#thorin oakenshield fic
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gloomwitchwrites · 1 year ago
Missed Hints
King Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): fluff, light angst, humor, pregnancy, suggestive themes, fade to black, established relationship
Word Count: 1.8k
With the pregnancy confirmed, you decide to drop little hints until Thorin makes the connections.
A/N: for @protosslady
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“You’re pregnant, your majesty.”
Those two little words are enough to make time freeze. You are cold, a bit hesitant, and completely unbelieving of what you’re hearing.
“Are you sure?” you ask slowly, needing to know if you’ve heard her correctly.
The midwife, Lena, smiles broadly. “As sure as the sun rises in the morning. I’ve been doing this for close to thirty summers now. Rarely am I ever wrong.”
Lena’s assistant, Petal, matches Lena’s smile with one of her own. It is radiant and sunny, a stark difference from your sudden anxiousness. “This is wonderful news,” she exclaims. “King Thorin will be so pleased.”
“Indeed,” agrees Lena. “And so will the people when it’s formally announced.”
Both women sigh at the same time, but you are not nearly as excited as they are.
You and Thorin did try for a child many times in the beginning of your marriage. It was enthusiastic—and constant—but nothing ever came of it. While it bothered you, Thorin never seemed to care. He told you that all he wanted was you and that anything else was a bonus.
That is still true. Thorin loves you.
But Thorin is being pulled in a different direction. Erebor needs attention, and Thorin throws himself into service attempting to tackle every obstacle and difficulty on his own. Most nights, he comes to bed late—usually when you’re already asleep. When you wake, he is usually gone, off to take care of his abundant duties. They are piling up, becoming a burden. Thorin does too much, and while you admire him for his dedication, you miss him.
To know that you’re pregnant is a surprise. It’s not that you and Thorin haven’t been intimate, it’s just that it hasn’t been nearly as frequent as in the past. While Thorin is gone, you have your own duties and responsibilities. When the two of you do have quiet time together, intimacy is brief but passionate and almost always followed by the two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms.
“How far along?” you ask, trying to place exactly when it might have taken.
When your cycle never came, you didn’t think much of it. That happens sometimes. But then didn’t occur during the next expected timeframe. With its absence came irritability and random bouts of sudden crying you couldn’t explain. Certain foods smelt odd, and while you weren’t emptying the contents of your stomach, constant nausea made it difficult to complete daily tasks. You knew then that something was different. And now the midwife has confirmed it.
But even with an answer, you’re not sure how you feel.
“I’d place you at about ten weeks. Perhaps eleven,” answers Lena with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
“That far?” you squeak, wincing immediately with how upset you sound.
Lena and Petal’s smiles start to diminish. Their enthusiasm melts away, replaced with furrowed brows and soft lines of concern.
“Is everything all right? You look a bit faint?” Lena places her hand on your shoulder.
“Yes,” you reply, though it sounds like you’re gasping for air. “Surprised is all.”
Their smiles return but it’s subdued.
This is supposed to be a happy occasion. A child means an heir, and it also gives the people hope for the future. Much of Erebor is still in pieces from Smaug’s habitation. That doesn’t even begin to include all the damage and death from the battle. Dale, which was once abandoned and forgotten, is starting to see life again as well. The races of Men are returning to it, hoping to rekindle its long-extinguished flame.
A royal child is a symbol of hope. It’s a moment of celebration for everyone.
“I think a bit of rest for the remainder of the day will do you some good,” says Lena softly. “We will prepare some ointments that you can use to relieve any aches or pains. Bloating is likely, and as the body makes room for the little one, you’ll have some discomfort.” Lena taps her bottom lip and then turns to Petal. “We’ll need to prepare some liquid supplements to take with meals.”
“Of course,” nods Petal. She begins packing up their supplies.
Lena squeezes your shoulder before letting go. “I’ll come check on you in a few days. Bring a few things with me. We’ll talk more then, preferably with the father present.”
“Yes,” you reply, absently rubbing your belly. “That would be best.”
The two women bow and depart quickly, leaving you alone in the royal bedchambers. The room is quiet and your breathing sounds too loud in such a large space. With hands clasped, you twist them over and over again in agitation, needing to move but unsure of how to quell the anxiousness. It’s stubborn like the deep roots of a tree that refuse to give up the dirt.
How are you to tell Thorin? How do you approach this when you rarely see him. It’s just one more thing to burden him with. Perhaps, if you dropped a few hints? Covertly toss the pregnancy in his direction and see if he picks it up?
You know deep in your gut that you shouldn’t worry over this. Thorin will be happy. He will be.
You spend the rest of the day as Lena instructs. Reclining, resting, and reading. Thorin is supposed to return tonight for evening meal. Whenever he promises an early arrival, Thorin means it. Rarely does he make promises he cannot keep.
As dinner is brought in, and the table is set, Thorin walks through the door. There is a bit of soot on his cheek like he’s been in the mines, and his cheeks are slightly flushed. When he notices you, he beams, and there is so much love there that you simply want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“My love,” he says, moving toward you swiftly. The embrace nearly sweeps you off your feet. He plants a kiss on your forehead and draws back.
“You’re filthy,” you laugh, looking him over. Thorin has been in the mines.
Thorin shrugs sheepishly. “I had to help dig. Structural issues.”
“Wash your hands at least,” you playfully tease.
“Not interested in eating a bit of dirt?” he asks with a laugh.
“Go,” you giggle, pushing away from him.
Thorin disappears and you take a seat at the table. He reappears a few minutes later, face and hands clean. The clothes he wore before are also gone, replaced with simple, fresh attire. He takes a seat next to you, gaze darting over the spread.
“I’m starving,” you begin because it’s true even though you’ve been consistently snacking all day. “It’s like I’m eating for two.”
First hint dropped.
Thorin laughs, and the sound is sweet like honey cake. “I promise, love. You couldn’t eat for me. My appetite is insatiable.” When Thorin says insatiable, he pointedly glances at you with a heated stare.
You perfectly understand his meaning.
You attempt a different angle. “I’ve also been having the oddest cravings,” you say, starting to load your plate.
“What do you mean?” asks Thorin before he pops a chunk of bread into his mouth.
“Different foods. Things I’d never eat together otherwise.” It is common knowledge that pregnant women will often crave highly specific foods and food combinations.
But Thorin doesn’t appear to pick up on the hint. He frowns, then shrugs, continuing to eat without making a comment.
Sighing, you pick up one the freshly made rolls. “I think these buns need a bit more time in the oven.” You stare hard at Thorin, mentally sending message after message. “What do you think?”
Thorin glances up at you then down at his own plate that has five of them. “I think they’re perfect but if you’d like them more done, I’ll let the kitchen know in the morning.”
“Thorin,” you say flatly.
“Yes, my love?” His head slightly tilts, and his gaze becomes pointed. He’s starting to pick up on your agitation. You don’t mean to be cross, but you were hoping that he’d figure it out so you wouldn’t have to tell him outright.
Setting the roll down on your plate, you promptly divert the conversation to a different hint. “We’ve never talked about where we’d put the nursery.”
Thorin’s brow rises toward his hairline. “I didn’t think you wanted to discuss that until we crossed that hurdle?”
Does he hear himself? Does he understand the context of what’s coming out of his mouth?
“You’re right, Thorin. I didn’t want to discuss it until we needed to.” You repeat his words back to him, slightly leaning toward him as you speak to emphasize the point.
Still, it brushes right over his head.
“Some of the advisory council members have brought up financial concerns. Rebuilding Erebor is important but the needs of the people are pressing. Food. Proper housing.” Thorin begins slicing into the chunk of roast on his plate.
Maybe you are going to have to say it outright.
Licking your lips, you ignore Thorin’s change in conversation. “I did receive a few inquiries about baby clothes. Offers to knit a few items,” you shrug.
“That’s kind of them,” says Thorin slowly. “But why—” he pauses, “you’re not—"
Thorin’s features suddenly shift, becoming almost unreadable. His jovial expression is gone, replaced with a stern consideration.
Are you going to have to shout it at the top of your lungs?
Thorin’s lips part. Promptly shuts. Opens again. “Are you…” he begins but does not finish.
You start to nod, urging him on.
Finally, like light igniting in the dark, Thorin’s face transforms into one of shock, then pure joy.
“Found out just this morning.”
Thorin abruptly stands, pushing himself and his chair away from the table. He is moving toward you, grasping your hands, bringing them to his mouth to kiss your fingers.
“Why not say anything?” he asks.
“I did,” you laugh. “Many times.”
Thorin momentarily frowns before his mouth turns up into a soft smile. “Clever.”
“You’ve been busy and I was unsure of how to tell you.”
Thorin’s thumbs rub little circles over your knuckles. “You can always tell me anything. Whatever is happening. Whatever is on your mind. I wish to hear it.” He kisses the tops of your hands. “Especially something like this.”
“Are you happy?” you ask, voice cracking at the end.
“Happiest I’ve ever been.”
Thorin pulls you up from your chair, his large, muscled arm sliding behind your waist. He drags you to him, his eyelids lowering seductively, all gentleness leaving him to be replaced with desire.
“Are you up for a bit of celebrating?” he asks.
“What kind of celebrating?”
“The kind that landed us here.”
“Thorin,” you gasp, lightly slapping his chest. He snatches your wrist, kisses the pulse point there.
“The food can wait,” and his voice ends on a soft growl.
“Thorin,” you repeat, this time with a rasp to your tone.
He seizes it, draws you even closer. “The food can wait?”
You nod. “It can wait.”
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath @mrsdurin @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics @beebeechaos
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fili-urzudel · 1 year ago
Second - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Summary: The reader realizes something about Thorin's priorities.
Part 2 Part 3
Word Count: 0.8 k
Warnings: slight cultural misunderstandings, a little heartache
"Thorin!" You called with a smile, striding towards him at your usual meeting place. It was just a forgotten, low stone wall among an even more forgotten old plot of land. But it had a great view of the sunset, and sitting against it kept the wind out on cold days. It had become one of your favorite places.
He called back to you, a faint grin accompanying it. "You're late."
"Perhaps you're early," you pointed out, jumping up to sit on the wall next to him. 
He gave one short chuckle.
"You seem preoccupied," you commented, trying to keep the comment light.
Thorin sighed through that long, angular nose of his. "I turn one-hundred years of age today," he stated. 
"I know," you said, drawing a small package from your bag. "Congratulations."
He swallowed. "It's been seventy-six years now, since I saw my home. The ravens still have not returned to the mountain."
Your brow furrowed. "Thorin, maybe it's best not to focus too much on that," you consoled. "Focus on living your life well and fully now, instead of just... waiting for that day," you said, instead of a day that may never come in your lifetime.
He didn't respond. "Here," you passed the package to him, pressing it into his palm. 
"What is it?"
You smiled dryly. "Open it and find out."
Thorin studied the round silver object. It looked almost like a ring—that meant something to most men. Or perhaps a bead—which definitely meant something to dwarves—but it was neither, having a narrow incision through it. "What is it?" He asked again.
"It's an ear cuff," you smiled. "I know that most dwarves like jewelry, but a ring or a necklace didn't seem right, and I don't know if you have piercings..." you trailed off. "So I figured an ear cuff could be a good compromise. I tried my best to sort of make it match your beads."
Thorin hoped his face didn't look as warm as it felt. 
To you, it appeared his mind was still far away from you. "Here, I can help you put it on." You turned to straddle the wall, brushing his hair away from his ear. 
Thorin tried his best not to shudder.
"Tell me about something," you requested. 
"Like what?" He tried to keep his voice even as you didn't drop his hair once the cool metal was wrapped into the shell of his ear. You ran your fingers through it instead, gently untangling the knots, your knuckles brushing his shoulder.
"I don't know, something important to you," you suggested, and he swallowed. Would he be able to tell you what hair meant to his people? To him? Would you stop? "Tell me about your creator."
He swallowed. "I suppose... Where to begin? Aule was one of the Valar, and Eru was the only one allowed to create life..."
You listened intently, humming with understanding, until at some point the sun was very nearly set and Thorin's head was in your lap. You didn't know how he had gotten there, only that you had never stopped running your fingers through his hair and he had never told you to. You thought you could stay like that forever.
"Do you remember what Erebor was like?" You asked, filling the silence after he told you about how the dwarves had only narrowly escaped being removed from existence. You felt him tense.
"No," he said, and it sounded as though he had never admitted that to anyone. "I was a child when it happened. I... I see glimpses, but... I don't remember what it was really like, aside from what I've been told."
You brushed another piece of hair out of his eyes after the wind had put it out of place. "And yet you still love it."
Thorin breathed for a moment before answering. "I do."
"You would do anything for a homeland that you hardly even remember?"
Thorin sighed, closing his eyes. "Perhaps it is not the Lonely Mountain that I love. It is my people. They deserve to have their home back. They deserve for revenge to be exacted on Smaug."
"You would do anything for your people," you said, and it was no question.
And me? You couldn't bring yourself to ask. You withdrew your fingers from his hair, balancing on the stones again. "I admire that about you."
Thorin sensed the shift in your tone. His eyes blinked open again, piercing blue staring into your eyes. "Have you ever had something that you would die for?"
"Die for?" You repeated softly, fidgeting with your fingernails. You gazed back at him, unable to look anywhere else. "Worse, I think. Something that I would live for."
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faeriichaii · 1 year ago
There's just inches in between us ~ Thorin x Fem!Reader
A/N: Ok so I just am really obsessed with that one juicy part from the song shameless (I actually don't like the song I just literally listen to that one part on loop) and I immediately thought about Thorin so I guess that's his song now :p Also I literally never have written any kind of smut in my life before so this is totally new 😔😔 I really hope you guys like it!! And have fun 🥰
��� ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Smut with plot (MDNI), Unprotected sex, Fingering Kinda enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, kinda fluff?? ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 4.1k (oops lmao) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: No :) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Amrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You were the princess of another kingdom, meant to marry none other than the dwarven King Thorin from the lonely mountain. You rarely get the chance to talk to him and decide to visit him the night before the wedding, asking him to give you some attention.
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The carriage, you were sitting in was rocking from side to side as you slowly approached your destination. Your hands holding tightly onto the dark green dress you were wearing. Gold details were stitched delicately on the upper half of the garment, making up swirls, as well as flowers. You tried to pretend to be listening to your father, who still was talking about your upcoming marriage. Arranged marriage. Your father set up an arranged marriage between your kingdom and Erebor. The thought of being wed to an unknown man made your stomach churn. “(Y/N) are you listening? This is very important for you to know and accept.” “My king, I apologize for my rudeness but I do not wish to hear anymore about this matter.” You were beyond upset and hurt about the decision your father, the king of Thuiniel, took without even your consent. It’s not like he needed consent. A warning would have been nice. Any kind of sign so you would have known that you will move away from home. So you would have known that you will no longer be a free woman and instead be the wife of another king. So you would have known that you will become a queen to an unknown kingdom.
Your fathers’ eyes mustered you sadly, understanding your attitude towards him. “(Y/N), I know you are hurt and I know you are mad at me, however you yourself know that it will be the best for the kingdom.” The kingdom. During the years, Thuiniel has seen and faced a major number of wars. Most of them went well for you, however nowadays the kingdom is in need of support from anyone they can get. Your two older sisters have been married for years to different parts of Middle-Earth, which resulted in an alliance between these three kingdoms. But even they can’t constantly send support towards Thuiniel. So your father decided to search for another alliance that can give him the resources he needs. And this resulted in you receiving the news just a week prior to the wedding.
A sigh left your lips as you looked out of the small window in the carriage. Trees were lining the path you were traveling on. Your gaze settled on the palace that was built deep into the mountain. “Do you know any important information about Erebor?” You asked your father, eyes still locked on your destination. Normally you would have looked into various books and scrolls in your library before travelling to another kingdom, but the news of your marriage shocked you so immensely, that you already despised everything that had anything to do with it. “Erebor is known for their massive mine, as well as the various jewels and gold they keep deep inside of the mountain.” A hum left your lips as you tried to remember the words you father continued to spill about your future kingdom.
A sudden jolt of the carriage made you realize that you just arrived at your destination. The wooden door opened as a hand was held inside. Your father stood up, took the hand and left you alone in the carriage. You took a deep breath before following your father out of the small compartment. Once outside, you looked around at the trees and the nature surrounding the palace, before focusing on your future home. Home. The thought left a bitter taste on your tongue. “King Thorin Oakenshield, it is very nice to make your acquaintance.” Your father said, before bowing down in front of a dwarf. “Let me introduce you to my lovely daughter, princess (Y/N). Your soon-to-be-wife.” Thorin looked at you before giving you a short nod. You bit your tongue, in order to not snap at his attitude towards you. Taking the material of your dress in your hand, you curtsied and whispered a soft ‘It is nice to make your acquaintance’ towards the king.
After the short introduction, you were shown around the castle as well as parts of the mine underground. The king however was not in attendance. Night approached quickly and you excused yourself after dinner to finally get some alone time in your chambers. On your way you stumbled upon the library of Erebor. Deciding to take a peek, you opened the door. Books and scrolls were lining the shelves of the room. A dwarf was in front of one of the shelves, his attention now on you instead of the book in his hands. “You must be our future queen. Welcome to the palace’s library.” He bowed down in front of you. “My name is Balin, how can I help you?” “Please just call me (Y/N). You smiled softly at the nice man. “I was wondering if you have any good books about Erebor? I should have informed myself about the kingdom before my arrival but I had… difficulties.” “Of course (Y/N). Let’s see…” He was walking around the room, taking the ladder attached to the shelf with him. “Ah this should be a good start.” His hands grabbed a thick leather-bound book that has the words ‘History of the lonely Mountain’ in gold etched into it. Taking it in your own hand you thanked him, before leaving and trying to find your chambers once more.
A yawn left your lips as you quietly ate your breakfast. You have read a little more than you would like to admit and totally forgot the time yesterday night. The history written down in the book completely captivating you. Your gaze fell from your father to the other few people who were chatting happily with each other, until your eyes stopped at the man who sat on your right. Your soon-to-be-husband. His hair was braided on each side of his face. You remember reading about some of the customs of dwarven culture and how important their hair (beard included) is to them. You take a sip of the tea that was specifically prepared for you, trying to stifle another yawn.
“Have you not slept enough?” Thorin asks from beside you his voice a slight hint of irritation. Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance at his question. “My apologies my king, I lost track of the time yesterday.” “What have you been reading?” Cutting into the eggs that were served in front of you, you took a big bite. “I have been reading about the History of Erebor. As a future Queen I would like to learn as much about my kingdom as I can.” “How come you did not study about the kingdom before your arrival?” Setting down your cutlery, you looked at him with annoyance. One of his eyebrows was raised as he waited for your answer. Was he mocking you? “I did not have enough time to remember all the details from Erebor. Especially because a certain someone wished for the marriage to happen as soon as possible.” Your father had told you that normally you would have a few months in advance to get to know your husband and roughly around a year for the marriage. However, Thorin apparently requested that the marriage happens as soon as possible, which resulted in the date being set in a month from now on. After hearing the news, you didn’t just simply dislike your husband but despised him. You still were mad at your father after he told you this new information yesterday, however your hate now mostly lay on Thorins shoulders.
The entire table was quiet as the air went heavy around the two of you. “The reason behind the date being set in a month is to ensure the safety of Thuiniel. Another war could be right around the corner and I would not wish to risk another empire be taken over by Orcs while I am getting married.” Anger flickered in his gaze. You continue eating your breakfast, not wanting to fuel the fire by arguing against the king. A sigh escaped your lips as you finally left the dinner room behind you, followed by your father. “(Y/N) we urgently need to talk.” He takes your arm and pulls you into his chambers. “Have you lost your mind?!” He angrily exclaims, flailing his arms around while walking up and down. “Father, I apologize but he just-“ “No! (Y/N) take a moment to think about your actions! Erebor was the best candidate for an alliance with our kingdom. This alliance can ensure the safety for several decades! You, arguing with the king, could result in him not being interested in the marriage anymore and Thuiniel falling into the hands of Orcs!” You bit down on your lip, as your head was lowered in shame. Your eyes focused on your shoes as you listened to your father’s rant.
He takes a deep breath, before walking towards you and taking your arms gently in his hands. “I know you are hurt and scared, but please please think about the wellbeing of Thuiniel.” A sigh left your lips. “I will father.” With that you left his chambers. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you searched the library, in order to take a good book with you and get your mind off of things. Upon entering the room, you could see Thorins back facing the door. Oh no. “Have you already found the scrolls Balin?” He asked, not looking up from the papers in his hands. You shifted from one foot to another as you decided if you should leave or stay. “I apologize my king, but I am not Balin. Listening to your voice, his eyes snapped up from the papers towards you. “How can I help you princess?” Biting down on your lip you thought a moment about what you should say in order to save the little chemistry you should have as the future royal couple. “I wanted to apologize for my behaviour earlier.” At that, Thorin lay his papers down, intently listening on what else you had to say. “I shouldn’t have reacted this way but neither did I expect a wedding announcement last week. I couldn’t prepare myself, neither did I get a proper chance on finding out who I am about to marry. It is a lot that suddenly falls on top of me and so many more things are piling up without a chance to properly think about anything to be honest.” You looked at the dwarf, who started to approach you. His gaze was locked on your eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. “One month will be enough time to get your head sorted through and get used to living in Erebor. We will get to know each other on the way there and you will learn how to be a queen.” He said, trying to reassure you. Gently, he takes your hand in his. Turning your palm upwards, he places something on top, before closing your fingers around it. “I also took the liberty of reading into your kingdom, Thuiniel, and the few customs you have. This is also the reason as to why I wanted the wedding to happen in a month. Your kingdom is in dire need of a strong alliance due to the wars that happened one after another and I can be of help. I never want to witness other kingdoms defeat due to an army of Orcs.” You blinked at the man in front of you, not exactly knowing how to respond to him. A smile stretched over your lips. “Thank you so much Thorin.” You left afterwards, heading towards your chambers. Opening your palm, you saw a small golden ring in your hand. Taking it between your fingers, you took a careful look of it. A green gem was present in the middle. Gold flowers were etched into each side of the gem, while a small diamond sat atop of the green one. The ring almost looked like a golden crown. Putting it on your ring finger you smiled softly. Maybe there was some hope.
The weeks passed in a storm and you got quite accustomed to living in Erebor. During your stay, you also got to know Thorins’ nephews Fili and Kili. Most of your time was spent with them, while they tell you all about how they got to win Erebor back with their uncle and several other dwarves. Balin also gave you some lessons on important things and events to know about Erebor as well as the dwarven culture. He emphasized on the fact that you have to offer Thorin a bead and braid a strand of his hair. “It will signify that he is a married dwarf and found his One.” He once said. One. It has been stuck in your mind for the past week. You wouldn’t call yourself his One. You haven’t even really gotten the chance to get to know him like he told you, so even if you were his One, you wouldn’t know. You did meet him more often than before however; the conversation was always kept to a minimum. The fact that he still is a mysterious man to you makes your heart twist painfully. You even knew Kilis and Filis entire live story by heart after just a week and can barely remember that he is also called Thorin Oakenshield? Unacceptable. And this is the sole reason as to why you are approaching his chambers after another uneventful day of you two only communicating for roughly ten minutes. Sitting on a chair by his desk, he raised an eyebrow at your intrusion.
“I thought I told you that if you needed anything, you can always ask Balin.” A sigh left your lips, as you made yourself comfortable on his bed. “Well Balin is not you now, is he?” Your arms were folded in front of you, gaze never leaving the king. “Listen Thorin, I have had enough. We barely talk with each other and I still only know your name. I don’t know anything about you and it annoys me. We are supposed to get married tomorrow and the only conversations we held was about sleep and our schedule of the day.” An exasperated sigh left his lips. “(Y/N) I really can’t deal with this or with you right now.” “Excuse me?” One of your eyebrows was raised as the words Thorin just muttered reverberate in your head. Anger slowly started to build up inside of you at his uncalled attitude.
“I think one month should have been enough time to get your head sorted through.” You spat at him. His eyes squint together, ready to say more but you cut him off. “You can’t constantly keep pushing me away. We have to share a lifetime together, if you want to or not. Just because you constantly find excuses to leave me behind and continue to do whatever else doesn’t mean-“ “Whatever else? I am trying to safe your kingdom! Your home!” “This is my home!” You yelled at him, face slightly tinted red. Even if you only have been in Erebor for roughly a month, you already accepted and loved it like it was your home. Which it was. “I love Thuiniel, but it is no longer my home. My father sent me here to marry you and get used to living in Erebor. Thuiniel is not as helpless as you make it out to be. My brother is the one in charge while my father is still here, waiting for the marriage to be fulfilled. My brother is capable of taking care of it and even if he needs help, we have other alliances and not just Erebor.” You take a breath to calm yourself down. “As a king you should not just take care of the kingdom but also of the people surrounding you. And for the time being I must admit, you are a bad king to me.” Thorin approaches you with a few quick strides. His hands lowered on each side of your thighs as he leaned into your personal space. “You dare to call me a bad king? Just because I don’t give you the attention you so desperately need?” His hot breath made your cheeks warm up. Eyes wide you stare into his blue ones, that shine with an unknown fire. You were about to say something, however the lump in your throat prevented you from muttering anything.
“You want attention princess? You shall get it.” His hand moved towards your face, pulling you towards his lips. Shocked at the sudden movement you gasped softly. Thorin took this as an invitation and deepened the kiss. You slowly started to relax into his arms, as you wrapped your hands around his neck. Your mind still was a jumbled mess, however your body was in dire need of his touch as well as his warmth.
Untangling your arms from his neck, you moved up the bed, towards the headboard. Thorin followed you, never once breaking the kiss. His warm hand travelling toward your neck, while his other hand grasped onto your thigh. He somehow managed to position himself between your legs. Breaking apart from the kiss, the both of you had to catch your breath, red cheeks and eyes glazed over with a burning passion. “How much of my attention do you want?” Thorin asked, voice slightly deeper than normal. “I wish to have all of it.” Your hand gently held the side of his face, thumb stroking his rosy cheek. Eyes flitting from his eyes to his lips, you leaned towards him, pulling him into another passionate kiss. Tongues were entangling into each other while your fingers played with the strands of his hair. He moved from your lips across your face, towards your neck. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt his teeth sink into the skin beneath your jaw, marking you. His big hands travelled from your waist to your dressed boobs. Moving his head from your neck, he looked at your dress. “Turn around Amrâlimé. So I can undo your dress.” He quickly moved aside, as you turned around and let him unravel the corset. His fingers brushed against your back as you wished they would continue to travel along your body. “Stand up.” He ordered and you willingly complied. The sleeves of the dress travelled down, as the bodice slowly also moved to the floor, until you were only left in your panties.
“My beautiful queen.” He stood up from the bed and pulled you in by your waist. Your hands desperately grasping onto his neck, as he sat down on the plush mattress, making you straddle him. You felt his hard cock rub against the inside of your thigh. A soft moan escaped your lips. You wanted him. You needed him. Thorins hands slowly moved towards your breasts. Taking your nipples between his fingers he rolled them around. You leaned into his touch as you held onto his shoulders for some stability. Pants left your lips as you decided to grind on his cock, desperate for any kind of friction. Thorin let out a grunt, focussing on your left nipple with his left hand, while his lips rapped around the right one. A moan leaving your lips as his tongue flicked over it. After a few seconds he switched sides. The fingers of his right hand left a ghostly trail behind as they moved towards your awaiting core. Pushing your panties aside, his fingers moved through your wet folds.
A chuckle left his lips. “You really love my attention, don’t you?” The only thing you could do was nod, as he drew soft circles on your clit, making you immediately stop your grinding on his clothed dick. “I need a verbal response my queen.” He stopped moving his fingers around, making you whine at the loss. “Yes. Please.” A smirk was present on his lips as he left gentle kisses on your jaw. “Please what?” He teased as he continued to rub small circles. “Thorin I want you. I want your attention please.” As soon as these words left your lips you were thrown on the bed. Your legs were parted as Thorin began to undress himself. You watched his fingers work to undo the buttons of his shirt before pulling it over his head. Sitting up you let your hands travel from his broad shoulders, over his hairy chest and down his abs until they arrived at the happy trail that led to his hard cock. You slowly undid the button on his pants, before pulling them down together with his underwear. His dick sprung free. He was thick and hard, some precum already leaking from his tip. You carefully wrapped your hand around him, making him sigh contentedly at your touch. He felt warm and heavy around your fingers. You couldn’t even close your hand properly at his thickness. Moving your hand up and down slowly you looked up at him through your eyelashes.
“My king, do you crave my attention as much as I crave yours?” You asked him, sweetly tilting your head to the side still holding onto him. “Yes. Yes I do Amrâlimé.” His hands grasped your shoulders, as he pushed you down on the matress. He spread your legs further apart, before taking off your panties and stepping between your legs. Goosebumps spread across your arms as your wet cunt was hit by the cold air. Thorins fingers immediately worked towards your core. You moaned as he let one of his fingers enter you. He pumped his digit inside you a few times before adding another finger. Your hands held onto his biceps as you felt his fingers curl up inside of you. His lips were on yours as he swallowed your desperate and high-pitched moans. The heat in your lower stomach made your toes curl as you slowly felt the familiar sensation approach. Suddenly it all was gone as Thorin pulled his fingers from you. You pouted at him sadly. “I want you to cum on my dick, not on my fingers.” He said, taking his dick in his hands and moving the tip between your folds. “Thorin.” You gasped as he made contact with your swollen clit. “Please.” You begged him. “What do you want my queen?”
His hands were holding you down by the waist, stopping you from moving around anymore. “I want you inside of me please. I want to feel you.” With that, Thorin lined the tip of his cock up with your entrance. Slowly he pushed inside. Your walls tightened around him making him groan out. A gasp escaped your lips at the slight burning sensation of the stretch inside you. He was big and you really felt it. Your hands held him close by his back, as he started to move inside you. Your spongey walls welcoming him in with every thrust he does. Your moans, mixed with his own grunts, echoed from the walls of his chambers. Each thrust made you feel closer to him and closer to heaven. His lips were on yours again, swallowing each sound you make. Warmth spread through your whole body as you felt the knot tighten in your lower regions. Thorin grabbed your thighs and bend them towards your shoulders. Loud moans escaped your lips at the new angle. His cock throbbing inside of you while your walls tightened around him. You knew you were close and so did he. Hence his finger moved toward your swollen clit. “Cum for me my queen. Cum on my dick.” You gasped at his words. The knot in your lower region came undone as you felt the bliss of your orgasm wash over you. Your nails still digging into Thorins back as he increased the speed of his thrusts until you felt his dick twitch before his warm cum filled you up.
After a few moments of still moving inside you he pulled out, making his cum drip out of your hole. He used his thumb to push his cum back into you. You moved your body properly on the bed, before hiding under the covers. Blush still visible. A chuckle left Thorins lips as he joined you under the covers. “This isn’t exactly what I meant earlier.” You mumbled, face still hidden partly by the blanket. He softly put a strand behind your ear, letting his hand stroke your cheek gently. “I promise you, we will have plenty of time to get to know each other. We will learn to love each other and I certainly will learn to give you the attention you need and deserve Amrâlimé.” He planted a soft kiss on your forehead. Maybe the both of you really have the potential to be the missing puzzle pieces for each other. The Ones you need.
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smallesthobbit · 9 months ago
The Hobbit & The Dwarf {P.I} || Thorin Oakenshield
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Synopsis - You and your brother, Bilbo, meet Thorin (& Company).
Warnings - SFW.
Notes - Guess this is going to be a few-parter and a slow burner, sorry in advance!
Word Count - 1.2k.
{Caffeinate Me}.
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That morning, you had been sitting outside with your brother Bilbo Baggins, smoking a pipe of tobacco and betting who could blow the biggest smoke rings over The Hill when the sun was quickly shaded from your vision. You and Bilbo turned your heads to the side to see an elderly man grinning down at you: he was dressed in grey, with a long grey, scruffy beard, a pointed hat and a staff clasped between his hands. Bilbo looked at the man with wide eyes, as in awestruck before chiming out a loud “good morning!” 
Well, that was the start of a conversation then but to be honest, you weren’t really listening, you were still blowing large smoke-rings over The Hill and basking in the warm shade the mystery man was creating. You had overheard that this man's name was ‘Gandalf’. Not to mention, the word ‘adventure’ was being thrown around a few times, that was before Bilbo stood up and stormed inside leaving you sitting on the lawn with the elderly gentleman. “Your brother,” Gandalf mumbled to you, shaking his head as he walked up to the large circular front door. You watched with curious eyes as Gandalf used his stick to draw a small glowing symbol on the door. Then, once his masterpiece of vandalism was complete, Gandalf turned to you and placed a finger to his lips and chuckled before walking off into the sparkling sunlight. 
Later that day, you and Bilbo had been merrying your way around the markets, picking up food for the week's suppers and buying little trinkets that you found rather appealing. Before you knew it, night had fallen and you were back in your hole in the ground, ready to have a nice, quiet supper with your brother… or at least that’s what you thought. 
You were both about to tuck into your supper for the evening when there was a knock at the large, round front door. With a confused expression Bilbo looked at you but you just shrugged, your face showing equal confusion. Slowly and hesitantly, Bilbo walked to open the door, and the last thing he expected to see was a dwarf. “Dwalin, at your service!” The dwarf spoke loudly, curtseying as he introduced himself. 
“Bilbo and Y/N… at yours,” Bilbo mumbled, looking at you with that same confused expression. 
“Where is it? He said there would be food, and lots of it!” Dwalin said, pushing past Bilbo and walking towards you in the kitchen. 
“He said? Who said?” Bilbo asked, but the question fell on deaf ears as a second knock came to the door. While Bilbo answered the door, you showed Dwalin to the supper table and offered him the food off of yours and Bilbo's plates. When Bilbo opened the door, another dwarf with a white long beard was standing there, a grin on his lips. “Who are you?” Bilbo said, the words tumbling off his lips before he even realised what they were. 
“Balin, at your service!” The dwarf, Balin, bowed to Bilbo and walked into the dining area where you and Dwalin sat. The second the two dwarves' eyes met, they were hugging immediately: it was clear they knew each other, maybe they were even related. While Bilbo spoke his mind to the two dwarves who had now moved their conversation to the pantry there was yet again another knock at the door. Well, expect both yours and Bilbo’s surprise when there was not one, but two dwarves on the other side. 
“And Kili-”
“At your service,” they chime at the same time. 
“I think there must be some mistake,” you gasped as the two dwarves at the large door looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Has it been cancelled?” One of them asked. 
“No one told us!”
“No, nothing’s been cancelled,” Bilbo stressed, raking his hands through his hair. 
“That’s a relief,” Kili and Fili smirked as they pushed their way inside. They looked around inspecting the furniture scattered across the room and art that adorned the walls, taking in the homeliness and comfort of the hobbit hole. 
“Kili! Fili!” Dwalin and Balin cheered, pulling the two younger dwarves into a hug. 
“What in the middle–earth is going on here?” You hissed at Bilbo, looking towards the four dwarves now standing in your pantry and inspecting your food. 
“I don’t know! Don’t ask me!” Bilbo hissed back at you, frowning. 
“You invited one too many people for tea and now we have four dwarves we do not know in our home!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air. 
“I did not-” Bilbo tried to defend himself when he was, once again, interrupted by a knock at the door. “I swear to whoever, if this is someone’s idea of a joke I am not going to be happy!” 
Before Bilbo opened the door, he took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for another dwarf or two - but not eight! One after the other they fell on top of each other onto the floor of your home, grunting in pain and discomfort. Just as Bilbo was about to squeal in disbelief, shock and pure horror, a large figure bowed down revealing himself: Gandalf. Bilbo’s eyes met with the wizards and he shook his head, helping the dwarves off the floor and begrudgingly welcoming them into your shared home. “Bilbo my boy!” Gandalf exclaimed. The wizard ducked to allow himself entry into the home. Then he began to introduce each dwarf as they hung up their cloaks. “Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur.” 
“Welcome,” you smiled weakly, watching as the dwarves piled into your kitchen and began to merrily chat with one another. Meanwhile, Gandalf and Bilbo were speaking quietly in the corner of the room. You were lost, standing in the middle of the entrance surrounded by a Company of dwarves. 
“It seems we’re one man short – Where is he?” Gandalf asked, looking around at the dwarves, taking in each of their dishevelled appearances.   
“He’s running late, but he’ll be here,” Dwalin replied confidently. Gandalf nodded his head in response, taking in Dwalin’s answer as fact. Then, the Company began to chat amongst themselves again as they ate and drank. They were growing in confidence when all of a sudden a mighty bang came from the large front door. 
“That’ll be him,” Gandalf said, standing up and heading to open the door. When Gandalf opened the door, yet another dwarf stood there, his head down. “Thorin!” Gandalf chimed, forcing the dwarf to lift up his head. 
The dwarf, no doubtedly called Thorin, offered a weak smile to the wizard before turning to walk towards you and your brother. “So you are the Hobbits Gandalf insisted on bringing to our Company?”
“I say you’ll find no better members than these two Baginses!” Gandalf said sternly, placing a hand on Thorin’s shoulder. Thorin looked between you and Bilbo, an almost knowing smirk on his face. That smirk gave you two reactions: firstly, it made you visibly tense up and secondly it made your heart soar like a bird in the sky. You decided it best to keep your distance away from the one they call Thorin.
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lathalea · 1 year ago
The Shrieking Monster
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ This is a gift for @babe-bombadil as part of the @whiteoliphaunt 2023 exchange. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Happy New Year everyone! 🥳
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Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield & Dis & little Fili & Kili Rating: G Warnings: family fluff Author's notes: A story set in the Blue Mountains about Thorin trying to be both a ruler and a good uncle at once. Young Fili and Kili are making it a tad difficult in their own cute way. Special thanks to @naryaflame for your linguistic help with a name :) If you prefer, you can read this fic on AO3.
Khuzdul: Thorinuldûm - Thorin’s Halls, the settlement of the refugees from the Lonely Mountain in the Blue Mountains Amad - mother
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It was a perfect morning. Thorin stretched and yawned, settling himself on his favourite chair in the kitchen. The air that whiffed into the dwarven stronghold from the outside felt warm on his cheeks and smelled like spring. As he sipped his morning tea, that strong, aromatic blend Dori bought in Bree, his sister appeared at the threshold. She gave Thorin a bright smile and, seeing her steaming mug on the table, she sat next to him. The lazy silence of the early hours of the day was soon broken by the appearance of two dishevelled pebbles, one with a thatch of golden hair, the other – with his hair as brown as a bear’s fur in winter. After the mandatory morning hugs, Thorin readied breakfast while Dís prepared her sons for the day, humming to herself. Thorin could not stop himself from smiling. His sister was probably already thinking of her visit to the market. She adored going there in the morning, especially on the days when the merchants arrived with new goods – and today was one of those days. Thorin sighed. As much as he wanted her to have a very much needed moment of respite – his sister-sons were quite a handful, to put it mildly – he was painfully aware of what it was going to mean to him. Half a day of having his eyes around his head and his ears pricked up for any unusual noises they may create… or worse – the ominous silence. In the past, there was only a handful of moments when he and Dís realised that the boys went completely silent. It never bode well. 
This day, however, started with the pitter-patter of the boys’ bare feet, chatter and laughter, and the clatter of their bowls as they ate their oatmeal. Dís reminded them to behave while she was gone, and left for the market. Fíli seemed very content about this state of things, knowing well by now that staying with his mother’s brother meant visiting various places in these halls, like forges, or assisting Thorin in other exciting ways. It was different with Kíli – his loud wails of protest at being so cruelly abandoned reverberated against the walls of their home. Thorin imagined they must have followed their mother through the corridors of Thorinuldûm for a long while. Her Little Bear, as Dís called him, was still too young to understand the connection between Mommy leaving, and the sudden appearance of candied rhubarb or his favourite cream toffees.
Distracting Kíli from his misery was not easy, but Thorin managed it by offering to take the boys for a new adventure. Their big blue eyes shone as he told them they would be going to the lower levels of the city together. It was a real treat – Kíli had never been there before and Fíli visited them only a handful of times.
Thorin had a mind to visit the Engineers’ Quarter and show the lads around while discussing some technical issues with one of the water engineers. And so they began their adventure. As they descended down the wide stone stairs Kíli stumbled and yawned, so Thorin decided to carry him the rest of the way. Soon Little Bear began snoring in his arms, and Thorin attempted to ignore the fact that his own tunic was becoming gradually soaked through with his nephew’s saliva. He also started suspecting that the moniker “Little Bear” must have surely come from the fact that Kíli seemed to weigh more and more with every step, like a true bear.
“At least he is not crying,” Thorin muttered to himself, and kept on walking. Thank Mahal for silver linings.
As they arrived at their destination, however, the situation got worse. The Engineers’ Quarter was a crowded place that smelled like tar, coal, and burned leather. Not minding the much larger adult dwarves in their soot-stained clothes who carried – or carted – their wares from one place to another, curious Fíli began rushing between them, oblivious of the chaos he was creating. He took a look at the wheelwright’s workshop here, and then he had to see the toolmaker’s booth there; he then insisted on seeing how parchment was being made, and attempted to find the place where they manufactured those shiny cogwheels. If not for his golden mane, Thorin would have lost his nephew at least a couple of times. Brór, the water engineer he had a meeting with, joined Thorin in the chase for the high-spirited boy. Instead of looking at the water supply pipeline blueprints and trying to fix a problem with water pressure, they ended up unwillingly playing a hide-and-run game to the delight of the onlookers. Seeing your own king running back and forth through the great cavern with one giggling pebble strapped to his chest while chasing after the other one must have been very amusing… for anyone but him, Thorin thought with resignation. His resignation grew even more when he noticed Fíli climbing onto a tall work table… and jumping down onto a heap of coal.
When Thorin finally caught the runaway, they were both out of breath. Although it was rather Fíli who caught his uncle – the boy ran into him and clung to his left leg as if a throng of orcs chased him.
Fíli raised his teary-eyed face to Thorin and sobbed out, “A monster wanted to eat meeee…”
“A monster? Here?” Thorin’s brow furrowed.
It took him a while to reassure Fíli that no monster was going to eat him. In turn, Thorin promised to get rid of the said monster that apparently lurked in a nearby chamber, and shrieked at him. He left his nephews in the care of Brór who tried to look solemn, but his twitching lips betrayed him. Thorin grunted and entered the chamber, carefully looking around, adjusting his eyes to the dark surroundings. And then he saw two glowing points of red. And heard the shrieking.
When Thorin returned to Brór, Kíli was fast asleep once again. Leaving Little Bear in the engineer’s care once again, he took Fíli’s hand and led him to the entrance of the dark chamber. When they opened the door, they both heard the continuous shrieking now. His nephew stopped and refused to walk inside, covering his ears and closing his eyes.
“There are no monsters here, Fíli.” Thorin reassured the boy. “See for yourself.”
“Nnoooo…” muttered Fíli, hiding behind his uncle.
“Do not be afraid,” Thorin added. “Nothing will hurt you here. I promise.”
On the bench by the door stood a lantern. It took him a moment to light it. With the lantern in hand, Thorin crossed the threshold and approached the nearest lantern that hung on the wall, and then another, and another. Soon, the whole chamber was bright as day, each lantern giving off a pleasant yellow glow.
“You can come in now,” Thorin smiled encouragingly.
With his ears covered and his eyes set on the shrieking, wobbling entity in the middle of the chamber, Fíli shook his head.
“This is not a monster.” Thorin stepped towards the huge bulbous shape that made so much noise. He placed his hand on the top of the strange shaking thing and added, “This is a washing barrel.”
Fíli blinked and took a good look at it. The two red glowing points did not look like a pair of evil eyes any longer. Those were two ball-shaped lanterns standing on top of the… thing. That shrieking noise now seemed to sound like a couple of cogwheels that needed a bit of oil, and not like a monster’s screech. And the arm that seemed to reach out to grab him before, turned out to be a cast iron lever.
“A… barrel?” Fíli looked at his uncle and took one uncertain step towards him and the strange contraption.
“Correct. A barrel that washes your clothes,” Thorin explained in an even voice and at the same moment the shrieking stopped. “Look, it has just finished the washing cycle. Let me show you how it works. First, you open this hatch, like so… Watch out for the water! These clothes are clean, they only need to be wrung out and dried.”
As he spoke, Fíli slowly started closing the distance between them, his eyes becoming wider and wider.
“... but if you want to wash your clothes,” Thorin continued, “you need to put them inside, here, and add some soap suds. Then you close the hatch, pour some water here, crank this lever a few times, do this, like so, and wait for the washing barrel to finish its work!”
Thorin kept on talking until Fíli seemed to be completely in awe of this new piece of machinery, his fear completely forgotten. He peppered his uncle with tons of questions: how many cogwheels were there, how many times one should crank the lever, what the barrel was made of… and so on, and so forth. When they left the chamber, there was a big smile on the boy’s lips instead of tears. 
On their way back home Fíli exclaimed, “This was the bestest adventure ever!”
Thorin thought that sometimes being an uncle happened to be quite rewarding. Even if his tunic was still wet from Kíli’s sleepy drooling.
His attitude completely changed less than half an hour later, when his nephews disappeared. Both of them. At once.
Stumbling over several painfully angular wooden toys, Thorin searched the boys’ bedroom. Nothing. He even looked under their beds (twice!), but there was no sign of the boys anywhere. They weren't sitting in the common kitchen nor searching for snacks in the pantry. Nor in Dwalin’s rooms where Kíli liked to play hide-and-scare with the big warrior. There were nowhere to be found – not in the rocking chair by the fireplace, nor even in Balin’s study by that large desk where Fíli liked to play so often. Thorin closed his eyes. If he did not find his nephews before Dís returned from the market, his sister would have Thorin’s own head on a spike. The wrath of dwarf-women was ten times fiercer than the one of dwarf-men. In the case of his little sister, the number was much higher, at least a hundred times. And Thorin would do everything he could to avoid being on the receiving end of it.
There was no time to lose. He recruited Dwalin, Óin, and Halkatla, Balin’s wife, to the task of finding the boys, but they returned empty-handed. No one had seen the boys since their early lunch. Then, they were supposed to take a nap, and Thorin remembered their yawning as they closed the door to their bedroom behind him.
And now they were gone. Kidnapped? — No, impossible, Thorin thought. Dwarves cherished their children like the greatest treasures they were, and no one else was allowed into Thorinuldûm. There were no goblins nor other dangers here either. It felt as if the boys magically disappeared in a puff of smoke. Thorin looked around the wide corridor he stood in, but he found no traces of the missing boys.
“Have you checked all of their favourite places?” Halkatla asked, her red-and-silver braids clinking as she turned her head towards Óin.
“Aye, we did,” he nodded. “Not a sign of them.”
“Those wee rascals! I bet they are up to somethin’.” Dwalin said. “They remind me of us. Remember that time, Thorin, when we were around their age or so, and half of Erebor was lookin’ for us all day long?”
“It would be difficult to forget it,” Thorin admitted. “We wanted to avoid another boring lesson with our tutor…”
“...and instead we went to explore the mines! What a shame we lost our way,” Dwalin grinned and nudged him. “It was fun!”
“Aye, fun on an empty belly. If only you had not forgotten our food,” Thorin replied, relieved that his nephews had a proper meal at least.
“If only ye had not forgotten that map ye were supposed to borrow from your father’s desk,” Dwalin chuckled.
Before Thorin could form an adequate riposte, a mousy-haired dwarf approached him.
“M’lord, Master Brór says that the pipeline is fully functional again,” the messenger bowed.
Thorin gave him a nod of thanks. At least he brought a piece of good news. Master Brór was a skilled engineer, and the way he handled Thorin’s own sister-sons…
“Either way,” Dwalin continued, “we had a real adventure on that day, hadn’t we, Thorin?”
A thought appeared in Thorin’s mind. Master Brór. An adventure.
“There was one place where we have not searched yet,” he turned to his companions.
“I am listening,” Halkatla tilted her head, reminding him of a curious raven.
“The Engineers’ Quarters.”
Master Brór was more than happy to receive words of thanks from Thorin in person for fixing that pipeline issue once and for all. Despite Thorin’s hopes, he had not seen Fíli or Kíli since they left the Engineers’ Quarters with their uncle earlier that day. Dwalin muttered a curse under his breath.
“Well, that’s it. I’m goin’ to check the workshops,” the warrior said.
“I’ll take the ones on the left, you take the ones on the right,” Halkatla followed him.
“Let’s go,” Dwalin replied, his voice trailing off as he walked away. “And those wee cave bats would better be there or I swear…”
Master Brór addressed Thorin, “I will spread the word as you requested, my lord. Someone must have seen them, I am certain of it. They could not have simply disappeared.”
Thorin agreed with him and began his own search. The rocks could not have swallowed them whole! Magic was out of the question as well, there had to be a logical solution to this! Thoring pulled at his short beard in frustration. Wandering through the area and looking for any signs of his nephews in places they visited earlier that day, he wondered if Óin had any luck. The healer was waiting at their home in case Fíli and Kíli returned there on their own. Perhaps the three of them were already sitting by the fire, with Óin telling the boys countless amusing stories, while Thorin and his companions were checking every nook and cranny on the lower level, going out of their minds with worry. He raised his head, listening to a peculiar sound and trying to figure out its source. It sounded like… shrieking. It was not at all difficult to recall Fíli’s eyes shining with fear, awe, and then curiosity at the sight of the washing barrel.
Without thinking, Thorin turned his steps towards the chamber that housed the “monster” Fíli had been so afraid of not so long ago.
When Thorin arrived at his destination, the door was ajar. Thorin could hear the shrieking very well, but there were other sounds too. Very familiar sounds.
He took a deep breath and shouted, “Dwalin! I found them!”
When Thorin stepped inside the chamber, the sounds became even clearer. One of them he identified as uncontrollable giggling, and the other one, slightly muted, sounded like: “Woooo! Woooo! Wooooo! A carousel! Woooo! Faster, Fíli! Woooo!”
Thorin breathed out a sigh of relief only to be struck by a pang of dread a moment later.
Fíli stood by the washing barrel, cranking the lever, grinning from ear to ear, and laughing. Kíli was nowhere to be seen, but his enthusiastic shouts seemed to be coming from inside of the barrel. Inside, not outside. Thorin swallowed; he considered screaming in terror, but something told him that this was most definitely an example of behaviour unworthy of a king. It took him a moment to melt the ball of ice that was forming in his stomach. He closed the distance between him and the barrel in a blink of an eye.
Thank Mahal, the hatch was open. Inside, Kíli sat with his back against a wall of the large metal container inside the machine, surrounded by various articles of laundry, with a happy grin on his face, and a stray sock on top of his head. A wave of relief washed over Thorin.
“Uncle Thorin! Uncle Thorin!” Fíli exclaimed. “We’re playing carousel! Want to jump in?”
Thorin did not.
“It is time to return home, boys,” Thorin simply said, taking Kíli out of the barrel. His clothes were damp and he smelled like those violet flowers Dís liked so much, but other than that, he looked happy, and what’s more important, he was in one piece – just like his older brother.
“But uncle...” Fíli started.
“Your amad will be home soon. Do you not want to see what she bought at the market?”
“A sugar horse? She promised!” The boy recalled his favourite treat.
Holding Kíli firmly against his chest with one arm, Thorin held out his hand to Fíli.
“Let us go and see,” he said with a smile as his nephew’s tiny hand grabbed his.
There would yet be time for scolding and for a conversation about not sneaking out anywhere alone, but for now, the only thing that Thorin wanted was to safely bring his little rascals home.
He only hoped they would manage to reach their halls before Dís returned.
When Dís crossed the threshold of their home later in the afternoon, she was greeted by complete silence. Her sons were nowhere to be seen, which was very suspicious. They were always the first ones to run to her and see what she brought them this time. She expected Thorin to welcome her and help her unpack her basket, as usual — but he was not there either. Was this that ominous silence she dreaded so much whenever her boys were executing another of their silly mischiefs? Not really. It seemed as if their home was empty… until she heard a familiar sound coming from a nearby chamber. Dís put the basket on the floor and tiptoed deeper into their halls.
The picture that unfolded before her eyes was the last thing she had expected. Her brother was half sitting, half lying on the sofa, his legs stretched out in front of him, his head resting on the backrest, his eyes closed. Fíli was cuddled up to his uncle’s side, his hair tousled, making her think of a skein of golden yarn. Kíli lay on the opposite side of his uncle, his head resting on Thorin’s lap and turned towards her. He had his thumb in his mouth. Dís could clearly see the darker stain of drool on her brother’s trousers and stifled a giggle. 
All three of them were asleep, of course. And all three of them were snoring in perfect unison. If she closed her eyes she could almost imagine that she had a working sawmill in front of her.
This scene was too adorable for Dís to interrupt it, so she decided that she would let her three boys sleep a little longer. There was no harm in a little nap, after all. Besides, she was tired, and there was still some space left on the sofa…As she drifted off to sleep beside them, her last conscious thought was: “Why do all three of them smell like my lavender laundry soap?”
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years ago
One Night.
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, sexual references, angst, heartbreak, insecurity.
Comments/Notes: From the imagine, "You spend the night with Thorin, and then out of insecurity, you leave him." Requested by @lathalea. Timeframe of post-BOTFA requested by @sotwk
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Thorin was lay beside you, his breathing slow. You watched his chest rise and fall. His dark eyelashes fluttered and his eyes moved beneath their lids. He had fallen asleep not long after your final round of love making. 
You sighed. He was so beautiful, and didn’t even know it. 
The night had become full of tension, which had followed his coronation celebration. Of course you attended, being a close friend of the new king. For many months and you had travelled alongside him, helping and fighting for him to re-take the mountain kingdom of Erebor. Thorin had taken you aside, complimenting you on your attire for the celebration, his blue eyes alight for you. Your first kiss had been outside the main hall, in a cold, empty hallway. Everything else that had followed was back in his bed chamber. The two of you had snuck away, hand in hand, still stealing secret kisses along the hallways. 
Never before had you ever been touched in such a way as how Thorin touched you. His hot skin sent intense vibrations through you. His gaze made your heart thunder, and pulsate in other parts of your body, acknowledging just how aroused you were. His voice made sighs slip off your tongue so effortlessly. 
You kept your eyes on him as he slept, recollecting the beautiful memories of him opening his heart, soul and body to you. When he had first slipped inside you, he had been over you, his large hands holding your legs open. You had welcomed him so freely in those moments. However, in your second round of pleasure seeking, you had climbed on top of him. He was laid out beneath you, vulnerable, offering it all. Those hands had been clamped on your hips, guiding your movement as the two of you ascended higher towards that wonderful, earth shattering climax. The third and final time, Thorin had been behind you. His lips remained on your neck and shoulder, showing you that even when he could not see your face, he still adored you and admired your beauty. 
This was all wrong. Thorin was the most amazing man you had ever met. And you were just mediocre. Nothing special or of substantial value. You looked upon his sleeping form, studying his slim lips which peeped from beneath his moustache. His beard was neatly trimmed, despite him now growing it longer after reclaiming Erebor. That was a promise he had made many years ago. Once the mountain was re-claimed and he would grow his beard back long, as was custom with the Longbeard Dwarves. 
Slowly, and you slipped out of bed. There was an ache in your chest. You loved Thorin so much more than you could ever express, but you were not worthy of his hand. A royal Dwarf deserved someone of standing and position, not a commoner like yourself. 
Tears fell down your cheeks, reminding you of the man you were originally pledged to many years ago. He had told you he loved you, showered you with gifts, but made it known through his behaviour that you meant very little to him. His actions did not speak louder than his words. And, of course, his attention then swept elsewhere. Thorin would no doubt do the same. Such a beautiful soul would never cherish you and mean it! If this man from your past could not love you, then surely Thorin couldn’t either. 
But you had never been touched, kissed and made love to in such a way as that! Every movement made you quake beneath Thorin’s touch, and his whispers of adoration made you shiver. Maybe he just knew how to please women and had rehearsed the words many times. 
You re-dressed and slipped out of the chamber, giving Thorin one last glance. The ache hit you hard once again and you placed your hand on your mouth, stifling the uncontrollable sobs. 
The halls were quiet and dark, with only the faint light of torchlight guiding your way. And by the time you made it back to your room, you grabbed a quill, ink and parchment. Your hand shook as you tried to write, which meant that your normally laced handwriting became more squiggled. A tear fell onto the parchment, splashing, and caused a swirl of black ink to form under your signature. 
Thorin woke, his eyes adjusting to the dark room. He looked up at the ceiling of the room and sighed, recollecting the evening before. And as soon as he saw your face in his mind’s eye, he turned to see you had disappeared. He called your name into the gloom. 
A dread hit him and his stomach twisted into a hard knot. Something was wrong. 
Why would you disappear like this? Even though you could have just slipped back to your own bed chamber, Thorin felt something in the depth of his very being that told him that he would not find you there. 
Thorin pulled on a robe, tying it at his waist, and made his way to your room, his mind full of questions. He didn’t even knock as he got to your door and let himself in, finding the room empty. A lump swelled in his throat. He approached your desk. A candle had been lit, and there under the flickering light, was a piece of parchment. 
My dearest Thorin, 
I cannot remain here. I do not belong. I will never be enough for you, my love. Go and find happiness. May Mahal bless you. 
The letter was simple. 
Thorin crumpled the letter in his hands, feeling a whole array of emotion wash over him. Terror and frustration seemed to form the knot in his stomach, which was now gaining momentum. Only the night before and Thorin had been on the verge of offering everything to you, a life together. That was all Thorin wanted. You, in every way. He thought that you had been willing to give yourself to him. You had even told him you loved him, shivered at his touch, become undone beneath him. The two of you had panted, sweat, groaned against each other. How could he just let all of that go? 
He would not let you go. 
He could not. 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @linasofia @xxbyimm @middleearthpixie @knittastically @meganlpie @luna-xial @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart @emmyspov @dumbassunderthemountain
Middle-earth tag list: @mismaeve @sotwk @emmyspov @valkyrie-of-the-light
The Hobbit tag list: @flowerniche
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esta-elavaris · 1 year ago
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Flufftober Day 16: Singing one another to sleep - Thorin Oakenshield/OC [1,006 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here 💜✨
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Gwen jolted upright from a dead sleep, hands coming up to block a blade that was not there – wielded by a foe that no longer breathed. But it took her a moment to remember that, pain slicing through the long-healed scar that ran across the back of her forearm from wrist to elbow.
Reality registered, her limbs slackened, and she sighed shakily. Sweat drenched her, her nightdress sticking to her, and her heart and head warred for which could pound the hardest. She cursed quietly beneath her breath.
“The dragon?” Thorin’s voice sounded behind her, rough with sleep.
“Ravenshill,” she corrected hoarsely. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
As she spoke, she tried to rub the phantom pain out of her scar.
“You survived,” he spoke quietly.
It was difficult to say whether he was reassuring her of that fact, or himself.
“…despite a bit of touch-and-go in the middle there,” she murmured, hand settling over the scar.
Were it not for the healing abilities of the Elves, she would have lost the arm. It spoke volumes that Thorin had even taken her to them so entirely without reluctance, in the aftermath. As it was, there was occasional loss of sensation here and there, and she’d never move it with the same deftness she’d been capable of before, but it was a small price to pay.
“That’s not what bothers me in the dreams,” she admitted. “In the dreams, I don’t get there in time.”
To distract herself from the discomfort of speaking the words aloud, she peeled off her nightgown, throwing it away from the bed where it landed with little more than a rustling flutter. It was only keeping her cold, the way it clung to her damply lending to her sense of unease. But since she wasn’t willing to lie down again just yet, she only ended up colder as the sweat cooled and dried on her skin.
Wrapping her arms about herself, she tried to steady her breathing – helped by the fact that Thorin sat up and shifted til he was at her back. Her husband was like a furnace, and with his chest at her back she could no longer pretend the tremors were purely to do with the cold.
“You are here,” he said softly into her ear. “As am I. It is over. Although you paid a hefty price to see things as they are now.”
“I’d do it again.”
He did not sound cheered by the prospect, humming lowly in the back of his throat. “I would not ask that of you.”
“Since when has that ever stopped me?”
The rueful sound he made in response had a note of fondness to it. Winding a strong arm about her waist, he pulled her back – the gesture a suggestion more than an insistence, and she knew that if she insisted on remaining upright, he would ease up immediately. Instead, though, she leaned into the embrace, allowing him to lead her to lie down, more atop him than the bed itself. But that helped. She could not convince herself that he was not here, nor that he was not breathing, when his heartbeat beneath her hand, and she could feel each inhale and exhale every time.
“I’m all sweaty,” she protested half-heartedly.
Thorin scoffed. She looked at him properly for the first time since waking then, finding concern clear and unhidden in his striking eyes and his hair mussed from sleep.
“Do you think I care at all about that? No, my thoughts are with how I might repay wife for saving my life,” he mused quietly – likely sensing that she needed the silence filled so that her thoughts would not run away with her.
“You married her, for one thing.”
“A poor reward indeed,” he teased, one corner of his lips upturning. “A punishment, some might argue. Depending on my mood.”
“Stay awake with me?” she asked quietly. “Just for a little while?”
His manner lost what little teasing there had been in it to begin with, his face softening as the hand not at her waist found her hair.
“All night, if need be,” he vowed.
“I’m sorry. If you’re tired-”
She wasn’t used to being this shivering, frightened thing – and beyond her disquiet felt ridiculous for how he was being forced to pander to it, husband or no. But he dispelled her fears with a tightened hold and a firm interruption.
“Do not apologise. Not for this. Never for this.”
“It’s been so long since the last one. I thought it was over.”
“That is the way with them,” he murmured ruefully. “The gaps betwixt them lengthen and lengthen until one day they will be no more. In the meantime, you’ll recover more quickly from them each time. They will…jar you less.”
He spoke from experience, and how could he not? Given all that he’d seen across his years? She knew that Dwarves’ lives spanned further than those of humans, but he’d seen enough for ten lifetimes, even with that difference in mind.
“Do you get them? From the battle, I mean?”
“You dream that you did not succeed,” he said softly. “I dream that you did, but did not live to see that success.”
“I did.”
“You did.”
They lapsed into silence, Gwen slowly managing to match her breathing with his. After the third time he tactfully pretended not to notice her glancing up at him to check if he was awake, he began singing in low, soothing tones to save her the bother. The song was in Khuzdul, she knew not the words (the argument over the fact that Erebor’s Queen should know it being a surprisingly uphill one thus far), but that helped somewhat – focusing on his impossibly deep voice rather than the words it was forming, and feeling the vibrations of it throughout his chest.
When she finally did fall asleep again, it was a dreamless one, and she suspected it came long before he allowed himself to drift off again, too.
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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retellingthehobbit · 1 year ago
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Retelling The Hobbit Chapter 16: The Song of the Lonely Mountain First chapter / Previous / Next
To view full comic: Webtoon/A03 / Tumblr post with links to all chapters
Other blogs: TikTok/Instagram/Tumblr Sideblog
*crumbles into dust after finishing this* Thank you for reading! This The Hobbit webcomic adaptation thing takes a lot of effort to put together and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate every comment. I also really appreciate the people who’ve spread the word of this comic to their friends! <3
And finally, we’re at the Song of the Lonely Mountain! Within Tolkien’s canon, The Hobbit is an in-universe book that was “written” by Bilbo Baggins, who occasionally lies/embellishes/exaggerates things. The tonal differences between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are explained by Bilbo and Frodo/Sam being different kinds of storytellers, with different relationships to “the truth.” This idea is the core of how I’m adapting the novel!  Bilbo is an unreliable narrator who is literally ‘drawing’ from his own limited experiences;  the different art styles reflect the different perspectives of other characters.   The “dwarf art style” in this chapter is inspired by stonework/metalwork in general— but especially by a mix of art deco, Celtic art, and European folk art. 
The central tension of the comic is between Bilbo and Thorin, who each have wildly different ideas about what kind of  story they’re in. Thorin is in a grand fantasy epic, while Bilbo is in a lighthearted children’s book adventure.  The tragedy is, obviously, that only one side of the story ever gets to be fully told.
On a sillier note, a few years ago I had my first gay crush on a lesbian who sang while playing the piano. This chapter is dedicated to the piano lesbian. I hope they’re doing well, wherever they are. XD
I think I might need a bit of a break but I’m hoping for the next chapter, titled “Dawn,” to arrive on January 13th. And your comments/support really do help motivate me to get more done! ^_^
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heart-select · 6 months ago
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Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
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bubbles-floating · 2 years ago
Should... should I read Sansûkh again... The urge is strong but time management says no
Let the people* decide!
*the people: my three mutuals who might not even know about the fic, also any strangers who happen upon this post
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raventhrush · 21 days ago
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months ago
Can I request for the 1k event this : talking bath (naughty) with Thorin after a stressfull day
Hehe. You’re making my imagination run wild. I tried to lean toward the gender-neutral side on this one. And, because of the spiciness of the prompt, MDNI.
King Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
ao3 // taglist // 1k event masterlist // main masterlist
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Thorin loves a hot bath after a stressful day. Even without a partner, Thorin can enjoy himself. The hot water is a balm, soothing his muscles and erasing his worry. It’s truly the only time he has alone. His entire life is consumed with rebuilding Erebor and taking care of his people. This is his time to do something for himself.
Now, Thorin taking a hot bath after a stressful day with his partner? Even better. It’s the appetizer before the main meal. Thorin prefers taking his bath with you whenever he can. While he takes the majority of the burden in terms of royal duties, you take on a decent chunk yourself, and taking a hot bath together at the end of the day is the thing you both need to decompress.
It always starts innocent with Thorin reclining with your back pressed against his chest. Thorin likes this position because he can hold you and has easy access to your body. Not necessarily for naughty reasons but just because he needs the intimacy of closeness. His arms are always around you, and he likes being able to keep you close. You like it as well because you can just float in the water while Thorin’s natural strength and weight keep you grounded against his body.
You are not allowed to wash yourself. Thorin enjoys doing that himself. He loves lathering up the soap and rubbing every inch of your body down before he even thinks about working on himself. Sometimes he doesn’t allow you to wash him, but when he’s feeling particularly playful, he does. It’s not submission but more of an acceptance. Thorin knows that you like to do this for him, and if he’s feeling indulgent, he’ll allow it.
During the time that the two of you scrub each other down, things can easily grow more intimate. The touches lengthen, becoming caresses. It’s always innocent at first before fingers and hands linger in certain spots, stimulating until someone gets off. Nothing about it is particularly mind blowing. Again, this is the beginning for after the bath, because afterward there is plenty that happens. This is more for fun and relaxation.
It doesn’t always happen but when it does, Thorin makes sure that you have yours first. He is entirely thoughtful about it, but doesn’t cease until he’s certain you’ve had enough. Sometimes he won’t even take anything for himself until the two of you are out of the bath and in bed.
Thorin loves to have wine or ale during this time. He might hand feed you if the two of you are hungry.
Sometimes, when the two of you are out of the bath and dried off, Thorin can’t make it to the bed and has to have you right then and there.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot
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fili-urzudel · 1 year ago
From Afar - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Part 3 to Second and Girl in Calico
Summary: Thorin must live with the reality that he has created, and despite everything, is determined to do so with some degree of joy. Based on the song From Afar by Vance Joy.
Warnings: heartache (to be expected from this series), angst, closure!!
Word count: 1.1 k
Your family accepted Thorin's invitation. Later, you also accepted an invitation of Bard's: to settle in Dale. After that, your visits only became more frequent. It took a year or so—though you would say only a few months—for your daughters to warm up to it all, Asa in particular. The girl had her father's black hair and your eyes, and a will that could move mountains. It was no wonder she had charmed Fíli like she had. 
Naturally, your families had to come closer together after that. You or Symir were usually there at least once a week, acting as chaperones. Dwalin was forced to enter Dale once in a while to do the same. Kíli and Lena had a good deal of fun making fun of their older siblings, but the lovebirds bore it all with grace. 
It was you and Thorin chaperoning—from a respectful distance—in the gardens of the Erebor Conservatory when Fíli formally decided to propose marriage. You couldn't help yourself—you covered your mouth with your hand and grabbed his upper arm to avoid expressing your joy too loudly. Thorin laughed and smiled and let you cut off his circulation as he watched the happy blush on his nephew's face. And pretended not to notice the strands of hair beneath your fingers.
The engagement ball was... an event. But we need not consider that at the moment. Before the two kingdoms were to know anything of the happy news, the two families gathered in the private dining room of the Durins to celebrate among themselves.
As the fathers—or at the very least, father-like figures—of the couple, Thorin and Symir once again found themselves in each other's company. Neither minded. They had struck up a friendship, finding that there was no reason for ill-will between them, and had they met under different circumstances, they would almost certainly be friends. There was no harm in being friends under these circumstances as well.
Thorin could hardly deny the similarities between Symir and himself. The dark hair was a start. Both were quiet, dedicated to their families. Loyal and passionate. Hardworking. The race, the height, the build, the eyes, the social standings were all different. Of course, those didn't really matter. The most important difference was that Symir stayed.
Thorin tamped down that persistent ache in his chest once more. There was no use in dwelling upon something he could not change. It would only serve to keep him up at night. Not that he slept much anyway.
"I'm going to go see if they need any help in the kitchen," you said, picking yourself up to your tiptoes to peck Symir on the lips. He graciously stooped to make it a bit easier. 
"I'll miss you," he said jestingly, warmth in his tone and a smile on his face. "Don't be gone too long."
"I'll be back before you know it," you promised.
Thorin never knew quite where to look.
Symir took another drink, allowing his smile to comfortably fade and letting himself listen to the music before speaking. "You're still in love with her, aren't you?"
Thorin took a long, steady breath, not sure how Symir wanted him to answer. He is your friend. Despite everything, he is truly your friend. "I still love her," he finally corrected. There was a difference. Both he and Symir knew there was a difference. "From afar. I would... I would never dream of disrupting the happiness she's found with you."
"From afar, hm?"
Thorin took a breath. "It can be farther, if you need it to be."
Symir's mouth twisted for a moment. He took another drink. "Not necessary," he finally delivered. "I don't see the danger in it. As long as you're comfortable as well."
Thorin let his hands hang at his sides. He wasn't. He never really was. He was gripped with guilt every time he looked at you, but he knew that if you weren't around, it would only be worse.
"I am glad that you will be family soon," he said instead. "I am glad that my nephews will have people like the two of you in their lives."
You were happy. Fíli was happy. Asa was happy. That was what mattered.
Symir looked down at him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "You are a good man, Thorin Oakenshield. I am glad that we have met."
The king got a feeling inside that Symir knew what he was thinking, and yet allowed him the dignity of ignoring it. Allowed him to learn to cope with it on his own. Trusted him to do so.
Fíli caught him leaving, running to catch up to him before he reached their wing. "Uncle!"
Thorin turned. 
"May I speak to you?"
They sat on a settee in the hall.
"I can't help but notice your hesitance," Fíli said honestly. "You seem happy, but... there's just... something, I'm not sure what. Do you have concerns? Do you disapprove of our union? I value your insight, uncle. Please, tell me."
"No!" Thorin answered quickly. "No, I do not disapprove of your union. It brings me the greatest joy, to see you so happy, and I know that Asa's family are the good sort of people."
Fíli watched him carefully. "Then what is this," the word dawned upon Fíli visibly. "sadness I see about you?"
"It is what every dwarf wishes for," Thorin said softly. "To overcome the trials of his time so that those who follow are not plagued by them. So they are happy... when it was more difficult for him to do."
Fíli sat back, digesting his words. "You regret not marrying?" He asked. The words had not dared to leave his mouth in years past.
Thorin looked at him, but said nothing.
"Uncle, it is not yet too late, you know," Fíli tried to be helpful. "You are king of Erebor, the most powerful and most beloved ruler of—"
"For the one who my heart belongs to, it is," Thorin admitted. "It is too late."
Fíli whispered your name as a surety. The silence from his uncle was all the answer he needed. "Why did you not say anything?"
"I feared it would influence your decisions, and that would be the last thing I wished," Thorin said earnestly. "I still hope it does not."
"This causes you pain, uncle."
"No," Thorin insisted. "Nothing that I cannot bear."
Fíli sighed. Thorin could see the battle in his young nephew's mind and hoped that he lost. "Very well."
"Be happy, gamzûn," Thorin advised, pressing his forehead to his nephew's.
They stood in front of multitudes at the engagement ball. And they laughed, and they smiled, and for all the world, they were as happy as any new family could be.
Thorin supposed it was better to have you in his life in this way than not at all.
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faeriichaii · 12 days ago
Hi! I am hoping you still do requests, if not feel free to ignore this (please tell me if you can’t do it by messaging me so I know) Its a platonic fic idea, mostly fluff but with an overwhelming amount of angst, it’s a father Thorin (The Hobbit) with a daughter reader (if it’s not an issue and for less confusion I would like the reader to be a “Dwelf” half Dwarf half Elf)
Basically Thorin’s story (and pov) of raising his daughter as a single father. Seeing the reader grow from an infant into a child, and from a child to a young teen, and from a teen to a strong woman. Teaching her all she needs to know and being there for her during her happy moments and her sad moments.
He takes her to adventure with him to reclaim Erebor, seeing her fight with the skills he taught her, and of course to his absolute dismay watching her fall in love with Legolas and (With Thorin trying his best to stop it) him falling for her as soon as they meet in Mirkwood’s dungeons. As the adventure continues Thorin starts realizing the the chances of the reader having an immortal elf life style while he stays mortal. During his moments with Dragon Sickness he becomes possessive of the reader bc she is his greatest treasure. And during his final moments he isn’t sad at all because his daughter is right there with him, and all he can think of is all of the memories they shared from her infant days to now. And now is looking forward to seeing how her future will play out once he’s gone.
Sorry it’s long. It’s sad but I have so much love for Thorin because he reminds me so much of my father and seeing him get killed made me cry so hard bc my father also died not to long ago.
Fading Light ~ Thorin x Daughter!Reader
A/N: Omg I am SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!! A lot happened in my life and I have been working on and off on the fanfic but IT IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! I really hope you like it <3 I also struggled so hard with certain scenes so yeah hahaha... Anyway, enjoy it!! Also I did like math to make the years and timeline make sense yk?? So yeah I put 110% effort into it!! And also 35 years for her is like 12/13?? I think?? Maybe a bit younger but I just thought I'd mention it in case there are questions hihihi
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Angst, a bit fluff, dad and daughter, bit Legolas x Reader ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 10.4k (my longest so far omfg) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: yes thank you <3 ࿐ྂ
Summary: Thorin and you, his daughter on your journey to Erebor. And also the journey of him as a single father watching his princess grow up.
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~300 Years prior~ Soft laughter bounced across the walls of his bedroom, as Thorin, son of Thráin and grandson of Thrór, looked down. In his arm he held an abundance of different furs and fabrics. Hidden within them lay a small infant. Her eyes shone like the very diamonds within the halls as she saw her father standing over her. Looking out for her. Tiny hands wriggled free from the warm depth of the blankets and tried to grab for his hair, however, Thorin instead let her hold on to his finger. She giggled as she pulled his hand further towards her. A smile graced his lips, as he cradled his daughter gently. “Aren’t you the most precious gem in all of Erebor?” His question was answered by a yawn from his daughter. Laying her down in her small wooden cradle, he stayed at her side for a few more minutes. “You are the only light in my life (Y/N).”
~285 Years prior~ “Daddy, look what I found!” Thorins eyes moved from the scroll on the table towards his daughter. Her long hair was braided into two pigtails, showcasing her pointy elvish ears. Hanging between her small fingers was a beautiful pearl necklace. “Where did you find this (Y/N)? I thought you were playing with Kili, Fili and your dolls?” His eyebrow raised in question, as the small girl suddenly hid the necklace from his sight. Her eyes were downcast, only showcasing her painfully obvious guilty expression even more. “Did they take you to the treasure room again?” A soft yes fell from her lips.
“Please don’t be angry daddy…” Thorin stood up from his chair and approached his daughter. Kneeling down, he put both his hands on her small shoulders. “I could never be angry with you princess. But next time you explore around the castle with your cousins, make sure to let me know, ok?” Her face lit up at the realisation that she in fact did not get herself or Kili and Fili into trouble. “I will daddy! I saw a biiiiiig crown for you.” And with those parting words his daughter ran towards the door, threw it open and squeezed past her cousins to find the crown she saw earlier.
“Soooo I guess we are off the hook as well?” Fili asks carefully. “Don’t let this happen again. At least let me know before you drag her into your crazy ideas.” “We just thought she might want to see a little bit more of her dwarvish side you know?” Kili joined his brothers side, playing with a coin he probably got from the treasure room. “After all she is only half-“ “Don’t say another word.” Thorins voice was laced with anger and hurt. “She is a dwarf and ONLY a dwarf. Nothing more and nothing less. And currently she is roaming the castle ALONE while you were in charge of taking care of her.“ „You are right uncle. Next time we will take her around to explore the castle, we will let you know in advance.“ Fili gave his brother a shove into the direction of the open doors before deciding to search for their little cousin.
~280 Years prior~ Thorin watched his daughter from a short distance, discussing some matters about mining with his father and grandfather. Thrór looked at the little girl and shook his head. „I still can‘t believe that you let this happen Thorin.“ The mentioned dwarf raised an eyebrow at the king. „What exactly do you mean by that?“ „Well, you let yourself get charmed by an elf and not only that but you let her leave you alone with a child. This child is not even completely a dwarf. Where is her beard? Instead she has pointy ears… She has too much from her mother.“ Thorins expression darkened at the hurtful words of his grandfather. „She is no elf. She might not look like a dwarf and might not be able to grow a beard like we do, however she will be raised as one of us and she is still my daughter. And she is still your great-granddaughter.“ Suddenly a scream disturbed their banter and as Thorin looked back at his daughter, he saw her trying to sit up.
Rushing towards her, he slowly helped her up and gave her a quick lookover. „Are you okay princess?“ She sniffled, wiped the dirt from her hands, as well as from her knees and looked at her father. „Daddy! Something bad happened! This frog ate the butterfly!“ A sigh of relief left his lips at the harmless declaration. „Please don‘t scare daddy like this ever again, okay sweetheart? I thought something bad happened to you.“ „I‘m sorry…“ After her apology she rushed over to her grandfather. „Grandfather, look! I picked you a flower!.“ Thráin smiled at the child in front of him, before taking the small flower from her hands. „It looks very beautiful. Thank you so much (Y/N).“ She smiled brightly at him, before holding another flower toward her great-grandfather. „I also got you one.“ He stared at the plant for a few seconds, before taking it from her without saying a word. She tilted her head to the side in confusion, after getting brushed off so carelessly. „So, Thorin. How are things going with the trading contract?“ 
~265 Years prior~ „You have to raise your elbow a bit higher to properly shoot an arrow (Y/N).“ Kili said, as he helped her adjust her posture. An annoyed sigh escaped her lips. „Can‘t we take like a short break?“ „If you can shoot something else than the ground around us, than sure.“ Taking an arrow from the quiver, which is slung across her back, she began to align it with her bow. Pulling the string all the way back, she gave Kili a quick glance before letting go and watching it fly through the air. The arrow didn’t hit the target, but instead hit the tree behind it.
„That was good! See for your first lesson in archery you are doing just fine!“ „You really think so?“ She excitedly asked her cousin, while slinging the bow across her back. „Definitely. Thorin will be so proud to hear that you won‘t just fight with swords and daggers, but also with arrows and bows.“ „About that… Could you maybe keep it a secret? He barely allowed me to hold a sword so if he finds out I am now also trying to get into archery…“ Her gaze was pleading, as she begged Kili to keep this between them. „I don‘t understand why he is so careful? I learned how to wield a sword when I was 10! And you are already 35 so why waste more time?“
His words echoed through her head. Why would her father be so against her being able to fight? Isn‘t it normal for a dwarf to be learning weaponry so early on in their life? „Hey Kili, do you think it is because I am different?“ The question made him stumble. „What? Never! He always made sure that you would not think that way. You are a dwarf.“ „Only half a dwarf though. I am also partly elf, don‘t forget that.“ This was also the reason why she was already a bit taller than most of her family members. Even though she was only 35 years old. Barely a teenager.
A smile graced her lips, as she leaned towards Kili. „You know, I found a book in the library about elvish customs. That‘s why I also tried a new hairstyle today.“ She spun around, to showcase him the flowers in her elvish braided hair. „They do braiding a little differently, than we do. They also don‘t use the beads we use, which honestly is really a big loss.“ „Never would I have thought that you would start looking into your elvish side.“ He laughed while giving her a gentle shove with his shoulder. „Of course! I mean I had to find out why I am the only one in the whole castle who won‘t grow a beard?“
„So how did shooting arrows go?“ Thorins voice made the two turn around in an instant. „Fili was quite surprised, knowing that I didn‘t know about your plans.“ She knew she should have told him. In the beginning the whole learning archery thing was just a joke between the three of you. Until she read the elvish book and saw a handsome elf man hold up an arrow with pride. Maybe, thought it would help her enjoy her elvish side a little bit more. „I am sorry father. I just thought I would try it out you know? All the other kids are already swinging axes around and braiding beards.“ She pouted at her father, as he took the bow and arrows from her. „You will learn how to properly fight soon enough, but you are still young. Go play with your toys while I discuss something with Kili, won‘t you.“ „Father, toys are for little kids and I am not a little kid anymore!“ „And you are still not an adult now, are you?“ Grumbling softly under her breath, she stormed off towards the castle.
~250 Years Prior~ „Do you really think it is a good idea (Y/N)?“ „Of course it is Kunri, don‘t worry too much. You just need to keep quiet, or else my father will find us.“ Her hand was wrapped around his wrist, pulling him along towards one of the towers. Their plan was to look up at the stars that were scattered across the sky. And maybe, just maybe kiss. It was the perfect idea and the perfect plan. Kunri was also the perfect dwarf in her mind. He was super sweet and kind. And his beard was always so well kept and braided. He also once complimented her hair, even though it wasn‘t braided in the typical dwarvish style. „We are almost there Kunri, I promise you, you will like the view.“ „But what if we get caught?“ The worry in his voice made her stop in her tracks and turn around. Facing him, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. „Nothing will happen and nobody will find us. The two of us will just watch some stars from the tower that‘s it.“ She gently smiled at him, before turning back around and continue on her way up the stairs. Kunri let out a sigh before following after her.
At the top of the stairs, she helped her companion up before watching his face glow up in delight. „Wow the stars are even brighter from up here!“ His hands were holding onto the stone railing while his gaze was focused on the shining lights above. „I always come up here if I need a moment from all the hectic princess lifestyle.“ She said, making herself comfortable beside the dwarf. Her heart began to hammer, as their arms grazed against each others for a split second. „Kunri I-„ „Do you think Touk would like it here?“ He accidentally cut her off. „What?“ She stammered, doubting herself and the words she just heard from her crush. „Ahh I just thought that… you know… I would like to present Touk a bead and I thought this place might be perfect you know?“ Her mouth formed a silent ‘o‘ at the statement. She didn‘t knew that he liked Touk. She always expected him to like her back. Why else would he spend so much time with her? Why else would he be willing to touch her hair? „I never knew you like Touk in that kind of way.“ She whispered, trying to mask the pain in her voice the best she could.
„I never told you? I‘m sorry, I thought I mentioned it a few times. Well, him and I, we just started thinking that we might be each others Ones you know?“ Biting down on her lip, she nodded at Kunris words. „Of course. I bet he would love it up here.“ She quickly wiped away the tear that fell from her eyes and stood up. „Well, I think we probably should be going now.“ „But we just arrived here?“ „Yes, but my father, you know he actually really loves this place and I don‘t think you want to be caught by him while the two of us are up here, in a romantic setting, alone.“ The desperation in her voice to leave this godforsaken tower made Kunri immediately take the first few steps down into the castle. Nobody talked and the only sound echoing off of the tight staircase were their feet hitting step after step. As soon as the both of them arrived at the bottom, she waved him goodbye and made her way back to her chambers. Her heart hammered in her chest, as the feeling of rejection rushed through her body. Tears began streaming down her face even before she arrived at her door. Throwing herself onto the bed, she let her emotions flow. Her heart began to ache at the lack of reciprocation for her feelings. Why couldn‘t she be his One? Why was it Touk? They didn‘t even look that cute together.
A knock was heard on the door. „Please leave, I am not in the mood right now.“ She said inbetween sobs. The door opened nonetheless. She turned around, so the intruder would only see her back and not her tear stained face. „Princess, what happened? Are you in pain?“ Thorins voice rang in her ears. He was the last person she wanted to see right now. „Father I am sorry but please just leave me alone.“ He took a step towards the bed. „You know I could help you with anything that is on your mind.“ „I don‘t need any advice or any help right now. I just want to be left alone.“ She pulled her blanket over her head to drown out his presence, as well as her thoughts. „Let me know if you need anything. Or when you are ready to talk about it.“ With those parting words and a heavy heart, he left his daughters room.
~200 Years Prior~ Sweat dripped down her forehead, as she wielded the sword against her opponent. Fili had an easy smile on his face as he beckoned her forward with his fingers. “Come on, is this all you got? I thought we trained you better.” An angry huff left her lips. Her stance shifted; her grip tightened around the sword as she rushed towards her cousin. The sound of metal hitting metal mixed with their grunts. Her hair flying from side to side while focussing on her target. His sword was aiming for her right side. Sidestepping him, she quickly dove for his neck. But before her sword could graze him, he kicked her in the shins. Taking a few steps back, she looked at him angrily. “That was so foul of you.” “Do you think the enemy would care?” Fili smirked down at her. A growl left her lips, before she advanced once more toward him. It didn’t take much for him to dodge her attacks. Suddenly her sword flew from her hands and landed a few meters away in the grass. “What are you going to do now (Y/N)? Surrender?” His mocking voice set her ablaze.
Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down and focused once more on her sparring partner. She hated it when either him or Kili won against her. They would nonstop tease her about it and she wouldn’t even hear the end of it. She rushed towards him for the third time, fists ready to strike. Seeing her, he readied his sword to take her down. Suddenly she shifted to the right, unsheathed a dagger from within her sleeve and struck him across the cheek. Surprise was evident on Filis face as his cousin quickly moved behind him. Her hand stealthily grabbing his wrist and twisting it so he would let go of the sword. Kicking him behind the knees, he buckled forward, arms behind his back and dagger at his neck. “And that is how you actually win a battle.” She whispered in his ears.
Clapping could be heard, behind them. “I really hope you never turn on your father.” She let go of Fili, before turning around and greeting Thorin. “I told you, I would best them both at some point.” A smile was on her lips, as she stood beside her father, watching her cousin stand up from the ground. “But will you best me?” Her head quickly pivoted to the dwarf beside her. He unsheathed his sword and took a few steps back from his daughter. “Show me what you have learned.” A smirk formed on her lips, before she walked over to where her sword lay in the grass. Spinning it around a few times she got into her fighting stance. They circled each other for a few seconds, before Thorin advanced towards her quickly. She barely got enough time to dodge the sword splitting her half. The strength of his blow shoved her back a few steps. Her surprised gaze lingered on her father. He barely gave her a second to calm down after the attack before diving right towards her once more. This time he aimed for her side. Dodging it she spun around, so she was behind him. Her sword was up, ready to take him down. Suddenly she felt a punch in her gut. Stumbling to the ground, she held her stomach. The tip of the sword was at her throat.
“Are you alright?” He asked her, making sure he didn’t hit her too hard. Holding out his hand, he helped his daughter up. “I didn’t expect you to be so…” “Brutal? Lethal? Violent?” Fili said, while standing behind his uncle. “Yeah…” “The enemy doesn’t care if you are a woman or my daughter.” She let her fathers’ words sink in. “From now on, you won’t just train with Kili and Fili but with me as well.” A soft hum of approval passed her lips. Wiping off the dirt from her pants and readjusting her stance, as well as the grip on her weapon, she readied herself for another round of sparring with her father.
~171 Years Prior~ Smoke was filling her lungs, as she run alongside her father. The dragon Smaug was infiltrating the castle and they were trying to fight back as much as possible. “Find as many as you can and evacuate them!” “But what about you?” Rubble fell around them as the ground beneath them shook. “I will find Thrór and take care of the situation inside the throne room.” Thorin said, unsheathing his sword and pushing through the dwarves who are frantically running around. The thought of following her father came to mind, but she quickly chose against it. Her job was to evacuate as many people as she possibly could. So she rushed into the opposite direction of her father. “You have to leave as fast as you can! Leave while you can! Run towards safety!” She screamed while passing through various hallways. “Leave Erebor! Leave! Run towards safety!”
 Sweat was dripping down her forehead, as she turned corner after corner, ushering out as many dwarves as she could. „(Y/N)! Have you checked the dining hall?“ Dwalin had his axe in his hand, ready to take out the beast if it passed him. „Not yet, but I was on my way there.“ „I will go into the direction of the courtyard. I‘ll keep them safe out there.“ She nodded at his words and took off into the mentioned direction. Throwing open the massive wooden doors, she immediately began to usher all of the stumbling dwarves outside. „Leave through the main gate immediately! If you can, travel into the direction of the Caves of Aglarond!“ Most of them listened to her words. Checking the room once more, she picked up an injured dwarf. „It will be faster this way.“ She muttered, as she carried the woman in her arms. Finally outside, she took a deep breath of fresh air before searching for her father and grandfathers. Spotting them in the distance, she began to approach them. Thorin immediately rushed to her and took her in his arms. „Are you alright? Did you get hurt?“ He held her at arms length and scanned her body for any wounds. „Father, don‘t worry I am fine.“ A gentle smile graced her lips for a split second, before disappearing once more as realisation dawned upon her. Her home was destroyed. The dragon infiltrated the castle and made it its own. „What are we supposed to do now?“ „We will travel towards Rohan and seek shelter.“ Casting Erebor one last look, they began their travels towards Rohan. Towards the Caves of Aglarond. Far away from home.
~1 Year Prior~ „Who is this last person that is going to join us on our way to Erebor?“ She asked her father, who was walking alongside her. „I don‘t know. Gandalf told me he knew just the right person for the job.“ A hum left her lips at his answer. Over 100 years have passed since Erebor got violently invaded by the dragon Smaug. And so many things have changed. Thorin and his daughter have been traveling far and wide passing through various towns and villages. Finding work was hard. People barely accepted Thorin among them but his daughter? They wouldn‘t even look at her. Until she could prove that she was just as good (and often even better) than most of their employees. Especially, when it came to forging weapons. Her keen eye for detail made each and every single piece a one of a kind, which were then sold at a insanely high price. 
A small village was forming on the horizon. „Do you think we will make it before the others eat our portion of the dinner?“ She jokingly asked Thorin, shoving him with her elbow. „I doubt it, if Dwalin and Bombur arrive before us.“ A soft laugh escaped her lips. Never would she have thought that the day would come where all of them would go on an adventure to return to Erebor. To reclaim Erebor as their mountain. As their home. It made her heart fill with warmth. „I can‘t wait to see them all again. Especially Kili and Fili! Do you remember, when we stole great grandpapas crown? You even watched the three of us retreat with our treasure!“ „How could I forget? After your little thievery, he yelled around the whole throne room and even accused me of stealing it.“ „Did you ever tell him that it was us?“ She asked him curiously. „Not you. Just Kili and Fili.“ A gasp fell from her lips at his words. „So that is why they were so mean to me during practice!“ 
The sun was already down, when they arrived in the small village. Only the lights of the lamps alongside the path illuminated Bag End. It was a strange new place. Most of the town was covered by various different hills that were various different sizes. From small ones, to big ones. However, all of them had round doors and matching round windows, to indicate that these were no normal dirt hills. These were someone’s homes. Stopping in front of a door, Thorin knocked on the wood. Rustling and grumbling, as well as cheering and singing could be heard from inside. „Sounds like everyone else is already inside.“ Thorin mumbled from beside her. She leaned down towards the window and tried to peep inside, however she couldn‘t make out much. Suddenly the door flung open and inside stood a angry looking hobbit. A sigh left his lips, before he took a step to the side. „Welcome, please come inside. Your companions are already waiting.“ Smiling down at him, she followed inside after her father.
Most weapons, bags and coats were flung carelessly onto the ground. Placing her bow and quiver beside the pile of swords, she hung her coat onto the coatrack, before turning towards the host. „Thank you so much for hosting our departure dinner Mr….“ „Baggins, Bilbo Baggins. Here at your service.“ She smiled brightly at him. „Thank you Mr. Baggins.“ Her posture was a bit crouched, due to the fact that the chandelier almost hit her in the face. The sound of laughter grew louder the closer they got towards the dining area. „Ahh (Y/N)! And of course the king himself, Thorin Oakenshield.“ Gandalf greeted them both, ducking under the chandelier in order to get closer to Thorin. Scooting past the wizard, she sat down beside Fili. „Finally you arrived! Now we can begin with the proper festivities.“ He said, shovelling some food onto his plate. The warmth of the wonderful company filled her heart with glee and excitement. She knew that the journey just began, but deep down she also knew that no matter what happens, they will get back to Erebor and they will slay the dragon. 
~10 Months Prior~ „I do not wish to be in the presence of these elves.“ Thorin grumbled, trying to decline Gandalfs idea. „You are in dire need of a proper shelter and you know that Rivendell is close by. Also Elrond might help us get some insight about-„ „I do not wish to seek his help.“ She knew why her father was so incredibly opposed to visit Rivendell. Even though Lord Elrond never did anything to awaken Thorins wrath. At least not personally. She has noticed king Thranduil at the edge of the forest herself. Seen how he majestically sat atop of his elk. And declined to help them fight against Smaug. Her heart ached that night. Having lost not only her home but also one of Erebors strongest alliances.
„Father, Lord Elrond wasn‘t the one to ignore our call for help. So please, give him a chance. He might now how we could open the hidden door.“ Her pleading softened his tough facade. A sigh escaped his lips, as he looked forward. „We will only stay one night. None more.“ „Wonderful! Than let‘s change course towards Rivendell.“ Gandalf gave her a nod as a sign of thanks, before departing from the two of them. „I did not knew that you saw the king that day as well.“ Thorins brows were furrowed as the memory of this dreadful time resurfaced. „I spotted them when they turned around to leave us behind.“ Her hand landed on his shoulder, a gentle reminder that both of them survived the attack. „But this does not mean that I have a grudge against them.“ 
A gentle smile formed on his lips. „You will be a wonderful queen one day.“
She looked down at him, flabbergasted at his words. Never had she thought that at some point she will become a queen. Neither did she ever think about the fact that there might be a time when she will rule the kingdom. „A queen?“ „Of course. You are my daughter after all and you will inherit everything.“ Silence fell between them, as she thought about her fathers words. „What is it like to be a king? Is it hard?“ „I sadly did not get the chance to properly rule over Erebor yet, but this power comes with a great deal of responsibility. You need to make sure your kingdom works. This means that the people, who live inside your kingdom have little to complain about the way you rule over them. You need to take care of them. Think about what is best for everyone, not just one singular person.“ She nodded at his words, making sure to note everything mentally down. Just in case she really does become a queen.
„There are rulers, who have a heart made out of ice and are soulless. Creatures, who do not care about their lands. About their kingdom. All they want is the power that royalty gets them. But there are also kings and queens who rule with the warmth of their heart. That put their people first and themselves last. You yourself need to decide what type of queen you will be.“ „Father, will you be there for me and teach me when the time comes?“ Thorin stopped in his tracks at his daughters question. Taking her hands in his he looked up at her. Her pointed ears and her slightly taller frame are the only things that distinguish her from being a full dwarf. That and the lack of a beard. But suddenly a dreadful thought slithered into his head. Would he really be able to teach her? Will he be able to stay by her side until then? He is after all a mortal and will die at some point in his life, but his daughter?
A small smile graced his lips, as he gave her hands a gentle squeeze. „Of course I will. You will be the best queen Erebor will ever see.“ She gave him a hug at his reassuring words, before they continued on on their way to Rivendell.
Hours passed and they finally arrived at their destination for the night. Taking everything in, she gasped at the marvellous beauty that was Rivendell. The trees were beautiful. The architecture was breathtaking. And the people? Beautiful. Never had she seen such beautiful clothes and dainty jewellery. She loved the gems and jewels that lay deep in the treasure cove of Erebor, but these? They were breathtaking. „Please, welcome to Rivendell. You shall be escorted to your rooms. Clean yourselves and as soon as you will be ready dinner will be served.“ The words of Lord Elrond brought her back into reality. An elf stood in front of her. A woman who’s beauty rivalled with the flowers in the lushes garden. She was taller than her and her ears pointier. A real elf, not just an half elf like herself. Following the woman down a corridor, they stopped at a wooden door. „The bath is ready for you princess and a gown was prepared for you as a welcome present. If you need anything else, please call for my aid.“ And with those parting words the maid left her alone in front of the door. Turning the knob, she stepped through the wooden door. A gasp left her lips at the room. Windows that went from the floor to the top of the ceiling let in the warm sunlight and gave the room a golden glow. The bed looked like it was stolen from the sky above. Like the softest cloud she had ever laid her eyes upon. And the dress on top of it. A long dark green gown with beautiful golden vines sown into it. Oh she could not wait to get ready. 
Setting her weapons, as well as her cape down into a corner of the room, she immediately headed for the bathroom. She was craving a warm bath, having already forgotten what warm water even felt like on her body. During her travels with her father they mostly had to house at inns and various different locations that did not offer the luxury of warm water. Throwing her clothes off, she let her foot sink into the water. The warmth immediately engulfed her and a satisfied hiss left her lips. Her aching muscles finally got time to relax. She did not ever want to step out of there. Closing her eyes, she let her body sink even further into the liquid. Is this what the heavens feel like? Is this eternal happiness? After enough time passed she had to abandon the waters and step into the dress. The fabric of the gown was soft to the touch and she let out a gentle giggle as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like a real fairytale princess. Leaving the room, she headed for the dinner hall.
Thorin could not believe his eyes as he saw his daughter enter the room. She fully looked like her mother in this moment. Like a real elf. Like she belonged here. „You look beautiful my little princess.“ He said, a smile on his lips. „Thank you father.“ Bowing her head, she stood beside him, looking over Rivendell. „So you are princess (Y/N). Welcome to Rivendell.“ „Thank you Lord Elrond. I have read quite a few books about it but no words do this beautiful lands justice.“ A smile formed on the elf’s lips at her phrase. „It indeed is breathtaking isn‘t it? I remember when your mother first stepped into the castle. She was astonished as you were.“ She blinked at his words. „You have met my mother?“ „Of course. But this is not the time to be discussing these things I assume?“ Elronds gaze moved from her to Thorin, his glare cutting through the topic. „Maybe another time.“ Her voice so quite, it was almost inaudible. This was the first time she was inside of Rivendell and the first time she met Lord Elrond. And he knew her mother? Her mother was often a topic that was avoided by her father. He didn‘t despise talking about her. Quite the opposite. He loved her so incredibly much that it pained him to the core to talk about her. Because talking about her reminded him of her not being around. Not having witnessed his daughter grow up. So she always tried her best to bring up her mother as little as possible. To not hurt her grieving father even more. Sometimes during really tough times, she considered that he might be happier if her mother would still be around instead of her. But these thoughts were quickly diminished when he would knock on her door, a fresh batch of cookies in his hand and a beaming smile on his face.
„I will leave you to your important meeting now.“ She said, bowing slightly to Lord Elrond, before joining the others on the long dinner table. Their faces were filled with disappointment and disgust as they inspected the lettuce on their plates. One would think that there was no food on their plates but disgusting cockroaches spiked on some picks. Sitting beside Balin, she looked down onto her plate. „Why this sour reaction? This food doesn‘t look that bad.“ „Well it is- Wow.“ Balin stopped in the middle of his sentence as he gave her a once over. „You are the spitting image of your mother.“ A blush formed on her cheeks at the heartfelt compliment. She saw some beautiful paintings of her mother and she always wished to be just like her. „Thank you.“ Eating her dinner, she listened to the soft violins that played soft background music. „You look more like an elf now. It‘s almost like your dwarf packed its bags and left.“ Kili suddenly said from opposite of her. „Hahaha I can barely contain my laughter.“ She sarcastically answered. „You would wish I would pack my things and leave you behind, but who else would kick your butt during sparring sessions?“ „Hey! Just because you beat me last time, doesn‘t mean that you will beat me all the time.“ A laugh escaped her lips at her cousins defiance. 
Sadly the dinner passed all too quickly and soon enough she found herself inside her room once more. Her nightgown, a white long dress, gently swayed around her legs, as she gazed at the stars high above. The night was tranquil and it felt like an eternity that she felt this peaceful. It was almost as if everything was alright. As if she wasn‘t on a journey to find an enormous beast and get back the lonely mountain. Is this what it will be like after she returns home?
~5 Months Prior~ „He said we only need to follow the path so this is what we will be doing.“ Thorins voice echoed in her head, as she gazed at her companions that completely abandoned the aforementioned path. „This is not right, come back!“ Following them deeper into the forest, a shiver went down her spine. The light didn‘t properly reach this part and it was quite eerie. Except for the dwarves who kept on talking and babbling some nonsense. This was madness. They have to return to the… path? She turned around. Only tall trees and bushes were in her line of sight. Turning back around she saw that one dwarf was missing. Who was missing? Why was he missing? What even was she doing here? A scream from her right brought her back into reality. Immediately she unsheathed her sword and ripped Bilbo from the claws of the enormous spider. 
„What is going on? Why is my mind so hazy?“ The panic in her voice unsettled Bilbo. „I don‘t know, but what I do know is that there are more spiders coming.“ Getting surrounded by these beasts was not what Gandalf had in mind as he sent the company through the forest. Neither did she expect to find herself fighting against an eight legged monster. The metal of her sword clashed against the fangs that were ready to strike her down. Diving down she slashed through two of its legs, before piercing its body in the middle with her sword. Her mind was foggy, which made her stumble in her steps. The others were trying to hold back the spiders but it was no use. Suddenly arrows flew through the sky, hitting beast after beast. Not being able to comprehend what was happening she stood there, sword by her side. Elves had arrived to slay the spiders. Her eyes caught onto a blonde haired elf and she watched, as he slowly descended towards her. „What are you doing here?“ The stranger asked her. Her mouth opened and closed. No answer was able to pass her lips, as she took him in. His eyes were analysing her, as well as the dwarves behind her. His beautiful ocean blue eyes. And his beautiful blonde hair. It was partially braided, showcasing his pointed ears. His beautiful pink lushes pink lips. They seemed to move but no words would register in her mind. Did she become deaf after leaving the path? His hands grabbed her shoulders, turned her around and bound her wrists together. 
The moment her mind finally cleared up she found herself inside the Mirkwood palace. Bound by her wrists and all of them in a row. In front of King Thranduil. „I did not expect to see you wandering around my forest Thorin Oakenshield.“ He said, his voice laced with slight mockery. „Let us leave. Now.“ Thranduil raised an eyebrow at his request. „You trespass through my lands and do as you please. Why would I just let you leave now? You actually had luck that my son was on patrol. Else you would have gone mad and lost yourself to the forest.“ His head was held high as he let his gaze wander over each and everyone. „You even brought your daughter on your journey. That is quite a surprise. Considering you held her hostage most of her life in the mountain.“ „Don‘t you dare say another word about her.“ Her father shook in his shackles. The anger that was radiating off of him could heat up the entire castle. Thranduil made a move with his hands, almost as if he would dismiss the lot of them. „Please, enjoy your stay in the dungeon.“ Guards were escorting them, her being the last in the line. „Except for her. She shall stay in the castle a little while longer.“ At this Thorin began to thrash around. „Don‘t you dare-„ His voice was cut off as the door to the dungeons shut.
Her eyes widened as she realised that she was standing in the throne room of the Mirkwood castle. All alone. Tied up. „Tell me dear, what were you doing here.“ Staring at the king on his throne she swallowed hard and shook her head. „I shall not talk about it.“ Her gaze wandered over to his son, who was standing beside the throne. The beautiful man who is the whole reason she ended up here. „It is not every day that people wander through my woods. And even less that they wander off of the path. So I think you should definitely tell me.“ He suddenly stood up and walked towards her. His face only a few inches from his own. „Why did you decide to walk through Mirkwood and what is the goal of your journey?“ Suddenly the memories of the time as tragedy hit Erebor and Thranduil refused help resurfaced. „You did not help in our dire need of help. Why is that?“ A smirk formed on his lips at her question. „You dwarves got what you sowed. You were greedy and only the greediest get a visit from a dragon. And Smaug is one of the dragons for the most greedy souls.“ Her eyebrows furrowed at his words. „We just kept what was ours safe.“ „No you did not!“ His booming voice made her flinch. „You kept the thing I hold dear far far beneath your precious mountain and this is the price you had to pay. Not just for the diamonds but for the gold and silver that you hoard. One could have even easily mistaken you lot for dragons it it wasn‘t for your short statue and your beard.“ He took a quick look at her. „Except for you as a halfling. Neither fully dwarf, nor fully elf.“ She bit her lips at his words. The people in Erebor accepted her, adored her even. But even them would sometimes approach her with caution. Considering she was only half a dwarf. Different from them.
“Father, I think this is enough.” Thranduil stared at her for a few seconds longer, before retreating to his throne. “Legolas, please escort her back to her father.” Nodding at the request, the prince approached her. Grabbing her gently by her shoulders, he guided her towards the staircase that led to the imprisoned dwarves. “I apologize for my fathers words.” Legolas suddenly whispered, still leading her down the stone steps. “It is alright. Nothing I haven’t heard before.” She shrugged her shoulders. The words might not hurt as badly as the countless times before, but they still leave an unpleasant aftertaste. “Might I ask, how exactly did you end up in the middle of the forest?” “We never intended to leave the path, but one thing led to the other and now we seem to be stuck in your castle.” A hum left Legolas lips at her explanation. “You know, if you think about escaping then I would recommend doing so tonight. There are some festivities and preparations are currently taking place. Which means that most guards are not around in the dungeons. Or at least a lot less than normally.” She turned her head around to look at the man behind her, his words confusing her. “Why would you tell me this?” Suddenly her wrists were freed from the cold metal that bound them together. Turning around, she gave him a puzzled look. “I don’t think it is fair for you and your company to be held hostage.” Legolas smiled down at her, his eyes twinkling like diamonds. “Thank you so much.” She said, giving him a smile of her own before continuing on her way to the dungeons.
As the both of them arrived downstairs, Thorin immediately walked up to the bars. His eyes filled with anger at the close proximity of Legolas to his daughter. And the thought about what the king might have done to her. Opening the cell beside his, she was gently guided inside, the door falling shut behind her. The click of the key shutting her inside bounced off of the walls. Her hands grabbed the bars tightly. Legolas leaned towards her, his own hands just mere centimetres above her own. “Make sure to check your pockets at some point.” A soft nod from her indicated him that she understood the hint he gave her. “You have no need to get so cozy with my daughter now.” Thorin grumbled, having watched them the entire time. Lifting his hands up in surrender, the prince took a few steps away from the cell. “Of course. Enjoy your stay in Mirkwood.” And with these parting words he went back towards the throne room.
Time flew by as they were walking through the dark corridors, finding a way to get out of the castle unnoticed. Bilbo, for some unknown reason, did not get snatched by the guards and found himself standing in front of the locked-up cells. Without a key. Luckily Legolas seemed to want to help and slipped some copies of the keys into her pockets, which she of course quickly handed the hobbit.
“I was able to roam around a bit and found a wine cellar. I think the best option would be to get into the barrel and let them fall through the opening into the river below.” Nodding at the plan he just explained, each of the dwarves got comfortable inside one of the barrels. However, it was quickly noticed, that there weren’t enough barrels for everyone. “I can find another way out of the castle.” She quickly said, taking a step back from the company. “No. You should get inside. I will just follow you in some other way.” Thorin tried to argue but she just shook her head at his stubbornness. “No, they will catch you and you will be stuck here for eternity. We can’t risk that. I at least can blend into here. I am after all half-elf as well.” He thought about her argument for a few more seconds. Just as he was about to say something else, they heard footsteps approach. Shoving them into barrels and putting lids on top of them, she pulled the lever and watched each of them fall into the river below. The sound of people rushing towards the wine cellar made her duck behind a wall. Two guards walked through the door, arguing that they shouldn’t have left their spots. Their backs were turned towards her. Grabbing two glass bottles, she silently crouched towards them and hit each of them in the head. Both fell down with a loud thud. Quickly binding them she stripped one of them out of his uniform and put it on herself. It was a tad bit to big but it should still work. She should still pass as one of the Mirkwood guards.
Outside the cellars doors, there were guards rushing outside. One of them stopped in his tracks and gave her a once over. “What are you still doing here? The prisoners escaped! Go up there and make sure they don’t leave Mirkwood!” Nodding quickly at the order, she followed them outside. There she saw Legolas, trying to shoot down some Orks that for some reason seem to have found her and the company once more. Running after them she made sure to shoot arrows at anyone who seemed to attack the dwarfs. She heard Fili scream something at Kili, as the latter seemed to try and open the water flow, so they wouldn’t be stuck in Mirkwood anymore. That’s when an arrow landed in his thigh. “Kili!” She tried to run towards him, tried to help him. A Ork tried to approach him, but he was quickly taken care off by an arrow that flew from her bow. Reaching his side, she wrapped an arm around his back and half dragged and half carried him back to the barrel before it was swept away by the stream. Settling inside the small wooden compartment, her cousin let out a hiss of pain. “Are you alright?” Worry laced her words. She didn’t have a chance to examine the wound. “I will survive, don’t worry about it.” His voice wavered, as his mind still was focused on the gaping hole in his leg. Her arms tightened around him, making sure he won’t stumble out of the barrel. “Yes, we will take care of it, as soon as we arrive on land.” And with that they all let the river take them to their next destination.
~3 Months Prior~ He wouldn’t let her go. He constantly was by her side, making sure she was always around and in his reach 24/7. Making sure she is safe. And it drained her. She loved her father but ever since Kili almost died due to the poison in his system and the reconquest of Erebor he has been acting… differently. He was almost obsessed with her. “Father, I know you only mean well, but you have to let me go.” His eyes moved from the Arkenstone in his hand to his daughter. “Nonsense. There is no need for you to leave.” “But father, the people-“ “I don’t care about the people! Your safety is my priority and you shall not leave the castles grounds!” Anger bubbled up inside of her. “But what about Balin? What about Dwalin? What about all the other dwarves? War is about to happen outside and you are cooped up inside of this room, constantly staring at this stupid stone!”
“This is not a stupid stone!” His booming voice echoed through the halls. “This gem is the Arkenstone.“
Her eyes widened at his strange behaviour. She knew he was sick. She knew it was the stones fault that he behaved like an absolute lunatic. It happened to her great grandfather before. „Father, this is not like you at all!“ Thorins eyes narrowed on her, the gem set aside on the throne, as he walked up to her. „You will not leave this castle. Matter of fact, you will not even leave my side. You are my daughter and I will ensure your safety.“ He was quite shorter than her, however he was still intimidating. Especially under the influence of the dragon sickness. In the corner of her eye she noticed some movement. „I wish I could stay with you. I wish I could ease your mind, but this is not how we can save Erebor. I am sorry.“ She quickly ran away from the dwarf, far away from the throne and the king. Towards the door. Towards freedom. But she didn‘t make it far. Because Thorin snatched her wrist and snaked his arms around her body. Suffocating her in a hug. Keeping her close to him. Encasing her in his loving embrace. „You are my daughter (Y/N). Nothing will steal you away from me.“ What he did not see though, was her mouthing to Bilbo to grab the stone and make his quick escape, hoping this would turn her father back to the man he was before.
~2 Weeks Prior~ „I wish that we wouldn‘t have to go into battle.“ She said, looking up into the cloudy sky. The weather had been gloomy since days, almost as if even nature knew what was about to go down. „I agree. But sadly, it is not our choice to make.“ Legolas joined her side, leaning his arms on the castles stone walls that kept them safe. At least for now. „As if the dragon wasn‘t enough already, we have to fight against an army of orcs. It is so silly.“ She let out a pitiful laugh at the dire situation. The kingdom, just saved from the claws of a monster, faces another evil incoming. „Erebor will be saved. This battle will be won and the kingdom will be brought back to its former glory.“ The elf prince beside her smiled down at her, carefully grabbing her hand and letting his thumb reassuringly caress her skin. Heat bloomed on her cheeks at his gentle touch. „I appreciate your help Legolas. Yours and of course the help of your father.“ Her fingers tightened around his hand, squeezing it.
She was scared. War is just a few days away and who knows how long it will go on for? She just got back her home and her father finally found himself once more. No longer ill with the dragon sickness and now they all have to fight once more. For Erebor. When will it ever be enough? She let out a shaky breath. „What if we lose? What if Azog wins? What if we all will fall and-„ Her words were cut off. Her words were cut off due to a pair of lips on hers. A gentle kiss silenced her. A gentle kiss from Legolas silenced her. She barely registered what happened and he already pulled away. Her heart raced and her eyes took him in. His cheeks were tinted red and his eyes glistened with unsaid feelings. „We will not loose this war. We will not loose each other and we will win back your home.“ His reassuring words filled her with hope. "And afterward I will properly court you. In the dwarvish ways and in the elvish ways. In both ways." A gasp left her lips, as she registered what he just said. A bright smile graced her lips. "You might have to face another battle then. A battle even worse than the one that is about to hit Erebor. The battle with my father." Taking her hand, he brought it up to his lips and layed a gentle kiss on it. "I will make sure to ease the battle and get his blessing. For I will not let him stop my love for you." Her heart filled with warmth. Never did anybody ever say such things to her. Such lovely things. Such poetic lines. Her fingers traced gentle lines over his face, before pulling him down for another loving kiss.
Unbeknownst to her, Thorin watched the whole interaction through the window of his study. Anger bubbled inside the king, as his glare was set on the blonde-haired prince. But he also felt a pang in his chest. An ache in his heart. Legolas was an elf and so was his daughter. Even though she was only partly an elf, she still was one. The only thing that could kill her were wounds inflicted upon her. But not her age. She would live a long life, which he could not. His life was numbered. He was a mortal, like the men walking the earth or the hobbit who was their little thief. Meanwhile her lifespan was infinitely. „You might kill the prince with your eyes soon, Thorin Oakenshield.“ Gandalfs words cut through the dwarfs thoughts. „What is bothering you? Is it the love they have for each other? Or is it something else?” The wizard took a puff of his pipe. „It is neither of those and nothing of your concern.“ „Oh it might not be, but it could ease your mind to share your troubles with a friend.“„I am just worried. Worried like a father normally worries.“ Another puff of smoke left Gandalfs lips, as he thought about Thorins muttered words. „I think you do not need to worry. She is a capable young woman. She can handle herself perfectly fine.“ „I know. That is what I am worried about.“ The wizard let out a knowing chuckle. „Every daughter needs her father. No matter how old they are.“ A smile graced Thorins lips at the reassuring words. „I hope so.“
~10 Minutes Prior~ Blood. So much blood. And screams. But her mind was blank. She just saw both her cousins stabbed to death. Both their eyes wide open as their souls began to leave their bodies. Both their blood on her hands. But she had no time to mourn them. Even if it cut deep into her heart and sliced her apart. A cold reminder of the war surrounding her. She has to go help her father. Help him defeat Azog and finally end this nightmare. Her body felt numb, as she passed several orcs, slicing them down. Ending them. Killing them like they were killing her family. Her legs carried her further and further, her speed never faltering. Arrows flying from her bow into the orcs heads on the way. Finally she spotted her father at the top. He was wielding his sword against Azog in a heated battle. She had to help him. Stepping on the ice she stumbled a bit. How was Thorin managing to fight on it? Finding her balance, she watched Azog throw around his metallic chained up rock to smash Thorin into pieces but he always dodged his attacks. However, the ice underneath suffered tragically and began to break apart. This made her wobble and step back onto the grass.  The dwarf king and the orc stared at each other, clashing their weapons around until the sound of eagles echoed through the vast space. The sound of them approaching and flying above them distracted Azog long enough for Thorin to take his chances and throw the orcs own weapon into his hands. Stepping off of the small ice he watched, as his enemy fell into the cold water below.
The silence was deafening. Was it over? Was he finally defeated? She couldn’t believe it. Dropping her wooden bow on the ground she stared at her father, who was still miles away from her. Still on top of the frozen water. He smiled at her and she carefully began to take a step into his direction. But Thorin suddenly held out his hand, gesturing for her to stop in her tracks. His eyes were focused on the frozen ground underneath him. He began to follow whatever he saw, leaving his daughter behind. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and watched the king walk around. Suddenly a scream ripped from his throat. She stumbled backwards at the shocking sound. Her heart began to race as Azog resurfaced and the battle continued. „Father!“ She screamed, her shaking hands fumbling for her arrows and picking up her weapon from the ground. The frozen ground was shredded into tiny bits, making it impossible for her to join Thorins side and help him in close combat. So she had to aim for the enemy with her bow. Lodging one of the arrows, she let it fire and whirl through the wind. But she missed. Her arrows falling left and right into the water. The only sound that was heard were their grunts as Thorin lay underneath the orc, fighting for his life. He couldn‘t die like that. He couldn‘t die at all! She tried to grab another arrow, but there were none left.
Taking out her sword, she jumped onto one of the few ice pieces and began to slowly approach them. Her feet slipped countless times and her legs stung due to the cold water, but she still stumbled towards them. She had to help her father out. He needed her. Suddenly her father groaned and her eyes widened, as she saw that he stabbed Azog. They switched places and the orc lay lifeless underneath him. She stopped in her tracks, clinging onto the ice. It finally was over. The war was over. That was until her father fell to the ground. Her heart stopped and she immediately ran towards him. „Father!“ Her screams traveled across the empty field. Her arms and legs flailed as she jumped her way towards him. Her knees hit the ground beside him. Blood was pooling out of his wound and she immediately cradled his head in her lap. More blood oozed out of his lips, as he tried to utter some words. „Don’t talk! You will lose more blood.“ Tears began to stream down her face, as she watched him struggle more. He reached a shaking hand out toward her cheek. She leaned into his cold touch. „You will be a wonderful queen and… a wonderful ruler…“ He coughed. Hiccups fell from her own as she watched his life disappear from his eyes. „You can‘t die. We still have so much to do, you can‘t leave me yet. Please.“ Her voice cracked as she held her father closer. Her hands were pressing down on his wound. „I need a healer. You need a healer. I will press on your wound. Stay with me dad, please. I need you, please!“ Another cough from him cut her off. „I will always be by your side (Y/N).“ More tears fell from her eyes. He smiled up at her. „You are my… most important treasure.“
His hand slowly dropped from her face and his eyes began to close. „No. No!“ Her heart stopped. She tightly cradled him to her chest as more tears fell. As raw screams rippled from her throat. Even when Bilbo approached her, she didn‘t stop. She wailed like a baby while holding him, hoping he would open his eyes once more. Hoping he would hold her once more or give her a kiss on the head. „Please wake up.“ She whispered, her forehead touching his. But he never listened. She didn‘t even notice Legolas. Or how he gently lifted her from the ground. Or how they got back into the castle. The only thing she could remember was her father on the ice and how his blood soaked the water.
~5 Years After~ „You know, your father was worried about you.“ Gandalfs words made her turn around, surprise and confusion written over her face. „What do you mean?“ „He once saw you engaging with the prince. Well, who now is the king of Erebor.“ She smiled at the thought of her father. He always used to throw glares at the elf when he sat too close to her during the dinner. „He was worried that you might not find a place on Middle Earth.“ She frowned at his words. She didn‘t know that Thorin was worried about her. About her not being able to fit in. „But he also told me how proud he was of you.“ „How so?“ „He saw how you stood up against the dwarves and elf that belittled you. That told you that you belonged nowhere.“ The wizards words resurfaced the pain and bullying she had to endure. Not being a dwarf and neither being an elf was tough on her and most people did not take kindly upon her. But that never stopped her from stepping up for herself. From showing them that she deserves to be there, as much as they deserve to roam the world. „He told me that you will be a wonderful queen once you wear the crown. And it seems, that he was right.“ A bright smile graced her face at the compliment. „Thank you Gandalf.“ She turned towards the window and looked up into the night sky. „And thank you father. Thank you for believing in me.“
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mithrilhearts · 2 months ago
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Does anyone else remember this scene they cut at the end of BOTFA where Thorin arrives at Bag End (ALIVE), and he and Bilbo chat about their happy future together as husbands and how nothing bad will happen to them ever again? No? Just me? More Bagginshield for me then. 💖
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lathalea · 2 years ago
Teaser Time: The White Raven ch6 is coming soon!
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I would like to thank everyone who has supported me so far during my work on The White Raven fic, especially you, lovely people, yes, you who replied to my latest post about it. Your response was so overwhelmingly kind and really motivating 💕💕💕😭 Special thanks to @legolasbadass for being a great and extremely patient beta reader 💙
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You gave me strength to continue writing this story and I have a little something for you...
✨💎 As a big THANK YOU 💎 ✨ I'd like to share a small snippet from Chapter 6 with you. Enjoy!
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“He’s still breathing!”
“Thorin, wake up! Wake up, ye lazy bastard!” someone growled straight into his ear. “Damn it!”
“Dwalin, look, we stopped the bleeding.”
Those voices again. Pulling Thorin back into consciousness. Into the pain and emptiness.
“Let’s finish dressing his wound and then we’ll take ‘im to Oín,” the growling one said. 
“What’s that, Fili?” the young, familiar voice said.
“Over there, by that pointy rock on the other side of the river.” 
“Looks like a dead Warg to me,” the one very close to him rasped out. A pair of hands kept on doing something to his chest. It hurt. He wanted it to stop. 
“Too small for a Warg, Dwalin. It’s… by Mahal’s beard!”
“Where are you going, Fili? Wait for me!” The first voice sounded irritated.
A sound of hurried footsteps. Iron-heeled boots against ice. 
“Those two can’t sit in one place in peace if their life depended on…” the raspily-sounding one grunted. “I tell ya, Thorin, when ye’re better, we’ll send them on guard duty. First morning shift for a month. That’ll teach ‘em!”
Somehow, it made Thorin want to smile. But now, even smiling hurt.
“It’s a raven! So big! Look at its wings! Why are you staring, Fili?” the youthful voice reached his ears again.
“I think it’s… the White Raven.”
“What?! It’s just a fairy tale!”
“I’ve seen this raven before, Kili,” confidence rang in the second voice. “I think it followed us on the way to Erebor. It helped me fight off a Warg-rider in the Misties just before the eagles came.”
Thorin took a reluctant breath. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears. 
“Whatever it is, it doesn’t look good. There is so much blood… Is it dead, Fili?”
“Let me see… That’s a nasty wound.”
Thorin’s muscles tensed. He wanted to open his eyes. He wanted to speak. But his body didn't want to obey.
And then he heard two gasps at the same time.
“What’s happening?”
“Do you see it too, Fili?”
“It’s… it’s magic!”
“No, it’s a shapeshifter!”
“Look! Look!”
“A woman?!”
Both voices intermingled in Thorin’s exhausted mind, making less and less sense. He needed to act. He needed to… He breathed in. The air smelled like snowdrops.
“Thorin! Ye’re back! And here I was thinkin’…” A tattooed forehead and a bushy moustache appeared before his eyes. “Stop squeezing my hand so hard!”
“Carra…” Thorin managed to rasp out. He could barely keep his eyes open.
“What are ye sayin’?” Dwalin demanded.
“Help…. her…” He tried again. “She is…”
“What? I can barely hear ye.” The last wisps of strength were leaving him. He could feel the darkness beckoning to him once again.
“Yasthûnê…” Thorin articulated slowly. “My… wife.”
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The full chapter is going to drop in the beginning of next week, Thorin and Carra can't wait to share their tale with you 💙
Tagging @legolasbadass @linasofia @xxbyimm @quiall321 @i-did-not-mean-to @evenstaredits @exhausted-humxn-being @mrsdurin @emrfangirl @aduialel @littlesweetdressmaker @shiinata-library @estethell @heilith @sotwk @groovycalzoneroadmaker @sazzlep @ponycactus @nokisuu @the-lonely-pillow @myeaglesongart @i-am-the-raven-queen @ruthoakenshield @asgardianhobbit98 @thespiritoflife @justfollowtheroad @fizzyxcustard @knittastically @mcchiberry @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady and everyone who is interested in this story (stupid tumblr said I couldn't tag more people, sorry) 💙
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