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there are some things I know for certain: always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can.Practical Magic
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Authors Note: I'M BACK!! SO so so so terribly sorry to make you all wait... had a bit of a meltdown #mentalhealth.... not because of this.. just life in general.. Anyway this one is a bit long, but I had to get it out and include a bit of Caliban at the end.. Give me your thoughts, questions, concerns! I'm ready! thank you to all the readers it really means a lot for anyone to be reading this.. <3 xoxoxo
Summary: Just read lolol lots of new characters.. a plot is a brewin’!
You felt a scratching feeling on your back. Your eyes slowly opened, afraid to look at your surroundings. Squinting, you scanned the area. It was still dark out, so you knew you hadn’t been unconscious for long. Your head prickled with a sharp pain, realizing that you had been hit on the back of the head. ‘But from what?’ you asked yourself. You pushed yourself up on your forearms, blinking to readjust your eyes to the darkness. You felt twigs and leaves underneath you. You were in the forest. ‘How the hell did I get here?’
Out of the corner of your eye you saw a shadow pass by to your right. Quickly, you pulled yourself together and pushed yourself off the ground. A gust of wind knocked you right back down. Coughing, due to the air being knocked out of you, you tried to sit up. A foot pressed down on your chest forcing you back to the forest’s floor.
You glanced up and you couldn’t believe it. An angel stood over you. Growing up hearing about the stories your mother told you about angels, this is not how you thought you’d meet one. They were supposed to appear in times of need. They were supposed to guide you, not shove you down, trapping you.
“Well boys, look what we have here.” You saw two other angels swiftly fly down to your left. “Get off of me!” you rasped, barely any air in your chest, with the foot still pressing down on your chest. “Oo! She’s a feisty one boys!”
“That’s enough Aza, let her go.” a voice from behind you echoed.
Just as quickly as the boot landed on your chest, it was gone. You gasped for air, rolling over the pile of leaves and twigs, coughing until you could breathe normally again. Slowly you stood up, your eyes now used to the darkness, you saw three angels to your left and one circled from the right, so that it was standing a few feet in front of you.
Two of the three angels on the left had stoic expressions on their faces, like they did not want to be here. They looked like twins. They were broad-chested men, both with dark brown hair that came down to their shoulders. Their eyes were deep-set and almost onyx colored. The other angel, assuming it was the one they called ‘Aza’, had a devilish grin, not like Caliban’s, this one had an ulterior motive. One you sensed would cause you harm. His air was as wild as his eyes. Black with a streak of white hair that framed the left side of his face. His left eye was also white, the right black. He wasn’t as muscular as the twins, but his shoulders were still broad. All of their features were striking, and ominous, but they perfect in a way.
All of them had large stark white wings protruding from their backs. So large, that they dusted the ground beneath them.
The angel that told Aza to get off of you was taller than the other three. He towered over them. His wavy hair came just below his ears. It was a dusty brown color, almost grey. His eyes were a piercing blue. Like sapphires. His cheeks were curved in, in a harsh way, but it fit his stature. He looked older than the others. His skin had a grey hue to it and his long fingers looked gargoyle-like. His wings were a darker shade of grey. They were shiny, as if oil covered them.
“Y/N, please accept my deepest apologizes for my brother’s manners. He hasn’t been to Earth in over a thousand years and he took capturing you a bit out of hand.”
You kept your mouth shut, unsure of what to say first.
“Allow me to introduce myself and my brothers.” Gesturing his hand to the angel to your right, “This is Azazel, Aza for short. Next to him are Rameel and Sariel. I am Arakiel, your father.”
Your eyes went wide, and it felt like the air had been knocked out of you once again. You took a few steps back unsure of how to escape this situation.
This man, or angel, you should say, is your father. The father who your mother said was dead since you were a child. The father who visited you on your birthday eve, only you were unaware. The father who wanted you to join him to take down Pandemonium, Sabrina... Caliban. Caliban. Your mind went to him, was he ok? Was he safe? Had they captured him?
“You’re not my father, you may be my biological one, but a father is there for their children.”
“You sound just like your mother. So strong-minded.” Arakiel retorted.
A chill went down your spine, something about the way he mentioned your mother wasn’t right.
“I assume you’ve spoken to her in the last day. She mentioned how much you’ve grown since I last saw you.”
“Why are you here? What do you want? Why now?”
The three other angels slowly started to encircle you. The hairs on the back of your neck perked up.
“You see, Y/N, your 18th birthday is coming up, as well as the Spring Equinox. The equinox is of the utmost importance for different sects of beliefs: your birthday just happens to fall near that.” You could feel your face drain of its color and warmth. “I need you. Our kind needs you. We need to make certain that Lucifer, your witch friend, and Caliban do not ascend to the throne of Pandemonium.”
You could feel a cold breath on the back of your neck. You knew Aza was right behind you. “Why me? What does either of their ascensions have to do with you?” you questioned.
“Their growing power has caused a rift in Pandemonium as well as Heaven. Creatures are seeping out of hell and disrupting humanity. Creatures like the Green Man pagans, Gallus, and Hellhounds.”
Your gaze shot to the man who claimed to be your father. “Why?” you countered.
“Because they have sensed a shift in power. When Lilith claimed the throne, while my brother was—incapacitated,” Arakiel let out a dry laugh, “she disrupted everything that was set in stone. Lucifer was meant to fall. Though he betrayed God, he was God’s favorite. God granted him Pandemonium as a parting gift.”
“This is definitely not something I learned in Sunday school” you whispered to yourself.
Arakiel cocked his head, never breaking eye contact with you. He continued on, “Lilith’s overthrowing of the throne, like I said before, caused a disrupt in everything that was meant to happen. A mere woman has caused everything to fall apart” he said with a grimace. “But a woman can be of use to me.” Arakiel stalked toward you.
You went to back up, only to bump into one of the angels. Aza grabbed your right arm, squeezing his marble-like hand into your forearm. The third angel did the same on your left. Arakiel was only inches away from you.
“I need you to do a task for me Y/N. I need you to get Sabrina to fall in love with Caliban.”
Your heart dropped. Why would he ask you to something like that? Why does that have anything to do with Pandemonium? Even though you had only known Caliban for a short period of time—well a day... damn. It did not feel like a day. You felt like you had met him before, like you were meant to be with him. Your chest felt empty when you were away from him. You didn’t want to admit this to yourself because of everything that had happened with Sabrina and the contest, and the fact that he is the prince of hell. But you knew you could never be with him, prophecy or not, it wasn’t right to be with him.
“Caliban.” You repeated to yourself quietly. You didn’t think the hands around your arms could get any tighter, but they did when they heard that name.
Arakiel dropped his head, so that he was level with yours, “I know how you feel about the prince of hell, daughter. I need you to do this or else the world as we know it will cease to exist… that includes your mother.”
Your gaze shot to him. “What have you done with my mother?” you yelled.
“She’s safe. For now, but I need you to do this, or she won’t be. As a matter of fact, she’s with us now.” His head turned toward the oak tree behind him.
Your eyes narrowed on the tree. The closer you looked at it, the more it looked like the shape of a woman. Your knees gave out. You would have dropped to the ground if your arms hadn’t been held by the angels next to you. Tears welled in your eyes as you held in a sob.
Arakiel came towards you and placed two of his skeleton-like fingers under your chin, lifting your head up. “She’s alive, but for how long … well that’s up to you. She will never be able to morph back into human form again”
You shook your head. “Why are you doing this to us? To her? I thought you loved her.”
“At one in point I did, I still do, but time moves differently for us. Angels, demons, nymphs, gods. We get bored” he replied.
Your heart ached for your mother. She didn’t seem to have fallen out of love with your father. You shook your head, that wasn’t important at the moment, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t bear the thought of Caliban being with Sabrina, or anyone for that matter. But you couldn’t let your mother stay this way. “How do I get them to fall for one another?” you asked defeatedly.
“That’s my girl!” he exclaimed, clasping your chin. You shook your head out of his grasp.
“Unfortunately, magic will be of no use to us. Witches can sense it and demons… well demons can find a loophole. That’s what happened when we tried to do the opposite for Lilith and Lucifer. Lilith is smart for a female.”
You scoffed at his remark towards Lilith. There were moments when she acted a bit out of hand, but she had her reasons.
“We must do it the old fashioned way.” Your brows furrowed together, confused by his comment. “You must do everything in your power to make Caliban hate you. Despise you. You see daughter, Caliban feels the same for you as you do for him. You two complete one another. You felt that haven’t you?” his eyes peering into your soul. You grunted while trying to shake the angels off you, but it was no use. He smiled confirming his suspicions.
“But he also completes Sabrina. But we can’t let the two of you happen, Lucifer will have the upper hand if we do. If Caliban and Sabrina come together, taking them down will be—straightforward.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Why would Lucifer have an advantage if Caliban and I were together? Why me? How will this fix the rift?”
“That answer will come in good time. As for your first question, let’s just say I’m killing two birds with one stone. I can’t let Caliban and you get together, for Lucifer will have control over both kingdoms. I can’t let that happen. It was the sole reason he was cast down in the first place.” Arakiel gave a wave of his hand and the two angels dropped your arms, causing you to fall to the ground.
You looked up as the angel hovered over you. “Do we have a deal daughter?” you looked down at the ground, not wanting to agree to this twisted plan. But Arakiel had control over your mother and that was the only family left in your life. But what about Sabrina, Roz, Theo, Harvey… Caliban? You glanced back up at the angel. A determined look on your face, caused his features to crinkle. With one swift raise of his hands, you were eye level with the angel, barely able to breathe.
“Y/N. don’t try to be the hero in this story. It will end poorly for both you, your mother, and the rest of civilization.” He dropped you back on the ground. Gasping for air, you nodded your head. “Fine. Fine. Just please let my mother go.”
“Oh no, it doesn’t work like that, I need leverage. You go through with our deal and your mother will return to you safely. You have 6 months. I will see you on the 31st of March.”
With that, a gust of wind crashed into you. They vanished.
You collapsed to your knees, your hand clasping your chest, as tears streamed down your face.
How is this happening? Why hadn’t Caliban been here? He seemed to show up every other time you were in trouble.
At that moment, you heard footsteps crunching quickly through the leaves.
“Y/N? Y/N!” you heard someone call out your name.
You turned around to find Caliban running towards you. in less than a moment he had his hands on your shoulders, examining you for any injuries. “Are you alright? Why the hell are you in the woods? Were you sleepwalking?” he questioned you.
Your brows scrunched together confused by his sleepwalking comment. Only your mother knew about that. And why hadn’t he noticed me sooner. It wasn’t like he was actually asleep.
“I’m fine.” You muttered as you shrugged his hands off your shoulders.
Caliban gave you a quizzical look. “What happened to you? I noticed you go to the bathroom five minutes ago and when you didn’t come out I went to check… you weren’t there. Then I heard you calling for me…” he stated.
You shot him a sharp look. Calling for him? What was he talking about? Five minutes? You’d been gone for at least an hour… You didn’t know how you long you were unconscious for, but it was longer than five minutes. And your conversation with Arakiel was definitely more than five minutes.
“Caliban what are you talking about? I’ve been gone for longer than five minutes.”
“No, no you weren’t. I saw you get up to go get a glass of water and after a few minutes when I didn’t hear the faucet turn on I went in to check on you and then I heard you screaming my name, and I ran out here.”
Why is his time frame so off? You chewed the inside of your lip thinking how this could have happened. Unless… oh god. Aza… That’s why that name sounded familiar… He was a Time Watcher. Your mother told you stories about him, ‘Beware of the Time Watcher’, she used to say. He could freeze, disrupt and completely erase time, but it came at a price. Aza would start to age if he did it too many times. That explained the white streak, and the fact that he couldn’t see out of his left eye. Could you explain that to Caliban? Would he believe you? Would Arakiel know you told him? He seemed to know everything else. You thought it best to keep it to yourself for now.
“Yeah, I was sleepwalking. Had a nightmare, must of ended up walking out the door” you replied.
He looked at you like he didn’t truly believe what you were saying, like he could read your mind. He pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear and stared into your eyes. Your heart felt heavy, realizing how hard it would be to deceive him. But you had to do it for your mother.
You broke away from his gaze and pushed yourself off the ground. “I need to get back to the Spellman’s. I’ll see you later?”
“I can walk you back. I mean lucifer, Y/N, you ended up in the middle of the forest by yourself in the middle of the night. From sleepwalking?”
“Yeah, my mom said I would do it sometimes during the fall.” He gave you another quizzical look. “I’ve got it from here, I’ve been through this before. I’ll talk to you later.”
You turned away from him and headed back towards the Spellman’s home. Your chest started to ache again. This time for yourself.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years ago
Apologies for the long break.. was on holiday and lost my drive.. but I’m starting part 8 today!! I hope to post it by the end of the week! Stay tuned!
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author’s Note: READERS! I am so so so sorry.. I didn’t think it would take this long to post.. I was just really in a pickle and shit came up.. I promise to post on regular basis. Side note.. this is not my best work.. I didn’t want the characters to go too far.. so sorry for the disappointing scene.. it will get better.
Summary: Reader has had a vv long day.. thank god the Prince of Hell is there to ease the pain.
Part 7:
Thank god, you knew where Sabrina kept her spare key. You had Caliban grab it and the two of you made your way into the house. You felt strong enough, with Caliban’s assistance of course, to venture up the stairs.
“I think I’m going to rinse off. I’ve got to wash this day off of me,” you said to Caliban as you walked through the guest bedroom.
“I’d be happy to join you.” Caliban looked at you with a devious smirk.
“I think I can handle this task on my own,” you said, rolling your eyes at him. “You’re more than welcome to show yourself out.”
“Fae. Accept it. I’m staying here. If something were to happen—.”
You looked up at him, both of each other’s eyes locked, you were taken aback by what he had just insinuated. ‘Does he care for me? I mean yes, we kissed and yes, he keeps saving me, but that’s because these goddamn monsters can’t pick on someone their own size. In addition, the kiss was just in the heat of the moment. We’d just survived an attack. Happy to be alive and all that crap. It meant nothing. Right?’
You gave the prince a small smile and grabbed a spare towel out of the dresser. You flipped on the bathroom lights and shut the door. You sat down on the ledge of the bathtub and put your head between your legs.
‘What a day.’ You took several deep breaths, taking into account what had happened… in ONE day. This is definitely not something you signed up for; sure, you enjoyed helping Sabrina and stopping true evil from taking over Greendale, but this was a lot for a 17 year old.
You flipped on the shower and hopped in. After washing out the conditioner, you turned the knob and grabbed your towels, throwing one around your hair and the other around your body.
You opened the door to the dimly lit bedroom and saw Caliban, eyes closed, lying on the bed. He looked so peaceful.
‘Princes of Hell probably got tired too, right?’ You dropped the towel to your waist and tightened it while you searched for t-shirt to throw on. ‘Surely, the aunties or Sabrina kept spare clothes in here.’
You were so focused on getting out of your house, you didn’t even think to bring an extra pair of clothes, and you didn’t even think you’d be staying at Sabrina’s again.
“You have a lovely back.” You turned so fast, your head spun a bit.
“Oh my god Caliban! Turn around!” you said half turned covering your chest.
“You know what, why don’t you head to Ambrose’s room and grab some spare clothes, since you plan on staying here.”
“Fine, fae.” As he walked past you, he stopped where you has pressed yourself against the dresser, in an effort to stop from exposing yourself any further. Caliban took his index finger and grazed it up your spine.
He chuckled and left you to be alone in the room. You let out a chill you’d been holding. Quickly, you threw on an oversized shirt, some shorts and climbed into bed. ‘He’s just a sex-crazed hellion.. It means absolutely nothing.’ Without even five minutes passing, Caliban came back in.
“You’ll be sleeping in the chair. Goodnight.” You hopped into the plush bed, plopped yourself down, rolled over and threw your head on the pillow.
“Fae? Aren’t you forgetting something?” You shot up looking over to the chair, only to realize he was standing right next to the bed. His hands were holding most of his weight up. Your faces were inches apart.
“Oh, thank you for all of your help today.”
Caliban gave you a nod and made his way back toward the chair in the corner of the room.
You switched off the lamp, but left one of the candles still lit. The day had shaken you up a bit too much; you needed a little light left to fall asleep easier.
You didn’t know how much time had passed but you shot up from your pillow gasping for air. Caliban was at your side in an instant.
“Y/N, Y/N! It’s ok, it was just a nightmare.”
You couldn’t seem to catch your breath. You looked at the green eyes that were staring at you. Caliban’s face had a worrisome look that made your heart ache. He held you by the shoulders to try to calm you down.
Finally, you were able to gasp in some oxygen.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what that was. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You’ve been through a lot in the last 24 hours. I’m surprised you’ve been this tough, actually.”
“Tough? You call this ‘tough’”.
He laughed, “Well, yeah.. I mean considering…” The two of you laughed. That was the first time in what felt like forever that you had laughed.
Caliban went to stand up and head back to the chair.
“Wait.” He looked at you with confused eyes. “Can you lie with me for a while? At least until I fall asleep.”
Caliban climbed under the covers with such ease, and without missing a beat, slid his arm underneath your neck. As if the two of you had been in this position before, you automatically rolled towards his side and placed you hand on his chest. He put his hand on your head and gently stroked your hair in comfort.
“Thank you. I really meant what I said earlier. Thank you for saving my life and staying here with me tonight. I’m not trying to push you away; it’s just easier if I do.”
“I know.”
You looked up at him. His eyes were already on you. Without meaning to, you glanced down at his lips. Those soft, full lips. You thought back to when they were on yours so forcefully, and then gently, as if they did not want to part from yours.
You quickly glanced down.
“Y/N. I know what I said earlier and it’s true, but can I kiss you?”
Your brows scrunched together as you looked back up at him. You were so used to the unprovoked touches or the surprising glances. His question didn’t ruin the moment.
You grabbed his chin and pulled yourself closer to him. You softly pressed your lips to his and gently pulled away. Before you were more than an inch away, Caliban grabbed your waist with his other hand and pulled you back toward him.
The heat between the two of you quickly built up. In no time, you were beneath the prince. He released you from his grasp, retracted his lips from yours and pushed himself to the other side of you.
You were breathless, but wanting more. Caliban took his index finger and slowly pushed your shirt up towards your chest. Your breath hitched in your throat. While your shirt stayed in its place, his hand trickled down your stomach, causing your breath to be in short gasps.
Thinking he was going to do one thing, his head lowered to your stomach and gave you small kisses, slowly, up and down your torso. You arched your head back, breathing quickly, hoping for more.
You felt a shadow cast over your face. You looked up at Caliban.
“Yes?” you gasped back at him.
“Nothing.” He leaned back down and placed a kiss on your lips.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pushed your fingers through his hair. The kiss started to heat up again, but you thought this was going too fast.
You pulled back and looked at him. As if he knew exactly what you were thinking, he nodded as he pushed a piece of your out of your face. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back into the position you were in before the hot make out sesh began.
“Yes, fae?”
“I know ‘this’ can’t happen, but can we talk about it at least?”
“Of course. We will talk in the morning, right now you need to rest. I shouldn’t have pushed it as far as I did.”
“It was both of us. I didn’t stop you.” The prince kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to his chest.
The rhythm of his heartbeat caused your eyelids to get heavy. You fell asleep with a slaphappy smile on your face.
A few hours later, you got up to grab a glass of water from the bathroom. You didn’t realize how parched you were, remembering you hadn’t had anything to drink since the fortune-reading incident. You glanced back at Caliban. He was still asleep. You smiled to yourself. You were finally hopeful about something. The two of you would talk in the morning and Caliban would explain what last night meant.
‘You like him Y/N. Admit it.’ smiling to yourself again, you walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind you, so as not to wake the sleeping prince.
You flipped on the light switch and saw a huge man standing behind you. As you went to scream, everything went dark… again..
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
Ok, “The Fae and the Prince” fans! I’m in the process of writing Part 7... a bit stuck because I want there to be a good build up. I plan on posting it some time tomorrow.... but it’s gonna be good.. not like MA but pretty close because I don’t want my characters to rush into anything :)
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Ok people! This is a doozy! Too be honest I love a good build up! Stay tuned for the next part where Y/N and Caliban spend the night.. :)
Summary: The Carnival!! FINALLY! 
Part 6:
Your eyes quickly readjusted to the inside of the dim tent. The smell of jasmine and incense were so overwhelming, you had to hold a cough in. You glanced around the intimate room, noticing a few candles lit with some plush velvet floor cushions scattered in various places and an old gramophone with a broken pavillon.
“Hello?” you said announcing yourself.
You sat down hoping whoever was telling fortunes would find you ready to spend your tokens. You saw a book that looked as though it had been read over 100 times. Being your curious self, you reached out to turn it towards you, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft.
‘Why would a fortuneteller have a book on—Oh no. Oh shit.’ As you went to stand up and get the hell out of there, a voice interrupted your next move.
“Here to get your fortune told?”
“Oh, uh, actually I have to leave. I completely forgot I left my oven on at home.”
“I don’t think you’ll be heading home after what happened earlier this evening.” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
You stopped in your tracks, slowly turning toward the fortuneteller. She looked as though she had stepped right out of a silent film from the ‘30s. Her short, curly bob was perfectly pinned to frame her face. She was wearing a velvet shawl and a shift nightie. The woman’s eye makeup smoked to make her purple eyes pop out of her face. ‘Purple?’ Normally, this would terrify you, but there was something alluring that made you walk towards her.
“What did you just say?”
“Sit, child. Let me read your fortune.” She formed a smile that caused your heart to start thumping out of your chest.
Some force made you sit back down. “Now let’s read the cards.” She laid out three cards. You had seen readings done before, and you knew this wouldn’t be a typical reading.
“The Devil. Interesting. Opposites attract they say and with where this is placed it could be very pleasurable for you. In way, though, it could mean enslavement for you.”
You glanced away from the card and looked at the woman. She had an enticing smirk on her face. She licked her lips, and it gave you the chills.
“The Tower. Now this does not seem to match, but it could coincide with The Devil in the sense of disaster. It could also mean that you may be challenging outdated beliefs. A lover maybe. Something has been tormenting you, my dear.”
You thought to the conversation you and Caliban had, about never being able to be together. Maybe, somehow, someway, you could figure out a way for the two of you to be together.
‘Y/N. What are you thinking? You ca—. What’s that?’ It sounded like a hum.
You titled your head and looked at the woman. Her grin had grown into full on Cheshire.
“Everything alright, my dear?” Her voice had an angelic tone to it, but at the same time sounded muffled. You nodded your head sleepily. “Now that I have your full attention, let us finish the fortune.” She flipped the last card. Death. ‘How perfect?’ you thought. You giggled to yourself, pulling your hands up to your mouth to try to hush the chortle.
“Yes, my dear, Death. How befitting? Now, let’s get you something to drink.”
She grabbed both of your hands and pulled you out of the chair. The woman twirled you towards the back room. The lullaby still ringing in your ears.
She pushed you onto one of the floor pillows. The weight of your head flew back. It was as if you had no support from your neck. Your body felt completely limp. You were a dead weight. With nothing to support your head, you slowly turned toward the fortuneteller, who was concocting some by her bar cart.
‘Hmm. How funny. Such a silly, silly room.’ You giggled once again.
“Hush, my sweet child, this won’t last for very long.” She walked towards you, carrying what looked like a gold goblet.
Everything was blurry now. You rolled your head back. Something in your gut told you this wasn’t right, but something else said that this song was so sweet; everything was going to be ok. Your eyes slowly rolled back in your head.
A strong scent of what you thought was bubblegum, brought you back to your “senses.” The gold glass was now directly in front of you.
“Now sip, my dear. The warm liquid will just sting a bit, but I promise, you and I will go to someplace fun.”
You tried lifting your head to take a sip, suddenly realizing how dry your mouth was. Something to drink sounded perfect.
The woman reached for the back of your neck to help lift you up. Her hand, surprisingly cold. Your bottom lip touched the stark, cold, metal cup. All of the sudden the liquid spilled all over the pillow.
The cold hand supporting the back of your head disappeared. A warm one replaced the support of your neck. You no longer felt the plush pillow on your back, but instead the cold, autumn air. Your arms were completely limp, but you could feel a body beneath your left one, that was tucked by your side. Someone was carrying you and fast. You could feel the wind whip your hair over your face and suddenly it stopped. You felt the damp grass press into your back. You heard muffled voices moving around you. You moaned and rolled your head to the side, and then everything went black.
A warm breath tickled your ear.
“Y/N. Y/N, please wake up. Why isn’t it working? You call yourself a witch?” a voice said through their teeth.
“It should work. Just give it time. It needs time. At least that’s what my aunties said.”
You could feel that same warm hand, that lifted your neck, hold onto yours. Every so often, it would squeeze yours to reassure you, whoever it was, was still there. Your mind, still groggy, recognized that hand. ‘Caliban.’ You moaned from the pain you felt in your head. Your eyes slowly blinked open, and then immediately shut. Too much. You rolled over, forehead against the grass.
“Y/N” a husky tone said, no louder than a whisper. A hand immediately went to the small of your back and then to your shoulder to help you sit up.
“Y/N! Oh, thank Satan! You’re alive!” You slowly opened your eyes and saw Sabrina, Roz and Theo kneeling in front of you. The three of them went in for a hug.
“Oh!” you yelped in pain. The three pulled back, realizing you were sore from whatever happened to you. You didn’t know what the hell happened to you. You just remember a hum. You looked up and saw Harvey, Nick and Robin standing over the group of you. You glanced behind you, remembering the hand at the base of your backside. You looked up to the eyes of your protector, Caliban. He gave you a small smile, accepting your thank you.
“Y/N. What in Lucifer’s name happened to you?” “I have no idea. I walked into the fortuneteller’s tent to get my tarot read and then the last thing I remember is hearing a lullaby and smelling bubblegum.”
Sabrina’s face drained of its natural color. “What? What is going on? What do you know?” you asked the group in an exasperated tone.
“Well we were all doing our own thing at the carnival and Nick and I met up with Roz and Harvey, when Roz saw Caliban running toward the tent you described,” Sabrina said.
Roz jumped in, “Then all of the sudden I received a cunning vision of a mermaid with a drink and she was singing. Harvey had to jerk me awake because my lungs started filling with water.”
“And then Robin and I saw Roz choking and ran over to see what was up. When she woke from the vision, she ran towards the forest. That’s when we saw Caliban kneeling over you trying to wake you.”
“A siren,” a deep voice interrupted the explanation. “It was a siren, not a mermaid.” Caliban turned toward you and went on to tell you the rest of what you couldn’t recall. “I called for Sabrina and told her what I thought had happened. You were pulled into a trance by a siren. I didn’t think you drank any of her potion, so I explained to Sabrina what happened.”
“Well you should have mentioned the bubblegum smell, Caliban. If she had, things would have been a lot worse and that spell wouldn’t have worked,” Sabrina snapped at the Prince of Hell.
“I flung all of the contents out of that siren’s goblet. And besides her color was normal” Caliban gritted through his teeth.
“What do you know about that kind of poisoning, you couldn’t even save her!”
“Enough!” you screamed at the two of them. “Please. Please the ringing in my ears hasn’t gone away yet.”
‘Sorry,’ Sabrina mouthed to you.
You gave her a reassuring smile. “Can someone just, please, take me home?”
“I will,” Caliban whispered to you.
“Caliban. Why must you insert yourself into our problems?” Sabrina snorted.
“’Brina. Stop. Enough already, the both of you. I think Caliban has proven himself worthy to be trusted by our group.” You gave her a glare and she gave in. “Besides, you guys need to figure out what the hell that was that hypnotized me and make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else in Greendale, ok? I’m going to go back to your place, ‘Brina, and sleep this day off.”
She gave you a warm smile. With that, you hugged the group, said your goodbyes and made your way back to the mortuary with Caliban.
As the group walked away to go figure out what was going in this carnival, you still sat on the ground.
“Are you ok to walk? We can wait here for a while, until you feel comfortable to go.” Caliban looked at you with sorrowful eyes.
“I’m totally good. Besides, I wanna get the hell out of here. I never want to see those pagans again.” You went to push yourself off the ground, as you stood for a second, to regain your balance, you wobbled and knew you were head straight for the ground. Caliban immediately caught you. Your hand grasped onto his upper arm. You looked up your savior. “You always seem to be saving me.”
“Someone’s got to” Caliban said in half whisper. “I’ll help you walk, just wrap your arm around my waist.” Your eyes went wide looking back up at the prince.
“Trust me, fae. I’m not going to try anything, especially since you’re incapacitated.” You gave a small laugh. He wrapped one of his hands around your waist the other held your arm that wrapped around his waist.
The two of you walked slowly towards the Spellman’s House, for you were too weak to partake in Caliban’s “fire transportation magic trick.”
Every now and then, you would look up at the Prince of Hell. The moon was perfectly accenting his facial features. You were careful not to stare too long, in case he caught you admiring him. “Like what you see, fae?” he said in a sarcastic tone.
‘How did he know?’ you gave a small laugh-cough. “No it’s just—ha! Umm, how much longer?”
“Well at this pace, we won’t be there until dawn.” Without even giving you a chance to respond, he hoisted you up into his arms, as if you were as light as a feather.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “What, fae? You said how long and that you wanted to get the hell out of there. And besides you’re too weak to walk, not to mention teleport.”
You shook your head in defeat.
Before you knew it, Caliban was setting you down, carefully, on the Spellman’s porch.
Surprisingly the lights weren’t on. You knew Sabrina and Nick wouldn’t be there, but were a little confused as to why the aunties weren’t. On your way in, you saw the guest house lights on. That was reassuring to know your mom was there. You sent her a text, letting her know that you were back safe, although she probably wouldn’t respond, for it was well past her bedtime.
You turned toward Caliban, not realizing his hand was still on your waist. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“You sure you’re going to be ok? I’m happy to escort you inside, fae.” “Caliban, I’m fine. I promise you.”
“Ok, well I’ll be out here. I’ll see you in the morning.” “What? What do you mean you’ll be out here?”
“You think I’m leaving you in this house alone? No way, fae.”
“It’s too cold out her—.”
“Fae, I’m the Prince of Hell. I don’t get cold.”
“Ok, well at least come inside for some tea.” You went to walk towards the door, and your legs felt like Jell-O. You started swaying to the left and Caliban caught you again.
“Ok, this is getting really old…” He laughed, wrapped his arm around your waist and walked you inside. You didn’t know how long he would stay, but it was nice to know you wouldn’t be alone tonight.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: I am flipping! Thank you for all of the likes! This means so much! Part 5 is a GO! PS I just realized that the protagonist’s mom has the same name as Queen Freya.. there is no relation... at least I don’t think. :)
ALSO ALSO! I do not own any of these GIFs.. whoever does-- they’re great :)
Summary: Another attack.. and finally.. the beginning of the carnival!! EEKK!
Part 5:
You rushed out of the café and made your way to your house to get ready for the Carnival. You knew your mom would still be at The Prickly Thorn, the flower shop she owned, until 5:00pm, so you made sure you were ready before then, in an effort to avoid her. You couldn’t imagine talking to her about saving the world with your father. You didn’t even know how you would do that and you didn’t want to.
You trudged into your bedroom and threw your backpack on your bed, along with yourself. You were so exhausted from all the information you had absorbed in the past 24 hours. You closed your eyes and immediately your mind went to Caliban. How good looking he was in those “mortal” clothes. He stuck out like a sore thumb, but it suited him.
You got up and went to your vanity to add a bit of mascara to your lashes and burgundy lipstick to your lips. It was Saturday for crying aloud, you needed to let loose and enjoy your evening. While adding a teensy bit of blush, your mind wandered to your moment with him in the library and how intimate you had been with him… how his hands snaked through your hair and—.
A sudden clatter broke your daydream. You shot up from your chair and walked hesitantly towards the door. You slowly turned the knob and pulled the door towards you. You had a direct view to your kitchen and saw something you’d never thought you’d see rummaging through your cupboards. It was a Hellhound.
Your breath sped up and you quietly shut the door. You ran to your bed and called your mom. If she came home, literally, all Hell would break loose.
“Mom? Mom, it’s Y/N. Please do not come home. I can’t really explain why, but I guess you’d understand but just trust me!”
“Y/N what is going on? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good, I’m gonna leave the house now—.”
“You’re still there! What is happening?” she snapped.
“Hellhound, mom. A Hellhound is in our kitchen.”
“Fuck. Your father said this would happen. Ok do not make any noise and see if you can get out of the house through your window, go to the school parking lot and I will meet you there.” “What do you mean ‘dad said this would happen’?” you said in a frightened tone.
“I’ll explain when you get to the parking lot, just hurry, Y/N. It will be able to sense that it’s not alone.”
With that, you hung up the phone. You grabbed your bag and shoes and made your way towards the window over your bench. You carefully undid the latch, and threw your bag out the window. You put your right foot through and went to grab the ledge to hoist yourself down, when a hand grabbed yours. Instinctively, you looked up. ‘Thank god. Caliban.’
“Hello, fae” he said delectably. He grabbed your waist and lifted you through the window with such ease. He lowered you down to the ground, hands still around your hips. You pushed yourself away from him to grab your bag, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the forest. He understood you were in trouble, but you didn’t know how he knew.
The two of you raced to the edge of the forest, praying that that put enough space between you and the monster.
“How did you—you got here so—“, your voice trailed off. Unsure of what your first question should be.
“I sensed you were in—distress.”
“How? How did you know that?”
He glanced down at the ground. You weren’t sure if he just didn’t know the answer or just didn’t want to share it with you.
“Whatever,” you said in annoyance, “I have to go meet my mom at school.”
He looked down at you, a woeful look on his face. You tugged your hand out of his, shocked that you had left it there for so long. You left Caliban, once again, alone.
How is it that you had a dream about a Hellhound and Caliban and the next day... you shook away the thought as you walked away from him. You ran to the school, assuming that your mom had probably been there for quite some time. You saw your mom’s car, her leaning against the driver’s door.
“Mom!” you yelled running towards her.
“Oh god! Y/N! Are you ok!?” She grabbed you and pulled you in for a hug. After for what felt like an eternity, she pushed you back and examined you to make sure you were clear of harm. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“God, Y/N I am so, so sorry that that happened. I should have told you about all of this sooner. I didn’t think something like this would happen so soon.”
“It’s ok, mom, but can you please explain what dad said is happening, you know, with the world and all.”
She nodded her head and the two of you hopped in her car. She explained to you what was going on with the pagans and how their lust for power was throwing off the axis of the earth. She went on to explain that something was going on in Pandemonium, but your father didn’t go into detail.
‘Probably for the best’, you thought. You were worried if your mom found out about Sabrina’s rise to the throne and you helping her… would cause some family strife.
“There’s something else, Y/N… something worse than what I’ve just mentioned.”
“What could be worse than Green Man pagans and Pandemonium chaos?”
“Remember the stories I told you when you were a little girl? The stories of Greek mythology?”
“Yeah,” you said hesitantly.
“Well, it’s real… Not that that should be much of a surprise, but the Titans, who tried to overthrow the gods and goddesses… They’ve come back and they are not very happy.”
“Shit,” you said under your breath. “Why now? Why is everything happening now?”
“You father said, it is because of the spring equinox, but you’re right, why now, this can’t be the only reason.”
“Ok, ok, Mom, you’re going to go to the Spellman’s you’re going to tell them everything, everything you told me. They can help you. They’re witches—,” Your moms eyes went wide, “It’s shocking, I know, but I can’t explain everything now. I have to go to the carnival to help Sabrina with something else right now. You go there and stay put, because home is not safe. It’s for the best right now. I’ll be back tonight to stay with you.”
Your mom nodded her head, knowing you were right. The two of you hugged and you jumped out of the car and waved as she drove towards the mortuary.
‘This has to work. Surely the Spellman’s can help you and your mom out.’
Before you knew it, the sun was slowly setting. You were almost to the carnival, when you heard the sounds of go-carts striking into one another, the dumbbell chiming the bell at the top, and the smell of funnel cakes.
‘This will be fun. A good distraction. You just need to be aware of the pagans.’ You didn’t know exactly what they looked like. You just heard Sabrina’s description of them when they crashed the Hare Moon celebration.
Roz’s laughter pulled you from your thoughts. “Y/N!” Theo yelled toward you. You picked up the pace and ran towards the gang. “How are you? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever.”
“I’ve been better, long story. I’ll explain later. Right now let’s enjoy some cotton candy and games!” You, Roz, Harvey, Theo, Robin, Sabrina and Nick headed through the entrance and soon separated to enjoy different parts of the carnival.
You realized that you were the only one without a date, but you didn’t mind. It was nice to be alone for once. The carnival games didn’t really sound all that appealing. You weren’t in the mood to ride the Love-Boat, nor the Ferris Wheel, mainly because you were scared of heights. Without realizing how far you had walked, you were at the end of the carnival. The only thing nearby was Fortune Telling.
‘What harm could it do? I mean, I pretty much know everything that’s going to happen,’ you thought.
Without a second thought, you walked through the draped tent.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: OK here we go! Part 4.. This took a little longer.. but i need to build up the upcoming carnival scene.. which in my opinion is going to be worth the wait! Enjoy! PS thank you for all the love i’ve been getting!! it really makes my heart warm! xoxo
Summary: Nightmares + Caliban + Tight Yellow Tees = TROUBLE.
Part 4:
You and Sabrina recited the opposite spell to get you back to her place. After you both grabbed something to eat from the kitchen, you went back up to her room. “Y/N, I told you to stay away from him.”
“Well, technically you told him to stay away from me.” She glared at you for your snide remark.
“I’m sorry. He came out of nowhere and then we were attacked by a Gallu—.”
“You were WHAT?!”
“Oh. Yeah.. I forgot to mention that.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. To be honest, I don’t know if I would be if Caliban wasn’t there. He performed some spell and the Gallu vanished. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not sure I would be here right now.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I should have never left you alone. It’s just this whole ‘Hell’ is literally driving me crazy and now Lilith says that Earth is ‘out of its original order’ and I have no idea what that means, but she said that the angels are going to be arriving soon if we don’t figure it out.”
“I think they’re coming either way,” you said under your breath.
“Y/N what are you talking about? How would you know?”
“Sabrina… there’s something you should know. Before I got here, my mom sat me down and shared some news with me.”
“What kind of news?” she looked at you with a worried grimace.
You went on to tell her everything. Your mom. Your dad. You. Glowing eyes ‘n all.
“Holy shit…” she said. She sat down on the bed, eyebrows raised. “How could you just now be telling me this?”
“I just found out, Sabrina. It took me a little bit to digest it and I didn’t know how you’d react. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I mean I get it. I didn’t tell you guys about being a which until last year. Just wow. Have you told anyone else? Please tell me Caliban doesn’t know.”
You gave her a sheepish grin.
“Y/N! Oh forevermore. Why! Why would you do that?”
“He knew! He figured it out. I mean not the entire story, but he knew that I wasn’t mortal, because of my aura and eyes..”
“Y/N he’s going to use this against us! He’ll figure out a way to get to me through you. I’m not sure how, but I wouldn’t put it past that hellfire little shit.”
“I don’t know if he will. Sabrina, for some reason and I have no idea why, I trust him. I feel something. I feel like he won’t hurt us.” You sat down next to her on the plush bed. “Also, I warned him not to use this information against us and you and your quest.”
“Oh sure! You warned the guy. He wouldn’t dare mess with you.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just I don’t have a good feeling about that Caliban.”
“I know, but you can trust me.” She put her arm around you and you leaned in for the hug. “I know, I know. Ok, let’s get some rest, we’ve got a big day tomorrow with the carnival and all. And I’ve got to find that crown.”
The two of your got ready for the long awaited slumber and shortly after climbed into bed. Sabrina quickly dozed off, for she had a long day dealing with the hell kings and her reforms. You couldn’t help but picture those eyes of his. Those same eyes that stared at you in the forest. Those eyes that looked deeply into yours after the two of you nearly been killed. After some time of imagining you different scenarios, you finally fell asleep.
You were running. Running from what, you didn’t know. You looked up at the canopy of trees above you and realized you were in the Greendale forest. “How the hell did I get here?” you said breathlessly to yourself. Not seeing the large root in front of you, you lost your footing and landed on the forest’s floor.
The wind completely knocked out of you. Coughing and stumbling to get yourself back up, a force pushed you about twenty feet from where you fell. This time landing on your back, you saw what was hunting you. It was none other than a Hellhound, one of Satan’s minions chasing you. His bulging red eyes were staring right at you. The beast was huffing, from chasing after you. His four unnaturally, muscular legs outstretched ready to pounce on you. You lifted your upper body up, slowly, resting on your forearms. You turned your head to the right and then to left looking for something, anything that could kill this thing. You turned your head back again and saw Caliban standing right next to you about five feet away.
‘Caliban!’ you tried yelling. Nothing, nothing came out of you.
“Aww, love. You in a bit of mix-up?” Caliban said to you tauntingly.
Tears brimmed on the edge of your eyes. ‘Why isn’t he helping me?’ you thought.
“You see Y/N, I can’t help you. I am not permitted to. Even if I was, I do not know if I would because of how completely worthless you are. A fae and an angel. Two of the worst kinds of creatures. Your bloodline now is so utterly tainted I would never want to be with someone like you.”
You couldn’t believe it. The man you were falling in love with was literally leaving you to the dogs. How could he do that to you? The two of you shared something. The tears started rolling down your cheeks.
Caliban bent down and wiped away one of your tears with his thumb. “Love don’t cry. It’s just the beginning”, he said with an evil smile. “You may proceed dog.”
Just as the dog jumped on you, you jerked up from your pillow. Your chest was freckled with sweat.
You got up to go down to make a cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves. “Just a dream. It wasn’t real”, you said as you sat down at the kitchen table. You took a few deep breaths, and went to take a sip of tea. You peered out the window. The sun was rising. ‘So much for a good night’s sleep’, you thought. You stood up to place the mug in the sink and make your way back up stairs to catch a few more hours of shuteye.
As you went to leave the kitchen, you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t dare look, for you were too shaken up by your dream. You ventured back upstairs without glancing through the window, where, without your knowledge, Caliban stood watching you.
The next morning, you and Sabrina got ready for the day. You threw on a plaid pinafore, a dark green turtleneck, some black tights, and a pair of boots that you had packed the night before. Sabrina wore a black turtleneck and a red plaid skirt. The two of you walked down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Sabrina told you she was going to spend the day with Nick, since he was somewhat back to normal from spending what seemed like forever in Hell. You told her you were going to try to have a normal day. Enjoy a lunch at Cerberus Books and catch up on some school readings.
After breakfast, the two of you parted ways and you made your way toward the café. Mythological stories had always been one of your favorite pastimes. Today you were rereading the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. You didn’t give the part about being stuck in Hell for all of eternity, when you read this story before, but now you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. Learning of your lineage, going to Hell, meeting Caliban, and now that dream.
‘Maybe this story wasn’t the best one to get your mind off the subject.’ You closed the leather-bound book and stood up to go get a chocolate milkshake, your favorite. When you turned to go to the register, you face planted into someone’s rock solid chest. You looked up. Caliban.
“Caliban!” you yelled in a hushed tone. “What in heaven’s name are you doing here?! In Greendale?”
“I came to see you, fae”, he said in a husky tone. He was wearing a tight yellow ringer tee, that accented every part of his arms, with tight blue jeans which mirrored the compliment to his lower half.
“A new nickname? Really?”
“Well, you won’t let me call you ‘love’ and besides fae suits you.”
“Fine, but you didn’t need to come all this way to tell me that. You do realize you’re in the moral world, right?”
“I do. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about; Sabrina won’t shut up about Greendale and you mortals. Well, I guess that doesn’t pertain to you anymore, does it fae?”
“Caliban, I don’t have time for this. I’m… studying.”
“Sure seems like you were getting a snack and reading—what’s this?” he went to pick up your book. “Ahh, Eurydice and Orpheus. Such a fool that Orpheus. If he had just trusted Hades, Eurydice and he would be enjoying life together as we speak.”
“Well it’s hard to trust someone like that right off the bat. Trust takes time”, you said looking down at the ground.
“You trust me right, fae?”
You didn’t answer his question. You snatched the book out of his hands and trudged to the register to order your dessert.
He followed you closely behind. “Why are you being so distant all of the sudden, fae?”
“No reason, I just told myself that today I was going to stay away from all things supernatural.”
“That’s a bit hard to do, considering you are part of that order,” he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. “Talk to me. Please.”
“Caliban, I can’t. It’s just too much is going on right now and with you added to the mix, it just makes things really difficult. Besides, I have a carnival to get ready for.”
With that, you ditch the milkshake and Caliban along with it.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
I’m so happy that you’re writing a Caliban x Reader fic 😫 There’s only few fanfics of him and we need mooore. I love your writing style too!
Oh my goodness!! Thank you!!! I agree! I saw only so many and I was like, ok I gotta contribute lolol
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Ok! Here we go Part 3! Let me know your thoughts!
Summary: Finally Caliban and Reader have some alone time.. :)
Part 3:
Caliban made his way around the column, stepping slowly toward the Gallu. The only problem was you didn’t know exactly where the creature went. You moved your head to the right to see if you could get a better angle around the column. Your heart sank. The Gallu was staring right at you. You didn’t dare make a sound or move an inch. You remembered that they can sense any sound or movement.
 You covered your mouth with your hand, as you tried to muffle a cry. ‘Of course Caliban had to leave you alone at this exact moment’, you thought.
 A tear rolled down your cheek, when out of nowhere you heard Caliban yell “Et invenies in hoc libro, quod post tergum historia in qua egressus es!” as he jumped up and slammed a book over the creature’s head. A bright red light flashed before the both of you and the Gallu disappeared before your eyes.
 You let out a breath you had been holding the entire time and slowly slid down the column; tears welling in your eyes. Caliban rushed over to you and knelt beside you.
 “Y/N? Y/N are you alright?” He placed both hands on the sides of your face. His eyes were filled with concern as he grazed his thumb along your cheek wiping away a tear.
“Y/N talk to me, please, love.” You looked up at him, suddenly realizing how close the two of you were.
You leaned up toward him and placed a chaste kiss on his full lips as a ‘thank you for saving you’.
 As you went to pull back, Caliban pulled your face back towards his. Without skipping a beat his lips were back on yours, this time deepening the kiss. Your hands instinctively went to the back of his neck and up through his locks. You both slowly stood up without breaking the kiss. You both pulled each other closer as he lifted you up off the ground.
 Your legs snaked around his as he lowered one of his hands to the nape of your lower back. You pulled back to take a breath and stared into the prince’s eyes. He brushed a piece of your hair back as he sat you back down. You didn’t want this to end, but he was the prince of hell and you half fae, half angel. You pulled yourself back down and walked away as your hand immediately reached your swollen lips.
 “Are you alright?” he said breathlessly.
 “I’m fine”, you said trying not to make eye contact. “I need to get back to work. Can you please leave?” You glanced up at him.
“How did you know?” he asked staring into your soul.
“Know what? What are you talking about?”
 “You knew exactly what that was. How in Satan’s name did you know that?”
 You walked towards the table with the stack of books calling your name. “I—I don’t know..”
 “Y/N what aren’t you telling me? What do you know? Surely Sabrina couldn’t have told you everything.”
 “I don’t know Caliban. I don’t know what I know. I’m in Hell for heaven sakes. One minute I’m a normal teenaged girl and the next my mom is sitting me down telling me about my family history and that the world as we know it is not in its normal state and for some reason I’m supposed to help my father, who I’ve never met, fix it. At the same time I have to help Sabrina claim the throne; stop the pagans from taking over Greendale. It’s just a lot for someone who hasn’t even taken the SATs yet!” You didn’t realize how loud you had been yelling at Caliban until you hear “yet” echo in the library.
 You slumped down and slumped your head on the table. Unbeknownst to you Caliban sat down next to you and placed his hand gently on your back. You turned your head toward him and gave him a small smile.
 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you, I just have a lot going on that is all piling up at once.”
“I understand, Y/N. You can trust me though. You can tell me anything. I won’t say a word.”
 You looked at your will those enticing green eyes. The same one’s you saw in the forest.. You knew it was him that was watching you. You knew it was him who was drawing you, you just didn’t know why. You didn’t know why there was this electricity between the two of you.
 ‘Maybe…’ you thought ‘Maybe if you shared with him what your mother had shared with you, he could shed some light to the situation. I mean he wasn’t of the mortal world. He knew things that you didn’t. Sabrina was still new to her role.’ You weren’t sure she would know about your kind.
 “Ok. If I tell you this, three things must happen. One: you tell me everything you know about the subject without leaving anything out. Two: you don’t tell a soul and you don’t use what you know against me or Sabrina or the rest of my family. Three: you leave me be after, for the time being, and let me do my research for Sabrina.”
 “Technically, love, that was five things.”
 “Caliban…” you said in annoyance
 “I’ll let it slide”, a devilish smirk growing on his face. “You may continue.”
 “Ok, here it goes…” You told him everything all about how when you were young you loved playing in the forest, how you were drawn to it. You told him how your mom was a botanist at the local flower shop and that’s why you thought you loved herbs and all things that came from the earth. You went on to tell him that you think it’s because your mom is a dryad and you father is an angel who is a watcher and who specializes in geomancy, rocks and soil.
 You told Caliban how you grew up learning stories of Heaven and Hell and all things mythology related and how that’s how your interest grew in storytelling, history and art. As you were saying all of this, you slowly realized it’s because it is all in your nature. This love of everything is in your bones.
 After finishing your rant about your entire life, the two of you sat in silence for a few moments, staring into each other’s eyes.
 “So…” you said, breaking the deafening silence. “Everything makes sense now..” he said in a whisper.
 “What do you mean?” you questioned.
“I mean you. You. I get now why there is this current between us. It explains why your aura is green and why your eyes glowed when the Gallu attacked. According to what I know about fae, which is a sign that trouble is near, without even knowing something bad is coming.”
 “What do you mean the current between us?”
 “You don’t feel it?”
 “Umm.. I mean I guess there’s like a little static between the two of us, but I just thought that was because I was in Hell.”
 You hated deceiving him, but you were sure he could read you like a book. He grabbed your hands and looked you straight in the eyes.
“Y/N, the feeling between you and I is real, but it’s a warning. You see, our kinds can never be together. A demon and an angel, even though you’re technically only half an angel, still, your father is one of the most powerful angels. What’s not said in the books about the fall of Lucifer, is that Arakiel helped Michael and God cast Lucifer out of Heaven. It explains why he is a “Watcher.” He’s got his eyes on Lucifer to make sure he never makes his way back up again, it explains why every year he visited you. He was doing his job at that time as well.”
 You stared at him in disbelief. ‘Never be together? I mean yeah I guess we are opposites but that seems a bit drastic. Oh gosh Y/N, stop it.. you can’t like him. Destined not to be together makes this easier.. it draws a line in the sand, you don’t need to worry about Caliban trying to seduce you. This is a good thing, right?’
 “Oh.” You said, sounding a little more despondent than intended. “Well this is a good thing, I mean we’re basically enemies anyway, I mean my dad, your king, Sabrina, you; this is good, makes this easier.”
“Easier? What do you mean by easier?”
Before you could answer his question, Sabrina flung through the doors of the library. You and Caliban stood up from the desk in unison. “Caliban! What did I say?!”
“Sabrina it’s alright! Please, don’t get angry. Caliban was helping find row ‘H’.”
“Uh huh, likely story. Come on Y/N, we’ve got a crown to find.” Sabrina practically pulled your arm out of your socket as she whisked you through the library’s doors. You looked back at Caliban, who had a solemn look on his face.
‘This is a good thing’, you thought.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Ok so i can’t stop writing LOL. Please please enjoy!  Reblog, Heart, blah, blah, blah!
Summary: Reader and Sabrina are now in Pandemonium and finally meet Caliban... but trouble is brewing.
Part 2:
Tears were rolling down your face. You couldn’t believe it. Your mom had been lying to you your entire life. I mean I guess you could understand as to why she kept this kind of secret from you, to protect you, but at the same time, you couldn’t help but think it was because it was easier for her. The brisk air made you clutch your jacket closer to your body.
Greendale was a creepy town, especially at night, but for some reason something felt off. It felt like someone was watching you. You glanced at the forest’s edge, a few minutes away from Sabrina’s. Something caught your eye. A pair of glowing green eyes were staring right at you. For a mortal, this would be alarming. A mortal would run, but they drew you closer. They were hypnotizing. You were in a complete trance.
“Y/N!?” you heard a muffled shout call your name but you didn’t turn your head away from the luminous orbs.
“Y/N come on! We don’t have much time!” Sabrina snapped at you.
You turned your head towards her and told her you were coming. You turned back towards the line of trees. Nothing. The eyes had vanished.
You made your way up to Sabrina’s room, but you couldn’t shake all that had just happened. Your family history, the world being off kilter, those eyes. Those eyes..
“You ready?” Sabrina’s voice brought you back to reality.
“Yes, ready”, you said.
You grabbed each other’s hands and started chanting in Latin a spell out of a book Sabrina had borrowed from Ambrose.
“Don’t let go of my hands and repeat after me: Ut me ad locum, infra eum locum. Ut me ad locum, infra eum locum. Ut me ad locum, infra eum locum.”
A gust of air that made the pages in the spellbook flutter violently. Yours and Sabrina’s hair whipped dramatically as a blue light flashed before your eyes. Suddenly you weren’t in her room anymore. You had never been to Hell before, but this is not how Dante described it.
You looked around court and it was glorious. Everything was so intricately decorated. The throne that Sabrina was supposed to claim was made of pure gold. There were skulls covering the entire thing, with a plush, red velvet spot to sit on. The rest of the room was illuminated with a red glow, and the room smelled of bergamot. This is definitely not, what you thought hell would be like. You turned toward Sabrina who had ventured off to Lilith to explain our plan of finding the first unholy regalia.
“And who might you be?” a husky voice whispered behind you.
You turned around to find yourself staring at the man from the beach Sabrina had described to you. His eyes were so… green. You let a gasp escape as he gave you a devilish smirk. ‘No, it couldn’t be’, you thought to yourself.
“Caliban! Stay away from her!” Sabrina yelled across the court.
“Caliban”, you said under your breath. You glanced back up at the Prince of Hell himself. He stared at you as if he was looking right into your soul. His eyebrows furrowed together as if he had seen something puzzling.. As if he figured out who you truly were.
“Y/N. That’s my name,” you said to him.
“Y/N,” he repeated back to you in a way that you had never heard your name said before. It sounded ethereal, angelic, like someone had swirled their finger around the rim of a crystal glass. He brushed his shoulder past you as he made his way toward Sabrina. His eyes never left yours. Finally, he turned toward Sabrina, “What are you and your friend doing here in pandemonium, don’t you have a crown to find?”
You finally let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Hell, almighty he was absolutely.. You didn’t know how to describe him for fear you would do him injustice. His bronze hair fell just below his jawline. It had a distressed wave to it that made you want to rake your fingers through it. He was wearing nothing but leather pants and an elaborate leather vest, that’s it. His chiseled chest peeping through the pieces of strewn together leather. You couldn’t help but stare as he spoke with Sabrina. Not realizing you were, he caught your eye, and you jolted yourself back to reality. You glanced back towards them and he was still staring.. This time with a grin that made you stomach drop.
“Sabrina you must deal with the Hell Kings now. They want to hear about your planned reform for Hell”, Lilith said in an exasperated tone.
“I can’t leave Y/N here on her own! Especially with this one near”, gesturing towards Caliban.
“Sabrina it’s fine! I’ll work on the task we came down her for.”
“And what might that be, love?” Caliban looked at you with his dreamy emerald colored eyes.
“None of your business, prince”, you said glaring at the god-like form in front of you.
“Ok, Y/N. But please, please be careful. Lilith will you watch over her.” “I can’t. As your regent I must accompany you at your meeting with the kings.”
“Sabrina I’ll be fine. It’s just a library.” “Alright but stay there until I get back. As for you Caliban, stay away from her.”
“I can’t make any promises, princess.”
Sabrina showed you the way to the unholy library. On your way there, you couldn’t help but curse at yourself for how foolish you were acting. He was the prince of hell for crying aloud. Nothing can happen between the two of you. Especially considering the fact that you were half angel. There has to be some god-forsaken rule about your kinds… ‘oh god Y/N, don’t even think like that!’ snapping at yourself for even thinking like that.
You and Sabrina arrived at the mausoleum of a library. As a book nerd and historian, it was your dream come true. It had the tallest ceilings with a Michelangelo-type painting on the ceiling of Lucifer’s fall from heaven. You chuckled to yourself, for you had seen the Sistine Chapel and laughed at the fact that this was the imitation of the great painting. You walked through the white marbled room. Each row of books had a Corinthian column in front of it. You touched the cold stone and couldn’t help but feel as though someone was behind you. You quickly turned around. Nothing.
“Hmm. Ok let’s start with ‘H’ there’s gotta be something on Herod” you said to yourself.
You meandered through the row titled ‘H’ and found something on Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths thinking that that might kill some time and maybe you could find something on crown making. You found a few more interesting books. One on Hecate, goddess of witchcraft.
“That one would be helpful for Sabrina! Mother of witches.. maybe we could contact her or something”, you said to yourself. Your finger trailed along the dusty, marble shelf. Just as your fingers were reaching for History of Hell you felt a breath on the back of your neck. A chill ran down your spine. You turned around and Caliban was standing inches away from you.
“You sure you wanna checkout that book, love?”
“What are you doing? Why are you in here?” As you took a step back. In perfect unison he took a step as well.
“Well, love, I came to check up on you. And glad I did as I see you were about to touch something you shouldn’t have.”
You could sense the innuendo in his voice. “What are you talking about? It’s a library for goodness sake. What harm could come from a book.” You smiled to yourself for just having quote your favorite move, The Mummy.
“You’d be surprised love. We are in Hell.”
You laughed nervously as you looked up to the Adonis-like man staring down at you. The electricity between the two of you was undeniable. You glanced down at his exposed chest and for some reason was able to hear nothing but his breath. In and out. In and out.
“Y/N? You there, love?”
“Would you stop calling me ‘love’? It’s getting quite old and I’m not even your love.”
“So you think..” Caliban said under his breath.
You heard what he said but didn’t say anything for fear that you might reveal that you felt something towards the prince. You scooted past him with an armful of leather-bound books stacked up to your chin and made your way towards the mahogany table in the center of the room.
“So, what are you anyway?”, he questioned.
Your eyes went wide and stopped mid-step. Hoping Caliban didn’t notice you set the books down on the table. Pivoting towards him you glared, brows scrunched together.
“What are you talking about? I am mortal. I’m one of Sabrina’s friends from Baxter High.”
“I don’t believe you Y/N.”
After him saying your name you wish he was still calling you by the pet name he had given you.
“I am a human being. What else would I be? I’m not a witch or else I wouldn’t need any protection from Sabrina.”
“No, no. you’re right. There’s just something about you. You have this aura around you that I can’t read.”
‘So now he’s a medium? Who the hell is this guy?’ you thought to yourself.
He continued on, “It’s just when I meet someone who is not of this world I can sense it. I can read them through their eyes. Your eyes are very telling, yet they don’t reveal anything except for the fact that you know things. You’ve seen things, not in the cunning sort of way, but in a way that you know how people feel, what the earth feels.”
The last sentence he said made your stomach drop. ‘How did he know all of this. You had just met him. Lord Y/N he’s the Prince of Hell. Get that through your head.’ “I really don’t know what you’re talking about, please I have to help Sab—.”
A horrifying screech interrupted you mid-sentence. In one swift motion Caliban put his body between you and the ghastly sound. You threw your palms over your ears in an attempt to muffle the wail that came from the other side of the library. Caliban grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into one of the rows of books.
“Wha—” you tried to say, before he put his palm over your mouth. Slowly he pulled his palm away and put his index finger over your lips, tugging down your lower one slightly. He glanced down at your plump lips. Your eyebrows raised in annoyance saying ‘This is not the time, bro.’
After a few moments you heard nothing. Looking up at Caliban for reassurance he shook his head saying ‘Not yet.’ Not a second after you heard what sounded like talons clawing at the marble floor. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but worse. Your eyes went wide, as Caliban swiftly pulled you into row ‘K’. Thank god you were wearing your boots without that clicky-heels or this could have been a very different situation. The prince of hell pulled you in front of him, while his back was against one of the marble columns.
You didn’t know what was following the two of you and you especially didn’t know a way out. You craned your neck to see if you could get a better look at the monster. It was no use. You could only use context clues to figure out what was hunting you down. ‘The screeching howl, the talons tapping, not being able to make any noise.’ Your mind remembered back to a story your mother had told you as a child, about demons of hell. There was one that stood out to you for being the most frightening.
“A Gallu!” you mouthed to Caliban.
His eyes went wide, confirming your hunch. He nodded his head for he knew what to do. “Stay here,” he mouthed back to you.
He placed you in the position he once was and made his way towards row ‘M’. You prayed to.. you didn’t know who to pray to anymore, you just prayed Caliban had a solution.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Sooo.. I’ve been reading all these Caliban stories after finishing CAOS (I know.. took me long enough) and I was inspired, mainly because there are not enough!! It’s been awhile since I wrote something, so please don’t hate! Enjoy!
Summary: Reader is BFF’s with Sabrina and her gang. She must help Sabrina claim the throne in Pandemonium, but along the way she meets Caliban, Prince of Hell.. She learns some things about herself along the way..
Part 1:
The air had just turned crisp. Fall was arriving. A sharp wind made your skirt flutter. You were on your way to Sabrina’s to talk about your next move and to hear about her and the gang’s trip to Pandemonium. Before you could knock on the Spellman’s Mortuary door, Sabrina had already flung it open. Her eyes were wide and she was panting as if she had just run 10 miles.
 “What’s wrong ‘Brina?! Is everything alright?” you exclaimed.
She grabbed the collar of your pinafore dress and pulled you inside. “Caliban. Regalia. Contest. Not safe”, she gasped between breaths.
 “What are you talking about? Who the hell is Caliban?” you said.
 She sat down in one of the plush chairs in the parlor and explained what happened while the four of them were in hell.
“When we got to Pandemonium, someone spoke up and challenged my claim to the throne. It turns out it was the babe—evil babe, we saw on the beach when we got there.” 
My eyes were glued on her the entire time, “What the hell.. I mean can he do that?”
 “I guess.. I mean the Kings of Hell okayed it.. Now I have to find this goddamn crown, a bloody bowl, and Judas’ 30 pieces of silver for crying aloud. I have no idea where I’m going to start.. I mean maybe the academy has some books on it, but you would think someone would have gone through them already and found something.” 
You sat there just as puzzled as she did, but you could not help but get lost in your own thoughts. You couldn’t dare tell Sabrina this, but what she was telling you was almost the exact same bedtime story your mother, Freya, used to tell you when you were growing up. ‘A queen challenged in her court, destined to set out on a quest to find three objects desired by everyone in her court. If she failed the throne would fall to the unrelated prince from another part of the kingdom.’
“Y/N? You good?” Sabrina said.
“Yeah, gosh sorry, just been a long day. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I was asking you if you could stay and help me figure out a plan for how to find the first object?” 
“Yes, of course! Hey didn’t you say that Pandemonium had a library with literally everything there is to know about this kind of stuff?”
“Oh my Lucifer you’re a genius!”
Sabrina and you made a plan to teleport to Hell’s Court at midnight. You ran home to change your shoes into more practical boots.
 “Y/N? Is that you?”
“Hey mom! I’m going to spend the night at Sabrina’s tonight, is that ok?” 
Freya had a quizzical look on her face. “Y/N, that’s fine, but before you go can we talk about something? It’s serious.”
“Yeah, sure what’s up?” Your mom grabbed your hand and sat with you on the couch. “It’s about our family tree. Mainly you and your father and I. I need to share something with you that may be upsetting, but it’s something you need to know.”
“Mom. What’s going on?”
“Ok, I’ll give you the short version. You know the story of Lucifer, the angel that fell from the Heavens?” “Yes..” This was too weird.. You were about to teleport to Hell, why was she bringing this up now.  
“Well this may be hard to believe, but it’s real. All of it. Your father is Lucifer’s brother. He is a “Watcher” a type of Angel in Heaven and a long, long time ago, your father, Arakiel, came down to Earth to check up on Lucifer and instead he met me.”
“Is?” I said staring and my hands.
“Huh?” she asked. 
“You said is an angel. You mean he’s still “alive”?”
“That’s what you got from all of that?”
“Mom! You said he left when I was a baby and that he died a long time ago.” you snapped at her.
“Sorry.. Well I did that to protect you.. He did leave, but has always been here. He visits you every eve of your birthday and blesses you for the year.”
“Oh my…” you trailed off tears in your eyes. “Mom, how are you just now telling me this?” 
“Well, something has changed.. Something has disrupted humanity. Your father has to stop it and you’re the only one who can help him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, that’s the other part of the story I need to tell you. You see when you’re father and I met.. Over a thousand years ago..”
“I’m sorry what?”
“You see Y/N; I’m a Tree Nymph, a dryad technically, that’s how I met your father. Long story short, he was performing a geomancy in the forest that I inhabited and he and I fell in love. Shortly thereafter you were born... This makes you half angel, half fae.” 
You were frozen. This could not be happening. Sabrina was the witch, Roz had the cunning, Theo could see souls, and you and Harvey were the mortal ones of the group.
“I have to go.”
“Darling no! Please let’s talk about this, your father will be here soon! We don’t have much time.”
“I have to help Sabrina right now, with something that’s equally important.. this can wait.” With that you slammed the door behind you.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 5 years ago
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