#so mad about that /hj
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fbfh · 8 months ago
leo with baby fever? 🥹
i've always wondered what would he be like with babies of his own? 🥹💞
AAAAUGH. thank you for this one my dearest darlingest tumblr user pdlrnjlm. I'm violently sobbing over this one /pos. also excuse any egregious typos, I just woke up from a dream where my dyslexic ass couldn't spell "chris evans fine" to the point that autocorrect was beyond useless (and probably laughing at me).
ANYWAY. Leo with baby fever is... lethal. as previously stated, Leo is the motherfucking ceo of "one wouldn't hurt" but he sounds so... convincing when he says it. he says it so sweetly you start to think huh. maybe one wouldn't hurt. within a day or two his fyp is just cute baby fever inducing videos. he casually learns everything there is to know about child development and parenting in a matter of days. he starts treating your cat like a baby, talking to them and holding them on his lap while he works and good GOD if it doesn't start to hit you too. The tension and soul aching need to see you all big and preggers with his baby, your baby that you made together is almost too much. Then one fatal day, you run out of clean pajamas. It’s laundry day, and the only comfy thing you have on hand is a floral mumu from walmart that looks like something a grandma would wear, but you’re desperate and it’s soft and loose and comfy. So Leo, after spending hours rotting his brain with baby thoughts and thinking about how nice it’ll be to be a dad and how fulfilling it’ll be to come home and see a wrinkly little newborn having tummy time on your chest while you’re both half asleep to barrio sesamo playing on the tv. After a full day of ruminating on that, he comes home and sees you in your floral lil granny nightgown and good GOD something inside him snaps. You have this man feeling you up, snarling and growling, purring in you ear before he bites it. Something has gotten into him and taken full control of the primal part of his brain. And let’s be real here. You might as well consider yourself pregnant from the first “c’mon estrella, one or two couldn’t hurt… they’re so little, you won’t even notice them.” into your neck while he hugs you from behind. But yeah. Leo with baby fever is so simultaneously sweet cute fluffy domestic and rearrange your guts at the same time that it’s kind of inevitable. If Leo kisses your neck and rubs your tummy and says “you’d look so cute pregnant, baby…” you’re gonna fold. You have to. No one can resist that. And who would want to????
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butchmammon · 2 months ago
obey me stoners who’s in your dream blunt rotation who’s in your nightmare blunt rotation I’ll go first
dream: mammon (says really stupid stuff that makes you laugh really hard, can keep up with insane and convoluted bits), beel (experienced stoner, keeps a cool head when everyone else is fried out of their minds, always has munchies), belphie (really good at finding the most comfortable spot to smoke, passes out early so you don’t feel bad about getting sleepy), asmo (will fill the silence with chatter when you’re too high to think anymore, looks really pretty with hooded eyelids <3)
nightmare: levi (the filter is always wet when he passes it back to you :/), solomon (he’s your dealer but the kind that it feels really weird to smoke with yet he insists on smoking with you every time you buy from him), lucifer (NEEDS to fucking relax, gets paranoid instead), barbatos (seems completely unaffected by the blunt and makes you feel stupid)
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interoteme · 1 month ago
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my teeth hurt from gritting (redraw)
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snuuyfanged · 4 days ago
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so are we not gonna talk about the thumbnail for the showcase bc i think we should talk about the thumbnail. i've been losing my mind since seeing it this morning can we talk about the thumbnail i wanna talk about the thumbnail. let's all sit in a circle and talk about the showcase thumbnail
(i've been going mad over this all day if you can't tell)
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seaofreverie · 4 months ago
Also I started listening to the recording of tmbptmbg today and at the end of the second hour they were talking about how there are people requesting from all over the world because someone requested from the Philippines and then one of the hosts said about the requests that "There was one from Poland. From Ray"... ME MENTION!!!!!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!!
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drew some raphaels in my lecture today 🐢 🚩
close ups vv
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mad-hunts · 8 months ago
okay, but i like how all of the people with superhero accounts and even some villain acc's have universally agreed on the point that barton is a freak + not in the good way. and yeah, i'm being completely serious about this LOL because let's be honest here... the man is a little bit uhh. beyond sillay. he is creepy ☠️ like i'll have y'all know i think you all are iconic for all thinking the same thing because you are SO right. i mean, one of my favorite memes that i've made of barton has to be this one, just because of how accurate it is lmaooo
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frogsinflannel · 24 days ago
I don’t want to rewatch any of 8a before 911 8b premieres but I’m wondering if my bitterness is making me misremember how good/bad it was
And based on my blog you’d think I mean the bucktommy breakup but actually im still bitter about hen and Karen’s storyline !!! what do you MEAN we had Ortiz, a smart, complicated antagonist with a storyline already teeming with thematic resonance and possible conflict ??? like as long as Mara was in a safe, stable environment—put them through it !!! what do you MEAN everything was resolved immediately. WHAT DO YOU MEAN !!!
(also this may be partially my fault for wanting the procedural show to be something it isn’t but you just hush up about that)
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diremoone · 2 months ago
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catastrophicarts · 1 year ago
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new sketchbook same bs
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babymillennial · 2 years ago
I'm about to start an Oh Hellos discourse
Because the interpretation of Soldier Poet King over in Clock Hell makes me irrationally angry every time it comes up.
First off, none of y'all are the Soldier, none of y'all are the Poet, and none of y'all are the King.
Do you know why?
I can tell you why:
It's because the soldier, the poet, AND the king are all Jesus Christ. A very shocking Revelation I'm sure (pun intended for those of you more familiar with the Dear Wormwood album). I just need to know, I need to know which of you anti-intellectual hyper-literal people is responsible for taking one of the easiest-to-understand metaphors in Dear Wormwood and saying "ok which of these one(3) people are you in a relationship?"
Who is it?
Who did this?
It's like y'all heard through the grapevine that the album is about a toxic relationship, ignored that The Oh Hellos are very clearly, very openly Christian and just went to town. Is reading comprehension just for scrubs now?
And another thing, why this song? Why is this the one y'all made pop off?
Because, and sure this just a personal opinion, but Soldier Poet King isn't the best Oh Hellos song, hell, it's not even the best in the Dear Wormwood album (because the best song in Dear Wormwood is Thus Always to Tyrants and if you disagree with me that's fine, you're just wrong).
Like, yeah, it's catchy, but Soap is catchy too and unlike Soldier Poet King, Soap actually is about a toxic relationship, why couldn't y'all gun hard for Soap?
But then I guess Clock Hell is constructed almost entirely out of vitriolic memeing, hustle and spite, and only negative vibes for those who wronged you, so a song about holding onto and finding value in a damaged person you know will hurt you prolly wouldn't sell well there.
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depressed-writer9000 · 1 year ago
I knew it was gonna happen and was still flabbergasted when it did
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capricioussun · 9 months ago
Guy who is so far out of the loop at all times voice I should make my own take on error and ink. Or like. Dream and nightmare. Idk. Idk which put they'd equate to better. Probably error and ink.
Anyway I can't sketch them right now but take these (I'm handing you this post like a handful of loose marbles)
Neither are "sanses", and use it/they/any pronouns.
Malware is quite literally that: malware. A program designed specifically to destroy, but given enough intelligence to make his own decisions.
It tends to take on a mimicry of the appearance of whatever monster or human would best suit its purposes, so it does wind up using a Sans like appearance possibly more frequently than others. It is cruel, unemotional, and manipulative. The ultimate goal, of course, is to completely destroy the code of the entire multiverse.
Wizard, conversely, is a "fix-it" program, designed to make sure that doesn't happen. Its main motivating goal is to fix and maintain the code to the best of its abilities, and can also take on any vaguely similar forms it sees fit, however usually airs more toward a Gaster or Dreemurr type form, as its found they most often evoke a sense of safety and trust.
It's more expressive than Malware, and does try its best to show empathy, but it can't really feel emotions like that, so it does struggle with helping others emotionally, at times.
While they are of course natural opposites, Malware actually takes great joy in the opportunity to destroy Wizard, while Wizard doesn't seem to consider Malware any worse than any other threat to the code, even if it does get frustrated by Malware's persistence from time to time.
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spikrock · 2 years ago
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i only have class doodles to offer
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phosphorus-noodles · 1 year ago
i hope you feel better! i know it might not be helpful, but drinking water and sleep can solve a handful of issues lmao.
this is true!! it'll fix the sickness at least ahjdskfs- i'm usually pretty good with water but i haven't washed my water bottle yet so the drinking rates are reaching critical lows 😔💔
thank you for this, i appreciate it 🫶 /gen
edit: I SAVED THIS AS A DRAFT INSTEAD OF POSTING IT WAHFJDHFJS- still thanks for this, i did sleep and drink lotsa water and now i'm normal again <33
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frogsinflannel · 29 days ago
okay so this is not really a big deal but I skimmed over my FTH post instead of reading it thoroughly AS I WAS INSTRUCTED because I was kind of anxious about it
and there's A HUGE ERROR
lol my dnw list got mixed in and it looks like it says I want to write that. 🙃 excellent 🙃🙃🙃
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