#so please don't ask lmfao
viralimmune · 2 years
I'd apologize for not being super active but tbh the break has been.... good
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fuedalreesespieces · 7 months
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doesn't it just suck when your ex girlfriend gets revived and she's literally and figuratively falling apart
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vengefulvermin · 4 days
Can i get more passage of time/music development yapping ☹️☹️☹️??? I give you official permission to yap the most you can im so interested
warning beneath the cut SCARY WALL OF TEXT WARNING 😱
decided to divide it into colored parts if you dont gaf about certain elements 😭
second warning all of this is unedited rambling so some points might contradict each other or just plain not make sense.
okay so for CONTEXTTTTT
i have diagnosed OCD, and like, roughly since the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the 'obsession' part of OCD that was negatively affecting me, was the concept of time. how fleeting it was. how it's basically unescapable ALL THINGS MUST PASS (get out of my head george harrison) that shit proper cold dead SCARED ME MAN. sleepless & haunting me in my dreams type shi. sometimes it still does. i try not to think about it too much
to cope, i found great comfort in the 70s-80s since at the time i was and still am hyperfixated on david bowie and that was sort of his prime (love his 90s-00s work tho.) i was also starting to think of how much parallels and similar experiences i have to previous generations and how it's not ALL that bad after all so far. i can still walk to a record store and roller skate if i really wanted to, or go to a diner.
okey here's where the life changing stuff happens. i decided i'd listen to pink floyd's the dark side of the moon. then TIME CAME ON. ohhhh god oh gosh golly god i was bawling and everything the whole song spoke to me on a molecular level. then i found out about DB's song also called time, and i ALSO crode to that. i was like. wow. i'm not alone on this feeling of utter desperation and helplessness as eventually all things Must Pass. (GEORGE HARRSION GTFO)
i used to be bitchy on how i whined i was part of the 'wrong generation.' i thought i was alone, but virtually everyone of almost every era has thought this. somebody who lived my dream life wished they had what i have now.
that's when i started to lowkey realize the parallels and oneness of human experience. i could go to a club in the 70s, and (granted the infrastructure and music remains similar) i could today. nothing would change on how i perceive events. there is no color filter on the past. unless you got huge TVs and stuff all over your house, you could walk around, and think it's the 80s. AND IT'S BASICALLY THE 80s. the way your parents or any other gen Xer saw the world with their *eyes* (not counting the changes in buildings and stuff) is the same as you today pretty much.
i already really enjoy subcultures, and particularly how they evolve and adapt. the indomitable human spirit prevails no matter how gentrified or 'banned' things become. nowadays i feel like there is No Youth Subcultures. at least, none that will pass the test of time and be memorable enough to be remembered in the books. nobody's gonna go to their child and proudly say: "when i was your age, i was a chav" or something. and i credit this to the lack of creativity allowed in the wider music industry.
HEAR ME OUT this is because 90% of youth subcultures had everything to do with music. and now, everything must be palatable. to be clear there's nothing inherently wrong with that type of music, but to me it speaks no soul. it has no risks. contemporary pop music is very much formulaic and this is because now more than ever entertainment (this also applies to movies btw) is more of an investment than passion. I WILL SPECIFY.
music production is so vastly different genre to genre, and we're not letting it flourish because of how much short form content is valued nowadays. LET ME COOK.
tiktoks are formulaic. algorithms are formulaic. WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. there must be an instant hook or rift in music if you want to 'go viral' as a musician. digitized fame doesn't mean SHIT (to me), since clearly monthly listeners don't equate real world fans. album sales are being replaced with streams, and because of how ASS spotify treats its artists, newer, less established acts need to GET ON THE GRIND INSTANTLY to earn Coin. that means that to be smart and work with the exploitative system they're given, they have to make albums filled with 1 minute 30 second songs. so you can technically give them the most amount of streams possible. i feel with this formulaic approach, you can't get 6 minute long gutwrenching guitar pieces. no more 4 minute drum solos, hell avant garde experimental works were 2 people shout their names out at each other for 20 minutes. THERE ARE NO MORE FRANK ZAPPAS.
i'm not going to be one of those sad assholes who claim there's 'no more good rock music' and how it'll never be the same. as corny as this is, the next beatles or nirvana could be right under our noses and we'll NEVER know because of how fame is distributed. it sucks to see a small band beg on tiktok for streams to kickstart their career. but this is what we gotta work with. if we want subcultures to be created and thrive, we gotta go looking underground again, except unlike in the past it's a kajillion times easier now AND everything gets gentrified in 2 tiktok weeks. but this is evolution. MUSIC EVOLUTION
the end honk shoo honk shoo (it's midnight)
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rapidhighway · 11 months
Yeah fuck smokers for real once again I guess
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damnation-if · 2 years
so, i’ve been putting off writing this post for a while, telling myself that i didn’t really need to do it and everything would turn out fine but honestly. some of the asks i’ve been getting recently have been very upsetting to me personally and they’re sort of mounting up in my inbox and making it feel not very pleasant so i thought i’d just. get this post out of the way...
since the demo was released i’ve been getting an increasing number of asks that seem as though they’re designed to try and push me away from including polyam options in the game or attempt to try and goad me into admitting that the ROs prefer monogamy and consider any polyam relationships “lesser” than “proper” monogamous relationships.
this has ranged from direct criticism of my characters (”don’t you think it’s unfair that Lithiana won’t give up sleeping around and become monogamous if mc is romancing her”) to what i’m sure are intended to be subtle attempts at manipulation (”don’t you think it would be Healthier for [RO] if they were monogamous so that they could Know that mc Truly loves them and Only them and they’d be so much happier in that kind of relationship”) to attempting to shame other players for being happy about polyam options being included.
that last bunch really, really hurt me. i get a not insignificant amount of asks from people being happy that polyam options are included or that they simply won’t be shamed for being promiscuous but i’ve gradually. stopped answering these because i almost always get an ask shortly afterwards that reads something like “i do [rephrasing of something that was mentioned in the original ask] ONLY with [their favourite RO who i won’t drag into this], because i’m a GOOD LOVER ;)” and it feels like absolute crap, every time. (and of course tumblr being tumblr blocking this anon ask sender simply doesn’t work, because Webbed Site  🙄)
i’ve seen authors get backlash for including (and especially Adding) polyam routes and readers getting possessive over “their” ROs but i never realised people were just as mad about the. idea that other players could be doing non-monogamous things elsewhere and not being shamed for it. and that... really boggles my mind and saddens me a lot.
to the what i assume to be minority of people for whom stuff other players are doing is apparently a problem, i hope you can understand that other players being polyamorous doesn’t affect your playthrough of the game in any way, and there’s no need to just. be mean to them about it. and if you’re actually mad simply because people aren’t ashamed of being polyamorous well... that’s pretty cruel, i have to say, and we probably wouldn’t get along if we knew each other, because i’m also polyamorous. i’d appreciate it if you’d stop trying to use me as a platform to shame other polyam people, and maybe just unfollow if it bothers you so much.
to the people who have sent asks that mention or talk about monogamy in a sensible non-judgy way who may have noticed me not answering them - i’m sorry, i haven’t felt like answering these for a bit due to the other batch of asks and me feeling icky at the idea of galvanising the other group despite there being nothing wrong with your asks in particular. i’ll probably keep them in my inbox and maybe answer them in a while if this dies down.
to everyone else, thank you for supporting me and i’m sorry to have to talk about this but it’s really been bugging me recently lmao. i appreciate each and every one of you that Isn’t sending me these asks lmfao<3
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going to be singing in our school's talent showcase tomorrow!! i'm so so excited, i chose the best song to sing as my final tribute to the school
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f1owermoon · 1 month
once again regretting my decision to agree to a family lunch
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Luzu: How old are you, Sapo Peta?
Sapo Peta: I am 450 years old.
Luzu: And yet you don’t think it's shameful to come and hit on Quackity?
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desiren · 8 months
i feel like main verse evelynn is like . . . almost completely unshippable.
like personally, i don't think evelynn as a character is very shippable. she isn't soft, and that by itself is by no means like . . . a "oh they can't be shipped" trait, because i have plenty of other muses who aren't outwardly soft. the difference with evelynn though is everything that encompasses who she is and why she, at a fundamental level, cannot, and should not, be shipped (safely). and like, okay, toxic ships whateverrrrr, but again, personally i have extremely specific requirements for the type of person she'd be with. like, anyone who's just as unhinged and evil as she is. and just to throw a name out there, someone like viego, for one. there's a few more, but. ya know.
evelynn is incapable of romance. like, 99.9% incapable of romance and is definitely aromantic. she's very good at playing pretend and faking it until she makes it and gets what she wants, but she doesn't feel anything for anyone she's pretending with.
this even extends to k/da or any other modern counterpart, or just non-main au. i think there is a very SLIM possibility that she could feel and experience love, but that is very unlikely. i think the closest people she could come to experiencing love, or at least the perception of it, are kayn (in kda/heartsteel or odyssey verses, anything modern) or viego tbh. maybe a few others but i haven't thought of ships outside of kayn/eve and eve/viego.
i still say like ... the perception of it though, because i think evelynn will border on obsession and possessiveness rather than actually feeling love, and even if she does feel love, it's definitely not in the traditional sense where you feel your heart skip beats or whatever other cliche. evelynn is rarely flustered, like, if ever at all, but i think kayn could be capable of making her flustered if he somehow manages to tap into evelynn like that, because i can see her having some like ... semblance of like a "tsundere" type reaction.
that all being said, evelynn definitely has a type (re: odyssey/heartsteel kayn, viego in any verse, basically any edgy or awful person ever, for the most part, but at the least someone who's unhinged like her, or like morally gray enough to let her murders slide lmaoooo). she thinks of people as her playthings and like, usually she'll kill someone after one go or once she gets bored, but people like kayn and viego keep her constantly entertained and she's like "wow i like them i want to keep them around," but i'm not sure how deep that goes yet, because love is not an easy concept where evelynn is involved. she's not like my other muses like sivir or cherry where they're brusque and cold and afraid of attachment and are avoidant. evelynn isn't like that. she just, doesn't experience it, really. it takes a lot factors and special circumstances for it to even be possible for her, but it definitely starts with her finding an obsession with someone, so that's unhealthy to start with.
an addendum: regarding spirit blossom, that's another story, since she's supposed to be more benevolent there, but that's a different can of worms i need to open because i have thoughts about that, but shipping wouldn't be any easier in that verse either.
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autogeneity · 2 years
I think it'd be funny to feign ignorance, but maybe if you would like to engage with him - you can talk to him. After all, he is just a rondom. Also... I think you have enough probable cause to speak to him. And to think he would like it too.
seems that talking to him is the consensus among everyone who's responded, and since apparently I am choosing to defer my life decisions to strangers on the internet...I plan to do this if I can figure out a suitable opportunity and approach
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hyaciiintho · 11 months
🌸。*゚+. I'm thinking I'm gonna start doing things a little differently in regards to my queue. I'll keep answered asks, memes, and random aesthetic posts in there, but as for thread replies, I think I'm gonna post them as they're done..? Just so people aren't waiting too long anymore when I finally get around to replying.
Unless people would prefer I keep queueing their replies (for staggering drafts-- I know some people prefer slower replies!), so just let me know if you'd prefer me posting them immediately or if you want yours to continue to be queued!
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goldenworldsabound · 2 years
Random advice hours with Wendy
For those who never know what to say in conversation: if you're not sure, a good thing is always to ask more about the other person. For example, following up on what they mentioned ("you said you were working on a drawing, what is it of?" As an example) or asking how their day is. The other person will feel listened to and most likely will be happy to answer!
It's important though that you don't internalize this to mean you can't ever talk about yourself. In fact, if the other person isn't reciprocating and asking you questions back, that may be a social engagement that isn't worth the energy you're putting into it.
Treat others the way you want to be treated - in this particular case, asking them about their interests (whether that's faves or hobbies or what have you) and actually engaging with that answer to show you care about what they have to say.
(And please don't misunderstand - I know it can be hard to come up with these questions! I struggle too! But thinking of it from this perspective helps me direct my energy.)
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alullinchaos · 1 year
stay safe y'all I'm at least 75% certain I just got an ask from a scam artist
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torawro · 2 years
girl i didn’t know you watched jjba 😳😳 who’s your favorite jojo so far??
yes im currently on part 6 rn and plan to read the manga as soon as i finish !!! you're actually the second person to send me an ask about this so instead of bumbling on and naming a bunch of people ima just make a lil organized list of my favs from every part LMAOOOO
part 1, dio <3
part 2, KARSSSS AHHHH, lisa lisa, joseph, caesar
part 3, JOTARO <33, dio again (jotaro and dio prob top 5 overall me thinks), kakyoin, mirah, avdol
part 4, josuke, YOSHIKAGE KIRA, jotaro 🤭, ROHANNNN, koichi, okuyasu
part 5, bruno's whole crew + giorno (abbachio, bruno, and mista were special to me though), diavolo (don't judge LOL), doppio, nero
part 6, weather forecast <3, anasui, jolyne, (dilf) jotaro, ermes, pucci, f.f., johngelli a. (i thought he was interesting), emporio
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Wait. There's a canon multiverse in supernatural? This is great news for the Hoot Cinematic Universe! I mean, supernatural already there, but the multiverse makes it easier. And did I see Tom Welling made an appearance on the show? He's a key player in the HCU, I love this for us.
I was so caught up in the euphoria of winchesters season 1 finale that for a moment I forgot about the implications to the Hoot Cinematic Universe.................
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nonzero people podcasting about goosebumps the musical & it’s never enough. neither extensive enough nor enthusiastic enough & that’s coming from me which is the entire explanation for the assessment. 
on the same topic but a completely different point, i was just appreciating how extra fun i always find understudy buddy to be. and obviously i would like to think that maybe tina & the unit that is brooke & zeke are like, more neutral to amicable after the show lol. tina is a lot of fun as is, like, automatic shoutout to any character just being like, getting in the way being offputting / a pain and all powered by one’s own intensity, that’s fun & funny & who among us? and like yeah she’s also definitely doing the mean girl thing like, in the song as mentioned lmao like please, rein it in. and maybe she will, but then when other suspects are being kind of crossed off the list just before thee play she manages to just be regular supportive towards brooke, so that’s promising lol. and also just shoutout to the Fun of a lively antagonistic role, great stuff, delightful number for her there, and sure helping ramp things up. and zeke and brooke not just showing up for this one horror musical (also i would love to shoutout zeke’s plight there lmfao like, the experience of original readers of poto where the twist is “nah it’s not a phantom it’s just some wet pathetic guy” like he’s so hyped to be The Ghost Lead and then he’s like oh god i’m a romantic lead in a hole & i’m five & it’s embarrassing & i even know my counterpart irl (the bestie) like i guess technically the role’s a ghost by the end & good for the mystery mask wearing element being exciting still) but that they were unnamed ensemble members in guys & dolls & saw that through, they’re bringing support & appreciation for the theatre, & on the flipside tina might just enjoy the theatricality & attention from it but she was having a great time informing everyone that on top of their haunted school it’s a specifically haunted (cursed) play, so maybe she can also relate to zeke and brooke’s horror genre appreciation. and she might warm up at all to zeke when he’s cleared about the fact he wasn’t trying to prank their efforts into oblivion, at least to the same degree she can manage to provide regular supportiveness to brooke when it comes to it. and on the one hand, despite brooke and zeke sure seeming like that hell of an established unit like probably just have their [socializing at school] foundation covered by hanging out w/each other, they could let brian in on that easily enough for something of a triumvirate, but now not only are they bffs since 5ever who love a genre together, they sure had an Adventure in emile messing up by [you never try to scooby doo villain your way through it] but also doing it all wrong where they think You’re the danger here & that you’re going to murder them, plus it’s scary for real exploring the darkness elevator underground tunnels anytime, but also now they have this off the shits experience with that new guy friend who was a ghost for real. kind of its own bonding element & maybe you wouldn’t exactly let anyone else in on it, much less like, tina lmao. she might be interested in The Legend but she was also super interested in telling everyone all about it, and idk, difficult and weird to explain, thing it’d all be quite the stuff to process for one lol like sure we love drama and ghosts and attention too but it’s A Lot. ghosts are real and i online dated one except across time rather than space and he was just some guy hanging out and i also hung out with him sometimes but then in the end it got weird b/c he was the suspicious understudy all along and this role is really not coming through....but also hey, could talk about it all eventually, and tina’s got plenty of context already. next year’s cast n crew party for the last show, be like hey guess what, b/c we’re solidly amicable now also
plus being extracurricular buddies like, ms. walker head in hands dealing with these three menaces lmao....although zeke wasn’t Really up to that much, tina’s sure committed to the show, etc. and it’s like, being a student or teacher or anyone else at a middle school is just always gonna be like that. could really be worse, she can handle it. and maybe she can know of the lore also, she’s out here engaging in irl drama and lore about like avenging her grandmother’s theatrical aspirations, or none of this would be going on lol. get used to these three and actually they’re reliable really, maybe tina will have learned to better accept not getting the dream role, which will be an easier time for everyone. but it’s just always gonna be a handful lol but all these kids were also all about putting on the play too, actually, yes maybe some problems arose from messing around with the platform but they could’ve been worse problems (queues of ghosts in line for their turn at finally achieving one last goal of performing their part in this one damn play lol) and does seem like it’s engineering issues inherently rather than Just messing around backstage unsupervised which isn’t often otherwise going to be fatally risky, and maybe just give people a rundown about the riskiness of things that Isn’t emile’s botched effort where he mostly just made children afraid of Him. like idk, i did shop class throughout middle school, we avoided injury w/successful cautionary rundowns. brian’s one other last goal could’ve been about safety measures, but whaddaya gonna do. anyways point is, hanging out after school for theatre purposes and having an understanding and bonus patience affordance with the teacher in charge of this and maybe everyone gets to know the Real Ghost Story or maybe it’s zeke & brooke’s personal inside secret, it was already a shared adventure for all involved even if they didn’t get the Full story the way those two did, all of them are up for Drama and for Horror, they’re good to go. and good for them
#goosebumps the musical#like let's do a play by play of the show And this kind of meandering musing about any and all elements lmfao#funny when the [just some guy] was clearly not at all intending to murder them but so far as they know he might've. which yeah terrifying#and their Real Ghost was a just some guy new friend. brian truly just hanging out like yep what's up everyone. yeah i'll paint a set#and i can't get over book brian being all the more just So Nervous in general lmao that's like his whole thing#like is this some extra anxiety you get when you die & then have been a ghost abt it? maybe. or maybe he's just already like that.#either way lol. i Love how they talk abt maybe encountering an actual ghost via the platform & brian's like omgg nooo stopp ;m; too scary#if you're a kid who would've been scared of ghosts then....just b/c you happen to be one yourself. still like omg no stopppp#but zeke & brooke aren't too overly terrified of this possibility of Real Ghosts though it Is clear they're both scared in the abyss there#like. yeah fair. you're like eleven and that is scary for anyone and does involve various elements of not insignificant danger#and it's more fun when they Aren't utterly unfazed by everything happening in the story ofc. which they are not#and who knows maybe zeke's a bit put off about actual ghosts lmfao like he Did get ghost attacked. whoops#hopefully as simply disorienting as alarming rather than like yeah i had a whole fight for my life back there while gradually smothered#things that have you looking up folklore abt ghosts' breath stealing ability. like fatally or just a lil sip...#well i don't know. where is the fog patch haint warding tradition recited humorously from perhaps my grandma as the lore source there lol#not online i suppose. go figure. anyways theatres & ghosts & superstitions? already going on. the ghost light for sure. just add some more#and be all the more earnest with it lol. hey why do you always say ''brian no more of that shit please i don't care if you wanna be man 7''#might still be more like ''i hope emile who's an alive guy out there doesn't try to kill me :/'' lmao fr....#maybe he makes himself scarce a while but returns also. kids probably wouldn't tell a soul so long as he doesn't try to scare them abt it#kind of difficult to ask these children straightforwardly to just not say anything to anyone once they know you're here but#they probably don't wanna go exploring back down there again. did that. just don't haunt the plays or seem like you'll kill them#and like who knows maybe a lot of ghosts w/goals hanging around & they're generally Just Ppl in gb situations thusly#your new friend even if they're really more Mortal than you for the temporariness of it all; ideally#given that they Do have some goal to fulfill & then they'll peace out a ways. really hardly the worst gb style of situation to be in#it's the drama & mystery & theatrics....& the fun of like layers of genre awareness lol. you like horror & you know you're kinda in A Story#the play; the play having a mystery history & possible curse; school's haunted; someone's sabotaging you; fake janitor; suspicious behavior#and a couple of protagonists who are liable to go looking for some degree of trouble for the fun of it....#anyways what a setup. lot going on lol. lot that Did go on. including the show; congratulations to everyone just about
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