#so now i need to do all this work to build up the foundation everyone else already has that i neglected bc i was banking on not needing it
bucknado · 6 days
really hate how i feel like i need to be exceptional at something to make up for the fact that i don't know how to be human
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Her caption:
carolinejsumlin: White Supremacy is the umbrella system that runs our society. It is the foundation in which our society is built on. It is the machine of our society, but this machine cannot run without each part working seamlessly to do its job. Each part of the white supremacy machine is one of these systems of oppression (and many others I was unable to fit here). Now, this isn't to say that these systems of oppression couldn't operate on their own. They absolutely can and do in other cultures and societies. However, within our modern, western society that was built on and continues to be run by white supremacy, these systems strategically run to ensure white supremacy's goal: a pristine social order of pure whiteness. One we understand the depths of how white supremacy works and just how much it is impacting us from every corner of society, we can begin to dismantle it effectively, while freeing ourselves from falling for its devices.
This concept is something I've seen posted and over and over by different people (usually Black women though). The idea that it's not just that specific groups are consistently targeted but anyone who deviates from the narrow norm of White Supremacy becomes a target, which is why Black women with multiple intersecting identities are the worst treated people in pretty much every society worldwide.
Which is why I listen and follow and share so many perspectives of Black women btw. When the Combahee River Collective said "If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." I didn't see any way that could be false and it's because of white supremacy.
And as for how and where white supremacy exists:
I like this White Supremacy Pyramid, it pretty much encapsulates my understanding and belief of how its perpetuated and builds on itself -ultimately up to the genocide of groups that don't fit into the White Supremacist categories of ideal.
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The "Pyramid of White Supremacy" is a component of assistant professor Erin Stutelberg's Diversity and the Self class. It's a one-credit course required for students majoring in elementary education at the Maryland college. Stutelberg said in a Friday statement to Delmarva Now that the violent Charlottesville rally took place as the course was being planned. She felt it needed to be brought up in class, but wanted to carefully do so.
She didn't want her students to think about white supremacy only "as men in robes or hoods or torches marching in streets" because it would give them the impression that it was separate from their lives. "Instead, I want students to explore the ways that race and racism are part of all of our lives," Stutelberg said.
And while not everyone (including myself) agrees with the placement of absolutely everything, it's still decent enough to use so that's what I'm doing.
That to say white Supremacy exists and is perpetuated anywhere and everywhere, so it's up to us individually and collectively to hold ourselves responsible for where it's growing in ourselves, our communities, and countrymen.
I don't see how liberation or human rights will be won with anything but solidarity for the most marginalized communities there are.
How do you build white supremacist framework for future generations if the people here now refuse to hate each other enough to allow it?
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laokim · 4 months
the void obsession is anti-neville, anti-law, anti-mental health, anti-well being, anti-manifesting, anti-everything. i hate it. it's all coming from the lack of understanding of the very fundamental foundation of the law. creation is finished. nothing and no one to change but SELF.
but, do you really understand that creation is finished? because if people did, i highly doubt they'd try to get into the void. creation is finished means you don't "create" anything. everything you can ever conceptualize is already created. if creation is finished, that means there is nothing to achieve, nothing to change, nothing to try, and nothing to fix. all you need to do is align yourself with that reality(state). you shift to that reality(state) in imagination/consicousness. that's literally it. here is a great post i highly recommend reading regarding the concept of creation is finished. If you're in your room right now, do you have to build a kitchen in order to be in a kitchen? no. you leave your room and go to the kitchen. because your house is already built. it's the same thing. you don't "change" your 3d. you leave your current state and move to your desired state.
the reason you're trying to get into the void is because you don't like your current life and because there are so many aspects you want to change, you're carrying the burden of changing the 3d on your shoulders, you're viewing the void state as something that will magically change and solve everything. so you're trying to get into the void so you can finally change the 3d. but again, nothing and no one to change but SELF. you're not changing the 3d. I need you to understand this, you're NOT changing the 3d. you're changing your SELF. when you change self, the 3d changes on its own because everything and everyone is SELF pushed out. i have no experience with the void, so i can't give you any advice on how to get into the void except for relaxing and just focusing on being.
but if i were you, I'd let go of the void. what is your obsession with the void helping you in any way? how long have you been obsessed with it? please let go of what does not serve you.
you're lacking. you're feeling lack. you're desiring. I suggest you scroll down my blog and read my other posts and replies to other asks. the very first step is to stop desiring NOT by suppressing your desire, but by fulfilling it all in imagination only. there is only fulfillment or lack, you have to make a choice. will you fulfill your desire in Imagination or will you continue to live in lack in imagination. in imagination, which is your kingdom, where all things exist and fulfillment is totally unconditional?
leave the 3d alone. i mean it when i say manifesting has nothing, i mean NOTHING, to do with the 3d. it's all about you. your inner self. you're not changing your face, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your body, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your bank account, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your family, you're changing your SELF. YOU'RE NOT CHANGING THE 3D YOU'RE CHANGING YOUR INNER SELF (state of consciousness aka self-concept).
if you were my sister, i'd do anything to make you completely give up on the void state and study and apply the law instead. but, i can't do that to you because the choice is up to you. will you continue to do yourself a disservice by obsessing over something that doesn't get you anywhere or will you let it go and study&apply the law which guarantees the fulfillment of your desires?
your 3d doesn't need to be changed. no matter how horrible it looks, there is nothing wrong with your 3d. your 3d is perfect as it is. it's your consciousness. you have to change your consciousness, your SELF.
if you have time to obsess over the void, read neville. read edward art's series. You think manifesting is about changing the 3d. that's why you see manifesting as something that requires hard work, that's why you're obsessing over the void because you think the void will remove the "hard work" you think you should do to manifest. when you realize that all you need to do is literally just fulfill your desire in imagination only, you will no longer be interested in the void. the void obsession started last year. never have i ever once tried to get into the void. because to me, manifesting isn't about changing the 3d. it's all about my imagination/ consciousness.
if you want to take my advice, which i hope you do, unfollow every single void blog you follow. delete void information you wrote down anywhere. unsubscribe to every channel relating to the void. cut off every online friend you made talking about the void. let go of it. and i can guarantee you this much, if you focus on changing yourself in imagination, your results will show up in the 3d SO fast you'll be scared(in a good way).
it's up to you whether you're going to obsess over the void for the next 3 months and get nothing out of it but worse mental health OR spend the next 1 month on studying&applying the law and reap a good harvest, if you do, your results will be satisfactory.
Start tonight. start with at your command and the power of awareness. the law and the promise contains over 50 success story letters neville eceived from people. Read this series, his interpretation of neville's teaching is amazing and he also touches on subjects neville barely did that people may be struggling with. neville and edward art are the only teachers you need imo. debunk everything you know about the void and read what i linked above and apply. You will reap a good harvest.
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redroomreflections · 18 days
Hotel California | Track 5: Heartbeat Havoc
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha Romanoff, frontwoman of the punk rock band Velvet Rebellion, falls hard for a woman she believes is too good for her. Their intense relationship unfolds in the chaotic world of rock 'n' roll, where they struggle to balance fame, personal demons, and their undeniable passion for each other.
W/c: 6.3k
Chapter 5/12
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: it's only up from here
18+ Minors DNI (mature)
Themes: love, fame, sex, drugs
"So, the release went well, but now we need to capitalize on the momentum. What we don't want is for you to disappear after the premiere," You leaned back into your chair, twirling a pen between your fingers as you spoke on the call. Your tone was confident but measured, ensuring there wasn't too much enthusiasm. You knew your client well enough to know this was a serious conversation.
Tanya Lawrence, an early twenties actress who had just starred in a blockbuster film, was on speaker, along with her agent and manager. You were coming up with a game plan to keep her in the spotlight and sustain the momentum—not only to continue promoting the film but to elevate Tanya herself.
Tanya's voice was thoughtful as she replied, “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. But I don’t want to do the same press rounds everyone else does. I mean, how many times can you sit on a couch and tell the same story?”
You smiled, fully expecting her reluctance. Tanya was always searching for something fresh. It was part of what made her appealing, but also part of the challenge of keeping her relevant without overexposing her.
"I hear you," You said, jotting down a note on your tablet. "The late-night circuit can get a bit tired, but we still need to keep you visible. How about this: we skip the talk shows and go for an exclusive feature with Vogue or Elle? We’ll craft a personal story—something deeper than just promoting the film. We’ll show your evolution from indie darling to blockbuster star. It’s more narrative-driven, more you."
There was a pause, then her manager chimed in, his voice skeptical but intrigued. “How personal are we talking?”
“Not too much," You assured him. "We’re not looking to dig into her private life—just enough to give the audience something to connect with. We’ll focus on her as an actress and philanthropist. Maybe highlight her charity work? The key is controlling the narrative.”
Tanya's voice came through, warmer now. “I love that idea. I’ve been wanting to talk more about the foundation. If we can connect that, it would feel real, not like I’m just selling myself.”
You nodded, already sketching out the potential angles. "Exactly. And we can play it across platforms—get some behind-the-scenes content on social media to drive engagement, maybe even a short Instagram series showing a day in your life. That way, you’re not just doing the standard PR push but building a brand around authenticity.”
The enthusiasm on the other end was palpable now. Tanya's agent was already chiming in with ideas on how to expand the campaign, and her manager was starting to see the vision.
"You’ve always got the best ideas," Tanya said, and you could hear the smile in her voice.
You chuckled. "That’s why you keep me around."
The call wrapped up, and you took a moment to breathe. Another client managed, another fire successfully put out. You were in the zone—this was what you were good at. A notification lit up the screen as you closed your notebook and checked your phone.
"Is Love in the Air? Natasha Romanoff Seen Leaving Concert with New Flame"
Your stomach did a little flip. The photo was grainy and interesting for today’s time, but you knew it was the two of you leaving the concert venue last weekend. It hadn’t taken long for people to start talking, and you weren’t sure how you felt about it all. You tried not to think about the sudden influx of followers you’d gotten or the interest of every possible gossip rag in suddenly taking a deep dive into your life.
As a publicist, you were no stranger to media frenzy, but it was different when you were the story. You’d spent years helping clients navigate this kind of attention, knowing exactly how to spin, deflect, and maintain privacy. But now, as the headlines circled you and Natasha, it felt oddly invasive.
You sighed, locking your phone and rubbing your temples. This wasn’t exactly how you imagined things going with Natasha. A quiet fling, maybe, or just a few months of fun before things inevitably fizzled. But the way her hand had lingered on yours that night, the way she looked at you when she thought no one was watching—something about it felt more... real. And now, the world was catching on.
Focus, y/n, you told yourself, pushing the thought aside. You weren’t going to let this derail your work. Natasha had dealt with the media for years—she could handle it. The question was, could you?
Your office door creaked open, and Monica strolled in, her usual swagger in every step. She leaned casually against the doorframe, crossing her arms with an amused smile.
“You see the headlines?” She asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.
You shot her a look, already knowing where this was headed. “You mean the ones making me sound like some groupie?”
Monica laughed, moving to sit across from you. “Please, Natasha Romanoff’s mystery woman has a much better ring to it. Plus, who says groupies can’t be successful?”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “I didn’t ask for this attention, Mon.”
“You’re dating a rockstar. What did you expect?” she teased before her tone softened. “But for real, how are you feeling about it?”
You hesitated, twirling the pen in your fingers, not quite sure how to put it into words. “It’s... strange. I’ve always kept my private life private, you know? And now I’m on the front page, just because I went on a date.”
Monica nodded, her expression shifting to something more serious. “It’s a lot. But you’re the queen of handling this kind of thing. You’ve dealt with bigger fires. And Natasha... well, she’s used to it.”
You sighed, leaning back in your chair. “Yeah, but this feels different. It’s one thing to be in control of someone else’s narrative, but when it’s you...”
Monica tilted her head, studying you. “You really like her, don’t you?”
Your heart skipped a beat at the question. You hadn’t even allowed yourself to fully consider that yet. Did you? The two of you were just getting to know each other. It wasn’t supposed to be serious. But the way you smiled at the thought of her, the way your stomach fluttered when her name popped up on your phone—it was all too familiar.
“I don’t know,” you admitted quietly. “It’s moving fast.”
“You fucked didn’t you?” Monica began to grin.
Your eyes widened. “Jesus, Monica." You cursed. You looked back to your office door, the one she'd decided to leave open, and then back to her. She folded her arms knowingly and you sighed.
"Maybe?" You responded with a smirk. "Or... several times? I lost count that night."
"Oh my god!" Monica cackled. "I knew it. I'm so proud of you."
"Proud shouldn't be the word used for that," You shook your head. "Oh, and Sam decided to bring Isabella home early the next morning so they met each other much sooner than I expected. She also introduced herself as my girlfriend."
"Ooh, and how did Sam react?" Monica knew your ex-husband just as well as she knew you.
"He was shocked but also not shocked." You begin. "I just hoped it wasn't something that made Natasha question what we have going on. I mean anyone would be threatened to have the ex just casually standing in the living room."
"Nah, the woman is head over heels," Monica assured. "Besides, Sam's a good guy, and he's not a possessive ex. So, back to the importance, was she good?"
You couldn't help but smirk. "Yes, she was very good."
Monica smiled, nodding approvingly. "Good. Well, I'm happy for you. It's been a while since you've had some good sex, and even longer since you've had a good woman."
"Somehow you and my daughter are the same person just in different fonts," You mused at her words. "You have no idea how much Bella asked about her."
"What can I say, we both have good taste," Monica smiled. "Anyway, back to work. I'll let you enjoy your celebrity-adjacent status. It’s interesting really how you’ve managed to stay so lowkey. I mean Sam is famous, your parents are famous…”
You chuckled. "It's a blessing and a curse. You can't blame them for being overprotective though. They just wanted to protect their daughter and granddaughter from the limelight. It's why I stayed off the radar."
Before she could question it further, there was a slight knock at the door. An unassuming man with a delivery hat and a gorgeous bouquet caught your attention.
"Are you, Y/n?" He asked.
"Yes," You replied, a little surprised. You watched as the man set the vase down, signed for the delivery, and thanked him. Monica watched in interest.
"What's that for?" Monica asked.
"I have no idea," You replied, a little puzzled. You plucked the card from the bouquet and unfolded it, curious. As your eyes skimmed the neat handwriting, your heart skipped a beat.
“Just in case you needed a little brightness in your day. My time with you was amazing, being with you makes everything even better. — N”
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips, warmth spreading through your chest. Natasha had a way of being sweet without overdoing it—something that caught you off guard every time.
Monica raised an eyebrow, leaning over to get a glimpse of the card. “Ohhh, so the rockstar is a romantic.”
You laughed softly, tucking the card back into the bouquet. “Apparently. She’s full of surprises.”
Monica grinned, leaning back in her chair. “Girl, you’ve got it bad.”
You tried to ignore the flush that crept up your neck, your eyes drifting back to the bouquet on your desk. Maybe you did.
Natasha wiped the sweat from her forehead, adjusting her grip on the barbell before settling into her seat. The gym was practically empty, just the way she liked it. Wanda was a few feet away, doing leg presses with ease while music pulsed through the space, the rhythm of the beats syncing with the steady clank of weights hitting the floor. Just as Natasha was about to dive into her next rep, her phone buzzed on the bench beside her. She hesitated for a second, but the moment she saw your name flash across the screen, she abandoned the barbell with zero hesitation.
Y/N: Thank you for the flowers 🌸 They’re almost as beautiful as the woman who sent them. Almost.
Natasha smirked as she leaned against the bench, typing back with one hand while the other still held onto the towel slung around her neck.
Natasha: Almost? I must be slipping. I’ll have to step up my game. 😏
She hit send, already imagining the soft laugh she knew you would give at the response. She wasn’t usually one for the whole romantic gesture thing, but with you, it felt... right. You were different, and Natasha could feel herself getting pulled deeper into this thing between you.
Wanda finished her set and glanced over, eyebrow arched as she caught Natasha mid-text. “You’re supposed to be working out, not flirting,” Wanda teased, giving her a knowing look.
Natasha didn’t bother hiding her smile. “Can’t help it. It’s... motivation.”
Wanda chuckled, moving to grab her water bottle. “Yeah? Motivation or distraction?”
Natasha shrugged, her eyes flicking back to her phone as it buzzed again.
Y/n: If this is you slipping, I can’t wait to see you in top form. Maybe tonight?
Natasha’s breath hitched slightly at the invitation, her mind already racing ahead to the possibilities of your date later. She glanced over at Wanda, who was watching her with mild amusement.
Natasha: Tonight, then. I’ll pick you up. Get ready to be impressed. 😉
Wanda raised an eyebrow as she stretched her arms. “You’re really into her, huh?”
Natasha paused, glancing at her friend before nodding. “Yeah, I think I am.”
Wanda smiled, something in her expression softening. She knew how guarded Natasha could be when it came to dating, so it was a relief to see her opening up again.
"Good," Wanda said simply. "I think you two look cute together. She's a breath of fresh air."
"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "She's different."
Wanda's smile grew wider. "You're different with her."
"Different how? I mean you've only seen us together once," Natasha wiped her brow again.
"Just different, a good different. You've got that glow that you used to have when you and Carol were first starting." Wanda pointed out. "You know before shit hit the fan."
"Hmm, maybe. We'll see." Natasha took a swig from her water bottle. "She's cool. She's secure in herself which is a pretty huge deal. It doesn't come across as cocky or anything."
"That's important. Especially in our field." Wanda nodded.
Natasha smiled to herself as she thought about the last time you’d kissed her goodbye. Your lips had tasted like mint toothpaste, your hands gentle and warm against her skin. It was such a simple thing—just a goodbye kiss—but it had stayed with her all day. She couldn’t wait to spend more time with you tonight.
"Well, I’m happy for you," Wanda said, breaking Natasha from her thoughts.
"Thanks," Natasha replied, feeling her cheeks warm as she thought about you again. "I'm... happy too."
It was true. Happy wasn’t a word Natasha often used to describe herself when it came to relationships. Her past romances had always been complicated, intense, and full of drama. It was almost a given that things would eventually blow up—whether it was her fault or the other person’s. But with you? It felt different.
She wanted it to be distinguishable.
For once, Natasha didn’t want a relationship that was marked by chaos or suffocating intensity. She didn’t want someone who would cling to her or become overly dependent, and she didn’t want to lose herself in someone else’s need for attention or validation. She’d been there before—too many times—and it always ended with someone getting hurt, usually her.
But with you, it felt like things could be... simple. Easy, even.
You weren’t trying to force your way into her life or demand all her time. You didn’t seem interested in changing her, and you weren’t fazed by her fame or reputation. If anything, you were the one who kept a distance from the spotlight, which Natasha found both refreshing and grounding. She liked that you had your own life, your own career, and your daughter to focus on. You didn’t need her to complete you.
That’s what Natasha craved—someone who wanted her but didn’t need her in the way that had always made her feel trapped before. She wanted love, yes, but not the kind that suffocated. She just wanted something real, something healthy. She wanted to feel safe and comfortable, the way she already did with you.
For the first time in a long time, Natasha felt like this could work. It was early, sure, but she couldn’t help but hope that maybe this time things would be different. Maybe this time she wouldn’t screw it up.
She glanced at her phone again, re-reading your last message. Her heart did that annoying little flip it had been doing more often these days, and she chuckled to herself.
You stood in front of the mirror, staring at the dress you’d just slipped into, second-guessing yourself for what felt like the tenth time in an hour. It was a deep burgundy, with a flattering neckline, but was it too much? You tugged at the hem, frowning.
“I don’t know about this one,” You muttered, glancing over your shoulder at Monica and Isabella, who were both sitting on your bed, staring at you with varying levels of judgment.
Monica leaned back against the headboard, arms crossed. "It’s cute, but it feels a little... formal."
"Yeah, Mom," Isabella added, making a face. "It’s like you’re going to a wedding."
You sighed dramatically, turning back to the mirror. "Why is this so hard?" you grumbled, tossing your hair over your shoulder. "It’s just a date."
Isabella giggled, swinging her legs back and forth. "Not just any date. It’s Natasha Romanoff!"
Monica snorted. "Right? Rockstar extraordinaire."
You rolled your eyes, walking over to the closet and grabbing another dress off the hanger. "She’s just... Natasha," you said, trying to sound casual, but the butterflies in your stomach betrayed you. The truth was, Natasha wasn’t just any date. She had a way of making you feel both grounded and completely out of control, and that was terrifying.
Monica raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that."
You tossed the burgundy dress on the bed and slipped into a simpler black one. “Okay, how about this?” you asked, turning to face them again.
Isabella tilted her head, considering it. “Better,” she said. “But... kind of boring.”
Monica nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it’s cute, but you can do better. You’re going on a date with a rockstar, not attending a PTA meeting."
You huffed, pulling the dress off and tossing it aside, feeling a mix of frustration and nervous energy. "I just... want to look good," you admitted. "Not too overdressed, not too underdressed. Just right."
Monica smiled gently, getting up from the bed and walking over to your closet. "You’re overthinking it," she said, flipping through the hangers. "Natasha likes you, right? So whatever you wear, she’s going to think you look great."
You sighed, sitting down on the bed next to Isabella, who leaned against you, her little arm wrapping around your waist. "You think so?"
"Definitely!" Isabella chirped. "Plus, you always look pretty, Mama."
You kissed the top of her head. "Thanks, baby."
Monica finally pulled out a deep green two-piece pantsuit, simple but elegant, with just the right amount of edge. "What about this one?" she asked, holding it up.
You stared at it for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Yeah... I like that one."
Monica tossed it over to you with a grin. "Perfect. Now go get ready so I can get the scoop later."
You laughed, slipping into the outfit and smoothing the top down over your belly. "You’re not getting any scoop."
"We’ll see about that," Monica teased, winking at Isabella, who giggled.
As you slipped on a pair of heels and checked your reflection one last time, Isabella tugged at your hand. “Mom?”
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
"Do you like Natasha?" she asked, her voice innocent but curious. "Like... like like her?"
You paused, looking down at your daughter’s wide eyes. Monica raised an eyebrow, waiting for your response. It was a fair question, and one you’d been asking yourself a lot lately.
"I do," You finally said, feeling a little nervous saying it out loud. "I really do."
Isabella smiled. "Good. I think she likes you too."
You chuckled, smoothing a hand over her hair. "Yeah? You think so?"
Isabella nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! I saw the way she looked at you when she came over last time. She was smiling a lot."
Monica smirked from the corner of the room. "Out of the mouths of babes..."
You laughed, trying to ignore the way your heart fluttered at Isabella's words. Was it possible Natasha was already falling for you too?
A knock on the door made you jump, and Isabella squealed, running towards the door. "She's here!"
You took a deep breath, smoothing the front of your shirt and trying to calm your nerves. "Tell her I'll be right there."You called after her.
Isabella was more than happy to answer the door for Natasha. She swung it open with gusto, Bear hot on her tail, as she greeted the woman.
"Hey," Natasha said with a big smile.
"Hi, Natasha," Isabella said with a toothy grin. "Mama's almost ready. You can come in." She leads Natasha over to the living room and sits across from her on the couch. "Before she comes out I want to ask you a few questions."
Natasha was taken aback in an amused sort of way. "Questions?"
"Yup," Isabella said, a serious look on her face. "If my mom makes you mad, are you gonna write a mean song about her?"
Natasha had to hold back her laughter. She loved Isabella's forwardness and honesty. It was refreshing. "No. I don't write songs about people I care about. Plus, I'm not sure your mom could ever make me mad."
"She has her moments," Isabella shrugged. "Another question, Why do you like my mom? Not just for her body or her money or anything. I've been reading a lot of old school magazines lately and I have all of the information."
Natasha bit her lip and cleared her throat. "Uh, well, your mom is very kind and sweet. She's smart, and she has a really good sense of humor."
"And you're not using her for money?"
"Of course not."
Isabella seemed satisfied with her answers. She nodded. "Okay. Good. I like you, Natasha."
"Thanks, kiddo. I like you, too," Natasha chuckled.
"Do you think I could score backstage tickets to your next concert? I promise I'll behave."
Isabella rolled her eyes at your stern tone as you rounded the corner. "Fine." She sighed.
"Hey," You said softly, walking up to the pair, a small smile on your lips.
"Wow." Natasha breathed, taking in the sight of you. You looked incredible. "You look... good."
"Thank you so do you," You leaned into her embrace when she stood to kiss you on the cheek. You subtly glanced at her outfit, glad that you'd picked your casual one too. Natasa's dark denim jacket draped effortlessly over a loose white t-shirt. She wore Black skinny jeans, slightly distressed at the knees, and hugged her legs, giving her a subtle edge without trying too hard. Clean white sneakers grounded her look. A simple silver chain glinted at her collarbone, and her hair fell in tousled waves around her face, giving the impression that she hadn’t overthought any of it—yet still managed to look effortlessly striking.
"Thank you," Natasha said.
"You're welcome," You hummed as you pulled back from the hug, the scent of her perfume filling your nose.
"Okay, we'll be fine, Mama." Isabella gave a thumbs up. "Go have fun. Don't stay out too late."
You laughed. "We'll try not to," you promised. "And no ice cream past ten, okay?"
"Okay," Isabella rolled her eyes.
"Don't forget Bear's walk," you added.
"Mama," Isabella whined. "We got this. Go!"
"Alright, alright," You chuckled, turning to Natasha. "Ready?"
"Lead the way," Natasha smiled.
"Have a good time, ladies!" Monica called as the two of you made your way out the door.
Natasha held your hand as the two of you walked to the car, her fingers rubbing your knuckles soothingly.
"So where are we going?" You asked, glancing over at her.
Natasha grinned, squeezing your hand. "It's a surprise."
"Oh, a surprise?"
"Yup," She said. "Wait," She said just before opening the door. You turned to face her questioningly. She leaned forward, pressing her lips gently against yours.
Your heart skipped a beat at the unexpected move, and you let yourself sink into the kiss, savoring the way her lips felt against yours. It was soft and sweet.
"I figured you wouldn't want to do that in front of your daughter," Natasha mumbled awkwardly.
You laughed, resting your hands on her shoulders and pecking her lips again. "That was very thoughtful. Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?"
"I could tell you, but where's the fun in that?" She smiled, opening the car door and ushering you inside. As the car rolled down the busy streets, you found yourself stealing glances at Natasha. The way she carried herself, with a mix of confidence and ease, was enchanting. Her posture was relaxed but commanding, and even the simple act of driving seemed to radiate a kind of effortless cool.
The radio played a mix of tracks that Natasha had curated—a blend of classic rock and some modern hits that seamlessly complemented her edgy style. You could see the genuine enjoyment on her face as she sang along to the lyrics, her voice harmonizing effortlessly with the tunes. It was moments like these that made you appreciate the depth of her passion for music and the way it intertwined with every part of her life.
As the car pulled up to the restaurant, Natasha turned to you with a soft smile. "Hope you like this place. I've been wanting to check it out for a while."
You read the giant side on the outside of the building, The Cooking Institute.
"Cooking classes?" You guessed aloud. Natasha glanced over at you.
"I hope that's okay," She said quickly, suddenly a bit unsure of her plan. "I know it's a little unconventional, but I figured it could be fun. If not, we can just grab a drink somewhere or-"
"Natasha," You cut her off, resting a hand on her knee. "It's perfect."
Her shoulders relaxed, and she gave you a relieved smile. "Great. I'm glad."
You were soon ushered inside by an eager host, who led you to a spacious kitchen, equipped with every cooking appliance imaginable. You expected to see more guests inside of the space but instead only found an instructor.
"Welcome to Cooking Institute," The woman, who appeared to be in her mid-40s, greeted the two of you with a warm smile. "My name is Lisa. We're so excited to have you."
"Is this only for us?" You questioned Natasha.
"I rented it out for the night," She shrugged. "So, we could have some privacy."
You nodded, appreciating the gesture.
Lisa clapped her hands together. "Well, I'll let you two get settled and we can get started." She gave the pair of you a thumbs up and made her exit, leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen.
"So," You glanced over at Natasha. "What's the plan here?"
"Well," She grinned. "We're going to cook some food."
"Gee, I never would have guessed," You teased. "But what kind of food?"
Natasha's eyes twinkled with amusement. She leaned against the counter, her excitement barely contained as she outlined the evening’s menu. "Alright, here’s the plan," she said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"We’re starting with a Classic Wedge Salad—simple, and something I can make with no problem." She paused, savoring the anticipation. "Next up, we’ve got Cheesy Potatoes Au Gratin." Natasha’s smile widened, clearly proud of the menu.
"And then," she continued, "we’re making Oscar-Style Beef Filet. It’s a bit fancy but worth it." She chuckled at the look of awe on your face, clearly pleased with herself. "So, ready to get cooking?"
You nodded, laughing. "This sounds amazing. Let's do it."
As the night progressed, the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable rhythm. It was easy, being around her, and the conversation flowed naturally. The host led you both to your designated cooking station, complete with all the utensils and ingredients needed for the evening’s menu. Natasha's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she glanced around, her enthusiasm contagious. You could see the genuine pleasure on her face, which made you smile even more.
"How do you like your steak?" You asked.
"Medium rare," She said.
You nodded. "Same. This looks so amazing. I can't wait to taste it."
"Me too," Natasha admitted, glancing over at you. "I love a good steak."
You smiled, shaking your head in amusement. "Of course you do."
"What?" She chuckled.
"Nothing," You said. "It's just... you're very cool, Natasha Romanoff."
She grinned, leaning closer to you. "Well, thank you. That's very sweet."
You bit your lip, feeling a blush creeping up your neck.
"See, blushing," Natasha said smugly.
You nudged her, trying to hide your grin. "Stop it."
She smiled, her eyes softening. "Never."
As the meal came together, you were surprised by how much fun you were having. It turned out your cooking ability was light years beyond Nataha's. Which wasn't that surprising. It's not like she had a child to cook for or anything.
"Nope. You've got it all wrong," You said, trying to keep a straight face.
"What?" Natasha looked at you, perplexed.
"The salt, Natasha," You chuckled. "You need a lot more salt."
"Are you sure?" Natasha looked down at her mashed potatoes.
"Yes, I'm sure," You replied, trying not to laugh. "You can't eat those."
"Aw," Natasha frowned.
"It's okay baby," You assured her, patting her shoulder. "I'm here to help."
Natasha grinned. "Okay, Chef."
You smiled, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. "You're cute."
"Thank you," Natasha said.
"Alright, enough messing around," You declared, picking up the wooden spoon. "Let's keep this going." As you both continued to cook, the kitchen became a lively space filled with laughter and playful banter. Natasha's attempts at seasoning and timing were endearing, though they often resulted in humorous mishaps. The contrast between her occasional culinary blunders and your surprisingly deft cooking skills became a running joke.
Often there were times you two forgot Lisa was even there, too wrapped up in each other to notice her. Finally, your meal was finished and you both sat in the dining area to enjoy it.
"Okay, I've got to admit, that was pretty amazing," Natasha said, sipping her wine.
You smiled, savoring the bite of tender beef. "It really was. Thanks for bringing me here."
"You're welcome," Natasha said. "I'm glad you liked it."
You looked up at her, your heart beating a little faster. She was looking at you with such fondness that it made your chest ache. "So, I figured we should get to know each other a little better."
"You mean we don't already know each other well?" She smirked, referring to your night together.
You blushed. "You know what I mean. I mean, the basic stuff. What's your favorite color? Your favorite movie? Things like that."
Natasha nodded, smiling softly. "Sure. My favorite color is blue."
"Like the ocean?" You asked.
"Yeah," she replied. "What about you?"
"Green," You answered. "Like the trees."
"Interesting," she murmured. "Movie?"
"I'm a big fan of romcoms," You confessed.
"Really?" Natasha asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Yeah," You shrugged. "The Proposal. Anything with Sandra Bullock or Jennifer Lopez and I'm sold."
Natasha laughed. "Good to know."
"What about you?" You questioned.
"Well, I'm a sucker for anything with Ryan Gosling." She grinned.
"Good choice," You agreed.
"Favorite food?"
"Anything sweet," She winked.
"I can work with that," You chuckled.
"Favorite TV show?"
"That's a tough one," She paused, thinking. "House."
"Nice," You said.
"Favorite song?"
"Don't you already know?" She arched an eyebrow.
"Yes," You laughed. "But I want to hear you say it."
"Fine," She sighed dramatically. "The Scientist by Coldplay."
"You have a good taste," You mused.
"I think so," She said, winking at you.
"I like The Night We Met," You replied.
"Really?" Natasha asked.
"Yeah," You said. "It's a great song."
"It is," She agreed. "I just didn't think you had a real liking for that particular genre."
"I'm full of surprises," You wiggled your fingers.
Natasha took a sip of her wine. "Clearly."
"Okay, last one," You said. "Favorite band."
"The Beatles," She replied without hesitation.
"Nice," You said.
"They're classics," She shrugged. "Can't go wrong with them."
"That's true," You said. "I think I have a lot more to learn about you, Natasha Romanoff."
She smiled softly. "Same goes for you, Y/N, Y/L/N."
As the two of you finished dinner, the conversation shifted into a more relaxed tone.
"So," You said, leaning back in your seat. "What's next on the agenda?"
"That depends," Natasha replied. "Do you trust me?"
You grinned, your heart skipping a beat. "With my life."
"Well, then, let's get going."
As the night progressed, you found yourself growing more and more intrigued by Natasha. She was intelligent and witty and had a surprisingly dry sense of humor. Her eyes lit up when she spoke about the things she was passionate about, and it was clear she was truly a free spirit. You could see why she had risen to fame so quickly.
The next stop was Echo Park’s Swan Boat line, the sight of the bustling park filled with families and couples enjoying the evening brought a smile to your face. The iconic swan boats bobbed gently on the water, their white feathers illuminated by the soft glow of park lights.
"This is beautiful," You breathed, taking in the sight.
"It is," Natasha agreed, slipping her hand into yours.
"You ready to get out there?" She asked, grinning.
"I'm a little nervous but I'll get over it," You held her hand. You joined the queue, the line stretching a bit as people chatted and waited for their turn on the boats. As you neared the front of the line, you noticed a group of teenagers in front of you. One of them, a lanky teen with a mop of curly hair, kept glancing back at Natasha with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. After a few moments, his eyes widened, and he nudged his friend, whispering loudly, “Hey, isn’t that Natasha Romanoff?”
Natasha caught their gaze and offered a friendly if slightly reserved, smile. She knew being recognized was part of her life, but she also valued moments like these where she could enjoy a quiet, semi-anonymous outing. There was a moment when both of them argued about who would talk to her before they made a choice.
The teen, gathering his courage, turned around and said with a shy grin, “Hi, um, I don’t mean to bother you, but are you Natasha Romanoff?”
Natasha chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Guilty as charged. How are you doing tonight?”
The teen’s friends crowded closer, their excitement palpable. “We’re huge fans! This is so cool,” one of them exclaimed.
"Would you guys mind taking a picture with us?" Another asked, pulling out their phone.
Natasha's smile grew warmer. "Of course not. " She pulled you in close, wrapping an arm around your waist. You tried not to blush as the teens gathered around you, their phones held high.
"On the count of three, smile!" The first teen instructed. You obliged, smiling brightly as the phone flashed.
"Thank you so much," he gushed. "This is so awesome. My friends won't believe this."
Natasha grinned, giving them a wink.
"Are you guys on a date?" One of the teens, a girl with an oversized hoodie and glasses asked.
"Maybe," Natasha's eyes sparkled. "Or maybe it's just a casual hangout between friends."
You laughed, shaking your head. "I can tell you that I'm a fan of hers." You played along.
"Me too!" The girl squealed. "I'm your biggest fan, Ms. Romanoff."
"I'm flattered," Natasha chuckled. "Well, have a good night, everyone." She pulled you toward the front of the line as it was now your turn to ride.
"Thank you, Ms. Romanoff!" The girl called out. "This is the best night ever!"
"Any time," Natasha called back. You couldn't help but smile as the teens began animatedly talking amongst themselves.
"That was nice of you," You murmured.
Natasha's gaze softened. "They were sweet kids. Besides, I don't mind the occasional photo op. It's all part of the job. You ready?"
You looked at the small boat tethered to the dock, a mix of nervousness and excitement fluttering in your chest. "Is it safe?"
Natasha laughed softly. "It's perfectly safe. I promise."
With a deep breath, you nodded. "Alright, let’s do it."
You both climbed into the boat, Natasha taking the oars and maneuvering it gently away from the dock. As the boat drifted into the middle of the pond, the moonlight cast a soft glow over the water, creating a serene and almost magical atmosphere.
The gentle lapping of the water against the boat was soothing, and you glanced at Natasha, who was focused and confident as she rowed. After a few moments, she set the oars aside and leaned back, her gaze meeting yours.
"How are you holding up?" she asked, a teasing smile on her lips.
"Surprisingly well," you replied, your heart racing a little from the adventure. "This is actually kind of thrilling."
"I'm glad," Natasha grinned, reaching for your hand and squeezing it.
You gazed up at the night sky, admiring the twinkling stars and the bright moon. It was a beautiful night, and you were happy to be sharing it with her.
"I know this is a little cheesy," She started, her gaze turning soft. "But I've always loved the idea of a first date."
"I love a good first date," You chuckled. "I think you knocked it out of the park for sure." You said.
"I'm glad," She whispered. "I was hoping you'd like it."
You smiled, your chest tightening with emotion. You felt a connection with Natasha that you couldn't explain.
"So, my girlfriend..." You grinned, alluding to Natasha's introduction of herself to Sam.
"It has a nice ring to it," She laughed aloud. "I saw you fumbling and took the opportunity."
"Thank God for it," You shook your head. "I don't think I would have known what to say."
"You would have figured it out," She assured.
"Not fast enough," You replied. "I want you to be my girlfriend." You said with such confidence Natasha's head whipped over to you.
"Wait, really?" She asked. 
"Really," You nodded.
Natasha smiled, her cheeks flushed with pleasure.
"I was hoping you would," She replied.
"Well, consider me your girlfriend," You declared, feeling your stomach do flips.
Natasha's gaze met yours, and she leaned in, kissing you tenderly. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with the promise of something more.
"Thank you," She whispered, her breath warm against your skin.
"You're welcome," You murmured, your heart pounding.
You sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, simply enjoying each other's presence.
"So," She finally spoke, her voice quiet. "Where do we go from here?"
"I guess we figure it out together," You replied, your gaze locked on hers.
"I can't wait," She said, her eyes shining.
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bunnysbrainrot · 5 months
Bourbon and Mead
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 '𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝' 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚘𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐.
Relationship: Joel Miller x f!Reader, Jackson!AU
Content: Alcohol consumption, flirting, slow-burn tension, slow dancing with Joel, teasing, POV switch. Bear with me, folks, this'll be worth it.
Summary: It's been a busy first week in Jackson, but you're finally starting to feel at home. Even still, you haven't made many new connections, but hopefully tonight's big event can help. Despite your nerves, you go anyway, and see some familiar faces.
Word Count: 4,300+
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It had been just under a week since your patrol with Joel and his group, and you're settling in rather well. For such a shabby spot, you have decorated your living space impressively, and it settles something in you. After so long, you're really starting to have a place to call home.
Knock, knock, knock.
The noise shakes you out of a stupor, and you make your way to the heavy wooden door, and tug it open to reveal a friendly face, Maria.
You've had little chance to interact with new people since arriving in Jackson - when you're working as a community this directly, a hell of a lot of work goes into it. Which means, everyone's busy. Just about constantly. That being said, outside of your own room, Maria has been your only companion.
She can sense your loneliness, too, but she hasn't let on. The last thing you needed was the pressure of making a name of yourself in the first few days, so she had kept you busy with chores, patrols, hunts, you name it. To her, that plan would help you adjust to how Jackson functioned as a whole, so you could have the foundation of being a community member, to get your bearings.
Her smile is bright as she speaks, "Hey, sweetheart, just wanted to let y'know about the dance happening tonight. If you're feeling up for it, you should stop by."
The offer erupts a warmth in your chest.
"The dance?" You ask eagerly.
Maria nods, "Used to call it a square dance, but not enough folks know how to, so it's more of a get-together now, but we'll have music, drinks, the whole nine."
It doesn't take long for you to choose your answer. You cheerfully tell Maria, "That sounds wonderful. Where is it, and when does it start?"
She starts to describe the layout of the nearby buildings to the dance, waving her hands in front of her methodically, "But trust me, you won't be able to miss it. Just follow the music." Maria ends her sentence with a wink.
"What do I wear?"
There's a beat as she looks you over, and past your shoulder to your chest of drawers, which she helped stock when you first arrived.
Maria waves a hand dismissively as she replies, "Some people take the chance to dress up, some people dress down. You do whatever you're comfortable with, honey."
You flash her a grateful smile, and she issues a small goodbye before walking off.
A good few hours buffers you before the dance. The optional dance, but something in you will stop at nothing to go. You need to see people, have some laughs, live a little.
You take your sweet time getting ready, too. Some downtime is well deserved and rare, but it gives you the perfect window of time - debating on your outfit takes the longest. You opt for a casual hairdo, one that won't get your neck all hot and sweaty once you start dancing. The watch on your left wrist reads 6:47 PM up at you.
Whooping voices can be heard outside your window as people saunter down the street, toward the festivities, you assume. You sneak a peek through the curtains, eyeing a gaggle of townsfolk laughing alongside one another. Their eyes are bright, voices uplifted and loud. The men clap each other on the shoulder aggressively, while the women jab each other in the sides with their elbows. There wasn't much to make out, but whatever they were joking about had them roaring with laughter.
Seeing the crowd inspires you to make way out the door. You ensure all your lights are off, save for your nightstand lamp to come back to an inviting space. A deep breath later, and you were out the door, too.
There's a new feeling in the air, and you can place it precisely. Upbeat music plays far down the small Jackson streets, but its effects are widespread. All around, the other residents beam brightly as they go about the evening. Most people nearest you exchange small 'hello's' and wave politely, others still smile your way. Tightness wells in your chest as you realize just how long it had been since you'd seen so many friendly faces.
The music's volume eventually blares as you near the open area for the dance. The weather proves to be fair enough to host the event outside, so rows of string lights hang between nearby poles and sides of buildings. In the back of the venue is a group of people wielding a variety of instruments, nodding and bouncing with the quick beat of what you knew as bluegrass music.
"Hey, look who's here!" A voice calls out. You glance around until you realize the call was for your attention. You turn to the voice and recognize the woman from last week's patrol, who'd given you the rundown of who your partners were.
You greet her in return before registering the rest of the group. A few of them could be familiar around town, but for the most part, new faces.
Except for one.
Joel's eyes aren't on yours when you find him in the group. He's looking to one of the men, seemingly in a deep conversation. Perhaps he could feel your eyes on him, because his eyes flicker to yours for a split second. He pauses, lets his conversation partner speak, while he gives you a polite nod, before turning back to the man.
The fluttering in your gut was a dead giveaway, this is why you wanted to come. The prospect of seeing Joel again was exciting, but usually slim. And here he was. If only he could just move on from his conversation...
A hand lands on your arm comfortingly. The kind woman tells you, "It's so good to see you again! How have you been settling in?"
There's a twinge of an accent in her words, Southern, but more subtle. Her words are as soft as a hug.
"It's been going alright, finally getting to decorating," you start. The woman listens. Wait... did she ever introduce herself? Shit. How were you supposed to see someone this much without knowing their name?
"That was the best part when I got here. Once I had my space set up, it really felt like home," she replies.
There's a beat of silence between you, and it breaks when you ask, "I'm sorry if this is awkward, but I never got your name the first time we met." You briefly introduce yourself before she replies.
Her eyes crinkle when she smiles, "I'm Cara. I never introduced myself, but I wanted you to have at least be one friendly face here."
"I'm thankful for it, I really am. It feels better now that we have names to the faces," you offer with a nervous smile.
Cara looks at you mischievously, softly grabbing your bicep, "Let's get a drink. Whaddya say?"
That kind offer melts your anxiety away, and all that's left is you, Cara, and the joy of sharing a drink with a friend. In moments, you have a glass of homemade mead in your hand.
Someone else from the group calls Cara over, so for a moment you're left alone with your cup of fermented honey goodness. It's sweet, slightly bitter, but leaves your stomach feeling warm as it settles. The burn in your throat is numbed by the warmth in your belly. You make it back to Cara's group and decided to strike up conversation with those folks, thinking that it'd be a good place to start.
The first few conversations are long - a flurry of questions about your background, your journey out to Jackson, and how you've been adjusting to the move. You learn some basics about some of them, but there's a distraction lingering in the back of your mind.
A few people in the group break away to leave for the dance floor, the jovial music beckoning them ever closer. You don't follow immediately, which leaves you with a few stragglers, and him.
For the first time in days, you hear his voice again, "What'd you get?"
The question snaps you to attention, looking down into your glass. You glance back up at him and motion with the cup with a swish, "Some mead, I think. Pretty good."
He nods, "Pete makes some damn good mead, 'specially if it's for a party. Pulls out the good stuff."
Part of you wonders if his lighthearted talking is to make up for the blunder on last week's patrol, to ease the embarrassment you still held from it.
"What's in your cup?" You retort.
"Usually it's bourbon, but tonight, it's beer," he replies with a gaze into his own cup. He copies your motion and swirls the cup a few times. A bit of the foamy liquid sloshes out and onto the dirt in front of your, nicer, combat boots. Some of the beer spatters onto your feet and into the dirt.
"Damn, maybe they should cut me off," Joel jokes, reaching into his back pocket and revealing a handkerchief, holding it out to you. "Sorry 'bout that."
You take the cloth, "Making a mess of the place already, and it's not even eight o'clock yet, impressive."
The joke seems to land with Joel; you can tell by the way the corners of his eyes tighten.
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What you say makes him chuckle. It's rare to find someone with a sense of humor these days. That kind of fresh attitude can bring a lot of life in a world like this, especially around here, especially after the loss these people have felt.
New folks were few and far between, given how desolate Jackson had become since the world fell to shit, but there was a wind of change when you arrived last week. Joel could tell from the second he saw you on patrol, even trotting ahead of the group at one point. The light in your eyes when you awed at the mountains tugged at his heartstrings. A type of longing for that kind of simple joy. To be young, without most of his hardships, seeing new parts of the world, even though it had shrunk.
On the patrol, you had gotten too far ahead, in line with Joel in the lead, and you knew it wasn't your place, but you hadn't shied away from him. In fact, you had embraced it, and listened keenly when Joel advised you keep your distance. Normally it'd feel like taming an unruly child, but you had a certain curiosity in your eyes, you were eager to learn.
Joel knows how harsh he can be, let alone to new faces. The worry of how that attitude rubs off on people subsided decades ago - one could say that Joel has truly embraced that 'grouchy old man' stereotype. That attitude has saved his ass more times than he could count, and has kept him safe after all these years. But, there's an unavoidable weight when it comes to hardening yourself up as much as Joel has. It's a truth that he's been evading for years. You make yourself untouchable, but you forget how much you need someone else.
Even so, it's easier that way. You keep losses to a minimum as long as you're not attached. Living that way had gotten him this far.
But now you stand in front of him, with beer-splattered boots and a kind smile despite your new shoes being soiled. You take his handkerchief and bend down to clean your shoes, and hand the cloth back to Joel. His fingers brush against yours when he takes it back - yours are delicately soft against his calloused ones, and it takes him by surprise.
In that split second, Joel's eyes search your face for any change, to see if you freeze like he does, to see if your breath hitches like his did, for any sign that this isn't just some fluke.
It could be a trick of the light, but Joel swears there's a new redness in your cheeks. When you look at him next, it's with bright, innocent eyes, a type of innocence Joel would surely ruin.
"Thank you, Joel," you say softly. His name on your lips is the sweetest thing he's ever heard, it's almost sickening.
Joel clears his throat and gives you a nod, "It's the least I can do."
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The sun is dipping behind the mountains, streaking the sky with glorious pink hues against the emerging stars of dusk. A fiddle lilts happily as the song picks up pace, the tune itself serving as an invitation to get yourself moving. In the distance, Cara flashes you a wide smile, and waves a beckoning hand over to her gaggle of folks. You can barely make out her words as she mouths them.
"Let's dance!"
Joel notices your distraction, looking back at Cara trying to whisk you onto the dance floor. There's a good number of people breaking into a flurry of moves, all whooping and laughing as they pass one another. Joel looks back to you, the softness that was there before is seeming to dissipate. His face is hardened again, resigned.
"Guess I'm being stolen away," you say.
"Be careful," Joel replies, "Carried Away Cara doesn't let up. You'll be dancing for hours."
You comment, "Didn't know I signed up for that kind of night."
You've reached the group by now, and Cara is already handing you another glass of mead, and a huge smile to go along with it.
You're onto drink number four, you think, and the sky has shifted from a pale pink to a deep indigo, littered with bright stars and a beautiful crescent moon. It seems like the music has blurred together without beginning or end, and your boozy haze doesn't reveal any tiredness, so you keep dancing. Joel was right, Cara's had you dancing for what feels like hours at this point. But damn, did she know how to party.
The song the group's playing begins to slow down, and part of the crowd disperses away. Chattering can be overheard amidst the quieting music. You place a mostly-empty glass onto a nearby picnic table and look around the venue. Folks pass you by with a pep in their step, their faces flushed red from alcohol and relentless dancing.
A breath of fresh air wafts through the venue, rustling through your hair that had tacked with sweat to the nape of your neck. You smile from the sensation, relishing in the cool air across your hot skin. Shit, what time is it?
Your watch beams 10:13 PM back up at you.
Damn, where did all that time go?
The night has given you a rush of adrenaline you haven't found in what feels like months. Something about this dance is erupting a sense of joy you were sure you'd never feel again. Laughter, dancing, good people. Such simple things really do lift the spirits.
You can feel a pointed stare at you off to the side, but do you dare look? Of course you do - it's not like the mead is letting you act composed. Being as subtle as you can muster in your state, you glance to the side, where that looming sense had come from. Far off, leaning against a tall wooden fence, is Joel.
While he had practically ignored you when you'd first seen him tonight, he can't take his eyes off of you in this moment. Your heart skips a beat when he holds the stare, his deep brown eyes never leave yours, even as other partygoers pass between you. It's as if the world had paused, but perhaps just for you, frozen under Joel's gaze, the sole subject of his attention.
He stands alone on the side. No one to interrupt you if you go over...
Before you decide, you wave and smile. A silly drunken grin you'd normally hide. Right now, with his focus only on you, is the most alive you've felt in months. The high of it creeps up from behind, whispering encouragement in the form of a dare. Go up to him.
Your legs make the journey before you register what's happening; your body suddenly has a mind of its own, no way to back down now.
The narrowing distance from Joel pushes your heart to your throat. While your legs carry you smoothly, your senses are turned upside down. The anxiety you have about Joel is nothing but a distant memory. Tonight, you'd overcome your nervousness.
"Not much of a dancer, hm?" You call to him over the music.
A small smile spreads across his lips, "With these knees, I'm lucky to do a damn foxtrot. Someone out there was having the time of their life, though."
He truly has a gift. The moment he speaks, everything else seems to disappear. God, you'd ask him question after question just to hear that voice - deep and gravelly, but the accent is thick and sweet like molasses. A slip of your imagination has you wandering into uncharted territory. Imagine a "baby" or "honey" or "sweetheart" in that voice... Your mind vacates long enough for Joel to arch an eyebrow at you, and you're immediately brought back down to earth.
"I don't know how I went dancing for that long," you exhale.
Joel shakes his head with a chuckle, "You'll get some damn good sleep, that's for sure."
It'd be better if you were sleeping with me.
The unfiltered thought jolts through you, snapping you back to attention. Maybe the mead was making you a little too confident.
Behind you both, the music group's slow beat has pulled folks into a smooth rhythm. The dance floor littered with small groups and couples as the song continued. This new intimate energy could not have been timed any worse. You took a big breath and let it out slowly.
"It's getting late, I should probably head home."
Joel pauses, looking toward the band, then down into a cup of amber-brown liquid. Maybe he resorted back to his usual bourbon.
You follow suit and watch the band play on. A tug in your chest begs you not to go, not yet.
"Think you got time for one last go?" His question snaps your head to him. There's a new spark in his eyes, a softer glint amidst the chocolate brown.
Your answer is immediate, breathless, "Of course."
Anything. Anything for him.
As long as it reveals a glimpse of the man underneath the tough shell. It's still in him.
Joel extends his hand, palm up, to take yours. You lay yours on top plainly, holding a breath at the sensation of your skin against his. It's not like before with the handkerchief. This time, it's intentional, he wants to touch you.
The way his fingers curl to hold your hand settled that debate. His touch is careful. It didn't take a genius to know how rough he could be, with those toned muscles shifting under his plaid shirt; in contrast, he held you with such delicacy, as if you'd break if he gripped too hard.
"You know how to dance at all?" Joel asks.
You bark a laugh, "With this many drinks in me? Highly doubt it."
Joel's laugh is louder this time around. You can actually make it out, and you can feel that it's genuine. "I warned you about Cara. Now I get a drunk dance partner."
"Hey, you asked me to dance. You don't get to give me shit for havin' a good time," your words slur together, proving Joel's point.
Amidst the crowd, Joel manages to find you two a nice spot with plenty of room. The surrounding couples look how you feel - entranced with their partners, focused and attentive, like the other person is the only one left in the world.
"How 'bout this? You lead me."
You freeze, "But, I-I don't know what to d-"
"Do what you want. I'll follow."
"And if I make a fool of myself?" You question.
His other hand migrates to your waist, holding you gently at your side, "The you better really sell it."
Your laugh is giddy. He lets you have room for mistakes. There's room to be human around him.
A deep exhale later, you place your hands on Joel's shoulders and begin to sway, a slow and steady pace with the beat of the song. Seems the mead has done its work of clouding your judgement - you're locked in the swaying motion.
"Is this okay?" You ask softly, finding Joel's eyes. There's a warmth in them you hadn't seen before.
He nods gently, "You lead the way, sweetheart. Don't worry about me."
Who'd have known that a single word could melt you completely. Your mind instantly hooks on it, cycles it in your mind as if to brand it into your memory.
Your smile is instant, but feels like one of those sloppy, stupid drunk grins that reveal how not-yourself you are at the words.
And so, you sway. As promised, Joel follows right along.
He shifts closer, readjusting the hold on your waist, spanning his fingers along the small of your back. A polite caress, not meandering and wandering around like most drunk men you'd encountered. Joel can keep his hands to himself. Joel has manners. Joel has self-control.
There's a lead to follow with his movements, you discover. It does feel more natural to wrap your arms around his neck like this...
In a swift moment you've melted into him, and with it, your nerves.
You also find that it's far more comfortable to rest your head on his chest. A beat later, your senses return, and you raise yourself back into standing position, realizing the crossed boundary.
"Gettin' tired already?" Joel asks bemusedly.
Maybe he didn't catch it. Thank goodness.
"You're basically rocking me to sleep here," you quip back.
Joel reminds you, "You're the one leading us."
You roll your eyes as you shake your head, bringing a laugh from him again. The sound of it lights you up from inside, flipping your stomach. You'd already learned that that sound was rare.
"Some dance partner I am," you say sarcastically. Joel's smile broadens, and the hand on your back shifts. His thumb idly sweeps across your spine.
Somehow, your arms are back around his neck, and your head is against his chest, all without protest. Joel's thumb still caresses your back as a sign. The song in the background changes to something simpler, with fewer instruments, giving highlight to a slow solo from the fiddle player.
"You're right, I think I'm gonna sleep like a log tonight," you murmur.
Joel's chuckle vibrates against your cheek. The huff of his laugh gives you a whiff of bourbon, sickly sweet and smoky, blending in with his deeper woodsy scent.
"You gotta be more careful next time," his voice slows. "We'll get some water in ya, help fight that hangover tomorrow."
You nod against him, smiling broadly, knowing that you're in good hands. Your words come out sheepishly, "I'm sorry I got so drunk. I... didn't think you'd see me like this."
A gentle squeeze on your side.
Joel's breath skirts across your neck when he mutters, "You think I'm gonna blame you for havin' a good time?"
His lips graze the shell of your ear as he speaks, and his words have a secrecy to them, an intimacy you hadn't seen from him before. You pay attention to the feel of his lips on your skin - they're soft and gentle, but know where to drag along in all the right places.
It's enough to leave your knees wobbling in your drunken stupor, high purely off of his touch, head spinning as you search for a new sensation.
"It has been pretty fun," you reply between trembling breaths.
There's a subtle brush of lips against your neck when he speaks, "I'd say I'm havin' a pretty good time."
Your knees practically buckle beneath you.
The rush of it all has you pulled back from him now, staring at him with surprised eyes. It's not that you didn't enjoy or accept that move, just that quickly, in front of so many people...
Joel's look shifts to something of embarrassment, "Maybe I've had a lil' too much."
You let out a nervous laugh, "I think I'm right there with you, I... I'm sorry."
He doesn't ask what the apology is for. He knows exactly which line was crossed. The hardened look returning to his eyes tells you that this moment of bliss is coming to an end.
"You don't got anything to be sorry for," the thick Texas accent is palpable in his reassurance. "I'm bein' a fool."
A fool. For doing this.
Hopefully he can't see the way that word breaks you. You force a bigger smile, a dismissive one that says 'we can just forget this ever happened', with a wave of a hand.
You offer, "Like you said, just having a good time."
His smile is wry. There's something unreadable in his expression.
Nonetheless, his grip of your waist loosens, releasing you as the fiddle in the background song comes to a silent end. Something akin to tension hangs in the air between you, pulled taught like a string to be severed.
"Well, I won't keep ya any longer. I... appreciate the dance. I know you're probably itchin' to get back in bed, so..." Joel says, trailing off, pressing his lips into a thin line.
You nod, collecting yourself, "Y-Yeah, probably good to get some sleep soon. You, too."
Joel smiles again, but his heart isn't in it like before.
He gives you a quick pat on the shoulder, eyes averted, "Get home safe, alright?"
Before you can wish him the same, he's lost amidst the crowd.
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Hello, my sweethearts! So glad to be developing this story more, and I hope you've been enjoying so far! If you'd like, vote in the poll below for how'd you like to see this story develop (if you catch my drift)
As always, thank you so much for your support. And if you're new, it's nice to meet you! Love you all!
{all banners/dividers are from cafekistune on Tumblr}
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beauregardlionett · 5 months
did i rant to my friends about dorian and orym just to be called a simp? yes i did. and i'll do it again.
these two characters? consume my waking thoughts. because just fucking think about this from a timeline/literary point of view for a second with me.
orym lost his husband and his father-in-law (who he always calls dad because he didn't have a dad growing up) in a violent attack on his leader a while ago and whatever magic was used to kill them kept them dead - no reviving magic worked to bring them back. in the space of a single attack, he lost two of the most important people in his life, and now he's a widow who still mourns and loves in equal measure even while far from home trying to save the world. he loves even though he's scared of losing again.
dorian is a runaway heir to a title he never really wanted, a musician for himself, a charlatan hiding behind an easy smile, who has really only ever wanted to see the world in his own time and make real friends for once in his life. and he did that! all on his own! he was with the group at the beginning of the campaign but then they ran into his older brother who was in trouble and needed to lay low and dorian went with him, falling back on old instincts that family by blood comes first. he ran from the group and from the foundations he was building with them. because dorian has only ever run from the things that scare him. but now he's back, re-traced his frightened footsteps toward the daunting promise of tomorrow - not yet with the group, we're getting his side of the story first. and he even said it himself, that he ran from the group and now he's not sure why he did it, why he left, when he stands here now and realizes everything he wanted was already in front of him.
they have sending stones, a once a day chance to say something to each other in 25 words or less. they've been using them, keeping each other updated on where they are, that they're still alive, and kindling this flame even without dorian at the table, without even seeing each other, and liam has been carrying this torch alone for 78 episodes but damn it the flame is still lit regardless!
and orym always updates on their progress and location first, and with whatever words he has left he drops in a sentiment to remind dorian that they still care - that orym still cares. and orym is practical through and through, he's a strategist so he always always always uses his words wisely because he's so fucking limited by this spell but the last message he sent? he repeated himself, he admitted a weakness, he faltered.
he told dorian where they were. he asked if dorian could come their way. he admitted to struggling while his voice broke. he asked again but in a different way if dorian could come their way. he ended the message with the most heartbreaking "fuck, i miss you," i have ever heard in my life.
orym, the man who messaged dorian 52 episodes ago and said "glad you're not here, wish you were anyway." because they're constantly in danger, and he wouldn't wish that on dorian, but he still aches to have him near. orym, the man who confessed 13 episodes ago during a trial with his friends that he's lonely, that he misses dorian and sometimes he thinks it's okay and sometimes he doesn't - because he was married and is still mourning and how dare he have feelings for someone else? how dare he move on even when his husband would WANT him to be happy again? he indicated dorian was missed by everyone in three of his previous messages before the trial, before finally shifting to 'I, orym, me - it's me who misses you'.
and dorian, the one who replied to a message orym sent him with "stay steadfast, sending you fairer winds" in the most longing tone i have EVER heard. dorian, who kissed orym's forehead when they parted ways but that is the closest they have come to acknowledging whatever is between them. dorian, who has been to orym's home between exu and c3 and met orym's mom and knows about orym's husband.
when orym died 58 episodes ago, he went limp and the sending stone slipped out of his hand because he was trying to message dorian before he died, before he ran out of words and breath. before he was revived, there was a moment he stood in the beyond and saw his husband and he told orym "you're not done," and orym said "i really wish i could stay," and then his husband said "i'll still be here," and orym said, heartbroken, "oh, i miss you so bad."
he told dorian, "i've really missed you," and "fuck, i miss you." i miss you is orym's way of saying i love you.
they're so close. they are so close. and orym fully died 19 episodes after dorian left, but he was revived and then never told dorian via sending that happened. part of me wants dorian to find out and the other part hopes he never has to feel like he failed orym by leaving. because nothing could have changed that from happening, not even dorian.
they are so close to reuniting, orym has needed dorian back for WEEKS and he's so close. i'm begging them to hold on so they can hold each other again.
and, again, from a literary point of view, you know the wildest part about all of this?
none of it is scripted.
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gloomwitchwrites · 3 months
Hi! Are you still taking 1K event request? I saw it now...
If yes, i would like to ask for a ThorinXHis Queen SFW headcanon if that's okay?
When you sent this request in, I was still taking requests, so you’re absolutely good! I decided to make this Thorin x Queen!reader, so afab!reader applies here. Thank you for sending this in. Enjoy!
Content & Warnings: fluff, brief suggestive themes
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Thank you to everyone who have sent in requests for the 1k follower event. Requests are currently closed, please do not send any further requests in. Thank you!
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate but mostly in private or during a relaxed public moment. For example, if you and Thorin are in the throne room, Thorin is less likely to show affection to you during that time. Same goes for any official business. You and Thorin are ultimately there to work. Thorin would however be more affectionate during a festival, party, feast, etc. This is a more relaxed atmosphere, and he’d be more inclined to openly touch you, kiss you, and even serve you food. He is much softer with you in private than in public.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It’s a friends to lovers situation. Thorin needs trusts and friendship to build on first before he can dive in. I suspect that you and Thorin met during a meet cute situation where the two of you had a good laugh over something and the friendship grew from there. A good foundation built on friendship is important for a lasting marriage.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Thorin is a cuddler and snuggler. You cannot change my mind about that. When it’s been a particularly long day, Thorin loves nothing more than curling up beside you and drawing you into his arms.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Wants to settle down, but isn’t the best at domestic life. And by that I mean, Thorin isn’t particularly dirty, but I wouldn’t say he’s the best at cleaning and cooking. He is a King now, so there are other people who help with that.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Thorin is never separating himself from his Queen. Ever. But if he had to break off a relationship, I can—in an unhealthy way—try to run or turn cold before you’re the one who confronts him over his behavior.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Thorin believes in commitment, and knows himself well enough that he’d know rather quickly if this is something he wants in life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle, but has his moments. Thorin is strong-willed, and sometimes that causes him to be insensitive when he doesn’t mean to be. However, he will own up to his mistakes—with you, but maybe not others—and you can forgive in that capacity. Otherwise, Thorin is aware of you needs, and is not one to cause harm.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Doesn’t give them often, but they are some of the best.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Thorin will say it quickly if he knows his heart. He’d find a quiet, private moment to say it in the hopes you’d say it, too. (And obviously you did).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s more protective—and slightly possessive—rather than jealous. Thorin knows where he stands with you, but that doesn’t mean he likes all the attention you receive. Before you were Queen, Thorin did lean toward jealousy whenever he thought someone else was stepping over the line and making a move when they shouldn’t.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His facial hair is always scratching your skin but you like it. Thorin will often give you absent, almost chaste kisses most of the time. He saves the more passionate ones for closed doors.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Good with kids. Endless patience for them even when he has none.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Depends. As King, he has lots of duties, and doesn’t always have time to sleep in. But when he can stay, it’s spent casually.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Again, it depends. If he’s working late, don’t expect much. You will be in bed before him, but if he has an early night, expect him to use this time for you. Might be completely innocent, might not.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Thorin isn’t one to info dump about himself. He will likely reveal small pieces of himself over time to you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Thorin is easily angered/irritated but rarely with you. He sees you, his Queen, as a buffer to his responsibility. If anything, he’ll easily anger or grow irritated with advisors and people wasting his time.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Thorin is the kind of person to not forget anything but he’ll leave you guessing. It might seem like he’s forgotten something and then he’ll turn around and completely surprise you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Thorin’s favorite moment is when you first kissed him. And not on the lips. Your first quick, chaste kiss on the cheek did him in.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective, sometimes overly so. Thorin will go out of his way to ensure your safety before his own, and he finds it cute when you try to return the same effort.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Thorin would try, but he wouldn’t be perfect it. With his duties, Thorin might slip up in the moment but he’ll eventually remember, or even do something delayed for you. He’s very stressed.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I’ve talked about this before in another post, but this man would absolutely leave things around, especially smithing tools and random weapons. Thorin is not organized.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hardly. Thorin knows he’s good looking but he’s not going to flaunt it around.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, but Thorin also understands the importance of duty. That duty might force him away from you for periods of time. That doesn’t mean he won’t yearn until he returns.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Whenever he’s feeling a bit tense, Thorin only needs to reach out for a quick reassuring touch to calm him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Arrogance—which is funny since Thorin can be arrogant and prideful, and doesn’t always see it in himself. But he hates it in other people. He also wouldn’t want a Queen who didn’t love his people, but Thorin wouldn’t have married you if that were the case.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Can fall asleep almost anywhere. Life on the road drilled that into him.
@glassgulls @childofyuggoth @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet
@singleteapot @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @coffeecaketornado
@miaraei @cherryofdeath @mrsdurin @ferns-fics @ninman82
@thewulf @beebeechaos @hantheconqueror
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pisoprano · 15 days
piso’s guide to writing Luka music metaphors that make sense
Now I know what you’re thinking: “Luka’s shtick is that his music metaphors go over people’s heads.” In canon, certainly, Luka will just say something poetic about how music works. However, what he says may or may not follow how music actually works and that disconnect from reality can be jarring for the audience (the wind cannot play like it’s a bow no matter how you hold your violin up to it). What I prefer to do instead is to write music metaphors that would be an authentic part of Luka’s musical experience and it only goes over people’s heads because he assumes that everyone knows what he’s talking about and doesn’t think to explain what he means.
For example, Luka might say something like “We have an incomplete rhythm section” to say that someone foundational to the group is missing. Does the average person know what a rhythm section is? No. (It’s the people on drums, bass, and keyboard (usually) and they provide the basic groove that the other performers build off of). But Luka lives and breathes this stuff, so he’s going to overestimate how much other people know unless he’s actually asked to explain.
There is, however, a potential pitfall for writers trying to do their research to keep Luka accurate: music isn’t a monolith. If you try to look up something like “music terminology,” you’re most likely to end up with only words from classical music because it’s such a rigorously defined music tradition. Luka, however, is a kid in a rock band—yes, he does have experience with making violins as well, but his default musical experience is popular music, not classical. Kids in rock bands usually do not go to music school to learn music theory, they just listen to what other bands are doing and get inspired to make their own music—it’s not even necessary to know how to read music, given that many highly popular music icons didn’t bother to learn. With this in mind, it would not make sense for Luka to use words like “madrigal” at random, given that that is a form of vocal music from the Renaissance and completely outside of what he spends his time thinking about. Instead, he’s going to think about things like how it feels to get in the groove, experiences of being onstage, needing to deal with a broken string after playing too hard, etc. And those sorts of things are not likely to be found by looking up words you don’t know, it’s going to be found listening to people who have experience in this particular area of music.
But that still leaves the question: if what Luka is talking about is supposed to go over people’s heads, how is the reader supposed to follow what’s going on? That is where you plant just enough context clues for the reader to get the basic gist. To use our earlier example (where Luka likens his situation to an incomplete rhythm section), you can then add a more comprehensible line to help interpret it, “and it’s going to be difficult to find the groove without all the players here.” You might even forgo the terminology altogether and just describe the situation more plainly—for example, “the audience started clapping on the on beat” might not sound like a bad thing for non-musical people, but calling it the “wrong beat” is going to make the problem clearer (even if they might not fully understand why misplaced clapping is so annoying). The point is that you give the non-musical reader enough to go on to understand the thrust of the conversation, but if you do have knowledge of what Luka is actually talking about, it makes what he says all the richer.
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valorascult · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 / 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 (𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝)
I am not against self improvement. Wanting to be the best version of yourself is your birthright. There are a lot of helpful books, ‘gurus’, articles, practices, etc; that are beneficial & have valuable information to share.
That being said, lets move forward.
Many start their ‘self improvement journey’ when they are at their lowest because that’s when you are most aware that something is ‘wrong’ - making you more vulnerable / susceptible to deception & addiction.
It usually starts by reading a book, watching a yt video, etc;. You watch / read one and then continue to consume more, because ‘maybe the next one will finally get me to where i need to be’ - not understanding that this is just another form of entertainment and procrastination.
There is satisfaction after immediately reading a self help book. You have a quick rush of ‘I’ve accomplished something’ (dopamine) - giving you the illusion of progress until you get stuck inside a cycle and realize, nothing has changed.
Sitting behind a screen is not the self improvement you think it is. Is there good knowledge shared? Yes, of course, but the real self improvement starts by actually DOING. Living life will give you more answers than binging content.
Action Faking - ‘the practice of confusing being 'busy' with making actual progress towards an intended goal and often involves a lot of over-analysing and planning, but very little meaningful action.’
Listening to someone talk about their own lives & share their own improvement stories is not going to help YOU. Gurus try to fit everyone into a mold when self improvement is not a ‘one size fits all’ & when something doesn’t work for someone after its worked for others, they usually see themselves as a ‘failure’ so they move onto the next thing that doesn’t fit them & this becomes a pattern, soon they start to build levels of guilt and shame.
Before consuming anything, you should know the specific problem you want to solve, if not, you are coming into something without a strong foundation, soon, you will start to believe there are 500 other things wrong. Don’t get sucked into a black hole.
Also, understand that many other these therapists, psychologists, content creators, etc; all thrive off of people who are at their lowest. It’s important to know when someone really wants to help vs when someone keeps wanting you to come back. The industry is worth billions.
Many have been accustomed to pacifying the silence. Always picking up the phone, turning the tv on, listening to music when there is downtime, instead of tapping into our bodies - their thoughts and feeling have now become distorted & influenced by ‘the noise’.
Fake positivity instead of facing reality is an issue within itself. These ‘positive’ messages / posts about encouragement and ‘never giving up’ convinces you that it’s ‘wrong’ to changes paths / passions in life & you then see yourself as a failure instead of a soul, growing.
With all of that being said, remove yourself from artificial motivation & start doing. I have nothing against self improvement, but I do have an issue with the addictive side of it that seems to only profit a select few.
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guitarstringed-scars · 3 months
on stage- s. hinata
act two, scene four: opening night and final bows
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the morning passes quickly. you spend it pacing back and forth in your apartment, changing your outfit 6 times, and freaking out. you’ve done this before, directed a play. this is what you want to do for the rest of your life, but it feels so nerve wracking every time. sure you told shoyo that you weren’t nervous, he doesn’t need to know anyway. it’ll only make him nervous, and he needs to give the performance of a lifetime tonight.
finally its 1:00, and you head out of the apartment. you want to get there early to make sure the house is all clean, and ready for however many people come tonight. the programs have been delivered and sit on the front desk of the theater building. you grab the box and start to unpack them. on the front cover, it reads ‘directed by y/n l/n’ and you can’t help but smile. directly under it there is ‘written by keiji akaashi’. you feel proud of your friends and all of the hard work they dedicate to this, just to help you out. kozume who spends late nights setting up lights. shimizu who learned how to work the sound for you. hitoka who adds on costumes for your plays on top of her mountain of items to make for her studies. you also feel grateful for koutaro who even though you’ll never let him in one of your productions, he continues to be your biggest cheerleader, and toru who always puts his heart into every performance.
you feel especially grateful for shoyo, who has quickly become a shining light in this production. even if you barely spoke for 3 weeks, the rest of the time he was the kindest, most enthusiastic, excited person on the cast. you are snapped out of your thoughts by hitoka and shimizu entering the building.
“happy opening night!” hitoka cheers, bounding over to you and tackling you in a hug. “we did it!”
“don’t jinx it! we haven’t even opened yet!” you say, quickly shutting her down.
“well everything you and me can do is done, it’s on everyone else now!” she continues celebrating.
shimizu laughs and leaves to set up for sound. kenma shows up soon after.
“you’ll be in the booth tonight, right?” he asks you.
“yup! i’ll probably show up a bit after show start.” you say. he nods and heads into the booth.
you and hitoka continue setting up the lobby for the next half hour as the cast starts shuffling in. you greet everyone, and hitoka heads down to the costume closet.
shoyo shows up at exactly 2. he rushes in, and half hazardly shoots you a distracted nod. just as soon as he’s there, he’s gone in the costume shop without a hello.
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you spend the next 4 hours doing busy work, trying to distract yourself from the show, and rushing around when you bump into shoyo.
he’s in his costume, and looks absolutely perfect. only downside is he isn’t wearing his stage makeup.
“oh shoot, i completely forgot i said i’d do your makeup, come on shoyo!” you grab his hand and drag him to the dressing room. it’s emptied out by this point, just soft music playing off of a speaker in the corner. shoyo plops down in a chair as you grab some makeup. as you pat the foundation into his skin, he finally begins to speak.
“i’m nervous.” he says.
“i know. you’ve been quiet today.”
he laughs a bit as you brush his face with powder.
“i don’t want to mess this up.” he says.
“and like i keep saying, you wont.”
he goes quiet again, looking at his reflection from the corner of his eye.
“this makeup makes me look funny.” he says, giggling a bit.
“thats the point.” you say, focusing on darkening his eyebrows.
“really?” he asks.
“no, not really. it just is to make your expressions easier to read from the audience.”
“hm.” he mumbles as you pick up the lipstick. it’s about the same color as his lips now. as you open the cap, he speaks again. “can i kiss you before you put it on?” he asks. you look up from focusing on the lipstick. you giggle a bit before applying the lipstick on him. he frowns slightly.
as you finish up his makeup he stands up to leave. you turn his face before he can stand up, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“break a leg!” you shout, rushing out of the room. you don’t look back, but if you did, you would’ve seen a flustered shoyo standing in shock.
you rush to the lobby, greeting audience members as they enter. you cheerfully hand them programs up until 10 minutes until show time. you hand off your stack of programs to hitoka and rush back stage.
“PLACES” you shout, and then the rushing around intensifies as actors swarm backstage. you rush to the lighting booth, slumping down in the seat next to kenma.
“good job.” he whispers, patting your shoulder as he hands you a headset. you take a breath.
you completely black out during the show. the last two hours are a blank space in your mind. there are two things you know.
one, it was amazing
two, you need to get on stage and address the audience.
so number two is exactly what you do. being a director, you aren’t really used to being on stage. so when the hot lights hit your face, you feel the nerves kick in.
“hi, my name is y/n l/n and i directed this play. i wanted to thank you all for coming and supporting university theater, and i also want to recognize the hard work for our cast and crew, so please give them another round of applause!” the audience erupts into cheers. “i hope you find the time to come back tomorrow, or tell your friends and family to attend. thank you again!” you smile and quickly rush off the stage as the audience begins to file out. you quickly rush through the back doors where you are greeted by the cast. toru tackles you in a hug before running off to the lobby with the others. you look out for a head of red hair, but find nothing, so you head to the lobby as well.
as you make it to the lobby, you spot all of your friends. shimizu and kozume both look exausted, hitoka and koutaro are both excitedly chatting about the costumes, and toru looks especially proud of how opening night went. as you approach, you are swept into a suffocating hug from koutaro.
“great stuff y/n! i hope you let me in the next one!” he speaks, a little too loudly for the enclosed space.
“in your dreams bo.” you say, laughing into his shoulder. “if you two are tired, you should head home. i can clean up here tonight, since we’ve got to do it all again tomorrow.” you address shimizu and kozume. shimizu falls into your arms and hugs you.
“y/n, you are the best.” she says as the two of them head off. ”lets all go find shoyo!” toru says, leading the group to the large gathering of boys volleyball players. in the center is the man himself. he smiles and laughs with the others and you feel your heart pang. he notices you quickly, and tackles you in a hug.
“you were incredible.” you mumble into his chest. he says nothing, but you can feel his smile grow against your face.
“i brought these for you.” he says, pulling away from the hug. from his bag he pulls out a slightly smushed bouquet of your favorite flowers. “thats why i was so rushed getting here today, because i was afraid you’d catch on to the surprise.”
you just smile and hug him again.
“i don’t want this show to be over!” he complains.
“hey, we have another show tomorrow, and a date on sunday, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” you say.
and you feel perfectly comfortable.
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a/n: IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a possibility of bonus stuff but i need a break from this! my first ever fic is done! this may be some of my worst writing ever, but that is okay because it's done, and i love it and i love shoyo. OKAY YAY BYE READ MY OTHER STUFF!
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 40
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
TW : Homophobia
Monday, January 18th; 7:50 AM - School Grounds.
Anxiety slowly takes over me. I’m about to meet my new class in a few minutes. Fortunately, I won’t be doing it alone. Both  Leah and  Lotte are accompanying me on this new adventure, thank God. I would have gone crazy otherwise. As if I hadn’t already had a disastrous night… Nothing is ever normal at home anyway. Everything always happens at once. My nightmares came back stronger than ever. I found myself drenched in sweat in my little bed at three in the morning. I was lucky not to have woken up Lucy. I was in a terrible state. I even had to get up and change. I think she noticed I wasn’t wearing the same pajamas this morning, but she didn’t ask me about it. She’s understood my need for space since her rejection. I don’t want to deal with her until I’ve sorted things out in my head. It’s painful, but I have to look at things positively... I’ve finally granted her wish to sleep in separate beds. Even though it worked against me last night, it’s also what I want now. It was a mistake to get used to being in her arms. I should have known better. I suddenly remembered why I keep my distance from people. But now it’s too late. Too late to regret what’s been done. The problem is, I’ve become dependent on her. That’s an undeniable fact. I found myself lying in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to fall back asleep. Her steady breathing calmed me, reminding me that I wasn’t alone, but I still couldn’t sleep. The realization that it was her, her presence against me, that I missed completely overwhelmed me. I had never reached this stage with anyone before, not even Mapi. Instead of swallowing my pride by waking her up or joining her, I locked myself in the bathroom and slid down to the floor. I was on the verge of breaking down, realizing the situation I was in. Everything hit me all at once, and I hadn’t seen it coming. I let her into my life, and now there’s no turning back. I could have cried out in sheer pain, but I didn’t. I held it in because I had no right to do otherwise. I put myself in this situation. The rest of the night gave me plenty of time to reflect with my tormented mind. I ended up spending the rest of the night on that floor until it was time to sneak back to my bed. I didn’t want  Lucy to notice my suspicious absence. My plan worked, and it’s likely to be very effective next time. Though, I doubt my body can endure this for long. I’m already struggling now. I noticed dark circles in the mirror this morning, and my eyes sting.  Lucy couldn’t see them. I rushed to the bathroom as soon as the alarm rang to cover my face with foundation.
“Relax,  Ona,”  Leah chuckles, pulling me out of my thoughts. “You’re acting like we’re going to a funeral. Your stress is palpable from miles away.”
“You’re funny,” I grumbled. “You both know everyone here, unlike me. It feels like I’m starting school all over again.”
“You weren’t even this tense when you first arrived here,” she mocks.
“I didn’t care about being here back then,” I say, shrugging. “Remember, I was looking for a way out.”
“Not anymore?”  Lotte asks.
“Looks like things change.”
“Little Batlle is evolving!”  Leah jokes. “I thought we’d finally get to see a rebel.”
“Pff, nonsense. Of course, Bronze managed to train her student again.”
That unknown voice was harsh. I look around to find the person who dared to listen in on our conversation. I spot a student I don’t know at all. She seems to be mocking me.
“Got a problem?” I reply.
“Me?” she answers, feigning outrage. “Not at all. I was just saying  Bronze succeeded again in taming the camp princess.”
I furrow my brow. Camp princess? What kind of nonsense is this? How do the students know that nickname? An inexplicable rage builds up inside me. So this is what they think of me here? That I was a little rebel that  Lucy managed to tame? If Alessia hadn’t had her hand on my arm, I would have grabbed her collar by now to make her regret her words.
“Let it go, Athenea,” scoffs a girl who just arrived. “The rumors about her must be true. She’s probably a lesbian who can’t resist the charms of our dear instructor.”
I clench my fists so tightly that my knuckles turn white as snow. This is really not the time to provoke me about that. I take a deep breath, telling myself they don’t know what they’re talking about, but that girl’s smug smile is infuriating. Looks like I’ve already found someone to despise in my new class.
“Let it go, Ona. Let them think what they want.”
I take Alessia’s advice and turn my back on those two troublemakers. I’m not going to stoop to their level by getting provoked. They’re just trying to irritate me, but I won’t give them that satisfaction. The best response is to ignore them. I was ready to continue our conversation until I felt a presence behind me.
“By the way, my name is Korbin,” she whispers in my ear. “You’re going to remember my name very quickly with all the trouble I’m going to cause you… filthy dyke.”
She walks past me, turning around to give me one last malicious smile before entering our classroom. Great. This couldn’t have started any better. She clearly doesn’t know who she’s messing with.
“We should go inside,” Alessia gently reminds me.
I nod without taking my eyes off the doors she just walked through.
“Are you okay?” she murmurs.
I sigh, nodding again while trying to hide my slight tremors. This is the first time I’ve experienced a direct homophobic remark. She pats my shoulder before I follow her into our new classroom. Most of the seats are already taken. Luckily,  Leah and Lotte got in before us and saved us seats in the back. I sit next to Alessia, taking the spot by the window. I take out my supplies and put my bag on the floor, then lean against the wall to get a view of my new class. I quickly spot the infamous Korbin, who gives me a twisted smile. Looks like I’ll have to find out more about this girl.
“Good morning, everyone, to your new Business Management class,” my new teacher’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. “I’m Mr. Tompson, your new homeroom teacher for the rest of the year.”
I’m surprised to see a young teacher at the front of the class. He’s nothing like any teacher I’ve had before. I’d guess he’s in his early thirties at most. He has a certain charm with his slight beard and tousled chestnut hair.
“I’ll be your management teacher for the rest of the year. We’ll start off slowly by taking roll,” he continues as he heads to his desk. “Just so you know, I have notes on each of you from your previous teachers as well as instructors. This will help your new teachers and me to understand you quickly.”
 Lucy didn’t mention anything about that… Damn. I’m going to be labeled right from the start. I wasn’t particularly liked by my previous teachers.
“Well, let’s get to roll call,” he says, sitting down. “I want to put faces to the names I’ve read about.”
I sink into my chair as he calls the first name on the list. I glance at Alessia, who smiles at me. I was disappointed not to be in the same class as Alexia for the rest of the year, but maybe this will give me a chance to get closer to others. It might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe I’ll be able to forget  Lucy in the process. I furrow my brow when Alessia nudges me.
“ Batlle, Ona?”
“Sorry,” I say aloud, realizing what’s happening. “Here!”
I look my teacher straight in the eye. His are a very plain brown. He gives me a warm smile. I feel like he’s judging me in some way.
“So you’re the famous  Ona I’ve heard so much about,” he says. “I have mixed opinions about you,” he tells me. “A lot of people seem to believe in you. Let’s see how that turns out.”
“She must have slept with Bronze to get positive remarks,” the bitch from earlier snickers.
“Shut up!” I snap without thinking.
I glare at her to emphasize my words. She just smiles at me maliciously. This girl is pure poison, it’s unreal. Many laugh at her stupid joke. I really didn’t need any more rumors about me on top of everything else.
“Hey, that’s enough!” the teacher shouts. “Quiet down,” he demands, silencing the class. “There’s no place for that kind of remark here, got it?! Next time, you’ll explain your inappropriate comments to the principal.”
“Oh, come on, I was just joking,” she giggles.
“Real funny,” I growl.
- "I said that's enough!" he lectures. "I’m going to finish taking attendance, and then we’ll start the lesson right away as a punishment."
Discontented sighs are heard. They better not even try to blame me. The entire class acted childishly. I rest my head against the palm of my hand until attendance is over. I feel like this day is going to be even longer than I expected. My lack of sleep isn’t helping, but it’s best if I don’t draw attention to myself on the first day. Once attendance is over, he follows through on his threat by starting the lesson. This day isn’t much different from other Mondays. My schedule is almost identical. It’s just the content that changes. Today we have two hours of management, then two hours of math. Since it’s the first day, the hours pass more quickly. The teachers take their time getting into the thick of things. We lost half an hour in each subject listening to their spiel and their attendance list, as they don’t know most of us. Finally, lunch arrives. I was chatting with Alessia on the way to the cafeteria until a brown-haired bundle jumps on me, making me lose the little balance I have. I catch her by the thighs to prevent us from falling to the ground.
- "Oh my Onita, I missed you so much!"
- "Alexia," I chuckle. "It was just a morning!"
- "That’s already way too long. I want to see my crazy friend in class!"
I laugh as she hugs me tighter. This position must look hilarious to the others. It’s exactly what I needed after this disastrous start to the day.
- "Putellas, get down immediately," a voice I know too well commands.
My roommate must still be traumatized by Lucy to have listened so quickly. I turn to see her with a stern expression on her face. I simply adjust my backpack properly, then turn on my heel towards the cafeteria with Alexia, who places her arm over my shoulders.
- "Is there any tension in the air with Bronze?" she asks hesitantly.
- "We’ll talk about it later," I reply simply. "How was your morning otherwise?"
- "Calm... Too calm," she sighs. "I really missed you. Plus, I’m with Alba now. I have to behave seriously."
- "Oh, don’t say that," I laugh. "I’m sure she’s not as serious as she pretends to be, little Alba."
- "Oh, not her... But she makes sure that I am."
- "Hey! I’m not that bad," replies Alba, who must have overheard us.
- "Prove us wrong then," I challenge her. "Let your sister live a little!"
- "Well, she lived with you! She only had comments about talking too much in her file."
- "Oh, they gave you your comments? We weren’t so lucky. They only said they couldn’t agree on me."
- "Not surprising," Alba mocks. "Do you have a good class?" she continues.
- "Eh. I have a bitch who’s taken me as a scapegoat."
- "What’s her name?"
- "Korbin, if I remember correctly."
- "Ouch..." she comments. "Avoid her as much as possible. She’s a pain."
- "I noticed. Do you know her? If so, you’ll need to tell me everything you know about her."
- "No problem," she smiles. "We’ll talk about it at the table."
She winks at me before moving forward in line. I realize this is the first sensible conversation I’ve had with Alba. I mean, I talk to everyone around the table, but never one-on-one. The only people who’ve had that privilege are Alexia and Leah. They were the only ones I focused on because I feel close to them. I regret not opening up more to others. I now understand what Mapi meant when she said I was so hooked on Lucy that I could barely talk about my friends. In reality, I gave her so much importance that I didn’t give the same to the other people around me. I think this distance will show me all the things I’ve been missing out on.
Monday, January 18; 5:00 PM - Classroom
I pack up my things as soon as the Alba rings. I absolutely hate my first classes. I just endured two hours of accounting, and I’d be lying if I said I understood anything. It’s a subject that bores me so much that I don’t wait for permission to start packing my bag. I’m the first one standing when the teacher gives the green light to leave.
“In a rush?” Alessia asks, holding me back.
“Uh, yeah. I need to see Wiegman about something personal. I’ll catch up with you in the common room when I’m done.”
“Didn’t you say you’d study in Bronze’ office after your classes?”
“Oh, right. I changed my mind. I’ll study with you guys, so you can help me with what I didn’t understand if that’s okay.”
“No, not at all. I’d be happy to.”
“Cool,” I say with a small smile. “See you later then.”
I quickly escape from that hellish classroom, heading straight to Wiegman’s office as I mentioned. I know the way perfectly, having been there several times already. I don’t hesitate to knock on the
 door. I open it when I’m given permission to do so.
“Good aft-”
I stop in my tracks when I see not one, but two pairs of eyes staring at me.
“Well, hello,  Ona. What brings you here?”
“I wanted to discuss something with you. I can come back later if I’m interrupting.”
“Don’t be silly, we were just finishing up,” she says. “Come sit next to your supervisor. It shouldn’t bother you to talk in front of her, right?”
She couldn’t have picked a worse time to be here. I must be cursed; there’s no other explanation. Having no other choice, I shake my head before closing the door behind me. I move as slowly as possible to the empty chair next to  Lucy, placing my bag between my legs. My pulse quickens, and I can’t control it.
“What did you want to discuss?” she asks.
How did I end up in this situation? I should have left. The topic I want to discuss isn’t one I should address in front of  Lucy. Anxiety takes over me. I lower my head to avoid facing them directly, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling their eyes on me. I shake my head briefly to regain my composure. Her presence should not influence my decision. I’ve had enough time to think it over during the night. I take a deep breath. I’m ready to defend my point if necessary.
“I want to go back to my room,” I blurt out like a bombshell.
With my eyes lowered, I can’t see their reactions. Judging by the silence that follows, I doubt it’s a good one. Surprise, maybe. I gather my courage and raise my head to indeed see that expression on their faces, at least on Wiegman’s.
“I’m feeling better,” I assert confidently. “I still have restless nights, but I’m not having any more episodes. I’ve already caused enough trouble for those around me because of my personal issues.”
Laughter fills the room. I quickly regret meeting my supervisor’s gaze. It’s hard and filled with anger.
“Are you kidding me?” she hisses. “Are we talking about those dark circles under your eyes? You can hide them all you want, but it doesn’t work with me. I absolutely do not agree with this room change.”
And there it is, as expected. I’m screwed. Damn observant! I thought she hadn’t noticed. We both turn to Wiegman, waiting for his decision. She scratches his head while observing us closely. I’ve noticed it’s a habit when she’s thinking. She looks back and forth between us before finally focusing on me.
“Why do you want this change, Ona?”
“I’ve already troubled my supervisor enough. She’s losing sleep because of me, and I don’t want that to continue.”
“She volunteered for this. She’s doing it willingly. Unless you’ve changed your mind, Ms.  Bronze?”
I sense agitation next to me. She’s probably seething right now. I won’t come out unscathed from this meeting.
“Absolutely not,” she growls.
“Good. In that case, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your student.”
“Her episodes are unpredictable,” she responds. “There’s no way she can return to her room right now.”
The tone she uses sends shivers down my spine. I don’t even dare look at her anymore. She’s going to hate me after this… Maybe that’s what I was aiming for when I made this decision. I raise my eyes to our principal when she speaks again.
“So the matter is settled,” she says, causing my shoulders to slump in defeat. “Don’t feel embarrassed about such small things,  Ona. We’re here to help you, don’t forget that. We were just talking about the remarkable progress you’ve made in your behavior.”
“Um… right,” I respond indifferently. “Can I go now? My friends are waiting for me.”
- "Yes, of course, you can go."
- "Thank you for seeing me. Goodbye."
I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder. I head for the door, feeling the weight of  Lucy's eyes on my back.
- "You can leave too, Miss Bronze. We were finished."
I suddenly pale. Damn! I hear her thank Wiegman as I make a run for it to get out of there. I was on a good track until I heard her after slamming the door.
- "Not so fast, Batlle!"
Ouch. It's not a good sign when she uses my last name. I do the exact opposite of what she asked, running towards the exit. I was about to reach the door when  Lucy couldn't control her momentum in the chase and ended up crashing into me as I stopped. Her body pins mine against the door before she grabs me by the collar of my jacket. She forcibly drags me to a room I recognize as the restroom when we arrive. She immediately locks the door behind us to prevent me from escaping.
- "What the hell is your problem?" I snap.
- "My problem?!" she exclaims. "What about yours? You've been avoiding me like the plague since this morning! You haven't said a word to me, and now I find you in Wiegman's office asking for a room change? When exactly were you planning to tell me, huh?"
I've never seen her this angry before. She's so red with rage that I don't even dare to speak. I'm paralyzed. She seems to notice my fear because she closes her eyes for a moment. I could have taken the opportunity to slip away if she weren't standing in front of the door. I don't feel ready to face her now. I probably never will be. But I know she won't let me out of here without getting her answers, thanks to those two determined emerald jewels of hers.
- "Answer me. Explain yourself, or... I don't know. Do something!"
Her tone is harsh, and she's losing patience.  Lucy has never been someone who loses patience. My silence is affecting her more than I imagined. I lower my head, trying to come up with some reasonable excuse for what I've done, but what's the point? There’s none that can replace the truth.
- "I-I can't,  Lucy."
- "Can't what?"
- "Act like nothing happened! You rejected me, and I accept that, but... But don't blame me for distancing myself. I've been hurt by rejection enough in my life. I don't want it to happen again."
Her shoulders slump at my response. It was like she just realized the consequences of her decision.
- " Ona..." she says in a strangely calmer voice. "I-"
- "No, shut up. I don't care about the reasons, okay? I don't even know if there are any, but I understood your choice. You can't or you won't. I don't know, but the result is the same. Either way, I can't let myself develop any further feelings for you."
- "It's my fault we've come to this... I should have maintained my professionalism and avoided giving you false hope."
I laugh bitterly. I don't regret how I feel about her at all. It's her reaction I regret. I say nothing, preferring to play along with her.
- "Yeah, maybe you should have, but it's too late now."
- "I never wanted things to get to this point,  Ona. I-I thought we could stay friends, that I could help you. That's all I was trying to do."
- "You don't get it," I spit out.
She doesn't understand that it's her that I need, the relationship she's denying me. She reignited something in me that had been destroyed in my downward spiral. I'd never felt as good as I did with her by my side. I take a deep breath as I see her watching me curiously. If she thinks I'm going to make it easy for her by saying all this, she's dreaming. Who knows why she doesn’t want me? Maybe she’s seeing someone else, like that girl from the other night. They seemed close and she was pretty cute. I shake my head to get that image out of my mind. It’s none of my business.
- "Forget it. I-I... You know, today I realized that I've deprived myself of so much by focusing on you. I never wanted to feel these things for you, but it's not something you can control. I can't turn back now. Just when I thought I had finally discovered the real you..." I murmur thoughtfully.
- "Nothing is stopping us from continuing..." she murmurs, almost desperately.
- "N-no... I-I'm really sorry... B-but, I need to step back. That’s all I’m asking. If you care about me even a little, then... Stay out of my life until I need you again."
These words hurt, but it's the only solution I've found if I don't want to lose her entirely and waste the progress I've made. Running away has always been my way of protecting myself. I know  Lucy can understand that. She’s always been able to read me with unsettling ease. That’s probably why she looks so sad. She knows it’s the only way to keep me intact. She’s the one who transformed me, but she could also be the one who destroys me in the blink of an eye. That thought terrifies me. I should never have gotten so attached to her or developed these feelings. And then my friends wonder why I don’t open up anymore. It was to avoid moments like this that I stopped trusting new people. I should have kept going down that path. You always end up disappointed, even with someone as perfect as  Lucy.
- "Okay," she resigns. "I want you to know that I never wanted things to get to this point, but I'll give you the space you need so I don’t lose you completely..."
I avoid looking at her so she doesn’t see how much her words affect me and how they sting my heart. She doesn't even try to stop me or change my mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive her for putting barriers between us. No matter what she says, I know our relationship isn’t meaningless to her. Or maybe it is. Maybe I’ve been wrong all along.
- "Thank you for respecting my choice..." I say, not without difficulty.
- "It’s not without conditions."
My jaw tightens. How dare she ask something of me? Seeing that I’m not planning to respond, she continues.
- "I’ll give you the space you need, but you’re still sleeping in my room. I’m also offended that you wanted to talk to Wiegman about it before consulting me."
- "To forget about this whole thing, I need to cut ties completely..." I admit. "I knew you’d never let me leave, which is why I went to her directly without consulting you."
- "I figured as much, but that’s not going to happen," she says, frowning. "No matter what happened between us, there’s no way I’m going to let you spiral down again."
- "I’m not spiraling."
- "I know you. This is my condition,  Ona. I also want to keep our evening classes. Just because we had this little falling out doesn’t mean you should jeopardize your education."
I scoff at her words. So this is just a "little falling out" to her? I doubt she understands my feelings for her, then.
- "I’m not planning to jeopardize my education," I reply coldly. "But I’m not keeping those classes. I asked Alessia to help me instead, and she agreed."
My answer seems to surprise her. She doesn’t realize how thoroughly I’ve thought this through. She almost looks disappointed. Knowing that I’m still attending classes, she has no reason to forbid it.
- "I guess that’s non-negotiable...?"
- "Exactly. I need to spend time with my friends and distance myself from you."
- "Very well..." she sighs. "But don’t completely ignore me like you have the last couple of days. I want you to talk to me at least a little."
- "Yeah, whatever you say, Commander. Can I go now that the negotiations are over?"
- "Hmm... I’ll see you tonight," she says as she opens the door.
- "Yeah. I’ll probably be with Alexia before I come."
I walk out with my head held high. I feel relieved of a burden after confessing my feelings and proud of not backing down for once. But that confidence fades once I’m away from her. I have no idea how I’ll feel in the coming days... I’ve focused so much on her these past few months that it feels like I can’t live without her, and the consequences are starting to scare me. I take a deep breath when I get outside. I’m determined to prove to her—and to myself—that I can live without her. If I can make her regret her choice in the process, that would be the ultimate goal. I stop thinking about her when I reach the common room. All my friends are there. I join Alessia and Alexia, who are sitting around a table working. Well, if you can call it that. It looks more like they’re chatting than anything else.
- "Oh, Onita!"
- "Don’t start calling me that," I grimace.
- "I think it’s a cute nickname," Alessia comments.
- "Would you prefer ‘Princess’ instead?" Alexia teases. "I heard that one’s making the rounds at school."
I sigh and nod. Unfortunately, I think I’d rather it be "Onita" spreading instead of the other one. It’s going to remind me of  Lucy, and that’s exactly what I would have preferred to avoid. The first days are going to be very long. I take out my notes while replying.
- "Yeah, it seems so... I wish it weren't the case. I don’t even know how they could have found out."
- "Who knows," Ale smiles. "I heard you were at Wiegman ’s?"
- "Yeah. Bronze was there too."
- "And...?" she asks hesitantly, which makes me shrug.
- "If you want to talk amongst yourselves, I can step out," Alessia offers.
- "No, don’t worry. We’ll talk about it tonight."
- "Hey Ona, you’re finally here!" Alba enthusiastically says. "Want to play a game of foosball?" she suggests.
- "Not tonight, sorry. Alessia owes me some tutoring and it might take a while... I’m really completely lost in my new subjects."
- "To that extent?" Alessia asks. "It’s not that complicated."
- "Oh yes! It’s like Chinese to me, seriously! How can such things even exist?" I grumble.
- "Okay, I get it," Alessia chuckles. "We’ll review everything from the beginning."
I nod with a small smile. I move my chair closer to her with my stuff. I just grab some scratch paper, as I used to do with Lucy... Alessia returns my smile and gets into the groove of going over our lessons for the day. I hope the motivation will be with me; otherwise, I’ll never make it through the year.
Monday, January 18; 8:30 PM - Ona and Alexia's Room
- "How could I have missed so much?"
I’ve just confessed everything to Alexia. When I say everything, I mean the entire story between Lucy and me. I couldn’t keep it to myself knowing how I’m going to feel in the coming days. She would have found out something was wrong anyway, and I doubt she would have stayed quiet without getting answers this time. All I can say is that she is not at all happy. She’s upset that I hid the progress of this relationship from her. I bite my lip, realizing the stupidity of excluding Ale from my life. I should have confided in her rather than Lucy. Her eyes did light up when I admitted that I’ve been sleeping with her recently or when I explained how much I care about her, even now.
- "Are you in love with her?"
- "No... I said I care about her, not that I’m in love with her."
- "It was just a simple question... You know, you’re allowed to be."
- "No, I’m not allowed," I sigh. "I just told you she turned me away. Developing feelings for her would destroy me..."
- "Good grief," she sighs. "Can’t you hear yourself? It can’t be like this. Didn’t you see the way she looked at me at lunch when I was on your back? I thought she was going to kill me with that hurt look!"
- "You’re exaggerating," I roll my eyes.
- "No, I assure you... There must be another reason she doesn’t want to develop your relationship."
- "Whatever... I extended an olive branch for her to change her mind, and she didn’t take it. She accepted me stepping away rather than keeping me by her side. It’s pretty clear as a response, don’t you think? Besides, this break won’t hurt me. She just made it clear that I need to continue being wary of people."
- "I doubt she wants you to react like this..."
- "I don’t care. I just need to clear my mind, and this is the only way I can do that."
- "Alright... If you say so."
I put down the pencil I had between my fingers and let my sketchbook fall between my thighs. It’s been so long since I touched my drawing materials that I’d forgotten the relaxing effect they gave me. As far back as I remember, they were always my best means of escape. Staying in my room with Alexia was probably the best idea I had to escape Lucy for the evening. Lucy hadn’t forgotten that I owed her an explanation, so she dragged me to come with her, but I admit I should have thought of that from the start.
- "Lucy had become my pillar, but I need to prove to myself that I can live without her."
- "You’ve become addicted to her, huh?"
I frown when she says that. It’s not the first time someone has said that to me. Mapi was the first, and I’m starting to question it.
- "No... Haven’t you been talking to Mapi?"
- "Oh, no... Not at all," she mocks.
- "Of course! What did she tell you?"
- "Nothing. She wanted you to tell me yourself. I assure you," she smiles. "But now that you’ve explained everything, I can finally understand what she was talking about, and sorry for you, but I can only agree with her. You’re in love with Lucy, and you’re denying it."
- "That’s not true," I protest.
- "Yes, it is. Just admit it."
- "Definitely not."
- "Say it. It will set you free, you’ll see."
- "No," I say, shaking my head. "You don’t understand," I say desperately, making her sigh.
- "Come here."
She pats her bed. I sigh but join her, grabbing my pillow and hugging it like a stuffed animal. I then curl up when she forces me to rest my head on her shoulder. My eyes fix on a point as I lose myself in my thoughts. Ale’s strokes in my hair, meant to relax me, have the opposite effect. I hate her. That’s how I feel about Lucy right now. All the recent moments of my life are related to her. She has taken up too much space, and now I have to live with this idea while trying to resume my life before she came along. The problem is, I don’t know how it works anymore. She took care of everything. It’s as if she did my thinking for me. I wasn’t ready for everything to turn out like this. I suffocate as I release the lump that had been stuck in my throat for too long.
- "Let it out."
That’s all it takes for my tears to start flowing down my cheeks. I can’t control myself anymore. Everything comes like a tornado. I let myself fall against Alexia, who opens her arms without hesitation. I never thought it would hurt this much.
- "I love her, damn it."
I close my eyes as Alexia encourages me to let go of everything my mind has prevented me from doing. I haven’t cried this much since I’ve been in this damn camp. I’ve felt sad more than once in my life, but I’ve never expressed it so much to others. I feel like I’ve become sensitive to everything. I collapse onto my roommate’s lap as she lets me unload my emotions. She achieved what she wanted. I feel drained. I’ve poured out everything I could until I ran out of strength. Alexia holds me against her, giving me soothing pats on the top of my head to calm me down. I look pathetic with my pillow clutched against me. We stay like this for a while until a muffled noise is heard at the door. I straighten up with my back to it to wipe my face as best as I can. The door opens without permission.
- "Oh, hello Bronze..."
I freeze at Ale’s clearly deliberate hint. I can only mentally thank her for making me realize it was her behind me. I was expecting her if I came too late to her room. I think curfew must be approaching. I squeeze my eyes shut to compose myself before facing her.
- "I was told I’d find you here," she says. "Curfew is coming soon, and it seems you still need to take a shower."
- "I was about to come," I mumble.
- "Hmm... I just wanted to make sure. I was afraid you might skip out on me despite our conversation."
I haven’t discussed this part with Alexia. I didn’t want to rub salt in the wound for now. I guess I’ll have to talk to her about it tomorrow now that she has brought it up.
- "I’m coming. You can go. I’ll tidy up first."
- "I’ll wait."
I sigh and grab my sketchbook from my bed with a brusque motion. I put it away in the cupboard with the rest of the materials, taking care not to turn around even once. It’s only when I pick up my jacket from the desk that she’s likely to see my disheveled state. I approach Alexia, who has already gotten up in the meantime. I give her a huge hug of thanks. I struggle to detach my head from her neck. I imagine her smiling to give her a rare and intense contact from me.
- "Rest, " she whispers in my ear. "It will be okay."
I nod and give her a lingering kiss on the cheek. She smiles softly as we wish each other goodnight. I put my hood over my head to hide the aftermath of my evening. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Lucy, who immediately comments as I pass by her. I simply keep my head down so she doesn’t see my face as we walk.
- "I thought you weren’t coming..." she murmurs. "Sorry for barging in."
- "Trust reigns," I snap. "But it’s no problem."
- "How was your day?" she tries to continue the conversation.
- "Great. Yours?"
- "Good... And your new class?"
- "I’ve had better."
- "With Alexia, I assume."
- "Not just that."
My short, undeveloped responses make her sigh. I would have loved to tell her about my day, but I promised myself to keep my distance from now on. It’s always her who gets my debrief normally, but today it’s not the case. I’ve done it with Alexia and Amba for once. We talked a lot about that pest Korbin. I learned a few things about her, but nothing crazy. All I learned is that she’s not a person worth hanging out with. We finish the walk to her room in silence. I directly look for my pajamas and clothes for tomorrow before locking myself in the bathroom. I stay there for a good half hour for a shower. When I come out, Lucy is already ready for bed but absorbed in her laptop on her lap. I ignore her and lie down on my small bed. I still wish her goodnight before turning my back to avoid the small light she left on her side. She seems determined to leave me alone, as she responds with a simple goodnight in return.
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berylcups · 2 months
Could I maybe request SDC +Dio with a s/o that gets their work hours cut in half, and maybe they go scare the manager or smthn? Idk I'm not creative with prompts lmao. Thought it would be funny, thank youuu!!
SDC + DIO x Reader with their hours cut
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CW: Death mention, horny old people,
Notes: hey! Sorry it took so long! I really tried with this one. 😭 I hope you like it! I’m still fleshing out their personalities. I’m still getting used to writing new characters. Even if this sux I hope you and everyone else can find some sort of enjoyment from this! 💜 Beryl
*also for my non-murican’ readers Target is a like a smaller scale Walmart but pretends to be bougie 🥴
“Why ask for xtra hours when you can get an allowance from your greatest grandad ever???”
“Who needs a job when you got a sugar daddy ??? 😘”
Richie McRichardson doesn’t realize that you need to build a good resume. 🙄 or the fact we live in the real world where we have to make our own money.
Well no friend of his is going to get their hours cut! He’s going to use hermit purple to fuck around with electronics section and manipulate the tvs to make them glitch out and act possessed.
“GiVe Y/n FuLl TiMe HoUrS aNd BeNeFiTs…. Or ElSe. GiVe ThEm A pAy RaIsE ToO…”
“AlSo… ClEaN uP oN IsLe 6…”
“Good grief. Do I really need to get involved in this? Fine. Let’s go.” He sighed as he cracked his knuckles.
Your boss might die today. 😬 tell him to hold back a bit kay? I don’t think the Speedwagon Foundation wants to bail him out for getting into a onesided fist fight with a Target supervisor.
Thankfully he doesn’t have to do much. All he has to do is stare your boss down menacingly.
“I heard you were cutting Y/Ns hours. How about you fix that?”
Your supervisor is literally pissing their pants. 😰 He doesn’t leave until you get all your hours. Then he’s gonna smoke INSIDE the damn store because he’s disrespectful. If anyone tells him there’s no smoking allowed in the store he’s going to tell them to go fuck themselves 😭
He’s going to use his charm to get his way. He’s gonna get you your hours back. If his charisma SOMEHOW doesn’t work he’s going to use Hierophant Green to string himself out so the boss and other employees keep tripping over what looks like nothing. 😂
The boss is freaking out getting slapped in the face and his ass whipped and has no idea what’s going on.
“Was this store built on a fucking graveyard?!” Your boss panics.
“You should really watch where you’re going sir.” He says smugly.
The boss finally gives in to your demands after they get clotheslined by HGs tentacle limb 🥴
“Hmm? You're not getting any hours? That’s not according to YOUR fortune habibi/habibti! 😉”
He got some tricks up his sleeve. He’s going to get you your fortune…as told by his fortune! 🔮😅
“I have seen your fortune! You’re in grave danger. According to the ___ card it means you are going to lose all your wealth, health, and happiness!”
Your boss somehow believes this. Who wouldn’t believe a charismatic self assured middle eastern man in ornate robes and jewelry??? That’s a person you won’t forget!
To add some extra razzle dazzle he catches your bosses hair on fire. 🔥
Now he really thinks he’s cursed.
“Tell me mysterious customer! How do I fix this?! 😭😭😭”
Return the slab— “Give Y/N their hours back! And give them all the benefits and pay raises they need to live comfortably!”
Your boss gives in and does everything Avdol says. You’re officially getting paid as much as your boss now in fear of getting “cursed” again. …and to prevent 3rd degree burns 🥵
Your boss is about ready to taste some metal and I’m not talking about guns.
“Hey—! What gives?! First you don’t give my amour their hours and now your toilets are filthy and broken as hell! They won’t flush! 😤”
He’s already a menace for clogging the toilet. 😬 he’s going to go Karen mode on your boss.
“What the hell kind of economy do you think we live in pal?! I demand you give my baby all their hours! What do you expect them to live off of? Ramen noodles?! Not on my watch buddy!” He’s loud af and poking him in the chest.
If he back sasses the mighty Polnareff he’s going to have to sword fight Silver Chariot with a pool noodle from the outdoors section. 😅
He uses his craftsman’s swordship to slice the bosses belt and pubically pantses him 😂
He has no idea how he was able to air sword fight and cut his belt but he did and that’s why you have all your hours and why Polnareff is banned from every single Target ever in existence. Like that’s gonna stop him 🥴
“Why work such a meager job when you can work for me and kill the joestars instead ~?”
Because we don’t want to get our asses hospitalized and we live in the real world asshole. 🙄
Very well~. Dio is a generous partner, he will gladly solve your employment problem. 😈
But first—shopping spree~ 💅 he’s gonna fill up on some hair gel, green lipstick, sunscreen, and other unnecessary Knick Knacks. Yes he has a Live Laugh Love poster decoration in the basket. 🤢
“So I heard from my lovely Y/N that you aren’t giving them enough hours. How about a compromise? I’m in a good mood today so I’ll let you live if you give them all their hours back plus a raise.”
Your boss can’t believe you had the audacity to bring in a metrosexual bi vampire to scare him into getting what you want! He’s not gonna take you crazies seriously and tell you to take a hike!
“Oh ho~…” he has a mischievous glint in his eyes. Well you can’t stop him now!
“The World!!!” He summons his stand and takes his shopping cart.
“Road roller at target!!!” He laughs like a mad man as he runs over your boss.
…I think he’s dead ☠️
Dio somehow uses his charm to make you the new boss of Target. You still do the same job you usually do— you just get the pay and title now while everyone else does the hard work…. Honestly I don’t think you even need to go to work anymore. You’re just getting paid just to be paid!
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indie-summer · 2 months
The Cycling RPF Rec List
for @wtfanworkclassification
(tagging the blogs of the authors I know!!)
1. Favorite smut: a vocabulary, expanding by @strigimorphaes
It’s almost unfair that I made myself choose only one for each category, but yes, if I must, this is The One Smut for me. To put it mildly, it makes me weak in the knees every time I read it. It must have been like five times by now. To be read with the AC on and a glass of water by your side. Gotta love p*rn with feelings.
2. Favorite multi chapter: Faking It by @goingslightlymads
Am I biased when talking about this fic? Yes, because it was one of my Secret Santa gifts. Do I think I am unfair? Nope, not at all! I’ve never had any other experience in Cycling RPF like when I read (scratch that, binged) this one: it made me laugh and cry and it had my heart racing and had me hugging pillows at 3am. What a ride.
3. Favorite Sci-fi AU: jonas vingegaard goes back to the sea by @bakurasilver
Beautiful and clever. A reflection on the meaning of life and love, undercover as sci-fi. Bawled my eyes out with this one.
4. Favorite Fantasy AU: Fierce Creatures by @inbetweenpages
Great world building, incredibly fun and hot. Come here for wouthieu and stay for mathsper friendship, a very mysterious vampire!Jonas and a sentient house.
5. Favorite fluff: Worth it by @ridingupsaturn
Melancholic fluff. My favorite kind of fluff. Read it about ten times and had my heart fluttering through all of them. Love is kind of awesome, isn’t it?
6. Favorite angst: Drought by booming_business (part 2 of the A Study in Water series)
Shoutout to sad carpenter!Jonas who made a complete wreck out of me. The entire series is excellent, but this fic in particular is a masterpiece on its own! Also foundational exes!tadejonas fic before it was even a thing. Groundbreaking!!
7. Favorite drabble: doing what heroes do by @etapereine
I have two favorite types of drabbles: the one in which you feel like you read an entire story in just 100 words and the one that immediately makes you feel in absolute need of a 50k story as a follow-up because of all the possibilities it introduces you to. This one is definitely the second kind. I really need a full Percy Jackson AU long fic on my desk in, like, a week ago. Olympian demigods at the Olympics maybe??? Someone please???
8. Favorite crack/comedy: The 2024 Paris-Roubaix mass heat incident by Anonymous
Top 5 funniest shit I’ve ever read in my life and I’m not even exaggerating.
9. Favorite non-cyclists AU: all hearts in love use their own tongues by @thedeadparrot
I’m sorry, I’m not really a well-studied person when it comes to English literature. This is the only way I could ever read Shakespeare. I regret nothing.
10. Favorite remix/fix-it: Unbelievable, or only in Gotham by Lili_Writes_Banhof
Yes I’m parcial yes of course I am biased because it’s fixing one of my fics, but I don’t care. It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s fluffy (like all the awesome works from this author), you should all immediately go read it!
11. Favorite Soulmate AU: All your life by @interdisciplinary-disaster
I never once had given any thoughts about geese before this fic. Also this is the only cycling fic where the main character is not one of the cyclists, but an adorably exhausted old goose (at least the way I see it, because frankly, what a scene stealer). It changed my core!!
12. Favorite rarepair: Jonas is the boss by @mundanememory
Because ok, now everyone loves Jonas/Matteo but back in April it was a rarepair!! And this fic is awesome and hot and clever and features little big boss being… erm, well treated by a lovable giant ginger, so it deserves a million recs!
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spacelazarwolf · 7 months
that college post is wild. as an engineer (with a degree in engineering) the idea that we're either taught everything we need to know in grad school or on the job so we can just basically ignore our bachelors is crazy! your bachelors degree is the foundational knowledge you need so you can be taught in grad school or on the job! (maybe not for all jobs, but for stuff like engineering at least)
like to be completely honest here, i already struggle some to apply what i learned in college to what i do now. but without a doubt if i tried to do this job having completely cheated my way through my bachelors i would be absolutely fucked rn.
(also ai cheating sucks anyway, if youre gonna cheat at least do it the old fashioned way so that you can network with your classmates and build better support systems.)
when i was in college i had a professor who was very much anti-establishment, he'd struggled through college himself so he knew what it was like, he had a lot of empathy for me and my difficulties keeping up with endless assignments and essays etc. he was probably one of the only teachers i'd ever worked with who didn't make me feel like shit for my very obvious untreated adhd. he's the reason i made it through. he also taught a class where the tests were the exact same every time and had been for years, and he knew full well people were passing around old copies of those tests so people could memorize the answers. he said as long as we were getting what we wanted to out of the class he didn't care. we were never going to be asked to do what we had to do on those tests in real life. we just needed the knowledge he was sharing in the actual class, it was the administration that forced him to give tests.
that, to me, is an ethical form of cheating. having an ai, that has probably ripped work from people who had no idea their work was being integrated into an ai, to write an entire essay? no. writing is an important skill! everyone has to do it in some form or another! i know it sucks but just write the essay! even if it sucks! even if you have to rush through it! even if you have to ask for an extension! it's better to turn in a paper that's kind of shitty than one that is very clearly written by ai and might get you in huge trouble. you'll never learn anything from the ai essay. you might learn something from feedback on the shitty essay.
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theladybrownstarot · 9 months
How will be the month of January 2024 ?
Pick a card reading ~
Hi ,everyone brown♡ here ! Back with an another reading ~♡ . The pac is about month of January 2024 . So make sure you like/reblog/Comment/follow me to support me♡ . So ,choose pile(s) you feel drawn to and takes what resonates and what doesn't.
Let's begin with it 🍒
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1 .
🍒 Namaste pile 1 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will achieve your goals that you planned and worked for . Even if you are preparing a great success is depicted out here ! There is a new beginning or a new phase of life starting soon from the month of january . You will achieve your milestones or start with an ambitious persona to give a new start of your life .
♡ Your family life willl be supportive and enriching . Someone from your family maybe your father will get a new job which will balance out financial conditions or you may receive a good job offer . There's a lot of abundance , prosperity , satisfaction and happiness in here .
♡ You people will be more observant of your daily life routine or you would realise how actually life goes for you individually . I sense a down of defensive shield and enjoyment of success and luxury . You will raise yourself to the top and for that just do everything you got for it.
♡ Some people may have babies soon or a new start in your family is coming maybe before you didn't had good family life that's because you had many pending karmas but now it's all finished and a new start in relationship with your family and love one is coming too .
♡ You are being advised to do things with love and passion do not hurry up for things so later you regret . Let yourself feel the orgasmic waves of love in an intense and motivating way . You will make your family proud just don't overthink .
♡ I see capricorn , scorpio , saturn and jupiter dominant in the chart maybe , aquarius moon , virgo , taurus , Pisces and cancer signs and placement prominent in any context .
Pile 2.
🍒 Namaste pile 2 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will try new things for yourself and will be fascinated by it too . I can see you being creative with your live or it could be that you could pursue your hobby as your career this month . People who are working in sales will have good profit coming up . You are going to be popular this month and won't be sitting still . Possible that you will start to learn new subjects , hobbies or will find your talent soon .
♡ There it could be the possibility of theft or robbery . People you will loose yourself this month and will go easy . You need some time off from work and family too . I sense you will be creating your original ideas or something rather than just copying others . Don't trust anybody else than your ownself .
♡ You need to carefull regarding the people . Keep your ideas locked from the world . You are going to receive an opportunity from someone for your talents maybe . This month will be a slow and steady progression but delightful at the end . Personal issue will reach to a solution too of any sort .
♡ I can see marriage on the card of yours or someone else . Take a risk to go alone with yourself to reach your dreams and make it happen . Don't let the wandering eye come on you to take you from your path . Let yourself be the mystery for success for same . Take some time adjust .
♡ Aquarius , Gemini , virgo , mercury dominant , libra , leo , aries , Sagittarius are the signs and placement i can see .
Pile 3 .
🍒 Namaste pile 3 swagatum to your reading !
♡ People you are going to take a new way of lead in your life regarding your work , finance , education and family or any other relation strongly . I see you people going easy with your work and starting to build a foundation for yourself .
♡ As i said a new way that could be taking a new risk or an opportunity in your life without worrying a lot . Seems like this month got you yo an another level of confidence . You have started to stop worrying about results and are focusing on building yourself . You could get some new pet too !
♡ I see that most of you are still healing with all your past of 2023 and others are done with their healing and have started to take a new hope in their life but first you have started to believe in yourself ~ I see ! many wishes are there that you want to accomplish and do and you are working same for that and surely your wishes will come true !!
♡ Now ! release and let go of all that's not important to you . Don't let your pride take away your success if you feel the path is going to be easy because one who will take light will again go through the loop again and again .
♡ I see full moon in leo , virgo , taurus , capricorn, aquarius in any context astrologically and yes these are the signs i am seeing in the reading .
The end of the reading
And happy new year !
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Hey babes, can you do a Mando x reader where the reader is a bounty hunter and leaves the ship to complete a mission and is only supposed to be gone a few hours but they’re gone all night and Din starts to panic and the next morning they show up slightly injured sand Din completely loses it and he was so scared then feels guilty? (fluff and ANGST) (sorry this is long!)
Safe With You
Relationship: Din Djarin x Reader
Warnings: fluff and angst, as ordered
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you so so much for requesting!! I haven’t written for the Mandalorian in so long, it feels so great to do again. And the new season was wonderful, I loved the ending so much, so thank you for requesting this fluffy, angsty thing! (P.S. I am very aware of the fact that we just learned the mandalorian’s first name is not actually his first name however, I am a woman who is set in her ways and this was written before finding that fact out. He’s "Din" throughout this, I’m sorry.)
"You’re sure you’re going to be okay?" He asked you for what felt like the millionth time. You had to force yourself to stop rolling your eyes as you finished packing your supplies.
When you came back to the make-shift base you two had set up and told Din you picked up an easy job while in town, you had expected him to maybe ask a couple of questions, just so he knew where you’d be. What you hadn’t expected was for him to practically pester you. Not to mention, he’d already offered to come with about a dozen times now.
"Honey, I was working alone way before I ever met you," you replied, "I think I’m going to be able to handle myself."
He sighed. "I know, but this planet… Can you at least tell me what the job is?"
You shook your head. "I was paid extra for my discretion and the last thing we need is to lose a couple of credits, right? Besides, there’s worse in the galaxy, I’m sure of it. It’ll be fine, I’ll be back before you know it."
Din peaked up at the dimming sky. It would be getting dark soon.
"This still doesn’t feel right to me. Can you be back before nightfall?" He asked.
You shrugged. "Maybe." You felt his hard stare from behind his helmet. You sighed. "I’ll try."
"I promise."
When you two make promises, you kept them. There were no if ands or buts about it. You both had demanding, dangerous lives, and promises were a foundation you thrived on. It kept you whole, loyal.
So, when night fell on the planet and the only thing he could make out was the fluttering nocturnal bugs, Din grew worried beyond belief. The night was ticking on and he was still alone. You had promised. He shouldn’t have this worry in him right now. He should be holding you tight, hearing you give a recap of the job while you two lay snuggled up, slowly drifting off to sleep.
He should be listening to your dream about what you’d want to use the credits for. Realistically, you always put it toward food and medical aid, but he knew you liked to save just some to the side for when you two found little markets throughout your journeys. You liked buying textiles for crafts in your downtime, jewelry from the local women…
Din was losing his mind. His head spun with thoughts and worries about you. Unable to do much else, he grabbed some supplies and made his way back into town, hoping on the off chance he’d be able to find whoever offered you the job. He decided he’d do whatever was necessary to get them to tell him where you were. He didn’t care what it would take or who he’d have to hurt.
This was you. His other half. His adorable, fearless, bright, charming, funny, caring significant other. And now you were gone…
Well, everyone was gone. In the pitch black of the night, just the faint hint of stars now guiding his path, Din found the town to be completely closed up for the night. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the afternoon. It was like everyone just up and left but he knew better than that.
Most of the dusty buildings were used as shops, he remembered, but the flickering glow from some windows on the taller buildings points him toward some of the residents.
Din didn’t hesitate to knock on some doors. It would’ve been more powerful had it ended up working. He pounded on them. Kicked. Yelled. But all of his fits fell on deaf ears. He had half the mind to start breaking in through windows and backdoors but he had to reel himself back. It would do neither of you any good if he was restrained.
When it was growing more and more evident no one in the town would cater to him, Din forced himself to give up. He had to put some faith in you, he knew that. You were incredibly skilled—almost as much as him—and if you weren’t worried about something, he should be trusting of that.
And yet, he couldn’t help himself. Worry and defeat overcame him as he made his way back to where you two were staying. Din decided he’d make himself comfortable and then just wait for you to come back. Surely, that wouldn’t be so bad. He could keep himself awake. You’d probably be back any minute, he tried telling himself. It’d be fine. It’d be easy, right?
Nope. Wrong. So very wrong. Din only realized how foolish he had been when he felt a hint of warmth on his body and light trying to break through the visor of his helmet. Slowly, he blinked his eyes open, forcing himself awake.
It was morning. The next day. It was the morning of the next day…and he was alone. The realization hit Din like a ton of bricks. He shot up from his slouched position, and a new kind of worry came over him. Not only had he fallen asleep, but he had also done so without you, and it still didn’t appear like you were here. Worry shifted into guilty. He thought was going to be sick—
"Over here, darling." Your voice rang out in a scratchy tone from behind Din. He whipped his head around and your slumped, exhausted form came into focus. You were sitting in just your undergarments next to the nearby, splashing water over what appeared to be fresh wounds. A stack of wraps and aid supplies sat next to you. Most of your clothes were tossed to the side and turning brown from dried blood. Din felt every part of him seize up.
"Cyra’ika, what…" Din’s throat felt like it was on fire as he slowly stepped toward you. He knew he should’ve rushed to your side, gave you all the attention and care you absolutely needed, but he had never seen you in this state before. "What happened?"
You shrugged. "Mission was a little bit rougher than anticipate but don’t worry, I finished it and we were paid."
You had the nerve to flash a smirk at him. Din thought he was about to lose it all over again, maybe even worse, as he had the previous night.
"I’m not worried about the funds," he snapped. His sudden and typically unusual harsh tone made you flinch but he didn’t seem to care. "You’re… You’re bleeding. You’re pale. Oh my… You need— We need—,"
"To calm down," you snapped back. "We need to calm down. Honey, I’m okay, really. It was just a bit more difficult than the employer had made it out to be. That was probably my fault, I guess I didn’t ask the right questions, but it’s alright. Brought them in warm and everything. It just took slightly longer than anticipated."
Din groaned. "You said you’d be back by nightfall."
"Well, that didn’t happen."
"I’m very aware that that didn’t happen."
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back onto your injuries. You patted one of the wounds dry and began trying to wrap it gently but firmly. Every movement made you flinch. "
"I don’t understand what the big fuss is about," you muttered. "I still returned and the mission was complete. What’s the big deal?"
"The big deal is I thought you were dead," Din replied harshly.
"Well, I’m not!" You yelled back, your own fuse nearly at its end. But losing your temper wasn’t the smartest idea you realized as a sharp pain tore through your side. You let out a frightened yelp. You had expected bruises but the one that covered more torso was a ridiculous one.
"Cyra’ika…" Din sighed as he rushed to kneel at your side. He inspected the bruised skin you were gripping. "You need to rest. Let me bandage the rest."
"No, I’m fine," you gritted. Your anger still simmered within you despite Din’s gentle words.
"No, you’re not," he replied. "And… And I’m sorry for being upset with you instead of helping." He pulled at the wrap you were holding in your hands. You forced yourself to give in. You leaned into his touch as he finished drying your wounds and began bandaging them.
"I tried coming back by nightfall," you murmured. "I really did but it was harder than I intended."
"I don’t doubt that for a second," Din said. "You promised and we try to keep our promises but I was… I was so scared." His helmet-distorted voice cracked slightly and that was more painful than any wound some bounty could ever inflict upon you.
"I was scared, too," you admitted, "but I didn’t want to make a big deal of it because I’m finally back here, safe, with you. That’s all that matters." Slowly, you raised a bruised hand to his helmet. You wanted nothing more than to cup his face and promise him you were okay but you knew this was as close as you were going to get.
"You’re right," he agreed, "and that’s what I’m trying to remind myself as I wrap your injuries."
You shook your head. "They’re not that bad, really. I’m sure you’ve had worse."
"This isn’t about me."
"Okay," you sighed. "But the next time you come back all bruised and beaten, I get to reprimand you."
Din hummed. "Maybe we should just start taking jobs together."
"Yeah?" You chuckled. "Wanna be my partner in crime?"
"I think I just want to be wherever you are."
"Good because I want you there with me," you said with a wide smile creeping up on your face. You knew if you saw Din’s face he would be blushing. "Hey, do you think one day we’ll be able to leave all this behind and just live a…normal life together?"
Din’s focus stayed on the bandages. "Is that what you would want?"
"Of course," you replied with no hesitation.
"Then, yes." Din nodded. "I’ll make sure of it."
A good kind of warmth spread throughout your face and down your body. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Din responded. "Always."
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