early?"
She dashed around the sofa through the living room to find Adora rubbing her eyes and slinking out of bed. She heard her mumble already about waking ahead of schedule; it made her try not to roll her eyes. Of course she'd fixate on that right out of sleep. Before she let her get in another word Catra stopped in front of her. She grabbed Adora's hand and pressed it to her stomach. A lopsided grin was all she could muster for a reply. It took a few seconds, then Adora's eyes went wide. She saw her stare at the bump with such reverence Catra felt tears fall.
"I know."
Adora pulled her down into a hug so tight Catra had to tap her to ease it.
"I'm gonna be a parent...Catra you're gonna be a parent! It's, it's real. It's actually happening."
"Told ya it'd work out."
Then Adora sucked in a huge breath and went rigid gawking at the ground.
"Oh my god I'm gonna be someone's mom. I dunno the first thing about babies! Catra who do we even ask-"
"Um, all of Bright Moon and our friends? They already know we're trying did'ja think they'd ditch us now?"
"No! No of course not. It's just this is actually happening. What if I mess it up already and something goes wrong o-or they come and don't like me- can babies think their mom is lame before they're born? What if-"
"Adora. Do you still want a baby?"
"Yes. More than anything. Sorry I know I'm being-"
"Hey. That's all you need; someone like you is gonna do fine. So stop or you'll give yourself a heart attack before the kid's even here."
Catra sat beside her and rubbed circles on her back. A sigh filled the room when Adora leaned her head on Catra's shoulder. She planted a kiss in her hair and wrapped an arm around her.
"...I wouldn't have my kid with someone I knew'd be shit at it. Or to me. You're you Adora, I didn't choose anyone else."
"I know I know. We're nothing like Sha-"
For an instant something stops Adora as if she's been gagged. Her eyes go wide again haunted by the sinister. She tries speaking only to make a strangled sound. They exchanged a look of understanding no one should have. A look of indescribable pain. Shared pain. Adora strains to start a third time when Catra finishes it.
"Nothing like Shadow Weaver. And we never will be. You can kill me if I do."
"I wouldn't go that far but...me too."
Wordlessly she let Adora slide against her and rest on her chest. Catra purred as she traced her claws along Adora's arm. Her tail coiled around Adora's waist when she bent to kiss her cheek. A hum is all she gets in reply; its more than enough.
"We're better people now, aren't we?" She asks.
"We'll always be better if we try. You're right I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Catra?"
She saw the eyes staring up fill with worry like it held the same value as water. Like it was something born in Adora's hands and for all their years since childhood it may well have been. Like it paired perfect with the tension stiffening her face. A face that deserved only to finally be soft forever. Catra whispered already knowing she wouldn't cure anything. It was too late of course; shame was her birthright too.
"I'm happy. I'm so happy right now I can't put it into words even for you. But that doesn't change what I've done. Who I was before this, before this version of us...back when we woke up everyday wondering if that'd be the last time."
"Catra no."
"I hurt you, Adora. I keep saying it because it's never going away ok? I hurt you, I hurt Sparkles and Arrow-Boy, Scorpia...Entrapta. The entire damn planet can bite me in the ass someday and I'd understand. The Horde destroyed. This being the happiest time of my life doesn't erase that."
"What if I get frustrated and relapse? What if it's not even something I do it runs in families and I'm ruining them right now by being their mother because being a failure is just destiny?!"
The hands holding her head were firm as Adora moved to tangle them in her hair. She lowered her fully onto her lap; let herself purr with a breath in. Her eyes closed, tears fell. Adora's thumb wiped them away. It was so gentle Catra couldn't help a sob. She let everything pour out, let herself be wracked by hiccups; not one received judgement. She sat raw, bare in a place where dignity came innate not earned and knew herself still the invader. The conqueror. An aide to desolation.
The knotted feeling in her throat overpowered the new life under Adora's touch. Her stomach tingled at the caress; did their child want to scold her too?
In the end Adora's voice, that better half, guided her to reason.
"You're allowed to feel bad, remember? Like Perfuma said? I cant stop you no matter how much it hurts to hear. You're allowed to have bad days; but you're not allowed to give up. And you're not allowed to stop improving."
She let herself be pushed gently onto their bed; settled into the wholeness of their bodies resting together like they were made for nothing else. Adora is warm, her chest is safe, and her blonde hair falls across Catra better than a curtain. She purrs and purrs in her arms unable to stop, to entertain the thought for stopping. Hands wander the length of her then settle on her hips. Adora's thumb circles her fur until she wraps her tail along that forearm. They kiss and by god Catra will never get over the bliss it brings.  How do you get over a free fall?
In silence she lets herself be tucked further against her; their legs entangle just as a feeling indescribable bursts from deep within. Something Catra knows she's understood for as long as she could remember that refuses to emerge in glimpses anymore. Only Adora can hope to know it in equal measure. She wants to wish that more than she's ever wanted at all. She swallows before meeting Adora's eyes. Adora has the briefest second for confusion when Catra's impulse strikes in her softest voice.
"It's like you know me better than I know myself."
Adora's face went wide then slid into the chuckle they know means contentment.
"Because you let me in."
And let her in she continued to do. For every day she grew bigger not a feasible moment did she spend alone. If she hungered the kitchen stocks ran dry, when she rested Bright Moon went still. Whenever she yowled or groaned there came Adora to massage her, Bow to shoo away prying eyes, Glimmer to order so many extra pillows for their room she thought there'd finally be something to suffocate her worse than herself.
She sat at the center of the castle gardens in the sun. Seven months had turned the seasons hot into mild into cold that'd kept her tucked in Adora's embrace, now turned again another leaf into Spring. Her back ached under a pressure fanning up her spine and centered on her swollen belly. Catra stifled a groan. Adora sat slumped over the table sound asleep opposite her. The gentle snores rumbling from her chest punctuated the bird calls like a bad note cutting a song. Catra laughed as soft as possible. Maybe their kid would pick it up from the get-go.
The ice in her drink clinked as she sipped. That's when she heard another step through the grass. She glanced at a hedge over her glass brim.
"Quit screwing around before someone else sees you."
"Ohhh Kitten you still don't know the meaning of fun do you?"
"Shhh. Adora's asleep. Thought you'd be quieter too. Must be sooo hard going soft."
A guard emerged from the shadows in white armor. The crescent standard of Bright Moon on the chest liquified then twisted into darkness. It bent and spread until a new figure emerged. Double Trouble shook out the unshaven half of their blond undercut. They stretched into a saunter across the paving stones.
Their high heels made that grating 'click clack' noise she'd once waited for in the Fright Zone. On reflex she glanced at Adora; she was still asleep, now drooling. The nasal pitch Double Trouble called a voice went lower even as their words dripped sass. Catra wished it'd never change, if you dragged the thought out of her.
"I'm surprised you've kept that tongue of yours looking like that. What a nasty little bite from an expecting mother."
"Oh really? What a tired act from a spy about to be washed out in peacetime. Hey don't sit there!"
"No darling you made the bed now lie in it for that one. This table is more than enough for a party."
They smirked at each other and knew there was nothing to forgive. Double Trouble gave Adora a once over look; their eyes lingered on Catra's stomach. They crossed their legs and arms with that flair Catra secretly imitated in the mirror. She went back to drinking.
"Seems like you two tied the knot finally. So sorry I had to miss that event, the stage called me. Color me not shocked to have seen this coming a mile away."
"...What's that mean?"
"It means darling there are countless women throughout the universe who'd kill for your position. Wife of She-Ra and now adding to this little litter you two are starting? Honey you're the most envied yet admired woman anywhere."
"Yeah well I'll believe it when I see it. That many people couldn't like me unless there was something to take."
"Dear, would you look at me?"
She did and found them filing their nails. Typical. They continued.
"Are we friends?"
A pause. Catra twiddled her thumbs. They looked her dead in the eyes now.
"And her over there, what is she to you?"
"I...Adora is part of my everything."
"What'd you mean why?"
She stopped herself and startled; her eyes widened toward something distant, somewhere within. There from her memory stood Adora, begging her to turn rebel, Adora catching her before a drop to certain death, Adora laughing as they held hands like children again through dark tunnels. Adora overturning an empire millions strong to save her on nothing more than her heart. Adora crying always crying but never stopping.
Foolish and lovely Adora who promised her in infinite ways she was worth it.
Double Trouble grinned into a sound of contentment. They put their filer away and stared expectantly but not without care.
"I take it you know. Now tell me this and be honest- what about Glimmer and Bow? What about all these other princesses and their kingdoms? How do they treat you?"
"They're...they're kind to me. Every time we were off planet letting Adora do her thing, seeing people hold magic for the first time...putting up with my crap before this baby and...helping."
"Oh dearest me that sounds like dare I say, friendship!"' They gasped in mock surprise and laid a hand on their chest.
Catra shot them a scowl; it didn't last.
"Shut up before Adora gets up and misses another hour of sleep. Do you have any idea how she's been? I don't think she's even running on anything anymore like, everyday."
"Taking care of you I'd assume. Go on am I right?" Double Trouble asked (with a wiggle of their eyebrows of course) as if they were on the verge of a delicious secret. For all Catra knew they probably did and could eat those.
"Don't read my damn mind." She replied resting her chin on her palm.
"Darling, Catra, enough moping. Having to kick you in the rear like this when you of all people are making kittens is a bad look. Times have changed; you're not that hollow eyed puppet I knocked sense into back with the Horde. Be free, live a little, throw your kid wild birthday parties. And for the love of theatre get some better stylists for the two of you. I won't stand for a child who's moms aren't looking fabulous."
The whirlwind of gestures their hands made came to a stop. They stared yet again with that expectation bearing down on her. Catra read their eyes. It came from a good place; a place deep, deep past the snark. A veil of doubt that'd anchored in her fell away. Everyone had been kind no- was being kind. The cruelest thing they could do was throw a pregnant woman out to fend for herself and that was seven months too late. 'Or early. Weren't you found in a box? Weren't you out with the trash once time was up?'
She shuddered. No, it wasn't like that anymore, it had no right to be. No power over her; no power over her family. Catra grit her teeth and fangs flashed. She wouldn't let it. Without thinking a growl rumbled through her. Double Trouble clicked their tongue.
"Stress is extra bad for you right now Kitten. Just try to keep stepping out of that head of yours and see what's around for a change."
At last they stood and made to leave; Catra almost reached to stop them, then thought better. What more was there to add? They'd seen her for an open book. Instead she swallowed hard. The voice that called out to them bled sincerity.
"Thank you."
"Pay me back by making good choices darling."
Two weeks later she wriggles her toes on a beach in Mystacor. The sky shifts from twilight to orange dusk. She just knows she's counted the exact same number of clouds the past hour. The air is so clean it's her only barrier from passing out; every breath jolts energy beneath her aches. Adora's footsteps are easy to read when her ears perk. She wraps her tail around her at the feel of them sitting together.
Adora hums before reaching to stroke her belly. The kiss on her cheek is simple yet her blood dances in excitement. Their fingers lace together on the sand. It grounds them. Catra knows Bow is carrying something by the slightest drag in his gait; Glimmer (if you asked her Catra still had the right to call her Sparkles, Queen shit and everything aside) followed behind. The four of them were a crowd that made anything happen.
As if on cue the baby kicked. Whatever the others blathered about faded from her mind into white noise. Beside her time stopped for Adora too; this kid was already making them predictable. The wonder Catra watched spread across her face stayed fresh as ever. Glimmer and Bow went silent. She felt their eyes trace over, heard their breath hitch. She smiled.
"Can I feel it this time?"
"Glimmer you always ask that. Save room for Uncle Bow, who just so happens to have something I know they'll love!"
"My Aunt helped." Glimmer added behind a hand though Bow could hear her.
"Yes she did but only the clothes; these were all me. See for yourselves."
He revealed a set of dolls from a sack. Each were handwoven and stitched so well if she didn't know Bow she'd guess a machine's handiwork. Her breath hitched. Their likenesses were posed under his movements as Glimmer clapped with a giggle. Adora gasped, covered her mouth while her eyes watered. Big ol' softie her Adora was; yet she fought her own tears. The doll with her face wore a grin between cockiness and charm. The smarmy, ruthless, torn glare of her past self morphed on the silk in her minds eye. Its fangs were bared and its sneer cruel.
Catra shuddered and recoiled until she nearly toppled onto the sand. Her bug eyed stare at the thing matched her heaving chest. Nausea that chased a prickling sensation washed over her like a wave; a force of nature. Several deep breaths gave her some composure but the world continued to blur in a haze. Her heartbeat thrummed in her throat and hearing faded and-
And then Adora filled her vision; Adora held her tight until finally she went still. She felt her cheek cupped and fingers massaging through her hair. Though it had regrown thick as a mane despite reaching her shoulders Adora's nails found her scalp. Of course they would; she purred into the embrace and bit her lip to swallow a cry.
'Just try to keep stepping out of that head of yours and see what's around for a change.'
She blinked; the world popped back into place. They stared at her with faces on a scale from terror to worry; as if there were much difference. Bow's pleas about what was wrong stopped the instant her eyes dared linger on her doll again. He looked down and understood; away it went into the sack.
It wasn't the sentiment that upset her. He knew why. Words returned slow when he took her hand.
"I love it Bow, thanks, really; it's sweet of you. I'm sorry I...y'know. Need to keep working on myself."
"Hey don't apologize for that it's alright. I should be the one saying sorry; I didn't think it was still this bad for you."
"Whatever keeps bugging you we're here ok? No shaming, Horde Scum." Glimmer added with a smile that continued to forgive her more than Catra deserved in her opinion.
But if her own words couldn't be trusted, had she been shown forgiveness after all?
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Adora, always there to cut to the point. She found her voice.
"When I saw myself it's like realizing my kid's gonna idolize me. They're gonna grow up having me everywhere if I'm really with them or not. They might even say they wanna be like their mom. Makes a feeling come over me...who I was tries to tell me they'll find nothing to be proud of."
"Oh Catra. We can't not let you feel that way but what matters is you've changed. You keep changing everyday; look at you now! You're committed to motherhood for one, you and Adora are amazing together, you helped me with so much paperwork- c'mon Bow tell her."
Glimmer nudged Bow until he nudged back; he gave Catra a stare that pierced her doubts. She'd rarely seen anyone who captured the sensation of light poking through clouds. He deserved to be called a sun. She swallowed hard again. God, this baby had her emotional.
"You've come a long way. We chose and keep choosing to help. I know it's hard but don't let whats in your head overpower that. We care. You're not gonna go back to being who you were. If you do, we'd stop you because we want to."
"But, everything with Angella-"
Fuck she mentioned it. Why? She just had to bring it up didn't she? 'Do you enjoy shooting yourself in the foot?...' A squeeze on her arm brought her mind to a halt. Damn, Adora may as well have a license in reading her mood. Glimmer sighed from a deep breath. She watched her face knit into something between grief and acceptance.
Everyone went silent, hinged themselves on whatever Glimmer said next. When she spoke her voice came thoughtful yet blunt.
"My mother is gone. Because of you or not she's not here and wallowing in anger and self pity isn't going to bring her back. I'm sure if she saw me still doing it she'd be upset. I've had the years I needed for that; the Catra in front of me isn't the same who pulled the switch."
Glimmer put a hand on Catra's shoulder and smiled when it was welcome. Their eyes met and she saw Bow nod. Glimmer continued in her queenly voice this time; gone were any hints she spent hours practicing, her mother's strength rang clear.
"Don't discredit our choice to forgive. Trust us to stay honest with you and care. Trust yourself like I know you can. Now, let's rate how cheesy my Aunt's baby clothes look!"
Catra's senses returned as if popping back into existence. Just like that they jumped into the next discussion, the next joke, the next tease. She sat with no one but herself to blame; no one but herself for guilt to feast on. Was that it? Was she still trapped in time? How simple it'd been to get an answer for once, yet beside it came more than she understood. The baby kicked again. She sighed and touched her stomach.
"Sorry you've got an overthinking Mama kid."
Adora nudged her. She turned to find that contagious smile to reel her in.
"Hey they're right y'know. Everything is gonna be ok, I promise."
Promises sacred as they were didn't lessen the pain. Her vision blurred at another stab of pain, another push as her entire body pulsed. Her lower back had it the worst; every ounce of pain coursed from that white hot center until Catra was sure she'd been reduced to jelly, if she could ever see straight again. Another scream tore her throat. Her body arched.
The hiss Adora shot out as Catra's claws dug into her hand registered faintly. She could hear Entrapta babbling some science jargon. Scorpia's frantic voice came beside Entrapta's assembly of rumbling tech no doubt worried over everything; that still didn't help an entire baby kicking out of her. Didn't anyone get that? Now wasn't the time for anything other than whatever got this tiny person out.
Catra screamed and shook and writhed and no matter how many times Entrapta said push it blurred together. She let her head loll sideways in exhaustion. Adora stared at her seized by panic that could do nothing but watch, and hated it. It scratched at the unfocused rage gathering around her like storm clouds. Whatever she said fell hazy on Catra's ears because not a moment behind Catra yelled,
"Next time you're doing this; when this is over I'm kicking your ass AdorAHHGGUUHHH!!!"
Several deep breaths and pushes later a wail robbed anything she could say. Every voice stopped, every head turned and every ear strained. It came again. A high pitched wail echoed through the room. A baby's first cry. There was no time then; no past nor future only the moments for each cry hurled into the world. She watched a shape writhe in Entrapta's arms at the foot of the bed. A flash of metal later and the umbilical cord was cut.  
Everything remained a blur...then Entrapta handed her a squirming bundle. The baby rested against her easier than breathing. It was just, so right; one of the most right things Catra ever knew. Their fur matched her tan orange down to the slightly darker stripes. The hair is all Catra; she'd recognize that messy brown anywhere. It's when they blink at her for the first time, that's when Adora's blue eyes stare back.
Their hands are curled into fists and they fuss under her gaze. They blink once, twice, Catra finds herself counting everything. A purr deep enough to rattle them took her by surprise. At last her claws retracted from Adora's skin; she cradled their child between measured breaths. The instant she's released Adora doesn't waste a second coming closer.
They look at each other then their child then back again. Tears are the first thing they feel together followed by Adora's lopsided grin.
"Still wanna kick my ass?"
"Shut up and get in here dummy."
Catra's voice is hoarse but that doesn't lessen the spark in their kiss. Fingers tangle in Catra's sweaty hair and she's breathless when they pull away. There's a moment of silence until Entrapta gets the drop on them. Of course she does, she's Entrapta. They can spy the glint off her tape recorder.
"Just to confirm the baby is healthy at seven pounds eight ounces, a length of twenty centimeters, tail included, and a sex of male. Now the real question is have either of you chosen a name?"
The thick tendril of Entrapta's hair holding her recorder wiggles closer. Catra snarled on impulse and fought to not snap her teeth too.
"Don't hold that thing so close to Finn's face. The sound or whatever's gonna hurt his ears."
"Finn? You want to call him Finn? I thought you still weren't sure about any names." Adora said with the slightest confusion.
"Yeah I was but...I dunno it just feels right. Doesn't he look like a Finn? Hey Scorpia come over here! Does he or does he not look like a Finn?"
If it was possible for scorpions to move like they wanted to break the sound barrier without actually doing so, that was how Scorpia rushed over. Honestly Catra would laugh if she weren't cradling her son as if guarding her trove. Those enormous pincers are enough to shadow Finn's head as he attempts to swat one. Instead Adora gave him a finger to cling on. The tears streaking from Scorpia's eyes dripped waterfalls down her chin.
"Wildcat you're asking me what he looks like? Oh of course he's a Finn, look at that handsome little face and that tiny nose! And his hair! Catra that one is all you oh that stuff is gonna break so many combs I tell ya. He's even got his claws already; you guys have a mama's boy on your hands gosh. I remember when Flora hatched, ah good times..."
"Huh? Oh sorry Wildcat yeah he's definitely a Finn! What'd ya think Adora? Entrapta?"  
"Hmm...Baby Log Day, well day of birth. Catra has asked me if her newborn resembles a 'Finn'. As the only knowledge I'm aware of regarding this relates to fish, I will say yes. Fish and their fins are something cats enjoy and thus it is logical."
The line of stares fixed on her made Entrapta press her recorder.
"Addendum, it is also very cool."
"Adora?" Catra called.
Every stare turned toward her awaiting a verdict. Finn gurgled and squirmed when she met his stare. There fell a moment of purest silence.
"Yeah. Finn is a good name. We'll get him ready to propel through life."
There was an echoing 'thwack' when Catra smacked Adora's hair poof; Adora's giggling poured out even as Glimmer, Bow, and every Princess they knew finally appeared. Catra's bed was rushed by a crowd acting like they'd never seen an infant. Then again, no one had seen anyone of Catra's race all her life. Not that she'd asked around.
"I'm so sorry we couldn't come sooner! The meeting ran into overtime but we're here now. Where's the baby?"
Glimmer moved through the parting crowd as she spoke; her body radiated energy while her eyes scanned around. She and Bow must've shared the same mind because they were the first to study Finn. Their jaws dropped.
"So. Darned. Cute. Those ears." Bow said. His eyes practically sparkled with joy.
Glimmer looked at Catra, then Adora with a face that fought a hold on restraint.
"You guys can hold him. Just don't crowd his space." Catra said smiling.
Those were the words that released whatever collective breath everyone held. Finn was passed around the room leaving praise and awe in his wake. Everyone had their own opinions; so much so that the buzz of their chatting built Catra's headache right as Finn was finally returned. Frosta was yelling about how to shape a commemorative ice sculpture; Perfuma created several bouquets now burying Adora. Bow, Entrapta, and Scorpia stood putting their heads together discussing proper baby nutrition over the next year.
When she checked Finn his face grew red then wrinkled and that's when it hit. A full strength wail. The kind of cry to break noise into silence and validate Catra's agitation. Something resembling peace slid over the tension settling in the air. Adora managed to roll out of the flowers before looking at Catra. A nod in response is all she needs to wrangle everyone away. When the door closes for the last time only the three of them remain.
Finn continued crying though nowhere as intense. Catra took a deep breath, then she held the infant face down, tucked his arms across his chest, and finished by holding his bottom. She had to give herself credit; not a single mistake, Perfuma may as well have done it for her. The cries quieted immediately and ceased when she gently rocked him. In a minute he lay snuggled on her chest. Sleep made his eyes fight to stay open though he soon lost.
"He curls up just like you."
"Yeah. We'll see if he keeps the whole castle awake with your snoring." Catra replied chuckling.
Adora is beside her in seconds with that lopsided grin. The bed gets crowded bearing the three of them but it'll manage.
"I'm not an awful snorer ok; everyone's gonna survive when they sleep. They've done it this long."
"So you admit it's a problem."
"No! Anyway that's not important look at his chubby cheeks. That's all him."
"Babe, I think that's something every baby has. Did you forget all seven of Scorpia's kids, or even Bow and Glimmer's daughter?"
"Of course not but you're not looking at them. We made those. They're perfect and adorable as much as the rest of him."
Adora stroked Finn's hair and nestled against Catra's side. Together they yawned then laughed.
"I gave birth Adora of course I am."
"Heh, sorry. Nighty night you two."
She's long learned Adora's penchant for sleeping hard enough to make the dead jealous. How exactly she can turn it on and off yet thrash restlessly, still waking up then tackling an entire day? After years Catra might never know and, some days, didn't care to anymore. It simply was. That was Adora, always rushing to do everything, solve every problem, take every blow. No matter how much their loved ones- no matter how many times Catra told her otherwise some piece stayed. It was like an infection molded into Adora's skin.
God did Catra still hate it. If Finn inherited that...
Her body ached worse than getting dragged by rope. She would know; Glimmer had been the one pulling after all.  In those days of war and violence whipped into a storm this feeling was nothing new. Yet it was. Now there came a new tired setting on her bones. The tired from achieving something bigger than herself yet selfish in origin. Well, maybe the selfish part hadn't changed.
Maybe she really can be good not just do good. Adora began to snore as Catra let sleep claim her.
When Finn turns one year old Catra has settled into the race of parenthood. There's feeding time, nap time, diaper changing, the once a week checkups, and making a fool of herself so Finn laughs. One day passes with the funneled energy of several; no longer can she rise with the sun into a cage of rumination. Finn dictates her snapping awake on whims as random as the harried sleep itself.
She can't mope she just can't, he won't let her. He needs her and for the first time even beyond Adora, Catra accepts it. Not hesitating or doubting or anything else. Not the painstaking slip and climb over struggle after struggle until she and Adora were finally level. Finn right now is only a creature of needs; without her...she doesn't want to think further. There is finally someone for whom she can only give at the very beginning. The stress is worth it, it's not about her faults.
Perfuma notices of course. The way she walks ever eager into their meetings, even with eye-bags, stands far more confident than the hesitation that made her drag her feet. From the stares she gets now it's as if persecution and guilt lie only in her shadow. At least, that's what she thinks Perfuma means when one meeting she says,
"You look radiant Catra! Have you been keeping up with your personal letters?"
The morning light shines behind Perfuma making her hair resemble a glow. Combined with her chipper voice and pristine skincare (Seriously how did she keep up with seven kids at her heels?) Catra would be getting a headache right now. The old her would think Perfuma above her wielding such composure, such carefree grace. The her of the present instead replies weary but smiling.  
"I have. For real this time too. No more skipping days."
"Oh lovely, I'm glad you're coming around. Self reflection and forgiveness can be so liberating; never forget you're allowing yourself space and patience. Walk with me."
She's heard those words enough to make her head spin, but now they land in her heart. A warmth seeps in the way she thinks Perfuma always intended. If she had to reflect now as they pass Scorpia's gardens, she wouldn't call messy hair, tired eyes, and what might be clothes from two days ago radiant. Perfuma probably wasn't being literal.
The trails of Perfuma's green shawl (Seemingly more fluttery today than usual; like butterfly wings if she had to compare) stop inside a wide room. Catra knows which pillow to sit on and in seconds Perfuma is across her. Their eyes meet then close before performing a basic breathing exercise. One breath in and Catra gathers her worries, one pause, on the exhale her body relaxes.
Her eyes open and find Perfuma doing the same. The ear to ear smile on her face still unnerves Catra like a pinprick; it's strange to be so happy in a world built on entropy. Catra's allowed that hesitation, right? No she's being an idiot again; she's seen Perfuma a mess, back when Scorpia and all her people contorted under Horde Prime's marching orders, under the chips once burrowed in their flesh.
Regardless she'd never given up then. She hadn't been Catra running away the minute she projected doubt on Adora. She shook her head and sighed. This was getting nowhere. Of course for her part Perfuma sat in silence, waiting for as much time as Catra needed. She smiled shyly at that.
"Sorry got lost in reflecting I guess."
"It's alright Catra that's what we're here for. Do you want to share your thoughts?"
"I think you already know after this long." Catra licked her lips nervously.
"I don't mind listening."
A long pause. She read nothing but openness in Perfuma's eyes.
"You know I've said before I was jealous of you, unnerved even. How could anyone stay so happy when the world hurts? Well now I think I understand. There's no point in dwelling on my pain. Sure I can feel it, acknowledge it, but it'll pass again. Letting it control me when it's something I'll carry forever is exhausting. All I've done then is hurt myself when for once no one else wants to. That's what Finn's made me  realize."
She finished with a sigh and slackened shoulders; a woman spent at last of a pointless barrier. Isolation was no longer a badge of honor; it never had been. Perfuma wore genuine surprise like she'd heard something profound, not Catra stating the obvious. When Perfuma next spoke the words poured out afraid to stop. Afraid, Catra senses, that Catra will bolt away in embarrassment.  
"I'm proud of you that's the most you've shared all at once yet. And it sounds like it truly means self-love. You're allowing vulnerability and have accepted a truth. We are all works in progress."
"Thanks. I guess I have." The tears flowing down Catra's face make her voice wobble.
"Would you like a hug?"
With a nod Catra opened her arms and wept into Perfuma's dress; she wept the choked yet earnest sobs of a child. She felt a hand pat her hair.
"What happened when you were a child, it's not your fault."
There comes a pause where Catra stiffens then pulls back but not away. Her watery eyes glisten under the light while the rest of her trembles. Her lips quiver wanting to fight a new sob on instinct; it makes her teeth grit. None of it is hostile, Catra stares at Perfuma who again brings down the axe on the final barrier tainting her heart. Despite herself the words are out; Shadow Weaver installed that defense mechanism in her, denial.
"It is...it is."
"It's not your fault."
"But it is! I deserved it because I couldn't fight back!"
"It's not your fault."
Catra's face scrunched under the weight of the lie. She gets a solemn head shake in response. The sick sensation in her chest crumbles and her body feels no stronger than jelly. This time she clings back in Perfuma's embrace. She wails. Perfuma's reassurance pierces the scared girl inside gentle as sunshine.
"It's not your fault."
When the flood within her passes they mulled over tea. The silence now settled almost as comfortable as being with Adora. If Catra thought harder on it though, maybe silences themselves didn't need Adora to be good. Maybe the truth is Adora isn't the only bond to believe in; the others have waited on Catra long enough. She feels a pang of guilt at that. It flickers then dies when she hears the question,
"How are you and Finn? You mentioned him earlier."
"Kinda speaks for itself just looking at me y'think? But uh, sorry. It's been great; busy every second and sometimes I wanna tear my hair out but...in the end I really do like being a mom. It's not just about loving Finn and having him with Adora either. It's also like...I dunno..."
"Like starting over; a second chance?"
"Yeah...yeah I think it is." Catra smiled.
"The advice I can give for that is don't forget you're still guiding him. Parenting with compassion and trust will help you both, but he must find himself and make his choices."
She had nothing to add other than slight alarm. Then the weight behind the words settled, planted seeds in her thoughts. She stared out the window drinking her tea; her mind drifted and for once the peace of it wasn't strange.
When Finn is two years old he shivers in her arms. The storm sent another sheet of rain beating against the castle. Grey covers the window glass and another lightening flash dimly illuminates the room. In the span of a blink it's gone; Finn  mewled stuffing part of Catra's shirt in his mouth. Her hand ran through his hair. That seemed to relax his hold.
He looked up at her with Adora's wide blue eyes and for an instant Catra remembers being six, Adora's blanket her only comfort on nights like this.
"It's a thunderstorm Finn. I know it sounds scary but it'll pass ok? It always has before. You were too little to remember."
"Where's Mommy?"
She hears the fear getting ahold of him; she answers a touch too fast. It takes everything in her hoping he didn't notice.
"With Auntie Glimmer remember? They're meeting about adult stuff. We have to wait."
"I want her here."
"I know Finn, I know. She's coming. You're ok with me. Nothing bad will happen. Mommy's coming soon."
He nodded and though he whimpered he concentrated on Catra alone. At the next roar of thunder however he stiffened with his tail gone frizzy. The door opened bringing a stripe of light and Adora's unmistakable silhouette. Immediately Finn sprang out of Catra's arms to tackle Adora's legs. Catra hears her gasp then laugh softly as she kneels.
"Mommy! Be She-Ra!"
"Hey there to you too Finn. Why do you want She-Ra out?"
"Make bad sounds go away."
"It's the weather, I don't control that. Weren't you safe with Mama? Look she's waiting for us and I bet she stayed the whole time."
"But I want Mama and Mommy..."
Catra left bed and kneeled beside Adora. She ruffled Finn's hair; his tears were gone with a swipe of her thumb. Adora held his hands smiling while Catra went on.
"It's ok to be scared. We won't leave you not ever."
"Even when one of us isn't here with you, remember we love you. Think real hard about us when you're scared and all the bad stuff will go away."
Finn sniffled, swallowed, fumbled to speak those words they knew were sacred.
"You promise?"
"Yes." They reply together.
More thunder cracks the air signaling another swell of hissing rain. She watched as he froze squeezing his eyes shut. His hands balled into fists; he didn't flinch or cry when the storm gentled again. Now he stood trembling but no less brave. The warmth spreading through Catra was mirrored in the indescribable pride on Adora's face. She reached for her hand and it was held.
"Like that?" Finn asked, staring at them as if everything hinges on this moment.
"Just like that."
Catra kisses his forehead; it's no time at all until they hug him close. His heartbeat calms under their embrace and she purrs; it's always as hard as the day he was born. The purr she feels back widens her eyes then-
"Mama why're you crying?"
"She's happy you did it, right Catra?"
"Yeah...I'm happy Finn."
She shivers at Adora's kiss on her cheek. The touch of her breath tickling when she whispers almost makes Catra purr, for a reason neither can say aloud. She wraps her tail around Adora's wrist and listens.
"I'll get him to bed ok. Won't be long."
Catra mumbles her reply against her lips,
"I know."
They kiss and though it's a second before Adora pulls away, Catra knows peace.
At three years old Finn runs through the halls whooping and hollering. The stuffed bear glides through the air in his grasp. She knows Mr. Snuggles will need a wash when the day's done. Cupping her hands around her mouth she gently calls after.
"Don't run so fast you'll trip. Watch where you're going."
"Yeah Mama I know!"
Of course the thud she expected comes not an instant later. Even if he landed on carpet her blood pounds in panic; she sprints light on her feet toward his side. No second is wasted righting him from laying flat on his belly. She checks his arms, his legs, his face, the back of his head is fine too. He holds his wrist looking down ashamed.
"My head hurts."
"It's alright we'll get some medicine before seeing Mommy. Next time watch out ok? I might not have been here to help."
He nodded but still won't meet her eyes. Her expression falls. She sits with her hand giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze; her tail twitched nervously. Finn is silent. Far more than if he acted up or felt too embarrassed. The air itself feels heavier as if to breathe means starting a count down before down becomes up and left is right. Her voice shakes ever so slightly. Was this because of her?
"Finn? What's wrong? Does it hurt real bad?"
"Auncle Dee Tee told me something that made me feel funny. Flora and Angella said boys get hurt a lot when they play. B-But I like girl games with them too! When I fell I remembered what Auncle Dee Tee said."
"That's just silly there aren't 'boy' and 'girl' games. Just games. What'd Auncle say?"
"They said that too. They said nobody has to be a girl or boy if they don't want to. They said a big word like 'nuhncun-foming' I think."
She hears footsteps round the corner, a walk she could pick out anywhere. Adora stops then assesses; she wastes no time coming to them. Immediately her face is knit in worry and concentration. Catra knows that look better than herself. The look of a soldier, of years honed as a commanding officer, the look her fantasies once replicated dreaming of their conquest of Etheria...it's never appeared serene as it does now.
It reminds her not for the last time she's not alone.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt Finn? I knew I heard something bump on my way over."
"He tripped and fell but it's not serious. I checked already. He just has a headache."
"Good. C'mon let's go get medi-"
"Adora wait. He had something important he was saying. Finn? Can you tell Mommy what you told me?"
His expression finally lights up again; courage gathered when he stands straighter and stares at them firm.
"When I fell I remembered what Auncle told me. They said some people don't feel like they're just a boy or girl. My girl friends said boys fall a lot playing; I like their girl stuff where we don't fall a lot too! I wanna...I wanna be like Auncle. Auncle sounds like me."
They sat and the silence turned to awe. They glanced at one another then at Finn, who stood in utmost seriousness. Double Trouble's words floated to the surface of Catra's memories. She had to step outside her own head right? Well this time the world did it well enough for her. Adora as usual is the first to make a move.
"What do you want us to call you?"
"I'm Finn! I don't wanna be a boy or a girl I wanna be both! I wanna do everything I like as me. Can I be 'nunhcuhnfoming' too?"
To their surprise they chuckle as Finn looks on, conviction dropping into worry. Catra grinned and pulled Finn into a hug.
"You can be whatever you want kid including nonconforming. We're not gonna say no to anything like that."
"Do you want us to still call you 'He'?" Adora said in a tone that announces she's not worrying herself sick for once.
"Nuh uh! Auncle uses 'They'."
"Then that's what we'll use too. Thanks for telling us Finn."
Finn, they, beam from ear to ear. They picked up and dusted off Mr. Snuggles holding him close. They purr echoing through the hall; by instinct Catra joins in while Adora plants kisses all over Finn's cheeks.
"Does your head still hurt?"
"A little..."
"Let's go make it better then."
Finn is four when their troublemaking streak starts to shine. They let Adora chase them through the back gardens at a sprint. It's an unspoken dare to crown who's faster and watching from the sidelines, Catra doesn't need to guess it's Finn. Like what she imagined of any child of hers Finn scampers up a tree next. They wave a toy and blow a raspberry down at Adora who's panting for dear life. Her poor fool never stood a chance.
Adora stands hunched over, her finger raised to call a time out. She's still gathering her breath when Catra hears her force out words as she walks toward them both.
"Ok give Mommy a break for...five minutes...or forever. Ugh."
"You're too slow so I win!"
They watch as Finn sticks their tongue out again. Catra kneels to pat Adora's shoulder. She plants a kiss in her hair and grins.
"Hate to say it but I told you they'd beat you. Give it up Adora."
"I'll never...understand...how you two...do it...so unfair."
"Only She-Ra can win a race with me Mommy. If you're She-Ra it's really hard to keep up."
Still wheezing Adora glanced at Catra in defeat. A shrug is all she gets in response. Finn sits on a branch above them swinging their legs, the embodiment of confidence. Then they do something that throws off even Catra; they hang from their perch by the tail. Upside down Finn pays no heed to their gaping Mama and instead teases Adora with another raspberry. She falls on her ass yelping.
A choked giggle left Catra before rising to laughter. By the time she's full on snorting she rolls in the grass; upside down Adora scowls at them both but it's all in fun. The way she sees her blush makes her nerves go fluttery. She doesn't need to be told when their eyes meet and Catra knows it's mutual. Before anything can come of it Finn lands on the ground effortlessly.
She watches them tug Adora's sleeve; the fake modesty and flattering lilt they're piling on too thick gives them away. The fact that they can hold the performance this well is far more a Catra thing than Adora. She feels hesitant pride bubble within her. Could she have that knowing where it came from?
"Mommy my toy got stuck up there, can She-Ra get it? Because she's faster and stuff."
"Finn I can't keep transforming all week."
"Pleeease? It's the last day today; you said I could ask sometimes."
"Damnni-uh I mean I remember. Fine but only because you asked nicely."
Catra doesn't need to be an Entrapta-level genius to hear the unspoken, 'And because I totally lost too.' Finn definitely  hears it by the satisfaction in their grin. With a resigned sigh Adora straightened and stretched out a hand. From the bottom of her lungs she bellowed,
"For the Honor of Greyskull!"
A blinding light engulfed Adora from the outline of a golden sword. Catra still had no idea where it always came from. It was of course magic however; you never had to question that kind of thing. She figured that was why it felt comforting, familiar, compared to hard numbers. Most of all, she muses as the light dims, magic embodies everything Adora has been long before the sword.
The light leaves dissolving into rainbow trails. They outline She-Ra's massive form towering at eight feet. Her arms are almost as thick as the tree branches themselves when she begins to climb. Finn watched with their jaw hanging and eyes wide. Their fists rest against their teeth as if every transformation will be the last each time; the anticipation mixed with joy is almost palpable when it infects Catra.
She nudges them while Adora gets tangled in leaves. Finn's rapture breaks and they flash her a knowing smile.
"You love being sneaky huh?"
"She-Ra is cool!"
They look up together and find Adora fumbling not to fall. Though She-Ra carries a noble poise Adora is very much the one nervously sweating. Catra grinned.
"She's very cool."
Adora successfully lands without a scratch; the toy rocket is the size of a river stone in She-Ra's large hand. In an instant  it's back to scale when She-Ra is dismissed, a gold afterglow outlining Adora. It hits Catra then that Finn has grown at level with Adora's waist. When did that happen over the years?
"One missing toy rescued from an evil tree. It won't be eating any more any time soon."
"Thanks Mommy. No more She-Ra for a little bit."
"Right. Mommy needs breaks just like She-Ra does too."
Catra takes Adora's hand and wraps her tail around her. Her purr is soft though outmatched by the gentle kiss she gives her wife. She glanced at Finn who waits expectantly; the toy is already forgotten in favor of another game. Catra chuckles.
"Ok Finn you've had enough of bossing Mommy. This time I'll race you home."
"Loser has to give up dessert!"
"Sure kid. Ready set go!"
Like a bullet Catra sprints down the low hill; she barely hears Finn's call above the wind. In seconds they're right behind and she finds herself laughing carefree into the dusk.
Finn is five when their fur becomes their first taste of responsibility. Their tail is a mess of frizz most mornings; their thick hair resembles a mop fighting against every tame comb they own. Catra does her best to guide them, but she hasn't been five in twenty years. The memories since remain dark and pressed under the claws of greater horrors. Had she ever had time to brush herself seriously then? Not a relevant question; this isn't the time for self grieving.
Finn fusses, tries again, then scowls. They look at her with a plea in their eyes. Catra blinks then finds them slumping shoulders and lips quivering. Their hair seems messier than before for every wrong stroke. It takes her longer than she'd like to notice the budding tears.
"Hey it's ok we'll keep trying. It's hard at first but you can do it."
"Bet it's easy for you Mama."
"Why's that?"
"Because you never get messy. Your hair is always pretty."
Catra beckons and they come within her reach. She wipes their tears, smoothes their tangles best she can. They stare into her eyes with that intensity only they can muster.
"I used to be worse than you. When I was your age I had no one helping me."
"Not even Mommy?"
Catra laughed quiet and gentle, always gentle.
"She tried but she was as small as you. And we know Mommy doesn't look the same; she didn't know how. Do you know how old I was when I learned to keep my hair pretty? Really got good at it?"
Finn shook their head. She could sense the sadness give way to curiosity, to a rising hope.
"I was already a grown up. Wayyy bigger than you y'know? If it took me so long there's no rush. You keep trying until it works ok."
"Let's start over. Just watch me first."
Time passes in a haze enough for her to learn Finn took after her old temper; step by patient step her hands once drenched in the blood of another life calm them to retry. They break for lunch and laugh together, their mistakes now harmless behind them. This, Catra has learned, is completion.
Princess Prom makes everyone nervous and excited equally. She watches Finn, taller than most other ten year olds, adjust their tie. She smiles remembering how many they'd tried on that morning without complaint. How when the right one came along they'd strutted prideful for her and Adora's opinion. They fidget flexing their hand and rocking on their heels. She can't blame them; the announcer's droning speech packs more formality than Catra thought was possible.
Put simply, it's boring, and they both fight a yawn. Adora doesn't notice them tap their feet together, one leading the other following, until another six minutes that pass like hours. She shushes them but when another minute crawls by she joins in. The three of them form a jagged rhythm while holding back giggles.
When the solemnity is done away with and the dance floor opens they lose Finn to their friends. She sends them off with a cheek kiss and Adora's blessing to have fun, then they're alone. They whisk themselves to the snack bar; she watches Adora gorge on tiny food like she's taken Entrapta's appetite for herself. Smirking as she leans against the table she knows Adora can feel her gaze.
"Alright Princess charge your battery any more and I'll dance by myself."
"Noa faish wahit fo me!" Adora forced out through a mouthful.
"Hey easy there. What's that translate to?"
Adora swallows hard and snorts at her.
"I said no fair wait for me. Now you're getting payback."
"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try."
Before she can register it a cupcake is smashed into her mouth. She can hear Adora laughing even when Catra serves one back in retaliation. By the time they've wasted three cupcakes they don't hear Scorpia saunter over. They nearly tumble face first into her serving tray.
"Whoa slow down guys! Party just started to get so worked up. You two sure love having fun."
"Sorry Scorpia didn't see you there. Catra wants to hurry and dance; I want to savor what Entrapta had prepared tonight."
Catra stuck out her tongue and laughed when Adora elbowed her side in jest. When they look over Scorpia has forgone food entirely. She stares at them, her eyes glistening from would be tears.
"You guys are just adorable did you know that?"
"You remind us all the time." Catra replied and wrapped an arm around Adora.
"Actually uh, on second thought, I've got icing down my dress. Excuse me ladies."
Adora gives her a peck of a kiss before disappearing. Catra watched her go spellbound by the soft lights cast on everyone. Adora's outline is dreamlike, Catra can hear her breath hitch. Then far too suddenly she's gone. It's funny, she no longer feels the pain that once tore through her fast as lightening. Maybe parting no longer means goodbye. She knows she always knew.
"Y'know Wildcat I gotta say I've never seen you look this happy. Well happier than that time in the Crimson Wastes. Oh or when Finn was born. It's nice."
"Heh. We're in the same boat then. I can't even tell when it started."
"Wanna know how I can tell this time?"
The intensity in Scorpia's tone made Catra straighten. She stopped trying to eat another cupcake and met her gaze.
"It's the eyes. They're so clear these days. They're empty, not in a bad way. Like...it's like you can take on anything. You've got resolve but it's not angry."
"Yeah. Calm and whole. That's some strength even I don't think I have yet. Your eyes can see through anything."
"Geez way to praise a girl. I think I get it though. Adora's been saying something similar. Glimmer, Bow, Perfuma...everyone brings it up somehow. They act like I'm supposed to know just haven't told them." Catra smiles around a bite of her snack. It was achingly sweet yet she closed her eyes and tasted the love put in.
"Of course they see it too. Every truly strong person is kind."
Catra's eyes widen. For a moment she moves as if to speak then instead smiles, content. Her heart feels light as a feather.
She spots Adora returning through the crowd. Everyone parts reverently for the savior of the galaxy; to Catra it's another homecoming. They don't need the titles or praise; at last having each other, having themselves, is enough.
Scorpia takes her leave just as Adora emerges. The teasing look she wore before is replaced by excitement; the kind that simply is because it can be. Without prompting she offered Catra her hand. She's seen this scene countless times in as many settings. She takes it.
"Ready for that dance I owe you?"
It happens in an instant; Catra reads her eyes. They're calm, resolved, kind. Her reflection stares back within their clarity. She smiles. She hopes Finn will have those eyes someday.
"Always am."
15 notes · View notes
missinghan · 4 years
「 what am I // stray kids 」
❖ genre : sci-fi; superpower au; platonic relationship au
❖ word count : 3,9k (bullet points only)
❖ warning : explicit language, most likely ain’t scientifically true at all
❖ summary : superpowers manifest in certain individuals once they hit puberty and naturally, those odd abilities will vanish as soon as adulthood occurs; but how will those teenagers protect themselves from the curiosity of science?
❖ a/n : this isn’t a proper fic since I don’t think I’ll actually write smth decent out of this but I don’t want the idea to rot inside my dungeon either- so yea, bear with me through this character intro post(?)
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— bang chan ↠ locating ability-wielders & teleportation
· sometimes when he’s running errands for his parents, chan can feel a distinct ‘zing’ ins his bones if someone else with unusual abilities is nearby and can describe their power perfectly to the t; he ignores it at first but learns to make do with it eventually; can teleport another person with him and also needs to calculate carefully before teleporting because he once ends up in the middle of a freeway instead of school resulting from lack of sleep.
· looks intimidating but is the first to talk to a new kid in class and show them around as he’s president of the school’s student council; smiles and laughs a lot once you get to know him, and is also very caring, reliable.
· he wishes to apply for a music production company after his college graduation but his family turned the idea down almost immediately and sent him to a boarding school in Europe.
· chan starts taking notice in strange things at his new school after the first few weeks; for example: how they unreasonably force students to have a daily health checkup, how their food taste like medicine most of the times, teachers don’t really seem to care about what they’re teaching and some of his classmates mysteriously ‘move away’ whenever security shows up at their dorm in the middle of the night.
· after finding out where they actually are via photos of students being locked up inside cells, arms and legs chained up like domestic animals, injected with odd substances on a daily basis which were taken by an anonymous individual, chan secretly packs his stuff and decides to ditch this so-called boarding school for good.
· he works hard to hide his identity ensuing flying back to his hometown for a solid three weeks and the fact that there are more people cursed with supernatural abilities begins dawning onto him; cutting off contact with his family completely, moving from one crusty apartment to another every month, chan tackles this crazy idea of assembling a group consisted of extraordinary people to give him a hand with creating a safe environment for the ‘gifted’ youths.
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— lee minho ↠ collapse
· law major, quite the loner, raised by a single mother; didn’t have much since little but his mother’s love and affection make up for everything.
· looks intimidating, is actually intimidating; the only person he talks to in college is his dance coach, doesn’t like school nor has many friends; his slightest glare is as cold as a wife trying to win custody of her children in court.
· minho can make his surroundings crumble and fall apart with his mind, which shouldn’t be confused with telekinesis since he can’t physically move objects to his will; this deadly power is triggered whenever he’s experiencing extremely negative emotions like fear or anguish and he’s not (still isn’t) very good at getting a hold of it.
· a group of suspicious men shows up at his house one day as he returns home from dance practice; they claim to be an agency looking for up and coming talents but by the way that his mother is staring at the ground nervously with her legs trembling, his institution tells him that something’s off.
· he firmly declines their offer with a stiff “I’m uncertain that I’m the talent you gentlemen are looking for, but you should know that when the cops are here to fill out their reports, I’m gonna be very helpful, as helpful as possible.”
· “what other random merry of fucking misdemeanors are going to pop up once they go through your records? domestic violence? illegal substances and weapons possession? human trafficking?”
· with a gun to her head, his mom scrambles to her knees and begs him to go with them, admitting that she’s already signed the contract; if he follows their orders and agrees to become an experimental subject, she won’t have to worry about any financial problems for the rest of her life.
· in the heat of the moment, they ultimately force him to activate his power for the very first time; as a result, his house collapses, the death of his only family and the group of men following suit.
· “I’m too late.”
· chan manages to find minho under the aftermath, severely injured and is hanging by a string of life so fragile that can only be saved after undergoing a twelve-hour operation at the hospital.
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— seo changbin ↠ sound waves manipulation
· a good student, reputable within his social sphere at school, and comes from a pretty well-off family.
· changbin is able to bend and control sound waves to his advantage; whether it’s simply for his musical instruments or moving objects around, he can also use something as minor as his own heartbeat when he’s emotionally unstable; using the ability continuously for too long can give him severe migraines and potentially damage his brain to a degree if he’s not mindful of it.
· he stays up late at night to write and produce his own songs, keeping it a secret from his parents; posts his own songs on a SoundCloud account, or performs even live at a random underground club under the alias SpearB if he has the chance to.
· an organization full of outlaw scientists comes across a video of his performance on the web, analyzing how he can enhance the beat, his vocal cords without the help of any form of technology, and just like that, he easily tops the list of their targets.
· having no choice but to do what they want when those men hold his parents hostage inside his family’s mansion, changbin gets sent to the same boarding school as chan but they’re being observed in different buildings for his power is on the more useful and dangerous side; hence, his classes consist of a smaller amount of students and they are put through checkups more constantly.
· he doesn’t really pay attention to the skepticisms that reek off all over the place as he’s too busy being homesick and studying because he fully believes that the harder he works, the more obediently he acts, the sooner they’ll let him go; all hell breaks loose when those photos are scattered everywhere, from the hallways to the bathrooms; changbin takes advantage in the riot to get himself out of there as quickly as he can possibly run to the airport.
· changbin swears to never trust anyone again until chan and minho find him sleeping inside an abandoned grocery store with a pistol inside his sleeping bag, two daggers concealed in his sleeves at all times.
· “are we seriously going to contain some headass who was this close to blowing my brain out of my head?”
· “huh, funny, last time I checked, you almost smothered me to death under a gigantic block of cement when I was trying to save your life.”
· “who are you guys and how the hell did you get in here? I don’t recall not locking the door.”
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— hwang hyunjin ↠ permeation & memory manipulation
· a true theater kid, meaning he knows almost everyone but every single student at school knows him; naturally, becomes the Prince after playing one too many male lead roles because of his godly features; rather well-mannered and diligent though he doesn’t look like it.
· mistaken to be a player by every new batch of freshmen that only ever gets to watch him practicing his lines from afar, swooning tremendously whenever he ties up his hair; always carries a camera around, doesn’t like to have too many friends but if you get close enough, he’s probably the most fun to be around, won’t ever judge your questionable life choices.
· hyunjin’s ability allows him to walk right through walls as well as any other solid matters but it will drain his stamina painstakingly, causing him to run short on breaths after using his power to change his costumes faster between scenes; the thicker the wall is, the more strength it takes for him to pass through completely.
· he can also erase a certain chunk of memory from someone’s mind but he needs to physically touch them; has only used this ability one time to wipe his existence out of a childhood best friend’s mind before moving away from his hometown. 
· his interest in photography sparks the moment his uncle comes back from a business trip and gives him a toy camera, it’s nowhere near the real ones but the ten-year-old hwang hyunjin sure takes it very, very seriously; after a decade or so, he has replaced it with cameras that actually work and developed quite the talent for taking photos of sceneries and people (jisung is his number one victim but he can’t care less as long as he looks decent and that hyunjin won’t save any crack ones to blackmail him).
· suddenly gets a sketchy summer scholarship to a boarding school in London (the same so-called school that Chan and Changbin went to), his mom encourages him to go after looking it up on the internet without knowing the chances of her own son being exploited for twisted science is shockingly high.
· and the culprit who takes those photos during a wandering around school after curfew is none other than hyunjin himself; he knows damn well posting those photos means getting himself into trouble but heck, his conscience forbids him to leave this hell-on-earth place without alerting these innocent people.
· so the night before those photos are spread everywhere, in every corner, every edge of the building, hyunjin smashes his camera completely with a baseball bat and burns the broken bits in the school backyard; he tries getting through those sleep-deprived men in their fifties who aren’t likely paid enough with his ability and flees.
· surprisingly, he comes rushing into his best friend’s house right after his horrendous flights only to find him being surrounded by three mysterious men.
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— han jisung ↠ plunder
· the jokester of the class, takes great joy in stressing the living daylights out of his professors with irrational questions that aren’t necessarily relevant to the lesson, procrastinates, and sleeps through lessons like there’s no tomorrow but still keeps that shiny ‘A’ on his report card nonetheless.
· being friends with hyunjin results in occasional admirers here and there for him but he does kinda have his own fandom base after being pulled upstage out of the blue in the middle of last year’s spring music festival, musing him an opportunity to show off his rapping skills; because of that event, he takes writing music more seriously with the stage name J.One.
· if jisung is being honest, he hardly uses his power since it’s basically taking over anyone’s body and mind for a maximum of five seconds meanwhile his own body is immobile; and if any physical effects occur (for example, a basketball hits him on the head spontaneously), he’s obligated to endure that pain for that person until they become conscious of their own body again.
· he’s not a creep, he swears.
· and who knows? what if his body gets kidnapped within those five seconds?
· hyunjin and jisung know about each other’s ability but don’t really discuss nor talk about them because they don’t find walking through walls or temporarily possessing someone’s body cool.
· well, that’s that until chan, minho and changbin show up at his house the same day when hyunjin returns from his summer exchange program with a cut lip and bruised knuckles. 
· “han jisung, you’re going to have to come with us unless you want to live inside a cage for the rest of your life.”
· “I’m sorry, are you threatening me?”
· “we’re trying to protect you, smartass, you’re far too dangerous to be roaming the streets so freely.”
· “....me? I’m dangerous?”
· jisung not knowing the slightest bit about his own ability downright baffles chan—he’s only scratched the surface of it at this point; his true potential is if he’s taking over another ability-wielder’s body, he will then take their power for himself; and jisung can’t remember the last time he properly uses it either.
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— lee felix ↠ imperfect invisibility
· initially lives in Australia but after finding out about his ability, he moves to Seoul with his parents to live a quieter, more covered-up life without being surrounded by too many relatives.
· an absolute sweetheart, smart, kind, honest, a little slow to read in between the lines at times; can concentrate relatively well on an empty stomach, but gets drowsy quickly after eating, especially big meals. 
· lix is also homeschooled up until high school in order to avoid any unwanted situation; later on, applies for a course that can be taken online for the most parts at an average-ish university to not draw so much attention. 
· since he stays at home most of the time, he spends lots of time playing different video games, experiences random cooking recipes without burning the house down, and teaches himself how to dance through online tutorials, getting awfully good at it fast partially thanks to his natural flexibility.
· he can disappear from a single person’s field of vision for as long as he wants to but it’s still limited and considered flawed since felix can only disappear from the sight one person of his choice at a time; although it can come in quite handy whenever he gets shoved into a dark alleyway by random people varying from cheap pickpockets with a box-cutting knife to muscular men dressed in black.
· learns boxing during middle school so he can still kick asses to preserve his own life.
· felix once punches jisung in the gut and slaps hyunjin in the face with a cabbage after seeing them follow each and every one of his movements the moment he steps out of the supermarket—he’s got used to listening to people’s footsteps over time. 
· “okay, first of all, ow, and second of all, why did I get the punch and he got the cabbage?!”
· “oh, don’t be such a baby.”
· “you two don’t look like those balding dudes in money-dripping black suits...what are you on? crack? what do you want from me? money? food?”
· “of course we’re not balding men in their forties! I take personal offense to that! and please, who do you take me as? a total creep who only ever knows how to follow people with his stupid sidekick tagging along for background noises?”
· “well, it’s time you fucking did then, han.”
· “you know, I suppose this is the part where you two put me to sleep with some kind of drug and bring me back to your excuse of a headquarter.”
· “oh, did you bring the anesthetic pills?”
· “I thought Changbin gave it to you, no?”
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— kim seungmin ↠ time-leap
· born in a middle-class family, very studious but also enjoys playing baseball during retreats, takes time to open up to people so he has more acquaintances than close friends but he doesn’t mind, that way he has more time for himself. 
· definitely and never will be the kid who lets his classmates take advantage of his wit, he does do a good chunk of every group project but makes sure everyone has at least one decent thing to do (low-key loves bossing people around); can be pretty distant at first, but he just weirds people out after getting closer and doesn’t hold grudges.
· seungmin is capable of bringing himself back to a specific past event to alter the future outcome though it won’t work most of the time unless he really, really has to for safety purposes or the situation gets out of hands; time-leaping won’t activate if he wants to retake a test but works like a charm when he tries to save a kid on the street from a car accident.
· actually does deep, proper research into other ability-wielders and often stays in school during nighttime to read the news, articles or anything that he can find on the web to learn about how that one cryptic boarding school in Europe that’s accused of abusing their students got shut down all of a sudden, the students never return and family members never bother to look for them. 
· hence, he adapts to hiding his ability and himself fairly well—never takes the late-night buses, doesn’t try to become close and bond with other people, asks his parents to change the door lock every month, burns bills each time he purchases something but he tries not to go out as much as possible. 
· seungmin has seen hyunjin use his power once by accident but decided to say nothing about it; eventually finds chan’s headquarter (which is just his crusty apartment) by following jisung and hyunjin after their practice hour, baffles them all a little but joins in no time. 
· after asking hyunjin to erase his parents’ memory about himself, seungmin gives everyone a hand for their plan of building a school and campus, completely safe and under the radar for other ability welders until their adolescence is over; he time-leaps back to back in order to collect as much information about lottery tickets as he can.
· another flaw occurs when he travels to the past for the third time: his eyesight gets weaker and weaker every time he time-leaps so he starts wearing glasses as a temporary resolution but chan stops him when he tries to do it for the fifth time, saying that they would rather work hard for a little longer than have seungmin lose his vision forever. 
· after over a year or so, they successfully repurchase an education organization and officially establish an exclusive academy for ability-wielders, reaching out to those individuals before scientists can get a hold of them. 
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— yang jeongin ↠ superhuman speed
· the quiet kid who most likely won’t talk unless the teacher asks him to answer a question or someone tells him to let them copy his homework; has his earbuds in most of the time to pretend he can’t hear what people are saying so he won’t have to interact with them. 
· joins after you when chan finds him hitting a wall head-on at an abnormal speed while trying to save a kitten in the middle of the streets. 
· jeongin has extremely enhanced agility and reflexes but he still lacks accuracy for he is naturally a clumsy person; therefore, changbin tells him to wear a protective layer under his uniform so even in the worst-case scenario, he can jump off a building and make it out with minor scratches. 
· reluctantly buys lunch for every member of the student council (aka 00 liners + you) on a daily basis although he can’t really see which kind of sandwiches he’s grabbing at and they end up being mushy most of the time. 
· and for those people who say his resting face is scary, he’s mainly just frustrated because of his friends. 
· also usually is the one who returns with the most injuries because of his own ability—he always flees like his life depends on it to save jisung’s ass from being hit by a truck and hyunjin’s camera from being crushed (the sole purpose of the student council will be explained more thoroughly later).
· has single-handedly saved everyone inside a bookstore when a sudden fire breaks out. 
· minho scolds him and felix a lot for spending too much time at the arcade after school instead of doing their required tasks. 
· acts all tough and mature since he’s the youngest of the squad, loves to make fun of jisung for his height but still is and probably will always be a complete child who hates eating vegetables with a passion; gets yelled at a lot whenever there’s a BBQ party since he only ever eats meat. 
· “corn? why are we raiding the Asian market for corn at one AM?”
· “an outdoor, wholesome BBQ isn’t complete without corn, duh.”
· “do you want to get us caught?!”
· “oh please, they’re going to show up either way.”
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— y/n (reader) ↠ telepathic manipulation
· president of the student council, stubborn, slightly less bossy than seungmin, appears to be apathetic and cranky mainly because you can’t sleep that well; with that being said, you don’t feel too tired during ungodly hours when people are tossing around in the comfort of their bed but snap at irritating people a lot in the morning if they’re making too much noise. 
· your ability allows you to control people to your will, from something as meaningless as slamming their head through a wall to life-threatening actions like forcing them to point a knife at their own throat; it’s somewhat similar to jisung’s power though you don’t have to physically feel what your target is going through and you don’t need to worry about taking over their body.
· the only downside to it is that you easily fall asleep the moment you set your target free.
· minho is the one who gets you out of the laboratory where your parents were working on a huge, secret project about individuals with supernatural abilities for an unknown organization; you’re unfortunate enough to become their first-ever experimental subject which only nourishes resentment slowly, gnawing at your sanity while you’re dreading each day behind those cold metal bars. 
· perhaps joining the student council is what makes your life less depressing, perhaps; you’re far too busy facepalming at the beautiful monstrosity of their friendship and feeding them ensuing returning to the dorm after school since those boys only know how to eat, cooking is too much for them to comprehend (albeit felix).
· when your family was still… normal, your parents sent you to martial art classes every weekend so like felix, you don’t actually need your power to save yourself from some random mobsters on the streets.
· you’re also the only person who eats vegetables properly and even tries to incorporate more fiber into their diets but as always, they never listen, especially hyunjin when it comes to green onions.
· don’t have the best reputation in the academy because the idea of letting the new girl with a seemingly useless ability become president of the student council isn’t very appealing to many people, and it doesn’t help when every member of the council is exclusively allowed to drop out in the middle of a class to ‘collect’ any ability-wielders that chan manages to locate that day since he’s always worn out with changbin and minho from boring paperwork as well as other businessy stuff.
· even when your ability is considered almost perfect, you’ve only used it once when you thought minho was going to sell you off to another place and almost made him put a bullet through his own brain; you’ve refrained yourself from using it since that day.
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luxaofhesperides · 3 years
in those long days until we’re together
yoo sangah loves all the time she spends with jung heewon. but the time they spend together is to little; such is the way of long distance relationships.
for ORV RARE PAIR WEEK 2021 @orv-week; day three, prompt: long distance relationship.
also on ao3.
. . . Call soon?  the text reads when Yoo Sangah opens it. She immediately sends back a smiling panda sticker and hurries through the rest of her work so she can leave on time, if not a little early. They’ve both been busy recently, which means they haven’t had much time to talk, but Jung Heewon had set a day where they’re both free in the evenings to call and catch up. Yoo Sangah is grateful; often she worries about being too needy or clingy, holding herself back from asking for more no matter how often Jung Heewon assures her that it’s fine. She’s missed talking to her girlfriend recently, but didn’t want to demand all of her time and attention, so she kept quiet until Jung Heewon firmly set a time when they can ignore the rest of the world and just focus on each other.
There are three hours left before she can go home. She feels each minute passing by agonizingly slow. Her focus is shot, barely able to concentrate on all the files she has on hand that have to go out by the end of the week. She’s only half done, and while she’s sure if she focused and got to it she’s finish faster, Yoo Sangah is filled with restless energy that makes her walk away from her desk.
The break room is usually empty at this time. It’s just after the time most people finish their lunch and return to their work, so Yoo Sangah looks forward to making herself some tea and letting her mind wander without the pressures of deadlines stress her out.
She gets as far as pulling out a cup before she realizes she’s not alone. Kim Dokja sits in the back of the break room, in a corner people ignore because it’s out of sight from the door. He’s on his phone again, not moving and silent. Yoo Sangah can’t help but jump a little when she finds him, from the shock of seeing someone in the corner of her eye in a room she though was empty . Slowly, she lets out a breath and tries not to look to frazzled.
“Dokja-ssi,” she calls out, making him look up, “Did you want anything to drink?”
“No thank you,” he says as quietly as always. Had it been anyone else, she would have thought he was trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. In fact, he sounds exactly as he does when he tries to end a conversation, but he’s not looking away which is the only sign that he doesn’t mind talking a little while longer.
Kim Dokja is really her only friend at Minosoft, where all the other men hit on her relentlessly and the other women keep her at arms length for one reason or another. He doesn’t hit on her, leer at her, or act rudely. He just keeps to himself and helpfully hands her salt when she’s upset so she can ruin people’s coffees. Yoo Sangah is glad to have at least one co-worker she’s on good terms and doesn’t actively dislike.
“Did something happen?” he asks, lowering his phone some more. It always feels like a victory when she manages to pull him away from that phone screen. “You look a little… flushed, I suppose. Distracted.”
Yoo Sangah can’t help but smile. “Oh, I’m video calling my girlfriend tonight. It’s been a while since we were able to talk.”
Here’s another thing about Kim Dokja: he’s not just her only friend at Minosoft, but also the only person who knows she’s 1) not straight and 2) in a relationship. She hadn’t even meant to tell him about Jung Heewon, but he was there and no one else was and she was happy that Jung Heewon wanted to be in a relationship with her, even if it was long distance. All Kim Dokja do was ask if she had a good night, and Yoo Sangah immediately told him about the lovely, strong woman who turned her attempt to socialize into a date, ditching the rest of her college friends, and about the second date she had on the weekend.
Kim Dokja, to his credit, didn’t even blink. Just congratulated her on her new relationship and made no mention of the fact that she was with another woman. Yoo Sangah grew fiercely protective of him that day, as had Jung Heewon, the first time she called while Yoo Sangah was still at work and got to talk to him for a few minutes.
“I see,” he says. “If you’d like me to take on some of your work so you can go home sooner…”
“Oh, no! I couldn’t ask that of you! But thank you for offering anyways. Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?”
He shakes his head. “I’m alright. I’m on break for another ten minutes, and I’d like to finish reading this, so…”
Yoo Sangah nods at his polite attempt finish the conversation and focus on his phone again, and tries to make tea quietly as to not bother him. She lets herself smile freely as she waits for the tea to cool, then says goodbye to Kim Dokja, who awkwardly waves a hand at her. No one tries to stop her for a chat as she makes her way back to her desk, which is incredibly rare and incredibly lucky. It wasn’t a bad day before getting Jung Heewon’s text, but it certainly got better after it.
Somehow, she manages to finish the last few hours of work, only occasionally glancing at her phone, before she puts all her files away and gets ready to go home. As she’s walking to the elevator to leave, Yoo Sangah sees a couple of people from the corner of her eye perk up when they catch sight of her and start heading over. Please go away, she thinks and stares very hard at the elevator doors, trying to convey that she’s leaving and doesn’t want to talk. It doesn’t work.
Just as they reach her and one of them opens his mouth, Kim Dokja appears, sliding in front of them with ease. With how he’s looking at his phone again, it could be passed off as unintentional, just him not paying attention to his surroundings, but the way he carefully glances at her tells her that this was no accident.
People don’t really seem to like Kim Dokja, which Yoo Sangah finds strange. He’s just a little reclusive and awkward, but their coworkers either harass him or avoid him with all their might.
These two men become visibly uncomfortable and shift away from Kim Dokja. They look at her, then at Kim Dokja, then walk past them. As soon as they’re out of earshot, Yoo Sangah sighs and says, “Thank you, Dokja-ssi.”
He gives her a small smile. “It would be a shame to get stuck here when you have better things to do.”
The elevator finally arrives on their floor and the doors slide open. It’s empty, thankfully, and they both get in. Kim Dokja leans against the back wall, frowning as he reads… whatever it is he reads. Yoo Sangah decides it wouldn’t be rude to be on her phone, not talking, if it’s Kim Dokja she’s with. She opens up her chat with Jung Heewon and sends another text: I’ll be home soon! Let me know when you’re ready <3
Once on the ground floor, Yoo Sangah says goodbye to Kim Dokja as he heads towards the subway and she goes around the building to get her bike. The sun has set by the time she makes it to her apartment, but the sky is still light, all purple and pink. She takes a moment to admire it before she unlocks her door and kicks off her shoes.
The stress of the day falls off her shoulders and she takes a moment to stretch before going to her bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.
She grabs her charger from her room and plugs it in the kitchen just to make sure her phone doesn’t die in the middle of the call. It’s been so long, Yoo Sangah isn’t going to risk anything cutting their time together short.
Her phone chirps with a notification and Yoo Sangah all but throws herself across the kitchen to open it.
Five more minutes?asks Jung Heewon, and Yoo Sangah quickly sends a nodding kitten sticker back. She rushes through grabbing ingredients and setting up her cutting board and frying pan in order to make fried rice, and keeps checking her phone to make sure she doesn’t accidentally miss Jung Heewon’s call.
Calling now!! comes another text that Yoo Sangah barely sees before her phone is ringing. She grabs it and accepts the video call, heart thundering in her chest as both their cameras begin to adjust to the lighting in their respective apartments.
“There you are sweetheart,” Jung Heewon says, smiling, “I’ve missed you so much.”
Yoo Sangah can’t help the shy smile that spreads across her face, cheeks flushing. “I can’t wait to see you in person again. Two more weeks, right?”
“Mhm. Two more weeks and you’ll get to have me all to yourself for four days.”
Yoo Sangah has been eagerly counting down the days for Jung Heewon’s next visit to Seoul, planning out dates and meals to cook together. The loneliness that cripples her the first few days after her girlfriend leaves is terrible, a feature of long distance relationships, but getting to be with Jung Heewon in any way she can is more than worth it.
She sets her phone propped up against a tall glass. “I’m going to make some dinner, so tell me about your week while I cut some vegetables.”
Jung Heewon shifts, getting more comfortable on her couch, and begins to talk about her job, her coworkers, the stray cats in the neighborhood that she’s been feeding; Yoo Sangah lets the soothing cadence of her voice wash over her as she cooks, listening attentively and trying to commit everything to memory so she can feel like she’s a part of Jung Heewon’s day.
They talk through her cooking, her eating, keep the call going even when both leave to take a shower and get ready for bed. It’s so nice to talk to Jung Heewon again, but it makes the empty space on her bed all the more obvious.
“I can’t wait to have you with me again,” Yoo Sangah mumbles, sleepy now that she’s in bed. She’s having trouble keeping her eyes open, and while she knows she should go to sleep since she has work tomorrow, she wants this call to keep going for as long as possible. She’s not ready to say goodbye. She’s never ready to say goodbye.
Jung Heewon rubs her eyes tiredly. “You look tired sweetheart,” she says, her voice low. The sound of it sends pleasant shivers down her spine, and Yoo Sangah can only manage a vague hum in reply. “Go to sleep. I’ll stay on the call until you sleep.”
“I don’t want to end it,” she says, stubbornly keeping her eyes open.
“I’ll call you again in the morning. I promise. Okay?”
That’s the smart thing to do, Yoo Sangah knows, and if she wakes up a little earlier than usual she can see Jung Heewon longer. Still, she doesn’t want to go to sleep and stop hearing Jung Heewon’s voice. She wants time to stop and let her have this moment to herself forever, without worrying about tomorrow or counting down the days until Jung Heewon arrives for just a few days. Their relationship is filled with longing and waiting, always separated and never able to stay together as long as they want.But there is no one she wants as much as Jung Heewon. She’ll do anything to stay with her.
“Okay,” Yoo Sangah says, “Goodnight. Two weeks?”
“Two weeks,” Jung Heewon promises. “I’ll be with you before you know it.” I hope so , she thinks, and closes her tired eyes, letting the sounds of Jung Heewon moving and preparing for the next day lull her to sleep. It’s almost like she’s there with Yoo Sangah.
It’s enough for now. 
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summahsunlight · 4 years
Perhaps It’s Fate, Part 19
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Rating: T, to be safe
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: After joining the Resistance as a mechanic, you were happy to keep to yourself, until a little orange and white bb unit and his master wander into your workshop one day.
Pairings: Poe Dameron x Mechanic!Reader
Taglist: @ms-dont-care​, @starless-eyes-remain​, @elmoakepoke​, @marvelobsessiononastick​, @kiaralein​, @softly-sad​, @totalpoedameron, @ordinarymom1​, @sevvysaurus​, @spider-starry​, @liadamerondjarin​, @jingyuhearteu​, @dream-alittlebiggerdarling​, @paintballkid711​
It’s here! The next part! Hope you enjoy it. I’m excited for you to be able to read it!🥰 Remember if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!
Leia could tell you were nervous. You had never left the base before to complete a mission and now you were being asked to sneak on board the Supreme Leader’s ship to crack a code.  
But first the Resistance needed to obtain codes to get through the Supremecy’s defense systems. After procuring the funds to obtained a copy of the codes, you were preparing to depart the Raddus when no one could find Finn. He’d been extremely anxious about Rey when he woke up, and the anxiety only increased the more dire their situation became. You had a pretty good idea where Finn had gone off too.
Rose Tico found him first. She didn’t say anything, but you were pretty smart--Finn had the binary beacon that Leia had given Rey in his hand--he was leaving to find her.  You didn’t say anything, even though Finn was well aware that you knew what he’d been up too, that you knew Rose had stopped him. He was grateful for that because Poe so put so much faith in him. 
So, as you were headed towards Canto Bright to purchase the shield codes, Finn waited until Poe was out of earshot to speak to you. “Thanks.”
“For what?” you asked, innocently.
“For not telling Poe that I tried to ditch the Resistance,” Finn replied. “I know how much this means to him.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s not like you’re really a part of the Resistance; Poe just... wants you to be. To be fair, Finn, he just wants everyone to join us. Sometimes he has hard a time grasping that there are people out there that would rather not get involved.”
He nodded in understanding. Once he’d told Rey that she didn’t know the First Order like he did and that they all needed to run. She was devastated that he had left. Poe would probably be the same way, and for someone that had no friends while he’d been a solider for the First Order, Finn did not want to keep disappointing the people that he did consider his friends. 
Poe stepped back into the cockpit then, BB-8 rolling behind him. “Should be in Canto Bright within the hour.”
“Great. What should we do once we get there?” Finn asked.
“For one, change,” Poe replied, throwing a suit at him.
“Yeah. We need to blend in. Our clothes aren’t loud enough.”
Finn shot you a funny look and you smiled. “We won’t look rich enough if we stay in our regular clothes,” you said. 
Poe chuckled. “I’m not sure we’re ever going to look rich enough even if we put the clothes on.” He shook his head. “Those people drip money, practically wear it on them--meanwhile, people are suffering throughout the galaxy.”
The former Stormtrooper tossed a look at you. “Why didn’t you give Y/N something to change into?”
“Someone has to be here to fly the ship if we need to make a quick escape.”
“And I’m not trained for this kind of mission.”
“I am?”
Poe chuckled. “You do have military training.”
Finn frowned. “Yeah... but not Secret Ops training.”
Shifting in your seat, you glanced at Poe. “It’s Canto Bright--as along as you look fancy and talk fancy, I doubt anyone is going to know the difference. It’s just a playground for the rich.”
Checking the navicomputer, Poe got up, pressed a kiss to the top of your head and announced he was going to change. You looked towards Finn, noticing that he still seemed uncomfortable. “You know, Poe’s been charge of missions like this before--with Black Squadron. Everything is going to be okay.” 
“He’s never run into trouble before?”
“Oh, no, he runs into trouble all the time.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Poe always manages to find his way out of trouble.”
Finn silently agreed with you. He glanced at the fancy clothes that Poe had tossed at him. Once they had the information they had come to Canto Bright for, they were heading to Snoke’s ship--which is where you came in, because you were the smartest mechanic on base according to Poe and you could solve the code to stop the tracker. “Someday that luck is going to run out--I just hope it isn’t today.”
You swallowed the nervous bile in your throat. You were fearing the same things that Finn was--that Poe’s knack for escaping trouble would run out on this mission. But you had to try because if you didn’t, it would surely be the end of the Resistance. 
Along with BB-8, you waited anxiously in the ship while Poe and Finn headed out to the casinos to meet with your contact. You did your best to calm your already frayed nerves, but the longer the two men were gone, there more anxious you got.
Somehow you managed to fight off a panic attack. 
BB-8 stayed by your side, quietly beeping and engaging in off-topic conversation. You had a squeaky suspicion that Poe left his droid behind with you to help you manage your anxiety. Reaching down you gave the little droid some loving scratches on the top of his dome head.
Closing your eyes, you tried not focus on how long it was taking. Instead, you focused on the breathing techniques that Poe had tirelessly researched for you to help with your panic attacks. You were in such deep thought that you didn’t hear Poe’s voice over the comm calling for your help. It was BB-8′s pleas that pulled you back to reality.
“Poe?” you questioned, shakily into the comm link.
“Y/N! Get the ship ready!”
Without hesitation you started the ship up. BB-8 nervously beeped and rolled around the cock-pit. “Yes,” you said, as the engines fired up, “I’m very much aware that that was Poe’s I’m-in-trouble-voice. Are they in your sensor range, Bee?”
BB-8 confirmed that they were not, which meant that they were not near the ship. You cursed, silently. If only you knew how much time you had...
...blast bolts rocked the tiny little ship you were sitting in. Now you cursed loudly; BB-8 anxiously moved closer to you. 
“Poe! They’re firing on us!” you shouted into the comm link.
“Get out of there! We’ll join up outside of the city!”
“Join up? Where!”
“Just trust me, sweetheart!”
Trust him? Of course you trusted him, but in this moment, as you lifted the ship into the air and escaped the hanger--you were having a hard time trusting him. BB-8 was actively scanning for him, trying to help you find the two men as you headed out of the city. All you could see was one of those obnoxious party ships heading out over the pristine waterfalls. 
And then you saw them--Poe and Finn--at the edge of the waterfalls. “Bee! I see them!” You shouted at the droid, pointing them out. “Go open the cargo door! I get as low to the ground as I can so they can climb on board.”
You waited until you heard Poe shouting to punch it that you pushed the ship’s thrusters to its limits to climb into the atmosphere and back into space. It slightly startled you when Poe’s hand gripped your shoulder and guided you out of the pilot’s seat. There was no arguing from you--he was after all the better pilot. 
Poe effortlessly took over, flying the ship quickly away from the planet. “Hold on, I’m gonna have to make the jump to lighspeed quickly--before planetary defenses launch and come after us.”
“What did you two do down there?” you asked.
“Long story,” Finn mumbled. 
“They weren’t happy we might have cheated...”
“Poe... really?”
“Hey! They have plenty of money! We needed to blend in!”
Finn threw you a look just as Poe made the jump to lightspead. The two of you stumbled a bit, but quickly regained your balance. “He almost talked his way out of it. Almost. And then we were being chased by security...you know the rest.”
Poe swiveled the pilot seat around and smiled at you both. “We got out of there, didn’t we? And we stuck it to some of those rich guys. Now, I’m going to go get out of this ridiculous suit.” As he passed you, he pressed a kiss to your temple. “Forty minutes until we get to Snoke’s ship. You got this, sweetheart.”
You took a deep breath; you didn’t want fail Poe or the Resistance. Which meant you had to get your anxiety in check.  Otherwise, everything was going to fall to pieces and you would be the one to blame.
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duncans-idahoe · 4 years
Listen, I know we all have varying feelings about Jenny and Gilan being together, especially because it feels like Flanny did it because he had no idea what else to do with these characters, but yesterday I came up with a headcanon while listening to “Travelin’ Soldier” by the Dixie Chicks (DONT come at me Dixie Chicks are good, plus that song gets me in my feels and I felt like crying WHOOPS) on how they met that I think is adorable and is better than them meeting before Halt and Pauline’s wedding, if I do say so myself (and I do)
This is kind of a two part headcanon so I’ll sort of split it up:
Part 1:
Gilan is extremely extroverted
Like he’s one of those people who would sit down and have a conversation with anyone about anything because he just craves that sort of human interaction
This is problematic for a ranger because regular people are too scared of rangers to make small talk with him
And he only really gets to see other rangers at the gatherings
So when he finishes his apprenticeship with Halt and becomes the ranger of his own fief he goes stir crazy pretty quickly
At first he tried to go to a local inn or pub and talk with the people who were under his protection
But as soon as people saw the tell-tale grey and green cloak, long bow, and double knife scabbard they would make themselves scarce
Gilan realized that if he wanted to get the human interaction he craved, he’d have to ditch his “uniform”
So when he had the time (which wasn’t very often because a Ranger’s life is a rather busy one), he’d leave his cabin in some regular clothes and leave his weapons behind
Well, all of his weapons but his sword, he didn’t want to be left completely empty handed if something happened, and his sword is basic enough that no one would question too much a wandering young man with it
And he’d travel to a tavern in a neighboring town or village where it’d be less likely for him to be recognized
And it worked! Most people just figured he was a lone traveler or a sword for hire or something along those lines, and he’s good natured and charismatic so people were easily attracted to him
Part 2:
For one reason or another, Gilan finds himself in Redmont for a short time
He hears about this new restaurant ran by a young woman that has the best food in Araluen
So, he goes out in his disguise like he has many times before to try it out
Once he arrives, the restaurant is already packed and he’s lucky to even get a table, but he doesn’t mind the over crowding because he gets to talk with the other patrons
He’s talking with a local farmer about the season’s harvest when she comes up to his table to take his order
“I’m so sorry for the wait, sir, what can I get for you?”
Her hair had probably been in a tight knot at the beginning of the night, but now it was hanging at the base of her head with strands hanging all over the place where they had slipped from their tie
Her once white apron had stains from where some stew had spilt and her cheeks were flushed from the frustration of a packed house and almost no help
But her eyes still sparkled, her smile big and inviting showing off her dimples, and her voice sweet and warm
Gilan was a confident man and had never had trouble talking to anyone before, but he found himself speechless at the sight of her
For the first time in his life he found himself struggling to speak and stuttered our his order
He mentally slapped himself when she walked away after taking his order, that smile still on her face
He wasn’t an awkward teenager anymore, he knew how to talk to women!
But something about this woman made him forget how to
When she brought out his dinner she laid it down with another smile and a “let me know if you need anything else” and went to turn back to the kitchen but stopped when she heard his voice
“Actually, would you mind sitting and talking with me?” He said with a charming smile
Her cheeks flushed for an entirely different reason and she let out an adorable giggle that had his heart skipping a beat before looking around the room
Most of the customers from the dinner rush were finishing up their meals and getting ready to leave, but there were a few patrons that had yet to be served
“Give me an hour and I’d love to”
Gilan grinned widely and nodded
He didn’t have anything else to do that night anyway
The two ended up talking until well after the restaurant had closed and everyone else had left
Sorry this headcanon is kinda trash but I enjoy it and wanted to share it...
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Señorita - Shawn Mendes
dont want to brag but... this is giving me the chills. here is a long piece dedicated to the perfection of the senorita video. also its giving me strong three steps above heaven vibes
4k words of bad boy shawn falling for you
part 2
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“He is back.”
Rosie winks at you as she puts the dirty dishes down to the counter and biting into her bottom lip she wiggles her eyebrows at you as you fix your hair. It’s too damn hot in the back and Rob refuses to do something against it. It wouldn’t bother you either if you were sitting in an air-conditioned office all day, but you’re right here, working your butt off every day in the steaming hot kitchen.
You let out a sigh giving her a look. She is too engaged in your life, but it’s your fault. You told her about Shawn and now it’s all she asks you about.
“Did you take his order?” You ask reaching into your pocket to look for your small notebook and pencil you’ve been using for ages and could use some sharpening.
“Yeah, but he asked if you are in.”
“Like always,’ you mumble under your breath, but you’re not annoyed. The guy has been doing everything to get to you and it’s kind of flattering, but you know it just wouldn’t work.
Shawn Mendes is the bad guy of the town, everyone knows his name, all girls and women from 13 to 70 are dreaming about the guy in the leather jacket, rocketing through the town on his old motorbike. But as someone working 50 hours a week you just can’t let yourself get involved with someone who is famous for his bad reputation.
“Why don’t you just give in for him?” Rosie asks with a confused look. She just can’t wrap her mind around the fact that someone is not begging for Shawn’s attention, in fact, tries to avoid it.
“Because we are working and shouldn’t you be doing your job?” you ask, earning a royal eye-rolling as you grab the plates you have to bring to your table.
“You are no fun!” she sticks her tongue out but you just brush it off rushing out.
The old couple at your table are happy to have their pancakes and you can’t help but smile at how adorable they look sharing a milkshake. As you chat with them a little you can feel a pair of hazel eyes on you and glancing up you see him.
He is sitting in the same booth as always, Rosie just brought his order, placing it on the table but he has no interest in the food or her. He is staring at you so intensely you can almost feel your cheeks blushing. You know he wants you to go over there, but you have work to do and you don’t want Rob to find you ditching your tasks for some guy. He loves his money too much and willing to get rid of anyone who doesn’t bring him any.
He stays. He sips on his drink for as long as possible, Rosie going over there many times to make sure he has everything, but he just kindly thanks her work and keeps staring at you.
“Hey,” he softly says when you pass by him, his large hand wraps around your wrist pulling you back. You gulp hard as you turn back and look at him.
“Can I get you something?” you ask with your most charming work-smile you’ve turned into perfection during your time at the diner.
“Can we talk?”
“Depends on what. If you want to know what I recommend from the menu, yes. Otherwise, no.”
The sharpness in your voice surprises both of you, but you stand your ground. You have to be tough.
“Y/N, please. I can explain everything.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. Do you need another iced tea?” you ask pointing at his almost empty cup. His eyes wander to the table and back to you. Realizing you are not going to talk about anything non-related to work he gives up and just shakes his head no. His fingers let go of your wrist and you disappear as soon as possible.
Rushing to the back you take your spot behind the fridge, taking deep breath as you try to calm your burning nerves.
You really thought you’d seen the last of him when the two of you met last weekend. It was all accident, you were out for a night run because you couldn’t sleep and ran into some sketchy guys. They circled you, ready to do your worst nightmare when Shawn appeared out of nowhere. The dudes ran so fast they basically teleported. You felt like you owed Shawn for his help so you agreed to grab something to eat with him. It could have even been nice, but trouble is always on the corner when it comes to Shawn Mendes. You ran into a local gang who unlike those fuckers weren’t afraid to oppose him. Then his guys showed up and it all turned into a huge street fight, giving you just the perfect image of what it’s like to be close to him. In the middle of the chaos you ran away and he has been following you ever since, trying to talk to you but there is nothing he can say to change your mind. You are better off without him.
You finally catch your breath, the clinking of dishes brings back you to reality and you force yourself to continue with your work.
You don’t know when but he disappears at one point and the thought of him gone should make you feel better but all you have is… disappointment.
“I got this tonight,” Rosie tells you when the place is closed and it’s time to do the accounting on the register. Taking the coins from your hand she winks at you pushing you away with her hips.
“Thanks,” you smile at her as you go to the back to get changed. It’s almost midnight when you walk out through the back door, deep in your thoughts, thinking about everything you have to do on your day off tomorrow. You don’t eve n realize there is someone else besides you until a warm hand touches your shoulder, making you jump a little.
“It’s just me!” Shawn quickly assures you as you take his tall figure in. You’ve been a bit more jumpy since your little encounter. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, but you keep walking as he picks up your pace.
“Can we please talk? I want to explain.”
“I don’t think I want to hear it,” you stubbornly say, but his hand grabs your wrist again pulling you back and finally stopping you.
“Can you at least look at me when I talk to you?”
His voice is a little harsh, it’s obvious he is having a hard time having someone not give him the attention and respect he is used to. You are standing dangerously too close to him and the last time it happened he managed to break your walls and charm you.
Forcing yourself to look at him your eyes meet his and you try to hide how much he affects you hoping he hasn’t noticed the goosebumps on your skin from his touch.
“That fight was unfortunate. You really think I would have ever brought you near anything dangerous?” His words are a lot softer this time, his thumb gently running back and forth on the inside of your wrist. “I would never hurt you, Y/N.”
“Not me, but you hurt others,” you find yourself speaking and your hard tone is kind of new to him. “I told you, Shawn. We are too different, just forget about me,” you tell him freeing your hand, ready to leave, but he quickly catches up with you stopping you once more.
“But I can’t! You are all I can think about!” Frustration soaks his words and you just can’t believe you are making him feel this way. There is no way you, an average waitress can make The Shawn Mendes lose his mind.
“I tried, believe me! But ever since we danced…”
You suck your breath in thinking about the night you met him for the first time. Rosie convinced you to go out, probably for the first time in years. There is this club in the neighborhood, they play amazing music, the kind that makes you move even if you hate dancing. You wore your most daring dress, it only covers as much as needed and Rosie talked you into it, you were fine with jeans and a top.
You were at the bar, waiting for your drink when someone spilled theirs on your back, making the ice-cold beverage run down on your bare back.
“Can’t you watch what you’re doing?!” you basically screaming turning around and you found yourself with a pair of hazel eyes, roaming your body shamelessly, as if that was all you were there, for his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Señorita.”                                                            
His voice sent shivers down your spine and you stared up at him dumbly, the wetness on your back long forgotten.
To make up his mistake he asked you to dance which you agreed to. It felt like the whole place was burning around you once his hand was on your bare back. His hot breath on your skin, muscles moving under your hand, you could barely contain your feelings right there. All eyes were glued to the two of you, women could kill you with their eyes, but you somehow couldn’t care less.
“Shawn,” you let out a tired sigh when his fingers touch your cheek. They softly run down to your neck, your side and his hand stops on your waist.
“Come home with me. Please.”
Shawn Mendes begging is not something an average person could witness ever in life. Your knees are going weak at his touch, wanting nothing else than get lost in his arms and kiss those lips until yours felt numb.
“I promise we’ll stay out of trouble.”
The playful smirk on his lips gives away he knows he has already won you over, but you don’t say yes just yet, trying to make it feel like you are still holding up. His hand pulls you closer to his body and you place your palm on his hard chest. Your eyes wander to the silver necklace hanging from his neck as he nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“What do you say, Señorita? Shall we get out of here?” You can’t see it but you can hear from his voice that he is smiling. It’s unbelievable how he can play you so easily, the power he has over you is definitely not human.
“Let’s go,” you say before your rational side could step in and stop you.
Your grip around his waist tightens every time he speeds up. The lights of the city blurs in your vision as you are still too scared to look for too long. The cold leather of his jacket feels soothing on your cheek as you rest your head on his back. The way from the diner to his place is not too long, but long enough for you to pray for your life on that bike at least three times.
“You’re cute when you are scared,” he chuckles when you hop off of the bike in the parking lot. You just narrow your eyes at him holding your sweater tighter around your body as you wait for him.
Taking your hand he pulls you to his door, carefully looking around before opening it and pulling you inside. The place is nothing you haven’t imagined it to be. A typical bachelor home, kind of messy, making it obvious a guy is living there.
You slowly walk around, taking in everything you see while you hear him shuffle around the room. His jacket lands on a hanger and you hear the fridge opening as you look at a picture on the wall. It’s him and a redhead guy, but he looks so much younger, you wonder when it was taken. There is no sight of trouble on his face just yet, now it’s written all over his forehead. His hair is shorter and he hadn’t had his ear pierced. You mentally note that you like him better the way he looks like now.
“Here,” he softly says handing you a glass filled with probably vodka-orange. That’s what you drank the night you met him at the club.
“Thanks,” you give him a short smile taking a sip and moving away from the picture.
He watches you wander around the room, his eyes are practically burning your back. You finish the drink and put the glass down to the small coffee table and turning around you find him sitting on the edge of the bed, eyeing you so lustfully you can feel your cheeks turning red again.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You lick your lips as you see him pull his shirt off throwing it to the side. The urge to touch him is irresistible and you are kind of over keeping yourself back from him
After all, you are here, at his place. Now that you came all the way here you might just live in the moment and give in to all your cravings.
As you start walking towards him he stands up, towering above you, his eyes burning from lust and you know how he must be feeling, cause the same thing is happening to you. You tiptoe as one of your hands slide to the back of his neck. His forehead meets yours and you want nothing else than to feel his lips on you. Everywhere on your body.
You tilt your head to give yourself what you want, but he has other plans. One of his strong arms curl around your body as he turns you and pushes you to the bed getting on top of you. A gasp slips through your lips as you hold onto him tighter, earning a smile from him.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he whispers, his nose touching yours. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest as you slowly close your eyes, getting ready to what’s about to come.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you manage to say before pressing your lips to his.
It’s just like the first time over and over again, only this time it’s not a dirty brick wall you are pressed against and you are nowhere near drunk like that night in the club. Alcohol has nothing to do with your state of mind as his lips work perfectly against yours, his large hands holding you firmly while you tangle your fingers through his soft hair.
You keep moaning as his mouth works its magic on your heated skin on your neck, his hands roaming your bare thighs and you thank god you chose to wear shorts that morning. You wouldn’t bear having something between you and his hands right now.
“You’re making me lose my mind, Señorita,” he whispers before bringing his perfect lips back to yours.
Somehow you manage to turn the two of you over, sitting on his hips as you stare down at him slightly panting. His hand reaches up cupping your cheek in his palm. His look is making you go crazy. He looks at you as if you were the most precious thing he has ever saw, the tenderness and lust in his eyes are gripping your soul, making you feel like you and him are the only people on the world at this moment. He pushes himself up on his elbows as he senses your hesitation. You can’t really decide how this is all happening to you and you still feel like you could wake up from this dream any moment.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks.
“You,” you bluntly say earning a boyish smile from him that makes your heart skip a beat.
“What about me?” His husky voice is the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Why do you want me?” you ask voicing your inner thoughts.
He remains silent as his fingers caress the side of your face, making you melt under his touch. Your hand slides to his stomach, feeling his hard abs under his hot skin.
“Because…” he starts and you hold your breath waiting for the rest. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You close your eyes as his fingers run through your hair, his hand stopping on the back of your head.
“You make me want things I thought I would never want. I feel like I don’t deserve you, but my heart just wouldn’t let me give up on you.”
Tears are burning your eyes, this moment feels more than unreal. If someone told you a few weeks ago Shawn Mendes would be saying these things to you, you would have laughed so hard. But now somehow it’s your reality and you don’t want the moment to end.
“Don’t cry, Señorita,” he pleads cupping your face in both of his hands as he pulls you close to him, resting his forehead against yours. “Did I say something wrong?”
You shake your head not wanting to speak because you know you’d choke on your words. Wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him to stop him from asking any more questions. He returns the kiss, but you can feel his hesitation and you are cursing yourself for being so emotional.
He pushes you down into the mattress, getting on top of you once again, but he breaks the kiss staring down at you.
“Are you crying because of me?” he asks in despair.
The answer is yes, but it’s not quite how he would think. It’s not something he did or said. You are scared for your life because you’ve never felt like this before and you have no idea what you are bringing yourself into. You should be running screaming, distancing yourself from someone like him, but instead here you are, tangled up with him, aching for his touch and you have no intention to leave anytime soon. You feel like you are playing with fire.
“Show me how much you want me,” you whisper into his lips, kissing him hard.
He doesn’t as any more questions, neither of you want to talk any longer. This night is about feeling.
  You feel like a creep, watching him sleep, but you just can’t get enough of him. His face looks so calm, so peaceful and child-like when he is asleep, you want to soak every moment in seeing him like this. The sun is warmly caressing your body and it’s probably well over the time you usually wake up, but you just couldn’t make yourself move. One of his arms is lying over your stomach, keeping you in place next to him as he is quietly snoring in his dream.
You need everything in you to slide out from under his arm. Grabbing your clothes from the floor you put them on just when you hear him snuffing and shuffling in bed. Turning around you see a pair of sleepy hazel eyes staring at you.
“Good morning,” he says groggily and it makes you smile.
“Good morning to you too,” you kindly say as you walk over to the window and open the curtains.
The shadows are playing on his glowing skin and his messy curls are screaming to be touched. He pushes himself up, sitting to the side of the bed as his eyes never leave yours.
“How did you sleep?” he asks as you shyly eye his naked chest.
“Come here then,” he smiles at you and you do as he asked.
Standing in front of him you climb to his lap, his arms curling around your waist while your hands slide to the base of his neck, fingers playing with his curls.
“I’ve been dreaming about waking up next to you forever and you just ruined it with hopping out of bed so fast.”
You can’t help but chuckle at his words as he presses his lips to your jawline, a smile hiding in the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” you pout your lips at him.
“What are you planning to do to make it up?”
“Make it up? Aren’t you a little carried away?” you giggle as he nuzzles his nose against your neck.
“Not at all. I think we should go back to sleep so I can wake up again, but you better be next to me this time,” he tells as he suddenly throws you back to where you slept next to him, a shriek slipping through your lips that turns into a laughter. His arms lock around you, not letting you move.
“But I’m not sleepy anymore,” you tell him as he lays his head down to the pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbles with his eyes closed. The smile on your face is so wide as you stare at him.
He peeks at you, a smirk appearing on his perfectly shaped lips and you can’t hold a giggle back.
“Unbelievable,” he chuckles, his arms letting go of you and now you are lying next to each other, just enjoying the moment.
“I have to go home,” you speak up after a while even though nothing in your body wanted to say that out loud.
“Or we could stay here, in bed, all day,” he suggests.
“I can’t. I have to go home, my cat is probably starving by now. If I’m lucky my neighbor left out some food for him last night.”
“You have a cat?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows as he watches you sit up.
“Yeah. And he is very demanding.”
Standing up from the bed you grab your sweater from the armchair in the corner and put it on as Shawn finally crawls out of bed and puts his jeans and shirt on.
“Alright. That cat is more important than me. We are off to a rocky start, just saying,” he sighs and you just chuckle at him.
The ride back to your place is less scary than last night. You still hold onto his waist for dear life, but your thoughts are more occupied with the memories from last night and you don’t have time to be that scared this time.
Arriving he walks you up to the door and you turn to face him before opening the door.
“Are you working tomorrow?” he asks tugging a loose lock of hair behind your ear as you nod. “Might swing by for a meal then.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Unlocking the door a ball of fur stalks out immediately, slaloming between you and Shawn’s legs, demanding attention and food immediately.
“So he is the one I have to fight with for your attention?” Shawn asks as you scoop up the clueless pet into your arms, giving him a good scratch on the head.
“Meet Gordon,” you introduce them to each other. Shawn gives him a few strokes and he purrs satisfied before having enough and jumping down, gracefully walking back into the house to sit at his plate and wait for his food.
“See you later then.” Leaning down he kisses you slowly, hands under your jaw to hold your head in place, not that you’d want to move away from him.
You watch him jump down the few stairs and hop back to his bike as you lean against the door frame. He smirks at you one more time before starting the engine and rolling away, disappearing behind the house on the corner.
Your heart is still somersaulting as you stare after him, an uneasy feeling washing through your body. Last night has changed everything and now you can’t stop thinking about what if he gets into trouble again. You’re not stupid, he won’t just give his lifestyle up for you even though you wished it worked as easily as you wanted.
The thought of him getting into another fight, or getting cornered by a gang just makes your stomach churn. He promised to be at the diner tomorrow, but what if he doesn’t show up? You doubt your heart can take losing him but it feels like as if something tragic is just waiting around the corner, ready to crash your romantic little bubble any moment.
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sirius-archive · 5 years
Could I get an imagine where the reader is a muggle American and she’s on vacation in London with her family and she somehow lost her family and she’s like freaking out and then she runs into Sirius on the streets and he like helps calm her down and helps her find her family? Sorry if this is a weird request
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans (mentioned) 
Warnings: Swearing, stranger danger too, I guess. 
A/N: so sorry this took so long! I loved the idea and I hope I did it justice. I might add to it later on or revamp it bc I love the idea but it’s a big maybe at the moment bc I’m so busy with uni and work and also my other wips. I hope you enjoy this though. Also I changed the request quite a bit bc I forgot what you originally wanted! So sorry!! 
just want to add that I did something o probably shouldn’t and included my real life friends! With their permission, ofc. I also made a modern reference even tho it’s supposed to be the seventies but I liked it too much so I left it in ha ha. Also…pls don’t talk to strangers. This is fanfiction people not an advice column. 
It’s another uncharacteristically warm day in London.
The sun showers blankets of warm golden light over the city, guilding skyscrapers and warming the sweet, honeyed breeze. Sparrows are chirping sweet, morning songs, dancing in the air with surprising grace. Squirrels scamper across lush green grounds in a park nearby, happily bidding you a good morning.
And not one of these motherfuckers are going to help you find your friends.
You wander aimlessly past the same park monument you saw just half an hour ago. Your legs are already aching, your feet are forming blisters that hurt the more you think about them, and the sun is slowly drilling into your soul.
You think you might die of thirst before you find your friends.
In retrospect, it wasn’t entirely Sophie’s fault. While it was her dumb shit idea to tag along with the sexy British tour guide, you, Matt, Aaron, Riley and Reuben had been far more interested in touring the British Museum. So it wasn’t at all surprising when Sophie rushed off with knockoff Colin Firth to have a jolly high tea or whatever it is British people do on dates. Still, it gave you an opportunity to visit the museum.
You hadn’t even walked through the front gates when Matt, Aaron and Riley wandered off to have a deep and meaningful (you had warned Riley that coming on the trip with Aaron would cause some tension between your group. Thing between you and Aaron were a lot more complicated than the five-night-stand you’d shared last year). Reuben, being his usual womanising self, started flirting with the hot receptionist and not wanting any part of that (last time you wing-womaned for Reuben, the chick thought you were seeking a third), you stepped out for some air.
Now, you’re trying to navigate through the urban maze that is London by yourself, struggling to find your friends who are scattered all over the city.
Slumping against a park chair, you take a deep breath and study your map again. A part of you is screaming at you to swallow your pride and ask for directions but you’re a stubborn New Yorker and if you can effortlessly find your way through the Big Apple, you can tackle London.
“You’re not from around here…” says a masculine voice behind you. You sit up straight, whipping around in the direction of the voice.
Holy fucking cucumber sandwich.
The most handsome man you’ve ever laid your eyes on leans against the trunk of an old oak tree, observing you with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. He looks like he chomps down magical donuts that grant him sexy powers. You stare.
A cigarette hangs from his kissable, smirking lips. His hair falls gracefully around his face, framing glinting gray-blue eyes, high cheekbones and a strong jaw. He’s wearing a leather jacket and exudes all types mysterious-sexy-bad boy vibes. You’d bet a hundred bucks that he rides a motorcycle too.
Boys with motorcycles are usually trouble.
Your mouth goes a little bit dry.
“Please don’t be a serial killer,” you mutter and the stranger cocks a perfect eyebrow.
“What was that?”
You shake your head, “I mean — Is it that obvious?”
Sexy bad boy stranger shrugs, “I know a lost tourist when I see one.”
“Is this what you do, then? Lurk around parks waiting for lost tourists?”
Bad boy chuckles — a deep growling sound that rumbles at the back of his throat, “Maybe. Maybe I was just walking past and thought I’d help out a pretty girl in need.”
It takes all of your willpower not to blush now.
“So you’re just a Good Samaritan, then.”
“I’m whatever you want me to be.”
“What if I want you to go away?”
The handsome, young motorbike guy takes a deliberate step forward, “I think we both know that’s not true.”
You swallow. He’s good at this game. Something tells you that you’re not the first victim of his play-boy charms.
Desperately trying to reclaim your composure, you fold your arms across your chest and glare at him.
“What makes you think I need your help?”
British James Dean thinks for one attractive moment, “Well, you don’t have to accept my help but something tells me that if you don’t ask for directions soon, you’re going to end up wandering around London forever.”
He makes a good point.
You stand up from your seat, arms still folded across your chest, “Hypothetically speaking, If I were to accept your help, how would I know that you’re not a perverted serial killer who wants to collect my spleen and leave me in a ditch or something?”
Sexy stranger takes another step forward, “That’d be a shame. You’re too beautiful to kill, and I’m just beginning to like you.”
“That’s exactly what a perverted serial killer would say.”
“Touché. Alright, how about this: I drop you off at your hotel straight away, no detours and no taxi fees that you have to fork out to greedy muggl— erm, I mean, drivers.”
You consider this. He certainly doesn’t seem like a serial killer. Still, it’s hard to trust a charming stranger, especially one as handsome as he is. Then again, if he’s smart — which he definitely is — he’d never kill you in broad daylight in the middle of London.
You uncross your arms and hold one out for him to shake, “Alright, deal.”
Sexy stranger takes your hand and shakes it. His hand is strong and firm and electricity sparks in the warm space where your hands are clasped together.
You blink at him, “Is that some kind of fungal STI that I need to be aware of?”
Sexy stranger chuckles again, “My name is Sirius.”
Sirius? Who the fuck calls their kid Sirius? You have to admit that the name suits him, and the way he says it — in a husky, velvety murmur — gives the name an alluring sex appeal, which sums him up completely.
You consider giving him a fake name but ultimately decide against it. That’s just weird and you can’t lie for shit.
“I’m (Y/N).”
Sirius repeats your name, tasting it on his lips. A more carnal part of you wishes he’d say it in a completely different context.
“Alright, (Y/N),” Sirius smiles, and he practically glows with charisma, “Lets get you home.”
You were right, of course. About the motorcycle.
Sirius’ carefully-polished motorbike is almost as sexy as it’s owner; gleaming in the sunlight and flaunting a sleek black paint job with plush leather seats. Several passerby’s stop to admire it (or Sirius, you can’t exactly tell), though Sirius doesn’t pay them any mind. One dudebro with a repugnantly bright tank top gawks at the motorbike while his girlfriend stares hungrily at Sirius.
“I’ve…never ridden a motorcycle before,” you bleat nervously.
Sirius hands you a helmet and smiles.
“Just hold onto me and you’ll be fine.”
Sirius mounts his motorbike and you awkwardly slide in behind him. You’re not sure where to put your hands so you place them on his shoulders. You think you hear Sirius laugh behind his helmet.
Sirius turns the ignition, revs the engine, and kicks the bike into gear.
“You alright back there?” He calls over the roar of the bike.
“Hold onto my waist,” he orders, “You’ll be more secure.”
You’re about to protest but then Sirius takes off and you find your arms flying to his waist, gripping on tightly.
It’s exhilarating. Liberating. Intoxicating.
As Sirius weaves between London traffic, you feel a rush of adrenaline pulse through your veins. The air whips past, fluttering around the ruffled trim of your dress. Your hands soak in the warmth of Sirius’ body, his muscles firm beneath your touch.
You pass familiar landmarks and stores you passed when you and your friends took the double-decker bus from your hotel room. You recognise the buildings around you and realise the hotel is just a few kilometres down the street, on the right.
Suddenly, Sirius veers off to the left and zooms down a street you don’t recognise.
“What are you doing? The hotel is up that way!”
“I just have to make a quick stop,” he shouts over his shoulder.
“That wasn’t part of the deal!”
“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”
You clutch onto him, apprehension beginning to claw away at your lower belly. Where is he taking you? How could you have been so stupid to trust an extremely attractive stranger to follow through with a deal?
Sirius slows the bike down until it rolls to a stop and flicks the engine off, climbing off sexily. He helps you clamber awkwardly off the bike and you tear your helmet off, taking in your surroundings for the first time.
You’re next to a footpath with a view of the The Thames, lined with large ornamental pear trees. Its quite a romantic spot with a view of the entire city sitting pretty behind the flowing River Thames.
Sirius tells you to wait by the motorbike and stalks away, rushing toward a boy who looks about your age. He’s tall, has messy black hair, and half-frame glasses. He looks like a sexy professor with the body of an Olympic swimmer that all the girls have crushes on.
Why are all the men here so insanely attractive?
You’re just about to sink into a delightful fantasy of sexy Professor feeding you grapes when Sirius comes up behind you.
“Ready to go?”
You ignore his question, “Who was the god — I mean — guy that you saw?”
Sirius arches an eyebrow. You notice for the first time that there is a scar knitted into it, “That’s James. He’s a total prat, by the way.”
“Sounds like you two have that in common,” you quip and Sirius mocks offence.
“Anyone tell you that you’re cruel?”
“Everyday of my life.”
“Here I was thinking you were just another hot little American bird.”
For one half of a millisecond, your brain snags on the word ‘hot.’ Did he just call you hot? You heard that right? You recover with grace, grinning wickedly.
“You’ll get over it.”
A teasing smirk flirts around the corners of Sirius’ lips, a little crookedly, slanting lazily in a way that makes your cheeks warm. He looks amused by this verbal tug-of-war but also a little turned on.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way.
“You ever walk along the River Thames?” Sirius asks, sliding his strong, sexy hands into the pocket of his sexy leather jacket. He begins to follow the footpath, leading you past the knots of pigeons and moonstruck lovers.
“No,” you sigh, “Admittedly, I just came along for the underage drinking and the hot British guys.”
Sirius laughs, “How’s that working out for you?”
You shrug, teasing him with a flirtatious smile, “I’m still working on it.”
“If you want,” Sirius begins, clawing at the nape of his neck, “I can help you out with that.”
You quirk a carefully-manicured brow, “What, you know any hot guys like your buddy James?”
Sirius snorts, “I wouldn’t go saying that around his girlfriend.”
“Why, is she the jealous type?”
“No, she’s the ‘try-not-to-make-his-fat-Head-even-fatter’ type.”
You chuckle, intrigue plucking at your mind, “She’s my type of girl.”
“Lily is everyone’s type of girl.”
“Well now I just have to meet her.”
Sirius raises his brows, a spark of hope in his eyes, “Is that your way of telling me that you’re taking me up on the offer for free beer?”
“You never said it was free before.”
“I’m feeling generous.”
“Aw, and they say chivalry is dead.”
Sirius laughs easily in a way that is completely carefree, as though laughter bubbles just beneath his skin, itching to pour out. It’s mesmerising how he doesn’t seem to take life too seriously.
“You are something else,” he says, letting his eyes catch and linger on yours for a quiet, suspended moment.
A gust of warm, summer wind brings peach blossoms raining down. The gentle coo of a skylark echoes in the distance. Time slows to a stop to stare at the two of you.
He steps forward, like he’s about to kiss you.
You let him.
He tastes like liquor and rebellion, a little wild in a way you’ve never realised you’ve wanted, you’ve needed. His hands are strong as they wrap around you, pulling you flush against his chest. Your fingers roam through his hair, tangling, tugging, earning a low groan from the back of his throat. You feel drunk on him, your head spinning and your heart thumping, as though it’s trying to tear through your chest and leap into his strong, capable hands. Suddenly, you realise how weird this is. He’s a stranger you’ve known for an hour or so yet now you’re kissing him. It’s as though you’re somehow drawn to him, to his energy, to the way he seems to know you intimately, in ways you hardly know about yourself. You break away, taking a step away from him. Sirius looks like he’s five again and has just had his favourite toy ripped away from him. 
““Are you—?”
Before you even realise what you’re doing, you’re slapping him across the cheek, not hard but he feels it. You kissed a stranger. That is a thing you did. You also slapped said stranger, partly because of impulse and partly because you’re terrified of how quickly your feelings are beginning to stir for someone you hardly know. Sirius is stunned, silent, staring at you with shock and hurt that stings you more than it should. You stare back, drawn in by every fleck of colour in his eyes, suddenly aware that, sure, he may be a stranger but that doesn’t mean he has to stay one. Obviously, you have a connection.
 You crash your lips against his again, throwing your arms around his neck. 
Your friends can wait. You’ve found yourself a new tour guide. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Some Sense of Normalcy ch.2 (baon)
Summary: It’s Edge’s first day back to work at the Embassy, but his job isn’t the only thing on his mind.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of Past Injury
Chapter 1 | 
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read Chapter 2 on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch kept watch out the front window, waiting for Edge to drive off with Red at the wheel of his car and wasn’t that a question he didn’t have time to find out the answer. Then he went back upstairs to get dressed; he had places to be and of course today would be the morning that Edge decided to let his ridged adherence to his schedule slip.
It was pretty damned hard to nudge Edge out the door without making him suspicious, since all previous evidence pointed to Stretch trying to keep him in bed as long as possible and now that he was finally gone, Stretch needed to double-time it.
He hadn't lied about the video conference with his therapist, but that wasn't until this afternoon and there was something to look forward to. He had a love/hate thing going with Doc Lee, loved that she could help him collect all his thoughts back into the right baskets and get 'em back in order, hated that he had to actually talk about why they were scattered to begin with to get there.
In the meantime, he yanked on the first pair of pants and sweatshirt he found in his side of the closet. He was headed back downstairs, socks in hand, when the doorbell rang.
Stretch opened the door, leaning awkwardly on the jamb as he reached down to pull on his socks. "hey, andy."
“Morning,” Jeff said with a smile. He was dressed for work and Jeff’s style was a little less posh than Edge went for. No suit coat and his button-up shirt was a deep blue with a scattered floral pattern and a sort of long, gauzy white vest hanging open over the works. He looked good and Stretch didn’t mind telling him so.
“good thing i’m a math genius, your clothes are looking pretty acute there.”
Faint pink rose in Jeff’s cheeks. The kid didn’t take a compliment well, it was a work in progress. But he sure as heck proved his pun skills were up to par. “Thanks for going at the right angle so I don’t have to be obtuse about it. Are you ready to head out?”
“give me two minutes to feed the chickens and we can hit it.”
Stretch headed into the backyard, Jeff at his heels. Jeff stayed out of the coop in deference to his nice shoes and only watched as Stretch let the chickens out, scooping feed into their trough. Nugget came out of the coop last, not the normal order of things, gobbling her food with record speed. Probably wanted to book it back inside to her weird nest and that was another mystery on Stretch’s list. It’d keep for a day or two, and Stretch would take a dozen peculiar eggs, carton and all, to have her back home. He gave her a light pat, didn’t even mind when his affection was ignored in favor of the eats.
Meanwhile, Jeff wandered over to the freshly planted garden beds, peering down at the tiny points of green poking out. "So, do I get to hear why you didn't hitch a ride in with Edge?"
See, that was the problem with Jeff being pals with Edge; it made him concerned for Edge’s welfare and feelings and stuff. That was some double-sided sticky tape, ‘cause Stretch wanted Jeff to like Edge but not enough that he’d tattle. "that would be because he'd interrogate me about what i was doing."
"And you think I won't?"
"nah, you will, but you're more lucky to fall for the eyes." Stretch turned to him, feed bucket still in hand, and gave him the very best doe-eyed, pathetic look in his collection.
"okay, that is pretty effective,” Jeff admitted, “But, somehow, I don't think you're planning a surprise party. So, I have to ask, is what you're doing going to make Edge mad and that's why you're going behind his back?"
"nope." Probably not, anyway.
Jeff gave Stretch a scrutinizing look that would give Sans a run for his money. Well, maybe a leisurely stroll. “All right,” he said at last, “If I don’t take you to the Embassy, you’ll just take the bus, anyway. But if something is actually wrong or you need real help that isn’t solved by a quick lift, you tell me. Deal?”
“deal,” Stretch hesitated and added, “i promise.” Fuck it, Andy was his best friend, if he couldn’t confess to him at least a little, then he might as well start rethinking the title.
Stretch never really gave Jeff a rundown about how he felt about promises, but stood to reason that someone did. His expression softened into a lopsided smile and he jerked his head towards the house. “Then let’s get going before I’m late. Catty is a good boss but the last person in has to get coffee for everyone for the rest of the day.”
The ladies were still chowing down and Stretch left them to it, though he did double and then triple check that the gate was shut tight. Not that he’d ever accidentally left it open, but he was pretty resigned to being stupid about his chicks for a little while yet.
Jeff’s car was a sporty little compact with a surprising amount of legroom in the front seats and there was zero doubt in Stretch’s mind that Edge was the one who chose it with that feature in mind, along with every safety feature package that they could cram in without popping a seam. He didn’t wait for the seat belt speech, already buckling up, and they were off.
Crawling through the streets of New New Home to the security checkpoint and once they were through the gate, Jeff turned things up a notch. His cautious driving was only about a step down from Edge’s, but unlike Edge, Jeff didn’t say a peep when Stretch rolled down the window and let his arm dangle out, relishing the cool wind on his bony fingers.
Nice to be able to relax and enjoy the breeze. Edge would’ve bitched at him and he knew from experience that Blue would stop the car and refuse to move until he rolled the window back up, citing statistics about Humans losing limbs and heads all the while.
Yeah, okay, today wasn’t a good day to think about anyone losing their head. Stretch pulled his arm back in and let it sit more sedately on the window ledge. He could feel Jeff giving him a look, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t ask or probe or scold and that was why he was an awesome friend. Even if a couple times he’d asked about things Stretch didn’t like to think about, things from the past, from Underswap—
The sound of the wind through the opened window suddenly sounded a little too much like a brewing storm in Snowdin, the way they often swirled up across the narrow path that led to Waterfall. Dredged up memories that Stretch usually kept packed away, neat and tidy in a box of ‘past is past’. His head really wasn’t on straight today and—
Stop it, STOP IT—
“how’s things at the embassy?” Stretch asked abruptly. He yanked his arm inside and rolled the window up entirely, sealing out the blowing wind. Jeff didn’t seem perturbed about the sudden break in the silence.
“Great. Busy.” Jeff kept his eyes on the road, but his smile was honest and wide, “I know you’re going to put me off for saying this, but I seriously could never thank you guys enough for getting me this job.”
Stretch shrugged. “i didn’t have anything to do with it. i have less pull at the embassy than hussain, and i’ve heard what he did with the cafeteria.”
“The food is great,” Jeff agreed, “especially the falafel.” His quick side eye said a lot about how much he believed the rest of it.
It wasn’t that Stretch minded the gratitude, but it really wasn’t necessary. Yeah, sure, being his pal probably got Jeff’s foot through the door. That wouldn’t make Edge give Jeff a job that he couldn’t do or that he wouldn’t be suited for. Strategy was what Edge did, and if he thought Jeff would be great for Public Relations, Stretch was a hundred-and-nine percent sure he was right.
“anything i had to do with it was strictly by association,” Stretch told him, “you’re probably more lucky being my pal didn’t put them off, but eh, if they haven’t ditched edge, i doubt you’ll be in line.”
“I think if they fired Edge, half the Embassy would grab their staplers and follow him out the door,” Jeff snorted, “Speaking of lines, you want to stop for a coffee on our way?”
Seriously, best pals forever, “lead on, macduff, i’ll follow you anywhere.”
Jeff laughed even as he turned into the lot for the Beanery and headed for the drive-thru.
Jeff dropped Stretch off at the Embassy entrance before he went to park his car. Which was fine, he knew where he was going, and he didn’t need Jeff to hold his hand along the way.
The security guard only gave him a disinterested look as he swiped his rarely-used keycard and headed for the elevator. Not the normal elevators, the ones that led to the offices upstairs that Humans and Monsters used all day long, where you could press any button and be off.
No, the elevator to the labs was around the corner from those and needed a keycard just to open the doors, another swipe of the card with a password to activate it. Not all Monsters had access to all the labs, and their cards would only take them as far down as their security clearance allowed.
Stretch’s card would take him to any of the labs. All he had to do was swipe it.
He stood in front of the elevator, the card gripped too-tight in the clench of his fingers, staring at the closed doors.
When he’d texted Alphys yesterday, she’d been perfectly happy to meet with him, but said she couldn’t get away from the labs right now, so he’d have to come here. He’d assured her that it was fine and yesterday, it was. It’d been a relief, even.
Somehow while he’d been lying in bed the day before, lost in the tangle of his thoughts, the idea of his HP dropping again got hooked into his head. He couldn't stop thinking about it, none of his distraction techniques were working, his focus was fucking shot. All the clues that he might be having HP trouble were banging on the door, demanding to be let into his mind.
Like the fact that the lower his HP got, the wearier he was and just lately, he'd been feeling awfully damned tired. He'd gotten used to his HP being at five and the extra slice of energy that came with that. Falling asleep at random times in even more random places was becoming the exception rather than the norm and he fucking well liked it that way.
Last time Alphys checked him over, his HP was back on the rise, but it’d been a while. Lately, he'd been smoking way too much, using up a lot of magic healing, and he’d been so, so tired. He wasn’t the puzzle-fiend that his bro and Edge were, but even he could do one that only had a couple pieces.
Yesterday, Alphys’s assurances that he could stop in had been a relief, enough to make that worry back off a little and let him go back to his sour ball of grief over Nugget. Now that mourning was off the table, the reports of her death greatly exaggerated, here came his ghostly HP worries, trundling back in to for another go at haunting the inside of his skull.
After dinner, he’d gone upstairs to take a shower and stood there, looking at himself in the mirror. All it would’ve take was a quick Check, only a few seconds, and his stats would have spilled out right in front of his eye lights, letting him know exactly the state of his HP. Just a quick check and if everything looked good, he could tell Alphys never mind, he could stay home and take a day, not curled up on the bed but on the sofa, maybe, day-binging Netflix. Or outside, watching the chickens roam the yard, maybe see if Nugget would let him get a picture of that mystery egg she was so protective of.
Would’ve only taken a quick Check and Stretch just…couldn't. The magic was sitting there ready to be used and he couldn’t make himself pull the trigger on doing it. He couldn't do it and he sure as fuck wasn’t going to ask Edge. Like Edge needed any other problems on his radar? Not a chance.
So that cemented the plan right there. He was gonna go downtown and see what the deal was, and if it was bad, he would tell Edge. No secrets, not this time, no trying to hide this shit. Edge was going to have to deal with whatever fallout came down the line from his HP dropping, so may as well give him as much prep time as he could.
All he had to do was open the elevator door.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Stretch startled so badly the world blurred around him in an aborted shortcut. The mostly empty coffee cup in his hands slipped though his fingers, spilling out a few creamy droplets when it hit the floor.
Jeff only went to the nearby cleaning station to grab a paper towel, crouching down to wipe up the mess while Stretch tried to remember how to breathe normally.
Finally, he blurted out, “you scared the shit out of me, andy!”
“I noticed and it’s extra impressive considering you don’t shit,” Jeff said. He tossed the cup and dirty paper towel into the trash can. “And you didn’t answer me. Do you want me to come with you?”
Stretch laughed unsteadily, “you don’t even know where i’m going.”
“I don’t,” Jeff agree. “What I do know is that leads to the labs downstairs. And I know you have trouble with labs sometimes, even your own. So. Do you need me to come with you?”
Jeff’s gaze was steady, calm, and beneath it was that warm gentleness, the compassion on his face as obvious as the soft green of his soul. It was hard to resist the urge to grab onto him and drag him downstairs, fuck all the security protocols, but that would be plowing over all kinds of boundaries and Stretch wouldn’t be the only one getting in trouble over it. He wasn’t about to damage anyone at the Embassy’s trust in Jeff over his own stupid issues.
“nah,” Stretch forced a smile, “you need to get upstairs before you’re the designated coffee runner for the day.” Then, when Jeff didn’t move, he said, more seriously, “but you can hit the button for me. if you want.”
Jeff stepped up but instead of pushing the button, he wrapped both arms around Stretch’s rib cage and hugged him tightly. All of Stretch’s good intentions snapped like the elastic in an old pair of undershorts; all he could do is lean down and hug Jeff back, his slim body giving in a way that bone simply couldn’t. Jeff was softer and squishy and so very Human, the best part of humanity.
If anyone came down towards the elevators, Stretch might’ve let go sooner. As it was, they stood there an embarrassingly long time for whatever security cameras were probably watching. Jeff didn’t let up an inch, held tight and let Stretch be the one to step back first.
Stretch shook his arms out, gave himself a full body shake. He could do this.
“okay, i’m heading down,” Stretch said firmly. He pushed his card into the key slot. “hit it.”
Jeff did and the elevator door slid open smoothly. Stretch stepped inside and the doors were closing almost before he could turn around.
“You can text me whenever you’re done!” Jeff called through the narrowing opening. The door closed completely before Stretch could reply but that was okay, Jeff would know his answer without him saying a thing.
He pushed his keycard into the control panel slot and tapped in his password; the calendar numbers of his wedding anniversary used in a linear equation. The elevator lurched hard enough to unsettle his non-existent stomach and started downward.
No big deal, Stretch told himself, struggling to pull his keycard back out with sweat-slick fingers. He rubbed them impatiently on his pants and tried again, and this time the card came free, just as the elevator doors opened into the gleaming stainless steel and glass of the labs, all clean sterile lines, nothing at all like his own cluttered workspace. But it was all fine, he wouldn’t even be in the lab long, Alphys always took him right to her office.
Right on in and she could do all her tests, let him know the state of his body and soul, that was it, yep.
No big deal at all.
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bubblyani · 4 years
Deeper Relations: 06
(Freddie Jackson x Reader)
A Freddie Jackson Multi Chapter Series
Chapter 06: The Submission
Rating: Mature (18+)
Requested by : @97freaknik
Summary: Being the youngest sister of Jackie and Maggie, you were quite young when Freddie Jackson went to prison. Upon his return, you cannot help but recall your innocent love you had for him back then. And surprised by your transformation into womanhood, Freddie cannot help but form a desire towards you. Will a dangerously seductive attraction grow between the two of you? What will be the consequences?
Author’s Note: Been waiting for so long to finally get to this part. Hope y’all enjoy 😉
Series Masterlist HERE
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Which day was it out there, you did not know. Nor did you even bother to care. When you chose to be stuck in the confines of your room, how could you?
In the midst of sleep, you were a frequent guest. You were always ready to be after all the crying. With your cheeks stained with tears, you were moisturized enough to lay your face on the pillow and drift into a place where nothing had happened and you felt nothing. Eating seemed unnecessary, so you did less of it. Talking had no place in your heart either, thus you barely heard your own voice. For even when you cried, it was silent and soulless. Your mother was worried, so were your sisters, both of them. Every now and then, you’d hear them talk. Through the door in hopeful attempts to cheer you up, but they received no answer. To be frank, this ordeal was not much of an ordeal altogether. But it turned out to be one with the wrong timing. A period of time that left you vulnerable and in need of love and protection.
Four days later, the phone rang loudly for you. It was only informed to you through Maggie’s knocks on the door. After giving in to her insistence, you forced yourself out of bed, to walk out to the living room. 
“Hello?” You answered in a throaty voice.
“Fuckin’ Hell!” Heath, your friend replied, “Y/N, you sound like shit”
You rolled your eyes with annoyance.
“I’m hanging up now” “NO WAIT WAIT!”
Heath was quick to respond with an apologetic tone,“Look…” he sighed, before continuing, “I heard everything from your sister. You can’t just stay locked up in your room forever, Y/N” he said, sounding genuinely concerned, “How about we blow off some steam, eh?”
“And how do you propose we do that exactly?” You asked with snark. “Dancing, my love!”
Although he could not see your reaction, you were not hesitant to shake your head furiously. “Oh no no no, Heath No-” “Come ON! Y/N!” He interrupted, “You always held yourself back when me and the lads from Uni would go…” he added, “Besides, you’re a great dancer, so it’s really a waste!” “I…uh…” you paused, struggling to respond. He does make some convincing points. 

“Please Y/N, say yes. You’ll finally get to meet Liza” 

“Is she the new one?”

“Yeah…” Heath said, “Come on! You know it’s going to be fun. Please, Y/N! I miss my friend”
And there he went, putting the friend card in the conversation. For a second, you could sense a hint of sadness in his voice. As if he really meant those words. As this was the first ever time Heath had gone out of his way to call you. To even check up on you, guilt came over you much faster than expected. You sighed to surrender.
“Alright…I’m in”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Friday night)
After feeding your ears to sombre, sad music for five days straight, your body felt reborn when the festive, groovy songs called to you from the distance.
Stepping into the club, the disco lights greeted you, resting on your body, washing all over you. Fully refreshed by the illumination, you felt the depression within you disappear altogether.
Heath picked you up from home that evening. His new girlfriend Liza, was a pleasant girl to be around, so you did not mind the extra company at all. Besides, going as a group felt more comforting than going alone.
Passing through the crowd, you felt many eyes on you, remaining on you until you vanished from their sights. It made you more self aware. But it was also a good sign for looking presentable. You knew you were well groomed, you made sure of that. Today was special. You bathed instead of showering, pampering your skin with bath salts and warm foam instead of attacking it with the hot pressurized shower water. As your body slowly moved and grooved to the music, the soft, shiny curls bounced on your shoulders, complimenting the pink hues on your cheeks and the shiny rouge on your lips.  
With music reuniting with your body after a while, you were certainly ready to dance your troubles away, and to wipe an unwanted slate clean.
You froze. It was Marcus’ voice. As you quickly turned to find you standing before you, you felt your heart sink. With the lights flashing behind him, he appeared ethereal. The fact you thought of him as such made your heart sink even further. Seeing that angelic face brought nothing but cruel reminders. Your suffering, your embarrassment. Two weeks of so-called ‘Happiness’ that turned out to be lies.
“What are you doing here?” You asked curtly. The minute you realized Heath stood behind you with a knowing look, made you gasp.
“Wait! Did you know?”  You asked angrily, turning to him. Rubbing his own neck, Heath took a deep breath.
“Y/N…” He began, “You have to understand. You two are my best mates. You can’t expect me to just stand there on the sidelines when this friendship crumbles to the ground. I miss you both��� he continued,  “So please! Stop being such fuckin’ cunts and talk it out!” He finished it with frustration. 
Grabbing his girlfriend by the hand, he headed to the bar. Even with the large crowd invading the dance floor, you and Marcus felt completely isolated. All the sudden, you were not relaxed anymore.
“Y/N…” Marcus began with caution, “ I know….You’re furious. And I’m sorry. I really am, you have to know that-”
“I’m not a stranger to people ignoring me, Marcus”
Looking up, you finally had the courage to speak up “But this…this was not what I had in mind. Not when it was my best friend who I…thought I loved ” the more you talked, the more you opened up, “What we had…I treasured it so much. You know I was going through shit when you…But ditching me like that? In front of my family, with no news what so ever…? ” looking at him with genuine sadness, you continued, “You humiliated me…Why?” You scoffed, “Am I not pretty anymore? Did I do something wrong-”
“Y/N, nothing is wrong with you…It’s just-”
With hands on one’s hips, you asked him. With a heavy sigh, Marcus pressed his lips tightly.
“My parents…” he began, “They…weren’t the most pleased when they heard I was dating you.They kept using the word ‘unsuitable-”
“Is it because of my family, Marcus?” You asked him in the most straightforward manner possible. It surprised him. When he opened his mouth, nothing came out. “Y/N I-” “IS IT?” “YES! okay?” Your fist clenched as you kept staring at him, “What? Is it cause my sisters are dating gangsters? Is that it?” You asked, “And that suddenly makes me one of them? Suddenly I’m not good enough?” “You know I don’t think that way-” “Oh Piss off!” You said with squinted eyes, “We both clearly know you love your parents, of course you feel that way too…” “Y/N Please understand that I’m really confused here…” “Well, given the fact you didn’t show up that day, I’m happy to inform you that you’re really not…the answer is already there, mate!” You snapped. With his eyes closed, Marcus appeared to be in a difficult position. But it was clearly not your issue.
“Now…” you began, “If you excuse me…I’m off to engage in some unsuitable activities!”
As you said it in an ironic tone, you shot him one last look before you headed over to the bar. You walked over there with much intention. As much as you were offended, you were also very hurt. For this was your reality. No matter what you would do. no matter how hard you would try, you would always be seen as the bad girl. Gangster blood.
Grabbing a barstool, you luckily found yourself next to Heath, who looked quite hopeful.
“So? You had the talk?” He asked eagerly, looking for any trace of Marcus nearby.
“Oh… we talked…” you said through gritted teeth, trying to signal the bartender. 

“You need shots?” Your friend asked as he offered to make the order. You nodded.
“Yeah…A fuck ton!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The moment when your fingers felt light, that was when you stopped drinking. Pushing yourself away from the bar, your movements felt smoother and you finally felt peace of mind. You were at peace, away from the chaos that you longed to escape from. You just didn’t care anymore. For no one really cared for you.
With alcohol freeing you from your inhibitions, you began to dance. Provocatively, in fact. You felt liberated when your body moved from side to side, when it rolled with much lithe that it appeared more beautiful in your one shoulder dress. Though you danced among the others, with your eyes closed in your own world, you were the only one.
You heard people approve of your dancing, you heard their admiration. Fueling your self confidence, you danced even more. Comments from afar seemed sufficient. Until someone decided to ruin it by intruding your space.
“Well, Hello Beautiful…”
An uninvited hand slithered over your waist. Opening your eyes, you found a young man dancing with you. He was around your age, possibly someone from your university. But you didn’t know him. He was not bad looking, although that did not excuse him from acting this way. Especially when you did not offer any sort of consent. His eyes were filled with lust, predatory to be specific. Bringing you closer, he freely allowed his hand to wander further down, shocking you by grabbing your buttocks.
You felt violated, disgusted. Pushing him away, you shot him a threatening look.
“Stop touching me!” You said, for you were not in the mood to be polite.
“Well look who’s talking now?” The young man drawled, pushing himself against you once again, trying his hardest to rest his hands on your body “Come on, babe…you know you want this-”
“I SAID STOP!” You yelled, hitting him in his chest. Unfortunately, he was stronger than you. Strong, intoxicated and stubborn to the bone, he held your wrists, which made you feel helpless. The music overpowered the entire situation that no one really bothered. What were you to do? Before you could cry out the names of your friends, you saw a hand grab the man by the shoulder to pull him away. Your jaw dropped when you realized who it was.
“Alright alright…What’s with all the commotion, eh?”
Freddie Jackson said, his hand still on the man’s shoulder. Closing your jaw, you stared at him with shock. What was he doing here? And was he watching you this whole time?You were an idiot if you couldn’t admit how relieved you were to see him there.
Chuckling, the young man patted Freddie’s hand in solidarity.
“No it’s all good, mate. We’re all just having a good time” He said, moving closer to Freddie, “Except this one…she's a bit uptight” he said laughing, hoping Freddie would laugh alongside him. And to your surprise, he did.
“Oh yeah? This one?” Freddie asked, pointing at you as if he didn’t know you, “Yeah…She a fine one, innit?” He asked the man. Embarrassed even further, you just wanted to run away.
“Yeah…”the man nodded, “Hehe-ARGHH!!”
Except, he couldn’t keep nodding for he let out a painful scream. Right when Freddie kicked his face with the knee, giving him a bloody nose. As the man stumbled to the side, Freddie pushed him down to the ground, not letting him rest as he began to kick him in the stomach with anger. You’ve never seen his eyes filled with such rage as you did tonight.
“RIGHT HERE…” He said, as he kicked him with each word, “IN MY…FUCKING CLUB !”
His club? He owned this place? Perhaps he received ownership of this from Sid or Ozzy.
“Fucking Pisser!” He muttered, spitting as the man finally lost consciousness. Upon his signal, the two thugs that stood behind him took the young man away. It did not have to end this violently. But it did. And all you could do was to watch with bated breath.
And the moment Freddie laid his eyes on you, it was unknown what your fate was to be. Before you could say anything further, he took you by the hand, dragging you out from the dance floor in an instant.
“Y/N? Where is she?” Marcus cried out, looking for her. Finally meeting with Heath, they both speechlessly watched you disappear into the crowd with Freddie.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Freddie! Where are we going?”
Almost tripping in your heels, you followed him as he dragged you with no answer. Past the dancing crowd ,the both of you went in through a small door that led to a hallway. As relieved as you were to have him there to be your accidental guardian angel, you were equally fearful of what was to come.
“Look, I’m sorry If I embarrassed you…” you said, “I didn’t even know this was your club” you continued, “But please tell me what’s going on?”
Yet, you heard no answer. And you had no choice but to follow him. You followed and followed, until finally he stopped by a door. Most of your intoxication had left your body at this point, leading you closer to sobriety.
Kicking the door open with rage, he entered the room with you. Light and weightless in his grip, you moved so swiftly. Everything happened in a flash, as he closed the door shut, pushing you against it with his hands tightly gripping your shoulders.
“The fuck were you doing?” He spat, “Letting that fucker put his hands all over you?”
“I didn’t! He was coming on to me!” You said defensively, for it was the truth. Freddie may have sounded enraged, but you could tell that rage stemmed from concern.
Silence ruled over the both of you for a few seconds, with just the deep and loud exchanged. Finally synchronizing with the other, you watched as his gazed fixed on yours with intensity. The longer you looked, the less you saw Freddie Jackson the gangster,  instead it was Freddie, the man who looked out for you ever since you were young.
“NEVER…” he began, “… let anyone put their fucking hands on you!” He said. Exhaling with relief, you slowly nodded in acknowledgement. “Except mine…” To which your eyes widened with confusion. “What do you m-” Freddie cut you off completely, simply by cupping your face, and attacking your lips with his very own.
You could not fathom what just happened. For there he was, kissing you. Freddie Jackson was kissing you. Not in your dreams, but in actual reality. Coming to that realization, you quickly pushed him away.
A part of you expected him to be displeased. But it was quite the opposite. You saw a man madly enamored by you. Desperate to have you. And the way his mouth was parted, evidently enslaved to your lips.
Seeing all that, it brought you reminders. Reminding you of that little girl from a long ago, who placed layer after layer of love in her heart for him, wishing he would love her back someday. Reminding of that very same girl, who cried her eyes out when she realized he would never be hers.
Apart from Reminders, it brought you heaps of realizations. Filterless Realizations. Realizing even after all those attempts of avoiding him, of refusing him, he was still the only man to rescue you. The only one mad enough to care for you, to want you, to strike a man down for you. Regardless of what obstacles that got in his way, he still wanted you. Wanted you in every possible way.
You may have thought it to be wrong. But in the end of the day, you realized it did not matter anymore. For right or wrong, it did not exist in your world. For the world will always look at you with just one pair of lenses. So, who were you to deprive yourself of happiness?
Grabbing him by his collar, you finally found the courage to kiss him back.
Kissing Freddie felt like seeing fireworks. Gentle only for a millisecond, followed by passion in heaps and bounds. All that suppressed desire exposed to one another in short but intense outlets. Kissing him was everything you imagined it to be, but even better. With his lips so luscious, you felt like you were spoiled completely.
Your knees grew weak. Because of the alcohol or his kisses? You did not know. But nevertheless, Freddie held you by the waist. As he held you, his own hands traveled down to cup your buttocks, arousing you even more as this simply wiped away the horrid memory you experienced earlier. With his lips moving from your mouth, you felt them latch on to your neck, kissing there with such intensity you threw your head back.
“Freddie…Ah!” You moaned.
Backing away from the door with you in his arms, Freddie moved so skillfully fast, you found yourself falling back on to a sofa. As he climbed on top of you, it felt like you were a prey being captured by the predator. Except he merely attacked you with passionate kisses. You wished you could force time to slow down, given Freddie’s rush, tonight was not the night. While he kissed you, his hands got equally busy, taking hold of the ends of your tight dress, pulling it high enough he could spread your knees open. Extreme sensitivity greeted you, and the door to your deepest fantasy opened when you felt his fingers located your slit over your panties. Stroking it through the thin material, he was gentle at first only to feel his way through, until confidence showed up and his fingers increased in speed. He was impatient, you could tell. Gasping in to the kiss, you realized how wet you were. Like a hungry mouth salivating for food, so was your opening, starving for him. Freddie peeled off your panties with great speed, until he managed to toss it away. To where, he didn’t seem to care. And neither did you. When his lips finally left yours, a groan of frustration exited you. But sitting up with your elbows, you saw that he was in a desperate attempt to unbuckle his trousers.
He said, through gritted teeth whilst undoing his belt. Heavy blushes appeared on your face only when you noticed how he kept staring at your exposed, wet slit. Fueled with more desire, you wanted lend a hand, but with experienced he was quickly freed from the constraints. Thus, revealing his manhood.
You inhaled deeply, recalling the first ever time you laid eyes on it, peeping through the shower curtain that fateful night. Only now you were finally free to admit to yourself how much you enjoyed the sight of it. And how you had to suppress that indulgent for you were clouded by your moral compass. But now, nothing was to get in your way as you stared at it.Thick, long, beautiful and very erect, you wished you had time to explore it. But when your eyes were met with his, you knew it was not the time. Especially when you cried out softly as he slowly but finally, inserted himself in you.
Your body welcomed it with ease. He felt so perfect inside you. He watched your blushing face, react with fluttered eyes to each of his thrusts that got more and more intense.
“Freddie…” you cried out, loud enough only for him to hear as he buried his face on your neck while tightly held on to him. That was all you could really do. Except this time, you did not call it out cause of fear nor confusion. For this time, you called it again and again because of the purest of pleasure.
Chapter 7 HERE
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