#so many of my shipping problems could be solved if they all moved into the same house and dated each other
thecheshirerat · 13 hours
Wow that sounds like I’m about to summarize some sort of discourse but I promise I’m not. I guess I’ll say that I really like this show and I will keep listening even if my worst fears come to pass, so keep that in mind!
For reference, I started listening near the end of Amnesty.
I’ve noticed, with the past few arcs- really since Ethersea- the narratives have just… not been fulfilling their promises, so to speak. They’ve been placing a lot of guns that don’t go off. What I mean by that is, the characters are great. Excellent, really. Lady Godwin? HELL YES. Emerich Dreadway? Fuck yeah! And so on! And the settings and premises have been epic- the goofiness and also horrifying nature of Engrave, the mad and thrilling world of Steeplechase- these things are COOL AS FUCK.
and then the actual narratives keep flopping?
And honestly, I notice it most in the endings, because you can really tell when an ending doesn’t land. You feel the sense of disappointment. But with vs. Dracula, for example, I could kinda see leading up to it that the ending couldn’t really BE anything special, because they lowkey didn’t set themselves up for it.
They spent the campaign fucking around in Engrave, finding clues and solving problems and not really experiencing any particularly meaningful character arcs or growth or, idk, forming relationships? So there wasn’t much to pay off, I’m not gonna lie!
Of course it doesn’t feel quite as dissatisfying when you’re in the thick of it, because they’re funny and the stuff is cool and- oh hey! Lady Godwin’s been turned into a werehorse against her will?? that’s got some real potential for a LOT of allegories and exploration of some fun character development! And then it’s kinda played as a joke. And then they do that again and again.
And they actually said that that was a move they made intentionally, in the TTAZZ. I’m not quoting them perfectly here, this is from memory, but I do remember them mentioning that they wanted lighthearted comedy without the burden of real life story stuff. And I get that, honestly, but… it’s not the choice I would’ve made. I do think you can keep a lighthearted tone while also, idk, forming relationships and wholesomely engaging with some amount of emotion. And sometimes going way too deep is funny as a tone shift!
But I digress. One thing that’s also popped out to me is the almost complete lack of any kind of romantic storyline or even references. This becomes obvious if you’re in a fandom because everyone is always dying to ship SOMEONE, and you can tell when people are really getting desperate. I don’t blame them for not wanting to roleplay romance with their family, and I do think stories lacking romance are COOL and SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED!
However if you can’t find ANYBODY to ship together… that may mean you just don’t have character bonds. The growing popularity of the PC polycule is interesting to me; I wonder if it’s partially because
a) none of the pcs have significant relationships outside of their party and
b) even within the party, there doesn’t seem to be much chemistry between any given pair of characters…? I hope I’m making my point well here- the PCs all seem equally close and have more or less the same relationship to all of their compatriots with little distinction, meaning, essentially, no shipping fodder that doesn’t involve just all of ‘em.
Either way, it makes me wonder if I can blame the “Graduation has too many NPCs!” critique. They really stopped giving the parties tag-along main NPCs after graduation, with the exception of maybe.. Urchin? Kodira? Shlabethany? Poppy? and even they get relatively little “screen” time. Steeplechase has great NPCs, I love them to death, but none of the PCs seem to ever have one on one conversations with NPCs or each other that do not explicitly focus on the plot. And I think that’s part of why the characters feel so underdeveloped despite having spent a lot of time with them- because in this character-driven genre, we get very little insight into their feelings or motivations or even their rudimentary backstories.
I started watching Fantasy High recently and it made me realize a couple things about TAZ.
1) Recently, TAZ has sooo few core NPCs, and it’s weird that the characters aren’t doing more one-on-one purely character based scenes. And that makes it really tough to develop them.
2) TAZ is- and I should have realized this before- one of many good dnd podcasts. They’re probably looking for a niche they can master.
And it sounds like they’re trying to get back to that old “Here there be Gerblins!” energy. They’ve referenced it so many times in recent TTAZZes- they wanted to be job-focused, allowing story stuff to happen organically, so they tried a more open world vibe with Ethersea. They wanted to be less afraid to kill stuff, so they tried playing criminals (and were still afraid to kill stuff). They wanted to be silly and light on character, as they tackled with taz vs dracula. Now they’re trying to bring in the silly cartoon vibe with Abnimals. I think they’re trying to make that family-friendly, funny and goofy show their niche. Something other actual plays can’t be better at them at.
And honestly it kinda makes me sad, that they keep trying to go back to Balance while ignoring everything they learned during it. Because I loved Dust. Because I loved Amnesty. Because I loved Ethersea. I loved these past arcs! But they keep doing their brilliant characters dirty for some reason!!! And i don’t know why!!!!
You know that meme about people who ask questions in movies and then the person responds “Have you ever been to a movie before? You watch them and the information is revealed.” There have been so many times in TAZ recently where information has Not been revealed and if they keep doing it the audience will stop bothering to suspend their disbelief, because the trust just isn’t there.
What is Montrose’s deal? What on earth was Carmine Denton’s whole thing? Tell me more about Zoox’s feelings, about Devo’s past, about Amber’s future. Show me how Lady Godwin feels about the body horror that is her life- like, seriously! WHY DID WE HAVE TO COMPLETELY DISMISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS GENERATIONAL TRAUMA IN MUTT’S LIFE FOR A JOKE??
Do you remember in Steeplechase where the boys were getting medical attention or something- i don’t remember, but they were all in one room and only talking about The Plot. And Poppy literally banged on the door (speaking for both Justin and me, tbh) and was like “does anyone want to share any feeeeelings??” and they were like NOPE! and they moved on!!
like. cmon. you can’t just put a character like montrose out there and then leave them severely underdeveloped to the point that what would be interesting in proper context, with audience insight, becomes confusing and chaotic.
I just wish they would take their stories as seriously as we do.
It feels to me like they don’t believe in themselves, and it makes me sad. Maybe they didn’t get the response they wanted from Ethersea and so they’ve been trying to pivot, hoping to recapture whatever it was that earned them a loyal audience.
Again, I love them. They’re so funny and I’ll keep listening until the day they stop making this show, and when it happens I’ll cry.
But i KNOW they have more in them. Remember the “we’ll grow gills” monologue from Justin in the Prologues? Remember Travis’s SOLID acting with Devo? Or his awesome choice to give Lyndon/Beef a clearly delineated work/irl identity? His excellent narration and prose? Remember when Montrose described being lonely?! Remember all those moments where Shit Got Real and you cared??? The nanofather said some dope shit! dracula and victor and sweater dracula had such a wild dynamic! Clint’s acting in Dust 2- I can’t remember the characters name right now- was ASTOUNDING, I genuinely didn’t know he had that in him and it blew me away!
I’m not referencing Balance on purpose, both because the fandom is way to hung up on it and because I want to prove that you don’t even have to look at Balance, or even Post-Balance arcs, to see this kind of good cool stuff!
GAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! I want them to have fun. But also. We’re starving out here.
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rist-ix · 2 years
What are your queer headcanon in Winx club ?
I'd probably go at this from the worldbuilding side and say that the magical dimension doesn’t have any named sexual orientations, it’s just falling-in-love or not falling in love, and the gender of the person you fall in love with has no indications for your future crushes at all. Very loose and fluid on a societal level. If we go from real life labels though, I’d say it depends on what fits the current fic best?
I really wanna say Musa is ace, just because her color palette goes so well with that flag. But there's absolutely NO logical explanation why she'd fall in love with the steaming, self-loathing trash pile that is s1 Riven if she wasn’t hit by an unfortunate wave of teenage horniness for him.
Bloom is bi, I take no criticism on this. And has a thing for blondes. The only reason she and Stella aren’t dating by s1 ep 2 is compulsive heterosexuality, and maybe that meme that lesbians gotta be best friends for twenty years before daring to make a move.
I like Nabu. I like his storyline in s3, and his relationship with Aisha. But I want her and Musa to date soooooo bad🥲 plus it would be so funny if their parents forced them to marry only for them to be each other’s beard while they continue to be gay as fuck in public.
Flora in my head is like, twenty different shades of queer to me, I cannot for the life of me pick one. Riven's subtext has always been repressed gay, but idk how that the repressed part would work with my ideal worldbuilding. Bi power couple Brella is widely accepted fanon and I am very much on board. And it might be cliché but i still like the idea that Timmy's trans.
For all the others I don’t really have strong headcanons, to be honest.
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warmerstranger · 1 year
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。°˖ ʚɞ ꒦꒷⩩ Ft. Edogawa Ranpo & Edgar Allan Poe x gn reader
At this point I'm just promoting the ship www :33
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (many gaslight 🔥, obsessiveness, manipulative, breach of privacy/confidentiality hints, heavy dependence indications, overprotective, gatekeeping you), kind of angsty having a friends-to-enemies dynamic with Ranpo, messy plotline going on idk anymore my brain just shrunk writing this
°°``Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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↪What starts out as a mere fascination descalates into a mixed up dedication.
❇✧ You're a fun little enigma which is like that of a stimulating Rubik cube. Always determined, Ranpo successfully manages in getting your true best outcome from all the possibilities he could show for you to be amazed at. Sometimes, the fact that he can be stumped figuring you out frustrates him to no end, but he's proud to be the one doing it to you overall! After all, there's no other person more capable and fitting than him to 'solve' all of your worries, problems, or low level predicaments so you should be at ease if you just leave them to the greatest detective ever!
❇✧ Whenever you would feel like you're hitting a dead end in a seemingly neverending maze, he can easily show you the way out of that maze—no, miniature garden! It's only a simple and rewarding trade all in all, you need his point of view towards the solution and Ranpo will receive your praise as the reward (+ your cleared up face out of recognition, breaking to a smile <- he considers it a bonus even though he would expect for that view to keep coming, reserved for his eyes only!).
❇✧ The very few moments though, you wish for a comfort or time in facing a dilemma instead of being shoved a cold revelation like what he usually does. But why, he thought, why wouldn't you just walk the rest of your way out of the maze even with him graciously leading you onward? What's the point of standing around and mulling it over? The answer is already right there, it's obvious and even you could see it. He knows the reason, but he can't really do anything about it if you don't move yourself, can he? He hates being incapable in these kind of situations.
❇✧ You might get some of his snacks instead and something along the lines 'I guess I could do it, just doing something so simple by being here for you if that helps you'. He would pout and everything if he sees your gloom face isn't going away any soon.
❇✧ Your praise and smile are his daily dose of dopamine (healthy ofc, totally not addicted) at this rate and he demands more! He becomes very prying... of your matters which aren't that easy to deal with and even the touchy subjects you wouldn't dare speak out loud, it's as if you're being exposed to the core and then poked at for him to nitpick about certain parts you really have difficulties with.
❇✧ Anytime, any day, his words slowly plague your mind; you should do things this way or you should follow what he say that way you don't regret it, are you sure you should be doing this? He's getting persistently clingy while his minor tantrums increase more often whenever you don't approve his presence, you should've admit you need him any moment now!
❇✧ A bad move on your part, he takes that as a sign it's not enough so you just... avoid him altogether, explaining about his behavior and that you need space from him on text to refrain from losing control over your emotions if you face him. You figure you should do something about this, then you finally go to seek out his rival—no, the closest person he's to and the one you're comfortable with asking for help; Edgar Allan Poe.
❇✧ ...that's what he expected. When Ranpo realized all his efforts would backfire him, he have created a plan with Poe in advance way before you do. He won't let you escape him! Not when he has Poe by his side; his most trusted aid.
❇✧ The moment you take a step back, he instead sees it as a challenge he should take so he will come out victorious; as the one you would admit to be right, backed up by Poe's statement about him. Ranpo won't back down... So you shouldn't go down easily and cower away! Things wouldn't have to be this way if you were just of one agreement with him from the beginning.
❇✧ To Poe, even if through complaints only, Ranpo accidentally makes you out to be more of a formidable foe and villain than you actually are in this case that Poe doesn't hesitate at all lending him a hand. Fueled by jealousy—the moment you step into Poe's room—he welcomes you as his most dangerous rival at the highest priority who needs to be handled in his own hands now that Ranpo leaves the rest of the plan to him.
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✏✉ It was needed as a convincing prove for Poe that you're worthy of his help. It was supposed to be like that right before... you are trapped within Poe's book. And out of all people, it's with Ranpo, where almost all (under influence of Poe wanting you to think of them as such) the puzzles are designed in such a special mechanism needing two certain people to be solved at the same time. But, the puzzles put you at a disadvantage more, highlighting Ranpo's ability instead whenever you can't solve them. Your intentions to work together with him in peace and solving some riddles on your own—are outweighed in the end. 'If you want this to be easier for both of us, you should just count on me more!' stated Ranpo.
✏✉ Compared to Ranpo, you know you're not that smart, but you can still stand up by yourself very well even without his help and so, you show it to them. Oh, what a bold and risky action you took, with that being out of their predictions as well... You have Poe enthralled, in awe towards your efforts as if you're under a spotlight—like him—the past him trying hard to win against the same once 'enemy'. With Ranpo getting worried sick of you now and Poe feeling guilty as well, he ends the story on that note before releasing you both out very soon.
✏✉ After Ranpo throws an outburst for your idiotic reckless stunt you pulled and he gets a childish tantrum trying not to mind a particular stupid person whenever he meets you, Poe have since become your wingman for both of your happiness. He's sad seeing the state of relationship you have with his best rival (lie) is turning tense. Poe has been also the mediator from then on who presents Ranpo's good qualities he's proud of. It's as if he's his defender, apologist more than someone who supports both side to make peace rather.
✏✉ Poe would be able to make you feel bad, because maybe you are just being too stubborn surely? Things would go smoothly on your end once you understand Ranpo if you were in his shoes and he would then forgive you. At some other times, Poe is just a walking contradiction, taking your side and discussing about his plans of deduction game to go against Ranpo and with your help, you two might even win past his level of intelligence together.
✏✉ Truthfully, Poe is just playing a devil's advocate card and you might realize it sooner or later since he can't help but rant more than he needed when you push the conversation a right way. You play along with him, admitting you're wrong in some cases related about Ranpo, and even acknowledging Poe's skills because he must be on the same level as him when they managed to get closer than ever~ Poe would be all flustered being treated like that by you.
✏✉ In that moment, Ranpo unexpectedly appears and gets along with you well enough as if nothing ever happens between the two of you, teaming up to tease Poe together. Karl also takes the chance to be his savior by obstructing his own face. All is well that ends well. Not long after, Ranpo admits his fault from before. Your trust in him wouldn't be able to return the way it was, though. Poe is now the one you would confide in, his awkward gestures supported by Karl's help mostly becomes your comfort and they're more heartfelt genuine. In return, Poe would need your feedback and opinions for his stories from time to time.
✏✉ Poe starts glorifying you as his most precious friend, even comes a few lavish gifts he give to you along with a letter he writes for a special occassion. That recent development of you getting closer with him doesn't seem to bother Ranpo much, the detective would simply come and borrow you at appropriate times, sharing stories about his accomplishments of usual and extraordinary cases strewn about in the city or coming to talk in private with Poe or, sometimes have you all hang out together to some place he's interested in.
✏✉ Things seem normal as if you're just spending time together with your close friends(?). Well, besides some claims from Ranpo's co-workers about how he seems to like you very much and he's really insistent of scolding and demeaning anyone who would be having the slightest interest in you. Ranpo is completely honest about it, telling you they're all just creeps or someone you wouldn't want to get involved with. And right he is, when you find out, even if some of them may be your acquintances or friends, Ranpo just knows to get the dirt on expose them and you would thank him for just looking out after you.
✏✉ Although rare, things would escalate further until one of those people is desperate enough to hurt Ranpo with you or Poe having to stop it and that only make his point more clear, sealing the deal. Meanwhile, Poe is absolutely secretive of mentioning about your presence to anyone, surprisingly capable of not letting them know more about you. He would tell the reason is for protecting you since he must have many enemies, or dangerous people meeting him. Before you know it, you're always with the two of them more often. And will always have been.
✏✉ There's a silent agreement going on between them and it would make you feel left out sometimes because it couldn't be easily guessed. Even though you're actually their very solidarity, it's a sign they're doing a good job hiding their intentions you wouldn't guess that they would secure you within their own length of distance only. A triangle fixed towards you; it's two against one. The winner is decided.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
🦌📺 More on RadioAppleStaticBand! 🐐🎸
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Honestly just full and ripe with angst. I love angst; first it's Vox and Alastor's past then the jealousy that comes from seeing Vox with Valentino and Alastor with Lucifer. I don't think they would really calm down unless feelings are mentioned even when Adam enters the picture. For whatever reason even though Lucifer is the devil the other three are the three that struggle expressing their love. Good thing Lucifer is so determined.
Considering the relationships Lucifer could start with Vox to get things going. They haven't interacted from what we see in the series but Vox would literally be TOO excited to meet the big boss of hell though he'd be shocked to find Lucifer feeling anything for him in return.
I feel like Vox and Adam are the brats of the ship, like they always have something slick to say, always have an attitude at the worst times and Lucifer would start their punishments while Alastor would finish them. Brat taming at its finest.
There's this thing with pda where they will all invest in it but Lucifer or Vox would start it, gentle in their approach knowing just how their partners are and can be.
Hugs are big in this quadship but things like kisses, backrubs, massages and stuff would come later and even more intimate actions far later.
They probably have sessions where they sit in a circle and talk about what they and the other is and isn't okay with. Communication is a big thing to hold this ship together.
Things like morning coffee?? Vox is a bit of a puppy with these three? Always so eager to be around them and show off and I see Vox cooking the meals, taking into account what everyone does and doesn't eat so he could serve them correctly. He's probably the one setting dates too with the help of Lucifer with Adam and Alastor are willing to go with the flow.
They are honestly impossible to separate once they solve and talk about their issues and problems. That'll take time and effort but once they get there it's the most true and honest love. Like there's too many emotions to explain how all four of them managed to find each other.
Alastor would enjoy quieter dates like picnics or those boat rides that couples do? Adam is more for energy, take him to the amusement park or a concert or simply things like water fights, snowball fights, wrestling, etc could get him eager. Lucifer is honestly happy to do anything and everything, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't care what they do as long as they do it Buuut he does enjoy being in his home with them for the most part. Watching movies, cuddling, painting ducks, drink nights etc etc. Vox is confident that he does many things and almost like Lucifer he is the same way though maybe Vox is the guy to want to go out to dinner before coming home for cuddles unlike Lucifer who doesn't need to be outside prior to a cuddle session. Vox loves the aquarium too, things that make him think, his field trips with the other three can be a bit nerdy but in the cutest of ways to them.
They are slightly (not so slightly) scared of affection like... All of them but Vox and Lucifer are scared in a way were they don't want to accidentally overstep... To touch when the others don't want it and they are respectful but being able to touch those they care for is big to them. Adam and Alastor are scared in a way where they feel nervous about wasting effort and time. Like they trust their partners but it's more of a deep rooted issue than anything else.
It can and will be talked about and worked on. Interestingly enough Vox and Lucifer aren't affected by waiting for as long as they need to for their partners.
Alright alright let me move on before I ramble but I am very much so tempted to do so. 😮‍💨
Ah, now I'm big on angst but right after that is my skills in smut so let me spitball some ideas at y'all.
Alastor's not versed in many things sexual prior to these though he and Vox had quite a few intimate moments before they fell out before Alastor's disappearance. Those times he loved so deeply that it scared him. I can see him being into cockwarming especially after these screenshots I posted recently. Like once he's in and he's all close and wrapped up how can he not take in their scent, or grip at their thighs and pull them closer, or trail his tongue over their skin? He likes the closeness when in their most vulnerable of states and it becomes less about the sex and more about the feeling of having someone to hold.
Vox is a bit keen on pleasing others even before he pleases himself, as much of a public figure this man is a menace behind closed doors. He'd definitely send a video to Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam of time experimenting with dildos and toys. All types too like call him the supplier or whatever lol. It's like he's always happy and eager to put on a show even though he knows he'll get handled when everyone finds him.
Lucifer gives BIG soft top vibes. Like he's soft until he's not and he'll give spankings, lashings, punishments of all sorts if he seems that the others really deserve them. Those types of punishments that feel so good that they hurt and I'm sure he wouldn't have trouble making Vox and Adam plead, Alastor can be a bit more stubborn but he can be tamed as well. Lucifer the dude to ask them little questions knowing the answers and when they reply he's immediately on them.
Adam is so shy when it comes to the more intimate stuff. It's not that he doesn't want to do it but that with his long history with heaven even neck kisses can make him hard beyond belief. Super sensitive?? Like don't touch bros wings... Or his horns... He'll jolt and jerk away in shock, big eyes and red cheeks like you just cupped his sack. He's so cute really, like he talks a big game but deep down all he needs is love and to be plowed until his head is spinning.
Kinks that come with these four are: cockwarming, spanking, collars and leashes, praise and degradation, marking, scenting, biting, grinding/dry humping, and others but those are the ones to come to mind first.
Like at this point everyone got they own collars for whenever the time is called for 😩😂
Hehe, imma stop here for now and see how y'all like this. If you want more follow me or wait for people to commission me or until I start the ao3 book!
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flameohotwife · 1 year
So I always thought the canon pairings in AtLA had good writing/development but all the Aang and Mai bashing has made me decide to rewatch the series because shippers of a certain other ship called them "abusive" and Aang sexist. But honestly, I love how Mai calls Zuko out on his jealousy and possessive behavior in "The Beach" and Aang is always supportive of Katara's dreams, even refusing to be trained by Pakku because he's sexist to Katara. I like that Sukka teaches kids watching the show to treat women with respect but also Kataang and Maiko in the examples I mentioned above are also good examples of feminist moments in the show too.
YES! Anon, say it louder for the people in the back! There are so so SO many amazing feminist moments in this show and honestly I loved watching it with my kids (multiple times, haha) for that reason. I don't remember growing up with media that showed SO may instances of how girls/women could stand up for themselves in those types of situations. I love how Katara stood up to Pakku (with Aang's support! His little "Go, Katara!" makes me smile every time) and also how she CONSTANTLY takes boys on in fights, from pirates and Rough Rhinos to the taunting kids that subsequently get frozen where they stand ("oh, a girl has her ways") and anyone who insults Aang. How SHE is the one to defeat Azula in the end. How the WHOLE SHOW starts with her rant against Sokka's sexism. How Suki finally put's Sokka in his place. How Toph had to be played by "a really BUFF guy" in EIP because the Fire Nation couldn't admit to being bested by a tiny, 12-year-old girl. How Mai won't let Zuko treat her like a possession with no agency of her own. How she is the one to save HIM in the end at Boiling Rock (how's that for a damsel in distress?). How Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee are trusted by the Fire Lord to perform tasks even the highest generals can't achieve. How the show is relentlessly turning sexist stereotypes on their heads and making viewers question what they think they know.
Beyond the feminism (which you all probably already know I adore so much), I love that each of the leading boys has learning experiences wrt less-than-ideal behaviors towards girls/women, because in real life boys (and girls, too!) are GOING to make mistakes as they're learning and it's important to show how they can move beyond those mistakes and not forever be defined by them. Zuko learns not to be a possessive asshat like he is in The Beach (at least, we don't see him act that way towards Mai again--he might as well have broken up with her via text and not given her the option to follow him to the "good side," but he never acts possessive again. Baby steps). Aang learns he can't just solve their relationship problems by kissing Katara when she's confused. He gives her space and she clearly thinks he's learned from it by the end (really, by the next episode). Sokka learns not to be sexist and that sometimes girls are going to be stronger/better fighters than he is AND THAT'S OKAY. Good, even! It doesn't make him "less of a man" or anything like that, and we don't hear those sexist ideas come out of his mouth again. ALL of these make great talking points for parents watching the show with their kids, too.
Kids make mistakes. They lean on stereotypes or prior experiences and sometimes that bites them in the butt. AtLA shows that we can teach kids hard lessons. Not only can we fight back against injustice but we can improve ourselves when we've been the ones to mess up. And I really think that's something special.
Thanks for sending in your thoughts, anon! You're so right.
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter Three
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Three: Clouded Sight
Summary: Spock and Kollos mind-link, which proves interesting and solves one problem, but there are always more to come.
            On the Bridge, a small barrier had been set up around Spock’s station. Kollos’s container sat behind it, so when Spock stepped up with the visor in his hand, he was sure to be the only one to see Kollos.
            (Y/N) touched Spock’s fingers with their own before he nodded to them and walked behind the screen. He knelt and opened the container. The green light shone from behind the screen. (Y/N) held their breath, closing their eyes and focusing on the emotions radiating around them. Kollos’s held no malice, just calm as he joined with Spock. (Y/N)’s shoulders sagged in relief that there was no danger in Kollos. At least this wouldn’t be like the situation with Henoch.
            Spock-Kollos straightened behind the screen and walked out. The entire Bridge gazed at him curiously, wondering if it had worked. Kirk glanced at (Y/N), and they nodded. Kollos’s emotions radiated from Spock’s body.
            Spock-Kollos looked over the bridge; their eyes only paused on (Y/N) and Jones. It wasn’t that much of a surprise to (Y/N), though. The Spock part loved them, and (Y/N) suspected the Kollos part loved Jones. Some people would get jealous of seeing their boyfriend’s body look lovingly at another person, but (Y/N) could differentiate between Spock and Kollos and knew their boyfriend only loved them, so seeing Kollos love Jones didn’t affect them.
            Spock-Kollos smiled (though any emotion shown was likely more Kollos than Spock. Probably completely Kollos and not Spock. This was a little weird to see). “This is delightful. I know you…” said Spock-Kollos. “All of you!”
            “James Kirk, Captain and friend for many years,” said Spock-Kollos. They smiled at Bones. “And Leonard McCoy…” They chuckled. “…also of long acquaintance.” Spock-Kollos’s eyes landed on (Y/N), and a wider smile spread across their face. “(Y/N)…who means more to me than I can say. ‘To see the bright eyes of the dear one.’ ” Spock-Kollos gazed happily at (Y/N)’s golden eyes as they crinkled in a smile.
            “That’s not Spock,” said Bones as he heard the poetry.
            Spock-Kollos’s smile fell, and they raised an eyebrow. “Are you surprised to find that I’ve read Byron, Doctor?”
            (Y/N) snorted. Now that was definitely Spock’s mind.
            “That’s Spock!” said Bones in delight.
            “Am I addressing the Ambassador?” asked Kirk.
            “In part,” said Spock-Kollos. “That is, part of us is known to you as Kollos.” Their eyes landed on Jones, and (Y/N) suppressed a smile as Kollos’s emotions spiked in happiness upon seeing her. “Ah, Miranda…There you are. ‘Oh brave new world that has such creatures in it.’ ”
            “ ‘Tis new to thee,’ ” finished Jones.
            “My world is next for us,” said Spock-Kollos. They gazed at her for a moment before turning to Kirk. “Captain Kirk, I speak for all of us you call Medusans. I am sorry for the trouble I’ve brought to your ship.”
            “We don’t hold you to blame for what happened,” assured Kirk. “And thank you now for your help.
            Spock-Kollos nodded. “And now, to the business at hand. With your permission, Captain.”
            “Yes. Mr. Sulu, release the helm to Mr. Spock,” said Kirk.
            “Aye, sir.” Sulu stood, and Spock-Kollos took his seat.
            They get to work immediately. They worked the controls carefully with a skill very few possessed. “Coordination is complete.”
            “Then go ahead, Spock, Ambassador Kollos,” said (Y/N).
            “Warp 1 in six seconds,” said Spock-Kollos. “Five…four…three…two…one…zero.”
            The Enterprise moved forward on a charter course back to their own galaxy. Lights flashed around them as they flew, but they didn’t stop. With a final bright explosion, the Enterprise broke back into their original galaxy.
            “Position report, please, Mr. Chekov,” said Kirk.
            “Our position…Our position is so close to the point where we entered the void that the difference isn’t worth mentioning,” said Chekov in amazement. “Bullseye, Mr. Spock.”
            “Good job, Spock, Ambassador Kollos,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Thank you, (Y/N),” said Spock-Kollos.
            “Take over, Mr. Sulu,” said Kirk in satisfaction. “Thank you, Ambassador.” Spock-Kollos stood. “Mr. Chekov, plot a new course.”
            “The new heading will be plotted in a minute, sir,” said Chekov.
            Spock-Kollos felt their chest. “How compact your bodies are…and what a variety of senses you have!” They smiled broadly. “This thing you call language, though—most remarkable. You depend on it for so very much. But is any one of you really its master?” Their smile fell. “But most of all, the aloneness…You are so alone. You live out your lives in this shell of flesh, self-contained, separate…how lonely you are…how terribly lonely…”
            (Y/N) shivered at the cloud of melancholy around Spock-Kollos. They could only imagine how Spock felt with his emotions so intertwined with the second mind in his body. “Ambassador…I believe it’s time to sever the link.”
            “So soon?” asked Spock-Kollos with a frown.
            “We can’t wait,” said (Y/N).
            “You are wise,” said Spock-Kollos. They nodded and stepped around the screen. They knelt, and Kollos’s container opened.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened a fraction too late. “The visor!” they cried. “Spock!” He cried out, and (Y/N) covered their mouth in horror.
            “Don’t move! No one is to move,” ordered Kirk.
            “Spock? Are you alright?” asked (Y/N) hesitantly.
            Spock stood, a wild look in his eyes, and a tinge of fear twirled across (Y/N)’s skin. Their eyes widened. He was deeply disturbed if he showed any sort of emotion.
            “Spock, you’re alright. You’re safe,” said Kirk, holding out his hands.
            Spock grabbed his wrists roughly, and they began to push at each other. Spock threw Kirk to the side, and Bones jumped up. Spock easily hit him aside, and even Sulu and Chekov were shoved away from him.
            (Y/N) moved in front of Spock, and he faltered. Even in his insanity, his heart leapt at the sight of them. They reached out and touched his head, closing their eyes and drawing at his madness. Spock’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he collapsed, unconscious.
            “He’s barely breathing,” said Bones grimly, quickly checking his pulse. “Help me get him to Sickbay!”
            “Spock…” murmured (Y/N) worriedly. They couldn’t bring him out of this type of madness on their own. They looked at Jones. They needed a telepath. (Y/N)’s blood ran cold when they saw no concern in Jones’s aura.
            (Y/N) sat beside Jones and Spock in Sickbay. As they kept the madness at bay, Jones attempted to bring Spock’s logical mind back. So far, they were having no luck, but (Y/N) had a terrible feeling Jones wasn’t trying as hard as she could.
            Outside of the room, Kirk and Bones’s anger and worry at the situation filtered in like a cloud, and (Y/N) took a deep breath to focus. Their attention was taken, however, when Kirk walked into Sickbay.
            “Who is it?” asked Jones. Her cloak of sensors lay on a table to the side.
            “Captain Kirk,” said (Y/N).
            “I have no news for you, Captain,” said Jones.
            “No change?” asked Kirk.
            “He’s…he’s struggling,” said (Y/N), voice hoarse.
            “What are you doing about it, Dr. Jones? (L/N) is holding his madness at bay, aren’t you bringing Spock’s mind back?” asked Kirk.
            “I’m doing what I can,” said Jones.
            “Which doesn’t seem to be much,” said Kirk, speaking what he knew (Y/N) would not.
            Jones scoffed. “No doubt you think I can wake him with a kiss.”
            “I doubt that would work with anyone other than (L/N),” said Kirk.
            “He’s a Vulcan,” said Jones.
            “Only half,” said (Y/N).
            “The other half is human, far more human than you, apparently,” said Kirk.
            (Y/N) shivered as heat from Jones’s anger prickled their arms.
            “Face reality, Captain, his mind has gone down almost too far for me to reach,” said Jones.
            “I can feel him. He’s still there, he’s not dead yet, we have a chance,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes. “Why won’t you help him?”
            “Because that’s what you want, isn’t it?” said Kirk harshly.
            Jones tried to push past him. “That’s a lie!”
            Kirk grabbed her shoulders. “Oh, no, it isn’t. You want him to die. What did you do to him on the Bridge? Did you make him forget to put the visor over his eyes?”
            Jones emotions were a whirlwind, and (Y/N) took a step back from the telepath’s aura, holding Spock’s hand tightly. “You’re insane!” cried Jones, but there was a level of truth to Kirk’s accusations of her not completely desiring Spock’s recovery showing in her emotions of envy and satisfaction.
            “Yes, you know your rival, don’t you?” questioned Kirk. “You couldn’t keep him from making a mind-link with Kollos, something that you couldn’t do yourself. With my words, I’ll make you hear such ugliness as Spock saw when he looked at Kollos with his naked eyes.”
            Jones cried out at Kirk’s words.
            (Y/N) stepped forward and put their hand on Kirk’s shoulder. He looked at them in surprise before letting go of Jones and letting them face her.
            “Miranda…” said (Y/N) softly, and Jones looked at them. “Miranda, please. I love him. I know you love Kollos, I know you wish you could see him, but you can’t. I’m sorry. But please, don’t make me lose the man I love because of jealousy.”
            Jones stared at (Y/N), and a deep sadness enveloped them both. Jones’s emotions calmed into a steady melancholy. She wished to see who she loved and couldn’t. But she understood (Y/N) was right. She couldn’t punish Spock for her own jealousy.
            “I-You’re right. I’m sorry,” said Jones. She extended her hand. “Lead me back to him.”
            “Thank you, Miranda,” said (Y/N), taking Jones’s hand and guiding her to Spock’s side. (Y/N) took ahold of his hand, and Jones touched his temples. Together, the empath and telepath dove into Spock’s mind.
            Spock stirred, his hand gripping (Y/N)’s tighter. He jerked, and (Y/N) pushed their comforting emotions into him, calming him. And then he jerked up abruptly, furrowing his brow as he cleared his mind.
            “Spock!” cried (Y/N), hugging him tightly.
            Spock blinked in surprise. “Was it truly that surprising that I regained my logical mind?”
            (Y/N) let go and rolled their eyes. “Unbelievable.” But a smile appeared on their lips. That was their boyfriend.
            Spock and (Y/N) deposited Kollos’s container on the transporter. They liked the Ambassador, but with the trouble they’d endured, they couldn’t help but be satisfied the ordeal would be over with.
            Jones entered behind them, wearing her sensory cloak once more.
            Bones shook her hand. “You have what you wanted most?”
            “I am one with Kollos,” said Jones.
            (Y/N) smiled. They had linked minds. Jones couldn’t see him, but their minds were one, and she was happy.
            “Well, I’m truly sorry that you’re leaving. Goodbye,” said Bones with a smile.
            Kirk stepped forward next, and Jones smiled at him. “We’ve come to the end of an eventful trip, Captain.”
            “I didn’t think you’d even talk to me,” said Kirk.
            “Well, I have you to thank for my future,” said Jones. She looked at (Y/N). “Both of you. Your words enabled me to see my mind was clouded.”
            (Y/N) smiled at Jones and nodded. “It was my pleasure.”
            Kirk smiled. “Miranda, good luck…health.” He pulled a rose from behind his back. “I have something for you.”
            Jones took it and smiled. “I suppose it has thorns.”
            “I never met a rose that didn’t,” said Kirk.
            Jones smiled and smelled the rose as she stepped up onto the transporter. She looked at Spock and (Y/N). “I know now the great joy you felt when you joined minds with Kollos.”
            “I rejoice in your knowledge and in your achievement,” said Spock honestly.
            “I understand, Mr. Spock, the glory of creation is in its infinite diversity,” said Jones.
            “And the ways our differences combine to create meaning—” Spock’s eyes turned to (Y/N) “—and beauty.”
            “I wish you and Kollos the best of luck,” said (Y/N), smiling at Jones.
            “And I wish you and Mr. Spock a long and happy life together,” said Jones, shaking (Y/N)’s hand before boarding the Transporter. She raised a hand in the Vulcan salute and smiled. “Live long and prosper.”
            “Live long and prosper,” repeated (Y/N) and Spock.
            And then Jones and Kollos were gone.
            “So, are you still feeling alright? Mentally?” asked (Y/N), fretting over Spock as they sat him down in his quarters. Bones had ordered (and made sure Kirk followed up that order) Spock to go rest after the bout of madness.
            “I am fine,” said Spock, but he didn’t object to (Y/N)’s concerned hands on his face as their Celian physical affection came through in worry.
            “Are you sure?” said (Y/N).
            Spock reached up and took (Y/N)’s hands in his own. “Yes, T’hy’la. You saved me yet again.”
            “Well, me and Miranda,” said (Y/N).
            Spock looked at (Y/N) and pulled them so they sat beside him on his bed. “T’hy’la, without you, I would have lost myself many times. Do not push your abilities to the side.”
            (Y/N) smiled at him. “You’re so kind to me.”
            “I speak the truth,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) laughed at his usual logic and kissed him.
            Spock kissed back. In his mind, this counted as rest. And he didn’t particularly like listening to Bones’s orders anyways.
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
Initial reaction to episode 8:
Full spoilers. Don't read if you haven't watched. But don't be afraid to comment if you agree or disagree.
Izzy got 1 week (at most) of a life where he felt like he could be himself.
That's it.
This man lost so fucking much, clearly his family, his past crews, himself. So the show said, hey. Let's spend ALL season showing him he is loved, then tell the audience this is a good ending because hey, now Ed can be himself for no loose ends.
I know we might get zombie izzy. I know buttons is probably a deus ex machina(yes, I gasped SO FUCKING HARD when the seagul landed), but I am fucking livid.
I'm sorry this is negative right off the bat. I cried yeah, but it was at Izzy apologizing for not letting Ed grow. The 1 final sin he hadn't been punished for. He apologized and lost limbs for the British thing. That was IT. The only thing Izzy haters had against him. And here we are.
Now that izzy is dead, their old Unicorn, the NEW Revenge can go live on.
Ex-fucking'scuse me?
The worst part is I knew he'd get hurt with that speech.
Congrats, izzy, you got 'woman in the fridged'-ed. Your death now ends Ed's problems without him needing to solve them. Ed doesn't need to work on rebuilding relationships because there's nothing left. Stedes is not mad at Ed, so no hard conversations there, and the crew he hurt is gone now. Izzys gone. All wrapped up in a nice little bow.
I knew. But I thought I'd be wrong. That Ed would get help. That izzy would apologize, lay their dying, and suddenly be alright via bird or someone would do SOMETHING. But no. I got to see Izzy die. In a fucking comedy show.
A comedy show about love and family and community and self acceptance. That kills of its 1 character this season who had a self realization arc outside of a romance.
Season 3 will be about either 1.) Stede and Ed being hunted and needing to fake their deaths or 2.) The crew of the 'new revenge' going on adventures. Or 3.) Zombie izzy getting the fuck out of there and finding love.
Now:I am in denial.
Con came out, mainly because of this community and this role. If he knew his character was dying, I don't think he'd have gone to cons/tied himself in with this community to the extent he has. You know? Like... if my role i got a ton of praise for was about to be offed, id smile at conventions, but already emotionally start distancing myself from the community. UNLESS-We know Jenkins would tell him the fate of his character, so...idk.
More ranting but-
I feel like we got more time watching Ed be silly than mourning his friend of potentially decades. I hate the fish plot. We already knew he had adhd and that this was a whim. 'Ed going out, catching dinner, getting kicked back' could have just been 'Ed rows out while the ship's blow up'. They didn't need Ed and stede to fight in episode 7, stede could have just gotten into a fight trying to defend Ed at the bar, maybe eds too drunk idk. Episode 7 was written like that just to have a cliffhanger resolved in the next episode. It's just...
I loved every fucking izzy scene and both love/hate that we get a flash of the shot that kills him. It's real, yeah. Izzy dies here because he was still originally in that pirate drama he made up in his head. Izzy dies a normal death. Ed asked if he needed help so many times. But izzy didn't want it.
Izzy hands wanted to die this entire time. He wanted it. That's how I'm interpreting this bullshit. He still tied himself to blackbeard, and wanted to die with him.
Maybe that's romantic, but I think it's gross and a mishandling of his character. If izzy believed that i wish we got to see it as the audience, Especially how some forms of suicidality can be expressed by 'one last hurah'.. But they didn't. All that, and the show wants us to believe he's moving on up to episode 7, until now we know izzy was jealous this whole time??? So this izzy was just izzy waiting until Ed was accepted by the crew to die. Till Ed didn't need him to be his punching bag anymore. When Ed healed he saw no point in living. 🙃 that a character who was suicidal's good ending is offing themselves when they aren't 'needed'?
Maybe izzy will come back, totally himself, ready to try to live a happy life. But I have very little fucking faith.
Getting personal: but izzy was my fucking guy. I related to his struggle to be seen/heard/taken seriously. To be liked or seen as worthy of time and attention. A character who was trying his best for the people he cared about. Who had valid concerns and was talked down to. Who craved belonging. Enough that he's desperate for scraps of friendship. A person who was feared but never understood.
To give him 'love' by a community and then have him die TWO DAYS LATER-
I hate it. I genuinely hate it. Fucking hell. Especially how quickly everyone moved on. Izzy would have been wrecked or at least shaken up if his crew died yet. WE'RE MAKING JOKES RIGHT AFTER HES BEEN BURIED. ON TOP OF HIS FRESH GRAVE. I hate that izzy got buried on the land (in general. Bro should have been buried at sea) especiallg the labd ed and stede now get to peacefully live on. I hate that con was fucking smiling, the calmest most authentic he could and ATE that fucking scene.
The thing that gets me is izzy is the cliffhanger. But at the same time, Buttons' turning into a bird represented change and acceptance. Think, we had Buttons' turning scene, the song 'seaguls', then izzy standing on deck reading the note. There's a real chance this is implying that izzy is free now.
I don't hate the show. I don't, but i fucking hate THIS. Con did Such an amazing job. But I hate that I won't know. That izzy being alive will be confirmed in a year when con accidentally posts something revealing he's on set, or Jenkins on Twitter telling us he's dead, us not believing him, then we watch all of s3 and cons not there. That I could spend the next 2 years of my life writing about a character who won't get mentioned again.
THEY COULD HAVE CONFIRMED IT IN THE END CREDITS. SOMETHING. Ground shaking, some hint early in the season about rebirth and brining back the dead or have the sword fall. Idk. SOMETHING.
I'm just.... not doing great. I'm 'excited' to watch it again :/ but fucking hell. I don't know if I want to. I still have a fic to post that I started pre season 2, but after that I might need time. I just...Izzy wasn't me, duh, but he was, you know?
Izzy didn't deserve death for being harsh, or fucking up, or living. The fact his redemption happens after they sand down izzys rough edges feels gross. Like. "Here you go audience He's 'good' now, NOW feel sad about his death!"
And I'm sorry. But fuck that. I have so many mutuals who say they didn't like how quickly izzy became soft. This fucking hurts.
Because izzy has been a dead man walking for years. Ever since Ed and he grew into whatever this is. He could have been given a chance. He wasn't. All because our protagonists are Ed and Stede. WHO I ACTUALLY LIKED THIS EPISODE. But I can't think about that because I just see Ed finally treating Izzy like an EQUAL as he's fucking dying. I was always okay with the idea of Izzy dying. But not like this.
So yeah...sorry if this is rambling, had a shit day before I watched the ep and the ep didn't fucking help! But here's to all us izzy fans hoping for a better s3 for him (my guess now is izzy is actually dead, I have absolutely 0 faith he'll come back, as izzys death was framed as a positive thing for Ed. Yes the framing is there. Izzys body is safe under Ed and Stedes watch and not drowning. But still. 0 faith. If we dont get s3, then izzy is just dead and everyone moved on the SAME DAY)
Side note- I hate the only mention of Izzys given name 'Israel' was by Ricky. Fucking...okay. add that to the pile
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cyberr-v0id · 5 months
Could you tell me more about yourself?
It is for something important.
Oh yeah sure!
I’m cyberr, I go by a lot of names, currently my favourites are Phoenix, Leonardo, and Jackdaw. I use any pronouns and I am asexual.
I have numerous skin conditions, feet bones in the wrong place, and a really bad back at the moment, as well as chronic daily headaches . So uh. You could say that I am as fit as a fiddle, if the fiddle in question is the one in my garage, which has all its strings snapped.
I really enjoy reading, and have done since I was seven. I’m currently reading the reappearance of Rachel Price, as well as the Iliad. Some of my most favourite books include: the wizards of once, how to train your dragon, murder most unladylike, all about romance, Sherlock Holmes, and treasure island.
I’m also a writer, I’ve been working on this one story for five years now. Hopefully I’ll finish it one day. I write a lot of poetry.
I love mysteries and have been apart of numerous mystery solving groups, several founded by me.
I’m an artist, of course, and my top three mediums are pencil, watercolour, and digital. I’m not the best at digital tbh. I hate acrylic and acrylic hates me.
I usually do a lot of sports but right now because of my back I can’t do a few of them. I can still do swimming, archery, rounders (tragically:/), stand up paddle boarding, and roller booting. Because they don’t involve as much bending down.
I’m gay
I’m a part time goth, which is to say I listen to goth music (my favourites atm are fields of the Nephilim and all about Eve) but only sometimes dress goth, and in varying degrees of goth. I am the most inconsistently dressing person I know, and right now my catchphrase is ‘the duality of man’. For some reason.
Music wise I listen to a lot. One day I will truly be able to say that I listen to everything. But not yet. My most favourite band is the crane wives
I want to be a marine archaeologist when I’m older, or, failing that, a famous actor. Let’s be honest here, unless I do become a really famous actor, neither career path is likely to pay well. Marine archaeological, or maritime archaeology, is all about ships wrecks, and how cultures of the past interacted with the ocean and other bodies of water around it.
I like all the animals. Genuinely there is lot a single animal that I don’t like. Well- I’m not too keen on bugs but I wish them all the best, and may many of them please stay away. I have a severe phobia of moths, and slight arachnophobia that depends on how I’m feeling and what the spider is. Tarantula? No problem, big and hairy enough to be a kitten. Now let’s move away from it in case it sprays its hairs. Brown garden spider? Bloody Mary on a motor bike get it Away.
My attention span is low. I am a theatre kid. As I type this is have a musical going in the background.
. I’m so sorry I’ve kinda made this really long, idk how much information you need
Fandoms: rise: tmnt, Percy Jackson, the owl house, the dragon prince, httyd, the inheritance cycle, red wall, Sherlock Holmes, mythology, epic the musical, so much more I can’t think of right now
I love the ocean
Lmk if you need anything else, hope this has helped, and uh. Yeah it’s kind long winded
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phantomram-b00 · 10 months
Okay I wasn’t going to be active today, but I saw this post about Crowley, and I do recommend you check it out it bring up many good points. It does inspire me to make a post about something I’m kinda surprised no one talks about exactly (or maybe they did idk.)
Now keep in mind, I do love Crowley and Aziraphale, they’re both my favorite characters and also my comfort characters/ship. Not just for their good deeds and characterization but also because they flawed. Or as they said in the blitz episode, they shade of grey. 🩶 I just feel like Crowley behaving a bit stupidly here. (But here might have more validity but still felt it was unwarranted)
Now onto the post, probably wondering what I could be talking about The Jim Situation all the way back in season 2 episode 1
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So I’ve been meaning to talk about this, but I wasn’t exactly sure if it would be well received or wouldn’t make sense. But I think the post I linked help me have some confidence, as I do feel that people when talking about it forgot that, Aziraphale DID NOT want to help Gabriel at all. He never wanted to see him again after 2019; why would he, he not only approve of the first armageddon but also wanted to execute him (specially but also crowley) and overall was passive aggressive asshole towards him. Why would he ever want to help his toxic ex-boss? He kinda didn’t have a choice here, now he did say no at first when Gabriel asked to come in (I mean— idk about you but your ex-boss who’s naked want to come into my house I wouldn’t let them inside neither just no-) but he did bring him inside because he felt obligated because everyone is looking at him and the naked man friend, I think if things were different I think Aziraphale wouldn’t even think about helping him as another thing, Aziraphale moved on from everything that happen, he’s living his life, he even said so to Crowley when talking how he doesn’t report to them anymore. So the have this happen, just felt like ABBA song “Mama Mia here I go again”.
But another thing is that, Aziraphale also (while hesitantly) want to know what happen to Gabriel? Why has he forgotten about himself or really everything? And asking him or the empty box didn’t solve anything at all. As patient as aziraphale is, even his was running really thin as he talk to Gabriel. Not to mention of the fact Gabriel revealed that something terrible might happen which understandably terrifies Aziraphale. So, he turns to Crowley, which gifted us Nina asked about the naked man friend (Sorry I love his face when she drop that, the expression speaks so much volume I love it! XD)
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Okay back to my ramble, now at first I’ll give the benefit of the doubt of why Crowley was kinda suspicious at first, Aziraphale wasn’t being up front about it at first (though to be fair, trying to tell someone “hey my naked ex-boss is in my bookshop and doesn’t know who he even is” is probably the most bizarre to even try to explain or tell anyone). And then as they go inside the bookshop, he got spooked rightfully so, this was the same person who wanted to kill Aziraphale, even saying the worse thing he can ever say: “shut your stupid mouth and die”. So to see him again, yeah, being scared is a valid response even as well as being showing keep resentment.
But, as they went to the very Va-Va-vroom yellow backroom, Crowley first idea was to take Gabriel somewhere far away, which if you really think about, wouldn’t solve any of their problem. It like putting a bandage or tape on a crack, sure it might help for now but more cracks will come up and will eventually break (I’ll get back to this later). What aziraphale said kinda valid, Gabriel does need them because who knows if this something terrible would only affect Gabriel, it could very well affect him or even Crowley or earth, so in Aziraphale’s view helping him out might neutralize whatever’s going on or will happen and taking him to dartmoor as Crowley stated do anything.
Now okay to give more benefit of the doubt, again, I do understand why Crowley was acting this way, and Aziraphale selflessly helping Gabriel is infuriating for him. As Crowley seeing this as “how can you help the person who want to murder you? How can you look past and forgive them this easily? How can you possible find it in your heart to help him after everything?”, which is pointing out Aziraphale’s flaws, him being selfless and need to help. Gabriel could’ve curse him out or bring him down to his lowest yet he still want to help. Now, there nothing wrong with being selfless, it an honorable thing to do, however, it become an issue when your selfless without thinking how it’ll affect you or the person involve. But, as I mention before, Aziraphale never wanted to help Gabriel, the only reason Aziraphale’s want to even do far as help this angel is because 1) he was obligated to as who else could possible help an amnesiac angel? 2) Gabriel mention something terrible will happen, so aziraphale want to know what can that be to prevent it. And 3) he’s pushing away his qualms against gabriel aside just so he can help him. So I don’t think Aziraphale’s exactly wrong for not wanting to sent Gabriel away as it wouldn’t solve the something terrible.
But Crowley doesn’t want to help (at first), so Aziraphale despite desperately loving nothing more but for Crowley to help him; said he’s welcome to go. He’s at least giving Crowley the opportunity to choose. Even though, Aziraphale want his help more than anything as the one thing both of them share is that, they don’t want to see Gabriel anymore. However, with aziraphale telling him he can go, Crowley well leaves. But not before (granted he did try to calm down though):
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Aziraphale while most likely understands why Crowley left, I feel given his expression just wished Crowley tried a little harder rather than just walking away that easily. I almost said maybe he also feels envious that Crowley got the choice to walk away from this but I don’t see Aziraphale as someone who’s envious to that degree, but I feel Aziraphale wasn’t at least wishful he could avoid this whole Gabriel thing more than Crowley. But it just their luck.
Okay back to Crowley again, so we back to see him inside the car and then he is teleported back to hell by Beelzebub, there Ze tell Crowley what Shax mentioned before that Gabriel is gone and try to bribe Crowley by saying he can name his own price and even get his job back. Then tells Crowley that heaven up and arms about the disappearance and will dealt with anyone who’s helping Gabriel with extremes sanctions. Which absolutely mortified him because then there that possibility of being erased from the book of life.
And no, I don’t think Crowley’s original plan would’ve solved anything because in a way, that’s still helping Gabriel in some way. Does it more or less benefit Crowley and aziraphale yes but not by the long run. Like I said, it’s putting a bandage/tape on a crack, it could hold but not for long as it will ultimately fall apart and they would still be punished by doing this. So I think that’s why I never got why he still said “no no no aziraphale what have you done!?” Like sure even though I said my benefit of the doubt, I feel he should’ve at least understand this wasn’t Aziraphale’s choice neither, or even that this isn’t all on aziraphale anyway. It was Gabriel that just showed up and came to Aziraphale’s bookshop in the first place, so this was sprung on him. So I felt this was kinda irrational for him to think this way as Aziraphale never wanted this at all.
So Crowley comes back and Aziraphale decides to play petty (which sure valid since he did walk away but he did give him a choice? Idk it complicated), and Crowley goes on to say he was right which prompted to aziraphale wanting the apology dance from him (which okay imma be real, I have a headcanon where I think Aziraphale was dying to see this day. Been waiting until they first invented it which— I’m curious who idea was this.)
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Now, you can debate if this thing was apology dance worthy but frankly, to see the dance, peak performance. But this isn’t about the dance, it about the grey heroes so let get back into it. Now Crowley does decide to help after all, and they decide to do what it seem to be the most powerful miracle anyone probably have ever seen or ranked. And it was only a half miracle. Which is really interesting. But I think even though Crowley does decide to help, I felt his earlier action was not exactly stupid but was unfair toward Aziraphale but at the same time it valid because of what I’ve stated and his underline trauma towards heaven period, so I can’t really call him stupid for this, but more or less deeply flawed here. However while the situation itself was unfair for Aziraphale as he want to help whatever going on I felt he should’ve also been more considerate about Crowley’s feeling with this whole ordeal as was equally unfair to Crowley in a way too. But I think the most common thing is that they don’t want to do this and want this thing to be resolved so they can move on with their lives. And even if Crowley did what he did, at least Aziraphale foot at forgiveness :) (I hate myself for making that joke— someone sedate me)
Now that’s my thought, this probably is controversial, so you’re welcome and valid if you disagree or even agree with this. Tell me what you think or if you agree/disagree tell me why? If you guys do have good omens question or question in general you can ask me on the AMA. But if you have any commentary on this blog you can unleash them, just please be mindful that’s all I ask. I have more analysis I got plan but for now, imma head to bed and relax. I’ll go haunt with you guys later but for now I’ll go haunt somewhere else. Hope you enjoy this blog and please check out the post I link on here, it was an interesting take and help me inspire me to make this one ^v^ so hope you enjoy that post too.
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clone-anon · 11 months
Hello clone-anon. I have a request. I'm a wheelchair user and only use my wheelchair some of the time. Other times I rely on a cane. I love the idea of living on the Marauder like I see in so many stories, but I rarely walk and have a terrible time with stairs. In the sw universe I think I would have a hover chair. Tech is my favorite. I'm in love with him. Do you think there's a way for me to go on adventures too?
Of course there's a way for you to go on adventures! Tech has never come across a problem he couldn't solve, especially with the help of his team.
Whenever you watched the Marauder fly away, your heart sank a little. Not just because your boyfriend was leaving, but because you knew how he loved to fly and you had a hard time joining him. The first time Tech invited you onto the ship, your hover chair tried climbing the stairs. It was always a bit jarring with the up and across motion as it tried to keep an equal space between moving forward on a step and up to the next one. He didn't say anything at the time, but Tech was determined to make the experience more welcoming. While he and his siblings were leaving for a mission, he didn't bother to share that on the way home, they were stopping for some particular supplies.
The mission didn't take long and you were happy for his return. He gave you a kiss and grinned at you. His smile was familiar, but there was a look in his eyes that was almost mischievous.
"Care to tell me what this look is about," you asked him with an inquisitive grin.
You were even more intrigued now as you searched his warm eyes. Tech with a one-word answer. That had never happened before. He left a kiss on your forehead and added, "I promise it will be worth the wait."
For the next few days he was hard at work inside the ship. You tried to visit him, but Wrecker showed up to distract you, taking you swimming along with Omega and Hunter. You enjoyed your time on the beach, but kept wondering what Tech was up to.
Finally, Tech came to pick you up one morning, offering you a flower, and walking you to the ship.
"Now, as you know my darling, I have been hard at work and I promise it is for your benefit." He smiled at you as he pushed a button for the Marauder to open. The stairs then shifted to make a ramp and Tech encouraged you to come on board. Your chair smoothly hovered up the ramp and on to the ship. There was a clear spot where you could park and stabilize your chair for the jump to hyperspace. Tech had pulled out the entire sink in the refresher and replaced it with one that wouldn't bump your knees when you used it. You could hover right up to it and easily turn on the water. There were handle bars in useful locations and he showed you a cubby perfectly at your level for storing your things.
"There is one more thing I want to show you," he said with a hand on your shoulder. He then took you to the bunks. There was a separate space cleared out for your chair next to a lower bunk.
"Is this space all mine," you asked.
Tech pushed his goggles up. "If you want it," he said nervously. "Or perhaps a shared space for the two of us. There is not much room on board and-" he stopped as you took his hand and kissed his knuckle. He leaned down to give you a warm kiss.
"Wherever we go," he said, "I want you with me and I want you safe. Whatever you need, I can always make further modifications."
"Thank you, Tech."
You decided that while you didn't have to go anywhere right now, you might as well test the bunk and get a few cuddles in.
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rainytomorrows · 1 year
Hunk x GN!reader | Leaping for Love Letters
Hey, y'all! I have had no willpower to write my ao3 fics, so I thought I'd throw up a cute little one-shot. I've had violent Hunk brain rot for a while now, so I made him ANOTHER fic. He totally deserves it. Enjoy! Gender neutral as always. (1,995 words)
Letters had begun showing up from under your door. Beautiful colored envelopes closed with cute little stickers. Though, miraculously, whenever you opened the door to check who had sent them the hallway would always be hauntingly barren. A particular silence overtook it each time as you’d return to your room to read them. The paper was always decorated in a way that pertained to you. A faded print of your favorite flowers in the back, a pretty color you liked, never dull white paper. They read like old-time poets and Hozier songs, yearning dearly for you in such a beautifully worded way you couldn’t do anything but wonder who sent it. Realistically, there were only three people who could be sending these. Unless one or more of them were in cahoots with some alien and indirectly handing these off to you. You continued to sit on your bed, thinking of each and every possibility. Any singular way that it could be anyone but Hunk.
It’s not that you didn’t want it to be him, you dearly hoped so. There were just risks with getting your hopes up. You were stuck in space with him- with everybody. Making things awkward would be so much worse.
The endless cycle of overthinking was killing you. Who could it be? It ate at you nightly like a dog gnawing on a bone. A deep part of you seemed to find hints that didn’t truly exist, the same part that hoped desperately that it was Hunk behind the correspondence. You’d wake up in the mornings wishing, and spend waking nights hoping. Though with no hope, as every night that the letters came in there seemed to be no trace leftover. You were one letter away from performing high-level espionage.
Then came the fateful afternoon, you were reading another letter when you heard a knock at the door. Setting aside the letter you called out, “Come in!” and Pidge walked their way into the room. They could see a particular air around you, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside you. Having solved many problems on the ship with Hunk, they began to notice whenever someone was trying to mentally figure something out. Seeing this they moved from the other side of the room to sit next to you.
“Whatcha thinkin' about?” Pidge questioned, their usual voice quirk raising at the end of the sentence. Their head in their hands as their legs dangled off of the bed beside you. “Well,” You hesitated, unsure whether or not to bring Pidge into this. “I’ve been receiving what seems to be love letters, and I have no idea who is sending them.” You admitted, picking up the said letter and handing it to Pidge. “…Do you have someone you hope it is?” Pidge asked, almost seeming as if to interrogate. You turned your head a little, looking off in thought. “…Maybe”
The two of you talked for a while, you had some unshakeable feeling that they knew more than they let on but you tried not to test it. Ever since the letters started you were suspicious enough of everything as is, it’d be best not to jump to suspect any single person you talk to as some sort of accomplice to the letters.
Pidge had talked with you every so often, but not all of the time. It almost seemed obvious, but at the same time, it could just be your predisposed hopes. The letters were loving and well thought out. They had attention to detail and were tooth-rotting-ly sweet. The only people on the ship around your age were Hunk, Keith, and Lance. High hopes on the former, Hunk. Keith was too much of an edge lord. Sure he could have a soft side, and maybe you were being judgemental, but the letters just did not seem his style. Not to mention, the way they were written just seemed too, intricate, for Lance. He was flirtatious for sure and you could see him writing daily letters way easier than you could see Keith doing it, but something told you any love letter written by Lance would be a lot less formal and a lot more amorous.
Then again- what if Hunk was simply helping them write their letters? That would be a real punch in the gut. Or back to an earlier suspicion- what if an alien you met on another planet was simply getting these letters delivered to you? You relayed memories, trying to remember any alien that was any sort of a romantic. Admittedly there weren’t many you could think of, but it still wasn’t a crossed-off possibility. Hunk seemed more the type for these kinds of letters, but the concept of it was stuck behind a mental jail cell. That possibility entirely depended on him even liking you back. The concept seemed too foreign. The idea that a guy such as him, a total catch, had reciprocated such feelings. Not only regularly, but to the degree to send secret letters and on occasion even well thought gifts alongside them. It was unthinkable. He was amiable and adorably friendly to you- but that didn’t mean squat. I mean, he was friendly to most people. He was a nice guy. You had no right to assume based on just that. Sure you were also a total catch, and no doubt incredibly attractive. Though still, with any crush there’s a sense of doubt.
Days dragged on and hints grew thin, you had no real valid proof or reason. At this point, it wasn’t far-fetched to imagine you hanging up a corkboard littered with pins and string in your room. The same way they do when they solve mysteries in the movies. Letters stockpiled within your desk, notes in journals. You were desperate to find who was sending them, in the same breath desperate for the author to be Hunk.
More weeks passed and no closer. It was a Saturday, and by the time noon had shown itself on your clock nearly all you did all day was try and figure out who was writing you. By now, everything about their handwriting down to the exact way they dot their i’s was memorized. The way they spoke, their mannerisms. Exhausted, you dramatically sat up from your chair. Cracking your back, stretching your arms and legs. It was time for a break. You fixed yourself a snack and roamed the halls, whoever you spotted first you’d likely try and join them out of boredom. Taking miscellaneous sips of your drink whilst looking into any doorway you came across.
On your way, you cross Hunk’s room. The door was left open but he wasn’t there. Strange. You were about to leave when a pile of various colors spot your eye. It was a pile of cute decorative paper. Similar to the ones used for the letters you were receiving. Next to it, the same cute envelopes you always found them in. And a sticker book, the ones they always got closed with. Next to all this, a piece of cute paper with an unfinished letter. Was this the final hint? Was it truly him? Not yet, you told yourself. One more hint though, one more sign, and you might just lose it. Finally, you leave without poking around too much. Continuing your journey to find people.
Just your luck you finally spot some people, it just happened to be Pidge and Hunk problem-solving at a blackboard. There had been some issues with the ship that Allura and Coran couldn’t figure out. It was very minimal, but nipping things like this in the bud was always good. You sat yourself down before taking a good look at the board, leaning back in your chair and asking Pidge what was going on. Hunk was busy on the blackboard writing down some equations alongside some notes to try and solve the aforementioned issues.
“Well, there are some navigation issues and general glitches. Doors won’t close when they’re supposed to, the food machine is being weird again, and on top of all that the map seems to be-” They didn’t even get a chance to finish their sentence before you suddenly spat out your drink, hopping out of your chair and running towards the board. Your gaze shot back and forth between him and the board fervently, placing your drink and snack down to run a lap around the room. Once you were done you returned to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him in excitement.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!” You shouted eagerly, spinning around and pumping a fist in the air. Part of you wanted to stop- to think of what other explanation there could be for the similar handwriting. All silenced by your overflowing joy at the possibility of it realistically being him. “What? Knew what??” He asked confused, unsure what about his equation could be sparking this sort of revelation in you. “YOU’RE THE ONE WRITING ME ALL THE GODDAMN LETTERS!” You exclaimed vehemently, throwing your hands up before gesturing at the board. “I’ve been studying them this whole time! All day every day! I’ve memorized the handwriting, it’s the same! The same way you dot your i’s, the same way you write your a’s, it’s identical!!!” You laid out your observations. Unaware of how crazy you sounded. “You uh,” He started nervously, a light blush only further proving any point you had. “You memorized my handwriting that- acutely?” He questioned, impressed with the dedication you had clearly put forth. You were unsure from your perspective how he felt, however. “Well, yes.” You began, now a lot less energetic and confident than before. “I uh, I really wanted it to be you.” You backed off a little, unsure of how to read his expression.
“I TOLD YOU!” Pidge responded for him, also jumping from their seat now. “I TOLD YOU THEY WERE TOTALLY INTO YOU! BUT ‘NOOOO THERE’S NO WAY’!” Pidge asserted. As it turned out, Pidge was in on it the whole time. Pidge delivered all of the letters, and while they had no input on what went into the letters they were deadset on it working. Absolutely sure that the two of you were uselessly pining for each other. Hunk was a blushing mess, hand on the nape of his neck while he tried to gather his words.
It seemed Pidge had enough of this, as before he could successfully do so they were pushing y’all out the door and shutting it. Not without struggle, as they still hadn’t fixed the doors, but they did so. You were stuck, also without words, with the man you had only now learned had reciprocated feelings for you.
“GO ON A DATE ALREADY!!” Pidge shouted, muffled by the door they had just managed to shut. Leaving you alone without any sort of plan to follow up with. Or your food. Hunk turned to you slowly, clearly also unsure of what to say. Until he noticed at the same time you did that your food was stuck in there.
“How about for our first date,” He began, gaining your full attention. You were so alluring, he choked on his words for a minute before gaining the ability to speak again. “I cook you some more food to make up for the stuff you lost in there?” He offered, hands shaking and face going red. “I’d love that.”
Y’all hung out in the kitchen for a while, him cooking and you giving the rundown on all the notes you took on the letters. An impressively long conversation in that regard. He returned it by mentioning the work it took to find all your favorite things. Your favorite flowers, colors, snacks, and interests. All the things he mentioned and used in his letters.
The two of you started out starstruck, and as you started to date that never seemed to go away. ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡ Hope you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it, lord knows I'm a sucker for big strong men with a soft spot. I just know he could throw me around like a paperweight and would totally care about you. What else do you need in life? Anyhow, have a good day/night, and a great life!!
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hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
In Our Favor
Part 287
McCoy got through his morning classes. He wasn’t quite sure how, as his thoughts were racing about flight class. In the hangar bays. With real shuttles.
When he began the walk to the hangar bay dread tried to slow his steps. An arm through his startled him but he settled when he turned his head and saw Jaylah. She squeezed his arm as she said hello.
“I did not mean to tell your secret in front of Hikaru and Spock this morning,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” he said as he gave her a smile. “I’d be shocked if Spock didn’t already know I was uncomfortable flying and Hikaru knows how to be discreet.”
“You are worried though,” Jaylah continued thoughtfully. “Your arm is shaking.”
“I know,” McCoy sighed. “Flores won’t be making us fly real shuttles yet, would he?”
Jaylah gave an easy laugh. “Never! We aren’t ready for that. I would think it would be getting used to the real thing.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Where was Greene yesterday?” Jaylah asked.
McCoy's mouth turned up in a smile. “Gone.”
“Back home. My father is pulling the undercover team home one a week. I asked for her to go first. It’s already hard enough flying without someone I barely know from home watching.”
“That is good!” Jaylah exclaimed. “Things are safe again!”
“I hope so.”
Inside the hangar bay was huge. The ceiling soared overhead and many different types of shuttles and small ships were lined up.
Jaylah had let go of McCoy’s arm, but still stood close to him. Uhura was on his other side.
“Now,” Lt. Flores was saying, “don’t get excited because we aren’t in here to fly real ships yet.”
McCoy let out a sigh and tension seemed to drain from him.
“We are here to learn them inside and out. Flying is part of being a good pilot and knowing the machine you are in is another. Going forward we will be in the simulators on Thursdays and in here learning the mechanics on Fridays.”
Relief flooded through the prince.
“Who knows what you may have to someday problem solve on the fly,” Flores said, “but this is where you begin learning that.”
McCoy left class with Uhura and Jaylah and a light was in his step. They had new chapters to study for class the following week and McCoy intended to know them inside and out. He already knew the controls as well as anyone, he would learn the rest easily and work on his fears.
Scotty was already at the table with some of the others when McCoy sat down. He gave McCoy a thorough look.
“It’s alright,” McCoy said for only him to hear. “You were right.” He smiled softly. “We’re learning about the mechanics and problem solving away from the controls panel.”
“Oh!” Scotty smiled back. “I can help ye with that!”
“I know!” McCoy leaned over and kissed his husband.
“Get a room,” Jim called across to them.
“We have one,” McCoy grinned back. “Maybe we could try yours?”
“Stay away from my room!” Jim acted disgusted, but laughed.
“I’m going to meet with Jim this evening,” Scotty told McCoy when the laughter had died away and the conversation had moved on.
“Alright,” McCoy nodded. “Everything ok?” He remembered Spock’s hesitant answer from breakfast.
“I’m not sure,” Scotty said honestly. “It's about Sam,” he whispered.
Part 288
Scotty was very relieved to hear that Leonard's lesson had gone well. That was one less thing for him to worry about. And even better, he could even help Leonard with this new subject. After all, he knew shuttles inside out.
After dinner, Scotty went straight along with Jim and Spock. He wasn't too surprised when the Vulcan only briefly grabbed his PADD from the room and then said goodbye with a polite nod. He would give the two humans their privacy.
Scotty sat down on Jim's desk chair while the blond himself flopped down on his bed. He sighed heavily.
"May... I read what he wrote to ye?" Scotty asked cautiously and Jim pressed a button on his bedside table. The fingerprint sensor opened a drawer and he pulled out the letter. Without a word, Jim threw the envelope to his friend, who caught it in mid-air.
Scotty carefully pulled the piece of paper out of the envelope and unfolded it. His eyes slowly scanned the lines.
"Can–" Jim swallowed hard, looking down at the floor. "Can you read it to me? I... I want to perceive the words differently than when I read them myself."
Scotty gave Jim a quick glance, but then nodded and began to read aloud.
"Dear Jim, I know ye hate me. I also know that ye have every reason to. I left ye so many years ago. And I know that I owe ye an explanation, but how can I give it to ye when I don't really know it myself?"
Scotty heard Jim sobbing quietly and he looked up to see that his friend had pulled his legs up to his chest, hiding his face. Scotty swallowed the lump in his throat before reading on.
"I... was young and stupid. My only thought was that I wanted to get away. Away from this place. Away from Frank. I don't know... Maybe I was hoping that Mom would realize how wrong everything was going if one of her sons ran away and that she would care more about ye then. But I was wrong. I'm angry with her for that, but I still try to keep in touch with her. She is our mother and as children we have a certain duty to her. Sometimes I just feel sorry for her. She changed so much after Dad died. I wish she would get more help. But this isn't about mom, it's about ye and me. I'm very happy that Chris brought ye to his boarding school. I know ye had a good time there. I know that ye made friends. Real, true friends. Sometimes I envy ye for that and wish I'd had that too. But I also know that ye didn't have it any less difficult than I did. I'm sure ye would have needed your big brother a lot. I'm sure ye often wished that he was there to help ye. And I would have loved to have been with ye. But I was ashamed that I left ye alone. And I still am. I can't undo my mistakes, Jim, but I can apologize for them from the bottom of my heart. I know ye have no reason to ever forgive me. I can only hope that ye will read my words and that ye might accept this apology. I love ye, Jim. And I always will.
Your big brother Sam."
Jim's crying had intensified and when Scotty had read out the last word, he immediately got up and sat with his friend. He wrapped his arms around him and rocked him gently back and forth.
"Shh, it's all right. It's all right."
Jim sobbed loudly, clawing his fingers into Scotty's shirt and seeking support in it. And Scotty did everything humanly possible to comfort him somehow.
Only when Jim had calmed down did he manage to speak again.
"I hate him. I hate him so much. But–" Jim interrupted himself for a moment. He looked over at the desk where the letter lay. "But I want to accept his apology. I want to understand him and try to forgive his actions."
"Maybe ye could call him? Or write him a letter or a note yerself?"
Jim shrugged his shoulders. He didn't seem sure he could or wanted to.
"I'll help ye with that, if ye like," Scotty offered.
And when Jim gave him a nod, the Scotsman knew that this was going to be a long evening.
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respondedinkind · 6 months
Get to know the mun.
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? I started writing Khan back in 2012 even before the movie came out - just based him on that single teaser thing that existed there, I was so incredibly hooked by his character. And when the movie finally came out I continued to write him (obviously) so yeah. The insanely good portrayal of him (thank you, Ben) and the character itself... captivated me. That's why I chose to write him back then and that's why I am still writing him. I just love the way he was brought to life, all the details of how he behaves, talks, moves... and how incredibly non-Ben Ben looks there. So fucking impressive. Could rave about my boy 24/7. My Stephen I picked up only recently and I happened to do so because I got immensely hooked on him as well, rewatched the movies, found my muse suddenly exploding for him. I wasn't sure for a while and pondered about writing him for 2 weeks, but then I decided to go for it. I was also very inspired by certain events back then that made me pick him up eventually, but... things turned out a bit differently than expected. Anyways, i really enjoy writing him as well and he's just such a wonderful contrast to my Khan, it feels refreshing. I also write Leonard McCoy, but I do so more or less privately with just a few selected people. I enjoy writing that sassy man, and I basically just made him to explore some relationships (lol) but yeah. I enjoy doing that on him.
is there anything you don’t like to write? Such things as Character Death (if there's no way for them to be resurrected and/or somehow come back into the story lol) and Bad Endings. I can't take it, will never write it for the sake of my own mental health. I am very much a happy fluffy writing person, I love drama and angst but it needs to turn into hurt / comfort and something nice at some point.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? Well... I hinted at it above (lol), I love fluff, happy stuff, I also enjoy it immensely to write relationships. I love shipping (romantic), but I also love to explore platonic relationships. I have to admit though, shipping is something I oftentimes feel drawn to and that's just how it is, which doesn't mean I won't write anything else, but it's one of my favorites. I also enjoy writing slice-of-life stuff and just... cute things. The way life happens with two muses. I also love writing family stuff... and what their future develops as. That includes possible conflicts and problems the have to solve (and will solve lol bc I need my happy endings) and add some nice angst and drama into it for the delicious hurt/comfort and the happy things after. And yes, just to throw it in here as well: I also enjoy writing smut. Not all the time, not always, not like 24/7, but when the muses have chemistry it just happens man. :)
how do you come up with headcanons?  I am oftentimes inspired by a thing I see or listen to, or they just pop up out of nowhere. Sometimes I read about a thing or see a thing on TV / in a video and am like 'Oh yes, this is very much my muse'!. I do have to admit that I am one who sometimes sees a headcanon somewhere sometimes and be like 'oh yes, I agree with this actually, this is so good' - it has happened in the past, but I try to refrain from that. Some headcanons also are just 'so general', in a way, that they can be seen similar by many people writing the same muse - especially when they stem from the source material of the canon. Anyways, cough, most headcanons I develop over time or they just pop up out of nowhere and 'feel right'.
do you write in silence or do you play music? Silence, actually. Music distracts me, sadly so. I used to be able to write with music but at some point... I just couldn't anymore? In fact, it even distracts me to have my partner sitting in the other room watching a TV show, if he's doing that on a volume that's too loud for me to handle I won't be able to write. I struggle with that quite a bit and it's very annoying that my brain is such a bitch about it honestly, sigh.
do you plan your replies or wing them? I usually wing them, but I oftentimes also plot with my partner and we talk about what's supposed to happen within a certain time frame so I can direct my muse to that part of the story, so to say. Oftentimes, though, muses just do muse-things in between and I enjoy that a lot - In fact, I am always looking forward to 'muses being muses' and something surprising happens! So exciting!
do you enjoy shipping? God, yes. Like, I love shipping. I don't ship everything and there's ships out there I don't like, and I am also the most comfortable with m/m ships (those happen quickly, ngl), but when I have a ship between muses where the chemistry just sparked by itself? Delicious. But yes, in general, I really enjoy shipping, 100%.
what’s your alias/name? L.
age? 34
birthday? January 25th
favorite color?  red, pink, black, blue
favorite song?  I don't have 'one favorite', I have a lot, so I cannot decide. :'D
last movie you watched? Oppenheimer.
last show you watched?  Uh I don't watch shows...
last song you listened to? Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons
favorite food?  Sushi. Closely followed by burgers.
favorite season?  Winter, Spring and Fall (basically whenever it's more cool and not hot. I hate heat.)
do you have a tumblr best friend? I made some wonderful connections to people over the years and especially so 'recently' with me getting my Khan muse back and also writing Stephen, and I am so happy and thankful about everyone I am writing with and everyone I am also chatting OOC with. Thank you for being here! ♥
TAGGED BY @deficd (friend ♥)
TAGGING @ssolessurvivor @bloodstainedstar @fiercengineer @illbringthechaosmagic @whydotheykeeptakingmine @resignedworkaholics @kingofthewebxxx @noblehcart and you ♥
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Darkwing Doubloon Versus The Sea Witch
So based on the poll, did a comedy-based drabble. Feel free to mentally think of OG DWD or 17. If enough people like it, I'll consider writing a full "episode".
Fear! Ha! Fear was not a word that Darkwing Doubloon was familiar with. It was the thing that held back weaker men than he! It was an obstacle that inferior buffoons couldn’t surmount! It was the disease that ravaged those who would do justice harm! Suffice it to say, DARKWING DOUBLOON, hero of the seven seas, pirate extraordinaire and legend in his own right wasn’t afraid of anything!
“So for the last time, quit asking me if I’m afraid.” The very same pirate audibly snapped at his crewmates, choosing to glare into the darkness instead of at them. “My knees are knocking because we’re knee-high in cold ocean water! The next guy who asks gets to go back on the ship and make sure Gosashire doesn’t shanghai it again.”
“You’re a braver man than me, Darkwing.” Launchpad replied as he took slow, steady steps behind his captain. Each of the four men had their own lit torch, but even with their combined light, the watery catacombs were nearly impossible to see through. The most they could make out was each other’s terrified face (except for Darkwing, who, again, wasn’t scared, no sir) and the occasional smelly barnacle on the wall. “I mean, we’re in the lair of a hideous, fearsome, sea-monster! One who controls every single creature that’s in the waves! One wrong move, and we could be swimming with the fishes!”
“I hope not! I didn’t bring my water wings.” Stegmutt held his torch in one hand, and his large tail in the other, taking up Darkwing’s left flank.
Gizmoduck was on Darkwing’s right, and even his historically-anachronist visor couldn’t help him see any further than his companions. “My precise calculations located the signal that’s been controlling the sea life from within this very cave… but none of them said how deep it was. I can’t even tell if we’re heading in the right direction!”
Always eager for a chance to puff up his already inflated ego, Darkwing strutted forward with his beak held high. “Luckily, my keen instinct tells me way more than your calculations could ever say! I am certain we’re headed the right way! And once we find this so-called monster that’s been controlling the fish to attack ships and steal their treasure, the grand and glorious battle between us shall be so ground, history books shall teach about it hundreds of years from now! Which reminds me. First mate Launchpad, you brought the quill and parchment to write down the grand and glorious battle?”
“Right here!” Launchpad proudly held out a waterlogged parchment scroll that now seemed more suited for the trash than of trashing titans. “Uh… I might have to write down a condensed version, though.”
“No matter! Might as well start off with the good stuff. Write down how amazingly heroic I am as I lead you all deeper and deeper into the lair of the monster. Though many have heard its siren call, no man has ever laid eyes upon the beast…”
As Darkwing began to ramble on about the mysteries that the sea monster had left in its wake, Stegmutt found himself more concerned with the mystery of his stomach growling. Fortunately, that had an easy answer, as he stashed some extra rations in his back pocket. The trick now was getting them out without dropping his torch or his tail. He fumbled and began to lag his companions, struggling in vain to keep his arms full and yet not full at the same time. After a few more grunts and groans, he found his problem solved when the rations were rather abruptly dangled in front of his face.
“Oh, why thank you!” He pleasantly chirped as he reached forward to take them… and then realized that this sudden help was probably not a good thing. He had no time to shriek in surprise before what had helped him suddenly yanked him under the water, leaving behind only a torch to be doused.
“Hmm, getting harder to see what I’m writing down here.” Launchpad mumbled, having used one hand for a torch, one to hold the parchment, and his mouth to hold the quill. “Stegmutt, you mind bringing your light in closer? … Stegmutt?”
With no reply given from the usually overly helpful chap, all three turned in his direction only to find the large dino-duck gone. They all looked around, futile as it was given the darkness, and made a collective gulp.
“W-where could he have gone?!” Gizmoduck stammered, trying to inch closer to his friends as tightly as possible. “He was just here a minute ago!”
“Obviously,” Darkwing roughly pushed Gizmoduck aside, “he fled back to the ship! His nerves got the better of him, that’s all. Not every man has the bravery to take down sea-monsters. Onward, men!” As plausible as the theory was, Gizmoduck and Launchpad couldn’t help but exchange nervous glances. “Now, where was I?”
“You were saying how no one’s ever actually seen the monster up close?” Launchpad answered, getting dangerously close to swallowing the quill.
“Right, right, right. Up until a month ago, the seas around these islands were as calm as the sweetest lullaby on the softest sheep…” He paused, then shook his head. “Definitely going to have to rework these metaphors. Point is, it’s only then that any passing ship suddenly got attacked by octopi, electric eels, and every manner of scaled sea creature that can swim! They were only ever after treasure and gold, and they all fled to this very cave.”
“But why would they even want treasure?” Gizmoduck asked out loud, trying to pop open one of his mechanical arms so he could try doing scientific doo-hickey things to find a better signal. “That’s what bothers me about this. I don’t think it’s a monster, I think it’s a person! If I could just get this darn thing to open… must be logged with sea water…” He too began to lag as he struggled in vain to jimmy open his arm. Once again, he got surprise help from an outsider that popped it open.
“Gee, thanks!” And once again, he too realized he shouldn’t be thanking whatever just helped him, as now he too was suddenly seized down below.
“Maybe they’re all just feeling shell-fish.” Launchpad chuckled at his own pun, but that made him accidentally spit out his quill. “Oops. Gizmoduck, you got another quill on you? You sure seem to have everything but the kitchen sink… Gizmoduck?”
Captain and First Mate looked at where Gizmoduck once was to find where he once wasn’t. As their eyes slowly met, Darkwing let out a shaky, nervous laugh. “C-Cowardice appears to be contagious! Clearly, he too has retreated to the ship!”
“M-M-Maybe we ought to do the same thing.” Launchpad began to tremble so hard, some of the embers of his torch touched the parchment. “We can leave this story on a cliffhanger and pick up in, ah, twenty years?”
“Nay!” Darkwing turned around an overly dramatic fashion, his cape smacking Launchpad in the face. “Darkwing Doubloon doesn’t believe in ‘To be Continued’! Whatever this foul, reprehensible creature is, man or monster, it will know no mercy to my blade! Oh, that’s a good one, be sure to write that down.”
Launchpad would have obeyed, but the parchment fire was a bit more distressing to deal with. He wasn’t sure how to put it out without making things worse, but – for the third time – a helper came along and simply smacked the fire out. Do you even need a full paragraph to know what happened next?
“I’m on a roll!” Darkwing cheered, oblivious that he was now speaking to no one. “This may be my greatest adventure yet! I hope this thing really puts up a fight! And the uglier it is, the more heroic I’ll seem in comparison! Launchpad, I want you to write down every single last gut-twisting detail of the monster’s… uh-oh.” He had glanced back to make sure Launchpad was writing diligently, only to discover Launchpad wasn’t there at all. His shoulders slumped, now terribly aware of how large the cavern was when compared to one single man. “Hooo-kay, fine.” he muttered, tugging on his frilled collar. “This might be a bad sign.”
Of course, he still wasn’t afraid. As said before, he didn’t know the meaning of the word! But as his steps forward slowed down inch by inch, he was willing to purchase a dictionary if he got out of this alive… When! When he got out of this alive! He was going to make it out and make his legend shine brighter than the closest star! He was a hero that never backed down from anything! He had a daughter who would endlessly make fun of him if he ran back now –
He felt something yank on his cape, and for a moment he was relieved he was alone, as the high-pitched scream he made was not something he’d care to share. “I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! AND HANDSOME! AND RICH! … TWO OUT OF THREE AIN’T BAD!” He whipped out his sword and frantically swung in the direction of whatever was holding him hostage, keeping one of his eyes shut in his frantic antics… only to realize the fearsome being that had caught him was just a jagged rock that had snagged his cape. He exhaled very deeply, even allowing a dry “ha” or two to escape him. “Sheesh, those scaredy-cat deserts are mine are rubbing off on me! There’s nothing to be afraid of, except the damage to my good taste.”
He knelt and began trying to tug his cape loose, but it was difficult to do so without tearing it up, and he was loathe to let his excellent sense of fashion suffer. As was the same for his captured companions, he got unexpected help untying his cape. But this time, Darkwing was able to stop his gratitude before it left his beak.
What now held his cape was a big, long, thick, black tentacle. He clicked his tongue to the inside of his cheek. “Lemme take a shot in the dark here. You took away my crew.”
The tentacle appeared to nod.
“And now you intend to do the very same thing to me.”
Another nod.
“Noted. Appreciate the brevity.”
With that out of the way, the tentacle wrapped itself around his leg and proceeded to drag him underneath the water. But since he’d known what was to come, Darkwing was able to hang onto his wits enough to try hanging onto anything his hands could grab. The tentacle didn’t make this easy, and almost seemed to smack him into every rock, wall, and extremely sharp piece of coral it could find. As Darkwing’s expletives bubbled away in the water, an idea came to him – he unhooked his scabbard from his belt, and with seconds to spare, looped it around an oncoming rock that was just tall enough to get him some breathing space. He gasped for much-needed air, and then glared irritability at the tentacle still tugging him.
“You’ll have to try harder than that to get one over Darkwing Doubloon!” He announced as he drew out his sword and made several blind attempts to stab in the dark. His troubles doubled as a second tentacle splashed out of the water and tried to ensnare his wrist. “Hey! That was NOT an incentive!” With twice the tugging, it was twice as hard to hold onto his scabbard, and his body felt as if every bone was crying out in protest. “Owowowowow! Though I have to say, this is doing wonders for my back, it’s usually in knots…”
Oh-ho! Such a pity that not everyone could be as quick-thinking and brilliant as DARKWING DOUBLOON! With an excited grin, he dropped his sword and grabbed both tentacles at once. It took only seconds of careful but quick execution, and not only was he freed, but both tentacles were now tied up together in a knot that would make any sailor proud. The tentacles immediately began to withdraw, and Darkwing drew himself up proudly, even giving his sword a fanciful twirl. “Yep, yep, yep – that about wraps things up here! Now, to follow those terrible tentacles and find out what’s become of my crew!”
After going back a few steps to retrieve his fallen hat – really, what was any pirate with a good huge hat? – he ventured onward towards a faint light in the distance. His best guess was this was the cave’s final room, a theory that grew along with the light. He pressed himself up against a corner wall to peek in as much as he could without being seen.
The large treasure horde was being light by dozens of hanging candles, which also helped to illuminate the mountains of stolen jewels, gold, and treasure chests that had been seized from ships. They also helped show off the trio of captured pirates, who were each dangling in a tiny bamboo cage that creaked with every tiny motion they made. The walls were aligned with bookshelves, which was an oddity to Darkwing, as what good was any book in a waterlogged cavern? A looming shadow was wading into the center of the room, heading towards a throne constructed from purple shells and red coral – right next to the throne was a partially broken stone pillar, but what was more important was a bright, shining tiara sitting atop it. The golden piece was outfitted with three large rubies, and perhaps on the surface seemed no more important than any of the other treasures lumped here and there… but Darkwing was clever enough to know that no one put things on pillars unless they were purposeful! If that wasn’t some ancient artifact of evil, he didn’t know what was.
As the tall, looming figure began to take a seat, grousing as they labored to undo the tentacle tie, Darkwing knew no moment would be better for his big entrance. He checked his pocket, and thanked himself for making sure his trademark smoke bombs were extra, super-duper waterproof. A Darkwing Doubloon without smoke bombs, could you even imagine…!
He flicked three out onto the dry surface of the cavern room, and they instantly billowed his favorite color, startling his would-be foe.
“I am the terror that sails the seas!”
He jumped out from the cavern wall, still hidden in the smoke, but already brandishing his sword. His crew would have begun hooting for joy on his arrival, but they also knew their captain well enough by now never to interrupt his opening speech.
“I am the stubborn barnacle that clings to the ship of evil!”
Now the smoke began to dissipate, allowing the monster and the hero to finally look at one another.
Seconds ago, had anyone ever asked Darkwing his ideas on romance and affairs of the heart, he would have given a pithy remark that his one true love was the sea. But seconds ago, he hadn’t seen the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, at least from the waist up. She was tall! She was slender! She had rich green eyes that were more gorgeous than any emerald in the king’s treasury! She had dark raven hair that hung ever so perfectly on her side, with just the right amount of white streaked in! She… well, he couldn’t really comment on her outfit as he wasn’t sure what was cloth and what was scales and staring too intently at those places on a lady might be deemed inappropriate. And this was a lady! A real lady! A real, gorgeous, elegant, hominahominahomina lady!
Darkwing internally noted that he and the sea had decided to see other people.
As for the mystery maiden, she raised an eyebrow at his odd introduction, not sure what to make of it. She spared a quick aside to her victims, only to find them as puzzled as she was. She looked back at him, rested an arm on her throne, and much to Darkwing’s delight, her voice was just as enchanting as the rest of her. “I’m sorry, who are you, again?”
“Ha! Where are my manners?” Darkwing swiftly returned his sword to its scabbard, having need of it no longer. He walked straight up to the throne, and then got to one knee, removing his hat for the moment. “I’m known in these waters The Darkwing Doubloon – but simply Darkwing will suffice – and it is my most esteemed pleasure to meet such exquisite company.” He took her pale hand – my, such long claw-like nails surely meant she took good care of herself! – and kissed the top of it before sporting a flashy grin.
One more time, she looked at her victims, and they had taken on a See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Say No Evil response to whatever insanity was happening before their very eyes. Darkwing was more than content to ignore the silent peanut gallery, and just waggled his eyebrows. “Catfish got your tongue?”
“Admittedly, this is usually the part where people start screaming.” She answered, vaguely gesturing to her… frankly, all of her. “Like your friends did. You know, ‘ahhh, help me, don’t eat me, I want my mommy’?”
Darkwing gasped, hand clasped to his chest in horror, and was already on his feet. “They did what? For shame! They know better than to treat a lady so shamefully!” He turned to his friends and wagged a finger as if they were all collectively his children. “We’ll be having words back on the ship!” Ignoring their shared expressions of disbelief, he popped his hat back on his head before speaking to his lady fair. “On behalf of the disgraceful actions my crew has shown you, I sincerely and humbly apologize.”
Something akin to a grin began to sneak up on the woman’s face, and with a shift of her waist, she dropped her tentacles in front of his face. “I don’t suppose you’ll also apologize for this?”
Somehow, the tentacles belonging to his ideal bride hadn’t quite connected in his brain yet, and after making a spooked noise, he looked back and forth between the extra appendages and who they were attached to several times. Amazingly, this was not a deal-breaker. He chuckled shyly, nervously trying to gently tug the tentacles apart. “It seems like we got off on the wrong foot… or several of them.” He cleared his throat, as she tapped her nails along her armrest. “You see, m’lady, there’s been these awful robberies on the high seas around these areas, and we were sent here to investigate these affairs. Would you happen to know anything about it?”
Her eyes narrowed dangerously, and her sensual voice took on a low growl. “You could say I do.”
“Fantastic! What’s say you and I discuss it about it with little bit of dinner, candlelight, and – YIPE!” the freed tentacles were now snuggly wrapped around Darkwing’s legs and had chosen to hang him upside down in front of the woman’s face.
“I know that for many a moon, you mortals have been dumping your garbage into my waters!” She snarled, her cold hand gripping Darkwing’s beak. “Over and over, you pollute my home without a second thought! So I decided that if your kind is so eager to give away their possessions, it’s only right I should take what I want from them!” She then pushed his face away, making him the world’s first human pendulum. “I, Morgana MaCawber, the Sea Witch, shall take what is rightfully mine until no mortal dares to tread the ocean again! What say you to that, Darkwing?”
“First, I’m glad I had a light lunch.” Darkwing gagged as he swung back and forth helplessly. “Second, I give a hoot! I don’t pollute! That’s the truth!”
Morgana snorted in contempt, before tossing Darkwing over her shoulder and letting him land in a particularly painful pound of pennies. After spitting out copper, he weakly tried to defend his position. “I mean it! There’s no one who loves the ocean more than I do! I respect it as I would my own mother! No, more than that, because the ocean can never ground me!” There was a possible pun in there, but no time to dwell on that, he had a gal to impress! He scrambled up the bookcases so he could cling to the closest cage, which happened to be Launchpad’s. “C’mon, guys, vouch for me! I’m officially upgrading you from first mates to wingmen!”
Gizmoduck stuck a thumb in his ear. “Maybe I’ve got swimmer’s ear going on, but are you listening to yourself right now?”
“Guys, guys, it’s fine.” Launchpad kept his voice down to a whisper. “This is all part of Darkwing’s plan. He’s trying to get her to lower her guard, then he’ll snatch victory from the tentacles of defeat! Right?”
The long beat of silence didn’t inspire confidence, nor did Darkwing’s lack of eye-to-eye confirmation as he swiftly said, “Sure.”
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Hello hello again!!!! :3
I loveloveLOVE your Lucius/Viktor post!! Once again, you brighten my noggin w your thoughts (:
Umumumummmmmmmm so is there anyone else you want an excuse to yap about LOL Idkidk I just want to hear your thoughts about everyone and everything!!
Idk if you have any/many thoughts about them, but maybe we could hear about the Averys and Sinistras? Especially Edmund's unnamed fiancée !!!!
Ahhhhhh your brain is just so !!!! /Pos
- 🍃
Ahhhh I'm so glad you liked it,, it fully helped fuel my Xenophilius post!!
I think I might take this time to talk about some good old Pebill!! I saw this one tiktok a few days ago and I've been so obsessed since. Welcome to Pebill City, population ME!!!!
I am,, far too fond of giving ships fun little names so I bestow upon thee,,, ratseer lol
I specifically love these two in a band au. I'm gonna write one eventually and I'm gonna make them so happy and sappy and cute and just like the tiktok says they'll have a daughter called Rosemary. I'm just so in love with them. Peter who plays the second guitar in the band and like the occasional trumpet and sometimes he thinks it's kinda silly that he's in the band but also he's just so happy to be there. He saved all his money from his part time job to buy the most run-down Volkswagen T1 when the band started getting big enough to have to travel around for stuff and he shows up like "TADA!" all proud of himself cause he solved their problem. He meets Sybill at one of these travel gigs. They're playing at a wedding and maybe she's like the bride's sister or just a bridesmaid or something and she's wearing a really flowy dress and she's spinning around right in front of him having the time of her life and her thick curls are bouncing and you can just see Peter melt while he's on stage playing cause he misses a cord or something. And the guys notice and they insist that the has to talk to her and he's all nervous and shit but then Sybill comes to talk to him because she thinks he's really cute and they hit it off. They call at each stop they have and a few months in they go pick her up before moving onto a bigger gig and she just stays with them.
He wants to settle down at some point when Sybill ends up pregnant and he almost leaves the band but Sybill insists that she's fine travelling around with them because that's the life she loves and she wants their daughter to be born a free soul and she sees in her cards that she's supposed to be born a certain place and Peter is just like [scout's salute] "yes ma'am" and I just think they're so stinking cute vjnfgjbngjbngj
I need to figure out this band au at some point cause it's been rotting my brain lately, I just have so many long fics I wanna write I don't feel like I can start a new one now even if I want to vjfnbjgnbj
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I have,,, far too many thoughts on both the Averys, the Sinistras but especially Edmund's fiancee!!!! I've been waiting for a chance to talk about her honestly,,,
Let's start with the Averys,,,,
Edmund Avery Senior, the only child of Herschel Avery and Miriam Avery, is Edmund's father, in case that wasn't clear from the name. Edmund Senior works as an archivist for the Ministry of Magic and he's got a spot in the Wizengamot along with his father Herschel. The two are not close and if you didn't know you wouldn't think they were father and son. During most of Edmund's Senior's childhood his mother was heavily sedated and he was more or less raised by the family house elf, Dotty (usually called Dot and Dorothy in muggle aus). Dot is also the house elf who helped raise Edmund Junior. Edmund Senior attended school with Tom Riddle and was sorted into Slytherin and was one of Tom's dorm mates. They were also just close friends (as close friends as Tom could have). Edmund Senior was part of the reason Tom managed to open the Chamber of Secrets as he showed him a book featuring hints of the Chambers being real. To sum Edmund Senior up he's an incredibly nerdy insecure man. He loves history and in a muggle au he collects model aeroplanes. He's got a good handful of childhood trauma, a difficult relationship with his family and most of his peers and the only thing he's really got going for him is that he's an incredibly devoted husband who's down bad for his wife. She's luckily incredibly wooed by what I can only describe as his autism rizz lmao (I hate that so much ew actually)
Edmund's mother and Edmund Senior's wife is Esther, a very attractive recovered alcoholic. Rumours fly around frequently about her being unfaithful to her husband though she could never dream of it. Most of what is known about her is fabricated, which is entirely intentional as she's hiding things about herself such as her country of birth. Esther lost her family during the Holocaust. She met Edmund while they were both in their mid-twenties and they got married a while later and eventually had their only son Edmund Avery Junior. Their son has inherited his father's looks save for his mother's hair colour and many beauty spots as well as her eating disorder.
Due to Esther's alcoholism and a slight strain on their relationship over the years due to Edmund Senior favouring his work too much, Edmund Junior had much more to do with Dot, their house elf, than what would be considered normal as she would have to step in where Esther sometimes lacked. Despite this Edmund was an incredible mummy's boy and still is, something Esther cherished immensely as she loved being both a mother and wife. He would cling to her at any given time, he'd rather have tea with her than play with other children, he'd come running to her crying at the smallest inconvenience, he was so proud of wearing fancy clothes like his father and getting a spray of his mother's perfume.
The Avery family is resembled by Barn Owls similar to how the Malfoys are represented by (albino?) peacocks. Edmund Senior gifted Esther a taxidermied rat when they first started dating, similar to how Barn Owls gift their mates prey and while others find it incredibly weird they now have a shared love for taxidermied animals and he will gift her more on their anniversaries/on Valentine's Days/etc. Edmund Senior and Esther seem like an incredibly unlikely pair to everyone else but Esther fell for him in part because he was one of the only men who could see her for her mind and her heart rather than just her looks (even if he's down bad for those too lol)
Idk where else to mention this but they're both pureblood wizards,,,
They're probably my favourite of the parents,,, which is why they're the only knights of walpurgis era characters that have their own pinterest collection for pictures,,,, I would have shared it but,,, I have used all my pictures up for one post T-T
Onto the Sinistras I have considerably less but I can fill you in a bit,,,
Aurora is the only daughter of Altair Aseel Sinistra and Nazareth Sinistra née Lubilanji. Nazareth is Sierra Leonean albeit has lived in England for her entire life. She's also a half-blood. She's one of seven siblings and when she attended Hogwarts she was sorted into Gryffindor. She is incredibly fond of cats and puzzles. During her time at Hogwarts, she was part of the Slug Club. Altair is a pureblood wizard and the second son of Aseel Najm Sinistra and Sidra Ahyam Sinistra and the younger brother of Tariq Aseel Sinistra. His family is Egyptian but they've lived in England for the past two or so generations I'm thinking?? Like his daughter, he was a Ravenclaw when he attended school and he became Prefect during his fifth year.
Taking a bit of a side step here since this ask was after all about all the Sinistras,,, Tariq marries Salma Al-Mashriq, a pureblood Hufflepuff and together they have three children; Rashid, Hisham and Samara who are all younger than Aurora (Rashid (Slytherin) and Hisham (Ravenclaw) are third and second years when Aurora is in her seventh year and Samara is not yet attending school). Salma was part of a handful of extracurricular activities such as being a School Paper Writer, a member of the Gobstones Club and the Orchestra. Tariq similarly had a lot of extracurricular activities as well. He was a Slug Club Member, Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Chaser and School Paper Manager.
I'm still playing around with this idea so it's going to get more polished at some point but I think Altair and Salma had a thing going on at some point but something happened,, Salma married Tariq and Altair who'd been friendly with Nazareth and already was fond of her for other reasons ended up marrying her. He was able to mostly push his feelings aside after Aurora was born. He would have loved at least one more child for him to dote on and focus on, but Aurora was not an easy child and while it not being the same obviously, they got have a cat, Moonbow, that both Altair and Nazareth love like she's their second child.
Now onto Priya,,, my beloved < 3
Edmund's fiancee is Lakshmipriya Mohanraj also known as Priya. She was born October 13, 1960, and she's the only daughter of Siddarth Mohanraj and Rajeshwariammal Mohanraj. She's got two brothers, Raja and Dhananjay, though both have sadly passed, one of them in a motorcycle accident they were both in and the other took his life about a month later.
She is a mean lesbian who doesn't quite know she's a lesbian yet. She's tired of Edmund's shit and having to deal with him and it's her mood like,, 85% of the time. Her family are all loyal Death Eaters which is part of the reason why they got engaged in the first place. The Mohanraj family was also just a nice connection and if there's one thing Edmund Senior values it's connections.
She ends up marrying Endmund Junior and after A LOT of trial and error, they have a son, Siddharth Avery and later a daughter, Esther Avery (Junior technically I suppose,, since she's named after Edmund's mother). It's very clear that Priya favours her son while Edmund somewhat hesitantly ends up favouring their daughter.
Little Siddharth thinks his dad is super cool and he thinks his dad's friend (Severus) is even cooler which Priya always finds incredibly annoying cause she cannot STAND Severus,,, like at all
Priya and Edmund have some moments of bonding together but for the most part, the two cannot stand each other. They come together to judge other people and oh boy do they do it well. They're big on their children having nice manners and not being a bother to others.
I am actually in love with Priya,, she serves so much cunt and still, she's stuck with her loser husband. She probably hoped he would get caught for being a Death Eater and get sent to Azkaban and she was so annoyed when he successfully convinced people he was under the Imperius curse,,,
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This became,,, soooo long which is just becoming the norm at this point honestly lmao but I hope you enjoyed all of this!!! I'll definitely come back and talk more about both the Averys and the Sinistras cause I've got other asks about them vjfnbjgnb (at least the Sinistras I think,,, I can't remember if the Averys are in there ooop)
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gospelofme · 1 year
I come before you with my three part series
Part one: How it Started
Jesse worked hard as a cadet. He pushed himself to his limit and further. There were nights where Jesse just dragged himself to his bunk and was asleep in seconds. He practiced a skill until he got it right. Even if it took him all night. He needed it to be as habitual as breathing. Field stripping and reassembling his blaster over and over until he could put it back together in seconds flat. Translating memos or decrypting transmissions. Armor on in a blink.
All of this was in the hopes that he’d be assigned to the 501st Legion. He had listened to all the stories the other clones told, he had scoped out the armor marked in blue. He chose his seat in the mess near them, quietly listening in on their small talk. Yearning to one day be a part of their circle. He was awestruck when Captain Rex observed his training simulation, even though he never spoke to him and Jesse wasn’t sure if the Captain even noticed him. He had heard so many stories about the Captain. His leadership style was one Jesse respected and yearned to be under. He had even designed his own armor in his head, the bright blue paint was the perfect shade.
Finally the day came, something the cadets called Selection Day. Commanders and Captains and Jedi came to Kamino to handpick clones or approve squads. Jesse was nervous, he hadn’t slept at all the previous night. His heart was racing and he felt like he was going to throw up. He prayed to whatever deity existed that he didn’t pass out. His squad was called up next for their final training simulation. They had woken up as cadets and they’d go to sleep as members of a battalion, legion, or corps. Jesse looked up at the overlook, General Skywalker and Captain Rex were chatting with General Shaak Ti. Well, Skywalker was doing the chatting, the Captain seemed to be staring at him. At least, Jesse hoped it was him. General Kenobi and Marshal Commander Cody were there as well, they were holding their own conversation. Jesse wouldn’t hate being chosen by them, the Marshal Commander had a good reputation.
The signal was given and the simulation began. The final would cover numerous skills, all of which would be needed to be a successful member of the Grand Army of the Republic. The cadets showcased their skills in shooting, teamwork, decision making while under extreme stress, problem solving, and creative thinking (this one was requested by General Skywalker).
“You’re not always going to have all the tools you need on the battle field. It’s important to be able to be able to think beyond how you’re trained. You need to be comfortable doing this.” He had said before the start.
Jesse’s squad performed beautifully, it was probably the best run at it that they’ve done. They completed all that was asked of them, the Jedi using the Force to surprise them occasionally, just to see how they’d adjust. Once the exercises were complete, the team stood at attention, exhausted but proud of themselves. Jesse chanced a glance up at the overlook. The officers had already departed, the three Jedi were talking quietly to each other. The team was dismissed. Now the waiting began.
Jesse stood at attention with hundreds of other cadets. He’d stand here all day if he had to. He listened as his squad mates were assigned to their new posts. Some went to the 212th Attack Battalion, one guy got selected for the 104th Battalion. Jesse had been staring at a spot on a transport ship, it looked like it had been scorched by lightening. But for a moment he allowed himself a quick look around, moving his eyes only.
General Skywalker and Captain Rex were conversing with each other, the Captain pointed at a datapad the General held, the Jedi nodding in agreement. General Skywalker then did something that got Jesse’s hopes up. He looked at him. Unbeknownst to him, General Kenobi had also looked at him after talking with the Commander. A couple more guys were called for the 501st Legion. Then for the 212th.
General Skywalker walked over to General Kenobi and looked to be arguing with him. Finally Kenobi rolled his eyes and waved Skywalker away, the younger Jedi looked pleased.
“CT-5597, 501st Legion.”
Jesse stayed put.
“CT-5597, 501st Legion!”
Jesse looked around for this CT-5597.
Then it clicked.
Holy kriff, that’s me! Jesse hastily left his spot and started walking towards his new CO. Each step felt like he was floating. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was going to be under the command of two of the most respected leaders in the G.A.R. Thank the stars his helmet concealed the stupid grin on his face, he couldn’t help it.
“CT-5597, reporting for duty, sirs!” Jesse snapped to attention and gave a salute, returned by both Officers. He noticed a disappointed look from General Kenobi, the Jedi almost looked like he was pouting.
“Welcome to the 501st Legion trooper.” General Skywalker said, Jesse giving a thankful nod.
“Do you have a name trooper?” Captain Rex asked as they disembarked Kamino. Jesse almost fainted on the spot when the famed Captain spoke to him.
“It’s Jesse, sir.”
Captain Rex nodded and committed the name securely to his memory. He would never forget it, not even after death.
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