#lets see if i survive tomorrow šŸ«”
f1owermoon Ā· 1 month
once again regretting my decision to agree to a family lunch
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emmylksblog Ā· 2 months
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the night before hector leaves to usa. based on this request.
genre: fluff
warnings: none
a/n: he played so well that i couldnā€™t help but write about him šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø also we have more content about him yall edit girlies should be working šŸ«”
Hector and you sat on your couch, a cozy atmosphere filling the room. Soft music played in the background as you cuddled together, enjoying each other's company. You rested your head on his chest, tracing patterns on his shirt with your fingers. "I'm going to miss you while you're away," you said, looking up at him with a small pout on your lips. Hector smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around you. "I'll be back before you know it amor," he replied, kissing the top of your head.
"But it'll still be a week without you," you said, pouting even more. You knew it was childish, but you hated the thought of being apart from him even for a few days.
Hector chuckled and brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face. "I'll be thinking of you every single day," he assured you. "And I'll call you every night, I promise.
You took a deep breath and snuggled closer to him, taking comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "Just promise me you'll be careful over there," you said quietly.
Hector tilted your chin up and looked into your eyes. "Of course, amor. I'll be playing in a friendly match, what's the worst that could happen?" he asked with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help smiling at his nonchalance. "Don't jinx it," you replied, poking his chest. "I would never forgive you if something happened to you."
Hector pretended to be hurt, clutching his heart dramatically. "You wound me, amor," he said with a grin. "You really don't think I can handle myself?"
You smirked. "You can be pretty reckless sometimes," you said, recalling all the times he'd come home with a bruise after a particularly aggressive match.
Hector laughed, knowing that you had a point. "And I always survive," he said, shrugging. "I'll be fine, I promise. Just worry about missing me."
Hector could see the worry still present in your eyes despite your smile. He brought your face closer to his and gave you a soft kiss. "Amor, I promise I'll be fine," he said, trying to reassure you again.
You took a deep breath and nodded, forcing your worries aside. "I know baby, I know," you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
He stroked your hair and held you close. "Just think about all the fun we'll have when I get back," he said, trying to distract you from your worries. "We can go out to your favorite restaurant, go on a weekend getaway..."
You smiled, imagining all the things you could do together once he was back. "I like the sound of that," you replied, feeling your anxiety slowly dissipating.
Hector gave you a mischievous grin. "And I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun making up for lost time," he said, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
You felt a blush creeping onto your cheeks at his words. "Hector!" you exclaimed playfully, lightly swatting his chest.
Hector laughed and pulled you closer. "What? I'm just saying what we're both thinking," he said, nuzzling your neck.
You rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but secretly relishing the feeling of his touch. "You're terrible," you said, biting back a smile.
You looked at the clock and realized that it was getting late. "You should probably get some sleep cariƱo," you said reluctantly. "You have an early flight tomorrow."
Hector groaned and pulled you closer to him. "But I don't want to leave you yet," he said, pouting dramatically.
You chuckled at his pouting. "Don't worry, I'll join you in bed too," you reassured him.
Hector perked up at your words and a smirk appeared on his face. "In that case, let's go to bed immediately," he said, standing up and scooping you up into his arms.
You let out a surprised shriek as he carried you bridal style towards the bedroom. "Hector, put me down!" you protested, half-laughing.
He just chuckled and shook his head, continuing to carry you until he reached the bed. He laid you down gently before climbing in beside you and pulling you close.
You snuggled into his chest, feeling safe and comfortable in his embrace. "You're such a menace," you said, shaking your head.
Hector just laughed and buried his face in your hair. "But you love me anyway," he said smugly.
"Unfortunately," you muttered, though there was no heat behind your words.
Hector chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "You're stuck with me, amor," he said, wrapping his arms tighter around you.
You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth of his body and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Despite your teasing, you couldn't deny the way your heart rate quickened whenever he was near.
"Just promise me you'll come back in one piece," you said softly, your worries surfacing again.
Hector hugged you closer, rubbing your back reassuringly. "I promise, amor. I'll always come back to you," he said, his voice firm and sincere.
You took a deep breath and nodded, trying to find comfort in his words. "I love you," you said quietly.
Hector's hold on you tightened at your words, and he nuzzled your hair. "Te quiero," he whispered, his voice low and heartfelt. "More than anything."
You snuggled closer to him, feeling a sense of calm wash over you. "Hector?" you said suddenly.
"Hmm?" he replied, not opening his eyes as he continued to hold you.
You took a breath, not quite sure if you wanted to ask the question that was on your mind. "Will you still love me when you come back?" you blurted out, unable to stop yourself.
Hector opened his eyes and looked down at you, his expression serious. "Of course I will," he said firmly, cupping your face in his hand. "Why would you even ask that?"
You looked up at him, your insecurity clear in your expression. "But there will be so many pretty girls in America," you said quietly. "What if you meet someone else and forget all about me?"
Hector chuckled at your words, finding your insecurity endearing. But when he saw the look on your face and you turned away from him, he quickly realized that you were actually upset.
He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you close to his chest. "Amor, you have nothing to worry about," he said gently, nuzzling your neck.
You stayed silent, biting your lip as you tried to suppress your doubts. Hector continued to hold you, tracing soothing patterns on your skin with his fingers.
"You really think I could forget about you that easily?" he asked, his voice soft but with a hint of amusement. "Have you seen yourself, amor? You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, inside and out."
Hector pulled you even closer, enveloping you in his warm embrace. "Don't worry anymore, amor," he whispered. "You're worrying me too."
You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you. "Goodnight, cariƱo," you said, finally relaxing against him.
He reached over to turn off the light, plunging the room into darkness. "Goodnight, amor," he replied, kissing the top of your head.
You were abruptly woken up by a loud thump and a few muttered curses coming from the bathroom. You sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you tried to orient yourself.
Panicked, you searched for Hector, hoping he wasn't already gone. When you heard him shuffling around in the bathroom, you quickly got out of bed and walked towards it.
You barged into the bathroom and immediately enveloped him in your arms. "Why didn't you wake me?" you asked, your voice a mix of surprise and frustration. "I wanted to say goodbye."
Hector wrapped his arms around you in return, a mixture of guilt and tenderness on his face. "I didn't want to wake you, amor," he said softly. "You looked so peaceful asleep."
You kissed him gently, your lips lingering on his for a moment. "Let me help you finish packing," you said, taking his hands in yours. "It'll go faster, and I want to make sure you have everything you need."
Hector smiled and squeezed your hands, grateful for your help. "Okay, amor," he said as he picked up the items he had dropped earlier.
You stood by the front door, Hector's manager waiting just outside. You couldn't help but poke at him one last time. "Are you sure you have everything? Your passport, wallet, keys...?"
Hector rolled his eyes playfully, feigning irritation as he checked his pockets for the thousandth time. "I have everything, amor. I swear."
You laughed and gave him a gentle nudge. "You forgot something, though," you said, a sly smile on your lips.
Hector raised an eyebrow, looking slightly suspicious. "Oh, really? What did I forget?"
You leaned up on the tips of your toes and whispered in his ear, "Good luck kiss?"
Hector chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. "How could I forget that?" he replied, his voice mischievous as he pressed a deep, lingering kiss on your lips.
For a moment, the world around you faded away, and you lost yourself in his embrace. But eventually, he pulled away, breaking the spell.
He kissed your forehead gently before reluctantly stepping back. "I'll make sure to call you every night amor," he said, his voice a little hoarse.
You nodded, a bittersweet smile on your face. "I'll be waiting," you said quietly.
Hector gave you one last lingering look before turning to leave, his manager waiting patiently outside. He looked back at you from the doorway, giving you a small wave.
You waved back, watching as he disappeared down the sidewalk. A pang of sadness hit you as you closed the door, feeling already lonely without his presence. But you took a deep breath, knowing that he would be back soon.
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nsharks Ā· 1 year
I have a personal hc that Simon has a praise kinkā€”mainly because he had such a lack of it growing up. The man had a horrible childhood and an even worse experience in the military, so having anyone be proud of him is rare.
She finds out about his kink purely by accident. Simon was having trouble with the carā€™s tire and when he finally gets it fixed she tells what a good job he did. Poor baby is flustered immediately because holy shit the girl I have a crush on said sheā€™s proud of me. Obviously she canā€™t see the way his cheeks are burning red from the compliment but she does notice the way the he stumbles overs his words, unable to form a coherent sentence. Twix teases him about it relentlessly and praises him every chance she just so she can watch him stumble over his words. And when they get intimate, she finds out just how bad his kink is.
(I have an oral defence for my stats class tomorrow and Iā€™m literally shaking , crying and throwing up rn āœŒšŸ». Letā€™s hope I survive.)
Anyways, thatā€™s all I wanted to share. Have a great night (or day), Shark.
PLEASSEEE ghost would be absolutely flustered if Twix complimented him in anyway. šŸ„² thank you for sharing!
Also good luck on the class tomorrow! You got this šŸ«”
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buggy-samaaa Ā· 1 year
S/I Part 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Audience: *weakly applauding when Buggy enters the ring*
Me: *clapping wildly* *continues clapping and whoo-ing even after Mohji puts the "applause" sign down*
Buggy: ok who's the goddamn CHUCKLEFUCK that is MOCKING ME RIGHT NOW?! HUH??!
Me, yelling from the crowd: ME! I MEAN -- I'M NOT MOCKING -- I SWEAR -- I'M JUST A REALLY BIG FAN!
Buggy: Well! Finally, someone who understands their place! CABAJI! BRING THEM HERE
Cabaji: *does*
Buggy: What's your name, pal?
Me: *speechlessly grinning* *can't talk rn* *too overwhelmed*
Buggy: You're taking up precious time, kid, just tell me your name so we can get on with the show
Me: šŸ˜€
Audience: *applauds stiltedly*
Buggy: *turns me around, detaches hands and pushes me back to my seat* *reattaches hands and wipes them on his shirt* Alright... anyway... ... ...Goddamnit I'M THROWN OFF, NOW! DO-OVER! PLACES, EVERYONE! FUCK!
Buggy: You've been great, folks! Truly a CAPTIVE... audience! Hahahaha! See you again tomorrow! Buh-bye now! *Turns to leave the ring, sees me waving frantically and sighs* WHAT?
Me: Buggy-- Sir-- Captain-- can I have your autograph??
Buggy: Heh. Sure, sure. *he pulls out his wanted poster, signs it, then hands it to me* Anything else I can do ya for, kid?
Me: šŸ˜€
Buggy: You have a problem. *turns to leave*
Buggy: *slowly turns back around* Ha?
Me: šŸ«” I swear my allegiance to the Buggy Pirates!!! šŸ«”
Buggy: HA?!
Me: Please!! šŸ™ My captain!! šŸ™‡
Buggy: *stunned* *crosses arms, grins and shakes his head* You've got spunk! But. It takes more than spunk to join MY crew. MOHJI!
Mohji: Captain!
Buggy: Take this one to the ship.
Mohji: *unfastens chains and pulls me along with him*
Buggy: We'll talk later, peanut gallery. Enjoy the brig! Bye-eeee!
Mohji: To be honest *walking me along*
Me: Yeah?
Mohji: We don't really have a brig. It's more Ritchie's room since he can be pretty destructive when I'm away. *continues walking me toward the ship*
Me: Well where are you taking me then?
Mohji: Captain's quarters.Ā 
Mohji: What?
Me: Isn't that... Buggy's... boudoir?
Mohji: Uh... yes?
Mohji: He's going to regret this so much
45 minutes of being chained to a chair in Buggy's Boudoir laterĀ 
Me: *at the end of the chain, trying to snoop in everything I can*
Buggy: *opens door, sees me, jumps back and shrieks, having completely forgotten me*
Me: SIR šŸ«”
Buggy: You're not a part of my crew!
Me: Yet!
Buggy: *sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose* Alright, babe. What can you offer me?
Me: šŸ˜³ I can offer so much
Buggy: Why are you drooling
Buggy: *snaps his fingers in my face* Hey, wakey-wakey. Answer the question. What can you offer?
Me: I, umā€¦ *frantically searching for a talent* I canā€¦ draw?
Buggy: *not impressed*
Me: Oh! I could be a caricature artist for your audience!!
Buggy: *strokes his chin with a detached hand* Hmā€¦ I guess I could see how that would be usefulā€¦
Me: Yeah, you could advertise it and lure people in! Then you wouldnā€™t have to force anybody toā€”
Buggy: ā€œFORCEā€? You think people are FORCED to see my show?!
Me: Um. Well you kidnapped everybody, so. Yes?
Buggy: They like it so it doesnā€™t count.
Me: Thatā€™s problematic but Iā€™ll pretend I didnā€™t hear it
Buggy: You better be able to prove that you can draw, peanut gallery, or else.
Me: *curiously* Or elseā€¦ what?
Buggy: *hadnā€™t thought that far* Youā€™llā€¦ walk the plank!
Me: Right next to the dock? I could just get out of the water.
Buggy: Well obviously, Iā€™d take you out to sea and THEN youā€™ll walk the plank where thereā€™s no hope of survival!
Me: Youā€™d be willing to put up with me for that long?? Thatā€™s so sweet :)
Buggy: Justā€” shut up! Show me you can draw! *shoves a paper and pen at me*
Me: Okay, fine. Jeez. *looks around for a surface*
Buggy: *sighs, turns around so I can draw on his back, but he flips his head backwards so he can see the paper as I draw*
Me: *ignoring how creepy that looks* *quickly sketches Buggy but in a caricature style, so his features are greatly exaggeratedā€¦ especially his nose*
Buggy: Excuse me. What. Is this supposed to be. *he jabs his detached finger at the nose, which looks like a kickball glued to his face*
Me: A drawing of you
Buggy: DONā€™T PLAY STUPID!! *he turns his head back around, grabs the drawing and rips it to shreds, then stomps on it and digs his heel into the paper* *heaving breaths as he calms down* Youā€™re lucky youā€™re cute. One more chance and thatā€™s it. *presents a new paper, turns around again*
Me: *blushing a bit at his comment* *draws him again, this time with more realistically-sized features* What do you think?
Buggy: Hm. *he studies the paper and smiles a bit despite his recent outburst* *he frowns again, acting as though he isnā€™t actually as happy with it as he is* Thatā€™ll do. Welcome aboard, Resident Ar-teest!ā€ *he claps me on the back, unchains me from the floor, then pins up the drawing of himself next to his mirror*
Me: YES!! WOO-HOO! Thank you thank you thank you!!! *I hug him tight, squeeze him and then let go to run around the room whooping*
Buggy: *blushes but covers up his emotions by looking angry about it* *releases anger and chuckles to himself at me* *laughs louder* Thatā€™s right! Iā€™m the best in the East Blue! The rest of the crew could learn from your hootinā€™ and hollerinā€™!! *laughs triumphantly* *grabs my arm and tugs me toward the door, which he kicks open* ALRIGHT, MEN! MEET OUR NEWEST MEMBERā€¦ ā€¦ *he falters, realizing he doesnā€™t know my frickinā€™ name*
The crew: *awkwardly watch him struggle* *a bird caws in the distance*
Me: *whispers to him*
Buggy: MO! I knew that. I was just waiting for a drumroll which NO ONE PROVIDED! *glares at crew*
Someone in the back: *starts a drumroll*
Buggy: ITā€™S TOO LATE NOW, DIPSHIT! *mutters to himself then turns to me* Mo, talk to Cabaji, heā€™ll set you up with a bed and whatever else. *he goes back to his room but stops and mentions this with a bit of embarrassment,* thanks for the drawing. *shuts the door*
Me: *lays down in the hammock Cabaji led me to and swings from side to side giddily* This is so awesomeā€¦ I canā€™t believe Iā€™m actually part of the Buggy Pirates! Iā€™m in the Big Top RIGHT NOW! *rotates in the hammock like a high-speed rotisserie chicken* EEEE!! *stops* Wait. Something isnā€™t rightā€¦
Pirate failing to nap nearby: Is it that youā€™re talking to yourself when people are trying to sleep?!
Me: No *springs out of hammock and out the door* *runs to Buggyā€™s quarters and knocks like mad*
Buggy: *wrenches open the door, pissed* *gets knocked on the nose multiple times* *swats my fist away* OW! FUCK! WHAT IS IT *winces as he pats his nose, checking for blood (there isnā€™t any)*
Me: Ah, my bad!
Buggy: DONā€™T ā€œMY BADā€ā€”! Ughā€¦ how does it look?
Me: Itā€™s pretty red
Buggy: *sputters with rage at himself for walking right into that one* Justā€”Justā€”!! What do you need?!
Me: *suddenly very serious* I realizedā€¦ I donā€™t have a clown motif.
Buggy: *straightens and looks distraught* Youā€™re right. *grabs my shoulders* We need to fix that immediately. BOBO!Ā 
Bobo, the shipā€™s tailor: Oui?
Buggy: Get Mo something to wear! Quick!
Bobo: Oui! *hauls me away to his nook of the ship, which is filled with fabrics and notions of all sorts* *he gets my measurements in seconds, holds up various fabrics to my skin, finds a color he likes, and starts to drape on his dress form*
Me: *stunned as I watch him, in mere moments, whip up a bright teal jacket with jester horns on the hood*Ā 
Bobo: *puts the jacket on me and has me turn around for him* *he snips off a loose thread and nods* Oui.
Me: Holy shit! Wow! Thank you!!
Bobo: *beams*
Buggy: *saunters over* Thatā€™s Bobo for ya!
Me in Buggyā€™s eyes: *turns around in slow-motion, jester horns on the hood swaying a bit as I face him, I smile wide when I see him and my cheeks blush in his presence*
Buggy: *blushes too* Whoa.. *glances away nervously* Y-You lookā€¦ Really good
Me: *reddens even more* Thanksā€¦
Buggy: *clears throat* Yes, ā€œthanksā€ā€¦ to Bobo! Thanks to Bobo you look good! Heh. Anywho. All set, now. So. *yells to the rest of the ship* LETā€™S CELEBRATE OUR FLASHY NEW CREWMATE! WHO WANTS BOOZE?!
Buggy: *to me* Cā€™mon. Iā€™ll get us the good stuff. *grin and heads toward the shipā€™s store room*
Me: *chuckles and follows him down, looking forward to a fun night*
In the shipā€™s stores
Buggy: *grabs a few bottles and hands them to me* Here, this swill is for the crew. And thisā€¦ *he opens a trap door and pulls out a fancy bottle of tequila* This is for us. *wiggles the bottle with a smirk*
Me: *sparkle eyes* Aaah I feel so special~ Captain Buggy~
Buggy: St-Stop being weird, donā€™t make me regret this!
Me: *shuts eyes but the light from the sparkles still shines through my eyelids*
Buggy: The fuckā€”
We go back up the stairs and Buggy has me hand out the bottles to a very joyful crew. I finish chatting with some of the crewmates and come back to Buggy, who has set up a couple of shot glasses for us.
Me: Alrighty, canā€™t wait to try this tequila! *reaches for a shot glass but Buggy snatches it away from me* Hey!
Buggy: Letā€™s play a game. *he has a glint of mischief in his eyes*
Me: ā€¦Were you planning this?
Buggy: *scoffs* No! *releases the shot glass and places it in front of me* ā€œAnswer or drink.ā€
Me: Answer what?
Buggy: Thatā€™s the name of the game. I ask a question, and you either answer it truthfully or you take a shot. And vice versa.
Me: Hmā€¦ Okay! You go first.
Buggy: Heh. Letā€™s start easy. How did you learn about me and my crew?
Me: *drinks*
Buggy: Whā€”Yoā€” You canā€™t even answer that?!
Me: I just wanted to drink.
Me: I know. My turn!
Buggy: *grumbles* Fine!
Me: Whatā€™s your favorite circus feat to perform? *assuming heā€™s proficient in all of them*
Buggy: *canā€™t even juggle* Uhā€¦ *drinks*Ā 
Me: This is gonna be a short game.
Buggy: Are you leaving behind any family, joining my crew?
Me: Nope. I was on my own.
Buggy: No friends?
Me: Hey, itā€™s not your turn! Umā€¦ is this your hair? *pulls the long blue stuff coming out of his hat*
Buggy: OW! Yes! *lifts his hat to rub his pained scalp*
Me: Wow, itā€™s so longā€¦ *strokes it* And soft! Are these little braids? Awwā€¦
Buggy: *stuffs hair into his hat grumpily, blushing* Shut up! Hmph. Why donā€™t you have friends?
Me: ā€¦
Buggy: *realizes heā€™s struck a nerve as I take a shot*
Me: *more serious* Why are you so curious about me?
Buggy: ā€¦
Me: *looks at him curiously as he takes a shot, avoiding my stare*
About three hours later
Buggy: Mmkay, itā€™sh my turn agā€™inā€¦
Me: Mhmm
Buggy: And thish time, you better not *hic* drink
Me: Yeh hoā€™kay
Buggy: *slaps table* Wouldjooā€¦ everā€¦ *hic* Hm.
Me: Hwhat
Buggy: Hmn. Heh. Iā€™m too embarrasshed
Me: Hwhat??
Buggy: Nho. Nho nho nho
Buggy: Hehā€¦ wouldjoo everā€¦ *shakes head, blushes and drinks*
Me: Huh?! ā€˜S zat a new rule?? Canā€™t ashk yew gotta drink??
Buggy: Captain sez.
Me: Thatā€™z shtoopid.
Buggy: Ashk your question alreddy
Me: Buggieā€¦ kin Iā€¦
Buggy: Cā€™n yewā€¦ hwhat
Me: *leans closer* Kinā€¦ Iā€¦ ā€˜mā€¦
Buggy: *blushing as I glance at his mouth*
Me: *falls forward* Zzz
Buggy: HA?! *barely manages to catch me* *he tries to prop me back up but I just fall forward toward the table* *catches me again and gently lays my head down on the table* *sighs* *looks around the ship* *the rest of the crew is in the same state as me, all laying around and snoring* Hehā€¦ Cā€™mon. *he manages to stand, and he pulls me off my seat* Oofā€” heā€™vier thā€™n I thought. *struggles and ends up dragging me to the room where my hammock is*
Me: Zzz
Buggy: *heaves me onto the hammock, which swings in an arc and plops me face-down on the floor* Hā€™oh shitā€”
Me: *muffled snoring*
Buggy: *lifts me up again and is too scared to try putting me back in the hammock* Mā€™kay, ahā€¦ *he sighs and drags me back out of the room, fumbles with the knob to his quarters, and pulls me inside, plopping me on his bed like a sack of potatoes*
Me: *smiles in my sleep and nuzzles into his pillow* Buggieā€¦
Buggy: *blushes wildly, falls backward and scurries out of the room* *fumbles for the knob, opens the door and darts out, shutting it quietly* *exhales* Gā€™night, Mo.
The next morning
Me: *stirs* Hmā€¦ Wha? *notices Iā€™m in a nice fluffy bed* Huh?? *sits up and glances around* *face drops and I blush when I realize Iā€™m in Buggyā€™s room* *leaps out of bed in a karate position, not sure what to expect next* *relaxes pose when I realize Iā€™m alone* How did I end up in hereā€¦
Buggy, who slept outside the door: *is awoken by getting stepped on the face by Bobo* GAH *punches him in the nuts on reflex*
Bobo: HORK *doubles over and trembles* Je suis dƩsolƩ, C-captain
Buggy: *stands up quickly, has footprint on his face* SORRY AINā€™T GONNAā€” oofā€¦ *sits back down and grips head, hangover taking over*
Me: *slams open door, which pins Buggy between the door and the wall right on his head*
Buggy: GHā€”HRGLEā€”
Me: Oh no!! *closes door and rushes to his side* Are you okay?!
Buggy: *tears in his eyes, footprint on his face, cheeks red from being smacked, nose throbbing, missing a tooth* Yeah Iā€™m good
Me: Whew
Me: Oh!
Buggy: *turned away* So obliviousā€¦
Ten minutes later, weā€™ve gotten up and have started drinking coffee, which Buggy demanded Bobo to make simply because he was nearby. We both sip our coffees and sigh happily.
Me: Soā€¦
Buggy: *serenely enjoying his coffee* Hm?
Me: Did you take me to bed last night?
Buggy: *chokes* NO! Wellā€¦ Yes? B-but not like THAT! *blushing, tries to focus on coffee, slurping it awkwardly*
Me: Hahaha! Why are you so flustered??
Buggy: Iā€™M NOTā€” *red as a beet* *grumbles*
Me: *grinning, pats his back* Iā€™m just messing with you! I know youā€™re too shy to try anything.
Buggy: SHY?! Iā€™m not shy!! I could doā€¦ stuff!
Me: *teasing* Oh yeah? Like what?
Buggy: *mouth is a thin line as he tries to talk but canā€™t. He just gets redder, grunts and turns back to his coffee*
Buggy: Tchā€¦ *leans away with his chin in his hand, trying to hide his smile*
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the-doomed-witch Ā· 2 years
Heeeey, boo! I am sorry for disappearing. Famous melancholic- PMS-feeling )-like-shit couple of days BUT! I am surviving. Iuhu! (This was cute, btw)
How have you been this last few days??
About your wips (wip sound):
.. PROF! MILF! WANDA PLEEEEEEEASE. Oh my gooood, I can melt with a good prof milf wanda fic... like a comfort fic, I love those kind of writing.. The first fandom I joined was a college professor Ɨ student setting AND I think I have read every single college Wanda AU... "Y/N stay after class" MY HEART JUST STOPS! #nerdkink #wherearemyreadingglasses?
.. Cottagecore plain and simple smut: šŸ‘Œ. Look, I live for hard smut, ok? Just.. YES! Now are we thinking a countryside lifestyle or a "busy town people visit the farm to hook up" kind of thing?
"her ardent passion for choosing vegetables is very concerning" AAAAAAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHHA OMG hahaha I can see Yelena's maniac face cutting a carrot in tiny little squares, everyone else taking a step back.
Ps. The anatomical description from the last post was meant not to be understood šŸ˜…. It was just describing a clit-lick.šŸ‘…
Ps2: #geographyrules šŸŒŽšŸ—ŗļø
Ps3.. "wider lexicon".. Did you start to read the Jane Austen book while I was gone? Cause giiirl, THAT is a lexicon... šŸ§
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aaaaaa the pms sucks šŸ„² i cry a lot whenn iā€™m pms-ing. iā€™m so proud of you for surviving thru it because honestly we all should get applauded for thatšŸ‘ iā€™ve had a veryyyyy long & annoying week but the only good thing that happened was that i got myself a lavender hoodie :) itā€™s finally a sunday evening where iā€™m not busy and iā€™m too tired to think of the monday thatā€™s tomorrow. somebody stop time from passing by
nerd kink? oh my gossssshhhhhhh same!!!! i am just so?!&@!?,<><?!\ aaaaaahgsvgshsgsh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idek whatā€™s the healthiest, least abnormal, least deranged way of putting it HGDSGHSšŸ˜­ nonetheless, iā€™m not really making it a smut-based fic (ding dong! itā€™s the demisexuality ringing!) but of course thereā€™ll be eventual smut because cmon who are we lying prof!milf!wanda is a needšŸ¤¤
COUNTRYSIDE LIFESTYLE! AWAY FROM THE HIDEOUS TENTACLES OF CAPITALISM! AWAY FROM THIS FUCKING POLLUTION LIKE DUUUUUUDE ITS SO INTOLERABLE!!!!! IMAGINE YOURE FUCKING WANDA AND THEN YOU JUST FUCKING COUGH BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING POLLUTION cities are helpless i just travelled to the city yesterday and itā€™s insane and iā€™m dead srs. so. um. after all that awkward rambling, countryside lifestyle it is šŸ«”
tbvh i always imagine kate and yelena having their official macaroni date where yelena just kindaā€¦ chops veggies very enthusiastically šŸ˜­ and kate goes like, ā€œwow youā€™re one good assassin and cook in one.ā€ and there goes the smash on the lips HAHAHA
(ps2) please donā€™t šŸ˜­
(ps3) i only read as far as one chapteršŸ’€ i guess iā€™m not in the mood for reading it rn? but i started reading bluets by maggie nelson and i love it so faršŸ–¤ but haha ā€œlexiconā€ is one of my favourite words it always reminds me of my crush and like letā€™s be honest every single thing reminds me of her so anywaysssssss
also!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TWODOTTIEšŸŽ„šŸŒŸšŸ’Œ (if you celebrate ofc <3)
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