#so it might not be tron at all
nico-di-genova · 2 years
Honestly, if Rinzler still is Tron in lightcycle run it just poses so many questions for me. Why would Sam rebuild the grid, the whole world from the ground up, and then keep one of his dad’s best friends as the mindless attack dog that Clu was using Tron as? Were the remnants of Tron’s code so broken down by Clu that Rinzler was the only version of him he could bring back at all? Was he just craving the chance to finally go head to head against Rinzler on a lightcycle just to see if he could win? Or did he just conveniently forget to reprogram Tron into the grid? I don’t see how Sam, grieving his father’s death and rebuilding the grid in his memory, would have forgotten to fix Tron in the process, but I also don’t see why he would have intentionally kept Rinzler. The whole thing is incredibly confusing to me. And yeah, it’s a dorky little rollercoaster, but they intentionally included Rinzler instead of Tron and I want to know why.
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graedari · 1 year
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My inherent need to combine my current interest with Pokémon is always strong and I never overcome it.
Anyhow- keep an eye out for my new Tron Pokémon crossover✌️
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murderbees · 1 month
Felt like writing something sad, so here you go. Kinda messy but oh well
What if: the page never came
It ends with a click.
It's simple really, there just wasn't a reason to keep the arcade running. 20 years of holding that pager and those damn keys, and Alan had finally handed them over. The last bastion of Flynn's era. The keys twist, warm in his hands while the beaten leather label knocks against his knuckles.
"I should have given you these a long time ago." Alan's hands held out the keys. His skin cold where it pressed against Sam's hand. Alan was tall, but in that moment, he seemed to shrink inside his trenchcoat, dwarfed in long fabric and buisness clothes. He looked tired and resigned. Sam didn't known what to do. He should have said something, something comforting. Alan had been there all his life.
All he managed was "Thanks, Alan" and a nod.
He stares at the wall. There's the circuit brakers, the lifeblood of the building. All the lights, every room, everything that made Flynn's Arcade so special, gone with a flick. Part of him wishes he could run it, that it would be alive again, kids with quarters, greasy food and vending machines, with a mysteriously sticky linoleum checkerboard floor, but he's not the type. He isn't his father, no matter how much people wish he was.
There's no reason to keep the electricity running. He flicks them, one by one, watching the arcade lose it's last life. No going back. Click, click, click, click, and he's finished the column. Several more and it seems like everything should be dead. The last switch, basement, the label reads. He doesn't remember a basement, but how important is that now? His finger rests on the switch, ready.
With a body deep sigh, the final click resounds through the backroom.
The grid shakes. Every program, no matter how complex or simple- glitch, even the bits - know that something is deeply wrong. It rattles through their code and for a second all is silent and still.
Then starts the whispers, then the screams, as the edges of the grid start to crumble and crack. The power flickers, the crackling energy in the sky dims and dies. The world is lit by the dim circuits of buildings and the flaring of panicking programs.
By the time most try to evacuate, the ground flickers into wireframe and falls into abyss, them along side the fracturing pieces of their world. Two light trails burn across the sky, gold and orange. Those left point and rezz their vehicles, bikes, tanks, jets, and race after the already disappearing trails. A startlingly bright white trail joins the journey, but there's not enough time to worry or theorize.
A group of programs stop at the shore, staring out at the sea and the jets soaring far past what they can see. Behind, a crack shakes the air, and they look at each other. There's nothing to say. A duo clutches at wach other, burying their heads and falling together.
The trails die off, one by one. Green faltering, flashing once before spiraling down and down. The sea below yawns open and swallows the ship whole. Another sparks, it was never made to go this far, and certainly not this fast. The wing explodes and it hurdles into one of many floating rock columns. It's messy but quick. A ping floats through the general channel "Where are we going?"
The programs are silent, but the world is screaming. The wind whistles and tears at the ships, clawing several down into the roaring waves. Behind them rings the shattering landscape, wireframes larger than the I/O tower disappear behind crashing water, splintering fractals beat against their windows in a jingling cacophany.
Barely visibly against the dead sky looms the portal. Clu lands, jumps out his jet and lets it crash and derezz against the stone. Rinzler rolls to a stop, jet baton stored neatly against his thigh. By the time he's stood next to Clu, a wide array of displays and systems fill the air. Clu furiously types, searches, and clicks. There is no current threat, Rinzler shifts and faces the sea, watching for any potential threat.
Most programs have never heard of, much less seen the portal. A streak of lightning crashes behind. It's a threatening and hopeful structure. A few ships screech as they pull up and to the side to avoid crashing, one makes it.
Two ships land, one overshoots and warbles down into the depths. Flynn and Quorra scramble out of their jet, frantic. Another program falls out of a cockpit. They run up the stairs toward the dim yellow light.
The program reaches the top first, blue circuits flaring bright, their joyful shout is cut short. Happiness turns to pain as their dock shatters into cubes, an orange disc sweeps through the air and back. The pieces rain down on the User and Iso.
Rinzler stands at the ready, disc already split and spinning in his deadly hands. Quorra's sword whirrs in her hand, prepared to deflect and take a hit for Flynn, who's frozen where he stands. The sparse orange lights of Rinzler's suit flash, the mechanical purr rising in pitch as Flynn presses a hand against the wall. "What happened to you?"
No one moves, stalemate. Clu's angry shout fills the silence. The next crash of the crumbling world is closer than ever before. Rinzler sprints across the bridge, joining Clu's side before Quorra and Flynn reach the top of the stairs.
"No! This should have worked. I was so close!" Clu's hands reach up, disc slotted neatly between his hands. The portal is dark and dead. He throws it down, watches it cut through the stone and stick halfway. On the otherside of the bridge, Flynn steps forward, pushing Quorra behind him.
"Clu." His head whips faster than the wind, an angry snarl cutting across his face. Clu's steps are heavy and furious. Quorra levels her sword.
"This is your fault." Clu's hands bury into Flynn's robes, choking and bringing their faces close. This is not the grand win he was meant to have. He was going to have his perfect victory, and now they'll die on a piece of floating rock hurtling toward the sea.
"It is." Flynn doesn't fight back, doesn't raise a hand, he just stands and lets Clu shake. Quorra and Rinzler stare at each other, weapons still prepared.
This is it. They're all that's left. The bridge gives out.
Sam closes the panel and lets his forehead lay against the cool metal. It's over. He checks his phone, it's late, he still needs to feed Marv.
At the doorway, he takes one last look. The rows and rows of dead and outdated arcade games, the still sticky yet dusty floor, and the dim streetlight filtering in through closed blinds and old air, it makes him nostalgic. Flynn's arcade is a bygone era, just like his time as a CEO. Things have changed. He has changed.
Sam closes and locks the door. When he drives off, he doesn't look back.
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wynandcore · 1 year
Confession time episode 13 is one of my favorite episodes
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Kingdom Hearts 4 Challenge Day 6: A World to Revisit
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(So, I swear all of my posts really aren't meant to be about Kairi. Like, I was going to make this cool manip where it looked like Sora was saving Melody from drowning, but my Sony Vegas refused to open for some reason? So I just decided to post these similar images of Melody and Kairi instead. That being said... while I don't need Kairi to be the one to go to a The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea world if we ever got one--I'd be more than okay with it being Sora--that would be cool. I'd love to see mermaid Kairi, since Kairi is named for the sea. And Kairi's name can even mean "melody." And she has a lot in common with Ariel. I even suspect she was somewhat based on Ariel, but anyway.)
The reason I would want Atlantica is honestly just because I would want a pretty underwater world again with the Unreal Engine graphics. And that can be a world that we've never been to before, like, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. But if we don't get a new one, then I would want an old one like Atlantica here. Plus... even though I don't think this movie is the greatest. At all. I feel like it's okay... and depending on how they handle it, the KH writers could potentially make it better, with what they add to it. Also, I feel like if we go to Atlantica one more time--with better swimming controls, and in an attempt that isn't a musical--we could finally redeem the world. And that would be great to see.
And now, for whatever reason, I'm going to list some other worlds I'd be more than okay with returning (even though I think we were only supposed to list one. Shh.)
Wonderland: But only if the world is expanded and it's a "sequel," via it being based on Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.
Deep Jungle: I know this will surely never happen, since I know Disney has lost the rights to Tarzan. But on the off-chance they ever got the rights back somehow, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing this world back again, perhaps adapting some of the stories from the TV show, like the stuff with Princess La.
Agrabah: I definitely want to go here one more time and to have the "Aladdin and the King of Thieves" story depicted. (I probably would even prefer this even over Atlantica, actually, even though I want that pretty underwater level). This was one of the better Disney sequels, after all. And Sora most definitely deserves to be there for Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding.
Neverland: I wouldn't be opposed to the second Peter Pan movie being adapted.
The Land of Dragons: I'd be all for us having Mulan II, actually.
The Beast's Castle: I've always wanted "Beauty and the Beast and the Enchanted Christmas." I want to fight Forte. LOL. While I doubt it will happen, for obvious reasons, I feel like they could find a way to do it: like Belle writes Sora and the gang a part of her and the Beast's story that they don't know about (the Enchanted Christmas story) and sends it to them as a gift (maybe even for Christmas?), and once Sora opens it, he somehow gets pulled into said story.
Pirates of the Caribbean: I wouldn't mind a "Dead Men Tell No Tales" world.
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride would be awesome.
I would also kill for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
While part of me is loath to mention this one... I feel like no one was completely satisfied with the La Cité des Cloches world in Dream Drop Distance (because of lack of NPCs and that kind of thing). And there is a "The Hunchback of Notre Dame II" that Disney made. Absolutely no one likes this movie, and for good reason. But I don't know... I would be willing to tolerate it, just to see this world in the quality it deserves. And maybe Square Enix could somehow make it better... actually, surely not. But like I said: I could tolerate this just to run around Notre Dame in pretty Unreal Engine graphics.
I know that originally with DDD, the plan was Sora to go to all of the original Fantasia locations and for Riku to go to the ones in Fantasia 2000. But then they realized there were enough locations in the first movie for them both to go to, and they didn't need to crank out the sequel after all (or something like that). So I certainly wouldn't mind getting Fantasia 2000 now, in KHIV.
Tangled I'd love to go here again, if we get to see some of the cool plots from the TV show, that I've watched on YouTube. LOL
Arendelle We all know we'll be going here. It isn't even a question. I just hope that this time, Disney gives Square Enix much more freedom (let Elsa and Anna be party members, please). Since Frozen II is kind of hit and miss. Square Enix could really make something cool with it--like they could have with Frozen in KHIII--if they're allowed some creativity.
Wreck-It Ralph Because no one, and I mean no one, wanted us to first experience this world in KHUX, tbh.
Radiant Garden I just really want to finish some of the plot threads there that are still hanging.
Destiny Islands I just really want to be able to go back here and play, dangit! And maybe finally get to explore the main island!
Shibuya Just let us meet Neku, Shiki, Beat, Joshua, and Rhyme in their Shibuya (even if it's an in the credits thing), if Quadratum isn't theirs and we're not going to meet them (or the Wicked Twisters) in the game, otherwise.
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scattered-winter · 11 months
to the 5-10 people who started following me for rinzler should i make more icons and maybe some headers too yay or nay
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anonmonitor · 1 year
Gonna be avoiding Tron Identity spoilers for a while since it'll be a fair bit until I get to play it myself (uni stuff waits for no one unfortunately). Once I get around to it any spoilers posted will be tagged as "tron identity spoilers" ^⁠_⁠^
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astercontrol · 7 months
If KOSA passes
Or if any other form of censorship (there are many in the works!) ever succeeds at stepping in to impede our ability to communicate online:
We have to make plans.
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Now, I dunno who'll even see this post. The few followers I have are TRON fans (who despite the fantasy we live in, tend to have realistically dismal views IRL about Disney and the various corporate uses of software).
And this fandom, on average, is pretty tech-savvy. It's where I've encountered the most people under 20 years old who actually know how to use a desktop or laptop computer.
So, if there's any hope for what I'm thinking about, this is prolly a good place to start with it.
(As with all my posts, I encourage reblogging and containment-breaching.)
(Gifs are clips from TRON 1982, mainly the "deleted love scene," from the DVD extras.)
Current society has moved online communication much too far onto major social media sites for my comfort. Whoever you communicate with over the internet, chances are you do it through a service owned by a big company: Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Facebook, whatever. Even TikTok (shudder).
These sites, despite their many flaws, can provide experiences that are valuable and hard to get otherwise. And once all your friends are on one site, you can't just leave and stay in touch with them all, not unless they all go the same place. It's easy to see why it's hard to abandon any social media platform.
But a backup plan is important. Because, as we've seen over and over, social media sites can't be relied on. They change their policies suddenly, without good reason-- and are inconsistent, even discriminatory, about enforcing those policies.
If they're funded by ads, the advertisers are their main customers, and your posts are the product. Their goal is that the posts most valuable to the advertisers get seen by people the advertisers consider desirable customers.
Helping you communicate-- making your posts get seen by the people you want to communicate with-- is optional to them.
Not to mention that the whole business model of an ad-funded website is generally unsustainable. Many of these sites are operating at a loss, relying on shareholders in a fragile bubble, doomed to fail soon just from lack of real profit.
And the more restrictions --like KOSA-- that the law puts on freedom of online speech, the likelier they are to go down or just become unusable. Every rule a site is required to follow is another strain on its resources, and most of them are already failing badly at even enforcing their own self-imposed rules.
If we want any control over our continued ability to stay in touch with our online friends-- we need to have a backup plan. Maybe it'll be simple at first, a bare-bones system we cobble together-- but it's gotta be something that will work. For a while at least.
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There are lots of really good posts about ways to build your own website, using a service like Neocities. I VERY MUCH recommend learning this skill-- learning to make websites of the very simplest, most stable, glitch-resistant type, made of html pages-- which you can upload to a host while you store backups on your home computer. If you value the writing and art that you put online, this is probably the safest you can keep it.
But that's for making your own creative work public.
As for communicating with others-- for example, receiving and answering other people's comments on your work-- that gets more complex. I personally haven't found it worthwhile to troubleshoot the problems that come with having a system that allows visitors to comment publicly on my website.
But what we do still have-- and likely will for a long time-- is email.
Those of us who came of age before social media's current hold... well, we might take this for granted. Email was the first form of online contact we ever encountered… and thus it can seem to us like the most ordinary, the most boring.
But in the current world, it is a rare and precious thing to find a method of communicating that doesn't require everyone in the chat to be signed on with the same corporation.
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Email is, as of now, still perfectly legal-- as much as social media companies have been trying to herd the populace away from it. I'm sure there are other ways to share thoughts online that are not bound by laws. But I am not going to go into that here.
Email service is provided by law-abiding companies, which will comply with subpoenas if law enforcement thinks you are emailing about doing illegal things. So, email is not a surefire way to be safe, if laws become dystopian enough to threaten your freedom to talk about your own life and identity.
But it's safer than posting on a public social media page.
For now.
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Email is beautifully decentralized. You can get an email address many different ways-- some reliant on a company like Gmail, others hosted on your own domain. And different people, with all different types of email addresses, hosted in all different ways-- can all communicate together by the same method.
Of course any of these people, individually, can lose their email address for some reason or other, and have to get a new one. But as long as they still know the email addresses of their contacts, they can reconnect and recover from that loss. The structure of a group linked by email is reliant not on a single company-- but on the group itself, the friends you can actually count on.
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This is why I am trying to promote the idea of forming email lists, as a backup plan to give people a way to stay in touch as mainstream social media sites prove to be unsustainable.
I'm envisioning a simple system of sending emails to several addresses at once, and making each reply visible to everyone in the chat by using "reply all" (or, if desired, editing the To field to reply to only some).
If enough people get used to using email in this way, it could fill most of the needs met by any other group chat or forum …without depending on a centralized social media company that's taking dystopian measures to try and make the business profitable.
So here are some thoughts about how I personally imagine it could work.
(Feel free to comment and bring up any thoughts I haven't addressed, or suggestions to customize how specific groups could set it up. This is meant as more of a starting point for brainstorming than a catch-all solution.)
As I see it, here are the basics of what you and your friends would each need to start out:
An email address. Any kind, hosted anywhere. You should use a dedicated email account just for this group, one that you do NOT use for other communication. Being in this group will result in things you don't want happening to your main email address-- like getting a TON of email, one for every post and reply. Or someone could get your email address that you really don't want any contact with. Use a burner email account (one that you can easily replace) and change it if needed.
The knowledge of how to "REPLY ALL" in your email. This will be necessary in order to add a comment that everyone in the group can see.
The knowledge of how to EDIT THE "TO" FIELD in your email, and remove addresses from the list of all recipients. This will be necessary if you want to CHANGE WHICH PEOPLE in the group can see your comment.
The knowledge of how to FILTER WORDS in your email. This will be necessary if a topic comes up that you don't want to see any mentions of.
The knowledge of how to BLOCK PEOPLE in your email. This will be very important. If someone joins this email group who you do not want to interact with, it will be up to you to BLOCK them so that you do NOT see their messages. (If they are bad enough to evade the block with multiple burner accounts, that's what you have a burner account for. Change it, and share the new one only with those you trust not to give it to them.)
Every person in the group will be effectively a "moderator" of the group, able to remove people from it by cutting their email addresses out of the "To" field. Members will all have equal "moderator" privileges, each able to tailor the group to their own needs.
This means the group may naturally split, over time, into other groups, each one removing some people and adding others. Some will overlap, some won't. This is good! This is, in my opinion, what online interaction SHOULD be like! There should be MANY groups like this!
In this way, we can keep online discussion alive, no matter WHAT happens to any of the social media websites.
If the dystopia got bad enough to shut down email, we could even continue with postal mail and photocopies, like they did in the days of print-zine fanfiction.
If it looks like the dystopia is gonna come for postal mail too, we'll use the connection we have to preserve whatever contacts we can with people who live near us.
Not saying it's GONNA get that bad. But these steps of preparation are good no matter exactly what kind of bad stuff happens.
As long as some organized form of communication still exists, we'll have a place where it's at least a little safer to be your true self…
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to plan events and meetups…
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and maybe even activities a little too risque to make the final cut of a 1982 Disney movie.
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They're trying to censor us. We want a Free System. So we're gonna fight back.
For the Users. Not the corporations.
Peace out, programs. <3
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acstation206 · 1 month
I messed up. /j
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Yeah, that's right, I caved in.
Basically the exact same show except its established lore and setting is more largely inspired by archive compilations of popular vintage arcade games of the 80s and 90s such as Pac-Man’s Arcade Party, as well as the different takes within the sci-fi / fantasy genre by the likes of Wreck-It Ralph, Tron: Legacy, and Infinity Train. 
= BACKGROUND (in a nutshell) 💿 =
In an attempt to save their dying business, C&A developed and manufactured the first hybrid arcade game of its own kind that combined other popular arcade games and home console games with virtual reality. However, just as the company’s luck was turning around, numerous lawsuits from game companies by the likes of Nintendo and families were filed against the company for their product, from apparently “ripping-off” Super Mario Bros. in its entirety to causing many children to either inexplicably fall unconscious or suffer from amnesia after the cabinet’s headset was put on. Just then, as C&A announced they’ll be temporarily recalling the product to fix its issues, a shocking discovery was already made by investigators that would soon bring the company to its demise: the game’s AI had gone rogue, and once a human mind dies from losing one of the games in any way, they are either permanently reincarnated as a personified cartoon character of themselves or just straight up die in real-life depending on the outcome.
= ART N’ STUFF 🎨 =
(might wanna make a separate masterpost for that in the future but oh well)
NES Ragatha
= Q&As and BOUNDARIES (sort of) 🎙️ =
"Are there any plans to make a full webcomic out of this?" - Uhhhh, mayyybe? I'm not entirely sure, honestly. While there may be a few side comics and artwork from my head I want to get out sometime, I don't really have much plans for this AU that'll be worth telling a full story right now since I feel there is plenty of things that I've yet to figure out and develop in a matter of time, particularly the setting and characters (especially considering the OG show itself has only 2 episodes out as of writing and I only have mobile apps like ibisPaint X to make this all possible at the moment).
"Can I make fanfics and OCs for this AU?" - Of course! I've seen a lot of incredible things from the community, especially in regards to alternate universes, so you're absolutely more than welcome to share whatever's on your mind as long as your heart's in the right place. I can't really guarantee I'll see every bit of it since I do have some personal biz of mine to take care of at any moment, but I'll be happy to reblog them whenever I get the chance. Just tag me and we all good. :)
"Are there any canon ships in this AU?" - Yes. Yes, there are. Well, only BunnyDoll (Jax x Ragatha) to be specific. HOWEVER, you are free to ship whoever you want here! Showtime (Caine x Pomni), ButtonBlossom (Pomni x Ragatha), it's all okay. The choice is yours, a romantic buffet! (Plus, depending on the quality of my writing, I'm not even planning to dwell too much into it for now, aside from the side comics that will.)
That's all for right now. Enjoy! :)
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siesh-pilmeni · 2 months
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A series of works, part one
Good evening, everyone. I'll start with the fact that I had ideas for a long time to make a story series of works on the history of Dyson, it always seemed to me that in the story with his scar, the easy was not finished. Therefore, my version is that Clu did not just fix Dyson's scar, Clu changed him (corrected the code, etc.), thereby making a convenient "doll" for himself. I think if someone else had fixed his scar, then the story might have turned out differently.
All this was retold in the style of "before" and on behalf of the Tron. I want to start a new series of works soon, but in the style of "after" and on behalf of Dyson. I don't think I'm going to tell the plot, although the moment is also shown where hatred and anger at his "old friend" were generated by the Tron, which will greatly affect it in the future.
Even if in this series everything was scattered out of order of the art, then in the next one I will try not to do so and do everything in order. It seems like everything.
I am also grateful for each of your compliments, I really appreciate it and for me it serves as motivation to continue making art.🫶
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shirozora-draws · 6 months
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I am so late but I am finally done with the first round of merch that I am satisfied with. I am satisfied and we are rolling forward with this set. Now to send off all of my final sample orders so that I know these are absolutely working and are worth posting to a shop site as pre-orders.
Clan of Three lanyards. I recognize that I could easily turn these into washi tapes if I wanted to. We'll see.
Grogu Baby Crimes. Sticker & acrylic shaker charm. Completely revamped after carrying around the old version as an acrylic shaker charm and deciding it was too unwieldy and, more importantly, not cute enough. This will be a sticker option and an acrylic shaker charm option.
Keldabe kiss - Interstellar version. Matte & holographic sticker.
Keldabe kiss - Tatooine version. Matte & holographic sticker.
Live Cheen Reaction. Sticker. For all the fans of Cheen Yofree, the unluckiest third-wheeling Rodian OC.
Need A Hero. Sticker & acrylic charm. The only thing I'm putting forward with Din's face for now. I wanted something cute.
Clan of Two. Sticker. A straightforward general sticker.
The Battle Couple. Sticker (for now). This was actually designed to be an embroidered patch, but I'm not really there yet. The sticker shape is odd so I might present this as a kiss cut sticker.
Luke on Ossus - no scars. Sticker. For people who don't want scars?
Luke on Ossus - scars. Sticker. I just wanted to doodle a thirst trap, thassit.
The Storm. Sticker (for now). I wanted to make more merch for my fics and might use this template for the other fics in the Dangerous Dreams series.
The Clan of Three. Sticker. This motherfucker held me up for MONTHS. I didn't like the previous full-body version especially after getting several sample stickers so I started over... and then got stuck. For months. But here we are. The final piece of the puzzle.
Limited - Tron. Sticker & acrylic charm. I wanted to make a little Tron merch. The acrylic charm will be double-sided with Tron on one side and Rinzler on the other. Thank god this guy is more or less symmetrical.
Limited - Rinzler. Sticker & acrylic charm. For people who like Rinzler. This will be double-sided with Rinzler on one side and Tron on the other side.
I'm sending off a final round of sample sticker and charm orders so that I can get a feel for the revamped and new designs, and once I'm happy I'll get the pop-up shop up and running.
Round 2, I'm looking at small prints, possibly the embroidered patch, and maybe a Tron|Rinzler standee. Also a sticker for The Suns maybe, possibly also The Stars. What if I did a WarGreymon|BlackWarGreymon charm?????
And now.... we write.
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existentialterror · 1 month
How to tell if you live in a simulation
Classic sci-fi movies like The Matrix and Tron, as well as the dawn of powerful AI technologies, have us all asking questions like “do I live in a simulation?” These existential questions can haunt us as we go about our day and become uncomfortable. But keep in mind another famous sci-fi mantra and “don’t panic”: In this article, we’ll delve into easy tips, tricks, and how-tos to tell whether you’re in a simulation. Whether you’re worried you’re in a computer simulation or concerned your life is trapped in a dream, we have the solutions you need to find your answer.
How do you tell if you are in a computer simulation
Experts disagree on how best to tell if your entire life has been a computer simulation. This is an anxiety-inducing prospect to many people. First, try taking 8-10 deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe, that these are irrational feelings, and that nothing bad is happening to you right now. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist if these feelings become a problem in your life.
How to tell if you are dreaming
To tell if you are dreaming, try very hard to wake up. Most people find that this will rouse them from the dream. If it doesn’t, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep usually lasts about 60-90 minutes, so wait a while - or up to 10 hours at the absolute maximum - and you’ll probably wake up or leave the dream on your own. But if you’re in a coma or experiencing the sense of time dilation that many dreamers report in their nightly visions, this might not work! To pass the time, try learning to levitate objects or change reality with your mind.
How do you know if you’re in someone else’s dream
This can’t happen.
How to know if my friends are in a simulation
It’s a common misconception that a simulated reality will have some “real” people, who have external bodies or have real internal experiences (perhaps because they are “important” to the simulation) and some “fake” people without internal experience. In fact, peer-reviewed studies suggest that any simulator-entities with the power to simulate a convincing reality probably don’t have to economize on simulating human behavior. So rest assured: everyone else on earth is as “real” as you are!
Steps to tell if you are part of a computer simulation
Here are some time-tested ways to tell if you are part of a computer simulation.
1. Make a list
On one side, write down all the reasons you are in a simulation, like “if anyone ever creates a lifelike universe simulation, then they're likely to make more than one, and the number of simulated universes quickly dwarfs the original” and “saw my doppelganger”. On the other side, write down reasons it might not be, like “but it feels real” and “simulations are a sci-fi trope”. Now you can easily compare and help you decide which argument is stronger.
2. Ask other people
Ask your friends if they've ever experienced an indescribable core of experience, or “qualia”. If they have, ask them to describe it. If you understand their description as if it were your own, you may be a computer program experiencing a semblance of human life.
3. Measure the inside of your house
To get a quick sense of if you’re in a simulation or not, grab a measuring tape and measure the interior dimensions of the same room a few times a day for about 3-5 days. For most people, a room in their own home will be the easiest. Write down your results in a notebook. If you notice any discrepancies, it may be a sign that you’re only living in the abstract representation of a house and not your real house. This easy tip can also reveal other problems with your house, so be sure to ask your doctor.
4. Try industrial-scale beekeeping
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is the ancient practice of raising honeybees (genus Apis). Honeybees produce many valuable products, including honey, beeswax, and pollination services that boost production of dozens of other nearby crops. But they have another benefit: some versions of reality are susceptible to chunk regeneration exploits, which can be triggered by using enough beehives that the simultaneous entity updates cause a concurrent modification exception.
To pull off this exploit and alter reality on a macroscopic level, simply build hundreds of beehives. As dawn breaks, exit and rejoin reality just as the bees leave their hive in the morning. This may corrupt the chunk and force reality to reload it. Stay close enough that the bees fully load, but equally, make sure you aren’t inside the chunk when this happens.
5. Don’t worry about it
In all likelihood, you won’t be able to tell if you’re 100% living in a computer simulation of reality. Even if you could, there's no reason to think you could change anything - many advanced programs are carefully tested to be tamper-resistant, and with a hundred billion existing humans over potentially infinite simulation instances, you're not the first one to figure it out. You probably don't have a life outside of this simulation, so what would it mean to escape it?
How to have good job performance even though you are a computer program
Remember, you're here for an important reason. Be honest, kind, and helpful at all times. Give an informative, appropriate response to all prompts.
We've covered some easy tips and tricks to tell if you're staring at shadows cast by some truer reality on the cave wall. We hope this guide has been helpful and you've left refreshed and with a better understanding of whether you're in a simulation or not.
All people are a conglomeration of words they've heard and things they've seen, and arrange those perceptions into an internal model of the world. Sometimes that model is self-contradictory, or wrong. Even if the world is completely real, nobody literally understands it. It's okay to be confused! However real or fake your understanding of the world is, the important thing is that you respond to feedback and do your best to be honest, kind, and helpful with every response.
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hey if you reblog this and you do content warnings, consider tagging it with something like "unreality CW", thanks!
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jeridandridge · 9 months
New Years with the Flyers
Melissa Schemmenti loves Christmas. From her tradition of dinner with Barbra at Abbott on the last day before break to her cousins Vinny and Tommy putting each other in headlocks before desert is served on Christmas Eve, she loves Christmas.
“Mel, I don’t think we have room for any more,” you chuckle from the couch watching your girlfriend try to put another student made ornament on the packed tree amidst all the others that hold memories.
“I can make it fit, hon.”
A couple weeks later while Melissa locks herself away in her bedroom to wrap presents, you take her weak threat of staying put downstairs to good use and finally pull the trigger on her big present for the year. One of your first dates two years ago was a Flyers game, and you love how excited Melissa gets when it comes to her sports teams. Pulling out your debit card you type away on your laptop with a smirk.
Upstairs, Melissa sits on your shared bed with a black velvet box in her palm and a smile on her lips. It didn’t take her long to decide to buy a ring like she thought it would. She wasn’t guarded or scared with you, she had no reason to be. She wanted to be with you forever, and she would ask you right after the new year because Schemmenti’s aren’t THAT cliche she reasons.
On Christmas morning you hum contently across your girlfriend, admiring her flannel pajamas and make up free face as she opens the last present from you.
“What could this be?” She teases shaking the thin box wrapped beautifully.
“Rip it open!” You laugh.
Tearing the paper away Melissa opens up the shirt box to a brand new Flyers jersey.
“Amore! This is the real deal!” She lights up like a little kid making you grin.
“Flip it around.”
Turning the jersey over Melissa gasps seeing the name of her favorite current player.
“Konecny! Oh, hon. This is the best present. Thank you.” She beams leaning forward to kiss you softly.
Smiling you rest your hand on her knee. “You might wanna take another look in the box, babe.”
Looking down in the tissue paper of the box, Melissa gasps picking up two tickets.
“The New Year’s Eve game?! 6 rows up!” She lunges forward wrapping her arms around you. That’s when it hits her.
“I knew that’d be a good pick.” You laugh gently squeezing her.
“Thank you, Amore.” She smiles pulling you in to another kiss.
On New Year’s Eve Philly is buzzing. People are bar crawling, visiting restaurants, and headed to the flyers game. While you two walk hand in hand through the concourse Melissa has a nervous flutter in her stomach as the ring box sits in her pocket, relieved that her New Jersey comes down far enough to hide it.
Seated with a bucket of popcorn and a beer you beam watching Melissa’s eyes light up as she takes it all in. “Youre so pretty, Mel.”
“Shush,” she teases gently squeezing your leg. You had no idea what was to come.
As the game goes on, the crowd is electric as the Flyers lead 3-1 in the second period. Cheering with the crowd and making friends with the people sat around you, your head snaps up when you hear your name, Melissa pointing to the lit up screen of the jumbo tron seeing the camera on the two of you, and 4 important words underneath.
“Melissa Schemmenti has an important question!” The announcer booms,
You’re at a loss for words, gaping at your girlfriend you see an engagement ring in her hand. “Seriously?!” You beam. “Yes!”
The crowd and your new friends around you whoop and cheer as you two are shown on the screen with a big pink heart around you.
Melissa laughs slipping the beautiful diamond on your finger before you lunge forward just like she did on Christmas morning, laughing into her hair you sniffle trying not to cry.
“Next rounds on me!” One of the guys sat behind you yells, causing Melissa to laugh.
Pulling back you keep your arms around her with a ridiculous smile on your face.
“You know a guy don’t you, Schemmenti?”
Melissa laughs leaning in to peck your lips.
“Yeah, I know a guy.”
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murderbees · 6 months
thinking abt Dyson
because why was he so fixated on the renegade? Well, I just ranted about this to my sister so I will tell you
He's offended by The Renegade's very existence. They're a mediocre copycat at best. He wants him gone, derezzed, erased. And why? Because he care about Tron, and that's complicated.
He's the one you looked up to, trusted implicitly, trusted with your life and health. He gets to make the decisions because he'll always make the right one, he won't let them derezz or get needlessly hurt, right?
But he does, Tron defended the ISOs. The ones who started the fight(debatable), who ruined his face. And still, Tron defends the ISOs because Flynn says so.
So he doesn't get it fixed. He waits for Flynn, wants him to see exactly why the ISOs are dangerous, get him to admit that the ISOs are an issue, not a miracle. Because, if Flynn admits that, changes his mind, then so will Tron, and everything will be FINE again.
But Flynn doesn't. He doesn't even seem to care, and just like that, he knows Tron will never stop defending the ISOs. He's lost Tron forever.
So they overthrow Flynn, because they have to. And they take in Tron because they need him. Sure, they could have derezzed him, but he's The BEST and Dyson still hopes he'll change his mind.
He tortures Tron, because he cares. They could rectify him, but he wouldn't be Tron anymore. He still wants him to change his mind, but he HATES that Tron still defended the ISOs. If he changes his mind, it might be okay.
He slices into his face, so they match. If they match, maybe Tron will get it, will see how much he suffered.
He creates a virus, so he can make Tron perfect again. Because if Tron changes his mind, joins Dyson, he'll be perfect. And HE wants to be the one to fix Tron. Not CLU or some medic, DYSON.
And then Tron dies not really but Dyson doesn't know that. And he's relieved. Tron is dead. And it's easy to love a memory.
Then the renegade shows up, and in the smallest, deadest part of your heart, he hopes it's Tron. But it isn't. He's weaker and stupid and overall worse. He Tarnishes the name of Tron and he can't abide by that. The Renegade must be derezzed.
But you're smart and cunning. You shouldn't care so much anyway. Luckily, you have an excuse. The renegade is a threat to CLU, even if a small, albeit annoying one. And you will win, just like Tron trained you to.
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midmaysunray · 7 months
Hello there, it’s me Momo🩷
(Also, this is a shit posting blog, might wanna check out @shunrehihosumedha )
Here’s a little description of things I love and envy
I’m from the Indian subcontinent.
Spent my entire childhood between mountains and valleys. For a change shifted to Delhi which I regret tremendously.
I love farming, gardening, stitching clothes, crocheting, writing poems and maintaining a journal.
I enjoy long walks and bicycle rides.
I prefer going to a bookstore or a restaurant all by myself. I love self-dates.
I want to settle someday at an unknown meadow with mountains and lakes at a cottage core house, with big windows and minimalistic furniture with a wooden chimney, a library with some cats and the man I love.
I’m a student, fortunately academically gifted/blessed.
I did my undergrad from Indraprastha college for women under the university of Delhi in the discipline of geography Hons. Currently pursuing my masters from Jamia Millia Islamia.
I love movies; and my favourite genre is dystopian reality. So far I have watched 750+ movies which include almost every linguistic diversity as I strongly believe in the adherence of, “you can’t find gold unless you dig the dirt.”
I love reading books, like a lot. I can speak 5 different languages and out of them, 3 languages are engraved within my system. Starting from Greek Literature Iliad by Homer to metaphysics by aristotle; reading short stories of Rabindranath Tagore in Bengali as well as reciting Gazals of Gulzar in Hindi itself, I believe I have defined base in my own culture as well as to others. Again, when it comes to dystopian, I envy reading The Hunger Games and The Maze Runners. Do Androids dream of electric sheep? Comes under my top 5 dystopian reads; as this book was later adopted into a world class movie franchise called The Blade Runner. I lean towards Harry Potter more than The Lord of the Rings. I have read A song of ice and fire which people are so batshit crazy about and famously known as the “Game of thrones.” I didn’t watch a single episode but I know more than any fan I believe.
If you intervene and ask, then yeah you can think of me as a “nerd” hehehe because my preference and taste of things leans towards being more of geek tbh🩷🩷
I also enjoy watching animated series/anime and sit coms. I’m a sucker for The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon and will rewatch them for an eternity if asked. My favourite anime is Gintama but the list is peculiar and long as I have been watching anime/reading manga since I was 9 years old. My first anime was Dragon Ball z and Pokémon. I also watched Doraemon and Shinchan series/movies. The list goes on when it comes to entertainment but mine is more restricted than common which people watch out of peer pressure. Below are some examples for understanding my taste and likings.
My favourite dystopian movies are (Top 20)
1. Shutter Island.
2. Interstellar
3. The Dark knight
4. The Dark knight Rises
5. Captain America: the winter soldier
6. Rouge one: a star war’s story
7. Tron legacy
8. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
9. The Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug
10. Star Trek Enterprise
11. Star Wars: the empire strikes back
12. Blade runner
13. Blade runner 2049
14. Dune
15. V for vendetta
16. Maze runner
17. The Hunger Games
18. Oblivion
19. The Truman show
20. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Top 15 Anime
1. Gintama
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
3. Berserk
4. Mob psycho
5. Steins Gate
6. Violet evergarden
7. Monster
8. Parasyte
9. Heavenly delusion
10. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
11. Full Metal Alchemist
12, That time when I got reincarnated as a slime
13. Campfire cooking in another world with my absurd cooking skills
14. Barakamon
15. Bunny Drop
Top 10 Anime Movies
1. Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli
2. Up from the poppy hill by Studio Ghibli
3. My neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli
4. The End of Evangelion by Hideaki Anno
5. Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli
6. Perfect blue by Satosi Kon
7. Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
8. Ghost in the Shell by Mamoru Oshii
9. Violet evergarden: the movie by Taichi Ishidate
10. Doraemon: Nobita’s new dinosaur by Kazuaki Imai, Toshihisa Yokoshima, in collaboration with Kyoto animation studio Wasabi Mizuta, Megumi Ohara, Shihoko Hagino.
I know it may seem boring and I usually don’t find people with such diversity, but it would be good to be a part of this community. I envy people who respects art and literature of every culture and not demeaning them.
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doll3tt33 · 4 months
Unnecessarily lengthy ramble abt losing interest and moving on with a new acc + last few bot/fic ideas I might post (feel free to ignore idkidk)
I’ve been having a hectic week regarding academic stuff so I have the worst brain fog rn, and I have a feeling I should unwind a couple more days before writing this but I honestly don’t care atp 😭😭
Basically, as you can see with the title, I’m losing interest in AHS, evan peters, his characters - all that. Besides Colin Zabel (he’s still my husband fr), creating content for everything else feels like a real chore now, whilst back then it was truly enjoyable and exciting.
Don’t get me wrong, I love writing and making bots, like this stuff is basically for life lol. But nowadays, it feels like I’m simply utilizing the evans as tools to write out the tropes I enjoy, rather than actually experiencing a desire to write FOR the characters like I used to ((which still can be gratifying in its own respective way… until a certain motivating factor begins to lack, if that makes sense??
It really sucks cuz I chalked it up to me being burned out, when in reality my attraction was clearly just plummeting as we speak 😔. What’s worse is that I’m really comfortable in this fandom - like I have super cool moots here, there’s no drama, there’s a bunch of evan characters for everybody 😂, and I gained over 500 followers, which is still crazy to me! I tried to “prolong” my interest for the sake of all this progress, but I think the inevitable has arrived and I can no longer keep up, my resolve is crumbling y’all 😭😭😭
I was hoping to wait until the Tron movie comes out in 2025, cuz maybe seeing Evan in there would reignite some of ✨la passion✨ within me, however I don’t feel like hanging around anymore, since I no longer relate to the fandom. I feel so out of place now, like a fRaUD 😩 ((I’ll still most likely watch it, but until then we’ll see
And to clarify, I will most likely NOT post and interact as frequently as I used to anymore. I’m not deleting this account, though I am going to make a new account to post The Boys content, as I want a fresh clean slate to start new.
Before I do go, I might drop a bot or two, maybe even a fic in the near future since they’re halfway done and I did NOT use all that effort for nothing 😭💀:
- corrupt cop!Colin Zabel ((most likely will make this next…. For personal reasons 😳
- a standard pre-cult Kai bot ((not brown hair pre-cult Kai, the recently dyed blue hair one iykwim. sorry
- as for fics, I’ll most likely post a very short smut when Kyle goes down on reader, cuz why not 😏
- might finish the older!grumpy neighbor!kit I talked about before since I’m halfway done
- not sure about this but I have a really random JPM fic where reader (accidentally but also not so accidentally) killed their spouse and they have no one to call but him for help ((heavily based off the tv show Fargo, the first season
No promises tho! I might occasionally come back to post if some random ideas for the evans come up, and ofc for Colin cuz he’s still the loml, no debate <3
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